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EAW Promoz! (Part 1 - Locked for posting...) - Page 10 SIGNUPBANNER
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EAW Promoz! (Part 1 - Locked for posting...) - Page 10 SIGNUPBANNER

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EAW Promoz! (Part 1 - Locked for posting...) :: Comments

Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 1 - Locked for posting...)
Post September 3rd 2014, 8:48 pm by Guest

"An offer...? W-what? Who are you? How the hell did you get in here?"

Erik von Otter, cold and afraid, pulled the sleeping bag up around him as if it were some sort of defense. He slid his back to the back corner of the tent, as far away as he could from the man who had appeared in his tent.

That man stood tall in the tent, wolf furs covering his shoulders and head, his chest bare against the cold. His pants seemed to be made of some sort of hide, and an axe, with flecks of red along the edge, hung from a loop on his belt.

Across his bared chest were scars. Dozens, if not hundreds, of them. Criss-crossing every direction, some seemingly more fresh than others, but even still, the newest looked as if it had closed a lifetime ago. There, along the man's face, ran more scars. One across the bridge of his nose, another almost splitting his bottom lip into two parts. The roughest of all the scars, however, ran diagonally from his forehead, across his ice blue eyes, and to the beginning of his dark brown and wiry beard on his chin. 

He smiled at Erik, a smile that could make ice shiver. His eyes burning like blue stars in the night. His hair wild. Something about this man was familiar to Erik, yet, he wasn't sure what it was. Something, some place in the back of his mind, nagged at him, as though he should recall what was happening.

"Are you Erik von Otter?"

The question seemed innocent enough, but how the hell did this man know his name?

"Y-yes... But who are you?"

"You know me, Erik. Just as your father knew me. Just as your father's father knew me. Your family tree runs deep, with roots planted further than a century old oak tree. Your name, von Otter, it is old. Older than the land in which you are from. Older than what you might think."

How did this man know all of this? And how was he here?! This is it, Erik thought as something clicked in his brain, I have gone insane. I have created this man in my final hour to give me a friend, someone to talk to here, on this mountaintop, alone...

When Erik looked up, the man was smiling at him again.

"Fear not, Erik. You may not die upon this mountain; at least, you will not die yet. I still have plans for you... Oh, how they are great plans, indeed."

"H-how...? How am I going to get off of this mountain? The snow is still over two meters deep, and I'm running low on food..."

The gravity of the situation hit hard. Erik had not thought about what would happen when he would run out of food. In fact, he had been keeping those thoughts as far from his mind as possible. Saying them out loud just reaffirmed their truth. He stood no chance if he were here two more days.

"The snow will stop, I assure you. But the path to the base of the mountain will be treacherous. The path from there will be even more so."

"I-I don't understand. The path from there will be even more treacherous?"

"Just as Sigmund was given the Sword, and I was given the helm and mail-coat, I am giving you this gift. Use it wisely. For when I have need of you, I will return the call, brother."


Ah, it looks like both of my opponents decided to break their silence this week. Good, good. For a moment, I was worried that both men had gone running with their tail between their legs. As the true Warrior, I now have the chance to bring both of these men to their knees in glorious battle, feeling the thrill of victory as they try to fight. But, nevertheless, a challenge is a challenge. It is better to test ones self in the fires of war than to conquer a foe who cries like a wounded pup.

Redmond. I notice you say many words concerning being a warrior. You speak as if you know what it is like to feel the battle, to feel the cold, metal edge of a sword. To feel it as sweat pours down your face, as your body grows weary from swinging an axe through the front lines of battle. Yet, I see no scars upon you. I see no marks of battle. I see nothing that would show me that you are, in fact, a true warrior. All I see are fiery red hair and pasty white skin, just like your Celt brethren before you. And just like those lonely druids, calling to the night's sky to save them, making offerings to Mother Earth in an attempt to reconcile their lives... You, too, will beg for the end to come. You, too, will feel what it is like to have the might of the Norsemen crashing down upon you.

Ah, and then there is Mister Carlos Cruz. Carlos, the lost soul. Carlos, the man who stands before greatness, and doesn't not even know how to comprehend it. You say your are 'The Prophet', Carlos, claiming that your message is divine. You have not truly seen divine, yet, Carlos. You have not felt the breath of the All-Father, stood before his Great Throne, in the Golden Halls... You have not felt the tremble of the land as he walks past. You speak words, such as 'Ragnarok', repeating them as if you had heard them in a book somewhere. Careful how you use your tongue, Carlos, for you should not use words you do not understand.

Both of you, whether it be Redmond or Carlos, have yet to fully grasp the realization of what is to come. I am not standing here, boasting that I shall win our wrestling bout. I do not gloat that I am superior than both of you. I am just speaking words, words that I understand. Words that are not just re-hashed from another's mouth. I am speaking of things that I know, as All Truth, will come to pass. Whether either of you have the capacity to understand that, I doubt it, but it is true. All of what I proclaim is true. The fiery sword will come down from the sky. Midgard will split with the final battle. The end is nigh.

'The War Spirit' knows only how to fight. How to win. How to conquer. I have seen what will happen. It has been spoken in loud tones all across the Golden Halls. Ragnarok is coming. Will you fight and lose valiantly? Or will you tuck your tails and run from the cry of the Valkyries?
J-Dynasty 2?
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 1 - Locked for posting...)
Post September 3rd 2014, 8:37 pm by J-Dynasty 2?
The camera turns onto an emerald coloured Komodo Dragon design on a black jacket on a seamstress’s deck. She takes it out and presents it, and ring gear, to Tiberius Jones and Joseph Anubis who appear on the scene.  She winks at Tiberius and gives him the gear and jacket.

Seamstress Tyene: Normally I wouldn’t do this for anyone, but for you hun I’ll make an exception.

TJ: You spoil me, Tyene. Bye bye hand me downs, hello custom gear! This is what it means to be in the big leagues!


Tyene: Go show the world what a behind the scenes boy can do when he takes the stage! Now don’t go big leaguing us if you get big. Now I’m a leave you two to do what ya’ll gots to do.

She leaves and Jones admires her behind as she goes before getting back to admiring his ring gear. Jones does take note of his sulking accomplice however.

TJ: Why are you bugging right now? I got my new gear and my fro is on point, I look presentable and after all the pain and suffering it took to get here I can finally have live my dream wrestling in front of a large audience.

Anubis: But you’re facing two freaks this week.

TJ: The Marilyn Manson twins? Those bitches are going to make this legendary, with my right and left hands I’ll be the first extremist to double pimp slap the mascara off two grown men at the same time! Besides, I may not have the freaky attire, but this mist breathing flesh bitter can get just as unorthodox and out there as they can, I just look smooth while doing it.
Anubis: You shouldn’t call them names!

TJ: I’m just kidding they shouldn’t take it to heart, I’m their opponent so allowed to throw a few joke jabs their way.  What’s really wrong is when a commentator tries to clown a guy for no reason, after Warrior showed his dominance last week they made a joke about him looking like some other dude? Come on, that other dude wasn’t even the first to wear that type of stuff, there was rookie Impact, EAW champion John Alloy and many more, black and white face paint is quite popular.

Anubis: Still these guys are dangerous…

TJ: Of course they are, people in this sport are hungry for success and when they have few screw looses like these two do they’re bound to be trouble, but I’m a problem in of myself and we’ll see who is the last problem unsolved come the end of the match! Don’t forget this is my life’s passion, I want to prove my worth in what I can bring new to the massive EAW table and I want to entertain families worldwide, shucks I want to one day be like the guys you write about in your articles and judgments of talent…don’t show me any favoritism though ahahahaha.

Anubis: Of course I wouldn’—

TJ: Relax, relax, I know you’d never be unfair, it’s what makes me respect you. Now let me get into my zone.

Anubis nods and Jones passes him the gear to hold. Jones then smirks and stares into the camera.

What do you two know?

Some situations are clouded in mystery because there are veils put up to make sure people don’t know.

Some situations are clouded in mystery because people don’t pay attention!

This situation stems from an unseen existence, where you’re there, but nobody really ever sees you, we who exist unseen can be brutalized time and time again without note. How many referees, cameramen, security, interviewers and the rest of that kind I was a part of do you think get attacked regularly in EAW? We said nothing, we did nothing, we just took the hits and continued our job not trying to get in the way of the magic that is meant to be entertaining the world and proving you have what it takes to have your own place in what massive things this industry has to offer. Yes even me, a man who was training all his life and always watching wrestling, took the hits and never hit back, because I knew at the time it wasn’t my place. Do you think those nights ever bothered me? No. It only made me learn the true insanity and maliciousness that comes from the extremist state of mind, wickedness much more authentic than some cute paint plastered on a face of men to make a point and more telling than stories about dust. Even faced with that malicious insanity, I lost neither my shine nor the spring in my step, that kind of treatment only made me a tough skinned man, reptilian skin tough if you will. It makes me these days draw a circle around myself and anyone who walks within that vicinity, whether ordered there or brought by their own devices, falls within the pit of the Komodo Dragon, a situation you two now descend into today at the time where I can finally begin to hit back in EAW.

Know that I’m a little bit different than the two of you when it comes to working here, I have only an interim contract, which means everything I do is under a microscope and I’ve been grounded. Do you know what happens when a dragon stays down on land too long? A grounded dragon’s bite begins to spread sickness and his fire breath becomes a cloud of death to anything it touches, but even despite such dangers there are worse tales to come as a grounded dragon still yearns to fly and when I leave my feet, oh pray to god I don’t leave my feet, for you the world will go black and before me you shall never see the sun again. On in other words, I’m pretty good as tussling with anyone on the mat, but if I ever get into the air nobody can touch me in that domain. For the two of you, unless you get injured, you have no worries of not being able to keep your work here, but for me under this contract everything I do is critical towards if a few weeks I’ll still be here or if in a few weeks I’ll be out of job, with Cleo I don’t plan to leave her things to hold against me with a loss on my first match. In these times where people are so fond of keeping their eyes shut, you’ve got to have the right first impression, and in my in ring debut I shall PRY eyes open.

Camera goes black.
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 1 - Locked for posting...)
Post September 3rd 2014, 6:58 pm by Guest
What a scene in Bourbon Street, New Orleans. In every direction, there were hordes of people having a great time. Drinking, making out, dancing, eating, and singing. No one was in a foul mood, as the music blared on blast, making everyone in it’s range celebrate even harder than before. However, while people were forgetting about their troubles, drowning their sorrows with the company of friends and family, close by someone else had other plans. He had arrived to deliver a message. A message sent by someone divine. The scene was then transferred to the roof of one of the buildings, where there was barely light. All of a sudden, a shadowy figure was shown approaching the camera. Not much of the person was revealed to the viewers at home, only the outline of the body was visible. It appeared the person was wearing a thick and long cloak.

The Prophet: More of that below will be taking place around every part of the world. Why? Because after countless of years, at last The Beacon of Hope has revealed himself. For some time, the great fans of EAW and Voltage have had the misfortune to be forced to deal with mediocre talent. Shows being burned to the ground. Until this Friday.

