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Jon McAdams
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 1st 2016, 4:49 pm by Jon McAdams
Jon McAdams
The Survivor?
Voltage #1


McAdams kicks the door open to his study where Gary is sitting and writing. Gary jumps up looking terrified as McAdams walks over to his desk and slams his cane into it, snapping the cane in half.

“What?! Are you kidding me?! 2-4. 2-4. What do I have to do to beat this son of a bitch? What do I have to do to win?,” McAdams turns to Gary. His eyes are wide and bloodshot. “It doesn’t matter. We taught him a lesson. Ahren didn’t walk out of that match a trill fairy. But a broken shell. I’m still standing. That’s what I do. I’m a survivor. I’m THE SURVIVOR. I AM JON MCADAMS.”

“Hey man, are you ok?”

“Something needs to change,” McAdams says softly as he slowly steps towards Gary.

“Woah, hey, let’s just go get a drink, and we’ll call it a night, you’ll wake up tomorrow and everything will be ok-”

“You know… I think it’s got something to do with the company that I keep…” McAdams mouth curves up into a malicious grin. “I can’t get to the top of this card if I have people in my life dragging me down.”

“I wasn’t even the one out there man,” Gary backs up against the all sweat pouring from his face.

“Shut your mouth. You hold me back. You keep me stuck here. This was your plan all along wasn’t it? Make me lose. Make me a loser. Make me nothing and tell me you’re releasing a documentary,” McAdams roars. “Well, where is this documentary? Where is film that’s suppose to boost my career?!”

“It’s not finished yet, we still -” Gary is interrupted by a hard slap that knocks him to the floor.

“I need winners on my side. You are not one of them. I need people who have power, people who have class. I need people in my life that don’t lose. I don’t need you anymore. Gary Moore.”

“You said my name,” Gary’s eyes are wide with terror. “Man, I’ll just leave, it’s no big deal, you don’t have to do-”

McAdams slams his boot into Gary’s face. Gary hits the ground and tries to crawl away but Mcadams picks him up and throws him over the couch. Gary slowly stands and sloths towards the door.

“Fight back you parasite,” McAdams runs at him.

Gary holds up his hands to stop McAdams but McAdams slaps them both out of the way, grabs the back of his head with one hand and draws him into an elbow slice. Gary goes limp for only a moment before McAdams tosses him onto the center table in the study. McAdams then leaps up onto the desk nearby and off of it nailing the Head Trauma on Gary and breaking the table.

“I don’t need you anymore… I need change. And I think I know just who to turn too.” McAdams stands to his feet and walks towards the door before stopping and turning to the camera. “If either of you two are still here when I get back. I’ll kill you both.”

Camera Fades out.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 1st 2016, 4:34 pm by Guest
Empire Promo #1

During childhood
Our minds are just developing
We don’t know the difference between right and wrong
Only know how to have fun, by any means necessary.
Remember the game we used to play? 
We played while in school.
We played it with friends.
It was called 'Follow The Leader'
The leader would show you the way.

We followed along and did what he did.
He jumped. We jumped.
He clapped. We clapped.
He ran. We ran.
He snapped. We snapped.
And as you followed you knew
you were still in the game but then grew.

You stopped the game or did you? 
Are you still a follower in all you do? 
Some are born leaders and some are not.
So now what we have is a sorry lot
of folks leadin' the way
into deceit and moral decay.

It's time to wake up.
Get off the bandwagon
with its popular way to go.
That childhood game of 'Follow The Leader'
will never allow you to grow.
I've never believed in following the leader.
It's a dangerous thing to do.
For the road they are taking and traveling
may not be good to pursue. 
Now as an adult I don’t follow the leader
I am the leader
Leader of the Vixens Division
Leader of my Sanatorium Sisters
Do you trust me to lead us right?
Come with me, to the light!

Poem by Madison Kaline 2016

Finally, I get my match with Sheridan Muller, it may be non-title but I don’t even care at this point, because that will come later, mark those very words, also mark these words, the words that are about to pour out of my mouth, as I verbally assault the German loud mouth herself. Sheridan, I don’t like you, I really, really hate you as a matter of fact. It doesn’t have anything to do with your wrestling ablity which is pretty lack luster, the fact that you have won a championship with that move set, is quite laughable. It has nothing to do with your personality which is as dry as a bone laying in the dessert, how you have fans who even root for you is quite amazing actually. But no, the reason I hate you Sheridan is because of the fact that you get handed opportunities after opportunities to “prove yourself” whereas some of us only get a very limited amount of chances.  You see Sheridan, you obviously are kissing some major ass in the locker room, I have seen it first hand, and your nose is so brown it makes my poop jealous. You are mediocre at best, and you have turned your mediocracy into a Vixens championship which you lucked out winning, because you cashed in on a defenseless Heart Break Gal.  You didn’t win that title fair and square; you won a tournament that was fixed from the start didn’t you? And now you have your phony title win! You see Sheridan, you talk a lot. You talk way too much for someone who has been here for a cup of coffee. You talk the same shit each and every time you address you stupid fans, and it’s boring, it been boring since day one, we fucking get it you are German, and you think Germans are better. We get it you think you are the best, but let me tell you something sweetie, in order to be the best, you have to take out the best (Madison smiles and points at herself). Now if I recall, a couple months ago, you were bragging about how you “ended my career” because I suddenly went “AWOL”. Why I had to leave EAW for a couple of months are quite frankly none of your business, it’s nobody’s business but my own, but I can assure you of one thing Sheridan, I sure as hell didn’t leave because of you. In fact I was looking forward to destroying you, both emotionally and physically. And when I get my title shot, with the assist from the lovely OG Vixens, I will most certainly take your title from you, you see that title you disgrace every day of your life that you hold it, I once brought relevancy back to that title, because there was a long time that, that very title meant absolutely nothing, some bitch named Lethal held it, that just goes to show you how low that title got. I took that title and I ran with it, I made it mean something, I am the reason the Vixens have their own show, I am the reason the Vixens have the specialist championship, it is all because of me, and you, Sheridan you just piss all over everything I have ever done for this division, you are ungrateful and a bitch. You smell like pickles and you can’t wrestle, and yet you are fucking Vixens Champion (Madison laughs) is this really what this division has come to? You as its champion, pfft bitch please. You are nothing more than dog shit on the bottom of my shoe you peasant, you think you are all bad, I’ll show you what bad really is, I am Madison Kaline, the former Vixens Champion I have beat legends such as Cameron Ella Ava and Kendra Shamez, I destroyed the very soul of Tarah Nova, and I have headlined countless FPV’s, you clearly do not really know who you are dealing with, so I think I’ll remind you who I am on Empire, since none of these seems to be getting threw, through your thick German skull.  I have been waiting a very long time to get my hands on you bae, and when it’s all said and done, it will have been well worth it.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 1st 2016, 3:26 pm by Angel.
For every moment of triumph, I went from being on the cusp of success to looking out.

You know, I am getting a little tired of how the establishment is running things lately. They dare to put a supershow in the Alamo City, but they dare to not put the main attraction from the Lone Star State? What is this nonsense that we see an inconsistent Pizza Boy or a soft Tiberius Jones having more of an opportunity over yours truly? It seems like last year, we saw the Pizza Boy being destined for great things yet it only took him a year to actually get even close to where he wants to be. If it took him nearly a year to actually live up to his hype, what makes you guys think that he is more deserving of being the main attraction than me? Hell, it is not like his adversary in Tiberius Jones is any better. Tiberius looks for weakness within an opponent, but what if an opponent has no remorse whatsoever? What if an opponent such as I will do anything, I mean anything such as getting any pinfall whatsoever no matter how it pertains to the rules. Take a look at me as of lately, I don’t care about what these barbaric sheeps care about me. They never cared about me, to begin with, so why should I care about how I win? My main objective is to be a winner and being a winner I have done this year far more than the Pizza Boy or Tiberius Jones, yet it seems implausible for me to not even take a shot at the world champion in my home-state. I know the world champion may look unbeatable and looks like someone a guy that you couldn't relate to because he may have any soul, to begin with, but let me remind you everyone of this. I may have lost to Ares Vendetta back at this year’s Reckless Wiring but from every bit of confrontation I had with a man that is supposedly fueled by hate, intolerance, and vengeance, all I see was a man that was fighting with hesitation, pragmatism, and uncertainty. I know that I only I belong in the main event especially in the state of Texas. I AM the main event especially when it comes to Showdown having a supershow in the Lone Star State and the fact that I am fighting for a title that does not hold as much glory as the Answers World Championship is just another event of blasphemy that the establishment has put on themselves when it comes to me. 

And the worst bullshit that I can ever be in is being in the whole New Breed Series bullshit in where a pinfall does not even equate to the maximum amount of points. Why does the fuck making someone tap out earns you the maximum amount of point while pinning someone only earns you one point? Ideally, in a Championship Scramble Match which all participants are fighting in, by the way, you don’t give a shit of how you will get a pinfall or submission. Your main objective is to pin ANY of your adversaries regardless of the way you’re winning. It is why I believe it is bullshit that the establishment cater to those that are submission specialist in a predominantly community in which, the majority of us in EAW knows victory with a three count. I am a firm believer that it doesn’t matter how you win, it just matters that you win. Sure an ugly win is a win, but let me ask everyone this. If you win in an ugly fashion, does it means your opponent does something even worse to deserve a loss? If so, why is the establishment throughout the New Breed Series has been discriminating as to how we win a fucking match? 

Nonetheless, at the end of the day here I am sitting with four points, although everyone has one more match than me. Not coincidentally you say in the eyes of the establishment? But at the end of the day, I made my own bed by having one week off in actually coming on top of things in the New Breed Series if it weren’t for one man: Rex McAllister. Rex, you may have come up on top of the New Breed Series and hell, you may choose to be last if you choose in this whole New Breed Championship fiasco. But let me remind you, Rex, this is only halfway of the series that will determine who will walk out as the New Breed Championship. You may have been impressive the first half Rex, no one is disputing that. But it is the fourth quarter in which you stand out from being an ordinary talent and being someone that is elite. You know Rex, you got a huge target on your back because of your performances of the New Breed Series and you’ve been put in a spot that you are not familiar with: being a favorite. Sure you may not be the actual champion of our match, but the media and critics are going to say that you have favorable odds to win this damn thing because of the favorable conditions. But are they favorable conditions Rex? You don’t know what it is like to be a favorite in a high magnitude match. You don’t know what it is like to handle success because you are out there struggling to even be a somebody in EAW. The floor is all yours Rex, but I’ll speak for every one of my fellow adversaries in that when you do come out, you are going to be looked as someone that has success, but will all be tested to handling success. You may have humiliated me in the first half Rex, but I’ll be damn if you actually walk away with an actual victory over me in the fourth quarter. This is not about the title between you and I, it is about my damn pride and if you think you’re going to humiliate my name, my pride, my soul in front of everyone not once but twice? Think again. 

Look Nobi, just because you and I respectively have four points does not mean that you and I are equal. If you and I were equal, explain to me why I dominated the daylights out of you when you and I were meeting face to face in the New Breed Series, two weeks ago? I didn’t just win…..I OBLITERATED you and knock you off of your high horse and brought you back to earth. I brought you back to earth in which, you seem to not recover so far. Don’t give me the bullshit excuse of “Oh, I was just in my off week” when it was clear that if anything? I was the underdog heading into the match. I was coming off of arguably the humiliation of myself as a wrestler as I have tapped out to Rex McAllister while you Nobi, was riding a winning streak. It was clear who was pinned back to the wall and it was clear who was riding the coattails of success leading to our match. And guess what happened Nobi? I exposed you for everything you were throughout the New Breed Series: a fraud. I humiliated you in front of national television and you didn’t even stand a chance against me. I didn’t give one single inch to you because you were too busy trying to even to be an opponent to me. And just as I ascend my status over you Nobi, you had all the opportunity to shape your own destiny if you just beat either me or Rex at the end and what did you do Nobi? You choked. Which brings back to what I have said about you. You might be good against ordinary talent Nobi, but you are a weak-minded individual that can’t handle success. If you were a strong will person, you wouldn’t choke at the last two matches of the New Breed Series. 

Terry, I appreciate the compliment but I don’t like compliments coming from guys that I have no high regard opinion of. I mean, it is flattering to say that I am a thorn in your career but honestly? Quit acting like I will forever be a thorn in your side and act like you actually believe in yourself. Quit acting like I am this huge obstacle that you can't overcome. I am not resigning to any kind of defeat but you want to know how you match me in the ring? It is not a talent issue, it is a confidence issue. Throughout your career Terry, what have you done lately in EAW to actually boost your career? You joined the Omerta when it was pretty much on its last legs and JJ Silva as a leader? JJ Silva, a leader? Pffft. I question your sense of judgment right there, to begin with, Terry. What I also questioned is that why did you even align yourself with JJ Silva, to begin with? I have a theory: it is because, throughout EAW, you never knew what it is like to have an identity. You never pursued an actual objective of what you want to do Terry. You were directionless as opposed to being a talentless man. You let the establishment run all over your career and place you wherever they want to, as opposed to you asserting what you even want to be as an Elitist. You found hope that aligning with JJ Silva will get you a settled place, but what if JJ Silva went missing in action? You are basically feigning against the sharks all on your own and you think you are ready to go against the sharks in an ocean as opposed to being comfortable in your own pond? I doubt it. You think that taking your pal’s spot in the New Breed Championship Scramble match thinks that you’re going to not just win this championship from me, but actually have a direction? Get a clue Terry, you are here because JJ Silva sucks so bad, they had to resort to you as being a replacement. If you’re replacing an incompetent starter, it must say a lot about the replacement too. I don’t know if I actually appreciate the compliment Terry, but I do know one thing. If you want to win this New Breed Championship, stop making compliments to me and stop being a bitch

The last person, I am addressing, Chris Elite. You remember the last time we actually met, you advise me to hang up my boots? Keep on doing that again champ. Keep on advising that I should retire off to a resort in Florida. Because the last time we met Chris, I didn’t look like a static veteran that was in his last days. I made you what you are: a living scam that is residing EAW. I made you look like you weren’t even a champion when we were meeting and contrary to your belief that I am a sinking ship? I have defeated the man that defeated you in the New Breed Series in a convincing fashion too. I pretty much ended the career of the man you won your New Breed Championship away from this past Saturday night too. So it leads us to this Chris, you may have won the New Breed Championship but did you actually win the New Breed Championship or did JJ Silva actually lost the New Breed Championship? With JJ Silva being replaced from the New Breed Series along with being backstabbed by his ally, I happen to believe that JJ Silva would lose to ANYONE in the locker room because of the massive decline he has taken over the past few weeks. And that anyone happens to be a Chris Elite who may have exceeded expectations, but that is like saying Donald Trump looks competent when he actually needs to be presidential in a debate. Chris, you only won a title because a rising star just happened to be a living fraud and what have you done with the title exactly? Sure you have defended it successfully, albeit against Silva but you didn’t establish yourself as the man throughout the New Breed Series. You didn’t look like a champion Chris. You looked like a middling contender trying to even get a sniff in this New Breed Series. So it leads us to this, you pretty much won a title that anyone in the locker room could’ve won since JJ Silva was declining, you lost to actual competition which means you cannot perform in the brightest of lights. Oh, and by the way, you hardly look like a champion in any of your matches. With that being said Chris, you can call me a guy that is retirement-bound, I am going to call you as a man that is only a champion in name. You’re no champion of mine with the way you’ve been performing. You’re an illegitimate champion, even worse. You’re an illegitimate talent. Just like the rest of these mongrels. 
Veena Adams
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 1st 2016, 1:22 pm by Veena Adams
Ya know Ratface, I guess I had it wrong about you. Here I thought you were a former Empress of Elite, not the empress of half-measures.

Because I swearrrr, you take a stance and you turn your back on that very same stance like it's nobody's business. 

You know Aria, you really just defy all logic don't you? I mean, why be consistent? Why have logic? You''re probably like "Fuck it, I've got my clique of girls on my side! I've got Cailin and Tarah in my safe space! I've even got Sheridan joining my ranks now! Who needs a bully like Veena Adams to bring me back to reality and remind me of how much of a big fucking hypocrite I am, when I've got my safe space?"





It's all good in the hood ain't it? No place like a safe space! Because that's exactly the only reason why you would have such a warped view of reality. You love love looove talking down to me like I'm the self-absolved bitch who barks up the wrong tree in the form of The Sirens. Have you ever thought about applying your own logic to yourself or people around you? Did you hear those god awful promos your safe space buddy pal, Ghostbitch left behind for me to listen to last week? If you did you'd know that she is a contradiction of every standard you've set for me. You want to talk about me getting ''thinly-veiled victories"... so let me ask you something, what the FUCK do you think your pal Tarah got over me last week??? Even amidst the gap in experience, even with the referee literally being as biased as a referee could possibly get, I was two seconds away from snapping her arm! Do you know what a Kimura lock is? Do you know how easily you can snap someone's arm out of their socket? You should be thanking me that I didn't just refuse to break the hold, and that I didn't purposefully snap her arm and leave you short of a teammate.

And isn't it funny, you fugly lookin' Ratface, how you want to talk about me not doing things right... it's almost like you've become forgetful all of a sudden of the shit you talked back in the EOE tourney. Need I remind you, dear? You talked as if you had that win over me in the bag, you talked down to me like I were less than nothing, so why is it that when push came to shove it was YOOU who couldn't get the job done? Consider yourself lucky that time around, because I was on a roll and had it not be for that count out, I would have rolled over you and made you tap out to the Killer Queen's Rhapsody, and it would have been me as the Empress of Elite right now! 

Now that all of that's out of the way, I can still be levelheaded and reasonable enough to admit that you have accomplishments of note for yourself around here. What is it with people and their accomplishments? It's like okay you won a fucking medal, what does that have to do with me? I don't care what you accomplished in your first six months when it pertains to our match this Thursday. When it comes to that, you're just another kool-aid head ass whore who needs to be put down by me. I've acknowledged in the past that you've accomplished some things here, good for you! What do you need, more recognition? Isn't the pale punker bitch and your clown haired dyke buddy giving you the attention you need? Or how about your off-brand Methuselah, "Voin", isn't he doing it for you? Don't you have enough people kissing your ass and sucking up to you? Why should I suddenly have to heed your place and status around here? Bitch fucking please. You know something Aria, by your exact same logic, you shouldn't have any room to talk back to Kendra, HBG and Cameron. They should be allowed to do whatever they want, say what they want, and you shouldn't say another mean word about them. Why? Because they're more experienced than you. They've done more than you. Their accomplishments make yours look like absolutely nothing. They've been constants in the EAW lore, whereas you're not much more accomplished than girls like Eve. You remember Eve, right? A former Vixens Champion in her own right, who couldn't hang with the times and found herself relegated to being a backstage interviewer just a few short years later. Who's to say that won't be you? Why can't you be written off the same way you write me off? You're the one who keeps trying to antagonize legends, so doesn't that make you just as supposedly bad as me? I mean hell, you want to talk about my track record against you, what about your track record against Cameron? How about the fact that HBG turned your Vixens title reign into a total joke? On Empire you stood there in front of everybody and called her nothing, but she's the one who took your championship! If HBG is nothing, I guess that makes you less than nothing.

