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Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!) :: Comments

Marcus Creed
MX-13 Promo
Post August 30th 2015, 8:45 pm by Marcus Creed
Dynasty Tag Team Promo

Greatness At It’s Finest.

(The camera opens up with Troy Ace and his Tag Team partner Marcus Creed in the interview space of E.A.W they both are sitting there with a serious look on there faces Troy looks at Marcus and shakes his head like he doesn't want to be there but Marcus Is calm and collected.)

Interviewer: I’m here today joined by ---

(Troy strips the mic from the interviewer and just towers over him. There is clearly a huge size differential but Marcus intervenes and calms Troy down a bit. Marcus whispers in Troy's ear before grabbing the mic from him and turning towards the camera.)

Marcus: Ladies and gentlemen of EAW, greatness. has arrived. MX-13 has been made official with two of the most pure elitist that wrestling itself has ever seen! Atlanta has birthed not one.. but two of the greatest things going in sports entertainment today! Let’s start from the certified Ace Of The A, Troy ------- Ace! The man has such raw genetic power… with such aggression pumping through his veins. He is the size of a true mythical monster with the body that all men wish they could get.. but they can’t. I mean really, please tell me one man that can even compare to what Troy Ace is? Go ahead, I’m waiting. --------------- Exactly. Now I’m not going to throw anyone under the bus but if the “war” has been won.. how can that happen when all you have is a few sticks and bricks? I know I can win a war.. because when I go to war the first thing I do is bring out the nukes. *Pats Troy on his back* Troy Ace is a true savage and no man nor mortal could stop him from achieving whatever it is that he wants to do. A man that truly is about his own business and gets the job done sufficiently. But Troy is much more than just muscle, he’s the full package. A combined maverick in itself. With an endless supply of power.. falls a great deal of speed within this monster. Troy is going to reverse the cliche stories about the hero's slaying the beast.. Instead of the hero slaying the beast, it’ll be the beast that shall slay the civilians while the hero dies his slow death. A beast isn’t what Troy is, it’s who he is.

( Marcus sits the mic on a chair before taking his shirt off really showing himself off as he picks up the mic once again. He gets a really concieded look on his face and even sends a wind towards one of the female staff members that pass by. He looks back to the camera with a smile.)

Marcus: Hey, what can I say? The ladies can’t get enough of Marcus Creed! Nonetheless if you can’t already tell by the high doses of amazing just pouring off of me, well I’m just that. Amazing. All my life I’ve wrestled and perfected my craft in the ring and there isn’t anyone that can match the completely innovative style of Marcus Creed. My fierce kicks with my unmatchable athleticism push through the average elitist. I’m in a whole different league compared to have the idiots around here that claim to be the next big name. That is simply hype, this. This right here is guaran-damn-teed.  Anyone decent minded fan of this sport or the high rollers around the world know to put their bets on Marcus Creed and I will triple that before I even make it down the ramp from my entrance. Now I’m not saying I’m good… I’m saying I’m the best. I have the talent, the mindset and the charisma that’s needed to truly say that I’m a natural born superstar. Soon the fact will be set in stone.. and Marcus Creed will be truly recognized exactly how he deserves to be. Everyone will soon realize that the supremacy has arrived.

(Marcus looks over to Troy with a very confident smile. He walks around Troy in a full circle before stopping face to face with him. He raises the mic flipping it around for Troy to take. Troy grabs the mic and takes off his sunglasses and hangs them onto his jacket while slightly pulling his hood down a bit.)

Ace: See here’s the thing there's two side to everything a good and a bad but once you mix them two together what do you get total destruction. Our purpose here is to take what we want, do what we want and run things the way we want. this is greatness at its fineness we kick ass  first and take names later so now there is a team here that causes pain for fun. We are not fighting to be in the light that everyone in this company is trying so desperately to be in…. We are that light we shine brighter than them as a team and as singles so with that being said it is  time for the light to go dark on a few people to show that their time to try to shine is over. There are somethings you don't do and one of those things is mistake this dominance of anger and ferocity to much because not only will it get you hurt but it will also get you put out of commission for a very long time. With my partners speed and my power how in the hell can anyone manage to get past us…… you can't. This is the perfect portrait of what greatness looks like Troy Ace and Marcus Creed. Embrace what your future will hold soon once we hit we are going to shake the world and cause devastation everywhere we go and we will crush everyone in our way this is the true Calling Of Greatness and the world will see first hand of what we can truly achieve here in E.A.W but make no mistake this is our stomping grounds and people are walking around and the dead zone and that's where we strike hardest and when we are done they will never be the same time to make changes here and we are starting where ever we want,mean if i want to go i'll go and if i want to leave ill leave no one will tell me to leave if  they try well……..i dare them to try because that will be the worst mistake of there life no one has seen a tag team like this before and never will. We will breath new life into the lungs of this division. There are very few teams here that are capable of holding a candle to our flame.. we’re truly a unique duo and that is fact. Behind the narcissistic attitudes and brutality we do have all the necessary tools to back up what we say. This will not be one of those cases of making an “impact” at the expense of others, in the end.. it’ll be a simple I told you so. It’s not a matter of time, it’s a matter of when we dominate this division. That. That is what MX-13 intends to do here in EAW.

Ace: Welcome to E-ACE-W.

Marcus: Supremacy is now!

Both: This message was brought to you by MX-13 saying: We are better than you.        

* Fades to black. *
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post August 30th 2015, 12:21 pm by showster26

Dynasty Promo #1

PicPerfectMichaels has posted a video:

(We open on a close up of Mark Michaels sitting down in the living area of his Beverly Hills home.  His solid block Hugo Boss dress shirt gives a nice contrast against the cream colored décor of the room.)

Michaels: "What a weekend this has been so far, just a few nights ago I took Jaden, and the other two stooges best shots, and I showed them, as well as the whole world including John Conning, that My natural perfection will always win out in the end.  Yes it felt good scoring the pin against that chrome dome oopa-loompa, but it felt even better to see all the like I've been getting across all of social media for the picture of me getting my hand raised.  Still part of me hoped for better, like instead of having to beat Jaden's ass again, maybe they could have made me the number one contender for Alex Anderson's Dynasty championship.  Or hell they could have tossed that nobody Vance Tybull my way, and I would break both his streak, and add the National Elite Champion around my waist. But for some odd reason I keep finding myself going toe to toe with that Irish sack of dog excrement.

Now I already know you're gonna stay up all night trying to rack your brain and come up a witty insult, but really Jaden what's it gonna do?  It won't stop me from getting more tail in a night than you get in a lifetime., and It won't stop me from beating you again this week.  Much like the rest of your pathetic life it really just doesn't matter what you have to say.  What does matter is what would happen if I beat you. 

See right now there seems to be some confusion about who is truly better between the two of us.  While my followers know that the answer is me, there are some who think that the fluke you pulled about a month ago is some sort of evidence that it's you.  Now don't get me wrong, against most everyone else in that locker room, you'd have their number, but I'm not like those dead weight chumps in that locker room.  I am a Social Media Superstar, a world wide trend setter, a man who the people have made their Social Media Champion.  And the reason that I am is because I am simply Perfection Itself, and Nobody is better than perfect.

Not you Jaden, and Not you Maxie; Yeah that right I'm talking to you.  A few week ago you had the gall to insult me in front of all my followers the whole world round, then just as I had lured Jaden into a false sense of security; you have the match thrown out, and rob me of the chance to claim that title you wear for myself.  But who was it that took the worst that not one, not two, but three men had to offer and still got the win?  Me!  And who is it that's just going to sit a ringside like the little bitch he is? That's right max, it's you.  Because if you stick your nose in my business this time, I'm going to stick my foot directly up your ass.

next Friday I'm winning, plain and simple, so Picture That!"

Fade to black
That Self Hi-Five Guy
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post August 27th 2015, 11:59 pm by That Self Hi-Five Guy
Dynasty Promo #2

Allow me to take this opportunity to clarify a little something, when I promoed on Tuesday, many people, including the one and (thankfully) only Angelo Brando had begun to misinterpret my motive for telling the story that led me to joining EAW, as an attempt to gain sympathy and to make myself feel important. Firstly, I could not give any less of a shit if people sympathized with me or not, if you don't sympathize me, then fine, go right ahead because it doesn't hurt my fucking feelings nor bother me a single solitary bit and if you do sympathize with me, that's okay too, go right ahead, just don't expect me to be too gracious about it. Secondly, you're calling me out about telling a sob story and trying to make myself feel important when you're out and about boasting about your millions of social media followers, your two Grammy Awards that "supposedly" exist even though I haven't heard mention of a single album of yours from anyone, your 9 sex tapes and the "awesome" parties you throw, like, honestly, who gives a shit?

This is the wrestling business, that shit is barely gonna do anything for you in the ring, but oh wait, I forgot, without the media you wouldn't be shit, your pride, your fame and your fortune all hinge on the tabloids and without them nobody would know about you, you would just be some rich guy who made music and won an award or two, you would have nobody to gloat to except yourself, your circle-jerking group of pussy-ass douchebags and the soul-less security team that you pay to put up with your spoiled rotten ass, you think the media cares about you, but really, anybody could be in your shoes right now and not many people would notice or really even care.

The fact is, your just an attention whore who, whether he receives good or bad publicity or not doesn't matter, as long as you get any publicity at all you don't care, you haven't done anything to deserve what you got, all you ever needed was your last name and everything in the world would simply fall in your lap. You claim that I would play the victim whenever something doesn't go right for me, but in reality, you would be the very first fucking guy to call something that didn't go exactly the way you wanted it to "unplanned" or a "fluke" because it's in your very nature, you were raised in a family in which everything was perfect for you, nothing ever went wrong for you and if there was even the slightest sign of such a thing even happening your parents would find a way to take care of it and make it "go away".

The funniest thing is, you ACTUALLY think I'm jealous of you, I would never want to be in your shoes, sure you won gold medals in the sports that I dreamed of winning gold medals in, but at the end of the day, the idea of constantly sucking on the collective teat of all of media in order to try and inflate my own ego and sense of importance is a rather unpleasant idea to me, it's comparable to literally whoring yourself out, but instead of one person or a few, it's millions upon millions of people. Though the idea that I could have been more famous than I am now, or as famous as you, through being an Olympic caliber athlete and winning some Gold for the USA is still to a degree, very enticing, at the same time, I'm very glad that it didn't happen, I would never have gotten into the wrestling business or gotten back into athletic shape and just would've ended up as an attention whore, a spoiled brat and a leeching little cunt such as yourself.

You see, pro wrestling gives me a thrill that I didn't quite feel when I was swimming and playing ball, it tells me that I can win something entirely by myself...just me, my opponent and the crowd. No coach bossing me around, I just do whatever the hell I want to do, and nobody can change that no matter how many times I get roughed up or take a loss. The sad fact of the matter is that even if I lose to you Angelo, I still come out as a winner who doesn't have to rely on other people to keep my pride intact, because you know everything I said is fucking true and you know you could never truly deny it no matter how many times you say it's isn't true.

Admittedly, all the stuff I said about what would happen to you if you didn't have that annoying fucking phone of yours and your fame and fortune, while it may be true, isn't exactly the case here, but what IS the case, is what's gonna happen tomorrow night, you can boast about all your followers and your dinky little awards all night long for all I care, that is, if I don't fucking fall asleep before you even finish, of course, but that isn't gonna change jack-shit of what's coming for you tomorrow.

From bell to bell, post to post, rafter to rafter, I could take your sorry ass through the whole nine yards and make you feel like you ran ninety any day of the week,but instead, I'm gonna play it smart, I know you're more than likely gonna bring out your entourage, and if you are, then go right ahead, because if they get in my way I'll personally Diamond Cutter every single one of those sorry bastards and if they don't, then you'l just be making it easy for me.

Who's the loser now?

Not this guy!

(self high fives himself)

Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post August 27th 2015, 11:47 pm by #KimboLivesMatter
(Video fades in of Maxwell Dachs sitting in his office. He is wearing a white “Make Russia Great Again” hat, and there is a large poster of Donald J. Trump hanging up on the wall behind him.)

Maxwell Dachs: Apparently people still don’t think of Maxwell Dachs when they think of serious competitors in EAW. I think that is rather out of line. But the fact of the matter is too often than not, you hear about my opponents instead of myself. I’m sick and tired of being looked down on and taken as a joke. Well I think it is time for change. The time for jokes is over. The games are over. It is time to forge a new path in the legacy of THE Maxwell Dachs. And I’m not going to sit around and wait for it to happen, I’m going to take it myself. Because I can’t rely on the God awful humans who run Dynasty, just like all the other puny humans here in EAW, they have no clue how to do things correctly. These half-wits have a grade A talent in their mix. And instead of putting me where I belong, they’re putting me against this mangled mess, this jobber squad. This is not what I deserve and those cunts running Dynasty refuse to give me what I deserve. So I must pick myself up by my bootstraps and prove myself against this squad of mediocre wrestlers. They won't book me where I deserve? Fine. I'll show them. I'll tap into the force and power that fuels me and wrestle circles around these jabronis. I used to care about giving these lesser wrestlers a chance. But no more. That is what has been holding me back. Now I must put them to waste, and take out the trash. I will no longer be taken as a joke. And part of that is laying off my security team. I no longer need them to assist me in my matches. I can tap into the power of Dachslemania and decimate my opponents myself, like the true man I am. And show everyone that I don't belong among the A-Will's and Jaden's of Dynasty. I deserve to go against the likes of Lucian Black and Vance Tybull. I need to elevate my championship to higher levels, using the power of the cosmos. I must tap into the dark energy that lays in the cold recesses of space and will myself on to greater indelible levels. No longer will I be treated as a joke or a coward, I will stand for my actions and defend myself like the true man I am. I must not care about Dynasty, they are already too far gone into these grandiose half asses ideas of where I should or shouldn't be. They have lost their option to make their own decisions, I must show them the way and make them for them. Because not only they have shown that they are incapable of making their own decisions, the entire EAW Universe has shown it as well and like the petulant children they are I must show them the correct way.

(Dachs takes a sip from his glass of Vodka and cranberry juice.)

Dachs: I will begin to do just that with my match on Dynasty against what I have dubbed “The Jobber Squad.” I’m facing the likes of The Dark Horses and that dubstep faggot. This musically challenged twit has the gall to claim that my screaming followers are just blindly following me? He is very clearly mistaken. Because if he would have done research himself and thought to actually understand what he is talking about he would know. He would know that much like the people following Donald Trump, my followers are smart and passionate people. They know true leadership when they see it. They can look into the abyss and have it stare back at them and know that their leader will keep them safe. And then this multi coloured hair freak goes on to project his own insecurities of his failures at me. He claims that he is going to pop my bubble of reality, but I know, much like he knows, that the only false hopes that are going to be crushed are his. He knows he can’t weather the storm ahead. He knows for damn sure that they won’t hear him scream and beg for mercy in the cold vacuum of space. But they sure as hell will see him tap out when I put him into the Pillars of Creation and have him look for himself into the abyss and see his true personal demons. But because he isn’t an educated man like myself and my followers who know to follow a true leader when they see one, he will have no one to console him when he’s sitting there in pain and his only option is to submit and bow down to the Intergalactic Champion.

