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EAW Promoz! :: Comments

Kevin Devastation
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 27th 2016, 4:26 pm by Kevin Devastation

Adrian Christ...Where do I know that name?

My man I remember you from before!

The sole of my boot remembers you too when I stepped on you my underling.

But really brother, why are you even attempting to be here? Why are you gonna be in front of my face on Dynasty again? You were disposed of a long time ago Adrian, and you should have never come back. When they put you in a match with me, you should have been more scared of that than the boogieman who is gonna get you on Halloween brother. Because I am a Hall Of Famer, I am a man who has done it all and all again in this world, where you have been a tool at one point to help me construct this career of mine. A tool against the builder does not bold well for the tool. And just like a cheap tool that I always thought you were, I had very little use for you years ago and then I tossed you aside, never to be heard from again in six years. Cheap tool, allow me to say this...you got no chance slick, no chance at winning, no chance at surviving, and no chance at being anything else than a stepping stone again brother. I am gonna stomp you into the dirt, and then in another six years you can get ack up and hell, maybe ill come back from my luxury suite on Paradise Island and put ya right back in it again. But until then I think I am gonna enjoy just putting the hurt on ya one more time Adrian.

Mike Showman
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 27th 2016, 2:51 pm by Mike Showman
(NOTE: This is a joint promo by me and Jon McAdams. We did it because we both find ourselves in a common scenario. This gives me the scope of developing my character and for McAdams, it's like a promo for the upcoming match)

(An expensive car pulls into the Le Meurice, an exquisite restaurant and hotel in Paris with two other cars behind that. On seeing the car, a man who was waiting near the gate runs towards the car as Mike gets out from it, wearing a formal dress. The man greets him with a smiling face and shakes his hand)

Man: Welcome sir, I was awaiting your arrival. My name is Fischer. Now, as per your specifications, I found that this hotel is best suited for you. Le Meurice holds fame all around the world for being the best and of course, expensive. Only the most elite can afford a lunch or dinner here.

Mike (shaking his hand): Excuse me but I will be the judge of that.  

Fischer: Of course sir. However, there is an issue. Because this hotel is so popular, getting a place here is quite difficult. Now, I spoke with the guy behind the desk but he refused to budge. I tried all sort of means but he is almost impossible to negotiate with. He speaks along the line of doing the right thing and everyone must get in line, even men like you

(Mike listens to this and moves through the lobby with a brisk pace along with his security as the man moves along with him. He finally reaches the hotel desk)

Mike (with a smile): Hi, my name is Mike and it has come to my notice that a booking has been refused for a table of two under my name

Hotel guy (in a heavy French accent): Welcome monsieur Mike. Yes, I was the one who refused your booking because by the time the call for your booking was made, we were already full

Mike (with a big fake smile): You know who I am?

Hotel guy: Yes I am aware of who you are

Mike: Say my name

Hotel guy (smiling): Michael Brown aka Mike Showman

Mike: Yes. You know who my father is?

Hotel guy: Yes, I know.

Mike: Yet you refuse me a place?

Hotel guy: As I said, we are full. I am sorry there is nothing I can do

Fischer (who had been listening to this conversation quietly): Mike sir, I am calling the manager about this. This man is clearly sick and has no idea what he is blabbering about.

Mike: (looking at Fischer): Sure, do bring him. He must know about the sick people he has employed in his hotel. Now, while my man is talking to your manager, let me tell you something clearly. You have refused me a table here. Because of this, I will now take out my phone and call my father. When my father hears that his son of all people was refused a seat, he will go as far as buying this hotel to ensure that his son gets a seat. Now, let’s assume that he buys this hotel. If that happens, you all will lose your job because my father always prefers not to keep the old staff around. Now, you might quit proudly saying that you have no shame quitting because you did the right thing. But now, think of the man who is cooking or the man who is serving. They lose their jobs and then, their family goes starving. Their kids drop out from school and become meth heads or drug addicts. How long will it be before they start blaming you for their loss and take you to court just so that they can please my father and get their jobs back? The game you are playing will make you lose everything….

(Before the conversation could end, the manager walks in briskly with his forehead 

Manager: Monsieur bienvenue, I am the manager of this hotel. How may I serve you?

Mike (irritated): Firstly by not fucking interrupting me while I am on the middle of a conversation. Secondly, by giving me the finest table you have in your damn hotel and thirdly, by firing this sick employee who has done nothing but humiliate me here

Hotel guy (surprised): Quelle? I did not humiliate you. I simply did what was right. 
(Turns to the hotel manager and explains him what has happened in French)

Manager (turns to Mike): I am extremely sorry for the rude behavior of my employee. I will make sure you are not mistreated at our fine establishment. If you will follow me, I will give you the finest seat we have

Mike: Just that? What about him (points to the hotel guy)? He misbehaved with me, humiliated me. Me, Mike Showman of all people. You understand the consequences if my father hears about this?

Manager: Sorry about it Sir. I am sure he does not need to be involved (turns to the hotel guy) à partir de ce moment, vous n'êtes plus un employé de cette société. Vous déposez tout ce que vous travaillez en ce moment, obtenir votre truc et laisser (as of this moment, you are no longer an employee of this company. You will drop whatever you are working on right now, get your stuff and leave)

(The hotel guy is stunned to hear this. His stunned face soon turns to tears as he realizes what is going on. He falls on the manager’s knees crying and begging for his job. He then turns to Mike apologizing but he simply turns his face away. The manager guy then calls for the security to force him away. While the security drag him away, the guy cries and says sorry weakly but everyone ignores him)

Manager (turns to Mike with a smiling face): Now how about we put this all behind us with a wonderful experience. Sir, if you follow me, I will show you the finest place we have to offer and with that we will give you our special food.

Mike: 2 people

Manager: Excuse me?

Mike: I need room for two people. I have a guest coming by

Manager: Certainly Sir. Follow me

Mike (looking at Fischer and his security): Fischer, you know this area better than anyone else. Take my men to a bar. A good one, don’t go cheap on them. When I am done with this meeting, I will call you back.

Fischer: Yes, Sir (leaves with Mike’s security)

(The manager shows Mike to his place, one of the most luxurious place on the top floor. Mike settles down on his seat as he manager bows and leaves)

(Mike looks at his watch and then at the door, waiting for someone to arrive. In the meantime, two other guests eating there notice Mike and remember him)
Guest #1: Hé, regardez c'est Mike Showman, le lutteur EAW (Hey, that’s Mike Showman, the EAW wrestler)
Guest #2: Je sais qui il est, mais ce qui la baise fait-il ici? Est-ce qu'il ne devait pas manger à son propre bateau ou quelque chose? (I know who he is but what the fuck is he doing here? Isn’t he supposed to eat at his own boat or something?)
Guest #1: On dirait qu'il est en attente pour quelqu'un (Looks like he is waiting for someone)
Guest #2: Mec, je parie que c'est une fille. Mike doit avoir une petite amie française. Attendez, j'ai une idée. Attendons pour sa fille pour arriver et nous pouvons cliquer leur photo ensemble. Nous serions putain célèbre une fois que nous obtenons que sur twitter (Dude, I bet it’s a girl. Mike must have a French girlfriend. Wait, I got an idea. Let’s wait for his girl to arrive and we can click their picture together. We would be fucking famous once we get that on twitter)
(They take out their phone and take some photos. Few pictures later, Mike gets up and moves to the door with a smile in his face. The two guests look and their eyes go wide as Mike Showman welcomes Jon McAdams)

Mike Showman: Welcome Mr McAdams. You are right on time.
McAdams: I try to be punctual, especially when I’m the guest of such a respectable person
Mike: I see you don’t have Gary with you
McAdams: Ah, yes, I try to avoid bring Jeff with me to important meetings and gatherings. He’s a turd in an orgy you see.
Mike: Oh it’s well, I have a table for two anyways. Well, let us begin
(Both move towards the table as the two guests photographing Mike are stunned a bit)
Guest #2: Rapide, commutateur vidéo (Quick, switch to video)
Guest #1: Quelle? (What?)
Guest #2: Passez à la vidéo et tout ce qu'ils disent enregistrer (Switch to video and record
every word they say)
Guest #1: Ils sont un peu loin, la qualité serait pauvre (They are a bit far. The quality would be poor)
Guest #2: Ne vous souciez pas. Assurez-vous qu'ils sont compréhensibles dans l'audio et de l'image. Fais le (Don’t care. Just make sure they are understandable in audio and picture. Do it)
(Meanwhile, McAdams and Mike have settled at their table. Mike calls the manager and asks him to get the finest drinks for them. They manager returns after a minute or so. Mike now asks for the starters and the manager hurries off to get them)
McAdams: You have fine taste, sir. This hotel is gorgeous. And the servants here are far more accommodating than the ones in my home.
Mike: They became more accommodating once I fired that behind the desk guy's ass. You should have looked at how he cried when the security were dragging him away while just a few moments earlier, he was acting as the tough guy denying me a place here. I tell you this, firing someone is the effective way to ensure maximum efficiency among the remaining staff. My father has taught me this valuable lesson. Never knew the man to wrong about such stuff. 
McAdams: Indeed. Congratulations by the way, normally I don’t congratulate people for taking out trash but he was a lot of trash. Heaps of it. Unnatural heaps of garbage.
Mike: It was nothing to be honest. Men like Fournier can never beat men like me as you would know very well because you and I are so much alike. You and I both fight with class and most importantly, fight to win. Such concepts are incomprehensible to retards like Fournier. I mean, that guy calls himself the trill fairy, could you imagine that? A grown man thinks that fairies are real and worse, calls himself one. Glad I was able to teach him some lessons this week.

McAdams: haha! Yes! He is a child truly. I’d feel bad about my match with him on sunday if it weren’t for the fact that he’s a spoiled little shit and he deserves the beating I’m giving him
(The manager arrives with the food)
McAdams: So. Why did you call this meeting?
Mike: I like it, straight to business. Well the reason why I called you here is because of
Ahren Fournier. Yes, I know I beat him last week and by doing that send his sorry ass back to his mother’s basement but still, I don’t feel satisfied. You know what I mean? I want him to suffer more. I want him to burn because of me. I want that smile from his face to vanish and pain to be the only expression on his sorry little retard face. I hear from sources that you are next up for him and so, I would be very happy if you can do that for me. I mean, it’s not like I can’t do it myself but, c’mon this is Paris. Who likes to wrestle in Paris? Plus, it does not seem proper that only one man humiliate that bastard. I want humiliation to come from all sides and you are the right man for this. Only you can give him the agony and pain that I want to see. I have been following you ever since you got here and trust me, I know a jewel when I see one. Inherited this from my father. He too built a monster of a company just by kicking out all the snakes from the grass and retaining only loyal dogs
McAdams: Oh, I am in. Nothing would please me more than to help you completely humiliate and destroy this child. This… trill fairy retard. Thank you for noticing, I’ve watched your work since I’ve gotten here. Easily the most impressive man in this company and I’d be honored to do this.
Mike: For doing this job of course you will get quite a handsome reward from me and of course the gratitude of my family which only the luckiest obtain when they are at the epitome of their luck. Plus, to inspire you to a victory, I will be having the best seat in the house, the commentary table. I will sit there, cheer for you and watch you grab a dominating win
McAdams: Good, at least someone will be there truly advocating on my behalf. WWEFan seems to disagree with the way I do things. In fact, I’d say he downright hates me. I hear he has hatred for you as well.
Mike: Yeah it has come to my notice as well. But to be honest, who listens to him anyways? He is like the moral centre of the show, always preaching morality. He should just join the church and let the talented Kawajai take over because he is the actual voice of Voltage. Hey, this gives me an idea. While I am in the commentary table, maybe I will give some commentating lessons to WWEFan. I am sure he would love to learn from a person who defines class
McAdams: haha yes! Teach him how to speak properly, especially when addressing class.
Mike: So we have a deal. Excellent. Now please, no more EAW business. Let us enjoy this wonderful dish
(Meanwhile, the guys with the camera finish their recording. They are clearly happy from their job)
Guest #2: Youtube il est alors (YouTube it is then)
Guest #1: Immediatement. Avec la quantité de points de vue, nous allons obtenir sur celui-ci, nous allons devenir des célébrités instantanément (At once. With the amount of views we will get on this one, we will become celebrities instantly)
(They leave their table after finishing their remaining food)
McAdams (looks at the departing guests): So, why did you decide to meet me so publicly.
Mike: So that people look. I want them to look. The more people look, the quickly it will reach Fournier’s ears. Now, he might take some time to understand what it means because of his retarded brain but once he decodes it, he should know that he is walking on a dangerous path, the path that began with Fournier humiliating me and will end in his humiliation. No one humiliates me and gets away with it, no one
McAdams: Those people recorded us, soon we will be Youtube. That should reach Fournier soon enough
Mike: Yes, I saw that too. Good then, very good

(Mike and Jon enjoy their meal)
Terry Chambers
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 27th 2016, 2:18 pm by Terry Chambers

"Same Old Shit"

---The scene opens outside of Terry Chamber's home in Miami, Florida, the cameraman walks up to the door and knocks and Terry Chambers answers the door looking annoyed and the cameraman asks with fear in his voice if Terry Chambers would like to comment on what he has been going through lately and his match on Showdown this Saturday night. Terry Chambers thinks for a second before stepping out his front door and shutting it behind him and leads the cameraman off his front porch then begins speaking into the camera---

Terry Chambers: So let me get this straight, you traveled all this way to Miami, coming to my home uninvited, then likely ask me something stupid when you just like everybody else knows, that I am not in a pleasant mood? I'll admit you got some guts, not a lot of brains, but a lot of guts. Well to answer your question on what's been going on with me the past month.....well in a nutshell, this has been the worst month of my life. Back at Territorial Invasion after Team Crash was victorious I was attacked by Lannister and put on the shelf for several weeks. I was also out for several weeks which is also another thing piled on to my shitty October because there's nothing I love doing more than stepping in my squared circle, school someone, then kick them out and wait for the next victim EAW would feed me. It absolutely killed me not being in the ring for weeks, at one point I told the EAW doctor to go fuck himself and was going to force Murrow to book me in a match but the doctor kept getting in my face and my temptations were going crazy with just throwing this guy through a wall but I can't risk my job security so I kept my cool and just waited a few weeks until I finally had a match with Tyler Parker. Tyler Parker is not a better competitor than me, I was still feeling a bit of pain and also haven't been in the ring for weeks so I temporarily lost a step but I have hit the gym hard around 12 hours a day keeping in shape and watching film. Me and JJ also finally ended the OMERTA group because me and him know that we can do so much more without the name over our heads. Me and JJ did a lot of talking during our partnership in OMERTA and realized we have a lot in common and with both of our abilities in the ring combined, not one damn person would get in our path. So while in OMERTA teaming with Crash we always are leaving the door open to team up and when Crash got traded to Voltage is when opportunity came knocking, and when the tag titles were vacated, that is when opportunity was knocking even louder.

