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EAW Promoz! :: Comments

Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 15th 2016, 1:16 am by Guest

It’s time.

It’s time to end this pitiful rivalry that has been doing NOTHING but creating chaos in our new home. This rivalry, that has been fueled by huge egos has been tainting not only MY reputation, but it has been tainting the reputation of my fellow OG Vixens. We started our alliance in hopes of restoring some faith in this already distasteful environment, however, once the Vixen’s title was handed over to the complete filth of Empire, it was time to strengthen our resources. It was time to amp things up a little, because I refuse to watch this ship sink all the way down to the bottom of the ocean where nothing can be seen; where nothing can be heard.

You are the anchors of this roster, and you are bringing us ALL down with your stupid mentalities. 

If there’s something Sheridan Müller got right, it’s that I have a burning passion for this division. Ever since the first day I step foot into this company, I always took what was best for EAW into consideration. I am the pioneer that led this group of undermined women into glory. I was the leader of the pack, I was the one who broke glass ceilings and completely demolished barriers. I act like an entitled piece of shit and it’s because I AM an entitled piece of shit who has paved the way for all of the Vixens standing here today. Now, I won’t take all the credit because my sisters have also done the exact same thing. We call ourselves the OG Vixens for a reason. We come here to compete and to completely annihilate the competition, and that’s what we’ve been doing since day one. Our first days in EAW were so remarkable that NO ONE has successfully been able to top our breathtaking careers. We help young talent gain the confidence that they need in order to be a successful EAW Vixen. And how are we treated? How are we paid for all the help we’ve served this community?! We’re shunned, we are deemed as controversial and we are disrespected day in and day out. And who is the leader of this flock of morons who think it’s cool to just come up to me, the legendary Kendra Shamez, and insult me in various ways? Who is the individual who is leading the pack of rebels that are ready to fight the moment they blow their whistle? Who’s the pastor that flocks you all like sheep?

The Sirens are a weird bunch, they truly are. Usually in a clique you know who the leader is. You get a clear visualization of who the head is out of the wolf pack. But in this bunch, you all just look like a flock of scared puppies trying to find your owner but to no avail, you just cry and cry until you soothe yourselves because that’s what the hard life has thought you. However, in this story, not even your impeccable self-soothing skills will be able to heal you from this devastating loss. The Sirens are a group who don’t really give a shit about one another. You have Sheridan Müller and Cailin Dillon, two eventual competitors for the Vixens championship and here they are trying to act as if they’re butt buddies trying to destroy the empire we have created. Then it’s Tarah Nova and Haruna Sakazaki, another odd couple who wouldn’t be able to work together even if their fucking lives depended on it. And Aria Jaxon? That girl is a lost cause. Ever since she was demolished by the Heart Break Gal, losing at EAW’s biggest show of the year, that passion, that drive that she once had twinkling in her eye is long gone. Someone who was once deemed as the future of this company is now stuck battling it out with half brained idiots on Voltage. It’s funny how shit works out, huh “mamas”?

Cailin, unfortunately your days of trying to kiss up to the champion are long gone. I don’t fall for your little act anymore. At first, I was completely blown away by your humility; by your kindness that seemed to stem from your heart and nowhere else. However, how can I look at you with love in my eyes if you’re on the opposite team? You’re fighting with the Sirens against the OG Vixens. If you say that you admire me that much, your actions completely contradict that statement. Week after week, month after month, you’ve verbally stated that you’re completely against anything OG. Our thoughts, our plans, our ideologies you’ve slammed time after time again. How do you really feel, Cailin? Are you going to pull a Nicole Fyre on me? Are you going to try to mask the fact that you have two faces or is it all going to blow up in your face? Why don’t you woman up and act like the rest of the walking trash bins in your group and say it. Come on, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Say it. Say that you’re better than me. Say that you’re going to whoop my old ass in the ring. I know that it’s in your mind and you’re just aching to say it. You’re just trying to save your ass and it’s not going to work this time around. I’m always one step ahead of the game, and quite frankly you’re not. 

Team Siren make me fucking LAUGH. They have no idea how hard it is to be in this company for so long and getting doors slammed in your face. The new generation Vixens expect everyone to get on their knees and kiss their ass because they’re entitled little brats. You five morons haven’t paid your dues. You haven’t earned your war scars. Only because you have that title around your waist, Sheridan, I can assure you that you are no champion of mine. A Vixens champion is supposed to be someone who you admire, someone who you look up to. Just like Aria Jaxon, you’re a lost cause. There is no way in hell I’m going to EVER admire someone so vile, someone so disrespectful. If I was your mother, I’d slap the shit out of that stupid foreign mouth until you LEARN your place and you LEARN how to speak to those wiser than you. The good thing about this, though, is that I don’t need to be related to you in order to teach you the ways of the OG’s. You can say whatever you want, Sheridan, but if it wasn’t for me, you’d be in that battle royal match. If it wasn’t for me, giving you your one-on-one classic wrestling match at Pain for Pride, you wouldn’t be where you are today. I am the reason why you’re successful, I am the reason why you’re the champion and I AM THE REASON WHY YOU’RE IN ANY WAY RELEVANT. Would someone who would be envious, as you like to say, admit to any of that? You are simply my creation that I have to unfortunately destroy. Your head is getting to big and if I don’t pop that balloon sized head of yours, someone else will. Wouldn’t you want the woman who made you do that instead of some other random joe-shmoe? You don’t deserve nearly half of the praises you receive, Sheridan. And don’t you dare rip value to my efficient win towards you at House of Glass. Not only did I beat you, but I destroyed you. If you didn’t have the Vixens cup in your possession, you would’ve tumbled to the near bottom and you would’ve had to crawl yourself all the way back up. But now, now you’re lavishing in the glory. The glory that you STOLE from my sister, the Heart Break Gal. She’s the one who’s supposed to have her title around her waist. SHE’S the one who’s supposed to be the Vixens champion we all admire. She will get her rematch soon, but who knows if you’ll even be competent enough to hold your title for that long. As I’ve said before, you are NO champion of mine.

There are times I often forget that many of the Vixens I’m battling are a rare breed of stupid. I am the champion you should all look up to, not Sheridan Müller or the Empress of Elite, Cailin Dillon. I am the only relevant Vixen who has EVER held the Vixens AND Specialist championships in her career. Not Tarah, Cailin, Sheridan, Haruna, Aria, Cleo, Brody, Madison, anyone on this fucking planet can compete with the Greatest Vixen of all Time.
Ahren Fournier
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 14th 2016, 10:54 pm by Ahren Fournier
(Scene fades into the door to Ahrens personal locker room opening into Ahren hanging upside down like a bat again)


Hello cameraman, yes ''tis I, Ahren Fournier back into my bat cocoon. Where it all began, back where Ahren became the trillest bat fairy in all the land. This is my place for rest, solitude, rehabilitation! My home away from home. As you can see I have a blind covering my eyes, so, how did I know you were here without seeing you? Simple the bat powers are working, the sonar 'tis working. Before I look at what Mike Showman says, I will make a prediction. Mike Showman will say.. Something about me being a retard. You know why? He's predictable. Also he will say he beat me, which is predictable, but acceptable. It is a great accomplishment to beat me... but he cheated. And he's still proud about that? A tainted victory? Mike you don't get it, fool me once, shame on me... but I correct my mistakes and don't make them again. That's what I do, that's who I am. That's what you don't get, you think you can get by on what you did already, but you can't. I've learned and grown, and it'll never happen again. Meanwhile you say the same shit, you're better because you're rich, you have class, and I'm a retard. People with class.. yup, clearly you don’t know what class is. But here's the thing, the stipulation is that the winner gets a shot at any title... you're in a tag team, you're not going for the tag titles? You selfish slut. Don't you think Jon would go for the tag titles with you? If not why the hell are you in a tag team to begin with? That's the problem with you Mike you have no common sense. You're not book smart, you're not street smart... you're not... smart at all really. Which always confuses me as to why you do think you’re so smart. Well, never mind, I do know why. Again goes back to the spoiled brat rich kid who was told everything about him was great because you know, you’re rich. That's why you can't come up with a real insult to me other than retard, you’re not intelligent enough to actually come up with anything creative. So lets get down to it, I like to blur the lines between fiction and reality. And what I do works so how can you blame me.

Mike the whole problem you had with me.. and clearly still have with me, is that you don't understand me. You're jealous that the fans do, and love me for it. So what do you do with that confusion, jealousy, and clear fear? You use it for hate. Instead of understanding, you chose to hate. And that's why we have racism, bigots, all the traits you show. And look at that, you're rich? Perfect candidate for a racist, bigot, and everything wrong with this world. And the person you respect most in this match? Jon McAdams? I've beat him twice.. not only have I beaten him twice, I beat him clean, something you couldn't do against me. What you did, that wasn't respectable, it was pathetic. You just couldn't go 10 minutes without withholding the urge of grabbing my golden plums. I know it's quite alluring, but you have to control yourself. Speaking of Jon McAdams, do you remember why you got together in that hotel room that one night to hash out the team details> it was a combined hatred for Ahren Fournier that did it. Ok well I’ve been waiting by my mail box for weeks now and I haven’t gotten my thank you letter for that. Now I’m mad, because you think people with class would have the decency to give out thank you letters to people that helped. But you two, you don’t have class, you picked the wrong name for your team. People with no talent, would’ve been better, People No one Cares about, that’s a true good one. You two think just because you can afford to eat at 5 star restaurants, stay at 5 star hotels, that gives you class. Well seeing that neither of you graduated high school apparently and only came to money through your fathers… Actually I don’t even know if Jon has money, pretty sure Mike started a trust fund for him or something.  But eating at these fancy places, doing these fancy things, that doesn’t mean you have class, it just means you have the funds to eat high class food. But to have class you need manners, you have to be decent human beings, and I look at you two and I don’t see that. I’ve seen Mike numerous times chew out employees, get them fired, because he didn’t get what he wanted. Always the perpetual spoiled brat obviously, he can’t buy the one thing that he’s always wanted… Daddy’s love, so he makes everyone else suffer for it. Individually, Mike, I have some revenge I’d like to inflict on you, that shot to the balls hurt. Although, I would like to thank you.. I trust you got my letter, because the chances of me having kids has drastically went down! I’m sterile!! WOOOO (Pops the champagne) CHAMPAGNE SHOWERS!! CHAMPAGNE SHOWERS!!... Sorry I was singing my theme song, its quite catchy as I’m sure you know. Mike I can’t have you running around here claiming that you’re better than me because you have 1 bullshit fluke victory that you cheated to get. So I’m going to punish you… Not the way I like to get punished either, like the real gritty, oh my god I want to die kind of way. Jon, you keep showing up in my life, claiming that you’re better than me, and every time I shut you up. Just a bitch slap to the face, POW! So I’m very curious to see what you can possibly say to make anyone believe that you’re better than me… Or anyone in this match for that matter. Oh and a million bucks say, that they call me a retard… Again, no class. BOOM!

(Cuts himself out of the cocoon with knives that he was holding doing a double back flip Landing on his feet in a super hero kneel, before getting up) 

You're right though, I am insane.. well I toe the line between brilliance and insanity, which makes me unstoppable. I can talk circles around you, finding a hole in everything you say, because you're not as smart as me. Then I can go out there and outwrestle you, backing up everything that I say. And that's what I did, I outwrestled you, you panicked, and cheated, beside you knew there was no other way. 

I CAN’T BLAME YOU FOR LETTING YOUR DICK DO THE THINKING!! Look at my nipples how succulent they are, so symmetrical, perfect shade of pink, you want to put them in your mouth don't you?? Mmm (starts rubbing nipples) yeah that's that shit you want. The reflection of perfection in living color. WELL YOU CANT!!! Now look at my skin, so soft, yet rough. Just the perfect amount of both to get everyone turned on, yet know I mean business. The beard? My eyes? The whole face region, perfection... Damn I’m good looking. That’s why I want that title man, it’s the perfect mirror. A GOLDEN MIRROR? Sign me up.

 Three of these guys I have no idea who they are, they've been here for a combined total of 3 days. What in gods name is top prospect now a days? What have they done to be top prospects? Ummm nothing? Jakob the lion? His record is 5 loses 1 win... as he so bluntly said on the EAW feed, why the hell is he in this? How is he a top prospect? 1 win?? 1??? Get out of here with that shit. Star Wars guy had one match? Is that what it takes to be a top prospect? Alonzo you can bring . bring jar jar binks, is that his name? I don’t know. You are crazy if you think you can fly the millennium falcon, or whatever it was called to the Ahrena.. enter said Ahrena and win this match. You won’t have your little gun blaster to use. It’s just going to be body parts, wrestling and what not. So basically you’re screwed. Alonzo.. Haven’t you been here for like 2 weeks? I don’t know why you’re in this match. Oh my god because everyone sees how talented I am in such a short amount of weeks oh my god you’re jelly. That or… They just needed space to fill, you’re the space filler congrats on that. You and the lion. Don’t worry I’ve wrestled lions before.. I know how to handle that situation. Oh.. He’s not a real lion? His name isn’t even the lion? SO WHY IS HE IN THE MATCH?? Anyway, anyways. So like, you think you’re the son of a fictional character or something? Is that what your thing is? But wait, not only is he a fictional character, but he’s one of the biggest pussies that ever graced the silver screen. He was the Benedict Arnold of Star Wars. Betrayed his BEST FRIEND, sold him out, only to come crawling back at the end, because he knew hew as a douche. And that’s who you want your dad to be? Does Billie Dee Williams know about this? That’s weird, but you see The TRILL FAIRY IS NOT A FICTIONAL CHARACTER HE IS VERY… I’m going to stop yelling now, hurts the golden pipes… Anyways, The trill fairy is not a fictional character, he is as real as it comes. You want bat powers? He’s go them. Aquaman powers? He’s got them, you’ll never catch him drowning. He is everything you want to be and more, and he has the past to back it up. Who is this magnificient being I call the Trill Fairy… Well that is no other than.. The Crown Jewel… Ahren Fournier.  So Billie Dee’s son, you can go back to fairy tale world with all your friends, like Chewbacca, ManBearPig, Umm, the other bears from the movie.. Yeah you can go now.Danny Knox? Isn't he in a tag team? That’s really all I know about him. Oh and also he’s been here for like 2 weeks? Job McAdams loses all the time.. Like legit, look it up he has a losing record. Great top prospect? Jd Damon has been here a lot longer than all of us and has already held a title. Top prospect? JD Damon, If you haven’t got past the prospect level by now, you must be doing something wrong, am I right ladies?

How in Fourniers green earth am I in a top prospects match to determine who deserves a title match, with these people? It will be an easy victory I know... So tell me where the cut off for prospect is, because I'm lost. Everyone in this match has been here too long or not long enough in my opinion. And hey I've beaten the guys I've faced in this match already. Except for one cheating no good rotten snake who will face my wrath, my retribution is nye showman, you overrated spoiled brat who can't even say a coherent sentence. 

Solomon Caine.... What is this, you’re trying out for the Sanitorium now? What’s the talk about masters, why don’t you have your own free will? This is The United States of Fournier, slavery is illegal! You want to talk about how it’s pathetic how I listen to the praise of the people, when you legit do the same thing. Sure you’re not doing it for them, you’re doing it for your masters. I do it for the people that pay me. So in reality, who’s the moron in this scenario? I’m taking advantage of everything this world has to offer. Yes girls throw themselves at me, yes I take them because I can. People cheer for me, I accept it, because it would be weird if I told them to stop. I have an infectious personality what can I say? You seem rather dull and dreary so I can understand you don’t know what it’s like. Your slave owners give you a little bit of gratitude and you’re all over their nuts, like chill fam. But that’s that Stockholm syndrome in full effect. Why do you do this? Because your masters command you? And what happens if you don’t? They punish you? Sounds like an abusive relationship bro, got to let that shit go.

There's no way any of you can beat me, for too long I've been wanting this chance, this opportunity and I'm finally getting it. I have this fire in my stomach that no man can comprehend. Every week I go out there and I'm the most entertaining, most athletic,

Physically dominating athlete on the roster, and there's no denying that. My record speaks for itself, I can guarantee you stack my record against any of yours and it will make you all look like jokes. But that's the past right? And none of that matters, what matters is this weekend at shock value, i will once again be the person every one came to see. You will all be the background characters to my inevitable rise to stardom. There is a reason that I'm called the next great face of EAW... well that's not going to be the case anymore. After this weekend at Shock Value, the crown jewel Ahren Fournier will just be known as the great face of EAW. None of you can stop me, Jon McAdams and mike showman, you two can double team me all you want, I know you two have been working on your double team moves all day and night trying to get them right, but alas they won't be enough. Maero you can bring oz I'll slap that little shit into the third row of the crowd. I will not be stopped, you have all caught the trill fairy at the wrong time, you stand in his way, and you'll all be punished... no condoms for you, just pain. Now I’m off, back to my cocoon of solitude, for I shall slumber in there for the night. Ta ta for now.


(Camera fades to black as he starts creating a new cocoon)
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 14th 2016, 10:22 pm by MTM
Fear? You think that Judas was created out of fear? No no no, it may have been created from fear but it wasn’t MY fear. It was everyone else’s. All it took was a mask and some facepaint and all of a sudden it was like the world became just a little bit darker for everyone around me. From Reckless Wiring to Shock Value, I have remained the single most dominant Elitist in EAW today. From then to now, I have remained almost undefeated in singles competition with but a single blot, one which has found himself erased and removed for good. Can you say the same, Impact? Can you honestly admit to yourself that these past seven months have gone as well for you? You can shout and scream to the heavens that you’ve been The Machine that you claim to be but when you take away that one accomplishment, when you remove the Grand Rampage victory from your resumé, you don’t have anything else to your name. In fact, if it were not for that incredible feat of victory then I think you would be rather embarrassed with how your year has turned out. I certainly would be. Meanwhile, here I am, having my first big match since my return from injury be at the Grand Rampage where I made it until the final eight, only seven spots behind you. That’s rather convincing, isn’t it, given that I only entered the match three spots after you. While you had been “grinding away” it took me less than a month to almost accomplish the same feat that you did. Congratulations, that’s so wonderful of you. That’s not even taking into account that my second big match was again less than a month later with my victory over the Pizza Boy to win the National Elite Championship. Here I am, obtaining victory after victory, defeating all who have dared try and oppose me, and yet you still try to question my integrity as though this past year hasn’t proven that I have what it takes. The unfortunate truth though is this, Impact: I don’t have to prove a damn thing to you… but I’m still going to. I’m going to make a point to prove you wrong just for the pleasure of knocking your egotistical, self-centered self down a few pegs and that’s the only reason I’m going to do it. I enjoy mocking you. Seeing you get hot and bothered only to act like this was all a part of your grand scheme all along but you’ve been playing catchup this whole time, speaking on a whim. If you actually knew what was going to come out of my mouth you would be aware that I know what you’re trying to do. You think you’re playing mind games by baiting me into talking about past successes as I’ve made a point to call you out on it but I see what you’re doing. By pulling me into this little “trap” of yours, you think you’ve gained a minor victory over me but that would only be the case if I were at all bothered by what you had to say.

You see, the difference here is that all the past accomplishments that I’ve spoken about as part of Judas’ journey through EAW have all been relevant. They’ve all contributed to my forward momentum and they’re what have lead me to this EAW Championship match at Shock Value. Oh but that’s all I have, isn’t it? You know, momentum. That thing that you claim is all I have. You remember that? Or will your argument change again when I debunk your pathetic excuse of a retort like I just have. Winning the National Elite Championship is not “momentum”. That’s what you call reaching the destination. I took all of that momentum and I drove it into the Pizza Boy and obtained what I rightfully deserved. You can try and discredit his reputation as much as you like with off-handed remarks about pizza delivery men and being comic relief but then I’m forced to ask: What bizarro world have you been living in for the past two years where the Pizza Boy was at all considered “comic relief”? You MIGHT be able to get off on the fact that he doesn’t quite match up to everyone in stature but this is the same kid who was main eventing episodes of Voltage while you were still planning your inevitable failure of a stable. This was before the Heart Break Boy took him under his wing, mind you, so I guess you don’t really care about any of that as it doesn’t pertain to your ever-weakening agenda. You can continue to spit venom about how I’m gassing up former opponents but that’s not at all my intention. You only see what you want to see and you refuse to accept anything that wanders outside of your man-made box. I talk about men like Jaywalker because you actually know what it’s like to step in the ring with him. You’ve competed against Jaywalker, teamed with him even. You know what he’s like and you know better than almost anyone what he’s capable of… and I shrugged him off. Despite immediately becoming victim to his signature musclebuster during the Grand Rampage, I got back up like I had barely taken a bump. That kind of resolve and fortitude doesn’t just disappear when the wind changes direction. I still absolutely have that and I’ve carried it through Pain for Pride to now. Territorial Invasion may not have gone as planned but, then again, it wasn’t exactly peaches and cream for you either. If you think that those make me look like a joke then I don’t know what kind of EAW you’re living in. You may be a six time world champion but that’s over a ten year career, Impact. Many people have come and gone that have had to go through you in some shape or form to win a world championship so I know this isn’t the first time you’ve had this exact mindset and lost and it won’t be the last either.

While you may have battled with men that are now considered greats in the world of professional wrestling, you were battling them and winning world titles before they were considered greats, too. If you’re so great still, how come you didn’t beat me? What are you going to do, claim that I fluked my way to victory? While in most situations a countout would not be considered a clear decider of who bested who you and I both know that there was no question about who rightfully won that match. There was no trickery or cheating, just you being pushed through those ropes we’ll be stepping into again at Shock Value and plummeting to the ground. It took an entire count of ten from the referee before you could even stand on your own two feet and that was just me getting warmed up. Imagine how hard it’ll be for you to get back to your feet when you’re facing me at my best, facing Aren at his best, all the while we’re surrounded by that High Voltage cage.

I’m not the one unprepared for this Saturday, Impact. You are.

The thing is, you can criticise and demonize me for talking about how much victories I’ve gained in the past few months matter when it comes to Shock Value but the only reason you do that is because you can’t make the same claim. You’ve been a one trick pony ever since Pain for Pride passed and you’ve gotten uneasy these past few weeks because I’ve been the only one that’s actually pointed it out. Up until now all you’ve done is shout “I’m the greatest!” from the top of your lungs and you’ve expected the Elitists around you to erect a monument in your name all because you said so. You don’t expect people to look for chinks in your armor so you’ve inevitably done a terrible job at trying to hide them. In fact, it’s almost like you’re still trying to bait me but then I realise that you wouldn’t be able to accept that you’ve been making fickle attempts to repeat what I’ve said.

“That’s because I don’t fixate on my shortcomings. I correct them and I change the scouting report on my skills because my weaknesses become a strength through an unparalleled commitment to my craft.”

Sound familiar?

“Unlike them, when I fail, I come back and rectify my mistakes. I make sure that every flaw is fixed so that I can come back better, faster and stronger than before while you sit there twiddling your thumbs”

Yeah, I already made that point myself. I gave hard evidence too. Once again, all you’ve done is talk about your Grand Rampage victory. “Oh, then I lost at Pain for Pride but let’s talk about Grand Rampage again”, “I might have lost at Territorial Invasion but let’s talk about Grand Rampage”, it honestly gets rather tiresome and I start to question just how long it took for your superiority complex to have spiralled so out of control that you think that one achievement, as big as it may be, is good enough to intimidate me. Men I’ve faced like Brian Daniels are AT LEAST comparable to you and they didn’t even phase me. I stood toe to toe, nose to nose, eye to eye with them and I came out of my matches with those types of people a better man than I was before. My year has been going up and up and up since the Grand Rampage while that was nothing more than the peak of yours. While I’ve been growing into a more well-rounded, more intelligent and more tactful Elitist you’ve simply been growing stagnant.

All you’ve been doing these past few weeks is proving point after point that I’ve made to be accurate. Your overconfidence has turned you into a self-righteous ass that seems to be getting bit more often than not and for whatever reason you can’t seem to accept that your biggest personality trait is also your biggest flaw. I want to see you correct THAT weakness for me. Maybe then I’ll be able to treat you with the respect that your attitude demands because you certainly don’t deserve any right now.

It’s as though you don’t understand how logic works and this isn’t the first time I’ve had to explain this to you so maybe you’re not as intelligent as you make yourself out to be. Yes, the Grand Rampage is and always has been a glorified number one contender’s match. Does that mean I said that it’s easy? Does that mean that I made it out to be a non-factor? Of course I didn’t. It’s like you’re one of those clickbait articles making something out of nothing to cause drama around your target only for viewers to read along and see that I said nothing controversial at all. What I said was the truth. In the Grand Rampage what you’re fighting for is nothing more than a number one contendership for any of EAW’s three world championships, are you not? I’d love for you to come up with some other explanation but in reality that’s all it is. The Grand Rampage is just a number one contendership match with extra steps. That’s why it’s fine to brag over how well you do in said match, Impact, as the amount of extra steps that you’re capable of taking actually means a lot. I didn’t win the match but I came close. Regardless of who you are, how you feel about me or how you feel about that match, that’s impressive and you can’t deny that. Then again, all you think I can do is crumble under pressure, don’t you? I’d love for you to one day give me a solid example of that and maybe I’ll hear you out but until then your words ring hollow like every other insult that you’ve thrown my way.

I have no cowardice. Not in regards to who I am and not when it comes to the being I created known as Judas. Judas was a created out of all the hatred and anger that had built up inside and that was something that needed to be exploited… and thus he came to be. That anger continued to build up to it’s boiling point and I knew that now was the right time to reveal myself to the world as the monster that had terrorised Dynasty and had toppled the so-called main event talent of Voltage. It had nothing to do with attention- something you’re all too familiar with- but instead it was about being the right time and the right place. I’m inside Aren Mstislav’s head and it’s painfully obvious from his reaction last night. I made him look me in the eyes as I pulled that mask from my face, revealing my true identity as the man who’s destined to take that EAW Championship away from him just as I’ve planned from the moment I defeated Kenny Drake. You’re a fool to think that this was all just some fancy act or ploy to gain attention.

I already had everyone’s attention.

I don’t need you to stand there and tell me that this time isn’t different, that nothing’s changed, because I already know that that isn’t true. Trying to get in the head of someone who’s been manipulating an entire roster of Elitists just doesn’t work so go ahead, continue, as your attempts will only be in vain and at the end of all this I won’t be listening for the sound of silence.

I’ll be hearing every single person in that arena chanting my name.
вrσdч spαrks .
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 14th 2016, 9:30 pm by вrσdч spαrks .
EAW Promoz! - Page 5 GSoy5N6


She stood in the middle of the wood. Her arms spread wide open, like a bird. Free in the wilderness, embracing everything. A smile came on her face. A child-like smile as she began to speak. Words echoing from her lips.

"You know there's something just liberating and freeing, about hurting people. The fact that your own hands can create such chaos can change a life, and even dare I say, can take a life. I thrive off of that. I embrace the freedom of hurting people. I embrace the freedom of violence.  It's one of my favorite things. While some frown upon that, I actually enjoy it, Babes, it is my most glorious pleasure to experience and partake in this match of course I want the control yes I want to win but more importantly I want the freedom to create chaos and destruction. I want to be an apocalypse in this match, a catalyst that's going to shake up the foundation of each and every single girl in this match. Shake the very foundation of their existence. I sat at  home for so very long my loves, waiting, planning, wanting to come back and what better way to make an impact than beating all of you lovely women and gaining control of Empire!  Oooohhhhh ladies! My day is coming. My time is coming."

"It is coming like a dirty rotten whore in a brothel!"

