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Phoenix Winterborn
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 6th 2016, 10:03 pm by Phoenix Winterborn
EAW Promoz! - Page 26 6HMVHRQ EAW Promoz! - Page 26 Z1P4ffI

“You see, Zack…that is what you get. For coming onto our show, and thinking that you run the place as soon as you walk in the door. Because that’s really just not how it works at all. See, I don’t know what of Voltage you’ve been watching, but…the Sanatorium runs this place. Nevermind about the Ares Vendettas of old or the Y2Impacts or anybody like. We are the dominant faction not only on Voltage, but in all of EAW. We have proved that time and again. And yes, the Sanatorium has faltered a bit in recent months, but that is where I come into play. I come into play Zackary because Eclipse and his family see the potential in me. They see what I bring to the table. Did you watch the Hardcore Invitational? Did you see what I did to Ahren Fournier? Did you see his mangled face after I got done with him? Or, if you want to go back even farther, did you watch the match I was in for the Hardcore cha,pionship? Did you see how I almost Maero’s back at the time. I quite literally almost broke him in two. So, let me ask you this Zackary. Seeing what I have done in my short amount of time..I’ve been here less than a year, mind you. Seeing what I’ve done in that short amount of time, was there ever any real question that eventually I would come to the Sanatorium? Eventually I would see what Eclipse has seen for so long. What Maero has seen for so long. This Sunday night on Voltage, it would seem that you demanded this match against me. You wanted me in the ring, and why is that? Why is that, Zackary? Did I really upset you that much when I did what I did? See because, between you and me? I have no remorse for what I did. I have zero regrets for kicking you in the face. For dropping you last week. As a matter of fact, it was kind of fun now that I think about it. But, let’s not dwell on the past shall we Zack? Let’s focus on the future. Let’s focus on the fact that your stay on Voltage is going to be a brief one. Not by choice, mind you. You’re going to be wishing to go back and be with JJ Silva, and be with Brody Sparks wherever the hell she ran off to now. Because you’re going to find that when we say that all will fall to the Sanatorium…that is not just a catchphrase, that is not some silly tagline. That is the belief of the Sanatorium, and that is the real life story of the Sanatorium."

“Yes, you’re a former world champion. You’re a hall of famer. That’s fine. But, every guard has their proverbial passing of the torch. This is yours. See, you may not exactly be giving me the torch, however. No, you see this torch I’m going to pry from your cold…dead…hand…See, it’s a good thing that we are in the wrestling business, Zack. Because what I plan on doing to you on Sunday normally would have me arrested and put in jail for quite a good number of years. I don’t plan on being nice to you because of who you are. Because of your name being known. I’m going to look at you like another victim who THINKS that they are superior to the Sanatorium. THINKS that they are superior to me."

"You thought last week was bad? Just wait until this week." 
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 6th 2016, 4:52 pm by Angel.
I like how Chris Elite thinks that just because he won something for once in his career, he acts like he shed a new leaf for his career? Please, Chris, you may have become a formidable opponent in EAW and that is something I will not dispute. But Chris, it took you years to be formidable. It took you years to actually concentrate and own up to the very name that you represent when you walk down the ramp. Yet, just because you are a formidable opponent doesn’t mean you are extraordinary by any sense of imagination. The status of EAW has evolved to the point where a formidable opponent likes you, Chris, it’s just another opponent that has decent quality. Sure. But that does not translate to substantive success when it comes to today’s EAW. In today’s EAW, it is not the attempt of actually trying to get somewhere among the hierarchy of EAW. In today’s EAW, in order to be extraordinary in an age full of extraordinary talents, you need to actually be doing the right shit as opposed to the attempt of trying. And let me ask everyone this, do you envision Chris Elite being extraordinary in the sense that he will sustain his shockingly successful stint in EAW? Do you envision in where Chris Elite will need to adapt to the situation of being the defender of a champion as opposed to being the chaser despite for what being as such for years? 

If you guys have any doubts as to seeing Chris not just as a talent, but rather seeing Chris as a man that isn’t used to having success, the next trial for this man’s career is how could a man such as Chris can maintain success. After years of just trying to be somewhere, here he is with a title that while might be the crown jewel of his entire career? It can be short lived because I doubt that Chris Elite would prefer to be under the microscope when it comes to the top of things. I highly doubt a man such as Chris Elite, someone that claims to make the New Breed Championship prestigious would try to do such when he is too busy trying to get his feet afloat when the spotlight is all on him. You may have become a New Breed Champion ever since you defeated JJ Silva in controversial fashion in Mexico City. But you know Chris, even though it may not have been a title defense necessarily, your first trial as a champion was in Territorial Invasion. When everyone knew that you weren’t the laughing stock that you once were. When everyone knew that you weren’t a man that a lot of people would only need to show up against you because you wouldn’t even put up a fight. Everyone knew that with the title, you were at least something. But as shown in Territorial Invasion when the spotlight was all on you Chris? You didn’t live up to the spotlight. You hardly look like a champion. And why? Why would a man that is supposedly a champion, have a performance that looks like he wouldn’t even be in the conversation for any title in EAW? It is because you’re not used to being the hunted Chris. It is because you are not used to being the man that a lot of people wants to beat. It is because, with the title that you hold, it carries a big target behind your back and quite frankly Chris? You’re an ordinary talent that would be lucky to even get his feet afloat as a champion, let alone making the New Breed Championship “more” prestigious than what it already is. 

It brings us to this Chris. You’re the champion and I am trying to feel what it is like to be a winner. I am the hunter and you’re simply the man that is hunted by five other people. However, out of all the five hunters that are aiming to stake their claim, it is I, Nick Angel, that will make my own claim of dominating this self-proclaimed New Breed Series because I have no intention of having my own destiny predicated by the establishment. I have no intention of having my own destiny being called upon the scumbag of the underworld because I have been in an unfavorable situation once this year in a scramble match. But for this time being? I can shape my own destiny into whatever favorable situation I put myself in and the establishment cannot dispute such. I can shape my own destiny of becoming a winner and no one will ever dispute such because starting in our encounter in Las Vegas? Contrary to Chris’ belief that I am on the edge of hanging up my boots, I believe that my career is about to undergo a resurgence. I believe that starting next edition of Showdown, it won’t be “bragging rights” over a man that is struggling to look like a champion in Chris Elite. No. I will not give you any credit as to why my career is turning around. Rather Chris, take my victory over you as a means to establish a platform that will set the tempo for Season Ten of EAW. I may not be the player of EAW, but with my victory over supposedly a man that is the man to beat? I am in the driving seat of the New Breed Series and once I am in the driving seat? No one will catch me because there is not one man that can ever decimate whatever momentum I can attain by beating the champion at his own tournament. With all that being said Chris, this is the most important match of the entire series leading up to the Supershow because it will establish a platform of who will shape their own destiny heading into the Scramble itself. And Chris, I’ll be damn if I lose this match. I’ll be damn if I lose this match knowing that I can defeat an ordinary talent like yours that while relies on hard work and may be a champion in name? You’re not psychologically a champion because you are trying to stay afloat. As a champion, you want to thrive in your own division, but don’t worry Chris. Throughout this New Breed Series, I will show you what a true champion is. An all-around talent in terms of being the physical specimen. A man that knows what objective he needs to achieve the actual objective itself. To win right now and win as many battles, or lose to you with one battle, and have my war plan all in shambles. Except, come Saturday, my war plan will be in fine shape to accomplish the objective I want: To win now just so no one, not the establishment can dictate what position I’ll be in come the 12th of November. 
A month ago I predicted the death of a legend...and in spite of his best efforts to contest fate; my vision has come to pass.  Kevin Devastation is no more -- just another body in the basement.  All the more reason to turn my focus onto a far more impressive adversary.  One who is considerably worthy of the moniker, ‘Hall of Fame Champion’, and who has time after time been exemplary in what it takes to become an EAW Hall of Famer.  A "Gawd" by any other name, Methuselah.  However there’s another obstructing my path -- preventing me from challenging for the Hall of Fame Championship, but I'm not one to shy away from a fight so if he’s feeling froggy, then I suggest he sack up and come find me.

The ball is in his court.  I’ve made my position clear the instant I willingly stood in between TLA and the looming bullet that was Bleeding Edge last week; I want what he wants, and I’m willing to do everything within my power to get it.  Is he?  I reckon we’ll find out tomorrow night.

Moving on from that, it’s been brought to my attention that Lucian Black will be my exhibition opponent this weekend.  It shouldn’t come as a shock to anyone that there is no love lost between Lucian and me, considering our rocky history, just as this match has less to do with me and more to do with Jacob Senn.  I know there’s a lot he aims to prove to him in a struggle with me.  A message, if you will, that he’d want to convey to his future adversary.  But I’m no one’s messenger boy or courier service.  When he steps into the ring with me he’s going to have to pull out all of the stops to keep me down; because he is the World Heavyweight Champion I would expect nothing less.
Big Vinny Gigante
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 6th 2016, 3:14 pm by Big Vinny Gigante

We start at a gym in New Jersey where EAW Development Territory: FEW is located, the small fries are working as hard as possible to impress the trainers, Camera moves to the head coach’s office where Vinny is with the Head Coach himself. Vinny had a sense of frustration in his mind running around, he was thinking that he might be released from the company. “Hey, Vinny” Head coach George said.

“Yes, sir!” Vinny replied as he looked at George as if he was military Private talking to his general. “You’re a fan of The Godfather, right?” The older man asked towards his former developmental World champ, Vinny just nods to reply George’s question. “Well, the upper brass is making an offer you can’t refuse,” The Head coach said ripping off the famous mobster movie line, as George says his version of the dialogue a grin appears on Vinny’s face.

“So they finally calling me up,” Vinny says with a cocky tone in his voice, George just nods his head as the seven-footer goes up to the man he calls his coach and shakes his hand. “Thanks for everything, George,” Vinny says as he leaves his office.


Scene transition to Vinny at a graveyard, in front of a Gravestone that says “Vincent ‘Chin’ Gigante”

Vinny: So how you doin’ ‘GG’ Chin? So… I finally did it. They callin me up, new contract, new theme, new look.

Vinny pulls out a piece of paper from his jeans pocket

Vinny: Here is it, an email they sent your boy, Let me read it for you. “Dear Vincent Gigante II, we here at EAW are proud to say that you’ve been called up to the Main roster, please report to the next live episode of Showdown for your debut. From EAW Management”. Hmm… your boy making the big bucks now, I promise at the end of the day, I’m gonna make you proud.

Vinny places his hand on the gravestone

Vinny: See ya later, ‘GG Chin’ and tell ma to give me her blessings.

Vinny places his email paper and places his next to his Great-Grandfather's Grave next to the flowers.

Vincent walks away from the gravesite as the sun sets and the scene ends slowly

OOC: Do tell me how I did, Honestly I’m still learning how to write a decent promo. I sort of got lazy with the second half of the promo.
Ares Vendetta
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 6th 2016, 3:09 pm by Ares Vendetta
Mongrels never seem to stop their incessant barking.

Any action I’ve taken over the past two years has been bombarded with question after question, as though I’d be more than willing to spare my time to give them the answer they want so badly.

Territorial Invasion was truly an exceptional night, but not for anyone of the crowd in attendance, and most certainly not for those watching at home. Their barrage of questions are worthless to me, but I did have one to answer. One that I had to ask myself as I drove a steel chair down into the body of my own father:

“Does it hurt?”

Did it hurt me to strike him? Did it pain me to punish him with a steel chair?