Seriously though, does the hypocrisy ever end with you whore? And I mean, fuck, talk about predictable, the only one predictable between us is you. OF COURSE you were going to bring up my family and say how I'm just feeding off the family name. Fun fun, that makes you the upteenth person to say that, bravo you're sooo original. I'll ask you the same question I asked Tarah, how does any of that matter in the ring? Is it really relevant how I've gotten to the level of skill I'm at in such a short time? Just because you had to suck dick for training hours and whore yourself out for every opportunity you've gotten, doesn't mean you get to undermine my opportunities granted to me by my family's fortune. Just because you became relevant by jumping onto dick after dick and needed Brett Kennedy of all people to carry you to prominence, doesn't mean you get to bash me for being bred for the spot I'm in now. All that matters is that I'm here right now. Do you think Empress of Elite was just my 15 seconds of fame? I've got a long, loooong ways to go here boo. That was just a glimpse of what I'm capable of. Don't blame me because Cleopatra has compromised my talent with her shit fucking booking! It's not even like I'm asking to be accommodated like I used to, just don't book me in stupid matches! Last week Tarah couldn't beat me, she was not capable of defeating me. She used the ropes to save her. She got a cheap victory over me, and everybody knows it. Last time we met one on one, you didn't get the job done like you said you would. Maybe you need to get a clue about me and what I'm capable of, because I'm capable of a lot more than being some spoiled bratty niece like everyone's made me out to be. I'm a serious threat to you, to the Sirens, even to the OG's. That's why you all hate me, but I don't care. I really don't care about the opinions of the division that I continually call out and bash for being the attention-thirsty whores that they are. I don't need people in EAW to make me feel needed; I have the same sense of self worth right now that I did before I ever stepped foot into this company, whereas you literally weren't shit in life until you became Empress of Elite. Unlike whores like you, Cailin and Tarah, I don't hinge my self worth on who surrounds me in this company, which is why you don't find me passing my pussy out to The Iconomy or the Demon's Council, or why you don't find me in complete and total shitshows like "Duh Formashun". And as to whatever the fuck The Sirens is, if you think I want or need any part of that, then you're wrong. 

I was raised and taught to find self worth from within, and that's why I walk around with my head up so high, because I know that my best is better than everyone else, and that my ceiling is higher than everybody else's. But I'll make sure that you're forced to eat shit, I'll see to it that you eat your own words when all of that shit you've talked about me turns right back around on you and you suffer what I truly hope is the most embarrassing loss of your career. 

Courtesy of the killa queen.
Cailin Dillon
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 1st 2016, 10:16 am by Cailin Dillon

Empire #2
I guess I needed to clarify all along. I don’t fucking care why you left. But to hear it was because Omerta was about to fall on its face? Oh cry me a damn river. I stood in a group once watching it about to fall. I took matters in my own damn hands, kicked that worthless son of a bitch right in his balls and watched him try to control me like a puppet as I left my affiliation with him right in the middle of the ring. You aren’t special. You say this is just you, but you stand there and deny with every ounce that I could actually be who I am. I gave you the compliment that I thought you were talented. What you want me to know back is that I’m a bitch that wants to be hurt by you like I’m just standing over here taunting you. You mock me for giving you some sort of speech, and then what you give me back is a crazy tirade that literally explained to me what war is. Well thank you, like, oh my god, I totally didn’t know that’s how war works. Like, I hope no one gets hurt. You’re a hot mess packaged in a tight little body that’s just wasting her breath. You want a fight? Damn right you’ll get a fight. Why call this a battle when we can just go full-out war between just us. You want blood? I’ll cover you in your own crimson and let you lick it off your face right after you beg me to stop trying to rip your arm off your body. I wish I literally could just rip that arm and smash your face in with it. I’d take the DQ, you think I care? Sure I like to win matches, but sometimes there’s a certain satisfaction in just shutting someone the hell up. The sad part is you never had to leave. The saddest part is that you think the fact that you just walked into this company makes you an instant contender. Congrats, you’re a part of a big match at Shock Value now. But past that? Everyone’s still waiting for you to really do something. I’m not talking about attacking the Vixen’s Champion after a match and locking her in a submission move. That doesn’t make you anything more than a coward. I’m sure you sit there thinking a win over me would make you a big deal. Please, you might be a veteran in status alone, but quit acting like a rookie. You want to make me your bitch for the night? I reserve those activities for out of the ring. I’ll never be anyone’s bitch in the ring. I don’t just lay down and quit like that. You’ll never get to that point. You want to dominate me, you’ll have to literally kill me. And I’m not that easy to kill. Plenty have tried it, and they said it wasn’t a gimmick either.
That’s what seems to make you just as unoriginal as the rest. There’s that throwaway line there. Every time you tell someone that it is a gimmick, they come back with this “trust me, this isn’t a gimmick” line. Maybe I should believe that you really are just crazy and capable of being monstrous. They all insist that they’ve found themselves and that’s why they’re acting like this. “This is really me!” The desperation in their voices as they promise opponents and onlookers alike that they have changed and this is who they are now! If this really is you, if you really have found yourself and this is who you want to be, then congrats on that girly. I will enjoy watching from afar as you fail, and then fail, and then fail even harder. We shall call it Omerta 2.0 at this point in your career. Leave it to me to judge right? They always want to point out that I’ve been in so many groups. Oh my god, like so many groups. Iconomy was trash. I stepped on it on my way out and then I won the Specialist title. That’s because I was thinking about me. That’s because I was taking what I want. I set the death of that group into motion. They even tried to add new members. The leader of that group was a joke and he always will be one. So then you want to add in Formation, right? Oh lord, the group basically founded by your sister Cloud over night. I wouldn’t really say that was the same. We fought a couple matches together. We killed it when it was convenient. Cloud ended the group with the exclamation, right? She hit me with the chair to prove she was strong and independent. Ok, but every time we’ve fought sense I have beaten her. She tried to hurt me (sounds familiar) and I beat her on one fucking leg. The only thing she can even get on me anymore is cheap shots and post-match attacks. She has nothing on me. No mental edge. She wants so badly to have it, but nah. She fails over and over. And now I see you and her bragging about what you did after last week’s match like you made some sort of huge impact or lasting statement. You literally think I’m so weak that I walked backstage with my blood boiling and steamed over what you did. And then you want to give yourselves credit for establishing an edge. Nope, sorry. I’ve dealt with much worse in my career, even if you think you’re some Janice the Ripper wannabe bitch that’s going to come in and end me or leave some lasting scars, you’re just flat out wrong. See so much of your theory relies on the idea that I’m just some weak bitch that collapses at every turn. Seems like you think when you turn the heat on I’ll just lay on my back in fear that you might hurt me if I don’t get out in time. Are you kidding me with that shit? I’m going to fix you all right. I’m going to fix this perception you developed when you were out of the ring. I was standing tall above Vixens when you left, and now I’ll stand tall over a self-professed goddess at the end of this match. Some goddess you are, when I’ll be able to freely toss you around the ring as I wish. If you’re a goddess, you must be unbreakable. I guess I’ll have to personally test this out on your arm.
Maybe you really are some naturally born lunatic. But I don’t care. I wasn’t a naturally born fighter. But I’ve fought myself to this point, and I’ll fight myself through it. I look at you and I imagine you think you’re going to roll right through me. You almost don’t even take anything about me seriously. You’re making such a critical mistake. Feels like you expect easy, but this isn’t going to be easy. Far fucking from it. You come in expecting to beat me like that, you better be expecting to personal taste my boot when it hits you in the mouth. Me being confident isn’t a gimmick. Me drawing people in and beating them isn’t either. Ask Eris LeCava why she lost to me as the Vixen’s Champion in an actual match. Not an after match altercation. A real match. You go ask the fearless leader of those OGs you just joined how the fuck she let herself go from leaning down to pin me, to tapping out and quitting when she could have taken everything from me. Ask her that. Ask Madison why she isn’t the Empress of Elite right now. Same damn thing. And my stubbornness isn’t a gimmick either. I wanted to end Maddie’s career. She told me I’d have to if I wanted to beat her. She gave up before it came to that. What a shame. The Ice Queen denied her crown for a second year in a row. But that’s all ancient history as far as I’m concerned. Now I sit here seeing someone who believes she’s different than every one of those people. She’s better than every one of those people. You think that puts me in fear? Get real. Bring it on. Make me bleed. Show me how breakable I am. I dare you to try it. But don’t complain to me when your attempt fails and you have to go back to the drawing board. If you want to quit after this match because all your breath was wasted, than do it. No one would be surprised. And making it the second time you quit, no one would care. I don’t have time to care about stuff like that in the middle of a war. There will be casualties, there’s no doubt. But I’m not going to be one of them. It doesn’t matter how this war even ends up. I won’t be a casualty of war. Even of the OGs and Cleopatra decided to strip everything from me and put me in impossible situation week after week, I would keep fighting and I would not be broken. Because I never left and came back demanding stuff. I stayed and I fought and I took. That’s how it works, Brody. You think you’re special because you came out of nowhere and placed yourself in this war? Think again. You’re just a tool for the OGs to use and toss out when they’re done. What a decision you made. If it could have gotten any worse for you post-Omerta, you decided to seek it out and find it.
You think I’m the worst member of The Sirens? Well, I don’t really care what you think. You can keep your opinion and just enjoy the reign when I become Vixen’s Champion. Oh, just imagine if you actually did manage to flop around and find yourself in the Vixen’s title picture. Oh please, I beg someone to make that happen so I can face you. Maybe we could fight again and again and I could beat you again and again. Each time the same theme would be relevant. I don’t bleed, I don’t break and I don’t lose. And you? You just keep promising the whole world that you’re going to do things to me you aren’t even capable of. Please, keep explaining to me how I’m just some dumb bitch that doesn’t understand what’s about to come to her. Please tell me over and over how I’m unoriginal and you’re unique and different. You know who has to take time out each week to explain how unique they are? The truly unoriginal, that’s who. You have two shits to do with anyone’s destiny here other than your own. If you had come back early had the ovaries to position yourself in the Empress of Elite tournament, I would have beaten your ass there, too. We all think we control our own destinies, but only a few of us can really grab the reigns and steer it in the right direction. I’ve never stood in your way until this week. But I’m not playing the role of hero. I’m just playing the lead role of adversary in your story. Yours is supposed to have a grand relaunching with this match this week. But instead it’s going to be a grand show of me slamming your face into the mat and rubbing it across the ground with my foot. You’re confusing me with some nice girl that shares her toys and bakes cookies for the whole locker room. Sprinkles and rainbows, just like Sheridan likes to believe. I’m not only going to knock you down in this match. I’m going to knock you all the way down and put my boot right on your throat. I wanted this war and I’m loving every damn minute of it. War makes things interesting. War makes things fun. They were a little stale until we declared war. And here’s this girl that doesn’t care about anyone or what anyone thinks. Here she comes thinking she’s some kind of instant shot of life into this division and she’s going to change everything. Brody you’re going to change nothing. Just another person coming in swearing big threats and promising she’s different from the last. Well I care about you. I care about seeing your ass kicked by me and just watching you squirm when you try to understand how it happened. You act like you have some sort of fool proof plan to the top. It’s a long fall when you’ve got your head as high in the clouds as you do. Just don’t let the ground kill you when you reach it. You might think you’re making me fight for my life with you, but that’s bullshit and everyone knows it. You might as well be fighting for a career though. Sucks you have to do it against me.
Hurricane Hawk
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 1st 2016, 8:54 am by Hurricane Hawk
They say, sometimes you have to break down. Trust the process. You have to believe in yourself in order to get where you want to be. You've got to just.. give yourself the truth. I've put myself in a rut for the longest amount of time and I had to stop it immediately because out here.. I was looking like your everyday joke. I was being used. I was looking like the stepping stone to all of the new kids that were stepping into the business, but it's time to stop every single thing that I see in my mind and it's time.. to get serious. This all concludes with one question to me: Why Not? Why not just let myself fall again and lose my job.. and let everyone laugh at me on the way out of this business. Why not just push myself forward and get to the top once again so everyone can be underneath my shoes looking up at the pedestal as I'm setting on my throne as the king? In all honesty.. I am a beast at heart. I'm a snake. I've been sitting in this company for years trying to give myself a name and it didn't take too long. It actually took WORK. It took support. It took participation. Everyday stepping into the gym and saying to myself that one day.. I'll be a champion.. one day I'll be a legend.. one day I'll be one of those guys that could STEP out of the business and everyone would hear the amazing stories and things that I've been through in my career. But I stopped myself short of giving myself that respect. I came back into this business because this is where I belong. This is my HOME. I will always be an extremist and an elitist. Time and time again I've been looking back and seeing the mistakes but I've learned through trial and error that I've just got to keep pushing myself. Dynasty is taking me to another level. I've been looking at new elitist and I've been taking on the veteran experience. This time.. I'm going for the top. I'm not going to let guys like Atiliano Castillos push me off the mission that I've made for myself. No one.. will be able to stop me. You see at this point this is win or go home. This is to get to the breaking point and push through. I see that at the top there are a lot of guys I know in order to get there to give them a challenge I'm going to break through every single opponent that Dynasty throws at me in order to prove that I AM READY.. to come to peace in my mind and actually get what I've deserved for a very long time. Atiliano.. I'm going to BREAK you. I'm going to beat you.. and I'm going to use you as a statement in order for everyone to get my message straight. I don't think you want to step into the ring with a beast like me. I won't stop. I don't care if you're hurt.. I will beat you until you're disabled if I have to in order to get to that next step. Dynasty is my yard.. No one is stepping into my house and getting away with it. Even if you're on your knees begging for me to stop.. I won't. I've been in this business too long to be beat by someone like you. For me.. you aren't even competition. You're like a piece of trash on my road that I have to just kick to the side. Don't let that hurt your feelings though.. just let it marinate in your mind that you just aren't ready to beat a guy like me. You just aren't as GOOD as me. You aren't as talented as ME. You don't have the skill set like me and YOU DAMN WELL don't have as great of a mind as I do. I'm going to show you just how many steps ahead of you I am. Any mistake you make.. I'll catch on to it. Anything you try to throw at me.. will be used against you. This Friday.. Atiliano I really hope you try everything... but even if you do.. I'm always going to light years ahead of you.
Stephanie Matsuda
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 1st 2016, 7:12 am by Stephanie Matsuda
Empire Promo #1

“Second (Third?) Time Around”

“She’s going to pay for what she did.”

I can almost feel the venom spewing from Azumi’s mouth. We were walking down Northern Boulevard on a cold night in Flushing, Queens. I wore my trademark Brooklyn College hoodie, while Azumi wore a black pea coat with a dark scarf wrapped around her neck. She seemed to blend in with the native locals, who were mostly of Asian descent. We turned a corner to head towards the old warehouse district. While there were a lot of improvements to the area in the last ten years, the seedier parts still remained. We finally had time to follow up on that lead of mine; this was where the man with the shades said to be operating out of. I wanted to scope out the place, but judging by Azumi’s current rage for blonde entitled milfs, I figured I could use her current state to my advantage. Haruna made me promised her that nothing bad would happen to her bae, but unlike her sweets, Azumi wasn’t currently in the infirmary. Surprisingly, she didn’t hold me accountable, despite Sanatorium’s alliance with the OG Vixens. She knew the deal; we don’t control what the OGs do. 

“Cloud?” Azumi’s voice was quiet.


“If your new friends declared Haru and I to be their enemies...where would you stand?”

Good question. I cared for both of my fellow Joshis. Even after a bitter feud with Haruna, an unspoken respect formed between us, which enhanced our abilities as a team. Azumi and I have yet reached that point, but tomorrow Miss Manami would be in NYC to ensure that JET would be ready for the upcoming tournament.  Serenity and Angie were confused by the current events - I was home, but yet still a sister of EAW’s most unique. I would be fighting alongside Azumi, but I stood side by side with Alexis. This duality was a lot for people to adapt to, but for me this came naturally. I knew how to separate my emotions when needed. After all, I couldn’t be the bad guy all the time huh? Maybe to the Sirens, but that was another story for another day- wait, hold that thought. I looked at my phone to see that my next match was against no other than Tarah Nova...again. This time we wouldn’t be fighting for the crown, but for pride and bragging rights.

“I don’t care too much for their plan Azumes” I replied. “Our deal still stands: going after the tag titles. Manami-sensei will be flying in tomorrow morning. She’ll be staying at my place until after the holidays.”

“Hai.” Azumi went back to silent mode.

We stopped on a corner of an abandoned industrial building and stared down the block. On the other side of the street was a black van going inside of a warehouse. “Hahn’s Fixtures” hung over the garage entrance. 

“Here we are sweets” I said, putting on my hood. “A lot of these buildings have a way in from the top, so we’ll approach from the back.”

Azumi nodded, putting on her game face. Showtime.


(The camera opens to Cloud walking down a dark street. Parts of someone’s finger is being shown from time to time as if someone was shooting with a cameraphone. Police sirens could be heard in the background.)

Matsuda vs Nova...paaarrt three? I lost count after I whooped your ass the last time. I’m a bit surprised that we’re fighting again so soon. I figured after what I did to you before and what I did to Cailin last week, the brass would want to protect their investment...unless of their real investment is Ms. Jaxon because I can’t seem to find her these days! Of course that doesn’t stop her from sending spies to infiltrate this little alliance we have with the OGs. (laughs) Heh, that plan flopped quickly! It’s like what I told my ex and Fuhrer Muller - you can’t beat these women at their own game! You fail to see the similarities between you all which is the real reason why you’re not gaining any sort of ground in this war! HBG defined what it means to be a trifling bitch who will do whatever it takes to keep herself at the top; Kendra’s family basically runs the company; Cam is still EAW’s poster lady...and she wants it to remain that way. Do I like the way things are? (shrugs) personally Cloudy doesn’t give a damn. What I do give a damn about is standing by the side of my Sanatorium sisters and getting a shot at The Sirens at Shock Value.

You’re probably wondering how I could harbor so much resentment for so long? Why would I even care anymore about the events of last spring and summer? Truth is...I have to, Nova. I have to care. I have to stay mad, because if I don’t, then everything I’ve done so far loses meaning. I have to hold on to fire within no matter how badly it burns me! Because if that fire goes out then all of this was for nothing. It’ll just be me in the background while the three of you skip off into the sunset, feeling completely justified. The sick thing about this tale is that none of you take responsibility and are acting like I just decided to pick up a chair and attack everyone for no reason. You go on to out words in my mouth and poison my name in the ears of the EAW universe who will listen to anything any of you have to say because that is what they’re being told to do! Look at the posters, the commercials, the Today show appearances! They have to like The Sirens! They have to follow you all on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and whatever new hip thing that’s out there to distract people from the real shit that’s going on! Standing Rock, North Dakota? Haiti? Our freaking clusterfuck of an election? Ah, don’t worry about that, the Sirens are here!

(sings) Back, back, on top of the world-

Wait. Wrong song. I surely don’t want to get sued.

Female voice: Nope.

Did you ever once think to yourself that you’re an OG in the making Tarah? I mean with all that arrogance you’re surely the first one to make that realization. You’re in a relationship with a legend, much like Kendra is. You both held the Specialist and Vixens Championships. You both feel entitled to be in the main event. Ever think for a second that this war is Kendra’s way of grooming you to become the next her? Obviously Aria’s the next Cam, fighting Elitists and sleeping with demons. And that makes Cailin…(giggles) HBG. Makes sense when you think about it. Both are from Texas, they’re prone to superkick tourette’s syndrome, they both screwed over a roster member they were dating and so on. Also, I’m sure Ms. Dillon is going to have three to four reigns under her belt before her time is over. It’s all clear as day Tarah. The three of you are being trained. Wait! There’s something else you and Kendra both share…

You both got beaten by yours truly. Honestly, if I wanted the Specialist title, I can just take it, but that would be bad for business at the moment. You talked all this shit about being as dangerous as me sweets, but you don’t know what it takes to be dangerous! You don’t know what it means to tear someone into pieces! After Pain for Pride VIII you got cocky. Those women you beat are not the ones who currently reside on Empire. Not even Haruna is the woman she once was. This is no longer your division so it’s time to turn in your leader badge sweets. The OGs can keep the illusion of running things if they want, I don’t care. Nobody tells me what to do - not even Maddie, who is actually quite entertaining so I play along. She’s my sister in arms, much like Alexis. In fact, even a victory over us results in the unconscious bodies of our foes.

You can’t beat the Sanatorium and you can’t be the OGs...so what’s a girl to do right? Your back is against the wall so I guess you’re gonna swing for the fences huh? (laughs) Listen, I’m going to give you a bit of advice. The only way to beat an OG...is to become one. That’s the only choice the Sirens have in the matter. In fact, that’s the only choice you’re able to make - and by that I mean you’re already making that choice without even realizing it. Study your actions carefully from here to Shock Value. You’ll see what I’m talking about. Anyways, this counseling session is over with. Back to basics: you’re a bitch. I still hate you. I’m kicking your ass again on Thursday.

(Cloud walks for a moment before realizing the camera is still on)

Azumi I’m done! Turn that off!

Azumi: Gomen! 