"Oh my sweet sweet sister, Maddie. So this is what it's come down to? I haven't proven anything? Sigh my sister,  if I didn't prove anything then why would I even be recruited to be in the Sanatorium? My darling the proof is in the pudding. Go back, take a trip down memory lane, watch my matches from when I first signed the dotted line. Go back and see my match against Rey Shamez and while she did leave the ring as the winner, you can bet your ass she didn’t leave as the same woman she was when she entered the ring. So maybe I should prove to you why I am a threat to you in this match my darling sister, and I would take such a great pleasure in doing so. Is you stating the “fact” that Alexis has more credibility to you than I do you supposed to get under my skin? Sister please, it didn't hurt my darling your words can't hurt me but mine can hurt you. However sister, my love,  you are right we need to be on the same page, but you cannot command and expect me to jump when you say jump. It doesn't work that way and if you think for one fucking second that it could, than babe you don’t know me at all, and you shouldn’t be calling me your sister. You seem to act as if you are the commander of the Sanatorium for the women, but last I checked the mother of the Sanatorium is Alexis, not you. Check your little ego at the door baby. What big sisters do to little sisters? Babes,  are you going to run to Mom and Dad and tell them that Brody hurt you? That sister Brody has the passion and the goal to obliterate all obstacles in her, including you? That's all fine and dandy but I will beat you, I will beat all of the women in this special match. It's nothing personal, that is unless you want it to be babygirl. You just happened to be in my path, you just happen to be a little bump in my road to success. It's just had to be that way and It's upsetting to know that I have to put my hands on my big sister, but if I have to, I simply well babe. At the end of the day blood is thicker than water and you and I are just water. We're in it for the Sanatorium but it's time you put your enormous ego to the side, because you haven't been on your A-Game sis, and as someone you consider family, I won’t hesitate to let you know. You’re falling Maddie. Get the fuck up sis, or would you like a helping hand? You don't deserve to walk around like you're the general of the Sanatorium, what have you proven? You dropped the ball against Cailin babe. It’s a shame. You do not deserve to act as if you're the leader. Madison shame on you sister, but I get it you're trying to make a point, you're trying to outdo me, you're trying to be better than me, because you want to win but you just have to accept the fact that you won't. You just have to accept the fact that the better woman will win.Here is a lesson love,you may be the big sister darling, but everyone knows the youngest is always the favorite! Don't you think I care about how bad you want to be vixen’s champion baby, I'm in it for me and you should know this by now! I don't give a damn what you want to do to obtain The Vixens Championship use your head darling what makes you think that I'm going to let you win so you can capture gold for yourself? I am selfish I'm only in it for myself and I can read when someone feels the same and clearly you do. It looks like the only way we're going to solve this is for one of us to completely obliterate the other and I'm not going to go easy on you sis, how would that make me look? It'll make me look weak, and weak is the farthest thing from what I am. I am many things my love, but weak is not it. I see your ego hasn't changed a bit and while you're already picturing and planning what you want to do with the vixens when you think you're going to win, I'm sitting back and I'm actually going to get the job done and win this match, and then I’ll worry about what I want to do. Then I'll plan the title shots, then I'll plan the opportunities but I am unlike you in one aspect.  I don't care to cheat or to get the vixens title, because I will obtain. All will happen in due time. Patience my dear sister, have it. Learn it. Study it, and embody it and then maybe you might have an opportunity to actually win this match otherwise this seems like we're going to have a little family feud. We're going to see who the real big sister is in this equation because while you may be older than me you aren't better than me."

"Oh my adorable little asian friend are you still trying to prove an invalid point to me? You're right I have been in a great mood since I came back, because my plans and my path of destruction, they have yet to have flourished. I mean this is just the beginning. Shock value is just beginning. You see my dear, OMERTA was trying to control me, but I saw, I foresaw the downfall of OMERTA way before I left. Why do you think I left my darling, I left because I knew that I had more potential than to be stuck with OMERTA I knew that I would be the breakout star babe, and I joined the Sanatorium because why wouldn't I want to be around people with the same ideas and the same or similar traits to myself? I would be an idiot to not accept the offer. I took it and I don't regret it, and you may say you love blood, and like to make people bleed, but my darling saying is a helluva lot more easier than actually doing it. I knew it! I knew that one of you brain-dead bimbo's would have mentioned that I deserve to be in a mental ward. My little friend, I'm not a mental ward escapee darling I love this business! I believe in this business, I belong in this business, and quite frankly I was designed for this fucking business. I wanted to do this for a very very long time, my crazy? Well it just happens to be a part of who I am. Now you can tell me that you're bloodlust is more than mine, but where was your bloodlust when I was around here during my first run here with my bloodlust. When I was busting vixens open you were too busy with your little boyfriend and your little squad  to actually show it! So why should I or anyone else for that matter, believe that your bloodlust is that great babe? Don't get it confused my darling making you bleed is it all what I want to do. I have so many things that I want to do to you within me, but why should I tell you everything? I'd rather show you! I don't care how many animal kingdom references you make baby, and it doesn't matter babe, you can call yourself or predator all you want if you have to tell yourself lies to make yourself feel good baby, because at the end of the day I see through you I don't even consider you a threat in this match,because as soon as you see something real, as soon as you face real evil, and abyss, as soon as you look into my eyes….. my eyes that are empty and filled with nothing in it, with no fucking remorse. You'll choke, you'll realize that this isn't a game but that this is real life and this is legitimate and that if you don't bring your A-game you will not survive in this match. I will break you physically and mentally baby, it’s truly that fucking easy. I will destroy you I will end you and I guarantee you that you will not leave Shock Value as the same person you entered in as. You can talk about how people don't get to be champions well where the hell is your Championship reign? Did you have one? Or did you create an alternate fucking reality in which you were actually fucking good enough to hold a title? Please, those who live in glass houses, shouldn’t throw stones bitch. Babe, you haven't even had one so what in that little fragile mind of yours, makes you think that you can even say that, and  even think that? All you keep speaking about is, bloodlust this, bloodlust that darling I don't need to talk about my bloodlust because everyone knows that I have it. I don't need to constantly remind people about it because when people see me when people hear my name they fucking KNOW that's a crazy bitch getting ready to walk into the arena. Baby there is no need, no point. I don't need to tell them so you can call yourself whatever you want darling, whatever you need to do to tell yourself that you're going to win go ahead. You can do that because when my hands are wrapped around your neck when I squeeze you, pull and scratch and tug and tear your flesh you're going to realize that this lioness in you is really a little scared cat thinking that she's big and bad. Baby what you see in the mirror is a lie, a carnival trick, you may see a lioness looking back at you baby,  but what's really looking back at you is a scared little kitten. Azumi when we get into that ring I'm going to make sure my nails are extra sharp, just for you! I'm going to hold you down and then I'm going to beat you the other girls will be too busy getting rid of themselves and getting rid of the waste for me, they don’t care about you, they will not care of the wreckage I will bring to you sweetcheeks. I will take my  fingernail and I'm going to carve your face in. I'm going to pick up a small little piece of your flesh that's going to be dangling from my fingernail and then I'm going to put it between my lips and I'm going to taste you.  I'm going to and I'm going to be tasting that metal-tasting that's real bloodlust. I'm coming for your blood maybe I should carry a little bottle of lemon juice with me so that way when I cut you open and I pour that onto your wounds, you will feel it sting as your flesh is burning you and bubbling like acid! Wouldn’t that be so fucking amazing! I sure do think it will baby. You'll feel my wrath and you will understand and you will obey me and you will understand that I am truly evil. I am truly an illuminating siren and you will dance to my command and you eliminate your damn self. Trust me when I say sweetiepie,  I can't wait,  I can't wait to taste your blood and if you're a good girl I just might let you taste mine."

"Aww Cleo! How oh so nice to hear from you again! Oh baby, you dare call me a whore? My darling you are the one parading around like that babe. I saw through you and I knew you wouldn't give yourself to me. Women like you don't do that. Women like you have to be taken, a woman like you has to be dominated and punished for you to see the right things. Oh My Darling you can call my remarks generic all you want but calling me Harley Quinn that is as generic as it gets! I'm not Tarah Nova. I think you have me confused with the wrong vixen bab.  Oh Cleo, your attempts to sass me are as tragic as you are. Of course I can't be considered a has been darling I haven't even been here for a year so what is your point exactly? Calling me a never was doesn't make me upset because this “never was” is going to show you that I will become something baby. I have no doubt in my mind my darling and no I'm not kidding with you why do all of you have to be so generic and boring and take the same little cheap shots at my mental health? Who's the generic bitch now Cleopatra? I think it's you! So darling what you’re trying to tell me is, I be scared? That you're going to hurt me because babe I like pain I enjoy, I enjoy taking pain as much as I enjoy inflicting it! You won't get the opportunity to touch me because I'll be too busy carving in that pretty little face of yours my darling. You can't shame someone who has no shame so you can go back to spewing your nonsense and nobody cares for your little bigot comments Cleo! Clearly you don't have the wisdom that you thought you did you see you just don't quite understand the point and I feel like such a broken record baby. I'm in the Sanatorium and I'm okay with that because I can do whatever I want whenever I want so they're not containing me and they don't have to care about me, it's called strength in numbers, and whether or not they care about me doesn't matter because I care about me. Brody cares about Brody. You think I degraded the championship value? My dear, no, do not twist my words, I’ll twist your fucking body all around like a ragdoll babe.  I'm just showing a little egotistical bitch like you that this business isn't just about winning titles it's about doing what you love and it's about making a mark in history darling, and most importantly, it’s about the pain and that's what I do, causing pain and terror it is what I love. The Championships they can wait, but there is no doubt that I will capture one and hold the gold, at the right time so you can take that as degrading a championship but the only thing that has degraded the championship is the fact that you even got to hold a championship in this company, let alone get into the Hall of Fame. I'm guessing that the criteria for it is, slim and second to none at this rate, La Diva can enter the Hall of Fame based on you measuring up and being deemed worthy to get in. My love, I cherish, and I love that you call me a whore, I mean  I can be your whore, and I wouldn’t be this big bad act you tried to pull off to make an invalid point. I can be such a good girl for you, do you really think that bothers me? It doesn't, I have no shame and it is not my greatest weakness it is my strength because nothing you can say nothing you can do will shame me or diminish my value so you can say what you will baby and ridicule me and attempt to make me feel like  less of a person but darling, I don't give a fuck and you need to comprehend this. My dear you can call yourself the greatest vixen of all time but cutie,  a lot of people beg to differ on that one. You can say you retired Heart Break Gal, whatever I don't care, but you've never faced a woman like me baby. I am a whole different ballpark. You claim that I degraded, the championship and I' degraded this company but yet you are degrading this whole division by ditching it because you were offered bigger money. Who is the one with the messed-up morals Cleopatra? It is clearly you, but you can try and twist and turn it around on me to show your insecurities as a woman, because that's all women are known for. They take their little insecurities and paint it off on everyone else without accepting it without honoring it without realizing that they're to blame at their own failures and shortcomings how sad is that. You could have declined that offer but we both know that you had nothing better to do babe, so you came back you wanted to be relevant again honey bunches of oats! You could have had some pride, you could have said no but no Cleopatra and her ginormous fucking go that's as big as her fake breasts just had to come back because she wanted to feel important again. Yet I'm the bad one? I'm the messed up one? I think the good doctor would tell you different and he would tell you that you are the ons with problems you're the disgrace and you can tell me that all I know is sex positions but you're right I do know quite a few and I can show you some if you would like sweet cheeks. I don't mind. It takes a real woman to embrace her sexuality and a real woman to be proud of herself and I have no shame in that you can't shame someone who lives with no shame. You can try and belittle me all you want it's not going to work. I am challenging you. I don't care whether you're from Canada or whether you're from Africa, or Zim-fucking-ba-bwe! I don't give a damn, I really don't just because you're from Canada doesn't make you the shit babes. This match is about you going  in that ring and learning  what you're going to do and that is  lose to me. You're going to come to me like a little child you are you're going to get on your knees like I know you love to, you little holier-than-thou cunt. You women love to play this facade that you don't partake in such activities. Haha but baby girl I know you do and I'd love to bring the freak out in you it would be my pleasure quite frankly. I don't know why you wasted time cutting yourself, breaking glass like a little child you, should have just waited until Shock Value and I could have cut you open myself! I mean I really wouldn't have mind I would have done it with or without your permission.I am so happy you came back to EAW baby,  I am grateful because getting the opportunity to put you down like the dog you are. Let me make you realize that back in your time can’t compare to what I am now. Your time with a field of weak women except for a handful doesn’t mean shit babes. You think because you can cake-walk though weak women that you have what it takes to come into this era now? I truly feel bad for you. I do however have one question for you Cleopatra why. Why do you care so much then? Why are you putting yourself in a position to be hurt and be and dragged across the ring and busted open for or something that you really never wanted? Like a child you want to fight for something you didn’t even want in the fucking first place. The opportunity you took for granted is slipping away and your child-like “If I can’t have it, no one will!” You left EAW before you and you did it for the money so let me ask you is money really worth your life? Think about that Cleopatra think long and hard because clearly your logic is beyond repairable, maybe when I beat some sense into your logic that entitled clouded little head of yours, but really I should check out backpage because it does sound quite interesting thanks for the reference! Haha."

With a deep breathe, inhaling the fresh air. She breathed out, as the scene faded away.

Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 14th 2016, 8:09 pm by Impact
Amusing, really. I see Matt Miles pulling out every single card in his deck in an ultimately half-baked attempt to defy what I said about him, only for him to play into my hand completely. Why did he mention the fact that he didn’t complain he was unfairly robbed of an opportunity when it came to the Grand Rampage — the same time he was still masquerading as Judas? Because he wanted to undermine the foundation of what I said about him — that he’s always harping about the opportunities he didn’t have because he has nothing else of value or merit to speak of in his career. And I can’t lie to you. If I were in Matt Miles’ shoes, I could see myself making similar decisions. But then it all comes back to me and I realize I don’t have to put myself in such a disadvantageous position, why? Because I’ve worked my entire career to never be in the gutters that he’s time and time again found himself in. I’ve burned the midnight oil and strained every muscle in my body working for my spot at the top. And then once I get that spot, I make sure I have a stranglehold on it and I do everything within my power to maintain that position. I don’t release my grip and leave my future to chance by letting other wrestlers play tug of war with my spot. Because everyone that isn’t in my spot wants it, and if that were the case, my goose would have cooked by now ten times over. Instead, I still find myself in the main events. I still find myself headlining in the biggest venues. I still find myself competing for championships. I still find myself making history. If at any point I can’t fulfill my obligation to do that, I would sooner retire than let myself become a shell of what I know I’m supposed to be. But that day hasn’t come yet, and if thirty-nine other able-bodied stalwarts in the Grand Rampage couldn’t lay me to rest, what makes Matt Miles think he can? What makes Matt Miles think he’s any different than anybody else I’ve crossed path with? Sure, every wrestler has their own inherent differences and qualities that lend them their own unique identity, but the bravado and the eccentricity of one’s character doesn’t matter at all when you step inside the squared circle. The glamor and the lifestyle of a wrestler takes a backseat to the actual wrestling. And I’m afraid — for him — that Matt Miles, Judas, whatever he wants to call himself, has lost sight of that. He’s reached a stage where the pageantry and theatrics of wrestling have become more important than the actual wrestling itself. I know — he’s going to immediately cite his little countout exhibition victory over me on Voltage a few weeks ago to dispute that claim — but if that weren’t the case, why would he have waited until the final Voltage before Shock Value to expose his charade? Even he, a man whose second language is denial, can admit that his revelation on Voltage was pre-planned. Sure, he can always rifle back and claim it’s gamesmanship, part of the psychological warfare that occurs when you’re trying to one-up your opponent, but I see things a little differently. I think Matt Miles revealed himself for what he truly is on Voltage to sate one of his innermost cravings — the attention.

I don’t care whether I’m facing Voin, Judas, Aren Mstislav, or Matt Miles at Shock Value. My opponent could be Lucifer himself and it still wouldn’t matter who was standing across from me in that ring. The opponent is a formality — the championship is what I’m coming for. That doesn’t mean I’m overlooking my opponents or that I lack insight into their skills. I took Aren Mstislav to the limit on multiple occasions, neither of which he gained the upper-hand on me in. I threw him off the stage and forced medical professionals to attend to him. Afterward, all of you people still referred to him as the EAW Champion. And that’s what he is as of this moment — the champion. But I’ve already proven a reality of what I represent to Aren Mstislav — his kryptonite. The same relationship Matt Miles falsely believes he has with me — that I’m somehow vulnerable to him because of an exhibition victory. Except with Aren and I, it’s an indisputable proven fact. It’s nothing I haven’t heard before. If he lost to me, he wouldn’t be broadcasting himself all over EAW’s airwaves claiming that he foresaw his victory over me well in advance. He wouldn’t be acting like he knew it was going to happen. It’s really funny, actually — I never hear anything about these prophecies until after the fact. Maybe that’s because Matt Miles isn’t any kind of prophet at all — just another false idol. A guy who’s worshipped by dead-end, going-nowhere trailer park trash that have no business anywhere in a civilized society. Matt Miles wants to parade around acting as though he’s taken on a new transformation and ventured into the uncharted waters, but the truth is a little more nuanced than this fairy tale fantasyland he’s concocted. You can’t honestly expect me to believe I’m supposed to take Matt Miles any more seriously than I already did before just because he outed himself as Judas. If anything, the cowardice in hiding behind a mask for months on end without revealing his identity turns any faint hint of fear or anxiety that I had into confidence. But even that is probably a gross exaggeration, because the mere suggestion that I fear this man no matter what skin he’s hiding in is a total farce to begin with. But I’ll play the good soldier and give Matt Miles the benefit of the doubt while he still thinks he’s the odds-on favorite to take home the grail at Shock Value. I’ll let him believe that he has a chance, just to deprive him of whatever newfound happiness he thinks he had. I take a tremendous joy in that, really, I do — exploiting the premature glee and overconfidence of my adversaries. It isn’t enough simply beating them. To take a grown man and impose your will on him so completely — there’s a certain beauty in bearing witness to their inner turmoil, knowing you planted those seeds into them and watched it all sprout into a massive disappointment. Sometimes, when you win a championship, you realize that at the end of the day you get to take home two trophies — the title, and along with it? Your opponent’s pride.

This upcoming Saturday at Shock Value, I will make history. I will become the EAW Champion. But I’d be selling myself far too short if I decided to stop there. So with that covered, let it be known that I’m not only taking home one trophy. No; a merciful beating would entail elegance and grace. I don’t intend on affording Matt Miles either of those luxuries. Instead, I will take home trophy number one in my right hand — the EAW Championship — and trophy number two in my left — Matt Miles’ pride. I am going to strip him of his very essence and make him question the meaning behind his actions — make him question whether it was truly worth it to try and collide with a freight train while he’s strapped to the tracks. If he doesn’t end up asking himself whether the attention of Shock Value’s main event was worth it at the expense of his manhood — taken from him by Y2Impact — then even in an EAW Championship victory, I will have accomplished only one of my tasks. Know something? I’m going two-for-two. 

Matt Miles has opted for convenience instead of honor, yet when the situation suits him and the shoe is on the other foot, the narrative changes. The paradigm shifts. The pendulum swings. One moment he’s talking up how impressive his showing at the Grand Rampage was, and the next he’s exploiting some phony rulebook as if the people themselves haven’t already made their judgments. As if the people themselves turn to a rulebook for guidance. As if the people adjust their moral compasses based on their findings in a rulebook. And the funniest thing about it? Nowhere in EAW’s rules is it said one way or another that a Grand Rampage victory earns the winner a guaranteed singles match for the World Championship at Pain for Pride — but there’s no mention of the opposite, either. It’s total guesswork. You can base it on past precedent, but if that were the case you’d have to explain away all the Grand Rampage winners that end up in one-on-ones at Pain for Pride. If anybody deserved it, it was the extremist who won the largest Grand Rampage in this company’s history from the early number three spot — but like I said, it doesn’t matter who deserves anything. Authority figures can make decisions right under your nose without any rhyme or reason. That’s why Matt Miles can sit over there on his armchair with his thumb up his ass speaking in the most convenient terms for his false little narrative to undermine the magnitude of what I achieved at this year’s first ever forty-man Grand Rampage. Like I said long ago — this guy changes positions like a politician. He’s going to tell you that all of his thoughts are consistent with each other, and I’m sure in his own warped little brain that he honestly believes there’s no loopholes in his rhetoric. But if you stop skimming the surface and you take a deeper dive into what the man is saying, you start realizing something just doesn’t add up. And what’s that? Hmm, I’m trying to put my finger on it — I’m scratching my head, working through all the algorithms — oh, I know! Maybe that he speaks so highly of his own performance at the Grand Rampage, only to later trivialize one of EAW’s foremost matches by calling it a “glorified number one contender’s match" — as if a one-on-one is even in the same hemisphere as a match that is mathematically designed for you to be eliminated. Here’s the facts: nobody in the history of this business has ever faced bigger odds than I did at this past year’s Grand Rampage. Matt Miles talks about entering early and surprising everyone with an excellent showing. I entered at number three. I SHATTERED endurance records and I did all of this after a monumental setback suffered at Reckless Wiring — pressure that lesser men like Miles himself would have undoubtedly crumbled under, wet paper bag style. Of course, I would have much preferred to make the Grand Rampage redundant by capturing the Answers World Championship at Reckless Wiring. But when that door closed, I forced another open. And when faced with a put-up-or-shut-up challenge, I shut everybody up. That’s because I don’t fixate on my shortcomings. I correct them and I change the scouting report on my skills because my weaknesses become a strength through an unparalleled commitment to my craft. Then he turns around and himself acts like bouts against The Pizza Boy are the most impressive works of art any wrestler could ever aspire to — all simply because he was a part of them. I realize Pizza Boy’s caught a buzz on Showdown and everything, but this is the same guy who was essentially a comedy relief act last year until the Heart Break Boy took him under his wing. You know something’s terribly, terribly wrong when your so-called “competition” has to talk up the credentials of their past opponents just to validate their own self-worth. You don’t see me gassing up Jaywalker just to make myself seem better by comparison to everyone else. But I guess Matt Miles didn’t get that memo since he’s still stuck flapping his gums about National Elite Championships and pizza deliverymen. If I were you, I would just turn a blind eye to all of my past “accomplishments.” They somehow manage to make you seem like an even bigger joke than you already are, maybe because your crowning achievements are tests I passed with flying colors on day one — and if I’m not allowed to mention my monster success without facing blowback about living in my “past” — then you’re not allowed to say a single goddamn word to me. In your case, keeping your mouth shut is a virtue. But that’s something I have no hope whatsoever you’re going to learn from me. Instead, I’ll have to teach you that powerful lesson at Shock Value. When the dust settles, I’ll have to ask you that all-important question. Can you hear that, Miles?

The sound of silence?

Neither can I.

Last edited by The Machine on November 15th 2016, 7:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 14th 2016, 7:11 pm by AlexisDiemos
“Guess I have to beat some respect into you then Azumi. Then again...that’s about the only thing that I seem to be good for in this little family we have. I’m the one that puts respect into my family into other people. Not Matsuda. Not Madison. And not Brody quite yet. That’s always been me. And it always will be me. Azumi. You are just a little scared brat. You can’t handle being in the ring with the big girls like me, or like Cleopatra. Hell, she just shut your trap without a moment's thought. She does things like that on a whim, Azumi. Granted...her claims are idiotic at best and mind numbing at worst but she has a point. The biggest one being that you don’t have a snowballs chance in hell in this matchup. Aside from the fact that we are all greater than you let’s put some numbers into play shall we. This match has three Sanatorium sisters in it. Me, Brody, and Madison. Like it or not...we outnumber you. And, another bit of perspective. I want this win more than you can even dream about. I crave this win so badly that I will gladly run through you to get out, even at the risk of putting myself through injury. That’s the truth. That’s the fact of life in this world we live in. I can run through you without a moment’s notice, or a pause of action, and you can do little to nothing about that fact! You are one of the stronger vixens in this match, sure, I’ll give you that. But you are not at my level, regardless of how much my ‘scare tactics’ aren’t intimidating you. Soreto onajiyōni, anata wa shokkubaryū de watashi o uchi makasu koto wa arimasen. Watashi no ishi wa anata no ken yori tsuyoku, watashi no sensō no sakebigoe wa anata no nakigoto yori mo ōkī. Sore o ukeireru. Anata ni nani ga okoru no ka mōshiwakearimasenga, songen o motte shinu. Didn’t know I spoke Japanese? See, I picked some up while talking with Stephanie. Because, I’m willing to learn new things. That’s something I have over you Azumi. You are stuck in one place, running in fucking circles. Like a little lost puppy, just yipping at the bigger dogs in the yard. And these bigger dogs have a lot longer teeth. So fine, don’t be afraid of me. I tried to help you. I tried to warn you against taking such aggressive actions against your betters, but here we are...talking trash to the big dogs. Our chains come off at Shock Value. Oh...also...I’m curious. Jocelyn isn’t my daughter, she’s my younger sister. She’s Eclipse’s blood sister. And you are helping train her alongside Matsuda. So, what she’s a brat now? Is that what she is? Might want to get some facts straight there Goto, not like it matters. See, the Predator isn’t going to enjoy her time in MY JUNGLE. This is my world, Azumi. You just happen to live in it.

And sweet little Brody, how do I love thee. Let me list the ways. See...I’m so happy you aren’t just going to lie down! I want you to come at me with every ounce of energy in your soul. I want that, I crave it. Both of us are addicts to that sensation. Addicted to competition, addicted to the adrenaline of going against one another in the only way we know how. Our fists telling the story. Our screams of pain a chorus to each other of how much we love one another. I want that more than life itself and here you are, giving it to me with all the joy on your face that you can muster. It’s so sweet. It’s so beautiful and kind. I would strangle you with love if I could. See...you talked about craving control. That’s what you want. I don’t want the control. The control is the added benefit and you are right, if one of us takes control it would benefit the whole, would it not? But...as it is seen, the control is only a part of what I want. I want my chance back. I want the chance to prove that I’m a stronger vixen then some of the others take me for. I want that chance, I need that chance. That’s my addiction, my craving. That is what keeps me up at night in a cold sweat just thinking about the prospect of having it back...or letting it slip through my fingers. So, I can’t risk myself being nice. I’m going to beat you down, little sister. I’m going to beat you down and show everyone that I’m not the vixen that just loses and has nothing to show for it. I refuse to be that vixen again. I keep hearing it...over and over and over again. That I’m the weak link. That I’m the worst member of the Sanatorium. That I’m the one to be tossed out of this first and forgotten. My lackluster return and all that. But I won’t let that be the swan song of my career. No. No, see I want to bask in the light. I want to feel the warmth of the respect that I gain when people see me raise my hand high in victory. That’s what I crave and desire, and I will not take anything less. And when it comes down to it Brody, the two of us have that same passion, little sister. The two of us have that drive to prove our relevance. And if it comes down to you and me at the end...I’ll make sure you feel that respect before I send you over the top rope. I’m not uncaring. I know how much this means to you, but this means all that much more to me. And I won’t let you stand in my way sweet little sister. I promise you this though...Sanatorium will have its victory at Shock Value. Victory when your big sister Alexis Diemos gets her hand raised and the key in hand. That much is the truth. That is my future. That is my destiny! So...come at me Sparks, let’s start a wildfire in this place! I want to see us all burn!!”

As Alexis lifted her arms up, looking around at the empty room her thoughts began to drift. To the other sister and her words. Her arms slowly lowered and she felt herself wrap her arms around herself, a tear gently sliding down her face before she shook her head. She couldn’t let her emotions get the best of her...and if she didn’t act now, she would never forgive herself.

“Twin sis, Madison. You aren’t going to step over me for that opportunity. I’m not your stepping stool to greatness and I’m certainly not the weak link in our family. Our family has no weak links! And it has no leader! That’s the Sanatorium! Our family is unified, no one has power over the other. And if you want to keep berating me, keep talking about me as if I’m just a speck of dust on your path to glory, then you have a whole other thing coming twin! See, these victories you’ve had lately...who has been behind you every step of the way?! Huh?! Me! I’ve always been behind you, I’ve always supported you, even before you became my sister. Because I love you, twin. You are family to me! But, I’m not going to let that stop me from throwing you over the top rope and watching you fall flat on your face against the canvas. I want to see you convulse as those electric shocks rip through your system! I want to watch that! I want you to look up and I want you to shed a tear of pride at seeing your twin take her destiny back! That’s what I want. I’m not worthless! I’m not a failure! And I’m not your sidekick to lift you up and carry you around the world like a stool! I am Alexis! Diemos! The Mother of Monsters and the Womb of Darkness! I won’t be underestimated by anyone, and especially not my twin sister. So, if you want that chance to be Vixen’s Champion again...run through me to get it. But you aren’t going to be able to run through me to get it! You are going to feel what happens when your twin is tired of being pushed around and mocked...and has the chance for greatness at her fingertips. So come on twin! Summon up all those monsters that made you a force to be reckoned with in EAW! Do it! I want to feel all the anger that you have collide with my bones! Do it! Fight me! I want you to do it and you damn well better make it good! Because if you don’t...the night is going to be very short for you. I promise you that. So...what’s it going to be, Madison Kaline? You going to keep talking like a leader...or are you going to actually raise up your fists and put up a fight? Twin. You and I have a date with destiny, and I want you to be ready.

