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EAW Promoz! :: Comments

Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 30th 2016, 4:02 pm by Rhyse

Smoking a cigar like a fiend, Atilano Castillios sits at a cluttered desk. He leans back on his chair and proceeds by propping his feet on the desk, knocking a good portion of the mess to the ground. His fedora is covering up his eyes, but he looks up with a sarcastic smile on his face.

This Friday, I was humiliated. Not by my actions no, but by the actions of this so called “champion”. On Friday, I put on the best fight of my life. All of it, for absolutely nothing. I can’t, no, I can believe it. This is exactly what I expected out of the top tier of Dynasty. Despite the fact that I out performed you, Jacob Senn, you found yet another way to slither towards another “victory”. Las serpientes están por todas partes - especially at the top of the industry.

A chuckle, and then he continues.

Now, for a few months, I’ve been trying to give people an insight to the inner mechanisms of my mind, but it seems to me that the more I warn you all, the more distant you flee from the truth. Last August, I presented my earlier knowledge, but as time passed on, the knowledge only grew more powerful. People give my knowledge mixed reactions, when really, I am everything you all are not. Successful, honest, passionate, and most importantly, smart.

There are the men who actually fight—literally defend the Average Joes that make up a typical EAW crowd. My opponent this week is none other than Hurricane Hawk, the leader of the “Hawk Nation”.  This man considers himself a hero, hence his seemingly powerful name. A name like Hurricane Hawk can be one of two things: a hero who protects the weak and unable; or a coward, who uses this mindset to further hide his human flaws. I say it is the latter. I have met countless people who have said that I’m far too over my head, or that I don’t deserve to even step foot in the path of success...yet they are happy to accept this hombre delirante as their savior, someone they can run to in times of desperation. I refuse to call myself a ‘villain’ in this case. I refuse to be a part of an elaborate story that teaches people morals. Rather, Hurricane Hawk, I stand before you as a man. As Atilano Castillos.

Atilano’s facial expressions become more serious.

Believe it or not, I wasn’t actually aware of how obsolete the name Hurricane Hawk has become in EAW. I mean, do you really expect me to believe that a man who couldn’t stand a chance at House of Glass, a man who tried applying 3 or 4 times—each time resulting in a ‘disappearance’ or bad run—to be a Hall of Famer? To be a hero to those restless millions? Of course not! What I do expect, though, is to continue this newfound legacy of keeping Hawk’s name buried where it belongs, as well as to continue tearing down the foundations of this company until everyone knows me as the single visionary that lead EAW to its true potential. I will not allow this company’s virtues to recede into a former era, but rather, to have them be seen through my golden eyes.

He tips his fedora to a more comfortable position and suddenly gets up from his chair, standing with his hands pressed against the desk.

Tranquilo, Hurricane. If I fall, I will have no one to pick me up except for myself. You? You have your precious Nation. That is, if they’re foolish enough to fall in the hands of a man who brought him back to reality.

With a wink and a devilish smile, the camera begins to zoom out. Fade to black.

Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 30th 2016, 9:37 am by Guest
Empire 01

'' Sanatorium, more along the lines of the sanctimonious. I don't have hyperthymesia however I can recollect that, for somebody who has accomplished very little if nothing to benefit the world around you, you sure love to run your mouth off about every other person, judging them whilst your scorns are ironic and your words hypocritical. I'm not sentimental or overemotional, I'm not going to be like the ageing, dying breed of vixen who can recall their every accomplishment, and list them off when somebody even has the thought of disrespecting their morals or wrestling ability, if I ever lose my Vixens World Championship. You make audacious claims, which have little validity, and cry when your flawed, fallacious logic is exposed, put under a microscope and ripped to shreds. Somewhat similar to Kendra Shamez, in a sense. Aside from she holds a championship and she can actually wrestle. I don't like recalling history to back up my points, however you cannot get more reliable than history. Just like Kendra, you sit on your malicious throne, denigrate and disparage everything around you yet don't do much better, if at all, yourself. Claiming that I don't deserve my Vixens World Championship, however you approach matches with the intent to ruin pure, efficient wrestling, and I'm certain you've done nothing but bitch, moan and whine since you returned right before the Empress Of Elite tournament. I'll gracefully admit you did well to get to the final, whilst I stumbled out of my block, yet whilst I was never in a position to capitalise on my momentum, you attempted to and choked. Who knows, you could have been facing me at Road To Redemption instead of Cailin, whilst Cailin is by far the superior wrestler, and overall less of a cancer to the division, I must admit it would have been lovely to Sherplex you around the ring, over and over, Sherplex after Sherplex, your shoulders cracking as they hit the mat, your neck ricocheting off of your spine, your legs too weak to stand. Like I said, you're just a less fun Kendra Shamez, added in with more jealously and less brain cells. I absolutely hate the OG Vixens, well I hate these little groups overall, but I can admire, to a very, very slender extent, that Kendra is following what she believes is right for the division. She's wrong of course, I'll prove that single-handedly at shock value, but she has the ambition to try and beat German Efficiency, despite the fact I've already flawed her ass once, and embarrassed the OG Vixens on an FPV stage once too. It's that you claim to have the ability to be a wrestling champion, however you don't stand for wrestling. If a sports entertainment championship, or a psychotic, pretentious pansy championship existed then I'm sure you'd make a delightful champion, but the Vixens World Championship, a wrestling championship, more importantly my championship, no, no, you don't deserve this. More so, you attempted to back up this so-called fact by declaring that I do not care about the Vixens division, bitch what? Since December twenty eighth of last year I've been caring, I've accomplished things in less than a year than the foundation layers couldn't do in their lifetimes. Here's the facts, whilst people may not necessarily like the idea of German Efficiency, for what reason I still don't know why considering nobody ever makes a valid claim as to why it's worse than the current situation with Thursday Night Empire, whilst people may not like it, because of the personification of it, the one woman revolution leading it, I know for a fact that German Efficiency topples the sports entertainment system implemented into this company today. I will not stop promoting my lifestyle, my superior, lovely, efficient, pure lifestyle, until somebody forces me to stop, until my bones cannot hold up my structure, until I am exiled, beaten, bruised, dead. I want to make people better, to make them useful. I've retired people, disrespected and pissed off just about everybody in the name of wrestling. It's not that I don't care Madison, it's that I care too much. I'm a workaholic, a perfectionist, German Efficiency will continue to rise, and the landscape around us will continue to change as it does, because of me. I'm the most efficient woman in the world, I have determination within me which is more powerful than the rest of this division combined. I will not stop wrestling, I will not stop working until the German Efficiency era is upon is, until every wrestler in this company is either retired, or efficient. There's no off filter for me, but you'd know all about that wouldn't you Madison. I recall it clearly, you challenged German Efficiency, making all the claims you're making right now, yet my first action, my first defence in our little war left you crying and considering your future within this company. It's ever so clear to me now, I pranked you, in my eyes the most efficient course of action, way more embarrassing than actually cashing in and becoming a champion, plus I still had to retire bitches and build up my efficiency, but I pranked you and sent you on hiatus, with practically the click of my fingers. You say I don't care, yet I'm looking at a woman, facing a woman, who cares ever so less than I. Here's the problem with you Madison, you make claims and throw accusations, yet you're a far worse culprit of the things you shout at others. You say I don't deserve to be a wrestling champion, however you cannot wrestle your way out of bed in the morning without the help from one of your Sanatorium sisters. You say I don't care for this division, yet here I am, no days off, working endlessly, like a machine. Whilst you cry foul play and storm off for three months because I made you a little mad, missing this promotions biggest FPV of the year, because of what? A little prank? Get a grip. I've never said German Efficiency is the best lifestyle in the world, I've never stated that I'm undefeatable and never the underdog, but you know what, German Efficiency is pretty good, great even. It's a hell of a lot better than what the rest of you are offering up. You all have the urge to team up, hide behind others backs and let them fight your battles, and create drama and attempt to trash everything I have built up here every, single week. Cleopatra is a horrid general manager, The Sirens against the OG Vixens makes me sick to my stomach, and people like you Madison, like your sister Alexis, like Brody Sparks, are the cancers that still exist in this division, that are holding everybody else back with your sports entertainment prioritised mindsets, and your individualistic lack of wrestling ability. But do not fear! German Efficiency never stops, it stalls sometimes sure, but it will continue to rise with me being the sole reason to attributing to such. I'm not the best in the world, but I'm the best in this company, I can out-brawl, out-perform and out-manoeuvre any bitch in this division, and I have the determination to revolutionise this place, to change things for the benefit of every woman in this company. Don't you want to be useful, Madison, don't you want a better Thursday Night Empire? You're holding people like me, like Cailin, like Aria back. The Sirens are the lesser of two evils, and if you side with the OG Vixens, well I'm afraid I can't let that sit. I've rid you of your profession once before Madison, don't doubt I can't do it again. I will stop at nothing for German Efficiency, and I know that German Efficiency would never stop for me, it makes me a superior athlete, a superior mind and a superior woman, and I will be more than happy to demonstrate such to you on Empire, justifying that German Efficiency is the future of this business, and Sheridan Müller is the future of Efficiency, Answers, Wrestling. ''
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 30th 2016, 7:49 am by The Philly Kid
Everywhere I go I hear the whispers and I see the finger pointing.

When I go out to eat I hear laughter and I hear mumbled comments.

These laughs aren't the usual ones when people see a big man at a buffet. The comments aren't about the amount of food on my plate. You see I am used to those kind of laughs and comments. I've gotten them my whole life. I am used to kids staring at me and pointing me out to their parents like i'm some sideshow freak. I am used to going places and all eyes are on me. This laughter is something new. Something I am not used to.

You see... this laughter and these comments are not about my size or what is on my plate. They are laughing and making comments about the newest JOBBER in EAW!

I go to see a movie and I hear a group of guys whisper behind me about my recent one sided beat down by Ryan Savage. They laugh at that and comment on my win-loss record and how I am no match for Cody Marshall. I want to turn around and whoop their ass but the way my luck has been I might lose to them also.

I read a tweet the other day about how I would get my ass beat by James Ellworth and how they would love a dream Jobber match between The Brooklyn Brawler and The Philly Loser.

I joined EAW because it was my dream to be a great wrestler. That dream has been a nightmare. My nightmares are because of one person. Cody Marshall.

The only way I get out of this funk is by beating Cody at Rite of Passage. The only way I stop this laughter and these harsh comments is by going out there and beating Cody Marshall. I intend on shutting his mouth and proving to him, the world and most importantly myself... that I belong here. I am a winner and I am gonna prove that.

I have a match with Terry Chambers coming up at Showdown and I know Cody is gonna do something to mess that up. Cody I dare you to come to the ring because we can start Rite of Passage a little early.
Nathan Fiora
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 29th 2016, 11:40 pm by Nathan Fiora

Chris DeLion?  Who in the fuck is this guy?  You’ve got to be kidding me.  When I demanded anyone to come after me last week, I wasn’t asking for chumps.  I was asking for the best that this company has to offer, not some nobody who hasn’t done anything significant in this company.  I’ve been spending my week on TV shows, movie shoots and anything more important than talking about a guy who’s called “Chris DeLion”.  Wiping my ass with dollar bills is more important than talking about this chump.  You see, I’m not a fan of where I put in this week.  I went from main eventing Voltage to merely facing a blemish in my good week.  I started off with some gorgeous women at bedside to being disrespected by Carlos Rosso AGAIN.  He knows damn well that I should be main eventing Voltage every week and not facing someone from nobodycaresville.  I was going up against some of the best that this show was offering, but I guess I’m being disrespected with a move like this.  Sure, you can say that “he’s an up and coming talent who may leave an impression on you”, but at the end of the day, he’s going to be dragged across the ring like a ragdoll.  People always try to throw shit at me like I’m some joke, but I’m holding the biggest prize that Voltage has to offer.  I didn’t cheat to win this or retain my title; I outsmart people and plan my moves.  Some could call this “cheating”, but I call it taking an opportunity and rolling with it.  Look at Keelan two weeks ago; he thought he was on top of the world, but I had a plan.  I used the environments around me to take advantage of this situation so I successfully defended my title.  Where is that kid now?  He’s buddying up with Marco and mentioning my name as if he has any right to.  Chris DeLion is going to suffer even more because he’s got no chance against me.  He’s a peasant while I’m the king of the world.  

Actually, let’s look up what this guy has done in my special Fiora servers.  Dot.  Dot.  Dot.  Nada.  Nothing.  Poof.  Why am I not surprised?  Oh yeah, because he’s just a piece of shit who Carlos Rosso thinks can keep up with me!  What a surprise.  If that Waste His Time Hashtag had any use, the moment for that would be right now because guess what?  IT’S A WASTE OF MY TIME.  I didn’t even hear about this match until a few nights ago because my agent told me about it.  I’ll quote them on what they exactly said: “They’re really not much a threat so just ignore them until you actually have to say something”.  I should not be having these kind of opponents in my league.  The Nathan Fiora League of greatness does not need to be forsaken because some general manager is so up into the rest of the roster’s ass.  So I’m telling you man to man, Carlos; give me a real challenge.  I don’t care who it is, but give me someone who I will be able to compete with and show the world why I’m so much better than them.  I’m going to wait and wait until he does it.  I will literally grab a chair and wait in the middle of the ring until Rosso gives me a true challenge.  No fucks given, at all.  Come throw your lawyers and yes-men at me and I’ll kick their faces’ in.  For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been sitting here, waiting for a true challenge while people disrespect my legacy.  Chris Elite, Keelan Cetinich, and many others have been putting my name in their mouths like some common lingo.  You don’t say my name and shit on it, ya hear?  I will go to your little homes and bitch slap each one of you.  I’m a man of my word, so I’ll be in your houses in five.  So I leave my conversation here.  I will not say any other word until my requests are completed.  You can leave my check in my personal locker with paid expenses and everything that I’ve spent to do nothing in your damn show.
Eclipse Diemos
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 29th 2016, 3:02 pm by Eclipse Diemos
Chaos for the Fly, Normal for the Spider

In this asylum, where dreams are only faded memories and washed out faces...does it truly matter what is order and what is chaos? Eclipse let those thoughts drift around in his head as he stared at his reflection in the puddles of water on the ground. This room hadn’t changed much, most asylums dating back this long had one. His personal Sanatorium had one as well. A room devoted to hydrotherapy. Therapy was a loose term for what was often done in rooms like these, but it didn’t matter. For them it was in the spirit of trying what they believed worked. To them...it was to instill a feeling of normalcy into the derangements of those that were trapped in this hell. Normalcy. Normal. Normal to what? Normal for the spider is chaos for the fly. And so it was that they tried to impress upon him a feeling of normal. They did this by pressing him into the waters of a hot bath for upwards of a full 24 hours, isolated and alone. Other times he was simply blasted with freezing cold water from a fire hose. All to keep his mind ‘at a decent level’, and to promote that feeling of normalcy. As if it mattered what normalcy meant. It was always so funny to him that people could promote these ideas of normalcy which would then be disregarded and rejected to promote the idea of being ‘unique’ or ‘special’ in the outside world. What did it matter to try to make you fit in with everyone else in an Asylum?

In the end it was about control. You would have to succumb. That was all there was to it. If they couldn’t cure the pack, the wolves would have to be tamed. So horrible experiments like Hydrotherapy were used. Among other things. It didn’t matter. It was the past. And he had to focus on the future. He looked towards the floor, spying two sets of masks lying against the ground. His own. A white sheep mask, gazing up at him with soulless eyes. He almost smiled at the calm innocence it seemed to push out from its white substance. Almost smiled. But the other focal point was also there. The fact that staring at him right beside it, was the black sheep mask. The black sheep mask that represented the side of him he was afraid of. He clicked his teeth, breathing in and out with shaky breaths. That mask. What...he wanted. What he desired to do. Eclipse wasn’t sure if trying to control it would do him any good. Especially for who he was going to be going up against. As if it mattered though. In the end he would have to prove that he was going to be strong enough to survive against the onslaught that was two of the strongest and darkest minds in EAW history. And he was contemplating the ideas of spiders and flies. Adorable. Focus. Focus. They needed to focus.

“It’s a pity that I couldn’t have this against the two of you individually. The two of you...so powerful. So...hungry for blood and destruction. The two of you make my blood sing. My heart hammer against my chest. It’s a feeling akin to love honestly. Do you understand what it means? All the cares in the world laid out before my feet. And in the end all I want is to feel your fists upon my face. To feel my bones bending under the weight of what you do to us. To all of us. I’m more excited for this match then I have been for many things that have been thrown to me in EAW as of late, and my reason for it? It’s because of what I know this match entails. It means that every dark decision that I must make...to save myself and my family, can not only be put to the test...but can be tested against the darkest people in EAW history currently. Both born out of necessity. And what a wonder it is, that they are to be brought against me, to test their own darkness against me. I wonder if they are just as excited as I am. I wonder if they believe that they will step to greatness over me?

They aren’t like Judas. Methuselah and Voin are nothing like Judas. Judas uses the darkness only so far as he sees it. It is strength to him. Nothing more. A monster in idea only. Methuselah? Nowhere near that easy to predict or understand. Methuselah is a true monster. An unguided force of devastation and destruction built and made for death. Glory. Destruction. Ruin. Carnage. All these things make up the identity of a monster like Methuselah. But my words. My voice. Does it reach you? Or does it simply enter into the ears of your ‘keeper’ that is Soothsayer Hamasa. No. I won’t stand here and critique you for the fact that you have a keeper. Monsters do not need words to prove what they are. And you...you have enough words for me. You state that it would be best for us to simply lay down and wait for death to come to us. As if we feared death. As if I had anything to fear from it. The thing with death is...I have seen her beautiful face. I have felt the soft caress of her cheek, Hamasa. So, allow me to retort to you Hamasa, and let these words reach the ears of Methuselah. I remember the day that we fought. I remember it, and I remember it well. I remember the taste of blood in my mouth and the feeling of power in my veins as we went back and forth, our fists connecting to each others skulls. In that moment of time, frozen forever in my scarred mind...we were kin. Brothers. See, the DEDEDE that I faced then, was suppressing that beast. Holding that monster at bay. You put on this mask of normalcy. This idea that you were above the other humans, by portraying yourself as what every human aspires to become. A god. Or Gawd as you termed it. But, that wasn’t you. You are not some idea of a folk lore deity or anything of the sort. You are a monster. A beast. Your purpose to tear and rend flesh. To devour all those that come into your path and above all else...tear them limb from limb.

