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EAW Promoz! :: Comments

Lars Grier
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 16th 2016, 12:34 am by Lars Grier

People Like You

A man we have seen before here on Showdown, Lars Grier is being filmed by a camera. He stands in a dark room with only one light shining on his face.

"Armani Colace. Armani Colace. Why doesn't that name ring with me? Oh, that's right. You're a NOBODY. Nobody knows you, not me, not anybody in this damn company knows a single thing about you. Now, to many people this may be considered as dangerous. The fear of the unknown is really quite strange, but when you're up against the reality that is me, Lars Grier, you really don't stand a chance."

"Throughout my life, I've seen many people like you, Armani. You're the newbie who thinks he's cool at school, the guy who acts like he owns the ENTIRE world. People like you are arrogant and deserve no place in this already shithole of a world. Well here's a reality check for you, Collage. Whatever your damn name is."

"Every single person that I have seen, people who are like you. Do you know what I do to them Armani? Do you? I ASKED YOU ARMANI, DO YOU KNOW WHAT I DO TO THEM?!"

Lars takes deep, calming breaths before he paces back and forth across the room, the lone light flickering and swinging across.

"I've done some very, very, VERY bad things to them. I beat them till their lungs die out, till their legs and arms stop working, till their all of their bones break into tiny little pieces!  It's a fate worse than death."

"I used to be like you once, arrogant and cocky, thinking that the whole world revolved around me. I learnt the hard way that simply isn't the case when you grow up in a dump like Cincinatti. I adapted and learnt that the only way you can survive in life is to get what you want by FORCE."

"By the end of my match with you, you'll be like your beard oil. Unusable, expired, and FORGOTTEN, as a nothing in this world. Most important of all, you will learn to never mess with Lars Grier."

Lars Grier holds a bottle of the beard oil, before smashing it into the ground, the glass shattering, as he steps on it, not even wincing. He then roars at the camera, as the scene fades to black.
Laura Laine
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 16th 2016, 12:30 am by Laura Laine
The scene opens up in a back alleyway in the afternoon. A petite woman of short black hair in black hoodie and leggings looked up to the camera. Her hands in the hoodie pockets as the red brick wall in front of her blocked any sort of background.

“Poverty is something we all see in our lives.”

The woman frowned at the camera.

“To the average citizen a guy begging on the streets is another drug addict who needs more money for crack, or just begging for something to spend on booze! Or even just as much as a scam artist trying to get an extra bang for your buck! Yet you want to know the truth about situations such as these? The truth is, the next thing you know that guy giving out handjobs for crack money could very well be you! The next bum on the streets looking for food and freezing during the night could very well be someone you know, someone you love, someone close to you or even yourself if you aren't careful! Though I bet you're wondering why some random professional wrestler is telling you this instead of some random politician or guest speaker? But you know what? It's the truth! Wanna know how I know? It wasn't because of the way my I played my hand, it was the very hand that I was delt growing up! I mean let's face it, my mom was a teen parent who was only just learning how to make it in the world when I was on the way! My father may have never learned a goddamn thing from that! So you may think that I’m just a sad song with nothing to say, but if you think that I’m wrong, then it probably never happened to you. But from my poverty I learned something, learned how to use what I have and build myself up!”

The woman points towards her face as a proud and passionate posture emerges.

“Look at this face right here! This face belongs to Laura Catherine Laine! The Phoenix so to say! Out of every struggle that has come into my life the past twenty two years, I always managed to learn! And as for me becoming a professional wrestler?”

Laura straightened her body and brought a cooler attitude.

“Well, a man I once loved told me that; the dream is sure, far fetched. But not impossible, sure for most of us it's back to taking bumps in front of twenty plus fans for a hotdog, but if you put your mind to it you can be great!”

“Those words I took to heart, and I knew then that if I got in the ring now and trained up to the top and made it to EAW! That's how far I was willing to go! I brought myself from living in a sketchy apartment in Alberta to becoming a professional wrestler! I mean, yeah sure, I may still live in an apartment, but I never cared for big mansions or big money anyway, most girls seem to curl over it, but honestly it was never about the money, it was about using the life that I have been given and doing absolutely what I can with it! It's about making sure that I wasn't some burden on my mother, because let's face it, everyone in the family who wasn't a planned event always had that anxiety, the anxiety of being disappointing and wondering how your parent’s lives change were it not for your existence, yet at the same time, you are grateful for the fact that you existed! Sometimes that family member wouldn't want to let go and tell you what views of theirs are real. Yet deep down inside me, there is less depression involved, but more or less gratitude! It means that arising from the ashes, I molded myself into perhaps the most adaptive survivor possible! You see,”

Laura sits herself down on a flipped over trash can in behind her.

“I may be barely over five feet, and my not even be a hundred pounds, but that doesn't matter to me. Right in front of you is one of the toughest, flexible and most dexterous women professional wrestling will ever see! Am I going to be stopped by a woman bigger, taller, thicker or stronger than me in terms of muscle mass? Read my lips;”

Laura tongues something out as she lowers her hood.

“Because the friday after Shock Value, Elite Answers Wrestling is going to see, just what kinda woman Laura Laine is!”
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 15th 2016, 11:56 pm by showster26
Shock value #2

Tuesday, Oklahoma City, 9:00 p.m.

(The scene opens outside an abandoned house. The sky is cloudy, and the wind howls on this night. The shot transition inside down an empty hallway where none of the distinguishing features can be seen due to the void of light. The shot again transitions to a mid sized bedroom which has been cleared of all furniture. It is here we see in the faint beams of light that managed to squeeze past the the two by fours nailed to the walls, Solomon Caine sitting on the floor with his back against the wall and his knees brought up to his chest.)

Caine: "The lightning. When the lightning strikes the earth all will be made whole. All who doubt shall see the sign in the sky that heralds their arrival. When the lightning strikes The heathens will quiver in fear for they know that their time is soon coming to an end. The consecrated day shall be celebrated by those who have served our masters well, and loathed by those who have turned away from their calling. See this Sunday is not about glory or honor being heaped upon my name, or any other who place themselves before my masters' altar. No this Sunday is the day when the filth that festers upon this earth come to witness just a small portion of the power my masters possess as they lay to waste all who dare to offer themselves as sacrifice. The time is soon at hand when the works of my masters will be understood, and on that day it will be too late for all who have not chosen to serve.

Do you hear me Ahren? Do you understand the difference between seeking out their glory and your own? Do you comprehend where of those roads end? I speak to you in order that you may save yourself from the horrors which await the foul wretches of this earth. To spare yourself from the fire that will fall in a glorious reign. Do not let this warning fall on deaf ears. Do not turn your eyes away from the truth that is being revealed to you at this moment. For it will be a terrible shame should your arrogance beget your downfall. For they will not stand for insolence, they will not stand to be slandered, and they will not grant salvation to those who will not put their own ego aside. Awaken from the slumber that this world has cast upon you, open your eyes and see! The terrors that shall be unleashed, they will arrive sooner that you realize. I beg you to come to your senses before that day, BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!

(Caine picks himself up off the floor.)

Do not make the same mistake as that Leech Mike Showman. Do not think that the orders of those who have sent me are simple smoke and mirrors. See while he thinks himself as being righteous and above all of the other heathens, he is his own false prophet who has twisted his thinking. His is a most terrible fate, which he has been bonded to in chains stronger than iron. He holds dear to the wealth and power he has acquired thru I'll deeds committed by himself, and his ancestors, that is all he will ever hold. For on at the chosen hour my master will bring forth the flood of flames that will envelop All that has seen, and made. And when that time comes he shall weep bitterly as he bares witness to all that surrounds him, crumbling to nothingness. His world, his entire being is a temporary delusion. A mere distraction that he can cast his eyes towards to forget that his existence is hallow and vain, and serves no greater purpose but to torn asunder by the hands of those who have sent me.

And now that he has paired himself to Jon McAdams, each shall sample the bitter drink that awaits them at the end of ages. Oh yes Jon, They have not forgotten about you or the bile that you spoke of them with your wretched tongue. I see fear in your eyes, the fear of realizations. The fear that comes when you see that aaaallllll that I have spoke of is the truth. They have told me of how you now have finally recognized the power that they wield, and you have learned some respect for them. But your fate has already chosen. EVERY LAST WORD OF CONDEMNATION I HAVE SPOKE OF YOU WILL COME TO PASS! It matters not if you have Mike Showman counted amongst your allies. It does not even matter how many have agreed to stand counted at your side, for whether it is one, or all the armies of the word! You shall all be obliterated in the twinkling of an eye.

The same goes for the braggarts who boast of themselves to their enemies, and have been trampled under foot EVRY GODDAMN TIME! The sons of thunder who with mighty yells have time and again proven just how weak They truly are. The sons of fools who pass on an evil seed that carries within it a millennia of atrocities committed by filth whom they believe should be honored. My masters will see to it that your wicked bloodlines will end on the day of the great reign. That neither Danny Knoxx nor Jakob DeLion will have nothing to cling to, not even each other, when the hour of cleansing has arrived. So chose the words that emanate from your rotten mouths carefully, for with each curse, and insult that utter against them, my masters will pour out more of the chosen punishments upon you. With every lie you speak about how you are not weak, that much more will you witness the horror that will beset you!

JD Damon. I speak now of you, I ask if you now, even with the servants who do your bidding , have deceived yourself into believing that if you offer yourself up as a disciple to those who have power and authority for the time being, that it will save you from all that I have said was coming? Who will save you when they become nothing more than dust and ash?! You, who could not stand against the strength of mere men, how will you hope to resist my masters who hold strength that can not be perceived by scum like you? YOU CAN NOT! YOU WHO ARE NOTHING MORE THAN EXCREMENT THAT CLINGS DESPERATELY TO THE BOTTOM OF A SHOE! You have not single hope of saving yourself, no matter how far you chose to run, or wherever you would chose to hide they will see you out. They will find you. They will destroy you. The oooonnnlllyyyy thing that you may do is accept your fate and present yourself this Sunday as a sacrifice in my masters honor with the rest of the heathens who have been chosen.

HEATHENS... like Alonzo Calrissian. A thief, not worldly goods, but if the identity of heros and champions. A thief of the hearts and minds of those whose attention sways like reeds in the wind. Those who cast their eyes upon anything that can offer distraction from the knowledge of that all they have built and labored over, has already been brought down to its very foundations. You Alonzo, you are but a jester to them, a clown whom they can laugh at in the short amount of time that they have left, and you embrace that role. You embrace being their fool so that you may gain a pittance of glory from them. Do you not realize that their praise means nothing?! That the vanity that drives you, only leads you nowhere? Has your mind been that warped and twisted that you can no longer decipher what is true?!? If that is then I shall relieve you of the burden of continuing on after this Sunday. I will grant you an end upon the altar of those I serve, that masses of the world might see your down fall, and in doing so have a chance to prosper as the servants of my masters. Do not be disheartened Alonzo for yours is a wonderful task. It is a great honor to be chosen for this purpose. It is what must be done So that their rule may spread, and the nations of sick, inept, and otherwise weak be lifted from this world. Thank you Alonzo for great and marvelous things will come after you have been destroyed.

And Maero, I have yet to call you my ally. I know that you serve your master just as I serve mine, but what you must understand is that you may speak ill of me, I am not the one who holds you fate. But you shall not speak ill of those who have sent me. I dare not question the purpose of what they ask of me BECAUSE I'VE SEEN WHAT HAPPENS TO THOSE WHO DO! I've witnessed the horrors that have seen the rivers of blood that ran in every direction! I've Smelt the burning ash rising up from the charred remains that were left on the streets! I've seen the fire that will bring an end to the empires of men! I've done terrible things, TERRIBLE! Things that give most men nightmares, things that will haunt me until my masters grant me peace! Things that they have told me to do, lest I be thrown into the same pit with the rest of you. And you wonder why do their bidding? Your doubt Maero, will be your damnationnnnnnn. For those who have called me, will not tolerate anyone who would dare defy them! I warn you Maero, do not think your devils are greater than mine. Do not hold hope that you will be spared if you keep down the path you are choosing. For if you do than this Sunday will see you made an example of! You will be crucified along with the others. You all shall be made a public display of pain and humiliation, and when it is done the eyes of the world will see thru you, and all the other filth that has been set for slaughtering. Maero you maybe a blade, but even the finest steel must be made pure by fire."

(Caine returns to his seated position.)

Caine: "The blessed day is soon my brethren, let all who hear my voice take to heart the message of those who sent me. And those who refuse to, you have dug your own graves in doing so. For it is your blood that will run rivers, it is your screams that will echo in eternity, and it is your bodies that will become nothing more than charred logs laying in the streets. ALL of these thing I have been told by my master, and they must become so!"

(The camera pulls back away from Caine, down the hallway, and stands out side where the video began.)

The end
Jon McAdams
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 15th 2016, 11:20 pm by Jon McAdams
Jon McAdams
The Survivor
Shock Value #2
EAW Promoz! - Page 4 Abandoned_warehouse_in_davis_by_evilrune
Trust In Me

McAdams steps out from his limousine as the camera pans back to reveal a warehouse with the name McAdams written across it. A woman steps out from around the corner with a camera crew following her.

“Ah, Ms. Bennett,” McAdams smiles. “It’s good to see you!”

“Ah yes, Mr. McAdams!” Bennett replies. “I’m so glad you could meet with me… but I’m curious. Why would you want to meet me here?”

“Let’s step inside first,” McAdams walks in first with his hands in his coat pockets. As Ms. Bennett steps through the doors her jaw drops as the inside of this place is filled with pews and private booths. The entire place looks like some kind of theatre with a rounded cage at the center. There is dried blood all over the floor of what seems to be an arena.

“What is this place?” She whispers in horror.

“This is one of the NFC tournament buildings,” McAdams breathes in deep and closes his eyes. “This is where my fathers family held tournaments and where I competed. I won my first tournament in this building.”

McAdams begins walking down the steps towards the ring.

“You know what’s funny Ms. Bennett,” McAdams smirks. “If you had told me at this point that I’d be competing in EAW for a future title shot opportunity while I was here, do you know what I would have said?

“That you don’t believe it?” Bennett replies.

“I would have said, of course.” McAdams smiles as they get to the ring and he opens the cage doors. “I knew even then, that I was destined for great things. You see this step here?”

Bennett notes the step that McAdams is pointing too. McAdams kicks it and the board underneath her wobbles knocking her off balance, she catches herself barely against the cage.

“I set that up. I was the first in NFC to secure my victory through the means that I did. It was met with utter rage and disdain for how I got there but fact is… I got there. I won. They can’t take that away from me. I won because, I’m at any and every given moment, the smartest man to step into this ring or any.” McAdams walks towards the center of the ring and laughs with an insane grin on his face. “This sunday is going to be a wonderful little adventure.”

“Did you see your opponents? What they said?” Bennett says wearily, noting the dried blood on her hand.

“Oh yes, I very much enjoyed it.” McAdams raised an eyebrow, still smirking. “You know what I love about Ahren Fournier. How absolutely furious he gets about the things I say. It’s quite embarrassing. Have some self control and self respect, wouldn’t you agree, Ms Bennett?”

“I suppose”

“He clearly never watched my final response right before our match. I really let him have it with the ‘responses’ he so desperately needed from me. Ahren wants to talk about IQ’s but let’s face the facts. That child is trapped in that little man’s body and has no business talking about IQ’s… I would guess he doesn’t even know what an IQ is, the poor retard. I also don’t think he knows what a month is. A month can be a four week period of time. It’s not relegated to ‘November’  or ‘October’, so yes, this has been the worst month of his career, bar none. Which means one simple thing, Ahren is going into this match with minimal momentum.” McAdams lights his pipe and chuckles. “Oh dear, that poor boy. He can talk about wins and losses and all that garbage that he tries to bring up but we all know what went down in that ring. It’s the same standard Ahren crap. If he loses, it’s cause of ‘shenanigans’ but if he wins, its super fair! His denial is strong and his brain is weak. How about accept the loss as it was handed to you and be a man and grow up! But no, he can’t do that. He has to hold on to it. But that’s standard. Retards don’t know how to let go you see. Regardless of of the outcome of the match, ultimately, the truth is this. The last time we stepped into the ring, he was laid out and I walked out with my hand raised. There’s no twisting the truth there. He can call it fictitious or he can get over it and try to get even, but as we all know, Ahren Fournier is the kind of person who can’t move on. He’s weak in that regard and no doubt that kind of absolute rage in his heart will be the end of him sunday. Men who can’t think clearly are children. And children don’t win titles. Also Mike Showman is my partner in PWC. You’d know that if you weren’t busy denying truths and speaking lies. Oh Ahren, you’re right. Stupid is stupid. And you sir, are the creme of the stupid crop. Now go on, make another video and pretend this didn’t rattle your retarded little brain

Now onto Maero… Yes, I’ve heard of the Sanitorium. A bunch of monsters who think they run this place. Well I gotta say, you got class and talent, but you don’t know what the PWC is capable of. The Sanitorium will fall under a foundation that our money, power and influence and chip away at  if it gets in our way and I sincerely hope it doesn’t have to come to that. You see this silver spoon? It will dig the devil right out of your heart if you get in my way but call me crazy… I think we don’t have to cross paths until we HAVE to cross paths because you’re right, men like JD Damon, and Alonzo, Ahren Fournier, trash like WMW. They SHOULD go first. If you catch my meaning. Let’s be clear about this, there are people in this match who are weak and classless fools and then there are the strong. I love good competition and I am most excited to see what you can really do As for JD Damon, Alonzo, and WMW? I haven’t heard from them...The truth is biting and vicious and if I were them I’d keep quiet too.”

“What about your partner?” Bennett steps towards him.

“Showman is far and beyond the most class act in this match. I don’t have to worry about him. We know the score. We know that each of us can best the other, we know that each of us wants that shot. But we also know that we HAVE to take everyone down first. When we go at it, let’s go back to class and bust out those polaroids cause it WILL be a spectacle. My hope is that we steal the show and the match but ultimately, I do want that shot. I feel like I need it the most. I need to establish myself and I will do as I have always done. Whatever it takes to succeed, but I say that with a calm reminder that PWC will come first in the end and our movement is one that will bring real and true class to EAW.”

“What about Caine?”

“Little Danny?” McAdams looks concerned for a moment. “He can make all the claims he wants and he can work with Maero and they can try their absolute hardest, and I’m not afraid to acknowledge that I lost to him. I was unable to free his mind and I was unable to force him to relinquish his beliefs and that is ok. But I won’t be afraid of him, I won’t let him beat me again, especially not when the stakes are this high. I admit, I should have been more serious about what I was doing when I fought him last but this time, I’m not alone, and this time PWC is going to take him down. Besides, didn’t he just lose to Keelan? I ruined that man’s life. No, this time will be different, so pray to your god, little Danny. I’ll pray to mine and this sunday things will be different. I promise you that.”
Eclipse Diemos
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 15th 2016, 10:48 pm by Eclipse Diemos
Controlled Chaos

“And the Mafia boss comes knocking on the cage of a demon. The mafia boss who has lost his family. The former chairman. The self proclaimed best superstar in EAW. Zack Crash. I think it’s amusing that our little war so far has yet to really phase you, Crash. When it comes down to it, I was expecting you to not care, but you have to understand...it won’t matter. It doesn’t matter how unfazed you seem by the inevitability of what will happen to you, because it will happen to you, regardless. You just have to take into account...just where you will be fighting me.”

Eclipse smiles as he runs his hands slowly along the steel of the cage he is standing in front of. The arena is eerily silent. Dark. Nothing in it other than the finished ring and the cage. His hands brush against it, before sliding inside the holes and grasping at it. The steel...cold to the touch. It feels so nice against his flesh. He presses his head against the cold hard mesh, laughing to himself before biting down onto it, his eyes moving to the predatory glare of a dark hunter. He bites down harder, a snarl of aggression issuing from his throat before it is replaced by the harsh laughter that seems to emanate from someplace else. A different person. He pulls himself away from the cage, staring up as a black sheep mask glares down at him, piercing into his soul.

“Nothing can prepare you for this Shock Value Crash. Hell, nothing can prepare you to go against us. See...you still exist in this dream of yours that you as the mafia boss will be able to kill...me. You believe that my legacy can be destroyed by a man in a suit who lets others do his bidding as he orders them. Crash, you aren’t the man to destroy me. No man, in a tailored suit, is ever...going to break me. No one can destroy my legacy. And many have tried. I’ve conquered the ones that said that they would destroy me. And you may point to Dynasty and say ‘You didn’t conquer them’ but I had. Dynasty is vastly different, from me being there. It’s a new battleground, and a place that I turned into such. I corrupted Dynasty and here it stands, as a monument to the sins of those that believe that their order and their light will dispel my darkness and my chaos! That is my legacy there! And I’m here! Voltage! Where my legacy was created. And now...here you are. Separated from your little mafia and you stand alone...whereas I stand with my family. You couldn’t sway them. You tried to control them, not nurture. You tried to domineer, not understand. And that is why Omerta failed. Omerta failed, because no matter how you said it...it wasn’t family. Sanatorium...is family. Sanatorium is better than anything you will ever amount to. And in the end, you know that. I think you understand more than anything else just what it takes to put someone like me away, and you know in your heart that you aren’t going to be able to do that. You will never...put me down. Because in the end, no matter how much you will try to fight it, me defeating you is the inevitability, and that is what you need. You need to be shown just what it is like to lose, utterly and without mercy. And there is no mercy here. Not behind this. Inside of this electrified structure...mercy doesn’t exist.

