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Consuela Rose Ava
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Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 26th 2017, 3:50 pm by Irónico
Grand Pricks Finals: Dos
Perfect Brew

Ohooooooo Laditos! We still have a couple of sleeps before Road to Redemption but tensions in this tie are already getting hotter than a saturday night vindaloo with a fever. But listen, amigos, don’t feel like you need to be camping out already to prove how bursting with excitement you are to see us. There won’t be a knock on yer door with a live, in person, Cam-Roll to make you blow yer grey matter all over the shag carpeting. Take it from me, you ain’t gonny want to prematurely burn yourselves out of excitement before the final climax. You want to ease yourselves in with a little foreplay. Whack on the box for some EAW Network and Chill with your most mildly attractive other. After all yous deserves it. Everybody needs a good bit of R&R to be refreshed before a big occasion and We Are The Bollocks understand that just as much as anybody. That's why last night was movie night down in Bollocksville. Popcorn. Lagers. A DVD that Finnegan assures me was sound as a pound but honestly I got lost somewhere. He picked up that ‘Black Swan’. I says to him “Ballyrinas? Now’s not the time to be getting limp-wristed on me, chavo”. But then I clocked the lass in it and realised I’d use her shit for toothpaste so I let it slide. I can almost hear the DI Consentes ladettes getting triggered now, wondering why the fuck I’m ignoring them and not talking about the match. Well don’t get your knickers in a twist you radgie old cows, I am getting there. See I didnae get all of this film, but what I did get gave me an inkling of a thought upstairs. First you have Ballyrina Uno. She’s cute. She’s got the talent. She’s the star that has set the world on fire and she has the part right there at her feet. But then Harvey Weinstein the ballet director rocks up, gives her a little grope and says “no no no, I’m sorry love but this just isn’t working”. She looks at him like “What are you on about, you cunt? I’m the best bitch here. I’m perfect.” Now here’s the bombshell. She’s TOO perfect. She’s boring. She’s predictable. She’s by the book. But Black Swany isn’t meant to be any of these things. Black Swany is dirty. Black Swany is a misfit. She’s obnoxious and free-spirited and she’s having lots and lots and lots of sex and drugs and rock ‘n’ roll all at the same time. Enter Ballyrina Dos: Slag Edition. She canny dance for toffee. Probably should nae even be there...But she’s wild and uninhibited and every bit what a Black Swany ought to be. What happens next is like a bad acid trip. Nothing makes sense. Ballyrina Uno goes completely barmy. There’s this weird dangerbate next to her dear old who is thankfully asleep. I won’t spoil no more. The point is, the penny dropped a wee bit for me. Back in Yorkshire we have a saying that gets reeled out every time some hotshot foreign wunderkid makes his way over to change the face of British Fútbol. “That’s impressive…” We says. “...But can he do it on a cold, wet night in Stoke?”.  

That is the question here, chicas. Tag team wrestling is a scrappy sodden affair. Things don’t always work out the way that they ought to. And the white swan isnae always the ticket. I’ve been criticised for not saying enough about the disparity in accomplishments between the two teams, for not acknowledging Di Consentes as the better team. Well here goes. I’m not shook up about saying it. Di Consentes are the better team...on paper. But we ain’ drawing pretty pictures here. This battle isn’t fought ‘on paper’ but on a dirty, minging canvas that several dozen men have sweated, spat and bled over. I’m not saying this for certain, but I may have even pissed myself a on it a bit once or twice. This battle is a competition where anything can happen, where any team has a chance as you full well know from last year’s final, HBG. I would hazard to guess that deep down yous are not so confident as you appear. Nah. Really yous sweating more than Mike Tython at a thpellin’ bee because yous know that if this was all about prior accomplishments, experience, or even pure talent then We Are The Bollocks wouldnae have even scraped past KAIJU. Much less STARKANE and the Sanatorium to boot. Something doesn't add up.  It is eerily wrong and sometimes that is the most frightening thing. But if it still isn’t clear, then let me fill you in on what Di Consentes is missing. As you have said, Di Consentes has put passions and old  blood behind. You have both come to the most rational, analytically viable team that should by all conventional wisdom win the Grand Pricks with hands tied behind the back. The perfect team. The team the Emperium should have been. But HBG you’ve repeated the same mistakes as last season. It’s all perfectly logical. But what about the intangibles? What about the fireworks? As the whole incident with my boot coming off in the raging semis should tell yous, doing the wrong thing spectacularly can be every bit as good as doing the ‘perfect’ thing. And doing the wrong thing spectacularly is We Are the Bollocks’ speciality. Maybe I am brain addled. Maybe I am literally nothing without the mask. Well then it is only a good thing that I’ve got one. By contrast at Road To Redemption Di Consentes aren’t going to be able to hide behind good looks at successes. A lot of fuss is made about Scottroids and Lannisteroids in amongst the male locker rooms, but I know the real substance abuse problem EAW is faced with today. Weight loss amphetamines. Rampant throughout the women’s division. With the glare of the limelight. The ever more desperate quest for perfection. The heads submerged in the bath tub, screaming foam into the water. Well no more. We Are The Bollocks are going to show the world the power of body positivity and free living. We Are The Bollocks are going to drag perfect through the mud and see how she looks then. We are going total cunting Black Swany on your arses and you better be prepared for it because we are dragging yous down to our level.

Jokes aren’t afraid to be laughed at. Misfits don’t care if they don’t do things the way they are meant to be done.. That is the kind of hepatic fortitude that comes from a few stiff drinks and willingness to fuck things up in spectacular fashion. Of being ready to just say “fuck it” and throw the balls - or bollocks - to the wall with no regard.What you don’t seem to understand is that we don’t taken ourselves seriously enough for your petty mind games to have any effect. You can try and get between us. You can try and fuck with me by getting it in my head that I’m a weak link because Finnegan is still New Breed Champ but I’ve not once thought any of the things you presume. The way I see it, I have a fucking good ‘un a tag team partner. A ladito who clearly knows what I’m thinking about doing before even I do, and that can only be a good thing in my mind. That is the kind of backwards, ridiculous way that we both think. Everything could be falling down around us and we would still be doing our little irónico Joy Division dance and raising our glasses up. And the thing that I find really irónico is the sheer exasperation with which yous repeatedly scream “WE ARE HALL OF FAMERS! WE ARE PERFECT” when it should be so obvious. Just who are you trying to convince anyway?

We are not meant to be here

We are not Hall of Famers

We are not perfect

We are way worse than that

We. Are. The Bollocks.
Ares Vendetta
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 26th 2017, 2:27 pm by Ares Vendetta
Most don’t come this far.

The vast majority waste their youth living in the moment without an ounce of ambition. They all dream big at one point or another. For one fleeting moment in time, they wanted to reach beyond their fate. Dreams of grandeur die, and in their place comes more mediocre goals. A man that once aspired to be famous now realizes that it’s may not be worth it, and perhaps it’s better to just settle down with the girl he loves - start a family and work an honest, blue collar job, working at a desk or at a factory. They spend the right of their insignificant lives living vicariously through their children, and yet letting their failed ambitions still eat away at them, deep down. No matter what good they’ve done for their wife and kids, they know things could have been better. They know they could have had a life where they never had to worry about money or stability. They know they could have lived a life doing what they loved, and they gave it up for this. They do it for their family, but eventually it all becomes too much of a burden to bear and they make up for it with alcohol and whoring and anything to make them feel alive. Their downward spiral of pride and greed eventually leads to their destruction, and that’s their story. They all give up, eventually. They all become content with mediocrity, and they all let it devour them.

That’s why I loathe you.

Neither of you were born for greatness. Your fathers are nameless fools who too gave up on themselves a long time ago, I’m sure, and settled down with whatever whore equally gave up on her life to give birth to you. You were dealt an uphill battle in life, and you overcame it. You both came together, and you collectively fought your way here through years of work. I wonder how many triumphs and tragedies you both endured together. I wonder how many bones have been broken, and how many times it felt like too much for you to endure. There is no doubt in my mind that you are one another’s life support, and I suppose that, in a way, makes you formidable. You’ve come here, and you’ve dominated. Every other tag team with a breath of life left in them lost it at your hands, and that’s something you deserve to take solace in. For one moment, you were every bit as good as you both believed you were. However, when Lannister and I looked down upon you from our thrones for the first time to see if you were worth our time, we didn’t see two men that used their ambitions to reach far beyond the cards they were dealt the moment they were brought into this World. We didn’t see two men worthy of us. We didn’t see anything. All we saw was mediocrity. You would have been better off giving up along with your fathers and mothers, settling down somewhere no one cares about, and living a life as a tiny cog in a massive machine. You easily ripped through any and all opposition to become THE team, and yet, that was it. That was all you wanted. That was all you were content with. You stood there upon this barren wasteland and crowned yourselves Kings, refusing to reach beyond. You settled down in a fruitless division not because you were that good, but because nobody else was around to stop you. The rest had long since gone their own ways for one reason or another. Perhaps you were too much for them, or perhaps they did not care to conquer a lifeless World like this.

Yet you stood there, proud. As if you accomplished something.

As if there were any bodies to stand over.

There is nothing.

You are both no better than the mongrels who gave life to you when it all comes down to it, and that gives me more than enough reason to reach down and rip everything from you that you hold dear. Crack your schoolyard jokes and preach your hollow bravado if it helps you sleep at night, but you know just as well as we do how powerless you are here. Suddenly that spotlight seems further away than it once was, doesn’t it? Suddenly you realize that mountain you believed you conquered was nothing more than a hill, and the daunting task before you is simply too much. You’ll lose. You will fail, there is no doubt about that. The question is what becomes of you after that? There is no doubt in my mind you two mongrels won’t quit in your pursuit. It’s futile, but you don’t comprehend that. It doesn’t even begin to get through your thick skulls that there are truly things in this World you can’t make your own when you’re not fit to do so. You’ve went your entire lives believing all your hard work that brought you here was enough. That you could go far beyond anything your families had ever accomplished to become Legends in this industry. You’ve come all this way only to realize just how pathetic you were. The odds were always against you. This wall is your last. Those chains around your throats only let you go so far, and this is where it ends. Perhaps one day you’ll understand how foolish you were. You’ll see why we are Kings, and you were just two men. Two men that, when the chips were down, failed to deliver on all those words they’ve spoken since they first stepped inside a ring. Two men fighting against their fate to become every bit as pathetic as their parents. Two men that wanted something and once they got it, refused to go any further. That is mediocrity. That is you. It’s always been you. It’s in your blood. Fight and struggle against it all you want, if it makes you feel better. It’s all you have left. One day when you’ve put your boots away for the last time and settled down with your wives and started a family, you’ll know it. You’ll know this is the moment it all came crashing down.

They all give up, eventually.

You will too, mongrels.

Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 26th 2017, 2:10 pm by Revy
Living On the Edge
Camera shows the skyline over Minneapolis as “Janie’s Got a Gun” can be heard playing in the background. The song becomes louder until Revy is seen approaching a ledge on top of a building of the middle of the night, with a boombox in one hand and a six pack in the other. Revy places the boom box down and sits along the side of the ledge, not facing the camera, but facing the skyline, turning her back against it. Revy grabs the six pack and pops ones off and proceeds to drink, refusing to look directly at the camera but off the ledge. Revy press stops on her boombox.
This is nice. I haven’t had a view like this since that mission in Kabul. It’s weird. In one place, you’re looking down at people celebrating life without a care in the world, and on the other side, people running around in fear as if it could be their last day. If I had my rifle right now, there isn’t a mark that I can’t hit from this position
Revy proceeds to chug her beer and points one finger up towards the air. She crushes the can and tosses it downward from the ledge and the camera pans over the 15 floor drop as the can lands in the trash can below. Revy then proceeds to open a second can and drinks. Camera continues to point down towards the streets to become the perspective through Revy’s eyes, keeping her off camera.
First rule of thumb on the field. Know your surroundings. Consider all factors including wind factor before taking your shot and having an understanding of distance, aerodynamics, and momentum. And along with that, the possibility of outside forces that can affect the trajectory. Whether it’s the wind, a draft, or a bird flying by, hell, even the recoil of the gun itself. All these factors should be determined before the next critical step. Aiming. Reality of the situation is, not every target you need to take out is going to stand still. If the first shot doesn’t hit, you’ve officially compromised your position, but when in doubt, don’t aim where they are standing, aim where they are going to be. Humans are irrational creatures when they are afraid, doing what their body instinctively tells them. Once again, the flaw in this is, everyone reacts different, ergo, know the target. Predict exactly what they will do next and keep your eye on them, never letting them out of your sight. Third, know the overall goal you are trying to achieve. You either fire a warning shot to incapacitate or shoot to kill, and a complete understanding of the human anatomy to know when each shot would be lethal or not. And the final step, pulling the trigger. Do whatever ritual you want to do to calm your nerves. Myself, I hum along whatever song is playing in my head, putting all consequences aside, only focusing on the goal ahead. Losing sight of the mission can be worse than hesitation out of fear of what may happen. If you don’t take that shot, more lives could be endangered. That is the only reason you will get, and that is the only reason you will need.
Surprisingly, I didn’t learn this shit when I was in the Army. My dad would tell me all this after he realized I had this uncanny ability to awareness that makes me the rain man of gun-slinging. As much as I loved the old man, never was a fan of the amount of pressure he would put on me. You can do this, you can do that. You can save lives with the talents you have. And I’d be like, “Why?” What good comes from saving people that don’t give a damn about you. And then he goes Uncle Ben on me and is all like “With Great Power comes great responsibility.” Sigh, I should give him a call sometimes. Tell him his little girl is final amounting to something more than just a killing machine for the United States Army and going out there and making girls’ dream come true. Well, rather than dreams, nightmare would be more accurate for what I’m going for.
Revy sees a pedestrian walking  down the street and tosses the can at them as it bounces off their head and into the trash can as the pedestrians looks around in confusion.  
Never was a fan of the whole hero thing. If you ask me, it’s too damn cliché at this point where everyone thinks they are going to win. I like what Aria said, that I want to be her “kryptonite.” Didn’t expect her to be a nerd, but as they said, appearances could be deceiving and that pink hair to far too distracting for me to even put a face with her name. At this point, I might just refer to her as pink-haired girl, and I doubt anyone would be confused, since at this point, people are going as far to label me as “Azumi 2” or something, which surprisingly, has been the biggest insult I’ve gotten so far. See, the things Brody and Aria have been saying, I’m use to hearing that type of stuff. And the stuff Haruna has said, that as well. In some sense, I’ve always been a black sheep no matter where I went. Whether its in the family, in that locker room, in the Army, hell, even in this elimination chamber match, I am once again, the outcast that people going to push to the side and hope that if they ignore it, it will go away. People will constantly tell me, you have potential, you have a natural gift, you have the ability to take the world by storm if you wanted to, but only if you apply yourself. You don’t have to be ugly. You could be pretty too, just like the other girls. And there it is. The thing I absolutely hate to hear the most. “Just like the other girls.” Now why  the hell would I want to be a part of something I always hated?
I don’t want to look like them, I don’t want to act like them, and hope that maybe someday, I’ll catch the eyes of a man that will treat me right. Fuck that noise. That’s playing it too damn safe, and at this point, I can really only live for the thrills. And no, not the thrill of winning. Not the thrill of happiness and pride in one self that my opponents have preached. But rather simply the thrill of pain, suffering, hatred, these 3 common things that not only do I possess, but so does everyone else. See, while Brody Sparks and go on and talk about she has 3 things I don’t have. Ok, let me tell you what you do have. A bitch for a boyfriend, a one-demensional goal of just being a champion, and an awful high opinion of yourself. But as I said, you are focusing too much on the differences. I’m all about what we all share in common, aka misery and pain. This has always been my goal when it came to bring others down to my level. Because you see, I’ve come to terms that if you can beat them, make them join you. You heard that right. While I’m not going to go as far as making a stable like we are the Joy Luck Club. Azumi and Haruna has that and it sucks. But misery is my friend, and I think you all should meet him/her, whatever you want it to be. After all, winning and gloating doesn’t make me stronger. My strength comes from how much shit I put up with and keep going. Call it arrogances, call it tolerance. I’ll flat out and call it, Vengeance. Because one day, I’ll be strong enough to exact just that. Vengeance.
But what can you possibly have revenge on Revy? What has happened in your life to warrant just a goal and path towards life? And the answer if quite simple. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. There is no justification to why I am the way I am. It’s not even the drinking.
Revy finishes the 3rd can before tossing it to the side and popping off the 4th and 5th can of beer and opening them both up. She quickly shot guns the both of them before the sound of 2 cans tossed to the side is shown.
I don’t have a drinking problem. What I have is a problem with is people, and drinking makes them more tolerable. People are absolutely disgusting creatures. I’m sure you are all looking at me thinking the same of me, but where I’ve been, I’ve seen worse. I’ve seen people so vein, they don’t care who they trample over just so they can look good, and Brody Sparks, no offense, you are not the biggest Drama Queen I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen people so arrogant in their ability, they are too stupid to look at the logic of their situation that they can’t beat even one person let alone 5 others. I’ve seen people lie to themselves and try to maintain a clean façade because chances are, they are too afraid of what people might think of them. Yes, I’m talking about the fuckin’ both of you, Savannah and Haruna. The world is so full of selfish liars that all have their own agenda, and what’s so wrong about me wanting to give them a good ole slice of humble pie? Obviously, if you word it as “a person so pathetic that she gets a thrill of the suffering of others,” I look like scum or a trash of a human being. But you know what? That is the one label I’m fine with, because Aria, if I had to make any kind of point with my “what ifs.” It’s this. Anyone can be a champion, but they don’t have to be a slave to the norm to become that champion. The problem I see with a lot of things is, girls look up to you and think, I’m just like her, I can be champion. But what about the others ones that aren’t like you? You keep telling people that if they can be like you, they can do anything, but that sense of conformity disgusts me like they have to be big bad bitch boss Barbie to get anywhere in life. If you’re Aria Jaxon too, you can have your own Malibu beach house, little red corvette, EAW’s women title, and a man as anatomically correct as a Ken doll to boot. Well, shit. I’d rather die than be “Aria Jaxon” and if you want to take your hand up for the challenge, be my guest.

But I get it. I get it. You’re better than that. You’re probably thinking, someone else can take Revy out. She is no threat to me. She is no where near my level and can’t even touch me. Fair enough. You’re probably right, but I’ll take that chances of saying you’re probably wrong too. I’m not all black and white as people say I am. There is no absolute, and for you to say that a person like me can’t even be a world champion is more than enough to not only warrant me taking that title off you and but rub that smile off your face.
I’m a professional sniper, Aria. I know my shit when it comes to battle. Wehter its with fists, or guns, I don't go in without a plan. I was the top of my battalion for my tactical wits. This is why there is such a blur line with me in terms that people can’t tell if she is stupid or smart, and as I said before. I’m observing my surroundings. I’m analyzing my targets, learning and studying their moves . I’ve got my mark set, and all that is left is to decide. Do I shoot to kill or aim to make you suffer? Well guess, what honey, the mission that I’m still going with is to make y’all suffer and put you guys at your worse, so you better believe I want you to live through the idea that you lost to someone that was never qualified to be a champion. You lost to someone that doesn’t seek to be a hero of any kind. You lost to someone that doesn’t want that belt as much as Brody Spark. And the worse of all, Aria, you are going to lose to someone that will only hurt the legacy you tried so hard to create and you are thinking, just thinking. It can’t happen. It’s impossible. No one is capable of that. But here I am, Revy. You know that sour taste that is left in your mouth after you vomit. That’s me. No one likes it, but it’s there. Yes, I said it, you didn’t, because as much as you all try to put me down, no one is my harshest critic, but myself. So sadly, it has come to the point where I must say. Your words don’t hurt me, so I’m sure hoping you all are packing a lot more heat in the ring.   
Ooh, stop right there, Revy. You being a champion isn’t going to happen. Go home, you’re drunk. Hahaha.
Revy grabs the last can of beer as the camera finally shifts to Revy who is now doing a one hand handstand on the ledge before gracefully flipping back from the ledge with the beer in hand.
This last one is for you. I’ll leave this here when you need a place to grieve when I kick all your sorry asses and become the next EAW Women’s Champion. And here.
Revy pops the tab before placing it on the ledge.

