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Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!) :: Comments

Dennis Caffrey
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post October 22nd 2015, 1:37 am by Dennis Caffrey
{David is watching the Cubs and Mets game on his iPad while trying to train for his upcoming match. He signals for the cameraman to come in.}

Gym Employee: Uh you guys aren't allowed to film in here. 

Uh I'm famous so relax. 

Gym Employee: But my boss will probably get mad. 

Ok and how's that my problem?

Gym Employee: Well because you're the one breaking the rules. 

Doesn't that sound familiar? A man that does everything by the book! What a small world. But for real leave us alone. I'm trying to do something here. 

Gym Employee: You haven't even lifted a weight yet. No cardio either. 

Yeah I'll get to that but first let me laugh at the Cubbies. Some things never change and I guess that applies to Dynasty Wrestling as well. What a bunch of negative Nancy's we have here. Seriously has Dynasty always been this depressing? I feel like my life is being sucked right outta me. You see, Jack and I, we like to have fun. We like to enjoy life because it's too short to act like little stuck up.. grouches. Yeah I'm trying to watch my language lately because I'm aware that there's a lot of kids watching me talk right now because to be honest, I'm a natural treasure at this rate. Let's just call it what it is people. I want to be more honest with you guys. I want to tell you how I really feel instead of tap dancing around the topic, so without further adieu I'm bored. Not like I have nothing to do bored, but tired bored, ya know? Listening to all of these people talk and to be honest, not one of them has grabbed my attention. Nobody has had me say wow, that guy or girl just has it. They could captivate a room full of deaf and blind people! And I already know that one of my opponents will come out here all butthurt, telling me how The High Rollerz hasn't said anything relevant. They'll go on to say that we are failed comedians! Same old ammo making zero dents or holes  fellas. Why does everyone get the impression we are trying to be funny? Because we actually show emotion? Because we don't sound like we are reading off a script like most of you? I guess I'll never understand you're reasoning. In the meantime please give me examples. Please tell me when we were trying to be funny? Go on, do it. That's what I thought. Fuck you Brando. Well my wholesome use of language lasted about ten seconds. A personal best. 

Yeah I'm not going to waste anytime here because I can't do anything fun related without one of my opponents crying about it. One day I plan on surfing on your salty tears. It shall be the biggest wave this world has ever seen. When I think about it, their lives just sound so great. Really upbeat for sure. Must be a real blast to be around. So let's get things started and let's begin with the champs again. Now Impact you seem rather upset. Recently we saw you storm off with your eyes super wide open with anger! Boy oh boy! Calm down! I'm worried about your health. I don't want you to get a heart attack. This world would obviously stop spinning without you in it. Ugh I don't even want to think about it. Let's change the subject. Impact you spoke a lot lately. Had a good conversation with my friend Jack I see. The thing is I'm not going to listen to every single word you said because I plan on going to bed within the next week. So if I'm not mistaken you said you expect us to be released from our contracts soon. Personal vendetta, gotta love it. So I think it's fair to say that it's a good thing you don't run Dynasty. What a mistake that would be. You're right this business is not sunshine or lollipops, but maybe unicorns and leprechauns. That's a different story. Seriously stop talking about your past accomplishments. Every other sentence is about how you won this title or how you beat this opponent. Ok and? I know most of your accolades by now. Most people do. It's not hard to search and find. So no need to go on a tangent ok? Ok cool lets just focus on this match because I'm sick of taking the many trips down memory lane. So I see you are calling us The Holy Rollerz now. Very cleva, VERRRRY CLEVA! You're so good at word association. Well not really, but sure. A gold star for you. Let's see what else did you say? Isn't this a bad sign? When you can't remember what your opponent said? Impact will probably say something like it's because you don't have the brain capacity to store it all! Nah it has more to do with me not caring about what  you had to say. But hey, you do have your moments. Kids say the darnest things don't they? Let's seeeeee, hmmmmmmm, oh yeah didn't you say something like we don't belong in this match? Odds are you did because that's been your story since earlier this week and it appears you're sticking to it. Why? I don't know. The world may never know. But um we do  belong in this match. We did qualify, I don't understand what you don't get about this. And the whole there was only meant to be four teams in this match was quite, what's the word I'm looking for.. seeing as he views us as children, I'll say stupid. Ok so who were supposed to be the original teams in this match? Shake that magic eight ball one more time. Oh you don't use one? Weird because your “inside information” seems just as reliable. Wait I did write down one of your quotes. I just had too. I just want to know who thought this was a good idea when you said, “Ripley you are a shitfaced stain on the bed, your mother should've swallowed you…” Like really? You also said something about abortions. Hmm when you thought of this, you obviously thought it was good enough for you to say out loud to the public. Why? Who gave you the green light on this? Was it HBG? The fuck is even a shitfaced stain? I expected better. Boo Impact, boo! Fuck glass weapons I'm going to throw tomatoes at your face. Don't worry, I'll hit my target, my last name isn't Wilson. Ok so was that about it Impact? I'm sure you said other stuff which is cool, but odds are your words served no further purpose. No need to dissect them. God my eyelids are struggling to stay open and  don't worry it has nothing to do with you per se. It's just I only got fourteen hours of sleep. It's rough man. 

Then there's the Heart Break Gal. I noticed something. Something I'm curious about. As I was looking up some of EAW’s history I noticed there's a Heart Break Boy. At first I thought aww that's cool for a brother sister combo, but let's be honest here, you two aren't related unless you were adopted which would make a little sense. Or were you two an item? Used to fuck yeah? Was his pull out game strong? Or are you a mother? If so, congrats. I'm sure Impact is a wonderful step dad. Two legends in this business being Eskimo brothers? How cute. But I'm sure it doesn't stop at two. Now HBG you should watch your mouth. You should act more lady like ya know? Yeah you know. If not somebody get me Mike Ditka and tell her to “STOP IT!” Now calling us dumbass rookies? Nah I don't like it. It doesn't really roll off the tongue. Come up with something better, something more accurate. Thanks, you're a peach. Whoa! I never discredited you because of your gender. Women are awesome. Gender wise they are definitely in the top two. Well.. actually yeah. Ewwwww enough with the love stories by the way. How Impact saw something in you, now he helped trained you, how he would pat you on the back after a good deed… so you're a dog. Good to know. I suppose that was obvious. So I probably didn't have to point that out. Hopefully he potty trained you as well. Wouldn't want him to roll up a newspaper and hit you on the nose with it. For the record I still fail to see how we are nobodies. But I get it, it's the go to insult in that generic deck of cards you've been playing with this entire time. Please all I ask is for you to make this interesting. That goes for any of you. Thaaaaaaaanks! Now where was I? I don't remember so let's just talk about your list of accomplishments. You became a household name after two weeks! Of course you think that, dear. You even won the Vixen’s title in a month! Ok that doesn't help you case against Jack in saying that women are strong. Just makes it sound like the vixens division was easy, that the title didn't have any value or prestige. How many vixens were there when you started? I'm just curious because I don't know. I like to get all of the facts instead of just make accusations like some people, ya know? Obviously you don't.  And Impact won a title in his debut match! Again how many people were in EAW at the time? Was this when EAW first opened its gates? Were there three brands? Were the rosters overflowing with contracted wrestlers? Because in today’s EAW or Dynasty, it seems a little more difficult. I don't see anybody getting title matches in their debut, do you? Things change. So I'm not exactly blown away by this bit of information. I also don't see how you think we are weak. Are we not contending for the titles that are on your’s and Impact’s shoulders? Furthermore how have we proven to be “dipshits?” Good lord you really are Y2Impact lite. I can see why you two are a thing. Match made in heaven. Then there is JJ with his whole remember two weeks ago routine! Again somebody please get me Mike Ditka to tell this fool to “STOP IT!” Seriously I've gone over this like five times. What are you looking to accomplish? Other than to look like an imbecile? Nothing? Ok cool, seems legit. What has changed since that match? I don't know JJ, how about gaining more experience? Derrrrrp. You see you think you're whole little squad is so much better than us! Because of one meaningless match? A match that was our very first? Yeah we didn't have to bust our ass in front of five people at the supermarket. I told Conning that if you didn't like our progress, then you can cut us. There would be no hard feelings but it appears to me that this partnership is working quite well since we find ourselves competing at a PPV three weeks in and have the opportunity to strike gold. But obviously you're so much better JJ! Obviously you're fighting for so much more! God damn give the man his world title matches already! Oh but that's right, there's nothing special about you. I forgot. You call us boring and my immediate reaction isn't to even say a word, but to chuckle. Because again you don't have any potential. The well has run dry. Maybe you did when you first started but it's quite clear that you're not going anywhere. You won't ascend. You won't rise to the occasion. You'll just be.. well, JJ. So now I know why you wear that eye patch. You want to stick out a bit. You want people to remember who you are!! The difference is Jack and I don't need props to help us leave our mark. I'm often told that wrestling isn't a race, but a marathon. So let's compare our accolades six months from now and I guarantee you that we’ll actually have some while your trophy case will remain untouched and dusty. Yeah I'll refrain from making a joke there. By the way I'm glad you're not using that same cringe catchphrase. Thanks for listening to my commands. Good boy, here's your Scooby snack. I was going to say hi to DEDEDE but he's too busy trying to out scream HBG in an orgasm off. So I'll stay away. Anybody else talk? No ok cool.
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post October 22nd 2015, 12:37 am by Mr. DEDEDE
"Never meet your idols"

That's what they say isn't it HBG? Tell me how disappointed you are, because I don't think I have a clue! I've never idolized a man before in my life -- maybe I've looked up to some, maybe I've respected others, perhaps I've even drawn some inspiration from great and powerful men; but never have I experienced what it's like to have an idol. I've too used to being the idol. I am the one who for so long has been worshipped by so many people... and sometimes it takes retrospect to bring me to realize that. That's just how we as people are, we always focus on the negative, we have our sights set on the doom and gloom and we always overlook the simple pleasant idiosyncrasies of this great big beautiful world we live in! I guess it's why we got to this stage in the first place, by obsessively focusing on our weakness and making them strengths. Maybe if you opened your little ears and had a brain in your head my words wouldn't go in one ear and out the other; maybe what I actually said would have marinated when I called myself the underdog, because in no way was I implying that I'm the small dog in the fight, but rather Ryan Savage and I have been the underdogs from day fucking one because we for all intents and purposes were NEVER supposed to be here! We were never supposed to be allies, we were in completely different leagues; and unlike you and Impact it took us damn near a fucking year to get a tag team title shot--NOT THE TITLES, A TITLE SHOT, SOMETHING YOU WERE HANDED WITHIN A MONTH--SO YES HBG, If you were competent in your job as a commentator at all and you actually paid attention to what the fuck was in front of you week in and week out you'd know damned well that Ryan and I were the least likely to succeed in this realm of competition... and guess the fuck what? We did. You don't have the authority to go around implying that my beliefs are arbitrary, because I can back up everything I say and I can answer for everything I've ever said even if the correct answer is "I was wrong". I can talk about what I know, and you'll never see me talking about what it's like to have me as an idol so you should perhaps enlighten me... because I don't know a thing about having a mentor, I've had to fight from day one and create every opportunity myself. I don't know what it's truly like to be you HBG. I can imagine it's difficult, I can imagine it's pleasurable having such influence in the world of women's wrestling, but I can imagine it's tough having to play catch up constantly to the physical limitations you're born with when trying to compete a man's sport. A very violent, borderline bloodsport at that. But hey, all in all, I truly don't know. A God would know, but that's not how I see myself anymore. While you're so wrong for thinking I'm a hypocrite you're also so right for acknowledging that yes: my ideologies do change. They change because I'm not a God. It's also because I know I'm not a God. And I sure as hell am not a poor man's demigod like that walking contradiction you have for an ally out of Y2Impact. I try my best not to live my life in absolutes HBG, and it bothers me making absolute statements because we all do it. And we've all been proven wrong for doing it. We've all been outed as liars for making promises that we eventually couldn't keep, but I'm going to have to make some absolute statements. You might be thinking maybe I ought to take a good look at the man in the mirror and see so many of the things I held true and dear to my heart before I turn my back on them, but why don't you take a look at the man by your side who refuses to stare himself in the mirror every day and instead has his eyes fixed on a shiny piece of Championship gold and a new position of power constantly protected by his hired guns! OHHH--what??? You're going to give me the "we won these belts at Pain for Pride on our own" spiel???? Even after I admitted I lost???? Even after I bellowed it from the top of my lungs, even as I exposed all my flaws, the false accusations continue to fly!

But don't either of you ever get it fucked up, I don't mask a goddamned thing. 

I don't have to hide a thing about me, and because of that I can see right through the cheap foundation covering the marks you're so afraid to show! I wear my scars like a badge, you hide your scars under a suit, and hire four guns to partake in your battles on WEEKLY FUCKING BASIS to mask what you're too afraid to show! Take a good look HBG, take a look at my ascension and take a look at yours, or better yet take a look at Impact's! I'm not going to try to convince you of anything HBG... I won't try to convince you to change your outlook on Impact, but you should really mind your sassy little fucking tongue and watch what it is you say when you hurl terms like "hypocrisy" at THE GAWD. You should take a look at your surroundings first -- you're getting a bit too comfortable with the way you're talking to me as if other people can't hear you completely shrug away the facts and regurgitate counter arguments for points I never made. I've been open and honest from the beginning, I've been an open book for a while now and you know damned well when I bring up Match of the Universe or stables of the past they. Project EGO kicked the hell out of me. They kicked the FUCKING SHIT OUT OF ME. GUESS I SHOULD'VE GIVEN UP THEN HUH? GUESS I WAS A SENILE OLD FUCK TOO AFRAID TO TAKE HIS LOSSES LIKE A MAN! NOW I ASK YOU, WHERE ARE THEY NOW? WHERE IS PROJECT EGO? WHAT HAS BECOME OF IT'S LEADER SINCE I BEAT HIM--SOUNDLY. Something you couldn't do in your last encounter , Impact Wink OR -- leading back to your point Imp, you brought me to hell and back at Pain for Pride 6! MATCH OF THE UNIVERSE WAS ARGUABLY THE SINGLE MOST ARDUOUS TRIAL ANOTHER MAN HAS EVER PUT ME THROUGH. You gave me everything, I gave you everything! I NEEDED TO BE CARRIED OUT... BUT WHO WON? .............. Immediately you're thinking right now "well DEDEDE's just trying to cover up his flaws of today by promoting his feats of the past." No, if I were trying to cover up my flaws of today I'd hire four motherfuckers to involve themselves in every match I compete in and masquerade it as some "campaign for the resurrection of Extreme" horseshit and proudly swing my Championships in the air as if I earned it all by myself! When I bring up my past feats they're not meant to dissuade you at all, it's actually the opposite, it's more of a challenge. Give me something new! What has Hexagun done to me that I haven't experienced and come back from only to win in the end!? Can't answer that can you!!!? What's the ace in your sleeve that I can't see coming!? What's your secret weapon!? Luzmala?? I beat him! Ryan and I took out one of your own in David X! PIZZA BOY has been able to defeat Drake & Jones and when it comes down to it HBG, Impact; you know where we stand on a level playing field.... 

But what we have between us doesn't end in your accord, Mercenaries. You want to bring up the past Impact? Like I can't play that same tired old game too???? tHow about when you stood in that ring and told the world "Y2Impact" isn't "Y2Impact" with a Championship around his waist? Now wouldn't it be a sight for sore eyes if someone can do to you what was done at Road To Redemption 7 and take away everything that makes you what you are? Wouldn't it be funny if it were me????? Or are you going to do what HBG has accused me of doing and that's turn back on your words? Are YOUR mantras going to be nothing but dollar store philosophies? Will YOU be the new Gawd of hypocrisy? Are YOU going to be what you criticize me to be? Are you going to jump behind another human shield? Maybe blame HBG for the misfortune that awaits when I strip Y2Impact of everything that makes him Y2Impact!? Maybe let the hate fester inside you for another four years! Maybe face me in Match of the Universe II in 2019!! MAYBE YOU CAN LOSE IN THAT MATCH TOO!!!! Look at history and see how it repeats!!!!! Look how I respond when backed into a wall against the "big bad bully"!!!! Look at how they always turn out to be sheep in wolf's clothing in the end!!! Look at what happens to Y2Impact when someone takes his verbiage, his diction, his syntax, his RHETORIC, HIS SPEW AND SHOVES THEM DOWN HIS DISGUSTING THROAT! LOOK AT HOW HE REACTS TO THE TASTE OF THAT BITTER DOSE OF HIS OWN MEDICINE AND LOOK HOW HARD IT IS FOR HIM TO SWALLOW IT! LOOK AT WHAT BECOMES OF HIM EVERY TIME MR. DEDEDE GETS HIS WAY IN THE END! LOOK AT THE ABYSMAL LOWS HE'S RELEGATED TO SHORTLY AFTER! IT'S THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN, IT'S A RE-RUN, IT'S BORING, IT'S TIRED, IT'S THE SAME CRUEL AND DARK PUNCHLINE TOLD OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND IT'S NOT FUNNY ANYMORE AND NOBODY'S LAUGHING! ....... Okay, maybe it's still a little funny.

I still have a sense of humor, so I find it somewhat humorous... 

Humorous... like how they say "Never meet your idols because they just might disappoint."

