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EAW Promoz! :: Comments

Lucas Johnson
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 4th 2016, 9:28 pm by Lucas Johnson
Dynasty Promo #1 - Road To The Promise Land

House of Glass is right around the corner and I can almost taste it. People question my ability to get the job done and finally capture championship gold here at the land of the elite. What people don't realize is that before my match two weeks ago against Tomas Elliot and getting attacked by Scott Oasis I was on a three match winning streak and week by week each victim fell to The Machine Break. Each and every week I was feeling the adrenaline from the crowds across the world like I did when I was NCAA Division I Heavyweight Champion at the Ohio State University. But the question is when that man reaches his breaking point and becomes desperate he will do anything to win the match up and advance to the Glass Gauntlet match and have a chance to become the number one contender for the Interwire Championship. I love all the fans of Elite Answers Wrestling and tremendous respect for everyone in that locker room like Hades, Tig Kelly, Jacob Senn and even the champion himself TLA. But the line is drawn in the sand when your integrity gets questioned week by week by multiple people in the locker room and say your not good enough to get the job done you get the fire built up inside of you and just want to release it out just like I got bullied when I was in middle school and wrestling was the one source to release that anger and I will do just that this coming Friday night on Dynasty. You need to become desperate sometimes in this business to get what you want and even when your back is against the wall like mine is because I have nothing else going for me and I need this Interwire Championship. Ever since I joined Voltage last January my number one goal was to win that New Breed Championship and I scratched and clawed my way to the promise land and got so close when I was rewarded the revamped Young Lions Cup but lost on my third defense against Aria Jaxon and still holds the trophy still to this day and I got to admit the Pain for Pride loss against the Vixens and the loss at the draft show really hit hard and even made me emotional at times but being drafted to Dynasty and getting separated from the New Breed Champion - Chris Elite really shed a light at the end of the tunnel for me and I realized that they're other opportunities ahead and the next opportunity I have is advancing to the number one contenders match at House of Glass. The problem that is getting me desperate all of a sudden is even the higher ups in the company don't see me as a stock they don't want to invest in, a few months ago before Pain for Pride I was the Young Lions Cup holder and now the Dynasty executives don't want to lay a finger on me but now it's my job to prove them wrong...

The question I get asked on the street a lot by the fans is that you have a lot of free time on your hands lately since not getting utilized then I used to and the answer to that question is training at the gym getting ready but another thing that I am also during my free time is riding on my new motorcycle that a purchased. Honestly it's such a stress reliever sometimes getting away from the gym training just driving on major highways like ninty-five northbound just speed my way down. Once I land in Washington this week for Dynasty I am grabbing my bags renting a bike instead of a car and riding straight up to my hotel room. You not only need to get physically prepared but you also need to get mentally prepared also and that's what I am doing. My challenger this week is Raymundo Rhyse who is an immigrant coming from Mexico but gets into school fights and likes to get into trouble. Well I have a message for you Raymundo, we never crossed paths but I have respect for you we never had problems but once that bell rings this Friday the respect goes out the window and it's go time. You are going to need to book that flight back to Mexico because you are going to find yourself into trouble once again when you get locked in that Machine Break.....
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 4th 2016, 6:23 pm by Guest
Nico Borġ: 27 (SD1)
King of Kings

He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood,
And his name is the Word of God.
The armies of heaven were following him,
Riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean.
Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations.
“He will rule them with an iron scepter.”
He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty.
On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:


Revelations 19:13-16

Stretching back across history, the Earth has been divided under the demesnes of numerous kings and princes. Some, acknowledging the great responsibility and gift that has been afforded to them from on high, have proven virtuous rulers. Confessors attuned with God’s will; whose reigns have been characterised by humility, dignity, and grace. Though alas many others have struck off along a different path. The founding principle upon which their reign is built, an iron will to power. That is, an iron will...and an iron fist. It is said that absolute power corrupts absolutely, and we could scarcely need any more evidence of this claim. Babylon. Rome. Even the Holy Kingdoms of Judah and Israel. At times, even the Vatican. Nefarious princes and wicked priests, drunk under their own influence, open their gullets like the very mouth of hell. The net only widens; the mesh only thins. “None will escape, all is mine”, they say, “Nothing will go through me.” But God is always watching. He always listens. It may seem at times that he does not answer prayers. That his greater plans supercede our lowly requests. But he will always answer a challenge. As time and the dust of nations can attest, Kingdoms come and Kingdoms go. They may burn brightly for a time, but any that claim to outshine his higher authority are blown out like candles. The tallest blades of grass are cut down to size and the crown slips from heads unworthy. New ones may be fashioned from the gutter, but to the gutter they will return. Ashes to Ashes...Dust to dust. The Lord is generous and giving, but should ample reason be given, he will also take away.

This very same morality play is acted out time and time again, even on a smaller scale. We have seen such acts reach their inevitable conclusion even here over the past weeks. We saw as such with the likes of Zack Crash and his Omerta. Once a soft-hearted devil and popular rebel, Crash was to get a taste of power and soon became the very thing he had once despised. Success. Prestige. Control. All these things feel straight into his lap. But the most significant change was not in these visible external things. He filled his pockets with diamonds, but his heart...it spilled out. It emptied. Nothing could ever fill the hole, and instead of realising the grave mistake he had made he continued. He continued to grow in pride and greed and every other bitterness which poisons his soul. The whole of EAW paid the price for his sins, but in the end so did he. Just like so many Kings and pretenders before him, Crash got a little bit carried away. Sure enough, as the name suggests, Zack Crash come crashing back down to earth. First he taps at the culmination of his Wargames. Narrowly gifted a hollow victory by a man who subsequently delivers to him the greatest embarrassment by laying him out. Next he falters again. He had a chance to redeem himself but he continued his sinful mistakes and so was punished with defeat 1-on-1 with Matt Ryder, a man who just months ago was calling the action, rather than being involved in it. Finally he is exiled. Cast out from his own kingdom to the wilderness that is Voltage. Is anyone really surprised? I’m not. Just like I’m not surprised that I overcame Crash’s 2nd in command, JJ Silva, to claim my rightful place as incumbent 24/7 contract holder.

But you see, I don’t rest upon my laurels. I know that the opportunity which  I have been gifted is as much a responsibility as it is a prize. Crash and Silva worked so hard for the glory of their own kingdom. Yet it all falls apart. Why? Because over time they have come to forget where their power, their authority truly comes from. But they are not alone in this. My opponent this week, Lannister, played the part of divine retribution at Territorial Invasion and indeed did so again the following week when he humbled the reprehensible Tyler Parker in record time. But even he does not acknowledge the divine hand which has guided him. Lannister, in this great chain of being, every man has a place that he must know the limits of. There are no exceptions; not even for Kings and Emperors. You claim a mantle that answers to no man. An imperial eagle that soars far above all other creatures. But what is the sky to the heavens? And what earthly thing can match the luster and splendour of the one true God? Babylon fell by an insolence much like yours, and Caesar was slain for vanity’s sake. What, may you tell, makes you so different o Emperor, o Mourning Star? Over the past weeks, you have been eager to make a point, to send out a message so loudly that none can help but hear. You’ve been successful, I’ll give you that. You’ve sent shockwaves through the dressing room. You’re tremors have been felt across the earth. Yet, more important than that, you have been heard. Somebody up there was listening, Lannister, and from the very first utterance you were heard. Let me tell you that this fella upstairs is not very amused. You’ve spited the hand that feeds and defied the everlasting to name yourself the vainglorious eternal lord of a perishable kingdom. More fool you, Lannister. A flood is coming and it will wash away your empire of dirt. This week the eagle does not land, it is forcibly grounded by the faithful falcon. Wings broken. Given to the mercy of the One True God.

Now rejoice, for ours is the Year of Our Lord. 

The King of Kings Is Watching.

Last edited by Nico Borġ on October 5th 2016, 11:55 am; edited 1 time in total
Azumi Goto
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 4th 2016, 5:18 pm by Azumi Goto
Empire #3
Setting: Tokyo, Japan

{Scene opens with Azumi outside her place where she and Haruna are staying as she turns on her camera}

Fortune doesn’t smile on the weak like Erica & Veena, or for the strong ones like Tarah and the rest of her kind. It smiles for the Sadistic one, the ones that show no remorse for who they hurt people even if they’re the closest, the ones like me but Lady Fortune hasn’t shown her smile so I decided to my sadistic one. Think of me as Lady Fortune herself but replace bringing fortune for others with bringing pain that I enjoy giving. It brings a form of joy for my black heart when I hear people scream as I bend and break their arms in a certain way, it’s the joy of seeing a girl trying to escape like a prey when they’re in front of me that makes me really happy. And the joy of seeing Veena in pain screaming out for her uncle DDD to save her will make me smile. Veena needs to think what I’ll have in store for her, and needs to remember how she lost the first time we met inside that ring, she had her bodyguard Silence on the outside as I kneed her in the face for the 1,2,3 and how long ago was that? 6 months ago? Maybe 7? Well fast forward to today and still you’re as worthless as you were before and all it’s going to take is one knee to your face to put your sorry ass away once again for the three count. You aren’t a challenge, you weren’t one when I beat you last time and honest to dear god haven’t improved one bit, you’re still the same false hype, a plastic doll that you’ll always be. You went from competing for a title, three weeks into your career to be Irrelevant like you should have been, to begin with. Honestly, I don’t see what makes you so important or why you still have a contract with EAW, you’re aren’t a wrestler, you’re more or less just a doll to show that world that.


I’m using the same insults, well you don’t have anything noteworthy of butchering, Unlike you, I have a career in wrestling to look forward to with Championship glory and a future ahead filled with goals that I’ll accomplish. You’re still the same girl who walked into EAW thinking she was going to the top because she’s a lame excuse for female wrestler, I wonder if you heard of that term before Veena, your kind aren’t familiar with it because you stuff yourself with makeup and whatnot instead of going to wrestling gym and having sparring matches with others. How did it feel when management call you for your entry in the Empress of Elite? It must felt amazing because you probably couldn’t believe you’re still on the EAW Payroll. You did what during your time in that tournament, You defeated Jenny, Kora and somehow got an upset against Sheridan AND SOMEHOW that makes you relevant enough to be booked on Empire. You talk too much Veena for someone who only wins when the planets align, a Veena win is just as rare as an Erica Ford Win maybe even rarer. You see Veena, you’re facing Azumi Goto, a predator who’s unfortunately in a very rabid beast type of mood and you happen to be the first prey that I ran into. I’ve said this before but there’s no challenge in facing Veena because it’s just like a predator playing with its prey.

Let me show you the finish of this match, You’ll start to struggle, maybe breathing heavy since you can’t be in the ring for more 5 minutes without struggling, gasping for oxygen. I’ll finish it in two ways, I either make you tap out or I knee you in the face because they’re so now way else this match will end. You see Veena, I’ve broken glass ceiling, I’ve shattered walls that break me and I’m just patiently waiting till I get the title shot I RIGHTFULLY deserve. While you let the world around continue to spin, you can pick up wins against the bottom feeders all you want but when you go up against a top-tier wrestling, you’re just a CHOKE ARTIST AND TO MAKE THINGS WORSE YOU CAN’T EVEN TIE MY WRESTLING BOOTS.

And once again Veena needs to As~Sen NaYo!
Cameron Ella Ava
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 4th 2016, 5:02 pm by Cameron Ella Ava
“Sweet Souls.”—Empire

“I didn't fit with you girls because I'm not like you three.”—That’s where you’re wrong, Tarah. You walked into this company completely different from the three of us. When EAW saw a blonde and two brunettes, the EAW Universe gravitated their attention towards us. When you walked into EAW, you were completely different. You walked in with your black leather jacket and jet black hair. You made yourself to be different from the other Vixens. You made yourself feel not included with the three of us because you gave us that impression. You choose not to make yourself fit in. Do you truly believe that you’re still that little girl who doesn’t fit in? As much as you parade yourself of being a freak, the eighty pounds of makeup on your face says otherwise. It seems like right now, you’re just dying for acceptance. Sure, you’re going to say that you’ve found your group of friends. You found people that love and adore you no matter what, but those are the same people that are going to cost you your career. With the OGs, you career is secured. When you’re surrounded by greatness, you get the most expensive lifestyle possible. You get to be adored by millions of people. People look at you and kiss the ground you walk on. Am I supposed to believe that your Freakshows are going to be the reason you win this war between The OG Vixens and The Sirens? No, your Freakshows aren’t going to help you. Aria’s Empire is not going to help you. Cailin’s fans aren’t going to help you. Aria and Cailin can only do so much, but winning a war is something that they are not capable of doing. The OG Vixens are more than just three of the most talented women in the history of EAW joining together. The OG Vixens are three women who equally believe that the new crop of Vixens has nothing on them. I agree, you women have nothing on us. The Sirens are a group of women who are desperate to have their voices heard. They struggle every week to gain some attention from us because we know that we didn’t give a damn about you until you became our problem. I admit, HBG, Kendra and I have never seen eye-to-eye. We have fought so many times, the EAW Universe got sick of seeing us in the ring at the same time. Why did I ever agree to be part of The OG Vixens? Just like you bonded with Aria and Cailin, the three of us bonded over how we were the pioneers of this Division and how we wanted this Division back. Honestly, I was getting sick of Vixens like you, Aria and Cailin getting your moments in the spotlight while us Vixens kept waiting for our opportunity. The moment we got our opportunity and we took advantage of it. We capitalized on the greatness. There is no doubt that I’m going to let the opportunity of defeating you go to waste. The Goddess and The OG. Just like Kendra said, it should be such a blessing to you to have us as opponents. No one in a million years believed that we would be on the same page as well as in the same stable, but we know for a fact that with the same objective, that should be enough to unify us.

I’m a woman of my word. When we mutually said that our match before Empress of Elite was a preview of more to come, I truly meant it. Never did I say that it would happen at the finals of Empress of Elite. Although, it would have been nice to have you and I battle it for the crown; however, if I was the victim of the crooked point system or if I was defeated by you, I wasn’t going to worry. Do you know what I wasn’t going to worry? Because I always have a plan. I’m always strategizing my next move. I do my best to never be focused of what happened. I only focus on what I could have done to better myself and then, I move on. Simple as that. It’s barely been a month since you’ve won the tournament and yet, I see you acting high and mighty. Power does that to you, Cailin. Power has a way of corrupting even the sweetest souls. Take a look next to you, do you believe in your heart that Aria is still the same Aria from when she won the Empress of Elite crown? No, because she came to her senses that there’s a ton more to being Empress than sitting on a plastic throne acting high and mighty. The Vixens Championship should have come so simple to her, yet she was faced with obstacle after obstacle blocking the view of her main objective. The moment when she finally had a clear path, she achieved her dream of becoming a champion. Then, the worst thing that could have come happened to her. She got a little too comfortable on the top. Do I need to ramble on about what happen next? I’m going to tell you anyway, the mighty Heart Break Gal knocked her off her throne and Aria hasn’t asked for a rematch since! Another example would be Tarah Nova. At Triple Threat, Tarah knocked out her bitter enemy in Stephanie Matsuda for the Specialist Championship. Not only did she do that, but she became the first Vixen to have held the Vixens Championship and the Specialist Championship. Throughout the reign, Tarah defeated weaklings like Ruby Cooper and Autumn Raven to retain the title. The moment she faced legit competition like the wonderful Kendra Shamez, she lost her championship. All because she got comfortable and believed that the result will be the same with her. Cailin, the moment you begin to feel a little comfortable sitting on your throne, there’s going to be an OG Vixen that is willing to knock you off with ease. Obviously, you should know that. It’s happened with you before. It happened at the Specialist Rampage. You thought you had the biggest advantage of being the last one to enter the match. You got comfortable that you were going to retain because there was no Vixen in the match that could have competed at your level. What happened after that? Off the top rope you go! “Oh, but we shouldn’t dwell on the past”, you’ll say. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that getting a little too comfortable on top seems to be the trend with The Sirens. It makes me wonder how predictable The Sirens’ reign on the top will be. HBG ended Aria’s Vixens Championship reign. Kendra ended Tarah’s Specialist Championship reign and Cameron will somehow end something of Cailin Dillon. What exactly, but that’s how the pattern goes. The new generation will fall and the OGs will stand tall.
Veena Adams
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 4th 2016, 2:44 pm by Veena Adams
"Little Veena Adams"



-loudly sighs-

Well, I've officially seen it all. Some small stacked, sawed off, Asian midget bitch is going to call me - ME, the killa queen, "little." 