The Prophet paused from speaking, staying where he stood, admiring the beautiful night sky. He took in the scene of the twinkling stars, abruptly beginning to talk in an obscure language. There was no way to translate it, because it was unknown to man. Was he a drunkard, or really a prophet?

For some reason, The Prophet grabbed at his heart, seeming as if he were in agony. He began to groan in anguish, speaking with a croaked voice, unable to keep himself from rocking back and forth.

The Prophet: I see a man. A man who calls himself The War Spirit. He’s trying to bring upon a world scorching with pain, destruction, and fear. Ragnarok? No it can’t be! This man is a demon! He doesn’t care that countless of innocent people will suffer in his wake of destruction, only enjoying the thought of spreading his path of carnage beyond Voltage. He could be a force to be reckoned with, defeating every brave and noble hero that crosses his path. Someone needs to put him down before it’s too late. If not, all life as we know it will scatter into oblivion.

After the pain subsided, The Prophet regained his composure, staring off into the distance.

The Prophet: Era of Greatness? Redmond must of meant The Era of Selfishness. You don’t fool me young man. You’re out for your own benefits. And for you to obtain your selfish needs, you try to convince God’s Gift to EAW to follow your lead, so he wouldn’t suffer what Erik has in store for him. Oh Redmond, I am sorry child but The Thirteenth Apostle only serves one person. And you Redmond, you also will be the rung to lead God’s Right Hand to the New Breeds Championship. Please end this charade of you caring for the fans, when you simply care to satisfy your needs.

After taking some time to regain his composure, The Prophet returned to speaking in his odd language, his voice raising in irritation. His head was bent backwards, staring up at the night sky, roaring at the top of his lungs, maybe frightening a few of the party goers below him.

The Prophet: It’s because of you two, Redmond and Erick von Otter, that the fans have had enough of your meaningless games. They prayed for someone who could promise taking them to the promise land. And at last, their prayers will come to fruition this upcoming episode of Voltage. No longer will individuals like yourselves play mind games on the innocent fans, trying to bend them to your will. This Voltage, The Thirteenth Apostle puts you both in your places, and then…

Abruptly, the party picked up, people cheering at the top of their lungs. The cameraman strolled over to the edge of the building, pointing his equipment down at the rousing festivities below him. A few people on the balcony were throwing colorful beads at the party goers on the ground floor, also having a great time, letting the music flow through them from head to toe. Everyone below The Prophet looked so peaceful, no worries on their mind, enjoying everyone’s company. The camera quickly returned his focus on The Prophet, after hearing the man in the shadows returning to eerie unrecognized language.

The Prophet: God’s Gift to Wrestling sets his eyes on another man. And this man knows who I’m referring to. So Redmond and Erik, stand aside or be knocked aside. Ragnarok will not shroud EAW. And if you want to continue fooling the amazing EAW spectators, then you can go about that on your own Redmond. But for your opponent?

As the moon shone down upon The Prophet, the viewers were finally able to catch what he looked like. Not entirely though, because of a white hooded cloak he wore, the hood pulled all the way down his face. He kept his head hanging down, not even desiring to reveal his mouth. Unexpectedly, The Prophet began to celebrate as loud as the people below him, shouting “HALLELUJAH!” at the top his lungs, more unknown words spewing out his mouth. For some strange reason, the louder he got, the more brighter the moon shone down upon him.

The Prophet: On Voltage’s next installment, prepare yourselves everyone. For the Good Lord has showed me the one who will purify not only Voltage, but EAW as a whole, outlast two other competitors, and become a future champion here! Ladies and gentlemen, the Lord does not lie. Now, who am I speaking about you may be asking? Look for yourself.

The Prophet pointed to the bright starry night sky, continuing to shout “HALLELUJAH!” like a craze lunatic. Gradually turning it’s focus away from the mystifying Prophet, the camera suddenly caught sight of a brilliant shooting star, making it’s way down to the Earth.

The Prophet: EAW, don’t fret because your knight in shining armor is fastly approaching. The bringer of the Holy Era is not far. Carlos Cruz is coming!

End Scene
Voltage Promo #1 (Lightening)
Post September 3rd 2014, 6:12 pm by Guest
** Lochlan is satisfied with his victory last week on Voltage. He ended making Leo Carlyle tap out. He submitted. He couldn't take it anymore. Just as Lochlan thought it was a decent test, but a test all it was. **

** Things that are real in life always make the most sense. When you have someone like Collin Lighening in the fold... well nothing makes much sense. His illusions of what life is about is something so detached from himself that he no longer knows who he is. Is he a mad man that only has a need to make people bleed? What is he? Lochlan explains... **

Lochlan Rossdale: You know something? When I signed my 3 match contract with EAW I was told a few things from Tre and the staff. I was told that I needed to have what it takes to make it here. I was told that I needed to have faith in myself and stand in and walk through the mouth of hell at times. I'm prepared to do that. I've always been prepared to do these things. I told the world that I would make Leo Carlyle tap out, make him tell the referee that he quits... he submits to me. He can't go on. And that's JUST what I did. I didn't get any respect from him, but I think I earned it. Any sad wrestler might say they don't respect you after a victory, but they do. Deep down they do.

LR: Leo is now old news. He was made to respect me. That's exactly what I'll make Collin Lightening do to me also. I knew exactly what I was getting myself into Collin. I was making sure that I am able to capitalize on wrestlers like yourself that have no self-discipline. I will have to be aware of your crazy side Collin, but the fact of the matter is when I step into that ring with you... who are you going to run to? You've always been carried by the Demon Council. You're just another animal in the stew. You are not your own being. You're a puppet here in the EAW. Any wrestler that talks of ending someone's career or acting like he loves blood just gets me that much more excited to wrestle. I don't need weapons to win matches. I'll just make you quit. 

LR: Collin, you're just like a old box of crayons. I go through them... I pull each different color out of the box. Then I noticed there's a pencil in there. What is a pencil doing in the box of crayons? You just don't fit in here. You are a never was, and a can't be. I despise your type.

LR: There's a lot of wrestlers that act like they are loose-cannons and crazy and all that. All I know is what when I get down to it... when I get in your face.. you'll see a true professional. A wrestler that knows no end. There's nothing that you can say that can make me think any different.

LR: Oh yeah and before I go Collin, I never wanted to lead these people. I am here for myself at the moment. The only thing that will be lead is you, and to your own self pity.

** Lochlan is even more confident than usual. He's a bit more aggressive than normal too. He doesn't enjoy wrestling these hardcore/crazy types. He doesn't believe in using weapons to win his matches. He doesn't believe in the front of a crazy wrestler. Lochlan controls the pace. He leads insanity right into self pity. **
Nasir Escobar
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 1 - Locked for posting...)
Post September 3rd 2014, 4:21 pm by Nasir Escobar

EAW Promoz! (Part 1 - Locked for posting...) - Page 10 Hqdefault




Finally, The Nas is coming back to Extreme Answer's Wrestling! Now a lot of things have changed since my departure around Pain For Pride time. Champions have been crowned, Future Stars have debuted, Familiar faces have changed their attitudes, alliances have been formed, and friendships have been broken. One thing that will never change however is this. The Nas' ability to come in to any environment and adapt. Not just survive in a new Land of Extreme, but THRIVE In It! This is exactly what Nas was meant to do with his life. As an infant, The Nas would slam his little teddy bear and go GOO GOO GAA GAA ROODY POO into his little rattle, as if it were a microphone, like the one he's speaking through right now. As a boy in kindergarden we would have show and tell. The Nas says he brought in his wrestler action figures. A few years later we'd all be outside for recess and ask each other what we wanted to be when we grew up. The Nas has claimed since day ONE that he wanted to become a Professional Wrestler. And he always will! Not just a professional wrestler anymore , but an EAW Extremist! 

Now the thing is Attitude is all a perspective. I say that because I have done a lot of thinking since my hiatus. I came back around January. I have done absolutely nothing but dance around for all of you mindless puppets in the peanut gallery. And what have I gotten for it? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! So far in my career I have become known as nothing more than a glorified tag team competitor. There is no way that I can accept that as my status. I know I have the potential for more, and I am going to show each and every single one of you soon enough. I am without a shout of a doubt a true talent. A future star. And a natural born champion! I'll show that soon enough, I DON'T GIVE A DAMN who's expense it comes at. The Nas World Order is coming. Extreme Answers Wrestling will find out soon enough.



Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 1 - Locked for posting...)
Post September 3rd 2014, 3:46 pm by LVCIAN
*** The following video was recorded at a live show that took place several days after the events that transpired on Dynasty involving Kevin Devastation and Lucian Black***

[The camera shows Lucian Black in the locker room preparing for his match up with a joyful countenance when he is suddenly approached by Tomi Venus and the EAW camera crew]

Tomi: Excuse me, Lucian, I was wondering if you could answer a few questions.

Lucian: Sure, as some old friends of mine would say... why not?

Tomi: This past week on Dynasty you put Kevin Devastation through the announce table, can you explain to the EAW universe why?

Lucian: The EAW universe aren't stupid, Tomi, they know why I did what I did. Besides, why should I explain anything? I mean, actions speak louder than words and my actions on Dynasty.. they spoke really, REALLY loud.

Tomi: Knowing Kevin Devastation he won't let you get the last laugh, I think he has shifted his perspective from Mr. DeDeDe and the World Heavyweight Championship to you. He probably won't rest until you are dead, you have a target on your back, Lucian. How do you feel about that? I would have zebra stripes on my underwear right now if I was in your shoes..

Lucian: I've had a target on my back ever since I returned to this company. I know I am a wanted man around here. In fact, I am used to being a wanted man around here. It's all good for me. It's me against the world - like it has always been. If eating my fist wasn't enough to keep Kevin down, if putting his body through the announce table wasn't enough to keep him down then I guess I will have to do it again.. AND AGAIN, AND AGAIN, AND AGAIN and as many times as it is NECESSARY. You see, Tomi, we're all sick and tired of Kevin Devastation's bitch rants. There's many guys in this company who would kill for a world championship match, they would kill for the opportunity that Kevin had. Admittedly, I am one of those guys. Kevin had his time to shine and he failed to capitalize on it, he failed to seize and OWN the moment and now he wants another shot. Well, let me tell you something, Kevin, if you want another shot at DEDEDE's championship you're going to have to go through ME.

Tomi: This upcoming week  on Dynasty you will be facing Christopher Corrupt, what is your mindset heading into this match?

Lucian: You know what? I saw Christopher's promo and to be perfectly honest I am not impressed. A rookie wants to give me advice. Ha, on what exactly, Christopher? On how to get completely humiliated? Because lately it seems that is all you ever achieve when you step into MY ring.  Get humiliated. When was the last time you won a match? I don't need your advice on how to be embarrassed, I already get plenty from Kevin.


