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EAW Promoz! :: Comments

J-Dynasty 2?
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 8th 2016, 10:22 pm by J-Dynasty 2?
Tiberius Jones is seen seated on the curb of a random sidewalk listening to a street beggar/performer named English Kawakami Bansai playing on his guitar.  The video plays no sound though at the time, just focusing on Jones’ look of being in a twilight zone between miffed and empty. Jones mumbling begins to break the silence.

TJ: Dro….drowning.

The man who was playing now lays his hand upon Jones’ right shoulder and speaks to him.

Bansai: That rhythm of your soul, broken and heavy, but still clinging to a spirit deep within to express you sorrows……that is quite a jazz you’ve got going on there.

TJ: Drowning………..drowning….

Jones rises and grabs the man by the collar


Bansai: Whoa this sin & rage, that is rock and roll. YEAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!

TJ: Stop it. This is really messed up, I had plans! I should have been hitting the town by now with my Answers World Championship, getting all the chicks weak at the knees at the sight of the gold that reflects just how much of a hot commodity that I am. But because Nico Borg and Ares Vendetta took advantage of the fact that Pizza Boy is a perpetual screw-up, somehow I get left out to dry!

Jones begins pacing and dramatically falls to his knees.

TJ: It should have been a one on one match in the first place..

Ares ruined our contenders match because he’s been ducking me ever since I beat him one on one…

Pizza Boy couldn’t even stay undefeated until our match when he went and lost to Lannister on the go home show. And now he’s dragged my record this season down with him….

Bansai: You’re tune is losing its fire, I daresay.

Even Jones hands touch the pavement, and then he turns to sit down as his face begins to take a pondering expression.

Now I must face Devan Dubian just to qualify to have my rightful chance, and my chance alone, be spread amongst five instead of two.

Devan……we’re a lot alike. Handsome beyond compare….athletic yet with the ingenuity to be more than just the average jock. We both know what’s its like to face Ares Vendetta for the Answers World Championship, and not be pinned.


Jones jumps up with a bound of newfound energy.



Banzai: You’re tune is becoming pop, typical, but effective. Will this be a passing pop hit? Or a setup for a symphony that sets the stage for greater things?

TJ: This isn’t your time, Devan. You’re Hall of Fame champion, so why didn’t your life stay and keep collecting dirt in some museum like the rest of your companions? Every now and then, one of you always does this….You pry yourselves off those places where your legacy is hanged and protected for people to look back on, and try to mess up the art shows being formed today! You come in with that dust that piled up on your legacy and you have everyone felling clogged up and sickly, but it is a fake disease. You just need to be brushed off and returned to your place among the archived for the coughing to end, for healthy individuals to breathe the untainted air and be able to perform in building a new tomorrow! You aren’t fooling anyone either, so don’t even try explaining your age, everyone knows this business took its toll on you, the pound of flesh taken etched in your body. You don’t do those crazy flips you use to, that made you popular, because your body just can’t handle it. And Young Fox? You wouldn’t even use a name like that if you didn’t feel insecure about how you are perceived as anything but. You run from that reality like Ares runs from the fact he could never pin me and has been left laid out time after time I’ve met him. You close your eyes from seeing you have no business being in the ring with me, just like these fans continue to eat up any slice Pizza Boy gives them, even if the crust has proven to be rotten.

But I’ll turn this twisted world upside down if I must. Make the birds fly down, have drowned take flight.   A thief becomes a giver on Showdown, my K.O inducing fists will be opening eyes that night!
Opened to see, you can be a legend,

but you are not,




Lucas Johnson
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 8th 2016, 3:58 pm by Lucas Johnson
Dynasty Promo #1 - The Red Devil emerges 

Why Lucas Why? That million dollar question was asked all over the internet this past week for the Dynasty fans and some of those answers was filled in this past Friday night, that I simply reached my breaking point. After Pain for Pride 9 I should have been the one named number one contender for the Interwire Championship and should have defeated TLA by now to win that beautiful gold championship. The Wrestling Machine has been the top tier athlete in this company as a whole since I signed on the dotted line and did that by learning the craft when I joined the Voltage roster. I was so good in the wrestling ring that I was awarded the revamped Young Lions Cup trophy, I was the next in line to get a title match for the New Breed Championship. Going into Pain for Pride I was two victories away from cashing that baby in and earn my championship match but at the draft lottery my life was flipped upside down not only was I drafted away from my Voltage family to Dynasty but Aria Jaxon that little piece of shit crushed my dreams of once becoming champion down the drain when she STOLE the Young Lions Cup away from me. All Aria had to do was tap out to The Machine Break and it would have been all over for her but no she had to persevere and break the iceberg and ruin my life because she had some grudge against me and ever since then my life was turned into straight hell. Week after week, and almost months now I would suffer a loss in each and every single one of my matches, I was even close to losing my job here. I then realized I need to change my life style, the people that believed in me when I first walked into the front door like Azumi, Mr. DEDEDE, Scott Oasis dropped me like a bad habit, don't even talk to me in the locker room anymore when I see them or don't even look at me period. Some of these people are the reason why I am in the business today but now it's my time to release the anger that has been inside of me for months now and show little kids around the world that they want to be me when I crush everyone's stupid face into the ground and break there arms as well to reach the top of the mountain in this business.

Simply enough, I have nothing to lose. Times are changing here at Elite Answers Wrestling, the old people like Xavier Williams and Dark Demon are now out the window the new group of young soldiers have arrived and I am going to jump start over all of them when I break everyone's bones in half when they step in the ring with me. I don't care if I cause internal bleeding, broken noses, concussions, broken arms, torn ACL's, or even a broken jaw I simply DO NOT CARE! You could be a former teammate that I was with at the Ohio State University, you could be a family member, you could be my best friend, you could even be a random person in the seats that is watching the show. I will punish people who stand in my way and I will not stop until I get championship gold around my waist. That damn Mexican TLA wants to make a joke and a disgrace of the Interwire Championship? I don't think so, people like myself would kill to hold a beautiful championship like that! One of the most prestigious titles in our business today and even Dynasty period. This title was always Dynasty exclusive back to when Mister K was running the company and won the title back at Lethal Consequences, one of the original Free Per-Views we had that I watched back in the day! Legends like Tyler Parker, HRDO, Scott Oasis and even Hades have hold this beautiful championship and now this joker of a man TLA is ruining the legacy of it. The championship needs to be held like a legend named Lucas Johnson. Let it be known Azrael, TLA, or whoever wants a piece of me on the Dynasty roster that I am your worst nightmare. Just when you think your so close to be at the top of the food chain you are going to be pulled away by the Red Devil named Lucas Johnson and I am going to break your arm in the process, let the games begin...
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 8th 2016, 1:10 pm by Guest
Empire Promo #1

When the desperation hit
When the people cried in the streets
When everything felt at loss
Hope stayed, even though fleeing would be easier

When the eyes were full of tears.
When kids and families were torn apart
By that last desperate grasp
Hope tried

When all else gave up
When all else backed off
When people lost all they had
Hope flew

When they cried
When the world was shocked with desperation and dispair
When nothing seemed good 
Hope worked

When those four planes crashed
When the buildings fell
When the lives were lost
Hope was there

Hope was only a tiny glimmer
Hope was still there
She ran to those who needed her
She worked to help

When all else failed
Hope didn't
She flew through us all
Letting us know, we still had her
We just needed to look hard enough

Hope was there
Hope remembers 
Hope hold’s grudges
Hope gets revenge on others

Poem by Madison Kaline 2016

Why didn’t I wrestle Sheridan Muller on Empire? Was it because I fear her? (Madison shakes her head and laughs) Was it because I just didn’t feel like wrestling that night? No I’ll tell you why I didn’t wrestle Sheridan, it is because I can, I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, wherever I damn well please. The fact the Vixens championship wasn’t on the line made me feel, like what is the point, even when I beat her, she would still be champion. I’ll bide my time, I’ll wait for the perfect chance and the perfect moment to strike on young Sheridan over there. But anyway I have other things to focus on other than Sheridan, as I am number one contender for Kendra’s specialist championship! Thanks to Erica Ford and my little untalented sister Alexis’ lack of wrestling ability! I cannot wait to get my hands on Kendra, and beat the holy hell out of her and become the new Specialist Champion but I will have to wait for that, and on Empire I will be teaming up with my lack luster little sister Alexis with our new sister Body in our corner, now I know what you all are thinking? Alexis is probably going to lose this match for us, and she may, but I told her to stay out of the ring and let me take care of business and win this match! Just think Alexis this could be your first win ever in EAW if you just stay out of the ring! It’s okay sweetie, with a little practice you could be almost as good as me one day! (Madison laughs) Now onto our opponents, all I have to say is Tarah Nova, and everybody knows the history between us. I just find it funny, when I left EAW a number of months ago, Tarah became the Specialist Champion I come back, not only does she lost the title, but she falls into obscurity once again. You see Tarah, weather you want to admit it or not, I am your kryptonate, you cannot beat me, I am too powerful for you, both mentally and physically, I am in your head, you know it Tarah, you hate it, you hate the fact that I am better than you, you hate the fact that people compare us together all the time, and I am everyone’s favorite Vixen! Speaking of irrelevant Vixens, who reached their peak, Aria Jaxon! You became Vixens Champion, had the shortest reign ever, and what are you doing now? Speaking at school telling kids to follow their dreams? (Madison laughs) We both know that is bullshit Aria, because in this life, there are people who follow dreams, and they come up short, but then there are the ones who actually achieve success and then there are dream crushers, which is what I am, I am here to crush you dreams, stomp on them, and then take a nice pee on them. You are nothing Aria, you are just like Tarah, and you are both two Vixens, who know the right people, and get chances that some of us aren’t afforded, you both have a few lucky wins under your belt and you guys think you are all bad and shit. Don’t be mistaken, I am the top Vixen in this company; I don’t need a championship to tell me how good I am. I don’t need to be a fake empress title, no all I need is Vixens like you making me look good in that ring, I let my wrestling ability speak for itself. Let me just explain something to you two, you take a girl like Alexis, nobody takes her seriously, I mean I love Alexis, don’t get me wrong, she is my little Sanatorium sister and I will fight alongside her till death. But nobody takes her seriously, because she sucks at wrestling, and now look at me, everyone fears me, not only because of my wrestling ability but because I am damn evil, Tarah knows first-hand how evil I am, and how evil I can be. So keep talking, keep walking around thinking you better than me, it’s cute, I find it funny, because you don’t know what good really is. Talent is, well your looking at it, don’t believe me, well just wait until Empire, and I will give you a nice remainder! Bye-bye now! 
Armani Colace
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 8th 2016, 11:48 am by Armani Colace
A person would be sat down in an interview room, wearing a a fluffy jacket that would hang to the floor, and he'd be holding an umbrella that rests against his shoulder. A lean 6'1 male with short shaved receding hair wearing blacked out shades would then proceed to motion the interview to begin talking.

[Interviewer]; "So, what's your name kid, and what do you plan on becoming here in EAW?"

"My name is Armani Colace, and the time has come for me to spice things up really. I come here looking to dominate all matches I'm put in and show off to all the ladies. As you've all seen, I'm pretty hot, and I'm pretty much awesome too. - I'm the woman seducer, the great one. The best at what I do. 

I'm here for one thing, and one thing only, thats to be the very best I can be and put everyone else to shame, because quite frankly, I'm better than these guys, they wont stand a chance against this. I mean, look at me? Who can top this off? 

I dont class myself as a heel or face, I let the public decide. I just go out there, and win, or well at least try to. If anything does go wrong though... I mean hey. I have this."

Armani looks at his umbrella and taps it on his shoulder and looks back at the interviewer.

[Interviewer]: "Okay, thanks for that Armani Colace, it was nice to know a little bit about you and we can expect something very unique from you then in future shows"

"Oh, of course you can, this wont be the end, I've only just begun my incredible journey. In a years time everyone will be chanting "Ar-ma-ni...." just picture it"....
Sir Killian Charlamagne
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 8th 2016, 9:59 am by Sir Killian Charlamagne
Dynasty Promo I - "You Ain't Schmidt"

The camera pans open to a wrestling ring in the middle of a gym where Elite Answers Wrestling Elitist, Kelly Hackenschmidt stood front and center in his ring gear. His hair tied back and his tights under a “100% Certified Schmidthead” t-shirt. He glared up at the camera, a small scoff under his beard.

“With my last victory I have earned my place on the way to the top.”

Kelly lowers his hands down and starts to pace back and forth but never touching any of the white ropes of the training ring.

“You see, now over the past three weeks I have found myself in EAW, I still find myself lacking that challenge. Yet now one of the guys I beat clean is going to go out there and try to become the Interwire Champion? Well, good luck, because if you couldn't handle me in the ring for a couple of minutes you certainly can't handle TLA for thirty seconds! Let alone try to get your hands on the Interwire Championship! Though look here, I have yet to actually be beat. And yet here I am, still on my way up the card where others are on their way up. If Lucas Johnson of all people is what people want as their champion then it's not going to end well for anyone in EAW. In fact by chance if Lucas Johnson ever becomes champion, I am willing to put money on the table and say that his reign wouldn't have a successful defense! And trust me, that ain't me derailing him, if anything, he is doing it on to himself! Yet, let's get back out of the gutter and talk about this upcoming week shall we?”

Kelly straightens his posture and looks towards the camera, stopping his pacing.

“Now I’ll admit, part of me admits that I am surprised I managed to beat a guy like V, but then again I am unphased. Mainly because he told me that fear would come naturally. Well, that's the thing, fear can be fought. Which speaks rather truly for the next person on their ways to the gallows pole. Le revolutionnaire de francais! Monsieur Anthony Leonheart. Quite the interesting man I must say so myself. If anything him, Mongoose, Ross Vegas, Adrian and I have become some of not just Dynasty's quickest Rising stars, but EAW as a whole! Though on Friday however, I am afraid I am gonna have to kick a French down quicker than the seven years war. You see, Anthony is very proud of his country, he’ll even brag about his standing around the world to people such as random fans and even the same point of the roster. Yet if him speaking French is going to be the deciding factor in this match, allow me to say a few words to Monsieur Leonheart before our match next week on Dynasty;”

Kelly clears his throat.

“C'est tout ou rien contre moi. Je voulais ce combat depuis que j'ai fait un pas en avant dans la promotion. Mais si V n'etait pas le seul a me vaincre alors qui est?”

“For the Americans who don't speak the language, allow me to elaborate what I just said. That it's all or nothing against me, and that I have wanted this match since the day I stepped foot in EAW! But, if V wasn't the one to end my little streak going for me, then who's it gonna be? Sure, someone like you could try and say it's gonna be you, but logistically your track record has been bigger, mine has been more effective! Sure, you can argue that I hold on too much to the streak, but how few wrestlers can say they really were able to win three consecutive matches in this ring? Very few in my opinion honestly. Especially if all those wins are clean. You see, I stick true to my word! When I came here, I said that I was going to show my worth! I was going to show the whole of EAW, that Kelly Hackenschmidt can easily become a mainstay! Yet here I am, three matches later and I’m now considered one of the bigger rising stars.”

Kelly walks up to the ring corner and jumps up onto it, sitting at the corner.

“You on the other hand may be one of the rising stars, but you also forget your own sense of superiority. For example, you claiming that The French will always be superior, yet you go and bang some chick from the country you see inferior. What, do the French girls don't seem to find you attractive? Oh well, guess this what's her face, Mary-Jane can't be like everybody eh? Oh well, I mean eh. She ain't my kinda Mary-Jane but that don't stop me from letting you have her.”

Kelly straightens his legs, his body directly facing the camera.

“Just make sure she knows exactly what I’m capable of inside that ring. Because one mistake against a guy like me can lead even bring the brightest stars down for the count! Why? Because right now, as it stands, I may not be the man to beat, but I know how to get there. So Anthony. I'm afraid you're in my way! And when I’m after something, I don't ever rest until I get it! So Anthony, I am afraid right now is the time to really to start practicing what you preach, because if there are one kind of people I hate more than cheats it's hypocrites, and I’m afraid in my eyes in your one! So practice what you preach in order to be on the same level both physically and mentally against me! Don't be like Ted Nugent and get scared when a real counter to your arguments come around! Come out to the ring and face me like Un Homme! You may not win at the end of it, but Thor almighty I’d at least earn some sort of goddamn respect for ya eh. Because I don't really give two schmidt's about whatever holy war you're fighting, what matters to me, is how you fight it! And right now, when you're up against a One Hundred Percent certified Schmidthead, you can guarantee that your loss in House of Glass the week before I started showing up will be justified thoroughly! Sure it may have been to Drake Jaeger of all people who has done practically nothing these past few weeks with the shot, but eh, the guy put his mind into it, and it's obvious at this point that TLA is beating him. Though meanwhile, you're not really getting anywhere other than up into Mary Jane without any regard for your own career. So tell me, who's the complainer now? The guy who puts himself on a pedestal despite everyone else slamming you down, or the guy who admits that he isn't there yet, and actually does what he sets out to do? That's the real question here, not whether or not I am jealous of you dating a girl. I mean, let's face it, if you follow me, the answer is obviously no, and two, the only thing really attractive about her is the fact that she's named after my favorite plant.”

Kelly raises his arm up and gestures as though he were hitting a joint.

