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EAW Promoz! :: Comments

Is Old School Still Cool?
Post November 17th 2016, 10:26 pm by ThatChapChristo
Is Old School Still Cool? (Showdown Promo)

The scene opens backstage immediately after the opening match of Showdown, Mortimer Gotch walks dejected down the halls of the arena his ribs wrapped in a sizeable amount of athletic tape. As he slowly shuffles through the arena he is stopped by an interviewer stopping by.

“Excuse me? Mortimer? Can I get your thoughts on another tough and let’s face it quick loss against Terry Chambers tonight?”

Mortimer fixes the microphone jockey with a weary eye before pushing the mic aside

“Not right now chap…...not right now…..”

With that being said Mortimer continues down the hall passing through the double doors and into the blackness of the night air

*A few days later*

The streets of Manhattan are bustling and vibrant as all manner of people move and scuttle about the streets trying their best to either adapt to or get out the bitterly cold New York air, street vendors sell their wares while taggers zip through the streets looking for the next wall to tag. Amid all this chaos we see Mortimer walking through the bustling crowds, coat buttoned up to his chin, hands in his pockets and flat cap on his head. He strolls through the streets til a loud boisterous voice cuts through the air…

Hey Morty! How’s it been you scraggly beanpole??????”

Mortimer turns to see a rather large tank of a man striding towards him nearly running others over as he walks, dressed in a rather large cheap suit and overcoat and a large toothy grin plastered on his face; his vibrant red beard sticking out from the cold air. As he reaches Mort he drives a meaty paw into Mortimer’s back, pulling him into a tight one armed hug.

“H-hey Frankie..! It could better how about you?

The man known only as Frankie releases Mortimer who takes an incredibly large gasp while Frankie continues on oblivious to Mortimer’s antics.

“Well it’s been great little buddy! Got married to my best girl and the ol’ gang’s been doing super! But I kinda wanna talk about you for a minute….I hear ya finally made it a pro rassler! Living the dream huh? How’s it been treating ya?”

Mortimer’s eyes shift back and forth nervously as he rushes to answer.

“Oh Y’know it’s been a gaggle-”

As Mortimer stutters out a response he is quickly (and rather rudely) interrupted by his large friend.

“Now now Morty….dont’cha know you can’t pull a fast one over on ol’ Frankie? I’ve been watching you for the past two weeks and you’ve been getting squashed like a bug!”

Mortimer looks at the ground and kicks at the ground but the voice of his friend snaps him back into focus.

“Y’know….I’ve also had my ear to the grindstone and it turns out that you got another scuffle with some palooka named Ryan Savage…..”

At the mention of “Ryan Savage” Mortimer’s eyes grow wide and he starts to pace around like a nervous hen, oblivious to the rest of Frankie’s words.

“R-Ryan Savage??? Oh lordy! I barely survived my scuffle with Chambers! Why that big misshapen brute will eat me  and shit out my skeleton whole….and if that wasn’t enough to worry about he has those 3 dames of this! What happens if they get there hands on me too? Their strong...seductive hands...taking advantage of a gentleman like me….doing wonderfully taboo naughty things to me-er I mean this is bad! What am I gonna do??????

As Mortimer continues to shuffle and stagger about he is interrupted by the loud booming laugh of Frankie who once again reassuringly pounds Mortimer on the back.

“Morty calm down! I know ya seem rather in a tizzy but I got a great solution for ya: Why not have me and some’a the lads back ya up? We’ve been pals for a long time and we hate to see ya gettin bopped around like this, you may be one hell of a scrapper  but let’s face it you can’t win this alone Morty.”

Mortimer looks up at Frankie, eyebrows scrunched up in confusion before taking a minute and shaking his head.

“Sorry Frankie, I’d rather do this on my own like a real man would. If I get torn to pieces in the process then it  just makes that first win all the sweeter when I beat him Mano a Mano ya get me?”

For the briefest of seconds we see Frankie’s grin falter but he quickly recovers and laughs while give Mortimer’s hand a firm shake.

“Y’know I respect that you gutsy little beanpole! I wish ya the best’a luck mate and if you ever change your mind ya know exactly how to reach me.”

Frankie releases Mortimer’s hand and pats him on the back before heading down the street, Mortimer watches him walk away before looking back in his hand to see a small piece of paper with a phone number on it. He tucks the number into his coat before heading down the street as well ducking and dodging the crowds as he goes.

Some time later we see that Mortimer’s destination was a gym, he strolls through the gym til he comes to a stop at a large boxing ring and several punching bags, he shrugs off his coat and begins to hit one of the bags monologuing to himself as he does.

“Well for once it seems like I can’t put a positive spin on this one, I go toe to toe with that monster Ryan Savage...and I thought getting bounced around by Chambers would’ve been enough. It’s worrisome indeed, I’m giving up nearly 100 pounds to this beast and let’s face it: Lady Luck has been cross with me lately….did I mistakenly have a dalliance with her sister or somethin? Oh! And don’t get me started on them 3 spooky yet alluring dames he brings with him, what’ll I do if they get involved? I can’t strike a lady, It’s hardly honorable! Looks like it’s time to think unconventionally….although if I can be honest I’d sooner dust knuckles with that bear again….”

As if on cue a loud commotion occurs in the ring and Mortimer turns to see the bear that he boxed during his “training montage”, the bear grows and punches his fists together before giving Mortimer the “I’m watching you” gesture. Mortimer gulps before quickly turning back around and continuing what he has to say.

“That was just an expression consarn it! Anyway people have been wondering if I’m scared, and by jove they’d be right I’m terrified! What smart man wouldn’t be? But the difference between being scared and a coward is that a coward intends to run from his problems, but I ain’t no lily-livered coward as I intend to stare fear in the eye and rap him right in the schnozz! Besides: for every negative there’s a positive, You may be heavier than I but that just means I’m faster! You may hit harder than me but I can hit smarter! You may even have those spooky dames of yours but there’s no guarantee they won’t be able to get enough of ol’ Mortimer! I mean just look at this mustache!”

Mortimer laughs heartily as he smooths out his mustache and hair gingerly flexing one of his slender arms before his demeanor changes as he begins to speak once more.

“All joking aside however would you like to know the biggest difference between the two of us Ryan? It’s the fact that you’ve never been the little guy. You’ve never had to grit your teeth and fight at a disadvantage, I’ve been doing that my whole life and by George I don’t intend to stop now! So sure Ryan you might knock me down, you might bounce me from pillar to post, hell you might even snap me in two like a doozer stick! But at the end of all that you know what’s going to happen? I’m gonna get back up, spit in your face and ask ya for more! Because as long as I can walk on these two feet I’m gonna fight!”

Mortimer turns and unleashes a quick fury on the punching bag before turning around a new fire in his eyes.

“So Savage old chap I look forward to our little tussle because come Showdown, all the scary masks and spooky dames won’t be able to save you when you a 175 pound piss and vinegar fueled pitbull latched onto your ear! I want to remember it ain’t about the size of the dog in the fight it’s the size of the fight in the dog!”

“See ya soon chap…….Cheerio.”

Mortimer gives the bag one final punch before walking over to collect his coat, as he puts it on Frankie’s phone number falls out of the folds of the coat. He turns the paper over in his hand walking over to a pay phone and picking up the receiver, he contemplates his next move before slamming the receiver down and walking through the double doors of the gym and into the busy Manhattan sidewalk outside as the scene ends.
Sir Killian Charlamagne
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 17th 2016, 8:36 pm by Sir Killian Charlamagne
Dynasty Promo: “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken”

The scene opens up in a hotel hall, the smell of wine and cheap perfume may not be there, but for EAW wrestler Kelly Hackenschmidt, the night went on and on. The moment Kelly entered the hotel he went passed the bar and went straight for the hallway where his room for the night was. Kelly wore his blond hair tied back and his jeans ripped as always. He looked out to notice the camera in front of him. He stopped, turned to it and straightened the suitcase behind him.

“It seems as though people are asking the exact same questions to me over and over again aren't they?”

Kelly sighed and looked over to the wall.

“Am I really that affected by a loss to Anthony Leonheart? Am I affected by the fact that I have someone bragging about being the very first in EAW history to have a legitimate victory over me?”

Kelly places his hands on his own hips and looks up to the camera.

“Well I’m afraid the answer is no!”

Kelly glares right up at the camera with his posture still tall.

“You see, one loss does not define me, I refuse to stoop to the level of guys like Lucas Johnson who think that after they go on a brief losing streak that their career is going down the spiral! Well, the thing is your career is only going downhill if you let it! Going up may be difficult, but at the right place and right time, you can be right at the top of the mountain doing exactly what you set out to do in life! For example, the moment I figured out what EAW was, the moment I realized that being that EAW was a place that I wanted nothing more than succeed in! Knowing that I wasn't an entertainer, but rather a wrestler! So tonight Lucas, I know you're in the building, why else would you be facing Ross Vegas? So before you even think of starting that match with Ross Vegas, where you will probably lose as always, I suggest that you show up. No excuses, no whining, just you and me face to face, because otherwise.”

Kelly cracks his knuckles.

“Schmidt's not gonna look good for you.”

Kelly shakes his head as the camera fades to black.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 17th 2016, 8:05 pm by Hades
Ha · di · sm  / hādɪzəm /  noun  A cult religion centered on the teachings and viewpoints of Hades (The Hellraiser) that usually consists of blood rituals, vandalism, and other unusual practices in his name.

2 weeks ago.  Post-match.

Hades trekked the semi-occupied corridor with an aura of sadness and hopelessness trailing closely behind him, as a result of his vanishing faith in the ‘other side’.  Burning with the dying flicker of an unsteady flame.  His legs gave way to the physical and mental load he was carrying, leveling himself on the foot of a stairway that led to another level of the arena.  His head settles into his shoulders…his large gloved palms coming to a prayer-like close before him…as he stares blankly into the thin crisp air-conditioned air in front of him.

“…Forces of Darkness.  Why, in my darkest hour, has thou forsaken me?”

It was out of his character to request assistance from anyone; but the Heart Break Boy being one of his greatest enemies from his premature years as an EAW Rookie, made tonight’s encounter fall under another category.  It was a special case -- at least to the undisputed ruler of the hell anyways.

The once-proclaimed Godfather of Evil, remained rested in his position at the bottom of the staircase, dumbfounded in an ocean of his own disbelief that his prayers had gone – and continued to go unanswered.  

“…Even in my destitute for answers, you dare turn deaf as a post and purse your lips??”

His cries for a retort growing more desperate by every displeasing minute of silence that passes, as a catastrophic eruption brews from within him.  

“…I don’t know what more I can do to appease you.  I have been nothing if not loyal to your cause for years; allowed you to use me as the ultimate instrument for destruction and mass panic.  Even reduced myself to slain my own of kin -- but only after you turned us against each other; because two sovereigns were two too many and didn’t fit into your convoluted plans of anarchy and takeover.  But I abided anyways because I had faith in you.  Alas, no more.  Do you hear me?  No more!  I say, ‘no more’ to your ridiculous causes and requests that I bend over backwards to achieve, only to have my efforts ignored.  This day in history, let it be known that I renounce my affiliation with the shadows of the ‘other side’.  Effective immediately.  Those who choose to serve and slain in your name that I encounter, will also perish in your unholy name.  I will wash the sins of a few in a river of their own blood and offer them true prosperity at my feet, should they choose to serve me…however, the majority will not be so fortunate.  Punishment for their crimes will be decapitation.  Their spare bones utilized for the structure of a new kingdom I seek to build in the name of a new faith: Hadism.  Soldiers of the Light and Sinners of the Night be damned…for Hades cometh.”

Present Day.  A distorted feed with static rushing across it at seemingly random points throughout is coming in via satellite; its precise location however, is a mystery to the viewer(s).

Hades is present wearing a cloak as dark as his soul, the hood dialed to the max concealing the majority of his forehead.  Positioned behind him are two large and slightly rusted metal barrels that carry a bright flame, while he rests in a broad back throne chair.  His head bowed prior to slowly ascending…his pupils vanished into his skull.

“…Devoted public of the EAW…lend me your ears…as I come to bring you the good news this momentous day.  I have seen what the future holds for me.  The shores sprinkled with gold.  Endless streams of milk and honey.  A utopia of advanced beings with similar beliefs that are free of wars and famine; free of worries and troubles; free of bacterial diseases that currently infect, stain, curse, and will ultimately lead to the termination of the one we currently inhabit.  A perfect world.  I shouldn’t have to tell you that this world’s fate has already been written.  Doomsday is right around the corner and it shall come to pass with or without any interference from us.  But fear not the inevitable for I come bearing a gift; everlasting life here on Earth.  If you confess with your mouth that I, Hades, am your lord that you will put no other being, mortal or god-like, before me and seal our bond with a dose of my blood.”

“…Alas, in order to create our own piece of Heaven here on Earth, we must accelerate the demolition.  Kill it so that we may rebuild from the ground up in our image.  The way of Hades, Hadism, will be a safety net to the fallen -- a lifeboat to drifters taken by the currents of the unforgiving sea.  It goes without saying that the sacrifices of the few are crucial to the survival of the many; and there are plenty of life vests and parachutes to be given…however they are in limited supply.  I am but one, and may be unable to reach every soul out there, but I am the only ONE who gives a damn.  Your God(s) have abandoned you.  Forsaken you to deal with the hardships of being stranded on this planet.  But I am here fighting with you -- for you.  All that I ask is that you do the same in return.  Burn the fields with the fiery touch of my crest, accompany me in my task to toppling bodies which will fund the development of our new church, do everything in your power to spread my message.  A new savior has come to offer salvation to a select group who’ll swear their allegiance to my ministry.  Together, let us make the world pure once again.”

“…Tomorrow night will be our first step towards reconstruction.  Mark Michaels, will have the good fortune of setting yet another trend in being the first fallen victim of Hadism.  He’s made me well aware of his in-ring experiences with the likes of DEDEDE, Y2Impact, and Zack Crash…really, I feel as though I was there from those riveting detailed descriptions he gave…and likewise I have shared the ring with them as well.  Only I’ve beaten them.  Perhaps he has too, I honestly wouldn’t know; and seeing as evidence of that was found nowhere in his story I’m left to assume things didn’t pan out in his favor.  Though regardless of the outcomes, I’m sure he put up quite the struggle.  Besides, sometimes it isn’t always about placing in the race, it’s running it.  And when you’re in a match with me you’re definitely going to want to place, but it’s important that you remain logical.  When a child reaches for the stars overhead, he is saddened by the realization that he hasn’t grasped one when his hand returns to him empty, because it is in that moment he realizes that he’s physically incapable of rising to such an impossible challenge.  That’s just like the challenge that awaits him tomorrow night.  He’s reaching into the black sky in high hopes that he’ll retrieve one of those gleaming balls of gas, but the only thing he’ll have in his possession afterwards is grave disappointment.

Tomorrow he’ll know a warm reception from a live crowd the instant my shadow is drawn down the stage ramp.  Very different from what he’s accustomed to from his faceless digital followers that are nothing more than a number on a sidebar; whose thoughts are summed up in meme’s, emoticons, and 140 characters or less.  His fans that flood his Twitter Feed.  Whereas mine flood coliseums.  My flock has been going strong on a global level for several years and will rival anyone foolish enough to cross me.  So if we’re measuring the outcome of this match on crowd participation, then he’s already lost.

Strength and size, though my best strengths, aren’t my only strengths.  When is the last time you saw a man of my size demonstrate superb equilibrium by trapeze walking the top rope?  Where have you ever heard a man over three hundred pounds to soar ringside like he were weightless -- with the majesty of a bald eagle?  Never until I came around.  So if he thinks staying with out of my reach is going to be the key to defeating me, or an easy task for that matter, then he’ll soon come to realize that most things are easier said than done.”
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 17th 2016, 6:16 pm by TLA

I won’t deny it… imma straight ridah… you don’t wanna fuck with me…

Well it looks like Mexican Samurai sure don’t wanna fuck with TLA cuz he ain’t had shit to say all week long. He prolly still reelin’ from the last asskicking I gave him at Pain for Pride. To be honest imma little disappointed cuz I been hearin’ all this hype about how he ain’t “The Disappointment” no more, how he’s reinvented himself and he’s gonna be a hero for Latinos all over the world. But he sure as shit ain’t setting the best example right now. He ain’t got shit to say to TLA, he ain’t give a fuck about this match. He prolly runnin’ scared since Donald Trump was elected cryin’ in the corner cuz he ‘bout to get deported. He prolly straight up fled to Canada unlike a true warrior who stays and fights no matter what.

Y’all may not be callin’ yo self “The Disappointment” no more, but you disappointing everyone this week.

This match looks like it’s gonna be a fuckin’ savaging of yo ass if you even show up. Cuz I ain’t gonna be insulted like this. The greatest insult y’all can throw at a man is to ignore him and that’s that shit that I don’t like. I ain’t down with this silent treatment and if you show up imma beat some sound out yo lungs. Imma beat them screams and that cryin’ out yo crybaby ass. You gonna be cryin’ more than Jakob DeLion after the savaging that I give to yo ass. Imma beat you down lil hoppa and you ain’t even gonna be able to reinvent yo self anymore after this. You gonna get the assbeatin’ of a lifetime that makes you realize that you can’t never run from it.

The assbeating that will stick with you forever. You ain’t gonna ever forget it!

Mexican Samurai might be silent now but he silent now by choice. After this week he gonna be silent cuz he got his jaw wired shut. See I’m heated as fuck cuz he be lyin’ to the people. I thought he changed but he ain’t changed for shit. He still selfish he still don’t give a fuck about the fans, he still don’t give a fuck about putting on a five star classic with the Interwire Champ. So imma have to give the fans something else. Since he obviously ain’t gonna be bringin’ nothin’ to the table imma have to give the fans the bloodshed that they deserve. Imma have to jump this pinche pocho backstage and run his ass down with my lowrider in the parking lot.

Imma snatch he wallet and spend all that green on buyin’ him some cojones cuz he sure ain’t got none.

Holmes you ain’t shit and this week just gonna prove how far you done fell. Imma show yo culo why I is the Dynasty Franchise and why y’all still my bitch. Haters need to recognize just who the fuck I is.. I am TLA motherfuckers don’t you ever forget! La Pantera Sexual I am that sexy beast fuckin’ all yo bitches and bringin’ y’all the finest poon straight outta the palace. I am that motherfucker who be bleedin’ that Dynasty red and been whippin’ ass since day one. From Tyler Parker to Lucian Black… from Tig Kelly to Devan Dubian I straight up destroyed this game. I have proved without a shadow of a doubt that I am one of the greatest luchadores to ever step foot in an EAW ring! 

But y’all ain’t got shit to say.

Meanwhile I gotta deal with fuckboiz like Drake Jaeger tryin’ to talk shit to me like I’m the one dodgin’ motherfuckers. Yo Drake if you wanna see a pussy, take a look at the coño imma beat down this week on Dynasty. Same goes for Lucas Johnson and all the other sneak ass hijos de puta out there who wanna toss shade but ain’t done shit to back it up. I’m gettin’ real sick of this bullshit on Dynasty. We got hombres like Lucian Black who can barely function and completely throwing away his destiny as World Heavyweight Champion to the extent that a leyenda like The Heart Break Boy can literally just walk in the door and jack they spot. We got Sebastian Monroe desperately bringin’ in motherfuckers like Methuselah and Jamie O’Hara and Kevin Devastation cuz the pussies on Dynasty like Mexican Samurai just won’t fucking do they jobs and fight. 

Yo this is what you signed up for. You a gladiator. Get yo ass in the coliseum.

Until y’all do imma have to fly the flag. Imma have to wear the colors and imma have to rep my hood. This is mah corna and we ain’t ‘bout to have no fuckboiz out on mah corner. This mah corner that and we ain’t fuckin’ round no more eses. We slangin’ like we do in that old school days only now we fuckin’ up the lil putas who ain’t slangin’ as much as they should be. Cuz we beastin’ and feastin’ and they just trippin’ and slippin’ and I give no fucks if they slip all the way down on a bullet. Cuz when you fucks with TLA that where you headed. Imma bleed y’all out and collect the price y’all to scared to pay and imma give it to that cornah cuz it be owed that shit. Imma give it to that cornah give it to mah ring that be that cornah and then imma feed yo fake ass poser carcass to mah dawg.