Lucian: I've seen what you are capable of, Chris, I have witnessed you display your skills and ability and like I said you're nothing special. You defeated Kevin? Big woop,  I put him through an announce table and humiliated him like nobody ever has BEFORE. Something tells me he will be looking for payback come Dynasty, but what he will find is this [Lucian looks at his fist] across his face. And if you get in my way that is what you're going to get as well because I ain't letting anybody piss me off. I feel great, I feel like I am bulletproof and you shouldn't change that, Chris, for your own good. If you're as smart as you claim to be you won't get in my way.

Tomi: Christopher Corrupt has made it clear that he is, well, corrupt to the core and he enjoys being a man with no scruples. You stand for the absolute contrary of what he stands. How will your personal convictions affect this match?

Lucian: Christopher Corrupt is the embodiment of everything I oppose. He represents dishonor whereas I represent honor. He represents injustice whereas I represent justice. We're different in every possible way, in every facet of ourselves. That factor certainly does have an effect on this match. It makes me EVEN MORE eager to spear him in a half. Good luck, Chris, you are going to NEED IT.

[Lucian walks out of the locker room]

Tomi: But - but i wasn't done yet..

***EAW.com exclusive logo buzzes***
Voltage Promo
Post September 3rd 2014, 11:31 am by Guest
*Redmond is shown in his private cabin located inside his house where he is looking at a few local awards he achieved in the past*
This week on Voltage, I face Carlos Cruz the so-called 'War Spirit' known as Erik von Otter. Erik has decided to open his mouth with these idiotic comments, saying things that don't matter. Claiming that I am not a true warrior, cause I'm so affected by it. Erik has never stepped in the ring with me and let's be honest he doesn't want to. When he finds out what is gonna happen to him he wouldn't want to. I wouldn't blame him, because when the rest of EAW finds out what happens to him they'll be on watch. The funny thing is, is there any answer to stop me? Because last time I checked there isn't. So let's see what this sorry disgrace said about me.
"Redmond has no idea what a warrior truly is." Erik, just in case you did not witness my match last week, I am the guy who defeated Prince Reus in my return match last week, I beat him so bad that the management did not even book him for this week. I am the guy who had defeated Flane Waters in my debut match, since then he hasn't been seen in the EAW. I have been a legend in this business everywhere I went and you Erik, you are just another step in my ladder to success, nothing else. This Friday the ring's not gonna be a ring for me, it'll be a battleground, the match's not going to be a match for me, it'll be a battle in which I will emerge victorious.
"Redmond shall fall to the greatest warrior in the known worlds, The War Spirit." Who the fuck is The War Spirit! Believe it or not Erik, you are suffering from a disease known as personality disorder, but you don't need to worry anymore cause once I hit the Extreme Wreckage on your face, you will come to your senses and finally realize that there is only one true warrior in the EAW, and that is the Optimum Warrior, Redmond! Though I am not confrontational Erik, do not take my laid back personality for a weakness. I will fight for what I believe is right. I will fight for these people that you can easily come out here and insult and walk away without giving them a chance to speak back. I will speak for the voiceless and defend them because they deserve to be defended. I promise each and every one watching Voltage this Friday that I will give every match I am in my 100% because that is what you deserve to see. You deserve to see the very best and nothing less. After all it’s all of your hard earned money that helps put a roof over my head as well as everyone else in the back even if they sometimes forget that.
Once I am through with you Erik, I will have to get my hands on Carlos. I understand Carlos is eager to bring the Holy era into the EAW but unfortunately for him, as I said in my return speech, the era of Greatness has already started. However, Carlos you can still try to bring up the Holy era by helping me take out a mentally challenged bully this Friday. One advantage you have is that you won't get a harsh beating from the Optimum Warrior because you did not dare to mess with him, I shall not give you a painful loss. When I beat you two this Friday, EAW might probably give me a shot of a lifetime, a shot they will not regret, or they might decide to put me through more tests, but I believe I can be one of the greatest superstars in history of EAW without winning titles. All I want is to give all the beautiful fans something to cheer for each and every week.

*Redmond picks one of his trophies as the camera fades to black*
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 1 - Locked for posting...)
Post September 3rd 2014, 8:48 am by Mr. DEDEDE
TI/Voltage Promo

I just came up with a brilliant new marketing scheme... everybody wants to be the EAW Chairman right? Everyone wants to run this company.. so why don't we just make a new Championship? Why don't we call it the "EAW Chairmans Champion"? Why not? We already have the Hall of Fame title for the Hall of Famers, New Breed title for the rookies, hell we even had that abortion of an Age of Extreme title. Why not make a Chairmans title? And why not have the same old re-written Championship story at every Territorial Invasion: "Mr. DEDEDE defends the Chairmans title against --insert extremist here--? Not a bad idea right? So at least when the EAW Board of Directors get a hard on for every new kid on the block, we can at least sell some fucking replica belts? In fact, fuck a match, this title can be awarded by politics! Whoever kisses the most ass and makes the most extremists and short-sighted corporate suits happy can just be handed the gold in Hardcore Title-fashion 24/7 rules! It'll be one big contest, except you don't WIN.. you just get handed what you bitch and moan for on a platter! I'm sure ALL the young extremists out there would kill for that. 

It seems like the only thing that takes a stake to the throne these days is a wad of cash. Just a checkbook or a pocketbook full of dollar signs and numbers and there you have it... authority. But does that make Zack Crash a leader? Because he can influence people with his laundered money? You can't seriously sit here and tell me Zack Crash behind everyones back built some sort of name in the corporate world. It took me FOREVER to do that and things didn't even get going for me until I was kicked out of this place. But my disbelief aside, Zack Crash has only managed to accomplish one thing and that's buy the AWF for pennies on the dollar from a businessman who didn't give a crap about where the company was headed. But sure, let's hand him the world........ no.... that's not what happens.  That's not how this story ends. It doesn't end with Zack Crash being handed the world, it ends the same way it ended with Scott Diamond; with NOTHING. NOTHING, BUT MY MERCY. The sun in the sky is the greatest target in the world, but no one's ever managed to hit a single strike. Most people can't even look into it, most people can't even fathom what they see. Zack Crash takes his shot at the sun in the sky because he has that right, and I have the right to burn everything that comes near to dust. That's the way it goes when you try to take from me. Look at my track record, look at everything I've accomplished so far just from returning in 2012 and announcing my run as Chairman alone. Look at the places EAW has gone, look at the measures I've gone to to protect what is mine--including my career. You're going to tell me that overly esteemed country bumpkin prick with his hand in peoples pockets is going to TAKE FROM ME?? HE'S GOING TO TAKE WHAT PROJECT EGO, SCOTT DIAMOND AND THE IRONFIST, THE HOUSE OF RENEGADES, MIKADO SEKAIICHI, Y2IMPACT, MY OPPONENT THIS WEEK ON DYNASTY AND A 75 FOOT FALL COULDN'T TAKE FROM ME???

I'd love to see it. But I know for a fact people see through your bullshit, Zack Crash. People see through it. Not everybody, there are still a truckload of people still mesmerized by your swaying stopwatch who repeat after you. There are people sipping your heavily tainted kool-aid and you've managed to get a couple of young guys on your side, but I've also managed to play my hand well. And just judging by who's on my team and who's on yours, everything I've said so far is the uncut, unmitigated truth. This is a battle fought by extremists in a company run by extremists. You think you're the leader of the new regime or the leader of the Militia, but you're nothing more than President-elect. Try as you might to disrupt the established order, I know that game all too well, I've played it plenty of times. And you can point with the right hand while digging into peoples pockets with the left and say "look at what DEDEDE did to Alex Anderson!" I'm sure there are plenty of people upset about that. I'm sure people were shaken up and even startled by what I did to him on Showdown, but when did I ever claim to be some gracious, wholesome man?? When did I ever give people ANY idea that I was a nice man?? I'm only as nice as I need to be.. which is why even after his unprovoked assault on me, Alex Anderson still has a job. Which is why I didn't explore every possible ground to fire him. No, because I've made him the example and he will continue to do his job and play that role until T.I. And so will you be the example, Crash. So will you be the one who's made the example that no matter what lengths my opponents go to to bring me down, they'll only go as far as I allow them to go... and they'll be dealt back ten-fold.. a hundred fold as hard.

That is God.


In the mean time I have World Heavyweight Champion duty to tend to. I run this place in every way, and this way is my favorite... still proving to this day that I'm the best in this company and that there will never be another like me, so stop looking. From any other man those are hollow words, but my words hold weight, and these words coming from me might as well be Websters dictionary fact. And I have the one, the only, the never seen before, the never to be duplicated, Y2IMPACT!

No that's not it.. I face this week on Dynasty the one, the only, the never seen before, the never to be duplicated, JAYWALKER!

That's not it ether.. I think I'll get it right this time.. the one, the only, the never seen before, the never to be seen again, the often imitated, but never to be duplicated PRINCE OF PHENOMENAL.

The contrast in vibe.. the sheer difference between those first two introductions and the third tell you exactly Prince of Phenomenal's place in this business. The name is certainly recognizable, but it's at a much lower echelon than the names of men like me. And our careers have reflected that, right POP? I'm sure I don't need to retell the story of our past, you remember it far too well. And it's funny how you were in a zombie-like state all those months ago and couldn't express emotion for the life of you. You were a speechless ghost from the past and people cringed and squirmed in their seats at what I did to you at the Grand Rampage.. and here you are shrugging it all off. As if months ago you came here lobotomized, but now you're utterly brainwashed. I find it hard to relate to, because after tough losses I at least know my worth, but it's something to be said for when a man of such low worth like yourself comes back and wishes to dominate the world like he once did. It's actually very VERY depressing that there are people in this world as delusional as yourself who think they can return to former glory when they were the big fish on the pond. But the floodgates have been opened since then, POP, and what you are in now is an ocean that knows no bottom. You're dead in the water too, just like everybody else. You're not the great Prince of Phenomenal anymore, because you're not in EAW 2012 anymore; now you're just like anybody else. And now you live in a world where winning the World Championship from ADV and defending it from HBB doesn't matter anymore! Not to a man who's beaten both men at the same time, in the same place when I was only a FRACTION of myself now. I'm going to answer a question you asked and then I'm going to ask you one myself. You asked me how EAW has progressed with me as Champion.... I'll tell you how it's progressed with me as Champion. THE BEST WRESTLER IN THE WORLD IS THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION. Is that OK enough of an answer for you? Or do I need to run through what I've done since the last time you held a World Title? Or maybe I need to remind you of what I did to you when you came out and bitched and moaned over me winning my fourth Match of the Year award, claiming it belonged to you and claiming you were better than me only to be made a warm up for my King of Extreme Crown match a month later?. Or maybe I need to remind you of how the only way you've ever managed a win over me was with help of interference. Or how I am NOTORIOUS for coming into every show and leaving people with something they'll never forget DURING live shows, DURING live events, ON Dynasty, ON Showdown, Voltage, even TURBO and especially FPVs. 

Now let me ask YOU something, what the hell do YOU have to offer that I cant? With all these questions you've asked yourself and answered yourself, do you have an answer for that? What can you bring to the table in modern day, 2014 EAW that nobody else can? All this talk of you bringing to this company what it "needs" when you gotta realize, a lot of people in this company would LLOOOVE to have you as World Champion, if not only because it makes things easier for them. Trust me, if I just handed you that world title it would make their goddamned day! Not a lot of people WANT me as World Champion and they didn't want me as Champion in the past either! But when have I ever given a shit about what people in this company want? No, that's not why I am where I am.