You want to know what's little? The amount of fucks anyone in the world gives about you. That's what's little, Zoomi. Nobody cares about your stupid, dumb little antics. Your attention grabs are pathetic, they're embarrassing, I get embarrassed for you, I feel humiliated on your behalf, I get second-hand humiliation from being in the same division, on the same brand, as a worthless piece of trash like you.

Amazing how you talk down to me like you're anything more. Amazing how you whores talk down to me at all! Zoomi, from the moment you broke away from Erica Ford you've accomplished nothing. You've done less than nothing. To think, you actually had some amount of hype going for you! You were supposed to be that underdog, that breakout star in the Empress of Elite tournament who would prove her big breakup with Erica Ford really meant a damn, but you totally tanked while Erica Ford had a far more noteworthy performance than you. You faded into obscurity, you weren't even at the top of your block! You weren't even top three! How fucking dare you muster up the nerve to talk down to someone like me. It's bad enough you're using the same insults everyone and their mother, brother and their long lost sister have used against me, but the fact is you're in NO room to insult me whatsoever. How dare the same whore who took months to break out from underneath Erica Ford, of all people's shadow, say that I'm relying on my uncle or anybody for that matter. Has my uncle competed in tag team matches with me? Has he carried me to wins? Has he speared my opponents and done the dirty work in my matches? No, he hasn't. So shut the fuck up. Just because half of your family are in chinks-ville making Jordans for 20 cents an hour and won't ever amount to anything in life doesn't mean you get to be jealous of my family and take it out on me. I've just about proven over the last couple of months that I'm the star of the show here in the Vixens division. I'm the most interesting person in this bitch and you know it. You proved last week on Empire that you're the side show, with that that stupid little song and dance ensemble that was un-funny and totally sucked. 

You, Azumi, are just most other Vixens. Sensitive, attention whoring, paper thin skin, who needs confirmation every two seconds that they matter. It's the only thing that keeps you going isn't it honey? It's your shot of espresso that gets you through the day. You literally fit the stereotype for everything wrong and cringey about this division. Whether it's not that trainwreck called 'Nazumi', or the abortion that was 'Shinsei Domi', or whatever the fuck you and Haruna are, it's all been vomit inducing, and I need it to end now. I'm tired of looking on Tumblr and seeing fanfics made up by these virgin nerd-tards in the EAW Universe of you and Haruna tentacle fucking each other. It is yikesworthy beyond belief. But I guess my uncle was right, there are a lot of geeks and nerds and losers with no life who follow pro wrestling and idolize complete trash like you. They're only useful for their money. Maybe I should do this business a favor and take out the trash on Empire. Maybe I should take you out. Maybe embarrass you like I embarrassed BBeat Vita on the inaugural Empire. It would be my pleasure, my honor, to run you out of Empire, out of EAW, out of relevancy. Well, nevermind that last part actually, because the only time you're relevant is when you're in the ring with me, and that's only because you're just another stepping stone for my pedestal. If you don't believe that to be true, I guess there's only one way to prove me wrong. So come at me bitch, with everything you've got. We'll see if it's enough. 

Bianca Carmichael
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 4th 2016, 1:46 pm by Bianca Carmichael
Empire Promo; Climbing; Hillsboro, Oregon; 1:45 pm EST

EAW Promoz! - Page 27 Tumblr_nusef75ltq1uxtjooo4_r1_500

Well...here we are once more.  Almost a week removed from what I tried my hardest to be my triumphant comeback where I would firmly insert myself with the rankings of the top Vixens on Empire. That's not quite what happened, however I did achieve more than you'd first think. Sure the history books say L in my column, but what I know at least everyone that was watching the last edition of Thursday Night Empire will realize is, I fought to the very last second and gave it my absolute all. Reina was vicious with me. She didn't pull any punches. He offense was relentless. But I kept getting up and even more importantly I kept countering and raising the bar. Every time she got something off, I got off a move that was bigger. I had the match within the palm of my hands, but one tiny mistake cost me a long awaited victory. However I am not the type of person who likes to dwell on the past too much. And don't think I am bitter or resentful towards Reina for what she did. I turned my back to her and she capitalized on my moment of weakness. However this is what you would call a moment of growth for me. A chance to look back at what I did last time and learn from it. The things I did right in the match, and those things that I did wrong. Keep the good and throw out the bad. Keep pressing forward on this journey of mine. This journey to the top. To continue fighting my battle, My goals, my dreams, my aspirations, all of them I am fighting for on a weekly basis, and I will not continue to disappoint. And that starts with this week. I can start on a fresh path now. And that brings me to my opponent for this week, Autumn Raven. Now I remember Autumn very vividly. She was the winner of my very first match here in EAW. An over the top rope battle royal on Showdown. Which was won by...Autumn Raven. An opportunity at the specialist championship held by at that point, Tarah Nova. What an opportunity that would have been, now naturally I was not ready for it, but as it turned out, neither was Miss Raven. I'm not necessarily saying I would have done any better against her then or now. But I can tell you I look at Autumn as a huge stepping stone for me now. A chance to step up further among the ranks of the Vixens division. A chance to entrench myself deeper within the standings on Empire. An and opportunity for the world to see I want this more than anyone could imagine. The Flaming Princess means business. This flame has been rekindled. It burns bright. This fiery passion is lit under my butt, and it is relentless. It won't stop...It can't stop. Just like me now. My golden opportunity to insert myself into the mix of everything that is happening on Empire. The OG's, The Sirens, The Sanatorium Ladies, Erica Ford, Azumi Goto, BB Vita. And if it isn't meant to be. If me being here is just a dream. Then the flame is not going to fizzle out for me. No no no. If my end is near. Then the only way I am going to be going out is in...A Blaze of Glory!

EAW Promoz! - Page 27 Tumblr_nusef75ltq1uxtjooo1_500
Stephanie Matsuda
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 4th 2016, 11:13 am by Stephanie Matsuda
Empire Promo #3


(The scene opens up to Cloud leaning against a wall, wearing her Brooklyn College gray hoodie. She carries a relaxed stance, with her hands in her pockets. Her eyes are dark and baggy, as if she hasn’t slept well in days.)

First off, let me say this: Don’t bring Harambe in this. That gorilla - God rest his soul - didn’t do a damn thing to you! But leave it to Haru-chan to make fun of the defenseless! How do you expect to be the face of the Vixens Division when you attack the very public you’ll serve once you’re champ? (Haruna voice) “Oh but idiot Cloud how do you expect to be champ if you disrespect the fans!?” Because I, Stephanie “Cloud” Matsuda represent the strong. I represent the survivors of the world, the ones who are willing to do whatever it takes, even if they have to betray everyone they love to achieve their means! You know that loner shit you was spittin earlier this year? Well, that advice seems to be doing wonders for me. I’m churning out wins like you churn out hypocrisy. I mean, didn’t you claim all spring and summer how you was done with the Vixens!? But yet once Cleo gives an offer, here you come - the Joshi equivalent to a coon - shucking and jiving your way to the front of the bus! Go ahead, tap dance for the audience and sing about the supposed Legend of Haruna Sakazaki, a so-called bottom feeder who struggled her way to the top! Struggled!? Bottom feeder!? Bitch, your family is so wealthy you never even seen the floor! What the hell do you know about the struggle!? (sucks teeth) Stop selling your snake oil to the EAW universe, pack your things, and move on to the next town! Bottom feeder...shiiieet! Guess what? My middle class ass doesn’t know either! My parents funded my college experience in NYC as I went to school with single mothers, orphans, and children of low income families who had to make or break their way into society! They showed me what it means to fight...what The Fight is all about! I may think the EAW fans are complete retards for supporting the likes of you, The Sirens, and the OGs, but one thing I never do is lie to them. They pay their hard earned money to see us every week and on Thursday they’re going to see a bitch make someone HER BITCH. Like I’ve mentioned Haruna, you was made in my image. Nobody brings the fire out of you like me! So you beat Aria up...but you still lost. You was still pinned. You want so bad to reach the top, but Haru-chan you’re too much of a damn baka to see the ocean of success for it really is! It’s full of sharks, all who’s willing to bite the ever living shit of of you! These skanks will swallow you whole! Nobody cares about your J-drama bullshit anymore! I learned that the hard way! ‘Ria and Cai would go on for days about how they didn’t want to be a team, but months later here they are with Tarah! And once they got with the Girl of The Gawd, Then came the opportunities! They’re just as hypocritical as you Haru and yet I was so desperate to be friends with all of you. Here I am, the fool of the Vix Div, on the outside of this little drama. 

(Walks towards the camera)

Cleo is going to regret putting you in my path. Know and understand that I’m going to fucking break you! One thing Claudia and I agree on is that you’re not ready for this. What I did to Tarah will seem like Sesame Street compared to the shit that will happen to you! If I have to play to be the Midboss to HBG’s Dr. Wily, then so be it. As long as I get to put your blue bomber ass down for good. You won’t have to reach the end to find that the title is in another castle, because you will never get anywhere near it. So your ho ass can keep bottom feeding, those six yentas can keep mooing at each other like a pasture of cows, and Azumi can keep doing whatever weird things she’s doing to Erica. Either way, all of your journeys end with me sitting on a throne of your broken skulls.

(sighs and looks at her phone)

Know. Understand. Realize.

(walks off)  


EAW Promoz! - Page 27 Andre-royo-angie-martinez-interview-feat

Uncle Eric’s place was busy as usual, filled with indy rookies either staying the night before their shows, or picking up their starting gear. Uncle Eric wasn’t my blood kin, just an older man who watched after the greenhorns in the NYC indy wrestling scene. After contacting the War Party, I called him to see if his people could find Serenity. He asked me to stop by so we can chat about a few things. I already had a feeling what he wanted to discuss. He invited me into his Washington Heights apartment, and led me to the back as we walked over a couple of bodies snoring comfortably in their sleeping bags. 

“So Cloudy,” he began as we entered his room. “Besides the obvious, how have you been girl?”

“Well besides the obvious...I’m doing alright” I replied while looking at pictures of Eric with various wrestling legends. Some were EAW HOF’ers.

“Could have fooled me. You look like you haven’t seen a bed in days.”

“I know, Between Serenity and this match with Haruna Sakazaki my time’s been quite divided.”

Uncle Eric crossed his arms. “Well you don’t have to worry about one of those things. One of my Bronx cats saw her coming out of this old gym to the corner store. She walked back in, like she’s been staying there.”

“Does Angie know?”

“She does. She was going to leave work but I told her to stay on while my people keep eyes on the spot. It looks like some Spanish mami owns the place. You may know her.”

My eyes narrowed. “Who is it?”
Eric laughed. “All things considered I want to see a natural reaction, so I’m coming with you. That, and when Angie gets there...we’re all going to have a nice chat. Nelson will be there too. But I want you to get there first. You and Serenity have a lot to discuss…”

“With the rest of you judging me for my recent actions?” I asked, annoyed.

“Nobody’s judging you Cloud. Well, I’m not at least.”

I sighed. “Whatever, let’s go.”

Eric grabbed his coat and we headed out of the door. Somebody I might know huh? This was going to be interesting.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 4th 2016, 8:27 am by -
In my time here I have come across various figures who have some sort of physically reliant skill-sets, be it a guy like Norman Hellion and the rest of the loser squad, or you Whiskey Jack, but what you need to understand is that you don’t channel the most efficient sources of chaos and strong arts there is out there. Like my comrades and even my associates, you’re too old fashioned, at least for me anyways. Who needs underground fighting, brass knuckles, and a bare knuckle fighting imagery, when the world’s hysteria is all around ready to be used for our purposes?  You want to be about brutality, unpredictability and relishing of pain? Don’t you see? Omerta are the real monsters of these streets, we use the fear of the people, their desires and the mayhem around us to get ahead! When they took a future away from this company, it was our chance to use that opening to bring about a vehicle to ride us into the forefront of the EAW scene while you all bowed to idea of opportunity they “gave” you to be here while we ran amok! We swallow are demons and ghouls who feed on the controversy, ignorance and loopholes that EAW serves! We’ll haunt you for the rest of your days, and no matter how many times anyone tries to dethrone us, try to make themselves our equals, the nightmare of their failures continuing to pile on will NEVER end! The changes that EAW has been undergoing isn’t good.. It’s just how all of the one-tracked minded guys and girls perceived it.  

We of Omerta don’t sweat the small details, like specifically needing to pin Whiskey Jack to prove something to him because I’m in a onward motion paying no mind to the useless. I have not one thing to prove to anyone even in this drought, because at the end of the day these things are of little consequence. Do you think anyone ever comes up to Omerta after the stacks of bodies we’ve left piled and said, “but Nobi beat you that one time”, or after all the times I’ve defeated him someone has said “but you never pinned him to win”? Do you think any such things will stop myself from regaining what is rightfully mine in the New Breed Championship? Do you think that will make any of the talents who hide from us like kids from a hard belt whip just a tiny bit braver? The truth is, when we take our belts off EVERYONE on Showdown knows it’s time to get on their knees and take it, lest they’re ignorant and need to be taught a crucial lesson in obedience to their greater man. But hey, maybe Terry and I will end up using Whiskey Jack as a lesson, so the critics continues to have the solace of using something against myself once more in headlines. Maybe one day a little Whiskey Jack fan will rock in his bed with his “Nomad” teddy bear and say “I still remember when my big hero had a good start”. Yet those days coming will mean nothing, it can’t change my place on the totem pole, it can’t stop one Omerta flag for being placed on one arena or the next. Because none of your people have any agency, your small victories will only be a sign of how little you have to cling to and how one truth prevails.. Nothing but one thing matters.. Omerta Lives Matter.

So this is the aftermath, right? When all of the critics and haters alike unite into one gathering watching all of my matches hoping I lose so they can have a hot story on their headlines. What’s even better than that I have the elitists in future matches me “how it feels.” Such a vague question.. Such an idiotic question.. And yet their hopes are in the air trying to get a rise out of me but that’s what separates those simpletons from myself, I don’t dismissively excuse my losses; I learn from them. Taking knowledge from a loss instead of seeking convenience and an easy excuse is a battle I will always be on the winning side of. It’s easier to tell a story full of blatant lies in a comforting manner, versus actually publically accepting defeat and moving on with more knowledge gained. The weak-willed are more concerned with finding a face-saving explanation as to why they were defeated opposed to improving, for example.. Standing tall and moving forward. I'm going to take full ownership of my drought since Dia Del Diablo because I'm something no one in EAW gives me proper credit for: a man of character. What’s funny is I could excuse this drought.. No based on injuries occurred, but the many things behind the scenes that goes on that isn’t seen but unlike the majority, I have learned from my mistakes.. And I’m now fuming. I lead by example, I exude confidence, and I command respect from my peers because I demand that the blame for losses be delegated to me. I don't sulk and give my comrades snooty looks or say, "well if you hadn’t of let your future get ambushed by the agents of elite, who knows what could’ve been? Curse your moron-like awareness!" because I know the blame game is a recipe for disaster. I vault the gaps people are afraid to cross. Thus leaves us with the million-dollar question, how am I going to approach my match on Showdown vs. Whiskey Jack after a frustrating loss on last week’s edition of Showdown? I bet the "educated" fans in the arena buying tickets to Showdown think they're going to see an impassioned performance! I'll stake a pretty penny that some believe I'm going to undergo rigorous exercises preparing for this match to avoid another debacle like last week's Showdown. First it was losing my title, the next thing I know i’m losing yet again to Nobi, and suddenly the wheels have fallen off the wagon! For ordinary elitists, that's just the nature of the beast, an affair perpetually chalked up to the fact that people "win some and lose some," but I never achieved success simply by being ordinary. I broke barriers by being extraordinary. I went against that logic and succeeded precisely because I not only defy convention; I ban it. I don't fuck around twiddling my thumbs, mouth agape watching Batman whilst contemplating what fictional character I'm going to dress up as at Comic-Con, and I don't tolerate disrespect. I can already envision shoddy tabloids sparking fictitious rumors about my faction, claiming Omerta's synchronization is off-kilter because Zack Crash is on Voltage -- well, I can tell you THAT'S not true. But the thought is crystal-clear in my mind and I have such little patience for the questions of my critics that simply imagining it riles me up. So, I’ll abandon all outlets trying to get word from myself, accept the heat, and be completely transparent about what I plan to do this next Showdown.