I’ll go ahead and open it for y’all, and you can all fight for it after Road to Redemption.  Would had left a six pack, but apparently, I have a “drinking problem.” 
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 26th 2017, 12:46 pm by Darkane
Road to Redemption II

Ahren, it amuses me to no end how you want to turn back the clock and bring back the Hardcore Championship to its glory days back in the years of yore when you once wore the strap, yet this title, this precious beaut is just second fiddle to you. Poor wittle Ahren has to settle for less, so in turn, he throws a wild tantrum about how he feels alienated by the Answers World Title picture. Why don't you make up your mind Ahren? Better yet, why don't you just get it over with and spit out the truth which is that you don't want to purify the Hardcore Championship at all, instead, in your perfect world you would be locked in that chamber but only to get murderously slaughtered by the betters that be and by the time you realize that you bit off more than you could chew, it'll be far too late. You know, you're just like that waste of sperm Scott Diamond who ironically somehow managed to claw his way into the chamber, as a deadbeat, he's in your spot, isn't he? That's right and you even wiped the floor with him last week on Dynasty in mere seconds, that must really grind your gears doesn't it? That must really make you want to pull every last hair out of your head, but you won't receive any pity from me, I have a championship to defend. I know you would be using the Hardcore Championship as some paltry stepping stone on your quest to be dropped into the thick of things when it comes to the Answers World Championship, you don't cherish shit, you never have. I can see right through your phony crusade of wanting to raise the Hardcore Championship back from the dead, but it isn't dead Ahren, it's right where it belongs, in the hands of the grave worm and I can reassure you that it's alive and kicking. I can't even begin to fathom of what you would do with this title, you'd flaunt it around like it's one of your designer mink scarfs that slides down and sways in front of your pecs like a pendulum while you're taking infinite shots to mask and blur out the day to day dejection you feel of being looked over and passed by, while other superstars who you feel are lower on the totem poll shoot themselves to the moon and leave you in their shadow, like Scott Diamond has. You're down there where all the pukes and skanks hang out, where the multi-colored circular lights are frantically spazzing over your head as you dance endlessly and motorboat your sorrows away and where would the Hardcore Championship be? It would be left alone in the back room while one of your random whores who decided to be a woman today takes a backward selfie with it and the poor Hardcore Championship itself would be completely trashed; it would be raped of all its dignity, it would be covered in a gruesome mix of sticky jizz, purple lipstick stains and erratic glitter all because your feelings aren't aimed towards the Hardcore Championship, instead, your head is stuck in the sand, thinking about the ever so elusive Answers World Championship, that is so close, yet so far. 

Look at you Ahren, chastising me about how I bragged about beating Scott Diamond yet you've been doing the exact same fucking thing. You accused me of bragging about beating Scott Diamond after he beat Lethal Consequences and oh who was it? Oh yeah! Zach Crash! That's right! An individual, who like you said, is now gone with the wind, but happened to end your reign at Pain for Pride X. See Ahren? We can twist this as many ways as you want, you can bring up as many names out of a hat from the past as you want that you've beaten or competed against in order to gloss your ego and justify your relevance as a legitimate threat but in the end it falls flat. Don't worry Ahren, I see you as a threat for the simple fact that you're trying to take my baby away from me if nothing else, even if your heart isn't completely in it. However, when it comes down to it, to the bare bones, you have the exact same number of reigns of the Hardcore Championship as I do and that's one, you're no better than me in that department. Yeah, I haven't defended it yet but in fairness to me, I haven't had the chance to, so what more do you want me to do? Everybody knows in this company by now that I'm always up for a fight, that will never change no matter which way you slice it. I'm not going to go down memory lane and watch a tedious documentary on Ahren Fournier's Hardcore Championship reign when in all honesty, it didn't mean much anyway, nobody seems to remember your oh so successful yet mediocre reign as champion except for, well, you. Talk about tooting your own horn. Keep on harping back to your reign as champion, keep on beating that dead horse, keep on pulling the wool over everyone's eyes that your reign actually meant a fuck because that's all you have right now and other then that, you're throwing shit against the wall to see if it'll stick. Don't be so concerned about my value to this title or if I've made this title prestigious or not, since again, what do you care when it isn't your top priority anyway? You even admitted that if I win this match at Road to Redemption it helps the title out more than if you managed to win it and even if it would flip-flop you shouldn't say that because you've spent all this time beefing yourself up as a would-be better champion. I don't understand you Ahren and I don't think I want to understand you for that matter. You know, what you should be concerned about is that this match is set in stone, so remove all of the bullshit attached to it and all that remains is that I'm going to be gunning for you with the same amount of malevolence as when I attacked Maero, you should be concerned that you're going to end up like he did; a butchered and bloody mess, hardly even recognizable, all I did on Dynasty was paint a horrifying picture of your bleak destiny as I held him in my talons. You can call it an act of cowardice all you want but I didn't attack him because I wanted the odds in my favor, I could care less about how many people want to tear me apart, I attacked him for he was a walking, talking, rancid infection that wouldn't just spread his disease onto the title, but he would fucking kill it altogether, so I did what had to be done, I was simply eliminating the pestilence. Why do you care anyway? You didn't even want him in the match in the first place and you adamantly bitched about it for weeks on end, so do yourself a favor and accept it for what it is. I wasn't the one who brought him up for debate either, it was you who asked me why I attacked him so I did my due diligence and I decided to grant you an answer, I felt you deserved an explanation at least and as far as I'm concerned that bridge has been crossed and all that lies ahead is Road to Redemption. 

I don't know how you can honestly sit there with a straight face and say that I was afraid of Scott Diamond, do I need to remind you yet again of what I did to that spineless ginger fuck at House of Glass? If anything, Scott Diamond was terrified of me, that's why he cost me my match against you, he was trying to slither his way into my head, he was trying to make a statement, just like you're trying to do, but nobody gets in my head, believe me, I step on that serpent's neck before it even has a chance to get started. You can try to weasel your way into my head with all your might but you will fail miserably. I think that naturally, if your enemy's music hits, your instinct is to look and see as to whether your enemy emerges from the back, that's what happened on Dynasty and similarly when my music hits at Road to Redemption and the lights dim to embers and you're surrounded by the icy darkness, your instinct will kick into full gear. You will do the exact same thing as I did when you look up at the stage, except you're going to wonder what kind of ghastly nightmare you just got yourself into when the temperature in the arena drops about ten degrees. You're going to wish that Maero has some sort of supernatural out of body resurrection to save your ass and get his untold vengeance on me because as far as I'm concerned that's the only shot you have, boy. Let us call Maero a rough draft; call him a free preview of what's to come storming your way. I would advise you not to bring any of your giddy party whores or any family you have left or anybody who somehow still manages to give a fuck about you to Road to Redemption because I'm going to make an example out of you, this match isn't made for people with weak stomachs. I'm going to show you and everybody else in this fucking company a level of hardcore that you haven't seen even when you were the champion. I will drag your limp bloodied carcass around that ring from pillar to post and when it comes to defending the Hardcore Championship I'm going to get desperate, I'm going to feel cornered, I'm going to feel like I have to pull out all the stops in order to retain and to keep my girl around my waist. If you truly do desire the Hardcore Championship then you will have to pry it from my cold dead hands and that is easier said than done.
Hurricane Hawk
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 26th 2017, 12:44 pm by Hurricane Hawk
RTR #3 - The Aftershock of a Disappointing Storm

Well if it isn't the pot calling the kettle black. You know Scott, we've been on similar paths.. but heres where we go off in different directions. Lets see, you're berating me for displaying the confidence of being capable of going into a match for a world championship and winning it. You're berating me for not sitting here and kissing the ass of my competitors because they have experienced more recent success than I have, which I have the chance to change this weekend. You're berating me for not calling these men.. my superior. Are you sure I'M the beta? Because that's a beta move if I've ever seen it. How dare I muster the confidence to disrespect the same men who have disrespected me first. Oasis went on a big hot-shot rant about me and my career, Pizza Boy did the same, and you expect me to turn the other cheek? I'm not you.. I defend my turf. You've drowned in your sorrows for so long and let the outside talk convince you so much about how you aren't as good as others that you actually believe it and tell other men that they're better than you. If the result of this match was contingent on who had the most recent success then you would be the second man to get eliminated right after me.. but it's not and that is why I display the confidence that I do. Believe it or not Scott, we have a clean slate. We aren't going to get punished for going into our match with the mindset of winning it all so you can feel free to stop kissing your opponent's asses because they aren't going to spare you. I actually expected better of you though, I expected a different angle considering how much we've been through over the years, maybe a brag about a one-up you got over me back in the days or something.. but nope. Same old tired angle about "Hurricane Hawks past half a decade of his career has been subpar because he returned and left a couple of months later constantly how dare he still believe in his capabilities after all of that waaahhhhhh", cry me a river you assholes. It's especially funny coming from the guy who has had his own fair share of returns and disappearances over the past few years. You had a failed run in 2015, a failed run in 2016, and you're on your way to having a failed run in 2017. The signs are already there.. it all went downhill after losing to Darkane. You got beat by Jacob Senn in 5 seconds and then you turned around and got beat by that joke known as Ahren Fournier in 5 seconds, you should be ashamed of yourself. I guess this is the part of the year when YOU stop caring and take your ball and go home right? I'd rather have a title drought than to win a championship and fail to successfully defend it. Paper champion of the year award goes to you, comeback of the year goes to me. 

Nice guys finish last Scott. If I were to go out here each and every week and apologize for my failures and use it as reference to why my opponents are better than me and why I don't belong, I would be where you're at.. getting squashed. But instead I'm taking a different approach, because there are a bunch of sharks in this sea we call EAW ready to bite your head off if you aren't willing to fight back and I can't let that happen. You let Darkane walk all over you and that's why you're not champion anymore. You let your opponents come out and emasculate you and you beg for their mercy, but if somebody slaps me, I slap back. I love how you singled in on the one competitor who you perceive to be the weakest link, but I'm here to tell you that perception isn't always reality and you will realize that. Maybe when I verbally slap the shit out of you back I'll have the luxury of my other opponents in this match by having Scott backtrack and show me some respect once he realizes that I too am his superior. Nobody is unbeatable and I've never claimed that, this is evident based on my recent failures in the ring losing to many of my opponents. What gives me the confidence despite those losses are how i've continued to bounce back from them and keep fighting. Another year Hawk maybe would have decided to pack his bags and go home and then you guys would have more bulletin board material to belittle me about, but I stuck it out and let those losses fuel me which propelled me into the situation I am in now. Now I am in a situation to win a world championship, a situation I haven't been in for some time and it feels good. Now that I've gotten a taste of what it's like to be on top once again, I want more and more and I won't stop until this is a permanent spot for me. Which is why losing is not an option for me come Road to Redemption. Nobody is perfect and anybody can lose on a given day but if you come in with the mindset that you aren't good enough then you lost already, and THAT is why you won't be walking out as the champion Scott. You're better off trying to go after Darkane with a rematch clause but then again you might night have enough balls to stand up to him because we already saw how one sided that rivalry you had with him before was. Don't worry Scott, we'll never be in the same conversation with one another after Road to Redemption because you'll be stuck in that "disappointment" category while I move onto bigger and better things, the only conversation I'll be involved in will be the conversation of world champions.
Bhris Elite
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 26th 2017, 12:32 pm by Bhris Elite
No I’m serious Ryan Adams thank you. Thank you for having a spine another Kenny Drake who would have continue to not let me have a spot on the roster. Thank you for having such a pride at such an old age where you think you can still go at it with God Given Greatness and win. Thank you for letting the world know how underachieving I am every time you pick up a mic because as I said before it’s going to make the victory that much sweeter. The headlines will be something marketable and we know Mr. Business Man loves something that’s marketable. “Ryan Adams loses to Chris Elite, after 8 long years of nothingness Chris Elite finally pulls it off and makes himself a household name”. Forgetting I’ve already been one no matter what you try to say.  I just don’t want to hear any excuses at the end that you losing to me was because of “Business” you losing to me will only because what I said since I’ve started these shenanigans were absolutely true. You can sit here and continue to talk business all you want and act like that’s all you truly care about is market value, ratings and all that other bullshit I can careless about. You’ve already exposed yourself though Ryan you know there’s cameras everywhere and that’s why on Voltage you got caught. You got proving to the world that this is personal for you because if it wasn’t you wouldn’t have made such a maneuver. You would have left Big Mike out of this and kept it pushing and let this match remain being “Just Business”. While I thanked you for having pride still I don’t believe it’s the same pride you once had. I mean come on now I spoke upon your daughters, I called you out of your name on MULTIPLE occasions I even questioned you as a man yet. This match remains to be just business?
Pathetic. Even more pathetic that you kept it going as long as you did without saying a word to me and just letting it act like it wasn’t bothering you. I already know what to hear from you and how you’ll tell me how I don’t mean nothing to you and how like you said a million times this week this is just a marketable first time match up. It has become much more than that Ryan and you can’t deny it anymore we caught you red handed the proof is right there on Voltage all we have to do is watch it. Speaking of pathetic, how I dare forget the fact you’ve been calling me out for using your name as a come up when you Ryan have been doing the same exact thing. Using my name to make profit, using my name to sellout arenas and it’s because I’m the most marketable thing on Voltage. Sure we got people like Jamie and Cam but after a while their whole shtick starts to get dull. Yes we have TLA however that whole “Aye holmes” got annoying like last year. Even though I did take on Jamie and lose he went harder in that match then he has in any past match he’s competed in. He had to drive his knee into my skull not once, not twice but 3 times to make sure I was done. I’m not taking pride in losing I’m not gonna pull a Cameron Ella Ava and be like “Even though I lost I gave him the hardest match of his career” I’m pissed I’m lost because I knew you would use it against me. Since it’s become clear you are running out of material. All we ever here is how much of a failure I am and how I haven’t done anything. I mean there’s no need for me to give a sob story myself if you’ll just do it for me. That sob story though is going to turn into a Cinderella story. So again thank you Ryan Adams for starring in my story as the main antagonist. Thank you for making this story that much more interesting and thank you again before hand for making this final fight scene in part 1 of movie something worth waiting for. Yes the odds are stacked against me their more stacked then they have ever been. Yes I am known for failing at moments like this and choking up under pressure like some of my favorite sports teams. Unlike them though I learned from my mistakes and I’ll be damned if I make them again especially in this match. Since were still giving thanks I want to thank that one person though who put all their money on me to win this match because I promise you after Road to Redemption you are going to win just as big as I am.
Me winning is going to be simply more than catching lighting in a bottle. It’s going to be much more than you catching you with your shoes untied because if I do see that I’ll let you know. I don’t want any excuses at your end a matter of fact after you hand me that contract. I want you to tell me how much you respect me and when it’s all said and done I’m not just on the same level as you. I want you to grab the mic and I want you tell the world that you are passing the torch down finally and announcing me as the next GOD. A God who will not be selfish, a God who will look out for those who believe in the same thing he does. Yes I stated this match and this victory is for me I lied just a tad bit though. This win is going to for the Harunas, this win is going to be for the Nobi’s and whoever else who can’t seem to catch a break in this company. That if you do put your best foot forward and ignore the negative energy you’ll become something. I’m not trying to sound like some cliché good guy because I’m far from it. I am just proving a point.  Look at you questioning yourself already “If I somehow lose” a sentence like that has never left my tongue I haven’t doubted myself once and I won’t start now unlike you. Exposing yourself again did you say such things to Robbie V? Jacob Senn? Probably not because you knew you had the match in the bag. This match though you keep leaving traces of evidence that would lead me to believe you aren’t so confident. To the contract you made just for Big Mike, to coming out and saying “If I somehow lose”.
This isn’t a gimmick Ryan how many times do I have to say that for you to understand. I mean I know it’s hard for you to understand that someone can be entertaining without a gimmick that’s just who I am though. None of the things I say or do are influenced by things like Game of Thrones or some weird anime bullshit. I’m giving you 100 percent me right now. I have no mask on pretending to be something I’m not, even with Halloween right around the corner. I remain me at all times. I don’t have to tell the camera crew to hold on a minute so I can get into character. I don’t need a bunch of cool scenery to make me more interesting because I am interesting without all of it. With the past 4-5 years I know that is hard to comprehend because now this company is so gimmicky everywhere we turn around we got some knight in shining armour, or some “Crazy” Elitist. None of them are truly like that though those guys grew up well with both parents lived in nice homes their whole lives. It’s just the only way they can be entertaining. Just like you Ryan Adams when you realize being yourself is getting wack again. Straight to the Methuselah Mobile you go. Start growing out your beard, reading books like Lord of the Flies again so you have something to base him off of.  Chris Elite needs to do none of that to be entertaining or to have people invested into what he does.  Fuck Ryan Adams isn’t a cry for help you are really starting to reach Ryan. Fuck Ryan Adams is simply what it says nothing more and nothing less. I have no doubts coming into this weekend. I have no negative thoughts walking into that ring with you.
What’s expected and what’s truly going to go down at the end of the match are two different things Ryan. What’s expected is that Ryan Adams does defeat me and he does “Expose” me only for me to expose him. You sir have already done a lot of things at my expense like using me for profits. You striking pay dirt though won’t be at my expense because it won’t happen. We’ll never know what happens when you kick that crutch from underneath me, we’ll never know what happens when you win because you won’t. The only thing we are finding out this week is that Chris Elite is a force to be reckoned with and how powerful this contract I am going to receive really is. Another thing that I want to figure out in victory is will you finally hang it up or will you find a new opponent in 6 months after you are done healing from the beating I plan on handing you this weekend. Will I be the reason we the people get to say what we wanted for a long time? I hope so if you wondering what that is everyone can’t wait to say to let me be first to tell you.

Goodbye and good riddance Ryan Adams. 
Abelard Becker
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 26th 2017, 10:29 am by Abelard Becker
My better judgement is telling me to stay away, it's none of my business. He didn't even say my name, there's no use in creating even more problems for yourself.

But here I am.

My better judgement is also telling me to not use the analogy I'm about to use. It involves politics. Leave politics out of this.

But here I am.

Free speech. The very first amendment. A hot topic of late. Protests, rallies, knee taking, the subject has engulfed the country and has sparked a great debate over what EXACTLY free speech is. Is it the right to voice ANY opinion you want to? Does that include hate speech? Can you be racist, sexist, homophobic, just downright awful but still be protected, or at the very least justified under the free speech bubble? By definition... yes. However, not everything is meant to be taken so literally, so at face value. There's things such as interpretations and loopholes, that we use to maneuver around established laws, rules, and amendments. In a case like free speech, we use our judgement. We can tell the difference between right and wrong, we know what to say and what not to say, when to say and when not to say. 

So while Hurricane Hawk is certainly within his rights to say what he said, should he have? I guess it's fine if he likes the taste of his own foot.