But how about we flip that on it's head and say "Never challenge your idols because you'll just end up disappointed?" And not because youridol couldn't put up a fight, but because you were never truly a challenge. That sounds like a good punchline to me. Embellishing I might be because maybe you were a challenge HBG, but in the end it really doesn't even fucking matter. This wonky, wacky little world where Heart Break Gal holds a candle to The Gawd and her life of debauchery dancing and flaunting her golden trinkets in her golden palace comes without an end... oohhhhh, but if she knew that such a world doesn't even exist! They say life as you know it is just a blindfold pulled over the eyes... and the removal of that blindfold is what resonates to many as an "apocalypse".

Sooner or later HBG I'm going to rip that fucking woll from your eyes and show you what it's like to experience a real live apocalypse. One where I wipe away your delusions and you're forced to rebuild from the ashes that remain of your imaginary kingdom where you and Impact reign sovereign. I'll take you through the same planes of Hell that Mikado Sekaiichi, Heart Break Boy, Dark Demon and even your partner have all been dragged through! You want to challenge me to look myself in the mirror when all that looks back is a reflection!? How about I take you by the hand take you by the hair and force you to look into the glass -- perhaps as soon as House of Glass; and you're going to stare into the truth as it stare's back at you! Your fantasy of accomplishing your goals and dreams at my expense will remain just that -- A FANTASY! BECAUSE YOU LIVE IN JUST THAT -- A FANTASY! YOU'VE TAKEN THE RED PILL, BUT YOU PROBABLY THOUGHT THIS WONDERLAND WOULD LAST FOREVER AND YOU COULD ROAM AS EQUALS IN MY WORLD BECAUSE YOU HAVEN'T GOTTEN A TASTE OF DEFEAT BY MY HANDS! YOU IDOLIZED ME MORE THAN LIKELY BECAUSE YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD HAVE WHAT I HAVE, BUT TO OBTAIN WHAT I HAVE COMES WITH A PRICE! ARE YOU WILLING TO PAY THAT PRICE???? ARE YOU GOING TO TAKE ME TO DEPTHS WHERE NO MAN HAS EVER TAKEN ME TO KEEP ME DOWN? OR ARE YOU GOING TO KEEP CALLING MY BLUFF UNTIL IT'S TOO FUCKING LATE!? BETTER ASK YOURSELF THE TOUGH QUESTIONS NOW MY OLD FRIEND, BECAUSE AT HOUSE OF GLASS THE BLUE PILL AWAITS! AND BOY, IS THAT A BITTER PILL TO SWALLOW!

Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post October 22nd 2015, 12:07 am by showster26
Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!) - Page 10 Lux3677ex.103501_xx

We open on the exterior of the Chatwal Hotel in New York City, New York. It is the envy of all luxury hotels, from it's classic décor, to its spacious rooms, to the reputation of being the Platinum standard of elegance and comfort.  What's more is the fact that this hotel is only a half hour drive from the Barclay Center, the home of this year's House Of Glass FPV.  Members of the press, from card carrying members of the associated press, to wanna be paparazzi, all crowd around the entrance.  The mob of media press in closer as the front door swings open to reveal Mark Michaels accompanied by two lovely young ladies (one is a thin blonde, almost anorexic blonde with dark eyes, the other is a bit more curvey Red Head with deep blue pupils).  The self Proclaimed Social Media Champion is dressed sharply in his Hugo Boss "Jery" style slim fit Dress shirt along with his "Shark" style dress pants, accentuated by his black Ferragamo sued loafers, and of course his favorite pair of gold rimmed Gucci Aviator sunglasses.

Reporter: "Mister Micheals, why are you staying here when the other Dynasty wrestlers staying at the NU in Brooklyn?"

A grinning Michaels replies

"Because the girls wouldn't be caught dead staying at the NU, so we simply had to find somewhere that was more in line with the standards of the Social Media Champion."

"House of Glass is just two days away, how are you feeling?"

"I'm Feeling more excited than when Ryan Savage mentions Mr. DEDEDE, did you guys get a chance to listen to that poor sap?  Come on Ryan get your shit together, and stop making that man-crush you have on DEDEDE so obvious.  I mean, you get this like... glow in your eyes every time you mention his name.  All I can say is thank god the video I saw was shot from the waist UP.  Now about  House Of Glass, You want those tag titles?  You NEED those titles?  Dude what you need is to put down the fork before you collapse.  You say that you're motivated for the Tag Team Gauntlet match?  Well you can be the most motivated in the world this Saturday, it won't help you overcome my Perfection.  Because a big, dumb, Savage can't beat a civilized man who's ready for him.  But if you do feel you need to get our some of those sexual frustrations you must be having, and decide to just beat the hell out of someone, try and make it one of those idiots in the High Rollerz, either one would be fine.

So let me get this straight, beating up homeless guys for ten buck a night make you qualified to take on an athlete at the top of his game?  And counting cards somehow keeps you from getting pinned?  If this is all just a master plan to make every one underestimate you, then why did you just admit to doing something illegal  on camera?  Here's a free tip geniuses, the next time you want people not to notice you, don't go around talking shit about them.  Yes you boys have are on a hot streak after winning all of one match.  But remember, I beat Regulator and two other jackasses two weeks ago, and I didn't need a partner to do it!  So pull the aces out of your sleeves, and your heads out of your asses, because you pair of duces are about to going all in against a full house of me, and all of my followers... And I guess Angelo too. 

And Chris, I wonder if you would still think it's cute to try and steal my copyrighted catch phrase if I was to sue you for the few pennies a guy like you calls a salary.  And sorry I didn't stick around to watch the blooper reel after every game, I guess I'm not an easily entertained moron such as yourself.  And make no mistake about it, you are a moron because you fail at simple math.  You see, two hundred percent of zero, is still zero! Now as for you little buddy JJ, well he can run his mouth all he wants about Iconomy this, Thinks he's not going to get his ass kicked that, I really don't care, because even if he did want the tag team championship more than everyone else, I would personally make him realize that we don't always get what we want. Well I do, but you Iconomy peons usually don't.  And Come House of Glass, you most defiantly won't. 

Speaking of House of Glass, that's where I'm going to take your title Heart Break Gal.  You keep spouting this feminist none sense, I'm not saying I am going to beat you just because your a woman, I'm saying it because as a professional wrestler, I simply out class you in every way.  Hell, I'm better than you and your little friend Zoned partner combined.  But I will give you one point, I do believe that it is a man's world, that's  because it's MY world that you, and every other man, woman, and child are living in!"

"And how do you feel about her partner Y2Impact?"

"Well aside from his barber college haircut, and the mane he chose to  have the whole world know him by, I'd actually say he's a real ring general, and a damn fine talent.  If only he didn't have to hide behind Heart Break's skirt.  I thought Angelo was always hiding behind Ivy, and Victoria, at least he let's them stay outside the ring!  Meanwhile, I guess nowadays, Impact only has a flashy patch of skin where his ball used to be, how else do you go from being the guy who won a title in his first match, A fact he won't allow us to forget, to being HBG's bitch?  I can't help but to laugh at him every time he tries to impress Heart Break Girl by repeating the same equity crap she said just a minute before.  But hey they are equals, because after House of Glass they'll both be Former World Tag Team Champions. 

And Last, but not quite least somehow, is Mr. DEDEDE.  I've already told you the Picture Perfect truth about your career, you know how it's basically over and it's time for me to rise up in your place, but when I look more closely at the word you said yesterday it makes me realize that... you have absolutely don't have it anymore, like at all.  Here you are trying to psych everyone out with this bullshit you're crazy bit, and here we all are not buying into it.  Well Maybe Ryan Savage is, but he's so into to you that if you told him the sky was green he'd believe you.  But as for the rest of us, we all know it's horseshit, and if that's all you've got left in you anymore  than you shouldn't even bother to show up at the Barclay Center in forty eight hours, because if you do, you're going to get destroyed by the Hashtag Hero, The  Destiny of Dynasty, The man who has crossed cultural boarders to become a true citizen, and treasure to the world.  And whether you like it or not, the same thing that will happen to you, will happen to anyone who stands in my way of becoming the World Tag Team Champion, and Dynasty-A-W's biggest crossover star.

This Saturday night, In my FPV debut, I got this one hashtag in the bag, because I will put on the show of a lifetime as I single Handedly defeat four teams consisting of the eight best that the world has to offer me.  And when I do, the number of followers will continue to grow, and I will be the Brightest burning star in all of media, social or otherwise, and the rest of you will all just have to picture THAT!"

The reporters simultaneously try to ask more questions, but Michaels simply ignores them as he strolls arm-in-arm with the girls.

Fade To Black
House Of Glass # 5

A display of different portions of everyone's promos are constructed in a video package. After the video package the camera pans to JJ who is standing backstage in the interview space alone with a microphone.

JJ: I think it's a safe assumption to make when I say we're all at the point to where things seem to be heating up. Everyone is throwing out their harsh opinions and some even seem to be irrational. In just this one week, I've heard more than I need to understand just exactly who I'm dealing with. All my observations are complete, and now it's time for action. You see, anyone can make claims such as they're the better team but the thing is.. this match is anyone's game. As noted before, The Mercenaries don't even have to be involved in the decision to lose those titles and that is where they feel uneasy.. but who wouldn't? That's a tough pill to swallow. Each and every team is preparing in their own ways, whether it be doubling up on training or even just playing mind games with those involved. There is no certain way to walk in with a win guaranteed and that's just the way it is. Although a win isn't a given, that will not stop being me from walking into this match and kicking each and everyone of your asses right alongside Chris. A win definitely isn't a certainty but I'm walking into this with a We're going to win mindset no matter what. I'm going into this match with a we're better than you attitude. I've said before that I don't care about past accolades and that still will remain my thoughts.. but I will not be blinded by the talents it took for those accomplishments. With that being said, The Iconomy will not make the same mistake as everyone in this match and choose to underestimate our opponents.. we know exactly what we're dealing with for each of them.This match is going to showcase a whole different side of myself that has yet to be seen. I want those Tag Team belts more than anything in the world and nothing is going to stop me from obtaining them. To everyone in this match, you'll be seeing a very malicious JJ Silva. No matter who it is, I'm going to fight them until they are laying lifelessly on the ground. I don't care if it's HBG, Jack Ripley, Mark Michaels or even Ryan Savage.. I will break each one of you and show them exactly why The Iconomy are warriors. We... We are elite. No matter what ignorance The Mercenaries are spewing out about us, they will not be able to stop the drive that we have. You see, we have a fire and passion that cannot be mimicked. No matter if you see us as a threat or not, we will stand face to face with you and we will give you the fight of your life come Saturday. This is far from any ordinary match, it’s a match in which each and everyone of us are willing to put everything on the line and that is what will make the ultimate difference in the outcome.

Jack Ripley and David Davidson.. Your petty threats with your childlike jokes are worthless. In this entire trash talking time, you’ve been the clear definition of what boring looks like. You guys claim to be a better team but yet just a few weeks back you reminded us about your inexperience. What could have possibly changed within the very short time period to make you two legit contenders for a match of this caliber? You guys bag a few wins and assume you’re hot shit but in reality your overconfidence will be the reason you fail not only this match, but as a team in the long run. The truth is you were placed in a big spot and now the two of you are in a situation you can’t handle but you sure as hell are going to try. Anyone in their right mind would make the attempt but those people would realize the situation they’re in by openly acknowledging the fact they’re the less favored and even embrace that but the two of you neglected it. Instead you’ve taken the path of honestly believing you’re better than us which will easily be the biggest mistake of your careers. No matter who the team is to teach you that lesson, rest assure.. you will learn it. You’ve refused to comply with the basic knowledge obtainable to even a child’s logic, so for that The Iconomy will take on your burden and dispositive you deservingly.

This match is a huge match and most of our careers, and I won’t let it slip away from my fingertips. I have it fully grasped tight and I’m going to run with the opportunity to finally seize what I’ve had in my sights for a long time… I’m going to gain redemption on those who have denied The Iconomy!   

For We Are Truly Elite!

With A True Revolution!

*Fades to black.*
The Consigliere
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post October 21st 2015, 11:03 pm by The Consigliere
HBG: When I'm happy, I smile. When I see or hear something funny, I just laugh. It's not rocket science, it's just human nature. Our facial expression and body languages automatically responds according to how we feel whether we want it to or not, letting another person see how exactly we're feeling in a way words couldn't. I speak the truth. I am an open book. One can easily tell when I'm mad, or flustered or frustrated especially dealing with mostly retards and special needs children in this Tag Team Championship match; it's any given week.

And when you're Chris Elite and you want to give the impression that you're smarter than you lead on, playing the role of the renowned psychotherapist to boost some points, it just makes everyone else laugh not only for the inaccuracy of your findings and your misdiagnosis, but also the lone fact that you even attempted, in your sad pathetic existence overall. Playing Doctor Phil and trying to reach in the mind of a master manipulator like myself, while knowing you need therapy yourself is a very Chris Elite thing to do. But I'll humor you, Chris. I know these days have been tough for you. You can't win your matches. You couldn't win against Hexa-Gun. You've been a monumental disappointment to your leader. You have been an embarrassment to the Iconomy, taking pride in scoring a victory against garbage wrestlers in Dynasty Wrestling who are exactly on your level. Can you really tell me with that brave and confident drooling face of yours that somebody like Chris Elite is going to take these titles out of our hands? Am I just going to sit here and accept that you think you can rock with legends like Mr. DEDEDE and Y2Impact without keeping in mind that they'd knock you out with one boot to the face? I acknowledge the fact that there's a faint chance that we'd lose. I know the risks. I know what I'll be going through just by stepping in the ring alone, but it doesn't really change my will to fight and the fact that I REFUSE to let that happen. I am not going to cry in the corner, telling everyone how my opponents have been rude to me. I don't choose to just suddenly read books and watch videos on psychiatry and claim that I can tell what you're feeling beneath your brave exterior. Why do you think I come out here and deal with people like you who just give me a fucking migraine each time you open your mouth? Why do you think I try to speak my mind several times a week for the sake of telling off mentally handicapped rookies like The High Rollerz? That's because I want to share how much this match means to me, the lengths I'm willing to go to in order to ensure victory for my team, Chris. I'd like to let them know that I am not taking them lightly no matter how tough they think they are. That's what keeps me going. That's what makes me optimistic in this sad world full of pain and unfairness and never-ending misery -- the fact that nobody else matters as long as I get the last laugh, while you sit here and look like more of an idiot than normal, sitting on his armchair, smoking a cigar, trying to get in my head the same way I've gotten in his, but he fails at it because even Mr. 200% couldn't access 5% of his intelligence if he wanted to. I tell you that you're a loser because that's just what you are and a championship win can't change that. I tell you that you're losing this match because that's exactly what is expected to happen as you've witnessed many others fall victim to The Mercenaries and Hexa-Gun. There is no deeper meaning, Chris. It's not rocket science. There is no anger or malice behind it. Y2Impact and I are winning this match, The Mercenaries will retain their titles. You can run to the ring being the confused directionless fool like you've always been... you can pull the underdog card and tell us that so many constant losses will eventually transform into victory; the gambler's fallacy. But heck, The Savage Ryans have said the same leading up to our match on Showdown, and look how it turned out for them. 

But, you know, try.
You expect me to believe your winnings in those casinos were a result of your effort and unwavering persistence? That you come from a humble upbringing where values of virtue and decency were imparted into you? Nobody believes you, nobody believes your involvement in this match is well-deserved or that you're more skillful than other extremists that weren't blessed with the same opportunity, and frankly, for someone with so little seniority who is still far too green to have any comprehension of protocol around here, I guarantee you these fickle fans couldn't give a damn whether or not you care. Moreover, it's my job to retaliate to any ignorant afterthought that dares to defy me, it's written on my contract -- a contract that is undoubtedly more lucrative than yours and not by just a little -- however, it is NOT my job to elicit an emotional response from you, or in your words, "make you care," so I'd strongly advise you go back to square one, pick up your "Wrestling for Beginners" pamphlet, retrace your steps, and completely forget everything you know about this profession, because the reality is that you know absolutely nothing. You've gotten your facts right ONE time -- your "career" in Las Vegas, your upbringing, and every word you utter will prove irrelevant at House of Glass when you get embarrassed and bested by a woman while I clean the trash off the battlefield and send The Holy Rollerz packing by destroying you on cue. Once you're called out on your bullshit, you start backtracking and pretending you didn't make juvenile, blatantly sexist remarks solely for the purpose of a cheap laugh. Since you're so keen on quoting me and spreading my knowledge in an inadvertent act of wisdom on your part, allow me to remind you the verbal diarrhea you spewed just a short while ago...

"HBG, baby what are you talking about girl? I never said you can't wrestle, I'm sure you're a very good wrestler! A great wrestler even, and you can show me all your moves, in my bed, later after the match."