I'm not in a very pensive mood. I'm going to get straight to the point. I have a match with Whiskey Jack Saturday night, and the fact of the matter is this: I need this match more than he needs it. Whiskey Jack, you've already carved up a nice resume for yourself here in EAW. You've caught my attention. You've caught everyone else's attention, but truth be told, you are no JJ Silva. At the end of the day, you've proven nothing. You're a decently-sized fish in an ocean surrounded with sharks, and you're facing one of the deadliest, most-despised one of them all: me. I can list off all my motives and accomplishments in the last year, but like I said before, that's not what I'm here to do right now. My career really starts anew Saturday night. The resurgence of JJ Silva begins, and quite honestly... in a way, I like this. I enjoy being the underdog again, because I've played the future role for far too long. Now, though... now it's time to enjoy myself. Like the few astute men that reside on this planet, I'm very goal-oriented, and my goals are always met. Although they will try to rewrite history, I was indeed a champion. By winning another championship, it can become the greatest comeback story in the history of this comp – no, in any professional sport. Like many, I’m a young guy.. 20 years old. However, I lived under a microscope. My entire career is under a microscope. You will never feel what I’ve had to, but hey, this isn't sob-story time, is it? Saturday night, there's going to be a lot of attention on you because of me. I just hope that under these flashing lights, you don't embarrass yourself. You're going to get a huge paycheck from this match. Please try to be even the slightest bit of challenge. I want to enjoy myself before I get my rematch with Chris Elite or whoever the hell I face in the upcoming weeks. That's all I really ask of you, Jack. I've read the scouting report, but that's irrelevant to me. Show me what you have. Please. Show me something new that I haven't seen before, because you're going to get me at my best... and worst. I'm a battered man, but I'm a disciplined man. I swear to God Saturday night, I will look you in the eyes and I will torment you. You are going to get the absolute best of JJ Silva, simply because I'm angry. Chris Elite took away all that I had, and now it's time that I take back all that I had and even more. That’s the Code Of Greed.. I brought my own drum this time around and this is who I am.. Beat to it with me or stay the fuck out of the way.

Omerta is on the verge of becoming much more than anyone expected.. Believe that.
The Consigliere
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 4th 2016, 8:04 am by The Consigliere
It's just a matter of days until they say they quit, I can almost guarantee. When it comes to battles that lead to war, the side that has no ground to stand on is always the first to raise the white flag. The side with the firepower, the bullets and the trained soldiers with a common purpose are ones who fight to the end. 

I am a master of this craft, there is no doubt about it. The moment you place me in dreadful fights at different events that test my superiority, I never fail to deliver. Whether it be coming after the Vixens Championship or settling mind-boggling differences, I always see to it that I leave a mark in this industry and ensure it's a performance to never be forgotten. That's just how I am. I am unforgettable. I am a main eventer. I am a prima vixen who built herself from nothing, and thus became something that women in this company hated -- a cruel Champion that you have no choice but to respect. I never gave an ounce of care of their dumbfounded opinions because I know that no matter how you put it, I am right and they are wrong, because if everything they said were true, if the Heart Break Gal actually listened, then I would have been stuck in the Dynasty Commentary selling my fake smiles and observation skills, just to stay relevant because I'm told I'm no good for the ring anymore. That's what these so-called Sirens keep forgetting. They decided to come at everyone who didn't agree with their so-called good intentions, without knowing how difficult it is, and how grueling this journey will be especially when one puts himself in their shoes and foolishly challenge those who have been known as the bests of this industry whether or not at the Empire. Did you even fucking do your research? Do you even have any GODLY idea what you're talking about? Without the Heart Break Gal, nobody would watch Empire! THATS A GODDAMN FACT! Without Kendra Shamez, we'd still be witnessing Madison Kaline and Tarah Nova fight it out for the 500th time in the same week, AND EVERYONE WILL GET SICK OF THEIR NEVER-ENDING PARADE OF STUPIDITY. And without Cameron Ella Ava... THERE WILL BE NO STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR THESE WOMEN TO LIVE UP TO AND THEY WILL BE FORCED TO OBSERVE INCOMPETENT PIECE OF SHITS LIKE AZUMI GOTO TO SEE WHO ARE "GOOD" TO BE IN THE MAIN EVENT SCENE! All you do is whine, complain, and point out how we ALWAYS get the best end of the deal, how we always take the smart route in winning a match and call it "cheating", and how you are left with scraps that we leave behind... But did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, you haven't given a reason for anyone to notice you enough to be considered as top-tier? Maybe the Empress of Elite title isn't good enough for you to pass as a top performer because of its utterly stupid "point system" that you blindly follow despite having absolutely no sense? Maybe the Vixens Cup isn't the only way to earn a Championship match? Because, I swear to God -- ITS ALWAYS WHAT TARAH WANTS, WHAT CAILIN DEMANDS, WHAT ARIA IS THINKING.. GROW THE FUCK UP WE ARE NOT YOUR FUCKING MOTHERS AND WE ARE NOT GOING TO TEND TO YOUR BITCH ASSES JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO FUCKING PROTEST!

Let it be known that from this day forth, I am not going to stop until you accept the fact that there's nothing you can do to overthrow us. We are called the bests for a reason. We are called OG's for a reason. We practically invented this place, and so long as we're here standing, we protect our turf with our lives. It only got bad when you fucking abominations ruined the scent of the fresh morning for us, it only got irritating when your bunch started acting like you're entitled to certain opportunities when if this were the ideal world, the only think you should be focused on is getting us the right taste of coffee for the OG Vixens! Tarah Nova started this idea, and now everyone else is following suit. Everyone now thinks that "working hard" is exclusive to them -- if others claim it, it doesn't fucking count. Everyone now believes that they have a part in the betterment of Empire, when it's already fucking PERFECT with the OG Vixens running the goddamn show. And now look what you've done! You have people like Haruna Sakazaki thinking that she's fit to be Champion just because she won over nobodies who don't count as any challenge! EVERYONE KNOWS that she's bound to lose this upcoming match. Everyone knows that she's bound to lose the Vixens Championship match if that time ever comes just like she has lost them many times before, for the fact that she is facing the Heart Break Gal! So why is she getting this bravery? Because she was made to believe that it was something she earned.

Let's look at the facts here, Haruna. You have done absolutely nothing to show that you are deserving of this opportunity. Every time things don't go your way, your impulse is to cut your fucking wrists because you can't handle rejection! Every time you lose a match, you always end up getting discouraged about your ENTIRE career as if it's the end of the world! It takes MONTHS to patch up the emotional wounds and the trauma that comes with a disappointing loss, it's so fucking embarrassing to watch! Yes, you have won against Ruby Cooper. Yes, you are probably winning against Cloud Matsuda... but if we are going to look at the bigger picture here, you can conclude that all these tasks wasn't fulfilled out of motivation or strength, it was fulfilled out of ease. All these trainings, all these challenges, are fucking bullshit when you know that these are just tasks that any vixen can do in a week but you were just lucky that Cleopatra made a big spectacle of it on your part. It makes better sense that way, huh? Cleopatra doesn't give a shit about you, she only wants my downfall because she considers my failure her success, and you're just being stringed along for the show! Nobody takes you seriously, Haruna, because you couldn't present yourself in a way that instills fear and aggression! The world laughs at you whenever you try to convince them that you are a great fighter. The angels weep when you lie about not ever backing down from a fight, aren't you even forgetting that you were the person who wanted to leave the vixens division because it was too much for her to handle? She couldn't find luck facing women of this company so she ventured off to other places only to get her ass handed to her still left battered and empty-handed... STILL thanks to a fucking vixen. You never dominated anything the way I continue to dominate this division. You never were looked upon as a challenge that would make a Champion fear that their days are numbered, you just never had that factor, Haruna. And let me make this one thing clear incase you fucking forget, remember this when you see me across you in the ring this Thursday Night -- YOU WILL NEVER BECOME CHAMPION! As long as I am here, I will continue to fight your likes just to protect my territory. And to make sure that you don't even get CLOSE, rest assured, if Cloud Matsuda doesn't get the job done, I promise you... I will. 

Because say what you will about my means to win. 

Say what you want about my path to survival. 

I will do anything to keep the Vixens Championship and elevate its reputation. And never will I let an entitled garbage disposal-worthy feeble-minded spineless piece of shit take it away.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 4th 2016, 7:42 am by 『zakkii』
EAW Promoz! - Page 27 Kl50ZGm

Haruna posted a video blog again as she talks to the camera, feels not really in the mood. She then begins to talk after releasing a long sigh.

Haruna Sakazaki: Hi.... ZACKYpanda.... and boy, oh boy. Stephanie Matsuda is still a damn idiot as usual. Well, yeah... I don't usually say this to my opponent but yeah, this is an exception for this special opponent because I am really spitting the truth that Stephanie Matsuda is a total complete dumbass! She is so freaking ignorant and we all know there is no place for an ignorant stupid people in this business. Do you know that you are so stupid? Or you are stupid enough to realize that you are a complete idiot? Okay, I'll be more than happy to describe how stupid you really are. Fasten your seatbelt, people. This list is gonna be so long.

Haruna Sakazaki: Number One..... you said that I am begging for a title shot to Cleopatra, hmm? Wow, you just showed us how a complete ignorant you are. First, I was fighting in a bottomfeeder with you. Yes, you were a bottom-feeder as well. I was even getting closer to that top guys out there. I pulled myself to find who I really am by fighting from the bottom and Cleopatra..... SHE CAME TO ME!! She asked me to go to her office to OFFER ME this unique opportunity. You were right, who am I begging for an opportunity of a Vixens Title shot. Heck, I am not an ass-kisser like you or maybe like some other vixens out ther who can easily get an instant title shot without any effort. Also, Cleo is not giving me a straight title shot. She gave me matches.... like the other General Manager used to do in case you are stupid enough to realize it. She gave me series of matches and he will give me a reward if I impress her to win all those match she gave. Heck, we all do that, right? We won matches to impress the GM to put their attention.... well, unless if you have a different approach to impress them. Why? Why did Cleopatra give me this unique opportunity? Here's the reason, also the next point of your stupidity.

Haruna Sakazaki: Number Two.....  you are just too stupid and ignorant to realize that I am better than you. Hey, since you took away my chance to win a New Breed title at Pain for Pride 9, I've been quite on a roll until now. I am keep winning and still on a roll until this point. Oh, you want to use my defeat against Aria as an excuse huh? Well, that is how your stupidity and ignorance got reflected. Hey, let me tell you something..... Aria won that match against me. But she even barely stand and need a help from EMTs to carry her backstage. I literally almost killed her in that match, leaving her in pieces even she actually get the victory. Well, it's safe to say that I have 49-51 chance to win and oh, do you think I will go deep down in regret not to carry that title? Hey, you won some, you lose some, right? That's the way we all fight, right? This season, I make a good impression of how I fight in that ring, I have a passion and hardwork that is second to none. People.... yeah, a same species like you.... they think that I can't win it all but I prove them wrong, unlike you who reply those people with trash talk and bullshittery, I reply it through action. I shut their mouth.... literally but punching them in the face because that is what I do, that is the way I impress Cleopatra so she gave me the challenge that nobody might not be ready. Yes, I do a real work to get into this place, now the real question is? Where were you in this point so you can think you are better than me? Still can't move on with your only biggest accolade, retiring Cleopatra, huh? You are still go full of yourself and show the world that "hey, I retire Cleopatra.... I retire a vixen who is already retired just to make sure she is actually retired?" Oh wow, I bow to your skill! Where were you in this season, still finding ass to be kissed so you can leech out their popularity after your fellow "sister" leave you? Ah, speaking of leeching.....

Haruna Sakazaki: Number Three..... you are just too stupid, you even false accusing me to get into popularity of my fellow lover. Aah, classic Cloud Matsuda, huh? Talking trash to somebody without looking at your reflection. Well, yeah.... classic stupidity. The things that I suppose will never vanish in yourself. I really tired to explain it again and again, I might be giving all my video links in the description below of how I talk about this stupidity of The Legendary Dumbass Cloud Matsuda in this exact same topic. Well, I just want to say this and only this. I am a mature adult.... and I believe people like Ariana, Cailin, Jade, Alex and even Azumi are also a mature adult who has their own responsibility to take care of. The reason why they interfere your life because you interfered them in the first place. And, just look at how I'm on a roll right now, do I ever need help to get these a lot of victories? No, I don't need them. I beat them all up with my fist. Yeah, I only use a dirty tactic to you because you are too filthy for my hand to really beat you cleanly. You never respect any matches and I don't respect you at all, you keep doing anything to win so just don't blame me if I do the same thing. Just ask yourself who you really are now. "A war queen"? "A conqueror of Empire"? Well, I reckon you talking about me and a delusion of grandeur..... oh yeah, self-proclaiming yourself a "Conqueror of Empire" is not a delusion of grandeur. Claiming yourself a "War queen" while you are not doing anything relevant is not a delusion of grandeur. Yeah, yeah, the dumb keeps talking blah blah blah... you know, nobody will listen to you. Okay, moving on.

Haruna Sakazaki: Number Four..... you are too stupid to think about a good plan to beat me. Oh, you actually have a glimpse of chance to beat me if you are smart enough to think of a good strategy but no, I am Cloud Matsuda, the Mighty War Queen who can win anything. OOH OOH AAH AAH!!! Yeah, if you are that strong, then why are you still on the bottom feeder? Because you are an idiot. You know, ignorance is curable but stupidity is forever.... but in your case, both of stupidity and ignorance are incurable for you. Yeah, you are THE bitch, just another bitch. While some bitches bite people and chase something to eat, you are that lazy bitch who can only bark and wait for a food who come at you. Uh huh... you are that kind of bitch, I agree with you. I am here doing my best, proving the world that I am a fighter who willing to face any challenge, working hard day in and day out tirelessly and you are no different like those vixens I already beat, claiming their pseudo-popularity. Hey, I'm just being real... I am better than you. And I have a million of reason to prove it that way. So just shut your mouth. Your trash talk –just like that name– only belong in the trash so I don't need your crappy talk. Prove it to me that you are actually not as trash as your mouth. Just do whatever thing you want to beat me. No matter, I will still kick your gorilla ass out to the afterlife so you can meet your long lost sibling, Harambe. You are welcome very much!

Haruna Sakazaki: Well, uhh, I might be too harsh on that last sentence. Harambe is more honorable than her. Harambe doesn't even belong in the same spot with her in the afterlife. Rest in peace, Harambe!

Haruna Sakazaki: Well, yeah.... I can talk all night to explain Cloud Matsuda's stupidity. Oh, it's never ending! Her stupidity are so unlimited. The point is, she is just a tiny little part of this match. I go back to my own mission.... to give a first impression. Not only to impress Cleopatra, but also to improve my next opponent after I'm done with this idiot gorilla. I will show what I really capable of Heart Break Gal and make her look by herself how worthy I am to be her opponent for that title. I'm not gonna talk and insult her, I am talking with these fists, showing her and everybody watching my true might. Oh, Heart Break Gal. I am so blessed to get this challenge. I am going to beat this imbecile and give you example of things to come. I can't wait for this. ZACKYpanda Out~!

Haruna ends the video with her usual outro but after the outro, there's a picture before the video really ends.

EAW Promoz! - Page 27 SOkujAgl
Aria Jaxon
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 3rd 2016, 11:51 pm by Aria Jaxon

We’ve been here before, haven’t we?

