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EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...) :: Comments

Eclipse Diemos
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 11th 2015, 6:04 pm by Eclipse Diemos
Neon Gods

“Hello darkness my old friend...I’ve come to talk with you again. Because a vision softly creeping...left its scenes while I was sleeping. And the vision, that was planted in my brain. Still remains. Within the sound...of silence.”

Eclipse ran his hands slowly along the walls of the empty house, his eyes staring forward with a blank and dead expression, as if something in him had broken. His steps slow and calculating, painfully pressing into the floorboards and baited breath forcing their way out of his lungs. The children watched him, following behind him slowly and carefully. This wasn’t like him at all. This trance like state of mindlessly moving around, as if guided by something.

“In restless dreams I walked alone. Narrow streets of cobblestone. ‘Neath the halo of a street lamp. I turned my collar to the cold and damp. When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light...that split the night. And touched the sound of silence.

And in the naked light I saw. Ten thousand people maybe more. People talking without speaking...people hearing without listening. People writing songs that voices never share. And no one dared, disturb the sound of silence.”

He reached forward once more, placing his hand against the side of the wall before his footsteps paused and he pressed his skull against it. Tears soaked his face as he dug his head deeper into the wood of the wall, his teeth clenched tight in his jaw, every muscle in him tense. He couldn’t make a sound. His body refused to let him show that kind of weakness, not when it mattered this much. His body continued to grow tenser and tenser, screams wanting to push their way out of him no matter what. He placed his hand against his chest, hoping to fight the sobs that wanted to push out, and succeeding in gulping them down as he slowly turned and glared towards the television.

“‘Fools’, said I, ‘you do not know. Silence like a cancer grows. Hear my words that I might teach you. Take my arms and I behind reach you.’ But my words...like silent raindrops fell...and echoed in the lands of silence.

And the people bowed and prayed. To the neon god they made. And the sign flashed out its warning. And the words that it was forming. And the sign said ‘the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement halls...and whispered in the sounds of silence.’”

He grew silent once more. His gaze turning to the television for a moment, catching the last episode of Voltage. Although the scene of him losing had passed he still remembered every vivid image. His teeth clenched tight in his jaw and he moved towards the television angrily, looking to shut it off before something caught his eye. A moment of clarity shining on his face as he continued to watch the episode before he smiled to himself.

“Oh...I know what to do now...I’ll get them to respect me again. I am like clay...I am like God...I am here to fix you all heh heh.” he whispered to himself, pressing his face against the T.V. screen before bending his entire body back, his eyes focused on the children, who smiled up at him as they watched the return of their big brother.

“Within the sound...of silence.”
Brett Kennedy
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 11th 2015, 5:38 pm by Brett Kennedy
This company, man. Sometimes, it just makes me laugh.

You tell a guy you want to fight him for a spot at the Elimination Chamber, and he turns it down like a bitch. Then, when the boss comes in, he says 'yeah, this'll be a great match, but it'll be under my circumstance'. It makes you think that there might actually be something on the line - a spot at the Elimination Chamber, a contendership for a mid-card title, hell. Maybe I can go back to kicking Thomas Minns' ass, who again, after a loss, gets to fight Xavier Williams soon. But, what does this whole thing betweel Lioncross and I culminate to?

Just a normal match on Showdown...

Right there alone is why I'm not focusing too much on this match. I'm not a hitman in this business, but if there's really nothing on the line, when I specifically wanted it to be for something, I just don't really care too much about the match. I mean, beating Drake and Jones makes me #1 contender for the tag team titles. What does beating Lioncross give me other than another W in the win-loss column. It just seems like a waste of time at this point, but my 'worthy' adversary is thinking 'Oh, he's too focused on me, rather than this tag title tournament he's in, because he's been calling me out'. You're absolutely wrong, Lioncross. I don't really care too much about this match on Showdown. Hooray, I'm in a main event match, but again, it's as meaningless as a family member from the Deimos club. Speaking of which, when is his fucking family of 682 coming over and 'invading' the company? Anyways, when you say that I'm not focused about this tag tournament, it's like saying I haven't been putting any effort in it, and I've just coasted my way to the finals. What a fucking delusional man you've become. Don't you think that I've clawed and scratched my way through the whole thing, just to prove a point? I get to the finals of this damn thing, and all I'm hearing from you is.

Nope, this guy cares about me more than he does a championship.

Well, for one night, I've got my eyes on you. Is that focusing too much on you rather than the tag tournament? Should I just stop buggering you about a high-risk match, and just say 'Fuck Lioncross'? I mean, it would leave you alone, and put you back to healing those wounds and only performing once per month. That's what you like to to anyways, right? You talk about it enough to seem like you enjoy taking breaks anyway, attempting to gain the sympathy of the EAW fans. I can understand that, though. Getting any attention from my 'Assholes' is a win for any competitor.
Oh, would you look at me. I'm getting sidetracked again. Let's get back to things and talk about the 'lesser man'. Lioncross is seemingly obsessed with the fact that he thinks that I was considering him the lesser man last week. You know, when you have your match offer rejected by the same guy who was going to referee your semi-final matchup, you have to be alerted by anything at all costs. Of course you seemed fishy at the time, it's all because of the circumstance of last week. Now it's become your little sense of motivation for Saturday, which I admire. It's like you have to motivate yourself to actually beat me, calling yourself a 'lesser man'. 

There's a reason a saw some value in a match against you. If something was on the line, people could say that Brett Kennedy beat a former CWF champion to get into the Elimination Chamber. I didn't view it as an easy win - no win is easy here in EAW. I guess I'm kinda flattering you when I say that beating you would raise my stock in the company. Now, here we are. You got the match you wanted, and the match that I kinda wanted, but I don't want at the same time. Advantage, Lioncross.

Has anyone told you that you'd look better with the Kennedy Gimmick?
EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...) - Page 3 Christian-blue-dot
He just looks...so RATTY!

But, yeah. You call yourself the lesser man for this match, because you weren't when you were reffing my match. Give yourself any kind of motivation to one up me. You can wrestle circles around me, but it'll happen with every other person who has said that with me. Eventually, all that running will make you tired, and you'll have to fight my fight. You'll have to put your dukes up and swing for the fences. I'll be right here to make your I knock your ass out for good. Make sure you take a 'before' picture, because that ratty face of yours won't look the same after Saturday.

Hey, don't you think I haven't forgotten about Drake and Jones. I have a sneaky suspicion that they might want to show up and see what's going on in my match. Ambush alert, perhaps?

Heh, costly errors. We'll see who makes the costly error on Saturday...
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 11th 2015, 3:21 pm by Yoshikage Eto
Showdown Promo #1:

"Because hate isn't enough"

*Kerry sits in a graveyard, a tombstone in front of him, a candle lighting the name on the tombstone. The tombstone in question lies just out of sight of the camera, but Kerry seems to look at it with reverence, even possible appreciation*

Kerry: This guy Sephiroth... He thinks I'm a joke does he? Does he think I, The Silencer, want to entertain any of you? The truth is Sephiroth... What are you? If I am a joke, and I have been here longer, accomplished more, stayed the course. But if I'm the joke and I've done all of that, what does that make you? What have you accomplished? Who have you conquered? I'm not sure about your career prior to EAW, but as I said about Chazz Nadal, it doesn't matter what you did before you came here, it matters what you do when you arrive, did you see what I did to Chazz Nadal? I crushed him, I hurt him, I may have ended his career Sephiroth, and you know what? It felt good... It felt empowering to bang my steel chair over a bloodied man's head, it felt... Amazing. And you'll be next, and whoever I face after you, I don't care who you are, where you came from, what you do there, I'm going to Silence you, and just like poor Chazz Nadal, there's nothing you can do about it.

*Kerry looks down at the dirt, gritting his teeth. He looks very angry about something*

Kerry: that wasn't my mother... Both of my parents have been dead for a while. And even if that was my mother, the thing is, she'd know that Keith is my Cousin, not my brother. Either way, it seems to me that all Maxwell Dachs has in the tank are insults, more jokes huh? You probably weren't even in Lansing, because if you were, you and the idiots that follow you would have gotten mugged. You know why? Because you look horrible, you talk like five year olds, one of you has a crippling addiction to alcohol. You're just fucking stupid. Maxwell Dachs is fucking stupid, I've wanted to say that for so long you don't even know.

*Kerry leads the camera over to the tombstone, the name "Karla Keller-Harply." The years "1978-1999." And the quote "might I compare you to a warm summer's day." All engraved onto it. Kerry again looks at it with reverence. A small smile crosses his face for a split second, and then disappears*

Kerry: this, is my mother. Not the person that Venom superkicked last Saturday night. I was so furious because they passed that ugly woman as my mother. You're all idiots, every single one of you... *Kerry gets up, going inside the cemetary doors* the future is knocking on your door EAW... *Kerry goes into a viewing room, a casket sitting in the middle of it, the room is dark, but sad Organ music can be heard. Kerry grabs a match, lighting it, the camera zooms in on the casket, engraved into the side it says "Sacred to the memory of Sephiroth." Time to send Sephiroth to his homeland, six feet under. Soon Sephiroth... Soon... *Kerry throws the match onto the casket, it lights on fire as Kerry laughs.* That might not be Sephiroth's real body... But after Saturday, he's going to wish it was, get ready to be Silenced... Forever.

*the feed goes to static*
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 11th 2015, 1:35 pm by ThePizzaBoy
Showdown Promo 2

The camera opens up in a pitch black room, filled only with a green holo screen mapping out the world, and a large, casino sized gas table lit from beneath with small toy tanks, flags, and dollar store army men on it.


PB comes striding into the glow of the holo screen, like Patton in front of the flag at the beginning of Full Metal Jacket.  His pleather jacket collar flipped up and his less-than-cool dollar store shades on.

PB: "War, war, war.  A war on terror, a war on Christmas, a war on EAW.  War, war, war, war....War.  It's ad nauseam at this point.  Everywhere I turn it's the new buzz word.  Yeah, I'm talking to you Y2I, since mommy and daddy are off fighting their little battle, us bastard children of their war can pretend to know what's going on.  You claim that I'm too feeble minded to understand your motives? Maybe, but I'm not dumb enough to believe they're your motives.  Remember? I see the strings, the wrist, the grand manipulator at play here, and it ain't you.

PB hovers over the table, pushing tanks with his hand playfully and making childish driving noises as he moves one to the center of the field.

PB" You're Mr. Frontline, the errand boy, the 'Mercenary', which is just another name for someone dumb enough to get left holding the smoking gun for someone else's crime.  You're an expendable pawn, you're tag name even implies it and it's still lost on you.  And you used to be so much more, mean so much more, stand...not even 'so much more', but 'something'.  Now you're just riding shotgun into the oblivion of HexaGun, unaware of the fact that the general that guides you...when the smoke settles, he probably wont be around.  It'll just be you and HBG, stuck holding the bag and taking on their sins as your own once again as you go to hell for a cause that isn't even something you understand or believe in.  This isn't war.

PB snaps, and like that, lights flicker on, revealing only a green screen behind him and a table constructed of pizza boxes and glow sticks covered with cheap toys and soft packs standing on their side with cigarettes peaking out of them..

PB: Amazing what you can do on a home computer these days...This is a game.  A game you can't win.  A game you'll pay dividend for participating in.  This isn't even about brass rings or Elimination Chamber, my livelihood or even our match.  This is about your future.  You've gained nothing from your present situation other than grief and a chair shot to the face.  And sadly, that's the best you'll ever get from being in HexaGun.  When this all ends, you'll beg for the puny minded Pizza Boy to knock you out again.  Your war is about as real as a man bitching at a coffee shop over red cups, or a color coded threat level that hasn't meant anything in over fourteen years.  You're fighting invisible monsters for a shadow government made of anarchy and elementary shapes.  You can't climb a ladder that you can't see, but you can fall into nothingness and obscurity.  Some people call such a thing hell, and I'm beginning to come around to that thought process.  

PB snatches one of the soft packs off of the table, taps the bottom until a cigarette falls out, and lights up with his zippo.  He holds the glowing cigarette out in front of himself, studies it, watches it's glowing tip.

PB: It's no lake of fire, it's no fire and brimstone, it's neglect from a higher power.  It's having the warmth of the spotlight pulled away from you, it's living in the darkness of oblivion.  Is that your end game? I'm no preacher man like my in-ring mentor, but for the love of a sport that I've begun to cherish dearly, I ask of you to not let that be the legacy of one of the best that ever laced up a pair.  I have no doubt of your in-ring superiority.  Heck, you might beat us come Showdown, but that doesn't mean I'm resigned to let you do this to yourself, even if that means bringing you a little bit of hell on earth when we step in the ring together.  I'm not here to save your soul.  You've long since sold that to the highest bidder for a favorable glance.  I'm here to save something far more valuable to you than something as trivial to a materialistic man like yourself as a soul.  I'm here to save your reputation, your legacy, your place in the history book.  I'm here to open your eyes to the real war going on around you.  I'm here to show you the damage you've done to your legitimacy, like Dickensian specters here to show you the err of your past, the dire straits of your present, and the doom and gloom of your future.  Now whether I do that by sentencing you to death before you can wreak havoc on your reputation any further, or simply leave you tossing and turning in a hospital bed in mortal combat with your conscience only to awake a bright and hopeful new day remains to be seen. Either way, I doubt our battle at Showdown is the end of the true war.  Food for thought, Mercenary.  