(Dachs finishes his drink.)

Dachs: And he continues to blabber on with these unoriginal thoughts and ideas of me being a coward. C’mon man. Can’t you think of something worthwhile and original to say? Of course I was a coward! But I’m making the effort to change and evolve. Unlike your weak ass who spend more time putting poison into your body and listening to shitty music than ever going into a gym and working out. And goes on to say stuff about Hitler and my German ancestors. Hey boy-o. At least Germans have a history that is at least interesting. No one cares about a couple of potato fuckers getting hungry and failing to overthrow their British overlords. Sounds like a right yawn if you ask me. But you did make one good point. I am a great leader. And frankly I will have to be. I mean have you seen the other members of my team? Talk about a bunch of nobodies. I see myself as the pariah of this team. I have many heavy crosses to carry. I will have to put this whole fucking team on my back and get the job done. Which won’t be easy, I have to combat the dueling pseudo masculine egotistical fucks on my team and also decimate the jobbers on your team. And much like the Greek Titan, Atlas, I must hold up my team and carry this heavy task. But unlike Atlas I will make it down the mountain and descend upon my throne of Intergalactic Royalty.

(Dachs mixes himself another glass of Vodka cranberry and continues talking while doing so.)

Dachs: And sadly once again I have to give time to the jobber known as A-Will. He seems to think that last time I beat him was a fluke. The only fluke there was how long he lasted. Because you see if me and A-Will were to face off again, one on one, he would last much much less than the amount of time he lasted last time. He then goes on to insult my championship? Seriously? More unoriginality coming from this team? Of course my championship doesn’t mean anything to you, you’re too stupid to understand the greater meaning behind it, much like the other dullards on your team. He claims to be after tag team gold. But I don’t really see this happening. When people think of great tag teams, they don’t think of The Dark Whores. In Fact, I’m willing to bet a large majority of fans don’t even know who you two jabronis are. Hell, A-Will you’ve been in this company longer than I have, and by some twist of fate you have somehow managed to accomplish less than me! It’s astonishing! But I don’t have to prove myself to you, A-Will, I have easily beaten you before and I could sure as hell do it again. Maybe I might just have to, because your idiot partner clearly underestimates the power I hold in this industry. You know something, Trent. I don’t dislike you. But it just really offends me when you think you can get away by barely mentioning me in your little edgy and shitty promo. Hell, it was almost as original as Tarah Nova’s gimmick! But you probably don’t understand that jab, so let me explain it for you. It means it was unoriginal. And I don’t know where you get off underestimating me like that. You think you can just get away barely mentioning a prestigious champion like myself? How dare you. And now I’m going to punish you for your actions. I will no longer let jobbers like you and A-Will get away with saying these brash and crude terms about me. No longer will you be allowed to underestimate me, because you will finally fully know and understand what it means to go up against the greatest Intergalactic Champion in EAW history.

(Dachs stands up once again to show off his Intergalactic Championship belt.)

Dachs: It means many things to be the Intergalactic Champion. And once again you and your Jobber Squad fail to realize what the true meaning of this championship really mean. I’d write it down for the Dark Horses but, I hear darks aren’t very good at the whole reading thing. I mean look at Floyd Mayweather, WHO I BEAT MAY I ADD! They can’t read. Much like how they won’t be able to see the pain they will be put in because of the crude and brash things they have said. Because when I tap into this heroic intergalactic energy to power my will to prove myself and make you tap out in front of everyone, I will show to the world what THE Maxwell Dachs is capable off. I just have one question to ask all of you on the Jobber Squad;

(Dachs takes a big swig from his glass of Vodka and cranberry juice.)


(The Dachselmania logo flashes then fades into the DCW logo as the promo fades to black.)
Tig Kelly
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post August 27th 2015, 11:24 pm by Tig Kelly
*Tig hangs the faceless mask on a riot shield slightly behind him. The dimly lit room barely shows the word "WOLF" on the mask in bold letters. Blood splatter covers the shield as Tig runs his fingers over it and turns to the camera with a grin*

The same old song and dance. 

In walks the unproven new guy to take the head off of the risen star, everyone spouts week after week the tired old adage that they've seen new guys like me walk in and disappear just as quick, and then we go to war.....The big difference here is I'm not unproven at this point, you haven't seen a new guy like me ever, and I simply won't just disappear as much as you'd all enjoy that. I'm here to scrap my way to the top and I must say that the National Elite Championship is looking mighty nice right now. I've said since day one that all I want is gold and riches around here, accolades are all that matter in this world and I'll be damned if I'll let the Big Bad Wolf do anything but blow....

Let me tell you a little story Mr. Riot Maker; Eglon had oppressed the people he led for 18 years with a heavy hand and one hell of a physical reign. He ravaged these people until they were crying and praying for something to be done, but with due diligence this monolithic ruler kept any attempts to take the crown at bay. Then one day along comes Ehud who just simply walks up to the throne and thrusts a dagger clean in and out of the King undetected and scampers off victorious and crowning a new ruler of the people. It may seem very simple, but if you can take one thing from this story its that just when you think you have this war thing figured out, here comes a lying Lefty with an alternate plan to walk up and smash your fucking teeth down your throat. Make any gameplan you want, watch tape like the others have and prepare.....just make damned sure in the back of your mind that you're watching that double edged dagger you forgot to check for on the way in.

I refuse to go your route and say that this will be a hoss fight, that would imply way too much doubt in my talents to dispose of you. This is going to be my coming out party, this won't be me sneaking out a win it will be me beating the life out of the undefeated icon and hoisting that belt over my shoulder whether you or the damned authority likes it or not. You're a Riot Maker? Vance you've done nothing but make a bit of noise in the scene, never mind a riot. I'm going to turn that ring into a damned pit of violence and despair to show you what a real riot looks like. Blood, tears, violence....I'm here to make the people that care for your cry and the ones who praise your career weep that this dastardly villain will never shut his mouth about how he stole the one thing Vance Tybull had going for him; his undefeated streak. Because lets face it tough guy, once you take that first loss your luster is gone, your draw is gone, you're just another hoss with an L and eventually no gold. So take it all in now man....soak up the lights and the crowd going wild for this freak attraction that can't be beat because its going to make for some great stories when you're applying for workman's compensation from the bodily harm I lay on you tomorrow.   

*Tig walks off screen after batting the single hanging lightbulb in the room. The camera focuses in on the shield and mask in the swinging light as it fades out*
The Black Prince
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post August 27th 2015, 9:23 pm by The Black Prince
(The scene opens to Angelo in his personal locker room looking into his phone that's on the front camera view examining his face and his hair which he ends up being lost in his own captivating image. Then Angelo begins to chuckle as his remembers what has occurred in the past two Battlegrounds featuring him and James Seymour and also his victory and what concluded Battleground Monday.)

Angelo Brando: Funny how things always seem to go my way. I have proven to the world that it doesn't matter how hard you work in life because when it comes facing a man of my caliber, you hold no chance and James Seymour and Max Steele are a testament to that very fact. At one point James thought he got back at me by revealing my baby pictures so the world to see but all he did was just helped me gain more publicity than ever before. If it were some other irrelevant nobody like my upcoming opponent Donny Diamond, then I would be embarrassed for people to see me when I was younger. I would be a flawed man who was born into an unfortunate family and I would end up probably drive myself into some type of insane asylum. But fortunate for me, that's not the case because when I was a baby I was blessed to be gorgeous and good looking and it's been one of the many constants in my life. So to see James Seymour attempting to embarrass me it was sad but if anyone forgot on why him and I are going at each other's throats for the past few weeks, he had the audacity to tell me that he is better than me. So I did what I had to do and beat him, and I see what he tried to do and try to advert the attention away from the facts and attempt to embarrass me. The FACT is that Angelo Brando has beaten James Seymour, a so called "PURE" wrestler and when I defeated him at Battleground that day, I have proven that whatever moniker he went by was nothing more than a LIE! During that match I out wrestled him, I outsmarted him and I showed him who was the better man and it may be hard for him or people like him who parents told them that if you worked hard enough then nobody can deny you greatness. But I hate to break it to you folks, there are things called glass ceilings and that glass ceiling is me and as long as I'm there then there is no hope for people like you to ever make it past your limitations. If you don't believe me, look at James Seymour and look at Max Metal, those two men are the clear example of what happens when you step inside the ring with me, they were born losers and I just simply reminded them their place by shoving that fact down their throat and make them accept that Angelo Brando is in a league where nobody can touch---

(Angelo Brando's gloating abruptly came to an end when he advert his attention towards an interviewer from TMZ, who came into his locker room unannounced.)

Angelo Brando: Um, excuse you, I was in the middle of the something here!

TMZ Interviewer: I'm sorry Mr. Brando but I was too excited to just wait outside your locker room about getting to interview the son of the greatest family in the WORLD! I just wanted to congratulate you on your victory this past Monday on Battleground.

Angelo Brando: Thank You...

TMZ Interviewer: Now as we all know you are the only man that has successfully crossed over from all forms of entertainment and even though you weren't featured on the Mid-Summer Massacre Free-Per-View, and minds wanted to know what were you doing when the event was taking place.

Angelo Brando: Well for one I would like to say that I don't do things for free because when I'm out in that ring I expect to get paid. When I wrestle it's like fine art and you don't expect seeing something as good as me doing what I do for free. So what I did was focus on my other projects, I was shooting a scene for my new movie that's coming out next year in the spring, I have signed a few people on my record label, gained more sponsors and basically promoted the Angelo Brando brand. Like you said, I'm the only man on God's green Earth that has successfully crossed over and there is no one from the past or present or even the foreseeable future that can accomplish what I have accomplished!

TMZ Interviewer: Very Well said, now Angelo I would like to bring you back to what transpired this pass Monday when you defeated Max Metal. But more so when you've got involved in James Seymour Top Prospect Tournament match. What inquiring minds want to know, why did you do it and what went through your head when you laid out your rival James Seymour???

Angelo Brando: In case people have forgotten, James Seymour was the one who instigated this whole entire mess by insulting me and also get involved in my match when I was a participant in that same tournament. So I did what Hammurabi's code invoked, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. So what James Seymour did to me, I just returned the favor and cost him any and all chances to advance and I'm sure I quelled whatever ego he had going on in his head, but I wasn't satisfied with just costing him a match. I felt like he wasn't punished enough for the sins he committed towards me, I cranked it up a notch and I brought a steel chair inside the ring and I SWUNG for the fences and destroyed his right knee. What went through my mind when I was doing all this was PURE satisfaction because I knew I took away something that he held dear to his heart and that's the ability to walk and his ability to wrestle and ultimately I took away his dreams. Every time James Seymour aches and writhes in pain holding his knee, he'll constantly remember my gorgeous face as it'll haunt him forever. He will remember that Angelo Brando did that to him as he spends THE REST of his LIFE on a crutch, hobbling around and watching others excel and do the things he can NO LONGER DO! The things he can no longer enjoy and he has to reflect on those memories of him, all of those lonely days training day in and day out, in some rag tag gym, aspiring to become a great wrestler and try to be like HBB and Brian Daniels and forge his own path to greatness. All of those efforts in becoming the best in this industry, went up in smokes within an instant and it brings me joy that I brought all of it to an end on Battleground. Don't try to hold your breath thinking that he'll come back form the beating I gave him because that was the last time you'll ever see James Seymour in a wrestling ring again and I was the one who ended his career!

TMZ Interviewer: WOW! I can't believe you had this mean streak in you, Mr. Brando! You've showed a lot of people that you aren't some pretty boy who feels entitled to everything! But speaking of which you'll be invading Dynasty Wrestling tomorrow and you'll be facing one Donny Diamond, the self proclaimed Hi-Five Guy! What do you expect out of this match with him!?

(Angelo briefly pauses and  looks at the interviewer with a confused look on his face and begins to roll his eyes and let out a soft chuckle before speaking.)

Angelo Brando: To be honest with you, I expect to win because let's face it. All I do is win, win, win, no matter what and every time a match concludes my hand is raised in victory and my match with Donny, is no different. For the self Hi-Five Guy, if I were him I would waive my white flag now and abandon all hope of winning this match, If he hasn't been paying attention to me he knows that I already outclass him in every meaning of the word. Donny is a loser and he should be honored to be facing a man of my caliber because just like I did with James Seymour and Max Metal, I'm going to make him famous. I'm going to make him relevant, even though it's just for one night only.  But in all seriousness when Donny decided to open his mouth all he did was *fake sobs* bring up this little sob story about his life here and how unsuccessful he is and how he has grown dependent on another loser. Boo hoo, I feel so sorry for Donny, it makes me almost want to cry!*Stops fake sobbing* HA! Do you feel sorry for him?

TMZ Interviewer: N-no, I don't feel sorry for him

Angelo Brando: And you shouldn't because Donny Diamond represents those people who begs for the pity of others and to build this false sense of importance that people actually cares about him. I bet he is the type of man that plays the victim every time something goes wrong. But this time he can play that card because I'm going to make him feel like a victim and I may take a few selfies while his body is laying in the ring in defeat. So for those who think that I'm not taking Donny seriously, then you're absolutely right! I don't consider Donny Diamond in my league, let alone a threat! When he looks at me, he will feel sorry for himself because I'm am the man he has wanted to be for so long. Hell, when he brought up suffering a shoulder injury back in college while he was on the swim and basketball team, I received gold medals in BOTH of those sports and he could very well be envious of me because of that. Donny is going to learn real quick that he is in the ring with true greatness and everyone on the Dynasty Roster should be weary of my presence because I'm liable to take over. So Donny, you'll see what I'm all about real soon because I'm going to rock your world and you don't have to worry about making  name for yourself because people will remember Donny Diamond as the man who lost to The PURE blooded, Socialite Prince, Angelo Brando!

(Angelo Brando then gives himself a hi-five, mocking Donny Diamond's nickname and then shoos the interviewer from TMZ away and then Angelo winks at the camera as the scene fades to black.)
(The camera cuts to a stage with a large number of monitors set up all filming for a variety of television stations. On the stage stands a fat ginger politician mouthing off about securing America’s borders and not backing down from Russia and China.)

Latino Reporter: But how do you think…

Politician: Sit down. Sit the fuck down you weren’t called. Go back to Univision.

Latino Reporter: The fuck you say?

(The reporter storms the stage and drops the politician with a vicious Mexican Destroyer into the podium sending up a commotion of wood shards and fake red hair. The reporter removes his suit jacket to reveal a “STRAIGHT OUTTA DYNASTY” t-shirt as he steps up to the podium.)

TLA: Ladies and gentlemen, bitches and hos I am here today to announce my formal candidacy for President of the United States of Asskicking. This boozy ass bitch won’t be running any races anytime soon, but let’s be honest… he wasn’t running much before I got to him anyway.