I had contemplated doing what I had done for longer than anyone knows, but he gave me a reason for it. He gave me the vindication I sought after. No… I didn’t agonize over what I was doing to him. I felt nothing. No, that’s a lie. I felt something I didn’t want to admit to - something I thought I had overcome. As I watched my father powerless assaulted at my own hands, I felt a cathartic satisfaction. I felt as though a weight was finally lifted off of my shoulders. I felt as though this time I’ve spent crusading in the name of a broken man - my father, Robbie V - hasn’t been futile, but valueless to me. That’s not a bad thing. That’s not something I look back on in anger, in fact, quite the opposite. I smile. I feel a certain joy about knowing just how pointless it all was, because I found something… Something more in what I did to Brian Daniels and Robbie V. Years ago, in a land far away, I took a great deal of joy in hurting others. I couldn’t explain it, but something about being stronger than those that opposed me gave me a freedom that I exploited to its fullest extent. I was raised to be the absolute best to have ever stepped inside a ring from the moment I could walk, and all of that skill, strength, and everything else that came along with the territory erupted into a beautiful cacophony of violence that I displayed every night in Japan. An inevitable day came when I had, in their eyes, gone too far, and they told me to go away and never come back. I found solace in this World my father had inhabited for so long. I made this company my own playground, all under the guise of a vengeful man, but you know what? In a way, I’m still a vengeful man. Deep down inside of me, all that brings me any joy in this World is hurting others, but there always needs to be something more to it. The Halloween season is upon us, and everyone needs a mask. Mine is vengeance. Mine is redemption. I pray to a God that gives me that, and I don’t squander it. I utilize my violence, and I take what I want in so many different ways.

The dogs barking in the dark always seem to ask the wrong questions.

The only one necessary is “Who’s next?”

Who next deserves to be my guinea pig? Who next deserves Onryo’s love? Who next should feel their World caving in on itself because they selfishly walked into my snare, believing they were the predator and not the prey?

The World knows my name, but specifically every other man and woman alike that competes in this pathetic company knows my name, and they know what I’m capable of. Every challenger on every other brand breathes a sigh of relief that they don’t have to pursue me to be a World’s Champion, while every other Champion in Elite Answers Wrestling clutches their worthless little Titles just a bit tighter when they see what I do to keep the Answers World Championship around my waist. What concerns me isn’t the two men I struck down last Saturday, no, what concerns me is those who hang somewhere in between being a challenger and being a champion. What repulses me more than anything is that there are those who live in this grey area where they clutch something valuable, but only something that may one day give them the World Championship they so desire. All it takes - ALL it takes - is one moment. One perfect moment is all it takes for them to get what they want. I don’t think it’s any secret that I put absolutely everything in my being on the line to keep this Championship around my waist, be it sacrificing my blood, my legs, or my entire body. I do it not to be Champion, but because I love it, and that’s something others just don’t comprehend, especially one so average of a man.

Keep that briefcase at your side and never let anyone take it from you. I want you to give in to temptation. I’ve seen enough of you to know you’re a man that carries around some sort of sense of honor, just as Brian Daniels did. That warms my heart, it truly does. I salivate with anticipation at the thought of you finally seizing an opportunity to take this Championship from me. I’m told that you beat several other men by finally being the one of the many to climb a Ladder and pull down that pretty little briefcase. Since then, you’ve played nothing more than a waiting game. When is it the right time to strike? When am I at my most vulnerable? Every second passes, followed by the minutes, the hours, and the days. The weeks go by and the months not far behind before you realize that the clock is counting down. You have to give in sooner or later. Make no mistake, I will be the man holding this Championship when you finally strike, and I will take a great joy in taking away all of this from you. All of the time you spent waiting for the perfect moment. All of the pain and agony you put your body through to get here. I want to be the one to take it all. You hold that briefcase, pretending you have any honor, when you know you’re going to use it at least when you believe I’m hurt and unable to fight back, just like every other coward who’s held that very same briefcase. You will give away everything for that one moment in the sun, and I will rip it away from you. I will cast my shadow down and take away that spotlight that you have never deserved in my eyes, mongrel.

The moment you and I share the same ring isn’t anything that will answer a question. It won’t tell you if you can beat me or not, because the moment you fall in defeat, your mongrel brain will start to rationalize and jump through hoops until you’ve come to a conclusion that your loss was no more than a fleeting moment. You’ll justify your defeat by telling yourself there’s always tomorrow, or that I cheated, or that it was no more than an off night for you. That’s what cowards do. In a way, this company should thank me for weeding out mongrels such as you. I’m not going to end you. I’m going to allow you to use that opportunity of your’s when the day finally comes, but I will happily expose you for the failure you are deep down, regardless of how many cheer you on and invest in you being the future of this company. You’re as weak as any other, and you know it, and I know it, but perhaps it’s time they know it. You will fall, and we will go our separate ways, and the clock will keep on ticking away. I may maul you this day, but you will live on, and you will seize the moment to strike, and you will cash in, and you will lose everything you’ve worked for. Through all of the physical pain and mental anguish, the day will come when you see your efforts amounted to less than nothing.

I will finish this, and eat you alive, mongrel.

Ahren Fournier
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 6th 2016, 2:11 pm by Ahren Fournier
(The scene opens with Flannery standing outside of Ahrens Locker room)

Flannery: Hi its me this time, lets just go in, I'm not knocking, I don’t care

(She opens the door to see Ahren standing in the middle of the room staring at her)

Ahren: Flannery babe, what brings you to my humble abode

Flannery: Why are you standing in the middle of the room doing nothing except staring at the door

Ahren: It’s how I spend my free time

Flannery: What?


Flannery: Yes I did, congratulations! I'm so proud of you!

Ahren: Ok relax.. You're too forward, take it down a notch, you're coming off as desperate... But yeah I got such high praise from the commentators too, future of EAW, future world champion, best looking modern sexual stallion ever created, your moms favorite wrestler…

Flannery: Well they did give you a lot of praise but I’m pretty sure you’re making some of this up

Ahren: No… I can read minds, they thought it, bat powers remember?

Flannery: Bats can't...….

Ahren: BUT ANYWAYS, Flan doggy dog do you know why I had such a stellar performance this past week?

Flannery: No, why…

Ahren: Isn’t it obvious??? I mean we literally just talked about it...My Trill bat powers kicked in into maximum overdrive!!!

Flannery: Not sure… that’s…

Ahren: I have completed Trill bat mode, I am now Ahren The Trill Fairy Fournier/Batman!

Flannery: Trill Fairy?

Ahren: Yes, I have gained these powers where every time someone does something super duper trill, I know about it. And that night, I come into your bedroom while you sleep, and I slip a quarter and a condom under your pillow, because everyone knows once you do something trill you’re guaranteed to get laid. That’s why I get laid all the time, because I’m the trill fairy. Oh and if it is a female that does something trill, they can get a little extra.. If you know what I mean.

Flannery: Yeah…

Ahren: I’m talking about me banging them Flannery god, keep up..

Flannery: No I got that... But you commit a breaking and entering..

Ahren: No Flannery, I'm the Trill Fairy, its not a crime, I have permission..

Flannery: From whom?

Ahren: Life

Flannery: Life doesn't... That doesn't... Wait Trill Fairy?.. you’re a fairy alright…ha ha.. I’m so funny

Ahren: Wow, real proud of yourself for that huh? Excuse me? Was that a gay joke? It’s those kind of insensitive remarks that will get this company sued. A little class Flannery, gay people have enough ridicule that they have to go through from a day to day basis. What have they done to you that effects your life so deeply you have to make a joke out of theirs? Hmm? And by the way, I get vag all the time so that comment doesn’t even make sense. I’m sure you’ve seen all 5 of my porno dvd’s. Pretty sure you were in one of them…. You know if I was a dragon, there would be fire coming out of my nose, and mouth right now.. because anger.

Flannery: You’re right… Sorry.

Ahren: So anyways, seeing that I’m super trill bat man now, and clearly the super powers from last attempt worked so well, I thought, and realized I shouldn’t stop there, I’m gonna get even more powers!! I’m gonna get even more super Trill.. Trill!

Flannery: What p…

Ahren: TRILL!

Flannery: Wha..

Ahren: TRILL!

Flannery: Ok…

Ahren: I assume you’re trying TRILL.. To ask what super powers am I trying to get now trill…

Flannery: Yes

Ahren: Aquaman powers duh..

Flannery: Like talking to fish?

Ahren: YES FISH POWERS ACTIVATE! I can gain gills, and flippers and talk to fish, it’ll work wonders!

Flannery: In what way is this going to help with anything…

Ahren: Well Flannery I’m prepearing for the future, the future is coming, I’m feeling like there will be underwater matches, outer space matches, and I want a leg up on the competition. Also I don’t know if you’ve ever wrestled a match, but there’s a lot of sweat, I could drown out there. So if I have gills, no drowning.

Flannery: Alrighty then, And how do you even get these.

Ahren: BEHOLD (He tears off a sheet that was covering an aquarium tank with fish in it)

Flannery: Ok… I don’t know if I need glasses but not sure how I keep missing these giant things in your room…

Ahren: Trill..

Flannery: Anyways… How does this work.. The powers I mean, how do you get them

Ahren: I go into the elemants, become one with the fish, they accept me as their own, I become Aquaman..

Flannery: Right.. Well go on then.

Ahren: Right.. Trill

(Ahren goes to the tank, rips off all his clothes aka his pants bc he never wears a shirt. Positions himself above the tank, takes a deep breath and goes in. He’s submerged with the fish for about 5-10 seconds and pops back out.)


Flannery: literally in there for like 5 seconds…

Ahren: It’s not about the time stupid fool, it’s about acceptance, and the fish have gave me all their knowledge, and ability to breath underwater..

Flannery: Ok go on then, breath underwater.

Ahren: No time for that, I have a match to get ready for!! Against one John McAdams! Ahren The Trill Bat Fairy Fournier Aquaman is ready for you. Y--- Flannery you can leave…

Flannery: Literally no idea why I even come…

Ahren: Ha, you come in hopes that I get you to cum…

Flannery *Huff* (Flannery leaves)

Ahren: You are already scared, you’re scared of my ultimate power, and I understand that. Maero wasn’t a true believer in the bat powers, but he definitely felt them. He bowed down to the king of all! The Crown Jewel of EAW, The Modern Sexual Stallion, The Trill Fairy, The.... Ok well I have too many nicknames try to keep up. It seems to me that you have a bit of a drinking problem Mr McAdams, you know the first step of recovery is acceptance. Accept you have a problem, and soon you can get rid of this disease. Which will be good for you! I understand why you got drunk, you didn’t want to come to terms with the cruel reality of your other problem that you have to deal with, me! Which is quite a problem to have, because you see I have these powers coursing through my veins, I’m a new man, fairy, fish, bat.. And you can’t beat that. You win one match and you think you’re the best guy on the roster? You think you’re the next top guy? Who do you think you are me??!!! I do that, that’s not for you to do. You’re not up against Keelan, with Nathan in your corner, you’re all alone this time. No cheating your way out of this one bucko.. I said bucko… Why did I say bucko I’ve never said that in my life.. I hate this, can we rewind to a point in life where I didn’t call someone bucko? No? I regret everything… Anyways, if you’re coherent enough to respond to me, you may do so, I’m giving you permission. Normally I try to refute everything my opponent says and try to tell them why they’re wrong, but this week I can’t, because you didn’t try to neglect everything I have done. A new interesting approach and I commend you for that. EXCEPT!! When you called me Ahren Fourniercator… I call my fans the Fourniercators so don’t steal my things and act like you came up with them! But I’ll give you a pass because you weren’t in the right mindset.. THIS TIME!! Next time I’ll slap your lips so hard that they spin around, and you’ll be talking out of the back of your head, because I hit you so hard… yeah. You want to be the future of this business, you want to be me? Get bat powers, be trill, stop being an embarrassing alcoholic. Then maybe, just maybe, you can be halfway to me. Or do something you don't even believe you can do, and beat me. The true future of EAW.. Ok I got to stop getting nicknames, I have too many for real, it's hard to keep track of. See you MONDAY!! Not Sunday, because y’know, they changed it up this week, keep up chap. But hey, do something trill, and maybe, just maybe the Trill Fairy will show up!