PB snuffs his cigarette in his palm and tosses it aside as h]e pulls off his sunglasses and stares grimly into the camera.  He salutes sarcastically as the camera fades to black
Cailin Dillon
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 11th 2015, 11:12 am by Cailin Dillon

Battleground #2
Cailin Dillon climbs out of bed and tosses her bed head hair to one side as she lets out a soft yawn and rubs her eyes. She grabs her mug from the side table and shuffles slowly into the kitchen to wash out her cup and set a pot of coffee. She slides the Sexy Curry cup over by the pot and walks over to her computer, opening it up and flipping over to take a look at a video on Cloud’s website. She nods as she listens and then smiles, standing up after a short time and pouring herself a cup of coffee. She sits back down and takes a sip as she turns on her own camera.
I was reminded of something this morning. Well, not really. I mean I already knew it. I’ve never considered myself to be invincible. Despite being younger than you Steph, I’ve been saying this kinda stuff for awhile now. Every single fighter in EAW is beatable. We will all lose matches here and there, but it will always come down to who has it that day. Even when you feel you are being cheated, the truth is you can still win if you have the determination it takes to fight through that kind of stuff. I’m reminded of my own tumultuous time early on in EAW. I came in thinking I was hot shit, got humbled in a match with Haruna and then there was that match with Madison at the opening of Empress of Elite. She used the tights and the ropes to win that match. I was crushed, and I complained and I whined, but then it clicked. I’ll have my chance to fight her again, and I’ll make sure I don’t let anything ruin my chances to beat her. She and Maria tried and tried to cheat Aria and I out of a win, but it didn’t work. We didn’t beat them because we’re invincible — we beat them because we were better. And that’s plain and simple. I could have come out of that Empress tournament in so many different ways. But I clicked, and I switched up my approach. They already thought Cailin Dillon was a pill to deal with before, and then she got worse. She shed her Iconomy status and came out looking like the winner in that whole deal. And then she just kept revving up the intensity and the determination, and now she’s a champion. Granted, this title still has a lot of prestige to be gained. It’s new and all the rest of the locker room sees this title as right now is transitional. I know it to be the case. But I know I will be the one the change it, too.
There are lessons that we all have to learn in our careers, and one of them is when experience is actually relevant. For an entire week, Maria Gonzales insisted that she and Madison had the upperhand on me and Aria because they’d been a team for so long. But the truth was it didn’t matter. You might not see me and Aria teaming together all that often, but we know each other and we understand the capabilities we each possess. That’s what made us function so well as partners in that match. We’re so similar in so many ways as fighters, even though we have some differences in her personalities. If we truly wanted to, we could form a devastating tag team. Maybe we’ll save that for when we have desires of conquering the tag division. But for now we both have our individual goals. I know Aria would take the challenge of fighting me for this title in a second, just like I’m certain Ariana would as well. I like you a lot Steph, and I always want to see you be successful. Your girlfriend might loathe me, but I’ll always be a friend of yours, and in the same token I will always look forward to competing with you because I love your willpower and your flair. You and Haruna could be one amazing tag team if you both wanted it, but I don’t know if you both do. You are truly adaptable to any situation, but Haruna has not allowed herself to follow your lead. She has been mopey about the name of your team, equally unhappy about being a tag team competitor and, well, she just hasn’t been herself for awhile. Even in our match, I could feel she was really pressing. It wasn’t coming to her naturally like it used to. And that’s how she left herself open for that match to end with her short reign as champion coming to a close. And this is the kind of thing I predict we’ll see from you two in this match. We’ll see the same Cloud Matsuda that dazzles and excites every week, and the same Haruna that’s missing something. She’s functional and still talented, but something’s off. Something she’s trying to find.
I must admit I was a bit bewildered by the whole you and Ariana thing, but… it sorta works just right. You guys just… y’all mesh I guess. But I look forward to seeing if it will indeed be your girlfriend who steps up as the challenger for this title. It will have the biggest stage it’s had since it was first won, and I expect nothing but the best out of whoever comes forward to challenge for it. The moment I won this title, I started to think about who I would want to face as a challenger for it. Your name came to my mind often. I think the two of us in a ring — one on one — that would be a very good match. We’re both much different competitors right now than we were even a month ago, and I could bet there’s a lot of people that would love to see us in a title match together. I’ve never really thought about myself as a promotions dream. When I first started wrestling in Texas at 15, I never thought anything about my appearance. Growing up with just my dad, the man didn’t even know how to do pigtails. Makeup? No, he was totally lost there, too. And I’m sure you can use your imagination to find the many other things that were lost on him as I grew up. But as I got older, I wasn’t dumb to what the whistles and cat calls hurled at me from the crowd really meant. To me, it was just a reason to fight even harder, and work my ass off to prove I was more than just a pretty face. Everywhere I’ve gone, I’ve done just that. And every promotion I’ve ever been a part of, at least one opponent, if not several, has tried to use my appearance against me. They’ve all failed when I outworked them in the ring.
But one thing I’ve never done, is pretend to be invincible. I have flaws. Shit, I have a lot of them. But I learned to embrace them, because they make me who I am. I’m not the fastest Vixen on the roster, but I make up for it by being as sly as a fox. You know this to be true, Steph. Remember the time I rose from that table and dropped you through it? That’s just how I operate. And I probably sound like a broken record because I say that same shit every week, the embracing my flaws bit, but it’s the truth. The one thing I truly learned from the Iconomy debacle is you can never forget who you really are. That wasn’t who I am. I’m the strong-willed, determined fighter that they now call the Specialist champion. I never take anyone lightly, and I’ll never settle. I’m still going to go out, week after week, and take every match seriously. I don’t like to take days off and let my self slip. I like to keep the throttle pressed forward and keep working to win matches. Don’t worry about your relevancy, Steph. It’s not going anywhere. These people love you and that’s not going to change in one week, and it’s not going to change just because you and Haruna won’t be the tag team champions. Just focus on this match, because I know that’s where all of my focus is.
They haven’t had me in the ring since I beat Haruna for the title, but I’ve been working hard to make sure when I do get back in that ring, everyone will know exactly why I am the Specialist champion. It’s time for us to go to battle again, Cloud. It’s time for everyone to see Cailin Dillon, the champion.

Cailin toasts the camera with her mug and then gives a wink as she reaches forward and turns off the camera before the scene fades to black.
The Consigliere
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 11th 2015, 9:55 am by The Consigliere
[HBG Worship Seminar. Session 13. Attendance: 53 People. One dude on the side of the room started to play the drums with a catchy beat. The Heart Break Gal is seen in her couture silver dress and wearing pink strappy heels, as she walked to the stage through the middle of the crowd with Vixens Champion Eris LeCava beside her. Eris takes a seat next to the stage, while HBG proceeds to the stage. She turns to face her audience. The catchy drum beat stops]

HBG: Evenin' bitches. There's more of you today than last time. 

[40 are rich and and attractive girls who aspire to become wrestlers, and are wearing designer apparrel from either Chanel, Gucci, or Prada. 9 are sassy homosexuals and metrosexuals (think Angelo Brando-esque). 3 are males who only went in this seminar hoping to hit on any of the said rich and attractive girls (admittedly two of them are Drake Jaeger and Tiberius Jones) and 1 got lost and thought this was some kind of acting school]

HBG: I didn't want my time wasted on you clones, who probably won't get far in their careers, but thankfully I have time in my schedule and I can spread my indisputable wisdom for you to think about to at least help your lives become slightly tolerable. Because the Heart Break Gal is a kind and generous person, a hard-working one too, a true soldier of God who needs to trash those hypocrites and find a way to righteousness, a role that The Heart Break Boy seeks out to do but is doing a miserable job at it because he hasn't realized that he needs to look in the mirror and bear witness to what's been holding him back the entire time! The Heart Break Gal gives her all in every match she's scheduled in for the entertainment of millions of bottom-feeding ingrates who have the nerve to diss me because I am better than them and they'll never be on my level! But you -- you are my true fans who understand how great of a warrior I've been for the past five months. And no matter how nerve racking it is being around people, when I can just make this statement through the internet, I choose to be here because I want to rub it in your faces how fucking perfect I am no matter what the non-believers say!

[The audience clap their hands, and nodding their heads in agreement]

HBG: Thank you, thank you. 

[The audience calmed down]

HBG: If I knew I wasn't ready for what's coming, I'd just step away and not pretend that any struggle can amount to success. If I knew that I'm doomed to be killed off into nothingness and slapped right back into the commentary table, it's best if I just didn't attempt because I know I'd just be wasting everyone's time if I made them believe that an A+ student is only giving a C+ performance. I learned that lesson the hard way in mid-2012, and more so early 2013. I got unmotivated. I was in a state of depression and I would have been ashamed to return empty-handed knowing what a disappointment I was previously. It's not exactly The Heart Break Gal that people wanted, but it's The Heart Break Gal people got. How horrible! How terrible! Dry your tears and move the fuck on, because you know what HBB? I WOULDN'T TRADE IT FOR THE WORLD! I HAVE NO REGRETS! I realized that I don't care about what these people are expecting from me, and just started doing what makes me happy. If you built a time machine right now for me to relive the past and do things differently, I wouldn't change anything. Ever. Because all these past events is exactly what got me to Y2Impact, they ultimately made us team up together, it got me to winning the Tag Team Championships with him, it made me the person that I am today, and do you know what that is, HBB? A WINNER! I swore to myself that I wouldn't come back in EAW this go-around unprepared because what you seem to NOT understand is once standards have been set for you, the only course of action to take is live up to it and fight the fight, show some brutality and never fail to give them the performance you were known for that got you in this company to begin with. Because there's a difference between stepping out of the wrestling scene to take a breather and recollect yourself until you're ready again, than to BE in it for a long time unprepared as ever, exerting way too much effort while getting nothing in return, and slowly in the back of your mind you know nothing is worth it anymore, that you're just going on an uphill battle when there's nothing waiting for you at the top. It seems as though it's also difficult to get through your thick skull that every flaw you point out, everything so awful that I've done in the past, are exactly that -- a thing of the past. And unlike you, Mr. Haven't-Held-A-Championship-Since-2011, I don't dwell in the past. I don't live the "glory days" that people called my prime because this is the present and THIS IS MY PRIME! I have been working my ass off since I got back in EAW. I've been fighting and succeeding at a godly level and no one has been strong enough to break me or put me out while you choose to waste everyone's time when you decided that it's fine just being indolent and letting every single Championship opportunity, even the ones you deserve, slip through your fingertips because you spend more of your time in the ring counting on "God" to get you through your perils than actually doing the work yourself, and for once being on the winning side. It sickens me that that you're always unprepared and dormant, and you give the impression that you're actually planning greater things on the horizon when we all know that you're just skipping around tall mountains without ever attempting to take a step up the slope because you know you're just going to fall hard again. And who's going to sympathize? Who is going to help you back up? Oh right, there's the Pizza Boy for that! And I know, you're going to say that you don't need the Pizza Boy. You're going to tell me that even after that laughable match against the Notorious Samurai's that your alliance with The Pizza Boy stands above mine with Y2Impact. You want to point out that I'm just using Y2Impact to give myself a boost to distract the audience from the fact that you're the one who couldn't find any meaning or relevance in your pathetic existence and joke of a career without having somebody do the dirty work for you so you can take credit for it whilst telling them that what they're doing is wrong. 

Give up already, HBB. My wins, my defining matches and my record speak for themselves, no matter how much you speak ill about The Mercenaries. The Tag Team Champion is never going to answer to your brash assumptions. You're just taking whatever I say about you and Pizza Boy, adding your own half-baked elements to it, and throwing them back at me in a pathetic attempt to make me question my teammates. And I get it, you know a lot about teams. You know a lot about being selfish, and going to another direction, and leaving them behind when you decide it's not really that important anymore, I mean, isn't that what you're good at HBB? You know a lot, but when dealing with The Heart Break Gal, you're going to wish you knew better. The fact is, Hexa-gun isn't driven by envy or jealousy. They're driven by a common goal, by bond and by loyalty, by their shares of strengths and the greatness they show to the audience. We are soldiers who protect one another even in our toughest battles. And if I were you, I would just focus on The Mercenaries, the people you are facing, instead of snooping around and looking for every possible advantage to exploit that you'll never really find. I've already told you how The Pizza Boy can win this match, HBB, no amount of training from you can put him in a better position than he is now. You may see Y2Impact and I as your "practice team" where you show the Pizza Boy the ropes, but do you know what I see this match as? Just another outlet to prove the dominance of the Unified Tag Team Champions -- The Mercenaries. 


Audience: AMEN!

HBG: And if by some miraculous stroke of luck Stand and Deliver actually beats The Mercenaries, we'd still be worth a billion dollars on our way back home in our Private Jet and limousine, we will still be known as Champions, while you find yourselves still soliciting tithes and offerings from your blind followers to keep for yourself and last a week. Your every theory? Debunked. Your every assumption? Thrown back at your face. And this Showdown, your integrity, your influence, everything you believe in that makes Stand and Deliver get their sympathy points from these god-awful fans, will be flushed down the toilet and you'll realize that The Pizza Boy isn't the only person needing to be trained for this Chamber. I am going to leave you with no solace or consolation but the verses in your bible! I am going to make sure to show your other opponents how easy it is to beat down the Heart Break Boy when they get in that chamber with you... as if they didn't already know that!


