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EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...) :: Comments

Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 13th 2015, 7:25 pm by Beretta
We open up to Beretta sitting on a bar stool in his loft located in the heart of Boston. On the counter next to him is a glass of half drank whiskey and his fedora. As the camera approaches him, he looks up and grins. 

Beretta: It's official, I've signed with EAW and have been assigned to the Voltage brand. Am I excited? You're damn right. I've been sitting on the free agent market for a few weeks now, you know, enjoying the holidays and I just need to get back in the ring. It's like a drug, an addiction. Wrestling is what I need. 

He grabs his glass of whiskey and takes a sip. 

Beretta: I've done my research within the company and those within it and I can't lie, impressive. Many great talents, from male to female. There will be people who suffer defeat from my hands and there will be championships to be secured around my waist. Will I become the greatest to ever step in their squared circle or am I already the greatest? You'll all discover who I am, what I represent and why I do what I do. 

He takes another sip of his whiskey. 

Beretta: To the people who make the cards for Voltage, do yourselves a favor...no, do the newbies on the roster a favor. Don't book them in a match with me. I don't want a "Welcome to Voltage" match. I understand that you'll have me face someone and all that jazz and truthfully, I'm not asking for the World Championship. I'm asking for you to treat me as a veteran. Not a rookie. I'm no rookie and I'm not a pawn piece on a chess board. I'm the king and you'll all find out why they call me The One. 

He finishes his whiskey and puts on his fedora before walking out the front door of his loft.
'Hollywood' Piff Fumador
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 13th 2015, 6:43 pm by 'Hollywood' Piff Fumador
So we did it again damas y caballeros, The Piff & Landerson Experience are on a roll! Just like the spliff I’m smoking was on a roll five minutes ago; I love this huckleberry kush, fresh from Guadalajara as a celebration to all these wins lately, esé. MX-13 said they were ready to make it personal between us and Victor Maero said he was gonna end our careers… Guess what, hombre? None of those things happened, and we sent those putos all back to whatever gringo land they came from. Piff and Landerson, and occasionally Serena Ji, are here to stay. We are slowly showing EAW that we mean negocio, and while we are the biggest partiers and smoke the most weed; ay dios mio we kick the most ass as well. The tag tournament didn’t go our way, and that’s all chill, it wasn’t our time. But one day our time will come, and The Piff & Landerson will be doing celebratory triple dose bong hits of white rhino while celebrating the fact that we are the new EAW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS! But in the mean time it’s all good with me and Landerson just smoking some blunts, getting some chicks and taking it to the next level. One day at a time, one ounce at a time, The Experience with special guest Serena Ji will be kicking ass and smoking grass. VIVA LA VIDA LOCO! On the Road to Redemption, time will tell if Piff will be there; and don’t get your hopes up amigos because EAW’s Finest Strain isn’t always that FPV hombre – He’s a Battleground hombre. NOT THIS WEEK THOUGH! Woohoo, your boy Piff Fumador and your other boy El Landerson will be returning once again to Voltage. See you next week, Jay Omen, because The Piff & Landerson Experience are heading to the land of the Elite this Sunday!

Who are we facing this week? Higher Power? Sounds a lot like the Experience to be honest, homie. As soon as we’re ‘higher’ that’s when we get the ‘power’. Just like when Popeye eats his spinach; we just grind up our spinach, put it in a blunt wrap and smoke dat shit! But yeah the two gringos in that team are Gabriel Eden and Daniel Marshall. Gabriel Eden, that actually rings a bell… Oh yeah, that guy helped me out months ago when I was getting attacked by some puto called Masohiro. What ever happened to him? I must have been a bit too high that day to be getting my ass kicked by a gringo like that. But yeah anyways, that guy Gabriel Eden actually helped Piff that time, so he’s all cool with me; he’s a loose cannon who steps up when he can help a hombre. I respect an amigo like that, so all the best in the match – May the best luchador win. Daniel Marshall seems like a similar type of esé, I got no beef with him. Just like The Piff & Landerson Experience, Higher Power was unsuccessful in the tag team tournament; but you know, you can’t win it all. Me and Landerson don’t win it all, but we don’t care; it’s all about the money, the bitches and of course, the weed. Whether we win or lose at Voltage this week, just know that The Experience will be blazing it like it’s 4:20 in Amsterdam as soon as the bell sounds. 1,2,3 for Landerson and Me; getting the win and toking that THC. It’s time to smoke and it’s time and to chill; but at Voltage, the Experience will be kings of the hill. Open the bottle and get vodka in that cup; Higher Power watch yourself, because we’re gonna blaze you up. BOOM! OH! THE PIFF AND LANDERSON EXPERIENCE! BLAZE IT 420 YO!
St. Anger
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 13th 2015, 6:14 pm by St. Anger
CASE FILE 23941: Wednesday, December 9th, 2015, 20:22 – Two police officers were dispatched to a house on West Kingston Avenue in the suburbs of Morinville to respond to a supposed child abuse call. According to the dispatcher, the child who had called in to report the crime was a single child that claimed to have been abused for several months. Upon arrival, the child was interviewed along with the mother whom was being accused of being the abuser. The woman, Margaret Thatcher, explained that her child had misunderstood what neglect meant, and was, instead, acting out as a result of his father’s recent passing. The child explained that his mother, “never bought him anything like mothers do for other kids,” and, “does not give him enough attention.” With no crime having been committed, the two officers left and reported the incident to protective services who will monitor the family moving forward.
The camera zooms in on a child’s bedroom, where the child hangs his head in a crouched position beneath his bed sheets. He sobs quietly as the music in his earphones blare loud enough for him to not hear his own misery. In the doorway stands a large shadow whose face is not shown due to the darkness. The figure stands there momentarily before the door swings shut behind him. The boy whips the blanket from over his head and stares at the shadow, frozen, unable to scream out or anything.
Voice: Notice how you’re feeling now, what you’re feeling now. That numbing sensation plastered against your spine, the lightheadedness, the clenching in your chest; that feeling is fear. You’re scared right now looking into the darkness and knowing that there is something lurking within the shadows that you can’t really see. But before you felt that, you were here crying beneath your bed sheets, being otherwise silent aside from your pathetic whimpering and crying. Even in your silence, you hoped that someone would reach out and console you, that they’d tell you that you were right and that you were wronged, that you shouldn’t have been dealt the hand that you’ve been dealt. But instead you stayed here in your intentional “silence” as the world kept spinning, your mother slept soundly in her bed, and time kept on going. Now I’m sure you’re asking yourself why that’s all right. The reason, Ramsay, is that you have taken it upon yourself to make your story a pitiful one—to go out of your way to feel sorry for yourself and play the role of victim while, quite honestly, no one else sees you as that. They see you as a sniveling, complacent child who doesn’t have what it takes to hang with the rest of us let alone hang with Nick Angel who isn’t even a credible talent in this industry. You have based your entire character on a past where you experienced La Muerte stripping your father from your life, which would be fine as considering the weight that comes with La Muerte. But instead of stopping there, you insist on soaking in self-pity and complaining about how miserable you are as a result of how unfair life is.
Face it; no matter who you are, no matter what life you live, you will come across a set of inconveniences that make your life harder. This isn’t meant to be an eye-opening speech for you to go to sleep and start tomorrow with your head held high, but a reality check of what you have in front of you. We can sit here and compare how awful our lives are, you and I or you and anyone else. But what really matters isn’t the lives we lead, but how the prospect of La Muerte shapes us. When La Muerte entered your life by taking your father, you felt her presence and it began festering in you, changing you into a more true form of who and what you are. In that same way, La Muerte came to me and took me to her brink before leaving me to remain here, to smolder and to become a more real version of my past self. What La Muerte revealed in you was a coward who could do nothing but close himself off for almost two weeks because he couldn’t get the job done in the ring. But what she revealed in me was something completely different. There is no sniveling or whining or complaining in me. What has been revealed through me has been the agent of La Muerte’s message. And I will deliver it to you so that you know what misery really tastes like.
The man in the shadows takes a long pause. The boy looks at him and loses him in the darkness, thinking that he somehow vanished. He puts the blanket over his head and shuts his eyes tight for a moment before peering out one last time and seeing nothing. The door swings open as his mother comes bursting into the room, turning on the lights and reprimanding the boy for being up so late. He lays down in silence until he falls asleep. The camera fades to black.

To rise, first you must burn.
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 13th 2015, 4:07 pm by AlexisDiemos
I will not miss forsake this opportunity. This chance at greatness. It’s something that I watched others get the chance to try and fight for...the chance that I worked so hard for...and it all slipped through my fingers. Because of who I was. I didn’t try hard enough and I paid the price for that mistake. Look at what I have done since then. I have climbed over serious obstacles to get to where I am now...one of the top vixens on the roster. I have clawed my way back to relevance...and now I am given the chance to fight for the chance to show everyone else that I deserve my spot. The Specialists Championship. The newest title to grace EAW...and it belongs to the Vixens. A title that we have to bleed for, one that we have to consistently fight for to hold onto and appreciate holding onto it. This isn’t the Vixens Title. The one that every single one of us in that match dreamed of holding since we were children. This isn’t that title...but it will feel damn good to feel that gold wrapped around my waist. It’s confirmation of our place in EAW. It’s a statement that we aren’t going anywhere! That we will fight through every adversity, and I am the one that has fought through every single adversity my entire life! I traveled from my home country, all the way to America to fight for this dream...among other reasons. I did all of this...and now the chance is here for me to attain greatness. It is not slipping through my fingers because of anyone in that match. No one is going to take this away from me.

No one. Least of all you Ariana Lopez. Yes, you beat me when we first fought. I do remember that. I remember being pinned...but you remember nothing else of me do you? Obviously you don’t, you have been focusing on other things. You have to focus on me now though. You have to put all of your energy into what me and the other two do in that ring against you. We aren’t going to hold back like Cloud Matsuda when we fight you. We will be more aggressive than Haruna Sakazaki in that ring against you as well. We aren’t fighting out of pride, and we aren’t fighting out due to a slight. We are fighting because of the chance to win a title. The chance to earn the respect and admiration of everyone else in the entire EAW universe. We are fighting for all of that and so much more. So we aren’t going to hold back, and I especially will not hold back against you. I am not dirt for you to grow...I’m a vine. I will choke the life out of you if it means that I will reach the sunlight instead of you, no matter how pretty you are, or how much everyone likes you. My calling is for the title. That is my sunlight. So I will keep you in the shadows if that is what it takes.

As for Laura...nothing changes. I am taking this world by storm, EAW is going to look at me with respect once I win that title, and you aren’t going to stop me. You will just have to bow down to me once the end comes, and it’s coming. It’s coming with the win at Battleground. One of us is going to walk out with the chance to battle for that title...and I promise you it will not be you. You will not walk out of there with the opportunity that I have worked for, bled for, cried for, and would die for to earn. The LAW is not going to deliver “justice” on Battleground. Justice comes at the end of a fist. At the sharp edge of a kick...and in the dragon’s claws and teeth. I will not let anyone else rule this division...least of all you. This is my calling. My dream. My...passion. You won’t take it from me, and I damn sure am not going to let you. Have fun trying. Try your hardest. My passion is stronger. My dreams will not be nightmares. This opportunity is mine.

Then there is Raven Lee. The girl that I have waged war with since she debuted. The girl that has grown an obsession with destroying me, one piece at a time. I don’t think that she understands just what she is getting into. She seeks to destroy me...that I changed and made myself weaker...but looking at you, what have you become? You were so dominant and now? Where was that aggression last week against Piff and Landerson and Serena Ji? Where has that fire been? Is it because you weren’t facing me?  Well, I’m going to rectify that. You are going to face the dragon on Battleground, but this dragon’s teeth aren’t going to nibble harmlessly on you. I will come at you with all the anger, and all the ferocity that you want me too, and that you expect me to throw at you because that is what you want! You want me to hurt you, so I will! You want me to destroy you, I will! You want me to completely erase you from the history of EAW, I will! You, of all people, I fear the most. You have the ability to take this chance from me, because you will stop at nothing to ruin me. I won’t let that happen. Not with you. You will not demolish my dreams. I am going to stop you, I am going to defeat you, and I am going to end this feud that we have been having on Battleground! You can remain in the darkness Raven...I clawed my way out of it...and I enjoy the light.