Kevin Devastation
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 6th 2016, 8:07 am by Kevin Devastation

(The screen begins to static and then turn to a black and white filter over everything that comes across it. We see Kevin Devastation standing around a few broken mirrors and each one of them shows his reflection. He begins to turn and see the camera with a huge smirk on his face.)

Well here go man, HERE WE GO INTO THE NEXT AGE OF DEVASTATION! Myself, the true Gift.of.Devastation, the G.o.D himself brothers, is gonna reign down on all these punk ass jabronis like the holy ghost, one more time. It starts with that snot nosed Devawannabee known simply as V, one letter in his name for each time he gets to grace the ring with one Kevin Devastation, one letter in his name for every time he gets to lose to Kevin Devastation in a match on Dynasty, one letter in his name for every Grand Rampage he has one and failed to capitalize on it. See V, you had a great chance a few years back, then tried to be the pretty boy David Copperfield, then let your brother...right...come out and prove that he wasn't anything more than wack ass fool with some facepaint kid, and that right there ain't ever gonna fly around the G.o.D and I am glad you fools remembered that before I decided to grace EAW again. And you know what else has been pissin me off lately man, this whole mask thing you got going on, this whole look you got. Are you starting a Revolution? OOORRRRRRR...Are you just trying to recycle something that you lost with already, and simply think that the second times the charm. NOPE, NO, WRONG BROTHER...

(KD wags his right hand pointer finger at the camera while picking up a stop sign with his left hand and looking at it sarcastically. He then puts the sign down and uses his left hand to stop his right pointer from wagging anymore. But he opens his palm and points to it.)

You see V, see this right here, this right here is where a Revolution can start, this right here is where people can start doing things there way, by using their hands, not some dumbass mask you think is so special. You think I did things my way for all these years because of some mask, or do you think that I have my Hall Of Fame ring because of what I did with my hands? I can tell ya slick, it is option two this time. And my hand, the hand of a Legend, the hand of an Icon, the hand of a Hall Of Famer, A World Champion, A HAND OF A MAN THAT HAS REVOLUTIONIZED WHAT IT IS TO BE HEEL. I HAVE TRANSCENDED THIS DAMN SPORT, THIS DAMN BUSINESS, THIS COMPANY, AND KID I HAVE DONE THINGS IN THIS PLACE ONLY YOU CAN DREAM OF! And I did it, not with some fake ass mask and some fake ass fans who buy merchandise to look like me. I did it with me and me only V, Never forget that, and never forget that you are beneath me, you are below the status quo that is Kevin Devastation, that is Legend status, that is the Gift...of...Devastation. 

Enjoy your seat V, because on Dynasty you come to the learning tree and get a front row seat to show you exactly what runs this place. And I'm gonna use it to smack you down on the ground so you may sit forever and see that you just ain't cuttin it this time slick. That you'll never be able to cut it against Kevin Devastation. And that nothing you ever do behind that mask is ever gonna amount to anything other than just being some dumb punk who Kevin Devastation defeated in the first round going to House OF Glass. 

Devan Dubian
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 6th 2016, 4:08 am by Devan Dubian
It must feel bitter to always feel so neglected by the masses despite being under the same trials fellow elitists have had to go through, Jacob Senn. And there is a reason for that, it is almost absurdly hypocritical but it is the one thing you claimed I clicked and that is the galvanizing desire to fight. You have always stood up so straight and walked a linear path, there is no emotional or ambitious story behind you so what people end up reading in the paper about Jacob Senn is usually the same kind of person that they see inside the ring. There is nothing unique about you when you enter that ring, what is expected is delivered and that is not to say that you are not talented for that would be absurd to claim considering how far you have made it in EAW but rather that people like to follow a herd that can bring them the thrills of being both at the top and at the bottom alike. I, alone more than anyone in this company have brought the most affection out of the people because I have constructed a perfect dark horse story that can be made into a feel good movie one day. In enduring the bottom pits of being ill-fated in world title matches, I was able to inspire a movement within this company where everyone felt compelled to subsidize in me regardless of whether they supported my point of view or not. I built and reaped that respect from every single competitor that I faced down in the ring and that came with a price of burning many bridges behind but at the end of it all, I am a revered elitist part of the most prestigious group that this company has to offer. However, I never took you as an elitist who wished to be revered so much. I thought you were more about business than its subtleties but it seems that even so irregularly, a robot is able to release his desires and emotions. Your work is good and your loyalty to bleed red for this brand is probably second to none as I so claimed a few weeks ago in the brand warfare but to claim that you are superior to me inside that ring shows how off track you have been with my career in the past year and a half. You were right to claim the matter of fact that I have never walked away victorious in any encounter and I am not bruised enough to deny those claims but I will ask you to retract and remember that those encounters have not exactly been so forthright as one might expect them to be. Plus if you wish to use those as your merit in entering the war zone with me then be my guest but be fully advised, a prince who you once faced eventually became the king and took the world by storm with his reign. I know you would like nothing more than to declare a direct victory against me to not only build your propulsion heading into a world title match soon but to also build your ego, however I happen to have different plans. You see, the clock does not stop, rather it keeps on ticking and not everything goes according to fist so I am going to pelt your head you into the ground and make you remember exactly who your senior is around here. A cultivated estate marked by some noticeable wins does not get you respect around here and you especially do not demand it from anyone but if it has been this long and you have yet to realize that then there really is no hope for you in this case, Jacob Senn. I will once again become the liberator of the people after I defeat you on Dynasty this weekend whilst you go back to your slumber of insignificance once again and ultimately realize the vast difference that lies between our skill because I.. am exceptional in every way.

It would seem that instead of indulging in handshakes with a fellow elitist to affirm my challenge for the Hall of Fame, I was mercilessly attacked by Hades. The man who went into the Hall of Fame besides me was the one who decided to step up and face me in a contenders match for the Hall of Fame title and if nothing else, it should turn out for a very ironic few weeks given the matter of fact that I am going to be beating the man who I think is probably least exemplary of holding that title. It is safe to say that you have had your own share of good moments in this company marked by aberrations of noticeable events but as I told my current opponent, it is simply not enough to be enshrined with the most prestigious. There needs to be both a complete foundation and estate laid down so whenever the name of a certain Hall of Famer is brought up, they are easily able to envision and what exactly it was that made them stand out and be so enormous. Hades is the exact antithesis of that because not only has he proven himself to be sub-par in more than one situation in the past, he figured that since no one else on the roster wanted to fiddle in his game of 'Hell' anymore that he would come out and seek a match with me knowing all too well what happened when we met in the ring only a few months ago the weekend after we went into the Hall of Fame. There was no bag of distortion or deception, I did what I simply had to do and that was put you down. Most people expected a match for the ages between the two new Hall of Famers in the limelight of the new Dynasty era but safe to say that Hades let them down quite fast after I was able to make swift work of him. We have been compared far too often due to the generalization of our generation but never have I seen you par on my level and I refuse to do so to this day so when you go out there and claim you will overstep me for this chance at the Hall of Fame title, I cannot help but grin knowing how duped one can be. I have a target on my back and I am not unbeknownst to being attacked both during and after my matches but that is the effortless part. Your real challenge will be entering that ring with me in a real verified match and pulling one over on me which I can perfectly assure right now is not going to happen. Your gift of blessing has ran a bit too long Hades but after House of Glass, it will become perfectly to you and everyone else just how unexceptional you are and just how much more select I am.
La Diva
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 6th 2016, 3:29 am by La Diva
[The Scene opens where La Diva is sitting down on the Eaw Bus while Max A Million sits beside of her]

Max:  is this seat taking La Diva.

La Diva: Um no go for it.

Million: thanks La Diva.

La Diva: anytime Max.

Max: last Thursday on Empire you was walking in the back hall when Erica Ford ran you over with her arm shoulder when she hits your arm in knocked down your cup of Coffee in the back and then now you will compete next week on Vixen's Empire you will face Autumn Raven next Thursday on Empire So any Suggestions La Diva.

La Diva: Well u see Max. the reason that I was walking in the hall for a reason is because I heard a foot steps running in the back and that's when Erica Ford came arm rushed me for outta nowhere in now Autumn Raven was talking dirt crap about me cause I was in a traffic because I didn't have a match last Thursday cause I had a Segment instead of a match but if she want me there on Empire then I'll face both of them in a Handy-cap match next Thursday on Empire.

Million: La Diva can u even make it to Empire next Thursday.

La Diva: if only hows the match gonna be cause once I step foot inside of there Empire ring then I might get an Opportunity for a Specialist title at House of glass or Shock Value cause I deserve this match on Empire weather Cleopatra decides me to face Autumn Raven or Erica Ford next week on Empire on Eaw.

(La Diva leaves out of her seat when Max A Million Continues talking)

Max: there u have it folks cause in seven days La Diva will make her debut on Empire when she faces either Erica Ford or Autumn Raven in her match on Empire on Eaw.

Million: So we hope that La Diva can get her revenge on Erica Ford and Autumn Raven next week on Empire whenever they let her get an Opportunity for Kendra Shamez Specialist title on Empire next Thursday on Eaw.

[Camera Scene fades when La Diva heads back to her Dressing Room before her match even begins next week]
Tig Kelly
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 6th 2016, 1:48 am by Tig Kelly
2 for 1 on redheads is always such a damned good deal. I must thank mi amigo TLA for always welcoming to the Poon Palace with open arms, we Irish know how to play hard and it seems the Mexicans follow the trend very well...but as cordial as everything is I always work harder than I play so its back to business as usual. At House of Glass I get to reclaim the fame, re-light the marquee with my name, and I've already reignited what was once so encapsulating about my career. One year ago I was on top of the world surpassing my peers, but its always dug in the back of my mind that I haven't seemed to accomplish one thing on my road to the top. I won a title, I defended it, I pretty much sent old man Rosso on the road to retirement after knocking him out cold in the Chamber! But all of that fun was kicked off with a goddamned loss to TLA at House of Glass 2015 and its haunted me even as I carried gold on my shoulder. TLA and I have had drinks together many times and through every smile I was gritting my teeth watching that belt sit on your shoulder thinking that it should have been mine. And now as I sat across from you last week I found myself with the same teeth clenched smile looking at the Interwire Championship and I WILL NOT let this shit go this time my friend. 
I will not repeat history.

With my eyes on the prize it all starts with this little demonstration this week, because as much as I would love to just train towards beating on TLA the powers at the top deem it fit to throw low tier talent in my way. This is going to be an exercise of what I can do outside of a no DQ match and just how truly vicious I can be when my mind is in it and there is no Donny Diamond to take the focus off of you TLA. I'm going to hit Hurricane Hawk with every strike I know, I'm going to stretch this man's limbs out every which way until he's screaming for mercy! Then just before he reaches his limit...Just before his hand hits the mat to submit to my will I'm going to let go of the hold and drive a Mafia Kick through his temple as the referee watches on in horror wondering if he should call for medics or stop the match first. When there are rules applied there is only so much I can do so forgive the lack of creativity in there this week, but come House of Glass when we step in between those ropes and the bell rings...I'm going to open my mind to the possibilities and free your mind literally from that skull of yours.