The thing with monsters like us is...they should never stray from where they belong. I left Dynasty. I left due to a trade deal, made by those with financial power, not power in their hands. I found myself back in my territory. My stomping ground. Voltage. And Voltage is my territory. My domain. And you don’t belong here. You’ve strayed too far from where you belong, and you are in unknown waters now.You might believe that the entirety of EAW is your territory, you stand very corrected. See, you aren’t a roaming beast. You can’t take over villages like the one we call Voltage and expect to dominate it as you do anywhere else. Not when this place has monsters of its own. And these monsters are all more than willing to tear you apart where you stand Methuselah. If for nothing else, because you decided to trespass on the ground we consider sacred.

Take this to heart, I’m going to enjoy what happens. I’m going to enjoy feeling your blood run down whatever object, steel chair or otherwise, that I happen to be wielding against you. No matter what happens or what comes our way Methuselah. I want to be sure that I destroy you where you stand, to teach a lesson to other would be monsters. Monsters like you, monsters that don’t know where they wish to go or what their purpose is...they will suffer against the monsters that have their focus in life. And just like I’ve shown to the world, since I first arrived in EAW...and which shall be proven till the end of time. This will be a battle for the ages Methuselah...it is too bad...that the end times for you have come.”

Without a second thought Eclipse reached down, picking up the black mask and draping them over his head. He leaned back, breathing out heavily as his eyes seemed to focus. Eclipse was gone. There was only Abaddon now. And Abaddon would save them. They would save them from his torment.

“Please don’t take...my sunshine away.”
Carson Ramsay
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 29th 2016, 3:00 pm by Carson Ramsay
Talk a big game then fall short on backing it.

Throw down the gauntlet then scurry away at the mere sight of someone taking you up on it. 

Flap your gums until push comes to shove and your lips get stapled shut.

Such is the norm for the crushing majority of the locker room nowadays. It doesn't matter how deep you have got your feet submerged in these shark-infested waters, or how long you have been around here for. Excluding a handful of exceptions, elitists left and right find themselves reduced to mediocrity. The mediocrity of empty words, promises bound to fade away unfulfilled and a verbal shield relied on for safety when the bell towers quiver at the inception of another battle. Camouflaging their weaknesses, and boy are they a plethora, by the placement of a microphone to their lips. All of the sudden they become these mighty beasts, revered for the aura that encompasses them upon voicing what roamed their craniums from "thoughts". Do they really possess that power though? The answer is no. Far from, actually. All of it is merely a façade, cooked up to distract the naked eye from beholding who they truly are beneath its pizzazz; a bunch of insecure weaklings. They would rather disguise themselves as wolves, just to relish the concomitant heartthrob of being one, than be content in their own skin since the latter doesn't provide for half the imposing presence that a wolf can. They would rather lie, bend the standards and betray their own nature to feel feared, even if the sensation lasts a few seconds, because they know it ain't a feasible feat if they stayed the conventional, church and society approved course. In simpler terms, we've got more pussies parading about the corridors of this company every day than the Vixens' dressing room on a Thursday night. Worst of all? Luckily for ol' me, I've been dealing with the biggest one of them all for the last, what? Two, three months? Yep, I got the fattest fish in the pond stalking me like a shadow. A cockroach-like creature, both looks and tenacity wise, who goes by the name of Kenny Drake. The loudest mouth behind the biggest band of deadbeats around. While I expanded upon the monotony of today's Elite Answers Wrestling and how people around entrust their mouths with the task of cementing a legacy for them or at the very least, strike fear in the hearts of their opposition, I couldn't get the image of Kenny out of my head. It's like he was put on this earth to wear those shoes and that those shoes were tailor-made for him to wear. Granted, a good many names have put the truthfulness of said hypothesis to the test and some even came close to dethroning Drake of his spot... but when the dust clears at the end of the day, nobody comes close enough. Let's put matters into perspective, shall we? Myself and Wolvesden have been at each other's gullets for a while now. We have been neck and neck in this war of attrition and that rubbed a lot of folks the wrong way because in their eyes, Wolvesden shouldn't be at the level that they are. They shouldn't be allowed to run roughshod all over Voltage, or be given the time of day by anybody on the brand, especially Carson Ramsay. To those people, I ask you to ponder this thought; ever stopped complaining about the why's and started inquiring about the how's instead? How DID Wolvesden garnered so much hype and support from the fans in such a short span of time?

Two words.

Their words.

Don't be fooled. The essence of the little domination that they have been enjoying here stems from the manner in which they word their beliefs. They are steered by the Machiavellian nature of Drake and his ability to tickle all the right nerves with practically anybody on God's green earth. That's why Wolvesden still exists, because fans hold on to their every word, allowing it to evoke an emotion in them, when everything that those masked dickwads sprout is sugarcoated bullshit. We live in a world where it's so easy to persuade, convince and subsequently enslave minds. Just give them a false sense of hope, tell them that if they choose to follow you, you foresee life to change for the better. Promise them that you will put food on their table, clothes on their kids and money in their pocket; all they have to do is give up their life so that yours can feed off the fumes. Words... one inspirational piece, that's it. I suppose I should spare a few minutes of my time to take in the fact that I just ripped the lid off Wolvesden's secret formula now, huh? I mean, that's a go-to for anyone in my shoes. The thing is, I'm saving the thrill for a much more fitting occasion. My strategy with small victories like that is fairly simple; let them stack up until the big bang pierce through to the eardrums and poof! All is worth it. The wait, the anticipation, the repressed temptations and so on. All of 'em. It has been a hot minute since the thorn that is Kenny Drake and his posse was nailed down my side, trials and tribulations plagued both of our respective coattails throughout every second of it. Shock Value looms on the horizon, and the closer we inch to the intentional marriage of flesh and electricity, the clearer the future becomes. The end is coming, hoping to snatch up two birds with one hand but I'll be damned if I let it happen easily.

However, however, that's November 19th and I have checked the calendar - which is of rarity, mind you. Turns out, we're still not done with the wretched tenth just yet. Good news is, this Sunday's Voltage will be the last of October. Better news is, I get to end the month with a bang. I know that sounds a tad too brash for me and it will be taken out of context to appease someone else's agenda, my opponent's being the top candidate, so allow me to elaborate. Recall when I said that a good many names have given Kenny Drake a run for his money in terms of having a way with words? Not to honk this chap's horn, but I believe I'm going against the runner-up (for the time being) on Sunday; Matt Miles. Heard your speech and needless to say, I was impressed. Not by spending half of it to gloat about a count-out victory over Y2Impact, that is just milking a dry cow. Who seeks bragging rights out of having their hand raised because their opponent got a little bit sloppy and couldn't beat the ten count? Regardless of the name or stature that said opponent claims, you just can't do that and expect people to sing the praises of it until your dying breath escapes. Now, don't take this the wrong way; I'm not trying to rain on your parade. I know what the records will show: Matt Miles defeated Y2Impact via count-out, I get that. I understand if the "defeated Y2Impact" part of it has captured most of your attention and you can't bring yourself to read the rest—just don't count on other people giving a fuck. Don't expect the bets against you to suddenly be scrapped off and replaced with fat rolls of green on your name come Shock Value, 'cause they won't. You barely, and I emphasize barely, got out of Dubai with the W over Impact which begs a question... a dilemma; what are you going to do in Oklahoma when you're pit against Impact AND the EAW Champion in the very same ring? If you thought last Sunday was a hassle, just wait until Shock Value. Or better yet, why wait? Tomorrow night, you'll have just as big of a challenge. Granted, I might not be competing at the main event level just yet but we both know why the imminence of that is impeded. Besides, I don't sleep hoping to find my name at the top of the card the next day; I just go out and perform as if it is. That's the mindset that brought me to the dance, that's the one that has kept me in it and that is gonna be the one that leads me to championship gold. 

It's funny how you stressed the fact that this ain't a rock, paper, scissors game between us plenty of times in your rant yet always followed them with a perfect demonstration of how a game of rock, paper, scissors would work in our situation. I see it as clear as day, Miles; your attempt to one-up me, eclipse me and still act like you don't mean to offend afterwards. Banking on a win over Kenny to tip the scales in your favor as we approach Sunday isn't a very wise argument to make, kiddo. Kenny Drake isn't a beat worth flaunting around, he's not a Y2Impact. And yeah, I know what you're going to answer in return. "But Carson, Kenny beat you!" He did, but how exactly did he manage to get one over me?—exactly. Again, I'm not trying to soil your fun with those little win of yours, Matt, they clearly mean the world to you. All I'm trying to say is that Kenny isn't the measuring stick that you should use, but since you are, I guess that paints an awfully convenient picture. Yes, you and I may have a lot in common - from friends stabbing us in the back to the underdog treatment being bestowed upon us ever since we put our foot in the door - but you also share quite a few similarities with Drake himself. You both like to boast when fate smiles upon you and you both take your sweet ass time to do so. Do you think the night Kenny that beat me on was the only time I've heard that fact shouted on the microphone? Nah, he kept flashing it in my face and everybody else's at every possible chance. He's probably contemplating if he should use it as the basis for his next string of Shock Value-related monologues, since he's too dense to think up a better argument. Another thing I've noticed about you, Matt Miles, that eerily resembles Kenny Drake is the idea that you both preach as if it's gospel truth; you think I'm obsessed. Obsessed with the destruction of Wolvesden, the death of Drake and quite frankly, you both are kinda' right. I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that not a day goes by without me pondering all the possible scenarios of that happening, and it WILL happen. Of course, you only got it half right because while I may be fueled by an obsession, I remain as focused as ever. I've got my eyes glued to the prize at all times and my objectives are too simple to lose sight of. This Sunday night, I know Kenny will prowl about salivating at the opportunity to pounce on me. I also know that Miles won't think twice about taking advantage to eventually strut off into the sunset with yet another dubious win. Most importantly, I'm well aware that both of them look at me like I'm some sort of a prey bound to fall in their trap—and I'm cool with that. Nah, scratch that; I LOVE it. I love the role that I'm playing in a tale where two expendable characters believe it to revolve around them. By all means, Miles, Drake, keep sleeping on me and consider me your Freddy Krueger. Concoct all the plans you wish to implement when I walk down the ramp, form a one-night-only alliance for all I care; maybe then Matt Miles will stand a chance at weaseling out the victor. Though, even though, I still reserve some doubt.

I don't need luck to win, son. You need it as an excuse for when you hang by a thread on the losing end.
Anthony Leonhart
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 29th 2016, 6:17 am by Anthony Leonhart

Anthony Leonhart is shirtless and angry after his defeat to Tig Kelly on Friday Night Dynasty and he hits the punching ball very hard in a room surrounded by glass french flags. He's so pissed to his loss that he takes someone in the street and made him come to his house and his own dojo just to beat him up really bad. The guy took a hell of a beating and Anthony lays him down for good with an Adieu de France.
C'est ça que vous appelez winner ? I will tell you what's a winner. A winner is ME. ME. ME. And only me and not that MMA guy. And the referee can kiss my ass. Ermmm...no...he's not even able to kiss my feet because of what he did last night on Dynasty. How in the blue hell the man can see that I tapped out when my arms were locked ? I didnt say that I wanted to tap out. This referee is a plague to this industry. Sebastian Monroe should fire him, he's incompetent like a dead corpse, dammit.
And what was that attire I wore last night ? It was for Halloween ? I HATE Halloween, it's not a thing I like. I had my most glorious attire in my dressing ready for this match and you give me a mask and a jumpsuit ? I'm a world class wrestler and you give me a man's man attire, who the blue hell gave me this attire ? Stylists of EAW ? Bad choice, girlies. 
When Sebastian Monroe pitched me the idea of Killer Clown for this, I expected a Joker-esque face paint and a gracious, glorious attire who need to come up with and you give me this ? WHO THE HELL ARE YOU ? I RULE THE WORLD WITH MY CLASS. SO STEPBACK STYLISTS, I PERFECTLY KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR ME. My loss is due to that stupid mask, sérieux c'est shit as hell...I swear to God, I won't back up and my road to redemption has begun yet but the Road To Revolution has officially begun. 
A Revolution always begin by something that the revolutionists doesn't want or agree. And that loss was the firestarter so I suggest to EAW to prepare themselves because I won't play nice this time and the justice will be served by The Epitome of The French Excellence, The most Glorious French Leader since Napoleon Bonaparte, The new Roi Soleil of Elite Answers Wrestling. ME. MOI. MYSELF. Anthony Leonhart.
Oooh before I forget. Dear commentators of EAW, don't ever and I say never call me a Psychotic Frenchman. Do you understand ? Or I will ask Sebastian Monroe to fire your asses and make two ladies as your remplacements. And they will make a more perfect job than you, little pussies.

Victor Maero
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 28th 2016, 10:49 pm by Victor Maero
-48 hours ago-

Maero elbowed the man again. Looking at his prisoners bloodied face was no consolation. He needed answers. Maero let out a scream and looked the man in the eye.

“For the last time, I have no idea who you are!” The man’s voice was pained and high. Maero hit him again before walking away. The man struggled against his chains making the once connected to the ceiling jangle and clank. Maero lifted his left and and bit it.

“So you’re telling me,” Maero screamed at his prisoner. “You don’t remember Doctor Adams, You don’t remember the man who killed him, and you don’t remember telling Adams’ killer to plead insanity?” Maero grabbed his prisoners hair making him look into Maero’s eyes.

“The Dr. Adams case?” The man’s quivvered.

“Yes, the Dr. Adams case. You know damn well what happened to him.”

“I don’t know what you’re-” The man was interrupted by another strike from Maero.

“You don’t know who I am, huh? Well news flash, I used to be Adams. Shocking I know, but you should be more concerned with giving me answers.” Maero moved his face closer. “I want… a name.”

“You know who did this to you! You crazy bastard Just let me go!” The man pleaded.

“No, no, no. That’s not what I mean. Who knows where he is now?”

“I won’t sell anyone out!” The man screamed with his little remaining resolve. Maero let go of the man’s hair and walked over to his table tools.

“Wrong choice.” Maero began to pick up a scalpel but hesitated, instead picking up a meat cleaver. He walked back over to his source. Maero lifted the cleaver slowly as a smile formed on his face.

-Present day-

Oz walked down the poorly lit street with cotton candy in hand. No smile accompanied his sugary treat, instead his eyes were trained on the lighted in his other hand and his mouth was preoccupied with the cloudlike sweetness being put into it.

“Another day another reinvention of Tin Man. Another man’s blood being cleaned from his fingers. Nothing but another day for us, right? Don’t make me laugh. My own jokes do a good enough job with that, I don’t need your threats to make me giggle. This is something Tin Man has been waiting for about five years now. I’m not talking about this match, I’ll get to that in a minute. In the past, Tin Man has tried to clean up this dirty world with the worthless junkies and other failed filth of the human species. Now he sees how much error is in that little idea. He was attacking the wrong people. It’s time to fight the real threat, the real people destroying our world. But as it is always said, baby steps. We all return to dust, so why not make sure that out dust is soaked in blood? The innocent can only be protected by the tainted. We may all be the same under the skin, but the truly repulsive will always fall to the broken. Exhibit A: Methuselah, Judas, Vion, and Wraith, the powerful minority. Those that try to rise above the filth but emerge from the sea of pointless hatred soaked in more prejudice than a group of white men smoking cigars in the back of a pickup truck. Hate what you wish, but the broken have nothing to lose, not anymore. Who are the broken? Who are the ones who are cracked? Let me give you a hint, the broken always find solace in each other. Usually in an institution, a Sanatorium. Time won’t hide you four, time won’t heal the wounds in Scarecrow, Tin Man, or the King of Hearts. You’re strong, that I will never deny, but you’re just proof that Tin Man isn’t here by accident. He is broken and desperate, and now he knows that it’s his moment to shine. Don’t pretend that you know who you’re fighting. This is a version of Tin Man that has only been glimpsed. His losses have taught him so much. So many lessons. Tin Man has been shaved to a fin point, and now, he will pierce the flesh of those that stand in his way. This is his rising. Don’t tempt him.”

“Judas, sweet innocent Judas. You think you have the guts to run this place? I hate to be the iconoclast here, but you’re nothing but a memory to to everyone, including Tin Man. You’re the small fish in this match Judas, smaller than anyone else. So come on, you want to feed the sharks? The only thing you’ll run is away from the slaughter that this match is going to become. Pretend that I’m just a naive kid, but if you arrive in that ring you will remember my words. When you lie motionless on the floor surrounded by your fallen comrades, you will wish you had listened to me, you will wish that you had ran. This is the beginning of  a revolution, simply being in this match has proved to Tin Man that he deserves to be the temporary leader of the Sanatorium. Now, he will show each and every person in EAW why he is at this level. I’m sick of people underestimating him, he’s sick of people scoffing at his in ring prowess. This is it, this is the moment that his rage boils over and all of you will be scalded by it.” Oz flicks his lighter on and takes another bite of his cotton candy.

“Do you know the things a fire needs to survive? There are three of them, they’re almost the same as what we humans need: First Air. To be more specific Oxygen, I think the crowed will be more than enough fresh air to supply what is needed. Food, or something flammable as the case may be. I think all of you will work perfectly for a firestarter. Lastly, and most obviously, energy, or as most know it heat. Where do you think we can get that? Oh, what about the most dominant stable in EAW? That just might work. So, in case you don’t understand what I’m getting at, this match is going to be fire. Bu dum tis! What a joke ladies and gentleman. But my point isn’t just a joke. What I’m saying is: you’re walking into hellfire. You’re walking into pure, uncut rage, and you’re walking into the strongest that this company has to offer. Still think that you can win? This time, please don’t make me laugh.” Oz laughs as he rounds a corner into an alley where multiple gangbangers are harassing a woman on the other side.