“Which reminds me, ladies, gentlemen children of all-ages, this Friday before Dynasty I will be putting The Kelly Hackenschmidt blunt right on the merch table for you all! Just remember when you smoking that good Schmidt, passing it around! That is unless you're Anthony and the other Mary Jane and want to rain on everyone's parade because no matter how much Alexander Ovechkin thinks he is the schmidt, he won't be schmidt compared to Sydney Crosby! So just how Leonhart thinks he's the top schmidt on Dynasty, that's because Kelly Hackenschmidt has only been here three weeks, and even then in compared to Kelly,”

Kelly gets of the turnbuckle, looking straight at the camera.

“He ain't Schmidt!”

The camera fades to black as Kelly extends his arms out. Showing off the 100% Certified Schmidthead T-shirt for the camera as it fades to black.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 8th 2016, 12:34 am by AlexisDiemos
“It’s cute that Aria wants to talk about how team mates function over the course of her time. She has had a great friend in Tarah Nova and in Cailin Dillon. In fact I think it’s utterly adorable, this whole relationship between the three of you. It’s like nothing could ever break you or tear you apart...except if I remember correctly the same could have been said about Formation. The three best of friends, and then someone decided to run in because she felt...what...lonely? And you just let her waltz into your life. Stomp on the heart of the poor girl that you had said was your ‘best friend.’ You called this girl your dear friend, hell you said that she was like your sister last I remember you two being together. At the time...Cloud Matsuda. And the three of you were inseparable. And then Tarah Nova came into the picture. And she twisted that little knife she keeps in her back pocket for people just like us. She’ll play around with emotions, toy with people, to get what she wants in the end. And you fell for it hard Aria. In fact, you fell for it so hard that you abandoned her, left her to the wolves, and you want to blame me and my family for why she is like she is. That’s so adorable. You want to talk about how Madison and I are? How she has...how my sister has…”

Alexis pauses in her speech as she simply stares down at the ground. Her voice trailing into the distance of the park. She had wanted to get some fresh air, had wanted to recuperate after what happened on Empire. Her eyes traced along every bit of the area, watching the trees move in the gentle breeze as she reached up, feeling a tear fall down from her face. She stared at it as it dropped to the ground, anger filling her eyes as she slammed her foot down onto the pavement, as if crushing the very sadness from her body.

“Who cares how my sister treats me?! She loves me! She does though! It doesn’t matter if that is her way of showing it. I love her just as much as I always have. And nothing she says or does can change that. What does it matter that I lost my contention for her title again? I can always get it back. I can get it back by just being better than I am. Better than I ever was or will be. That’s all that I can do, and that’s all that I need to do. And when it comes down to it, that is what I’ve been doing! I’ve been stronger! I’ve won matches! I’ve been stronger, been capable, been something better than a burden to my beautiful sisters. And...Madison doesn’t mean any of those things she says to me. It’s just how she shows love...right? It’s her teasing me. I used to get teased a lot as a kid. So who cares if I get teased now? It doesn’t matter. Not when I know how she is. Not when I know Madison and Stephanie better than you two will ever know them. Tarah Nova...Madison worshipped you. She wanted to be your best friend when she saw you, do you remember that?! She tried everything to get your attention, to make you smile, to get you to like her. And you threw all of that respect and love away. You didn’t want that. You were too good for that. Vixen’s Champion. The Killer Queen. Who cared if someone wanted to be your friend, friends didn’t get you anywhere in this business, they just held you back. So, now you want to call out on her change, on her embracing who she truly is. She’s my sister. That girl that she tried to be for people like you...that girl is gone. You killed her! You're the one that made Madison embrace who she really is. So, thank you. If it wasn’t for you destroying the dreams of that innocent girl, maybe she would still be that beautiful Maddie that you grew up with in this business. Let that sink in.

And you like talking about how you put my head through two cinderblocks. That’s running through your head hard isn’t it. Because that was the day that you love to remember. You put my head through two cinderblocks and hospitalized me. And you did it, because you wanted to send a message to Madison. My sister. You didn’t care about me. You don’t care about me. Tarah Nova thinks about Tarah Nova, and you have those Siren sisters of you dancing to that shitty little song your playing. You play these little games with them, make them really believe that you wouldn’t turn on them in a moments notice to get what you wanted. And we know you would. Tarah Nova does as Tarah nova wills. Damned be the consequences. You can keep playing this game, keep acting like you don’t do these things...but I know the truth. I know what you do. So, you want to insult Madison as to how she treats me and the rest of her sisters. At least she’s honest! At least she doesn’t pretend to be someone that she isn’t! Who cares if it hurts! It’s who she is! You? You love this little...dollhouse you have going on with the rest of the Siren’s. What happens when it all breaks down? When the Sirens realize that their perfect little Harley Quinn isn’t all smiles and hugs. What happens when Ivy and Catwoman realize that there is still a bit more Joker in her? At least Aria has respect for what I’ve accomplished since I’ve been back. You? You don’t care about that. Just like when you drove my head through cinder blocks, you don’t care about what you have to do to get what you want. Only that you’ll step on anyone to get it. You aren’t stepping on me now...are you?

We aren’t sitting in this little comic book fantasy of yours. We aren’t just going to smile at your games, dance to your tunes, do all of the things that you expect us to do because you’re Tarah Fucking Nova! You, Tarah Nova, have been just that ever since you put my head through a cinder block! You haven’t changed. You haven’t evolved. You’ve just painted yourself up with all your past accolades and from there...you just drift. Aria has evolved, like she said. She’s been adapting. Changing. There’s a mean streak to her...I think Voin might be rubbing off on her...or rubbing one off in her. But I digress. She’s adapted to this place, to Empire. You? You’re still used to people coming up and kissing your boots with respect and adoration. Tarah Nova. The best Vixen in EAW. That’s changed. You aren’t a champion, you aren’t even in title contention, you’re just the mouthpiece for The Siren’s and for what reason? So what, you have more experience in EAW, Aria is more fit to be a leader. She has all the makings of it, and Cailin Dillon...well Cailin has her own problems. So, what is it Tarah? You like the attention? Love the cheers and adoration and roaring respect from the people who line up to lick your boots clean? I bet you do. You like Comic Books Tarah. So here, let me pay some respect to that. You love Harley Quinn a whole bunch...so let me be like Paul Dini, and pen you the script for your demise, by showing the world the villain you really are.”

She growled slamming her foot down onto where the tear had fallen again, a second one falling down onto the ground. She reached up, grasping at her hair, as she tried to fight back tears. Her mouth moving to bite her bottom lip as she shook her head. She had to stay strong. She couldn’t let herself show weakness. She was a big girl. Mommy could handle this. She let out a shaky breath, shaking her head again to clear her thoughts before she smiled staring up at the night sky.

“But I don’t share that opinion about you Aria. Stephanie hates you...and you deserve it. You abandoned her. You left her alone and scared, and we helped her. We gave her something you two never could, because someone put poison in your ear. Madison doesn’t like you either...but my sister doesn’t really like most things. She cares about us as a family, but you all? Ants. Cockroaches. Brody? Brody would just love to rub oil all over your perfect bodies and...nevermind. Me? I remember when I looked up to you as well. I wanted to be just like you. You entered a little while after me, and we had some perfect matches you and I...but it always felt...lacking. I was weak back then. I didn’t know who I was or what I was. I was trying to be things that I wasn’t. I was trying to be more like you. To be more like Tarah. Madison. Haruna. Anyone, but me. Because I hated me. I don’t know why Eclipse really loves me, and I wish I did still...but he does. He cares about me. And I care about him and this entire family. It’s why I became strong. And you can make my ‘strength’ all you want Aria. You know that I’m changing, slowly but surely, and you may be ever evolving but that will never stop me. Nothing can, and nothing will. Because in the end, you may be ever-evolving but I am like Mercury. I will never stay in one place like evolution does. That’s what you all fail to grasp. It takes millions of years for Evolutions changes to take effect...but like Mercury, you’ll see my changes easily. They will show up in this world, far before yours do. Ever Evolving...yet here we stand. Once more with you in a three girl team, and me with my family. Only difference? This time, I’m stronger. I will beat you, Empress Aria. That’s a promise.”

Alexis let out a soft sigh as she pulled out her phone, shooting a quick text message to Stephanie. The message was short reading only as: “Warpath time.” She flicked through her phone again before finding Madison Kaline’s name, tapping on it and typing out another quick message: “Let’s kick their ass, sis.”

“Mommy keeps her promises.”
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 7th 2016, 11:04 pm by Rex32
Showdown Promo # 1
"Still Going Strong"

Four more days...just four left and counting until number 365 comes, and then goes down in history, my history to be exact here in the Land of the Elite. In the first 361 it's been nothing short of amazing. A long arduous journey it's been, yes, a journey with plenty of roadblocks to keep this Elitist honest every step of the way. Of course, I'd be a fool to believe at any point that the journey was over the moment I was met with any type of small breakthrough or failure. No. You see, part of evolving is accepting the circumstances necessitating the application of a career, especially one still in its infancy. So many times it would have been easy to simply give up, not show up one week, or ever again. Taking the easy way out would be taking others words to heart, and hanging the head low almost like a bow, and walking away. Mentally and physically you all tried to knock me down. You all made me jump through your hoops, play your games, and accept all your shit! You all tried to hold me back, hold me down, and drown me, but I held my breath, took all the bumps, jumped through your hoops, and ACCEPTED it all! The New Breed title, just like I said last week, is the title that I need. Whether I hold it until Saturday or longer, everyone now knows what this Elitist is capable of. This New Breed Championship though, it's not the best representation of who I am, and what drives me every week. To get an idea of the kind of guy I am, and what drives me? Look around. Take a closer look at the other sports outside of wrestling, and then wrestling itself. What do you see? I'll tell you what you see. Mortal men and women...people from many different walks of life, but nonetheless people that were blessed with a gift, an unbelievable gift that gives them purpose in their lives to be a showman for an audience. They could be a gifted runner with break neck speed, capable of winning any triathlon competition anywhere in the world, but is it because of the prize they could receive that they compete? Or is it because it's what they love to do? That’s just a single example, but it’s the same in any sport, especially in wrestling. I need the title to elevate the name Rex McAllister, but not only that, I also need to keep this title elevated to where it needs to be. Keeping this title relevant is a responsibility I accept wholeheartedly and I will place it number one as a priority. For many, this IS the belt that kick starts many other’s careers. Starting this week everyone will come to understand what Rex McAllister as a champion Elitist can do, mark my words.

Oh, I'm very aware of the task that lies ahead this week. You know, to be honest, Chris, you seem to echo similar sentiments to Nick Angel. Do you really believe this title or any title gives you purpose? It's the man that makes belt, not the other way around. Listen, Chris, because I know you will. It's like I explained to Angel last week. When you wake up and come to work every week, you then have purpose, do you not? I mean, what would've happened had you not beat JJ for the title back in August? Would you have quit? No, you wouldn't have. You would've found reason to show up the next week, and that reason would've been to continue to show GMs why Chris Elite is their most prized commodity. You would've continued to show in that ring what makes you unique compared to the next guy. That's why I had told you that you should have never won the title. It was an opportunity that was GIVEN to you, but you didn’t have to EARN it. It doesn't matter how long you've been in the company, earning it means you worked for it. The fact that you got the title shot against JJ was because of his arrogance, and Murrow’s influence in yours and JJ business affairs. JJ was just too damn blind to see what was on the horizon, all the extra obstacles that would become known after he won it. He didn't realize the target on his back that was growing bigger all the time the longer he held on to it. Then, it was almost as if, like some curse, it was passed on to you the moment you took the title. The arrogance,  the bravado, the ridiculous swagger. I can tell by your last video feed that you have come to realize some of the errors of your ways, Chris. That much was obvious, and so now of course you’ve changed your stance altogether when it comes to approaching this week. Make no mistake though, Chris, nothing changes for me and how I feel toward you, not one thing. It has everything to do with your attitude, because over a month in a half ago I was where you are at, Chris. I was forced to look at myself, and recognize the error of my ways. My attitude was holding me back, keeping me from realizing the things that could be mine. I’ve since been able to alter my attitude to the point to where it allows me to be open up my mind to other possibilities, such as setbacks, and what I have done in the process is continued putting in the work that is necessary to become better. I’m still learning, Chris. You could beat me this week, Chris. You could win back the New Breed Title, but what I want to know, Chris, is why do YOU need the New Breed Title? I mean, you speak of going after bigger and better if you don’t win this Saturday, but what’s stopping you from not doing that now? You do realize that you being scheduled for a rematch is not only an opportunity, a fair one I might add, to win back this New Breed Title, but it’s also merely an option that is open to you as well? Are you ready and I mean really ready to go out and take on the bigger names and go after the more prestigious titles? You were kind of all over the place with your intentions, Chris. You see, last week it was about calling your reign as New Breed Champion into question. Now, I’m calling your intentions into question. You did become addicted to having a title that much was clear. I get it. Having a title made those names like Mr. Showdown, and Humble Beast mean something. It gave those self-proclaimed names seem more legitimate, right? Those names mean nothing to me. You were made out to be a weak champion. I will stand by that fact. You didn’t deny it last week, and you can’t deny it now. Then when you were faced with a REAL challenge, when you had a chance to erase any last bit of doubt that you were the king of the New Breed division you failed to get the job done. So what that loss happened to do was make the match bookers re-think that notion, and in turn they make this match. Had you won, Chris, Murrow probably had more opportunities against upper echelon talent all lined up for you. Just in case you hadn’t noticed though, Chris, this isn't an either/or scenario anymore. That scenario was erased when you lost at Rite of Passage. If you can’t beat me, then you might as well forget about bigger and better. Chris, I can almost guarantee you that when people talk about me they don’t think even I’M ready for the bigger challenges, so why would they think you would be if you can’t beat me? You talk about going after a more Elite status, but then all you can do is manage to leave a warning for me and the other champions? Just a warning, Chris? Your warning means nothing, Chris. Not to me, not to Nico Borg, and certainly not to Ares Vendetta. Why, you might ask? Easy, because you didn’t prove enough as a New Breed Champion to warrant that kind of respect, believe me. The only thing that you did was prove yourself to be successful against lower-tier competition. Ares Vendetta only wrestles guys, with the Answers World Championship on the line, that are considered to be on the his level. Nico Borg will only be given guys that can give him an actual challenge. The point is, Chris, that actions speak louder than words. Very cliché I know, but you putting the champions on notice when you don’t have any momentum at all to speak of makes it hard for any of us to take you seriously unless you put those words to action. This Saturday, you get that opportunity to put some of those words to action, but if you lose this week, Chris, then that's going be it for a while, you know that. You don't have a 24/7 contract or a Cash In The Vault contract. If you lose this Saturday, Chris, you will be forced to go back to the drawing board and actually EARN another title opportunity by showing the kind of level of consistency necessary to garner the attention you feel you deserve.

The thing that you can’t seem to grasp when it comes to someone like me, Chris, is the fact that I don’t care who you are whether you hold an EAW Title or not. You may even hold a vaunted reputation that should be revered, and nicknames that make you stick out amongst the others. To me though, none of that matters. Just like last season when we wrestled on the now defunct Battleground. I knew you had this reputation that had proceeded you on Monday nights. I knew how successful you had been in that respect, but to me, Chris, it didn’t mean a thing because none of it was done against me. That is the same mentality I walked into Rite of Passage with, the same that I will on Saturday night, Chris. You can talk about anything and everything this week, waste your time trying to get into my head this week just like I got into yours last week, but know none of it will make a difference to me until you beat me one, two, three in the middle of that ring, plain and simple.  You have a chance to this Saturday, but unlike the last time you were vying for the New Breed Championship you will be facing a competitor this week that is highly motivated more so than anyone you have faced in recent memory. You will be wrestling a man that seeks to out-due his last performance, someone who never wavers when in despair, that never loses faith when all looks lost, and someone who never ever quits. This Saturday, Chris, you’ll walk away after the match with many emotions coursing through you, but as you do you’ll be looking over your shoulder and nothing will be there. You will look at your waist and nothing will be there. When it’s all said and done Chris you’ll look back in that ring at the man, YOUR SUCCESSOR. The Elite Answers Wrestling New Breed Champion[size=41].  [/size]
Tarah Nova
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 7th 2016, 10:01 pm by Tarah Nova
“Hey, girl, look at my mom, she's got it going on
Ha, you're blinded by her jewelry.
When you turn your back she pulls out a flask
And forgets his infidelity.
Uh-oh, she's coming to the attic, plastic,
Go back to being plastic.

No one ever listens, this wallpaper glistens
One day they'll see what goes down in the kitchen.

Places, places, get in your places
Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces.
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains.

Picture, picture, smile for the picture
Pose with your brother, won't you be a good sister?
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains.”