So, in spite of that you showed no fear to me. Me. Crash, your time with JJ should have told you something about me. He should have warned you, just what I am. I am a man that you should show fear to. Dynamo Go learned that, Hades learned that, Brody learned that, Aren Mstislav learned that, so I suppose I will have to teach you. You see Crash, part of the problem you face...is that you can’t hope to best someone like me, with who you are now. You have the mindset of a businessman and a mafia boss. Control. Order. Submission to authority. Things you have grown used to, yet in your complacency you seem to forget that the most dangerous thing for you to face, your weakness...is someone like me. Someone who has all of that, by doing the complete opposite. My family, though chaotic in every aspect, is a unified front. My mindset, disordered, frantic...shattered...heh...it’s all nicely packed together in glass shards of my psyche. I don’t need order in my life to know what I must do to achieve my goals. I don’t have to dominate my peers to consider them family, I simply have to allow them to be vulnerable and to accept that. So...your idea of Order is flawed. It won’t be enough to fracture me. To end me. You think like a businessman, I act like myself. Like what I know I am. I know what doctors have given to me as a description. Sociopath. DPS. Schizophrenic. In the end they were perplexed by me. So...do tell me. What makes you think that you’ll do any better at figuring out what kind of person you’ll be fighting, Crash?”

He laughs again, slamming his head into the steel of the cage once more, blood pooling at his forehead as the metal cut into his flesh. His eyes seemed to glaze over for a moment and he bit his teeth mumbling out soft words...seemingly whispering ‘for her, for her, for her’ before his eyes snapped up to look back at the black sheep mask with wide eyes. The blood pooled just above his forehead, spilling down onto the metal and pooling there. He bit down harder, biting into his tongue before spitting out drops of blood laughing to himself once more.

“When this is over Crash, I want to fix you. I want to fix you from the lie that you have woven for yourself. This lie of order. This lie of sanity. This lie of control that the world spun for you. This web you’ve trapped yourself in. I will break it all down for you. But my words won’t reach you in here. In this cage for demons. No...no you’ll need a demon for that. You’ll need a demon to break into your psyche. And I know the perfect one. So forgive me Crash. For this is the last you and I will get to speak until Shock Value ends. Just know this...I’m here for you. When your smoldering, twitching, broken body is dragged out of here on a stretcher...then I believe you will understand. You will understand that I do this out of love. I want to help you Crash. And I’ll do just that. By ending your lie, with your body as payment to the devils that made you believe them. Welcome to hell Crash...welcome home.”

Eclipse let out a soft sigh as he reached up, pulling the black mask down from the cage and gazing into its eyes. He could feel it gazing back, glaring into his soul as he turned it around, slowly putting it on. His breath came out as a shudder, as if taking a final breath, before his head lowered, lolling forward. The very arena seemed to chill in response, as his head slowly raised, cold eyes glaring ahead.

“Please don’t take. My sunshine. Away.”
Ahren Fournier
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 15th 2016, 10:14 pm by Ahren Fournier
(Ahren Fournier in front of someones house,  wearing his fairy wings)


I’m here to give happiness to the world, I’ve got a big box o’ condoms, and I shall share them with the world. FIRST HOUSE LETTUCE GOOOOOO… get it? Lettuce, like let us? You’re a little slow, it’s ok.

Interviewer: Hello Ahren (He creeps out from the shadows) It’s been a while


Ahren: WHAT THE FUCCKKKKK, how long have you been there?

Interviewer: A while

Ahren: How did you know I was coming here

Interviewer: Don’t worry about it

Ahren: I’m worried about it

Interviewer: Don’t

Ahren: I am

Interviewer: No stop

Ahren: Can’t stop won’t stop

Interviewer: I wanna ask questions

Ahren: No questions, I’m working

Interviewer: You’ve taken me on the trill fairy adventures before

Ahren: And?

Interviewer: I wanna do it again

Ahren: No… Leave my presence swine… You ain’t trill

Interviewer: Ok I’ll go then…. (Turns to walk away)


Interviewer: MY EARS!!!

Ahren: DON’T YELL AT ME!!!

Interviewer: WHAT??!!

Ahren: Wow, really good at taking direction

Interviewer: I’m deaf now

Ahren: good… Now leave

Interviewer: …. I don’t know what you said, but lets go to the first house

Ahren: Damn it… Fine

(They turn and go to the first house, luckily the door isn’t locked so they walk right in)

Interviewer: What did this person do?

Ahren: Soccer flipped a water bottle into a trash can.. super trill

Interviewer: I don’t know what you said, but cool..

Ahren: k I didn’t yell that loud, relax.. Here’s the door


(Ahren opens the door, you see a dude sleeping)


Ahren: WAKE UP


Ahren: Being trill per usual, how bout you?

Dude: Um sleeping….


Dude: OH… Cool!

(Ahren throws some condoms at him, and leaves)


Ahren: No problem…

(interviewer can tell something’s wrong, as they walk out of his room)

Interviewer: Whats up pup?

Ahren: Don’t call me pup weirdo

(as they walk out the door an attractive female walks in the door)

Ahren: Enjoy

Female: thanks

Interviewer: So whats up?

Ahren: Ahren came to the realization that it was time to talk… talk about… his upcoming match

Interviewer: Oh narrating your life again? Nice

Ahren: It is time… TO THE FAIRY MOBILE


(Fairy transition screen)


(Camera comes back to Ahren in his Fairy Mobile, which is a pink Lamborghini)

Interviewer: Hey… Can I come in?


(Ahren rolls up the window, Interviewer stands there awkwardly)


Oh hey Maero whats up, missed you too bud. Last time we faced off I beat you in what 20 seconds? Honestly I didn’t even know you were still employed here. I don’t know what you want me to say? I mean, I gave you what you deserved, you’ve always been, and will always be just a footnote in EAW. Hell you’re a footnote in the Sanitorium, no one gives a shit about you. But one thing that you said confused me, “I’ve made you take a three-second trip to dream town many a time.” I sure as hell hope you don’t mean that you beat me many a time, because we’ve faced off once, and like I said, I destroyed you, your hopes, and your dreams. I don't know man, I guess I lost my cool, I would never hurt Oz, he's my boy. Give him this lollipop (takes out lollipop) I'll give it to you in the ring this weekend. Sorry I don't entertain you as much as I used to, but that doesn't really matter. What matters is results, and that's what I do, I produce the dub. And that will happen yet again this weekend.


Wow, has there ever been a team with a combined IQ less than People With Class? Let’s just start with Jon McAdams because he talked first. First of all he talks and talks about the same one topic, that he’s not even right about, and never actually rebuttals anything I say. He’s pathetic. How can you say so little, and be so wrong in that one little sentence. This has been the worst month of my career? What’s this the third week of November? I’m 1-1. I don’t know how you can possibly consider that really bad.? You would be lucky to have a record like that, I mean have you ever won 2 matches in a row ever? I know you lost to me 2 times in a row, so you can’t even beat a person two times in a row, but you can damn sure lose 2 times in a row. This month I have barely lost to Matt Miles in very wishy washy fashion, and I beat the shit out of A Star. So tell me, how is this the worst month of my career?  You’re really good with months aren’t you? You’re really good at the concept of time aren’t you? Yup loss after loss, all 1 of them. You moron Last time we met in that ring, I beat you, and your little friend with benefits hit me from behind like a little bitch, and you joined in. That doesn’t take talent, that doesn’t take brains, it takes a little bitch. You can’t beat me face to face so you have to result to underhanded ways. And it wasn’t even you that hit me, so what the hell are you even proud of? Just following the lead of the leader of PWC, Mike Showman. Which is definitely one of the worst leaders of any team ever. So go ahead and be proud of your record that’s absolutely abysmal, and get your facts wrong, time and time again, it’s fine. While you talk about fictitious things, I’ll live in reality, and keep winning. Stupid just stupid.


(Lets out an aggravated sigh)


Then we have this moron, Mike Showman, who again drones on and on about all the same shit that he always talks about, just like his partner. ANNNNDDDDD the hypocrisy continues, I don’t know if he had a stroke mid-way through this sentence but let me play this video back. (AHren plays Mike Showmans video) “But anyways, Ahren, it good to see to you talk about me after so many days” Umm what the hell did you even say? It good talk to Mike too.. I’m the retard? Like I’ve been saying for weeks, you can’t construct a coherent sentence. I can’t even understand what you say sometimes, hypocrite. Everything I say, you can understand, it’s coherent. It’s educated, it make sense. You? Well I guess your dad didn’t really spring for the best of the best when it came to teachers. Oh it didn’t end there, there’s a lot more. (Plays the video again) “When people talk about your match with mine.” We wrestled separate matches? My match versus yours? What the hell does that even mean? You mean when people talk about our match against each other.. SPEAK ENGLISH PLEASE. If you call me a retard, at least be smart yourself. (Plays video again)  “That’s right, people like you deserved to kick by the society”. I deserved to get kicked by THE society? Then what happened? I don’t deserve it now apparently but back in the day I deserved it. By the way you don’t need to say the society, just society. Like it sounded like you were saying that I deserved to kick society, because that’s the way you were constructing the sentence, and then you went in a way that just wasn’t a real sentence. I don’t take anything you say seriously because you have no idea how to even say it. The ironic part of this, this is the sentence where he’s saying that he’s exposing me, showing everyone that I am, a “retard”. You can’t even speak English. But let me just comment on what you actually tried to say. I realize I’m broken? Umm, you’re putting words in my mouth, when did I quit? Why would I care that you have a tainted victory over me, or that you hit me from behind because you can’t beat me unless you cheat, or hit me from behind. You’re a little bitch dude, and not once have you been trill through this entire thing. I’m fine, I don’t know why you think I’m struggling, I come up with new material against you every day, you’re that easy of a target. I’m fine, I’m the Trill Fairy, WE GON BE ALRIGHT! I only go out there, and dominate every week. Nothing has changed. You only have the same three topics, and it’s quite boring really. It’s quite funny really, same topics, you’d think that you’d be able to learn how to say the same thing you said in a coherent way, but nope. Back to your ignorant statements though (Plays video) “you don’t know what the taste of wine feels like”… You can’t feel taste…  They’re two separate sensations.. You moron, or should I say retard? (Plays video). “a fail attempt to be honest because both I and Jon know”. Jon and I.. Now I’m just giving you a free English lesson, I should be getting paid for this. And then the crème dela crème, missing the entire point of the whole racism bigotry part. NO I DIDN’T CALL YOU THESE THINGS. Listen to me with your ears, comprehend my words. I know how hard that is because you can’t even vocalize your own thoughts clearly. What I said was, you show the characteristics of a racist, of a bigot. I’m a very clever individual, I’m making connections to your personality to those of people that have these feelings. But let me explain it to you.. AGAIN! Because clearly you’re someone that doesn’t understand something unless you’re taught it multiple times. You hate me because you don’t understand me, and instead of trying to understand where I come from, you decide to hate. Like I said that’s how wars are started, that’s how hate spreads. People don’t understand Muslim culture, so whenever they see someone with a Sikh turban and automatically think oh that’s a terrorist. When like 99% of the time, they aren’t a terrorist, just someone trying to go through their day to day life. So yes, you show the characterizes of a bigot, or a racist Are you one? I have no idea. Just the fact that you share these characteristics with them should change your way of thinking. You fear me, you don’t understand me, greed.. All the things you posses, all things that lead to war, and you and me are going to war Mike, and I will win. I can’t let this loss to you hang over my head forever, I’m beating the ever living shit out of you, and your partner. But as I said, these characteristics are problems you should try to fix, find understanding within, and project love without. The Trill Fairy loves all people. You apparently hate the mentally handicap for some reason. So you place that title on me so you can let out all your anger towards them. It’s odd ya know? And by the way “your retarded brain”… I found that ironic. You know Mike, looking back, you coming to me, begging me to partner up with you, I made the right decision turning you down. I wouldn’t want an ignorant fool like you as a partner, I wouldn’t want someone that can’t even construct a coherent sentence together. Someone that doesn’t even know what class is. But I’m glad you found the man of your dream in Jon  McAdams, you two were made for each other, perfectly untalented people joining forces for a lackluster showing, woo hoo. Anyways, I’ve had my fill of exposing you as the true “retard”, now go home to daddy little boy, maybe he’ll read you a book so you can properly construct a sentence.


*tap tap tap*

(Interviewer still there taps on the window)




(Ahren opens the door for him)

Ahren: Sorry I needed my clear headed space, you understand

Interviewer: I do…

Ahren: So where do you want to go?

Interviewer: How about we…

Ahren: Strip club it is

(Ahren gives a little smirk, and drives off as the camera fades to black)

Last edited by Ahren Fournier on November 15th 2016, 10:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
Cameron Ella Ava
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 15th 2016, 9:25 pm by Cameron Ella Ava
You aren’t freaked out because of a loss, Haruna? You should be. You do not only have yourself to rely on. Team Sirens? That’s your team right there. That is who you are going to be relying on in five days. It’s good to look out for yourself. It’s good being cautious of your surroundings, but this isn’t a match where you can be selfish. This is a match where you should look deep in your heart and know that if you lose, they are all going to be pointing the finger on you. Why not? You’re the most likely going to get blamed on by Tarah, who wasn’t so welcoming to you when you joined the team. Like you’ve discussed by Consuela, you are only joining Team Sirens because of Cailin Dillon. Cailin saw your heart and determination. She has always could see things that most people can’t see. Is it because Cailin’s an idiot? Maybe. Maybe not, but I want to be the one to inform you that everyone is looking at you. People are going to be looking at what you are going to do in the ring. How I see it is: you become the sole person in Team Sirens and you defeat us, you might find acceptance with the Vixens. Is that what you have always wanted, Haruna? To be accepted? To be included in all the Vixen talk? To be accepted by your peers? If the Heart and Soul of the Vixens Division gets a victory over Team OG, this could be the very first step into getting acceptance. Who knows? Cailin might talk to Tarah and Aria make you a Siren! Isn’t that what you want? You’ll be working right next to Cailin. She wins the Vixens Championship and you challenger her for the title down the road leading up to one of the most brilliant matches of 2017! Is that what you want, Haruna? Is that what you have dreamed about all your life? Yes, Haruna. I am tapping into your emotions. I am tapping into your dreams because I feel like you are fully capable of bringing them to reality. I swear, a world without the OG Vixens would make things a lot easier for you. Too bad, we don’t live in that lovely world. You just have to accept that the world you live in is one we rule just like we’re going to rule Empire.

You’re not a team player, yet you’re on Team Sirens? Why is that? You think that you share a common purpose? You think that just because they saved your ass from getting kicked that you owe them your life? The Sheridan Muller I knew wouldn’t have been so fortunate for the help. She would have stood her ground and believed that she doesn’t need anyone’s help. The Sheridan Muller I knew would have taken me and Kendra Shamez to Sherplex City. Why couldn’t you do that, Sher? Why not? You like to paint this picture like I stabbed you in the back, but everyone knows that you were just too stupid to accept our offer. Idiot. You placed yourself in the wrong side of this war. While the OGs become stronger, The Sirens become weaker and weaker. Do you not realize that you’re on a disadvantage when it comes to numbers? Do you realize that the OGs have the upper hand as we approach Shock Value? You, Haruna and The Sirens will be in for the BIGGEST shock of your entire life when you realize what a cohesive unit Team OG is. There is not a single weak link on our side. We got no one holding us down. Let me ask you this question: you seriously believe none of the women your teaming with is holding you down? A woman who has built the reputation of being a loner must not be used to having an ally. You had me, Sher. You had Consuela and you could have had the OGs. You spat on that like you spat on our friendship. I was trying to push you to the next level. I was trying to make you a better Vixen. I was promising you that we would rule Empire together. You should have been grateful for the opportunity. You should have said yes to a heartbeat. You think it’s cool to be against the system? You think that it’s cool to be against the OGs? I was fully aware of how you were against the system. You are a woman that marches to their own beat of the drum. The one think that I never thought you’d be was against me. I didn’t stab you in the back. You stabbed me in the back when you rejected my offer. You think that they give a damn about you? You think that they are going to be looking out for you during the match? Yeah, right. The Sirens only look out for The Sirens. They are only interested in benefitting themselves. You don’t think that Cailin Dillon won’t stable you in the back about a month from your Vixens Championship match with her? Cailin seems like the woman who will smile at your face and talk shit about you behind your back. With me, if I had a problem with you, I would be out forward and say how I feel without having fear of getting punched in the face. If we cross paths in the wrong, I won’t have any problem of eliminating you. Hey, it might put me in the picture to become Vixens Champion. You can say that our story ends at Shock Value, but I just think our story has begun. It will continue at some point. Title or no title, it’s going to be more than fine with me. I’m hoping one day a light hits you and you understand why I did what I did. I get that you don’t right now. Surrounding myself with The Sirens wouldn’t have made me understand anything.

Wow…I never noticed a woman who made a crown seem so boring other than you, Cailin. Yeah, you’re Empress of Elite. You defeated Madison Kaline to attain the crown. I suppose you came to the realization about how the hype surround you and winning Empress of Elite was going to die out, so you got yourself think about what you needed to do to get attention on you again. Gee, I don’t know…how about calling out three of the pioneers of the Vixens Division? Why not call out the women who are the reason why you’re even standing today? I thought you were a lot smarter. Hanging around Aria Jaxon and Tarah Nova must be manipulating you to do the wrong thing. Team Sirens? It’s all wrong. What they stand for is all wrong. You aren’t exemplifying free opportunity for all the Vixens. The only think you are exemplifying is entitlement. Never in my entire career have I met a bunch of women so entitled. You should be grateful that you’re even getting on the match cards every week. You should be grateful that we haven’t finished off with The Sirens because there is no doubt that HBG, Kendra and I would do so without hesitation. It would only be then we won’t have Vixens believing they’re better than god given greatness. Do you have any clue what you’re getting yourself into? Do you realize the opponents you have at Shock Value? Do you realize the hell that is going to occur when you get the three OGs in the exact same ring? I could only talk so much about what you’re getting yourself into, but I feel like the only way you can get a full idea is in the ring. You do have a point, Cailin. This is a war about status. We see our positions being threatened by The Sirens. We noticed that the competition is the best it has ever been. We want to be above all that competition. Team Sirens vs. Team OG is the best way to solidify our dominance. The only way anyone could see this match going is with us on top. I know that you’re going to come out with your fists up. I know that the moment you step into the ring that you are going to have a target on your back. The question should be when I’m going to hit the bullseye? You’ll find out when that happens.

This is where you’re wrong, Aria. I respect your talents. What I do not respect is your decisions. You haven’t made the best decisions of your career. Hell, your personal decisions in life haven’t been good either, but that’s a different story. With your decisions with Formation and now The Sirens, it seems like you are making your own deathbed. Back at our last confrontation on Showdown, I thought I was done with you. I thought we became better wrestlers and we were going to go at different directions. You became a Vixens Division and then a Young Lions Cup. Meanwhile, my career spiraled down. My losing streak was taking a toll out of me and I began to wonder if all of this was worth it. The OG Vixens took all of that doubt away from me. I have become reformed. You might not be able to see that, but I am. I’m more vicious. I’m stronger. More determined. Don’t you find it ironic how it all began with you and it somehow comes back to you. Who would have ever thought that we’d be in the same ring again? Who would have ever thought that to fix my downward spiral was one victory over you? On Empire, I have yet to be pinned. I have yet to be defeated in a single’s match. It could be safe to say that I’ve been unbeatable since Empire has begun. I hope to maintain that reputation at Shock Value. The goal is to always be one of the last ones standing. I dream and I dream big. That should be a common thing with the Vixens. I hope you know that I’ve always acknowledged my failures. I’ve always been real with my losses. The thing I’m not understanding is why you won’t? Why won’t you admit that there was no controversy with the way I lost. Consuela came out after the match was over. She had no role in the match. The only roll Consuela had in the match was cheering me on. Being a supportive sister. There was no tricks or controversies like how you want to put it. If Consuela interfered in my match, how come I didn’t notice her? How come I didn’t notice anything? It’s probably because you are clutching at straws. You’re struggling to find some sort of accusation to have against me. Now, you’re paranoid. What makes you think that I have something planned? What makes you think that I’m relying on the rest of the Sanatorium to assure me a victory? I am hiding nothing. The only people I’m relying on are the other members of Team OG. We’ll win the match. No controversies or tricks. I will be more than excited to figure out what compelling argument you’ll have against that. You’ll probably blame it on the lighting next since you’re just looking for ANYTHING to have against me. I’d say to make up an excuse now because you’re going to need it after Shock Value.
Victor Maero
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 15th 2016, 9:19 pm by Victor Maero

Shock Value promo #1

“Look at this.” Maero stands in the center of a wrestling ring with a microphone in hand. He pulls on his suit’s collar and cringes. “We’ve got another-” Maero yanks his collar making him stagger slightly. He regains his equilibrium and continues. “Another battle royal that I’ve been thrown into for some shock value.” Maero tightly closes his eyes and speaks in a monotone voice. “Ha, get it.” Maero puts his head in his hands. “I’m never taking script advice from Oz ever again.” He says, his voice muffled through his hands.

“Whatever, let’s move on. We’ve finally got some genuine threats to fight in this match. We’ve also got Jakob DeLion and Danny Noxx. Comically, I dare say, they’ve been thrown into a match filled with rising talents, and are being forced to watch as we ascend into genuine stardom while they continue to pretend mud wrestling is a sport. Jakob decided to take one of my insults as a nickname. Why? I made fun of you because of your stupid amount of nicknames. They’re completely redundant, you want to take something that people used to hurt you and turn it into something that’s your staple? Fine, go ahead. But just choose one thing. I don’t care how many nicknames you have, they’ll all be forgotten.” Maero flexes his fingers in his left hand and twitches his head slightly with a snarl.