I'm not going to berate you for your past half decade of failures and shortcomings like I'm sure so many others will. As very recently, being in a similar position myself, I know just how nauseatingly tiresome it can be. Who cares that the last time you held any gold of your own was six looooong years ago? Who cares if your career has been nothing but a start-stop, uneven clusterfuck ever since? As long as you don't, as long as you're willing to move on from all of that, then everyone else should be willing to as well. Oh but... you're not, are you? Far from it, in fact. Your past failures and demons seem to be consuming you, eating away at your very soul... okay that's alright, not ideal, you don't want to be focusing too much on things that can't be fixed but it's fine I get it. At least you're being noble about it all and you realize that you're the clear beta in this match, surrounded by a bunch of alpha's. It's not like you're using a victory over a broken, shell of a man like Eclipse Diemos to brag about your superiority and then trying to put down and scold others that are clearly so much more superior than you. 

OH but you ARE...

So you're admitting to the collapse of your career, yet at the same time using ONE victory, just one as proof that it's been resurrected, and then you're tearing Oasis and Pizza Boy down despite the fact that they've amassed more success than you without any of the controversy that's surrounded and plagued you since 2010. This is where having good judgement helps, this is when self awareness is key, moments like this. Where you can stop yourself just short of sticking your foot in your mouth so far deep that it comes out the other end. Before you go accusing me of doing the same, because I KNOW you will, let me put a stop to that right now. I've openly said that I'm no superior than any one else in this match. I've said there's nothing I can do to assure victory. Scott Oasis said he was better than me and I told him to his face that he was right. I've been smart enough to not put down The Pizza Boy, despite how easy it may seem because I know that strap around his waist speaks for his talent, abilities and capability. But I could've, like you, gone in the complete different direction. I could say I'm unbeatable, I could go on and on, touting my mastery, claim that it doesn't matter if you're Nasir Moore or if you're Jacob Senn, no one else has a chance come Saturday. I could've laughed at Oasis' claim of him being better, I could've chosen to forget that The Pizza Boy is a two time Answers World Champion, a Grand Rampage winner, a former Elimination Chamber winner just to go "haha you're short and have a funny name"... none of it would've been true, none of it would've been right. I would've been made a fool but not nearly as big a one as you. You and I, we're both often looked at as potential that was wasted, thrown into the same group. But I never realized until now how insulting that was to me. Since your last ounce of success here I've been the Answers World Champion, the Elite Champion, the Hall of Fame Champion, I held the Unified Tag Team Championships BY MYSELF, and just recently I was the Hardcore Champion. In addition to all of that I brought this ENTIRE company down to it's knees and singlehandedly brought it back to life. We're not the same. Never do I wanna hear myself compared to you again.

I said everyone in this match was on equal footing, everyone had a fair chance. I was wrong. You're at the bottom. Your chance? Virtually zero.
Hurricane Hawk
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 26th 2017, 9:11 am by Hurricane Hawk
A Slice of Reality (with a side of breadsticks)

You almost forgot Hurricane Hawk as an entity even happened? Ironic because after Road to Redemption people are going to immediately forget your title reign ever happened once they see how it looks on the shoulders of a real man. Don't worry I'm going to do something about it and thats capture that championship and give the Pizza Boy a slice of reality that I am here to stay. What happened to Dynasty's Elitist is that everybody grew complacent with a joke of a champion like yourself constantly running around making us look less than what we are. Since our world champion by default is a reflection of who we are as a brand, the morale went down, as did the reputation... until I came back. I came back to knock down that wall known as Pizza Boy and show people what REAL Elitists look like, and eventually I am going to show them what a REAL champion looks like. Call me a douche, an asshole, a cocky bastard or whatever you want for speaking the truth, because if thats what the truth makes me then so be it. "I mean, I could've ended Diemos's career if I wanted to.  I had multiple opportunities in the Red Wallz match to do just that, and a sick part of me really wanted to just to cut that cancer out of EAW for good but I didn't." Emphasis on but you didn't. You know why you didn't? Because you COULDN'T. You didn't display the physical capability to put down the monster that haunted your title reign for months on end who you constantly struggled to escape from but I made easy work of him. Threw him out like the trash he was. You won't be seeing him anymore so you don't have to worry about that sick freak ever messing with you again. But don't thank me for that, because you may be safe from him, but all that does is open up another spot for me to win that championship. You ever heard the phrase "one step forward and ten steps backwards"? Because that applies to this situation at hand. Just when you breathe a long sigh of relief thanks to me, that your longtime rival is finally a thing of the past and you can rest easy, you turn around and have to deal with the very man who put him out of business, his superior and yours... Hurricane Hawk. Bring up my departures all you'd like but I'm not looking back, I'm looking towards the future, that future includes me with that strap over my shoulders and you where you belong... which is as far away as possible from the world title scene. Don't worry about how many times I fall.. worry about how many times I get back up. That's why I call it resiliency, not many people in this company could have gone through the things I have and still live to tell the tale. Sure I've left often but there has always been a reason for it but nobody cares about the truth when the lie is more entertaining. The fact is that I came back and I made my presence felt, I saved EAW from a demented monster who does not belong here, and then I will save EAW from the joke of a champion we have now.

Critics will be critics, they'll sit on their couch as out of shape inexperienced losers who couldn't do what I do if their life depended on it, but still criticize me. They'll talk about how the old days when people like myself were at the top of the mountain must've been easy because all they know of me is what they saw recently which at the time had been far from my best. They'll disregard the old footage and the facts that backup why exactly I experienced the success that I did and became able to go on all of these hiatuses based on that success. They'll just jump to conclusion without realizing that words have a funny way of coming back to haunt them. I never did what I did for the approval of critics or to prove to myself that I still got it. Because i've always KNOWN that I still got it and it was just a matter of time and place, Road to Redemption is that time and place. They don't think that someone like me should be in this match with Dynasty's best, and you know what I say to that? Fuck you. Accomplish half of what I have and get back to me. For those of you who think that I am a product of a "less talented era", how about you ask CM Bank$, Y2Impact, or Jaywalker, three men who have been here from the start and has shown the ability to shine in every era they so please to, why did they recruit ME. While you're at it, ask one of the greatest female wrestlers in EAW history, if not THE greatest, who molded her into a champion and taught her everything she knows. Ask her who saw the greatness in her that she currently displays before she even saw it. I was always the youngest and with the highest ceiling, the problem was that I lost my drive to reach that ceiling. 2012 was a turning point for me because I took my success for granted, I let one situation that didn't go my way stop me from being the best that I could be. I foolishly gave EAW too much credit by thinking that the legacy I left was enough to be remembered as one of the greatest, but I thought wrong. I soon realized that if you aren't CURRENTLY winning despite your past success, then these people will rank a fucking Pizza Boy's over you because it's the cool thing to do even if it's wrong, so I got up off my ass and made sure that these injustices and these fickle people understand what exactly Hurricane Hawk is about. Destroying Eclipse wasn't even something worthy enough of bragging about and constantly reminding everyone, I've done much more noteworthy things and I've destroyed much better men, but to his past opponents like Nasir and Pizza Boy who couldn't get him out of their hairs no matter how hard I tried, I'll just use that as a reminder and a measuring stick for just how better I am than them. Jacob Senn, you had a lot to say leading up to our qualifier match, feel free to speak up when you're ready. I'm looking forward to delivering that Ego-Death to your doorstep. I got a lot left in the chamber, take it how you may.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 26th 2017, 7:54 am by Keelan
Carlos Rosso resorting to his old ways... no surprise there. 

I remember in our little feud Carlos that you would mention the fact that I haven’t won a championship here in EAW. You would mention this and mention it quite a lot; trying to use it as your main tool against me like it would affect me in any negative way, or in any way to support your claims. I’m not here to take away what you have accomplished in your decade long career here in EAW. I’m simply stating the fact that your run here in this company lately has been nothing to write home about. Okay, yes, what IS my legacy here in EAW? Well I can answer that simply by saying that my legacy just simply does not exist yet. I’m here trying to build one for myself. I have mentioned countless times this week that my process to this has been slow but at least it’s moving. It’s not in an idle position like yours has been these past two years. You know, when I returned to the squared circle I rushed into things fairly quickly. In the first six weeks I found myself winning a Hardcore Invitational at Territorial Invasion last year against seven other guys, resulting in a number one contender’s match for the Hardcore Championship. And yes, I lost. I could sit here and blame it on all the outside interference Nathan Fiora provided. He needed three people to defeat me in the end. I won’t blame it on that though. I could sit here and blame it on Marco Fedor who “accidentally” knocked me off of a ladder into a truck full of glass shards. It effectively put me out of the match for good and ended up resulting in my loss. I won’t blame it on that though. No, you see, I blame myself, because upon my return I thought my elite status I once had would just carry over even after five years, but I learned the hard way that it just wasn’t the case. I spent a lot of time working to get back to where I once was, and that’s why it took me all this time to finally get in the position I’m in right now. I find myself contending for the EAW World Heavyweight Championship, and god damn it, I know for a fact I belong here, and don’t you even dare deny that you don’t think I do either. I don’t have the balls to face Amadeus, huh? I’m the one that sent Nightmare to its grave you fucking moron, and have a win over every single one of them too. I’ve said for weeks that I want Amadeus and his Interwire Championship, and I am hoping Kenny Drake can give me that opportunity should I fail this weekend. Yes, you are close to becoming a Triple Crown Champion here in EAW, Carlos. That one missing piece to the puzzle is the biggest prize of all - the EAW World Heavyweight Championship. But will your Triple Crown mean as much as the other Triple Crown Champions here in EAW? Perhaps that doesn’t matter to you, but if it's a legacy you’re trying to cement than I believe that it should. It was never my intention to get you THIS riled up over a bunch of legends that I just happened to mention briefly, but man did it set you off on one hilarious rant. All those men you mentioned - sure, you defeated them - but do you think you can still do it now? I couldn’t see you defeating Jacob Senn, Aren Mstislav or Chris Elite for example nowadays unfortunately. I think the three of them would probably run circles around you to be honest. I really didn’t want to bring up names again, but man I just couldn’t ignore your fucking rant man. I mean, how can you take yourself seriously when you’re one of the least intelligent people I’ve ever come across? It’s not the best facade you try to put on, because your dock just doesn’t quite reach the water. Carlos, I didn’t forget what happened in both of your matches. Yeah, I took one hell of a beating. Hell, Apocalypse was man-handling me in there. It took a spear from Lars to save me, but it took a charge from me to Apocalypse to give us that win. Lest we forget that it was Lars that pinned YOU right? And the deathmatch? If you really think that you had me beat, then why didn’t you beat me? Was hurting me that much more important to you than a win you probably desperately needed to help keep your career alive? You could have defeated me, and then assaulted me afterwards, but you didn’t, and you know why? Because you’re just not very smart. Give me as many threats as you want about what you are going to do to me inside the chamber this weekend, but I can assure you that you’re going to be in for a disappointment when I hand you your third loss thanks to yours truly. I said earlier this week that you’re not one of my main focuses, however, I still do plan on bringing you down a notch. You think you’re on this top-tier level Carlos, but really you’re below the rest of us, trying to climb your way up to reach OUR level. It doesn’t matter how good you once were. The fact you fell off really affected your career, and I know you don’t like to admit it, but it’s true. So keep on trying to climb up to us Carlos, because I think the five of us are probably willing to kick you back down upon reaching the levels we’re all at.

Now THIS is the Lars Grier I’ve been waiting for! Damn! This is the verbal abilities I’ve been waiting to see from you. You’ve finally revealed where the hell your testicles have been. They've been in your pants all along! Well, I'll be! It took a whole day of roasting from every single person in this chamber for you to finally come out of your shell, and after four times of speaking pure and utter bullshit, you’re finally offering some decent topics. Some stuff that I can actually agree with. Yeah, we’ll all walk into that chamber as men ready to showcase the absolute best of our abilities, and I’m sure all of us will walk out changed men. This isn’t a match stipulation I have had the chance to compete in yet in EAW, but as a man who lives and breathes hardcore, it’s a match I am ready to use to my absolute best advantage. I cannot wait to hear the sound of backs hitting the steel on the outside of the ring, or the sound of the screams as I drag faces across the chain-length walls of the structure. I also cannot wait to see what weapons all of us are going to be bringing alongside of us, because I’m sure the variety and creativity is going to be interesting. But I’m not going to try and get ahead of myself, because we’re still only a couple of days left from the night itself. There still seems to be a lot more to talk about, especially with you Lars. Now you have still mentioned one or two things you’ve brought up before, but that’s alright. Again, I do recognize you as a hard-working man. For you, I just felt it was necessary to bring up your failures as you’ve had no successes. And, before you go there for a third time, neither have I. I know. I know my career better than anybody and I don’t need you to remind me of my lack of championships or milestones or whatever. I’ve retired a couple of people, ended a couple of factions, won a few MVE weekly awards, but still no gold around my waist. But that’s okay, because like I said to Carlos just earlier, my process has been slow but it’s been moving along at least. You want to know if this is the real Keelan Cetinich you’re facing? Of course it is. You actually questioning that it’s not is a little surprising to be honest. This is the noble warrior that fights for my life to win and protects the things closest to me. That hasn’t changed whatsoever. Has my personality changed? Well, that is an interesting question I’ll give you that. I can see where you’re confused on this Lars and with good reason, so allow me to give you a clear answer. No, my personality has not changed, just my attitude. I’ll admit it; I’ve gotten pretty real these past few days. Well, I've always been "real" I guess, but I've taken it to a new level. I’ve gotten a little arrogant, and probably have talked like an a-grade cunt, but that’s because I’m more focused than I have ever been. I feel the need to get this real for a reason, and it’s the same reason that we are all throwing our best ammo out there at each other in this war of words. The EAW World Heavyweight Championship is on the line. Are you implying that my fans have abandoned me just because I’ve been speaking like a dickhead? Hell no! If you’ve ever heard me speak in the ring on the microphone, I’ve always had a bit of a cocky attitude, Lars. I try to be as real and straightforward as I possibly can be with my words. I might come off as confronting to some. Truthfully I cannot tell you why I am adored and loved by so many people, but I’d be lying if I told you I didn’t love it myself. You talked about protecting the things closest to me? Well one of those things are all my fans. For as much as a prick I can be, I will never stop loving all my supporters, and for reasons I may not understand as to why they all really want to see me overcome the odds and win this weekend, they are just one of the few I am fighting for. I’ve had supporters stick with me since the BIRTH of my career, and they’re still cheering me on today. That is some of the most surreal shit, man. So no, none of this is an act, and I guess I’m sorry that the fact I’m speaking a little more realer is affecting you to the point of actually bringing it up in all this, but I have not changed my personality. Lars, I still think you were the MVP of that match at Territorial Invasion, and I still do respect you as a competitor, but it doesn’t change the fact that it was me that not only got you a match at that show in the first place, but it was me that got you into THIS match too. So, hopefully this alludes your remarks at me being a hypocrite, but it hasn't alluded my remarks of you being one though. Oh, you still haven’t provided that evidence by the way. I see you’re still jumping over that topic, but that’s okay because I knew you never had any anyway.

Anything else, Lars?


Good, let's keep it that way. 

Lars Grier
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 26th 2017, 3:00 am by Lars Grier

It amazes me. All of this. Everything that’s been said, everything that’s been done and dusted, and what will be done by the end of this week. The claims that we have made, the actions and drastic measures that have been taken in order to preserve our own selfish egos and desires….it’s quite astonishing, really. I like to think of the wrestling business this way: A psychological experiment. We’re invited into this industry with the prospect of fame, women, and fortune, and reverence from everyone around you. Those are the three, simple, tangible ideas that we are given, and it’s enough to make us be entrapped in this vicious cycle. But really...if you stop to think about it, and ponder….you’ll find just how different each of us were before we came to EAW. Really, think; were we all the same before we walked into this company? Under normal circumstances, would we be saying this shit to other people’s faces? Would we be telling them that they’re liars, failures, and weaklings beyond all scope of imagination? Simple answer? No. Of course we wouldn’t, there’s no reason to. See - this? All of this? It feel just like one big fucking experiment, testing each and everyone of us, our fears, our desires, and just how hard we will fight in order to reach those goals of ours. Remind yourselves of who you were before EAW. Remind yourself of your past, what you did, and take a look at yourself now, and ask the question: How could I turn from this, to this? How could I turn from a well-educated business man, to a violent and rageful warrior? It’s like Lord of the Flies or shit like that. Kids that were in an English private school, civilized and well-mannered, transforming into mockeries and abominations of what the ideal child should act and be like. From just regular, generic schoolboys into psychopathic, monster-worshipping, vile murderers. But it should be expected though, right? I’ll be quite frank here - humans aren’t born good. Evil isn’t “nurtured” within them. You don’t choose to be evil, it’s from the beginning. From the start of your measle, worthless human existence, to the end, you are programmed with an evil that is inherent, and everlasting. It isn’t wanted. Nobody wants to be evil, right? Nobody wants to run around, acting like a bunch of sociopaths, rapists, murderers, criminals, the deviants of this world, but it still exists inside of us. Behind all of the masks, behind all that is right and just in this world, there exists a beast within. Not a literal beast, not one with sharp claws and gnashing teeth, but beast that influences the human mind, making it do shit that it wouldn’t normally do. Evil. Bad. Villainous. It’s gotten me to think...we’re in this Chamber. Something that is brutal, something that is violent, a metal monster that never leaves you the same man once you walk out of it, if you can walk out of it AT ALL. No one in their right mind would be fighting here by choice, unless you’ve got something on the line. That’s where that World Heavyweight Championship comes into play. A piece of gold, wrapped in leather that you can hold over your shoulder if you manage to obtain victory, and be crowned as “champion.” A reward that is fitting for this extreme environment. Despite being in this company for less than a year, I’ve begun to figure it out now: The men and women who came into this company are not the same men and women who stand here right now. Once, they were individuals who were training, and fighting, because they wanted to succeed. This was because they wanted to be famous, to get money and every superficial thing so you can call it a day. However, as time passed, and each battle, each war, each fight took a toll on them, they were changed; changed into bloodthirsty, maniacal men who will go to absolute batshit crazy lengths to achieve their dreams. That shit doesn’t just happen in one week, it needs time, and now here we are, towards the end of that transformation. You can lie to yourself, saying that you’ll be fine heading in, and after this match. You can whisper in your own ear that at the end, you’ll be doing fine and dandy the week after this encounter, but no...you know better. We all know what this entails. We all know what we’re capable of, what we’re going to do, and how we’ll do it. And we all know that at the end, through the rain, the blood, the sweat and tears, there is a rainbow in the form of a gold prize. Six men, changed by the system of the wrestling business, who are prepared to do whatever it takes to win, to be able to hold that title in their arms and wear it for all of eternity. 

We’ll all walk out changed men.

But only one of us can walk out as Champion.