Battleground will serve as the testament to our ability to dominate in the ring. It will become the monument to when I finally attained the spark of destiny that belongs to me. The destiny that I rightfully deserve. It isn’t enough that I should win on Battleground though...after I win on Battleground comes the hardest part of the journey. I face the specialist champion after my victory. Battleground is only the start of the dream. So I will run headlong for it, and charge through any barrier that stands in my way. Nothing will hold me back! Nothing is going to stop me now. This chance is my chance...my time to create my own new era. So...Ariana, Laura, and Raven...watch out. You all will see what the changes I’ve made to myself have done for me on Battleground. The dragon is awake...and is flying right for that title. Get ready.
Aria Jaxon
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 13th 2015, 2:38 pm by Aria Jaxon

The sound of Aria’s alarm going off was what jolted her awake. She was about to ask herself why she was up so early today, and then she remembered that media rounds needed to be made ahead of Showdown. Her eyes sleepily blinked open and she rolled over, grabbing her phone from its place on the nightstand. Kicking the covers back took a little bit of work, since it seemed as if hotel beds had the plushiest, thickest blankets in the whole world and they tended to engulf her. Aria reached over nudge Brett a couple of times to wake him up, to no avail. A few seconds passed and she resorted to poking him in the shoulder, but again, no luck. For the time being, Aria decided to give up, and she unzipped her suitcase on the floor, rifling through it and pulling out a hoodie. Brett might not have been awake, but she was still hungry, and if one of them was comatose, then one of them had to go get breakfast.

Aria decided to give it one more go, walking over to Brett’s side of the bed. “It’d be really great if you woke up, you know," she mused, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

Brett didn’t say anything, but he rolled over so that his back was facing Aria, so it was pretty obvious that he wasn’t about to be a team player right now. She raised an eyebrow, walking over and flipping the light switch. To that, he responded by pulling the covers up over his head, a muffled “Nope” emanating from under the blankets.

Aria shook her head. “Nuh-uh, you ain’t doin’ this shit this morning. We got stuff to do!”

Brett groaned. “Five more minutes,” he pleaded with an exasperated sigh.

“That’s a damn lie,”
Aria shot, walking back over to her side of the bed. “your “five minutes” turns into a thirty-minute ordeal.”

Brett poked his head out from underneath the covers. “Just for that? It’s ten minutes now.”

Without missing a beat, Aria hopped back onto the bed and started jumping on it. He was forcing her to get creative. “You have to wake up!” It didn’t work as well as she’d hoped, though. After a few minutes, Aria gave up, plopping down to a seated position on the bed before getting up again. She walked over to the closet, grabbing her purse and turned around to face Brett. “I’m going to get breakfast and I expect you to be up when I get back, sunshine!”

It wasn’t likely, and she knew that. Brett pulling the covers over his head again told her everything she needed to know. Aria laughed, stepping out into the hallway and shutting the door behind her.


Kansas City’s weather around Christmastime was nothing to fuck with, but still, the EAW faithful braved the cold and came out in droves for tonight’s Showdown broadcast. Not long from now, the show would get underway. The only thing on Aria’s agenda tonight is being in Brett’s corner during his match with Lioncross, but for now, she’s backstage at the Sprint Center sitting atop a supply crate not far from the hair and makeup area. The Californian’s eyes stare intently down her phone as she watches Cloud’s latest promo ahead of their tag team match on Battleground. Aria takes the whole thing in, smiling to herself before looking up from the screen.

“You’ve said yourself that you and Haruna are fighting for the sake of keeping yourselves relevant as a team, Cloud. I guess that’s a pretty noble thing to fight for. For every great roll or winning streak that anyone in EAW has ever gone on, they had to start somewhere, right? Any hot streak has to start with a single victory. Notching that particular win is easier said than done, when you’re pitted against two women like Cailin and I, though. As a unit, Sexy Curry has bounced back and forth between winning and losing...which, don’t get me wrong, is a lot better than losing constantly. What you two are looking for is consistency. You want to start winning, and you wanna keep it that way. You guys are going into this match knowing that, if you can beat us, it’ll be the spark that ignites the flame -- the hard-fought win that would put you two on the right track. And, if it was left up to you, Cloud, you’d say that roll will be kicking off for Sexy Curry sooner rather than later. You’re already looking ahead to enjoying the spoils of war, and all the title opportunities that come with proving your worth.”

You know that means you’d have to beat Cailin and I first, right?

Like I said -- easier said than done. If Miss Dillon and I have proven anything in the past, it’s that we work well as a team. We just click. I don’t know if we communicate well, if our agendas line up, if our styles compliment each other, or what. We just work. Say what you will about the Dollhouse Killers now, but back when they had the misfortune of facing Cailin and I, they were two best friends who were on the same page. They were working as a unit, and one that didn’t mind using every trick in the book, at that. And even with that going for them, the fucking Wonder Twins still weren’t any match for us. I’ll give credit where it’s due, Cloud; you and Haruna are more advanced in the ring than either of them could ever hope to be. You’re twice the competitors that they are. Honestly,  either of you could probably knock both of them off with both hands tied behind your back, but the thing is, neither of you can walk into this match and think you’re about to single-handedly knock off the Specialists Champion and the Empress of Elite. In the very real instance that y’all decide to have another breakdown in communication, it’ll cost you so dearly that it’d pretty much set our win up for us. Even coming close to one-upping two of the most dangerous Vixens in EAW is a two-woman job. All hands on deck, ladies! Hash your shit out now, if you can. Talk through your issues. Believe me, you’ll desperately need to be on the same page by belltime.

As much as I see fit to hype up Cailin -- ‘cause we just make that good of a team -- the last time you and I clashed in a tag team match, Cloud, I had a different partner. Still blonde, but yeah, totally different person. With that being said, you’re right, a few things are different this time around, but none of those things are working against me. There doesn’t need to be a title opportunity at stake, and I definitely don’t need someone as big as Brett to toss you and your partner around for me. That seems to be the impression you’re under, though, and I’m guessing it’s because, when it was all over, Brett was the one that pinned Haruna. I’m not saying she’s the weak link or anything -- you two can discuss that on your own time -- but it just goes to show that Miss Sakazaki can be a real liability when her head and her heart ain’t in it. Yes, Cloud, you absorbed most of the punishment in that match because your partner didn’t seem all that interested in pulling her own weight. That’s the truth of the matter, but the way you tell the story, it meant that it took two people to topple the mighty Cloud Matsuda. No, I don’t have Brett to rely on this time around, but I’m hardly complaining about the partner that I do have. As much as it sucks for you, you’ve got the same partner you had the first go-’round. At the end of this, I’ll have a different person standing beside me with their hand raised, but one thing remains a constant: Sexy Curry will come up short.

Cailin hasn’t had a match since she won her title and I need to keep myself on my toes going into Road to Redemption. All of this is what Sexy Curry has to deal with -- a newly-minted champion, and someone who punched her ticket to one of EAW’s grandest stages. It’s a complete mismatch when you consider that we’re going up against Sexy Curry. They’re competing not as the team that we all wish they could be, not as the dominant pairing that we all hoped for, but as the dysfunctional team that they currently are. As far as I’m concerned, until you guys get on the same wavelength, all your talk of title opportunities and living up to your potential as a team are just pipe dreams. Continue to hope, if you want. Plan for the future, and on Battleground, Cailin and I will force you to rethink those plans. Our version of events is more than a prediction. We’re not jumping the gun; it’s just how things are meant to go."

Aria hops down from her place atop the crate, and then she remembers something.

"And yeah, losers buy Starbucks after all this shit.”

She turns on her heel, walking down the crowded backstage corridor as the scene fades to black.
Blaise Hunter
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 12th 2015, 11:52 pm by Blaise Hunter
Life is full of unexpected pleasant surprises. That’s just how life works. You’ll never truly understand how life works, because when you think you do, everything changes in the blink of an eye. When trying to understand life, try to think of it as a type of progression. You progressively understand life, but you’ll never completely understand. See what I’m saying? It’s all just a messed up reality, in all honesty. It’s best to not even try to understand, but to just live it. Just live life. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone screws something up sometime in life. That’s life. No one’s perfect in such a corrupt world. You can go from believing you’re on top of the world, to somehow reaching rock bottom in an instant. Again, that’s life. Just accept it for what it is and strive to make the best out of it. That’s all that can be done. Accept responsibility for any mistakes that are made and you’ll realize how much better life gets just by doing that. By accepting responsibility you can learn from whatever mistake was made and never make it again.

I’ll never make that mistake again.

As you all know, I fell short to Cameron Ella Ava last week for the EAW Interwire Championship. I made a wrong move and she capitalized on the opportunity and that’s that. I saw the Championship a fingertip length away before making that final move and I found myself back on the bottom again. I can promise a mistake like that will never be made again, but all props go to you, Cam. You did just what you said you would and you retained your Championship. Job well done. Just know that this isn’t over and I will get another shot at that Championship, just this time, you won’t be leaving the arena with it. I will once again become a Champion, only thing different this time around, is that it’s in the Land of Elite. This is my land. I am Elite. Just be on the watch, Cam.

I’ll see you tomorrow.

As for my match this week on Showdown. I face Vic Vendetta for the first time in my career. I’ve seen what this man can do and to some it may be frightening, but when you’ve been in this type of a business for a while, you get used to all the show and antics put on by all the Elitists. I’ve seen all this gimmicks over the years, some more than others. This man named Vic Vendetta, I’ve seen plenty of him. Maybe not him exactly, but others like him too. He’ll try to get in your head, make you believe things that aren’t true, see things that aren’t there, make you do things you don’t even realize you’re doing. It’s a part of how he breaks you down. Thing is, Vic, your whole style doesn’t even phase me. I’m mentally stronger than any others here or at least others that you’ve competed against. In case you’re unaware, I’m dangerous in situations like this. Not because I’m threatened by you, because I’m not, but because I have a lot at stake this early in my return to the Land of Elite. There’s high expectations considering I was the first ever EAW Elite Champion, made it to the final five of the 2011 Grand Rampage, and not to mention the numerous Title Defenses against Elitists who have gone to accomplish great things in their careers. What I’m trying to say is, Vic, I heard what you had to say and quite frankly it didn’t make sense so I just don’t really care. All this is is talk anyways. Show up in the ring with the pure talent and that’s where it matters. That’s what I have; pure talent. What are you even up to in EAW anymore? Eh, never mind. Just prepare for tomorrow. You’re not gonna know what hit you.

All you’re going to see is darkness. Prepare to...

Brett Kennedy
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 12th 2015, 10:20 pm by Brett Kennedy
The scene begins in an empty locker room, with Brett Kennedy sitting down on a folding chair. With his duffel bag of gear in front of him, Kennedy is sitting in silence, with his cell phone by his mouth. Like a stone statue, Kennedy stays there, motionless and silent. Past the duffel bag is a bunch of pictures on the locker space, including Drake & Jones, Lioncross and Aria Jaxon. After a brief few seconds, Kennedy throws his phone onto his duffel bag, and reaches out to grab a picture of Lioncross. Dating back to his CWF days, Lioncross holds his world championship high and points to the crowd in celebration. 

Kennedy: "Those were the days, eh Lioncross?"

Kennedy places down the Lioncross picture and moves on to grab the picture of Drake & Jones. Coming from last week's victory over the Iconomy, they were also celebrating with their arms raised high.

Kennedy: "The last obstacle. Then, I get what I rightly deserve."

Kennedy rips apart the Drake & Jones picture, throwing each piece to different sides of the locker room. He pauses for a little while, before grabbing the final picture of Aria Jaxon. This picture is a selfie of her smiling and making a peace sign with her hand, while in the background is a sleeping Kennedy.

Kennedy: "Almost there, honey."

All of a sudden, the locker room door opens, and a female voice comes yelling in.

???: "...And here's the man I was looking for!"

Kennedy, in a startled manner, shuffles around to hide the picture, while getting out his gear for Saturday's show. Before he can get his pants, two arms wrap around Kennedy's neck.

Aria: "What's with all the shuffling around? It's just me, you know."

Kennedy: "Yeah, I didn't see you there. Thought you were Jarvis or Cloud coming to creep at me again."

Aria: "God, is Cloud creeping on you again? I told her to stop with it because you don't like that."

Kennedy: "Nah, it's fine for now. She isn't trying to do anything life-threatening, so that's a positive, I guess."

Aria: "Nonetheless, you should probably tell her to back off."

Kennedy: "You should know Cloud by now. You tell her, she'll forget about it after five minutes and starts squeezing your cheeks like a grandmother would."

Aria: "You got a point there. Anyways, why are you in here by yourself? You do have friends, you know."

Kennedy: "Yeah, but I'm a little on edge this week. You should know why, too."

Aria pauses a little, and slowly moves away from Kennedy, but keeping her hands on his shoulders.

Aria: "Lioncross?"

Kennedy: "Partially. It's him and Hexa-Goons."

Aria: "Brett, we don't face Drake & Jones until Road to Redemption. Focus on the task at hand with Lioncross."