“I’ve already beaten you Noxx. You’re less than a joke to me. You’re a pretender. You simply pretend to be someone pretending to be a wrestler. You’re an actor, and not even a good one. You’re like the Kristen Stewart of fake wrestlers. I had more respect for Luke Reign, at least he actually believed his own stupidity. You’re a sludge factory. You’re polluting EAW and I’m going to do everything in my power to shut you up.”

“Jon McAdams. You have the class that is so lacking in EAW. Shame you don’t have the tact. I’m not a threat, hmm? Do you know what I’ve done? I’m alone? Have you ever heard of the Sanatorium? You may have watched me, but you haven’t seen anything yet. I know you want to throw me out like last week’s mustache wax, but something in the back of your mind is tugging at you. That’s called fear. Listen to it. I was born with the Devil in me, Jon, you were born with a silver spoon. This match will be a proving grounds for every man partaking in it, don’t cut your time in the limelight short by targeting me. You’re just a snob, but I’d rather EAW have some class than it be filled with J.D. Damons. So, Jon, you don’t screw with me, you won’t be the first to lose your legs.” Maero winks.

“J.D. Damon. Other people seem to want to dismiss you. How rude, am I right? You made Wolves Den! The only stable in EAW that... The stable that… Uh. Look, can I call you Mr. Damon? You’ve fallen off a bit. You’re not the spring chicken you used to be. You’re still a threat sure, but I’m not… scared of you. You’re boring, stagnant, repetitive. I have some admiration, you’ve stuck it out this long after all. But you’re just not… a wolf. You’re a chihuahua, you talk big game but cower behind the big dog that is Zack Crash so that he can take care of it. I’ve gotten bored of you. I don’t want to hear a single thing you have to say, yet I have to listen. How else am I going to get a good laugh? I want you broken at my feet, and I’ll pull out all the stops to do it. I’m doing this for me, I’m gonna destroy you because I want to. I’ll show off my new skills. I’m still desperate Damon, and I’m sure the intelligent mastermind known as J.D. Damon would know what I say about that.” Maero smiles and rolls his head on his shoulders. He bites down on his left hand before loosening his tensed body making the bite marks on his hand visible.

“Alonzo Calrissian. I can dig it. Star Wars fan, Guardians of the Galaxy fan, etcetera. You’re a nerd and a people’s man. You’ve got a lot to learn though. This match will be a good substitute for your college education. Pop quiz, who is going to have the highest body count in this match? Hint: his name rhymes with Pharaoh. Did you guess me? Well done, come get your dog treat. As much as I hate degrading people, you’re gonna have to learn that pandering doesn't make you any stronger than any of us. It just makes you a teacher’s pet. Take it from someone who knows, the admiration of people is fickle and you’ll hate yourself for striving for it. Sure, I fight for the freaks and the forgotten, but I don’t pander to them and cry to pull their heartstrings. I want them to see that they’re not alone. You pander to the masses and pretend that the cheers of the average joe that you’ve showered in praise is some kind of achievement. If you were anyone else I’d be disgusted, but at the moment I’m just disappointed.” Maero shrugs and the perks up. “So, have someone feed you the joke that I was bullied in school and pretend that it's your own brilliant ammunition to fire back, and you're not mooching off of someone far more gifted than yourself. Pretend that everything I said was because I’m so crazy and I have no real talent. Pretend I’m the bad guy. Pretend that what you’re doing isn’t farming for self assurance and that I’m clearly the bad guy. But when my demons come out in that ring you life will flash before your eyes and you will regret your fickle, pointless existence. You’ll realize there is no black and white in this world. The gray you’ve ignored is going to be your undoing. You will wish you hadn’t spent your life pointlessly yelling into the void and screaming for attention. Bring it around town Alonzo, I’d love to see what you think of me. My entire soul rides on it.” Maero huffs sarcastically through gritted teeth.

“Solomon Caine. The seventh graders dream. So crazy and so hectic. You’re the monster under every kid’s bed. I know you think of me as a potential ally, and I appreciate that. But in your current state you’re the last person the Sanatorium needs. On the contrary, you need the Sanatorium. You’re listening to the “nether world” when the real one beckens for your power. You think that those voices are godly? No, no, no. They’re all you baby. Listen to them at your own discretion. You’re fighting for something you believe in, I can respect that. What I can’t respect is that you don’t question it. My voices are nothing but my own mind screaming at me, and I listen only to silence them. These voices are no blessing, this is a curse. Do you know what happens to those that listen to the every whim of a higher power? They fall. They’re remembered as the demons they so feared or revered. You’re cult mindset is the thing holding you back. I want to like you, but you just piss me off. This thing you pledge yourself to has only hindered you. So go on worshiping it, I won’t stop you. I don’t care you were. I don’t care what happened to you. I don’t care what you hear. What I care about is what you’re doing here, and right now you’re a fucking disgrace. So get some help and hear your own voice, or get the fuck out of my ring. Your voices have no power here, and neither do you. Laugh it up Solomon, but you need to make some changes before you can get anywhere in EAW. You need realize what those voices are before you can fight someone else with a similar affliction. I’ve got my own demon Solomon, but mine are more refined. Do you think the raw ore that those voices are will be anything next to the tested metal of mine? The demons in you are nothing in comparison to the ones housed in my mind. We’re both twisted Solomon, you’ve been twisted into a believer, and I’ve been twisted into a blade. When we class only one of us will bleed. And blades don’t bleed.”

“My good pall Ahren Fournier. The man with the jokes, and apparently the bullet points. I’ve missed you. But what we’ve seen time and time again is what I can do to you. But you kept me as a footnote? And you mentioned Oz as some kind of creature. I was unaware you were so rude to other children. Does someone need a nap? I think that hanging upside down has made you woozy, your points toward me are worse than usual. Shocking, you never fail to impress. I want to like you, but you seem to be getting less and less likeable the more I see you. Did you somehow lose the only thing that made you vaguely interesting? Your sense of humor is what made it fun to fight you, and now all you’ve got for me is saying you’ll punt kick a child? Come on, I’ve made you take a three-second trip to dream town many a time. Do you think that I’m not a threat anymore? I’ve gotten stronger Ahren, can you say the same? From what I’ve seen, clearly no. I’ve opened my eyes to the world, I’ve seen more than you ever will. You’re just a blind man dreaming of something greater. Come on Ahren, you’re the only one I thought I’d really have fun with. Hit me, hug me, hurl verbal abuse at me, something! Just come on and say something about me! I’ve missed you, you stupid paint sniffing bastard. Now acknowledge me.”

“Mike Showman. You’re a prick. That’s all you are. You are the vomit of that the underbelly of EAW as given as a sacrificial lamb. You’re the generic asshole that we all wish we could be. Disregarding everything that’s said to you and burning hundred dollar bills. You’re a fucking joke. You have no substance. Your brain is made out of hate and golden baboon shit. You’ve got more daddy issues than all of the contestants on “America’s Next Top Model” combined. And I’m sure you could count your IQ points on one hand. Why am I so sure? Because it’s a bad idea when cousins marry. More like Win-cest, am I right? I’m sure you can’t wait until you’re finally as fast as your sister, huh? Look Showman, what the fuck do you think you can do here? I’ve already beaten half the other contestants, you’re no different. I’d roast you more, but I don’t like the smell of burning trash.”

“I’ve been thrown into more rag-tag, last minute, battle royales than any of you. Do you really think I’ll lose this one? I have the experience, the ability, and the brains to win this. I don’t pretend to be the thing that goes bump in the night, but I damn well don’t let anyone else claim to be. If I have to eviscerate every single one of you to win this match then I will stain the mat red with your blood. I’ve been trained by the best to fight the best, none of you will beat me. Not now. This is my moment, and I won’t fall. I’ve fallen so many times, and I’ve gotten up every single fucking time. I’ve improved every single fucking time. And I’ve learned from every single fucking time. I get better with every match, with every second I spend on this Earth I grow stronger. I am nothing if not improving constantly, and I assure you I am more than nothing. I’ve gotten this far and I’m still smiling, all this pain has never made that grin falter, I’m either stupidly brave or crazy. Either way, you should be scared."

Do you know what I love? Pain. Pain to me, pain to others, it doesn’t matter, I just love it. Every injury makes me enjoy myself a little more. Every time the metallic taste of blood passes over my tongue I fight harder. It’s an obsession almost. I love it in a way I’ve felt so few time before, in a way you only love those close to you. Pain is like a close friend I just can’t see enough. Almost an addiction or a mistress. This match is the perfect way for pain to be visible once more, it’s the perfect way because going to be hurled in every goddamn direction. And that’s exhilarating. This is my fucking match, this is exactly how I like it, bloody and hectic. Come on all of you, you think that you can beat the Priest of Life in the match that allows me the most access to it? Pain shows you things you could never see before, pain is the bridge to life. I intend to cross it, one way or another. I’ll go through all of you for that rush, that high. This is my kingdom, you can pretend to have power as much as you want. But as soon as we’re released in that match you will regret ever tempting me, you will regret ever taunting me. I’m about to go ballistic in that ring and you’re in the firing line. As soon as I get out of this monkey suit I’m going to make sure that Shock Value is seen as the day the insane rose. Because we all now just how quickly your flames of hope are going to be snuffed out, we all know how fast I’m going to break you. Deny the truth all you want, but in the ring, no one can save you.” Maero licks his lips.

“When we all step in that ring on Saturday you’re going to wish you had quit. Because I don’t give mercy until the match is over. You can call me crazy, you can say this is a pipe dream and how you’re the best. But I swear to all of those gods you can pray to before the war that will begin in that ring, that I will see at least one of you taken out on a stretcher. This is my ring, this is where legends are born and gods die. This is war. The ring is where my demons come out to play, it’s where I’m allowed to unleash the beast I keep inside. It’s where pain resides, and thus, it’s my home. The ring you’ll be entering is unlike anything you’ve seen before. This ring is Hell, this ring is going to be a bloody tornado where our souls and bodies will collide. This battle will be Hell, and Hell…” Maero throws his microphone down and screams. He drops down to the ground and speaks into the microphone. “Hell is home.” Maero crawls backward out of the ring and the scene fades to black.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 15th 2016, 8:52 pm by Guest
Shock Value Promo #2

I had a dream, which was not all a dream. 
The bright sun was extinguished, and the stars 
Did wander darkling in the eternal space, 
Rayless, and pathless, and the icy earth 
Swung blind and blackening in the moonless air; 
Morn came and went and came, and brought no day, 
And men forgot their passions in the dread 
Of this their desolation; and all hearts 
Were chilled into a selfish prayer for light: 
And they did live by watch fires and the thrones, 
The palaces of crowned kings the huts, 
The habitations of all things which dwell, 
Were burnt for beacons; cities were consumed, 
And men were gathered round their blazing homes 
To look once more into each other's face; 
Happy were those who dwelt within the eye 
Of the volcanos, and their mountain-torch: 
A fearful hope was all the world contained; 
Forests were set on fire but hour by hour 
They fell and faded and the crackling trunks 
Extinguished with a crash and all was black. 
The brows of men by the despairing light 
Wore an unearthly aspect, as by fits 
The flashes fell upon them; some lay down 
And hid their eyes and wept; and some did rest 
Their chins upon their clenched hands, and smiled; 
And others hurried to and fro, and fed 
Their funeral piles with fuel, and looked up 
With mad disquietude on the dull sky, 
The pall of a past world; and then again 
With curses cast them down upon the dust, 
And gnashed their teeth and howled: the wild birds shrieked 
And, terrified, did flutter on the ground, 
And flap their useless wings; the wildest brutes 
Came tame and tremulous; and vipers crawled 
And twined themselves among the multitude, 
Hissing, but stingless they were slain for food. 
And War, which for a moment was no more, 
Did glut himself again: a meal was bought 
With blood, and each sate sullenly apart 
Gorging himself in gloom: no love was left; 
All earth was but one thought and that was death 
Immediate and inglorious; and the pang 
Of famine fed upon all entrails men 
Died, and their bones were tumbles as their flesh; 
The meagre by the meagre were devoured, 
Even dogs assailed their masters, all save one, 
And he was faithful to a cores, and kept 
The birds and beasts and famished men at bay, 
Till hunger clung them, or the dropping dead 
Lured their lank jaws; himself sought out no food, 
But with a piteous and perpetual moan, 
And a quick desolate cry, licking the hand 
Which answered not with a caress he died. 
The crowd was famished by degrees; but two 
Of an enormous city did survive, 
And they were enemies: they met beside 
The dying embers of an altar-place 
Where had been heaped a mass of holy things 
For an unholy usage; they raked up, 
And shivering scraped with their cold skeleton hands 
The feeble ashes, and their feeble breath 
Blew for a little life, and made a flame 
Which was a mockery; then they lifted up 
Their eyes as it grew lighter, and beheld 
Each other's aspects saw, and shrieked, and died— 
Even of their mutual hideousness they died, 
Unknowing who he was upon whose brow 
Famine had written Fiend. The world was void, 
The populous and the powerful was a lump, 
Season less, herbless, treeless, manless, lifeless— 
A lump of death a chaos of hard clay. 
The rivers, lakes and ocean all stood still, 
And nothing stirred within their silent depths; 
Ships sailorless lay rotting on the sea, 
And their masts fell down piecemeal: as they dropped 
They slept on the abyss without a surge— 
The waves were dead; the tides were in their grave, 
The moon, their mistress, had expired before; 
The winds were withered in the stagnant air, 
And the clouds perished; Darkness had no need 
Of aid from them She was the Universe.
The Universe of Madison Kaline
Where everything revolves around me
Give me your hand, and hold mine, trust me.

Poem By Madison Kaline 2016

Never in my life have I seen such spoiled brats, they don’t realize that without me they are nothing, they cease to exist with my presences. (Madison laughs loudly) But it’s okay, everything is okay Madison, because in the end your sisters will do as you say, it doesn’t matter what they say right now I know they are just trying to be defiant right now, perhaps trying to just get a rise out of me (Madison smiles) They love me, I love them, they are my sisters to the end! Alexis and Brody in the end will do what is best for the Sanatorium, (Madison talks in a smooth calm voice) now Brody just take a deep breath baby girl, clear your head, and now look at me and listen to me very clearly; your actions and your words that spewed out of your mouth yesterday were unacceptable, now luckily for you I am a very understanding person, especially when it comes to my sisters. It was a very heated moment, I get that, and I may have said somethings that you didn’t like, and I apologize for that, there is no need for us to argue. But there is just something that you lack to understand, you winning this Battle Royal does nothing for anyone, so please stop acting like a spoiled brat and help me win this thing, because a win for me, is not only a win for you but everyone else The Sanatorium. Now please don’t respond to me and say something you will regret later, just stop and think about what I said, take it in, take a deep breath, perhaps do some yoga and calm down, because in the end we both know how this is going to end, same goes for you twin sister Alexis, you guys can talk all day everyday about how you think you are going to win this Battle Royal, but we both know, all three of us know who is really going to win it. Me, I am going to win it with the help of you two as well, hell in fact I will win it with or without you, but just realize if I win Empire can be luxurious night for all of us. Or it can be a living hell, the choice I of course yours I am not pressuring you into doing anything (Madison smiles and laughs). I am the queen of EAW, I am the princess and the mistress, I am everything I am the Vixen amongst Vixens, and I am the best woman in this business today, quite frankly I don’t give a shit what Azumi has to say to me, Azumi is nothing to me, absolutely nothing, she is nothing, she is dirt on the bottom of my shoe. I mean seriously who the fuck is she? Where does she get off talking to me like the way she does, she is meaningless her life has no purpose, other than to make me look good both in and out of the ring. When you look in the mirror Azumi, what do you see? You see a disgrace, you look at someone who hasn’t accomplished a damn thing in her life, and you just ooze hate when you look at someone like me, because I have made it, weather you want to admit it or not I have made it, and when you saw my name right beside your name in this Battle Royal, you went oh shit, and oh shit is what all the opponents in our match did, because they know that playtime is over, and shit is about to get real. Even my sisters went oh shit, so now they put on this tough chick attitude, but it’s all an act, just like you Azumi, it is all just an act, and how dare you even think you can beat me, a former Vixens Champion, because let’s face it for the past year you have been eating at the kiddies table you will soon realize what dinner is like at the adult table little girl, I am going to knock your fucking head off and laugh and there isn’t a damn thing you or Haruna, or Erica or whoever the hell it is you are tag team with these days. You see that is how little the world cares about you; I don’t even know what the hell you are even doing. So please Azumi do me a favor, and just shut up, stop talking, stop making a fool out of yourself, because you are nothing more than a parasite. You and the rest of these Vixens all make me sick, because you are all talk, and nothing else, you guys don’t have common sense, you don’t realize when someone is better than you, either that or you can’t admit the truth. I am the mistress of death and welcome to Vixens Division, a division in which I rule and come Empire, I will control it!
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 15th 2016, 7:37 pm by ThePizzaBoy
Showdown Promo 1

The camera opens on a closed front door from the inside of a shabby apartment.  AV techs and an interviewer stand at either side of the door, waiting in silence for something to happen.  Suddenly there's a knock on the door.  The room erupts to life behind the camera as the interviewer ducks behind the door frame, jiggles the doorknob h, and lets the door swing open on it's own like a cautious SWAT team member in the middle of a sting operation.  As the door creeks open anticlimactically, Pizza Boy appears on the other side holding a pizza box in a hot sleeve out in front of him.  He looks up from his order form and immediately glares.

PB: I've got an order here for...oh you've got to be kidding me.

PB stares ahead at the camera in trembling anger as the interviewer jumps out of the shadows and shoves the mic into his face.

Interviewer: Pizza Boy, we'd like to talk to you about what happened on Showdown.

PB sighs in disgust before putting on his clenched teeth service industry smile

PB: It'll cost you.

Interviewer: How much?

PB: eight-fifty for the pie and a tip for me.  I'm not on EAW's clock right now, so if you're going to ambush me with interviews you're going to have to pay me.

PB slowly turns his head toward the interviewer.  His mouth smiles a warm and welcoming smile, but his eyes are full of indignant disgust.  The interviewer pats down his suit jacket pockets and shrugs toward the camera man in lost horror.  There's a rustling behind the cameras as engineers, key grips, and gaffers scrounge to somehow make up the lump sum of eight-fifty plus gratuity.  PB hangs his head in frustration and tries to temper his building rage.

PB: Don't tell me you guys ordered a pizza without the intent of tipping me, much less paying.

Camera Man: five...six...OK, we've got it.

The interviewer scurries off behind the camera and comes back with two handfuls of wadded ones, quarters, and bent pennies.  He lays it on top of PB's pizza box cautiously as Pizza Boy continues to stare downward in abhorred anger.  He sighs and starts counting the money with his eyes.  He picks up a duct taped together one, glances off camera with a 'really?' glare, before rolling his eyes and picking up one of the copper coated coins within the pile.

PB: OK, never mind the singles that are covered in glitter and reek of yeast, at least that's currency.  But this? This is an arcade token, and I'm pretty sure that I saw one of those 3-D Canadian glow in the dark dinosaur coins? I mean, it's pretty cool, but I'm going to need some American legal tender here.

Camera Man: Yeah, but there's at least eight dollars there right?

PB: Soooo my tip is a nickle that looks like it survived an encounter with a railroad track, a wheat penny, Canadian Power Rangers money and a buck that's got some stripper's name written across George's face?

Camera Man: Actually...I might need that back.

PB: You guys are really making me want to talk to you right now.  

Interviewer: PB, I told them this was a terrible idea.  

Camera Man: Yeah.  He did, but you don't talk to us anymore man.  We got kicked out of Bo and Tye's, you ditch out of Showdown before the show's even over, and you're not even on the hotel registry for travel.  This was our last resort.

PB: Guys.  Listen.  When I'm out on the street, doing my job, delivering pizzas and on the clock I'm not beholding to you.  When I'm done wrestling and want to go home for the night and sleep off my concussions, I'm not obligated to check in.  You're not my parents, and talking to you isn't my obligation as a professional wrestler.  

Camera Man: Yeah, but-

PB: But what?!

Camera Man: We're..friends.  Right?

These words seem to wound PB as he looks away in wincing shame.

PB: I don't make friends in this business anymore.  Certain people need to realize that every time I do someone gets hurt.  I put them in the cross hairs and they end up taking the hit for me when that's not what I want.  

Camera Man: Wow...is that really what you think?

PB continues to avert his eyes.  Before the interviewer can shove the mic in his face again, PB shoves the pizza into his gut and turns to leave.

Camera Man: PB, Brian isn't hurt because he's friends with you.  Brian got hurt for the same reasons you often get hurt. Brian tried to stand up for what was right. 

PB: What about HBB?

Camera Man: He's over on Dynasty.

The room goes silent as PB's head pops back up.  He turns and faces the camera with a stunned look on his face.

PB: What...?

Camera Man: Yeah, he's off on Dynasty right now making a run for-

PB: Shshshs!  So he's...OK?

The Interviewer gives a confused glance over to the camera man, shrugging once more as PB's gaze stays locked dead on the man behind the camera.

Camera Man: I mean...yeah.  As far as I know.  The same goes for Tony, Barney, and Percy.  They're all off somewhere safe.  Some of that's because of you.

PB: But I put them in harm's way.

Camera Man: Are you really going to let yourself take the blame for Drake and Jones being douche bags?

PB glances around the room as his cheeks begin to grow pink with a bit of embarrassment.  His body relaxes as he turns to the interviewer, and then back to the camera with a nervous smile.

PB: I never thought about it that way.

Camera Man: So does that mean you're going to do the interview?

PB: I-I guess...I'm a little flustered though.  Give me a minute.

