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Norman Hellion

Norman Hellion

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Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...)
Post January 15th 2015, 9:09 pm by Anderson.
At King of Elite, I have everything on the line.

That is no understatement.

For as long as I have been in this industry, I know that my window of opportunity is closing. I know that even though I am in the absolute peak of my career... there is not much time left for me to be the "contender." I must be the champion. There is no more time to waste. Four years were spent developing – finding myself as a professional wrestler and more importantly a human being. But now... now it's time to reach the pinnacle and stay there. When I say "pinnacle," I don't mean the top of professional wrestling. I am already there. I am the ace of the greatest wrestling—or any combat sports—company in history. That makes me the best. But the pinnacle is more than that. The pinnacle is an area where I am the UNDISPUTED greatest. I only do this by winning the Answers World Champion. For the past few months, all my foot-prints have been in the direction of this championship. At Road to Redemption, I was given my opportunity at becoming champion, and what did I do? I assured the rest of the world that were was going to be a new champion. I defeated Hades the Hellraiser and pinned him for the second time in seven days. Who else can say they did that? No one. Certainly not Norman Hellion. Here's the part that goes over everyone's head, Norman... I don't dislike you. I just dislike the fact that you hold the championship that wouldn't be around your waist if it wasn't for me. I know how the game works. I know that wrestling isn't fair, but I also know that given the 1-on-1 opportunity... I can and will defeat you.

Well, your worst nightmare came true, Norman.

I have that opportunity, and it's pretty basic, Norman: I am going to use you as a stepping stone to becoming the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world. While this is an exciting time the year for us elitists with the road to Pain for Pride around the corner... I only have one goal for Pain for Pride: to walk in and walk out as world champion. I already know that I can choose the opponent of my choosing, and maybe if you impress me enough on January 24th, I'll throw you a bone and let you be my opponent. Maybe. The truth is, Norman... I no longer think of myself as inferior, because I know I am superior. I single-handedly formulated the greatest plan in this company's history by getting myself back into EAW with all of my demands met. If I can pull that off, I can pull off any beating that you have "planned" for me in merely nine days.

The smartest man always trumps the strongest man.

You are no doubt a great wrestler, Norman. I know what you can do first-hand. If you weren't good, you wouldn't have won the championship at Road to Redemption. I'll give you credit where credit is due. However, you simply just can't give me the credit that I deserve. The only thing I can do about that is to defeat you. Only then will I be recognized as the sole face of Showdown. Only then will I be marketed as the franchise player for only the Showdown brand, but the entire company. That is the level that I want to reach, because I was born for this. This is the only passion that I have ever had, and if I have to lie, cheat, steal, kill... whatever it takes to become champion, I will do it.

That's how much it means to me. If that makes me a bad man, then so be it. This company was built on men who did everything and anything to get what they wanted. There was no "good guy" or "bad guy," but considering this new movement of "Elitists," there is a clear distinction. My purpose is still the same, and, Norman...

You are going to get the absolute best of Alex Anderson.

I will look you in the eyes on January 24th and you will be looking into the eyes of a man who needs to win this match more than anything else in this world. Anything prior to this is just practise for me. This Saturday night on Showdown, I don't see you as a partner. That should be quite obvious, so if Scott Oasis and Zach Genesis want to beat the living hell out of you... I'll let them. I don't care. All I care about is this upcoming pay-per-view.

King of Elite is the event that two men vie to become the king of Elite Answers Wrestling... but are you really a king if your crown is merely to get yourself a world championship shot? Does that truly make you a king? No, it does not. The true king is the ace of EAW... the true king is the man who will hold two world championship by the end of the night and cement himself as the greatest wrestler on the planet in everyone's mind.

At King of Elite, I snatch the crown from whoever you thought had it, EAW.
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...)
Post January 15th 2015, 7:57 pm by Guest
[The camera opens up to the Vixens locker room, and Cherish is seen sitting in a computer chair slinging herself back and forth across the room. She screams in joy, and then suddenly there is a knock at the door. Still in the chair, Cherish rolls over and opens the door. A man in a uniform walks in carrying what appears to be a life-size cardboard cutout. The man places the cutout in front of Cherish, and leaves as Cherish looks in awe with a loss of words.]

Mi amor.

[Cherish starts clapping her hands, and in her eyes she sees her dog jump onto her lap. She continues to look in awe of the cutout. As the camera pans to show the cutout to be Tarah Nova.]

I think we need to start over… I think we need to reevaluate this situation.  I am not crazy. I don’t have any disorders… Why would you say such horrible things to me? I thought we were getting close… But you… Forget it, let’s change the subject. Tarah, what I did to Kendra many moons ago… It wasn’t an attack… I just wanted her to notice our connection… Why don’t you understand that? We also have a connection, that’s why when you saw me months ago the look in your eye changed. All this time I thought my connection was with Kendra… But it was with you. You see Tarah, the face to face meeting I had with Kendra that night was not out of spite for her winning some contender match. It was all just a simple misunderstanding… However, my method of showing unconditional love to Maddie… Well, I’m pretty sure she understands.

Ah, maybe we should change the subject again… I see you brought up your fears. I’m glad that you can instill trust into me, and be open about talking about your fears. We all have fears Tarah, you may have become one with yours but our fears still exist. Since you shared with me, than I feel like I should share with you. Lately when I lay my head down on my pillow, eyes open as always, constantly thinking of so many things on my mind...And when I finally grew tired of my racing mind, I closed my eyes and forced myself to sleep, not only because I'm exhausted but also because I know that there is so much to do in the upcoming days. Many of these nights when I close my eyes, I'm bothered by a lot of things. And while many of us optimistically dream, I reserve that for when I'm awake...I save that for when I'm taking action. But with so many things running through my mind, like so many other people...I am encompassed by nightmares. Like I said, you have become one with your nightmares, but I prefer to keep them in my mind and as you might say, keep happy thoughts. I am not blinded by my fears, I am blinded by something, or should I say someone.

I don’t want you to fear me Tarah, I don’t even want you to believe that I want you to fear me… When we meet yet again, face to face at Voltage I only want us to explore our… Connection. Now… Let’s play some laser tag.

[Cherish smiles, and pets her dog as she keeps her eyes on the cutout of Tarah Nova. She starts laughing uncontrollably and rolls over to the light switch, turning them off.] 

Last edited by Cherish on January 15th 2015, 10:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
Clark Duncan
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...)
Post January 15th 2015, 6:13 pm by Clark Duncan
Clark is at a Belgrade Cafe when he's brought an iced coffee by the waitress. He gives her a wink as she walks away. He turns his attention to a street performer and donates some change before turning to the camera he knows is following him.

Oh, we're doing poems now? Well shit, why didn't you say so Johnny? Speak sooner my friend, I love a good poem. No, I really do. Writing them is actually a hobby of mine. Would you ever believe that? That someone like me, as frenetic and fidgety as I am, is inclined to sit down and create verses so sweet and succinct that those with a fetish for literary works simply swoon?

Here's a little something I prepared earlier, just for you may I add.

Clark sips some of his iced coffee before going on.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
That poem was cute
But boring too.

Oh and I can haiku. I'm a talented individual, don't doubt that.

Johnny is crazy
But what do we do to him
Beat him Saturday

Impressed yet? You should be. If you're not, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you, you kooky motherfucker.

Clark takes another sip and shrugs his shoulders, as if he's loosening them for some exercise or something. He continues to talk.

Here's one more for the road, because I know you'll enjoy it.

Clowning about is a hobby of mine
Joking, pranking, having a good time,
But wrestling is different, it brings out of me
The will to compete, the thirst for victory.
When all's said and done, Clark Duncan strides forward,
Whether or not he's been shunned or rewarded.
The good and the bad should not slow you down
For the spirit is strong, like a smile compared to a frown.
The Caster of Dreams does not make me scared,
If anything I laughed because I wasn't prepared
For such foolery and nonsense to come from within
A man clearly thinking he's devoid of all sin.
There's more to this tale than meets the eye,
A riddle unsolved, not your piece of the pie.
Cracking this code is treacherous unknown
As no one man has ever shown,
The gall or the courage to take a lunge
At yours truly, so please take the plunge
I encourage you Johnny, step forward with pride
Show your people the power, the leader inside.
Showdown's our battlefield to end all this drama,
Just know I won't leave with a chink in my armor.
Ventura I plead, you're making a mistake,
Perhaps I should have done earlier, for now it's too late.

Clarks sculls the rest of his iced coffee before crushing the cup in his hand and throwing it from long range into the nearest bin, he then disappears amongst the masses.
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...)
Post January 15th 2015, 4:34 pm by Guest
(Nick Makarov sits in his hotel room drinking whiskey straight from the bottle)

Makarov: Evan Stark, you stupid son of a bitch, I left you all the tools to destroy El Landerson last week. If you had any balls at all you would've used those chairs and that toy belt to beat that Mexican freak to within an inch of his life but Damien Murrow and Zack Crash has all of you pussyfooting around and abiding by so-called “elite” rules. I can't wait to watch you and those two other jackasses grab each other's sacs in that triple threat match this week (Snores loudly).

(Makarov takes another swig of whiskey)

Makarov: But I have neither the time nor the desire to deal with these boys playing with their little Toys R' Us replica ACE belt, you see my focus right now is on a real wrestler with a real championship. Now, Scott Oasis, you have to believe me when I say that what I did to your sorry ass this week on Showdown was nothing personal, despite the fact that I personally think you are one sorry son of a bitch. You are simply a victim of your own poor choice in allies and I'm going to do whatever it takes to ruin Crash and Murrow's shitty philosophy and if that means making sure Damien Murrow spends the weeks after King of Elite crying in his beer because Zach Genesis is his new Interwire Champion than so be it, you'll just be a casualty of war, Scott.

(Makarov finishes the rest of the bottle and throws it against the wall)

Makarov: And that's the bottom line.
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...)
Post January 15th 2015, 2:01 pm by Guest
Vives Gladio

(The screen begins to cut to an old monastery, very decayed and very abandoned looking. The setting is that of dawn, the sun is just now peeking its weary head over the mountains of the surrounding Romanian countryside. Quite breathtaking if you look at it directly, and quite eerie if you were to be standing alone. A man in a long black leather, with wine colored silk in-lining steps through the front doors into the scene, with a few monks in toe. He turns to them and takes each of them by the hand and says his goodbyes.)

Alessandro: Sunt de pe în călătoriile mele, Dumnezeu să vă binecuvânteze pe toți.

Monk 1: La revedere prietenul meu , să fie bine.

Monk 2: Aveți grijă , și poate fi Dumnezeu cu tine fiul meu.

Monk 3: Călătorie sigură pentru noua lume.