Have y’all met mah dawg? Mah dawg is a good dawg. Mah dawg that.
Cameron Ella Ava
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 17th 2016, 5:40 pm by Cameron Ella Ava
It’s kind of strange how our story began because of YOU. You could have just waited in the back at Reasonable Doubt. You could have wallowed in your pathetic filth that your match with your pedophilic ex-boyfriend got taken out of the card. You could have watched the show. Maybe, eat some hot dogs and popcorn and you could have shut your mouth. You could have left me have my moment after I defeated Chuck Scene for the billionth time. No, you wouldn’t give that to me. No one ever wants to let me have my moment. They all want to play the rebel without a cause and step up to me. You became like everyone I have faced. You should have let me run my mouth. It’s better than watching you run yours. Do you not realize that without me, you would have been lost in the shuffle in the Vixens Division? Without me, there would be no opportunity for you to become Vixens Champion. Without me, you would have never become Vixens Champion. Hell, it could have saved you the embarrassment of becoming one of the biggest choke artists of Pain for Pride history. Now that I reflect on it, I felt like I could have saved you a lot of heartache. The moment when the Heart Break Gal ripped the Vixens Championship from your hands so effortless would have never happened if you never interrupted me at Reasonable Doubt. As much as you like to give out the impression like it’s my fault that our little rivalry happens, I like to be the one to remind you that it’s because of YOU that these terrible things have happened. So yes, I don’t like your decisions in life. I felt like your decisions have been the downfall of all the great things that have happened to you. Your decision to be with a pedophile was a downfall of your love life. Your decision to fuck with me may have seemed like it benefitted you, but just like how it should have been, it all came crumbling down. Just like your relationship with that Methuselah reject will be your downfall, The Sirens will be as well. At last, people like me should rule on top of Empire, while you, Cailin, Tarah, Sheridan and Haruna will be way down there watching women like the OGs shine. There’s a reason why I haven’t given you the credit that you truly desire. Why should I bother giving you credit? The two credits that I have given you was defeating me on Showdown in the beginning of the year. The second was winning the Vixens Championship at Triple Threat. The one thing that I hope you wouldn’t have done was drop the ball on this title reign. I thought that I was going to see Aria Jaxon rise and take her place on top of the Vixens Division. Nah, you proved that your title win was a giant fluke. You disappointed me when you dropped the title to HBG. I thought I was going to see a beautiful story of you finally gaining HBG’s respect. If I were HBG, I wouldn’t haver respected you either. You think that just because you won Empress of Elite and a Vixens Championship that you deserve some respect from the OGs? No, it’s going to take way more than that to gain our respect. If you want me to give you some credit, how about you stop being an entitled crybaby and give me the match of my fucking life? How about you dig down deep for the first time of your life and find the one thing that is going to make Team Sirens defeat Team OG. I dare you.

I expected more from you, Empress Cailin. This is very underwhelming. You paint this picture like you’re the good southern girl that your father has raised. You always ask questions, you never cross lines, you fight for what you believe in and that might be good enough for the EAW Universe, but that’s not good enough for me. You claim to be the woman who always does the right thing, yet you’re fighting for the wrong team. Team Sirens? Just like I have stated a few times this week—they’re a group of rebels. You have your so-called team leader who is nowhere to be seen. She is supposed to be the woman that is leading the pack, yet the faith of Team Sirens is under the hands of a choke artist, a socially awkward Asian and miss goodie-two-shoes. I would add the German turd on the list, but she has proven that once a loner, always a loner. I appreciate you for taking the step and carrying The Sirens because that seems to be the only interesting thing you have done since being Empress of Elite. I swear, if you didn’t wear that crown, I would have assumed that Aria Jaxon is Empress of Elite. As much as I don’t like her, there was something about the way Aria carried herself that made you believe that she was Empress. I’m not getting the same thing from you, Cailin. I’m only getting that winning Empress of Elite was just another thing to add to your resume. I mean, you’re just NOW going to reflect on the victory? That should have been the first thing to reflect on when Empress of Elite was done. Being Empress of Elite, you should consider yourself one of the best Vixens in the Division. Your confidence should have skyrocketed to the top. Yet…I don’t see a transformation within you. As Empress, Aria evolved. Meanwhile, Cailin Dillon is still Cailin Dillon. There is nothing interesting that is going on with you. Are you waiting for Road to Redemption to finally get excited? Are you waiting for Road to Redemption to finally felt a wave of energy where you can get the crowd exited for you? Cailin, you have all the tools in the bag. I don’t feel like you’re using them. I don’t feel like you’re giving it your all and that is what is going to make people lose interest in you. Isn’t that why you’re a part of The Sirens? Isn’t that why you three girls declared war on the OGs? You see a threat and you go after it. I admire that attitude, but I hate it at the same time because I only see you, Aria and Tarah as women that think they have been through it all. You get the mentality that you’re the best Vixens in the Division. You don’t need to improve. You don’t need to try because those people paying tickets to see you will still eat the bullshit that comes out of your mouth. Kendra, HBG and I? We are always looking for ways to get better. We are always looking for ways to make sure the new crop of Vixens does not get the best of us. Therefore, Kendra is the Specialist Champion. She’s one of the Vixens that has been there the longest, yet she is evolving. She is working that much harder to make sure a Tarah Nova does not steal her position. The Heart Break Gal is a record four-time Vixens Champion. It does not matter how many grandma jokes she gets, she proves that she’s better than 2/3 of the EAW roster. Why? Because she’s always improving. Meanwhile, you ladies think that just because people consider you good now, that won’t go away in a couple months or a year or two years. You’d be surprised who are the favorites within a year from now. It wouldn’t be a shock if you don’t make the list.

Oh Haruna, so pathetic. How does it feel knowing that you’ll never be good as the OGs? It must be a pretty shitty feeling, but let’s not dwindle of that. Let’s not dwindle in the fact that if Team Sirens loses this match, it’s going to be your fucking fault. I mean, I can’t imagine those other women taking responsibility for their loss. I mean, those women need to maintain the reputation of being so fucking perfect. Can you see Tarah Nova stating that the loss was because they weren’t good enough? Can you see Cailin Dillon calling the OGs the better women of the match? Can you see Aria Jaxon giving us credit? Nope. As this match, maybe important for the landscape of Empire, it’s very important to you Haruna because I’m sure you don’t want to disappoint the fans, Team Sirens…and especially, Cailin. I mean, I think that Cailin would be so disappointed if her good friend Haruna wasn’t capable enough to take out Team OG, I don’t think that Cailin would ever call you as a lifeline again. I think that she would cut off all communication with you. What makes you think that Cailin won’t hold the grudge against you? You say that Cailin understands your strengths and weakness, but I don’t think that she is going to take any weaklings in this match. Tarah is not going to take any weaklings in this match. Aria is not going to take any weaklings in this match. Sheridan would probably say that weaklings are not efficient enough for her. There is a time and place to be weak, but Shock Value is not it. This would be one of the last places to be weak at. Who knows? Maybe, you’ll impress everyone and win it for Team Sirens? Maybe, all your heart and soul will manage to be better than all the members of Team OG! I do say maybe because I have full confidence that nothing is going to stop us. With all the OGs believing in the same cause, there is nothing that can stop us. There is no force in the world that is going to be strong enough to stand against us. If I were you, I would just accept the results because Team OG is going to win. I’ll be doing whatever it takes to make sure OG wins. There is nothing that I wouldn’t do for this team. If I can stand to the very end and win, that will be great and that will always be my goal in this match. That and defeating the morons of Team Sirens.
Ross Vegas
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 17th 2016, 5:31 pm by Ross Vegas
Freak out, freak out! I'm the Cream of the Crop, impossible to top, never gonna stop, trend setter, perfection to the letter, nobody does it better! WOW MAN! So they tell me, this Friday night on Dynasty, in front of the thousands in attendance and the millions watching at home... I'm up against Mr. Redneck Blue Collar and White Trash Lucas Johnson. Hailing from Dunkin' Donuts in the great state of obesity, yeah. Atlanta may be your hometown, Lucas. But you and I know, that I GOT BROADS IN ATLANTA! A helluva lot more than you do! And as for our match tomorrow, it's gonna last about as long as you do in bed. And it's gonna end the same way too: with Lucas Johnson lying on his back, staring up at the ceiling, with everyone in the room disgusted with Johnson's horrible performance! I can see Monroe shaking his head already. Lucas, you have NO CHANCE IN HELL of beating me. You're not in my league. You're not even in the same ballpark. You ain't even playing the same game I do! I'm a hundred steps ahead, brotha! You throw a punch, I got it countered. You wanna bust out a German suplex, I'll Blue Thunder Bomb your German ass like it's D-Day! And while you're at the hospital, moaning in pain... your girl will be at my place, moaning my name! OOOOOHHHH YEAAAAAHHHH. 

Lucas Johnson, you got one day. To come up with your imaginary set of balls, to get in the ring with me! Cause tomorrow... I'm gonna beat your ass! Because that's what I do! Lucas Johnson... is your middle name "small"? Lucas Small Johnson? How bout Lucas Micro Johnson? Either way, I don't think it's fair that I get shafted with a no-name, never was, like Lucas Johnson. You come out here swinging, talking shit like you fucking matter. You don't, man! I didn't even know who you were till a day ago. And I took one look at you and I asked Monroe, "Is this that Make-A-Wish kid with Down Syndrome you were telling me about?". Turns out this was my opponent for this week. What a fucking joke. You look like Harambe's long lost aunt and you fight like that seven year old boy that got locked in Harambe's cage! Pathetic. And this is the best they've got for me? I'm about to prove to everyone that I do belong here, and that I can win the big one! That starts tomorrow night with this inbred schlub and ends with me and Kevin Devastation holding the EAW Tag Team Championships! And if you don't like that... who am I kidding? EVERYONE AND THEIR GRANDMA LOVES ROSS VEGAS!

And I'm never gonna stop. I'll keep scratching and clawing with my freaks till I break through that glass ceiling with the strength of a thousand men and make that brass ring my bitch! Lucas Johnson hasn't got the staying power. He doesn't have the drive that I do. Sure, he seems motivated, but it's all coming from a place of self-loathing and hatred. He's doing this not so he can be a success, but so he can prove to himself that he's not a failure. WHICH HE FUCKING IS. The world, let me tell you something, is a mirror. You've got all this anger and all you do is bitch about your poor performance instead of TAKING CONTROL, BROTHER, and CHANGING IT! You're looking flabby as all hell, I don't even wanna know what that singlet's hiding and neither do the women watching at home! When was the last time you went to a gym? Do you just sit around at Wendy's all day till its time for your match? Do you think that shitty undercut looks good? So many questions. And no good answers on your end. And even if you think you got the answer... I'LL CHANGE THE QUESTIONS! I'm one step ahead. Always. Every single time. YOU CAN'T TOUCH THIS, DUDE! OOOHHHH YEEAAAAAHHH!
Mike Showman
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 17th 2016, 3:19 pm by Mike Showman

(In the conference room of the Skrivin Hilton Oklahoma, Mike Showman is relaxing in a chair with his legs on the top of the table and his eyes closed. After a few minutes, a text alert rustles him up and he checks his phone. As soon as he does, that, he leaves out a visible cry of excitement)

Mike: Finally, it’s show time.

(Mike gets up and adjusts his dress and places all the things in the room properly. Finally, he hears a knock on the door. He goes and opens it and one of Mike’s bodyguard comes in)

Guard: Sir, the men you asked for are here. Let me warn you though, some of them really creep me out.

Mike: Do they? Well then I suggest you stay right here because, I have a very important job for you. A job which only you can do. I believe that your shooting skills would come in handy. Anyways, bring them in.

(The guard asks the men outside to come inside the room. Soon, one by one, people dressed as Ahren Fournier, Maero, JD Daemon, Alonzo Clarrissian, Jakob DeLion, Danny Noxx all come in. They are followed closely by Mike security guard)

Mike (smiling brightly): Gentlemen, welcome to Skrivin Hilton, one of the most expensive hotels in Oklahoma City. You know, now it really feels like Shock Value is just a day away. But I count only six people when there should be seven. I mean there are nine people in that match but excluding me and Jon, who I did not include in this because I don’t want to disturb his practice, there should have been seven. (Turns around faces his bodyguard) Where is Solomon Caine? I told you to keep them under close supervision because even if one them wanders off, this whole thing would be jeopardized.

Guard (confused): Sir, he was right behind them….I do not understand…..

(Suddenly, a man bursts into the room wearing a hideous costume with a cape. He has with him a little music player, a flashlight his face is filled with too much makeup. He stands near the entrance and turns on his music player which starts to play some weird music. The then starts flashing is flashlight while skipping around in an awkward manner and shouting)

Man: I am Solomon Caineeeeeee….. While you speak of winssssss and lossesssssss, of glory and honorrrrrrr. I speak of life and destruction! I seek not silver nor gold, I quest not for praise of adulation but only seek to survive! Fear me, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

(Mike somehow grabs the flashlight from Caine’s hand stop him)

Mike: STOP, STOP. This was not how it was supposed to be. You were supposed to get in with the others and then do your ridiculous stuff. Jesus, how difficult it is to follow simple instructions? Listen everyone, from now on, no more errors or botches. We stick to the script that I have prepared so thoughtfully and after all this is done, you will get paid and enjoy living a lavish life. At least for a week that is. Anyways, you will follow what I just said and ask no more questions from here on. Is that understood? Any questions

DeLion: Yeah, which way to the bar?

Mike: AHA, GOT YOU. Remember, I said no more questions? This means you are supposed to ask no more questions. But since you have violated that rule, ten percent of your fee would be deducted.

DeLion: Shit

Mike (turning to his bodyguard): Managing these people is indeed a pain in the ass

Guard: Oh yeah? You should have seen my men recruit them. Posing as EAW superstars and then getting paid handsomely for that? It’s like everyone wants to do that. Sometimes we had to back off just because the crowd was too much to handle.

Mike: These people who came in droves, don’t they have anything to say about working for me? I mean, I am the man who humiliated their superstars and continue to do so. Yet the queue up for my job offer?  

Guard: I guess they just want the money

(Mike nods)

Mike: Anyways, like I said, I have an important job for you, a job which requires some shooting.

Guard (eyes lighting up): Yes Sir, I am ready for whatever job you give me

Mike (smiles and hands him a video camera): I want you to shoot what happens here

Guard (a bit disappointed): Sir, you want me to…shoot….this?
Mike: Yes of course. You thought there was going to be a shootout here with guns? Of fuck you

(Mike then turns to the “EAW stars” seated inside the room with a smile on his face)

Mike: So people, you ready to begin?

“EAW stars” (together): YES.

Mike: Awesome. Already loving the enthusiasm levels here. Now as we all know that this week, we have a special match knows as top prospect scramble match at an event known as Shock Value. You all along with Jon and me will be participants in that match. I know many words have been exchanged but we never have been face to face before. So this is a historic event. Would any of you like to say anything about the match and the event, Shock Value on a whole? (Looks expectedly at the people)

(However, Mike is greeted with nothing but silence)

Mike: Oh well, I insist that you say something and if there will be no volunteers then, I will go around picking people up myself. Oh fuck it, I will just do that

(Mike moves around the seated people. After few seconds, he picks “Ahren Fournier”)

Mike: Ahren, my old buddy, why don’t you start off. I am sure we would all like to hear what you think about this match and Shock Value in particular

(The guy dressed as “Ahren” gets up slowly and takes a long and deep breath)

“Ahren”: First of all I want to say STOP REPEATING YOURSELF AND COME UP WITH SOMETHING ELSE??!!! SIMPLE SOLUTION RIGHT!! Me helping you is stupid? Why? I helped you out so much. Did you see how much stupidity you marble mouthed out? I’m trying to make you a better person….

(Mike stops “Ahren” in mid-sentence)

Mike: Dude, I want to talk about the match and not on anything else. Understand? Wrestling match? Shock Value? Do you follow me?

“Ahren”: But I can’t…I mean, I always have difficulty following other people….not to mention my mental capacity is so low that….that….even after someone has stated a point and proved it using solid facts, I still continue to oppose it. I know it makes no sense but I still do it…….it is like, being completely detached from this world and living in a world of my own

Mike: I understand. Not everyone is the same. Some people live in places like this and the others get hired by people living in places like this. But anyways, I believe in second chances so I will give you another chance and this time, you must not fuck up alright?

“Ahren”: Fuck..up? Fuck….some…girl you mean? I love fucking but mostly get fucked because of silly situations I find myself in because of my own….faults which I totally do not admit. Like….this whole situation of getting owned by Mike Showman is totally my fault because…..I unnecessarily tried to humiliate him…you know….

Mike: Good that you realize that. Now, I got something for you (hands him something). This is magic dust. Once you pour this on yourself, you become a trill fairy. You know what the fuck is a trill fairy, right?

“Ahren” (pouring dust on his head): YAAAYYY!! I AM TRILLING, CONDOMS, JENIPURR. YAYYY!!!!

(Mike catches him and delivers nails him with his finishing move. The guy dressed as Ahren Fournier falls lifeless to the ground)

Mike: Ahhh, I feel so good right now. Oh by the way, (turns to his security guard who is recording) you recording this shit right? Yes? Awesome.

(Mike then turns to the other guys who are terrified)

Mike: guys, no need to worry. If you follow my instructions properly, nothing will happen to you. Besides, you all should be happy right? There is one less person to pay because after he wakes up from that, he isn’t going to remember anything and so, your share will be more. Anyways, who is next?

(Mike turns his attention on the guy dressed as “Maero”)

Mike: Maero, why don’t you be the next one? Tell us something about you and the Sanatorium and how someone such as yourself became associated with it

“Maero”: Well from an early age I was good at two things, writing and sucking. I remember how I used to write so much about ways to suck. The first talent got me a PHD and the second one got me a place in Sanatorium. Because…..I am a no talent, trash talking son of a bitch….and if I wasn’t so good at sucking Eclipse’s dick, I probably would have been sucking my own dick…in some dark corner. No wait, this isn’t right.

(Mike, who was enjoying this, appears a bit angry at the abrupt stop. The guy dressed as Maero stands right in front of Mike looking at him in the eye)

“Maero”: This script you gave me is made up of things you want to hear and has not one bit of truth associated with it. I will not be sitting here and see one of my favourite wrestlers getting humiliated like this just because you want to look better

Mike: Oh, and why?

“Maero”: Because I too am rich you fucking peanut butter flavored, off brand, Starbucks latte.

Mike: Good for you. Get yourself a good doctor

(Mike low blows the guy and then slams his head using a DDT)

Mike: Wow, I am actually getting some practise here. Good .Anyways, Solomon Caine, would you like to be the next one?

(The guy dressed as “Caine” slowly gets up with all his gear)

Mike: Just say whatever you want to and let’s get this over with

(“Caine” takes out a box of matches and lights a fire. Using that he lights something which, after blowing the fire off, produces a lot of smoke. He then starts to switch his light off and on and then, turning on that creepy music, starts to dance around)

“Caine”: Fear me, because I am the theatrically enhanced, special effects added man known as Solomon Caine. Everyone should fear me because I am full of many such special effects with which I try to make myself look more legitimate because everyone knows I will be transformed to a fucking joke the day this is turned off. So I always have a full stock of special effect things ready. But even I know that they won’t help me in that match. But it’s okay because it’s not like I am looking to win or anything because there are better men who will go on and win anyways.

Mike: Well said. That is what I actually wanted to hear. You are honest Caine, I give you that and I promise that tomorrow, I will win because I am the better man. Anyways, a job well done and now, it’s time for your payment

(“Caine” leaves a huge sigh of relief and becomes excited at the prospect of getting a reward.  Mike puts his hands in his pocket and pulls out a couple of play notes and gives them to “Caine”. “Caine” is clearly surprised)

“Caine”: But this isn’t real money

Mike: No of course this isn’t. But you should be happy with it because, this is fake just like the man who you are portraying tonight. Seems like an ideal reward.

“Caine”: Sir please, you said you would give me money if I did exactly like Solomon Caine.

Mike: I did not, he did. Why don’t you take that from him then?

“Caine”: Sir, please.

Mike: HA! Got you didn’t I? Don’t worry man, I am only joking. You will get exactly what you deserve.

(Mike kicks him in the gut and delivers a power bomb on one of the chairs)

Mike: WHOOO! That is what is called a superb ending (turns to his security guard who was filming). Got all that on the camera? Not I must send one copy to Jon, he would like…..

The guys impersonating Jakob, Noxx and Daemon speak up together: WHAT ABOUT US?

Mike (turning back): I don’t care about you three. And you, the one supposed to be Daemon, you need to stay silent because clearly Daemon has lost his ability to speak. Now is it because of utter fear or because he bit his tongue hard, I don’t know. But yes, even if he comes and speaks out, it won’t matter now so you three, do whatever you want because, I’m leaving

(Mike leaves as the three standing guys look at the others who have fallen and wonder what to do. Suddenly, after a few seconds, Mike comes back)

Mike: You know what, I have changed my mind

(Mike picks up a nearby chair and starts beating the people in the room one by one. Finally, after getting his share of beating people up, he drops the chair and slides his hand in his other pocket. From there, he brings out a thick wad of real notes which he throws in the air. Soon, the room is filled with money as Mike smiles)

Mike: That covers up for all the damage done to this room and also the medical bills of these poor souls. As for Friday when the real ones show up, this very state of the room should be a warning to them to steer clear of me because I am ready, ready to win

(Mike energetically exits the room)
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 17th 2016, 3:15 pm by showster26
Dynasty promo #3

(The scene opens backstage at the Freedom Arena in Louisville, Kentucky. It's here in the interview area that we find "Picture Perfect" Mark Michaels dressed in his ring gear, with a microphone in his hand, just moments away from his scheduled match against Hades.)