Camera Man: Alright.  Want to sit down and share a slice with the crew?

PB: Like old times?

Camera Man: Yeah man.  Like old times.

PB: I'd...I'd like that.

The camera cuts off, seemingly momentarily, only to come back up seconds later to the sight of PB with a slice of pepperoni pizza in his hand, and a big wad of it nursed in his cheek as he chews away into the microphone.  He wipes the cheese from his mouth and nods to the camera man, as if to confirm they're rolling.

Interviewer: We're here with the Pizza Boy to get some insight on where his mind's at right now going into next week's Showdown with HRDO making the decree that if he can beat Ares Vendetta in a one-on-one encounter, he'll be able to participate in the Extreme Elimination Chamber for the Elite Answer's Championship.  PB, what are your thoughts?

PB: My first thought right now is that damn this pizza's good! If you want some, hit up Bo and Tye's Pizzeria down in the Bowery.   Come on in and get a slice.  If you can answer the trivia question of how many times Ares Vendetta kicked me in the back of the head at Rite of Passage, you'll get a free slice and a signed bow tie for your troubles.  I don't even know the answer to that one...and it scares me sometimes.

There's an awkward pregnant pause as PB stares dead eyed into the camera.  The interviewer follows his gaze, tilts his head, trying to find what PB's staring at.  PB snaps out of his trance as the camera man lets out a fake cough to get his attention.  He nudges the interviewer and gives him a cockeyed stare.

PB: What're you doing?

Interviewer: I..uh...

PB: It's alright man.  We all space out, get lost in our thoughts...drift off into a melancholy state of regret and angst...but that's not me.  Acting aloof and sad about a title loss isn't me either. Being miserable about being beaten up isn't me.  Walking out of a major Free-Per-View with my head hung in shame over losing a main event championship match isn't me.  I should be humbled, flattered, and proud that I've gotten this far.  I should be elated that I got my hands on Ares Vendetta and Tiberius Jones, that I punished them as much as they punished me.  You know something? I am proud, and rightfully so.  Apparently I must've put enough of a hurting on our 'esteemed' champion to warrant two more shots to get my hands on him again.  That's good, because one way or the other it was going to happen with or without EAW sanction.  As of now he's responsible fo taking two things away from me; thing one? Brian Daniels.  I say thing because he's not a man.  He's a legend.  He did what everyone else was afraid to do after seeing what Ares Vendetta was capable of doing, what lows he'd be willing to sink to in order to remain on top.  He stood up to the Answer's Champion, looked him in the eye, and told him that he wasn't afraid of him.  He did it with kicks, punches, forearms, and submissions.  He put the fear of God in Ares Vendetta, to the point that Ares found it to be imperative to make sure Brian could never lay into him with one of those glorious kicks, or wrap his legs around his appendages with one of those amazing submissions.

Interviewer: It's tragic.

PB: It is, but what's not tragic is the fact that I saw that fear of God in Ares's eyes at Rite of Passage as he laid me out and left me to fall at the hands of Nico Borg.  I felt it in his quivering fingers as he tried to steady the chair around me and help Nico put me away for good.  But you didn't Ares.  I'm alive and well and reinvigorated at the prospect of not only getting my hands on you in Green Bay, but also at the idea of being locked in that chamber  with only you, me, four other men out for your blood,, and my trusty pizza cutter.

Interviewer: I'm assuming the second thing you're referencing that Ares took away from you is the EAW National Championship?

PB: Wow dude, I was on a roll and you just cut me off like that?

Interviewer: Sorry, I'm new.

PB points at the interviewer in a picking accusatory fashion while making a cross eyed face at the camera, inciting chuckles from behind the lens.  The Interviewer straightens his tie and tries to regain some dignity and composure.

Interviewer: Nico Borg is now the EAW National Champion, and it's partly due to Ares.

PB: It's entirely due to Ares.  Don't try to spin it into anything more than Vendetta trying to ruin me.  Don't get me wrong, Nico's a reprehensible clod of a snake oil salesman, but he had nothing to do with what happened to me at Rite of Passage.  That EAW National Championship might as well be around Ares waist because he served it up to Nico on a sliver platter without Borg so much as lift a finger to win it.  

Interviewer: He did win the 24/7 Ba-

PB: Was I in that match?

Interviewer: Well, no but-

PB: Was my title up for grabs in that match?

Interviewer: Uhm...

PB: Ares beat me.  He beat me to retain his gold and he beat me to win Nico that National Championship.  But may I remind everyone that he did so after Jones hit me with the mist out of the starting gate and beat the crap out of me?!

Interviewer: He did, but it was a triple threat which means anything goes.

PB: You know what? You're right, but there will be rules in Wisconsin and there wont be a Tiberius Jones present to do what Tiberius Jones's do best.

Interviewer: And what's that?

PB: Dragging me down with their own failures and shortcomings.  

Interviewer:  Wow.  Some uh, spirited and harsh words from the former two-time EAW National Champion.

PB: Are we done here? Can I go back to work? Maybe, I don't know? Sell some pies to a group of college students who'd probably tip better than this motley crew behind the camera?

Pizza Boy reaches off camera and audibly high fives one of the AV operators as the interviewer looks down at his note cards with the color leaving his cheeks.

Interviewer: Actually...there is one more thing.

The room goes quiet in knowing expectation of what's coming up next on the interview docket.  PB's jovial smile turns narrow.  He begins scratching the back of his head awkwardly as he turns toward the door.

PB: Listen...I uh...gotta go, alright?

Camera Man: It's cool man.  Sorry to interrupt your job and all.

PB: No no, it's cool.  It's cool.

Interviewer: I wasn't done.

Camera Man: No.  Dude, just let it go.  I know you're antsy to prove yourself with the hard hitting questions and all but-

Interviewer: I need to ask you about Tyler Park-

Pizza Boy lunges toward the interviewer, cutting him off mid-sentence as PB holds a finger up in his face.

PB: ...and we were having such a good time.  Don't show up at the restaurant anymore, OK?

Camera Man: OK man...

PB: This was fun though...

Pizza Boy points to the boys behind the camera as he sidles out of the room and into the hotel hallway.  He lets his hands drop by his side as he disappears down the hallway as the interviewer looks on.  The interviewer turns to face the camera.  He looks somewhat ashamed of his actions.

Interviewer: Well, that went well.

Suddenly wadded up paper plates and napkins come flying from behind the camera, pegging the newbie interviewer as the AV crew boo and hiss as the camera fades to black.
Lucas Johnson
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 15th 2016, 6:15 pm by Lucas Johnson
Dynasty Promo #1 - I Warned You Guys

Did I or did I not warn you guys last week? I warned every single one of you fucking pathetic losers that I was going to walk into the squared circle and walk away with that victory no matter if I had to cause physical injury weather it be concussions, internal bleeding, torn ACL or a broken arm when I locked in that Machine Break. With that victory I think I deserve to go straight up to the top of the Interwire Championship ladder right? No one wants to deal with the most devastating move in the business today, I proved this past Friday night on Dynasty that I can break someone's arm in an instant when Azreal tapped out in an instant when I locked that baby in. Anybody on the roster doesn't want a piece of me. I bet Hades wouldn't want a piece of me, Kevin Devistation, Mexican Samurai and even Mr. DEDEDE himself wouldn't want a piece of me. Do you want to know why? The answer to that question is because I would crush there stupid face within seconds! I would ruin their career with a blink of an eye and there would be no turning back for them. The Interwire Championship one of if not the most prestigious championships on Dynasty or in our industry period that has been apart of this company since the beginning and that title would sure as hell look good around the waist of someone in a suit and that buys expensive clothing instead of some little latino that finds everything to be a joke in everyday life. In my opinion TLA shouldn't even be Interwire Championship he should just hand the title over to me because I am one of the greatest superstars on the Dynasty roster today! People on this roster don't want to come near me because they are afraid of me and don't want there body broken into pieces. Let me take you down memory road for a little bit here, do you people know how I....Lucas "The Wrestling Machine" Johnson got into wrestling? I bet you people don't because all you fucking do is sit on your ass all day and play video games but in middle school I was the odd person out because I was never good at sports. During the winter of my seventh grade year I wanted to join the wrestling team to release the anger inside of me due to being bullied and the adrenaline rush I got wrestling in-front of crowds is the reason I am here today. But recently I found out getting cheered by all of you is a waist of time? I'm here to focus on winning matches and championship now winning popularity contests and that's the bottom line. You have a problem with the Red Devil like myself? Step up over the line in the sand I dare you because your life would end with a matter of seconds and before you know it you would wake up in a hospital bed with a IV connected to your arm....

Now Kelly Hackenschmidt you decide to be the savior of the day by running down to the ring and make me release the hold? How cute are you? Are you trying to be a little super hero that you aren't? You step into my ring you would be the next person to be tapping out within seconds to my Machine Break! You are lucky Sebastian Monore sent down security to the ring because I would have ruined your career before it got off the floor because the only person you need to be focused right now is mine! The RED DEVIL, THE WRESTLING MACHINE, LUCAS JOHNSON - THE NEXT INTERWIRE CHAMPION! My Road To Redemption continues this week when I take on Ross Vegas inside my ring! This maybe my ring you are stepping into Ross but you certainty take Louisville, Kentucky as your state because frankly I already can't wait to get the hell out of that state and I didn't even get on my private jet to arrive there yet! What has ever happened in Kentucky besides their College Basketball team being good? Oh yeah nothing! Nothing is good about Kentucky, plain and simple. I should be performing of sold out crowds at Madison Square Garden, Staples Center and stadiums like Metlife Stadium or AT&T Stadium! I DESERVE TO BE ON FREE PER-VIEW POSTERS! I DESERVE TO BE ON ALL OF THIS SHIT! Once I capture that Interwire Championship it will be my baby and from then I will become everyone's worst nightmare because I am here to takeover....
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 15th 2016, 5:10 pm by Guest
Shock Value 02

'' You've taken my words, repositioned them and attached an accumulation of lies. Yes, I acknowledged the passion you have for your job as a professional athlete, nonetheless, I don't recall expressing that your passion, your enthusiasm for the Vixens division was directed towards the correct attitude. Passion and arrogance have blended, by some means you believe everything you do to be an absolute, and every object you touch or idea you spout turns to gold, but this is not the case. You can disseminate a strategy, or draw out a proposition with any shade of pencil, it will not always be correct, and this is the case in regards to your idiosyncratic, halfwitted rants on how you built the Vixens division, how everything you did was best for Efficiency Answers Wrestling, and how the OG Vixens will always compete and how they shall never be topped. You're correct in one regard, Kendra. I've never experienced having a door slammed in my face, because if such were to ever happen to me, I would not pout, whine and stamp my feet, alternatively I would kick the door down with aggression and demand righteousness. I have integrity, if I see something inpure and dripping with poison, I don't leave such to drain away and die slowly, no, I slide a mask over my lips, grab a sponge and bucket, and massage away until the problem no longer exists. I smash impediments, it is just my perfectionist, workaholic attitude towards this business. You maintain the idea on how we're all entitled, giving you no respect for building this very division, however such an opinion is so far from the truth. I cannot comprehend this abstraction, on how you adore bragging and patting yourself on the back for being the creator of such an average division. I cannot penetrate why you're so proud and enthusiastic on producing complacency. I don't respect a lack of motivation, and I cannot lay back and accept a woman who is painting herself as a goddess, when she was simply appointed the leader of a division that sucked. You act like you competed in wars, that you were handed a machine gun and was expected to terminate all. I don't necessarily approve of people recollecting their past in depth, however whilst the proof is in the present day as to why this division is competitive, you have offered no validity as to why the OG division was such an OG blast. You may not respect or like me, although I have achieved something with this division that you never could even consider. I aim for perfection, whilst you bathe in commonness, somewhat ironic how you brag about your flashy, superior lifestyle however when it comes to your work you couldn't make anything sparkle or stand out. I have brought efficiency to this division, made people useful. You talk about being apart of the initial revolution, yet everything a woman should be aiming towards has been achieved in the eleven months I've been here. The Vixens Cup was created, females were the main event of an FPV, we even have our own brand now, all thanks to be pushing my lifestyle and altering my blueprints until it was just right, just perfect. Of course you won't look up to me, silly, we all know how jealous you are of my ambition. You dig deep inside yourself and cry out when you don't find even a cell of efficiency. I am a superior athlete, with frameworks and paradigms that your little mind cannot comprehend. Its all about respect with you, yet aside from HBG and Cameron, nobody really does. The Sirens practically begged me to side with them, thinking about it now, the OG Vixens initially wanted me on their side, fighting their battles, until I declined them. Everybody wants relations with German Efficiency, but you have to offer out title shots which you cannot bring order to, and feed lies to people who will one day wake up and realise you cannot justify such for them to side with you. You call yourself a legend, but I've never heard of a legend who is without personality unless false promises are made. It's really amusing, you declare so many things which I can just run through and prove false. You cannot knock German Efficiency, whilst I can flick off your attempts to belittle me with the point of my fingernail. I would almost sympathise with you, but then you go out on a whim for seemingly little benefit by shouting on how you made me relevant, as if German Efficiency was not already established and I were not already a future Vixens World Champion before you walked, well, interfered with my life. All you did was get your filthy hands on my blueprints, you took my lifestyle and melted everything I had worked towards. Sure, I would not have had the pleasure of beating you up at Pain For Pride, but you wouldn't be in this division if it were not for me, those above me saw it fit to offer you a contract, as they knew a match between you and I would be a guaranteed success, I'm equally as sure they knew you would get embarrassed also, and that your attempts to disparage my lifestyle would blow out with a whimper. Once again you state fallacious lies which turn out to be the complete opposite, if it were not for me, you wouldn't even be hired, you would be in Hollywood, as a below average actress, sniffing coke and sucking cock to get anywhere in life and remain afloat. We're past interference and ganging up on individuals, we don't need drama to attract the eyes of the audience. Wrestling alone is what garners us the praise we receive constantly, the rewards we earn for our work, and once the German Efficiency era is established, pure, efficient wrestling is what will elevate the Vixens division to the next level, and it is what will rationalise the most efficient woman in the world, as the one woman revolution and the sole reason as to why sports entertainment burned to the ground, and athletic, competitive matches elevated the Vixens division to new heights. ''

'' Oh Veena, all you can resort to is Adolf Hitler and world wars. News flash you bimbo, Adolf Hitler was Austrian, and German Efficiency is not demonstrated in the wars, sure, however the recovery process is a fine example of it, even after being defeated, we rose from the ashes like a phoenix to flames, and we now have an efficient economy, an efficient country and most importantly, an efficient lifestyle. I'm not a team leader, I'm happy to sit back and let Cailin, Aria and Tarah lead me for this play. It is their battle to fight after all, I didn't ask to take part in this match purely to establish the Sirens as the better team. It's not at all like that, I loathe stables and teams, they're an abhorrence to German Efficiency and the engineering that I am trying to achieve within this promotion. All you can do is cry at such a statement, you're only involved due to a desperate attempt to stay relevant within the wrestling world, on the other hand everybody is talking about me and I've barely turned my head towards this match, I don't say that to undermine and underestimate the occasion, wrestling on a grand stage, an FPV, is something that I have only done twice before, I'm not here to bicker and play around with the Sirens and the OG Vixens, I'm here to wrestle, and when that aspect is isolated and matters, that is where I truly thrive. All I'm trying to do is make this division useful, elevate women to things they never thought they could do. I know you're thrilled with whatever state the division is in as long as you get a paycheck, but unfortunately for you not everybody lacks ambition and drive. I'm turning an average approach to sports into a superior one, I'm revolutionising a boring, stale, generic spectacle into one of desire and efficiency. I can only adore how everybody is pouting that I won my Vixens World Championship through cash in, as if they were not aware with the rules and regulations that were brought with the tournament when it was established. Defeating four other women, one who is on your team in the space is two nights is not a fluke, I've defended this Vixens Cup three times and retained it without breaking a sweat, I've claimed for months on how when I cash in I would be successful, yet when I do so everybody is astounded and outraged. I can only shrug and smirk at your comments on the Sirens, however I must argue that I wasn't thrown into it like a fruit to a blender. I involved myself with this match to end it, to finish the OG Vixens and to return to my efficient, purer work. Congratulations on besting me before, I'm fairly sure that excluding Cameron everybody else on your team has through some shape or form, you're not exactly a special snowflake for defeating me when German Efficiency was rising, however all that matters is the present, and in the present I am superior to you, I am superior to this match and my Vixens World Championship justifies such. Keep whimpering and bawling into irrelevancy Veena, all you're good at is taking your uncles name and tarnishing it with your bratty attitude. ''

'' Furthermore, Veena. Oh wait, this isn't Veena anymore. Sorry Stephanie I assumed, you're pretty much saying the same lexis as her, the sentences are so similar that I got confused. You'll have to excuse that, however the point still stands does it not. Oh Sheridan, you're so wrapped up in your lifestyle that sucks, although we cannot say why it sucks and cannot validate your Vixens World Championship reign with any other concept excluding your lifestyle. It's just getting generic, now, boring, my eyes slowly narrow as I listen to you talk, they glance elsewhere, what's that, my lips twitch, part and release a yawn. Apparently I cannot think of anything outside of myself, however my lifestyle is for the betterment of this whole division, and I encourage others instead of ripping them down, excluding Kendra of course. Every time I step into the ring with a woman, they learn something. It's not a lesson in German Efficiency, it is a a demonstration of a superior lifestyle, an approach that cannot be bested. I'm not afraid, be it of the OG Vixens, the air I breathe and especially not you, Stephanie Matsuda. I'm very much aware I speak highly of my lifestyle on a constant basis, however the difference between you and I, what differentiates us is that when I talk, I back up what I spoke, whilst you just dribble down your chin with the repeated, boring nonsense quotes. On how you are a queen, a war queen as a matter of fact, and despite the fact you've had no impact on this division since your half a day title reign, you're the best thing going, you have more motivation than the rest of us combined, and how you'll take every championship, squash every bitch you set your sights on. Get a reality check, you irrational, senseless fool. You're simply not that good, you can only continue without innovation and change for so long before people peel away at the poster to reveal a generic shell of a woman. Ironically enough, I'll have to repeat a point I made the last time we faced off, you sit there and complain on how dishonourable and preferential the Vixens Cup is, but you were someone who competed in the very tournament. Unless you win, it's not good enough, is the vibe that I'm receiving. You're no war queen, you're an entitled jester who believes herself to be something she is not. Devan and I aren't even dating, but that doesn't mean you can jump into bed with me like you have done with so many other girls, what is this, relationship number four since I was signed to this company, you've had Haruna, Cailin, there's so many names. Maybe the reason you're such a generic, average wrestler is because you waste to much energy on your love life and in the bedroom. Just a theory. The only thing you can target is that, a relationship that doesn't even exist. That's what it has got to, you know that I am emotionless, stoic, and that nothing you will say will have any impact on how I perform in the ring. I can see the tears drawing up in your eyes. A fantasist, a fallacious, immature girl who, when she doesn't have her head betwixt another vixens pussy, has her head in the clouds. You say I haven't got shit, I can only disagree, people pull the sheet over their eyes and plug their ears when my name is mentioned. Is it fear, jealously, hate, I'll seemingly never know, but what I do know is at Shock Value, I'll once again prove you wrong, continue my aim of ripping to shreds the foundations of this division, and justify my superior lifestyle, my superior nationality, German Efficiency. ''

'' It's just typical is it not, the Heart Break Gal stressing on how the OG Vixens are a team, how they all have the same goals yet she falls at the first hurdle, again I have to make the point that you cannot complain about my Vixens Cup when you couldn't be bothered to get out of bed and compete for it. Furthermore, you declare how people like you, Kendra and Cameron don't need to compete for meaningless tournaments like the Vixens Cup, whilst on the other hand, Cameron is stressing on how much she regrets losing the Vixens Cup, how she should be champion by now, how she should be on top of the division. Wow, I'm so jealous of this evidently well oiled team with the same aspirations. You know what is amusing to me, though. You know what makes me grin from ear to ear with glee when you mention it. The Specialists Championship match at House Of Glass, you're so oblivious to hypothesise that what if I did win. Do you believe I would have cashed in on you if I won the Specialists Championship, if you didn't interfere, and I won either pinning Kendra or Tarah. Because, truthfully, I wouldn't. I would have been far too busy macerating to pieces the Specialists Championship, bringing pure, efficient ruling to the stipulations that comes with the belt. The German Efficiency Championship, it would be called. Alas, you did interfere. You helped Kendra Shamez retain but also increased the inevitable which was me taking your championship. All you did when you stopped me winning the Specialists Championship, was make certain that you would lose yours. You lit a fire under German Efficiency, forcing it to rise, just like Kendra did when she stopped me cashing in five weeks before Pain For Pride, she grabbed a paintbrush and a palette, and spelt out her own fall. You two are so similar, if I enjoyed letting others hold me back, and you know, interfering in matches in their behalf to later lose my own championship, I'd like a bestie relationship like you two have. Do you cost one another championships often, or was I lucky. Insist I couldn't best you when you had backstage politics on your side, we all know why you won at Pain for Pride in secret, allege that I hide behind Cailin, Aria and Tarah sure. On the contrary, I don't exactly see you rushing to have a rematch with me. As a matter of fact, have you even wrestled since I bested you, and cashed in my Vixens Cup? This is a question I must ask, why is that. Is it because, like I've said many times, you don't care about the division in the slightest, oh but then again you do are about championships. You'll side with anyone to get your fingers on gold. So what is the reason holding back the legendary, fearless Heart Break Gal. Cleopatra is not a hard woman to track down, she's usually shouting off in meetings or bringing herself out of retirement, it would take what, two minutes to ask for a rematch, she'd have to slot in such on the following Empire, but considering it has been four or five tapings since I humiliated you, you're not exactly short of time or without hope of gaining a rematch. You swear ever so much, and show more passion speaking about me than you ever have showed to the division whilst you were the Vixens World Champion, oh, sorry, it was only the Vixens Championship until I touched it. You call me jealous, yet you're the one showing all the emotion. Apparently I'm the hypocritical one, I can only shake my head. I'm not here to lust in the drama and be involved, I'm here to end this, you're allegedly an OG Vixen however you possess the maturity of a child. Whilst you swear your head off and rant about me, you make fabrications that we both know you have no proof of. I'm here simply for the betterment of this division, to prioritise wrestling over this disgusting image of sports entertainment. I'm nothing to you, she says, however I must have been enough of a threat for you to risk coming down to the ring and to stop me beating your friend. We can all see how desperately you're attempting to be the better person, but you will always be a manipulative, pretentious moron. Stop treating me like a child, we both know I am a threat, I establish such every single time I step into the ring whilst you're crying in bed, too afraid to wrestle on Empire. I cannot respect a prizefighter such as yourself, not willing to put in the work unless cameras, money and championships are involved. I won't beat you because of that, though, I won't Sherplex you off of your feet, through a table again if I have to, because I'm a perfectionist and a hard worker, no, I'll beat you, and the OG Vixens, because I am better, superior, more efficient. You and the OG losers shall fall to my lifestyle, I can dance around you, tire you out and make you sweat with a sweet smile on my face. You are poison to this division, you wish it were like the old days again when you could click your fingers and the world would pamper you. Not sorry to break this to you, but actual effort is required now, passion and talent equals success, not arrogance and begging. Just like you are a posion to the modern day division, I am your posion, better, be it in looks, intelligence or skill. I may not be as social and indiplomated as you are, you may be blunt but I am sharp, and when the click strikes Shock Value, when me and you meet in the ring, I will once again justify my superior lifestyle, as well as prove to all that Sheridan Müller is above the Heart Break Gal. ''
Cailin Dillon
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 15th 2016, 4:31 pm by Cailin Dillon

