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EAW Promoz! :: Comments

Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 17th 2016, 12:12 am by Mr. DEDEDE
In the garden is where we encounter the perils of the world as they manifest; eventuate to the fate we subject ourselves to. And o, Tig Kelly, you subject not thyself to thy own fate, rather you subject the fate of mankind to thine own self.

And in the gardens shall you bleed from every pore as beads of sweat trickle from your brow, and seem to race the drops of blood that exit from your wounds, from the surface of your skin to the blades of grass below. And every flower and every shrub, every weed and every plant, shall bear witness to your suffering. Every bird and bee and fly, moss and fungi stands idly by, yet at attention, in the presence of your suffering. And the silence, it echos. It seems to belt out, with each cry more harrowing and blood curdling than the last. These are the echoes of your own screams. They are all you have, and they carom off of every other living organism in the garden as if these living beings were the walls that confine you. Solitary confinement, because you are at your lonesome. Yet you are surrounded - not surrounded, enshrouded - in the darkness that becomes your world. Your world of hurt. Your existence of pain. Your everlasting state of suffering. It will break you, and remold you. 

Lovely garden! Stained in blood, where Christ the redeemer came to know his own mortality. He found a kinship with the inevitability of his fate. He came to understand the futility of his own existence. Christ, the son of God, when faced with ungodly amounts of pain, cried out in the garden! At his lonesome, even in God's presence! Even in our realm, was he in his own personal hell! Christ, the redeemer, was surrounded, Tig Kelly, he was SURROUNDED YET ALONE! AND YOU, TIG KELLY, WILL BE SURROUNDED IN THIS GARDEN, BY WITNESSES WHO STAND IDLY BY AND ECHO YOUR SCREAMS, AS YOUR SCREAMS CAROM OFF THEM. THEY WILL STAND BY, AT ATTENTION, IN SILENCE, AND STARE, AS THE PAIN THAT I INFLICT IS YOURS TO BEAR! AND YOU ARE NOT THE REDEEMER, AND YOU WILL HAVE NO REDEMPTION! YOU WILL KNOW THE SUFFERING THAT LIES IN WAIT OF ALL MEN, DESERVING OF ALL MANKIND. MANKIND IS DESERVING OF THIS LONELINESS! MANKIND IS WORTHY OF THIS SUFFERING! MANKIND IS WORTHY OF THIS IMMEASURABLE MEASURE HOPELESSNESS. IT IS ALL MANKIND THAT DESERVES THE PANG OF REMORSE AND COMMISERATION - FOR ITSELF, BY ITSELF, UNITED IN DESPAIR. But you have subjected thy own self to this pain, Tig Kelly, and this pain has subjected itself to you. It lies in wait for you. I lie in wait for you. 

The Chamber of redemption is not fit for a redeemer. It is fit for a heathen, for it is a hellish place. A bloody devilish hellish place. A callous ghoulish hellish place, built with malice, what a hellish place! But you will know no such hell. You will not live to see it. I will see to it, by my duty as your Zen Guardian of light, that you will find the paradise that I see fit for you.

You will find paradise in the shadow of my blade. 
La Diva
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 16th 2016, 11:45 pm by La Diva
Shock Value # 4

[The Scene opens where La Diva is talking to  Madison Kaline n the back while Eve runs into her]

Eve: Excuse me La Diva. but can I get a few words of your time before your match this Saturday.

La Diva: Yea of course Eve.

Eve: a couple weeks ago on Empire you lost your match to Amy Jayne and then now you will compete n a Shock Collar Battle royal to Control Empire for twenty-four hours at Shock Value this week on Eaw So any Suggestions La Diva.

La Diva: Well u see Eve. the reason that I lost both of my matches is because they didn't won't me to win cause I wasn't as good enough but that's cool cause when I beat Brody and Erica Ford in three days then you'll be looking at your next Control of Empire this week on Voltage's Shock Value FPV this week on Eaw.

Eve: La Diva can u even defeat Nichole Frye n Alexis Diemos this Saturday.

La Diva: if only hows the match gonna be cause once I beat Cleopatra and Autumn Raven in three weeks then I'll be your next Empire GM right after our match together on Shock Value FPV until I win my match this week at Shock Value on Eaw.

(La Diva walks away when Eve Continues talking)

Eve: there u have it folks cause in three days La Diva will be in action when she faces Madison Kaline and Azumi Goto in her Shock Collar match this week on Shock Value FPV.

Eve: So we hope that La Diva can win her match this week against Nichole Frye and Cleopatra on Shock Value in her Shock Collar match in three days whenever they let her become the new control of Empire next Thursday after Shock Value this Saturday on Eaw.

[Camera Scene fades when La Diva heads back to her Dressing Room before her match even begins this Saturday]
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 16th 2016, 11:44 pm by MTM
My first match back in EAW… I won. My first ever number one contender’s match for a world championship… I won. My first ever earned EAW Championship match… I’ll win. I don’t need to make claims about how I have more of an immeasurable trait like “talent” or have the fans watching the competition be behind me. All I’ve needed are the two things t I’ve had right from the very beginning of my journey as Judas all the way until now: That’s dominance and intelligence. Friday, March 17th, 2016, I dominated my “first” ever opponent in EAW. I broke his leg, tearing the muscle around his knee completely from the bone. He was a small time rookie who’d had his chance to make it big and I didn’t hold back when I turned his biggest dream into a living nightmare. Things would continue to escalate. I would be faced with tougher challenges as the weeks went by. My opponents would get bigger, faster and more experienced and yet every match I competed in would end the same. Each Elitist that dared cross me would find themselves damn near having amputating their leg as they tapped out to my Calf Crusher, the tears welling up in their eyes from the sheer amount of pain surging through their body like a shock of electricity. It would take half a dozen men every time to pull me from the broken man that laid in front of them. Dynasty’s Elitists, from the high heavens of the main event all the way down to the dark pit of the lower card, I was feared. Former World Champions that were otherwise considered EAW’s saving grace had to use underhanded tactics and cheap shots to overcome the onslaught that I brought to them but not even that was enough. I would come back every time and I would put them down for the count. The Pizza Boy by himself could not beat me. Cyclone by himself could not beat me. Brian Daniels by himself could not beat me.

NO LONE MAN COULD BEAT ME… and they still can’t.

There has not been a single instance in singles competition where I have fallen victim to my opponent. The one time and one time alone that my shoulders were successfully pinned to that mat was when two glorified Pizza Boy fans, two men not even signed to an EAW contract, hopped a barrier and attacked me out of spite. The loss has never bothered me. The reason for that is because I knew it took not just Cyclone to defeat me but it also required distractions from Brian Daniels and the Pizza Boy as well as a direct attack from what can only now be described as Cerberus’ lackey’s lackeys, Barney M. Bailey and Tony Rolland. It took five men, both directly and indirectly, to barely put me down. It took weeks upon weeks of blindside attacks and dirty tricks to try and weaken me, bloody me and knock me down but even after all of that I was still the saving grace of the alliance that I formed with Drake & Jones.

The thing is, I look back at these moments and I realise that there were two reasons for my defeat in both matches that I mention. In my match against Cyclone it took outside interference like no other to even put a dent in my win-loss record. Given my history, there’s not much doubt in my mind that if it were not for that stain on the match then I would have walked out the victor but alas, for now that’s nothing more than semantics. Then we look at the events leading up to my TLC match at Pain for Pride 9. The numerous amount of times that I was the one singled out and attacked for being seen as the most dangerous threat no doubt left me heading into Pain for Pride at less than peak condition. I had to be continuously knocked, pushed and kicked down time and time again and yet still I put up more of a fight than Drake & Jones ever could have hoped to as they spent more time lying on their backs than they did fighting for “their” Unified Tag Team Championships. Two Caustic Echoes, a Pizza Cutter and a Rising Tide through two tables onto the outside are what it took to keep me down long enough to pull the championships down… but just barely. Even after the severe damage I was put through when I was dropped practically on my neck, the same place where I’ve had two injuries since my debut in EAW, I still got back up and was within reach of reclaiming what was rightfully mine from atop that ladder. That takes more than just talent or luck or a strong mind. You need to be physically dominant to accomplish the feat of pure strength that I did and that’s not even the point I originally intended to make. My point is that, in defeat, I learned. I paid close attention to what my downfalls were and I made careful note not to let either of them happen again and guess what? Neither of them have. I walk into Shock Value with momentum entirely in my favour and not a scratch on my body. Boy, Impact and “Voin” have no idea what they’re getting themselves into. Not a single time was I the victim of a beating or backstage attack. No, all it’s been is talk, talk, talk and absolutely no action.

That’s a big mistake.

The week after I won my opportunity to face Aren for the EAW Championship, what happened? We had a sit down interview where the two of us talked and nothing at all of value was spoken about. It was the most forgettable moment of my entire time as a member of the Voltage roster and it’s no wonder why. All Aren has ever been able to do when he talks is plant the seed of doubt and, when you’ve seen him do it time and time again to the likes of the Savage Ryans, Vic Vendetta and Carlos Rosso, it starts to become white noise. It’s not the seed of doubt any longer so much as it is the seed of self-doubt. It’s an inferiority complex. Aren Mstislav, even as world champion, doesn’t truly believe in himself. He tries to get inside people’s heads and make them doubt themselves because he knows how it’s caused from self-experience. He’ll target something new, something fresh, because he knows that that’s their most vulnerable weakness. This is why he compares me to Judas. To him, Judas is something else entirely. It’s something he hasn’t seen from me before so he’ll try to manipulate my mindset and make me believe that there’s actually a difference between the man in the mask and the man under it. I’m not that foolish to allow him to get inside my head like that. There is no difference, never has been and there never will be. The mask has never been anything more than a tool. People didn’t know who Judas was and so they would come after me as hard as they could and they would test me. As Matt Miles I knew they would hold back. To them I was the guy who came back from injury but as Judas I was a newcomer taking names and making his own as the weeks went by. I had a target on my back and it was one that I wore proudly. Then, come Pain for Pride, I knew I was ready. Judas already had his hold on the EAW ranks and now it was time to take advantage of that. Every single night I still walked in and walked out with the same momentum that I had except now people weren’t seeing a face that they feared but a one that they had become endeared to. It was like black and white, yin and yang, a small part of the other still being inside both personalities, and I played everyone like a fiddle while you were dealing with a different instrument. You were having temper tantrums over your matches with Impact and all you could hear in the background whenever you were on screen was the sound of the world’s smallest violin. It was truly, truly a sad moment.

Am I honestly supposed to believe that the same man who could barely man up to a challenge put in front of him not even a month ago is now supposed to have undergone some kind of change? That the facepaint and the new name makes any difference? Perhaps you could have said the same to me had I not already proven my worth as Judas already but I look into your dark, lifeless eyes and see the same weak-minded individual that I’ve seen since the self-destruction of RAGNAROK. When you gazed into the mirror this morning I can bet that what you saw wasn’t what you tell everyone you are. You saw the same fraudulent, cowardly, spineless hack that you see every other morning.

It doesn’t matter if you call yourself Voin or Aren or fucking Peter for all I care. All you’re trying to do is become a wannabe Norman Hellion and it’s easy for everyone to see right through this pathetic attempt to imitate an untamable beast when you’re the whipping boy of Brett Kennedy’s sloppy seconds. This “split personality” you have is just a paper charade for you to pull the wool over people’s eyes and make people think that there’s a difference. What’s the matter, Aren? Regular old you just couldn’t cut it? So, instead, you make your best effort to rip off one of the men that you’ve never been able to beat and try and turn it into a gimmick. Let’s face it, that’s all Voin is. It’s a gimmick. You put on some facepaint, act less restrained just to get your anger out and that’s it. There’s no actual depth to this character that you’ve created and that’s how we all know it’s all just for show. If you need any further proof just look at how you had to be carried to victory against The Sanatorium by Methuselah and myself and then, after the match, got your ass kicked so badly that it hadn’t been that sore since you were still in the closet with Nas. When I was laying into you, raining down fist after fist into your face, I can tell you now that it didn’t feel like it was this “Voin” I was punching. It felt like I was watching a poor excuse of an EAW Champion getting his face pounded by his former tag team partner. Let’s not pretend it’s the first time I’ve had to carry you through a match either but that’s not a topic for right now.

What matters right now is Shock Value. You and I are going to be in that ring on opposite ends of the battlefield for the first time and I already know what to expect from you. I’ve already seen you pull absolutely everything out of the bag and the one time you actually had the balls to talk it was easy to see you were scrambling for something more to say. You have absolutely nothing on me because I’ve shown you up in absolutely every way possible. That’s why this isn’t an underdog story for me like Y2Impact would like to pretend. This is like when the shining white knight slays the dragon and wins the princess. Right now, I’m the knight, the two of you are that dragon and the EAW Championship is what I’m going to win. You have nothing to prove otherwise because I’ve always been better than you when it’s mattered. The entire buildup to this match has been you cowering away in whatever hole you’ve found for yourself while I’ve been winning matches with ease week in and weak out. You can’t possibly have been training, not with this fake self-righteous attitude you’ve brought upon yourself. Somehow, some way, you’ve managed to cover up your inferiority complex by layering a false superiority complex. You’re like a teenager, really. In your head you think- or know, rather, in this case- that you’re not good enough and that you won’t amount to the expectations that your peers have set for you but you do your absolute best to try and mask it with a cocky attitude and a lack of effort…

...which brings us back to this “Voin” persona. It’s a perfect example of that lack of effort and proves your inability to even be somewhat original. It’s just you in darker clothes and makeup. Voin is the Spider-Man 3 of Aren Mstislav’s career, a reference I’m sure Impact will just love. It’s weird, it’s unoriginal and it’s going to tarnish a reputation that was already somewhat in the dumps as it is. You coming out as Voin this Saturday would be like if I came out as Judas despite you already having the knowledge of who he is. It’s pointless. Mask or no mask, face paint or no face paint, I’m still Matt Miles underneath just like you’re still Aren Mstislav underneath this simplistic personality you’ve forged. You want to prove me wrong? Tell me where the hell Voin came from. What caused Voin? What made the lightbulb in your head light up and convinced you that this was a good idea? Now I did some research on this little name you’ve created for yourself and it’s supposedly some loose translation for “warrior”. I see no warrior in front of me. I see a worm. Worms don’t fight; they hide. Worms burrow themselves into the ground when a threat comes near but even that isn’t enough to stop the early bird. It just so happens that, this Saturday at Shock Value, I’m going to be the early bird and you’re going to be MY prey, Aren, and you’re not going to be able to escape from me inside of that High Voltage Cage. You’re going to be at my knees begging for mercy and I’m going to strike you down once and for all as you pay for your sins and your wrongdoings against me. I’m going to bask in the pain that I’m going to cause you and then? Then I’m going to win.

As for Impact, well, let’s put that rambling about concussions to rest, shall we?

That little bump you took on your head, Imp, wasn’t ever about me, really. Sure, I caused it and I can do a lot worse than that but when you get down to the core of the matter and really look at what went down, it’s about you. You say that no one could have predicted how you’d land on your head but you sure could have. If you had actually stayed focused then you would have known how to protect yourself. The truth of the matter is that you’ve missed a step in these past few weeks. The Y2Impact who was still actually winning world titles and not just competing for them wouldn’t have made such a rookie mistake and would have actually ended up catching himself being thrown out of the ring and would been able to adjust accordingly. Instead, you were caught off guard by me reversing the Walls of Impact because you didn’t expect it out of me and ended up hitting the thinly padded floor below like a ragdoll. You hit the floor, the referee counted to ten and that was all she wrote. This isn’t so much about me being as good as I say I am so much as it is you NOT being as good as you say you are. You WERE good at the Grand Rampage. You WERE good when you won your six world championships but you WEREN’T when you faced me and it all boils down to your attention span and, by extension, your ego. You’re too busy looking at yourself in the mirror to see the trouble that’s creeping up behind you. The look on your face is going to be hilarious when you realise you’ve let another opportunity slip through your fingers, almost as hilarious as how you think I was talking about THAT match with Carson Ramsay.

Here’s a newsflash for you, Impact: I beat Carson TWICE. The time that you just so happen to remember is not, in fact, the match that I’m referring to. If you recall I actually faced Carson under the guise of Judas before Territorial Invasion. No distractions, no cheating, just the two of us one on one and not a single member of Wolvesden to be seen. Oh, but yet again, doesn’t fit your agenda. Whoops. Come on, at least put up some kind of fight here, Imp. You know for a fact that I’m just telling you exactly what everyone else is thinking about your “incredible winning streak”. Let’s not act like it’s my fault that I’ve actually be legitimate names over the course of these past few months and you haven’t. You’ve been given the easy pickings and now you’ve suited up in your big boy pants like you’ve just beat DEDEDE, Jaywalker and CM Banks all in the same month. Those names you mentioned may as well be the same local talent from a backwater town that you tried mocking me with. Yeah, you’re damn right I wouldn’t have unmasked myself had that happened but what’s your point supposed to be? That if I’d been embarrassed that I wouldn’t unmask myself? Oh wow, are you psychic or are you just about every other person in this planet? Of course I wouldn’t have but it’s not like I would have ever needed to have worried about that, is it? What moronic statement. Aside from that, you’ve just been repeating yourself. That’s honestly even worse than the backtracking I called you out for because, instead of changing topics after I’ve proved you wrong, you’re just pretending I didn’t prove you wrong in the first place. I’ve already told you why I know I’m going to win at Shock Value. Just listen to everything that I’ve been saying from the start. You’re too caught up in your own self-worth. “I’m great! I’m the most talented man on this roster! I have six reigns and I’m about to have seven!” It gets so old, so fast, and you don’t stop because no one cares about what you’re saying and you can’t accept that. Maybe this’ll give you some closure: The reason that nobody cares is because nobody buys the bargain bin deal you’re trying to sell off as brand new. You might just be the most accomplished man in EAW but you’re not the most talented. Those two things don’t necessarily have to connect. While they may intertwine, and while you certainly are talented, your success isn’t defined purely by some immeasurable trait.

The thing is, I already pointed out just how you’ve been backtracking. You called me out for the creation of Judas so I told you the real reason, not your ideal story, and so you said that you didn’t care.

That’s backtracking.

All because you don’t like the answers that I’ve given, you’ve shrugged them off like you were never even interested in the first place. Try as hard as you like to pretend that’s not what you’ve been doing but people can see and hear you for themselves and know that you’re a stone-faced liar. Just like this “bass in my voice” comment. I’ve always had this attitude towards you and, despite everything, I can’t believe that this of all things is something you’re still caught up on. I laugh at you because the way you talk has been nothing short of amusing. Considering you pride yourself on “learning from your flaws” you sure do seem to be stepping along the same path you did when we faced one on one. You still can’t admit that that was more than a fluke. That’s your vanity getting in the way, not mine. You’ve been spewing hot garbage in my direction from the moment you opened your mouth and it’s still the same hot garbage now. Where, in any of what I’ve said so far, did I say that I dominated you? Nowhere, nowhere at all. I beat you. That’s it. That’s all I need to say and you get riled up. So much for that “composure” when here you are sounding like Aren when Carlos forced the two of you into a match. It’s like, instead of knocking down the pins that I have set up, you’re setting your own ones up and knocking those down instead. It’s so overtly transparent that I wonder if you’re even trying to make it seem like I’m actually saying these things rather than just looking for a space to vent about your insecurities. I mean, hell, look at how mad you got at such a throw away line about a decade long career. IT’S HYPERBOLE. You know, that thing that you’re usually oh so in love with using. During the start of your career it was very, very easy to get to the top and don’t you lie and say it wasn’t. The Mr. DEDEDE’s and Jaywalkers of the world were still rookies to EAW and so were you. What you’re not comprehending is something that you wouldn’t be able to anyway because you’ve never known any different what you’ve gone through. Once you get to the top, that’s where the fun begins. The top of the mountain is where you get those opportunities that you want and, if you’re good, it’s very easy to stay up there. That’s why this is considered a mountain. The climbing is what takes the most time. The EAW you debuted in was barely anything more than a hill at the time and you and everyone else that made their name during that time were lucky to have made their mark then and there. Now your job is just to knock people off and hope someone doesn’t drag you down with them. People like me, people who’ve been put through injuries and come back in half the time it should have taken them? We don’t stop climbing. We’re prepared. We do whatever it takes to get to the top of that mountain, no matter what setbacks we’re forced to deal with and we do it.

This time, I get to the top of the mountain.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 16th 2016, 11:16 pm by showster26
Shock Value #3

Reed, Oklahoma , Wednesday, 4:30 p.m.

(The scene opens in the ghost town of Reed. The afternoon sun just begins to set over the deserted building along the main drive. The scene cuts to the a lumber yard where off in the distance a lone figure can be see standing by a small pile of 2x4s. The with a Montage of various shots of Solomon Caine nailing together the 2x4s as the last portions of daylight turn to the darkness of night. The scene shifts to a shot of the 2x4s assembled into long X shapes standing upright on the ground, grouped together in a semi-circle. The camera pulls back slightly as Caine steps towards the center of the circle.)

Caine: "Do you understand yet? Have you received the comprehension necessary to fully grasp the works of my masters? Why come and build new memorials, upon dead land? To symbolize the what is that come. To demonstrate how at the end of ages none will be remembered. But also to lay to rest the wickedness that infects all of mankind. To burry it six feet under, in a place no one will bother to come looking for it!"

(Caine steps next to the X on the far left)

Caine: "Here lies pride. Pride that has blinded men to the truth. That has deafened their ears to the sweetest whispers of my masters. Pride that festers in the heart of Jakob DeLion and Danny Knoxx. See it is pride that keeps The worlds most wasted from accepting the truth. That they are too weak to stand even against the test of men. For all the boasting they will do, they have yet to speak truth. For all mocking words that spill from his mouth, it is him who is the biggest fool. Go ahead and mock me, for you both of you already know it will do you no good whatsoever. You have already gone down that route, and it has only heaped more hardship and misery onto you. Do not let your evil mouths continue to guide you. Approach the altar of my masters with humility this Sunday, and they may yet deal with you mercifully swift."

(Caine walks over and stands next to the memorial second from the left)

Caine: "And Here laid to rest is vanity. Vanity which has turned men like Ahren Fournier away from my masters, and into the arms of wretches. It is your vanity that has fueled your addiction to praise, even if it comes from filth. How sad it is that you could not find the self control necessary to prevent your own damnation. Instead you have insured that the wrath of my masters will befall you. YOU COULD HAVE BEEN SPARED! But now all that you may do, is to be made a sacrifice to honor the name of my masters. Why? WHY?!? Why must you have delivered yourself to doom?! Why could you not hear the words of those who sent me?! All of the gifts you possess, wasted! What could have been a great servant has become nothing more than ash and dust."

(Caine steps over to the next grave in the line.)

Caine: "Here is where disrespect lays. For too long it has twisted the minds of men to its foul purpose. Minds like the one of Mike Showman. Mike, hear my words. You speak of wins and losses. Of glory and honor. I speak of life and destruction! I seek not silver nor gold,I quest not for praise of adulation, I only seek to survive! You say that I am nothing but smoke and mirrors, but I say I think turn that where you see smoke, fire is never far behind. The glorious reign is coming soon, and when it does you will bathe in a pool of your own tears, for in those short few moments you'll have left you will think back to now, and how you had dismissed the works of those who have sent me as illusions. On that day you will beg for mercy as your flesh is torn away from your bones. That is no illusion."

(Caine steps next to the forth in the line.)

Caine: "And next we see the grave of delusion. The delusion that all that you have made will stand for ever. The deception that all you do is not in vain. THE LIE THAT YOU ARE A HERO AND NOT A GODDAMN HEATHEN! Have you heard me Alonzo? Have you Stared the truth in its eye yet?! Or have you plunged yourself further into your rotten fantasies?! Have you stood so long on your sick deception, that you have deceived yourself?! You grasp desperately to a world beyond the stars, but you fail to realize that the one in front of you is about to crumble away beneath your feet. You seek a greater power that can move mountains and twist minds, this Sunday you will encounter this power first hand. And when you do you will be brought to your knees and obliterated before my masters' altar. Prepare yourself Alonzo, for the clouds will not be able to hide you from the flood of fire that will envelope you.

(Caine moves on to the next grave.)

Caine: "And here lies sickness which spreads from one to another, and weakens all that it comes into contact with. Sickness like JD Damon, who clings to all before him who he deems as stronger than himself and leaches off their life blood. You could suck the whole world dry and you would still not be able to stand on your own. You are that which afflicts and cripples those who are strong. You are a harlot who whores himself out in service of anyone who you think may be able to save you. No one can. Not those you cling to, and not the parasites that feed off of you! Prepare yourself for the chosen hour of their arrival, for when it comes You will be consumed by the glorious reign. Your suffering, a lifetime's worth. An eternity of crying out for salvation as you feel the flame eating away at you!"

(Caine moves on to the sixth.)