(The man shakes their hands, and they all have a moment of silent prayer before this man steps away and gets on a pitch black haired Transylvanian stallion, and nods to the monks before taking off into the daylight as fast as the horse can gallop. The camera shows as he becomes distant in the countryside, and begins to go black.)

Eu vin dintr -o țară uitată și o eră uitat în timp . Dar, în timp, va ști , și dau seama că modalitățile de vechi va deveni foarte memorabil din nou . Și, spre deosebire aceste noi idealuri pe care le închină , veți ști că prin sabie va trăi , iar prin sabie veți fi văzut fie ca lumina , sau poate fi lăsat să fie ospătat pe de ceea ce se află în întuneric.

*I come from a forgotten land and a forgotten era in time. But in time you will know, and realize that the ways of the old will become very memorable again. And unlike these new ideals that you worship, you will know that through the sword you will live, and through the sword you will either be seen as the light, or be left to be feasted on by what lies in the dark.*

(The camera appears to have a feed again, as it shows Alessandro De Borgia standing there, with light shown around him, looking off into the distance, and in one motion he swiftly turns to the camera with eyes of stone. The feed cuts off as the following message appears on the screen.)

" Când unul este dincolo de economisire și trebuie să li se permită să moară . "

The Slaying Commences
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...)
Post January 14th 2015, 10:47 pm by VENTURA.
EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...) - Page 11 7610799
The dead cannot cry out for justice. It is a duty of the living to do so for them.

♨The scene now takes place in an open, wide field in Bran, Romania. It is pitch dark outside, with the wind swirling in with harsh force. The grass is pushed towards the west, while a cast of illumination is barred on the surface. Suddenly, the Holy Brigade assemble together, however just a small number of four. All of them are carrying torches in their possessions, with their golden hourglasses in their pocket robes. They all sit down together, as they all drill down their torches down into the earth to remain upright. They now turn around to look at the camera.

Man #1: My name is Gabriel.

Man #2: My name is Luke.

Man #3: My name is James.

Man #4: My name is Francis.

All of them in unison: AND WE ARE THE HOLY BRIGADE!

♨The speed of the wind dramatically increases, as the fire from the torches is blown all over the place.

Even though the sun rises on the east, and sets on the west,
Our mission in this present time is a never-ending quest.
Whether hardships or success, bitter or sweet,
We will not rest until we are placed with mercy's seat.
You all continue to doubt us, our words and of our actions,
The things that we do is an ongoing chain reaction.
We assemble with silence, in our possessions hour glasses,
Envisioning your life as a pool of molasses.
The time has come for you all to bear the truth,
If you decline, do not worry, we are no sleuths.
For those of you who accept, cross your fingers,
Because at any time, damnation still lingers.
How bright, how marvelous, these twinkling stars,
How we indeed wonder what you are!
People love the luxury, the cars, the money,
Listen to us now, because all of you are sonnies.
We grow in strength, power, and speed,
Their growth never stops, because they are qualities that we bleed.
If you all want to know how its like when we reach our extremes,
Then prepare for the full ascension of the Caster of Dreams!
A jester, a clown, the man Clark Duncan,
Will be just another example of the many people that we have sunken.
Once all of this has been said and done,
The casting of your reality into dreams will never be undone.

♨The four men all get up from their positions, as they reach down for their torches. They all slowly walk back down across the step field, as the camera zooms back at them, until they slowly disappear into the darkness.
Tarah Nova
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...)
Post January 14th 2015, 10:08 pm by Tarah Nova
*The scene fades in showing Tarah Nova pacing back and forth, trying to think. She stops as she looks up seeing the camera and begins to speak her mind.*

You know what I find funny? The Vixens Division here in EAW. I mean, have you ever sat down and looked at each Vixen equally? All of them are broken in one way or another. They all have something wrong with them. All of them are either psychopathic, sociopathic or has some kind of personality disorder. You could make it a game trying to figure out what disorder that each Vixen has. I love playing it. I figured out that Cameron and Lethal havs a type of narcissistic personality disorder. NPD is when someone feels strong love and admiration toward themselves. AKA those tw-...Actually, come to think of it. Most of our Vixens have a version of NPD. Most of them are pepy bitches that walk around backstage thinking they're hot shit. Well, other than Maddie. Personally, I think Maddie is flying high with the MaryJane if you know what I’m talking about. Other than her, everyone on the Vixens’ roster has a Disorder. Even me. I mean, not gonna lie, I find pleasure in inflicting pain, suffering, and or humiliating my fellow wrestlers. Its why they call me Sadistic. *Tarah shrugs her shoulders* I believe the only Vixen I’m having trouble figuring out is Cherish. You see, I think shes too fucked up that she doesn’t only have one Disorder, She has many. I mean she hears voices, inflicts pain on others and believes in a dead dog to be a god. Hell, She even went all crazy and attacked Maddie with a chair last week. At least I have meaning behind my attacks on Cameron but thats a different story.

*Tarah stares at the camera as her left eye twitches slightly. With a sigh, she slides her hand through her raven black hair.*

Cherish, again you talk about my fears. Like I said before, I am not scared of you or Cameron. I am scared of no Vixen in EAW. I mean why would I be? None of them are useful or scary. They talk big but always come out on the short end of the stick. Anyway, its my turn to tell you something about fear. Fear is nothing more than a state of mind and I am never in the state of mind. The truth is, I believe you're too blinded by your own fears, that you think you see mine. I mean have a troubled mind but I don’t fear it. I don’t hide in the dark hoping and praying for my fears to just go away. I became friends with my nightmares & fears. I consider them my personal artwork. My twisted sense of dreams. Plus, even if I wanted to fear my mind, I’d be too busy being the most Reckless Vixen in EAW to be ‘fearing’ anything. Especially my so called opponents here. Now, speaking of attacking opponents from behind, didn’t you do that to Kendra when you first joined EAW? I remember it you did. You attacked her when her back was turned. Now was that just to make a statement or was it because she was going to be number one contender and she was a threat? Its kind of funny that you look down on me, saying that the reason for me attacking Cameron was out of fear while you did the same thing months ago. You are nothing more than a Hipocrita that is most likely scared of her own shadow. So when our match on Voltage begins, I’m going to give you the same beating that I gave Cam last week. You will truly see what real fear is when it flashes through your mind on Friday. But till then my sweet crazy Cherish, I hope you keep warm in that cage of yours. Here a little tip just for you: Next time you try to kill or hurt a Vixen. Hit her with the time keeper's Bell and aim for her head, works everytime..

*Tarah Nova smirks, winking at the camera before turning around and walks down the hallway*

El Landerson
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...)
Post January 14th 2015, 9:58 pm by El Landerson
[El Landerson in the hallways while Paul McGuire stops them]

Paul: Excuse me El landerson but can i get a few moments of your time before your Triple threat match this Saturday on showdown.

El laberinto: Qué huele?

Paul: last Saturday on showdown show you got DQ by Evan Stark last Saturday on SD but now this week you will be in a triple threat match between Evan Stark in Nick Angel on SD show so any thoughts El landerson ?

El laberinto: Well you see Paul,when i lost my match to Evan Stark last Saturday that person Nick Makarova costed my match with Stark on SD show in then how it's every man for themselves on SD show this week cause once i pin either Angel or Stark in our triple threat match on SD show then you will see me at King of Elite FPV so Stark in Angel you two better get ready for this week cause i'm coming for that tail this Saturday on SD show.

Paul:  El landerson can you even defeat Evan Stark in Nick angel this Saturday on showdown in four days.

El laberinto: if it depends on hows the Triple threat match is gonna be cause when i defeat them this week on showdown then they will never faces me at the PPV of King of Elite PPV because i got someone else in mind to challenge me at King of Elite PPV in that person will be Evan Stark right after our Triple threat match with Nick Angel in Evan Stark this week on showdown cause i representing my blue brand of showdown because i'm the best Extremist on Eaw in there's not a single person that can't mess with me on showdown this week on SD show and that goes for my Opponent that i am facing in four days on showdown is none other then Evan Stark in Angel so they must be prepared this weeks on SD show cause i'm coming for that chaufa and four days in our  Triple threat Match on showdown this Saturday night.

( El landerson walks away while Paul Continues talking)

Paul: Well there you have it folks because El landerson will take on two of his Opponents this week on showdown in there Triple threat match so we hope that Landerson can Continue his winning streak this Saturday on showdown against Evan Stark and Angel on showdown.

Paul: Cause i'm gonna see El Landerson defeat both of his Opponents in four days on showdown in there Triple threat match before King of Elite PPV because i know that Landerson will leave out of showdown this week cause who know's he might win or lose this Saturday on showdown because i'm Paul McGuire and we will see Landerson in action this Saturday on showdown when he beats Mr Stark in Nick Angel his Triple threat match this week.

[Camera fades while El landerson goes to his Locker room before Showdown show]
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...)
Post January 14th 2015, 9:54 pm by Angel.
Oh boy. I don’t know what situation Evan Stark got himself into but I can assure you it is a situation that will not benefit Evan Stark short term. As a fine man would like to put it, there is a thin line that separates laughter and pain, comedy and tragedy, humor and hurt. I will assure you that Evan Stark will not be laughing after the next edition of Showdown after I pass on my despair onto him. He will feel the wrath of Nick Angel’s considering he merely provoke a giant that is only getting started. You like to speak about comedy but at the same time? Your previous match against El Landerson is only just that. Comedy. I’m aware that El Landerson has barely any ring coordination but that should not exclude your claim that you would take out El Landerson in a hurry. What happened to Evan Stark making his almighty debut? What happen to THE Evan Stark that intended to put his footprint in EAW by taking out the one and only El Landerson? You know what that makes your ring abilities? A comedy. You know what makes your dignity as of this moment? A comedy. I can also assure you that Evan Stark will not be laughing about his comical statements before the next edition of Showdown. He boasts himself as a man that can showcase intelligence and ring awareness. Like that is anything to brag about Evan Stark. Instead, I can argue that Evan Stark can hit me anytime he wants; I’ll just counter by hitting the man only ten times harder. Plain and simple, on the next edition of Showdown, I will knock Evan Stark off of his high horse for the good or bad. For what it is worth, I’m actually hopeful that you being knocked off of your high horse will actually benefit you in the long run and hopefully you look at this match as the turning point of your career. After all, it’s no fun going against below average competition in my first chapter in my redemption arc whenever people are going to look back at it. You know what is really going to get you to succeed in EAW Evan Stark? Besides perhaps being a very talented that have few blessings like me, I could argue that persistence is a great substitute for talent. What do you possess as of right now Evan Stark? You hardly possess any talent that is noteworthy and there’s only a small sample size to judge about your persistence. I’m not convinced that you are persistence at all considering you did not take out El Landerson in a short amount of time. So Evan Stark, tell me. What do YOU bring to the table to EAW?