(The politician grabs at TLA’s leg trying to get back up but TLA raises up his foot causing him to fall backwards off the stage.)

TLA: Under my presidency we will not tolerate white boi arrogant ass motherfuckers who think they can talk shit ‘bout shit they don’t know. Under my presidency haters will be dealt with not only swiftly but quickly.

Reporter: Mr. TLA don’t those words mean the same thing?

TLA: They sure as fuck do. But I like to give people choices cuz I value freedom. Now as part of my campaign promises, this ese vato promises to make no promises. Cuz fuck do I know about politics? What I do know about is beastin’ and feastin’ and that is what is in store for all of you… my loyal voters this week on Dynasty Wrestling. That wrestling part is an important part of both Dynasty and my core values so when I step into the ring against my opponent Calvin Lewis, we are going to put on a five star wrestling classic. 

(A group of fat emo lesbians come out to the stage and begin performing for the audience.)

TLA: Oh god this is horrible. Muy… muy horrible. I am gonna have to speak louder to drown them out.




(TLA presses a button on the podium and a screen comes down in front of the emo band hiding them behind it and drowning out the sound.)

TLA: I’m sorry you all had to witness that… but I am strongly opposed to rape culture… and my ears definitely feel raped right now… Now back to the matter at hand.

(TLA gargles some purple drank as he clears his mouth to speak.)

TLA: Calvin Lewis… you are like un soplo de aire fresco patron. I am honestly impressed. I’ve had to deal with people tearing me down and making idiotic claims about their losses for weeks now. The Iconomy still doesn’t get it and I’m sure they will continue to pay until that changes. But you… it only took one loss. You only had to eat your words one time and recognized your mistakes. Now you are adapting. That was fast… almost too fast… but I’m going to put my paranoia aside today and believe in you. You’re a good man Calvin. Un hombre menor would have taken out his frustration on some poor interviewer, or the fans. But you realize that the fact you lost, that you do not have a perfect record does not mean the end of the world. I’ve lost many matches myself, and each loss has taught me a valuable lesson. Each time I’ve gotten better. From Christopher Corrupt, I learned to be ruthless. From Montell Smooth, I learned respect. From The Iconomy I learned… well nothing really… Okay maybe I learned something. I learned that no matter how large the numbers, you can overcome. Being the minority means nothing if your will is strong enough.

(TLA pounds his chest in pride as he points to the Dynasty logo on the front.)

TLA: I don’t want to be perfect. That’s the difference between me and you Calvin. You have an end goal in mind. You see your potential and you will do anything and everything it takes to reach it. I don’t care about the future. I focus on the present and I focus on improving myself as I am no matter what. I’ve been improving myself for years and years and along the way I realized something. There is no limit. There is no peak. There is no prime. Your body ages, your mind ages, but your skills… there is always room for more improvement. I will never be perfect, and so I don’t try to be. I don’t want to be perfect. Perfect is boring. What’s left once you reach it? Nothing. You made it. It’s done. You won. It’s over. For TLA… it ain’t never over. Imma live wild, free, and running with chaos as my brother. I don’t know what’s coming. I don’t know if I’m going to win my next fifty matches, or lose my next hundred. But that’s what makes it fun. 

(TLA raises his head and stares directly into the camera with a wild wide-eyed expression on his face.)

TLA: Me agradas Calvin... I admire your goals even if I don’t share them. So this week on Dynasty I will help you to achieve them. You will be more perfect after our match together. Whether it is by defeating me, or me beating the perfection into you blow by blow… you will be a better man by the time you leave that ring. If things go my way you won’t leave with a broken dream, but a broken body, but one that will heal. Your mind, will not heal, and you won’t want it to because you will have learned much. If you overcome La Pantera Sexual… then I will have failed you… but succeeded in myself and it will be me who leaves with the valuable lesson. See there is no dishonor in defeat, there is only dishonor in giving up… in cowardice. So come at me Calvin. COME AS HARD AS YOU CAN MOTHERFUCKER! I ain’t holdin’ back… and neither will you. You wanna be perfect Calvin? I don’t believe perfection exists… so SHOW ME WHAT IT MEANS TO BE PERFECTION!

(TLA presses the button on the podium and walks away as the emo band continues to sing.)



Keith Bathory
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post August 27th 2015, 3:31 pm by Keith Bathory
Dynasty Promo:



Soon it'll be 2-0

Gonna take down Scorpio

Keith: Scorpio huh? I have no idea who this guy is, but to me, he's just another guy to take down. And another victory in EAW to my name. Matt Hawkins couldn't do shit against me. What makes you think you can? I said this to Matt, I'm just better than you. I'm better looking, I'm a better wrestler, I get more women. I mean, come on man. You've got nothing on me... Nothing at all man.

*Keith takes a sip of wine*

Keith: just another stepping stone on the way to the top of this god-forsaken place! And easily done, so easily done. Matthew Hawkins taken down with ease, and this Scorpio guy will be no different.

Keith: get ready Scorpio, because this is gonna be another #Victory for #KeithMadness... WOOO
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post August 27th 2015, 12:25 pm by Anderson.
Where there is fire, there is an ace.

This ace stands amongst the rest as a legendary being. Not just a man, but a dangerous man. The ace is a true knight, never waiting for the perfect moment to arrive but creating that perfect moment. No need to sugar-coat it, he is the knight in shining armour when it pertains to this empire. The extreme empire which has been built around bloodshed, built around torture... built around that fire that is awfully visible. What makes this ace the great man he truly is isn't his demeanor, it isn't his physical prowess, but it is his mind. Let it be known that I have been in this empire of Extreme Answers Wrestling for five years, and in those five years, I've never felt the way I am feeling right now. I feel as if I can take on the world, manifest my dreams, and elevate myself to a level neither I, nor any man has reached. I really can't tell what it is – whether it's my mental state of being, my change as not only a wrestler but a human being... I don't know. What I do know is that I'm ready for anything that stands in my way. I never expected myself to be great. I was scared to be great when I first walked into the empire, but now that I know I can and will be great, I'm not stopping myself. You see, great wrestlers are a dime a dozen, but wrestlers who are able to transcend wrestling come along once every blue moon. I'll be honest with all of you: I am not a great wrestler. If I was a great wrestler, I would have defeated Tyler Parker at Pain for Pride. If I had done that, then maybe men like Jacob Senn wouldn't be criticizing me of failing at every opportunity I have received. While that's a fair point—I'll give him that—I still feel as if he's in the wrong. A failure and a man who has failed countless times is very different. Before Michael Jordan was dominating the NBA, he fell to the Detroit Pistons. What does that make him? A man that failed, but not a failure. For me, it's the exact same principles. I may have lost to Hades the Hellraiser, Norman Hellion, and Tyler Parker... but I learned. I learned, I learned, and I learned. I gave Tyler Parker all I had, left him bloodied, broken, bruised, battered... but I couldn't get the job done. I convinced myself that I would defeat him the second time, Jacob Senn, and what happened then? I had him beat, but complications didn't let me win. Zack Crash and his minions didn't want me anywhere near the world title, and that's the system I speak of all the time. If you, Senn, had gone through what I have, had seen what I have seen, then you'd have a completely different perspective than you currently have.

World championships in this company are such apples of discord. Everyone, whether they be a fan of our product or a member of the roster, fantasizes about holding the title. It's such an adrenaline rush, really. I get chills just thinking about holding that championship. In the past, I would be envious of men like you, Jacob Senn. At this point of my career, I see no reason to be envious. Tomorrow night, I know exactly where I will be. Being the champion of Dynasty means more to me than anything else. You think that I think too highly of myself. That's 100% true. I do think that, but I have every reason to. No man has shown the resilience that I have. No man has dealt with a stigma attached to him and still fought through it like I have. I have every reason to believe that I am generational talent, and you or anyone else isn't going to take that away from me. Let's talk about you for a second, Jacob Senn. Where is your career going? I'm constantly making linear progression, but your career can only be represented by a video of rocks falling. That's all you have been doing since your run as world champion. I may not be suited to be the champion of Dynasty, but I'll be the champion anyway. The people may not think I'm worthy, but they don't know that Alex Anderson is the man they need. Not you. Debate whether I'm the ace or not... I'll still reign supreme, and even the fabled conqueror can't do anything about that. With that being said, it just occurred to me that I already proved Mr. DEDEDE wrong. Today, I took the blame completely for myself. No one is to blame but myself – if the world was so black and white, I would believe you. You know yourself that there's many external factors to success, especially in a business such as this. If you, of all people, don't agree with me on this, then this brand really has no hope of a future. You can say goodbye to the EAW you have grown to love for the past eight years. If we continue at the pace we are going, not only will Dynasty perish, but the entire company shall not live to see another day. At that point, maybe you'll realize the villain that you are, DEDEDE. I never intended for you to get bent out of shape with my comments, but I'll be quite honest – it's quite amusing. You're just the resident comedian of EAW in 2015, and to put it bluntly, it's time for you to hit the road. I knew you as the man to put the cat among the pigeons, to cause havoc on these streets... but now the only thing you're disturbing is yourself. You continue to lie to yourself. You continue to tell yourself that you are above me, but when it boils down, are you really? If my win over you wasn't clear enough, maybe tomorrow night will be. The DEDEDE of the last two years will realize that Alex Anderson is more than "drive" and "hunger." You'll see that I'm a dangerous, dangerous man. I don't care how much under the weather I am, I don't care if I break both my legs... I will walk into Friday night with one intention: to destroy you. That's right – not only do I want to be the leader of Dynasty, but I want to destroy the man who has built Dynasty into what it is today. I want to tear down the former ace of Dynasty, the former ace of Extreme Answers Wrestling... because I need to send a message. I may not have had the keys to the kingdom in the past, but I do have the lock. If I don't find the key, I'll be damned if I let any man open the gate to becoming the ace, especially you.

Never have I experienced a world championship, but I know it's worth. I know exactly why DEDEDE is still not satisfied despite winning the championship five times before. The thrill of knowing you're the man is priceless. What you fail to realize, DEDEDE, is that this is far beyond anything you could ever imagine. This isn't like previous years where DEDEDE could walk in and be the leader of the brand he's trying to save. This is a different animal, and I know because I helped Zack Crash get into power. I'm responsible for all of this, and just like in any good movie, the hero comes to the rescue. The only difference is that I'm not a hero. I'm not even a villain. I'm just a man who does what he wants when he wants. I don't expect you to respect that. What I do expect you to do is strike me with every fiber of greatness you have left... because I need it. I need to defeat you at your greatest, because when I defeat you for the second time, I want no more excuses coming out of your mouth on how I'm not ready. I am ready. I'm ready to become the greatest of all time and dethrone you. That'll all just be a consolation prize to the real prize: the Dynasty world championship. Discretion is the greatest part of valor; ponder that for a second before our match tomorrow night. Speaking of which, I'm very saddened to say that come tomorrow night, nothing will ever be the same. I've had my fair share of promises that I've kept and some that just haven't been fulfilled yet... but tomorrow night I change everything for the better. I can right all my wrongs, I can prove all the naysayers wrong, and I can make myself happy. That's what I've always wanted to do – make myself happy and content. The only way I could possibly do that was become a world champion. In this case, not only will I become a world champion, but I'll be the man who the entire world has placed their faith in to save EAW and bring it back to what it once was. While that all sounds great, I still don't know if this is what I want. Maybe I don't want to be the leader of Dynasty. Why help a company that has never helped me? I thought about that for a moment, but it then occurred to me that I do this for myself just as much as I do it for the next generation of extremists.

That's the problem a man like Lucian Black has. He's so hell-bent on helping others. Somewhere in the process of being so politically correct all the time, Lucian forgets that he's just a man who has desires like anyone else. Forget about being politically correct, Lucian. Forget about hard-work, forget about being kind and honourable... this business is far more than that. This country has been built on death, so why must we not be the same way? In many ways, EAW is a microcosm of the United States of America. We have our dictators, we have our men controlling things behind the scene... and we have true heroes like Alex Anderson and masqueraded heroes like Lucian Black. To me, the state of this company means a lot. I no longer need the match with Tyler Parker. Whether I get to face him again or not has no relevance to me. I want this now. My focus has shifted onto this, and no one can stop a man on a mission. Familiarity breeds contempt, and I've grown sick and tired of the old system. Lucian Black has been stressing change for quite the longest, and I'll be damned if he ever did anything about it other than complain. Tomorrow night, all complaining ends. It's time to sacrifice our bodies and light the world on fire with no care of anything. The way my career is going... I may not live longer than 35, and I'm fine with that. I'll die young if it means that I had achieved each and every one of my goals and showed the world that Alex Anderson defined a generation. He wasn't a righteous man, but he was the right man. I will address you all tomorrow night as the vigilante who was finally rewarded for all the right he has done and will continue to do.

Dictum Factum.
Troy Ace
Dynasty Promo

 Troy is shown after a training session. He is siting on a jumping stool and drinking a bit of an orange drink. He sits it down before taking a towel and wrapping it around his shoulders and starring into the camera lenses.

 Ace: A tough guy act.. That's big talk for a guy who was crowned a contender based off of Disqualification. There is no true proof of what would of happened at the end of that match but on paper you're are the contender.. but for what? An imaginary brass ring of Maxwell Dachs? I congratulate you for winning on a time that mattered, Jaden. I'm sure a plastic belt with a flashy symbol on it will fill your ego and give you something to defend in those Irish drinking games of yours until you pass out. I'm a big guy, it is what it is. The only thing is at least I'm being who I truly am and not trying to act like someone I am not and that is a lot more than I can say for a lot of other elitist here on Dynasty. 

So you actually think you're better than me, Jaden. I like the confidence you walk around with.. but let's try and stop this masquerade and understand the true facts shall we? I may be big, but I have the talent to back that up. I'm not going to sit idly by and take insults from a guy who thinks he knows what he's talking about. Do you honestly think you matter? What do you have to offer the EAW? Talent.. Please don't say that because you haven't even come close to becoming a staple in this company. In the end that's what it's all about. I've made my mark, I'm laying my foundation and there is a reason why I'm a part of this company.. it's not because of the past, it's for what the future will hold for Troy Ace. There is no "glass ceiling" that can't be broken, it just takes the right man to exceed expectation. 

I was going to give you the common courtesy of leaving you out of the this.. but you've made it quite clear that can't be the case. Calling me out is potentially in the running for one of the most stupidest things you've ever done here in EAW. If you wanted a fight, all you had to do was say so. You have my attention now. I only had two targets in The Dark Horses but now it's time I give you the time of day that you need. I'm not going to sugar coat this, I think you're a joke. The way you portray yourself, your choice of words.. even that dumbass ascent of yours. Just another guy who thinks he's the best commodity and now all of a sudden.. his shit doesn't stink. Well Jaden, allow me to say the classic line of knuck up or shut up. I'm not here in EAW to play these games of who can come up with the best cheesy ass lines.. I'm here in EAW to work my way to become the best big man to ever strike the industry. That. That is exactly what I intend on doing. If that means based off you and your partners expense, than so be it.