Not too long ago, I only had one successful Young Lions Cup defense under my belt, and you, only two matches in, were about to take advantage of the chance of a lifetime and try to take it from me. I said back then that the powers that be must’ve seen something special in you to have given you the opportunity, and rightfully so. Maybe you didn’t expect to have gotten that chance, and I’ll admit, my eyebrow was raised when I found out it was happening. Not because I doubted you, but just because I figured it would be a little bit longer before we met under those circumstances. Still, you took advantage of the opportunity at hand, and still, I treated you the same way I’d have treated any other opponent in that situation. We tore the house down, didn’t we? Given the way shit ended, I was wondering when things would come full-circle and we’d get a chance to tangle again. Some people might say I already got my closure. I mean, I went and beat Haruna after she ruined our last match, didn’t I? In one regard, maybe. Maybe I’ve atoned for one thing but haven’t quite settled the other. I dealt with the party crasher. I proved to her that she couldn’t beat me when the heat was on, but I can’t help but feel bad about your moment in the sun being cut short, BB. Realistically speaking, I was the one she really had a problem with. I was the one who had what “belonged” to her. You were just in the right place at the right time, doing what any sane newcomer in your position would’ve done and try your damnedest to win the prize dangled in front of your face. So this is how we make things right. Another night, another show, another set of circumstances, but still, one go in the ring with you is all it takes to know exactly what’s waiting for me on Thursday night. I saw what you’re willing to do when an accolade is on the line. I’m not expecting anything less from you this time around.

I said last time we met that I was your test because you hadn’t faced anyone quite like me up to that point. Hell, I dunno if you’ve faced anyone like me since then. To be able to compete with me meant you exceeding what you’d previously considered to be your limits. It was like an initiation for you. I’ll be honest, I don’t know what this “evaluation” that Cleopatra has planned for you, and part of me is wondering if I’m playing a role in it. You said yourself that your head hasn’t completely been in the game as of late, and I don’t think I can completely fault you for that having been the case. An injury is one hell of a way to take the wind outta somebody’s sails, and I know you were really sad to have been taken outta Empress of Elite prematurely. You could’ve become dejected. You could’ve given up on your career before it really even got started, but you didn’t. To your credit, you came back, and you were just as -- if not more -- determined to really become a force to be reckoned with in this division. Maybe from where you’re sitting, things haven’t gone exactly as you’ve planned, but all it takes is one step in the right direction to change everything for the better. That’s what you say when you look at this match, isn’t it? A chance to get and keep yourself on the right track? Beating me might be the solution you’re looking for. I mean, obviously, no matter what her endgame is, Cleo wants you to impress her. I’m sure you’re just setting out to win, but earning top marks on her little test would just be a nifty bonus prize. I just hope she’ll still be able to be proud of you and recognize how talented you are in spite of this loss, ‘cause you said it yourself -- I don’t ever show up with intentions of losing. I don’t go easy, I don’t pull punches, and I certainly am programmed to win. My self-assuredness is not and will never be a knock on you. It’s never something that’s able to be likened to me writing you off or not taking you seriously. It’s just how I operate. I have no doubt that the things that have happened to you in EAW so far have shaped the woman that’s standing in front of me right now. I’m 100% sure that our first match being cut short, battling back from an injury, and busting your ass to find your footing have turned you into someone worth being wary of in the ring. But you gotta understand, the things that have happened to me have hardened me for battle, too. The shit I’ve been through, the detractors I’ve silenced, and the accomplishments I have to my name are the things that have made me stronger. I’m just a product of my environment, and since you’re a Vixen too, I’m sure I don’t have to talk to you about just how much of a pressure cooker our division is now. To be real, the fact that Empire even exists in the first place is probably the most important fruit of our collective labor. I knew we’d get our chance to face each other again, sooner rather than later, and now that it’s rolled around, I’m glad it’s on Empire. It’s on the show where we all rightfully get our platform to shine, and when the eyes of the world are gonna be trained on us, I’m gonna do what I do best -- win.

If anything, there’s more at stake for you this time than there was last time. It’s true, there’s no Cup at stake, but sometimes, momentum and bragging rights can be just as important. You’re looking for the kinda fulfillment here that you can’t get from one-off tag team wins and matches that end in a no contest. You want the fire lit under your ass and that sense of pride that can only come from beating someone as good as me. I’m saying as nicely as possible that you’re gonna have to look for that sense of satisfaction elsewhere. You’ll have to knock someone else off and make a statement at their expense because I absolutely refuse to accept any version of events other than the one where my hand is raised at the end of all this. I'm sure you can do it. I can name more than a few girls off the top of my head who you'd be all too likely to one-up, but I'm not one of them. You can show up on Thursday and do most of what you’re setting out to do. You can make an impact. You can put people on notice. You can remind me of just how much it takes to deal with you in the ring, but you can’t beat me. You won’t, because I decided that for the both of us. Victory is damn near guaranteed to me. How bright you’re able to shine despite defeat is totally up to you.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 3rd 2016, 11:17 pm by Guest

We come into this world with only a handful of those. Since the day that we’re evicted from our mother’s womb, our entire lives are structured by foreigners – invaders. The way we talk, walk, act is strategically planned for us to follow without question and without hesitation. Why does a huge percentage of people do what is expected of them? Why do individuals run around in their every-day lives trying to restore peace into people’s heart? Is it because that’s what is promoted in the media? That we all have to live in harmony and sing kumbaya as we rib each other’s ass hole all day? Why must so many bend over backwards in order to make others happy? It doesn’t make sense.
A lot of things don’t make sense in this stupid world. You want to know why? Because our world is riddled with idiots who wouldn’t be able to walk in a straight line if asked to – let alone put on a five star wrestling performance in front of sold out crowds. It’s a shame, it’s a disappointment – IT’S AN EMBARASSMENT that someone like me, Kendra Shamez, the legend, the OG, the greatest Vixen to ever live have to put my title against two moronic simpletons. Girls who just leech off of things and people in order to get themselves be relevant in the eyes of the EAW Universe. I don’t have to leech off of Cameron Ella Ava or The Heart Break Gal. We’re all equally amazing, we’re all equally legendary, we’re all equally as talented. That’s a huge difference between the OG’s and the Sirens. In our alliance, we don’t carry dead weight. And you know what, Tarah Nova, when I look into your eyes that’s all that I see. You’re the fat of the Sirens that has to be trimmed. You’re the stupid sister out of your already retarded family. How does it feel standing next to the Empress of Elite, Cailin Dillion, and the FORMER Empress of Elite, Aria Jaxon, who by the way is now the current YLC holder? And what do you have? A dream? Hope? These days those idealistic dreams of yours don’t matter if you’re not going to take matters into your own hands and do something about those dreams and hopes and make them into realities. Oh wait, is this your version of taking matters into your own hands? You couldn’t even beat Sheridan Muel-Lookin-Er in a one-on-one match, yet you think you can take away my Specialist Championship? You genuinely think you can beat me? Me? ME?! You should just go ahead and get the word MORON stamped on your stupid looking forehead. And how dare you, Tarah, how DARE YOU BLAME ME FOR YOUR MISTAKES? How can you sit there and put the blame on me for losing to that immigrant? YOU SHOULD’VE BEEN MORE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS. You should’ve had eyes in the back of your head, you should’ve had ears on the back of your ass or lack thereof. But let me point something out, Nova, you just showed me your biggest weakness. See, this is how much of a fucking IDIOT that you are. You say that it’ll be my fault if I let that “German rat” get a hold of my title? Why are you even predicting that she has a chance of winning? Let me give you some OG advice – you NEVER, EVER give your opponent the benefit of the doubt. There’s no way in hell Sheridan is going to walk out with my title simply because she doesn’t have what it takes to be champion. She’s not ready. Matter of fact – she will NEVER be ready to have gold near her name. She’s one of the most over-hyped morons with the worst attitude out of the roster. She won’t hold that title – my title and guess what? Neither will you. The day you’ll hold gold again is when you’re getting ass fucked by DDD as he puts his Hall of Fame title over your face. It sucks to suck, doesn’t it?
Empire is finally going to receive the main event it’s been begging for. Finally, it will be graced with the first ever in-ring appearance of the OG Vixens working together as a well-oiled machine. The OG Vixens is something more than us three as individuals. It’s a statement. It’s a statement that makes every head turn once we walk into a room. We’re not random plain Janes trying to make an “impact”. We are women and we’ve had amazing individual careers. We are seen in the eyes of many as legends. We are seen in the eyes of many as historic females that have broken barriers and have broken Vixen norms. We are Elite. We are mythical. We are the G.O.A.T.S.   I have no pity or mercy for anyone else that is below me. It’s so satisfying to know that I’m surrounding myself around people who are on my level. People who will pick up their own weight and hold their end of the bargain. Cameron and I, teaming up for the first time in history. I don’t think people realize how historic this episode of Empire will be. The Goddess and The OG. We’re going to bless you and Cailin and I hope some of our talent can rub off on you when you’re getting your ass whopped all over that ring.

And Cailin, you’re a huge talker aren’t you? You have that stupid accolade in your possession and you think you’re hot shit now? Unless you have a prestigious EAW title strapped around your waist then you are NOTHING. I know that you want to cash in your little shitty trophy and send shockwaves all throughout Empire but Empire isn’t just another show – it’s a battlefield. And this is my territory that you’re crossing. Watch your steps, Sirens, you’re going to go too far and you’re not going to be able to backtrack. We built this Empire and now we’re going to rule it.
Tarah Nova
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 3rd 2016, 9:40 pm by Tarah Nova
This is WAR---Thursday Night Empire#1
“A warning to the prophet,
The liar, the honest,
This is war.

To the leader, the pariah,
The victor, the messiah,
This is war.

It's the moment of truth, and the moment to lie,
The moment to live and the moment to die,
The moment to fight, the moment to fight,
To fight, to fight, to fight!”
Ya know something--I was never a team kind of girl. They just never worked out for me. I mean all the teams I would join or make would either crumble after a few months or I’d get left behind. It wasn’t anything personal, I after Team Freakz, I gave up on people. Than I met Aria Jaxon and Cailin Dillon. I met two of the most amazingest Vixens in this Division today. They showed me that not everyone was bad. They showed me that I was capable of teaming and that's why I came to them with the Idea of THE SIRENS--and after a year of bullshit by Cloud forcing them into the Formation and the everything else in this Company; we finally sat down and planned it out. THought the thing that makes me cringe is that the whole OG Vixens arriving RIGHT after we formed--Coincidence? Oh, I think fucking not. Of course they couldn't let other vixens have the spotlight for more than 15 minutes. Of course, they had to form a sad looking team just to stay relevant and Yes--I'm saying that with both Kendra Shamez and HBG as Champions. Than we have Cameron Ella Ava. She hasn't been doing anything amazing in months. Oh well I suppose, anyway back to us...Now The Sirens were made for one thing and one thing only and that was the show each and every person in this company that it's times for the vixens to be in control and The Sirens will be the ones running this new Era---Making havoc is only a bonus. But of course, it had to be ruined and a war had to begin though truthfully---I wouldn't have it any other way. We are ready for anything you "OG" throw at us...we will always be ready.

Now--the truth is: you're right Cameron. I am one of you. I am one of the four Vixens that was in the company in a time where women's wrestling was at its lowest. We are stayed here and we fought as hard as we could to make this division last. See, I am not afraid to admit that I am one of the original four that's stuck around here. Yes, we are the reason why this division is still standing, Cameron. Though, that doesn't mean I should be standing with you four in this war. That doesn't mean I need fight for false causes just to stand with three greats. Cameron you crack jokes because I march to my own beat but that's kind of the reason why I'm not with you. Even back then, I was an outcast to you three. I was a different type of wrestler. I didn't fit in well and I was completely just another new vixen to you three. I didn't fit with you girls because I'm not like you three. Since I walked into EAW, whether I was booed out of the building or Cheered for everything in the ring, I cared and still care about the EAW universe. I don't care about my shoes or my hair or what I look like in the ring or if a dress makes me look fat. See, I don't care about any of that. Truly all I care about is wrestling and these fans because that's the way I was brought up in this company. Yes, you and me, Kendra, HBG are the reasons why every single Vixen standing in EAW are here today. But the thing is, Cam, It's going to be me and the Sirens that will be the reason why this Division will forever stand tall. You see, I came up with the idea to make the Sirens because those two girls, Aria Jaxon and Cailin Dillon, march to my type of beat. They fight so hard for this company and this division that they remind me of myself when I first joined here. They aren’t like you and the others. They didn’t care about the money only, They cared about this place too. So we bonded over the fact that we didn’t care about what others thought of us. We grew into something more than just co-workers. WE became a family. Those two Vixens became apart of me, Cameron and that's hard for you to even say about HBG and Kendra. The only reason you three made the OG Vixens was because you girl needed be in power once again---Isn't that right, Cameron? You and the others are so hell-bent to get the full attention of EAW; that you trying to take over the Empire. Thought frankly, you need to realize that the Empire isn't only about you three. It's about every single Vixen in this division.. It's about The Good, The Bad and The Dirty. This is the Era of the Vixens and I among Aria and Carlin will not let you girls get in Control. With me being a hardcore/reckless veteran of this sport; mixed with Cailin's never give up attitude and Aria's sassy/ daring ways, we going to be unstoppable. Together, we stand the tallest against the OG Vixens and there is not a damn thing you can do about it. With that being said, I am not sorry to disappoint you on my decision of fighting against you. You believe that I need to thank you for jump starting my career but I don't have to. I won't because if it wasn't for the Devil Himself I wouldn't have been in that predicament against you. But no matter that is all in the past and sometimes the past needs to stay where it is. I am only saying that because the future of this division depends on me, Cailin Dillon and Aria Jaxon. It's not about you and the girls anymore. This is a new generation of vixens. This is a new Battlefield and yes Cameron, we are ready for the war against you all. This isn't some tough job for a woman like me because I've been through tough spots all throughout my career. Going against you, HBG, and Kendra...that's nothing we haven't done before. So you better start listening---The Sirens are calling and we're calling for blood.

Now on to you, Kendra. First of all congratulations on finally showing the EAW universe how stupid you are. You ruined not only my match last week but you also screwed yourself in our House of Glass match coming up. It is your fault that we have to deal with that German Rat, Sheridan. And frankly it's going to be your fault if that Specialist Championship fall into her hands. I can't even begin talking about my anger and disgust over everything. I just can’t believe you would actually let her into the match because you wanted a war against the Sirens. You, Cameron and HBG: the OG Vixens. God, I can't--and I won't. You and the girls in to understand this division isn't yours. This division, like it or not was made for everyone and yes, like I told Cameron, The Sirens refuse to let you three take control. Just like that Championship that you hold around your waist, you did not deserve to be at the top of this division anymore. That goes to HBG as well. I know you believe that every other person in this company is under you and I understand that you want to make them feel belittled. Once upon a time, I wanted the same but that changed because of watching you and the others. I am not a part of you girls because I don't want to be like you all. I'm nothing like you all and I'm proud of that. I am proud to stand with Aria and Cailin. So when when our match begins, the Sirens are not going to stop till our hands are raised in the sky. We will not stop until we show each and every Vixen who runs the yard and it's not the OG Vixens----It's the Sirens. It will always be the Sirens.