Shock Value #2
I don’t have to be told what I can and can’t say. I don’t need any of you to tell me when I should say it. That goes for people on both teams. This match has turned into the punch line of a bad joke so quickly. There was this absolutely ridiculous start up notion here that we were all fighting for something different. At some point we were led to believe that the OG Vixens were going to take over and control everything. In reality they don’t have any power over anything. Every bit of control they have is earned in the ring. That’s why HBG became the Vixen’s Champion at Pain for Pride. That’s why Kendra ripped the Specialist’s title right out of the hands of Tarah in the middle of the Empress tournament. Who cares if this match actually accomplishes anything. This is what Cleopatra wants. She thinks this match solves something. The very person who has walked herself down a path where she’s fighting to keep control of her own show. Now we have this match she made. We were told to make teams. The other two weren’t doing anything so I stepped up and asked Sheridan. Now she acts like some saves the day fucking hero coming in as a white knight to save the day for this team because she volunteered to do this for no reason. On the flipside I’m getting accused of trying to control someone’s relationship because I offered them the chance to join this team. What the fuck actual world are we living in anymore? Can anyone explain it? Am I just plugged into a bad version of the Matrix where I have to listen to us all argue the same thing like the worst case of Deja Fucking Vu I’ve ever experienced? No, it doesn’t need to be like that. Just face the facts. This all started out as some great idea. HBG, Kendra and Cameron looked like they were going to take over Empire and then they all but said it. So a different group rose up. Not because they wanted to be them. Not because they wanted to wipe out their legacies or anything they stood for. They thought they were fighting to make sure Empire was more democracy then dictatorship. And we all wasted our time. So, yeah, maybe what we have here is just a match about pride. Nothing really ocmes out of it. One team wins, one team loses, and then all 10 people return to work on your next episode of Empire. And I believe this match was supposed to settle all of it, too. So we return just throwing all this in the past and moving on, right? That’s the design of it all?  I don’t even know what the point is anymore. I just know that I will show up at Shock Value and I will fight. Not because I’m trying to raise my level but because it’s what I fucking do. I love the competition and I love to win. I’ve spent countless hours preparing for this match because you have to. You can’t just walk into a match with any of those three, even all five of them, and just expect to walk out on the other side. No amount of repeating the same phrase over and over will change that. And no amount of whining about what this match is or what it became after the fact will matter. I don’t need a gimmick or a metal crown or some kind of special trophy to get me fired up for a match. I don’t need this to mean anything special. I know what I want to come out of this match. And I will do everything in my power to make sure that it happens.
People like Stephanie, I think they get it. She sees what the deal is. She knows I’m not quite dialed into the drama like some others are. There’s supposed to be so much loyalty between the teams in this match, but the past made sure that wasn’t possible for both sides. At least not completely. Part of the challenge is supposed to be which team can put aside every difference and fight for this win. On paper it’s painfully obvious which team has the upper hand in that area. The OGs. It’s true they know what they want.  They put together a team that has pure hatred for this group. I envy what they did and the efficiency they did it with. Especially when we have the person that boasts about efficiency so fucking much. Maybe the saving grace for this team is we don’t have to rise to special levels to compete with that group. We’ve all done it before, despite what they would tell. There’s no goddesses in this match. Just a lot of people who have worked hard and had pay offs. And all wrapped around three women who literally define what it means to be a woman in this company. That’s right, not a Vixen, but a woman. Look at everything Kendra has done. She has the right to have such an ego. She calls herself the best because right now she almost passes every check box to be in that category. It’s a little weird how she couldn’t even beat me when I had her tapping out two months ago, but I digress on that point. Few can even imagine holding a candle to her right now. Her comeback story has been nothing short of remarkable. And while she made a comeback, Cameron never left. She fought any and everyone put her path and she never disappointed. It wasn’t always a win, but it was never a disappointment. I’m positive on that. You’d hardly find a harder worker in this company. And then you flip over to Claudia, who is an enigmatic talent. She might be the most talented of all three, and when you toss her ability to be straight out vicious, you have a constant threat to win any title at any time. But in this match literally anything could happen. This is the ultimate mashup of personalities and legacies and abilities that there are so many scenarios that could end up happening. Even with the groups, the dynamics could be challenging. I find myself wondering which group might crack a little first. Because even where there is loyalty that exists, there are still egos in play. Many of us have achieved things and have dreams of achieving more. Many of us would go great lengths to win a match like that. For those reasons literally every crazy thing could be on the table. But all any of us can do is focus on ourselves. In the end, it could come down to just you fighting many. But fuck, I’m just talking myself all over the place here. I don’t know what to expect from my opponents or what I’ll see from my teammates, all I know is what I’m capable of and the level above that I think I can reach even in this match. No one should overlook me. No one.
Steph I don’t know why you expected me to be any different. I’m not. I won’t change. I’ll just become a better version of what you already know. That’s just what I do. No one is going to tame me. I’m not letting anyone tell me how I’m supposed to be or act. That shit is nonsense. And over and over you keep promising me that I have to have all these new and improved abilities to beat you. This is vintage you. I wouldn’t expect any different. You’ll see me pour every ounce out in this match, and not just to beat you. I wish I could count all the times someone has wanted so badly to send me back where I came from. What a boring, overdone cliché. I can just see Veena puffing out her chest as she yells that over and over again. You think these OGs would accept you with open arms after this match and give you anything? They simply saw talent capable of making some noise. Like I have said for months. And here you are, praising Donald Trump in one breathe and then bashing the very kinds of people that helped get him elected in the next. This is just what you do. And after I see you try and fail to eliminate both Tarah and Aria, I can’t say that one ounce of me will be surprised. Because why you are full of talent and you were bred to do this and all the same silver-spoon fed bullshit we hear from you every time, the one thing you’re best at is failing to deliver. And I know I shouldn’t be here. I know I probably took the place of so many other sluts waiting in line to walk into EAW and call themselves a Vixen. But I’m still fucking here. I wasn’t born to be here. My uncle isn’t the Greatest of All Time. But I worked my ass off to stay here and everything I’ve done has been out of working for it. Not a single person wanted to give me the opportunity to do anything other than breathe the same air as the rest of the locker room. But when I say I’m going to do things, I actually do it more often than not. That’s why I didn’t have to be asked to participate in this match. I was here in the first place. Even without all the drama that went along with it at the beginning, this match as a 3 on 3 would have been headline worthy. You being here doesn’t bring it down, but it doesn’t exactly raise it up either. You know what though, I’m glad your in this match. Everyone here seems to think they’re as good as their last match against someone. So I’d love to see you really try to prove it. I know if I have to, I will. If we’re really going by that logic, look at my last one-on-one match with all five people on your team. Win. Win. Win. Win. Win. Yep. Kendra I don’t know what crawled up your cooch and had you thinking I was going to come out here throwing shit all tantrum style and screaming about how I’m better than you, but you’ve fought me once and did I once go to those depths? Nah. I simply stood in, stood my ground and told you I would fight you until I beat you. And that’s what I did. I see you now doing your best vintage Kendra impression. And I get it. You care about this division greatly, but you also care about yourself. And this division is at its best, in your eyes, when you are standing at the top of it and it’s less crowded. I think that’s how all of this started. But it didn’t get very far because somehow Sheridan got the best of HBG and now we all get to watch that unfold together. Can you believe that while we were here trying to start a war amongst each other, she was scheming an idea of becoming champion and overruling all of us? Sorta crazy that she now thinks she alone will change everything about the Vixen’s Division. Been there done that haven’t we? She tells us how it’s going to be, but it falls on deaf ears. So she calls that cancer, and every one rolls their eyes. You don’t become the best by winning a title and telling people how it will be. You make that happen in your actions after winning a title. Not with your voice. You win and then you keep on winning. No matter the odds, no matter the opponent. That’s what has always defined us and always will. That’s why no matter what you do as Specialist Champion you will never shake the stigma that comes with it. People will forever say I made that title what it is. That’s long before you touched it and long after you do. That’s just how it’s going to be. I might not be an Original Gangster Vixen, but I have overcome greater odds than most people on my team. I was never supposed to be here, never supposed to win. HBG told me I would never, ever do a thing in this company. Yet here I am, still doing things and still winning. That’s not going to stop. This match won’t stop that. The OGs won’t stop that. Hell, my own team won’t keep me down even if it collapses in on itself. I’m not here for the drama. I’m here for the fight. I’m not here to destroy your legacy, I’m just fighting on behalf of my own. I’m at Shock Value for one reason and one reason only. To win. Just try and stop me.
Azumi Goto
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 15th 2016, 3:45 pm by Azumi Goto


Maddie, how many titles shot did it take to finally call yourself “The Top Women”? More than you actually needed, right? How many shots 6… 7… till you actually became a champion? It’s going to take just one. You see Maddie, I’m like an undrafted player, untested, unbreakable and yet… you’ve choked out on big match situation so much that I don’t think, this company even trust you on winning this match. WONDER WHY? Because you’ve let down yourself, the people that trusted you, and that ‘family’ is slowly… but surely going to leave you in the dust. See Maddie, you’re done, you won’t and WILL NEVER beat someone like me. Even if you combined your sorry weak ass self from PFP8 and your current self, YOU’D STILL BE THE CHOKE ARTIST.


Even the fact that it’s three vs one isn’t gonna stop me. Because Hyena hunts in packs, while the Lioness doesn’t need a pack to beat down her prey and kill it in an instant. It’s nice to see the Female Hunters of the Sanatorium doing something for a change, even if it’s thinking foolishly and trying to mess with the predator. See Alexis, I’m going to walk into your jungle, HUNT YOU DOWN AND TAKE IT AS MY NEW HOME. The first rule of hunting, Alexis. DON’T MESS WITH A PREDATOR THAT YOU CAN’T HANDLE BEING AROUND OR YOU’LL HAVE YOUR HEAD TAKEN OFF YOUR BODY!! So, Alexis. Don’t make claims while hiding under your husband’s enormous beard, it not what women’s wrestling is about. Remember this, your hubby won’t be there to tell you what to do when you’re in the ring looking like a confused little pup trying to find her way to safe, warm and cozy home.

I’ll give you a prime example what happens when a pack of Scavengers thinks they can hunt down a mighty Lioness!!!

Brody, oh… my sweet and wonderful, Brody. From trying to sniff my pink hair to now being at my throat AND yet. YOU want to bring something I’ve never seen before… well, you’ll get in line behind your sister and Erica… both look like they want to hurt me and that’s not happening. NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM CAN TOUCH ME!!! I’VE PROVED IT TIME AND TIME THAT THIS RING BELONGS TO ME!!! Psycho Sister #4 needs to understand, I WILL NOT BE SCARED OF WHATEVER TACTIC YOU USE!!!! Brody, you’re entering MY RING!! This squared circle is mine and will continue to be mine as I beat you down and make you realize what kind of women you and your sisters are messing with. You’ll realize there’s someone just as good as you when it comes to bringing pain to her preys AND maybe even better.

I’ll show you three that I’m just as deadly, just as violent, AND JUST PLAIN BETTER THEN YOU THREE COMBINED!!!

Last edited by Azumi Goto on November 15th 2016, 3:47 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Grammar and what not)
The Consigliere
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 15th 2016, 1:38 pm by The Consigliere
FUCK! I don't need awful introductions on what this war means to me and this god-awful division, and I certainly don't need bullshit metaphors in order to make the audience believe that this match is even necessary when we ALL know that the OG Vixens are the clear winner. Everyone wake the fuck up. Wake up and smell the flowers. You're all approaching this like a bunch of fucking toddlers coo'ing and crying endlessly just to be fed, when what you should be doing is keeping in mind that you are nothing more than snotty piles of garbage that contribute nothing to the progress of this division. You will never amount to anything, not on your best day will you prove that you can be more. Please. PLEASE tell me, how is this so hard to understand? How is it so difficult to get it through your thick fucking skulls that this is nothing but a sad attempt to put bitter tastes in our mouths as you put an end to our reign of terror when you couldn't even get consistent wins against us? How is it so hard to understand that there is nothing you can do to stop us as we eliminate you one by one while our team stays intact? You continue to reject the history that has taught you that you filthy remakes will never be good enough to take over the originals, and that's fine but don't you fucking blame anyone else but yourselves once you come to the realization that we are the OG's for a reason. We are the pioneers. We are the founders, the originators, the seed that planted this thorny rose bush that you call your home, and without us, there's not even a fucking platform for any of you to perform on. Through the Christy Cruise's and the Sabinas, and the SG1's of the Vixens Division that were WIPED from existence never to be spoken of again because of their downright incompetence... through the Lethals and the Tarah Novas and the Haruna Sakazakis who give their fullest efforts to reinvent this division, when they couldn't even hold the weight on their shoulder, Cameron, Kendra and I were the ones who evolved, and adapted and took our careers to new heights with it. We are the ones who terrorized other divisions and landed accomplishments wherever we went. Time and time again, through the years and through the heights of our careers, the OG Vixens are proven and tested in the battlefield and there's not a damn thing that any of you can do that we wouldn't anticipate. Our experience combined with the progress that we've made is going to kill you where you stand. Our strength combined with our creativity will be a nightmare to you once you finally realize exactly what you're up against. We have taken out competitors who are bigger and stronger than all of you lot of toothpicks and your fickle heads combined. We have been through far more challenging situations that definitely tested our strength on a daily basis, which I am certain is more than anything ANY of you have done in the duration of your careers. You let your mouths do the talking with no real action to follow, blurting out nonsense thinking that you're so fucking bold and original when everything you’ve stated has been said by the SAME FUCKING VIXENS that we have already defeated through the years. You're just Level 10 piece of shits who think they can pass for Level 50, and because you stupidly believe that you're on a different league and that you're so fucking special, you get your asses handed to you by the level 100's in the OG Vixens. You think this is a joke? Do you think this is an exaggeration? Let's count the times when you all fell flat on your faces when you got defeated and humiliated in the middle of the ring like the pathetic human wastes that you are. Let's count the times when you complained and whine about the manipulation, the corruption and the deception that went on, basically EVERYTHING but yourselves when the entire world couldn't make it any more clear that you were defeated because of your carelessness and incompetence. That is the sad truth that you try to conceal -- you're just not good enough. You take Empress of Elite wins, and Vixens Cup trophies, and Lions Cup trophies because you're not good enough to take a shot in the dark and actually land a Championship in the palm of your hands unless your opponents are torn and battered and it's guaranteed that you're going to claim the gold, while people like myself, people like Kendra, and Cameron put our heart and soul into matches in order to do the impossible. And at this point in time, I am just so fucking done. When I hear your laughable explanations for why you THINK you could defeat us, I just can't help but chuckle and pity all of you and your sad fucking attempts. YOU TRIED! YOU REALLY FUCKING TRIED! BUT NEVER WILL IT BE ENOUGH.

You know exactly what I'm talking about, Sheridan. You know damn well I only speak the truth, and every statement I make is backed with facts, but the problem is that your tiny fucking brain rejects it because you choose to cover your eyes as you live in your little fantasy world where you can never do wrong as the truth bites you right in the nose. The only argument you have is that I am past my prime despite overcoming my opponents after I've been faced with defeat. The only case that you can throw my way is the fact that I don't care about this division, and that you're the most efficient woman in the world like it's supposed to mean something to me if it's literally coming out of a horse's mouth. You're a sad little cunt who belives that everything should be done right, but tweak your emotions a little bit and screw you out of a match where your loss was inevitable, and there you are putting your plans on hold just for the sake of your sweet revenge. "BUT I WAS VULNERABLE, HBG! THIS WAS YOUR FAULT! I CAN POINT OUT HOW YOU ARE JUST SEEKING ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR YOUR OWN CAREER GROWTH, BUT I CAN TELL EVERYONE TWO FUCKING MINUTES LATER HOW I'M ONLY IN THE SIRENS FOR MYSELF, LIKE IT MAKES A FUCKING DIFFERENCE" I GET IT, SHER! I GET THAT YOU’RE EITHER STUPID OR A GODDAMN HYPOCRITE! I COMPLETELY GET THAT! I know that German Efficiency is a lie, and that you're just waiting for the opportunity where I'm tired, torn and battered after a match that I just won, because you know that based on our history, that you couldn't defeat me in a fair game on your best day. You can't take advantage of your Vixens Cup trophy because you know that somehow, someway, you're going to fuck up because you're a fucking coward and a shitty excuse for a wrestler, just as everyone expects. You're a fucking joke. You're an inefficient piece of shit who doesn't have the sense of urgency and the will to move forward in her career in a respectable way because you know that you need your big moment in order for your 10 twitter followers to agree on the idea that you actually did some work after making the excuse of biding her time for many months. You took the leap and I respect that. You took the Vixens Championship from me, and that's perfectly fine. But what happened after that? You hid yourself like a scared little girl behind the Sirens because you believe that you were doing what's right and it's the lesser of two evils... THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS, EVERYONE! SHERIDAN SAYS THAT THE CANCER OF EMPIRE, THE SIRENS, IS THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS! At least I can say that my side of the team, we actually deliver results. At least I can say with the OG Vixens, we actually are loyal in the group with the willingness to secure our places at the top, and this average fucking Champion that your whore mouth convinces the world, has actually defended her title twice in body-crushing matches that shocked the airwaves of not only Empire, but EAW itself. And you were jealous of that, Sheridan Muller. You were jealous of the fact that you are not celebrated because you're a boring piece of shit who put her crowd to sleep with her heavy accent and pure repetition that comes with her timid personality, you are jealous of much more interesting events that are happening around you that doesn't even warrant your attention, and you were always bitter of the fact that everyone is drawn into the drama that you never wanted yourself to be involved in. You expect the world to believe that you don't care, you want to pretend like it doesn't bother you every night when you go to sleep, but the way that you rattle and speak, and the fact that you absolutely have no appeal to the crowd in your repulsive existence, we both know it stings. Everyone can see that you're only in this war for one reason and that is to get attention, to be involved in the drama, to show the fact that Ms. German Efficiency is also very efficient in being a pig-headed wannabe as she convinces the world that she's not THAT useless, to get the boys to look at you for a few moments while they stare at Aria Jaxon's ass, to get the fans to actually holler your name and not see you as this one bitch who holds the title but really isn't there. And don't worry, Sheridan, I am not going to tease you about your antics, I am not going to make fun of your nationality, you already know how I feel about you on those regard, and I am certainly not like you who recycle cases and rehashes insults in every promotional video, because I am above that, Sheridan. I have a different approach. I am more direct, conniving, while you're just sitting there in the corner of the room doing nothing but expect flowers to bloom just by staring at it, while they grow instantly on my command. You like to make everyone believe that you're progressing and growing when in truth, if you didn't cash in your Vixens Cup trophy, you will still be treated like NOTHING at this point... and you call me average? Bitch, I am the one who accomplishes gold in a short span of time. I am the one who intimidates her foes with one mere stare, while nobody is shaken by your presence. I am the one who sees a shut door, but barges in anyway because I know I have the power to, and whether I am working by myself or as a team, I make damn sure I deliver and everything I have done from the start of my career up to today wasn't in vain. I come to the ring with passion and drive, and not the Vixens Division and the mindless bitches in it will take credit for my victories because they are not the ones who put in the work to get the job done. What can I say, Sher? I am a selfish person. I am manipulative. I can move mountains and back, not even utilizing half my strength. And there are just times when I'm heated and fumed I vibrate with rage, it terrifies me what I am capable of. But for this match when I face you, do you honestly think I'll twitch just because you're in the ring with me, Sher? Do you honestly think I'll lose sight of what I need to do because the woman who has taken my title is standing in front of me? No! I am going to treat this match like any other, and approach it the way I do downright pathetic vixens like you, Cailin, Aria, Tarah and especially Haruna. I'll eliminate all of you one by one, and I won't even need to seek help when I find myself in a difficult situation because I know that I'm just a facing a puny little bitch who isn't nearly as tough as she thinks she is.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 15th 2016, 12:57 pm by TLA

The camera cuts to a large elaborate swimming pool erected outside the Poon Palace. Topless bitches frolic in the water as exotic parrots fly through the nearby gardens. Abuela Pantera delivers crystal glasses of drank to TLA and his best friend Esteban as they lay out in the sun smoking the dankest weed out. Steroid Dawg is shown considering whether or not to enter the pool.