I refuse to dignify the rest of the filth you spewed with a further recital, so I needn't delve into that, but one moment you're claiming it took a "Hall of Fame effort" on my part to lead HBG to those Tag Team Championships, the next you're claiming I'm overrated... And you call me out on MY "hypocritical behavior?" Pass Piff Fumador some of whatever you're smoking; I'm sure even a connoisseur like himself could appreciate the mind-altering effects of a drug that unbelievably strong. Of course, there's the alternative that his "intelligence" you babbled about having is a total farce and your definition of intellect is incongruent with actual well-adjusted individuals who don't belittle people because of their gender or carelessly marginalize the fact of HBG being one half of the most formidable Tag Team Champions in the history of this business simply on account of her being female. Sure, she isn't as physically strong as her male counterparts, but her creativity inside the squared circle is unparalleled, her aerial maneuvers, her raw intelligence, and her awareness allow her flexibility that people like yourself and David Davidson desperately lack. Know that when you're talking to my tag team partner, you're speaking to a proud woman who has pinned some of EAW's greatest legends in both the male and female division. Many of the wrestlers she's beaten completely outclass you and your tag team partner; you've made many mistakes, but underestimating a foe of that caliber and taking the Heart Break Gal lightly is as ill-advised a decision you could possibly make. The thought alone of her EVER sleeping with you is so incredibly foreign and storybook-like that I wouldn't be surprised to find you had a dirty dream about what it's like being with a real woman instead of waking up to your fucking Labrador every morning. Of course, your inability to be cognizant of the freight train that's headed your way with no brakes is fitting; you don't care about the history of this business, of EAW, of Dynasty, and possibly wrestling in general. History is just an accumulation of how the world advanced to the point its at today! No big deal, right? I'm glad you haven't compromised your status as a Mensa member. Speaking of which, when I criticized you for cheating and taking shortcuts, I wasn't referring to your wrestling matches. You have no wrestling credentials and your resume will be just as empty after House of Glass as it is right now; of all examples, what could possibly make you think I give a damn about what you've done in the ring in two weeks? I'm talking about the fact The Holy Rollerz were scheduled in this match to begin with, I'm questioning whatever faulty process resulted in you, of all teams, getting selected for a chance to win these coveted Tag Team Championships, and I'm quite skeptical either of you even have the proper wrestling training to compete in this industry. I have no doubt that House of Glass will confirm my suspicions: you think this is some fortunate opportunity for you, that you're blessed and lucky to be where you are, but in light of the many verbal atrocities committed against my tag team partner, don't think I'll hesitate to carve up your stomach and play jump rope with your intestines before I hang you by your goddamn entrails. Like most people, you two obviously never read the terms and conditions on your contracts so you haven't the faintest idea what I'm truly capable of or the extremities an event as barbarous as House of Glass entails, but in a matter of a few short days, parents will have to cover their kids' eyes as they watch blood spill out of your lifeless bodies and I cover my prey with my signature written in the customized ink of your own blood and filth.
Jack Ripley2
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post October 21st 2015, 8:42 pm by Jack Ripley2
Aww Impact whats the matter? You left that room with a grumpy lil face on, someone looks a little upset. I mean why else would you be talking like a complete and utter moron. These little speeches you're making aren't getting any better, and I'm getting quite embarrassed for you. You honestly think it bothers me that these people want to see me or not? For the thousandth time no, I don't, why don't you get the wax out of your ears, or should I say that sentence again in a way that you'd understand more easily, a more immature joke way. Get the cum out of your ears, and listen more carefully. I... don't.. care... if... these... people.... want... to... see... me.. OK? I don't care if they want to, or not, the fact of the matter is, The High Rollerz are here, and we shall give them a spectacle that they won't yet forget because the match is set in stone. I should think it's an honor you're speaking to me huh? Geez it only took you like 30 minutes for you to come down to my level and respond, maybe I'm not so miniscule after all. Who would respond so quickly to a person that doesn't actually matter. I don't know how many points I have to repeat myself on for you to actually grasp a concept, so again, you won't know what I am until you legitimately stand in the ring with me. The fact that you're not going to give us a chance is great, because that just makes it that much easier to actually beat you. Look I'm calm, did you see how you left the room after you were done trying to prove yourself to me? You're frustrated, you're frustrated because you know I'm right. You're the one that isn't actually coming back with topics that actually matter, its all about, have you seen what I've done in the past? Look at my accomplishments. Or you're new and nobody knows who you are so you must be bad, because I've been against new guys before. What are these arguments? You can't judge one person based on someone else, people are different, and if you try to put the same characteristics of someone else on an entirely different person, it's not very smart. It's like having a new girlfriend, and you're trying to make that girlfriend into what your ex girlfriend was, because that's who you're comfortable with, and that's who you really want to be with, but she dumped you and won't come back. The problem with that is, your new girlfriend isn't your ex, and you can't make her act the same way, different minds make people act in different ways. See what I mean? Whose to say that we're not the next great tag team, only time will tell right? But instead of thinking that there's a possibility of that happening, you cast us aside. You try to act like we're just like all your ex opponents, it wont work out well for you. As you can see I'm versatile, in the past I've kept it light, and had fun with this, but with you Imp I had to show you my intellect, because you seem to think that you have some. But intellect is more than just using big words, and after talking to you for this past day, I can tell that your intellect ends at just words. You bring up dirt on us, but the problem with this dirt is you aren't basing it off anything, you're just throwing ideas at a dart board and seeing what you come up with. Why else would you say "you're a byproduct of this participation trophy modern culture designed to make everyone feel like they fit in, that winners and losers don't exist, and it's for exactly that reason that the world ends up with trash heap, novice-level scumbags who cheated and took shortcuts to gain prominence and riches instead of having a legitimate meritocracy". How in the hell did you get that out of us? You are just reaching realllllllly far for ideas now to try and cut us down. Lets look at the facts, I came from a family that raised me well, I grew up in the 90's where y'know, if you lost, you lost, I participated in Las Vegas casino's where no, they didn't just give you money, if you lost, get the fuck out. I competed in underground fighting rinks, where again, it's pretty tough to get by. I was never handed anything, I got by through pure intellect, and if I want to act loose and have a good time I'm going to do it. And we haven't cheated once here in a match, good job doing research on us though, you got everything wrong. As for HBG, it's just science, I have more muscle than her, and more often than not the man beats the woman, but don't worry I won't make the same mistake you are, I won't take her lightly. But thank you for reminding me that glass is involved with this match, I can think of a lot of things I can do to inflict a lot of pain onto you, have fun taking the glass shards out of your flesh, as HBG lays next to you unconscious. Just know you did this to your "beloved Heart Break Gal", you shouldn't have put her into such a situation, shame on you. But come back and repeat the same points again and again in 30 minutes, I'll be here waiting.
Bhris Elite
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post October 21st 2015, 8:08 pm by Bhris Elite
Were you're comments rude? Yes, yes they were am I going to cry about it? No, no I'm not I'm a big boy now I can handle myself I know these insults are just out of anger and frustration.  Why would you be angry or frustrated you ask? Well it's pretty simple, you to are angry at one simple fact. 

You can lose Saturday

Now of course you two may come out here and say otherwise.  However though that's just you hiding you're true feelings about the match.  Deep down inside you know you can lose those titles and it pisses you off it angers you, so what do you do? You try to hide with name calling and lies you made up just a second before saying them out loud.  HBG you hide the fact you and Impact can lose this week the same way you said I was hiding the fact I've been "humbled" by Impact on Showdown not to long ago.  I haven't been backed into no corner I am no loser maybe if you were speaking to the old Chris Elite then that statement would be fact... With that being said though you are not talking to the old Chris Elite you are talking to Mr. 200 Percent and you know that might bother you a little bit that I call myself.  Next time you open you're mouth about me you will probably try to insult my nick name in some type of way.  You will probably tell me that is to far fetched of a "Nickname" but with nicknames in this match like "The Sound of Perfection" or "The God of War" mine is probably the most realistic.  See HBG there was a time in my life where I didn't even thing I would belong in the same ring as Impact, DDD or even you.  Now you might think the same about me still however I proved why that isn't so both times I stepped in the ring with you two.  Sure we didn't come out with the W as much as I'd like too but if you can honestly sit here and lie and tell me putting me away was easy then... I guess we are looking at the real "Idiot" or "Moron" like you two love to call me so much.  This is no wimpy kid you are looking at I am much more then that and I will prove so come Saturday.  Iconomy also fights to win we love being the "Underdog" because that's when we strike harder.  That's when we strike smarter HBG these little insults and lies aren't going to help you win they won't knock me off my game they just give me more of a reason to out there and win and take those titles away from you...

Typical guy? Really Angelo that's what we are going to say about me now? Typical, you know what I find typical?  The fact someone like you would say that.  I mean it's funny you would say something like that it's also funny how much you seem to contradict yourself every time you speak.  I'm the one who tries hard to be noticed? This is news to me because in all honestly I don't have to try hard to be noticed the fact I've went against the likes of Hexa-Gun or even Carlos or TLA I think that's what made me noticed.  I mean even without those I'd still be noticed I mean for god sakes I am Chris Elite Mr. 200 Percent.  I'm not some guy who takes selfies all the time and uses stupid hashtag.  See now that's being a try hard when it comes to being noticed.  I think the only fans you have are Twitter or Instagram obsessed 15 year old girls and maybe a couple of boys as well. Now when you have to stoop down to that level to get noticed that's what I call a try hard.   But we all got different opinions don't we? Maybe in you're opinion a try hard is someone like me who puts forth his best effort in every match.  A man who does thinks you can only imagine doing is probably what a try hard is to you right? Angelo you are in the same class as you're partner, The High Rollerz, Troy Creed and Marcus Ace or whatever their names might be.   What I'm trying to say is though you aren't in no level higher then anyone you are on the same level as the other dweebs who would love to be me on Dynasty.  So Angelo why don't you picture this and put this on Instagram.  Picture the simple fact you and Mark won't become champions.  Picture the simple fact that after House of Glass you will go back to being a filler and bickering and arguing with the likes of Mark.  From filter use on Instagram to Filler match use on Dynasty.  You certainly are living the life aren't you?

Speaking of Mark, you know maybe I did flip flop a lot last time I spoke but I mean you practically did the same thing.   I mean I thought you had some knowledge of basketball when you dared comparing yourself and Angelo to Kobe and Shaq.  Then you go ahead and ask what's Shaqtin a Fool? It's pretty obvious you didn't come up with the Kobe and Shaq thing yourself which means their is someone on this earth dumber then you.  See Mark Shaqtin is basically a highlight show of bloopers from NBA games.   So what I tried to say is every time you speak a word it's pretty much a blooper real.  Like the fact you said you will plant me on my head with you're "Picture Perfect" maneuver.  I guess you are a real fan of Tyler Parkers Across The Park huh?  Mark you couldn't even land a punch on me not even with my back turned wearing a blind fold can you land a hit on me.  So what makes you think you can land that little bullshit move on me? I'll give you a minute...  Sure that's not the first time you heard that in you're life is it? However I am done with this I no longer have the need to argue just know the only Picture Perfect thing to come out of Saturday is me and JJ winning those tag titles... Now picture that!
[Y2Impact replays the footage of Jack Ripley speaking out against him]

It's rare I have to stoop down to someone else's level to get my point across, but in this case it seems to be my only option. You boasted about being given a match for the Tag Team Championships within two weeks of being in the company, but the mistake you made was believing that skill is the reason you were awarded this opportunity. The fact of the matter is that this was always intended to be a four-way tag team match, and nobody in that arena is buying tickets to see The Holy Rollerz accomplish anything but embarrassing themselves and getting their asses kicked and handed to them. In effect, you are nothing but fillers; the appetizers on the side of a full-course meal that are only present for aesthetic purposes, not because they're actually any good. You're so far beneath my level that you should consider it a compliment for me to even address you; House of Glass may be the only time anyone ever views us on the same wavelength for the few moments you and your shitty partner are involved before you inevitably become the first team eliminated like the entire EAW populace expects you to, in fact it may be the only opportunity Jack Ripley or David Davidson ever get at being within five feet of me unless they're shining my shoes and waxing my fucking Ferrari. How lovely of you to correct me and share with me your comedic hero! I'm a George Carlin guy myself; in other words, I'll spare you the euphemisms and sum up my thoughts as concisely as I possibly can: You're nothing. You're another newcomer trying to attack me and lambast me in a totally misguided act of frustration because you can't handle the heat you dish out when it boomerangs back your fucking way. You took the lowest common denominator of routes and went with the "overbearing sexist" archetype in talking to my beloved Heart Break Gal, you're a byproduct of this participation trophy modern culture designed to make everyone feel like they fit in, that winners and losers don't exist, and it's for exactly that reason that the world ends up with trash heap, novice-level scumbags who cheated and took shortcuts to gain prominence and riches instead of having a legitimate meritocracy. Because if this were a meritocracy, not only would The Holy Rollerz not be involved in this match -- they'd have to go right back to the drawing board and escape facial recognition in the casinos of Vegas because no executive with a fully functioning brain would give these two-bit assholes a contract. You're the overachievers everyone is annoyed by because they know your success is spawned from luck and not any specific talent or ability, but that's completely fine by me because eventually those same overachievers venture a stride farther than their short, stubby legs can handle and encounter a true danger where they get exposed in front of the masses. That's House of Glass, and I can assure that after The Mercenaries are done with you and the glass shards stuck in your eyes and ears feel nothing like the chips of your winnings in the casinos you fleeced, you'll be left clamoring for the bright lights in Vegas in a pool of your own fucking blood and misery with what little consciousness you have left.

[Y2Impact storms off the set, furious and his eyes noticeably wide open]
J-Dynasty 2?
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post October 21st 2015, 6:52 pm by J-Dynasty 2?
I have long ago come to understand that there is very little room for myself to cause the mere inhabitants of my woods to come to terms with my motivations and the inner workings of what allows me to see what I see from my vantage point in EAW. After all, what do sheep know of the minds of wolves? What do those at the bottom and middle of the food chain know of true predators, predators that make even other so called predators prey, that swoop down upon them all? There were times where I once played along with these lesser creatures, deigned from my status as the arch beast within these lands, to act as if I was their comrades, their rivals and their competition, yes when young even so naïve I allowed myself to be a protégé to whom I diluted myself into considering the pinnacle of performers in this business. Those days are long gone, I take my place as a superior force with earnest.  Tyler who speaks of feeling he is in jail and has his hands tied behind his back, turns around and claims he’s in MY head. Tyler, in bitter resentment due to the pains he brought upon himself, claims I have never busted my ass to get where I am despite there being few people one could list that have put equal work in this industry as I, let alone more. What kind of picture can Tyler Parker be hoping to create? What sorcery does he think himself capable of in order to turn what is into what is not from thin air? I do not know, I do not care.

I am not of your world Tyler Parker.

I remain above, within the skies, observing until a moment arrives where the balance of the scales are tipped and it is time for a cull. Apparently you went hard of hearing when Ammit was speaking, but it is my place in the order of things to act upon souls meant to be judged in this sweeping of the nation, as she said your pettiness brought much into question the need for Tyler Parker to survive, let alone thrive, in this land any longer. EAW, Dynasty Wrestling, much like the world at large is over populated, what need there be for a man who abandons his brand and would put us all in jeopardy when his self-esteem cannot handle another person being captain of his team? As you are, you are nothing more than a pollutant, someone who gives nothing back to the EAW eco-system. It is not unknown for the natural order of things to wipe out the likes of you, so why stop now? Why would I not touch down upon these lands and hunt you down? Perhaps it is not something someone like you can understand, but there are callings that come to beings such as myself that are stronger than mere desire for more gold, to act as a vehicle of nature in EAW, to do the work of the system that weeds out the weak and damaging, is a greater cause than any. It is only something that I can do. You were right to recite my many….crimes if you will, the lengths I had once gone for gold and fame proved only I had it in my nature to enact the pragmatism and amorality to do this job! What? Do you think those who you call heroes who squeal at the sight of blood and punishment could ever act on Mother Nature’s behalf whilst she wipes out species upon species as the times evolve? Do you think these brittle men, men like your former idol Mr. DEDEDE, who can be sent to their near death beds in hospitals can act in the name of the indomitable nature that continues on no matter how many eons pass? And what of the mad men of EAW without self-control, do you think these unstable lunatics who strike without cause in my place would not destroy the entire system by culling everything if they had my job? No! Tyler I am the only one stable minded, ruthless, relentless and physically fit enough to hold the balance of EAW’s eco system within my hands!

Tyler, you are simply nowhere near me. I do not desire to go on into statistics and history, but your hubris of claiming yourself of achieving what I have is something that must be corrected before you are returned to the EAW soil, for even a gutted pig must be rightfully identified as such before those confusingly bury him under a lion’s status. When did you go undefeated in action for an entire year? When were you extremist of the year? When did you elevate and mentor many hall of fame careers here in EAW? Amusingly enough, I am holding back and having my superiority over you very condensed in short words despite how large those things in of themselves are. I do not have all day to list everything. Besides Tyler, despite how you speak, I fail to recall the point in time Tyler Parker became known for savagery or to the point where people in the locker room would say “don’t mess with Tyler”. Sure you’ve been a champion, someone who has overcome adversity and triumphed over many obstacles, but never had you turned the tables of being that which unleashes adversity down upon others. Who have you put on the shelf? How many names truly rue the day they crossed Tyler Parker? How many people shake and flee the scene when you arrive? You aren’t a body bag type of wrestler. All this tough talk you’re spewing isn’t bought by anyone, least of all me.