So in the end, the OG vixens will meet the Sirens in the middle of the empire. We will fight and we will bleed and I wouldn’t have it any other way on Thursday night. Also I know that night we will need to keep our eyes open because I know the tricks that you girls play. I know HBG has a match that night but that won't stop her from coming to the ring. I mean It wouldn't be the first time one of you girls cheated to get a win and it probably won't be the last either. All in all, I know both, Cailin and myself are ready. Unlike the weak stable you three are, The Sirens are a well oiled machine and will stop at nothing till we are at the top. We will never stop and you can---

Believe That.
ᴍᴏɴɪᴄᴀ ᴠᴀᴜɢʜᴀɴ .
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 3rd 2016, 6:36 pm by ᴍᴏɴɪᴄᴀ ᴠᴀᴜɢʜᴀɴ .
reflections; empire 003;
"They say the best-laid plans often go awry. Because no matter how detailed the preparation… a plan will always have a weak point. And there will always be those looking to exploit it… to doom a plan to failure, and the perpetrator along with it.”  - Unknown

EAW Promoz! - Page 27 Tumblr_odee4xVkve1rxax7to3_250 EAW Promoz! - Page 27 Tumblr_odee4xVkve1rxax7to2_250 EAW Promoz! - Page 27 Tumblr_odee4xVkve1rxax7to4_250

Honesty. A word that not too many people can understand or respect. To be honest with yaself is to truly accept that who you might be, might not be as perfect as you thought. I’m bein’ honest, but not only to you but to myself. I would be lying if I said my head has been in the game. Lately it hasn’t been. My post-injury comeback hasn’t exactly been what I expected to be. I could always, ya know.. ‘Sit and wallow in pity, but that’s just not in my character, and it’s not a habit I plan on taking up now. With everythin’ changin’ around here, perhaps I just got distracted. I was so used to being a small fish in a big pond, but with this vixen exclusive show, I am now a small fish in an even smaller pond. It’s still not an excuse and I accept that. It is what it is. I was just simply shook. It takes a real man or a woman to admit that. But again, honesty isn’t something that a lot of people understand. I value honesty, I dish it out and I respect it to be given to be. One thing I do know, is that my place here in this business is never to be questioned. I fell but I got right back up. Regardless of that fact, we both know that I’m not as established as you are Aria. You know I have nothing but the upmost respect for you. You more than earned your keep here and can’t nobody take that from you. You wrestled circles around the boys and most of the women here. I have nothing to lose, but ya girl has plenty to gain. However when you and I came face to face in the ring, we really couldn’t finish what we started. Interruptions came but they are gone. I see ya still hanging on to that Young Lions Cup. Kudos ma. The thing about it is the woman ya faced for her second match, isn’t the same woman she is today. It’s called growth and lookin’ back.. I wasn’t half the woman that I am today. In a way, I can almost thank Haruna for stickin’ her nose where it didn’t belong. Sure ma, our match ended, no winner was determined, you’re probably sure that you would have walked out as the winner. That’s how you are right? Programmed to not fail, programmed to never go easy on anyone or anything. One thing I can say is, facin’  you, even if it couldn’t go on as long as we planned, it educated me. I learned more about your footwork and your abilities. I learned about myself.  I was pushed to a limit I never knew existed. Now I plan on pushing that envelope even further, but I guess you could say, you learned about me as much as I did about you. Here’s the thing. I don’t plan on walking out on the losing end on Empire. That’s an L I am not willing to take. I refuse to. You can tell me how I’m going to have to do it, you could write a book about how and why you’ll walk out as the winner, but that isn’t going to stop me. Nothing you can say or do is going to change the fact that BB is going to be the one with her arm raised in victory. If you take this as attitude, then so be it. But I said I wasn’t here to fail, I didn’t come here for the fame, I didn’t come here for the money. I wanted to do this, because of my passion. As cliche as it comes across, this is something I love to do. Fuck the fun stuff, the TV shows, the photoshoots. It all comes with the territory. It’s to be expected. I’m not ungrateful ya dig? I’m happy for the small accomplishments I’ve made here. But see that's just it. I’m tired of smiling and being content on doing just anything. I want to make an impact. I want to change the game and I want to break the mold. I just can’t sit here and be in this content state, and I don’t care, anyone can tell me that I need to be used to it, or tell me any different, but it doesn’t matter, because regardless, no matter who I have to go through, I am goin’ to rise to the occasion. It’s just you Aria. Fate just had to be that way, for us to meet again. I’m not surprised. Ya girl was waiting for the chance to face with you one on one, this time with no distractions. Like you told me after our match on the feed, I more than earned your respect. The respect had been earned, but the victory has yet to be earned from you. I’m going to get that come Thursday.

Azumi Goto
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 3rd 2016, 2:12 pm by Azumi Goto
Empire #2
“A Prey Should Cower”

{Scene starts with “Stardust” fading away into the background as Azumi is in an empty wrestling ring}

Veena Adams, A lamb to the slaughter and poor her, she tried her hardest to be relevant by sticking to her uncle’s last name and it didn’t work because she can’t be wrestler to begin with. My question is to Cleopatra, why do you let this lamb be slaughtered by her predator? Why do you Veena be reduced to nothing after I beat? Did DEDEDE or should I say Methuselah skip out on a date with you, if you two were ever a thing and you’re taking it out on Veena? Well whatever it is, I’m probably guessing this is what I get for making Erica Ford disappear but really Cleo you shouldn’t really care about her. If you continue to give me second-rate wrestler-wannabes then I’ll just continue to hand them back to you along with their hospital bill, just being honest here. Cleo needs understand that Veena, she’s just a prey, she’s one of this little rabbits waiting for a snake to eat to her in one bite and unfortunately unlike most preys she doesn’t have anything of value that I want that should make not want to hunt her. A little perfect rabbit like her has nothing that I want, so this little prey should COWER in front of me. Last time Veena lost to me, I was the old me, light-hearted, Burning Spirit BS, now I am something she can’t comprehend, I’m a predator and she happens to be the first of many small preys till I reach the top of the food chain.

{Azumi gives one of her sadistic smiles towards the camera}

Little Veena Adams just can’t beat Azumi Goto, She’s not powerful enough on the food chain to beat me, she’s just someone you can’t stand on her own two feet and claim to her own person, preys like those are the easiest to hunt down because they’re like cornered rats trying hard to find a way to escape. Desperately looking, searching for an exit to get away from their hunter, but Veena there’s no exit to save you from me. Nothing to stop this predator from ripping you apart and toying with you, not your uncle, not your looks, not Cleo, nobody will be there for you Veena. If I were you Veena, I’d tell how family how much you loved them and apologize for ever troubling them because you might not see them again. God created two types of beasts, the prey and predator, no matter what you try Veena, you’ll always be a prey trying to fit in as a predator.

Goodbye Veena, it was nice knowing you.

{Azumi waves while keeping her smile across her face as the camera fades to black}
Cailin Dillon
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 3rd 2016, 11:51 am by Cailin Dillon

Empire #1
It’s early in the morning and Cailin Dillon is in the place that’s become more like her first home, than her second. The gym is where she cultivates show much of what makes her good in the ring. She turns to her left as a glint of sunlight peels through the glass and illuminates a section of the dark gym. She’s up on her feet seconds later and working with a heavy ball. Lifting it high above her head and then throwing it down into the ground. The more she does, the louder she gets until one final throw into the ground is unleashed along with a primal scream. She stares down at the ball and sweeps her hair back out of her face as she sits down and pulls out her phone. Recording a video of herself, she begins to speak.
The more things change around here, the more they stay the same. When a group of people feels something of theirs is threatened, they have to take up arms and start defending themselves. Case in point what the ladies who call themselves the OGs are doing. I get it. I understand exactly why they would do this. The threat is real. Never have three people felt like everything was going to be taken away from them to quite this extent. But they aren’t thinking everything the built will be shattered, no, they think these newer group of Vixens are going to step ahead of them and they will fade into the background. Maybe that’s how it will happen, too. When you hear me say we’re taking over the world, we aren’t taking over this whole physical planet or all the wrestling that happens on it. We’re taking over your world. All three of you OGs. We’re turning it upside down and shaking you out of it. We’re putting you back on the playing field and forcing you to fight for this if you want it. I’ve always aspired to make sure this was a place where anyone who worked hard enough could reach their potential, and even exceed it if the work they put in was even harder than they were believed capable of. But you three? You just want to hog the spotlight while you still can, and that I can’t get. At what points did your egos balloon so much that you thought you had to have it all in this way. You want the control, the attention. And here two of you are sitting with titles, and now you decide to band together as a way to make absolutely sure those titles stay on you. I can’t say it isn’t smart. It exceeds normal greed. And it shows all of your true colors. It just beams them out for the whole world to see. This is who these OG Vixens are. They see an Empire in the making and they want to rule it as powerful dictators who stand-alone above all at the top. Being a Siren isn’t about that. When we defeat you three and take this division, it won’t be to take it as our own. It will be to take it for everyone. I can already sense the confusion from every other Vixen in this division. You’re right, Cameron, this is the start of a war. The other Vixens are seeing six selfish women who are trying to take the spotlight for themselves. I see three selfless ones who know they will not only win this battle for the Vixens, but for all of EAW. So much is changing right now. We’re evolving forward. And I’m not willing to stay in the past. The past is what you three want. So I’m the Empress of Elite? So what? I’ll take my title shot when I want it and I will beat whichever one of you I decide to. That’s the future. Let’s focus on the now.
Kendra, it seems like it was only weeks ago that we fought and I nearly broke your arm. Oh wait, it was. There seems to be a trend with me making you girls tap out. It’s ok, I’ve had a bit of a knack for it lately. Maybe we should call it more of a mean streak, right? I mean I’ve been wrenching back on arms so hard lately there hasn’t been much but a few muscles keeping me from snapping them. I’m saving that for a grand finale someday (wink). But that match still means a lot to me. Probably even more than the final match did. I spent my teens and early 20s idolizing Kendra Shamez. I wanted to command a ring like her, and I wanted to fight as fierce as she did. It took me awhile, but eventually I realized I could be even better if I wanted to. But being in the ring with her was memorable. I used to dream of having the chance to fight with her, no matter the capacity. It could have been against or beside her. When I came to EAW, it seemed impossible. But she’s back, and she’s a champion, and now she’s aligning herself with a group aimed at protecting the era that she helped establish. HBG, Kendra and Cameron will always be recognized as the best Vixens to grace this company. But eventually, other women will start to figure in that mix alongside them. What they’re doing is trying to block that path and keep it to themselves. How much have we changed in just weeks, Kendra? Let’s both take the approach we did then. This match could go so many ways. We both have to accept that this battle, really the second shots of the war, could go either way. It won’t decide anything because we’re only getting started. One of us will win, and one of us will lose. If you lose, Kendra, can you accept that other people will challenge your place? Your legacy will live on forever. The love fans have for you will never die. You will always have the same cult following. But it is too much for your ego to know that one of the Vixens in this other group will someday stand alongside you? Because I guarantee you, Kendra… I will.
Cameron… I’m still disappointed we didn’t have a rematch at Empress of Elite in the final. We both said it was likely to happen, didn’t we? We both said our match before the tournament was only a preview of more to come, right? I held up my end of the bargain, where were you? I admire what you did. You saw there was a fire lit under my ass and you stoked it. You wanted to light that fire within me and push me and, oops, I guess you got what you wanted. Although I feel like your end dream was to stand over my beaten body with the Empress crown high over your head. Instead, I went and nearly broke Maddie to take what I said I would all along. But let’s move beyond that. Let’s move to the present where you and your jolly band of legends think they need to take that next step and be higher above everyone than they ever were before. What makes these two groups different is what they stand for. We stand for everything that is right about EAW. We stand for a future that includes Vixens kicking ass and taking names and continuing to evolve and develop and give people lasting memories as new people rise to the occasion. You stand for three women who have had the spotlight throughout their career, stealing it away and keeping it centered on them. I can understand the allure to making sure all of that light shines on you. I can understand the desire to put your careers at the forefront and leave everyone else without a chance. But I can’t support it. That leaves us at this divide. You wonder how we could have formed so fast? Let’s just be honest and admit both of these groups were on the cusp of happening anyways. There was a sense that something big was coming. This is that big thing. Now it’s going to be a big war. I can’t imagine when this might end. We both have goals that we won’t see denied. So we will fight and tear at each other’s throats as we seek for a way for this to all come to a resolution. But it will never come to a resolution. It will never exactly come to a head. Three people will rise in the end, and the other three will be left to rebuild. That’s how a war works. Even in peace treaties, someone is always left to pick up the pieces. At least you’ll always have your legacy intact. You will always be the same ass-kicking woman I knew when I entered this company. The one that drove me to a draw in our first meeting, and then felt the same unfinished business I did for nearly a year. Now I’ve got my girl Tarah in this match with me and I’m ready for a battle with you and Kendra. I’m excited for this. You’ve seen how dangerous I can be when this electricity builds inside of me. I’m ready for another big fight. I never back down from a challenge, big or small. You OGs are acting like you’re mountains. Well I’ve been known to put my shoulders down and move those mountains. And when I get to the other side I latch on and make sure I give them a reason to never forget me. You’ll never forget exactly what I’m capable of. You’re right, Cam, this isn’t about the past. Dwelling in the past is a mistake. This is about right now. This is about the future. The future of this division deserves something better than three women trying to power play everyone. Everyone wants to rule the world, but we all have different views about how it should work. Ours works best for the world. Ours will prevail. And don’t mock the sound of the sirens. That’s the last warning you get before this tornado comes in and starts her destruction. IT won’t be the destruction of the OGS, no, not in a week. This starts slow, and it ends with a total loss.
Maybe we’re all a little more similar than we’d care to admit. Some of us have just been around longer. Makes no difference. The right team will come out ahead on Thursday. The right team is The Sirens.
Cailin smirks as she posts the video and puts away the phone, a little more sunlight shining in through the windows above. She soaks it in for a moment before standing up and tying a weight around her ankles. She leaps up to a bad above her head and starts doing chin ups as the scene fades out.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 3rd 2016, 8:50 am by Guest

Last edited by Reina Kenshin on October 14th 2016, 7:17 am; edited 1 time in total
Stephanie Matsuda
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 3rd 2016, 6:32 am by Stephanie Matsuda
Empire Promo #2

“Delusions of Grandeur”

(The scene opens up to Cloud walking down the street in her neighborhood in Bushwick.)

It’s been awhile since I been here. I have some business to handle which is nobody’s business, but I wanted to holla at my opponent for a second. I knew this was going to happen, but I didn’t want to say anything. Haruna Sakazaki has once again come down with a case of amnesia. She seems to think hard work and dedication is what got her in the situation she’s in now. She seems to forget that she came crawling to Cleo, begging for a chance at the Vixens Championship, a title she and most of the roster has no place being anywhere near! Hell, if it was up to me I would suspend them for even letting speak its name- shiiet I would suspend them for even THINKING ABOUT THE BELT! That’s right Sakazaki, you haven’t even earn to right to wonder whether you’re good enough! How dare you come off from a humiliating loss to Aria for a consolation prize and think you can main event the Vixens Division? You lost that right after your hundredth loss to Tarah- hell you lost that right when you and the previous generation couldn’t get the job done. One opponent...all of you had ONE opponent and you all still lost! That’s why nobody remembers the previous generation save Maddie because you all were just a joke. Is there anyone from 2014-2015 in our division other than three of you!? No, because you all rode on the back of your elders. You all coasted when Cam went after real competition. You all got by when HBG and Kendra wasn’t around. Now the cavalry's here and Tarah lost her title, you can barely hold one, and Maddie is still finding her place. She doesn’t have to worry because for now, I have her back. And I’m going to be here for a long time Haruna...a very long time.

(looks around before crossing the street)

These delusions are nothing new Sakazaki. I don’t need to go into the past to talk about how naive you were in 2015. I don’t need to bring up how you used Ariana, Alex, Cailin, and quite possibly Azumi. Maybe that’s why your prediction about the downfall of Formation was on point- because you could relate to betrayal. You understood treachery because your ass is no different than the Sirens.We fight well together because we’re both well versed in the style of joshi tag team. But beyond that, we have nothing in common...except the people we screwed both figuratively and literally. In any other universe Haru you would be a woman after my own heart. But sadly, I’m stuck with this lackluster shell who doesn’t realize her full potential…

Le. Sigh.

I don’t need a detailed plan to defeat you. Just showing up to our match is more than enough to guarantee me victory. All I have to do is sit and wait for you to screw up and then capitalize. You’re Queen of De-botchery. You see Haruna I’ve already showed the world that I’m no longer the squeaky clean Sky Princess they once knew...the annoying puppy that happily followed Aria, Cailin, and Tarah around with a wagging tail. Nah...I’m another kind of bitch. One whose hunger is incomparable...an anxious mutt backed in a corner, willing to bite whoever comes close! You want to get bitten Haruna Sakazaki!? Be my guest! (checks her phone for a moment) You’re still as delusional as the first day I met you if you think you’re going to come out on top over someone who eats legends for breakfast and picked apart a woman you still have yet to defeat! But I’m sure everything I’m saying is going in one ear and out the other because you’re a hero Haruna...in your mind. You’re trapped in your own fairytale...bound by the cage of dried up shoujo plot that’s been re-used more times than George Copeland changed his name, more times than Cailin dyed her hair, more times than guys Aria have slept with! No slut shaming, just stating facts.