“I’ve got a guest speaker that wants to make a few statements. But first, we need some information.” Oz smiles as he walks over to the other side of the alley and attempts to get the men to notice him. “Need a light?” Oz asks pulling at one of their shirts and pointing to his lighter in the same hand. He retracts his hand and take a bite of his treat.

“Scram kid, you’re annoying.” The big white man he grabbed attempts to shoo Oz away.

“Before I go, I’ve got a question. Are you part of Sunder?” Oz asks innocently.

“What’s it to you kid?” Another member replies as all the of the men begin to swarm around Oz.

“So you are?” Oz says excitedly.

“Like I said, what’s it to you?” One of the men picks up a bat that was leaning on the wall.

“Not to me, to him.” Oz points up and smiles. As the men begin to look up Maero drops from above them brandishing two meat cleavers. Maero’s fall is cushioned by two of the men’s skulls as his knives dig into them. The man with the bat takes a swing at Maero who simply side steps just out of reach before countering by dashing up to him and shoving him against the wall. Maero turns from the man to the last man in the group who looks at him in horror. Behind Maero the man on the wall’s blood gushes from a previously unseen wound on his chest, a moist squish is heard as he falls to the ground and blood begins to pool. The last man turns to run and is met with Oz who uncovers his arm to reveal the contraption on his arm. Oz pulls a trigger previously hidden by his cotton candy and makes flames spew toward the man. The terrified gang member turns to run the opposite way but is greeted by Maero inches from his face.

“So, are you going to tell me what I want?” Maero smiles. Soon after, Maero has been given a name of a man who might now a name of another. This chain of names digs into Maero’s brain as he leaves his with a section of his neck removed and blood around Maero’s mouth.

“Pitiful.” Maero spits some of the blood of out of his mouth and wipes the rest off with his sleeve. “This filth is still somehow part of human society. How completely revolting.” Maero adjusts his gloves.

“Hey Tin Man?”

“Yes, Oz?”

“Do you realize that you’re going to be dressed as Darkwing Duck in the match right?”

“Oz…” Maero put his head in his hands.


“You are never allowed to talk to any EAW officials.”

“I think it fits!” The pair began to walk out of the alley and back toward home.

“Oz, I’m going to be fighting Aren Mstislav as Vion, why the hell would me wearing a costume be a good idea?”

“He will be too dumby.”

“Good lord.”

“Come on, open your mind up a little bit!”

“My minds always open Oz, this is just a little dumb. But hey, who am I to try and change my costume, gotta roll with the punches, right?” Marrow begins wiping the blood of of his knives. “Besides, I’ve got bigger problems. Methuselah and Voin. Two of the most dangerous men in EAW will be in that ring and neither of them will even bat an eyelid at me, of that I’m certain. “You’re not worth it” I’m sure they’d say.” Maero laughs. “Fools. They’ll let their guard down to me, they always do. As soon as their shield arm falters for even a moment, I will break them. This is one fight I won’t lose. After all, I’ll have my family by my side, how can I lose?”

“Well, there’s always Methuselah. Somehow I think he’ll see you as a threat, you are one of his opponents after all?” Oz asked slightly jogging to keep up with Maero’s quicking pase.

“Methuselah… I suppose you’re right. He scares the hell out of me. Shame that only makes this more fun. “Test me not...”  Truly the words of a goliath of a man. The words of a monster. The strongest man in EAW turned beast. What can mere man do?” Maero chuckles. “Look him dead in the eye and show him fear, but fight anyway. Let that fight or flight response become extra fuel in your tank, and burn that fucker to the ground. The demon that is Methuselah can kick me as much as he wants, he can tear all my flesh, but we won’t beat me. Even if I die, even if I’m the one to fall. See, I’ve already won. I’m fighting the best of the best, I have more adrenaline pumping through my body that ever before, and that’s just from me thinking about this match. I will give my all, and no matter what the outcome, I will win. Methuselah’s sharp teeth can tear me limb from limb, but I will continue to smile until my teeth, my smile, is all he sees when he closes his eyes. I might be defeated, but I will be remembered... even if I have to make god bleed.” Maero rolls his head on his shoulders and examines his two knives with a vicious grin on his face.

“What about Voin?”

“Ah yes, Voin. The other demon on this match. The second beast we will attempt to slay. The manifestation of rage. Well, to a degree. Another god turned devil. Aren, the cure for EAW’s sickness has become the devil within. The darkness welcomes him with open arms, and now he shall fall to the others that dwell within it. That primordial black that is inside all of our minds, our demons. Do you think that yours are stronger than mine? Mine are tamed, a fault in all honesty. Yours? They run rampant through your mind when you release them with music. You go ballistic and attack all those in sight. You think that you're immature demons can defeat mine? The veterans in my mind constantly fighting for control. The war rages all throughout my life, the one that turned me into this. Into a killer. Yours may come out when you choose, but mine are always unsheathed, mine are always dancing in my eyes. So come on, release your demons Aren, just know that mine, no... ours will be waiting.” Maero clanks his weapons together as he and Oz round the final corner to a line of sight with a black car waiting in the parking lot of a stripmall.

“This battle is one I’ve been waiting for since the beginning of my career. Even before EAW these men were the ones I dreamed of facing in combat. Now, I get to face them in combat and it feels so right. This match is what I’ve been waiting for, this is what I needed to realize why Eclipse chose me. Now, I will show everyone else why he chose me. We won’t lose this match, I’ll make sure of that. If I have to die for us to win I will. But when I survive, Phoenix and I are looking toward the Tag Team Titles, and we will win those to. This match will be a catalyst for a message, one simple message: The Sanatorium is here to stay. Fear us. And you will, oh you will. The Psych Ward is the new kid on the proverbial tag team block, and soon, we will be the kings. In the meantime.” Maero walks to the front of the car and opens the driver's side door, he and Oz get into the front seats and Maero cracks his knuckles. “Keep squirming.” Maero closes the door and drives away.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 28th 2016, 7:07 pm by showster26
Voltage #4

Paris, France, Friday, 1:35 a.m.

(The scene opens on the streets of Paris. All is quiet at the this hour. There is very little in the way of traffic (pedestrians or otherwise) tonight. The camera turns from the street, to find a man standing in the cold, the warmth of his breath visible in the camera's ledge. the man who will be competing in a two on one handicap match this Sunday on Voltage. The man the world knows as Solomon Caine.)

Caine: "This city, has stood for over a millennia. It not because of the marvelous wonders that man has crafted with his hands. It not because of the vanity of those who shape stone or cloth, or color. It is not because lust of those who seek another to cast their weaknesses upon. No, it is because this city was built upon blood. Like a great tree that has grrrrooowwwnn tall from being constantly watered, so has this land drank greedily of the crimson red that is spilled from the hearts of men. They have seen this, and that is why my masters have allowed it to stand. For though the heaths who trample over it are all vain, and greedy, and wicked, my masters know that this land will soon thirst again. And when it does, it will drink from all of filth within it. That time will come this Sunday.

This Sunday will see the blood of Keelan Citinich, and Marco Fedor spill from their bodies, and be swallowed up by the ground. They will be the next two to be sacrificed to keep this city standing. They have brought this judgement upon themselves, with their wicked actions, and rotten words which festers and infects the minds of those who turn their eyes away from the truth.

You horrid monsters will see the bodies of your false idols, crushed and crumbled before your very eyes. You will hear their cries for mercy, you will witness them succumb to the power of those that sent me. You vile heathens you. Your time is short and you don't even realize it. Instead you choose to fix your eyes upon those wretches that will be slaughtered in the name of my masters. You praise them for their vanity, you rejoice in their blindness. You have turned them weak. And for them indulging their weakness they must be stricken down.

You must be stricken Keelan, because you have turned away from the harsh truth, that all is for not in this world. That all the false glory in this sickly earth, will not mean A GODDAMN THING at the end of aaaaggggeeessssss! All cheers and adulation from those weak inepts will profit you nothing when your body has been eaten alive by the flames that my masters are sending. In that everlasting moment you will hear their cheers, turn into such horrific screaming that it will echo out for all eternity. You have denied them Keelan, and now they will deny you. They will deny you peace, and comfort, and rest, and hope for the small amount of miserable days you, and the The vermin like you, have left. Do as you will Keelan, partake of great feasts, swallow as much of the drink as you can, see the works of the hands of men while they still stand, for This Sunday will be the beginning of your end Keelan.

As it will be yours Marco. No amount of words could ever describe the true type of filth you are. You are a liar, a deceiver, a insect that lays its eggs in the minds of fool, and twists and perverts their true nature. You infect their minds with your disease till they cannot tell darkness from light. It is the works of men like YOU Marco, that my Masters must Come and cleanse everything on this earth. IT ALL YOUR FAULT! The screams of women and children that will fill the streets it's all your fault! The flood of fire that will tear down every nation and kingdom it's all your fault! The bodies of men that will be turned into nothing more than specs of dust , it's all your fault! WHY?! WHY HAVE YOU AND YOUR KIND PUSHED IT TOO THIS POINT?! WAS IT YOUR OBSESSIONAL GREED, OR YOUR INSATIABLE LUST?! WAS IT YOUR BOTTOMLESS VANITY, OR WERE YOU JUST SUCH A FOOL AS TO BELIEVE THAT YOU COULD COMMIT SUCH ATROCITIES AND NEVER HAVE TO PAY YOUR DUE PUNISHMENT?! You rotten fiend. They have sent me to scrub the foul smell stain of you off this planet. The end of ages will bring about your end, and when it does, my masters will take another step on their road to the glorious Reign.

It's coming, that beautifullllll day will soon be unfurled upon this earth. They have described it in the sweetest whispers in my ear, they have shown it to me in the briefest flashes before my eyes. They will must be done. THEIR commands must obeyed. What they have told me, it must be soooooooo!"

(Caine lifts his gaze to the skies above and begins to laugh menacing, and maniacally.)

Caine:"hahahah it must be so. Hahaha it must be so."

(The camera fades to black)

The end
Tyler Parker
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 28th 2016, 6:56 pm by Tyler Parker
Stepping inside of the War Games match, I had one thing on my mind; that was at the back of it. One thing that I wanted to do and that? Was to put an end to some of the BS and to get back to the top. To cut the crap --- that's not what happened. That's far from what happened. Because though I might've stepped into that match with a reason, mindset and hellbent on winning the match, that was far, far off. Instead of walking out of the War Games match, instead of winning the match... I barely walked out and there's countless explanations, reasons or excuses that could be given for that. Regardless of what that is, the fact is that I walked in, thinking that I would win and I hardly managed to walk out at the end of the night. I was battered, beaten and bloodied by the others in that match and I'm still feeling the effects of it. Make no mistake about it --- though I'm slightly battered, beaten and bloodied? I'm not broken. The others might've put me through Hell in that match but none of them have broken me and they couldn't have even if they tried because if there's one thing that should be known, it's that I'm not so easily broken. Something to be aware of because this Saturday? Marks the beginning... of the end for the likes of Nico Borg, Lannister and Ares Vendetta. I realize, I see that if I'd like to reestablish myself and rebuild what I've built for myself, I can't start at the top. If I'm to rebuild myself, I have to start at the bottom. I have to start... here. I've realized that, I've realized that to retake and reclaim what's rightfully mine, I have to scratch and claw for it --- I have bust my ass off. Starting... with my match this week on Showdown. Which I will win. Because though I might stand here right now, far from being one hundred percent? Though every step I take might still feel pain shooting through every inch of my body? I'm still more than capable of taking out the entire Showdown roster. I firmly think, there's that belief, that even with the wounds that still litter my body because of the War Games match... that I could go out there and compete with every fiber of my being. Though I might've been through Hell, though I might've been beaten, battered and bloodied and though my body might still be sore from the War Games match, I'm not the one who's broken in this match this Saturday. Because that? That's Devan Dubian. A former Answers World Champion, the guy that was poised to make EAW his and the guy who has been there, on top, countless times before. He has held practically every title there is to hold in this business and he's the guy that had this entire company within the palm of his hand, the guy so many thought would stand, unrivaled and at the top for the rest of his career but he's not so much on top at this point in his career, is he? He has let it get to his head and he's too complacent but he has realized that his complacency with his spot in this company is the exact reason he's slipping. Slipping with his fingertips barely digging deep, it's the reason for the rut he's in and I'm more than certain that Devan Dubian looks at this match and sees that he could redeem himself, to get out of the rut that he's in. I'm more than certain that he sees this to make up for his shortcomings in the past few months or so, to get back to the top and in any other circumstance? In another match, against any other competitor, that might happen. He might actually reestablish himself as a serious competitor here in this business but any chance of that happening, any hope he has of actually winning this match and making up for his mistakes? Went right out of the window the moment he was put in a match with me.

Though he might think that he's going to establish himself with this match? He's going to find himself deeper in the ruts he's been digging for himself. Instead of reviving and reinvigorating his career, this match will be the death of him and that's something that will be clear the moment he steps into the ring with me. Because though I barely walked out of the War Games match, I'll walk out of this match on my own and I will win this match. I will ruin Devan Dubian's little homecoming.

With our bitter history with one another, it's fitting. It's fitting that if Devan Dubian's career is dying, that I be the one that ends it. It's fitting that, after what we had been through in our lives and what we have been through in the past few months, that I stand here, with everything there is to make sure that I end him. I have the means, I have the motivation, I have a sold out arena to play witness. If Devan Dubian's career is to end and I'm the one who's to end it? Then that's fine by me.

But what's not fine, is the situation that we're in right now. Because I look at him, I look at the person that Devan Dubian is and I hardly recognize him. The Devan Dubian I knew and had been in the ring with, had much more life and had much more motivation in him... the Devan Dubian I see right now? Has none of those things. The Devan Dubian I see right now is nothing but an empty husk --- a shell of his former self. A guy who, sadly, is dead inside. A guy who I trained harder to get in the ring with, to compete against him, to to get back in the ring with him and yet, he's nowhere to be seen and the guy who has taken his place is nothing like him. I see that. Throughout the heated feuds he's been apart of, I have been and will be, his biggest threat. His most lethal adversary. His bitterest, most hated enemy and yet, standing here, I feel no hatred for him. My hatred for him has been replaced by pity. I pity Dubian and what he is right now. I look at how high he stood and how far he's fallen since and I feel pity. That makes me sad... for him. I'm sad that he's been reduced to nothing more than a shell of what he used to be. I'm sad that he's fallen so far and that I wasn't the one to cause it and though I could step into the ring with him and end his career? I wouldn't get much enjoyment or satisfaction from it because at this point in his career, it would be like stomping on an ant and that makes me sad for him. I pity Devan Dubian but I wouldn't mistake my pity for mercy. I'm not going to take mercy on him. There won't be a come back from him, not this Saturday, not ever again. His spot at the top of this company? Has been taken. Not by Aren Mstislav or by Ares Vendetta but by me. Whoever is in that spot right now, is merely keeping it warm for me and I will get there soon. I will get back to the stop. I will stand there in the same spot he was win and when I get there, I won't be so foolish as to let myself fall. I won't be so careless to let such trivial things get to my head and I won't get too complacent with where I'm at. Because I'm not like him. I'm nothing like him. He might brag about his bank account and brag about how he's living but I actually live this --- I live being in the ring, I live the life that he thinks he lives. We're nothing alike. He might be Tony Stark but I'm Bruce Wayne. He makes armor and I make tools --- the tools that are necessary for me to win against him. He could make whatever armor he thinks that's going to keep me from penetrating but I will dent his armor and I will penetrate through it. I will show that I'm nothing like him and that I'm to be on top and not him. Though we might've fallen, there's one thing that separates us. Because though he keeps digging himself a hole so deep that he's forgotten how to get out of? I keep crawling to the to top, on my hands and knees. I fell from the top like him but instead of wallowing and feeling sorry for myself? I got back up and started crawling again. Your hands are torn, your knees are banged up and that's okay because you couldn't pick your lifeless body up even if you had your hands and knees. You let those aforementioned things get to your head and you've fallen so hard, you fell so hard that you've practically cracked your skull; you fell so hard that you've forgotten how you got here and you've forgotten how to compete. I might pity you, I might feel bad for you but I won't take mercy on you. I will end you.

We both looked into the abyss; difference is... you blinked.
Waylon the jobber
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 28th 2016, 6:33 pm by Waylon the jobber
A Message.

(We start the scene in a hallway backstage. We are in the perspective of a cameraman walking alongside an annoyed looking interviewer in a suit and tie. He looks at the cameraman.)

Interviewer: Why do we always get the weirdos huh? Just for once can we get a normal athlete who wants to succeed? Is that too much to ask? I bet baseball interviewers don't have to deal with this shit!

Cameraman: And the whole boiler room request is so going to throw off my lighting. Seriously, who decided that a boiler room would be a good place for an interview?

(They stop at a metal door)

Interviewer: Alright whatever happens just remain professional.

(They slowly walk into the boiler room. It's a dimly lit maze of metal and machinery. As they walk in, the interviewer starts shouting for a "Mr. Hicks". They make their way to a better lit clearing with two steel chairs facing each other)

Interviewer: Well I guess this the place. Management probably is just trying to play up the whole crazy thing.

Cameraman: You think he's actually crazy?

Interviewer: Yeah sure. As crazy as I am well paid. He probably just was trying to make up for his look. You've seen the pictures, he looks like white trash.

Cameraman: Sane people don't usually hit each other with tube lighting and flaming two by fours.

Interviewer: Whatever gets butt's in seats right? Why don't you take a look around, get some footage for the boys in editing?

Cameraman: Yeah sure, just yell when he gets here.

We go down a hallway of steel pipes and nozzles and suddenly stop when we see the silhouette of a figure at the end of the hall. Due to the poor lighting we can't see him clearly.

Cameraman: Mr. Hicks? Is, is that you? Hello? Mr-

The camera cuts out.