(camera off)
Ares Vendetta
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 1st 2016, 4:33 am by Ares Vendetta
(Ares Vendetta sits in a chair on the balcony of his hotel, somewhere within Laredo, Texas, wearing only pants with his Answers World Championship laying upon the table in front of him. Ares stares out into the sleeping city as he brushes a hand through his black and gold hair, thinking. After several moments, his emotionless expression slowly shifts into a smile, into a laugh. Ares laughs as he looks out at the city before standing on his feet and stepping towards the balcony railing, clutching his hands around it as he stifles his laughter.)

Ares: I could not think of a more appropriate time for this match.

(Ares surveys the city, looking at the various lights.)

Ares: I stepped into this company with a mask covering my face, and I truly thought I ripped it off the moment I revealed who I was, just moments before I struck down an old… Pathetic man.

(Ares rubs briefly rubs his chin, thinking)

Ares: I was wrong. I never took that mask off at all. I kept it on for so very long without even noticing it was there. I preached who I was and what I wanted, but I kept a mask covering my face through it all. Through all of the bloodshed, tragedy, and triumph. It’s not hard to understand what you people think of me. You’re all every bit as simple as they come. You look at me with disgust and you refuse to condone the action I take, because they’re what you deem wrong. No, that’s not right. They’re what everyone deems wrong. Would you like to know who I view you? So many like to consider themselves a big fish in a small pond, but your size doesn’t matter to me. The immensity of your personality or your ability in the ring means absolutely nothing, because in the end, you’re just a fish in a pond. One of many. A complacent one that lacks real ambition. You scowl at me and call me a monster, but I assure you, I’m a man. I fall like one, and I learn like one. Oh yes, I’ve fallen…

(Ares looks down at his scarred, tattooed body illuminated by the moonlight.)

Ares: And I’ve learned. I’ve adapted, just as you both have, in your own ways. Only, of three men who have a history of adapting, only one has the right to call himself the World Champion. You both adapted, and you adapted into something inferior. You both played your roles, you took your spots, and you walked your roads until they brought you here to me. They brought you here as a challenger against the Champion; a Champion who’s held this Title for six months, while you were weaving your way through every little obstacle just to get to here. You’ve both shed blood of your own, fought in your own wars, and achieved your victories, and yet, every single one of them mean nothing without a World Championship to keep it all afloat. Instead, your meager wars go on through history, forgotten in the fray of millions more just like them, with millions more who stood where each of you have stood, and done every bit as much as either one of you have. Your accolades are held by nothing but your own pathetic hot air, and they’ll sink to the bottom of that pond, and they’ll bring you with them when you realize why it’s taken you this long to come here and challenge me. It’ll become abundantly clear why you should have stuck to pretending to hold a briefcase or defending your unimpressive piece of gold. You both adapt, but it’s not enough, mongrels. You adapt, but you can’t evolve. You can’t pull yourself out of that pond and become one capable of taking this from me. Capable of succeeding where every other name - names far more threatening than either one of you - failed, and failed miserably. You want, but you can’t take. You can’t take, because it requires you to do what I’ve done, and what I’ve done is shameful in your eyes, what I’ve done is cowardice to you, and it repulses you. That’s all I’ve ever needed. You desire, but you keep yourself contained to that pond while I go the extra mile with my ambition, and I rip myself from these chains of what’s expected of any man that steps into that ring, because simply put, there are no men like me who step into that ring.

(Ares slowly exhales, calming himself as he begins to walk along the balcony railing, looking at nothing in particular as he guides his hand along the top of the railing.)

Ares: Believe it or not, I’m not some machine built to be the best where all it takes to trump me is to throw a wrench into my gears and watch me fall apart. I absorbed everything in front of me to be the best, and I’ll keep doing it. I’ll keep learning, and I’ll keep evolving. I suppose I am a monster in that way. Burn me with fire, and I’ll learn to walk through it without a scratch. I learned that I was carrying around a cancer. I learned that I had yet to rip off my mask, but as I watched my father writhe in pain at my hands… I learned. I learned that it was never about him. He was a catalyst to something greater. Without him to be the failure he is, I wouldn’t have even glanced at this company, nor would I have ever bothered to step foot in this country. I was perfectly content where I was, and yet, I can see how foolish that was. I wasn’t born to remain in one country, ruling over it. I was born to remain in one company - the so-called heart of professional wrestling today - and rule over it. I ripped off my mask once and for all at Territorial Invasion, and I don’t intend on looking back. This Answers World Championship you both so dearly want to make your’s? It means nothing. It’s a blank slate, and only what I make of it. The stains left by the hands of every single other mongrel who’s ever held it have been wiped clean off, and all that remains is the momento of coagulated blood left by mongrels just like the two of you. Mongrels that psychologically maneuver until they’ve convinced themselves they deserve to hold this, while I’m no more than a stepping stone for them.

(Ares stops dead in his tracks, slowly turning his head as he looks at the Answers World Championship laying upon the nearby table. Ares steps over to the table and picks up the Championship, looking at it with a familiar disgust. Ares casually walks over to the balcony railing and holds the Championship by the very end as it dangles just one drop away from falling from a great height.)

Ares: I’ve had six months to answer to myself what holding this Championship means to me. Six months of the most vicious encounters this company has ever witnessed, be it in an hour-long contest, against two or three challengers, or confined in a cage. I’ve put everything in my being on the line just to keep going as the Answers World Champion, and yet, calling myself the Answers World Champion feels so… Empty. I feel numb every moment I look down at this Championship. I feel nothing. Perhaps it’s because I feel nothing for such a pathetic company like this, built off of the blood of my father, and the blood of so many more, and maybe it bothers me that they pretend this company has matured, and that they’re no longer about barbaric displays of not wrestling, but sheer malicious assault.

(Ares playfully swings the Championships back and forth as he dangles it from the hotel balcony.)

Ares: Maybe I’m a martyr. Maybe you should all be thanking me for being the only one to keep that trail of blood running fresh. While the rest of the mongrels in this company go around pretending they’re wrestlers, I’ve taken what this company used to consider its very heart and soul and shoved it down its throat as I rip and I tear into every single man bound by its new rules, and I leave them bloody, battered, and beaten. They’re all just mongrels chained up to this company’s new post, and I truly do get a kick out of watching every one of them gasp for air, struggling to get to me while I dangle this in front of them. In fact… I know perfectly well why I put everything in my being into keeping this around my waist, and it’s not any pride of a being a Champion. It’s not that I get to look down upon this Championship and know it’s mine… It’s that I get to look down upon you and see your face as I dangle this thread of hope in your faces. It’s that look of pure desire in your eyes as you all salivate at the mouth, so determined to take it from me. It’s about holding something that makes a voice in the back of your head whisper “As long as he holds that and you don’t, you know you’re not better than him.” You’re all so beautifully flawed that it breaks my heart, but brings a smile to my face. I love hurting you, and while hurting you physically gives me a certain joy in your powerlessness, it’s hurting you emotionally and mentally that I could never put a price on. The fact that you’ve both followed your own road to get here… It’s knowing that you led your life by a certain set of rules, and yet still failing. It’s knowing that when I’ve walked away still the Champion, you’re left questioning what good were the rules you lived by if they brought you to this.

(Ares quickly pulls up the Championship, nonchalantly tossing it back at the table as it bounces off of it and lands hard on the cement below.)

Ares: I’ve learned a lot about myself.

(Ares smiles, slowly inhaling and exhaling as he looks out into the city once more.)

Ares: You could say I’m enlightened. I’m free. I’ve taken off my mask.

(Ares grows solemn, looking down as his hair covers his face.)

Ares: Now I rip off yours. The mask you both wear. That naive mask that makes you believe you’re the man to beat me. You’re not. You never will be. That’s a fact you don’t have to like, but you will live with it until the day you die the miserable little men you are. Maybe you will be a World Champion someday. Maybe you will build a legacy that floats. Maybe. But it won’t be at my expense. It’s time you both learned that no matter how good you are, it’s not good enough. You’ve spent so long running through obstacles that you can’t even begin to comprehend one that you will never overcome. This is one of them. Halloween is over, mongrels, time to take off those masks.

(Ares cracks his neck before going back inside his hotel room, leaving the Answers World Championship lying upon the balcony floor as the camera fades to black.)

Bhris Elite
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 1st 2016, 1:38 am by Bhris Elite
Again not for the first time not for the second or even the third.  I did what I said people said I wouldn’t.  See that right there would make you think people would learn to believe in what I say and not to doubt me.  Of course though these real wrestling critics who sit in their mothers basements always repeat the same thing.  “The odds of Chris Elite are slim to none”.   “Chris Elite should run for the hills” really? Run for the hills? I told you all Ryan Savage isn’t a monster I told you that demon he has is a lot stronger than mine and I proved it instead of running for the hills like a lot of you suggested I almost snapped his mask off with the Box Office Smash.   Yet the critics though I couldn’t do it right?  The critics thought I wouldn’t defeat JJ Silva they especially didn’t think I’d make him tap not once but TWICE!  The critics said my first defense against Nobi would be my last, the critics said my second defense would be my last…  Now in this scramble match I have no way of winning it’s like Rex said ANYONE but Chris Elite can win this…
Really anyone but Chris Elite? You know what else the critics said Rex?  They said I wouldn’t get revenge on you for sneaking attacking me a few weeks back and what did I do right after?  I beat you down with a steal chair then they said I’d regret it and I have yet to regret anything.  Want to know why that is? It’s because you knew better you left it how it was.   You knew we were even and if you tried to one up me again you’d be replaced just like JJ Silva and Whiskey Jack.   Of course you won’t admit to this and I don’t blame you I wouldn’t want to ruin my reputation either even though I don’t even know about the reputation you have Rex.  It’s like you’ve been playing chutes and ladders since Pain for Pride with your career one minute you’re climbing up the ladder you were supposed to be the next big thing.  Hell you should probably be in Ryan Marx’s shoes right now but you’re not and you want to know when you slid down that huge slide?  When you thought it was a good career move to attack me and try to make me look like a weak champion.   And ever since then you’ve never made it back to the top of the ladder like you once were.   However with this match at Rite of Passage you are trying to get back to it by knocking me off the ladder and getting me down the slide.  Rex I want to ask you a question and everyone else who has questioned me for being a veteran and holding the New Breed championship.   Why are you guys so upset that I have the title? Is it because with me having it you know you can’t?  See you made an interesting point about this title and that anyone can get a crack at it which also leads me to my next question.  If anyone can have a crack at this title then why don’t you go after a title not everyone can have a crack at?  Why are you going for the lowest prestige of EAW titles and not the highest?  Why isn’t the main event of Rite of Passage a fatal four way including you?  Instead you are going after MY championship a championship that maybe in June or July was easy to win or a low prestige title that just simply anyone can get.  Now because of me and everything I’ve done while holding this title it’s now high prestige and you are simply saying things just to say them.  No real meaning behind what you say you are just trying to earn some cookie points trying to “Burn” me.  However just burning yourself because if this title was so low prestige you wouldn’t want it yet you want this title more than anything else.  You know if you knock off the hottest Elitist on Showdown you’ll be that “Next Big Thing” you once were.  However I’ll be the one to stop that.  After Rite of Passage you’ll down the very last slide starting from the bottom and by the time you get back up to this level I probably won’t even have the title and I’ll be on to bigger and better.
Terry really nobody is in your league?  You do the one thing we’ve all been doing for about 2 months now and that’s bully JJ Silva around and now all the sudden no one is in your league? Pathetic I tell you maybe if you would have done this a while ago you’d get more respect out of it.  However to do it now after everyone else already has is lame and to boast about it and to say such stupid things just makes it that much worse.  Especially since you’ve been hiding in his shadow for so long Terry.  You can’t be respected you are looked at as a puppet you are looked at as JJ Silva 2.0 basically.  If you don’t like failure you should of taken yourself out right along with JJ Silva because you just like him are a just two walking failures.   “I don’t associate myself with failure” you are honestly giving me and the rest of the guys in this match so much ammo right now with such statements.  Terry you are a failure this isn’t 2013-14 anymore you are not dominant you are not a threat you are a JJ Silva 2.0 a walking failure a weakling.   You remind me of those racist kids in High School who talk all that trash but when it actually came down to it you got your ass handed to you.   Only difference between the two is that you are in a bigger body and even than we can’t take you serious.   Kids who see you walking the streets aren’t even intimated by you and I don’t blame them Terry.   Sucks to suck though doesn’t it?
Now to answer your question about Nobi, yes he’s still walking around like he’s championship material hell he’s been walking around like he was champion!  I remember just two weeks ago or so he’s online talking about “4 point’s dummies!”  Well Nobi I got a newsflash for you… NEW BREED CHAMPION DUMMY!  I also see him always bringing up the fact that the only reason that I kept my title is because I got my foot on the rope. Like that’s something to be ashamed of.  Why is it so bad to lose to me that you guys will literally come up with any dumbass excuse when I do defeat you?  Was I not supposed to get my foot on the rope?  Was I just supposed to let you pin me 1 2 3 and take my title and bring the prestige of the New Breed championship shit again?  Come on Nobi I expected different from you I thought you would take the loss like a man and keep it moving until we faced off again.  However you are just like the rest of these idiots and you are no real man.  Did you see me complaining when Nick cheated his way to victory?  No you didn’t I kept it pushing and I made JJ Silva tap for the second time I took. I Whiskey Jack out with just one move then I defeated the so called “monster” Ryan Savage.   Not even worried about the amount of points I have going into Rite of Passage you on the other hand boasting about it like these points automatically make you champion.   “Ooh look at me I’m Nobi and I have 4 points and I’m so excited because this is the most I’ll ever accomplish in EAW or anything in life”  In the words of DJ Khaled congratulations you’ve played yourself.
Nick I honestly don’t know what to say to you other than the fact you did defeat me.  Like I said to Nobi I’m a man and I won’t use any excuses just know that it won’t happen again.   I told you when we faced off the first time when it comes down to it you’ll do what Nick Angel always does during the big moments and that’s fail and choke under the pressure.  You will come so close yet be so far.   However if you’ve been following Nick his whole career you’re used to it by now.   I’m sure whatever fans you might have feel the same way I feel about my Falcons you do so well until it’s time to really do well and win when it matters the most and then sink.  Only difference is The Falcons might actually change it around.  You on the other hand will continue to ride this sinking ship and also like I said.   This will be the final straw in the failures of Nick Angel.  On Saturday that’s when you’ll officially grow tired of losing time and time again when the going gets tough and that’s when you’ll take my advice and just hang them up…
Ryan Savage? Did I tell you so or did I tell you so?  I told you putting on a mask wasn’t going to change anything I told you adding two little goons wouldn’t change anything.  You are still the same old Ryan Savage you are not the monster everyone claims you are.  You are no Bane because you didn’t break me and you never will.  I’ll never need your permission to do anything in my career!   I also made that demon named doubt inside of you that much stronger with that loss I handed you.  I can literally see it taking over now and soon that demon is going to be the reason we never see Ryan Savage again.  The demon will continue to grow when you suffer yet another loss at Rite of Passage.   You wanting to destroy myself and the rest of this division will never happen you’ll swing and you miss at me for the second week in the row.   No one will ever bat an eye at the name of Ryan Savage ever again because there will be reason too. 
This Saturday the EAW Universe will never have a reason to have a reaction for any of you guys.  After this week Murrow will have to find another challenger to take this title off of me and just like the 4 of you he or she will fail to complete the task.  No need to run for the hill, no need to keep hold my title any tighter then I usually do any other time.  Want to know why that is?  It’s because I’ll still have it at the end of the night and then I’ll hold it close to me and tell it that I’ll never let it go.  And to some of you in this match that’s just weird with that being said though none of you expect Ryan have been champion so you wouldn’t really understand and as long as I’m New Breed Champion it’ll remain that way.  Now I know the rules in this match and how it goes down so I can’t really sit here and lie and say I’ll be champion the whole match is just something I won’t do.   However when it matters most and when the bell rings you’ll hear the same exact thing you’ve heard any other time I’ve defended my championship.  You’ll see the same hashtag that’s been trending forever.  You’ll continue to see my top selling shirts and that’s because at the end of the match you’ll hear this…
J-Dynasty 2?
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 1st 2016, 12:14 am by J-Dynasty 2?
An almost holy blinding white light flickers on and then reveals a man in a white suit standing with his back to the camera staring down at the floor. A haunting sound of a violent wind is made as a barefoot Asian lady dressed in a sexualized ghost costume dances her way towards the man and seductively places her hand on his shoulder whispering into his ear, and then looks to the camera with an angry look on her face. The man raises his head, and turns around to reveal Tiberius Jones-clearly mimicking Morgan Freeman in Bruce Almighty-smiling and rubbing his hands with mischief.

Sky Daddy Jones: Welcome beings of all denominations, or demoninations to close such a night, we are your host and hostess, Sky Daddy Jones and Forever Salty Momma Onryō!

Beautiful, please go ahead and tell the kids what they have in store as we teach them the ways of Halloween and how relates to the life of being in EAW!


Sky Daddy Jones: Ha, like anyone would want to hear a woman talk! The fact I just realized Ares paid tribute to a woman all this time made me lose what little respect I had for him!

Pause. I don’t care if Onryo has multiple interpretations, the fact is a woman is the most popular figure used. Besides, I’m Sky Daddy Jones, I am GOD, I can unilaterally make such a decision that Onryo is in fact a bitch!

Jones pretends to be worried about calling her a bitch and jolts back looking at her. Then laughs and opens his arms for a hug as she notices the body language and hugs him back.

Sky Daddy Jones: Don’t worry folks, Drake lent me one of his harem girls and they don’t understand a word of English. Now if you were scholars in these arts like myself you’d be ready to learn convincing a woman you’re a sweet loveable man that respects all females is the trick, and getting the treat is walking straight up to them and grabbing them by the pu-but nope, you people aren’t ready. That’s why we got to teach you kiddy level style, dressed up like these silly little mythical creatures that spread fear around the world to the suckers who believe in them, all in the spirit of Halloween.

Trick or Treat.

Sky Daddy Jones claps his hands and the camera begins to go throw multiple running videos of people in costumes going to door steps without lights, spooking random people on the street, and wearing insulting costumes.

Halloween is the perfect time of year to be brought back to knowing that the battle of properly allocating time and resources, that balance gains in both the immaterial and the material, is a childhood fought one that we continue for all our lives.

See the trick is immaterial. It’s about the joy of living the costume, the idea of putting on a show. It is about wearing costumes that make people mad because you hurt their little sensitivities. It is the haunting and cursing of others if they don’t hand over the treats. It is what pumps all the riley spirits who just one year wants to dabble in the nefarious.

I am known to partake in such affairs myself.

Making an old man’s already slow beating heart skip a beat as you jump out from the bushes as a surprise is a true calling for any trouble maker. I freak out HRDO every single night I wrestle and decimate the talents he believes in.

Yes offending tight asses is fun. Just look at who I’m dressed as, I do it big league, believe me.

Entertaining yourself by living the costume and never breaking character? I pretended to be Mr.CITV for weeks just to get my jollies and push Lioncross’ buttons.

Pranks and mischief? You can just listen to the Pizza Boy cry about my deeds to know!

But some get lost in those tricks, forgetting the main course is in fact the treat.

Pizza Boy and Ares have forgotten that the tricks are ways to pass the time and put on a good show, distractions. Their reverence for immaterial beings is one thing I need not go into detail with further than these costume, their fascinations with sideshow emotional baggage is what needs to be beaten into their skulls so that they understand the folly of their ways! They become entangled in affairs of Pizza Boy honouring, and Ares attempting to figuratively best, the specter that is Robbie V. As if there something to gain from caring about an empty husk of a man. They spend endless amounts of time trying to make it perfectly clear how seriously they take these meaningless values that they have. Pizza Boy speaks about this mindset he has about how gold would only be weight added to me in measurable pounds so he must make sure I am kept away from the world championship, as if his disdain for my character, or lack thereof a character, is more important than he having the Answers World Championship himself! If you listen to Pizza Boy long enough, you get the idea he’d be perfectly fine with the title being vacated after he blows us all up for our sins rather than focused on getting what is his. Which might explain how he allowed himself to defeated for the first time this season in an utter joke of a contest on Showdown, when he should have been focused on having the most momentum possible going into our championship contest. In his failure, he proved to everyone watching that only I have the stamina and balance to retain an undefeatable pace on this roster. He goes into Rite of Passage with his streak ended in a match playing with lightsabers to begin with, I go into Rite of Passage with my record intact and my last match being one where I walked out victorious in the main event of Showdown! Because that’s who we are, Pizza Boy ought to be getting his shit rocked in random gag inducing contests, while I should be the headline of every single show as world champion!