[The audience applauds, some of them in tears from the inspiration. The drummer plays a catchy beat again, and HBG walks down the aisle to the exit. End of Scene]
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 11th 2015, 1:55 am by Sephiroth
Showdown Promo# 2
"Stay Silenced"
**The camera opens to Sephiroth doing pushups, he takes a sip of an unidentified drink and begins to do another set. He then gets up and puts a towels to his face, wipes it off and then throws them over his shoulders. He then faces the camera to address the audience**
True to your name indeed Kerry, true to your name….I guess you truly earned the name “The Silencer”, except for maybe a teeny bit adjustment needs to be made hmm? How about “The Silenced”? Why I think its VERY fitting for a man like you, it seems ever since word was out that I’ll be facing you, you tucked tails between your legs and went into hiding. Hahaha. No, please, take your time. In fact, don’t show your face at all. You’re not gonna walk out with your hand held high, no you might as well leave the building in a stretcher this Saturday. So be this way, BE silenced, because the more people like you run your big mouths around future championship materials like me, the more you make me wait. And I’m a man of thin patience Kerry, something you do not wish to test. So how about this, 5 minutes. 5 minutes is all I’m going to be playing with you in the ring this Showdown. 5 easy minutes to put down a washed up has-been who has no potential NOR outlook to be a champion in this company. Hmph. Look at me, and look at you. I think EAW clearly knows a bright and rising star is at hand. And that star is none other than me. I have the stature and the strength to back up my claims, and I sure as hell ain’t no bitter and broken as you. Nu-uh, I’m not afraid of failure, and I have never failed.

**Sephiroth takes a protein shake out of his duffle bag and chugs it down**

See Kerry there are two kinds of men in this world, those who do what they CAN do, and those who do what they WANNA do. Make no mistake I’m of the latter. I write my own ticket in life, carve my own path in fame. And you? Not so much, it seems you’re a guy who can easily be made a puppet in this company. And who knows? Maybe you HAVE been a puppet, maybe you still are one. Regardless, there’s a reason why guys like you don’t get to the gold in this business, because you ain’t  got the drive. You ain’t got the true grit that a wrestler in this business needs to rise the ranks. You’re a filler my friend, a filler in the drama that is pro wrestling, a forgotten episode, and minor character. But me? Heh, I am what you can call…a champion in the making! I am the champion that EAW deserves AND needs! I am a man, where in this day and age, we are lacking. A true fighter, a man who does anything and everything to get the gold around his waist. Tell me Kerry when was the last time YOU had this flame of passion in you? Huh? That’s right, NEVER! Not. Even. Once. But don’t feel bad, I’m sure once you’ve faced an exemplary fighter like me in the ring, you can experience what you’ve been missing out on in life.

And you know why this match is important to me Kerry? Because for the first time…..someone will be watching the greatness unfold in that ring. Maxwell Dachs, Venom…..I’m sorry I couldn’t face you both in the ring. Trust me, I’m coming for you guys. But for now you have to make do with watching me beat Kerry Keller to a pulp. As I said, 5 minutes is all I need, and then you can see for yourself why I am high and above trash like Keller. A true spectacle to behold! This is what I’ve been waiting for, attention! Yes! Finally, heads starting to turn, finally EAW has wind of a warrior amidst them so great that he deserve all the championships the business has to offer and then some. Prepare to get a taste of your future world champion boys….

**The camera cuts to black and EAW logo swooshes by**
The Mexican Samurai
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 11th 2015, 1:53 am by The Mexican Samurai
I've had this ice pack covering my jaw for the last two days as I sat, unable to speak, while the cameras and microphones were shoved in my face with the masses asking the most mundane questions and all I could think about was the ways in which I would make Dark Demon suffer for the elbow which ratcheted into my jaw line. I have a dental exam tomorrow to fix the broken teeth which came flying out with a spray of blood that resembled a broken sprinkler on a hot summer day. I haven't been able to say a single word as I warm up another cup of chicken noodle soup; the only source of food that I can stomach down without the act of chewing.  I can't believe that I allowed myself to watch all this unfold and do nothing about it, I thought that I had outsmarted you a week before when we faced Stand and Deliver, because I was going to do anything that I could to win those tag titles. I not only wanted to spite you but I wanted to prove to the world that I could do whatever it takes to win the big one, and be one of the top wrestlers in the promotions.

I almost forgot the reason why I asked you to a match at Road to Redemption in the first place, Dark Demon. It was about the opportunity to actually not wrestle, instead, this would allow me  to make as much money as possible...and...I thought that you would share that same belief, but I saw something in your eyes every single week that we teamed up and it was fear. I saw a man that was so desperate to cling onto relevancy that he would do anything that he could in order to make sure that he was still on top.  A man that would resort to the lowest tactics in order to still be in that spotlight because honestly, what else can you do except beat up fellow old-timers?  Eventually, your time is going to come up as younger and stronger wrestlers come into the promotion and you'll no longer be remembered in the back of the fan's minds. I thought I knew the reason why we should have a match a few weeks ago but when I come out there this Sunday, I'm going to give you a new reason to fight me but don't back out like a coward chicken-shit this time, Dark Demon. Fight me like a goddamn man with a set of stones...or tater tots...never mind, that sounded corny as fuck.

I hope your Hall of Fame invitational goes alright and I hope no one comes crashing the party.

Last edited by Mexican Samurai on December 11th 2015, 1:56 am; edited 1 time in total
Brayden Cruise
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 11th 2015, 1:47 am by Brayden Cruise

You know it's funny when some people look at you at without even knowing who you are or anything about you all of a sudden become an enemy. It happens every single day and it's something that really can't be stopped. I mean lets face it everybody wants to climb that ladder. Everybody wants to be at the top and sometimes the only way there is to screw people over. Sometimes it's backstabbing a friend that you always told you would have the back of. Or in the case of what happened last week you can be attacked for no reason at all. Rex, what you did last week is something I'll never understand because you and I were cool. I had absolutely no problem with you or what you have been doing here in EAW. Of course that was up until you did what you did last week. You see Rex when you're somebody like me who actually knows how to wrestle the fact that you attacked me didn't bother me as much as the fact that I didn't walk out of that match the winner. It didn't bother me more then knowing I didn't leave my opponent laying in the middle of the ring while I walked up that ramp. The fact is Rex you did what you did and only you know why you did it. Only you know the reasons for what you did last week and frankly I don't wanna hear them. Up until last week you and I were cool, but now Rex everything has changed. You see I may be the new guy here on the Showdown roster, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna sit back and take shit from anybody. You and I now have a problem and sooner or later that problem will be solved. It'll be solved Rex by me leaving you in the middle of the ring just like my opponent last week should have been. I've had to watch my back for years Rex because when you're as good as I am everybody wants to take you out. Nobody wants you around because nobody can hang in the ring with you. You're problem's with other superstars on the Showdown roster has nothing at all to do with me Rex. You're problems with other guys in the back is your business, but now Rex you have an issue with me. I look at my match last week as a loss because of your actions Rex and you will pay for what you did. In due time you will pay for your actions and trust me. When it's all said and done you're gonna wish you never even knew who I was.

Moving on to my opponent this week, Chazz Nadal. Now I haven't really heard of this guy so I don't really know what to expect when I step into that ring. I do know one thing is for sure and that's the outcome of the match. If all goes well and Rex decides he wants to stay out of my match this week. If he decides he wants to let me get the job done and show the world exactly who I am. If Rex is able too do that I promise everyone I will walk out the winner. I will leave the ring knowing that I proved how much better I am then Chazz. I may not know much about him, but at the end of the day you really don't need to. At the end of the day it all comes down to who is the better wrestler and I know in the back of my mind that's me. Chazz can say whatever he wants to say about how good he thinks he is. Shit, he can even go as far as saying that he'll walk out the winner at the end of the match. Frankly Chazz can say whatever the fuck he wants to because that's what people do these days. They talk about how good they are, but when the chips are on the table they're nowhere to be seen. I've heard a lot of guys talk a lot of shit over my years in the wrestling business. So really whatever Chazz has to say won't shock me because I've heard it all. Like I said earlier I don't need to know my opponent in order too defeat them. All I need is for that bell to ring and everything else falls into place.

I'm not just any other wrestler from the back who guys are gonna come up to and push around because I've already been through that. I went through that for almost a year and I had to defeat almost the whole damn roster to gain respect. Here, I plan on doing things a little different and it all starts this week. So Rex, whether you decide you want to show up on Showdown and try doing the exact same thing you did last week or not. It doesn't really matter because I'll get my revenge and whether you like it or not it will be sweet. So if you do decide you want to show your face this week you had better be ready for what I give you. You had better be ready for what I have in store for you and that's an ass beating like you've never had before. Our issue is only going to get worse because I honestly think you're one of those tough guys who walk around thinking they can do whatever the fuck they want. If that is the case Rex and you are " That Guy ", well then I feel sorry for you because that tough guy won't be that tough when I'm done with him.
Stephanie Matsuda
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 11th 2015, 12:24 am by Stephanie Matsuda
Battleground Promo #1

"Double Trouble"


(Cloud and is lying in bed with Ariana with her arms wrapped around her. Cloud is wearing a gray cutoff tank top and navy blue gym shorts, while Ariana has on red negligee. Music is playing at a low volume.)

Cloud: You was amazing last night. You gave Haruna hell, and honestly if Laura didn't tag herself in, the match might have been yours.

Ariana: Yeah, well she learned the hard way. Next week, I'm going to offer a friendly reminder.

Cloud: Keep it up and it'll be you facing Cailin for the Specialist Championship.

Ariana: I intend to. Honestly I'm kind of glad Laura tagged herself in. I was doing everything in my power to not fight you.

Cloud: (kisses Ariana's forehead) I suspected as much. I'm kind of glad we didn't fight either.

Ariana: (laughs) We're hopeless huh?

Cloud: (sighs) Kind of. At least we're not lonely.

Ariana: Unlike a certain potato...

Cloud: Nah, she has someone, or at least I think she does. Whenever we're training, she keeps texting someone named Jade.

(Ariana rolls her eyes and turns over)

Ariana: There's always someone. That girl doesn't know what it means to be alone.

Cloud: And you do?

Ariana: The modeling world is a very lonely place. There were plenty of times where I felt disconnected from everything, just a doll in a plastic case. When I met Haruna I felt that was no longer the case until I was proved otherwise.

Cloud: Then there's me...

Ariana: ...And there's you.

(There's a moment of silence as Ariana squeezes Cloud's hand reassuringly. Hearing her phone vibrate, Cloud reaches over to grab it. Her expression grows dark when she sees the message.)

Cloud: Fuck me.

Ariana: Again? Babe we did it twice already.

Cloud: (blushing) Aye dios mio! Not that! Sexy Curry has a match against Aria and Cailin.

Ariana: (waves a hand) You got this. You're better than them.

Cloud: History would suggest otherwise.

Ariana: You're one of the best fighters on this roster. Any one who has beaten you didn't again. Lumen and Alexis gave you your first loss but they can't even touch you anymore. Maddie pinned you in that T.I. match, but you made short work of her in singles action.

Cloud: But Cailin and Aria are younger than me...years from their peak and look what they've accomplished.

Ariana: Clo- Stephanie Mia Matsuda, is that insecurity I hear coming from you?

Cloud: First time for everything.

Ariana: (turns over, touching Cloud's face) They may be your friends, but fuck 'em. Cailin's versatility can only go so far, and Aria is only Empress because you came late to the party. They never beat you one on one, and if that sloth of a partner worked harder, it would be Sexy Curry vs Drake and Jones.

Cloud: You sure know how to make a lady feel special huh?

Ariana: Always (leans in). Round three?

Cloud: (grins) Always.


(Cloud walks into the kitchen while Ariana is making breakfast. A simple kiss and smile is enough for the Blasian Sensation as she sits down and turns on her laptop to start her video blog.)

Hey CloudNation and EAW universe. It's been awhile since I've touched base with everyone. As you can see in the background, the incomparable Ariana Lopez is making her famous huevos racheros!

Ariana: Hola!

That's right, we keep it "ethnic" up in here on CloudNet! Later, I'm gonna make some goddamn onigiri up in this byatch! Anyways, let's get down to the business that is Sexy Curry vs Ebony and Ivory aka Aria and Cailin. I'm not going to lie, I'm a bit nervous. The two of you are on a hot streak right now. The Specialist Champion with The Empress of Elite. It's like Haruna and I are Croatia going up against the 1992 Dream Team. Then again maybe Haruna and I are Argentina and you guys are actually the 2004 team...

Only one way to find out right? We throw hands after this war of words and the best will come out on top. One of the few things the two of you have in common is that you both beat me. I'll be the first to admit that my hubris can get the best of me. My defeat at your hands humbled me in a way, made me more focused than I've been in quite sometime. Sexy Curry took on the Hexagun, and despite our loss we turned an Extreme Rule match into a normal tag match. We didn't allow them the luxury of beating us down with god knows what.

Cailin Dillon, you're everything an American promotion would want out of a female wrestler. You're hot, from Texas, and have a strong work ethic. You're also the Specialist Champion, something people knew would happen eventually, including myself. You just captured it quicker than anyone expected. I know in my heart of hearts I can take you on, especially since Sexy Curry has the slight edge in tag experience. Haruna and I are learning a lot from one another, even if she's silently protesting her participation on this team. But, as good as you are, you're not invincible. You can be beaten. My eyes are open this time around Ms. Dillon and I'll be aware of everything you do in our upcoming match.

Aria, my Cali sister from another mister. The EAW universe doesn't know about our shared history do they? A fifteen year old Aria going to a SDW show with her brother. A 20 year old Cloud- rather Mia Matsuda just breaking into the business as a valet for The Entourage. After the show, you was the only one who asked a newbie such as myself to take a picture with you. The reason why our friendship is so dear to me is because you were literally my first fan. Now, I'm not your role model, senpai, sensei or whatever have you. I'm just a Sky Princess who want to earn her place as queen. Meanwhile, you've already assumed the role of empress. You've exceeded everyone's expectations, but like Cailin, you're not invincible.

Haruna and I have our relevancy to fight for while the two of you have a title and a crown. So...don't be shocked if we bring the fight to you guys. For now, hugs, kisses, loves ya and all that jazz because Monday night we throw down.