Caine: "The final resting place of wealth. The great corruption of the masses who all look to steal more of it. But these foul fool know not that the more they acquire, more will slip thru their fingers. The more they invest, the more bitterly they will weep when all they have made has been ripped apart from the foundations of the earth. Wealth has deceived and poisoned many, but none more so than Jon McAdams. They have told me of how you cower in fear from them now. You fail to realize that last time wasn't even a speck of the power they hold. When we last crossed paths I told you they would tear you apart piece by piece, and this Sunday they will continue to do so. Your great and grand lifestyle will swallow you whole, before you have new. Spit back out with not so much as your name to you. You cling to your chose. Protector, but he could not save himself, much less will he be able to save you on the day that you receive your just punishment. Cower in fear Jon, for it at least shows that you have finally respected those who sent me. And when the hour has come Jon, present yourself as a willing sacrifice to their will.

(Caine continues on the the second to last grave.)

Caine: "this is the final resting place of doubt. For it is doubt that feeds the others, like milk from the bosom. It breeds these in the hearts of men. It is doubt that looms over all who refuse to hear the words I speak. It is doubt that that gouges out the eyes so men can not see the works the works of my masters. This is the doubt that they have found in you Maero. They call upon you, and you turn away. You will not listen to the sweet whispers, so you will be made to hear the scream of you and aaaallllll whom surround you! Yours is tears that will collect like an ocean, yours is blood that will run like a river thru the streets, and yours is flesh that will char and blacken as it burns away to nothingness! You speak of pain as if you are friends, you are not but strangers to each other. But this Sunday you shall become well acquainted to one another. You speak highly of you speak of highly of your demons, and evil of my masters, have you ever considered that they are one in the same? Or have you simply closed your mind like all the others who must be made example of?! You criticized me for following the whims of my masters without question, it you do the same with yours. When you are given a task from you master Diemos, you carry it out without hesitation, and yet you see fit to criticize me for doing the same? Who is truly foolish among us? You have squandered a great opportunity. You have squandered salvation! Now you will BURNNNNN!!!"

(Caine inhales deeply before moving on to the final grave.)

Caine: "And this... This is where I shall lie if I fail my masters. For death is the only outcome for all who have not been deemed worthy by them! ALLLLLL THAT I HAVE SPOKE OF SHALL BEFALL ME IF I CANNOT CARRY THE PURPOSE THEY HAVE CALLED ME TO SERVE! WHAT EVER SUFFERING WILL BESET THE PUTRID HEATHENS, I WILL BE SERVED TEN FOLD. THIS SUNDAY, WHEN LIGHTNING STRIKES THE EARTH, THEY WILL DEMAND A SACRIFICE... even if it is he who has served."

(Caine takes a few steps towards the camera which lands down slightly as he bends down to pick up a large metal canister. Caine begins to pour out the contents of the canister on each of the memorials before pouring out the rest in a long trail on the ground.)

Caine: "I will not be the one who is offered, mark my words. For all of these thing they have told me, and they must be so."

(Caine pulls a match book out of his back pocket, strikes one up, and tosses it at his feet. The trail of gasoline catches and soon, all of the memorials are set ablaze.)

The end.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 16th 2016, 10:22 pm by Rex32
Showdown Promo # 2
"Don't Get Too Flashy"

Everybody's got a reason it seems as to why, in their minds, they're going to make it to Road to Redemption 10 to compete in such a vile structure as the Extreme Elimination Chamber. Nico, he’s been through Trial by Fire matches, and First Blood matches, and I guess I’ll echo his sentiments when he says he’ll keep coming until he is stopped dead cold in his tracks, which hasn’t happened to this day. Yes, I have to admit, that in the current state that our brand is in with all the trades, defections, and voluntary quitting, it says a lot for a guy to be able to pick himself back up and keep pressing on. Ryan, he’s proclaimed himself the future, and really who is to say for sure that isn’t the case? I know I haven’t. He has a go-getter attitude, and like many he claims to be ready to take it all for himself, right now, this year. This match, he like Nico feels the match result is a forgone conclusion destined to workout in his favor. Yeah, ambition. About that, I mean it's not as though it's a bad thing to have, but is he really truly DESERVING??? I dare all of you watching this week to ask yourselves that very same question as it pertains to Mr. Marx and think unbiasedly when thinking of this man’s rather biased opinions of himself. Is he, a man of very little to show for and so much more to prove, ready for the bigger tests on a weekly and monthly basis? He’s not green by any means, but he hasn’t really had his moment in the sun yet nor has he consistently taken care of business when all eyes were on him, to be making such claims as being the next pillar of EAW. It’s still too premature to be making a statement like that after being in this company only a quarter of the year.  As for me, well, I’ve already acknowledged that underdog status I walk into this week with. I’ve already stated my purpose in the first video I put out, and as far-fetched as it may seem to be? Kicking down doors is all people do to move up here. It took Ares Vendetta a year to secure his first title, the now retired Pure Title, and basically two years to become the man. Nobody gets anything handed to them, but you know, why am I trying to explain myself? Would I still be here if I wasn’t ambitious enough myself??? Isn’t it safe enough to say that by putting MY body through the rigors of many battles in recent times too that an Extreme Elimination Chamber match would be another step in MY evolution? Isn’t it safe to say gentlemen that we all sort of have a certain kind of passion for this business, a drive to achieve more? Yes, yes I believe it does. In fact our commitment and drive is what keeps us coming back every week, but then again you guys already know this. So while I stand by my assessment of who is deserving and not deserving, let it be known that it goes back to my original warning, and that’s that anything, and I do mean anything can and will happen this week, mark my words.

Your contentious views come as no real surprise to me, Ryan. You aren’t the first Elitist to sit there and call themselves the next pillar of the next generation, or a Messiah. You’re like the 110000457694 person to come waltzing through those doors spouting that mundane BS. Hell, last season Mexican Samurai assumed that was the mantle that he held in his time on this brand, and he shouted it loud and proud too. He was the Millennial Messiah, just like you are trying to convince yourself that you are. Once he dropped the act though, he took off. Let me ask you, Ryan. Do you have the scars that Nico Borg has from his respective wars against both The Pizza Boy and Tyler Parker? Have you been thrown from the top of ladders in a Cash in the Vault match, trying to take a hold something that could cement your future as a world champion  yet, or even risked life and limb by putting yourself through a flaming table to gain a number one contendership? Please, tell me Ryan, what makes you question how deserving Nico Borg or myself may be by comparison to yourself? You’re more ambitious, and more willing to sacrifice? Please, don’t flatter yourself after only three months of dedicated service to your craft in the most prestigious wrestling company in the world.  Some make it out of the three month trial period, and then start to leave their proverbial mark, while some simply fizzle out. I don’t care what any of your peers have told you. They tell you things to give you encouragement and motivation. They want you to stay hungry, cause in most cases the ones telling you those things are the ones that have been where you are at, trying to make it work, but after years of commitment they finally see the payoff. Aren Mstislav, it took him over three years to finally get to the top. Lucian Black, it took him much, much longer. Those two are just a couple of examples of what true commitment and dedication really is. The others, the ones that are going through the same trial period you are? They may be given title shots, but like you they are hoping to find a breakthrough somewhere. You’re doing alright for yourself. Call me self righteous if you want, but am I really that when I'm merely pointing out the facts? Your sympathies...Ryan, it took me nearly a year to win this New Breed Championship. It took Nico Borg nearly seven months to win his. Ryan, both of us have consistently shown why we deserve the recognition associated with being champions well before we were champions, but we still had show how much we wanted it. You, in all your entitlement, you try and sugarcoat it as ambition. You want the big payoff after only a few short months. You want truth? You were never meant to win this New Breed championship a couple of months ago. You’re going to have to show your so-called ambition some more and take a little further for a little longer. You won't win on Saturday, Ryan. It ain't your time, and I've already pointed out many valid reasons why. Rite of Passage may have been a coming out of sorts for you, but make no mistake, Ryan, your defeat on Showdown is inevitable. It will show everyone how much further you have to go, and how much harder you'll have to work to get to where you want to be and get that payoff that you are longing for. Saturday won't be slaughter, just a nice cold hard reality check that you need. You can count on it.

Nico, I think we both know at this point that this elitist is anything but lost. Do I look like a JJ Silva, a man that relied so heavily on the influence of being in a once moderately revered group such as the Omerta to keep him afloat? Tell me, Nico, do I look like a Chris Elite right now in this day, a man who didn't recognize a true challenge that was the new breed scramble series, a challenge where he could have put to rest any doubt he ruled the New Breed? So, please Nico, enlighten me. Who else do I remind you of? I give respect where it has been earned. Why don't you try that on for size. I may not like some of your methods, but I can't really argue with them at this point, now can I. I attacked Chris Elite and then a month later I took his title, and made it mine. Though, even as lowly as you and many others will view this title, I'll still hold it and defend it and hopefully if all goes right continue to raise it back to respectability. You...you actually seem a little lost when assessing me this time around, Nico. I would've never figured. Both your conjecture of me and your foresight of the future are poor. There is nothing, absolutely nothing you can say, that you can EVER say that will decide my fate this week or going forward. Yeah, you've given yourself to this, your vocation as you call it. You’re the favorite, but don't act like you can't be upended this week or that might spell your own doom, you know that. You are wrong about me being lost, just as you are in assuming I'll turn out be just like Silva and Elite. You are right about one thing though, and that being the tables have turned in your favor. The roles have reversed. I can hear my old self in you, Nico. So self-assured that this match is going to be my downfall, the beginning of some sort of downward spiral for me just as I thought back in July for your fortunes. There is a good chance, a great chance in fact that you're wrong about that too. If you win, Nico, IF you win, I'll have made you earn it, you have my word on that.

So, what do I wrestle for? Well, i do it because it's what gives me that feeling, the feeling that i have a purpose in my life. It use to be that it was only about success, and stepping on others just to get what i felt could be mine. It still is, but the things i feel can be mine have changed, hence why i decided a while back to change. I decided it wasn’t going to be for the betterment of my career to continue on the path i started on this season, where i really believed i was better than most of what this brand had to offer. My attitude was that you couldn't beat me on your best day my worst. I've since adapted through the different experiences I've been through. What keeps me going? I love what i do. I love competing. I love waking up every Sunday to see whats on tap, who I will be wrestling on any given week. I realize I'm not the only one with these feelings, just one of the select few that are not afraid to express them to the EAW Universe. Most of us, we immerse ourselves so far deep in our delusions that we actually become convinced they are our reality. I don't need to silence critics or make believers out of skeptics. I've already done a great deal of that and more lately. When Showdown is said and done, you won't think of those words when you think of me. None of that sappy shit will come to mind at all. The only thing that you will think of is the realization of the impact behind those words as I will wrestle my ass off out there and risk it all, throwing caution to the wind and perhaps even take away the moment that you two clamor for. So ask yourselves these two questions seriously. Is it your time? Are you the one? Soon, very soon we’ll all find out.

Last edited by Rex32 on November 17th 2016, 1:39 am; edited 2 times in total
Nathan Fiora
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 16th 2016, 9:24 pm by Nathan Fiora


(Nathan Fiora is seen in his hotel room, relaxing with a group of six half-naked women.  He is sporting a platinum-colored suit with a rose on one of the pockets.  Fiora grabs his Hardcore title, puts it on his shoulders and takes out the rose.  He proceeds to take a scent of the flower and puts it back into his shirt’s pocket.)


Many have stepped up to my face and have told me that they’d defeat me.  More have claimed that they would be able to take this title off my hands.  Today, I stand here on top of the mountain that I’ve been wanting to be since I was very little.  My name is on signs across the world, the very signs that I saw when I started out in this business.  I’ve been untouchable since then, but there seems to be the incoming threat.  This threat is claiming to take everything that I’ve worked for and has sent several messages to me throughout the last couple of weeks.  The threat’s name?  The man that EAW calls Drastik.  A man who has made a legacy for himself in this company and intends to continue it by “reclaiming” MY Hardcore title.  Are you kidding me?  This is simply the most disgusting thing that Carlos Rosso has done to anyone in this brand.  I wanted the best competition; not some old hack who probably lacks the stamina and composure to make a great match.  This is not fair to me and it’s not fair to these peasants out in the world.  My name deserves to be praised and not dragged to the ground because of preferential treatment.  This is the reality of the situation and I’m getting sick of it.  People should be chanting my name every single night, but these imbeciles turn their back on me and cheer for some part-timer.  They’re rooting for some guy who’s going to leave in a few weeks.  How in the hell is this just?  It isn’t; that’s the answer; it’s sickening.  The just answer in this situation is to forget thee who hath fallen.  Who are these individuals?  They are the ones who have turned their backs and walked away from their own roots to become nobodies in nowheresville.  Drastik is the latest addition to the list of people who think it’s okay to go back and forth from EAW to nowheresville.  How many times has Drastik done this before?  Let me count.  One, two, three, four-fuck!  The cosmos may never end up knowing.  

(Fiora grabs a glass cup and takes a drink out of it.  The color of the drink is blood-red and it seems to be a very thick liquid.  He drops some of it on the six women around him.)


Drastik, why are you stating the obvious?  Of course I know who you are.  You are a very coveted persona in this industry and you have tons of accolades.  Everyone knows this, so why must you repeat the same old malarkey?  I could talk about how long my title reign is and what I’ve accomplished in my six months here, but I’m looking towards the present, not the past.  Please, you don’t scare me at all; you seriously have nothing to say that would shake my foundations.  The most hypocritical part about your whole rebuttal was the fact that you said that weren’t like everyone else who’s come back.  Let’s look back a bit; you come back, but then you always end up leaving. Sounds like quite the on and off relationship; maybe you’re not as stable as you appear to be.  Let’s go back a few months ago; you were seriously suicidal, which makes me question your health.  Why are you even allowed to be here after feeling that kind of way?  That is so dangerous to everyone in this locker room; you’re a danger to yourself.  You do not have any right to be in a ring after your kind of behavior.  In addition to that, you don’t even stick around.  You just kiss up to every official this company has to get a random opportunity that you didn't fight for at all.  I earned my title by sacrificing my body for these monkeys Monday through Sunday for years and you just get to stand in front of the line because of your “legacy”?  That’s a load of bullshit.  Tell me how that is promoting the future of this company, because I don’t see how that does.  Why are we depending on old men and not these scrubs who might actually benefit from facing a glorious champion like myself?  We see this with so many veterans yet no one does anything about it.  Enough is serious enough.  Drastik has yet to see what it means to be on my land, but he’ll soon realize that it was a big mistake to pick a fight with the God of Hardcore.  I’m not letting this whole “Returnees get what they want” facade continue because I’m going to end it.  This isn’t a game against you, Drastik; this is just plain ass reality.  We aren’t back in 2011 where you were the biggest dog in the room; this pond has become into a deep ocean.  How’s it going in your broken boat?  

(The room immediately turns black and screams are heard.  The room’s light turn back on, but the sight is a very shocking one.  Nathan has the head of what appears to be a Drastik replica.  The head is not only disfigured, but is full of the red liquid that Fiora was drinking earlier.  Fiora ties the head’s neck to a rope, hanging on the ceiling.)


Do not underestimate me.  Please don’t; I’m actually trying to save the bitter taste that will arise after you take a loss from me.  That will be the Drastik decision that will ruin your chances of every coming on Voltage and even EAW.  Yes, you’ve won the Hardcore title several times, but what you fail to recognize is that this is MY turf.  Since this is my turf, we’ll be playing with my rules.  You won’t know what to expect out of EAW’s most extreme.  You’ve been watching me, you say, but you won’t be able to predict the actions of a God who will not be conquered.  I will do make sure this title never leaves my waist and that’s final.  Don’t try to make me think otherwise; I believe in the truth of my word and no one else’s.  No man has defeated me in a title match and no man will ever do it.  Stepping into this ring with me will be an honor on its own, so you can brag about it when you go back to your retirement home.  Will I visit you there?  Hell no.  I don’t give a damn about you and I never have.  You can cry like the little bitch that you have always been and get those teen emo tendencies out of your system.  Your system will fall apart, while mine will continue to be built upon, taking on the best wrestlers that this place can offer me.  You could also say that you’re going to sink, and not swim.  Test your luck this Saturday; it’ll be the end of any that you had in the first place.  Before I go, I’d like to welcome to the Fiora Empire.  It’s like nothing you’ll ever see; dominance and assertiveness are my key components.  Treason is not accepted, but you’ve already broken that law.  You can guess what happens next while I get to my own business.  Caio.

(Nathan grabs the Hardcore title and grabs the rose once again.  The rose is crushed, with thorns and everything, causing Fiora’s hand to pour out blood.  He looks into the camera and smiles.)

Ahren Fournier
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 16th 2016, 9:11 pm by Ahren Fournier
(Camera fades into Ahren Fournier with a cat laying on his shoulder)


Hello everyone, this cat on my shoulder is Jennipurr, remember the stuffed cat? Well with a bit of magic fairy dust and believing she came to life last night, and I have a cat now. Anything is possible. I'm Just kidding I bought her at the pet store, stuffed animals don't just come to life.. Jennipurr what do you think about my upcoming match

Jennipurr: Meow

Ahren: That's what I thought, a cat that meows, have a carrot jennipurr 

Jennipurr: Meow

Ahren: Because it soothes the soul, makes the coat glisten

Jennipurr: Meow

Ahren: Pretty amazing how i’ve taught her how to meow on command isn’t it? I’m magic ya know

Ahren: Anyways Jennipurr, I was just kidding cat.. here have cat nip 

Ahren speaking for Jennipurr: thanks 

Ahren: No problem 

You see Jakob TheLion, Jennipurr is apart of your family, the cat family. I'm studying her mind, her movements, I'm going to find out all her tendencies and see just how to beat you. I see you didn't mention me last time... you're saving me for later you say?.. mmm well doesn't that sound frisky, I like the sound of that. I'm touched really I am, that you find me to be such a big threat that I deserve my own little thing. Say what you will, but know this, with Jennipurr on my side, you're as good as dead. And by the way seeing you're a part of the tag team Worlds Most Wanted, I think I may just call the cops and tell them where you are. Boom you're out of the match. But for real you act like you’re smarter, and better than everyone in this match, which ok, I get, but what is so innovative or creative about that? You sound so generic when you do it, it’s ridiculous. You sound like every single person that’s ever walked into this company, spewin ghte same shit, and trying to act like you’re the first to do it. You know what would be original? Telling the truth, saying how you’re frightened that you have to face the Trill Fairy at your first FPV, because you know how much better I am than you. You know how I know you’re scared? First of all you haven’t even mentioned me, which means you thought I’d forget about you lion, but I didn’t. FOR NARNIAAAAAA!!! Get it? Because the Lion in it? Aslan! Did you know the lion in that book slash movie, was supposed to be allegory for Jesus Christ? True stuff look it up. Pretty deep for a childrens novel. But Yeah honestly I had no idea you were in a tag team with Danny Knox, but that makes two tag teams in this match, and little ole Ahren Fournier fending for himself. Another reason I think you’re afraid, you have your partner in there with you because you know you can’t do it on your own. Just kidding I know you didn’t make the match. Maybe EAW is afraid of letting you do it on your own, because they know you’ll flop as a singles competitor. Who knows. Oh but the Worlds most Wanted will never disband! Yeah right, every team in history broke up, you’re not special. No matter I can face the odds, and conquer all. They don't call me the Trillest Bat Fairy, with aquaman powers for no reason. Up, while talking, apparently he did post another promo, and I again wasn't mentioned. You know what that means? He's scared. And he should be, I know how to handle pussies... DOUBLE ENTENDRE BOOM!

Ahren: Go lay down Jennipurr, the cat man has been talked about

Jennipurr: Meow (goes and lays down on his feet)

Ahren: Aw, cute, that was cute. Now Jon... you are the biggest moron I've ever talked to other than Mike Showman.. Funny that you two found eachother, it's just too perrrrrfect. Did you like that one jenny?

(looks down at cat, shes sleeping

She loved it. Anyways, a month is a unit of time used with calendars which is approximately as long as a natural period related to the motion of the moon, month and moon are cognates. That is why months exist, they're not just random names for 30 days or 31 or however many February decides to be. That's why it changes, the moon. It's the moon cycle that decides what a month is you ignorant fool. It's not just 4 weeks that makes up a month. By your logic, Halloween and Thanksgiving are in the same month. Christmas and Thanksgiving are in the same month.. stupid fuck. But never mind your incoherent babbling, and pretend that what you said was right, which it isn't but whatever. Worst month of my career has me at 2-2... which is .500, sounds pretty good to me. You've never had a better month than that.  Have you ever won 2 matches back to back at all? My worst month, would be your best. Gloat all you want about taking advantage of a man with his back turned, after your life partner did all the work for you, to me it's just pathetic. You're Pathetic, you're trying to outsmart a genius and it's not going well for you. If you want to argue facts, then please read a book and educate yourself on the topic at hand before doing so. Less you look like the ignorant fool that you are. 

Solomon Caine? Thanks for your concern, not that I asked for it, but thanks. I think I don’t care what the voices in your head think though. Remember back in May 2011 when the rapture was 100% going to happen… Then it didn’t? Then remember in December 2012 when the world was supposed to end? And it didn’t? I feel like you’re sipping on the Kool Aid of whatever voices are in your head too much, and when it’s all said and done, you’re going to miss out on life. After all we only get one right? Why not take it for all it’s worth. Girls throw themselves at me, I’m going to do them. Fans want to cheer me on? I say go right ahead. What kind of idiot would yell at people for liking them? That’s just weird. Now just go back on the floor, and stay there.. Just stay, no one understands what you’re babbling about, or wants to.

And last, and probably least, we have Mike Showman yet again. Every time I see that he spoke I feel like I’m in a time warp, like I’ve already experienced it already, like it already happened. BECAUSE IT’S ALWAYS THE SAME CRAP. Childish jokes, though he says I’m childish. My parents should’ve wore a condom ha… ha…ha, so funny. So it’s funny that I’m teaching safe sex to the youth of America? That you should always wrap it before you stick it? Hmm? Is that what you think? I’m doing a service to this country you fool. It was a stupid English lesson? Me helping you is stupid? Why? I helped you out so much. Did you see how much stupidity you marble mouthed out? I’m trying to make you a better person, I’m trying to make you sound like less of a fool, head my advice. You did need it, I don’t understand how you could possibly say that you didn’t after all the mistakes you made. You know these things aren’t live right? You can have multiple takes if you mess up. If you didn’t know that again, you’re a fool. And if you’re tired of repeating the same shit over and over again, then here’s an idea, why don’t you…. Wait for it, because this is a doozy… STOP REPEATING YOURSELF AND COME UP WITH SOMETHING ELSE??!!! SIMPLE SOLUTION RIGHT!! Not to someone like you with no common sense obviously. If you want to say something else, try to find another flaw with me. I know it’s hard seeing that I’m oh so perfect, but you seriously say the same things over and over again, just because you can’t think of anything else bad to say about me, so you’re panicking, hence you calling me a retard all the time. It’s the only thing you can ever come up with, which is a cop out. With me, I can find so many things wrong with you, like your terrible English, I mean seriously, are you sure this is your first language. One little error Mike? One? Sure, that would’ve been an oversight I’d be willing to glaze over. But did you see how much I needed to correct? The People with Class showing how little schooling they actually had. I’m giving Mike English lessons, and Jon Science lessons, I’m expecting my check in the mail. Also more stupidity out of Mike Showman, he’s complaining about wrestling me again, because he wants to move up the ladder of the company, and apparently that doesn’t do that. Umm hey, you moron, you do know that this match is for a future championship match? Isn’t that what you’re here for? Isn’t that what you want? Jesus Christ you’re dumb. It doesn’t matter who’s in the match, all that matters is what you’re fighting for. How can I drag you down when you’re in the midst of opportunity? Deep breaths Ahren, Deep breaths. Can you believe this guy Jennipurr?

Jennipurr: ZzZzzZZ

Ahren: She’s asleep, look how cute my cat is. Anyway, yes Mike, it does bother me that you got that bullshit victory. You should know that as a fact.. You know why? BECAUSE I’VE ALREADY SAID IT DOES!! WOW YOU’RE SO SMART.. Sike may be the dumbest man I’ve ever encountered. Let me repeat myself, because you just won’t let this one little topic go. Yes it bothers me that you won, because I know how much better I am than you. I know that without hitting me in the balls, you would never have beat me, another cop out from Mike Showman. I was outwrestling you, you panicked, and cheated. Wait this sounds familiar, have I.. Have I said this before? Oh yeah, I have…. So you know what, I’m done explaining what happened, because I’ve already done it in great detail. Instead I’m going to show you the fire that burns inside me, the aggression that you’ve lit. I’m lit. Your smugness has gotten you this far, your cheating has gotten you this far. But that’s as far as you can go, because after Shock Value? The next great face of EAW, becomes, The great face of EAW. Period. End of story. Next.