I’m the true leader of this locker room.

The video shows a kid leading a pack of other kids towards a particularly Halloween themed house as the door opens with eagerly awaiting couple wanting to give candy to the kids.

For I am the one who covets the Answers World Championship the most.

There comes a time in the Halloween night where you stop harassing random passersby, stop ringing the doorbell of your friend who you know can’t come out that night just to piss him off, and you stop getting kicks just playing your character. You know the houses you need to go to, it’s the same ones every year, you must make your move and get the maximum number of treats possible. I’m that guy who goes and gets his, who transitions from the tricks to the treats because he even among the showmanship always has his eyes on the prize.  

Ares doesn’t defend his championship against contenders, he drags the championship into his petty wars and happens to narrowly escape his manufactured battlefields with it still across his shoulders as an afterthought. Pizza Boy was unwilling to call Ares out on it, instead argued that I of all of us would be be no different with the world championship, because even Pizza Boy fueled by his subconscious prefers to avoid hypocrisy. Pizza Boy knows that they’re both alike in their utter disregard for championships, just like Pizza Boy isn’t defending his National Elite Championship against his contenders on this giant event because he has other matters he decides to attend to, Ares routinely avoids the top talent on Showdown so he can appease his last name. The name Vendetta that defines his cause to fight ancient wars with Lannister. The name Vendetta that casts such a wide shadow that he seeks out fights with others who were stuck in the shadow of his father in Brian Daniels. But come my night, it won’t be about his last name, it’ll be about what Ares has avoided this entire time, it’ll be about the ultimate prize hanging in the balance against someone who doesn’t give one solitary fuck about his family.  

Someone who looks beyond the decoration, someone who walks up to his doorstep with only one thing in mind, leaving with what every kid who has a dream of being a professional wrestler should have as the ultimate treat, the ultimate material, that is championship gold.

End scene.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 31st 2016, 7:00 pm by Rex32
Showdown Supershow
Rite of Passage #1

Well, I guess I should do the honors. Welcome the Open Invitational for Chris Elite’s most prestigious title in his whole fricken life! Yeah, but no, hey, really, hasn’t it felt like that over these last several weeks, like an invitational? But, no, not for Chris, see, because Mr. Elite was the one that invited everyone to this mundane spectacle that was the Scramble Series. Chris, he welcomes one and all to his rinky-dinky little parties, because he holds the lowest in prestige of all EAW titles, where anybody and everybody can have their crack at taking the Open Invitation Title off his scrawny waist without really having to earn it. Now, Chris, would you say that your ego has its own zip code? I ask, well, because if I ask you anything as it regards to your Open Invitation Title, I don’t think I would get an honest and unbiased answer from you, so I feel more compelled to ask you a question that can get me an honest and unbiased opinion. So, Chris, enlighten me. Answer me another question too while you're at, and honestly and unbiasedly if can too please. Why is it as a veteran of EAW must you waste everyone’s time competing in a division that is meant for newcomers to compete in and build some confidence as they progress along to higher goals they set forth on their paths to greatness? Why must somebody with such a wealth of experience pad their stats against a bunch of EAW novices? Which leads me in fact into my next question, and that is this. What opponent(s) have you wrestled by far, if any, that have made you look every bit like a great Open Invitation Champion since you won the title at Dia Del Diablo? Again, Chris, let’s be honest and unbiased with our answer here, because as serious as this week is for all of us, you’ll be the one feeling all the pressure, whether you want to admit it or not. The truth is, anyone besides Chris Elite could walk away from Rite of Passage as the new Open Invitation Champion. Will it be me? Well, you know, I haven’t thought that far ahead but the week is still so young. Right now though, if we could, let’s look at the rest of these paupers, shall we.

Let’s start with, sure, why not, let’s start with the replacements in this Open Invitational. Ryan, what possessed you to come back and start your career all over again? I mean, that’s so commendable. It shows what a great competitor you are that you could go from upper mid-card to starting all the way over and have confidence that you would be able to re-light the flame of your fading career before Pain For Pride, but then again it also tells the us the great tragedy of a career of a man that could never quite break the glass ceiling. Tell me, Ryan, how far does your delusion stretch? Are you able to look past it? It’s clear that you don’t have any thoughts or free will of your own to tell us how you really feel. Then you hide behind a mask, which is fitting for this time of year. First off, if you wanted to desperately make some sort of an impact again, I wouldn’t have started with the New comers division and going after a title of very low credit and significance. Secondly, if you really wanted people to take the name Ryan Savage seriously, then you would’ve at least found a way to beat our Open Invitation Champion, Chris Elite. I mean, he thought of you as being a threat, but instead you proved him wrong by not even at least beating him senseless after the match. That kind of thing always sends some sort of a statement, and you failed there too. You’ve had a bad 2016, haven’t you, Ryan? Not a whole lot has gone your way, which is why you took all this time off, to clear your conscience, and try to figure out where it all went wrong, right? It’s good though, Ryan, it is. You accepted the invitation to the Scramble Series, if for nothing else to get your feet wet and hands dirty again. That’s cool. It must be really unfortunate though that you didn’t get the nod from the start, isn’t it? You are a replacement, an alternate, not a savior for dying division, but a last resort. You won’t win on November the 5th, Ryan, but I expect you will at least make some noise, make it a little interesting. Don’t mind me though, Ryan, I’m just another fledgling to you knows nothing, another minuscule blip on the proverbial radar. I will let you believe that all the way until the fateful end, and then we’ll see if defeat is not the axiom of a failure, or if hope, as you say, is the elixir to get comeuppance.

Well, shit, if it isn't the tomato can in all of this, the other replacement, yes, but the only guy in this thing that doesn’t have a single prayer of walking away the winner of this scramble match. I mean this is the epitome of why they should just call this the Open Invitation Title Invitational. I think Murrow is generous and fair so far as a GM and all, but honestly, this is quite the head scratcher. Now, Terry, I know what you are going to say in response, because well, you always say it. It’s like your  go-to, you know, to keep your confidence sky high above the clouds. You are going to say how smart it was a real smart move by Murrow to replace a loser like JJ Silva…are you still with me? I’m just mimicking this character, Terry Chambers, because I’m not as unoriginal in everything I do like him. So, going on now, you will then say there are a lot of good competitors in the match, to include the Champion himself, and this is the perfect way for the Barbaric Carnivore and God’s Gift to Wrestling and the Wrestling Machine, Terry Chambers to make an impact and finally see that I am the best wrestler in this company by becoming the next New Breed Champion. Does that sound like a whole bunch of Terry Chambers like jargon? I think it does, so do me a favor, Terry? Since you can’t come up with anything new to say every time we see you I’m simply going to make you come up with something new to say instead of well-prepared rhetoric that you use endlessly. Shall I go on any further? Okay, so Terry, with all his pride, he’ll continue on doing a half-hearted job of breaking down each of his opponents this week to which he finally comes to the conclusion that he'll ultimately win the match and become the next Open Invitation Champion. Listen, Terry, and well. If you are fighting to win, it will not be in vain. I'm sure Murrow will see your performance as a sort of a revelation and an example for others and will consider you for more opportunities going forward, but don't expect to win because you won’t. You'll start the match, and I'll enter last, so there is very little chance we'll even clash with each other this time. I may have failed to win gold so far in EAW, but maybe you should look at how long you’ve been here, whats it been, three years? How many chances have you been given to make it big? Kurt Burton? Really??? He couldn’t hack it here. I mean, nobody has heard a peep out of him in weeks. Enough said. Like I said, Murrow throwing you into the mix at the tail end of the scramble series is a horrible judgement call and it puts you at such a disadvantage, but it is what it is I guess. Better luck next time, Terry.

So, Angel, self-proclaimed and supposed cream of the supposed crop, as the next Open Invitation Champion, what would you do to bring back class and prosperity to this dying heap of a division? I mean, you must have an answer, right? So then tell me, Angel, since you believe yourself to be the class of this whole Scramble Series, answer this next question as well. What makes you so? I mean, didn’t you believe that going into Fighting Spirit this year, and the Gold Rush Tournament, and Grand Rampage, or Cash In the Vault? How about going into Dia Del Diablo while you and Cutter were vying for the tag team championships? Weren’t you the class all of those times too? You know, Nick, it seems to me that you are a victim of your own superiority complex. Anytime you seem to build yourself up so high, you have no choice by the end but to take a nice long fall only to hit a screeching halt because there was no more sky to fall from. It’s gonna happen again, Nick. As sure as you will dismiss me and anybody else just to try and stand out this week, your own demise will already be written. You never consider anything else, but Nick Angel, and there lies the problem. You’re a great talent, but if you really must talk yourself up so much like you have in this Scramble Series, like you did at Cash In The Vault after five years, then it must be really you that doesn’t see yourself as great. Great ones don’t have to try and talk themselves up so much, they talk with wisdom from the battles they have experienced whether it was a win or a loss. Ones that want to be great, like you, they’ll talk about this conquest or that conquest and try to hide their flaws instead of coming out and being up front about them. It’s not a winning formula, and quite frankly I’ve just come to recognize that myself, but I’m still a rookie, so hey, what do I know, right?

Nobi, you sure like to take a lot of risks when speaking my name in vain, don't you? Nobi, let me put to you lightly. Stop it. It's not going to offer you the advantage at all against me or anyone else. You’re hesitant to give me my due as an in-ring talent but you do anyways, and then here's where you mess up, just like you always do. You say that I'm only here because I created an opportunity for myself? Wake up Nobi, just stick to what you are good at, which is praising people, because when it comes to throwing out slander you have almost no clue of what you are talking about. Back at Dia Del Diablo? Jesus, Nobi, that was ions ago. Why are you still bringing up stuff that has already been written? That match is history. The final result will always be the final result no matter whether you believe you lost to me or not. What does matter is Rite of Passage and what you believe will happen then. You know, Nobi, you and I, we're alot alike in the way we think, but lately what I've figured out is that no matter much you talk yourself you won't ever break the glass, you'll never get to test yourself against the upper echelon of competition until you start to make them realize how great you are without having to tell them that you are. You don’t understand that yet, maybe you will after Saturday November 5th.

Now, what I understand when it comes to certain things in life is that you a aren’t always going to get what you want, and it's what you may not want that you may actually need. See, I really wanted to hold the distinction of being Mr. Cash In The Vault walking out of Pain For Pride nine, but maybe it just wasn’t what I needed to help me grow as a wrestler. I really wanted to be recognized as the next National Elite Champion, but perhaps even that high of a distinction was not what I needed then either. Maybe what I need IS to start at the bottom of the heap, go after the lowest title and work my way up. That is the traditional way to do it anyways, so why not? Maybe this title is the one I need. Will I win it, become the next New Breed Champion? You don’t know, nobody really does, but I think that’s one of the things I’ve liked about this Scramble Series, and that’s no matter what talent looks better than the other on paper you just don’t know for sure until you take it to the ring and prove it. At Rite of Passage that’s just what I intend to do[size=43].[/size]
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 31st 2016, 6:41 pm by Guest
Nico Borġ: 30 (Rite of Passage 1)
The First Covenant

The priests entered regularly into the outer room,
To carry on their ministry.
But only the high priest entered the inner room,
And that only once a year,
And this never without blood,
Which he offered for himself,
And for the sins the people had committed in ignorance.

Hebrews 9:6-7

When God made his First Covenant with the Israelites, many laws and regulations were instituted in the First Temple. Governing the right conduct, the right prayers, the right offerings, the right rituals; the right time and the right place for all of these things. Theys laws were felt and embodied nowhere more than the very physical temple itself. The larger part of the temple, the ‘greater house’, was open to all. Everyone would come wearing the faces of the Holy, the chosen and anointed. They came from all around for prayer, for teaching, for offerings, to observe the law as it had been agreed. But for all the pomp and function of the greater house, this was not ever acknowledged as the most important part of the temple. It was the smaller, inner sanctum which they called the ‘Holy of Holies’; and to pass beyond the curtain to this place was strictly forbidden. You see there is nothing that can be done; no observances, no works which will make a man worthy of God’s everlasting light. It is for this symbolic reason that even the most pious of the Israelites were cut off from the Holy of Holies. 

Tyler Parker, like them you wear the face of a good man. You work hard. You observe your responsibilities. You came to the aid of The Pizza Boy, ostensibly out of the kindness of your heart. And you have raised such a sweet, beautiful family. Their love, care and worry for you is a testament of just how wonderful you are as a son, as a family man, as the great head of your household. I know they are so scared right now. I can almost hear them; calling in the night, crying, praying that the man that steps out into the ring at Rite of Passage comes home in one piece, just the same as he was before. Unfortunately, I cannot allow that to happen. You see, Tyler, what they do not understand is that really they are hurting you. All that they are doing is overfeeding that already bloated ego. Just swelling that sense in you that you are holier than thou, more worthy than I, and more sacred that all of us. But Tyler,you are yet to see or touch the Holy of Holies. God is still cut off from you. You may make your observances and offerings but your works of this world, and so they have no currency in the great hereafter.

Being a good, beloved son is not faith, Tyler. Neither is merely saying that you believe, that you kneel for God. Regardless of how many people out there are watching and hearing you say it. But I guess you’ve tried. I know, you have been trying so very hard. You can see it all over the faces of those who love you most. Maybe you really did have the best intentions in mind when you crossed me. But Tyler, you do know what they say, don’t you? The road to Hell is paved with good intentions, Of course, there is something else implied in that. Safe passage to heaven takes a fair bit more than ‘trying’ or ‘good intentions’. Perhaps it is more accurate to say that there is in fact no safe passage at all. Jesus Christ asked us, each and every one of us, to abandon everything we own, everything we cherish, to walk away from our families and pick up our own crosses. There is no salvation without sacrifice, Tyler. Just flick your Bible open to Luke 14. It teaches us that to be a true disciple of Christ, one must hate his friends, his family, indeed even his own life by comparison. Well I am going to ensure you know what that means, Tyler. When this all comes to an end; when you are lying there bloodied, mutilated, feeling the warmth flow out of your body; then you will look up with swollen eyes at your so-called friends and family, and you are going to hate them. You are going to hate every last one of them for sitting idly by and allowing you to step into the ring with me. You are going to hate them all for being nothing more than complicit observers, looking on over your agony and your anguish, just as they were when they sat and watched as I mauled you right in front of their faces on Showdown.

This probably goes without saying, but you are also going to hate me, Tyler. You may think that you already do. But in truth, you have only been embarrassed or frustrated up until this point. When this all reaches its culmination at Rite of Passage, you are going to be seeing red in more ways than just the one. Yet, it will not matter; you won’t be able to act on it. I am going to expose you once and for all for what you are. Impotent. Over the hill. Just another false idol claiming a mantle well beyond their station in life. So go. Go forth and get your house in order. Go observe your pre-match rituals and have your last suppers with your family. Say your prayers but, more importantly, make sure you have written a will. Because there is nothing that you can do; no preparation that you can take which will deliver you salvation by your own power. You have agitated and provocated for the chance to challenge me and my most sacred vocation. Well, now you are finally to get what you have wanted, and I cannot be held responsible for what happens next.

But take solace, Tyler. If beneath all the shackles of vanity truly is a faithful man within you, then God will know his own. When all your ties to this world are finally washed away in blood, and final judgement has stripped you of all but your faith in The Lord, then your passage beyond the curtain will already have been paid for by your sacrifice.

Now rejoice, Tyler. A covenant comes to fruition. A covenant signed in blood.

Everyone Is Watching.
The Heart Break Boy
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 31st 2016, 6:24 pm by The Heart Break Boy

Halloween is a story that has both religion and definite pagan origins. To ignore its power is to ignore the mythical power behind Halloween. To ignore it's mythical power is to praise the days of darkness, to manipulate that the light doesn't exist and to pursue after uncleanliness.

Halloween is a corruption. Many of us celebrate it because the world celebrates it. Many of us fail to research it because we just simply don't care unless somehow we found out how many of our ancestors fell victim of this corruption. I have no intentness to build up on the night of Halloween but to slay it into pieces. This is the reason why I send this message on the day of this myth. This is my VERY OWN HALLOWEEN.

In fact, I have a question for the worldly believers and pagan celebrators. Why is it that its okay to celebrate darkness on one particular day then supposedly celebrate the light on another particular day? This world has lost it. One day, they're full of joy to act as devils then once their "Christmas" (Another pagan holiday) hits, they're full of holly jolly joy! To expand deep into this, why does people treat Jesus as it was Halloween every single day of the week? I have a simple answer to this madness.

The world is lost.

Forget your credit. Forget your marriages. Forget your jobs. Death has first hit us from birth. As we look at all our resources, we only get our minds mastered by full of ratchet entertainment, dull imaginations and pure lack of knowledge. We have become conformed to the idea of following ourselves -- the flesh. We haven't got it in our thick skulls to expand our minds but rather lose it to alcohol and weed. We will never get it. I will never get it. But I will not become apart of this problem. I will become apart of the resolution. Let's become observant on the task at hand. Jacob Senn has a lion stalking his every move. He doesn't know where to go -- where to run or hide. And the thing is, even if he somehow outlasts the Golden Boy, there will still be more coming his way. Because I won't stop at nothing to show the world the definition of a true champion, someone who possesses the right morals and doesn't fall accustomed to simple duties. I have always been a champion without the evidence behind it. You see, not every champion has to win but every champion must have guts. And those are the ones who are the true champions. From a guy that once rebelled against this company and fall short over and over again, but to have enough guts to keep prevailing, to keep trying to hold on, no matter who laughs at you or tries to belittle your career. I have always come back and showed how much guts that I lead by example. What about you Jacob Senn? Causing someone to change the name and definition isn't very impressive to me. Lucian Black, clearly doesn't define a true champion because of his lack of energy to adapt. Instead, he rather continues his shifts because he doesn't know his own true form. I don't either and I don't think we will ever know who Lucian truly is. One thing that we can appoint is that he won't become the next EAW World Heavyweight Champion. Neither will Mexican Samurai and especially Hades! 

How many times have I traveled under Hades' dark roads and shed my light to erase his sadistic and foul energy among the EAW atmosphere? Too many times. I'm sure Hades knows how this goes. He steps in the ring with a giant, he stands against the giant and the giant picks him up and breaks him in half. He never did or never will be able to tame the light over his darkness. And how ironic for it to be around maybe one of his favorite traditions, Halloween? Allow me to personally serve my very own trick or treats and one of them will leave quite a taste in your mouth or under your chin to clarify. Hades has done some remarkable things in his career. He just achieved to be apart of a Hall of Fame where many are legitimately deserving and some are not. He has almost fell into categories where a Hurricane Hawk, Kawajai and WWEFan deserve to be classified. You are filler picks and nothing more of it. I have come to make sure that it stays that way. I wouldn't be doing my job if I did not make sure that average Elitist keep their role and stay in their lane. And since EAW insists on feeding me adversaries ever since returning, I will take advantage unlike the former Golden Boy that would encourage his opponent to do better much like I had exalted Lioncross in his EAW debut. But now if Lioncross was in the ring with me, I would make sure he forgot all about the grace that I had gave him inside that ring. It's not about mercy anymore. It's about winning. I've come back to win. I don't have distractions this time. I don't need to rely on my daughters. I don't need to challenge and give advice to these young men anymore. Because quite frankly, these young men will do whatever they want to do. I have seen so many come and fail. I still see the same effort done today. I will not waste my time. I will make this time much valuable. This Elimination Chamber Qualifying is more than mine. I'm already there and I'm already your NEW EAW World Heavyweight Champion. 