Time to fly.

Last edited by Cloud Matsuda on December 11th 2015, 9:40 am; edited 1 time in total
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 11th 2015, 12:01 am by kennydrake
Chloe's Diner

Kenny Drake sits alone in a diner. He leans back in the dirty booth amidst the askew chairs and wobbly tables. A doily catches his eyes, reminding him of his mother. A butterfly whispers solemn songs silently singing sweet...uh...sour sauce...

Sorry...I'm high. I didn't know I was supposed to narrate today and...sorry...I'm ranting...

C'mon, pull yourself together, Doug...


Kenny Drake sits alone in a di-

JD Damon.


Hey, buddy! How are ya? Do you remember me?

I mean...after last Sunday, how could you NOT, amiright?

I'm that burden you had to bear across your shoulders on Voltage. That newbie that was in too deep? I don't think you said that, but I KNOW you were thinking it. I mean, you said it yourself, I'm not competition to you. You looked right through me.

I'd say, though, from the point I dropped off the apron to now...You can't take your eyes off me, can you?

See, JD Damon, everything that happened to you on Voltage was YOUR fault. The really sad part - for you, obviously - is that you know I'm right. You should have seen this coming, and you failed.

Here are the facts, kid. You're scared. You see me as the only legitimate threat for your Pure Championship. Aren Mstislav? You can take him. You know that. Liam Catterson? No big deal? Hell, the entire Voltage roster? Easy.

But me?

You're terrified of me.

You can deny it all you want, little man, but I saw it. Some people might believe you, too, but I know what I saw. I saw it in your eyes on Voltage. When I wasn't there for you, and you looked me straight in MY eyes, I saw the fear. I saw the realization that I'm not some new kid placeholder that's keeping his head down and playing nice. I saw you realize that I'm here for real, and my first target is YOU.

You can't hide that look, Damon, and you can't hide from me. One day - I don't know when, I don't where, but one day - I'm going to catch up to you.

And when I do? I'm going to pick you apart, piece by piece, brick by brick, bone by bone.

Cos I'm not just coming for the Pure Championship. No, you're my first opportunity here in EAW, and I'm going to make an example of you.

I'm coming for your spine.

So while you're sitting at ringside this Sunday, doing a piss poor job at commentary, and you see me hit Galveston Royale with the Killing Joke, I want you to study his face. I want you to see the pain coursing through him, and I want you to lock that memory in your mind. I want you to study it, I want you to analyze it, I want you to FEEL it.

I've been told it helps dull the pain when it happens to you.

Kenny leans back and grabs his nearby pack of cigarettes, going through the familiar routine of lighting it, taking the first drag, and slowly exhaling.


What about Galveston Royale?

Son of a bitch...

Are you...

YES! NOW! Fuck...

Galveston Royale. I'm truly sorry for nearly overlooking you. As you can tell, I'm a bit distracted...

I'm a big fan of your brother, Jameson. He's a weird guy who lives and odd life, but he does it HIS way, and you have to respect that.

You, my friend, I'm still on the fence about.

See...on one hand, you are a Royale. Some people might not know about you, but when you have travelled to the places I've been and talked to the people I know, you hear about the Royale family. Every impulse is telling me to respect you and give you a good, clean match. The best man wins.

But my heart?

Galveston, my heart is telling me to hurt you.

It's my heart, Galveston, that gives me life, so I listen to it intently, and it is not just saying to me, it is SCREAMING at me to break you in half...

And if I can be honest here for a minute?

I'm damn near inclined to oblige it. Put the proverbial runt out of it's misery.

So, Mr. Royale, it is because I respect your family so much that I leave you with this choices in your actions this Sunday:

You are either with Us.

Or you're against us.


You wanted to see me, Boss?

Yes, Douglas, have a seat. I'll make this brief: We here at EAW Narration expect a certain...quality...to our work, and we just don't see you being exactly there. I'm going to have to let you go.

Aw, man...Please, boss! I'm sorry!

I'm sorry, too, Douglas, but your work earlier was unacceptable. On top of that, you arrived to work high. My hands are tied. Please empty your desk.

Please, boss...I have a wife...

We all have wives and husbands and kids and pets. I'm sorry, please don't make me call security.


El Landerson
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 10th 2015, 11:06 pm by El Landerson
[Camera Scene opens when El Landerson is talking to Serena Ji while Doug Douglas stops him]

Doug: Excuse me Landerson, but may I get a few moments of your time before your match this Sunday.

Landerson: Como va?

Douglas: last Monday on Battleground you in Piff Fumador in Serena Ji won your eight person tag match in then now you two will team up again to take out High Power in three days on Voltage So any thoughts Landerson ?

Landerson: Well you see Doug, the reason that the three of us won last Monday on Battleground was because we had to get rid of Issac Mateo in Raven Lee but that's outta the way now cause me in Piff are trying to stay focused on our tag team match against High Power again I mean we already defeated them one time in now me in Piff Fumador have to challenge them again this Sunday on Voltage.

Doug: Landerson can you in Piff even defeat High Power this Sunday.

Landerson: if it depends on hows the match gonna be because once we beat them in three days on Voltage then I might be at Road to Redemption PPV after we defeat High Power this Sunday night on Voltage cause after we get through with them then me in Piff Fumador don't know what we're gonna do after we beat up High Power this Sunday on Voltage until after next Saturday at Road to Redemption PPV.

(Landerson leaves when Doug Douglas Continues talking)

Doug: there you have it ladies and gentlemen because in three days on Voltage El Landerson in Piff Fumador will team up again this Sunday to face High Power in his tag team match on Voltage.

Douglas: So we hope that Landerson in Piff can win there tag match this Sunday when they beat High power whenever he defeats High Power next Saturday on Road to Redemption PPV after Voltage this Sunday.

[Camera fades when Landerson waits for Piff Fumador to accept before his tag match even begins this Sunday on Voltage]
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 10th 2015, 10:08 pm by Lioncross
I said I'd do my job, and I did. Congratulations to Brett Kennedy and Aria Jaxon, worthy finalists in a pretty stacked tag team tournament. The match didn't end how tag team matches usually end, but regardless, this team won, and they're moving on.

Or they WOULD be moving on, but instead of getting to focus on a very good team in Drake & Jones, Brett Kennedy's focusing on me. He's had his eyes on me ever since I proposed the outrageous idea that I shouldn't be in the Elimination Chamber matches at Road To Redemption. To this day, I'm not sure what he thinks of me - but whatever it is, he's thinking about me too much.

At Redemption, I had my first EAW match. That night, Brett Kennedy had a hotly contested match against Thomas Minns. Fans, did you remember that Kennedy won that match? I did. And look at where both of them are now.

Thomas Minns is in the Elimination Chamber because he focused his sights on two men: Jamie O'Hara and Xavier Williams. He wanted a shot at the title, and he's getting a shot at the title because he took his shot at the title. Thomas Minns is a taker; hell, he even took O'Hara's belt. Yes, he was a dick about it, but you can't argue with the fact that he's got a shot at the title now. Meanwhile, Kennedy decided to interrupt me when I had nothing for him. I don't have a title. I don't have a title shot. At that point, I didn't even have three wins here in EAW - I was given a week off after soreness from two matches. Yet, Brett Kennedy saw value in a match against me. Maybe it's because I'm a big name. Maybe he thinks I'll be an easy win because I'm not at my career peak. Again, I don't know what he's thinking. But, he's thinking about me instead of the tag team championships and the EAW Championship.

Brett Kennedy is not an underdog. For some reason, a lot of fans seem to think he's one; a lot of people were thinking that Dark Demon and Mexican Samurai would win last week's match, despite them being a terrible tag team. I felt bad for the guy myself, but after his interactions with me, I think I get why people don't think highly of him. He felt the need to address ME last week. He felt the need to make threats about knocking my ass out, even though I made sure to say that I take being a referee very seriously. He thought there was something fishy about me when there was nothing to be afraid of. What was he scared of???

Let's suppose, I guess, that I was a lesser man. Let's say there WAS something fishy about me and that I was going to find any excuse to one-up him. Let's say I gave him a bad call. Let's say he tried to knock my ass out, but didn't leave me unconscious. I would've disqualified him from the mat. And it would've been his own fault. He wanted to make some pre-emptive threat, and if I were a lesser man, you bet I would've tried to piss him off to get him to make the mistake that would've been fatal to his and Aria's tag team tournament. Imagine him getting disqualified in the semifinals because his hot head took over for his brain.

Maybe that's why people look at him as an underdog. Instead of thinking about how to pursue championship gold, he looked at me and tried to find reasons to get worked up about me. He found them in thin air - I've done nothing to him, yet, here we are. He draws conclusions a mile a minute thanks to his hot head, and that's one of the biggest mistakes you can make in the ring. If Kennedy comes into this match like that, I'll make my victory over him look so easy, it'll make Minns wonder how he lost at Redemption.

Kennedy, whether you come into the match with a hot head or not, guess what: that lesser man who I chose not to be last week, I am right now. Me and my functioning brain will think circles around you, and I will find a way to get you to make a costly error. Counters are not fun to deal with, but you'll be dealing with them all match if you are who I think you are.

Then, the fans will keep thinking what they think you are: an underdog.
Clark Duncan
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 10th 2015, 6:38 pm by Clark Duncan
Oh, the fun we have.

In my war of words with Nick Angel last week, I made it clear that given the chance, I'd beat him. That's exactly what I did. That match was my revenge for the stolen and lost Answers World Championship shot. I've made a point of mentioning my misfortune at all the major events I've competed at thus far, all multi-man matches where I've failed to win. The point is that one on one, I rarely lose. Nick can go on to claim that Carson Ramsay momentarily distracting him was the reason he lost and that doesn't make my win valid, but then I can point the finger at TLA's interference during Shock Value as the moment that gifted Nick the win there. Do you see how this works Nick? You can't win here, not without help anyway.

This week, I have to face another man that competed in the battle royal at Shock Value, a man that showed so much promise. He vowed he would be here for a long time, but nobody had heard from Average Gatsby since. Instead, he's only showed up to the Voltage shows he was scheduled to compete at but has been a shadow of the man who impressed all those weeks ago. I mean, I shouldn't be so cocky, but this will be in a walk in the park. This will be another match that helps me build the momentum I need going into Road To Redemption.

The next big event on EAW's calendar is my date with destiny. Everything I've been working for comes down to a match between TLA and myself for the New Breed Championship. I get the opportunity to do what everyone has been crying about, officially win my title. I am your New Breed Champion, TLA is not. He has my title, he has EAW's title. It's not the property of Dynasty Wrestling, despite what TLA, John Conning and the rest say. At Road To Redemption, I'll settle the argument once and for all. I'm taking the New Breed title to its real home and sending TLA back to the cesspool that is Dynasty.

That's a promise.
The Heart Break Boy
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 10th 2015, 5:27 pm by The Heart Break Boy
Once again I say, I have loads of experience with either teaming or facing off against The Mercenaries. And once again, I'm on the receiving end of hearing all the questions and excessive insults about my God-given career. It's very cute to keep on bickering back and forth with folks. It only makes it more interesting with the response that I have to point out the flaws in every aspect of my opponents chopped words in which they will soon regret. The Heart Break Gal points out my inconsistency and laziness. I wouldn't disagree because there's a lot of people that can attest to that. I would also be a hypocrite if I would point out before the Heart Break Commentator's uncontrollable inconsistent rates back in 2012 or whenever she never showed up. And even dismissing herself from something more important than any event that I never appeared --- a title defense. But let's not play match-the-insult here and also forget that HBG had to shadow behind Y2Impact in order to bring her relevance back to life. I guess you can say the same for the good ole Heart Break Boy, right? I'm using Pizza Boy to resurrect my career, right? No. There's a difference between what I'm doing to rise my career from the dead to where the Heart Break Gal can stand behind men that's she's used to doing in most of her career highlights.

I don't need to stand behind Pizza Boy. I'm only here to make sure he doesn't make the same mistakes and backtracks like I have in my career, not only inside that ring but also inside his mind. People want to have it all figured out and laugh at the fact The Pizza Boy and the Heart Break Boy may shred their entire reality to come up in power. I can see it in the hearts of every member of Hexa-Gun, which is why I have concluded their disaster from the very beginning. You know... Your heart is where your treasure is, and of course you know where I got that from. I have only seen greed, envy, jealousy and pride when I'm staring at this assembled group and I'm no stranger of being accustomed to these. It plays a huge role for the destruction that you may experience later down the road because no one can handle power in this world. Because just as one person has the power, there's also one person looking in, who wants that same power. Even sometimes, it lies in your very own circle. That's another difference between the Hexa-folk and the team of Stand & Deliver. Our treasure is striving to be perfect and changing this world. You have a guy that came up from delivering pizzas to giving it his all against a former world champion in just months of being in this company. I remember when Y2Impact first stepped in this business, he was busy being babied by the authorities to win world championships. I don't think HBG was even heard of but now since we're talking about the past, I wouldn't mind on this embarking on this territory. You see, I have reached a solid ground that stands boldly for Jesus Christ, no matter what you say or falsely proclaim in my ears.