Kennedy: "Yeah, but you should know these goons by now. Any member of the Hexa-Frauds can show up whenever they please. Plus, they can show up at my match and get that psychological advantage."

Aria: "Brett, you're already giving them the advantage. They're already in your head, and they haven't done jack shit!"

Kennedy: "I...I just...I don't want to lose this match against Lioncross, okay?"

Aria: "I know. You fought hard to get here, and now you're so close. Matter of fact, we're so close to those tag title shots."

Kennedy: "All this momentum can be lost if I lose here, especially after challenging him publicly a few weeks ago."

Aria: "Hey, you've got this. He's got nothing on you right now, and you should be able to steam roll this guy."

Kennedy: "I should, but you never know with the guy. Is he gonna show his CWF side, where he proved to be the top dog, or is he gonna be the EAW Lioncross that we all know by now."

Aria: "You mean the one who takes breaks after two matches?"

Kennedy: "Bingo. It's like flipping a coin with this dude."

Aria: "You've got to realize that nobody has the momentum that you have right now. Since Thomas Minns, nobody has been able to touch you."

Kennedy: "Great, more reason for me not to lose this fucking thing."

Kennedy takes Aria's hands off him as he stands up and places the duffel bag on the chair. Kennedy jerks his head to the door, as if to say 'let's head on outside', and takes Aria's hand. Aria responds by leeching onto Kennedy's arm, wrapping her arms around his as they exit the locker room and walk around backstage.

Aria: "Look at it this way. This'll be a warmup match to prepare against the two rejected actors for 'Dumb & Dumber' because they were too dumb for the movie"

Kennedy: "...I thought you were the one to make the clever quips at people. That one's kinda weak, don't you think?"

Aria: (laughs) "That's the Brett I know and love..."

Kennedy: "But, back to Lioncross. I don't understand this 'lesser man' spiel he's been giving me recently. Like, he's saying that he's gonna be just like me come Saturday."

Aria: "Hey, gotta love your replicators. People who try to match your ability in the ring is the best."

Kennedy: "But am I really a lesser man, though? I thought I was just an Asshole."

Aria: "Oh, you're an asshole, alright. He's just trying to get in your head and make you think you're some scum."

Kennedy stops at one of the snack tables to grab a granola bar, and quickly rips open the packaging to take a bite.

Kennedy: (while eating) "Well, I guess it's time for me to be the scum he wants to see in the ring then."

With that, Kennedy swallows his bite of the granola bar, and belches loudly in the opposite direction of Aria.

Aria: "That's so attractive..."

Kennedy: "Sorry, babe. Those oats get to me in a minute."

Kennedy and Aria continue walking hand-in-hand backstage, as they continue talking to each other. The scene fades to black.
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 12th 2015, 9:14 pm by My Watch Has Ended
Fear is something that most morons in this company have. The identification of fear is pretty simple for me. It is when I have to wait days for men to respond to my threats because they have nothing of value to say. They’ve heard my words and what is going through their minds? Fear because they tremble at my presence. It was visible to my opponents last week, it is visible to my opponent this week, this new direction I have taken has struck a few people in shock so it would seem. Yet, I am the one who feared him. Due to his contribution to my downfall, it automatically assumes victory for Aren and the achievement that I fear him. But there is no such concept as fear as much as I am concerned. For me, fear is a forbidden emotion to feel because what use am I to this company if I suddenly developed a sense of fear? If I am still here, does that indicate fear? Why am I so eager to face Aren? BECAUSE I DON’T FUCKING FEAR YOUR OVERRATED, DESPICABLE, ILLOGICAL EGO.

If I am still here today, would that mean I do fear you? You also call me a villain, as if it was suppose to offend me. I have no concerns over your claims to my devotion to the joys of being a villain because if anything, my attitude was dictated by you and the fans. Now, you are all forced to embrace this new direction and what is funny is that you are disgusted with my direction. Preaching the fact that Liam is an evil man, as if that is such a horrific act of alteration in terms of attitude and I don’t care because now, people can finally abandon the bandwagon of the “We hate Liam Catterson for reasons that are half-assed” club and as you’ve demonstrated, can resort to fearing the attitude, never daring to confront me because of my words. Yes, I could’ve been contender for the Pure Championship you, at the time held so gloriously. Oh but I forgot, like you are now, you fucking feared the living shit out of the possibility of Liam Catterson mutilating you at Shock Value and permanently marking your career as a devastating memory in EAW. But you did what you had to do, so tomorrow night, I am going to do what I have to do. I don’t care if people are disgusted with my acts of violence, I don’t care if my latest attitude is nothing to be pleased with because at the end of the day, the people who despise my way of communication, my way of retaliation, my way of progress, I am better than them and I know deeply in my soul that thirsts for this moment that I am greater than you. 

You can ignore my hatred for so long and you can pretend like my power is just a fictional belief I have fixed on everyone listening but it really isn’t and the foolish are the ones who dismiss it. People like you are the template of the word ‘foolish’ because you were foolish enough to dictate the direction of my attitude, foolish enough to dictate a match for your own content and foolish enough to underestimate my ability. You know it deep down that I am a contender not to mess with and the only reason you don’t applaud my strength is because it would be a slap in the face to all your idiotic supporters inside this company and outside, who look at you with such delight. You’d feel like you pissed on them to actually take the time to credit me so I am going to have to be the man who has balls and say yes, you are a strong man but at the end of the day, this match will be about the more resilient man. Anyone who is smart enough won’t consider another alternative but me.

Why should I be accountable for everything bad that has happened to me? I believe that before my move to Voltage was confirmed, my success was pretty average but ever since my move to Voltage, that success has been bare and somehow, you’ve been liable for most of the unsuccessful trials I’ve had to accept. You were once the golden child of Voltage, a man that everyone got off over and its funny, how everyone still has the audacity to still get off over your name even without a championship, even with a piece of shit like J.D Damon, who think he is better than me…The key word being ‘think’ by the way. I acknowledge that many people credit me as the man they love to hate because it’s suddenly cool to disagree with what I say, how I say it, how wrong I am because let’s be honest, people who say that are ten times more likely to die because they crossed the road through busy traffic because they are that stupid to avoid looking both ways. But what do I know? You’re apparently better than me because I am just evil, so leave it to the superhero to stop the villain and please the little children who want to grow up to be like the Amazing Aren. The problem I find with humanity today is that they are too attached to fiction and they think what happens in Star Wars or Batman or anything else that are magnificent creations of art will happen, like you for example. The hero achieves the happy ending, the bad guy is no more but this is no work of art. Your outcome will be unpredictable for many but it is already decided by me.

So I find it funny that people may have to see your kingdom, something where you observed your people in praise and valued then will turn into ashes because the unthinkable happened. I am a villain and in movies, the norm is that the hero makes the villain feel punished and crushed. That their role is now irrelevant because of how the hero overcame the odds and beat the villain so terribly that the plot ended certainly, no chance of revenge for that villain. Except this is the real world and your beliefs are lies. You may be a hero but at the end of the day, a hero means you’re just low enough to believe the people, who’ll one day let go of their attachment to you and divert their attention to someone weaker. Then you’ll feel the pain I endured and will be reluctant to forgive my words. I was told that if I was dedicated to the feeling of calmness, I’d be a better man and that progress would await me. That was a lie because I tried that technique and it blew up in my face. Now, I am using my rage to convey my words against my opponents and I care very little if they are the nicest person alive. As long as I can feel blessed that I have used my voice in a manner that can make me feel accomplished, that is all that matters. You might assume you have the higher ground by my confirmation that you sent me to hell but why is hell so punishable as if anyone who is sent there is doomed to live in weakness for eternity? I accepted my fate as a demon so by no means is it a way for you to say you have the advantage. If anything, sending me to hell gives you the biggest chance of failure possible because you would become so intent of survival that submitting would be bliss because at least you survived. I know you well enough to know that won’t be an option and so it is written that tomorrow, you will glance over your own words again and remember that forgotten opinion you once had telling you have idiotic you were to use these words against me. Preach some more about the bad man named Liam Catterson, that he terrorizes the land of EAW but you should know that good guys always finish last…
Angela Salveti
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 12th 2015, 8:59 pm by Angela Salveti
Battleground Promo 1

Now they say that the woman who wants things the most will do almost anything to get it. Well that saying is true and as far as second chances go I am one that has been getting a lot of them. People have looked to me and see potential but I haven’t really brought it out like I should. The dark side of myself is what has been driving me and the fight that I've always had is what keeps me going. I find no fear in who I am but I find no doubt in what I do ever. The women I face is women I have either faced or teamed with before so I have no strangers in a match to come that gives me another chance to go for gold and let others know how serious I am about this business. I know people will go look there is Ariana she is getting another shot just to fall short again and not get what she keeps claiming that she deserves ans the truth of the matter on some days they are right. But I am really going to do this for me I am going to do this for all the fight that I have ever shown because I need this.

The women I face are women who have been trying to build a better situation for themselves and I fall into that category the truth is that I am the kind of woman that doesn't like to admit when she is wrong but I try to always be right I have to have that feeling to continue forth sometimes but this time I know that the likes of Alexis, Raven, and Laura are going to do all in their power to climb the ranks of this ladder and achieve the greatest goal of everything and that is to be a champion. Now if the truth is being stated now I am not sure what to say about Alexis at this moment that I haven't said before because Alexis is to me as dirt is to plant. Everyone needs something that helps them grow and this is what she is for others because she has not moved beyond a point. I beat her when she came in and I don't doubt that I can do it again. See Alexis may have some sort of new look or gimmick but you can never change the fight that is in you. She is still going to fall and that is something that I have to be honest about. Alexis I am calling you dirt I don't see you above that I am sorry you have let more people tread over you than I have. It is sadly the one reason that I cannot find respect or admiration for the person you are. It almost makes me wonder why you still try and don't just give up. But then again you have the try in you which could develop into need. But a useless bitch is still a useless bitch. So keep that in mind when your not walking away the winner.

Now that brings me to Raven despite being one of the newer Vixens you have shown more competence than even myself lately. But when one struggles to separate the worlds of life and business I have yet to totally grasp a hold of that. I see no reason to really call you anything less than a wannabe because that’s all you have in you is being a wannabe. You get close and still claim to be better than others but that is no the truth. See I claim the same at times but that is just self preservation of character that gets me through another day of beating basic bitches like you. I mean you can call me out on anything because everyone does especially considering I've been here a year and have not yet gained gold. I try and fight but I don't stop I keep my edge up. I am like a blade that never gets dull because I keep myself sharp. Even if the cuts don't follow through yet I have that edge to push me all the way one day. You can call this a load of bull shit or you can call me someone that has an active imagination but the truth still stands that I am not going to bow down to someone like you which means I will not let you take me out.

Now regarding Laura I have teamed with you twice and one experience was good while the other falls short of nothing less than lame. I mean you have talent and you go by the initials of being the LAW but really you have no say here or ruling to do the things you want. You are secondary character toe the rest of everyone else even if you don't want to admit that truth it is the fault of your own that you have such a gimmick to act as if your some how better than others. The truth is you can be law or call yourself a cop or whatever it is you do and arrest people for not agreeing with you. I don't know how you do things but I know that I do things my way and I do them better than you as it has shown in our teaming up as of late. Now I don't hate you personally it is just a phase you being new have to learn the ropes and you have to understand that I don't bow down to know one. I want this chance at gold more than you do and I feel the need to remind you that I will of course beat you down I have no personal ties to you I have nothing to do but own you and win. I will destroy who you are and I will come down on you as hard as the other two. There is no love loss bottom line to all I am the Latin Goddess and I will win this.
Vic Vendetta
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 12th 2015, 4:58 pm by Vic Vendetta
Intimidation is a typical response towards the powerless. As I probably am aware from my own experience, there are two sorts of intimidation. There is the unfilled danger and after that there is the admonishing, and I have found the genuine distinction between the two. One will be rehashed again and again, from the peaks, constantly ringing the chimes, telling individuals of the considerable number of specifics and making it heard by not only the subject of the risk by everybody in the encompassing range. Be that as it may, they are significantly more talk than nibble. They will invest an entire ton of energy talking crap and attempting to put down others and Oblivion is always making dangers, however they are just wrestlers all the same. They do DDTs and Omega drivers the same as other people. Like I said, they think they are divine beings however divine beings don't wind up in doctor's facility beds toward the end of thirteen, they don't get beaten, in what was in fact an impairment match, and they don't cheat to get the win.
My dad being a judge, I grew up encompassed in the court framework. I've heard a ton of frightful things that people are more than willing to do to one another for reasons unknown. I've seen moms cry over dead kids, I've seen irate hordes frame, and I've seen blocks tossed through the windows of my dad's home. Be that as it may, above all, I have seen the substance of underhandedness men...You know what the substance of abhorrence men resemble? It's void of disappointment. The vast majority of them don't feel blame, and that taught me something as a child. We ought not feel remorseful about rebuffing them. Thus I have accomplished something intriguing. I have discovered individuals like me who need to see the end of such repulsiveness, and I persuaded them regarding an arrangement. Jason you have no look after individuals and is more immersed in his own particular fixations. I have given him the alternative of group administration.
Concerning the second sort of intimidation...Well, it is just said once and in a whisper. It is conveyed by genuine divine beings and needn't bother with twitter, only two clench hands. Take a stand and let the individual know they are going to cross it and when they do, they've been cautioned and you take them out. What's more, that is the one thing they have yet to do...take us out. They have had three or four opportunities to do as such. They continue looking at making us their bitch, however we are still generally as resistant as the day we came in. They beat us wicked? We'll beat them more crimson! They attempt to break us? We will smash them! They need us to bow down? We will kick the bucket on our feet. Now and then the essential thing isn't winning. Once in a while it is essentially opposing!