Come House of Glass, we’ll see the difference between paper tigers and the real in the flesh.
Jack Ripley2
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post October 21st 2015, 6:40 pm by Jack Ripley2
Impact, what are you talking about? When was I trying to be funny? I was just calling you out on your hypocritical behavior, and congrats you didn't deny any of it. You weren't witty at all, you were just what you're calling me, immature. Arguing about articulate words, and the English language when it means nothing to this match. Then you go on and try to tell me about all your accomplishments? Who cares, you love to talk about topics that doesn't even matter. Please tell me how my humor low brow, I quoted Greg Giraldo, one of the smartest comedians that ever lived in my opinion, and you bring up Dane Cook? Why. It's ok, you can just disregard everything I actually said, and continue to be a hypocrite. Are you sure you're not a Dane Cook fan? "Jack Ripley, you're a shitfaced stain on the bed; your mother should've swallowed you, or at least been a responsible member of society and realized what a failure her offspring would be and get an abortion". Yeah that sounds like it was ripped right out of a Dane Cook stand up special, was that your attempt at humor? Wow, Kendrick Lamar isn't the biggest hypocrite of 2015, that would be you. I think I found the most over rated "legend" or "hall of famer" in the entirety of EAW, it's pathetic. Yeah, I don't really care about what people think about me, and that's the problem with you, you've never gotten out of your elementary mind set. You have to impress all the cool kids, you want everyone to like you, and you're just so desperate to get the admiration of others. The only person I have to worry about is David and I, we got here and within 2 weeks, we have a shot at the tag team titles, obviously we're doing something right. So tell me, how are we jokes? Yeah ok, because we like to talk with slang? It's because we don't take life so seriously? OK, sorry we don't want high blood pressure, or gray hairs, or cancer, or anything else that stress brings into your life. I don't have any insecurities, your perception of me is waaaayyyy off, like I said I don't care what anyone thinks of me, and that's a trait I think you should learn, even in your old age. Look at me, the young kid is teaching the old dog some new tricks, even though you think you know everything. Maybe we're much smarter than we'd like you to know? Ever think that our care free attitude is just a façade so you just down play us, and over look us so when the match actually happens, we surprise you and actually beat the shit out of you. Don't forget we did underground fighting, no rules, bare knuckles, do whatever you have to do to stay alive, and we did. You think we got our fortunes through pure luck? absolutely not, do you know how smart you have to be to count cards? To cheat the system in Las Vegas, but as we've previously mentioned, we've done that, so to take us lightly is a grave mistake. You try to mask your stupidity of logic, or thinking things through by using big words, like it's supposed to scare me, or get me to back down, but to me? It feels like I'm just back on the play ground, and a little teachers pet nerd is trying to act tough, so I have to put him in his place. If this is what an EAW Hall of Famer is supposed to be, then this should be easy. Now for the partner, you totally killed any chance of anything happening with us, I just hate when a woman think I care about what she has to say, but hey I listened. So you two had championship matches the first day that you two joined the company? What was it the first week that this place was in existence, with no house hold names to speak of? That's not as big of an accomplishment as you make it out to be. Or you two made your names before coming here, and then we're just handed a title opportunity, then again congrats but that's not impressive either. Do you understand that we just coldly came here, with no name to stand behind us, and we made it to where we are without help, or anyone kissing our asses. But ok, you got it on your first match, we got a title match on our third match, so really we aren't that far behind you two at all. And again we have someone talking about what other perceive us as, look I already answered Imp's feeble adolescent mind about this, and it's what your parents should've taught you a long time ago, I don't care what other think about me, because it doesn't matter, as long as I have the talent, which I do, I'll be alright. You two were made for each other, its like you were both picked on in school, so now that people actually suck up to you, you think that's all that matters in the world. So seriously both of you, grow the fuck up. I don't know how you two became champions, but yeah, this little joke is over.

Then we have Ryan Savage, who seems like he's going to die soon if he doesn't get his fix, I don't know, just get a replica belt online or something because that's the only way you're going to get the titles back. And Angelo you're a little to obsessed with HBG it's weird, you should focus more on people that will have an impact on the match, and no that didn't have an alternative meaning. I'm going to mess your "pretty" little face up so you won't enjoy what you see in the mirror any longer.
We don't have any history with any of you, aside from one miniscule opponent in Chris Elite, so everything you people say is off of pure speculation. I don't know where any of you got these statistics from, or why you all think we're a none factor, but none of that really matters, humans are stupid creatures to begin with right? bound to make mistakes. So hey when the match actually comes around, and we actually show what we can do, we'll see who actually has the last laugh, and see who the actual winners are.
Aria Jaxon
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post October 21st 2015, 5:15 pm by Aria Jaxon

“I always shine brighter when I’m under attack.” -- LL Cool J.

It’s early morning in Manhattan, and while some people in the city as just waking up, the WCBS-TV studios have been teeming with life for hours. It’s organized chaos backstage, a contrast to the polished images portrayed at the anchor’s desk. With House of Glass only a few days away, Dynasty Wrestling is in the midst of a huge press tour, taking over radio and TV shows all over the city. This morning, the Empress of Elite Aria Jaxon is due to be interviewed on the CBS affiliate’s morning broadcast. The Californian is backstage now, seated in front of a vanity mirror while a hair and makeup artist preps her for going on camera. She eyes herself in the mirror as the lady with the tools brushes powder foundation onto Aria’s face.

“Look at you, throwin’ daggers and taking shots. It almost hurts. The fact that I’ve got your number really got you feelin’ some kinda way, huh, Madison?”

She grins, careful not to do a whole lot of moving as she closes her eyes and the woman darkens her lashes with mascara.

“You say none of my previous wins over you matter? It’s easy for you to say that now, but I don’t think that’s how you felt every single time I got one over on you. If the idea of me winning didn’t matter, then you would’ve put me away in the Empress of Elite finals. If winning is everything to you, you wouldn’t have thought twice about taking your chance and laying me out during the five-on-five match. If my wins are so empty, you would’ve shut me up on Dynasty. You act like I have anything to prove to you, Madison, and I don’t. In a way, you wanna walk into this match with a clean slate and dismiss everything I’ve done over the last few months. You wanna scrub my legitimate rise to prominence, but still place emphasis on your tainted title win? You can’t have it both ways. See, if you’d just left Tarah as the rightful champion until House of Glass, then the Empress of Elite finals might’ve been the last we saw of each other for a while, but you changed the course of all of this when you and Maria walked down that ramp on Dynasty on October second. You helped to set this confrontation into motion. I’ve become a problem you can’t solve, an enemy you don’t want to have, and it must suck for you to know you did this to yourself. You did what you felt you needed to do to get your hands on the Vixens Championship knowing that the champion would have the misfortune of having to go one-on-one with me. You knew I was the number one contender, because I’m the reason that opportunity slipped through your fingers. I ripped it away from you, but you’ve got amnesia where all of my successes are concerned. I become Empress of Elite instead of you, and you dismiss the crown’s value. I whoop your ass over and over again, and you say I’ve caught a few lucky breaks. According to you, every dog has its day, but my “days” are starting to pile up. You like to say you’re the apex of this division, and that you lead the rest of us Vixens with an iron fist, but if that’s true, what does that make me? What does that say about me, the woman who’s gonna continue to one-up you going forward? It kinda makes me think, if you can’t validate your supposed top spot, maybe you shouldn’t be there. Maybe you should pass the torch to someone who can handle it, like me. I get it, though; if I was in your position, I’d try and make it seem like my obviously-superior challenger wasn’t a threat, either. Ignorance is bliss, right?”

Aria’s eyes follow the hair and makeup artist as she places the makeup brushes down on the vanity. She picks up a flat iron and comb, beginning to touch up the Vixen’s red hair with a practiced hand.

“Maybe you’re right, Madison. It’s possible that you don’t feel pressure. It’s a real possibility that you don’t know what it’s like to have that surge of adrenaline and added weight on your shoulders when a match is of a lot of importance. But to be fair, I don’t think you experience pressure in normal, everyday matches either. There is no shift for you. You’re not capable of shifting into the gear that you need to in order to stand a chance in hell of beating me, and that doesn’t bode well for you. Are you stupid enough to think you shouldn’t feel pressure going into House of Glass? You’re a paper champion being thrown into the deep end of the pool, and you expect me to believe you’re not the least bit worried? Fuck outta here. The reason you can rest easy is because you act like we’ve never encountered each other before. If our past is so easy for you to disregard, then I need to remind you of who I am and what I can do at House of Glass. I need to give you some souvenirs to remember our encounter by, so you never, ever forget that your short time on top came to an end at my hands. Maybe you’re right about me putting too much emphasis on my past wins over you, so allow me to be more forward-thinking. Let’s look ahead to the FPV, shall we? You really do think that a hellacious 10,000 Shards of Glass match is an environment where you’ll thrive, but you’re wrong. There’s no room for you to thrive when you’re in the ring with me. I’ll always have what it takes to best you, no matter what kind of match we’re thrown into together, and you should take that to heart. But while I’m promising to beat you, don’t think I don’t know what I’m getting myself into. I’ve assessed the threat, and I know what’s in store for me on Saturday night. To answer one of your questions, yes, Madison, I’m ready to push myself to the brink if it means becoming Vixens Champion. You wanna know if the belt means as much to you as it does to me, and to that, I say yes. The lackluster champion you’ve been dares to defame the legacy of that title, and I need to take it from you before you can do any real damage. You’ll try and break me, but pain is temporary, sweet pea. Blood dries and cuts heal, but the loss you’ll experience -- the glass shards stuck in your skin, the mat stained with your blood, the image of me standing over you with the Vixens Championship -- that’ll haunt you forever.”

The lady finishes up, placing all of her tools down on the tabletop. She gives Aria a once-over before smiling politely at her and walking off, surely to go and do the same thing to who knew how many people. Aria waved her off before rising from her chair, still in front of the vanity.

“The way you tell it, Madison, greatness always finds a way to overcome, and I guess that’s true. That might explain why you can’t topple me, as hard as you try. You like to blame conspiracy theories and dumb luck, rather than focusing on the reality that as it stands now, I’m the rightful champion. Every previous clash was a build-up to this one, and since you  won’t learn from history, you’re doomed to repeat it. And no, prying the championship from your grasp won’t be easy. You’ll put up a fight, I know that. The end of your title reign and the beginning of mine will be stained with blood and littered with broken shards of glass, but I never intended for my path to the top to be an easy one. You can keep your good luck wishes, ‘cause I won’t need them -- but you sure as hell will.”

Aria examines herself in the mirror before turning and starting to walk in the general direction of the news studio.
I don't know what hole Jack Ripley crawled out of where they succeed by articulating themselves like spoiled children, but that drivel has no place in this industry. Clearly, whatever "sport" he was fighting in where that was acceptable, "cool," and "edgy" probably more accurately resembled an online message board full of unfunny memes devoid of anything resembling legitimate humor. That attitude and that style doesn't fit in EAW, and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find you two being released from your contracts, or even worse, quitting the wrestling business once you realize this isn't just sunshine and lolipops or a platform for you to exploit to gain notability. I've succeeded at the top of the totem, thrived under the most immense level of pressure imaginable, won World Championship gold at the pinnacle of wrestling, and in all my years I've never come across two performers as embarrassing of an eyesore on EAW, Dynasty Wrestling, or any other top-flight promotion as you two. Congratulations, you've accomplished a mastery of the lowest brow of humor in the illustrious and extensive history of wrestling. You two probably think Dane Cook is hilarious, don't you? You've been led to believe you're comedians because you're laughable; in reality, you don't inspire a single chuckle from anyone in the audience with an IQ exceeding 90, you're laughable solely because you're pathetic, and evidently unbeknownst to you, you're merely the joke and not the jokers. You can consult any amount of fans, spectators, special guests, and they will undoubtedly echo my sentiments; The Holy Rollerz project their insecurities with Sandler-grade humor, and their approach to this championship match stems from the source that that they're apprehensive not only about being defeated and quickly dispatched, but becoming the first team eliminated and confirming consensus opinion -- they were grossly outmatched and never deserved to be scheduled in the match, anyway.

As for this mistaken notion that I conduct everything "by the book," I know Ripley only has a month of experience in his EAW career thus far, but what is this strange feeling I'm experiencing right now? Is it... Is it... A complete and utter lack of surprise at your egregious ignorance? AND I THINK YOU'VE JUST WON YOURSELF A NEW CAR! DING DING DING! This deplorable, mentally destitute scatterbrain has apparently never even glossed over the history books or purchased an EAW DVD or Blu-ray. I'm renowned and recognized for my opportunistic nature, in whispers many address me as "The Paragon of Opportunism," and of course Mr. DEDEDE shares that same quality because it wasn't by dumb luck, happenstance, or serendipity that his labor in this business bore such massive fruit; it's because he's cut from a cloth that breeds success. I've garnered accolades by taking the road less traveled by, I created an opportunity for myself out of thin air, and I'm standing here today as one half of the Tag Team Champions because of my intelligence and in-ring awareness just as much as my physical prowess. However, it appears The Holy Rollerz weren't so fortunate, were they? As I stated previously, Ripley and his partner David Davidson lack the capacity to fathom strategy because they exist inside their own little bubble and expect to improvise their route to stardom. While that might have been an effective recipe for triumph and small-time fame in the strip clubs of Las Vegas, you're no longer "performing" in that cesspool; I'm just anxious to bear witness to the confounded expression on your faces once you realize all of the tactics and schemes that resulted in exorbitant winnings in Las Vegas amount to absolutely nothing but an "L" in EAW, because that's exactly what you're going to suffer at House of Glass. I suggest you train yourselves in preparation for punishment like you wouldn't believe possible; simply walking away unscathed and of your own power will be a small victory itself for you two. Don't even dare to dream about these championships; you have far more pressing matters to concern yourself with, such as getting beaten and pinned by the same woman you've decried and ignorantly dismissed. It happened to Mr. DEDEDE at Pain for Pride, it happened to The Pizza Boy at Territorial Invasion, it happened to Mr. DEDEDE again on this past edition of Showdown, and I wouldn't be remotely surprised to see The Holy Rollerz making the same mistakes their predecessors did -- getting overconfident in a competition just because one of their opponents is a woman and ending up picking pieces of the ring mat out of their teeth after their face is grounded into the pavement and they're pinned for the dreaded three count. Jack Ripley, you're a shitfaced stain on the bed; your mother should've swallowed you, or at least been a responsible member of society and realized what a failure her offspring would be and get an abortion. Maybe she tried! To the chagrin of everyone with the displeasure of meeting you, it was only half successful. No sweat, though; you're still in the third trimester.

Mr. DEDEDE made some fairly piercing remarks, many of which were erroneous, and I would be doing myself a disservice by not addressing them. I understand it can be difficult to accept your mortality, and it was a personal struggle of intense hardships for me to come to grips with my own until I peered my eyes at the man in the mirror and I saw someone who didn't even vaguely resemble the warrior that slew the ambitions of countless, seemingly insurmountable enemy soldiers. Mr. DEDEDE right now is transitioning, going through the motions, experiencing the same frustration I did in 2014 when I hit rock bottom. I'm not especially sympathetic toward his plight just because I find it strikingly similar to my own, but the fans and critics should be aghast to hear you say you "utterly bested" me at Pain for Pride 6. You make it sound like the "Match of the Universe" was a lopsided battle that heavily favored you in all respects, that you exceeded me in every facet and at no point in our duel did I ever have a fighting chance. That's revisionist history at its finest. I had you pinned down to the mat, I blocked your signature move, I was within a literal fraction of a second from defeating you! To embellish the situation and exaggerate your performance while completely undermining my own is something I thought was beneath you, but you've reverted to the slimy cockroach with delusions of grandeur that simply won't go away. I'm not denying that to the victor goes the spoils, that the winner writes history and molds it in their image, but to insist that match was a one-sided affair where I never had a chance when I had you covered and out cold on over a handful of occasions is little more than intellectually dishonest propaganda. Is it really necessary for me to recall history from just a few short months ago and remind you that The Mercenaries defeated The Savage Ryans for those Tag Team Championships at Pain for Pride? You're going to excuse your loss against me by saying HBG pinned you, but I chalk that up to your acute unwillingness to lose with graciousness more than anything else. In your heart of hearts, you feel that hot, flustered feeling in your skin of knowing you were beaten by Y2Impact on three consecutive occasions, knowing that I steered the ship that collided into yours and proved to be your undoing, your fall from grace, your collapse, your destruction! And it burns like scorched, seared flesh when you connect the dots and make the realization I've enacted a plot that has ruined you every step of the way, so instead of manning up, firing back at your oppressors, admitting Hexa-gun may be a faction even someone as fabled as yourself can't overcome, you draw comparisons between our motivations and EGO's, Renegades, and so on. You spoke about my comfort zone becoming a war zone, and I don't know, I'm pretty cozy here but the heat of battle isn't something I've ever willingly shied away from... But your comfort zone? Your safe heaven? Your sanctuary of delusions? Your shelter? Your solace is striking up analogies to Hexa-gun and past groups you've beaten and overthrown because it allows you to think you're still capable of destroying and unraveling our operation when, truthfully, you're not even close!

You've become delirious with rage because doubt is creeping up into that ordinarily supremely confident mind of yours, you're looking at the man in the mirror  and you realize you have to open that drawer, open the pill bottle, and swallow a few painkillers to even slightly mitigate the calamity befalling you. The severe pain in your back that's hindering your movement you feel like a sharp, cutting knife on a daily basis? That's Hexa-gun! The thorn in your side that has one-upped you at EVERY turn? That's the Heart Break Gal! And the man behind this operation that's effectively turned you into a wheelchair-bound paraplegic and cut off your legs? That's Y2Impact! Don't fucking forget it.
The Consigliere
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post October 21st 2015, 5:03 pm by The Consigliere
After facing Mr. DEDEDE at Pain for Pride, I have learned three things from my amazing idol:

1. If you're a Vixen fighting battles with bigger and stronger males, logic doesn't apply to you and you are only bound to lose.