(Camera closes up on Jennipurr as she naps, and fades to black)
Cailin Dillon
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 16th 2016, 7:58 pm by Cailin Dillon

Shock Value #3
The challenge in your words have started to lose their value. Over and over, since the beginning of our careers, your message has always been the same. No matter how many times we fight and no matter who wins, you’ll always say the same. If you win, it’s a show of your dominance yet again. Proof of your prowess over an entire division. And if we win, it’s clear that we somehow scratched one out. It was pure luck. It’s not that hard to figure out what you’re operating by. The amazing thing is how you’ve all managed to make it this far operating by the same ridiculous logic. That’s clearly why all of this got its start. You all act like we’re trying to wipe you from existence. No, that’s what you want to do to us. And then I hear it all the time. I hear these outside whispers that Sirens and OGs is a thing because the Sirens want to be the OGs. It couldn’t be more false. From the day I came here I’ve been fighting for survival. It was the same for all of you once, but you’ve all eased into these places now. You’re comfortable. You can come and go as you please, and you earned that. The rest of us don’t have that luxury. Some of us have to fight for everything we get, and then fight even harder to keep it. That’s what this is more about. I think for some of us it certainly felt like you three were banding together in an effort to put your foot on the throat of the rest of the division. You stood tall above us and mocked us and told us we didn’t belong. But we do, and we’ve proven that before. And that’s where the beginning of this statement comes back into play. We say we belong here and you say we’re not allowed to point to any match as proof of that. Yet you will point to a match where you beat us as proof to the contrary. If the past doesn’t matter, then yours doesn’t either. If we can’t have the things we did in our careers so far, then you don’t get to have anything over us. I’m not naïve though. I’m not a child. I know that’s not the way it works in your minds. But will I stand here and just take it? No. I won’t stop fighting for what I want and what I believe in. I care about this division, too. And I don’t think the best thing is to have three women on a pedestal while the rest of the women fight there way to get there. Maybe that makes me boring as Empress of Elite, but I do things the way I want, so shut your mouth and deal with. If you could find a moment to shut your trap and just sit and listen and actually use your brain, you would see that my time is better served competing and working hard and taking my guaranteed shot and winning. What else do you expect me to do, walk around in parade style, waving and begging people to bow down and kiss my feet. That’s never been the kind of fighter I am. That’s never been the kind of champion I was. I don’t demand people bow down to my feet. I beat them into submission and make them quit at my feet. I fight them until the last thing they see in our match is me standing over them with my hand raised. That’s the kind of Empress I am. I’m not a dainty little bitch demanding people respect me wherever I walk. I’m a conqueror that fights for what I want. I don’t wait for people to give me things. I take what I want.
Yet somehow that makes me entitled. Fighting for what I want makes me entitled. No, not expecting things. I wouldn’t even call you three entitled. Even after everything you’ve accomplished only to reach a point where you now expect things because of the past. No, we’re exactly the opposite of entitled. At least especially me. Listen to your own team member bragging about how she wants to make me go back to my humble beginnings on a farm. She wants to put me back where I belong. I’ve never been entitled. I never has the position to be. I get on the card every week because I’m a fighter. I don’t expect to be on the card and I never have. I make sure I’m on the card with what I do. But someone like Cameron really comes across as naïve. You have every right as legends to want to prove you are dominant over rising competition. But you think it’s sad that said competition would want to fight back? You’re kidding, right? It wouldn’t shock me if you really do put the bullseye square on me in this match. You’ve already indentified me as the potential top target. I say bring it on. I’m ready for the fight. I’m not fighting for pride or status at this point, I’m just fighting because it’s what I do. You of all people should know by now that when you really challenge me, really try to come at me and put me away, I am as dangerous as they become. Or have you already forgotten that from before? I didn’t step up and challenge three OGs because I was trying to get attention. I did it because I wanted to fight you three. That’s all it was about. But for some reason, that just crawls under your skin. I’m sorry, are we supposed to just bow down and sit on the sidelines and let y’all do your thing? Because I like to settle things in the ring. You know how I operate anyways, not sure why you expected anything different. It’s most disappointing that you keep banging your head against the same wall and expect a different result to come out of it. But at least you don’t do it as much as the other two.
Two women who I respect and who give me the finger back. That’s fine with me because that’s who they are and that’s their style. They can’t expect me to change in return. HBG has often likened me to that kid on the playground that gets picked on and just can’t hang. Perfect sense she knows she’s always been my ultimate bully. She created this David and Goliath-like mythology between us. For whatever reason, we have always been perfectly at odds. Even as she promised to take everything from me over and over. The truth is I’m the only one that ever took anything away from her. And now it’s been ages since we actually fought each other. Only to return at this junction. Her words are always designed to sting hard. The same can be said with Kendra. But these words lose their meaning over time when they are simply different versions of the same thing. They aren’t exactly masters of the cerebral that can crawl under your skin and get you fired up. But, hey, occasionally it works and I can just imagine that wide smile they get on their smug faces. The same tricks are always tried on me. You don’t belong, Cailin. You’re a loser, Cailin. How could you possibly believe you can hang in a match with me, Cailin. It never changes. And then they go into these matches believing they’ve got some mental edge over me. They think I’m mentally crushed by the weak insults and clichéd phrases they deliver over and over. It’s no secret that none of us are capable of developing a mental edge this week. It just won’t happen. Not in a war like this. This is all a game of inches. Who makes the mistakes and when. There’s a lot of confidence on my side, that’s true. But the level of self-assurance on yours is so sure it borders overconfident. That’s where those mistakes occur first. Not true you say? Ask the Elitist boys why the New England Patriots didn’t finish the undefeated season all those years ago. Look at the Golden State Warriors. Even the greatest teams falter. Sometimes the pressure to prove you’re the best can overcome you. We aren’t trying to prove we’re the best. We’re not trying to prove we’re the new OGs or any ridiculous shit than that. But we are more than capable of proving that we are indeed better right now. Better than you care to believe or admit. Better than you go around boasting to be. Cameron says it all the time, it’s about right now. The truth is just because you achieved some great things in the past, it doesn’t mean you’re going to do it now. It doesn’t mean others aren’t capable of achieving their own greatness. And that’s part of what you three are standing for right now. It’s not really about protecting your greatness, it’s about finding ways to shield others from your group. It’s about exclusivity. And yes, that is entitlement. So you can call us the brats and falsely claim we’re trying to claim your game for our own. But it’s just you trying to hang on to your status and make sure no one else has the chance to taste it. That’s just sad. Because at some point in your careers HBG was just Tarah. Cameron was just Aria. Kendra was just me. It applies with everyone in the Vixen’s Division. We’re all fighting to be the best we possibly we can. And if you’re truly good enough to reach those high plateaus, than you will. You’ll smash through the barriers, even if it’s a three-woman blockade that calls themselves the OGs, and you will reach it. Some people would want to take the easy way and go around it. Some would want to make deals and give up a piece of themselves along the way just for a chance. Fuck easy. I do things the hard way.
To the still scorned ex-girlfriend. Aria is right, you know. I mean, some of what you do anymore is sad to see. We have tried to move on from everything. Not move on without you or past you, but just move forward. And yet no matter where we go, you’re there lurking in the corner for a jump scare. So much of what you do is scheming to get back at us. I focused so hard and trained my ass off during Empress of Elite. And if I ever shifted my attention for a second, I could see you standing off to the side and talking about how you were going to go right into the finals and beat me down. But I still sit here understanding why you did everything you did. I can connect to it. I get why you are saying these things and why you want to be my ruin. I understand your need to hurt us and why it goes beyond what you’ve already accomplished. Sometimes it feels like the only thing that matters to you is standing in my way. Even over the others. So it makes sense that you join in and make this human road block just a bit longer. I’m not as selfish as you believe. I do hope you can find peace without killing me in the process. But at the same time, I’m not the type to just lay down and let you get what you want. I don’t feel badly about what happened or how it ended. Sometimes things just don’t work out. Maybe there aren’t always destined to be or we weren’t. But when I’m preparing to fight for you, I don’t think about that past. I think about what I’m about to encounter. I know you and who you are and what you are. And I know how competitive you are and the lengths you’re willing to go with your body in order to win a match. I am ready for all of that. I’m physically and mentally prepared. You tell me I better have my best match ready. Would you expect anything less? If you truly say you know me, then you will know what to expect. You will know what you’re about to see. This isn’t about games for me. This is about fighting this war until our last breaths. That’s for both sides. And someone like you and Veena, you’re the wildcards in all of this. Sheridan and Haruna, too. You all didn’t have to be a part of this. You all don’t even have a battle in this fight. The only thing I know for sure is carnage. That’s what comes out of this match. Lots and lots of carnage. And we aren’t the highlight match of Shock Value, but we are damn sure to bring the house down with this war. There’s no gimmicks or games. No tip or tricks. This is pure war. This is a fight to the end. They told us to end it, so we shall. At the end of this, everyone will be left to rebuild in someway. I’m fine with mass destruction. I’m fine with collateral damage. This isn’t my first war and I know damn sure it won’t be my last. I know what I might have to do in order to win this match. No one wins a war with clean hands, not when they’re fighting on the front lines. I’m prepared to do what it takes to win. And I will. I will come out on the winning end of this battle. And I might just do it covered in the blood of my enemies.
Azumi Goto
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 16th 2016, 6:31 pm by Azumi Goto

Surprise Generic Psycho #3 has decided to break her silence!!

THANK YOU! Cuz I didn’t want Miss Sparks to feel left out. As I told her fellow Psycho Sisters about how I’m going to beat her, LET’S MAKE THIS CLEAR, SPARKS! YOU! DON’T! SCARE! ME! So take your threat and throw them in a trash bin and write some new ones. Why should I be scared of someone who couldn’t hang with this division when she first came around, joined some cheap wrestling version of Godfather, and then fake retired? I shouldn’t be scared of someone who can't break out on her own, I SAID IT, SPARKS! You just can’t handle being a singles wrestler, so you joined another group and thought no one would notice her shitty SINGLES CAREER. If you were someone like an Aria, Cailin, or Cameron Ella Ava, then I’d probably understand why you’d want to pull off fake retirement. Tell the crowd “Thank you for letting my dreams come true” AND then come back when the crowd wants you so much.

Here’s some proof, Boo. Blacklivesmatter - EAW Promoz! - Page 3 894336e70f02461a816be9dd98db4f6f

Congrats on pulling off a “Fake Retirement”. How does it feel being a lying piece of garbage, Brody? It probably feels great, trying to pull a fast one on all of us and thinking that we would shed a tear cuz the little annoying psycho is leaving, well realize this. THE PEOPLE DIDN’T CARE!!! They didn't care that some nobody was leaving after a disastrous career, NOBODY WANTED YOU STAY ANYWAYS!!! I’m probably guessing that everyone that you thought was close to you was going to miss you, sweets… Well, truth is. NO ONE DID! No one missed some failure that did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from the moment she got signed. Unlike you, I made a career out of this place, you were at ringside when your “King” Zack Crash was getting his ass kicked, while I was fighting the New Breed Division. See what I mean, you sat around backstage seeing the REAL women of this division fight for its honor. You were probably at home watching the EOE Special, thinking to yourself “I should try to see if they would like to be back” and see NOT A SINGLE SOUL CARED THAT YOU WERE BACK! You thought we’d give you some grand welcome back party. NOPE, you were told to go back to wrestling.

I’ll give a little bit of credit, you got the crazy thing down. It’s probably the saving grace of your personality, Brody. If you haven’t noticed I’ve been tapping into something like that as well. I keep it at the bottom of my heart because I know it’s worth, see there are many faces to Azumi Goto, sort of like my many kabuki masks. Everything means something, everything is different. You’ll just continue to use the same threats against them. See right now the person if front of you is ARROGANCE PERSONIFIED. I’m cocky, I’m arrogant but I prove it, I CAN GO ANYONE IN THIS DIVISION AND OUTPERFORM, OUTWRESTLE THEM. While you’ll stick to just being crazy and having a few screw loose. You see Sparks, this psycho sister act won’t be enough to beat me.

You’ll be on the floor as you realize the woman that you messed with someone BETTER THAN YOU IN EVERY SINGLE WAY!!!

Last edited by Azumi Goto on November 16th 2016, 6:34 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : My Text Fucked up)
вrσdч spαrks .
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 16th 2016, 5:13 pm by вrσdч spαrks .
Blacklivesmatter - EAW Promoz! - Page 3 GSoy5N6


The scene would open to daylight. A beautiful apple tree standing tall and sitting on the ground in front, is Brody Sparks. With an apple in her hand, she playfully bounces it before taking a bite. She chewed and swallow as the mouthed the words "Tasty".

"They say that there are three sides to every story. Her side, his side and the truth. Ask yourselves this. What exactly is the truth? The truth can be looked at between different perspectives and different minds and different views, but what  I consider a truth and what I consider a fact, some might not. See babes, what I consider a right may be considered a wrong to others. So who exactly knows the truth?  Who exactly knows what's false?  However darlings, what I do know is that come Shock Value, you people, you SCUM. You will be in a real shock, you will all be on your feet in surprise on your face, in denial when the referee raises my hand in victory. You see I want to be clear my sweet little precious opponents,  I don't care who I have to go through bitches  I will take them all fucking down brick by brick until I get what I want, and what I want is to be the epitome of evil, the epitome and the very damn definition of what a real women and what a real fucking vixen should be. I don't care what I have to do in order to obtain that objective. Whether I have to go through Cleopatra, whether have to go through Nicole, whether I have to go through my own damn family in the Sanatorium, HELL whether I have to go through the founding fathers of EAW, I will do what it takes. My ambition is my greatest quality and all of your ambitions will become your greatest flaws, because your ambitions will all go to waste. A complete waste when you all accept with gratitude that the woman that is going to win this match and gain control of Empire is me. See my darlings, even if it is for one night things will happen, history will be made and I will shake up Empire like nothing you've ever fucking seen before. Change is coming and change is going to come very soon. Ladies I can guarantee you that! You don't need to see a fortune-teller darlings,  you don't need to see a psychic! I am telling you the facts! Baby I am telling you that things are going to change and the sooner you accept it, the sooner you can move on the fucking better. This storytelling, this is my own personal Brothers Grimm book,  because I am foreshadowing the future. I am writing a book, a best fucking sellar and you all should be fucking HONORED to be apart of it. I am foreshadowing the inevitable and the more you realize that you need to accept it the better off you'll be."

" The better off you will fucking be"

"I guess mothers really don’t  know what's best. Oh mama Alexis,  I don't just want control. I need it, and you may be right if one of us can control we all get control. My dear mother let me tell you a fact, your mind must be severely messed up. Darling, do you really think I care about what you need and what you want? Do you even know your precious little sister as you claim to. You claim to be the mother, but a mother knows her children, and it is clear that you may not know me as well as you THOUGHT you did. I forgive you. For that my love can change. What won’t change is that I do not care about your chance because this is my time to shine and it is my time to emerge as the woman that all my darling little sparklers can look up to. Someone adorably evil, someone who can admit her flaws and still shine bright the spark I fucking am. I never once doubted your tenants I never once doubted that you were strong woman, but you're just not quite stronger than I. Alexis, I have to be this way in order to succeed. Don’t you want the women of the Sanatorium to mean something in this division? That is why I will claim this victory! Baby I don't care how you feel and I don't care what's going to slip through your fingers. Why not slip your fingers into me and put them to good use sister. Alexis this is about me and I will not let you or anyone else in this match think that you can take what is rightfully mine. A victory nonetheless! I have apparently been severely mistaken. I did not come back here to let people win. I didn't come back here to sit in the shadows. I came back here because I wanted to make a point, a point that will be made at Shock Value. I came back to do what I love baby. I came back to hurt people because that is exactly what you know I love. To get out of my addiction! I just want to see everybody bleed! Can you envision my darkest fucking fantasy! That's what I am. I want to be the very best in this division and it all starts at Shock Value. If you think that I'm going to let the fact that we call each other family cloud my judgement from my objective then you are mistaken. A victory for me is a victory for all three of us no? The best part about all of this Is that it is a victory I brought to the table. A Victory I accomplished. That you needed to be accomplished but not just on the Sanatoriums behalf alone,  but also on my own. Quite frankly it does not matter whether you think you can beat me, darling with all due respect you will not win. Mother I'm sorry to break it to you but this is my time your time will come but your time unfortunately will not be at Shock Value."

"Oh my little Azumi, so blinded by your own greed and pride that you cannot see the inevitable. My darling pride is not always a good thing to have and you have let your pride cause you to become delusional and intolerant for the truth. You honestly and truly think that you of all people are better than any woman in the Sanatorium, let alone me? Or are as sick as I thought you were, but not in the way that you claim to be. Not because of your quote-on-quote “bloodlust”. It is the fact that your mentality has been twisted for you to believe things that are not true babe. You're deranged mentality and not in the way you so desperately want it to be darling but deranged in the way that your mind is clearly deteriorating because you cannot think clearly, but maybe that's just the type of person you were all along. You see baby girl,  I don't truly care about you all you seem to care about addressing is the fact that you think that not one of us can touch you. Bitch that ring does not belong to you and if you feel the need to tell yourself that to make yourself feel good and feed that pride of yours then go ahead, because this isn't your ring if anything you're just renting it. Darling I don't need to use tactics. What I say and what I do they aren’t tactics, they are  facts! Fact my love,  that you need to learn. It’s  fact that you will see and come to realize that when we meet in the ring, that ring that you call yours, it will be a shame when I come inside your house and rob you a victory your dimwitted and delusional mind thinks you can claim! So you can go ahead and keep that pride shining because I will be the woman too dim that shining light that is your pride.  My darling you are not just as good as me because you and I are far from being similar. It’s the classic comparison of apples and oranges and for you to claim you  share this crazy bloodlust as I do, my dear only one of us is putting on the ACT. Only one of us was actually the apple that fell off the depraved tree and that was not you my darling. You wish to call me you're prey? Well then baby someone better fucking call call National Geographic because they're about to witness the first time when the prey eats the predator. You’ll be such a delicious treat for me babe. Azumi you are only smoke and mirrors. On the outside you want to be this woman that you think you can be, but baby we all know who you are on the inside. You are part of the show, nothing but a cheap trick, in and outside of the ring. You feel the need to compare yourself to me because you know that I am better than you, and you want to prove so bad that you are just as deadly and  as violent as me. I  will invite you to try.  I invite you to try and prove your point because I will not be in the middle of being hurt and in pain. Baby I will not be watching someone get the victory that they deserve, you will be watching me  is that smile comes across my face and my music hits and all of you women in this division realize that I will have complete control over all of you for one night. For that one glorious night, you will be mine and it will not be a Vixens division. It'll be a Sparks Division and it can’t get any bigger and brighter than that. You think that comparing me and my sisters is what's going to set us off the edge? We are already on the edge and it's only a matter of time before we jump. I promise you.  I am going to show you and show the world and expose you to the world that the woman who calls herself the ace of vixens,  is the Joker in the deck of cards."

"My dearest Madison do you really think you are going to persuade me? Babe do you really think that I am a lap dog for you? You think I'm just going to give you a victory because you feel like you deserve it? HA. My dear sister you clearly don't know a damn thing about me. As you see you may have said some things I didn't like and you don't need to apologize for that because I don't care. People talk and people run their mouth and at the end of the day we are sisters right? We can forgive and forget but you won't forget it when I walk out as the winner of this match. Sis you seem to have a very clouded mind right now, have you really lost your mind, is that what you're telling yourself this? Your mind is lost if you think that I'm going to help you with anything, when I can help myself. You're incorrect and wrong my dear for you to even inherit the idea and thought, that we wouldn't exist without you! Baby if you don't remember my darling before I joined the Sanatorium I was in another stable so don't think that I ever needed you at all and don't think that I wouldn't exist without you because the fact of the matter is I came here on my own and I do not need to prove that to you or anybody else. What you need to understand is do not confuse my loyalty for you with my loyalty for myself, at the end of the day we all go home to one person and that one person is our very own self. I do not need to clear my head and you can tell me how unacceptable I was as if you're my parent, but you're not. Babe I don't care whether or not you wish to be an understanding person. The fact is I care about my name that's what I care about. Sis we all have a bit of an ego inside of us but we all must realize when the better woman is around that's when the lesser person is allowed to wake up and realize that perhaps no matter how big and bad you think you are there will always be somebody who's better. You can be the princess of getting over the fact that you're going to lose to me, you must understand love, that it will be down to business. It's all business and babydoll at the end of the day. Even if destroying you is a casualty I have to sacrifice sis,  then it shall be done."

As she spoke those last words she looked into the apple. A worm crawling through. She plucked it out of the apple only to lean her head back, open her mouth and drop the worm inside. After doing so she smiled. Took another bite of the apple as the scene came to a close.

Azumi Goto
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 16th 2016, 4:32 pm by Azumi Goto


However long it actually was, it was an ABSOLUTE DISASTER!! You had how many third-rate, wannabe in your back pockets, Madison? Speaking of third-rate, how about your run as “Maddie” everyone’s favorite underdog AND IT WAS A BUST! Honestly, Choke Artist, sit down, take a vacation and come back when you aren’t a massive disappointment… OH WAIT... your leave before PFP was just that. Here’s another difference between you and me, When I competed in my first PFP match, I made sure people realized that the standards of women’s wrestling were at the top, when you competed at PFP, you were there for the toilet break match. You had the crowd bored to death by the fact of you couldn’t beat Tarah when you pretty could have just murdered her in a Nine-on-One match IS AN ABSOLUTE JOKE! Well, then again people forgot that Madison. Realize this Maddie, It’s not 2015, you’re not important anymore! You can’t handle the fact that there are women who are far better than you when it comes to being the ring, and the fact that someone like me is going to pass you by in a matter of weeks, all thanks to this one match. It must eat you up, inside that all the hype of you joining The Sanatorium is fading away, making that moment when you took a barbwire baseball bat and smashed it into Tarah’s body, A WORTHLESS JOKE! You lost everything AND yet you haven’t realized you should quit while people still talked about you being on the top.


Up next is Nicole, since I’ve talked about you in a while. So how’s the cheerleading gig… Are they paying you in Autographs or you give your services free of charge? Honestly little girl, trying being your own person, it’s a lot better than being someone’s sidekick. It might make you something worthwhile to talk about instead of all of us just skipping over a name, it doesn’t help that you’ve been TRASH since Empire started.

Another name I have to throw in is Autumn Raven… Congrats Raven, I’ll be the first to actually talk about you. YOU SUCK! NOW CONTINUE BEING SILENT AS I KICK YOU OUT THIS MATCH!!!

Moving on to my wonderful BFF Erica Ford... I’m gonna beat you up so badly that first beating you took will look like a joke. Erica, you’re someone I can beat on in about three minutes. YOU COULDN’T EVEN BEAT CLEOPATRA AND SHE’S A 30+-year-old woman, YOUR SINGLE RUN HAS FALLEN FLAT, ERICA AND MINE have BEEN PICKING UP MOMENTUM SINCE I LET YOU DOWN IN A PUDDLE OF YOUR OWN BLOOD!! Empire Episode 4, I hope you rewatch what has to be your worst nightmare until you get in the ring again and make this match even worse. If it comes down to me and you showing some alliance, I JUST CAN’T WAIT TO STAB YOU IN THE BACK AND MAKE YOU REALIZE THAT THE ‘PROTEGE’ HAS KILLED OFF THE ‘MENTOR’!!!!

I’m saying this to everyone one of you, you’re in my to the top of the Food Chain, so either get ready to be hunted down by The Predator or GET OUT OF MY WAY! I could care less if you’re a  self-entitled MILF, some idiotic little cheerleader, some has-been ex-best friend or a Trio of Psycho Sisters.