Fire has always been followed by a period of grieving but then achieved by the power of lightness; freedom, righteousness and mobility. In this world that celebrates pagan holidays, low-caliber champions such as Jacob Senn and even given out favorable opportunities to the lackluster. I aim to shed light on it. Our errors in not having a toughness in heart, I aim to shed light on it. Those that labor only to see their companionship be fed to underachievers, I aim to shed light on it. You will have hope and that hope will be the light that shines in the darkness. Hades' doesn't know what EAW has gotten him into. Jacob Senn will soon figure out that this championship run may not be exactly his best. In fact, he is the darkness that soils EAW's present time. But you know what they say, a darkness must arrive first for their to be a light. And I have come just in time to hold all necessities in my hand and save them. Half of our life is spent trying to achieve something with purpose, for those that are conscious of their surroundings. Most of us just take what life brings us. Those people are nothing more but starvers of lack in self-realization. When will we realize our problems around EAW? When will the world realize their problems in celebrating the occult times? When will we become a better unit? The answer is now. Hades is the first step to regaining new ground on my mission from God. I will redeem the good behind our territory. And that's a prophesy worth listening to. If you didn't know by now, the Heart Break Boy still doesn't mind putting on a show. It's just a little different because this time, it will be his show.
Aria Jaxon
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 31st 2016, 6:14 pm by Aria Jaxon

I won’t ask if Veena is proud of herself, because I think we all know the answer to that one.

Could she have beaten Tarah? No. Tarah knew it, I know it now, just as Veena and any honest person would’ve admitted it to themselves while Nova vs. Adams was going on last week. I’m sure Veena will say outwardly that she was one Kimura lock away from silencing one of her biggest detractors, but that’s not what the record books say. She takes pride in how that match ended because she’s the kinda person that’ll take thinly-veiled “victories” wherever she can get them, regardless of whether they’re real wins or not. You feel like you got the upper hand, Veena, but did you really? What good is that vendetta of yours if Tarah’s not on the shelf? If you’re gonna do something, sweetheart, I can only suggest that you do it right. The last thing you wanna do is merely maim someone who’s got every reason in the world to knock your Invisaligned teeth down your throat. People with grudges tend to come outta your peripheral when you least expect it and return the favor tenfold...but I’m sure you’ll find that out soon enough. Right now, you’re probably patting yourself on the back, with your eyes trained straight ahead and thinking you’ll be able to use this match as a chance to make a statement. I mean, you probably see it as a chance to actually win, which is pretty uncharacteristic for you in and of itself. I’m ready, though, for whatever it is that you and I will be saying to each other over the next couple of days. On your end, this shit is about to sound really familiar.

Nothing’s different on this but the timestamp.

I admit with a laugh that you and I have crossed paths so many times up to this point that, if asked, I could probably lay out every single bullet point you’ll use to outline whatever bullshit you’re about to throw my way. Like clockwork, you’ll come at me with the same shit -- my looks, my boyfriend, my friends, blah blah blah. I can’t lie, you surprised me -- and the rest of the world, for that matter -- during Empress of Elite. It was like that girl who’d run her mouth on social media about how she’d shake up this company months ago might actually be peeking through the curtain. And, as fast as she showed herself, she was gone. It gave you an all-too-unnecessary ego boost, because for some reason, falling short during that whole endeavor is the thing you’re hanging your hat on. I’m ready for the bragging, even though you don’t really have any reason for that inflated sense of self that seems to be your accessory of choice. I’m ready for the same speech I’ve had recycled and dropped on my doorstep various times since January, Veena. You mean to tell me you haven’t put all your time on the sidelines to better use? Or have I hit you in the head so many times that you couldn’t think of anything brand new even if you tried? Poor you. You’ve never beaten me, Veena, and you think that’s about to change this week? Historically, whenever you and I run into each other, either I win or you manage to survive so long that we’re both laid out. You either scrape by, or I snatch up a win. That’s it. You’ve gotten your shit together enough to the point that, if worse comes to worse, we’ll both be laid out staring up at the rafters, but that’s not the outcome I’m banking on. I’d prefer the more likely end to all of this, where the imaginary safety net provided by your bloodline isn’t there to catch you when you take a tumble. But hey, you’re well-versed in biting the big one, aren’t you?

It’s been over nine months now, and I remember how all of this started. You felt like you were supposed to be heralded as the most impressive recent acquisition of early 2016, and you carried yourself as such. I remember when you stormed backstage on that episode of Battleground and caught an attitude over the fact that the Tapout executives chose to sign me to a deal. Ass backwards as it may have been, it all made sense in your mind. You were actually offended that you, someone who literally had zero things of note to her resume, happened to have been passed up for a contract of that nature. I’ll play devil’s advocate, though. I’d only been in EAW for six months at that point, but it just goes to show how much you can get done in a short ass time frame if you’ve actually got the goods to back up the shit you say. Something as foolish as envy was what brought you into my line of sight for the first time, and though you’ll always insist that it’s not the case, that very envy is what hangs on your words every time you have something to say to me or Tarah or Cailin or Sheridan or anyone who’s crossed your path and actually has a way to carry themselves the way that they do. You look at me and you can't but help but to seethe because I've hit high points you could only DREAM of. You love to pay so much attention to the times where I've stumbled and fallen because it almost makes you feel like you've got a chance to pass me by, but you're reminded of how unrealistic of a goal that really is when I recover and go back to doing what I do best. You think you've got any room to say anything at all to me, Veena? With your imaginary title reigns and nonexistent tournament wins? I know you’re really feeling yourself now, but is it too little, too late? I don’t give a damn how many points you racked up during Empress of Elite, and I definitely didn’t care about your sentiment that Cailin “fell ass-first into the finals”. Yes, you not being used as a punching bag for Block A was as big of a shock to me as anyone else, but I knew you couldn’t sustain the little bit of momentum that you’d managed to bottle up. A few weeks propelled by fleeting promise, followed by weeks of cashing in on petty vendettas with people who are better than you isn’t about to erase the fact that you squandered countless months this year. You’ve got multiple losses to fucking Azumi to your name, for God’s sake. That by itself should be enough to render all of your shit talk null and void. Japan’s worst export turned you into her personal crash test dummy, and you’re staring me down -- someone who’s also got more than a little bit of experience jacking your jaw -- and I’m supposed to believe that I’m not walking away victorious here? I don’t buy it.

The creation of Empire was something that the Vixens deserve. Long gone are the days of a five-woman division who had to scream at the top of their lungs just to be given a chance and treated like they mattered. Anyone with a brain is aboard the Vixens hype train now. We now have a niche to shine and a valuable spotlight to highlight all of our proudest professional moments. All in the same breath, a brighter light than ever before will shine on the pitfalls of the unlucky women who aren’t able to keep pace. I know when the news broke you were rubbing your hands together and plotting, dreaming of just how fast your ascent to the top of the ladder would be. At least for a moment, there was an “anything can happen” vibe wafting through the air. There was something about the creation of this show that made even the lowest of D-List Vixens feel like this was their chance to turn things on a dime. That chemical X is the same thing that suddenly made you feel like you could make good on all those things you promised to do months ago, but as we can see, those hopes have already been dashed. In no time flat, Empire got turned into a goddamn battlefield where only the strongest of us will survive. You think you’re a catch, but how’s it feel to know that NO ONE is checking for you? Numbers are a valuable thing to have in the weeks leading up to Shock Value, but how must it feel to know that people would rather be at a numbers disadvantage than be tasked with tryna absorb a problem child into their ranks? Shit, even the girls of The Sanatorium were trusted by The OGs to watch their sixes. Us Sirens have gotten ourselves on the same page with Sheridan. All the first and second round draft picks are getting snatched up, honey, and no one is checking for you. I mean, if you’re the catch that you say you are, if you’re REALLY the Vixen to watch, wouldn’t one alliance or another have been tripping over themselves to earn your favor? And don’t play that “I work alone” shit, because you had your guard dog Silence at your side for the longest time and you owe even having a job to your uncle, so if anyone loves to cling to other people, it’s you. Don’t worry, though. None of my friends will be anywhere in sight when we have our match. I don’t play dirty. I don’t need weapons or distractions or anything like that to handle my business, but you know that already, don’t you? You don’t have to prepare yourself for a three or four-on-one beatdown; just get ready for a one-on-one loss that’ll sting all the same. I suggest you keep clinging to “almost” making it out of Block A and that match against Tarah as your high points. Keep them close to your heart after I beat your ass this week. Believe me, you’ll need your hollow victories as mood-lifters when this is all over.
Ryan Marx
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 31st 2016, 5:23 pm by Ryan Marx
Showdown: Rite of Passage Promo 1 – The Unveiling of the Mirror

EAW Promoz! - Page 12 KQlu5sjB

The screen is black and everything is quiet. Only the slight sound of breathing can be heard, indicating life.

The time has come.

The scene fades in and we see Ryan Marx in a familiar way, stood in front of the covered full-length mirror. He stares at it with more confidence than ever, before looking to the camera.

You've seen this before. This mirror, the cloth that covers it, and me standing before it like some idol. Whilst I'm sure some of you may have believed this was nothing but an interesting set-up, some false symbolism in an attempt to look intellectual, there may be some of you out there who looked deeper and considered the possibility that this meant something to me. And if you're in that latter group, then you would be correct. This mirror isn't just here because I want to look profound as I stare at it – it's here to represent all my...flaws. And it's also a key part of my own personal rite of passage. So I thought: what better time to go through my own rite of passage than during the build-up to Rite of Passage? There's symbolism for you.

Ryan laughs, and then continues.

The reason this idea works so well is because not only will I be successful through my own rite of passage, but I will also be successful at Rite of Passage this Saturday. I can say that with confidence. Because Ryder, you may think you're the better or more cunning man with your coin flips, and your sneak attacks, and of course your constant complaining about me, but that all means nothing come Saturday. When you and I come face-to-face you will realise that you shouldn't have sought revenge against me. You should have just accepted my 'betrayal' and lived your life, knowing that you will never be able to bring yourself up to my level of intelligence and skill. But no.

Since you got yourself involved in my life, gave yourself the self-sacrificial responsibility of ruining my opportunities and tried to get under my skin, then I will make sure that you will never be able to go back to the life you had before Territorial Invasion.

Although, what kind of life did you have before Territorial Invasion? It must have been a miserable existence, adapting to life with a face like yours, all burned and scarred. But it was your own fault Ryder, it was all because of your own actions that you mutated into what you are now. I can't imagine it was fun. I bet you were ostracised weren't you, outcast by the people who once adored you. Do you know how I know that? Because I've felt the same. People who once admired me for my thinking were the same people who shunned me when I dared to think outside the box, when I became something else. They are the same people who did this to me.

Ryan motions at himself, though he pauses when he realises how vague he is being.

I know I'm being unclear here, but it's not easy to explain. That's why this is a personal rite of passage, unlike the very public one that will happen this Saturday. Whilst I can describe with confidence and detail what will happen to you at Rite of Passage, I'm not able to fully articulate my current state. So let me ask you a question, Ryder.

Can you look at yourself in the mirror?

Ryan looks over to the covered mirror, and stares at it as he continues to speak.

When you wake up, are you able to look into a mirror and bear to see that scarred face of yours staring right back at you? For years now, I haven't been able to properly look at myself. Of course, I can look into a mirror if it's cracked or in some way obscured, but I can't look for too long. And before you start with the jokes, allow me to try and explain my real reasoning. When I look at myself, I see a man who isn't at his full potential yet. I'm well aware that one day, I'll be able to lead the world into my own future, and I know that I will be the next messiah of the new age. But I don't see that yet. I don't see it yet because I know that I still have hurdles to jump over. I still have people to convince. When I look into a mirror, I'm taken back to the worst times in my life. The times of doubt, the times of ridicule, the times when even I didn't believe what I was thinking and saying. And yes, I'm far past those times now, but they linger. You of all people should know that, Ryder. Those scars don't heal, and those betrayals leave deep wounds.

But unlike you, I know how to find the ability to look at myself again with no hesitation. This ritual I will undergo during the build-up to our match is only the first part of it all. The second part is defeating you. Ryder, you may not realise it, but over the last month you have assumed the role of all my former tormentors. You have been there: disrupting my matches and costing me wins, going to great lengths to confront me, insulting me and my philosophy like we're nothing but dirt. You have done all of this and it made me realise – if I'm ever going to be able to reach my full potential, I must burn the effigy of my lingering insecurities. I must destroy you. You've stepped into a position that you were unaware of, and now you will face the consequences. I mentioned self-sacrifice earlier, and the weight of that will become even more apparent at Rite of Passage, when you sacrifice yourself for my future. You dared to target me, and the price for that is a public conversion at my hands.

A pause, and then Ryan takes a step closer to the mirror. He reaches out and grabs the cloth, twisting it in his fist. In one swift motion, he pulls the cloth away, revealing the full-body mirror underneath. There's some dust dabbed around it, but for the most part its reflection is clear and unbroken. Draping the cloth over one arm, Ryan reaches out to touch the glass with the other, his fingers tracing his reflected face as it stares at itself. It takes a moment or two, but Ryan finally manages to look back to the camera. After letting out a breath he had been holding onto for too long, he speaks.

If you can't look in a mirror now, then you will never be able to once I have delivered unto you true pain. Because those burns, those crushing defeats, and all of those times that you've ever felt worthless will never compare to the feeling you will experience once Rite of Passage is over. You were warned, Ryder – you saw what I was capable of at Territorial Invasion. And now you will fall once more.

Ryan looks at himself in the mirror for a second more before looking down at the cloth hanging off of his arm. The next part of the rite of passage is soon to come. He smirks at this, his eyes slowly moving back up the camera. Grabbing the cloth, he throws it over the camera, plunging it into near-darkness. Cut to static. Fade to black.
вrσdч spαrks .
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 31st 2016, 4:19 pm by вrσdч spαrks .
EAW Promoz! - Page 12 Ri2apSy


She made her message. A message that was obviously not heard. Like a dog she plans to break and train this division one by one. Starting with Cailin Dillon. Darkness. That empty feeling you get as the hairs on the back of your neck stand, is in the pit of your stomach. You swallow, gulping taking in your surroundings. Fear consumes, it uses your and it spits you out right after its done chewing you whole. It's that same nagging feeling you get as the static comes back. This time a room filled with posters of Cailin Dillon. Sitting on the floor with her legs crossed is Brody Sparks. In her hands she holds an action figure of Cailin. Embracing and holding it as she smiles.

"The saddest part- well not so much said for me babe, but the saddest part is..well it's you Cailin. It just had to be you baby doll. I mean I would much rather give anything to have you my way but I guess being my bitch for the night and being another example of dominance will just have to suffice. Ever since I left it's been vixen after vixen trying to be someone, trying to fit into a division of brainless bimbos. Disgusting! It explains why so many of those women failed in their quest. They try too fucking hard! They want to be these empty shells of women, filling a void left inside of them for some unknown reason. Let me reiterate that this, me, and who I am this isn't a gimmick. I don't have to try to be crazy I don't have to try to be different I just fucking am! The stupid stereotype of people like me being the way we are because of some big traumatic experience in our life is a load of fucking crap ! It's crap! Some of us are just natural born killers. Naturally evil. Like me. I don't have to hurt people but I do because I simply can ! I don't look at you as an opponent Cailin. I don't even look at you as a woman let alone a human being. You're prey. You and The Sirens and the women who choose to stand by you are what I plan to eat for breakfast. You are nothing more than casualties in my own fucking war to get what I want.. what I DESERVE. You guys wanted a war, your little pasty friend wanted to declare war. She started it on your behalf. It just had to you be. Cleopatra gave you to me to be slaughtered! I asked for something to warn me up, to feel that blood in my hands again, to reach my climax in hurting someone, anyone, be it you be it any other bitch in this company. Brody just came to make hurt. Brody came to play puppet master, and you're going to be my puppet Cailin. Mark my words."

"Mark my fucking words…."

"Please you orange haired bitch, save me the energy from having to listen to your pathetic facade. You see my little muffin, congratulations you have something right. Of course I didn't need to come into this so card war, but guess what ? I wanted to. War causes bloodshed and well quite frankly I love blood. Why would I NOT want to be apart of these amazing festivities! Am I to be scared by a group of fake superheros? What you need is a reality check. This isn't some movie, this isn't some comic where the good guys always come out on top. This war, this story doesn't have a scripted ending, so while you three play superhero and marvel girls, the real women of this company will rise to the top while you grovel at our fucking feet. I came back to stand with the women who have actually done something. You think I care about being friends with them? You think I care about their feelings? Brody's looking out for herself! This is your problem. You're so worried about who aligns with who, playing nice with whomever to gain allies. We don't have to do that. We are all women with our own agenda who understand that in order to get a job done you have to stand together. No friendships needed, we aren't fake with each other. Sorry Chuckie, but there is no child's play in this equation. Baby, I think all that hair dye has damaged whatever amount of brains you thought you had. I am loyal to Sanatorium. A unit that respects the aspirations that each member has. It's called respect , so you can try to toy and play mind games with me, but you don't fucking see that you are playing with the wrong bitch. I don't see them as a quick fix, I see you sad a fix. you're going to fix my need to hurt, to control, to cause wreckage. That's YOU playing my fix. You've landed a major role in my film to damage this so called Empire, to damage this division, and clean it from top to bottom. Aw typical “good girl” response. Generic and as boring as it gets.  You may believe you can beat me, but the fact is , you won't. How fucking disgusting of you to go on this tirade about life. Do you think I fucking care about your little speeches? Wake the fuck up and realize that life isn't about what chaos you can fight through. oh please Cailin. Try to be a little fucking original and not sound like a generic hallmark card. You fucking idiot."

"I was just a soul. A soul just trying to find it’s place in the universe. I didn’t fit in with the rest of the women here, I knew that. I understandably hated that part of me. My brain is different. My mind is different. It’s complex, and hard to understand. Try to follow. I was just trying to find my footing in this company. I was lost and I was found. I thought Zack Crash saved me. I was wrong, but Eclipse, he saw something in me I had not seen before. It’s almost repetitive but, see I am just simply trying to make you understand the mind of a maniac, of a troubled soul. I cannot control my lust for pain, but it my own causing or, the pain be inflicted on me. It oddly nourishes my soul. The pain feels good. With the guidance of Eclipse, and my own fucking self, they have molded me into the perfect form of myself. A lot of vixens claim to be “different” and “edgy”. I don’t act like this. It’s just who I am. I can channel a form of anger, a beast within me, the siren within me. A REAL Siren. Not some comic based bullshit. Once she is out, it is damn hard to contain. I almost pity this division for having to deal with me. You all deserve it. Why? One might ask why I feel you deserve to be in my path and experience Brody Sparks. You deserve to see how dangerous a mind can be, you deserve to see what can happen when you add a match to spark. I have nothing to lose from this. I’ve already been tainted, you either accept me or feel my wrath. I look to succeed in this. This was truly the only lifestyle for me to live. To be in the ring, to cause pain to make you bleed. To make you hurt, to break your bones, to tear your flesh and muscles. I want to break you. Baby doll, I want to push you to a limit of no return. If I have to kill you to make the point come across, well quite frankly it shall be fucking done. This isn’t a game for me. This is real. This is what I do. I want to be the acid that burns the division away. To be the last to stand to claim my own throne. Nothing can save you. Not your innocence, nor your bliss. I broke a promise to myself. I became less of a woman. Until I realized, I wasn’t a woman. I am a goddess. I am a being. I am unnaturally supernatural. I feed on you like maggots. I want to hurt you to the point you become numb. I want to feel that pain, the pain of repeatedly hurting you until eventually it hurts me. I want to feel it and I want it to never fade away. At the end of the day babydoll, we all suffer anyway. So why not make the suffering fun? Why not make it enjoyable. How does one have the right to decide that one thing is weird, or bad? Everything is bad and abnormal until you try it first hand. You never know that you like the taste of blood, until you actually try it. I invite you. I’ll take that razor blade and I’ll slice right across my wrist, I’ll pinch the wound to open for you, and I’ll let you taste it. I’ll let you decide. The problem is, you wouldn’t dare, because you chose to set limitations upon yourself. Sad really. I tried to run away from the part of me for far too long. It was only a matter of time I decided to take it upon myself and embrace it."