---Terry Chambers sits on the hood of his 2016 Audi R8 car and rubs his chin for a brief moment then starts talking into the camera once again---

Terry Chambers: Now it is time to start the next chapter of my career now that OMERTA has officially been disbanded and I start writing page 1 of that chapter this Saturday on the Halloween edition of Showdown! You have no idea how long I have been waiting to get back in the ring, it has been all I can think about for weeks now and that little Tyler Parker fiasco does not count. You would think with Terry Chambers fresh and ready to go and ready to resume his dominance that Murrow would give me someone who can atleast have maybe a 2% chance of beating me or even lasting 5 minutes with me? That 2% is just me being generous by the way. The Philly Kid? This is the best they can give me? Damien Murrow knows I am the best damn wrestler on this roster and he is likely keeping me down fighting with the likes of Philly Kid because I am still a thorn on his side with what happened with OMERTA. Its fine with me, I don't like ending young kids careers but I will do it and enjoy it because I love hurting people from bell to bell and when I run through all the scrubs there will be nobody else left other than Murrow's so called "main eventers" here on the Showdown roster. So Philly Kid, Philly Kid, I can likely guess that when Philly Kid heard about this match he ran to Murrow and BEGGED to get out of this match because he knows what I do to people like him. It seems Damien hates Philly Kid more than he does to more because he's not only trying to keep me in the undercard but he wants Philly Kid's career to come to a end by the hands of me. Let's be honest, I am coming off an injury and I am fresh and have been itching to get back in the ring and that spells D-I-S-A-S-T-E-R for Philly Kid, there is now way this kid is leaving this arena on his feet. I am in need of mking a huge impact to to insert myself into higher things on this show. I am not and hear me out when I say it, will not show any mercy on poor little Philly Kid. Honestly, Philly this might actually be a blessing for you really, I might be doing you a favor here if you think about it. What the hell have you been doing since you have got here? Jackshit that right so maybe this business just isn't cut out for you. Halloween is not until next Monday night but this Saturday night you, your career, and your life is in for a major scare! BOO!

---Terry Chambers demands the cameraman get off his property and the scene fades to black to Terry Chambers walking through his front door and shutting it behind him---
Elena Miles
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 27th 2016, 1:18 pm by Elena Miles
After over a month of scouring the Voltage landscape for true competition, this is the best that they have to offer. Tell me, everyone, do you ever wonder why I so rarely appear? Do you wonder why, despite my consistent victories and success, I still find a way to fade into obscurity?

Does it ever cross your minds that you are only ever able to witness the destruction that I cause when it suits my bidding?

It should be more than obvious to all of you by now that I have this EAW Universe wrapped around my finger, playing to the beat of my drum, hanging from the strings that I puppeteer them with. Meanwhile I sit here, patiently waiting for my next challenger-- or, in this case, challengers-- to arrive. I run Voltage from this inside and the outside and there’s not a thing anyone can do to change that. You may have the likes of Kenny Drake fooling these people that they’re a part of something bigger for a moment… but only for a moment. Then they come crawling back to me. The men like Carlos Rosso and H.R.D.O.? They act like they run Voltage but that couldn’t be further from the truth. They just handle the day-to-day business. I control Voltage. I decide who wins and who loses, who these people cheer for and who they boo. That is true, untainted power and it is something that no one else in EAW will ever have. If you don’t believe me, just look at what happened to Carson Ramsay or Nasir Capitani. Two weeks prior to Nasir’s supposed big moment he was forced to step in the ring with me… and what happened? He lost to me, just like everyone before him, and then he lost to Aren Mstislav. A week later? I did the same to Carson Ramsay. Guess what happened to him? He lost too. If The Sanatorium need any further proof as to who and what I am then I suggest you take a look at one of your own members.

Tell me, Maero, do you remember when you and I last stepped in that ring together? More importantly, do you remember what happened? I had you at my mercy. You may as well have been begging to have our match put to an end by the time I was done with you and, then, what happened after that was truly accurate of what you really are: A failure. Merely a few weeks after I was through with you you were given the opportunity to win the Hardcore Championship and you failed. Time and time again, you failed. Why do you think that’s so? It’s not just rotten luck or the cards not playing in your favor. No, it’s the cards being stacked against you. Cards stacked by me. If you truly think that your lack of victories in these past few months has been because of coincidence then you are sadly mistaken. As I said, I control everything on Voltage. I control you. I control Eclipse. I control everyone. So what is it that makes you think that you can topple me now, Maero, when you couldn’t do so before? For as far as you should be concerned, I’m the one who made this match happen. This Sunday I’ll be stood side by side both former and current champions while you stand with… men who harbor children and Hades. I think that it’s rather obvious who has the advantage here, don’t you? Not only is it an advantage but it’s one that places you with such a large handicap that you failure is once again certain, Maero.

This is punishment.

This is punishment for The Sanatorium stepping out of line by trying obtain what it doesn’t deserve: Success.

You have all infected Voltage like a cancer and that is something that I intend to rectify. This is my brand and my mountain and I assure all of you that you will all be knocked down from reaching it’s peak by me if it’s the last thing I do. Over and over and over again, I will defend this brand from the sickness that you bring with you until you have been erased for good.

The Sanatorium infects lowly individuals like Phoenix Winterborn and attempts to mold them into someone new, someone with a purpose, but I will not allow that to be so. I look at you, Phoenix, and I see quite possibly an even bigger failure than Victor Maero. “Why is that?” I’m sure you’re asking to yourself right about now. Here’s why: When you failed to capture championship gold on multiple occasions, when you failed to become the household name that you set out to be, unlike most others that have found themselves falling into the abyss, I never touched you. You were left to your own devices because I wanted to see just what you were capable of exactly and you showed me just that. I must say, I’m thoroughly disappointed. I expected a man who grabbed that metaphorical brass ring so soon to do so, so much more with it… but you dropped the ball before you even had a chance to run with it. You had the opportunity to achieve so much and yet you amounted to so little. You found yourself without any direction, without meaning, so you allowed the Sanatorium to let you into their humble abode and they warped your mind into something else entirely. Now you stand as one of the black knights guarding the broken King known as Eclipse Diemos without even batting an eye as to just why you would do such a thing. Success? Glory? CHANGE?

It’s change, isn’t it? You want change.

*Judas can’t help but to stifle a laugh*

Every team, every alliance, every group, they want CHANGE but they don’t truly understand what change is. They believe that defeating nobodies and speaking as though they will lead the charge will cause some kind of ripple effect. The problem here is that talk is cheap, especially when your actions hold no merit to the cause you’re supposedly fighting for. Throughout the Sanatorium’s entire run the only change there has been to Voltage is me. Despite the trials and tribulations that all of you went through with this pathetic attempt at making a difference, I came to Voltage and did so within the matter of a couple of months and I did that because I actually knew what I was doing. Now I’ve forged Voltage into something that EAW has needed for a long, long time and that’s the home to destruction and desolation. Everyone who steps foot on Voltage territory will be personally ripped from any chance at success they once had and will be dragged into the darkness that awaits them.

You, Eclipse, you’ve stood face to face with that darkness before. It may not have been by me but I know that you have. I’m sure you thought that that darkness had gone, that your victory at King of Elite was going to be the change you had been calling for this whole time. Then you challenged Dynasty’s champion. You tempted fate by daring to butt heads with Lucian Black and, right as you thought you would rise to the occasion and reach the glory you had been searching for for so long, you had it ripped from your hands like you were one of your children eating long pig. You fell back down to the pits of EAW with your Sanatorium brethren and you’ve found yourself back where you once were, with your back against the wall, with no one capable enough to truly help you… just like with The Iconomy.


I know your history with The Iconomy, Eclipse, and it parallels that of The Sanatorium all too much. Two teams destined for failure that continue to walk on limp legs in hopes that they are able to slip through the cracks and find a glimpse of success. Remind me what happened to The Iconomy. Better yet, let me remind you. The Iconomy outlasted its welcome and became one of the biggest embarrassments in recent history, declining and breaking down as the weeks went by until the four of you couldn’t stand each other so much that you split off for your own personal benefit. While I most certainly doubt that The Sanatorium would meet the same fate as a piss-poor stable like The Iconomy would, it definitely makes you think. You formed as a faction, as equals, yet as the days went on it became more and more obvious that JJ Silva tried to take control and he found himself on a power trip like no other before he was finally put in his place. I look at The Sanatorium and I see the exact same problem. I see an alliance formed with the intent of equality devolve into Eclipse Diemos and his band of outcasts. You’re using them for your benefit and yours alone, Eclipse, and there’s no hiding from that. Maero, Phoenix, the children, all of them, they’re there to serve you, not to serve each other. It’s unfortunate that it had to be this way. Well, unfortunate for all of you. I’m going to break each and every one of your little toys, Eclipse, and I’m going to make sure that I have the entire Sanatorium on it’s knees begging for mercy…

And then I will show you none.
Soothsayer Hamasa
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 27th 2016, 12:46 pm by Soothsayer Hamasa
"Monster Mash."

And so we approach a festival of horrors, a weekend to honor the treacherous, the ghoulish, the vile and unholy. The higher power have decided that it would put together eight of the most sinister and menacing figures in all of the Land to assort a mesh of monsters, of beasts, of blood thirsty unhinged brutes - all to compete in what will be known as a "Monster Mash."

And because of this, they have summoned The Monster, still with blood on his fangs, still cleaning blood from his claws that only a mere number of moons ago were driven directly into the side of the neck of the seemingly unstoppable force known as Scott Oasis. The copper taste of blood still resides in the mouth of the Most High, as he got to drink from the well he has filled with Scott Oasis' blood in a battle that destroyed every moving thing, person and object in it's path. A battle where I myself could not physically walk away from, a battle that will prevent me from being able to move about at my own behest from quite some time. They have summoned The Monster to join sides with those who are supposed to be just like him. He is, supposedly, of their league, and they share the same ranks with him. Or so I'm told to believe...

But I believe not.

Understand, that while you gaze with the naked eye at those who will surround Methuselah this Sunday evening and see Monsters, I will gaze into my crystal ball and only see limbs. 

Limbs, flailing in the Jaws of the mighty Lord Methuselah, Thane of EAW. With the exterior appearance of a nobleman, the inner fury and contempt that burns like a brazier of coals, and the prestige in combat that rivals any man-at-arms in all of this land's history! He morphs from normal man into immortal at a whim! And from a benevolent deity to a malevolent demon can the one known as God transmutate into as if doing so were a task as simple as breathing! O, like the lord Krishna himself, can my noble and wise friend Zen Methuselah become, at a whim, a serpent the size of heavenly bodies; and O, do I see the limbs of all of humanity in the teeth of the mighty beast, Methuselah! O, the inhumanity! I do not see Monsters, I do not see individuals in competition with my maker, my creator, my reason to be. I see limbs, yet to be severed. Bodies, yet to be disemboweled. Beating hearts, yet to be ripped out of their chests. Tongues, yet to be sliced from their mouths, that spew venom and vitriolic words and whosoever it so pleases. But I see into the future, and I see the futility of it all.

And this is simply a Soothsayer's view on the world, on this world in which you inhabit; It is why we do not become attached to the things of this world. We are drawn to what cannot be confined by mortality and the fleeting human condition. And I am drawn to the reputable wrath of The Monster Methuselah that has kept him alive when he should have no longer been able to take part in this world nor dwell in this land, of Elite, Extreme, Merchants, Beasts. The existence of many men deemed to be great have come to pass and flickered out like the light from a wax candle in the presence of a a phantom wind. However, in the turbulent seas that those are willing to travel to become revered in the Land of Elite, Methuselah has been the lighthouse. His influence is a fixture of light that promises salvation to those lost at sea. Yet the sheer ambition of overcoming The Monster has been the allegorical siren at sea. Many of you are misguided by your ambition, many have sought to be the one to display The Monster's head as they stand before all in this land. But in their pursuits, they play right into my Lord's hand. 

The Monster Mash offers nothing uncommon from the norm. It is merely the same as it ever was. Lower tier brutes and savage beasts sharing the same space with the Lord of the Flies. Ignoble scum dishonoring the God-like presence of the Thane of EAW. For those in The Sanatorium who are fated to oppose Methuselah, it would be wise for you to embrace your fate rather than making your feeble attempts at fighting a battle that you cannot win. And for all others... well, simply put, It is best that those who are not opposed of The Monster do not step in The Monster's way. Insert not thyself into the trajectory of the mighty spear as it takes flight and is slung as it's opposition, lest ye too be cut down by it's mighty blade. And most importantly...
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 27th 2016, 12:45 pm by Mr. DEDEDE
Ahren Fournier
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 27th 2016, 9:49 am by Ahren Fournier
(Scene starts with Ahren Fournier standing outside in front of the building that he normally works out at in an undisclosed location)

Jon McAdams, I really don’t have anything say to be honest, because you didn’t say anything. I can’t respond to what you did, because all you did was the same thing. You didn’t try to defend yourself with everything that I said, so I mean I guess I can just sit here and stare at the camera for like 5 minutes. That would be a hell of a lot more entertaining than whatever the hell you just did. It’s very ironic how these two, other one being Mike Showman, are calling me retarded when it’s clear they have some sort of mental disorder. Hence why they can’t think of an actual argument against me other than going to the classic 3rd grade response of, you’re retarded, I mean wow, good one. The one thing that he keeps going back to in his over the top shit fest was that I do the same thing. I understand what he’s trying to say, he’s saying that my style is the same every time. But like, it’s a style, if it isn’t broke why fix it? Look at all the legends of this business they follow a formula. Even with that, how do I change what happens in my life? I can’t help what happens in my day to day life anyways, this stuff just happens. Whatever I’m doing seems to be working, and whatever you’re doing seems to not be working at all, seeing that you hardly ever win. Again you can look at the tape of the party I threw, and see that no one you interviewed was even there, so the one childish argument  that I have no friends is voided because it's fake. And you waste your entire time droning on and on about it like anyone cares, but at the end of the day, why would any of that even hold any matter to the match itself? Well it wouldn’t, and won’t, so you’re just wasting your time. It seems that you have this mighty harsh opinion on me, and you love interviewing people to see what they think of me too. Because apparently to you other peoples opinions on people matter a lot. Not the results of the match, everything that leads up to it, and peoples opinions on that, that’s what matters most apparently. So lets see what everyone thinks about you. I’ve decided to get a group of my wild lesbian’s and take to the streets.

(Group of lesbians show up behind him, nodding)


(They all start running around the streets, lesbians in toe, until they reach someone random walking in the streets)




Sir: WHO?????




(They run again, until they find someone else)




Stranger #2: Who is that?




(Someone else walks by)




Mam: I don’t know who that is




(They run again, until they see a kid)




Kid: What?




Kid: That creepy looking guy on TV? With the Pedophile mustache and milky skin?


Ahren: uh, kind of harsh language from a child… But yes that would be the one…


Kid: Yeah he creeps me out, like he gives me nightmares…


Ahren: Just a miracle you know who he is… GOOD ANSWER GOOD ANSWER.. COME ON LESBIANS!!


(They start running again)


One of the lesbians that is more out of shape than the others: WHY ARE WE RUNNING


Ahren: DON’T ASK QUESTIONS WE NEED EXCERSISE… (He slows down) But we can take a break if you’d like..


Lesbians: Thank you Ahren


Ahren: No problem, I’m a people pleaser, when we’re done here I’m going to get you all some Starbucks coffee!!


Lesbians: Yay!


Ahren: Lets just stand here on the street corner, we don’t have to run anywhere


(Group of people pass by)


Ahren: Any thoughts on Jon McAdams?


Group person #1: Nope


Group person #2: Who?