Mike Showman
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 16th 2016, 3:24 pm by Mike Showman

Man and animal are similar in so many ways. Both animals and men are almost similar in their physical characteristics, we both have two eyes, a nose, a mouth and at least two limbs. They are sometimes similar in their behavioral characteristics, we have seen men and animals behave in an almost similar manner in many a times. They are certainly similar in their desires because all men have desires, physical mostly and that is same as the animals. However there is one thing that separates animals from men is the fact that animals do not have an awesome brain like we do. We think using that brain we are blessed with and that is the reason why we are at the top of the food chain. We have tamed almost all of the animal kingdom, including fierce animals like lions and tigers because no matter what they fierce things they have, we always out think them. We think therefore we are the best. However, there are some instances where I question myself, are we really as intelligent as the researchers and the scientists classify us to be? Do we really always think sharply in situations as it is expected of us? Truth be told, if we were having this conversation a few weeks ago then I would confidently said that we are the smartest, we are the best and this topic would never have come up. But now, I am not so sure. Because I have met people you know, people who have opened my eyes to a completely new and different category of human beings and to be honest, I am not proud of this category and every time I think about them, it fills me up with disgust. Because this category of humans displays it’s ignorace in a level that is astonishing. They refuse to understand simple points told in simpler sentences and try to impose their own stupid opinions on top of those. This category of people live in their own world surrounded by fictional characters who bow to their every whim because after all, it’s their world. And you know what the fucking irony is, I will be going up against such men in a wrestling match and as an added bonus, I have to hear them bicker every day or so with many “things” they feel are so much relevant because as I said before, they refuse to understand simple points told to them in simpler sentences

You know, I have never been a man to hide behind riddles and rhymes so I will say this directly, Ahren Fournier you fall into that category I was just talking about. But you know, you are not just a simple member of that category, you are the crown jewel. If those people ever form a kingdom or something, you will be the king and because I know you pretty well, you would probably be thrilled because I just called you a king. You will probably dance around naked in some place and take a video of it and use that to irritate me some more because you don’t have the mental capacity to process what I really meant when I said you would be the king. Ahren, don’t you have anything else to do? You know, like giving out condoms to more people? Hey that reminds me, I recall someone who could have really used a condom and they are your parents. I mean, seriously, if only they had used a condom on the night they decided to have some fun, the whole world would have been spared from dealing with you and your bullshit. Oh wait, not to mention your stupid English lessons because quite frankly, they are stupid and I don’t need them from you. I know my English pretty well Arhen and if my English has been  a little error filled lately it is because of the fact that I am tired of repeating the same shit over and over again. The same old shit that I have been saying ever since we first fought on Voltage that you simply refuse to understand. You know, I want to be creative, I want to be challenged and I want to go up in the ladder of Voltage but somehow the management finds situations to get you and me in a wrestling match and so I keep getting dragged down. You talk about a war, but the thing is, I don’t want a war with you. Don’t get me wrong, I love a war. Because I like to give people a false impression where they think they can somehow beat me in a conflict and then just relish the look of shock and surprise when they find themselves beaten and destroyed but you, you have already lost. A war against you would be so boring and one sided that I would fall asleep fighting you and yet somehow come out as the winner. I would rather sign up contest of friendly fire rounds with Jon because quite frankly, that would me more interesting. But yes, I sense a very interesting thing here. I see that even though some time has passed since we met in the wrestling ring, you still think about me and that the loss I gave you still burns you from the inside. Every night when you lie down calling it a day, you dream about how I beat you and then a week later made you look like a fool right after you fought Jon. You might deny it, but I know that every time you are out trill fairying, you physically distribute condoms, but mentally, you go back to that day, to that episode of Voltage where I pinned you one, two, three in the middle of the ring. That is the reason why you spend so much time trying to look so cool in front of me. This is why you spend so much time trying to catch my faults and telling the people how that victory was just a fluke. This is why even when you are speaking to Jon, you can’t resist bringing my name up. You can’t resist to take a dig at me even though it is Jon you are referring because right now, I have become a part of you. Honestly, this makes me quite happy because this is all I ever wanted. Right from the day you humiliated me, I wanted my image to be pinned inside your head forever like a bug and it has happened. You know what will happen now? Slowly but steadily, that bug will eat your head bit by bit until you are too tired to carry on. Look, I will be honest with you, I want to see you destroyed Fournier. I want to see you bloody and battered in the middle of the ring so that I can show your face to the whole world and tell them that what happens to people who mess with me. Then, I will take a snapshot of that face and then smash the phone using which I took that picture because that is how much I hate you and your constant need to express yourselves in a stupid way which always distracts me from doing whatever it is I am doing. Your destruction would give me the ultimate satisfaction and trust me that will be more satisfying than when I blow my load inside the mouth of a girl. If I were you Ahren, I would not be too excited about Shock Value because that match gives me a perfect chance to do the bloody face thing. It gives me the perfect chance to gift myself the ultimate satisfaction and trust me when I tell you, no amount of trill fairying will save you. So instead of talking, I say you start preparing.

You know, after dealing with all the bullshit from Ahren, all I want is to have some sane discussion with any intelligent man who knows what the fuck he is saying. But again the irony is that in EAW, we have a man who has multiple PHDs he obtained at quite a young age but yet, he turns out to be batshit crazy. Man I love this place. Well anyways out batshit crazy ‘Mr PHD’ has performed his research on me and in the result, he sadly calls me a prick and I am disappointed. Why disappointed? Because I haven’t even met him properly yet he calls me a prick. Maero, on what basis exactly do you call me a prick? Is it based on the opinions of others? Because let me assure you, these people are all jealous of me and my quick rise. These people or you may even refer to them as fellow wrestlers see me as a threat who would one day rise above them taking much shorter time than they took for the same and so they use words like prick to give themselves satisfaction. It’s just like people hating the most intelligent guy in the class. You would know that right? Because after all, your degree show that you must have been very intelligent back then. Did you get bullied in school? Is that why you turned out like this? You know what, don’t answer. I don’t give a shit about what you were as a kid. Well anyways, you then call me a joke and again I ask you, on the basis of what? I have won all my matches here and there is no one in this match who can claim that they have beaten me. No no no, wait, are you calling me a joke because I flash my wealth and class around here? As far as I know, there are a lot of rich people who do the same. So are they jokes too? If you become rich one day and you flash your wealth, then do you become a joke too? You are a PHD and even with my limited knowledge in that field, I understand that you get that degree not because you just gave some random opinions about something, it is because you proved it with research and the others approve of what you have proved. Where is your proof of me doing things which lead you to the conclusion of calling me a prick or a joke? Dude, I expected better from you because you are a PHD and all that shit but then again, I see you are friends with Ahren Fournier so, I guess this is kind of expected from you? Oh damn why does it always have to be Fournier….Anyways Mr Black Sheep, I don’t fear you. I have seen men like you who think they have done it all and know all sorts of things just because you have achieved something remarkable in a particular field. I mean, you might be a hotshot in the academic field, but here in the middle of the ring, you are a nobody and to be honest, it really shows because I know how you have won half the matches you have participated in. Yes, you guessed it right, interference from the Sanatorium, aka the group of people that sucks Eclipse’s dick the hardest. You must be a really good at sucking because you are still in the group. I know that interference in matches is how you actually roll and manage to stay relevant and I know if you fight single matches without any one coming in, you will actually lose. You compare me with trash, but I know who the real trash is, you and Sanatorium and you don’t need a PHD to understand it. This week, however, even if Sanatorium decides to come out, People with Class will be more than happy to send them home with injuries because I won’t allow anything to come in between me and my victory. I will get my hands on anyone and I will even hurt those cute little Barbie dolls you have on your team if it comes to that.

Well at least Maero speaks man to man unlike Solomon Caine here who uses theatricality in order to make himself look more menacing. Caine, I said it before and I will say it again, all this you do is plain bullshit. Now, I don’t know who your master is but if he filling your head with these ideas and pushing you to a world of theatricality then I suggest you just go and slap him for a start because he is clearly letting you down a wrong road and if you keep on following this road than winning this match? Not going to happen. But yes, if you follow my advice and do what I said, you are still not winning. It’s not just you in general, no one is winning that match except me….or Jon and that’s the whole point I have been trying to explain, but you people just refuse to listen and pile on more of your shit on me like I got nothing to do. You pile one more of that bullshit with your master, Ahren makes more trilling videos and what not. Look man, I don’t know who will weep bitterly, but the way things are going, you certainly will. Because real men fight in a ring which has real men and not ghosts and shadows. You might be all cool performing behind all those made up things you have with you to make you menacing, but what happens when someone breaks down those walls and exposes the real you? Will you cry and beg for forgiveness? Will you fight like a man? Personally, I would stick to begging because only fools show courage and valor when things go against them. But still, even if you beg, I won’t spare you. I really have little space in my heart for beggars and cripples and who knows, maybe my beating will actually shake some sense into you and allow you to see things more clearly. So, maybe it will all turn out for the better. Right Solomon?

Now interestingly, this week someone new has decided to open his mouth and he is none other than Jakob DeLion who also happens to be one of EAW’s newest acquisitions. Let me tell you a bit of history about this man. This man, ever since joining this company, has made it a routine to constantly be on the wrong side of people by just pissing them off. To be honest, I kind of like that you know. I like it when people, especially newbies, don’t get intimidated by the old and already established stars and take the attack right to them. Good work kid, I like it. Also, I am glad that you are loaded. Maybe that is going to come in useful after the match, you know, to hire a good doctor for all the hits and bumps you are going to take. Maybe also a lawyer because the amount of cry over just petty matters, I am confident that you will file a lawsuit against each and every EAW superstar for any sort of bump you sustain. You know, I find it really interesting that you had dinner with my mother, my mother whom I have never really met. My dad has given me hints sometimes as to how she was but other than that, no clue. So the question I would like to ask is, how did you find my mother? Other than somehow getting my father utter her name, there is no chance that you will be able to find her identity. Or did you have dinner with some random woman or with many random women? Well either way, having dinner with a woman is not classy. I am sure all these people you and I hate all have had dinners with one woman or the other but they are not classy. So, maybe your understanding of what class actually means needs to be changed? Either way, no need to worry. I am sure you and your team would learn plenty from me and Jon aka People with Class. If you want, we can even take you as our apprentices which would accelerate your learning. But anyways, that is after Shock Value because right now we have bigger things, isn’t it? Jakob the way I see, the only thing you have done thus far is bitching, bitching about how EAW isn’t fair with you, bitching about you should have been given more chances, but the thing is, you have lost the majority of your matches, if not all I think. Forgive me because I don’t follow matches of lesser known people, but have you won any match here? I don’t think so and again, I might be wrong, so don’t go crying about it. The thing is, you are talking to a man unbeaten and undented and right now in a team which will take the reins in the tag team division very soon and as a result spread to all the brands. You moan about EAW trying to destroy you and your team mate, Mr whose-name-I-totally-forgot but look at us, Jon and me. We too had the same negative vibe but did we moan about it? No. we stuck together no matter how much negativity the people and the other fellow wrestlers try to spread and last week we destroyed a fellow newcomer who is so scared of us that he is hiding in his mother’s basement right now. No one gives you anything Jakob, you just have to take them from their grasp and leave them crying over their loss. You might have traveled over the world Jakob but they did not teach you much about that now did it? Or they did and you just skipped it because you thought you are too good to listen? Either way, those aren’t going to help you in Shock Value because those were in the past, only to be savored and listened to at leisure times. Shock value will all be about the present and here, right now I am the better man. Look at the statistics man, I have more wins than you, less losses than you and I am seen as a future prospect. Unlike you, I am not a moaner. I am a winner. Maybe when your expensive doctor is dressing up your wounds after Shock Value, we will discuss as to who became whose bitch.

Well, this might seem to be a monotonous part, but I am simply running out of ways to explain that no matter what happens, I will win on Shock Value. I mean, I have given facts, statistics but still these foolish people bicker and argue like five years old arguing for their lollipop. To be honest, I would love to see these people making up excuses for their loss because quite frankly, that is what they are going to do after shock value

Hurricane Hawk
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 16th 2016, 2:11 pm by Hurricane Hawk
Cheater. You see I've been in EAW my whole entire career bouncing back and forth from Showdown and Dynasty and never have I faced a cheater. Someone who really goes through anything to win knowing that you can't win without it. I've been in the same situation but this is when EAW was extreme. I've used anything to my advantage except for putting my feet on the ropes to get a win so that I could look like I'm over a legend. To look like I'm better than someone. And then you think you have the right to just come out and say that I don't deserve a rematch. Face it.. you can't beat me without cheating and I can prove that to you any day.. any time. We were both told that this could lead to a title shot and if it does just know damn well I'm not just going to beat you.. I'm going to really hurt you. However, this Friday I don't get the chance to face you. I don't get the opportunity to ruin your "happiness." I get to prove to you that you're just a stepping stone to me just like Anthony Leonhart is. Anthony.. I'm already on a streak of anger. And when you start to pull my anger out of me, I turn into this thing. I turn into this beast that cannot be stopped. Leonhart I just want you to know that as soon as we step into this ring I'm going to look at you like you're Castillos. I'm going to run right through you. I'm tired of all of these "new kids" running on the block thinking that they can use me. I'm tired of these kids being "cheaters." If you want to face me how about you face me like a man and actually beat me. Leonhart.. I'm going to be a savage when I step into that ring. I'm an extremist at heart. I'm a killer at heart. I will treat you just like I've treated all of the other people that I've stepped into the ring with. The Hawk Nation follows me with every step that I take but as the beast.. I'm sorry for my actions but I'm going to be something that you've never seen before. You see there's two sides to me.. There's this snake side of me.. this side of me where I'll take anything at will to destroy you.. This side of me does not care about the rules. I don't care about anything. What matters to me is that I get the job done in anyway towards anyone I step into that ring with and if you want to step to me.. I will.. hurt you. And with you Leonhart.. I'll send the message not just to Castillos.. but to everyone else that wants to do the same thing to me. I don't face cheaters.. and if I do.. I'm going to ask you to step into that ring with me again so that you'd actually beat me.. but the funny thing is.. you can't. Leonhart you can't beat me and nor can Castillos. I can't wait to get my hands on the both of you.. because once I do.. there's no escaping. There is no escape for either one of you. Leonhart you are going to be the message. I really cannot wait to ruin you. I can't wait to take apart every single piece of you. This Friday Leonhart.. this isn't just a match for me.. This is the return of someone that Castillos should not have brought out of me. A Viper.. a man that does not care about anything. And once you face it Leonhart. Once you see that I'm going to break you.. Castillos will see the same thing.
True American Tragedy
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 16th 2016, 1:54 pm by True American Tragedy
From The Bottom
Chapter Seven: Child’s Play
*The screeching static returns as does the distorted blackness; white text reappears “Due to EAW’s continued tendency to lose. World’s Most Wanted member and EAW’s own Cry baby; Jakob DeLion has decided to have a makeover! This time he has decided that Jakob DeLion needs a little companion! He duly wishes that the puppets masters finally actually notice him and his talents. Enjoy!” the camera fades out to a dimly lit apartment room. Voices can be heard*
“Are we really doing this?” questions the sarcastic voice of “The Jacksonville Jerk”.

“Yip” replies the squeaky put on voice of “The Knockout Kid”
“Whose idea was this? It’s terrible!” remarks Jakob.

The duo chuckle to themselves, Danny and his squeaky voice replies.

“I know Jake, but we gotta to please the smelly people”

Jakob laughs and replies.

“Is Maero writing this Schmidt?”

The duo laughs once again before the squeaky voice replies.

“I wish! That stupid person who smells told me to say this!”

*The camera slowly turns to World’s Most Wanted; Jakob DeLion and Danny Noxx sitting on a black leather couch. Jakob wears a green hair band, white “CRY JAKOB CRY” shirt and skinny black jeans whilst Danny decides to be more casual with his baggy light grey pants and a loose red sleeveless shirt- in his hand a scarily accurate smaller version of Jakob DeLion? Danny lips move as the Jakob dolls speaks*

“Now, look here Jake, as your bestest fwiend in da whole entire world- you must listen to ma wards’! An’ ya gonna do what I tell ya do to- got it?”

Jakob somehow manages to compose himself as he replies.

“Yea sure, master, whatever pleases the literal puppet master, I guess!”

Danny sniggers as the puppet continues to speak.

“You Jake, along with that handsome kid Danny- will win at Shock Value simply because I said so!”

The duo laughs hysterically as they turn to the camera smiling; Jakob begins to speak.
“Jon; the only potential you have in this “party” is to be the idiot who got pinned by either Danny Noxx or Jakob DeLion. Your future? I can see your future; it’s as clear as day! You’re going to fall short of your desire to win and you will be reduced to nothing- the shadow of man who thought he could, who thought he was someone but only was met with a grim nightmarish reality check that is World’s Most Wanted standing above your unwanted, bloodied corpse. You’ll be happy to know that funerals are quiet compared to death, everyone is silent at a funeral- they’ll be pretty little flowers and soothing melodies, but death? As humans, we scream and try to run from death- we are suddenly reminded of all that we love about life, we reach out and beg for mercy and be saved by something that is never there. I want you to run Jon; I want you to let that wild terrified creature that we all have in us- it’s going to run from death, it’s going to beg for mercy from someone who is there, who stands across from you in the ring at Shock Value. So continue to claim you ride first class on the train of fame; but be prepared, wait for defeat as it’s your only destination!”
“I would say abusing the innocent is rather pathetic but that would be hypocritical of me plus I’m not Maero with contradicting his words with his actions; I would suggest next time you attack someone who actually deserves it though, I want you to attack yourself- raise those fisticuffs of yours and punch yourself in your stupid face- hard, really fucking hard, I want you to give yourself the Negan treatment! Why? Because like Mareo and Winterborn; your words differ from your actions, there isn’t a world where being classy isn’t attacking an unarmed, unthreatening man who did not deserve it- unless he was a paedophile then maybe he did! Anyways, as I continued to try and watch your classification of being classy, you decided to mention Jakob DeLion and you said something that I have been saying for weeks; I’m part of the wasted tag team, who unlike you doesn’t unfortunately have the backing of our almighty puppet masters! And that’s why I’m here, that’s why both members of World’s Most Wanted are in this match because our glorious leader- don’t know shit, they sit around their little hipster coffee tables and sip their Starbucks coffee which are most likely decaf, and they say “What do we do with World’s Most Wanted” they continue sit and stare blankly into the abyss to ponder this question that they do not really care about, they shake their bearded heads and bobble their hats- shrugging their shoulders bewildered and baffled at the prospect of actually having real Professional Wrestler’s here in EAW! That! That is why World’s Most Wanted are in this fuckery; we have no direction, we have no Northern star to follow only by the fault of the puppet masters- not ours, is why we’re still trying but of course because we don’t give out free blow jobs- like Caine, we’re put at the bottom of the pile whilst guys who, like you and Mikey are undeserving of fame continue to tap dance in the limelight!”
“As you may of noticed, your buddy Mikey, he kinda like to drop “facts” well here’s a fact for you Jonny; this isn’t a nine man scramble, it’s a unscheduled tag team match between two individuals who can’t live up to their names and course Vs. two individuals who are not just better than you in every single way but also actually live up their name, who don’t confuse our words with actions and sure as hell don’t overplay a simple word then completely ignore it’s actual  meaning! We are the World’s Most Wanted; wrestlers extraordinaire, we’re so Goddamn good that we’re bad and we are wanted! By your Mother! By your sister! By your daughter! They crave our presence, they lust is too much for them, all they have to do is look at this!”

*Jakob points to himself aggressively whilst grinning and winking at Danny Noxx*

“Look at that! And to look at us, together? Why do you think natural water based disasters occur? Because even Mother Nature can’t even get enough of the World’s Most Wanted! If you think you even have any chance at all of dominating World’s Most Wanted, just do yourself a favour- do your research and then maybe you’ll do you and your little buddy a tip; don’t turn up. Go to some club, fuck some girls and drink some wine but don’t whatever you do come to Shock Value because you’ll only find the scream of the death, the rasp of the reaper as Danny Noxx knocks you the fuck out or Jakob DeLion drives your pretty little heads to oblivion! World’s Most Wanted may not have class, we may not spew stupid things and have canes but what we do have is everything you wish you could be, we do everything you wish you could do and we do it not with class but with style! The only thing you’ll be taking away from Shock Value- if you make the mistake of turning up, is defeat, humiliation and the sudden realisation you’re not as good as thought you were, you are and never will be as good as Danny Noxx and Jakob DeLion! You will make a memory at Shock Value; not a good memory but a bad memory- the day you were put in your place, the day the rug was ripped out from under your feet and the day your hopes and dreams died. Shock Value is the day you always remember as the day that Jon Mcadams was, outclassed!”

*Jakob grins to himself, his arrogance blossoming underneath light blue eyes, he speaks once again.*

“Don’t believe me? Just watch us!”

*Jakob snatches the doll from Danny and throws the Mini Jakob out of the camera view as they both high five and laugh the camera fades out to a video package hyping Voltage’s Shock Value then to black*
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 16th 2016, 1:50 pm by Impact
You won’t win at Shock Value.

Neither of you will.

Not Matt Miles. Not Aren Mstislav. That isn’t because of what Matt Miles is saying, or what Aren Mstislav is saying. It’s because they lack the talent to defeat me on this stage. It’s one thing to defeat someone on Voltage or Showdown or Dynasty; it’s a completely different beast entirely to try and tackle the challenge at an FPV. Aren Mstislav did that at PFP and I commend him for it, but one of the men he faced is an overweight, out of shape rent-a-wrestler at this point who managed to win the EAW title months ago with lady luck on his side; the other has been wearing a suit for months on end and only now is lacing the boots back up. That isn’t exactly a murderer’s row of challengers. On the opposite end? The only time Matt Miles and I were ever against each other in the same match on an FPV, he lost; so he immediately resorts to claiming I’m just “clutching at straws” before going back on the defensive about his countout victory over me on Voltage. He’s probably so vain that he actually believes I’m focused more on redeeming myself from that loss than I am on winning the EAW Championship. He thinks this is about him. That’s because he isn’t really proud of himself. He isn’t truly satisfied with himself as a man or as a wrestler. How do I know this? I don’t. I’m not some fortuneteller like Matt Miles claimed he was when he talked about how he just “knew” he was going to defeat me on Voltage. Maybe I just define it differently than he does, but I don’t think any self-respecting man would talk in a tone that makes their meaningless victory seem just as important as a possible World Championship victory. I beat Devan Dubian when he was the Answers World Champion on Voltage last year, but it was just an exhibition match; it can be swept under the rug and forgotten without a second glance. When the implications are their highest and the odds are at their lowest, it’s a challenge only those truly built for a heavyweight fight can rise to. I know I’m built for a heavyweight fight; I don’t know if I can say the same for Matt Miles, or even for the incumbent champion Aren Mstislav who has made his career out of beating wrestlers at the tail-end of their use in this industry. Matt Miles is going to point the finger at me and claim I don’t know what I’m talking about, rinse and repeat, but I’ll be goddamned if I’m going to sit here and be disrespected by a guy with the nerve to tell me I haven’t earned my stripes when he’s got less than none to speak of himself. I bet you right now he probably just KNOWS he’s going to walk out of Shock Value as EAW Champion. There isn’t any doubt in his mind; he probably already had a dream about his victory and now he’s passing that off as what the reality will be. Listen, I don’t give a shit about redeeming myself from a loss on Voltage that took place in the middle of October and has no implications on anything going forward. The same way you don’t see me slitting my wrists and crying in the corner about losing to a 2Xtreme in 2009. The same way you don’t see me entering myself into therapy and opening the repressed wounds of my past over the fact that I lost my Answers World Championship at Pain for Pride 4 and was never even pinned. There are far more significant and crushing losses in my career that I’ve taken, losses where gold was on the line, and I don’t think about them today. To expect me to start thinking about Matt Miles’ victory, as if I’m the type of guy to harp on something that has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on the future, is a leap of faith at best; and yet somehow, by some alien logic, by some massive stretch of imagination, I’m the one “clutching at straws.” Don’t you EVER speak to me that way. You win one match and suddenly you get some bass in your voice. Is it a coincidence you picked now of all times to expose yourself as Judas? You sure as hell wouldn’t be coming out of the shadows and revealing your identity if you’d just suffered a beatdown at the hands of some local talent in a backwater town. But I keep my composure because unlike the majority of EAW today who can’t handle a single loss, I’m a level-headed thinker. And sure, you can talk about my “integrity” and claim I’m “backtracking” with zero evidence at all, but you can’t take that away from me. And if you do take that away from me and throw it out of your scouting report, then the only person my hapless opponent is hurting is himself. You could have prepared for it and expected it, but instead you’ve chosen to scoff at even the slightest notion that your victory over me on Voltage doesn’t carry any weight in determining who becomes EAW Champion. Now, instead of playing with a head-start, you’ll be playing catch-up; trying to recuperate from the injuries you suffer in the grueling High Voltage match, knowing even a second of stalling could result in the greatest chance in your lifetime fumbling through your fingertips.