Family. That's what you call each other, right? Yes, You two call yourselves a family but when I look at you two I see nothing but two pathetic and useless Vixens that have no business walking the halls of EAW. You both don't know the concept of family and what exactly it means. When the word family appears the people that I think of is Aria Jaxin, Cailin Dillon and Myself. We are sisters bonded by the love and respect that we have for wrestling. We are formed together for one purpose and it is to bring a new light--- a new meaning of the word vixen and when we come together, we fight for each other in and each other alone. But you two? Madison and Alexia. You girls together do not form a family like you claim you do. God, you two are together is just two hellmutts the OG vixens have hired to keep them safe. I mean do you really think those quote-unquote Legends actually care about you girls? Frankly, the reason why they chose you two is because you were just there. In fact no one in this division gives a damn about you two. I mean look at you girls. Posing as two Wicked little sisters who are out for blood but trust me when I say you two are the only one that are believing in each other. I mean where you stand all I see is two Gingers that are ready to get snapped and the Sirens will be the ones that will do it-- Anyway, enough about you two as a whole---I believe it's time for me to attack you individually and bring you both down slowly but surely and show you who are the better Vixens in this match and I will start with my very old friend----

Oh Madison, it has been a long time, hasn't it? A long time indeed but if only it was longer. Personally Maddie, you of all people know how I and when I am kept waiting and right now; all I hear is the ticking of clocks because you haven't spoken your words to me but the thing is--I know what you're going to say. Yes! I know all the words that you want to spit at me because I know you all too well, Madison. You're going to stand there with your little puppy Lexi behind you and you're going to swear up and down that I am jealous of you and that you are the killer of the Vixen killer. I have heard these words come from your mouth thousands of times and each time you speak part of me grows weary. I grow weary at the fact that you don't have the audacity to come up with better material against me. It is just sad that you still think you are above everyone in this company, even just coming back from an injury. But let's face it, you have not been the same Madison that you were facing me in the death match earlier this year. You are not the same little Maddie that kept me on my toes each and every week. And above all that; you are not the monster that I changed you into back at Pain for Pride Eight. Frankly, since returning to action, you have been a shell of the monster that you once was. You have became nothing more than egotistical brat that I known you to be all along. You don't give a damn about anyone but your flat ass self and it makes me laugh that you walk around pretending that you were part of this family called Sanatorium. Oh yes, what kind family member forces her sisters to carry her like she is a queen when she is nothing more than a slave to the OG Vixens. It's just downright bothers me that your ego is still there after the same family replaced use with Cloudy-Ass herself. The funny thing though is I could go on for hours and hours talking about the reasons why I am disappointed in your return. You used to be a Champion, Madison. You used to be feared by this division when I was gone earlier this year. You were the darkest sister of them all but now you are just a shadow and that is what you truly were in the beginning of your career. It's funny when you think about it though. You started at the bottom of the food chain than shockingly found your way to the top but now? Now, all you are is just scraps and trash at the bottom once more. Madison, I am telling you this once and only once this week and that is you and your family choose the wrong side in this war. So now that you have decided; there is no turning back and I promise you I will personally dig your grave and put you in it myself. I am a woman of my word, Maddie, you should know this by now.

Sigh. Some vixens just never learn--- isn't that right, Alexis. So to be fair I thought I killed you off months ago after you meddled and put your filthy nose in my business. How it's like deja vu because you're doing it again. You and your filthy excuse of a sister, Madison are walking in a war that shouldn't be touched by weak hands like yours. So here we are and just like I told Madison; there is no turning back . Just like before, you are signing a new death warrant and I will be the executioner once again. I will be the dark angel that will take your soul and bring it to the hell that you've most deserve to be in. It sickens me that your family is getting involved with this. It bothers me that you believe your Darkness will overcome the new generation of Vixens that me, Aria and Cailin are leading into this Era. Let me tell you there is nothing you can do to stop me and the girls. It doesn't matter that you sided with the OG Vixens because personally we both know what side will be leading that victory but that is in a few weeks and this is now. Now Alexis, I'm going to promise you something. I promise you that there is nothing you can do to stop the Sirens this week. You and your darling ego filled bitch of a sister are no match for us and you know it. The Sirens will prove to you and your family that we are not people to be taken lightly. You should know this by now. I mean after I Stomped your head through not one but two cinder blocks and placed you on the shelf. Though now you're back and what? Did I remind you that I was a bad little child? Are you going to try to punish me? Pssh, Bitch, I would love to see you try! So come on Alexia! Come out and play with the big girls and show me who you truly think you are because you're not the mother monster that you claim to be. Not at all.

All in all; Thursday night the Sirens are going to rise and we are going to win. I know personally that Aria is ready to rip both of your Ginger locks out of your skulls and frankly so am I. See for weeks, you two have been running around and pushing our buttons but this week that will end and you both will be laid out by two of the best vixens in this division today. We are not afraid of the darkness but you should be afraid of our light. So Madison...Alexis...welcome to the new guard. Welcome to the Age of the Sirens and most of all---Welcome to your own personal hell, ladies.

Enjoy your stay and Believe in the Sirens.
Cleopatra: Empire GM
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 7th 2016, 6:29 pm by Cleopatra: Empire GM
(Cameras open into Empire's General Manager; Cleopatra's office as she's shown with a frustration on her face while reading through various papers that EAW Headquarters and Talent Relations acquitted her with this week. She scatters the papers angrily all over the office while the camera refocuses with her face down.)

I am sick and tired of this job honestly! 

(Cleopatra cuffs her arms together then lifts her head into the camera)

But who better to do this job than me? Nobody! I am the best damn General Manager in history of this company! I have managed Showdown and Dynasty through the darkest stages of EAW. I have led stables, I have led men to become World Champions. I have led the entire Vixens division for almost two years! And this is the thanks that I get? Loud-mouth, spoiled little brats running around complaining about what I do on my show! This shows the capability of our roster. Our job is to put on a show for our fans, to show some competitiveness, to show some zeal in that ring to compete. But NO! We want to team up with the next slut to go against the even bigger slut so we can be the Queen of SLUTS! I have definitely made up my mind since Ken Stark appeared at our last show that these Vixens don't even deserve their own brand. They all deserve to be who they already are and very familiar with doing --- jumping from brand-to-brand -- the exact same way they do their men. Some of these Vixens expect for me to be impressed while they are joining this crap that is hurting our show. I'm not impressed with any of you! NOT ONE, NOT TWO, NOT THREE! NONE OF YOU! YOU ARE ALL WORTHLESS AND DESERVE TO BE FIRED! I won't do that, however. I have something even better in mind. How about I step out and beat the living hell out of all of you like the old days? Oh no! I can't do that because imagine if I reigned as your Vixens champion again -- most of you would whine and complain then eventually end up leaving. That's how it happened when I beat your Ms. Heart Break Gal for the Vixens title. Kendra left. HBG left. Christy Cruise left. I was stuck nailing Cameron Ella Ava in her thick skull each and every week on why she will always be underneath the Ptolemaic Queen. And I proved her right when she hadn't even touched me for a whole entire year in that division. Then comes along the Lyndivias! Everyone loves the Lyndivias! Guess what happened to them? They bailed out on EAW just when I was about to hurt them in my triumphant return. So I guess it's evident that most of these women were scared of me. Now since I've become an authority, these "new" and "old' Vixens believe in their minds they can do anything on my show because I don't lace my boots up anymore! HAHA! YOU'RE WRONG! 

I may not be in my old Cleopatra form because I'm still all about business. I also understand that I didn't make this decision to step inside that ring with Erica Ford. I will accept the challenge because Erica Ford is apart of the problem that's causing my show to slowly hit rock bottom. Erica Ford has always been a waste of space in my view, anyhow. How the heck can you be in EAW for so long and never mount up to anything? In my first year, I was already having title matches and winning them. Erica Ford is apart of the dying breed of Empire and I will make sure that she finally bows down and respect authority when it's given. She will actually be an example for our champions. And I hate to say it but we have the worst champions in EAW history! Kendra Shamez and Sheridan are the ring leaders of this stupid little feud that's causing me headaches. Sheridan keeps on antagonizing my power every single time she speaks and thinks its cute until I have stripped her of that damn title and gave it to someone much worthier. Kendra is in the same boat too. It's absolutely sicken to see Kendra act just like these "new" Vixens. You would have thought she knew better as supposedly being a "OG" Vixen. She is a laughingstock to her own career. I remember the Kendra Shamez that would never team with Heart Break Gal, Cameron Ella Ava or how about a SG1? Just to solve a issue. That's like Kevin Durant joining the Warriors. You are all losing it. No matter how strong you are, you will never be able to outsmart and out-think everything that I can do to you. I will quickly put you on a back burner and take away your title too! 

(Cleopatra takes a deep breath)

Excuse me if I'm being rude but all of you girls have pissed me off and you wouldn't like a Cleopatra that's pissed the f*** off! Erica Ford, your mouth has followed you in for some serious repercussions over your b***ing actions of late. And I don't even feel sorry for you! Nobody should! The fact that Erica Ford believes in her heart to be the next Specialist Champion is ridiculous. What kind of champion would benefit me? Someone that's not lazy, that is actually worth watching, that doesn't complain or disrespect their leaders! Erica Ford doesn't fit any of these descriptions and after this up-and-coming Empire, she probably won't even have a job! I guarantee that I'm going to loosen some brain cells in your head. Maybe I could have some mercy on you but if you know Cleopatra, I came from a group that didn't believe in mercy at all so what would make anybody think that I will have it for Erica Ford on this match? You better be training hard, Erica. And that also goes for everyone else. I will be quick to take off this blazer and become a hands-on General Manager. Ken Stark, our faithful representative has not only let the lion off her chains but he has appointed the solution of our problems. And that's your Greatest Vixen Champion in EAW history kicking any of you girls  a**es! 

(Cleopatra pushes her desk over as the camera shakes then goes off)
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 7th 2016, 6:06 pm by Guest
Empire 03

'' Enthralling. The infamous Stephanie Matsuda is authorised to boast and embroider on how she's slain her former lovers, and the fact she's beaten plighted hall of famers, yet when another individual does so, in retaliation yet speaking to only show how little it means, she gets her panties in a twist and throws a fit. Give me a break, how hypocritical and ironic. I'm sorry to deliver this crushing news to you, but you're not the only woman in the world who has accomplished anything, some of us just aren't as sardonic and pretentious such as yourself. Do you honestly believe that you bragging about past victories evolves you into some protected, special little snowflake. When I highlighted the fact I've beaten the likes of Madison Kaline and Kendra Shamez, I did so to uphold German Efficiency, but I am always the first to admit and state that the past doesn't matter. I fail to recognise why so many Vixens live within the black and white pages, attempting to exercise inapplicable and irrelevant accomplishments, somehow believing that the fact they've achieved such will transfer into the present day and even the future. This isn't a sarcastic approach, this is an irritated and somewhat docile approach. We've already established that you're all talk, how you brag about pinning those, yet fail to mention who helped you to do such, how you're only in the business for yourself, however bounce from the Sanatorium to the OG Vixens like a light flickering off and on. It's very simple, I don't respect you, and I don't like you. Whilst you have not personally offended me, the way you carry yourself, your attitude and your lack of respect and acknowledgement for my superior lifestyle is something which cannot be tolerated. I'm not usually one for predictions, I like to keep to the facts, but it's practically guaranteed, that after I end this petty, drama instigated war between The Sirens and the OG Vixens, the German Efficiency Era will be upon us, and such an environment is a fight to survive sort of world. No more loathing and slacking off, the days of languishing will be gone. Title opportunities will be established through wrestling ability alone, not this little game of who knows who and backstage politics. Anime? I have no time for such. Not all of us have time to be a cotton candy sky princess who sleeps with whatever has a pulse. I'm an engineer, a revolutionist, my work and the Vixens World Championship justifies such, whilst little girls, such as yourself, play around with other groups and don't care for the wrestling business, this is my life. My profession, I have more passion, more determination to make this division a success than you holster within your entire body. Excluding that, I'm emotionless, cold-blooded, I recognise that some may find me awkward, socially and what not, but that's just how I am, a lone wolf, a woman who works better without others to pull her down and distract her. Whilst some people, like you for example, harness a wishy washy, up and down career, I only continue to improve, destined to be the future of North American wrestler, not through some ancient writing, though, nobody has established a path for me to walk across, I make my own destiny, German Efficiency is my tools, and with every Sherplex I pave the road to a better future for me, the Vixens division, and Efficiency Answers Wrestling. Be condescending and snobbish all you like, I insist, the look on your face after I easily dispatch of you without breaking a sweat on Empire will only be all the more pleasing. Calling me sweets and kiddo won't gain you a victory on Empire, your wrestling ability will. It's just a shame in that department I am your superior, whilst I am pure, efficient and driven, you are inferior and erratic. I don't address this to you as a way to intimidate you, whilst you state you're not scared we can all see you trembling, you can just look back on my words, go over them with your finger, after I annihilate you on Thursday Night Empire, because every word I speak, every sentence I illustrate, I do for a reason. This isn't a rivalry, this is blasian inferiority attempting to provoke a far, far bigger concept. You speak and whine about how if I'm such a creator, how come the perception on women's wrestling hasn't changed, but that's the thing, it has. Because of me, the inaugural Vixens Cup was created. Because of me, this company saw it's first female headlined FPV. We even have our own brand now, equal to the men, as well as two female only tournaments. You must be blind to not see my revolution, as German Efficiency continues to rise, you only seem to focus on the negatives, crying your feminist quotes about how we're not addressed as women, and how Vixens is such a derogatory word. Yet when the majority of the world thinks of a Vixen, they don't think of a slutty fox, or whatever you pushed out along with your other moronic claims, no. When the word Vixen is discussed, people avert their minds to Efficiency Answers Wrestling, and to their Vixens World Champion, the most efficient woman in the world, Sheridan Müller. ''

'' I was only able to cash in my Vixens Cup championship shot because I won the Vixens Cup? Wow! I never knew that. That's how it works you dribbling wetwipe. Don't act coy, as if you didn't know the rules beforehand. You sound jealous, you cry as if you never got the chance to fight for the Vixens Cup, you cry foul on the rules, yet if you hadn't lost in the first round, maybe we would have met in the second. The women who whine that I only won because of the Vixens Cup all had the chance to fight for it also, excluding Eris, Cailin and I believe the Heart Break Gal. You were in that tournament, so was Madison and so was Alexis. All your Sanatorium scissor sisters have complained that I unfairly won my championship, yet all of you exited before the final. Do you not see how flawed your argument is, I can vouch for a fact you weren't crying about how the tournament is a big scam and mean the night before you lost to Haruna. You would have had hope in your eyes, a gleam to your smile, right before losing. Only I can win! Otherwise I'm going to throw a strop! Somewhat reminding me of our earlier little discussion, on how only you can brag about achievements that hold no relevancy to our match on Thursday. Speaking of such! What a surprise, Stephanie is parading her achievements around, on how she was the first woman to win a rampage match which literally has no impact or connections to our match on Empire. instead of trying to improve the pure, efficient quality of wrestling within this company, I should pay for us all to go to class for a few years, people like you, like Tarah Nova and like Madison all lack brain cells. You make points that are invalid, and don't even attempt to validate or explain such, and you're all so hypocritical and moronic, as if certain regulations and rules apply to you, and how you must have all the special promotional video treatment or else it's hoodwinking and barbaric. I don't care about beating Cleopatra's record, I'd rather teach her how to efficiently run a wrestling show. Neither do I even consider your blueprints which are evident bullshit on how to become the greatest female athlete of all time. I don't need you, this Vixens World Championship or the audience who pays money to watch me to approve of me, I know I'm the greatest wrestler of all time, I elevate anybody who touches me, I push people to their limits and beyond. I don't need statistics and championships to justify my status, I know German Efficiency is a superior lifestyle, I know this division would be far better off performing under the German Efficiency Era, and I know, as a matter of fact, I'd put my life for this, I know I am the most efficient woman in the world, and the greatest female athlete the world has ever seen. I'll prove such when we meet in the ring, be it when we tie up, when I give you the hardest fight you've ever experienced, or when I inevitably Sherplex you, once, twice, possibly three or four times. All your trash talking, all your irrelevant nonsensical rants will constitute to nothing, and when no other variables matter other than pure, efficient wrestling, that is where you'll be unshielded from German Efficiency, when your neck ricochets off of the mat, pain splitting down your shoulders and spine, is when you'll realise every word which emits from my lips is proven true. You talk lies, I put reality into action. I'm not exactly compassionate to the idea of your family, speaking more candidly, I couldn't care less. I suppose that fits the stoic, robotic concept that the rest of the world has seemingly painted of me. Apparently because I don't dance and scream about sports entertainment, I have resting bitch face as well as must hate Americans. Don't like the word Vixen? Nobody is forcing you to wrestle under the name. That's a stark distinction between you and I, you just bitch and moan whilst I get on with life. Maybe that's why I hold this Vixens World Championship you seem so engrossed and monopolised with. I'm an intelligent, beautiful, superior woman. I put plans into action which nobody has the ability to argue with. People always criticise on how I go on and on and on about German Efficiency, yet nobody has stopped it, neither have they stopped me. I have no problem with you being an average wrestler, but German Efficiency does, we live in a vindicated, cold-blooded, cruel world, a world fuelled with sports entertainment which allows useless, inefficient people to thrive. I don't hate America, neither do I have American companies, or food, if I did I would have remained in Germany and never stepped my wrestling boots onto this continent. I just have a problem, a problem with how average and boring this place is. How people are content with being bums, doing nothing with their lives, not changing the world around them. Perfectly happy to read the news on racism, sexism, never changing crap instead of putting a plan into action. You consider yourself a War Queen, what good is a Queen to a dying city. What good is a champion if the division around her is so useless, bland and ordinary. Again, it's this same problem of how you complain yet never state your intentions on how you'll fix a problem. You hate being called a vixen, however you still wrestle under the name each and every week. I saw a problem in sports entertainment, on how wrestling had been pushed into the shadows. You cannot address your company as a wrestling business, when wrestling is never a priority and never showcased to a brilliant potential. I've never said German Efficiency is the best, but it's close, and my lifestyle is a hell of a lot better than this sports entertainment spectacle of shit which people like you, your incestual, creepy family and people like the OG Vixens have been basking in. There's no winner in this war, The Sirens and the OG Vixens are both so far from the light and not even close to the truth, however people like Aria, like Cailin, the ones you hate and loathe, they are the lesser of two evils. If you win on Empire, spoiler alert you won't, you'll continue to promote a fallacious, horrid lifestyle, or, the far more likely option, when you lose, you'll cry about how the world isn't fair, yet stay in bed, with daddy Eclipse, and do fuck all about it. You have no passion, no motivation to make a change, to revolutionise how the world perceives wrestling as well as females. You cry about problems you're unwilling to fix, and that is where my problem with you is highlighted. ''