Last but certainly not least, our esteemed general manager is in this match. See...I didn’t have any ill will towards her honestly. Cleopatra is a legend. Hell, she’s named after the queen of the nile. The woman who allowed herself to get bit on the tit by an asp, rather than see her kingdom fall. I can respect that, and I can respect you. Except...you mock why I’m in this match. You say that we shouldn’t want control, and you act like it’s control that I’m really seeking. I don’t care about owning Empire for 24 hours, that’s icing on the cake. See...what I want to do is be the woman that destroyed every other vixen to achieve her goal and her dreams. And you are standing in my way, because you are too stubborn to let go. So I’m going to make you let go, you outdated bitch. This isn’t your generation anymore. You aren’t the most dominant vixen in EAW anymore, hell you aren’t the most dominant vixen in your CLASS! You’re an antique. And you are going to be broken by the hands of the new generation of vixens, just like you were when Matsuda retired you! I respect you, hell...I wanted to be just like you. Now? Now, I get the chance to truly dethrone the mighty Empress of the Nile. So...how about we skip all of the unpleasant behavior that is ill befitting the two of us and get down to the nitty gritty. I want the victory, and so do you. I don’t have to be cheap or underhanded to get my win. Because I will just take it from you. How does that sound? Good...great. You don’t even have to sign on the dotted line, all you need to do...is stand still while I throw you over the top rope and you can greet oblivion for me. Sobek sends his regards.”
Cleopatra: Empire GM
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 14th 2016, 6:12 pm by Cleopatra: Empire GM
(Cameras pan over to Cleopatra looking in a tall mirror with lingerie on inside her office. She stands seductively while changing her poses each second and happily blowing kisses into the camera. "Brody Sparks" name is painted on the mirror in lipstick as Cleopatra kisses the planted lipstick with her name on it then begins directing focus upon the audience)


Wouldn't you love to just take a lick until you reach the tootsie pop? 

(Cleopatra winks into the camera) 

Wouldn't you just love to hit this? 

(Cleopatra grips her booty) 

Or wouldn't you just want to play with these?

(Cleopatra pokes out her chest)

Brody, to be honest, I wouldn't mind allowing you to be General Manager for a night. You have all the keys and tools to make an awesome leader. You were recruited by the Omerta and scouted by the Sanatorium for a reason, you know? Obviously, I was mistaken and you are perhaps one of the up-and-coming golden girls of this industry. But that's not all. That's just a small reason why you should win this battle royal. I mean, you expressed interest in having me in your bed for a night like a sex slave. Who in the world would reject that offer? I would love nothing more for you to creep your saliva on my bottom until the alarm clock goes off. I would love nothing more for you to wash your body onto mines. Wouldn't that be just so, so, so ever exciting to you? 
(Cleopatra smiles into the camera for a moment then suddenly begins to frown as she turns around and punches "Brody Sparks" name in glass mirror. A crack is presented over Brody's name and Cleopatra lifts her fist into the camera, showcasing blood and cuts running through her knuckles)


Brody Sparks is the main reason why this new generation is confused. She claims that I'm a "has-been" or "washed-up." These are the most typical generic responses when you have nothing else to bring towards the table. And coming from a wannabe Harley Quinn rag doll like Brody Sparks makes sense since she isn't even considered to be a "has-been" because she "never-was," and never will be! Are you kidding me though, Brody? Did you take your medication when you began talking to me? I swear, I will hurt you if you dare laid one finger on me in the most disrespectful way to mankind --- a woman loving another woman. You are what's wrong with today's worldly issues. You have no problem with conforming to lowering your morals for men and women to take advantage of you. I believe in every form, you would release your body to anybody that Ms. Sparks sees fit. And if you have that mindset, what makes you seem like the right person to have power? You wouldn't even know what to do with it even if the answers were right in your face. Power has dissolved from many greats that have tried to conquer it. I have wisdom enough to spill those beans to the ground because I have been through it. Speaking in EAW terms, everyone who held power are unthinkable. The ones that hoist up that title and reform their name and legacy in EAW history are the ones who will be thought of. Brody, you have absolutely no zeal to break out of your boundaries, especially this early into your career. You talk about being twenty two years of age or whatever but you seem content on following thousands of group members and supporting a group that doesn't care about you in order to satisfy your desires. You have completely degraded our championship value just so you can make a point about winning this match. There's nothing more foolish than any language coming out of your whorish mouth.This isn't your era. IT'S FAR FROM IT. In this match, I will make sure you comprehend on that. Just like you all need to comprehend on this. 2011 was the EAW debut of Cleopatra. I took then Vixens Champion and indisputable GOAT Vixen, Heart Break Gal to her limits in just one month. 2012 was MY YEAR, I retired HBG. I have pounded on Sabina. I have defeated Cameron Ella Ava constantly. I have embarrassed your Lethal's, Christy Cruise's, Lyndivias, Sasha's and other irrelevant Vixens. 2013, I was on and off but still kept my dominance. 2014, I was inducted into the Hall of Fame. 2015, I ditched the lifeless division because another company offered bigger money. At this point, I was bigger than life. 2016, EAW begged me to come back as Empire General Manager because they couldn't find anyone else to put up with sissy girls that whine like newborn babies. 

And now they want me to compete again because most of you "new" Vixens don't know how to properly work a match. The only thing Vixens like Brody know how to work is her sex positions. There's no surprise that she's even in this match. I guarantee that Ken Stark had personally told her that she earned a spot in this battle royal because of her special escort services. I swear Brody Sparks is the type of b**** to post ads on backpage.com in every city. Most of you Vixens consider me "old" when you have old yellers like HBG and Kendra Shamez holding onto your championships. Yet, you want to belittle me like I've been here for so long? I don't care how old I am or how young you are. I will still beat your motherf**** a*** if you dare challenge me inside that ring. If you girls have forgotten all about it. I'm from Canada. I'm not born and raised in the most weak and fragile gyms in the United States. I don't train pitifully in Europe and I don't take account whose a legend or whose not. I'm a fighting warrior. I've trained to fight them like I see it and not to complain. But there's come a point in your life that these Vixens are hopeless and have to refrain on speaking towards my legacy like its nothing when in reality, they wish to be me! Madison Kaline, what happened to you? You fell off a rock or something? You used to be something and now you are nothing! You are some cheap follower that couldn't land a bargain in the five-on-five elimination match. What makes you believe you're the biggest name in this match when you haven't did anything worthy of mentioning as of late or any time in your pathetic career? You're making Brody Sparks look worthier than you in this match. Heck, you're making her look more trashier than you too but that's a good thing in your favor considering you both compete on who looks good wearing the less clothes in a match. I have no problem of making you figure out whose your boss too. Maybe after I'm done, you can sing a poem on how Cleopatra is THE GREATEST VIXEN OF ALL TIME. 

It goes something like this:

Roses are red, violets are blue...

Cleopatra is the greatest so who the fook are you?!

Just like I told that heifer with a Japanese pornstar name, Azumi Goto, and now she's shook with no more words to express towards me. This explains about our new world in Vixens entertainment. We have Vixens with no heart, no courage, no better work ethnic to step up their game and lead the pack. No wonder they are sloppy seconds to the real match of the night. I'm only even in this match by force. I refuse to see what I've built fall to bits and pieces in 24 hours. I don't want the tagline on my show to drop down my ratings. But Ken Stark insists on making it this way to feed the EAW fans more headaches because clearly, they only want to see the Queen of the Nile as the General Manager. I even bet they're biting their tongue if I announced that I was making a full-time return inside that ring. That wouldn't go over well with Sheridan because that title reign would be in doubt if I were to challenge her for it. And maybe I will just do that if I were to win. Maybe EAW needs me more than I need them. Maybe they need me not only as their General Manager but their Ring General as EAW Vixens World Champion! If anybody knows Cleopatra, anything I have my eyes set on, I will end up taking and receiving in the most honest way possible unlike the way Sheridan picked up a win over Heart Break Gal. It seems to me like that will be the best possible way to stop the awful recklessness that clouds and sucks the soul out of our division. Maybe, just maybe, all of you girls have awakened a giant with your bulls**** complaining. HAHAHAHAHA! MAYBE! JUST MAYBE YOU GIRLS HAVE CONVINCED ME TO COME BACK FULL-TIME AND START DOING WHAT I LOVE TO DO IN THE FIRST PLACE AND THAT'S KICKING THE LIVING SH*** OUT OF YOUR PATHETIC ASSES! 

So here's the deal, I need a favor from you girls... Come wise, come prepared and please....

Come take my breath away! 

▲ ; )

(Cameras fade to black)
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 14th 2016, 4:28 pm by showster26
Monday, 10:43 p.m., location unknown.

(The Scene opens inside a small room.  All is dark.  Suddenly the sound of a match being struck softly fills the air.  The faint glow of the flickering flame gives light to a candle, which in turn illuminates a photograph pinned to the wall, the subject of the image, Jon McAdams.  The candle is lfited up from it’s resting place and brought over to another.  When it is lit a photo of Danny Koxx can be seen.  The ritual is repeated several times with photos of Jakob DeLion, Alonzo Calrissian, Ahren Fournier, JD Damon, Mike Showman, and Maero being revealed in turn.  After all the candle have been lit the camera pulls back to show each photo lined in a row.)
???: “A great day, a feast is coming.  They hunger, who shall feed them?  The one who has been sent to serve their grand purpose.  He is the one that will offer them up all that they need.  ALL that they desire.  For that is his call.  That is his destiny.  And what will become of those who have been judged as unworthy?  What shall be the outcome that awaits them?  Nothing.  A lingering existence that is stripped away of all the devices and deceptions that cover the worlds eyes.  A remainder of days where every sensation of joy and pleasure is muted to a zero sum.  A lifetime of suffering that will override any and all delusions that twist and turn the minds of the weak against the nature of what is true.  Of what was before the wicked tried to steal away this earth from my masters.”
(out from behind the camera steps a man who will be competing in the scramble match at Shock Value, the only one whose image is not up on that wall, the man knows  as Solomon Caine.)
Caine: “Oh yes, those sweet whispers in my ear, they have told me of my masters, and how they desire to have their thirst quenched.  They desire to consume the wicked ones that have been set before me.  They desire to claim them and devour them whole, that is what they have ordered, and it is my duty to oooobbbbeeeyyyy!  So I will do as I am instructed to do, and at the hour of their choosing, they will have whatever they wish.
It is gathering to swallow what remains, like vultures circling overhead.  And those vultures will consume the flesh of the wicked after those who have sent me have purged themselves of their great wrath.  A wrath the has been taste by some who refuse to accept that my masters have are coming.  Fools who burry their heads in the sand, and assume that will not receive the full measure of suffering that has been set aside for them.  Men like Jon McAdams who still refuses to pen his eyes and see the truth.  He stillllll clutches his money in a grip stronger than a vice.  He still lords himself over others because of it.  And now that he has found himself a disciple who clings to him like a leech does to a blood vessel, he again believes the rotten rhetoric of his rancid tongue.  If that is the case, then I shall tear it out with my bare hands!  For what good will a mouthful of slander do when your body has been consumed by the elements?!
I ask the same of Jakob DeLion and Danny Knoxx.  They have clouded their own judgement with the ridiculous boasting that spews forth from out of them.  NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU SPEAK ILL OF THOSE WHO SENT ME, IT SHALL NOT SAVE EITHER ONE OF YOU!  All that pours out from your mouth is nothing more than the manifestation of your horrid ego.  The pride that has skewed your thoughts and allows you to live in denial.  If I have to shatter each and every bone  in your bodies, to unlock your mind, then so be it.
You three have all heard the call that has been given to you by my masters, and you still refuse to give them their due respect.  So a special portion of punishment will set aside for the three fo you this Sunday.  But to those who Have I have not come across yet on the path they have laid out for me, do not think for a second that you shall escape unscathed.  My Masters have found fault with all of you, and have deemed you worthy of damnation! 
Oh yes they have Mike Showman.  You have made yourself a parasite that feeds on the waste within the host body.  But if that host is a WRETCHED HEATHEN WHO HAS COMMITED TERRIBLE SIGHTS BEFORE MY MASTERS, WHAT GOOD WILL IT DO YOU TO CLING TO HIM WHEN THE GLORIOUS REIGN FALLS UPON THIS EARTH?!?  It almost amuses me, the thought of you clinging to each other, screaming in agony as you wittness yourselves, each other, and all that surround you buurrrrrnnnnnn.  What a joyful day that shall be, when you two see your bitter end play out before your very eyes.”
(Caine takes a deep breath, his eyes become almost glazed over, with a distant look within them.)
Caine: “Ahren, How sad it is that one such as yourself, with all your strength and quickness, that you would be fooled into believing that the praise of the putrid heathens is all that should be desired in your life.  That you have become addicted to the vain glory they shower upon you, which cost them nothing.  All they can ever offer you, is a distraction from the will of my masters, all that they will ever bring about is your destruction.  I implore your to heed the call of my masters, cast off your vanity, your pride, and any foolishness that resides within you, that you may serve those who have sent me.  For if you chose not to, and hold on to all that makes you no better than the rest of the putrid scum, then you will be cast alongside them as they beg for some celestial specter to grant them an end to their misery!  Do not deceive yourself, for condemnation awaits all who do.
Whether it be one, or a whole den of thieves that try to oppose my masters, those who dare try to do so will be slaughtered in ways that the human mind cannot even fathom.  JD Damon, your entire pack of wolves could not hope to stand against the will of my masters, what hope do you?  What hope will you have?  Do you believe that you can cower on your knees and beg for mercy?  Do you think you can barter in exchange for salvation?  I TELL YOU NOW THAT THERE WILL NOT BE ANY SUCH HOPE FOR YOU!  NO MATTER HOW MANY PAWNS YOU SACRIFICE TO SAVE YOURSELF, IT SHALL NEVER BE ENOUGH TO KEEP MY MASTERS FROM SEEKING YOU OUT!  NO MATTER IF YOU’D RUN TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH YOU STILL WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO EVADE THEM!  You fate has been cast in iron, your bond to it is unbreakable.  The doom that will beset you shall envelope you in an instant.
But that is a better fate than what shall come to you Alonzo Calrissian.  You who are the very embodiment of all that my masters despise.  You who think that you are the diamond in the rough, you are fool’s gold trying to pass himself of something of value.  You claim to be born of that beyond the stars, but you are just another member of the putrid filth born out of the muck that has polluted this earth!  You steal the minds on those who my masters have called to, and give them to A GODDAMN FANTASYYYY!!!  YOU BASTARD ABOMINATION, HOW DARE YOU BRING DEATH AND DAMNATION TO THESE WHO HAVE YET TO EVEN EXPERIENCED LIFE! WHAT KIND OF MONSTER ARE YOOOUUUUU?!?  ANSWER ME!!!  That you would practice such evil, is beyond contempt.  That you believe yourself a hero when doing so, is proof of how twisted your mind truly is.  They have called upon me to cure the infection that you spread, to remove the toxin that paralyzes the mind, blackens the heart, and leads to nothing but their utter desimation!  You Alonzo, you will have to answer for foul actions you have committed.  You will be thrown into the fire, and watch as all you have made is torn down to the foundations, before you meet your own agonizing end.
(Caine’s turns his gaze slightly upwards just pasty the camera.  His body stiffens, and his jaw hangs open for a long moment.  Slowly Caine begins to nod his head yes as his body seems to loosen up.)
Caine: “And of Maero, I speak this.  I stand upon the words of my masters.  It’s is there call, and purpose that I serve.  And should they pass judgement upon you, then I MUST carry out their will.  For it is they alone who can save, it is them who may condemn.  They are the ones who hold all power, and any who disobey will be made example of, especially the one who has served.  Some think us allies, but until my masters have deemed and ordained it, such must not be assumed by either one of us.  DO I believe you to be counted amongst those who maybe sparred?  I do.  But it is not my judgement to make, it is not my ballot to cast in deciding your fate.  If my masters see fault within you, if they order you to be made a sacrifice, then for my own sake I will have to comply.
(Caine steps closer to the line of pictures and addresses them.)
Caine: “Rejoice my Brethren, for the consecrated day that will bring honor to my Masters is soon.  It will be a day where there show the wondrous works that their powers may preform.  The world will cast its gaze upon them, and see that no one…”
(Caine takes the photo of McAdams off the wall and burns it with the candle under it.)
Caine: “… not rich.”
(Caine does the same to the photo of DeLion.)
Caine: “Not the boisterous.”
(Danny Knoxx’s is the next.)
Caine: “Not the Blind.”
(Ahren Fournier’s)
Caine: “Not the vain.”
(Mike Showman’s)
Caine: “Not the proud.”
(Alonzo Calrissian’s)
Caine: “Not the deceivers.”
(JD Damon’s)
Caine: “Not the self righteous.)


All this they have told me, and it must be so.”
(Caine falls down to his knees and begins to ramble incoherently in an almost whispering voice.  The camera back away showing a circle of ash around caine.)

Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 14th 2016, 4:22 pm by Guest
Shock Value Promo #1

In a dark time, the eye begins to see, 
I meet my shadow in the deepening shade; 
I hear my echo in the echoing wood-- 
A lord of nature weeping to a tree. 
I live between the heron and the wren, 
Beasts of the hill and serpents of the den. 
What's madness but nobility of soul 
At odds with circumstance? The day's on fire! 
I know the purity of pure despair, 
My shadow pinned against a sweating wall. 
That place among the rocks--is it a cave, 
Or a winding path? The edge is what I have. 

A steady storm of correspondences! 
A night flowing with birds, a ragged moon, 
And in broad day the midnight come again! 
A man goes far to find out what he is-- 
Death of the self in a long, tearless night, 
All natural shapes blazing unnatural light. 

Dark, dark my light, and darker my desire. 
My soul, like some heat-maddened summer fly, 
Keeps buzzing at the sill. Which I is I? 
A fallen man, I climb out of my fear. 
The mind enters itself, and God the mind, 
And one is One, free in the tearing wind
Who is it that you think I fear
Why should I back down to you
You breathe as I breathe
Bleed as I bleed

Poem By Madison Kaline 2016

On your mark, get set and go! It’s  FPV week, which only means, time for the long week of trash talking, time for the long week of useless females saying that they will win this match, time for the long week of the aforementioned useless females telling me how much better they are then me (Madison laughs and shakes her head) it is really quite amusing. I just sit back and relax with both my feet up and listen to these girls go on and on about how they are going to win this Battle Royal at Shock Value and go on to control Empire for the night, the fact is none of these girls have any chance at winning, because I am in the match, and as soon as my name was placed on the card, all their odds of winning went down like the stock market. I mean really does anyone think Azumi Goto is going to win? I know she called me out, saying I have never won a big match in my life, which is like calling the kettle black huh? Well wait, hold on I guess you would kind of have to have been in a big match in order to win one right Azumi? You see Azumi, it doesn’t matter how many of those big matches I have won or lost, what matters right now is that I have actually been there, where as you have been in EAW for what? A year now, and you have yet to even have a win probably (Madison laughs) I mean really Azumi who the hell do you think you are talking to someone like me like that. Don’t you even know who the hell I am girl? I am Madison fucking Kaline, a former Vixens Champion, something you will never hold in your pathetic life because you are nothing more than a born loser, you are nothing more than a footnote in EAW history here, you see Azumi, they can make a whole damn 3 disc DVD on my career, only thing you have is a fucking video on youtube of your one win in EAW. Now please don’t ever use my name in your fucking speech again unless you get permission from The Mistress herself, do you understand what I am saying? All these girls in the Vixens Division are all the same, they are all loud mouthed girls who can’t back it up in the ring, they are boring as well, the same insults like it is supposed to get under my skin, no nothing gets under my skin, I am unbreakable, unshakeable, confident in my abilities something all my sisters in The Sanatorium are, blood is thicker than water here in The Sanatroium, we’ll all of us except for Alexis anyway (Madison laughs) Oh you know I’m just kidding Alexis baby! I thought your little speech before was cute! Anyway speaking of sisters, one sister is a little in denial about what is going on here, newly acquired sister Brody Sparks, now she was saying before how she will go through anyone even “Madison Kaline” to win this Battle Royal, (Madison smirks) Oh Brody, I love you, you know I do, but we both know in the end, you will do what is right for The Sanatorium and you will help me to win this match, because let’s face it, if you win how does that do me any good? How does that get me any close to getting back the Vixens Championship? Use your head Brody, we maybe sisters but as far as I am concerned you have yet to prove anything to The Sanatorium, even Alexis here has more credibility than you. Alexis maybe useless in some ways but even she knows she can’t win this match, and she will do anything to help me win. Now I know that may have hurt, but you and I need to be on the same page here, as the leader of The Sanatorium on Empire and as the leader of you in life in general, I command you do what is right for us. And I know you will Brody because you are my little sister, and if you don’t well you know what big sisters do to little sisters when they are annoying (Madison laughs) I will leave that up to your imagination. Take a good look Vixens, think you have what it takes to beat me? Bitches please, I am the biggest name in this match, wait hold on I know what you are all thinking what about Cleopatra? Pfft she is just lucky to be in the same ring as me, her time has come and gone, she is yesterday’s news, she is just trying so hard to hang on the past, but let’s face it, you are old now, and this is 2016, you can’t hang with the likes of me and my sisters, you can’t even hang with the likes of La Diva. Now step aside and quit hogging my spotlight. Because after I win this battle royal I plan on having a lot of fun control Empire for 24 hours, and I have some special things planned for some of you Vixens, so keep talking you will only add more fuel to this fire. 
Azumi Goto
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 14th 2016, 3:56 pm by Azumi Goto
Shock Value #2

{Azumi yelling that could be heard as the lights turn back to see her on her bed with her camera looking down at it. Her expression cold as always with her eyes being sharp as ever.}

Psycho Mom, did Eclipse gave you permission to open YOUR mouth? Because the last thing coming out of it is how you won’t be beaten and YET! You have beaten more times than I can count. Ever since I’ve joined this company, all I’ve seen you do is LOSE AND LOSE AND LOSE. Do you see what I’m trying to say to you? I’m surprised that your groupie has decided to keep you in it since all you’ve done is drag them down to the mud. STOP DRAGGIN THEM DOWN YOU ABSOLUTE PIECE OF GARBAGE!!!! Everyone you have in your group has some sort of potential to be a champion but what do you do? Other then DRAG DOWN the quality of women’s wrestling for a solid year plus or however long you’ve been here. I’ve done the opposite, I’ve brought of the quality of what it means to be a Female Wrestler. I’ve done things that you’ve never been able to do, Alexis. I stood up on my two feet and went on to greater success than you actually dream about, continue to stay back and try to scare me with your great numbers while I knock you all out with a single. SO TRY SELLING YOUR SCARE TACTICS SOMEWHERE ELSE, PSYCHO MOM! I’m not buying the idea of being scared of ALEXIS DIEMOS… OF ALL PEOPLE! Maybe if you weren’t in the back of our mind then and did something worthwhile for a change, you’d be a big deal for us in this match. I won’t even surprised if you’re the first to go and heading straight back to raise those kids including that annoying brat Jocelyn. Try teaching your kids some manners! Self-Entitled MILF!

{Azumi expression to lighter one with a nice smile at the camera, the same one people know her for.}

HELLO Brody, you seem to be a good mood since returning. What is The Sanatorium giving you something that OMERTA never could? They probably are! See sparks I love to bleed and make people bleed, I don’t show it because I have the decency to not make that everything I’m about. That’s right, I SAID IT! You’re just mental ward escapee that somehow found it’s way to a wrestling ring. See Sparks, my bloodlust is ten times more than your’s and there’s a good reason to it. Maybe it the fact that something triggered and the inner Predator awaken. A great thirst for the blood of people was born and oh boy, it hasn’t stopped. This match is everything I want! A lot of small little preys just waiting there for me to hunt and beat with a great purpose. Just wanted to make people bleed won’t be enough to beat me, you need to have a purpose to it, So the little predator stops talking before the Lioness kills you for raising your voice.

Next, on the list of annoying women, I hate or will hate is…. Amy-Jayne, the French Idiot’s valet…. Moving on. No, really I have absolutely nothing for her, it’s probably because she’s new or not even a viable threat to me. Thank you for coming, NOW FUCK OFF!

Nicole Fyre, The Cheerleader for the Sirens. WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?! You’ve done absolutely nothing! You went toe-to-toe with Cameron Ella Ava, well congrats little mouse, SO HAVE I, and so have most of the Roster on Empire. Little Mouse, learn to realize that you can’t beat me. You didn’t beat me during EOE and you still won’t. You’re just not vicious enough, not Merciless, Violent, ARROGANT ENOUGH to touch me IN MY RING! So go back to cheering for Tarah, Freakshow Fangirl. Just be a cheerleader on the side while I claim victory. Understand?

OH MY… Look who’s next. It’s Erica Ford. My BFF, My Bestie Forever, My First Real Prey, how are the injuries that are piling up. Good? Bad? Let me tell you, I’m glad that you survived the fall… Well, sort of glad that you did. The beating you took wasn’t enough for you to realize that I’m GREATER THEN YOU! No, you just had to waltz back and think….

“I can be a champion as well”.

Well sorry Roadkill, you’re wrong! Your kind of wrestlers, don’t get to be champions! They get to be the prey by my kind of wrestlers, THE PREDATOR! They don’t get to be the one headlining PFP, they get to be the one losing, EVERY. SINGLE. TIME! You’re just a little fool who thinks she’s anything worthwhile for this company. I’m the kryptonite to you, Erica. I’m better than you in every single type of wrestling, and ONCE AND FOR ALL I’LL PROVE IT! ONE! MORE! TIME!

At the end of it all, these women are just little mouse's ready to be lined up for the Lioness to come in and hunt them all down.

The Lioness needs to feed on the weak before she takes down the strong. Ladies, it’s time to feed my Bloodlust and I want as much as possible.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 14th 2016, 3:29 pm by MTM
Grand Rampage. Battleground. Dynasty. Pain for Pride.

All of these are moments in my career that would have otherwise gone unrecognized if it were not for those five glorious minutes that I had Aren Mstislav- not Voin- as putty in my hands. Not even he, our almighty EAW Champion, could wrap his head around the truth about who I was. For weeks I talked about how Aren was a changed man, how he had devolved into nothing more than a liar and a backstabber. Well guess what, Aren? You weren’t even the best one. All it took was one Grand Rampage to cement the career of Judas. How many months- nay- how many YEARS did it take you to get the recognition that you thought you deserved? Three. Two if I were to be lenient. It took me two HOURS to command the same respect that you do and that was without anyone even knowing my name. I entered at number six and still managed to last all the way until the final eight… and that was with ring rust. I had returned to EAW for not even a month by the time I found myself inserted in the Grand Rampage and yet I outshone nearly everyone else in that match with ease. Attack after attack, finishing maneuver after finishing maneuver, I still pulled myself back up to my feet and almost won the entire match. After everything that I had gone through in that match, with all of my blood, sweat and tears covering that canvas, it still took one final Mercy Rule brainbuster from Diamond Cage on that apron to finally eliminate me. After I’d stood toe to toe with the likes of Jaywalker, Dark Demon and our General Manager himself Carlos Rosso, the first of whom wasted no time trying eliminate me, I stood tall with a better showing over all three of them. Hell, I had a better showing than at least thirty of the other competitors in that match. I came within inches of being victorious despite the odds being stacked against me from the start.

So when I lost, what did I do? I could have complained that I was unfairly robbed of an opportunity but, truth be told, I wasn’t.

So instead I rectified that blot on my career.

The following Monday on Battleground, I ENDED Diamond Cage and buried his career six feet under. He didn’t even stand a chance. He lasted all of ten seconds and my dominance then continued. I would go on to create change in Dynasty when I ripped the National Elite Championship from the Pizza Boy’s cold, lifeless hands. How’s that for an accomplishment, Impact? Instead of convincing yourself that your hollow attempts at insulting the Spartan Cup bother me, how about you worry about my accomplishments that have actually mattered. I threw the Pizza Boy around like he was barely even a challenge in our extreme rules match and made him realise he had no idea who he was messing with. Every time that we looked each other in the eyes, right before we eventually came to blows, you could see it in his eyes. Fear. His eyes were almost glazed over with it. He was scared. It didn’t matter how hard he tried to put me down, to break me, to end me, I would always stand right back up. The terror that I caused him was so undeniable that even he had to admit that he didn’t know what he had to do to defeat me. All he could do was make fake promises that he would… and then he didn’t. He didn’t defeat me. Not alone. It took the combined efforts of the Pizza Boy, Brian Daniels AND Cyclone to finally knock me down from the top of the mountain, all because my partners had failed to live up to the standard that had been set for them. The standard that YOU set for them, Impact. You’ve spent weeks talking about how you created a dominant stable in Hexa-Gun. Meanwhile I stand here wondering just how you managed to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes when, at Pain for Pride, I was partnered with two clowns who were more concerned with cheap tricks and over-the-top one liners who ended up costing not only themselves the match but more importantly, they cost me the match. On more than one occasion I was forced to stand against all three members of Team Cerberus alone and every time I managed to take them down one by one. Do you know how many times I had to keep getting back up in an attempt to ensure victory while my partners, your allies, were laid out from being to beaten and bruised? I couldn’t even count. What I did count, however, was how many times Brian Daniels struck me directly in the temple with his Caustic Echo. He caught me twice. TWICE… and I was barely even phased. It took a glorified three on one assault to finally defeat the monster that I had created for myself. Every finish attempt that they made was in vain. Just like against Pizza Boy, I kept getting back up. It took a Rising Tide through two tables to finally put me down and even then it wasn’t for good. Right as they were on the verge of unhooking those championship belts, there I was, in that ring on my own two feet again while Tiberius Jones and Drake Jaeger had made a mockery of themselves.