TLA: Ay perra I would not do that if I was you. You ain’t gonna swim none. You just gonna sink perra.

Steroid Dawg looks longingly at the pool with a tear in her eye before deciding to enter the hot tub instead.

Esteban: Our days in this country may be numbered TLA. Ever since Donald Trump was elected fear has swept over the nation.

TLA: Amigo I ain’t afraid of shit. I will fuck you up if you even doubt my cojones ever again amigo. I give zero fucks about Donald Trump cuz ain’t no white man can hold me down. Sebastian Monroe can’t hold me down and whoever the fuck else on Dynasty wants to delay my title match against Drake Jaeger can’t neither. They be draggin’ this shit out for months and shit cuz they wanna get that big blowout. Get that green rollin’ in they gettin’ the hype train all revved up. I be up in Monroe’s office on a weekly basis but he be slippin’ out while I get distracted by his hot as fuck secretary. He keeps bringin’ in new ones cuz he knows that La Pantera Sexual likes that variety.

Esteban: I see.

TLA: What is important is that weed is legal now in California so for all legal paperwork the holding company for the Poon Palace will now be located there. Now we can get high as fuck whenever we want ese. Imma do it right now actually.

Esteban: Are you sure that’s how this works?

TLA: Si… Si cabron I am sure. You see I know shit and I get shit done. The Mexican Samurai gonna find that out right quick this week. We ain’t had a showdown since Pain for Pride but now the tides done rolled in a little differently this time ya heard? I mean it took me months just to get in the ring with this vato last time but this time he been stayin’ clear. He ain’t wanted no rematch. First he got all emo and shit changin’ his name to Alex Wilder and losin’ he shit worse that Orion Vileheart. Now he all reformed and shit and he ready to step up like a man and take on the Dynasty Franchise like a real bad hombre. I say bring it the fuck on holmes cuz despite what Drake Jaeger says I ain’t never back down from a fight and I ain’t about to start now.

Esteban: When we gonna get the Fanta?

TLA: Yo we got a whole fountain of that shit downstairs. Yo bitch go get us some.

A fine ass topless black chick goes running to fetch Fanta for her man.

TLA: Yo we started from the bottom now we rollin’ in the green. I got everyone on Dynasty on lock lookin’ at me like the dominant motherfucker that I be. Ain’t nobody holdin’ down the fort on Dynasty like yo boi and ain’t nobody got a better success rate at stealin’ the show like a true ass bandito. We is the hottest banditos out and la gente been learnin’ that shit one week at a time. Anthony Leonhart learned that a couple weeks ago when he tried to bring down some of that French swag on yo boi but he got dropped just like Tig Kelly did when he brought that Irish swag. I been too quiet lately. Maybe just too stable and you ain’t heard my name on the streets as much as y’all should. You gotta check mah rep. You gotta know the Mexican Mutilation Machine is out there. You gotta know that even if you don’t see it…

La Pantera is still on the prowl for yo ass.

TLA: The black cat crossin’ yo path and makin’ yo ass tap. Yo Mexican Samurai y’all done changed yo ways and y’all wanna step it up and be an honorable motherfucker now. I be all for that shit y’all gonna do some real good shit. Ain’t nobody ever said you couldn’t go in that ring. But homie let that record show I got yo number. Let that card show that this be a rematch but for real this be yo chance at redemption. Y’all want to be the World Champ? You gotta go thru the Interwire Champ to get there. Cuz even if y’all win that title, if I beat yo ass down you gonna just still be one more name on that list of world title contenders who TLA beat.

Steroid Dawg is shown climbing out of the hot tub which previously had multiple occupants but now only bubbles red and empty. The Fanta arrives with umbrellas in it as TLA and Esteban take a deep sip.

Esteban: Awww yea es la vida buena.

TLA: Si life is good mano. We got the green we got the bitches. We banditos cuz we had nada but we took all of this for ourselves. But we ain’t never forgot what we came from. We still got much love for the street and that ain’t never gonna change. Cuz like un bandito the street straight stole us and it ain’t never lettin’ go. Same goes for anyone who cross paths with La Pantera Negra. This bandito ain’t lettin’ go until you done tapped out.

TLA does a 450 Splash into the swimming pool making the bitches all scream as they all get wet in more ways than one.
Mike Showman
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 15th 2016, 12:22 pm by Mike Showman

Hello again pests. I addressed you not so long ago I remember that then I illuminated you on some facts on how all roads starting from different directions lead to only me becoming triumphant in the end up victorious in the great scramble match at Shock Value pay per view. I also remember pointing out clearly why none of my fellow competitors except Jon McAdams who also happens to be my team mate in the historical People with Class movement is the only man capable of dethroning me and that being said, I also pointed out that in the end, it is going to be a match between him and me and then the better man would win. Of course like I said before, all roads leads to only direction. Now it seems as if some people have stirred up from their beds after reading my array of facts and on doing that, they have come up with their own set up words and sentences in order to counter my said facts. Now I am not at all surprised. In fact, I already knew that this was going to happen. You see, not everyone is as intelligent and creative like I am. I need only study a situation or something and after I do that, I can give a detailed analysis of what is and what is not in that thing or what is and what is not going to happen. Also, I can say that in the most creative words possible. My unmatched talent is reason why I gave you my array of facts yesterday and now these people or as it so happens that they are my fellow competitors have come up and using my words as a pole in order to stand erect. You see people? They don’t even have a spine of their own. They are using my words, my sentences to add something more in order to contribute to this so call war or words. Now the interesting thing is, those are the people many fans and fellow wrestlers have predicted to go on and win the match and get the title opportunity. I mean, I already knew that the so called 'fans' and my fellow wrestlers are stupid but now I am convinced that their senses don’t work properly as well. Either that or my hate among the people has reached to astronomical levels and it is out of that that they have chosen a different winner fully knowing that that is not going to happen.

Now who are these people? Firstly we have my old pal Ahren Fournier, the man who I beat convincingly some weeks before at Voltage. Then if I remember correctly, in one of the weeks after that, I gave him such a beat down that even his retarded mind should have been put back into place. But I see that is not the case. But anyways, Ahren, it good to see to you talk about me after so many days. I really missed it you know, seeing the fear in your eyes, seeing your blood boiling at my sight and to be honest, your blood boils even more now does it? After all, even after all those big words you said, you still got your ass handed to you by me not once but twice. What you call a tainted victory, I call it a victory. I am one up over you and in the end of the day that is all that matters. When people talk about your match with mine, they will conclude by saying that I beat you and all the bullshit in the middle does not matter. And yes, you can call me predictable because I refer to the same characteristic in you time and time again but the thing that you fail to realize is that, there is nothing more in you that I can talk about. There is absolutely zero other characteristic you have other than the fact that you are a retard and so, that is basically what I have to go by. I mean, look at my pal Jon. He has got so many characteristics that I could go on and compose a novel about it and trust me then, I won’t be monotonous. You know what I am starting to think, this whole thing that you have glorified of me having a problem with you, calling me all sorts of names is just a ploy to make yourself feel better, to give your mind some peace and that I completely understand because I am the man who exposed you. I am the man who saw you for what you are, a dumb fucking retard who is fit to drink my piss and treat it as wine. That’s right, people like you deserved to kick by the society, eating the dirt from the boots of rich and classy people like me. It is because of me exposing you that you feel confused. You feel as if your whole existence was one big lie and now you are trying desperately to counter those terrible feelings that creep up to you wherever you are, be it night or day. Yes, look at me clearly people because I am the man who broke Ahren Fournier, the man you called as the trill fairy, the man who was supposed to be your hero. Ahren, I am enjoying this you know, seeing you struggle like a little fish out of water because this is what this match is. This is the big league you pest and this isn’t your playing field.

You know, I don’t expect people like you to understand what People with Class is because as I said, people like you only know what is the taste of the piss that comes out of us and so you don’t know what the taste of wine feels like. People with Class is like fine wine, the wine that people savour slowly, enjoying every bit of the sip they take and in the end sing praises about it for like weeks to come. Your attempt to sow seeds of confusion among us reminding us the reward of this match is really a fail attempt to be honest because both I and Jon know quite clearly that only one of us can win the match. Both of us know that only one of us can enjoy the stipulation attached with this match. However, what your stupid pathetic brain fails to realize is the fact that one of us can go on and win a single’s title and after that, we can go on to challenge the tag team titles together as People with Class and so in the end, we will end up with two titles at our grasp. So, it’s like a win for our team you see. Still, you will call us racist because you have no clue as to what is racism or when to call someone racist. You will call us bigot because of course we are bigot for rejecting your stupid and retarded viewpoints. You know Arhen, I feel it necessary to point out that this could have been you. Yes, I remember the time when I approached you with the idea of forming a team. I went to you, I WENT TO YOU and you turned me down because your retarded brain could not process the information that teaming up with me is like getting a ticket to success. So yes, as I was saying, this could have been you man. Today, you could have been standing here on the doorstep of becoming a double champion instead of doing, whatever it is you are doing. But yes, I am glad you did not team up with me because if you would have then I would never have met someone like Jon, a man who is my equal in thinking and ability. A man with whom I can dream of taking this People with Class movement well beyond the boundaries of Voltage and making it an EAW wide phenomenon. But yes, right now the focus firmly rests on the event at hand and so, you can go saying all you want, moan all you want about me getting one bullshit fluke victory over you because after Sunday, you will have nothing to do but stare, stare with whatever strength you have left after the beat down I give you and watch me become the winner of this scramble match. Then of course, you will go back to trill fairying, moaning and bitching.

You know, after all this, I should just sit back and relax and ask all my servants to bring me something nice to sip while I enjoy semi naked girls dancing in my pool. But no, not now. Because now, I have a match to win, a match that will change my future. Speaking of which, we have another man in the opening their mouths category and he is someone new, someone I have never faced before. But not to worry, his words seem to paint a pretty good picture of the man I am about to face. So what kind of man is he? A man who tries to be creepy but all he ends up doing is giving me a gala time. Solomon Caine, what is need for all this theatrics? Why can’t you speak man to man? I mean I give Forunier so much shit but he at least talks man to man. I mean, I understand that Nolan’s Batman franchise is quite a popular franchise and it has a pretty awesome comment on theatricality but dude, that is just a movie and whatever happens in a movie, stays in a movie. Like, if they show in a movie that you suddenly wake up one day to find that someone has left you enormous amounts of riches, do you think that is going to happen to you in real life as well? Of course not. Because the poor cannot be rich and the rich will remain rich. That’s why they are called poor and rich. Just like that, all those dark rituals that you were performing only works in movies with special effects, not in real life where you get what you deserve. Well anyways, I really find it strange that you would go through so much trouble only to convince us that our effort is vain and that you will win. But either way, whatever theatricality you resort to, it will have zero impact on the results. Because theatricality is a weapon for the weak. Only the weak hide behind shadows or costumes, a strong man has nothing to hide and nothing to protect. Look at me for instance, all that you see about me is real. My money is real, my charisma is real and my talent is real. No illusions, all reality. And with these, I won back to back matches. But yes, being weak is no shame because not everyone can be strong like me. Not everyone can be born into greatness and that adopt it to take it to expand the boundaries. Just like that, not everyone can win that match. You have to admit that Solomon and move on. And dude, please, no more theatrics. Because that would make your loss look even more ridiculous. Next time if you want to say something to me, say it to me man to man. Not that I think you would actually do that because I think you are a no ball half woman wonder. And with that said, I will let that sink in.

Now, I don’t like repeating myself but I will say it again, I will say it time and time again that I will win. All roads lead to only one destination and you know what that is. But yes, speaking is a waste of time. And I hope that by this time, the rest who have yet to open their mouths understood that they cannot hope to triumph over me in not only the wrestling part but also in the war of words. I am one step ahead of everyone always. I think, I understand, I plan and then I execute. I will conclude by giving a thank you to my partner Jon McAdams. Jon, I am glad that you have understood that People with Class is beyond all these petty people. I am glad that you have understood that we are the catalysts of change in EAW and we will not be separated because of the efforts of no ball wonders or piss drinkers. At the end of the match, People with Class will stand strong and I promise you that our dream will still be there but for the others, their dreams are….over.


Last edited by Mike Showman on November 15th 2016, 2:41 pm; edited 2 times in total
Anthony Leonhart
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 15th 2016, 12:03 pm by Anthony Leonhart


EAW Promoz! - Page 4 200
You can see Anthony Leonhart in a king apparel with Amy Jayne as a queen on his arm, both are smiling, they look like a royal couple and they are chanting Glorious. We are Glorious. Nobody can match us.




Anthony Leonhart is looking at the camera, rubbing his hands with a haughty look, highly succifient and worrying to show his desire to want to finish Hurricane Hawk after the end of their match at Friday Night Dynasty.


Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 15th 2016, 11:34 am by Drastik
(The scene opens with Drastik sitting once again in the same chair that he sat in last week. This time, there is only the single bar of light above his head to illuminate his expression; he is clearly displeased with something. He hesitates before leaning forward and looking blankly into the camera, rubbing his scruff before finally speaking.)
There’s something different about this that I wasn’t able to put my finger on the first couple of times I came down that ramp again—something strange about the feelings I had coming down to that ring regardless of what I was able to do. Yes, there’s no doubt that I’ve been able to have the upper hand the last two weeks on Voltage, but something doesn’t feel quite the same as it used to. For a while, I figured that maybe I was so used to the adrenaline of asserting myself in this industry that I no longer feel the fervor. Maybe I had heard my own theme so many times that the sounds of it being sung along by the crowd have been dulled. Maybe I take my profession and my legacy too seriously; maybe I get stuck in my own head and become so overtaken by my drive that I become unaware of everything else around me. I thought all of these things, and frankly, if they were any combination of those things then maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Is there anything wrong with being so intent on proving myself and spiting someone as disenchanting and delusional as Nathan Fiora? Absolutely not. But I’ve realized that this isn’t about anything that I’ve been doing wrong. This is about the people who have somehow forgotten what made me what I am.
This is about the people who have somehow forgotten about me.
Every time someone comes back from some sort of hiatus—especially anyone who has had their time at the top—people automatically bombard them with the same rhetoric. “You’ve seen your best days already and you’re no longer what you used to be.” “You’re hanging on to any slim bit of relevancy you can manage.” “You may have done all of these things in the past, but you’ve never faced me. I’m different.” Every single person that is put in your situation, Nathan, says these things a million different ways. For many veterans, comments like these are frustrating, but they always make me laugh. How else could you reasonably write off what I’ve done in my career? Every single time people have written off my ability to compete by saying that I’ve seen better days they were quickly proven wrong. I have gotten better with every single return I’ve had to this company and this industry and there is no denying that. How else could someone combat the fact that I’ve won five world championships in my career and even, at one point, LEFT this company with both the Answers World Championship and Interwire Championship laid across my shoulders? People have acted like I’m any other accomplished veteran that had all of their success happen in a three-month window and never sniffed it again. But I’m not Zack Crash, Nathan. I’m not Montel Smooth. I’m not Superior Quality 85 or Kawajai or any of those other guys who came and went in the blink of an eye. Look up my name and see how it’s peppered throughout the history of this company in every single category there is to evaluate success. This wasn’t some one-time string of luck. I’ve come in here and obliterated the competition every single time that I’ve returned. And it wasn’t remotely by accident. Yet here I am, coming off of back to back weeks where I demonstrated that same dominance—especially last week where I should have squashed any concerns that I wasn’t fit to compete when I made a joke out of Black Sven. And still, everyone is quietly counting me out for some reason. People still predict that Nathan Fiora, the touted prospect who’s been a prospect for longer than most prospects should be considered prospects, will somehow manage to come out on top. The truth is made abundantly clear: these people that clog up your twitter feed or spam their unwanted opinions on comment sections and forums and pretend to be journalists with their semi-monthly top ten list posted to Facebook don’t know me. They don’t know what I’ve accomplished or what I’m capable of.
But Nathan, I know that you know full well what I’m capable of.
(Drastik gets to his feet slowly, looking away from the camera and toward one of the walls of the room. The camera moves outward to show him looking at his first Hardcore Championship hanging on the wall. He doesn’t break his stare for a moment, as if he’s deep in his memories shuffling through them. Without looking back to the camera, he begins speaking again.)
While I’ve admitted time and time again that I’ve watched you over the last few weeks dominate your division and repeatedly demand competition only to be thrown guys like one of the fourteen DeLion’s that pollute this company, I know that you’ve watched too. Before you even made it to the point where you could land a contract, you sat down in your living room and watched me compete at the highest level. You sunk into your couch in your RRS t-shirt and told your parents about how much you despised Captain Charisma and couldn’t sleep the night I through him off the top of the stage at the inaugural Pain for Pride. You watched as I dragged my own near-lifeless body across a blood soaked ring canvas to go on to win more Glass Walls matches than ANYONE this or any company has ever seen. You sat in awe when the curtain was pulled away and I revealed myself as Drastik, once again being a step ahead of both the competition and management. These people may not know me, Nathan, but I know that you do. And no matter which pieces of that same old rhetoric you settle on throwing at me—no matter which cookie cutter insult you’ve got for me—it will NEVER change the fact that I’ve done what I’ve done and you watched every single second of it—not in disgust, but in disbelief.
In just a matter of days, Nathan, you and I will step into an environment that is all-too familiar to me—in the same type of Hardcore Championship match that I built my early career on. You will step into the same slot as the likes of Captain Charisma and Hey Yo Chico and The Book of Wrestling, guys that you saw on your television screen but never even thought you’d stand with. I don’t know if you dreamed of moments like these, Nathan, but what I do know is that when the dust settles and you’re standing behind the curtain, waiting for your theme to hit while you know I’m standing in the ring at the top of my game like I have been year in and year out, you’re going to feel the sick nervousness in the pit of your stomach that you’ll never admit to. That’s the only thing you’re going to have in common with any of those guys I talked about, Nathan. Dream-come-true or not for you, I’m going to make sure to do what I do—notch another accomplishment on my resume. I’m going to show these people who you really are. And in doing so, Nathan, I’m going to show these people what I’ve always been.
(After those final words, Drastik turns his head to look at the camera and smirk. Only he and the Hardcore Championship hanging above him are illuminated by the bright white light of the room, his eyes glimmering hazel when he looks directly toward the camera. The lights cut out all at once and the screen is left pitch black, no sound coming from the shot at all. Solid white text flashes on the screen before the video package ends.)
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 15th 2016, 10:34 am by Impact
Less so is it that I think Judas was born of fear than it is that I simply can’t find it in me to care about his origins. When a merchant makes a sale, he usually doesn’t bother to personalize it for his customer; the only real matter of importance is the sale itself. By the same token, Matt Miles’ background and inspiration behind Judas isn’t something I care to deeply investigate. Whether his intent was to instill fear in other wrestlers, or to confirm to himself that all of those physical attributes allowing himself to compete at a world-class level were still present, it is of little consequence to me. When you’re focused on the main course, you tend not to worry about the background noise lagging behind everything else. But what I can’t seem to shake is just how delusional Matt Miles really is. There’s no denying Matt Miles has talent — not as much as me — but talent nonetheless. Rather than focus on his talent and prepare for Shock Value accordingly, he’s choosing to go a different route entirely. He is choosing — entirely of his own volition — delusion over reality. For a guy who swears he’s been “the most dominant elitist in EAW today” for the past seven months, he never bothers to stop and think why nobody else agrees with the notion. Now, I’ll go right ahead and admit it — these past seven months haven’t been as kind to me as I would like. I’ve gone through rigors that would dispirit men of less fortitude. But all of that aside, what Matt Miles has done is essentially create this post-facts pseudo-reality where all of the dominos fall in his favor and every fact is consistent with his agenda. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the overwhelming majority of these “facts” he’s spewing are just flagrantly false. But Matt Miles actually believes what he’s saying his true, he’s headstrong about his convictions, and so referring to them as “lies” is actually a misnomer in this case — which is why I’ve opted for “delusion.” During his stint as Judas, Matt Miles had an impressive showing in the Grand Rampage match and won the National Elite Championship. The problem is that Matt Miles thinks these almost-victories are actually worth something, almost as if he thinks he can just keep piling up losses and tally them up in the record books as half a victory because he “came close.” Even sadder, several gutter-trash simpletons in EAW share that ideology. You’ll see no such excuses for failure from me. It doesn’t matter that I “came close” to defeating Mr. DEDEDE and winning the Answers World Championship at Reckless Wiring. I lost. I don’t live in a world with moral victories; I live in a world of the tangible. But I guess in Matt Miles’ world, if you “almost win” the Grand Rampage, it ought to be as good as actually achieving the feat. I guess in Matt Miles’ world, if you’re playing Russian roulette and end up taking a fatal bullet to the brain, it doesn’t REALLY matter because you almost survived. In his alternate universe, you spin the wheel and land on death, it doesn’t matter because life was the adjacent option — so at least you came close! It just proves that Matt Miles has no actual understanding of how the world works. In a game of survival, the slimmest of margins decide life and death. In the game of life, it doesn’t matter if you came to within an inch of victory if you still end up snatching defeat from its jaws. You can waltz down the ramp with a whole head of steam and fervor only to get humiliated by a hunter turning you into his prey, but humiliation and embarrassment are just part of an aesthetic that doesn’t actually matter in the broader scheme of EAW. A loss is a loss in whatever form it comes. Whether you suffer through humiliation or narrowly lose in a tightly contested match, that isn’t going to change the numbers in the columns. More embarrassing than your warped perception of reality? The fact I actually outlasted you in the Grand Rampage. You talk about the match like it’s your baby, go around flapping your gums saying how nobody expected you to perform so well, and then you act like it doesn’t matter at all that I beat you. You hardly even make mention of it. I entered earlier than you and outlasted you. And if you ask me, the Grand Rampage has far bigger implications than some ho-hum exhibition match on Voltage — but because you didn’t win the match that was actually important, you spend more time talking up your big victory over me on Voltage. Guess what? That victory doesn’t matter. We’re not “joint number one contenders.” I’m the number one contender, and you’re the number two contender. And once I win at Shock Value and take the EAW Championship, you still won’t have any career-defining moment to speak of so you’ll resort to spending the rest of your shitty career talking about that one time you beat Y2Impact and how Judas fooled everyone — oblivious to the fact that nobody cares because you wrote checks with your mouth that your ass couldn’t cash in the ring when it really mattered.