Let me remind you Evan Stark, that this could be your first true challenge of your professional wrestling career. I’m sure you confronted some guys that would be a decent pick up in EAW but decent is not the standard when it comes to this federation. The standard is excellence and what in God’s green earth are you excellent at besides being an annoying sissy boy who only talks the talk but don’t walk the walk? That may cut it in other federations that you were in, but we’re talking about the number one company in all of wrestling. This is EAW; this is a man’s league where only the survival of the fittest prevails. This is not a boy’s league where you’re talking to third rate opponents and win a few accolades that many in this company could care less about. So I say this with kindness, what are you going to do in your first actual challenge in your professional wrestling career whenever you go against Nick Angel? You have never confronted a wrestler that has such a versatile skill set. You have never confronted a wrestler that also has this much resolve considering he is on his redemption arc. More importantly, you have never confronted a man that is simply too talented. When you combine all of this, you get the complete package. And what does it convince me in any shape or form that Evan Stark has done any preparations for something of this magnitude? Forget about any aspirations of winning a title or getting booked in a FPV, if he can’t get through his first true challenge of professional wrestling career then I hate to break this to you. You were never meant to be a wrestler. And more importantly, you were never meant to be in EAW in the first place. My last name might be Angel, but I will guarantee you that the deeds I will commit aren’t so angelic. You can take that to the bank.
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...)
Post January 14th 2015, 7:10 pm by Stark
This past Saturday I showed the world the potential of STARKMAN, but unfortunately my masked masquerade was rudely interrupted and disrupted by this so-called Makarov. To be honest, I don’t know or care who he is. Maybe he’s a big established name, or maybe he’s just a joker like he showed himself to be on Showdown. But that’s the least of my concerns going into this coming Showdown.

Unfortunately, because of Makarov, the wannabe Liberace, El Landerson, still walks among us, still a free man. But even if I can say Makarov won’t be around this time, there still exists another roadblock holding me back from serving El Landerson a nice hot plate of JUSTICE. Enter Nick Angel. What business does Nick Angel even have in this match? Is he going to face El Landerson at “King of Elite PPV Show”? Is he going to bring El Landerson to justice? Is he going to out himself as another scoundrel who needs to learn a lesson? So many questions, with so little answers. And what does Nick Angel do? The same thing he’s done for years. Kiss his own ass, say one word about his opponents, and then talk about his ‘redemption’, only to leave the company by mysterious circumstances a few weeks later.

Nick Angel, as much sympathy as he desires, doesn’t realize he’s JUST as bad as El Landerson. He’s just another selfish scoundrel who has an entitlement complex because he was in the company, he was pegged to break out in 2014, he was a good or decent wrestler, and because he was talented. But that was the past. What’s the present? The likes of DEDEDE and Norman Hellion… and we all know that Nick Angel is no where near that caliber as of yet. But what happens next then? Hellion, DEDEDE, Cage, they’re all going to have to retire right? And that’s where Nick Angel thinks he’s going to fit in. Nick Angel, “the future of the EAW”, or so he believes himself to be. It’s fine, I do have my love for comedy, but the only funny thing about Nick Angel is the fact that he thinks he’s the future. There’s no future for anyone while Evan Stark is around, and that’s not just a statement I’m making to Nick Angel, that’s a warning I’m giving to the entire roster, especially my fellow new recruits. I’m going to be making a name for myself very soon and very quick. I don’t need to use my words to tout my talent; I’ll do that all on Showdown. This week, I showed you all my intelligence and ring awareness, getting rid of El Landerson in a hurry, and fine, maybe you can claim Makarov interfered and caused me to win, but I have yet another opportunity this coming Saturday. No interference, no masks, no STARKMAN, for now, at least, you may be seeing the masked marauder very soon… but on this Saturday, you’ll see more of Evan Stark, when I pin Nick Angel clean in the middle of the ring.

And as for El Landerson, bro, all I can say is that you’re an idiot. This little show you’re putting on with the replicated ACE Championship, and this charade with getting a match at the King of Elite event, I see right through it. You’re just a conniving and sniveling brat, and I do plan to expose you once and for all. I don’t wear the mask because I’m a luchador, I don’t wear the mask because I’m trying to hide myself, I sure as hell don’t wear the mask because I’m ugly, even though I think it’s pretty clear that’s one of the reasons you’re wearing the mask, but let me get to the point. El Landerson is no more than a character you’re putting on. I know what you really are. If you really want a match at the King of Elite event, I’m sure as hell ready to take you on. And once I’m done eliminating everyone in my path on the way to King of Elite, you’ll be no more than a warmup for STARKMAN before he moves on to bigger things.
Clark Duncan
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...)
Post January 14th 2015, 6:52 pm by Clark Duncan
Did you hear the one about the pessimist whose blood type was B-Negative?

I love that one, it's a favourite. You know well else I like? Stories. When it comes to story time? I'm like a pre-schooler, generally all ears. Actually, some may argue that I'm always behaving like a pre-schooler.  Ha, well... I don't think I'll argue that one. Though I could, I won't, because Ventura gets my attention instead.

If I'm being honest, I don't quite know what to make of this Ventura cat. It's like the curious case of Benjamin Button, but not as weird. Eh, this is confusing. Where am I even going with this? I don't know. What I do know is that like everyone else so far in the two weeks that I've been here is underestimating me. For anyone that actually watched Showdown, I was well on my way to beating Zach Genesis. And you know what's even more annoying? I called it. I predicted the exact sequence of events that unfolded that very night. It was all but inevitable that Scott Oasis would interfere and cost me a chance and claiming victory on debut. See, now I have a bone to pick with him. This is no challenge, but it irks me that Oasis didn't let me finish off Zach on my own and then beat him down. I mean, Oasis seems like the kind of jackass that would beat a man while he's down anyway.

Moving on to more current matters. This match with Ventura isn't just my second chance to debut if you will, but it's another opportunity to show that this here clown is deserving of a win. You see, I work hard to get what I want. The comedy industry? You don't make it if you're not very good. If your jokes aren't funny, you don't sell out arenas. It's much like wrestling in that regard. Fans flock to see the wrestlers they know and love perform every week. So this week, I implore that the Clark Duncan army get on the next available flight to join me here in Belgrade, Serbia to watch as their boy fucks up Ventura.

Oh and if you're lucky, you may get a few jokes thrown in to all of it too, so you'll be paying for the best seats in the house to see me wreck another elitist and hear some funny one-liners. What more could you want? Ha, well that's a question I won't answer, but the answer comes this week on Showdown where I'll get last laugh.
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...)
Post January 14th 2015, 6:29 pm by Guest
[The camera opens up to a frazzled Cherish locked in a room. She is still holding the chair, which she used to violently attack Maddie on Showdown. Cherish is shaking, and is frustrated as she starts hitting the walls with the chair. Believing she is being held against her will, she starts screaming.]


[She tries to calm herself, and starts pacing back and forth still holding the chair tightly in her grasp.]

Who knew a simple tap with a chair, could cause such madness… Hm, this is EAW now… You change the E from Extreme to Elite, and they think everything is supposed to move swiftly and professionally as if the company we knew hasn’t changed drastically.

[It was as if a light bulb struck in Cherish mind. She stops pacing, and holds the dented chair up to face, so it is clear view and smiles.]

I deliver a love tap, to my dearest Maddie… Tarah Nova destroys Hall of Famer Sabina and… Nothing. She was escorted away, and I was carried away by force and now I am seen as… Crazy. Allow me to repeat myself… Tarah Nova DESTROYED Sabina, and because she made up some moniker “The Vixen Killer” she has the right to do so, with no punishment? Tarah is no Vixen Killer… If that was the case, why is Cameron Ella Ava still walking around here in Elite Answers Wrestling… Carrying the same championship, you believed to have belong to you. So what’s the deal now Tarah? Are you going to try and use me to boost your new nickname?

Tarah, mi amor, if that is the case then you are not as smart as I’ve known you to be. You like to believe you are ruthless, right? How can you be ruthless, but attack your opponents when their back is turned. Now is that ruthlessness or fear?

[Letting out a subtle laugh, Cherish stills holds onto the chair tightly and leans up against the wall. She slowly slides down, and strokes the dents of the chair as the camera fades to black.]
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...)
Post January 14th 2015, 2:04 pm by Hades
Over the lapse of the last three weeks as an official Voltage Wrestler Hades had begun to impress most with this calm strictly business demeanor he was undertaking, but none more than himself.  Considering the events of last week, Hades could not believe the restraint he showed by not consequently assaulting the EAW Champion for the disrespectful tone he took with him.  Spectators from all around couldn't help but question how long could The Devil maintain this sudden control he had over his temper?

The camera opens to the grim depiction of a bar that's approaching it's final hours.  Throughout the place you see a head count of twelve people who are scattered out in different locations, drinking, eating, and casually talking among themselves.  Hades is seen occupying a stool at the counter, downing his seventh shot of Vodka, surprisingly he hasn't yet reached the level of intoxication but he is becoming quite chatty with the Bartender who is serving him drink after drink.

Hades the Hellraiser:  I'm telling you Diamond should be counting his blessings right now.  I'm talking on his knees, praying to the heavens, and thanking his lucky stars that I didn't put my hands on him like I so desperately wanted to last Friday.   My hand instinctively balled up and my vision drew a crimson red, but I shockingly didn't act on those urges; although I really wanted to.  I didn't know I had it in me.  The will power to rise above my own envy for another and not retaliate.  It just goes to show that I'm better than he is, while he flies off of his rocker like a raging lunatic I hold my composure like a true professional, harnessing all of my energy and animosity for the appropriate time.  He can say whatever he wants but there's no denying that in spite of his best efforts he couldn't pull a big enough reaction out of me that would've gotten me suspended or dismissed from the match at King of Elite; and if I could show enough character to not answer to verbal assaults with physical force, it makes me wonder what else am I capable of, y'know?

Barkeeper:  I completely understand.  Just the other day my brother offered to buy my goat and--

Hades the Hellraiser:  Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Hades was never one to share the spotlight and he wasn't about to start now.  He hurriedly shut down the commencement of the Barkeeper's story to make him aware of the notion that this was HIS moment; and his alone.  There was simply not enough room in this dialogue for his stories too.

Hades the Hellraiser:  Timeout.  If wanted a conversation I would've talked to my wife about this.  Don't get it twisted, this isn't a discussion, it's a monologue.  All you have to do is stand there, keep your mouth shut, and keep pouring the drinks.  Speaking of which, I'm running on "E" here, so if you don't mind...