 Jordan, Ali, Tiger, Rice, Phelps, Gretzky, DEDEDE.

THAT'S the magnitute of my name in this world. THAT'S the class I belong in. I didn't get there by giving people what they fucking wanted. It all came naturally my friend, MJ was the greatest sports entertainer in the world and all he did was be himself. So yes you should feel like the underdog, you should feel like you don't have a chance, you should let the past be a reflection of the present and your immediate future. Because your immediate future involves going one on one with the GOAT one, The Gawd himself, and you can make all the excuses you want about our last match. Excuses won't re-inflate your career, excuses won't revitalize your public image. You've been shocking people with actually coming away with victories these last two weeks, but as far as Grand Rampage this year is concerned all hope for you was lost when I hit you with that Shooting Star Press. And the funny thing is I never even had to take it that far. I only did because if not, people could still call your credibility (or lack thereof) into question. All I did was remove all doubt. All doubt that your time is up, all doubt of can you recover, all doubt of will you recover.. Maybe you won't, maybe you will, but one thing's for sure now.. it won't be at my expense.

Last edited by Mr. DEDEDE on September 4th 2014, 12:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 1 - Locked for posting...)
Post September 2nd 2014, 11:18 pm by Guest
EAW Promoz! (Part 1 - Locked for posting...) - Page 10 6pkeFryb353krcTO_Gl2-Xj9bOxyM48I1VnPnDwtGVTrEMUMOEyLwq9vbpnC1mj3ikblHY5n14tUpFNeud38cT5TtkOVDh_n0S7y4WvteimdgsSvqjdUrXREUi9iqleNEQ

“Nobody likes being told what to do. Not me, not you, not Alex Anderson, nobody. I never expected someone to actually listen to the words I have to offer, but at the very least I get a good chuckle out of what people manage to come up with when they spent the majority of their time glancing over at the sound of my voice instead of hearing it, understanding it, and responding to it. I’m not one to play God, but it feels like that’s the position I’ve been forced into as I try to do what I know, not think, but know for certain is best. This isn’t a matter of what I think is right and what I think is wrong. It’s a matter of doing exactly as Alex Anderson would love to do if he knew how and that is to do what must be done, whether it be considered right or wrong in the eyes of the vast majority, and making it the true right while expelling the true wrongs. So I live my life like a gypsy with this circus of hostile monkeys who would sooner maim me than listen to a word I have to say as I travel from city to city and at the very least attempt to preach this gospel to my enemies and the rest of the world. Even if it’s the same result each and every time. Even if it meets nothing but another jackass who’s concocted his own bullshit excuses to mow me down on his way to greatness. Even if it seems as hopeless as it does right now in this very moment, I will continue to do what must be done. We’re all fighting for change and it all comes down to whose motivation to achieve that change is strong enough to take down the men on the other side of the ring, not what the change will bring. I don’t need Xavier Williams to open his mouth, because I already know what’s going to crawl from it. The same putrid slime that slithers from the mouth of his partner on Voltage. The same ego trip, the same assurance that they’ve done everything the right way, and the same intention to repeat history than learn from it. I don’t give a shit if Xavier opens his mouth or does me the pleasure of keeping his lips closed before I sew them shut by the end of this war, but not a word needs to be spoken towards me to know what he’s thinking. This isn’t an army, it’s a hive mind. Keep trying to pretend there’s some sort of individuality and I’ll keep telling you why there isn’t.

The air’s thick in this city, but all I can taste and smell is delusion. Not just the delusion radiating off of Alex Anderson, but from each of his partners and every man that thinks they believe in this cause, whether they’re in the locker room or they’re a fan watching at home. I stepped into this land of extreme with the intention of smoking out the bullshit I’ve dealt with and done nothing but sit back and watch all my life, so how fitting is it that my first obstacle that I plan to leap over without struggle happens to be this one. It’s alright, I’ll happily enlighten the bombardment of assholes that I can sense coming my way the moment I signed my name on the dotted line, one Alex Anderson at a time. It’s been a joy to not have to be in the same room with a man like him until I’m forced to do just that two days in a row on Showdown and on my Voltage debut, because because so close to so much denial would absolutely make me vomit my lungs out. I’ve dealt with many a breed of jackass throughout my life, but none physically sicken me to my stomach the way men such as Jack Noble and Alex Anderson do. Men that hide in their cocoons of bravado and experience, ducking their heads down at the oncoming blows, but doing everything they absolutely can to get a shot out and hit something, even if it means blindly waving your gun and shooting in every feasible direction. The accusation of delusional thoughts is nothing I’m not familiar with. It’s a poison I’ve dealt with in the past more times than I care to fuckin’ count, but I’ve got an antivenom. These cities I choose to walk the streets and sidewalks of late at night aren’t for the benefit of some bullshit intimidation tactic I’m going for. It isn’t to make me look deep and it isn’t to show I’m some wannabe Batman. These cities, this country, this entire world are the living, breathing, embodiment of what happens to men who think rebellion is the righteous path when all it truly takes is to fix what you have to make it for the better. Even this fucking country has rebelled against itself, and you know what happened? I think we all do. I think we’ll all be well versed in the result that came from that, because it ends in the party that’s rebelled against winning and trying to change for the better. Whether it’s changed for the better is up to interpretation. I for one think there’s a whole lot more to be done. That is where delusion stops in its tracks and heads home. I will do what I say I do and I will do it one step at a time, starting at Territorial Invasion, where all of Alex Anderson’s promises will be shattered, his livelihood will be ripped from his body almost as quickly as his dignity was, and all of this pretending to be some opportunistic force to be reckoned with will be stripped away from this insecure little man for the rest of the world to see. Alex Anderson’s name will fade with every passing day following Territorial Invasion until he’s become a footnote and nothing more. He will have just been a man. Nothing but a soldier on the losing side under the wrong man. Crimson Mask will become an idea, and there is no humility, violence, or words that will kill this idea.”
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 1 - Locked for posting...)
Post September 2nd 2014, 10:13 pm by Anderson.
Let's talk about delusion here for a second, shall we?
"They're just as delusional as the men my team is taking on at Territorial Invasion. Even if they fight and succeed, all they'll be is the next batch of people getting rebelled against and killed off." You said something like that, correct? I mean, I never considered myself a great English student or anything, but the last time I checked, the definition of delusional was "a false belief held in spite of the invalidating evidence." That sure does sound a lot like what you just said right there, didn't it? For someone who is so caught up with trying to call me delusional, you are absolutely not one to say that I will be rebelled against. You are not one to say that I will be killed off. Why? Because you have no idea what you are talking about. You especially have no idea who Alex Anderson is. Here's a misconception that you have: This isn't about accomplishments to me. I may have mentioned them earlier, but at no point was I trying to gloat. I couldn't care less about my accomplishments. The reason I had mentioned them was to give you a brief overview of my career. And it seems you don't do your homework, so I was doing you a favour. Be a gentlemen and learn to show some gratitude. But anyway, let's forget about my career... let's focus on something else that you like to talk about so much: our world.
I know how this world works. On the dot. I don't act as if it's so black and white. I understand it from every angle. Take this for instance: there are two sides to every coin, and THAT is what separates you and I. You are the type of man to complain about everything, and I am the one who actually does something to better his life. Like I've said before, you have absolutely no logic behind what you actually say. "Why do you think I’m watching my every step as I make my way through this city? Because unlike most of the scumbags I’ve ran into, I’d rather keep myself clean and go farther than slip and fall in this filth." Then why the hell don't you stay inside the comfort of your home? I'm sure EAW has been paying you well enough to pay for your hotels. You are not going to save this world, Crimson. You are not going to save this world, because your gripes with the world are invisibly clear to anyone out there, including myself. Your view will never change, and neither will people not taking you seriously change. You are not believable. When I see you, I see just another run-of-the-mill wrestler. Now everyone will wonder what I mean by that, and to that I address not only you, but so many men in this business. You try and spew out some bullshit to sound cool, when in actuality, all you are doing is merely acting like a phony... and well, I suppose in this case you are doing more than simply "acting." I guess now it's time to cue the "defensive response," huh? This is probably where you intervene and say otherwise, but that's from your own perspective. Let's switch gears to me now. The difference between me and any of your previous opponents, Crimson, is that I am carefree. I am cold-blooded. I'll say whatever I want to, and the reason I am at the position that I am in is because I am fearless. Have I burned bridges? Have the tables turned in rooms? Oh, hell yeah. But that is what you have to do to succeed in any business.

When I said I was trying to find answers last week, what I really meant I was trying to find myself. And I believe I have. I've found myself, and that makes you a cancer to your own Territorial Invasion team, because you are going to regret that you ever woke me up. What comes of us this weekend is simply all match-preparation.The match on Voltage. The match on Showdown. It is all leading up to the biggest match of the year for Extreme Answers Wrestling. The future of this company will be on the line, and yet... I do not care for all of that. If I did, I would have done everything DDD asked me to do and kept a smile on my face. And yet I did not. I got DDD at the right moment, and if I have to scratch and claw my way to the top, then I will do exactly that. That is how winning is done. You do anything and EVERYTHING you can, no matter how morally right they are. I'm a resourceful guy, and I see you as just another guy on the wheel that I have to keep turning. This Friday night, Xavier Williams and I go into battle and when I have you in the middle of the ring... staring right into my eyes... the only thing you can "hope" to save is yourself from the beating that you will take because of me. Forget about saving cities. Try and save yourself from Alex Anderson, because that is a tougher feat for you than anything you have ever - or will ever - be put up against.
Christopher Corrupt
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 1 - Locked for posting...)
Post September 2nd 2014, 9:12 pm by Christopher Corrupt
(The scene opens up on Christopher Corrupt getting out of his 1973 neon green Dodge Charger outside a popular pub in downtown Toronto. His jet-black hair is gelled, styled to perfection and is wearing a pair of khaki cargo shorts along with a white t-shirt and black Converse All-Star high-tops. The EAW camera crew approach Corrupt…)
Cameraman: Hey Chris, we heard you might be here. Can we please get some words? You’ve been kinda camera shy and haven’t seen you for ages, plus, you got a match this Sunday against Lucian Black an-
Corrupt: Shut up. Wait. I have a match?