Y'see, Matt Miles talks about me as if I’ve taken some sort of nosedive since my loss at Pain for Pride, claiming I’m clinging to my victory at Grand Rampage to act as though I haven’t done anything of note since. If Matt Miles ever needed a career change, he’d do a great job pretending to be a psychic — because if these bold-faced half-truths are any indication, conning people is what he does best. Matt Miles can brag about his cutesy little streak and his exhibition victories, and yet he turns a blind eye to the fact I’ve massacred every wrestler unfortunate enough to find themselves in my path over these past few weeks. I bloodied Nostalgia and sent him to the hospital — where I understand he is still staying. You won’t see him again in EAW. I handed Vic Vendetta his own ass on Voltage without so much as breaking a sweat. I did The Sanatorium a huge favor and took Phoenix Winterborn off television with another brutal beating. I dispatched Marco Fedor in short order, leading to a rift between him and his former comrade Keelan Cetinich. I can drive a wedge between people without even trying. You want to know else all of those men have in common? They didn’t even hit me. If you want to talk about dominance, look no further than what I’ve done these past few weeks. Your “streak” is something that comes and passes with the seasons; but this trail I’ve blazed in recent weeks has put me back in the rarefied air in which I belong. I already know you’re going to marginalize what I’ve achieved because you’re insecure of your own shortcomings — ones you’ve falsely claimed to correct. But don’t let that gaping void inside your soul fool you — I’ve been every bit as dominant as you have these past few weeks. I’ve effortlessly dismantled my competition. It took you everything you had and more to get a countout victory over me on Voltage — but you didn’t pin me. Yet you bloviate about your small-time victory like you just painted the Mona Lisa. At Shock Value, you won’t get off on a technicality. You won’t have recourse to fall back on or refuge to take comfort in. When you lose, let it be known that you were too busy defending the credibility of the wrestlers you faced in the past — and I was too busy preparing for my match at Shock Value uninhibited by sentimentality. When you lose at Shock Value, and you’re standing at the podium talking about how I shouldn’t have even been in the match — let it be known that while you fooled everyone else, that kind of hypocrisy is exactly what I expect from you. You’re the type to talk about how I’m not guaranteed a singles match at Pain for Pride and run around later on when nobody cares to question it that you should have been in a singles championship match yourself. There’s no real evidence that you come back quickly from your failures. You’ve been piling up victories ever since you returned as Judas. You haven’t experienced any sort of real failure. Maybe I can’t relate because I’m too busy focusing on World Championships, but if losing the National Elite Title turns you into a despondent piece of trash and that’s the kind of “setback” you’re claiming to have rectified, then in all truth you didn’t face any setback whatsoever. Maybe you’ve encountered some bumps in the road since you returned, but you’ve never fallen off a cliff. Your grip on the edge of the mountain hasn’t loosened simply because you’ve forgotten what it’s like to be on the edge of the mountain — and that will be your folly. Your whole career, you’ve been on the chase — but you’ve never made the catch. You can try and talk about the people I’ve beaten and how they “weren’t legends” when I faced them to trivialize my dominance and make my competition seem weak, but the fact is that while you’ve got wandering eyes, I’m too busy worrying about Shock Value to care about the outcomes of events from three, four, five years ago, let alone to make an impassioned defense of my competition and emasculate myself in the process like you’re doing. There’s a difference between sharing a mutual respect and kissing a man’s ass while they’re bending over backwards. That praise you heaped on Pizza Boy falls into the latter category — but that’s none of my fuckin’ business. Winning the EAW Championship IS my business. The moment you embarked on trying to prevent me from reaching that goal, you found yourself in my crosshairs. You’ll never find your way out.

But I will find my way in. One of EAW’s most questionable, eyebrow-raising phenomenas is this penchant their employees have for trying to erase the greatest accomplishments of their peers. You can win the headlining match of Pain for Pride, but if you make so much as the smallest note of it three months later, Bobby McCray from Battle Creek, Michigan will claim you’re “living in the past.” Every Tom, Dick, and Harry in that locker room will point their grimy fingers at you trying to get you to distance yourself from some of the most improbable and incredible feats ever achieved by man. They do it under the pretext of getting you to look to the future rather than basking in past glories, but that, too, is a thinly veiled sham. The real reason people who haven’t accomplished anything worthwhile desperately want to make others who have forget about their greatest achievements? Refer back to what I said — they haven’t accomplished anything worthwhile! If all I had to brag about was Spartan Cups and National Elite Championships and feuds with sawed-off midgets named Pizza Boy, shit, I wouldn’t say anything either. When your magnum opus is the average, you do everything conceivable to disempower the greats by telling them they’re not extraordinary. If I really had this predilection for the past Matt Miles is claiming I do, I’d be talking about each of my six World Championship reigns and how I won, who I defeated. I don’t care. If I don’t have seven World Championship reigns, I might as well have zero. If talking about the Grand Rampage — which happened just six months ago — is me looking for a “saving grace,” that’s Miles’ prerogative. I could talk about how I stifled Nathan Fiora’s rapid ascent and ended his undefeated streak shortly before he became the new Hardcore Champion, or the fact that my lack of wins before these past few weeks was almost entirely attributable to the fact I had no matches for over a month — but that’s not going to win me the EAW Championship. I’ve already earned my stripes, but I don’t feel complete. I don’t feel whole. Ever since returning, I’ve felt this endless longing like something was missing — like I’d lost the final piece to a puzzle that I’d once finished. I learned months ago that the missing piece was my seventh World Championship reign, but against Mr. DEDEDE and Ares Vendetta, I couldn’t find it. Where I had succeeded so many times before, I failed. That’s why I know the past isn’t important in the sense that it paves the way for future success, I’m not a brainless johnny-come-lately World Title virgin like Miles there, and yet I still have the capacity to understand everyone is a reflection of their habits. Matt Miles doesn’t. If he did, he’d understand that my most consistent habit is winning. He’d respect my chances at Shock Value. He wouldn’t bluster about how he just “knew” he was going to defeat me on Voltage three weeks ago like it was some sort of foregone conclusion. But rather than look at things open-endedly and stick to what made him successful since he returned — correcting his flaws, not fixating on his shortcomings, not letting himself get too high or low with a win or a loss — he’s become disinterested in anything other than the sound of his own voice. A screeching, ear-ringing sound that I’ll take pleasure in silencing at Shock Value after I win the EAW Championship. Matt Miles should feel fortunate to be in the ring with me this Saturday, really. While he doesn’t get to take home the EAW Championship, he has the opportunity to make history along with me. He has the opportunity to turn into a trivia question: “Who did Y2Impact defeat to win his record-breaking seventh World Championship reign?”

His name will be one of the answers to that question, and while he doesn’t appreciate it now — thinking that lightning will strike twice and he’ll get to sweep the rug out from underneath me again — he’ll appreciate it fifty years from now when he’s sharing the story of how he lost to The Quintessential Champion to his great grandkids. That’s what EVERYTHING boils down to, Matt Miles. This Saturday, I’m going to make history; you’ll just be part of it.

After all, even the stars need supporting casts.

Last edited by The Machine on November 15th 2016, 11:35 am; edited 1 time in total
Stephanie Matsuda
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 15th 2016, 9:20 am by Stephanie Matsuda
Shock Value Promo # 2

"The Vixen Who Sold the World"

I remember the night of Pain of Pride like it was yesterday. I was up all night in my hotel room, staring at my hands- the same very hands that struck my teammates with a chair. These are the hands that struck my former friends, the same hands that made my former lover scream in agony last time we crossed paths. Even now I wonder to myself: "How far will I go? How much longer did I need to walk this path before I get my point across?" 

I'll do whatever it takes. Even if you finally get it, I won't stop. You'll never know how it feels being on the other side, bereft of pride and self-respect! You ladies had the privilege of to not even consider my feelings cause- 'oh look! Tarah's doing something cool again! Let's take another selfie!' My former stablemates claimed they cared for me, but in actuality only long enough for their egos to allow. This is why I sold my world to the devil. I’m better off in the arms of darkness than in the company of fake ass friends.

I love how you talk so much shit Aria but yet have the cojones to take me on like a real bitch! You act so hard around your girls, but stay silent when nobody's around. Huh? What's that? Comparing me to your piece of shit ex!? Which one are you referring to? There's so many of them I lost count. I'm surprised Are last this long- too bad his title reign won't. Now that I think about it, you and Aren are the perfect couple. He betrayed Nas just like you betrayed me. God forbid if you two have a baby- I reeeeeeallly hope one of you can’t have kids. You’ll be doing the whole world a favor. Grasping at straws? How about I snap that skinny little neck of yours like a fucking twig! Now THAT would be doing the whole world a favor! You want to see someone who’s pretentious? Look in the mirror sweets. Listen to yourself for the past six months. Where’s the humility you used to have? Whatever happened to the girl who just wanted a chance? Once you won that title it all went out the window. Once you let Tarah in your life, you flipped the script. Should we forget how Maddie put you in your place a year ago in Brooklyn? Yeah, Eris defeated me, but I didn’t have a crown that I FAILED to cash in! But yet your ornery ass kept strutting around like last year’s Miss America! Your time WAS up sweets! You dropped the ball! Fuck outta here!

(points towards a door)


I can't wait to see the look on your face when your team falls to pieces around you Ms. Jaxon. I want to see the helpless look in your eye once you realize your time is up. You're sick of me!? BITCH I'M SICK OF YOU!!! I’M (clap) SICK (clap) OF (clap) EVE (clap) RY (clap) THING (clap) A (clap) BOUT (clap) YOU! (clap)

I’m sick of your muppet ass makeup! I’m sick of your snoop dog-looking ass sniffing up around here! You want a bone bitch!? Aren’s is not enough for you!? (laughs) of course, nothing’s ever enough for you. And it’s not because you’re a hard worker- it’s because you’re greedy. You’re selfish. And trust me say what you want about the OGs, but their greed was EARNED. I used to say accolades don’t mean shit...but our accomplishments are the legacy we leave behind. I was in such an immature state when I left Formation, but now I can see why. I sat back and observed the Sirens for a while and man if I stuck around I would have been the BB of the group, or a Nicole Frye. Nothing more than a goon to do your bidding. Is that all I was to you ‘Ria? Just another block to add to your ever expanding ego? Figures. This is what I get for fucking with these Cali bitches. The irony is that I was born in San Diego. Heh, takes one to know one and all that jazz. Hmm...maybe we’re both in the wrong in this feud. I’m willing to admit that. But it’s too late to turn back. Our bridge is forever burned. That’s the way the business works huh? This is why I find comfort in the Coven of Sanatorium. I never have to worry about some Casper the friendly ghost-ass bitch tearing down what I spent the past six years trying to build! A friendship that was forged in love and trust only discovered be to paper thin. I would have fucked Tarah up if she talked shit about you! Know that and understand it. It would have cost me Cai, but bros over hoes right? I guess we were never that tight. I spent that night crying my fucking eyes out because of how much of a fool I was. It was my fault though. I was naive and it got me caught me out there. Being Eclipse’s sword is how I grieved, how I redesigned myself. I may not always see his vision the way he sees it, but I don’t need to see things his way to fight. You claim you care about these business? Then prove it to me. Fight me like the bad bitch you claim you are! I can’t get you alone, so I’ll settle for next week. 

Sher...Sher...Sher. It's worse than I imagined.

You're completely incapable of thinking outside of yourself for even a second. Are you afraid of what you'll find Sherball? Maybe you'll see an arrogant child who takes compliments for weakness who thinks stealing a title makes her a champion. The only thing efficient about you right now is your consistency of spouting the same bullshit about me and my team over and over in these verbal blocks of text! It's like I can see the words formulating from the top of your head like some kind of cheap VHS subtitle! Stick to dubbing sweets- or rather let dub stick to you...

See bitch? You're not the only one who can talk shit about someone's love life.

Speaking of which, this is further evidence that you're just like a certain quiet pasty church mouse! Just another vixen with an elitist stick up her ass. You're all the same. Hell, You’re even romantically linked to the Hall of Fame champion…(sighs). Okay Sheridan Nova, I see where you’re going with this. I guess we’re all going to lose to you at the next Pain for Pride? Are you going to try and ‘lead us’ now? Do you have some kind of 100-day plan I should know about? You ain’t go shit. That’s because you are shit Sher. Your gimmick, your book, your suplex, it’s all shit. Time to get my shovel...

Know what I like about you Cailin? No matter what, you never change. Eye on the prize and all that. Don’t get me wrong- I still hate your fucking guts, but not for what you think. We should discuss that in private...one day. For now, I will say this: you’re not the only one who considers herself to be a fighter. All I know is competition Cai. I live it, breathe it, and I’m stronger today than I was yesterday. This belief we have, this ‘eat, sleep, challenge, repeat’ lifestyle is what attracted me to you in the first place. I feared that Tarah tamed you, but I can see that fire in your heart still lingers. Good sweets, because you’re going to need every ounce of fucking skill, power, and speed when fighting me. You’re going to need all the tricks and tips as if you’re reading Nintendo Power on a Saturday morning in your pjs. As long as you keep getting up, I’ll keep coming for you sweets. If this is what we’re destined for, then so be it. I’ll fight you for the rest of my life if it makes me a stronger warrior.

Haruna, Haruna, Haruna. Based on your recent feats, I would say that you’re the one I’m concerned about the most. But, I know a few secrets about you that I’m going to reveal anyway, because that’s what gorillas do (sticks tongue out). We fuck shit up, just like I’m going to fuck up your face. And maybe, just maybe I’ll fuck your…(starts laughing) Hahahaha! Wait! Wait! Is the past really repeating itself right now? Am I forever stuck in these endless fuckboy of a loop with you!? Are we going to be doing this schoolyard shit every late fall Haru-chan? How many times must we fight before we’re just like ‘fuck it’ and climb into my bed. You know you wanna sweets (kissing sounds), Come on sweets (kiss). You (kiss) know (kiss) you (kiss) wanna (kiss). You must be tense...it’s been like several weeks since you got some? Don’t worry, your baby is sound asleep on my futon as we speak. She has a match to prepare for after all, and whatever anger she has for you - which I hear is a lot - will have to be put to better use. I’m rooting for my sisters in the battle royal, but I wouldn’t be upset of Azumi won. Her with that contract...me eventually bullying ‘Ria out of her trophy...and of course, JET as tag fucking champions. 2017 is already looking good for me.

Time to take out the old and bring in the new ladies. Like Hillary, you had a good run, but your best just wasn’t good enough. Should’ve placed your bets on the ‘socialist Jew’.

Feel the Bern, ladies. Feel the Bern…

(Lights a match as the camera zooms in on it before fading out)

I sold my world to the Devil and he gave me the universe.
Veena Adams
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 15th 2016, 5:01 am by Veena Adams
Okay okay so first of all I just wanted to express how happy I am that Donald J. Trump has won the election, and is just 66 days away from becoming the President of the United States! Personally I hope he is what every irrationally scared lefty baby is saying he will be. I'm surrounded by cucky liberals who've been pissing their pants and diluting their lattes with their liberal tears, crying over how "evil and oppressive" Trump is going to be towards certain groups like gays, Hispanics and women. But really, it's hard for me to find a problem with any of that! Especially the third part... as I always say, I'm totally down for a brave alpha male to come into power and finally take away women's rights. Really, I always have been! I have no problem taking one for the team TBH (tee-bee-eich), especially considering how dreadful women just are in general. It's like these whores don't know their place anymore, it's sickening!

Just look at my opponents at Shock Value. "Team Sirens", as they're called. A buncha broads who think they have what it takes to go up against legends, against some of the greatest to ever do it! After taking one look at Sheridan Mooler, for example, who I suppose is meant to be the team leader since she's the Vixens Champion; you can't help but wonder why the hell women still have any say in anything whatsoever in this world? This Hitlerbitch has the nerve to come to AMERICA, home of the free, land of the brave, and tout her German Efficiency bullshit. Hey Hitlercunt, if Germany is so efficient, why did you guys get your asses handed to you in two world wars? Why are you being run by a terrible leader named Angela Merkel who allows migrants to come in and rape your women en-masse while your diplomats sit there with their dicks in their hands and do fuck all? Germany is EVERYTHING but efficient, and it's evident in how bad of a champion you are. You won that Vixens Championship off of a fluke, and you haven't been an impressive champion ever since, hence why your win was a fluke. You were thrown into this clusterfuck scenario named "The Sirens", which I guess is the retarded stepchild version of The Formation, and predictably so you've come to tout "German Efficiency" while your country is reaching Sweden levels of cuckery and you willingly sell away your democracy. I already beat you once before, Mooler, and clearly anyone who has to call themselves efficient at the ungodly rate that you do has some sort of self esteem issue. It's a sad day when the Vixens Champion is the weak link of their 5 on 5 tag team match, but honestly other than Haruna you look like the prime candidate for just that. The weak link.

Speaking of weakness, Hiiii Tarah! How are you giirl. I guess now that Sheridan's on your team you don't have to be the one holding everyone else down now. I mean you still are a cancer to anything you're a part of, but at least you're not the worst thing going, isn't that nice? Lord knows you hold everyone around you down. Lord knows you suck the life out of everyone around you, lord knows everything you touch seems to wither away and die - much like your relationship with my uncle. Wink I swear, I am an ORACLE! I think I gave a bitch cunt like you too much credit. I gave you what, like four to six months left together? But now it's like you're nowhere to be found with him! From the stuff I'm hearing it doesn't look like I'll be seeing you at the Adams Thanksgiving dinner. For shame, to think we were sorta kinda somewhat starting to get along! That was sarcasm, in case you were too dense to understand it. Anyway, now that my uncle isn't making you worth a fuck anymore I wonder if you're going to fight this match with any sliver of purpose. I mean, in our last match I damn near snapped the fuck outta your arm. The referee had to pull me off of your pasty ass to avoid me severing your arm from your socket. What kind of "Vixens Killer" becomes put at the mercy of DDD's supposed bratty niece, hmm? I mean I know that's all you bitches see me as anyway, so if that's all I am, then what does that make you? I think all you are, and all you've really ever been is a cum rag that's been used up, washed off and passed around to the next guy. No wonder why you're so white, it's all of that cum you consume on the daily basis. You're a shell a champion who's stick in the hell of obscurity, nothing compared to what people once thought she was, and all anyone sees you as good for is the tabloids where your relationships are closely covered. You were useless to the Demon's Council, you were useless to Zach Genesis, and you are useless to my uncle. You're useless to The Sirens, you're by far the least relevant one in that group, I mean for fucks sake man didn't you lose to "Aquaman"? You realize that's the bitch the Formation kicked out for being so weak, right? You lost to the woman who you teased and clowned and called "Aquaman" out of being inferior, so I ask, ghostbitch, what the fuck does that make you? You're about as useless to Empire as Aquaman was to The Formation, and at least you can make a case that The Formation died after Stephanie Matsuda left. Empire wouldn't blink if you were to disappear, like the pale cumbucket that you are. In fact, no one would care; The Sirens would move on, Empire would move on, my uncle would move on - if he hasn't already - and EAW will move on without you. Hopefully I can get the chance to put you in the Kimura again, because if you ever find yourself caught in the Killer Queen's Rhapsody again, I promise you I'm putting you on the shelf.

Who else who else. Harunaaaaa! That's right! I almost forgot you were on the team! Sounds about right for the most forgettable person, male or female, in EAW. I love how people try to talk down to me like I'm just some stuck up rich kid who waltzed into a contract here, but you have LOSERS like Haruna who literally form career highlights based off of losses, and they don't get the same kind of flack. The best moment of your career was when Tarah Nova defeated you at Pain for Pride, which is ironic because it was also the last time anyone ever cared about you or wanted you to succeed. Tell me I'm lying. Since Pain or Pride 8, people gave up on you, and that's because you're a lost cause and not a worthy investment. All you've done since then was hammer that point home. You already tried your hand at an OG in HBG, and you couldn't hang. You couldn't do it dear. Sometimes I ask my uncle whenever I get the chance to see him, about why the hell did he ever invest in Tarah Nova? He's made better investments in training a rookie HBG, than he ever did dating a thing like her. But then I look at how EAW used to prop you up and I can't help but ask EAW why the hell they ever gave half a crap about you? At this point people just feel sorry for you. You're a charity case, a barely literate one at that. You're also a dishonor to your family, a disgrace to your village, your ancestors should have been raped and pillaged by Gengis Khan, your great grandparents should have been the blast radius of the nukes dropped on Hiroshima. You're a failure and disgrace in every level, you don't even know how to be Japanese right. Japanese chicks don't act like you! Japanese women are supposed to be demure, soft spoken and calm, but you whore yourself out as bad as any of these other ratchet thots in the back. You're all over social media, leading guys on, dyking it up with any and every joshi, and documenting your shitty boring lame life. Take a hint: nobody cares. Nobody cares about you, your awful career, or your worthless life. Commit suicide.

