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EAW Promoz! :: Comments

Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 12th 2016, 11:48 pm by Nadine
pussy pussy pussy marijuana i wanna smoke weed every day and im gonna eat that pussy good

> meme  :win:
Alonzo Calrissian
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 12th 2016, 11:29 pm by Alonzo Calrissian
A long time ago, in a galaxy far,
far away....

EAW Promoz! - Page 6 Calchr10

Episode II

The Corellian Two Step

Alonzo Calrissian has been attacked and accused of criminal activities by the Sith Lord Jon McAdams. There is no proof but the Guardian of the Galaxy's character has been attacked.

His reputation on the verge of being tarnished forever, Alonzo Calrissian seeks only to prove himself at VOLTAGE.

Currently, the Cloud City Champion sits in his temporary residence on LISBON awaiting the opportunity to speak to his unworthy opponent...

EAW Promoz! - Page 6 Cfcf3310

"It's the night before Voltage..."

Alonzo's voice can be heard but he's not looking into the camera as everything comes into focus. Instead, he seems to be huddled over the table that he's working at. His hands are hard at work with something he's focused on. Still, though, he knows it's time to address his Citizens so that's what he's going to do.

"Do you know where you're credit cards are?"

Alonzo looks up with a quick smile and then is back to work. And back to talkin' shit.

"What's up, Cloud City! Let me start things off by saying something that I shouldn't have to say. But since some people think I'm a criminal, I find myself having to stand up for my right to be a clever bastard."

Alonzo looks up and plants his serious face on. He stares right into the camera to make it very clear that he's appealing to his fandom.

"I am not a crook. I repeat, I am not a crook. I am not a thief. I did not have criminal relations with Jon McAdams' Credit Card. These accusations are false, unwarranted and if I do say so myself, a little lacking in... hm, what's the word?" Alonzo smiles. "Oh yeah. Class."

"Listen, here's the thing, Mickey. As much as I would love to take credit for whoever stole your stuff, I can't. I don't take things that don't belong to me. My line of work is a bit more artistic than that."

Alonzo holds up the credit card from the other day in front of the camera. It looks about as real as possible. He then grins as he raises a pair of tweezers up to grab at a corner of the card.

"I deal more in the realm of the Jedi Mind Tricks..."

As if to punctuate his point Alonzo pulls on the corner of the credit card and peels away a clear strip of 'label maker tape', peeling off the 'Jon McAdams' name with it. The name left on the card reads: 'I. Gotcha'. Alonzo flips the card around a couple times before dropping it down to the table.

"Here's what I want to do for you, Mickey. I want to apologize. I didn't mean for my prank to put you in such a precarious position. I never meant any harm. It was all in good fun! Something that I think you haven't actually been able to have in your life. Your sordid and brutal past? That sucks, man. Seriously. I didn't know any of that and I really wish you didn't have to go through the things you did. But that really makes everything more clear. I understand why you've been drawn to the Dark Side. I understand you."

"You're afraid. You're afraid to lose. You're afraid that if you let your guard down, you'll be bested and you'll lose everything you've worked so hard to accomplish. You're afraid that when it comes to being a star you're not going to shine as brightly as the rest of us. You're afraid that you'll never be anything but alone. That's why you surround yourself with random women that barely pay attention when you speak. That's why you're dragging your apprentice with you to Voltage. You're afraid that you're going to lose to a snot-nosed brat without a care in the world. And I get it. That could be a crippling fear for someone like you. And that fear leads you down an angry path."

"That's why you're so mad, so furious, so angry at me. Well, maybe you're not actually angry with me. If I was to make a guess, I'd say you're pissed at your parents for abandoning you. But I'm definitely not a qualified psychologist so don't quote me on that. No, I think your anger stems from a real place but you're angry about something much more trivial right now. You're angry that no matter what happens at Voltage tomorrow night, I'm going to climb out of that ring a winner. Not because I've bested you in physical combat, though, that's what I'm plannin' to do. But because I'm going to be walking away from that ring to a chorus of my Cloud City Citizens chanting my name. You're mad at the way we all stand up for each other. This generation, my generation, has taken over. We've transcended the need for labels. The need for socio-economic trials and tribulations. We've moved on to inclusion and unity. You're pissed that we left you in the stone age. I'm sorry for that."

"That anger, though, man-- that's the kicker right there. That has taken you over the edge and put you into the heart of what makes a Sith tick. Hatred. You barely even know me and I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you hate me. Which is fine. Sometimes I look in the mirror and I don't like what I see. But it has to be deeper than that, right? You can't possibly hate me with that much passion without there being some underlying issues. Issues that I can't help you work out. You've said, basically, that you want to kill me. That's some dark shit, man. Seriously. But I get it. You need an outlet. And this business, this sports entertainment, that's your outlet. So go on. Let it out."

"Let me be perfectly clear here, Micks. Because I want you to know that you don't have to go down this road. And hear me when I say this because I think if a lot of people had someone tell them what I'm about to tell you... then maybe they wouldn't be in the Dark like you." Alonzo squares up at the screen a bit. "Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. Remember that."

Alonzo gives a shake of his head and throws his smile back on. He's been talking pretty seriously for the last few minutes and now it's time to lighten things back up.

"So where do we stand? You've all but said that you and your apprentice are going to do everything in your power to end my career on Sunday. You two are looking to put a hurting on me the likes of which I have never felt! You guys are going to make me wish I had never been born, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Not to mention that I'm already coming off a hard loss during my debut match on Voltage. There's more though, right?  I'm a thief, according to you. I have no class. I'm either New Money or got No Money, I can't figure out which one you want to go with but there's that. Oh and also that my Cloud City Citizens won't be there for me if I lose. That-- that's a lot of stuff, Mickey. A lot. Like, you really got the deck stacked. The odds are against me on this one."

Alonzo stands and as he does there's a shot of his shirt. His shirt that reads: No Money? No Class? No Problem. Welcome to Cloud City. Alonzo grabs the phone and makes sure that the shot is featuring his big ol' smile. He grins at everyone watching.

"And if there's one thing you're gonna' learn about me on Sunday Night, Mickey, it's this..."

This is just a dramatic pause for visualization purposes only.

"Never Tell Me The Odds."
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 12th 2016, 3:20 pm by Impact
A mere week separates me from reaching the promise land and becoming World Champion for the first time in three years — catching the elusive white whale that is seven reigns in the process. Three weeks ago on Voltage, I lost to Matt Miles by countout. I can sit here and try to make excuses, but the fact is that he was the better man. On that night. But what that match made me privy to is the fact that changes were needed. If I’m going to win the World Championship, and rest assured, I’m going to win the World Championship, I needed to reignite my fire. That fire that allowed me to capture six World Championships and shepherd Generation Genesis and Hexa-gun to dominance in every match. That fire that enabled me to survive through an onslaught of thirty-nine other fierce competitors all for one purpose — winning the Grand Rampage. As I was, I wasn’t going to win any championship, let alone the EAW Championship. So when I’m penning letter after letter thanking everybody on my path to seven World Championship reigns, I’ll see to it that Matt Miles receives the most personalized letter of all. I’ll thank him for putting me back on the right track, even at the expense of his own flower’s blossom. I don’t need the critics and pundits to fuel me — all I need is my enemies. All I need is the simple sight of that EAW Championship currently wrapped around Aren Mstislav’s waist. Since I lost to Matt Miles, the changes have been evident. I dominated former EAW Champion Vic Vendetta. He wasn’t even a challenge for me. I sent that greenhorn newcomer — I think his name was Nostalgia — packing straight back down to the outhouse from whence he came. I brutalized and bloodied him, and to tell you the truth? I didn’t do it because I had any personal grudge against him. Of course not — it was never anything personal. I did it to regain my edge, to reignite my fire, and to use a pawn in my game as an example of the exact thing that will happen to Matt Miles and Aren Mstislav when they square off with me at Shock Value. Truth be told, I don’t have anything against Matt Miles. I don’t like him. I don’t think he’s an exceptional wrestler. I still stand by the belief that he’s an underachiever. Everyone attributes their lack of success to a lack of opportunities. The way I see it, if you don’t have those opportunities it’s because you aren’t valued as a top-tier talent. Every underachiever fancies themselves a diamond in the rough, but very few are ever able to satisfy their own expectations because they’re too busy talking about what they could do instead of gripping the bull by the horns. Matt Miles has essentially had this opportunity handed to him; he didn’t do anything special this year to earn his chance at the holy grail, yet he wants to cry foul about my inclusion in the match as if I don’t deserve it when the EAW Champion himself hasn’t been able to beat me. If you ask me, he should make sure to clean those dirty-ass hands of his before he goes pointing his fingers at other people and accusing them of that which he is guilty. But, of course, I’ve been around long enough to know that it’s the nature of the beast. Everyone participates in the blame game, the winners are vindicated, and the losers wind up being forgotten relics in the sands of time. It’s a cycle that’s been perpetuated throughout EAW’s history, and yet nobody seems to respect the fact that I’m an outlier — certainly not Matt Miles. I’ve gone against the grain my entire career. I’ve shunned the latest trends that sooner or later go out of style, and by doing so, I made myself a constant. I don’t go out of style or wear through the seasons or ages. Other wrestlers catch a buzz, and then they wake up one morning and suddenly realize their careers aren’t advancing. They became popular because of a shtick, and because they appealed as niche performers, they were relegated and later forgotten. That describes my opponent on Voltage to a T. Marco Fedor appealed to the hippie demographic who watch EAW for whatever reason —  I imagine to protest the violence — and he did something no one else was doing. He advocated for a non-violent approach to resolve his disputes. He still does, and yet his brainless on-again off-again partner Keelan Cetnich apparently hasn’t realized that Marco is dragging him down. Am I trying to drive a wedge between their partnership? No. This time next week, I’ll be the EAW Champion. I’ll be the history-making seven-time World Champion. I have bigger fish to fry; that’s obvious to anyone who’s been watching. When it comes to Marco Fedor and Keelan Cetnich, I’m just stating the obvious — saying what no one else cares enough about them to say. The pacifist Marco Fedor is an anti-teacher to every bright new elitist coming up in this industry, an example of what you shouldn’t be; a sideshow. I’m the main show. Every single week. Whether I’m annihilating former World Champions like Vic Vendetta, destroying entitled nobodies like Nostalgia, or taking Phoenix Winterborn off television with a brutal beating — I am the main attraction. I’m The Machine the audiences paid to see, because they know if I’m scheduled in a match, there’s no question they’ll get their money’s worth. And you can bet your ass that when Marco Fedor locks horns with me in that ring, he’s going to have to earn every penny of his contract.
Ryan Marx
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 12th 2016, 8:58 am by Ryan Marx
Character Development Promo – The Rite of Passage

We see footage from after Ryan Marx's victory at Showdown: Rite of Passage. As he sits in the lockerroom, a towel pressed against his bleeding forehead, the camera focusses on him. Judging by the slightly tilted angle, shakiness of the footage and the fact that part of the screen is blocked by what appears to be the lockerroom door, this is presumably a more candid recording of the Philosopher.

I told them all that I'd win.

He's clearly talking to someone, though whoever it is is hidden behind the door.

Of course I was going to win. It was inevitable. If anyone actually believed Ryder stood a chance...

He trails off and laughs. Composing himself, Ryan looks at his associate and grins – it's probably the most genuine smile that anyone has ever seen from him.

Now I've gotten rid of that dead weight, I can move on.
We can move on. There's still much to be done, but I know it can be achieved.

Ryan slowly turns his head, looking from his associate to the camera. He stares it down, and the camera stops its shaking as the person behind it freezes.

You're not very sly, you know. Trying to get your exclusive? Here's something for you:
I'll get what I deserve.

Ryan glances back to his associate and nods toward the door. Within a couple of seconds, the door closes on the camera. Ryan's sinister smirk makes an appearance before the footage goes dark and cuts away.

A new scene opens up, and we are presented with a wide, open clearing. Ryan sits before it, occupying a shabby wooden chair that needs more than a few new coats of paint. There's a light morning mist in the air and a certain coldness to everything within the frame, from the pallid green grass to the smoke-grey sky. The camera refocusses from the clearing to Ryan himself, though he pays it no attention, instead staring out into the open emptiness. On his face is an expression of deep thought, as well as a small bandage on his forehead from where he was busted open during the match with Ryder.

I've been thinking a lot as of late. Well, I think a lot anyway, but recently I've been considering thoughts of a different nature. My rite of passage has been successful. I'm able to look at myself once more and see something other than a failure, a vessel of untapped potential. I proved to everyone, including myself, that I am capable of leading this world into something new. My rite of passage has signalled my metamorphosis into the messiah I have spoken of in the past. This transformation is one of a more subtle nature – it is not the same as some others in EAW have undergone, nor will it be as noticeable to those with denser minds. But that doesn't mean it does not exist. My change is boiling under the surface, eating me up from the inside and leaving in its wake a more whole man.

Ryan glances over his shoulder at the house behind him, and then looks back out into the clearing.

My world is already changing, both physically and metaphorically. It is the dawn of a new day – no, a new era. Now that I have moved past changing myself, I can fully focus on changing this world. And just as I did with the self-made marks within me, I will scar this world and heal it into what it should be. Now, I can truly understand what I must do. Of course, I was aware of my goals before, but after proving everyone and their doubts wrong at Rite of Passage, I now feel that I can achieve everything in my sights.

I will take what I deserve, what I should be receiving from today onward. No one will be able to stop me from reaching out and grabbing everything and anything I want. There's two reasons for that, two things that cannot be stopped: the inevitable, and time. Time will pass most people within this company by – if it hasn't already – and it will lead the rest into my inevitable future. Because now that I can look into my own face, there's nothing stopping the rest of you from doing the same. And soon, when I claim all of the influence that I can within EAW, you will have nothing left to do except stare into my vision and visage.