(Corrupt stands looking at the cameraman who is completely silent.)
Corrupt: Speak dummy!
Cameraman: Yeah. And Kevin Deva-
Corrupt: Shut the hell up! Wait…who else?
Cameraman: Kevin Devastation is at ringside.
Corrupt: Oh right…I guess he wasn’t too happy about last week with Lucian’s actions in their tag match.
Cameraman: Yeah. So can we get some words?
Corrupt: Man…*sighs*. Fine.
Cameraman: Thanks Chris.
Corrupt: It’s Christopher. And you’re not welcome, none of you are. Are you idiots ready?
(The camera crew gives thumbs up as they focus in on Corrupt.)
Corrupt: Lucian Black. I have some advice for you: Do NOT take me lightly and do NOT underestimate me. For those who have been defeated by me, were left in shock and dismay at what I was capable of. Don’t go by my past, my track record, people’s interpretations or theories of yours truly. For they don’t know what they’re talking about and are really jealous of just what I can bring to the ring. I defeated the man gunning for you at this Sunday’s Dynasty after your actions. He lost clean to me in a match everyone thought he had in the bag, including Kevin himself. You think you’re this big, bad, intimidating force who cannot be stopped. Well now here comes my opportunity to burst your little bubble or complete delusions. You’re messing with me, Mr. Classic, a man who has absolutely nothing to lose.
Another piece of advice I have for you…FOCUS on the task at hand. Don’t worry about Kevin, worry about me. And Kevin…you decide to stick your head in my match, I will kick your skull in. You think you’re some King? Bow down to this bitch.
(Corrupt flips the bird.)
Nobody interferes in my business and gets away with it. So Lucian always pay attention to me because if you don’t, I’ll strike out of nowhere and capitalize with a win and it doesn’t necessarily have to be pretty, it just has to be a win. You showed great strength taking out Kevin, but can you handle someone who breaks all rules placed in front of him? Who doesn’t care about your well-being or how the match plays out? A man whom is corrupt in every way and stands by a revolution soon to take over this company?
Think about it Lucian, think about your future. Because after Sunday, you may not have one left.
Are we good? Can I leave now?
Cameraman: Thanks Christopher.
Corrupt: Piss off.
(Corrupt shoulders the cameraman and makes his way up the steps and into the pub as the scene eventually fades out.)
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 1 - Locked for posting...)
Post September 2nd 2014, 8:39 pm by Guest
I am Collin Lightening. I am a member of Demon’s Council, but most importantly I am an individual. An individual that has his eyes open, his mind open and understands how the world works. I have seen great atrocities in this business and NOTHING will be more atrocious then what I do to my opponent on Voltage. Lochlan, welcome to EAW.. you are walking into a company filled with corruption, prejudice and best of all, complete mindless idiots. You of course, seem to be the one who wants to lead these idiots. Let me tell you something Lochlan, you have absolutely no clue what you got yourself into by joining this corrupt company. Now you may expect me to go and say how this place will hold you down and not let you move and hurt you and your career. Well, no. The only person who is going to do that is me. You know, it’s been a long time since I really wanted to get back on Voltage but now I’m excited. When I saw you get your first win last week Lochlan, It got me very riled up. I saw what your capable of, but you have no clue what i’m capable of. I have been wrestling for well over 3 years. I’ve done heinous things, I’ve seen heinous things, hell I am a living breathing heinous thing. I also have weird tendencies and things I like to do. One of them is, is that i like making my opponents bleed. It looks beautiful it feels beautiful and it’s great just watching you all wince in pain and try to take the blood from your eyes. I also love to hear snapping. That is one of my favorites. I love just locking in my crossface and rearing back on my opponents neck and feeling the pressure just give way. it’s one of the best feelings ever honestly. However, my all time favorite is when my opponents scream.. AHHH! AHH! AHH!!! God it sounds beautiful. Almost as beautiful as the sound of Liv Kristine’s voice. So Lochlan, understand.. I don’t want to hurt you, i just want to merely end your career in EAW before it truly starts and make sure you never wrestle a match again, and please don’t resist it. It’s like The UK vs Argentina in the Falkland islands war. The World knows I’m going to kick your weak ass, so it’s best you just give up now.. Please stay rested.. I like my victims tender and ripe...

Last edited by Collin Lightening on September 3rd 2014, 1:50 am; edited 1 time in total
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 1 - Locked for posting...)
Post September 2nd 2014, 8:20 pm by Guest
EAW Promoz! (Part 1 - Locked for posting...) - Page 10 ZsmF_ey5ndlz-JL6sRXwiifCQ4-ORAhDFL_yBQsLM1OB8TbjhD95EfwSsFzhrnp9-eP12ERY_Ga3gluz8fVYOFJo21gQdInsjlf5ty5zPpgvdi01Jvn4qJovoxMXDOA0Ow

“I’ve been searching for answers for over a month now, just trying to comprehend the abject idiocy it takes to plant your feet on a grand stage in front of the whole world and flush it right down the toilet the moment you open your mouth. It’s true what they say, when you give some people an inch, they take a mile. No truer words could possibly be spoken than when looking in the pretentious face of the supposed rebels standing on the wrong side of this war. Should I even be surprised by this point? Shouldn’t I have grown some sort of immunity to people that could do much and decide they’d rather sleep with trash than dispose of it? Take a good look around this city. It’s filled with pollution, crime, and everything in between. How do you think it became this way? Why do you think I’m watching my every step as I make my way through it? Because unlike most of the scumbags I’ve ran into, I’d rather keep myself clean and go farther than slip and fall in this filth. We’re surrounded by assholes that think they’re getting the shit end of the stick and want to crusade and rebel and change it for the better, but don’t even stop to realize what that means. Of course they don’t, why would they? They’re just as delusional as the men my team is taking on at Territorial Invasion. Even if they fight and succeed, all they’ll be is the next batch of people getting rebelled against and killed off. It will be the same for the batch to follow that. And the next, and the next, and the next until we’re back a square one. The losers in this aren’t the leaders though, no sir. No, the leaders get to feast in the spoils. The true losers are the morons that followed behind them into battle and won them the war.

So how long does Alex Anderson think it’ll be before he’s forced to his knees with his job on the line and told to bark for the amusement of Zack Crash? It breaks my heart to see men think the world is just so simply black and white. As if nothing matters to them but what they feel is right and what they feel is wrong and couldn’t give a shit about understanding anything they’re opposing. I may be the unintimidating little bastard that just won’t go away and dresses up like a superhero, but Alex Anderson is the one with his head so far up his own ass that its managed to reach up into the clouds and far beyond. There is no new world order that magically changes the way humans work. There is nothing that can be done to make the world a better place for yourself or for everyone else that requires riding into battle with a brand new leader to place your faith within. Men like Alex Anderson, who would sooner boast about their precious accolades as though they mean anything to the man kicking him in the face with all his mighty, maybe men like Alex Anderson deserve to meet the fate of being turned into a humiliating punchline. Maybe he can come back the next week and tell the world how that was all about of his grand plan as well. I just hope losing to a guy with less than half of the experience as him inside an EAW ring is all a part of his grand plan, because that’s precisely what’s gonna happen. I don’t give a shit if you proclaim the sun was in eyes or feign sickness like Jack Noble did. All this experience has given Alex Anderson is few pieces of gold nobody’s raising a single eyebrow to and more than enough damage to his body for someone as young as me to capitalize on. Maybe sometime in the future, when Alex Anderson and Xavier Williams are on the streets following their leader Zack Crash to the next corner where he promises they’re most likely get the most amount of change by begging, maybe then my point will have been made clear. Maybe when Alex Anderson and his partner on Voltage, Xavier Williams, wake up in their boxes and remember they’ve put all of their eggs in one basket so much so that they’re both too untrustworthy to find a new home to host their so called skills and too battered to step into the ring anyway, maybe then they’ll have wished they heeded the words of this unknown little masked man. It’ll be this unknown little masked man on the television screen you see through the window of the store that’s conveniently across the street from the alleyway you’ve made as your new home. It’ll be this unknown little masked man that’s holding the world championships you must not have wanted enough to have gotten by this point. More importantly, it’ll be this little masked man who’s making sure this company is thriving, even with this dictator of a chairman you’re fighting to end still in charge and with a push in the right direction. I’ve long since gotten used to stinking shitpile of cities just like this one, but I’ve got a feeling Alex Anderson and Xavier Williams are about to get far more familiar with cities like this one than I’d ever wish to.”
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 1 - Locked for posting...)
Post September 2nd 2014, 7:39 pm by PrinceofPhenomenal
Well, this is awkward.

*scratches head*

*Peaks around the corner*

*Sees a highlight from Grand Rampage earlier this year*

Yikes. I really went out like a bitch back in April. A shooting star press? That sucks man cause that's supposed to be one of the moves in my arsenal. But its the move that took me out. Looking at all the irony in that has me scared. For the past two weeks I've coasted to two easy victories, but now, shit is about to get real. It's like studying for a test all night long, then you ask your buddy to quiz you without the answers in your hand. Am I ready? I guess we'll all have to wait and see. Let me take a crack at it.

*runs hand through non-existent hair*

Ah man that's all scalp I'm grabbing. This week just keeps getting worse by the minute. I know a way it can get better though. Later this week I'll be standing across the ring from the reigning World Heavyweight Champion in Mr.DEDEDE. I guess you can say we have a history or something like that, which mostly consist of me being stretchered out of arenas and my career being shortened. Hey, I have no problem admitting that you've had my number and I'm not even sure if I ever cared enough to prevent you from getting it. You may ask, what exactly makes me any different from when we faced at Grand Rampage, compared to now. I can't even answer that question. I'm not sure myself if I'm any different, maybe I'm just now giving a fuck. Another thing is, I don't want happened a few months ago, to be your lasting memory of me. 'Cause that wasn't me at by best; hell that wasn't me at a fraction of my best.

Let's face it, I was off track for awhile when you faced me. I wasn't on my A-Game. I wasn't ready to go out there and prove to not only myself but everyone else that I deserved to be mentioned with the tier one extremist in this company. As we all saw the complete opposite happened. It took me awhile but I went back to the drawing boards. When I came back a few weeks ago, one of the things that I thought about was my match with you. It was like ''FUCK'' that was my ''join a new class'' match. And I failed. Even thought it kills me, I have to put that behind me. Yeah, we've all heard the cliche comeback story a million times and I'm sure it applies to me in this situation. But the only cliche thing about this story I want to happen is me once again become world champion? Who better to make a statement against than the champion himself?

Should I feel like underdog? Should I feel like I even have a chance? I could very well lose withing second or I could do the thinkable. I mean the unthinkable! and pull off the ''upset''. What should I expect DDD? Are you ready for me, scratch that am I even ready for you? It's time for me to take the training wheels off for the first time since I've returned and it's starting to feel good. So, enough about me. How's your life in EAW been going? It has to be going well considering your holding a world championship, right? Or maybe you're not doing so well. Maybe you're having nightmares. Nightmares about me. ''Why would I have nightmares about someone I've made easy work of on multiple occasions?''. That would actually be a good question that I'm not even sure I could answer. However, the fire is still burning inside of me. This company needs excitement and it needs me as one the poster boy again. EAW was flourishing and was this close to reaching another peak with me as the face of the company.

How has the company progressed with you as champion? I'm not seeing it. The answers just aren't adding up Ryan. I'm not saying the company is regressing with you as champion, because we all know you're a decent extremist and have had your signature moments. What I'm saying is these people deserve something better. That better is me. They deserve me as champion. They deserve to stand in line and buy my overpriced t shirts. These people deserve to see me perform at the highest level in that ring. They want to get out of their seats feeling moist, knowing that I'm about to do something they'll remember for ever. What have you done lately to do that? That's the difference between you and me DDD. I leave the fans moist and wanting for more, while you leave them high and dry, while just want to feed your ego.