Game time is over, it's time to spill the blood of the weak.. and move on to the deserving.

The fights can become brutal.. blood can surprise individuals and completely alter the path of a match.. It's funny how one swift action can completely change the path of one's destiny. Brutality, ferociousness and determination are the things that will lead me to where I'm destined to be. The greats, the new, and even the future are all the ranks of categories that EAW solidifies each person within. I don't go by ranks. To me, they do not exist. I will fight them with the same amount of aggression no matter the circumstance. Ambitions are meant to be high. I'm glad that all hasn't been ignorant in denying my talent. They all have seen at first hand what I can do and that much is fact. I will not hold ever as mercy is not a word I am familiar with. Mercy is something that takes away from one's ability and limits them to just good enough.. that doesn't suffice with me. I want to excel over the thought of the word heights. I will show my true traits with my power and speed. I am coordinated with everything I am both physically and mentally. There is very little limits that I will not go to achieve what I feel I want. My mind is made up and there is nothing or no one that can stop me from obtaining what I feel that I deserve.

 So I'm going on a limb and saying "tough guy act" doesn't apply here. I don't act, I do. Actions speak louder than words, remember that. Just as you'll remember the night that Troy Ace kicked your ass and beat you with ease, Jaden. Time is running out and the tables seem to be turning around. It's coming time to where you and I will come face to face and that.. that will be a true war that neither you or The Dark Horses will be able to withstand. I'm not going to bash my partners here.. It won't get us anywhere. Do I like Mark Michaels and Maxwell Dachs personally? No. However I am on the same page with them this week. We all have one thing on our minds and that's beating the 3 of you within an inch of your lives. I'll see you on Dynasty.

As for my teammates, I am calling truths between us for the match's sake.. But if you have a problem with me, and you feel like it should be addressed. Come face to face with me after that bell sounds and our arms are raised and I promise then I deal with you personally.

Welcome To E-ACE-W

*Fades to black.
[A light penetrates the darkness. It shines down from above, revealing Vance Tybull seated on his knees, head down in deep meditation. Suddenly his meditation, and the silence is broken by a deep, distorted voice resonating in the distance.]

El Maestro: So you’ve accomplished the goal you set out to. Where do you go next?

Vance: I’m not sure. I mean the easy answer is “GI Styles” since he’s currently the number one contender, but there’s much more going on right now than just people defending their championships against all challengers. There is war going on out there, El Maestro.

El Maestro: How could I forget? This war affects me just as much as you. But if you want an even easier answer, you could say “Tig Kelly” since he’s your opponent this week.

Vance: Good point. Probably shouldn’t look past him.

El Maestro: He was able to put away Lucian Black last week, with some assistance from Alex Anderson, but still an impressive feat considering you only managed a tie with Lucian Black.

Vance: Well you said it yourself, Anderson cost Lucian the match. I’ve got to say I’m disappointed my friend lost his focus, but I suppose he can make his own mistakes. I just wish he hadn’t given a man like Tig Kelly that over me.

El Maestro: If he’s able to beat you, that presents a bad scenario where you may have more than one rightful challenger on your hands. Plus do you want the first thing the man stakes his career on to be ending your streak?

Vance: Hell fucking no. I’ll never hear the fucking end of it. That’s all he’ll be able to talk about if that happens. Just thinking about it makes me seethe.

El Maestro: Then you’d better make damn sure he’s not able to beat you. You heard what he said right? 

[At this point Vance notices the camera and begins to address Tig directly.]

Vance: Of course I heard what he said. It was the most patronizing bullshit I’ve ever heard in my life. He may as well have said “Hi, my name is Tig Kelly and I’m about to tell Vance a bunch of shit he already knows.” You seriously fucking think I’m so dim that I’m somehow stuck in la-la land over my title win and just so happen to be blissfully unaware of the target on my back? I’ve had a target on my back for months since I joined the roster of Dynasty. Ever since people got word there was a kid with a hot streak in him, everybody was salivating at the chance to “put me in my place.” And yet time and time again I’ve turned away the challenges of many men in EAW. Since you seem so keen on giving history lessons regarding when people were deposed of and executed, let me give you a quick list of men I’ve disposed of.

Maxwell Dachs, aka “My Bitch,” who I’ve easily beaten twice.
Jacob Senn, “The Fabled Conqueror,” former EAW Champion, dumped on his head in my tenth match and pinned.
GI Styles, “The Man Who Beat Maxwell Dachs,” longest reigning National Elite Champion, beat him not once, not twice, but THREE times in a row, first in singles, then pinned him in a tag match, then capped it all off by winning the Extreme Enigma Match while he was one of the first eliminated.
Superior Quality 85, the self-professed “King of the Multi-Man Matches,” former EAW Champion, was beaten in a multi-man match by yours truly at Pain for Pride. 
Diamond Cage, former EAW Champion, another man who couldn’t stop me from winning the Extreme Enigma Elimination Match at Pain for Pride.
Clark Duncan, poor Clark Duncan, I’ll mention him here because I feel bad for him.
And finally my most recent victim, Tiberius Jones, who I punched in the fucking throat at Midsummer Massacre and became the man with the red, white and blue target around his waist.

I’ve been striving for this moment since day fucking one of being a pro wrestler. I’ve fought my ass off against some of the best EAW has had to offer and the proof is what I carry with me! THIS National Elite Championship. You say you’re here to just take this from me? It took me seventeen wins and a tie to get what I have, and you think after a couple of matches I’m just going to let you beat me and put your name in the hat for MY championship? You seriously think I’m going to cower in fear or turn my back on you? I haven’t turned my back since I arrived in EAW. I’ve only had one direction, and it’s forward. And I haven’t relented for some of the biggest names EAW could throw at me, so I honestly hope you’re not so delusional as to think I’m going to take so much as a single back step when I’m facing you in the ring on Dynasty. I know I have a target on my back, you are one of many trying to aim at me. But I’ve proven time and again in my short stay in EAW that I thrive the best when the pressure is at its highest. 

You want blood? You want to try and take my crown? Good. I wouldn’t have it any other way. The rush of knowing I’m fighting for my livelihood is almost addicting to me, it’s like a shot of adrenaline that pushes me to go the extra mile to make sure I stomp my opponent into the ground. You may fancy yourself a true warrior, and I honestly hope that’s true! Because I know for a fact that you’re about to step in the ring with the fiercest of warriors, and I’ve always welcomed the challenge of those who think they out-man me. I’ve longed for so long to find a man who’s every bit the warrior I am, and I have yet to find it. But, if your words hold to be true, I think I may finally have my wish come true. But be careful what you wish for right? 

No. You should be careful what YOU wish for, Tig Kelly. Because once you decide to go after what I’ve worked so hard to obtain, the National Elite Championship, you get everything that comes with it; mainly a huffing puffing, rage-filled, Riot Making, head dumping Big Bad Wolf. One that isn’t afraid to seriously hurt you if need be. And even if you can manage to end the streak, it won’t be without its costs. It seems like you and I are headed for a world of hurt on Dynasty… and GOD I can’t fucking wait.

Can you?

El Maestro: I know I fucking can’t! I want front row seats, popcorn and a bottle of whiskey! It’s going to be a Strong Style Showdown! A real HOSS FIGHT! But trust me, I’ve been champion before and seen a million would-be pretenders to the throne like Tig Kelly. You’ve got him, and if you listen to me I can tell you how to get rid of him rather easily. 

Vance: That’s why I have you around, El Maestro.
It's laughable how everyone wants to defend Dynasty Wrestling now but at Pain For Pride 8 nobody had the audacity to step up to the plate. I know why that is. Because there is a World Heavyweight Championship in jeopardy now. If there was no championship at stake I guarantee you none of my opponents would be fighting for the right to call themselves "Dynasty's Champion".  I highly doubt that is the type of people they need as their representative in the war against corruption. It's quite apparent my opponents don't give a damn about this company. All they care about is fulfilling their personal aspirations. Jacob Senn considers me a failure and frankly I can see why. I absolutely understand his convictions. Failure or not though, I was the only Dynasty elitist willing to defend this place when it NEEDED to be defended. I was unsuccessful due to an intervention, but it was because of that intervention that this revolution came to life. Why is Lucian Black a more reasonable and formidable leader to the cause of Dynasty Wrestling than "The Dynastguard" himself? Because I have stuck with Dynasty through THICK and THIN. Under all circumstances, no matter how difficult, I have remained here. I have stayed here and even when nobody wanted to, I DEFENDED Dynasty on my OWN. Why am I worthy of being Dynasty World Champion? I'll answer that with another question, why am I not worthy? I have been working my ass off for years, I have contributed to the success of this place a whole lot more than even some of your hall of famers have. The ones deemed legends,  icons of this industry come and go as they please, but I am ALWAYS here and I will ALWAYS be here until kingdom come. Why am I the best Dynasty has to offer? Maybe I am not the best, I never said I was. But I sure as hell am the most DEDICATED. If you don't want to respect me so be it, but you can't deny or even attempt to refute the fact I have fought for the respect and the admiration of every single one in this business. Harder than anyone ever did. Despite everything I have done, I am still marginalized by many. Deemed inferior by many. Neglected time and time again. Treated as if I was a piece of crap, as if all the years I dedicated to this place meant nothing!! Those days are over, Jacob Senn. I'll not allow this anymore, I will not accept this anymore. This Friday I will take my rightful place as a LEGEND when I become the first ever Dynasty Wrestling WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION and you won't stop me, Alex Anderson won't stop me, DEDEDE won't stop me.. NOBODY will stop me.

Mr. DEDEDE thinks Alex Anderson would be a better fit for Dynasty's Champion than me... Yeah, he truly thinks that. As a matter of fact he implied that. That goes to show how much of a moron DEDEDE is. You're not in John Conning's shoes though, DEDEDE. And I am so glad you are not because if you were this place would literally be hell. You want to talk about competence, Ryan? What do you know about that? You PROVED you were incompetent when you lost to Zack Crash a year ago. THAT is pathetic, my friend. You got your ass handed to you by some guy who should have never even made it out of developmental. YOU, a guy who is considered a damn legend among his peers. A member of the illustrious hall of fame. Your verbal attacks are futile, DEDEDE. You're the one who's constantly talking and talking. I, personally, let my fist do all the talking. Because, ACTIONS speak LOUDER than WORDS. I have been cultivating my hunger for six years, DEDEDE. You can only imagine how hungry I am right now. This burning desire to kick your ass and take that title can't be vanquished so easily. Remember when you beat me at Dishonorable Justice?? You thought you had the last laugh as always but this Friday IIII WILL GET THE LAST LAUGH. I'll do to you exactly what you did to me and more. I'll establish dominance over you, over Anderson, over Senn and even over Carlos Rosso if he thinks he can get in my way.I'm destined for this, I was born for this and I will prove it. I don't care what I have to do I will do it willingly. If I have to damage my anatomy as well as yours then so be it. I'll cross the line if I have to because this could be my last chance. My last opportunity to become a world champion.

Maybe you did work harder than I have. But like I previously stated you never had to fight for acceptance, you never had to fight for anyone's respect. You were received into EAW with open arms. You were always revered and your potential was always acknowledged. I on the other hand had to work for respect and recognition and to this day I still fight for that, I still strive for that.I will not win the title this weekend, huh? Do you have any idea how many times I was told wouldn't or that I couldn't do something? I was told I would never make it to the big leagues and I DID, I was told I would never win a championship and I won TWO, I was told I would never surpass the legacy of Alexander Da Vinci, that I would always live in his shadow BUT I DID. I stepped out of his shadow and I surpassed his legacy. Not only in EAW, but in EVERY DAMN COMPANY I EVER WALKED INTO. Maybe my hard work is insignificant or just not relevant enough to you, but it is to me. Win or lose, with all my hard work in the past couple of years I have demonstrated that I came into this world to be the best professional wrestler in IT. I already beat you, but since that victory won't suffice I will happily get another one this Friday when I become the first ever Dynasty World Heavyweight Champion. My effort won't go unrecognized no matter what you do because these people aren't blind. They know how hard I have worked, how hard I continually work. Week in and week out no matter who I am up against. I never wished to be a hero, I JUST HAD THE BALLS TO STEP UP AND BECOME A HERO FOR THESE PEOPLE WHEN THEY NEEDED ONE. Neither of you seem to get it. I wasn't handpicked by anybody to be Dynasty's Champion, to be the face of this insurgency. I CHOSE this just like any of you could have, but none of you did because none of you were man enough to. I'm not fit to lead..  Fine, then if any of you are, why didn't you join the battle of brands at Pain For Pride? Now that there's a title everyone wants to lead, now everyone wants to defend Dynasty, now everyone cares! This Friday we will see who wants this more or who TRULY wants this. If DEDEDE wants to impede my dream from being materialized so be it. He has every right to attempt stopping me, but he won't succeed. Jacob Senn thinks he should be the face of the rebellion yet he didn't step up to the plate when he had to. Alex Anderson is obsessed with obtaining a crown and a throne... But not me, because, why be a king? When you can be a GOD. I'll transcend the labels "legend" and "icon", "king" I will become the best and it's only a matter of time.
Hayden the Kiwi
Calvin Lewis #5 - Dark Side of Perfection
Post August 26th 2015, 5:05 am by Hayden the Kiwi

Calvin Lewis #5 - The Dark Side of Perfection

A spark of electricity flashes blue across the screen. The wafting haze of smoke in the air. Our scene opens to the locker room area, where we find Calvin Lewis sitting on a bench resting his back against the cold steel of his locker. He looks to be at peace, which is more than can be said for his surroundings. The room around him is trashed from top to bottom. Locker doors hang off their hinges, a trash can has been upturned and hurled across the room, strewing rubbish in all directions. The source of the electrical light and smoke comes from a wall mounted flat-screen television, the screen shattered and a sizeable hole in the now blackened picture. Lying on the floor underneath the trashed television is a suspect looking heavy steel-framed chair.

Calvin's eyes are the only aspect of his body language or demeanour that would point to him being the culprit of the destruction. His eyes remain wild and alert while the rest of his body seems to sink back into his locker and relax. All about him, the lighting seems to illuminate the room in an almost electric-blue sheen. The soft lighting only seems to heighten the sense of relaxation amongst the chaos.

He is interrupted by a soft knocking on the door and the locker door slowly swinging open. As it swings, shards of broken glass and discarded rubbish are pushed out of the way. A feeble looking interviewer steps into the room, microphone in hand.

"Err... Mr Lewis?" She waits for a reply that does not come but continues nevertheless. "Is now a good time to ask you a question?"

Again, she waits. Reading no emotion on his face save his fiery eyes, she presses on.

"I just wanted to ask you how you are feeling. You suffered your first loss last week after an impressive undefeated streak to début in Dynasty. That must be a bitter pill to swallow?"