Michaels: "You know first things first, I want to give a huge shout out to all my followers in Freedom Hall tonight!"

(The crowd cheers.)

Michaels: "Now in just a matter of moments yours truly, will step into the ring with the physical embodiment of hell itself. The former world champion, and the first ballot hall of famer, the monster they call Hades. But really quick I wanted to announce that I will be competing in the Tag Team Championship Grand Prix. Now I'm not gonna announce just who I'll be teaming with, but when I do, it's sure to turn a few heads, and make the trending now Page world wide.

Now as tonight is concerned, I am well aware of everything that Hades will be bringing to the table. He's incredibly strong, surprisingly agile for his size, and tougher than my mother's cube steak. So the question that has been on every EAW fans mind, is how am I gonna stand a chance against someone as proven as Hades? I say the same way I stood toe to toe with men like Tig Kelly, Mr. DeDeDe, and Zack Crash, I am going to go out there tonight, and in front of all my followers I'm going to rise to the occasion like I always do. Now I know there are a few out who are saying 'Mark, don't kid yourself, there's no way you are gonna be Hades.' But to those people I say look at the track record.

Every time I get placed in a big match situation, I elevate my performance to a whole new level. Don't believe me? Ask the guys I just listed, they'll tell you about how they didn't think much of me walking into the match, but by the time that final bell had rung, they found out just the type of man that I am. It was the same then, and it will sure as hell be the same tonight. See I have been dying for an opportunity like this, to face one of the absolute best that have ever stepped thru the door of the greatest wrestling promotion on the planet. So I am bringing the very best I have.

Every time he throws a right hand, he's gonna get two back in return. Every time he tries to cinch in a submission, I'm gonna slip out, and lock in one of my own. Hades is in for the fight of his life, because this just happens to be the biggest fight of mine! Hell fire and brimstone won't be enough to keep me from getting my hand raised tonight. Because Not many people get a second chance in this company, and those who do rarely see the same success they had before. And I did not return to EAW just to grab a paycheck, and get my face on tv. I came back because I want to be known as the absolute best professional wrestler that has ever set foot in the ring, and to do that I got to beat the absolute best there are today! I will gladly walk to hell and back, if at the end of the day, the good people of Louisville, and all around the world, will have my name pop into their heads, when they are asked who is the greatest of all time.

Hades, you know I respect you, and everything you have accomplished, but just because I do, doesn't mean that I'm going to let you walk all over me. Just because I know the kind of destruction you can reap, doesn't mean I will shaking in fear when that bell rings. And just because you happen to be the biggest mountain I've ever had to climb on my journey in EAW, doesn't mean I won't be standing victorious tonight. Every last ounce of blood and sweat I've poured into this business, its all gonna be worth it after I get my hand raised and begin to carve my name into that list of the all time greats.

So get ready hades because you are about to learn just why I am the Instagram icon, the twiter trendsetter, and the hashtag hero to millions across the globe. Tonight you are going to get the absolute best I have to offer and when smoke clears and dust has settled. When the bell rings and crowd begins to cheer. You are going to see Mark Michaels standing as the winner, so Hades You better start picturing THAT!"

(The shot fades back the the freedom arena.)

Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 17th 2016, 2:21 pm by Guest
Nico Borġ (Showdown 2)
Pearls Before Swine

The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto treasure hidden in a field;
That when a man hath found it, he hides it,
And for joy thereof he goes and sells all that he had,
And buys that field.

The Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls,
Who, on finding one pearl of great value,
Went and sold all that he had and bought it.

Matthew 13:44-46

What is it that a man wants? What makes him tick? What motivates him? What treasure could be so valuable that he would give up everything that has and more just to hold it in his hands? Now these are important questions. A deep, philosophical question to which there is no transparent answer. The truth is obscured. You never really know how far you are willing to go for something until the time comes and you are finally thrust in that direction. Luckily for us, that day comes as soon as this Sunday on Showdown. Three men will enter that ring in hopes of proving worthy of an opportunity which, thus far, has evaded each of us. That is, an opportunity to stake one’s claim for that most coveted Answers World Championship. But you can all stop right there before anyone gets it in their mind that this trinity is really fighting for the same thing. Before a new, or indeed old World Champion is crowned, we are first going to produce for ourselves some ‘answers’. Answers for those most important first questions. We are going to learn exactly what each man wants out of this opportunity, and we shall see just who will go the furthest to achieve it.

Rex has been kind enough to come out and state his own motivations. He paints a pretty picture. One of love for the business. He is passionate about what he does and it gives him a sense of purpose. Yet he’s holding back. I’m sure he knows as well as I by now that this business is ugly. It’s hard. Sometimes you are not really sure if you are the boxer or just the punching bag. People get written out with life changing injuries all the time. Just take a look at Brian Daniels. It is tough out there. Yet, there is something admirable about Rex. He has a hope about him. That he still has time. That he is on the right track. Rex McAllister likes to think of his career as a journey. A road with ups and down, bumps and potholes, barred paths and winding side roads. And ultimately, also a destination. He could be the next Ares Vendetta. After all, it took Ares himself a while to rise to the top. It doesn’t matter how many doors are slammed in his way. He has a trust in the universe. A strange disembodied hope that all that he has to do is keep kicking. That is your prerogative, Rex. Keep kicking. Kick and kick and kick at these doors until you tire or until none more stand in your path. I’m hardly in a position to talk you out of it. You aren’t alone in this pursuit, and it would be puerile for me to lambast you for it. But maybe you should think a little more tangibly about what it really is that you are giving your life for. As much as I know it pains you, I will compare you to Chris Elite again. Chris has been doing this a long time. He was kicking at locked gates and doorways before any of us had even stepped into the ring. He fought for years to get his hands on that New breed title. Yet, tell me what happened when he got there? Almost immediately, we saw the fight simply up and leave from him. There was no longer a carrot hanging in front of him.There was only the fight. One long, endless slog with no foreseen progression. Chris Elite was once as passionate as any single one of us about this business. He kept it up for so long with so little to show for it. Then he finally reaches his destination to find that it just never was worth it. He may have tried to shake the feeling but the fact remained, a little part of him gave up the ghost. Time and circumstance can change you, Rex. I’m concerned that you don’t have the sort of firm foundation to remain so wide-eyed and optimistic. You are just here for the ride. You are swimming with the current and letting it take you out to sea. Will it all be what you hoped? Will every fibre of your being still be in it all the way?

And so what about you, Marx? Ah yes. You have been pretty clear and consistent in regards to what you desire. You have craved for recognition. You strive for a platform from which to spread your false ideology. Of course, the latter is subsumed under the former. There is nothing sacred about your ‘philosophy’, and I use the term loosely. No part is fundamental. It has no innate value. Is it really ‘adaptable’, Marx? Or is it simply forced to adapt? Is it so flawed that, far from reaching a standard worthy of the recognition which you aspire to, it must always be thrown out to the gutter or reconfigured like the junk it is. How does it feel to have to change and evolve just to paper over the cracks in your foundations? To do so just to keep the illusion alive? You have forced the issue. You’ve played by nobody’s rules and you’ve tried to take the path of least resistance. But things do not go by that easily here. It has all backfired and now you are trapped in an insurmountable hole with two men who really shouldn’t need to waste their time with you.  Every rampart or defence or barrier you put up will come tumbling down like Jericho, when the trumpet sounds. And why? Because it was all just a pipe dream, wasn’t it? You don’t really have the faith in yourself to put everything on the line where your mouth is. If you did, you simply wouldn’t need the recognition of others to shore up your makeshift philosophy. You have built your house on the sand a now the storm is upon you. Did you really not see it coming?

Only one of us here is ready to weather the storm. The others have built their hopes on ground that was never meant to last or hold firm. How it all slips through your hands. I am the exception, though. I have invest my heart and my soul into the solid rock of a wise builder. Come what may. Whatever trials or tribulations, my bastion is secure. False idols will come and go but in the end the crown and the glory awaits the Kingdom of Heaven. You see, men can subsist on the fruits of this earth, they can merely survive for a time. Yet, no man shall ever truly live by bread alone. Only shall they truly live by the nourishment of every word that proceeds out from the mouth of God. So fight for what you wish. Take comfort in whatever achievement or possession that ye can get your hands on. You shall still hunger. You shall still thirst. Satisfaction shall never come to you. You know only what you desire, but not what tonic shall cure your needs. Will anything you do ever be enough? Will anything that give ever be worth it? No. For you will never give it all for something so meagre. And you shall receive only what you give. All light is cut off from you. That which is holy is never tossed for the dogs to chew and ruin. And pearls are not cast before swine, lest they should be trampled under foot. But I...I will go out in my joy. For I have found a treasure worth possessing above all else that I may own. I am not worthy. The riches of heaven are incomprehensible and far beyond the means of any earthly nation to purchase outright. Yet, just as the man of the parable gave all that he owned to buy not the treasure itself, but the field in which it resided, so too then does The Lord offer us the deal of a lifetime. The deal of one’s life. The worn and haggard lives we lead, for the eternal life offered in the blood and the word and the love of Christ. What shall compare? All things bend unto he who gives everything for God.

Rejoice brothers, for the Kingdom of Heaven is as a pearl of great price.
The righteous alone will give all for it’s sake.

God Is Watching.

Last edited by Nico Borġ on November 17th 2016, 3:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
Drake Jaeger
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 17th 2016, 1:43 pm by Drake Jaeger
Drake Jaeger in….

Blacklivesmatter - EAW Promoz! - Page 2 RlkbCMG

闆 An intro play for a daily national talk show plays, filled with several clips of the hosts doing various stupid things and forcing laughter before transitioning to a middle-aged man in a suit on the set of the same show. 闆

Middle-aged Man: Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to “Good Afternoon, America”. I’m your host for today, Stephen Fox, and today we have a very special guest on the show. He’s a man that’s made a living his whole life as a professional wrestler, but could he perhaps be more? Good Afternoon America has been given the distinct honor of announcing here today that this very man will, in fact, be running for President of the United States in 2020. Ladies and gentlemen, my guest: Drake Jaeger.

闆 Canned applause can be heard as Drake Jaeger - dressed in a dark suit with dark shoes and dark highlights in his hair - awkwardly walks out to the set, shakes Stephen’s hand, wipes his hand on his suit pants immediately, and takes a seat 闆

Stephen: Thank you for joining us here today, Drake, and what a massive announcement.

Drake: Hey, thanks for having me, it’s an honor to be here. And yeah, it’s a pretty big deal, especially considering I’m from Canada, but I personally think I could do a lot of good as the President of the United States.

闆 Stephen’s expression turns to slight confusion. 闆

Stephen: Canada, you say? Are you allowed to run for President?

Drake: I’m glad you asked. See, I think it’s become pretty apparent that literally anyone can be President of the United States so long as they’ve got a pulse. Fat, small, tall, gay, straight, blue, green - anyone’s viable, so why not? In fact, THAT’S my campaign slogan: “Why not?” Who gives a sh*t that I’m Canadian? Canada’s pretty sweet, right? If anything, this country should be begging for a Canadian to take over. There’s a ridiculous amount of people trying to flee this country right now TO Canada. So why not?

Stephen: You may have a point. It’s also rather unusual that a former professional wrestler of all people would choose to suddenly run for President of the United States--

Drake: Not a former.

Stephen: You’re still a wrestler?

Drake: I’m a hard worker, Stephen. I don’t stop wrestling. I continue to wrestle, and I wrestle for America. I wrestle for every single man and woman - well, every man anyway - that’s busted his ass to make a living in this cesspool of a country that we call home. I can’t stop, and I won’t stop. And it I certainly won’t slow down when I’m elected. In fact, I’ll be wrestling THAT much more. I have to be the shining beacon of hope for this tragic little country that was “discovered” by some jackass who did more evil than good. I have to be the light in the darkness of this place founded upon slavery and discriminating against others when they weren’t busy slaughtering Native Americans. I’ll step into that ring every single not to fight against those that hurt my friends AND hurt my pride. I’ve got to be a man, Stephen, I can’t let it slide. I am a real American, and I will fight for the right of every man.

闆 Stephen nods in agreement as the canned audience applauds. 闆

Stephen: Once more, you’ve got a great point. And if you were to be elected, would you change anything that President Trump might have done, such as the wall he intends to build on the border between the United States and Mexico?

Drake: Are you kidding? Of course not! In fact, we need to build MORE walls. We need a wall on the border between Canada and the US to keep all of the p*ssies in this country from running away. We need walls on the East coast to keep out sharks, we need walls on the West coast to keep out earthquakes, and we need walls around Florida to keep out Florida! In fact, you know what? I’d go one step beyond. Let’s just nuke em.

闆 Stephen takes a moment to process what Drake just said. 闆

Stephen: I’m sorry, what?

闆 Drake nonchalantly crosses his legs and leans back on the couch he’s sitting on. 闆

Drake: Yeah, screw it. Let’s just nuke everyone. We’ve got nukes, right? Would anyone REALLY be complaining if we rubbed out Mexico? What do they have to offer to the World? Mexican food? We’ve already for that here in the States, it’s not going anywhere. Lucha libre? Who cares about them and their ridiculous flippy sh*t? Mexico is the birthplace of rapists, murders, El Chapos, and cowards like TLA. We’ve all sat back for MONTHS now and watched a Mexican stain the InterView Championship. And he’s beaten who? Who? Nobody. Literal nobodies. Not a single name that anyone could ever hope to remember. He hasn’t had even an ounce of a challenge until I came along, and isn’t that appropriate? A guy like him just sliding by through our system until he’s finally caught and put to justice? And now he thinks he can NEGOTIATE with me while I did him the honor of showing up in his filthy, disgusting whore house? Men like TLA are what’s wrong with the country, and they’re EXACTLY the kind of people I want out of here. He can go back to the homeland of Tijuana or whatever gutter he crawled from and he can strap on a mask, start bouncing off the ropes, and spout his bullsh*t far, far away from this company and this country!

Stephen: … I don’t think I know who TLA is.

Drake: And Stephen, hopefully, you never will. He’s gonna be an afterthought. No, he’s gonna be a neverwas. Like just a bad dream.

Stephen: I see…

闆 Stephen clears his throat and picks up a notepad, looking at it. 闆

Stephen: Well, after hearing that you’d be running for President, I decided it may be in everyone’s best interest to ask you about your stance on the usual issues.

Drake: Go for it, guy.

Stephen: Alright, first: Foreign policy.

闆 Drake scoffs. 闆

Drake: Hate foreigners, and I refuse to entertain any policy involving them. Next.

Stephen: … Uh… Homeland Security?

Drake: Everyone seems secure to me as far as I know. Next.

Stephen: War and Peace?

Drake: Yes and no.

Stephen: Drugs?

Drake: Love em.

Stephen: Free Trade?

Drake: Who doesn’t like free sh*t?

Stephen: Abortion?

Drake: Seeing as how many of my opponents, such as TLA, should have been aborted, I not only condone it, but urge it.

Stephen: Families and--

Drake: You know what I’m NOT hearing? Religion. Is that one?

闆 Stephen looks through the issues on the notepad and shakes his head. 闆

Drake: Now that’s a problem, because I think religion should most definitely get a spotlight here.

Stephen: Oh, you think so? Why’s that?

Drake: Because we need to outlaw it, clearly.

Stephen: Outlaw? Religion?

Drake: Of course.

Stephen: But why? Most of the country is religious.

闆 Drake nods. 闆

Drake: Exactly. Too many people still believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy as well, does that make it right?

Stephen: Well… I mean--

Drake: I got three words for you, Steve: “Heart Break Boy”.

Stephen: Heart Break Boy? The wrestler?

Drake: No, Heart Break Boy the ping pong player. Yes, the f*cking wrestler, do you know another?

Stephen: … Okay, but what does he have to do with anything?

闆 Drake rolls his eyes. 闆

Drake: Are you serious? He’s like the biggest Bible-thumper the World has ever seen, and where does he choose to spend his time? He spends it wasting space in MY country, and in MY company. It’s because of freakin’ religion that he’s back at all after TJ and myself ENDED him at Reckless Wiring, yet, here he is. Why? Probably because “God” told him to get off his lazy ass and try to redeem himself after being completely humiliated by us. And it’s honestly pretty crazy, don’t you think? You would think of all people, someone as pathetic as the Heart Break Boy would maybe wonder if God really DOES exist if the last moments he’d spent in this company was as a LOSER. But that’s how it goes with religious people, right? If something goes right, it was meant to be.  If something goes wrong, it’s just God’s will and he’s testing you. Hell, maybe there IS a God and maybe he WAS testing the Heart Break Boy, and you know what? Maybe he failed. Maybe he failed miserably by stepping back into a ring and trying to salvage even an ounce of his shredded career!

闆 Drake starts to laugh. 闆

Drake: I got something even better. What if he’s metaphorically died and this is his punishment? What if THIS is his Hell? He’s doomed to forever repeat the moment when he fell at my feet despite being a supposed “Legend” to this company. That no matter how many times he’s dropped to his knees, put his hands together, and prayed to his God above, it just wasn’t enough to give him the strength to overcome a force like Drake Jaeger! Look at him! He’s already desperately clinging to life support by searching for a World Championship right off the bat, as if he’s done ANYTHING to earn one! What was he doing at House of Glass? Assaulting a man that just went through a grueling match? What was I doing at House of Glass? I was beating FIVE other men in a violent, brutal battle to earn a mere shot at a Title! This guy dedicates his entire life to a certain way of conducting himself written down in a thousands of years old book, but can’t be bothered to even remotely actually DO any of it! Where in the Bible does it say it’s okay to literally live your life hurting people to win materialistic prizes like a Championship? Where in the Bible does it say it’s okay to beat up a guy in an unfair fight after he just went through an entire match?

闆 Stephen tries to interrupt, but Drake stops him with a hand gesture. 闆

Drake: And I WISH I could say it’s something new, but it’s not. It’s not! It’s the same old song and dance as every single other idiot who claims they’re so very devoutly religious! They use it to feel superior to everyone else and then they go and break the rules they live by to pander to their own selfish little whims! They’re pathetic! They’re a stain on my beautiful country, Stephen, and I won’t have it! I just won’t! Tomorrow night on Dynasty, I start my REAL campaign. I start weeding out all of the pieces of trash that never belonged in a ring, be it TLA or the Heart Break Boy! I’m gonna make him see the light tomorrow night, and it ain’t gonna be God shining down brilliant upon him! It’s gonna be the headlights of the truck he’ll be willingly jumping in front of when I shake his faith and send him spiraling down into an abyss that even the Devil wouldn’t f*ck with!

闆 Drake stands on his feet as Stephen tries to calm him. 闆

Drake: And you can’t even say Godd*mn on national television! Why? Because everyone’s been brainwashed into thinking it’s a dirty word! You’re half right! Damn isn’t a dirty word, but God IS! When you idiots elect me as your next President of the United States of America, I’m gonna be your Iconoclast! I’m gonna bring down every Church, and I’m gonna smoke out every hypocrite infesting them! And if God has a problem with it, let him strike me down right now! SMITE ME!

闆 Drake holds out his arms and looks up, waiting for several seconds before putting his arms down and shaking his head. 闆

Drake: Didn’t think so. Drake Jaeger for President 2020. Why not?