I'll give this company what it needs, not what it wants.

Last edited by PrinceofPhenomenal on September 2nd 2014, 8:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 1 - Locked for posting...)
Post September 2nd 2014, 7:17 pm by Guest

Erik von Otter turned his eyes towards the snowy mountains, holding his hand up to shield from the sun. It was beginning to darken, the storm clouds beginning to show their form just above the mountain peak a few kilometers west of here. Erik could see them. He wasn't sure how much time he had before the storm would come, but he knew he had to find shelter before it did.

von Otter was used to this, however, being a hiker and a mountain-climber, and wasn't afraid of what the storm clouds would bring. Yet. But, Erik knew when to be weary of such things. The beginning of November was always a dangerous time to go hiking, but Erik loved the thrill of the challenge. Of sitting at the top of the frozen mountains, enjoying the solace that they provide. Among those from Sweden, Erik's home country, these things were common.

He made camp near a rocky outcropping somewhere near two miles up from the base of the mountain. Not very far, but far enough to leave a man weary from travel and exhausted from the adventure. He unloaded his pack, producing several hunks of dried, salted meat and a few dehydrated fruits. He unrolled his sleeping bag, pulled out his heat lamp, and settled down just as the storm clouds covered up the moon.

The storm came with no pomp or circumstance. One minute, the night was a shivering cold, the next, a howling wind swept down from the mountain's peak and snow began to fall from the skies. The tent bucked and swayed with the wind, but Erik had positioned himself well enough that the tent was safe from the brunt of the storm's assault. Hours went by, and the storm still raged.

Being a mountain-climber, these conditions, while not normal, certainly aren't unheard of. So, Erik found no problem drifting off to sleep, snuggled deep in the warm folds of his sleeping bag and with the pleasant warmth coming from the heating lamp. During his sleep, he dreamed.

Dreams of fire, of violence, of bloodshed. Dreams of screaming, berserk Norsemen, filling from their drekar, and fighting massive melee battles on the sands of the beaches. He dreamed of beasts and of two ravens. He dreamed of a flaming sword crashing down into the Earth. He dreamed of a wolf ripping his hand from his arm.

Erik sat up, looking around the tent. He tapped the side of his wrist-watch, the analog face showing that the time was near 8am. The tent still moved, on occasion, from the blasts of frozen wind produced by the storm. He unzipped the inner zipper, then the outer, and peered out onto the path from which he had been hiking. Snow covered everything. Even halfway up the tent. It would be a day or so before that snow would thaw. Erik, thankfully, had packed enough food for a week or so, but more if he rationed it. 

So he waited for the snow to thaw.

It never did.

Four days into his snow-in, he thought he heard a voice coming up the path. He quickly undid the zippers, to find that the snow was still burying him in. No one would be coming. The voices he heard? Probably just the wind producing sounds, coming down from the peak.

The next day, he awoke to a thump outside of his tent, as if someone was knocking. He rushed forward to the tent's entrance to find that no one was there... Just more snow. But, as he undid the flap, he felt the air inside of the tent stir, as if something had entered, as if a presence was settling down beside of him.

That night, he awoke quickly, feeling as if someone was watching him. There, inside of his tent, sat a figure, clothed in wolf pelts, with a sneer that made chills run down Erik's spine that had nothing to do with the cold on the mountainside.

"Who are you?"

"I am 'The War Spirit'. I have come with an offer."


Voltage. The first stop for 'The War Spirit'. The first chance for me to be unleashed upon the wrestling world. The first chance I get to display my true power. 

Seven years ago, I came to Erik von Otter. I showed him the path out. I saved his life. For seven years, he has tried to keep me contained. But no longer shall I be trapped. No longer will I be contained, like some small animal... Domesticated, like some beast of burden. No, I am 'The War Spirit', and my time upon this world has come. My time to step into the violence and show the world what I'm capable of. I will get the chance to put on display the power that the world has missed for almost two thousand years. 

It may seem a foreign concept to you now, that I, 'The War Spirit', am Erik von Otter... However, as I appear before you, I am not. I am Erik von Otter, but he is not I. We are one in the same, yet we are different. It is that piece of knowledge that you should know going forward. It is that morsel of information that you should savor, as you realize that it is not Erik von Otter destroying you... It is 'The War Spirit'. 

Why am I in a professional wrestling company, you might ask yourself. The answer is simple, really. The wrestling ring is the last place in the world where a man can be primitive. Where a man can fight, can destroy, and bring forth the end to another, without consequence. It is the last war-zone... And the ring at EAW is even more of war-zone that others.

EAW allows for us to put forth our most destructive natures, not to hide them. EAW allows for us to bring down the hammer of the gods onto another competitor, and not only allows it, but ENCOURAGES it. That is why I am here.

Friday at Voltage, I get to climb into the ring with not one competitor, but two. Two men who think that they have a chance to stand before the might of 'The War Spirit'. Two men who think that they have a chance. But as the ground slowly gives way to the water, no matter how much resistance is offered, you will soon realize that any resistance is a futile attempt to save your self.

First up we have Redmond, a man from the Isles of Britain. A man who claims to be the 'optimum' warrior. Redmond has no idea what a warrior truly is. Redmond has never seen war, face-to-face, he has never thrived in the battle, pressed up against the shoulders of another man during a melee, and has never brought down the swift sword that meant the end. He many be some new-age warrior, but a true warrior, he is not. Just as the Celts fell before him him, Redmond shall fall to the greatest warrior in the known worlds, 'The War Spirit'.

And after Redmond has been... dispatched, our attention will turn to the one who calls himself 'The Jesus Freak'. A man whose mission it is to bring about the 'Holy Era'. Allow me to take you on a trip, Carlos, that will open your eyes to the world in which you try to change. Before your time, and before the time of others before you, there was the true All-Father. From his throne, he sat, and with his one eye, he watched. His two ravens carried his messages and allowed him to see where he could not before. I do not know why you seek to bring forth a 'Holy Era', when the time of the All-Father is already at hand. The Era of War is upon us, brother, and you shall fall just as those before you have fell.

Prepare yourself, EAW. Whether you be Redmond or Carlos Cruz, for Ragnarok is upon you.
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 1 - Locked for posting...)
Post September 2nd 2014, 6:59 pm by Guest
I've heard the saying that patience is a virtue. I've heard wise sages utter clever sayings and always have an accurate answer for the future. The planetary spin that the EAW world has been undertaken into is far more than just a whimsical fortune cookie...no... this fortune cookie is rancid, filtrated with poison for anyone who bites into it. It's been exactly 2 straight wins, 2 straight turns of the arrow on the clock, which will soon be spiraling out of proportion. I find it difficult to sleep now and then, for the sole reason that I know in my head that the Sandman would fill my brain with good dreams, but it's the nightmares that motivate me the most. If we live our lives with the belief that everything sent our way will be okay, that in the end we will have that Cinderella ending, that one day, deep down we'll all be accepted for who we really are... we have failed as a human race. We are devolving as specimen that take up oxygen on this earth. Allow me to lead us to a path more guided. Allow me to bring us to a more enlightened state that a conspiracy theory can't bring to you. It's funny, I'm being thrown opponents that mean absolutely nothing to me on a weekly basis. Sah'ta Thor and Matt Matlock were of the easiest punching bags sent my way. Then, last week I made easy work of an adolescent by the name of K. Foxx. Now, as I step into the EAW ring for the 3rd time on Dynasty, I have an elimination match. However, for my veteran career, the world knows there's no way to eliminate someone who's already soulless. 

Soulless, I live amongst the last living creatures known to man who don't have a calling. I realized my calling is to inflict fear and despair among the EAW locker room so allow me to light incense on my opponents, as I pray for their demise. Tonight, I'm attempting to guide Mitchell Ward and Tiberius Jones to a land worth calling peace. If you can find peace of mind, if you can stop your ignorant intellect to realize that you should withdraw from this match and become a devotee of the Version 1 following... find the Version 1 way of life, you can reach immortality. This is far more than a cult, it's a global phenomenon. Soon enough, you will see thousands of young boys and girls finding the Version 1 Way. Soon enough, you will see thousands upon millions of young boys and girls getting their face painted black and white, claiming that they're soulless just as much as their favorite person. Their idol. The man that they wake up and watch because every second that they live, they want to make sure it's not a smudge.... they want to make sure it's not DUST. Retrieving back to my point, Mitchell and Tiberius, I pray you all reach a happier state of mind, because you both will be extremely troubled till you come face to face with the man responsible for your downfall this Sunday...

Now EAW, I need you all to close your eyes. I need you all to imagine yourself in a happier place. Because soon the messenger is coming. Soon the idea of transparency will no longer be living and the only picture you will see is DUST. I need you to close your eyes, find your happy place, and PRAY THAT IT NEVER GOES AWAY! I need you to listen closely, close enough that you can hear the beat of your heart... can you hear it? Does your heart tip the scale? 

Is your heart lighter than a feather?
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 1 - Locked for posting...)
Post September 2nd 2014, 4:41 pm by MTM
~ The scene opens up to Matt Miles stood at the edge of the golden gate bridge in a grey kiton suit, wearing gold trimmed aviators. He is staring off in to the sunset, carrying a small black bag, and as the camera comes closer he begins to speak, still looking out towards the sun. ~

It's beautiful, isn't it? I was always a big fan of watching the setting sun in the evening. After a bad day in school or at home, I'd come out here and just look on as a reminder that while I may have had a rough day, it's nearly over. Maybe I didn't get the grade that I wanted in a test, maybe I embarrassed myself in front of a group of friends but I knew that even something as simple as this could help end the day with a smile on my face. But that wasn't the only time I'd come here. Sometimes, even on a good day, I'd sit here to take note of the fact that all good things must come to an end. Who would have thought that something so modest could teach you so much about life? At first I didn't think that it would at all but as I got older I soon realized why I enjoyed being here so much. This bridge means a lot more to me than any ordinary citizen of San Diego; this bridge helped define who I am today. There's a lot more depth to my personality than the other extremists here. I'm not who I am because someone turned their back on me or because I finally decided I wanted to take what I thought I deserved. I've always taken what I deserved, that's how you survive in places like this. If you want to be passive then go ahead and you can amount to nothing like the dozens before you. As the weeks go by, I feel as though I've not given the people here the explanations that they deserve. Why did I team up with Alex Anderson? Why did I DITCH Alex Anderson a week later? Why did I insult half of the Showdown roster? Or maybe more importantly: Why did I embarrass myself on national television that night? Come Saturday, all will be revealed... or not. Who really knows? The only thing that's for sure about my actions is that if you've been keeping your ears open you'll already know the answers. I have strong motives and the past fortnight has been proof of that. In that short time I was able to get myself in the sights of Mr. DEDEDE, defeat Starr-Stan (albeit through cheap tactics but that's not the point here) and nearly rip Diamond Cage's leg right off. While I may not have defeated Cage last Saturday on Showdown, I also learned a long time ago that a loss isn't something you should feel ashamed of especially when your opponent is the one who came out worse for ware. I pride myself in being a student of life, learning how to take opportunities and gain an intellectual edge over my opponents. Losing isn't the end of the world.