He says while nudging towards the empty shot glass on the counter.  After the Bartender refills his glass, Hades' takes the shot down the hatch and continues on.

Hades the Hellraiser:  Man, I can't wait to get my hands on him.  I'd take that cock-sucking piss ant by his pretty little locks and shove his head shoulder deep up his own ass if his head weren't already up there.  But I can save my hostility for the ring; after all King of Elite is only nine days away I think I'll allow him the freedom of breathing my oxygen before I squeeze it all out of his windpipe.  Right now my focus needs to be on Thing 1 and Thing 2.  I'm sure at least one of them is burning to address the big elephant in the room and open up on the obvious reasons they could walk away the victors.  I'm aware they have chemistry due to the fact their best friends and they're an official Tag Team; which makes Cage and I pawns on their board.  But as someone once told me, the greatest kingdoms are conquered not established.  At the end of the day they have a lot of positive things that could play in their favor, but we do as well.  Sure we don't train together, play Mortal Kombat together, drink together, smoke together, eat together, or sleep together like those two fairies; but we are two men cut from the same cloth who prefer to work alone at all times.  There's a lot of bad blood between us that dates back to 2011--blood that I don't think anyone could ever begin to understand--we would rather slit our own wrists than see the other succeed in life.  And that's our motivation.  We'll give these youngins a run for their money by trying to one-up each other.  It'll be like a contest within a contest, let go of the fact that it's a Tag Team Match, we're going to be competing with each other.  Every slam, throw, punch, and kick will befall on one of the competitors opposite of us, but directed towards the man in our corner.  Hopefully these two aren't stupid enough to think we're two sitting ducks enjoying an afternoon dip in a shallow lake just because we're enemies.  Yo, Barkeep, give me another round!

By this point the drinks would keep coming and Hades would begin to feel the effects of the alcohol...

Hades the Hellraiser:  You know what, if I wasn't miserably married, I'd fuck Kendra Shamez.  I like her attitude.  She's blonde..rough around the edges..a complete badass..got big tits; just about everything a man like me would want in a side piece.  Problem is, she has a kid.

Barkeeper:  Ah, she single mom huh?  How old is the child?

Hades the Hellraiser:  Hell I dunno, twenty six, twenty seven?  He wrestles in the same company as I do.  I dunno the kid personally but he seems like he's going through the rebellious stage; that must be from lack of a Father Figure.  He's lucky I'm married otherwise I'd be his new Daddy--and hers too if y'know what I mean--and I don't put up with that rebellious shit he pulls.

The two shared a brief laugh that would soon be put to rest when Hades again notices his glass is empty.

Hades the Hellraiser:  Gimme another shot my man, and make it a good one. 

Hades would take down another shot, which led him to him steering off topic quite a lot and chatting about things that weren't relatable to his match with Diamond Cage or his opponents.

Hades the Hellraiser:  Wanna know what I'm thinkin'?  I'm thinkin' about gettin' the old gang back together.  ME...and uh and--and NICK...and--damn who else was there...JAMES but we called him somethin' else...Poison..Toxin..ah who gives a damn..gimme another drink.

Another drink later..

Hades the Hellraiser:  Shhh, don't tell nobody I told you this, but I think there's some Illuminati shit goin' on in the EAW...mhm...and DEDEDE sits at the top of the pyramid.

Two drinks later...

Hades the Hellraiser:  Are the Powerpuff Girls retarded or some shit?  Where the fuck are their fingers and toes??

Two more drinks later...

Hades the Hellraiser:  O.J. Simpson...murdered his wife...but you can't say the bitch didn't deserve it.  I mean she was cheatin' on him.

A drink and a half later..

Hades the Hellraiser:  Bill Cosby isn't a rapist...he's a pimp.  He payed all those women for a goodnight's screw and they took the money and ran.  Yet THEY are the Victims here??  What kind of country is America coming to, when a grown man can't pay a "hookie" for a little "nookie"?  I can't say that I will want to live in a country like that, maybe I'll move here...where the hell am I anyways?

Barkeeper:  You are in India.

Hades the Hellraiser:  India?!?  Oh hell no, I'd rather take my chances in America!  Did you call my cab for me?

Barkeeper:  Yes, and it is outside waiting for you sir.

Hades finishes the rest of the drink in his glass then stands to his feet, motioning for the coat rack by the door.

Hades the Hellraiser:  Good.  I'm outta here.  Later guy.

Barkeeper:  Wait sir, your bill!

Hades the Hellraiser:  Keep it!

He yells from a distance, putting on his long black trench coat.

Barkeeper:  I do not understand...you have to pay!

Hades the Hellraiser:  Yeah?  Well just put it on my tab.

Barkeeper:  You no regular here, come pay!

Hades the Hellraiser:  Then put it on YOUR tab!  How's that?  "Thank you, come again!"

Following his mocking of the man's native tongue, Hades would exit out of the bar door and get into his cab.  The scene concludes once the cab disappears up the street leaving nothing but a trail of smoke behind it.
Florida Man
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...)
Post January 14th 2015, 12:16 pm by Florida Man
A new day, a new wrestling federation. Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Daniel Marshall, and I am EAW's newest wrestler. Now I'm not gonna go on some arrogant rant about how EAW is lucky to have me, or whatever nonsense you've probably heard time and time again. You'd be thinking, “Who the hell is this jackass?”, and you'd be absolutely right in thinking that. I haven't proved myself to you yet, or to EAW management. But, that is exactly what I intend to do. I've been told that I am going to be put on Showdown, and there, ladies and gentlemen, is where I will prove myself to you. You see, I, like many wrestlers here, and around the world, grew up watching wrestling, and made a decision at a very young age that I was going to be the one holding up the main title in the middle of the ring in victory, with all the fans in the arena cheering and chanting my name. One day, I hope to make that dream come true, but in the meantime, I'll be doing everything I can to defeat the opponents sent my way on Showdown. To my fellow wrestlers on Showdown, I want you to know, that I will show you respect. All of you have been in the business longer than I have, so I'm not going to be some punk kid who thinks he's hot sh*t. However, I do expect the same in return from you. My first match in a little while away, and I'm going to use those days to train until I get word on who my first opponent will be. Until then, know that I am a very determined man, and I do not give up easily.
Abelard Becker
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...)
Post January 14th 2015, 11:00 am by Abelard Becker
I'm flattered, but also pretty offended. 

Flattered that you would step out from behind your desk in order to give me what I want, a fight with you... it makes me feel special, but at the same time... how stupid do you think I am? The Chairman of EAW, who has literally anything or anyone at his disposal has graciously given me a match, see now that doesn't make me feel special. It makes me angry, I shouldn't show, I should refuse the fight, but I can't. Any other opponent sure, but not you, not the Chairman. I must admit, your plan is damn near fool proof, if I don't fight, I'm fired... at least, that's what I assume. If I do fight, I walk into a trap that I know is coming, but can't do anything about. 

You have me in quite an ordeal, I don't want to be here, I no longer have any kind of passion for EAW, if the opportunity to be fired was presented to me by anyone else, I would take it, but it has to be you. The man who I had a bone to pick with way before you robbed me of the EAW Championship. I called you a fraud, your whole rebel movement was nothing but a ploy to get what YOU wanted, I don't know how many times I said it, but I felt it was something that needed to get out. Unfortunately, like always, my words skipped past everybody and once the dust settled from Territorial Invasion, EAW was in a state of chaos. People were shocked that Zack Crash could turn his back on EAW, that you could make even Mr. DEDEDE look like a patron saint. And while all that chaos was going on, I sat back, relaxed, and greeted everyone I saw with the biggest "I told you so" face. 

I saw through your plan, and I'm beyond surprised that no one else did. There was no struggle, no building frustration, it was almost as if you woke up one day and said "screw management". From there on, I knew anything you said wouldn't be true, I knew anything you did wouldn't be genuine, but I didn't stop it, because it was exactly what EAW deserved. 

Those words I spoke about you being a fraud, I knew they wouldn't be listened to, I knew they wouldn't be cautioned, the only reason I said them was so that I could now look back and show everyone how much smarter I was than they were. EAW is full of fools Crash, I'm sure you've already come to realize that, and pretty soon, if not already, you'll realize that you truly don't run EAW, the common do. The fools do. Pretty soon they'll try to overthrow you, they'll bring someone into power to spark a revolution against you, and the person who replaces you, and I guarantee you someone will... will be even worse than you. Maybe not in the tyrannical sense, but someone who doesn't know a thing about running EAW and only further tarnishes the once great legacy of EAW. 

I'm not even in a position to say that you're ruining the company, I've been so blinded by everything since Shock Value that I couldn't even tell you who the Champion is now. I know nothing of what's going on around me, only what pertains to me, and that's what you... have done... to... me.

But I do know one thing, you've gotten smarter, that's for sure. This plan you have for me this Friday, I don't see any holes in, I can't see through it, I see no way to escape it. The only thing I can do is try to come up with one of my own, and hopefully... hopefully that will be enough.
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...)
Post January 13th 2015, 10:24 pm by VENTURA.
EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...) - Page 11 Tumblr_static_40y3lcxvz2wws0sgkoc0ckoss
All the best sands of my life are somehow getting into the wrong end of the hourglass. If I could only reverse it! Were it in my power to do so, would I?

♨The scene takes place in what appears to be some sought of lair in the middle of nowhere. The cameraman aims the camera at the cave-like lair, with blue and white lights being reflected on it. The camera moves closer and closer, with the view becoming more brighter and brighter. The cameraman adjusts his angles, walks around to his left slowly, to reveal Ventura on a golden-plated throne, alongside the Holy Brigade. He stares at him with deep intensity, with the cameraman beginning to look down on the ground and behind him to the Catalina-bluish sky.♨

Ventura: Go ahead.

♨Immense silence surrounds the scene, as the Ventura looks on intently at the troubled cameraman, who places the camera on a stand to stand with his hands behind his back. He attempts to kneel, but Ventura chuckles.

Ventura: Get up, Timothy. Give the people what they want.

Timothy: What exactly do you mean?

Ventura: You mean you drove your van all around this forsaken country of Romania, haven't had an appetite since then, your hands are literally sore as I can see, and you tell me that there is no reason you are out here?

Timothy: Well, uh, I can wonder why--

Ventura: Just ask the question, Timothy.

♨Ventura moves his head around, and quickly places his hand below his chin. He then slowly pulls his hair back, as he continues to stare back at Timothy.

Ventura: The stars don't have all night.

Timothy: How did you manage to lose to Devan Dubian on Showdown?

♨His emphasis on the last few words creates an echo throughout the lair, as The Holy Brigade looks down upon him then to Ventura, who begins to nod slowly.