闆 Drake steps onto the coffee table in front of him and takes his leave as Stephen Fox looks on before cutting to a commercial break. 闆
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 17th 2016, 12:45 pm by Bloody Jack
[It’s days before Shock Value, and we find Zack Crash inside the office of Dr. Erik Vance, EAW’s resident psychiatrist.  Looking around Zack groans inwardly.  If people thought HIS old office was prideful in its decoration, then Dr. Vance’s is very much overkill.  The furniture and books that domibate the space makes it feel more like a museum curator’s office rather than a doctor.  Zack looks exceedingly uncomfortable, yet also resigned to be there.  Apparently, Zack has sought out Dr. Vance for one last session, in mental preparation for his High Voltage Match against Eclipse Diemos.  Dr. Vance has left his office for a few minutes…but that does not mean Zack is alone!  Within his mind’s eye, he looks up to see various versions of himself from the distant and near past looking down on him with various expressions of disappointment.  Zack tries to shake these premonitions away, but as he talks they continue to haunt him relentlessly.] 
Zack Crash:  How does one go about destroying an entire family?  When you look at a group of individuals who are so tightly connected by some form of bond (as misguided as it may be), what do you have to do in order to turn that family into a broken family?  The answer…you target what keeps them together.  Because I know better than most that you can’t defeat a family or organization by taking them all on at once.  The numbers don’t lie, and while you may fight them back for a little while, sooner or later the numbers catch up to you, and you lose.  Even going after them one at a time won’t work.  They’re so united that even in defeat they keeping coming back together and eventually wear you down from the constant struggle.  And yet again, you find yourself on the losing side.  But what happens when you go after that bond itself?  What happens when you start chipping away at the very thing that kept them together in the first place?  When that bond is utterly destroyed, what then keeps the family together?  Nothing!  Like a puppet with their strings cut, the family collapses and is unable to move any further.  That has been my tactic from the start of this little story between myself and Sanatorium.  One by one, I have faced its members, and every time I have turned them back.  It’s interesting that things that once scared us as children no longer seem to do so once we come into adulthood.  Why is that?  While our minds have matured, we’re still essentially the same people we were in our youth.  And some fears to carry on with us through the years, such as death, the unknown, and Donald Trump as president.  So then why do we seemingly outgrow our fears of monsters, goblins, and vampires?  Because at some point we come to realize that what we feared as children doesn’t really exist.  Most of it can be chalked up to either flights of wild imagination, or easily explained daily occurrences.  That monster under the stairs was simply the creaking of the steps.  The Boogeyman under your bed was purely imaginary.  And once the truth sets in on these once terrifying creatures, they become almost comical.  You then wonder why you ever feared them in the first place, and why you didn’t see them for what they were sooner.  That’s currently where I find myself in my dealings with The Sanatorium and its members.  Admittedly I was nervous about them at first.  After all, a group of psychos and crazy people isn’t anything to take lightly.  But here’s where Eclipse and his group played their hand too strongly.  See the more I dealt with them, the more the spell they like to cast of the roster began to fade.  It nearly vanished when I defeated both Phoenix Winterborn and Maero in one-on-one action.  It was at that point that I realized The Sanatorium are not monsters to be feared.  Just like the kids who go out on Halloween, they’re simply playing at being monsters.  And THAT is what has kept them together and in power for all this time.  Their belief that they are crazy monsters that cannot be stopped.  Single-handedly I have taken that self-imposed image of themselves and shattered it to pieces.  Now they are realizing just how human they really are, and nothing scares a monster more than finding out it’s really a human; learning it’s subject to the same human weaknesses and pains.                 
[A vision of himself from when he first arrived in EAW looks down on him with sadness and pity in his eyes.  This is the “Rookie” version of Zack Crash who was once in the New Age Bandits.  Happy, plucky, full of jokes, and eager to prove himself worthy of being with the best wrestling organization around.  He shakes his head at the modern version of himself, as his lamenting the lose of his innocent love of wrestling.] 
Admittedly though to some I may look like the one at a disadvantage.  I am, after all, here without OMERTA by my side, who have been with me for some time now, while Eclipse still has his little group still together.  So it would seem that the shoe is on the other foot as they say.  But I want everyone to consider something before they dismiss me off simply because OMERTA is no longer behind me.  When I got traded to Voltage, OMERTA collapsed within days of that.  All my members ran around scared like chickens with their heads cut off, and now the success they once enjoyed under my leadership is being squandered.  Now what does that tell you?  It should tell you that everything that made OMERTA great was apparently concentrated only in me!  It wasn’t JJ Silva, or Terry Chambers, or Hades, or anyone else who made OMERTA the powerful and dominating force it was.  It was all me!  I know this because, as I said, the moment the ball was in someone else’s court, they dropped it.  Perhaps you’re right though Eclipse.  Maybe we weren’t really a family.  Maybe I did want control and submission more than I care to admit, but all of that doesn’t mean anything.  Regardless of my tactics or my desires, OMERTA was a force to be feared and reckoned with.  And even though it’s gone now, the power that made that little stable what it was isn’t.  It came with me to Voltage!  The cunning, the scheming, the desire for more, all of that is embodied within my skin.  So long as I live and breath, OMERTA will never truly die.  It’s just transformed into an army of one.  And this one has been more than enough to keep you and your Psyche Ward on their toes. 
[Zack looks away from his youngest self, and comes instead to yet another version of himself.  This one looks tougher, does not smile, and has a fire glowing behind his eyes unlike anything you’ve ever seen.  This is the “Rebel” version of Zack, and he looks down on the real Zack Crash with disgust, as if accusing him of selling out the beliefs he once held so dear and fought so hard for.]
You claim to have corrupted Dynasty, which may or may not be true.  But even if it is, it still pales in comparison to what I’ve done.  All you did was “corrupt” a brand…while I “corrupted” and entire organization!  I ruled over all 3 brands during my tenure as EAW Chairman.  Do you honestly think you or Sanatorium could’ve done that?  Yet you hold up that one little thing as your “legacy”?!  Eclipse I’m sorry to tell you this but…you have no legacy!  Perhaps I’m being to harsh.  I’d probably hold that “accomplishment” in high regard too if I had as little a legacy as you do.  The biggest things you have to your name is a King Of Elite crown you lost.  Kind of a pathetic legacy if you ask me.  I, on the other hand, actually have a legacy to my name.  I’m the longest reigning Tag Team Champion in EAW history.  I won Cash In The Vault and the World Heavyweight Championship in the same night.  I ended the winning streaks of both Dark Demon and Jaywalker.  I’ve fought for three separate world championships at back-toback-to back Pain For Pride shows.  I formed the greatest stable in EAW history.  I’m a EAW Hall Of Famer.  THAT is a legacy Eclipse!  And Voltage, much like with you, is where my legacy began.  So you can understand why I consider Voltage to be MY show, not yours.  You haven’t done anything to earn Voltage.  I came to this brand as a nobody after having to earn my keep through Turbo…twice!  And it was one Voltage where I first made people remember the name Zack Crash.  This is my home, my yard, and I’m not going to let someone like just walk in and take it away from me.        
[Zack can no longer stand the “Rebel’s” accusatory gaze, and looks toward the far end of the line of his previous self.  This one is the one who resembles the current Zack the most.  He wears a suit almost identical to the one Zack is wearing now.  He stands upright and erect, looking very proper, almost like a businessman.  This is the “Mafia” edition of Zack Crash, and he looks at Crash in patronizing disappointment, seeing what he is to become, and what is to become of the empire he built for over two years.]
Your biggest mistake with me Eclipse is the same mistake everyone in EAW keeps making.  You see me in my fancy suits and you think you know who I am, or what I’ve become.  Well let me inform you and the rest of EAW that regardless of the suits I wear, I’m still the same man underneath them.  All my luxuries, my money, my clothes, it’s all window dressing to fool those too stupid to see past them.  It was all just a means to an end, and it work perfectly for two years.  People saw me with my expensive suits and they either followed me blindly because they felt they could leech some of that wealth off for themselves, or they underestimated me, thinking I had turned into yet another cooperate dog.  Whatever the affect in the end it gave me power.  It gave me power over those who followed me, to use them as pawns in my little chess game, and it gave me power over men like you, who saw only what they wanted to see and gave me endless advantages over them.  That’s why so far Eclipse, you and your little asylum buddies haven’t been able to get the upper hand on me.  All you see is a suit, when what you should be seeing is a rebel who will fight until his dying breath.  What you should be seeing is a thrill seeker, who will push his body to the farthest limits for victory and glory.  What you should be seeing is a Hall Of Famer, who got that distinction by being one of the best there is!  If you look at me, and all you see is a suit, thinking then that I’m still anything less than the best in EAW, then you’re clearly either stupid or delusional.  Better than men than you have made the same mistake, and they all fell before me.  Lucian Black, Jacob Senn, Xavier Williams, Matt Ryder, all they thought they knew who I was and figured they could take me down.  But they all failed, and funnily enough, it was my trade to Voltage that ultimately killed OMERTA.  So in a very real sense, OMERTA died undefeated.  No man could conquer it, and now no man will ever get the chance to try.  But go ahead, look and me and see only the clothes I wear.  It’ll make it that much easier for me, because you then won’t be able to see my fist as it knocks what little sense you have left out of your head. 
[Unable to stand these judgmental looks anymore, Zack turns his back on them, hoping that’ll block them from his mind and his thoughts.  But there is one more vision that Zack needs to see.  But this is one he does not recognize.  This version of himself seems different from all the rest.  He is unshaven, looking scraggily and unkempt.  His hair is wild and uncombed, with a silver streak in it.  His clothes are odd to the point of seeming otherworldly.  But his expression is what frightens Zack the most.  His eyes are wide and unfocused, making him look deranged and unstable.  What is this vision Zack wonders?  Who is it?  Surely this “thing” in front of him can’t be himself.  Can it?!]
But I won’t deny that you’re not dangerous Eclipse.  The only thing dumber than underestimating me, is underestimating a crazy person.  You’re strength is in that insanity you’re so proud of.  You’re unpredictable…but is that really a strength, or is it more of a weakness?  You’re power is like a raging fire, trying to burn everything around it.  But what good is power if it cannot be properly channeled?  Soon it consumes everything, until nothing is left, and finally it burns itself out and dies.  You’ve been burning wildly for some time now Eclipse, but finally your embers are starting to dim, and I’m the storm coming to put out your last bit of glow.  You’re a master of the mental game, I’ll give you that.  You win many matches before they even start by getting inside your opponents heads.  But you never planned for the possibility that someone might catch onto your little tricks.  You never thought your opponent might get inside your head.  And I am inside your head Eclipse.  I’m that voice you hear whispering to you all those dark thoughts of yours.  I’m that little devil on your shoulder, reminding you of the extreme jealousy you feel towards me.  I’m the one urging you to destroy me, to hurt me…to erase me!  I’m the one telling you that you can fix me.  It’s all part of my mind game, because the more you think you’re in control, the more the power lays in my hands.   
[With these final words, each of the versions of Zack that were tormenting him vanish into dust, blown away by an imaginary wind.  All except for the Unknown Zack.  This one continues to gaze wide-eyed at him until, with no other alternative available to him, Zack flees the room.  The mysterious image does not follow him, but smiles triumphantly, and then he too disappears into nothingness.

Fade to black.]
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 17th 2016, 12:31 pm by DannyNoxxWMW
From The Bottom
Chapter Seven: Noxx Part 3:

 "Prospect to you; legend to me"

 It is 11:52 AM in the scene opens in an empty ring. There is no crowd in attendance but there is a single chair in the ring, it is a steel chair. Music is playing in this in the arena but no one is here to hear it. From the entrance curtain walks the young Daniel Noxx. He walks by himself as Jakob is not with him. He is wearing a strong style hat and a worlds most wanted logo T-shirt. He looks at the ring as though he is sizing it up. As though he isn't his the painting something… But that something isn’t there. The camera zooms in on him as he leans against the ring apron and he begins to speak.

"You know sometimes I get here before anyone else. I get here because it's quiet and it's untouched. Before I have to play to appearances. When it can be what it always has been, a kid in his ring. Is he growing up I got in trouble left and right. It's seemed no matter what I did, I was always the one getting in trouble until I found this. Until I found professional wrestling. So right now I'm just a kid and his ring. But in the prospect match… When all of the top young talents are in the middle of that ring, I no longer am a kid and his ring. I've become a king and his ring. "

 He stands up he uses the apron to get up and he walks along the apron sliding his hand across apron as he walks. He starts making a beat on the top of the apron with his knuckles he didn't seems to gain enough courage to enter the ring. He does though, he rolls into the ring, and he stands up.

 "You see I don't really give a damn about anyone in this match, except for Jake. Because everyone else has been given fair opportunities, and I don't know if it's because we aren't these dark powerful entities or because we are just pissing off the wrong people but we are not given The same opportunities as everyone else does everyone else seems to have the ability to win. Now I know we have the ability to conquer, we have the ability to dominate, because we have done that all over the world… and absolutely no one can take that away from us." He begins to run the ropes and he stops in mid stride in anger as though he is holding something back but he lets it out "I am sick and tired of being treated like I don't belong here… Like the world's most wanted don't belong here. I hate the idea that this is a welcoming corporation, because it's not. It's not. I am all for starting in the back of the line to show everyone that you are worth what you are paid. That is one thing but it is a whole different ballgame when you were treated with disrespect… Treated like you don't deserve to be here but let me be the first to tell you no one deserves to be here more. So here is what I am going to do"

 He pauses to himself, he recollects like his composure and straightens his hat before he speaks.
 "I am going to walk in. I am going to walk in as a man who has nothing to lose. Because let's face it my brief stint here hasn't been the most productive. So let's start the productivity. I have nothing to lose and a man who has nothing to lose is the most dangerous man in the world and you were looking at the most dangerous man in the world. And you can fill the ring with all the top prospects you want but the difference between me and them? I am no prospect, I am a sure thing whether you like to admit it or not. A prospect is someone there might be potential in. Someone that you can take a risk on and it might work out. There is no risk with me because I am as good as I say I am. In the most terrifying part is I know it. I know what I can do in that ring but no one else does. So this championship contender match will be the emergence of Daniel Noxx. And it will be an introduction to the Noxxic Solution. Don't believe me? Just watch"
Eddie Case
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 17th 2016, 12:22 pm by Eddie Case
// The scene fades in his office as he is sitting down in a dark, dimly lit office as he sits down with his feet propped up on his desk as he sits back with his hands behind his head, as his favorite plays quietly on his CD player as he hums along with it and he grins as he notices a EAW Camera crew entering; Eddie comes out from behind his desk as he is wearing black jeans with a steel chain on the side along with his authentic "Case Closed" T-shirt which is in Black as he walks towards the camera with his hands swaying at his sides and a wicked smile cracks across his face //

Eddie Case: Welcome, Elitists and Vixxens to Eddie Case's home away from home and this is where I get all my info on my opponents and I scout them out to see what they are capable of,  although this is my debut within EAW the fans deserve the best conformance Eddie Case can give and that happens when I step into the ring I captivate audiences and take there breath away cause I aim to make every one of them remember the name Eddie Case  and that is not some delusional fantasy about being  a favorite or a hero,  this is about being the one they talk about after I did some spectacular move because I will leave them in awe wanting the best and that is what I will do..

// Eddie slowly steps back and heads back into his seat behind his desk as he pulls out two glasses and pours iced tea in one and water in the other as he sits back with his hands put behind his head and he raises one eyebrow with a small grin coming across, as he leans forward with his hands linked together also putting his elbows on the desk as he is looking in the camera with a hint of mischief in his eyes //

Eddie Case: One of these is, Rich and  full of flavor that appeal to most  and the other is dull, bland and tasteless, who do you think this is people?  Azrael, you can not  match me and this is not cockiness because I am simply stating I have been doing this longer than you, I have been entertaining fans longer and that is why they have my back and that is why every single nigh they will be chanting Case Closed cause they know whenever I step into  the ring they will see a brand new style of wrestling  and that is why I was placed on Dynasty to create a Dynasty here and that is why on my way there I must beat the best and I must prove that I am better than the best...Just Watch Me!
The Consigliere
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 17th 2016, 12:18 pm by The Consigliere
HAH! What will the Heart Break Gal do when she wins this match? Easy! I am going to leave town and relax at a beach where I'm alone and the idiots from this stupid division are miles away from me. Kendra and Cameron are very much welcomed to join me, I know how fucking sick they are about this self-righteous, headache-inducing bullshit that creep out of each of the Sirens' mouth, as they tell the world how great it is to stand up to the villains and the bullies, when we all know that this is just another sad excuse because they couldn't find any way to succeed in this division while the OG Vixens are still standing upright. 

We never die, and everyone knows this. Many have tried their luck and placed us in situations where it could be the end of our careers as well as a huge risk to our well-being. We have caught ourselves in situations where we needed to choose what's more important -- saving ourselves and call it a night, or take a high-risk maneuver just to keep a Championship? Learn to trust and forgive double-crossing mongrels that we used to call our friends, or hit them in the head so hard with a fucking chair? Put our thirst for dominance  on hold just to tend to whiny disgusting excuse for Vixens in the Sirens, or protect our turf because we know that no matter how we try they will never surpass us? We have made our choices known, and not once did we let ourselves suffer for long without the opposition suffering worse in our hands, do you want to know why? Because we take every challenge at hand seriously. Because we are world-class performers who know exactly how to win the game no matter how you twist the situation because we have seen them all and endured them all. And I want to take this match seriously, I really do. I really want to rage and I really want to let the world know that I am coming to this match on my best shape and ready to deliver results, but DAMN! The moment when I hear the Sirens babble and wail about every little thing that didn't go their way because of the OG Vixens, when I hear their shitty childish excuses, and their name-calling that no exaggeration AT ALL fucking stings, and the idea that they are complaining about being outsmarted in so many instances when everyone knows it's their fault for being easily caught off guard, it makes me want to just fucking laugh, look out my window and ask the heavens... WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? IS THIS A FUCKING JOKE? THIS IS THE TOP PERFORMING ARMY THAT YOU SEND TO PUT AN END TO OUR REIGN OF TERROR? 
Because that's how the story goes. There's always that one little bitch out for revenge because she was picked on in high school by these self-important popular girls who want nothing more than to make others feel like a piece of shit. They try to fit in! They try to just make sure that they stay out of the attention, but no matter how hard they try to keep away from the mess of it, the self-important girls still pick on her until she completely snaps and balls her first. But will she ever land a punch? Will she ever actually stand up to the bully and tell them to back off? NO! Because she is scared. Because she knows damn well that her life is over and that is exactly what is happening here right now! All the human wastes of Empire has gathered around to put an end to the girls that run the show! We have Horseface McGee Sheridan Muller who just wants to be the popular girl for once but she's too goddamn hideous to actually be likeable, and everyone finds her fucking repulsive. There's Cailin Dillon who is the quiet little nerd who thinks she has done nothing wrong, and spends 70% of her time wondering what she's doing wrong and why everyone picks on her! There's Haruna Sakazaki who plays the part of that foreign student, nobody understands half the things that she says, but she is considered a friend because she "seems nice!", we have the Protector of the Realm and the Queen of Daddy Issues Tarah Nova who tries to rock a gothic outfit but ends up looking like a fat ogre cunt who just wears thick eyeliner and call it style BECAUSE SHES TOO FUCKING UGLY, NOT EVEN HEAVY MAKE UP CAN SAVE HER, and lastly we have the town slut Aria Jaxon that every guy knows about! And that's basically the story of it! Drunk parents combined with poor lifestyle choices lead them to band together and create a world where they have a safe space! Get defeated a hundred times is NOTHING to them so long as they laugh among themselves and brag about how they defeated you once in a match where the circumstances clearly decided the winner. Get their asses buried in the ground, put them in a place where they are forgotten and shamed a billion times, they are not going to mention anything about it, but instead they will point out that one tiny detail about your career when you reached a low point, and dwell on that like they never really did anything wrong. So fucking quit it, Aria, nobody is buying what you're selling and this whole heroic act is not going to get you anywhere. You're a piece of shit who contribute nothing to the Vixens Division, and certainly you are in no position to point out how awful it must have felt for me to lose the Vixens Championship in the way I did, when you couldn't even keep yours for over a month. I was defeated by Sheridan Muller in a match where I was supposed to have the happy ending because she was jealous of my success as you are jealous as well... I mean, isn't that the reason why you pushed for the Lion's Cup? Isn't that why you went down a level and decided to face rookies, and newbies, and people who could barely wrestle and wants to start off their careers at Voltage so that you could feel like you have accomplished something in your sad fucking existence in EAW? Not once did I say that you dwell on luck, because you don't. You don't want to be lucky. You want everything to be easy. You want gold to be handed to you no matter what form. You want accomplishments to come your way no matter how little they are as you run around with them thinking like you're molded for a Vixens Championship when you deserve absolutely NOTHING after you fucked up your Empress of Elite cash-in last year. That was how the world was awakened. That's how they knew that Aria Jaxon is just a one-hit-wonder who doesn't know how to take advantage of opportunities and now she's left in the dust fighting off John Wades and Kevin Wyoming, and all other names that nobody even knows about! That's how everyone figured that Aria Jaxon's Championship win, just like her entire existence, was a fucking mistake. Of course I am angry, you stupid bitch. Who on earth wouldn't be if they find themselves in my situation? The Vixens Championship was SNATCHED right out of my hands. The Vixens Championship that I worked so hard to protect is being handled currently by a basic bitch who couldn't do anything extraordinary on her own even if she tried. A sad excuse for a Champion. A boring excuse for a performer. At least you have that in common! But, Aria, after these sly moves, and these emotional wreck, do you honestly think I would give in? Do you see me whining about it endlessly, or stating my intentions on taking it back? NO! Because other than the fact that I'm not so easily shaken by my losses, other than the fact that it wouldn't take much time before Sheridan loses her gold anyway, I know to myself that I have done what I wanted on Empire and that I never lost the title. In the end I was the fighting Champion, and Sher is looking like a fool making herself known as Champion as it rejects her so much like a mismatched organ transplant. I don't need you to feel sorry for me, Aria, because with or without the title, I am worth more than your entire team. I can deliver and eliminate all of you one by one. I'm not just going to try. I am going to prevail. 