Group person #3: Hey ladies, what are you doing hanging out with this guy


Ahren: Umm that’s not the question I asked, but either way they’re lesbians, they’re not interested


One of the lesbians: Yeah little boy, we don’t want any of that shit


Group Person #3: I can change your mind


(One of the lesbians breaks out of the pack and punches him in the face. He goes down like a sack of potatoes)


Ahren: Yeah they don’t like when you say that… But thoughts on Jon McAdams? (He kneels down and puts the microphone right in the guys mouth)


Group Person #3: HmREOiJOSDIFJDSO


Ahren: Hmmm sounds about right… Well I hope this taught you a lesson of showing respect to your fellow humans…


Group Person #4: Hi


Ahren: Hi, that was awkward… umm what?


Group Person #4: I just feel like…. You don’t show respect on a weekly basis though…


Ahren: Oh but I do, for I am the Trill Fairy… (back up to the lesbian that punched the dude) Speaking of which you’re getting a visit to….. wait… You don’t need a condom. Hmmmmm well this changed everything, vibrator? Get you a giant black vibrator? I don’t know we’ll think of something… (Goes back to the guy that basically insulted him) No, I don’t, I hit on girls, and if they don’t enjoy my advances then I stop. The only problem with that is I’ve never been stopped because I haven’t met a woman that doesn’t want it…. Except these lesbians.


Group Person #4: What about the interviewer you always hang around with


Ahren: I mean we’re friends, friends bust each others balls all the time, clearly you haven’t had a good enough friendship where you could do that.


Group Person #4: I mean, I guess that makes sense…


Ahren: So you have feelings about Jon McAdams then?


Group Person #4: I do… I think he’s good, but he can’t really bring anything home..


Ahren: What do you mean by this “Take anything home”… Like a female? You mean he can’t bang anyone?


Group Person #4 : No… I mean, he does well in matches, he just can’t figure out how to win them.


Ahren: I see I see…. Maybe it’s because he never changes what he says…. And even has promos where he doesn’t really have a point at all.


Group Person #4: Possibly


Ahren: And your feelings on The Crown Jewel Ahren Fournier?


Group Person #4: Well you’re a dick…. But like the announcers say every week, you’re the future of this business, Jon McAdams is not. I’m a fan of EAW so I know who he is, but if you walked up and down this street asking random people what they thought of him, I feel like most of the answers would be who, or just a confused what? He ain’t legend


Ahren: That’s funny because I just did that, and that’s actually and accurate depiction of what happened. So you would say that Jon McAdams is jealous of me?


Group Person #4: I would, and it doesn’t really seem like he has much to say to back anything up either, it’s kind of pathetic. Like he’s self imploding and stopping what little success he had.


Ahren: Whoa those are some pretty big and wise words from you sir. Well you can be on your way, I think me and the lesbians are done here. Come on lesbians lets get you that Starbucks coffee!!! WOOOO


Lesbians: WOOOOOO!!!!


Group Person #4: Hey before you go


Ahren: Yes?


Group Person #4: Whats the deal with the lesbians?


Ahren: Relax Jerry Seinfeld… They’re my friends, they enjoy the fact they’re lesbians, so to call out to the group, it’s just easier to do that this way. I thought it would be a fun activity for us, to get exercise, and get opinions at the same time. And they’re a fun and wild group, which is why I called them wild lesbians.


Group Person #4: So like, you’re not gonna bang them? Seems like you bang every girl you run into


Ahren: No, because I know that they’re lesbians, I’m not one to force myself on someone. Besides we’re friends. I’ve always wanted a friend of the opposite sex but the problem is they always catch feelings for me and want to bang me. This is perfect because they don’t want to bang me, and I don’t want to bang them, simple as that.


Group Person #4: Fair enough… Well me and my friends have to take Group Person #3 to the hospital, bye Ahren




Lesbians: YEAAAHHHHHHH!!!!


Ahren: Jon, I hope this opened your eyes more about what the outside world actually thinks about you. Seeing that you care so much about what others think about me, you probably care a whole lot of what everyone thinks... Or doesn't think about you. I mean half of these people don'te even know who you are. Anyways please don’t do another one of those stupid scientist promo things, I got bored halfway, fell asleep, and repeated the process until like the 5th try. You really know how to bore me… BYE… SAY BYE TO JON LESBIANS!


Lesbians: BYEEEE.. STARBUCKS, STARBUCKS, STARBUCKS *they chant as they start walking away*


(Ahren and the lesbians walk off camera en route to Starbucks, camera fades to black)
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 27th 2016, 7:40 am by Keelan

There comes a point in time in your professional wrestling career that you hit a crossroads. You build and you build, and you put in the effort time and time again to get to the point of a breakthrough, but when it all comes falling like I came falling two weeks ago on Voltage off the very top of that ladder, is that the point where you stop believing in yourself? Is that the point where all the things you say and all the things you do mean absolutely nothing anymore? Is that the point where you just give up? I spent over a month in a very specific state of mind. Knowing that I was the number one contender for the Hardcore Championship meant a lot to me, and I knew I was in a very big spot in the company. There was pressure on my back. The fact that I worked as hard as I possibly could work to achieve that accomplishment was just icing on top of the cake. I knew going into my championship match against Nathan Fiora wasn’t going to be a walk in the park. I know the type of talent he is, and the fact that he’s just an absolute asshole blinded by negativity and surrounded by yes-men doesn’t hide the fact that he is champion for a reason. I’m not going to sit here and say that all the things I said two weeks ago was for nothing, because I still truly believe deep down that Nate, you can do better in your life. Half the time in our Hardcore Match you had Rebecca Sawyer and Preacher Jamal interfere. I challenge you – whoever your next opponent may be – to leave them out of it. You’ve got incredible talent, and you obviously know that, but you don’t use it like you should. You say things have gotten a lot better for you since you’ve turned on the fans and become this new person with the cocky attitude, and I can see that you aren’t lying. But surely you aren’t so blind to be able to see that the reason things are easier for you is because you’re taking shortcuts. You decided that you couldn’t handle the hard road, because you’re not man enough to face the challenges along the way. So, after all that, is it time to stop believing in myself? Is it time to confirm that these past few weeks all of my words have meant nothing? Is it time to give up on myself, and give up on my hopes, dreams and goals of cementing my legacy into the wrestling industry?




In fact, this is the time where I need to work even harder. That’s what taking the hard road is all about. Falling down, picking yourself up, dusting yourself off, and starting again. Not finding a shortcut that will get you there faster. Losing two weeks ago was just one setback. Deep down, I had Fiora beat in the middle of that ring, but apparently, there are rope breaks in Hardcore Matches. Fuck me, right?! But I’m not going to let a mistake by the referee stay in the back of my mind, because that’s in the past now. What’s done is done. It’s time to move on. Nathan Fiora, I want to say this – you and I are going to cross paths again very soon, and when we do, it’s going to be a whole different story. Because I will be ready to take you on again, and give it all I have just to get the upper hand. We put on an incredible match two weeks ago, and I know we can do it again. But this time, that Hardcore Championship will be mine. Stay frosty, Fiora. Keep hugging that title all you want, because I will pry it from your cold, dead hands sooner or later.
But for now, it’s time to focus on what’s next…

This Sunday, Marco Fedor and I are teaming up to take on Solomon Caine on Voltage live in Paris. Now, Solomon has had a lot to say about myself and Marco already. He pretends to think he knows everything about me and Marco and our friendship, but forgets that he needs to actually have some friends to begin with in order to understand properly. Marco and I occasionally have differences, but he isn’t holding me down from sprouting in this company. Two weeks ago will show you just that because I main evented Voltage. I came into this company and saw a young kid in Marco Fedor who has all the potential, but needed someone to give him that extra bit of motivation to really elevate. I wanted to be that guy for him, and now me and him are a tag team. We’ve even entered the Grand Prix that begins in a few weeks, and people should start to fear the two of us because we’re not going into that tournament just for a bit of fun. Marco and I are expecting to walk away the winners of the whole fucking thing as the new tag team champions. You see Marco is no parasite. He’s not a leech attached to my skin sucking the blood out of my body. He is part of the fuel that keeps me going strong night in and night out when I go out there and wrestle. Friends support each other. He made an idiotic mistake two weeks ago knocking me off that ladder, but he’s admitted his wrongs, and there’s no point dwelling on the past. We’re solely focused on the present and the future now, and the future is looking bright for the two of us. You’re telling me to awaken the beast that’s inside me, and trust me you don’t want to see that Solomon. For you see, that beast I keep locked inside the dark place of my mind is a symbol of fear. If I let that beast out, I fear what it will do to the people that question my motives, such as yourself. I only let it out in dire situations, such as the hardcore matches I’ve thrown myself into since joining EAW. I am a normal human being, but like all normal human beings, we have dark places. We all have skeletons locked in our closet that we’re afraid of making public. I can see it in your eyes Solomon … you’re a fearful man yourself. Are you afraid, Mr Caine? Do you dread what may happen to the world in the future? You continue to preach about the ones who sent you. When they come, are you scared of what might happen to you? This Sunday, The Hannibal Lecter of Hardcore returns to wrestle on Voltage on a special Halloween edition. Solomon Caine, fear is just a mindset but it’s one of the easiest feelings that controls us. It’s difficult to stop being scared, because truthfully we are all scared. But you, Solomon, should be scared of me. Myself, and Marco Fedor, will see you on Sunday. 
Jon McAdams
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 27th 2016, 2:51 am by Jon McAdams
Jon McAdams
The Survivor
Voltage promo #3
EAW Promoz! - Page 14 Iss-mcc-houston

The room has roughly fifteen men wearing suits standing behind different connected computer screens in what seem to be NASA space station.

Jon McAdams is standing at the center platform flanked by a two men in scientist coats.

“The analysts have screened this garbage and have determined that there are at least fifteen obvious Ahren Fournier tropes in his segment alone so please everyone, put on your protective glasses as this is a dangerous amount of unoriginality,” McAdams addresses everyone in the room.

“He really is a tired hack,” one of the men in the science coats said while slipping on his goggles, while others followed and nodded.

“Alright men, this is what we've worked for. By my careful calculations I predict we may have a class 4 or even a class 5 Aspergers mental breakdown. Which means this segment he's sent us could be the greatest one one we’ve ever caused

“A class 5? Is this the moby dick of mental breakdowns?” Many of them murmur similar things.

“Start it up and brace yourselves team.”

The Ahren Fournier segment with Flannery begins to play.

“Sir, it’s only four lines in and it’s already hitting dangerously high levels of cringeworthiness”

“Keep it rolling, man!” McAdams says not moving his eyes from the screen. “We must get through it.”

“It’s like I’ve seen all this before. It’s almost as if I’ve watched this same interview every single week of this guy’s career.” The other man in the scientist coat says this while lighting a cigarette.

“It’s because you have, son,” McAdams shakes his head solemnly. “It’s because you have…”

“Sir!” One of the men sitting at the computer begins to slam his fingers into the keyboard in front of him. “These lines are so tired, they are making our system slow down.”

“My god! He’ll kill us all with his unoriginality!” another man screams.

“HOLD FAST, MEN!” McAdams grips the bars in front of him as the red alert light goes off and the lights dim. “We must get through this!”

“Alright, his ‘super serious’ monologue is starting! Brace yourselves!”

“Oh my!” The scientist to his left looks down at his tablet. “Sir, this is incredible, he’s already at a level 3 Breakdown and he’s just started.”

“This man is mad! Why is he mad?”

“Sir! We can’t fact check him fast enough! He’s projecting his personal problems so quickly and saying so many things that are false that it’s jamming our systems.”

“I can’t take this! IT’S TOO AWFUL TO BARE!” One of the men in uniform pulls out a taser from his holster and jams it into his neck before passing out.


“Sir, we’ve already hit class 5! It’s still climbing!”

“We just hit CLASS 6 with that copycat comment sir! He’s started to calm down, it seems the drugs and alcohol he’s taking have started to kick in again.”

“Thank god,” McAdams breathes deeply. “We did it men, he’s started his boring closing monologue again.”

"Sir, I can 100 percent confirm that he literally shit his pants in that segment."

The red alert light turns off as the dim lights return to their original bright state. People in the room all begin clapping and congratulating each other,

“I want to thank all of you for your hard work. Without you, we would have never been able to experience the beautiful reaction we just did here tonight. You’re amazing people, and I want to thank you all for your hard work and dedication. The hours spent to get this man to the mental place he was in during this segment is something we should all be proud of. We now know the truth, this is not the future of EAW. This is not a threatening person… No. This is a poor soul, lost in drugs and alcohol. With no real friends and a severe mental handicap. I use to think he was a good wrestler… but I now understand, it was simply retard strength.”

The people continue to clap and nod. A tear streaks down the one of the soldiers eyes.

“It will be sad, being forced to put down this poor retarded man, but it’s for the best.. I hope that prostitute made it out ok.”


“Yeah, the one he’s always with. Flannery”

“What about how he ended it?”

“Again, I’m not sure what he means… this whole thing is about our match sunday… The mixture of his mental disorder, the drugs, and the alcohol must be why he continues not to make sense. Anyway, I don’t directly respond to garbage so, he can take his challenge and pay one of his fake friends to fulfill it for him.”

“Stay at your battle stations this week team. Expect to hear more from him and keep this place floating.”

The room stands up and salutes him as he walks out. One of the men is crying.

“I’ve got a meeting with a new friend to attend.”

McAdams walks out as the camera fades.
Tig Kelly
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 27th 2016, 2:26 am by Tig Kelly
I'm a man with a plan, and if you guys haven't learned that by now then I don't suppose you ever will. Maybe it was my mind being clouded by other things happening in EAW but I took a hard learning lesson from my good friend TLA, and that's to never take your eyes off the prize...even if its for a greater prize than you're after. But now that the path is clear I've been given an opportunity that I've been eyeing since House of Glass. I have a road to the top now that we've seen some major departures and frankly I think we all know there is only one man that can fill that spot. Its the man who's been to that mountaintop before but never got to plant the flag, and the road back to the peak seems to run through France...

Oh monsieur Leonhart, I do thank the higher ups for this match so very honestly. The fact that they're willing to give me my chance to prove myself against a severe concussion patient who believes he's the reincarnation of a french midget is probably the nicest thing they could do for me! I mean Anthony, you had probably the greatest glass weapon EAW has ever seen in the history of this company and you still managed to lose to Drake and his Harajuku girls. If that doesn't scream incompetence then...well the french are experts on it anyways and probably have several different words to help explain exactly what happened there. After all, this is a man who seems to think that his European training is better than my European training somehow. Like he forgot I was from Ireland and traveled as a world class fighter before EAW! Crazy isn't it Anthony, you got frazzled now that you're finally up against someone with true World Class training. I've walked the same streets you have and have probably filled more arenas across the pond than you could have ever imagined, so you show more and more why you fit in with those psychotic Sanatorium folks every time you open your mouth and tell me you're better. 

This Friday on Dynasty I'm going to show you how these people receive a true European champion. You're going to get to stand across from the true future EAW World Champion amidst the deafening ovations I get and take it all in. Savor that feeling Anthony, because I assure you that you'll never get there for yourself. Then before you know it it'll all come crashing down as history repeats itself and you get the Louis XVI treament as a Mafia Kick takes your head clean off of your shoulders. 

Bon Soir my friend

Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 27th 2016, 1:58 am by showster26
Voltage #2

(The scene opens. The image is presented In a black and white filter, in the background a long, slow, almost haunting melody plays faintly in the background. Presented in a close up shot is the man who claims to that his violent tendencies are the will of mysterious masters. The man who claims that his remorseless actions are done to avoid a great punishment. The man who this Sunday will face not one but two opponents in the name of the ones who sent him, the man the world knows as Solomon Caine.)