The camera cuts back in. We can tell that the camera is on one of the chairs in the clearing. We are facing the interviewer who is now sweating profusely. He keeps fidgeting and looking off camera with a scared expression.

Interviewer: I um... The interview has been cancelled and instead I've been told to read this. 

He picks up a crumpled piece of lined paper.

Interviewer: (reading from paper) As of October 23rd the uh, bu-butcher Sam Hicks has been signed. He will be on Voltage sometime in the future. This may turn out to be to the company's risk as the chance of injury for... Oh no

Southern voice off camera: Read it.

Interviewer: The ch-chance of injury for elitists and s-smart ass interviewers has just increased. And to all the elitists out there you be-be-better take shelter cause a tornado is about to t-t-tear through the neighborhood. Please I did what you told me to! Please just let me go!

A figure walks into frame though his image is cut off at the neck. He is clearly the man off camera.

Figure: Why of course you can. I'm gunna need you in the future anyway. Can't go alienatin coworkers just now can we?

He suddenly crouches in front of the interviewer with his back to the camera.

Figure: But if you ever call me white trash again, I'll find you and I'll do far worse than a couple chair shots, understand?

The interviewer nods and then sprints out of frame. The figure looks on impassively before sitting in the chair revealing Sam Hicks. He smiles at the camera.

Sam: Well I hope y'all have had a good day. Cause you ain't gonna see one of those for a while. Y'all have enjoyed your little soap opera for too long, now reality gonna knock down your door.  We'll talk more later, right now I gotta wake up the cameraman. 

He stands up and folds the chair before heading l out of frame.

Sam: Nap times over boy, time to get up.

A crack is heard quickly followed by a yell


Another crack

Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 28th 2016, 3:12 pm by MTM
And just like that, The Machine was defeated, conquered, and ultimately broken.

I did exactly what I said I was going to do. I did something that no one else here on Voltage has been able to do and that was beat Y2Impact. Vic Vendetta couldn’t do it. Nasir Capitani couldn’t do it. Aren Mstislav couldn’t do it… and neither will Voin. Under any other circumstances I’d be less than satisfied with a countout victory to my name but this time around, I look at this as a bigger accomplishment than a simple pinfall. I dumped Impact on top of his head from a Walls of Impact reversal and he couldn’t stand on his own two feet in time for the ten count. No shenanigans, no bullshit, just a clean countout finish. He wasn’t even standing under his own weight after what I did to him. You know what that means? If that match had been under the rules of a  Last Man Standing match I still would have won and I think everyone can agree that that is a much bigger victory than just a pinfall. Hell, I think even Impact himself would agree with me based on his reaction last Sunday. Not only was he dumped on his head but I’m pretty sure that he was on the receiving end of a concussion thanks to me. You could see it in his face. His eyes were still glazed over, his expression was crooked and you could tell he wasn’t entirely sure where he was anymore. That was all me.

So how in the yellow hell does he think he’s going to be able to overcome both me and Voin?

He won’t, it’s as simple as that.

All things considered, I’d like to thank Y2Impact. I’d like to thank him for allowing me to make a fool out of him because all week he made a point that my career had solely been based on momentum and nothing more. To him, I would build myself up and build myself up until I had almost peaked and then I would come tumbling down but let me ask you this: Was I tumbling down last week? All I saw was Impact tumbling out of that ring to his downfall where I stood victorious yet again, remaining undefeated since my return to EAW, and he was victim of his first true loss since Pain for Pride. It’s kind of poetic, really, when you think about it. Two men undefeated since Pain for Pride 9 step into the ring against one another at an attempt to put a halt to the other’s momentum, where only one can be victorious. They’re both vying for that golden opportunity to defeat the Champion but one of them must fall. One must fail. Last Sunday that man was Y2Impact and I assure you that he, along with Voin, will fail again at Shock Value.

Those are two men that I despise and two that I will do everything in my power to overcome when we face off for the EAW Championship but for now, I have someone more… respectable, that I have to deal with.

Carson Ramsay.

You know, I see a big parallel in our career, Carson. Much like I was betrayed by a man who I considered to be my best friend, you were forced to deal with a situation much alike mine. It’s part of what’s made us who were today. Just as you had the knife of Kenny Drake plunged into your back as though you were a stuck pig, I had Aren Mstislav’s twisted into mine. Now we both get our opportunities to try and right the wrongs against us but until then, right now, this is about you and me. This Sunday on Voltage I have to ensure that I stay undefeated and if I have to go through you to keep this track record going then so damn be it. I’ve stood tall over bigger, badder and worse opponents than you and that’s not a knock on you, it’s just facts.

It’s funny, actually, because another little detail I’ve found poetic about these past few weeks is that, well… wasn’t it Kenny Drake that I had to beat to get this EAW Championship match in the first place? You know, the guy that stabbed you in the back and then beat you to a bloody pulp. There’s no denying that you did the same, of course, but we all know who came out victorious in the end. I’m not going to stand here and act like this is some game of rock, paper, scissors where because I beat Kenny that means I can beat you but it certainly plays in my favour. I, Matt Miles, a man who’s never to anyone’s knowledge even met Kenny Drake before, overcame the obstacles that he put in my way and I beat him. That was without knowing what was in store was I victorious. Imagine now, knowing that I have to step foot into Shock Value with the EAW Championship on the line against Voltage’s two top main eventers. There’s no way in hell I’m letting anyone, even you, get in my way leading up to this match. No way, no how. I’ve worked too hard and gained too much in these past three months to lose it all now. From Pain for Pride until now I’ve been undefeated and that’s not something that’s just going to change when the decides to blow in the opposite direction. It’s going to have to take someone who’s ready, willing and more than capable of pushing me to my limits and, I’m sorry Carson, but that just isn’t you.

I know that I said this isn’t a game of rock, paper, scissors because EAW isn’t that simple but then again, neither is this matchup, is it? I look at my match against Kenny Drake and I remember facing a man who was focused and determined to defeat me. There was no distraction, no interference, just two men going at it to try and become the recipient of this so-called “reward” that had just been brought to our attention. Even before that, it was just two men doing everything they could to win. You weren’t there. Wolvesden weren’t there. There were no excuses between either of us when I proved everything I said to be right. He was just a sad, pathetic stray looking for attention from you, trying to one up you any way he could so that he could say he was better than you because people had finally stopped caring about his quirks. Then I look at you and all I can see is a black mirror, a cracked reflection of what Kenny Drake has become. You stand on opposite sides of the battle and yet so many similarities have risen since his betrayal. When the two of you first came to blows, you made it very clear that you weren’t taking Kenny Drake seriously and he took advantage of that and used it against you come Territorial Invasion. Now, a month removed from that loss, you’re looking for revenge. Your focus is now entirely on Kenny Drake and no one else which I’m sure will come to benefit you when the two of you inevitably face at Shock Value but for now… well, it benefits me.

I’m a fair man. I don’t like the odds being stacked in my favour because I’ve made a career out of being on the other side where the odds were stacked against me. The problem here is that I’m looking at our match and it seems as though we’re not going to be alone on Sunday night. Your sole focus on Kenny Drake? As much as I’m sure you’d like to pretend that your focus is on me tonight that’s going to be a tough act to pull off with him there on commentary, undoubtedly to try and distract you. Whether either of us like it or not, that’s going to throw you off your game and I can’t not take advantage of that. Sure, Aren or Voin or whoever he is next week could come out and so could Impact but all I have to do is make sure that you’re put to rest before that can happen. Whether it’s 5 minutes, 10 minutes or a whole god damn hour, I’m not going to let anyone ruin this for me on Sunday. You, on the other hand, don’t have the luxury of being able to finish things before Kenny Drake can come out. Hell, if I didn’t know any better I’d say the entirety of Wolvesden will probably be out there with him. That’s a distraction if I’ve ever seen but, Carson, I promise you-- no, I GUARANTEE you-- that even if Kenny Drake doesn’t show up on Voltage this Sunday, I’m going to make sure the Midas Touch puts you to rest.

Good luck on Sunday, Carson; you’re going to need it a lot more than I do.
The Elite-Lord
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 28th 2016, 7:15 am by The Elite-Lord
There is admiration to be had, in a match-up as marquee as this. The National Elite Champion finally accommodates himself with the one that rings true, the Elite Lord, Das Emperor - Lannister. This is perhaps a fitting fairy-tale to expend for generations, that is the influence that such a contest can mass. And why not cater to the special occasion - as Halloween is upon the land of Elite after all. But perhaps it is time to drop the circumstance, for this not quite the tribulation that leaves those in despair, running for the hills. For fear resonates within the coding of Halloween - yet remains to be a reckoning wake here. Many of foes Lannister could walk into the match-up with a mindset or game-plan in mind - but the Pizza Boy is a foe where even he must tread lightly. There is no fear to be had when the regards being sent across the field are only cast astray. Lannister finds himself stumbling upon the words to follow the train of thought - for Pizza Boy is a man that Lannister seeks nothing other than a competitor. Usually Lannister can lock eyes with the adversary and see the means to benefit through - but this, this Lannister just can't seem to muster up.

For what stands opposed to Lannister now - is found in the fire of the fury. A man that draws the line, walking it even - a transcendence on all, built upon expectations. Here, the Pizza Boy stands, sewing pieces of his legacy threadbare. Withstanding the weight of perception, not letting this world grind him down to the mush. Perhaps that is what makes the Pizza Boy such a polarizing figure, in truth - unable to concern himself with fears of the tangible. He doesn't belong. He is the end to this tormenting strife that is the glass ceiling. Many a men, you can line them up like ducks in a row, and the resemblance feels like clock work. A pattern that this industry just can't seem to shake. But the man before Lannister now is molded to no etching stone, no stable precedent plagiarize for the model of success. Truly, for the first time in the land of Elite - Lannister has come across a shade of ambition he can't seem to understand. See, Lannister is a great judge of character - he sees the inkling of ambition that echoes the ideals of the man. Glory, greed, fame, namesake, stature - common elements that are often found in correlation to these idols. But the Pizza Boy - he seems to parallel not a single one. And Lannister respects that. So while the confines of this ordeal is to generate hate, embrace it even - resort to the normal psychological beat-down that Lannister can simulate through the mind - it would be nothing but an utter waste.

Lannister sees the fun in it when Lioncross betrays his true nature out of a stretch of unfortunate fate, and that gives Lannister hope that the Pizza Boy can sooner succumb to consequence - but Lannister will not get his hopes up. The Pizza Boy simply doesn't take this seriously enough - a lethargic awe-inspiring mindset that simply draws the mind haywire. Lioncross has proves he cares far too much - but what do you do with a man that cares not for his own stature? It appears what Lannister is trying to say - this match-up, through all its star-studding potential - is dreading its stark nature. For, Lannister must come to admit his own nature - he seeks the satisfaction of humiliation. Because defeat is far too final, it doesn't last, for it is a temporary triumph that only allows room to dwell upon. But humiliation? My, how Lannister strives for the very entity of it. But The Pizza Boy simply could not give a second thought to Lannister throwing him inside a casket. And that... that simply cannot be. He is far too resilient, far too level-headed to let one blimp on the radar lead him astray. Everything this man accomplishes is already an exclusive bonus. Don't forsaken these words as a doubt that Lannister is doubting his ability to accomplish what is required to secure yet another victory. No, it's not that - Lannister isn't exactly the type to forego the due diligence of such a stage. Time is a human construct that Lannister is unbound to. However, there just simply is not enough time on the horizon to manufacture the silver lining.

Perhaps through all the tribulations of 2016 - Lannister has become obsessed with the struggle - the ideals of resentment. Lannister cannot possible see the antagonism, or potentially seeing himself become one in this particular sequence. And that... that is Lannister's own twisted view on how Halloween came early. The kicks and the screams of Matt Ryder, the desperate pleas of Tyler Parker, the entitlement of the righteous pecking order from Lioncross - THAT is what Lannister strives to expose and discharge - FEED UPON EVEN. But to simply, prove dominance - no, there must be more to be had here. The waste of expression, the drowning in confusion of entangled plans turning to black, the mass cremation of failed aspirations... that is what drives Lannister to be the Elite Lord. Pizza Boy, you are fun to many - but for all the same reasons - the opposite symbol to Lannister.

That is why Lannister must not savor this whatsoever, and chomp down and swallow hole of this match of misdirection. Simply two men following separate paths, happening to be at the mercy of the order to stand one another down. That is a challenge Lannister will simply have to learn to take - and accept as it may. Because at the end of the day, there is an art to be had in the class of competition. Lannister just hasn't been solely focused on the concept of late. This transgression must surely pass - but Lannister's dominant stature becomes evident in all due time. So Lannister comes to you, not as the King of Elite that imposes fear into the aura of the ground Lannister walks. Lannister comes at you not with the wield of the sword, seeking for the blood to flow. Nor, with the intention of sending any abiding regards, or leaving any lasting impressions. Just simply, the admiration that is House Lannister. Endure it, chew on it - do with this as you seek. But do realize - you are in exclusive company, and Lannister's brunt intentions is a mercy to not take lightly. It is not intended, but the point was always meant to be amiss. You have Lannister's attention, point blank.

And may the force be with the one who dares.

Power be dare.
Eclipse Diemos
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 28th 2016, 2:14 am by Eclipse Diemos
A Painted Face

Charenton Asylum. It wasn’t exactly like Prescott Hills Sanatorium, but it felt more like home than the hotel rooms he stayed in at times. His hands roamed through his hair, picking at his dreadlocks. The sheep mask that he held tightly in his left hand clasped against his hips. He wanted to be at a place more like home. It would calm them...or at least...keep the demon inside of him quelled for a little while longer. Words clinging to his ears. Crawling along his skin. The venom infecting his very blood stream. He loathed them. He wanted to break them. No...no he didn’t. That wasn’t like him. Abaddon wanted to break them. To silence them. They were hurting Joseph. Not Eclipse. To Eclipse they were but words. Words faded away. They could leave impressions, but those too would fade in time. He had learned that in an Asylum like this. Physical pain and mental pain all could fade, it just took longer for the mental pain to truly fade away into obscurity. But physical? He could deal with physical. Physical wasn’t an issue for him. Scars faded. Mental was his vice. Some would say that he enjoyed inflicting mental much more than he enjoyed inflicting physical. To Eclipse, the battle was won when the opponent stopped comprehending him as a person. Once the opponent viewed him as a monster that was all that was necessary. Nothing else mattered in the end. Just the monster that he was. He stopped his motion as he heard his footsteps start to echo and slowly looked up. He was where the cafeteria would be if the Asylum was in good condition. The walls were tattered, wallpaper peeling off and broken. The tables weathered and old, covered in bits of dust and debris. He swept his hand against one of them, and watched as a bug skittered across the floor out of the corner of his eye. Maybe it was more like home than he thought. He let his hands drift further onto the table, leaning against it for support as he placed the sheep mask down onto it.

“Individuals. That is what the enemy team is composed of. None of them allied with a purpose or a cause. They are all individuals. No guiding focus to their words. Nothing of the sort. To them, this is just a matchup, another example of what they can accomplish in the ring. It isn’t something for me to truly...fear or be threatened over. No. With the lack of a guiding purpose...the lack of a soul behind their actions, they truly do fit the idea of monsters don’t they? To them, this is a battle. They see no glory to be had with it. No...ideas evolving from it. For some, this is their chance to further stake their claim at relevance. To put their mark into their illustrious fame. To marvel at their own brilliance. What a world we live in then, that this could be what brings us together again isn’t it? And what a time to do just that. The time of...well it isn’t important what this time is for me. I have made peace with that. Just enough that my feelings for it will not interrupt my feelings for what I have to do in the ring. No. To destroy monsters, you must become one. That is what the ancient heroes did to defeat the monsters of lore. Beowulf, to slay Grendel, wrenched the arm from the beast as a barbaric act, hanging it upon the wall as a trophy. They called him a hero. Mm...I’m getting preoccupied again. In the end my focus lies on the individuals, because these individuals are not a team. They can’t work together, not as a cohesive unit. I can. I know how. I’m more than willing to do just that. My family beside me, and though some may deny this, my trust is in Hades. He has accepted the darkness that he showed me when I first gazed upon him, and that is enough for me to believe that he will help us in this war. This...blood filled rampage of monsters in the ring.

So as individuals I focus upon the vocal one of the group. Judas. And no, I choose not to mock the fact that you name yourself after Judas Iscariot, I believe I have made that statement before. No. Instead I would like to talk about who you are as a person, Judas. Who you choose to be. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen you last. I know of your deeds and your accomplishments, but once more, like so many others, you only talk of things that you barely comprehend, and use the void of reality that no one seems to fully grasp isn’t controlled by anyone. Judas, you are not stronger than me in this darkness we inhabit. Because I don’t control it. No one can. This darkness we live in...it’s a living thing. It cannot be controlled through will alone. It is far beyond the mortal minds that we have. I simply have adjusted to it. I feel safer in this darkness, knowing that there is honesty in it. There are no lies in the shadow. For what is there to hide if no one can see it? I digress. You commented on my failings among other things. My failing in taking the World Heavyweight championship as your pick above all. In essence, my failure to attain that title is what you believe makes me...worthless to you does it? My loss. I find that interesting. Interesting because I seem to recall a loss of your own. The same place that I lost against Hades. Pain for Pride 9. And within an instant you lost your National Elite title. Losses prove nothing Judas. It is what is done once victory is once more attainable.”

His hands swept along the dust covered table, clearing it before he placed himself down in the seat at the table, resting his elbows against the wood. His mind drifting through different thoughts. A few as memories. He tossed the sheep mask onto the dust, coughing as it scattered in the air. The mask itself, its eyes staring deep into his own. Expressionless. Emotionless. Simply a point of existence and nothing more. He clicked his tongue, the sound echoing in the dismal darkness of this place of madness. The walls were familiar to him, he could actually picture them as they used to be in Prescott Hills Sanatorium. Sterile and white. Lights hanging above his heads. The constant mumble of voices all around him. He chose to sit alone in the cafeteria. It was better for him. His teeth clenched together, trying to block out the memories but it was too late. Lost in them. He had to keep talking. Else he would be haunted by the memories for longer. If he just kept talking he wouldn’t be haunted.