Only one of us, out of all of the fighters and the warriors in that Chamber can walk out of it alive, walking, breathing, and holding that belt. And I’ll be damned to hell if I can’t win it. I am prepared to do crazy shit. I am prepared to break boundaries, to break through the glass ceilings and walls, push the lengths of what people are willing to do in that Chamber in order to even have a sliver, a miniscule taste of that prize I desire. Even if for only a brief moment, even if it is just a few moments in the constant that is time and space, I want it. I want it more than anything in this entire fucking world, and you know that’s a lust that can’t be measured. It is a desire that cannot be contained, a hunger for glory and success unlike no other. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Everyone doubts me. Everyone wants to see me fall of the ladder rather than reaching the top of it, and not for a good reason, but because humans simply desire and choose to only follow one’s failures instead of what they’ve done. Keelan does this. He looks at me, and he doesn’t see The Raven. He doesn’t see a hardworking man who fought to be in this position, but instead a failure. Someone who has been given opportunities and have squandered every single time. He looks at me, and sees a man who has done nothing to prove to him that he is superior, or even equal to himself, so he takes every opportunity he gets to attack me, and to make sure that the story he tells is what everyone listens to. For you...you make such bold, bold claims Keelan, about myself, my career, and my words. Claiming that you had the keys to my career, that no one listens to me or what I have to say. It’s bold, really. But rather than getting mad, rather than shouting and swearing in every sentence from your mouth, I question: Is this the really Keelan Cetinich I’m facing? Is this the noble warrior, the one who fights for his life in order to win and protect what means most to him? Maybe it isn’t the same Keelan I fought after Pain for Pride, or the same Keelan that I fought alongside with at Territorial Invasion, but one thing I know damn fucking well is that people don’t just change their personalities on the fly. People don’t just decide: “Hey! Maybe today, I’ll act like a huge dick to everyone I come across! Yeah, that’ll make me seem important!” Was it all a ploy, then? Was the Keelan who the fans loved, the one who everyone admired and bought shirts from, just an act? A false mask over your true intentions? Fuck me, then - I guess I’m right. I always suspected that the faces of this company, the ones that people cheer for are nothing but wolves in sheep’s clothing, and you are the first example to have shown. I know The Killer I met at Pain for Pride, the Killer I met at Voltage, and the one at Territorial Invasion, and I know pretty well that it’s not The Killer I’m facing at Road to Redemption. You told me I was the “MVP” of that match, you even FORGAVE me for spearing Madison, and now here you are, telling me I’m shit, that I lie, and that you’re better than me. And for what? At a sick, low attempt to get under my skin? Because you’re insecure about yourself, and want to erase the words you said because they’re irrelevant? How...disappointing. See - this is what I talk about when I call you hypocritical. This is what I mean, when I say that I’m not the one who twists words, but instead yourself. Tell me - are these not your words: 

Lars you have built a name for yourself, and you are one of the top picks for Voltage. It’s obvious to me why Kenny Drake wanted you on his show, because he, like everybody else, sees that you have the potential to be really great here.” 

What happened here? What happened between this point and Road to Redemption? Turning from a man who held me with at least some ounce of decency and respect, devolving to the status of everyone else: doubting me, saying I won’t win shit. I care about this encounter, I really do. It’s not like I even hate you with all of my heart - I’m trying to make you see the errors of your ways. The only one out of us here who’s angry and pissed about anything is you, and so really...you’ve played into my hands. I’M in control now. I know that you’ll swear at me, that you’ll probably ignore half of the shit I’m saying right now and revert back to your old arguments of you being better, or just flat-out resorting to childish name-calling - just like I did; another example of hypocrisy. Claiming you’re the best, or that you’re better than me is such a fruitless effort in order to make it seem like you have any power over me. You marvel at me because I’m “stupid”, and that I’m making myself look like a complete fool, but it’s just all so funny when I hear you cry: “Hurr durr, I’m better than Lars! I’m just like Jamie and TLA, and because they beat him, I must be better than Lars! I’ve beaten him too, he doesn’t matter anymore!” You’re acting as if losing to individuals like Jamie and TLA is a bad thing, as if it’s a misdeed that I must rewrite. No, it isn’t. Jamie and TLA are the top of Voltage, the best of the best, fighters with spirits unlike any other, so the only shame I have in losing to them is for myself, for being so fucking weak. I lumped you in with them too, because I know that you’re a blockade that I must conquer, a ghost that haunts my past. As a matter of fact, I have no shame losing to you - I WANT to prove you wrong, I want to show you that I am not the same Lars Grier as before, but as I try to throw every fucking reason in the book, you continue to ignore them, and brush them off as lies. 

I don’t even care by this point if you’re a liar, if you’re a hypocrite, if you even if you’re even the same Keelan Cetinich I stood alongside with.

None of it matters once we step into that ring, once we walk inside and are trapped there, until one of us can claim themselves as the victor.

And as long as I stand, it won’t be The Killer.

It won’t be anyone of you, not a single one of you cocksuckers will be the one to stand in the end. My rise….my glory….my kingdom. I’m building at Road to Redemption, and I will tear down all who try to stop me from doing so. From a king who will soon be feel the sting of revolution, to the man who claims to know it all; I will tear them all down. But yet...I must commend you, Carlos. You’ve refrained from being the ignorant, delusional neanderthal we’ve so often seen you as, and turned into someone who actually calculates and is planning in order to succeed in that Chamber. I’m not degrading your plan - it’s actually intelligent. Exploiting an injured and beaten man’s weakness in order to gain the upper advantage, so that in the end you can make sure that they are left out of the equation. A strategy employed everywhere in all sports, and I don’t intend to disregard it as a bad plan….but, what aggravates me and what makes me rub my forehead the most, is the fact that you think this is all you will need. That this plan is the only thing you need in order to put me, or Jamie, or anyone else in this match down. Short answer: it isn’t. It’s honestly foolish to think that the only thing stopping me from hurting you and getting that championship is this mere plan of opening my weak spot, and using it to your advantage. No, no - that’s not how this shit works. I’m not sure if you’ve heard me, but I’ll say it again, that I am prepared to do the craziest shit, beyond your wildest imagination to be the one to take it all in the end. I will risk my body, my well-being, everything about me in order to even get a touch, a sliver of glory and gold. Honestly, what do I have to lose by this point? What can I lose from being in this match, from failing? A head of steam, a mind and a hype train behind you, sure, but those are things that can be regained. They are things that you can reclaim, things that you can get back, so I’m not worried. You should know this, Carlos - the Chamber’s a dangerous, dangerous place. The devil’s playground, a place that turns even the most civilized of men into brutal, violent warriors who will do everything in their power to secure their spot as a legend, so you should know that this plan isn’t going to work. Dare I say - it’s even retarded, to think that this is all that is required in order to take me out, to win that Championship and make yourself feel better, when you know it isn’t. Adrenaline makes you do crazy, crazy shit, even if you’re in unbearable and devastating pain. There’s so many other factors too; there’s deadly weapons that can make your life a living hell, the Chamber itself with provides me with so many options to prove everyone wrong, and at any time….any fucking time, your elaborate and amazing plan could have a wrench thrown in, destroying it completely. Educate me - what happens when your plan fails? What happens when one of us, or by your own mistake, destroys this entire, long-winded and carefully constructed plan? Do you sit in a corner and cry? Do you go ballistic, and begin to become more reckless as the very thing you attempt to prevent from becoming, ends up being your downfall? Yeah. That’s the thing with these structures: everything is so carefully placed. Every nook and cranny filled, just right so that it won’t topple down. Every brick and material place exactly where it needs to be in order to be stabilized and structured, so if any of them were to crack, the entire structure would fall apart. No matter how long it took, no matter how many tries it took for you to make it, with just one, simple step, it falls down. Maybe that’ll give you something to think about before heading into this match with a gun you’re not even sure will work, because I can assure you, this shit isn’t going to be easy. I won’t count you out as a competitor, what you can do, and what you’re willing to do, but I can make sure that everything that you’ve built up to this point, your rants and tirades of how this comeback revolves around a false title win, will all come crashing down, leaving you thinking how everything went wrong.

Maybe I won’t break the Strongest Arm in EAW.

But I can sure as hell make sure the house you’ve built falls with one, simple, step.


I hate to play a tired cliche, but really...this is a Road to Redemption for me. This is where I redeem myself, where I stop hearing the words of failure and garbage, and begin to hear what matters: Glory. Success. Evolution. Raven. Champion. Words that will be associated with me after this comes through, after everything has passed and the storm we walk into has calmed, you’ll see it: Me. My visage, my silhouette standing over everyone in this match, everyone who thought they could say shit about me and get away with it. Even you, TLA. Even for a man I hold a large amount of respect for, even for a man I consider one of the most unorthodox yet greatest in this business, in this time….I know what you are, and that’s an obstacle. A deer, veering into the headlights, that eventually, will fall. An blockage that prevents me from truly achieving what I want in this world, an individual who has the heart of a lion, the agility of a cheetah, and is shown to me as someone who I must….I MUST overcome. I can’t redeem myself I can’t pin TLA. I can’t become champion without pinning TLA’s shoulders to the mat for three seconds. That’s what funny, really, about this business: in order to win, you need to put your opponent through excruciating and decisive pain, just to hold them down on the ground for three seconds. Three seconds that can decide your fate, three seconds that can change the course of your career for years to come. Three...simple, seconds. It all sounds so easy, it all sounds so simple and profound, until you encounter someone like TLA, then you find the one of the greatest difficulties in this business: A motherfucker who just doesn’t stay down. Someone who fights, and fights, and fights until his heart stops beating, until the blood in his veins stops flowing, and he is physically left a broken, and shattered man. But not mentally. No, never. Mentally, he never stops. Mentally, he doesn’t stop to fight, he doesn’t take a rest, no breaks and no time to recover from something, just a compulsive urge to keep on battling, even if it appears to be a losing victory. Jamie is a fool for not seeing that you are a warrior, that you keep on fighting even when it is a lost battle. Maybe I hold too much respect for like-minded fighters, maybe I care too much about that fact, but it is important to remember when we meet: I can’t keep you down with one shot. I can’t make you stay down for the count with one Ravenbeak, or one spear. No - I need to fire my shotgun again. And again. And again. And again. And again, and again, and again, over and over until that shiny, dexterous exterior of yours is nothing more than a hollow, bloody hole where I’ve left my mark. That’s what I need to do by this point. That’s ALL I need to do, in order to prove to the world, but more importantly...to myself, that I have the ability to beat TLA, that I am able to show to the entire world that I BELONG THERE. I belong where Jamie, TLA, and Keelan are. I belong at the top...all I need is to have my spot secured. Give me the beating of my life. Fuck me up however you want, hurt me so that it leaves scar in my body to remember. It won’t fucking matter. You can beat me from pillar to post, eviscerate me and turn me into a ragdoll - I will still stand over your bloodied, broken carcass and SHOW TO THE WORLD THAT I CAN FUCKING BEAT YOU, AND I CAN RIP THAT CHAMPIONSHIP OFF OF JAMIE’S SHOULDER AND LET IT TAKE ITS PLACE OVER MINE.

That’s what I can do, that’s what I am going to fucking do.

And none of you...not you, not Keelan, not Amadeus, not Carlos, not Jamie….are going to stop me.

But, I’m sure my words of defiance will go unheard. I’m sure nobody will care about what I’ve said, or they’ll simply brush it off as a man screaming, without a clue to what he’s actually saying. That is all I am to people, because the masses can’t stand someone who wears face paint, who talks about his dark past and gives out his social commentary, be successful in life. However, because no one can ignore me, they are forced to listen to what I have to say, and yet even then they act as if I’m nothing, as if my words mean nothing. So, they use words like weak. Fragile. Fake. Pathetic. Words thrown at me. Words used to describe my current state, words used to describe what I am to them. Choice words that are the medium in which people can take their sides, and either defend me and my ideals, or completely trash them. These seem to be the only words in O’Hara’s vocabulary, after all. These are the words that are used by our World Champion in an attempt to weaken me, to make me feel like complete dogshit and break me mentally, even before the match has begun. He’s trying his best, with all of his heart to put me down and cast me aside, send me packing home, and I must admit - it’s a fine attempt in doing so. You’ve very cautiously chosen synonyms of “weak” from the thesaurus as a two-pronged fork: Attacking me, degrading my status in order to elevate your own, and it’s smart. It’s a smart tactic, I can’t lie. Turning my words against me, my beliefs and my virtues into his advantage, so I’ll give you respect where it is due for that intelligence. Not everyone in this business can do what you do so easily, able to manipulate the words of your opponents and turn them into their own worst enemy. You ask these questions that truly make me question myself. Polarising indeed, questions that make me wonder the very foundation of my being. It’s all so….complicated. A complicated web, a construction that was formed with extra care in each word, in each step and every action you take. Everything that you say, and everything that you do is in order to gain that extra mile, that extra advantage over your adversaries. A mental edge that is razor-sharp, it can shatter a man’s mind to the point of no recovery; that is what you have built for yourself. A careful, long-winded, and complicated web of trickery and manipulation that’s been produced so carefully. Each piece of the puzzle is well-thought, each move you make, down to the smallest, the most minute detail is designed all in your favor. You exposed this to me when we first met. It took you months of planning, months of hard work in order to reach that point in the Grand Rampage, where the only move left that was needed was the winning maneuver. Enthralling, but deadly is the structure of lies you have built yourself here. Truly, it would be a shame...if someone burned it all down. I learnt something a long time ago that I think is prevalent to the situation at hand: Entropy. The second law of thermodynamics, a measurement of disorder in a system. More importantly, it refers to how something can move from order...to disorder, and how that disorder is actually more helpful for the universe. Much like Carlos’ elaborate plan to take it all, this kingdom and playing board you’ve chosen to use in this battle is has all been ordered carefully, with symmetry, and with caution. The problem with these structures, however….is how easily they break. Even if one, just ONE singular piece of the puzzle is missing, the entire structure is destroyed. All of it. Every single piece, everything, no matter the time it took...it’s broken, fallen to pieces, and irreversible. You can’t try to do it again, but because It’s been done before; people know what kind of shit you’ll be trying to pull. They’ll be prepared, they’ll know what to expect, and eventually your words will begin to fall on deaf ears. Let me explain: You’re only garbage if you think you are. You’re only the worst of the worst if you let the words of others occupy your mind for too long, to the point where you start to believe in that bullshit. The only time you can’t win is when you really think you can’t, and those words begin to affect your thinking. I’m not falling for your shit again. You once said I was unable to decide definitely whether or not I’m in control, or under another’s, so I’ll give you a simple answer: No. I’m not under your control, I’m not under anyone else’s control. I’m controlling MYSELF. Me. I’m in control now. I know what I have to say, I know what I must do, and I’m not going to let you change any of it. Sure, you’ll come back, and ask me more questions like: “But are you truly in control? Are you out of my grasp?” But, by then it will all be in vain. You’ve attempted to get me to the point where I start to defend myself, and try to refute everything that you’ve said to me, where by that point, you’ve lost. I can’t go back if I reach that point with you, I know what it’s like, and I’m not letting it happen to me again. I can see through your smokescreen now. I can see through the black, dark forest of twisted words, foolish pawns, and broken minds. I see through it - and see a man. A man is all I see, a man playing god. Not an actual one, but a man who’s taken himself to a level far beyond his mandate. A master manipulator, who has survived for this long and has done well for himself, but you can’t derail me from my goal. You can’t change what I’m going to do, not just to win but to you, for everything that you’ve done, for every lie and bullshit you’ve spout from your mouth….I’ll make you feel that pain. If gods and monsters do exist in this world, if there is more than just the fragile state of humanity, if you’re able to prove me wrong…  then I’m the godkiller. I’m the one who is sent down to strike you down, reducing you to nothing more than a shell of your former self. You want to know what I’m going to do? YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE FUCK I’M GOING TO DO?

I will prove all of you wrong.

One shot, one spear.

To every. fucking. one. of. you.
EAW Promoz! - Page 19 0CLSQauo_o
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 26th 2017, 1:43 am by Rex32
You all make this far too easy for me.

The serious side of Tiberius takes form at last, but unfortunately for him it was only a matter of time before he came around, no matter how predictable it may seem at this point. Obtaining power, once you have it, it's important to do all that you must in order to retain that power, and you've done that very well up to this point. There's nobody that can deny that, something I've already made clear this week. It takes an extraordinary person with the right craftiness, diligence, intelligence, and persistence to pull off the things that you have, and be able to look back fondly on how you did it, as most would. See, the issue that's become quite the pickle for you is that we all want to be able to look back, and reflect on things that we've accomplished just as you have. We all envy what you have, the moments that you've been able to bask in your time at the top. That's why we will stop at nothing, not even anything that you happen to try to strike us down with, to pull you down off that mountain top from which you speak. That's why there is nothing you can do at this point. I gave you the power that you hold now, and on Saturday I'm taking it for myself. I will take everything from you because you don't have the numbers in your favor, you don't have get out jail clause to retain that championship in this match. I'll do it by any means necessary just as I've shown the world that I'm more than willing to just to obtain what it is that I want. I've already said it to others. The past, it influences everything from the assumptions that were brewed from things you've already done, but it hardly means a thing in the grand scheme of things, not when the circumstances are different, and the motive has changed. The stakes are high, but when we all want the same thing, and you're the only one that we have to take it from? We will do it. You are not the predator, you're the hunted. You're simply the appetizer before the main course meal for us all. We already know we have to wait for that main course, so we'll continue to devour our little side item in the mean time. We'll be the ones apologizing to you for our bad manner later. Every top dog has his day I suppose you could say, and you've had more than your share, but this Saturday won't be one of them. You've been able to persuade many along the way to keep yourself in power. But now, nobody wants you in power no more. Besides, the story of your career before obtaining that crown was an underdog story that evolved before the crown. Now, the only difference is, you get the chance to find out what life after your kingship can evolve to. You're going to be devoured at Road To Redemption, there's no two ways around that regardless of how choose to attack everyone verbally this week. But try to liken this to Mayweather going into the next phase of his life after a successful stint at the top of his profession. Everyone's time comes at some point, and that's the biggest lesson you should take with you after this. I don't really have to reiterate your fate at this point. It's like I stated from the top, you've made this too easy for me.

The moment you will be forced to accept.

However, there are some in all of this that do happen to make it much easier than others. For some, you simply have to run those circles with them until they get too tired to care anymore. Isn't that right, Heart Break Gal? One moment you're spouting off a few months ago about being the model of perfection. The conqueror of titans. An indisputable success by any standard. And at the same time, you tagged yourself with the underdog label just because you're a woman, and that means you have to fight for everything just a little bit harder than most. Today, now having gone through a few minor brush ups with reality here on Showdown, you've now discovered that you indeed are not a model of perfection. Your success, constantly in question, put to the test weekly, having to find out the hard way that the world you now inhabit is far different from the one that you gained all of your biggest triumphs whether it was against others of your gender and simple-minded approach, or be it in a stable where you were put on the highest pedestal possible by your partners in crime. I said it last week, and you I stand by it. The moment you came to this brand, everything that you ever did before this, it was wiped clean. Everyone has looked at you like you are fresh meat, and you've done nothing in the least to change their outlook, and that is why you will remain exactly where you are now, the same neutral position from which you started at the beginning of the season. Had this been nearly two years ago perhaps a statement such as telling me I've done nothing, it would have rang true no matter what kind of argument I chose to put up in response otherwise. Now, it means just that to me, because I am here and that's all the validation I need to debunk a statement like that. Then it simply becomes an opinion, nothing more. Nothing for me to think twice about. If I had done nothing, you wouldn't be giving me all the attention that I rightfully deserve. It's so hard to avoid someone like me, because I'm somebody that breaks someone down differently. Not so much like a domino effect, more like a puppet master with a marionette pulling all the strings, controlling you. Making you react as I wish for you to, and when I do decide to, I cut the strings when I get bored with you and let you fall down to the ground, and then I go on to something else that's far more worth my time.  Nothing you did a few months ago was enough to overcome me then. Even with all self-boasting of me being down here and you being all they way up as high as Kingdom Come, it has not made any difference when we've squared off, the results have not gone in your favor. Those results got me here. They've put me on the brink of eclipsing every one of you in a single fell swoop. John Doe playing his part in all of this bothers me just as much as all you and the parts that each of you have played, to which in that case they haven't. You see, I'm all about change. I'm shaping the future as a paragon for all those up and coming stars that will be where I'm at in a couple of short years from now, taking what they can see as being rightfully their. Treading on everyone, using them as stepping stones, stepping on the throats of anybody who dared to challenge their mettle and mental fortitude just like I'm going to step on yours when you can no longer find the energy to continue, and with my weapon of choice I will finish you. I'll end your night. I'll take away what you obsess over, what you fight for, and what you will die for. I don't care how I have to do it, just like I didn't care all these months how I've had to do it, because in the end you'll find out that none of this was meant for you. You'll find out that fate had other ideas for you. You can fight on after this, and I'll allow it, because in the end I will have exactly what I knew was meant to be mine all along.