Why are you lucky, and not good? The same reason all of the people who beat me in the past and later amounted to nothing were considered lucky and not good. But it doesn’t stop there, oh no! You talk about how a countout is even more impressive than a pinfall victory because it proved you were the personification of in-ring awareness, knowing exactly how to subdue me to the point I couldn’t return to the ring of my own strength. On the surface, that does sound impressive. I mean, how many other wrestlers in the business have defeated Y2Impact by countout? How many other wrestlers have sent me out of the ring on a reversal of my finishing move? A move that has won me World Championships and helped me become Extremist of the Year. It’s nothing to shake your head at. But upon further review, I see things a little differently. You think you dominated me. Funny; it sure as hell didn’t seem that way in the actual match. In fact, as I recall it, I had you on your back, wrenched into the devastating Walls of Impact. You squirmed your way out, and my momentum took me to the outside of the ring — where I took a nasty landing on my head. I’m sure that isn’t going to make you any less proud of your victory. It’s intoxicating, isn’t it? The feeling of winning. The feeling of knowing you beat another man and your hand was raised by the referee. That’s a feeling you don’t want to forget. When you’re immersed in the ecstasy of victory, caught up in the peaks, at some point along the way you no longer remember what the valleys were like. This Saturday at Shock Value, I’m going to remind you what they were like. But that aside, that doesn’t mean you can run around lying to these people, telling them you dominated Y2Impact. The fact of the matter is that no one could have predicted I would take that nasty landing on my head. Nobody. Who’s to say what would happened had the match continued? Had it been a Falls Count Anywhere? What I know is that you benefitted from luck because there was no possible way to predict I would have taken that fall on my head. Last I checked, you don’t have some special move guaranteeing your opponent will be placed in the concussion protocol; but that’s exactly what happened to me, and to say it didn’t have an impact on the outcome? That’s not an oversight; that’s ignorance. I wouldn’t have been rendered momentarily incapacitated from an ordinary fall. Even my fierce mouth breathing critics can agree with that. But what everyone else seems to understand, you just can’t seem to accept. You won the match; now you’re pouring salt in the wounds for sport, all because I refuse to give you the credit you think you deserve. Unlike you, I won’t stoop down to the level of kissing my competition’s ass just to make myself seem more impressive. Wanna know why? Because I couldn’t give a shit less about this roster. That doesn’t mean there aren’t guys that can challenge for the top spot and be legitimate World Champions in a fair meritocracy. Quite the contrary, actually — I’m not just the least bit invested in the interests of other people; I’m invested in the best interests of myself. I could spend my time trying to be another elitist’s spokesperson, but that isn’t the name of the game; that’s submitting to somebody else. And while I understand it’s become popular to “show respect” almost at the expense of breaking your own back trying to prop somebody else up on some undeserved pedestal, I don’t speak that language. You’re obviously very fluent in it since you’ve been running down my competition and singing the praises of your own. Carson Ramsay is a talented wrestler, but even if you didn’t intend it, the outcome of that match with you and him was decided by a distraction. We’ve talked at length about what makes a victory “legitimate.” There’s no shame in pinning your opponent if somebody else did the work for you; but don’t sit there and bold-faced lie to everyone’s face to try and sell yourself as a believable championship candidate when another man hammered the nails into your opponent’s coffin. Don’t insult the intelligence of our viewers and accuse me of backtracking, spit on the people that I’ve faced and then speak favorably of your opponents that you only beat because of outside assistance. Nobody truly thinks any better of you for it, but you’re still advertising yourself as something you can never be — not on my watch — and that’s World Championship material. Do you know why people root for underdogs like you who haven’t accomplished anything noteworthy enough to cement them in history forever? Because the average citizen wants to live vicariously through people like yourself. The average citizen sees somebody not much bigger than they are doing bigger things than titans a foot taller than them, and they think to themselves, “maybe if someone like that can do it, I can get a raise at the mill!” No. What you represent to these people means absolutely nothing to me; the same way your victory over me on Voltage means absolutely nothing; the same way everything you’ve done up until now, all the momentum you’ve gained, will be erased in a matter of seconds after you leave Shock Value a loser and I leave Shock Value as your new EAW Champion.

You don’t seem to care about the journey I’ve traveled. That’s fine. I don’t give a damn about the path you’ve taken either. I don’t give a damn about Judas. Of course you’re telling yourself that the people care. You have to sell yourself SOMEHOW.  But kidding myself? KIDDING MYSELF? Before two weeks ago, your little shtick as Judas wasn’t in anyone’s mind. Judas had essentially been relegated to a non-factor. It’s no coincidence you tried to revive the flame while it still had the tiniest spark to it just in the nick of time as we approach Shock Value. I don’t get how you can keep on lying through your teeth under the guise of honesty. It sickens me. Imagine how much fucking nerve someone has to have question my credentials. Your body of work over the span of your career is pathetic compared to mine. Take into account that during my “ten-year-long career” that I wasn’t around for the entire time — another brainless attempt to try and diminish my success and make it seem like it’s a byproduct of longevity rather than ability — and it isn’t even close. It isn’t even a contest. All you’ve got to explain away your lack of success is a bunch of half-hearted excuses that make absolutely no sense to any rational-thinking man who happens to catch wind of it. Compare my first couple of years in this company to yours; pathetic. Maybe if you’d admit you haven’t actually accomplished anything yet instead of cozying up in this little bubble I’m about to burst, I’d have more respect for you. Instead, I can’t sympathize with you at all because you’ve set yourself up for disaster. You know what it took Mr. DEDEDE to defeat me? He had to invent a new move and defeat me with the Shooting Star Spear on the outside of the ring. This High Voltage match we’re in at Shock Value plays to my strengths; I don’t want to be on the outside of the ring. Sadly, you bring this up and I’m the one who’s going to end up getting knocked for mentioning the past when you’re the one that keeps on trying scratch my armor with these bullets when you’re really shooting blanks. I’ll never stand idly by and let you try to mock me and tarnish my name without retaliating. I’m not going to suffer BS gladly. I’m not going to have shit thrown in my face by a guy that literally has no idea what it’s like to win in the atmosphere of a major FPV Championship match. I’ve lost championship matches on larger-than-life stages only because I’ve been talented enough to remain on larger-than-life stages throughout the span of my career. Whether I’m shepherding Hexa-gun to success that no other faction has ever achieved, whether I’m taking control over Voltage and ruling with an iron fist, or whether I’m losing one of those major matches, the fact is that I continue to fight another day. One failed World Championship shot for you, and you end up taking your ball and going home with your tail tucked firmly between your legs. But wait! It’s an “injury.” You get injured in one match! Meanwhile, I’m wrestling for YEARS AND YEARS in barbaric, inhumane Extreme Elimination Chamber matches, competing in Street Fights, Last Man Standing matches, virtually every match you can possibly think of designed to injure the human body, and I’m STILL standing! Am I going to sit here and pretend I’ve never taken any time off for injuries? Nah, because unlike you I’m not a delusional lying bastard. I know I’ve taken time off for injuries, but consider the type of punishment an average man could withstand and then wind back on my career highlights and see how much punishment I’ve withstood. You act like it’s going to be EASY to defeat me at Shock Value. Why? Because you beat me on Voltage? Better men have tried and better have failed to beat me in the bright FPV lights. Your shoulders are going to get real heavy when you realize that all of this talk isn’t going to spare you from feeling my wrath at Shock Value. I PROMISE you, I’m going to turn you into a sympathetic figure after Shock Value. I’m going to beat you limb from limb and make every innocent little child in the audience ask their parents if Matt Miles is okay — and their parents won’t be able to answer, because even though they’re hoping you’re A-OK, they’ll know you're not. And they won’t be able to tell their kids that you’re not okay because they can’t stomach watching the tears stream down the cheeks of their children.

Every loss that I’ve taken since I returned a year and a half ago has been left to circumstance. Look at my last EAW Championship match against Aren Mstislav — a bitter man had to interfere in the main event just to ensure I wouldn’t become champion because HE wanted revenge on Aren. Look at what I did before that. If me throwing Mstislav off the stage and turning him into a laughingstock isn’t worthy of a champion, nothing is. To say that Hexa-gun wasn’t successful because we didn’t achieve our purpose? Laughable. At last year’s Territorial Invasion, we dominated Team DEDEDE. It took the elitists in EAW MULTIPLE chances to overcome Hexa-gun through a matter of months. We turned the EAW landscape on its head for over half a year and were beaten on the flip of a coin. We fought from behind and only narrowly lost our way after skyrocketing to the top. Our competition were given chances they didn’t rightly deserve to defeat us, but we accepted uphill battle after uphill battle anyway because we knew what it would take to reform the company and turn it back into the lawless land it was always meant to be. That’s what I love about this High Voltage match — it’s a lawless land out there, and what that actually means is that Matt Miles and Aren Mstislav are now playing by my rules. I’m the don of the extreme, and at Shock Value, Matt Miles will see that it isn’t my reputation that’s at risk; it’s his pride. He loses to me, and every single promise he’s made up until now will ring hollow. I win the EAW Championship, and every match that I’ve lost in the past year and a half is swept under the rug. He loses, and he doesn’t just lose the championship; he loses everything that legitimizes him. I win, and I go on an unstoppable reign of terror. I vindicate myself and abdicate Matt Miles from his false pedestal. But right now I’m the one sitting here on the other end of the spectrum being mocked about what I do and don’t deserve from a doe-eyed clueless dreamer. I never imagined that I’d be in this position, yet here we are. I’ve wrestled juggernauts at the pinnacle of our sport. I’ve endured through some of the most hard-fought matches this industry has ever seen. After everything I’ve achieved, my reward is for a guy named Matt Miles to sit back there and tell me that I don’t deserve it? That I haven’t done anything? To pretend he’s some unbeatable force of nature, or that Judas is relevant? The appeal of Judas came and went. That’s why you’re no longer hiding behind the mask. The appeal of Y2Impact has never gone away because while I remain a constant in this company, I do it by innovating. You can try and argue that’s exactly what you were doing when you showed the audience who you really were, but it means nada to me. I’d REALLY like to say that I care — that I’m concerned about Judas — but I’m not. Trying to goad me into saying I care about Judas just isn’t going to work. I don’t have any special elaborate retort to strike back at your Judas revelation with, and it isn’t because I’ve been driven silent in shock and terror. It’s because I truly don’t care. If you outing yourself as Judas was supposed to be some sort of trump card to flip the tables and turn them in your favor, it failed miserably — just like you will at Shock Value. 

As for Aren Mstislav — the Russian King who I’m going to turn into a little pauper at Shock Value — you did beat me. You beat me once last year in a singles match. There’s nothing I can say to discredit that one match. Unlike Matt Miles’ victory over me where he benefitted from a possible concussion that Miles himself didn’t cause, you did it the right way. But then what did I do? Like I did months later when I rebounded from my loss to Mr. DEDEDE to defeat thirty-nine other men, including Judas himself, I rebounded. At the time, you were Pure Champion and I was riding high as one half of what would become the longest reigning Tag Team Champions in EAW history. I didn’t take my loss to you lightly, so what did I go and do? I hit the weight room, put myself through the kind of rigorous training that separates champs from chumps, and then I came back a week later and brutalized you, stealing your Pure Championship in the process. Not one to take a beating lightly, you kept on challenging me like I was the same guy that you faced in that one match. Little did you know, I don’t stagnate. Matt Miles doesn’t seem to understand that, either. He thinks he’s facing the same guy who suffered a massive disappointment at Reckless Wiring, or who lost in the headlining match of Pain for Pride. This is a new animal entirely. This is The Machine in rare form — the Quintessential Champion, Extremist of the Year, death-taxes-and-Impact-winning-titles juggernaut you’re facing this Saturday. This isn’t child’s play, and I ain’t some doll you can poke needles through and voodoo your way to victory against. I’ve never been more confident in my entire life than I am for this upcoming match at Shock Value. I’ll give you credit where credit is due, Aren Mstislav. You’ve raised the prestige of the EAW Championship during your reign. You turned something that had been sullied by lesser wrestlers into a prize to be worn by Kings. You accomplished the unthinkable and went into Pain for Pride defending your title and at the same time effectively ending the legacy of the storied Classic Wrestling Federation by taking the last remaining relic in its existence; their World Title. But to insist that Rosso and I are in cahoots, or that he wants me to become champion simply because he doesn’t like you? That’s your imagination talking. Carlos Rosso is all business. If Rosso wanted me to be the champion, he’d give me free reign to have a championship match whenever I pleased, and I’d take advantage of the opportunity. Rosso recognizes that the revenue to be gained in this match at Shock Value is at its absolute highest with the box office draw Y2Impact in it. That’s it. There isn’t any deeper relationship between Carlos Rosso and I, but like every champion worried he’s about to lose his spot, you’ve become paranoid. If Rosso REALLY wanted me to be the EAW Champion, he would have fired Nasir Capitani and restarted our championship match last month. But when the facts don’t appeal to your little preconceived biases, when they become inconvenient, you flip the script. It’s exactly like I told Matt Miles — nobody cares. You’ve been a worthy champion, and you’ve returned prestige to a title that desperately needed it. Congratulations. Kudos. But from here? I'm taking the reins.

My seventh reign.

Last edited by The Machine on November 17th 2016, 3:08 pm; edited 2 times in total
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 16th 2016, 1:08 pm by Guest
Nico Borġ (Showdown 1)
The Kingdom Everlasting

Awake, o sword, against my shepherd,
And against the man that is my fellow,
Saith the Lord of Hosts:
Smite the shepherd and the sheep shall scatter,
And I will turn my hand upon the lambs.
And it shall come to pass,
that in all the land, so saith the Lord,
Two parts therein shall be cut off and perish;
But the third shall be left there.

Zechariah 13:7-8

Cutting elbows. A brainbuster head first onto solid concrete. A man was bludgeoned with ring bell and then a steel chair...and still he did not bleed. If that sounds miraculous to you, well you may be right. Time after time I hit Tyler Parker with blows which, on any mundane night, would have sent blood pouring down any man’s face. But this was no ordinary event. It’s coming was ordained in the heavens. Tyler Parker endured, he survived, and he stole victory from the jowls of defeat. A good night for him then...Except not all was as it seemed. Indeed, The Lord truly does work in mysterious ways. Make no mistake about it. Tyler Parker’s day of reckoning will come, of this I am sure. But Rite of  Passage it seems wasn’t his turn, but mine to stand before the Great White Throne of the Lord to be assayed. I stepped out into that ring and I gave absolutely everything to the defend the word of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and the glory of heaven. Yet, for my diligence and most fervent devotion, I suffered. I bled. How did it come to that? Why? The answer was clear all along. As was said in the days leading up to Rite of Passage, there can be no forgiveness of sins without blood. By suffering as Christ had suffered...By bleeding as he had bled...I was made worthy for something far greater than a hollow victory in a meaningless match. He walked away as the nominal victor, but that night was not Tyler Parker’s night. Nor, for that matter, was it the Pizza Boy’s night. By the blood, it was I who traversed beyond the veil to look upon the holy of holies. And when I stepped back out, I did so as National Elite Champion,

That said, I am reluctant to have my name associated with a succession of wicked and undeserving idols. The Pizza Boy. Tyler Parker. Tiberius Jones. Devan Dubian. Matt Ryder. And they are just the ones who are still around here on Showdown. I’m not like any of these profligates. Nor do I have any desire to be associated as such. I have no intention of standing here and waxing lyrical about holding some, already sullied, midcard consolation prize. But no more. That time is over. You see, the National Elite Championship is not the same title that it was when it was called the National Extreme Championship, or the AWF National Answers Championship. It is not even the same title that it was just a couple of weeks ago. It has been baptised and washed clean of the sins of it’s former life. It has been born again. Like I, it has found a higher calling in existence. No longer does it derive value merely by the fickle and sinful covetousness of men. But it has been anointed by the Lord God himself. This isn’t just some trinket to pass around anymore. This is a banner for all those who believe to flock around. It is a symbol; a vision of what is and what shall be. And it is only the beginning.

This week, the crusade continues. I have been blessed with the opportunity, no...make that the formality of booking my place in the Extreme Elimination Chamber by defeating two more faithless undesirables. Ryan Marx and Rex McAllister. To get it out of the way, I hold victories over both these men; victories to which neither man has thus far had any reply. Nonetheless, I’m under no illusions that this is going to be easy. The ‘favourite’ tag is more often a curse than a blessing, And you can bet that both will be on the same page, at least for a little while, to keep me from claiming what is rightfully mine. Well let them. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Perhaps that is too ‘transparent’ of me to say that. Maybe Rex McAllister prefers a more discreet approach. That is exactly why I might just go all the way and take the Answers World Championship while he will go no further than he is now. King Solomon did not identify the babe’s mother with a discreet word in each claimant’s ear. He did so by the sword. There’s a lesson here. Danger. Violence. The very real threat of death. These are what bring out one’s true self. This is how one’s best qualities are made manifest. The sword has hung over my head for for almost my entire run here on Showdown, yet my rise to this point to never be held back. Can you each say the same? I had my flesh burned, blistered, battered and sliced wide open at Día Del Diablo. To top it off, my exploits gained the ire and jealousy  of a Hall of Famer, the reprehensible Tyler Parker who subsequently ambushed me. But I walked out on my own two feet. At Territorial Invasion I stepped into the WarGames, like my friend Ryan Marx, except I didn’t lose nerve and I stuck to the game plan. That cell was brutal, but in the end it was nothing compared to what occurred at Rite of Passage. In a match which I didn’t even need to take up. Other men would have passed on the brutality of a First Blood match when they know they have cash-in planned right around the corner. But I am cut from a different cloth. Tyler Parker showed his true colours that night and damn near murdered me. My head was laid down and he swung at it with a sledgehammer. But I’m still here. I’m a glutton for punishment I suppose. At the crunch, you can be sure that whatever the danger, I’ll keep coming until I’m dead or unconscious. Neither of you have the credentials in that regard.

There has been a lot of talk of change since last I met either of you. To be fair, there has been a bit. Rex finally pulled himself over the rest of the undercard to claim the least valued Championship in EAW today. Marx got his first FPV. Well done. You and Cody Marshall both. But there are more striking changes, for me. Take Rex. He walks into this week with a a brand new attitude, though not in the way that you might expect. Most men would receive but a taste of glory and would swell with hubris. But Rex seems to have swung the other way. I remember the first Showdown of the season. Day One. Ground Zero. Rex was the solid favourite then, just imagine that. And boy, did he know it. Now I think it is fair to say that the roles have been reversed. The Rex I remember had pride and vanity to rival Ares Vendetta himself .In days past, you vaunted over me, you were convinced that I was all mind games and no substance. Fast forward to present day and the tone has changed completely. I didn’t think I’d ever miss your jeers, but it is all a little sad, really. You can barely take a breath without paying homage to my worthiness. You sound so much more respectful, almost. Anyway...almost humbled by my presence. That isn’t the sort of fighting talk one would expect from a champion. But honestly, I’m hardly surprised. You are here as the supposed face of the new breed. But all I see are the same old, hollow motivations which drive everyone else. That same frail spark which drove Chris Elite and JJ silva before him. Who are you fooling , Rex? Kicking down doors? You are meant the be the New face of the New Breed. But what are you really? You are just a lost sheep following the lead set by others before you. You are a vanguard for the same kingdom of greed that has always been. Not a revolution, but the changing of the guard. Your fate will be no different to theirs.

Marx, for your part, I don’t think an awful lot actually has changed. You haven’t bleated on about that damnable philosophy of yours. That is a welcome change of pace, though one I fear will be short lived. Unless...do tell me, how has your philosophy actually adapted in recent times? I want to know whether you actually have a plan here. Or are you forcing the issue not out of confidence in well conducted preparations, both physical and mental, but out of nothing more than hope or even blind faith? It might do you good to actually stop overthinking things for a moment. To just let go. To act on instinct. You know, I’m looking forward to going up against a new, improved Ryan Marx and a less ‘transparent’ Rex McAllister. Why? Because when I step into that Extreme Elimination Chamber, I want to do so not as the guy that everyone knows got there through the path of least resistance. No. I want everyone to know what I am capable of. I want to be feared. I want to be seen as the angel of death himself passing over the chamber. I want everyone to know that I am the guy who might just be walking away with that Answers World Championship. To be clear, that isn’t overconfidence. It’s not hubris. I am not sleepwalking towards my own demise, I am just wired a little bit differently from the rest of you. When I step out into that ring, I am not fighting for myself. I fight for something greater; a promise of joy and redemption which inspires me to put my body on the line every time. This isn’t for fun. This isn’t a job. This is my most sacred duty and vocation. I want you two to give nothing less than hell, because I don’t want to hear the excuses afterwards. I don’t want to hear “you’re lucky I didn’t hit the Rex Effect”. I don’t want to hear that either of you could have done better on another day. I want you to walk away being clear as to what just happened. I want you to leave or be carried out with a clear message burned into your souls. 

Rejoice, Brothers. The old kingdom is crumbling. The crown slips from heads unworthy.

The Kingdom Everlasting has come.

God Is Watching.
Ryan Marx
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 16th 2016, 11:41 am by Ryan Marx
Showdown Promo 1 – Sent to the Slaughter

The scene fades in and we find ourselves in Ryan Marx's office, though it looks different this time. No longer is it completely shrouded in shadows. Instead, light pours in through an open window in the background, revealing the bare walls and the new coats of paint that cover them. The old and empty bookshelf that previously sat behind the desk is gone, replaced with a single shelf containing a row of pristine books and binders. Ryan sits at his desk, one that looks to be new, and stares down the camera lens.

As you can see, some renovations have been made. I thought it was only right that the soon-to-be face of the future was shown in a clearer light. Besides, the office needed cleaning up, and I thought there was no better time to go through with that than now. But I'm not here to talk about home makeovers. No, my issue here is with my opponents this week: New Breed Champion Rex McAllister, and National Elite Champion Nico Borg. Nico and I have already met in the ring before, but I'm yet to be properly acquainted with Rex. Though he seemed eager to be the one who started off our introductions. If only his words weren't marred with tripe. I suppose that clothesline I gave you at the end of your last match rattled your brain a bit, because along with all of your attempts at degrading my status, you also showed some brilliant examples of delusion. And it's painful to see. Because Rex, you show some moments of truth in what you say, and I'll admit that. It's just a shame they're clouded by your own corrupted beliefs.

You're right, I haven't destroyed the entire Showdown roster and perhaps I never will, but you don't need to destroy something in order to outshine it. I have been on the rise, I have been praised by people inside and outside of EAW, and I have been given a level of recognition that no other recent newcomer has received. In this match, people won't be watching you or Nico – they're watching me. They want to see me rise up to the challenge and take my rightful spot further up the EAW ladder. You know what they're not here to see? Your self-righteous 'kicking down of doors', if you can even call it that. And they're definitely not watching this match to see if the people's former champion Chris Elite will make an appearance.

Ryan laughs for a moment, before continuing with a smile on his face.

Oh yes, Chris Elite – the same Chris Elite who was about to lose his New Breed Championship to me a couple of months ago. The same one who had to be saved from tapping out by Ryder's interference. The same one who lost that title to you. Forgive me if I'm not very intimidated by him or the 'threat' he poses to me. You may say it's deja vu, because I can already see how this is going to go. He'll do the same thing that Ryder did: he'll take one thing I did, blow it up into a huge issue, make some grave mistakes, and then he'll pay for them down the line before fading into obscurity. Don't worry Rex, I'm not concerned about what Chris might do, and neither should you. After all, you're in a match with the National Elite Champion and a soon-to-be pillar of EAW, so instead of talking about Chris, let's focus on the matter at hand.

Let's talk about my entitlement.

Why paint it in such a negative light? I deserve more than what I've gotten and that's a fact. Not just because of my status as one of the best newcomers to Showdown and the whole of EAW, but because I have been robbed of opportunities in the past. You see Rex, if Ryder never got involved in my New Breed Championship match a couple of months ago, you would have never been champion, because it would have been me who you would have been up against, not Chris. I had that match won – I had that title won. And yet my rightful victory was taken away from me by someone who had no idea what they were up against. I have to say, that rings a few bells in this situation. Because Rex, you have no idea what you're up against this week. My mistakes won't be as obvious as you'd like to think. Nor am I as much of a non-threat as you seem to have the audacity to portray me as. You say I've done nothing, yet I have made a bigger impact during my time here than you have, even with your New Breed Championship win. All of this underestimation, all of this misrepresentation is what makes me the biggest challenge going into this match, and when I'm the only one able to walk to the back after our match, you'll only have yourself and HRDO to thank.

Let me ask you this, Rex: what is it that makes you and Nico 'more deserving' of being put into the Extreme Elimination Chamber match? Why are you two – both champions, both men who have been given more than they know how to handle – more deserving of that spot than myself, a man who has been overlooked for too long? You don't deserve more glory than you've already gotten, and if either of you took that spot, you would be stealing it away from someone far more deserving. And yet I'm the one being painted as a self-entitled egomaniacal whiner. I'm not a betting man either, but I would put good money on the chances of you just using me to cover up your own self-centred, delusional attitude.

Ryan's face twists into a smirk and he shrugs exaggeratedly, holding his hands up for a brief moment.

But of course, that can't be true because you're the one who has been kept down, aren't you Rex? You're the one who is being forced to kick down doors and show everyone how deserving you are. Yes I can certainly see how you, the current New Breed Champion, is being held down by all the names at the top.

Ryan's face falls back into seriousness, his hands clasping together on the desk.

My sympathies, Rex. You're so held back. But come back to me with that 'held down' shtick when you're refused a rematch for a title that you would have won, if it weren't for some bitter veteran. Come back to me when your demands for the respect you deserve are denied. Come back when all of your hard work to prove yourself if thrown back in your face by the people who are supposed to be supporting you. You think this match is your chance to prove that you shouldn't be held back any more? It seems you've gotten your narrative twisted with my own, because this match isn't about you and your ability to kick down metaphorical doors. This match is about me. It's about me taking what I deserve and showing everyone once again why I deserve it.