'' True success is not instant, states the woman who has never tasted it. German Efficiency is your ego, declares Stephanie, whilst wearing a blasian efficiency shirt, which practically sustains the same ideas due to it being a compete rip off and mimic of my lifestyle. I enjoy the company of people like Cailin, because when we have debates, or when we cannot agree and see eye to eye, we offer out respectful, valid points and go our separate ways without hating one another, but I find it hard to address you because you cannot go half a minute without contradicting yourself, believing that nobody is going to notice and exploit your web of lies and malice. Whilst German Efficiency never stalls or breaks, it can simply discard something it feels is not worth the time. I have spent far too much energy on you. I can enjoy working on this division, tweaking others, establishing pure, efficient wrestling to this company for I know the women around me will improve. I'm a selfless person, caring, and compassionate for the right cause. My moral code and sense of right and wrong is superior. You, you are not right. You spout the same oblivious, injudicious crap, there is only so much I can take of your misguided trash. It's amusing, to a point, but then it becomes frustrating. I don't think you'll survive in the German Efficiency era, as a matter of fact, I can only hope you don't survive after I Sherplex you onto the mat and gain a victory over your shivering, shaken body. You may be proud of being broken, prideful of the fact you're not as perfect and pretty as others. But broken plays no part in an efficient influenced division, and when Stephanie Matsuda is defeated, twisted and outperformed by the Tigress, she might realise such. You may have your sisters, but I have the most superior lifestyle, which will continue to rise, continue to push, with or without your involvement. When German Efficiency shines light on this division, you will be pushed into darkness, when you're all alone, out in the cold, without a family, that is when it will hit you, stabbing you right through your gut. It's not me who has to prove myself as a champion, it is you who has to justify your wrestling ability to the perfectionist lifestyle, German Efficiency. ''
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 7th 2016, 11:04 am by 『zakkii』
(OOC Note: I'm sorry @Cailin Dillon for using your character without your permission. please PM me if you want something to be edited)


Scene opens in a small coffee shop in downtown New York as Haruna Sakazaki sits there like waiting for someone. She looks at the entrance door and see someone that she's waiting for. Haruna waves her hand to Cailin Dillon as she smiles back and approaches her long-time buddy.

Haruna Sakazaki: Aah, Cailin... I thought you wouldn't come.

Cailin Dillon: Heh, gimme a break... why I should not come to see you, anyway?

Haruna and Cailin hugs each other before both of them sit while facing one another. Cailin asks the waitress and ordered some coffee as Haruna begins to look at her in the eyes.

Haruna Sakazaki: Cai.... there is some thing I want to ask you.

Cailin Dillon: Hmm? Ask away, buddy.

Haruna suddenly looks down with a guilty expression on her face.

Haruna Sakazaki: A simple question..... why me? Why did you choose me to be the last aid of your team? Why me of all people on that locker room who are more willing to help you? You have BB Vita who is recently hang out with you and your groups. You also have Nicole Fyre who is now actually siding on your team and a lot of newcomer with good communication with your fellow teams but why me?

Cailin draws a sincere smile before she responds Haruna's question.

Cailin Dillon: Because I trust you more than them. I believe you are a good person to complete our team. You always told me that you are keeping your professionalism intact in your every match so I thought you will put your problem aside to fight alongside us. You are a talented fighter, more talented than those names you mentioned before and I believe that.

Haruna Sakazaki: But you know I am not getting along with the rest of your team. I'm afraid I will become a burden for all of you. Cailin, please..... can you find someone else other than me to help you?

Cailin shakes her head while taking a deep breath.

Cailin Dillon: No, I can't.... I can't find a replacement for you, because this is my only chance....

Haruna Sakazaki: Cailin.... what do you mean?

Cailin Dillon: this is my only chance to be in one side with you. Since the first time we met, we never had a chance to team up and fight together.... did you realize it? Every time we meet each other on that ring, you are always be my opponent and never be a partner. Yes I know, because you are too stubborn to fight alongside your friends, right? Because of this "professionalism" you always keep on your hands, right? I can see it when you don't want Azumi to show how a cute and perfect lover you are in front of the camera. But please listen to me.... do you know that we actually miss a lot of glorious moments if we decided to fight together. Imagine we fight and conquer with our combined power and we will be unstoppable. Well, even it was all too late, at least I want to experience it just once. I want to team up with you even for only one chance.  

Haruna Sakazaki: Cailin....

Cailin Dillon: It was all my initiative, Haruna. I want you to join on Team Sirens because I want to team up with you for a very long time. This is the right moment. Please, Haruna.... help us.

It was Haruna's turn to take a deep breath as she shrugs and nod her head in the end.

Haruna Sakazaki: Fine. I accept your offer..... I will try my best to get along with you and the rest of our team. But know this, I join team Sirens ONLY because of you. I actually want to team up with you as well but I have to chase my own promise to fight on my own. And remember, once this is over.... I don't want to be involved more of their problems. I will pull back from this whether we lose or we win.

Cailin Dillon: Okay, Haruna. You got it... Thank you very much.

Haruna Sakazaki: Oh, one more thing.... I need your help.

Cailin Dillon: What is it? Tell me.

Haruna Sakazaki: It's about Azumi. Since you talk to me again, Azumi think we have an affair again. She thinks that we love each other again and she thinks that I planned to leave her to you again. Cailin.... you love feeling on you are already gone for long time and you are feeling the same way, I suppose. We don't even love each other right now and this is just purely about friendship. I love Azumi so much and I don't want to lose her just like I lost Ariana because of our misunderstanding happened again. Cailin, please... convince her that nothing happened between us. Convince her that I love her so much before it's too late. As you know, Azumi will team up with Cloud in an upcoming Tag Tournament and Cloud will be on the OG side. You know that bitch is a snake so I'm afraid she will use Azumi as her dirty tactic. Please, Cailin.... I already help you to join your force. Now please help me!

Cailin Dillon: okay, I'll go explain it to her.

Haruna smiles as she grabs Cailin's hand. The orange-haired vixen chuckles as they both share a laughter.

Haruna Sakazaki: Thank you, Ivy!

Cailin Dillon: No problem.... and please don't call me that. Just call me CaiCai like you usually do. I'd rather be called by that to you.

Haruna Sakazaki: Hahaha. Okay okay...

They both share a joyous laughter again while Haruna see Azumi is looking at them outside the window far away from the coffee shop with an upset look. Azumi look at Haruna's eyes and run away. Haruna raises from her seat and leave Cailin to give a chase to Azumi.

Haruna Sakazaki: Cai.... I-I gotta go. Talk to you later... bye!

Cailin Dillon: Haruna, wait!

Haruna walks out the coffeeshop in a rush leaving Cailin in confusion as the scene ends.


The scene transition somewhere in a rooftop at Haruna's apartment as she looks ready to talk in front of the camera.

EAW Promoz! - Page 8 VLkeEyx

Haruna Sakazaki: I believe that every vixen is special. No matter how close one vixen is to another vixen, I believe that there will be at least one unique point that makes them different. I see it in every single vixen that I faced and I beat and yes, I successfully understand their intention to step inside that ring with me, whether for glory, for fame, for recognition.... and also for pride. One by one I step my foot in that ring, facing the finest women EAW has to offer and I know how they want me to keep their intention going. And Consuela, I want to know more about you as well. We don't need to talk face to face explaining and describing who we are to each other. Just go there step inside that ring with me and show what you're really capable of in that ring, that is all I need to get to know you because I am a fighter, knowing some other things other than their fighting style, their strength and their weakness is completely unnecessary. Some things that other vixens nowadays try to dismantle their opponents. I don't need your private life, I don't need to know what happened to you outside the arena. I want to know how much you have that will to fight me in that ring.

Haruna Sakazaki: Or if you insist to know about me, let me tell you a little bit of what happened to me recently. Yes, I may sound like licking my own spit when I decided to join Team Sirens. Don't get me wrong, Consuela. I admire your OG teams and I have my utter respect to them, especially to your sister Cameron because even she looks like a loudmouth bitch, she did acknowledge my seriousness to fight her in that ring because that is what I do everyday. I am serious in my every fight and I never underestimate my opponents and your sister knows that, I beat up HBG and Kendra and it's not because a coincidental thing happen, it's because I'm serious to fight all of you. I am not joining Team Sirens for some personal matters between myself and the OG vixens, I don't care what happened between those two and I don't know what is actually you are fighting for. That doesn't matter to me. The reason why I join this fight is because I want to aim for a bigger thing for my name. You said it for yourself, those vixens are the ones that contributed so much to this division. Those vixens are the ones who should be respected because they are in more wars, more ups and downs in this business and they should be on the top of this division. Yes, I get it... THAT is the reason of me choosing to fight them. I put my respect to them by giving them the best fight that she ever has. I am not standing against them to provide a drama to be played. I'm here for everyone's reason to sign the dotted line in this place. To wrestle, so tell me, Consuela... This is the respect I should give to them as a fellow fighter, right?

Haruna Sakazaki: Also, I joined this fight because of Cailin, as you know it that I will always be loyal to her. I prove my loyalty to her by keep getting stronger until one day we meet each other one by one, we will give our best to fight and entertain those people. This battle is my one step to make it happen. I don't know and I don't care which one of your side is good or bad. From my eyes, Cailin is a good person who respected my ability as a wrestler and I will show her that I will become a great fighter that she always look at me. And I think that is what your reason to fight me on behalf of OG Vixens, right? You want to prove the world and your sister that you are a great fighter too. Then you will face a perfect match to prove it. I will be in that ring to become your measuring stick of your true capability.

Haruna Sakazaki: So, Consuela. Let's put that Shock Value match aside. Even though you are on your mission, I can see you are carrying the weigh on your shoulder to prove your sister. Just don't look at it. Fight me as yourself, as who Consuela Rose Ava really is and what Consuela Rose Ava has to offer in this performance. I would love to see how you are going to clench your fists and lay some punches to my face, I would gladly receive your attacks.... if you can. As much as you look at this match an important one for you, that doesn't mean that I'm not going to be serious to face you. Live event, weekly show, Pay-Per-View, it's all the same for me, as another fight. I already said it that I will always serious in every fight. And that is why Cleopatra put an interest on me and decided to give me some challenges and hey, I passed that challenge and I don't mind for another one. So yeah, I expected the best from you, Consuela. I fought Cameron a numerous times and I see the passionate side of her and even though I said each vixens are unique, you are an Ava after all who has that fiery and passionate blood coursing through your veins. Show me that..... and try me! I would love to see you try!

Haruna smiles and bows down to the camera as the scene goes fade to black.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 7th 2016, 10:57 am by LVCIAN
I was given a second chance. Everyone deserves second chances but not everyone gets them. I was blind... Blind by a plethora of emotions. I thought I would get everything and everyone I lost back by establishing what I perceived to be justice. That everything would go back to normal by destroying instead of... building.  I have tried so hard not to make any mistakes. Because you see when you make as many mistakes as I have people tend to look at you as one. I don't want to be remembered as a mistake. I don't want that to be my legacy. It really scares me. I was never the type of man to care about what people think about him but it really scares me what the ones that will inevitably come after me will think about me. I don't understand why exactly. Maybe I do care what they think about me after all? I have never been a saint. I have done good things and I have done bad things but it seems to me everyone has forgotten all the good I did. Maybe I should be doing more evil than good... Adolf Hitler's killer is barely talked about these days. Adolf Hitler on the other hand? Who doesn't know who Adofl Hitler was? Who isn't aware of everything he did? He has no reason to be proud for anything he did, wherever he is, but he is still remembered decades after his death. I have to take back what I lost. No matter how, regardless of the circumstances I HAVE, I NEED that championship back. I don't care if that's considered "good" or "evil. If I don't want to be known as a mistake. Allowing Jacob Senn take the World Heavyweight Championship from me was the biggest mistake of my career. But that is a mistake I can still rectify.  A mistake I will rectify. Even if it takes another seven years. I'm back to square one. It sort of feels like summer of 2009. This all feels like a new beginning for me. Coincidentally, this Friday night on Dynasty I will be going face to face with one of the people who always doubted my skill and ability when I started out IN the summer of 2009. One of the people who regret doubting my skill and ability after the beating I gave him the last time our paths crossed. I'm talking about Kevin Devastation. Otherwise known as The Lone "Legend". I'm pretty sure the only person on the face of the Earth that considers Kevin Devastation a legend is Kevin Devastation. We all know Kevin Devastation. We're all perfectly aware of his track record and reputation. This man views himself as essentially everyone's superior. He thinks he's above the management, above his colleagues  and even above the fans. But that shouldn't surprise you at all. Kevin Devastation has always been like that. In his fictitious, apocryphal world he has been a legend since the very first time he stepped foot in a ring. I don't know Kevin Devastation even made it to the Hall Of Fame before a guy like Brian Daniels did. I guess he must have kissed a lot of asses back in the day. I'd say we have some unfinished business but the fact of the matter is we don't, Kevin. I utterly decimated you the last time we shared a ring together.  You must be a masochist or something like it if you honestly agreed to face me again.  If I was dangerous back then, if you thought I was a destructive force back then you will be surprised now. I have been deprived of everything I ever gave a damn about. I have become a miserable human being. There's holes in my heart, bad intentions in my head and nightmares within my dreams. I see darkness when I stare into my eyes now more than ever. They say our eyes are the window to our souls, so what could that mean?  What could that possibly mean, Kevin? The saddest thing is nobody can save me from myself only I can. Only I can vanquish the shadows around me, the darkness I see in my eyes and the "demons" that haunt me. I have to become those demon's DEVIL. I have to become the one who controls my life, who dictates my fate, who decides which path I take next. The question is, how? I don't know how but I will figure it out. One day I will. This time around you're not entering into a ring with Lucian Black you are walking straight into hell.  I hope you understand that before it is too late, Kevin.
Stephanie Matsuda
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 7th 2016, 6:15 am by Stephanie Matsuda
Empire Promo #3

“Don’t Get it Twisted”

(The camera opens to Cloud on the street in her usual hoodie with a toothpick in her mouth as she’s throwing away a paper bag. She turns to the camera in mock surprise.)

Ooo wow you beat Maddie and Kendra, so impressive! I got goosebumps, shivers, and all that jazz! I'm observing this new sarcastic approach you're trying out on me and let say this: stick to being the adorable Sherplex anime shirt wearing Sherball that we all know and love. Leave the ruthless aggression to us real bitches. You're tough kiddo- but if you think for one second I'm going to flinch, then go back to the drawing board because yet again you swing and miss! And is it just me or the further we get into our rivalry, the more you seem to just randomly babble on about your efficiency and how much of an innovator you are? If you were such an innovator then you work to dismantle the misconceptions about women’s wrestling. But, you won’t. You would rather hold that title of yours close, a title which you defeated a weakened Heart Break Gal for. If anything, that should be Haruna Sakazaki’s belt. No matter, because soon it will be mine.

You know, I’m kind of excited about Thursday. I’m excited because I get to shut that mouth of yours once and for all. I’m excited because I get the show the world that the only way you’re able to hold that belt because of your Vixens Cup advantage. It’s one thing to win a title and another to be a fighting champion. I may have held my belt for a month, but I had a successful defense. I survived through eleven other competitors. I am the first woman to ever win a rampage match! While it wasn’t the main one, it was a battle royal nevertheless! You wanna talk about innovation Sheridan? Then change the game. Stake your claim on the legacy of this division and make waves! THAT’S what separates you from the others! THAT’S what gets you in the history books! I hope you’re taking notes sweets because I’m giving you a blueprint on becoming the greatest women’s wrestler of all time! You want to become the best? Beat Cleo’s record. As for her coming back, I don’t mind. I would come out of retirement too if I had to shut up an annoying brat like Erica Ford. She may be breaking her end of the deal, but I welcome Cleo back to the battlefield which quite honestly she belongs. If she wants a rematch, she knows where to find me.