2. History lessons are important. Pay close attention to them. Live them as if they happened today. For it will give you an idea of what Mr. DEDEDE is capable of doing and that he CAN and WILL destroy you.


HBG: Judging from your god-awful performances and your inability to EVEN ONCE be on the winning side where it concerns your war against The Mercenaries and Hexa-Gun, it seems to me like you're in absolutely no position to call anybody jokes or state that they're putting up a menacing exterior they can't possibly follow through with. What is it with you lately, DEDEDE? I get that constant losses can inspire dejection like nothing else, I understand that when you try to give off the vibe that you are someone unbeatable, threatening our careers, undermining my existence only to lose in the end can be such a drag. But really? You went one week from calling yourself a fucking underdog, which let's be honest is just an act of humility that does nothing but gain some cries and hoorays from those nameless faces who put themselves through the masochism of watching you, to being this underappreciated, merciless opportunist who will not let anybody stand in his way to get what he wants. You are the Gawd of Hypocrisy. You are the Gawd of recklessness. You are the Gawd of being a fucking pain in the ass following us around like a damn fanatic. You are the Gawd of facades, the Gawd of brainlessness, the Gawd of incredible ambitions that never come to light because The Mercenaries are always two steps ahead while you're three steps behind. Can you tell me why you're even still trying, DEDEDE? Why are you still forcing Ryan Savage to fight this battle with you? Why are you exerting so much effort and putting others' pride on the line just to sate your own ego? 

Ages ago, I practically kissed the ground you walked on. I wrote you some sappy letters and told you about my days even when I knew you were too good, too busy to respond or even skim. I won my second and third Vixens Championship, keeping in mind that I once had a hero and I'd always find honor and pride once I get in the ring with this man. 

And now, where has he gone? I can't even stand being in the same conversation as you without feeling the need to punch a glass window with my fucking fist. I can't stand being in the same arena, in the same match, in the same event breathing the same air without feeling so sickened with myself with how pathetic my former idol has become. You sicken everyone who watches you and listens to you talk. When we faced each other at Pain for Pride, you could do nothing but go on about how you have defeated Y2Impact in the biggest stage of EAW a year before, and three months later, it's still the central point of your retorts, like nothing else matters. We already have established that I mean nothing to you and that I'd never be your equal, and yet here you are desperately screaming how that is still the case. AND THEN you have the audacity to address us, and tell us that we're generic, and mundane and redundant, when even you can see yourself that this is nothing but a defense mechanism, your only reasoning on a silver platter attempting to convince us that you're still somewhat relevant. And when the audience sees how much of a hypocritical piece of shit DEDEDE is, it baffles me why this is still a question or debate of who the rightful Tag Team Champions are between The Mercenaries and The Savage Ryans. Let's even set aside our past accomplishments and talk about what's happening today. You're still forcing yourself as an unstoppable tandem when everyone has bore witness to you trying and failing not once, not twice, but three times in our hands. You had three different chances to shut us up. You had three different chances to remind us EXACTLY who Mr. DEDEDE is, and you've successfully reminded us of exactly that -- Mr. DEDEDE has been downgraded into a bottom-feeding, attention hogging piece of shit and he's too much of a delusional fool to accept it. So fucking shut up already, DEDEDE. I don't want to hear about you coming out of the curtain with your partner and aiming to bash our faces in because you're so mad at us for proving that we are the better team than EAW. I don't want to hear about you executing your plot for revenge as you cling to whatever weapon you have in order to make damn sure that we are torn and battered, and you are finally able to take advantage of the situation keeping an eye on the other weaklings. It's your own fault that your career has been a big fucking soap opera filled with tears and depression. It's your own fault that you're too caught up with your delusions and constant changes in your beliefs and philosophies, while backing them up with the same shit that nobody wants to hear. I get it, DEDEDE, you have taken down different groups who thought they could just kick you around like an empty can in the street. You have been through worse than hell. You have endured every physical pain anyone could ever make you suffer through, and I am in no position to say that there's something to prove to me. I'm in no position to judge you. I am not your lyricist. I am not your creator. I am just a wrestler who tries to give her all to shine brighter than everyone else she comes face to face with. I am just a competitor who is respected by some and hated by many others because she looks down on every foe big or strong. I will continue to win. I will continue to fight if it means having my hand raised in the end to victory. SO BRING IT ON, DEDEDE! I want you to show me what a nightmare really is, one that I may never wake up from. BRING THAT FAT CANCEROUS TUMOR THAT YOU'RE SO FUCKING ATTACHED TO! Kill me if you can and put me in my place for even questioning you. Score a pin against members of the other team just to say that you have outsmarted everyone in the ring. CUT MY SKIN, DEDEDE, MAKE ME BLEED PINTS OF BLOOD FROM MY FOREHEAD AND SHOW ME THE FACE OF THE GODDAMN DEVIL WITH RED EYES AND SHARP HORNS! MAKE ME FEAR FOR MY LIFE! MAKE ME RETHINK MY DECISIONS!!!

Because by the end of it all, I just won't care. I am willing to endure every ounce of pain even a legend like yourself can put me through. I am willing to hurt and be hurt for Y2Impact's sake. I am willing to show the side of me, who resorted to brutality and showed no remorse towards her opponents, if it means not only getting even, but also elevating the greatness of my team. For him, for our titles, for The Mercenaries coming out victorious... There is nothing I wouldn't do.

Let me just preface this statement to the High Rollerz by saying.... I am very sorry.

I went off on Angelo Brando for being a fucking dumbass spewing nonsense and bringing up topics he couldn't even understand himself. Of course, my first instinct would be to defend myself from all the skeptics and the non-believers who intend to discredit me for everything that I've done by bringing up something so petty like gender differences... like it's supposed to mean something to me, am I right? So I got passionate. And when I get passionate, I get carried away. I lose my chill so easily because to be honest with you, I hate dealing with dumbass rookies who are overly concerned with finding their opponents' weaknesses instead of executing their own strengths. They spend more of their time pulling the "you're just a woman" card without thinking of the highly possibe outcome that they'd lose to the same woman they undermine. Now Jack Ripley, I suppose you expect me to just deny your claims and tell you how I've stood for myself when I was going solo in my career. I guess you're counting on me to explain how events played themselves out by the time I got inducted into the Hall of Fame. Truth be told, I would never be Tag Team Champion without Y2Impact. I owe him this success. Without him, I never would have found my voice and told the irrelevant faces who come accross me to make way for my grand return. There really is nothing to deny. Y2Impact saw potential in me that even I never thought was there. He saw me for who I am, someone who stood out among the rest, trained by the finest legends that once walked this industry as former World Champions and freed herself from all the shackles and all the restrictions that applies to the rest of the Vixens division, and now she continues to succeed. And that was that. I could spend the entire day convincing you how I'm different from the others, but I think it would just be a waste of time talking to a damn puppet that offers no actual insight and says nothing but brash remarks with absolutely nothing to back it up as he crack jokes that are as equally as stupid as he is and throw in some half-assed humor to deal with the fact that his career might be going on an early finish before it even truly began.

I've already addressed my recent success, Jack. I've already explained how I could carry myself as a fine competitor and work as a unit with my partner as we protect these Tag Team Championships as if our lives depended on it. Whatever brain damage you had that affected your attention span isn't really my problem. Congrats on you and Davidson spending two weeks of your careers as nobodies, by the way. I'd sympathize, but I don't really spend too much time fighting for the spotlight, I just take it. Do you really want to know how I spent two weeks of my career? Heh, I already became a household name and contended for my first Vixens Championship, winning it after a month and scheduled to defended it at Pain for Pride. Furthermore, my partner Y2Impact debuted in EAW winning his first National Extreme Championship in his first match. The idea of being a nobody is completely foreign to us. The moment we signed our contracts to EAW, we already knew where we stood. We already know what we're fighting for, and I'm sorry but a run-of-the-mill wrestler like you would never understand such things because you have already been perceived as weak by your audience the very moment you debuted. You've already shown your vulnerability to the judging eyes of the spectators, you already introduced yourselves as the nobodies that everyone expected you to be. You've already proven that you are nothing special beyond being a couple of dipshits in matching trunks. And that's just a damn shame.

What, Chris? Hurt your feelings?

You gonna cry?

Wittle baby's gunna cwy?

I always thought I'd see the day, but I didn't think it was going to be this soon -- Chris Elite has been humbled. Chris Elite has been backed into the corner forced to accept the kind of loser that he is, praying that Gods be good and give him strength to go forth and give a little meaning to his pathetic existence, hoping it doesn't come to an early end. Are you sure JJ Silva won't give you grief for making your inferiority so starkly apparent? Are you sure your Iconomy brothers would appreciate you talking like that wimpy kid who has been bullied and humiliated in front of his peers by bigger, tougher kids when you're supposed to be the one doing the bullying? In case it wasn't clear enough for you, Chris, I only fight to win. You of all people know the standard I set for myself the moment you see me come to the ring. My physical disadvantage makes it tougher to connect moves onto other male competitors, but I managed to do that with no fail. I am willing to go as far as outsmarting my opponents. I am willing to put myself out there in order to help my team fight their battles, because that's just how I am, Chris. I just keep fighting even when I get knocked out and bruised and possibly injured. I keep fighting even though I know the odds are stacked against me and I have to think my way out of situations and to victory. I don't rely on faith or the belief that I'd win my matches. I don't count on being at the right place at the right time to deliver my finishing moves and knock my opponent out. Do you know why that is? It's because I'm not a damn rookie with a rookie mentality, unlike you, Chris. Y2Impact and I are only concerned of plotting our schemes, making plans to take out our adversaries, using our connection and clever tactics in order to secure our greatness both as individual competitors and a fighting team, something you can never do with JJ Silva even on your best day, and that's what makes us a thousand times better than you. I don't ever rejoice over the fact that I've beaten forgettable names. I don't have to redeem myself over losses because that would imply that I lose my matches to begin with, Chris. I just set the bar high hoping I could live up to my own expectations, aiming to give these audience the performance of a lifetime, and women can do nothing but look at me with hatred cause never in a million years would they be capable of doing what I do. And that's why I'm Champion. That's why Y2Impact and I are champions. We never settle for second best and we make CERTAIN that we always come out on top against ANY type of opponent. Nothing you say can ever make us doubt our capabilities. No "hypothetical situations" can make us adjust our plans because we have our own means to adapt to whatever change, whatever difficulty this match has to offer. We will walk in with our weapons at House of Glass, we will dismantle and humiliate you further than what you've already done to yourself when you decided to open your mouth. We will tear your flesh and make sure you're scarred like a true warrior after coming out of a feirce battle, and make no mistake, we will still come out winners standing over the top of your disheveled, battered, broken team... With our pride intact ready to face the next challenge, looking down on the world as the Greatest of All Time.

Because that's what Champions do.
Ups and downs are a constant in life, and I've been belted into that roller coaster a thousand times. It hasn't been easy making it this far. I've faced many hardships and tribulations. Overwhelming odds have been stacked against me, but I have always overcame them. Even when it seemed impossible I managed to overcome adversity, even when I had nobody to support me, even when everybody bet I couldn't and I wouldn't. I've proved the entire world wrong time and time again. Whether they love me or hate me nobody can't deny, nobody can't even attempt to refute how hard I have worked to get here. I have busted my ass week in and week out. All my efforts, all the sacrifices I have made for this are starting to pay off. I'm so close, so DAMN close. There ain't a soul on planet Earth that is going to stop me NOW. Not even you, Crash. I've come way too far to let you take this opportunity from me. The opportunity to finally put an end to this. The opportunity to get my redemption. Some may fear you, Crash. But NONE of us respect you. The guys in the back don't respect you, the fans don't respect you and I sure as hell don't respect you. And I know you probably don't care about respect, I know you probably could care less how any of us feel about you. But you should care, you should care because respect is the ONLY thing you're going to have after I break your teeth with this here fist and get your ass OUT OF POWER! You won't become more powerful than you already are because your reign of terror ends this Saturday. Your downfall is inevitable. You're used to dictating fates and doing as you please with people's careers, but now it is me who does all that. Your fate lies in the palm of my hand, what happens to you now will be all MY responsibility. You got no idea how long I have waited for this match to happen, Crash. For more than twelve months I have waited for this opportunity, the opportunity to fight you. I finally have it and I couldn't be any happier. Who fears me? YOU DO. You can deny it all you want but deep down within you know you fear me, you know you fear the prospect of losing everything and becoming powerless. You better come to terms with the fact your days as chairman are counted because they certainly are. Why do I strongly desire to get you out of power???? That's quite simple, Crash. it's quite obvious too, but since you can get it through your thick skull and I will explain everything again. I'm a man of honor, I detest those who abuse their power, those who are unjust with he downtrodden. And abuse and injustice has been the order of the day for months ever since you usurped the reins of this company. Someone has to stop you and that someone will be.. ME. I never said I wanted to fight this war without getting blood on my hands.. I'd gladly get someone's blood on my hands: YOURS. You expect me to believe that load of crap? You never had good intentions with EAW. The day you acquired power you proclaimed yourself as "the devil". I know why you didn't see a future in the Dynasty brand.. because we were the only ones to have the BALLS to expose you and defy your orders. Dynasty is such a failure our show has been consistently getting better ratings every week  than any EAW show. We're such failures we had to introduce a world championship. It's not bravado, Crash. I WILL kick your ass. That's a damn promise. Dy-hard isn't a name that we chose because it's catchy or because it sounds good and looks good on a t-shirt. You will find out exactly what a Dy-hard is come House Of Glass. Someone who perseveres regardless how many times he experiences failure, someone who despite having the odds stacked against them continues to fight to excel and ultimately SUCCEED. I'm a dy-hard, we are ALL dy-hards and you will feel our wrath at House Of Glass, Zack Crash. I'm not going to deny sometimes I feel unappreciated, underrated by most people. After I kick your ass and release EAW from the burden that you represent, though? I'd say I will be more than appreciated. I don't understand why it concerns you so much how these people feel about me honestly, but that's besides the point. My career isn't fragile, Crash. It won't break anytime soon. It's stronger than ever. My will and my determination is more powerful than they have EVER been. Yeah, you heard that right. YOU are a bitch. YOU are a ball-less coward. You deserve everything that's coming to you. You will pay for everything you've done to me, to Dynasty Wrestling and to EAW as a whole. I know these type of match ups aren't a walk in the park. I know I am walking straight into hell. And you're the devil, right? That's what you call yourself, what they call you. Well, I will slay the so called devil at House Of Glass. I'm walking straight into hell, I am risking everything just to to get you out of power. And I will succeed.. one way or another.
House of Glass Promo #2

I am the Vixens Champion, which means I am greatness
I am the Killer of the Vixens Killer, which means I am greatness
Aria Jaxon couldn’t lace up my boots because I am greatness
Aria Jaxon is Empress of Elite because EAW wants to hide my greatness
Nobody can’t stop me, nobody can break me, I’m just too full of greatness
At House of Glass, not only will I use glass to win, but I will beat her with my greatness
It’s not easy being the best, but being the best is easy especially when you are purely greatness
I have been the best since birth, riding a bike, school, mastering wrestling, I have always been greatness
I am the only thing that matters in the Vixens Division, nobody even compares to my greatnes
I am the Vixens Champion, welcome to my era, the era of Madison, the era of greatness

Poem by Madison Kaline 2015

Aria, Aria, Aria. If I say your name one more time I might throw up in my mouth a little. Where do you get off thinking you can speak to me like that? If you want to keep your place in my vixens division, I suggest you quiet down a little bit. It's so adorable that you're name dropping all these famous celebrities. I get what you're doing. Mention all these celebrities and act like you deserve to be in the same breath as them. How dare you mention all of these legends and not mention the living legend herself, Madison Kaline. I am above you, I am above every single person that you could possibly name drop and I am above every single person in the world. I couldn't care less about your little, cute story about the Apollo Theater. That's one of your biggest problems, Aria. You're far too focused on being cute and you don't focus on being the best enough. On the other hand, I have always had my sights set firmly on one goal. I have always known that I am the best Vixen in this company and in the entire wrestling industry. How about we cut the bullshit for a moment, Aria? How about you stop pretending any of your previous victories actually matter? Congrats, you've beat me. Every dog has it's day and your day was the Empress of Elite finale. There are no more days for this ugly dog; it's about time this little bitch was put down. You can brag all you want about your previous victories over me; they mean absolutely nothing in this match. This is typical Aria Jaxon. Constantly talking about how she won rather than how she is going to win. We get it, you're hot stuff at the moment. Everyone loves you and you're on top of the world. However, let me ask you this. Who is the Vixens Champion? Who's that? Oh yeah, it's Madison fucking Kaline. How dare you try and act like you're better than me. This Championship that I hold, it symbolizes everything. It symbolizes how I am better than you and how I am better than every slut in that locker room. 