What the hell do either of you have?

Voin? This supposed second side of you has already had his reputation tarnished. Last Sunday on Voltage, I broke you, Aren, and I broke Voin. Not until now did you realise that you’ve been outsmarted and outmatched from the very beginning. All this time you talked about how you had this darker, more callous side to you that had built its own reputation as a causation of destruction and yet we’ve seen nothing of the sort. Since this transition, all you’ve done is talk and talk and talk with no real merit to the name “Voin”... but Judas? Judas isn’t just a fancy name or a new moniker for me to go by in an attempt for success; it’s the face of fear. Every single man that dared step in the ring with Judas has had his world come crashing down around him. Cyclone? Gone. Brian Daniels? Gone. Diamond Cage? Gone. Kenny Drake and Carson Ramsay? I don’t even need to tell you the fate that has been bestowed upon them. You can look for yourself and see just what kind of nightmare they’re being put through right now. You’re next, Aren. You’ve been marked for the hunt and it’s about time that I made the kill. Truth be told, Aren, you’ve been limping on your last legs for a long, long time now, clutching to that EAW Championship because you know it’s all you have left to keep you in the limelight. All your complaining and bitching to Carlos Rosso, though, that backfired, didn’t it? There you were, thinking you could just talk yourself out of a situation and all you did was escalate it and escalate it until now, where you’re going to be trapped inside a cage- my cage- with no chance at survival.

Y2Impact, however, I cannot help but shake my head at. In what world has the Grand Rampage every guaranteed an Elitist a one on one championship match, Impact? I want you to go through all the fine print and tell me exactly where it tells you that, under any circumstances, you can only face the world champion in a one on one encounter. Better yet, I’ll tell you where it says it: NOWHERE. You would think that a Hall of Famer who is supposedly held in such high esteem, who has been around for the vast majority of EAW’s Grand Rampages, would understand how the damn thing works. The Grand Rampage has never been more than a glorified number one contender’s match. Somehow, you seem to be the only one who doesn’t understand that. Thinking otherwise is beyond ridiculous. That’s why, just like any other number one contender, when Tyler Parker beat you, he also earned his shot and what you don’t seem to be realising is that all this big talk about how you won such a momentous match? You’re doing nothing more than making a fool out of yourself because even after that, you still lost one on one. You couldn’t keep your momentum going and nobody other than you is at fault for that fact. You lost. Make as many excuses as you like but you lost. You lost to Tyler Parker and you lost at Pain for Pride. If you’re going to go ahead and complain about how the world is out to get you then at least have good reasoning. You knew ahead of time what losing to Tyler Parker would entail and you knew what you were in for at Pain for Pride. You had more than enough time to prepare for that match as a fatal four way but instead you were to busy with your own head up your entitled ass complaining about how it should still be a one on one match. Well guess what? It would have been if you could have kept your shit together but no, let’s blame everyone else for your problems. So tell me again about how you create opportunities even when the window is almost shut because this seems like a wide open shot at the Answers World Championship that you missed out on by a mile. Even when you try to admit that you were at fault you still can’t help but put your ego in full view. Just like you said, you thought that victory was a given. Oh, what does that sound like? That sounds like RIGHT NOW. You think that victory at Shock Value is a given purely because of how talented you perceive yourself to be and you’re backing yourself up against the wall yet again. You would think that, based on the fact that you acknowledge the mistake you made, you wouldn’t do the same exact thing again yet here you are jumping from that point to how there’s no possible way that you could ever lose to Aren Mstislav or myself. You just can’t help but contradict yourself, can you?

The worst part of it all, Impact, is that you’ve been here trying to call me out for the exact same thing since day one. So tell me, what “missed out opportunities” have I complained about? Unlike you I actually own up to my mistakes and my flaws. I only complain where it’s warranted. My match at Pain for Pride? My issues with Drake & Jones are more than valid but do I look at that and think about how I got screwed over? No, because I knew who I was partnering myself with. That was my fault for overestimating them and I haven’t overestimated anyone since. On the other side, here you are yet again using this championship match at Shock Value as yet another platform for you to air your grievances about how you were so unjustly robbed at Pain for Pride. Tell me, how many times are you going to keep complaining until your rambling actually starts making any sense? You’ve been so busy wallowing in self-pity that you haven’t taken the time to look up and see what’s going on around you. I earned my match at the EAW Championship weeks before we faced off and for whatever reason you haven’t been able to accept that. You were too busy “addressing claims of you being a part-timer”. Claims that weren’t even there. All you wanted was, again, another platform to bitch and moan and brag about how you’re the greatest thing since sliced bread. At this point you don’t need to tell us how you’re deserving because of star power because everything else you say proves that you think it. If you’re not complaining about the supposed wrongdoings against you, you’re bragging about your ever-so-illustrious six reigns and how you’re going to win your seventh oh so soon. It’s laughable. You’re on a constant cycle of complaining and bragging and after a certain point, people start to see past the rose tinted glasses they’ve been wearing and realise that the nostalgia that the almighty Y2Impact carries with him is starting to wear off. If you were really still as great as you claim, why do you make such an effort to cry over spilled milk? Hmm? You’re like that kid who says he studied for the exam and then gets an F. You don’t get a participation trophy just because YOU think you’re deserving.

You’re so caught up in this idea that I’m the one who hasn’t earned his opportunity when I’m the one who had to get put through trial after trial to get my shot at the title. What did you ACTUALLY do? Your loss at Pain for Pride didn’t warrant you a match. Your loss at Territorial Invasion didn’t warrant you a match. Your loss to me didn’t warrant you a match? What exactly is it that makes you so deserving? It’s what I’ve said from the start and that’s name value. You’re Y2Impact, six time world champion, former unified tag team champion, bonafide Hall of Famer and, because of that, you’re automatically thrown opportunities by Carlos Rosso. If in two attempts you still can’t earn a world title match against Aren then you shouldn’t be getting one. It’s that simple. You can try and talk about semantics about how Nasir Capitani interfered and cost you that chance to face Aren but there were as I’ve already had to point out, there were no disqualifications. That means anyone can get involved. You’d think someone who’s stable made a career out of extreme rules matches would understand the ins and outs a little bit better… but that’s irrelevant. What’s relevant is that that didn’t earn you a championship match against Aren Mstislav and everyone but you and Carlos Rosso seem to see that. I had to come back, fight and WIN against Kenny Drake for my number one contendership and you got yours on a God damned technicality so don’t talk to me about earned opportunities. You clearly don’t know a damn thing about them.

Perhaps that rough landing on your head scrambled your head a bit, Impact, because you’ve been contradicting me from the very beginning. I didn’t expect our match on Voltage to go any other way. I knew I had you beat from the very beginning. Your biggest weakness has always been you’re innate tendency to feed your own ego and I capitalised on that. You don’t consider failure so I got under your skin when I called you a loser. That’s all it took: insults. All I had to do was mock you and make fun of you and you got riled up like a horse in a burning barn. I played you like a fiddle and now, here you are, still trying to convince me that you’re better than me but you haven’t even been talking to the real Matt Miles. Instead, you’ve been attacking the Matt Miles that you thought you knew, the one that had only just returned after Pain for Pride with nothing but a cocky smile on his face and a chip on his shoulder. This whole time, this whole damn time, you had no idea what kind of man you were really dealing with and you’re still barely coming to understand it even now. I’m not just some flash in the pan Elitist like everyone else that’s come and gone. Unlike them, when I fail, I come back and rectify my mistakes. I make sure that every flaw is fixed so that I can come back better, faster and stronger than before while you sit there twiddling your thumbs becoming content and complacent over your prior accomplishments, unable to accept that that seventh reign you’ve been looking for for so long is slipping between your fingertips more and more as the days go by and, come Shock Value, it’s going to be too late.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 14th 2016, 3:29 pm by Guest
Shock Value 01

'' War. Dissimilar perspectives on the future of the Vixens division has led us to Shock Value. Both teams can not agree on much, however the interpretation of this match cries out one word, war. This perplexes me the most, firstly I am not much of a promoter, I don't pander to others to encourage and publicise a spectacle that I do not believe in, however let's have a little fun and pretend that this sports entertainment system that the audience sympathise with and the wrestlers take advantage of, is great. Seemingly everybody else does it, they're content with such a horrid way of living, so for a split second we can imagine I've switched boats. I'm in the middle of the ring, microphone in hand, and I've been told I need to get asses on seats for shock value. How do I describe this bout, this clash of heads, the OG Vixens, the tyrannical, overrated wrestlers who have aged into bitter, rotten fruit. The Sirens, a collection of whiny, entitled, pretentious children with one glaring exception. How would an efficient, logical, perfectionist like myself, crippled by sports entertainment, give an insightful, persuasive speech that would encourage people to watch on television and give money to the people above me. Well, of course I'd describe it as a war! The Sirens and the OG Vixens have lost sleep over one another, right. People have died fighting for this cause that, seemingly I am blind to. This is the biggest thing to ever happen to Efficiency, Answers, Wrestling. This war, this battle is bigger than wrestling itself. Incorrect, inaccurate, fallacious. This is not war, this is pest control. I represent the mature, intelligent individual who splits up two toddlers fighting instead of cheering them on. It's actually perplexing to me how the likes of Cailin and Cameron, women who I believed to have intelligence, can hoodwink, trap and lie to you all just for the sake of a match. There is no superiority here, the only superiority these girls have over myself is that they are better at losing. You've all been tricked, deceived, mislead into believing this is a war, due to interpretations and perspectives that in reality, have no similarity to war in the slightest. Nothing is on the line, really, is it. This match is the result of a shouting argument blown far out of proportion. The only thing that spurs these women on are bragging rights, you've witnessed it in the likes of Stephanie's promos, she cannot let go of the fact she beat me eleven months ago, she tries to justify those eleven months, lying to herself just to believe she is my equal, all for the sake of bragging. It's astounding when you consider what these girls do for a living. They're athletes, they keep to strict diets, exercise daily and travel across the globe all in the name of wrestling, however when it comes to actually upholding the values of that word, wrestling, they fail to do so. Nine out of the ten people within this match cannot get past the most simple of emotions. Jealously. Lust and power has gone to their minds, they're so desperate for a meaningless victory that they are willing to destroy Empire, disparage the name of wrestling just to wave a flag in the air and laugh about how they won. It's bemusing to some, but to me it's frustrating. You can only claim you're one thing whilst your actions say the opposite for so long before you get caught out, and for the majority of people in this wrestling match, that statement is true. A leopard cannot change its spots, that's the saying in this country right? Nevertheless, a woman so efficient, so intelligent and so beautiful is among the downtrodden, repressed fools in this bout. Someone willing to bring out the bug spray and end this inconvenience, nobody knows of my intentions, which is why nobody thus far has brought up any valid points about me, my championship or my lifestyle. It's somewhat opposite of being a champion. Usually people would be dying to take shots within your direction, all in the hopes of riling you up. I almost thought for a second that the likes of Kendra, Cameron and Stephanie barely spoke about me for they've accepted their fates and know, be it a five on five or a one on five, the match would end with one clear winner. But after thinking about it somewhat, the usually predictable Sheridan has become intimidating, quiet, mysterious. Why did Sheridan insert herself within this match, why did she save Cailin from the clutches of Madison, despite claiming she wishes not to be involved with all the fighting and the drama. I am content with being outside of comfort zone, I'm almost impenetrable, give a woman the right pair of shoes and she can conquer the world. Take the predictability away from German Efficiency and the world becomes unconquerable. Well I'll do everybody a favour, I don't toy around and play games, keeping all in suspense and fear. I'm in this match to end this wrongly labelled war. Unfortunately for you all, this division is in a state of sickness. Cancer seeps through the walls, travelling through the air from vixen to vixen. This division is the epitome of complacent. You're all so happy to barely lift a finger and be paid handsomely, so willing to create a mess for everyone around you and be rewarded for it. German Efficiency is the cure that the likes of Veena Adams and Tarah Nova need. I am the engineer that has the blueprints, the drive and the intelligence to build this division, ignite sports entertainment and torch it to the ground, prioritise wrestling in North America and most importantly, elevate those around me to a useful status. I cannot comprehend why nobody wishes for my lifestyle, I am the Vixens World Champion, I am the most athletic, smart and beautiful woman this continent has ever seen, yet instead of embrace my lifestyle with open arms, you all groan and roll your eyes. Don't you all want to be useful? Regardless, this rivalry has become a bother to me. It has grown to a point where it plagues my work, irritates my skin and unsettles me. Not due to fear, I fear nothing, I welcome change and am willing to be the one who revolutionises this division for the better. But simply due to annoyance. The OG Vixens and The Sirens are like bugs, biting at the skin, never poisonous enough to kill you, however noticeable to the point where you wish to squish said bug within a second. Both teams are the reason why this division is the way it is, granted we do not have the best general manager the land has ever seen, however you all point fingers at one another, whilst I am the one carrying this division on its back, making wrestling efficient again. I have simply sided with The Sirens as they're more tolerable, I can listen to their viewpoints and discussions without wanting to put a bullet through my skull. In comparison, I cannot stand Kendra Shamez, the Heart Break Gal, and my former best friend Cameron Ella Traitor. After I singlehandedly extinguish the growing fire that is this feud, we will finally be able to concentrate on German Efficiency, and as my lifestyle will rise through the division, the cancers will simply cease to exist, and this will be reflected in the wrestling quality you see between vixens, and the athletic prowess you witness on Thursday Night Empire. ''

'' Kendra Shamez is a woman who personifies jealously, as well as everything currently wrong with our division. She is selfish, arrogant and lives in black and white. All you'll hear from her is how brilliant her flashy life is, and how great the vixens division was five years ago. Her problem is she's attempting to paint a picture that simply does not fit the canvas. Whilst trying to remind us all of how great she is, and all her accomplishments, she actually validates that the sun does not in fact shine out of her ass, and that she's incredibly out of touch with reality. She's inefficient, and whilst history does indeed show that such will also be justified at Shock Value. I'm not much of a storyteller, however considering all the accusations I've just made, it wouldn't be fair on the world if I were not to validate them. Kendra Shamez returned to Efficiency Answers Wrestling on the fifth Showdown before Pain For Pride. She'll have you believe she attacked me, disrupting my cash in attempt on the horrid Specialists Championship that she currently holds, because she was upset that I defeated her cousin Rey Shamez, but such is only fantasy. Kendra Shamez could not stand that German Efficiency was, and still is, superior to Hollywood inferiority. It must have crippled her ever so much watching a Vixen walk into the company and be an instant success. Someone having more success than Kendra Shamez, this cannot be true. She attacked me and tried to stop German Efficiency from rising. My blueprints were tarnished, my six months of work ruined thanks to some jealous bitch who could not control her own emotions, somewhat like a dog. Her punishment for attempting to ruin me, she was offered a contract, of course she was. Then, and this is the best part, despite catching me by surprise, despite claiming to have the accomplishments, the experience and the advantage, I still beat her, soundly, ever so soundly. I know this means nothing now, she's defeated me since that match, even though her victory which I am certain she'll remind you all of was achieved via cheating. But there's history between Kendra and I, and I must admit although I am within this match purely for my own benefit, something which I say very rarely as I am quite the selfless individual, pinning Kendra Shamez, and proving that the OG Vixens are nothing more than old, self conscious, part timers. Who have no place in the modern wrestling business, and will have no impact on this division once I revolutionise this company and the German Efficiency era is established. She fails to accept change, and envies people such as myself. Kendra is from an era of backstage politics and two horse races. The reason she loathes Vixens like Cailin Dillon and Aria Jaxon is only because she wished she had such competition when she was champion. The fact of the matter is this, it's fine calling yourself an OG Vixen and the best Vixens World Champion to ever grace the earth, however a champion is only as good as the division around them, and she's even admitted it herself that the current division is the best division the Vixens have ever laid eyes on. The engine within Kendra Shamez drives her because when she was a champion, the division was practically nothing excluding the odd tumbleweed and eerie ghost howls. She envies this current division, and is just desperate to prove to herself that she could survive in a competitive division, as she never got the chance. She lacked the efficiency to improve the Vixens division when she was at the helm, when she had the power to do so, and now that she's on borrowed time, she's ever so insecure about proving to the world she's more than a paper champion who happened to excel in a division of nothingness. ''

'' The Heart Break Gal is similar somewhat to Kendra, however Kendra has compassion and heart for the division, on the other hand HBG couldn't give a fuck. She's stated it herself many times, she's a mercenary, she's in the wrestling business for nobody but herself. Who cares about the world, as long as her life is going great then everything is going great. The belt transitioning from Eris, briefly to Aria and then to the Heart Break Gal was just a progression into hell. It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that we haven't heard from her since I cashed in the Vixens Cup and defeated her for my Vixens World Championship. I doubt she'll stay silent on the matter, she will exclaim how it was unfair, she was cheated, however not only did she cheat me of the opportunity to win the Specialists Championship literally on the same night, but when the Vixens Cup was thriving, she declined the opportunity to compete. To my knowledge she was not defending the Tag Team Championships, she didn't wrestle because she has no motivation for this division, Kendra may have been a paper champion, but the passion she has for wrestling is very apparent, you can tell from how she phrases her words, her movement inside of the wrestling ropes. HBG is just a bad champion, an average, past her time wrestler with nothing left to prove. I'll be the first to admit she's done it all, she's a four time Vixens World Champion and even under circumstances, that is an impressive achievement. But that's all it is, an achievement, it has no impact on the future, and it will have no influence at Shock Value. Everything that is said within these promotional videos means nothing if it cannot be backed up in the wrestling ring. I'm sure she will tease me, oh I'm German, oh Hitler, oh you're socially awkward, but it doesn't matter to me, my facial expression won't even twitch. Her words will fall on deaf ears, she is a bully, plain and simple, she bullies people and forces their hand, she manipulates others to get what she wants, it's evident as to why her and Kendra make such a team, one's a narcissist and the other is a bully. Alas, I am emotionless, all the OG Vixens have said it, I must have a dick, I'm a robot, because I don't throw words around and keep myself to myself, I'm some ancient, stoic, shy target. It is partially true, I am a lone wolf, why rely on others when you can take action yourself, and that is why at Shock Value, I'm not a Siren, I'm Sheridan, a woman who is in the match purely for her own benefit, yet somehow the entire division at the same time. My aim is to do something you were incapable of doing, helping. You declare to the world, along with the OG Vixens, that you're so ambitious, how you're going to change this division for the better, however whilst I have been working away, sweating and bleeding, tweaking and drawing up the perfect lifestyle, the perfect division, you've just been talking. All you're good for is manipulating others, convincing all how great you are, yet you're always within a team or have your best friends at your side. At Shock Value, if you step into the ring with me you'll be embarrassed, I'm simply too efficient for you. The tides are not in your direction, you don't outgun the Sirens, and such will be evident when you're outperformed, outmanoeuvred and outfoxed by the most efficient woman in the world, and dispatched of with ease. You're average, motivation and work can work wonders within this business, however you show no justification of either. You're just a woman who helped build this lovely establishment that I am ripping down and working from the foundations up. An impediment, that's the word I'm looking for. In my honest opinion you're holding both Kendra and Cameron back, and the sooner they realize such, the sooner you'll hopefully retire and stop attempting to claw this division down into the cancerous waters that you call home. ''

'' How dare you. You know me Cameron, it's nothing at all like the relationship I have with the rest of your team. I know you on more than a formal level, when I discuss you, or talk with you, it goes beyond a coldblooded, emotionless approach, it's not business when I hear your name. I'll admit, I had to stop a few times listening to your words, hearing your voice, your opinions and ultimately why you decided to stab me in the back. You should have known I'd decline, why would I need the OG Vixens. I'm not a team player, that's one of the first things I established when I signed my name on the dotted line. I don't work with three or four people, I don't have a partner who I entrust with my safety, I do things to justify my lifestyle, and for the betterment of wrestling. I take action against sports entertainment, so that the Vixens who are deadwood disperse, and those who have wrestling ability will shine. I didn't need Kendra Shamez and the Heart Break Gal bossing me around. I'm not a sell out to my own beliefs, I'm too efficient for that. I won't judge you for becoming a lap dog, that is your own thing, although it's clear as the sky that you're wrong, if you believed your career would benefit from aligning with Kendra and HBG then I'm not one to call you an idiot, or belittle you for such. But asking me to team with you, to team with people who I don't approve of, a system that I fight against every week, such a thing is idiotic. Trying to convince me I'd be a bigger champion, when you know for a fact my vision sees way past materialistic things. I use this championship for a means of achieving progress within my revolution. Sure, it proves to most that I'm the best wrestler in the division, but I know I'm the most efficient woman every single time I step into a wrestling ring, elevate my opponent to new heights, and justify my lifestyle as I Sherplex their shoulders onto the mat for the three count. Good friends don't stab one another in the back Cameron, good friends don't betray trust which was hard to establish in the first place for just the hope of potentially ruling a division. I'm fine being alone, I work better alone, what if I would have sided with the OG Vixens. My creativity would have been crushed, you honestly believe HBG would be fine with me taking her title but still teaming with her. I can only smile at how amusing the once precise and factual Cameron Ella Ava now spits absolute garbage and nonsense for the sake of attempting to make people feel bad. Manipulation, Kendra and HBG are masters of it, looking at your personality now, and your ambition in retaliation to how you were backstage after the Vixens Cup only proves such to me. It's far much easier for me to speak about you rather than moan on about Stephanie's paper words and parallel claims in comparison to when we faced off last week, or how Veena has had the best trainers in the galaxy yet has the intelligence of a child. You have a funny way of showing appreciation and friendship, Cameron, I don't need to be an OG to come to such a conclusion. At Shock Value, regardless of who pins who, one thing is for certain, this petty, annoying feud will come to a close, and as your side and mine both realise that such wasn't worth it, German Efficiency will have risen above the occasion. I am an engineer, a revolutionist, the most efficient woman in the world. This division will become pure, and ending both the Sirens and the OG Vixens will be yet another justification of my lifestyle. If I find myself in the ring with Kendra, it's extermination, if it happens to be HBG, it's annihilation, however make no mistake on this, if you and I set foot in the ring, Cameron, it's personal. My emotions won't get the better of me, neither will I be rushing to put you in your place. I enjoy wrestling with you, I had fun hanging out with you and your sister, notwithstanding, the moment you and Kendra sneak attacked me and beat me into the mat, you didn't establish the OG Vixens as a threat, you demonstrated that you're cowards, and such a performance has no place in the artform that is German Efficiency, just as you stabbing me in the back won't lead to me being complacent, yet it will initiate a side of German Efficiency which turned Madison Kaline into an outcast, the Shamez name into a joke, and will make Cameron Ella Ava regret pissing off Sheridan, Elsa, Müller. ''
Mike Showman
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 14th 2016, 2:48 pm by Mike Showman

So, the countdown begins. With each passing hour, we get ever closer to the event that I have been waiting for eagerly, the event that EAW calls Shock Value. While it might be a fancy name for all the fancy matches that this event has, I would just call it the event which sees the completion of the ascent of Mike Showman, the event which started right from the day I debut in Voltage. For weeks now I have proved time and time again that I am an unstoppable force. I have money, I have power and I have class and if you combine all of the three then what you get is a championship material. And so it’s only normal that my match stipulation at Shock Value is such that the winner would go on to get a future championship opportunity. For those who do not understand what I am speaking of, let me be clear because everyone needs to understand what is going on here. You see, less intelligent people, I have a unique top prospect scramble match at Shock Value and the stipulation of the match is such that the winner of that match will go on to earn a future championship opportunity. Who are my opponents? Well I will get to them later maybe. Right now, you all need to focus on me. I am the most valuable man in that match. Well one of them of course because as it so happens, that match also has my partner from People with Class, Jon McAdams. He might be the only man who I respect and fear in that scramble match because he is dangerous. But again, I will get to that later because right now, all your focus must be on me. That’s right, look at me and concentrate because what I am about to say right now is not utter bullshit but plain and simple facts. Because I believe that facts are the gateway to the truth and I for one like to stick close to the truth

Let me go back to the time when I debuted. I arrived in EAW as a rich man, a man full of class and unbound talent. Immediately, people started to hate me. They started to boo me in the matches, they used to question my rich status as being the work of my father and they even questioned the manner of my wins. But the fact is, I won. I won each and every one of my matches. I have faced men like Carson Ramsay, the man who many thought would just beat the shit out of me. After all, I am a soft man, a man who has lived among riches and Carson, Carson is a man born and bred in hardness. His toughness would overwhelm my wealth, that’s what the masses said and you know what happened? I beat him. Yes, I pinned him one two three. I have beaten retards like Ahren Fournier, the retard which everyone loves. Now you might ask me, why would people love a retard? Why would they join their voices over a man whose sanity is in question? It’s quite simple really, people hate it when someone does great things. Every great thing that man has done is always questioned by one man or the other. I mean, even the great Large Hadron Collider was questioned by some great minds. They tried to cancel the project because they thought it would produce black holes large enough to consume the Earth. In the end, it was proven as total horse shit like we all knew it would be and now, we are close to reaching the origins of the universe because of the Collider. People hate me because they know they cannot be me, girls hate me because they know that they can never fuck a man like me but for Ahren, it’s a total different story. He is a madman, a man lost between the lines of imaginary and real and so any sane man is better than him. That’s why they love him so much. But anyways, I spat on their love and beat him too. All the big talk coming from his mouth was invalidated in just three seconds. Even this week, my efforts helped my partner Jon McAdams beat that wannabe singer Alonzo. I mean, Jon could have beaten him without my help but my presence there elevated that victory. My presence there got people talking because until now, no one has beaten me. Yes, you heard that right, I am unbeaten in singles competition yet now and that is also a fact, a fact that could make you hate me even more because quite clearly, you all are losers. All of you have lost in one point or the other be it in your job, be it in your married life, be it in raising your kids. You all have lost but I haven’t lost, not in life and not in EAW

So what makes you think this Sunday will be any different? Because half the men who are going up against me have been either beaten by me or their start in EAW was so dismal that their being in this match is almost like waste accumulated in the dustbin of a grand big house. No one will notice them in this match. The only credible opponent in that match is Jon McAdams, my partner and the man who can beat me. Jon, I know that this comes as an early test for our team but I know that we will weather this. I trust you as a friend and as a team mate and I know that no matter what happens inside there our team will remain unbroken. For People with class is not just a team, it’s a movement, a movement to make sure that we root out every single bad seed and eliminate them from Voltage in order to make this place more classy. You know that, I know that. This week, we showed everyone what we can do as a team and trust me my friend that is the first of the many t come. The others, they will try their best in order to break us apart because they are jealous as to how two young prospects can band so together and form a team. I mean, the only other team there is Noxx and Delion and their team sucks ass. The other teams in this company are either dead or are bickering among themselves just like Wolvesden. So yes, people will be jealous but we will fight against it. We will stay strong and after we have eliminated everyone else from that ring, we will wrestle the best match anyone has seen. I mean I said that I won’t lose but even if that happens, we will show these low lives bastards how wrestling with class is done, we will show them how much talent we possess and after numerous near falls, high flying moves and moments of madness, the best man shall emerge victorious and I promise you that after that moment, things will change for our team forever.

Sun sets in the west and rises in the east. On Sunday, the same is going to happen. People call that a universal truth because no matter what shit goes that, that is not going to change. Same is the thing with me and matches in EAW. No matter what goes down, I will win. I will be victorious. Solomon Caine cannot stop me, Maero cannot stop me and the same goes for JD Daemon. I will be victorious and I will be having that title shot and after that, I will walk straight to my father and shove it up his nose to finally get the respect I deserve. I will show him that I too can be a winner like him and every choices I have made thus far leads to the path of the victor. So gentlemen, this is my final word to you. You should know that you very birth way to play second fiddle to me. Except you of course McAdams. Your parents knew that there is a limit up to which you can go and after that, you just have to stare up and watch those above you and feel your insides burning. You limit has been reached and from this point onwards, you can only watch as men with class go forward from here. Your insides will burn, your heads will crack and your hearts will be broken as I will spit on those and move forward to claim my prize, a title shot. Something which I rightfully deserve for what I have done thus far in this company.

вrσdч spαrks .
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 14th 2016, 1:39 pm by вrσdч spαrks .
EAW Promoz! - Page 5 GSoy5N6


She stood at a table. A table with a basket and inside of the basket consisted of treats. Candy. Wrapped sticky treats. Brody would reach in a grab a sucker. She unwrapped it and placed it between her lips, letting out a most passionate moan. The view would zoom in, her innocent, yet empty big brown eyes greeted you as a smile was on her face. Licking and sucking the sucker and enjoying it. Suddenly a tune she would start to hum.