Give me props for consistency, Cailin, for not changing my ideas so easily! I thought you were a miserable piece of shit back then, and I still think you're a miserable piece of shit now. We never did see eye to eye, and I don't think there will come a day when we see that happen. It's the trend of this relationship and it's just how the cycle goes. You go on an endless rant on how you were bullied and ridiculed by the OG Vixens, particularly me, during your stay here on EAW and I spend a lot of time telling you that you just fucking deserve it. But don't get the idea that I never tried to level with you, Cailin, don't you ever think I didn't try to get what comes out of your disgusting whore mouth when I listen to all the bullshit that you have to say. It is a fact that you and I have both have made name for ourselves in the times when we didn't come across each other. I went on to become a four-time Vixens Champion, and of course, who can ever forget that Cailin Dillon has won not a Championship but a tiara that symbolizes how most of the women in this company celebrates mediocrity and the fact that they're not good enough to actually pursue real gold. But I am not going to talk about that today since we both know it's a played out argument. Let's talk about this war. Let's talk about how you're finally getting on beast mode and ready to stand up to those bullies who treated you like a ragdoll and tossed you around the ring like you meant nothing to them. That's what this is all about, isn't it? The OG VIxens want to shape this Empire into their image, and that includes keeping the Championships in their hands and leaving nothing for everyone else, while the Sirens believe that it's not the kind of game the entire division will enjoy. You come to this war with a good cause, and that's perfectly fine. You want to put a stop to the OG Vixens, and that is completely understandable, but to say that we are going to sit by and let all of you dictate our flaws is just so goddamn laughable even coming from a fickle minded second-rate performer like you. You have seen how the Sanatorium declared loyalty to the OG Vixens. You have seen how Veena Adams wants to prove that her uncle's fighting spirit lives within her and she can decimate her opponents no matter the cost. You have seen how many time Cameron Ella Ava has outsmarted Aria Jaxon and played her like the dumb bitch she is on a weekly basis. You have seen that Tarah Nova can't do anything but stop breathing, and we barely heard anything from her ever since you took matters into your own hands and recruited everyone that you could find that doesn't even support your ideals, but are joining this war anyway because their careers have nowhere to go and any invitation to a war like this is a boost for them to garner attention. Given this situation, do you honestly think that the Sirens are formed as a strong unit that will come out victorious? Do you actually believe the words coming out of your mouth when you say that your team can actually operate like a well-oiled machine while you have Tarah and Haruna down each other's throats the past year? It's not going to take five minutes for them to realize that they actually don't mesh. It's not going to take two minutes for Sheridan to see you as a threat to her Championship, as she walks out of the match and considers this a waste of time. And do you know what will happen when the Sirens suffer defeat? They are going to point at you for the terrible decisions that you have made. Sure, Tarah Nova started this whole war, but you're the one who organized it. You were the one who put the pieces together thinking how brilliant you are until you realize that the pieces don't fit. I am a pioneer, Cailin Dillon, I know as well as Cameron and Kendra how to work around even at our toughest times, because that's what experience does. It strengthens us. It makes us braver, and it proves nothing but the fact that there isn't anything that we should be afraid of, and our common purpose of staying at the top is just fuel that keeps the fire going. You have no reason to say that this same fire is ignited because of our past accomplishments, because today, we still not only pursue, but win gold. We still deliver what we promise. We still keep our heads up and break the glass to the next opportunity that we see. You keep ignoring this fact, Cailin and it's beyond me how you could if you're as smart as you claim to be. The only reason I can think of is that you are terrified of how the OG Vixens have evolved. It sickens you how we continue to grow, and it's not just our egos that you have a problem of, it's the fact that any moment you will be outshined as you get pushed down to square one with NOTHING but your crown to hold on to but no Championship to back it, just as Aria has done in the past year. Your confidence is not going to save you. Wearing your crown doesn't appear to me as a threat because the one you're threatening to kill off is on the same side of the line as you, and it's just a matter of time before the two of you realize that winning this war is useless because you are bound to go against one another in the end. I was never Tarah Nova, I was always the Heart Break Gal. I was born for this business and it didn't take pep talks from my father, or years of being bullied in school to know it's my destiny, I just know that I belong in this business. That, and the fact that I am coming into this match to win, are the things you cannot change but will have to live with.

The Vixens Cup, is this really still an issue? Why did the Heart Break Gal not bother to compete in it? Well, you fucking genius, it's too simple you won't even believe it! Just like the Empress of Elite crown, the Vixens Cup is nothing more than a rusty participation trophy that is awarded to Vixens in order to give them hope and the false idea that they are actually better than people see them! "OH HEY! YOU'RE NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR A FUCKING CHAMPIONSHIP! BUT HERES A PISS CUP TO MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER! You can go ahead and cash it in for a real Championship to prove just how incompetent you are because you were never good enough to begin with to actually challenge the Champion for the world to take you seriously!" Hey, at least Eris tried! At least Haruna actually gave me a fight! But Sheridan Muller? No fucking way. She would much rather act like those she claims she hated and blindside me after my match! I thought you, of all people, love to do things the right way as they hatch plans and make smart business decision, to prove that this superiority that you speak so glowingly of is not a bag of bullshit... WELL APPARENTLY NOT! Here yiou are telling the world how great of a Champion you are, hoping they'd forget about the fact that you practically stole the title from the TRUE Champion! Here you are hypocritically talking so much of how you are capable of defeating me in a match, yet there hasn't been any instance when you have actually done what you promised EVER. I didn't need the Vixens Cup to win my fourth reign. I didn't need the Vixens Cup to prove that I am "efficient" as they come. My work ethic does the talking for me, and my star performance backs me up when I tell the world that I am better than a bold-faced liar like you. Oh yes, Sheridan. Lying is what you do best. You constantly lie to your fans about being efficient. You lie about being reasonable. And best of all, you lie about how you are calm and collective in all situations, and how you approach every mess like a true wrestler and yet here you are raving about how everything that I've told you are bullshit when everything I've said to you are backed with facts. It is a fact that you have never defeated me in a fair match. It is a fact that Kendra still will have won the match with or without my interference. What part of that do you not understand? And the confirmation that you went against me after my match at House of Glass was a result of my interference just proves further how you're not in control of anything, and you can't keep your emotions in check. You're either stupid or delusional, but I say I'd go with delusional because of the fact that you're raising cases on backstage politics and whatever conspiracy theories you have up your thick skull YET AGAIN! This is your go-to reasoning, Sheridan, you're so fucking predictable -- forget the fact that I worked day in and out just to earn a right for a Championship match. Forget that I defeated the Champion which caused her to agree for a rematch against me. Forget the fact that I was the one who prevailed at Pain for Pride ON MY OWN which overthrew what small moment you or Tarah had the same night. It was all me! But no, Sher decides that she should act dumb and forget all the obvious evidence because she couldn't handle the CERTAINTY that I DON’T NEED TROPHIES OR CROWNS TO GET CHAMPIONSHIPS, I JUST TAKE THEM! I am a four-time Vixens Champion. I did what I wanted in this division. I won my Championship defense. Everyone will never forget that I didn't lose my status as a Champion, it was stolen from me... and now that it's with you, I don't think there's any reason to assume that it would last in your hands because I know that a sad excuse for a wrestler like you won't live up to the worth and the high expectations that I set for that title. I never want to waste my time on you because you are not worth it, Sheridan. You never were worth it because you were never superior. You can call me childish, and you can call me immature, you can tell me how I only decide to wrestle when I want to and if involves money and Championships, at least I am upfront about it because it certainly is better than being a pathetic liar, a fool, a fraud like yourself. How do you even perform and expect to not be carried by Cailin or Aria? How do you expect to win when Haruna is there doing your job while you just sit in the corner not being able to keep up with our pace? You are nothing but a sickening freak trying too hard to make herself look important when even as Champion, nobody really takes your threat any seriously. You are right about one thing though, Sheridan, I am poison. I am toxic. My venom spreads quickly and dangerously on first contact, it's hard to get rid of me. You will continue to fight it. You will try to stay alive. But only in the end will you realize that there's nothing that can be done as you wait for your agonizing death. And that's how you know that when you deal with the Heart BreaK Gal, your claim for superiority will prove to be meaningless, your so-called efficiency will vanish to thin air, your laughable assumption of being the best will be nothing but forgotten words once you see for yourself when I beat you down easily in that ring and eliminate you,that you have always been nothing compared to me.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 17th 2016, 11:46 am by Impact
How precious. Oh, how very precious. I mention that I’ve destroyed every wrestler who has found themselves in my sights over the past few weeks, and I’m “bragging over nothing.” Yet when the tables are turned and the script is flipped, it’s Matt Miles himself doing the exact thing he said he wouldn’t do — talking about tearing the muscle completely from the bone of a small-time rookie during his startup as Judas on Dynasty. It’s emblematic of the double standard that seems to follow me around everywhere I go in EAW. I mention something, and for whatever reason, I find out I’m not allowed to do it. Literally, Matt Miles just said bragging about brutalizing Nostalgia is the equivalent to bragging about his victories over El Landerson. Maybe that’s the case, but at the end of the day these wrestlers are still human beings that were able to complete rigorous training just to have a shot in this business, and even when scraping the bottom of the barrel, it’s better than anything an outsider could achieve. It wasn’t like they were closely contested matches, either. It would be one thing if I just barely skimmed by. I annihilated them. There’s a difference between me and everyone else; I’m in the upper-echelon. The super elite. My comments about the men I’ve terrorized in recent weeks weren’t meant to compare myself to them, but as a demonstration of how far above them I am. I already know what Matt Miles is going to say. He’s going to claim the difference is that I was “bragging” and he’s just telling the story of how he got to be where he is. Don’t fall for the okie-doke. Tune yourself in, dig a little deeper, excavate until you’re beneath the surface of a lie. Matt Miles talked about his success, and then went on to use it as evidence that “no lone man” can beat him. The word “lone” is key here. That’s called looking beneath the surface. He’s claiming his only vulnerability is in a match he can’t entirely control. Great! This Saturday at Shock Value is a match he can’t entirely control! By his own admission, he’s prone to losing this match, but he still thinks this is the time he finally “reaches top of the mountain.” Not exactly brimming with confidence, but then Matt Miles is well-versed in the art of illusion, isn’t he? He’ll say one thing and do another, then tell me I’m actually describing myself. It all feels like perpetually running around in a circle. But like I said, I’m not here for the satisfaction of other people. I don’t care what I’m “allowed” to do. I overstep my boundaries and act as I see fit on the regular because I’m untouchable. I’m teflon. I’m not in the business of making other wrestlers on the roster happy. I don’t define myself by my ability to meet their arbitrary criteria. In fact, it’s the exact opposite. If I had to compare it to anything, my entire career has been a concerted effort to blaze through a massive puddle in my car and soak passerby’s while I laugh at them through the lens of my rearview mirror. When everybody around you starts feeling like a victim, you know you’re doing something right. I have victimized, humiliated, and intimidated almost every single wrestler to ever walk through that curtain. I’ve gone through the peaks, and I’ve certainly gone through the valleys — there’s nobody who appreciates the chance they have to wrestle as I do. There’s nobody who more acutely understands that when you walk down that aisle, literally any match could be your last. One freak accident injury, and everything is over. You have to consider going into real estate or whatever other job can put food on the table. Now, fortunately, I don’t have any such worries. I’ve been able to compete at a top-flight level for over eight years in this business. I’m financially secure. But it’s because of the fact that I respect the nature of this business, and understand that at any moment one foul step could cause everything you’ve worked toward to unravel, that I more than any other extremist understand the value of every championship opportunity. Shock Value could be my last act, but it could just as easily be Aren Mstislav’s or Matt Miles’ last act. Right now, I carry a boulder-sized chip on my shoulder, and so it doesn’t matter what Matt Miles says to me. It doesn’t matter what he says to Aren Mstislav. All that matters is the “W.” I’d make a pact with the devil to ensure my seventh World Championship reign, but I don’t have to; because I already have everything I’ll need to win at my disposal right now. Matt Miles and I don’t see eye-to-eye on anything, and “talent” is one of them. Talent is tangible. Talent is real. You can’t just work hard, go to the gym every day, and the next morning wake up a championship-caliber wrestler or a professional sports player. Talent is only immeasurable when you find the rare generational superstar that is utterly impossible to evaluate because he shatters all the scales. Matt Miles, talent isn’t immeasurable — but I am talented beyond measure. However you broke into this industry, I broke into this industry BETTER. From my day one, I was the National Extreme Champion. Within less than a month, I had won a Ladder Match at the inaugural Pain for Pride. My rise to the top was meteoric, winning the World Title in seven months. I accomplished something that is so rare, so unheard of, that most people don’t even know it happened; it certainly hasn’t happened since. I say this not to intimidate you — you’ll never admit to even the slightest uncertainty, but I know better — I say this because whatever you’ve done as Judas, I already walked through that path myself and dominated every single obstacle set out before me years before anybody knew you existed. That isn’t going to help me win at Shock Value — I’m going to help me win at Shock Value — but to say that talent doesn’t exist, or to act as though your ascent to the main event of Shock Value is unprecedented? I am living, breathing proof of the fact that talent exists. You can’t put it on a numerical scale and say “Hey, this Mikey Badseed guy has a 92-rated talent level!” Obviously not, we’re not on the playground or staring at the screen of a Playstation; this is real life. But just because you can’t put a number on it doesn’t mean it’s nonexistent; this Saturday you’ll find out just how real it is.

I’ve had that talent at my disposal every step of the way in my career. This year, I’ve had that talent at my disposal. Last year, I had that talent at my disposal. There was never a time in the midst of a match, no matter how hard-fought, where I questioned myself and wondered if I had the ability. And yet still, somehow, I’ve managed to have the rug pulled out from underneath me. Matt Miles thinks it’s because I’ve “lost a step” or I’m just a guy competing for championships now rather than actually winning them. Miles wouldn’t know anything about my plight, and I can clearly see that the rest of this roster doesn’t understand anything either. They don’t know how hard I’ve worked to get where I am. They just see me and think everything has come easily just because I’ve had the talent and ability to accomplish unthinkable things. Talent exists, but without hard work, it doesn’t progress. Until Matt Miles sees the object of his desires slip through his fingertips… Until Matt Miles SEES with his own eyes and feels what it’s like to experience the biggest disappointment of his entire career, he won’t know my struggle. None of you could possibly fathom my struggle. Time after time, I have to see wrestlers speaking no differently than Miles telling me why I can’t be World Champion; why I can’t win seven reigns. I walked into Reckless Wiring with a head of steam, thinking that it would be the day; thinking that I’d once again do the unthinkable and spite everyone else who didn’t want me to. I live for it. I live for the bitterness and the salty reactions that spawn from my success. I live for the envious, smart-ass filth of society speaking to their equally reprehensible friends and talking shit about my achievements. I LOVE it. I love it when somebody doubts me behind my back. I love it when people who would never DARE say something to my face suddenly have a set of balls when whispering to each other in the shadows. To see everything that I’ve worked for stripped away from me in an instant, to watch Mr. DEDEDE and Ares Vendetta celebrate at my expense, to see them feast on banquets while I was left fighting for scraps… I won’t tolerate it anymore. I won’t let myself be a stepping stone in the glory of somebody else. I won’t let myself be a pawn in the game of another wrestler. I won’t let another man take my battlefield — I’M the General. I’M the Commander. Matt Miles and Aren Mstislav are going to see at Shock Value that they’re no longer dealing with the ordinary; they’re dealing with the extraordinary. I’ve stood atop plateaus looking down at underlings groveling beneath my feet; while Matt Miles and Aren Mstislav have just plateaued. Against any other wrestler at Shock Value, Aren Mstislav and Matt Miles may have a chance. Aren Mstislav might have a chance to retain his championship. Matt Miles might have a chance to become the new EAW Champion and win his first World Title. Matt Miles might have a chance to make Judas mean something — but because of me, Judas will mean nothing. Aren Mstislav’s six-month long reign as the EAW Champion will be forgotten, and I’ll be remembered. What’s not to get? I don’t care about Judas. Matt Miles can spin the narrative and create some fake origin story, but that doesn’t mean I have to believe him. And guess fucking what?? I don’t believe him! And frankly, I’m starting to get the sense that nobody else does, either. If this didn’t bother Miles, then he wouldn’t spend any time at all attempting to rectify “mistaken beliefs.” Instead, he’s trying to claim I’m “backtracking” just because I have a difference of opinion — and THIS is the man you guys think will be your “hero?” Don’t take it from me, take it from Jay-Z. “We don’t believe you, you need more people.” Ageless words that have perhaps never been more relevant than in the case of Matt Miles. Matt Miles talks about a “what have you done for me lately?” society, then he abandons it entirely and it’s all about a match from months back where Judas faced Carson Ramsay; like I’m really supposed to give a shit about each individual match that he’s participated in since returning. The fact is, when faced with the opportunity to defeat Carson Ramsay again, you could only win via assistance. It was an evenly fought match beforehand that could have gone either way. You could have lost; a prospect I’m sure you don’t ever entertain. And whether that wasn’t intentional or not, it’s clear that in your case ignorance is definitely bliss. You act like I could have controlled my momentum in my match against you. It was a fluke of luck more than anything else, and you damn well know it; but you’re too much of a spineless bastard to acknowledge that. You talk about what doesn’t fit MY agenda, like I’m the one fabricating stories and trying to change the laws of physics to make it seem as though my opponent had control over where he landed. You won the match, your hand was raised by the referee, and yet that isn’t enough. You twist the narrative like a pretzel, but by trying to control it, the only thing you’ve actually accomplished is making yourself look weak and, dare I say it, insecure. It’s propaganda 101, straight out of Hitler’s playbook — accuse the enemy of that which you are guilty. Of course that doesn’t mean Matt Miles is literally Hitler like these media cronies say about every politician who dissents from the norm, but it tells you that Matt Miles isn’t speaking on the basis of facts. Matt Miles claims that I’m insecure, like I didn’t thrown Aren Mstislav off the stage or treat the Judas revelation with the type of completely unsurprised confidence you’d expect from a World Champion — yet he’s the one who keeps on wrongly trying to correct me just for speaking the truth about his victory over me not being entirely legitimate. That’s not behavior you would expect of a guy a couple days away from the biggest match of his career. You would think he’d be more focused on the task at hand rather than defending his part in a previous match, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. In Matt Miles’ world, it doesn’t matter if a win was actually legitimate — all that matters is that everyone THINKS his victory was legitimate. Come this Sunday, when I wake up and I’m the new EAW Champion and you’re being tended to in the hospital as you recover from your injuries, I’ll GLADLY admit your victory was legitimate. Why? Because even if I don’t agree, I… Wait for it… I won’t care. 

Because I’ll be the new EAW Champion.

Last edited by The Machine on November 17th 2016, 2:56 pm; edited 2 times in total
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 17th 2016, 10:28 am by Amy-Jayne
[OOC - I would of got this up sooner but have had major internet issues pt2 up tomorrow]


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It had been a great debut for Amy-Jayne, the it girl from Baton Rouge,  she had made her debut amd won against Autumn Raven on the last edition of Empire and now her next match would be a big deal as she would be making her free-per view debut at Shock Value in a battle royal against Empire genreal manager Cleopatra, Azumi Goto, Erica Ford, Brody Sparks, Nicole Fyre, Madison Kaline, La Diva, Alexis Diemos and Autumn Raven and she knew it would be a challenge but it was one that she knew she had to win.

Well my debut in EAW couldn't have gone any better,  sure kelly has been mouthing off on social media about me but I proved him and everyone else wrong when I bear Autumn Raven last week on Empire and at Shock Value it is going to be no different I mean sure there are 8 other vixens involved but I am still going to beat every single one of them and take control on Empire for a whole day and show Cleopatra how she should be running it, because right now it's run absolutely appallingly and that's why someone other than Cleopatra has to win,  that someone sadly for the other vixens will be me, this girls think they run the place but they'll realise that the new girl in town is going to take over.

Cleopatra you may run Empire and you may think you are billy big balls your just a wahsed up has been that is the longest reigning champ in company history,  but you see Cleo that was a long old time ago and not many vixens were around back then so a long reign was obviously gonna happen, but that longest reign is going to be shattered by me, because I will become the new longest reigning champion in 2017, but enough about next year, let's focus on the now and at Shock Value you're gonna wish you stayed out of the ring,  I mean didn't you packed up your boots and retire....I thought so, so maybe you should have kept them packed up and let them get dusty in there box before you hiked them on out the box again, at Shock Value you're gonna do just that and put them back in there box where they belong and should remain forever, you are full of yourself and self-assured I can respect that but you have got to learn that it's a new era in EAW and that means the old hag vixen like yourself, Kendra and Heart Break Gal need to move aside and let the new talent shine and take there rightful place at the top of the division,  people need to stop living in the past and live and keep with the times and conform to the new era.