The interviewer seems to back off slightly, unsure of how he would react to her line of questioning, especially given his surroundings. To her surprise, Calvin simply sits forward, calmly and smiles at her.

"I came close last week. I went out, did my homework, prepared as well as I could... and I came up short."

The Epitome of Excellence pauses, sending the room into an uncomfortable silence that lasts far too long.

"I came to EAW with all of the talent in the world, all of the athleticism that one could ever hope to possess. I came here thinking that I would sweep this place off its feet and it would be easy to rise to the top.

I came here thinking that Calvin Lewis was the likes that nobody has ever seen before. I came here to get noticed, to get my name out there. I get handed the ball, drive all the way up the field and fumble it on the goal line.

There is only one thought that continues running through my head. Perhaps I am not perfect after all."

The blue light continues to shine on his face as he speaks, illuminating the depressing sadness within him. Hidden under his wild eyes, the cocky and confident Calvin Lewis looks lost. He looks up at her, like a puppy would its owner.

"All my life, I have known success. I was always the first to be picked. I was always the one that people relied on when they needed somebody to get the job done. I am a winner, I am used to winning... not tasting the pill of defeat.

I am an NFL calibre player. I could have been the best damned football player in the world... but that, along with all of my other hopes and dreams lies in tatters. A busted knee and a chip on my shoulder are all I have to show for what I have put my entire life's work into.

Now... I sit here, expecting to have taken the wrestling world by storm. It is only professional wrestling, after all. I sit here and try to fathom why, oh why, why does another dream seem to be crumbling around my feet.

You stand here and look at me and see the same Calvin you saw last week. But there is no perfection here. There is no excellence. Just another broken dream and an empty shell left wondering what the hell is wrong with me. Now, all you see is Calvin bloody Lewis... the professional wrestler."

As he spits out the words 'professional wrestler' the soft blue light cuts to a stinging red. illuminating the very same scene, it shows it in a different light. What had once shown as sadness and depression now seems to take the form of a wild rage, echoing that of the destruction around him.

"This body should be tearing up fields, scoring touchdowns and cheerleaders alike. But it is not. It is sitting in some forgotten locker room, attempting to compete with drunks, egotrippers and wannabes.

That is what my life has been reduced to?
Calvin Lewis is pathetic. He deserves nothing and he will be given nothing."

The now red light fades to white as the interviewer steps in once more, changing the mood of the conversation.

"So, getting back on the horse then... what about your opponent this week? What about TLA?"

The white light cuts back to red, the same anger and rage still evident on Lewis's face.

"A rich, pompous jerk with an ego bigger than mine.” His fists have clenched and he stands up, causing the interviewer to back away slightly. Calvin’s eyes burn wildly, as the usually easy-going footballer’s demeanour changes entirely. He speaks like a man possessed, the level of rage showing through him not yet seen in the halls of EAW. “A fast talking, arrogant prick who has no idea what I am truly capable of. He will though, when I crush his bones between my bare hands. He will remember my name, he will never forget me. My name will be forever etched in his mind by the time I finish ramming that title belt through his skull.”

With that, the Epitome of Excellence slumps onto the bench once more, his back falling against the steel locker door again. He closes his eyes. When he re-opens them, the light illuminating the room had once more shifted from red to a cool blue. His face had once more fallen into a relaxed state.

“But, he is a jerk who can fight. He wears the gold over his shoulder for a reason. He is the benchmark for this company… the New Breed Champion. He is the man to beat. He is the man to respect. 

I respect any man who comes out swinging, not caring about who he faces. I respect any man confident enough to put his money, his title where his mouth is. And TLA does just that. He is a fighting champion, widely touted as the future of EAW. His is a bandwagon worthy of jumping on.

I am the underdog in this fight, TLA knows how that feels. As I begin to piece my life back together, I look up at the man that once stood in my place… the underdog and I see what he has become; a man that has everything. A thriving business, a beautiful woman hanging off his arm, the New Age title. He is a made man. Calvin Lewis is a man who is still making something of himself, and as TLA will respect, the best way to make that name is to take out the big dog. I have fought hard for everything I have achieved in life. I know what hard work is. I haven’t simply wandered into family money, sided with a Cartel and sweet-talked my way into millions. I have earned every ounce of self-confidence and respect through hard work and dedication. And I will not have a few speed bumps derail me. 

Calvin Lewis is here to stay. Calvin Lewis is a wounded animal, and animals are most dangerous when they are wounded. TLA… You have nothing to gain by beating me and everything to lose. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain; that will only make me push that much harder and go that much further to beat you, because victory means so much more to me than you simply putting away another rookie.”

As he has talked, his voice has risen in passion and confidence. The calm blue light that had soaked the scene for the most part, except for a few moments of rage, continues to shine. However, the angry red light also shines, creating an array of red, blue and purple shadows and effects over the room. Both the blue and the red together seem to blend together perfectly.

“Last week, I made the mistake of being overconfident. I made the mistake of thinking that sticking to a well thought out game plan would be enough to put down the stars of Dynasty Wrestling. Last week I was wrong; last week, I lacked the killer instinct necessary to put a more experienced man away.

Last week, you saw the happy-go-lucky Calvin Lewis, the competitor, the sportsman. You saw the calm, cool and collected man that reads the playbook and executes the plays. Up until now, Dynasty has only seen the football player in me parading as a wrestler. That has been my error.

But Calvin Lewis learns from his mistakes. I will not be so transparent this week. I will come at you faster, hit harder and be perfectly ruthless. This week, TLA can expect to see a different side of perfection, the darker side. He can expect all of this pain and frustration to be unleashed on him. There is a demon inside me, screaming and trying to break free. If Calvin Lewis is going to rise to the top of the EAW mountain, he is going to have to harness that demon… control the animal within. 

I have come to realise that Calvin Lewis is not quite perfection… not yet. Perfection is my goal; excellence is my target. Defeating TLA is my only way to get myself back on that path, the path of perfection.”

Calvin Lewis stands, the Epitome of Excellence turning directly towards the camera as if addressing TLA directly. 

“Expect excellence from me, champ - the perfect game-plan, perfectly executed… coupled with the ruthlessness of the sting of defeat fresh in my mind. Do not expect the same man that couldn't put away GI Styles. Don’t expect a guy who throws around a couple of clever sounding but altogether empty catchphrases that I cannot back up.  Expect exactly what I am going to bring.

Expect… a new and improved Calvin Lewis.”

Last edited by Hayden the Kiwi on August 26th 2015, 5:07 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Fixing Formatting issues)
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post August 26th 2015, 3:10 am by Mr. DEDEDE
We can all agree that there's nothing more enticing in the world of sports than a World Championship. The provocative glimmer of light reflecting off of 50 pounds of solid gold with your name piece on it... The very same lights are the ones that glare over your head creating that spotlight designed for you and you alone as you bask in your moment of glory. Just you and the physical embodiment of being the best in the world... think about how many people grow up seeing that seemingly unattainable level of glory and water at the mouth from? How many of them devote the rest of their lives to claiming such a status even if it's for a second... out of all of those people, how many actually make it there? How many make it to the summit of the mountain? How many become the eye on the pyramid? Some people would sell their soul for it... they'd turn on their own brother, they'd betray everything they once thought was good and true just to have a moment like that, once. 

With that said it bothers me when men who have never had such an experience question a man who's felt the euphoria that comes with claiming THE title and being hailed as the sole figure at the pinnacle of this profession........ it bothers me when people like them call someone like me into question. How justified are they to accuse a man like me of being complacent when they've never gotten to sip from that golden chalice, much less feel the touch of World Title gold at their finger tips? Hell, the closest that either of them have gotten to that sensation is a mere brush by it, maybe they've smelled the intoxicating aroma, but they've never truly felt this level of bliss that comes with being King. They've even come a second away from it, but they've never been crowne. And for them to turn around and tell me what my true intentions are, as if I haven't been in this hunt before! I guess now you can see where some of my vitriol comes from. But it gets worse, because these two men, Alex Anderson and Lucian Black; they're singing the same old song and dance and it's gotten so repetitive I already know the words that come next. It's the same story coming out of their mouths and when it comes time to make good on their pretense, it's proven to be just that--a pretense. It's a tired old diatribe of the same redundant docta ignorantia that's lead them down a never ending road that leads to nowhere. Every year we're forced to hear Lucian Black blame a so called oppressive system for all of his problems, and every year he does nothing about it. Every week we hear Alex Anderson cast the blame to somebody else; never himself, it's never his flaws, it's always somebody else and there's always a reason for him being held back. At the end of the day every problem is solved in the middle of the ring and this imaginary system designed for a certain set of people to succeed while everyone else fails, this is the same system that has granted Alex Anderson and Lucian Black countless equal opportunities; it has allows them to make good on each and every single one of their promises, and judging by their 'decorated' resume of Main Event victories World Championship success it's clear that they've broken every single one.

Am I embellishing? How about it, AA; is that just me throwing a reflex jab after being pummeled by an onslaught of "truths" that you've supposedly fired off on me? Is that what you are, someone of truth? Or are you somebody who's gone so long fighting for the same thing and have gotten so many opportunities only to squander them all? And now you think you can cover the unsightly blemishes on your reputation with rose pedals, don't you? A blind man can see through what you're spewing, fucker; It's painfully obvious that you live by an arbitrary set of rules and don't have any real sense of who you even are, much less what you claim to stand for. I'm beginning to wonder if there's even a genuine bone in your body. Your mind is a compilation of ridiculous jargon and bullshit excuses, you're no better than a misguided child being raised by a cluster of lies. You just think you can pick and choose your truths when you refuse to live by them, and spout off flowry lines at your opponents as if nobody's going to catch on, like nobody knows that you've NEVER lived up to any of your little mantras. You just so hopelessly sling them out every time you get the opportunity you asked for and you fail to realize none of it makes a difference in that ring. What bothers me the most is you were the exact same way a year ago. THE EXACT SAME WAY. No go ahead, look back. I'm telling you the same thing I told you one year ago when you were on Team Crash helping the same fork tongued tyrant come to power and ignoring everything I told you. 365 days, do you know how much change a person can bring to themselves in that span of time? But here you are emitting the exact same frequency. Funny, because you put on this facade of some progressive thinker with new age ideas, yet the senile legend who's "lost his aura" is a step ahead of a 26 year old prime athlete still stuck in his ways. Still without a World Title. Still a liar. The worst part about it is that you're actually a very good liar... if the only person you were trying to fool was yourself. AA you can't lie about opportunity to an opportunist. You say you've turned coal into diamond, but let me ask, did you reap what you sow in the end? The answer is yes, AA. You've cashed in! You've exchanged your goods for trade! And do you know what you got back??? NOTHING!!!! Absolutely nothing AA. Just the same pile of crap that you tried to pawn off to the rest of us... just your counterfeit midas touch turning against you as you find that everything you touch turns to fools gold.

I once told a man who's now reigning as EAW Champion and doing better than you ever could that you can't eat the gold this world feeds you, but I forgot to tell him that you can at last trade it in for chicken soup for the soul. I guess now you're realizing that you can't do shit with fools gold much less eat it, and that this "hunger" that you claim drives you to be as great as you think you are -- that same hunger that you claim I've lost -- it's not real hunger. I know what real hunger looks like, this isn't it. That hunger you're experiencing is a wound from within, and after all these years you still starve because you've got nothing to feed this world and this world won't feed you back. That's how life works, AA. You get what you give back. The most you ever get handed to you in this life is what your parents can afford. I don't know about you, but my parents couldn't afford much. I had to make the choice to be a man one day and I had to take complete accountability for myself and own every loss that comes with each gain. You thought you could take shortcuts and play the system and truthfully it actually got you pretty far. You even made it to the Main Event of Pain for Pride! And I'm sure all the while when you had your back turned, you were rubbing your hands together cackling as if you've concocted some foolproof master plan, but what did it amount to? A World Championship? Or a future where you're beaten by Mr. DEDEDE for a World Championship? See that's the difference between us. You're right AA, if I had done exactly what you did it would have been labeled as genius. In theory your plan was genius, but in reality-- something you know nothing about-- it was a SHAM. YOU SEE YOU FORGOT, AA! WHEN YOU FAST TRACKED YOUR WAY TO THE PAIN FOR PRIDE MAIN EVENT YOU FORGOT ONE THING, YOU DIDN'T BELONG THERE! You couldn't see that there's a wall at the end of this tunnel, not a light. You thought you saw the promised land in the distance once Damien Murrow promised you a World Title shot of your choosing but there was something in between you and that promised land, and that was reality. To you it was so transparent that you saw right through it and refused to acknowledge it, but guess what, it saw through you too. We all saw through you when you were bested by Tyler Parker and don't worry, you're not alone there, I was bested by him too in the past; but the difference is when I take an opportunity I'm ready to break through ANYTHING that comes between me and my goal. You just aren't strong enough to do that. You didn't work hard enough, you haven't elevated yourself to being at the level of a World Champion. I'm sure your victory over me two months ago was moralizing, but you let that victory mislead you into thinking you had the keys to the kingdom in your hands. But two months later one thing remains; you were crown-less then and you're crown-less now. 

A shame too, since you consider yourself some lion leading the sheep. You've fooled yourself again into thinking you're the king of the jungle, a true leader, Dynasty's Champion, yet you've let a man you spent years claiming you were better than snatch your self appointed crown from you.  And to think this Friday another lion whom you've idolized your entire life is going to keep that same crown from you. Tell me AA, what good is a king without a crown? And what good is a lion without its mane? It certainly isn't one that rules over sheep. It doesn't rule over anything at all. You'll convince me that you're a lion when you show me that you actually have the heart of one. Until then I'm calling your bluff until you turn those fairy tales you tell over and over in verbatim into something more than a story, and turn that fantasy you live in into a reality. Before you go telling me what I need to say and do to earn back your respect, why don't you try having a career that's respectable. Hmph... you, a "lion." Cecil the Lion maybe. 

I'm no life coach but I've got a pretty good sense of how to succeed in this life because I've lived every second working toward my goal, and I've accomplished what I've set out to do. The first step to falling out of the demonic old patterns of mediocrity is taking some goddamned accountability for once in your life. Lucian Black, say what you will about AA but if there's anybody that has no place in a leadership rope of any sort, it's you. If I were in John Connings shoes and I had to find someone even remotely competent to put in a place of power you would be the LAST person I pick. I know you're used to being picked last your entire life but there's a reason for that LB, it's because you're pathetic. You're roughly 6'6, 260 plus pounds, but you're a lost little neutered stray dog. Not "The Anarchic Canine"; just a yapping fucking mutt yapping away about honor and justice until someone else's oppressive boot field goal punts you and shuts you the fuck up. But for as long as there's breath in your body you're going to run off at the mouth at what should be considered by now nonsense, and you're going to contradict yourself at every turn you. You, like Alex Anderson, have no idea where you're even fucking going. It's funny that you find each other to be enemies, you both are actually quite alike. I feel like I'm talking to the same person, but you're clearly not as smart. You need to have concepts hammered into your head, and even then you're a raging idiot. Need an example? I went out of my way to remind the three of you that I wasn't born with what I have now. I didn't come out of the womb with the ability to put on five star matches and sell out arenas. I didn't have the inheritance of a rich father, I didn't go to a private school, I had NOTHING. I thought I drove that point home, but your defense mechanism is that you've worked harder than me because "I've always been good."