"Control, it's my candy and I want it. I have such a beautiful sweet tooth for it and a craving even if it's for one night. I want control and I want that power. I want Lollipops and Gummi Bears, they're my favorite treat. When I'm being good, I'm ask my dad for a sweet! You see darlings,  it doesn't matter what match stipulation it is! Because in the end, the result will always be the same. I will win and I will dominate, and I will shed blood. Suffice to say that this isn't the first time I've worn a collar around my neck but what I do in the comfort of my own home really isn't anyone's business now is it? A little shock collar isn't going to do anything to hold me back. I'm not a dog, well technically, I am a bitch hehe, but can't put me on a leash and you can't control me. It's so funny how this all comes down to having control to have power in our hands but the power will fall into my hands where it rightfully belongs. To feed my ego, to have the power and to have the control to dominate all you girls for one night! I hope that you are ready because the next edition of Empire will be one filled with spark! But in order to have my control and in order to start to build my Empire from the ground up, I have a few stops on the way. I have a couple of dirty potholes, and road bumps waiting for me to drive right over them and that is you ladies. Each and everyone of you, you're standing in my way of achieving what I want! Sweethearts, listen carefully because you will be demolished and you will not stand in my path, you will not stand in my way to have a victory and you will not stand in my way to be the very best. I am to hurt you to end you and to control you like puppets on a string. I will OWN all of you."

"Each and every-fucking-one!"

"The question is, who should I start with first? So many girls in the ring with me, so many bodies to hurt and to demolish and to destroy. Who should I start with first? Why don’t we start with you Azumi! Ace of the vixens, is what you call yourself right? Well let’s just find out what happens when the Ace meets a Spark my darling! The fact that you choose to tell me that I am a rip-off of something is baffling, and it is irony in its purest form considering who you are today. Who you’ve become. I mean what happened to that sweet little Asian girl I first met when I first signed with EAW? You see you disgusting twat, I didn’t become this. I was always like this!  But me? No change happened overnight because I got fed up with being a loser! You fucking idiot, spewing out nonsense you know nothing of!  So if anyone's really the rip-off in this situation it's you and I should definitely sue your ass for gimmick infringement but I won't because I would rather hurt you. You would be getting off easy with that. And they said asian’s are the smartest race? I mean that is just blasphemous- no it’s simply poppycock!  I was never injured baby girl! So to recap babydoll, not only do you show your obvious intolerance for learning you show how ignorant you are and your ignorance my dear is not bliss it is far from it. But honestly babe, what does that say about you?  Day in and day out you performed on your highest level, yet you still haven't reached anywhere in your pathetic career! My love you sound just like everyone else  doubting me and who I am and you'll never learn until you find me in the ring, making you cry and howl with pain, with your blood on my hands. I am going to dissect you. I'm going to start with you you're going to be the first one on my hit list and you should be honored you should be grateful! For you to tell me that I can't obliterate you on my own, well I can't speak for my sisters but I can speak for myself and you and I ever had a match one-on-one never! For you to assume that I couldn’t bend you and break you until you’re just dust lingering between my fingers, for you to have to assume that I couldn't fuck your whole entire life up on my own, it just might be the last fucking thing you do. You’re just covering yourself in blood and throwing yourself into the shark tank, you have no idea what you're getting yourself into with me bitch.  There isn’t anyone that could hold a candle to me baby girl. Cut the act because this isn't who you are and you can try and tell me and get mad and try your pathetic attempts to convince the world that, this little role you’re playing, this act is who you are, but darling we both know there's only one girl in this company who’s actually a bloodthirsty merciless bitch- better yet, CUNT.  Well sweetcheeks, that's me, good ol’ Brody Sparks! You're right about one small, tiny, detail, not a single, well at least I can speak for myself, I can't compare to you but you're not very good as the measuring stick, you’re not good enough to be a standard my love. You’re standard is lower than mine, you’re standard is microscopic. So yeah babes, I can't compare to you but just know that you couldn't even wipe my ass, you couldn’t even qualify to be shit-paper! You're nothing. You claim to have this new dark side of yours because something happened to you, something triggered this side of you! I have no sides!  I was born this way I didn't get upset about not being taken seriously in this division, because the whole fucking world know that I am a dangerous , sadistic, evil, pessimistic dark cloud hovering over this fucking division! I didn't cry and whine and turn into who I am today! I was born this way! I was made this way! I was designed this way! This is who I am and I didn't need a traumatic event in my life to let go and show “a side” of me, because this part, this person that I am, this creation that is known as Brody Sparks, has always been there since day one. So don't you dare question me... but hey you can because this only gives me more motivation to end you and we all know how much I love to hurt people! I hope your blood is as tasty as your hair looks. Baby doll you say that I should have stayed “injured” well I say that you should have stayed who you were, because, come Shock Value you're going to find out that pretending, it's a lot more easier than actually facing what you're trying to be."

"I could only imagine the thoughts that are running through the pathetic minds of the women in this company. Everyone of you aside from my Sanatorium sisters, you probably assume that just because my sisters and I are in a match together, we're going to go soft on each other, we're going to take it easy on each other. Let me point out the obvious babes, we all know that you cannot put a group of psychopathic women in one room and expect them to be nice and cordial with each other. Let me clarify that while, yes the Sanatorium is my home and I stand with them but at the end of the day, this match is every woman for themselves. Alexis, my sexy little Lexi, you, and Madison may be my sisters in spirit, but the blood that runs through my veins do not run through yours. My darling Alexa you do know me quite well! Yes that shock would be so glorious, but unfortunately for you I won't be paying attention to it. I won't be feeling it because I will be inflicting that on each and every one of the women in this match and that includes you. Unfortunately we have been put in a situation where our hands are tied but it is now as I stated before every woman for herself and I am going into that match representing the Sanatorium but I am going into that match fighting for myself. That’s just how it has to be babe. You say that you need this and that's all fine and dandy but this is something that I don't just need, I crave it. You may need it like the air you breathe but I need this, I want to control. It’s that simple. There is no philosophical reason behind it, I just want power. I've always wanted it and this is my opportunity to get it so I won't let you stand in my way, and if you think that I would let the other women in this match feel my wrath, and let you stand in my way just because we call ourselves sisters, then you are sadly mistaken. If you truly knew who I am for you to embrace me into the Sanatorium then you know exactly what I'm capable of, and you know that I will stop at nothing and I will damage everyone in my way to get what I want. But don't get me wrong my love I want us to get the victory within the name of the Sanatorium. I want us to bring it on home just like our sister Stephanie will bring the victory home against the Sirens, but at the end of the day I have an ego and I know that I will leave and I will walk out and have full control of Empire for that one glorious night. Call me selfish but in this business you have to be selfish. I love you I truly love you Alexis, I care but my love for hurting people, my love for succeeding and my love for power and domination, well darling,  it overrides my love for everything else. I need to dominate and inflict pain and show no mercy to anyone because it is what feeds my soul I will  be a black hole and I will suck the life out of each and every one of these women in this match but unfortunately it includes you. A casualty my love, you are just going to be a casualty in this game that I play, and I will take all of you into my abyss and my arm will be raised as the winner it's nothing personal my love but business is business but you should be happy when I win on behalf of the Sanatorium, no?"

"Let’s play a game now shall? Aw my precious little Cleopatra. You know  ever since I found out that you would be stepping in the ring once again it has made glee with the joy! Cleopatra ever since I laid eyes on you, ever since I heard about you and your glorious come back as I sat at home watching and waiting for the perfect time to come back I saw your beauty and your grace.  I would love one night with you maybe that's what I'll do when I gain control of empire for a night, but Cleo the fact of the matter is that you are entering this match with a different breed of women. Women you have never seen before, women who have never been in your era. This is a new era of women here, women who are dominating and you for the first time will get to experience what it's like to go in the ring with a different breed of bitch, and crazy… with me!  I have been waiting and I have been watching and now everything comes into full circle this is it. This is the moment! Cleo you dare judge, I think your stylist needs to lay off the hairspray she keeps putting on your pretty little head. This little innocent “dumb” girl you talk about, is someone you know nothing of, maybe you will see the true person that I am. I see past the surface but the fact remains that some things just don't change. I see you're still an arrogant egotistical bitch! Walking around with your own group of beauty experts and stylists to make sure the world can’t see the crows ft under your eyes. The lines developing at the sides of your mouth. Oh darling the title doesn't make you, you make the title, so I don't care how many experiences you have as a champion. This isn’t about a championship my love. You don't have any experience being in the ring with a bitch like me! My darling you can screw all that nonsense about how you don't think I'm relevant, but honestly, what kind of general manager are you? Did you not see what I am capable of?  It is why I was scouted for Omerta, and it was why I was chosen to be in the Sanatorium. I came here and I beat women after women. Babes, to lose isn't a sign of weakness, but to stay down like a dog is a sign of weakness and I am not weak. you think my feelings should be hurt because you didn't put me in that match?  Do you think I care darling? Understand that it doesn't matter what match you put me in, I just wanted to inflict pain but I guess that's something that you and the rest of the women in this match won't understand until I make you understand. But darling, I don't want you to quit because when I win, I have plans for you my darling. I know how that capturing championships is important in this business, but what's important to me first is becoming the woman that will be known for destruction. Being the woman whose name, when you hear it, you will tremble with fear I have all the time in the world. I unlike you am  not old and washed-up. I've got youth to running through my veins and I can get the championships I want in just a matter of time. Hell when I win this match Cleopatra, maybe I'll just hand the Vixen’s title to myself, maybe I'll just make Sheridan, come out and force her to tap out to me and give me that title. However babe, that’s not relevant to me or this match my darling. What's relevant is having the power. The championships will come and go but power only comes knocking at your door ever so often. You can't tell me that you don't love it!  You and I both know you would be a lying sack of shit if you did! Baby, this is 2016 almost 2017 and this is a whole new ball park and I am a whole different kind of woman so you can sit there and think lightly of me all you want. But let us lay out all the chips on the fucking table! What really was the standard for you? Many women have come and gone, and have raised the bar higher than you ever could, so you can talk all the trash you want to, because at the end of the day you're just going to give me the sweet satisfaction of making you eat your words and then I might just be there for you and eat your sweet mature pussy wouldn't that be glorious? Darling, I am still dominance in a tiny package and as you lie in bed at night I want you to think of me. You feel that little bite? That's me, a little bed bug in your life, small but can do the most damage. A pest that's never going to leave your side, even after Shock Value my dear, you'll never see it coming and you'll never find me hidden between your sheets but I'll be there waiting for you to turn the lights off. Only to come up and crawl and suck your blood and suck the soul right out of you. An infestation that is damn near impossible to get rid of. You had better pray that you have a chance of winning here, you should have gotten me fired from the very moment I came back because I'm going to be that pest,  I'm going to be that thorn in your side and you will never get rid of me. I am here and I'm here to stay, but I do want to know what it feels like to be an old washed-up has-been trying to make a comeback and control women. Women that you know nothing of, this isn't your time this is not your era babe, this is the time, and the era of Brody Sparks and you are going to be a part of it. Be grateful that you will be a mere scene in this movie that will be my career. You call yourself Cleopatra that name of the leader of a real woman right? Yet you bring shame to that name because a real woman wouldn't even allow an opportunity like this for other people to control what is supposed to be your brand happen! What kind of of woman are you Cleopatra? I see right through you and I don't care if you consider yourself a legend here I don't care if you are some sort of creme de la creme of the vixen’s division and legacy, it doesn't matter because all that it comes down to is that you're going to be in the ring with me and you're going to feel my wrath and you're going to get some spark into your life baby and you're going to be electrified and more than what that shock collar, could ever do to you."

"My babydolls, this match is of great importance to me, and I think my most favorite part about this match is that I get to face one of the little girls from the team Sirens, a weak little girl that was so desperate for people to like her she sided with the weak group. I get to have a spark ignite a flame in little Nicole Fyre. Nicole you're so baffling, so mind boggling. You're such an idiot babe, I man one moment you had power, for one moment you aligned yourself with the right people but then like an idiot you betrayed them. You crossed them and for what? The Sirens, this isn’t mean girls my dear, this won’t end with everything going well and everyone forgiving each other. My darling the Sirens can protect you from this match, my sisters and I have some issues with you… to say the least. You sided against us so what makes you think that we won't make sure that you're the first bitch to get out of the ring and get out of our way and get out of my way! I want to know what happens when a spark meets fyre. I can tell you what's going to happen baby girl, at first the spark will ignite something inside of you, a passion sort  to speak but just like how that little spark ignited you, the spark can END you, and that is what I'm going to do to you. Nicole I see right through your little act you're just a little girl, a lost little puppy attempting to find your way in this division so you take the easy way out by aligning yourself with trash.  I've seen the feed, and I see how much you love your little Tarah Nova, well that parasite won't be able to help you, Aria, won't be able to help you and neither will Cailin. I guess all that sucking up that you're doing isn't going to benefit you in the long run. If you truly think that you are going to walk out the ring as a winner, and have control of Empire then you are sadly mistaken. The heat obviously got to you and you know what they say if you can't stand the heat then you need to get the fuck out of the kitchen and you're going to be in mine. You see I have the gas to ignite your fyre but I also have the water to do to end it. I will be a fire extinguisher to the flame that you tell yourself you have but we all can see the truth you're just a little girl a nobody a hilarious outtake in this game, in this movie of life you. You are a child that is what you are, understand and know that you don't matter you can come out and be that little act you enjoy playing, and try to be nice and be all bubbly and determined and smiles, but I see through you. I mean you double-crossed the OG’s so should we really be surprised if you double-cross the Sirens? Perhaps that's why you weren't in the match because knowing your flip-flopping self you probably would have left to the other side darling. You did it before and you'll do it again, but I want you to understand something, you know we're not that far apart in age but there's one thing I do know. My mentality, my beliefs are by far more greater than yours. My understanding and my mind and my concepts are so deep and different. You can try to understand but you cannot understand me, no one can truly understand me. You all just try but, no one knows what goes on inside my mind. No one can grasp the thoughts that go through my brain everyday, the orgasmic pleasures I want to fulfill on each and everyone of you. I am different...to say the least and you guys can try and tell the world, and speak on how I should be locked up in a mental institution. That won’t happen, but what will happen is that I'm not I'm going to be in the ring with you guys so you should be very very concerned. Nicole I'm going to gain control of Empire for one night and I'm going to put out that fire that you say you have I'm going to do you a favor and I'm going to show you that not everybody who smiles in your face has your best interests and at the end of the day it's time you grew,  it's time you realized that this business is not to be taken lightly and you make a mockery of it. Who are you exactly? You show up here and not even one or two matches later you think you can just elevate yourself that quickly? Babe you know you can do that all you want, it only makes it easier for me because what will happen is that flame of yours it's going to burn out quicker than you expected my darling. Take note and listen carefully.  Fire babe,  that can always run out but a spark? A spark stays with you, a spark forever will be intact. Now I can go on and on about each and every girl in this match but the fact is that some of you women don't even belong in this match.  Amy Jayne, you are going to learn but it's like to feel the pressure to go out there and have the pressure on you, and to have confidence that's going to get crushed and obliterated your confidence will be crushed between my hands you're going to walk out there and they're going to think you're on top of the world but baby this is just the beginning for you and you have a long way to go before you can hand with the likes of me! However when you’re tired of Anthony, I‘ll let you find out why they call me Brody Sparks, one of the many reasons, I’ll tongue that fat ass of yours and you’ll have sparks in your eyes. Who should I even waste my time on? Autumn Raven? Someone who lets the ball drop every single time, someone who is literally…. literally a joke! Baby, what makes you think that you actually have a shot here? Perhaps maybe you are just a little bit crazy because if you think that you’re non factor self will take a walk down to MY RING and beat me, then you are sadly mistaken.  I can't leave out Erica because just like miss Raven, she drops the ball, you give her an inch and she takes it back to centimeters. How she even got the opportunity to be in this match is beyond me! But she’s just more meat for my butcher hands to slaughter. She was destroyed by Azumi weeks ago, so what makes her think that the same thing won’t happen again? You women are so blinded by your own little egos, so into your shtick! Egos that shouldn't even be formed! You've let it Cloud your judgment and you let it fill up your heads and you are going to enjoy a nice slice of Brody Sparks Humble Pie, move over Patti Labelle! Just for you! You see do it does not matter who I have to go through. I will be victorious I will do whatever it takes to have my arm being raised. I have nothing to lose but I have every fucking thing to gain it is about time that my spark gets to embrace all of you. It is time for this division to experience what it's like to have a spark ignite inside of you it is time for this division to wake up! Darlings it seems to be hard for you women to learn and to understand that I am dominance in a tiny package and I will scratch and claw my way up to the very top and I will not settle for less."

"Sister Madison I have been wanting to face you in the ring for quite some time now. While you and I will be on the same side within the Sanatorium, do not be confused and think that you will be able to get an advantage out of me. You love poems don't you? So I'm going to recite one just for you my darling sister! My dear just like blood, roses are red and violets are blue. Just because we call each other sisters don't think I won't hesitate to destroy you! I have waited for this for such a long time, and in this match you need to learn how to step aside, or you will be mine! Sadistic sister is what you may be, but my darling Madison, instead of a heart, a black hole is inside of me. I hope you enjoyed this poem written just for you, forgive me my sister I do not wish to mock you, but I want you to know that in order to win this match I simply must do what I have to do. Did you like my poem? I think it was pretty good, but no one is the queen of poems like you my dear Madison. It's no secret that you are a threat in this match but it's also not a secret that I am a threat as well. Now we all want the Sanatorium to be the ones to win but personally I don't give a damn what you are to me. You all know who I am. You know good and well, that at the end of the day all I care about is myself. Aligning myself with you guys it's just for power and strength in numbers. Truth, it does hurt,but when it comes down to it, my greatest pleasure of being in the Sanatorium is the fact that I get to do what I please there is no pecking order and we are all equals and we only make decisions for what we want to do in our career and darling I know what I want to do. I want to win babe, so you have to be eliminated, you have to be taken out of the equation in order for me to do so. It's not personal, just like I told our darling sister Alexis, it is not personal it is simply just me trying to do what I do best and that's hurt people and get the recognition that I so rightfully deserve. I deserve the recognition, I deserve to be held to a standard, I deserve to win, but I know in order to do that I have to prove myself and I don't mind proving myself whatsoever. You can throw me in the lion's den and I will emerge victorious. I will rip the flesh off of the lion. I will skin it alive I would do whatever it takes to secure a victory, so Madison if that means that I have to bust you open, if it means that I have to hurt you I just know that I will do it out of love, out of love for my own pleasure and out of Love because we're sisters. Sisters fight and sisters have issues but it's all about how you work through them but if we're going to be honest with ourselves, we aren't related you are not my sister by blood you are my sister in spirit and while that is fine and dandy my career comes first. I come first I will not play second fiddle to you or Alexis or any damn woman in this match for that matter. So my loving sister do not go easy on me do not go lightly bring it full force and bring it ready because everyone will see that Brody Sparks is truly the start of a new era. I am here in this division, a division that is about to shine brighter than ever through me! Darlings, at Shock Value, there will be more than a hell of a lot of electricity, there's going to be Sparks and Sparks are going to fly. Mark my words."
She placed the sucker between her teeth and bit down. Shattering the candy. She licked her lips giggling before grabbing another as the scene came to a close.

Last edited by Brody Sparks on November 14th 2016, 2:38 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Italics needed in one part, forgot to code it. It is now fixed.)
Cailin Dillon
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 14th 2016, 11:20 am by Cailin Dillon