Ah then we have little miss Asian persuasion Azumi Goto, now I know you are respected by many here in EAW and the y the fans but that means nothing because I know you're track record here is a little iffy at best, sure I know you won on Empire last week like I did, but I know you've lost more than you have won and that suites me just fine because at Shock Value you can add another lost to that record, you're Asian style wrestling is new to America and it's stiff and ridged and that Azumi is why you are losing so much because you need to conform to the American style or else you'll never be successful,  maybe you and Haruna should both go back to Japan and be successful because this American thing really isn't working for you either of you, at Shock Value I hope you realize that and shimmy on back to Japan and stay out of the US which I am sure you are planning to do seeing as America is messed up now, so maybe I am just doing you a favor by trying to make you see the sense, you see Azumi you may be popular and a fan favourite but being all that like I said earlier that doesn't accumulate to success and championship.

Then we have Brody Sparks, little miss perky, now I don't know a lot about you other than that you've just returned to the company and you've become a fan favourite with many of the fans but that means nothing,  I also know that you are a little coo-coo in the head,that seems to run in this company everyone is loco you, Autumn are similar both of you are mentally unstable, both of you need to pack up the boots and check yourself into a correctional facility or a mental institutions because seriously both of you are psychopaths and seriously both need help, Autumn I beat you last week and probably knocked a few more screws out of your skull and Brody at Shock Value the same will happen to you and Autumn once again, you both may be competitive in the ring but there is only so far crazy can get you in this business and come Shock Value both of you will realize that, then you'll probably join Cleopatra on the retirement line and once again bring in the new era sure Brody may think she's apart of the new era but really sweetie your a part of the old era the era that needs to move aside and let the new era girls shine bright.

Lastly for now I wanna talk about La Diva, now I've seen you on social media wanting to team with me but no thanks girl I fight my own battles and I don't team well we girls with a fake ass silicone booty, sure I reckon we'd be a good team and sure your what I consider a new era vixen but with that being said I see nothing special all I think of when I hear the name La Diva all I see is a fake booty and  bad weave, I get that your a black girl and have a black girl booty but that's a bad stereotype because as you can tell I have a nice booty, however unlike you my booty isn't fake or pumped of silicone because I am all natural,  which is rare this days seeing as half the roster is fake in some kinda way but you La Diva you go way out there fake butt, fake breasts, a really god awful weave and not to mention a bad odor,  I've been in the lockeroom after you've left and you leave a bad smell, I also happen to know that EAW doesn't have much for you seeing as you've been pleading to compete on social media, looks like your wish is finally gonna happen at Shock Value unfortunately for you La Diva Shock Value will be your last appearance in EAW because the company has nothing for you, so you may as well pack up your boots too.

Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 17th 2016, 8:37 am by 『zakkii』
Blacklivesmatter - EAW Promoz! - Page 2 FKblLRP

Scene opens as Haruna starts opening her vlog by greeting her fans watching her. She opens the video by smiling in front of the camera before she starts to talk.

Haruna Sakazaki: Good day, everyone. ZACKYpanda here~ and here we go for some daily vlogs. You know what day it is, it's a vlog about my upcoming EAW match again. Yes, As you may know that my match at Shock Value is... well, it's safe to say that it's a bit outta nowhere. But hey, I'm not worrying about it all. While the rest of people in that match see this as a war battlefield, different with them, I see this as a huge opportunity for me to make my name go one step ahead of where I am now. Just imagine, eliminating the veteran vixens and having a huge victory over them, I wonder what they're going to see about me. They can finally see me again and it's not just about the gold. Oh, that's why I'm so excited about this.

Haruna Sakazaki: Okay, let's start with Cameron. Oh Cameron.... don't call me a woman with pride and dignity if I ever freak out because of mere defeats. Like I said, winning or losing is just a complementary option in one option. What really matters is how I give all my heart in that ring, dedicated to something that I love very much and don't really feel that I'm actually not accepted by my own peers. I'm not going to prove why I should be accepted in all the Vixens Division by how bold and brash my words are. I'm doing it through action. I'm doing it by how fearless, brave and dedicating I am inside that ring. And see what I can do by showing myself in front of the so-called conqueror of Empire and stand against them. And no hard feelings, I do this because... that's how fighters work, right? I fight anyone because I am doing what I should do when I step in this ring. I'm showing everyone that I have no fear to face anyone on the roster and getting my acceptance back. The case of how I'm going to be accepted or not, I'll leave to the rest of the Vixens. I'm just doing my best to assert myself as one fearless fighter and I'll do it with all of my heart. I know, I don't have any interesting insight when I talk to them, I actually pull myself back when they talk about what's happening here in America. Hey, My reason to be here is clear. Making friends is not actually a mandatory thing. I'm happy with what I am today and this is enough to boost my morale.

Haruna Sakazaki: I do notice that I don't get along with my partners very well. But I know how to anticipate it... What I want to do is to make myself humble, willing to help one another and making myself united with my fellow partners. We are going to try to be on the same page because that is the core point of having a Tag Team match. When this is over, everything goes back to normal. I just don't care about what happen next between you OG's and the Vixens, for God's sake I don't want to be involved anymore. I will go on and continue my path of success and I will keep walking and fighting and beating every single person that is in front of me, blocking my way through. I don't care about Tarah and Aria blaming somebody outside the Sirens just in case this team is going to lose, the point is that I already give my strength, my knowledge and my capability for this team and I will do it the best I can. I know them.... they really like to blame others without even looking at the reflection of what is actually happening in other person's perspective. But this is not the time I have to talk about that. This is the time I should think of covering their own weakness with my capability. That's all I want to do... besides, you're right. If Cailin didn't ask me to help her, I would never want to be in here. I do this for Cailin, and when the time Cailin's team mate blaming me for the mistake that don't even do, Cailin will defend me. Cailin is the one who is mature enough to see both of my strength and weakness. She understands what it takes to be in a team player and I have faith in her so much. My promise on her will be fulfilled. I will make a match with her that everyone will remember and this is the step to be there. I'm not living in my dream, I fight for my dream and when I fight for it, you know it would be happened!

Haruna Sakazaki: Next up! Well, Veena.... yes. I wish for it. I wish I don't have to talk so many long like this every time before all my match. It's tiresome to talk in English because you ignorant people doesn't even want to know my language. I really wish that I just use my fist to prove why I am the fighter who will keep on winning but then again, this kind of thing has to get going.... if you don't talk like this, you just can't win, right? Like you when we met so long ago. You didn't talk anything to me and well.... you lost. You said that you are better than me, right? Then why you didn't win against me when you didn't event talk like this? Well, because I HAVE TO. Well, and you.... like every single vixens that I usually beat really love to talk about me and all my Social Media posts. Did you realized that the social media is a PUBLIC place, right? Which means not everything on the social media is all about you. I don't know about you, but I still have fans, you know? While you talk I'm "whoring" myself, that is the thing called "Social Interaction". You don't know what it is, huh? Oh, I forgot.... you don't even have a social life. Everyone hates you. I don't even know why are you here, in this match where "TEAMWORK" is so necessary. I know, people like you always love to do everything to make yourself go above all so I know exactly deep inside your heart, you actually want to surpass your fellow "partners" and you just want to be better than them. You just want to get an individual attention in this match and that's not how you play as a team, my dear.  

Haruna Sakazaki: This Saturday, I will show you what I mean to socially interact with people. Oh, I will surely exploit your big ego because you know it by yourself that it will become your own downfall. Yes, Veena. You have a big ego, you know it, right? You know you are a good team player and you know because of that, you will surely become the first to be eliminated. Talk about relevancy, you said that I am a loser.... well, how about you? How many matches did you just won? More than me? No, YOU are that loser! I am not talking about how I am better than you but I let the thing that I have done talking by itself. Yes, I lost so many big matches.... but where are you when I fight for that? Are you fighting for the same match that I have been in? No, nowhere... you are nowhere to be seen. Everybody start to forget about me, at least I am being remembered. Now what are you to them? They don't even know who you are. They just look at you as the same old blonde bimbo with no other special talent than the thing that every bimbos are good at. You said that I am a disgrace to my family, then what are you to your own family? Mr. DEDEDE is the one with so many accomplishments and being recognized all over the world while in this place, this other family is still busy calling this a whore, calling that a whore without doing something meaningful to her family, not even to herself. YOU are that disgrace to the Adams Family.... and you already know that. Hey, I'm saying this as polite as possible like... like how you see Japanese people like. I always do this every time I talk. Unlike you.... if I have a dollar for each time you said "bitch", "whore" or "dick", maybe I can buy you for one night. So yeah, before you talk to me.... please talk to yourself. Oh, if you need help of talking to somebody, I know who is the perfect one for you. One second.... Petra! Petra, kocchi muite! Petra!

Haruna calls her own pet dog to approach her as when she does, Haruna shows her dog in front of the camera after cuddling her a bit.

Haruna Sakazaki: Here, talk to her.... Maybe you can be a good friend with Petra. Because you are.... such a bitch. And speaking of being a bitch, Veena, I think you are mistaken me with your own partner for this match. I think I know whom should you refer all everything you said about me to. Yeah, I think you are subliminally talk about Stephanie Matsuda. Hey, she is the real definition of what a whore looks like. Dis you see her disgusting tactic, Veena? Yes, she's trying to use Azumi to fight me? Isn't that a tactic of a true whore, Veena? You know it's true.  And do you think her disgusting plan is gonna work? Hahaha.... oh Veena, you have such a dumb partner. Why are you two even here, anyway? Oh man, I really wish I don't have to touch her dirty whore body ever again but she's keep chasing after me, isn't that disgusting, huh, Veena? If Stephanie actually chase you like a creeper and want to sleep with you, what would you do? Well, if you're not a bitch yourself, you choose to run away, right? Eww... disgusting, cringey, make me want to puke myself everytime I see that gorilla's face.

Haruna Sakazaki: Okay, enough talking to Veena about this. I'm going to talk directly to you, Stephanie. Hey, you think all you are going to do is ever gonna work? You idiot never learn from your experience. It is completely dull and pointless to do this shit. I don't care about whatever you are going to do. Azumi is a grown-ass woman and she can see whether is a good thing or a bad thing. YOU CAN'T. CONTROL. HER. LIFE. She controlled herself and she definitely doesn't want to be a tool of this stupid drama you are making here. Everything you are going to do to me is a complete waste of my time, just like you are a complete time wasting in this match. Go ahead, use Azumi all you want. I don't care but one thing that you will know if you are not stupid enough to realize that sooner or later, Azumi will see who you really are like I, Ariana, Angela and Cailin finally see who you are. This whole thing you are going to do is only a pointless façade leading to her going to sleep with you. Oh, and I can't wait until I see Azumi finds it out. Azumi will be so much disappointed to you and wish to never want to see you again. But don't worry, I know you will be failed to capture that Tag Team title. And once you failed miserably to give Azumi HER title, it's all done. You and Azumi's partnership is over so you can move finding some bitches again, I don't care about it anymore. I don't care about you and I don't even want to touch you on that match. I'll let Sheridan knock you out like a punching bag she usually used or I'll let all the Sirens getting the job done on you. More importantly, for the sake of all Gods I worship, I wish I will never EEEEEEEEVVVVEEERRRRR meet you again. I can beat you a million times in one night but that's just so unnecessary. I have no meaningful benefit of fighting and facing a disgusting woman you call yourself a fighter. There's no point of meeting a loser like you. You're too ugly for someone to love you, you're not clever enough to do this kind of wrestling thing.... but there's one saving grace. You are the perfect height to suck the Devil's dick. And I figured out you are so good at that because you suck at pretty much everything else.

Haruna Sakazaki: I might be too harsh on that one, but eh... that' what she get anyway. Okay, that's it for today... Kendra, HBG.... I am still waiting for you to talk to me and see what you two have in store to me. I would really glad to hear anything from you. I am here, not really hard to find and I will be listening everything you said and see if you two can drop my morale.... even you already know that your intimidating words are not affecting me at all. So anyway, thank you so much for watching this video, leave a like and subscribe to this channel if you want to see more of this video. Have a nice day, ZACKYpanda Out~!

Haruna gives the audience her usual wink, ending the vlog with her usual outro.
Bianca Carmichael
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 17th 2016, 7:23 am by Bianca Carmichael
Shock Value Promo; Hear Me Roar; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; 7:20 am EST; 11/17/2016

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Nicole Fyre: It’s all out civil war. The Kingdom is collapsing. This fairy tale land that we call Empire is tearing apart as we speak. Twenty Vixens in action this Saturday. The vast majority of the Roster is in action and very few of us will survive. Between not one, but two grueling match ups pitting everyone from top to bottom, the cream of the crop all the way to the lowliest of them all against each other. Even our esteemed General Manager, the legendary Cleopatra will be stepping back into the ring once again for this night. I would say the most Shocking thing about Shock Value is how much us ladies, the Vixens are going to shock the world by taking each other to hell itself and back to show everyone and their mothers that we will not only survive here in the land of the elites, but we will THRIVE IN EVEN THE HARSHEST OF CONDITIONS! And I am no exception at all. I know I am not the most promising. The bets surely are not in my favor. However the underdog mentality is always a fun one to maintain. It’s will have even more Shock Value to it when I come in and wow everyone in the city of Oklahoma on top of all of those that will be watching from around the entire globe. This is my first ever Free Per View appearance. I’m not saying I have to win. I would never place that kind of pressure on myself at this point in my career, it’s illogical. However I am going to turn many heads when I more than exceed any expectations people may have for me and prove that I belong in the conversation with the best that this division has to offer. I proved it by going toe to toe with Cameron Ella Ava, the Hall of Famer and former Vixens Champion! No one expected me to be able to thrive as much as I did in that extreme rules environment, but I did. Just as I’m sure very few expect me to pull off much of anything in this Shock Collar Over the top rope Battle Royal, but...I...will! My eyes are fiery. The burning passion in my heart is blazing at all time high levels, and all I have to say to all of my adversaries is if you can’t stand the heat then get out of my way!

Nicole Fyre: Azumi Goto. You know, I guess I should note how you’re acting and just conclude that, yes indeed. It will be every Vixen for themselves and I cannot trust anyone in this thing! With your dear Haruna teaming with my friends in the forms of the Sirens and the Vixens Champion, I figured you and I would at least be under the impression of temporarily uniting against the common enemy, but I see not. It’s people like you who make me say that this is a civil war, and not a clear battle with clearly drawn lines. It’s a massive free for all at this point. To be honest I should not trust anyone. My back could be stabbed by anyone at a moments notice and the only one who could have the reaction time to prevent it is me. You like to call yourself Arrogance Personified, but I view you a little bit more as Ignorance Personified! Considering I have been a much more eloquent speaker in the span of three maybe four months than you have in the time span of approaching a year here now, it’s not too much of a surprise. But let me actually explain what I mean by Ignorance. You view me as nothing more than a cheerleader, a sidekick, an extra. But you see, the problem is honey...I’ve got more potential in these pretty little hands that have been signing autographs than all of what you’ve done so far. Your problem is that you see the time span you’ve been here, yet you have not achieved the things that others of our division did in that same time span. It eats at you inside. Originally you attempted to hide it inside, but eventually it ate it’s way to the surface. What is it you may be asking? IT...is envy. Jealousy if you would. And now you view me as someone who is pals with those same ladies you wish to be in the conversation with and you view the opportunities I have been earning for myself over the last month and now you pin ME as someone who is a minor inconvenience. You only do this to psych me out mentally before I realize exactly where I am now and where I could be in that time span. I don’t turn to the side to see the ignorance of those trying to bring me down, I only look forward and up, because my future is bright and it is only ahead of me. Azumi do not be a statistic, don’t let time pass you by. There is still hope.

Nicole Fyre: And as for Brody Sparks...the way I view it as of this very second, you’re the most dangerous threat in the ring. Not only have you come firing straight out the gate, but firing on all cylinders and in all directions, friendly or foe alike. This match is for Control! And you want all the power that comes with it. Of course no one would fault you for it either, I certainly would not myself. As obviously since I am in the match I clearly want that kind of Control for myself! However the one thing all of you Vixens are getting incredibly wrong about this whole situation is, my reasoning for my actions. I felt as if I made myself perfectly clear as to why I did the things that I did to the OG Vixens. It was all a ploy from the very beginning. I was a double agent from the start. This was orchestrated by the Sirens and myself to get into the heads of Cameron, HBG, and Kendra. And you can tell the tale between the OG Vixens and the Sanatorium all you want Brody, but we all know that once one of you two teams sees the right opportunity, you will stab the other right in the back! Stephanie is in no man’s land if she slips up in the five on five match essentially. And as for Veena Adams, she herself has admitted, all she wants is to be featured in prominence! She could care less about the OG Vixens, The Sanatorium, or anyone else besides herself for that matter. Now I’m not saying it’s not okay to have allies and friends, because clearly I do. I would be a hypocrite if I said that myself. However I look at it in this way. I want what is best for the division as a whole. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I should have taken up the OG’s offer. Maybe I should not have been a snake for Aria. Maybe I’ll just go ballistic during the Battle Royal and go out of my way to get you eliminated anyways? Who knows? That’s the beauty of all of this. There are so many different scenarios that not just one, but both of these matches could go down in. Although I view you and naturally Cleopatra as the two odds on favorites to win the match up, I am staking my claim as a prime candidate to make big things happen too! And no, I don’t understand you. I don’t get what goes through your mind Brody, then again I never said whether I wanted to or not. Quite frankly I don’t. You can go about your life and your business as you please until it affects me. That’s when I have to step in. The end verdict is very clear either way. I will go through all opposition to leave my first mark in history come hell or high water! No Ace, Spark, Bride, Newcomer, Diva, Mistress, or even Hall of Famer will stop me from doing that! My flames will burn on bright on that night and you’ll all be trapped in a RING OF FYRE!
Nasir Escobar
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 17th 2016, 6:00 am by Nasir Escobar
And so this is the beginning, of the end. Shock Value is fastly approaching and we have nothing but a few short days to prepare for all out war. And the fact is you rose the stakes when you announced what type of match it would be. A Blackout Match. Now the way I view it I tend to get the bad juju at Free Per Views. However the one shining exception happens for some reason to be, you guessed it, Shock Value. This is where I got my first career defining singles victory, winning a Shock Collar Battle Royal to win number one contendership to Jamie O’hara’s New Breed Championship. And oh how the times have changed even from those days just two short years ago. And you know what else took place two years ago? Two rookies making their Elite Answers Wrestling main roster debut on the Friday Night Dynasty following Pain For Pride Sevem and defeating the longest reigning tag team champions in history. Now for those of you who are not connecting those dots, that tag team who was dethroned were known as Dynamite Rain aka GI Styles and Carlos Rosso. Meanwhile the two young studs who knocked them off for those belts are Aren Mstislav and um...what was the other kids name again? Oh yeah, I remember now. His name was Nasir Capitani! The way I view it even though Carlos and I have yet to cross paths in singles competition, I have the tactical advantage of knowing I defeated him once before with gold on the line no less. Now the details are a bit foggy to me, but at the end of the day the history books show winner under my name and loser under yours. And they will once again. And it doesn’t matter if you have J.D. Damon backing you up, preparing you for this contest. It doesn’t matter what kind of elite guard you have to abuse against me. Not even the match stipulation matters when it’s all said and done. All that matters is that you and I will finally FINALLY be able to solve these issues between ourselves in the ring. One on one, Competitor to competitor, Man to man. I have literally waited two months for this, and I will NOT be stopped here. On September 17th I was cheated out of the EAW Championship by my brother Aren Mstislav, and my issues with you all stem from the singular fact that you did absolutely NOTHING about it! Now you had several chances to right the wrongs against me. But you didn’t. Instead you decide to keep egging the situation on. Your job as the general manager is to make the matches the people want to see and the solve the issues of the talent working under you. Unfortunately Carlos, your personality is so controlling and manipulative that you just cannot allow anyone to be bigger than you on this show. You have completely stunted my momentum and my growth for the singular purpose of ensuring I do not grow into a bigger star than you ever could have been. You just want to still be the main attraction, even though you said you were done. You said after my brother Aren humiliated you in your last shot that you would finished. Now we can all see how much of a man of your word you truly are. Now a lot of people can say a ton of things about me, but not ONE of those people can say that I am a liar, otherwise they just have no clue what they are talking about. Now getting back to the story, instead of giving me my rematch against Aren, you decide to suspend me and instead award an EAW Title match to Y2Impact instead. Now I can’t necessarily say that Aren did not deserve what happened to him and what is going to come to him, because he does for the crimes he committed against me. However I’d much rather deal with the devil I know in Aren, rather than one of the two devils I don’t in the forms of Matt Miles and most especially Y2Impact. I am far in a way the most popular elitist on the show today, no one will deny that, they’d be stupid to argue with the ovations I get on a weekly basis. That alone should have been clear enough to you that I belong in the main event of Shock Value. The main event of the exclusive event for the brand in which I am the backbone of. I carry this show whether I am in action, Just talking to the people or another elitist, or even if I’m doing something that will most certainly be must see television even outside of the arena! The fact is Carlos you should have realized I meant business when I interfered in Impact and Aren’s EAW Championship match a couple weeks back. I kicked both of their heads off and specifically told you the Ether to Imp was for you. Just to let you know, your boy, your pick to reign as champion is not fit in my book. And he still isn’t. But no need to worry about that, because I will deal with Impact, or Matt Miles, or Aren. Whomever leaves Shock Value is the EAW Champion will be dealing with me and that is a goddamn promise. You can take that to the bank, just like you can take this. Carlos Rosso will not be leaving Shock Value the same he entered it.