Caine:  it is already done."

(Cut to a different closed up angle)

Caine: already done.  You have already been delivered into my hands."

(Back to the original angle)

Caine: "They have shown me the path they have chosen, the next step to be paved. The two bodies that must be trampled over for their servant to prove his worth. Should the servant fail he will be afflicted. Shall he not complete the task he himself will be broken and fed to the wicked and have eaten away the worthy till there were none leftttttt. He will be consumed among the wicked, unless the two sacrifices are slaughtered upon the altar at the appointed hour. (Inhales deeply) I hear you my masters. I know what must be done. I know it is for my own goooooodddd...  I DONT WANT TO BURN!!!!  I know what will befall the wicked, I know the horrors that will beset them on every side!  I know of the fire that will fall and flood the streets!  I beg to not be counted among wretched who walk this earth, I am not like them. I have... I will serve you and see the glorious reign be poured out after the time of purification has ended. I will show the HEATHENS your works. The world will marvel at them. And any left who doubt will meet the same fate as Marco Fedor, and Keelan Citinich.  

Marco, do you think that you can hide?  Do you pray to whichever idol you bow before l, that their judgement will pass by you?  You are to be consumed by fire. Fire that will engulf you like the densest fog rolling in off the coast.  Your time is at an end Fedor, your lies have seen to that. Your pandering to fools like yourself have all but closed your casket. Why?  I ask again WHY?  Have you chosen this path that will deliver you to your destruction?  What is it inside you that gains gratification from being filth?  What is it that derives pleasure from making others weak like you?  Could you not let your judgement be your own?!?   You have corrupted the minds of the inept in your vain attempt at garnering praise to your worthless name. And yet for all their adulation you still needed more.  You needed to warp and twist the mind of Keelan Citinich, because your lust for attention knows no bounds. 

And Keelan, I will give you another warning, Marco Fedor is a cancer that leaches off of your strength. He is an parasite that feeds off YOUR blood. He has bounded your hands and feet together, he has chained and whacked you in his prison!  The time has come to cast him off yourself. Be the cannibal you have always been. Awaken the beast that lies within you, perhaps then you may be called to serve and be spared when the day of their coming arrives.  SAVE YOURSELF!  WHILE YOU STILL CAN!  PLEASE!"

(A pained look of mourning paints Caine's face.)

Caine: "There will be no mercy at the end of ages. They will not spare any who dared try to defied them, they will unleash a suffering that will last an eternity!  The end will not come soon enough for those pathetic fools. They will wallow in misery, weeping like children as all they have built, and acquired turns to ash before their eyes. And once the foundations of their false hopes have crumbled underneath them. Once they realize that all their scheming, and plotting, and conniving has been for nothing, they will be turned into nothing more that smoldering ash."

(Caine takes another deep breath. As he exhales his expression changes to one of malice.)

Caine: "This Sunday, the world will see the truth. That the ones who sent me will crush every rotten Heathen underfoot. That they will See all that they hold dear, torn asunder in the blink of an eye. Those who hear my voice, heed my warning. For sooooooonnnn, sooner than you realize my masters' time will come. When it does there will not be a single hole you can crawl in, there will be no mountain high enough  to hide, not a single hope you will find ANYWHERE YOU TURN YOUR EYES!  No one will be able to save you, and you are to sickly and inept to save yourselves. Soon this earth will be cleansed, soon all will be made right.  And at the end of ages he who has served will be SPARED! They have told me it must be soooooooooo."  

(Caine begins to laugh maniacally before suddenly stopping, grabbing the camera, and tossing it over behind him. The camera keeps rolling, capturing Caine walking out the door before going static and blacking out.)

The end.
Moongoose McQueen
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 27th 2016, 12:42 am by Moongoose McQueen
10/24/2016 – Front Door of EAW headquarters - 8:59 AM
(A press conference is being held in front of EAW headquarters where the press is waiting for the address over something that happened  on the October 21, 2016 edition of Dynasty. Sebastian Monroe approaches the podium)
Monroe: Welcome and thank you for joining us at this press conference. It is my understanding that one of our employees may have offended some of you. Some things were said, and some things were done, and let me just remind all of you that we do not condone that type of behavior. Please not associate his actions with how we run this business. As Elite Answers Wrestling, we strive to provide the best form of entertainment for all of our fans. But as for now, let us proceed with the issue at hand.
On October 21, 2016, one of our newest signee, Moongoose McQueen had won a match. Shortly after the match, there was an “interference” in our systems, where the ending was interrupted for a message from one of our other seasoned employees. Now fortunately, viewers at home were able to see just that. However, Moongoose McQueen, furious that his victory was interrupted proceeded to, “Curse profusely in front of children, harassing fans, destroying private property and belongings, obscene gestures,   indecent exposure in which his bare butt was exposed, and threatening to kill whomever was responsible.” All in a matter of 15 seconds. Now unfortunately, for the amount that we pay him, which isn’t a lot, in exchange, Mr. McQueen has a contract that doesn’t allow us to fire him under these circumstances. His contract, here, and I quote, “Bitch please, I probably have more money than the guy that owns this company. Just give me the same salary amount you pay the least amount to someone here. Probably a Vixen. But in return, my contract cannot be terminated for these following reasons.”
It is a very long list, and we don’t have all day to discuss. But this brings us to today’s conference, where Moongoose McQueen has not only paid the fines for breaking the law and violating EAW’s policies, but he will be issuing a public apology.
(Moongoose McQueen, in a black sequin suit with sunglasses bursts out of the EAW front doors as the crowd boos. McQueen approaches the podium.)
McQueen:….. (clears throat)  Now I know why you have all gathered here today. As a man, are we not allowed to have faults. After all, it is from our mistakes that we learn and better ourselves. We aren’t perfect, but we can certainly strive to be perfect. With that said and done, I apologize for spoiling the Walking Dead hours before the premiere of the latest season. I should not had tweet that “James Knight’s EAW Career is as dead as Abraham and Glenn. #TWD #EAW #DrugsAreBadM’kay”
(The assistant grabs McQueen by the shoulder and whispers in his ears)
McQueen: I’m not apologizing for that? But people were so butthurt about that? Fine… FINE!! I apologize for causing a scene at McDonalds over one missing McNugget. It was a matter of principles. (Assistant whispers in his ears) Not it either?  Ok. It is about the time I broke into a zoo and freed all the kangaroos? (Assistant shakes his head.)
McQueen: Running around the city in my underwear yelling I am a Jedi?
Assistant: Nope
McQueen: Constantly making fun of fans’ favorite EAW’s LGBT figure?
Assistant: No, Sir.
McQueen: Good, because I’m never going to apologize for making fun of Nick. Is this about the time I grabbed that woman by the pussy? I had really low blood sugar. I got a little dizzy and next thing you know, I reached my hand out to grab something, fell forward, and when I regained consciousness, she was screaming hysterically “SEXUAL HARASSMENT!! It’s actually a sweet story guys. This is how I met my wife.  
Assistant: No, NO!!
(The Assistant whispers in McQueen’s ear.)
McQueen: Oh.. THAT?!! Oh, no, I’m not apologizing for that. So I said a few bad words and showed the world my glorious ass. You’re welcome, world, but I was being disrespected. I have every right to be angry and did the things I did. Were my actions wrong? Yes, but what are you going to teach your kids, parents? That cursing is wrong and destroying thing is frowned upon or would you rather teach your kids if someone doesn’t show them proper respect, they shouldn’t do anything at all? What kind of stupid lesson is that to teach? You want to know why I’m here and why I am still with this company? Because I am by definition, living the American Dream, being the true success that I am today, I am role model. See, now you will all now know exactly what kind a man Moongoose McQueen is. I do whatever I want, how I want, and while that behavior has brought me some trouble, that same behavior has allowed me to command the respects of my peers. Now don’t get me wrong. I don’t go around asking for trouble. I’m not the type of guy that looks for the biggest guy in the locker room and punch him in the face to prove how tough I am. It just so happens, Trouble has a way of coming to me, and last Friday was no exception when I my victory was interrupted. My actions last week were simply a case where some “big shot” thinks he can tell me to move out of his way and me planting my foot to the ground instead and pushing back and telling them to move. I am the victim here.  
Reporter 1: Mr. McQueen. Can you explain the video that was released shortly after the show.
McQueen: I have no idea what you are talking about.
Reporter 1: Roll out the tv. We are talking about the viral video of you assaulting a camera man.
McQueen: I still don’t know what you are talking about.
Reporter 1: We want the truth.
Reporter 1: Play the video.
(The viral video shows McQueen in the camera room during the middle of the show. McQueen has one of the crew members pinned to the wall.)

10/21/2016 - Backstage of Dynasty (Camera Room) - 8:23 PM
McQueen: Why did you interrupt me?!! HUH?!! How can I show off the merchandise if you pull off crap like this. What is the first rule of working the camera?
Crew: Help me…!!
McQueen: (slaps the crew member) Don’t look at him… Look at me.. (slap) What is the first rule? (slap slap slap). Keep.
Crew: Keep?.....
McQueen: The Camera….. on the star. SAY IT!! (slap)
Crew:  Keep the Camera on the star.
McQueen: (slap) Good, now why did you break that rule?
Crew: Will someone please get this guy off… (slap slap slap)
McQueen: I told you to look at me, not at him. Now answer the question.
Crew: It’s on the fuckin’ schedule.
McQueen: (slap) ….. LANGUAGE!! And let me see. (McQueen rips the schedule out of his hand)….. Opening, Senn’ victory speech. Match 1…. Match… 2 … blah blah blah. Match featuring me… and oh, look at that… Stupid segment after the match. I see. …. WELL WHO PUT THAT IN THERE?!!
McQueen: (lets the camera guy down….. slaps) … Why didn’t you just say that sooner? Now who the hell is Blackstar?
Crew: He is a wrestler here. A Big shot too.
McQueen: I see, well. Here is my business card. If you want to go get the guy that is responsible for all this, give me a call. I’m the guy for the job.
Crew: But you’re the one that…..
McQueen: I SAID…. The guy responsible for this… aka, not me. The Blackstar guy. It will appear that you have made the request, I accept. I will avenge my honor and get the man that had the balls to disrespect me on live television for you.
Crew: Sure… whatever, just please stop slapping me.
McQueen: (walking away) Hey, is that guy filming us? Are you getting my good side?
(The video ends and the attention shift back to McQueen)
Monroe: Our apologies, folks. I do not know how that video got out, but we will find out who and punish them accordingly.
McQueen: Now, now. Settle down. Bitches. First of all, that camera guy was only doing his job, and that was focusing the shot on the star, AKA, me. He did the right thing. As for the incident, yes, that was me….. and no, I will not be apologizing for that. Because you see, as a real man, I’m not going to turn on my personal code and way of living. You can’t tame a guy like me. When I am angry, my entire soul becomes enraged. When I laugh, I laugh with all my heart. I have always lived honestly, and when you ask, does he honestly believe his own hype. I say, “Bitch, I am the hype.” It’s true, it’s true. You may all look at Moongoose McQueen as simply a stubborn arrogant man. But deep down, I am a free man and no one can chain me. Not this guy here (Monroe), not the media, not the world. You all may hate me now, but come and get to know me. Drinks are on me after this conference. You might still hate me, but you may learn to love me too. But the most important of all, you will all have no choice but to respect me. You see, your typical average person would let this go. Oh yeah, it’s just one interruption, it probably won’t happen again. But next thing you know, it happens again, and again, and before you know it, everyone walks all over you. And no one uses Moongoose McQueen as a stepping stone. I am building the wall, right here, and right now. You think you can do whatever you want on my time, guess what, it’s going to be on my terms. You may think, who the hell is this guy? Shouldn’t he, the new guy, be the walking on egg shells? No, that is how mediocre people make it in the industry. Kissing ass and slowly waiting for their time. I am an alpha first, and I honestly really have just one rule. Don’t cross into my territory. Don’t take my spotlight. Don’t interrupt me while I do my thing, and we can all co-exist until EAW gives me the next opponent. All I want to do is run my business. I want to make dreams a reality. I want to help people. I want to show the world that one man really can make a difference, and all he demands is respect.  Now, I’m going to get away with this. I am a man with a lot of power. I have money, I have the talent, the charisma, and the willpower to do anything. People call me the man with no fear, and In a sense, people are afraid of me. People will say Power and fear go together. Some of the guys back here think they are the next Stalin or Batman. But I have always been a man that commands Respect and gained power that way. I know very powerful people in this industry. No, I am not friends with them, in fact, most of them hate my guts, but each and every one of them will vouch that Moongoose McQueen ain’t no coward. He ain’t no pushover, and never in his life has he been someone’s bitch. And it doesn’t start today. Sorry guys, just because you all are accustomed to letting people get away with shitting all over you, doesn’t mean I have to. I make my own rules, and I live by it, and that makes me better than you. Haters are gonna hate, but they hate what they can’t be. Now if you excuse me, I’m heading to my bar. Drinks are still on me if you are interested. No more questions or comments.
(McQueen walks away, but stops for one moment)
McQueen: Almost forgot. Tune in this Friday for Dynasty where I will address this entire issue. Spoiler Alert, I won’t be asking for an apology like you losers. (McQueen cracks his knuckles) I intend to beat it out of them. Expect more of that wacky, crazy, Moongoose McQueen antics. Watch carefully, you all might learn a thing or two.
(McQueen walks away as Sebastian Monroe shakes his head in regret)
Monroe: Thank you for coming today. Mr. McQueen feels sorry if he offended anyone.
McQueen in the background: HA!!! THAT’S A GOOD ONE!!

Sir Killian Charlamagne
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 27th 2016, 12:22 am by Sir Killian Charlamagne
Dynasty Promo III: "One Man Army"

The scene opens up to the hotel room of EAW Wrestler Kelly Hackenschmidt sits back and leans his back on the bed. He still wore his same-old leather jacket and jeans. Yet his shoes were off and his hair was out free, flowing down to his shoulders.

“Man am I glad to be out of that re-enactment. Still don't know why out of the raffle I was the one given a Redcoat. But to me it's not much of a worry. Either way I’m still in that wrestling ring doing what I love with my life.”

Kelly tilts towards the camera and gives off a cocky little grin.

“Oh, well, Hello there, eh.”

He says as he grabs the remote, points it at the Television set and shuts the audio off.

“Now then. Before we go on to say what I need to say about Mister Johnson over here. Let me start by saying, that although I appreciate people who serve their country; I never did so myself. What I did traveling across the world was wrestling! If you read my resume you’ll see why I came here and what I’m all about. Why do I have to point this out? Because somewhere down the line Lucas Johnson, the so-called 'Wrestling Machine’ got me confused for Recon. So Johnson, let me help you mind the gap. Shall we?”

Kelly clears his throat and looks up to the camera.

“Recon has no beard, Kelly Hackenschmidt does. Recon was the guy who lost last week, I'm the guy who pinned Chuck Armstrong to win that match! You would think that the Ohio State graduate would put his degree to work, yet allow the College dropout to beat you in your own game.”

Kelly clears his throat.