A pause as Ryan continues to look out into the clearing in silence, a smile on his face.

Well, there would be something else for you to do. You could scream out into the endless void, cry out into the desolate wasteland of the forgotten parts of my world. But you wouldn't be heard. You wouldn't even be silenced. You would just be there, wallowing in your despair and my all-encompassing shadow.

For the first time in this promo, Ryan looks to the camera, still smiling. The camera begins to glitch, and the symbol of the Five Pillars can be seen flickering onto the screen as it becomes more distorted.

It's a beautiful future, isn't it?

Cut to static. Fade to black.
Laura Laine
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 12th 2016, 8:46 am by Laura Laine
(Laura Laine Debut Promo)

The camera opens up to a public gym in where it was so packed that it was hard to find a spot to any sort of weightlifting. The walls were painted a solid white and the lights were dim. At the corner of the gym stood a petite young woman wearing a grey sweatshirt with the hood over her short black hair. Her fists tied up as she kept pounding at the punching bag, it was nearly taller than her, but certainly heavier.


The screen cuts to a close up of the woman's face again as she was sitting on a bench alone in a room. She had her hands in front of her curled together and still in the white hockey tape.

“My name has and always will be, Laura Laine.”


The camera shows off a montage of her performing in smaller arenas, all of which set to “Accidents” by Alexisonfire. The first clip is of her hitting a taller opponent with a hip toss.
The second is of her locking another opponent in an ankle lock.

“I, um, come from just outside Calgary,”

A third clip shows off Laura delivering a chop to the chest of a cornered opponent. Her narration continued.

“I traveled the world with guys like James Knight, Eddie Case, Kelly Hackenschmidt and Jakob DeLion and all that lot.”

The camera then cuts to an image of Jakob DeLion, Kelly and Laura altogether in one picture.

“Guess you can say I’m the uh, Tomboy of the bunch so to say, you know, I was always seen as 'One of the Guys’ so-to say.”

The camera cut back to Laura as she looked up at the camera, followed by a small laugh.

A set of white subtitles read.
“What do you think is the biggest problem with wrestlers today?” as a voice speaks from the background.

Laura grimaces.

“So many matches won by a quick pinfall. I don't know, I uh, always felt a lot more comfortable putting my opponents through submission holds. It's like, oh, I may not have this Amazon or Barbie figure, but I’m really skinny, really quick and know how to lock your body into so many different submission holds that it's practically not even funny anymore.”

Another clip plays of Laura hitting a woman with a flat liner, followed by another clip of her locking on her finisher, The Laurafication; a bridging cross-face.

“Now, when you have a move that you find always works no-matter how many times you use it, why stop using it? Just why I will probably never actually stop using my bridging cross-face. It's perhaps a move that always has a resolve. You know, it takes so many holds for someone to tap, sometimes you gotta lock the move in at least two to three times just make a girl tap, that's not the case for a move I call the Laurafication.”

The clip continues of Laura arching her back up as the opponent is just about ready to tap.

“Mainly because, at the end of the match they usually only have two options. Tap out,”

The woman in the video clip suddenly starts to tap and Laura breaks the hold.

“Or pass out.”

The camera cuts back to sitting alone in the room where she talks to the camera.

“In school I was, never really the best student. Or even the most likeable woman so to say, never really had any actual friends that I talked with on a regular basis until I got onto the independent scene. But eh, honestly I wasn't the best student either. Not some grade-A honor roll student but at least I got to graduate, neither of my parents actually got to graduate, my mom was in…. Her third year when she found out I was on the way? And my father got expelled because he got caught selling booze to other students. Guess it was only right that I did something that the rest of the family didn't do. But I didn't want to go to college. Part of me told me I wasn't gonna get accepted anyway. Pro wrestling practically was what I wanted to do for the majority of my life. And that was pro-wrestling. I guess it was an escape for all that has happened in my life. I know that out on the streets I could end up working in some factory or worse, but out here I could probably be perhaps one of the best things to happen to a whole sport. That to me was what I was going for. I wanted to do something with my life that actually mattered instead of selling some drug off the streets just to make ends meat. Guess you can say all those years paid off.”

She looked back up at the camera, still a very serious look on her face. In the background a voice continues as the subtitles read; “What is your main goal here in EAW?”

“To be the best damn wrestler possible. The Vixen's division is already loaded with women like Sheridan Muller who much like me aren't just some pretty little face. In fact honestly I’m barely that either. But although I can barely look up at the other women, I can assure you that I can make them tap!”

The camera fades on a clip of Laura having her arm raised up by an independent level referee. Underneath it is a lettering that reads “Laura Laine debuts on Empire in 2 weeks”
Jon McAdams
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 12th 2016, 3:32 am by Jon McAdams
Jon McAdams
The Survivor
Voltage Promo #2

EAW Promoz! - Page 6 Pwc11

Naive/A Class Above

Jon McAdams is stroking his chin and staring out over the balcony of the his hotel suite. He is sitting on a gaudy gold and velvet chair before nodding his head.

“Alright, Alonzo,” McAdams sighs. “You got me. I didn’t realize it was you who I handed my card too… but I hope you realize that’s thievery. Hardly the antics of a man of the people. What kind of example are you setting to those who look up to you.”

McAdams stands up and strolls across the room, picking up his cell phone and reading a text from Mike Showman. McAdams nods.

“You have no idea who you’re dealing with, Alonzo,” McAdams looks over at the camera. “I’m not the kind of person you can mess with and certainly not someone you should steal from. This all comes full circle of course. You’re someone with no class. You’re someone with no taste. You’re someone who doesn’t care about the repercussions of your actions and that’s ok. You want to steal from me? That’s fine. You’re going to feel it where it really counts this Sunday.

Let me take this from the top. You are naive. You are naive to think that you can relate to me. You are naive to think that this Sunday will be just another match. You’re naive to think that we’re all united and similar. We couldn’t be any farther apart. I was born into harsh environment and now I’m a king. You? You’re right. You’re nothing special. And don’t you cry to me about parent’s not being around to raise you. I was an Orphan. I was treated like a dog. I was nothing and now I’m everything and the people put me down or who walked all over me. They’re gone now. Any person who has ever gotten in my way, I’ve crushed. Any person who thinks they’ve got the edge over me has no idea who they are dealing with.

I’m not your bullies, break ups, or bad news, I’m not like any hardship you’ve ever seen. I don’t fight just to win. I fight to break people. I fight to humiliate people. I fight to show the whole world that myself and Mike Showman are a class above.

Alonzo Calrissian

Your cavalier attitude pisses me off. You talk big and speak about the heart that you have for this business and I must tell you. You are naive to think that this will get you through this match. You are naive to think that you have nothing to lose this Sunday. PWC does not just beat people. I am a dangerous man Alonzo, and I give you this warning because you should know that you’re fighting someone who does not take kindly to insults, and thievery. You’ve used my resources without my permission and I’m going to make you pay for that. You’re not just fighting another match on Sunday, you’re not just having a good time with the fans and putting on a great show. You’re fighting for your life.

Mike Showman is not my apprentice. He is my tag team partner. He is one half of PWC and he is just as dangerous as I am. He has singlehandedly demolished each of his opponents. He is a wrecking ball in this business and a powerful man. He is a class far above anything you’ve ever faced and you should be honored that he would even come out and watch your match. The kind of people I surround myself with are the best in the world. When we come together we leave people in the ring unable to stand. Unable to fight back. You will be overwhelmed.

You will not beat me on Sunday and even if you somehow steal that win from me… Well, you won’t be walking out of that ring and dancing your way to the back. You’re new here. So I think it’s best you learn now to respect those who are a class above you now. It’s best you learn the hard truth about this business. It is cruel and it is unforgiving and there is no bright and shiny medal at the end of this. Just blood and sacrifice and sadness. Your time here will be bleak and short. I will make sure of it. Alonzo. Your best bet, this sunday, is to come to the ring and lay down on the mat, apologize for stealing from Jon McAdams, taking the pinfall, and slinking back to watching the business from your tiny TV set at home.

In fact, I’ll give you that option. I’ll forgive you of all your tresspasses and all you have to do is grovel before me in front of all your fans and realize you just don’t have the class to stand up to me. That the garbage that you spewed at your fans is lies. That material does matter. Titles do matter. Wins do matter. Power does matter. Class is everything. You do that and no harm will come to you. You’ll get to go home untouched, intact, live your life. But if you come down to that ring to fight, you will get inside and realize you’re fighting uphill, unarmed, and weighed down by the silly ideals that you think will carry you hear in this business. Give it time son. Think about it.

Because either way your fans will leave you when we beat you. Either way, your fans will realize that everything you said is false and all their hope is gone because your cloud city citizens will know that they are the lower class. They will respect us because they have no choice but too. They will worship us because they have no choice too. Because every one of their heroes that stepped up to us met a very sad end.

Alonzo Calrissian. Make your choice son. Either way this will be a painful lesson for you.

PWC is coming for you. Your Dream is over.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 12th 2016, 12:43 am by showster26
Voltage #3

Lisbon, Portugal, Saturday, 1:15 a.m.

(The scene opens on a blacked out screen.)

???: "Let all those who have ears, pay attention to the words that I speak. For they are not my own. They are the words of those who have sent me."

(The cuts to a room. The walls are black and nondescript. The only illumination comes from a single light bulb hanging overhead. And standing in the middle of the room, framed in a tight close up shot, is the man the world knows as Solomon Caine.)

Caine: "How does one reason with those who refuse to be reasoned with? How does one bring comprehension to those who refuse learn? The answer is, If they will not learn thru words, then they will learn thru punishment. They will be beaten and broken until they either learn or die. Contemplate this Jakob. Let your thoughts dwell upon this message. Do not close off your mind to the lesson my masters are presenting you, or it shall be not just your doom, but your eternal damnation. Because for too long you have lived like a fool. You have heard my words, but you refuse to listen. Your eyes have sight, but you refuse to see. Instead you choose to blind yourself with your own vain glory. You commit atrocities that you hope will drown out the whispers of my masters, with the cheers of hypocrites who are no better than you. You have devoted your heart, mind, body, and spirt to the pursuit of glory within a meaningless distraction that has consumed not only you, but the ones whom you refer to as family. And now, you stand before your ultimate purpose, you still rejoice in your wickedness. You have proclaimed and boasted of the evils that your hands have built. You laugh and cheer the corruption with which you have infected countless masses. You have denied my masters for far too long, and if you continue to do so, they will pour out their vengeance upon you.


(Caine takes a deep breath. The expression in his face turns to one of contempt, and anger. Of disappointment and despair.)

Caine: "your end will beset you swiftly. It will surround you in an instant. And when it does, you will come together know an eternity of pain. A never ending nightmare from which you will have absolutely no hope of ever escaping. You and all whom you hold dear, shall weep bitter tear that will fill an ocean, as you Witness everything you have all worked so hard for, crumble to your feet.

On the great day that the glorious reign falls upon the earth, they shall scrape away the putrid heathens off the face of this world. When they send down the flood of fire, the pathetic wretches will not have anywhere to turn to for salvation. They will have no delusions of their inevitable destruction. And as the flesh is burned away from their bodies, they will scream for the demon of death to grace them with mercy. But death shall turn and leave them to wallow in the muck of their own misery! just as they have turned from the call of those who sent me. Just like you have turned Jakob. You will be counted alongside the weak, inept, and sick filth. On that day you will not be able to boast, or beg, or plead. They will not come with the slightest ounce of mercy to give you, nor will they have even the smallest measure of remorse, when they erase away your foul stain.

Now have you heard me Jakob? Have you finally realized what horrors are in store for you? Have you taken their words to heart? Or have you once again discarded all that I have spoken? Have you turned away from your wickedness, or have you clung to it even more tightly? Have your eyes seen the truth? OR HAVE YOU CHOSEN TO GOUGE THEM OUT SO YOU CAN REMAIN BLIND FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS UNTIL YOU HAVE DESTROYED BY THE FIRE?! THE HOUR IS DRAWING EVER CLOSER, YOU WILL BE SACRIFICED, AND THOSE WHO HAVE SENT ME WILL TAKE ANOTHER STEP TOWARD THEIR GLORIOUS REIGN UPON THIS EARTH!