(Stops for a moment, and focuses on the camera)

You think this is a game? You really think you’re going to walk into that ring and pin me? Go ahead. Do what you have to do. Bring Jade, Alex, and all the red gloves you can get your hands on! Hell, bring your new rumored bae. Matter of fact...do that. I can show her what a real master of joshi puroresu is like- oh wait you don’t consider yourself to be a joshi. (shrugs) You’re more joke than joshi anyhow. Just promise me you won’t do anything crazy once I pin you in the the middle of that ring. There’s no hard feelings Haruna...just business and trash talk. I wouldn’t want you to do anything drastic like attempt suicide or an-

Oh wait. (laughs) Too soon? Meh, whatevs.

(walks away as the screen fades out)


I had to knock several times before the familiar door before me opened. My eyes scanned the shaking body of the worried woman who stood before me. I never seen Angie Hunter like this...not since Michael passed.

“Angie...is everything okay?” I asked, trying not to think of the worst.

“I..Uh-” she could barely finish her sentence.

“Did something happened to Lauryn!?”

“N-no. It’s Serenity. She...ran away.”

My eyebrow raised. “What do you mean she ran away?”

“We got into an argument, about you. We heard that you’ve been spending time with Eddie and she lost it. When I tried defending you, she end up grabbing some things and left. Cloud, she doesn’t know the city as well as she thinks. Anything could happen to her out there!” Angie did her best to not fall apart. “Nelson and everyone else is looking for her...but maybe you would know where she went?”

I sighed. Somehow I felt responsible. Not once did I think about how my involvement with the murderer of Michael Hunter would affect his family. I was so caught up in my anger towards EAW, that I have effectively alienated the people I loved the most. It had to take everything for Angie to reach out to me.

“I’m gonna search the streets. Maybe the War Party can help.”

“That’s what you’re calling your oh so loyal fan base?” There was a strong hint of sarcasm in Angie’s voice. She may have defended me, but she definitely felt a certain way about my recent decisions.

“Yeah. Listen..we’ll discuss this later. Right now, I’m gonna look for Serenity. How’s Lauryn doing?”

“Good. She doesn’t want to see you.”

How I kept a dry eye was a surprise to me.

“I...uh- I’ll see you later.” I put my hands in my pocket and walked back down the steps. I didn’t have time to linger.

I had to find Serenity. I’ll worry about the consequences to my actions later.
Moongoose McQueen
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 3rd 2016, 6:03 am by Moongoose McQueen
Perception is an interesting concept. Where once my vision was focused and narrowed, but now, I can truly see the entire world? Welcome to EAW. EAW…… is …. Moongoose McQueen. You probably aren’t familiar with that  catchphrase, but give it time, it will be. Back to the point, what is ”the world” in the eyes of your average wrestler or I suppose, an “elite.” Many will foolishly say it’s a title. The belt that goes around your waist that seems to tell every being that you are the best. Well, I got bad news for those guys. It’s a lie. It doesn’t mean you are the best. Take a good look, fellas, you are looking at the best. This isn’t a dream, this isn’t a hallucination, this isn’t a mirage. No, THIS IS THE REAL DEAL, REALITY, YOU CAN PHYSICALLY TOUCH ME, SEE ME, BE JEALOUS OF ME. Take it in, because the best is already here.

But make no mistake, this isn’t a declaration that I will become your champion. This isn’t me sharing my plans for to win titles. Don’t compare to all the other assclowns and children that comes in spouting about their hopes and dreams. I won’t lie, I use to be that fool in the time I’ve spent getting to this moment. But never….. EVEEER…. Has Moongoose McQueen been made a fool of twice.

No, this is no sob story. You don’t see me shedding any tears because I’ve fail. Quite the opposite. I’ve done it. I’ve done it all. I’ve won World titles, multiple times in my career. I’ve traveled the world, I’ve done things that people can only dream of doing. Things that people can’t even comprehend that one man, THIS MAN, can actually do. I wasn’t joking when I said you are looking at the best. I only joke when I don’t take people seriously, but believe, right now, that every word that comes out of my mouth is meant to be taken seriously.

IT’S A LIE. Take it from me, a man that has been at the top, has fallen, only to claw his way back to the top. It’s a never ending cycle of heartbreak and triumph.  You win the title, and suddenly you just win people’s respect. Let me tell you, in my career, I have never…. EVEER… respected a champion and I sure as hell know that every wrestler that has ever made claims to respect me is a lying piece of shit. I know they are all just biding for their time, waiting for that opportunity to take me down a claim the top spot. I can see it in their eyes. Like hungry dogs eyeing a big juicy steak, hoping that just as I take a bite, a small scrap would fall on the floor for them to get a taste of. 
Disgusting behavior, and all for what? A title belt.

So what am I doing in EAW, you ask? What does the man that has done everything want to do? Let me tell you a story, about the time I became a world champion. Once upon a time, I was a true believer. Oh to be so young and naïve. I did believe that that I was the best. My years of training had paid off  I had “supposedly” won the respect of my peers, and no one can take that away from me. And while one can’t be champion forever, I saw things. Horrible things. I saw the most despicable, detestable, vomit-inducing image imaginable. I saw unworthy people winning something I once held so proudly. I saw people that I could wrestle circles around raise that belt in the air and had the audacity to call themselves the best along side me. Fans chanting “You deserve it!!” when they are even qualified to lace my boots. It’s no surprise that Moongoose McQueen never stays in one place for too long. People say I’m a very efficient guy. When I want something, I get it. But people don’t know is I left because I was tired of the BS.
It’s hard for people take it in. But you don’t have to. Just take it from me, a person that has lived it. In fact, I’m one of the few people that can see the truth. Looking back on my career, when asked, what is the most satisfying moment of your careers. Winning the world title? Nope. Winning every title possible? Nay. Being passed a torch from another legend in the business and being recognized? Fuck No. Hahaha. Honor, what a pointless 5 letter word that means absolutely nothing. No, it has….. and always has been …… the satisfaction of taking it away from others.
I’ve have seen my reflection on world titles before. And all I get a hollow feeling. But man, seeing watching my opponent hobble away in defeat, what a sensation. The look on their faces each time I successfully defend my title, raising my title in the air as they look on, defeated and angry, what a feeling!! Standing over a body whoms spirit has been crushed to dust, OH HOW THAT MAKES MY HEART SKIP A BEAT OR TWO. But every time I take, I feel so alive. People will tell you, power isn’t worth fighting for. Power is for losers. But trust me, Power is everything. I feed of it. I LIVE FOR IT.
So what does that have to do with EAW? While everyone else is looking for number 1, I’m looking at the bigger picture. The 100. 100 elites that ranges from the naïve fools that want to be the best to the delusional that already think they are the best. I don’t care if you hold a world title. I don’t care if you are a part timer or a legend in EAW. I don’t care how much experience you had. Note, you have a target on your back, and you all already made it so easy because all you guys can see is yourself at the top. Well, I got bad news for you, a lot of you aren’t going to get to see that, and for the people that are already there, not for long.

I know what you are all thinking. What is this guy’s chip on his shoulder? Why is he targeting the EAW roster? Is he insane? Has he taken too many shots to the head. Well, I can say with a clear mind and conviction, that the reason Moongoose McQueen is aiming a gun at each and every one of you guys is quite simple.

It’s because…… I can.

Remember the line. “EAW is Moongoose McQueen.” It’s not a lie like the ones people tell themselves. It’s a promise. A promise that in the decade that EAW has existed, Elite Answer Wrestling will never be the same again. Watch your back guys…….. no one… and I mean…. NO ONE is safe.
Cameron Ella Ava
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 2nd 2016, 8:54 pm by Cameron Ella Ava
“Declaring War.”—Empire

When I walked out of the limo on Empire, I felt refreshed. Rejuvenated. I still felt like the version of myself that I did the best of my abilities to convince Aria Jaxon that I was. I tried to warn her that I was going to win on the very first main event of Empire, but she didn’t listen. She decided to let the history play a factor on whether she’ll defeat me two weeks ago. Look how that turned out. Look how that played with Aria Jaxon. Now Aria is making up excuses for how she lost to me. Oh please, I’m going to pay no attention to her until it’s necessary two because I got to focus on the two other Sirens—Tarah Nova and the Empress of Elite herself, Cailin Dillon. You see, The Sirens are what’s wrong about the Vixens Division today. These girls have no sense of respect for the woman who made it possible to have all of this happen—Vixens Cup, Empress of Elite, main-eventing Triple Threat and most importantly, our own brand. In this day and age, the Vixens Division has become a spectacle that has made viewers want to turn their TV’s on to watch. We have most past the days where we were considered “piss breaks”. We have moved on from having four Vixens to having our own brand of Vixens. By the number of women, we have today, the OG Vixens have been casted aside for the newest and prettiest toys. With the Heart Break Gal and Kendra Shamez claiming the Vixens and Specialist Championships, we have reminded these people that OG Vixens are to not be forgotten. The OG Vixens still rule the Vixens Division. When it comes to me, there is confusion. I don’t blame them. Why would I team with my former rivals? Why would I want to share the same air as them after all the trials and battles we’ve had in the past? It’s because I share the similar mindset as them. I believe the OG Vixens aren’t to be forgotten. The OG Vixens are the women that pave the way for women such as The Sirens and these women want to declare war on us? These women want to declare war on the women that made all of this possible? I don’t quite understand that logic at all; however, if it is a war they want, it’s a war they’ll get. Be careful what you wished for because you might get it.

Tarah, I think it’s amazing that you’ve forgotten. You are one of us. You could have been one of us. You could have been right next to me, Kendra and HBG, but no. No, no, no Tarah Nova must be the different one. Tarah Nova must be the hipster and dance to the different beat of her own drum. It doesn’t matter because if you’re not with us, you’re against us. You made that perfectly clear when you declared war on us. You made that perfectly clear when you got Aria and Cailin and decided to reveal your tops to showcase the words: THE SIRENS. Just like with the sound of the sirens, you were able to manipulate the crowd with your voices. You made them believe that you believe in the Vixens Division. You believe that Empire was created for the Vixens? No, Empire was created for Vixens like the OGs to expand their empires to heights it wasn’t able to reach while be part of Dynasty, Showdown and Voltage. You like to place blame on us for you guys not showing your true potential? Bullshit. You could have shown your true potential in any way, shape or form. You could have used the smallest of opportunities to let your talents peek through like the sun shines through your blinds in the morning. Oh no! We’re the bad people! We block the audience view from seeing your gals’ true potential. Give me a break, we’re not blocking the audience from seeing anything and if we were, they aren’t missing out on anything special. You aren’t anything special, Tarah. Back in the day, you were young, vibrant and had such a bright future ahead of you. Do I have to remind you who gave you a name in EAW? Me. I give you a name. I made you to be one of the most talked about Vixens in the company. The moment you threw me off the stage into the electrical box of crates at Shock Value, you knew that you made it in EAW. No one would ever forget the name Tarah J. Nova. Now look at you, instead of thank me that you even have a career, you want to fight against me? You want to fight against the OG Vixens? That’s a tough job for a woman who couldn’t even tell the difference between MAC Snob from MAC Myth when she first arrived in the scene. Now, she believes that she and her cronies can take over the world? You guys not taking over anything as long as we’re around. It’s going to take WAY more than declaring war to get us to pay attention to you and gave a damn about what you feel. The reason on why you’re even in this position in the first place is because you believe that this is your last cry for attention. Tarah, I think that you’re going to need to cry a little louder because I. CAN’T. HEAR. YOU.

Ah, our Empress of Elite. The crown looks beautiful on your head. You must find yourself on top of the world. Nothing can knock you down! Except for us. I think that the crown on your head is suffocating whatever is left of your brain. Ms. Cailin Dillon believes that she can LITTERALLY take over the world. Don’t get me wrong—I admire a woman with big aspirations, but what you, Tarah and Aria have in your mind is straight up delusional. You’re fighting for the Vixens. We’re fighting to rise above the Vixens. Do you comprehend about why we don’t get along? We could have lived in peace. We could have avoided each other. It surprised me to see how fast it took you guys to declare war on us. We didn’t do anything wrong at all. We were minding our business. We were planning to watch the main event backstage in peace. We weren’t bunch of savages whining and demanding for attention like a baby. You hear Tarah calling us entitled women, yet when you come out and speak, it’s just “getting our attention.” What makes that different from what we are doing? I know that I’ve pointed out that we are having different agendas; however, in the end of the day, we have a common purpose—to become the faces of Empire. Sure, we have our different approaches to how to get there, but we have a common denominator when it comes to our purposes. I’m not going to deny how much of an effective team you and Tarah can be. Two weeks ago, you dominated a tag team match and took advantage over former bickering tag team partners. What’s going to happen when you’re facing two women who are exactly one the same page? What’s going to happen once you step inside the ring with two OG Vixens? I know for a fact that you feel quite confident knowing that you’ve defeated the two of us in the past, but look how looking into the past did for Aria. Did you see how confident she was about this match against me? It fell flat on her face. What she failed to realize that this a completely different Cameron Ella Ava in the ring. She is not going to get heated when things do not go her way. She’s not going to shit talk to strike fear into her opponents. She’s not going to crumble when she loses. She’s going to rise above the ashes of the woman she once was and prevail. Cailin, I believe that you’re a smart girl. You just surround yourself by idiots like Aria Jaxon and Cailin Dillon. Eventually, I hope that you can see the good in what we’re doing. We’re not the bad girls in this situation. You girls just happen to bring the bad out of us though. Let me tell you something about Empire. It’s going to be bad news for The Sirens. The sound of the sirens is not going to save you for what the OGs will do to you.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 2nd 2016, 11:38 am by 『zakkii』
Haruna Sakazaki's Pursuit of Happiness
Chapter 3: Leverage -Roar from Deserted Lands-

"Haruna can't be successful...."

"Haruna can only fit in a bottom feeder..."

"Haruna will never hold a title...."

"Haruna doesn't even qualified to be a wrestler...."

The various voices can be heard somewhere while the scene is black and as it fades in, we see Haruna somewhere in an unknown place far away from the crowded place, looking at the open space away from the camera.

EAW Promoz! - Page 27 GL2ZQeo

Haruna Sakazaki: Those are some words that I usually hear every time I fight in that ring. Those words of discouragement are supposed to put me down but for me, I can't easily been broken only for words. I don't fight with my mouth so when people say that way about me, I prove it through action. And I have already done that. I prove the doubters wrong week in and week out that every words they said about me is not true. I can beat those people, I can dominate those people and I can walk out to that ring as a winner. I'm happy to do that, I'm happy to make those people think twice about me. I might be small, but I can shut your mouth with my fists flying right to your face.

Haruna Sakazaki: And, the journey continues for me, the challenge is getting harder than ever. This might be the pinnacle of my assertion that I am a great fighter who never back down from a fight. I will continue to find another happiness, another smile in my face to go light the fire around me. Oh, nobody can't ever stop me. I am fighting from the very bottom of this division and slowly raise up my ranks. I prepared everything and learned at least one thing from my previous matches so I can use it in my next one. Nobody, there is no other vixens fight with all of these preparations and even willing to fight some lesser opponent until getting to the top. Look at those vixens who thinks they are the best, telling their opponent to know their place while they don't realize they are also unable to find where their place really is. And myself, I am finding myself where the place should I put this body in. In the bottomfeeder just like they object me to be there? I've been there before and I'm not just surviving that bottom place, I dominated it. So that's one wrong thing about me. I am keep moving up and see my place really is.

Haruna Sakazaki: A queen, an empress, a leader, a goddess..... those are just a call and people think when they put it on their name, they are getting on the top so quickly. I don't need that call.... I don't need my name to be called Queen or Goddess or something like that. Because I work my way with all my might and that name is not gonna help me to do that. I will fight my way to the top and I am not expecting anyone to call me with that name. Because I am simply..... a fighter. A fighter who will work my way to live up my dream. That is me.