“You see, this Friday I have to share a ring with the guy and meet him up face to face, arm to arm. Yet tonight, I got a bit of advice for The Wrestling Machine so to say. Because being a prospect from the NCAA is one thing, forgetting who your opponent is supposed to be is another! For example, most of what I did with my life has been inside the squared circle! I only have very few other things in my life that I find actually matter. Well, unless it involves some girl I’m with or somebody else causing some trouble. So that I’m afraid is where I’m going to have to prove you wrong once again. Because, Johnson. I’m afraid what you did for the New Breed division is about to get leveled up when I get my hands close enough to the Interview Championship or whatever belt I find myself in the running for. Helhiem, to keep my persona up I might just bring back the Pure Championship and treat it like an actual Pure belt. Though let's not get out of hand. Because right now, if your intention is to win and regain momentum.”

Kelly places his hand behind his neck, rubs it with a long, drawn out sigh.

“It's probably not going to work.”

Kelly places his hand down on his lap and adjusts his neck.

“You see, although they say what goes up must come down, there is some truth to it. You see, for the longest time I thought my climb down was beginning, that I reached some sort of glass ceiling and was bored with pro-wrestling. Yet, no, actually. If anything I am on my way to reaching major heights in my career. I mean, for the past few years I have been The Internet Darling for so many people, that at some point, you're gonna have to abandon your comfort zone and go out into the open. For example, last week was my first, legitimate televised match. I’m still shocked as all hell that I managed to make it this far without being given the Indy label or something of that nature. Though while last week, my victory was short and sweet, I’m afraid this time I have much more in store for you! You see, it ain't easy being called Mr. Pure Wrestling! There are standards you have to live up to! It's why even before the match I analyze what I can of my opponent and see where I can go from there! For example, Mister Johnson, if your NCAA background tells me anything, it tells me that locking you up in a submission hold might be just as much of a risk as say a Suicide dive onto an opponent. It could end in success, but at the same time one bad mistake and you're pretty much a man in a box breathing in your own schmidt. Though as said before. I know you have usually one shot in your lifetime to prove that you are the best in the world. And let's just say that my last intention is to forget it! That opportunity comes right in front of you and half the time some people don't notice it before it's too late! While I seem to follow this code of ethics; it appears as though you have slowly begun the descent! Especially with guys like Drake Jaeger, Adrian Christ and myself on the rise here on Dynasty, I can guarantee you that these next few months leading up to Road to Redemption are going to be perhaps the most action packed few weeks of the entire history of this promotion! Especially.”

Kelly points towards his own face.

“When this is the face on your television screen! Because the moment you step in the ring with me, there's one thing you should go into that ring knowing, that if you actually want to win this match, you gotta unleash the beast! Because otherwise, a guy like me will over work and exhaust you! Just like how everyone who trained me had bent my body in ways unimaginable until the first day I step into the ring! Yet if I learned anything from that experience; it's that at the end of the day, getting the one up is worth all the pain! It's worth all the sacrifices and worth every single second you spend doing dumbbell curls to random death metal! It's feelings like that which are simply priceless! So come Friday, best bring the best damn match you got! Otherwise,”

Kelly looks closer to the camera.

“Schmidt's only gonna get worse!”
Stephanie Matsuda
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 26th 2016, 11:59 pm by Stephanie Matsuda
Empire Promo #2

"Blood and Steel"

Surprised? Well that makes two of us Cai. Do you think I sat there and planned everything I was going to do? I only did what felt right. I would ask you to put myself in my shoes, but I doubt you know, understand, or even care about how the hell I feel. Sometimes I wonder if you ever did. It doesn't surprise me that you're mocking my heart. You're so predictable, I can't stand people like you. How are you supposed to figure out what's in my heart when you ignore your own? I'm not talking about the surface shit you wear as armor...but that other shit. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Of course you'll mention about how you and Tarah float around unbothered by everything. DEDEDE goes psycho? Unbothered. Breaking Ramsay's heart? Unbothered. I'm beginning to wonder what the hell does bother you!? What eats away at the core of Cailin Dillon?  Unless if you really are an ice queen. 

But we both know that's a lie.

My personal justice isn't fake bitch. It's as real as it gets. And no, beating you won't solve all my problems. It'll just mean there's one less Siren on my list. The one nobody wants me to fight. Ooo wow you said I was better than Maddie! Should I get on my knees and kiss that half-Irish rear of yours? Should I thank you for fighting the good fight against four women who WISH they can get in my face!? I don't need you to fight my battles Cailin. Last time you did that, you ruined my title defense against Haruna. The only win I have against her and I wasn't even the one who delivered the knockout blow. You act like you’re confused that you don’t know where all of this anger came from. Both you and Aria act all dazed and confused, as if I just came out of nowhere swinging. This...who I am...all of this was built up over time. And to be honest sweets, it’s only going to get worse from here on out. I’m tired of the dog and pony show that we’re putting on, because quite frankly I just want to get to The Fight. I just want to throw hands with the two of you and show that there’s more to me than some kind of random midcarder who gets stuck in tag matches. No offense to my dear Alexis, with whom I don’t mind fighting alongside. Which reminds me...I don’t need you to fight for me. And to be honest, The Sirens are not that different from the OGs. It’s ironic because you three think you’re actually saving Empire...heh. You’re not. In fact, those three cougars have been at this longer than any of you. They know how to play the long game. You don’t even realize it...they’re grooming The Sirens to become the next OG Vixens. Those who topples the establishment will always become what they hate. This is why I started to distance myself from this scenario. This is why I’ve been quiet the past few weeks. I’m slowly watching what could be a triumph in women’s wrestling turn into a fucking travesty...like an spin off of Keeping it with- no wait that was True Vixens! Pfft...

Sheridan...don’t get it twisted. Yes while you’re the champ and I’ve acknowledged my respect for you, don’t forget that you want that title from cashing in at the last minute. You didn’t become the Vix- Women’s Champ by beating someone from start to finish, one on one. And while the stars shine upon you, just know this: when I re-enter the main event scene...that star will fade. I have other things that require my attention at the moment, but I’ve already made it abundantly clear to the brass. In due time I will go title hunting. I will seek the most prize possession in our division, and I will set fire to everything you see around you. You underestimated me before and you lost. Do it again, and you’ll be strapless. I’m not afraid of either of you. Talk as much as you want, parade like the badasses you are, but as the days go on I grow stronger...wiser...hungrier. The Sanatorium grows darker and our family increases. But no matter what, I’ll be its sword. And one day...sooner or later...this sword will rule The Empire with blood and steel.

Eat. Sleep. Challenge. Repeat. Always have. Always will.
Dead End Bride
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 26th 2016, 11:26 pm by Dead End Bride
Empire (Special Halloween Edition) 

Screams of Agony, Screams of Confusion 

You know something. I sat down and just kept to myself the last week or so, just watching some of the chaos that has been going on. Azumi seems to have gone insane and her “off camera romance” with Haruna was caught on camera. The Ava Sisters are showing their true colors. Madison insists on being treated like a queen. We have general managers insulting their employees, old lionesses fighting young lionesses, one of the most capable wrestlers in the history of EAW, male or female, being called a whore before her match this week. 

You know you’ve seen a strange week when you coming back from nearly being killed in a steel cage match and wrestling just two weeks later isn’t major news. So be it. 
Allow me to re-introduce myself! I am Erica Ford, human crash test dummy and would-be challenger for the EAW Specialists Championship, currently held by one of the OG Vixens Kendra Shamez. I’m sure most of you would consider a match like this a bit irrelevant if I’m going to work myself into the title conversation but I see it to the contrary. Every match, every battle, every chance to impress matters. Wasted time is not something that you can afford and losses when the stakes are as high as I’m aiming can be indeed considered a gigantic waste of time. 

This is the part where I babble on about my match and all that, right? Tell you how I’m going to dominate the competition and get the victory and do it for the team and all that other generic crap, right? 

EAW Promoz! - Page 14 Giphy

I don’t dare disrespect the wisdom of our General Manager, but I have to believe that in some sort of sick twisted way she is pulling a prank on me. I don’t have an issue with BB Vita. She seems like a legit wrestler and more importantly a legitimate human being. Maybe she’s a little too flashy and wears too much jewelry and leopard print for my taste, but she’s okay. MY big thing here is…. LOOK WHO ELSE THEY GAVE ME FOR A PARTNER? Madison? THAT MADISON!? Why not just take peanut butter and mix it with hamburger meat? We do not see eye to eye. It’s been over a year since I came here and after Maddie lost her mind at Pain for Pride we have had many wrestling matches since. I remember being beaten by her in Florida. It was one of the first times I could show my stuff, show that I could readily compete with her. I also remember what happened in Toronto at the Vixens Cup just a few months ago. I was able to beat her. That’s when I knew that I could, on a given day, beat any human being on this planet. As much as the sane part of my brain detests what Madison has become, I am aware that she is one of the best in the world when she’s focused. The problem is she is nowhere near what she used to be. She has become a little…. stupid. There’s insane, and there is nothing wrong with that, but there is stupid. She is spending way too much time of late focused on her quibbles with her Sanatorium sisters and trying to prove that she is some sort of Goddess instead of beating the opponents that are on deck. Is she prepared for the challenge we have ahead of us? I hope so. And don’t you think for a second that I have forgotten how you have betrayed me in the past and how you cheated to beat me during the Empress of Elite tournament. I was so close to winning our block to have you snatch it away. I didn’t appreciate that. If there is a random punch to the jaw or a tag that’s to your face instead of your hand, don’t take it too personally…. actually, I DO want you to take it personally. Because the next time I see you in a ring where we are NOT partners I’m going to do everything humanly possible to cause you as much pain as you can withstand without me getting fired or you dying. 

And now, you want me to talk about the six-woman tag match, right? 

Fine. I’ll indulge you. There is no mistake that the Ava Sisters are very, very good. I’ve lost to both in separate tournaments. My loss to Cameron is something that I can barely remember since to be perfectly honest the whole tournament was kinda blurred into one extended beating. I was hoping to meet Cammy again under circumstances where my health was a bit better…. but not so much. My neck is sore. My back is sore. My ribs hurt. My stitches are still in from being busted open and they hurt. I’m on more pain medication than an entire NFL roster, minus the domestic violence, but I will be there tomorrow night. 
I respect the kind and humble words that you and your sister have put forward to me. I’m not sure how much of that is lip service to appease me and calm me down heading into the match or if you two actually mean it. I have changed and it’s for the better. I’ve done things the way so many other people wanted me to, to conform, but I feel so much more freedom the way I am now. You both seem to get me, ya know? I THRIVE on carnage. I CRAVE dangerous situations. I LOVE dysfunction and a lack of cohesion. Even though I’m not particularly thrilled about teaming with Madison, this team as it stands is a perfect fit to demonstrate what I can accomplish. I don’t need a group of veterans to guide me or a general manager to coddle me. I just need a ring, an opponent, and a goal to aim for. Guess what? I have all three. Winning is the intent, of course. But if I can beat a little extra respect out of the two of you and get you to the point you’re sick of seeing me on the match card as your opponent because you know I’m like that cockroach that just won’t die…. I’ll smile a little more before I sleep at night. 

There is one member of this team and one person in this match that I’m just really getting a particular dislike for. I don’t know why but they found a way to get under my skin, even better than Azumi I might add! And that’s you, Nicole. I don’t know anything about you but there are two things that already make me dislike hearing your name or seeing your pretty little face.

The first thing is obviously that you’ve decided to plant your lips firmly upon the cheeks of the OG Vixens. Not that I care about this old-school vs new school vs insane school stuff going on with the Sirens, OGs and Sanatorium, but asskissers are people that deserve a beating. I know that I did my best to help Azumi, but this wasn’t just something where I was grooming her up to be an obnoxious bitch. I was trying to show her how to do this wrestling thing right. She’s surpassed my expectations with how good a wrestler she has become…but sadly disappointed me with what a scumbag she’s become. And I think that the people that you’ve decided to align yourself with are going to do the same to you. I know, insane girl here who wears makeup and has a habit of being pushed off of things, but it just seems like they may not necessarily have your best interests at heart. You notice that when you start a game of chess, all the important pieces are ALWAYS fronted by Pawns? That’s what you are to them. Things are cool now. You get to run around with all the legends and Cameron’s sister and get the training, cars, clothes and sexual partners of questionable cleanliness you want. They make you feel special. But just know that when your usefulness has ended they WILL discard you. 

The second thing is that you know absolutely nothing about dogs. Sure, there are some that will mope around and not respond when you beat them. But most dogs, when they are cornered and beaten on, bite back. There is not a person that I have wrestled yet that I have ever laid down for to just take a beating from. I may not have the sparkling win/loss percentage or the prestige of championship or tournament wins, but everyone knows that this bitch WILL bite if provoked! So please, PLEASE step into the ring with me first. I don’t care that I’m barely cleared to wrestle and probably should be taking a month off to heal injuries. I’m going to take my time tearing you to shreds, making sure you understand the true nature of a nasty little stray dog like myself. You mistake my silence for being resigned to defeat. I just have a habit of letting people talk who like to talk go ahead and talk…to find out how full of SHIT they are. 

So……. There it is. Five professional wrestlers and one human crash test dummy, divided into two teams are going to fight for your entertainment on Empire, ladies and gentlemen. What is going to happen? Are we going to have a decisive victory? Are we going to have a team completely melt down and let that lead them to defeat? All I know for sure is that I’m going to be there and I’m going to fight. If it’s the other team or my team, I’ll fight like hell if they bring it to me….

No Holds Barred….

Just like every girl wants. 

EAW Promoz! - Page 14 213a499fb3bcfd2729c12c1b580c7a8e-d57zhxv
Ahren Fournier
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 26th 2016, 11:01 pm by Ahren Fournier
Flannery: It’s been a while since I’ve talked to my beloved Ahren… I mean to the Next Great Face of EAW Ahren Fournier, I just want to see what he wants to say about this Sunday, so lets go in shall we


(Flannery opens the door to see Ahren just sitting in a big comfy chair reading)


Flannery: Hi Ahren… How have you been?


Ahren: FLANNERY!! You missed the party yesterday! WHATS UP WIT DAT?


Flannery: Sorry EAW has me running all over…. But I’ve missed you….


Ahren: You and you’re little hints of love that aren’t so little…. That’s cute Flann dogg.


Flannery: erm.. Anyways, whats up?


Ahren: Whats up?


Flannery: Yeah you know…. Whats… going onnnnn


Ahren: Hmmmm do you notice anything different about my room??? I’ve changed my ways Flannery


(Flannery looks around the room quizzical, not seeing a damn thing)


Flannery: Uh, can’t say that I see a difference to be honest, sorry


Ahren: Look closer…


(She glances even harder, still seeing nothing)


Flannery: I’m sorry I don’t know what you’re talking about


Ahren: Look closlier


Flannery: Closlier? Damn it just tell me


Ahren: I’m an environmentalist meow, how do you miss that!!


(Points at the littlest plant on the ground next to him)


Flannery: You’re an environmentalist? Because that?


Ahren: Yeah saving the world, no big deal


Flannery: Don’t think that’s going to be enough


Ahren: Oh… Well that’s just the first step, I’m going to the Rain Forrest and like plant a thousand trees


Flannery: Aw, are you really? That’s great Ahren


Ahren: Yeah well I’m a super hero what can I say, I do super hero things, save the world and what not


Flannery: So you’re actually going to do that?


Ahren: Well… Yeah…..


Flannery: …. Is this just a way to get new super powers


Ahren: OF COURSE NOT!!! I care about my fellow man…


Flannery: Since when?


Ahren: Always… And maybe I want a pet Tiger


Flannery: Tigers don’t live in the Rain Forrest


Ahren: Just think of it Flannery, my music hits (Champagne Showers, Champagne Showers Wooo Ahren yay) Then, I bust out of the curtain, all shirtless and oiled up on the back of a wild tiger!!!