Jason's shakiness runs so profound that each time I say something, they need to react. Each time we show I'm still in, he instruct me to stop. They'll say they're chuckling at us, and that we have no possibility. They'll say they're going to smash us into the ground, yet regardless, we generally go too far they draw and say "bring it"...It disturbs them so much that they continue facing us. In the event that it didn't, wouldn't they simply have disposed of my convictions and tossed them to the base of the card. On the off chance that we weren't a danger to them, would they continue attempting to pound our spirits to demonstrate their predominance? It’s this demonstration of rebellion that keeps them so diverted and disappointed. They've been making dangers since the very first moment to flame us or make us janitors, however they don't on account of their unfilled individuals who should be filled.
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 12th 2015, 4:58 pm by Mstislav
(Aren is walking in the hall where his throne is kept. He walks along the carpet leading up to it all the while quoting Terry Pratchett’s Men at Arms.)

“If you have to look along the shaft of an arrow from the wrong end, if a man has you entirely at his mercy, then hope like hell that man is an evil man. Because the evil like power, power over people, and they want to see you in fear. They want you to know you're going to die. So they'll talk. They'll gloat. They'll watch you squirm. They'll put off the moment of murder like another man will put off a good cigar. So hope like hell your captor is an evil man. A good man will kill you with hardly a word.”

(Aren reaches the steps to his throne, he ascends and takes his seat.)

The difference between an evil man and a good man. In EAW you could say the opposite is more truthful, but really the difference between a evil man and a good man, is still the same. Evil men, they gloat, they tend to make fun of you while they kick you on the ground. They relish in that moment, cause that is the only time they have felt absolute power. Now a good man doesn’t need to gloat, no they already know you feel fear, and they already know that you are powerless against them. They already have the power, and have held the power ever since the beginning. You see a good man doesn’t necessarily mean his intentions are true, it just means that he has no reason to prove something he has already proven. Whilst an evil man has to prove to the world, only cause the world knows that he cannot do anything outside of talking. EAW is full of these kinds of people and well Liam Catterson is just one of those people.

He is an evil man, He talks about all he did, all his grandeur, and in fact he’s basically gloating about his former position here. He’s doing all of that because for once he believes he is in the position of power. He believes that and yet I don’t feel like it. I feel like I’m facing a man who is in power, but a man whose arrogance is all talk. This is coming from the man who took away my chance at the Answers World Championship, this is coming from the man who could’ve been a worthy contender for the Pure Championship, and this is coming from the man who says he has unleashed his dark side. Yet I do not feel anything, I do not feel as if this man has any power over me, nor should I be feeling that. Because Liam is an evil man, he is a person with no power that tries to act like he is the most powerful man in the world. But I digress, I know he’s not powerful, I know he’s not even close to being someone of that nature, but he is a buffoon. You see Liam believes everyone is at fault, except for himself. He believes that I am at fault for making him lose the contendership when after our match I told him I wanted a rematch, a match that would determine if he would take the title from me, and that the tournament would be a waste. He blames me for the unfortunate placement of when I accidentally made him lose the match. But really that could have been avoided. You see as long as Liam is involved and there is a second party involved as well, then he doesn’t take the blame.

But can I blame him, no I can’t. In fact I can’t blame him for any of the shit he wants to spew, because well that’s all he has to his name right now. I mean let’s look at the question he asked me. What will I do with my kingdom of ashes, Am I significant. Well Liam, aside from me actually getting to answer that let, me avoid that and say you need to work on your philosophy or whatever you call this. But really, what kingdom of ashes, where do you see that. Because I see my Kingdom, my place of rule as EAW and it is such a great thing to see. What will I do with it though is a good question because I can only think of one answer. I can rule it. I can be the idol to this kingdom, everything, and everyone in it are my subjects, my playthings, and nothing more. SO that’s what I can do with it Liam I can rule it. And with that, that must me I’m still significant. I mean because I loss to Damon, doesn’t mean a thing, because he did not beat me with his ability. No he beat me with a cheap shot, and took my title, and really I’m glad he did because he just verified something. I cannot be beaten cleanly for a title. Corrupt he used an uncovered turnbuckle to take my title, and lost it when he couldn’t use anymore tricks. J.D. racked my eyes, blinding me, and allowing him to take my title, and now look at him. I made him kiss the canvas, and have his bounce off it, as his arrogance drove his tag team partner away. You see I showed Damon that night that he can’t win without any tricks, he gave his all, and that wasn’t enough for him. So that does make me significant, it makes me better than you. And I find great that I am the pinnacle of your descent into hell, because it just means I have you by the reigns already. It just shows how fucking scared you are of the man before you. I don’t need to flaunt my power before you, because you have already handed me your life. You gave me control, by saying I am the one that sent you to hell, you gave me control by blaming me for your lack of a title, you gave me control when you asked why I’m significant, and then made it a goal to hurt me. I have more power over you and I haven’t even stepped in the ring, but that’s not a good thing for you Liam. Because of you telling me all this, I don’t have to flaunt, I don’t have to gloat now. All I have to do is let that arrow go and you’ll be nothing of a memory.

The difference between an evil man and a good man, is that the evil man flaunts, while the good man waits for you to admit he has control. The Evil Man wants control, but the Good Man is given it. The Evil Man is in need, whilst the Good Man doesn’t. The Evil Man is Liam Catterson, and the Good Man is Aren Mstislav, the bout of the night, the bout of the year. And the outcome is going to show why the Good Man prevails over the Evil Man.  

Last edited by Aren Mstislav on December 12th 2015, 4:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
Carson Ramsay
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 12th 2015, 1:55 pm by Carson Ramsay
Needless to point out how long have my lips been sealed up to this very moment, be it on the microphone or social media; I've chosen the comfort of silence over my casual outspokenness for the last couple weeks and the sole thought that kept getting hammered down by the EAW Universe for yours truly to behold through each of those 15 passing days was the simple..


Why has Carson Ramsay resorted to silence, coincidentally just as soon as he was defeated by Nick Angel at Voltage two weeks ago? Was he overwhelmed by the shame that ensued upon his failure at the one thing he promised to successfully accomplish? By the self-esteem and vivid confidence that he once raised over his head whenever someone dared to call his abilities into question, only to have both of the formers crumbling down on his every goal and aspiration? Did he mistake his opponent for the fool that the latter seemingly presented himself to be and took said opponent's crafty ring work for granted when Ramsay barely clocked his fifth match in the company? I could carry on this chain of whys for as long as I can breathe because it's the easiest thing in the world. A great many people are capable of seeking the reason behind anything that resembles a statement or an act, and that obviously includes the EAW Universe. So, to be on the receiving end of alot of whys about how I never spoke of what transpired on that faithful night is understandable. Hopefully as understandable as this would come across to every wondering mind; Just because you asked, doesn't grant you the right to an answer. After all realistically speaking, who gives a fuck about what YOU think? I certainly refrain from doing so.

Why? Now that's a question I can answer.

Simply put, I know where I stand and I know where everybody else stands. The vertical margin between the two sides is too large for me to waste the effort of looking down and catering to the "fans" and what they might assume or think of me. Scratch that, fans hold merely a couple of seats in the target audience that I'm addressing; Elitists, authority figures, corporate TV asswipes, Internet keyboard warriors and so on. You name them, I already have them crossed off my mind because when it comes down to it; the only opinion I care about is Carson Ramsay's. Now I know the backlash to this, I can already see all of those men and women mentioned earlier listing this under the headline of me being a cocky mouthful. To a surprising extent, they're right. I am cocky and I certainly am a mouthful. Howbeit, the extent stops when common belief is thrown into the mix. You see unlike what most think, cockiness and being outspoken are not always reflecting the illusion of one's superiority over others, for poor motives no less. There are some cases that do fit into that mold, hell, most of them do. The reason being that a line was crossed during that process, one that seperated cockiness and outspokenness oozing out of well used confidence and cockiness and outspokenness spewing out of OVERconfidence. To put things into perspective, I am a cocky mouthful but I damned sure EARNED IT.

Three days from now and I'll be celebrating a fairly delightful two month stay here in EAW. With that in mind, I don't think anyone would argue that I haven't been here very long, certainly not as long as the likes of Nick Angel. Which is nothing more than the icing on the cake for the developping tale that is my career. In such a short span, I've been able to achieve something that newcomers dream of and old hogs wish to recapture; AN IMPACT! A mark, itched - if not in gold than in silver - through the lines of the history books and into the hearts of every wrestling fan and performer around the globe. First things first, I officially made my name an unforgettable constant in EAW by going through and beating 4 men in my first week and a half on Voltage WITHOUT breaking a sweat. Then, I went on DEMANDING a spot in the Shock Collar Battle Royal at the next Free-Per-View that just so happened to have a shot at the Answers World title on the line and I GOT that spot. Fast forward into Shock Value, probably my third week in the company and I outlasted not one nor two nor five nor even TEN, but 13 other Elitists. I was one of the last two men standing in that battle royal - keep in mind, this was a man that in many minds was doomed to be lost in the shuffle of newbies coming and going  - bruised and battered but still willing. Across the ring from me stood Nick Angel, the experienced veteran of the match and the majority's shoo-in to become the new #1 contender. I knew a tougher task lied ahead of me but I did not leave that to scar my appetite to become Voltage's next big thing and quite possibly be EAW's break-out star of the year. Instead, I went in there fist swinging and a full head of steam and soon enough, I had the almighty Nick Angel dangling on a string. Just a small push and the silver ink that wrote my name would transform into solid GOLD! However, as fate would have it, Lady Luck came into the picture and it favored Angel's chances over mine. So, Nick won and I lost. Funny thing is, I would've accepted defeat at that time, regardless of how I'd initially react to it. I would've picked myself up and dusted the sour taste of failure off, IF IT WAS ACTUALLY A DESERVED WIN FOR THE OPPOSITE SIDE. And if it isn't any more obvious, Nick's win at SV? It wasn't deserved. Just like him beating me on Voltage the following week, that wasn't deserved either. Granted, it did give me a clearer idea of what Angel's capable of than what I had in mind in the battle royal and the guy can put on a fight. While his ability to play around with words is amusingly limited, his in-ring work is not and I laid witness to that first hand. Even so, could that work ethic alone - in all of its glory - win Nick Angel a fair fight against me, with no luck involved? No. Because regardless of how savvy and experienced the man is, his presence inside the squared circle nowadays is flawed with rust and old-fashioned tactics. I know it, the fans know it though they choose not to think it out loud and most importantly, Nick Angel knows it though he's probably too busy complimenting himself everytime he weasels his way into winning matches or doing anything that restores some sort of relevancy to his name. Nick's been here for years, he's seen them all come and go including HIMSELF. I mean what is this, your 3rd run in EAW now? I'd ask why the lack of consistency but I really don't care. 

Nevertheless, with that good many years under your belt Nick, one would think that you've already grasped the concept of karma right? 



It makes me chuckle just touching on the matter but did you really think you can get rid of me that easy, Nicky? Did you really think that your little chain of fluke victories and undeserved opportunities served on a platter would carry on? Did you think your luck wouldn't eventually come around and bite you in the ass?