A lot of you like to call me a "Bible Thumper." Well allow me to thump it on HBG's carnal mindset. In the Bible, which I follow, it talks about not judging this world because why should I judge somebody for smoking or drinking when I used to do it myself? The only righteous rebuke is to correct those in the church and from the last time I have checked, Y2Impact probably thinks he's even God. Plus if you know its wrong, and if Pizza Boy knows its wrong, why do I have to keep reminding? I don't. I don't judge, I just tell people to repent that want to listen. I don't speak sermons every time like people accuse me of but I do always mention Jesus Christ being my passion and giving me the capability to keep on bouncing back through all my falls. One of those falls was when I was confused on dedicating my career to Jesus or being a "King" to EAW. I need to remind people like HBG because she has gone off her high horse to ignorantly call me out when I'm first person to call my own self out because I'm real. I don't fake this walk with God and I understand that my past has been a wreck which I'm not going to down myself in guilt but keep pushing on and making sure that Pizza Boy doesn't become a man after filthy worldly desires like Y2Impact and his lady, Cruella De Vil along with the 101 Dalmatians behind them. Whatever someone have to say about my beliefs or if my preaching isn't "needed." It's okay. You must understand that by you saying these words, you're fulfilling everything that it says in the scriptures. Not even Jesus' own brothers believed in him. Not even his own hometown but that's okay because like I always state, you either believe or you don't. I can preach to the lost but to those that hearts are hardened, I won't bother.

And yes, indeed, the "Lord" is good. HBG, I'm pretty sure that's probably the first time you've said that since you were a little girl worshiping God in the choir. And I'm pretty sure those times might have meant something to you. You fell so hard and there's never too late to get back up just as you have with Y2Impact in this company but here's the catch... You can find God all you want, HBG or you can continue persecuting me. Either way, once the opportunity grasps my mind, I can rightfully bring you back down in this company. That goes for you or your little Toy Story soldiers. Obviously, I would like for Pizza Boy and I to become tag team champions but apparently one mistake led to another open door. We're seen worthy enough to enter the Elimination Chamber match. Before we do this, I will train the Pizza Boy for this match and I have decided to add HBG and Y2Impact on the practice team because we may need it to get those juices flowing in my boot for some gold as so Pizza Boy can heat up the crust.

We gonna add these Mercenaries onto our very own five dollar menu. Because after we're done with them, that's all they'll ever be worth.
The Consigliere
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 10th 2015, 11:55 am by The Consigliere
[The Heart Break Gal is seen sitting in front of a mirror, wearing different make-up than usual -- on with the mascara and the thick dark pink eyeshadow and of course, a blonde wig to finish off. She continues to apply "Luscious Red" on her lips, and it seems she is a different person now, one you wouldn't recognize as HBG, but more her alter-ego "Minerva" back in her dress-up phase in CWF. Darling "Minerva" puts her hands together in front of her chest and starts to speak]

"Minerva": (HBG in her southern belle accent) My goodness! Isn't this just dandy? It's 2013 all over again, and I am feeling the chills of a December mornin', now I am ready to go out with my love Y2Impact to another night where he is scheduled to go against the likes of Tony Rolland and Mike Villain and I'll support him with everything I got, and we will forever hold our CWF Tag Team titles because we are Beauty and the Sexy Beast!

[HBG chuckles, and continues in her normal accent]

HBG: Ho boy, if only we knew that CWF was already under life support at the time. And I was enjoying playing that role too! I was very good at it, being the sappy, innocent, down-to-earth romantic partner of the professional, brutal and mildly perverted Y2Impact. Sometimes you just want to start over and pretend to not know anybody, just go forth in your wrestling career already knowing the things that would take years of experience for a rookie to know himself, it makes you stand out.

[HBG stands up and slowly spins for the mirror, and it's revealed that she's on her Minerva get-up too! Glittery silver dress and pink heels, and pink ribbon on her hair. She looks like a rockstar barbie doll!]

HBG: Of course, getting immersed in the glimmer of the role of Minerva, you also have to pay attention of what surrounds you and the company you keep. Why are The Mercenaries the perfect team, a match made in heaven? Why, because we actually have each other's backs at all times! Who saved Y2Impact from potentially getting pinned by Brett Kennedy at Civil War? That's me. Who made sure that Mr. DEDEDE was out cold with the Evisceration before I pinned him for the three count at Pain for Pride 8? That would be Y2Impact. No other team can read each other as well as we do. No teammate is willing to put themselves in harm's way for the other, and it's practically something that we don't even have to think about doing, just as sure as a human being breathes air. There is not a sign of distrust or jealousy between Y2Impact and I, because loyalty always comes first even when we know that the whole world is against us. We didn't have to tell each other what to do or say, because we respect that we are our own person and the only thing left to do is to exercise our strengths so we can come out of a match victorious... Together. And we don't dare to put one over the other, we make equal contributions, we seek each other's opinion and value them to make the partnership work, to make plans we actually follow through with.

What makes teams like Stand and Deliver fall apart is that they have this disgusting mentality that just because they've been going through so many problems in life, which is the only thing in common they have, is that it would get them sympathy points from their adoring fans that would ultimately give them some meaning to their pathetic existence. They see the light in everything that could potentially become a recipe for disaster, especially when it's been made clear that the Heart Break Boy hasn't succeeded much and couldn't pull his own weight, and Pizza Boy isn't exactly doing a good job carrying that burden. You don't even need HBB, do you, Pizza Boy? It's easy to develop some distrust and disrespect between you two. And it would be easier for you to realize that you're better than HBB and you don't really need him to give you encouragement. You say that HBB has been your life and savior. You say that he's influenced you to make better decisions and he takes delight in wiping your ass after you shit because you don't think you could fend for yourself be it against Hexa-gun or even the likes of Mexican Samurai. I mean, I get it. You're taking the easy train, and if anything goes wrong, there's the Heart Break Boy to blame! You're too used to fighting bravely and honorably, until you realize that bravery and honor are only getting dismissed and ignored, and nobody really makes a name for themselves or makes the slightest impact with those key attributes. I'm not even here to question your association with HBB, you made that decision yourself at your most vulnerable time, and by experience I'd like to say that you're just going to be fed up by his inconsistency and his lazy mentality and before long you'll be thinking twice about being his teammate, but I'm not going to judge that. I'm understanding. I make fun of dumb career decisions people make, but I respect that they made them for a reason. But what I don't understand is why do you have to go out of your way and call me the "wrong side" of the "Heart Break" like you even have the right to an opinion where it concerns comparing me with HBB? You've seen how I roared and clawed my way to success for the past few months. I won my Tag Team Championships within the first month upon returning. I have lead Hexa-gun alongside Y2Impact and I was vital to a lot of our victories, which I might add, including the time that you lost to Hexa-gun, when I splashed over your lifeless body and pinned you for the three count... Or have you forgotten about that already? You've seen how Hexa-gun has done their bidding, collected debts better than Lannister ever could, and settled scores in order to truly reign over the land of elite and turn it into its rightful Extreme state. I've taken part in hard-fought battles in barbaric events like House of Glass that could send me into coma but I overcame everything with only minor injuries. I've been a brave soldier, Pizza Boy. I keep surviving and I only keep getting stronger with every adversary I come across. I've never taken half measures whatever gender my opponent is, and I only give my best so I can come out of the match victorious. And that's just half of what I've done for the past five months, still more than what YOUR side of the "Heart Break" has done in a very long time! 

And now you tell me that you're so fucking proud fighting for a delusional fool like him? Hah, that's fucking laughable because he hasn't even been considered anything noteworthy lately since his return, and you're too overly concerned of hyping him up to be this flawless man capable of guiding you in the right path, yet you couldn't even give an ounce of respect to HBG who is obviously better at this game than he is. Are you going to say how he's "morally superior" and that you don't really need to win matches as long as you cope with your bad habits? Fuck, Pizza Boy, stop wasting air time and just go on AA meetings and find your place amongst those who are equally as idiotic as you are and couldn't control their own addictions, and pass it off as a disease! Because the way your tartar-infested gums have been flapping, it seems like you just couldn't handle the fact that Hexa-gun and The Mercenaries have been winning everything while you're forced to be left picking up scraps that HBB left behind because you can't do anything more than make the same mistakes over and over again. Before you give me grief about Hexa-gun's means to victory, let me point you to the direction of the person who makes the impression that he's doing something important, yet only spends his days being lazy in his matches and staying dormant while opportunities have come and gone, THERES HBB! Before you talk smack about me and assume that I even intend on manipulating people, or whoever in your mind is pulling the strings, let me get you HBB so you see the person who had to deceive Lioncross into signing with EAW so he could bash his face in to convince everyone that he's still so goddamn relevant. So how do you defend that, Pizza Boy? How do you still back up the things you've just said knowing I'd have a retort to every single one of them, and you only look like a damn fool for even trying to find dirt in The Mercenaries' flawless existence? Are you going to tell me that you're drunk? Are you going to tell your audience that you're high? Well fucking sober up because I want you to be fully aware of your surroundings when you lose to The Mercenaries and wake up to the reality that teaming up with the Heart Break Boy isn't and will never do you any favors. 

[HBG breathes in and out, and looks at her beautiful self in the mirror. She then sits back down to admire herself like a true narcissist]

HBG: All these bible school and worship services that are supposed to teach you how to live your life in Christianity, I know you always pay attention to with your whole heart. You listen to these values and preachings on how God knows and sees all, how we are supposed to be true with ourselves and others, and how we should love and worship the lord with all our mind, all our heart and all our soul as the first commandment of love teaches, because it would lead us to everlasting life. 

[HBG spreads her arms and looks up at the  ceiling]

HBG: Praise God! For God is good... All the time!

[HBG puts down her arms right after and looks at the mirror again]

HBG: And despite it all, HBB, you're still the biggest fucking hypocrite I know. 

Oh this familiarity! Another match, another lazy performance and yet another personality change from the Heart Break Boy! Whatever is convenient really. He likes to speak a lot about righteousness and humility, he likes to tell these adoring fans about how much of a changed man he is and that others can follow his direction, but why is he turning the other cheek and pretending that harming the body that the good lord has given us isn't considered a sin, while he plainly watches the people around him smoke cigars and drink alcohol? Not even four months ago, I could have sworn you were the SAME PERSON who shunned these Tag Team Championships, saying that you wouldn't be caught dead celebrating "meaningless trinkets" because you're too good for it and just too damn busy being the king of the Land of Elite, but now... BUT NOW, it finally hits you that there's absolutely no career, no success and no gold at the end of the line, you suddenly decide:

"Nah, JK. The Tag Titles are THE BEST! Now lemme go find a deadweight who SEEMS to be talented, even though I can't really get off the ground on my own!"

And after all the determination with your mentally unstable partner, after all the fierce threats that you threw around, after the first opportunity that's been handed to you that would get you closer to that goal, and the first fucking chance you get to show Dark Demon that you can still win over him, you never failed to disappoint! And now you were given a spot in the Chamber out of PITY, everyone can see it, but you still choose to cover your ears and act like this whole battle between the top idiots in Team DCW was going to be a fair fight to convince yourselves that a shot at a World Title is something that you worked SO FUCKING hard for! 

And somehow, you have The Pizza Boy playing in the palm of your hands. You close all the windows to reality. You keep him from seeing how fucked up your whole situation is and that this Stand and Deliver gig isn't really working well, and that everything isn't really under your control. He thinks that you're the benevolent saint who does everything right, while I'm the malevolent witch for associating myself with the fierce comrades that I have now, because he couldn't accept the fact that despite attempting to literally slice his way to victory at Civil War, he still couldn't go against the odds and pick up a defining victory that he could have a bigger legend like Mr. DEDEDE kissing his feet for. He can't shake the idea that the Mexican Samurai had one-upped him twice already, and aligning himself with you hasn't really done anything helpful in his career. You're using his failures to break him. You're using the fact that he's being overshadowed by every name in this locker room in order to make yourself stand out and appear as the better person. You flair him up with your nice words and rehearsed fables and stories that have absolutely no depth or meaning to it other than how fucked up life has been for everyone, but he doesn't care. He listens on with his eyes closed, letting the words sink in without keeping in mind that the man who is so full of despair, so full of laziness and all the haphazard behavior that ultimately led to his own failures should be the LAST PERSON TO SERVE AS SOMEBODY'S MENTOR!

You want to teach Pizza Boy how to survive the Elimination Chamber, walk out World Champion even? DETACH HIM FROM A FUCKING BIBLE-THUMPING FAILURE LIKE YOU! SHOW SOME MERCY, HBB! Be the good guy that you tell everyone you are and stop holding him back from what he could be a defining win! 

Or not. Do as you please. But come Showdown, The Mercenaries are going to decimate and reduce your tandem to rubble. To the point where even Pizza Boy starts to slowly reject you like an unmatched organ transplant, because that's exactly what you two are doomed to be.

See you this Sunday...