Haruna Sakazaki: Now who's gonna stop me? Come, I don't care who you are and what people call you or should call you, this is me, always ready to fight and show the world another victory for my side. Stephanie Matsuda thinks she can stop me right away. Hahaha... I would really love to see her try to stop me. I like when people so eager to stop me, that makes me so eager to prove them wrong as well. It gives me a pure joy of proving them that I can't be stopped so easily. Now, who I'm supposed to call you, again? War queen? Sword of sanatorium? Eeh, I don't know, I don't care....  you still look the same to me. So if you are still using the same strategy to face me, I can guarantee that you are not going anywhere. Think you are different than before, prove it with your different approach. I know, you are that slick bastard who will do anything even a disgraceful thing to stop me. But do you think I will face you without any preparation. Well, if you are not going to respect this match, what is the point of me respecting this match in the first place. If you want to play dirty to stop me, I have less reason to beat you cleanly anyway, besides, Cleopatra doesn't care about how the way I should win this match. So for a disgraceful person like you who loves to do an easy way out to win the match, doing some dirty tricks is not gonna hurt my pride at all.

Haruna Sakazaki: I'm not afraid of this challenge Cleopatra gave me. It looks so hard, but it's not impossible, I pass the impossible things before and I am not hesitated to do it again. Go ahead, Cloud. Discuss your plan about how to beat me and stop my track, you REALLY need a strategy to face me, brute forces won't work against me, you will fall with your ego anyway if you think you can hit me with one strike. Nobody can stop me, I'm on my way to my ascension. One step at the time to give some naysayers a right slap on their face and proving that I, Haruna Sakazaki can hold the title up high with all the pain, the struggle and the hard work I've done in this business. I'm ready, I will always ready!

Haruna smiles, still on her standing position without even moving until the screen fades out to black.
Aria Jaxon
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 1st 2016, 11:50 pm by Aria Jaxon

You said this Young Lions Cup match represents you seizing everything you’ve ever wanted, Marco. Or at least, if things were bound to end differently, that’s what it would represent if you were about to win. It’s a bold statement, really. You’re staring down what I have and saying it means everything to you, but what would you possibly know? How on earth could you say that your fantasies of reaching a new personal best measure up against what literally is everything to me? Your version of “everything” and mine aren’t necessarily the same thing. You can close your eyes and dream about what being the Cup holder entails, and say your trips to Dream Land measure up to the real thing, but you’re wrong. This Cup means more to me than you realize.  That was why you caught yourself apologizing for having “offended” me when you’d previously jumped to conclusions about me supposedly forgetting about defenses. My response was what made you take a step back and think maybe you should’ve chosen your words more carefully. I reacted the way I did, I snapped the way I did, because I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at you really, truly thinking that your wants and pipedreams were about to trounce all my hard work. It’s almost hard to verbalize what it felt like to hold it for the first time, and to know I’d been tasked with something extraordinary. As the first Vixen to ever call it my own, I was blazing a trail no one had ever walked down previously. Every moment since then has entailed me making history. You’re not new, Marco. Nothing you’ve said is new. Your motives aren’t new. You’re looking past me, and that’s not new. You’re not unlike anyone else before you who’s been hoping for the same outcome. I just wanna know what you think you’ve got in your back pocket that makes you different? Serious question. I hope you’re not taking any of this personally, ‘because I’m definitely not. I’m pretty sure you’d be conducting yourself in this exact same manner if someone else entirely was holding the Young Lions Cup. You’d just switch someone else’s name in where mine is. You’d have unveiled the same spiel about how you’ve come so far in such a short amount of time and how you’re more than ready to prove yourself. You’re going on the same journey that everyone else in EAW has also embarked on -- you’re climbing toward the summit. I guess, what it means to reach the top of the mountain is relative. It’ll mean something different to everyone. Everybody in EAW has a story, and no two are exactly alike. No two careers are identical, and as such, when you retrace someone’s steps and try to pinpoint what the apex of their tenure was, it’ll be different from the person standing next to them. In the interest of stating the obvious, Marco, you haven’t been here that long. This match, before it’s even started, is already poised to be the high point of your admittedly-short EAW career. When you look at me, you see a challenge, and rightfully so. I gotta go back to everything you said about your palms being sweaty and your legs being ready to give out, because that’s exactly the reaction you should’ve had after your ambition get the better of you. In so much of what you said, you sounded so sure of yourself. There was conviction hanging on so many of your words. You believe in yourself. But why, if your victory is so guaranteed, did you start feeling some brand of buyer’s remorse after you laid out the challenge? Hey, I wouldn’t have known anything about the nervousness if you hadn’t brought it up. All I would’ve seen was that post-match interview with Flannery, where you somehow thought knocking off some scrub with a handlebar mustache somehow sets me up as the next logical step. And yes, it sounded beyond gutsy of you, but then to find out you might not be as self-assured as you said you were has got me shaking my head. I don’t say that because I’m delusional or because I think of myself as some unbeatable, perfect being. Believe me, I’m not. I’ve gone through too many ups and downs over the last fourteen months to try and pass myself as anything resembling perfect, but the scars I have from hitting those low points mean that, at this stage in the game, I’m infinitely more prepared for war than you are, Marco. It’s true, the Hardcore Invitational was no joke, and for once, you got down and dirty because that was the only way you would’ve been able to survive in that situation, but that was your one and only brush with anything even remotely challenging in EAW up to this point. You just want people to take you seriously. While you were tryna make that happen, I’ve been spending every waking moment reminding the world why I’m one of the best this company has to offer. While you were running away from matches, I was rubbing elbows with other people on the top tier, and none of those run-ins were one-sided. You wanna beat me, Marco, and I can promise you, that’s far from an easy task. It probably sounded like a more realistic goal to you before you’d come down from your post-victory high last week. But reality set in, didn’t it? And that’s where the churning stomach and the feelings of trepidation came from? When that camera stopped rolling, it finally hit you like a ton of bricks just what you’d gotten into. You had to have known this was coming, because if you were as familiar with my work as you say you are, you’d know that I don’t ever, ever back down from a challenge. I can’t just...let that go. I can’t let you walk away from this unscathed just because I think you’re incredibly sweet or because I’m sure you’ve got a future in this company. It’s just, where this Cup is concerned, I’ve become wildly possessive. I can’t help but to clench a fist when a new challenger has been lined up, because they all rub their hands together and shoot the same covetous glares at my prize that you do. I love shock value. I live for the heartwarming feeling you get when you see a Cinderella story take place, but that’s not what the world is preparing itself for come Voltage. This isn’t a scenario where the underdog pulls off the unlikely win, or where the terrified upstart’s nuts finally drop and he pulls something special out of him that enables him to win. It’s not happening...because I said so. I gotta win here. I will win here, because while your journey toward gold is about to be curtailed before it ever really begins, mine isn’t finished yet. I’ve been there before, Marco. And take it from me, once you get there once, you get addicted to the feeling. You love knowing you’ve reached a personal best. It’s great to feel like your hard work up to that point has paid off, and once you do it one time, you’ll do whatever you gotta do to experience that feeling over and over again. I’m headed back to that point, but in the meantime, I’m guarding this Cup and holding onto it with the same fervor that any champion would clasp their belt. You’re right, Marco, you’re staring ahead to the impossible. You beating me seems unlikely, and it is. It’s not happening. I’m glad you and I are on the same page there.

You know what they say -- Rome wasn’t built in a day. In a sense, the same (or something very, very similar) could be said of anyone in EAW who’s earned their stripes, and I’m not even talking about myself here. I’m definitely proud of all I’ve done, but in the grand scheme of things, I’m still kinda new to the game. I still have more miles to log and plenty more milestones to hit. Think about it, Marco. Let your mind drift to any of the veterans, any of the tenured people, the Hall of Famers. It took them years to get to where they are. It took time and hard work before the world at large began to see them the way they saw themselves. There was a point in time where the current standard-bearers were once newbies tryna stake their claim. Every legendary career begins with some gutsy rookie taking a chance and playing a proverbial game of Russian roulette. That’s where you find yourself now, I feel. Rolling the dice and doubling down can sometimes be how you find yourself on a fast-track to the bigtime. Or at least, that’s the case if you play your cards right. There’s no luck involved; either you can cut it, or you can’t. You’ve been here for what, two or three months? No shade, but in that time, you haven’t exactly been a difference-maker or done anything earth-shattering. Just to put into perspective what a rookie can really be capable of if they got their shit together, two months into my career, I became the first Empress of Elite. I haven’t looked back since that point. I’ve only gotten better and better. I know your career is still in its infancy, and that’s why you feel the need to take the chance you’re taking now -- because you wanna make your mark early on. Still, the truth remains, this match is happening because of my stubbornness, my refusal to leave things alone even when I should. We’re here now because you challenged me, and while I didn’t have to accept, I did. I could’ve said no, and then I’m not entirely sure what methods you’d be employing to make your dreams come true (since that seems to have been the thing you’re most focused on). You were never the most likely person to have been chosen as my next challenger, Marco, and I’m pretty sure you knew that. You knew if you wanted your shot, you’d have to take it, and appeal to my nature of not being able to leave well enough alone. Bravo. You got enough guts to create your own opportunities instead of waiting for them. As admirable as that is, you’ve picked the wrong fight. It’s gonna break your heart to know all of your talk of turning over a new leaf won’t serve you as well as you think it will this week. If you’re as brave as you say you are, then this match will likely be a turning point for you. You won’t win, but it’ll be a valuable lesson that sometimes you bet everything you’ve got and ultimately come up empty-handed. You gotta know when and where to step up and challenge people, Marco. You picked the wrong accolade to chase after, and worse yet, you picked the wrong person.

I love horror movies, and with Halloween right around the corner, it goes without saying that I love this time of year. Seriously, think about it. Channels are about to marathoning the fuck outta all kinds of franchises of scary movies. In particular, I love slasher movies. Ya know, the super formulaic (and often, admittedly-shitty) movies with like, a murderer and a bunch of white kids? Scream, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, all that shit. I’ve seen them all more times than I care to admit it. Those are usually the kinda movies that have you sitting at home yelling at some blonde girl to stop making horrible choices before Michael Myers rounds the corner and puts a butcher knife through her carotid artery. But really, what fun would movies like that be if the characters didn’t do stupid shit? Would it really be entertaining if they didn’t go off in the woods alone or call out “who’s there?” when they heard a stupid noise or decide to fuck their significant other at super inopportune times? The bad choices of the protagonists make the movies what they are. So no, Marco, you’re not telling your friends to go split up despite Jason Voorhees being on a killing spree, but you’re making a pretty bad choice nonetheless. You’re in over your head. Walking into a match with me that you asked for with fleeting hopes of winning is about as smart as the group of teenagers who decides to spend a weekend at Camp Crystal Lake even though the place has been the sight of a bloodbath damn near every summer. It’s akin to not taking a caffeine pill or two and knocking out even though you know Freddy Krueger is knocking off your friends in their sleep. It’s as bad of an idea as answering the phone when you know all of your classmates are being picked off by Ghostface. It’s as baffling as thinking it’s a good idea to be anywhere near Haddonfield on Halloween. And no, at the risk of stating the obvious, I’m not a masked killer with something sharp and pointy ready to rack up a body count. I’m just here to protect what’s mine. I’m ready for the fight of a lifetime, if that’s what this comes down to. If you really do give me the fight of a lifetime, just know that I’m used to facing people like that, and I’m more than ready for whatever it is that you bring to the table. You’ll put up a valiant fight, Marco. Just know that when the credits roll? The Young Lions Cup will still be mine.
Victor Maero
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 1st 2016, 9:15 pm by Victor Maero
2002 May 6th.
+8Y - 8M - 10D - H/M/S 20:52:59

Victor lay face down on the floor, exhausted from studying. He rolled over and looked at the slowly rotating ceiling fan.

“Come on! It’s only 4 you lightweight.” Samantha teased, still looking at her textbook. She punched Victor’s shoulder and giggled.

“You’d think, after two years I would be used to this garbage.” Victor grabbed his glass of water and prayed he’d never have to stay in an apartment again. “God must honestly hate me.”

“Oh come on. Look, let’s play a game to get your mind going again!”

“Like?” Victor had known Sam for almost two years now and she was the most adventurous person he knew, he never knew what was going to come out of her mouth. Usually it was words, but sometimes it was a drink when he made her laugh, and, on one occasion, a spider.

“Tell me something you’ve never told anyone before,” Sam said with excitement on her face.


“Come on! I’ll go first if you want.” Victor's mind raced, he’d told her practically everything. Except about those thoughts… but she couldn’t know. She could never know. She’s just call him a freak like everyone else.

“Nah, that’s a dumb idea.” Victor picked up a book and held it above him pretending to read. He had been able to channel those thoughts into his studies. No one needed to know about why he got pushed through this system so fast. No one needed to know about his demons, his curse.

“Come on!” Sam tugged at his shirt sleeve. “If you’re so against this then that must mean you’ve got something really good that you’re hiding!”

“I don’t. I’ve just told you everything already.” Victor was assuring himself more than her.

“I’m not a natural blond. I actually have boring brown hair.” Sam looked at Victor with big blue expectant eyes.

“Um…” Butterflies awoke in Victor’s stomach. “I’m named after Victor Frankenstein?”

“Weak! That’s not juicy. That’s awesome dude! Tell me something embarrassing.” Sam kept digging into Victor’s mind, disregarding his dull, and sometimes even made up, confessions. She was on a mission to find his secret, unaware of what she was about to unearth.

“Fine. I’ll tell you.” Victor had decided on something simple and effective. This had to get her to stop, it was his last secret other than… that. “I have a crush on… someone.”

“Yeah, me. Good one Scrub-Lord. Tell me something I don’t know.”

“Wait, how do you-”

“Something I don’t know!” Sam screamed. Victor’s heart skipped a few beats. “If you’re not going to be open we’d never work. Come on, Vic. Tell me your deepest darkest secret.”

“Fine.” Victor took a deep breath and looked at the ground. “I have… thoughts.”

“Well, that’s shocking.” Sam said jokingly.

“No, no, no. Dark thoughts… like, cutting people open and stuff.” Victor looked up and saw Sam’s shocked face. “I mean- wait no! I, uhm, only used to have them. School has made them go away mostly.” Victor sat surrounded by deafening silence. The butterflies rose to his throat and threatened to escape. “You think I’m a monster just like everyone else don’t you.”

“No way.” Victor’s eyes locked with Sam’s and she grabbed his hands. “You’re still the same person I’ve known this whole time. You’re only human, you have flaws. You can conquer this. We can go to a professional, get you diagnosed.” Tears began to run down Victor’s face. She was the first one who listened to him. She wanted to stay. A new feeling washed over Victor. His butterflies died away and he smiled.

“Thank you.” Victor took Sam in his arms and wished he never had to let go.

-Present Day-

“So...what I’m coming to understand is, you and Ahren have been going back and forth and you have been having fun with it? I mean, as far as you normally do, but you have actually been smiling lately.” Eclipse mumbled as he rubbed his head in his hands, reaching out and taking a glass of water before gulping down two pills.

“It’s different this time. Ahren might not understand what he’s talking about as much as he wants to believe, but he’s funny and entertaining to play off of. He’s got a spark of madness, he just uses it differently than us. Can’t say he hasn’t missed a few points though.” Maero replied rummaging through the refrigerator. He closed the door and set a carton of eggs on the counter.

“He’s basically a slightly less manic version of you. That’s nice to know. Good that the world has hope yet. Oz seems to be enjoying himself as well. So...what did you want to talk to me about with him?” Eclipse responded, glancing up at the eggs on the counter and raising an eyebrow.

“I just want some advice.” Maero explained, washing his hands. “I’ve been in a slump recently, and no amount of training has helped. How can you help me help myself? I mean, that is the point of family, is it not?” Maero dried his hands and grabbed a large bowl from one of the cabinets.

“I suppose you are right. Though thinking back on Ahren...for someone that wants to talk about the idiocy of children he is extremely childish himself isn’t he? Look back on what he says. He acts like a kid. Talks like a kid. Walks like a kid. At least you carry yourself with the grace of an adult. Ahren doesn’t think that but...anyone that hears the two of you knows the truth.” he replied leaning back on the chair.