~ Just as he finishes, Miles then moves back from the railing and stands up straight before brushing the dust off of his suit and pulling his blazer sleeves back down to his wrists, still holding the bag in his hand. Miles then faces the camera and begins to speak once more~

However, the match itself can be the end of a story. My match against Diamond Cage ended the story of my redemption. I did everything in my power to get myself recognised as a legitimate threat once more and I succeeded. I made a mark that night... twice. Not many returning "failures" can say that, can they? I've prospered where others expected me to fail and shocked the world of EAW by proving I still have what I like to call the Midas touch. A touch that ends matches with myself victorious over my opponents and aids me in climbing up the ranks to championship gold. Andre th-- Andrew Fireboy will be no different. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one to overlook a fellow extremist simply because he has only recently signed up here, no. One thing I am critical of, though, is rookie mistakes. While you certainly had me impressed in that fatal four way you competed in, your poor judgement caused you to tap out just as Scott Oasis had entered the ring to break up the submission hold you had found yourself in. If you don't have the wherewithal to see how close Oasis was to the two of you, how can you expect me to believe that you're a threat to me? This isn't an insult but a genuine question. Right now, I don't know if you have what it takes to defeat me. In fact, I don't think that you ever did, even since the old days of Matty K and the funky bunch. I've achieved so much more since my days as an arrogant, run of the mill rookie; I've found who I really am: Midas Orochi. I'm a snake in the grass, hunting for food by it's lonesome, relying on nothing but it's own instincts and ability to crush it's prey with ease. Make a mistake as big as last week's and you'll find yourself on your back, looking up at the lights as you wonder what happened to you. Then after a moment you'll begin to understand that your footing was off. You made yourself vulnerable, allowing the snake to inject it's venom, taking you out for the count and becoming just another victim of the gold cobra. When the opportunity arises (and trust me, it will) I'm going to capitalize, proving once again why I'm--

~ Miles then begins coughing for an unknown reason. He turns away from the camera and it looks as though he's taking something from the bag. He drops the bag in front of his feet and turns around, still coughing. He then looks directly at the camera, this time using both hands to cover his cough before throwing gold dust at the lens. ~


~ The screen fades to black as Miles looks on with a smirk spread widely across his face.~
Jacob Senn
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 1 - Locked for posting...)
Post September 2nd 2014, 3:26 pm by Jacob Senn
Is this really what Extreme Answers Wrestling has resorted to around here?

You see, ever since I have brought Damien Murrow back from the dead and aligned with him, all I have heard is how I need other people to win for me. All I hear nowadays is how Jacob Senn cannot beat anyone on his own and I want to make sure that you people realize something. Did I need someone to defeat Scott Diamond to become the EAW Elite Champion? No, I just needed to use my own mind games on him and make sure that he cost himself the world championship. Did I need anyone to help me devastate and obliterate Y2Impact in a mere two minutes? No, he just couldn't handle a man greater than God. What about my first championship defense in my hometown of Chicago against Matt Ryder? Did I need someone this past Showdown? These past few months has been proof enough I don't need a damn soul on this earth to win for me. I have been here for over a year, crawling on my belly through the dirt and gunk of the world and when I finally got at the end of the long journey and reached the pinnacle of this company with its warming glow, you all failed to receive me as your Undisputed World Champion. You chose your fate when you sided with Brian Daniels, you are continuing to choose your fate siding with Devan Dubian and until you get it through your heads that no man on this roster is going to take this championship from me anytime soon, you will always see those heroes and panderers be crushed beneath the bottom of my boot. Ryan Savage tried to take me on, and he became another piece of fodder to decimate, Brian Daniels with his magnanimous aura and immense resiliency could not divert my destiny, and when Devan Dubian tried to stand in my way of becoming EAW World Heavyweight Champion at Reasonable Doubt, he was defeated by his own blind confidence.

That was the word you used, right Dubian, blind confidence? Did I have blind confidence when I beat you when it all mattered the most because if I did, blind confidence must be your Achilles' heel. Last time we met in the ring, I beat you and I know you have had this kind of transformation over the year and if you think that there has been no evolution in the man that currently holds the championship that has been dangling in your face for the past three years of your career, then you would be even stupider than Damien Murrow thinks you are. But I know you are not stupid, Devan, not at all. I know that you are a very intellectual man and that every syllable that comes out of my mouth is hitting you right on the head like a hammer on a nail, but what keeps missing you is the fact that you need to just give in to defeat because things will be unholy and sheer destructive when we meet at Territorial Invasion. Any and every thing that is at my disposal, I will use, including some hitman that Damien Murrow wants to pay off as an insurance policy on my behalf. That is how much this championship means to me, that is what holding the most prestigious prize in professional wrestling brings out of me, it brings a desperation to latch onto its golden warmth ever more so than when I was at the deepest of lows in this company. This, this EAW World Championship, is what I have spent my entire federation career on making a reality, and I intend to go to greater lengths than before to keep it in my possession. Letting my pride take a fall or two, being the scorn of all the men like you who have yet to hold this accolade, watching the people fall for men like you as they want to ostracize me as this villain, that is what I am willing to go through to have this golden belt adorned around my shoulder and make sure no one steals it from me.

Even if Damien Murrow has paid the debt to Lannister to take you out like he has Brian Daniels, I know that at the end of the day that if it was simply Jacob Senn and Devan Dubian, history would repeat itself. Devan Dubian will get close to the Sun, reaching so high that you can barely see him from the star's bright light, but as he gets closer and closer, the skin on his body begins to boil as he begins to plummet back down to the Earth. You will get close, probably have me on the ropes a few times, but the truth is that you will never seize the moment, Dubian. You are not a clutch player, but one that looks for the people's acceptance, something I let go of a long time ago. If you want to be The King of the People and rule with a merciful hand, then you can join the rest who have fallen at the feet of The Bane of Kings when I crown you with steel crown of thorns. I am going to show you why I beat you before, why you will never be greater than Jacob Senn, and why you are on the bottom half of the Harmonic Divergence. I am The Second City Son, The Cornerstone of professional wrestling, The Crown Jewel on the EAW's crown, and The Fabled Conqueror that has conquered EAW's finest. You don't have to believe it, because soon, you will witness it!
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 1 - Locked for posting...)
Post September 2nd 2014, 2:53 pm by Anderson.
[The camera opens up to a dark underground parking lot, where Alex Anderson is seated up against a pillar.]
For the past 6 months, I have been searching for answers. I've been trying to figure just who exactly I am, why I do what I do, and what exactly I want from Extreme Answers Wrestling. Quite honestly, for a while now, I have not been true to myself. I have not lived up to my expectations of myself, and this past Saturday night on Showdown was the last straw. Sure, have I made some bad decisions in my life? Absolutely. But on Showdown, I made a decision that I will never regret. I did what no one else has the balls to do, and that's attack the authority figure that is DEDEDE. As far as I'm concerned, he got EXACTLY what he deserved, and if it wasn't going to come through someone else, it would have been me. You see, I am a part of a very rare breed in EAW, and that is someone who actually has the audacity to stand up for myself, but at the same time, has the intelligence to know what I'm talking about. That's what separates me from the rest of the pack. I decided to join team Crash, because I can distinguish right and wrong. I couldn't care less about the state of the company, but I do care about my career. I want to continue to make money, and I will do so under the right ownership of Zack Crash.

Now let's get down to business. This Saturday night, I go up against a man named Crimson Mask. My first thoughts, well, were "who the hell are you?" but by doing some research, I've come to the realization that you are an idiot. First of all, if you could enlighten me on how you think you know everything about me, that would honestly be great. "Brought into this world and guided by the wrong people." Really?  I'll let that slide for now, but that's because I have to address some serious matters. Crimson Mask, I know you've only been here a short time, but last night, I didn't embarrass myself one bit. It was all part of the bigger picture. I manipulated the man who you'll be defending Territorial Invasion, and I enjoyed every second of it. Was my career at stake on Showdown like you say? It probably was, but do I look like I care about burning bridges with the owner of this company? No, because I do everything I want on my own terms. You don't tell me what to do, and you personally Crimson Mask... you do not tell me who I am. I know exactly who I am. I know I'm the greatest new breed champion in the history of this company. I know I'm one of the only extremists to ever hold the National Extreme championship on two separate occassions. I also know that at Territorial Invasion, inside of the dreadful match that is War Games... I will succeed and I will bring this company back on the right path.

You're just another one of those guys that say certain things to sound complex, but at the end of the day, you, just like all the men before you, have no substance to what you are saying. I speak from experience, because I've been in that exact same position as you. I've been the guy to try and catch someone's attention, but it took me four years to realize that the only way I was going to get where I wanted to was to be myself. I'm not a likeable guy, I know that. I'm not a respected guy, I know that. But at the end of the day, somehow... someway... I get things to go my way. The misconception that you have about me is that you think I "wrestle for stardom." Go on and try to live in your fallacies of how you will "turn wrestling" so that we no longer fight for stardom. Go on and tell us more about how important you are to Mr. DEDEDE and his Territorial Invasion chances, because here's something that I'll tell you and something he would never tell you. You're just another pawn in his game. He's going to try and convince you to fight for him, JUST so he can go back to being the tyrant that he is. Luckily for you, despite how hard you try at Territorial Invasion (and even Showdown, for that matter), you will lose to Alex Anderson. Before Territorial Invasion, I will have defeated you at Showdown. Before Showdown, I will have defeated you and your partner Ryan Savage on Voltage. This is all preparation for me and this is all something I've seen before. You are nothing new. You won't be able to put a spoke in my wheel, not now or ever.

Be conscious of that, because this is more than just a game. This is war. 

And I will not lose this war.

[The camera fades to black.]

Last edited by Alex Anderson on September 2nd 2014, 3:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 1 - Locked for posting...)
Post September 2nd 2014, 12:57 pm by Marco
--- After Voltage---

[Ryan Savage is being seen coming backstage with a smile on his face after his match with Jamie O'Hara without his New Breed Championship and ends up running into Eve who was waiting on his arrival]

Eve: Ryan Savage, sorry for your lost out there you have given it your all and Jamie O'Hara ends up coming out on top walking out of Voltage the New Breed Champion.

Ryan Savage: I know, I was just out there getting beat by him and thank you for your apology but it isn't really necessary.

Eve: What the world wants to know is where is Ryan Savage's head at now? Are you planning on getting revenge or are you planning to move forward? 

Ryan Savage: Well Eve, like I have been saying for a long time about that the New Breed Championship is just a possession. It doesn't have any real power behind it and tonight I accomplished what I sought out to do and that was to eradicate the memory and the history of every man that has held the championship before me. I destroyed it's past and gave it a better future and Jamie O'Hara is the man that will continue where I left off. So to answer the first part of your question Eve, the answer is no I have no desire to get revenge or be stuck on the New Breed Championship forever.