“You claim I’m using my family? That they are simply pawns in my game. What makes you believe that Judas? Do I really seem like the kind of person that would just...abuse my family. I am not that person. I am not JJ Silva. I do not torture the feelings of others, others who have put faith and trust in me, for my own selfish gains. And to accuse me of using the children who have put their trust in me as well. I saved these children from a life of pain and of...horrible abuse. And to say that I do not care about them as family. To add to this idea that they are pawns. You do not know me at all, Judas. But what can I gather from you. From what you say...this darkness you are in...it was your family wasn’t it? The greatest betrayal one can face is from their own family. Perhaps...an abusive father? An absentee mother? A twisted brother? Does it matter who it was. Their faces have blurred for you, haven’t they? Running together in a soup of torture and pain. Mixing into a stew of duplicity and lies. You never trusted from then on. Others were going to betray you as well. No one you loved would stay with you, why would they, they would use you to get what they wanted and leave. Betray them first. Take what you want from them. They would do the same to you. They would hurt you, Judas. So, you hurt them. You break them. Because, a part of you believes that hurting them will hurt the one who betrayed you. Am I close? Am I hitting the mark? It doesn’t matter to me, Judas. For every chance I give to some...to others I must deny. And you? I will deny it. I will deny it, because you are not what I seek. You have let the pain you suffered cloud that innocence you have. You aren’t using the darkness as solace or as comfort. To you...this darkness is controlled. It isn’t a beast, it’s a weapon. One you wield with the grace of a child. It’s aggression. Maddening aggression. You have strength. The strength of a true betrayer. Judas was strong of will. He did, after all, betray the son of God for coin. But do you know what he did after? The guilt. The guilt of his betrayal caused him to hang himself high, with his pieces of silver beside him.”

Eclipse laughed to himself, tracing out the image of a noose on the dust before closing his eyes tight and grasping at the mask. Images racing in his mind. The images of fellow patients, their bodies huddled close. Eyes listless in some, darting in others. The image in particular was of one man. His hair a frazzled mess. His piercing blue eyes scanning left and right with laser focus. His face covered in a network of patchwork scars and stitching. Daniel Fairfield. A spree killer, whose distinguishing feature was his painted face. He covered his face in an assortment of makeup, never truly alike in most ways. Typically they were messes of paint, thrown together to cover his scars. But...in this asylum, paint was only given to patients that exhibited ‘adequate behavior’. Daniel Fairfield never displayed that. He was too restless. With the paint gone from his life he acted to the world as if his face itself was missing. There was nothing left. His life was in the paint. At the time that he knew David, Eclipse had been around 19. He had been at the Asylum longer than most people, and had grown accustomed to his time there. And David was someone he wanted to help. Helping David would be easy. He just needed to have his face painted once more. And he would help David. In fact, he was more than willing...until he heard the stories of the crimes David had committed. Spree killings were one thing. Eclipse had seen all manner of death and murder come into his abode. That didn’t matter...but what did was the victims.

David had a favored target. Children. Child predation was his hobby. When David spoke of it to Eclipse he talked in a way that made him disgusted. He targeted them due to them being weak. They were helpless. They didn’t put up too much of a struggle. He laughed when he described the deaths to Eclipse. The amount of agonizing days that it took sometimes. He went through it in detail. So...Eclipse offered to paint his face. He was allowed special privileges, since he was a ‘good patient.’ So, using his privileges, he took David with him to the showers, saying that he would paint his face there. The guards at the door knew best not to ask when Eclipse said that he wanted to help fix the pipes in the shower. The guards didn’t care about the screams. Another dead patient didn’t matter. Dead patients meant less people to guard. And Eclipse had promised to paint his face. He never stated if the paint would simply be David’s blood. An unrecognizable bruise on the shower floor. The guards didn’t care. And neither did Eclipse. What did it matter that another body ended up in this world?

“Judas. Your painted face hides scars and burns doesn’t it? Perhaps not all physical. Perhaps. But in the end what makes you...a monster. Isn’t those scars. Nor is it the paint you wear or the words you say. What makes you a monster is that you view your actions without a shred of remorse or accountability. Body count. You prey on the helpless, those you deem as weak or incapable of fending for themselves. The man with the painted face. Well, I suppose I’m one to talk then, aren’t I Judas? After all, what is paint but a way to mask who we are...just like masks hide us from the world. Only difference Judas? My mask keeps me alone in my thoughts. I’m not hiding myself from the world...I’m making sure my demons stay with me. On Voltage...I’ll show you them. I’ll show you...what a real monster is capable of.”
Jon McAdams
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 28th 2016, 1:47 am by Jon McAdams
Jon McAdams
The Survivor
Voltage Promo #5
EAW Promoz! - Page 13 4703e7f55b6c83a5bda90be9df787164

The camera fades into the hotel room suite of Jon McAdams. He is sitting in a throne across from a woman that the French people recognize as Bernadette Bennett. She is a popular sports anchor in for European TV.

Jon McAdams. The survivor of the NFC. We have the pleasure of getting to interview you here tonight as you prepare for your match this Sunday against Ahren Fournier. First I must say it is an honor to get to be here to interview you, a genuine NFC competitor. Not that we would glorify what those people did but your story is an incredible one. When will we expect the documentary to be released?”

Whenever Jerry gets finished eating himself to death, I'm sure we'll get it

Ah yes,” she chuckles. “You're referring to esteemed documentary director Gary Moore.”

I guess that's what he is… I've really lost track of what he does around here.

Understandable with your busy schedule. Speaking of which, how do you fit all of your charitable work in with your busy wrestling schedule.”

Ah. Well, I'll be honest I don't really know much about that. I have a financier take care of all that so I don't have to pay taxes to that filthy American government. Not to say I'm not charitable with my time. For instance I spend my weeks here at EAW teaching valuable lessons to handicapped people like Ahren Fournier.”

Ah yes,” She smiles. “Id like to ask you about your match with him this Sunday.”

Of course,” McAdams grins. “Just one second.”

McAdams picks up the remote on his phone and turns on the giant screen behind.

A video plays of two boxers entering the ring. One of the boxers is wearing trunks that says Trill Fairy. Opposing him is a slightly smaller boxer wearing trunks that reads The Survivor. They begin to circle each other.

You use a lot of cinematic polish with your promos. You often say that you don't care what people think. Why do you work so hard on each segment you're in?”

It has a lot less to do with people and more to do with how I feel about myself. I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what you do, you should always put your best foot forward and do whatever it takes to win. Not for them. But because I know I deserve it. That's why I throw heaps of money at segments, and why I am willing to 'cheat’ to win”, McAdams quotes the air as he says cheats. “It's why it does bother me that a lazy man like Ahren Fournier believes he deserves to be called The Crown Jewel of EAW.

The Survivor Boxer hits a hard right hook on the Trill Fairy face.

Some of your main detractors including Fournier say you don't respond to their criticisms of you. What do you have to say about that?”

I appreciate you being polite Ms. Bennett but there's no need to spare feelings. I'm not a sensitive child like Fournier.”

The survivor makes another jab and it taps the face of Trill Fairy.

Well, would you like to respond to them tonight?”

Yes. Let's get this over with. So I can go back to having fun with this again.

He says that you're repetitive

The Trill Fairy goes for a swing.

Since I've been here I’ve not had a similar segment or promo. Not in presentation. Not in template, or order. They only have a similar style that speaks to the kind of person I am.  You can go back and watch them for yourself if you want evidence. I don't have anything to hide in that regard. Unfortunately, for Ahren, his promos are the same set ups with the same predictable breaks with only slight variations in the things he says. His insults and opponents may change but he's like a daily horoscope. They sound like they're specific but it's a template used for everyone. Again, all you have to do is watch them if you want proof. Albeit that is quite a chore.”

The Survivor dodges the hook and strikes out with a hard jab.

He has called you a drunk and an alcoholic,” Bennett looks up at McAdams with a stern face. “And to be fair, you have been seen drinking and being intoxicated on camera.”

The Trill Fairy rolls and darts past The Survivor and goes for another hook.

Woaaah! A grown man drinks?!" McAdams waves his arms in the air sarcastically looking shocked. "Yes, one night after a hard fought victory I had a drink to celebrate. Because of the drink I overreacted to something I saw and drank more than I should have. Later I did it again but the bottle was filled with Gatorade because I wanted to continue to get the reactions I was getting out of him. But I'll tell you something more troubling Ms. Bennett. Let's say I was an alcoholic. Let's say because of the legitimate horrible things that I've been through in my life I suffered from the disease of alcoholism. This man took that and used it for an angle against me. This man who is a role model. This man who has the attention of the crowd. This man who goes to schools and talks to children on campus. This man makes fun of alcoholics and what's more, he makes fun of anyone who drinks despite being someone who partakes in it himself. This is what I mean when I say he is a very mean spirited bully and this is honestly why the poor man has to pay people to be his friends. It's why he stands alone facing multiple people.”

The Survivor blocks the punch and follows through with several shots to the head and body.

He's also called you a hypocrite, and again Mr. McAdams, you have bullied Gary Moore, you have said really mean and terrible things, you've taken advantage of people and you've repeatedly shamed mentally handicapped people. What do you have to say about that?

The Trill Fairy dodges the last shot and swings getting a shot in on The Survivor’s face. The Trill fairy smiles.

You know, I don't know if he knows what hypocrite means. I have never claimed to be a good person. I've never claimed I wasn't a bully, or that I wasn't mean, or anything like that. But it is unfortunate that he pretends to be 'one of the good guys’ while being just as terrible as me. When I see him behave like that and hear the crowd cheers for him, the more disgusted I am at them. I didn't just say that by the way, I also said he objectifies women. If he were here you wouldn't be Bernadette Bennett. You'd be an object for him to do. Listen to how he talks about women. He even called the people he was with HIS wild lesbians. That's disgusting. I may be a lot of things but I do not disrespect women.”

The Survivor moves in as The Trill fairy goes for another combo but Survivor pulls back and lifts his foot up and kicks the Trill Fairy in the balls even though this is clearly a boxing match.

He claims that you are childish, that you are like a third grader and that you are jealous of him.”

The Trill Fairy calls for a disqualification but there are no referees.

“You know Ms. Bennett. I like to have fun in my promos and segments. I like to enjoy myself and be entertaining because this is my job and I get paid to do it. In doing so I go above and beyond to make sure everything I put out is quality because my name is on it and I take pride in my name. It is not jealousy that drives me forward. It's that the man is called the crown jewel of EAW and he just isn't. Maybe at one point he had a spark or fire but I feel that he's become complacent with his spot and he's found his formula for the week by week to just get by and sell merchandise. He has a spot he doesn't deserve regardless of what he says that's the truth. I think hard work should be rewarded and laziness should be punished."

The Survivor kicks the Trill fairy in the mouth and begins to stomp on his head over and over again.

"He calls what I do and say childish and this is where actual hypocrisy comes in. He not only acts like a child. He also takes every attack that I've made against him and instead of coming back with something original, he either regurgitates what I say back at me or takes random verbs and nouns and tries to string together some schoolyard baby insult. It's so cringeworthy.”

The Survivor then climbs on top of the Trill fairies and begins to pound his bloody face in even further.

He's also called you boring. He's claimed you bore him.”

The Trill Fairy manages to push The Survivor off of him.

You know, he doesn't have to respond to them if he thinks they are boring or if he thinks they don't matter. His confidence in his athletic ability and his apparent belief that he's the best should suggest that he should have no problem verbally squashing me and tearing me up in the ring. But I just don't think he really believes that. Furthermore more, this is him once again taking something I said about him and trying to apply it to me. He has the horribly long pauses in his promos between what seems to be each statement. It's no doubt there to fill up time because he goes for quantity not substance. He spent valuable TV time actually interviewing what we've already established are paid actors and it just drones on and on and tries to make me out to be nothing. But as we all know, Ms. Bennett. I'm well known because of my story. But like I said, I am here to do my job. I'm here to do it well and get paid well. I'm here to make sure it's fun. I just don't think he's having fun. And you can see it in his cold dead beady eyes. He's become a product. Not a wrestler.”

The Survivor pulls off his gloves and punches the Trill Fairy in the face before getting up and heading to his corner.

He also claims that you are a copycat. Where does he get this from?”

The Trill Fairy manages to stand to his feet.

Ah yes,” McAdams laughs. “Ahren does believe this. I assume he believes this about 99% of the roster. And anytime an announcer is shamed. And anytime someone does an interview that they are clearly copying him. If there are similarities it's simply because I watch wrestling and am a fan of it. I'd never be stupid enough to claim that mock interviews are my original thing. It's a very weird claim he makes but that is part of the problem. He's believes these things because he's egocentric, and because he doesn't pay attention to the people around him. He's trying to be something he just isn't. And I think that happens when you pay people to tell you what you want to hear. By his own admittance he lives on a made up place called, Planet Fournier. Crown Jewel? No. I don't think he needs that. He needs a straight jacket and rehab.

The Survivor grabs a lead pipe from his corner as the Trill Fairy charges him, he slams the pipe into the Trill Fairies stomach. Dropping him to the ground.

But you can't deny his in ring prowess, he did beat you last time after all.”

A second man enters the ring. He wears trunks with the words The Showman on them.

Yes, he did. I can't deny that. And I had prepared for that match. I put my heart into making sure I knew how to beat Ahren. Yet still. I was not ready for how relentless he'd be. But this Sunday will be different. It's a different fight. He mocks me because I've allied myself against him with a man who beat him fair and square on Sunday. He mocks me for preparing for every possible moment in this match. He mocks. That's really it. He often claims he doesn't understand my promos, or the things anyone else is saying. I watched him try and do the same thing to my associate Showman. This only proves one thing. He refuses to acknowledge anything that challenges him. He is all misdirection and misquotes. It's pathetic. The truth is this. Ahren has gotten by because he is resilient and strong but hardly because he's that talented. He’s going to lose this sunday for one simple reason. He doesn’t take the time to know his opponents. He likely thinks he’s going to breeze through this just like he thought he would last week. That’s just not going to happen. He can be upset and say it’s stupid to brag about receiving help but the value is in winning, not how you win. If I beat him on sunday, and I get help. I get a win, and his losing streak continues. And I’m with Mike Showman, when he says I want to completely humiliate Ahren Fournier. Before this is over. I want him to be nothing. I want to make him nothing and if Mike Showman is the man to make that happen, then I’m with him.”

The Survivor and Showman proceed to kick and punch and hit The Trill Fairy until he stops moving entirely.

McAdams raises his remote and turns the TV off.

Ms. Bennett, I appreciate you doing this interview with me. I know it was long, and I would prefer to not have had to do it. But Alas, I was being told by many that I should clear the air. And while I’m glad I could finally put to bed the stupid things that retard has been saying. I am a little sad we couldn’t have a little more fun here tonight.”

Yes, that video behind us was rather disturbing.”

I felt it was proper. Now, feel free to stay, I believe Showman’s father owns this hotel. He’s in the other room if you’d like to drop by. As for now, I’m going to have a glass of champagne and tomorrow, I continue training.”

Gary bursts into the room.

“Jon! I got your text just now, are we ready to do a real interview?” Gary sees Ms. Bennet standing up as the crew starts packing up their gear. “Oh… That;s what you meant.”

Camera fades out.

Last edited by Jon McAdams on October 28th 2016, 4:04 am; edited 1 time in total
вrσdч spαrks .
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 28th 2016, 1:25 am by вrσdч spαrks .
EAW Promoz! - Page 13 Ri2apSy


Static. Static played for what felt like twenty minutes. The white noise filling the area as the static went out. The shadow of a woman is seen. The figure is standing in a isolated location. A figure skips into the picture as a smile was written on it's face- on HER face. Her being Brody Sparks. Picking up the camera now facing it to herself in a selfie position. With a cock of her head to the side, her lips opened.

"I have been patient. I have been waiting. I have been such a fucking good girl, waiting, watching at home.  I never missed a beat.. I never missed an episode of EAW programming. I followed everything. The rise and the inevitable fall of Omerta. A stable that I called home. People I called family. People I thought where my family, but in the end they weren’t good enough for me. I was superior. I was literally the spark of Omerta. When they lost that spark, they died. You all saw it. My potential wasted in the hands of Zack Crash. But things have changed. Time waits on no man and it definitely didn't wait for them. My sweet beautiful carrot-top Cailin, well time won’t be waiting for you, or any of your little friends."

"I will rise…."

"Like a phoenix emerging from it’s ashes, I will stand and I will emerge victorious. You see when you lose a part of who you are, it is the most surreal experience one can have. Do you know what it is like to look at yourself in the mirror and not even recognize what you see in the reflection that is in front of you? Well baby, I do. Let me ask. When you look into my eyes, tell me what do you see? Do you see someone you can beat? I am not the same little girl that I was months ago. Know that Cailin Has your mind gone completely haywire to the point where you start to imagine these little small inadequate scenarios? I pity you. Unlock your mind and dare to use more than just the seven percent that you know of. The mind, it is truly limitless. Some  may think the pressures of this career and this lifestyle had silenced me. Caused me to run away and try to find normalcy in my life. However, let me let you in on a little secret. Let me make things clear. You cannot bring normalcy to something that is abnormal. I am not normal. I KNOW this. I have acknowledged it. I LOVE not being normal. If normal is what you are, if normal is what the rest of this company is, what the rest of these vixens are, then I wouldn’t even WANT to be normal. What you all call crazy and weird, why it is my normal. Different is my normal. Sociopath, narcissism, THAT is my normal. I like controlling things. My environments, my lifestyle, your life. It almost makes me want to touch myself. To explore my very own body, to give myself a mental orgasm. It’s an urge inside of me I cannot shake. Like a serial killer has the urge to kill, I have the urge, and the desire to control. The desire to hurt. To pick apart your body like a crow would to a carcass. I like to control the blood that flows in your body. Busting you open, slicing and picking away at you, it is my greatest joy! To beat you into a bloody pulp, to watch your poor little face look up at me and realize in that moment , you have truly lost. It turns me on, that warm sensation of blood my god! It is the best climax one can have. The look in your eyes as you are on the brink of passing out to never wake again. Oh god! So precious. At that moment, I play your very own personal jesus. Waking you up as you feel my warm and erotic wet tongue sliding up and down on your beautiful little cheek, making you feel you have a chance, only to continue the wreckage. You might like that though Cailin, wouldn’tcha love? Its unfortunate that you and Sheridan had to be made into an example of what the women of The Sanatorium are capable of. While you and your Siren friends sat pretty, sat way too fucking comfortable on your egos, you didn’t even see this coming. GLORIOUS. You didn’t realize that while you took us for a joke, for weaklings and last week proved that we are exactly the fucking opposite. A treat for a trick like you, oh how I LOVE these Halloween festivities."