I thought all of those years of experience would propel you everytime you wake up in the morning to a knock on your door for the possibility of me being on the other side of it. Instead, you had a confused blank look on your face when I wanted to pay you a visit during your match with Clark Duncan last week. Thus, indicating that you didn't even know it was going to happen, which is a shame. Because for the longest of time I thought that, while you lacked alot of qualities a normal veteran would've gained by now, you still possessed a somewhat of an untouched but still smart mind. I guess I was wrong, not that I'm surprised though. After all, this is Nick Angel I'm talking about. So, seeing that you didn't get it at first glance; now you do. Nick, your self-centered self might not be aware of this but at Shock Value you took away the greatest chance at life that I could ask for at that time and you didn't even earn it. You'd go on to comply with my demands of putting that AWC shot on the line at Voltage and while you "won", you did not earn that victory either. Put yourself in my shoes, when some fucktard high on his own farts gets that amount of momentum over you off sheer luck, wouldn't you be seething? Wouldn't you be chomping at the bit of forcing him go through the same struggles? I would and I WILL. See, I'm not like Angel. I'm not like anyone else for that matter. See, the common thing to do in such a situation is just to sit down and just bitch about how wrong and unfair it is but the ballsy RIGHT thing to do is to actually DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Which is exactly what happened last Sunday night, well partly happened because that's merely the beginning. I decided to take matters into my own hand and pay back an old hog his debt. Voltage spelled the prologue but the suffering will truly unfold as the days go by.

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
Fool me three times...

There won't be a third time.

Last edited by Carson Ramsay on December 12th 2015, 7:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
Florida Man
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 12th 2015, 1:23 pm by Florida Man
So, is this what it's come too? The Higher Power vs The Piff and Landerson Experience? After we were in a tag team title tournament, we have to face these two jokers?

I mean seriously, I'm not one to normally complain about a match, but these two? Is management high along with the two of them?

You know, I'm not even going to bother responding to what Landerson said about us, because it was his usual rambling incoherent nonsense. I swear, once he starts talking, my brain goes numb. Fumador hasn't said a damn thing, but he'd only be marginally better than his tag team partner.

Really, this is nothing short of a tune-up match. Just something for us to do while the tag team grand prix finishes up, and that's very Goddamn insulting. But you know what? Fine. Gabe and I will take these two jokers on, and we'll wipe the floor with them.

We'll show EAW Management that we're better than just some nothing match half way down the card, and that we are the best tag team that EAW has to offer. We'll show just how much we want to move up, and we'll show how much we want a shot at the tag team championships. We don't need a tournament to prove that much.
The Heart Break Boy
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 12th 2015, 1:23 pm by The Heart Break Boy
You know, sometimes the people that try so hard to get their points across and believe every statement that they make are simply made out of gold while yours is far-fetched are completely fooled. The Heart Break Gal tries to hinder my existence along with saying I have repeatedly backtracked all my words. And as I accept her condition of hearing my voice again, I only thank God about adding facts instead of making the "bold assumptions" that she has about my purpose, relationship with God and the reason for me still being here. Some people may look passed my words for HBG's words because she an undeniable way of stating things but it's a difference between me and other opponents she has faced. Because regardless of what she has to keep on repeating herself to sound like the hypocrite that she also has to repeatedly state, I'm still going to keep coming back again, and again, and again.... Again. These accusations may be tiring for our Heart Break Gal. Just exactly how everything she says is tiring to my ears. And if she used her own advice by actually listening to me then she would know that. Continuously, I have to fight off the same derives of my career in the past, which is much like her stating that a past is exactly just that. I have to fight off the voice that keeps on telling me to "quit," or "give it up." Continuously, every single night and day but the spirit within pushes me to keep holding on just a little while longer.

Everyone wants to make it out as I want to "relive my glory days," when my whole purpose wasn't to return for championship gold at all. I just wanted to jump at the opportunity to do a passion that I have always loved. I already admit my slip ups with allowing the old competitiveness inside forget the permission that God has granted me to get back inside the ring. People like HBG would want to point out that I have tried and should make the left turn to the exit door to be piled up with the rejects of EAW, a title that she once held before her upsurge with Y2Impact. And maybe that's why I have to keep telling people the same thing. I have to keep reminding folks to stop jumping the gun because how the heck are you going to degrade someone's stage of their career when you've completely been down the same road before? This year of 2015, I have missed only two matches which is completely under my own faults that I accept. I have no choice to accept them and while I stare at them, I would never chose to go back and right those wrongs like I told Dark Demon. And it's funny because our Heart Break Gal has stated the same thing against me that led to her being with yet another group in her career. I missed one point in her worship session that I forgot to put her in the place that she's supposed to be. Not the commentator table but the place that she's used to being in. Does she understand that if it wasn't for her OWN name value she wouldn't get any buzz whatsoever? I won't exclude all the work that she has done these past months because right off the bat, I have stated how much she's been raised a heart of what she is inside that ring -- a mercenary. And who made it possible for her to get this spark and restore her abilities to remain relevant in this era? We all know who that is so I don't know why she tries to use my own accusations against me.

I, myself even know that Pizza Boy is the spark within our purpose. However, enough of what we already know. We have a few other names that she tried to gain this spark from. At first she tried to do it with me then Devan Dubian but completely left us behind that leaves me confused of how I leave my teams behind? In every team that I have ever been in, especially with her, I had to drag their dead carcasses almost alone. While their were little light being lit by them, I'm always carrying the bags for these teams with the exception of being paired with Alexander Da Vinci and The Pizza Boy, who did not need me to touch Hexa-Gun, by himself. Also, whom did not need me to make Mexican Samurai say "I Quit," and he won't need my guidance to defeat these few elects that's in our way for a bigger common goal in EAW. We are destined for thicker greatness, something that HBG doesn't seem to think about. Instead, she thinks her millionth counters are actually good. I'm pretty sure everybody in this company has said "I'm still the greatest" whether they take breaks or being saved behind a commentator table. It's something that I have used before and it's something that's still a giving fact. It's also been widely pronounced that I can take over anytime and become the top guy again if I ever wanted to. If I ever had the same amount of time as HBG had these months, then maybe I wouldn't have to deal with these same poorly jotted bulletin points backstage of how to speak against the Heart Break Boy.

I don't need what the Heart Break Gal has, a conceited heart. Because that conceited heart has blinded her to believe she is actually "dominant" alone. I can question every thing in the book about how HBG can survive, and the reason the creativity in her is stiff just as my jokes I made about her little team. Now it's completely evident that I'm not only questioning her creativity anymore but her knowledge or if HBG even thinks before she preaches the air within her. I was actually hoping that the wisdom that I "believe" in her is there.

Can you please tell me? How can go from worshipping yourself to now knowing what the REAL living God thinks about someone else? And then going off to calling me selfish, a deceitful snake,(Something that even people that opposed Jesus said against him) an act therefore I'm directionless to myself? Here's another difference between I and the Heart Break Gal. I actually know who I am inside of that ring and outside of it. I am a child of a living God. HBG is just someone who has to "resort for the millionth time" to pulling out hat tricks to sound convincing once again! If HBG knew how to pick up a Bible then she would know everything that I follow is truth. But I can't make HBG move so she can assess some knowledge in her brain. So I can just simply sit there and laugh at the attempts to calling me a "devil," which also fulfills scripture very well. HBG wouldn't know that or could probably care less. My faith in God and the works He's doing in me is something even Lioncross knew. He admitted and was convinced that I was a child of God. And he was pushed to break out the fierce desire inside of him to which he's consistently been going on for weeks. I won't take credit for that though. Just as I won't take any credit for anything I'm going to do in the future. Instead, I'm going to allow the purpose pan out like I've already said. None of it revolves around "fear." I don't place fear in the hearts of people, HBG. I'm sorry if you came off that type of influence. Because you can't fear something that you are completely blinded by. You call me a joke, you call me a hypocrite, things that don't even exist in me. They're just false proclamations that I'm going to turn into the favor of a joke and the abuser that is you. You are blinded by me because you want to believe that you're better than me. It's fine if you want to think this. It's also fine if anyone else cares to take a stab at it. I honestly don't give it any single thoughts because I know where I'm headed. I can be the least among people and still be considered one of the best. This is why I am the Prodigal Son. This why you will have to float in the river of deception in your own mind. More recently, it will be the reason why you will fall on Showdown against the team of Stand & Deliver.

So Please, don't let the blindness overcome you, HBG. Because soon you will turn back around to finally feel how reality strikes.... With the heel of a boot.

Last edited by The Heart Break Boy on December 12th 2015, 1:38 pm; edited 5 times in total
Stephanie Matsuda
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 12th 2015, 12:32 pm by Stephanie Matsuda
Battleground Promo #2

"Trap Zone"

EAW headquarters

(Cloud walks into the break room, trap music blasting from her C9 edition Beats. She curiously stares at the various elitist/vixen bobbleheads that are on the counter. Noticing an Ariana one, she starts singing to it.)

Cloud: (grooving) I want you to be mine again baby! I know my lifestyle is driving you crazy! But I can't see myself without you! I-

(Cloud is interrupted by a tap on the shoulder. She turns around to see a woman standing behind her with a clipboard.)

Cloud: (puts headphones around neck) Yeah?

Woman: Hi, I'm with the advertising department and was informed to tell you about a meeting with Mr. Shields.

Cloud: Oh yeah, that. Tell him I'll be in his office in a minute, I just wanna get me some breakfast-

Woman: We did have some cereal, but a certain someone ate it all...

Cloud: (sighs) Any bagels?

Woman: We're all out.

Cloud: Fruit?

Woman: Out.

Cloud: Please tell me you at least got some coffee-

Woman: Just ran out.

Cloud: Geez Louise! What the hell man!?

Woman: Almost every morning that damn Texas rattlesnake comes slithering in and takes what she wants!

Cloud: Woman? The only Texas Rattlesnake I know is-

Woman: I'm talking about that insufferable Cailin Dillon! (clenches fists) She walks around like she owns the place with that second rate title of hers wearing that smug grin on her face!

Cloud: (reaches into the fridge) So she's one of those people who takes other people's stuff in the office?

Woman: Yes! For some reason it's usually mine, but she's been doing it ever since you became Sexy Curry with Haruna...

(Trailing off, the woman stares blankly at Cloud who just finished drinking from an orange juice carton.)

Cloud: (sheepishly) What? It was almost gone anyway...

Woman: (sighs) Whatever. Anyway, can I ask you to do me a favor?

Cloud: Uh...okay? What is it?

Woman: Hurt Cailin Monday night? Really, really, bad!

Cloud: (glares) What? Why would you ask me that!? 

Woman: Well you gu-

Cloud: Just because we're on opposite sides if the marquee doesn't necessarily mean we want to hurt each other. I mean yeah we will, but we will do what we have to for the pinfall or submission. This is my freaking friend la- what's your name?

Woman: Sue.

Cloud: Sue! Cailin is my friend! The only thing I'm going to do to her and Aria is out wrestle them both for the victory. I've already proved I'm physically stronger than Aria, and Cailin cannot keep up with my speed. Throw in the fact either has never pinned or submit me, and you have a new scenario for our four returning guests, myself included.

Sue: You make a valid point. I'm sorry for what I said. I don't hate her it's just-

Cloud: She can be a dick right? I can see that. Her surprise jumping cutter into the table was a dick move. But, she's just too damn cute to stay mad at.

Sue: I wouldn't know...I'm bias.

Cloud: It's cool bro. Anyways is that all? I was in the trap zone listening to some Fetty Wap and you interrupted me.

Sue: I apologize and uh...trap zone? Sounds like the name of a finisher.

Cloud: It does huh? Hmm...eureka! (Eyes light up) I'll see you later Sue! Tell James I'll be late for our meeting! (Runs off)

Sue: But I- uh...I hate my job (sighs).

Cloud learned Trap Zone!


If there's one thing we can agree on Ebony and Ivory is that the two of you are not invincible. That was just my insecurities coming out. It's not that I don't think Sexy Curry can't beat you two, but rather it's whether or not my partner and I will be on the same wavelength during this match. But judging by her and Ariana's fight this past Monday, I think she's more than ready.

Cailin, you took the title from Haruna by climbing upon the ladder, and you beat me via table. None of those things will be present in this match. Just a dangerous Cali-Cajun who proved that it took both her and her bf to take me down before my tag partner decided to come back down to Earth. There will be no objects, no Brett Kennedies, no stipulations. Just us ladies desperate for a win.

Ms. Jaxon I sincerely hope you and Mr. Kennedy win the tournament and beat the Mercenaries for the titles. I'm sincerely pulling for you, because win or lose this Monday Haruna and I will be ready to take those titles when the time comes. I'm not worried about whether or not she wants this anymore because she knows what I know: victories are victories. Whether it's by yourself or with a tag buddy, victories lead to title shots. We've lost the battle, but not the war in tgis campaign known as EAW. If Sexy Curry stays relevant, then we'll get out our shot and Haruna knows she's closer to a tag shot at this point than a singles opportunity.