I know I've accomplished way more than you ever will Lucian, but maybe... just taking a stab in the dark, maybe it's because I WORKED FOR ALL OF IT?? I don't know, just a wild stab in the dark, maybe I'm completely off base, but maybe the reason why my career amounts to way more than yours is because I WORKED HARDER THAN YOU. But I'll tell you something you want to hear, I'll tell you something that at first glance will justify the years of the incessant bitching and moaning. It doesn't matter how hard you work. There, I said it. It doesn't matter how hard you push toward your goal, you will not win the Dynasty World Championship this weekend. Like I said, I'm going to treat it like it's my life mission to make sure you don't lay a finger on that belt. Do you want to know why I'm going to do that? Because payback is a motherfucker, and I'm going to show you how it's like for a man to relegate all of your hard work into nothing. I'm going to make sure your effort goes unrecognized, and that'll just be repaying the debt. You're going to feel how I felt when I busted my fucking ass for EAW and Dynasty Wrestling to give people like you opportunities at getting what they earned. Like AA said, I was always the one to step up to the plate when oppression reared its ugly head or way, and still I had people like you who refused to acknowledge that ...... fine and dandy, LB; I'll just make sure you're never acknowledged as the hero I know you so wish you could be. There's a difference between AA's point and my own however, and it's that I won't be fighting to defending Dynasty... but NOT--NOT because I can't! It's because you don't want me to. Oh sure, you can sprinkle in words of encouragement urging me to join the rebellion and fight the good fight, but you made it clear that it doesn't matter how hard I work, it doesn't matter how many times I bend over backwards for you or anyone else in this industry, because there will always be people like you to oppose me. I can do no right in your eyes, and it's because you're a sorry history revising excuse maker who pits the problems of his career on anybody but yourself, and that's why you'll never be World Champion. Not because you don't have the talent, but because I won't let you. I'll make sure that it's anybody but Lucian Black. Anyone but Lucian Black as a leader, as a role model and as Dynasty's Champion. And when John Conning realizes that you're good for nothing, by all means, you can do what you would have done last week and fuck off into obscurity like you did all those years ago. After you utterly soil yourself against me, do Dynasty a favor and fade back into oblivion like the never was that you are.
That Self Hi-Five Guy
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post August 26th 2015, 1:25 am by That Self Hi-Five Guy
Dynasty Promo #1

You know, it's about time I finally appeared at a show in my home state of California, I mean it's been years since I've been here, let alone the Greater Los Angeles Area, which is not too far away from Orange County, where my hometown is. You know, I haven't been getting very good luck lately, I mean the losses are really starting to add up, I mean for Christ's sake!

It's been almost two months since I've gotten a win and I need to do something to change that.

When I betrayed The Nas, I thought it would be my chance to break out on my own and finally make a name for myself, we weren't doing much of anything in the tag team division and we certainly weren't making it up very high on the contender list for the Tag team Championship and so, like most things that ran it's course, I dropped him like a bad habit. But unfortunately for me, things haven't got any better if at all, in fact, in my oh-so humble opinion, things have only gotten worse for me. Aside from an unimpressive run in the Grand Rampage match and two matches against two separate National Elite Champions, I haven't really accomplished much of anything here in this company, it has gotten so bad, I'm afraid that at any moment I'll be the guy they'll start to use as nothing more but a fucking booster seat for the new up-and-coming talent. My name is starting to become synonymous with a joke without a punchline, a guy who's got the talent but can't get the job done, a fucking one-trick pony even. I'll just say it out loud, it's getting really ridiculous, and if I don't shape up soon, I'll be dug into a hole so deep the only amount of sunlight I'll ever hope to get is about the size of a fucking cunt hair.

You know, when I first came into this company, I came here to finally find a place where I can belong in, someplace where I can earn a decent living and finally try and get back into shape and for a while it worked. Of course, I didn't win every match but I got some notable victories in, and it seemed that I was finally getting somewhere, I was finally climbing up the contender ladder and I could win something that I can say I earned by myself and won on my terms.But then, I just felt like I was getting nowhere, the only wins I got were either over new guys or the more established talent by relying on Nas to help me out. I just got sick and tired of it, and so, I kicked him to the curb and look where I am now, I'm like a train off the tracks , I keep trying to go and go but there isn't anywhere else...to go, exactly.

A long time ago, in the midst of my college swimming and basketball career, I suffered from one of the most debilitating shoulder injuries an athlete could ever receive, a labrum tear, and though I did have surgery that managed to repair it, I never managed to play ball quite as well as I used to nor could I swim as fast as I used to, and it just ruined me...because I never believed I was good at much of anything else, I was never a star student, I just passed by under the radar, not amazing but just enough to keep playing. Being an athlete was all I could do, it kept me away from the bottle and the wrong crowd, because I wasn't doing well, I just went ahead and quit. I did manage to hang on and finish college but by the end of it my passion was gone, I lost all the pride I had, the commitment and the drive were all gone.

And now, here I am, after a couple of years working as a bouncer at some local nightclubs, working a few local wrestling shows, getting called up to EAW and forming a tag team with Nas, a couple wins and a shit-ton of losses later, and nothing has changed...I came here looking to make a name for myself and be what my parents never thought I would be and it turns out they were right about me...right about everything...

But you know what?

This Friday night, I'm gonna wrestle Angelo Brando, a guy who has been fed from a silver spoon his entire life, a guy who is proud of his 40 million or so followers, a bunch of sex tapes and a bunch of music awards. To 40 million people you seem to be this music mega-star, with tons of money, living the most luxurious of lives. To be honest, I don't see what's so special about you, I mean you're just a run of the mill shitty and useless modern celebrity, and all they do is reproduce and take selfies.

The only thing that could be anymore useless was if they managed to crossbreed a koala and a sloth, you've got your work cut out for you Friday night, you see me as nothing but just some guy, I see you as a chance to get my feet on the ground.

I'll try not to smear your makeup too much...


Jacob Senn
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post August 26th 2015, 1:11 am by Jacob Senn
Dynasty Wrestling: Chapter 1

[After appearing on a local news station to promote the Dynasty Wrestling show that will be hailed from The CenturyLink Center, Jacob Senn steps out of the station as he makes his way towards a company car that has been sent for him to bring him back to his hotel room as he enters the vehicle as inside is a cameraman, awaiting for him to speak about his upcoming match at the event.]

Dynasty World Championship… what does this title represent? This title is supposed to represent the greatest individuals on the Dynasty Wrestling roster fighting for supremacy and being deemed the symbol of this company as the leader, but why do I see something wrong with the image that has been presented before you as the fight for supremacy as we scour across the roster for the man who will lead the charge against EAW? Look at the match that we have set before us and let me tell you why there is no better choice for a leader, for a head, and for a champion more so than The Fabled Conqueror himself.

We look towards the first of the gladiators, the man who was deemed Dynasty’s Champion right from the start, Lucian Black. Lucian is a man that I find respectable, his fighting spirit and determination to continue on is something to be astonished of. Continually, he strives to be the best and continually… he fails. Lucian Black is a man who has shown time and time again that when the bright lights shine on him, he’s nothing but a failure. The evidence is laid right before the audience’s eyes and all that have to do is go on their computers, go back all the way to the Gold Rush Tournament, Grand Rampage, Pain for Pride, and you will see how much of a failure Lucian Black truly is. Lucian, your watch is not a watch that brings trepidation to my heart. On your watch, we saw Dynasty die as a brand of Elite Answers Wrestling. On your watch, you could not take possession of the World Heavyweight Championship from Tyler Parker and even though I myself could not claim that prestigious prize for myself against a fighter such as Tyler, he never pinned my shoulders down on the mat to defeat me. So Lucian, why are you are more reasonable and formidable leader to the cause of Dynasty Wrestling more than The Dynastguard himself? Why are you worthy to be the Dynasty World Champion? Why are you the best that Dynasty has to offer? Answer me that, Lucian, because as of right now… you fail to meet the standard of the leader for Dynasty.

Onward to another man, but this man is even more of a failure than our friend Lucian Black, as he had not only one opportunity, not two opportunities, but this match will mark the third opportunity for this man, Alex Anderson. Now here’s what I find hilarious about Dynasty Wrestling and John Conning’s thinking about throwing this guy into the fray of this match because Lucian Black I can let slide because you find some sort of hope in this guy to turn the tide over to you, Mr. DEDEDE is a bonafide legend that has earned his place among the immortal ones that stand the test of time in this industry, but Alex Anderson is a man that you people actually consider to play a part in this war? Alex can’t even get his head out of his own ass and you find him to be a potential leader? You have this guy inserted, but not a man and hometown warrior who has proven his worth to this company time and time again with Carlos Rosso? This is the guy you want to have be the man to represent us? Fine, but when I drive his head down into the mat and make it where he gets to sleep like the rest of the men who have doubted me, don’t get pissed off when things aren’t the way you wanted them to be. As for you Alex, you think that because of one lost chance at an EAW Unified Tag Team Championship match and a loss to Carlos Rosso this past week that I will not drop you where you stand? You think of yourself too highly, Alex. You are not a Jaywalker, you are not a Y2Impact, you are not a Mr. DEDEDE, and hell, you aren’t even a Lucian Black or a Carlos Rosso. You are Alex Anderson, the man who has had chance after chance to become a world champion and each time, you failed like you should have! You may have been able to complain and whine about how you weren’t getting your due because you have yet to be the world champion, complain that all these people surpassed you as they became world champion and even Hall of Famers, while you sat in the back without a sliver of recognition to your “greatness”, but the truth is that you are not the ace of EAW or even the king of EAW, you are the joke of EAW and even the jokes get to have their laughs and applause, but I shall make sure you don’t!

Finally, we come to the great legend himself! Straight from the book of EAW lore and its torn and tattered pages, out rises the self-proclaimed “Gawd” of this industry, Mr. DEDEDE! It’s been awhile since we have seen you grace these hallowed halls, what has it been, almost over a month since you and your prodigal son Ryan Savage lost your EAW Unified Tag Team Championships to The Mercenaries, which have aligned with a renegade faction known as Hexa-Gun. Where have you been all this time? Sitting in your lavish home while the rest of us have been working our asses off to try and continue our way of life in our new home of Dynasty Wrestling? You want to complain about having a chip on your shoulder, the lack of desire to have someone be a leader here other than you, but the question is why should you be a leader when you are never here when you are even needed? Heck, you left your partner Ryan Savage hanging as he was left to fight his own battles and look what happened, gets assaulted by those sadistic ingrates during his match against Zack Crash! Yeah, what a leader you would make, Mr. DEDEDE! The fact is that what we need is a man of brutality, one who shall be ruthless to these opposers who want to try and run us to the ground, and I think I’m the perfect man to do the job because they took one of ours at Midsummer Massacre in the form of Christopher Corrupt, injured him to where there is a questionable chance of his return to the ring even being a possible future for him! I would not be against taking one of their Hexa-Gun or Zack Crash ass-kissers down to repay the debt that is owed! They have blood on their hands and if the only way doing that is repeating what happened in AWF by seizing an opportunity made by the hands of others, so be it! I will take advantage and pin you one more time if that means that I can have my revenge and take down Zack Crash’s regime once and for all!

So bring it! Every single one of you! Give me your best shots, don’t hold back for one damn second, because you will only get your best shot in once and after that, I get to have my fun with you! I get to dismantle you, I get to watch as the spirit that houses the flesh and bone temple that you walk around in chips away bit-by-bit and relish in it, and I get to give hope to the rest of the roster that when anyone tries to break through the barriers… The Dynastguard is there to bring them down!