As a matter a fact, Carlos Rosso will only be leaving Shock Value in an ambulance! Because his match with me will be a Blackout match. Now what exactly does that mean? It means that The match will only end when one of us tosses the other off of the stage into live electrical equipment. The goal is to literally electrocute your opponent and more than likely knocking them into an unconscious state which naturally I have no issues with whatsoever, as a matter a fact. I am so glad you picked a match type like this you have no clue. It won’t been a wrestling match for those watching. It’s going to be a fight. One where I will exert every bit of built up aggression over the last two months on to the man who has been responsible for it all. For every moment I think about the fact that Imp was given a spot in the EAW Title match for being “cheated” out of his opportunity, but I was not. It will just be another notch on my anger meter to release on Carlos when that bell rings. Oh and as for J.D. and his elite guard. Well I’m sure J.D. will have his hands tied up with the Top Prospect Scramble match. However if that man expects to interfere in my future, then he’s going to have to get his head kicked off his shoulders too. And J.D. since you want to stick your nose in my business, I’ll give you my honest thoughts on how I view you. When I returned to EAW in April, your best times were already behind you. You had lost the Pure Championship to Carson Ramsay and were now he and Kenny Drake’s eternal bitch! The way I viewed you from my time being back all the way to now with the way you have been the most “meh” man in Elite Answers Wrestling today, somehow you managed to beat my brother Aren for his Pure Title. Oh but don’t worry, apparently it is going to become not only a recurring theme, but practically my job nowadays to clean up my brother’s messes. First there is truly ending the career of Carlos Rosso, of which Aren failed to send six feet deep at Pain For Pride Nine. Then if you get involved, I’ll have to finish the man who beat him for the Pure Championship. And who knows, I have a gut feeling that Aren is going to lose at Shock Value, not sure exactly to whom, but I got a feeling deep down that the title reign of the mythical russian king will come to a bittersweet end this Saturday. Which means whoever wins the title will be the next man I set my sights on, where I will capture the title that has been eluding me and I will finish yet another battle that Aren could not complete himself. Of course we all know I’m going to head into Road To Redemption with my eyes locked firmly upon the Elite Answers Wrestling Championship and whichever man may have it, whether it be Y2Impact or Matt Miles or even Aren as I have been saying. Either I will see to the 7th reign being the most unsatisfying of them all yet by snatching the championship from Y2Impact. Or perhaps I could take Matt Miles glory of ascension to world championship gold all for myself and remind him that he’s in my sights now that I know he was Judas. Yet then again, the most satisfying of them all would be making sure that Aren feels the same stinging humiliation that I felt when I was screwed by him at Territorial Invasion and proving what should already be fact, that I am NOW the better of the two brothers. But that will come in one months time. For now all that we should be worried about is just how many of those ten, fifteen, perhaps even twenty some thousand fans will be cheering and chanting my name wildly like a cult worshipping their prophet, their deity even when they watch me take an old man and put him out of his misery for good. Oh and don’t worry Carlos, Voltage will most likely be in much better hands once I’ve eliminated you. So you can rest easy knowing that.
Stephanie Matsuda
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 17th 2016, 5:54 am by Stephanie Matsuda
Shock Value Promo #3

"The Beast"

They say beasts lurk inside the souls of troubled folk. A ravenous hunger, a desire to consume everything around it until it's appetite is satisfied. From that perspective, my soul has been troubled for quite some time. This beast that lurks within craves competition. The warriors who lie awake at night staring at the ceiling knows what I speak of. Cailin Dillon knows what I speak of. You try to act all coy like you don't belong here- but fuck you Cailin. Stop kidding yourself and take responsibility for your own strength! If there's ANYONE on your team that deserves to be here it’s you! What pulled me in was your competitive spirit; what repelled me away was the reality that you were ahead of me. Yes, I’m willing to admit you were leagues ahead of me Cai. They gave you the big matches and the title opportunities. You fought for EAW against Hexagun, made Eris tap, and defeated the Heartbreak Gal. I was never jealous of you Cai - nor was I of Aria. I just wanted to be on your level. I’ve been in this business longer than either of you and yes it does irk me that I didn’t obtain the kind of success that you both obtained. Yes, I held the Specialist title, ‘supposedly’ retired Cleo, and won the first Vix- Women’s Rampage. I’m proud of my accomplishments thus far, but there were opportunities where I could have gone farther. Formation could have gone after Drake and Jones and won the tag titles. I was a prime candidate for Empress of Elite. This is not me complaining, it’s me acknowledging my own potential. And even with what I’ve achieved so far, I still want more. I tried to avoid this Reality for quite some time, but it’s always been inside me. Every time I look at you Cailin, I’m reminded of myself, for better or worse. But, I understood that I couldn’t get anywhere unless if I pushed myself to my very limits.

This is me pushing my limits.

This is me taking it there.

This is me doing whatever it takes.

You’re not the only person who wants to win Cailin. You’re not the only one who desires another notch in the ‘ol win column. Heh, ‘win’. We say that word like its magic. Especially Aria, who thinks she’s covered in fairy dust. Listen to you high yellow Tinkerbell, saying you want to win doesn’t mean it’s going to happen! Especially since you’ve been dodging me on the low. I know what you saw what I did to Tarah - yet you claim she’s still standing. Where is she ‘Ria? WHERE THE HELL IS SHE!? The last time I saw her, she was bleeding from her mouth. Is she doing some kind of 8 Mile recovery where she’s going to walk into Shock Value with a hoodie and take care of business? Been there, done that. Quit talking shit and prepare to fight me like a woman, not a vixen. And don’t think because you have Haruna that you’re going to figure out all my tricks I’ll be using to guide my team to victory. The beauty of what I do is that you never know what to expect, I’m like Loki in this shit! My dear ex, you claim that through iron forged self-efficacy you will see this through. Part of me wants to believe you...but I wonder if your allies have the same resolve. You keep saying that you’re going to win, that this magic word is going to save you, but you’re only screaming at a thousand foot wall, while knocking on the gates to deaf ears. You’re in the realm of the War Queen, where winning it’s not just about your individual talent, but ACTUAL teamwork. Cai…’Ria...you know me. You personally know just how well I fit in wherever I go. All I see on your side is four conflicting personalities and one who just given up. The OGs are training together every day, developing ways to compliment each other’s style. You even said it yourself sweets...you don’t even know why you’re here. The more you guys talk about, the less likely your team is going to come out of the other side on this one. You talk about carnage...but what good is that if you’re teammates can’t seem to agree on how to win? Go ahead, swing your fists, we’ll just dance around them. You even said it yourself Cai…

“I don’t even know what the point is anymore” - Cailin Dillion

The moment you said that you signed your fate. I’m sure you’ll be able to take one of us down, but not all of us. I can’t wait to see the look on your faces when you see who’s the real ringleader of this match. A smart ego doesn’t mind taking orders, which makes me glad my allies are not idiots. Meanwhile on the other side of the ring…

You have a champion who thinks she can do everything by herself. You have a Joshi who doesn’t like being on a team, a pasty white M.I.A., an ex-empress who I know like the back of my hand, and you. Ms. I-can-do-bad-all-by-myself. Okay sweets, keep it up because you’re doing great.(laughs) Hey, Cai…

(moves closer to the camera and speaks in a low voice)

You know you’re going to lose right? I’m not talking shit, I’m being serious. It’s going to be one hell of a fight, but you’re going to lose. I know I said we have beasts in our souls but that’s where our similarities end…

(Backs away from the camera)

Mine plays well with others.


When the sunsets on Shock Value, don’t be upset. You’re going to be a champion in a month. You have a lucrative career ahead sweets. You don’t have to worry about the fallout of this because you’re destined for greatness- just not on Saturday.  It’s okay, though...because you’re a future hall of famer. And even between all this hate and conflict, a simple truth still remains.

The clouds still breathe for you.

(Turns around and starts walking away)

Just not on Saturday.
Terry Chambers
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 17th 2016, 5:38 am by Terry Chambers

"What Else Do I Have to Do?"

---The scene opens outside the Resch Center in Green Bay Wisconsin in rainy weather and Terry Chambers is seen getting his bag from the back of a car and he begins walking into the arena before a cameraman pops in front of him and he stands there looking confused then starts to speak as he continues to walk into the arena---

Terry Chambers:
I just can't wait to crush Philly Kid...AGAIN then get the fuck out of this dumpster fire city Green Bay. I'm going to do to him exactly what I have been doing for the past month now or so, go in there, kick his ass up and down the ring, beat him with ease, go take a shower and on to the next city and the cycle just continues and continues. Last week on Showdown I was placed in a match with Mortimer Gotch for some unknown reason and to nobody's surprise, I crushed him like a bug. I mean yeah sure he had his few lucky punches but I controlled the entire tempo of the match and defeated him with ease. This is just getting ridiculous now because I am wrecking through the up and coming new talent and not even breaking a damn sweat and even though I walk out victorious and looking dominant, I just can't help but feel embarrassed for myself because there are guys who are not even on my level of skill competing for championships and I'm stuck in the low card destroying all these nobodies who should carry this bag I am carrying right now! Each and every single week I am getting older and my talent is being wasted and it is because Murrow has this kind of vendetta against me or something. I don't know what else I have to do to get it through his tac tac brain that I should not be this low on the card and I deserve some competition around here and I should be getting the superstar treatment around here because I'm the best he's got on this damn roster! Every week I just crush these nobodies and what the hell does Murrow do after it? He gives me another worthless "entertainer"  and puts those poor kids lives in jeopardy  Everybody is talking about how great Mortimer Gotch is going to be someday and acting like he's the fresh face that will run the place in a few years and just forget that I crushed him between my index finger and my thumb not even a week ago and made him look like a fool. And now this week Murrow puts me in a match with a guy I already crushed several weeks back Philly Kid. I mean what's the matter Murrow? Did you run out of fresh faces to feed me so you found one who survived and pitted him against me again? This match will mean absolutely nothing for my career and will only just prove my point further why I shouldn't be this low on the card facing these scrubs who should be scrubbing bathrooms somewhere. Philly Kid was able to walk out on his own two feet several weeks back when I beat him with ease and now because of bad luck he has to be demolished my me again! I can guarantee he is in Murrow's office as we speak right now begging saying how close I was to ending his career last time and please reconsider and Murrow is likely saying "I'm running out of guys for him to face, I have no other choice!" Philly Kid, I'm sorry but this Saturday on Showdown you will be nothing more than a guy who has been on Terry Chambers victim list...TWICE! I'm getting real suck and tired of the same shit every week and Murrow..listen very carefully okay? If I don't get better treatment around here.....the next worthless twig I crush...will be YOU!

---Terry Chambers shoves the camera out of his face and walks into his locker room and the scene fades to black as the camera is focusing on the sign on Terry Chambers door that reads "GOD'S GIFT TO WRESTLING..TERRY CHAMBERS"---
Jon McAdams
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 17th 2016, 3:36 am by Jon McAdams
Jon McAdams
The Survivor
Shock Value #3
Blacklivesmatter - EAW Promoz! - Page 2 Tumblr_obeody4QvW1vtad0lo1_400
Mr. McAdams

Jon McAdams is sitting on the balcony of his hotel room cutting into a steak, holding a glass of wine and staring out at the skyline of the city. He takes a bite and savors the flavor. He places his fork down and has a sip of wine before turning to the camera, his satisfied grin slowly turns into disgust.

“Jakob DeLion. I’m glad you decided to join the party. I’m also glad you decided to spend so much time and effort on me. You’re the second person in this little dance to spend an exorbitant amount of time on me. Hell, if I wasn’t already a star, you all sure are making me feel like one. But alas, you should have just stayed quiet and let your pride, your bloated ego, and misplaced faith in yourself fall by the wayside because you made the unfortunate mistake of running your mouth to PWC.

I’m sorry, are you threatening my life?” McAdams smugly nods his head. “You’re kidding right? You know, I’ve had terrifying men, horrible monsters threaten my life and they simply couldn’t get the job done. You’re threats are as empty as the wake of your future funeral. No, I’m not talking about killing you. I wouldn’t take that kind of risk on small minded men like World’s Most Wanted… but I’ll be real with you, You’re only in this match to take the pinfall, and you’re not even worth that.  Also, if it isn’t worth saying… just don’t say it? Yeah? Why talk about abusing the innocent, why waste your time talking about things like unarmed people when you claim its hypocritical. It’s a waste of time Jakob. A waste of my valuable time. Besides, those men were paid. They know the score. They were prepared to face me knowing full well what they were getting themselves into. Also, let’s explore your tomfoolery for a second, because you clearly don’t know what class means.”

McAdams reaches underneath his desk and pulls out a dictionary. He flips to the apropriate page and reads aloud.

“Classy - stylish and sophisticated.” McAdams places the book down. “What I did was not only stylish but it was most certainly sophisticated. Now before you go and say something stupid like, that was hardly sophisticated might I remind you that there are many definitions for the word sophisticated, including a technique developed to a high degree of complexity. Now that you understand what these words mean, I hope you understand how stupid it is for you to call me out on something you know nothing about. You see, everything I do is stylish. Sophisticated. Brilliant and complex. Developed over years of training to have the perfect finesse and precision. Don’t worry, this sunday. Also, you’re not fighing the man. You’re not here standing up to our global puppets… you’re just children trying to talk your way into a man’s game. It’s just not going to work… Oh and by the way… you don’t give out free blowjobs? But will you blow me for money? In that case, here’s $100 dollars.” McAdams tosses a handful of cash off the side of the balcony.

“As for you Ahren… man, you’re anger is really driving you off the deep end. You’re getting so upset that you’re game is off and it’s starting to show. I suppose I should have done this to begin with. Play it your way. Beat you at your own game. You sit here and have the audacity to try and correct me about the definition I gave you but here, let me pull this right out of Websters. We’ll have a second definition read out for you idiots since none of you seemed to have an education above the 3rd grade,” McAdams chuckles as he opens the dictionary to the third bookmark. “Month - 3rd definition down, a period of 28 days or four weeks. You know what’s sad is I didn't have to get out the paper dictionary, I could have just told you to look it up on your phone but I didn’t want you to hurt your precious little head trying to make your phone work properly. So congratulations Ahren, if you’re a genius then this dictionary is an airplane. So go ahead, tell me that I’m the stupid fuck, but you spent line upon line spitting complete and utter false garbage at me and I have absolute proof right in front of me. Also, Stupid fuck? Come on, have some dignity, you sour charlatan. I’m on a roll right now Mr. Fournier, so please if this is all you’re going to bring to the table, then don’t even show up Sunday cause I can tell you right now, as it stands, you’re bottom of the barrel and you’re getting stomped by PWC. Also friend I just want to remind you that even if it was whatever win/loss count you have come up, though I doubt it’s correct, you can’t read a dictionary properly let alone possibly count 4 numbers together, but one of those days, and I’ll say it again, this is factual, you were left beat down in that ring, regardless of the outcome of that match, the real victor is always the one standing tall, and judging by your anger, yeah, you still feel it. So come at me, come at Showman, talk about how everyone repeats themselves or that they say no one understand them, or whatever but we all know that Ahren Fournier is a one trick pony, who as I’ve just proven, is filled with misinformation and no education, and that’s why you never comprehend what people are saying to you, that’s why when points are brought across you claim they aren’t factual or real, and that’s why this week leading up to sunday we are going to continue to watch as you deteriorate slowly and surely into the ignorant true self that you are. I’m looking forward to stepping into the ring with a belligerent and angry man with no self control and no brains and watching him defeat himself again and be left broken in the center of the ring. So please come back at me with your tired jokes, please give me more ammo to beat you down with verbally, help me to help you realize you’re in way over your head. This will not be like last time. I have you figured out.”

McAdams eyes start go wild and wide eyed as he starts cackling. He then grabs his knife and stabs the steak in front of him.

“You know, Maero, I think you’re the genuine article, I think that you are truly what you say you are and I fully believe that you aren’t someone that I should take lightly, but if you think that money, that power, that what I bring to the table can’t overcome you well sir, you just haven’t seen the kind of money I flaunt. The power I wield. Your demons control you, your demons are your masters, that’s the real difference here. Is I am a free thinking sociopath, you are an enslaved psychopath. So if you do decide to bee line to me, if you do decide to take me on first, I will have you know that I’ve got the wit that won’t quit and true power comes from right here,” McAdams points to his heart. “And right here.” McAdams pulls out his wallet. “Your heart and your wallet. That is real power. And Maero, we’ll see how far your demons will take you when you're laid out with PWC standing over you... And dammit.” McAdams flips the table and stands up, “You will look at me when you speak to me. All of you disrespectful peasants. You do not understand what you’re dealing with here. I have the power to make your life mildly inconvenient or permanently scarred. Keep your eyes on the real threats, and that is PWC. Also It’s Mr. McAdams, not’ Jon. You’re not my friends, you’re not my allies, you’re not PWC, you don’t get that right. Stop talking about drinking blood or you’re going to end up eating shit. You all can collectively start bowing because the easier you make it now, the easier it will be when this is all over and I am your lord champion standing over all of you.”

Including me?

McAdams stops moving for a few moments his eyes wide with terror. He then grabs his knife off the floor and whips around looking for the voice that spoke. He then walks into his hotel room and shuts the door behind him before shaking his head.

“As for you little danny,” McAdams breathes deeply with his eyes shut. He opens them and turns to the camera, I’m going to teach you a valuable lesson in humility. And I’m going to teach your god the same. I am the survivor, I survived you once, I can do it again. I will show you that sheer will power will be enough. That my life is not one that can be easily stomped out and there is no god, yours, maeros that can withstand the movement of PWC. You come at me with all that, well fine, I will show you the power of real physical numbers.”

McAdams sits at his bed sweating. He wipes the sweat off his face.

“Solomon Caine, I’m not going to pretend that I don’t know what you’re capable of, but I’m not letting you do to me what you did before, and all this,” McAdams whirls his hand around the room. “This is going to stop, and it stops this sunday when I beat your head in with my cane. Whether it’s during the match or after, this stops.”

The Camera pans back and fades away as McAdams continues to stare at the ground, before quickly zooming back to McAdams face.

“Also, fuck Alonzo, Damon and Knoxx.”

Last edited by Jon McAdams on November 17th 2016, 11:49 am; edited 1 time in total
Tig Kelly
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 17th 2016, 1:57 am by Tig Kelly
*Tig walks through a large garden weaving in and out of rows of flowers. The rose bushes line the sides as the thorns point down the path of colors. Tig pricks his finger on a thorn purposefully and smirks as blood slowly bubbles out of the wound*

To suffer is to live my friend. If I can feel the suffering, that means that I'm more alive than not. But I can truly say I've suffered more than enough already having to listen to this drivel come out of your mouth...I find it pathetic that you speak like this when you're supposed to be the most extreme legend around. You talk like a poet in the worst way. You're not visceral or lyrical with your words, you're simply elegant and weak in your old age Meth. The further away you get from you glory days the more I feel I'm not standing in there with the man I once thought so highly of. 

*Tig picks an orange flower out of the ground and starts picking the petals one by one as he continues on walking towards the camera in and out of the different colors on the floor*

This week on Dynasty I'm going to let everyone into my head, deep into the twisted mind of The Ender and show them what I mean by all of this. I want everyone to go back and watch highlights of Meth's runs with the title. With every single title he's held and the absolute wars he has been in that made us all revere him. Go through every single fokin' video that they have on file of this man with gold around his waist....and then prepare to watch me fade that image away for you. All of that domination means nothing any more and that kills me to say it because I want this so bad to be the matchup all of the fans wanted. The dominant fresh young kid from Galway versus the man who carried this company on his back and inspired a whole generation. Instead these fans get to really understand the message behind your promo as they SUFFER through me breaking you down on the way to my world title shot.