Now for the second part, it's simple what I'm going to do moving on and that's evolve. I stated back in NEO leading up to Pain For Pride that I was going under an evolution into a being that no man or woman has seen and there are sacrifices that has to be made in order for that evolution to take place. To any other man or woman in this company losing a title would be heart breaking or demoralizing to them but for me I see it as growth or I should say change is coming in a form that isn't recognizable to the human eye. The meaning of being the New Breed Champion still runs through my veins and it beats with my heart and that meaning is my own different style and what I offer to this company. There is no one in this company that there is no one in this company that will stop this change that is coming. It's really ironic how the tag line for Territorial Invasion is called the Rebellion You Never Saw Coming because from here on out by my hands I will do what I can to bring nothing but chaos, destruction and total mayhem in this company. You know just to spice things up around here so this isn't the end for me because I'm just getting started. But other than that I'm just focused on one goal right now and that's to help my partner to remain the chairman of this company, I'm just hoping the other team is ready because I'm bringing hell with me and I'm more than happy to drag some men down to the abyss with me.

[Ryan Savage walks away from Eve as the camera fades to black]
The scene is set inside Clace's house, a modern suburban style home with two stories. He is seen inside the garage, doing a tune-up on his Cobra.

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Recently, I was informed that I would be competing on the Showdown brand with my first official contest coming in the form of a man named Jeremy Santos. I don't know Jeremy, but I know that he's in my way and that I must take care of that problem. I don't know how he plans to defeat me, but it doesn't matter because I don't plan on giving him a chance to do much of anything. From start to finish, I'm going to be all over him, right in his face and not letting up. That's how I do, I wear the hell out of you, torturing your body & mind until your will is broken and you are a shell of the person you were when you first stepped in that ring with me. There have been times where I could have easily finished an opponent in my MMA days, but I dragged it out because I wanted to prove that I can do whatever the hell I want and that's more often than not how it goes.

This sport is all about standing out, keeping yourself in the limelight and being a ferocious, dominant champion that people will not necessarily like, but respect, fear and remember. Much like MMA. However, I get the impression that many of the EAW stars and champions do not have that same type of drive, just by listening to them speak and seeing how they perform. I honestly do not believe that anyone here is on my level and I feel this overwhelming desire to knock you all down from your pedistals. I have no problem wearing the black hat in this organization and being the one person that everyone hates. Like I said before, I'm not here to make friends and I don't want them either.  I'll do the rest of my talking in the ring on Saturday and then you'll understand exactly what I mean. Now get the hell out of here, I have more important things to do than talk about Jeremy Santos.

The scene fades as Clace continues working on his car, motioning the cameraman to leave.
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 1 - Locked for posting...)
Post September 1st 2014, 12:35 am by Guest
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“What’s that? I’m sorry, I can’t hear as well as I used to, ya know. Are you trying to say something? Hello? I can’t make out the words, but I’m sure you’re saying something. You know who you are too. You know who you are and what you’ve done. You, sitting there, listening to my words. You know you’re one of the people who doubted what an ordinary guy in a ridiculous costume could do. You know you’re one of the many that would sooner sweep me underneath the rug and go on with the rest of your day, complacent with the bullshit and corruption of this company. You’re one of those who thought I would be gone just as quickly as I came, but you’re now one of the wrong. You’re now one of the majority that has to scream their doubts and criticisms louder and louder the higher I climb, and the beauty of it all is that the higher I climb, the less and less I can feel those filthy daggers of yours piercing my ears. It’s only a matter of time before this scrawny little joke you all considered Crimson Mask to be touches the top of the mountain and gets to look down on you for the first time in his life instead of the other way around. It’s Crimson Mask who gets to sit on top and judge what’s right and what’s wrong in the world and I assure you that it will not be to your liking. It’s gonna shift the world right below your fuckin’ feet and you will do nothing about it but watch in horror and either die or adapt and survive. It’s up to you. Some who I can still faintly hear from the distance continue to hurl their insults and try to chip away at my armor by telling me I’m working for the wrong side. They tell me the corruption is what I’m fighting for now. They say Crimson Mask is fighting against those who want to change the world for the better. I’ve got eyes of my own. They’re not what they used to be, but they work well enough for me to see what’s in front of me and what’s behind me. There’s no knife breaking skin in the hand of Mr. DEDEDE behind me. I’ve seen enough to know Mr. DEDEDE isn’t a part of the problem, but he can be a part of the solution. He’s lived his life for far too long as a soldier on the battlefield and isn’t a man fit to play the general, not on his own. A man like him needs men like me to set things right and that’s exactly what I plan to do. I don’t plan to play civil war like Zack Crash and the rest of his newly acquired minions. I don’t intend to kill the King and take his throne just so I can meet the same fate. There’s no honor in that. There’s no justice in that. All men like Zack Crash are doing is continuing a never ending circle of despair and it’s not gonna end well. There’s gonna be dozens, maybe hundreds, hell, there could be thousands of Zack Crash’s that are tired of having to earn what they get. Nobody likes to serve in Heaven, so why not reign in Hell? Sounds ideal, but it’s not for me.

I can feel it in my bones already. It’s not the weather in this city that’s sending chills down my spine, it’s the thought of all these people trying to convince me that my ways are the wrong ways and what’s right is what’s on the other side of the field. Things such as these are better nipped in the bud. Rip a tumor out before it grows. That’s exactly what I plan to do this Saturday when I step back into the ring only seven days ago when I beat three other hungry but stupid men to earn my right to be here. It’s like I’m trapped in a funhouse with a hungry and yet stupid man, because all I can see are mirrors of the same person. No matter how distorted those images may be, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s still a hungry and yet stupid man. Alex Anderson is another reflection. That’s all he is. I may be the one without the years of experience in this company between us, but I’ve got plenty of experience in men that would sooner run into a wall than walk around it. I’ve seen plenty of men that have lived their lives so ignorantly that they find themselves backed into a corner and fighting for any possible way to get the fuck out of it if it means surviving another day. I can’t speak for everyone else, but that’s exactly what I saw as Alex Anderson was threatened with his job in this company and forced into humility by the man I follow into battle at Territorial Invasion. There’s a lot of people who get dealt shit hands all their lives and I can tell clear as day that Alex is one of them. He’s not the first. He won’t be the last. He’s a man that’s been brought into the world and immediately guided by the wrong people, caught up in the wrong places and at the worst possible times. That’s how we find ourselves clawing to keep our livelihoods and doing what we must do to stay alive. Thing is, Alex Anderson didn’t do what he had to do to stay alive. No, Alex Anderson took a look at the hand that feeds and chose to bite it. He chose to be humiliated and he chose to take that humility and use it as that much more fuel to sacrifice everything he’s worked for in all these years he’s spent here on this one match at Territorial Invasion. There was a gun held to his head on Showdown, but all he’s done now is buy his own gun and stick it in his fuckin’ mouth. All we can do is wait for the trigger to be pulled. That day will come soon enough and he’ll join the rest of these poor bastards wrestling not for stardom anymore, but just to eat and live day by day. Alex Anderson has devolved from a man with the whole world in front of him to a means to my end. This Saturday, I do what I have to do in times of war and I take Alex as a POW and I show to all of you who think I chose wrong exactly how much I believe in what I’m now fighting for. When it’s all said and done, you can call Alex and the rest of his gang whatever you want. Call them martyrs, call them fallen heroes, call them legends of this war. It’s all just another way to call them dead men and dead men are written in history only the way the winners choose to write them.”
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 1 - Locked for posting...)
Post August 31st 2014, 9:47 pm by StarrStan
I am better than Moonlight Predator.

Before I make him tap out at Territorial Invasion, I get to watch him lose on Showdown to Vic "TOO SLOW TO MAKE THE BREAK" Vendetta. This week isn't about Vic, though. It isn't even about Predator. I am better than him, make no mistake. Two little wins mean nothing. What matters is when he loses when everyone is watching. I know when to pull out all the stops. Do you think I cared about that first fluke victory? It was probably the best night of his life, when for me it was easily forgotten. Last week wasn't even all you, it was a chair shot from your partner and a delay from mine. You can forget it. Territorial Invasion is all that will be remembered. You tapping out is all that will be remembered.

On Showdown I prove once again I am the most elite. Not just in the ring, not just backstage, BUT EVEN ON GOD DAMN COMMENTARY.
Post August 30th 2014, 11:56 pm by Guest
Before the match

It had been an interesting week for the wrestler known as Thor. He had been been going over how he had lost on the last Dynasty but couldn't get over the fact that it been close. He hadn't been pinned but it had counted against him. Even though Warrior VI had gone on to brag about the win and all it meant to him, the fact remained that it had been Matlock that had been pinned. Matlock had been the one to really feel the defeat. Though in the end it didn't matter because things moved on. Now it was time to get the ball back into his court with a win in a challenge that was less than glamorous. A challenge that couldn't be deflected into anything but the cold reality that he needed to get a win. His next match wouldn't even make the aired episode of Dynasty but was rather the arena special, or what the industry called the pre-show. He had to win to get back on television and part of him had to admit that to lose could really cost him his job. Now that just meant he had to do whatever it took to win.

"Mr. Thor, how do you feel about your upcoming match with Jimmy Carwin?"

The question came from EAW interviewer Max A. Million which pulls Thor out of his thoughts.

"It is easy Max. I need to wine and while the company may think that I am a washed out talent I am not. I will admit, I haven't been winning but that doesn't mean that I am not a great wrestler out there. No Max, you have to realize that this business is a like the jungle. You have the flashy young predators who strike hard and fast for a short time with out suffering failure. Yet in the end that very lack of failure leads to their downfall because they either get complacent or lose their wariness. On the other hand, you have the older, more experienced predators who have lost prey or been beaten in contest of dominance. For them failure has tempered the skills by giving them an deeper understanding of what they are. I am one of those experienced predators and while I have been to top of this industry in other companies I had forgotten that not every company respects the victories of other places. I know I came in all full of swagger and ego because of what I have done in other jungles but let's face it Max, I still have to make the EAW come to terms with my skills."

As Thor pauses to take a breath Max nods thoughtfully.

"Now I have to face the new kid Jimmy Corwin in a match that won't even be televised. Yet, I am wise enough to know that if I lose here I could be endangering my odds of continued employment with Extreme Answers Wrestling. I wonder if Jimmy even knows what he has gotten into? Because when we go out there later tonight I will be honest with you, I expect there to be carnage. I intend to make him bleed and to feel the pain of his body being broken in some fashion. Like a predator backed onto a corner I have only one option to get out of it, unfortunately for Jimmy that path is through his very personage. At Dynasty, I intend to make sure that he and the rest of the EAW learn to take me seriously. I have his jokes about my persona and frankly he will learn first hand that even if I lose that I am not to be taken lightly in a match. Now if you excuse me, I have a match to prepare for."

With that Thor walks off leaving Max A. Million looking after him intently.
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 1 - Locked for posting...)
Post August 30th 2014, 2:04 pm by Guest

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