And I'll take great satisfaction in knowing that once again it was all at your expense.

This story, you're right, it doesn't have a happy ending...for any of you, Theron. You don't need the EAW Championship. You don't need validation the same as the others. Don't you see, Theron, you're in a position eight months into your career that most can only dream of, but....if you really were in need of this EAW Championship you would have it already. But you don't. You don't have the credentials to support any claims that you make this week, you have nothing worth boasting about, so to say that you need this, well...that's all that you can say. I on the hand, I don't need this, but I will take it and there is very little you or anyone else can do or say to change that. If you didn't see me as a threat, you wouldn't acknowledge me at all. How ironic though, that someone such as yourself can make such a claim when you have haven't been a threat to anyone for weeks now. Over the last month or so, you've done little to nothing to show that you are deserving of spot that you are in now. You're no different then any other entitled rookie, who has an inkling of success that propelled him to heights beyond that of your average joe. Me? I've shown that I'm willing to do anything and everything to get what it is that I want. The truth of the matter is, Theron, that I don't view you the same as the others because quite frankly other than winning that contract and defeating the champion. None of those things will have amounted to anything, the latter which will be proven when you fall flat and fail again on Saturday. I'm not surprised in the least that I'm not a threat to you. The reason for that is because my approach this season has been looked down upon by everyone. Peers. Fans. The entire wrestling establishment. But as you can clearly see, that's made very little difference in everything I do, everything I say, and the results that I've accumulated in the process. All things that have ensured my forward progress in this company. Nonetheless, I won't do you the same disservice you've done me, because I do take you seriously as I do each and every one of you, but you aren't the extent of my focus. Everything you've said means little to nothing to me, because no matter how many times you speak or utter my name I'll happily deconstruct your little mundane narratives, and blow your kingdom made from dust down every time. It's like I've said, you can be that little town jester at your hearts desire - tell all the little tales of how much you need this, and that nobody will get in your way, and I won't even blink.

I'll just watch on as you fall flat, and fail one more time.

There will be no vindication or validation for you...just another blow to your ego, and another defeat to add to your misery.

This match is the house of Diamond Cage, if we're to take him at his word. So imagine how in the last few years since he claimed this property as being his, how many have come and gone as they pleased winning world titles, basking in the euphoria and glory that such triumphs bring, and cementing their legacies in the duration of time that Diamond Cage has been in and out of this company. He's lost everything, because he allowed it. He even admits that this was the case because he became far too charitable. When you come knocking at the door of Diamond Cage, he opened up and in his morbid depressed state he lets everyone in, allowing them to pretend like he's a nobody, an invisible parasite. Today, Diamond Cage declares that this time will be different. He's went through his trials, he's paid his debts, paid his dues. He deserves that EAW Championship, even as he did little to nothing to earn it. He feels a sense of entitlement, telling us to forget about his past and view him as he is now. Nowadays, the way everyone Diamond Cage is that of an afterthought. The truth is, Diamond Cage is partly right. Things have changed, but it's not today's generation that's grown soft, it's Diamond Cage that's gone soft. From inside the deep grave that he dug for himself so long ago, he speaks and he speaks, but nobody understands what he's saying and what he means more than himself because he's in that grave alone where he belongs. Diamond Cage has dug himself too deep to be able to dig himself out this coming Saturday. He's still got plenty more digging to do. He's not like the rest who already have one foot in their graves. He's already in it, but not to worry Diamond Cage, we'll still entertain every thought that materializes into some form of words with no substance to them, just as we have for many weeks now. It doesn't matter how much you've done for this company, Diamond Cage, because you'll never see everything that you've lost because you are soft. How many times have you said you were going destroy careers if you have to this week, and it meant little to nothing to those who chose to listen? How many times have you said you will not die, you won't quit? How many times have you declared that it's your time? Plenty, right? But here's the thing. You don't stand out from anyone else in this match. You've basically become a narrator in all of this. You've expressed thoughts that everyone is already willing to do, you're not alone my friend. You may believe that nobody can change your course of attack just like that, but that's the nature of the beast. You said it yourself already this week, there's no certainty in anything that any of us do to achieve our goal. Everything will be unpredictable inside of that chamber. There's no guarantees of walking away the victor, just that of all the pain we will have to endure just certain glory, continuing to build on a legacy.

But that time won't come for any of you this week, maybe at all.

Any of you can be anything you so please this week. You can be a needy, arrogant, self entitled little wretch. You can be a desperate, thoughtless rusher. You can be a vagabond that comes around to test the waters every few seasons to show they still got it. You can even be a revolutionist. You can all express so passionately of all that you'll go through just to sit at the apex of this company, and there is no guarantee that it's comes to pass. Even I can freely acknowledge that, but the difference is I have a purpose to fulfill, and fulfill it I will. To shape the future, it's an arduous task to take on, but it's never been a burden, and it never will be. At Road To Redemption, I will take the next steps on these terrains. I will start a new story thereafter.

Continuing to rise forevermore.
Carlos Rosso
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 26th 2017, 1:06 am by Carlos Rosso
The Journey of the “Champion of Life” To the World Championship

Part 7: Legacy

{The Champion of Life is amused. He sits in a gym on a stool, resting after a surprise midnight training session with Stephanie Matsuda, who is wandering around inside the gym in the background. Carlos leans back a little, laughing a bit before he begins to speak, dropping a towel drained with sweat.)

Really, Keelan?

Are you fucking serious right now?

What is my legacy? Motherfucker, what is YOUR legacy? I have more Championships and awards in professional wrestling at the lost and found at the Radisson Hotel in Baton Rouge than you have won in your fucking career. You’ve bene here for what, a year and a half, still no belt? NOTHING to show for your stay? You talk about what I don’t have and what I did years ago, but at least I did SOMETHING. At least I have something that can be left behind to be remembered in Elite Answers Wrestling Lore. What have you done exactly besides get a couple of wins off me that were amazingly cheap? Nothing. You have the occasional win that gets all the little internet dweebs to jack off to your likeness and say you’re their “fave wrestler”, but none of that shit is a real legacy. I’m fighting for a legacy. MY Legacy.

As I pointed out, there is only ONE piece of the puzzle missing for me to join all those wonderful names that you listed and that’s the World Heavyweight Championship. Then, I’ll finally have completed the triple crown in EAW. It’s an accomplishment I’ve pulled off in numerous federations before.

You know, it always kills me that people who have never done anything anywhere, let alone EAW are always the ones who want to chirp about what I haven’t done the loudest. Like they have won something and have the right to say the things that you are saying right now. It really amuses me. I’m not kidding. You couldn’t win the Hardcore Title, you couldn’t win the New Breed title, your tag team venture with your bitch of a girlfriend was a failure, you not only didn’t WIN Cash in the Vault, but the dude who broke your bitch-ass girlfriend in half, YOU TEAMED WITH HIM TO BEAT ME!?....you don’t have the balls to face Amadeus and win the Interwire championship and you think that you’re ready to take down arguably the best World Champion in all of EAW, Jamie O’Hara?

Stephen A. Smith, your thoughts?

Thank you, Stephen. Now, back to what I was saying. Not only did you miss my lesson on evolution and how it’s not immediate. And…. that’s where the laughing stopped. 

That’s when I started noticing some of the stuff that you said earlier.

(Carlos turns for a moment, his eyes scanning over where Stephanie is looking for something near the ring where they had just finished training.)

Carlos: What the hell are you looking for?

Stephanie: Amadeus. And Keelan’s titles.

Carlos: Let me know when you find anything of value?

Stephanie: Sure, but I doubt I ever will….

(Carlos chuckles for a moment before turning around to face the camera once more, the smile and smug look from before gone. He stands up, knocking the stool over.)

You want to know something that pisses me off more than anything though? You act like because you have two wins over me that you’ve done something. Like you actually have my number. 

MOTHERFUCKER, DID I HIT YOU HARD ENOUGH THAT YOU FORGOT WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED IN THOSE MATCHES!? Look at what happened in the match at Territorial Invasion. It took a spear from Lars to save you then. News flash, bitch, I don’t think he’s gonna save you when I have you primed and ready for a Gotch Style pile driver in the elimination chamber. And the death match…. you know, if you search deep within yourself and if you dare to call yourself a man with any shred of integrity that I had you beat, boy. And the only reason why I didn’t finish you was because I wanted to hurt you. I wanted to END you. You managed to save yourself then, but in the Chamber…you will not be so lucky. I will detach myself from this match personally just enough to realize that you going down would mean a lot fucking more to me if it got me one step closer to winning a World Championship than say…ending you slowly. But…. you wanna name drop and shit, huh? You want to tell me all these people that “you consider legends” because you looked up the history on EAW.Com or someone whispered in your ear about it.
























Let me tell you something. Back when all these so-called legends were running shit around here, I was going places that they wouldn’t go, holding titles and giving them more prestige than anyone could have ever imagined. I have been everything everywhere but…. here.


Jamie O'Hara
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 26th 2017, 12:57 am by Jamie O'Hara
Grier came to learn quite quickly, Keelan.

The master manipulator, the puppeteer that has you all bound to strings, forced to dance the dance I desire to see. I’ve done it since day one, so many men defeated before they even step into the ring with me; so easily caught up in their fury. Even look at sweet, innocent TLA, so easily triggered, salty you could argue, over something as simple as calling him a sook; doesn’t take much effort to manipulate someone. See, every man has some core emotion that can provoked; every man has a gaping hole in their stomach that they try to fill with something...anything. Understanding and aiming straight for those weaknesses leads to everything you just experienced. Being stumped, being confused, struggling to form an answer that doesn’t just lead to more questions that can’t be answered, more points with holes to be exploited. It’s quite an easy method to get into the mind of your opponent; they walk so carelessly into the palm of your hand and makes attaining victory so much simpler. But strip away those weaknesses, you must still judge your opponent fairly.

You’ve been around the world, Keelan. Fought everywhere, succeeded everywhere. You’ve failed and you’ve picked yourself up off that dusty floor and dusted yourself off to make the climb to the top once more. I wonder, did those five years retired skew your perception of yourself? You succeeded in all these other players; did you succeed because they were challenging or did you succeed because your opponents were more akin to homeless drunks rather than respectable competitors? Succeeding elsewhere is hardly a legitimate reason for anyone - even yourself - to believe that there’s success in your future once again. Rising to this point is the easy part. So, so often men become disillusioned by their rise to prominence; they believe conquering the champion and claiming the championship is bound to be as easy as it was to get there. But I have no doubt you’re not going to fall into the same, weak mindset that so many have before, huh Keelan? Words only take a man so far and it’s his actions that take him the rest of the way - inside the chamber, with the gold on the line, there’s no greater opportunity to prove yourself to the world that you belong at this stage. But your actions are still days away and I still need a reason to believe. It’s once again you find yourself in this well filled with shit riddled water where I don’t believe you because you don’t have a reason to justify your claim. Your A-Game is better than mine...better than someone who has defeated current and former World Champions, better than someone who has retired Hall of Famers, better than someone who in three years achieved far more than anyone has ever achieved. But why? Have you ever had a young sibling or cousin ask you “why” over and over and over and over again? It’s pretty fucking irritating when the little shit won’t accept the answer but when it comes to this, all of this, that’s what you need to expect. I’m going to ask “Why” over and over again even if it makes you sick. Why do you think you can edge me out in the chamber? Why do you think you can better a living legend of this business? Why do you think your master plan will be so effective against me? Why can’t I say your name correctly? Why aren’t we best friends? And while I certainly question your thoughts, I can’t question your motives. You want to make your name by defeating a legend. Bold. Everyone wants to do that. Everyone wants to be able to stand tall over someone held in such high regard, so highly praised. It’s a certain accelerator to the apex of it all ultimately. We see it all the time, we see it now as Chris Elite dares to dream of defeating Mr. DEDEDE. But the task one undertakes can be costly; legends are legends for a reason, Keelan. Men, closer to that of God then mere mortal have a destructive nature that shouldn’t be tested. There’s plenty in my years who tried to stand in my way of reaching this point; so many careers changed, so many lives changed for the worse and I have no regrets doing any of it. You can fear what I am, channel it into some manifestation of hope but no matter how grand your rise has been, you’re still a league below me in this business. Inside that chamber, if you dare to bring that hope, then I’ll crush it beneath my boot before your very eyes. I will load up my six shooter, place it firmly against your skull and fire a bullet of true belief, scattering your brains all over the canvas like I’ve done to so many before you.

Everything you fear I will become is imminent. This is only the beginning of it all. My reign ends not at Road to Redemption but merely enters a rebirth. I’ve never felt more motivated, more desired to break those records, to enter a new year as champion and reign until my end of days. Come, test yourself and show me the man who was champion everywhere else. Show me the emerging legend, show me everything that makes you great, Cetinich.

I’m sure you and I agree on many things, Carlos.

I should perhaps apologise, you were delusional old fool the last time we met and perception is reality. I never truly cared about anything you’ve done over the years, Carlos. I’ve always just chuckled and moved on with my life every time I heard you came up short in finally succeeding in this company. Perhaps you’ve spent this time bettering yourself and I can hear it in your tone that you’ve returned with far greater confidence, far greater desire. The parallels that exist between the man I face now to the one I fought all that time ago are undeniable; you certainly gave me a run for my money on that night and it seems you’re set to do it again once more. But you see, a lot of people tend to do that. Xavier Williams spent months on the sideline obsessing with destroying me...and yet despite his greater his efforts, the man fell bloodied and conquered at Pain For Pride. You can focus on defeating me, you can train, you can prepare yourself and seemingly be prepared for everything I have to throw at you but the one thing you can’t prepare for is the moment where I don’t stay down. See, since we last met I’ve gone from the top of the mountain, to the fucking bottom of the river below and back to the top. You and I don’t have much in common but I’m sure we’ve both seen the same low point, we’ve both been in the same position - the difference between us is that I rose back to the top and conquered it all once more. I corrected every mistake I ever had in my haste to succeed in this business but if there’s something you can’t deny, it’s that you haven’t done the same. You’ve always made the same mistakes, you’ve always fallen back to that same low wondering what went wrong. To say I’ve merely improved would be a grand understatement. I’m not contempt with merely beating people. You’re quite right that I barely defeated Cameron and TLA; both matches you could say could have ended every differently in the space of a mere second. They’re mistakes, they’re flaws on my record even if people are only ever going to look back at them and remember the fact I walked away victorious above all else. I opened this week with a spill about this idea of wanting to be defeated because it reminds me that I still have more to learn, that I can still push myself to another level in this business but perhaps I don’t need to be defeated to do so, I just need someone like you to question my capability to lay waste to the competition. Perhaps in the chamber, instead of being like so many before me and just simply accepting victory at any cost, I only settle with leaving five in complete and utter fucking ruins.

Other legends.

See, that’s the thing Carlos, putting yourself in the same breath as someone like Jaywalker just shows how grand your ego is and GI Styles’ name hasn’t been uttered in some two years so perhaps I’m struggling to understand the association of the “legend” tag. Had you truly belonged up there, as high as you think you once deserved - and likely still do think - then you wouldn’t have been vying for that briefcase. You had a glorious run with Styles in a tag team; historic and deserving of all the praise. That was as high as your career has and ever will peak. But I’m glad you’ve come to understand that the constant fatality in your valiant efforts to reach the pinnacle rest upon your shoulders; even a broken down, old man like yourself is still someone I want to see better, improved and a viable contender to my championship. Certainly if your body can hold up, can endure the pain and the suffering of the chamber, then Carlos Rosso is absolutely the greatest threat to me in this match. Hell, perhaps I’ve finally found the challenge I’ve been longing for all season. I wouldn’t worry too much about my own health, Carlos. I walked into this same structure with a broken arm in 2015 and still walked out the EAW Champion; I’ve gone through the wars before, I’ve gone into these deadly matches with a handicap and won them more often than not. See, when my body breaks down I keep going and perhaps it’s because I have youth on my side, but with some of the shit I’ve gone through, youth doesn’t really matter. It would be rather idiotic to not view me as a target, a weakened champion but rest assured I don’t let the bumps and bruises I suffer with hold me back. Odds are rarely if ever in my favour, Carlos; I’ve become well adjusted to dealing with the advantages my opponents have and the disadvantages I’m forced to carry. Treat me like a wounded wolf and I’ll still maul you to death before you even lay a finger on me. What Lars did was just something every challenger looks to do; weaken the champion before the match and make that grand, grand statement. No, I’ve taken these beatings more than enough times in just these short two years to know that toughing it out is the only option there is. And there’s a degree of desire to endure such pain, it makes victory all that much sweeter when you can rise back up, absolutely fucked from head to toe and conquer your opponents.

All that effort just to get a title shot? Last year I drove a sledgehammer into two cunt’s skulls and was handed a spot in the Dynasty chamber; I didn’t need to develop an elaborate plan to get there, I just made a statement. Getting that final spot isn’t overly difficult, it never has been. You sound like a deranged fucking lunatic who is on his last ounce of sense; this is legitimately Lucas Johnson level of dumb cunt shit. The losing efforts, tell me, how does any of that strengthen your chance in walking out champion? If you couldn’t beat Cetinich, then please explain why you’re suddenly going to be able to beat me? The more in depth you into your “plan” the more it’s becoming riddled with holes and a lack of logic. It’s almost as if you’re just pulling this shit from your arse but I couldn’t imagine Carlos Rosso doing such a thing! I’m struggling to find the words to respond to this because, for fuck sake, this is one of the dumbest fucking things I’ve heard in the entirety of my career.

Jesus fucking Christ, someone please put this dumb cunt out of his misery...

The effort one takes to maintain his perfect public image. Desperate to dispel any circling rumours, quick to deny anything that may be damaging. And as hard as they fight to protect themselves, the more they become flustered, frustrated by the situation.

They fall to pieces.

Tell me, TLA, when Cameron was handed that title shot at Territorial Invasion, how long did you stew in your own misery in that aids-riddle castle of your’s? I’m sure you sat there and told yourself that you were leagues above her, more deserving than her as took hit after hit to cope with the fact that for a moment you weren’t seen as deserving. I hear it, every L you take you storm into whatever office is present and you tell them that you deserve “better”, that despite copping those L’s you’re not challenged, that TLA isn’t pushed. See there’s the cunt who parades himself as a man trying to be humble and fights for the fans but when the door closes, that same cunt thinks he’s top fucking shit in this business. You expected everything by now and you cannot deny it. You EXPECTED King of Elite. You EXPECTED Grand Rampage. You EXPECTED Cash In The Vault. And you expected the World Heavyweight Championship; all to be delivered on a silver platter just like everything you had “earned” before. And I’m not surprised to see you argue against all that so vigorously; if the TLA that lurks in the shadows emerged into the light for a mere second, then the very reason you’re in this position - your popularity - would plummet to the earth quicker than the Challenger spacecraft. I’m not like Frank Grimes here, going insane because people want to praise a spic like you. Nah, I simply sit back, laugh and allow a little piece of me to die knowing my hands are tied and my destiny is set; no matter how hard I try to fight to keep it from becoming a reality. I accepted long ago that people are just fickle and dumb, bandwagoning on anything that gains a sliver a momentum, of popularity and you are truly no different. I just tend to bury my frustrations deep down until I’m deep within a case and I find myself at 4am singing “YOU’RE FUCKIN SHIIIIIIIIIT!”, more because it’s quite a cunt move to take full advantage of blokes just trying to keep everyone in this business happy, isn’t it? It’s a really, really awful thing to back them into a corner and force them to give you everything you demand; it’s quite selfish and believe it or not, I may be a cunt to someone like you but I don’t bite the hands that feed me quite well in this business.