Next up, another opponent of mine, Aria Jaxon. Aria actually managed to earn a little bit of my respect by defeating me fair and square not too long ago on Empire. I'd be foolish to sit here and bash her all night, so I don't have much slander for her. Even if her face does look like it went through a trash compactor, even if she is an animal in the face, even if her edges are in space, even if her boyfriend is an off-brand Methuselah, even if she has a losing record against most of my team mates, even if she is a complete and total hypocrite, even if she is an illogical bitch and a lying whore. Despite all these things, I'll give her this, she's a pretty good wrestler. My recent loss to her motivates me more to go in this weekend at Shock Value and see to it personally that I defeat her and her clown haired little friend.

Cailin Dillon, last but not least, it will be my distinct honor and privilege to make sure that you are forced to bow before The Killa Queen. I know your head is so gassed up from being Empress of Elite, so I know you think you're hot shit. You're not. You're not shit. At least, you won't be when I'm done with you. My main purpose in competing at Shock Value is to knock the wind out of your sails. I know a little bit about you Cai Cai, I know you're a bumpkin little bitch at heart, I know you grew up in nothing but shit and had to fight your way out of the mud you wrestled pigs in to wrestle royalty like me. But deep inside I know green acres is the place for you, and you long to go back to them. ♫GREEEEEEN ACRES IS THE PLACE FOR YOU! FAAAAAARM LIVIN' IS THE LIFE FOR YOU! LAAAAAAND SPREADIN' OUT SO FAAR AAND WIIDE, KEEP EMPIRE YOU WANT THAT COUNTRY SIDE!♫  Green acres is the life for you, Cailin! There's a snake in your boot, and it's not wrestling boots cowgirl! All I want to do is send you back to the green acres you came from. It's the life for you! I made a promise that I'd personally eliminate your Siren-mates Tarah and Aria at Shock Value, but I have no problems adding you to that list. I know a lot about your confidence, because I have the same confidence. But while you stumbled into this, riding in on a mule from whatever shitheap in middle America you came from, I was bred for this. You may be Empress of Elite, but I was raised to inherit the kindgom. The meek will not inherit the earth. The meek will go back to being the meek when the OG's take their place, and I rise in the ranks, I move up in the world, and I become an OG myself. 

I know you simpletons look at my ambition and think I'm just getting ahead of myself. Keep thinking that. You know as well as I know that I'm about as deserving to be on Team OG as anyone else. The only difference between me and any of my teammates is timing. If I had joined EAW in 2012 or even 2014 I would have easily qualified as an OG. If Cleo-fucking-Patra can be heralded and regarded as one of the greatest Vixens of all time for holding the title for a year and only having two title contenders, then I'm worthy of consideration, am I not? The bitch who is backstage holding mics up to peoples faces was once HBG's biggest competition for the EAW Vixens Championship. Cameron Ella Ava literally had to compete with men, because there were no women worth competing against. And Kendra? Kendra got credit literally just for fucking being here for half of her career. I won't deny that my partners are amazing wrestlers, but I'm not as far as you think from that category. You dumbasses are just like the liberal animals protesting in the streets right now, you want a meritocracy when it suits you. Every other time? Who gives a shit, again, so long as it suits you. So I'm working only in the interest of what suits me. Fuck a meritocracy, unless it suits me. I'll prove that I'm worthy of being considered one of the best, by defeating the best. Even if 5 has to become 4, and 4 has to become 3, and 3 has to become 2, and I take them all down 1 by 1. Empire is mine for the taking, and I'm coming for tha throne. Don't expect me to do it? Then like Trump winning the presidency, maybe you can appreciate the shock value when I do.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 15th 2016, 3:54 am by 『zakkii』
EAW Promoz! - Page 4 16joHfX

Scene opens as we see Haruna Sakazaki is standing in the studio somewhere as she is ready to talk in front of the camera

Haruna Sakazaki: Minna-san konbanwa, Haruna no "Silent Siren" desu~!

Haruna mimicking the hand gesture of every "Silens Siren" member's introductiion. There's an awkward silence before everything goes back to normal.

Haruna Sakazaki: Okay, enough joking around.... Anyway, here we go. Shock Value, when two side of greater force of the purple brand will collide for..... for...... for what, again? Power? Fame? Recognition? Supremacy? I honestly don't know. I am here just out of nowhere and if you wonder why I get here.... same, I don't know either. I come here, lending my hand because..... just because. I am here now rebelling against the OG Vixens and I don't follow their way of think. I have my own and I will do as my own. You two sides fight for whatever you try to explain for those people, I am following my own ideology. I decided to fight OG vixens because I think it would be more beneficial for me in the future. Just imagine this.... how do you compare the new guys and the old guys with more experiences and I beat all of them. That's more amazing than joining their forces. But heck, I have experienced beating all those five and I have no fear to do it again.

Haruna Sakazaki: But still, though.... to my fellow partners. I said this, I said that I respect the OG vixens, doesn't mean that I am actually on their side. Just in case you forgot, I am a professional. The respect feeling between me an those OG Vixens will not affect me to give my best inside that match. Hey, I know the relation between me and the rest of my team is not really that good but you know what. I will forget it I will forget about that and I am willing to work together in unity, putting the difference aside and give a helping hand to my fellow partner to win this match but you know... sometimes being in one team doesn't mean that we have to share their vision. But the core mission is the same. To win. Yes, I think that is enough. For me, every single one of my fellow partner wants to win, no matter the intention of what happen next and I'm perfectly fine with that, as long as those people can work together as a team and put their ego aside, we should be okay. As for me, I will try my best to give the victory on their side but again, I am not going to dedicate my victory to them. This victory is for myself. So sorry guys, I'm afraid I can't share your vision about why do you all do this war. I don't understand you, I don't understand this war but I promise, with my power, I will help you guys to achieve victory like you always wanted.

Haruna Sakazaki: I remember Consuela ever asked me this last week "But Haruna, if you respect the OG Vixens more than you respect the Sirens, why did you choose to fight against the OG Vixens?" Well yeah I tell you that now. Why I decided to fight the OGs? That is my sign of respect. For me, in every fighting world, the sign of respect is to step inside the ring against someone that I respected. I am not that "If you can't beat them, join them" type of person. I am so happy to fight those OGs, I am happy to beat those OGs and I would be so much happier if I am doing it again. I'm having fun fighting those three because hey, they claimed to be the best in this division, right? So, it is my honor to face and beat the "best in the division" and I don't care either with their intentions in this battle either. I am here to fight the best and beat the best. That is why I choose to oppose them. Unlike that Cloud and Veena who become an "aid" for the OGs and look what they are thinking? They think they are also OGs like those three. Isn't that funny? They can't even fill your experienced boots, right? You know by yourself..... Now answer me with a really honest answer you have, HBG, Kendra, Cameron.... are you three on the same level with Stephanie and Veena? Deep inside the heart of three of you, there's a glimpse of thought saying that you don't want to be put on the same level with those two losers. You three are more superior than all of us, right? And you are DEFINITELY more superior than those two. So.... what's the point of Stephanie and Veena to join on your side, anyway? Isn't that the kind of respect you really wanted. They keep kissing ass of you three to gain your respect and you pleased so much somebody kisses your ass, that is the respect you really want, right? No, I am not going to give you that kind of respect. I'm doing it MY way. Because I realize myself, I am not on the same level with you. I'm either below you or above you and the only way to prove where do I belong is by dueling inside that arena. I'm kicking ass to gain respect, not kissing ass. That is what I mean by the word "respect".

Haruna Sakazaki: And by the end of this match, we will find out your place in this mountain, my team has a different vision and intention in this match but at least all of them know that respect in this industry is earned by clenching our fists and fight for your pride in that ring. We have different views of this match but we all know one thing from you..... you three defined the word "respect" wrong. If you want to be respected, fight me, fight this team without looking at who you are now. We are all the same, we are here for the same reason to be here. To fight.... no matter the rookie, the veteran, the young brats, the old hags, we are here to fight with everything we got. This is a simple philosophy and you seem to make it complicated by acting like all Vixens must bow down to you. Stop acting like you own everything in this division. We all have each roles to build this division together and competition will keep going on forever even we have developed, rebuild and revolutionize this division. I am willing to keep doing that, living that simple philosophy and I will fight, fight and fight no matter who come in front of me.

Haruna Sakazaki: I have an experience to defeat all of the opposing team one by one with my own hands. I beat HBG, I beat Cameron, I beat Kendra, I beat Veena and I destroy Stephanie into pieces. Yes, HBG.... just keep bragging that I failed to capture that Vixens title from you last week but hey, you lost too. You are not good enough, HBG. You can't beat two people in two different matches back-to-back and defend your prestige. I knew this will come so I want to break you into pieces on that match and see if you still can fight after I give you a heavy damage on your body. And you can't get the job done just like you can't get the job done to finish the lifeless Haruna, the one whom you think is not deserving to be on the same level with you. And at the Shock Value, the past is the past.... unless you want to keep the past on your head with all the things you do to me. Here's the deal... This Saturday, I will beat you up and crave the humiliating history on your paper, making the memory for your future that you always remember as "The Heart Break Gal has been eliminated by yours truly... Haruna Sakazaki!" That's one moment you can keep forever!

Haruna Sakazaki: And then again, I have one more mistake to be fixed. If I didn't lose to Cameron Ella Ava at the Empress of Elite group stage, then I will have a clean sweep of all five victories. I don't care about submission advantage. I beat my opponent fair and square and that should be enough but it appears that I still find my own problem. But again, do I regret I got beaten by Cameron Ella Ava? Do I have to fear her because she just beat me? If you think so, just don't call me the Pride of Vixens Division. Winning and Losing is the common thing for all of us. We can do it again and again and score victory or taste defeat as we want. That's the colorful beauty of this fighting world. Nobody is perfect, some win and some lose.... what's really important is how my heart keep being sincere in every match to give the best in me. I have that... I have the undying passion that will fuel myself to survive and keep fighting. And yeah, I'm not regretting myself to lose against her. I just do it again and score the victory like I ever done. Did my message by defeating your twin sister clear enough, Cameron? You and your sisters make that encounter as an easy one but the things went different than you expected. This will be the same thing. As much as you keep underestimating me is as deep as you dig the hole that I will throw you there.

Haruna Sakazaki: And Kendra.... on your last talk, you said that you wished to not see me and know me again. Well, I actually never intended to know more about you. I don't supposed to know you until I have to know everything that's happening in you. Other than you have a handsome son, I have no interest on your private life at all. What I really interested in you is how you manage your own name so you can consider yourself as "the best". How could you possibly do that, that is something intrigues me. You claim yourself as the greatest one so I see everything you have done in this ring to make your own name become a stand out of them all. We had this one chance to meet and show our each first impression.... and now, I know you and what you usually do on that ring. You are nothing more than a temperamental baby who can't even accept the defeat. The one who loves to attack people from behind every time you don't get what you want. Hey, you want to play dirty with me? Go ahead, I'm not scared at all. Are you going to hit me from behind or just hide behind your two pawns? Or you want to prove how such legendary you are by facing me toe to toe and fight me? I'll show you the fight that you always looking for in your career and if you are looking for the worthy challenger for your little title belt, I'll show you what a challenger looks like.

Haruna Sakazaki: Well, do I have to talk about these two pawns of OG vixens, anyway? Okay then, I'll do it. Even I am being skeptical about this "war" but at least I know something that the OG Vixens get the reinforcement from the Sanatorium. I was like "wow, that's amazing. OG Vixens will be unstoppable" But..... hahaha. Really, gals? Of all the talented Sanatorium sisters, you picked Stephanie Matsuda as the representative? Are you three joking right now? Hey hey hey. You three might be lost somewhere. But let me tell you a bit knowledge about Sanatorium from what I get. Well, they have Brody Sparks, the newly recruited member who looks promising and will help you to win this battle. She's quite on a roll these weeks and you decided not to pick her. And Madison Kaline, hey.... she can be considered as an OG. She has a lot experience, more experienced than the other Sanatorium members. With her experience, she should get the advantage for your side. And Alexis Diemos.... the leader, mother figure of the Sanatorium. Hey, even she's equally crap like Stephanie, at least she leads the pack. Of all amazing vixens available.... you picked that useless whore? Oh, don't tell me that this is the part of your plan to keep digging my personal and private life. Wow, bravo! Such professionalism shown by the superior OG Vixens. Well, I just say this to send a message.... "Hey, Gorilla! If you listen to me, just pay attention. You want to use Azumi as a weapon to fight me, huh? You know what.... I don't care. You idiot think that I have an affair with Cailin while you have no idea about all this. Heck, you have no idea about your life existence. Just go ahead, be a whore of somebody else's girlfriend like you normally do. One thing that you never know..... you never know Azumi. Even you were on the same Dojo, you will never know her. Hey, remember when you used Jade to win against me? Is that ever worked? Exactly. You are an idiot, Cloud! Know this.... YOU. WILL. NEVER. BEAT. ME …...understand it. So, let me give you a suggestion. Just walk out from this match, focus on your tournament and give MY wife her belt she deserve. ...or I'll just do it myself by kicking you out early".  

Haruna Sakazaki: And about Veena.... She is as confused as I am. She doesn't even know what the hell she is doing in this match. Maybe because her personal matters with the rest of the Sirens member. Well, she is not my business. She is that vixen I usually beat on a daily basis so I let the rest of the team to take care of her.

Haruna Sakazaki: And there you have it. Wow, what a long talk.... I gotta leave this one here. So, see you later! "Silent Siren" deshita~!

She does the hand gesture again.

Haruna Sakazaki: ….why am I keep doing this? Man, I should stop.

Haruna shakes her head and leave the scene as it goes fade to black.
Jon McAdams
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 15th 2016, 2:56 am by Jon McAdams
Jon McAdams
The Survivor
Shock Value #1

EAW Promoz! - Page 4 CWC_ENGLAND_JackGallagher--255b96b384a0ea59687ac5315efbefbe


McAdams is in the EAW Development center walking around one of the rings. Inside the ring is eight individuals.

“This sunday I have an extraordinary opportunity but alas it is long overdue. I am without a doubt the most prominent and promising potential prospect in this party. My future is bright and this is my first step in confirming what everyone already knows and fears. I am first class and easily the top pick to challenge for the title but I find it strange that there could be so many others that believe they are on my level. So let’s go through this list of lower class peons and see what’s going on… Ah yes.”

McAdams slides into the ring and grabs the first man he sees from behind and throws his knees up catching him in the back stabber, the man has a giant A on his chest. McAdams stands up whipping his cane out as the other men back away from him and start looking at each other.

“Ahren Fournier. What kind of wild claims is this? This man is talking about his record like it means something here. This past month has literally been the worst month in his career. Loss after loss, and even his victories turn sour. It’s not about what you’ve done or your collective record. It’s about what you’ve done lately and I just don’t see anything worth mentioning. I don’t even need to go on about him, last time I stood in the ring with this man, I walked out with my head held high while he was left crippled in the ring. The difference is this sunday when PWC steps into that ring it will be completely legal for us to tear you apart… so good luck.”

McAdams then points to the man with the J on his shirt and beckons him forward.

“Jakob… To be honest I just don’t know you and I’m not entirely sure why you’re in this match. You just lost clean as a whistle to a real prospect and you’re in way over your head. Aren’t you part of that Wasted tag team? I don’t know… normally I research my opponents but I don’t see you as posing a real threat to the PwC. We’re going to tear you apart if you get in our way and I just don’t want to do that to you. I’d hate to push your insecurities over the edge and into obscurity. Well. further into obscurity. Besides, you said it yourself, you have no idea why you’re in this match… and well… I agree.”

The Man with the J on his shirt rushes forward, McAdams slams his shin with the cane and then snaps it on his back, kicking him out of the ring. While the focus is on the man with the J, McAdams whips his cane into the face of the man with an AC on his chest.

“Alonzo Calrissian. You’ve already seen what it’s like to face PwC. You already know that you can’t beat me. You already know that this match is not going to go your way and you’re going to end up bleeding on the canvas so I suggest you don’t show up. Just no show and this way your fans don’t have to witness another disappointing showing for Luke SkyFailure. With no wins to your name, it just drags down the very idea that this is a top prospects match…”

McAdams turns to the one with a D on his chest.

“Danny Knox, you’re the other World’s most wasted guy right? Didn’t both of you get dominated by the same guy? Didn’t you just lose AGAIN to Maero? I feel like you’re a ghost. Nobody believes you exist and the people that do talk about you are crazy. World’s most wasted? Time Most wasted. Spot most wasted. World’s most wanted? Only if the whole world wants to have a bathroom break.”

McAdams rushes the guy with a D on his chest but he slides out of the ring in retreat. A man with the letters MA attacks mcAdams from behind but Mcadams ducks and slaps him in the back with the cane dropping him.

“Maero. You’d be a threat… yeah you would be but the fact of the matter is… You’re far too alone in this match to be a problem to me. You see, though you and I have never crossed paths, I’ve watched you closely because I knew one day we would. I have studied you and I am prepared to take you down but not alone.”

One of the men wearing a PwC shirt runs forward and knees the man with MA in the face and drops him. The man with the JD shirt rushes them and hits the PwC in the back but McAdams kicks him in the gut and punches him in the face, the PwC tackles him the floor.

“If this were like 6 months ago I’d be afraid of you JD. but your time is up. The way I see it, the only thing that makes you dangerous is that you’re desperate… but that can only take you so far. Just remember if you lose this, you might as well throw in the towel cause the new guys are taking over. PwC will never let you rise to the top.” McAdams raises his foot and brings it down on the mans head knocking him out.

The last one grabs McAdams shoulder and spins him around, this man, wearing a shirt with the words little danny, has Caine written in blood on his forehead, McAdams is stunned at the sight of it.

“When WILL YOU SEE THE TRUTH!?” The man screams as McAdams backs up in horror and disbelief, he steps against the ropes, holding them with fear in his eyes, he accidently drops his cane but raises his fist but the man grabs it and holds it tight. The Man with the PwC grabs the fallen cane and swings it, clobbering the Caine like figure, the mans eyes disappear from black to white, he drops to his knees, and McAdams shakes himself out of his funk and wraps his arms around the mans head and hits a DDT.

McAdams stands up looking at the Caine figure.

“I… don’t know what that was…”, McAdams looks concerned and slaps his face a couple of times and shakes his head.

“No matter. The message is clear. This isn’t a 9 man free for all. This is 7 men kicking the shit out of eachother while two kings wait for their opportunity. This isn’t nine wrestlers all on equal standings, no no no no no. This is two world class athletes stepping into the ring with seven small timers. Low class, unprofessional, classless people who are beneath the last two competitors. Mike Showman and Jon McAdams. Mike Showman is above and beyond the only person that poses any real threat to me in this match and thankfully he is PWC! He is the future of this business and WE REPRESENT A UNITED FRONT! This isn’t just a tag team, this is the domination of the EAW and we’re going to show it here. Regardless of whichever one of us gets the win, PWC gains the victory. None of you stack up, and none of you will be able to withstand us. You are Europe without the US fighting Nazi Germany, You’ve got no chance, and you’ve got NO CLASS. PWC is taking that title opportunity and we are showing this company that no one is on our level. All of your dreams… are over.”

McAdams swings his cane into the camera as it goes black.
Tig Kelly
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 15th 2016, 1:26 am by Tig Kelly
That isn't what I want Meth....I didn't want this long and winding road just to touch your chin like that but if you're just going to be a former shell of yourself then I have no choice but to act how I did! I don't think you see what you should when you look across the ring at me, I can see it in your eyes. That's not the same stare I've seen from the great Methuselah when he was facing the odds and defending his legacy week in and week out. That's not the same icy glare I've seen from you when you were here week after week on Dynasty being the goddamned legend we know you are! That was the blank stare of someone who isn't too sure what's going to happen....that was the spaced out look that got your chin checked with that Mafia Kick from the most vicious player out here. I'm precise, I'm fast, I'm the most technical striker in this fokin' company! And you DARE to take this for granted? Get the fook outta here....

Now I'm not saying that I don't respect you because I can't lie, you are the same man that I was wishing I'd share a locker room with when coming into the company. When I was stomping out the JJ Silva's of the world on the way to Gold I was always trying to gun for the top and find my way to greatness like you did. And while I do respect you that happens to be the biggest key to this week, that they're finally giving me a shot at the throne I've had my eyes on this whole time in a match with no rules and I'm not about to just throw that away Meth. If you thought getting hit with wild shots from Scott Oasis was bad, I can't imagine how that bag o' bones you call a body will feel when every...single...shot...hits its mark perfectly. 

In your aging kidneys

In the brittle ribs

Right in the meat of your abdomen

And finally right on the chin turning that switch off for good.

In this industry, and every walk of life I've explored, you have to take down the guys you respect the most to become the guys you respect the most. I'm sorry it had to go down on weekly TV because your funeral truly deserves a sell out FPV. But I have bigger fish to fry on that grand stage so I guess I'll just have to break some viewership records for TV on top of breaking down the God himself.
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