Enjoy the show twice as much for Hawk this week from the monitors TLA, because he sure as hell won't remember it.
Bhris Elite
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 6th 2016, 1:25 am by Bhris Elite
I don’t even want to be in this series of matches to be honest.  I don’t care what number I enter the scramble in whether it’s first or last.   See only guys who have no faith in themselves to win the match.  Like my opponent this week for example.  He wants to win this match, he NEEDS to win this match in order to bring any relevance back to his name again.  Want to why this is?  Because it’s news when he does win a match.  I mean were so used to this man losing time and time again that when he actually does pick up a victory it’s pretty much a shocker.  And I know Nick is going to switch this up and say the same goes for me however he couldn’t be anymore wrong.  See I won the little matches on Showdown or Dynasty I did what I had to do however during the big matches like Pain for Pride shit like that, that’s when I failed to show up.   You on the other hand can’t win regular or big matches.  Now of course I’m not saying I’m proud about those moments because of course I’m not however look what it led up too.  I am now the New Breed Champion I am now setting trends with my popular hashtag.  The fans adore me more than ever and I have my new T-shirt is a top-seller.  Now Nick thinks the same will happen to him and he thinks beating me will all lead up to his big moment.  Yet again though Nick finds himself on the wrong side of town with this thoughts and predictions.

As much as I don’t want to compete in these series of matches I will do what I do with any other match I’ve been put in lately and that’s walk out with the W.  I will take all these words you will have towards me these next couple of days and make you look like an idiot when my hand is raised and not yours.   You have nothing to worry about though Nick because it’s not the first time this is happening to you and it’s certainly not the last time it’ll happen.   To be honest with you guys though Nick doesn’t really sounds like he wants this title.  Nick sounds like he deserves more than this title and then just like me I’m sure you guys looked up the history to back that up.  What makes Nick think he can just go around saying stuff like this and just like me you guys couldn’t find any legitimate proof of what made him say such a thing.  Now Nick if I were you especially the way the things have been looking for these past couple of years I’d take whatever opportunity EAW gave me to win a championship instead of mocking them and trying to convince them you deserve more when you deserve much less than this.  See what I’m doing with this title? I’m making it relevant again, I have a series around going on right now that revolves around me and my championship.  I have guys trying their absolute best to make sure they can come out last so they have energy left during the last couple of minutes during the match.  While I’m just trying to prove the point that whether it’s a scramble match or even a one on one match none of you can beat me.  
Nick no one has ever been scared to face you not now and not ever.  After you lose this match after you lose this whole series not earning a single point and then losing at the Supershow I suggest you take that as a sign.  A sign to call it a career and hang those boots up, I know how much you love the sports analogy’s so let me break it down like that.   After this next big show Showdown has after you lose again and lay your down in shame and failure it’s time to do what Kevin Garnett did.  It’s time to do what Tim Duncan did, it’s time to do what Kobe Bryant did and that’s give up.  Only difference is you won’t be known as a legend.  You will just be hung up on a poster with a bunch of other failures in EAW telling the new guys not to be like them.    Now however say you do somehow beat me (This week that is because there’s no way I’m losing my championship to you) what does that get you Nick? Woopity do you beat the New Breed champion for a chance to decide when he wants to enter a match but when that big match comes you still fail no matter the number entrant you are.  You know what you get Nick?  You get bragging rights and that’s all it’ll ever be… Bragging rights.  Nothing less and nothing more Nick Angel no matter whether you gain all the points or not you will be the laughing stock of not just the company but the whole entire world.  This match or at The Supershow will be no different from any other match you’ve had.  You will fail you will fall short of the victory and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it but bitch and complain about how you should of won but didn’t.  You know same old shit just a different day right Nick?
Autumn Raven
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 6th 2016, 1:13 am by Autumn Raven
EAW Promoz! - Page 26 AaK3mU7

"Dying Embers"


Autumn taps the end of the stylus against her lip, watching the news unfold before her eyes on the TV in front of her about the hurricane currently tearing up the ocean at the moment, set to make landfall somewhere in Florida and continue upwards along the coast.  It had already ransacked Haiti, a country trying to rebuild after the last natural disaster that hit it and residents in the US were already bracing for its eventual arrival.  Past storms to come through had taught residents living in that area to be ready to get the hell out or board up and hope for the best before the storm hit.  She was lucky to live on the other side of the world in Cali where it seemed nothing out of the ordinary, save for storms and the occasional tornado to pass through.  Nothing like hurricanes ever showed up.  Not like they did over there.  She shook her head slightly, letting out a sigh as she continued to watch the news report on what was about to make landfall and what damage it had already done so far.

”Part of me is glad I’m not over in that part of the world, and part of me is wanting to get my ass up out of this chair and do something for those that have been and will be affected by this.  It’s tragic man, that people are gonna get their shit fucked up by one damn storm system.  Haiti got bounced around real good…again.  Just needs to stop.”

She twirls her stylus around in her fingers, seeming to be deep in thought about something.

”I tell ya though, another part of me wants to get out of this chair and go do what I do best.  Not make a kick ass taco but put out the fire that is Nicole Fyre.  Cute girl, terrible sense of what’s right and wrong.  Terrible sense with what’s about to happen.  I give her credit…somewhat…for stepping up and being the first one to throw out the first pitch so to speak but that just gives me the ammunition to use to come back like a freakin’ freight train and run right over her.  I don’t take any liberties with anyone, I don’t sugar coat nothing.  What you see is what you get.”

She chuckles, tilting her head.

”Empire…Empire is the new thing to arrive in EAW.  The hottest thing since….since the latest season of Gotham.  This isn’t just a show for anybody to come waltzing in on, no no no.  This is the show brought on by the top guns just for the best of the best, the Vixens.  Yes, we have our own little show on EAW now.  We’ve got everyone there, well except for La Diva who probably got stuck in traffic somewhere.  No one cares about her anyway.  It’s all about us, and we are damn sure gonna put on a show worthy of being there.  Can’t let anyone down, now can we?”

Autumn frowns as the news goes on commercial, freeing her from seeing the Doppler of the incoming hurricane.

”You can consider me to be the quiet one of the bunch, the black sheep, the Vixen who just doesn’t quite fit into the mold that the other Vixens do.  People step up, they talk about me, then they get into the ring and then they find out the real truth about who and what I really am.  Just like he did a long time ago.  But enough about that, let’s move onto business.  Ever since I’ve been on this program, I’ve been in tag teams after tag teams, never a chance to show off one on one.  That makes me sad.  I’ve had fun winning with these other girls that I’ve been with, but Christ I want a chance to shine all on my own, and not have to share the spotlight with other people for once. 

That battle royal a while back?  I won that sucker.  Yeah it was me, all me.  I remember you being in that match Nicole.  That was your first little match here in EAW.  Something to break you in, but it wasn’t gently.  Did I enjoy watching you fall?  Of course.  Did I enjoy winning?  Hell yeah I did.  Did I enjoy losing to Tarah Nova?  Fuck no.  That stung more than anything, losing to Tarah.  Was my first chance to fight for a title here in the company, and it sucks that it didn’t go in my favor but even you have to admit that we brought down the house in that match.  A couple of grade A Vixens doing what they do best.  Tarah proved that night why she was worthy to hold that title, and I proved why I’m worthy of being champion here one day.  You may not give a damn about what I think, but I don’t care.  Those are my aspirations, my dreams.

What are yours?

To walk forward, to reignite this fire that you supposedly have burning inside of you, all because you had some sort of epiphany after losing to Reina?  To win, to be a champion?  When are you gonna stop and wake up, smell the burning ashes of your next loss?  That fire you rekindled is gonna get put out and stomped into the ground, never to be seen again.
That’s not a promise, it’s a warning.”

Autumn looked back down at her tablet, dabbing at the screen as the scene fades to static.

Tarah Nova
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 5th 2016, 9:20 pm by Tarah Nova
Partners In Crime---Thursday Night Empire#2
“You'll never take us alive
We swore that death will do us part
They'll call our crimes a work of art
You'll never take us alive
We'll live like spoiled royalty, lovers and partners
Partners in crime
Partners in crime

This, the tale of reckless love, living a life of crime on the run,
I brush to a gun to paint these states green and red,
Everybody freeze, nobody move, put the money in the bag or we will shoot,
Empty out the vault and me and my doll will be on our way,

Our paper faces flood the streets,
And if the heat comes close enough to burn then we'll play with fire 'cause...”
Ha! I choose to not fit in, Cameron? You actually believe I chose to be different. That I chose to be someone that didn't wanna be with the girls like you? God, what a laugh that is. Cameron, I remember the old days too. I remember trying to walk in the line that you and Kendra laid out for vixens. You don't understand how many times I tried but I quickly realized that I didn't have to be like you or her--period. I didn't  have to be a sweet vixen; who is the princess that only is caring about Glitz & Glam because that's not wrestling. And sure, you two are legends. You two are most definitely Queens but not of this generation. See this generation is for the outcast and the Vixens that don't want to follow in your footsteps. It's for the Freaks and Geeks. The Nerds and the hipsters. The Cool Kids on the Block; not the grandmas on the corner. This era of  EAW shouldn't be to be wasted because this is the first time in four years The Vixens are getting chances. We today are on covers of magazines, getting our  own TV show and now our own brand. And I'm saying as in all of us. Every single Vixen in this division. It's not all about you and Kendra and HBG. It was never about you three. Frankly, I believe you three shouldnt even be in the Vixens division anymore despite everything that you have done for us . I say that because you left us in a time of need. Actually all three of you did. You left us in the dust for titles in the male's division. Now as amazing as that sounds, we needed you--or so we thought. Over Time we realise we didn't need any of you and once you left everything blossom. More Vixens crawled to this division; waiting and wanting to make a name for themselves. And that's what happened. We were rewarded a Vixens Championship after it was vacant for almost a year. It just makes me laugh that you girls just come crawling back to the Vixens once we get an actual the division stabilized. You say everything happening was because of the OG Vixens but I disagree with you. The reason why the Vixens division is still standing is because of me and the girls that I stand with. After my injury I came back to this division because this is my home. This is where I belonged. I came back to clean house and make sure the right ladies made it to the top. I'm not talking about myself. Sure, winning The Vixens Championship was only a bonus for me back then. Anyway my point is Cameron,  I didn't go running off to play with the boys because my division ran dry. I mean I could have but I chose not to because that's not the Vixen way . That's the poor man's way out of a problems that were big. But now, after I and The Sirens rebuilt this division and made it into the Empire that it deserves to be; you and the other to decide to return. Now You honestly believe The OG Vixens are the reasons why this is happening. I know you think that but I also know deep down you know it's a lie. Though now you stand here together, Thinking you just come crawling back to the vixens division Thinking that you three deserve to stand in the ring with me and the Sirens. God and I thought Kendra was the stupid one. Cameron, you speak about an unbreakable bond between you three but history speaks differently. I know once upon a time you girls didn't get along and I know it was ugly but you wanna know something? Unlike the OG Vixens; The Sirens have never been at each other's throats. The Sirens’ bond is the strongest thing in the division to date because we know each other. We know what we're thinking and who's it's about. Just by a single glance, I know what's going through Cailin's or Aria’s  head. You see, The OG Vixens  may have accomplishments and Championships on your side but you don't have the love and the heart for this division. You don't have the skill and the mindset to be a Female Wrestler anymore. You need to face the fact that this isn't your division anymore. You need to understand that the Vixens division is not lead by couple drag queens like yourself, no. It's lead by Me, Aria and Cailin. It's lead by the three best vixens in this division today and there is not a damn thing you three can do about it. So go on, Cameron, open your mouth about how we shouldn't be at the top and how much my Freakshow won't help us, it won't change the face that in the end it's going it be The Sirens standing in Victory tomorrow night.