Clutch to those shadows, TLA. Sooner rather than later, like all that have walked the same road you walk, the world will learn.

Entitled, fragile, pathetic, undeserving; I’m not alone in viewing you like that. Even the people you confide in come to me to laugh and to mock your misery; I mean, how else would I have learned of the grand conspiracy that exists to keep TLA from winning the World Heavyweight Championship? I respected you in January. I respected you when I felt sorry for you as people thought you weren’t deserving to be at the ultimate level of this business; when I knew nothing of what you could or could not do. I gave you the chance to prove to me your worth, your credibility, your legitimacy to becoming a future champion of the world. I respected you less when you couldn’t cop that L. I respected you less when I heard you once more refuse to cop another L later on. Come Burning Desire, there was little respect left but I still treated you with plenty of it. Positive....I was positive with you longer than I ever should have been. But hearing those complaints, those days where you sulked in your house for prepubescent kids because you walked away defeated; how could I respect that? How could I respect someone who shows such a lack of class, a lack of respect? Far from a monster, more just a fly that hangs around in the middle of the hot Australian summer that simply won’t fuck off no matter how many times I swipe at it, no matter how many times I think I’ve crushed it in my grasp. See, you’re purely the best of a pretty fuckin shit bunch of contenders. Any other brand you would still be stuck competing for those mid card titles, champ. Nah, no EAW or AWC title hunts, ya would be stuck facing Darkane and POP and likely getting your arse handed to you by them as badly as I’ve done so. Fuck, would you still be here? The Voltage suits just want to keep everyone happy and enjoy showing up for work, but whose to say the Dynasty or Showdown suits wouldn’t just fire your ass for questioning their integrity like you’ve done? The soft and fragile, egotistical TLA could never survive elsewhere; you needed a low ceiling to reach. I wonder had the powers that be had their time over, would they have made such a power play to bring you to this brand in the draft? I mean, look around, I stand at the top of it all, unmatched, unrivaled in every capacity and you are the next best thing. I’ll admit that, I’ve admitted that all along. It’s quite funny, though. You’ve spewed so much shit over the last ten months, most of it barely contains an ounce of substance and all you have to cling to now are hypotheticals of a possible future. Entertain that shit holmes, it’s about as close to reality as you’re ever going to get.

It’s perhaps too simplistic for my taste but those fantasies will never become reality simply because I am better; in every facet of this business from the ring to this mic I have walked all over you for ten months and I can keep doing this for as long as I damn well fucking please.

For the first time in what seems to be forever, you’re quite right, TLA. What I ask cannot be answered by words and it’s shit that you’ve been tripped up on all this time; it’s shit that plagues the other four men and drives them insane trying to find an answer. It’s shit you prove inside the ring, you prove against me, against the absolute best there is. I’m always going to acknowledge the effort of men who can answer those questions, simply for you, no matter the contest we’ve had you just haven’t been able to prove it. No matter how many times you bounce back up from the dirt, as long as I’m standing here as World Heavyweight Champion, becoming everything you desire, everything that you dream about is going to be a fleeting thing that never arrives. Nah cunt, the journey never gets easier no matter the faults, when you step into my ring I’m always going to be a cut above. No matter how hard you beast, no matter how grand you feast, I’m always going to be further ahead than you’re willing to imagine. Sitting your arse down and being schooled in excelling in this business; I thought you were a half smart cunt ten months ago and would have learnt how to succeed. But nah, it seems you’re more like the dumb cunt who sits at the back and thinks his way is the right way no matter what anyone else. All this time, TLA, you’ve said “Imma go harder than ever before!” and all it's led to is more misery. I’ve had you at every turn, I’ve pulled that victory out from underneath your feet. I’ll do it again inside the chamber, you can bet your arse on that. Once more, I’ll send you to your Poon Palace to be comforted, to have your mental and physical scars tended to, I’ll eagerly await the moment I hear that TLA spat the dummy once more and at some three fourth’s plastered, I’ll clear the vocal cords and sing loud and proud…



J-Dynasty 2?
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 26th 2017, 12:26 am by J-Dynasty 2?
Sorry. For those who call me out for my antics, for those who criticize me for not approaching every little thing with the seriousness that such things apparently demand, for those who shake their fist at me being too into my own “comedic spectacle” instead of the so-called substance of what is around me.  I’m truly sorry.

Sorry for being self aware.

Every now and then, I like to throw a little curve ball out there during the monotonous moments, I like to approach things with a certain level of pomp and circumstance, hell sometimes I’ll even break out in song and dance. Every blue moon, I’ll even lie and be completely out there, don’t you guys remember all those months I spent pretending to be Mr. CITV just to fuck around with Lioncross and it actually got me matches with him? Unbecoming of a champion, I know, trust me the sterner members of the J-Dynasty have told this to me all the time. But not only has it gotten me this far, with a smile to go with my success, I think it makes me the only true artist in this company of so called entertainers.

Life imitates art or does art imitate life? That is a question that has troubled people for a very long time, those who do not even come close to provoking that type of question have no room to tell me how I should act and comport myself. Not that the lion should ever take conduct advice from the sheep in the first place, all I’m saying is that you people who cannot even bring yourselves to laugh at your own foolishness would never come to understand why I do why I do, you call my way of things words like “desperation”.

Am I the only one who sees? That life is full of comedy? That more than half the time this world is a joke? If you ask me, I’m often more serious than I should be.

Perhaps the rest of you don’t see the comedy in it, but isn’t it even slightly amusing that half of you have come to me today speaking of how finally I won’t get away with tainted deeds by using others to get ahead, while speaking out from the other side of your mouths about how me pissing off so many people in this match is going to catch up to me as I the prime target you guys are ready to pounce on and destroy?

For months, people have been building up the idea that Tiberius IV will fall once he has a straight up match with a top contender, yet it is the match with no rules and far from one on one contest that has the world finally saying this is the day Tiberius falls!

The world forgets, I won this championship one on one. The world uses smoke and mirrors to mask the truth, almost all the times I retained my championship I did it with fair numbers, 1 on 1s, and one 3 on 3.

The only person who should be talking about the Triumvirate and the Kings’ Guard is Theron, but he had it coming for not only being a member of the King’s Guard beforehand, but showcasing afterwards that he has no respect for rules and the so called standards of wrestling, even when he’d be wrestling people not involved with me. Yet Heart Break Gal rants endlessly about my factions despite them never showing up in our contests, one in which I retained against her? Rex one of the least accomplished members of the entire match, compares me to the kid at the back of the class not listening to the teacher, apparently in a world where I assume the kids have the degrees and years of experience compared to the teachers with none. Rex says my credibility is the one in question, yet he had the opportunity to make sure I never became king and had a short reign, and he failed at both when he lost to me twice! Theron has a memory problem, otherwise my vow would have been over at Territorial Invasion as he received a championship opportunity again, not Road to Redemption. I told him he’d never have a fair one on one opportunity at my world championship for what he did, and he still doesn’t! Now he walks these halls and can only want to be me, he wants a throne, he wants to look down on others, but he remains right where we last saw each other, in the ashes of the bridge he had to the promise land he wanted, burnt down in his ignorance and spoiled rage. And Diamond Cage goes into an entire love story about himself and the Elimination Chamber, refusing to speak to any of us, just because I silenced him and mused that he probably doesn’t even remember what it’s like to be in the chamber with that small brain of his.
But I don’t get upset with the tomfoolery before me, I know all of you can’t help it. I don’t get mad, I get even. I deal out a dose of your own medicine that you aren’t even aware you dish out, I put on clown shoes because I’m stuck in a clown car with all of you!

But I give you all one last apology, and you’ll hear it at Road to Redemption.

The type of apology some exhausted relative would give to a brain-dead vegetable before pulling the plug.

A whisper to a lower lifeform that can’t understand the death coming to them, sorry.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 26th 2017, 12:00 am by ThePizzaBoy
Road to Redemption Promo 3:The Parting of Ways

The camera opens just inside of a terminal lobby as an airplane whizzes past the window. Sitting silently with his hands pursed, his member's smoking jacket on, and his shades covering his eyes, Pizza Boy darts his head around the gate.  A smile crosses his face as Bo and Tye appear with their bags dragging close behind them and Angelhair on Bo's back in a baby carrier.  Pizza Boy greets them with a hug and let's Bo turn around so he can wave goodbye to the barely conscious Angelhair.  After a few muted words, the couple and their child slowly and reluctantly back away from pleasantries of conversation and eventually find their way through the jet bridge, leaving PB behind with a fleeting smile and a somber posture.  He slowly makes his way back to the lobby seating area and sits down, purses his hands once more, and bows his head.  The cameras rush in just as his eyes lift up to spot them.  Begrudgingly he waves them over.

"So I guess you're here to get my reaction to the latest Nasir Moore excuse? Or maybe you're here to film my reaction to Hurricane Hawk's proclamation of being a bad ass? Too late guys.  I think I've said enough about Nasir Moore to bury a thousand potential friendships, and yet he still comes back acting like he still has something to prove to me.  I'd say I admired it if I bought it, but he wants me to swallow a pill that's meant to be a cow suppository, or at least I think it is considering how caked in bull crap it is.  So you went from being a brainwashed wannabe deity to being the 'Old Nasir Moore' within the span of five days? You expect me to believe you turned your life around in less than a week? You just...woke up and realized "I'm being an incredulous megalomaniac.  Hmm, maybe I should stop telling people that don't believe me that god chose me has his vessel on earth?" Just like that? In a third of a fortnight? I don't think so.  What really happened was that I proved you to be fallible and you had no rhetoric that could excuse your shortcomings.  If you no longer believe yourself to be a god, then it's clear that taking a humbling loss at my hands over and over again played a role in it. So now you're just lost and back to being the victim instead of the god?  You say all of this with your body language and mannerisms screaming of self-doubt, and yet somehow you still want me to take you seriously?  OK.  I'll play ball Nasir.  I'll waive off the last time we were in the ring together as a fluke:I'll pretend that I didn't mercy kill a broken man in the ring less than a week ago because he wasn't putting up the fight that you and everyone else promised I could get out of you.  The slate's clean.  Now all I want to know is who I'm really facing in the chamber? You say it's the 'Old Nas', but who is that? The guy Aren kicked around?  I don't want the old Nas.  I want a new Nas.  I want a self-assured, straight laced, motivated, ass kicking, name taking, takes no crap from anybody Nas.  You want my respect? You want a future where you and I will lock horns in a ring one on one again when 'your head's in the right place?' Materialize that man out of thin air and stuff him in your chamber pod, because the guy I've been looking at for two months now just ain't cuttin' it.  I hate to big league because I despise when people did and still do it to me, but I'm running out of chances to give you Nas because you're running out of excuses for me to believe.  I'll stop with the trash talk though, because I do see your potential.  I see a man who could be world champion if he just believed that he, not a god, not an enchantress, and not some abusive ass hat of a tag partner, could pull his own weight in the ring.  You can Nas.  You're a better wrestler than me, but you lack that determination and heart that people bragged about when you battled Aren.  I told you weeks ago to not let that experience be your defining moment.  I had to pull out of that tailspin and I couldn't accept my place when I finally got my hands on real gold and I didn't want that for you.  I told you that you were destined for things greater than a blood feud with Aren.  I told you that you didn't need to ask any god for anything because you're already blessed with every tool you need to be one of the greats...and you didn't listen.  A voice of experience, a voice of praise, the one positive voice in your dark existence tried to reach out and pull you away from every voice in your head that tells you you're not good enough, and you didn't listen to it.  It begged, it pleaded, and it asked favors that are well within it's pay grade to ask that it doesn't call for often, and that voice kept talking until it got what it wanted all along, and what that voice got isn't what it's ears heard promises of.  I'm all out of fucks to give when it comes to you Nas.  I'm not overlooking you, I just simply see through you.  At this juncture the only way you could earn my respect, not my friendship, not my admiration, but my respect would be if you burst out of that pod like a man possessed and kicked me square in the teeth with enough might to send them into the ether, and take my title away from me.  Otherwise, I ain't seein' it. That potential, that hype, it's all a buncha noise for nothin' without somethin' to back it up."

PB crosses his legs and watches out the window as the 377 for Vermont takes his friends away from him.  His somber grimace turns to a smile as his chest begins to heave with building silent laughter.  He takes off his shades and wipes his eyes.  He stretches his facial expressions to relax  his jaw muscles from his sudden lapse into hysterics.  He slaps his knee and nearly falls back laughing, but pulls it all together and clears his throat.  He slides his shades on and tries not to make direct eye contact with the camera, and holds a stone faced expression that would surely crack if his eyes met the lens.

"Aha...I'm sorry.  I was thinking of Hurricane Hawk's dick swingin' promo.  Oh man, he even brought up me beating him which is something I totally forgot happened.  I almost completely forgot Hurricane Hawk as an entity even happened.  Until he spoke up I legitimately had him confused with someone else that I actually like and respect.  Oh, but you're a scumbag aren't you? Yeah I remember beating you.  I remember coming at you with respect and honor and all that jazz and I remember you spouting the same song and dance back then too.  You're like a disappointed grandfather.  You keep complaining about what's wrong with the world, but you can't seem to muster enough strength or integrity to do anything about it.  I'm sure back in your day a champ had to walk fifteen miles to a show, barefoot, in the snow, up hill both ways and work seven days a week, twice on a Sunday. I'm sure you remember those days considering you've prolonged your career trajectory by taking your ball and going home every few months.  Haha, yeah, you got something to say about my reign then come do something about it.  Like I said to Nasir, talk is cheap to me.  I'm a worker, not a talker.  Come get this work and let your flapping gums take a rest.  Again, I hate to say this, but I'm starting to understand Scott Oasis.  Oh God help me I'm losing my mind.  I'm supposed to be threatened by a bunch of guys who reek of insecurity and false bravado? I'm supposed to fear the armchair champion Hurricane Hawk and Captain Neuroses Nasir Moore? Not to mention Scott himself, who doesn't even seem remotely happy to be in a position to elevate his career!  You guys...haha, you guys are making me HOPE Nico shows up just so I feel like putting up a fight!  Oh man, what happened to the flagship? What happened to Dynasty's Elitists? It seems like as soon as I grow some confidence, everyone else breaks out in yellow fever.  I've got bad news guys:I'm going to make you fight.  I'm going to make you fight like every vet that stretched me until I was forced to fight back when I was coming up.  I'm going to back you into a corner where you'll have to give me at least minimum effort to put a dent in my confidence.  I wont be the champ that beat a division of low self-esteem having cowards.  I refuse!  So go ahead and talk your mess, Hawk.  Tell me that you're going to retire me.  Threaten to expose me as some great sham of a champion despite my months of proving otherwise.  Man, it's a sad day when I'm forced to give a pep talk to my opponents.  Come kick my ass! I need it guys! This being on top crap is killin' me.  I miss being you guys! Oh my god I have lost my mind. I miss fighting from underneath.  I miss match types like this that made me bleed, hurt, and feel alive.  So help me, I miss being beaten within an inch of my life just to keep me away from someone's title for one more day.  If you guys don't have that kind of spirit and devotion, and I'm talking to Senn and Diamond when I say this as well, then you may as well fill the pods with capitalizing bastards like Nico and delusional, if not spirited, douche canoes like Hawk.  Thank you Hawk! Thank you for coming back for this! Thank you for showing some resistance that isn't all about proving yourself or collecting a paycheck.  Thank you for making this about my belt wrapping around that hearty hog bearing waist of yours.  Swing that sausage link all you want, man.  Maybe it'll slap some of the other guys in the face and wake their asses up.  Aaagh! fucking hell! I shouldn't have talk people into trying to destroy me for one of the most prestigious belts in EAW!  WAKE UP!"

As Pizza Boy stands in the center of the terminal, clenching his fist and stomping his foot, a TSA agent approaches cautiously and taps him on the shoulder. PB snaps around to face them.

PB: WHAT!?! Oh..uhm sorry.

TSA Agent: I'm going to let that slide on the grounds that I know who you are and I want an autograph, but you need to calm your ass down Pizza Boy.  We're in post-9/11 America.  Can't be showing out like this in an airport man.

PB:  I'm sorry.  I'm sorry.  You're right.  I apologize.  Uhm.  I think I left my championship at check-in just to avoid setting off metal detectors.

TSA Agent: Oh, I have it right here.

The TSA agent opens their windbreaker to reveal the title wrapped tightly around their waist.  Pizza Boy claps his hands in approval and readies to take a picture with the self-appointed champion of the TSA.

PB: Can someone take a photo for us?

TSA Agent: Someone BETTER take a photo if they don't want me going through THEIR shit.

?????: Sure, I'll do it.

Pizza Boy snaps around at the sound of a familiar female voice.  Fertility snatches the cell phone out of TSA's hand and snaps off a shot.  She tosses it to the smitten and slack jawed TSA and takes the seat next to PB's in the lobby.

TSA: Did, uh, someone pat you down miss?

Fertility Lynch: Lay a hand on me without paying and you'll be an MIA TSA.

PB: Uhm, let's go to the bar.

Fertility Lynch: I can't.  I just came to say goodbye.

PB: Wha-wait. Goodbye?

Fertility Lynch: Yeah.  My work here is done...or at least as done as it can be considering we lost Rhea, but I think you're a finished product.

PB: That's bittersweet to hear.  I just saw off Bo and Tye.  With you gone too, Rhea back home, and Daryl on the run, that really doesn't leave me anybody here.

Fertility Lynch: So? Go somewhere else.

PB: Where? Vermont?

Fertility Lynch: Why? You want to go to Vermont?

PB: Well, no.  I'll miss them though.

Fertility Lynch: How 'bout you go somewhere you wanna go instead of living for other people?

PB:...like where?

Lynch sighs and reaches into her purse and pulls out a plane ticket and plants it on PB's chest and turns to walk off.  PB stares at the tickets confusedly, then runs to catch up.

PB: Where am I going?

Fertility Lynch: Terminal 8 I think.

PB: No, I mean where do these tickets take me?

Fertility Lynch: Does it matter?

PB: Uh, yeah.

Fertility Lynch: Why? You have no place else to go but where those ticket tell you to.  Like you said, there's nothing and no one here for you in New York.  Anywhere else would be a fresh start and an improvement to sulking in a burned out pit where a pizza joint used to be. 

PB stares at the tickets blankly, then to Lynch, like a child asking or permission.  She lets out a frustrated sigh, grabs him by the shoulders, and turns him around and points him in the right direction.

Fertility Lynch: GO THERE!

PB: Alright, alright! I'm going.

Fertility Lynch: It defeats the purpose of living for yourself if someone else has to tell you how to do you know?