Flannery: Ok I looked it up, they do live in the Rain Forrest I was wrong…


Ahren: You went on your phone while I talked to you? Rude… That was rude


Flannery: I wanted to know! And now I do…


Ahren: So… You wanna make out or…?


Flannery: WAIT, I want to ask about your opinions on what Jon McAdams said


Ahren: Sigh… What a waste of time. Jon, Jesus Christ, you’re still going with this whole I have no friends thing? First of all, sigh, I can’t believe I’m actually going to defend myself against such a childish school yard diss, and you call me immature? Anyways look back at the footage from my party, no one you talked to was even there. Second of all, what would me having friends even have to do with why you’ll beat me? Third of all, was that supposed to be funny? Everything you talk about drags on forever, you’re like an SNL skit that no one laughs at but you just keep on going for way longer than you should. Fourth of all, you’re so pathetic grasping at straws, and you didn’t even try to defend yourself with all the points that I came up with against you. Why’s that? Well I can only imagine that you know I’m right about everything, so you go off on a little tangent about something that doesn’t even matter. You wasted everyones time with these fake interviews. To see how people really feel about me, just look out into the crowd when I step to the ring, hear the applause I get. Just go on the EAW website and see what people say about me, you don’t get these reactions, and you just get jealous and start this bullshit. I mean really? I’m repetitive? You haven’t changed in the past 3 weeks or however long it’s been since we’ve seen each other. You think I’m a freak, someone with no friends, but you can’t deny my wrestling ability, like that’s legit all you ever say. But you’re really trying to expand on this fake fact of me not having friends, like that’s your big selling point. You know Jon, if you learn to love yourself first, everyone else will too. It’s not about how many friends you have, it’s about the quality of friends you have, you seem to have some deep seeded animosity towards me, most likely the fit of jealousy stirring up again, because I don’t just have quality friends, I have a large quantity. How do I know this? Everyone that I’m friends with have been with me even before I was famous, before I was Trill Fairy Batman Aquaman person you see before you. So this whole stupid argument about me not having friends, paying people to be my friends, and this ridiculous theory about me harming them, is so false, and dumb its ridiculous. It’s so frustrating having to go up against a guy that says the same thing over and over again. But not only that, just the fact that none of what he says or does really matters anyways. I mean lets look at this drawn out skit that you had, that went on about 5 minutes too long… Or however long it was, I don’t know I fade in and out whenever you speak because I know it’ll be the same rederick you always talk about. Let alone the fact you impersonated a doctor, which is a felony you should be in jail. I see you’re taking a page out of Mike Showmans playbook and just becoming a perpetual child with your arguments. The whole, nuh uh that’s not me, that’s you! Like… Grow up, I can't believe I have to say that again, I mean I thought EAW was filled with adults, well I guess their brains don't grow up with the rest of them. I don’t know what else to say this whole.. Skit or whatever you want to call it, was just so awful. So dumb, but ok, you want to make claims that I’m alcoholic? How many times on camera have you seen me drink, not even drunk, just drinking, once? How many times have we seen you blackout drunk, passed out? Well to be honest I don’t really pay much attention to you when I’m not forced to, but last time we talked, you were drinking every time, and to me, that seems a lot worse than what I’ve done. You can call me lazy, I don’t know why you would, what have I done to lazy exactly? Repetitive? I’ve come up with something new against you every time I’ve spoken to you, because you’re that awful, I can come up with a new negative about you every time I get in front of this camera, and not even have think hard. So not sure what you’re talking about there, I mean I haven't even made fun of your appearance yet, you human jar of mayonnaise, you just look like you smell like spoiled milk. But you know why I've never said that before? Because it really doesn't matter to this match. I mean sure the stench of you might give you an upper hand, but as Aquaman I can hold my breath for a really long time, so it shouldn't be a problem. Let’s not forget the fact that your whole act is a playoff of what I’ve been doing, you’re just a copycat. And lets also not forget that he didn’t respond to a damn thing that I said earlier, because he knows he’s a hypocritical little shit, and has nothing to back up anything. I’m not even going to respond to the rest of that abortion of a promo, it was that stupid. The worst part of this whole thing? You’re actually bragging that you have backup this week…. Like wow, what a competitive spirit on you huh? You actually want Mike Showman to help you out, knowing full well you’ll need the help, even from one of the most trash wrestlers on the roster.


Flannery: But Ahren he beat you


Ahren: Ah yes Flan he did… But he cheated, how many times have you seen me cheat?


Flannery: Well Ahren honestly? I really can’t think of any time…

Ahren: That’s right, because I don’t need to. I don’t need anyone, or anythings help to win, I can do this on my own…  Except maybe a tiger hmmmm…




Ahren: ITS GOING TO HAPPEN!! But anyways, unless you count my super trill powers that I’ve accumulated through hard training, I don’t really have any unfair advantage through cheating. But you can’t count my super powers because I trained to get those, not everyone has the intestinal fortitude that I do. You see Jon I don’t need to talk about the past, it happened its over with. Let’s look towards the future, where your little buddy that you’re oh so happy to have by your side is at ringside. Even with the upper hand, and everything looking up in your direction, you still can’t, and won’t beat me. The Survivor, will fall to the knees, of the TRILLEST FAIRY THAT’S EVERY ROAMED THIS LAND!! The Crown Jewel of EAW… Ahren Fournier…. Again. Please don’t waste my time on the same stupid bullshit you keep spewing, come up with something new, CHALLENGE. Try to come up with something that has to do with the match, not that I have no friends… Which I do… Not that I’m a drunk… Which I barely even drink… And when you tell me I’m a bully and all this shit, and then end your promo with ‘Shut your mouth boy, before I make you disappear”, the hypocrisy hits an all time high.. .You bully.. But yeah challenge has been put out you repetitive slut, lets see if you can do it.

(Ahren throws the fairy dust and disappears, camera fades to black)
Sarahe Gemini
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 26th 2016, 10:55 pm by Sarahe Gemini
EAW Promoz! - Page 14 XispaogEAW Promoz! - Page 14 BpHAxwl
empire no.1

As the scene opens up, Sarahe Gemini is on the phone with EAW General Manager Cleopatra, as she gets the info about her upcoming match with La Diva. While she runs around her apartment, throwing together a makeshift halloween costume resembling a fitness chick from the 80s, complete with arm and leg warmers, and headband. She looks down at the ensemble and smiles, happy with the outcome.

Sarahe Gemini: Yes, of course. Thank you for the opportunity, Cleopatra. I’ll see you to sign the paperwork on Wednesday. (she slides the phone into her pocket, turning towards the camera.) So…you ever had one of those songs you can’t help but to just put on repeat, and let it go cause you feel it that much? Well, that’s kind of how I feel facing La Diva this week. Except…I don’t get any kind of a vibe from her. She and her little cronies just repeat themselves over…and over…(a pause, with a deep breath) AND over. Yes, we all get it. You want a shot at Sheridan Muller after Shock Value. Somehow though, I just don’t see it happening. Not when you haven’t proven yourself at all. Yes, I’m new here. Yes, I haven’t wrestled on the main stage in quite a few years. But…that doesn’t mean I’ve lost my touch. Not by a long shot. If we can be honest? I think it’s safe to say that I’ve gotten better over the years. You? Well, dear…you’ve stagnated. Plain and simple. I know I’m new here, but two weeks ago, it wasn’t a matter of the powers that be “wanting” Briana Taylor to win. She just beat you. You’re full of excuses, and lacking in real substance. Shame, too. You look kinda athletic. Oh well, I guess everyone has to start somewhere, and this is where I start. See, I don’t need to repeat myself to get my point across. But, let me ask you this. Where do I come off as snot-nosed? If that is really the best you can come up with, then I think I’ll be alright heading into Empire this week. So La Diva…be seeing you this week. Maybe I’ll knock some sense into you after I give you some southern hospitality...

She winked at the camera, clicking a button to end the feed. 

Last edited by Sarahe Gemini on October 26th 2016, 11:39 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : no promo changes, just fixing layout)
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 26th 2016, 10:09 pm by Angel.
For every moment that I can seize, it seems that for every win, it looks negated. 

As I stand here, I am arguably the man to beat in this whole New Breed Series because I have defeated the man that is holding the New Breed Championship itself along with beating a guy that was having a winning streak heading into my encounter at Las Vegas. I am arguably the man to beat because of the opponents I have beaten when it comes to this entire New Breed Series. You look at all the competition around, some have actually dropped out and some do not even deserve to be in the competition. Yet, instead of beating actual opponents that have shown up to fight an actual fight, I am being penalized for this bullshit system that I am currently am. You know the system that rewards people based on the quantity of wins that may not mean anything substantive as opposed to the actual quality of wins. I may not be leading the New Breed Series scoreboard but if you have seen the opponents that I have beaten, you would’ve to think that I would actually be leading the New Breed Series. Beating a rather competent guy in Nobi, beating the New Breed Champion, you would be thinking that I would actually lead right? But it turns out, the establishment has a flawed idea in which, “if Wrestler A can beat the most amount of wrestlers within a certain time frame, then he should be rewarded”. You know what I say to the establishment? Fuck you. Fuck you for rewarding a bunch of ordinary talent with prestigious opportunities because the way I look at it, a guy like Nobi would not be in first place if the competition was so appalling with guys that may see their last days in EAW. There are guys that are dropping out such as Whiskey Jack along with guys that quite frankly would be lucky to even be in contention for a title. This whole New Breed Series got so bad that you may have to consider replacements for the actual New Breed Championship Scramble match, meaning that logically? A guy like Nobi may not have been in first place if we did not have dropouts and underwhelming competition. I am only speaking in hypothetical under the assumption that Nobi could go against actual competition and so far? The only test he has done was going against me and look at what happened: he got DOMINATED by me. It was not even a fair fight for a man that was leading the New Breed Series. It was simply an elite talent going against an ordinary talent such as Nobi. I did not feel the need to resort to the dark arts because I am making a statement to anyone in the locker room that I can and will pin anyone right in the middle of the squared circle for the entire world to see at the expense of humiliating you.

And honestly, my upcoming opponent might as well be put out of his misery ever since he has become the humiliation himself. Yeah, JJ Silva, I am talking about you. You know, you used to be regarded as a rising star in EAW. You used to be regarded as the successor to Zack Crash. Hell, you were even considered as a man that could make an immediate impact as opposed to being regarded as the future. What happened JJ? What happened to the man that was arguably formidable and living to the hype? I will tell you what happened JJ Silva, you needed guidance from a man like Zack Crash in order to be successful. You needed to learn the ropes and have someone hold your hands as a means of attaining success. You needed someone to watch your back because you know deep down? You couldn’t hack it on your own when you need to show that life after Zack Crash would not be complicated. Ever since you lost the New Breed Championship, you have been the worst form of you ever since you have signed a contract to EAW. This has been the worst ever since you were a rookie when people no one even wanted to do with you. Hell, this has been the worst form before you joined the Omerta where you were viewed as a lost cause and a mediocre talent. As Zack Crash can no longer give you any substantive guidance and leaving you out to fend off whatever sharks you confront? You are being eaten up by guys that are taking advantage for what you are right now. A man that has no direction whatsoever as to what the hell he wants to do with his career. You know what is the second most dangerous thing as opposed to having no talent whatsoever in EAW? A directionless man because a man could easily start his own demise if he does not know what he wants to get himself into, does not know his clear objectives along with getting in the way of guys that do have a direction. 

Right now JJ, all I see in our upcoming encounter is a man that is made out a glass. Sure you can be sharp, but boy is you easily breakable. You have become a directionless man, you do not have a formidable ally behind your back and you have become a shell of yourself ever since you lost the New Breed Championship. Hell, you’re just as much of a player as the man that got replaced in Whiskey Jack when it comes to the New Breed Series which is just disappointing. Soon enough JJ, like a glass within a window, all it takes is a strong object to break the glass into multiple pieces. You can repair it in theory, but it will never look or be the same at all. Right now JJ, you’re just asking to break into a glass by me because I know that I need to win because I have to play catch up due to the establishment not giving me an extra match as I did enter this whole New Breed Series the Second Week. I had one cough up but I have shown that I am indeed the man to beat with the two guys I have toppled as aforementioned. You’re just asking me to throw you whatever spiral you are because you cannot shape your own destiny because from what I am seeing? You don’t even know if you have a destiny in EAW. Prove me that you actually know what you’re doing or your career, as glory as it was a couple of weeks ago, as majestic and bright it was? Will all be shattered into pieces by the Gathering Storm. Like all storms, it will break glasses into pieces that it will never recover. 
"Teufel Hunden"
Post October 26th 2016, 9:55 pm by Recon
[The scene opens up in a XPro II Filter and shows woodland area, Farther down the path a ATV & Its Driver accelerate towards the CameraMan. The Driver has a Tan Cap on with a Ace symbol stitched into it and along with that wears a Wifebeater with a Denim Jacket to fit as well. He parks in front of the cameraman and jumps off and spits out his Big Red gum and looks to the camera while dusting off his hands]

Hello, Nice to see you there because i just got done going down the trails and everything but i totally forgot about this interview and everything....I guess Time flies when you are having fun, Y'see what led me to this direction to come into a company with no prior experience....It took the fun beginning to fade out for me to walk and as such i walked right into the arms of EAW and i don't regret it because i am here to put the mistakes behind me and have a Future within this company and speaking about future i come across my first match in EAW, I have no quarrel with anyone but i am out to prove something within that ring and that is i am as good as i say i am, I am not looking for gold as others have but i seek redemption...My mistakes have led to my apparent hatred and i am looking forward to the path i have chosen and it all starts with My Opponents, Flying Booya & Fraser have no idea who i am and growing up neither did i. But all things have its purpose and as such it has led me into EAW....A Marine does what he believes is right....Orders or not the main mission is to survive and this is a War that The Marine can likely benefit from, My name is Recon by the way but you'll come to learn that name pretty well because i will go out there week after week after week until you remember who i am.

[Recon wipes the swear from his brow and readjusts his hair before pacing around thinking of what to say next while holding onto his Grandfathers Dog Tags with a sigh]

While Fraser might have a mind like his Tv Show Counterpart, I myself have the strength of a entire nation on my back whether they love me or hate me for the things i've done i have tried my best to overcome them and whether or not they accept me i'll serve until my own demise...We all fade at the end and there is no fighting it but what is a life worth living if you run away from your problems? I'd rather live a life worth remembering for being brave enough to stand up and i'm willing to serve EAW as The Marine, To Protect & Serve with Honor is My Call for Duty.

[Recon salutes the camera before hopping back onto his ATV and going into a circle before driving back into the direction he came from as the camera slowly fades to black]
Tarah Nova
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 26th 2016, 9:25 pm by Tarah Nova
Hollywood Whore---Empire#2
“Hollywood whore,
Passed out on the floor,
I'm sorry but the party's over.

Cocaine nose,
And trendy clothes,
Gotta send her to rehab.
She found out she's got no soul,
But it really doesn't bother her.
White trash queen,
American dream-
Oh, what a role model.
Throwing a fit,
Making a scene,
Like no tomorrow.

Hollywood whore,
Passed out on the floor,
Can't take it no more,
I'm sorry but the party's over.
The talk of the town,
Is she's going down.
I'm sorry but the party's over NOW.”