[HBG chuckles. She grabs her bag, blows a kiss to the mirror, and walks out the bedroom door in her Minerva get-up, with a half-smile on her face and her "blonde" hair beautifully flowing. Camera fades to black. End of Scene]
Cailin Dillon
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 10th 2015, 10:52 am by Cailin Dillon

Battleground #1
Cailin Dillon wanders into a room in EAW Headquarters and sees a box of cereal sitting on the table. She checks the fridge and finds milk, and then sees a Styrofoam bowl and plastic spoon. With a big smile, she mixes it all together, pours herself a cup of coffee in her Sexy Curry mug and sits down and starts going to town on the fruity flavored cereal bites. Just then, a woman walks in and stops to stare at her. Cailin practically lets the food fall out of her mouth and back into the bowl.
Cailin: Oh shit…
Woman: You again! What are you doing!?
Cailin: What am I interrupting some sort of photo shoot again? Is this cereal for the shoot? Are these like Minns-Os? Dachs bites? Fruity Iconomy Loops? Well what is it? Spit it out?
Woman: Those are obviously just Fruit Loops and you’re eating my cereal. This! Is the break room you were looking for last time. And… is that the Sexy Curry mug that went missing from the shoot last time?
Cailin: Puh-lease… I bought this from the EAW Shop. Y’all made yourself a fine, fine product right here. And Sexy Curry really is a fun group. But wow, this is the break room… you should really do some photo shoots in here or something. This place is nice. A lot nicer than that other room from last time we met.
Woman: You are so insufferable, why do we keep meeting?
Cailin: Probably because they have me around here a lot lately. I don’t know if you heard, but I won the Specialist title, and then they had me take it on this sort of tour. You see, Haruna was a one-and-done champion, so they didn’t have a whole lot of time to get her out to show off this new puppy. Plus, with her and Cloud teaming up in that tag tournament, she was pretty busy anyways.
Woman: Obviously I know you’re a champion now. As awful as I believe that to be. But aren’t you supposed to have it with you right now? What are you keeping it in a safe?
Cailin hooks her legs to the table legs and leans back to display the title is actually on her waist at this moment.
Woman: Oh god, you’re wearing it around the building right now?
Cailin: Hell yeah, if someone wants to take this from me we can fight right here and right now. It’s a Specialist title, so break room brawls are on the table. Is that why you’re here, to challenge me?
Woman: I was here to eat my damn breakfast, but it appears you’ve already devoured it.
Cailin: Nah, there’s some left, look!
Cailin grabs the box and looks inside, and then looks at the woman. She smiles innocently as she reaches an arm into the box and pulls out a Y2Impact bobblehead.
Cailin: Ok, so maybe I ate the whole thing, but you still have this beautiful specimen of a bobblehead doll…
Woman: That’s it, give me the mug back.
Cailin: No.
Woman: Give it back, now!
Cailin: No! This is mine!
Woman: You do know that you have to face Sexy Curry this week, right? You can’t be a fan of them.
Cailin: Why can’t I? What rule says you have to hate your opponents? I happen to really like Cloud. She’s awesome and hilarious. Maybe she has a questionable taste in women, but who am I to judge. I obviously have a checkered past, and that was before I even got linked to Haruna. What the hell was I thinking, right? Here’s what I don’t get, is it supposed to represent both of them, or does each one take a part. Like, Cloud is really Sexy, right? So does that mean Haruna is Curry? Is that how it works?
Woman: Are you… seriously asking that?
Cailin: Yeah, of course. I’m serious about that question. Cloud is sexy. She has curves for miles and she really is this sort of daredevil in the ring. She has fun and you can sense it no matter where you are, watching, fighting with or against her. Love that energy. I guess that makes Haruna the spicy one. Last time I saw her she was trying to break my back or kill me. I don’t really know, but I do know it backfired on her and I was the one that dropped her on that ladder in the end. And now look at me, I’m decorated in gold everywhere I go, baby.
Woman: I don’t think you truly understand the Sexy Curry name. But you don’t have concerns about teaming with Aria Jaxon? You two don’t even seem to be on the same wavelength these days.
Cailin: I’m not even sure what you mean, lady. Me and Aria are just fine. She’s got that Brett guy she leans on, or maybe he leans on her… I can’t figure it out, but we are two of the biggest badasses on the planet. Don’t underestimate what we’re capable of. Madison and Maria did that once back when they were gal paling around. And we kicked their asses. Shame about them though. It seemed like they were never the same after that happened. Maria damn near faded off the side of the earth. I see her holding a microphone ever so often. And then Maddie, poor girl, she lost her title to Eris. Things have changed so much lately, but what hasn’t changed is the fact that Aria and I can take on anyone and win. We proved it doesn’t matter if we regularly team or not. We know how to join together for a common goal.
Woman: You understand, though, that both the Sexy Curry girls and Aria could some day be fighting you for that title?
Cailin: Nah, I don’t see it. Cloud and Haruna are seriously busy competing as a team, and Aria will have her sights set higher. Even I have my sights set on eventually taking that Vixens title. But for now, I will ward off any challenger and make sure I help this title build the prestige it deserves. Before people start calling it the one-and-done title.
Woman: We should be so lucky to see you losing that.
Cailin: Easy lady… I don’t have any problems with you, and I can’t understand your pure hatred for me. I’ve never done anything to you.
Woman: Except for steal my product and eat my breakfast.
Cailin: Well one, this is my mug. I bought it. And two, don’t leave your breakfast out laying around in the break room.
Woman: It has my name on it! Right there on the box!
Cailin: But the milk —
Woman: On there, too! You just took my things!
Cailin: By the way, have you gotten any shirt designs in for me yet. I know people like this Sexy Curry thing, but… they aren’t even champions. I have a title now so I should probably be seeing some new shirt designs, mugs, ice cream bars…
Woman: Your shirts were already finalized earlier today and sent out. Can’t imagine you’ll be more popular than Sexy Curry though.
Cailin: Well, I might not have Cloud’s curves and fun-loving personality, and I might not be spicy like Haruna and leave a certain taste in your mouth, but I go out and fight my ass off every time I’m in a match, and I have to think there are some fans out there that truly appreciate that. It’s just how I like to operate. I wake up in the morning and drink coffee out of my Cloudy Haruna mug, but then I go to work. I spend hours in the gym trying to get better. Just being a champion isn’t enough for me. I’m not just sitting here all fat and happy because I’m not gonna settle. Becoming a champion in EAW is one of the proudest moments in my life, but so is saying I get to go out and fight again, and defend this title, and go up against the best female fighters this planet has to offer.
Woman: You never fail to just keep talking and talking. It’s like you love the sound of your own voice.
Cailin: And someday I will be able to call myself a Vixens champion. And it’s not because I set that as a goal and I’m aiming to achieve it, it’s because I won’t quit working to become a better fighter. Someday EAW will be booking me against Elitists because they’ll see just how strong I am. The other girls in this division can sense it. They see how much passion I have and the determination that just won’t quit. It’s not just about t-shirts and titles, it’s about making sure every one of those fans leaves the arena with a smile after they see me in that ring. Because they’ll be absolutely certain Cailin Dillon gave them their moneys worth.
Woman: Ok, so you ignored me. But you do realize I’m ignoring you, too, right?
Cailin: You just don’t understand, lady. Maybe someday you’ll shed the awful power suits and pantyhose and try to climb into that ring and feel the roar of the crowd. Since you like Sexy Curry so much, maybe they need a stuck up manager to help them dial back the fun meter. By the way, do they even really get along that much? I can’t tell. I think Haruna is tried of being associated with that name, but who knows.
Woman: Listen, it’s been nice listening to you babble on about nothing, but I need to find something to eat for breakfast, and that means some serious scrounging in this break room. If you haven’t already eaten everything.
Cailin: You should check that far cabinet. I’m pretty sure I saw some sort of breakfasty granola type thing in there. It might satisfy your breakfast needs.
As the woman turns and heads toward the cabinet, muttering something under her breath, Cailin slams the rest of her coffee out of the Sexy Curry mug and swipes the Y2Impact bobblehead and dashes out of the room with her title around her waist. The woman turns around to see the toy is gone and looks angry.
Woman: Hey! What the hell!?
Cailin dashes off down the hall snickering as the scene fades to black.
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 10th 2015, 10:38 am by Impact
In some respects, Pizza Boy is absolutely correct; I'd much rather give credit where it's due even to those that bedevil me as opposed to ignoring an individual's success because my pride won't allow me to compliment anyone else, so I have to commend Pizza Boy on his remarkable ability to say a whole lot whilst really saying nothing at all. I'm well-aware how difficult it must be having to cater to HBB's redundant preaching, but nobody voluntarily befriends a bible thumper except other bible thumpers, so I can only assume the alliance Pizza Boy has forged with the Heart Break Boy is more a byproduct of a duplicitous agenda than a sincere partnership in good faith. That's the thing about priests who sermonize constantly even when they're not on the job; they're content to believe anything no matter how obvious a lie they're being told, and their optimism and excessive belief in the people they're "helping" ultimately proves to be their undoing. It's hard for me to sympathize with a man so incredibly incognizant of the crux of his career problems when it's staring him down like a hawk, but what escapes HBB I can see so clearly simply judging by Pizza Boy's body language. It's written all over his face! He even says as much himself! One moment he's claiming he and HBB aren't alike, something even the dullest knives in the drawer could discern, but what catches my eye is the fact he stated himself he doesn't spend much time with HBB before later proceeding to attribute many of his actions and his newfound, enlightened mentality to being taken under HBB's wing. The only way for me to elucidate that conundrum is to say what everybody else in the wrestling universe is merely thinking -- that HBB has taken another stab in the dark in an attempt to resuscitate his withering career in the form of Pizza Boy, but the latter is exploiting the former and taking advantage of the stardom and legacy HBB has etched in this business to catapult himself, a classic move by a wrestling social climber. I mean, a short couple of months ago, all of the occupants had abandoned sheep -- or, rather, were forcefully thrown off the plank -- and Pizza Boy was the sole survivor, the last remaining member of Anti-gun at Territorial Invasion, and he made waves with a valiant fight that included a pizza slicer and was really the only wrestler who managed to put a chink in Hexa-gun's armor. Life comes at you fast, huh? Now he clings to HBB for fatherly advice despite it being plainly apparent that he couldn't give a damn about HBB if their team couldn't somehow advance his wrestling career and make a household name out of a guy who comes across like a glorified butler. I wonder what changed? Pizza Boy has shown he's capable of shining in the spotlight before, and maybe without HBB he lacks the confidence he'll be able to do it again, but nevertheless he's right in saying I used to be one of the guys in the locker room who wouldn't immediately dismiss new talent and offered a helping hand to several newcomers. But unlike Pizza Boy, I didn't experience a sudden surge of power and temporarily take control over EAW's airwaves and suddenly have all the fans heaping praise on my performance and gravitating toward me because of something unexpected I did inside that ring. I am, unabashedly, the New York Yankees of EAW. Every year, every match, nobody is surprised when I do something that would command praise if another performer accomplished the feat because greatness and triumph is expected out of me; it's the standard of excellence I've set, and it's a thankless, double-edged sword, because when I fail I suddenly become the object of all this hoopla and scrutiny about whether or not I'm finished. But since I embarked on this journey, since I stopped telling everyone what they wanted to hear and started force-feeding even my most fervent supporters the brutal truth with zero sugarcoating, I've garnered a level of consistent success that few in this industry have ever attained. What I'm accomplishing at this moment, what Hexa-gun is doing, it may be literally unprecedented, and when I become Chairman and all the sheep that foolishly denounced me and brushed me to the side are completely at my mercy, it will cinch my status in the legends told around campfires by future generations of men and women and I will forevermore be acknowledged and known by one title: Leader.

A simpleton like Pizza Boy would never understand what inspires my motives nor what propels me to reach these heights because he stopped trying to grasp the brass ring and transitioned to a lowly follower in cahoots with the Heart Break Boy the moment opportunities stopped falling in his lap by sheer coincidence. And sure, I could revert to what I once was, I could be a company man once again and wave the EAW flag I pledged my loyalty to regardless of whose image the business is shaped in... But as long as "elite" sullies the sanctity of the company I once held so dearly, I refuse to cower before my oppressors, I refuse to halt my warpath, and I refuse to let the ants that crawl beneath my feet like Stand and Deliver obstruct my plans, so on Showdown I've decided my partner and I will put them on notice and deliver to a message to everyone else in EAW -- I haven't prepared a concession speech, because I know I'm going to win this war.
Raven Lee
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 10th 2015, 1:21 am by Raven Lee
Battleground Promo # 1

The camera pans to Raven Lee who sitting on the floor just staring off into space. She’s wearing a punk rock styles T-Shirt and just laughing sadistically. As her head turns to the camera.. and her eyes meet the lenses the whole room becomes silent. A raven's caw screeches the room as a smile just forms on Raven’s face.

“ Tell me Alexis, do you remember your dreams? The dreams from when you were just a child? I don’t have to know you.. I see all that you were based off of who you are now. You wanted to fit in. Do you still remember the disappointment in societies eyes? *Laughs maniacally* It’s drowned you, Alexis. It left a hole.. a hole so big that the only way you sought out to fill it was.. to become a rebellion of your own. But you can’t.. rebel against yourself. I know lots of things about you, Alexis -- but you don’t know much about me. Let me tell you about me.. let me tell you about every time I tried to dream.. when I close my eyes all I can hear is their screams about my recurring nightmares and they happen over and over and over again.. But never once, Alexis.. did I claim to rebel because I’m not a rebel. In fact, the only thing I live for in this life.. is justice. Unlike the rebellion lifestyle.. I’m heard. The rebellion life isn’t something that can be held strong enough anymore! You can no longer whisper the words to make a difference.. you have to scream it until their ears bleed. I have it.. the key to the world. I’ve figured it out! The only way to make someone listen.. is to hurt them. Believe me Alexis.. with my time on this earth.. I’ve hurt a lot -- of people.. and for this.. I’m not the least bit sorry! There are no consequences for my actions. I have no conscience.. I do not heed to the laws of mankind! I do not believe in heaven or hell! Matter of fact I hate everything that this whole world created.. including.. me! I am a monster, Alexis. The Vixens division is decimated with it’s lack of fortitude. You Alexis.. you exemplify that weakness. There is a pale horse on the horizon, Alexis! and it’s coming for you. This.. smile, will be the last thing you ever see, “Dragon.”

Ruthlessness.. diversity.. hatred.. all words that define Raven Lee. I won’t ask you to follow.. I won’t even ask you to try and understand! All I really ask.. is for you to listen. Listen to my words of wisdom! Listen to the reaper as she stares you in the eyes.. and listen to the fate that you’ve created for yourself. Battleground will become a coliseum.. the whole world will watch the end of the The Corrupted Dragon!. Chaos is lurking every corner.. for you, Lexi. It’s coming… and it will tear you apart.