"False sense of confidence? Oh please. You are the embodiment of false fucking confidence. The weakest member of The Sirens. Without your little friendship, you would have ceased to exist. You have the fucking balls to say you let your opponents feel a false sense of confidence when you lack any. Is a facade , a joke, a walking punchline. That is you my dear, it's a reflective defense mechanism. You have little to no confidence so you have to convince yourself that you are the confident one. Confidence a word you seem to love as much as I love hurting people. Even your own fucking entrance music. Let me tell you, you sheep. What's wrong with being confident? Everything. Everything is wrong when it pertains to you. Although you're right, you are poison. Human poison. Not in the way you thought. Not in this way of injecting your “poison” to your opponents. You've been fooled to thinking of yourself so high and mighty and someone needs to kick you off of that fucking peg. “I just do it”. I sit here and I LAUGH. Good god, for someone who is at the so called top of the vixens, you know little to nothing. This isn't all talk my little raggedy anne. Sure I could bite my tongue and stay quiet about what who I am and what I do, but, why. Why should I limit myself for the sake of you? I choose to do it because I fucking can, and I love. You are poison Cailin. Everything you touch dies, I almost envy that aspect of you. Almost. You're the poison that people truly don't want to be around, people only tolerate you. You're poison to yourself, you brought this demolishing on yourself. You are the poison who will try to infect me, but baby girl, unlike your previous opponents, I have the antidote."

"I already answered why I left. You're either as dumb as you look or you just really want to be massacred. I left because I saw the downfall that would become OMERTA. I got out before they could drag me down with them. I chose to survive than to be separated. You don't need to break an arm. Oh spare me you idiot! Look around you, look at this life you're in. You don't spare anyone. This is a dog eat dog world, you choose to limit yourself to play fan favorite, to play good girl, and for what?! You disgust me. Can't you see what this is all about, there is no time to play nice, you will get nowhere. By chance, by CHANCE you happened to become the Empress of Elite. I want there, fate , destiny, your destiny was crafted by me. If I had been in, instead of these mock vixens, things would be different. My destiny is set. Crafted and molded by me. Women like you stood in my way, a true hero you try to be, you're a walking hallmark store with your little “deep” quotes. I don't care how big of a moment last week was for me or for this company. I don't care and that's what makes me different from people like you I don't care to be praised and to be liked by everyone around me. All I care about is hurting people and taking myself to the top where I belong and it all starts with you so yes you are in my way and you will be knocked down.  Call it an ego and if it is than I have the biggest ego in this whole company and then love it.  Right you are my love THIS IS WAR. But this is a war that you three have bought on yourself. You three declared war you guys wanted this and this is exactly what you're getting. A fucking war. You don't have to prepare yourself to fight like you're fighting for your life because every time you step into the ring with me you ARE fighting for your life.
She laughed as she finished her last word. It echoed from her lips as she snapped the head of the Cailin Dillon action figure. With pride she takes the head and slips it between her wet lips. Licking and slobbering all over it. Biting in rhythm until she spat it out on her hand. With a wink the scene came to close.

Terry Chambers
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 31st 2016, 3:38 pm by Terry Chambers

'"Step 1"

---The scene opens backstage moments following Terry Chambers dismantling of JJ Silva and Terry Chambers is walking with a purpose and a cameraman chases after him and tries asking for comments as he is trying to keep up with Terry Chambers pace and Terry Chambers stops and takes a deep breathe before he begins speaking---

Terry Chambers: I'm guessing you want an explanation on why I did what I just did out there to my so called "friend" JJ Silva. Didn't I make it clear enough out there on the microphone? Ok well here is the thing...I don't like failure! Over the past month or so JJ was getting weaker and weaker and I did what I had to do, I cut the dead weight off of me. JJ Silva has been on a downward spiral ever since he lost the New Breed title to my fellow competitor who I will get to later Chris Elite. He was riding the cotails of me and Zack Crash in OMERTA then when Zack Crash got traded away to Voltage he didn't know what to do so he was riding my cotail and then when he was placed in this series instead of me I was disgusted but then thought maybe if he dominated like I know he will I will be ok with it but he kept on losing and losing and I would know from then on he would humiliate himself in that scramble match at Rite of Passage I told myself I am not wasting my time anymore with JJ Silva. I ended my partnership and friendship with JJ Silva out there a few minutes ago and I don't regret one damn thing I did. JJ Silva, you are, and will forever be a failure, and I don't associate with failure!

---Terry Chambers takes another deep deep breathe and begins walking and the cameraman follows him by his side and he starts speaking again---

Terry Chambers: Now let's move on to a topic that is actually worth my time! The New Breed Championship! Murrow knew that I am the better fit for this scramble match so he knew putting me in was the right move and he also knows that if he didn't give me any respect that I would continue plowing through his up and coming talent here on Showdown just like I did to Philly Kid on Showdown. This week at Rite of Passage I will have to face Chris Elite, Nick Angel, Rex McAllister, Ryan Savage, and Nobi. 4 of those guys have been a thorn in my side at one point in my career. Ryan Savage......how have you been my friend? Good? Me? Well I have never been better heading into this scramble match. I am surprised you are still here in EAW Ryan, no it's not because of wrestling ability, it is purely just you getting winded every time you move and being able to keep up. I give you props for that actually. Me and Ryan have a bit of history. Me and Ryan both started here in EAW around the exact same time on the old NEO. Ryan Savage is the rivalry that kickstarted my career because he was on top with the Young Lions Cup and given my first try, I defeated Ryan Savage right in the middle of the ring and pinned him one..two..three! We went on to have a few more matches after that and he got dominated. Ryan Savage was actually pretty good in his NEO days. You ask me why I say in those days and not now? Because he was looking to fight his way up for a chance at glory and was very talented but once he got his chance he froze when the spotlight was shining bright on him. Ryan Savage today is pretty much dead weight for EAW that needs to be cut. It will be good to see you again Saturday Ryan, I will come out victorious like always, it should look very familiar to you. Rex McAllister keeps getting chance after chance after chance and just keeps coming up just short of winning the big one. Rex McAllister can keep winning all the number 1 contendership battle royals and matches ALL he wants but just can't get the job done. Hell he couldn't even beat Kurt Burton. And here he is again in a position where he will fall short one more time. Ever since I last was in the ring with Rex back at Dia Del Diablo he just can't get it done and I got a new lease on life after partnering up with Crash and getting the win at Territorial Invasion match in the WarGames match and getting better each and every single day. Every passing second of the day I get more and more confident that I will win the New Breed Championship next week because Rex is in there, you want to know why I'm confident cause he is in the match? Because he won't win the big one.

---Terry Chambers walks into his locker room and grabs his bag and puts on a sweatshirt and turns the lights out and starts walking to the parking lot and the cameraman is trying to keep pace with Terry Chambers and Terry Chambers begins speaking as he is walking---

Terry Chambers: Oh I forgot about little Nobi. Is that little shit still walking around like he is champion material? Ok Nobi will likely go on to say that the last few times we were in the ring he lasted longer than me or eliminated me and there is simply only 1 reason to that and that is because Nobi is proving the words I say about him are true that he is a pussy because he had to team up with somebody to take me out. The kid has the attitude that if he believes in something hard enough or prays hard enough at night he can become a top star in this industry and you can take down the monsters but it looks like he needed help to take me down. Nobi knows damn well when he has no backup with him and it is just me and him that not only his career but his life is in jeopardy because the first few times we were 1 on 1, who won? that's right...ME! I said it before and I will say it again, Nobi is the type of person as a kid in elementary school when on the school playground he wanted to look brave or impress the girls and would do something totally idiotic and go stand up to the school bully and he thinks just because he saw it in movies that the brave kid is victorious, harsh reality comes crashing down hard on him when the bully pops him right in the mouth and he is crying to the school nurse, "they said if I believe, I can always win." And that is exactly what it is like when Nobi is in the ring with me, he expects a fairy tale story to happens but reality sets in on him when I dismantle him and walk out as the winner. See you Saturday Nobi, it's always fun humiliating you. And last but least...the New Breed Champion Chris Elite! Chris is another who has been a thorn on my side before in my career and that is when I came back and he got the best of me a few times and I vowed if we stepped in the ring again, I WILL get the best of him. I did that in the WarGames match, but that just isn't enough for me. Several months ago I never would have expected the next time we meet in the ring he would be a champion of any sorts because he is not championship material. Don't get me wrong, he's a talented individual but just not championship material. But now that he is the champion it will motivate me even more to not only get the best of him, but get the belt off of him as well.  Hey Chris do me a favor, take your selfies with the title and hell if I were you, I would sleep with it because the clock is ticking down on your championship reign. TICK TOCK!

---Terry Chambers stops and starts to speak slowly---

Terry Chambers:

---Terry Chambers shoves the camera out of his face and his driver opens the door to his limousine and Terry Chambers steps into it and says "step on it" as the driver closes the door and the driver gets in the drivers seat and the limousine leaves the arena garage and the scene fades to black---
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 31st 2016, 2:12 pm by TLA
EAW Promoz! - Page 12 Flat800x800075f

The following is a Sexual Panther Production and is not intended for all viewing audiences.

EAW Promoz! - Page 12 Mh8qpc_zps41a2c99b

Advisory Notice: Dicks were out for Harambe during the making of this film.

Advisory Notice: Amaya Fax was not pleased about the release of this film.

Advisory Notice: We gonna release this film anyway no matter how many hurt feelings. #HurtFeelings

The camera cuts to scenic shots of Paris as “Niggas in Paris” by Jay-Z and Kanye West plays. Insecure men with small dicks are shown crying as they watch couples making out beneath the Eiffel Tower.

Sexual Panther Productions presents…



Courtney Love as Failin’ DiLion…

Justin Bieber as “The Psychotic Frenchman” Toni Lionheart…

Caitlyn Jenner as Famnix Wintertran…

Hillary Clinton as Traita Hovah…

Marshall Mathers as Special Agent in Charge Director Lil Peena Braddams...

TLA as Bipolarion Deathheart, the badass mercenary leader of the covert tactical unit “Guerrillas en París…

And featuring special guest star…

Steroid Dawg as Harambe!!!


The camera cuts to a suburban New York City elementary shool where Bipolarion Deathheart is seen dropping off his estranged kids at school in a soccer mom van as they say goodbye to Harambe. Deathheart turns to his wife in the passenger's seat as they make out.

Mrs. Deathheart: I know it’s hard… to give up the life of action you once had. But I promise you things will be different now. Your daughters are growing up so fast… and they miss you so much when you are overseas. I know that you are a fighter… a military man at heart… but I promise that this life as a cucked househusband will be worth it.

Bipolarion Deathheart: I don’t know man… I only know one thing… Killing. It’s all I’ve been raised on man. It’s eating the fuck away at me man! I think I changed my mind about quitting the force again!!! Oh my god I’m going right down there to tell the bosses I am sticking around!!

Mrs. Deathheart: Baby please… We have already talked about this… You are two days away from retirement… don’t throw this chance away! You have to make a decision and I hope that you choose to put us first…

Bipolarion fidgets in his seat as he looks back and forth from his loving wife to the gun being carried by an angry young white man entering the school wearing a trenchcoat.

Bipolarion Deathheart: I just don’t know man… I got so many problems! It’s like I can’t make a decision about who I am! I gotta get the gun back in my hands man…

Mrs: Deathheart: I got something you can get back in your hands baby!

Bipolarion Deattheart: Awww yeaaaa imma be grabbin’ that pussy somethin’ fierce. I mean when you are a retired special agent with a penchant for rule breaking and taking down secret international syndicates single handedly… they just let you do it. I mean just grab ‘em by the pussy amirite?

Mrs. Deathheart: You are so right baby. Now let’s go vote for Trump.

Mrs. Deathheart looks towards the camera as she unbuttons her shirt to reveal Trump 2016 written across her luscious titties. Suddenly gunshots can be heard from within the school.

Bipolarion Deathheart: Oh shit… What the hell was that?!?!? Our daughters are in there!!!

Bipolarion jumps out of the van as he starts to rush into the school.

Mrs. Deathheart: Not so fast baby… Our daughters are safe now… Safe from you that is!!

Bipolarion Deattheart: What the fuck is this?!?!?

Bipolarion turns around to see his wife holding a gun on him.

Mrs. Deathheart: See I was just in this for the money all along babe! That’s the only reason I ever even had kids with you! But now that you are retiring there is no more money and no more reason to ever fuck with you ever again!!!

Bipolarion Deathheart: Baby please… Is this because I kept changing our daughter’s names on their birth certificate?!?! I just couldn’t decide…

Mrs. Deathheart: Oh don’t worry babe. Our daughters are safe. Safe with a real man!! HAHAHAHA!!!

Mrs. Deathheart shoots her husband in the gut as he keels over onto the grass. Suddenly the young man wearing the trench coat steps out holding Bipolarion’s daughters hostage. He throws them hard on the ground as he laughs and whispers something in Bipolarion’s ear in a heavy French accent.

???: Nous serons heureux ensemble à Paris…

He then laughs psychotically as he takes shots at random students fleeing across the school lawn. As police sirens are heard the Psychotic Frenchman and Mrs. Deathheart escape in the soccer mom van. Harambe jumps out of the van as he licks Bipolarion’s bloody face as everything fades to black…


???: He’s waking up… Good we have waited long enough…

The camera cuts into an unrealistically futuristic hospital room that is completely made of metal and much of the vital equipment that would be found in an actual hospital. Bipolarion Deathheart is shown waking up in a bed as his boss Special Agent in Charge Lil Peena Braddams is shown wearing an eyepath and a suit sitting across from him in a chair.

Lil Peena: About damn time you came around… We need you soldier…

Bipolarion: Uuuugh I thought we talked about this… I am retiring…

Lil Peena: Well considering you have retired nearly every other week since you joined the agency I really didn’t take that on good faith. Especially since you keep on joining up under different names.

Bipolarion: Shit… you knew about that?!?!?

Lil Peena: The whole damn agency knew nigga! 

Bipolarion: Shit… this makes me want to quit again…

Lil Peena: There’s no time for that… We need you now more than ever. You see there is a massive threat to the peace and security of the United States of America and you are the only man for the job…

Bipolarion: Why me??

Lil Peena: You see the man who shot up your daughter’s school and kidnapped your wife and daughters is an international fugitive known only as “The Psychotic Frenchman”... We have done all the digging we can and learned he was originally known as Toni Lionheart but I am afraid this is all we could learn... It appears that he used to sell stained glass French flags from his mother’s basement until the business went under and she kicked him out. Since then he has been waging a one man war against men with families. He is desperate to steal their mother’s as he has lost his. In fact he is likely living with your wife right now in the basement of an unknown house. Unfortunately we have been unable to locate it…

Bipolarion: Dammit…

Lil Peena: That’s not all… It appears that your wife was not in fact who she said she was. Her name is actually Failin’ DiLion and she is an illegal French national who has likely been plotting this terrorist attack for years. I am sorry man but I tried to warn you… bitches just can’t be trusted…

Bipolarion: I can’t believe I was deceived like this…

Lil Peena: I too have felt the cold hard deceit of the pussy. Unfortunately you survived… many men have not. Bitches be cray yo! But now is our time to strike back… We will do it… and I want you to lead our finest guerrilla unit into Paris to rescue your family…

Bipolarion: I thought you didn’t know where they were…

Lil Peena: I have just received word they are in Paris so let’s leave it at that.

Bipolarion: I see. That must have been why he whispered to me that they would be happy together in Paris.

Lil Peena: Yes that is likely an explanation to a very obvious question so I’m glad you are finally catching up to speed. This is seriously taking forever.

A tranny wearing white chainmail and carrying a knight’s sword enters the room next to a woman who smiles shadily at the Special Agent in Charge.

Lil Peena: Agent Deathheart I would like to introduce you to your team. The finest and most trustworthy agents in the agency who will definitely never betray you. This is Famnix Wintertran and that hot piece of ass over there is Traita Hovah. She has sent me many nudes on the reg which I will share with you after this mission has completed.

Bipolarion: I’m afraid I can’t just do this for my country… but for the nudes… I guarantee you sir… we will bring this son of a bitch to justice!!!

Bipolarion shakes hands with the rest of the team as the camera fades to black.


The camera cuts to the basement of a French home in Paris where Toni Lionheart is shown eating hot pockets as he chats with Failin’ DiLion. Traita Hovah and Famnix Wintertran sign in on Skype to attend the meeting.

Failin’ DiLion: I am so glad I don’t have to deal with my stupid husband anymore!

Traita Hovah: Ugh tell me about it girlfriend! I would never actually say this to their face of course but now that we are on Skype… Oh lawd do I feel free!

Famnix Wintertran: I could not agree more my loves! You are the victims here! Just ignore the haters… I will fight your battles for you… I’ll defend you to the death if need be!!

Failin’ DiLion: Thank you Wintertran. You are a true loyal man. A valiant knight for the whitest cause. We can trust you and I know you would never say anything mean about me.

Famnix Wintertran: Of course not… But as I have told you the United States government plans to bring you to justice. But do not worry… I will bash their heads in Negan style!

The Cliq continues to laugh until suddenly Harambe busts through the ceiling taking down Failin’ Dillion. Harambe notices Bipolarion Deathheart’s daughters being held in a cage as he tears the bars off and grabs them.


Toni Lionheart grabs his AK-47 as he begins unloading the lead into Harambe. Harambe screams as blood splatters all over the basement. Harambe drops the daughters who have taken many bullets themselves as all of them fall to the floor in a bloody heap.

Toni Lionheart: Mon dieu s'il vous plaît pardonnez-moi…

Suddenly the elite death squad Guerrillas in Paris bust through the ceiling as well lighting up the room with their superior American weaponry protected by the 2nd Amendment.

Bipolarion Deathheart: FUCK YEAH! ‘MERICA!!!

Suddenly Bipolarion notices the carnage before him.

Bipolarion: OH GOD NO! PLEASE NO!!!

Bipolarion kicks his daughter’s corpses out of the way as he throws himself onto Harambe.


Bipolarion cries as Traita Hovah and Famnix Wintertran turn their weapons on him. He stands up and notices their betrayal.

Bipolarion: I suppose… I suppose I should have realized this.

Failin’ DiLion: Yeah it was pretty fucking obvious babe...


Bipolarion begins shooting as he blows off Toni Lionheart’s head with a shotgun but Famnix Wintertran dives in front of Failin’ DiLion and Traita Hovah to take the fire all for himself and save them from the blast. He then falls into a bloody heap in the corner. Failin’ Dillion and Traita Hovah then cock their weapons as they light up Bipolarion with lead. Bipolarion begins to cough blood as he says his final words…

Bipolarion: I have decided… last minute… that this is not the end… I have decided to return…

Bipolarion then breathes his final breath as Failin and Traita leave the basement to the sound of police sirens as the camera fades to black and the credits roll.

© 2015 Sexual Panther Productions Inc.


The camera cuts to a graveyard where Special Agent in Charge Lil Peena Braddams is shown mourning the loss of his finest agent.

Lil Peena: He coulda’ been a contenda… He coulda been somebody… Too bad they never found his body...

???: Sir I am here to report for duty…

Lil Peena turns around with a smile on his face to see Bipolarion Deathheart standing before him.

Lil Peena: Ah Bipolarion… I knew you’d come!! We need you now more than ever… Your actions have brought up many feelings of… Nostalgia… in Paris. They are organizing.. I am afraid another Cliq may be forming Deathheart!

???: It’s not Deathheart anymore sir… I have decided… to change my name...

Lil Peena facepalms as the camera fades to black.

Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 31st 2016, 1:47 pm by Nobi
Rite of Passage 1

Never gonna stop until I collapse...

I know you all gonna try to keep me down. I know you all gonna try to break my spirit down. I know you all gonna try to take me out. It’s all the same thing. It will always happened in this industry. We all gonna try to use everything we have to survive in this Scramble Match. We all want to win the New Breed Championship.

I have my opportunity, just like the rest of you. I have an opportunity to win the New Breed Championship, just like the rest of you. What’s make the difference between all of us? Nothing. Apart from our different styles and the entry numbers we get, we all have no differences. Our score points? Nah, it’s just for determinating our entry numbers. The guy who scores the most point might be feeling lucky, but then again, we all wrestlers. We don’t need luck. All we need is our skills. Believe me or not, our talents are equals. We have no fan favorites, we have no underdogs. We all are equal elitists. Some might claimed they are special. Some might claimed they are unique. Some might be keeping thier downs and just let their fists do the work. In the end of the day, we all just want to win this Scramble Match. No real beef. No real hatred. Just a pure desire from 6 different individuals that will collide.