Ventura: Good, you see? That wasn't hard at all. Wasn't very hard at all.

♨The cameraman walks back slowly to pick up the camera from the stand to resume the feed. Ventura goes on to scooches around on his throne, as he prepares to speak.

I did not manage myself to lose, because if that was the case, then the match would have been ended within a minute. I will fully take the heat out of all of this. Maybe this night, I was outmatched, maybe I didn't get the enough stamina, but I am surely not going to say that he is better than me because that is a statement that will never come out of my mouth. Dubian may have escaped as the winner of this match, but he hasn't escaped with my ideas, my plots, my desires to claim what is rightfully mine. Somewhere in his sadistic mind, he can say that he managed to shut me up. He is the suitable victor for the crown to be crowned as not only the "King of Elite", but the "King of EAW". He may go ahead and continue on towards that path. I don't need a crown to establish history or to reign supreme, but I will rather be crowned for the work that I do in this business that actually elevates me to a higher level. I have my dignity established upon myself and it will never get strapped off from me. I didn't lose my match on Showdown. It was an assurance to my mind that a crown, that weighs only a magnitude of two kilograms, won't measure up what I can do in the long run. Have your fun, Dubian, embrace the moment. You have truly lived up your expectations. The only thing now is that, can you keep on living, or will you just keep on receding.

♨Ventura looks to his right at the Holy Brigade, and he smiles

These are not only men, these aren't "slaves", they are willing to stick by me until I reach the stars, and cast doom upon the reality of my enemies. We have already cast the inevitable fade away of Scott Oasis' career. We have advanced a level. Trust me, our time shall come.

♨The Holy Brigade nods simultaneously over at Ventura, who now looks towards the direction of Timothy.

Ventura: What now? Why are you still here? You have got what you wanted.

Timothy: You are yet to address your match on--

Ventura: Stop.

♨Ventura waves his right hand in the air with his head down as Timothy looks up upon him with confusion.

Clark Duncan isn't worth the appropriate time for me, because he hasn't proven his worth. I don't need to pull my accomplishments from my backpack to wave it back and forth at his face. If he wishes to prove to be a solid individual and elitist, he can make his first move. I will observe from the opposite direction because he needs this match more than I do. If he doesn't say anything, if he doesn't possess any sought of determination within him, then I won't give a long lecture at him. He can rot himself out of this company. We are done.

♨Two of the dozens of men of The Holy Brigade now walks briskly towards the troubled Timothy. He quickly grabs his camera and its stand, and tries to storm off from the hazardous lair. As the camera moves all around under his shoulders, it shows Ventura's eyes having some sought of an eerie glow, as the rest of the Holy Brigade sing a ritual song. The camera's battery is at 1%, with the feed slowly dimming itself off as Timothy leaves the air until it fades to black.

Last edited by King of the Brigades. on January 14th 2015, 3:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...)
Post January 13th 2015, 8:56 pm by Angel.
At last, the rumors are indeed true. A lot of people speculate, will Nick Angel return to EAW? If so, which brand will Nick Angel will come back? As fate turns out, I’m coming back home to the very brand that I made my name a very relevant one for all means of good and bad motives. For all good and bad motives, I think it is fair that both parties between Showdown and Nick Angel would benefit mutually considering Showdown needs a proven superstar and the most reliable superstar left in the market? Yours truly. Now, why do I need to come back to Showdown in the first place? Why do I need to come back to the very brand that in some ways neglected who I once was not too long ago? The reasoning why I came back home is because I feel like that even though I can’t change the courses of history, I could easily redefine history. I’m sure a lot of people would look at my legacy as “What could’ve been”, as I was indeed one of the most intriguing prospects in EAW. After all, I did defeat the likes of current world champion Mr. DEDEDE, went one on one without any help without Tyler Parker and for what it is worth I align myself with my mentor in Hades the Hellraiser who was also a world champion in my absence. Yet, for all the good deeds I indeed did, I find myself countering the good deeds with deeds that makes someone greedy. If memories serve me correct, it was at this point of last year that I was in charge of my own destiny. I was basically the rising star of EAW ready to supplant a lot of extremists and take EAW by storm. I was tag team partner of the infamous The House of Renegades and the House of Renegades weren’t breaking up anytime soon. I have already verify my worth that I’m not just a tag team partner specialist, that like I mentioned earlier that I could defeat anyone one on one on any given day. For all the accolades that I achieve personally fair and square, I was the one who took a risk in order to redefine my legacy. You see, as much of a roller coaster my wrestling career is, there is one single thing I have not accomplish and that is winning a world title in a major federation. I had the choice, EAW or AWF? Considering I did not feel like I felt respected by a few people and the fact that I could be the face of the other side since day one, I chose the latter. As fate would have it, I did indeed made 2014 a year to remember individually but what good does it make if my year is define by a decision that is now as crackpot-worthy?  As a wise man would like to put it “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.”

Considering I address my motives, now you’re asking “What do you bring to the table for EAW”? I’m glad you’re asking that because despite the fact that I have not been in the professional wrestling scene in the last couple of weeks, critics do admire my versatile skill-set and possessing the aptitude to adjust to any schemes. If I’m not mistaken, even though EAW loves a winner, they also love a showstopper that is guaranteed to wow the crowd on a consistent basis. What I offer is both. It’s a luxury to have both because as you begin to ascend through the ranks, you easily have a lot of influence. That is indeed another thing to add of what I do bring to the table. Marketability. In the professional wrestling scene, the name Nick Angel is very recognized for all good and bad reasons but I would assure you that EAW love a highly polarizing figure for publicity reasons. But you know what I bring to the table in EAW? A chip in the shoulder. El Landerson and Evan Stark, I hope you recognize that even though I may be nominated for bust of the year, do not confuse me being a has-been. I am far from a has-been and I can easily make a case that I’m still blessed with abilities that few men possess. I can easily state that I’m still blessed of having supporters that knows my struggle and know I can redefine my legacy. Most importantly, I’m still blessed with youth but do the means justify the ends to make such statement if I haven’t done anything noteworthy with these blessings?  In the eyes of many, I’m a glorified prospect. Unfortunately for the likes of Evan Stark and El Landerson who will fall victim to my first chapter in my redemption arc merely because of one thing. We don’t want to tell our dreams, we want to show them and right now? It’s time for me to showcase what I could do when I utilize my full potential.
Ares Vendetta
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...)
Post January 12th 2015, 11:26 am by Ares Vendetta
(Ares’s back faces the camera as he stands in front of the Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi, India; the residence of the President of India. On this cold Winter day in January, a thick, icy fog plagues the city, making Ares barely visible; only standing out in his black suit and gold and black hair that’s been let down as he does not move an inch)


Ares: I’ve made it very clear that the voice who I follow is Onryo. A God of Malice, Reckoning, Wrath, Ruin, and Vengeance. A once forgotten relic of a forgotten time. Many brush off such a thing and go on with their lives and chalk it up to delusion, madness, and anything else you could think up that would drive a man to cling to religion. Nobody wants to entertain the notion of a God existing, let alone one like Onryo. One born of hate and forged in the despair of others. Nobody wants to believe something like that can exist. And yet, I stand here before those naysayers every week, and every week I hurt, maim, and humiliate people in Onryo’s name with nothing but success. When you believe in a God, is it he who helps you or you who help him? Is he giving you the strength to pursue whatever ambitions you pray to him for, or are you doing it all of your own power and volition with him getting all of the credit? One thing that cannot be argued is that for every harm that has come to Ares Vendetta and his lineage, a fire was ignited and those who started it all perished away. Some have burned away such as Cleopatra while those like Mr. DEDEDE and Vic Vendetta continue to burn. That warmth radiating off of their burning, charred corpses is what warms my body on freezing cold days such as this.


However, I must keep in mind that while I am a follow of Onryo, there are those who follow me just as devoutly in his name. My Agents of Extreme. Men and women who have burned away all of their possessions in their previous lives - including their old Gods - and chose to believe in something greater. They may have given themselves to Onryo, but the one who shepherds them is me. There have been voices of doubt who slithered their way in and asked “Why would Ares want World Championship gold if his ambitions were supposed to be righting all of the wrongs done to his family?”. One thing begets the next when doubt enters minds of the fragile: Doubt turns to fear, fear turns to panic, and panic leads to destruction. I will not allow such a disease to destroy everything I have worked to create, so I will address it here before the World. For my Agents of Extreme, and for all of those who too choose to follow Onryo.

Zack Crash

I want you to take a look through the fog and the cold and see this Rashtrapati Bhavan before me. This country offers me no more solace than the United States did, but here lies the greatest example of what I’ve come to do. Here lies the largest residence of any head of state in the World. A Kingdom in its own right, and all the World loves a big, beautiful Kingdom, right? My father held the keys to his Kingdom twice. Even now as I speak, there have been twelve men fighting one another for the right to sit upon a false Throne; an “Elite” Throne. Split the World any way you want to. Chop it up into the smallest fragments, grind it down into a powder, turn it inside out and all you will find that what humanity is all about is standing on top of a metaphoric Hill, above all others. Everybody wants their Kingdom. Everybody wants to rule. Everybody. Unfortunately, even I can’t escape what’s natural. I can’t escape humanity. I look upon Kingdoms like this and I envy the man who resides in it and thrive on the want to take it for myself. I stepped forth onto the soiled soil of this company to take everything from those who tried to take everything from the Vendetta name, and I will do just that. I will build a Kingdom greater than any other with the bones of those who oppose Vendetta. I will take my crown and I will sit upon a throne built on their suffering and look down upon the children’s table that is the King of Elite’s court.

Heart Break Boy

Even I know that you must crawl before you can walk and walk before you can run, and I plan to rise to my feet and truly walk at King of Elite when I take this Pure Championship that’s caught my eye. I still taste coagulated blood on my lip from the man who currently wraps that Championship around his oversized waist, but he’s no more than a player in the background of a game I was built to win every time. Every second I spend entertaining his presence in my plans is a second wasted. I don’t have time to console him and make him feel as though he’s important to me, because he is not. He’s as much of a pebble on the road as the man who I stand across the ring from on Voltage is. Another dog of Zack Crash’s that’s gotten off his leash and wandered into traffic at the same unfortunate time as a Semi. Unlike Jacob Steele, I’ve given no effort to see exactly who you are and what you truly are, Lochlan Rossdale, because I know that once the smoke has cleared, your name will never be uttered from my mouth again. I’ve grown tired of playing with the mongrels of Quality Control. I’ve grown tired of leading those insignificant to me to believe they’ve earned that spot across the ring from Ares Vendetta. They’ll come to learn that everything burns, but while those who oppose us turn to ash and blow away in the wind, we rise like a Phoenix, born anew.