I see her eyes when she's training Cailin. The same fire she had when fighting Ariana is there. I'll even let her start off the match if she wants. The girl needs an outlet for all that anger anyhow. As for me, I'll be patiently observing the two of you. You're right, the two of so are very similar, which makes my scouting task easier than expected. I'm not going to jump the gun and declare victory (coughs) but don't be surprised if either of you fall into the Trap Zone.

Afterwards, ya'll hoes are buying me a macchiato and red velvet slice 'cause we're friends and shit.
Lucas Johnson
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 12th 2015, 12:04 pm by Lucas Johnson
Battleground Promo #1 - Issac is Mine

You people think this is a joke? Lioncross cheated! Where the hell are the EAW Board of Directors when you need them? Myself and my master Zack Crash will have none of this! Last week on Battleground I had Lioncross where I wanted him. I was setting Lioncross up for his Day of Reckoning when I was about to land The Omen Driver on him but he decides to reverse it. Not only reverse The Omen Driver but also putting me into the 'Lions Claw.' All of my brothers and sisters, if you would check the replay from last week you would realize Mr. Lioncross was chocking me to death and almost ending my life here on god's green earth. That match was a fluke and sooner or later Armageddon will be upon us for Mr. Lioncross but that Armageddon is happening this Monday on Battleground and Victor Adams seems to be the victim. 

Day after day...week after week....month after month I have had dreams at night of beating the hell out of everyone on the Elite Answers Wrestling roster to no end until they suffer from blood loss and they will become known as dead bodies while there souls will float to The Omen Family and I will control there well being now. Well those dreams will finally come true this Monday on Battleground when I teach this young gun Victor Adams to not mess with Daddy Omen. You have a chance to make a sacrifice of your own if you can defeat me...which won't happen. You can save Cleveland's own Issac Zohar! Don't worry about Issac, he's just a confused little brother that needs direction in life and that's what I will show him after I show what the light is. Victor you think this is a joke by calling me "Mother" Jay Omen and making fun of my past? You claim you know nothing about me...well I spent over five years in prison and I will show you what a good beat down is this coming Monday on my show! BATTLEGROUND IS MY SHOW! Your a surgeon right? Well I think you should learn how to perform surgery on your own face after I rearrange your facial features also when I put you to bed in a nice coffin and when you follow the light, you will never say the name of "Father" Jay Omen again!
The Consigliere
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 12th 2015, 10:40 am by The Consigliere
HBG: Oh my god, why can't every single person in this company who find themselves in the opposite side of the ring as me, just settle into a role as part of my own personal group of loyal followers who take part in my Worship Session and let my words actually sink in their feeble minds? Why can't they just stop making bold assumptions and reviling me with no justification? People are foolish enough to follow the Heart Break Boy's footsteps when it's been made clear that his played-out strategy involves covering his ears to every point his opponents made that question his morality and leniency, while finding the most trivial things he has a convincing argument for and are easy to respond to? Why on earth does he struggle to think of anything new to say about me that would at least BAFFLE me for two seconds or leave me completely speechless... And instead just finds his way walking the road that most people travel on, pulling the most incredibly cliche statement possible and claiming that I need my comrades by my side at all times to win my matches, while completely ignoring the work I've done as of late?

And he calls me generic. And he says I'm the one folding under pressure. Are you fucking kidding me, HBB? Or do you just not listen to yourself speak?

I'm sorry I only care about myself, and the people I'm aligned with. I'm sorry that I couldn't care less how long you think I have to be around for me to speak so highly of myself. I know the dark times of your career when you only cared about Championships and never said a word of prayer are what you pride yourself in and have considered the things that you can never let go and refuse to forget, but if you want to keep wasting your time telling me how busy you've been winning the hearts of millions of fans while I didn't even glimpse in your direction and see things the way you do, then it's plain obvious that you're just wasting your time. Why is that so hard to understand, HBB? Why is it so difficult for you to look at what's happening in the present and see the situation right in front of you that's screaming to your face, without feeling the need to look back just to dig up the kind of flaw they used to have, while saying that you don't live in the past? Fact is, I could walk away from the wrestling scene and sit my ass on the commentary table for a long time, and still come back like a ticking explosive ready to shatter the glass to capitalize on opportunities, and bring out the very spark that I've been known for every single time I step in the ring. I could have months and years of absence, and then suddenly rock Pain for Pride matches with no rust whatsoever, like nothing even happened and I was never gone. I am still considered as one of the greats to ever step in the wrestling industry. I am still seen as someone who can carry Championships and hold her own enough to be trusted to lead an army of six. Don't you see what's happening here, HBB? I HAVE A MILLION RETORTS AND COUNTER ARGUMENTS TO THE SAME PLAYED OUT FORMULA THAT YOU'VE REPEATEDLY THROWN AT ME! And somehow, you're not even realizing that!

Before you question my creativity or what you think I have lost along the way, maybe you should consider looking at every uninspired recording you have ever made, and every downright pitiful way you've addressed me for this match so far. Without a doubt, you'd realize that creativity really isn't something you even had to begin with.

My exceptional talent to adjust to different kinds of opponents and varying types of matches lets me not only keep up, but also outshine even the biggest names thrown in my way. I am able to choke my opponents with chains or kendo sticks in an extreme rules wrestling match, or simply show off technical maneuvers as I face every abomination in the Vixens Division that you can name. I have made every moment count since returning back in June, and made damn sure that every delusional fool who looks at me with judging eyes can see that The Heart Break Gal is someone who has clawed her way every single week to victory and without fail getting rid of her enemies, until such a point they never question my credibility again, and become enlightened by what I truly stand for. I stay dominant every step of the way, and I actually follow through with my every intention and in the process fulfilling the ambitions that my absence didn't allow me the chance to. I refuse to be seen in the same light as the Heart Break Boy, who struggles to keep himself relevant by name value alone, and leeches off every bit of energy from his protege, Pizza Boy, to revitalize himself and restore even a shred of the ability he once had, fighting for it til his very last breath knowing that at any time it could slip away in an instant.

Stop insisting that you're actually doing any kind of work while God watches you. You were never doing this as an act of service. This is nothing more than you speaking the language of selfishness, the same language you've been speaking since the beginning of your career. God is no fool, HBB, he knows that deep down you want the gold and glory that made every single fan worship you instead of you bowing your head down to an imaginary being. God knows that this bible-thumping phase is just a means to appeal to your religious audience hoping they pray for someone who acts as a guide to salvation but truly is directionless himself. God knows that good-guy act that you're giving Pizza Boy is exactly just that -- an act. There's a reason why God hasn't graced you with a good life despite constantly struggling and giving the impression of playing the role of the faithful Job, when you're actually the deceitful snake from the Garden of Eden, using God's name to get to these imbeciles who don't know any better. There is a reason why God hasn't shown you mercy despite your "good" intentions that you only speak of without any subsequent action. God knows what's going on in your mind. God knows full well that you're actually the devil disguised as an angel, who exploits other people's low points to pick them back up so he can destroy them himself later on. It didn't work on Lioncross, because God protected him from you. And there's no doubt in mind that after that one moment when you plant the heel of your boot right on the chin of Pizza Boy, you'd still end up bashing your fists against the mat, angry that your master plan hasn't worked and you're still the same loser that we all know you are. But hey, what do I know? I'm just one person who constantly question your beliefs, is that right?

I have said this more than once, and I'll say it again -- you're a joke, HBB. You're a hypocrite. Just a sad little moron with his childish jokes desperately trying to bring out any pressure and fear within me, only to realize that whatever pain he might inflict in this match would be not as bad as what I had to go through at every recent FPV that I've been part of. I'm coming in this match with everything I have, and I've no doubt in my mind my quintessential partner Y2Impact is going to do the same. And I must remind you, HBB, I haven't felt fear in a long time, and I doubt any angry faces and witless threats you toss in our direction will ever give me any reason to. They mean nothing.
J.D. Damon
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 12th 2015, 4:43 am by J.D. Damon
"Laugh it up, Kenny. Laugh. It. Up. I'm sure that you feel some sort of pride deep within yourself now for what you did to me last week. When you lay your head down on your pillow at night, I am almost positive that you fall asleep with a big shit eating grin spread across your ugly mug. You think that you got the upper hand on me, Kenny? You got some sort of enjoyment out of watching me get my ass handed to me and lose the match, didn't you? That's a dumb question -- of course you did. You know what I have to say to you about all of that? FUCK YOU! This is the reason why I don't rely on others; why I don't involve myself with a tag team partner, because of bullshit like this. Kenny, you have no idea what you have I'm not someone who you want to mess with. Ask anyone - they will tell you. You're a newcomer to this company and what better way to make an impact than by screwing over the Pure Champion. Well, congratu-fuckin'-lations, Kenny, you did exactly what you set out to do and that is piss me off. What a dumb rookie mistake. A mistake that will surely come back to bite you in the ass. You say that you won't quit until you have my spine. I'm sure you also want this piece of championship gold that I have too, right? Unfortunate for you, Mr. Drake, there's no way in hell that you will be getting anywhere near this belt. You want a shot at it? Earn it! If you believe that  should get a shot because you left me high and dry last week during our match, then you are sorely mistaken."

"Scared of you, Kenny? Do I honestly look like I'm scared of you? What in the hell should I be scared of? Do us both a favor and GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE! You are nothing more than a puppy attempting to hang with the big dogs, and it's just not going to work out for you in the end. The shit that spews out of your suck hole is the same old shit that I have heard about me week after week. It's the same empty promises that I have heard a countless number of times. However, you are right about one thing. Aren Mstislav and Liam Catterson are both nobodies. I've beaten them both; been there, done that. Maybe you should consider adding your name to the list of nobodies, as well. When that faithful day comes that you actually earn a shot at my title, I will make sure to leave you in a bloodied heap and when people mention you, all they will be able to ask is, 'Kenny Drake who?' In the mean time, don't worry so much about me. Worry about trying to beat your opponent Sunday night, and don't worry about me sitting at ringside; I just want a front row view of you getting your head kicked in."

Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 12th 2015, 12:54 am by Lioncross
What's the Deimos Club?

Forget it - I'll look it up on the internet later. Supposedly, you can find anything on the internet.

Brett Kennedy, I'm glad you can talk a big game in a coherent way. A good wrestler like myself needs great opponents, and I actually get that this week, compared to last week on Battleground. That being said, your hot head came into play again - you misunderstood most of what I said. I don't consider you to be a lesser man; I consider myself to be a lesser man than I would be in most situations. I'm looking to win in a match that you apparently don't care about, even though you were clamoring for it a few weeks ago, and I'll take advantage of the fact that you're distracting yourself by thinking about a Drake & Jones run-in. See, I was able to zero in on my job as referee last week, and I'm zeroing in on you this week. Meanwhile, you were worried about me during your tag team match and you're worrying about Drake & Jones this week. Why? What is your paranoia based off of?

That's not the only thing you misunderstood - I never said you didn't work your ass off to get to the final of the tag team tournament. How on earth did you get THAT from my words? Are you trying to get yourself indignant? Or do you just think that the world exists just to be critical of you? You heard my words and immediately assumed that I meant something I didn't mean. Here's something I DID mean: doing that in the ring will be a huge mistake. And you can claim that you'll outlast me, but who says you won't charge right into the move that finishes you?

Seriously, why do you think the world's out to get you? The world's out to get you when you're at the top of the mountain. I experienced that a few years ago, and I haven't experienced it since I was knocked off. What have you done to justify this mentality? What have you accomplished here that would make yourself think that everybody means the worst when they talk to you? A final in a tournament? It's a start, but that's not the top of a mountain. I, on several occasions, have encouraged you to reach for more. You thought I was mocking you, and ever since then, I was in the corner of your eye. Now that you have the chance to prove something against me, Drake & Jones are in your periphery.

I haven't accomplished much here in EAW, which is why I'm zeroed in on beating you. I'm here to accomplish more and more with every match I wrestle. It's basic, but I got to the top of the mountain on basics before, and I hope to do it again. I'm not worried about outside forces because I don't have that right. I'm going to beat you because while I'll give you the following advice, you won't listen to it because you'll think there's some sub-meaning to it. Here it is:

Try to knock me out and you'll find yourself on the mat. I can already tell that my victory will be because of something you do; a mistake you make. Don't rush forward. Tread lightly.

But hey... maybe you're right. Maybe being tentative instead of aggressive is exactly what I want you to do.
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 11th 2015, 10:29 pm by Sephiroth
Showdown Promo#3 
"Am I supposed to be Scared?"