Shock Value #1
A lot of people will try to make this match into something this week it might not be. There’s some sort of illusion of power to be gained or lost. But really? This comes down to fighting for pride. That’s what started it anyways. Those three OGs, the women who are still here after building this division from rubble and they still win big matches over and over, they banded together to protect their legacies. Somewhere in the mix became this belief that if they were banded together they could attempt to control things. In a months time, we’ve seen nothing that would tip a hat to that case. We have a GM who remained remarkably neutral despite her own position in history. And now we have women who have taken sides in a war that is simply being fought to be fought. This could have been the new age vs. the old breed of talent, but it’s just a mix of good and evil and neutral who are throwing their rings in the pile. There have been countless battles along the way, surprising alliances and severe declarations from both sides. But now we have it. War.
Back at Pain for Pride, Stephanie Matsuda took actions into her own hand and created the destiny that led to her very inclusion in this match. It’s kind of funny how she constantly feels like this will be unfinished business. I tried to get across what you were saying, but it all came out like mindless babble jumping all over the place. And yet you think I’m trying to be a hero when you’re masquerading as a vigilante hell bent on righting your own wrongs. Don’t dare feed me this line of bullshit where you claim this still isn’t something personal because of our relationship. That’s what you told me last time. I still don’t believe it. Not in the way you talk or act. You hate me because of that. Just fucking own it. Because I am this person. I’ve never changed. The only thing that changed about you was the need for constant revenge. You think you developed an edge, but you were always edgy. You’re just you with a new label beside your name. And you think I’m sitting here trying to control anyone’s life? After this match, fuck everyone else. This match is a means to an end for me because I’m waiting for what comes next. I’m fighting to win because it’s what I freaking do. I picked the best available for this team. I picked the Vixen’s Champion and I picked the woman who fought HBG almost to her last breath before Sheridan became champion. Everyone is questioning the leadership of this group, but I created the alliances. Aria and Tarah just had to agree and coexist. Because this was the best possible team. You accuse this group of being the next OGs because we want to take over? Cute. You think the Sanatorium’s group of women deserve to be the future of the division? Fucking adorable. My favorite remark was just that word loyalty after sisterhood. I guess Madison is at least honest when she openly mocks you and Alexis in front of your faces. I don’t know what you think I do. You think I hang out at parties and just gossip about you and the rest of your group. You act like I’m this playground bully just waiting to pick on you and make you sad. And you? You’re hell bent on taking everything you can away from me on a personal vendetta. That’s where we are. You’ll never change, and I’ll never stop spending my nights continuing to work. I’m not going to step away when I could be better than I was yesterday. Hell, earlier today. And when you come for me, I won’t stop being here to turn you back the other direction. No matter how many times you feel the need to attack me after matches. I’ll keep getting up and keep fighting. And you know that, because that’s how it’s always been. That must be what kills you about me. We’re both as competitive as can be, yet only one of us is a true fighter. And it’s not you.
Let me shift focus to the woman who always tells me how it’s going to be. Tell me, my dear Cameron, when are we fighting in the finals of Empress of Elite again? I’m waiting… waiting… ahh shit. You didn’t make it there. Remember how you told me before that tournament started that it was my last chance. My last chance at relevance. That’s not how it panned out. That’s now how it would’ve panned out even if I didn’t carry this crown. But I have hardly stood around on a pedestal putting myself above anyone else. I left the crown at home except when they required I bring it. I put everything aside and mended fences with the woman who’s title I will take next month and I put her on my team. I feel like this match is going to go down in history as one of the most legendary throw downs, if not the most, this company has ever witnessed out of its Vixens. I feel like this is the match we all prove how awesome we are. I feel like we can outshine all together. And I’ll admit, that doesn’t happen with three women I respect in this match. And I mean the OGs. No matter what takes place in this ring, the fact that you three are the women I followed when I came up in this career won’t change. The fact that you cut my teeth in the first Empress of Elite, that HBG showed me what a losing streak really is and Kendra gave me a fight against my idol in the Empress semi-finals this season is something that is not missed by me. I don’t see this as heroes vs. villains. I don’t even see this anymore as one group trying to tear down the legacy of the other. Or one group trying to protect there’s by showing how far the other has to come. I just see this as a war of current position. Whether people here care to admit this, Cam, Kendra and HBG are at the top. Even with Sher holding that title, the upper echelon begins and ends with those three. That’s where pride comes into play. Of course everyone wants to win. Everyone wants to be the best. They want to fight and beat the best. You want to know who that is? Look up. There they are. And I’m sure you do see me as being maybe the biggest threat. You have experience with how tough I am to put away. Hell, all three of the OGs do. But I know what it takes to put any one of you away. And I know what this group has to go through if they even want to believe they’re capable of doing that. I believe they are. I want to say they are prepared after what I have seen. All I can have now is confidence that they do their part, because I know damn well I’ll do what I set out to do in this match. When I step into that battleground maybe I do take a shot right away. But I’ve fought with a flesh wound before, and one shot isn’t going to put me away. I’m sound with my decision, no matter the outcome of the match. I know my decision was the right one. I know what I’m doing, Cam. You might not trust in any of the bullshit that has been spewed back and forth, but you can trust me. All I’ve ever done is said what I intend to do and then do it. Sometimes the execution has been flawed. But I have always done what I say in some form. I will fight in this match, I will bleed if needed and I will do everything I can to make sure the right team wins.
Let’s stick on the OGs for a moment though. HBG, maybe the greatest of all time. Certainly the achievements back it up. I know she’s whipped my ass three ways from Sunday on numerous occasions. There’s just that one we don’t talk about when we fought over the Specialist’s title. Maybe HBG has a lot to do with why I evolved the way I did. I would say when I entered EAW, I came in a little bit entitled. But I was humbled by her. And quickly. So what are you supposed to do when someone pins you to the ground and starts throwing punches over and over? Give in? Hell no. I fought my way back up from the ground and I kept fighting her. She’s wise enough to crack the same joke every time. The one about how she’s beaten me 100s or 1,000s of times. But this isn’t the same show anymore. Whether you care to believe this, things have changed. I beat Cameron before I started the Empress tournament; I beat Kendra to go to the finals. Maybe you think you’re better than both of them. But I didn’t get the chance to show you differently in the finals. You weren’t there. So now I get to face you here and, wow, it really does feel like it’s been a long while since we’ve fought. When I think about fighting you my blood doesn’t boil with anger. My whole body feels the jolt of electricity in knowing that I’m fighting the person who has presented me with some of the biggest challenges in my career. I’m not scared. I’m not worried. You taught me differently. It’s because of the way you fight I knew I needed to never stop learning. Call it accidental teaching on your part. Clearly we’re far from the mentor-student relationship. I just laughed thinking about that actually. But you made me a better fighter just by being what you are. A real fucking legend. I know you weren’t born a legend, you made yourself a legend by taking what you wanted. I’m doing the same right now. Maybe I’m on the wrong side of this war in some eyes, but it’s not going to stop from taking what I want. I’ve already proven when I want something, I’m even more dangerous. I’ll prove that once again at Shock Value.
And the great thing is that the OGs added a young’n in the group, too. Veena Adams come on down. To me the single most impressive competitor in that tournament we all seem to dwell over. After all, it opened right up into Empire. You’re quite a wildcard for the OGs because I’m not sure even they understand just how vicious you are. I know well you will spit at a poisonous level this week. Your whole brand is designed to get under the skin of your opponents and make them lose focus of what’s really going on in their match. In a match like this, there couldn’t have been a more perfect addition to their team. I don’t really worry about what anyone is capable in this match. I know that well. But I admit I’m at least curious to see what the girl who played EoE so well does when she’s dropped into a bigger stage. I expect nothing less than fireworks and mayhem. That’s what this whole match is bound to be. And you being in it, Veena, oh it just makes it so much more fiery. So let’s start out the week with your usual nouns and adjectives. Whores, clown-haired… I know you won’t disappoint me and pull a sudden turn away from this, right? I look back on that tournament and I know one thing. That spot basically came down to me and you. If one thing goes differently in that match, we’re all talking Empress Veena. I’m honest enough to admit that. But it doesn’t change what I think about me and you in this match. You’re tough and talented, your heritage backs that up. You back that up yourself. I’m still confident that I’m tougher. I still believe I have everything I need to eliminate you from this match. I’m ready for another round with you. We all know now that this is the Veena that was hiding behind Silence all along. And she’s done being quiet. She’s done waiting her turn. She’s going to take what she wants. But what you want, I want it more. And that’s why I come out ahead in this match. Every match is different. But this result? Is the same.
My dear Kendra. Nothing has changed from the time we fought months ago. I still idolize your career and everything you’ve done and accomplished. I traveled from show to show in Texas when I was coming up, returning home during the week to my signed Kendra Shamez poster on the wall. There’s no way you would have even remembered meeting me that first time. I had a Kendra shirt on after one of the shows in Texas. I waited in line. You seemed annoyed to sign all these items, but still. A poster and a photo, next. Made my day, either way. And there came the opportunity to fight you. I’ll say this again because I did before: I never imagined it was possible. We’d spoken when you made special appearances or just came to hang out with friends behind the scenes at shows. But never did I think you would waltz back in and start fighting again. Until Pain for Pride. And now you’re holding a title that many will say, despite what you do, I raised to the level it is right now. When that title came about, people talked about it being something for the midcard Vixens. But I wasn’t going to settle for it. I wanted to make it something bigger. I kept winning bigger matches and bigger names wanted a shot at it. Now when I think back a few years ago to the girl looking at that poster on her wall, it’s insane to think that you now hold a title that I held before you. I’m ready for another fight with you. I’m freaking pumped. I know this is a big group dynamic thing, but I just imagine tying up with the woman that defined what it means to be a bitch in this company and trying to beat her again. You showed me what I wanted to be in this company. I reached this place and I became what I really am. And I just keep evolving. So many people were well experienced before they came here. I’m still learning and growing day after day. Maybe that makes it more interesting that I’ve achieved what I have in a short time. For the girls that came here from nationally-known indy brands and had success. I came here from grass roots companies in Texas and got thrown into the fire. But I didn’t burn and wither away to ash. I’m still standing here today and fighting for me. And that won’t stop. No matter what happens this weekend.
War never changes. It always starts with a shot and ends with losses on both sides. Does anyone really win? Hands will be raised at Shock Value, but the only thing that shifts around is pride. One group will have the pride in knowing what they just accomplished. The other will be the bit players in a historical fight between some of the best we have to offer. Anyone can win and almost no outcome is all that shocking.  This war won’t end with a peace treaty. There’s a brawl and one side takes the spoils and the other wallows in defeat. That’s the only way this will end. All I can do is ensure both teams that I’m coming in like a storm and I’m taking anything I can with me. All I can really do is tell the other nine of you that I intend to do whatever it takes to make sure this match goes my way. On to battle ladies. The week is just beginning. By the end of it, we’ll be ready for all-out war.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 14th 2016, 6:09 am by Impact
I get it. In this day and age where counterculture is considered cool and the sustained extraordinary is considered passé, everyone wants to root against history. All year long, right when I’ve been on the brink of achieving my record-breaking seventh World Championship reign, a boulder has blocked my path to the gold. And no matter how big or small that boulder has been, it’s been just enough to keep me down; it’s been just effective enough to keep the beast in his slumber. But this time, it’s different. And I don’t need a chump like Matt Miles to scrutinize me and poke fun at my flaws — this is a guy who openly complains about his lack of opportunities, never realizing it’s his own fault they weren’t there to begin with. I created my opportunities even when my window was nearly closed shut. Matt Miles, artist of propaganda, has been given opportunities on a whim by the ever-magnanimous Carlos Rosso. And that’s fine; this kind of treatment is what I’ve come to expect. Aren Mstislav can’t beat me in a singles match, so what happens? Instead of settling the score and proving once and for all who the better man is, the suits schedule a Triple Threat to determine who stays or becomes champion. Just look at the miscarriage of justice that went down on the build to this past Pain for Pride. I’m supposed to be in a clear-cut singles match against Ares Vendetta — a match I rightfully and solely earned the right to be in by toppling over thirty-nine other wrestlers — and with no real rhyme or reason behind the decision, they go and decide it’s a Fatal Four-Way. Suddenly, just because Tyler Parker beats me in an exhibition match, it’s tantamount to winning the most improbable and challenging Grand Rampage in our company’s history. It earns him a shot at the championship. It marginalizes the lengths I had to go to ensure my opportunity at Pain for Pride — because let’s be honest, you can paint a pretty picture and twist the narrative however you want, but when it boils down to it, I’ve been screwed at every turn. I’ve been wronged by one-sided incompetent management that would like nothing more than to see me gone. On what merits is an exhibition victory equal to a Grand Rampage victory? In what rulebook a former champion from six months ago allowed to exercise a rematch clause six months later, without so much as competing in a match? Matt Miles rambles on about how I’ve had opportunities handed to me. He talks about how the only difference separating us is the fact that I’ve gotten more opportunities. Allow me to correct you — I’ve EARNED more opportunities. I’m not entitled. I know I have prodigal talent the likes of which no elitist in the history of this business ever has, but you never hear me saying I’m owed a championship match just because of who I am. Try to find one line where I said I’m owed a championship shot because of my star power. It’s inevitable that management will consider the bottom line when creating matches, and that’s fine. From a business sense, I completely understand it. You roll with what generates revenue. But NEVER have I said I’m owed a championship match because of who I am. Why? Because I don’t need to. The proof of my worthiness stands before everyone’s eyes, but in a pathetic and laughable attempt to create a fake narrative for the sake of spiting me and building your own brand at my expense, people try to act like I haven’t earned it. Turn a blind eye to my credentials just to spite me. Am I delusional enough to believe everyone is complicit in some grand conspiracy against me? Of course not, but to dismiss the facts is an oversight at best. That’s all Matt Miles has done — dismiss the facts. Before he notched a once-in-a-lifetime victory over me on Voltage — his Super Bowl, ‘cuz he damn sure isn’t walking out of Shock Value the new EAW Champion — he spoke like he had earned the right to a championship shot, like he was about to supplant me and I was old news. Well, here’s a newsflash — you’ve never been the news. You’ve never been afforded multiple opportunities like I have because you’re not nearly as talented as me. For a year and a half, I’ve had to deal with people like you attacking me with every trick in their arsenal and trying to get me stumble even if they go nowhere themselves, all just to gain that small, pitiful solace of tripping me up on the goal line before I can score the touchdown. I’m done with it. I’m done with the politics. I’m done with the Aren Mstislav’s and Matt Miles’ of the world, crying foul about everything when they themselves could never hope in their wildest imaginations to have the career that I’ve had. I’m tired of the bullshit. I’m tired of the lies. I’m tired of the propaganda. I’m tired of this cancer that’s been plaguing me throughout the course of the year — I’m tired of it all. And I’m not going to deal with it anymore. I’m not going to sit idly by and be your content little spectator, watching while another man achieves glory at my expense yet AGAIN. I don’t care if it’s the last match I ever wrestle. I don’t care if I sustain injuries so severe that I’m forced to retire — I am walking out of Shock Value as the new EAW Champion, and I would HATE to be an oddsmaker in Las Vegas betting a stack against me. I would hate to be Matt Miles — thinking he’s destined for greatness — only for the millions of people watching him wrestle to realize at Shock Value that this little streak he’s been on is just that — a streak. This isn’t a guy who came from nothing and escaped humble beginnings to reign atop the tallest mountain. This is a flash in the pan whose momentary success preceded an inevitable collapse. How do I know this? Can I tell the future? No. I can’t tell the future. If I could, I wouldn’t have been shocked when I lost to Mr. DEDEDE at Reckless Wiring. I wouldn’t have taken my loss at Pain for Pride so hard. I would have sat back and prepared myself for something I already expected the best I could; but that’s just the thing, I didn’t expect any of it — and that wasn’t because I’m not a fortuneteller — it was because I failed myself. I lost because I didn’t prepare well enough. I thought it was just a given — that I could thrive on talent alone and anything extra would be gravy — but it turned out that giving EVERYTHING I had, and more, just wasn’t good enough. And I’ve had some really, really exhausting long nights since losing those matches. I’ve sat in the corner, staring off into space, wondering if this was really what I wanted to do — if this was my passion. Because if this was my passion, then there’s no question I’d able to rise above these limitations the talking heads have put on me and achieve the unthinkable. I had to survive both mental and physical crucibles to stand where I’m standing today; and I will be DAMNED if I let an Aren Mstislav, or a Matt Miles, or any other scrub that thinks they can interfere with me and seven World Championship reigns, once again take away from me the very object that gives my life purpose. I don’t care about waking up and smelling the coffee. I don’t care about the value in a nutritious breakfast. I don’t care about the birds chirping in the morning bliss. I don’t care about flying kites or taking children to the fair. I don’t care about taking the dog for a walk. Other people jovially engage in those trivial affairs like the simple things make living another day worth it, but I sit here, as bold as ever, unable to give a damn about any of that. Because the only freakin’ thing I care about is WRESTLING! The only thing on my mind is how I’m going to beat Matt Miles and Aren Mstislav. The only thing I care about in this whole entire world — my fixation, my OBSESSION — is winning that damned EAW Championship. Winning seven World Championship reigns. I don’t even care about the skeptics anymore. You can work your entire career trying to please your critics, trying to silence them, but at the end of the day they’re going to have ammo at some time or another. They’re going to exploit you in your darkest and most vulnerable moments, all to meet a deadline for their failing newspaper. And the people you think are your friends? They don’t care about you, either. More likely, they’re thinking about how to advance their own career more than they’re thinking about how they can help you. Why? Because here’s a secret — you talk about loyalty, like-minded thinkers. It doesn’t matter. Anyone can tell you what the nature of the beast is; but I can tell you what it isn’t. Loyalty isn’t the nature of the beast. Commonality isn’t the nature of the beast. Kindred spirits are not in the nature of the beast. You can be two peas in a pod and hold hands for months and months, and then at the end of the year, in your darkest moment, when that person has an opportunity to exploit you or laugh at you or mock you, they’re going to take it. They’re going to take a jab at you in the newspaper when you didn’t say a single thing about them — because there’s no stinking loyalty in any of this. There’s no honor among thieves. Because once you take off the blinders, you realize something. A criminal is a criminal. They’ve been convicted for a reason. They’re not worth a second chance. Almost nobody is. Matt Miles sure as hell isn’t, and yet EAW is giving him a second chance for reasons that are beyond my fathom. Aren Mstislav won the EAW Championship from who again? Vic Vendetta? Oh, right, the man who got dominated by me two weeks ago. Didn’t even look like a challenge! And they want to talk about loyalty, about what others “deserve”? This has gotta be the most sentimental, bleeding-heart sack of crap I’ve ever heard in my entire lifetime. There’s no loyalty! There’s no “deserving” it! I’ve EARNED it the entire year and I still have traitors and social climbers trying to stab me in the back at every turn! That’s why I sleep with one eye open and keep my defenses up, because I know the people you least suspect are the ones quick to go on the offensive. Quick to turn the tables on you; no longer am I going to expose myself to that rotten seed. Nobody else was going to do it, so I enlightened myself. And if Aren Mstislav or Matt Miles hope to have a snowball’s chance in Hell of beating me at Shock Value, they’re going to need to enlighten themselves, too — because the Y2Impact they’ve encountered is NOTHING like the Y2Impact they’re going to encounter at Shock Value. Simply saying “there will be blood” does no justice to the pure and unmitigated sanguinary slaughter that’s going to take place at Shock Value. That would be TAME as a descriptor for the wrath they’re going to feel. And tame? TAME IS TOO GOOD FOR THEM! 

What’s different about this than Reckless Wiring or Pain for Pride? EVERYTHING. Reckless Wiring and Pain for Pride, while both were incredible opportunities, I didn’t go into the match thinking that I wouldn’t have any more chances if I didn’t win. I didn’t go into the match thinking that if I lose, I’d be irreparably broken. I went into those matches with an open mind. Of course I expected victory. But it didn’t matter what the outcomes were in the long run. They didn’t dictate my future. Shock Value does. The spoiled-rotten entitled pieces of crap this new generation has spawned can go ahead and root for Matt Miles and Aren Mstislav all they damn well please; because it doesn’t mean shit to me. I can’t say the same for Miles — I want to break him. I’m going to toe that line between trying to humiliate Matt Miles and trying not to lose sight of the bigger picture that is the EAW Championship… To PERFECTION. I know that I can toe that line. The question about me has never been based on my ability. Any clown saying otherwise, whether it’s Miles or Aren Mstislav, they haven’t done enough research. They can exist in their own little world where their opinions are paramount, blocking off every dissentient thought along the way. I don’t care — what good is that going to do them? No good at all. I rather like when my competition deludes themselves into believing they’re infallible. Mr. DEDEDE and Ares Vendetta, for all of their boasts, they didn’t believe they were impervious to pain or unable to be beaten. Matt Miles is feeling himself right now. He thinks he’s unbeatable just because he’s gone on a streak. How many streaks have I gone on in my career? Too many to count. I’ve gone on streaks that spanned months without being pinned. I haven’t submitted in five years. Matt Miles can try and point at my flaws to act like I don’t belong in this match, but if you compare the body of work, it isn’t even close. I don’t bring that up, why? Because I’m not allowed to, apparently. I’m not allowed to bring up all those times I gave little kids hope by doing the impossible. I’m not allowed to bring that stuff up because it doesn’t fit the agenda being driven by EAW and its puppets. It doesn’t fit the agenda of Matt Miles. When has Miles EVER done anything people thought was impossible? Spartan Cup? Of course not. What kind of growth-stunted loser do you have to be to brag about winning the Spartan Cup, as if that accomplishment is somehow on the same level as just about ANYTHING I’ve done? Matt Miles goes on and explicitly says he doesn’t need to brag about the Spartan Cup so he doesn’t, but the truth of the matter is that he’s simply ashamed of himself. He’s ashamed of himself because he’s never been able to match up to the overly lofty expectations he’s always set for himself. Have I ever been ashamed of myself? Grief-stricken? Yes. Many times. But the difference here is that no one questions whether I can weather the storm. I’ve proven on countless occasions that I can bounce back from a cold spell one week and become the hottest extremist in the business the next week. Matt Miles has never so much as approached that level, yet if you asked him, he’d tell you he’s already standing on that same pedestal I’ve risen to so many times throughout my career. If you asked him, he’d tell you the only difference between us is the opportunities. Oh, how the young forget when you’re not around! Something TERRIBLE must’ve happened while I was away, because ever since I came back in 2015, it’s like nobody remembers what I did. None of these newcomers respect the fact that I paved the way for them to have a platform to talk shit about me on. Without me, there is no Matt Miles. He’s going to tell you I’m a liar — that he’s a self-made man who only makes calls directly from his own playbook. But without me, guess what? THERE IS NO PLAYBOOK! I created the playbook. I penned it. I authored it! IT’S MY DESIGN, AND THE PLAGIARISTS MATT MILES AND AREN MSTISLAV ARE TRYING TO STEAL IT — AND FAILING MISERABLY BECAUSE THEY CAN’T DO HALF AS GOOD A JOB! Put me in Miles’ position. I’m a career underachiever that can’t accept he’s a career underachiever. It’s all about “opportunities.” I deflect the blame for that onto others for not giving them to me. NOBODY would take me seriously, just as nobody should take Miles himself seriously. Yet he’s going to go around claiming in earnest that HE’S the one who earned the opportunity, that I’m a thing of the past, desperately clinging to my last shreds of hope? HE’S the one talking about having the “Midas Touch?” Everything you’ve touched turns to gold, huh? That’s why your greatest career achievement is the Spartan Cup? Your career highlights are failures. That’s why you have to hide for months behind a mask? Oh, you weren’t hiding, you say? What kind of self-respecting man hides behind a mask and then goes around the final show before Shock Value ACTING like they aren’t an artist of deception, ACTING like they were upfront just because they finally revealed it to the world long after anybody gave a shit? You’ve got the Midas Touch, everything you touch becomes glamorous, the ugly becomes beautiful and long gone is the wistful sadness accompanying the abject and embarrassing failure to become World Champion, forget all of that… BECAUSE YOU CAN RUN AROUND AND ACT LIKE YOU’RE CALLING A SPADE A SPADE WHEN YOU YOURSELF ARE THE BIGGEST BULLSHIT ARTIST IN THE BUSINESS. The only logical explanation for your so-called “Midas Touch” is that you exist in an alternate universe where up is down and down is up, light is dark and dark is light, coal is gold while gold is coal! Because if I could just commute you back down to reality for a moment, look at ya! LOOK AT YA! I know I’m critical of most of my opponents, but you take the cake, my friend. You’ve hit your ceiling and you’re still delusional enough to believe the sky’s the limit. You beat me ONE time — and that’s one time too many. It’s over for you and Aren Mstislav. It’s over for your dreams of becoming the EAW Champion. When Aren Mstislav is walking down the ramp with that EAW Championship around his waist for one final time, give it a last look. Stare at it admiringly, thinking it could become yours — thinking the Spartan Cup trinket could turn into the EAW Championship treasure. And then when you’re least expecting it, and you think you’ve crossed the finish line, I’ll be there to remind you that all of this? … Was in vain.

Last edited by The Machine on November 14th 2016, 1:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 14th 2016, 3:15 am by showster26
Dynasty Promo #1

@PicPerfectMichaels has uploaded an image:

EAW Promoz! - Page 5 UnitedWeStand

@PicPerfectMichaels: “Never have these words had so much meaning.  See over the past week, hell over the past year really, we as a nation have been divided over ideals, over our past, present, and most definitely our future.  Not that we haven’t been, but over the course of the past 12 + months, We’ve been divided seemingly more than ever, to the point of where it might tear us all apart for good! I’ve kept silent about these issues till now, mostly because I felt it was not my place to speak.  There have already been enough people who have either shouted for joy at the results of what happened last Tuesday, or have shouted in anger over the same result.  I wasn’t going to speak at all, until I found out that this week’s episode of Dynasty will take place in Louisville, Kentucky.  It was then That I recalled Kentucky’s state motto. That Perfect Motto of United we stand, Divide we fall. Why you might be asking?  Because it is a motto that I live my life by.

See I have said it before, and I will say it again, I am YOUR social media champion, and Every week I go out there and give my all to do each and every one of you proud!  I do my damnedest to represent each and every man, woman, and child that may  be watching Dynasty live in an arena, or catching the show as it airs on tv, or even reading a transcript of the show online, I go out there every week to entertain each and every one of you.  So this Friday night, whether you’ve voted red or blue, regardless of who you are, or where you’re from, or where you work, or where you pray, or who you love.  Whether it be sitting in the front row of the Freedom Arena, or your laying down on the couch, I am asking that you would all stand with me, because our unity is our greatest strength!
Together there is nothing we cannot accomplish!  We can move mountains together, we can part seas. And as long as we all stand as one, nothing, not even the darkest depths can ever hope to overcome us!  No, not even the pits of hell, are stronger than all of us combined.  That is why this Friday night I ask that you all stand with me when I go one on one with Hades.
Now I know a few people are out there saying ‘Mark there’s no way you could ever hope to stand against a foe like Hades.’  And don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it would be easy to.  Hades is one of the strongest forces in EAW has ever known.  Just take a look at his resume (go ahead and look it up, I’ll wait) And it’s plain to see that Hades has earned every last bit of his reputation.  He’s won countless titles, and he’s been a nightmare that still haunts some elitist to this vary day.  SURRIVING against Hades is a hard enough challenge, let alone winning the actual match.  Make no mistake about it, I don’t dare underestimate Hades, but by the same token, Hades should not underestimate me.  He may have the strength and size, But he sure as hell can’t match me in determination.  The same determination that drove me since I was a kid to become a professional wrestler.  The same determination that has brought me to the biggest wrestling promotion in the world, Elite Answers Wrestling!  The same determination that has inspired me ask everyone, from every side of the spectrum, to let me prove myself as their Social Media Champion. 
Hades has done it all in this business, but he has never faced anyone who was more willing to walk to hell and back to get a win.  Friday night I’m asking Hades to bring his A-Game, because you know I’m bringing mine, and when the people of Louisville start cheering at the top of their lungs, and I’m talking feeling the ring shake from just how loud they’re gonna get, I am gonna be feeding off of every last one of them.  Soaking up every last ounce of energy they send my way, I know that they will give me all the strength I need to get my hand raised. 
And Hades if you happen to be reading this, just know that even though I respect you and everything you’ve accomplished here in EAW, this Friday night you are gonna see first hand just why so many people have gotten behind me on social media, turning me into a twitter trendsetter, and Instagram icon.  You get to know why so many people the #Hero when mentioning me.  It is because from bell to bell there is nobody who can go quite like Mark Michaels.  No one will ever take everything you have to dish out, and still be standing wanting to go quite like me.  No one will ever bring you to your absolute limit the way that I can.  And whether you believe me or not, no one will ever make you wonder, what is it that I have to do to actually put this guy away like me. 
So this Friday night, I want you to give me everything you got, because WE’LL be doing just that!  #Dynasty #EAW #ThisFriday #InDaBag #PictureTHAT
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Aria Jaxon
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 14th 2016, 3:11 am by Aria Jaxon

The saying “Only the dead have seen the end of war” is a lie. Prior to coming to EAW, I didn’t know that. Some people think that the only thing constant in this life is change. Maybe that’s the law of the land where the world at large is concerned. If we’re talking strictly EAW, the only thing constant is conflict. Maybe it’s usually true that earth-shaking battles of wills usually occur so seldom that no one really sees the end of it, but things work a little differently here. It’s almost mind-boggling how often pseudo wars and power struggles have shaken the ranks of this company, just in the time that I’ve been here. Most people probably think you gotta be a ten-year veteran to have taken in all of the back-and-forths that I have, but no. I’ve seen more than a few in the last sixteen months. It’s one thing to watch a war unfold from the sidelines, as so many of us in the locker room often do. I think, like any sane person, when free-for-alls with bragging rights on the line unfold, I tend to keep my distance. Call it common sense or a knee-jerk reaction. It’s generally pretty easy to sidestep wars when they break out...but what happens when it gets FedExed to your front door? What happens when you don’t run headlong to the frontlines, but the frontlines inch closer to you? What do you do? Do you run, or do you confront the battle head-on? You fight. You pull yourself up by your bootstraps and say that, although you didn’t start it, you’re sure as fuck gonna finish it. The formation of The Sirens was all too necessary. Anyone with a brain knew that Empire would be a battleground right from its inception, even if no one saw things getting to THIS level. It’s a new landscape, full of new possibilities. Everyone was gonna be busting their ass to make their mark, beginning with the poster girls at the top and resulting in a trickle-down effect to those lower on the totem pole. Everyone wants a piece of the American Dream. Every woman in this division just wants a fair shot at gold and glory, and with The OGs at the helm unchallenged, that never would’ve happened. The thing about them is they’re not really checkin’ for anyone but themselves. The only people whose interests they’re worried about, are those of people who they consider to be their equals. Spoiler alert -- none of us other Vixens fit that bill. None of us fit into their neatly-defined little box of what “great” is, and that’s not a knock on any of us. It doesn’t mean the rest of us aren’t great. It means they think so highly of themselves and have their heads so far up each other’s asses that they can’t FATHOM the idea of any of the rest of us being able to blaze a trail without kissing the ground they walk on. They’ve got chips on their shoulders. I get it, they came from a time when the Vixens weren’t held in the regard that they are now. With the well-deserved and well-timed uptick for the women of this company, it’s easy to forget that things weren’t always this way. Think back on all the insults lobbed at Vixens of days past -- “bathroom break matches”, “eye candy”, “wastes of space”. The division was paper thin and getting more transparent all the time. While I’ll readily admit it takes  a special kind of woman to wanna stick around in the face of that kind of adversity, what I won’t cop to is this idea that the OGs think this makes them entitled to loom over the rest of us. Yes, pat yourselves on the back for surviving 2012, and then get your head back in the game. If you leave the OGs unchecked and feeling invincible, opportunities for women on this show are gonna start to dry up. Unless you’re willing to auction off your self-respect like the girls of the Sanatorium to be their sidekicks, then nothing is going to go your way. It’s not a lesser of two evils scenario here. There are no ulterior motives for The Sirens. We’re not here to oppress anyone else, nor are we here to stand atop Empire with an iron fist and make sure we’re sitting pretty. The only people we need crushed under our heels are The OGs and their brainwashed sympathizers. This war we’re fighting isn’t just to make ourselves look good. It isn’t to pad our stats or add a cute bullet point to our resume. The future of the women of Empire is hinged on what this team does come Shock Value, and I believe in us. Sure, who knows what the future holds. Maybe Cameron will go back to fighting for mid card titles. Maybe HBG will throw in the towel again and go back to being a commentator. Maybe Kendra will take another hiatus and go back to designing clothes. But in the meantime? They’ll be insufferable and only look out for themselves. We can’t take chances with “maybes”. We have to fight for the here and now, and that is what Team Sirens is all about. That’s what holds this team together, despite whatever personal differences Cailin, Tarah, and I may have had with Haruna and Sheridan at one time or another. We never closed in our ranks to be a bunch of elitist cunts who were tryna further our own careers. We decided very early on that, if any non-veteran women on this show wanted a chance at a future where this show wasn’t held in a stranglehold by three middle-aged prima donna spotlight whores, then we needed to take matters into our own hands. Sure, you found people willing to fight for your cause, too. You found Veena, who was so desperate to be accepted that you let her finesse her way onto the team. You found Stephanie, who’s using petty beef as her GPS to guide her career now. And of course, you’ve got her Sanatorium sisters as goons on the side. You found hitters for hire with nothing to lose to fill up your ranks, bravo. You found people who stand for nothing but will fall for anything. It’s no secret that our motivations are more noble than ours. What EXACTLY is Team OG going for here? World domination? Turning Empire into a virtual dictatorship? The only thing keeping you three pressing forward are your own egos, and the only thing keeping Stephanie and Veena attached to you is a pathetic, grade school-esque need to be accepted by the upperclassmen. You’ve taken issue with The Sirens because we won’t give up. You’re mad because we’ve stuck to our guns and refuse to quit being a thorn in your sides, much the way I’m sure the establishment took issue with you three refusing to go with the flow years ago. You wouldn’t accept their idea of what they thought Vixens were supposed to be. You weren’t content with the table scraps they’d thrown your way, so what did you do? You fought. You scratched. You clawed. You shouted at the tops of your lungs until you were heard and absolutely wouldn’t take no for an answer, and that is what we’re doing now. We’re brushing off the condescending words of people who claim they know better. Only issue is, y’all are standing on the opposite side this time around. Now, you’re the ones arguing to keep the status quo intact. You’re the ones stomping your feet and pouting at the idea of an uprising that you couldn’t quel despite your best efforts. Oh, we’re an infinitely bigger pain in the ass than y’all ever were and we take pride in that. Once upon a time, y’all were fighting so that the women of this company could be seen as the athletes that they were. Fast forward a few years, and now the Sirens and our allies are fighting so that you three broads and your fan club don’t turn Empire into a nuclear wasteland. Worse for you guys, we’re playing for keeps. We’re ready to get down in the trenches, and we’re not coming into this and thinking about an outcome where we don’t win. Our minds aren’t on consolation prizes. The ONLY thing we’re thinking about is winning, and in the process, reminding you of what you told the world years ago -- that you can’t stifle a revolution forever. You’re on the wrong side of history this time, and you brought company, too.

Best believe, we got enough toe tags and body bags for all you bitches.

I love familiarity, Cameron, don’t you? It’s cute. No matter how many times we cross paths, no matter how much time passes between each of our matches, I can ALWAYS count on you to present me with adorable versions of revisionist history. Leave it to you to try and paint me as the constant underdog and unworthy adversary despite everything we’ve been through. The difference between you and I is, though we’ve traded victories, I’ve never tried to paint you as weak. I’ve never tried to brush you off as bottom-rung opposition or implied that a win over you would be an easy one. I have ALWAYS given you your due, because unlike you, I’m a goddamn grownup. I realize that respect for someone’s talents doesn’t necessarily have to line up with how you feel about them personally. I wasn’t necessarily okay with you talking down to me before we’d ever faced each other, but I figure it was an easy mistake to make back then. You’d only been a spectator, where my abilities were concerned. After that, after you’ve experienced it firsthand and still can’t be realistic for the life of you, well...it’s hard to feel bad for anything that happens to you along the way. You’re talking like a woman who’s always had Aria Jaxon’s number, but you and I both know that’s not true. I got the footage to back that one up just in case you wanna say something stupid. Our last meeting was as competitive as all the rest, and before it, you were still your usual self, but I detected something I’d never heard from you before. There was desperation. You said it yourself! That loss in the Showdown main event kicked off what you considered to be something of a downward spiral. You weren’t quite feeling up to par anymore, and it was all because of little ol’ me. ME. The woman you’d spoken so ill of and had called everything in the book. That was who pulled the rug out from underneath you, and after everything you’d been through with Jamie O’Hara, you were jonesing to get your mojo back. We’ll never know what would’ve become of you if you’d let nature take its course on that first episode of Empire because you’d already resigned yourself to the idea that you weren’t about to fall to me again. You had an ace in your back pocket, plain and simple. You swore up and down that you could take me, and then you turned right around did something that no self-assured woman would do. You cheated. That’s ass-backwards. If you could take me if you weren’t sweating me, if I was half as garbage as you said I was, it would’ve been a walk in the park for you, and your stunt double/personal assistant would’ve stayed her dumb ass in the back where she belonged. Think about it, Cameron. Whenever I beat you, did I have to do anything shady? Did I pull any rabbits outta my hat? Nah. I’ve never had to stoop to that level. I’m not gonna do anything I shouldn’t. I’m just here to make that doubt creep back into your mind. I want you to think back to what you said to me before our last match, about how you couldn’t lose. You felt like the walls were closing in on you, didn’t you? I want that feeling of dread to be in the forefront of your mind as Shock Value looms on the horizon. Whatever the fuck you’ve got planned, don’t try it. Or, you know what? Go ahead. You got backup and so do I. If you wanna have your sister run down that ramp again and put her in harm’s way, you go right ahead. She’d do anything for you, right? Would she take a steel chair to the back or a kendo stick to the side of the head for her troubles? But hey, just remember that it doesn’t HAVE to come down to that. Just for the sake of switching things up, you could ditch the low-down methods and trump cards at the front door and do business like a grown woman for once. When you do, I’ll be waiting. You’ll be flanked by your team, and I’ll be flanked by mine. Since I’m not Stephanie, I’m not gonna single you out or anything once that bell rings. I’m not letting beef be the thing that motivates me here. The future of Empire is paramount, so I’ll take out whoever happens to be across the ring from me at any given time. I really hope it’s you, though. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

You’re sick of this whole...situation? Stephanie, I’m tired of YOU and your petty ass vendetta. Jesus Christ, if anyone is gonna talk about being fed up, you’re not the fucking one. You’ve been acting like a little kid for MONTHS. Whining, complaining, choking on my fucking name any goddamn chance you got, I’m SICK of it. This little obsession of yours has long since gotten outta hand. I can deal with people coming in and outta my life. Shit happens. You gain friends, you lose them. If you wanted to cut ties, all you had to do was say so. As I’ve found out since Pain for Pride, leading a Stephanie-less existence isn’t hard at all. You were never the integral puzzle piece I thought you were, and hey, I’m sure Cailin can say the same. Really, you remind me of my piece of shit ex. You’re not just content with storming out, you gotta “make a statement” on the way out and make a fucking mistake in the process. You could’ve just left, Stephanie. You could’ve left Formation and been done with it all. You could’ve given us the cold shoulder, deleted our numbers, whatever. But no. You let your own insecurities eat away at you from the inside out until it manifested into something insane, and here we stand now. There was a time when I felt like I was supposed to apologize or something, but I snapped out of it pretty quick. I never forced your hand. No one did. You and you alone decided to throw a fucking temper tantrum, and for what? Because you felt like Cailin and I weren’t paying enough attention to you? Because you didn’t want us to be friends with Tarah? Again, it’s little kid shit. You were acting like a fucking CHILD. A petulant, spoiled child, who didn’t like the idea of sharing her friends. We never planned on choosing between you and Tarah. Y’all had your beef, and that didn’t have anything to do with Tarah and I. If we couldn’t make you two get along, then we’d keep you both in our lives. It wasn’t ideal, but it was what we wanted. We cared about both of you. But that wasn’t enough for you, was it? It was your way or the highway. You were the one who drew the line in the sand and fired the first shots, but you know it’s a bad idea to start shit you can’t finish, don’t you?