Now wait--- I truly cannot believe you have the guts to even fuckin’ say that, Cam. ‘I was getting sick of Vixens like you, Aria and Cailin getting your moments in the spotlight while us Vixens kept waiting for our opportunity.’ Let me repeat that last part. ‘waiting for our opportunity’ OUR, meaning you, HBG and Kendra? [Tarah starts laughing loudly, echoing down the hall] WHAT!? You're opportunity came and went, miss HOF. You, along with the others, have had opportunities to reach for the gold and make it into the kingdom. Hell, You all have been at the top of the Kingdom for years. I mean with the others, you three have had opportunity after opportunity to get spots and you think you deserve them now? You think you deserve opportunities in the Vixens division now? I can't...it just kills me how thick-headed you are being and egotistical you have become since the last time we have faced. You used to be the White Knight of the Vixens division. You used to stand for the Vixens and fans that now look up to me. Oh how the tides have turned and how I have become the leader of the pack while you of all people stare me down. You have become a shell of what you once were. I feel like it happened after you lost pathetically to Jamie O'Hara---oh wait, shit, too soon maybe? Ha, Either way as I was saying, you claiming that you deserve opportunities is the funniest thing I have heard all day. You girls think we were handed opportunities? Carmen, you of all people know I had to work my ass off for  almost two years for my first Championship match against lethal. And Cailin? She was thrown around countless times and has finally caught a break. And yet, you stand here saying that you took an opportunity last week and for what? The show the EAW universe that you girls still exist here? Well if that's the opportunity to make a name for yourself once again, then you did it. You made your presence known and you also made me pissed. So congratulations on opening new wounds and making an old enemy out of me. I hope you're ready, Cameron because you can bet your ass we are. We always are.

Oh And finally...You, Kendra Shamez. Jeezus. It brings a smile to my face that you believe your going to get under my skin with the comment about me not having a championship or a trophy to call my own. Do you truly think I care if I have one or not? Kendra wrestling is my life, my blood and my soul. Getting to stand in the wrestling ring with my sister's is the best trophy of them all because I've been dreaming about this team for a whole year. And you? You honestly believe I would get jealous over them and their things THEY DESERVED? Once again, Kendra your blonde roots are speaking for you. Just like you said that you believe the oldies are better because simply they are on the same wrestling level but that always isn't a good thing. You and I both know that. No, I know for a fact that the Sirens always will overcome the OG Vixens in one way or another because frankly each one of us are so different. I'm a risk-taker while Cailin is most of a technical wrestler and Aria; she's in between. And all together, we form one hell of a wrestling machine. We are unstoppable. See that's how being different makes it so much better. It shows that yes, we have flaws but where one has a weakness the other one could be strong in. We keep each other up and we always keep fighting for our own. All while you three sit there, filing your nails, trying to make everyone believe you OC Vixens are the best of the best but that's wrong. I mean of course it's wrong---it's you Kendra. You're wrong most of the time. But still, you think you're such an original badass. You think wrestling is all about how the EAW Universe see you but it's not. It's not about who you fuck and what's around your waist. Wrestling Entertainment is about your ability in and out of the ring. It's about the heart and the soul that you give every night in order to perform for these freakshows. See that's not you. That was never you. All you do is lie and cheat for others to win. You don't take chances in the ring. You don't put your body on the line anymore. All you do is bitch and moan about the same thing and how great the OG Vixens are but no. Now I think it's time for us to prove you wrong. Yeah I like the sound of that. Like I do everytime I Stand the ring with a fellow sirens, We will be proving you wrong. Even if I'm alone; I will do the same thing. Kendra, after this tag team match I will be taking my Championship back and I will be showing you just how Tarah Nova truly is. But till then, it's time for the Sirens to show you just how a Tag Team truly works.

Believe That.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 5th 2016, 8:54 pm by Nobi
I did what I want to do last week. I beat JJ Silva the former New Breed Champion to let everyone know that I’m still here, ready to take on anyone and everyone who’s standing in my way. I told everyone that as long as we fight, as long as we never surrender, great things will be coming to our way. My hard work and my dedication are leading me to the success that I keep chasing on. Slowly but surely, I’m becoming one of the best technical wrestlers that this company has to offer.

My opponent this week, Rex McAllister knows it. He clearly understand it. He knows that he can’t underestimated anymore. He knows that I’m a big threat in this Scramble Series Match. He knows that he has to bring his best to beat me.

To be honest Rex, I don’t really care about what you have said or what you have done to me because in the end of the day, you are just a fellow wrestler like me and everybody else in this business. I never allowed words to hurt me but instead, I always welcome the insults and the critics because truthfully, I need them to build up my confidence and my motivation to break the cell even more. We may not be best friends Rex, hell, perhaps we will never be friends at all, but I really appreciate it that you are 100% serious to bring more than your best againts me. For the first time ever, you and me are going toe to toe againts each other. For the first time ever we will faced off againts each other under normal stipulations. The queston is, are you ready to bring your best againts me?

My A-Game is 100% fine and ready to be unleashed. You better pray that your’s is too. If it’s not, there’s no shame in backing off until you are ready. Truthfully, I always want my opponent to be on their best where I can show to the world that I’m just a better wrestler than you really are. You can call me names or showing me some respect for all I care because my current intentions is just beating you this Saturday to earn some good momentum and points for this Scramble Series match. Good luck pal, you’re gonna need it.
Jacob Senn
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 5th 2016, 6:51 pm by Jacob Senn
The chase. The thrill. It’s all what we live for.

If you have a desire for success and to thrive in this industry, there’s one thing that you chase after: world championship gold. No matter the brand, no matter the background, gold is what you seek. For gold brings power, riches, fame, and everything that you could possibly want from this sport. What do I want? Power, riches, and fame are all excess to me. All of it is an additional treasure to the golden trophy that I crave to have draped on my shoulder. Respect, however, that’s the end goal. For far too long have I been lacking the respect that I’m due, the respect that men like Tyler Parker, Xavier Williams, Brian Daniels, and more are just handed on a silver platter from the people. No matter what they do, who they do it to, they are supported. People rally behind them and cheer for them, hoping and praying that they will find success, and my opponent for Dynasty is no different. Respect and adulation are just showered over him at a whim, because of his struggles that he was dealt with, but I see now why Devan Dubian had those struggles to begin with. Lack of motivation and drive to succeed, the same drive and motivation that should make a world champion, led to his inability to break through and shatter the glass ceiling that was holding him down for years. Something snapped in him, however. Maybe it was enough of the criticism where he was told he would never become world champion, maybe it was the massive amount of support that drove him up to success, or maybe he just had a lucky few nights to claim that championship for his own. Either way, Devan was able to seize the moment. He was able to defeat StarrStan and Brian Daniels at Pain for Pride 8, holding the Answers World Championship for the first time in his career, and reigned. However, Devan Dubian would rest on those laurels and be complacent. It was evident in his defenses as Answers World Champion where he did indeed defend, but there was no passion behind it. The fire was doused out, from being placed cast into battles and wars where you weren’t the main focus, left to watch these men destroy themselves before you took the scraps like a vulture, until a man of great notoriety and talent superceded you in the Elimination Chamber. The world champion of Voltage wasn’t given his proper moment and then, faded into ash. Now like a phoenix, you want to rise out of that ash and reclaim the gold that you once had. Like me, you want the respect that a world champion should be given, you desire to reclaim the position as the greatest wrestler in the world, but that title belongs to one man: Jacob Senn.

I’m the best in these days, Devan Dubian, and I have proof that it won’t be you to derail me in my endeavors to become World Heavyweight Champion. Every moment, every match, every battle that I’ve had with you, the ending has resulted in the same. Whether someone has ran down to the ring and made me climb on their shoulders or if it was when I beat you in a roll-up to earn my way into the main event scene, I’ve always been the one to take you down. You’ve never gotten the better of me, never been able to bring me down by your hand, and it won’t start now. Not on the Dynasty before I begin my reign as world champion, for I intend to make sure that I walk in with all the momentum on my side. You want to put a stop to do that because of your desire to be Hall of Fame Champion. You want to be the one riding into House of Glass with a victory to your name have the world know that you intend to win BUT IT WON’T BE AGAINST ME DEVAN! IT WON’T! I WILL END YOU IN THAT RING BECAUSE JUST LIKE LUCIAN BLACK, THESE PEOPLE ADORE YOU WHEN THEY SHOULD BE ADORING ME! I’VE RISKED EVERYTHING FOR THEM TIME AND TIME AGAIN AND WHAT DID I GET IN RETURN? NOTHING! When I came onto Dynasty, no one cared about what I had to say or wanted to do, but their ears sure perked up when Devan Dubian’s name was written on that paper and they heard you were coming to town. You were going to be the man to represent Dynasty, but let’s be real here, you don’t give a shit about Dynasty. Just like Lucian Black, just like everyone else, gold is the driving force in your decision-making! I fought for Dynasty, for the respect of the people in Dynasty and EAW as a whole, but that wasn’t going to happen. I had to compete with all of the HEROES AND THE MYTHS THAT WERE WALKING AROUND ME! I HAD TO STAND UP AGAINST MEN LIKE YOU THAT NO MATTER WHAT I DID TO SHOW THAT I WAS WORKING HARDER, PERFORMING BETTER, OR EVEN BEING MORE SUCCESSFUL THAN, YOU WERE STILL THE ONE THAT THEY RESPECTED! NOT ME! I fought for this place, but now I fight for the thing that I will force EVERYONE to give me: respect. Once I drive your skull into the canvas, once I defeat Lucian Black and be crowned World Heavyweight Champion, I will have the respect that I should have gotten LONG ago! So I want you to sit back and enjoy yourself, Devan. Enjoy the limelight while it last BECAUSE I INTEND TO SHATTER IT ON DYNASTY WHEN WE MEET!
Cailin Dillon
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 5th 2016, 4:03 pm by Cailin Dillon