"Cailin I will do you a favor, and I will  not feed you a lie in telling you to fear not. You need to fear, you need to be aware of the cleansing I am bringing to this division. To this company. Your most high, and glorious spark has returned to where she belongs. Were you one of the moronic fools who actually bought that terrible excuse of me retiring? Aw.  Maybe you are far more ignorant than I had originally thought! Congratulations, you tricked me, but not in the way you might have hoped to. Fools. The human race, we are infamous for being filled with ignorance, fortunately for me, I was cleansed from my own ignorance. Ignorance that you are FILLED with you.  Unfortunately for you and the rest of the world, you all prove the theory right. You people are more pathetic than and more stupid than the people who honestly thought, that they, yes they actually thought I would give up this career of hurting people, making people dismembered, this career where I get to truly be MYSELF! Know this. Listen, and study this and absorb this. Let it fill you up inside like a man filling up a woman with his seed, and realize that BRODY FUCKING SPARKS will NEVER die. I am back and I am better than ever. A redesign of who I was. I have truly found myself, I found the spark that hid within the spark. It was so beautifully twisted.  I knew who I was deep down inside, I just needed to be reminded. It was quite the illuminating experience. Transic and almost erotic. Almost.  I needed to search deep down inside and find the missing piece that was lying within in me. It was there but I spent too much time trying to make friends in the past with people who didn’t deserve to even wipe my ass with toilet paper. With people who were nothing more than just the gum under my boot. Sticking me to the ground, trying to hold me  back, ME BACK! People like you.. Keeping me from accomplishing the things that were in my destiny. Never again, for that is the past and the past is exactly what it is, the past. The old Brody, she was great, she conquered and fought though anything, but that was only a fragment of who she was. A fragment, a small and tiny percent of who I was."

"Let me ask you this my sweet ginger-haired bitch. Did it hurt? Did it hurt when my sister whipped you out last week? Did it hurt when that sweet victory you had was cut short at the hands of ME. Did it make your blood boil? Were your little wanna be comic heros friends rush to the back to check on poor Cailin? Did you see the screaming, the pain in the eyes of the Vixens Champions. She was SUBMITTING TO ME. That’s who you guys are fighting so fucking hard for to align yourself with? Oh Cailin… I’m not like the rest. I’m not going to try to tell you that you are so much better than the company that you keep, you’re not. You are all equally terrible. You may call yourself southern poison, but each Siren and any woman dumb enough to align herself with them is poison personified! I don’t care how many fucking times you three want to make threat, I don’t care how many hero stories you want to drag to me, and bore me with, I don’t care. All I care about is MYSELF. I care about building my own fucking Empire. I’m going to show the world how a real woman gets things done around here. I hold myself to the highest throne because I AM worthy of it. With or even without the Sanatorium baby I am legit. I choose to align myself with the people I can relate to. I couldn’t relate to the bitches in your little party. I wouldn’t even want to! Now I have reached my truest, my PUREST form. The illuminating siren that was hidden under the spark inside of me. Do not be fooled my children, the spark is still there but it has illuminated, it has transformed. It has evolved. I have evolved. I opened doors, I reached levels of my own mentality that I never thought I had before. It was a gift bestowed upon me by the gods. I am a goddess among the men and woman, a goddess among dirt. The dirt known as the Vixens Division. Why be a vixen, when you can be a goddess? Why be elite , when you can be a god! We can’t all be goddess, I was chosen, and while you and your Siren buddies enjoy being on your reality television and your little movies and all these promotions and even spokespersons for makeup, I can take over. The makeup may cover up and enhance those beautiful faces, and trust, those faces are beautiful… I wanna sit on em. But only for now they are beautiful babe, but it will never enhance your talent. It will never enhance your abilities. The mind is truly limitless. My mind has no limits. You know what they say right? They say the most dangerous kind of person, the most evil people in the world are the ones who unlocks their true potential, the ones who have nothing to lose, but EVERYTHING to gain. Ask yourself babydoll, what do you have to gain? An impossible victory against me to try and show me and show the world that you can be a vixen and that doing all of these pathetic sponsorships and shows and makeup lines doesn’t make you any less of a woman than I am? Is that what you have to gain? You can be a good guy and have success! Oh goody! It will be done in vain, for you cannot compare yourself to me. You can NEVER compare to my wickedness! A goddess is by far better than a woman. So what are you fighting for? What is it that you are trying so desperately  to accomplish that one would risk their own life, to attain it? When you step into the ring with me, into my playground you must fight for your life, regardless if you want to believe it or not, your life will be on the line. I don’t plan on just beating opponents, I do not plan on just hurting people alone, I plan on ending careers and baby I will do it with the utmost pleasure. I’m back Cailin and there is no one else I’d rather beat first, than you. This is  war, a war built on an Empire. An Empire I will soon enough take over when the time is right. This may be war, a war I am happy to be apart of, simply for the blood that will be shed. It’ll be fun, this is a war alright, but this is also the beginning of MY EMPIRE
Her last words said with a stern voice as she threw the camera onto the ground. You could hear her footsteps walking as she picked up an object. She poured liquid on the item and all you could see is a deranged Brody standing, giggling as she pulled out a cigarette. With one puff and the light of a match she threw it onto the camera along with the cigarette. Flames. There was only flames.

Last edited by The Brody Sparks on October 28th 2016, 1:30 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : paragraphs spacing.)
Devan Dubian
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 28th 2016, 12:47 am by Devan Dubian
It feels good to be home. Being humbled in Dynasty's realm of purgatory, I know that it is not one place that I ever want to return to again. I proudly bleed blue now and want to be once again known as a renowned cavalier around these parts and if that means taking down a fellow Hall of Famer in Tyler Parker whose current desires are not too far from my own then I have no choice. If anything, this is perhaps the perfect trial for me to prove to Methuselah why I deserve to be at the top once again and why I above all have a right to fight for that title. You know, there is an underlying measure to my move to Showdown and I have had to bear whispers from the shadows of certain partisanship going on here between the administrators and myself but all I can say about that is that the board that bleeds blue knows they can drive my career from an elite level to an unattainable level where deities get the privilege of being candidly unchallenged. 

This audition will be a battle of the high and mighty is only going to end up one way, someone's ego being shattered. And I do not certainly intend it to be mine. I am in a competition of two high ends, one where a future adversary of mine believes that he will conquer my world but the one I am more focused on at the current moment is the other one where a former adversary believes he can defeat me in the riches of intelligence, wealth, fearlessness determination knowing full well that what he is driving to bargain is nothing but drivel. It is true that Tyler Parker faced a tragedy quite early in his career but the path was always set out for him, he was awarded gold pins at every checkpoint and contracts every other week because his name had merit, it was used to the limelight and made the most of it. It is the mere fact that Tyler Parker once believed that he had self preserved more than myself that gets to me because he knows better than most what I had to go through to get here. The richness of life can only feel so good when you have dug yourself from the ground all the way to the top. And no, I am not talking about richness as in being fed from a gold spoon since I was a child because in our world, wealth is the least of our worry. It is a plus in many ways but ultimately futile to how we perform in that ring. This became increasingly prevalent when I did not walk out of this previous Pain for Pride the World Champion despite believing that my riches alone would be enough to atone for all the work that the rest of the competitors had put in the rest of the year. It became even more apparent when I was the one to be pinned but it convinced me of something, that I could never take anything for granted ever again. I know you have been holed up in your own little world for a while now Tyler and I have been millennials away doing my own thing but at the end of the day, I am getting the chance of avenge myself in the ring and I do not intend to let this momentum run from the grip of my own hands. At this present time, I feel you are the perfect opponent to connect with in the ring because you represent a hurdle that I need to get over at any cost and I can perfectly assume that you are not at your top shape right now. You are scrapping your feet right now and I intend to drop you when you least expect it because you above all need to realize what it feels to be humbled once again and I willing to grant you that gift. And that too by a man who you despise for being equaled to for the past few years, nothing will enrage you more, that kind of inconsistency will give the upper hand. There is also nothing more enticing than having targets on our backs during a match because that kind of war zone puts us on the edge the whole time, I will use that opportunity to jump that hurdle that has remained in front of me for so long and leave him face planted on the ground once and for all. Tyler Parker. This genius billionaire playboy philanthropist will outdo you for the final time.

The last time that I came to Showdown, I shocked the world when I took down the then world champion in Hades and this time, Tyler Parker will get to hold the same prerogative by being the lavish victory that gets me to shake up this roster a bit more. This roster is more diverse than anything I have seen in my career before and that gives me far more opportunities than I need to prove to Methuselah that it will be his world, not mine that is going to be shaken for good. I have been urging this chance for so long and by next weeks end, I will get you to realize that Hall of Fame title is mine. I will not remain on the defensive anymore, this attack barrage will grab me my first gold after a few years Methuselah, that much is certain. The time to reign above the best has come and will make the brand that bleeds blue prideful once again.
Philosophy VS. Manliness
Post October 28th 2016, 12:20 am by ThatChapChristo
Philosophy vs. Manliness

“It’s time for the curtain to drop and time for the show to begin…..”

As if on cue the scene opens with a large curtain viewed through a film grain, the curtain is drawn back to reveal a man dressed in barker’s clothes holding a sign titled “A Fireside Chat With Mortimer”. He holds up the sign before strolling off and is replaced by “The Gentleman’s Gentleman” Mortimer Gotch, he is seated at his bar once more puffing away on a cigar. After a few puffs he discards his cigar into an ashtray and smiles

“Hello my friends It’s me again, “Gentleman’s Gentleman” Mortimer Gotch! Now while the training came along splendidly, I realized that I have failed to properly address my opponent. Now I can work my bone box to tatters with excuses but the fact of the matter is: I got too flustered and failed to show Mister Marx any proper courtesy, and that’s not gentlemanly at all.”

Mortimer sighs and hops off his stool before slapping his cheeks renewing the vigor in his body language and the fire in his eyes returns

“But there’s no time for feeling down! There’s no time to mince words and beat around the bush, Mister Marx I simply must apologize for my lack of attention towards you. Now I was going to respond in a proper way to your ramblings but it seems you’ve beaten me to that particular punch and added another spoonful into the metaphorical bowl. Therefore I must do what every good gentleman does and think unconventionally!”

Mortimer dashes off and returns a short time later dragging a large chalkboard behind him, he sets up the board and writes the word “Philosophy” and underlines it.

“Now Marxy it seems like I’ve certainly managed to get your bloomers in a twist, and that’s to be expected. You see it’s standard nature for a chap or chapette to fly off the handle when what we base ourselves around or what we believe in is called into question, and you’re correct with the assessment that the world is never in black and white. But! You seem to be forgetting the magic of a little thing called a first impression, and let’s be frank I hate to be rude but to the glance of a new face you are nothing more than a pretentious blowhard with a god complex which is the base prerequisite for your standard cult happy chap. Of course this is a double edged sword because someone could easily look at me and assume I’m just some nancy boy schmuck with an odd speech pattern, however the difference between the two of us? Composure.”

“Now what do I mean by composure? Simple my dear boy! I make a simple and admittedly quite short sighted generalization and you fly off the handle, you respond in earnest and here I stand happy as can be! If you honestly think lording your fictitious “Superiority” over me will get anything more than a hearty chuckle then ya really must be a gentleman of five outs. On your subject of “honestly” the question I have to ask is what were you being honest about because the stroking of your ego? Now I’ll lay out cut and dry this chap knows next to nothing about about this “Philosophy” mumbo jumbo and that doesn’t bother me I’m a working man after all. But I noticed a beautiful thing about it: as far as I’m concerned it’s all a bunch of relative horse puckey! You could stand at your little pulpit or desk or soapbox or whatever you want to call it, but it doesn’t change this solid truth: You can talk all you want but you won’t be able to budge me. All this inner working balderdash oozing from your bone box becomes inconsequential because the only thing subconsciously ingrained in this chap is to be as gentlemanly as possible and to silence whiny braggarts with a rap in the mouth, sorry old bean this suit isn’t getting remodeled any time soon.”

Mortimer erases the chalkboard and sends it rolling off to the side before pulling out another stogie, lighting it and taking a deep drag before gesturing off into the distance stogie in hand.

“Y’know I never noticed that a lot of this “Philosophy” is rooted in hypocrisy, to claim you aren’t arrogant only to turn around and run down another man’s way of life is deliciously ironic. But you see the beautiful thing about being a gentleman is that being well read and snobbish isn’t a requirement, all one needs is to be polite and ready to help out the fellows around him. What it doesn’t entail is being blissfully ignorant of one’s own pure arrogance and hiding it under the guise of “education” bad show sir, bad show indeed. My “hogwash” may be primitive and simple in your eyes but much like the “philosophy” you hold so dear it hasn't failed me yet nor will it start now.”

“Let me just say I am simply flattered that you find “something” in me but let’s be honest Marxy you aren’t looking for a soul to enlighten, what you want is a puppet that you can manipulate. You want a pretty doll whose strings you can pull, a sponge that will lap up the lunacy coming out of your trap like an old fashioned speakeasy! Face it Marxy, there is no bigger picture! Just the poppycock of a delusional schmuck, now I can guarantee that you’ll huff and puff over this as well but no matter! The gloves are off! I’ll see your “danger” and raise you double. It seems like this chess game has gotten quite interesting and for once it’s a cracking good bit of sport. I can’t tell you how much I look forward to Showdown Marxy and maybe then you’ll learn first hand what it’s like to have some proper manners.

"Cheers Mate!"

Mortimer smiles and takes one last drag of his stogie before dropping it on the floor and crushing it with his boot, and with one final bow and tip of his hat the scene transitions to one last time card

Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 27th 2016, 11:58 pm by Rhyse

Atilano is seen kneeling, praying in front of a headstone. He places a marigold in front of him, and with a calm sigh, he begins his speech.

You cannot reap what is already dead. I do not claim to be reborn, because as you all witnessed a few days ago, I had to slowly kill a part of me in order to continue my mission in this industry. Death. A part of life, or rather, the literal ending of a life.

Atilano looks up for short second, then continues.

A wise man once told me: "Lo que haces con el miedo es lo que defina una persona." And I can't help but to repeat that familiar voice over and over again, you see, the man who said that was my late grandfather, que descanse en paz. Alluding to death is all one can seem to do, especially on the arrival of Halloween. However, what Halloween is to you is not the same to me. In Mexican culture, we celebrate el Dia de los Muertos, which, symbolically enough, I will be dressed as a muerto this Friday. Despite the eerie name we give to this celebration, it's actually not that traumatizing. Us Mexicans, we honor the dead; to fear it means to hold guilt, shame - all of the things I most certainly do not stand for.

To honor something you're socialized to fear. To honor the souls who once roamed the earth as you are at this very moment. That, right there, makes me 'better' than you already Jacob. I know you thrive off the fear of others. I also know you hold no humanistic morals. Come this Friday, I will not cater to your ego nor solidify any of your expectations. When I look into your eyes Jacob, I do see the darkness. The darkness that you know, as well as I know, that you'll never be a great champion. A great champion doesn't have to brag nor boast. A great champion doesn't have to fear of ever losing something so replaceable and easily re-obtainable. If you're so desperate to keep it, you're already showing signs of fear. You claim to be a smart man, but I do not wish to pursue your World Heavyweight Championship. The way I see it, the title never once had any real luster or value to it. And besides, why chase after a simple golden strap when I know I can simply...do...better. I call the World Heavyweight Championship easily re-obtainable only because, well, let's face it. You're already at the top, Jacob! You literally have nothing more to do than to look down on each and every one of us of the lower caste. But then, name after name, year after year, and the title "World Champion" suddenly drowns in a sea of lucidity. Given what I know is the truths of this company, it only makes me more and more determined to earning a victory this Friday. What makes me better you ask? My influence and my vision of a brighter era. Because after I'm done with you, I'll have yet another stepping stone that leads to a stairway...that leads to a brighter future.

He stands, this time finally facing towards the camera.

In the future, when Atilano Castillos is long gone, people will construct ofrendas for me. People will bring me cempasúchil flowers. What will they do about Jacob Senn? They might as well do the same, because such a man driven by fear cannot live without it.

Atilano gives one last glance to his grandfather's tombstone as he does the sign of the cross. He walks off the screen. Fade to black.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 27th 2016, 9:45 pm by Wade_Wilson
(The scene opens up inside of a gym, Wade Wilson working out sparring with Luke Cage, the “hype” man X-Dogg and manager WUcifer leaning on the ring watching. EAW camera crew come walking in.)
Wade Wilson-
Well, I wasn’t expecting you all today.

EAW Staff Member-
You called us here to record your promo for your upcoming match against Yusuke Toriyama-Sama.

Hey let’s not get into the he said she said details on the matter, and what did you just call me? Forget all that, you are here now so let’s begin.