Whether you choose to believe me or not, you will soon see that no one can stand in the way of their will. Not you, not me, NO ONE! They have chosen me to demonstrate the works of their power, and I must oblige. May glory and honor be heaped upon my masters names. May their fire purify this entire world. And May they be pleased when the one whom they've sent, offers them sacrifice. All these thing that I have told, they must be so."
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 11th 2016, 8:58 pm by Rex32
Showdown Promo # 4
"Perch By Perch"

Who would have thought it to be true? One year it’s been since this elitist stepped into the thick of it, the Mount Olympus of Wrestling, wrestling’s version of the Dragon’s den. A WHOLE YEAR; and I know to nobody else, especially the long standing veteran Elitists and Legends living or retired, that an accomplishment like that means next to nothing. Many will say try staying here three years, four years, five, six and so forth, and to that I would say “look out”, as in keep an eye out as we go into the future many years down the line and keep an eye out for this Elitist. A lot of guys that broke in to EAW around the time I did, most of them are gone now. Some seemingly had the potential to do great things I think. The problem was they just didn’t want work at it. Most of them likely came in with a certain impression of how this place was going to be, and how it was going to impact their respective careers. I mean you all that have been here forever have seen it all before, I’m sure. Some simply had bad attitudes, and too much of this sense of entitlement, that held them back from reaching their full potential. It’s quite gratifying to be able to prove many naysayers wrong over and over and over again. Just when they think after a heartbreak loss that they had seen the last of me? It was that exact thought of them thinking that of me that would always motivate me to keep coming back again and again just to let them all know that they can’t defeat me. It lets them know that they can’t dictate or predict how my career is going to pan out, because only I can do that. That’s why Showdown this week, it’s so important that I do just that again. Those same people that predicted that Chris Elite would retain the New Breed Championship at Showdown: Rite of Passage, the same ones that may believe perhaps that everything just happened to fall into the right place for me, that my big win was merely the byproduct of being in the right place at the right time? They will be proven wrong on Showdown. All the careful planning that went into finally capturing this belt, planning that involved making an emphatic statement to Chris several weeks ago on Showdown by attacking him after his match, to quietly working my way through the different competitors one by one each week going into Rite of Passage in Alamo City. It all proved to work out for the best, and that is what those people have seen, and that is what gives them reason to cheer Chris and hope for him to come through this week. So in a way, it won’t be just Chris that stands in my way of retaining the New Breed Championship this Saturday, but also a packed house full of Chris Elite fans, and that’s fine, because no matter the odds, I’ve overcome it before and I will find a way to do it again in Tulsa. The constant persistence to go out every week still facing the doubters and the naysayers keeps this elitist strong mentally. I never said that I have everything figured out. This Saturday is going to be another week of proving my worth, and going forward, whether I still hold this title or not, nothing changes. The fact that this elitist still flies largely under the radar, but keeps improving and evolving is enough reason to come tune into the match of this week, so don’t miss it.

The New Breed Championship belt, it doesn’t hold the same value that maybe the other titles do, and there is certainly evidence to support that with some of the guys that have held the belt this year. Chris was the exception though. He came into Showdown this year determined to continue making a name for himself, and that’s exactly what he did right from the start. Winning the New Breed Championship helped in this department greatly. Now, I’m not going to make any bold proclamations as it pertains to the belt I currently hold, but a while back, all the way back in Season nine in fact, I had stated what my mission objectives were in the Land of The Elite. The first was surviving. The next was thriving. The last one I left with question marks, but I did that because I hadn’t accomplished it yet, but I knew that I always would. That objective was to capture…wait for it, wait for it…the respect of my peers. Oh, did you think I was going to say EAW gold? You did, didn’t you? See, that was something that wasn’t there at all last season, respect. There was always encouragement, and that sincere pat on the back, but the respect? That was something that I had yet to earn from them. Slowly but surely the respect has been growing with each passing month now it seems. It inspires and motivates me a great deal. It doesn’t change anything though with how I will approach things going forward. This season has been filled with triumphs and setbacks, and if that’s how it has to be just to get to where it is I need to get to in this journey, then so be it. It’s like I said already, Chris Elite is a very talented, and is very capable of turning the tables this week and setting the sails in his favor, and if all goes right for him then he becomes a two time New Breed Champion. Unlike any of our previous encounters though, I think the mutual respect factor is finally there. I’ve always thought Chris was talented, but his attitude was one that was easy to loath, and you could tell he would eat it up before, the hate. I want Chris to come at me with everything he’s got and leave nothing on the table tomorrow night, and I know he will. I want to see that hunger he says we can expect from him. I want him to show me he can take me to my limits, and perhaps prove in the middle of the ring that he can defeat me. If this just so happens to be another setback, then you can bet this Elitist will just come back a whole lot bigger, better and stronger just as he has in the past. However, if I triumph over Chris on Showdown, then I will walk away filling satisfied, but not just because of the win, but because I knew I beat Chris at his one-hundred percent absolute best from start to finish. One of the things Chris mentioned in his original video feed following Rite of Passage this past Saturday was that if I wanted him out of the picture that I would try my hardest to eliminate him from the picture, and that’s just what I’ve done this week, but you know, if he can overcome seven years of waiting to finally win a championship, then he can certainly overcome seven days, and that is something I expect, and hopefully when it is all said and done THAT is something I can overcome and still be walking away the New Breed Champion.

Going forward, just like the first 365 days, I'll get knocked on my ass quite a bit more. I'll continue to jump through all your hoops, play your games, and accept all it, and rest assured it won't be in vain. All these trials are going to is build a much better Elitist of stronger resolve, and will. It is always important to know when something has reached its end. Closing circles, shutting doors, finishing chapters, it doesn't matter what we call it; what matters is to leave in the past those moments in our career that are over. Chris Elite’s time at the top of the New Breed division came to a head at Showdown: Rite of Passage. The complexion of the division changed that night, and with it the course of two careers destined to take off sooner rather than later. Either way the New Breed championship left the Alamo City in good hands, and is back to respectability. Tomorrow night, like I've already stated, isn’t the beginning but the continuation of the long long climb up that mountain perch by perch. I wouldn't want it any other way.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 11th 2016, 8:15 pm by ThatChapChristo
How A Gentleman Should Be (Showdown Promo)

The scene opens in the trainer’s room from about two weeks ago on Showdown, there are sounds of a scuffle being heard and we see it’s because Mortimer Gotch is seated on the examination table being held down by several medical officials and having quite the heated debate

“Let me go, Let me go I say! I don’t need any of this fancy schmancy medical examination business! All I need is a roll of gauze and a bottle of scotch and I’ll be on my way!”

Mortimer tries his best to squirm out of the way of the medic’s grasps but falls short as the doctor enters the room, sighing heavily and removing his glasses before beginning to speak.

“Mister Gotch how do I put this delicately? This isn’t the 1920’s anymore! You can’t simply patch your wounds and scars with a mouthful of alcohol and a kind word, now if you want to keep competing here shut up and let me do my job!”

After hearing the doctor’s harsh command Mortimer relents and ceases to struggle, shoulders slumping ever so slightly as the doctor continues his examination. He shines a small flashlight into Mortimer’s eyes and tests his reflexes, after a while he stops his tests and claps his hands together.

“I’d consider myself lucky if I were you Mortimer, after those kicks by Ryan Marx you’re lucky that you don’t have a concussion. However you should be fine if you just take it easy for the next few days and don’t drink too much okay?”

Mortimer hops off the table and gives the doctor a firm handshake although he still looks rather defeated

“Thanks doc, it’s good to know that a rough and tumble chap like myself has a head of stone and a clean bill of health.”

The doctor smiles and accepts the handshake while noticing the slightly melancholy body language exhibited by Mortimer.

“Hey cheer up Mortimer, I may have said this isn’t the 1920’s anymore but that doesn’t mean you can’t still make the world a nicer place and be a proper gentleman you just might want to get with the times y’know?”

Mortimer smiles as he turns to head out the door opening the door and saluting the doctor with a tip of his cap.

“Yeah doc I hear ya loud and clear…...cheers.”

Sometime later we catch back up with Mortimer in his apartment who is busy pacing around looking rather flustered he paces for several more moments before the loud boisterous voice of the announcer fills the room.

“Say Mortimer you look down! What’s wrong chap?”

Mortimer, startled by the sudden new voice snaps out of his trance begins looking around til the announcer speaks again

“Silly me, look over this way! Right in front of you!”

Mortimer glances over to the dead center and nods tipping his hat before starting to speak

“Well chap I’m just a little disappointed in myself, not just because I lost to Ryan Marx; That’s nothing. I’m in a tizzy because I can’t believe I let him get under my skin like he did! I spoke so uncouthly and allowed myself to act like a brute because of it! Now I have to worry about my upcoming contest against Terry Chambers as well. Consarn it!”

Mortimer looking increasingly more and more flustered before throwing his cap on the floor, he quickly picks up his cap before a large book seemingly thrown from out of nowhere lands on the floor next to him. He picks the book up and examines the cover as the lively announcer's voice chimes in again.

“Well Mort have no fear just read through this and you’ll be just fine! Then you’ll renew that fighting spirit and you’ll be able to get back to being a rabble rousing gentleman in no time!”

Mortimer picks up the book bewildered as to where it came from, the book in question is rather weathered and tattered with the title “The Art Of Gentlemanliness” He stares down the cover before speaking once more.

“Well now this isn’t sketchy at all, listening to some random book that seemingly fell from the blasted sky…...But anyways “Lesson 1: A proper Gentleman always treasures  his confidence above all else even the feelings of others” What hogwash is this?? This isn’t being a gentleman! This is one of those glorified self help books…….consarn it!.”

Mortimer slowly sombers over to his bar, pouring out a small glass of bourbon. As the amber liquid runs through the glass Mortimer goes off on his next tangent.

Ya know, I’m getting mighty sick and tired over all these opinions on what being a proper gentleman is like, I’m miffed over the fact that just because I prefer a glass of whiskey and a lively swing dance over tea and a night at the opera. But that’s a story for another time, instead let me focus on my opponent for this week: A rather thickish sort of chap named Terry Chambers and I must say you’re a whiny little runt ain’t ya? I mean honestly chap for a man as large as yourself hearing you throw the temper tantrums is amusing. I mean you lost a match buck up you nancy boy! I came up short against Ryan Marx but I’m not about to start throwing a hissy fit about it, no I’m going to fix my cap, lace up my bootstraps and keep fighting! You see there’s a difference between a man and a boy….. A boy will whine and complain and pester those around him for something he obviously doesn’t deserve while a man will grit his teeth steel his nerves and earn what he feels is his. So instead of blubbering to the constable of this fine institution how about you just put your dukes up and earn it like a man! For a man who refers to himself as “God’s Gift To Wrestling” I certainly hope he kept the receipt.”

Mortimer scoffs before taking a sip of his drink, leaving the glass discarded glass on the bar with a look of fire in his eyes that we haven’t yet seen from him. He tightens his suspenders and continues to speak.

“What I don’t like however is your stunning ignorance. I mean are you that dense? But I hate admit it as thick as you are, you were actually right about one thing: I am a new guy, a fresh faced chap who hit the ground running here in EAW. Now I’m sure you aren’t that dumb so I have to know: How can one improve if one doesn’t learn? So you bet your swollen head that I asked the veterans around here for help! If one can’t master their craft then why bother putting in the effort? Just because you’re more concerned with stroking your ego and complaining about how much of a waste you’ve been doesn’t mean that I can’t absorb all the knowledge I can so I can be better than your brutish mongoloid behind! Sure I may be the smaller man, sure I may be a little behind in the times but I will not stand for you looking down upon the new talent just because you’re ashamed of your irrelevancy! Many if you spent more time training and seeking victory rather than losing every time we wouldn’t be stuck facing off against the new guys would we?  Though you were right about something else as well: I have hit quite the jackpot facing off against you, I’ll be the recipient of a quick and classy win while you get to go back to crying to the GM about how sub-par your skills are.”

Mortimer smiles quite roguishly before returning to the bar and finishing his drink, he slams the glass down and strolls away from the bar heading towards his front door. He stops and puts his jacket on, however he turns around for the final time and begins to speak.

“Am I worried about my contest with Terry Chambers? I’m afraid not. Terry may be stronger like a bull, however I am much faster and at this point you might as well consider me one of those matador chaps. Sure you’ve ended careers and you’ve threatened to crush me between ya fingers, but let’s face it: You’re all talk. Sure you can claim how good you are til ya bone box breaks but that doesn’t make it correct much like Dewey beats Truman! There’s a thing that’s essential for life as a gentleman, something I don’t think you’ve learned: Humility. You’re arrogance is chiefly the reason you’ve been stuck in curtain jerker status...well that and being as useful as a paper bag with a tear in it. How about this chap: Instead of wasting hot air trying to convince the world that you aren’t a gentleman of five outs with no worth, you actually quit being a blowhard and prove it! Put yer dukes up and have a go! You need to realize that you don’t get to demand this round these parts, you pay your dues and work hard like a real man!  By golly I can’t wait to teach you some real manners…...boy.”

With that final world Mortimer tips his hat and whips around the fabrics of his coat making a perfect snap before walking out the door, slamming it behind him and  letting the sound echo throughout the apartment as the screen fades to black.
Cody Marshall
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 11th 2016, 7:31 pm by Cody Marshall
Thank you. Thank you very much, everybody. Sorry to keep you waiting. Complicated business. Complicated. Thank you very much. Today, there is much to be proud of. So much to be proud of. Earlier this week, at Rite of Passage, I defeated The Philly Kid. I showed The Philly Kid the power of the southern working man. The silent majority. A demographic that has been forgotten and trampled on. That is, until Tuesday night. The backbone of this country, working-class families, the silent majority. We made our voices heard November 8th, when we elected Donald Trump as our President! And now I can say without a shadow of a doubt: America's gonna be Great Again! I know Mr. Trump has my back, I campaigned for him, I voted for him, and I know he's gonna restore America to its former glory. Guys like Philly Kid? You didn't see em walking around 10, 15 years ago. I put him in his place. He's just like Hillary Clinton. Crooked Hillary. Because he's a liar, and a hypocrite, in very poor health, a poor role model for our kids, and a disgrace to his nation.

I'm moving on to greener pastures. Sorry if you don't understand what that means, Philly Kid. Only grass you city folk ever see is that reefer you smoke. Hey, it's legal now. Keep puffin' away, Philly Kid. Let the munchies take over your life. No self-discipline. But enough about The Philly Kid. I beat him, and I beat him decisively. My attentions lay solely focused on my opponent tomorrow night, Ryan Savage. What's with the mask, boy? You scared to show off your ugly mug? Or are you some kind of Luchador? I hope you have your green card, buddy. Unbelievable. This is the best EAW's got for me? A has-been who's done nothing but get his ass kicked for the last God-knows-how-many years? Plus you listen to Marilyn Manson, and that guy sucks in every sense of the word. What is it with you guys and Marilyn Manson? Seriously. The guy makes Lil' Wayne look like Shakespeare. Who did the Columbine shooters have at the top of their playlist? Marilyn Manson. Just saying. There are no tough guys who listen to Marilyn Manson. Full stop. Period. You're gonna last one minute in the ring with me. 