(Ares turns his head to acknowledge the camera)

Dark Demon

Ares: On wrongs swift vengeance waits.

Cameron Ella Ava

(Ares walks off, towards the Rashtrapati Bhavan and into the fog before he completely disappears)
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...)
Post January 10th 2015, 11:40 pm by Mstislav
Oh you messed up Chris. You should have stayed, quiet, you should have kept that mouth shut. Now my ears are bleeding, my mind is gone, and I am in disbelief of the man I am facing. You are arrogant, being simply stunned that I chose current opponents over you to address, instead of dropping everything and turning my aim towards you. You then say “Fuck you” and that I am not the best in the business. Hell I know that Chris I know I’m not the “best” but newsflash I am better than you. You can talk about how this year is your year, you can talk how you are going to lead a revolution, and how you will finally be in the place you have fought for your entire career, but that’s just it. You talk, and talk, and talk, you never show me that you mean it. The only thing the year entails for you is the many times you have boasted about your skills, only to turn to dirty tactics instead of showing those skills off. You say I am afraid of change, when last time we spoke you were scared of the fact that EAW became elite and was distraught against it. You need to learn to evaluate yourself Chris before you go on a tirade about what is wrong with me. You say that my dignity will be lost should I lose to you, but I have too much dignity to give, it doesn’t matter if I lose my esteem will be higher than yours, the man who has lost all but an ounce of his dignity. Losing to a nobody as you call yourself will not do me any harm, because I will always be known as the rookie who clawed his way up from the shadows. While you my friend will always be the man who fell from grace, and tries to come back up. Even if you do beat me, that is all you will be known as, and the mentality of that will make people be waiting. They will be waiting for the inevitable time where you fuck up, where you slip and fall back down to the bottom. The only time I have been afraid of anything Chris, was when I was young, and the tales of the boogeyman was what kept me awake at night keeping all eyes to the shadows. You are not something to fear, hell the boy I was still wouldn’t be afraid of you. You claim you will be the “mistake” that comes back to haunt me, but I don’t see it. I see a man with the proclamations of revolution, and immature arguments where a bitch or fuck will be interjected so he could seem mature. I don’t see something to be afraid of, no I see something to laugh at. I see a grown man, being an immature child throwing quick wit so he doesn’t seem like it. I see a man who thinks he deserves all yet he doesn’t want to prove he deserves it.

Times are changing Chris, they are, but it is not something for you to take advantage of. Your time where you had that chance has gone, and it is my time to make it for me. What you see as something meaningful is something full of shit. Should you have your name etched on the plate, and your arms around the leather, this title would not see anything meaningful. No it will become the carrier of your burden as you try and keep stable your career that starts to crumble each and every week. Should you be champion it will be short lived because you will give up like you have before. Should you win, yes should you win. But that is why I am standing here Chris. As you see yourself as the man who would make this title meaningful I am the man who is making this title worth something. I have brought prestige back, I have brought it back to the place that it has missed so dearly, and should I lose it, the title will plummet back to it’s former state. Only someone worthy could take this from me and keep the prestige where it is at, or take it further, but Chris you are not that. Your career is a leech, it sucks the life force out of everything it touches to sustain itself. You have the audacity to call my career pathetic, but like I said evaluate yourself, and you will see how pathetic YOU are. You were prosperous, you were the man everyone had their eye on, and you were the one that rookies wanted to be. And then you thought you could get what you want to easy way, and the easy way only. And then you were right, you were right for a little while, until the source of you easy life was gone. You put your career in the hands of others so you could make a quick trip to the top, and that ended up mangling you and throwing you to the ground. That my friend is pathetic, so do you dare come out here and tell me my career is pathetic, because unlike you I have integrity. You can talk all you want about how I tried to dodge you, you could talk about how I want to kiss ass for becoming an Elitist, but no matter what words you use I will always be better than you. I will bring my talent, and my ring abilities, not just because you told me, but so I could give you a lesson on what it means to be a wrestlers. This the real truth unlike the words of the scum you like to feed yourself and everyone around. My words are something that should be heeded, not yours. You will waste this opportunity, yes you will it is just a matter of time until you do. Whether it on the way to the arena, down the ramp, or during the middle of the match, it’s only a matter of time. You can try, just try to end my career, but in your mission remember I am not POP, he was revered, but he slipped up. I am in the spotlight, and I hate to sound arrogant, but I am flawless. You have everything to lose, don’t say you have nothing. You have that ounce of dignity to lose, you have this match to lose, and you have your career to lose. Because once I have my arm raised in the middle of the ring who will remember the man named Corrupt. That’s a rhetorical question no one even knows who this man is anymore. Not me, not the fans, and certainly not the man himself.

Be ready for Sunday, because I know one thing, one of us isn’t going to be standing, the other will not even be remembered. This is a war, not a battle, a war for the National Elite, and war for the existence of our careers. Get some sleep Corrupt, and take it all in. This may be the last time anyone ever utters that name Christopher Corrupt in this company ever again.
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...)
Post January 10th 2015, 7:33 pm by Guest
Dynasty Promo
So I’m meant to believe that I’m going to have a fair chance at winning on Dynasty with Quality Control surrounding the ring? Monroe, you should know me by now, I’m really not one to walk away from a challenge. You see, I expected something creative, but yet all you’ve given me is the same games that Zack Crash has already played, but in all Monroe, I’m guess I’m really not that surprised. I mean, give a man a little power and he starts to believe that he rules the world. I’ve seen it happen more than once in the past; look at a man like Scott Diamond. He walked out over a year ago at Pain for Pride and made the world believe that he destroyed Extreme Answers Wrestling, but in all, he only wanted to power that came with being the chairman of this company and in the end, look at him now. Scott Diamond’s a man that’s trying to recreate his name by doing the same thing that both Diamond Cage and I have done in the past: become a thorn in the side of Zack Crash. Look at Dark Demon, the man that Scott Diamond defeated at Pain for Pride to capture this company. He’s the longest reigning World Heavyweight Champion in the company’s history; a man that some believed was going to go down as one of, if not the greatest of all time, but fast forward a year and Dark Demon became nothing more than a man that could barely stand on his own two feet, without needing to clutch and grab at anything he could to keep him at the top of this company. Now look at that man, Monroe; what is he now? He’s not looked upon as one of the greatest of all time. He not looked upon in the same light that the likes of The Heart Break Boy, Jaywalker, Y2Impact and Mr DEDEDE are; no, now Dark Demon is nothing more than a man that was destroyed by something that he believed that he created. And how about a story that may hit just a little closer to home, Monroe, how about Cleopatra; a story that I know a little too well because I was fortunate enough to be on their side, rather than being forced to stand against the wraith that they wanted this company to face. Cleopatra weaseled her way into the position that you find yourself in now, she wanted to make sure that Demon’s Council could rule Dynasty with an iron fist and create something that this company had never seen, but in the end, she ended up like both Dark Demon and Scott Diamond: powerless. You see Monroe, it really is a shame that you’re beginning to make the same mistakes that they did, because Monroe you said on Dynasty that my end at King of Elite was not going to bother conscience. In all honesty, Monroe, I truly do hope that you watch my match at King of Elite intently. You see, hope that my end comes at King of Elite. Hope that Lucian Black does what you believe he will and puts an end to the career of Xavier Williams, because if he doesn’t and you continue to travel down to the same road as the likes of Dark Demon and Cleopatra, I have no problem putting your head on a spike next to his. And Monroe, that isn’t a threat; it’s a promise. But as for this week, I have a man that, believe it or not, I have heard of. I watched what he did last week on Dynasty and while I wouldn’t really say that I was impressed, I’ll say that I did take notice and I did hear what the little story that he had to tell. Fuck the world, right Jason? Do what you want, don’t let anyone step over you! Make sure that you have the final say! Fuck this company! That was the entire premise of that little speech, right? You see, rather the rambling on, I’ll cut straight to the point. Not the stroke my own ego, but there’s a major difference between the two guys you faced last week and the man that stands before you now. Because I was in your position; trying to make a name for himself and make the world take notice of the man known as Xavier Williams or in your case, Jason Walker and understand what a victory on Dynasty does for you. But, with that being said, while you’re attempting to create a name for yourself, I’ve waiting weeks to get my hands on anyone that I can and unfortunately for you, you’re the first man that they’ve put in my way; because while you were talking about the fights that you’ve had while you were in school, I was being screwed out of the World Heavyweight Championship. While you were talking about screwing your school wrestling team in some match that people really don’t care about, I was walking out on a nightly basis and proving why I am the best wrestler not only this company has to offer, but this business has a whole has to offer and on Dynasty, Jason, you’ll understand that. You’ll understand the difference between the scum at the bottom of this company and the man that stands as the very best. So, Jason, allow me to welcome you to EAW, but do not believe that you’re going to make a name for yourself at my expense.
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...)
Post January 10th 2015, 6:47 pm by TLA

EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...) - Page 11 Mexican-flag


(TLA is shown still waiting in Biblioteca Vasconcelos sleeping with the homeless people who live there.)

TLA: I'm disappointed in you Tyler. You got my hopes up. I laid out an open challenge for you to come fight me in the library but you never showed up. That tells me one of two things, either you got lost on the way which means you are dumb as fuck, or you chose not to which means you are a little bitch. Now I don't know 'bout y'all but I'm leaning towards the latter. You wanna call me out like I ain't got the cojones to beat you yet you ain't even willing to step to me after you call me out yourself like come say shit to my face. I be right here still and I ain't hard to find but you still just wanna stick back and talk shit? Fuck off you can't back up nothin'. What you too good to fight unless there's money to be made? Nah you ain't extreme at all you just another coward hiding behind the regulations and rules that will protect you between those ropes. I mean shit if you ain't gonna show up imma have to find someone else to fight in the meantime cuz I ain't 'bout that waiting shit. Who wanna fight TLA? Come at me. This is an open challenge to the entire EAW roster to come up in here and whip my ass and do what Tyler Parker obviously knows he can't. But let's face it. Ain't nobody gonna come. Nobody gonna even try to break my skull open no matter how nicely I ask. So what am I even gonna do to pass the time? Sip some tequila? Watch some porn? Go fuck with some Mexican bitches? Nah I already done all that. Guess I gotta go back to the gym and beast and feast some more cuz ain't shit goin' down here. I mean y'all can talk about being extreme or you can actually be extreme and fuck some shit up and right now nothing is feeling less extreme than what I am getting into with Tyler Parker. Tyler you are right we have no rivalry. We got nothing. We could've had something together Tyler. We could've made this a fight to remember all over Mexico City but instead I gotta settle for Tyler Parker trying to hit me with armbars, figure-four leglocks, and suplexes and maybe he will go up to the top rope once or something cuz he is so fucking extreme. I can't wait for that.