** The camera opens to Sephiroth sitting cross legged inside a room, apparently meditating, his eyes are closed and he seems calm and collected, that is until a smirk spreads across his face, he opens his eyes and addresses the audience**
My oh my, Kerry “The Silencer” Keller has finally spoken…..from a graveyard. Ha. How fitting. What, are you preparing for Halloween early or just lost about what to do with your life? Kerry the thing is I don’t frankly CARE what you’ve accomplished in this business. I don’t care what highs and lows you’ve been through. Its all about me, not you. I’m not in this business to have competitors give me their resume and list down what THEY’VE accomplished! I’m here for myself. So as you can imagine, I could care less if you have beaten a world champion…psst, which you didn’t, you’re now facing me. And I’ve been screwed out of victory one too many times already, so you can bet your career on it that I’m walking out with nothing less than a victory. Do you really think anybody here bats an eye on what you did to some joe shmoe named Chazz?? Hah, what a comedian you are Kerry. I applaud your stupidity. You think my fate will be the same as that loser’s? Wrong. Very wrong. In fact if I were you I’d be more worried about my outcome in the match. Broken bones? Concussion? You name it Kerry, name any sort of injury and I can bring it to you. And it’s damn more effective than your plastic chair.

The fact of the matter is you’re just bringing up your recent victory record to back up the claim that you can stand on the same league as me. Hah, calm down tough guy. Maybe instead of silencing others you should silence yourself, because your claims are only driving people insane. Hell, maybe that’s how your mom died? One can only assume living with a son like you. No offense but maybe she died for the better. She died so that it wouldn’t pain her to see her son get beaten infront of hundreds by your’s truly….SEPHIROTH! Hahaha!

You want to send me back? Put me six feet under, pal you better dig your own grave in the process. You aren’t sending ANYBODY back, if anything I’ll put YOU six feet under and use your defeat as my stepping stone towards championship gold! So here’s a tip, stop kidding yourself that you can beat me. Stop wasting your energy on carving out caskets with my name written on it, its cute and all, but it just shows you got a LOT of free time on your hands. Free time that I have been using to train my body to go to the extremes. This Saturday Kerry you will show EAW exactly why you are NOT championship worthy. Bask EAW in the fact that I am simply too much for you. I can guaran-damn-tee you 2 things this Showdown Keller so listen close and listen well. 1) I walk out victorious. 2) God himself intervenes to stop me absolutely decimate you.

Now I’m not a man who really believes in God, so I guess that leaves with only one choice. Heh. You wish to silence me? I have just started to talk Kerry, stopping me now would be unjust. EAW has to listen to everything I say, and I won’t let that be ruined by anyone. Not you, that’s for sure.

**Sephiroth closes his eyes and goes back into a state of meditation. His face blank. The lights in the room slowly fade to black**
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 11th 2015, 9:14 pm by Impact
Oh, how amusing! Pizza Boy has concocted this adorable idea in his head that I'm somebody's puppet, that I'm just dancing on a string, nothing but a pawn in a much larger game who isn't even close to approaching the King. We can play twister and contort our bodies till our backs break, but arriving at the conclusion that I'm just a puppet, a pawn, or a mindless slave leads me to believe you conducted a pretty dubious hypothesis; so on second thought, maybe you'll have use for the Heart Break Boy's guidance and wisdom yet, because if you think for one second I'm approaching our match on Showdown with that mentality, you're going to be blindsided and humbled by a foe you prepared for incorrectly and were quick to draw conclusions about before even thinking to take a deeper dive into the circumstances that surround me. What do you think my purpose for returning to this business seven months ago was? I was the General Manager of Voltage and I had to stand idly by and witness all of these wrestlers competing and fighting with the zeal of champions while I was unable to do anything but stare and grumble to myself thinking what I would be capable of in their position, pondering the prospect of attaining the same authority that's allowed Zack Crash to reign over this domain with an iron fist for over a year now. But you thought I just came back to play second fiddle, to fight brainlessly in the name of a cause I didn't believe in, while my understanding of The Mercenaries' tandem and my individual aspirations has always been more straightforward, transparent, and logical, that the Heart Break Gal and I are so synchronized because we view each other as equals and act selflessly for the greater benefit of our team instead of being unable to overcome our egos, the same conundrum that has been the undoing of so many potentially great tag teams whose collective ambitions were muddled as they became imprisoned by their own hubris and thought to themselves, "Why share the glory when I'm doing all the work?" and ultimately fell victim to their own selfishness. I can't say I'm particularly surprised when glory chasers and shameless social climbers forget why they're in a position to be successful and start convincing themselves they're entirely self-made and can functionally operate on their own without any dead weight saddling them, that's just the nature of the beast, but I know in my heart of hearts that I'm different from the rest of these weak-willed traitors who abandon their teammates, I know that I possess incomparable willpower which is something I couldn't possibly expect Pizza Boy to understand because the reason for the formation of Stand and Deliver is to learn from HBB, to discover all sorts of new tricks of the trade under his tutelage, to mask his inexperience and finally find that elusive niche. Boy, I'm glad I don't have to treat the Heart Break Gal like it's daycare 24/7; both of us are mature enough to understand we're beyond needing training wheels, and personally I find it comforting knowing both my partner and I are capable of exercising judgment astutely. Ditto with Hexa-gun; I wouldn't recruit the likes of Drake Jaeger, Tiberius Jones, Luzmala, or Eris LeCava if I felt the need to teach them anything more expansive than a simple briefing, they all perfectly understood their role and that's exactly why Hexa-gun has been so unwaveringly dominant since its inception. Nobody is ever confused about their position or standing, and as amusing as your attempt to drive a wedge between the Heart Break Gal and I is, as charming as your plea to resuscitate my career by declaring independence from Hexa-gun is, that's a fruitless battle many an elitist has fought long before you arrived at the scene. They all failed, and so will you. I'm going to force you to accept that the misguided cannot patronize the learned after grounding your skull into the pavement on Showdown and bearing first-hand witness to the depths of the lengths you'll stoop to in order to show me the importance of not "selling your soul" and give you a chance to determine how much bloodshed is truly worth it before you realize the folly in your actions and embrace the Hexa-gun way.

Last edited by Y2Impact on December 12th 2015, 10:44 am; edited 1 time in total
The Heart Break Boy
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 11th 2015, 8:56 pm by The Heart Break Boy
(Cameras open up as The Heart Break Boy is shown watching HBG's Worship Seminar from his television screen alongside Barney M. Bailey. Like always, HBB is confused with the material that his opponents put forth against him as he questions HBG's creativity. He commentates as her Worship Seminar plays.)

HBB: What is she wearing? Hooker clothes? Isn't this supposed to be a sanctuary?

Barney: Uhh... I guess she overdid it a little.

HBB: And who are they?

Barney: Who?

HBB(Points): Those guys in the crowd with the homosexuals. They look VERY familiar.

Barney: Oh... Those guys are Tiberious Jones and Drake Jaegar of the Hexa-Gun.

HBB: No wonder.

Barney: HBG is a very convincing preacher, she would make a perfect spokesperson for my pizza business.

HBB: Yeah, I can picture her wearing a pizza hat outside telling people how hard-working she is in order to get a raise.

Barney: She wouldn't get much but a 50 cent raise.

HBB: 50 cent? I think that'll be a little too harsh for the pizza employees.

Barney(Daydreaming): The Pizza Gal... I like it.(Rubs his chin)

(HBG's Worship Seminar goes off as the television cuts off)

HBB: Well that was a good movie. I'll give it a 5.5/10.

Barney: That wasn't a movie, HBB. I think she was talking against you.

HBB: Who, me? Oh... I mean they were acting very well. I hope she wasn't trying to pretend to be me then I wouldn't rate it at all!

Barney: Nahhhh.... I don't think so. You should respond.

HBB: True.

(The Heart Break Boy turns his attention into the camera.)

How was I, HBG? I could make a good commentator someday, wouldn't you say? Kidding.

Anyway, I'm proud of you for having the guts to step inside a worship session, whether everything you spewed were garbage or not. There's another thing that I'm proud of, however. I'm proud at the fact that HBG realizes who the real hypocrite sounds like. Did you notice, HBG? When you called me out for being inconsistent and lazy, did I have to open up the book of Jaywalker for excuses? No, I did not. But now you understand the reality of being human sometimes. Nobody in this business is ever perfect and you certainly are not one of them. Especially if you take away your little boyfriend along with the rest of the brothers. You are nothing more but an ordinary Vixen just like a Cloud Matsuda, just like a Cameron Ella Ava, and just like your little special admirer, Eris LeCava. I could easily be the barrier of bad news and call you out for being weak when you're under pressure. And you're only motivated when you have men in towels rubbing your back every single day. I'll just lay low on that because I don't want anybody to get hurt unless its something legally permitted. Much like our match on Showdown when I have EAW's full permission to bring all those tears draining down the face of HBG to realize what the real fairytale is that she believes has been a valuable thing really going on in EAW -- The Mercenaries.

It's one thing that you missed about me, HBG. I don't dwell on the past. I don't try to relive my glory days. I'm far different from where I was in 2011 or before that. Back then, my treasure was always to win championships, which I have done. I have been collectively one of the most consistent guys in this industry whether people like it or not. From a span of 2007 to 2012, there wasn't a day that I didn't miss and unlike you, I don't believe you have entertained your loving fans for that long.  Yet, people want to trash and place my career under the backseat. It's alright because I'm always expecting people to reminisce about my recent falls. And I do expect people want me to fall again. Even those that are very close to me want me to fall again and you know why? Because if I'm still here and able to showcase my talent for the world, I'm going to outperform them on each and every giving night.

And that comes by my works. In the Word, it says "Faith without works is dead" to reestablish everything that you say how I depend on God to do the work for me. God isn't going to work for me inside that ring. He's going to give me the capability and talent to show what He made that's good so some of us can glorify His name. He will direct my paths when I put my heart unto Him for understanding. But He's not going to do all the work for me. Before I dedicated my life to Christ, did I ever say anything about God when I was busy winning championships? I didn't even know God. Thankfully, now I know and what He has gifted me with to continue this line of work by knocking out chins and continuing to become stronger off embarrassment and struggle. I'm the Prodigal Son, and I can only get much wise while walking with the Lord. Some people may taunt me and play mindgames about it. They are like thin snakes, rattling themselves around to torch the power within me. Nothing can destroy the Holy Spirit and I can bare witness to that. Also, I do need The Pizza Boy because he has been directed to me by the Holy Spirit. Soon, we will become champions, whether he does or I do. Honestly, our entire aim isn't only just become champions, it's second fiddle to the real purpose that God has ahead for us. We're here as I said to change the world. People will see how the lows come up and how the downs are just temporary. You should be a witness to that, HBG. My concentrated mind is soon to come by on it. I will also come by on the destruction of your fable. It will only be a matter of time.

It doesn't matter either about how much you worth. Your worth can be more than a billionaire bucks, HBG. This is what Pizza Boy meant about you being on the wrong side of the Heart Break. You can plant your worth on pieces of green paper while the team of Stand and Deliver want to go beyond that. No greed, no worthless power will stop the purpose of destiny. My purpose is to live eternally. Your purpose may be serving temporarily services. I can speak foolishly about this or be real about it. Right now, I'm feeling confident like always even if my plans fall apart. This is why I am the Prodigal Son. And this is why you are simply the mother of a generic force.

Now watch me hit MY music onto you this Showdown.

Barney: Hold on a second. (Barney pulls out his cellphone and starts playing Stand and Deliver's theme song, "Paul Revere" from his music player.)

HBB: Not the music that everyone wants to hear.

I'm talking about the music that will leave our little Mercenaries drowned in tears.

(HBB smiles into the camera as it fades away.)

Last edited by ProVerbsBreakBoy on December 11th 2015, 10:15 pm; edited 4 times in total
Aria Jaxon
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 11th 2015, 8:35 pm by Aria Jaxon

“Ringside seats, damn. We’re gonna be close. Am I gonna be close enough to touch Lucian Black?”

Well, it certainly wasn’t a mystery as to where Chantal LeBeau’s train of thought was right now. Aria’s phone was cradled between her ear and her shoulder, and she had a spatula in one of her hands. The other hand placed a glass of orange juice on the granite countertop a little too hard and she rolled her eyes, flipping a pancake as she did so. It was around seven-thirty or so on an uncharacteristically cold and rainy morning in LA, and the only thing that made Aria roll out of bed was the fact that she was hungry. “I hate to be the one to crush your dreams or whatever,” Aria mused, her tone of voice rather snarky, “but he works for Dynasty.”

Chantal groaned, and then her voice trailed off. “Oh yeah, right. Shit...um. C’mon, gimme somethin’ to work with! Devan Dubian? Xavier Williams? Aren Mstislav?”

Aria scoffed at her cousin. She shook her head before she switched the phone from one ear to the other. “No, no, and no. Is this the part where I remind you that you’re there for me, and not to be thirsting over my co-workers?”