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm getting a call from Donald.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 11th 2016, 5:58 pm by Angel.
(Nick Angel is shown sitting in a chair in his personal locker room in the BOK Center.)

Just looking at the upcoming event and I am thinking to myself, after election night I was convinced that Americans are a bunch of stupid people. But you know what? I am also convinced that if there’s anything that could rival the stupidity of the American people that brag just about being number one in everything but elect a president that has no qualifications whatsoever, it is the corporate establishment and how they go on about things in EAW. Just look at the upcoming event that is supposed to transpire in the BOK Center and you see that is EAW really elite? Here you have a match between Philly Kid and Ace Whistler, and if I am being honest? I wouldn’t put it past this stupid company to give Philly Kid or Ace Whistler a world title opportunity before I get a chance just because you sheep are still into the new guy hype machine when they have been consistently failed you time and time again. It wouldn’t surprise me if either Philly Kid or Ace Whistler is the new Phoenix Winterborn or the new Vance Tybull. Terry Chambers going against the Mortimer Gotch sounds like a match you would see broadcasted in some crappy USA Network sponsored promotion. Ryan Savage and Cody Marshall sounds more appealing, but are either really players in the landscape of EAW? Haven’t done anything significant in 2016. Now, I get it why a New Breed Championship might be next to the main event but why on God’s green earth Chris Elite invoking his rematch clause? Whenever I was the Elite Championship, I didn’t invoke my rematch clause against Tomi because I knew the Elite Championship wasn’t going to define me. I was off to better and bigger things and I never looked back. But hey, if someone likes Chris wants a championship to define him even though there are better things to fight for, who is preventing him? And lastly, the main event. Here you have a match that is supposedly once in a lifetime, but is it really? Here you have Devan Dubian who won the “has-been but needing to stay relevant” championship, while on the flip side of the coin, you got Tiberius Jones who is just showing that he can be in the world title picture all he wants, he is never going to be a world champion of mine. Overall, with all that I have stated, do you guys think that EAW is elite? I don’t know if Trump is going to make America great again since America’s greatness is subjective, but EAW’s greatness can easily be debated and you guys are wondering why? It is because the establishment gives you the same cycle over and over again and the barbaric sheep that are the fans keep on selling out crowd….all for what? Mediocre product?  

As much as I am stating the truth that EAW is dishing out a mediocre product, someone has to bring the change that EAW doesn’t want….but NEEDS. Someone needs to bring EAW back from the dark ages of settling for mediocrity and actually aspire to greatness based on common sense. It may not even be a world championship qualifying match, but I can damn well tell everyone that my match between the Pizza Boy and I? It is the foundation of my upcoming quest to take what is mine. The upcoming match between the Pizza Boy and I may not seem much, but I will tell everyone that a victory over the Pizza Boy is not wanted….it is necessary to give much validity to asserting myself to be in the chamber match for EAW. It is necessary because I know the Pizza Boy is well regarded by the fans, the establishment, hell possibly our peers. I know that a win over the Pizza Boy would be a significant statement to the locker room because I defeated a man that was easily in the world title scene not too long ago, meaning that if I defeat Pizza Boy? No one can blame me if I believe that I should be fighting Ares Vendetta based on the logic of me dethroning contenders in order to be the contender to Ares’ crown. I would easily have a powerful argument for being in a qualifying match for the chamber match because I supplanted the notorious usurper in order to become the usurper that dethrone the man that I have business to finish with. 

As much of a joke that I know EAW has become along with this match being significant to me more than anyone else, there is one fact that cannot be disputed. The Pizza Boy and I have never crossed paths whether it is a singles match, a tag team match or whatever creative match the establishment gets to put up. The Pizza Boy and I never get to be in the same ring regardless of how we see the fans, the establishment and the direction this company should be. Perhaps the Pizza Boy and I have hardly been in the same brand ever since we were both in EAW, but you know? Pizza Boy brought up that he stood up to the Omerta or the Hexa-Gun as one of the reasons as to why we hardly crossed paths. But you want to know why we hardly crossed paths at all Pizza Boy? While you were fighting corporate-funded factions as a means to keep the audience interested into an otherwise stagnate product, I was actually calling out the corporation on their bullshit of how they run things. While you were fighting your “noble” battles for the sheeps that want to see the good guys go against these monsters joining up EAW all for the means of wreaking havoc across the landscape of EAW, I was fighting my battle as to why these monsters were even allowed. It is because the corporate establishment saw the Hexa-Gun, the Omerta as money-makers, but it is not like you Pizza Boy were necessarily the innocent bystander. No, for every power struggle between the supposedly innocent bystanders like the Pizza Boy and monsters that no one can relate to such as the Omerta and the Hexa-Gun, there’s a story that is a myth. For every power struggle, both sides are both suited to lie as a means of creating a narrative. And you know what the establishment loves? Narratives. Whoever create the biggest narratives will be at the head of everything and because of you, Pizza Boy, are supposedly the champion of standing up against an evil? You are at the head of everything. You are responsible as to why EAW has become mediocre. You are responsible as to why EAW will keep on pushing a bunch of un-ready rookies only to flame out and be another future endeavor. You are responsible as to why EAW will keep on doing the same vicious cycles as to whoever has the narratives, will be in the epic-center unless the narrative is really truly “The Anti-Establishment against the Establishment”. You are responsible as to why EAW will never live up to greatness because you keep on feeding fans bullshit that there are a moral good and an actual evil when in all actuality? Every single man is fighting for himself but you selfishly on behalf of the establishment put yourself in the forefront of a narrative. To make the establishment’s paycheck get bigger. You stood up to the Omerta, Hexa-Gun because you wanted to put yourself in the limelight as opposed to fighting for the fans. You stood up to the Omerta, Hexa-Gun to create a narrative to lie to the people that you’re supposedly the champion of. 

With all of that being said? This match is very significant to me because I have the chance to kill many things with one stone. I can kill a usurper in order to become the usurper. And this usurper brags about that he is the champion of the people, but in all actuality? He is the champion of the establishment and that is something I cannot forgive. He is the champion of giving the fans a reason as to why you should sell out arenas even though EAW is dishing out a mediocre product. Sickening. The same establishment that has dictated my career ever since I came back whether it be putting me all over the places when it comes to a world title match, a midcard title match like the New Breed Championship or the Tag Team Championship. This is my chance to get it at the establishment by defeating the champion of the establishment while giving the establishment valid reasons as to why I should be at Road to Redemption, not fighting Rex McAllister for his insignificant New Breed Championship or the likes of Ryan Savage, Terry Chambers. No, I am going to prove to the entire world that I am starting the true narrative that EAW NEEDS. The ability to stand up to the establishment and that they cannot run thing in a reckless manner. It all starts with the foundation. A foundation that will be the narrative of Season 10.  
Mike Showman
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 11th 2016, 3:24 pm by Mike Showman
Good morning everyone. Now unless you have been living under a rock or inside your mother’s basement, which I strongly think most of you do while completing achievements in your ridiculous role playing games, you know who I am. However, let me reintroduce myself, my name is Mike Showman and I belong in the rich category of people. Wait, calling me just rich would be an insult to me and the amount of wealth I have and so if you indeed desire to place me in a category, you might as well place me in the category of exclusive people. A category which none of you can even dream of being even if you consider the next fourteen generations. Well anyways, today is not a day to waste on you. Today is the day I talk about one of the hottest things that is currently going on in EAW Voltage, the People with Class or more commonly known as PWC, the team of me, Mike Showman and Jon McAdams. Now PwC is just not another tag team as most people think, it is a revolution, a revolution to eliminate the stale and the tasteless that the people have grown accustomed to in this company. I mean, every time you switch on the television, it the same old moves, same old generic matches, same old winners that you are seeing week after week after week. What we will do is change how wrestling is viewed on live television. We will bend the rules and by doing so, we will bring chaos and leave behind a trail of destruction wherever we go. You see, myself and McAdams both bring new meaning to the word ‘class’. If the Oxford dictionary ever publishes a new edition, they would have our names embedded as examples below the word ‘class’. If we consider the entire EAW roster of Showdown, Voltage, Dynasty and even the women’s show Empire, it becomes quite clear that no one possesses the same amount of class as we do. We arrived in EAW a month ago and already we have caused massive tsunamis in place of the little ripples we were expected to create. If fact, our sudden rise to the top has startled many of the other and already established superstars, many of whom wrote us off because they thought that we will be just like some of the other quitters this company has seen before we joined. Now, these so called legends will sit in their retirement chambers, eat and drink and fatten themselves up and see us, People with Class, Jon McAdams and Mike Showman work their magic as we slowly and steadily write them off from the minds of the viewers who watch the show

It is quite a popular statement that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Two weeks ago when we relentlessly assaulted Arhen Fournier. From that point onwards, there was nothing but a high speed forward movement which has now brought us to our first halt. Now I know that this week I am not wrestling but Jon McAdams, my team member is and when any member of PwC fights, the whole of PwC fights and so this matches becomes my match as well. Now don’t misinterpret what I just said. I said it’s my fight but I won’t get in the ring. I won’t interfere and thereby not influence the outcome of this match. It’s a common misconception among people that I won all of my matches either by using cheap tactics or by outright cheating. Now I won’t blame people for putting these allegations because I know that the people putting them are outright retarded and stupid. They know nothing about winning with class and believe outlandish stories of heroes and villains while masturbating in their mother’s basement. So yes, every match I fought, I won with class and so it seems a bit different from the normal. Rather than being alarmed, I believe it is time for you to be accustomed to such a sight. Anyways, that’s enough about me because we are talking about our team match at Voltage. The opponent we are facing is none other than a new acquisition of EAW, Alonzo Calrissian. Now I find myself a bit confused as to what the objective of our opponent is. Is he trying to a singer? Or a wrestler? Or maybe even a geek? I am seriously confused. However there is one thing I am not confused about and that is the fact that I absolutely dislike him and trust me, this dislike is not born out of jealously as Alonzo would like you to believe, it exists because of his naïve and stupid view. I believe any wrestler working to please the fans is a burden for the company. Because I believe that wrestlers should only wrestle to make himself a superior man and hone his skills at every turn and then in the end, leave behind a strong and unshakable legacy. It is just like in business, you have no friends. You have only competitors where each one of them is looking to bring you down. In business, if you suddenly start caring what the common man thinks, you will lose your grip and start an uncontrollable to descent to the bottom. Do you think my father could have ever been a rich man if he gave two shit of what these lesser minded freaks think? Do you think I would have remained unbeaten here if I gave any thoughts about the opinions of these ‘fans’? I will give you the answer, No because these people have no productive ideas. All they think about is nude vixens in their wet dreams while getting fat. Their stupid decisions has cost our country more than once in blood and gold and will continue to do so in the future.

You know, I think now I understand why you have such an unstable profession. It is because of your so called care of people that you have been unable to be successful in any one profession. I mean, there are many other lyricists and singers out there but how many of them have come here to wrestle? I will tell you the answer, none because unlike you, they are busy competing with one another rather than do things for the people. They are busy trying to be the best while here you trying to be a dildo for the kids. Well anyways do as you wish because I don’t care about you and after this match is done, I will probably even forget about you. Because PwC will soon deal with bigger things and complicated matters while you will be a kid dildo and live in the shades of mediocrity. As far as this match goes, I frankly think that you should stop expecting something. My partner McAdams, whom you referred to in your video as the son of Sith in a ridiculous Star War reference, is known as the survivor. He had a harsh childhood but in spite of that, he is powerful, he is rich and he is classy. That shows you what kind of man he is and that also shows you how not giving any fucks to the fans opinion can also help. I bet if he listened to the opinions of the people then he would have been working as the serving boy in a back alley restaurant. He is a man to be feared and one of the hottest prospect of Voltage right now, just like me and so if you do care for some healthy advice from people who actually know what the fuck they are doing, I say you come down to the ring in whatever ridiculous manner you do and lay down before us and we will end this contest painlessly and quickly. Then we both will go back to our jobs and nothing will change. However, oppose us and we will destroy you and you will be an example of what will happen to those wrestlers or tag teams who dare stand in our way. Do you think of anything stupid boy as you still have a long career ahead of you, I’m hoping that is and you don’t want to spend the majority of that lying down in a hospital bed and regretting the very division you took just to please the kids and your fans

I wish you a very good day ahead Alonzo
Alonzo Calrissian
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 11th 2016, 11:45 am by Alonzo Calrissian
A long time ago, in a galaxy far,
far away....

EAW Promoz! - Page 6 Calchr10
Episode I

Smuggler's Fun

Alonzo Calrissian has made his debut on VOLTAGE. After suffering a brutal loss in the eyes of the EAW Universe, the Guardian of the Galaxy struggles to find his footing on what is proving to be a slippery slope.

Fueled by the love of his CLOUD CITY CITIZENS, Calrissian prepares to face his next challenge in what might as well amount to a handicap match as he is set to face JON MCADAMS who will be fighting with MIKE SHOWMAN by his side.

At the LISBON SPACEPORT on the outer rim planet of PORT U'GAL, Alonzo Calrissian addresses his latest obstacle...

EAW Promoz! - Page 6 1dd77110

The shot aligns itself to show the smiling facial expression of The Millennial Falcon: Alonzo Calrissian. He's smiling because there's no reason not to smile. Various people in the Lisbon Airport can be seen behind him, traveling to and fro, in their efforts to catch their planes and not ruin their travel plans.

The visual is kind of grainy and sometimes goes in and out of focus. Clearly, Alonzo is filming this on his phone. Which, of course, puts him on the same level as his Cloud City Citizens.