There is a tale that speaks so fluently and spot on when it comes to Arianna Lopez. It’s a greek tale in fact.. It’s the story of Icarus. Icarus was warned to never let his wings made of wax get too close to the sun.. but PRIDE can make even the most elegant individuals do foolish things. As Icarus neared the sun.. his wings began to melt away. Icarus fell into the ocean and was never heard from again. We’ve been on friendly sides and even as foes, Arianna, and each time my hand was the one that was raised. I always said pride in yourself could be your beginning.. but for you, it’ll also be your ending. When Arianna clouds herself with pride.. that’s when it clicked. I know it.. she’s mine. Like a lamb -- led to slaughter.

A fatal four way match.. that seems like a perfect match!! ---- to cater to a police and wrestling woman known as Laura Amber Williams. I think there’s been a little interruption here.. I think there’s a bit of a disconnection like you haven’t grasped your mind around the concept of what’s truly going on here. Do you think -- a simple force you learned from your background can control me?! I am everywhere Laura! And sooner or later that force you put those away with is going to rise up around you!!! and then the tables will be turned.. and it will be you who is locked away with the monsters you placed in confined walls. Force fears me Laura!.... Because it itself understands it could never - ever - ever - ever hurt me!  Do you wanna know a secret, Laura? I was already confined. I was confined by the people you live with and completely outcasted by them.. so I accepted it. It’s because people… Mankind stopped being human the day they turned into the beast, which ironically is the day they started judging. They judge people like me for the way they look.. the way the talk or the way they feel! And what they don’t understand is I am a wolf in sheep’s clothing. If you were able to see the monster behind these eyes.. you’d understand why the beast around me are walking upright. I told you the end was coming..  and now all that will be left is meat stuck in the teeth of the internal world. I am Chaos.”

Raven begins laughing sadistically before the camera fades to black.       
Thomas Minns
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 9th 2015, 8:14 pm by Thomas Minns
Showdown #1
Kansas City, Missouri
Do I Have Your Attention Now?

The camera opens up to a completely gold screen. The camera then pans out a little bit to reveal the EAW Championship, the name Jamie O'Hara is titled on it. The camera then pans out even further and Thomas Minns is shown to be the one that is holding the EAW Championship. He has the title in his grasp and he is smirking at the camera. Thomas Minns sits down on a leather chair and places the EAW Championship over his shoulder. He pats it a little bit before beginning to talk.

Finders, keepers. Losers, weepers. A famous children's rhyme that seems ever so fitting at this point in time. Currently, the EAW Championship is in my possession. I have this beautiful Championship placed over my shoulder and in my locker room. The only downside of this Championship is the horrible name that is etched into it. Jamie O'Hara, it just sounds appalling. Don't worry though, in two weeks the name that is etched into this championship will actually be very fitting. EAW Champion Thomas Minns just sounds perfect. I think I should take some time out of my day to talk to an important man. Jamie O'Hara, listen up and listen real good. I am aiming this directly at you so you better pay attention. This title, it's mine now. Just think about that for a couple of seconds, O'Hara. This title that you've devoted your entire career to getting, it's in the hands of another man. You started from humble beginnings, at the bottom of the EAW food chain. You managed to work your way all the way to the top. You won the Cash in the Vault Ladder Match at the pinnacle of professional wrestling. After being cheated out of the EAW Championship at the first attempt, you dusted yourself off and managed to defeat Xavier for the title. What a beautiful story. You've worked so hard and put so much effort into capturing this title and it's simply been taken away by you in the matter of seconds. The best part of all this is that it is entirely your fault. You shouldn't have came out on Showdown. You put yourself where you didn't need to be. You didn't need to get yourself involved in a battle between Xavier and I. You put yourself in a point of danger and you were taught a lesson. You should have just stayed where I put you, on the shelf. Did you really think that coming out and poking your nose where it didn't belong was a good idea? You were punished for that. I am not even sure that you will make it to Road to Redemption. It's a real shame. I would have taken pleasure from destroying you to win this title but I'll take a cheap victory, I am not going to have any sleepless nights over how I obtain this championship.

I am not going to put all my eggs in one basket though. My focus isn't entirely on Jamie O'Hara, obviously. I've humiliated Xavier Williams time and time again but I am nowhere near finished with him. I find it quite hilarious that Xavier and Albert like to mouth off about how I am just experiencing my 15 minutes of fame. They like to spout some bullshit about how I am just latching onto Xavier to get some fame. Let's really think about the logistics of this situation. If Xavier and Albert are so convinced that I just want Xavier's fame, why on earth are they giving me all this attention? Why is Xavier looking to fight me every single week on Showdown. Why is he concerning himself with someone like me? It's funny that he and Albert actually believe their own bullshit. I think we all know it's just the ramblings of bitter men. Xavier is a tad bitter than he is no longer than the big dog in town. He has been overtaken and climbed above in the EAW food chain and he just can't accept it. Xavier, we need to progress. You've had your time at the top, it's my time to shine now. Just take it like a man and step down without embarrassing yourself. It's quite sad to see you try and go down with a fight. You're just humiliating yourself and inviting me to humiliate you even further. Is this really what you want to be remembered for? Don't you want to be remembered for your EAW Championship reign? If you keep up this act than all you will ever be remembered for is being destroyed by Thomas Minns. I know that's not what you want so I heavily suggest that you stop trying to be a tough guy and just accept your fate.

This week on Showdown, I will finally be able to get my hands on Xavier Williams in the ring. He seems quite keen for a battle and I am going to give him one. It appears that the decision makers here in EAW know what is good for them and they want to keep Xavier and I contained in the squared circle. It appears that they have also realised that Thomas Minns equals money and they are attempting to capitalise on that fact. The main negative of this match is that it won't be one on one, it won't be mano e mano. For some reason unknown to myself, this match will be a tag team match. Some idiot decided that it would be a good idea to throw in two other elitists who aren't on the best terms. I think that Xavier and I have enough tension between us to make a match exciting, we do not need two other elitists to get in our way. I am a positive man though. I try to find a silver lining in every cloud. The silver lining in this particular cloud is that I get to humiliate another elitist in my rise to the top. The lucky benefactor this time will be a man named Matt Miles. Similarly to Jamie O'Hara, Matt Miles has embarrassingly failed a cash in for the EAW Championship. You know, this championship that I have placed over my shoulder right now. Matt Miles couldn't get his hands even close to this EAW Championship that I have in my possession. However, there is one little positive about Matt Miles. You see, Matt, you remind me a little of myself. You're young, you're arrogant, you will do whatever it takes to win. You are basically a poor mans version of Thomas Minns. I do feel a bit sorry for you though, Matt. You're already struggling, scrapping for every little thing. Just when you thought that things couldn't get any worse, they make you team up with Xavier Williams.

I suppose another positive of this tag team consent is that I get the pleasure of teaming with a King. I like to consider myself as a monarch, teaming with someone who has won such a prestigious tournament is a fantastic thing. It's not often that Thomas Minns appreciates and praises other EAW elitists but here I am, this shows how good Lannister really is. Just imagine this though. Think for a second how good Lannister and I are on our own, imagine what will happen when we become a team for one night. How on earth with Xavier Williams and Matt Miles stop us? I adore what Lannister did to Matt Miles. I love that he left him for dead and abandoned him. He taught Matt Miles a tough lesson that he still hasn't recovered from, that's an excellent piece of work by Lannister if I say so myself. Lannister and I, we share a lot in common. We both enjoy humiliating our opponents and picking up our fat paychecks at the end of a working week. We also both enjoy destroying the dreams of other elitists and ending their careers. I did it most recently with Kevin Devastation, Lannister has done it countless times. We both enjoy beautiful women, just take a look at Athena Vendetta for an example. Last week, Lannister would have destroyed Xavier Williams but I told him to save it for next week. I've only been in EAW a number of months and I have already accomplished things that people couldn't even dream about. My career so far is the stuff of fairy tales but I'll tell you now, this is reality. The best part is, this is just the beginning. The only question that remains to be asked, do I have your attention now?

Thomas Minns lifts the EAW Championship in the air as if he has just won the title. He then slings it over his shoulder and looks directly into the camera, as if he's looking into the eyes of the people at home. He then smirks and winks at the camera before it fades to black.
Lucas Johnson
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 9th 2015, 7:37 pm by Lucas Johnson
Voltage Promo #1 - The Return

This past Sunday on Voltage I made my return to the show all of you punks thought I wasn't good enough for. Those punks meaning the EAW faithful that don't believe in "Father" Jay Omen, they don't believe in The Omen Family, and they sure as hell don't believe me as a human being. All of you thought I'm just stuck on Battleground every week but the truth of the matter is it was my decision to leave Voltage for a little bit and head to Battleground. Once Erebus Jennings joined the Voltage roster I knew I had to take a backseat and watch as a fan because I knew I can watch his every step and eventually capitalize on that and end this grandpa once and for all. Everybody also thought there was mutual hate between myself and Voltage General Manager - Ashten Cross but once again you cold blooded idiots are wrong once again. You see Ashten was just apart of the plan and Ashten knows all about finding the light. Let's get the cover for TMZ tomorrow morning out of the way and that is there is absolutely zero hate between myself and Ashten. Myself and Ashten are in the drivers seat now. My dynasty is growing with The Omen Family who you met also Mr. Jennings, while that is happening Ashten is growing his Dynasty as the Voltage General Manager. Finally the master plan was executed on Voltage this past Sunday when myself and my disciples took it upon ourselves and strike at the right time. When I collected that bounty I felt on top of the world but you decide to get up and strike me back? That's robbery Mr. Jennings! You do not steal another person's money and just run away with it, that's like an Innocent by standard finding out they just won the New York Lottery but you decide to just knock the person out and steal the winning the ticket by running away. How would you feel about that Erebus? I guess you just want to make yourself feel important because you have been a failure just like your AWF career. If you failed at AWF what makes you think you are not going to fail here at Elite Answers Wrestling? I am sick and tired of old grandpas like you, Psycho Brody, and even Scott Diamond taking my spotlight away and running with it. It's way past your time and it's time to hit the nursing home. That nursing home will turn into a funeral home this coming Sunday night when your Day of Reckoning rises and you and your pet crow - David will be headed to the local hospital to be hooked up onto life support. But don't worry about your pet crow, he will be in good hands of the demon daddy when I crush him to death with my own hands until he is no longer breathing. This light...fresh air....freedom will easily turn into darkness...coldness and torture when I send you on your highway to hell. Get ready to follow the light my son....I mean you old hag!
The Heart Break Boy
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 9th 2015, 6:46 pm by The Heart Break Boy
(Cameras open as The Heart Break Boy is shown with an Extreme Enigma t-shirt on backstage of an EAW event. He is seen taping his hands for a random match as Barney M. Bailey alongside Pizza Boy show up a few moments later. The two have just got back from a bar and try to slide back out of the locker-room once they see HBB without his knowing but he spots them before they get a chance.)

HBB: Barney and PB... Just the two men I wanted to see.

(Barney places his hands over his mouth, trying to keep his alcoholic breath sealed from HBB)

HBB: You're fine. I could already smell alcohol before I spotted you.
Barney(Placing his hands off his mouth): And you aren't mad?

HBB: Nope. Who am I to judge? It's something that people show misconception about me. I don't judge anything about people that don't follow the book. Sinners going to sin so I have no judgment but there's going to be somebody that will.

Barney: Well that's a relief. (Barney takes out his cigar and begins smoking it in front of HBB)

HBB: Don't push it though. Anyway, I'm just excited to get opportunity at another EAW Championship reign. It seems like only yesterday that I defeated Alexander Da Vinci and Vic Vendetta to become the EAW Champion and then go off to become the EAW Champion of the year. And who could forget the unbelievable match that I had with the late, great Extreme Enigma?

Barney: I probably don't recall. I was busy delivering pizzas.

HBB: I was busy headlining and show-stealing events. The EAW Championship is nothing to play with. I'm very fond of the tradition in the Elimination Chamber, which I'm going to help Pizza Boy get prepared for.

Pizza Boy: Yeah, yeah... Just don't superkick my head off like you did two weeks ago, HBB.

HBB: Hey, we should just take this out of the park already because obviously, we aren't going to be teaming at this event. We are going to be competing against one another. I will help you get a feel for the type of terror that this match-up brings but if we're in that ring together, there's no Stand and Deliver. There's the Pizza Boy vs.. The Heart Break Boy. I used to tell this to people who go to my church and want to get closer with God that idolize their pastor instead of praising and worshiping God only. What are you going to do once your pastor leaves this earth? Are you going to idolize another pastor and never go to the next level or you going to wipe out all distraction to become the person that God called you to be?
Barney: It sounds like you are aiming to become World Champion again, HBB.

HBB: This is why we're in this business. We are born to become champions, we're born to win, we're born to make our own moments.

Barney: Now I hired you to tame the boy, not become his enemy.

HBB: Enemy? Mr.. Bailey, if you thought for one second that EAW wasn't going to create some type way for us to face off against each-other then you obviously have no clue how this business works.
Barney: All I'm saying is... You're both the only team in this match. You should use your head and take advantage of that.

HBB: It sounds very intriguing to do but you understand that I'm a man of righteousness, right?

Barney: Oh yeah.... True...

HBB: There you have it then.

Pizza Boy: I actually don't mind facing off against the old fart when it comes down to it.

HBB: Just make sure you don't run into another Goldprint. As I said, The EAW Championship is nothing to toy with. I have seen people risk their lives for the title. I was once a EAW Champion myself. And I do intend on becoming one again before I'm officially said and done. It's going to be tough getting another opportunity like this, especially while we're both a team so it's something that we should definitely take advantage instead of trying to jump on guys in this match like wild animals. Actions like this will cause for us to be defeated in a very forgettable fashion. I don't know about you but if I lose, I still want to give the people something to remember before I exit. You are apart of the young group of competitors in this match and they're already tearing each other apart. Xavier Williams, Thomas Minns and Jamie O'Hara are already using that anger and ambition to send noise and make revelation about their future as EAW Champion. So it's up to us to send the same message and we can do that this up-coming Showdown when we take on The Mercenaries. And thank God, I'm not fighting alongside Demon this go around.