Chantal laughed, and the tone of her voice suggested she was only poking fun.“Shut up, you know I’m there for you. We don’t get to see you wrestle often enough at all, so don’t think I’ll forget why I’m there.” She paused, and her tone brightened even more. “Everyone’s excited, you know.”

Chantal -- along with Aria’s dad, and everyone else on that side of her family -- lived in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where the upcoming episode of Battleground would be taped. Naturally, as soon as the tickets went on sale, Aria pulled some strings and got tickets for anyone who wanted them.“So am I!” The Vixen grinned broadly, using the spatula to take a pancake out of the skillet. “Ugh, I don’t think I’ve been this excited for a Battleground taping since the Empress of Elite final. It’s gonna be lit, though, and I’m so glad y’all are gonna be there.” Aria sighed and used a measuring cup to drop more batter into the skillet. “I need this match. I mean, I need something to channel all this energy into. I’m wound up way too tight going into Road to Redemption.”

“Well, it makes sense. Kinda,” Chantal drawled, “It’ll keep you fresh for the FPV, or whatever, but it’s not like you and Cailin teaming together against two girls you already beat is the same thing as facing Drake and Josh.”

“Drake and Jones, dumbass,” Aria laughed. “And yes, I know it’s not the same thing. Cailin and I mesh well, so I’m not even worried about how we’ll work together. Cloud and Haruna are my friends, and they’re good. I can’t take that away from them, but like you said...they ain’t Hexa-Gun, and I already know what it’s like to beat Sexy Curry. So no, Battleground won’t be a carbon copy of Road to Redemption, but I still got a reputation to build, remember?” She smirked. “That, and I got another tournament to win.”

Chantal whistled before breaking out into laughter.“Oh my God, imagine! Two tournament wins in a year. Damn, girl, save some for everyone else!” She sighed happily, and her tone of voice levels out again. “Seriously, you guys got this. And by “you guys”, I mean both of your teams -- you and Cailin on Monday, and you and Brett in New Orleans. This is your week, and you got good company. Go fuck shit up.”

Aria nodded to herself. “You already know we will,” she mused. She looked up from the stove to see that Brett had finally woken up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he padded down the hallway. Aria had just been thinking to herself that it was kinda weird that her talking on the phone and rifling around in the cabinets looking for pots and pans hadn’t woken him up, but so much for that.

“Speak of the devil,” Aria said, pulling the phone away from her ear. Initially, all Brett did was yawn in response.

“That didn’t sound anything like “Sorry for waking you up”,” Brett replied, making his way into the kitchen and throwing an arm around her shoulder.

“I am sorry. Maybe. A little,” Aria laughed, “but it’s not like you’re not getting anything outta this.” She pointed to the pancakes before putting her phone back up to her ear. “Hey, I’ll call you back, alright?”


"I’ve been here before. I know what it’s like to team up with Cailin, and to be matched up against two opponents who feel like they’ve got every reason to believe they can beat us. This time around, Sexy Curry is still bound to come out on the losing end, so really, nothing is new but the adversaries and the timestamp on all of this. Same wrapper, different contents. Cloud and Haruna think they can do what the Dollhouse Killers couldn’t, and even if my partner and I don’t agree with that sentiment, their confidence isn’t completely misplaced. I’ll try to look at it from their perspective, just for a second. Ever since Cloud and Haruna were kinda just tossed together, things haven’t gone entirely their way. They don’t have a spotless track record as a team, but even with that being the case, no one is dumb enough to forget how good they are individually. They’re two of the power players in an ever-changing Vixens division. With that in the backs of their minds, they might just see their match with Cailin and I as a chance to pull off a win and start to build some momentum as a team. Ooh, a motivated Sexy Curry could present one hell of a challenge. It’d be a lot to deal with, yeah, but we’re not running. We’re not looking for a way out.

We’re begging you to finally live up to your potential as a team.

I’d say you’re not living up to the benchmark that the world at large has set for you, but I don’t think you guys have lived up to your own expectations so far either. You two are like a dream team on paper. Y’all were a tandem that seemed destined to take the tag division by storm, and maybe you will someday, but for now, that’s not the case. You’re not the perfect match we all thought you’d be, but in the interest of being fair, it wasn’t like you two asked to be paired up. It was outta your hands. I’ve said in the past that Sexy Curry was like some kinda cute little science experiment that, for whatever reason, James Shields saw fit to bring to fruition. You’ve both been trying hard to find your footing, and I guess it makes sense. Maybe it’s the timing? Cloud had the bad luck of showing up when you did and being forced to mesh with the Haruna of current times. This is post-Ariana breakup, post-God awful Empress of Elite tournament performance, post-short ass Specialists title reign Haruna. The light’s gone outta her eyes. Some days she shows up with the drive to win, and other days she doesn’t, but in any case, for the entire time Sexy Curry’s been a thing, her fucked up headspace has cost y’all dearly more often than not. It’s not fair to you, Cloud, but if I know you like I think I know you, you’re gonna ignore it, push forward and work with what you’ve been given. It’s admirable. You’re tryna make lemons outta lemonade, and I kinda wanna applaud that. My only advice to you is to sit your tag partner down and give her a pep talk or something. Tell her that she’d better come ready for a knock-down, drag-out fight, because that’s what Cailin and I prepped for. We don’t want this to be one sided. We want Sexy Curry to be the top-tier team everyone knows they can be.

And even then, assuming we do get that version of Sexy Curry, they’re still about to lose.

Not because they’re not worthy adversaries, but because Cailin and I have already made up our minds that the match belongs to us, and no one is about to keep that from coming to pass. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again -- I love and admire the shit outta both Cloud and Haruna, and I know Cailin doesn’t harbor any bad feelings toward them either. When the bell rings, though, friendship won’t mean much. From bell to bell, you won’t be our friends. You’ll be obstacles, placed there to test us, and waiting to be inevitably overcome as Cailin and I set ourselves up for another win. All signs point to victory for us. We’ve scouted the competition and assessed the threat, so it’s not like we’re walking in blind or anything, but if you leave it up to Cloud, she’ll say that we seem to think we’re invincible, and it’s not true. We’ve never once tried to pass ourselves off for being invincible, Cloud. We don’t pretend to be unbeaten or free of flaws. To beat you, we don’t need to be bulletproof.

We just need to be the better team, and we’ve already got that covered, don’t we?"

Victor Maero
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)
Post December 11th 2015, 8:28 pm by Victor Maero
Maero sits in the center of a dimly lit hospital lobby surrounded by cobwebs and dusty chairs, he sits on an immaculately carved wooden chair wearing a completely white suit and reading a large book, he looks up and smiles.

Maero: “Hello “Mother” Jay Omen, I was just reading a dictionary, sorry I forgot you don’t quite understand books. To explain, it allows me to come up with more than two insults, but for some reason it doesn't contain the word mannequin, odd,”

The Doctor snickers and places his book beside him, he licks his lips and stands, he turns and begins walking down a gray hallway running his hand along the walls.

Maero: “Now then, I have to ask, what the hell actually happened during your childhood? Nothing you say is ever clear, I have never heard you speak one coherent sentence. How about this, I will tell you about my past, just so you have some ammunition, what do you think? Maybe now it’ll be fun to destroy you,”

He turns into an operating room off the hallway labeled ‘4’, he looks around before walking over to a mirror on the wall.

Maero: “My parents were part of the quiverfull movement, meaning I had the grace of being the seventh child out of twelve, of course I was the one who was neglected, attacked by my own brothers. Even now I remain the only one who escaped the captivity of that world, the only one who can call themselves alive,”

Maero walks away from the mirror and over to a concrete wall, he then punches it making a small flake of rock fall to the floor.

Maero: “You... you don’t understand, the only hardship you’ve endured is your famine of success,  and the cloudy lose of your parents. You’re weak “Brother” Omen, if I have to shove that down your throat to prove it to you, I will,”

He punches the wall over and over again until a gash appears on his hand staining his white suit. He stands and looks at his hand before turning and walking back into the hallway, blood still dripping from the wound. As he exits the room he grabs a jar from a shelf beside the doorway.

Maero: “I’ve heard you like to call people 'cold soul', well, considering where my soul has been it’s at least lukewarm.”

He stops in front of a mirror and turns to the camera before biting his thumb, after a few seconds he removes his thumb from his mouth and starts laughing.

Maero: “Oh sorry, I forgot how uncultured you really are Omen. I’m biting my thumb at you, let me give you a rough translation,”

Maero raises his middle finger.

Maero: “Does this clear things up?”

The Doctor grins, he then takes the jar in his left hand and points it towards the camera, inside is a lung with the word ‘Father’ cut into it.

“Listen “Pet” Jay Omen, I will never call you father, that title is something given to someone who is truly strong, someone who has something to protect that’s not just his pride. You remind me of my father, weak, pathetic, and delusional. You don’t deserve this title, you don’t even deserve my scorn,”

He throws the jar behind him shattering the mirror revealing a cadaver room with seven tables in it. each table has a nameplate with one of the seven deadly sins on it, every table has a cadaver on it, except for the one labeled pride which has a flat body bag. He then walks over to the body bag and picks it up, he runs his hand down it gently.

Maero: “I’m ninety percent sure I’m going to win, the other ten percent is divine intervention, and I’m the only god in the ring,”

He removes a scalpel from his jacket and throws it at the camera cracking it. The only thing that is visible is darkness and a cracked screen, until blood begins to seep through the cracks. there is a flash of light and Maero’s face appears again.

Maero: “I won't let anyone hurt Zohar but me, you'll do well to remember that,"

Darkness reclaims the camera.
Pardon Me
Post December 11th 2015, 7:21 pm by Rex32

Scene pans to Rex McAllister at Four Seasons The Biltmore in Southern Cali for the weekend. He is dawning a wild tie-dye set of shorts with dark sunglasses while laying out on a stretched lawn-chair outside working on a tan. Camera pans in from the left.

See anything you like?

(Rex Chuckles)

Ah, yes. This is the life. I mean after all what would be the fun in collecting guaranteed money every couple of weeks if you can’t enjoy some of it just a little? Right? Plus, EAW gave me the week off from in-ring action, and quite frankly this is probably for the best given what awaits me when I return. No, no, no, no, no. I don’t mean those two douches, Brayden-Mr. “self-entitled-whiny-little-bitch” Cruise and Dearest-Special Special Sephiroth. Oh, no, NO. PLEASE. I could put on a better show, for those fat-popcorn-eating idiots, with a broomstick than those two could ever hope to put on together now or at any time in their downtrodden careers. You see even though they wasted time talking about me when I don’t even bother wasting a moment of my existence, except in this instance as a means to get a point across, thinking about them says a whole hell of a lot more about me than it does about them. No, no. I am talking about this “Pulp Fiction” segment EAW wants me to appear on. I mean don’t get me wrong The Rex Master doesn’t shy away from the lime-light by any means, as my surprise appearance on Showdown proves, but my motives should be mine and mine only to know. Not shit to be indulged to the whole world on live television.

(Rex glances into the camera)

I mean let us break this down a little shall we. Three weeks ago I allowed you to graciously hound me with your annoying presence just long enough to give you one of my Rexcellent promos. I told you who I was, what I clamor for here in EAW, I briefly spoke of my recent exile from “THAT OTHER PROMOTION”. I also gave everyone a fair warning NOT to look past me. Take me for granted if you dared. Then two weeks ago low and behold this half-pint, this melon-head, that gives “stupid loser” a fresh new meaning. He brags to this very day that he pinned my shoulders to the mat. You couldn’t get your head out of your own rectum long enough to pin me on your best day my worst day.

(Rex smirks and glances straight ahead again)

Fact is on last week’s edition of Showdown The Rex Master did what he has always done. Not just in wrestling, but in life. No, no. I didn’t ruin anything there Sephy. What I did was I made a statement. Nobody ever gets anywhere in this business or in life for that matter just sitting around and waiting for opportunities to arise. No, see people like me. Us successful people that are power-hungry for success at anything we set our sights on, we create opportunities and we take advantage of our opposition BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. Trust me. It is a known fact. You want to play the nice card? Well, then be prepared to be shit on. You want to turn your back on the enemy in this business, in this life? Well, then you get ambushed. You get humiliated. Call it Karma. Call it an eye-for-an-eye.

(Rex then turns to the camera again)

But, for whatever reason EAW thinks I owe them two douches an explanation. So be it then. I will graciously appear on this “Pulp Fiction” segment and briefly put the SHOW in Showdown while I am at. Ta, ta til then lamebrains.

(Rex glances back ahead again as the scene fades)



EAW Promoz! (Part 5 - Locked for posting...)

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