But enough about you, Rex, there's someone else in this match. Nico Borg. I must say, I admired your cash-in at Rite of Passage. You saw an opportunity and you took it, just as any other intelligent man would do. And at Showdown, I will also take an opportunity. Or should I say 'opportunities'. It's no secret that I've never managed to beat you, but I will put all of my strength into making up for that this coming Showdown. Not only will I take the opportunity to be put into the Extreme Elimination Chamber match, but I will also take the opportunity to defeat you once and for all. You see, I'm not the same man you fought all those months ago and I like to think that I have you scouted. I understand where I fell down in our previous encounters, and I am certain that I will not make those same mistakes again.

Don't let those titles go to your heads. I don't know if you've drowned in the influence your title has given you, Nico, but it seems Rex certainly has if his words are anything to go by. And if you can't handle one title belt, then how are you going to handle a world title shot? You're probably underestimating me, believing I'm just someone who has asked for and received too much of a challenge. But unlike you Rex with your false martyrdom and hidden self-centred nature, and unlike you Nico with your need to exploit a 24/7 contract in order to achieve something, I have the capacity and ambition to carry a title and not lose myself in its shadow. You may underestimate me and say I've achieved nothing, but that can only be said because the scope of my ambitions is far vaster than anything either of you wish to accomplish. And when you dream big, when you envision something that swallows the whole world up, then you also gain the strength needed to enact those visions. And whilst you two may have odds or people behind you, there's something you don't have.

You don't have the confidence to capture what you want.

Nico, you're close to having it with your 'no remorse' cash-in, but that won't do when it comes to the bigger picture. Out of the three of us, I have confidence to sacrifice everything I have in order to achieve my vision for the future. I will sacrifice my body, my soul, my achievements, and my life in order to become the messiah I am destined to be. And I will certainly sacrifice you two to take another step closer to that goal. HRDO, I hope you're watching carefully this week, because I want you to be able to analyse every mistake you made. By refusing to give me what I deserve, you have sent two of Showdown's champions to the slaughter.

The camera begins to glitch as Ryan stares it down, grinning from ear to ear.

And what a slaughter it will be.

Distorted laughter can be heard as the camera begins to cut out. Cut to static. Fade to black.
True American Tragedy
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 16th 2016, 8:33 am by True American Tragedy
From The Bottom
Chapter Six: Over At the Frankenstein’s Place!

The black screen fades in; as does white seamless text appears “Due to EAW’s continued tendency to lose. World’s Most Wanted member and EAW’s own Crybaby; Jakob DeLion has decided to have a makeover. He duly wishes that the puppets masters finally actually notice him and his talents. Enjoy!”

Suddenly static overcomes the screen, the screeching and fuzzing of an old T.V. set pipes in as the text and black screen is suddenly ripped away from view to be replaced with a shoddy cardboard cut-out in the shape of a medieval castle, the music in the background is barely recognisable however it becomes more dominate to be recognised as Rocky Horror Picture Show’s own “Over At The Frankenstein Place”, the camera zooms further into the crappy cardboard into the middle where a small fire has suddenly started atop of a bell tower, the camera is sucked into the light- the light blinds the screen but quickly fades away to be replaced by darkness.

“Oh yes! Oh yes!  My brothers! My sisters!”

The shrill attempt at a women's is clearly digested from the voice box of EAW’s own “Jacksonville Jerk” Jakob DeLion. A bright light emulates the screen, showcasing to the audience what seems to be an everyday American backyard, its pitch black aside from a man, sat cross legged on a dustbin- who holds a large flashlight to his face. He smiles arrogantly winking to the camera; wearing ripped black leggings on his head and a black- and clearly made of plastic trench coat and bright rose red clown boots, his bearded face covered in dry squirty cream and badly drawn eyeliner that take up most his cheeks all come together as a grinning Jakob DeLion.

“It was said, by the rat, by the cat and his friend Matt that today is that day when you would be here to stay for our little chitty chit chat. I sit, sat next to fat, ready, oh so ready Eddie for today’s teddy’s who Jakob DeLion get to play with, ready! Steady! Go! Go! For it is Shock Value, and they’re all here to mock, I tell you! That showman; who is really, really just a tow man! Bowman with no fingers, I tell ya! He aims. He pulls. And he misses. Because his disses only hit the misses and no, no one wants that! Money never makes you win, Tim, you’re kinda dim if you think the thinnest of thin green will get you this win, for you, like me are on a team, but there is no team in this theme of match- is there? No tagging and faggots fagging, yes, yes- bad, bad words but these words are a toad upon a large pond that you will be quite fond of. The water, it’s torture, in its constant changing of tides upon the rides of wicked, you take that ticket into that fickett and be warned, thorns and the devil's horns only stand in your way!”

The screen cuts out to a black screen as Jakob’s attempts an evil laugh, the text reappears “And now. For the Jakob DeLion you know and hate!” the black screen fades into Jakob “Thunderstruck” DeLion- naked. His well-kept temple of body glows as lounges across the crème sofa- the white sheets hiding anything from young children's view. He chuckles to himself, smiling arrogantly.

“So is that it? Is that what I have to make the puppet masters like me? The dark, the deranged and deformed human mind personified as a person for you, the viewers to see and indulge in- to be amused and entertained by the village idiot who did a line of cocaine. Last week; EAW once again lost to their own self-righteousness, both Solomon Caine and Mareo made EAW lose and yet somehow them two fools, they’re still here; they’re still giving the blowjobs under desk and for what? So EAW can continue as they always have; recycling and redoing every good idea that comes out of the meat dispenser just because they haven’t had anyone until now, who as talented, as smart as Jakob DeLion. You can name, names and it won’t matter because none of them are me; no of them has the same drive to succeed that I do, none of them were born into the Professional Wrestling industry- they’re just here to suit their needs for the time being, they don’t love Professional Wrestling since people like them, the skid marks of Professional Wrestling the only thing worth loving in this world is the almighty dollar sign!”

“Mike Showman; you’re cute, real cute; I could defiantly see you being the kind of kid to poison daddy just so you can get some extra bucks in your back pocket. So I understand that you’re supposed to be “the rich guy” around here, which means I’m supposed to hate you because of your money and family fortune, right? Well, bad news kiddo but I’m fucking loaded, however, I don’t care about money or my own fortune- so what should I care about yours? Why should Jakob DeLion care about someone- like yourself, who for whatever reason, thinks that he is better than me just because of money? I have power. I have money and when I’m having dinner with your Mother I have class- when I want to! So does that mean, that maybe, just maybe, you Mike Showman is not and never will be better than Jakob DeLion? Because that does seem pretty clear to me and my Thunderadicals who as of late upon hearing news of Jakob DeLion appearing on his first Free Per View here in EAW; my Thunderadicals, you see, they like to communicate with their favourite Professional Wrestler as much as possible and as of late they keep asking me about my thoughts going into Shock Value and what they could expect to see from Jakob “Thunderstruck” DeLion. Of course, I answer all their questions individually and yet somehow I pretty much say the same answer each time; change. That’s what you’re going to see at Shock Value and it’s not going to come from you Showman, who for someone that is apparently rich as fuck- your vocabulary isn’t, it’s limited at its best and I can’t be the only one who’s caught onto the one surely? “The most valuable man in the match” is that so? How weird because you seem to forget; that I, Jakob DeLion, is also in this match as well as Danny Noxx- two individuals, two Professional Wrestlers that have done what very few others will ever do, World’s Most Wanted are the EAW’s Most Loathed even if you like to believe in it or not, it’s true; how? Because EAW wants us two to split, they’ve never had a great Tag Team scene and as soon the best of the best turns up on their doorstep, they just don’t like it and will do anything in their power to be done with them and so, this week at Shock Value, World’s Most Wanted are thrown into singles competition- for the fourth time now against individuals such as Mr. Daddy I want more money. Mr. the wax on my moustache is brighter than my future, Mr. Jakob DeLion’s bitch, Mr. I have no real talent but the puppet masters like me anyways, Mr. I let a child boss me around, Mr. Big thing-small pond and Mr. I need a haircut. These cute little kids and their words; they want you to believe in what they are saying- yes even the shit that comes from Caine’s mouth and they also want their opponents to believe what they are saying is true which unfortunately for them isn’t possible since both Noxy and I have listened to what they have to say so far and our mind-set is still the same, we don’t think of our opponents more highly but actually less of, Shock Value is a reminder, to EAW and its avid viewers of who the real talent is, who are the real Professional Wrestlers and who they actually pay to see. So that’s not anyone aside from World’s most Wanted; who are the reason little children get dragged to EAW events across the globe by milfs who husband’s aren’t rewarding, ever wondered why all the tissues go missing moments before either Jakob DeLion or Danny Noxx walk through that Gorilla position- get into our fucking ring and prove all those who has ever doubted us; we’re better than them!”

“Now I’m unsure of what to do; do I continue with the one dimensional absurdity that he likes to exhale, you know what, fuck it! Showman; I have travelled the world, I have wrestled in front of thousands of fans and in my entire life of being a Professional Wrestler I have never seen a Rudo as bad as you, you who just scratches and claws for words that could mean something but in reality you can only throw up the word “Hate” over and over again, and why, the idiotic fans of EAW despise- see that? That’s the word despise, which is another word for hate! Anyways, you like to give the EAW fan their own reason of why they hate you and in doing so giving them, me and the universe the most unpleasable reasons why, your own reasons why Mike Showman is hated- the girls can’t fuck you? Oh dear. Are we back in school? Has it ever come to mind that maybe- unless they’re being paid, they really wouldn’t even be in the same room as you? You are a fool, Mikey, blinded by your money and rasping self-esteem, to reality what is actually happening and what actually going to happen at Shock Value”

“Our situations do not differ very much; the two both, we both have our tag team partners in this match but that’s where the similarities end unfortunately because you Mikey, you openly admit that someone can beat you, yes he’s your tag team partner but you have to try and think of it like this; Noxy and I, we’re both equals, we’re both as good as each other and have and never will fight. We’re partners; born and bred Professional Wrestlers that have something you and Jon don’t- chemistry. I know what Danny Noxx will do before he does as the same goes for Noxy about me. We know each other’s strengths, we know each other’s weakness and we use this to our advantage against makeshift “let’s be a team for no logical reason” tag teams like yourself and Jon; but we are, we’re the ones who suck, don’t we? It’s not our fault that EAW’s puppets masters hasn’t pulled the trigger on us just yet, it’s not our faults that EAW just wants to lose all the time and it’s not our fault you haven’t actually done your research on World’s Most Wanted, because if you did, you would know that we don’t suck or whatever childish insults you like to bicker about. If you did your research, which you haven’t, you would have found that on the independents-Noxy and I, we caused absolute chaos, we revolutionised wrestling forever and left our mark. People, the fans- they can’t talk about tag team wrestling without mentioning World’s Most Wanted or going a large rant on why we’re the fucking best! So don’t assume, don’t assume that EAW losing is going to be persistent because it’s not, this, everything you’ve seen so far is just the beginning, history repeats itself and Danny Noxx and I are the history makers! I’m not worried about Noxy in this match and Noxy isn’t worried about me because we both know we would do anything for the other to get the upper hand and the win- I will lay down for Danny Noxx and he will lay down for Jakob DeLion!”

“Before I finish I just want to point out something; surely, surely if the puppet masters had any brain cells they would of put the only two tag teams in their own match rather than creating a clusterfuck of fuckery that you we see presented towards us. It irritates me that World’s Most Wanted have to now wait another week to beat the shit out of the People with Class; but I suppose now we’re halfway there, already because either Danny Noxx or Jakob DeLion are going to win this pathetic scramble match, we’re going to out wrestle every single one of the fuck faces who say otherwise and then, and only then will EAW finally do what’s best for them!”

*Jakob smiles arrogantly; he turns away from the camera to quickly turn back to speak*

“Don’t believe me? Just watch us!”

*Jakob “Thunderstruck” DeLion laughs to himself self-importantly as the camera fades out to the black screen, “Over At The Frankenstein Place” fades back in as does the white text “Next time; Ahren Fournier” the black screen and music fades out to a video package hyping Voltage’s Shock Value and then too black*
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 16th 2016, 6:18 am by Keelan

Shock Value
Hey, here is something to consider.

There comes a point in every man’s life where they must get up, look at themselves in the mirror and think real long and real hard about the choices they are currently making. That man could have their reasons, but are they thinking only for themselves? Do they stand there and feel proud at the man that currently stares back at him? The soulless glare from the symmetrical fortitude might be enough to make one man proud. A Nathan Fiora type perhaps? It all is dependent on how those choices and actions are affecting the ones around them. Is it selfish to say that? Yes, but it is also selfish to be that man. I try to avoid to be that sort of character every day, because I know I am more than that. I know what it’s like to fall into those sorts of actions because I’ve been in those shoes before. I’ve lost friends because of them, and I truly thought deep down that those said actions weren’t doing any harm. The mistakes I were making I continued to ask for forgiveness, but it didn’t stop the repeated cycle I was trapped in. In fact, the mistakes were getting worse, but I was too blind to see. I had a mentality that stuck to the, “everybody makes mistakes,” quote, but I never decided to build and learn from the slip-ups. It took me far too long to realize what I was doing, and when I did realize it, it was too late. I fell too far deep into a hole that I couldn’t climb up out of. A bystander’s viewpoint can see as plain as day the way the friendship of myself and Marco Fedor works. I’ve had people chewing on the lobe of my ear saying that Marco is looking for any opportunity to stab me in the back, and trust me I’m not as blind as you all think I am. I can see the signs. He cost me the Hardcore Championship by bumping into that ladder, he does his best to put himself more in the spotlight when we stand in the ring together and he continues to say time in and time out that his success is his sole focus. I’ve had tag team partners in the past that do the similar things that Marco is doing, and yes they have all stabbed me in the back. It seems to be a trend. But the difference between those assholes and Marco Fedor is that I look at Marco Fedor and see a man who has incredible potential to not only be a main eventer in EAW, but a possible Hall of Famer. And yeah, you can laugh at those comments, but I won’t sit back and deny the truth. He is an incredible performer in that ring with amazing mat-skills, who doesn’t take any shit from anybody. He doesn’t just say things without reason – he continues to back them up. The reason I decided to take him under my wing a few months back was because he has so much more to learn. Marco is stuck, and is struggling to find his way upwards. I look at him and see a myself in my youth. He’s had opportunity after opportunity slip through his fingertips and he falls right back down to where he started. From Hardcore Title opportunities to a shot at Aria Jaxon’s Young Lion’s Cup – he goes out there and goes hard, but falls flat. I wanted to become his tag team partner so I can show the world the potential he has. When I light a fire under his ass, you better believe he’s going to go 100%. I’m that motivational factor in his life that inspires him. But with all of this guy’s possibilities to be one of the great’s, his actions lately is what’s seriously giving me doubts about him.

Marco, it’s like you’ve got this second personality sitting in that brain of yours waiting to pounce and ruin absolutely everything we’ve built. This is what people are seeing when they look at the two of us – they see this complex partnership that’s bound to break sooner rather than later. Honestly, it’s getting a little embarrassing for me. Sometimes I wish I could tell people that we were better off continuing our singles career, but I know us better than that. For the love of fuck, we’re about to enter a tag team tournament that you begged me to put our names in for, and then do you not only start ruining opportunities for me to have solo success, but complain that I’m not serious about the partnership that I wanted to form? You’re currently that man looking at himself in the mirror, but you’re not contemplating your mistakes. In fact, you’re blaming me for some of them which is ridiculous to think about. Name one time I’ve actually made a mistake since the two of us joined forces, because the one that’s currently in my mind right now might be the fact that I wanted to join this partnership in the first place. Again, that is me doubting this team because of your actions. When you decided to slap the shit out of me last week on Voltage, what was going through your head? What did you think you had to gain from that? Were you trying to make a statement? I hate to say it but you’re acting a little childish here, and I don’t want to become a babysitter to a little boy who throws tantrums when he doesn’t get his way. You deserved that Murder Crusher last week, and hopefully it knocked some sense into you.

Now I know what you’re going to say next Marco, and I’ll save you the trouble right here and right now. You’re going to apologize for your mistakes, you’re going to say that you’re going to give it everything that you have come Shock Value in our Shock Collar I Quit Match, you’re going to say that you’re not going to ever quit and then you’re going to say that you’re willing to let bygones be bygones and become a successful tag team heading in to the Grand Prix. I hope that fucking shock collar has the ability to make you wake up to yourself. Honestly, I’ve heard it all before from you. I lit a fire up under your ass at the Hardcore Invitational a few weeks back, and you left that match with the world talking about you. They started saying that you have what it takes, but again, since then you’ve fallen back down and are struggling to climb back up. I’m not going to be in your face like I was in the build-up to Territorial Invasion, because this is just a one-on-one affair between you and me. I’m not walking into Shock Value expecting to lose, but I’m not walking into it expecting for you to lose either. We have a huge opportunity in front of us to steal the show, so let’s do just that. There’s going to be no easy ways out for you, because I am going to show you The Hannibal Lecter of Hardcore. No rollup victories, no excuses and no running away to Mama Fedor. Come into Shock Value, be a man, and prove to me that potential I know you have. Because if you don’t, I might have to find a suitable replacement for the Grand Prix. The choice is ultimately yours whether you’re willing to make it or not. At Shock Value, there’s going to be no opportunities to apologize for the mistakes you’ve made, and no openings to let me know what you’re feeling. Truthfully, I don’t give a fuck right now. We won’t be partners, we’re going to be opponents and that’s exactly what I’m going to be treating you like. Get your shit sorted out, Fedor. It’s almost time…
Armani Colace
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 16th 2016, 5:53 am by Armani Colace
The Show Has Just Started [Chapter One]

An all-black car would pull up in the arena of The Resch Centre in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Everyone damn knows who that is, it’s the Star boy himself! Armani Colace! Several cameras outside rush to the car to get the best view – until the car stops in its parking space and the anticipation is near.. The door opens slowly and two very feisty hot, blonde women come out. But we can hear Armani in the car still.

Ha, wow look at that view, damn. You see this is why ladies love me, and of course, I love the ladies. Tonights show is going to be A KILLER!

He’d chuckle to himself, before you see this 6’1 man with long brown hair and a nice little tuft of a beard come out of the car dressed in a furry coat which drapes down to his ankles and an umbrella in his hand. He’d go straight to the camera, the two ladies stood by his side as he would begin to speak.

Ladies, and Ladies. Or Gentlemen if you swing that way, hey, what does it matter to me, I perform for everyone. I mean look at me! Tonight, is the night that The Great One, The Woman Seducer…. [deep breath] Arma-ni… Co-lace… thrives to the attention and the thrill of performing and DEBUTING in the amazing EAW Franchise.

I say performing, and debuting, because you know, everyone knows who is going to win, it’s me of course. My opponent won’t know what hit him, have you seen him? Exactly. All the male stars will want to be me in a few weeks time because I shine. I perform for the people. I give everyone. (Especially the women) what they WANT! WHAT THEY DESERVE!

Everyone better stay tuned, because hell, this show and my debut is meaning a lot to me right now. Nobody is going to get in the way of this. Nobody will destroy, damage or hurt THIS. BECAUSE THIS. IS. A. STAR!

Armani would look around, shutting the door to his car thanking his driver, he would then begin to walk into the arena, the cameras still on him the women by his side at all time. People start to look at this man with a furry coat carrying an umbrella as he walks backstage into the arena. He would stop, you’d see wrestlers behind him walking around doing what they are doing before their match on the show.

He’d take his umbrella, and firmly tap it on his left hand in a “beat you down” motion. Staring into the camera he’d say these words;

You see, this is what I came to do. I have the history, I have the experience, I have the BALLS. I have what it TAKES. To Shine. Nothing is going to stop ME. Not even this billy goat who claims to be Lars Grier.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 16th 2016, 4:04 am by Rex32
Showdown Promo # 1
"Pressure Like A Vise"

I don't mind being the one that kicks open the door to get things started this week. That's kind of what this Elitist has been doing lately, kicking...kicking those doors in, and kicking them down! Talk low of the competition that I've been fielded with, and I'll simply take it as a complement of how far I have been willing to go and how hard I've been pushing myself. Tell me I have no business being here, and you'll have simply repeated all the same outdated shit that everyone else has. Come on, don't be too shy to jump on the bandwagon. It's the safe bet. I mean, let's face facts here. I'm certainly willing to. Oh, lookie, lookie, a nice new extra bit baggage I have to lug around for the foreseeable future. However, it's not this shiny little trinket that has gotten this elitist more and more attention, no. Its coming through during moments like this week on Showdown. So I digress a bit from any talk about my accomplishment at Rite of Passage, because kicking in yet another door this week is the objective. The summit though is still so very far away, like another galaxy away. Ares Vendetta has such a stranglehold on that Answers World Championship that he took with him from Voltage, it's really hard to bet against his self-assurance at this point or any point until someone unseats him from the top. Of course I expect all the different forms of overused hyperbole will be thrown down this week to try and stake some sort of mental advantage when truth of it all will ultimately be answered in the ring. I'm not a betting man by trade, well, maybe when the payouts are for free and the only thing that's lost in the end is your sense of common knowledge of what is normally as good as gospel, and common knowledge says that Nico Borg won't beat Ares Vendetta for the Answers World Championship, and the same goes for Ryan Marx. As for me? Well, firstly, I don't bet against myself ever. That would be foolish, but you would be even more of a fool to do so yourself. Secondly, since both of you have had some experience in the ring with Ares, I think that makes one of you two the favorite to win by default.  Being too transparent though has been the problem for you guys in your respective one on one matches with the Answers World Champion in the past. Ares, is very deceptive, and he read both of you very well while of course stroking his ego with how dominant he is and has been, but there lies the problem. You both will slumber your broken selves, mentally and psychologically, into this week pinning your hopes on yet another opportunity to prove yourselves, and well, I guess one of you and perhaps both of you may suffer from the same indignation as you leave that ring with another clutch moment unfulfilled yet again. We can talk about odds and chance all day long when it comes to who they favor, but then I remembered something. None of us have proven a goddamm thing in the crunch moments, but we walked away from Rite of Passage with something that each us needed for our respective confidence boosts, which puts us on equal footing whether you want to admit it or not. So, keep that in mind, and I beg of you both to keep that same mind open to the consideration that the conclusion of this may not turn out the way either one of you anticipates.

Sometimes man...sometimes you simply have to do it, even as much as you may hate to. Sometimes you just have to degrade yourself to someone else's level in order to get your message across. But then again, HRDO did a pretty good job himself of dropping the hammer down on Mr. Marx. I'll just take it a bit further though. You see, most of Ryan’s little temper tantrum he had in HRDO’s office had everything to do with this sense of self-entitlement. You may or may not have been used to getting moved up in the rankings after a few months in other promotions here, or England perhaps, but rest assured that ain't the case here. You can say you have destroyed the whole roster all you want, but you don't have to look any further than the guys you'll be in the ring with this week to find that is nowhere near being the truth, and you know that to be true. You've already lost to Nico, and I know my memory hasn’t gone just yet, because I know we've not crossed paths yet since you arrived on the scene over three months ago, and that's a good thing on your part, believe me. Ryan, read my lips. You..have..done..absolutely..noth-thing yet. You may act like the Ahren Fournier of Showdown, and even shoe flashes of greatness, but you like myself, like Nico Borg still have a ways to go before you can even start thinking as big as you are thinking. HRDO was awfully generous to give you this opportunity. I know what I said earlier about being on equal footing, but when talking about being deserving of that spot in the Extreme Elimination Chamber then it should be either Nico or myself advancing to that stage, not you. Plus, you may not be safe this coming Saturday anyhow with a pissed off Chris Elite looking to make your life hell for dumping him on his ass, and if I know Chris well enough by now he simply does not take that shit lying down, Ryan, but you brought that on yourself,  didn't you? You're good, Ryan. Let's not pretend you have nothing to offer this brand, because you put that to rest by walking away from Rite of Passage by making a statement against Matt Ryder, but then again Nico and myself did just the same, so sorry to build your ego up like that only to crumple it up like a piece of paper and toss off to the wayside. I will bide my time, and wait for our match. I'll wait for you to make mistake, one that can be capitalized on, ones that you have been prone to in the past. We've all watched you, Ryan. We've seen you in crunch time against the upper echelon of talents, and how before defeating Ryder this past Saturday you had failed to come through. This is a big moment for you, Ryan. You win this weekend and your bickering and griping will not have been in vain after all. You'll go on to compete at another of EAW annual events with another chance to walk another way with one of if not the richest prize in all of the sport, and that's only if you can cash in on this opportunity. However, will you? I'm not a betting man, but your odds are slim my friend, don't count all your chickens before they hatch.