[Jacob Senn motions for the camera and it is handed to him before the feed is cut and we are left in the darkness of the black screen.]
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post August 25th 2015, 11:35 pm by Anderson.
Here we are.
It’s really funny how the world works. You train, eat, sleep well, and lay it all on the line for your profession. Why do we do it? Simply put: we see the glory. We see heaven on Earth. That’s what it is to all of us. We’ve assured ourselves that through working oh-so diligently, our dreams will come true. My name is Alex Anderson, and I’m neither an optimist nor a pessimist… I’m simply a realist. I view this for world for what it is: an empty stomach waiting for you to feed it. You either scratch or claw your way to eat, or you allow yourself to die of starvation. That’s the world we human beings have stepped foot on. We are born cubs. Some live in a broken, battered world, while others are fed with a golden spoon in their mouth. That’s the reality of this world. All metaphors aside, only few cubs emerge as true lions; not to mention, so many factors play into you evolving into a lion. Discipline. That one word will do wonders for your life. It surely has for mine. My animal ambition lives on forever. I promised myself the day I signed my first contract here in Extreme Answers Wrestling that I was only here to chase greatness. I grew up a fighter, and I’ll be damned if I wasn’t going to be paid to fight. Simple, right? No. It took me years to realize that there’s so much politics that goes on in professional wrestling. You can look to any company, whether it be Classic Wrestling Federation, Answers Wrestling Federation, LEGION, and the pinnacle of wrestling itself… you will find politics. But I’m not here to complain about that. In fact, I’m so glad it exists. So glad. Every hero has his own adversary, and I’m happy that Alex Anderson’s adversary is beyond any single man. It’s the system itself. We all deal with systems in our lives that need changing, and the days pass by and no change happens. We swear that we will change our lives and never do. That’s what separates me from the rest of the crop. As abhorrent as I’ve come across over the years, it’s dawned on me that I should have never been angry in the first place. I am happy. I’m just not content. A plethora of extremists say they want this and say they want that. Guess what? The ones who really want to do great in this world—great for a nation of people—will be scrutinized and the media will find ways to detest them. I’ve been a victim of this myself. For the longest time, I’ve wanted to change this industry, but the baby-boomers who run this place don’t want me here. I know why. It’s a combination of things. I’m a man of colour, I have no filter between my brain and my mouth, and I dare to be a revolutionary. I want everyone who runs this company to know this:
An army of sheep led by a lion can defeat an army of lions led by a sheep.
No longer will I allow sheep like Zack Crash to run this company. That's where I get my motivation from. I no longer want to just be a world champion, because there's been plenty of champions in EAW’s 9-year tenure. This means so much more to me now than simply a world championship. I want to be in a position where I can change the way everything works around here. I’m tired of sheep—true sheep like Lucian Black—having positions of authority. I’m sick and tired of Zack Crash running around feeling like he can do anything he wishes to do. I feel guilty, because I’m the reason Zack Crash is in power right now. I understand that. While I have stressed before that I only care about myself… as a man, I’m beginning to change. I’ve taken over the ship, and I’m steering it to my destination - that destination being the leader of the greatest brand in the history of this industry. Let’s cut to the chase: this Friday night on Dynasty, I have no room to sit around and wait for my time to come. I’m tired of waiting around for my opportunity to come, because when it does come, I fail due to something completely out of my power. Though I had Tyler Parker beat, I was screwed. Tyler Parker went on to losing to Brian Daniels, and I’m left nothing… nothing but myself. Please ponder that for a second. Most would say that I have nothing left to fight for, but I’m just as motivated, if not more, about what the future holds. There’s no time to waste. It’s time to become the Dynasty World Heavyweight Champion. Friday night is, without a doubt, the biggest match in my entire career. The entire match will alter the future of this company that we all love. I'm not trying to sugar-coat it or hype it up so you tune into the show. Regardless of if you choose to watch it or not, it is going to shake up this entire industry. If you really analyzed the four scenarios in the aftermath of the match, how can you not support me? I'll save you the trouble and address all these men myself. First things first, I want to address you, Mr. DEDEDE. There's not a man in this industry I have looked up to as much as you. Emphasis on the past-tense. You see, I hate to break it to you, but you no longer have that aura around you that you used to. There is no allure to the Mr. DEDEDE character. A long time ago, you were the man the youth saw as their idol. Don't get me wrong, I don't want this to be the generic "this extremist is past his prime" speech. I've seen far too many of those. You see, this has to do with more than just professional wrestling. As a man, I just can't respect you. You're not a man of your word. You once were a man who struck fear into the hearts of every living, breathing man that stood in your path. I didn't realize how much of a shell of your former self you were (in and outside of the ring) until I treated you like an action-figure inside of the squared-circle. You wouldn't believe how much that night meant to me. It wasn't just beating you... it was about showing the world that I, unlike you, am a man of my word. When I say something, I mean it. There are no ands, ifs, or buts. I say it. I embrace it. I do it. I am it. But enough about me. I want to continue this conversation with you, DEDEDE, because no one else is going to give you an authentic report on your state of being. Not your therapist. Not your doctor. Especially not another extremist. You claim you're on the same hunt, but I don't notice that hunger inside of you anymore. Don't get it twisted – I think you're the greatest extremist of all time. Bar none. But even Michael Jordan had a period in time where he was merely playing to play the game he loved. If you had it in yourself to just admit this, you would gain a lot more respect from me personally. Hell, from anyone.
Every single year, a terrorist arises who wants to tear down Extreme Answers Wrestling. You know what I've noticed? Mr. DEDEDE is quick to volunteer to take that man down, but this time around... this is completely out of your hands. The only hope Dynasty has left is me. The only hope the world of wrestling has left is me. I don't want to blow things out of proportion, but if you really watch this show on a week-to-week basis, no one is showing stability. No one is consistent. Everyone is just going with the flow, and that needs to stop with me as the champion of Dynasty. I can see why you're so upset, DEDEDE. I completely understand. You're upset because nothing is the way it used to be, is it? That's why you will come at me with insults like "no one cared about me until I made a fake school and a fake title." If it was you who had done it, it'd be considered genius, would it not? Being the ultimate opportunist I am, I turned coal into diamond. To backtrack on what I said previously, I had to use the inside of the system to get what I wanted on the outside. I expected you, of all people, to get this, but nothing shocks me anymore in this business. That's why a man like Lucian Black will step up to the plate and none of it will surprise me one bit. For over a month now, Lucian, you have been calling me out, saying I don't belong what I have gotten, and yapping away with material I've heard before. But let's not even focus on what you've said. Let's focus on what you've done. You practically were Dynasty's-chosen champion before the world championship was created. What did you do? You were just a pawn. Whether you were a pawn to Dynasty or EAW, that I can't tell you. That's up for the audience (or the "dy-hards" as you like to say) to decide. In spite of having this authority position for Dynasty, you failed to do what you were meant to do. Zack Crash was free to do as he pleased, and he has interfered in my business far too many times for me to mention. I'm not happy about it, and I doubt you are. That doesn't mean we're friends. I resent you just as much as I resent Zack Crash. I want you gone as soon as I want him gone from this company, because that's the first step towards my quest towards changing the system. Speaking of which, isn't that something you had stressed for so long? My name is Lucian Black, and I will change the system through integrity and honour! Maybe that's been your problem all-along. A man can only do so much right in the world while still being a righteous man himself. I am a good man at heart, but I will do anything I want to get what I want. That's what you lack, and because of that, you won't be the Dynasty world champion come Friday night.
In many ways, I am the best thing this company has had in a very long time. Alex Anderson is very reminiscent of Mr. DEDEDE in his prime: decisive, aggressive, and relentless. I'm not here to fight Dynasty's battles. That's never what this was about. For me, I need a platform to prove to the world who I am and what I stand for. There's no better way than by defeating you two men. As for the third man – none other than Jacob Senn himself, what can I really say? Jacob Senn's career has gone a whole 180 degrees the last few months. I once considered him a threat, and now I see himself as another man in this machine. But I told the entire world this many years ago. There's only few men that remain in this industry and have staying-power. Five years from now, I'll still be rocking and rolling and be regarded as the greatest of all time. Jacob Senn will be just another man who once held gold. That's really what it all boils down to. I want to do something legendary. I don't just want to be another guy. The future of Extreme Answers Wrestling lies in my hand, and I refuse to fail the future.
You've prayed to become king, but the ace is back.
Troy Ace
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post August 25th 2015, 11:32 pm by Troy Ace
Dynasty Promo

Destruction of the Lifeline

Ace: This Match is going to be the meaning destruction it's time i show how bad it can get once you piss off a hard hitter ive tried so hard each and every week. This is where i lay down my foundation,leave my mark and create my legacy. Ive been here for almost one month and each time i fell down i got back up every time there is something in my way i move it and i go through it. Im a big man for a reason moving things is my calling. I fear nothing or no man and nothing can stop me from building what can't be torn down this is what destruction looks like.

I will plant the seed of destruction inside the heart of The Dark Horse, then it’s existence will be permanently eradicated.  

If this were the clash of the titans like a god, i would destroy you with no question. You’re no match to me or my partners in this match you’ve face one them and never got the job done so what make you think you can do it now? Your a horse im the gun it's time to put you down. This is no race this is a fight. Pound for pound i promise i will beat you. I dont just mean the match i mean i will kick your ass!!!!!! im nothing you have face before i'm an angry wracking ball and it's time to cause chaos all around you and all in your little world. From my understanding you're the aggressive one i like that about you...but your aggression will not be able to stop me. I but you’ve also done nothing but ride trent yoder’s ass to minimal success because you were incapable of doing so yourself. You were afforded multiple opportunities and failed on your own. Just like then you will fail again but with your partners. You may think since im the new guy that this is going to be an easy match..but it won't for you this is the match from hell for all three of you. One by one you all will drop and beg for this match to be over. See your trouble with the Superior Breed has nothing on the kind of trouble you’re in now. I take every match seriously because i fight like my life is on the line, but in this match it’s your life that is on the line. I am making it my personal goal to finally put you in your place. The ground. A-Will, you’re far past the end of your rope and it just so happens that you’ve ran into the true aggressor and that only means one thing, welcome to the beginning of your own demise.  

A war is nothing without soldiers who will give their lives to finish what they’ve started.. Shots fired. Blood spilt. No. More. Dark. Horse.

A true visionary. I like that, Trent. Adversity after adversity and here you stand.. but with what to show for it? A win over the superior breed? --- Who are they? You have won this war. I’ll give you credit for that, but please inform me as to how they are a relevant source to say you can beat Troy Ace? The word impact just gets tossed around here in EAW.. Once I again another guy claiming to make an impact based on my expense. I say --- bring it. With your fire and my intensity I would love nothing more than to see what can happen when we collide. Because that will make this match even better but don't get your momentum to high because just when you think that you got it in the bag im going to break everything you have fight for and love you asked for war….this will be world war 3 to you. This battle will shake the arena the state and most likely the world so i ask are you really ready for this war does your guns have that much power in them to stop the tank that is Troy Ace? I dont think so you need a new game plan because the one you have is not going to work honestly no plan will, i'm set on my mission i have been sent to seek and destroy my targets there are three of them and i plan on it and moving on to bigger and better things like a championship the one i should be number one contender for but that’s for another day once i do my bidding and destroy you three i will be someone you not only see as a big guy,a powerhouse,a one man wrecking crew but i will be the one that kicks all of your asses, thats a fact.   

*Fades to black.*       
You know, a few weeks ago, when me and Trent tag teamed with you, Michaels, you experienced from a non painful side how dominant we are, so I can understand why you're pissed. One of your partners are crazy and the other is an out of the oven rookie that thinks his physique is intimidating. But how about you? You're the social media addict that will go to your hotel room after Dynasty and blog about how you loss that same night because "you weren't ready" or "The Dark Horses just got lucky". Put all three of Dynasty's biggest egos together and that's a recipe for disaster. On the other hand, The Dark Horses actually got a partner we can get on the same page with in Jaden Zaxaria and it feels damn good. I faced him before and I can say he is legit unlike you and your two lackees standing right beside you. I can't even call you a man when you don't even have taste in music. I think it's most suitable to call you the Iggy of professional wrestling and, if you take it as a compliment, you're even stupider than I thought. Another guy I've been in the ring with is Maxwell Dachs and I'm just itching to step back in the ring with you so that I can show everyone how much of a fluke you are. Screw your imaginary championship. It's not prestigious, nor is it even on my radar of championships here at Dynasty. Maybe, if it was real, then I'd probably be a little impressed, but not by much. Right now, I feel hungry for tag team gold and everyone that is on the opposite side of the battle line is in my way regardless of who you are. You can either save yourself and move out of the way or I'll knock you down. The choice is up to you. Unfortunately for you, Maxwell, you have two opponents fighting side-by-side to kick your ass up, down, and all around the arena, so it should be a fun night, possible more fun than beating some sense into The Inferior Breed last week. Where are they now? Nowhere to be found and, needless to say, you three will all end up like them. The Dark Horses live by the creed: We die before we fail. It's etched in our minds every day we wake up to see another day. We use it as motivation to inflict pain on others and it works. You three are no different. Not a single one of you are willing to get on the same page to win and, by the time you choose to, we already won. Long live the Dark Horses!
~The Promise~

(The scene opens with TLA arriving at a vacant parking lot in his lowrider. He halts the vehicle as he blazes up a joint.)

Ayyyyyyyyyy it’s that ese vato TLA una vez mas comin’ at y’all with the Miami quickness STRAIGHT. OUTTA. DYNASTY. I’ve been trollin’ and rollin’ cuz the Iconomy is mad as fuck after last week. JJ Silva, Chris Elite, and Eclipse Diemos were forced to eat their words at the hand of the legendary Mr. DEDEDE and his Spear. Now I don’t give out props lightly and I never kiss ass so when I say that teaming up with the Savage Ryans was an honor, you know I mean it. But now… what’s next… oh wait I almost forgot. We at war. We still at war, and this shit just getting good. EAW takin’ on Dynasty and Dynasty takin’ on EAW, I been sidetracked. I give no fucks about politics but when you fuck with TLA’s set you know you gettin’ fucked with back. Meanwhile you know yo boi is reppin’ the New Breed. The Iconomy has been taking up all my time lately and that’s causing me to break a promise. My word matters to me so now it is time to start making up. I promised to be a fighting champion. I promised to take on all comers whether they have been here seven years, or seven days. That is why this week I have accepted a match with Calvin Lewis.

Last week Calvin Lewis was defeated by GI Styles on Dynasty. That’s gotta hurt! I say that tho not to insult Calvin Lewis but to highlight where he is at right now in his young career. See unlike certain members of the Iconomy who claim they are helping the next generation, the next breed of Dynasty... I am helping them in the only way that actually works. Fighting them and whipping they bitch asses. See I don’t believe in giving just anyone title shots. No average juan should just be handed a spot against any champion on Dynasty or any wrestling company for that matter. However, any hombre who wants a fight… should get one. That is something I will provide to anyone who wants to take it. Come take it or imma take yo girl from you. I don’t care if you are a five hundred pound murder machine ready to whip my ass in five minutes. That’s the way this business works. Eventually someone is going to beat me and take this championship. I have accepted that and I am fully prepared for that day. My job is to ensure that when they do… they deserve it. The Iconomy stole this championship. They didn’t deserve it, and that is why they will never be called champions for their short time carrying around this piece of gold. So when I go up against Calvin Lewis even in a non-title match… I gotta ask… do you deserve to be the New Breed Champion?

I don’t know you that well Calvin. You haven’t been around very long, but from what I’ve seen I have been very impressed. You picked up some big wins on the pre-shows but when the time came to make an impact under the bright lights you couldn’t deliver on your promise. I guess that makes two of us then. The difference is I have done everything in my power to make my promise a reality and will continue to do so until I am no longer called champion. You went out and you by any indication underestimated your opponent. You underestimated GI Styles. Or did you? I have been accused many times of not taking my opponents seriously, but when it came down to it, they were very… very wrong. So I will withdraw that accusation because for all your posturing, and all your ego… you very well could have prepared for GI Styles to your absolute fullest.

Which means you would have given it your all, and still it wasn’t enough. I honestly don’t think there’s a good spin here. Let’s stop trying to guess at what your strategies were and look more closely at your words. You bragged about running circles around GI Styles and having more talent in your little finger than he could ever possess. You bragged about a “perfectly executed gameplan” and even declared yourself a wrestling god. Then you declared yourself perfection, and I won’t argue with that as perfection is subjective. You very well could be what you consider perfection, but of course opinions differ. My favorite thing you said last week that I think really enforces my point… “One thing matters… Winning”.

You lost.

Now your glass house shatters and you got cut by the shards. None of your bullshit held up and that is exactly why I never make promises. Cuz more often than not you end up eating your words. I promised to be a fighting champion and by all accounts that is exactly what I have been, but any day that could change. Any day circumstances could cause me to be unable to defend my championship and to take on all comers. Then I become a liar just like anyone who listens to your words last week would consider you. I call you something else. Delusional. Cuz I honestly think you believed all of what you said. In your mind, you weren’t making idiotic and outlandish claims… to you that was reality. GI Styles shattered your reality and we haven’t heard from you since. So I wonder just how Mr. Perfect is gonna react. Are you going to let one loss hold you down… or are you going to come at me harder, faster, and stronger than you did to GI Styles? Because if you come at me with what you brought to the table last week, it’s gonna be a short night and Calvin Lewis… you can bet your perfect ass you will be…


(TLA stops bouncing in his lowrider as members of his crew approach and hand him cash before getting in. TLA drives away trailing smoke behind him.)
Tig Kelly
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post August 25th 2015, 8:46 pm by Tig Kelly
*A camera catches Tig slowly pacing a trail in the woods, sunset silhouetting him as he strikes a stick to the dirt trail a few times*

In many cultures, spilling fresh blood makes you a man. I've done some damage here and have done exactly what I've said when it comes to building my empire upon the bodies of your people, but one thing I've yet to do is get the chance to spill fresh blood.  They say that when you topple the unstoppable monster...that's when you can make your mark as a man and truly be revered as the top dog of the pack. Fact of the matter is, I haven't passed through a single top dog here even with my solid victories. You, Vance Tybull, you're where I make my mark. Fresh off becoming the man they all knew you could be yourself, I'm sorry to be the one that has to take you off of that pedestal so quickly and spoil your incredible story. I'm not a monster, I so feel for someone that is trying to do the same thing as me.....but that's where our stories bring me a strong, primitive feeling of disassociation. I hope you were watching when I planted my knees into the back of Lucian last week, the beloved hero he is, and took the win that was rightfully mine because if I get you down like that...I'll be eyeing the King's Gold like a true warrior would be when conquering. 