Hold the phone...a Sirens victory would set the division back years? Ooh, look at you, denouncing everything you used to LOVE. Talk shit about the reality shows and red carpet appearances and endorsement deals, sure. But don’t act as if you didn’t crave those things. You wanted them, badly. You clung to them, not that there was anything wrong with any of it. But, you also bought into the truth that loving those things doesn’t make you less of a serious wrestler. Now all of the sudden you’re buying into the idea that embracing the glitz and glamor means that you’re not a “real” wrestler. I’m sure the OGs would disagree with you, but whatever. Don’t try and use my exploits outside of EAW against me. You fucking KNOW better. You met me when I was sixteen and wanted to wrestle more than anything else in the world, and the latter hasn’t changed. I still love this more than I can put into words. Everything else is just a wonderful bonus. If the money, billboards, and photo shoots were gone tomorrow, I’d still be here, doing the thing that God put me on this Earth to do. You can choke on your pretentious bullshit, Stephanie. You wanna reject the glitter and gold, but have you LOOKED at the bitches who’ve got you on a leash now? HBG, Cameron, and Kendra may be material girls, but so am I. So are all of my teammates, to an extent. It’s nothing to knock any of them for. I may not like the OGs, but their penchant for wanting the finer things in life has nothing to do with it. The fact that you’re clinging to this and making mountains outta molehills just circles back around to how fucking petty you are. This “I’m not like other girls” thing is getting fucking old. It’s like the girl in high school who thinks she’s better than the cheerleaders because she’s not into “typical” girly things and thus has a ridiculous, undeserved superiority complex. This is how I know you’re running outta material. You’re grasping at straws, boo. When you’ve exhausted any of the channels you thought made sense, you start placing all your stock in the most superficial shit. You can try and act brand new if you want, but that’ll be a mistake that’ll come back to bite you in the ass. You KNOW this team ain’t all flash and no substance. You’ve tangled with each and every one of us too many times to think we’re just drones sent by the establishment at the expense of bitter bitches like you. You can be mad, Stephanie, but don’t let it blur your vision, and don’t start telling flat-out lies. That’s where you are now. You’re so intent on settling scores that you’ve convinced yourself this is about to be a one-sided massacre. I hope you’re not THAT delusional. Yeah, we’re coming to win, but we know y’all aren’t about to make it easy. We’re not coming to mow you guys down. We’re coming to fight. We’re gonna give absolutely everything we’ve got, and it’ll be more than enough. You picked the wrong side, Stephanie, but I suppose this is just another in a slew of God awful decisions that was kick-started months back. If you wanna satiate your desire to get back at the people you think are to blame for your shortcomings, fine. You can make it more complicated than it needs to be if you want. While you and your teammates try and sort out the wires that are crossing over each other and decide whose motives lead where, Team Sirens will be going to war to secure a brighter future for ALL Vixens on Empire. The mistake y’all made was tryna stand in the way of it. For that, none of you will walk out unscathed. I can promise that.
Cleopatra: Empire GM
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 14th 2016, 3:07 am by Cleopatra: Empire GM
(Cameras fade into Cleopatra's office where her back is turned from the camera while shown seated in a chair and two stylists are busy prepping her hair for a new saga. Our longest reigning Vixens Champion looks very uncomfortable as the two ladies begin to question Cleo while continuing to work on her hair.)

Stylist #1: What's the matter, Cleo? I have never seen you like this. You look very stressed out.

Cleo: I'm not stressed... I'm not stressed at all. I am just sick and tired of the pettiness that has been shown on MY show.

Stylist #2: Maybe you need a man to help out your needs.

Cleo: NO! I don't need a man. I have never needed any man to help me with my needs. As of fact, I'm sick of man! Our so called man representative, Ken Stark should go die in a hole and never come back. He does a lousy job trying to correct something that's already right. Why does he even need to listen to those little brats on the Empire roster is beyond me. They are all dysfunctional and will never learn to work together to have a great show. Too many egos. Too many slow idiots. Too many who don't even deserve a snip of time on live television.

Stylist #1: Those are some harsh words. But I guess you're right. They are all complaining about your authority.

Cleo: I dare Ken Stark to put someone else in my position. They wouldn't be able to handle all of the b****ing for two minutes. Not for me. I can handle anything that is thrown to me. I am the Queen of the Nile for Christ's sake!

Stylist #2: Well I guess we might find out at Shock Value if you don't win the battle royal, Miss Cleo.


Did you just see what I did to Erica Ford on Empire? I kicked her a** worse than Conor McGregor just did to Eddie Alvarez.

For her to even enter this match to me spells out "GUTS." After being completely embarrassed in front of millions, after I practically made her my slave by spanking the s***  out of her then almost burning her face off once I was done --- AND STILL, she is able to compete inside that ring at Shock Value? I'll give her credit for having guts but she better be praying that I don't lay hands on her during this match. I proved that she is below me and anyone else on the Empire roster can get it. I've retired for a reason because I don't need to prove any damn thing. I'm the longest reigning champion in EAW history. I've became a Hall of Famer in just a year. Meanwhile for others, it had to take an extended period. I single-handedly made sure former World Champions stayed as world champions. I've saved Showdown and Dynasty from terrible democracies just like I'm doing now on Empire. Your Ptolematic Queen has also beaten up many extremists, even a six-time world champion named Y2Impact. My career is clearly flawless that it can help the poor. For example, I had voluntarily made Cloud Matsuda become relevant. She landed the Specialist Title right after I took it easy on her in a retirement match-up. That right there describes how great I am. The whole entire world was shook when I became Empire General Manager and I wasn't even a f***ing active Vixen. I have Sheridan yelling my name every got damn second. Kendra Shamez is steady trying to overpower something she doesn't have enough strength to handle. Heart Break Gal is quiet because I have made her life miserable before she asked her little boyfriend, Y2Impact to help dig her career out of a ditch. Cameron Ella Ava, I've stoned her so many times, it's ridiculous. I made her feel non-existent during my one-year long Vixens Championship reign. And now we have a Vixens Champion that believes she's on top of the world when she is nothing more but a filler champion. Sheridan won that belt in the most unrighteous way and I bet if it were me, I would be able to whoop her a** all over the Empire and take that belt and begin another year long reign.

I'm clearly the greatest EAW Vixen of all time. I don't need to be a f***ing OG Vixen because I'm in my own league. Matter of fact, without me, there would be no Empire, no OG Vixens, no stupid little Sirens or any of these hoes that I'm facing in the battle royal. Vixens division would have been dead if I never arrived because your very own Heart Break Gal decided to leave. Cameron Ella Ava was lacking the aggressiveness to take over and Kendra Shamez was too busy sharing her body backstage along with Christy Cruise. All these Vixens are considered OG Vixens? Please. I would beat each of them with little force. As for the Sirens, I don't need to take notice that I would beat them. Most of them are probably scared to face me anyway because they know what I would do to them. Except Sheridan, I doubt she's scared and that's not a good thing. Her ignorance to keep my name in her mouth is causing cancer to invade through that thick skull. I'll be glad to cure her from any sick disease if she continues to flap those jaws like she does for her German men.

Stylist #2: You speak a tough game, girl but daang... You didn't have to go ham on them like that.

Cleo: I'm not even done yet. Veena Adams decided to join the OG Vixens. That's like adding Kwame Brown in the NBA All-Star Game line-up. Just terrible. These girls have the most poor judgment of all time and I'm always seen as the bad one? Veena Adams is not good. It has already been pretty evident of that. She's like a Erica Ford. They're just here to fill up the card because we can't keep booking Kendra vs. Haruna every single week. That wouldn't be fun, so we got Veena Adams, who has also took apart as another filler because OG Vixens couldn't pay me enough money to come out of retirement to join their stupid little union.

Stylist #1: What about Stephanie?

Cleo: What about her? She's just as bad, maybe even WORSE.

Stylist #2: OK, that's enough talk about their matches. What about that battle royal? What do you think about Brody Sparks chances?

Cleo: Brody Sparks is dumb. For her to believe she has more wisdom than me is such a moronic statement. She doesn't even have experience being a champion. She doesn't know how to win. She isn't even relevant in my eyes, why the f**k can you even think such ways? I'm starting to believe all the Vixens have drove the short bus before. Brody is one of them. I'm sorry but establishing yourself with anyone will get you nowhere, Brody. You are complete waste on MY show. You don't have what it takes to beat me or be me. If you somehow win this battle royal and take control for 24 hours, I will voluntarily quit because there's no way I'm having such a whore like you rule over me. You are not worthy. Matter of fact, I won't need to worry about that because you're the least on my mind as a opponent, character or anything else. You're a liability to me. That's one of the main reasons why you're not even in the five on five elimination match. You and the rest of the Vixens in this battle royal are seen as insects to the opposing teams. They're using you for their own glory and all of you girls are dumb enough to follow suit.

Truly, you all forgot the common purpose of even competing inside that ring. TO WIN CHAMPIONSHIPS! Most of you are only concerned on control, which will backfire. If I were still an active Vixen on the Empire roster, I wouldn't give two-s**** about gaining control. I don't want to be like a OG Vixen that their old asses believe they deserve the world because they were competing first and paved the way. I don't want to be a Siren that fail at their potential to rise above some awful structured war.

Stylist #2: Girl, what you have to say about Azumi Goto?


Stylist #1: Yes, my lady. She is on the card and one of Empire's active members. Don't you book her matches?

Cleo: Well that says much about her value to this company. She is really considered the definition of a "Shock Value" because that name alone isn't worth s**** in my eyes. For her to even mention my name is disgraceful. I feel like I have chicken pots when ever she says my name. "Azumi Goto" sounds like a Japanese pornstar name.  I don't even feel bothered when a name like that says that I'm not a real threat. Words from the wise, I kept Jaywalker and HBB relevant. I didn't have help to win my Vixens championship reign. I didn't need help to hold onto it for a year. I WAS PROJECT EGO. Without me, that s*** would have died in a month. Matter of fact, you're going to die when I see you inside that ring. I'm going to make your Lucy Liu predator a** into my very own prey.

This goes out to the other women in this match. You're all below me. You don't need control. You don't even know the definition of it! Ken Stark is clearly half blind by giving you this opportunity. Then again, he's a smart man for allowing me to burn you all alive like I did Erica Ford on Empire.

Stylist #1: These ladies better get their game up because I don't think my lady is playing at all if she gains control.

Cleo: Oh no, I won't do anything terrible ONCE I win.

I will just make everything right again.

Stylist #2: It is complete my lady.

(The ladies turn Cleopatra around facing the camera as her hair has changed back blonde and a new sinister look is upon her face. Cameras fade to black)

Last edited by Cleopatra: Empire GM on November 14th 2016, 3:19 am; edited 1 time in total
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 14th 2016, 2:42 am by AlexisDiemos
“I don’t quite remember that you got permission to open your fucking mouth Azumi...but I think it’s a good time that the...psycho mom closes it for you. And when I talk, you cross eyed snot nosed little brat, you are going to damn well fucking listen! I’m not like Stephanie Matsuda. I’m not going to hang off of every word you say. I’m not like Erica Ford who is going to let you do all the talking while she parades in the back and does all the real wrestling. No, what I’m going to do is give you some...cold...hard...facts of life! Facts that you won’t want to hear. Ready? The start of it all is the beautiful lie that the world has spun for you, you cocky little twit. The lie that you keep spinning in your head is that you’re a dominant vixen in this division. Dominant? Sure, you’ve had some stellar wins. You’ve excelled...but from where I’m standing...you don’t hold a candle to the girls in this matchup. The girls that are in this match, some of them are light years ahead of where you will ever be. Former vixens champions, former empress of elite number one contenders, and above all else, glorified goddesses of this division. Me? I just returned. I’ve made my way back to the fucking spotlight. And you want to talk to me about losing some matches on my return back...as if I haven’t turned heads since I made my way back to this place after having a child! I have gone toe to toe with the best vixens in this entire company! You, a joshi, may have had some great matches back in JET...but even my beautiful sister Matsuda will tell you and tell you truthfully...this isn’t JET. This is EAW. And in EAW, vixens like you, who are too cocky to see that they are outmatched and outgunned in this fight, get trampled on really fast Azumi! Really fast! And I’m not going to wait around for chances to come my way, or complain when I lose my shots and lose my chances. I go out! I find them! I take them! And I will run through everyone! And anyone! That wants to get, in my fucking way! And the best part about it is...you can’t do a damn thing about it. You can’t. Because for the first time in your career, you are completely...and utterly...outmatched. Because look who all is in this matchup. Cleopatra alone could tear your little chicken wings apart and feast on them. Erica Ford would loooooooooooooooove to get her hands on you again, I promise. Brody Sparks, my sweet innocent little sister...wants nothing more than to rip you to shreds where you stand. And my gorgeous twin Madison Kaline will destroy you...completely. And. Utterly. But all we need to do to win, is to hoist that tiny body of yours over the top rope...and watch as the electricity runs through your veins and shocks some sense into that pretty little head of yours. See...I’m not going to complain. I’m not going to bitch and moan. I want to win my match. And I’m going to win it. I’m going to win it by going through every single vixen in there, because I am going to get...what I want. And you won’t stop me, Azumi. No one will.

And then...my sweet innocent little sister...I wanted to talk to you. See, I’m so happy you came to us Brody. I know my dear sweet husband has been like a brother to you. He’s been so kind to you, and has given you a real family. I would love nothing more than to help you with whatever you have going on. And that’s what I’m going to do. See, I know what you like. You aren’t in this for the stipulation. No not at all. You want to feel something again. It sends shivers down your spine when you can feel that pain pulsate through your small body. That cute perky form of yours just...shakes with excitement at the idea, right? Well...the volts delivered by these shock collars...it will be just what you need. I promise you, the pain will be just what you are looking for. And it will be divine. It will be just what you needed. So, I hope you forgive me for what I do. I need this Brody. I need this more than the air I breathe right now. Not just for the chance to take the match that I want. The match I deserve. It’s my chance to establish myself. I am Alexis Diemos. The wife of Eclipse Diemos, my adoring husband. I am the mother of Enessa and Griffin Diemos. I am, above all else, a Sanatorium sister. And Sanatorium sisters don’t give up. We never surrender. We are the most brutal girls in EAW. And no one can top that. So you...I know you won’t give up either. I know that you will fight me with every chance you get. And I’m fine with that. I want it. I want you to put every ounce of energy you have against me Brody, because you are worth my every focus and attention. You aren’t going to back away from me...because you’re a Sanatorium sister yourself. You’re a threat. And that’s partly why you are with us. You are with us because of that brutality you have. And it makes me giddy to know that my beautiful sister Brody is going to be going against me with all the ferocity she can muster. It won’t be enough though sis. It won’t be, because this is my desire. My addiction. My mania. And you won’t get in the way of it. But there are no hard feelings. I hope you enjoy every electrical shock...let it bring you to orgasmic bliss. Let it fill your body with joy...because your big sis is going to have full control.

But...I suppose I should talk about one more person. Make sure I get a perfect strike hmm. Let’s see. Why don’t we focus on the little lost lamb that happened to stumble into the world of real vixens. Hello Amy-Jayne. I think it’s adorable that you ended up with Anthony, I wonder if he told you he was a former member of Sanatorium? That makes us...step sisters I guess. Or estranged cousins. It doesn’t matter. See, currently what you are is an obstacle sweetie. You are stepping up against some of the most renowned names in wrestling, and you had best show a bit of respect. At least wipe your feet before you get in the ring. Maybe I should explain how the match you’ll be facing off in works. What happens is, I throw you out in the ring, and this pretty little collar that you wear...is going to shock you. With some nasty volts. Depending on what number you are when you get eliminated, will determine just how painful that little shock is. Now, I’m sure that your dainty little head isn’t going to think that that’s such a big threat. Especially coming from me. You’re probably the kind of girl that believes that nothing horrible will ever happen to her and that she will be totally fine when she gets into the ring. She’ll just clear house and throw everyone out and boom, contract is all hers. Which is adorable. It really is. But that’s not how this is going to work cutie pie. See...you’re in the ring with the first female in the Sanatorium. Alexis. Diemos. And the Sanatorium is the most dangerous family in EAW. And you...don’t have any friends. I have three siblings on my side in this match. So...Amy-Jayne. Enjoy your trip back to Baton Rouge while shaking violently due to the electricity going through your system, because I am winning that match, sweetie! Mama’s coming ladies. Make way!”
Cameron Ella Ava
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 13th 2016, 11:48 pm by Cameron Ella Ava
I’ve been around for a long time. I’ve seen everything. I have seen Vixens walk in and walk right out of EAW. I’ve done my best to give them all the benefit of the doubt. Every one of these women have had my respect in the past and recently, they have done the everything to make me take that respect away from them. They can talk and say that they could care less about my respect, but if they can’t bother to respect the woman who have paved them away to have those entitled attitudes, why should the EAW Universe respect you? When I see someone threatening to take my position in the Vixens Division, that’s when I’m going to get angry. Ladies, we could have been civil. We could have all lived in peace and harmony in Empire. There was no need for war. When Kendra, HBG and I stepped out of the limo, we never once told the Vixens Division that we wanted to start anything with anyone. We only said that we’re here and we wanted to show you women how things were done. We wanted to exemplify what an EAW Vixen should be. There were no shots fired. None of our words gave away the impression that we wanted a war.

You wanted a war? You got what you ask for.

Let me begin with the woman who has managed to be the biggest sore loser in Empire, Aria Jaxon. “You only won because of Consuela.”—Gee, are you pathetic enough that you want to blame my lovely twin sister for your loss? How about you be the Siren with the biggest brain and admit that I defeated you fair and square? How about you admit that I was the better woman on the first episode of Empire. I said to you during the week of the very first Empire episode that I needed this win to place me on the right path. I had been way over in my head and I wasn’t going to allow that horrible mindset dictate my life. Now, are you still going to claim that I’m way over my head? Are you going to call me delusional? Well, this “delusional” woman outsmarted you that night. This “delusional” woman was a step ahead of you for a couple months around the beginning of the year. Are you somewhat going to forget that I had gotten the upper hand over you on a couple of occasions? You think that you got some victory over me that everything we went through in our little rivalry gets erased? Aria, I got a victory over you and I still remember quite clear the roller-coaster we experienced. I thought we ended this story a long time ago, yet there is a part of you that does not want to let go of it. Your stubborn little mind does not want to adjust to the fact that I outsmarted you. Hell, I think that’s the same stubborn little mind that still makes you believe that you’ll be Vixens Champion again. Honey, if the OGs are around, you’ll never be a Vixens Champion. Do you know what you have a better chance of being? The OGs little bitch. Look at you, I can hear you barking right now. Bark. Bark. Bark. Oh, Cailin and Tarah better hold you back now! You’ve been in situations like this before. Early in the year, you were part of Team Cross as you fought your little heart out to keep Voltage from Hexa-gun. Shock Vakye, it’s going to be the same thing. You’re going to try your hardest to not get eliminated, but as much as you don’t want that to happen, you’ll get eliminated somehow because with the OGs in one team, there is no way we can lose. With Team Sirens, you’ll find one way to screw up and the OGs will be there to capitalize on it.

Back at House of Glass, Kendra had said something about you being the fat of The Sirens that she wanted to trim and I couldn’t agree with her anymore. Tarah, I viewed you as the leader of Team Sirens. I view you as the woman who is going to rally and lead your team into war. Now, all I see you as the unnecessary person in Team Sirens. I feel like you’re holding down the team. I thought a leader is someone that is supposed to give out the impression of being unbeatable; however, you lost Sheridan during the second episode of Empire, you lost to Kendra Shamez at House of Glass and no one thought about you after the match was done. Sheridan, the woman who got pinned during the triple threat match managed to become Vixens Champion. To some people, she managed to steal the entire show. It’s kind of odd that she’s not the woman that is rallying you to victory. On the other hand, you’re most “credible” victory is losing to Stephanie Matsuda? No offense to my team member, but how much does it piss you off knowing that members of my team have defeated members of your team? Kendra’s defeated you twice, HBG’s defeated Cailin more times than Haruna butchers the English language, I’ve defeated Aria twice. I told Cailin once that being part of a stable, she flounders. I don’t feel like she delivers her best being part of a unit. It must be because she’s the only person out of The Sirens that can get a victory where it counts. Tarah, when are you going to get a victory when it matters? When are you going to step up and improve yourself? Hell, not only for yourself, but for your entire unit? I know that you’re a talented Vixen. I just haven’t felt that statement in a long time. I’m still waiting for the moment where I realize that the Tarah Nova that threw me in an electrical box was going to be a household name. She was going to be the Vixen that we will be talking about for years. Now, it seems like we talk about you once and we move on to talk about Aria or Sheridan or Cailin. When are you going to stop being an afterthought? Hopefully, right now because I think that we’re all sick of a woman that promises me the world and gives us corner.

Speaking of someone that promises to give it their all, but only delivers so little, how are you doing, Haruna? You happen to be someone that goes on and on about giving it their all in the ring. To me, it’s never been enough. Most of the time, it ends in defeat with you. Recently, something has come of you. I was talking to my sister earlier and it crossed our minds that you could be someone to look out for during this elimination match. Not only have you defeated two out of the three OG Vixens, but you’ve had victories over me in the past. I have tasted defeat under your sweaty hands, but the last time we met at the Empress of Elite tournament, I defeated you and I was satisfied with the victory. What I did so well at Empress of Elite, I am going to need to do again if I want to be one of the survivors of my team. When it comes to elimination matches, they have never played at my favor. For example, Team EAW vs. Project EGO, I was the second one eliminated in my team. It may have taken many men to eliminate me, but it stung me to be so eliminated early on the match. I could have gone all night if I pushed myself too. Another example would be at Triple Threat, the Tag Team Warfare match, I was the second one eliminated and it pissed me off for sure. The feeling of being eliminated so early on angers me because I feel like there is so much I can do for the teams I’ve been a part of. The OG Vixens, I refuse to get eliminated so early onto the match. I refuse for the ring announcers to announce my elimination. I’m going to avoid that as much as possible. The thought of getting eliminated will not succumb my mind. Haruna, people are looking at you and they’re expecting you to be one of the first eliminated in the match? Why? In comparison to Tarah, you’re one of the two weak links of the team. As I scout the competition of your team, we have a Vixens Champion, an Empress, a choke artist, a rebel and then, there’s you. I would be more than honored for you to make a decent example out of the OGs. That is if the Pride of the Vixens Division has enough pride within her to do so.

Look at you, Empress Cailin. You managed to find yourself in an awful situation again. For the number of stables, you’ve been a part of, you should be used to being part of this shitty situation. I like you, Cailin. I feel like out of everyone in Team Sirens, you should be the one that gets us the most. You should be the one that’s rallying us to victory. Yet, you’re on the opposing side and you know what? I’m more than fine about that. At Shock Value, I’m not going to be looking at you as a Siren. I’m going to be looking at you as an Empress that needs to be knock down their pedestal and watch me shine. I look at you and I know hands down that you’re going to be difficult to eliminate. I think that you’re one of the biggest threats in the match and if Kendra or HBG won’t be the ones to admit it, I will. As much as I want my blood to boil at hearing your name, there is a part of me that cannot do that. Instead, I pity for you. I feel awful that you get to team with a bunch of entitled brats like Aria and Tarah. I feel awful that you get to wake up every day and know that you’re probably the best Siren out of the three of you. Does that ever cross your mind, Cailin? That the ones you think want you to succeed are the ones that are going to lead you to failure? Tarah Nova is not leading you to victory. Aria Jaxon is not leading you to victory. What your so-called “friends” are doing is leading you to the battleground where you’re going to end up shot the moment you take your first step. Why? Because you put your life in their hands. In this case, you are putting everything that they influenced you to believe in in their hands. The question I have in my mind is: will you make the right decision? Or are you going to regret your decision? Your decision to be a Siren. Your decision to declare war on women that know the Vixens Division up, down and side-to-side. Your dealing with women that have been through everything and more. You women think that you know how this elimination match is going to pan out? Think again because you don’t know half of what you’re going to endure. I tried to warn you, Cailin. I tried.

Do you know how betrayed I felt when you declined my invitation to become an OG Vixen? You out of all people should have seen why I did what I did. You could have had everything. The OGs could have had your back. The Sanatorium could have had your back. You could have been a bigger champion than you are right now and you spat on all that. You made the dumbest decision of your career, Sheridan. What the OGs could have done for you career could have made you immortal. You could have been a Hall of Fame in less than five years. You wouldn’t have been snubbed of a Hall of Fame ring like Zack Crash or Hades, when the Board of Directors would think about who was deserving of a place in the Hall of Fame, their minds would automatically think of Sheridan Elsa Muller. The Personification of German Efficiency. The woman that took the Vixens World Championship and made the title bigger than any of the World Championships in EAW. Did that not appeal to you? Did not ruling alongside a good friend not appeal to you? I guess, once a loner, always a loner. Kind of ironic how you found yourself in this situation, huh? We now meet in the ring for the first time since March and there, I will find some retribution for what happened during the Vixens Cup. The Vixens Cup that should have belonged to me. That Vixens World Championship you have on your shoulder should belong to me. It feels right that I should be the one to take it all away. If Cailin doesn’t, it seems fitting that I should be next in line for a Vixens World Championship opportunity and if Cleopatra had a brain, she would agree to that. It kind of sucks how your life turned upside down the moment you said no to my offer to become an OG Vixen. That once in a lifetime opportunity could have been yours if you said yes. I’m not bitter about it. Team OG is a team that will be unbeatable enough to eliminate all the idiots on your team. A Five-on-Five situation could end up a Five-on-One situation if you’re not careful, Sheridan. Can you imagine the thought of Team OG dominating you and getting the win? Imagine the sight right now because that’s what is going to happen at Shock Value. Sher, don’t say I ever warned you because I was looking out for you. You did this all yourself.

Kendra Shamez, the Heart Break Gal, Stephanie Matsuda, Veena Adams and Cameron Ella Ava. A team that is unstoppable. A team that is the perfect formula to defeat Team Sirens. One by one, Team Sirens fall. Almost like a domino effect, if one falls, they all fall. The question I have in my mind is: which of you is going to fall first? Haruna? Tarah? Cailin? Aria? Sheridan? I don’t mind. I just want to eliminate someone from the equation. Without one of you, the rest will soon follow the first.