Empire #2
It would be very easy for me to point out the nonsensical tones of the arguments Cameron Ella Ava makes so often. Instead, I’ll just point out the simple truth of it all. You might have accomplished a lot in your career, but apparently at the core of it all you are nothing more than a loser. You blame your performance at Empress of Elite on a point system. You had every chance to make the finals under your own will. You had a damn playoff match for god’s sake. But sure, blame it on the crooked rules and try to cloud the fact that the truth is in the details. I know what happened. I was there sitting peacefully in the crowd and watching as the match ended. As your journey ended. And now you claim this is the plan you had in your back pocket all along. You always have a plan, yes. And in this case the plan was to stand behind the two champions as a lackey for their cause. You are a woman who fights for this division one minute, pushes it’s competitors to new heights because you believe they are capable of more and then in one breath decides that someone is taking her spot. We all plan for the future. All of us. At least the ones of us that are worthy of standing at the top. You claim I’m acting high and mighty. Why, because I joined the very cause that means to stop what you three are trying to do. It doesn’t mean shit that I’m the Empress of Elite. It’s a nice accomplishment at the end of a traveled road. But underneath it all I’m still the same Cailin Dillon. I still approach all of my matches the same way. I still fight in the same gritty style and battle like it could be my last. The only thing guaranteed from that crown is a title shot. There’s no power with it past that. My focus sticks exactly where it should. Winning my next match. Improving after each match. Getting a little bit better every day. That will never change, Cam. That’s what separates me from so many others in this company. I don’t know why you feel so inclined to focus on the past with Aria. You’re so obsessed with talking about present and future, yet you use that past an example to show that she somehow is less accomplished because she became champion and then lost. Don’t let yourself believe the lie that Aria is scared of a rematch. None of us are scared of any of you. We don’t have a reason to be. But you’re driving a narrative everyone knows is false. I’m not content. This crown is a piece of metal that sits on the shelf where it belongs, collecting dust while I focus on the next moment. That crown is for people to talk about in the future, when they reflect on my career as the best Vixen to ever grace this company. Even better than any of the three of you. That’s my focus on the future. I will never be content. I will fight on forever and ever until they tell me I can’t do it anymore. Even when I get my title shot and I become a champion again, my work will not be done. Don’t be such a naïve bitch. We’ve all held titles, and we’ve all lost them. The advantage in that department? You three have been here longer. I guess you three spent a great deal of time getting too comfortable at the top. Guess that’s the common trend all along then, huh? HBG was sure comfortable at the top with Hexa-gun, until I ended that. Kendra was sure cocky about what she was going to do when she made the Empress of Elite final. Nope! You told me I was a failure, and I was done. And I took you down before that tournament started. You three are the most predictable game in town. And how sad the three of you are to boast about your achievements as if you deserve anything more than the right to fight for more chance. Now you’re trying to protect what’s left while you feel this newer generation closing in on you. The pattern will go as this. You will try, and you will fail. In the end, the strong will rise to the top. I’ll quote what you said to Tarah directly. “There is no doubt that I’m going to let the opportunity of defeating you go to waste.” Welp, you said it.
Kendra you just make me laugh. Congratulations on taking the consistent route among your peers. At least two of you built up the Empress of Elite tournament to really mean something. Well, until you lost that is. As soon as that happened you were done. Keep thinking you’re something special because you walk around with the very title that I built, and the very one that HBG would fight so hard for only to turn around and shit talk it in the next sentence. I won’t just send shockwaves through the battlefield when I cash in this shitty trophy and become the nightmare of your little group, I will drop a bomb right into the middle of the OG Vixens that completely shatters this façade you three are holding up. This was your territory and Cam’s and Claudia’s. But you wasted your opportunities to hold on to this long ago. You came back and you challenged the guard that was meaning to take your spots. Now we’re going to throw you out of your chairs and take your seats at the table. You do not call the shots around here. You don’t control the futures of the women that aspired to be like you. You built this Empire, but then you lost it. We’re here to take it right out of your hands. In fact, we already have.
Stephanie Matsuda
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 5th 2016, 3:58 pm by Stephanie Matsuda
Empire Promo #4


Silence filled the majority of the ride back home from Reina Kenshin’s gym. Angie, who was too distraught to drive, leaned against the window, her sullen eyes staring out at the window. I opted to drive while Andre and his boys went back to The Heights. There wasn’t much I felt like saying after our little encounter with Serenity, mostly due the girl revealing her trap card in our metaphorical Yu-gi Oh match. Neither of us were willing so say what Serenity ‘might know’, but I wasn’t naive. Everyone in the community knew about the complicated history of Michael, Angie, and Eric. Eric for all intent and purposes was a gangster; while he and Michael stopped gangbanging years ago, their street cred was still prevalent to this day. Instead of going the way of Jay-Z and Nas, they took a liking to the ring instead of the recording studio. Michael was more of a talent while Eric had an affinity for the promotion side of the business. Angie, a former women’s amatuer boxer in her own right, used to spend time around the boys back at Gleason’s Gym. That’s where Michael and Angie met...after she broke up with Eric Royo. While Mr. Royo was a gentleman and let things be as they may, Michael’s later indiscretions caught up to him, forcing Angie to confide in her ex.

How did I know all of this? I was present during a conversation between Michael and Eric, weeks before that fateful night at the Elmcore Center in Corona, Queens. They wasn’t aware I was close by and the words exchanged wasn’t kind-

Okay, okay. I knew what you’re thinking. As the pieces begin to fall into place, the more I denied the inevitable possibility that there was more to this story. I would have to talk to Serenity, but I’ll give her a feel days to cool off. In the meantime I’ll need to play detective with the War Party and have a little one on one chat with my ex-fiance. Serenity just placed herself in an awkward situation in the fight for her freedom. Ironically this made her more of a prisoner than when she was banned from taking part in the business by her father. He didn’t want his baby girl to get caught up in the politics of it all. And if my instincts were right, he also wanted to keep her out of danger.

Danger that she placed herself right in front of.


(The scene opens up to tired Cloud sitting in a chair in her room, staring at the camera. She’s still wearing her hood over her head while a Dunkin Donuts coffee sits on the table next to her.)

Haruna, tomorrow we fight again. Our past exchanges always ended under dubious means and tomorrow I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens again. Maybe a blast from your past will come out to save you. Maybe I’ll summon the Sanatorium on your sorry ass. Or maybe HBG will get impatient and cause to to fail once again. So many decisions, so little time. Listen Sakazaki, I barely paid attention to your last promo. All I saw was you spouting the same bullshit about how stupid Claudia and I are, and how you’re the better fighter, and blah-blah-blah. Call me when you got new material, kay?

(Takes a sip)

I’ve had a long day sweets and the day’s frustrations is going to be taken out on you. I’m going to hurt you Haruna Sakazaki, know and understand this. The clouds will never breathe for you. All you’ll see from em is the thunder and lightning of my wrath. All you’ll hear are the war drums of my rage. I’m going to put you down like the Old Yeller bitch you are. I hope you found a pasture because that’s where I’m putting you. Aight, enough trash talk for one day. I’m going to rest well tonight dreaming of all the painful things I’m going to do to you. It’s my drive and among some of the things that keep me wet at night. 

Adios mamacita. 

(Puts up a middle finger and turns off the camera)
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 5th 2016, 3:35 pm by Rhyse

(Raymundo Rhyse is seen sitting in a small set of stairs, the stairs that lead to the inside of his mansion. The Los Angeles sun shines brightly, as a ray of light reflects off his aviators, and into the camera lens. Godlike, and almost motionless, Rhyse stares off into the distance, as the rustling of the cameraman's feet step closer to him. Without hesitation, the well-dressed man speaks.)

I told you so.

Two weeks ago, I had what most of you people would like to call an “upset victory” but really, what was so upsetting about it? Did you people genuinely think your beloved Diamond Cage would win last week? It's funny, because I'm asking all these redundant questions, yet I know the answers—you know the answers. Sometimes it helps to dumb things down for the masses though, so hopefully by the end of this message, you know exactly where I'm trying to get at.

(Rhyse pauses, then lowers his head.)

Two weeks ago, I waited and waited—not just for DC to give me an answer, but to see what the the top tier of EAW is made of. If one of these cabronés is stupid enough to disappear after facing me, then it's clear very clear to see what this company stands for. Two weeks ago, many people saw their hero fall victim to a "slumlord from Compton". Likewise, that same "slumlord" is the same man who seemed to pull off what very few have been able to do: to stare fear in the face and render it nothing but a meaningless four letter word. But instead, what people choose to believe is that I am inexperienced and "just lucky". Then again, I am used to the idiotic majority putting me just below everyone—in my mind, all I see is the future getting rid of the past. Little by little. Piece by piece.

(Audibly, he last three words were said through his teeth. As he lifts his head up, he also stands, the camera slowly panning up, as though admiring a timely work of art.)

It of course started with Diamond Cage. You're next, Lucas Johnson. Right off the bat, I can tell you’re no better than DC. You say that you hold respect for everyone contending for the Interwire Championship, but any man que tenga un cerebro would know that having too much of something will leave you weak—most importantly, it leaves you unbalanced. So here’s what I propose to you: drop your respect for me because I know you don’t mean it. I’ve made it at least clear to you that I am not here to win over any alliances with any of you mamónes. What I am here to do for you, however, is to give you a little insight to your future—our future. You see, this Friday, the machine will break, just not in the way you’d think. My message here is very simple. To annihilate the past of EAW and to render its former virtues obsolete. And you people may be asking why must I start with Lucas Johnson? He has feeble mindset. Lucas, it does not take training to defeat me—all it takes is your head and your words. And while you’re also busy reliving your past, allow me to remind you that you cannot revive it. Meanwhile, I, Raymundo Rhyse, am far too busy rewriting history—furthermore, I’m cleansing weak men such as yourself clear out of EAW.

In Rhyse we trust.

(Rhyse then tucks his sunglasses into his suit pocket and smirks at the camera. As the cameraman steps back, Rhyse turns around and is seen walking back into his mansion. As the door slams shut behind him, the screen fades to black.)
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 5th 2016, 3:29 pm by Angel.
This is getting ridiculous. 

As shown in my encounter with the Lioncross, I dominated the man that is supposedly the next in line to be a world champion. My dominance was rather running North and South against a man that stole the very briefcase that I coveted. I showed everyone to the world that I am not trying to be a somebody. I AM a somebody in EAW. I showed everyone to the world that I didn’t need to prove anyone that “I still had it” in the eyes of my critics. I showed everyone to the world that I am capable of dominating anyone on the roster regardless of their reputation and guess what happened to my spell of dominance? It resulted in a rather unacceptable result to me. The thought of dominating someone that stole away an opportunity that you fought so hard for, then stealing away a victory that would establish a platform that would assert your dominance is cringeworthy. It makes me sick to my stomach that I have been asserting myself as the clear better individual than whatever Lioncross put out against me….only for him to be on the fortunate end. I am asking to myself, when is this nonsense of ridiculous going to end when it comes to me dominating a supposedly superior opponent, only for them to walk away on a lucky note? When is this notion of me, asserting myself as the better individual of the night, only for nothing to show for it? 

And what do you know, I might as well be preoccupied with this New Breed Championship bullshit for a while because for a month? I am going to compete as to who can gain the most points as a mean of selecting your own place for the New Breed Championship Scramble Match. Now, I do not think the New Breed Championship is exactly the most prestigious championship but if history has shown anything? It is the recent key to eternal success. It is the gateway to superstardom, something that I have every bit of desiring. It is simply a title that leads to THE title and while some may think a veteran like me would be offended by the notion of going after arguably a midcard championship? Contrary to popular belief in that I am offended by the notion of being in this tournament and being entitled to a world title shot, I realized my situation politically. Politically speaking, the establishment is at odds with me and you think they will give me a world title shot to a man that doesn’t like the status quo one bit? The establishment would rather give a world title shot to an overhyped rookie that boost up EAW’s merchandise sales over a man that has all the credentials and the resume to be a main eventer. With that being said, it is time to resort for me to not wait for an opportunity that will never come from the establishment. It is time for me to take matters in my own hand, my bare hands that once decimated the locker room and have many in the back being frightened whenever I was going against them. It is time to take matters into my own hand by establishing myself of what it is like to be a winner as opposed to a chicken running with no head by being all over the place status wise. After all, I have been in various trials such as a world title number one shot, tag team match along with Cash in the Vault. But that was because I allowed the establishment to choose the path for myself. No more.