Wait---I whored myself out for a successful career in EAW?  Me? A Whor---

God, excuse me while I laugh hard at the statements that you claim me to be. you have claimed that I, Tarah Nova, the Leader of this Vixens division whored herself out for success. You bitch up and down that I whore myself but have you looked at this locker room. Have you looked at few of these vixens that have new boyfriends and girlfriends each and every week but yet; I am the whore. I am the whore because once upon a time I was with Zach Genesis. You believe I got with him only because of the momentum he had in this company at the time. The funny part of that statement is the fact that I was Vixens Champion before I got with him. I was making history before I even laid eyes on him! Hell, I mean I was on the top of the kingdom before Genesis was even in the company but no matter!!  No, I am the whore! I'm the whore because I made a name for myself and I made such an amazing impact on some of these people; that they pulled me into the Devil's stable. The Devil himself wanted me on his team because he saw the potential in me. He knew I was going to become the greatest Vixen in this division one day and I have done just that. I didn't do it by sleeping my way to the top like you so desperately want people to believe. I made it to the top by I'm working my ass off day in and day out in that goddamn ring. I forced myself to do so much reckless things that Vixens today wouldn't even dream about doing. And I did it all in the name of wrestling and no, it's not sleeping with every man I see. I’m not like you or Azumi or Cloudy Ass. I’m not like any of these Vixens because their can only be one hardcore Vixen and that's who I am. 

Also I didn't know white knighting a fellow wrestler makes me a whore to now? Is it that bad of a thing that I saved someone's fucking career?  I whiteknighted the fellow wrestler because I didn't see anyone else doing it but if that makes me a whore in your eyes, then so fucking be. Oh but there's more reasons now! Of course you bring up me being with your uncle...I just knew you'd find a way to try to get into my brain by using him but once again, I don't care. See, if he wants to break up with me then he can. I mean it's not like I slept around on him but knowing him, he won't believe me because he has a little troll in the name of Veena Adams; whispering lies about me in his ear. But that's fine, whatever!  I know the truth and the truth is I am nothing that you claim I am. You claim me to be some weak, fragile bitch but honey, I have done more than you will ever in the Vixens Division. You say I talk a big game but can't fight a damn? Have you been in a cave last 4 years? I've been ruling at this division for years because I know how to talk the talk and walk the walk. I know how to do everything and more because I am a true wrestler but you? Oh no, you are nothing but a little copy of a copy trying to make her way in my division. You dare to make comments about me holding down the Sirens when I'm the one that started it? The Sirens are a Sisterhood of three Vixens that are the best in this business today. I'm not holding any of them back; that’s for damn sure. Aria and Cailin, those two are the reasons why I'm still going strong here. Those two ARE my reasons for fighting so much this past year because I owe them a hell of a lot. My girls who are the people in my corner---your uncle? He's just too busy with his own career to do so. I can’t blame him..it's okay. I don't need him to watch me conquer when I have my Sirens by my sides.

Veena, I just love that you think I actually care about what you say of my relationship with your uncle. Like I said before if he wants to end it; he can go right fuck ahead. I didn't need a man to capture The Vixens championship and become the first Vixen to hold both titles of our titles. I didn't need a man when I destroyed The Vixens division only to rebuild it into what it is now. And I certainly did not need one when I became one of the best Vixens in this division. Veena, my point is I knew for months that I was getting on his nerves. I know about his past relationships with other Vixens and model; I'm not stupid like you think. I wasn't thinking this was my happy ending because reckless people like me don't deserve them but no matter. Yeah, the time I had with him was fun but then again, it was only a matter of time till he realized who I truly was. Frankly I think I'm happy that you decided to sneak your words into his thoughts, him letting you talk about me and him like this. You think I care though but I don’t. I don’tcare that you poke fun at who I am and where I'm from. I knew I was never going to be another Dirti Diva and Eve and all his other EXes. I was never going to be like them because I'm just me, Veena. I'm the one-of-a-kind freak show that runs this division and yeah, I'm not those girls but I'm the reckless vixens you should be worrying about come tomorrow night.

Like I said, this isn't about your family connections or about your uncle, no. This is about us facing off in that squared Circle. It's about showing you that I am better than a second-rate piece of shit like yourself. You think you're going to hurt me by calling me a ring rat? You think I'm going to be heartbroken over the fact that you called me a cunt in front of my freakshows? I just love that you think you know me, Veena. I laugh at the thought of you swearing up and down that you're going to beat me because you're better than me but honey; you got another thing coming. I am the Ringleader of this Circus while you are the clown of it. You are nothing but a joke. That's it. So while you walk around the back stage; honking your red nose and showing off your glutes; I'm going to be waiting in the ring to beat and whip the shit out of you. I'm ready for you, Veena. I'm ready to beat your head in because in my eyes that's what you deserve. Yeah, that's right you little bitch, I said it. I'm going to win and I'm going to give you what you deserve. It doesn't matter if you're in better shape than me or a better athlete than me. I'm still going to kick your ass all across that ring. You need to realize that Vixens like you come and go everyday but reckless legends like myself stay forever and tomorrow night I will prove that I'm better than you in every way, shape and form. I'm a woman of my word, Veena. I'm done playing games with you, it's time to shut up and step up. So let go of your uncle's hand and come play with the big girls and maybe---if you're lucky, I'll let you throw the first punch. Oh and make it a good one because that all your getting in tomorrow night. See you pissed off the wrong vixen, Veena and I personally promise you it will be the last time you do because tomorrow night I'm going to rip every single strand of that blond hair out of your head and I'm going to force-feed it down your throat. And after that? I'm doing to give you the REAL reason why you shouldn’t fuck with me. But---till then; we're done here. You have been warned.

“Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya, hunny. Hahaha...”
Cailin Dillon
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 26th 2016, 9:14 pm by Cailin Dillon

Empire #3
Well this was, 1. Shocking and 2. Shockingly easy to respond to. This was what you waited all week to say to me and Sheridan? Flat out hunny, you are not good at your job. Where are these amazing accomplishments or great matches to make me believe otherwise? Oh but there was that time you were supposed to be in a special match but you didn’t get to be because Tarah Nova hurt you. I remember that. I remember everyone seeing your name tossed in the ring for that and every single person in the locker room giving the same resounding, huh? It was even more random than the amount of times Madison Kaline was just dropped into title matches as a filler, even while no one expected anything out of her. Maybe you would have challenged for that title, but I expect it would be far more embarrassing a challenge than it should be. Oh, please give me that line. “Oh yeah, at least I would have had a Vixen’s title match.” Bitch I turned the Specialist’s title from trash to treasure in months. It was supposed to be a consolation prize, I made it something valued by the likes of Tarah and Kendra Shamez, and even your “sister” Cloud Matsuda.
Go ahead, take the role of mercenary and own it with pride. I’ve killed mercenaries before. It surprises me that you think this deal with the devil would benefit your family at all. Such a naïve belief to think they care about you at all. You can have all the respect in the world for me or any of them, but at the end of the day one truth will remain. The world run by no group is the best world of all. We’re not fighting to make sure we can take control. We’re tearing apart that battlefield you speak of and rebuilding it to how it should be. I don’t care if you’re OG, Siren or Sanatorium or even unaffiliated. If you work your way to an opportunity and you really do deserve it, no one person or even three should be able to interrupt and rewrite your destiny. That’s what we’re facing right now. And you only see it one way. Your perception of this whole situation is as strange as any I’ve encountered. But you say you aren’t about the games. You’re just here to do what you do. I guess that’s to lose matches or something. I’m still trying to define what it is that you are actually doing here. At least you’re here and at least you’re still putting in an effort. Even if this is as much an effort as I remember ever seeing out of you. It’s still then many more around here can say. But if you want to put yourself in the same class as others rightfully fighting for titles right now, at least do something with your career that proves you deserve it. I’ve been given nothing. Not a damn thing. I had to fight to have a chance at fighting for the Specialist’s title. And I had to win a whole tournament just for a chance at the Vixen’s title. And when I win that title, it will be because I worked my ass off and I earned it. It won’t be because of family or anything else. It will be me.
And another thing here. You and I seem to remember my early days in this company very differently. When I conquered early with Iconomy? Are you kidding? What the hell has Eclipse done to your brain to make you think anything that happened during that period was successful? Iconomy is a joke. Things started to happen for me when I left JJ to scoop out the water he was taking on by his own accord. That’s right, call me a deserter or call me what ever you want. I call myself smart for seeing how dumb he was. He was running his little pony show into the ground and Eclipse and Chris Elite were happy to run it. No, I conquered when I took my career into my own hands. I destroyed Haruna Sakazaki to take her title. I held that title for months. I defeated the Vixen’s Champion, I defeated HBG and ended Hexa-Gun. And now I’m standing here as the Empress of Elite and you’re seriously going to tell me this is a whole new ballgame? You might be just starting to find your place, but don’t confuse me with being content with where I am. You’re wasting your time with that approach. Calling me an obstacle, and an insignificant one at that? The kinds of things you say aren’t just stupid, but they add fuel to the fire of two people who are fighting as well as anyone in the business right now. You don’t have to live in the shadows, but I’m not taking a seat stage right and watching you try to resurrect whatever you call this thing you’ve been doing since you joined EAW. I’m not done. I’m just beginning. And I’m not about to let someone obsessed with taking everything from me and her leader’s wife take me down for personal shits and giggles. I’m not thirsting for glory. This isn’t about titles and trophies for me. This is about fighting. I love the fight and that’s what I thirst for. Honestly, I can’t get enough. I love the challenge. I don’t care if the challenge comes from the best wrestler in the world, or a competitor I will always respect and Eclipse’s woman.
Whether you choose a side or not, this war will happen. You’ll either be a part of it or you will be the mercenaries that get crushed in the middle. We’re putting it all out on the line to prove what we believe is the right way. You can either live in a world where you have a chance and you can actually go somewhere in your career, or you can live in a world where you serve as someone’s bitch. Maybe that’s what your content to do. But not me. So I’ll fight alongside our Vixen’s Champion this week and we will win, and then I won’t stop fighting these matches until I win the war. And then, me and Sheridan will talk about a match.
Lucas Johnson
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 26th 2016, 6:40 pm by Lucas Johnson
Man this just sucks, just fucking sucks plain and simple. I will admit Adrian Christ had me fair and square but dammit losing fucking sucks when I thought I should have won. That cocky little bastard wants to brag that I am the loser that's still living in the past? I am looking to win now and in the future, but the energy and the crowd last week was something I have never felt before. The crowd was definitely electric and was an awesome adrenaline thriller as it went sky high but that soon came crashing down when I was pinned to the mat for the three count. HRDO!!!!! You better listen to me now and pay attention to my match this coming Friday night on Dynasty against Kelly Hackenschmidt on this Halloween edition. I am not a big fan of Ted Cruz but I will dress for the fans of Dynasty and support me every single night in that squared circle but this Friday is no different. Kelly was in our armed services serving around the world? Well I thank you for that Kelly for your time in the service, but you are threatening me that I am going to have the fight of my life? I maybe have an easy fight against you or I maybe be against one of my toughest opponents yet and Kelly I don't know what's going to happen this Friday, I plan on walking out as the winner. You are going to go back to marching full time when I am done with you Kelly because your dreams are about to be thrown out the window
ᴍᴏɴɪᴄᴀ ᴠᴀᴜɢʜᴀɴ .
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 26th 2016, 6:22 pm by ᴍᴏɴɪᴄᴀ ᴠᴀᴜɢʜᴀɴ .
rise to the occasion; empire 005;
"The greatest weapon anyone can use against us is our own mind." - Unknown

EAW Promoz! - Page 14 Tumblr_ofa1qjBf1k1sjrxhco1_250 EAW Promoz! - Page 14 Tumblr_ofa1qjBf1k1sjrxhco2_250 EAW Promoz! - Page 14 Tumblr_ofa1qjBf1k1sjrxhco3_250

So boo, Cameron, really? The team with women who see that their spotlight are being taken over by the next generation of Vixens, and are trying so desperately to keep their spot, the insecure group of women is the right side to be on? You’re funny. Deadass ma, you’re hilarious. The OG vixen’s are acting like a group of middle aged wives who are standing in a room filled with young, youthful women, who just realized that they don't have “it” anymore. Your time has passed and shoes are being filled, shoes that you are clenching on tighter to than you clench onto your sister. Don’t make me laugh ma. Hey, if this war happens, you lose, you can always have a successful career in comedy, because you are a serious joke. I wouldn’t kill to be a manipulative, stuck up, holier than thou piece of trash. No thanks , that’s not me. So you're wrong on that. No surprise there.

Aligning herself with me will stir her in the right direction.” That’s not her earning shit boo. You’re contradicting yourself. Your action go against your words. Now please explain how she got scouted when you’re the one who introduced her to the world? Little Cameron came out to tell the world she had a twin. Keep it real, you know damn well you went straight to management and bitched your way for her to come into this division, at least be woman enough to admit it. I never once said you were an easy beat, but we both know, you’re not indestructible, you’re not invincible, you are beatable, so hop off your high horse.

You’re continuously showing me how jealous you are of me. Are your feelings hurt that Cleo sees the potential that I have? I didn’t get this far from my last name, from who I’m with or who I associate with. I got here with hard fucking work bitch. So you can and your sister can run your mouth about what I do , and about how Cleo invests in me. At the end of the day, she knows what I’m about, so your opinions are invalid. If the Sirens came to me and wanted me on their team, I wouldn’t back down. I never back down from a challenge. Am I Beyonce? Because clearly ma you must not know about me boo. Compare me to a dog all you want, cause the only bitches in this scenario are you , your sister and Nicole. Fall back. Don’t give me I was built for this excuse. Ma I was BUILT for war, WAR is in my blood, so you best believe I ain’t NEVER scared. I am a fighter and fighting is what I’ve done my whole life. You don’t know what I’m about let me educate you. I am Bianca Bella Vita. I break the mold, I shatter stereotypes, and I earn every goddamn thing I’VE EVER GOTTEN in my life. So you better believe that, I’m not scared of you, Your sister, Kendra, Nicole, HBG, Stephanie Matsuda, Aria Jaxon, Briana Taylor, Cailin Dillon, Tarah Nova, Madison, NO ONE. Understand that, and implant that in your head that is so obviously filled with ignorant and ego.

So let me get this straight Nicole. You’re ok with being the OG Vixen’s pet? You’re ok with that. Fine. It’s your life. The fact that you think associating with them is going to send you on the fast track to being a face of this division is funny. You don’t think that once you start to shine on your own, they won't hesitate to knock you back down to reality, to remind you that you are nothing more than their pet? Has the gasoline for the flames in miss Fyre damaged your vision? Listen to how idiotic you sound, they like enslaving your dim witted and naive mind into doing their dirty work Grow up Nicole, and be a woman. I get it, you want to be successful, you want to reach the top, if anything you might be jealous me. You want to be noticed and you want that spotlight, that’s fair. You’re an idiot if you come in this division and not want to reach to the top. But honey at this rate, the flame in you will die. And it will be at the hands of the women that you’ve put your trust in. Honey, there is nothing about you that I am jealous of. You’re not even mature enough to see the game that you’ve gotten yourself into. You are way in over your head little girl. You can point YOUR fingers at me and tell me how you see through me, but you need to be seeing through who your call your friends. Have fun burning in the hell you’ve built around you… but then again…. You’re all about fire right? Bet.

Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 26th 2016, 5:46 pm by Guest
Empire 03

'' Jealously is a funny thing, when variegated with fear, it becomes much more amusing. I envisaged a slow, yet brighter future for the Vixens division when I cashed in my Vixens Cup. I anticipated that people would come to grips with the fact that I am a superior woman and a terrific athlete, not only the individuals in the company but those around the world would recognise the true, pure efficiency of us German natives. I assumed that people would acknowledge and concede to the fact that, not only is the Vixens Cup not a forgettable competition, but that whoever wins it, unless suffering from mental retardation, are practically guaranteed to become a champion. I at least thought, that whilst people would be upset that I proved them wrong, that they would at least come to terms with the fact that I did, that I justified every word that has ever left my mouth, and that German Efficiency is the true future of the Vixens division, and that Empire is forthcoming to collide with the German Efficiency era. I know for a fact I'm intelligent, but I evidently overestimated the kindness of this division, and made a shocking misconclusion at how malicious and spiteful some of the women here are. Only one person has congratulated me with warm, friendly eyes. Cailin, she appreciates my work, and she respects me as a woman. Now I'm not saying Cailin is the only woman who has given me a pat on the back, or shook my hand, nevertheless she was the only one who did so sincerely. I haven't even had a phone call from Cleopatra, and the only time she acknowledges me is when she wishes to disparage my lifestyle and my work. I find it ever so amusing that, despite the fact I've proved German Efficiency is a superior lifestyle, and that I am an implausibly talented and amazing wrestler, people question my approach to this business and my lifestyle even more, although I'm now the Vixens World Champion, and I've never been in better shape, or had such a fresh, clear attitude towards how I will revolutionise and implement change within Thursday Night Efficiency. People have seemingly taken my kindness and selflessness for granted. All I wish to do is change this place for the better, remove the sports entertainment system which poisons the wrestlers around it, and replace such a concept with a much more pure, efficient machine. The fact that I want to make people useful and efficient, and want to produce the best wrestling matches the Vixens division has ever seen apparently makes me a villain, an antagonist. I have no problem with people trying to vilify and belittle me, my ability and my lifestyle. I understand why people take shots at German Efficiency, and say whatever they please about Sheridan Müller. But the same people who do such, who ignite and irritate, they're the ones that cry foul play and burst into tears at the first sight of a threat. I'm actually somewhat proud of myself, I've built the perception that because I'm efficient, it means I'm incapable of stooping to others levels and beating them at their own game. Here's the thing, when people make pretentious, ignorant and downright idiotic claims without any validity, I fear to say it is almost too easy for me to respond.  I wasn't expecting this, this division has taken a step back since I've become a champion, people have more time to attempt to scrutinise and bully me than they do training and possibly becoming useful, regardless, I was going to record a promotional video anyhow, yet because Stephanie and Alexis, surprise surprise, haven't uploaded anything themselves, I actually have time to respond, embarrass and move on some people myself. Let's start with Madison, you know, Madison Kaline, the woman who's been here much longer than I, the woman who, the first time I faced her, compared me to every other rookie and said I'd never amount to anything. She'd call me unoriginal, a generic foreigner, and complimented the fact I'd never come of anything in this company. How hypocritical, I'm not a sentimental person, really I'm not, however when somebody who plagiarises others poems calls you generic and unoriginal, you can only smirk, giggle and shake your head. This woman has also stated just yesterday that I don't care about Efficiency, Answers, Wrestling, evidently, despite the fact she claims she hates everything about me, she doesn't know much about me in the slightest. I elevate everybody I am in the ring with, I have sacrificed my body in that wrestling ring night after night. I've retired inefficient wrestlers for the betterment of this company. Maybe you should be a little more gracious Madison, and a tad less sanctimonious, you cannot sit there and state, declare, boast to the world that I don't care about this company, when you took your ball and ran home, missed Efficiency Answers Wrestling's biggest show of the year, and came sulking back after three months purely due to the fact that I wanted you to become a better woman. You discredited German Efficiency, however gave up on this company, stopped caring about professional wrestling because I proved you wrong. Get off your high horse you whinny little dog, you arrogant, self-righteous liar. You'll never take this championship off me. You don't even deserve to share a ring with a woman like me. You make fallacious, inaccurate claims purely to facade and mask the fact that you're not as good as you think you are. How on earth do you expect to gain a title shot against the most calculating, pure and intelligent female to ever grace this company when you cannot even form a coherent argument as to why I don't deserve to be a champion. That's not even the start of it, I wouldn't even be content closing this video off, for speaking to Madison is like speaking to a child, she's probably crying to her Sanatorium sisters right at this minute, at how the world is unfair yet she is the most inefficient wrestler I've ever had the unfortunate privilege of pinning. But Haruna, Haruna Sakazaki, she's been making idiotic claims too. I don't even like Heart Break Gal, I think it's an absolute joke this promotion, and the people who pay good money to see us perform, had to call that a champion for months, but she's right, the OG Vixens are right, Haruna is an idiot. I actually liked her, can you believe that? I thought she was underappreciated, like myself, like Cailin. Excluding Cameron and Cailin, I probably have the most fun wrestling her as she's incredibly competitive, almost as efficient as I within the ring, but outside of it she's just ever so annoying. I believe I've thought about once or twice, right after I've finished training, why do so many people hate Haruna, then it just hit me, this claim just hit me in the gut and I get it now. Haruna is delusional, either that or incredibly misguided and envious of me. But she claimed to HBG and Kendra Shamez that she didn't defeat the former, she didn't beat her, because apparently, get this, no really prepare for this, she saw Cleopatra and I discussing when I'm going to cash in my Vixens Cup, so she shrugged her shoulders and thought, why bother. You don't have to be perspicacious of the world around you, to study the body language and the situation of the wrestling industry, to see the fact that such a statement is complete and utter bullshit. It's just fucking wrong. It makes me sick people using my name in such a lie. I'm just going to point out the fact that I cannot stand Cleopatra as a general manager, Empire has no direction, no momentum and it's a surprise people pay money to see the majority of the things that go on within the show. Our general manager can't even stop small, tiny problems like people interfering within others matches. She can't implement or come up with a rule, or a punishment, for people who step out of line. That's half the reason why I'm unfortunately having to involve myself with The Sirens, because of the inefficiency of our general manager. Because of her I have to temporally stall my ideas and revolutionary guerrilla concepts on how I can elevate and bring this division towards the lights of German Efficiency, so please explain to me why I'd even consider discussing what I'm going to do with Cleopatra. I don't associate myself with people who lack independence and drive, it's actually somewhat amusing dealing with Madison, she's hotheaded and is passionate to a point, yet you're just irritating, Haruna, it brings a frown to my lips that you'd stoop so low, the fact of the matter is that the Heart Break Gal is more talented than you, yet if you cannot even admit you're a bad wrestler, then what hope do you have at being useful within my division once German Efficiency has risen to the top? The fact you try to use me as a means as to why you weren't motivated, and you didn't have passion for a Vixens World Championship match tells me everything about you. I'm going to make a note of it, as a matter of fact, I'll do it right now. I'm not going to even bother addressing La Diva or the OG Vixens, I'm fairly suspicious of the fact La Diva isn't even a professional wrestler, and quite frankly all the OG Vixens are too old for a place in my division, its just science ladies, the body suffers wear and tear and breaks down, once pure, efficient wrestling is prioritised over this drama-fuelled product we call a show, you'll find that the OG Vixens will become irrelevant, relying on one another will be seen as criminal activity, and you will fade into black as the German Efficiency era shoots on past you. I honestly cannot wait until The Sirens and the OG Vixens grow up, when this little war comes to an abrupt end and we can move on, to a brighter future, an efficient future. In retaliation to Empire, I will do what I do best, wrestle, and continue to test the waters on who will survive within my division, and who will drown under the increasing, pressure that is my lifestyle. The Sanatorium, they will fall as German Efficiency continues to rise, and when stables are no longer a thing, when my revolution blossoms into completion, your Vixens World Champion, the future of Efficiency Answers Wrestling, will truly shine. ''


'' I was about to stop recording, but the Efficiency Answers Wrestling site is telling me Alexis Diemos uploaded a promotional video, I'm smirking due to how slow and inoperative this site is, we all know that's false. ''


'' You'll have to excuse my state of shock, but Alexis Diemos has genuinely commented on our upcoming match. Being the most efficient woman in the world, not much surprises me, but I really cannot hide how stunned I am. Uhm, hi Alexis. How's your neck? I'm not going to even begin to acknowledge your compliments on my lifestyle and my appearance, you are the last person who should be allowed to even mutter the word efficiency, furthermore I'm fairly certain Cailin and Stephanie will be lusting at my superior, German looks so I don't need a third woman doing so. I did enjoy the fact that you recalled our first match, though! People recollecting history, excluding the OG Vixens, we barely see statistics and valid statements being used so fluently! Although I recall our match somewhat differently, I'm actually fairly certain the people who set up the ring did so inefficiently, and the referee should have performed a more skilled job at protecting the likes of me and you by checking that turnbuckle before hand. I didn't end your career, Alexis, but the German Efficiency era will. I'm not at fault for that scar on your neck, I'm also not at fault for your apparent memory loss. You say I won by a roll up? You'd be so lucky to use that against me, I'm fairly certain I submitted you with the Panzer Lock, I recall re-watching our match a few nights ago, the commentators screaming at how blood was shooting from your neck, and how I was ripping that pretty scar of yours even further. I'm one hundred percent sure I submitted you, but please continue to lie, you wouldn't be the first liar I've had to deal with today, I said you have to fight to get out of bed in the morning without hesitation before, and such a thing can only be repeated with the same eloquence. Do you actually have a career besides fighting me, I haven't seen you since my debut match, how have you been, accomplished anything whatsoever, have you become useful to this division yet, an efficient wrestler? I thought not, what a pity. Nobody has to impress you, Alexis, you may be a mother, well done, sarcastic clap for you, but we both know however many children you have will grow to be as inefficient as each and every member of your little incest clan. You say I have nothing, however I have the most efficient lifestyle in the world behind me, I have more determination within me than the rest of this division combined. I lust for change, I've been pouring blood and sweat into this division for almost a year, and I have not even thought about what happens when my body cannot give anymore. I have German Efficiency, I am a superior athlete and personify everything that I speak. I have passion for this business, and the skill to back it up. You can continue to be like the rest, throw false claims at me, try to discredit what I have done, but you won't feel any better for it. German Efficiency has been rising within this division, clearing out the cancers and bringing a heartbeat to wrestling for almost a year now, how long before you're cleared out, Alexis? How long before the German Efficiency era is established and Alexis Diemos is dead in the water. This is something that I'll think about for a while, but one thing for sure is you're not efficient enough to wrestle a paper bag, let alone stand toe to toe with the future of the Vixens division. You may have your sister, but I have a wrestler, and when Cailin and I roll through you and Stephanie on Empire, and I Sherplex you onto the mat, your brain ricocheting off of your skull due to the, excuse the pun, Sher impact of my efficiency, maybe then you'll realise you're just too fatigued and too slow to ever rise with German Efficiency. ''
Anthony Leonhart
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 26th 2016, 5:34 pm by Anthony Leonhart

(Anthony Leonhart is sitting on a chair, looking fierce and extremely confident as always even after his defeat at the House of Glass PPV, wearing a blue vest, white shirt and a red tie, blue pants and black shoes with a French flag on one shoulder and a glass of wine in his other hand, emulating a rich and highly-educated person)

Bonjour, how are you doin' ? You heard me on Dynasty last week, if not I will tell you once again why I'm greater than everybody in the Dynasty roster. Once I was in the Sanatorium, you remember, oh oui... that special band of strange people but EAW management said let's make a draft and trade Eclipse Diemos to Voltage and let me all alone. At least, The Sanatorium made me the see the light at the end of the tunnel and here I am. Here I am on my own on the main show. DYNASTY. I'm here in front of you, I'm the new face of this company, I'm the Epitome of the French Excellence and that's why I begin my Road to Redemption and finish will be me as the new EAW World Heavyweight Champion because people like you needs a french champion, a champion from the excellence like me. I have ambition. I have intelligence to make it happen. Bow down to your new King of Excellence, the five-star matchmaker, your next EAW World Heavyweight Champion, Anthony Leonhart. Stop talking about me, moi and myself and let's start speaking about my first obstacle in my Road to the EAW's throne of imperial grandeur.

(Anthony Leonhart drinks a small amount of wine and checks his 10000$ smartphone to see who is his opponent on Friday at Dynasty and smiles like a Hollywood actor and looks at the camera.)

Tig Kelly is the name. Fine like my wine, you see I can do rhymes too even I'm sophiscated in my vocabulary. Basically, they gave me a man who do MMA stuff so i will speak slowly that you can...understand me because I think and I'm sure that you received severe shots in the head so let me...speak softly love. I will beat you, un deux trois...in the ring because I'm greater than you, I was trained by Europe's finest wrestling trainers. Here is nobody who can match me and my excellent training and not especially a savage like you, who do some MMA as people said about your sport, I say sport but I should say that kinda war of egos and that we have returned to the middle age with your battle of hungry wild boars in a cage. Just look at you my friend...what I say, is basically what you are. A tattooed boar in a cage waiting to have food and that's freaking incroyable, at least...if you beat me at Dynasty, which I highly doubt of it because humans and especially humans with the breed of excellence which I'm part of can't be beat by a boar even a savage one so prepare yourself to have a loss in your record book already because that's what will happen at Friday Night Dynasty. 

At least, you should thank the EAW staff to gave you a match with the Excellence of EAW himself, the next World Heavyweight Champion. Seriously, you should thank them because I don't know how this match came in their freaking geniuses minds but let me tell you something Tig Kelly, you better go off the rhodes and don't cross mine and return to the forest where your place really is because I won't let you, savage human representation of a boar soil my legacy that I try to establish as the new me. The new Anthony Leonhart, the French Excellence. The newest and greatest reincarnation of the French leader known as Napoleon Bonaparte. Your future Louis XIV, le futur Roi Soleil of Elite Answers Wrestling. And guess what Tig Kelly, pigs and boars won't be accepted so guess that once I will beat you, you can go home and say bye bye to EAW because I will be The Master and the Ruler of this, this EAW Universe that you seem to cherish. Say goodbye already because that will be your last time here. And at least, you can go home by saying that you had an audience with the Greatest Mind that Pro Wrestling Will Never Have Again. The Epitome of French Excellence. The One who made you, Tig Kelly, miserable. ANTHONY LEONHART IS THE NAME THAT YOU NEED TO REMEMBER BECAUSE I'M GLORIOUS. I'M AMBITIOUS. I'M INTELLIGENT. I'M WHAT EAW NEEDS ACTUALLY. I'M THE EPITOME OF FRENCH EXCELLENCE. AND I'M THE KILLER OF TIG KELLY'S LITTLE CAREER. KNOCK HIM OFF WITH EXCELLENCE. KNOCK HIM OFF BY BEING ON THE GOOD SIDE. KNOCK IT OFF BY BEING A SUPPORTER OF THE KING OF EXCELLENCE HIMSELF, ANTHONY LEONHART. AND BEFORE I FORGET THIS, YOU'RE NEXT ON MY LIST OF IGNORAMUSES,TIG KELLY. SO PREPARE YOUR KNEEPADS TO BOW DOWN TO ME, YOUR KING OF ROYALS. 

Merci mes amis. AU REVOIR.

(Anthony Leonhart do a 10-second pose like he's a contender for the Presidentials and then the camera fades slowly but we can see his Hollywood smile the time of the fading.)
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