(TLA pets a sleeping Steroid Dawg on his lap softly.)

TLA: We could've turned this into a warzone Tyler. Imagine the rivalry we could've had after I bashed your skull in with an encylopedia and slit your wrists with a dictionary. But now because Tyler never showed up I have to face the facts of what this actually is. A random match. A completely pointless match thrown together by management cuz they have no idea what to do with us this week. But the truth is maybe I won't beat you Tyler. Maybe I won't beat anyone in this company. Maybe I will just go in there every week and get my ass beat and eventually EAW will cut my pay or fire me cuz I can't win shit. So what Tyler Parker says he's unbeatable at his best that's just fucking great I guess it's another loss for TLA. Maybe I shouldn't even try but fuck that cuz I don't play that way. What my best ain't good enough for y'all? Then I gotta give you better than the best I gotta give you Hall of Fame level if that's what it gonna take. I don't give up ever EAW you gonna have to fire me if you wanna get me out. I go hard and like Tyler Parker even said this shit's a gamble anyway. I can lose matches three years straight if I want then beat the world champ. It don't even matter to me cuz I main evented Dynasty last week so obviously Monroe knows exactly how good I am. Ask Jacob Senn he knows exactly how good I am and soon Tyler Parker will too. Tyler Parker is so passionate about this business that he enjoys crushing the dreams of young superstars. He is such a great guy that way. He even said he was gonna end my career cuz you know that's also what this business was all about. I personally always thought it was about giving it your best, putting on a good match, and entertaining the fans but Professor Parker has taught me otherwise. No the entire point of this business is for former world champions to end rookie's careers two months in. That's what little kids dream of doing when they grow up. I remember sitting in front of the TV at age 5 watching my favorite wrestlers end careers and laughing as some punk kid got taken out on a stretcher never to get seen again. AND NOW IT'S MY TURN! I'm ready for this Tyler Parker. I'm ready for you to end my career cuz at least if I'm retired I won't have to be sitting around on my ass waiting for you to not show up to a challenge I made over 24 hours ago.

Steroid Dawg: *Happy bark!*

TLA: That's mah dawg that. Tyler do you remember mah dawg? Steroid Dawg be a good dawg. Beastin' and feastin' like they do. I love my dawg and respect mah dawg. Tyler I have to admit that you broke my heart when you said that you didn't respect me. I actually cried all night long and tried to hang myself on one of these bookshelves but the rope broke because it was just made of sarcasm. Am I supposed to try to earn your respect or something Tyler? Fuck off I don't want your respect. If I was here to earn your respect EAW would have a Tyler Parker's Respect Championship and I would be competing for it because I am sure it would be the most valuable prize in this business. Let's fight for years to earn this man's respect so we can die happily knowing we achieved the most important thing in life. You can give all the respect you want to your boyfriends Tiberius Jones and Aren Mstislav cuz I ain't gonna suck you off like they do. I want your disrespect Tyler or even better your indifference. Don't give two fucks about me Tyler. Don't even look my way when we pass in the hallway cuz I ain't never earned shit in my life. I don't earn I take and I take shit when I want it. Let's all celebrate the end of Kevin Devastation's career cuz you know that's really passion for this business and shit. Fuck off Kevin you lost your career but you can go into retirement happily knowing that Tiberius Jones has Tyler Parker's respect and really isn't that what we are all here for? Not me tho that ain't what TLA is here for. I'm here to get on Tyler Parker's bad side. Why? Cuz he told me not to. See he using that reverse psychology you tell me what to do imma probably do the opposite cuz imma rebel like that. Give me your worst Tyler cuz I will either beat you and go into the heaven of victory or you will send me straight to hell. Purgatory is boring, give me my pleasure or give me my torture. I wanna get physical but can't so until then I gotta fight with words. If nobody's gonna fight me then fuck it imma piss the whole world off.

(TLA looks around one last time to see if Tyler Parker has showed up but he does not appear. TLA shrugs and walks out of the library with Steroid Dawg following him.)
Jacob Senn
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...)
Post January 10th 2015, 4:16 pm by Jacob Senn
Dynasty Promo #6

(The video starts as we see it is the middle of the day as the camera points outside of a Reebok Crossfit gym in Mexico City as the camera zooms in to see Jacob Senn training as the cameraman makes his way in. One of the trainers come up to try and see what he wants, but Jacob gets his attention and explains who he is as he and the cameraman walks over to where they can find a seat.)

Man, you want to watch out for the trainers. They start talking to you and the next thing you know, you buy a membership to a gym that you will never go into after that day. Just because they have some muscle on them, don’t think that they do not have a way with words. They are sharp and they take advantage of that, much like our good friend, Tiberius Jones. Tiberius wants to talk about respect, wants to talk about how he respects me for being this guy who overcame the odds and that is all fine and dandy, but he wants to talk about how I disrespected some other wrestlers, great wrestlers in their own rights, but who I feel are not desiring to be the leader or would not be the suitable choice for one. Mr. DEDEDE is focused on other things, Tyler Parker is focused on other things, but even if I do slander their name, you are the only one who actually cares about it. Mr. DEDEDE is hard and callous and what people say just brush off of him. He couldn’t care less about my opinion, which is all fine and dandy, because that is how people take it. Even Tyler Parker has this rough skin that protects his pride because even he can handle an insult here and there and not really give too much thought about it, but you… Tiberius, you are just so obsessed and fixated on it. There are not even insults towards your character, but yet because they are these idols in your Dynasty mind that should be praised by the meager children of this company, you are insulted. That is what is childish, that is what is idiotic, and that is why you are simply going to lose because you just haven’t learned yet. Think of me as simple-minded, think of me as short-sighted, think of me as one of the most ignorant people on this roster, it is fine by me even though I know it not to be true. I don’t take insults to heart and I may defend against them, but it is not like I am fixated on what you say about me. By the time I finish talking to this camera and this workout, what you said will have no value whatsoever. So speak your peace, make your voice heard, because at the end it doesn’t change a damn thing about what happens at Dynasty! On Dynasty, I am going to win the match and move forward to the finals at King of Extreme.

(Jacob finally finds a couple of chairs for the both of them to sit at as he relaxes for a second.)

Whether or not you realize it, that is what will happen, and it is because your dragon has not appeared yet. You stated you hold the key to releasing the inner dragon unto the world, yet I have not seen that dragon yet. I have seen his fire that goes through the bars of his cage, I have seen his eyes glaring back through the darkness, but I have not seen him, only glimpses of its presence inside of you. You do not hold the key from what I see, you hold the lock that cages it in. There is a person on this roster, it may not be me, but there is someone that hold the key to that dragon that you have buried deep within your soul and when it comes out, then you might be able to see what lies within. I want to see as much of the dragon as that cage will allow mean and I want to see it before I drop you like an insect as you attempt to crawl towards me. Compared to the strength and the power of The Fabled Conqueror, that is what you are to it. As arrogant as that might sound, there is not narcissistic intention of it, just simple truth. Your flames, they will just be sparks. Your fangs, they will just be splinters. It will be like throwing a pebble towards the insurmountable strength of the armor that The Fabled Conqueror adorns on his path to conquest. You may feel that when I go up against you that I will be a person who ends up breaking his vows, who will lose all of his prestige to a young kid from Battle Creek, but the only thing that is going to let the jaws of those in attendance when we enter the Mexico City Arena, it is going to be the moment where I prove why I am The Fabled Conqueror as I show that I am the best Dynasty has to offer. There will be no on the way to the crown for you, Tiberius. There will be no future as The King of Thieves. Only another name added to the list of names that has been conquered by Jacob Senn.

(Jacob opens a bottle of water and takes a sip as he makes his way to the next workout machine as the cameraman follows.)

You look at the world as a win/lose scenario, which there is nothing wrong with. You either win with your head held high or lose with your head lowered in shame, but you cannot revel in the fact of what you were able to do inside of that ring. You cannot see a gem of a match you put on, you cannot bask in what you were able to do in that ring, but trust me in knowing that I will just that when I cave your head in at Dynasty. This is just the reality of the situation, Tiberius, and it is something that is inevitable. You are young, but being that will make you inexperienced and naïve to certain tricks that a man like me or an even more experienced man like Mr. DEDEDE or StarrStan would pull out of his hat. You have not experienced the methods, have not had them placed before you, so it will be only expected for you to fall and get duped into this tactics. There is no fault in that because when I was you at the time, I had those moments as well, but when the time comes and when you experience what you need to experience, you will be able to bring that inner dragon forward and when that happens, that will be when the real challenge begins because then, you will be a force to be reckoned with. As for now, you stand in my path of glory and reverence and that is somewhere that you do not want to be because one of two things are going to happen. You are either going to be lucky to escape and go on in your career with more days in this business or you will be carted out of that ring in a stretcher due to yours truly. Until then, makes sure you bring that A-game you talk so much about, because I cannot wait to see it.
Nasir Escobar
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...)
Post January 10th 2015, 2:27 pm by Nasir Escobar



Finally...The Nas comes back to give you all more words of wisdom. And all The Nas has to say for himself is what a fall from grace he is taking...Just wow. Now The Nas has no issues with Tyler Parker or losing to him. Tyler went out there and did exactly what he said he would. But then you look at it and you say well damn. Now look at The Nas. Capping off the night? What an insult to The Nas' abilities. The Nas is first up this week. And you know what? It is a blessing and a curse. It is a blessing for my opponent. I don't wanna be out there longer than I need to. I'm gonna go out there and beat the shit out of him as quickly as possible then leave. Not waste my time out there any longer than I already have to. Then we have the curse. Look at me. I'm in the first match. And my opponent is no one special either. The Nas has no one to blame but himself however. He alowd himself to get to this point. The Nas couldn't defeat Jamie O'hara. The Nas couldn't defeat Tyler Parker. Hell, the way things have been going for me and my rotten luck I don't even know if I can beat this joker...Donuts. What an insult that I have to face him in a match that a whopping no one at all gives a shit about. 

But I'm complaining for nothing. Becayse I'm going to take out ALL of this pent up frustration on Donuts then I will show everyone that I'm not a joke. I'm not someone to underestimate. I'm somebody around here damnit! I matter! I exist !You know what? It just doesn't matter to The Nas anymore! If you honestly wish to sit here and tell The Nas that he shouldn't be so pesimistic then you can kiss his ass. He doesn't wanna hear it. Not a single bit. Now The Nas says what he is gonna do is stop all the comedic crap. Stop trying to be funny. Stop trying to be entertaining. The only person who he gives a flying fuck about now is himself, his dad, and his boy Donny! Everyone else is just a stepping stone at this point. Oh and as for The Fans...fuck'em. What the hell have they done for me? I'm still simply spectacular with or without them! They are the peanut gallery! They feed my pockets cash. That's their roles, and they better know it pretty soon. 