Pressure. You really do like to talk about how the questions are hanging over my head, don't you? How about we flip the script here and talk about the questions hanging over your head. Are you prepared to take it as far as I am? Does this Championship mean as much to you as it does to me? What if this is your only shot at my title? What happens if you bottle your only shot and are left to rot? The difference between you and I, Aria, is that I don't feel pressure. Do you legitimately believe that I am the one at the disadvantage here? I am made for this match. Causing you pain and making you bleed is what I dream about. Cutting through your skin just sounds perfect. Teaching this slut how this division operates is going to be a hell of a lot of fun. Don't even pretend like you've ever experienced the punishment that is coming your way. Imagine it. Imagine your body crashing down on hundreds of pieces of broken glass. Imagine how much that is going to hurt. The pain shooting through your body. Are you sure you’re ready for that? You really need to be taught a lesson, Aria. You think that you can waltz into my vixens division and act like you're the best? I am God's Gift to earth, I own this vixens division you bargain basement skank. I wonder how much of a beating I will have to give you until you finally realize that. Is it that difficult to get it through your thick skull? You are not and you never will be on my level. Not even in your wildest dreams. I am on a pedestal above everyone. You're just another bump in the road for me that I will drive over like it's nothing. I am expecting to face a lot of talentless ho's like you throughout my Vixens Title reign. This is just the beginning. Enjoy these moments Aria, they are going to be your last. Mark my words, greatness always finds a way to rise up, mediocrity such as yourself may get wins here and there, but it eventually finds a way to fail. Good Luck Aria, you are definitely going to need it.

(Madison smirks as the camera fades)
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post October 21st 2015, 12:44 pm by Bloody Jack
Lucian Black, I must say you’ve summed it all up quite perfectly.  From your own mouth, you’ve explained exactly why I’m not only YOUR superior, but the superior of EVERY person in both the EAW and Dynasty locker rooms.  People fear me!  And they fear me for very good reasons.  Those who support me fear what I might do if they do anything to displease me, and those who are against me fear just how much more powerful I may become!  They fear me because they know I’m stronger and more powerful than they are!  Who fears you Lucian?  NOBODY!!!  Least of all me.  The fear I inspire in others is universal, and when was the last time a wrestler had this many people afraid of him or her?  You claim to not fear me, but I don’t think that’s true.  If it were, why are you so desperate to get me out of power?  It’s because you’re afraid that soon I’ll become so powerful there’ll be nothing you can do about it.  Well it’s too late, because that fear shared by so many others has led all of you to give me the last thing I needed to complete my rise to the top of EAW!  You want to eradicate corruption and establish an honorable regime?  That’s all very well and good, but naïve to the point of being childish!  You wanna fight a war without getting any blood on your hands.  But that’s not how the real world works Lucian!  I’ve done horrible things, but those were necessary in order to take EAW where it needed to go.  Yes I’ve controlled careers and dictated fate, but I did so because I understand what this company needs from its future talents, and was ensuring that future was secure.  And the results of my “control” can been seen all around you.  The largest World Tour in our history, which has exposed us to an even wider, global audience!  Attendance records for live shows!  The most successful Pain For Pride in history!  More young talent getting opportunities in 1 year than the last 5!  And you say I’ve enacted negative change?!?!  The only reason  you say that is because you and the rest of Dynasty were not one of the people I saw a future in.  It’s a sad truth, but one you and the others need to deal with!  Not everyone can be a Cinderella Story!  Where there is success, there must also be failure, and it isn’t my fault you and Dynasty turned out to be a failure!  You’re such a failure that all your bravado to kicking my ass is both adorable and pathetic at the same time.  You’re unstoppable?!?!  Lucian you are the very definition of STOPPABLE!!!  Look at how you lost at Pain For Pride when Dynasty needed you most.  You weren’t so “unstoppable” then were you? Oh sure you can claim how I sent people to distract you, but that sounds like an excuse to me.  If you were half as “unstoppable” as you claim to be, that shouldn’t have mattered!  And now all of this is nothing more than a sad attempt for you to gain the love of others.  You wanna be revered and respected because you know that at Pain For Pride you lost all of it!  Lucian Black, the man so many thought was the next main-eventer, is now so far back in everyone’s thoughts that they sometimes forget you’re even here!  Right now your career is like the glass symbolized in this show; so fragile it will shatter at the tiniest pressure.  Now you risk it all to gain it back, but you’re only going to fall deeper into despair.  Because once I beat you, there’ll be nothing you can do to redeem yourself in the eyes of others.  You will be forever broken and lost!  And I will be the one who did it to you!  You say I’m a bitch?!?!  No Lucian, you’re wrong!  EVERYONE is MY bitch, and that includes you!  And I’m your pimp!  I line my pockets with cash earned from your blood!  I got to where I am, not through ass kissing, but by making everyone who was against me my bitch!  Dark Demon, Diamond Cage, Mr. DEDEDE, Dynasty Wrestling, Jon Conning, YOU, all of them were made into my bitches!  But at House Of Glass you’re going to be even lower than being my bitch!  You’re gonna be my toy!!!  I’ll take those Spears you love so much and impale you on one of them!  I’ll rip your skin, bleed your body, and break your bones to the point where you will wish for death, only for me to deny it to you!  I’ll watch you suffer until I see the moment dawn in your eyes and you say to yourself “Oh my God, what have I done!”  Then and only then will I grant you the mercy of defeat!  Afterwards I build the foundations of my regime on the corpse of your limp, dead career!  And like Atlas before you, you’ll bear the burden of holding my heavy world on your shoulders for all time! 
The Black Prince
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post October 21st 2015, 10:00 am by The Black Prince
Aww isn't this cute!? All I see is how pathetic these little wrestlers are. Am I the only one who is above this nonsense? Like seriously HBG do you think any of that phases me? Let me put it this way outside of the world of "professional wrestling" do you think any of the things that you've done would hold weight in anything? In comparison sweetheart I'm far superior than anyone in this match because I know for a fact that none of you can hold candle to my natural abilities. I am the greatest man on the planet that can do anything and me having to beat five other teams is nothing but a cake walk to me. I have blessed Mark Michaels the confidence to help me take the tag titles off of you and Impy. In fact that I would have taken them off you anyways with or without Mark's help. So you can say that your days as  being a champion are over because true greatness and perfection will roll in House Of Glass and dominate. So you can boast that your gender isn't going to affect your I guess "performance" but to compare to me sweetheart you can say that your fight is nothing more than a comedy act to me. You can say that you've capitalized on the opportunity to capture the Tag Titles and also that has lead victories for your little group, that's fine and dandy whatever helps you sleep at night sweetheart. But the thing is that doesn't impress me in the slightest, you're not unique, you're not talented and hell you're not even a Brando! As far as I'm concerned you have gone out of your way to do what's possible to make yourself deem as a worthy adversary but that hasn't worked out for you has it? I mean lets face it you along with everyone else here are on the bottom of the totem pole compared to me and actually you should be thanking along with everyone else because people are taking notice of this profession and actually giving a crap about it. What you need to realize that this isn't a male dominated world, on the contrary it's an Brando dominated world. In other words this is MY WORLD, and I'm the lord and savior of this world, everything and everyone in it bows to my whims and you're no different. I have raised the game of everyone here and you should be grateful that you finally have an opponent that can give you some fulfillment and you can actually validate your career because you can tell your kids and your great grand kids that you stepped inside the ring with God himself. And no, I'm not talking about DEDEDE or other people who have foolishly proclaimed that they are God, I'm talking about myself. I'm the sole reason why people are taking notice of who The Mercenaries are, I'm the reason why people even know who The High Rollers, The Iconomy and The Savage Ryans are. All you people have been doing is just been playing inside a pond in front of the lifeless drones known as wrestling fans that who time and again boosted your egos thinking that you matter, thinking that those trinkets you have actually matters and whole weight to your success. WHICH IS WRONG because up until now everything that any of you have done in your career meant nothing and I mean every word of that because I don't care if you think you can wrestle, I don't care if you put your life, body and soul on the line each and every week but every time you have done it, it's been meaningless. But now since you are competing on a grand stage with the most legit athlete on the face of the planet today. SO HBG, you can go on and try to prove you're so called creativity that's fine with me because since you have this fire about being a creative person then I think your talents are best suited by doing some artwork or making music about a guy breaking up with you or how shitty guys are etc because the music world needs someone creative as you since it looks like you claim to be creative. But you know HBG if you want to say my insults are not creative or that they are generic then that's fine but it doesn't change the fact that I'm right about everything that I have said about you. But if you want to dig deeper why I scoff at your entire life it's because along with everyone else who isn't born a Brando, you're beneath me. it has nothing to do with your gender, it has nothing to do what you've done in your life to make yourself seem socially relevant. It just has to do with the blood that's coursing through your veins and as hard as it seems you're finally going to be put in your place along with everyone else who had the thought that they are the greatest. So to answer the question on why you or anyone in this match has made it this far in your whole entire lives is because I wasn't there because if I were there would be no such thing as a Heart Break Gal so me not being here allowed you and Y2Impact and everyone else create this persona that you're the untouchable force or that you're the standard bearer or whatever you people have let your egos have led you to believe what you are today. But let me remind you HBG you are facing a mega star outside of this trash pin that you found yourself to be the queen of I am on top of this world dominating every aspect of it. My predecessors have done it and I'll do it as well and the only thing that hasn't been conquered is the lowly wrestling world that's nothing but the scum underneath my boot. If you want to be audacious and compare me to you then let me give you a lesson. I have been on the cover numerous magazines, I have won multiple awards and I'm the icon of Pop Culture, no one and I mean NO ONE is above me. While all you can do is brag about being on top of a company that's not even worth mentioning, and yes I mean both EAW and Dynasty Wrestling. If you knew anything you can't help but not know who I am so nice try sweetheart but your attempts of trying to make yourself important didn't work so considered yourself Punk'd.

But from one lowly trash to another, Chris Elite unfortunately for me but fortunately for you I do know who you are. You're just that typical guy that tries ever so hard to make himself get noticed. Well great news for you is that you no longer have to do so because you're in a match with me and I'm sure all of your dreams will come true. I mean anyone who's associated with my name will automatically be trending and your face will be plastered on billboards, magazines, I'm sure you will get opportunities handed to you now like being apart of talk shows and what not. I mean that's what you and JJ wanted right? I mean let's face it you remind me of those hopefuls that moves to Los Angeles with a dollar and a dream hoping it to make it big time, becoming a famous Hollywood actor, or maybe just looking for their break. That's how I see you and JJ and The High Rollerz as well, just wannabe stars that are doing whatever it takes to make it to the big time. But seriously Chrissy-poo if you shouldn't ask such stupid questions because there's a reason why I think highly of myself. Unlike my partner I'm in a class that's above everyone else in this world, I have said it time and time again that the blood that runs through me is a blood of the elite. I'm a Brando and that's all there is to it. I've gotten into this match thanks to my bloodline because Connings knows talent when he sees it and he knows what prestige I bring to these events hosted by Dynasty and also the titles that I'm fighting for. I've given Mark Michaels credibility, I'm giving the likes of everyone here a piece of the spotlight that I have been exposed to since I was born! Like I told HBG you should be thankful in the fact that you're in my presence, that I'm acknowledging you and that you are sharing the ring with me. That alone will be the greatest accomplishment that you'll ever have in your entire life. But it's funny to me that you're entertaining the thought that you can actually beat me. It just shows how sick in the head anyone in this match entertain the thought of them beating me because lets face it Chris Elite, you're a loser. You were born a loser and there's nothing you can do or say that can deny you from being what you are. This place known as professional wrestling is somewhat of a disease where all the losers gather and pretend that they are changing the landscape of pop culture but in reality all of you are just comedy acts to entertain the people who has power, who has actual money that can affect the landscape of the world. And yet here you all are pretending that you're some gift from God and what you say is true. The only word that is true is mine and I will say this that Mark Michaels and I are going to walk out as the new tag champions. Once those shiny belts comes to me then I'll show you what a true champion looks like because it'ms blasphemous that I'm even have to get my hands dirty. As you all know I am a busy man and I should already be awarded the titles because of who I am. So Chris Elite, I hope you understand now why there is so much hype around me and what I do and you will see that on display soon enough. So please anyone in this match get on my level because it's clear to me that none of you aren't even on the cusp of it. From The High Rollers you're just as what you present yourselves as comedians, and bad ones at that, to The Savage Rayns, Ryan Savage if you're feelings are tht hurt about not having those tag team titles then you may as well commit suicide because the titles that you are obsessed with will allude you even more when I have them around my waist. As for your partner well since he wants to make comments on novelty acts and fillers he should look himself in the mirror because the career that you have pride yourself in along with your personal has been nothing but a ongoing comedy act that has became dull and boring so please sit down. So I hope this come as no surprise that Mark Michaels and Myself, mostly myself will walkout of House Of Glass as The Champs because if we look at it at a logical stand point, no one here in this match that isn't name Angelo Brando, has a chance of winning.
I want it all back. Pain for Pride was the beginning of my end and as time progressed it seems I was trapped within a never ending nightmare. Despite my tainted victory over Zack Crash I could never get over the fact that The Savage Ryans lost the tag titles to The Mercenaries. the one thing that we cherished together and that's the Unified Tag Team Championships. The thing that has bonded both DEDEDE and myself together, we both went through hardships together and we have slain people over this title and we have revived and dominated the tag team division that was once a desolate wasteland. It has been far too long since the titles have left their rightful owners and it's time for us to take it back! I want the tag titles back, I NEED THEM BACK because everything that I have done in my life, Mr.DEDEDE and the tag team titles were the only thing that have gave me reason to breathe, the reasons why I wake up the next day and able to look myself in the mirror and look back at myself and say that I'm "complete." I've sacrificed a whole great deal to get where I'm at, I have endured the constant slander to my name, I have endured the ridicules about my weight, or my affiliation with DEDEDE and also my validity has been put into question time and time again. I'm not use to be on this side of the fence of chasing something that I KNOW that's mine, something that I know I deserve and I just want it back. Once Mr. DEDEDE and I reclaim the Tag Titles it will purge all the bad times that has plagued us in the last few months since Pain For Pride. Everything will be right in the world and I can finally look myself in the mirror and once again say that I am COMPLETE! That's all I want, all I want are the tag team titles and reclaim them with my brother, the man that has helped me find myself in this industry and the person that I have went to hell and back again. The only constant in my life that I had and I be damned if we don't walk out of House Of Glass without those titles firmly within our hands! I'll do whatever I need to do to make that happen, I will find no shame or no guilt and I'm willing to sell my soul to the devil himself! I'll commit whatever atrocities I have to commit if it means that The Savage Ryans will walk out as the Unified Tag Team Champions. Don't worry, it'll happen, I bet my life and everything that I stand for that The Savage Ryans will walk out of House Of Glass, beaten, battered and broken but we will be the Unified Tag Team Champions AGAIN! So if I need to go through each and every team and even the WORLD itself then I'll do so because those titles are calling out to me, they are pleading me to save them and bring them back home and I'll answer those calls and Mr.DEDEDE and myself will vanquish those who stand in our way and take everything that we lost, back.