You say that I’m just an average wrestler with a case of the green eye. From an objective standpoint I can see why that is. Every time I’m faced with a conflict I seem to run to a new group of friends. But that’s the beauty of The Sanatorium- we’re more than friends. We are a family Sher! While they may be a bit more odd than I am, I’ve never felt at home as I do around them. If I want to take it there and rip my opponents apart, they approve. If I want to lay in the cut and keep my distance, they’re okay with that too. There’s no third parties separating me from them. There’s no desire to wow the audience and boots t-shirt sales. We are who we are, plain and simple. Meanwhile you’re preaching about how your proficiency shines through, but my dear the record states that I’m better than you. There’s no ifs, ands, or buts about it! Stephanie Matsuda can beat Sheridan Muller. That’s that the record books say! So if anything, you have to prove to ME that you’re superior! Meanwhile, I’ll keep making the Sirens my bitches, at least until Ms. Jaxon has to gull to face me in that ring on her own. Fornnow the current  Women’s cham- oh wait I forgot. You’re not a woman. You’re a “vixen”. My bad sweets. 

You consider yourself to be a perfectionist? Heh, know what the problem with perfectionists are? They lack versatility. All you can see is what’s ahead of you. You have no peripheral vision dear. You feel you’re the only one to ever wage a one woman crusade upon the world? Pfft, cut that Lifetime bullshit and live in Reality for once in your life. You bad mouth a country you consider to be inferior, but yet you work for an American company. You write a book criticizing this said country, but your publisher is an American company! I sat down for a moment and pondered what German Efficiency really is. You never quite pinpointed what it was, and whenever you tried to explain, its definition would change.

German Efficiency is your ego.

Nothing less, nothing more sweets. German Efficiency is the equivalent to you shaking your fists in the air, demanding how much of a special snowflake you are compare to the rest of the world. It’s like you’re some kind of member of a ‘master race’ who’s hellbent on ‘changing the world’ through ‘any means necessary’. Hmph, you wanna be careful there Sherball. I hear you can be arrested for that kind of thinking. You demand proof that I’m the cream of the crop? True success is not instant. A legacy takes time to build, forged by an iron will and unbent determination. What I’m building...with the women around me is something you will never understand. It’s called a sisterhood. I tried with Formation, but their egos got the better of them. They listened to that snake Tarah and look where it got her! They know and understand that I can and will make this division into what it’s suppose to be. I am the War Queen after all, and my design is beginning to take shape. I don’t need to be a ‘leader of vixens’ or a ‘killer queen’. I don’t need to stand in the front of a line. A true War Queen knows she can depend on her allies to put her orders into action. But in this case...against the likes of you, I’ll handle this personally. I’ll need to remind the EAW universe that until the strap is around my waist, that title is meaningless. This ‘vixens revolution’ is nothing but a circle jerk for the execs to feel better about themselves. Each one of you is just as good as your male counterparts, but time after time you all fall short at supporting that claim. Sheridan...think carefully as we get closer to Thursday. Choose your words carefully and devise a winning strategy. I will hurt you sweets. I will slice you up into pieces. I will devour you and spit out the bones.

Don’t get it twisted sweets. This isn’t just a regular match on a Thursday night. This is your official test to see if you’re a one hit wonder, or a champ who is here to stay. If you win, then you’re bonafide. But IF and WHEN you lose...there will be blood in the water. The sharks will come for you Sheridan. Keep spouting that German Efficiency shit. We’ll see how efficient you are when the odds overwhelm you. Wanna know why I always walk around with a squad? Because you never know when some snot nosed tramp wants to take you out for good. 

(moves closer to the camera)

The wolves are at the gate sweets. We’re at your fucking door! WE’RE IN FRONT OF YOUR GODDAMN HOUSE POUNDING AT THE FUCKING DOOR! (flinches aggressively) Huh!? What you gonna do Goldilocks!? The bears want their porridge but you ate it all! (steps away arms out) What are you going to do sweets? I’ll tell you what you’re doing to do. You’re going to do what you did two weeks ago. You’re going to lie there and let my sisters and I have our way with you. We have our way with everybody. Nobody can stop the Sisters of the Sanatorium. Nobody can stop…


The Coven.  

(flicks a toothpick at the camera and walks away cackling)
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 7th 2016, 1:54 am by showster26
Developmental promo:

EAW Promoz! - Page 8 Attachment

(The scene opens as "The Last Word with Zackary Cooper returns from the commercial break to find the house band wrapping up their cover of "Soul Man" by Sam & Dave, as the camera closes in on Zackary sitting behind his desk.)

Cooper: "Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, Benedict Cumberbatch will be joining us in just a moment, but before we get to him, we have very special guest joining us live via satellite.  From the Dynasty brand of Elite Answers Wrestling, please welcome "Picture Perfect" Mark Michaels.  Can you hear us Mark?"

(The shot spilts down the middle with the show's set on one side, and  Michaels sitting down in an unscripted (but obviosly expensive) hotel room on the other.)

Michaels: "I hear you loud and clear Zacky."

Cooper:" Thank you for joining us tonight Mister Michaels."

Michaels: "Thank you for having me, it's been too long."

Cooper: "What have you been up to since your last vist to our show?"

Michaels: "Well I've been keeping myself bury with a few projects that I've had in the works for a while now.  One of them I can tell you is the brand new season of THE SHOUT-OUT SHOW which will be available on all major social media platforms, and as you all probably know just two weeks ago I made my long awaited return to EAW's Dynasty brand."

Cooper: "And that was a great return that I want to talk about, but before I do, I'd like to know what motivated you to return to Dynasty?"

Michaels: "Well anyone who knows me knows that it was always my lifelong dream to be a professional wrestler.  That dream has never died and honestly, I couldn't see myself being anything other than a pro wrestler.  You know something, in the five long months that I was away, I was absolutely miserable, because since the age of six, I had only wanted to be one thing.  And for those five months it tore a hole in my stomach because I wasn't able to do that.  So really quick I want to thank the good people of Elite Answers Wrestling, and more than that I want to thank each and every one of my followers who took the time to ask that I be re-signed to Dynasty."

Cooper: "Right, now just two weeks ago you re-debuted in a match against James Knight in which you were able to score a pinfall victory.  Do we have a clip of that?"

(The shot cuts to a replay of Michaels countering Knight in mid-air with the screen cracker, before shifting back to live feed.)

Cooper: "Wow what a move, what were your thoughts as that was happening."

Michaels: "Well first off  let me say that I really liked that James Knight brought his A-Game for this one.  With all the issues that surround him personally, I guess I underestimated him professionally.  He threw just about everything he had at me, but he made one small mistake and I was able to capitalize."

Cooper: "Now as good as it must have felt to get the win that night, you were immediately attacked afterwards by the man known as V.  And when you tried to confront him on the last episode of Dynasty, he assaulted you from behind and left you laying for the second week in a row.  What are your thoughts about the attacks you've suffered?"

Michaels: "Now see part of me gets it. V wants to make a big splash on Dynasty, and attacking me would be just the thing to do so.  Hell, we're talking about him right now, so it must have worked.  But the thing is, if i had a nickle for every guy who tried to make a name for themselves by laying me out only to to find that they had bitten off more than they could chew, I'd be a millionaire.  Oh wait!  I m a millionaire and its because of guys like V.   see, like so many others before him, V made the mistake of thinking that knocking me down when I wasn't looking, meant that I wasn't  gonna get right back up, and proceed to give him the ass whipping of a lifetime!  Now rest assured that I will be standing toe to toe with V once more, and when I do it won't be some sneak attack, it will be face to face.  And when that moment arrives he's gonna find out first hand why I am the Twitter Trendsetter, the Instagram Icon, the guy with an army of social media followers who have his back. Next time me and V meet in the center of the ring, I'll be the one standing tall, so go ahead and Picture That!"

Cooper: "Well thank you for your time again.  Mark Michaels ladies and Gentlemen, stay tuned we'll be right back with more of the Last Word."

(The shot of  Michaels cuts off, and the studio camera pulls out as the band starts up with a cover of "I Ran" by a flock of seagulls, before it fades out.)

Consuela Rose Ava
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 6th 2016, 6:35 pm by Consuela Rose Ava
I’m the good twin.

You’re right, Haruna. Next to Cameron, I seem like the nice twin. I seem like the good cop next to Cameron’s bad cop. As of late, it might not seem that way. It might seem like I gotten myself in the wrong path. It may seem like I sold my soul to the OG Vixens, but the truth is, I made myself damn clear that I on Team OG Vixens; however, I will always be loyal to Cameron. I’m always going to be loyal to Cameron no matter what just like you will always be loyal to Cailin Dillon no matter what. Isn’t that the only reason why you sided with The Sirens? Are you still the loyal woman who is willing to do anything for Cailin? No matter who you’re with, your heart will always be for Cailin. I admire that about you. I admire how loyal and full of heart you can be. Even when it seemed like your heart belonged to the dark side, I saw good in you. With me, it’s the complete opposite. When you look into my eyes, it seems like you are looking into the eyes of Cameron and for that, it seems like you’re looking into the eyes of evil. The thing is: I’m not evil. I’m only doing what I believe in. I’m only doing what I deemed to be right. The OG Vixens—their purpose? I believe in their purpose. I believe they are the woman we should be admiring. They are the women that we should thank for their contributions. How hard is it to look at things from their perspective? How hard is it to shake their hands and thank them? The Sirens believe that it is their time to shine? They are just a bunch of women who have forgotten what it means to be a Vixen. They are so focused on their reality TV shows and social media; they have ignored what is truly important and that is the wrestling aspect. Does that matter to you, Haruna? Why are you even with The Sirens? What is your role in this entire war? Are you the Heart and Soul of Team Sirens? Do you still consider yourself the Pride of the Vixens Division? Tell me the actual reason why you decided to side with them? Is it for yourself? Is it for all the other Vixens? Or, is it for Cailin? For some sort of reason, it all seems to come back to her no matter what.

I know that you’ve been on the role recently. I know that you have managed to get victories over the Heart Break Gal and Kendra Shamez. It seems like you might get yourself a Specialist Championship opportunity eventually. It seems like when one door of opportunity closes, another opens right away. Hell, you are someone that has fallen into the favor of Empire General Manager, Cleopatra. I have to admit: I’m envious of that. I’m envision of all these other Vixens getting the attention of our General Manager. It seems like I’m not being looked at like the proper talent I am. As this match may seem like an ordinary match to you, for me, this is another opportunity to show Cleopatra that I’m not the type of Vixen that she can flake off. I’m not the type of Vixen that should be ignored for someone like BB Vita. I’m better than most of these Vixens. I’m better than most of the Vixens in The Sirens. I’m better than our current Vixens World Champion. That is something that these people don’t want to admit. They’re afraid that I’ll outshine their beloved Tarah Nova. They’re afraid that I’ll work harder than Cailin Dillon. They’re afraid that I’ll out sass Aria Jaxon. They’re afraid that I will be more efficient than Sheridan Muller. You know what? I’ll just keep proving them wrong. I’ll prove them wrong every time I step foot in an EAW ring. I’ll defeat Erica Ford, I’ll defeat Madison Kaline and I’ll defeat BB Vita as much as I possibly can until Cleopatra and the rest of the EAW Universe gets the news that Consuela Rose Ava is unique. She’s herself. She is different. I’m all fine with putting aside that you’re facing my sister at Shock Value. Shock Value is not important to me. What’s important to me is that I become something big in EAW. Empire is the platform where I will break out and I will do whatever it takes to secure my spot on the top of this Division. You seem like a nice girl, but I’m loyal to my sister no matter what. If a way to get everyone’s attention is to defeat the woman who has defeated HBG and Kendra in the past, then that is what I will do. I got no problem with that at all.
ᴍᴏɴɪᴄᴀ ᴠᴀᴜɢʜᴀɴ .
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 6th 2016, 3:14 pm by ᴍᴏɴɪᴄᴀ ᴠᴀᴜɢʜᴀɴ .
real recognize real; empire 006;
"Real eyes, realize, real lies." - Unknown

EAW Promoz! - Page 8 Tumblr_odemfsDmz81qevcs2o2_250 EAW Promoz! - Page 8 Tumblr_odemfsDmz81qevcs2o1_250

Ma first thing first, who does your fact checking? When was I ever a cheerleader boo? That brain of yours is all types of twisted. See here’s where you got things fucked up. You assume that I can’t be vicious, you assume that I don’t got that ambition to hurt in me. Don’t be fooled, do not take my kindness for weakness, it’ll be the last thing you do. I choose not to bring out that side of , because once I get there, there ain’t no going back. I don’t need to tell the world how vicious I am to make a fucking point boo. I don’t need to be extra and try to claim to be something just to rattle my opponents. I let my fits do the talking, and my feet get to walking. You claim I can’t break through a glass ceiling , but that begs me to ask the question of what ceiling did you break? You talk might confident for someone who’s nothing but glorified background track of this division. Bitch , I don't care if you’re the only yoshi, joshi, whatever the hell you wanna call yourself. It’s not going to stop me from getting that one, two , three count on your ass.

So what you’re saying is, I should stick to facing women like you? You know C- women? Honey you’re right, this is a mitch match, but not in the way you think. You’re so wrapped up in trying to convince me of your “joshi” skills that you forgot all about me. Hell you clearly didn’t do your homework ma, because you thought I was a cheerleader! Ha. I’m from the streets, so you can have your little Joshi wrestling skills, kudos want a cookie? You ain’t face a bitch like me, from the streets! Ready to throw down with you anytime, and anyplace. Joshi wrestling ain’t shit compared to the streets. Azumi. I’m the type of girl who never backs down from a challenge. The type of girl who ain’t just all bark and no bite like yourself. You can rant and rave about your bloodlust, you want blood? Try me then. Try me. A little blood ain’t  hurtin nobody. Why don’t you ask your little buddy Stephanie about what happened the last time she stepped in a ring with me. If you truly think you want that L, fine, step up to the plate. Just don’t go crying when I leave ya ass in the ring, cutthroat.

Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 6th 2016, 9:49 am by ThePizzaBoy
The camera opens to PB's down turned face engulfed in shadowy darkness.  Even through the darkness, the tears running down his dirty cheeks are visible.

"There was a crooked man, and he had a crooked smile"

The flashing image of Nico Borg's smiling zealot face appears on screen for a fleeting moment.

"He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile."

Images of Nico winning the 24/7 contract.  The film stops on Nico holding the contract in his hands out in front of him as he stares up at the heavens with an evil smirk forming at the edges of his lips.

"He bought a crooked cat, who caught a crooked mouse."

The ending moments of Rite of Passage appear in a transparent projection against PB's face as Vendetta hits the Caustic Echo, followed by the Pedigree Driver setup before Nico comes down with his 24/7 Contract and cashes in on Pizza Boy's EAW National Championship.  Vendetta and Nico begin to set up Pizza Boy for the same punishing fate of Brian Daniels.  As Vendetta begins to wrap the chair around PB's neck.  The locker room empties to stop him, sending Nico and Ares in retreat.

"And they all lived together in a little crooked house."

The split image of Ares with the Answer's Championship and Nico with the National title superimpose over the tearful half-shift hero's face.

"Hit the lights."

The projector cuts off, leaving the scene in complete darkness for a long moment, before the lights click on with a loud industrial thud.  Pizza Boy stands alone against a pure white backdrop.  He's clad in his HBB inspired leather jacket and sunglasses.  His taped up wrists have 4 BD written on them, circled with a heart with a triangular pizza-like slice cut out of it.  PB removes his shades and throws them on the floor in frustration.

"I've let everyone down.  I went into this match at Rite of Passage pretending like there weren't any real stakes on the line for me. It was all about redemption for Brian, redemption for me, and redemption for my mentor over on Dynasty.  Brian couldn't be there to do it himself.  Tony Rolland couldn't be there to put the final nail in TJ's coffin.  It was all left up to me."

PB's voice cracks as a lump visibly forms in his throat.  He averts his swollen and red eyes from the camera as his body and mind begin breaking down in front of the lens.

"I let down the fans.  I let down the only people who ever stood up for me and said 'yeah, this Pizza kid's tough'.  'He can hang with the best' or 'he can do it' or 'he could be champion'...

Pizza Boy snaps around, swinging wildly at the white wall behind him, barely grazing it with his knuckle as the full force of his swing heaves his body shoulder first into the wall.  He lets himself slide down it, tracing his tear stains against the perfect white paint before landing in a semi-indian style seated position next to his sunglasses on the floor.  A burst of frustration tremors through his body as he snorts back the snot in his runny nose and starts tearing off his wrist tape in a fit of anger before pitching it off camera in disgust.  He then starts fighting his jacket to pull free of it's intricate ornamental buttons and zippers.  After finally giving up, he struggles to pull it off over his head.  After a brief tussle while trying to pull his head free of the neck hole, he throws the jacket off too, pitching it to the side next to the matching pair of glasses.  He sits glowering at the camera with his back against the wall.

"This...isn't...how it was supposed to go!  This was supposed to be MY moment! NOT HIS!  Nico Borg's wanted my blood since day one, and now that I've moved on to bigger and better things he wants a piece of my God as well!  He wants to rip me from the clutches of salvation, sink me down to the lowest of lows, tear my spirit and soul free of my body and devour it!  I'd be a liar if I said he didn't nearly do just that last night in San Antonio.  If it weren't for Parker and the rest..."

Pizza Boy runs his hand through his matted, greasy hair in frustration as he looks to his side, as if conferring with someone.