That I am anticipating.
Stephanie Matsuda
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 13th 2016, 9:53 pm by Stephanie Matsuda
Shock Value Promo #1


I spent the latter half of my day preparing for my next late night outing. After my raid in Queens, I found out that there was a network of HGH sellers throughout the city. It appeared that one didn’t know much from the other, but the sellers I’ve interrogated all had something in common: the man in shades. This individual sold his product to all of them, which in turn they sold to athletes, primarily indie wrestlers. I wanted to nip this case in a bud, but I had more pressing matters. I was sitting in my office when Serenity entered, her eyes slightly starstruck.

“Steph?” she called, sounding nervous. “There’s someone here to see you.”

“Bring them in and shut the door.” 

I closed my laptop as an all too familiar face walked in. It was no other than the Red Dragon herself, The Heart Break Gal. Seeing Claudia outside of work was one of the last things I thought I would see, so I figured this there had to be a valid reason. Though I had to admit, she was rocking that red outfit she had on. 

“Hello Stephanie!” greeted HBG with open arms. 

I raised an eyebrow, but went in for a hug anyway. Something was up, but i didn’t mind playing along. After all, I could always rub it in her face that she hugged a ‘tryhard’. 

“Well if it isn’t the Hiatch Beee Geee!” I exclaimed in an obviously sounding sarcastic tone. “What brings you to this neck of the woods?”

Claudia Michaels watched me sit back down before speaking. “Well, I was in Manhattan doing a photo op when I realized that you lived in Brooklyn. I wanted to speak with you about a situation regarding Shock Value.”

“And that situation is…?”

Claudia looked out the office window for a moment. I could tell she was watching Azumi train in the ring. “I’m just hoping that your newfound alliance doesn’t skew your view of things come fight night.”

Laughing, I shook my head, realizing what this visit was actually about. “My alliance with Azumi has nothing to do with what goes on during Empire. We’re just-”

“Yeah, yeah, you guys had the same sensei and all that jazz.” HBG waved her hand dismissively. “Look Matsuda, I trust you. That’s not something I say often, so I suggest you take that at face value. But the reality is that her girlfriend is on the opposite team. Though there’s already rift between them…”

I tilted my head to the side. “You’re talking about Haruna’s relationship with Cailin?”
“Yes, with that tramp.”  Claudia’s face immediately went apologetic. “Sorry, I forgot she’s your ex.”

“Meh, you can say whatever you want.” I stood up and walked to the window. Azumi was going through some drills with Jocelyn and Serenity. “Let’s get straight to the point: you want me to seduce Azumi in order to distract Haruna, yes?”

I could almost feel HBG casually shrug her shoulders from behind me. “I didn’t suggest it, but if you think-”

“I’ll do it.”

Claudia blinked a few times. “Really? I knew I could depend you Tryhard!”

I turned around. “I’m not doing it for you though, nor for the other OGs. I’m doing it for myself.”

“For yourself?” asked HBG. “Are you telling me you’re smitten with that...woman?”

I shrugged. “To be honest Ms. Gal, I don’t know. But what I do know is that she and I have a potential to be a good team and Haruna’s BS is distracting her. What I do know is that Cailin is using Haruna as a weapon against me to try and offset what I do in elimination tag matches. And lastly…” I walked up to HBG. “What I do know is that I want to win.”

Claudia sneered. “As do I Cloudy, as do.” She headed to the door. “By the way, I like what you’ve done with the place. It’s very...quaint. Very, urban-like.”

Another way of saying it’s ghetto. Gotta hand it to her though, she’s been trying to not be such a bitch.

“Thank you” I said with a slight I nod.

Once HBG left, I was left alone with my thoughts. Did I like Azumi? Like I told Claudia, I didn’t know. But, now that it was in my head, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. We both loved wrestling and had a shared history. I always thought she was cute whenever she interacted with Haruna. Could I see myself in the shoes of my rival? There was only one way to find out. 

I was going to give Azumi something Haruna couldn’t: tag team gold.


(The camera opens to Cloud standing in an abandoned warehouse by herself.)

My rivals and enemies all on one team, all in one place. For me this match isn’t just the end to the OG vs Siren arc, but rather an end to my own. There’s only so far that pure hate can take a person. Do I still hate you all? Yes. Why, you wonder? We could go through a laundry list of items that accumulated this year, but there’s one that stands out more than anything else: hypocrisy. The hypocrisy that somehow you’re all different from the rest of the pack. The hypocrisy that you’re the heroes of this story, but yet you use the same tactics as your enemies. The hypocrisy that you think you did it all on your own but yet half of you obtained success AFTER boning an elitist! I peep the magazine covers, watch episodes of True Vixens, and I know and understand where all it leads; this is something I’ve said time and time again. You are the next OGs ladies. This is The Reality we live in, much like the current sad state of affairs hanging over this country’s head. My allies have predicted this and wish to stop it. Why? Because they been there, done that. They see how it’ll hurt this division in the long run. They saw how many a female wrestler has quit EAW due to do the group-think that occurs in the locker room. They were where you are now, and the division suffered for it. So they entrusted the future to the Coven of Sanatorium: Alexis, Brody, Maddie, and myself. WE are the future the women’s division needs! WE are what the division deserves- a sisterhood comprising of talent, loyalty, and intensity! Fuck the glitz, the glamour, and what not, THIS is the land of the ELITE! How can we exist in such a place and not be considered ELITISTS ourselves!? Every woman in this division is just as talented as any man, but yet we’re constantly disrespected at every turn! They said Empire would fail- but yet our ratings are just as consistent as the other three brands- and we’re on PBS! (laughs) Imagine the numbers Empire would do if it was on USA, Spike, or hell even Pop! People flock from all over to see you fight and strut your stuff because it’s what they’re used to. No glass ceilings would be shattered under your watch. Fight Elitsts? The OGs done it. Date your co-workers? The OGs done it. Win titles outside your division? Two of the women I fight with have done as such. One of them is the matriarch to a freaking DYNASTY, and under the right guidance, the other can accomplish anything her uncle has. Then you have me...a woman who carries two legacies on her shoulders- three if you count Sanatorium. 

Formation-uh I mean The Sirens was the it thing of 2016, but as you can see this year is about to come to a close. You had your chance to unite the division and carry it on your back and in Charlie Brown-like fashion you dropped the ball. Much like the 42% of women who threw their rights. Yeah, that’s right, I fucking took it there!

(points down to ground to show a football)



I had high hopes for you Aria. I really believed in you. We were sisters...I freaking watched you grow from a straw-weight part-time announcer girl, to the force of nature I saw at Triple Threat. Now, you just stand there with a trophy Voltage doesn’t even care about anymore. Your consolation prize for swallowing when the establishment tells you so. Good job sweets (slow clap) that’s progress for ya huh? And you talk so much shit, but why haven’t you met me in the ring? Why send Cai, Haruna, Tarah, and Sheridan to do the job YOU SHOULD DO YOURSELF! They all tried coming for me and yet HERE I FUCKING STAND! Sher only proved she’s just as good as me, Tarah’s a bust, and Haruna has only proved what luck looks like when it’s finally on her side. There’s a reason why her girl asked me to team with her in the upcoming tag tournament. (laughs) Haruna would just complain halfway through and let Cailin backseat drive the whole thing...just like she does with her CURRENT relationship. If I was Azumi I wouldn’t tolerate that shit. Azumes, if you’re watching this, watch Pain for Pride to see what happens when someone from the outside fucks with my personal life. Want updated evidence? Take a look at Tarah’s photos after our last match on Empire. Hell, watch our match in the EoE tournament, THAT’S what happens to someone who FUCKS with my personal life! You know the hell you put Erica through? Well you might want to call your ‘Taken’ friends again!

YES Cailin I’m talking shit about you. Unlike snickering in private like you do with your little girlfriend, I’m telling the world that the shit they saw on Empire is nothing new! If I knew you was that spineless, then I would have never EEEEEEEEV-AH called you that night! Know what? Haruna, keep her. This is what you always wanted right? But wishes granted come with a price sweets. I’m going to show your lady something she has yet to see here in EAW: a championship. You could never grant her such a present- you’re far too damn selfish. Honestly if it was the two of you, maybe you guys would have won...just like we could have won. This year as I team we were nearly unbeatable. But yet once that former blonde-turned redhead bitch came calling, you trotted over like the bitch you are. Heh, that’s what I love about our current situation. The cards are laid out on the table and nobody can take anything back. Just like post November 8th, all the EAW universe can do is sit back and watch your revolution fall to pieces. It deserves to poof out of existence. Formation was something little girls from all over to get behind. The Sirens is a fever dream pitched by Tarah to spite me. Now look where it lead you five: directly into the blade of the War Queen.


(snickers) Sher, before you go on about your efficiency and how you Sherplexed me just keep in mind we’re tied. Know and understand that you’re in a match where I AM QUEEN. Ask Aria, she’ll tell you. I know you guys got Haru to nullify my #BlasianGirlMagic but she has no power here. Sorry sweets, but it only works with me. There’s a reason why Maddie asked me to help the OGs. I’ll admit, I was against it at first. But once I got to know my teammates, and what they actually stand for, I’m grateful to fight side by side with three hall of famers and a child of a legacy. A legacy that Tarah doesn’t deserve to walk hand in hand with. We are not the previous women’s roster - we will fuck you up - oh wait! Nevermind…

(pauses to laugh for a minute)

Okay, I’m good. Where was I? Oh yeah, how much the Sirens suck and how their victory would push the division back nine years. We’re on the verge of an ACTUAL revolution, one that the Coven will initiate! We’ll take control of Empire, tear you all to pieces, and come next year be it Cailin or Sheridan...you WILL be staring into my eyes in the middle of the ring trust and believe. But, more on that another time (sighs). Whatever tactics you think you have, just erase the board and throw out the marker. I know all five of you like the back of my hand. To be honest, it’s going to be a series of sequences where you’re each going to show off just how awesome you think you are. No teamwork, no strategy, just crowd pandering. That’s the reason for the Sirens’ existence after all. Just circle popping each other while the EAW universe watches. 

Time to stand up and wash your hands ladies. You have a fight come next weekend so I suggest you plan accordingly. I won’t be holding back, just like I’m not holding back now, and how I’m not going to hold back in my training. Team OG will be a well oiled MACHINE dedicated to crushing you five under our heels once and for all. Quite honestly I’m tired of this and I would rather move on to a more lucrative challenge, like the Tag Team Grand Prix. This is why I need to win- no why I’m GOING TO WIN THIS. I will break bones and end careers if I have to. Bring your efficiency, pride, confidence, and freak shows. You don’t make me nervous, and you certainly don’t have my allies shook. They ran this yard before we got here and I’ll be sitting on the throne before any of you retire. All you are is just dust in the wind.

(picks up some dust in her hand and blows it towards the camera.)

Last edited by Stephanie Matsuda on November 14th 2016, 12:37 am; edited 2 times in total
Azumi Goto
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 13th 2016, 4:56 pm by Azumi Goto
Shock Value #1

{All it starts with is darkness and Azumi’s voice}

Something tells me that people haven’t realized what this match actually means. ABSOLUTE POWER OVER EMPIRE, the idea of that is just what some people need to push themselves to the top. EVERY VIXEN THAT ISN’T INVOLVED IN THE BATTLE OF EGOS is apart of this. So I question, why some vixens that are undeserving are a part of this match? Firstly why is Cleopatra in this match, I thought she got beat by Cloud and that ended her in-ring career. But then you realize this is EAW, and the word Retirement means to take a break from wrestling cuz you can’t handle the pressure of something you were never good at. Who really considers Cleo a legitimate threat in this match? ABSOLUTELY NOBODY!!! Last time someone considered Cleo, something worthwhile it was 2013, after that she got relegated to being Jaywalker and HBB’s bitch. She could have stayed with the management job and she could have gotten a good chunk of money to raise her kids BUT no you have to think of thought of reclaiming your past glory and yet you won’t win because all your glory came from was when this division was nothing but almost a side-show for the ‘Extremist’ and now that you see the women of this company doing something more than you ever could, you think it’s a good idea for you to return TO MY RING!

{Lights turn on to reveal Azumi in a ring at an empty arena}


Speaking of that psycho mom, Hello Alexis… Actually, I like the name ‘Psycho Mom’ or maybe the weak link. Weak link fits considering how bad your comeback has been, it starts with you returning and everyone is hyped that you’re back to compete BUT then it all falls flat cuz you can’t win even if your life depended on it. Seriously, out of all the women on the roster… ALEXIS DIEMOS got a #1 contender's Match and she faced Erica Ford… What? Which idiot backstage decided on that match? Oh, wait… it was Cleo. But still Demons vs Ford… Won’t that put butts in the seats? I mean it was the best thing to do if you wanted to kill the prestige of Specialist Title, no wonder Kendra doesn’t want to defend it when you have pieces of absolute garbage like Alexis and Erica contending for it… when it really should be someone like me fighting for that title. AND YET IT ALL GETS HANDED DOWN TO SOMEONE WHO’S WORTHLESS TO THIS DIVISION like Alexis.

Since I’m on the topic of talking about The Sanatorium, why not talk about Madison Kaline and that other girl…

I think this first time I’ve had to talk about you since joining this company and I’m glad it’s now then some worthless undercard match on Empire where I don’t belong but certainly, do. Times of changed since you were the loveable underdog, Maddie and so have you but what has it brought you. You still can’t win any big matches, you failed to beat Eris when she was running this place… How many times was that? Two… three chances? Face Kaline, your time was when you beat Tarah for the belt or maybe when you were the chippy underdog but now you’re just a has-been, that can’t seem to figure out where she should head next. I still don’t get why you ever came back considering the division was never and WILL never be yours. On the other hand, when I win and I’m GOING to win, this division will finally be in the right hands and even if it’s under my control for 24 hours, you should look at it from the larger picture. 1440 minutes of this place being under my control. Everyone knows what an Episode of Empire under the control of The Sanatorium is gonna look like. It’s going to be dark and brooding and death, along with all that kind of Jazz.

Finally The Last sister or whatever you’re called when you’re in The Sanatorium, Brody Sparks. YOU OF ALL PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE STAYED IN THE INJURED LIST, girl! Honestly, I didn’t know why you even came back since we never missed your sorry ass, to begin with. It’s not that you’re a bad person or even a good person. YOU’RE JUST A WORTHLESS PERSON! See, we never missed someone who showed up, every two-three weeks for a match and had a cute segment with OMERTA about taking over Dynasty and what not. Rather this Division wanted someone who was consistently going to be on EAW Programing, and performance on the highest level, DAY IN AND DAY OUT! I NEVER STOLE WHAT YOU DID, YOU JUST AREN'T REALLY PSYCHOTIC, CALCULATING, MERCILESS. YOU'RE JUST A LITTLE GIRL TRYING TO RIP OFF HER FAVORITE HORROR MOVIE VILLIAN!

Honestly, there's my opinion on the Sanatorium Sisters. Each one of them is just as horrible as the next. They can't keep up with someone who's just on another LEVEL, they can't beat The Ace Of Vixens by themselves and they sure as hell won't beat me in this match.

{Azumi looks at the camera with a cold sharp gaze towards the camera}


{One last shot of a Vicious Smile on the face of Azumi before the Camera fades to black.}
вrσdч spαrks .
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 13th 2016, 3:04 am by вrσdч spαrks .
EAW Promoz! - Page 5 GSoy5N6


She turns her laptop camera on. She sits in her chair. Sitting ever so lady-like before breaking her own silence.

"A not so wise man said fear no evil but darling,  I question whether or not he lived up to the standard of being wise. Why is he wise to say fear no evil, when evil is to be feared? I am evil. He wasn't so wise enough to realize that in the future a woman will be born, a woman unlike many, an individual, a unique a prototype destined to be me. To be the personification of evil. But tell me, what exactly is evil?  It's a word that can be interpreted in many ways. To many, evil is demonic, evil is darkness and evil is a black abyss waiting to swallow you whole. To others, evil may be good, evil may represent light, evil may represent freedom the freedom to be who they are and when they want to be.  No longer held under the control of what we've domesticated ourselves to be. We have truly domesticated ourselves."

"How fucking pathetic…."

"  We can be so much more and do so many things if we just thought outside the box. Why do we limit ourselves, why do we trap ourselves in a box limited to only doing certain things and when people dare go outside of the box, when people dare to be different they are considered evil they are considered weird they are considered crazy but who are we to cast judgements! Who are we to define words! You don't let a word define you, you define a word and that is what I always fucking do! I define crazy. I define evil. I define depraved, it doesn't define me and you people want to define me? You will not knock my confidence. You will not shake me into becoming what you want me to be, what you think I am. They say poor is a man whose pleasures depend on the approval of another. I do not wait for anyone to approve of what pleases me.  I do not care how people feel about my violence, about the things that I do about how I want to rip your skin off, get a knife cut into you as all of  your pus and strands of skin peel from your skin hanging on as I rip it from your body. I mean, like babes, what's so bad about that? Or is it just what you've been taught? Taught that violence is never the answer, well where's this answer book of this little game we call life?  Who has this answer key? Oh, I can tell you who. No one and that is exactly why no one, and none of you will be able to stop me from the wreckage and the obliteration that I am bringing to this division and to this match. No one. Nothing! Not a fucking being not a god, not a person, not management, not the president, no one will stop me from doing what I want to do! You can dare and try to stop me but I will be following you I will be lingering and following you like a rotten tooth, like a cavity filled with the sticky sweet substance of candy. I will be that substance in your life. I will be the nagging pain everywhere you go and every time you look in the mirror, every time you see those scars that I will inflict on you. You'll think of Me. I am a woman unlike the rest. I am a woman you have never seen before, and  you women can sit there and lie to yourselves and try to prove a point and get under my skin by calling me unoriginal by mocking me and telling me that many have came before me acting the same way but you know deep down inside, you're lying. You're just trying to make a valid point, to shield yourself away from the fucking truth. You're just trying to outdo me outshine me, to make yourself feel better, to make yourself feel good but everyone else around you everyone else around us can see. There has never been a woman in this company like me and there will never be one to follow. I have taken what people called dark and mysterious, I've taken what people like Tarah Nova have done, what people like Autumn Raven claims to be, what Raven Lee tried to be, what Azumi Goto is TRYING to be! I have taken that and elevated it to a level unseen before a level that is unmatched I have perfected my crazy, because it is REAL. I have accepted my crazy, I do this for the shits and giggles I do this simply because I can. You all have these self righteous meanings behind yourselves defining who you are trying to be, to make a point. Trying to be something. I don't have to try, I just do, I just am."

"The Sanatorium invested in me. Eclipse Diemos, my friend, my family,  hand picked me. He saw the greatness that was hidden away inside of me long before I had even known it had existed. He saw potential, and in a young depraved woman, he saw the coal that was Brody Sparks and with an immense amount of his own twisted way of loving, and grooming and guidance, he turned coal into what you see today, a diamond. A crown jewel. That’s the difference between you and I. Under pressure, I turn into a diamond. I transform, I get better than what I was before, but you? You my sweet, well under pressure, you fall flat. You will fall and succumb to the pressure. I am putting the pressure upon you, can you handle it? Or will you just become another name that fell short at the hands of Brody Sparks? Let me ask you this baby, have you ever had a cut? I mean you cunts will when we all get to dance in the ring sweet cheeks, but really.  The simplest cut. It forms a scab.You should leave it and let it heal right? However I would not. Consider yourself my own personal scar on my very own body. Laying there on my soft skin, begging to picked at. That’s exactly what I am going to do. I am going to continue to pick at you. Let you heal yourself only to be ripped from my skin once more. I am going to sit there with a smile on my face, watch you bleed, I might even taste it. I want to see that, I crave it. Somehow in my own little mind I have the desire to watch. You’ll heal, possibly even better than the first time, but I will not let you win, for I will pick you again…. and again…. and again….and again. Until you become so sore, oozing with pus, oozing with defeat, until you become a reminder. A scar, a happy reminder that I did that to you. Fun isn’t it?! You’ll all  be a  bunch of parasites. Parasites that can only find success sucking the life out of your host. I invite you to try to sink into me, to get inside and try to suck the life out of me. I dare you. Get excited, get those goosebumps, for you will only find out that no matter how much you try to suck the life from me, to feed off of my greatness, you’ll never kill me. I will never die. You CANNOT kill what cannot be killed. Goddess are immortal. I am immortal, and you cannot kill an immortal. You cannot kill a goddess. I can already tell you babe, I can already tell your next move. This is like a game of chess. You are all my pawn, and I know every single step that you are all willing to take. I know all of the risks and the possible rewards. All you people can ever seem to say about me is how crazy is old, it’s played out no? You seem to think that I am one dimensional, but the illusions of your mind has clouded your brain which are blocking you from seeing the inevitable truth. You want to humiliate me, perhaps even humble me. Have you done your research? Let me fill you in my loves… I have no shame. Nothing. No shame in who I am, no shame in who I used to be. I praise myself. My past has created this present, and it will create my future. I have stood in front of strangers stripping myself down, showing them my pure naked body. A pretty body. Every intimate detail. I can always try to stay morally and say I did it for the money, but I’d be lying babes. I did it all for the thrill, for the joy, I did it to get me here. What was a sacrifice turned into fun. I let those men and their own perversions think that they had power over me. I let them think they had the control, when in actuality I did. I made them throw every dollar they had to me. HA! Weaklings. I let them talk to me, a shoulder to cry on was what I became. I did everything I had to do in order to control them. What makes you think that I don’t know what I am doing here. Ladies listen carefully, Brody knows how to manipulate. Just when you think you’ve got me where you wanted me, my plan , my work, it all comes to a full circle and you are swallowed whole by it. Just when you thought you had me, you realized that you had been sitting in the palm of my hand the whole entire time."

"Oh ladies, do you know the feeling you get when you can sense danger? When all of a sudden everything around you stops. Time is still, your mind is frozen, but somehow you are able to detect danger. Your fear pumps through your body as your heartbeat increases more and more as the seconds turn into minutes. I am that danger. I am the source of what ignites that inside you. The spark that creates the doubts, the fears, and the terror. Perhaps it’s better that you and I don’t get too close. JK! Get close babydolls! I want to hurt you!. I am a goddess. I already know what it is to come. I control the future, and I will control you and I will control Empire. A group of pathetic puppets is what you alll are. You are not on my level. I do not pity any of you. For you know exactly what you signed up for when you signed your contract to be here. You know exactly what you were to expect the day you decided that wrestling would be your career. This isn’t my career. This is my life. It is my child, my sun, my moon. My EVERYTHING.  This is what I do. I arrive, I hunt, I devour my prey. I mean, darlings, you should be grateful. You should be grateful for the opportunity given to you, to face the greatness that is myself. You should be happy to stand in the ring with someone like me. You can take it for granted but that will only give me more of a reason to beat the sense into you. I'm going to beat the sense that you lack into you. Just like a plague, I am going to infect you all. Population control time ladies! I'm going to infest your mind and then, I’m going to infest your body. It's like everything I touch dies, at some point, at some time it begins it falls apart. It starts with a self-destructing suicide, once I touch it. Now most people will try to find sense in it try to find logic and some people might look at it as a bad quality to have but for me I love it. I bathe in it. I saturate myself in it. I love the fact that everything I touch dies because that shows that when you get into the ring with me you won't walk out at the same people you entered the ring as. I like to play games it's my favorite pastime but my games always teach you a lesson. A lesson you have to learn whether or not you want to. With these games I have come to terms with myself. I have realized that I do not know what the fuck I am but what I do know is, the one thing in my life that will never leave me, that will never fail me, that will never abandon me, is my love and my pleasure to inflict pain. People love to poke the bear it's what humans do. We love to provoke but sometimes you need to learn harsh lesson that sometimes poking the bear isn't what's best for you in the long run. People can talk about how I left how I didn't even establish a name before I left and how siding with the OG Vixens will not establish my name as if I should care. But what I do care about is my name, don't ever speak of me like you know what it's like to be me. You don't know what you've gotten yourself into ladies, they didn’t have vixen’s like me in your prime Cleo!  I may be twenty-two years old but I have more wisdom in my pinky ring you have in your entire body you can pretend to be the same woman you were years ago,  but deep down inside you're nothing but a scared little girl and that's okay you should be scared because what I plan on doing to you it's unspeakable but hey I love breaking the rules so let me tell you what I'm going to do to you in that ring I'm going to go easy I'm going to go slow I'm going to make you feel like you have a chance to make it out of the ring alive or at least how you came into it I'm going to give you that false sense of hope and then I'm going to turn it up a notch several notches. I might bite you I might rip off your own flesh with my mouth. Watching that part of your body hanging off of my lips like an animal in the jungle ripping its prey straight from its neck. Oh believe me when I say it's going to be one hell of a match! Exactly what do I have to do for you women to open your eyes and see that I am not one to be tested I am not one to push because when you push me and we reach that ledge I'm going to drag you down straight to hell with me.
As he last sentence finished, she came closer into the face of the camera. A quick smile only for her to close her laptop. Darkness surrounds...

Jon McAdams
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 13th 2016, 12:17 am by Jon McAdams
Jon McAdams
The Survivor
Voltage Promo #3
EAW Promoz! - Page 5 Tumblr_oc40bm22pP1sbzhteo1_500
The Tactician

McAdams is sitting at the bar within his hotel suite with a drink in his hand. He is grasping at his chest and looking away from the camera. He dramatically throws his head towards heaving as he does.

“Alonzo… Oh Alonzo… You’ve figured it out. You’ve cracked the code! It is true!” McAdams throws his hands into the air, clenches his fist and brings it down to his side. This whole time… I’ve just been afraid… I’ve just been afraid to face my fears. Yes… You’re figured me out. You’ve figured out that I’m deeply hurt about my parents. You’ve figured out that I’m upset because people chant your name!”

McAdams throws back his drink into his mouth and turns to the camera.

“How are you so brilliant, cunning, and clever! How are you able to penetrate my outer core?! Your words, they’ve touched my heart. I am a changed man! You have shown me the light and now I AM FREE! So how? How were you able to figure me out?” McAdams drops to his knees, before looking up at the camera with unimpressed eyes. “Probably because I made it pretty clear that I hate my parents. And probably because I was very open about the fact that you don’t deserve those cheers. Alonzo. You’ve never even won a match here and the crowd cheers? No. I don’t think so. You’re mistaken, friend. Here’s the thing, PWC is the greatest thing going in EAW today and this crowd will see it or they will be made to see it. I do hate you Alonzo, but I am not controlled by my emotions. You'll be destroyed simply cause you're in my way”

McAdams stands up pulling his cane out from the back and swinging it about.

“You don’t know me. You think you do. You think you have me pegged and that’s great. But Alonzo I am not some rage induced fool who you’re going to step into the ring with and non chalantly beat. I’ve watched your matches, your development matches, your time spent honing your craft and I have learned about you because I am a tactician in the ring. I am the kind of man who knows how my enemy thinks and will dance around the fight you bring. Alonzo, when you get in the ring with me on sunday, I know what you’re going to do and how you’ll fight and I also know that between the two of us. Only one of us will literally do ANYTHING to win. You’ve got this persona to uphold, and this honor to maintain. This sad idea that things will go your way if you just think positively. PWC has no such qualms. Your mind won’t save you, and your honor will be the end of you here. No one has ever made it to the top without breaking their code and those that claim they have are liars.

You say I’m behind and that unity has surpassed me… Son. PWC is the future of this business. We ARE this business. You’re a dying breed of wrestler that still believes in the fairy tale of staying true to the fans and appeasing the masses and it ends how it always does. You will be alone, you will be without hope and you will turn on the ones that you claimed to love. This isn’t rhetoric or to get in your head. It’s the truth. In the end, the people will always turn on you. I don’t need to get in your head Alonzo. I don’t need to lie to you here. The truth is far more crushing, and you will soon realize it as this match ends and your body is broken on the canvas and no one is coming to your aid as PWC, the tag team of Mike Showman and Jon McAdams are beating you relentlessly and leaving you crippled in the center of the ring. First they will boo, then they will go silent. Then they will wait for your body to be peeled off the mat and brough to the back so that they can go on enjoying their show.

Rage? No. I have no rage at this time. Calm, honest, passionate hatred however does fill my heart. It drives me forward to do what it takes to beat you. By the way, my name is McAdams, not MICKEY.” McAdams roars, before calming himself again. “How dare you disrespect me further. How dare you disrespect PWC! I said you were like new money and you further prove my point with your disrespect. You are classless and the truth comes out because only a thief would steal, and whether you did or didn’t. It no longer matters. I hope you did more than parade yourself around with your fans this week. I hope you come ready to bring it tomorrow because Showman and I have been salivating with anticipation at the thought of what we get to do. We’re sending a message to every young hopeful in the locker room. We’re the new top dogs. Get in line or get destroyed. Ahren got a taste, but we're going to make an example out of you Alonzo.

You can’t touch the PWC, we’re a class above.
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