 I've been biding my time for the moment like this to come around where DEDEDE and myself are in the title picture and moments like these is where I thrive, moments like this is where I do my best and remind people why I should be considered one of the most dominant force within this business. Impact, you have mentioned that I'm less hungry and not as motivated as I was in the past but I'm going to show you otherwise because I have all the motivation in the world since what I want is the titles that you and HBG have and my single desire to finally put you in your place and I can set aside all the bitterness I had when you were just a lapdog for Zack Crash. I can set aside the fact that you've beaten me in every single turn and the fact that you've basically ruined my life. But the one thing I can't get over is the simple fact that you have what is mine. The constant reminder of you being introduced as One Half Of The Unified Tag Team Champions. To me that is unacceptable because the only person who is fit to be the tag team champions are The Savage Ryans and all the bitterness and hate I have for you has increased ten fold knowing that you have THAT within your grasp! What you don't understand is that those tag titles were the only thing that has kept me going since Mr. DEDEDE and I won them and despite all the hard times him and I went through it was okay because I knew I had him by my side and knowing that I was still a champion! All those sleepless nights I had to endure without those titles to me was worse than hell and the most gruesome thing I have to endure all of my life. To me those titles is what kept me sane and what has kept me going and now that I don't have it anymore and knowing that you have it has lit a fire inside me and it doesn't matter to me how well accomplished you are or that you and your group has dominated for the past month or so but nothing and I mean nothing will stop The Savage Ryans from tearing you and HBG apart and reclaim the tag titles! So if you want a motivated and more hungry Ryan Savage then be careful what you wish for because you will get it at House Of Glass. I promise you that you'll see a side of me that has been absent for the past few months but you'll feel the wrath from a man that has nothing to lose. But what I want you and HBG and everyone who has wanted to mock me like the members of the Iconomy, Brando and Mark Michaels and The High Rollers is that I'm going to make every last one of you regret everything that you've said about me. Every last one of you has questioned my resolve, every last one of you has questioned my existence and I'm going to make sure at House Of Glass that if you stand against me that you'll regret uttering those words against me. I'm hell bent on making sure that this night isn't going to be an easy night for none of you. You can say that you have awaken the beast within me and I'm going to get extremely violent and I'm again going to remind you who Ryan Savage is and why it took so many people who has tried to end my career on more than one occasion. So the time for prayer begins because within those moments of you praying will be the only moments of solace you will get because rest assure at House Of Glass it will be nothing but hell. Like I've said before, I want it all back, I want The titles back home to where it belongs and that's with The Savage Ryans and if I have to mane a few people or snap a few necks to do so then I will do it. The killer instinct that a lot of people didn't think I have will be on full display and the world will witness what lengths that Ryan Savage is willing to go to get what he needs.
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post October 21st 2015, 12:55 am by Regulator
I was always told to never trust anything that bleeds for more than 7 days and doesn’t die…referring to a female of course. By saying that I’d be referring to Mr. Carlos Rosso who acted like a straight up BITCH on Dynasty by leaving me hanging. I never in a million years would I think that one of the few friends I still have around these parts would leave me hanging and lose to a couple of Brooklyn Brawlers. But then again I learned awhile back that you can’t trust people. This is a dog eat dog world and jealously always seems to fuel the fire in terms of people trying to take what they can’t get on their own. In your case Carlos, it’s the fact that you being irrelevant for as long as I’ve known you. I’ve known for years that you’ve stood in the shadows of guys who had more charisma than you, more accolades than you, and you’ve always managed to end up as nothing but an afterthought because of the simple fact that people could give a shit less if you walked down that ramp today or tomorrow. I guess that animosity towards someone like me, who has been away for 4 years, but still has a track record that’s a mile long showing I can handle my own. You on the other hand have had more failed runs than Goldust so you feel the need to leave me high and dry on Dynasty to pass on…a message? The only thing that you demonstrated was the simple fact that you being jealous and being a bigot will never get you anywhere. I was your one way ticket to receiving some EAW gold. Regardless of whatever you’re thinking right now, you know that’s the truth. Instead, you let demons you’re dealing with yourself get the best of you. I figured by now you would have learned how to channel your emotions…which also goes back to me saying you act just like a female. An old dirty rusty ass dumb ass bitch. You’re good for 23 days of the month but for the other 7 days when you’re bleeding like a cat that got ran over by a car, you’re panting, ranting, contemplating on the next dumb ass move you’re going to make while still trying to figure out who are or what you want all at the same time. That’s some confusing as shit right? I’m a lot more complex than you think my brother…don’t let the cars and millions of dollars I have get shit twisted in that mind of yours. That N.E. Title match you’re set to partake in In a few days…don’t bank on winning. See my friend, you broke barriers and crossed hell of lines by causing me to take an L this early in my latest run here in EAW. I had those rookies beat down to the point where all you had to do as a VETERAN was hop in the ring and finish the job. But no….you’re jealously and pride got the best of you. You’re nothing more than a snake….so I’m going to fight fire with fire. You can take whatever it is you want from that because I can assure you, if it’s up to me, you’re going to leave HOG empty handed. Just to play mind games with you, that’s not even me being there in a physical presence. Being unpredictable has always been something I’ve thrived on over the years…and that’s in every aspect of my life. No man should be able to clock your next move. That shit you pulled on Dynasty didn’t surprise me at all…even if we did decide to win and get further down the line, I know you’re pride wouldn’t let you consume the fact that one of the greatest to have ever done it is the reason why you’re even caring Tag Team Gold. You wouldn’t be able to live with yourself. You’re failed attempts at being in singles competition over the years makes me laugh at the fact that you have zero potential on all levels. You might as well hang it up bro. I went out on a blaze of glory years ago…as one of the best. The past few years probably have had dealings with certain people surpassing the heights I’ve met…well, maybe, but it doesn’t hide the fact that there isn’t a lot of bad things you can say about The Regulator. I’ve beaten the best…I’ve been at the top of the moment….done things you couldn’t even hold an unlit torch too. You not being in the lime light is probably you’re fault. You’re probably only booked in matches nowadays because of the creative team feeling sorry for you. I was surprised myself to see you jump from being In a tag match with me to being involved in a singles title match but that was only because Dynasty’s Creative Team can trust you enough to know that you can go out there and put on a great match none the less…I can never take away the fact that you’re one of the best technicians I’ve ever stepped in the ring with…But it’s also going to have the repetitive ending of you not being able to finish. Getting there is only half the battle my friend. You got a shot that I wish I could have nowadays, even though I know I have a long ways up the food chain to climb, but with me knowing you’re not going to succeed, it doesn’t bother me at all knowing I have to pick the bones of competitors piece by piece to EARN my spot. This isn’t the end at all my friend…for you’ve just given me another reason to be a lot more paranoid than I’ve been in years. That isn’t a good sign for the folks here in EAW. Gods speed my brother…this isn’t over with.
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post October 21st 2015, 12:52 am by showster26
House Of Glass Promo #4

PicPerfectMichaels has uploaded a video:

Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!) - Page 10 14198010

Iggy Azalea's "Fancy" starts up as soon as the video loads.

Announcer: "It's the Shout Out Show!, And Now here's your host, Picture Perfect Markk Michaelsssss!!!!"

Michaels strolls into the camera frame dressed sharply with his black Hugo Boss Jamis dress shirt, Gold rimmed Gucci Aviator sunglasses, and his million dollar grin.

Michaels: "Welcome my dear followers to the hottest, worldwide trending talk show in all of social media, welcome to the Shout Out Show brought to you by Protoshake who want to remind you to make your work out worth it!  It has been one hell of a week, everyone is talking Dynasty, and more importantly everyone is talk House of Glass.  You know it's this Saturday night, you know it's live of FPV, and you know you're not going to want to miss a moment of it, especially when in the most hash tagged moment of the show, I become the new EAW Tag Team Champion.  I'll talk more about that in a bit, but for right now lets get you caught up with everything you need to know."

Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!) - Page 10 Utxc9511

"Over the past few weeks everyone has been wondering who would challenge Vance Tybull for his National Elite Championship.  Last Friday we finally got an answer, and it's official, at House Of Glasss Vance Tybull will square off against Carlos Russo in a three round Taipei Deathmatch!  Social Media is blowing up over this one, lots of hashtags everywhere for this match, and if I wasn't on the card this would have been the match to steal the show.  But I have to give a word of warning to both Vance and Carlos, which ever one of you wins at House of Glass, you're going to eventually run head first into the Destiny Of Dynasty, and I'll be taking that National Elite belt back home to Beverly Hills.

Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!) - Page 10 Img_6712

"In other news, we got a major match made for House of glasss, when Lucian Black called out Zack Crash, and challenged him to a Red Walls Match.  What's more however is what ridding on the line, because if Crash loses he steps down as chairman of EAW, but if Black was to lose then the EAW Board Member will be forced to relinquish their positions.  The future of Dynasty, as well as the EAW is on the line in this one, but before this Saturday I have something that I want to say to Lucian Black..."

(Michaels removes his sunglasses and gives the a dead serious look into the camera)

"... Now Lucian, I know that you don't know me too well, and I know that if you believe some of the people hanging around in the locker room you'd probably believe that I'm nothing more than a selfish jackass.  But the fact is that what ever I am, I'm Dynasty thru and thru.  And nobody, not myself or anyone in the back want to see Zack Crash with his hand raised this Saturday.  Now I know you've been waiting for a long time to get your hand on this asshole, but you got to know he's planning something, so what I'm going to say to you right now is what ever you think you have to do to win, DO IT!"

(Michaels returns his aviators over his eyes)

"Man, things are getting tense here on the Shout Out Show, how bout we lighten the mood with our Worldwide trending moment of the week!  Roll the footage!"

(A clip Cailin Dillon low blowing JJ Silva from the last episode of Show Down is played)

"Big Shout Out to Cailin Dillon this week for doing what ever person whose ever watched a JJ Silva match has wanted to do.  Say JJ, looks like you'll be singing falsetto in the Iconomy choir.  You know something, I keep hearing you say how you beat the Savge Ryans, which says more about them than it does about you, and how you were able to "Hang" with the Mercenaries.  So what you are really saying about yourself, is that you failed to defeat the Tag Team champions, tell me again how that qualifies you as being better than anyone in this match?  You did get one thing right though, you are no leader.  You and your big, dumb... I want to say Italian from his weekly displays of ignorance and oily hair,  buddy of yours still can't come up with a reasonable insult against myself and (disgusted sigh) Angelo, and with every word you speak you just shoot yourself in the foot again.  one minute Chris says we arguer too much, the next he says we a perfect couple, he flip flops more than a presidential candidate.  And tell me Chris, how are you going to hit your "Sweet" finishing moves when I plant you head first into the mat with a Picture Perfect?!  And what the hell does Shaqtin mean anyway?

OH, and let's not for get about the pair of deuce stains who can't keep their mouths shut.  Jack, David, you two made a big mistake, see you guys might have been able to slip under the radar and not get the ass whipping of a life time from eight men this Saturday if you would have just kept quiet.  Instead you chose to piss everyone in this match off, and lets just say that now the odds of you boys being able to walk out of the Barclay Center is a long shot.  You boys are have been here all of two week in which you, A got beaten by NOT the Iconomy, and B were able to beat the scraps of Regulator I left from two weeks ago, so let me ask again, what THE FUCK have you accomplished? You know other than being obsessed with guys sucking dick?  Oh yeah that's right, you were able to be so annoying that four different teams who can't stand each other, now all want nothing more than to kick the everliving shit out of you.   David, Jack,  that little lucky streak you've been on comes to an end at House of Glass. 

And Heart Break Girl, I can't begin to tell you how disappointed I am in you.  It would have been bad enough to compare me mentally to those two pieces of intellectual pond scum, but then to go on and say that you couldn't tell my Perfect looks apart from those dog ugly, low life degenerate gamblers, well that's the last straw.  I won't be going easy on you at House of Glass, and from the word going around in the locker room I hear you never take it easy, if you get what I'm saying."

(Michaels gives a quick wink to the camera past his sunglasses)

"Now don't get your panties in a twist Y2Impact, first let me tell you that the way you tore the high rollerz apart on the mic was so fantastic I couldn't have said it better myself, well actuall I could have but I'll let you have your moment.  You know, even though you name is kind of goofy, I mean what kind of parents their kid Y2?  And even though Hexa-Gun sounds like the name of the villain in the next G.I.Joe movie, you sound like a smart man in your long, meandering, lifeless rambling rhetoric that you spot off.  Smart enough to know that nothing you say could ever shake the Confidence of the Brightest Burning start in all of Professional Wrestling.  So you and your little gal pal better bring everything you've got, because you are about to face off against Perfection, and like I always say there's no such thing as better than perfect.

And That brings me to the so called legend,  DEDEDE you should know by know that If you're not here to win championship, you shouldn't be here at all.  I don't know if you're having some sort of existential crisis or something, I can tell you that the reason every other team has told you've fallen off is because You have fallen the fuck off!  First you lose The World Heavyweight Championship to that bible quoting, incompetent asshole Tyler Parker, Then you last month you got pinned by some dude who... I don't know delivers pizzas or something, and the last time I checked your team is not called the Savage DEDEDEs, yet you have the nerve to call me a gnat?  I'm a YouTube Sensation, an Instagram Icon, a Twitter Trendsetter.  Your like Washington Wizards Michael Jorden, you've tarnished your own legacy by sticking around way too long.  It's like you've become a joke, or more exactly you've become a Carlos Mencia punchline.  And yes, no one will ever consider you a rocket scientist because you are too much imbecile to learn from your own recent history, therefore you are most certainly doomed to repeat it, only this time, your defeat will serve a higher purpose.  It will be on the few shattered fragment of a legacy upon which I will propel myself to even greater heights.  I will stand over you as the EAW Tag Team champion, and become the biggest cross over star in Dynasty-A-W baby, go ahead and picture THAT!
Aria Jaxon
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post October 21st 2015, 12:49 am by Aria Jaxon

It’s midday in the Manhattan neighborhood of Harlem, and the sidewalks, streets, and subway stations here are busy, just like every other part of The City That Never Sleeps. Situated on 125th Street is the famous Apollo Theater. It’s often lively and loud inside the historic venue, but right now, that isn’t the case. On the interior, it’s pretty much empty -- save for Aria Jaxon taking up a chair almost smack dab in the center of the lower tier of the sea of seats. Many of the lights are on, including the ones above the stage. The redhead leaned back in her seat, adjusting the Yankees snapback on her head before kicking her high heels up on the headrest of the seat in front of her. Her tone is nonchalant and almost unaffected as she gestures to the giant stage before her.

“Icons have set foot on the stage here at the Apollo. Promising amateurs walked through the doors and when they left, they proved they had all the makings of being a star. It’s been billed as the place “where stars are born and legends are made”, and the likes of Mariah Carey, Richard Pryor, Marvin Gaye, and The Supremes have proven it to be true. There’s only one Apollo Theater, but the idea of a place making stars is just that -- an idea. Your breakthrough can happen whenever and wherever you want it, and I’ve already got mine all figured out. The Barclays Center will be my Apollo Theater, the 10,000 Shards of Glass match will be my Showtime at the Apollo, and my moment in the sun comes at Madison Kaline’s expense.”

“Just like our EAW and Dynasty fans, the people that pile in here are loud and opinionated as hell. They’ll let you know what they like and what they don’t like. Here at the Apollo, if you’re about to get booed outta the building? This guy called The Executioner comes and chases you off the stage. The message the people in this building send is a simple one: come to do damage, or don’t show up at all. Bring your best, or stay the fuck at home. Lucky for you, Madison, you can’t literally be booed out of arenas. The mere fact that the fans -- and most of the women in the locker room -- are calling for your head isn’t enough to rip the Vixens Championship from your hands. Someone has to actually do something about it, and that someone is me. Between you and I, you’re the ill-fated performer, and I’m your own personal executioner. The guy who runs around this theater might be content with just chasing someone off the stage, but that’s not enough for me. As far as chasing you goes, I’ve done enough of that already. I’ve caught up to you plenty of times, too, beating you over and over again. God, I bet you’re sick of losing to me all the time, but I guess I’m just too much for you every time we meet. My best must be better than your best. Speaking of your best, remember what I said about staying home if you weren’t gonna bring your A game? Maybe I should’ve said that to you sooner, ‘cause you’ve hardly done that for the duration of your short reign. A champion is supposed to symbolize dominance, but you’re nowhere near that standard. You’re choking, Madison, just like a singer on the Apollo stage who forgot the lyrics to their music. It’s crunch time, and you can’t hang. Being champion sounded fantastic, and talking up a big game sounded great until you realized you might actually have to put your money where your mouth was. You poor thing! The burden might just prove to be more than you can handle. Don’t worry, though. The rumblings have already begun. The crowd’s already had enough of your bullshit, they’re booing you off the stage, and the Executioner is coming to collect. I’ll put you outta your misery, honey, you can bet on that.”

Aria pauses, and the look on her face suggests she’s thinking about going back on the last part of the statement. She then shakes her head.

“Actually...no. I feel like ending your misery won’t be all it’s cracked up to be. At House of Glass, who knows? Maybe I’ll be lookin’ to prolong your misery. Are you ready to bleed for the Vixens Championship, Madison? You were willing play dirty to get your hands on it, but what are you willing to do to keep it? What lengths will you go to? How far are you willing to push me? A lot of questions are hanging over your head as you walk into this title match. We don’t know how much you’ll sacrifice in order to secure the spot you think you deserve. You say stepping in the ring with you is dangerous? I beg to differ. You say the prospect of you throwing me into glass shards should have me sweating? I call bullshit. You’re the one at the disadvantage, Madison. When you and I step in between those ropes, I always have the upper hand. I’ve surpassed you by so much, in fact, that you opted to take that count-out loss on Voltage a few weeks ago, rather than have me kick your teeth down your throat. The fact that you could even been counted out is what saved you that night. Rules and parameters kept you from winding up on a stretcher, but at House of Glass, those boundaries will be taken away. You won’t hang onto that belt by virtue of a count-out win, Kaline. I’m sure you think you’ll go through hell in your first title defense, and you’re wrong. You’ll have to go through me...and I promise you, that’s much worse.”

Jaxon’s lips curl up into a knowing smirk, and she lowers the brim of the Yankees cap down over her eyes as the shot fades to black.
Jack Ripley2
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post October 21st 2015, 12:43 am by Jack Ripley2
*Jack Ripley just him alone with his thoughts, no cameraman, no interviewer*

Now all these people are talking? out of nowhere all them just spitting fire like a gun range, like gawd damn relax, just kidding I like it... speaking of things I like..

HBG, baby what are you talking about girl? I never said you can't wrestle, I'm sure you're a very good wrestler! A great wrestler even, and you can show me all your moves, in my bed, later after the match. It's ok, I know your little girl brain isn't as functional as mine, a man, but it's ok, you try your best. I mean lets face it, would you really be tag team champion if it wasn't for Y2Impact? It took an EAW Hall of famer to carry you to your first male title.. Yeah yea, you're a hall of famer too, if you want to count that, I mean you did mostly fight females. Try winning that title with another woman I can guarantee you don't do it again. And it's not against all woman, Ronda Rousey can give me a run for my money, but you? Naw, you have no muscle, I have a lot, what do you expect to happen? Have Impact bail you out? Cool I'm sure Impact is totally stoked about that. It takes a Hall of Fame effort to get you to where you are now. But you flaunted that big brain of yours, well you tried to, No ones ever heard of Jack Ripley, yeah no shit, I just got here what do you want from me? Were you known your first 2 weeks of your career? Did you have a championship match 3 weeks into your career, in a tiny Woman division? Most likely not, because that's not realistic. Did Impact give you permission to talk? Did he tell you what to say? Maybe he should've then what you're saying might actually matter to me. Such a mouth on you, do kiss your father with that mouth? You need it washed out with soap, you're so naughty HBG, I think I might have to give you a spanking, but I'll wait to administer the spanking when we get in the ring, don't worry, I like an audience. But I guess what you got going for you is that you're creative, well creativity won't get you very far when I'm beating the shit out of you Razz I like it rough.