"I can't put them at risk.  No more blood is going to spill in my name.  Not unless it's Nico's.  Not unless it's bastard Aries's mongrel blood! I'm sick of all of the white knights in my life falling prey to my unfinished business!  Tyler, I know you want to do good man, and trust me you already have, but you've got to stay out of this.  I'm not going to continue my locker room reputation as the 'death wish damsel', some siren that calls heroes to their doom.  This is my battle.  My fight! If anyone's going to die trying to live for two of EAW's finest then it's going to be me and me alone! I'm the disposable hero! I'm the fuck up who failed upward! I shouldn't even be in the position to fight for that EAW Answer's Championship, but I bumbled my way there playing Don Quixote, thinking I'm a wrestler with a divine purpose when in fact..."

Pizza Boy grabs the cross on his neck.  He looks at it, studies his broken facade in it's reflective surface before ripping the chain free from his neck, balling the cross up in his clenched fist, and dropping it into the pile of his Heart Break Boy ring gear.

"...no one wants me for a disciple.  I don't deserve to bleed while killing in the name of anyone or anything.  Not Brian, not HBB, not God. So instead I'm going to stop being everyone's 'little buddy', I'm going to stop being the 'mascot to the stars'.  Make no mistake in the fact that what I do from hereon out is on my hands and mine alone.  Vengeance just begets vengeance.  Vendettas only lead to more Vendetta.  Mark my word when I say that I'm doing this for the gold going forward.  The gold, the fans, and no one else because no one else is going to get hurt on my account.  Not unless I want them to hurt."

PB circles his HBB jacket around the cross and sunglasses, nesting both in some strange and sacred burial ritual.  Without looking up at the camera he continues to speak.

"Now Nick Angel, that puts you in one hell of a position now don't it? I'm coming into this match looking for some form of meaning, some sort of purpose.  An identity outside of vigilante justice and righteous vengeance.  You yourself are a somewhat spiritually confused man yourself, with your own problems with identity and, inherently, self-esteem I'd assume.  We're both men coming off of hard losses at Rite of Passage.  Come to think of it, I don't think you held that New Breed title once during the scramble, not even as an interim champion.  That must hurt whatever human sensibility you have buried within you.  I myself had a brush with death after technically losing twice in the same night.  I find myself somewhat numb and apathetic, which is bad for you.  What can you do to hurt someone who feels nothing? someone who fears nothing? someone who cares for no one? not even himself or his own well being.  How do you beat a man whose already been beaten? I mean, sure, I got my revenge on Tiberius Jones.  I mauled his head with a chair and followed up with some 'bows, but that even feels trivial in light of proceeding events.  A man hit me with my heroes move.  He hit me with that move and then he tried to end me like he ended Brian.  Just to insure I was indeed in hell, Nico Borg comes down as the final cherry on top of the shit sundae and steals my title, my destiny, my divine right.  What kind of mindset do you think that leaves a guy in? I'll go ahead and fill in the blanks for you Angel cakes.  It leaves me with little recourse; I can either shut down, reboot, and reassess the situation (which I am), while living in fear that this is just some strange shock that I'm going to snap out of mid-match.  If that happens, I'll do something violent and desperate, and quite frankly Nick, as much as I don't care for you, you don't deserve that kind of breakdown on your hands.  Option two; I go into this match not caring.  I do nothing, take your offense as some sort of penance for my failure, and hope the ref stops the match before some do gooder comes down and tries to interject in things.  Then there's option three.  I'm going  to go ahead and drop the spoiler alert and tell you that option three is the one I'm going to try and go with.  Option three is that I show up for work, suck it up, leave my frustrations at home, and be a professional.  Now I know that emotional outbursts aren't necessarily discouraged in professional wrestling.  If anything they're probably encouraged, but as I've stated before: I'm not a professional wrestler.  I'm some dink who found his way into a wrestling ring and, like the true diluted idealist college dropout I am, took it upon myself to fix all of EAW's problems single-handedly.  I have truly paid for that sin and will correct it in coming weeks, because like a true professional I'm going to carry out the tour dates that I've committed to.  After that, who knows? Maybe I'll go back to flippin' pizza and being a nobody.  One thing's for certain though..."

Pizza Boy reaches into his pocket.  He pulls out a BIC lighter.  He breaks it over his knee and douses his ring gear in lighter fluid.  He then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a book of matches.  He strikes one with his thumbnail while it's still attached to the book.  It lights all of the other sulfur tipped match heads in the lineup.  PB tosses the book of matches onto his gear just as it completely engulfs the entire matchbook cover.  His gear goes up in a small bonfire as PB walks away.  The camera zooms in on the fire, studying the faux leather jacket and shades as they begin breaking down and fusing together.  As the flames die down and all turns to ash, amidst the cinder pile the slightest hint of gold flares the camera's lens before it cuts to black.

Last edited by ThePizzaBoy on November 6th 2016, 4:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 6th 2016, 8:48 am by Guest
Empire 02

'' Thoroughly perplexed. Somehow a hypothesis that my articulation serves only as a means to get into Stephanie's head has been established. She really believes such, that my determination and blueprints to change this division for the better is all fallacious and illusory, and I only proclaim these things to play mind games and toy with our painted protagonist. Initially I was irritated, nevertheless it didn't take me long to figure out such is a joke, because that's all such a moronic statement can be, speculation, a conjecture based off the mind of an ignorant airhead. Whilst I wouldn't necessarily go against the revelation that I would make an excellent psychologist, for let's face it, I possess far more intelligence and vision than the majority of this division combined, I simply cannot allow the affirmation that I only follow through with what I do to piss people off and toy with them. Evidently my opponent for Empire is partially blinded, she fails to see all the work I have done for this division, and is powerless to visualise what my lifestyle can do for every other female athlete in this promotion. She compares me to her ex, I'll assume Cailin but honestly she's had so many I can't really be sure, but due to the lack of clarity we'll shoot for Cailin, yet she fails to recognise that whilst Cailin uses snide motivational tactics to hypnotise the world into a state of complacency, when I say something I justify it. Be it German Efficiency or Sheridan Müller, whatever I declare I vindicate and endorse. I don't say I'm the most efficient woman in the world to spook my opponents, I say it because nobody else works harder than me, nobody else possesses the determination and perfectionist attitude that I do. I'm a workaholic, as a wrestler my job is to wrestle however I go far beyond that, within a positive light of course. I don't state I'm a wrestler, but in reality I'm a social media whore or a money grabbing idiot, I state I'm a wrestler as I'm physically and mentally the most athletic woman this world has ever seen, I elevate all those who touch me in the ring, push them to new heights, be it their thought process or their wrestling ability, any individual who wrestles with me never forgets such. Apparently you haven't either, still latching on to a victory from ten months ago, I'm not a sentimental person but so much has happened then, I won the inaugural Vixens Cup and I now sit here as the Vixens World Champion, whilst you had a one month reign with that other title, a title not worthy to be classed as a championship, based off of rules and stipulations that shall vanish once German Efficiency reaches an unpreventable peak. That is a difference between you and I, whilst I engineer and construct a functional, efficient division, you're too busy toying with building blocks, building the foundations of a stable with lego and then crashing it down within the week. I don't mock your lifestyle because I'm uneducated upon it, I believe you're forgetting that I brought German Efficiency to this company, and I am currently revolutionising how wrestling is portrayed within this continent. You can compare me to Cleopatra all you wish, however the woman you so called retired is having a match next week, remind me again how you bragged and boasted that you retired the longest reigning Vixens World Champion for weeks, yet she is facing Erica Ford in a few days. If I were you, I'd make sure our inefficient general manager never touched the ring again. You have the audacity to compare me to someone who cannot keep their own word, and doesn't even book their champion in a match the first show after she won the championship. It's laughable. I actually sounded out valid points as to how you're just a worse version of Tarah, the best you can do is just state it, without evidence and lacking any sort of rationalisation. Whilst I must congratulate you for oozing jealously and personifying a boiler bunny a few weeks ago, the fact you beat one or two people up when they didn't expect it doesn't intimidate me in the slightest. I have witnessed your by fair or by foul methods of achieving victory yet I come away without the impression of you being any sort of threat to either myself or my lifestyle. All you have demonstrated is that without family, without people to help you, you actually aren't very good at your job. Be it Formation, the OG Vixens or Sanatorium, you need to surround yourself with people who'll do your bidding to reach for even a smudge of success. You name yourself the War Queen, yet I can only credit everybody but yourself for the so called success you believe you have accomplished. Calling myself a superior woman and a superior wrestler doesn't necessarily highlight you as inferior, I am not claiming that your inefficiency is going to be unsheltered when we face, I actually believe you're an average wrestler, it's just a shame about the poisonous attitude and obnoxious, arrogant personality which comes with your talent. You haven't walked my road, you haven't even touched the ground I walk on. I'm not highlighting myself as a lone wolf, or saying it's hip and cool to strain yourself and push boundaries, only the most efficient people can do so. All those who stand against me insist that German Efficiency cannot save Empire, nevertheless nobody can offer a reason as to why other than It's not good enough, which is an evident lie. Thus far, I haven't even heard rumour of a better lifestyle, a better world, the people you have aligned yourself with have been trying to stop me for months. Madison Kaline tried, Kendra Shamez did too. German Efficiency will continue to rise no matter who opposes such. I fail to see why people with wrestling talent would oppose a lifestyle which prioritises such. You'd rather thrive, well in your case, lurk, you'd rather lurk within a sports entertainment system based on anything but wrestling ability, rather than exist and breathe in a world where wrestlers are rewarded and utilised. Don't you want to be useful, Stephanie? Do you not wish to be efficient, and create moments and athletic lengths every single time you and another wrestle. You know nothing of what I have done, I won the inaugural Vixens Cup, I am the sole reason behind why Aria, Eris and the Heart Break Gal were the main event of triple threat. I don't say this to justify my present day self, my role as ambassador for this division and the Vixens World Champion does that myself, I say such because my work is proved. My blueprints put into motion. I said it earlier and I have no problem relating back to such, I'm the engineer, the Personification of German Efficiency, and the one woman revolution, whilst you bounce from coterie to coterie, and announce yourself as the creme de la creme without any means of proof. I'm not ready to accept the responsibility of leading this division, I already am. People like the Heart Break Gal, like Eris, they accomplished nothing for the women around them when they were champions, as a matter of fact, both have gone on record countless times, stating they do not give a shit about anybody excluding themselves. Selfless, that's what I am. A perfectionist who wants to make this division useful, I'm willing to help those around me, inside or outside of the ring, to create a green world, a pure company and an efficient division. You relate to the past whilst I build for the future, you can not let go of a simple resentment in the same stretch where I became the Vixens World Champion. I am proof that my lifestyle is superior, German Efficiency shines through me. I don't need a championship for the world to see I'm superior, I'm elite. You speak as if without your compliance German Efficiency will burn to the ground, the rise will stop and the walls will come crashing down, but it is quite the opposite. People will dislike me, they'll call me names and insult the fact I'm antisocial, or that I'm loud, but the fact that I am the best they cannot deny, they cannot rebuttal and argue when many praise the work I am doing, at the same time they are languishing and stalled. The OG Vixens respect you, however they offer Madison a match instead of you if they ever take grasp of this division, spoiler alert they won't. I didn't knock on doors and beg to be involved in this war, I invited myself in, to end it. We live in a promotion that is far too big for petty things such as feuds and wars. We should help one another instead of take the legs out of any growing organism. Ranting as if you're the only woman to have ever looked in my direction, boasting you've defeated people from here to here however you have nothing at the current time to show for it. The German Efficiency era is ever growing, Stephanie, you're too rolled up in drama to identify such. I care not for your little female fox rant, I use this championship as a means of power, for the betterment of this division. You represent what is wrong with this division, the audience apparently only care for sex and slaps in your eyes, however their eyes sparkle the brightest, and their cheers are the loudest when I am in the ring. They recognise my revolution, they lust for it. Dismantling a championship and whining that nobody cares won't change their perception of you. You apply others feelings about the back stabbing, bitchy Stephanie Matsuda to a woman like myself, how silly. We're not the same, we're actually the complete opposite. I am motivated and driven, you are content and depressed. You cannot recognise the world around you as you're part of the problem. But do not fear! We can fix that! I'm a perfectionist after all, I tweak and work until everything is efficient. I only help those who are worth helping, your attitude and snide comments do not help your case. The German Efficiency era will allow wrestlers to be prioritised, those who are here to entertain or hog the spotlight will be exposed. My drive is unrivalled, don't dissimulate yourself as important, even the superior can be outflanked. Parade yourself as a winner,  a wrestler, whatever you wish, but this perception you've designed yourself based off of new found friendship will be shown up on Empire, and I will continue to justify my superior lifestyle, and corroborate unparalleled wrestling ability when I Sherplex you to the mat, and the referee counts to three. Call me sweets all you wish, but you will be left defenceless and unshielded against German Efficiency, and this little bubble of pretentiousness you mask yourself in will be popped, and my lifestyle will subsist whilst you fall off the wagon into twilight once more. ''
Stephanie Matsuda
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 6th 2016, 2:05 am by Stephanie Matsuda
Empire Promo #2

“New Design”

I stood in a valley surrounded by broken bodies. The evening sky gave the environment an ominous feeling, like the aftermath of an omen. I walked over the unconscious bodies of my former rivals: the Lumen Grays, Angela Salvetis, and Laura Amber Williams of the world. As I walked up the hill, I saw the lifeless form of Luzmala filled with a dozen spears. Stepping away from his carrion filled corpse, I made my way to the flatlands filled with the bodies of Elitists past and present. Before me was a single hill made up of the bodies of the current Vixens division. On that hill was an outline of a throne with someone sitting on it.As I moved closer I saw the only one spared from such a fate was Azumi, who was on her knees, clutching one half of the EAW tag titles. Around her neck was a leash, held by the one who sat on the throne. I didn’t need to think about who occupied the throne. There I sat wearing the Empress of Elite crown on my head, the Vixen’s Cup in my lap, and the Vixens, Specialist, and Tag titles over my shoulder. On both sides of the hill was a cross, with the bloodied bodies of Cailin Dillon and Aria Jaxon tied to each.

“This is what you want isn’t it Steph?”

Mia Matsuda, the cunning former manager of the Entourage stood on one side of me.

“Don’t deny it sweets.”

Dark Cloud, the representation of all my frustrations and rage stood on the other, school girl outfit and all.

“This is your fate. It’s too late to turn back now.”

I turned around, to find myself face to face with the arrow-filled Luzmala.

“Accept it.”

An Eddie King with glowing white eyes appeared beside me.

“Accept the hate. Give in to the madness once more!”

I looked to the distance and saw the Sanatorium standing side by side, waiting for me. Eclipse had his arms out 

“Come to me. Come to us. Rule with us...War Queen.”

I woke up in a cold sweat, finding myself asleep on a bench in my gym back home. I must’ve fallen asleep after my last training session. Azumi was probably upstairs, due to her wanting to stay away from Haruna for a while. I saw no signs of Serenity or Jocelyn you were probably next store. It was just me, myself, and I alone in the darkness. The dreams were back and I was about to be pulled into the darkest parts of myself once more. It was up to me whether or not I wanted to accept the invitation. The weight of my quest for vindication on Empire and for revenge in the streets of NYC was beginning to affect me. The only way I could deal was to allow myself to go full throttle into blackest night of my soul and unleash hell all around me. The old me would have avoided such a decision.

Good thing I was no longer the old me.


(The camera opens up to Cloud leaning against a wall with her hoodie and her hands in her pockets.)

You would make an awesome psychologist Sheridan. Like seriously...your ability to get into your opponent's head is second to none. In a way it reminds me of my ex, so this isn't my first rodeo against someone like you. Actually, this isn't our first time period.

And we both know how the last time turned out sooo…

(sighs and laughs)

You mock my lifestyle, but know nothing of it. Are you there when I’m training day in and out? Are you there to see me train the next generation of killers who will surpass their senpais? And you have to nerve to call me a discount Tarah!? I’d take a seat- several in fact before opening your mouth you rent-a-Cleo. I really want to respect you, but my patience and respect is wearing thin...leaving nothing but rage and bloodlust. 

From a glimpse, you have the look of a definitive champion. You have  talent, heart, and a killer instinct. We know this. We understand it. But, for the first time the world will see if you have that hidden x factor to fight like a champion. (German accent) "But, mein freund Cloud! German Efficiency is that x factor!" Is it really? You eat, sleep, challenge, and repeat, but what happens when you’re faced with an opponent who will not quit until their adversary is beaten into a bloody pulp!? You saw what I did last week. You were merely several feet from me the week before that when I made the former love of my life scream in agony. You’ve witness what I’ll do to get my point across. I’m not trying to scare you sweets, but giving you a warning. Do not underestimate me. Those who do are likely to lose. Those who don’t think I’m a threat always fall at my feet. And as for putting this war to an end... (laughs) this war will never end sweets. Know why? Because there will always be those who want to rule, and those who will revolt. It’s a vicious cycle that will never end...which is why German Efficiency as potent as it is...can’t save Empire. Someone needs to rule over the battlefield and forge each and everyone one of you out of iron. Someone needs to be the spark to set your souls on fire, someone who demands the best out of each and everyone one of you week after freaking week, till the sweat drips from the very pores of your skin! Are you that person Sher!? Are you ready to accept such a responsibility!? I doubt it. Someone who walked the road you have...you don’t know what it takes to get through to people. Mock me if you will, but my actions were for a reason. My war against the Sirens is about waking them up. They are no different than the enemies they face and you are no different than I am. We might have slightly different styles of fighting but unlike you Sher I’m fully aware of my surroundings. I can ponder the past and anticipate the future because in order to better your tomorrows you must learn from the past while living in the Reality of today. I know who I am. I know I’m a three dimensional person who’s traveling the world, wondering what this means. Currently I’m on a blood fueled path of vengeance. I’m okay with this. Two more bodies to drop and I’ll put the Sirens behind me and move towards the future. Currently, my present is facing you on this week’s Empire. I’ve studied your tapes, trained with other technicians who know your style. I see all angles sweets. It is the duty of a War Queen to observe the field of battle and make the necessary decisions to move forward. Can you hold that level of responsibility? Do you have the clarity to see everything for what it is? You aligned yourself with several women who would abandon you at the drop of a hat if it would suit their interest. So would the OGs, but the difference is they don’t deny who they are. You’re a fool if you think you can do this on your own. You claim I lack motivation, but (laughs) you fail to see my design. That’s okay, because I’m playing the long game sweets. I’ve earned the loyalty of my Sanatorium sisters and the respect of the OGs; and soon I will BEAT THE RESPECT INTO THE REST OF YOU! 