Barney(Puffs on his cigar): .... The Mercenaries.... Yeah... You guys missed out on challenging them for those tag team golds.

HBB: Agreed. We missed out against them for those tag team championships for now but I'm pretty sure we will eventually get a shot at those two for gold if they're still around their waist by then. We lost our chance by being defeated by the Notorious Samurai's which people may tamper with this excuse to degrade our team. But this is what makes me different and what makes the Pizza Boy different from a lot of people. We will always bounce back and learn from defeat because it only makes us much stronger when moving forward to the already paid destiny. We're going up against a very good team which I have no problems with. I'm not so sure about The Pizza Boy but what he takes up with "The Hexa-Gun," or whatever, I'm going to be there by his side to help even the odds. Together, we are an army of two, different titles but same the poise to become the men that we're supposed to be. I can't say the same for our opponents. They're dangling their success all over EAW and cover this land with a large group of force that are to be reckon with. And just like all the mighty forces have fallen in EAW and I know from experience, I hope they keep in mind that their reign won't last forever. It might not be from the team of Stand and Deliver but it will happen someway, somehow, someday. However, I'm not going to lay aside for you two because this time, I won't have a partner that soaks my name in his mouth 24/7 to make my life a living hell. This time, I have someone who has actually grazed some success against you and your little group. Even though I haven't been on these rallies like Y2Impact has been accustomed to. One thing I know is how to beat him so the shortcomings will end at this very moment.

Barney: Oh so you do? Then this should be a piece of cake. I mean, his partner is a fem--

HBB: I wouldn't underestimate Heart Break Gal. She has definitely become more of a ruthless competitor and that goes from being around Y2Impact. She has also raised the heart of another relentless warrior and used it to transition herself into somewhat of a wonder woman. I still wouldn't give her a step over Cameron Ella Ava, of course but she's definitely been possessed to win a lot lately than recent years. Again, I have loads of experience from either teaming or facing off against these two and I'm all in to share every single thing that I've learned and use it against them. It will be a very high contributor to not only show up against our tag team champions but show out as well.

Let's get ready.

(HBB slaps Pizza Boy's shoulder and he walks out of the room as the camera fades to black.)
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 9th 2015, 6:24 pm by ThePizzaBoy
Showdown Promo 1

The camera opens up behind the arena where PB paces to and fro, a rusty can of Billy Beer in his hand as he hops around jovially in his one-track four foot sprint, like a tiger just put back into his cage.  He rolls his neck and smiles at the camera with a cheerful chuckle.

PB: HAHA! I did it again! I made it through another week comin' out the other side of a match and feeling like a million bucks.  This tag thing, it's doin' it for me.  HBB and I, we may have ducked out of the Grand Prix tourney, but we've found our groove on the rebound, and I feel like my good health and plentiful wealth of luck and skill lately has earned me my first sip o' beer.

PB presents the eroded can to the camera like a Barker girl.

PB: This was my dad's choice in poison.  Made by Prez Carter's brother in the late 70's...sadly, it's been out of commission for awhile...got this one on eBay, but hey, beer ages well doesn't it?..or was that wine?...oh well, we'll find out I guess.

PB hovers over the can with his body as he darts his eyes mischievously back and forth before flatly popping the top, shotgunning a swig, and immediately spitting it in the air like a volcanic eruption.

PB: Agch! That tastes like rust and a failed term in office!  *spits* I guess it was wine I was thinkin' about, huh?  Oh well, I'm sure it's better than whatever turpentine swill Venom got slapped out of his mouth.  Still, tastes like peanuts and ass.

PB pitches the can off camera, letting it's liquidy splat on the concrete echo through the parking lot.

PB:  Just goes to show that I'm not up for this hood rat shit. Matter of fact, that's kind of what I came out here to talk about.  I saw the booking sheet, I saw what's on tap for next week, and I know there are a lot of questions going through the fandom's mind as to where my loyalties lie going into Elimination Chamber with my Stand and Deliver partner.  Let's face it, we're two different cats, we don't spend all that much time with one another outside of the arena, and we both lived flawed lives, but that doesn't mean we're not on the same page.  Awhile back the man I'm standing across the ring from handed me a chair and an opportunity to turn my life over to the dark side of Hexa-Gun.  He whispered promises of power, he smiled a smile of a garden snake offering the fruit of knowledge, and he opened his arms up to me and put his full trust into the idea that I'd turn my back on everyone and everything I stand for.  The painful part was that you Pizza Party members out there believed I might just take up the Hexa-Gun cause.  You booed me, you hissed me, you had already had it set in your mind that I'd sell my soul for two pieces of silver for a couple of pieces of steel screwed together to be used to either sit down with or plow an admired abductor of mine in the face.  What hurt more was that some of you, an inaudible minority, an outlying statistic of you guys cheered when the opportunity arose for me to embrace the hate.

PB reaches into his jacket and whips out a pack of apple brand cigarettes and a zippo.  He guards both with his hand to keep the wind out as he lights up the cigarette in his lips, all the while staring at the camera intently, like a house wife trying to sneak up on a mouse with a ball peen hammer.  He takes a huge drag, coughs a little, and then regains his composure and addresses the camera once more.

PB: My lungs are pink.  I'm a new smoker.  That doesn't mean I wont quit in time to stop them from turning black, or to stop my teeth from turning yellow, or that I'm immune from black masses in my mouth, throat, or respiratory system.  There might be one there right now, and I'd never know until it grew and it was too late...my point is though that my lungs are still pink, and I still have healthy influences in my life like HBB that, when present to see me light up, will pull this gross little butt out of my hand and snuff it out on the ground, or even just make me feel guilty for wanting one in his presence because I know putting a cigarette up to my lips will do one of two things; get me a lecture from HBB, or worse, get me no reaction at all outside of a disappointed glance or a off-hand sigh, or just a stare that I might concoct in my head to even mean more than what HBB intends it to mean.  He is my conscience, he is what kept me from clobbering away at an icon and joining the militant ranks of prize fighting mercenaries.  He makes me above your BS.  He makes me not afraid to smile in your face one second like a friend, and then bust it open mere moments later like the sworn enemy I am.  And having that guilt leash really makes me wonder what Y2I would've been like if he'd been gotten to on time.  There's no denying that despite his moxie and bravado, prior to Hexa-Gun Y2Impact was a locker room leader.  You were one of the few that never turned a squat little runt like me the cold shoulder if I needed advice.  You were one to hand out praise when it was earned and deserved.  Even if you didn't like someone, you weren't above throwing them a bone when they had a crisis of faith, even if it came off unintentionally, or intentionally, back handed.  It's almost like you've found yourself living on the wrong side of Heart Break.  We're like the children of divorce, indoctrinated in our parents beliefs toward one another.  I got he said, you got she said, then yin and yang, the darkness and the light of one ill-conceived matrimony.  We end up fighting mommy and daddy's battles, each taking up the other's guard as we head into battle with our version of history guiding us more than our own experiences.  I've had no problem in admitting I'm the wooden boy to HBB's insightful cricket.  But I wonder...do you know who pulls your strings?  It isn't HBG, not really anyway.  Sure, she's manipulated you enough to take up for her cause, but she's got a hand up her ass, too.  And really, what have you benefited from in this hexagonal game of human centipede?  I see no gold, I see no dominance.  All I see is a buncha chumps wearing H's and playing grab ass as if they're doing something important.  

PB snuffs out his cigarette on the wall behind him and stares off in the direction of his tossed Billy Beer.

PB: And I gotta tell ya, it really takes the edge off of me feeling like I might've missed out on something by clobbering all of you with the very weapon you handed me.  

PB cuts his eyes at the camera and smirks.

PB: Now that's food for thought served up pipin' hot from your friendly neighborhood Pizza Boy...speaking of, I need to find some wet wipes and get the rest of this cheese out of my ear from where Dach clobbered me with a slice of meat lovers...

PB wanders back toward the building, patting the side of his head, trying to get dairy products out of his head like a swimer with swimmer's ear.
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 9th 2015, 4:19 pm by Sephiroth
Showdown Promo
** The scene opens to Sephiroth sitting with one leg over his knees on a steel chair. He has a stony face, bloodshot eyes and he seems like an animal that just missed it’s prey. **

Calm down there Rex, it seems your forgetting the difference between your stature and mine in this business. You’re an old washed up nobody who lost 2 weeks ago against me. Have you forgotten that, or are you TRYING to forget it? I don’t blame you, must’ve been a traumatic memory to live with huh? Either way, fact of the matter is…I beat you! I beat you fair and square in that ring and you bet I’m more than willing to give you a beatdown once again. But you know what? You gotta EARN that spot. You gotta earn the right to face me one-on-one. And the thing is, you haven’t earned it yet! Coming out and attacking me and costing me my match? Great provocation tactic, but I’m not gonna waste MY time for a “rematch” against a joe schmoe who I already decimated. So you can stop begging the management, you can take your whiny ass back to square one and start all over again, how does that sound, Rex? Oh and facing against janitors won’t get you that match you want with me anytime soon. Haha, so get back in the line chump and watch your language when you speak about me or my motherland!

That brings me to the Kerry Keller. What a bitter man you are Kerry. Tsk tsk tsk, these fans give their hard earned money and time to watch you steal the show, yet you look down upon these people? I mean sure I do too, they are a pathetic bunch of whiners and losers….but you, heh, you take it to a whole different level. And you know what? I like that. I like a bit of hatred in people’s hearts for the fans. But the problem is, I don’t think you’ll be around much longer after our match this Saturday. Why? Oh well I don’t know, maybe its because, WHATEVER YOU CAN DO I CAN DO BETTER? Hmm? Seriously, you aren’t anything out of the ordinary, with all due respect, I’ve put down guys like you before, what makes YOU so confident you can keep up, let alone, beat ME? You may think you’re in EAW to achieve success, but if anything, you’re making guys like ME, guys who TRULY deserve success, wait in a long line. But you know what? I’m done waiting, I’m done having to wait till success walks up to me. No, I’m the one who RUNS towards success. And I will teach you Kerry Keller what success truly is, and how to bask in it’s glory. Your days of riding with DCW are over, and so with that your days of being RELEVANT. So I suggest you pack your bags real well and bring your A-game into the ring. And a pinch of luck too, because you’ll need every bit of damn luck on your side to put ME down.

You like silencing people? So do I. Permanently.

** Sephiroth gives an icy look into the camera and then leans back and closes his eyes, jazz starts playing in the background as the camera fades to black**
Brayden Cruise
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 9th 2015, 1:53 pm by Brayden Cruise
I've been in this business for a very long time and have been in matches that people could only dream about being in. I've gone all over the world doing the one thing I love to do. Yet somehow I still feel like something isn't right. I still feel like I should have more or be a bigger impact. Now don't get me wrong I know there are a lot of guys in the back who have been in this company longer then me. The guys who have been here since the start and feel they deserve more then me. Frankly the only thing I have too say to those people is TOUGH LUCK because now that my contract is singed. Now that people know what I can do in the ring I know things will start changing. I know things will start looking up and that's exactly where I belong. I've been there before so I know how it feels. I know what it feels like to be at the top of the mountain and too be quite honest I should still be there. I know in the back of my mind that's where I belong and I will not stop until I'm sitting at the top. Looking down on each and every single superstar trying to work there way up to me. The exact thing I'm trying to do right now, but of course with that comes the guys who don't want you to climb that ladder. Those guys who try and say you don't belong in the ring with them,but the real reason is because they know you're the better wrestler. Those are the guys who are always looking over there shoulders. Wondering when somebody is going to strike and on Showdown it happened.

Rex, I have no idea who you are nore do I really believe I need to know. I never once said a word to you, but you still decided to show up to my debut match on Showdown. You still decided too do what you did and make the match a double dq. In the end nobody really lost the match, but nobody won either and that Rex. That's something that doesn't sit well with me because I know in the back of my mind I was walking out of that match with my hand raised in the air. So that brings me to the question as to why you did what you did? Why did you decide to choose Brayden Cruise for your strike? In the end Rex what's done is done and now things aren't going the way I was hoping they would. I said this earlier Rex, I have no idea who you are so for you to decide too do what you did the other night is something I won't be taking lightly. You and I now have an issue and I promise you that's something you don't want. It's something you won't like and Rex after what you did on Showdown it's something you can't back out of.

Now moving on to the man I was in the ring with on Showdown. The same man I was going to get the three count on until Rex decided to make his presents felt. Sephiroth you and I my friend have an issue that wasn't solved the other night. We have an issue that still needs too be dealt with and it will. In due time our issue will be settled and when it is you'll know exactly why I am who I say I am. You wanna go around telling people you didn't give your best the other night? What makes you think I gave you mine? What makes you think I wasn't just playing around with you until I was ready to finish you off? I find it a little funny how you believe you're that much better then me. Yet when our match was over neither one of us won. I mean really man if you're that much better then me you should have been able to finish me off before Rex could even show up. Think about it Sephiroth, I mean a lot of people are talking about you being a star in the near future. Talking about how you could be the next man to sky rocket to the top. If that's the case I'm going right there with you because after what happened on Showdown. Everybody saw what I can do in the ring and know exactly where I belong. I will get there in due time, but until then I really hope the both of you look where you're going. Because like what happened on Showdown...

People can strike at any minute..

EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)

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