Speaking of cashing in, I would say congratulations on your successful cash in, Nico, because it really was done quite masterfully. I've never seen it done better. The thing is though, Nico, that without that contract you would've never gotten your comeuppance against Pizza Boy, and obviously you wouldn’t be the National Elite Champion. Now, I know you don't see me as being a huge concern or threat in this match, nor have you ever. You've proven that if anyone belongs in the chamber match, it may be you. Do I see you getting out of this match as the victor? Well, my answer would be the same if someone asked if pigs fly, and that answer is no. Can you beat me? That should go without queation seeing how you've done it twice before, but then you have to ask yourself also how much has changed since July all the way up to now. The answer, a lot has changed. You've proven you can at the very least hang with the big boys, and I think I have more than proven I'm the cream of the crop in mid-card. Something has to give though on Saturday, and I have a great feeling you or I will decide that. No real disrespect to Ryan, but it's you that I need to get over to qualify for the Extreme Elimination Chamber. See, to you this is probably a match you should have in the bag already. I can see it now. You will go to bed every night until Saturday night on Showdown feeling great like you have this one all signed, sealed, and soon will have it delivered. Believe me, it's a fantastic fantasy to be tempted by, but you still got to make it happen where it counts. I also know you'll say in so many words, put quite elegantly, that nothing has changed when it comes to me, that I'm still that same old McAllister with his head in the clouds, and I'm fine with that. I’ll let you believe that and sleep on that. You have my number, you got two up on me looking to go up three. You have no other reason to think otherwise. But the reality, whether you buy into it or not, is that this is a new week, and honestly anything can happen. If you come in believing one the thing and one thing only, then you leave open the possibility of defeat. That's the reality. It's just like I told them folks in the scramble series, and what happened? However, I know I can be beat, I'm not unbeatable, but neither are you. You can question a lot of things about me, slander me, drag my name into the mud all you please, but in the end you still have deal it out in the ring where you know I ain't showing up for any sympathy votes. It's partly how you perceive things to be, and when you let your ego cloud your perception you set yourself up for failure. Been there, done that, take it to the bank and cash that shit in. This Saturday on Showdown you will come to find out what reality looks like.

This week is another chance for this Elitist to play spoiler, but not to just Nico Borg and Ryan Marx. This is a chance to show this heads of this brand, of this company, and the world over why you just can't keep me down. In short, continuing to shed labels by kicking more doors in is the objective. What do I need to prove constantly against you or any other Elitists in this industry? It is simple. I constantly need to prove that no matter what situation I am put in against people like you, people like me will survive and thrive. Ryan, you bitched and moaned in all of your self-entitled whiny-ass ways the best that you knew how, and here you are, but you are far from being deserving. You got more hoops to jump through. Nico, you're here, begrudgingly I admit because you are deserving, and whether you think I belong here or not will soon be made irrelevant once we square off again in that ring Saturday night. You can claim this and that guys whether its about me, my track record in crunch time, your record in crunch time, but the only claims that will prove to be valid in the end will be your narrow minded insights and false beliefs. It's those who are least expected, it's those who are looked down upon and underestimated the most that most frequently achieve greatness, and the journey to the top is much more beneficial, because all the critics who continuously despised them, ridiculed them, and gave reasons as to why they would fail, find themselves unable to speak from the silence that they had just been bestowed with. One day, hopefully soon, I will get to enjoy seeing you view me finalizing my journey to the top. Your hopes, your beliefs, and your ideals will all vanish in an instant once that door gets kicked...kicked down to the ground, giving you both a dose of YOUR reality.

Last edited by Rex32 on November 16th 2016, 9:48 am; edited 1 time in total
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 16th 2016, 2:59 am by MTM
Only Y2Impact would question a man’s motives- his integrity- only to shrug off any dispute given as though he never cared for it in the first place. Then again, it’s what we’ve come to expect from such a cowardly, narcissistic egomaniac over the last decade. The moment that I give a retort for why Impact is wrong he backtracks, not even making another feeble attempt at argument because he already knows he’s fighting a battle that he can’t win. If you need any further proof just look at the big game he was talking when we faced each other one on one. He would try to get one up on me or call me out only to crawl back into his man cave for another ill-conceived excuse as to why I won’t win at Shock Value. That’s all it’s been from the moment that I caught Impact’s eye and I imagine it must be mentally tiring for him to keep clutching at all of these straws. Sooner or later he’s going to run out of those straws and he’s going to backtrack until he’s backtracked so far that he’s pushed himself into a corner again. So much for “focusing on the main course”. You sure did a great job of that with how long it took you look to realise you’d been completely shoved out of the ring. I think that this misguided ideology you’ve taken is proven otherwise by history. Yes, it was a countout victory. Congratulations for understanding that. What you don’t understand, however, is that while you may have been counted out it doesn’t cheapen my victory in any way. I didn’t cheat, bend the rules or trick you in any way. Instead what happened was that you got dumped on your head and you couldn’t get up in time. There were no cheap tactics involved, just you getting so badly hurt that you couldn’t get back to your feet. If I really wanted to push the boundary a bit I could go as far to say that this may as well have been falls count anywhere because from the moment you hit the ground you weren’t even touched. You fell, you stayed down, the ref counted. That was it.


Is that cheap? Is that really any less than a pinfall victory?

What if it HAD been a falls count anywhere match, would you still argue that it wasn’t a pinfall victory? Of course not. Staying down for a ten count proves much more than eating a pin and you know it. Just because I had the ring awareness to understand how to get rid of you, you consider me “lucky”. I was “lucky” to beat you… or maybe I’m just better and you can’t accept it. That’s the thing, Impact. You can’t accept when someone is better than you. You can’t accept when things don’t go your way so you try to trivialize your defeats as though they’re nothing more than a hiccup on your journey to your oh so glorious seventh reign. The problem is that your loss to me wasn’t just a hiccup; it was a prediction for the future. The future where I stand tall as EAW Champion. I’ve already proven as to why that countout loss you took to me means more than what you like to pretend it does. Would you like me to go on? I could mention how I managed to do that in a regular exhibition match without any form of weaponry to use at my disposal. Now, imagine how much the game changes when we’re surrounded by an electrified steel cage and what that can be used for. How long do you think it’ll take for me to knock you down hard enough to stop you from getting up to your feet inside of that? I’ll take a wild guess and say it won’t be very long at all, especially not when there’s world championship gold at stake. You didn’t even have the strength to prove that you did, in fact, earn your number one contendership when I put you down so what makes anyone think that you’re going to do any differently three weeks later? You can bark and howl all you want. Tell me I’m the one coming into this match at a disadvantage but the facts prove otherwise. I’m not the “number two contender”, as much as I you like to fantasize. I’m the guy that beat you and I knew that from the start, not because of my ego but because of yours. Just because you missed your opportunity to get what you’ve been crying over for the past few months, doesn’t make my victory against you mean any less in comparison. If anything it makes it mean even more. The same guy that won the 40 man Grand Rampage and headlined Pain for Pride was beat by someone he wouldn’t even give a second look. You shot yourself in the foot just by talking about what happened on Voltage. If you want to talk about cashing checks with your mouth and not living up to your own hype then I suggest you look in the fuckin’ mirror.

On top of that, I do love how you went out of your way to insult my winning streak and exhibition victories and then began scraping the bottom of the barrel to try and match your victories up against mine. It just goes to show how out of touch you really are. Nostalgia? Do you mean the guy that was here for all of three weeks at most and didn’t win a single match? That’s the equivalent of me bragging over my two victories against El Landerson in the past year. So what if you put him in the hospital. I put three men in hospital on Dynasty when I was snapping their legs but you don’t see me hyping up that feat because it was against the same schmucks who were shining my shoes the same week. That’s exactly who Nostalgia is. As for Phoenix Winterborn, I don’t really think he needs any explanation as you know that’s not an accomplishment. This is the same guy only joined The Sanatorium in the first place because he had nothing going for him and then, you guessed it, still had nothing going for him as his number of accomplishments rose up to a grand total of zero. Marco Fedor? Marco Fedor?! Do I really even need to address him? Come on. Nathan Fiora, maybe, but this is the same guy who barely scraped by at Territorial Invasion and is now surrounded by an entire division filled with mediocrity Vic Vendetta, as much as he hasn’t exactly been.. good, lately, I’ll give that to you. Those are two half-impressive wins but I don’t need to marginalise them for you as my “cutesy streak” already does just that for me. Let’s take a look at just who I had to beat and this is only as Matt Miles: Carson Ramsay. This is the same guy who carried Voltage’s midcard division while it was still at it’s peak and it took a returning Starr Stan to finally dethrone him at Pain for Pride. I had to push Kenny Drake to his limit not once but twice. I defeated him both times and this was AFTER he beat the aforementioned Carson Ramsay to a bloody pulp. We have Ahren Fournier who up until I stopped in his tracks was undefeated, then went on to go on another undefeated streak and I stopped him in his tracks again. Do you see where this is going? Whether it’s the first time, the second time or even the hundredth time I face someone, I’m not going to allow myself to be beaten. All the while I’ve been creating my own streak I’ve been ending the streaks of others. I ended Ahren Fournier’s streak, I ended your streak and I’m going to end Aren Mstislav’s streak as EAW Champion. That is a guarantee. You may be able to brag over easily dismantling Elitists who are barely scraping by as they find themselves lost in the shuffle but I was the one sharing the ring and defeating the men who, in a short space of time, had been competing for that EAW Championship that we’ll be fighting over. There is a huge- and I mean HUGE- difference between what you and I have accomplished in this EAW Calendar year.

I’m sorry, am I focusing too much on my past victories for you? You know, not like you were listing off all of your victories (that I didn’t actually ask for) right before saying that I was the one doing that. I’m completely focused, just as much if not more than you. After all, words are just that: words. You can repeatedly tell me that you’re focused yet every single time you open your mouth you continue to show that you’ve come unprepared and you’re talking on a whim. Once again, you pick and choose what’s come out of my mouth like no one will notice that you’re trying to twist my words into something that they’re not and despite it backfiring every time you still continue to do so. My anecdote on what occurred at Shock Value wasn’t about how I came close to victory and how that’s good enough for me. That’s just what you’ve been wanting to hear this whole time and refuse to acknowledge it as anything else. My point was that after an eight month injury I came back and within three weeks almost accomplished the exact same thing that you did. How does that look in comparison to you? A guy who was barely at 100% came back, lasted almost two hours in the longest ever Grand Rampage and came an inch from being in your shoes at the end of the night. You ignore that fact and instead focus on half-sentences because if you were to actually give what I said more than just a second of thought you’d be intimidated. I did lose to you… on paper. I lost to you just like everybody else who was eliminated by an Elitist that wasn’t you but only on a technicality. A technicality that doesn’t matter because I actually know when I’ve been beaten. Diamond Cage eliminated me fairly. If he hadn’t done it then I don’t know what would have happened. I can’t say that I would have won with the amount of Elitists left standing in that ring but what I do know is that while I may have lost to you, you didn’t beat me. Continue to clutch onto your Grand Rampage victory but this isn’t Pain for Pride anymore. You’re not entitled to the right to say that you’re better than me anymore, not after I’ve gone on to beat you. There’s a big, big difference between what happened five months ago and what happened three weeks ago and it just so happens that time isn’t on your side. What you may see as a minor victory everyone else sees as proof that I’ve been continually elevating myself while you’ve continued to stagnate.

Just look at Judas. If you honestly believe that nobody cared about Judas then clearly you don’t watch anything other than yourself. Within a month of the career of “Judas” I was walking into main events and walking out as the victor. From the moment I stepped through that curtain to the moment that I walked out of the arena, all eyes were firmly on me. The Elitists of Dynasty were terrified of what I could do. Mortified, even. How you can claim that I’m the oblivious one when Aren Mstislav- Voin, himself, was shocked by what he was seeing. Clearly he cared and so did everybody else that was watching. You can continue to keep up the charade that you don’t care but that’s only because you know that that would mean admitting some kind of defeat. You were caught just as off guard as everybody else but you can say “I don’t care” and to you that’s good enough. It’s exactly what I’ve already called you out for doing. The moment that something doesn’t fit your agenda you try to push it under the rug, making you look all the more foolish when it gets pointed out. How am I supposed to believe that someone who isn’t even smart enough to come up with a new strategy in his pitiful attempts to argue against me is going to outsmart me in a wrestling match?

You’ve spent so long explaining to me just how embarrassing a defeat it would be for me should I not leave with the EAW Championship but you never stopped to think about just what it’d do to your reputation when you’re the one who loses. I know exactly what’ll happen should I lose. People won’t be bothered. They won’t be bothered because they’ve seen me bounce back from much worse beatings than you could ever give me. With every cut and bruise that I’ve gained I’ve only gotten stronger and I’ve come back harder. Even if they didn’t believe in me, that wouldn’t change a damn thing. You’re not the first man to try and talk down on me like you know who I am to end up hearing my music at the end of the night and you sure as hell won’t be the last. I can assure you that I have been fixing my flaws. If I hadn’t then I wouldn’t be in the position I’m in now, would I? You know, a position that I actually earned. You’re the biggest hypocrite that I’ve ever met and it’s no wonder that it’s been taking you so long to win your seventh world championship. I’m sorry, how long has it been since you came back? We’re getting close to two years now, right? What the hell has taken you so long to win a world championship again if you’re so fucking great? Even with Hexa-Gun backing you you couldn’t do it. Your only championship gold during their “reign of terror” was the Unified Tag Team Championships and even then you were alternating between facing the Savage Ryans and teams that had formed not even a month ago. If you want to talk about guys who’s only ability is to gain momentum how’s about you take a nice, long walk and think about this illustrious career you’ve been talking so highly of. Hexa-Gun was a team almost entirely made of Elitists who couldn’t win when it really mattered. I mean, for crying out loud, you guys didn’t even accomplish your sole purpose of bringing EAW back to it’s roots of Extreme. Just another mistake for you to sweep under the rug. You couldn’t bring back Extreme, you couldn’t win at Pain for Pride and you’re sure as hell not winning now.

So I assure you that when all is said and done at Shock Value the only supporting casts you’ll need will be for your broken legs because you’re not going to win the big one so long as I’m on Voltage.

As for you, Aren. Hahahahaha you can. Fuck. Right. Off. You stood up for me? I would have loved for you to have told me that to my face when I was sitting in a hospital bed. Do you expect me to forgive you for that little piece of information? No no no, this isn’t how we’re playing the game. You’re going to pay not only for not defending your damn tag partner, the one guy who actually believed that you could win that championship you have over your shoulder, but for coming up with such a pitiful, pathetic excuse. You want to talk about being remembered as Judas over Matt Miles? That doesn’t scare me in the slightest. Matt Miles is just as much Judas as Judas is Matt Miles. I’ve already made this crystal clear to our friend Y2Impact and now I’m going to do the same for you. Mask or no mask, it doesn’t make lick of difference. If anything, it proves that I have the edge over you. I’ve already amounted to something as Judas while here you are giving us our first real look at Voin. It’s not the first time that he’s made his presence known, of course, but it’s the only time that it’s truly been this significant. That means this is make or break for you right now, Aren. If you fail then what is that going to do to you? What’ll that mean for Voin? If you think I care about the expectations of others then you’re dead, dead wrong. If you’d made that claim a year ago then maybe you would have been correct in your assumption but this isn’t about anyone else accepting me or meeting their expectations. This is about me and that EAW Championship and, this whole time, you’ve both been playing into my hand. You especially so. I got you mad, riled up and ready to try and take Judas down for good and what happened? After I beat you to a pulp after Voltage and you’d gone looking for me for two weeks, what happened? I threw you through a fucking loop. The look on your face said it all and trust me, old buddy, that’s only the first trick I have up my sleeve. I promise you that, Aren. I’ve been waiting and waiting to get my hands on you so believe me when I say that you’re in for a real big surprise come this Saturday. The look on your face is going to be… electric.

After all, this IS Shock Value.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 16th 2016, 2:40 am by showster26
Dynasty Promo #2

 Blacklivesmatter - EAW Promoz! - Page 3 Podcast_1
(the scene opens on thins logo and stays on this still image as the audio is heard.)
Announcer #1 (light friendly) : “… for the best in car care.”
Glade: “Alright back with the second half of the Wrestlkings Podcast, and we are picking back up where we left off with our guest for this episode, Dynasty’s own “Picture Perfect” Mark Michaels.  Now before the break we were about to discuss that post that you sent out on social media just the other day.  Now you’ve had quite a following on social media for a while now, but this, this just took things to a whole new level.  I mean tons of likes, repost, and even some new followers, which for you doesn’t happen that easily now of days.  If I may, what motivated you to post something this political, this long after the election had taken place?”
Michaels: “Well, for starters I don’t see it as being political.  It’s never about politics when I’m asking for the support of EAW fans to motivate me.  And secondly, I live in the southern California area where there has been a lot of protesting like there has in various places all over the country, and right now I just see so much division that can tear us as a nation apart.  I mean I was backing Hilary and was happy she won the state of California, and was saddened to see a guy like Donald Trump get the win, but now there is a lot of anger, and even talk about seceding from the rest of the country, and that worries me a bit. So as it happened just a day after the election, I saw that Dynasty was being held at the Freedom Arena in Louisville this week.  And  just over the course of this week I just had that Kentucky state motto ringing in my head over and over.  So when I felt it was appropriate, I went ahead and ask that we all try to live up to that saying, from top to bottom, left to right, and everyone in between. Let us stand united because together we can accomplish anything.”
Glade: “That is a hell of a thought, and I think it’s the right one to have especially if you’re about to hold office in January.  So moving on, I saw that you snuck in that little advertisement for Dynasty this week-“
Michaels: “I wasn’t going for little, I was trying to drop some serious product placement on this episode.”
Glade: “HAHA, so after your BIG advertisement for Dynasty this week, lets talk about what’s planed for that show.”
Michaels: “Certinly, for starters we have a great main event that I’ll be keeping an eye on between Tig Kelly, and Methusela.”
Glade: “You’ve actually had matches against both of those guys, any predictions for that one?”
Michaels: “Predictions? Umm… Pain?  Just kidding, I honestly don’t know what to expect from that one because I certainly know the caliber of athlete  each guy is.  The only thing I expect right now is for those two to tear the roof off the arena on Friday night!”
Glade: “I think we all are.  What else do we have on the card for this week’s show?”
Michaels: “We got almost too much good stuff to mention here, we have Heart Break Boy versus Drake Jaeger, TLA one on one Against the Mexican Samurai in a pain for pride rematch, and Hades goes toe to toe with yours truly.”
Glade: “Now that is a big match up right there for you, Hades is an undisputed legend in EAW, how do you plan to try and pick up a win against him?”
Michaels: “Well like you said Hades is an undisputed legend.  He is a former Interwire Champion, Elite Champion, Grand Rampage winner, Anwsers World champion, and an EAW hall of famer.  Now that is a resume that any Elitist would kill for.   Now I’ve been in the ring with guys like Tig Kelly, Zack Crash, Y2Impcat, and Mr.DEDEDE, and standing toe to toe with Hades is looking like it will be the greatest challenge I’ve faced to date!  He is one of the strongest, and most resilient performers that EAW has ever seen, and as many will tell you, getting the win against him is no easy task.”
Glade: “Definitely, but that still begs the question of how exactly do you intend to try and beat Hades?”
Michaels: “HaHaHa, I was trying not to let him know my whole strategy there, Kinda might be nice if he didn’t know exactly what I was going to try and do.  Well if you must pry it out of me there’s a few things that I intend to do.  First Hades is way too strong to take on in a fist fight, so I’m not gonna go that route, I’m gonna try and stay out of his range like Floyd Mayweather, and when he swings I gotta make him miss.  Second is the fact that Hades greatest strength, is his strength so keeping away from his big power moves will be a big factor, I’m gonna want to try and actually wrestle with him, and see how he does when he’s on the mat, and not in control, and maybe even test his cardio a bit.  And then Trying to keep Hades from locking in a submission when we’re on the ground will be the next big thing to look out for.”
Glade: “That sounds like a solid game plan, but I doubt that it hasn’t been tried before by other elitist who have come up short.  What makes you think this kind of strategy will work this Friday?”
Michaels: “Well it does have the novelty of never being tried by me.  I’ve worked hard to become the wrestler I am today, and I didn’t return to Dynasty just to grab a paycheck.  I came back to wrestle against the best, and this Friday I want nothing more than to step up to a challenge like this, and prove that I have what it takes in the ring to get a win against a top dog competitor like Hades.
Now just because I’ve shown Hades the respect he deserves, doesn’t mean that I’m gonna let him walk over me like a throw rug.  Oh no, see I am here to prove that I am the absolute best professional wrestler in the world today, and having to beat a mammoth like Hades one on one  is just one of those things that come with the territory.  Yes he’s stronger, but I’m faster.  He has so much big match experience, but I am chomping at the bit to get my opportunities here in EAW.  He has beaten countless men in EAW, but none of them eat, sleep, and breath wrestling the way that I do, and none of them had the entire audience at Freedom Hall on their feet the way I will this Friday!  So Hades if you happen to be listing to this, I am asking, no wait, I AM BEGGING YOU, to bring your best to Dynasty.  I want every trick you got, every ace up your sleeve, and every ounce of blood, sweat, and energy you got , because that’s exactly what I’m gonna bring.
When we lock up in Louisville, we are gonna throw down from bell to bell, and when all is said and done, you’re going to see first hand just why I am the Instagram Icon, The Twitter Trendsetter, and a Hashtag Hero to each and every person out there who have been sending me all their support on Social Media.  I can’t thank all of you enough, because you guys are giving me all that energy and motivation I need to go out there, stare death right in the eye, and tell him to bring it on bitch!  Live on Dynasty I am promising to give a performance that will make you guys proud of your Social Media Champion, and Hades better had start Picturing THAT!”
Glade: “Well that sounds like you got it right there Mark, Thank you for coming out and spending some time with us, stick around folks because I’ll be back with a preview of next week’s episode of the wrestlkings podcast!”
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 16th 2016, 2:32 am by Mstislav
Heaven Forbid the fabled Y2Impact tries to get the last word in on everything. Heaven Forbid that the leech Matt Miles tries to insinuate even the smallest of things. Most of all though, heaven forbid that I don’t join in all the fun. Shock Value, the end is coming, and out of all the things that should happen will. I’ll keep my title, I’ll keep my pride, and I’ll end the fools who thought that they could’ve been a better being than I. But here’s the fucking twist. By doing so I must be something that I’ve never been until now. I must be cold, and I must be hardened, as this feat is bigger than anything. Because let us look at the past shall we. Last Shock Value I came in as the Pure Champion and lost to JD Damon, because of a eye rake that should have gotten him disqualified but didn’t. I lost to a man that still hasn’t proven he’s better than me, but had only proven that he has to sink so low to pass me. And now look at me, and look at him. I am the EAW Champion, one of the greatest, one of the most revered Champions on this fucking roster. Some might even say I am THE Champion of EAW because not only do I embody the ideals of EAW, but I also fight anyone who thinks they have a chance at this. And that’s what makes me different from Jacob Senn, who thinks he is the one above all, and Ares Vendetta, who basically thinks himself a God. Aren Mstislav is the Champ that everyone should aspire to be. That’s what a year does to you. You know what happened to JD. He’s not the bitch of our dear GM, Carlos Rosso, who I retired by the way, with his “Elite” guard. Two different spectrums of the same destiny. Damon thought he could get far with cheating, and look at him dwell in the sub regions of Voltage, while I am high and lofty with the gold.

Now what does this have to do with anything. I’m not facing Damon, no I’m facing Impact and Miles. If you want two opposite ends of the spectrum look no further than those two. Matt Miles is, and I’ll admit it, a hard worker, worked his whole life and is now being commended for it with a chance at MY title. And Y2Impact, let’s all be honest here and say that not only is he using his prestige, but he’s using his leverage over Carlos to be in the match. I know he is tired of hearing that, but it is true. Impact used Carlos’s vendetta against me to insert himself in this match because in Rosso’s mind he is the best, the ONE man that can defeat me. But au contraire that is a lie. Because there is NO MAN who can beat me. While it seems to be something of a brag it’s not totally a lie. Nasir Capitani, the people’s voice, fell to me. Jamie O’Hara to ceiling breaker and up start, fell to me. Kenny and Carson, the two warring spirits of Voltage, fell to me. Hell even Impact, the mafioso of the once nourished Hexa-Gun, fell to me. The only one in this match I have yet to face one on one is Matt Miles, but I did face him before. And it ended up with both of us losing. What I am trying to say from all of this is that Impact and Miles are so different from each other, that when they clash, their ideals, their struggles will keep them busy. But me. I’m the absolute of the spectrum. I am the one that defines the spectrum. I was a hard worker until I finally attained what I really wanted. And I am also the man who used to use his influence to do whatever the hell he wanted. The Absolute, the Main Man, The Reason, I am all  of those and Imp and Matt, they’re going to have to compete with this.