I am taking matters into my hand by taking the New Breed Championship to establish myself as a winner. It may not be the most prestigious championship there is in EAW, but you know what? My reputation in the eyes of many whenever they hear my name, they look at me as a perennial underachiever. My reputation in the eyes of many when they look at me, they don’t fear me. They just laugh at me. And it’s not just veterans alike, even the rookies are laughing at me. They laugh at me because of my unfortunate luck even though I have been asserting myself as a total workhorse. They laugh at me because I have gone through a downfall that would’ve let many to acquit their career. But the thing is, I have gone through a downfall that few would survive and because I am the few that is surviving to not only make a living but to rise from the ashes as a man that would be stronger by going through a struggle?  They should not sleep on a man that has been through everything a man shouldn’t go through in a magnified sense. They should not sleep on a man that has all the capabilities of exploding on an individual while making him look like a government mule. They should not sleep on a man that might be considered a laughing stock as to what he has become, but you know what? I dare anyone to laugh at me. I dare anyone to laugh at what I have become. But I am WILLING to dare anyone to laugh at what I will become. I am WILLING to dare anyone to laugh at a man that aspires to take a few necessary steps before living up to the billing of the Gathering Storm. Those few necessary steps call for the New Breed Championship to call my name. The New Breed Championship that is a gateway for success while amassing the endless amount of opportunities while reigning as one. And in this tournament? I get to kill two birds with one stone by putting the current holder of the New Breed down and out while asserting myself to have a head start on everyone. I get to assert my own destiny. I get to assert that I don’t need to resort to a mass conspiracy against me. Because at the end of the day? The jokes are all on me if I don’t gain the most points and letting the establishment choose whatever godforsaken order. It happened once before earlier this year, but I’ll be damn if it occurs again. Except, I am establishing my own destiny and no one, I mean no one from this tournament can take it away from me. Even if it is the man that thinks he’s changed because he’s a champion. But I will show the entire world that he’s all but a champion in name. 
Black Sven
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 5th 2016, 3:06 pm by Black Sven
I killed a wolf out of a pack! I left a wolf without balls last week! And this week! This week I am given another coward! Another fool that needs the help people around him to win! This time no wolf, but a spoiled brat! I guess I am stuck into this position of beating people that need others to help them out! And now a rich kid that stood only on his father's money stands up to wrestler with four bodyguards protecting his back from any harm that any match might give him! Fine! Come all you weak and scared, come in front of me with all your people! For if there is strength in numbers then the numbers need to be taken down until it's only one on one, a true test no cheating or falling back!

Showman got a little boost from his win last week, after he won against Ramsay! But in what a way did he win? With help from his buddies! What does that prove in the end? Oh, that is right! He is a coward! You ego might of gotten a little bigger but it's for nothing. Ramsay called himself a wolfslayer, but he wasn't able to saly any wolf in the end! Don't look at me like this will be the same! I killed a wolf and destroyed the second in command of this Wolfpack! And here you stand with your group at ringside waiting for the moment to strike against me like they stroke at Ramsay last week! But the chances of them doing their job is small!

What is there left now! What mistery is there to you Showman? What do you hide? You might say alot! But in the end you hide nothing! And that is the best part about you! There is nothing to make someone wonder what you really are! What you really hide in that walking corpse of yours! There is not bigger puzzle to be solved in more than a few sights! You are as simple as you are rich! Such a cog that stays there in plain sight, no matter how blunt it is to show it's self off it's still another part into the machine! Another brick in the fucking wall, standing there only to be taken down! No matter how much money you might throw around and how many bodygurads you will pay, there is be no escape from my hands! Nothing to save you from I am going to do to you!

It's a simple cycle! In the end no matter how many people, how many underlings will come to attack, I am going to get my hands on you, and if need be I will take those goons out one by fucking one. Until the path will be clear to you! And it doesn't matter if you will stand there fearless at the sight of me or if you will fall on your knees out of fear, because imagine what I can do to you if I leave behind me a road of destruction made from the blood and bones of the people you gave money to! And that will be just another day of hunting, just another round of bullets flying in the air before they kill their target! Just another normal day in this life of mine!
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 5th 2016, 11:41 am by 『zakkii』
EAW Promoz! - Page 26 14547734_1773441782935781_452752908060983296_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTM1MTU0NjIxMTgxOTUwMzgyOA%3D%3D

Haruna is seen backstage as she leans on the wall while adjusting her hair. With her optimistic look, she begins to talk to the camera while looking away from it.

Haruna Sakazaki: Oh, the war is getting so much intense now on Empire, huh? The OG Vixens raised their war flag to conduct a war against the newer vixens –even we all know one vixen is no longer new– but eh, whatever. It's all become a trending topic all over the world. And here I am.... leaving myself all behind to crawl from the very bottom, doing what I think I supposed to be to fight all those people who stepped inside the ring and JUST fight. I avoided some dramas they make for everything they are doing inside that ring because for me, that squared circle is not an opera stage. That is a battlefield for me, I'd rather pull back and fight people who really intent to just fight as well than I have to be involved in a puppet show you all just made. I am here to do something I love, I give in my every passion inside that ring with all my best with a hope that everyone can appreciate what I do.

Haruna Sakazaki: But sometimes.... things that you love don't always love you back. You can keep giving all the best that you can get and sometimes you aren't receiving anything in return. My family and friends keep checking me and make sure that I am alright despite of some devastating losses I get in all of my career and those vixens.... those vixens are keep asking me "why are you still here?", "why are you still doing this?" And those people still object me that I supposed to be done years ago at Pain for Pride 8 but I am still doing this. Because this is what I love..... And this something I love is the only thing I have now. I will always do what I love and do what I live for no matter what they say about what I'm doing right now. Nobody can make me stop doing this rather than myself as for now.... I just can't stop. No matter how many bitter defeat I've had, no matter how many humiliating loss I've ever experience, I just can't stop. I just can't stop to give all I've got until now.... until now, the challenge has been given and it's only I can answer all the doubt surrounding my path.

Haruna Sakazaki: Now listen, Heart Break Gal. Yes, Cleopatra gave me this challenge because she clearly looked at your downfall. Yes, I learned something that you found this division from Cameron. You are the pillar of the house named Vixens Division where I was there to rebuilt the place after you abandoned it. Cameron was there to see me rebuilding the trust after nobody cared about this division at all. After one vixen try to destroy your legacy while I am the only one stood there to defend the pride of this division. Where were you at that time? Still sitting on the nice commentary chair, huh? Cameron saw me coming since the vixens division that you abandoned it crumbled in pieces and look at me fighting for this division and she is the only OG that feel my presence here not as a piece-of-shit that you always object me. Why? Because Cameron saw me fighting! Cameron experienced the time when we step in the same ring and fight. Now ask her, ask who I really am to her. I respected her because even she thinks she's that bitch who rules the world. She honored this match against me even you looked at me as.... yeah, whatever you looked at me. With that kind of match, I don't even regret of losing to her. I don't even regret losing the critical point that supposed to make me lead the Empress of Elite block without any single defeat. I moved on, in fact, I would love to see her again no matter the outcome it would be because... we respected each other. Now how about you?

Haruna Sakazaki: I know, I am so aware that respect is earned, not given. The way I will earn your respect is not by begging or demanding you to give that. I'll do it with my way. I am so blessed with this challenge Cleopatra gave to me because in this match, I will show you the way I earn the respect from you right in front of naked eyes. You can call all my training and preparation a bullshit but I will fight and win with this bullshit against the one who underestimated it. You called me not ready to claim that title... okay, that's fine. I give you a lot of freedom to tell me anything about me. But I'll tell you something, I have been through all the bittersweet path that any of these vixens ever experienced. I've done it way too far and I've try it way too hard to make my way in this business than you've ever imagine. HRDO, Cleopatra keeps calling me to go back to the vixens division even I already betray the place that makes my name big, because why? Because they wanted me to become a joke? Not at all, that is because my place is here and even I don't get any appreciation I deserve to be here, I am looking for it by myself even if I have to dive in to the bottom pit of this division to find it. You think I am a nobody? Fine, I did what you say to be there with the other bunch of nobodies but look what I've done there, I am not winning against them, I dominated them Every. Single. Match! As for now, it's time to raise up my rank slowly and oh boy.... meeting you is just too fast, huh?

Haruna Sakazaki: Now, you are just that same vixen who ALWAYS love to live up the past. Showing off how goo you were before and how much a piece of crap I was before. But I am different..... I learned from the past and use it to fight another day. And I learned something... It doesn't matter to be a strongest, be a quickest to recover. After my loss at the Young Lions Cup match and the match with Cameron, I quickly bounce back and continue to score another victory and I will do the same this week. It's such a rough match for me and look impossible. But I've been through so many impossible things and I am not hesitant to do the same. I don't care who you think you are right now whether is the dominant bitch that USED TO run this place or just an old lady who is on the verge of her career just like what Cleopatra told me about you. I don't care, I will fight as what I am now and you will witness how I fight after I crush Cloud Matsuda right in front of your eyes. You want to make your title looks so credible? Then fight me with all of your heart like I am going to do once I meet you. Because I'm not here for all those dramas, I'm here for a battleground that will happen on that ring. Or you can keep patronizing me, underestimating me and fight me not with all the seriousness because once this piece-of-shit knock you down because you are so full of yourself, that will make your title look so cheap on your shoulder. Watch me destroy Cloud Matsuda because she looks like you, thinking that I can't do this.... because this could be happen to you as well.

Haruna walks away from the scene until she realize something as she stops her step.

Haruna Sakazaki: Oh, yeah about Cloud Matsuda..... I only want to say this a little thing to her about what she said. Yeah, everything she said clearly showing her own stupidity even more. I am still on the way of think that I am better than her and I can give 1000 reason of why I am better than her. So you better shut up and put up your best fight before I crush your jaw so you will never talk again. She told me to learn something from her? Hmph, an imbecile trying to lecture something is like a monkey trying to teach a fish how to swim....

Haruna walks away while mumbling about Cloud as the scene goes fade to black.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 5th 2016, 11:05 am by Guest

Last edited by Reina Kenshin on October 14th 2016, 7:18 am; edited 2 times in total
Jon McAdams
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 5th 2016, 3:34 am by Jon McAdams
Jon McAdams
The Survivor
Voltage Promo #1

EAW Promoz! - Page 26 28357819553_3577697af0_o

Camera opens on a shot of Gary, on the phone,  standing in front of an office door. McAdams can be heard laughing behind the door.

“Do we really want to keep doing this? He’s such an a-”

“Jerry? Is that you? Why are you whispering outside my door? Have you come to interview me after my GLORIOUS victory?! COME IN YOU CHUBBY FUNSTER!”

Gary sighs, placing his phone in his pocket and beckoning the Camera man into the room.

“Have you heard?!” McAdams is sitting on an office chair with his laptop on the desk in front of him. He has a bottle of wine open on the desk and is drinking from a glass in his hand. “I just got my first victory right here in EAW. I destroyed Keelan. That fool should have never stepped up to me!”

If I’m recalling, wasn’t it Nathan Fiora who gave the victory to you with the distraction?”

“Jerry. You are the opposite of Coffee in the morning. You unpleasant weasel. I told Keelan if he didn’t keep his eyes on me and take me seriously that he was going to get hurt. And sure I’ll give Fiora credit where credit is due. He put that miserable old man back into retirement but it was I who scored the W tonight and if we never see that sad sack again it will be The Survivor who defeated him last.”

On the screen of the laptop is a video of McAdams pinning Keelan for the three count.

It’s on repeat.

“My second match on Voltage and I beat the number one contender for a championship”

After cheating, and getting help from -”

“Oh Jerry, if you try and ruin this moment for me, I’m going to break your head in with my cane.”