(growls as she does a 180)

 This is what it’s all about Sherball. This is what it’s always been about for me. The real danger is not the OGs ruling Empire...trust that. The real danger is the one laying in the cut studying all of you night after night, evaluating your strengths and weaknesses. The real danger is the one who effortlessly defeated the longest reigning Vix- Women’s Champion and the only two who held both the world title and the Specialist. You deny the target on your back, but it’s there...because I placed it there. Just because you think nobody else will aim and shoot doesn’t me I’m not in the bell tower watching your every move. You want to break down barriers and shatter glass ceilings...but you’ll never be able to do it as the “Vixens” Champion. For someone so enlightened...do you even know what a vixen is? A female fox. A shrewd and ill tempered woman. A seuxally attractive woman. Where does it mention about our talents? Where does it mention about our blood, sweat, and tears? NOWHERE SHER! IT’S NOWHERE TO BE FOUND! Wanna know why sweets!? Because nobody gives a damn about us! The EAW universe cares not about our hopes and dreams! All they want to see is T&A while a bunch of whiny, entitled women pull at each other’s hair and roll around in the ring! Well you know what? Fuck them and fuck you Sheridan if you think you can change their way of thinking! The first step to Empire’s New Reality...it’s “New Design” will be your unconscious body in the middle of that ring. The next step is dismantling the Sirens. Then once Azumi and I become the first all female tag team, I will rip that title from your fingers and tear the V-I-X-E-N from the very plate they were welded on and spray paint a W.



Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 6th 2016, 1:03 am by J-Smooth
EAW Promoz! - Page 8 Maxresdefault

EAW Gets Smooth

Yo, yo yo! Y'all already know who I am. Da realest nigga up in dis bitch, J shizzle, Jerametrius da beastiest, da Smooth Operata, J Smooth. Niggas tryna hate on me but I be too good fo em. Too fly, ya know? Too smooth. Das it. I be too smooth and too fresh. And these jealous ass niggas and bitches, they be hatin. They hate us cuz they ain't us, nigga. That's what DMX told me. That's right, I met DMX, I am a close personal friend of his. Real recognize real. You know it nigga. Y'know, they call me the doctor of thuganomics. PH fuckin D. Cuz I'm trained by these hard streets, nigga. I studied sexology too. From the best school there is, the school of sexual experience. nigga. Not one member of the EAW roster has been in more pussy than I have. Not one. Let me ask you somethin, Recon. Are you a faggot ass bitch?Nigga you not supposed to answer. Laugh and move on goddamn. Ol' opinion havin ass. You the nigga that ask for the manager because your the waitress flirting at another table. You the nigga that puts political bumper stickers on your car. You the nigga that watch 24/7 news and repeat all that shit like its facts. You the nigga that squeeze all the goddamn tomatoes before you decide you don't want one tonight. You the nigga that actually takes the damn surveys after a service call. You the nigga that tell the telemarketer about how offended you are she called. Bitch got a job! She don't give a fuck about you, but you don't care, cause yo ass got something to say. You count calories for everybody but your goddamn self. You the nigga that use a recipe from the internet, then put a comment under it about how much you liked it after you changed every goddamn ingredient. You an even softer type of nigga than Drake. And Drake one softer than a marshmallow ass nigga. I come from the real. I be representin da real. And I ain't fuck wit these fake ass gay ass niggas who tryna hop on my nuts when they know I'm rich and famous. And when a real nigga calls out the fake, like Chief Keef did, the fags start hatin. Fuckers in da airport telling me, always in the barber shop Chief Keef ain’t bout this, Chief Keef ain’t bout that My boy a BD on fucking Lamron and them He, he they say that nigga don’t be putting in no work SHUT THE FUCK UP! Y’all niggas ain’t know shit All ya motherfuckers talk about Chief Keef ain’t no hitta Chief Keef ain’t this Chief Keef a fake SHUT THE FUCK UP Y’all don’t live with that nigga Y’all know that nigga got caught with a ratchet Shootin’ at the police and shit Nigga been on probation since fuckin, I don’t know when! Motherfuckers stop fuckin’ playin’ him like that Them niggas savages out there If I catch another motherfucker talking sweet about Chief Keef I’m fucking beating they ass! I’m not fucking playing no more You know those niggas role with Lil’ Reese and them. You know what else a real nigga hates? The police. Right about now NWA court is in full effect. Judge Dre presiding in the case of NWA versus the police department. Prosecuting attourneys are MC Ren Ice Cube and Eazy muthafuckin E. Order order order. Ice Cube take the muthafuckin stand. Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothin but the truth so help your black ass?
Why don't you tell everybody what the fuck you gotta say?
Fuck tha police Comin straight from the underground Young nigga got it bad 'cause I'm brown And not the other color so police think They have the authority to kill a minority
Fuck that shit, 'cause I ain't tha one For a punk muthafucka with a badge and a gun To be beatin on, and throwin in jail We could go toe to toe in the middle of a cell
Fuckin with me 'cause I'm a teenager With a little bit of gold and a pager Searchin my car, lookin for the product Thinkin every nigga is sellin narcotics
You'd rather see me in the pen Then me and Lorenzo rollin in the Benzo Beat tha police outta shape And when I'm finished, bring the yellow tape To tape off the scene of the slaughter Still gettin' swoll off bread and water
I don't know if they fags or what Search a nigga down and grabbin his nuts And on the other hand, without a gun they can't get none But don't let it be a black and a white one 'cause they slam ya down to the street top Black police showin out for the white cop
Ice Cube will swarm On any muthafucka in a blue uniform Just 'cause I'm from the CPT, punk police are afraid of me A young nigga on a warpath And when I'm finished, it's gonna be a bloodbath Of cops, dyin in LA Yo Dre, I got somethin to say
Fuck the police
M. C. Ren, will you please give your testimony to the jury about this fucked up incident.>
Fuck tha police and Ren said it with authority because the niggaz on the street is a majority. A gang, is with whoever I'm stepping and the motherfuckin' weapon is kept in a stash box, for the so-called law wishin' Ren was a nigga that they never saw
Lights start flashin behind me But they're scared of a nigga so they mace me to blind me But that shit don't work, I just laugh Because it gives em a hint not to step in my path
To the police I'm sayin fuck you punk Readin my rights and shit, it's all junk Pullin out a silly club, so you stand With a fake assed badge and a gun in your hand
But take off the gun so you can see what's up And we'll go at it punk, I'ma fuck you up
Make ya think I'm a kick your ass But drop your gat, and Ren's gonna blast I'm sneaky as fuck when it comes to crime But I'm a smoke em now, and not next time
Smoke any muthafucka that sweats me Or any assho that threatens me I'm a sniper with a hell of a scope Takin out a cop or two, they can't cope with me
The muthafuckin villian that's mad With potential to get bad as fuck So I'm a turn it around Put in my clip, yo, and this is the sound Ya, somethin like that, but it all depends on the size of the gat
Takin out a police would make my day But a nigga like Ren don't give a fuck to say
Fuck the police Police, open now. We have a warrant for Eazy-E's arrest. Get down and put your hands up where I can see em. Just shut the fuck up and get your muthafuckin ass on the floor. [huh?]>
and tell the jury how you feel abou this bullshit.>
I'm tired of the muthafuckin jackin Sweatin my gang while I'm chillin in the shackin Shining tha light in my face, and for what Maybe it's because I kick so much butt
I kick ass, or maybe 'cause I blast On a stupid assed nigga when I'm playin with the trigga Of any Uzi or an AK 'cause the police always got somethin stupid to say
They put up my picture with silence 'cause my identity by itself causes violence The E with the criminal behavior Yeah, I'm a gansta, but still I got flavor
Without a gun and a badge, what do ya got? A sucka in a uniform waitin to get shot, By me, or another nigga. and with a gat it don't matter if he's smarter or bigger [MC Ren: Sidle him, kid, he's from the old school, fool]
And as you all know, E's here to rule Whenever I'm rollin, keep lookin in the mirror And there's no cue, yo, so I can hear a Dumb muthafucka with a gun
And if I'm rollin off the 8, he'll be tha one That I take out, and then get away And while I'm drivin off laughin This is what I'll say Fuck the police The jury has found you guilty of bein a redneck, whitebread, chickenshit muthafucka. Wait, that's a lie. That's a goddamn lie. I want justice! I want justice! Fuck you, you black muthafucka!> Fuck the police
Bhris Elite
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 6th 2016, 1:58 am by Bhris Elite
*Chris Elite is shown backstage with his head in his hands obviously upset about what happened just moments ago as he looks back up and realize the camera is on him*
Yeah, I’m not going to lie that loss out there the whole world just saw it hurt.  I wish I can say it didn’t but it does I have no excuses though.  Rex beat me fair and square no doubt about that he seen the opportunity and he took it just like any other man would.  You proved yourself out there Rex you are a real deal and we can’t well I won’t mock you anymore.  You proved yourself you not only won the New Breed Championship.  You did it by pinning the original New Breed Champion going into the match to begin with.   You pinned Mister Showdown himself.  You pinned me.   I’m not JJ Silva, I’m not Nobi no lame excuses here I won’t take that win away from you…
*Chris Elite’s phone goes off he picks it up to see a notification from Bleacher Report saying he’ll receive a rematch against Rex on the next episode of Showdown*
Spoke too son didn’t I?  Maybe there is a chance I take that win from you and I take that title from you.   Me you one on one not a 6 man scramble just me and you one on one.   See moments ago like I said you took advantage of an opportunity no backlash for that I’m letting you know though Rex next Saturday an opportunity like that won’t present its self again.   It’s like you said I have to learn to better myself I have to learn from my mistakes I have to learn from my own failures and make sure the same thing doesn’t happen twice.  You understand that Rex I know you do.  I know you’ll soak yourself in victory this week and I don’t blame you, you are the NEW, New Breed Champion you are the next generation of EAW’s leader as I see it and as much as I spoke down on you before you defeating me I do believe the future is in good hands.  I just hope this title doesn’t get to you to much and you start to disrespect me and stroke you’re echo like I did.   See that’s another mistake I made I spoke so high of myself I told myself I’d still be champion the next time you seen me on camera now look no title.  No gold around my waist and that’s what makes a loss like this sting just that much more.  If maybe I told myself “Hey there is a chance you just might lose” then this loss wouldn’t affect me the way it is now.  However I didn’t think like that I let my echo get ahead of me. 
(Chris Elite pauses for a second and looks around him.  Looks at his shoulder and his waist no championship gold to be found, he looks back up and you can see the defeat in his eyes)
It’s almost like I got used to having a championship on my waist or on my shoulder.  I loved the extra weight it added to my body it made me feel so powerful it made me feel like the king.  Especially my first time winning it.  That’s when you really it.   I know how you feel Rex right now and I don’t blame you if you come out here and feel like you can defeat anybody.  Just know though that I’m not just anybody.  I am God Given Greatness just not this company but to the world.   I am Mister Showdown just like it was said during our match.  I’m also a beast, a Humble Beast though.  I know sometimes my echo and the way I speak might take away from that sometimes.  However I was never the type to put myself down unless I needed too or if there was a reason too.   If I think highly of myself then I speak highly of myself when it comes down to it though I’m still a humble man unless you try to take it for granted.  That’s when the beast in me kicks in.  Losses like the one just moments ago or losses period just awaken that beast and as of late I feel that beast just unleashing it’s self-more and more.  Maybe this beast is finally unleashed on you or somebody else I don’t know.   Rex I’m not going to sit here and promise myself a win that’s how I messed up last time and that’s why I feel the way I feel now.  Just know I got pretty addicted to having gold on my shoulder or around my waist.  So this is not only a warning to you it’s a warning to anyone with a championship right now.  On Showdown I either suffer the same fate and you defeat me again or I win back what was once mine.  If I fail, I won’t pull a Ryan Savage and comeback for you or the title.  I will move onto bigger and better things.  From man to man elitist to elitist.   Congratulations on the win and good luck on your first defense.  If you really want me away from that title you’ll try your hardest to defeat me if not and you slip up you’ll lose that title just as quick as you won it and I won’t allow myself to make the same mistake you make and the same mistake I made.   Once I have it, I have it no giving it back up no letting anyone else have it.  Back to the original goal when I first had the title and that’s not giving it up until I want too.  If you do defeat me I promise I’ll be out of your hair and I’ll go find a new pray who also happens to have gold around his waist.   What happens is all up to you though.  You hold the fate of what’s next for me and if you’re smart you’ll do anything to make sure I and this beast stay away from you…

*Chris Elite stares at the camera as a smirk begins to form as the camera fades*
*The camera opens to the EAW arena. "Hail to the King" by Avenged Sevenfold begins to blare from the speakers as the lights go out. The melody hits and blue lights hit the stage. The silhouette of Chris DeLion is seen on the ramp. The arena lights come up and DeLion makes his way to the ring. He wears a black Slayer shirt and blue jeans with black sneakers and carries a steel chair. He slides under the bottom rope and the fans meet him with cheers as he holds both hands up, acknowledging each side of the arena and pointing to the rafters. He sets up the chair in the middle of the ring, then calls for a microphone as the music fades.*


*The crowd responds with cheers and DeLion nods with a smile as he continues.*

DeLion: It is so fucking good to be back here in EAW. Now, I know I dropped the ball when I was here before. I didn't have direction and there's nobody to blame for that but myself. My father died and that didn't help matters and quite frankly I haven't been the same since. I've been away from the business for a while and to be honest, there wasn't much to miss but at the same time, I had my eyes on the wrong companies and quite frankly, if I would have come back to EAW sooner, I may have not lost my focus.
I got a call from my son Jakob last week and he told me that he was leaving the independent scene and that he was coming to EAW and that he remembers that I was here before. He reminded me that I still had a chance if I wanted to get my career back on track.
That got me to thinking, and it crossed my mind that the worst enemy, the worst foe that I have in this business has been myself. I looked around at the people that had dragged me down and surely they did nothing to help me which, again comes back to me for letting them drag me down into their pit of despair and mediocrity.
Jakob told me that Danny Noxx was coming here with him and that my adopted son A-Star was coming here as well as one of my favorite guys, Kelly Hackenschmidt. Now, you see, those men alone make EAW more comfortable than just having my son Jakob here. As I was walking down the halls, a man that I respect and that I have gone to war with shook my hand and welcomed me back to EAW. A man that is new to you here in EAW, but to me, he is a veteran that is surely a future Hall of Famer. That man, is none other, than Steve Smith.

*DeLion pauses then looks at the chair, then at the crowd and the camera and points at the chair.*

DeLion: Oh right! The chair! I forgot! So, this chair is for a man that I mentioned earlier. That man, is none other than A-Star!

*Close Your Eyes and Count to F**K plays as A-Star makes his way out onto the stage to the crowd booing him. He sucks it in and laughs as he begins to walk down the ramp. A-Star hears You Suck chants as he walks down and enters the ring. He then sits down in the chair and asks for a microphone and Chris DeLion hands him one*

A-Star: Isn’t this just a beautiful sight? The past meets the future. The future used to learn from the past and now both collide to fight in a match that should’ve never existed. One man vs two of the best wrestlers that have ever stepped foot in the ring. If he’s foolish enough to even think that me and DeLion aren’t on the same page and we’re focused enough to win against someone who calls himself the most overused nickname in the wrestling industry you’re either high or you’re overdosing on the supply. Your chances of beating us are very slim in this match. You have a better chance getting breast cancer than winning in a match against a united front like us. Me and Chris DeLion go back to the beginning of my wrestling career. He has been there for me more than any of this idiotic patriots in the crowd, and he has fought for me more times than Trump ever will for your deportation. We are a family, and what are you? A man who claims himself to be a legend? A man who believes he still has a shot at being he top guy? Decide that for yourself before you decide to bash two men who are here to cause depression with one session.

*A-Star passes the mic back to Chris DeLion and allows him to speak.*

DeLion: It is so good to be standing here next to a man that understands the word respect. You see, A-Star came up in the ranks the correct way. He earned my respect as well as the respect of other veterans as well as the respect of the guys in the locker room. Tonight, right here in Madrid, Spain, you will learn to respect him as well because I will make sure that your unfocused, whiny, self loathing speech will be your downfall.
After we are done picking you apart, I will make certain that A-Star is the man that pins your shoulders to the mat.