PB: OK.  What about you? Were these tickets for you?

Fertility Lynch: Every ticket is for me.  I'll stay here a few more days though if you leaving gets you out of your rut.  I'm sure I can drum up some wet work in the business capital of the world. Go have fun for once, and if you're lucky...

Lynch slides off PB's shades and flips them onto her own face.  With a cocky grin she pops him on the ass with an encouraging 'atta boy gently shoves him toward terminal 8.

Fertility Lynch: "and I mean really, really lucky, you'll never see me again.  Goodbye Andrew."

PB stands frozen in his tracks, looking over his shoulder at Lynch like a dog in a coming of age movie being chased off by a well intending owner.  Lynch rolls her eyes behind the dark frames and points toward the terminal once more.

Fertility Lynch: GOODBYE ANDREW!

PB: Alright, I'm gone.

PB starts to walk,stutter steps and looks back.  Lynch shakes her head in disgust, yanks off a heel, and lunges at him with it.  PB barely dodges a swing and books it toward the terminal.  Lynch smiles and slides her heel back on.  The TSA agent rushes after PB.


Lynch smirks and whips out her cell phone as she disappears into a crowd of people unloading from an incoming flight.

"Hey.  He's headed your way."
вrσdч spαrks .
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 11:29 pm by вrσdч spαrks .
EAW Promoz! - Page 19 B22359HB_o

You speak far too much before actually listening. So you really want to say outside forces and relationships don’t exist? As if there's something stopping Azumi and Haruna from taking you out first if they really desired to? Yeah, I guess they will forget that they're married, I guess they will forget their hatred for you, just to suit the scenario you’ve envisioned. I have become so numb to the hypocritical words that spew from your mouth every single week. It’s almost as if they don’t affect me. It’s the same old Aria, saying the same old shit, making her same old illogical points. It’s Aria consistently being the kettle calling the pot black, all to fulfill her own ego. Yet I’m the narcissist when all you know how to do is make every single thing about you. I will talk down to you because logic seems to be something you can’t quite get a grasp on. I will talk down to you because you fail to see valid points that linger right over your face. I wasn’t the one who was walking into a chamber match she lost, claiming she’s one-hundred percent positive she will win because her “will and drive”, those generic "I’m an independent woman chasing my dream", hero tropes, exist. That was you. I merely pointed out the flaw in your logic and even still you’re so misguided and blind that you couldn’t realize that. Instead, without thinking and using that thing between our ears called a brain, you automatically assume that-that point pertained to me. How you of all people can call me a narcissist is entertaining. I do make everything about me, but unlike you, I don’t hide it. I don’t try to divert from that, but you? You’re so caught up on being this absolute woman, with this “I can do anything I put my mind to” attitude, that you hide from the truth. I hate to be the one to break it you Aria, but what you were taught as a child was a lie. You simply cannot do anything and everything you put your mind to. If so, you would have won the Specialist Title, you would have retained against the Heart Break Gal, and you would have won the Women’s title the first two times you failed at doing so. Why do you feel like everything is about you? Winning against you never mattered to me, darling. It did not matter who I ended up pinning last year. I still walked out the winner, but here you are doing what you do best, making everything in the world somehow revolve around you. You're the sun, and we're just the planets that revolve around you. That explains the forehead, it’s filled with your ego! Am I just somebody else on the payroll? Or am I the same woman who kicked the ass of our soon to be former Women’s champion? I just adore how you try to dismiss me, it’s just those insecurities lurking up on you. Look at you making the same mistakes you did last year. I don’t let the past define me, but I have learned from the past, and you haven’t Aria. So what is your point? You won’t even acknowledge the fact that you just might end up losing again, you’d rather push that away, and pretend that everything is fine. Assume that you could actually walk out with that title still. Rather than realize that you have five other women, including me who has beaten you in this environment, in this match with you. Don't put words in my mouth. I was never content at just coming back. I was blindsided and taken out, and congratulations on winning in a match that required other people beating the last woman you pinned. I am so happy you're proud of that moment. You have no place in commenting on me watching Conseula pin April. It wasn't my fault April ate that pin, I was never pinned, darling. That holds no scar in my heart. Turning a negative into a positive is my specialty. Turning shit into gold is what I do best. Trust me Aria, I have nothing to lose here. Beating you in this chamber is something I have already done. You're the only person in this match gambling. Your title is on the line, I don't risk the chance of losing a title. You do. I'm not the one whose first attempt at winning in this structure failed. You're the one set out to make sure this "sophomore jinx" won't happen again. You may think that you're going to even the score between us in this match, but you won't. Those manicured hands won't mean a damn thing when you're locked in a cage with me. You’re a coward's woman, who refuses to see reality. You choose to see what your ego wants you to. Babe, it’s not a “Brody Sparks invention”, but clearly it isn’t an Aria Jaxon invention. I do think it’s followed you Aria. Everyone remembers their biggest losses. I know it’s keeping you up at night considering that you constantly hype yourself up, you talk extensively about me, and you’re  trying so hard to seem unfazed by it when you know that this year, you could lose more than the chance to be Specialists Champion. You seem to think that me wanting to prove myself has to do with me caring what others think. I don’t darling, I just take great pleasure in making all of you women feel lesser compared to me, and I do an incredible job at it, judging by how defensive you’ve gotten. You’d like to believe that I care what people think, you’d love nothing more than to pin your insecurities on me. You must think I am like, denser than a black hole. Aw, are you upset? Does it bother you that I’ve put you down like the dog you are? Tough shit Aria, you were just boasting about how tough you have to be, yet I guess you aren’t as tough as you proclaimed to be. It truly doesn’t piss me off Aria. It’s more so disappointment because you’re still being the same old blind Aria who can't see her own faults and won't address logical arguments. Copied and pasted narrative? I’m not the one walking into a match I’ve lost, claiming I’m going to win. I’m not the one who tried justifying that by saying everyone talks a big game. Reminds me of the same old argument you made this time last year. Even so, you’re just making zero sense babe, because if you believe everyone talks a big game, why can’t I? Or is that only an Aria Jaxon exclusive? Do you see where your points overlap each other? Do you see why I drill it into your ignorant head that you haven’t learned a damn thing from last year’s go-round? I don't need to copy paste my arguments just because I enjoy the sound of my voice. The fact you need to do that so quickly shows how weak you are, how unprepared you are. Tell me something new Aria. It’s almost like having to teach a child right from wrong. It’s almost like I have to step by step expand your mind to seeing truth, because you’re too dense to pick up on things on your own. I don’t care what people think, but I know you do. Always mentioning your Hall Of Fame resume, always mentioning being seen as the best. Why do you care so much, that you need to remind the world? I’m not dealing with the same woman I dealt with last year? With those same old tired arguments and statements you keep making? I forget how much of a comedian you can be. “Complacency kills and so do I” Oh how edgy! I love it baby, I do.  Aria Jaxon is literally the definition of complacency. All you talk about is keeping the title, not doing anything more other than that and “proving you aren’t  the same as last year”, which you are judging by how you’re acting. I want to elevate myself, babe, I want to be the best, I wish to better myself, but you? You just want to stay the same. Sounds pretty complacent to me. "In the event of us being the final two, you can feel free to turn on autopilot, cross your fingers, and hope for a conclusion that you’re happy with." like you do? Like you have this entire time? "The only timeline that matters is the one where my reign continues" there goes that complacency rearing its ugly head again. You are destined for that. That is exactly what you’re heading for. You yourself have said that you haven’t had a huge development in the past, so you are destined for either some kind of downfall or spiral up - and since you think you’re the best, there’s only one way down for you babe. Hold on, Aria Jaxon, admitting flaws? I’m pretty sure if that ever had happened, it would be a national holiday. I don’t give consolation prizes for something you believe you do. I’m going to need some examples here babe, because I am actually speechless. And not just because I’m shocked, but because I can’t see any examples to speak of. Damage control is rich coming from you. Oh so NOW you admit the truth. I started that chain reaction. Now you actually might be listening rather than just running your mouth. Oh but, nope, I’m wrong "It’s fair to say that the aftermath of last year’s Chamber kicked off the chain reaction that ended with me becoming Women’s World Champion. " so by that logic, me losing this time, which is what you want, will likely set off a chain reaction leading to me becoming Women’s Champion? Okay. But I really do love how you seem to tell me that I don't bother you, that I'm not a threat to you Aria, but yet and still with every opportunity you have, with every chance you get, you speak of me without me even having to mention your name. It’s pretty much the definition of being a hypocrite when someone who came from two stables that were nothing, that did nothing, has the audacity to comment on a stable that actually held titles, during its period of time. A stable that actually did something in each division between the male and the females,it's so funny that the woman who failed in two different stables has the gall to talk The Sanatorium,  but I don't bother you right? I'm not a threat to you right? Okay, you're the queen right? So everything you say must be right, everything you say must be an actual fact, even though I continue to give you the valid points that you cannot counter; that everything you say must be the law, well sweetie you can be The Queen, and you can sit high at the top of your throne, but at Road To Redemption, I will be Queen Of The Chamber.

Curiosity is such an overwhelming feeling. My curiosity is on the rise, because we all get the chance to bring our own little toys into this chamber. Last year, I really wanted to make a statement, and I did. I bought a weapon that not only brought a smile on my face when I was bashing on Cameron Ella Ava, but something that truly had set me apart from everyone else. There are so many methods of causing pain, so many tools, so many objects that could be made to perfection to cause the easiest wound, scratch, and blow. The world had witnessed so many unique weapons be brought into the fun little chamber we all get to compete in. From Y2Impact’s infamous bucket of salt, used to create nothing short of mayhem, to RoViper’s unexpected Hot Dog stand, that surely had taken everyone’s breath away, to Tyler Parker’s epic glass triforce that no one could say they were prepared for. In this match, literally anything is possible. Anything can be entering that ring with you. This match has an element of surprise that is beyond comparable to any other match in this company’s history. You basically walk into that chamber knowing you could lose skin, you could break a bone, and you could be carried away in a stretcher. You could lose your pride, your heart and your soul. It’s worth it for the gold. It’s so amazing how all of us are so willing and ready to put our lives on the line for the gold. That’s what makes that Women’s Title so prestigious. Moments and matches like this, showing just how important that title is to us. I get the best of both worlds. The barbaric nature of this chamber is something not everyone is made for. That includes you Azumi. Even if I were to agree that if you stepped into a ring with someone, you would win because you are The Ace, you are the best wrestler, and wrestling is something you live and you breathe. It’s what you know, and even if I did tell you that, even if it that was the case, that wouldn’t matter, because that’s not the scenario you’re going to find yourself in at Road To Redemption. Any other match you’ve worked prior to being in this company, any other match you were in while you even were in this company, all of them pale in comparison to the Extreme Elimination Chamber. Something I really don’t think anyone else realizes. If I had a sign hanging above me, it would say “something new”. We all know with the departure of so many women in our division, that new stars will be made, and Azumi, I love to break it to you, believe me babe, that won’t be you. Why not Azumi Goto? It’s simple, because when people think of Azumi Goto, they don’t get that same feeling of their heart skipping a beat. I have to give the devil her due, and while I don’t understand why the people love her so much, they would literally let Aria spit in their mouth to taste her. When people hear my name, they might have some negative things to say, but good or bad, my name is still in their mouth. I am still infiltrating their minds. With you? It’s almost like passing a store with a sale, sure you could walk in and admire it, but then you realize, there’s nothing special about this sale extravaganza, that wouldn’t be in the next. There’s nothing different in you Azumi, that can’t be seen in other irrelevant woman in our division. I will give you your credit for sticking around, and being so loyal, but sticking around and loyalty, and just existing isn’t going to make you take that spot. You have to prove you are worthy of it, and you are far from being worthy of it. I certainly won’t try to appease your feelings and lie to you by telling you, you are. I’m not a cult favorite, the people don’t want to see me win Azumi. The idiotic fans every week boo me, they don’t appreciate a woman like me, they don’t even respect me, but I never cared about that Azumi. Everyone knows that the fans sitting in attendance will want their Aria doll winning, but I plan on crushing their pathetic virgin dreams. People don’t have to like me to know that I am good and worthy of being here and worthy of winning that title, it’s not being a cult favorite, it’s me constantly busting my ass week after week, getting back up and making an example out of bitches like you. Azumi you can continue to tell yourself that you’re the best, but at Road To Redemption, I will show you exactly why you’re not.

Are you really sure that you can believe that nothing is impossible? Haruna, when it comes to our little special relationship that we have, do you genuinely believe that nothing is impossible? I have to ask you because you don't have any proof. You can say that you believe in yourself, you believe you can do it but you don't have the credentials to back that up like I do. Darling, you yourself have said that I am a challenging opponent. That I am a good opponent,  please tell me, babe, please educate me on the fact that you can beat me. Prove it to me and tell me you can defeat me when we already went down this road before. Please, do lie. How do you expect to walk out as the winner beyond thinking that you can do it and beyond thinking that you believe that you can do it? You don't have the credibility that I have. I have been in this sort of environment before, I have beaten you before. I don't need to just, believe that I'm going to do it because I know that I am going to do it; there's a difference in believing you can do something and actually following suit and doing it. You’re almost as bad Savannah. Speaking of, truth be told Savannah, I know exactly how you feel. I know exactly what it means to be placed into an opportunity where other people don't think you are deserving of the said opportunity. I know exactly what it feels like when you're surrounded by a bunch of people who don't think you're worth anything. The feeling is all too familiar, but instead of complaining and trying to get some sympathetic treatment, I let them know the truth. That I would be the woman who would walk out of that chamber as the winner. Instead of complaining, why don't you talk about the fact that you were given this opportunity so quickly? Think about it for a moment, you are a very, very fortunate woman and all you can do is sit here and talk about how people are doubting you and that all your family has been your biggest supporter as if that matters to me. I don't have sympathy for you because I was in your shoes last year.  You don't even care to do this for yourself, all you care to do this for is for the people who are behind you, because of the people who doubt you. You don't want this because this means the world to you, you want this because of how other people are behind you and look at you. You only do this because you don’t want to let others down. I want this because I know I'm the best woman in this match and I know that me getting this title is my destiny. It is my role to fulfill,  it is what I need to solidify myself as the woman who rules Empire. I have a need for it but you have a want and even your wants and desires they don't really matter to you. They most certainly cannot compare to mine. They don't really concern you, it reflects off of other people's opinions. You think I care how many people are rallying behind me? Proving people wrong is always something I naturally do but it's also not necessarily about proving them wrong, but it's also about just rubbing it in their faces. Constantly bragging and boasting about myself and backing it up. This isn't about me caring who's going to rally behind me and who’s going to cheer for me and who's going to want me to win, and definitely not about who’s going to want me to lose. All that matters is what I know. Knowing that I will walk out with that Women's Championship that's what it's about for me, along with some fun, along with some games. Hurting and bruising a couple of egos, crushing some dreams and physically putting someone out for weeks to months. Gross, you sound like an elementary school student, “sticks and stones”, honestly? Seriously Savannah? You poor misguided thing. When you're not out here eating candy and acting delusional and acting like a thirteen-year-old girl, you're just sitting there trying to make friends with people who don't want anything to do with you. This business is not about making friends, you're lucky if you have one friend by the time you retire. You think Aria is your friend now, but don’t think she wouldn’t try to end you if you got too close to the title.
Cameron Ella Ava
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 11:13 pm by Cameron Ella Ava





Fuck, I sound like the sheep you were able to manipulate, Ironico. Besides you or Finnegan, only idiots would believe that you have what it takes to take us down. I was shocked that you even bothered to respond. I guess, it took some time to realize how important this match is between our respective teams. The stakes are high. Tensions are high. I hope that you finally realize that you’re not facing Cody Marshall and Shaker Jones in the finals. You’re facing Di Consentes. You’re facing two women who have run roughshod through the Grand Prix. Two women who are keen to make history this weekend. You out of the four competitors in this match had never experience what it is like to adapt when the stakes are high. You could say that you did with your match against Finnegan, but I don’t consider him as remotely decent competition. Hell, I’m not sweating with you either. Once you remove that uglyass mask, you know that whatever you say is going to get you in trouble. You are no longer hiding your face. You are finding yourself exposed to any sort of retaliation anyone desires. That’s what you bother to pick on hotheads like Cody Marshall. That’s why you bother to say half of the things you’re saying to me right now. It’s not like I know what you look like. It’s not like I can find you on the streets. Nah, once you remove the mask, so does does the persona. So does what makes El Ironico somewhat interesting to some people. I mean, do you think that I or anyone else would give a damn about you without the mask? Nah, you would just be like every generic new breed that graces in EAW. You’ll be an afterthought. You’ll be something that is not worth our time. You’ll just be like your lose partner, Finnegan Wakefield before he got himself a New Breed Championship. You know? A championship you couldn’t even claim from your best friend? I mean, does that makes Finnegan better than you? Does that make Finnegan the stronger link of We are the Bollocks? If he is, what does that say for your tag team? I mean, you two are already one of the lower tag teams we could have faced in the finals. I mean, we’d rather face a couple of bigots than some team consisting of a drunk trying to say something compelling. In your mind, you’re talking about anything besides the match itself. Why is that Ironico? Why are you glossing away from the topic that Di Consentes is the superior tag team to We are the Bollocks? Why are you turning the other way when I constantly talk about your lack of accomplishments in EAW so far? Before you and Finnegan formed a team, did anyone give a damn about you? No, you were nothing more than a comedy character. You were nothing more than some amatur wrestler with no direction whatsoever on Voltage. You were scratching and clawing for that extra camera time. You would have done anything to get noticed. I mean, “The El Ironico Show”? In what part of your mind did you think that was a good idea? The show is pathetic. It’s a waste of time. It did nothing for you. It only served as another purpose to humiliate yourself in front of millions of viewers at home. This is basically what you and Finnegan can expect for yourselfs at Road to Redemption. Di Consentes wants to humiliate you two. Di Consentes wants to crush any dreams that the two of you could have. We want to crush them and burn them to the ground. It’s laughable that you pretend to be the fearless hero of this match! You are planning to slaughter these two Goddesses with all of your might! You want to hurt us? I’d like to see you fucking try. You swing after us. We’ll swing twice as hard. This is not a game with us. This is not something to laugh about. This is history in the making. This is another great opportunity to separate ourselves from the women on Empire. We’re not going to allow the likes of you to get in the way of that. We’re not going to allow ourselves to taste defeat against a team who needs to scream to the heavens that they’re good enough to stand in the ring against us. It’s almost a pathetic attempt from the two of you to make us take the two of you seriously. Yeah, it’s not translating well from our side. We’re going to need you to try again.