My desire is countless, you all know this. I never gonna stop until I collapse. But then again, everytime I collapse, I just keep getting up every day in and day out. I can guarranted you all, it’s impossible to keep me down. I have gone through a lot and I’m still standing, still breathing, still fighting to chase my success. This situation is not new to me. I have learned from my mistakes, my victories, and my experiences. I’m not going to stop, not with The New Breed Championship at stake and in my sights. Because I’ve been thinking about this since the moment I entered this company. I’ve been thinking about this since the moment I step my foot in for the first time ever in that square ring. I’ve been thinking about this since I had both my winning streaks and my losing streaks. My winning streaks told me that I have what it takes to carry on the legacy of any championship in this company in my shoulders. My losing streaks told me that I have to wake up and I have to work hard to make people realize that everybody can break the cell with their own hands. I gained countless acknowledge to make me a better strategist to survive in this battlefield and I’ll be sure to exploit them all to beat all of you. I’m not going to stop, I never want to stop, and I will never stop. No matter what’s going happened to me, I just simply want to walk out with The New Breed Championship belt around my waist, you all can count on that.

I’m fully aware that this is going to be a long journey, I’m fully aware that this is going to be a dark path, and I’m fully aware that this is going to be one hell of a roller coster ride. Do you realize it yourself, Ryan Savage? You seems to think that you are so special, but in reality, you are just full of shit. Do you honestly believe that you really lost yourself to Chris Elite in a purpose? Why can’t you just admit it that Chris was really the better man? Is it because you are ashamed of yourself and who you are? I believe so. If not, why are you wearing a mask? Everybody knows your face and know how you look like, so why the mask? That mask doesn’t make anything difference for you Ryan. That mask is just a pure symbol that you are even scared of yourself. You said it yourself that the memory of your old run still haunts you and you know what? You are scared to see your old accomplishment. You are scared to see your own-self. You are scared to make another failure in your career. You are going to have a panic-attack when you realized that you are no different then you really were. Yes, you did have some accomplishment, no one questions it, but we all know you can’t handle the pressure of failure like I do. If you do, why did you leave the company that you love in the first place? It’s not because you trained to be a monster like you think you are, it’s because you are no different than every ego-maniacs in this earth. You are an ego-maniac Ryan. You are so full of yourself. You are just simply an arrogant cunt. Go ahead, try to convience me that you are gonna kill everyone else in this match. Go ahead, try to convience me that you are going to show no mercy, because in the end of day, you are just a little bitch. I have to admit though, that you have an amazing power. You are so powerful and I can’t denied that. My size-body is laughable for you. But I can guarranted you one thing Ryan, that the desire I possess is much stronger than your power and even your own desire. You have all my attention Ryan and believe me, it’s not a good thing.

Now, now, I shall moved to Ryan Savage’s water down version: Terry Chambers. Terry! Long time no see, how’s your injuries? It’s funny isn’t it? A couple of months ago, you kept trying to take me out. You kept trying to get rid of me. You kept trying to end my career and so on and on. As you can see, I’m always as healthy as ever. You on another hand? You got an opportunity to sleep in a hospital. You got an opportunity to talk to Doctors. You got an opportunity to take some medicines. Isn’t that great huh? While you might be much bigger than me, I have a stronger body than you. While you were laying in hospital, I just keep pushing my body into my limit until I can’t pushed it anymore and yet, I never really suffered a serious injury. When I do though, I still can wrestled with my broken body and even winning the match. That’s the difference between you and me, Terry. You gave up so quickly. You have no heart of a wrestler. You just can’t ignore the pain in your body. Not only that, I was able to figure out your dirty tactics on me when you tried to help out your former buddy, JJ Silva. I’m a better wrestler than you, and I’m smarter than you. I’m just simply better than you in every aspects. Don’t get so upset though, you are still Terry Chambers that have countless power inside your body, but like I said, as powerful as you are, you never showed a power to get rid off me. But hey, at least you are back now better than ever. I know what you’re capable off and you are still a threat to me and everybody else here. Make no mistake though, I won’t let you to get the best of me, not anymore. Feel free to doubt me all you want Terry, I’ll just simply out-wrestled you and sending you to the hospital once again.

Next, we have Nick Angel. I won’t take anything away from you, Nick. You proved to me that you can beat me in the middle of the ring. You didn’t beat me with a dirty tactic. You beat me fair and square. So for that, my hat’s off to you. Here’s the thing though, one win, doesn’t make you automatically better than me. It doesn’t mean you are better than me. It doesn’t mean you have the upper hand of me. You have one win on me then so what? I can let it slide. I can accepted it you were the better man that night. Still it doesn’t bug me, not one bit. The future is always a mystery though and as you know, I’m always feeling confident to get my sights on future, especially when it comes to the titles. I’m feeling confident to get my hands on you and everybody else. Because truthfully Nick, I’m an optimistic guy. I never think I’m lower than you, you are as equal as me. Why? It’s because we are going to stand in the same ring once again with multiple guys. Nobody really stand out. Not me, not you, and not everybody else. We are just ordinary wrestlers that fighting for one prize only: The New Breed Championship. That way, I can have my redemption, that way I can covered up all the losses I have to suffer. You understand this more than anybody else does. You were overlooked, just like me months ago. You were an underdog, just like me months ago. In some way, we are actually look alike Nick. In some way, our careers are quite similar. Oh yes, sure, you might get countless titles shots, including some World title shots, but why do you always failed for the majority time? It’s because you are stupid. You could accomplish countless things by now, you could be much bigger than you really are now, but you always failed to win the big things because you never came prepared enough. Sure, you have one win on me, but at least I never tapped out to anybody else like you do. You already got so much chances after chances, but you never used them probably. It’s over for you Nick, now it’s my time to shine.

Which lead me to Rex McAllister. Rex, we are tied now. We already pinned on each-others. Out of everybody else in this match, I can consider you as my true nemesis. No hard feeling, just bussiness. You did win at Dia Del Diablo but you didn’t beat me that night. You didn’t throw me into the table. Therefore, I want to make something difference in this match. I can guarranted you, I can pin you or even make you tap out in this match, when I win my first title here: The New Breed Championship. I don’t want to make a sneaky attack like you did to me because I always want to win someting with a true happy feeling. If you are going to stand in my way, I will sure knocking your teeth out until you don’t have teeths anymore. Why? It’s because you are really that good. You have been thorn in my side and I have been thorn in your side. As long as Damien Murdow thinks we are equal, we will always be breathing under each-other’s neck. I need to prove that I’m better than you and everybody else in this match just like you do. You can disagree with me all you want, the fact remains that you, me, and everybody else are going to have a long night at Rite of Passage. Don’t be dissapointed though when things don’t go on your way, Rex.

And last, but not least, the champ himself, Chris Elite. Just like Nick and Rex, you already beat me once Chris. You also beat me fair and square. Let me remind you though, you need a damn rope break to save your title from me. I admit, it was purely my mistake. I wasn’t aware that your feets can still reach the ropes. But you know as well as I do, that I’m a big threat to your title. Still, you are a champ because of a reason: that you know your things. You know how to deal with your opponents and I really admire that. I hate to break this to you though Chris, I’m not your friend, I really want that title on your shoulder. You know I’m more than capable enough to be a champion. It’s such a shame because while we aren’t friends at all, I truly admire your work. I truly admire what you have done with the belt. The thing is, we both have same professions: we are wrestlers. And I will never be satistified in the second place because 2nd suck. I want to be the number one, and this scramble match is a really good match where I can prove that I’m really the number one. That being said, I know I’m better than you Chris. I know I can bring the prestige of The New Breed Championship more than you do. I can be the champ, that you will be proud off. I truly think you have done a marvelous job with the New Breed Championship belt Chris, but as the old saying goes: every dog has his day. You already have your days more than enough Chris, and now it’s gonna be my time to carry on that belt on my shoulder. Hopefully you understand this.

Mark my words gentlemen, I never gonna stop until I collapse. That should be loud and clear enough I will stop at nothing to be the new New Breed Champion.
Hurricane Hawk
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 31st 2016, 12:17 pm by Hurricane Hawk
Back to another level. They say that you have to work for everything that you want to go for. They don't want to see you win. They don't want to see you get to the place that you want to get to. You know.. I was there. I was at the top of the pedestal. I was getting everything that I wanted and then I slipped.. fell off.. and I couldn't just get back to the point that I wanted to be at. But you know.. it's fine because this ride, this isn't just for me to give up on.. this isn't just for me to rush and fall off again. People are expecting me to just leave. They think that I'm going to FALL again because it's what I've been doing most of my life. I've been looking down on myself. I've been looking at everyone above me and I feel as though: I can get there because I know it's something I've done before. I look at myself in the mirror and I see the younger self of me: hungry and lurking for the point of opportunity to succeed in this business. There's a lot of new elitist in this business that I've never stepped into a ring before but you know.. that doesn't stop me from going for exactly what I want: that EAW World Heavyweight Championship. This next step is the next prey.. Atiliano Castillos. I was sent a call from my agent and thought to myself.. who the hell is this? I laughed to myself a bit and then realized.. there's nothing to laugh at. These guys put in the work that they need to, just like I try to.. but I'm different. I put in hundred and TEN percent just to win something so simple just a little match. I'm tired of falling down. I'm tired of being laughed at. These fans see me and they put so much into me. The Hawk Nation PROVIDES that support that I need to keep going. I have that juice just like a car has gasoline and I'll push forward and forward until you guys REALIZE that I am one of the best in this BUSINESS. I'm a Hall of Famer for a reason. I've earned and CEMENTED my name in this business for A REASON. These past few years have been so difficult. I've been getting so close to those brass rings and then I've been pulled away. They say I won't be able to get back to where I want to be. They say my era is over. They say I WAS GIVEN.. those things because of being under CM BANK$. No, I've earned everything. I've stepped into that ring every night. I've given MY ALL.. I've put myself on the LINE. And I'm willing to do it AGAIN. It’s about time that I give myself everything that I’ve deserved for the past few years. It’s about time that I don’t give up. That I push myself to that NEXT LEVEL.. But this isn’t a game. Atiliano.. this Friday, this isn’t any joke. This is about taking the next step up. These elitist are going to see that I’m about to be getting myself to the next point. You see Atiliano.. I’m about myself now. I’m about letting everyone know that this isn’t going to be easy. I’m climbing up this mountain and this time I’m going to be standing on this pedestal for as long as I need to be because those other times.. sure, they were nice, but this time I want everyone to know that I’m going to be as good as immortal. I want the same respect as guys like Mr.DEDEDE.. The Heart Break Boy.. CM BANK$. I want the same tag that those guys have earned and I’m going to do everything in my power to get it. You.. you’re just a peasant to me. I have NO.. not even the most LITTLE respect for you. I’m starting to feel myself again. I’m starting to realize that the only way that I can get to where I want to be is that I have to keep my mind to myself. You..? You’re just a joke to me.. a jester in my court because I’m the KING. 
Cailin Dillon
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 31st 2016, 11:22 am by Cailin Dillon

Empire #1
Welcome back. Or whatever this is. You’ve allegedly risen from the ashes of some sort of fake retirement to come back and play the game changer in a war you didn’t even need to be a part of. But like I said, welcome Brody Sparks. You’re just another surprise in this war that’s full of them.  Luckily your pick was so different that everything you just described in this messages is the opposite of what you’re fighting for. You want to reach the top and knock off all the pegs standing in your way. Well the three biggest pegs of all are the ones you just decided to help. But maybe I get the strategy. Start from the bottom and just work your way up. A pretend alliance with Sanatorium. They see you as a full member it seems like. You seem them as a quick fix to fulfill your next need. Ultimately, that’s how you see the OGs. But even if you won this war and then set your sights on that next monumental moment, you will be cast back by the brick wall that the three of them will cast over you. This isn’t the right path, but it’s the one you took. At least I know you’ll own it and you’ll fight your ass off regardless. It should be fun. But let’s move past those obvious things and move on.
When I look into your eyes… I don’t know. Have I ever? You have the type of eyes that would draw in a prey until you’re ready to strike. That perfect mix of beautiful and dangerous. Isn’t that what you are entirely? I’ve never looked in someone’s eyes and made the decision about whether or not I could beat them. I just believe I’m capable of beating anyone. I just believe every match is an experience that we learn form. It’s not that different from life all together. Life introduces these moments of chaos into our perfection, and we’re forced to overcome adversity or succumb to it. That’s what separates the strong from the weak. That’s why I’m able to keep going and keep fighting at such a high level. You aren’t the first person who’s promised me the kinds of things you are, only to fail. But at your challenge, I will tell you what I do see when I look at you. I see limitless talent who’s been held back by something even I can’t indentify. I see that same person hoping this is the right direction and jumping in fully. I don’t believe there’s anything wrong with that at all. The only thing I wondered when I heard you were retiring was why. Here was a perfectly competent fighter who was growing and getting better with every match. I was shocked. I was disappointed. We don’t really have a lot of experience with each other. So I can only judge you based on what I know. I prefer my own opinion on people, not what I’m told. I saw a future contender. Now I don’t see anything different. The same thing with a little bit of a twist. You came out to make a statement and you did so. Well done. Now you’re portraying yourself as being driven by this somewhat primal rage to make people hurt. You want to see if my blood stains this orange hair red. I wouldn’t go so far as to call someone like you crazy. Everyone has something different that drives them. Some of them are driven by things a little bit weirder. And then there’s people who try to come across as something new and unique but end up sounding like Madison Kaline. Or worse… Raven Lee. This fantasy you have of me looking up at you in terror as you come on the brink of ending me, you’ll never get to experience it. I’m just not that easy to kill. Everyone comes with the same promises of hurting me and making me go away, yet I still stand here today. It’s been tried over and over again, so bring it. What else would I say to someone who wants at my throat. Come at me, lick my cheek with that slick tongue of yours and try at your best to make me feel like you’re on the verge of taking everything from me. Of driving me over the edge, and know I will rise up through it all and turn you on your back. Your precious brown eyes, they will be the ones caught with shock and horror as your try to figure out how in the hell I turned the tables on you. See as good as you are at believing you can cause problems and chaos, I’m even better at letting my opponents feel that false sense of confidence. Right before I strike and leave them wondering. They call me poisonous because my brand of poison injects right into your dreams. I don’t have to be scary or promise you pain to become your nightmare. I just do it. And that’s the difference. I haven’t had to leave and come back like this. I stayed right here and kept at it. I’m still walking from your sneak attack. I’m still unphased. You haven’t hurt me and you won’t.
And don’t worry my dear Brody, I don’t fear you. I can’t fear you. That’s just not how I operated. You are far from the first person to promise a cleansing of this division. One of them is the Vixen’s Champion. Most of them… well… I don’t know where they are anymore. I think some of them are still hanging around but not doing much. Did I believe you really retired? Uhh… why should I have believed otherwise? I didn’t know that I was supposed to be playing some sort of game with you. I don’t really embark into playing games on a regular basis. I work hard, I work really damn hard. I spend a lot of time working on this craft and studying opponents. I even study myself to see where I can get better in different places. That’s not a game. That’s dedication to this. And long before you were showing up back in the ring and claiming to be this new and improved version of yourself, I went to work and redesigned what I was. I didn’t change my personality or go insane. I made myself better as a fighter and stronger as a competitor. That’s why I stand here today with the Empress of Elite crown in my back pocket. I don’t need to break anyone, but I will break an arm if I have to. That includes you. I’ve made no efforts to hold you back. I’ve never stood in your way. You are the only thing keeping you from your destiny. You and the company you keep at least.
What I take is that you feel your interruption last week was some sort of landmark moment in the history of this Vixen’s Division. Am I supposed to just think about it forever and be so mad at you? Stomping my feet and throwing a tantrum because this cute little chick ran out and ruined my victory lap? No, this is war. This is how it works. We’re going to fight like we’re trying to kill each other. I know your side is going to be the one coming in sideways all militia style and trying to make these grand gestures to try and prove your dominance in this competition. But ultimately it will still come down to one big blowout match that was predetermined by Cleopatra. After that, the rest of it is up to us. There won’t be any group vs. group drama. That’s when we can actually have this discussion about someone standing in your way and you needing a victory to get past them. Until then, the only one standing in your way is you. Because you didn’t have to get involved with this, least of all on the side that least values your opinions and desires. We’re really not that different in our hopes at the end. I don’t have any hero stories with you because I’m far from a hero. In the end I’m doing this all for myself. I’m fighting for the outcome that would most benefit me. Not because it helps Aria or Tarah or Sheridan or whoever else joins this little party. And I will rise from this war and enter into my next one, battling the Vixen’s Champion until I claim her title as my own. And meanwhile, you’ll be obsessed with reaching this level of goddess. But gods and goddesses aren’t really immortal in our world. They’re self-professed and they fall daily. I’m not trying to be a goddess. I’m trying to be Cailin fucking Dillon, and that’s the orange-haired bitch that fights every match like she might just drop dead and die in that ring if she doesn’t fight at her highest level. I never promised to be the most talented woman in this division and I never said I was better than anyone. But I won’t stop fighting until I am the best with no doubt. I’m not talking about me saying I’m the best, I’m talking about every person in this company pointing at me and saying there is no doubt that I am the best. And I’m not about to stand in my own way and keep myself from ever accomplishing that. And I’m not about to let a group of people who voluntarily checked into a war with my enemy keep me from doing it either. What do I have to gain from this match? Everything. Every moment I’m in an EAW ring is more important to me than you realize. Nothing is impossible. Anyone can win or lose, but only one of us can really rise up to the occasion, meet this challenge head on with teeth bared and come away with our hands held high. This has never been about money for me. Take the TV show and the endorsement shit and just push it all to the side. I only ever did this because I love the fight. I hunger for the competition. And I strive with every last breath to be the best at that. I will fight you like I’m risking my life and I will walk out unharmed. Welcome back. I welcome you into this match you want so badly with open arms. But when I stunt the growth of your Empire by kicking down the columns of your buildings before they can even be built, don’t let me see you standing there and throwing any tantrums on social media or throwing around things backstage. You have such deep, rich fantasies of what you want to do to me. Some of it’s a little bit kinky. Damn… sorry, I got off track. Thursday I will show you the reality of our situation. And I will beat you. This is just a small battle in a bigger war. These wars are won one fight at a time. I’m sorry, sweetie, I’m not going to let you use me as your I’m back statement.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 31st 2016, 10:49 am by ThePizzaBoy
Rite of Passage Promo 1

The camera opens on Pizza Boy crouched down outside on his hotel balcony, still dressed up like Luke Skywalker.  His blue lightsaber lay next to him as he stares out at the world with a crestfallen look in his eyes.

"Being in a casket gives you some perspective.  It makes you wonder how ready you are, how prepared, how aware you are of the task at hand.  I legitimately wasn't ready for the casket match.  I thought we were going to have a nice party, put things aside for a night, and maybe forget about the road ahead.  In a way, it's like I never even showed up for the fight.  Knowing what you've done, Ares.  Knowing what you've been capable of doing to my peers, my mentors, and even your own family makes me wonder if I'm ready for this match.  I've shed my fair share of blood, both inside the ring and out, just to make sure that I'd be able to come out on the winning end of things.  I've done things to my own body that would end a lesser man's career, and I've had things done to my body by others that have very well ended careers.  One has to wonder how long a regenerative and adaptable young body like mine can take such punishments.  One has to wonder if I've already taken that last hit that I will never recover from."

PB looks down at his lightsaber by his side.  He picks it up, inspects it's pure blue laser blade, before pressing the hilt button and snuffing the light out.