*A-Star is passed the mic once again and he stands up as Chris DeLion takes a seat*

A-Star: And when I pin you, the only excuse you’re going to have is that A-Star gave you mental retardation mid-way through the pathetic excuse thats going to be called a match. It’s going to be sad because the crowd is going to rely on you to beat us! These bigots are going to cheer and cheer for you to win against the two men the crowd loves to hate and you won’t get the job done, and the saddest part out of all of that is you’re going to have to look at your kids with one eye once we’re done. Anything else you want to say Chris?

*DeLion stands and takes the microphone from A-Star.*

DeLion: The saddest part of all of this, is that you did what everyone else has done throughout my career as well as, I’m sure A-Star’s career, is that you underestimated us. You want to focus on Carlos Rosso and bitch and whine about your past failures, but what you forget is that we know each other, we know this business, we know this ring and we are focused. We are focused on making our mark here in EAW and we will not lose sight of our goal.

*The two high five and exit the ring as the scene rolls to the next scene.*
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 5th 2016, 8:38 pm by showster26
Voltage #3

Madrid, Spain, Sunday, 6:55 p.m.

(The scene opens backstage at the Barclaycard Center. It's here about as far away from the ring crew setting up the stage for this week's episode of voltage whilst remaining in the building, that we come across a small, dark corner. It's here that we find Solomon Caine, seated on the floor with his knees pulled up to his chest.)

Caine: "The fool upon the hill believed himself to be a king upon a mountain. He boast about his strength. He shouts to all who would hear him, great blasphemies that pour out from his evil tongue, like spoiled nectar from rotten fruit. He claims that his might will save him. He will not last but mere seconds when the time of their choosing has arrived. He speaks ill of the one who they have sent. But it is not me whom he should fear. I but the servant, I only came to prepare the way. It is my masters who's will must come to pass. DO YOU THINK YOU WILL BE FORGIVEN FOR SLANDERING THEM?!? Yooouu who couldn't even stand on your own, you think that you will somehow be passed over in judgement? Does your bravado, and ego, blind you to truth? Or are you simply one who still lives in denial of the great and glorious fire which is coming? In either circumstance you have cast yourself as a fool.

Daaaannnnnnyyyy, you need not worry about wasting the time you have left upon this earth. For it has already dwindled away to nothingness. Soon, you will suffer in a manner that none has even dreamed existed. The eternal nightmare that you will come to call life, will beset you on every goddamn side! Because you dared to try and defy them. You dared to try and be counted amongst those who stand against them. So now your due punishment will be carried out more swiftly then you realize. And with your demise, they will once again display their power to the wretched filth who live as ignorant as you do. They will watch as your body is torn apart, and broken before their eyes. They will listen as you scream in agony, for salvation from the fire that will eat away at your flesh for an eternityyyyy! YOU Danny, you will burn. You will burn!"

(Caine clutches his face in his hands and begins to rock back and forth.)

Caine: "I wish it wasn't so, I wish it wasn't so, I WISH IT WASN'T SO! Don't burn Danny, don't burn! Save yourself! You can't. Run! You can't. The fire is never ending, the torture is forever. The time is at hand and no one can STOP IT!!! Arrghhubggg."

(Caine inhales deeply.)

Caine: "there is nothing that can stop what must be done. Nothing that can prevent what I must do to you. I'm sorry. IM SORRY! Know that what I am doing, I don't want this. But I must, I must because I don't it want to draw that wrath. I don't want to feel the the fire. I don't wish to be trampled and crushed under the Their feet. They have chosen me to do their bidding, and if I should fail to do I will know an unending hell that will consume me. Just as it will consume everyone else in the path of the glorious reign. The. Glorious. Reign."

(Caine removes his hands from his face. His eyes look glazed over with a far away look about them, His jaw hangs open. Slowly he nods his head yes.)

Caine: "I hear, I understand. I will serve. He who serves shall be spared. He who clears the way shall find favor. He who has brought the end of ages, shall see the glorious reign. And he who has not will be torn asunder, they will quiver in fear as they watch all that they have made be undone in the blink of an eye. He who is weak, or sick, or inept, or is of any other form of heathen, will see their flesh rips from those bones. Will weep bitter tears that shall run like rivers thru the streets. And will cry out with screams that will echo out forever. The time is drawing closer and closer. The day is coming sooner than you could hope. All shall be made pure, they have told me and it must be so."

(The camera blacks out)

The end.
Aria Jaxon
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 5th 2016, 8:03 pm by Aria Jaxon

In this power struggle -- one that any sane person already knows will continue to have far-reaching effects until it’s “over” -- there are women of action and women who are content chillin’ by the wayside. There are movers and shakers, the ones who roll up their sleeves and champion their causes, whatever they might be. I don’t agree with anything The OG Vixens have done so far, and I know I’m not the only person that shares that sentiment, but that misguided trio of Mean Girls stunt doubles, love them or hate them, has taken action and wants to mold Empire into what they want it to be. They’ve chosen to be the change they want to see, even if -- spoiler alert -- there’s no version of this where they ultimately get what they want. No, they won’t get their way in the end, but you gotta admire their ambition, don’t you? They want momentum shifted into their favor so badly that they’ve enlisted the help of...what should I call them? “Backup” is too generous. “Allies” implies that the OGs aren’t bleeding them dry for favors and things they can’t really promise in return. “Friends” is really far off-base and makes it sound like the OGs view them as equals, which we know isn’t true at all. They went and got themselves some lapdogs, human shields, hangers-on...call them what you want. The OGs found themselves a bunch of do-nothing bitches in The Sanatorium who were all too anxious to jump into the line of fire. I’m no stranger to how things work in their little cult. I’ve crossed paths with most of the members in the past at one point or another, and I thought I had a pretty good idea of how they operated. All it takes is an Extreme Tag Team Warfare match or two to familiarize yourself with the way someone does business. I mean, everything about their whole crew says that they go against the grain, and they’re loyal to themselves and their “family” first and foremost, right? They’re the black sheep, and they’re okay with that. At least, that was the vibe I always got from Eclipse. So color me surprised when the women of the Sanatorium lack direction and identities of their own in the worst way possible and found themselves as poor excuses for the hired guns of the OGs. What, when they say jump, do y’all say how high? It’s sad, really. There are enough of you that, if you really wanted to, y’all could’ve banded together and fired the first shots of this revolution. You could’ve been the difference-makers, but instead, you’re settling. You could’ve been the ace in the hole that turned the tide, and the women of the Sanatorium could’ve been their own entity, just as capable of taking over Empire as any OG or Siren. Barring any past interactions, the lone fact that you’re out here doing the bidding of the schoolyard bullies makes me shake my head and realize I couldn’t respect you even if I wanted to. I don’t know what’s worse: that the OGs were dumb enough to put their faith in you to begin with, that they were shady enough to enlist helping hands in the first place, or that y’all were naive enough to buy what they were selling. This is a warm-up for Tarah and I. Regardless of how we feel about the OGs and the team they’ve assembled, we know they’re not to be taken lightly, and we gotta stay on our toes and keep ourselves in top form if we wanna start off on the right foot come Shock Value. What better way to do that than to take on -- and put down -- their sad ass excuse of a front line? When it comes to the “war” for the right to stand atop Empire, there’s plenty at stake for everyone involved. No matter which side winds up losing when it’s all over, they can at least say they went down swinging and charged into battle being woman enough to champion their own causes. But you? Y’all reconciled yourselves to the fact that you had the right idea taking up arms with the OGs. It’s kinda hard to believe that you guys are actually okay with being pawns. If you were any smarter, you could see they were playing you. They’re smiling in your faces and rolling their eyes at you the second you turn your backs. They don’t consider you to be as good as them. All they care about is whatever purpose they think you can serve. You’re disposable, well-placed diversions to stand in our way during the times they’d rather not do the dirty work themselves. But hey, it’s been you guys’ mistake to make. If you’re fine with putting your necks on the line to watch the sixes of three bitches who are just using you to absorb blows, then that’s fine. Just remember that they got you into this. They are the reason why you have the misfortune of facing The Sirens this week, and they’ll be the ones at fault for the beating you’re about to take. Y’all are gonna lose, and worse yet, you’re gonna lose fighting for other people and doing their bidding. I don’t know if it gets any more pathetic than that.

Running errands for the OGs and simultaneously pushing away the only people who wanna tolerate your bipolar ass is just the latest instance of Madison shedding one skin and taking on another just because it’s convenient for her. Just over the course of the time I’ve been here, she’s undergone one “makeover” after another, because that’s how she copes with not getting what she wants. Fuck putting your nose to the grindstone and working a little harder, right? Nah, just have a meltdown, disappear off the grid altogether, or make a superficial change or two, then proceed to hope for the best. The sweet version of her died at Pain for Pride 8, subsequently replaced by some vain, vapid ass bitch who thought a nifty push-up bra and a dye job was her ticket to bigger and better things. And sure, maybe it was, initially. You found someone like-minded in Maria to engage in your failed quest for Vixens division domination with. You stumbled onto the Vixens Championship through the shadiest of means, but when you lost it, hit a backslide and felt like everything was slipping through your fingers, what did you do? It was at that time that we saw the debut of psycho Madison because I guess you found it easier to throw a tantrum and fake a breakdown than to do anything else. You thought you could out-crazy Eris, picked a fight with the wrong person in Sheridan, and then, like the weak bitch you are, you fell off because you couldn’t take the heat. You’ll tell me I should be afraid of you, Madison, and I can’t help but laugh. When I’d just come onto the scene, and you had the rug pulled out from underneath you during the first Empress of Elite, I wasn’t afraid of you, and if you think anything’s changed between then and now, you’re denser than I thought you were. You left, and when you left, you lost whatever leverage you had. You lost your position in this division, and like it or not, you have yet to return to the level you used to be on. Two trips to the Empress of Elite finals just to lose? Yikes. I feel like Territorial Invasion was when the gravity of the situation really started to sink in for you, because that was when you really started reeking of desperation. You were having trouble proving your worth, you needed to feel powerful again. You wanted to feel like you mattered again, so how did you go about doing that? Your dumbass decided to take it out on your “sisters”, and regardless of how I feel about any of them, that’s not a good idea. You’re planting the seeds of contempt like you’re BEGGING for them to turn on a dime one day and cave your hollow head in sooner rather than later. The Sanatorium is a family, isn’t it? Yeah, family members don’t talk to each other the way you’ve been coming at your “sisters” lately. Y’all are bordering on Vendetta levels of dysfunction. Be honest with me, Madison -- how long do you think you can go on chipping away at the paper-thin adhesive holding you and Alexis together before it finally gives way and she snaps? 

The difference between you and I is that I’ve had no reason at all to go and berate the people I claim to care about. When Tarah and I walk down that ramp with Nicole following close behind, I’ll know I’m flanked by people I can trust, people who have my best interest at heart. Can you really say the same? I wouldn’t totally trust Alexis, but it’s more of a knock on you than it is on her. Again, people can only take so much, and if you think she’s agreed with every snide comment you’ve thrown her way, you couldn’t be more delusional. Oh, she’ll put you flat on your ass one of these days. Maybe it’ll be Thursday, who knows. And Brody...poor thing. She decided to stable-hop, though I’m not entirely sure why. She was an afterthought in Omerta and she’ll be an afterthought in the Sanatorium, too. She’d won like...I don’t know, three matches collectively before falling into a black hole months back? Then she pops back up on the scene and makes the idiotic decision to come at Cailin, of all people, but I guess that’s how you make a statement. There’s no quicker way to climb up out of irrelevance than to place a target on the back of someone who actually matters. That’s what she did, and she paid for it last week when she did something she’s very good at: she lost. And this is who’s in your ranks! A sister you keep mistreating and a new recruit who’s anything but impressive. Now do you see why I’m not worried? You know you’ve lost your touch and that’s why you’ve thrown your all into serving the OGs because you think they can actually deliver on their promise to send Sheridan your way. You know lightning won’t strike twice, you know the good luck that fell into your lap on that episode of Dynasty last year won’t repeat itself and you can’t get back into Vixens title contention through your own volition. You can’t pull what you pulled with Eris and have a bunch of creepy kids serve as well-placed diversions, either. The thing about this war between the Sirens and the OGs is that it hasn’t gone on long enough for all of your bad decisions and stupid choices to catch up with you, but they will, soon enough.

It’s almost fair to say that Alexis picked up where she left off when she came back from playing mommy, but no...she’s different. She’s better. I know that. I mean, she found herself in a number one contender’s match for the Specialists title not too long ago, didn’t she? If you’d asked me less than a year ago if I’d pegged her to wind up in a match like that, I’d have laughed it off. She was never really ever presented as a threat. I’d beaten her enough times to feel like a match against Alexis was just another win that had yet to be added to my record. Sometimes, though, all it takes is a little absence to induce clarity. Alexis returned, yes, but when she came back, something was different. She’s been more capable. She’s improved. Although, to be fair, when you take into consideration where she was before, there was nowhere for her to go but up. I can give credit where it’s due. You’ve shifted into another gear since you’ve been back, but I know you’re not quite where you wanna be yet. Maybe that was why I never heard you object to this whole Sanatorium/OGs “alliance”, because it’s all just a means to an end. You look at this as a way to get where you ultimately wanna be, and now that I think about it...that’s probably why you put up with so much of Madison’s bullshit, because you’re all about a little bit of momentary discomfort of it’s got to do with the greater good, right? I can only guess, though. I’m sure you’ll tell me if I’m right or wrong. In the meantime, you’re looking ahead to this tag match and you’re salivating, because you wanna turn an ember into a full-blown wildfire. You wanna take this bit of chance and promise that you’ve shown since returning and turn it into something meaningful, and the only way to do that is to stack wins on top of each other. Not to mention, there’s a statement to be made here. I’m sure the OGs would be pretty happy is their bootleg hit squad managed to knock off two of the women they hate most in the world. Charge full steam ahead, Alexis. Come and try to make me pay for all the losses I’ve handed you in the past. Try and lay me out to keep making the Alexis Diemos Return Tour a semi-successful one. Just know that when you do, I won’t be alone, and my backup is much more reliable and capable than yours. It’s true that you’ve changed for the better, honey, but the new and improved Alexis still won’t be able to topple the always-evolving Aria.

Y’all are a tuneup for us. This is a way to make sure we’re where we need to be before we go on and take out your “employers”. You’re about to be handed a defeat, courtesy of The Sirens. I can only hope The OG Vixens are watching when we put down their guard dogs this Thursday. It’ll be a glimpse into their admittedly bleak future.
Victor Maero
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 5th 2016, 7:12 pm by Victor Maero
(OOC: I was too lazy to promo before now, and now I’m at work. So this promo is going to be short and typed out on my phone. Sorry in advance.)

    “Good to revisit this place from time to time.” Maero smiles as he wheels a man on a gurney into a sterile hallway. He opens the door on the far end and enters a room with concrete walls and a mirror for a floor. “Can’t say I missed this place.” Maero comments as he looks around at the dilapidated structure. Random items and papers are strewn throughout the room. Maero pushes the man into the center of the room and walks over to examine a crack in the floor.

    “So, Zack Crash.” Maero touches the cracked glass as his patient squirms and screams behind him. “Phoenix isn’t here to hold me back this time. Your curse is about to get a lot worse. ‘What curse?’ you may ask.” Maero chuckles as he picks up one of the jagged shards of mirror and looks at himself in it. “Omerta, that failed little experiment you called yours. You remember I’m sure. You pretended to know the ins and outs of the wrestling industry until your precious little group collapsed under the weight of your precious little ego. See the Sanatorium works on a few little ideas: First, we’re a family, we fight together. Second, we let each member fight with their own strength, but we support them until the end. Third, and lastly, save the broken. That’s you Crash. You’re the cracked, the broken. Come on, you know it, I know it. The devil has been within you this whole time, let it go. Give it a shot, have some fun! Let me help you. I promise the Sanatorium won’t drop you the same way Omerta did.” Maero walks over to his patient that has been waiting patiently in the wings.

“We have a bit of a curse ourselves if you haven't noticed. Our members seem to get injured a lot, Madison Kaline, ONI, and most recently Phoenix Winterborn. It's like Russian Roulette, and I know you love adrenaline, so come on! What are you waiting for? Join the pact.” Maero glides the jaded edge of the glass shard across his victim’s arm gracefully. He chuckles as the restrained man begins to struggle against the restraints harder.

“I've been waiting for this for a loooong time, a damn long time. At first I was excited to strike you dead, but now I realize that you just need help. You're damaged, Omerta damaged you. Let us, let Eclipse and I, let the Sanatorium save you. Let us help you help yourself. I've already found who I am, that's why I'll defeat you. You've got no earthly idea who you are, I'm sure you're aware of that. This defeat won't fix you, but we both know what will. But this match is a necessary evil, you must be destroyed before you can be rebuilt.” Maero pushes the glass shard down into the man’s arm making blood slowly rise from the wound.

“We have similar interests, you and I. I must admit, I'm a but of an adrenaline junky myself. I like the rush that cutting into someone gives, and the rush of battling someone in the ring. I'll break you crash, I'll break you so I can help you piece yourself together ” Maero lifts the glass shard and plunges it down into the man's chest. “Careful though Crash… I've got Sharp edges.” Fade to laughter.
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