(Wade Wilson leaps out of the ring he and Cage were sparring in, he begins walking around the gym as he speaks)
Yes, finally the EAW world will be able to see what I am capable of, they will all witness first hand as I step out into that ring and dominate Mr. Yu. This Yakuza fella is going to get his bum bum spanked! You bring your Yakuza friends, start all the fires you want with your little buddies, I still like my odds bub!
(Wade winks at the camera) I’m going to leave this guy looking like Glenn from the walking dead after he met Lucile and that’s the truth! My fists will hit this guy’s face harder than a barbed wire baseball bat, hit him with the Dead Pool and its NU NIGHT for YUSU, am I saying that right? Doesn’t matter, his name is irrelevant and after I whoop on that ass HE will be in my rearview. This guy beat me? Hahah, this guy has better luck picking up a turd by the clean end! I will leave this guy begging for mercy inside that ring simply because it is my duty… (Wade snickers and holds in his laughter) I said duty… It’s what I’m good at, it’s how I roll! So, Yusu man whatever the fuck your name is, it’s unfortunate for you that you meet me in that ring Saturday night for MY debut! I get it, you didn’t ask for this match, you didn’t know what you were even getting yourself into, but I will answer all of that soon enough Saturday night when I enter that ring and beat on Oroku Saki AKA Shredder wanna be! What, wrong name? Oh well, I’m more skilled than all four turtles and Splinter combined so you are going down! My story is just beginning, my destiny, my reign of terror on the entire EAW roster is beginning Saturday night and Mr Yu is first up to the plate. As hard as it is to believe one thing I am focused on is wrestling, the EAW, I have my eyes set on greatness, and although I am already there I just need to let the world see it also! There is no way in any of ultimate universes, in galaxy’s far far away that this little dude will defeat me! I’m better in every single aspect of the game, I am stronger, quicker, faster just ask your girl…. (Wade turns and notices X-Dogg, WUcifer, and Luke laughing) Wait, I mean I am just better than you pal let’s just leave it at that and Saturday night I am going to prove it! Just think, you and me inside that ring… Us two creating new FUN memories well, it won’t be fun for you but you get the point. You see man, ever since this card came out I’ve been thinking of you and I don’t mean in a creepy, sausage pulling kind of way no, I’ve been thinking of ways I am going to defeat you, all the ways I am better than you, all my skills that exceed yours and how much I will expose you. Ah, my happy place, the warzone, the ring, wrestling, fighting and beating people up is really what I do and you will find that out first hand buddy! No hard feelings though, I mean I have no real issue with you it’s just that you are standing in my path and you will simply be removed from it. You get what I’m saying? You don’t have shit on me, I mean you aren’t much of a likeable person either so it makes this a lot easier for me. After it’s all said and done, when the smoke dies down and the dust settles it will be me with my hands raised in victory! (Wade stops and raises his hands in the air) Remember this image because Saturday night after our match this is what the world will be seeing over your motionless body on the mat!
(Shouting from the other side of the gym) YO, put your arms down man, you gonna hurt somebody with that stench comin from them pits!
Wade Wilson-
(Smells his armpits) You know what that stench is? VICTORY! Ha! Nobody works as hard as me, I train day in and day out, I have the heart of a warrior, I’m more skilled than anybody that the EAW throws at me! Once that first bell sounds and we meet in the center you will be saying to yourself “Uh-oh… Something is wrong” and you will be one hundred percent correct, you are jumping in water over your head and your ass can’t swim! Like quicksand really, you fall in and frantically move about trying to get out, but the more you fight it the faster you sink, that is exactly what will happen to you so just show up take the beating like a man and don’t let it ruin your career! I’ve seen your matches and you aren’t impressive, you have no shot against me, like a shark that can’t swim my friend your ass is going to drown! You are basic, no skill that will be any bit of a threat to the great Wade Wilson and that’s the facts my friend. I’m gonna slam the hammer so hard ya’ll will be thinking I’m Thor, female or male Thor doesn’t matter, I’m just as sexy and powerful as both! I’m the new dog in town, the head honcho I guess you could call me, the Wolf among sheep! Shredder my man you are the first to see my viciousness first hand, my reckless wrestling abilities to snatch this win out from under you while I knock your big goofy self-right onto your damn ass! I am unpredictable, you won’t know what I’m throwing at you next and I’m so fast I make The Flash look like molasses! I will leave you wondering how many people you are in that ring fighting, that’s the scary truth of how fast I am! You supposed to be the new hot stuff? The new big creation for the EAW? Well, I am the ice burg to your titanic, you are going to crash, sink, and drown in that ring with me boy! I know, I know you must be scared… Who in their right mind would ever want to be in that ring with a whack job like me, unfortunately for your sorry ass there is no choice and well I have to make a big impression for my debut, so prepare yourself to be defeated because for you there is no other option, I mean you could not show up, but I will still find you and this fight will happen regardless if there is a reff or not, Saturday night Showdown tune in and witness the fall of the Shredder and I call you that because I can’t say your real name. Wait did I say that out loud? (Wade pauses to laugh) I promise you, I won’t show mercy, the match will not be over until I decide my point has been proven to let everybody know WADE WILSON IS HERE! I’m set out to achieve greatness my friend and your ass aint stopping me, not a chance in hell! I am going to display a work of art inside that ring and leave everybody watching at awe, my abilities are something in which none of you have ever seen before and Yusu will feel it first!
Shredder, Yusu, Yu, do you even know who you are fighting?

Wade Wilson-
I told you already it doesn’t matter, does it? What was his name? That’s how boring he is, I cannot remember!

EAW Staff member-
Yusuke Toriyama-Sama

Wade Wilson-
Again, does it really matter? The only name that matters here is Wade Wilson, this fella is getting whooped regardless of what his name is… I’m going in there punching and kicking his face, throwing my own body off of the turnbuckles onto this bafoon and then I’m walking out with the victory and at the end of the day that’s all that matters! I am going to enjoy myself out there, put on a performance for the crowd, get under my opponent’s skin and have fun winning my debut match. CAN YOU DIG IT!? Yusuke COME OUT AND PLAY!... Hey I got his name right!
(Wade looks at the EAW staff and gives thumbs up and a smirk.) Im bringing it back baby.
Tell em what your bringin back Wade!

Wade Wilson-
I’m bringing sexy back! Wait, no, I mean yes I am… But I meant to say I am bringing back great wrestling, the extreme side of things, the excitement, I am bringing back what the world wants to see and the EAW staff will be able to sleep well at night because Wade Wilson will be putting asses in seats! Man, listen to me I’m all over the place with this promo… That’s me though I’m all over the place just like my wrestling, all over the place but not sloppy, just unpredictable, but precise, a fucking animal, a savage, a fucking warrior with killer instincts, that’s my style I’ll confuse the hell outta ya inside or outside that ring! Don’t take that as me not being prepared, or focused on this match because trust me my friend I am more focused than you could imagine, my eyes are set on the big picture and I aint talkin bout yo momma!
(Wade pauses and laughs.) Winning at any means necessary is my main purpose and my main goal and you will be used as an example, no matter how wildly uncontrollable I may be, no matter how crazy my speeches are don’t ever forget that this is my destiny, my legacy begins Saturday night in that ring, in my domain with you Shredder! FUCK! I forgot the name again! (Wade smacks himself in the head) It doesn’t matter Wade, doesn’t matter… Listen friend, there is no saving you from me and that’s the fact! Luke Cage at ringside is unnecessary he just wanted to be sure to catch a close up of me dominating your sorry ass! You go right on bring Yakuza or any of your little buddies and I will take great pleasure in destroying every one of you! (He begins to rap.) “I just love when a YAKUZA bring his whole crew It's just a bigger piece of cake for me to chew a hole through, I JUST LOVE when a YAKUZA bring his whole crew it’s just a bigger piece of cake for me to chew a whole through.”

Wade Wilson-
Yea that’s Earl Simmons AKA X-Dogg he’s like my best friend!
(Wade turns and makes a heart shape with his hands towards X-Dogg and X-Dogg just shakes his head and laughs.) This is no fairy tale, there is no happy ending for you Mr. Yusuke, YES! Everybody watch and prepare to be in awe of my abilities, the superstar that this place has been missing! My opponent, really creepy guy aint he? I mean is he illuminati or what? (Wade puts his hand up to his eye and lifts the skin, like Yusuke Toriyama-Sama does.) HAHA! Suck IT! (Wade grabs his crotch and pushes his hips forward) This guys a fucking chump! Oh man, SWEET CHRISTMAS I am really going to enjoy this!   (Wade looks over at Luke Cage and gives him two thumbs up) I’ve seen you wrestle bub, I know everything you have to offer, I know what your ass is going to do before you even make an attempt of doing it! Big Bad Deadpool is here and I am going to embarrass you Saturday night! Mr. Yusuke, YES I GOT IT AGAIN! Anyways Suke, you aren’t nearly as good at this wrestling stuff as you think, trust me I’ve seen the tapes… YIKES! Let’s just leave it at that… It’s clear you aren’t as passionate about this stuff as me, you aren’t nearly as dedicated, so bring everybody you know all the yakuza, all your little boys, bring everything you got into that ring with you because I want EVERYBODY to witness me pulverize your ass! You have a predictable pattern to your work and it is quite easy to pick out all the flaws, as there are so many of them! I am going to do a lot more than punch you in your dumb skull face! I will mutilate your pathetic ass! (Wade clears his throat and taps his feet and begins to sing in a popeye voice) “Oh, I'm Wilson the Savage Man, I'm Wilson the Savage Man. I'm strong to the finich Cause I eats me spinach. I'm Wilson the Savage Man. I'm one tough Gazookus, which hates all Palookas, wot ain't on the up and square. I biffs 'em and buffs 'em, And always out roughs 'em But none of 'em gets nowhere. OHH IM WILSON THE SAVAGE MAN”! I hope you enjoyed that, next time I’ll be chargin ya! (Wade winks at the EAW staff and smirks) Yusuke, its simple really, it’s time to take out the trash and I say trash in meaning YOU AND THAT’S THE BOTTOM LINE BECAUSE WADE WILSON SAID SO! Ha, that’s a good saying I gotta trade market it before someone else steals it! Anyway, chump there is no way out of this as I said before, there is no bargaining plea you can offer me to stop it, I will show no mercy and the world will see how good Wade Wilson truly is! I’m not an act like some of these puss bags here no I’m the real fucking deal no gimmicks, there is a new boss in town Yusuke and I am taking you out to prove a point! “IM A BOSS ASS BITCH, BITCH, BITCH, BITCH, BITCH”…. SHIT! focus Wade, Fucus… So back to the topic of the day, Francis, can I just call him Francis? That’s his name for the rest of my promo I think, FRANCIS! So, Francis, Wade Wilson is about to have his debut, as you already know and what I am telling you is that I GUARAN DAMN TEE there will be a smashing of this Francis fella, you and your big ass pumpkin head, ITS CLOBBERING TIME! Saturday, im beating Yusuke, SHIT! I mean FRANCIS off! (Wade looks confused with what he just said, X-Dogg and the others are all laughing.) WAIT, no that came out wrong, I didn’t finish, I’m beating this fell off OF MY PATH, I will win, I will get the pin and you will all hear that one, two, and THREE count as I celebrate my victory!  
WOW, no idea you could count that high Wilson!

Wade Wilson-
HA! I’ll count my two testys on top of your forehead if you keep that kinda talk up sweetie!
(Wade winks at X-Dogg) I get it, I’m just a stranger here in the EAW but I am going to make one hell of a first impression and that’s the facts kiddos! I’ve got atleast TWO reasons this man doesn’t stand a chance against me! (Wade holds up his fists, kisses them and smiles.) The Flash can change the time line a million times over and there will still be no earth found where you are even close to capable of defeating me! You are out gunned, out matched, out classed, in way over your head cupcake and it’s going to be fun for me whooping you in front of the entire EAW universe! Going up against me, that will be your downfall! Im not making many friends here, nor am I wanting to, I just want to kick ass and take names and first up is… DING DING DING, WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER YU, YUSU, YUSUKE, SHREDDER, FRANCIS, whatever name I decide to call you doesn’t matter because you see man that’s the thing, you are nothing to me and you will be made into my little bitch and that’s just the facts broseph! Nobody is more prepared, as well as trained as me! My fighting makes the Batman look like a vagina wrapped up in a bat suit! You just won’t be able to keep up with me Yusu, Im far to advance for a slow minded bafoon such as yourself! It will be great and I’ll be singing “and tonight I didn’t even have to use my A-K, TONIGHT WAS A GOOD DAY!” that’s my shoot-out to my man Cube if he’s listening! I am more than ready, good to go bub, you are done for and that aint nothin but the truth! I’m telling you this right now, Mr. Yusu there will be no happy endings for you! (Wade pauses and chuckles) You know… There aren’t many things I’m good at… I’m a sexy beast, I’m funny, I’m fucking awesome, and most of all I can wrestle, I can fight like nobody else, I’m what you could call unique… Outside of that I don’t have much so this match isn’t personal YUSUKE, it’s just me proving my worth to the business, proving how much excitement I bring to the table and proving that Wade Wilson puts asses in seats! You see, I acquire a specific set of skills, even more so than Liam Neeson, skills that give me an advantage over anyone put against me and that includes you Sir! My plans aren’t to just shock you, no I’m going out there Saturday to shock the entire EAW, the entire world, and let the whole roster know Wade Wilson has arrived! When I get through with you, you’ll be barfing blood for weeks! THATHAHTAHTATHA THAT’S ALL FOLKS!


(Wade Wilson blows a kiss to the camera and waves and the scene fades to black.)
Phoenix Winterborn
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 27th 2016, 7:55 pm by Phoenix Winterborn
“A monster."

The metal softball bat clicked against the concrete floor with every step Phoenix took. The black leather skull mask glistened from the light hitting it. In his other hand was his supposed costume for the “Monster Mash” main event on Voltage, the fictional hero Kick-Ass. He held it up to gaze at it by the opening in the head for the eyes for a moment. His head cocked, as to examine it more before tossing it aside.

“You think about monsters in EAW, and you quickly turn to your painted farce, Voin. You look at ‘Lord Methuselah’. Those are the beings you consider monsters? O, ye of little true knowledge. This is nothing more than a test of mice and men. You fill these beings head with this strange support, and then they start to believe all these things you say. You all…” He points the bat towards the camera slowly. “You all set these men up for the failure they are about to endure. You see, I don’t claim to be a monster. I never have. I HAVE claimed to be a downright loathsome human being. I HAVE claimed to be a depraved man, capable of extreme amounts of pain. But…never have I claimed to be a monster.” The bat continued to click, as he walked around it to the front, leaning back on the handle. “This Monster Mash match coming up this Sunday night is a test. A test for the unity of the new Sanatorium. Maero, Eclipse, and myself along with Hades. Hades is…well, the odd man out here, as it were. Yes, he is destructive in his own right. Yes, I still take issue with him being on our team dating back to the Grand Rampage this previous year, and I have voiced said concerns to Eclipse and Maero. However, they have assured me that, even if only for this night, he will keep his priorities in order. With that being said, we do have a task in front of us. The current EAW Champion, the current Hall of Fame champion, a former National Elite champion, and a man whom I have not personally heard of before. This, on paper, seems like a team that would strike fear into about anyone currently on the roster, however much they refuse to admit it. But…"

His voice trailed off for a moment.

“Most people are not consisting of the greatest faction in EAW currently. The Sanatorium are the ones that strike fear into Voltage. Because we think alike. We move as one. We are legion. The combined egos of the men that we face on the other side of that ring are sure to cause some amount of conflict betwixt them. A painted up man walking about with a championship that he never truly deserved, and cannot retain using his own skill. Having to resort to underhanded tactics to retain what keeps him relevant in EAW. Yes Voin. I speak of you. However, I refuse to address you as such.” Phoenix lifted up his mask, as the camera zoomed in a bit. “Aren, drop the act. You’re not a monster. What you did to El Landerson a few weeks ago? Anyone could’ve done that. You just happened to be in the right place at the right time.  Nothing more, nothing less. All this silly paint you splash on your face, is nothing more than an attempt to hide the fact that you’re afraid. You’re afraid of what’s coming for you at Shock Value. You’re afraid that you’re going to lose your ‘precious’, and then your entire world will come crumbling down around you. Trust me, I know the feeling. The only difference between you and me? I stood up, and faced it like a man. I did what a man should do, and sought out help. I found the Sanatorium. Well, they found me, but I digress. They have shown me that, even though I fell and could not see the will to get myself back up, they showed me to keep fighting. To believe in the destruction of the system that was in essence holding me down. There is strength in numbers, Aren. Numbers that you do not have because you hold the EAW Championship. Something that every member of the Sanatorium is coming for. We are coming to rule Voltage, and…should you survive your clash with Y2Impact at Shock Value. Know that I am coming for you. Any way I can get you."

As he returned the mask to his face, his head moved to look around the otherwise black room. Devoid of life.

“Hello darkness, my old friend. Hello, Methuselah. It’s been awhile, hasn’t it? It’s been quite some time since you and I teamed up to defeat Ares and Impact. Those were the days. I can’t say either of us were younger men, but we have that sparkle in our eyes. That light that said we were doing good things. That little glint that told us, and told the world that maybe one day, we would be a force to be reckoned with. And then you came across Scott Oasis. He triggered something in you. Something…demonic. Something that you cannot seem to relieve yourself of. Which is fine. Please, continue. Your Red Walls match at House of Glass solidified your place among the gods, if it wasn’t already. But…you are a wounded animal. Your soothsayer should not be walking after what Oasis did to her, let alone speaking for you. Is that what happened? Did the demonic presence inside of you rip out your vocal chords to where you cannot utter more than a grunt, or a deep moan? You would think that the assumed ‘Lord of the Flies’ would do more, considering what you’re being named for, but alas. Hamasa. Methuselah. This spear and magic helmet you flail around is nothing more than a child’s play toy. Something that is used for the adults to get a laugh from, as you believe yourself to be bigger than what you truly are. Are you great? Yes, but you stand alone in this mix of humanity. Your teammates are scared of you. We…we are not. We stand up to you, because we know what is inside of you. We have seen what you will, and will not do. There is nothing more to say in that instance except that you will fall, just like Aren, Judas and Wraith."