"Hol' up, u'all. You feel that?" Alonzo's eyes get a little wide as he glances from left to right. One hand raises slightly as if he's talking directly to someone and not his phone. That just goes to show how close he keeps his fans. "There's been a disturbance in the Force." Alonzo's face turns solemn as if he's feeling something within himself get broken and shattered. He almost looks as though he should be attending a funeral. His head is bowed and everything.

"And his name is Jon McAdams."

Alonzo looks back up with the biggest smile on his face. He grins big into the camera and moves right along into his commentary for the moment as he wanders through the airport in the direction of the baggage claim.

"So here's where we are. First of all, I wanna' give a shout out to every single one of my Cloud City Citizens! We right here at the Lisbon Spaceport! I'm on my way to pick up my gear and then we headin' out. But I missed y'all. You know I can't be travelin' across the galaxy and not keepin' tabs on my people! Yeah, I got business to take care of but takin' care of y'all is my numero uno priority. As you know, though, the EAW Universe is vast. So I gotta' check on our fellow Citizens here on Port U'Gal."

"There's been a lot of chatter about last week's Voltage. I know some of y'all are upset about how things went down. But here's the thing. You live and you learn, right? We don't get upset about a loss here in Cloud City. We don't get even. We don't get pissed. We don't live in the past, we live for the moment. We live for each other. For the future of the EAW Universe. We take whatever lessons we can from last week and we put him to work this week. Always Forward, Cloud City. Remember that."

Alonzo wanders around a corner and there's a moment where he spots a couple of clear EAW Fans. There's some shaky camera work as he takes the time to pose for selfies with them. There's even some fist bump action before he's back on the move and back to chatting with his Cloud City Citizens via this walk and talk.

"We're here on Port U'Gal to take on this son of a Sith Jon McAdams and his apprentice Mike Showman. Two guys that have the potential to be a force for good but have chosen to take a walk on the Dark Side. But you know what? That's okay. Everybody falters. Everybody makes mistakes. Nobody's perfect. Least of all, me. Every morning I wake up, I look into the mirror and I find a new reason not to succumb to the darkness that's peering over my shoulder. It's not that I'm stronger than it is. It's not that I'm afraid. It's more that I want to be better. I want to be someone that each and every one of my Citizens can look up to. I want to show y'all that no matter how Dark it gets, there will always be Light. There is always another way. There is always... Hope."

"Look at me. I ain't nothin' special. I'm just a kid that grew up watchin' this business because my parents were too busy not bein' around to raise me. This business raised me. This business got me through school. It got me through some of the hardest times in my life. It got me through bullies, break-ups and bad news. It was there for me when no one else was. And that's the story that everybody always tells. But it's more than just overcoming obstacles and hoppin' over hardships. No, this business has taught me that there's something special in everybody. In me. In you. In McAdams. In Showman. In the EAW Universe. We're all a different breed. We train, we fight, we spend our hard earned cash, we carry our children on our shoulders, we struggle, we cry, we live... all together. Believe it or not, we're all United. The Light and Dark are as similar as they are different."

"Now, there are things that certain people hold dear that may taint what we're all here to do. Some people care about things like class and money. Some people care about luxurious lifestyles and that's fine. Hell, if I had money like that I'd probably care about it too. I know damn well if I was ballin' it'd be me standin' next to Beyonce and not Jay. I love Lemonade. But what I'm sayin' is that it's not about appearances. It's not about what's on the outside. It's not about where you come from, where you live, how much money you have or even what you do for a living. It's about what you want to be. Who you want to be. And how you plan to reach whatever goals you've set for yourself. That's what I believe."

Alonzo finally crosses into the baggage claim area and he heads off in the direction of where the bags are waiting. There's a host of other EAW Staff hanging around and there are even some fans. He takes the time to give them a little wave and a peace sign here and there.

"So here's what's gonna' happen on Sunday Night. It's gonna' be me and McAdams and Showman goin' at it. What's on the line? McAdam's pride. What's on the line for me? Nothin'. I've already got everything I could ever want. I've got you guys. My Cloud City Citizens. I don't need nothin' else. I don't need... well, I don't need no class. But I'm lookin' forward to teachin' McAdams a thing or two. We'll see what happens on Sunday."

Alonzo straightens up the camera and grins.

"May The Force Be With You."

Alonzo throws up a peace sign and then turns to head over to the baggage clerk. His phone is still on so there's a chance that we get to both see and hear some other chatter.

"Yeah, hey. I'm gonna' need the most expensive limo you can get me. And I'm gonna' need someone to help me out. Y'know what? Let's make it a Party Bus. I've got some people I wanna' pick up. Also, do you know where I can buy any diamonds? I need someone that takes credit..."

Alonzo pulls out a black card that seems to be labeled 'Jon McAdams'. It, at least, looks as official as any other credit card. Could the Smuggler be up to some old tricks?

"I believe this is the card you're looking for..."

The attendant's eyes gloss over for a moment and Alonzo smiles before turning off his phone with a wink.
Ahren Fournier
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 11th 2016, 11:18 am by Ahren Fournier
(OOC: Apologies for the late promo, my job had me working 70 hours this week, 8 AM – 11;30 Pm.. imma cri, and I have work in about 6 minutes, so I wrote this real quick)


(Ahren on a plane on his way to Lisbon, Portugal)


Ahren: I feel a little disrespected around here. Week after week I show I’m one of the top stars here in EAW, yet I get nothing to show for it. Where’s my championship opportunities? Where’s my air time? Where’s my MVE? Where’s someone to feud with? Ok well that last one is understandable because no one can actually feud with me seeing that I am the best of the best, and everyone loves me so there’s actually no way of that happening. But I thought EAW, much like the United States of Fournier, was supposed to be the land of opportunity. But much like the United States of Fournier, it seems to be one big lie. I took Matt Miles to his absolute limit, and then I got screwed, lets look at the tape shall we?


(Ahren brings up the video on his laptop. He shows the ending is shown where Ahren is being pinned… 1





You SEE THAT!!! I KICKED OUT!! That referee obviously paid off by EAW management or something, so that I can’t flourish. I can do anything, I can beat anyone, I just need a fair chance to do it! But with crooked management, or crooked refereeing, I can’t. I can’t progress forward without the chance to progress forward.

(plane shakes, because they’re hitting turbulence)


WHAT THE HELL IS THIS??!! DRIVE BETTER FOOLISH AIRCAR DRIVER!!! Anyways, you might be thinking to yourself, ahren, why are you in a plane, don’t you have wings seeing you’re the Trill Fairy? And to that I say… My wings are fake, sorry to break it to you, they’re just for show. Anyways onto my match with… A-Star… Which is funny, because he’s more like A-Joke. OOOOHHHHH, I’m sure that joke has been made a thousand times. But seriously, is this his debut? I’ve literally never heard about him before. I can’t come up with anything personal to say, I can’t tell you all the ways that I’m better than you other than obvious ones. Such as I’m better looking, I have super powers, next face of EAW or whatever, blah blah, all the usual reasons. I’m going to beat you obviously because, that’s just what I do, I’m a winner. The only problem is that when I do beat you, no one will care. Life will go on as normal, no one will even remember the match took place. All they’ll remember is a sweat meaty man, with the face of an angel, rolling around, jumping around, an slapping some fool in that face. Who’s that sweat meaty angel you ask? Well that’s me, The resident Meat Angel of EAW, The Trill Fairy, The Crown Jewel of EAW, The Modern Sexual Stallion, The I got too many nicknames, because that’s how I roll. Anyways, I’ve got to revert back to my winning ways, hopefully the referee won’t be bias towards the competitor, because I’m good, but how can I win when the guy that’s suppose to keep order, is out of order himself? Naw mean yo?  

(Hits turbulence again)



(Ahren gets up and goes into the cockpit)


Ahren: Excuse just what the hell is going on in here?


Pilot: I’m sorry Mr. Fournier we’re just hitting some turbulence, we’ll be out of it soon


Ahren: Is it turbulence, or your driving skills?


Pilot: You mean flying?


Ahren: Bitch you know who you’re talking to? I’m the Trill Fairy, I’ve got my Fairy powers bitch


Pilot: I… I don’t know what that means, but if you can just take your seat, we’ll be smooth sailing again soon


Ahren: No, Your time is up, my time is now..


Pilot: I can’t see you.. (He looks back at Ahren).. Oh there you are.. Your time is now?


Ahren: Yup… (He picks up the pilot, and tosses him to the side) Ok now how do you do this.. (He keeps hitting random buttons until the cockpit is flashing red, and alarm is sounding) Hmmmm, must’ve hit the rave button… Got glow sticks in here? Haha I’m just kidding, we’re about to die…. SIIIIKEEEEE


(The plane takes a nosedive, but Ahren pulls up on the controls, and safely lands in a body of water)

Ahren: I saved us… Just call me Sully


Pilot: I think my leg is broken


Ahren: You sure do complain about your problems a lot… You know what? I’ve had it with your negativity, I’m leaving.


(Ahren opens the door to the outside, jumps in the water, and to shore as the plane stays afloat in the water. Once on shore he picks up his phone, and calls 911)


Ahren: Hey 911? Yeah some little hoe that complains a lot is stuck on a sinking plane, with a bitch ass broken leg or something. Can you save him? I would, but he’s too negative for my liking. Alright thanks.. Anyways A, one sided match of all time, I’m going to kick your ass. I’m gonna kick it so bad, people will think back and be like, hey remember when Ahren kicked that guys ass so bad? They’ll be like yeah, no clue who that was though. This may be your last match A, I’m not a happy panda right now, as a matter of fact, I’m an angry panda. And an angry panda that doesn’t have bamboo, who also is a Trill Fairy, that does trill things all the time, who also has super powers? Whoa, well how do you survive that kind of panda? THE ANSWER IS YOU DON’T. So get ready A, because you’re done… son.


(throws fairy dust and disappears)


(Camera fades to black)

(Camera fades back in)


Ok just to be clear, you’re not actually my son. I mean I know I probably planted more seeds than Johnny Appleseed, but, clearly you’re not really mine. Sorry if I got your hopes up. Anyways… FAIRY DUST


(Throws fairy dust and disappears again)


(Camera fades to black)
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 11th 2016, 8:23 am by DannyNoxxWMW
From The Bottom
Chapter 5: Noxx Part 5

EAW Promoz! - Page 6 Maxresdefault
Camera fades into “The Knockout Kid” Danny Noxx grinning to himself in front of a black drop; wearing a black snapback and black “EAW fears CHANGE” shirt. He looks up to the camera and begins to speak.

“I’m the middle finger to Professional Wrestling? Do you even remember who I am?! Maero, look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that Danny Noxx is the worst thing in Professional Wrestling; if you look very closely and understood human psychology you would know that you are lying to yourself! You and your fuck buddies are the liars, the cheats and the real disgrace here in EAW; you are an idea, a bad fucking idea that wrestling just gotta fucking deal with. It’s sad man, it’s sad now we have to deal with your shit 24/7 every day of the week because that’s what it is, Mareo, shit- the stench causes global warming! I brag about who I am, who Jake is because unlike you- we’re real, we are not the imaginative product of men in suites, we are professional wrestlers! Whether you like it admit it or not, we are what people like you should be- what fucks like you strive to be like!”

Danny points to himself aggressively with a smile.

“You have high hopes for Voltage don’t ya? I bet you think you’re going to win don’t you? That’s cute, real fucking cute and very hilarious; is your “new”generic persona The Joker now? Because dude that was a good one! You? Maero, a dude who lets a kids tell him what to do and say, you whose own actions contradicts his words over and over again.Get a clean win over me? Let me give you a reality check kid; you ain’t shit, you’re the same height as me and probably weigh less; in fact I know what you are! You’re that little runt that no one has ever loved, who’ll do anything for attention and now you get what you want because every Sunday you have arena full of people's attention but have you ever thought to yourself that maybe, just maybe they didn’t waste their money on you, unless you’re on some heavy, heavy meds then no one wakes and decides they want to go see EAW specifically for untalented schmuck like yourself”

“There’s one thing I’ve noticed about you Maero, is that you like to assume- you have this shitty assumption about me that aren’t true; I, with Jake actually went to Jacksonville University together- so I actually went further than college, you cunt. Anyways, to answer your question, no I do not think that our match on Voltage will be anything different from the last time we fought, because I know. I know you a lot better now, Maero, I know how your kind think and react when you step into a wrestling ring because your kind of shit, they reply on the element of surprise but I can assure you Maero that I will be expecting the unexpected! Every time you hit me, I’m just going to hit you down harder and harder until you learn that you aren’t as good as the little voices tell you and that in reality- this world! You are nothing; so go ahead, try to bite my head off- that’s if you get close enough. That’s if by any chance you actually get any momentum in this match, which you won’t”
“You’re right Maero, you’re not going to beat me, you’re not even going get close! You’re gonna start the race but you sure as hell ain’t going to reach the finish line; I’m going to make sure of that, I’m going to make your immature ways die with you in that ring as I beat the respect into you, I’ll slap the stupidity out of you mouth and when I’m done, when I feel like it’s okay to put down Old Yeller…”

Danny turns away from the camera shaking his head in disapproval. He turns back to wink to the camera as he begins to speak.
“The last thing you will ever remember is me knocking you the fuck out! The crowds will be cheering as the slimeball known as Maero is finally shut the fuck up! Not that you ever use it but your brain, maybe slightly broken- just a tad bit, enough pain will be inflicted that you will have look at yourself in the mirror and not remember who the fuck you are, so I’m doing you a big favor Maero; because who really, deep down wants to be you? No one. The waters that you swim in were infected by idiots like you who think they mean something to this world, ego with no way to back it up against someone like me who never cared for childish and immature back and forths for people like you- I’d much prefer to show how much more better I am than you in everything single way, in that ring, in front of EAW fans at Voltage. Don’t believe me? Just watch!”
Danny laughs arrogantly as he walks off screen. The camera fades out to a video package hyping Voltage then to black.
Terry Chambers
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 11th 2016, 1:27 am by Terry Chambers


---The scene opens in a unknown location with a interviewer sitting in a quiet room and he stares at the camera for a second and then begins speaking to the camera---

Welcome to this EAW.com EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW! My guest sitting here with us tonight is TERRY CHAMBERS!