Most people are calling this my downfall, that I am no longer going to be champ at the end of this, and to that I say wait and see. Because being the Absolute means one thing, and that is you’ll never know what I have in store for my fucking future. I could lose, but you know what, that means I’ll just take it back the next time I meet the man that took my title. But I also could win, which means that I am showing you all, why I am not to be trifled with. Because look at my title reign and look at what I promised in the beginning. I promised that I would elevate this title because after that mess with Xavier and Jamie fighting and mishandling the title, and after the pitiful reign of Vic, I put it on myself to make this title prestigious. And that meant taking on ANYONE. I took on Nasir, my brother, and I broke him. I took on Kenny and Carson, and they both failed because they thought they’re petty feud was above this title. And now I face Impact and Matt Miles, because well why the hell not. Impact has been vying for the fabled 7Reigns but all he is doing is deluding himself of the fact that he’ll never reach that pinnacle. And Matt Miles. The fool came back from the land of the dead and is now more than ready to take this title as his, and show why he doesn’t need a stable or anyone to fall back on to become a champ. However this man I called comrade is nothing more but thinking too far in the past to be sure on whether or not this future is going to become reality.

And to even cement my further point let us look at the men themselves. Impact had a lot to say about me and Miles, but most importantly he spoke about me. He spoke about me like he knew what to say to get under my skin, or tried to form words that made it sound like he was capable of doing harm with it. But in reality all he showed was that he has broken down. This Machine he’s called himself had a glitch, and was breaking down. The well-oiled mental health and stability of what we knew as Impact was deteriorating, and he let us all know that by coming out here like he did. He says that Carlos didn’t want him to be champ so he made this a triple threat match, but oh that’s far from it Imp. Do you not see the way the man looks at me and the title whenever I stand in front of him or show up in his business. He has that look of resentment, that look of tired desperation and that vendetta of me retiring his sorry ass. He didn’t make this match to stop you from becoming champ, he made it so I could lose my title. But the damn man didn’t think this through, he didn’t think of the psychological function of you, Impact. Because you are not the calm composed man you were a long time ago. No the fact that the glory faded from you, years ago and that your many attempts to reach it again have failed time and time again, has deteriorated your mindset. And for that I pity you but also love to relish in the fact that this is the man that people feared for most of their careers. From the men who came to wrestle to those who wanted a job, they all feared you because they knew you could get in their head. But now that title goes to me, because without having to say anything, without having to DO anything, you’ve already gotten into the mindset that you could lose. And to that I applaud you, Impact, because not only did you play yourself, but you are a fool for think that anyone was against you from the very beginning. Everyone wants me to lose, everyone wants me to become titleless while everyone is cheering for you to take it. Because you know what they did when you threw me off the stage, they cheered for you. You know what they did when they found out you’d be in the title match, they cheered for my downfall. No one is against you, they’re all too busy being against me, and that my friend is why I am going to disappoint them. That’s all I do anyway is disappoint the fans, just so I could get the job done, no matter what. And that means taking you down, and showing them why it was a fool’s errand to try and think that someone like you would take a title from someone like me. Because news flash Imp, whether you want to believe it or not, I would’ve beaten you one on one like I did before. No worry, no hesitation, just me dominating you yet again. The only time you got the upper hand was when you threw me off the stage. So unless that’s what you do at the very beginning, then I see you losing you’re chance at “#7Reignz”.

And Now for the Belle of the Ball, Matt Miles. Matty, you and I, we used to be friends. That was until Lannister decided that his crown was better than your health. But even then I stood up for you by leaving RAGNAROK as soon as I saw Lannister do that. But even then after that I moved on. I knew we weren’t going to see the last of you, and we didn’t. In fact you came back, and blamed Lannister for everything. Oh wait. You also blamed ME. You blamed me for not coming out there to help you, even when I couldn’t do anything being on a another continent and all. You still blamed me because no matter what happened, you heard of my success. But you know that didn’t last long. Because after all that talk, Lannister dumped you harder than anything else in the world. He left you bloodied, unable to continue. If anything it was almost like watching Negan smash in Glenn’s head over and over again. It was a sight that wasn’t suited for anyone, but yet the morbid curiosity kept people watching. And as we watched the last light of Miles fade away we thought that was the end. But no. No it wasn’t in fact until recently we found out that we were wrong all along. Judas, the man that took the world by storm, and showed how callous he could be came in and became a National Elite Champ, in a snap of a finger. Judas was the name synonymous with a great rise, but then faltered. I’ll say Matt you impress me. Not by the fact that you were able to hide this from us so well, but by the fact that you think this elevated anything. Because Matt, Matt when you lifted that veil all the accomplishments of Judas became that of Matt. And the month rise that you say was greater than what I did in years, all it did was show that all Matt Miles needed to do was hide in the shadows, hide himself in his creation to show himself that he could actually get shit done. But what is funny from all of this, is the fact that now you got an expectation to live up to. Matt Miles is Judas, but Judas became someone bigger than Matt Miles. Which means not only does Matt Miles have to take on Y2Impact and Voin, but he has to deal with that fact that if he doesn’t then Judas will just be better than Matt Miles. The real fucking kicker from this all is the fact that you created your own fucking shadow that you’re living in right now. And that if you don’t take my title, all you’ll be remembered for is the guy who when he took of the mask everything became nothing. His fame, his tenacity, his callousness, it all became nothing. Because the man they could put all of that together with died when the mask came off. Because now should you go back to being Judas, you’ll not be remembered for your Grand Rampage performance. You’ll be remembered for your death at the hands of Ares Vendetta. You’ll not be remembered for taking the title off of Pizza Boy, but you’ll be remembered for being beaten to a pulp by Lannister. Judas will be remember as Matt Miles, and that’s it. But what’s even funnier is the fact that you think Voin is shaken by all of this. Because Voin and Aren, co-exist. Everyone knows Voin and Aren play differently. Everyone knows Aren won this title, everyone knows Voin curb stomped Carlos’s head against a fucking turnbuckle. Everyone knows Aren was the one who won the National Elite and Pure Championships. Everyone knows Voin was the monster that no one could stop. Your revel was nothing more than mere child’s play Matt. But I applaud you Matt. It takes balls to throw away the one thing that made you relevant. Because after Shock Value, you’ll want to go back to being Judas, but you can’t because everyone will know that it’s Matt Miles under that mask. And everyone already makes Matt Miles synonymous with failure.

Tribulation. Trials. Victory. Shock Value is coming. And with it comes the end.
Aria Jaxon
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 16th 2016, 1:52 am by Aria Jaxon

Friendship was never paramount. I knew that from the beginning. If that was the case, I could guarantee you that neither of these teams would’ve rounded out their lineups the way that they did. Sure, Cleo was the one who expanded the alliances out to five members apiece. If not for that, this would’ve been a three-on-three situation. Even with each side needing to find themselves two willing participants to march into battle, if friendships were the defining criteria for finding teammates, well...I can honestly say we wouldn’t have wound up standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Sheridan and Haruna. Likewise, I’m 100% sure that the OGs wouldn’t have aligned themselves with Stephanie and Veena, but I guess stranger things have happened. Let’s keep it real, though; this is a numbers game. This is about picking teammates made of Teflon, not cherry-picking through the Vixens roster and saddling your best friends with spots on your team just for the hell of it. You pick the people you think can and will ensure your victory, and because I can separate business from pleasure, I have no reservations about the team I’m on. I’m not making any distinctions between my best friends and one night only allies. The prospect of victory is being dangled in front of our faces. We’re going to war to shake the very foundations upon which three haughty wannabe totalitarian rulers are standing, and we’re not banking on any outcome other than one where Team Sirens stands victorious.

Lemme get this straight, Cameron -- after everything you’ve said to me, after all of the mud-slinging, all of the underhanded bullshit, you’re sitting here now saying that it’s my decision-making that you take issue with? Forgive me if I have a hard time believing that. If you hadn’t nitpicked so mercilessly time after time and shouted to kingdom come about just how lackluster you think I am, maybe I’d be able to sit back and give you the benefit of the doubt, but I don’t think I can do that. Part of me almost wants to believe you. I like to look on the bright side and give people the benefit of the doubt, but I can't do that here. Don’t insult my intelligence, Cameron. Don’t talk to me like I’m some deer in the headlights who’s standing toe-to-toe with you for the first time and doesn’t know what your candy-coated brand of condescension sounds like. You respect my talents when it’s convenient for you. You bestow backhanded compliments on me through clenched teeth from time to time, but that’s only temporary, because before I know it, you’re back on your soapbox detailing all the reasons why I don’t compare to you. I’ll humor you for a second, though. I’ll pretend for a second that my decisions really HAVE been the thing that has irked you up to this point. I guess my first “bad” decision was walking down that ramp at Reasonable Doubt, wasn’t it? My ambition got the best of me. Oh, you had every right to be feeling yourself after beating the shit outta Chuck for the hundredth time, but the way you were spouting off at the mouth wasn’t something I could just ignore. I had some...demons to exorcise. I mean, I’d basically had my originally-scheduled match ripped out from underneath my feet, so I had some time to kill. You stood there in that ring and bad-mouthed every other woman in this division, the same one you find yourself back in now. You’d spent so much time body-slamming the boys that you forgot a motivated Vixen is scarier than almost any muscle-bound Elitist. Maybe that was a point lost on you back then, but you’ve been knee-deep in this division so long that it shouldn’t be a mistake you’d ever make again. Emphasis on “shouldn’t”. I say that you shouldn’t, but that’s the OGs’ entire M.O. You survey the Vixens division landscape and declare that none of us, even on our best day, can hold a candle to any of you. That’s why I can’t take you seriously when you sit there and say that you actually respect me as a wrestler. Sure, you should hold me in a higher regard than you do. That should’ve always been the case, but I’ve always gotten the impression that it was lost on you. Be honest, Cameron. Before our first run-in, had you ever given me a second thought? Had you ever even looked in my direction? Probably not. In your eyes, I went from a non-factor to a problem that you’ve sometimes had to scramble to solve...assuming you’ve been able to solve it at all. Aria Jaxon is SO much better than Cameron Ella Ava has EVER given her credit for, and that’s why you slipped into that downward spiral after our Showdown encounter. You can’t speak about deathbeds, Cameron. I’ll admit, in retrospect, Formation might not have been the best idea. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, right? And man, Stephanie was a weak link for the ages (that’s something y’all should’ve taken into consideration before bringing her on board, but that’s none of my business). I’m not a fortune-teller, though, and so I couldn’t have seen what was coming. Still, I’d hardly say that an ill-fated alliance that’s long since died and losing a deadbeat friend is far from “making my deathbed”. I’ve seen what a deathbed is, Cameron. I saw it up close and personal every week that you took a tumble downward after that match we had. I know what desperation looks like. I’ve seen it in your eyes after I’ve proven you wrong. I know what it is to feel like you’re drowning and to reach out for the first life preserver that comes your way, because that’s what you said HBG and Kendra became to you. They restored your faith in yourself. They tried to make Cameron Ella Ava who she used to be, and that’s where you and I are different. Somewhere along the way, you forgot who you were and you had to rely on other people to dig down deep and start playing to win again. I’ll never forget what an integral puzzle piece I was in all of that. The great Cameron Ella Ava, as strong as she thought she was, wasn’t immune to the seeds of doubt being planted in her mind, and though she said I was nothing to her...I inadvertently watered those seeds until it grew into something terrible. To be fair, I didn’t know months ago that this would be an ongoing saga with us. It could’ve been a one-and-done deal, but we’re both too stubborn for that. This is yet another instance of generations of Vixens butting heads, and like you said, we’re fighting to stack reputations and uphold legacies. Part of my legacy, it would seem, has been dealing you a bitter dose of reality every time you have the audacity to doubt me and what I can do. I can only hope you’re ready for it to happen again.

Stephanie, you’re like an ex that won’t let go. Better yet, you’re like an ex that caught an attitude after a breakup that YOU wanted. Isn’t it painfully obvious that you’ve always been more fixated on Cailin and I than we’ve been on you? Think about it. Any chance you get, you’re name-dropping us, shit-talking us to anyone and everyone who will listen. It happens week after week after week. Entire weeks will go by without us mentioning you on a lick of EAW programming or so much as THINKING about you, and any time your face pops up on TV or on social media, we seem to be a hot topic. If that’s not fucking pathetic, I don’t know what is. You can drop the cool girl act now, because your actions always seem to contradict the sewage spilling outta your chapped lips. YOU were the one who dropped US like a bad habit, remember? And realistically speaking, that could’ve -- and should’ve -- been the end of it. But then you started this crusade. You’ve wanted to destroy the Sirens for months. It’s been all you’ve talked about. I wouldn’t be surprised if you had shrines to us in your house and ran anti-Sirens twitter accounts under some assumed name. Who’s to say? I’m just spitballing here, I don’t know how stalkers think. I can only assume what’s running through your head. I shouldn’t be shocked, though. I should’ve known your mental fortitude wasn’t necessarily your strong point when you let the devil on your shoulder talk you into turning your backs on Cailin and me in the first place. You’re weak-minded, Stephanie. It’s why you let Eclipse draw you in like a fly to honey, it’s why you couldn’t control the trajectory of your own fucking career after Pain for Pride, and I’m willing to bet it’s why you wouldn’t know whether or not the OGs are playing you for a fool and using you as a well-placed human shield to absorb the blows they don’t wanna take. But really, this is exactly what I should expect from someone who’s placed petty campaigns for revenge above the gold she used to crave so much. “Winning isn’t everything” was probably devised by someone like Lucas Johnson who couldn’t win a meaningful match if their life depended on it. I never expected to hear it from YOU, but it’s awfully convenient that you feel that way. I mean, since you’ve got prospects none, you gotta bend the truth to fit your narrative. You say you’re totally devoted to “making us pay” because it’s ALL YOU HAVE. You turned us into trophies, because the demise you hope to bring about is the only thing that keeps you going. You say you don’t care about championships and the like, and you only say that because none of it is within arm’s reach, honey. You’ve placed this beef above all else and thrown yourself completely into it, because it’s what gets you out of bed in the morning. You’re chasing this vision where you’ve got our heads above your mantle, but it’s not happening. It’s fine, though, keep gargling our names like Listerine and finding a way to bring us up regardless of who you’re facing on Empire. Clashing with BB? The Sirens’ names are squished into your drivel. Taking on Haruna? Welp, here comes a Sirens mention. Booked against Nicole? I might as well take a shot for every time you make a snide comment about me and just bring on the liver failure. I know why you’re chomping at the bit to charge headlong into this match, and it’s because you can FINALLY get your hands on all the objects of your obsession in one place at one time. I can’t wait for you to blow this chance at your idea of redemption.

What happened to the girl that just wanted a chance? She grew the fuck up, Stephanie. You should try it sometime, rather than acting like a thirteen-year-old who can’t cope because she got deleted from my top eight on MySpace. Don’t sit here and lecture me on how much you think I’ve changed. That girl you used to work indy shows at armories with in Inglewood and Reseda isn’t dead. She just wiped the fairy dust from her eyes. Her goal used to be to GET to EAW. Now her goal is to STAY here and prove day in and day out why she deserves to have her name mentioned among those at the top of the food chain. If I’d stayed that same starstruck girl and not adapted to my surroundings, I’d have been eaten alive, and you know it. I’d have been knocked down and never gotten up. I’d have wound up like your precious Ariana if seeing things through rose-colored glasses was an affliction I couldn’t shake. No matter what you say, I haven’t changed for the worse. I’ve gotten more assured, I’ve gotten thicker skin, and I’ve learned to keep my head on a swivel. I won’t let ANYONE else and their hollow ass words determine my worth as a competitor. Not you, not the bitches you work for now, and not anyone else. The only reason you think my very necessary metamorphosis has been a negative thing is because I stopped agreeing with everything you said and did. If my train of thought mirrored yours, you wouldn’t have much of an issue with my maturation. Hell, if I’d just been content with getting chances and hadn’t tried to make the most of them...I’d be where you are now. My career would be at a standstill. I’d be so devoid of meaningful accomplishments that I’d place tryna sideline my ex-best friends above all else. I’d sit here and take shots at the only female Young Lions Cup holder, the inaugural Empress of Elite, former Vixens Champion, and a former FPV headliner and say the accomplishments were all ill-gotten gains because she’d passed me up and there wouldn’t be shit I could do about it. I changed as I went along because I had to, Stephanie. I never lost humility; I just stopped waiting for validation. I’m not seventeen anymore, and I don’t need pats on the back or words of encouragement before I walk down the ramp. Gone are the days where I thought I NEEDED the presence of expendable so-called friends like you by my side. I’ve upgraded. I’m in good company now, and I don’t just mean Tarah and Cailin. I mean Team Sirens as a whole. It doesn’t matter how I feel about Haruna and Sheridan, because that’s not what will be important come Shock Value. Sheridan and I have never completely seen eye to eye, and I’d be here all night if I tried to detail all the reasons why I don’t fucking like Haruna. But you know what I hate more? Losing, especially to three Hall of Famers with superiority complexes and their two errand girls. You were right, Stephanie. One team is gonna be in rubble when this is through, and it won’t be the one I’m on.

I’m gonna assume there’s some alternate reality where it’s supposed to hurt my feelings that Kendra has said she’ll never catch herself admiring me. I know she conceived that little remark hoping it would sting...but nah. To be fair, the shoe was on the other foot once upon a time. When I was younger and watching EAW from my couch, I gotta admit, it was disheartening to see how the Vixens were treated, and how it seemed that people viewed them. Week in and week out, they were laughed off and treated as less than their male counterparts, and it’s true that those conditions might’ve broken a lesser woman. I looked up to you because you refused to be denied, and because you stuck around when it might’ve been easier to take your ball and go home.

You know what they say, though -- never meet your idols.

You carry yourself the way you do now not because of championships or Hall of Fame inductions. You talk the way you do because you came from an era when you were NEEDED. The talent pool was painfully shallow. The absence of someone like you would’ve left a hole no one could fill. You got used to people kissing the ground you walked on, and you got used to people giving a flying fuck what you thought. I can hear it when you speak, you’re used to people taking your words to heart. Honestly, if we were half as weak-minded as you think we are, we’d have collapsed under the weight of being in the line of sight of you and your friends a loooong time ago. That’s why I can’t help but lie when you say Team Sirens is propelled forward by nothing but the prospect of fueling our own egos when you and the women you’ve surrounded yourself with are the ones who are tryna pad your own stats. C’mon, Kendra. Fucking Veena Adams? That girl is the textbook definition of having an undeserved ego. No titles, no memorable moments, nothing, but she walks around the locker room like people are supposed to give a damn what her last name is. Stephanie’s crowning achievement is swinging a steel chair at Pain for Pride and that’s the thing she uses as bragging rights, all while talking about herself like she’s some revered performer when she’s really a one-hit wonder with no chance of hitting the big time again. And don’t get me STARTED on you, HBG, and Cameron. The reason y’all are pressing forward is because you’ve got your panties in a bunch over the idea that we stood up to you. We weren’t about to be pushed aside or have our talents called into question. You three wanna step on the rest of us if it means staying on your perch. That’s what it is to be driven by ego. If our own feelings and egos were so important, we wouldn’t have openly associated with teammates who have made it painfully clear that they haven’t let personal ties determine which team they linked up with. Veena and Stephanie drank your Kool-Aid because they wanna share your spotlight. Haruna and Sheridan wound up on our team because we really are the ones with the more noble motivations. We know Empire won’t be a place where all Vixens can thrive if the OG regime is implemented. You think we’re spoiled, but why, because we won’t let you and your girlfriends talk to us any fucking way you please? Nah, fuck that. Face it, Kendra, the “take no shit” attitude that so many of the Vixens have taken on -- much to your chagrin -- was implanted in the backs of our minds when our younger selves were glued to the TV watching you, HBG, and Cam battle back against the establishment and redefine roles for women in EAW. If it truly is a monster, then it’s one that you helped to create. The Sirens and Vixens like us won’t be talked down to and pushed around, least of all by the OGs, who just can’t stomach the idea of anyone challenging them. You seem to be pretty sure that I’ve lost motivation or whatever, but you couldn’t be more wrong. I mean, it’s pretty funny that you seem to be hanging your hat on HBG beating me at Pain for Pride when that juuuust so happens to be the same show where Sheridan suplexed you right through the canvas. You’re talking like YOU were the one who beat me. You haven’t. And when we have our first-ever in-ring meeting at Shock Value, that will still be the case. I haven’t lost a step, Kendra, but it’s fine, just keep telling yourself that I’ve lost steam and I’m not to be taken seriously. Whatever makes you feel better. Just don’t be surprised when I prove you wrong -- and bring about Team OG’s defeat all in one go.

Well, if anyone is labeling Veena the wildcard here, I’m gonna say they’re right. Stephanie was an addition I saw coming. The OGs wanted crash test dummies in their back pocket, so they enlisted the help of The Sanatorium in all of this. With that being the case, Stephanie being absorbed into their team made more sense than I’ll care to admit. But Veena? I never would’ve called that one beforehand. On top of that, I never would’ve guessed that losing to me would be the thing that pushed her right into the OGs’ camp. Just like Cameron, you’re someone who figured out just the kind of effect I can have on people if you’re not careful. Oh my Gooood, I remember all that pouting you were doing after our match. Something like “I almost beat Aria, but almost isn’t good enough anymore”. Didn’t it go something like that? That was your wake-up call, boo. After months of being considered bottom-rung opposition and not being able to replicate that magical run you went on during Empress of Elite, I guess I just had to be the one to bring your ass back down to earth. That quip about me having a losing record against most of your teammates is cute, though, especially considering you’ve never beaten me. Lemme clear my throat and repeat that until it seeps into your brain like that blonde dye -- YOU’VE NEVER BEATEN ME. Not in tag matches, not in singles matches, nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. So if you wanna talk about losing records, talk about that one. If you wanna talk about obstacles that can’t be overcome, talk about how you’ve never gotten the best of me. The only person on Team OG that I’ve got a losing record against is HBG, baby girl. I’m 2-3 against her, and more than ready to tie it up. Meanwhile, Stephanie’s never pinned me and I’m 3-2 against Cameron, but it’s okay, honey. Keep hanging your hat on the things your teammates have done, rather than the things you can’t seem to do. You’ve had much less to say to me than you ever did before, but like I said, considering the massive reality check I put you through, that’s not a complete shock. That’s why you’re sitting here ragging on my boyfriend and what you think I look like, because you’ve got nothing else. As has always been the case, you’re totally and 100% devoid of any useful material, because track records trounce insults every single time. You can keep lobbing hairline jokes all day long, if that’s what makes you feel better about being Team OG’s last round draft pick. You’re in this to prove your worth and prove you deserve a spot among this division’s best. Assuming you actually see a glimmer of hope during that match, I’ll be there to deflate your bubble again. Now that I’ve gotten used to it, I’ve realized that I like pulling the rug out from underneath you, Veena. I’m more than ready to do it again.

Aaaaand I see that true to form, HBG is still ranting and raving about how we’re all nothing, how we’re gonna suffer at her hands, blah blah blah. I’ve heard all of this before. I saved you for last because I really do think everything we say to each other will play out painfully similar to everything we’ve said in any of our previous meetings. In Cameron-ish fashion, it doesn’t matter how many times you and I meet, it doesn’t matter if I’ve beaten you, if you’ve beaten me, or if I’ve proven my mettle over and over again. You, of all people, should know that legacies aren’t built with luck or coincidences, even if you say those are the things that have made my career what they are. You carve a path by winning. You put yourself on the map by taking chances and never taking no for an answer. Just like I anticipated, you’re still a bundle of nerves post-House of Glass, and if that doesn’t highlight the difference between the two of us, I don’t know what does. I mean, when you beat me for the Vixens title, I turned right around and won the Young Lions Cup six days later. Not even a week of turnaround time. I could’ve been left on an island, I could’ve wallowed in my misery, I could’ve blamed anyone but me for falling short, and I turned what could’ve been a very negative time into an incredibly positive one. I certainly didn’t point fingers and try to say that the woman who beat me caught a lucky break and wasn’t fit to breathe the same air as me. But here we are, with you saying Sheridan was nothing without that Vixens Cup cash-in. I gotta say, it’s REALLY hard for me to feel sorry for you. You’ve used every underhanded trick in the book at one time or another, haven’t you? And it made you “opportunistic” or “savvy”, in your eyes, but Sheridan caught your ass off-guard. You got so used to being a step ahead that you forgot to keep your head on a swivel, and it cost you. You can keep the sob stories, because I hiiiiighly doubt anyone on this team -- or any other, for that matter -- gives a fuck. With Kendra and Cameron, I feel like it’s more ego than anything else that’s guiding them here, but you’re equal parts self-importance and misguided emotion. Oh, you wanna win because any woman in your position would. You wanna win the war of wills and say you got rid of the thorn in your side known as the Sirens to preserve your own sanity, if nothing else, but you’re also running head-long into this in a Stephanie-like way, with a desire to get revenge lighting a fire under your ass. Title matches or cash-ins aside, the members of Team Sirens have personally offended you by daring to not be afraid of your ass. We don’t just take all of your bullshit in stride, and that, in your eyes, is a cardinal sin. So we’ve gotta pay for it, don’t we? For our gall, for our guts, the Prima Vixen wants our heads on stakes. If that’s what you want, HBG, then come and get it. Or...try, at least. I just hope you’re prepared to fail.

I hope you all are.
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