“Mister Hyde, I presume? It’s fitting, really. You look at yourself, and you see this yin and yang. You see a man who was a champion, but yet has fallen from grace. You wish to discuss my fall from grace as well? Yes, you’re correct. I had fallen. I am still re-building. Judas, you didn’t touch me simply because we were on different shows, and you were embroiled in this man who started as nothing more than a comedy act. At least when I lost, I lost to serious competitors in this ring. Not one who is akin to a delivery service. I lost to men who have spent their LIVES preparing for this. Where exactly have you been since then, anyways? Struggling to stay relevant? No one honestly cared about you before you before you ad your issues with him. Yes, you could say that no one cares about me, but that is where you are sorely mistaken. I have my brothers beside me. I have men who I believe when they say that they have my best interests at heart. You, like you teammates, are alone in the world."

“What I am getting at…I suppose you could say it’s a running theme…is that we stand as a unit, whereas you four stand as individuals. Therein lies all the difference in the world. We stand together as men with a common goal in mind. To turn Voltage on it’s collective ear, and show the world that our dominance will not be limited to whomever the powers that be throw into the lion’s den. No, our dominance will overthrow the powers themselves as we work to rebuild EAW in our vision. Not like Hexagun who wanted corruption and favoritism to run rampant. We want change that will benefit all. But, in the meantime…we have societies to crumble."

“I suppose you’re wondering why I haven’t address the proverbial elephant in the room yet. That being this is an Extreme Rules match. Some say that us as the Sanatorium are not prepared for the level of violence that these men bring to the table. Aren is becoming darker and darker. Methuselah is showing his supposed true colors as this maniac of sorts. Judas went through hell with Pizza Boy some months back. And now, they think that their level of violence will trump ours. Gentlemen, as much of heroes as you make yourselves out to be? The heroes don’t always win in the end.” He stands back up, resting the baseball bat on his shoulder. “Not all twisted fairy tales have a happy ending. This is one of them. All…will fall before the Sanatorium."

Ahren Fournier
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 27th 2016, 7:25 pm by Ahren Fournier
Scene starts with Ahren just sitting in his most comfy fluffy pink couch, just chilling looking at the camera calm)

OH MY GOOOOOODDDDDDDDDD THIS IS SO DUMMMMBBBBBBB. Just so, so pathetic.. You two have this deep-seated hatred for me because... I'm the trill fairy? That it? That's why you hate me so much? No, no that doesn't make sense, something so simple couldn't possibly be the reason. All I'm doing is enjoying my time on planet Fournier, how could that bother someone so much, I mean it's not effecting you in the tiniest way, but here you are calling meetings just on account of me, because both of you hate me that much. You aren't doing anything trill we know this, I don't reward you, if it wasn't for these matches I wouldn't even waste my breath on the likes of either of you, but here we are. I've tried to rack my brain around what it is that gets you two so mad about me just being me, and then it dawned on me. The reason you hate me so much is because you know everything I'm saying is right, and There's nothing you can do about it, other than make your pitiful jokes about how I'm "retarded", which ya know doesn't affect me that much seeing that I have a higher IQ than both of you combined. Not to mention they have no rhyme or reason for it, but just keep harping on the R word. But they want to talk about intelligence, when they can't even come up with an adult way to insult someone.

As for? He Mike doesn't even know how to come up with an actual coherent sentence. Have you listened to him talk? He speaks before he even knows what he's going to say, and says a sentence with words that don't have any business at all in it. That last sentence how many times do you have to say you want people to look? Three times apparently, could've just said it once, but again you can't come up with a legitimate sentence to save your life. It's funny, ironic really, how you two talk about class, yet have none yourself,. Running to daddy because something doesn't go your way? You give me migraines at the hypocrisy. You need to band together to try and beat me, you don't see me with anyone, I don't need anyone. Mike you can't do anything by yourself, does your dad wipe your ass or is Jon in charge of that now? This whole fake set up of this guy getting fired was extremely dumb by the way, no one gets fired for denying service to someone when at full capacity. It doesn't matter who you are, and if you're so rich why wouldn't you just have someone just call a reservation? Are you dumb? OH yeah, you are. I knew this because clearly you don't do anything to better yourself, seeing you still have the grammar skills of a 3rd grader. I mean there's nothing more I can say, there's two grown men conspiring against me because of jealousy, me just being who I am, and them not agreeing with how I live my life. These are adults that can't handle their business alone, because they're pathetic, and not actually men clearly. Jon McAdams always likes to talk like he's a gentleman, hell so does Mike, but actions speak louder than words. Here they are acting as little bitches to take me out and why? Because I live a different way than they do, a way they don't necessarily agree with.

TheyJust hate on things that you don't understand rather than trying to learn more about it, and seeing where another person is coming from. That's how Hitler came into power ya know? Now I'm not saying you two are as bad as Hitler because that guy was an actual good leader, a great talker, that's why people listened, that's why he got into power to begin with.That's how wars get started, that's how slavery was started. This of course is on a much lesser scale, seeing that these two are nobodies, with terrible social skills, who don't really captivate a room. BUT AHREN DIDN'T YOU SEE THOSE TWO GUYS THAT RECORDED THE WHOLE CONVERSATION, THEY DO CAPTIVATE A ROOM!! Yeah I saw them, obviously planted. Why else would they say at the end, good, I wanted Ahren to see this. Ugh, with you two, everyone will just laugh at what you say because you might be the poorest public speakers I've ever heard.  God Mike Showman might be the dumbest fake rich person ever, which makes sense seeing that you're not actually rich,  your dad is. Everything that you two say against me I've already explained, I am the Trill Fairy for real, I do exactly what I say I do, I've shown it on camera. What more do you want? Whatever I'm done talking about it.

Did you say you need a room for two people? Haha what was your plan with Jon? Were you hoping to get lucky? Oh... you wanted a table! Slip of the tongue I guess, your true intentions came out. You'd think someone that eats at 5 star restaurants would know how to tell a waiter what he wants, a room for 2? Really? This might be the worst alliance in all of wrestling history, two nobodies that can't win without cheating, together. Wooo how mediocre it is, the crowd will go mild. Seriously you have the weirdest way of talking, like grammar mistakes left and right, sometimes I barely even know what you’re trying to say…

But again, I’m the “retard”. I mean I went to college, and did pretty well there, but I’m the “retard”. I can construct a proper sentence together that makes sense, that makes people smile, and happy, unlike you two…. But I’m the “retard”. I expected more from you Jon, I mean you’re a douche, but I would’ve thought you’d be more dignified and respectable than to call someone a retard. Just think of all your fans. It’s just sad how you have to resort to alienating most of your fan base. And not even use the proper inoffensive term of mentally challenged, not right guys. Jon I know you’re pathetic enough to need Mike Showman out there, and you’re so excited to have him watch your match because you know you need him to beat me. But I don’t think you actually understand how he works, he doesn’t care about you, he only cares about the money that his dad makes. He’ll turn on you in a second, because that’s what rich people do. Also he’s not the best wrestler in the world, he kind of sucks, put if he can grab some balls he’s good to go, but seeing that I wear a cup nowadays, you’re kind of screwed. How dumb can you be to trust someone like Mike Showman anyways? It’s whatever, it’s not my problem, you guys do you, and when the time comes where we do meet up, I really doubt you’ll get the end result that you’re expecting, thus ending the worst alliance ever created in EAW history. Looking forward to it guys, see ya then.

(Camera fades to black with Ahren smiling and waving at the camera)
Ryan Marx
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 27th 2016, 6:49 pm by Ryan Marx
Showdown Promo 2 – Paint By The Numbers

The scene opens with a radio sitting on Ryan Marx's desk, emitting garbled words and crackling inhuman sounds. The dial is turned, and the sounds become more recognisable – fragments of Mortimer Gotch's promo. A grunt from the darkness, and then the dial is turned once more until the room is filled with nothing but white noise. The camera zooms out and we see Ryan leaning over the radio, looking down at it with a content expression.

I love white noise. Some people say it's annoying, or boring, or even scary, but I think there's something great about it. If you listen to it long enough, you can block out all other sounds around you. It can mask the nonsense that other EAW performers like to spew out, it can block the words of distrustful politicians as they continue to speak within their own echo chamber, and it can override that damn ringing in my ears.

Ryan dabs at his left ear, squinting just a bit before returning his attention to the camera.

But what white noise really helps with is clearing my mind. It gives me chance to forget everything else: Matt Ryder, Rite of Passage, every other man and woman in this company mumbling on about God knows what – and allows me to focus on the task at hand. And with the lengths my opponent went to to try and outdo me, I really needed some white noise to clear my mind before I addressed him. But Mortimer, don't think this means you got the better of me, or you somehow got into my head. You baffled me in a very different way. A way you definitely didn't intend to.

First things first. Thank you, 'Ultimate Gentleman' Mortimer Gotch, for telling me how I'm so 'paint by the numbers'. It's the pot calling the kettle black, only the pot sees everything in black and white and so fails to realise that the kettle isn't black at all, but is instead of myriad of colours. Calling me someone who paints by the numbers is akin to calling Vlad the Impaler 'your typical serial killer' – it's a gross generalisation and shows utter ignorance to the finer details of myself. I'm not your average 'spooky madman', and I'm not a walking talking haunted house attraction like some people in this company. You think I'm self-righteous because you don't like the idea of someone being superior to you, and you call my beliefs 'warnings' because they scare you. When in reality, all I'm doing is telling the truth. I don't need to act like some crazy cult leader or delusional psychopath in order to intimidate people, because my honesty is enough to strike fear in people like you, Mortimer. Your choice of words betrays you. It shows what you really think. And from what I've gathered, your little exercises aren't doing much to help you.

But there is one thing you were half-correct on. You don't intend to soak up my words, and that's a fact I can agree with. People often don't intend to soak up others' opinions and beliefs, but they do eventually. You know why? Because our brain turns on us. Our subconscious soaks up all the information for us, regardless of whether we intend to or not. You have to train yourself to fight that instinct, just like I have. Fortunately for you, training will be sped up at Showdown when I take you to your limits and educate you on my 'crazy talk' philosophy. You are the new suit in the shop window, and one way or another I will tailor you to fit me and my ideals.

Ryan takes a moment to adjust his current suit, one that looks far from new, before continuing.

I can tell your gentlemanly façade ends at your appearance and doesn't delve into your mindset, as you are just as unenlightened as the street urchins you probably grovel at. I don't know where your philosophy of hard work, iron will, and never giving up comes from – most likely from years of swallowing down whatever 'hogwash' they've been feeding you in New York – but my philosophy for success comes from years of experience and trials. My confidence in my philosophy doesn't come from an over-abundance of arrogance, as some would like to suggest, but from countless personal experiences after dabbling in beliefs such as your own. There was a time when I too thought that success came from hard work, from never giving up, and from having an iron will. But that illusion was shattered with ease, cut through like warm butter. And in its wake came my philosophy, one that has never misguided me or any others who have adopted it.

It's a shame that you're so adamant against my philosophy, because I can see something in you. You're a man with some with in you, some kind of ability to think. There are foundations there in your head, ones that with a little bit of reconstructing, could fit into my own beliefs of pleasure purely for mind. However, your judgement is clouded. Your thoughts are jumbled and you are failing to grasp the bigger picture of who I am and what I stand for. And that, Mortimer, is a very dangerous thing to do – especially for someone as new to this company as yourself. So let's play a game of chess, let's paint by the numbers. I love to go outside of the lines, and I can't wait to test that iron will theory of yours this Showdown.

The white noise coming from the radio grows louder as the camera begins to glitch. It reaches a crescendo as the camera freezes on the image of a smiling, shadow-covered Ryan Marx. Cut to static. Fade to black.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 27th 2016, 6:39 pm by showster26

Porte de Clignancourt, France, Thursday, 9:30 P.M.

(The scene opens in the shanty town located in the city of Porte de Clignancourt. Here we find dozens, if not hundreds of people who are poor, and hungry, with nowhere to call home but the flimsy left over cardboard that had been discarded among the trash. The camera pans across a line of people, all of whom a weary and cold, trying to huddle as close as they can to a small fire burning in an aluminum trash can. The camera stops behind a figure in a trench coat.)

???: “It is funny, how we can crave something one minute, and be destroyed by it the next. How we seek warmth and comfort from that which would consume us whole in a moment’s notice. How we think we can control the nature of some so volatile.”

(The figure turns to face the camera. It is the man who over the past several weeks has spread word of his mission via EAW’s Voltage brand. The man who’s cold, remorseless actions have garnered the attention of many within EAW. He is the man the world knows as Solomon Caine.)

Caine: “How foolish are those thoughts. No one can control neither the nature of the elements, nor the nature of themselves, they can only suppress it till it either dies, or it rises up out of their control. Do you hear my word Keelan? Do you UNDERSTANDDDDDD? Your nature is not one that can be kept under lock and key, it cannot be chained down. So you have instead decided to slowly poison it to death. You fill it with the venom that pours out of that wicked heathen, Marco Fedor’s, rotten tongue. You have chosen to lay down in a bed of snakes, you have bound yourself to a Jackal that will swallow you whole. You Keelan, are a wolf who has prostituted himself out to the sheep. YOU COULD HAVE BEEN SPARED! The ones who have sent me, they offered you a chance for your own salvation, but instead YOU THREW IT AWAY LIKE IT GARBAGE!"

(Some of the homeless near Caine start to back away giving him a large clearance.)

Caine: And why? For the praise of the sick scum that idolize rodents like Marco? For the adulation of that two faced heathen? For your own ego and your vanity to be stroked by the filth that you have chosen to be counted amongst?! For your choice you must pay the penalty. You will be made an example of. Yours will be the consequences that all who reject and defy my masters will suffer. What lays before you this Sunday is a small sample of the damnation that the diseased scum like you and Marco will experience at the end of ages. I will not weep for you on that day, for you have chosen to live blind and foolish. You have turned a deft ear the voice of powers greater than you can comprehend, allowed yourself to become inept, and weak. When the day of the glorious reign befalls us, in that brief moment that will seem like eons, remember that you yourself are the one who has sealed your fate.

And while your flesh is torn from your body, rejoice because the same will happen to Marco Fedor. The man who hides away, the man who craaawwwwlllssss across the ground like an insect hoping that he will not be noticed, because when he is, he shall be crushed underfoot, his body destroyed, his innards bared for all to see. Marco you deserve what is coming to you. You have demented and warped the mind of one who might have been set aside from the great fire. You are like a spider who ensnares its victims, paralyzes them with a toxic venom that contaminates their blood stream, and then slowly devours them till its had its fill. My masters, They have seen your works, they have heard your lies, YOUR LIES! They will repay your evil deeds with agony. And it will be multiplied by every number who you have corrupted. All Their blood that will run like a river down the streets will be on your hands Marco. All Their bodies that have been withered to smoldering ash shall be upon your head. Your judgment will greater than others, because you have lead so many astray into their own demise.

I have been asked if I feel fear. I do. I fear what shall happen if I do not carry out their will. I know that whatever shall befall you two, will be NOTHING compared to the agony and suffering that I will have now. For that reason I must... MUST PRESENT YOU AS SACRIFICE! I MUST BREAK BONE, I MUST REND FLESH, I MUST BECAUSE THEY HAVE COMMANDED ME TO DO SO!"

(Caine takes a deep breath. The people murmur under their breath in shock of Caine's ranting despite not understanding it.)

Caine: I'm sorry, I'm so sorry but I have no choice. I HAVE NO CHOICE. Mourn now, you won't have a chance to when your time has come. When the end of ages arrives not a single one of you will see it coming. Not. A. Single. One."

(Caine grabs the flaming trash can by the handle and quickly tosses it towards the background nearly hitting several people.)

Caine: all of this, they have told me and it must be so."

(Caine walks out of the frame. The camera stays on showing several men and women with fearful expressions on their faces.)
True American Tragedy
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 27th 2016, 5:34 pm by True American Tragedy
From The Bottom

Chapter Four: Part 1: Noxx

(OOC: Posting for Noxx)

The camera reveals a clearly pissed off Daniel Noxx; he is pacing back-and-forth violently whilst wearing a World’s Most Wanted T-shirt and a black "Strong Style" hat backwards. With jeans that are tucked over his shoes. He turns to the camera and speaks directly.

"You see there's something I don't understand. I don't understand why everyone doesn't like the World's Most Wanted. I mean maybe it's has something to do with the fact we're the best looking tag team there is. Maybe it's because we can out wrestle everyone. Maybe it's because we can out talk everyone. But I don't really care."

He pulls out his phone from his pocket and shows it to the camera and it reveals a Efedzone report picture on the headline of the report it reads "Backstage heat? Featuring the World’s Most Wanted" he slides his phone back in his pocket and speaks once more.

"We walk in and no one likes us. But that isn't exactly different. Every company we've ever walked into has hated us because we have the one thing everyone wants. And I think everyone fears us for it, I mean we lost, that happened I won't lie to you and say It didn't. We came into it too hotheaded we were playing with fire and we got burnt; but we were not the weaker team they got us on one night. One out of 365 days. You got us one time. And I promise that will not ever happen again."

He shakes his head back-and-forth as though there is a thought in his head that he just cannot get rid of no matter what he does it just lingers and lingers.

"But now we lose one match and all the sudden they forget about us. We don't even have a match and for what? Why don't we have a match? Because they don't like us, they don't like that we speak our  mind. They don't like how better we are and trust me we are better. You can say you don't like us but here's the thing in this is something you really need to pay attention to. You will respect us. Because the amount of real work and passion we put in is unmatched to any other Elitist. We are the first guys to show up. We are the last guys to leave. Cliche! We setup and teardown every single night. But management wants to forget about us; well that sucks. I mean that is really unfortunate. Because the World's Most Wanted they aren't going anywhere. One defeat doesn't define us. So we are going to be that sickness; the bad cough that doesn’t go away and the headache that occurs at the most inconvenient of times- we are going to be this company's personal cancer and we aren't going anywhere so go ahead give us some time off! Puppet masters? I think that’s what Jake likes to call them. If you would like to keep your camera staff, I would highly advice they keep way, away from us!” he smiles to himself “because we’re just become terminal! Don't believe me? Just watch us! "

He pushes the camera out of his face and walks away from the scene as a "World's Most Wanted" logo hits the screen.
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