 Louis XVI, King of France, deposed 1792, executed 1793
Charles I, King of England, lost the English Civil War and executed in 1649
Alexander II, Tsar of Russia, Assassinated 1881
Julius Caesar, Emperor of Rome, Assassinated 44 BCE

Important men have a target on their back Vance. With such prized possessions in tow, you will always have guns pointed at you in the shape of hungry young threats that want all the riches that come with the throne. Like you, they may eventually succeed and take out the King to usurp the throne....but like you Vance I don't know if they're ready for someone like me to come along again. You may have had a hot hand coming up the ladder, but when you get there and have to fight for what you have and not what you want will you end up like every other King who conquered the throne? 

*Tig turns his focus directly into the camera*

I'm here to take Vance. I'm here to show you what I showed Lucian last week, what I showed Dachs the week before....hell even what I showed Carlos in our match. I'm fit for the throne and the crown is built for my head. This match may be none title but you better be clinging to that belt all week like its your last with it cause if you turn your back on me....I can make it your last. Last with the belt.....last in a ring....last with this company. 

I bow to no man and I fear nothing. You may have this in your blood, but I'm built to spill it out of you.
Jed Gannon
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post August 25th 2015, 8:34 pm by Jed Gannon

Last edited by Trent Yoder on November 5th 2015, 1:43 am; edited 1 time in total
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post August 25th 2015, 8:17 pm by showster26
We open on the Backstage area of the Forum arena, where Zackary Cooper is trying to get a word with Mark Michaels, who is too busy playing around with his smartphone o notice Cooper.  the words "Last Friday" appear in the bottom right corner.

Cooper: "Excuse me Mister Michaels, can I get a word about the upcoming six man tag match your scheduled for next week?"

Michaels: "Blah, blah blah Jaden sucks, Blah blah blah his teammates suck, yadda yadda yadda MY Teammates suck, and the only cunt I saw in Beverly Hills last week was  Alexandria's.  That's about all I have to say until the powers that be give me a real opponent, and quit teaming me up with the losers I faced the week before."

With that Michaels gets up and walks out of the arena.

We get it, DEDEDE. You came from nothing! You overcame the odds! You had a dream and you made it a reality! I don't know what you are trying to do here. I don't know if you are trying to gain my sympathy, these people's sympathy? But I know for sure you ain't going to get it, at least not mine. I've been through just as much as you have been through, hell, I have been through MORE than you have. You never had to fight for acceptance, you never had to strive for improvement because you were always good. You never felt the need to excel because you have always been on top of your game. I respect you for how accomplished, how talented you really are, but I don't respect the fact you're acting like you are someone's victim. You should quit acting like a little bitch and man up for once. You're the reason there's even a civil war. You're the reason a guy who should have never made it out of developmental is in power. There's still time. You can still rectify your mistake. You can still become a real man. If you join the fight against corruption. But I am probably getting my hopes up for nothing. You were never a real man and you never will be. I bet you will be hiding with Alex Anderson somewhere backstage while the war transpires because that's just who you are and you can't, you WON'T change. I haven't forgotten what you have done for this industry. You have contributed a lot to the success of EAW and the Dynasty brand in the past. Nobody can take that away from you. But it is NOW when this company needs you, it is NOW when Dynasty Wrestling needs you. Why don't you do "the impossible" for this brand NOW?? Oh, I know why. Because you're a COWARD. You fear Crash, you fear what he could do to you and that's what separates you and I from each other. I'm not afraid of Zack Crash or anyone in EAW or Dynasty Wrestling for that matter. You tremble just at the sound of his voice. My reaction when I hear Crash, when I see Crash? I just laugh honestly. Yeah, I feel a strong desire to punch him in the mouth too, but I laugh. I laugh  because the crown over his head is living proof of how weak, how vulnerable you are. Every single time I hear or see that worthless man he reminds me of the events that transpired that night, how you practically handed him this company on a silver platter. I don't know who you are going to feel like being this Friday when we meet again, but I sure as hell hope it's not who you were that night. I hope it's not the coward you are right now. I hope, I really, REALLY hope it's the man they call Methuselah. I wasn't quite satisfied with my victory over you the last time we faced off. I want you at your best this Friday so when I am crowned the first ever Dynasty World Champion because that is the only way I will be satisfied. I wasn't forced to represent Dynasty as it's champion at Pain For Pride 8. I chose to be Dynasty's representative and to be honest I would do it again. Because Dynasty needed me, EAW needed me. Nobody wanted to defend Dynasty not even you. Ultimately, I was the only one man enough to do the job. I lost the match thanks to Zack Crash's lapdogs, but trust me when I say this: When they stuck their nose in my business? That was the beginning of the downfall of Zack Crash. Crash's days as chairman are numbered and he WILL lose it all. He will be utterly powerless just like he was when he started.

I never wanted or expected you to fight my battles. For some reason I did expect you to be a man for once and fight for the brand you supposedly love so much. When did I beg you to do anything??? I never begged you for a damn thing and I will never beg you for a damn thing. Regardless how precarious the war gets I won't beg you to help Dynasty Wrestling. I would much rather fight and die alone than beg you to fight aside myself. Excuses, excuses and more excuses that's all you're giving us. Just be honest with these people and tell them the truth. Tell them you're not half the man I am or half the man you used to be and that's why you won't fight on our side, tell them. That's right, you're not even man enough to admit that. I know you're going into this match expecting to shatter my dreams into pieces, but you're in for a rude awakening, boy. I'll destroy YOUR dreams and shape up your nightmares. This has gone on for way too long. There's only one way to prove you wrong and that is by winning the world championship this Friday on Dynasty wrestling.
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post August 25th 2015, 2:50 pm by Mr. DEDEDE
It always comes back to this. No matter how far I stray from my laurels whether it be me embarking on a personal journey or a retreat from the daily patterns, here I find myself back to the basics, gratifying the senses, living to satisfy the first four chakras like it were my very first day in a Sunday Night Yahoo ring in February 2007 all over again. Fighting for the same thing -- hell even before that, even before the moderately big stage when I had absolutely nothing. Just a dream and a seasonal job while on the road eating TV dinners, puking my guts out in the shitty local gym, setting up the same rings we were going to wrestle in the next night. Sleeping on cots... and *snap* just like that, cots become five star hotels. High school gyms became Madison Square Garden. Mom's minivan became a private jet. From hoping to just get the biggest pop from the crowd to SIX MATCH OF THE YEARS! Look at me! Look how far I've come! Look how much I've accomplished! 

And here I am still on the same hunt. Still a part of the same chase I was in eight years ago. It's like no matter how far you go you're drawn back at that drawing board planning your strategy to go into your next match knowing that everything you've wished for hangs in the balance. I used to consider this life nothing more than a hell of hungry ghosts, all of us starving but refusing to die. It's was cute and fun to take the doom gloom and despair angle at everything and pretend to be this gnostic realist who sees the flaw in everything good that comes in life, but I've done a lot of learning over the last few months and I learned a little bit about what starvation looks like. This isn't it. THIS -- what I do -- THIS isn't a hunger, this is a fire. This Friday night I'm sharing the ring with three men who are quite familiar with that feeling, and they'll be fighting for the same prize that I am with everything they have. I can at least give them that, can't I? I know how bad they want this championship because I've gotten to share the ring with all of them and I've gotten to see the drive that exists within them. They won't have to remind me about how important this match is because I completely understand. It's ingrained in you once you get this far. This kind of desire to be on top is ingrained in you no matter how life changes, so I would hope this eliminates any question of why Mr. DEDEDE is going for his sixth World Championship. That's a question for the press to ask, perhaps for the fans, but there's three mouths I don't want to hear it from at any point this week or quite frankly ever again. I don't ever want to hear about "why" I'm still here, or "why" I'm constantly hogging the spotlight. I still take myself back to that place I was in when I won my first wrestling championship and stoop to the level that all title contenders essentially stoop to. I'm "lowering" myself or perhaps some of you might even go as far to say that I'm "willing" myself into this state of competition because my heart's never left it. If you had any heart for this business you'd understand it. Hell, that scrub Chris Elite asked me why I couldn't let wrestling go and that's how I knew that he didn't have it in him to ever amount to a damn thing in this sport. Someone who's hard wired to be a winner doesn't ask such a ridiculous question. Regardless, I gave the same reminder to him that I've given to many individuals throughout the years that tried to write me off with the same tired ass lines. I'm back like I never fucking left and it's because I haven't. And as long as my mind and body can move at the same exact pace I'll be around to take as many accolades as I see in front of me.

Which is bad news for anybody who had World Title aspirations on Dynasty Wrestling. I guess now that I've gotten the sentimental gab out of the way maybe I'll just jump right into the politics......... There's been all of this talk about "Dynasty's Champion" and who's going to lead Dynasty Wrestling into this civil war against Zack Crash. Lucian Black's already beat me to this topic because I was sure someone was going to point out how I haven't made any effort in helping Dynasty in this war. I knew someone would find a way to pull rank on me and forget about everything I've done for this industry as a whole, but that's fine, I get it, this is a "what have you done for me lately" sport in a "what have you done for me lately" world. Lucian Black, or anyone else for that matter can completely gloss over every time I've stepped up to the plate and fought corruption head on in this company. That doesn't change what this is about to me.... I told John Conning this to his face and I might as well say it here, this is NOT about Dynasty Wrestling and this is NOT about being Dynasty's Champion to me! I've bent over backwards, I've jumped through hoops, I've done the impossible for this brand alone and some of you have managed to do nothing but throw it right back in my face. Especially you, Lucian Black; you stood there and did nothing but accuse me of being corrupt and having no honor with no basis behind it, and when Zack Crash took the company away from me he reminded you of what true corruption looks like. And now here you are. You're fired from EAW, Dynasty Wrestling is your last outlet; without it you have nothing to turn to. Your dream of being World Champion goes up in smoke. Do you think I'm going to sit here and take that honorable pile of crap from you?? Maybe act like you're holding the banner for this brand out of the goodness of your fucking heart? No, you're in this ready position of war because you were forced here. You passed up your real chance at fighting corruption and you blew it. I'm not going to fight your battles for you and help you redeem yourself for your countless failures, and whether you that makes me fit to be "Dynasty's Champion" or not doesn't mean a damn to me. 

I won't EVER capitulate to the agenda of John Conning and fight Lucian Black's battles when they stood by a year ago and prayed on my downfall. I had EAW fast tracked into the right direction and the very same vultures who are begging me to take up arms and get on the frontlines in against the Evil Empire, these very same people drove daggers into my back and helped the evil emperor claim the throne. And you think I'm going to associate myself with incompetent morons like Lucian Black or self aggrandizing douchebags like Alex Anderson, who think they can lead Dynasty into the promised land? These fuckers think they've got any real sense of direction when they're doing 80 on this freeway blindfolded, and I'm supposed to swallow my pride and work hand in hand with these fucks? LET ALONE CALL THEM MY LEADER? MY CHAMPION? HELL NO. Don't get me wrong, this Friday I've got all the desire in the world of being "Dynasty's Champion" but this time it won't be some coined slogan or little buzz-word to make a failure feel self important, it'll be because I'm ACTUALLY Dynasty's champion! When it comes to my competitive drive nothing's changed. I'm not here to be somebody's underling, much less their darling. I'm not here as some affable guy next door who's going to bow out and turn the other cheek when you slap him across the fucking face. You must think because of all of the slaving away I've done for this business all these years I'm going to be Conning's grateful servant swearing loyalty to the soles of his penny loafers while he steps on the back of my fucking neck. A neck that's been snapped, conjoined to a back that's been broken just to lift you motherfuckers up, only for what? So you curb stomp me into the street!? FUCK THAT!

YES I've got a chip on my shoulder because I've been disrespected by so many people's expectations of me alone. I'm back to defy those expectations, as if I hadn't made a career out of it. One thing I cant wait to see though is that look on Alex Anderson's face when the excuses run out and he can't pull any more out of that bag of his. I remember when this prick stood there and told me I was picasso playing with crayons or something to that effect. I kind of lost my temper albeit and I let it get to me, but at the time I had forgotten that this was coming from someone who's five year career highlight is eliminating Hades the Hellraiser in an Elimination Chamber. I had forgotten that this was the same guy who nobody gave a fuck about until he created an imaginary title, opened up a fake wrestling school and politicked his way into a title shot. But one thing I didn't know about was what that title shot would eventually amount to. I thought maybe he would prove the world wrong, maybe he actually was better than Tyler Parker, or maybe he was all talk. Guess which bell rang true? And you know as funny as it was to see Alex Anderson yet again fail to live up to his own hype, it's going to be hilarious, I swear to God, I'm going to laugh when I see him look up in awe as the man he belittled mere months ago is casually standing over him holding everything he's ever worked for. 

It's going to be rich when "The Dynastguard" or "The Fabled Conqueror" gets proven to be just that -- a FABLE. A fictional story. Not worth the hype or even the time of day. It's going to be comical how the man he screwed out of the AWF Championship screws him out of Dynasty's Championship and he's relegated to being nothing more than my underling; that is if I don't stomp him out with my oppressive boot.

And the punchline is going to be none other than Lucian Black who is going to experience what it's like to TRULY be beaten decisively. He thinks because he got one win over me in an exhibition match that he's gotten the best of me, but how about when I strip him of the very title he clings to to help him sleep at night? What then, when I take away the credential that was HANDED to him and take up that physical embodiment of being Dynasty's Champion? As much as I like to think objectively and try to refrain from making guarantees and risk being a liar, I'll take the risk this time. I GUARANTEE YOU Lucian Black doesn't leave Dynasty Wrestling as Champion. You all have my word that I'm going to make sure of it, because I need to see it. I need to see his reaction when he fails again. The sadist in me craves it, I love seeing dumb pieces of shit like him suffer, because they deserve it. The people who drove daggers into my back and called for my head in favor of Crash deserve it. The turmoil EAW's in now, EAW deserves it. What Ryan Savage and I have planned for the Hexa-Gun, they deserve it. And I think it's obvious that after all I've been put through, Dynasty Wrestling has gotten what it's deserved. Everyone gets what they deserve, and so will I.


Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)

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