---The camera shifts to the other side of the room and Terry Chambers is seen sitting looking annoyed wearing a TAPOUT hoodie, jeans, and sunglasses with a EAW logo hanging in the background and the interviewer begins to speak---

Interviewer: Well Terry, why don't we start off with what's been happening with you lately.......After that impressive showing in the scramble match last week at Rite of Passage, what is next for you since you didn't walk out the New Breed Champion?

Terry Chambers: What's next? Didn't you hear me on my thoughts about it last week? The New Breed scramble match wasn't a do or die situation for me. I am so much better than the New Breed Championship and I only did the match because I went out and ended JJ Silvas career and Murrow forced my hand in the match and so I just said "Why the fuck not?" And to be honest with you, I wasn;t even really trying my best in that match because I just didn't really give a damn, I just had the mindset of going in there and humiliating every single of those guys and to send a message that I am new and improved and bigger, badder, and better than ever before! That scramble match meant absolutely nothing to me. Even though I lost I was the MVP in that match, and I also have all the momentum coming off of it. I had a good run in OMERTA and it refreshed my career up a little bit so I went and cut the dead weight off of me that is JJ Silva, I went and sent a message out there to the entire Showdown locker room in that scramble match that I am the big dog around here. I refuse to let anybody that is no on my level get the best of me again. That is a GUARAN-GOD-DAMN-TEE! I am here to make money, kick ass, and win championships! I am the best damn talent on this roster and Murrow, and everybody else are going to realize it REAL QUICK!

Interviewer: Do you have any thoughts on your opponent this week on Showdown, Mortimer Gotch?

---Terry Chambers sighs before speaking---

Terry Chambers: Murrow really hates his up and coming talent doesn't he? It's not like this Gotch guy is any up and coming future star in any way what-so-ever but my god man. I know damn well Murrow knows what I am capable off based off what I did last week in that scramble match. He knows damn well I am the best piece of talent he's got and what the hell is he doing? Wasting me away by putting me up with these scrubs who wouldn't know a wristlock from a wristwatch! Over the past few months since I had joined OMERTA, I ahve constantly been put in worthless matches with guys nobody knows the names of and guess what the result is? I walk in, I destroy them, I walk out disappointed knowing I can be doing so much better than destroying a bunch of newbies. How many times have I ended careers of the people he fed to me? Not won, but ended their careers? Each and every single god damn one of them! Gotch is likely thinking right now that every guy is different and he doesn't compare to any of those guys I have squashed and quite frankly Gotch, you are MUCH WORSE! I don't know anything about you, but I know one thing about you and that you know absolutely nothing about this business! I have heard you going around the locker room asking veterans to teach you how to wrestle and show several things because you don;t know shit and all I wonder is how the fuck EAW hired your bum ass. My guess would be is that you are related to somebody on the board or you won a contest to be a Elitist for a day and have one match and you won but hit the wrong side of the jackpot when you have to face GOD;S GIFT TO WRESTLING, TERRY CHAMBERS!  Gotch, I am done talking about you, you are the least of my worries right now because we all know I'm gonna hold you between my index finger and my thumb and just squash you! I have someone else to address right now, Damien Murrow! Murrow, I don't know what game you are playing with me but you know it and I know it, I am BETTER than this! I am the best talent you got and I demand better competition and I DEMAND respect around here! I should be the top dog around here walking around with people worshiping the ground I walk on and bowing down every time I am in their presence but it hasn't happened because you are holding me back keeping me at the bottom of the card! After I end another poor little fellows career this week on Showdown, I deamnd you treat me like the superstar I am and meet to my demands and give me the damn spotlight and competition I so rightfully god damn deserve! This getting fucking ridiculous! YOU KNOW I AM THE BEST YOU GOT ON THE SHOWDOWN ROSTER, NOW TREAT ME LIKE IT! THIS INTERVIEW IS OVER!!

---Terry Chambers takes the mic off his sweater and slams it to the ground and leaves the scene pissed off and the camera transitions to the interviewer---

Interviewer: Well thank you for watching this EAW.com EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW, we'll see you next time!

---The camera fades to black---
Sir Killian Charlamagne
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 10th 2016, 10:49 pm by Sir Killian Charlamagne
Dynasty Promo III - "Rememberance Day"

The scene opens up to a dimly lit room where Kelly Hackenschmidt stood in front of a Dynasty Banner, he wore his boot-cut blue-jeans ripped down at the knees and a shirt with a big white stamp which read 100% Certified Schmidthead on the shirt and a plastic poppy pinned onto the fabric of his shirt over the left breast. Kelly had a frown through his beard. He raised his taped up arm a bit and scratched the foundations.

“So, that’s quite the odd situation isn’t it? Hmm, the guy who claims Americans to be racist mongrels comparing me to… well, The Nazi age of Germany?”

Kelly covers his face with his palm.

“You have to be schmitting me, you really have to. Otherwise you’re probably just as racist as you claim the Americans you claim to hate. Sure, I am German-Canadian, yes, but to compare me to Hitler is like comparing you to Napoleon Bonaparte. Well, instead of it being insult to me to be compared with Adolf, comparing you to Napoleon would be an insult not just to Napoleon Bonaparte, if anything that would be an insult to the whole of French History, because here you are, a guy who just embraces his own French ancestry in hopes to be seen as the superior being, yet all you do is bring the entire nation of France and anyone who descends from it down to a lower level, making random assumptions about somebody based on their stereotypes, look, if it makes you feel better, Hitler was a fascist, the farthest right you can ever get, yet how can I be a fascist when every single election I have voted in up in my home country, I have openly admitted to voting Green? You see, the logic there is very broken. But yeah, believe it or not where I come from, Voting Green isn’t seen as a waste of a vote! Libertarian still kinda is since it’s not as popular a belief in Canada, but I digress, after all I feel like I’m getting off-topic here.”

Kelly adjusts his neck.

“After all, how is it that Anthony Leonhart keeps making assumptions at random in order to get himself feeling like the hero in every situation? You see, if you’re going to be that reckless, then if you want to win I suggest you go back to losing in multi-person matches for title shots! Because at the end of the day against a guy like me, psychologically it’s not going to work. I mean, jeesh, it doesn’t take rocket science to recognize the fact that a Hackentude Adjustment is all it takes for me to re-arrange somebody’s spine! That’s not some crazy conspiracy made up by the Republicans or even made up by Democrats, that's just a fact. Just like how jet fuel can't melt steel beams! But while you're at it, if you're going to compare me to Hitler. That must mean that you are pretty scared of me, aren't ya? Maybe it’ll end with something for you to remember this Remembrance Day! I mean I honor my people who served in the trenches for Canadians, yet someone like me doesn't take a day off, whether it be Rememberance Day, Halloween, Or even the Yule itself! I will not subdue myself to any sort of breaks! No, back when I was wrestling in high school gyms and bingo halls for a bottle of Molson, a joint and a hot dog, we didn't need breaks! Back when I slept in cars traveling in low luggage with only Chef Boyardee and a big tub of water in my trunk cooler we didn't rest until those customers who paid their hard earned money to see our shows got their money's worth! Not until they were chanting our names, buying our t-shirts and buying DVDs from our little shows! I was good enough to be signed to a contract for a major promotion, therefore I stand before you, a man as proud of myself as someone in my position should be! I said before that I will never take an opportunity for granted! And no matter how much of my body I put on the line! No matter what toll it takes, I always make sure that when somebody gives me a shot, that they never regret their choice! That I climb to the top and roll with the ball given! Yet if no opportunity is in my reach, I’ll make one for myself! That's how it should be done here in EAW! Fighting for everything you are given and everything that you have to gain! Yet you Monsieur Leonheart? You spit in the face of those who paid their dues to get here! Why? Because they voted for Donald Trump or have a name that sounds similar enough to Hitler. So tomorrow night Anthony.”

Kelly moves closer to the camera and opens up his eye-lids.

“You see my eyelids?”

Kelly gets a closer view to the clean natural eyelids.

“That's me when I'm sober.”

Kelly steps away from the camera, closing his eye-lids.

“So if you think I'm gonna be baked off my ass just because I am selling blunts at my merch tables, then I’m afraid you got the wrong ideas going into your head! In fact I can't wait to see the look on your face after I lock you up for the gallows and make you tap to the infamous Noose! So on Friday, expect one of the stiffest matches in your life! Because when you step into the same ring as Kelly Hackenschmidt, that's when you know,”

Kelly’s frown grows.

“That your little white flag might have just came in handy.”
Devan Dubian
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 10th 2016, 10:41 pm by Devan Dubian
At the end of the day, we play this game with the intent of achieving one end goal or another. 
And I did what I promised what I would do, I delivered to the heavens.. the Hall of Fame championship. 

However, if people need a false sense of security, then they can try to convince themselves that the only reason I won this Hall of Fame championship because Scott Oasis attacked Methuselah thus presenting me the opportunity to end the match once and for all. That is perfectly fine with me because that it is their validation. The way I choose to write my side of the story is completely different; an event where I shelved away at Methuselah over a good period of time leaving him vulnerable enough to be a prey to previous adversaries. It is not my burden to make sure that no one impedes and barrages my opponent, that is transgression that they have build up against themselves. My pride only reaches the boundaries that concern me, I found this victory as satisfying as any other victory I have had in the past because intervention or not, I wanted to walk out of the match the Hall of Fame championship and so I did, there is no reason to sob over it for otherworldly reasons. 

You on the other Tiberius Jones had the exact opposite night as I did and cannot seem to get over that self-pride of yours. I know that you are used to being on the victory column more often than not and have yourself taken part as the beneficiary of circumstances so I have not quite figured out exactly what you seem to be moaning about. The point at issue with psyche like yours is being insolently confident of being victorious before you have even stepped in the ring. It has recently come to point that you can be as self-assured as you want, have the worlds backing at your footsteps and still not come out victorious because life just has a tendency of working out that way. What happened at Rite of Passage with Ares Vendetta, Nico Borg and The Pizza Boy is not something that was in your control but ultimately something that you cannot shoulder the blame on anybody else. I know the lame feeling that comes with being pinned at the hands of Ares Vendetta for I too experienced it at the biggest stage of the year but I did not make pretext to justify to my loss, I simply moved on because there was nothing more for me. I could have protested and riot as much as I wanted much like you are doing at the present moment but it would just be all noise, no real action that was going to get anything done. Amuse yourself at my sake by dragging on my old age but at least my maturity has brought me gold that I can proudly hold over my shoulder right now where as you are stuck with zilch, nothing at all. In patiently waiting for my turn, not only I have been granted to fight for the world title once again but I can do it with the assurance of having everyone know that I am a champion of Hall of Famers and someone not to be easily reckoned with. If I barraged back to Showdown knocking Ares' door after my loss at Pain for Pride, I am certain I would have faced demise that would have ultimately brought me to the ends of my career. However, I took the less enterprising yet more developed route to build myself to a point where I could compete against the best of the best again. Tiberius Jones wants to get back in that ring with Ares under any costs yet he has no solution to the problem, he believes something will just come to him if keeps trying. As someone who was thrown off the top of the ladder to the bottom countless times, I can assure you that it is a strategy that does not work. It is also why I am going to prevail victorious over him this week, he intends to see me off with his mind wandering on something completely different. It was the glory of tits and arses you wanted but the only body contact you will be receiving is your face to the ground once I come out of nowhere and end it all.

In the reign of being a blue blood, I have competed against the best and you certainly fit that bill as well Tiberius Jones. However unlike Tyler Parker and Methuselah who brought with them a composed demeanor behind them, you are an undisciplined beast that I will be tasked with defeating. It will certainly not be an easy victory and in my humbleness can admit that there are many faults about me that have lead me to adjust and compensate my career. It was not an easy journey, I took the heat so I could one day be reborn as a man who can conquer any situation. Hades was made sure of that, Tyler was made sure of that and recently, Methuselah was made sure of that. You Tiberius Jones will be the next one to know what it means to be ruled under the Hall of Fame champion, the one true.. sovereign of this brand. One was not enough, I am coming for it all.
And when I mean all, I mean every single thing that this land has to offer me.
Victor Maero
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 10th 2016, 10:34 pm by Victor Maero
Maero stands in the center of a dark wrestling ring with a spotlight on him. He cracks his knuckles and rolls his head on his shoulders. He lifts his microphone to his lips.

“Danny, Motherfucking, Noxx. God’s ironic gift to wrestling. You’re someone I consider less than a joke. You’re an insult to every real wrestler in this company. You’re just a big middle finger to the entirety of EAW. That’s not something to be proud of, was Achilles brag about his weak point? No, so why should you? You’ve somehow managed to piss off everyone in EAW. Including me. You can act like that’s an accomplishment for now, but when I bite your fucking head off you’ll see just how bad you fucked up. You made your bed, now lie in it.” Maero holds up his left hand and bites it.