Have you seen who your next opponent is?” Gary shifts uncomfortably and pulls out his phone. “Ahren Fournier. He had a match tonight against Maero. You should check it out. It’s pretty impressive.

“Alright, let’s see who the Survivor’s next victim is.” Jon takes the phone and watches the match with a smirk on his face. As the match continues that smirk slowly dissolves into a look of concern. “Huh… He’s pretty good.”

You should see his work,” Gary grins as McAdams turns to his computer and begins looking up videos of Ahren’s matches and interviews.

15 minutes pass as he watches Ahren decimate opponents and say absurd things behind the scenes.

*From the footage*
Ahren: I thought, hey maybe I could become like batman and have bat powers, and be super trill

“What.” McAdams takes another drink.

Before McAdams finishes the videos he’s gone through two bottles of wine and is sweating nervously. He turns to the camera.

“Alright, I see what happens. You reach success, and start becoming the pinnacle of this business right on your debut and management wants to stomp you out”

“What.” Gary says flatly.

“They want to put their golden boy in the ring with me. Their golden… shiny… *hiccup* brass monkey *hiccup* Ahren Fornicator… heh… heheheheheh… hahahaha. Come on… that’s funny Jeff. Laugh with me.”

“It’s Gary and you’re drunk.”

“You shut your mouth when you’re speaking to me, Janet. They want to call this guy the future… I’m the future… I’m the present… I’m a present! I’m the survivor and I’m not afraid of him.”

You seem concerned

“No no no no… They just wanna stop my momentum. But only I can stop my momentum. I’m a brake on the wheelies of this Voltage train. And I’m going to the top. Ahren… this sunday you step in the ring with The Survivor, no games. You don’t get to play games with me. You don’t get to put my name in the trash. I’m going to show you and the rest of the world that I’m not just some squash match to build up your rep…. Rep… reputation.. I’m going to break your knees with my face and…. Wait what? Um… You have til this sunday… I’m coming for you… Your dream… is over.”

McAdams falls over.
Aria Jaxon
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 5th 2016, 1:12 am by Aria Jaxon

If I didn't make it clear enough before, I appreciated your honesty, baby girl. You said it yourself, it takes a real grown-up to be able to swallow their pride and look back on their to-do list and admit that maybe, they didn’t tick off all the boxes as quickly as they’d hoped. That’s realism. But, it’s foolish not to quickly follow that up with putting your nose back to the grindstone and getting your head back in the game. It took a lot for you to own up to your supposed shortcomings, but I wasn’t the least bit surprised by the attitude you've used to tackle it all. Win or lose, you’ve been shining since you returned. You’ve proven why all those other candidates were passed over and you were the one chosen to share the ring with me for that Young Lions Cup match. You’ve shown that the confidence placed in you has never been misplaced. I know you well enough to know that you don’t take no for an answer. Then again, me knowing most of what you’d say word for word could also boil down to the fact that we’re very much alike. And no, not in that rude ass “Aria Jaxon ripoff” way that Kendra alluded to. We’re just kindred spirits, and we've felt that way about each other for years now. We look at all of this in a similar fashion. We gave so much of ourselves just to get a foot in the door in this business, and neither of us has stopped busting our ass a single day since then. We both have faith in ourselves, and we’re willing to stick to our guns and mow over everyone in our path to get to the glory and the gold we both know is ours. So often, we each deal with people who are different from us in their approach. So many times, we’ve each tangled with the Harunas and the Veenas and the Stephanies of the world, who really are more miserable than anything else. You get used to addressing them a certain way. You get so accustomed to coming off defensive and spitting out rapid-fire one-liners drenched in shadiness that it’s almost refreshing to stand toe-to-toe with someone so similar you’d swear you were looking in a mirror. That’s how I feel with you, BB. It’s how I’ve always felt. Tracing from the developmental days until now, there’s always been this weird sense of familiarity that accompanied each of our meetings. If I know anything by this point, you can match me step for step and move for move in that ring. If I go right, you go right. If I go left, you go left. We can put each other through our paces and wait for the other one to slip up, because hey, that may be the only window of opportunity we get to end the match. It’s gonna be wild. I couldn’t be more ready for it, and I know you feel the exact same way.

If I’ve learned anything over the last year or so, it’s that throwaway matches are hard to come by. With the state of the Vixens division, with everyone being so hungry and reaching out to grab any possible chance at taking another step up the ladder, gone are the days where you can really afford to brush off any opponent, as unimportant as they might seem. I never regarded you that way, of course, but I know what it’s like to be viewed as such (even if my resume takes issue with that). I know it's happened to you before, too. You wanna cement your place. That’s what anyone in your position would be trying their damnedest to do, but going down with an injury put a hitch in your best-laid plans. Just like I knew you would, you bounced back quick as hell, but your motivation for everything is still the same -- you wanna advance. You wanna kick ass and take names. You wanna prove you belong in the main events and marquee matches with a handful of the rest of us big-ticket Vixens. A fire’s been lit under your ass, and your ambition is what struck the match. That alone is reason enough for me to be smart enough not to be treating this like a tune-up on what might seem to be just a one-off match on a normal Empire to anyone else. Nah, I’ve been waiting on this for a while. We took a roundabout path back to a one-on-one meeting, but we’re here nonetheless. I know they say there are no friends once the bell rings, and honestly, unless you’re tagging with someone and you gotta work toward a common goal, it’s true. You don’t owe me anything, you don’t gotta play nice, and I’m positive you won’t. You’re hungry for a win, and you’re gonna treat me accordingly. From bell to bell, you’re not my friend. Honestly, when you’ll be looking at me for the duration of that match, I wonder if you’ll see an opponent...or an opportunity. I know you know you’ve potentially got a lot to gain by beating me. Who the fuck knows? You could use beating me as a springboard to go on some huge uptick. The Young Lions Cup holder, inaugural Empress of Elite, former Vixens Champion, and free-per-view main eventer falling at BB Vita’s feet would definitely be something to hang your hat on. It’s no easy task, but if you did it, you’d have bragging rights. You’d have done something not many other people can say they’ve done. You’d be able to make a name off of catching me slipping, and that is why I can’t accept defeat here. Don’t you get it, BB? If you beat me, it’s a notch on your belt, but if I’m momentarily off my balance, then all that I’ve got going on now is called into question. It makes me look shaky. I just notched another successful Cup defense. I put Marco away, and no disrespect, but how is it gonna look if I come off of laying out another Elitist only to lose this match? It wouldn’t be my finest hour. If I was to go out there during our match and give it my all -- which you know I will -- only to come up short, I wouldn’t be able to look on the bright side. I wouldn’t be able to take solace in putting on a barnburner with you. No, I’d be too caught up in having lost when I shouldn’t have. That’s why I won’t. If you beat me, it represents turning the tides for you -- at my expense. I can’t let that come to pass. If I win, it’s just business as usual for me. I’m coming to Empire to do what the world at large expects of me...better yet, what I expect of myself. I wanna see you get that career-changing win. I’ll be all too thrilled for you when you notch that victory that sends you into another stratosphere. I’m sure the voice in the back of your head is telling you that chance is rolling around for you on Empire, but I respectfully gotta disagree. Oh, that day will come. That opportunity will be staring you in the face sooner rather than later, because you’re talented as all hell, BB. In no time flat, BB Vita will take home that defining win that signifies just how high her ceiling is.

I just won’t be the one to give it to you.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 4th 2016, 10:20 pm by Rex32
Showdown Promo # 1
"Fight On"

Last Week

To Whiskey Jack - “Cheating challenge? Look, Jack. All I can tell you is that I would rather succeed or fail while retaining my dignity than cheat and have no honor”.

From Whiskey Jack - “This Saturday, Rex, you and I will do battle, and I'll unlock another piece of truth, about you and about me”.

From Whiskey Jack - “I will fight with everything that I got. I expect you will as well. Neither of us is going to give an inch until one of our bodies gives out on us”.

Cherish: Rex is feeling the momentum here as he exits to the apron and grips that top rope…. He is waiting patiently for Whiskey Jack to get to his feet… Whiskey is up and he turns around… AND REX MCALLISTER WITH A SPRINGBOARD TORNADO DDT! THE REX EFFECT! BUT WHISKEY JACK DOESN’T FALL, AND HE DROPS HIM ON HIS KNEE! ATOMIC DROP! AND HE KICKS HIM IN THE GUT AND PULLS HIM IN! SNAP SUPLEX CONNECTS AND HE ROLLS ON TOP OF HIM AND HOOKS BOTH LEGS!

ONE!………. TWO!…………


ONE!………… TWO!………….


To Whiskey Jack - “Bring everything you got and don't let up, not even once, that way after our battle is over I can look down at you and nod my head with approval, and appreciate the fight you gave me. The good fight”.

From Whiskey Jack - “You’re going to see two men with a lot of pride and determination go toe-to-toe in one hell of a slobber knocker”.



(Ding! Ding! Ding!)

Ring Announcer: The following matc—





(Chris Elite unzips his jacket to reveal his New Breed Championship around his waist and a blue and yellow #AndStill t-shirt before walking off. Medics and stagehands quickly move in and check on Whiskey Jack and Rex McAllister.)

Never back down.

Never stop getting back up.

Never quit. Ever.

You can walk away from a fight, or you can simply fight until you can't fight anymore. Last week went pretty much went like that. Things went accordingly with the notable exception of course that neither myself nor Whiskey Jack seemed to care much for the referee's count, and therefore earned ourselves a double count out. In spite of that misfortune I think Jack found out the truth about me, and I found out that same truth about him. Neither one of us will go out without a fight in this New Breed Scramble Series, that much was made clear after our match on Showdown. That should serve enough notice to each other, and anybody that comes into our warpath.

New Breed Champion, Chris Elite, may think he is in control of the situation, but circumstances change. Chris Elite already understands the target on his back, and as he showed last week, that like any champion will do when their backs are pressed against a hard unforgiving wall of pressure, that he will do anything possible to keep the strap. He fought off Marx, barely. He even fought off my opponent in the scramble series this week, Nobi, in his first defense.

This scramble series kind of reminds me of the Empress Of Elite Tournament that just completed a few weeks back, where you can gain or lose points depending on the match results you yield each week leading up to the Showdown super show. The odds, they're favorable for me just as they were a couple of months ago. I think about that too, the odds. There will still be this lingering voice inside that will still try and tell you how you are wasting your time and ability on this, wrestling, how you shall continuously fail, how some tried and failed, why your prevailing slips are indications of your future doom, why you are unworthy to dare, why your background mismatches your vision and aspiration, why your personality misfits your mission and how arduous the errand is. You have a choice. You have your thought. You have what burns in you that tells you how you can make it. Though the world may be interested in your success, it is much interested in your slips and mediocrity as-well. Your vision must keep you in your mission. Dare in wisdom. Dare unrelentingly. Ponder!

Nobi, you don't like me, and I get that. I've treated you like utter dirt, like trash a lot this season. I can't take a lot of what I said back, and even if I could, I probably wouldn't because honestly I'm not here to make friends. In this business you have very few friends, and plenty of acquaintances. Part of what builds those relationships in this business is based upon the things we do in that ring. You still cling to that clean healthy relationship you have with your followers, and I respect that, but it's going to take more than that to see you through this week. Recently, you have started to hit your stride lately, and at the right time it seems. I don't expect anything but your best this Saturday on Showdown, and if you are really honest with yourself then you know you have another fight on your hands as well. The one we’re both good at. The good fight.
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