*Tig throws the final petal on the ground behind him and uses the bare stem to gesture towards the camera as he marches forward still*

But the way I down talk you Meth, it would seem as though I've never had a use for you but I certainly have. I've learned so much from you over the years and even in this week as I went back to see what made you so special. I took a look at some of the greatest battles you fought both extreme and not to remember why this means so much to me. You've bled, you've hurt, you've won, and you've lost. You have been through hell and back experiencing every single match differently truly seeing it all. But now I'm going to throw something you've never seen at you Meth, I'm going to lay it out there this Sunday and truly show you what I've learned. Putting your body on the line has become the benchmark for Methuselah and the reason you've won so many times. You just don't care, and that's something I can relate with. I'm willing to put my life on the line to end you Meth, I'm willing to combine a little bit of crazy into my technical repertoire to make sure that even though my strikes are calculated they will be thrown with absolute malice. I will put my body through every hell you've gone through your entire career in one night just to prove to you and everyone in the back that not only are you past your glory days...but that I am the absolute future and closest incarnation to the psychopath Methuselah that this generation has.

*He discards the stem behind him while chuckling and recalling a famous passage he once read as he rounds the final row of rose bushes towards the exit of this garden path*

“If pain must come, may it come quickly. Because I have a life to live, and I need to live it in the best way possible. If he has to make a choice, may he make it now. Then I will either wait for him or forget him.” - Paulo Coelho

I won't suffer in silence this Friday my friend, and I won't suffer long. I have too much to move on towards for that. I will leave you in a wake of destruction as I capture opportunities just like you used to.
Victor Maero
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 17th 2016, 1:37 am by Victor Maero
Shock Value promo #2

“Why do I keep pretending to be tamed.” Maero snarls as he walks through the dark streets wearing a suit. He runs his hands over his bare face and cringes. The anticipation makes him salivate slightly as he continues the trek to his destination.

“Lies, lies, lies. That’s all this clothing says. People might think I’ve gone soft, they’ll think I’m a wine drinking, silver spoon having, asshole that just used money to get here. Lies, the lot of it. The monkey suit speaks lies.” Maero tugs at his shirt collar and rolls his head on his shoulders.

“Oh no, no, no. People will see what I really am, for better or for worse.” Maero bites his left hand. “Questions… I have so many questions. It’s been brought to my attention the Jon McAdams is the exact person who encompasses all the lies that the suit whispers about me. He has skill, class, and money. You don’t have to be my first target, but you are in the firing line. The pull of your money means nothing, In fact, you know I was a doctor, right? I’m fairly rich, and so is Eclipse, if you didn’t know. Besides, money has no pull in combat. No amount of money will make me refuse the high of crushing someone’s skull. You think that your spoon can dig the devil out of my heart.” Maero chuckles. “The demons are inside of me… but they’re far more than that. I am my demons Jon, and they are me. They are not a byproduct of my life, but a part of it. My power comes from within, can you say the same? Your money can only go so far, while my demons are eternal.” Maero fiddles with a scalpel that he removes from his pocket.

“Jakob DeLion, living proof that humans can survive without brains. World’s Most Wanted are supposedly not like by the authority, but the Psych Ward was? I’m fucking insane you goddamn aardvark! Shame I didn’t write your exchange? I’m sorry, do you script your entire life? Because if you do you should get a better writer. Maybe someone with some brain cells. It’s comical that you think you have a chance in this match. Because I am going to break you first. Not because you’re a threat, not because I need to to win, but because I fucking hate you. And because I know how much fun it’ll be. You’re not even a joke, but I am laughing. I’m laughing because however loud you scream profanity at me trying to intimidate me, I know that the pain I’m going to inflict on you will make you scream louder.” Maero tugs on his shirt collar again before screaming and cutting his shirt with his scalpel. He makes a small incision and tears the rest of the fabric off of his body.

“Hate, hate, hate! All of my hate! This repulsive garb is never going on my body again.” Maero breaths heavily and fast. He shakes his head and calms himself. He licks his lips in anticipation. Goose-bumps begin to appear on Maero’s bare skin as he begins to glide his scalpel over it. He smirks.

“Ahren Fournier. I regret ever saying anything about wanting to talk to you already. Your jokes about me are nonexistent, and you’ve somehow become less interesting than ever before. You’re telling me to give Oz sweets. He has a cavity at the moment you insensitive fuck. Sorry, that was harsh, you didn’t know. I’m a footnote in the Sanatorium… really? That’s all you’ve got? I was the third member of the Sanatorium, and now the earliest remaining member other than Eclipse himself. Ahren, I’m a lot more than just a pretty face. Do you remember that time, when I got sent through a ladder and still kicked out? And then I came back stronger. Now, I know you remember when you took me down fast and hard. But did you know that I’ve come back stronger? Did you know that all you’ve managed to do is piss off demons I didn’t know I had? Did you know that by the end of this match you’ll be a smear of the fucking ground? Did you know that you will never beat me again? I’ve exceeded you Ahren, for once I can say that with confidence. You’ll fall by my hand, and you will bleed. You may want to be a hero, but you can’t save yourself from me.”

“DO WE SEEM LIKE FRIENDS ,SHOWMAN?” Maero screams into the dark night as he shudders from the cold. “Mike Showman. You think that I think you flaunting your wealth makes you a joke? Maybe I’ll get it if I ever get rich, huh? I am rich you fucking peanut butter flavored, off brand, Starbucks latte. Look, you’re a new guy, you haven’t had a chance to have a crushing loss. Allow me to fill that void in your resume. You’re a joke because your prowess in the ring is comical, and your a prick because well… you’re a prick. Sorry to say this, but I form my own opinions based on the facts in front of me. And the facts say: you’re a prick. I know I haven’t done everything, I know that I don’t know everything. That’s called wisdom. You remind me of a bird… not a peacock or any bird that does something beautiful for attention. No, no, no. You’re a kookaburra. You just fucking scream and expect people to respect you. You think that you understand me because you’ve faced some other people who pretended to be spooky. You think you know me because you know others that are insane. Do you realize that everyone’s insanity is different? You have no fucking idea who I am Showman. You have no idea what kind of hellfire forged me into who I am today. You have no idea what turned me into this crazed man you see before you. Was it nature or nurture? Was I genetically destined to be this or did my family doom me to this fate? Quick answer: You don’t care and I don’t care. Here’s what it comes down to, you don’t have to be scared of me Showman, you haven’t seen what I can do yet. But I’m going to make you bleed, and I’m going to make you scream. I don’t care how you act after this match is over, but when you’re in that ring you’ll be in my world. And I don’t show mercy, not until I’m being pulled off f your bloodied body. So taunt me all you want, but don’t hit my cage. That metal is in place for a reason, and when the gate is lifted you’ll see why. Fair warning Showman.” Maero rolls his head on his shoulders. He snarls, his breath visible. ”I’m… not… tame.”

“Solomon Caine. You’re the last man I need to address. The last worm wriggling on the hot stone. The last life I need to burn away. You have potential, but for now, you have nothing. You’re just a pawn in the world your mind created. We all have darkness Solomon, some we embrace and some we push away. We all push something away. You’ve pushed away control, you’ve pushed it into your subconscious. You’re being piloted by your instincts, you’re nothing but an animal. Even as an animal you’re not on the top of the food chain. No, no, no. I am the apex predator here. Your gods, those powers beyond your control… they cannot help you in my domain. As soon as you step into that ring, as soon as you enter that hell, you step into my world. You’re right about one thing, blades must be forged with fire, mine were forged in hellfire. I didn’t become this overnight. I am pure power, I’ve been refined. I’ve been through hell, my demons have taunted me my whole life. That forged me into who I am, that turned me into the beast known as Maero. My past turned me into what will become your worst nightmare. However strong you believe your darkness to be, whatever devil you fear, you will fear me more. You will think of me and shiver. I listen to my own whispers, yours have no control over me. You want to follow a higher power, go ahead. But your gods have no power in my hell.” Maero cracks his knuckles.

“Shock Value will be the night where I prevail. Shock Value will be known as the night that Maero hit his stride. Shock Value is war, war is hell, and I’ve never felt more at home then when I rest in the flames of hell. This is my war, and this is my home. Don’t tempt me here, or you will fall. I am something far greater than any of you imagine, I am something far greater than EAW realizes. I’ve been put up against the big boys, and I didn’t falter. I’ve gone toe to toe with the strongest in EAW. Methuselah, Voin, and even Zack Crash, the man who JD Damon so dreams of impressing. I’ve fought all these men and I still stand before you today, whole, and ready to fight. I’ve don’t have a single fucking thing to lose anymore, and I’m ready and desperate for a win. This is my time, and nobody will take that from me. Not now, not ever. This is my time. I will be a champion, and I will bring darkness to EAW, I will bring the darkness EAW has been waiting for. The freaks I fight for have been waiting for my uprising for long enough, it’s time the monsters rise from the sewers and fight back. It’s time for the ghouls to bring the revolution. It’s time I bring the demons retribution. I’ve been festering in the underground, incubating the beast inside of me. It’s about time I let it rise up. It’s about time I let the beast come to play.” Maero breaths harder as he walks, his breath still visible and his body shaking from the cold. The dark void pushing in on him, his only solace being the streetlights periodically placed by the sidewalk.

“Crazed minds are not to be taken lightly. Many have found themselves in the screams of their demons. I, however, found my demons inside of my own screams. I found my power inside of my crazed ramblings. My pain made my demons even more audible, even more visible, and even more powerful. Every second spent with pain in the back of my mind has made me stronger, and ever step toward power is a step toward my dream. I’ve been through hell more times than I can count. I’ve been broken more times than I can count and I’m still standing. Not because my bones aren’t broken, or because I’m that determined, or that I don’t feel pain, but because I’m crazy. If that doesn’t scare you you’ll love what comes next.” Maero licks his lips with anticipation and fear swirling in his eyes.

“We all push some kind of darkness away. Mine is one I’ve pushed away since I was a child. One I considered… worthless. Something… primal. Something bestial. A side of me I hid from the world and myself alike. Something I never wanted to believe even existed under my skin. After I came back from the afterlife I told everyone it was barren, possibly just to convince myself. Because there was something there even I wanted to forget. Something I… feared. Something I thought I had suppressed.” Maero snarls with his visible breath cascading over his body.

An unknown voice speaks from right behind Maero. “But suppressing a demon only makes it stronger.” The breath of the unknown voice flows over Maero’s shoulders dissipating as it falls to the ground. Maero turns to see himself with face paint with  “Cheshire Smile” added in the same paint over his mouth. The darker version of Maero stares down the unpainted version of himself. “It’s been far too long. You haven’t let the beast out of it’s cage in a while.”

“I’ve kept you caged for a reason,” Maero responds. “But now I have need of you.”

“What makes you think I’ll do what you want?” The creature with the body of Maero begins to circle his host. “I’m a monster remember? I’m the demons you sent to the shadows because you deemed them unhelpful and repulsive. I’m the broken dreams you’ve cast away. So why, oh why, would you trust me?”

“Do you think I have a choice?” Maero snarls back following the beast with his eyes and keeping his head still.

“You know, something as simple as a house cat can upset an entire ecosystem. What do you think releasing the apex predator you’ve kept caged for all these years will do? Like you’ve said, I’ve been soaking in the darkness for a very long time.” The beast's eyes light up with the fire of destruction. The creature smirks as it moves its face inches from Maero’s.

“What do I call you?” Maero says with closed eyes.

“What was that?” The beast replies cocking its head.

“What do I call you?” Maero asks slowly through clenched teeth.

“Windigo. You can call me Windigo.” Windigo smirks as he takes a step back. Maero opens his eyes.

“And how will I summon you?”

“Summon me?” Windigo laughs. “All I need to be awakened is for you to do one simple thing: Bleed.”


“You heard me. Of course, it’s not that simple. I need to taste your blood. I need to feel it run down my throat. I need to know that you’re not strong enough without me. I need to show me that you were too weak.”

“You… You’re-”

“Evil? Horrible? Taking advantage of poor old Vic?”

“I’m not called that anymore.” Maero snarls at Windigo.

“Oh yeah, you call yourself Maero now. Good one. I must say, losing Sammy must have really kicked you into a lower gear. Somehow you’re a worse cry baby than old Vic.”

“I’ve gotten stronger.” Maero steps toward Windigo.

“It’s hard not to improve when you’re than pathetic. You’ve never been a demanding man, you’d always let life happen around you without doing a single thing about it.” Windigo smirks.

“You’re wrong. I’ve changed. You don’t know me.” Maero says, shaking.

“How can I be wrong? I live in your head. Prove me wrong tough guy.” Windigo shoves Maero back. Maero regains his balance and looks Windigo in the eye.

“I’m stronger than you.”

“No, you’re not.” Windigo laughs. “You’re a joke.” Windigo moves closer to Maero and stares him down. Maero swings at Windigo who ducks. Windigo punches Maero in the stomach and follows up by spearing him to the ground. Maero pushes him off and stands. Windigo runs at Maero, Maero deflects Windigo into the darkness making him fall over. Windigo begins to get up but is interrupted by Maero landing a Maero Transplant. Windigo lays on the ground looking up at the sky and begins to laugh.

“You’re full of surprises Vic.”

“Don’t call me that.”

“Of course,” Windigo says. He extends his hand to Maero asking to be helped up. Maero ignores it. “Maero, you know that I’m another part of you. I’m the beast you keep caged. I don’t blame you. There’s a reason we call me a monster. There’s a reason we kept me hidden, even from Oz and Eclipse, even from Sam. I know we’re a monster, I just embrace it more.”

“What exactly do you want to say,” Maero says as he stands over the fallen Windigo. “I’ve proven I don’t need you.”

“Do you really think that? Do you really think locking away who you truly are is going to make you stronger? I AM you. Give me your blood and I will bring you victory. This isn’t optional, Maero. When I taste your blood I will come awake, and I will break anything and everything in my path. I am the monster hidden in your mind. You don’t get to choose whether I come awake or not. All you can do is aim me and tell me to sic ‘em. And now, at Shock Value, is your first chance. Show me my meat and I’ll begin the feast.” Windigo says. He stands with a laugh. “We’re one in the same Maero. Don’t forget that.” Windigo laughs once more as he fades into the darkness leaving Maero standing alone in the darkness.

“I’ve fought my demons,” Maero says softly. “And I’ve realized I am my own demons. The monster in my head is part of me, and I will release that side of me on Shock Value. I am Maero and I am the Windigo.” Maero looks up to reveal the Cheshire smile face paint over his own mouth. “And I bite.”

Fade to laughter.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 17th 2016, 12:37 am by Marco
I've come to the realization that people like me are put to the test so others who targets us would want to see what would make that person tick or what would finally get us to that breaking point. The night that my partner, my friend Keelan challenged me to a Shock Collar I Quit Match this coming weekend was the point where I have been broken. Ever since that confrontation with Keelan, it has went to a level that I had tried my best to avoid. Truly, I have done everything in my power to prevent us coming to blows with one another considering the fact that we need to be a unit since we have a chance to become the next EAW Tag Team Champions once the Tag Team Grand Prix begins. But yet he feels the need to put me through some sort of test to bring out this "killer instinct" that is lying dormant inside of me. After he laid down the challenge to me at that very moment you have witnessed me at my breaking point. I won't lie to anyone that I have been overcome with fear, and that ever since then I haven't slept, I haven't ate, work out or even contacted my mom or anyone. I have kept to myself, stayed off of social medias, I didn't even show up for meet and greets because I have been distraught about the reality that I'm currently living in. I've meditated, I prayed to God on why this is happening to me of all people. But then I came to a sense of clarity that something like this MUST happen to me because right now I'm at a crossroads on what needs to happen come Shock Value. I'm scared...I'm scared I'M SO FREAKING SCARED BECAUSE I DON'T WANT NONE OF THIS TO HAPPEN AND IT KILLS ME EVERY SINGLE TIME I THINK ABOUT IT! I don't want to do this match, I don't want to even be in this situation with my partner...but yet.

I Understand. I Completely Understand On Why This Is Happening And Why Fate Has Driven Us To This Point. I Understand.

Keelan, there are no words I can use to get us to turn back from this match since you made up your mind a couple of weeks ago when you and I tried to settle our differences since we have been at odds with one another. You said to me that this right here is a test to see if I have what it takes to be worthy as your partner. You want to do whatever it takes to bring out this inner aggression inside of me but let me ask you this my friend. Did you ever took the time to consider how I felt? Better yet did you think about all the things I have bottled up inside of me? For years I have taken the high road so many times in my life, I didn't act when my father was being abusive towards my mom and I, I didn't really react when I was bullied in school. All those instances in my life when someone has made me upset or when people haven't continuously walked all over me or have bullied me in some sort of fashion has resurfaced. How you talked to me Keelan and how you have been treating me has made me remember every memory when I was young and to take it a step further it has reminded me the feeling I had afterwards when I was too much of a coward to retaliate. When I look into the mirror Keelan I see my reflection and I see a broken man..a man that is conflicted..a man that is hurt in every way shape or form. I'M BLEEDING ON THE INSIDE KEELAN, AND THE ONE THING THAT YOU WANT TO DO IS PUSH ME!? You have been pushing me and pushing towards the brink of insanity and the ugliness inside of me the killer instinct that you want from me is rearing it's ugly head and I can see it coming! For years I have done whatever I could to prevent that side of me from coming out of me but thanks to you and your sense of pride or whatever test you think that you're putting me through is the cause of it! I have had my morals not to strike people for a reason so I can keep my emotions in check, so I can keep that violent rage that has been concealed inside of me for YEARS! But yet you feel the need to bring that type of person out of me? AND FOR WHAT!? What does this match has to prove Keelan!? You have let your pride and your ego get in the way of what's important to not only to you but to me as well. We both want to go into this tag team tournament strong and have the best chance of winning but yet you want to challenge me into a match where anything goes, to a match that is not only against my nature but a match that you're going to try to make me utter the two words that I made a vow to myself that I will never, ever say in my life. Do you understand how much that effects me Keelan? What's bothering me the most is that you stand there and is baffled why I slapped you dead in the face this past Voltage and now you're here talking down to me yet again that I deserve this to happen to me or try to talk some sense into me since we're entering this tourney after Shock Value is said and done. But what you need to realize Keelan is that the reason why I slapped you in the face is because I'm letting you know the type of man that you're forcing me to become! The reason why I slapped you in the face isn't because I'm being childish or whatever preconceived notion you may have of this situation. It's me showing you that the stress of this match has gotten to me man, it has broken me into pieces that I can't even think straight anymore! It's because of YOU Keelan that I'm turning this way and it's this Marco Fedor, the boy who has all this built up emotions that has been haunting me over the years that is on the verge of pouring out, the boy that has that killer instinct that has been lying in wait hoping one day that their will be a person that will spark the fire within me!

I understand the severity of this match Keelan, you may be too blind or too stupid on what's at stake here. If I told you what's going through my mind Keelan you wouldn't even begin to fathom what has been racing in my head. What you're witnessing is the mental meltdown of your supposed best friend! You're witnessing the psychological implosion of your tag team partner and what you're going to witness first hand Keelan that the Killer Instinct that you want so badly out of me will be brought come Shock Value. I'm not going to apologize on what I'm going to do to you Keelan, I'm not going to beg for forgiveness because you have lost that luxury the moment you challenged me to this match. It's time for you to take responsibility for your actions and to you this may be some form of punishment putting me in this match with you. But Keelan, the man that will truly be punished in this match WILL BE YOU! I bet the reason why you made this match is because in your mind and in your heart you think that I will utter the words I Quit. Your own arrogance has led you to believe that this match will be nothing more than a cake walk and in some childish attempt to get revenge on me because you feel that I cost you your match against me. But NEWSFLASH KEELAN, NEWSFLASH! The last thing that you need to worry about is the tag team grand prix, or some silly plot on exacting your revenge against me because of your short comings against Nathan Fiora. The thing you should solely worry about is being trapped inside that ring with me and wondering what it would take for me to give up when the pain becomes too much for you to bare. The thing that will kill you the most Keelan is when I beat you again and I'm not going to be satisfied with just a simple roll-up victory, I'm going to make your life with me a living, freaking hell! It's going to be the purist hell that you will ever be apart of because right now I just don't see only you Keelan, I see every single person that has hurt me over the years and I'm going to take great pleasure in hurting you. You are NOT my partner Keelan, right now you're just my enemy and I will do what I have regretted to do in the past when it came to guys like you who wanted to pick on me and bully me to the edge and that's to deal with them. I'm coming into this match not only to win, but to survive and destroy you! 

Remember Keelan, you have brought this upon yourself. Witness the transformation of Marco Fedor and this side of Marco Fedor will be the side that ultimately defeats you in convincing fashion when I make you say the WORDS. I QUIT!!
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