“Now if you’re wondering why I’m being so generic at the moment I’ll explain. It’s barely what you deserve. I’d love to go radio silent and watch you waltz into that ring think you’ve won, but I think seeing your spirit broken when you realize everything I’ve said here today will be far more rewarding. You’re a leech, a leech EAW is trying to get rid of but someone failing. I hope once I break you you’ll finally see that you need to become more than a cocky asshat to join EAW. You need to have some kind of substance. A skeleton, a backbone. You’re just vile spewing disgusting, tainted water that can only be seen as garbage. You filter the words of wrestling through yourself and it comes out mucky and brown. You are a disease, and I am a doctor. I know, it’s shocking that I could make it past high school when someone like you could barely clear middle school. You thought that I was nothing way back when, you pretended that all there was to me was Oz. Then I broke you. I tore your words from your mouth and shoved them back in. Do you think this will go differently? Do you think I will give you of all people mercy? Whatever is inside of that walnut you call a mind will vanish when you’re carried out of that building on a stretcher.” Maero’s head jolts to the side and he smiles. He slowly moves his microphone closer to his mouth.

“I’m not just going to beat you. I’m going to make you hurt. I’m going to make you bleed. And most of all, I’m going to make sure you never step foot into this ring again. EAW is for the strong, in layman's terms: Not you. You’re a pathetic wretch of a human being, and I won’t let you infest these waters anymore. I’m ready to destroy you, and you know it’s time for you to go. I don’t recommend coming to this match. Because if you do I will cure this world of the disease that is Danny Noxx. What do I recommend?” Maero puts smiles and lifts the microphone closer to his mouth. “Run.” Maero turns around and tosses the microphone to the side. He walks out of the ring as the scene fades to black.
Jacob Senn
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 10th 2016, 9:30 pm by Jacob Senn

In this business, we live for opportunity. Opportunity is the life-blood that keeps us going and thriving, to be able to rise up the ranks and potentially, have a bit of gold to throw on that shoulder. Opportunity is what makes us better at what we do, it makes us be able to gain a higher potential and skill-level, to where we can reach a point where no one can outclass us in what we do. It makes us strive for something, wish for something, and fight even stronger until we reach our goal. For me, I took opportunity and made it. I took a weakened Lucian Black, a man that was broken and destroyed emotionally from the constant criticism he was wrought by the internet trolls of the world, and I ripped the EAW World Heavyweight Championship out of his possession and into mine. I’ve constantly made the best out of an opportunity, even if for the moment, it didn’t seem like it. Every hurdle, every bump in the road, and every defeat I suffered at the hands of men who believed they were superior to me, but in reality they were just ONCE GREAT and now coasting on their illustrious stature, it all led to the destination of me holding this World Heavyweight Championship on my shoulder. The road of opportunity is one that is not for every man, it’s a hard path to walk. There will be days where you will be tested in your faith of this path, days where you will wish that you can just walk away and never take that opportunity again, but your pride and ego will not let that happen. You’ve worked too hard and you will not quit, so you continue your journey to be the best in the world. You continue to wait for the one chance that you’re given to make the impression, to steal the moment, and to claim the prize that you’ve chased for so long. That’s what this match is for you, Mexican Samurai. It’s an opportunity that has presented itself to you. An opportunity, that you’re going to have to live with, because I’m determined to make sure that it’s squandered.

This match will not be a stepping stone for you to legitimize yourself as a main event player, Mexican Samurai. I’m not here to be someone to walk over and let the world know why you’re a talented performer, no. I’m here to represent THE BEST of Dynasty. I’m here to be THE FACE of Dynasty. If I walk out there and lose to you tonight, I don’t deserve to be called that. For why should I be if that happened? You’ve failed at every opportunity to make a name for yourself on Dynasty! When you met Devan Dubian in singles competition, he drove you right on your face and left you lying on the canvas! When you were on our team for Team Dynasty, you didn’t show up AT ALL! YOU JUST PROVED THAT YOU WERE JUST THERE ALONG FOR THE RIDE! After then, you went and took off from Dynasty! You went to go find yourself again, try to regain some sort of composure from all of the failures in your career and when you returned to Dynasty, you got lucky that your qualifying match was against the men WHOSE MENTAL STATE I SHATTERED INSIDE GLASS WALLZ! So now, you believe that you’re going to get one over on me? YOU NOW BELIEVE THAT YOU’RE GOING TO STAND A CHANCE AGAINST THE PUNISHER WHEN WE STAND IN THE RING TOGETHER? Oh, trust me, you won’t stand a chance! Mexican Samurai, your punishment is coming for you. The punishment of being a traitor to Dynasty, to leaving it when it brought you in after you failed to retain your EAW Interwire Championship at Pain for Pride, and it will be severe. I will make you face the guillotine that is my boot, reaching an execution that you didn’t believe would happen, but it will and it won’t matter if The Heart Break Boy sits at ringside to help you out in this fight! I may not need this victory like you do, I may not need to hold the win over your head, BUT I WILL BECAUSE WE DON’T GIVE ANY HANDOUTS IN DYNASTY LIKE EVERYONE ELSE WANTS TO DO! YOU SHOW UP AND PROVE TO ME THAT YOU DESERVE TO STAND IN THE RING WITH ME! SHOW ME THAT YOU DESIRE TO BE A TORCHBEARER FOR THIS COMPANY, MEXICAN SAMURAI! For all I’ve seen for the moment you’ve stepped through the pearly gates of Dynasty, is a man that can’t take the opportunities that are handed to him based of his lethargic nature.

For some reason, I could foresee that you could get that victory, maybe if The Heart Break Boy decided to get out of the commentary table and assist you in doing so. I mean, does Sebastian Monroe believe that something won’t happen between us when we are in that ring? The Heart Break Boy has made it evident that he doesn’t approve of myself being the EAW World Heavyweight Champion and he wants to return to his glory days of when it was him holding this championship on his shoulder, but I have to disappoint him. Those days are over, because he should know that he doesn’t have a shot at getting this championship away from me. I mean, remember, this is the man that couldn’t dethrone Brian Daniels for the championship and not only that, BUT TAPPED OUT TO HIM! When I became the EAW Champion, I remember DEFEATING HIM to win that title! Trust me, this is a fight that you will not win! You will fail to reclaim the glory you once had, Heart Break Boy. There is no God or faith that will secure that for you, I promise you. So instead of constantly running into my matches, or interfering in my business, just so you can get a cheap cheer from the crowd when you hit a Goldprint, why don’t you return to trying to save souls in that decrepit church of yours! With that said, Dynasty will be the night where I continue my dominance and show the world why I’m the best that this place has! I’m going to show why no one can hold a candle to The Punisher and why I RUN THE SHOW AND NOT THAT SUIT THAT DECIDED IT WOULD BE BEST TO PLACE YOUR BIBLE-THUMPING ASS ON COMMENTARY DURING MY MATCH! So get ready, Mexican Samurai and The Heart Break Boy can get a sneak preview of what’s to come at Road to Redemption, because I’m here to hold this trophy not for a couple of months… 

Scott Oasis
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 10th 2016, 9:11 pm by Scott Oasis
(The video begins as we are taken back to last weekend. It’s Saturday night and Showdown’s Rite of Passage event has just begun. The opening match is Methuselah vs Devan Dubian and the footage is on it’s closing moments.)


(A roar of surprise is heard from the audience.)



(Highlights of Scott Oasis rushing into the ring and assaulting Methuselah soon follow, each punch of Oasis’ is slowed down, emphasizing the impact made upon contact. It wraps up with Scott delivering the Seek and Destroy Psycho Driver and then dragging Devan Dubian on top of Meth before he walks away.)

“Scott Oasis has left his mark, and partially thanks to that, WE HAVE A NEW HALL OF FAME CHAMPION!”

(Scott Oasis smiles on the ramp as the footage pauses before fading out.)

“You weren’t expecting that, were you?”

(Scott Oasis is now seen inside of his personal gym. The ring he is currently sitting in has been set up with equipment for an interview. He looks at the camera smugly, fighting back a laugh as he speaks.)

Did you guys really think House of Glass would be the last you would have to see of me? Did you genuinely believe I would just pack it up and leave because of a single loss? Heh….Hell no. You should all know by now I’m better than that. I lost to Methuselah, I can accept that. I knew I had made a mistake that night and so I did what anybody would do in that situation. I went back to the drawing board and worked on improving myself so that I may correct that mistake. Losing is not something I’m used to and I don’t plan on ever changing that stance. Know that this will not become a habit. I went and I studied that match with Methuselah for days, looking at what went wrong, thinking over things that I could have done differently. I’ve been in this gym, training, strategizing and waiting for the time to make my presence become known once more. Saturday was the perfect time. Don’t get it wrong, me attacking Methuselah at Rite of Passage was not meant to be a message to him but instead a message to everyone. I’ve been hearing a lot of people running their mouths about me ever since that fateful night in October, so many of them claiming that I have become weak. They believe I’ve fallen off and gone the way of every other young gun who has dared step to “The Gawd”. I’ve been “exposed” they say! I really was another fad! It won’t be long until I fade away right? So many people got comfortable with that belief, they considered me as good as gone and so all of the cowards who once revered me, be it the fans or the geeks in the back figured it was open season. They talked as if I were just going to let all of the trashing of my career slide. If only they had known how far from the truth they were. That beating Methuselah received was a way of showing that I am just as much a killer as I was before House of Glass, if not more. The Hall of Fame title, a belt that many thought would be nearly impossible to get off of Mr. DEDEDE -- was taken away in a flash, all thanks to me. He thought I was in his rear view mirror and he was free to talk as much shit as he wanted, but there I was to blindside him and give him that wake up call; BOOM! Stupid bastard didn’t see it coming! I took Meth’s pride and joy away that night and right now I have the power to take away much more if I please too. I’m in better shape now than I was on my previous revenge tour. My focus is stronger than it has ever been, in fact right now I’m angrier and carrying a bigger chip on my shoulder than I was when I had lost my World Heavyweight Championship! That’s a bad sign folks. Think about what happened before when I was incensed. Take what happened last week as a cautionary tale to those who want to discredit me. The Dynasty roster better learn to show me some goddamn respect because right now I’m just BEGGING for somebody to try me, I am BEGGING for someone to think they can defeat me, I AM BEGGING FOR SOMEONE TO ---



I forgot. I don’t need to beg. I’ve already been given the opportunity. Earlier this week I found out that I would be back in action on Dynasty this coming Friday, and in the main event too! That’s to be expected though when you have a big money talent such as myself. Now, what I didn’t expect was who my opponent would be. “Atilano Castillos”? I took a look at that name and asked myself just who in the hell is that….but I wasn’t going to complain though. This is an Extreme Elimination Chamber qualifying match, the way I saw it I had just been gifted a shot at MY World Championship. This would be a quick sparring match to get me back into things, all I really had to do was show up. I thought nothing of my opponent and was willing to just lay low, not say a word and simply head to the arena so I could collect my paycheck but then my agent sends over a video to me. I read the name of who was in it and it was that same Atilano Castillos fellow. I watched it and I was left confused. I was unsure if I should laugh...cry….take offense to it….or just generally be worried about Castillos himself. The way he talked was laughable. He acted as if he was above me. He acted as if I was going to fall to him! Him, some scrub who has almost no experience against a high caliber opponent. Now, I understand Atilano Castillos was formerly Raymundo Rhyse. He has a couple of months under his belt here already, in a landscape such as EAW, a few months is all you need to make your mark, but what the hell did he even do in that time? What gives him a reason to be so confident? I was going to look up any signature wins of his but he quickly boasted about them within the first five seconds of his video. Who were those names might you wonder? Hurricane Hawk. Lucas Johnson. Diamond Cage. To add context to this, he went ahead and he grouped me with these men. He really thinks I will fall the same way they did to him. I usually don’t like judging opponents before fully seeing them in action but on that basis alone Castillos lost all credibility in my eyes. I doubt that anyone this clueless would ever have a chance at beating somebody like me. The match was over before it has even started if he’s going to enter with a mindset like that.

How fucking stupid are you, Castillos? Do you have any idea who you are facing? These are the guys you think I’m in the league of? Hurricane Hawk hasn’t had a consistent job here in a good four years. EVERYONE has beaten Lucas Johnson. We have legitimately seen a woman who he had a one hundred fifty pound advantage over, defeat him and do so decisively. As for Diamond Cage, a win over him in 2016 is meaningless -- the man’s legacy will probably be better remembered as the lunatic who drooled on camera and let DEDEDE take his wife as opposed to that worthless EAW title reign he had, or any title he has held for that matter. Those wins mean jackshit when you’re up against anyone who is worth their salt, your foolish for even bringing those points up. The kind of league I am in, is much, much, farther up the totem pole compared to those people. You are comparing a couple of passing footnotes in EAW’s history to a legitimate legend, a proven once in a lifetime talent. I understand that you’re a young kid and you’re new to this. You’ve had a couple of good wins and management is really trying to push you to the masses. You’ve been given so much so soon that you have of course gotten a bit cocky. That’s alright. It just leaves you open to be humbled, something I enjoy as a passtime. I’ll do you a favor this Friday and hand you a wake up call. I was going to lay back and take it easy this week, pretty much warm myself up with this match, but now it has become my job to whip you into shape. You must know your place and learn your lesson. It’s time to put fear into your heart. You have no place in this qualifier, you shouldn’t have even taken it at this point in your career honestly. You’re going to need to learn your role, and you will do so come tomorrow. I know you’re going to walk into the ring tomorrow thinking that I will be wrong and you can outsmart me. I expect it. Pretty much every other newbie I’ve faced have envisioned this underdog story where they find some inner weakness and take me down. They haven’t figured out that there is no weakness inside of me and most of the time that becomes their undoing as they carry on with their futile efforts to attempt it.