“Even a kid would have seen that Oz was being playful when he commented on my losing streak. Ahren acts like a child, he has the morality of a child. He’s blind to the dark side of life and refused to acknowledge it even when it’s thrown in his face. His comment on every life mattering was the biggest message of that. Sure, every life matters. But those that take them without reason, or ruin them on a whim, don’t deserve to keep their own. Someone who leaves a trail of mindless destruction in their wake. Someone who destroys those around them for entertainment. those that don’t believe that every life matters, does their life retain its value? Should I respect someone who has disregarded their humanity for a profit?” Maero angrily dumped a black powder into his bowl and cracked three eggs on the bowl's edge.

“Maero. Quick question.” Eclipse sighed, his eyes moving to the bowl for a moment before back towards Maero. “Do you know why Ahren referred to you as the...Mother of the Sanatorium?”

“I think Oz started that, didn’t he?” Maero replied as he measured out a cup of milk and dumping it into his mixture gingerly.

“You are genuinely baking a cake, while talking about your opponent and you can’t even comprehend that.” Eclipse said, fighting laughter as he watched Maero.

“I…” Maero slowly looked up at Eclipse seemly fighting back tears. “Chocolate was on sale.” Maero began whisking the mixture while keeping eye contact with Eclipse. “I just can’t stop myself.”

“Maero. Back to the point before you finish this cake. You understand that the primary difference between you and Ahren is mental maturity, right? So why are you trying to combat him using a language that he doesn’t understand? He’s too mentally young to get what Fear is, he doesn’t know what Pain is like, hell...the only thing that Ahren understands is how to be funny. He knows how to put on a happy face to the fans. So...how do you combat funny? With reality.” Eclipse sighed.

“Have you ever heard the story of the three blind man and the elephant? It’s the story of a group of blind men who touch an elephant to learn what it is. One man touches the tusk and assumes it’s tough, another touches the tail and assumes it’s snake like, and so on. In one of the many endings a sighted man shows up and understands the elephant fully and explains it, usually they don’t believe him.. At that moment the blind men learn they’re blind. Now, I don’t know how they were unaware of their inability to see, but that’s beyond the point. Ahren has met with a piece of life, a slice of it. He only knows that bit.  However small that piece may be, it’s his reality and it’s all he knows. We’re the ones who can see. Ahren is like this with life, me and even the Sanatorium. He doesn’t, and will never, understand our point of view. Only with the help of other blind men can he even get a taste of all that life has to offer. But we bear a different burden, as those with sight we understand far more than most. But as only others with similar experiences understand what we’re saying, most turn a blind eye. Ahren is just one of many blind men grasping at the truth about life, and shunning those that don’t believe it is the same thing as him.” Maero continued to whisk as he looked out the window at the children playing in the grassy field outside.

“Then aren’t we the other two? We look in the dark just as well as he does. So...tell me something Maero. If we all are the blind men trying to discover what the elephant is...than what is the elephant? Victory. Ahren is grasping at it, as are you. Difference between you two now? You aren’t blind, your eyes just aren’t open. Go ahead Maero. Open your eyes.” Eclipse stated with a smile, placing his hand on Maero’s shoulder before heading to the door.

“Hey, Eclipse?” Maero set down his bowl and looked toward Eclipse.

“What...my advice? It’s open your eyes! I thought you’d get that from my cryptic words by now!” Eclipse called as he waved his hand to signal that he was leaving for good, closing the door.

“Well I was going to say thanks, but whatever.” Maero chuckles to himself as he poured the cake batter into a pan and placed it in the over. He set a timer and walked away from the oven into the halls of the Sanatorium.

“Let’s talk about the reason the Sanatorium has these kids. Is it because we’re pedofiles? HAHAHA? No, that angle is tired and should be put down. Is it because we want to steal them away and make more of ourselves? No, we’re not a religion and we’re not quiverful. Is it to expose them to darkness? NO. Is it so we can relive our childhood? Clearly not, I’m their freaking guardian. We don’t have them here for ourselves, we’ve rescued them. From what? From childhood's like ours. From abuse, verbal, physical, and sexual. From the hate of those around them. So they can be happy with their new family. Why do we do it? So that they won’t become us.” Maero turns into a smaller side hallway and walks up to a white vault door. He opens it slowly to reveal a sterile white room with organized organs, medical tools, and other cabinets on the walls. In the center is a wooden chair bolted to the floor.

“The last guy who was in here broke my chair, I had to replace it.” Maero chuckles. “Do you know why that’s a vault door? So that the kids don’t see what I’m doing. This curse of mine has been channeled into a community service. I don’t want the kids to see what I mean by that. They don’t need the burden. All they need to know is that we love them, and that no one is going to hurt them. Oz is everything to me, do you think I’d make him sit through me cutting someone open? If he didn’t want to be here with me he wouldn’t be. The kids in the same boat as me, and I didn’t but him there. He jumped in without a second thought. I want him, and all the kids, to be happy. Is that a crime? Is the Sanatorium still the bad guys in your small little mind. You want to demonize me and how I fight for those like me, the castaways, and my children. While you fight for only yourself?” Maero closes the door behind him and walks over to the wooden chair in the center of the room. He sits down on it and looks around the room.

“I used to hate kids. I really did, I had no love for them whatsoever. So this whole “I want to save them” thing, is recent. Oz gave it to me. I can change, I can grow. Something that you lack. That one little fact will hinder you your whole life. I’m sorry you’ll have to live with yourself, and I envy those that haven’t met you. But I’ve got to say, you’re fun to talk to. You just don’t get stuff. You’re a jokester and Priest of Life.” Maero mimes weighing the two in his hands.

“Which brings me to another point. I’m dead inside?” Maero laughs. “You have no idea who I am. I love life in its entirety. I thrive on it. I’m more alive than you’ve ever been and probably ever will be given your rate of maturing. I feel alive when I feel pain, when I inflict it, and when I finally let out my demons. Life is kind of one of my big things. Not that you’ll understand. Wow, that was emo of me. It’s not that no one understands, mind you. It’s just that you seem to be deaf as well as dumb. I don’t hate you for it. No, no, no. A little ignorance is good. But I think you’ve given me my fill for a few thousand years.” Maero rests his elbow on the chair’s armrest and his head on his hand.

“Tell me again how having Oz talk was bad. Tell me again how him making that video with Elise by their own frusion was my doing. Tell me again how I’m so evil for keeping these kids here, in their home. Tell me again how children aren’t a reputable source while you keep flapping your mouth and pretending that you have enough maturity to be called an adult. If no one should listen to Oz than no one should even consider listening to you. But I actually respect Oz, so I think I’ll listen to you both.” Maero stands slowly and walks over to the medical tools on the wall.

“Like how me being desperate is going to be my downfall. I think you heard me wrong. I’m not desperate in the sense that I have an addiction to candy. It’s different. My thoughts are crystal clear, I know what I want and I know how to get it, by any means necessary. You’re just getting in my way. I’ll cut through you if I have to, but I will win. Resist all you want, that just makes it more fun. You’re a fun guy, Ahren. You’ll be even more fun when I finally get my hands around your neck. Metaphorically of course. I’ve got my finger on the trigger, and the second you lower your guard, the second you think you’ve seen all my tricks.” Maero makes a finger gun. “Boom.” An alarm sounds from the other room.

“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a cake to finish.” Fade to black. Maero’s voice is heard once more.

“Tempt not a desperate man.”
Azumi Goto
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 1st 2016, 11:48 am by Azumi Goto

"Wrestler vs. Model"

{“Stardust” plays through an arena as Azumi is in the ring and she’s holding a mic in her hand}

Where o where is Erica Ford is what I’m being asked, not how am I going to beat Veena Adams but who were those men that helped me? WELL NOT OF IT MATTERS!!!! What really matter is how I’m going to beat Veena like I always do whatever, honestly Veena isn’t on my goddam level, she wasn’t on my level we face around the Vixens Cup, She wasn’t on my level when I tossed her out during the Specialist Rampage, She’ll never be as good as me because she can’t get past the name “Adams”. LOSE THE NAME VEENA, AND YOU MIGHT BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY FOR ONCE IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE!!!! You cling on to your last name cuz it’s the only thing that gives you your spotlight which you never earned, the last name gives you your very purpose of existence and that’s being the person that will kill your Uncle’s legacy, as if that legacy wasn’t dying already with or without your help.

You just aren’t made for this world, you pride yourself on your looks and it’s getting you nowhere like it where you deserve to be Nowhere, WE COULD NEED LESS OF YOUR TYPE AND MORE OF MY TYPE, the type we know as wrestlers because at the end of the day this is a wrestling company, not a place for failed model to start a new career. What did you think when you joined 8 months ago that because your uncle is DEDEDE that you could do amazing things? Let me give you a short answer. NO! Absolutely not because you aren’t a wrestler, you’re just horrible as Erica Ford, maybe even worse and if you’re worse then Erica then DAMN you need to leave wrestling in general. I hear your MMA-Trained type are needed in those type of promotions as ring girls maybe after I beat you, because of this nothing then a mismatch you can’t beat me even if it was handed to you on a silver platter, you just can’t touch someone like me in this ring.

{Azumi stops to soak in the reaction from the crowd who have a mixed reaction with the Casual Fans booing as loud as possible and the Hardcore fans cheering her for what she said.}

Let me tell you something about me, I’m what people call a wrestler, I get paid the moment I get in that ring and have a match, while you get paid for being in Photoshoots and stepping into the ring maybe once every two-three weeks. You see the difference, your paycheck comes from your last name, while mine comes from working in the ring, blood, sweat, and etc. Your kind just can’t touch me, you dolls aren’t worth the time to be in the ring, I rather want to have to deal with a boring Erica Ford Match.

Speaking of which… Isn’t it amazing that she didn’t even last 10 minutes in that match after all that talk, Erica proving to us that she can’t do anything without me. Boohoo, Erica Ford lost again…All she did is disappoint you Erica fans once AGAIN, just stop being stupid and join this side of Shinsei Domei, you know the one that has the better chance of winning, MY SIDE!!!
Ahren Fournier
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 1st 2016, 8:15 am by Ahren Fournier
(The scene starts in on a dimly light room, with the one light that’s there flashing… Ahren steps into frame wearing a doctors coat)


Oh, hello Maero.. You see, you call yourself a doctor.. Well I’ve decided to do some doctoring of my own. I decided to take something from you that means the world, something you’ve had since childhood that’s been with you through thick and thin… Your most valuable possession.. MUWAHHAHAHA (Ahren takes the camera and turns it to a doll sitting in an operating chair) THAT’S RIGHT!! I have your precious MS. Buttercup.. or as she likes to be called Ms. Understood… See what I did there? No? ok.. ANYWAYS YES! The doll that you’ve had since birth is mine now, and I won’t give it back until I have my full satisfaction fulfilled! (The camera turns to Ms. Buttercup)

Ms, Buttercup (Ahren): Save me Maero, I luh youuuuu,,,

Ahren: SHUT UP NO TALKING!!! (Sllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap)

Ms. Buttercup: But whyyyyyyyy

Ahren: Do I do anything with a reason?

Ms. Buttercup: i cri evrytm

Ahren: I want Maero to really know who he’s dealing with, I’m just as dark and sadistic as him. What more could prove that than this?

Ms. Buttercup: W-what are you gonna do to me?

Ahren: MUWAHAHAHA (Ahren turns his back to her, and opens up his doctor bag, gets a scalpel) I’m gonna do the same thing to you as he does to all his victims…

Ms. Buttercup: But they deserve it!!

Ahren: BUT DOESN'T EVERY LIFE MATTER??? Wouldn't it be better for them to just rot in a cell forever?? wait what am i doing...NO TALKING!!!  (stabs the doll) Ok… I guess that was the first incision..  Anyways Maero, what do I fight for? I fight for me.. The better I do the better quality my life is, I believe that’s incentive enough to keep going. The thrill of competition, the accolades that come with it. I have a lot of reasons to do this. If your reasoning is to fight for the freaks, you’re doing a pretty poor job of it, not really giving them much hope, not even Oz thinks you’re good enough judging on what he said prior. Speaking of the kids, great job having the kids do all you’re talking for you, guess you’re not manly enough to give your own thoughts. They did more talking than you did! I guess you didn’t know what to say so you waited until the end so you could say the same stuff you always do about how you’re doing this for the freaks. COOOOOLLLL (he makes more incisions into the doll) … I have no idea what I’m doing, but you’re gonna look so good B!

Buttercup: Noooo, pain, blerp, shnarf!!

Ahren: Shut up!!!!!!! I’m fixing you!!

Same old same old with you Maero, would be dope if you could think of something else to say. But that’s what you have the kids for, the fill up time, and bring extra points to the table. Not that kids have the best judgment on things. I mean I suppose they were right that 3 kids on the playground may have not been a fair depiction of kids.. But then again we are talking about kids. Kids are notoriously stupid because they don’t know anything yet, and they’re very much under developed. I mean look at Ox, he’s somewhat funny for a 12 year old, but he starts sentences and doesn’t finish them! “He didn’t fail as a doctor, he quite”…. He’s quite? He quite what?  He’s quite bad at his job, and ran away? Then he goes on to say something like you’re going to have gold raised above your head. That kid has some creative imagination I give him that, but no logic behind anything he says. I mean in order for you to win a title you actually have to win matches. And just a few days ago Oz was saying how you had one like twice this year. Dumb kids being dumb, contradicting themselves. You see what I mean Maero? That’s what happens when you have children do your talking for you. I worked with kids when I was in high school, and I can tell you most conversations consisted of those very same conversation topics. Maybe it would’ve just been better if you talked for yourself and not had kids do the dirty work. By the way what a bad mother you are, revealing all the evil of the world to these innocent kids, what did they do to be involved in murders. What you didn’t have a childhood so they can’t either? You’re selfish. You’re basically like Michael Jackson, without the talent, just the wanting to relive the childhood thing, and prolly molestation. You take care of these children, but that doesn’t mean you’re doing a good job of it. Look where they live, look what you put them through, just awful.

(The smell of ripped open plastic fills the room) MMMM I love the smell of tarnished doll smells good!

Buttercup: dyinggg

Ahren: You’re a doll you can’t die

Buttercup: Oh right.. Pain tho?

Ahren: Sure, I WANT YOU TO FEEL THIS PAIN MAERO, how does it feel to see your beloved childhood toy in pain!!! Emotionally, physically, I hope this just makes you die inside! Oh but you’ve been dead inside for years haven’t you? That’s why you enjoy hanging out in cemeteries, with all the other dead people.

Buttercup: Is it over?

Ahren: Oh yes its over!! (Ahren whips out a giant katana, and slices the head off the doll, and the arms, and legs and leaves it a mangled mess on the ground) damn it, now I have to do cleaning! UGHHHHH. You see what you did? (He picks up one of the dolls eyes) Look, look what you did. Anyways the kids hype you up to be this big scary murderer, but facts are facts, and the fact of the matter is your win loss record is quite pathetic. It’s easy to get kids to believe anything, just think of all the lies we tell our kids to make them believe in a better world, I won’t say them but we all know what I’m talking about. And I believe that’s what you’ve done with “your” kids. You’ve built up this legend of yourself, the big bad Maero, and they believe it, or want to anyways. They see the guys you torture, and it puts a glimmer of hope that maybe this guy is who he says he is, but totally neglect the fact that the way they got in that chair to begin with was through drugging. Like I said you’re nothing more than a roofie killer. And with all this big talk from children, and a little from you, it’s not really changing my mind, because I’ve seen what you’re capable out in the ring, and it really is just all talk. You may be desperate, desperate men do desperate things, which may or may not be a good thing. You get desperate and lose sight of what matters, you make mistakes… And that’s what will happen, you’ll be too short sighted on just getting the victory you’ll slip up, and get dropped on your head. So Maero, you’re the mother of the sanatorium, but Sunday… I’m gonna make you my bitch.  

(Ahren flicks the doll eye at the camera and walks off)
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