As for my opponent Donuts. What an embarresment. The fact that I have to step into the ring with this jabroni. That is just adding insult to injury. Not only can I get a win over someone who matters, but now just to be nice I get matched up against a peon. What a slap in the face. But that's alright. We'll see who's laughing when I beat the life out of this piece if trash. I mean who in the hell thought this was a good idea for him? Hmm let's see here? What are we gonna do with Donuts this week? Oh I know, let's put him up against the guy who is pissed beyond belief with himself. What could possibly go wrong for poor Donuts here? Well I'll tell ya. Donuts is gonna get ALL the jelly squeezed outta him. His dough will be mashed into the canvas, And as for his sprinkles? They'll be splattered all over the arena! 

Donuts is just gonna be the first of many. The Nas says he ain't playin around anymore. He knows he's said that before but this time is different. He refuses to be an extra for this company. He knows exactly what he is capable of. The Nas knows he is a standout performer. He can do anything he wants in that ring. He said it time and time again, he is THE Future GOD around here. And when he says something he means it...And he will do just that. No matter the cost. And by AN MEANS NECESSARY!



Christopher Corrupt
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...)
Post January 10th 2015, 9:17 am by Christopher Corrupt
Dynasty Promo #2 

Excuses, excuses and more excuses. Face it Aren, you’re a little nervous about our match and I totally get it. Your title is on the line, but more importantly, and this is the major factor – your DIGNITY is on the line. If you lose your title, your stock drops in this company. I get it, as I am the guy nobody wants to lose to because of my famous past. It’s like a stench that won’t leave. No matter how much sprays you use, or light a candle; it still remains and exists. It’s a permanent record but to me, with my roll that I’ve been on of success and finding ways to win, hearing all this shit is a broken record. It doesn't phase me, I just stun the "competition" by defeating them and they have to swallow their words. But if you lose, there’s more on the line for you. What will happen to your career? You’re forever known as the guy that lost to Christopher Corrupt. The difference for me however, is I’ll be known as the man whom created history and rewrote it. I am not afraid of Sebastian Monroe and his idle threats; I can get by like I always do. However, this Sunday at Dynasty, I am walking out a champion. Your reign is nothing and your competitors have lacked a brain and an ability to see past your bullshit. You honestly think you can defeat me again? Then gather up all that “talent” you possess, all your “ring abilities” and prove to me you can do it with everyone watching, a title on the line and take me to the limit. A singles match is a singles match, important but not the same when everything is on the line. You want to cast me out and ignore the number one contender gunning for your title while you face other “competitors” then be my guest. But don’t be surprised when that comes back to haunt you. ALWAYS know your enemies and keep them closer then your friends. That’s a free tip for you when you’re struggling to stay in the ranks of everyone else after I take your title away from you. It’s inevitable, your time is up and like Bob Dylan once famously wrote and sang, The Time’s They Are A-Changin’. I have absolutely no sympathy for you Aren, this is your own fault and demise, that is why I am going to enjoy taking your championship and making something meaningful, with purpose and RECOGNIZE everyone that wants a piece of me, contender or not. Your excuses are pathetic like your wrestling career and the shit doesn’t even make sense when the words spew out of your mouth like the garbage you are. Like I’ve said to everyone I have had to face and they doubt right away – keep underestimating me, keep ignoring the fact that I have talent and keep pushing me away, hiding the truth that is the huge elephant in the room and see what happens. It’s time to take notice – revolution or not, my career has jump started to a new level and I have myself to thank for it. I PAVED the way for the future of this company and Zack Crash thinks he has this place bent to his liking, but he ain’t seen nothing yet. You want to think I am just being a badass? I am just doing what is already done? I am an original, I don’t follow, I lead. Something else you should pay attention to for your own career. Don’t conform, break out and tell the “Elitists” to fuck off. Extreme will live and it’s the only thing I know.
You talk about being unprofessional to address me when not facing off until a later date; I call it being a lazy champion. Not seeing the whole picture or at least not wanting to. So after a match is booked and you see that my name is beside yours, you can now give me attention? Fuck you Aren. You think you’re so good and the best this company has to offer? News flash for you bitch, this is my year, my moment, my opportunity, my chance, and my way of showing the fucking world Christopher “Classic” Corrupt means business. If anything, you are AFRAID of change and you’re AFRAID of losing your championship to me. Don’t act like this doesn’t effect you, don’t act as if you are worry free. I’ve been trying to show you the light for a long time and you’ve been dodging me. More like hoping and wishing we don’t face off any time soon. You say you’re not bothered or afraid and so if that was the case, wouldn’t you try to prove a point? Show the true champion and tier above everyone you claim to be. But really what you are is a coward…a man who is gutless and can’t face things down. You want to bow down and kiss ass to this company? Fine. I am going to change how things presently are and show that Sebastian can’t do shit and Crash…can do like his last name – crash and burn. NO ONE is stopping me. You want to view this as a petty vendetta? Let’s see how you feel when my arm is raised and you’re down on the mat, looking up, confused as to what happened. And what’s this nonsense that you HAVE to abide to the rules? No you don’t, live how you want, do what you want – that’s my motto and lifestyle. Which is why this Sunday, I am making my way in the ring, kicking your ass and taking your title and bringing it to new heights. Hate it or love it, it’s the truth and the one thing that represents something meaningful, unlike these lies and bullshit you throw around like confetti.
I won’t waste this opportunity. This is the opportunity to end your career. Not just the title run. No. Your career. Set an example. Like I did to POP. Remember him? The man everyone revered and respected? And not just your wrestling career but your whole image of a career because if you lose to me, it looks bad and with me, I got nothing to lose but also everything to gain. I am the underdog and I like being viewed that way, for the time being. Until I am a champion things will be a different story, a new layer or dimension of me will be created and everybody is going to want to try and defeat me. The thing is, I am deceitful, I cheat and I bend the rules – it’s a win for me and a loss for everyone else. Conformists just like you, trying to impress and be “elite.” Be yourself. Or be forever known as “that nobody”. The guy who just blends in with the crowd. 
My opportunity becomes a reality as of Sunday. Tell me Aren, will the early bird catch the worm? Or will the worm catch the bird and set a trap? 

Time will only tell. 

J-Dynasty 2?
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...)
Post January 9th 2015, 11:36 pm by J-Dynasty 2?
Woe is me, this day shall forever be marked as the day I wasn’t allowed in the Jacob Senn’s circle anymore after I already refused to be in it when he tried to welcome me before. Once I take my place on top my throne I will ensure by royal decree that each and every single competitor in EAW is to stand in a moment of silence for this tragedy to be mourned on the 9th of every month, on every 9th we of EAW will weep and yet too so our strength by showing that even despite such a crushing blow we still stand, my subjects and I still fight! WE STILL FIGHT! WE STILL FIGHT! WE STILL FIGHT RAWRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heh, heh. You really crack me up Jacob. Did you really think I’d care? As for your questions of my personal feelings towards you, I don’t see why you make it out to be all that complicated. I don’t see why you treat not liking someone yet respecting what they’ve accomplished to be a strange occurrence. I respect you because you’ve done many great feats, you are someone who just like me isn’t the biggest or strongest guy around, but you still go out there and get the job done. But that isn’t enough to make me like you when you trample and spit upon great wrestlers on this roster and act like you own the place when you just got on Dynasty. We live in a world of star athletes who psychically abuse their significant others, world famous celebrities tweeting racism and some people you can’t resist listening to their big hit singles being the biggest insecure assholes in the world, you fall right in line. I do think you’re simple minded and short sighted. Just because someone has an opinion that is the same as the majority doesn’t mean said person lacks their own mind, I’m a person who is capable of going against the grain when the time calls for it and my beliefs differ from the authority, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to be a hipster who says things just to be a contrarian. So whether you were beloved by the people, or criticized and called a vile worthless person by the majority of EAW, I was always going to speak to you the way I do now and kick your ass on Dynasty!

You talk a lot about tapping into my inner dragon and how you think I haven’t met the right person to bring it out of me yet, but what you don’t understand is that I am the one who holds the key to what I unlock, not anyone else. Whether it was you or TLA I’d be coming for a fight, the difference I probably wouldn’t question his mental fortitude as much as I do yours before I plant him into the mat and make him know who the better man between us is.  The style and approach might have changed, but the drive and quality would not change over which of you I faced.Understand that no matter who my opponent is, or where I am placed on a wrestling show, I am always putting out A grade content and baring my fangs to sink into my foes, the only thing that changes is the exposure of how many people are watching and paying attention. King of Elite has been, and will remain to be, the limelight I enter to showcase my talents to those who just don’t always see the slickest of the slick in the most cherished parts of EAW programming. You ask what an oaf like you would be worth to me? You’re worth the heads that turn due to what prestige your name has gained, you are worth the jaws that will be dropped when I make the prideful Jacob Senn finally break his vows. When you walk those halls with your head held down and no longer be a man to be counted on in EAW, people will know that I am the one who proved you to be a liar. THEY’LL KNOW I DID THAT TO YOU JACOB! On the way to the crown, what’s a better way to raise your stock in this competitive industry?

I don’t live in a “gave him a run for his money” and “you gave it your best shot” while getting pats on the back kind of world, that’s a loser’s mindset, I live in a world of clinching the victory or having it slip out of your hands, no second place award, no “you tried” ribbons like kindergarten! But if you find so much value in those things, I’ll gladly let you be the one who gave ME a run for my money but tragically came up short. I may be young, but I’m not naïve, I know that we live in a fickle world, unless something is as grand as a match of the year candidate or a big FPV match people’s memory are limited, a few months, if not weeks, the people won’t see TLA as someone who put up a good fight against you, they’ll just remember he was knocked out in the first round, and that’s the people in the locker room who actually took the damn time to witness your match in the first place, only the two of you will hold it dear to your hearts for a long time to come. Much like the loser between you and I will eventually only be remembered for being the one who fell in the semifinals when it comes to this encounter we’ve busted our ass for. Don’t get me wrong, that’s not an insult to the pride you and TLA hold in your hard fought match, I too for one will always remember our encounter and hold it dear to my heart to matter what occurs for I am proud of my body of work and I know you and I despite our differences can do something great in that ring regardless of what people will remember due to what happens when the bell rings the final time, but I know that the only way to take a step up the ladder is to achieve victory and that is exactly what I intend to do.

EAW Promoz! (Part 2 - Locked for posting...)

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