In that ring I don’t let my emotions get to me, I don’t take time to acknowledge the crowd or play any games. I look across the ring and all I know is to destroy. All I know is to dominate. All I know is to win. I have rid myself of weakness long ago, the only way victory can be found against me is by fluke, and Methuselah already had that fall into his favor a few weeks ago against me, I don’t see lightning striking twice. I’ll strike though. And the moment I do, the very second I get my hands on you….you’ll know just how wrong you were in thinking you could get away with insulting me; Just how wrong you were in categorizing me with any other loser who has come and gone on Dynasty! In a lot of ways, you’re just like everyone else who has attempted to pile on and punk me since my defeat. Every fan, every Elitist on the feed….It’s all good though. I guess a second example is needed. it’s time to knock those grins off your faces. Even if I need to do it one at a time.

Tomorrow night, I walk right into a title shot. That’s what the match will be. A walk. I will be fighting for the World Heavyweight Championship at Road to Redemption and making the ultimate statement by reclaiming what is mine. Quote me on this, record it, archive it, do whatever you have to do, just know to refer back to it once it becomes an actual reality.
Adrian Christ
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 10th 2016, 8:35 pm by Adrian Christ
Dynasty promo 2

(The scene takes place with Adrian Christ in his kitchen making a sandwich in his home in Miami. Adrian is wearing a pair of basketball shorts he threw one. He finishes the sandwich and goes back into his bedroom where his fiancée, Camilla Perera is lying in their bed post coitus. She is watching a video on a tablet. She tosses it to Adrian.)

CP: Have you seen this?

AC: What is it?

CP: A video of V after last week’s edition of Dynasty made its way online.

(Adrian watches the video and gets to the part where Nicole walks out on V.)

AC: Damn, that’s pretty cold blooded.

CP: Right? You really need to kick his ass now.

AC: His personal life is his own I don’t care about that. I was already gonna kick his ass.

(Adrian resumes watching the video)

AC: What the hell did I just watch? So he claims that he didn’t wrestle last week on Dynasty? I wonder if he really expects anyone to believe that a doppelganger wrestled for him last week. Actually I wonder if he really believes that. There is a lot of lunies on Dynasty. I mean there was that one guy I faced who claimed he was possessed and now is suddenly French. So I suppose that a guy that thinks he didn’t really go through a wrestling match isn’t that farfetched when you think about it. But I don’t think you’re that crazy V. Although calling wrestling matches performances is pretty fucking weird if you ask me…. Or really anyone that has a partially functioning brain for that matter. No, I think that there is a more truthful answer. You’re just a liar and a coward. I mean if I lost to some guy named Kelly I might want to make up excuses too. Just do the world a favor and don’t claim to still be undefeated after I drop you down for the count tomorrow night on Dynasty. That shit gets annoying when new people come in and do it after winning a couple of times against a bunch of other nobodies. So V, I hope the legendary name of Adrian Christ is big enough of a name for you to quote ‘conduct your music’. I’ll see you on Dynasty…. as your THIRD opponent.

(Adrian tosses the tablet to the side and dives onto Camilla as she laughs and the scene fades to black.)
The Mexican Samurai
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 10th 2016, 8:17 pm by The Mexican Samurai
Dynasty Promo

The “Face that runs the place”?  The “Champ that runs the camp”? I take a little less than a month off and the last thing that I remember was Orion… I’m sorry, Lucian Black holding the championship belt. I remember being in awe of his life story, the perseverance that he went through and how he made that lasting impression at Pain For Pride while holding the belt that alluded him throughout his wrestling career. It was a monumental achievement, I never had a bad bone to pick on him and I felt bad about having to bury him six feet under the ground, but I had to celebrate. The Mexican Samurai is truly back and better than ever, I had to go out there and make that kind of statement or the whole audience would think I was nothing more than wasted material.  Orion has seemed to be able to find his place, I knew the first time I saw this new “transformation”, that it was nothing more than facade in order to find acceptance for his grief. Lucian will always be Lucian, whether he wanted to accept it or not, much in the same way that Jacob Senn must accept the fact that he is beatable, and that he is nothing more than a paper champion who is holding the belt for the next successor to lead the Dynasty Brand.  

I’m sure that Jacob Senn has had his fair share of suitors who have come and gone, all trying to scrape at his heels and say that they were the ones who were going to take the mantle of the ship that he has been steering. Each successor soon falling at the hands of … Jacob Senn. Behind the years of carrying Dynasty on his back, are scars of betrayal, apathy and pure jealousy… this isn’t a man who carries the brand out of pride. Jacob Senn is a man who has to carry the brand out of necessity even if he is the furthest thing from what the brand needs at this moment because no one has shown up to make their claim of being the next face. It is too lofty for me to make claims about being able to carry EAW Wrestling and the Dynasty banner going forward, but I’m gonna damn sure try! I have a history of defeating World Champions while they were carrying the belt, and people like Victor Vendetta, Jaime O’Hara and Lucian Black can do nothing but agree when they attempted to face me in a non-title match. When the stakes become high and my back is against the wall, then that is when the true spirit of the Samurai comes out, and there isn’t any other high pressure situation than the one that you see before you. It’s the opportunity for me to prove that I’m championship material, and once again, it doesn’t matter whether it win or lose. I’m only looking to show my heart and soul to the audience to prove that I’m worthy of being face to the face with the man who owns the place. His place is soon to be squanders in the mucks of Everest.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 10th 2016, 7:40 pm by Rhyse

Atilano Castillos, dressed in a pressed, black suit, is seen sitting in a desk. The setting is lavish, very much reminicent of how he used to live his life. A servant brings him a bottle of tequila, along with a shot glass. Atilano places the glass aside, and opens up the bottle with a smile.

What's a man without his knowledge? At root, simply just that: a man. A mortal, depending on primitive instincts. A man without a well-equiped mind is nothing but an animal. We're perhaps taught, at one point or another, to coexist with such beasts. That, or to carry on with a mindset which leads us to believe only the fittest survive. You either become one, or you live to be one. A very, very black-and-white state of mind. Truth be told, once you trade your title of "man" for "beast" here in EAW, you become ever so dull. Ever so fearful. Any of this ring any bells yet, Oasis?

Atilano gulps down a drink, then slams the bottle on the desk. More angry now, he continues.

Where are ya, Scotty! I'm not scaring you, am I? Is it perhaps that your feeble mind can't handle the truth I preach weekly? Surely, a man—an animal—would be worth more than to just hide. And hell, maybe you are hiding. It's an instinct we're born with, who's to say you can't overcome it?

He adjusts his tie, and is now more relaxed.

Perhaps this will scare you. A month ago, I was presented with a very 'fearful' man to face. Backing down, that never once crossed my mind. You see, I'm not looking for another easy victory. I'm not looking for another challenge to overcome. No, I look for something well beyond the events that will come this Friday. Once my hand is raised, once Dynasty goes off the air, and once I've packed my bags only one thing will remain instilled in my mind. You see, Scott, once I defeat you, not only will I qualify for the Extreme Elimination Chamber match. I will have proved to everyone, that, once and for all, Atilano Castillos is out to, metaphorically, kill.

Not in the animalistic way, no, but legacies of yesterday will slowly die off. Diamond Cage? Unheard of. Lucas Johnson? Well, he's still fighting for fool's gold. Hurricane Hawk? He acts like he has a bounty on my head; jealousy has made him a man on a mission. That mission will only leave him stranded in the same position he started. Face it, Hawk, I now have the upper hand. And when monuments and works of art alike are etched in my likeness, you'll have no one else but yourself to blame. Forever blame yourself for not believing in my future, and allow yourself to be a slave of yesterday.

Atilano looks to continue on, but he halts.

But I digress.

After pouring tequilla into the shot glass, Atilano signals towards an off-screen servant to take the bottle. As the servant leaves, Atilano contines his speech, all alone.

Congratulations for not trying to bore me to death by getting under my skin, Scotty. Not only have you made my job for this Friday much more easier, but you are slowly closer to being a member of a dying breed! A toast to the Ice Man himself, ladies and gentlemen!

Though no one but himself is present in this room, Atilano stands and looks around to his "audience". Raising the glass, Atilano gestures a toast to the camera. He chuckles, and just as his laugh echoes throughout the room, smashes the the glass down to the ground. The man smiles at mess he has just made. Atilano, a man destined to create a future in his likeness, leaves the audience with a very symbolic gesture. Fade to black.

Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 10th 2016, 4:29 pm by showster26
Voltage #2
Lisbon, Portugal, Thursday, 10:44 P.M.
(The scene opens  somewhere on the streets of Lisbon. Far off in the background the shore of the ocean blend almost seamlessly with the partly cloudy sky.  Suddenly a man steps into the frame from the right side. It is the man who over the corse of the past month has garnered both notoriety and fear from the viewers of EAW programming. He is the man the world has come to know as Solomon Caine.)
Caine: "Listen. The sound of silence surrounds this night. Those who are foolish enough believe that all is right and peaceful in this world tonight. They know nothing of what lays in wait for them. To them life is as beautiful as pristine glass, But behold, fore their lives will be laid shattered before them. And they will clutch desperately at the shards that will tear away at their flesh. That is the fate that lies before the sick, the inept, and the weak. Oh what joy it will be once all of these wretches have been swept away. Oh what glee shall be felt when my masters hear them crying out ok their knees as everything that they have ever known burns to the ground around them!  And how much more will it be, when it is Jakob DeLion who suffers this fate.  hehehehehe!"
(Wicked, and deranged grin creeps up on Caine's face. Then in an instant it vanishes, in its place is an expression of intense anger, and deranged intentions.)
Caine: "Once more I must tell those with deafened ears that I am not the one who is to be feared.  I am not the one who has the power to prevent what must come to pass.  The next of the chosen has slandered my name, associating me with the kings of this world who seek nothing but stroke their egos by acquiring more power onto themselves.  I am not to be counted among those heathens. I seek not power, nor praise.  I look not for the masses to inflate my vanity or pride.  I only seek shelter from the never ending condemnation that will come sooner that you can imagine.  I care not for the pleasures of this earth like the putrid scum do, fore their self-indulgence, HAS CHAINED THEM TO THEIR OWN DAMNATION!  I STAND HERE NOT TO BE REMEBERED, BUT TO BRING FORTH THE WILL OF MY MASTERS!  IT IS NOT ME THAT YOU NEED TO FEAR JAKOB, IT IS THEM FORE WHEN THEY ARRIVE THEY WILL NOT HESITATE TO OBLITERATE YOU IN THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE!  WHEN THEY COME THERE WILL NOT BE ENOUGH TIME FOR YOU TO YOU’RE YOUR EYES UP TOWARDS THAT FALSE HOPE YOU HOLD SO DEAR, AND ASK FOR FORGIVNESS FOR YOUR DEEDS!   
Jakob, you claim to be born of the thunder, and how appropriate that you are. For while the thunder fills the sky with loud crashing that fills the hearts of heathens with fear, it is harmless. It cannot strike you, it cannot maim you, it cannotttttt destroy you. And as as the storm passes, the loud boasting of the thunder is brought to silence, by the glorious fire of the sun. Your storm is coming to its end Jakob, you stand before the threshold of your destiny. THE SAME ONE THAT BEFELL DANNY KNOXX, AS HE BEGGED FOR ME TO STOP! BEGGED!  It is your fate to be brought to ruin in front of the eyes of this world. Before the eyes of your inept partner whom you have bounded yourself to, before the eyes of your wretched father who's wicked seed gave life to you.  A Life that you will come to curse every waking second as your body is sacrificed in my masters' honor. 
But Do not be disheartened Jakob, for what is coming  to you is a great prize. It is how all of history will remember your name. It will be the legacy that will define you and your ancestors. It will be a key piece in their glorious reign falling upon the earth. Thank You Jakob, thank you for your sacrifice. Thank you for allowing them to demonstrate their power, by ravishing your body. By tearing the flesh from the bones, by spilling a river of your blood, thank you Jakob. 
I can hear them now, I can sense the sweetest whispers in my ear are drawing closer.  I can see the pillars of smoke wafting thru the air.  I can smellllllllllllll  the burning ash flood my nose, I CAN SEE THE FIRE RUNNING THRU THE STREETS!”
(Caine draws in a deep breath, almost like how one would draw in the smell of fresh apple pie in the oven.  The twisted smile resurfaces on Caine’s face.)
Caine: “It is beautiful.  The purification that must come, it is a great and wondrous sight to see.  It is a blessing to hear the screams that will pour out of the mouths of the filth as they burn away to nothingness.  At that great hour, there will be no more idols to cast your attention onto, to forget that the world burn you and all that surrounds.  There will be no more distractions to turn to deny the call of those who have sent me. THERE WILL BE NO MORE OF THE ONES WHO HAVE CORRUPTED THIS ENTIRE EARTH.  MEN LIKE YOU JAKOB, MEN LIKE DANNY KOXX, MEN LIKE YOUR FATHER WHO HAVE ALL CONSPIRED TOGETHER TO DESTORY THOSE WHO MAY HAVE BEEN SPARED! 
Jaaaakkkoobbbbb, I have already told you get your fill of the pleasures of this world.  Whether it fills you lungs, or your liver, or if it simply gratifies you flesh, take as much as you desire, and more.  Take all that your body will consume.  Fore in mere days no amount of food will fill your hunger, and not even an ocean’s worth will quench your thirst.  No harlot will satisfy, and nor will any other thing that grows of this foul earth sooth the pain you will come to know.  You will be broken.  Your flesh crushed and scattered to the ground, like bread for the bird to swallow whole.  You spirt pour out like water to wash away the dirt that lies all around.  You blood savored like fine wine from the choice vineyard.  Your days have been numbered, and soon will you witness firsthand the works of my masters.  You will begin to comprehend their works.  And you will experience their wrath in full measure.  And when you do, so will the world.  They have told of these thing, and they must be made so!”
(Caine steps out of the frame.  The shot cranes upward towards the night sky to show the moon illuminating past the clouds, before fading to black.)

The End.
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