Oh Chris Elite talked again... Yeah he doesn't matter saying the same shit over and over haha NEXT!
NOWWWW IMPACT, what is with all these old men still attempting this young man sport. You've seen them all come and go, so I guess you have some credibility, but then again you've been hit a ton of times in the head, I'm sure you've lost a lot of loved memories, like the birth of your child? Wait no you don't have kids. Getting married? No you're not married? So your biggest claim to fame is this? So that's why you don't want to leave, you love trying to fit into those little tights and getting oiled up, and parading around the ring for all these fans, because that's what really gets you off, might be the only thing. But you want to throw out pre school insults and call my partner a virgin, please, really? Grow up, you're like 60 act like it. Like dude really? You're saying someone is ugly as an insult, in a debate about a wrestling match? It's odd that you're calling us children when you're making school yard insults. Looks like someone never left his elementary mindset behind, I mean whoa, I didn't know I was being graded for speaking, you make one mistake and it gives you a aneurysm, but like actually.  you're actually cool tho, you know what I actually mean? Actually? I hope that bothered you so much, you have a heart attack. You act like life is school, and you have to do everything by the book. There's no slang in your world? You can't have fun with the English language? I know the kind of kid you were, you were the teachers pet. Whenever the teacher left the room, you had to tell everyone, Ok guys be quiet, don't make a ruckus, we promised teacher we'd behave. Then they'd throw shit at you and call you a homo, because you were just a nerd, that would over analyze everything. Well actually guys that's not how you pronounce that, actually guys that sentence isn't correct, nobody likes people like you, just relax and have a good time, you'll realize no body gives a shit. How can I expect to win when I cant construct a sentence properly? Gee I don't know, how about I just kick your ass? I don't need to spell shit when I fight you, you moron. It's like this joke from Greg Giraldo, it's about how he was watching the Olympics, and the announcers were amazed that this luger was competing because he was dyslexic and Greg made the joke; what does he get confused when he's going down the mountain like oh, god I cant read, this is too hard I'm coming back up guys, while all the better readers go speeding by saying eat my dust retard! Like no it doesn't matter. Thanks for the English lesson but I'll be fine, all I have to know is how to fight, and nerd like you I think I'll do fine. You act like you're this unrivaled genius when you're really not even close, you're a hypocrite for sure. So seriously grow up, and understand how old you are, weird coming from me, but I'm not a pretentious douche, so its okay.

And Mr. DeDeDe you think we're just gnats or a comedy act which is fine, at least someone will be able to entertain the crowd; it'll just be a little more entertaining when the HIgh Rollerz actually take the gold home after House of Glass.
Dennis Caffrey
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post October 21st 2015, 12:29 am by Dennis Caffrey
{David is sitting in a poorly lit room for some reason.}

I've noticed that for some reason, when a wrestler sits in a dark room, they are sometimes taken more seriously.. when all I see is a person who can't screw in a lightbulb properly. Then sometimes they'll have the bulb rocking back and forth, thinking it's intimidating! But in reality I just tune them out and focus on the bulb, trying to guess how long it'll take before it comes to a complete stop. But sure I'll try it their way even though I feel really dumb right now. I think I would fit in quite well with the Iconomy now. Oh I kid. I've noticed that so far, my opponents are taking this match very seriously and I see why. The tag titles are on the line. It's a great opportunity. So let me make something perfectly clear, Jack and I are also completely locked in on our match at House of Glass. 100% focus is on this Saturday. Well, the ducks as well. Ducks are cool. Pretty neat creatures if you ask me. Anyways I feel hated. Jack might feel the same, I don't know. We are the new guys ya know? Almost three weeks in and we’re already in a title match. I can only wonder what kind of matches our opponents were in during their third week. So as you can see.. we are big deals. Pretty much royalty by now. So I can see where the hatred comes from. Actually let me rephrase that, I can see where the jealousy comes from. 

So I feel like I should address the champs first, to make them feel special and stuff. Sup Y2Impact and HBG? Chillin? That's coo’. First things first, Y2Impact or Imp for short, I see you are very worried about my ankle since we are like best buds, so I appreciate it. I have your get well card in my bag somewhere. Yeah my ankle is severely damaged. Said that yesterday I believe. It's just a really nasty injury. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. With that said, I'm going to pull through and compete this Saturday because I'm a fighter. I don't just give up and lay down to die. I keep my legs churning and my heart pumping. I go ‘til the whistle. Or I guess in this case, the bell. Whatever. Speaking of my ankle, I was thinking of having a David Davidson appreciation night at House of Glass. Where everybody would wear lime green to support my troubling times with my ankle. But I know one of you idiots would be like “how dare you mock breast cancer awareness month”, when that was not my intention. I have respect for those women and men. And also I don't want to overshadow House of Glass itself. It shouldn't be all about me. I should share the spotlight and because I'm such a good and humble person, that's exactly what I'll do. I was talking to Impact right? Yeah back to him. Now I'm confused because out of the blue you want to test my ankle out but I know in your heart, you'll struggle to twist it or bend it but I won't take it personally. I won't let it damage our friendship. You gotta do what you gotta do to retain those titles, just like I won't hesitate to take you out. That's rasslin for ya. For the record I'm not using my ankle as an excuse. Why would I? I was able to wrestle on one foot and win last week. With a few days off, it will only get better. If I didn't know better, you seem sick and tired of my ankle which is fine. But if that's the case, then don't bring it up in the first place. I wouldn't even be talking about it right now if you never mentioned it. Just a tip from one champion to another. You also seem to have a problem with us being in this match and I know the reason why. You don't want to lay a finger on me, I get it. But blame Carlos and Regulator for sucking at life. Blame them for not being good as advertised. Hell I’m not even sure if either of them are talented to be honest, but Carlos is the poster boy and he's in  all of the House of Glass commercials so he must be decent. So in my eyes, Jack and I deserve to be in this match because we qualified. We didn't get a bye like Mark and Angelo because like I said, we are fighters, obviously. So here I am, sitting in this room wondering why you believe I don't want to be taken seriously? Because I like to have fun when I talk? You guys take life in general too seriously. Relax, go bond with your four friends. Because I'm the kind of guy who always has a smile on his face! I don't take life for granted! I enjoy it to the fullest and blah blah blah. Be one with nature. Go on a “neature walk.” 

Still not sure why everybody questions how we got Dynasty contracts. We are just good negotiators, that's all. So no we didn't weasel ourselves into Dynasty Wrestling. We didn't have a gun to Conning’s head. We don't have dirt on them either. They just saw us and noticed that we have the it factor.. obviously. Not even sure about this quote either when you said, “an aging, awkward and hopeless virgin who drowns his sorrows in liquor before blowing his chance at a healthy social life when a girl finally talks to him and he throws up in her lap.” Haha that sounds just a little too specific man. I don't recall asking for your life stories, but alright. It all makes sense now. I love it man. Tell me more stories next time. What a knee slapper that was, but anyways enjoy the rest of your day. Now as for his partner, HBG, how are ya? Yeah? For real? What? You don't say! Awesome!! We are obviously close as well. Lots of big moments shared. Good times. With that said HBG, you need to chill. There weren't any backhanded remarks from my end. I WOULD NEVVVA! How dare you accuse me of such a crime. But I guess making accusations is the trend here. That Mark dude accused us of only going to old and beat up casinos, your friend Impact thinks I've only won bronze in my life, and the list goes on and on. It's weird how they are so interested in my personal life but at the same time, I get why, so I'm not offended by these lies. Whoa whoa whoa! HBG, again, you need to calm down. I never said you couldn't wrestle! Whoa! If anything I gave you credit when I said only three people can actually talk shit to me because of their accolades alone.. you, Y2Impact, and Mr. DEDEDE. So chillllllllllllllll. Now before I move on, I want you to clarify something for me. It's the least you can do right? Ok when you said, “Oh! No one’s even heard of you. No one gives you a shit about morons like Jack Ripley and Mark Michaels. Not even a single thought has been expressed about David Davidson!” Does that mean you like me more? Because you didn't swear or shout or call me a moron when talking about me. Or is it the other way around? That would hurt my feelings Sad. God you guys are just too mean sometimes. What did I even do? That's right I did nothing wrong. I just want to take that title off your shoulder, that's all. So I'll be sure to give you your name plate back when they replace yours and drill mine in. Deal? Sweet. 

One team down, one to go I believe. Nobody else really talked I don't think, unless I remember differently as I go. Anyways The Iconomy. Sup JJ? Chillin? That's coo’. I see you were rocking out. What were ya listening to? Just trying to make some small talk before I go in on ya. Actually let me address the both of you. So listen up Christopher. To be honest I tuned Chris out for the most part. It's not that I don't care.. it's just.. actually never mind, I don't care. But I did pick up the fact that he has a stuttering problem now? Didn't realize that before. The dude says I mean like every sentence, kinda weird, but hey it's whatever. Anyways the main point he was trying to make is Jack and I say the same stuff. That we need to switch it up! Well for starters great minds think alike, so we are bound to say some of the same things. Secondly you went on to say that you and JJ do switch it up. Um no. Don't lie to yourself. It's not good for ya. But if that's what you actually believe I will go back and pull out quotes that are nearly identical to JJ. I will seriously do it if you want. I'm just warning you now because a lot of people already see you as an idiot and I don't really want to a kick a man who is clearly already down. But if you don't care,  give me the green light and I will. I just really hope you put some thought into this. That's all I have to say. So here we have JJ, talking about when Eclipse and Chris “beat” us. Did we not go through this already? Pretty sure we did so remove your built up ear wax. Thaaaaanks! I'm not sure why you take my words so personally, but it's cool. “I mean”, let's be honest you’re  a terrible leader who will only lead the Iconomy to  failure. Maybe appoint Eclipse as your leader because for some reason, he leads a pack of dirty little orphans who should go back to the pound as far as I'm concerned. Also I'm glad you admit that you've gone through quite a few slumps before, although I'm not sure why you felt the need to point it out, when it was obvious all along, but oh well. And here you go again talking about I'm irrelevant. I will never understand this logic. If I'm irrelevant to you, why even bother talking to me? It's obvious in your little pretend world you're a shark and I'm a goldfish. Now let's translate that to the real world. Do you think a shark would be concerned over a goldfish? No they would just devour it and be on with its day. So I would just love to see you try to make that a reality and take me out of this match. You can even try to target my “weakness.” I won't even talk about what it is because Impact will probably freak out. I really hope you target me in this match. I want to see just how bad.. I mean good you are. Because as far as I'm concerned I won't even need my glass weapon to shave a few decades off of your life. Again you don't have to listen to me run my mouth haha. Did I say you have to care about my opinions? No, but it's obvious you do. What an “honor.” Now back to what you said. The I just blow comment was funny. Because odds are you thought you were so clever when you said it, probably thought of it a couple days ago and couldn't wait to use it, when in the end you hit a whammy. Since I feel kind of bad for you, I will up my score and give it a 2/10. What a generous score that was. Also I'm not trying to be apart of this match you dumb fuck haha. Im in the match, obviously I'm apart of it and if you want to underestimate Jack and I, a team that's improved quite a bit from week to week, then so be it. Besides we are all used to your shitty strategies, such as outing that one chick as the weak link, when it was the complete opposite. I just remembered that you said you're  going to permanently eradicate us. Oh boy you sure do give me a challenge. Your whole video should be uploaded to YouTube as a try not to laugh edition. I think everybody would fail that. But seriously you aren't going to do shhhhhiiiiit to us. No matter what goes down at House of Glass, we’ll be on Dynasty the following week. No matter how badly you want to get rid of us, to stop annoying you, to stop pointing out your obvious and quite frankly alarming flaws, we won't. You'll be hearing a lot from me in the near future, so you might as well get used to it or hey, put your headphones on and tune me out, your choice bruh. And wow there he goes talking about a match from a few weeks ago again. Yet your boy Chris says we repeat ourselves. Classic! Never change boys, never change. So is that it? Oh wait we have Mr. DEDEDE telling us we are just in this match for comedy purposes. Look at my surroundings! I'm in a dark room so obviously I mean business. So I guess the question that remains is David Davidson gonna have to grab a shard of glass and cut a bitch? You don't want none.
Bhris Elite
Re: Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)
Post October 20th 2015, 11:56 pm by Bhris Elite
You might be right Impact.  Maybe I do enjoy the fact everyone is insulting me. Maybe I like being called a moron right? Because before I wasn't being called anything I wasn't even noticed before.  Now can some can say that's because of JJ and the rest of the Iconomy or they can say it's because I stand out more.  I'll let you decide on which one it is.  Though I kind of have a feeling you'll go with the first one and maybe that's because you got you're had to far up you're ass.  Now if I was you I'd be very high of myself too I mean shit I already high of myself and I have a reason.  Time and time again whether I win or lose I prove I can hang with the best of them.  Now you might deny that you'll never give anyone props, you will never admit that being in the ring with me those 2 times was no easy task.  You rather dodge it you rather tell me I can never be in the ring with you.   I understand you guys are undefeated I understand you guys are great and that's why you guys are champions.  You also have to understand though this can't last forever.  Maybe in you're head it can last forever until the day you decide to retire, but if you step into reality then you will realize that it won't last forever.  At the greatest stage or the highest moment of The Mercenaries career can also be the worst time.  Like going into HOG for example I mean nothing can possibly slow you two down right? You guys look like you can make it last until at least next year.  Like I said though even when it looks great you never know what can happen you never know when it could end.  So what I'm trying to say is it can end a lot sooner than you two may think. 

The worst of the bad bunch?  I mean with guys like The High Rollerz or Mark Michael's and Angelo Brando I'm the worst of the bunch? Man that kind of hurts but I already proved why this isn't the case time and time again.  I defeated two men who can be future world champs in the next year or two in TLA and Carlos.  I mean I even pinned someone in the bad bunch and that's David Davidson though he doesn't seem to remember it so well.   To call me the worst of the bad bunch is just rude and naive.   I've owned up to both of the losses The Iconomy took in the match when I was speaking to you're partner HBG.  I told her I was aware I was pinned by you.  No excuses I also said though I can't dwell on the past and beat myself up for one loss I'll make it up one day.  That done day can also be a lot sooner than later.  That day being House of Glass.  I have been told my whole life I can't do it and that's exactly why I'm back now and so far this has been a great run that only gets better.  I mean look at me I've been in the ring with Hexa-Gun, DDD, TLA, Carlos and many others since my return.  In the past I would never make it past my first opponent.  I wouldn't even show up on a FPV match card now look at me.  I'm in one of the biggest matches on the FPV card.  So my future only looks to get brighter.  So maybe you're wrong maybe I'm not doomed to face misfortune.  My star is shining pretty bright right now and it's just going to get brighter.  Don't believe me? Well maybe in Brooklyn when me and JJ are raising the titles you will.  Maybe in a couple of months or just a month when I'm the one to defeat TLA and become New Breed Champion you will realize that.   You also asked me a question, the question being.  "You couldn't do it on the multiple other occasions you had the chance, what makes you think you can defeat them in the spotlight?".  To answer that question and as cliche and generic as this may sound I will say this... 3rd times a charm.  The 3rd time at MY home in my type of match is the reason I think the reason I KNOW myself and JJ can get the job done this time.  The Iconomy expected from the get to be looked down upon.  We take being underestimated and use it as an advantage.  Also another thing you've failed to notice Impact is the fact me and JJ are on the same page and know it isn't due to me being a "Blind follower" nor a "Ass-kisser" it's because we have a mutual respect for each other. We know what the goal is and we focus on it.   We aren't like the rest of the teams in the match who were just put in so they can get a spot in House Of Glass.  We are more of capable of winning this match.   See Impact you can say what you want but you're opinion doesn't really matter.  You may take this is as disrespect because you are a veteran and a legend but I'm just being honest Impact.  I mean in all honestly I can super kick you and pin David Davidson like I did once before to win the Tag Team Titles for me and JJ.  JJ could even hit the Code of Silva on HBG and pin Angelo Brando.  I've been on a tear like no other for the past couple of weeks despite the losses I still put on a show in each of my matches and you can't take that away from me Impact.  On the other hand we can take something from you and that's those titles you hold so dearly.  We can also take the fans out of their misery and rid of the Mercenaries as tag team champions.  Just by doing that would help taking out Hexa-Gun I mean without those titles what else do you two have? I mean yeah the past accomplishments everyone is well aware of but how will it look if the two leaders of the group let their guard down and let their titles be taking away? Who is really going to take you serious as a captain? I mean especially after losing to a team like myself and JJ right because everyone knows how horrible we are.  So you can try to put me out of my misery thing is though I'm not miserable I feel great right now and I'm sure I'll be feeling even better after the match is all said and done with... 

Now onto DDD trust me man no one forgot about you nor Ryan Savage.  Matter of fact I got a bone to pick with you after that Spear you gave me during the Lumberjack match.  I'm sure JJ has the same bone to pick as well.  See DDD I knew it was only a matter of time before before you spoke up.  I knew it was only a matter of time before you like everyone else gives everyone the reasoning behind why you and you're partner will walkout with the titles.  DDD you kind of upset me though.  I mean I understand calling Mark and Angelo insects or even the High Rollerz but to call The Iconomy such a thing? That's just uncalled for.  We are much more then that.  I look at us as underrated predators.   Predators you don't really know about until you're super kicked off you're shoulders or until what you hold dearest to you is gone.   We are no filler team we are much more then that and we will prove ourselves of being worthy enough of hanging with the "Big Dogs" come Saturday evening.  

Dynasty Promoz! (Section closed, promo under EAW Promoz!)

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