"You would know, wouldn't you Tiberius? You've been the fly in my ointment for quite awhile now.  You've put me through mental and physical hells that I never knew I'd reach, much less come back from with the shred of sanity remaining in me.  We've done a lot of nasty things to one another in the name of hierarchy, superiority, gold.  I believe that, to you, it's nothing but business.  When you kidnapped Tony, when you helped Judas rub my face in the mud, when you put HBB out...or so we thought.  I'm trying to cipher within me which is less forgivable; hurting others to prove your own self-worth, feeling every blow you deal to your friends and family as you war march toward the Answer's Championship like Ares...or not caring at all.  Win or lose, Tiberius Jones will still be the paradoxical simultaneous ambitious, yet unambitious, self-patter on the back.  That makes you the truest of losers in this match, Tiberius.  Even if you won I don't think it would change you.  Not really, not in a way that's measurable in anything other than the extra few pounds of gold you'd put on.  You just don't respect anything.  The bonds you've made and broken, the people you've stabbed in the back, the God that you spit in the face of.  It all reeks of self-loathing to me.  Like you're some bum out to prove to the rest of the world that you're a somebody when you don't even believe it yourself.  Maybe that's why everyone leaves you.  Maybe that's why you try and leave others before the catch scent of your desperation.  I smell it, Jonesy.  I caught a whiff permeating from you when I threw you from that ladder.  I smelled it when you were threatening to throw an immobilized man into traffic if you didn't get your way.  You destroy what you can't be, one way or the other.  You do it by either literally taking a hammer to it, or simply by trying to become it.  In doing so you morph and pervert it's nature, make it you, make it hollow and miserable.  This is why come hell or high water I'm going to keep you away from that Answer's Title.  For once I'm going to do for you what you want to be done, just not in the way you want it to be done;  I'm going to treat you like you're me.  I'm going to do every dirty, rotten, craven, and hideous act to you that you've done to me in tenfold.  I'm going to treat you like you're a somebody who deserves the kind of beating that men like me shrug off in a week.  The kind that keep me down.  But unlike you, I don't stay down for long when I receive that kind of punishment.  You know this, because if it weren't the case I wouldn't be showing up at Rite of Passage to give you the 'Champion's Treatment'.  Being put in a casket changes a lot of things.  You'll understand this soon enough Tiberius."

PB stands up and clasps the railing as he takes station like a super hero holding sentry over his metropolis.

"And then there's Ares Vendetta.  Our defending champion and resident school yard bully.  You've spilled the blood of legends and walked away with gold like some wretched alchemist.  I bet you got a lot of notes home from school that read 'does not play well with others'.  That's too bad for you because you have two play dates for Rite of Passage.  One's a man whose hot streak just went stone cold, and the other's the most desperate and lonely scavenger on the the Showdown brand.  Both of us have freshly baked chips on our shoulders coming into this bout.  Both of us feel as if we have something to prove, and both of us really want that title you keep hidden behind the bodies of two lackeys named after prestigious chess pieces whom seem more like pawns than bishops or rooks.  Even if I hadn't just spent the night in a pine box I'd still want your gold for the same reason I don't want Tiberius to win it; I want it to be held by someone with a bit of merit and work ethic.  Not some cutthroat who does everything short of murdering his competition to keep his grubby little booger pickers dug into it's leather.  Freud would have a field day with you.  You've done everything but kill your own father, you've hurt other men in a way that suggest compensating for lacking elsewhere, and you feel as if you have a belt that should never be defended.  If that's not in a DSM somewhere I'd be floored.  Now forgive my wandering would-be psych major eye, but that strikes me as insecure, if not Oedipal in some way.  I mean, what is it with you jokers with the big gold who don't register the meaning of the term 'Champion?'.  You're not making anyone proud with your reign.  You're not bringing any prestige to Showdown with your unnecessarily brutal antics.  You're not championing a damn thing.  You're just another sucker with a belt trying, in his own really messed up way, to impress daddy.  That's what this is really about, isn't it? That's why you keep your old man alive.  It's so you can rub your success in his face, in hopes that it'll serve as a prince's kiss to wake him up and hug you.  Well that's not going to happen little man.  I never had the pleasure of knowing the man, the myth, the legend that is your father, but I've heard enough to know through the grape vine that he would bulldoze over a simpering, crybaby, terrible two's wimp like you if he ever got in his face.  So keep throwing your tantrum.  Keep holding your breath until you're dizzy in the head enough to think what you're doing is impressive, and then come out to the ring and let a man with callouses on his hands and a 401K on the brink take you behind the woodshed like your  daddy should've done ages ago.  Bring your belt.  Maybe I'll use that to give you the asswhoopin' instead of suffering you the indignity of picking out the switch I beat you with."

PB sneers into the camera with a mean streak in his eyes that's never been there before.

"People keep telling me that I should be afraid of you, the both of you for that matter.  People keep telling me that I should do what I used to do and turn tail and run in the other direction when it comes bell time.  Let you two destroy one another before going in and picking up the pieces.  To those people I say I've looked death in the eye, even before the coffin, even before I had to sit and watch my mentors fall one by one.  Every man has a number, every wrestler has it's limit, and every body has a breaking point.  If I've reached mine, if this is my last hurrah, if this is the final nail in that pine box then I'm going to go out like my opponents live every day of their lives.  If this is my true swansong, then I'm going out the selfish miser that took it all with him.  Add another paul bearer to the mix because they're going to have to account for 30 lbs extra when they put me in the soil because if I'm going to glory, I'm paving a golden road with the Answer's Championship and the National title, and if I take enough swings before falling to my fate, I'll make sure there's around 400 lbs extra to feed the worms with as well.  It's feet to the fire time boys.  It's not a matter of questioning whose going to break, it's a matter of answering whose going to break first?"

PB picks up his lightsaber and heads inside as a John Williams epic strikes up in the background and the shot star swipes to a galaxy far far away as the words Rite of Passage crawl onto the screen as the orchestra hits a crescendo.
Bianca Carmichael
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 31st 2016, 10:07 am by Bianca Carmichael
Empire Promo; No Regrets; Green Bay, Wisconsin; 10:05 am EST; 10/31/2016

EAW Promoz! - Page 12 Tumblr_ofmykuGits1rwgmsfo1_250EAW Promoz! - Page 12 Tumblr_ofmykuGits1rwgmsfo5_250

[[The Camera opens up with static for a few moments before it clears out to the scene two weeks ago on the October 21st special Friday night edition of Empire where Nicole Fyre met with the Heart Break Gal and Cameron Ella Ava backstage.]]

(Heart Break Gal shakes her hand and both OGs notice that as soon as the handshake commences Nicole’s cheerful smile is replaced with a sinister smirk.)

[[The scene then transitions to the October 27th episode of Empire where Nicole Fyre teamed with Consuela Rose Ava and Cameron Ella Ava to defeat BB Vita, Erica Ford, and Madison Kaline after Maddie turned on her partners.]]

(SG1: Meanwhile in the ring both Consuela Rose Ava and Madison Kaline are eager for the tag! This looks like it’s going to be the turning point in the match! Who’s going to reach their partner first? That us of course IF both of them are able to make it! I think it’s gonna be BB Vita, she extends her hand out to Madison!


SG1: I think we were right about Madison’s lack of interest in this match huh? Maddie is stopping at the ramp though, it seems she wants to see how this one plays out!

Starr Stan: Well BB is all alone in there as Nicole has just tagged in Consuela Rose Ava! BB picking herself up by the ring ropes, I doubt she has any clue what’s or who’s behind her. ROSE’S TOUCH! THE SUPERKICK RIGHT ON THE MONEY! Consuela to the cover here!





(I’m So Confident by Photoronique hits once more as Nicole Fyre helps Consuela Rose Ava to her feet and Cameron Ella Ava slides into the ring.)

[[Then the next scene to appear is between Madison Kaline, the Heart Break Gal, Kendra Shamez, Cameron Ella Ava, and Nicole Fyre]]

(Madison nods as she walks off the scene. Nicole then interrupts.)

Heart Break Gal: What is it, Nicole? 

Nicole Fyre: If I may ask, who is she talking about? Who will be in the OG's?

Kendra Shamez: We'll tell you later, Nicole. But make sure to keep it among the team for now, ok?

(The OG Vixens and Nicole Fyre walk off the scene. Camera fades to black)

[[Afterwards the final scene shown is Nicole Fyre and Aria Jaxon discussing everything Nicole learned followed by Nicole’s confrontation with Cameron.]]

(The camera pans backstage to Nicole Fyre’s locker room where we see her speaking to someone.)

Aria Jaxon: Look Nicole, I don’t want you to get hurt being caught up in our fight, okay?

Nicole Fyre: I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself. Besides, it’s just funny to me that they fell for my whole Innocent routine in the first place. HBG was so vulnerable at the time...

(Nicole opens up the door to see a seething Cameron Ella Ava on the other side of it, who by the looks of it has been listening in on this little conversation the whole time.)


Nicole Fyre: Cam… I can explain… I--

(Before Nicole could continue her sentence she is cut off by a thunderous smack by Cameron right to her face which knocks her to the floor. Cameron grabs her by the hair as she moves close to Nicole, and then she starts to speak)

Cameron: You think you can play us?! What you know isn’t even HALF of what we have in store. You just messed with the wrong group of ladies little Nicole, you will NOT get away with this! You’re finished!

(Cameron storms off as Aria rushes down to help Nicole to her feet, who is just wide eyed at what just happened to her.)

[[The camera now opens up to show Nicole Fyre on the phone with someone. We’re able to hear the voice as Aria Jaxon.]]

Aria Jaxon: Look Nicole, I’m not sure how you’re feeling about this week. But I just want you to know that I am here for you. I will be out there just in case Cam wants to try anything slick since apparently she has a million friends now.

Nicole Fyre: Thank you Aria. I’m glad I can count on you, but truth be told...most of the butterflies that were in my stomach when the match was first announced are gone now. If anything I’m more anxious for this match to come than nervously hoping for it to never happen. 

Aria Jaxon: That’s the right attitude. You’re going to do great. Cam is going to push you to your limits, she’s strong, she’s tough, she’s quick, but her biggest asset is that she is smart. She may seem as if she will use blind fury based on what happened between you two, but I already know she’s coming up with plans for this match right now. Odds are they’ll involve the Sanatorium, her partners in crime Kendra and HBG, or her sister Consuela.

Nicole Fyre: If not some sort of combination of those people I assume. What scares me more than Cameron’s talents or any of her allies is the fact that this is an Extreme Rules match. Anything goes and all that stuff. The way I see it, she’s going to try to end me, take all of this away from me. Just when it is starting to go somewhere.

Aria Jaxon: Look, you’ll do fine. We can talk more closer to the event if that’s okay with you. 

Nicole Fyre: Right right. Talk to you soon.

Aria Jaxon: Mhmm.

[[The pink haired Vixen hangs up the phone as the Blonde sits up and stares out of her window, looking at the rain pour from the sky. The droplets flowing down the window. Nicole’s sorrow then turns into a look of determination as she looks up at the ceiling of her hotel room.]]

Nicole Fyre: She’s right! I can do this! This is my golden opportunity. My first Main Event. The entire world is watching me. It’s a big fight feel. I’m going against a Hall of Famer in a dangerous match. An Extreme Rules match. I’m sure not many believe in me. Although many will hope that I do well, that I am able to pull the upset. They won’t believe it. Their hearts long for it, however their brains tell them otherwise. But you know what. I have to remember the fact that I was able to pull off what I did for the last 2 weeks. I managed to fool Three Hall of Famers into taking me in. And I obviously managed to trick more than just the two of them. BB, Erica. I’m sure you two were pretty disappointed in my actions originally, but I hope you understand what I had to do now. Same thing goes for anyone else who believed my “change of heart” at that point in time. However now everyone sees who I stand by and what I stand for. As well as what the OG Vixens stand for...and apparently the Sanatorium as well. There are strengths in numbers it seems. Kendra Shames, the Heart Break Gal, Cameron Ella Ava, her sister Consuela, Alexis Diemos, Madison Kaline, Stephanie Matsuda, and the recently returned Brody Sparks...on top of anyone else who has truly fallen for the garbage that is being spurted from the mouths of the OGs, listen to me right now. They do not care for you or about you. I know I was a plant from the beginning. A double agent for The Sirens if you would. But just know that we can take this brand back and make it what it was meant to be! A chance for all the ladies of Elite Answers Wrestling to shine bright and prosper! The Sirens are fighting for that! I see it! BB Vita sees it! As does of all people, our current Vixens World Champion Sheridan Müller sees it! So we need to stand tall as a division, as a roster, as a BRAND! And we need to fight and take this place back! It was made for us, designed for US! Now let’s step up and do what we have to do to make that so once more! Now Cam, let’s get onto specifically you. You and I in the ring. Extreme Rules. I know you’re going to try to injure me. To break me. To end me. But I just want you to know you started something that you are not going to be able to finish on your own, because I don’t care what kind of issues you had in the past, whether they be you using your sister to cheat Aria out of a win, or you attacking Sheridan just to establish your dominance, or whatever other horrible acts you’ve committed, and the reason for that is very simple. That reason being last week, you did something you shouldn’t have, you put your hands on me...and more importantly, you backed me into a corner. The fact is I won’t be running this week, and I won’t be hiding either. My only option will be to stand tall and to fight! Fight for my beliefs and even more importantly fight for my well being. For what you have done to the livelihood of the members of Empire, well to steal a line from you, “you will NOT get away with it.” At the end of the night, I may be bruised, battered, and possibly beaten...but if I am going down...if my flame is fizzling out...it will be in a Blaze of Glory, and I am going to be taking you with me!

[[Nicole stands up emphatically then looks down at her phone to see a text from BB Vita asking if she wishes to go out for breakfast. The camera fades as Nicole just smiles and walks out of the room phone in hand and a grin of confidence etched onto her face.]]
Ryan Savage
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 31st 2016, 8:37 am by Ryan Savage
Now...the fun can truly begin, I will walk you all to the depths of despair.

How can one truly feel despair? Is it when they've been beaten, battered and bruised until they can no longer find the will to stand back up? Is it when everything that they everything a man has worked for his entire life been destroyed in one instant? The answer is no because what true despair is to have hope. You may scratch your head and be confused by that motion but you can't experience true despair without having a sense of hope. Like a prisoner for instant who has been trapped by the confines of their cell and while days and days go by all they can truly do is look up at the clear lit sky fantasizing about their freedom, fantasizing that they could possibly see their love ones again and also become a free man once again. But in reality what they want can never truly be obtain because that world that they want to be apart in is out of reach for them. The only thing that a prisoner can do is only dream about freedom and have a sense of hope that they will be a free man while in reality they will dwell in their pit of despair. This is how it relates to every person within the New Breed Division; since my arrival and my intentions were known that I will be apart of this scramble match I made a deceleration that I will burn the division that has burned me by capturing the title that every man in this match has worked their asses off to even get a chance to compete for and maybe be fortunate to hold. But all of that ends, all those late night training sessions to prepare yourself for this match, all those times to yourself to pray and hope for the best and also whatever momentum you have possibly built up to this point will disappear and all of that hard work would mean nothing when I will become the new New Breed Champion for the second time. Fate has chosen to send this division towards a dark and scary path and those who resides in it has been sent to live in hell and I will make sure to make good on my word when I promise to destroy this division. The same division, the same title that has planted the seed of hope within me thinking that one day I will become something in this company. Now I'm going to make every man in this match feel the same pain that I have felt. To think that in the past no one didn't care who I was and what I was doing at the time and now I have reemerged from the abyss with a mask, people has started to take notice, people are now starting to care what Ryan Savage is doing and what he is going to do. The objective of this match gentlemen is to try your best to survive because in this scramble match it doesn't matter if I come in first or come in last because I have proven in this company is that I am can make a difference within seconds. When you step inside the ring with me, you're liable to lose your entire career. I won't show any mercy, I won't even show forgiveness to what this company and those who are proud to be in it has done to me. They have created this monster that stands before you and this monster is out to destroy everything. Some of you may doubt my abilities and what I am saying right now since I just lost my match against Chris Elite. But the thing is that defeat has hinder Chris Elite and everyone in this match even more than helping anyone. That defeat has forced fed every last one of you hope and I can tell that in your hearts and minds that you are relieved that I can be beaten and that this form of Ryan Savage is a dud. But it's the same concept of being a prisoner, I intentionally gave that match to Chris Elite to feed him poison hope. As of right now that flawed champion will be heading into this mach being on cloud 9 thinking that he has a chance to walk out of this match with that New Breed Championship, but in reality he has been set to fail and he will fail once the match is over with. Everyone in this match is poisoned with hope that they can be the man that walks out of this match champion but it's going to be that hope that ends a lot of you and cost you everything and more. The fans will watch me as I torture the top talents of the New Breed Division who symbolizes the future of this company but I will send a very loud message that the future will go nowhere because of a wicked and vengeful man from the past is has reared it's ugly head once again. 

A man once said that it doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our own plan. Like me no one didn't care who I was in the past, no matter how many accolades that I have racked up in one year, no one didn't care who I was. But now people do care when I showed up on Showdown with a mask and I got people to care when I also told you what I was planning. This match among other key matches will be the first step towards vindication because I like I said I'm here to destroy everything that I have ever loved about this place. None of this would have happened if I have gotten the recognition that I have earned for myself when I got here a few years ago. The memories of my great run a few years ago still haunts me and the image of who I was infuriates me because everything I have done I haven't gotten where I wanted to be. Those frustrations, those long nights of figuring out why wasn't I being the well received by those who came with me and I have had more accolades than anyone else who I debuted with. When I look back on that it has fueled me to carry out this mission I have given myself and with this new found confidence, change of attitude or whatever you want to call it. It has made me unhinged and more bloodthirsty that I have ever been before. Some of you may be on the notion that this may be a step down and some of you think I have no business being here to begin with and that I should be main eventing for the World Championship. But I can't do that..not quite yet because in order for me to move on I must take that New Breed Championship and erase the weakness within myself that I showed during my first run as champion. I want to recreate my career and destroy any memory of me being weak. The New Breed Championship will be the first of many titles that I will recapture and if I am willing to end every man's career that tries to prevent me from obtaining that goal. Like I have said this division is on borrowed time and you all will be on it literally because there is a set time limit in this match. Presumably I will be the first man entering that contest and if that's the case then you all are at a major disadvantage. I will be allowed to set the tone as I see fit and I assure you whomever steps inside of that ring with me will have the misfortune of being dissected mentally, emotionally and most importantly physically. I will prove that victory isn't always a good thing when leading up to a major match such as this. Victory can hinder you, victory itself can set you up to fail and have everything be taken away from you. With a man like me who has lost everything in his life, I don't have nothing to lose but everything to gain. With that being said may you enjoy this ride to hell because regardless what happens in this match I will be the man that takes away the thing that matters to you all the most and that's the New Breed Championship.

If you want to blame someone then blame the company that you have loved so much because I am the symbol of what happens when you have given your all to something that you love and get nothing from it. This company along with the fans that comes to watch us has created this monster that is before you. Blame them and also blame yourself for being so weak to stop me because there is nothing you can do to prevent me from walking out as champion once again. And once I achieved what I came to this division to do then you all have my permission to forever ROT in DESPAIR!
The debut of an Angel. (Dynasty.)
Post October 30th 2016, 8:12 pm by Azrael
 Everything seemed like any other Friday that night at Dynasty, but suddenly an unfamiliar whisper invaded the arena, only to give place to a Titantron that the fans had never seen before. And a rude song started playing.

   With the song, a strange hooded man dressed in black clothes started to walk into the ring, without even hesitating to look up. The man entered the ring, pulling a microphone out of his jacket at the same time that the entrance song stopped.
   -My name is AzraelAngel of Destruction and future Preacher of the World's truth. I'm here to open everyone's eyes to the future: The death, is unavoidable, and praying is cute, but useless. Sooner or later everyone here will turn to dust, and all that will remain of you will be memories, if someone would care about your pathetic and meaningless lifes.- A laugh came out of his mouth, and suddenly became serious.
   -The only way of inmortalization is the memory, and I will live forever.- After the words. a creepy smile was drawn in the face of Azrael, who turned the look aside of him like something was at his side.- You don't have to believe me now, That's why I'm planning to make an example of someone almost as stupid as you: Chuck Armstrong.
   -"The true Gentleman" he call himself, as if there was a difference between being a gentleman, and being an ignorant. It doesn't matter if you are a hero, a king or a gentleman, Chucky, one way or another you'll fall to my feet like all of those who have faced me. Anyway you are a bighead and pathetic mortal, only the fact of having the opportunity of confront an angel and not die, It's priceless. When I'm done with you, Chuck, you'll all know that the Death, has arrived to Dynasty.
   His entrance song started playing again, while Azrael was leaving the ring with a smile on his face.
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