Oh Finnegan, that’s the thing with friendships. They always get tainted one way or another. It’s a part of EAW history. Jamie O’Hara and Xavier Williams; Robbie V and Brian Daniels; Carson Ramsay and Kenny Drake. That’s the thing with friendships or even partnerships in your case, they always cease to break off eventually. The Heart Break Gal and I. We spent the majority of our careers at each other’s throats. We couldn’t stand each other once upon a time. We wanted the Vixens Championship so bad that we would have killed the other to attain the goal. When the Grand Prix was announced, I went to the Heart Break Gal. I went to a woman with the same goals and desires as myself. We both want to be World Champions. We both want to be on top of the mountain again. I know, there will come a day where we both go on our separate paths. I fully acknowledge the fact that she will destroy her five other competitors this weekend. I have full confidence that she’ll have the energy to obliterate two more in We are the Bollocks. There are four people in my life that you should never touch: my boyfriend, my family, my friends and you never fucking touch my tag partner if you want to live. The Heart Break Gal is off limits. You don’t want to piss her off. Trust me, one drop of blood drops from her and you will never live to tell the story. If I don’t destroy you, she’ll find a way to eviscerate you. This isn’t arrogance coming out of lips. This isn’t some way to get you to shit your pants. Nah, we want to face you and Ironico at your best. I don’t want any excuses from your side once Di Consentes win the Grand Prix. I don’t want you to bitch on social media. I don’t want any shade to come out of your mouths. I want the two of you to finally admit for once in your lives that you were bested by two women. Two women who have done more in their careers than what you two can desire to accomplish. Di Consentes are not the ones in need of a “reality check”. We see very clearly. We see our goals. We see our desires. We saw our arms raised in victory as our boots squash the last remains of We are the Bollocks. You’re undefeated as a team? Well so are Di Consentes. You can’t use that as leverage, Finnegan. We are in the exact same boat as you two. We are looking to finally prove to you once and for all that The Heart Break Gal and I are the better team. Your goal as a team is not to prove that you can defeat us, Finnegan. Your goal as a team is to prove that you can hang with us. Let me give you a spoiler: you can’t hang with us. You can’t defeat us. You couldn’t even put me away when it matters. The moment you let that anger into your mind, the match is ours from the taking. Our veteran experience will finally prove to your new breeds that you have nothing on us.  HBG already stressed that enough with you, but I’ll say it again. You have nothing on us. Every little fact that you bring up about us, we’ll continue to counter. We’ll continue to back it up with our fearful words. You may not believe in Di Consentes yet. I mean, every other team before us was like that. Every other team wanted to doubt us as a team. Every team was wrong in doubting us. You’re just like every other team. We know that you’ll respond by trying to convince us that you and Ironico are different. That we should take you seriously, but I’m not convinced so far. Odds are-we’ll never be convinced by you and you should be ashamed of that. A few more days until we approach the 100th FPV and it’s going to be one for the history books. Too bad it won’t be written with a victory against Di Consentes.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 11:10 pm by Keelan
Damn, this is some bullshit. I’m sitting in my hotel room in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with NO INTERNET. I thought this city was better than that. I’ve been trying to work out how I can send this message to my opponents the past day and a half. I don’t want you all to think I’ve given up, because I’ve managed to find a way.

Carlos Rosso: you want to cement your legacy? And what legacy would that be, then? You have proven that you can carry yourself but that was years ago, Carlos. What are you able to do lately of any utter importance? In the last two years, anything? Anything at all? Go on, I’ll wait. If you’ve really changed and evolved with the times, a man such as yourself surely would be a champion by now, right? That’s the way you are bringing yourself across, but even a blind person can see that you’re nothing more than a washed up has-been without a fucking clue. I mean, you firstly didn’t even qualify for this match you just somehow managed to talk your way in. Either Kenny Drake is an idiot, or is a very smart individual. I’m taking the latter. I think he put you in here for amusement, because there are five guys in this chamber that want to beat the hell out of you. When people like back on EAW legacies, they think of Y2Impact, MaK, CM Bank$, Mr. DEDEDE, Robbie V, Brian Daniels, I can go on. They think of people who matter. Do they ever think of… Carlos Rosso?! I mean, come on. People forgot who the fuck you were until you made a “surprise” return on Voltage earlier in the season. You are so full of yourself and it’s hilarious to think you are at the level of those greats. You think you’re so fucking elite? Then how have I managed to beat you twice? What does that make me? That question was rhetorical because I know what it makes me. You can try with all your might to keep my shoulders pinned for longer than three seconds, but much like our last two encounters, I will overcome the physicality I am sure you’re going to try and give me. Just like I always do. And I’ll be damned if I let Voltage fall into the hands of YOU Carlos. I’d much rather Shaker Jones as world champion than you, and when you are eliminated from the match, I really, REALLY hope you fade away and never come back so the embarrassment  you’re giving yourself won’t continue to grow more and more severe as time moves forward.

I’ll be honest man, I am stuck. Lars Grier isn’t making this easy for me, but that’s not props to him. His stupidity just continues to shine in his words. Lars, for the love of all that is fucking holy, why do you open your mouth if you’re just going to continue to say the same shit over and over? You want to talk about hypocrisy? You want to talk about a lack of evidence? Where’s all of your evidence then, huh? I’ve provided what I feel is enough evidence to support my claims but all you’ve done is ignore that just to try and make me look like an idiot. This is why I said you’re twisting my words, and I don’t know why you’re out here denying it. Where is your evidence to show that I’m a hypocrite? In what way am I a hypocrite? You say that you despise all hypocrites and yet you are one, because you’re out here blaming me for things that you yourself have done too. A few days ago you said my words aren’t fact checked or self edited, and I asked you to provide me with evidence to support that, and yet you still haven’t. So I guess that’s an example of you not staying true to your word, right? Man I wasn’t going to bother much with you this week but you’re just making it too easy that I just feel like responding to you and calling you out is necessary just to show the lack of a man you truly are. I’d rather just kick your ass in the ring and remind you of how you fell to me all those weeks ago - THAT is part of the supporting evidence of how I am better than you, by the way - and end your hopes and dreams of becoming champion. I have said it over and over that yes, we both don’t have the milestones to showcase and we share that similarity, but you want to keep bringing it up, and for what? Nobody is believing anything you’re saying so why do you feel the need to continue to repeat it? Again, and hopefully this will be the last time I’ll have to say this to you, but the reason that I KNOW I am better than you, Lars, is because of the position I’m in. Again, I was team captain at Territorial Invasion. Again, I let you get that final pinfall resulting in you choosing to be in this match. Again, I had the keys to your career at that point held within the palm of my hands. Again, I defeated you to kick off season 11. And AGAIN, I have said that I want you to prove me wrong in this regard. I want you to. Yes sure you might not be the same in-ring competitor you were in that match we had, but neither am I. In fact, I’ve only gotten better, and if you’ve only gotten better too, then it still puts me above you. If I’ve got the main event talent of Jamie and TLA telling me that I’m as good as they are, then why do you continue to say that I’m not better than you are? You’re not as good as them, but I know you can be. So try doing a little more research and putting a little more time and effort into things before coming at me with your redundant, ridiculous, retarded points that you have.

And as for Jamie? I’ll be honest, the last you spoke of me it really threw me back. I’ve been trying to articulate a way to respond to you but I just haven’t found a way. The way you speak and the way you word your sentences are quite incredible, and you have all the best points you could make about just about everybody here. This is why you’re the champion, right? This is why you’ve been the champion for, what, 194 days now? This “dumb cunt” plan I have may just seem like that to you, but to me I am confident that it will work, and if it doesn’t, then I’ll be the first to admit that it was a failed attempt of a strategic plan to take you down. Again, I’m not prone to the feeling of failure. I’ve faced it before many of times, and I am sure I’m going to face it a hell of a lot more down the line, but I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, every time I get knocked back down I just get back up stronger and better than ever. I was retired for five years before making my return to active competition, signing with EAW and trying to make a name for myself again. And after nearly a year and a half, I am quite happy about the position I’ve been able to make it to. It’s been a slow process but I’ve managed to reach the top of Voltage as a menacing and skilled active member of the roster here on the yellow brand. If you think my plan is going to fail Jamie, then that’s fine. Honestly, I’d be questioning if you had said that my plan would follow through with success. I feel like anything I’m just going to say to you from now on is going to be irrelevant to you, so I am ready to show you that my 100% A-Game will stump yours inside the chamber this weekend at Road to Redemption. I’m going to let my actions speak louder than my words ever could. I know I’m ready for this; more ready than any other challenger you’ve got to face. You’ve thrown your weaknesses out in the open and you know I’m going to do my best to exploit them, if not by my verbal abuse than by my physical ones. You and I are both veterans in the wrestling business, and if whether or not that matters to you, I am going to show you exactly why I’ve been a world champion in every single other promotion I’ve been in apart from the one we both share. For you see, you might have an obsession to be up there among the greats and that you’d push to do anything to continue down that road, but I look at you, Jamie, and I see that you already ARE up there with the greats here in EAW. And that’s what is going to drive me to do the seemingly impossible. Lars, Carlos, TLA and Amadeus, they all secretly fear you. TLA fears the fact that he might fall to you once again and might end up lost in the loop when Road to Redemption is over. Lars fears the fact that what he think is his best verbal assaults are being stumped by you and everybody here, and now he’s thinking that he’s got nothing good to bring for the rest of the week, leaving him with the only option but to fight in the ring. However, we all have beaten him before, so I feel his crusade will end sooner than he thinks it will. Carlos fears you and always has. He’s mentally retarded, but even he knows that deep down inside his legacy is not as good as the others here in EAW and yet he wants to say otherwise. He’s old, and washed up, and there’s nothing he can say nor do to prove himself worthy over you, or anybody else in this match for that matter. Amadeus’ fears are being showcased for the world to see right now, because he’s still continued to be silent throughout all this, and I think he feels that he is just not ready to step inside that chamber and try and best you. As for me? Well, I’ll admit it, I do fear you, Jamie. I fear everything you are. I fear what you might become if you win this weekend, and go on to become the longest reigning EAW world heavyweight champion of all time. I fear you might be the champion forever, and I fear it might overwhelm even yourself to the point where you might be unbeatable. But the biggest difference between me and everybody else in this match is that I’m not running from my fears. I’ve learned overtime that confronting and defeating my fears head-on is what’s just going to make me a better person in the end, and you can bet your fucking ass that’s exactly what I am going to do inside that chamber. In order to escape fear, I must go through it, and Jamie, I am ready to go through you and take the thing that YOU are so desperately fearing of losing.

Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 10:46 pm by Mr. DEDEDE
The most important thing in business is maintaining a sense of honesty. 

That's why I want to keep things honest and keep it a buck with you at all times Chris. Even if it sounds like I'm disparaging you - which most of the time I probably am - I don't intend to keep a dishonest dialogue with you. I want better rapport than that, because what you and I have built together is just my latest successful investment, and the first rule of business is to protect your investment at all costs. Every CEO and board member understands this much; but the prototypical pro wrestling former wrestler turned suit doesn't quite yet grasp that too well, which is why there are figures of authority like Kenny Drake who will make decisions based upon emotion, and why these middle management figures need to be groomed by more established figures of authority like me who understand how to separate emotion from logic and delineate a potential worthy investment from an in over his head, loud mouth, punk ass nuisance such as yourself. A true mind in business can see the profit in every talent if approached from the right perspective and in the right time, even when it's talent as historically underachieving and unprofitable as you, because when it comes to profit margin it doesn't take a CFO with a PH.D in economics to understand the value in such overwhelming public response like the kind that you elicit. What's just as important as protecting the investment is always making sure that there's a profit, and you've done your part to make me more wealthy.

I'm not in this to dump on you Chris, I'm here to make money with you. None of this exalts me in the end, the world understands how great I am. The Mr. DEDEDE name brand is a household name, it doesn't lose value over time, because familiarity - while oft met with contempt - eventually settles into what's known as self sustaining profit. I don't benefit personally from stomping you out like the little bug that you are, just like McDonalds doesn't make another billion dollars from szechuan sauce, it's nothing more than a side project to generate cash and perhaps garner some attention. Even if I'm personally inclined to whoop your ass just on some man-to-man type shit, it doesn't hold any bearing on the long term effects of my legacy. The fact that you feel this match should have an element of "Extreme" is a sign that you've grossly misrepresented what this match really is. I don't know if you're just an idiot and don't have a grasp on the reality behind this matter, but I'll be gracious enough to chalk it up on your behalf to delusional thinking. I get it, this is the biggest moment of your career and probably your life. This is the difference between you dying rich with your off-spring set for generations, or being my age and working in bingo halls long after you've exhausted any use you'll ever have to EAW and are thrown out like the rest of the broken cogs who no longer serve the machine any purpose. This again goes back to the lotto ticket comparison, only this metaphor is soon to unfold in just days in living color. You defeat me, and in one fell swoop every last one of your failures get brushed under the rug and you get to spend the rest of your EAW career with impunity. Not only that, but you have so many people in your corner who at will sing along with your chants of "FUCK RYAN ADAMS" and dump their money into your apparel. You're a goldmine right now! If any other 30 year old underachiever got to this level of attention that you've gotten, they would be just as delusional as you are. But in all fairness a lot of life's greatest success comes from the delusion that you can break the mold and change something as big as the wrestling business or any other kind of industry into your desired vision. Greatness comes with a slight disregard to reality, because being as great as me just isn't realistic. It isn't practical to jump into the middle of the ocean and expect to swim with the sharks, it isn't feasible for a randomly assorted set of numbers to wipe away every last one of your debts. But every lotto has a winner, right?

The delusion that leads you to believe you'll catch lightning in the bottle is similar to kind I had at the age of 21 when I began my storied career, believing with a purpose and an unrelenting hunger that I would someday change the concept of what it means to be a wrestler. The stark contrast, of course Chris, is that by the time I was your age I had proven everywhere I went that success was in my DNA. You on the other hand have taken the enormous pile of opportunities that come with being an EAW Elitist and squandered every single one of them, and you sit here with the mentality of "well I didn't take my ball and go home for the upteenth time! Guess that proves Ryan Adams wrong!" But you only hammer home all of my points! You even said it yourself, you're Mr. 8 years of failure, and lord forgive me for banking on a victory against a man who knows failure so well that he's become accustomed to it - lest he catch lightning in a bottle and catch me with my shoes untied and somehow comes out the winner. I don't toss and turn at night thinking about how I'll regret my words, because I'm the opposite of everything you are. Everything you stand for, I'm the antithesis. You stand for pulling confidence out of your ass and putting on a false bravado, I speak with full assurance backed by over a decade of dominance in the pinnacle of this sport. But I could only expect nothing less than for my sincerity to be lost on a walking, talking caricature. I'm sincere and you're a character. You're the actor, and I inspire the movie. Your whole facade is a gimmick that you devise, you're the imitation, I'm the originator. 

You can see it in the way people talk. 

You can see it in how people walk, and talk, and aspire to be just like me. My influence is woven deep into the fabric of our genre of sport while you continue to spin your flimsy narratives. You doctor up a whole goddamn persona of being "Gods Given Greatness" while you readily admit that you have nothing to show for any of it, and that's not me going out of my way to shit on you this time, I'm just reintroducing you to the concept of the truth. I think it's lost on you how far below me you are on the totem pole. I think you and I have spent so much time together yelling in each other's faces and flashing our gold watches and cussing each other out that it's started to confuse you into thinking you're my peer. Or - or that you're somehow even remotely in my league. It would do you so much good in the long run if you understood the truth. You see another man who thought he was my peer was a man named Jacob Senn, who now can't go to sleep, eat, or even fuck his woman without thinking about me. Granted his woman probably thinks about me just as much. But this is a man who once thought he was entitled to me inducting him into the Hall of Fame, not to mention under the pretense that I should be honored to pass the torch to him and endorse him as my successor. He wasn't able to process the thought that maybe he didn't deserve the platform got to stand on to even be at my face level. Just like you have no understanding how unworthy you are of getting to compete with me. You have no idea how above you I am, and this isn't even a unique experience anymore. My last two Pain for Pride opponents were completely fucked mentally by how badly they were outclassed, to the point it's been a detriment to their careers. One of them never even fully returned! Imagine how badly fucked the mind of a good for nothing bum with no accomplishments like you is going to be once we get through with our match this weekend?

I guarantee you once it happens you won't be thanking me. Think about the last time you told somebody the inconvenient truth, did they respond to you in gratitude? Probably not, right? They probably felt attacked by it. They probably hated you for it. The truth is a bitter pill, and it hurts - though in my opinion, it shouldn't. Enlightenment shouldn't always be such a painful process. The red pill shouldn't be so jagged, it should be euphoric like what you'd expect from an awakening. But in this case Chris deep down inside the pill you'll be forced to swallow won't uncover any truths that you didn't already know, it'll be a heroic dose of reality that forces you to face every fear that you've been running from. Every time you cry out "FUCK RYAN ADAMS!" it's a desperate cry for help and a distraction at the same time. It's a cry that's rallied people behind you for the very first time in your miserable career, and it blocks out every sound of doubt that creeps up on you with every time you get knocked on your ass and can't muster up an alibi. It's the only thing still keeping you here, because as you already admitted, every other time you've left. The majority of your career you've been known as the guy who takes his ball and goes home when the going gets too rough. What my name offers you isn't just a bigger check, my name has been the anchor that's kept you from being washed away at sea. Like a God I breathe life into your career by providing a true incentive for you to stay, but at Road to Redemption I take that incentive away. It begs the question... when I put you under this Saturday night? What happens when I take away your credibility and expose you for what you truly are? What happens when I kick your crutch out from underneath you, what happens when I tear away your grip to that anchor? 

Luckily we won't have to wait much longer now. The upward trend of the Ryan Adams vs. Chris Elite experiment hits it's peak in just a couple days. To no one's surprise I'm projected to strike pay dirt, to your surprise it'll be at your expense.
Finnegan Wakefield
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 10:32 pm by Finnegan Wakefield
Chapter 74: Bend a knee
EAW Promoz! - Page 19 Tumblr_owjvjrLVXX1wnmmx5o1_500
"The Wrestling Artist" Finnegan Wakefield

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"That is more like it, HBG. That is the fire I would expect from a Hall of Famer. You are putting something that resembles effort into the fray, that’s what I like to see. Your statements, on the other hand, could still use some work. You are still asking about intent, but it couldn’t be any more laid out for you to see. Maybe you’re looking at it from a hollow perspective. Tell me HBG, have you never started from the very bottom? Have you never started from nothing? Have you never been forced to carve your own path, forge your own legacy to create your own opportunities in a trial by fire? Or has all the years of looking down at what you have called scum made you forget what it was like to look up at the stars and lose yourself in thought? Thinking about how far you will go, what you will accomplish in your short time on this earth? Well, that’s my intent, that’s my drive. To stand defiantly in the way of the people who say that I can’t surpass them and push them out of the way. To equal your status, do it in a respectable and honorable way that doesn’t compromise myself and then surpass them. But if you don’t want to hear empty words without facts to support them, allow me to present them with what is currently draped over my right shoulder. This New Breed Championship right here has been something that I had to pursue for almost a full year before I could obtain it. In that time, I had to be constantly told that the title was far from my grasp, that I wasn’t good enough to hold it, or at least not yet. I had various thorns in my side for months, and I had all but succumb to frustration and regret. What stands before you now is a by-product of the hard work, discipline and determination that I had to exercise to stand before you today. What stands before you is a man who didn’t wane from his beliefs and morals, who worked harder and worked smarter to become a champion and have his name in the history books. Done the right way, no shortcuts or easy nights. I didn’t become champion for the sole purpose being that I simply wanted to, I became champion because people told me I couldn’t and their barriers couldn’t hold me back. And the Tag Team Grand Prix has been no different, and it will continue to be no different. The one true difference is that I share a side with someone who also has been told will accomplish nothing, and we’ve been kicking barriers down side by side since.

You seem to have some misconceptions about Ironico and myself. You seem to think that we’re hiding an inevitable defeat behind the compliments of “Gee wiz, we are facing Hall of Famers and decorated champions.” But how mistaken you are, love. We’re not hyping you up as some kind of cushion to soften a blow to our reputation should we lose. No, quite the opposite. We’re displaying your accolades for all to see when We Are The Bollocks knock you both down a peg. Instead we’re telling the world that we acknowledge the gap in the experience, the accomplishments and the appeal. But we’re not backing down from the fight, we intend to hold our own and we intend to defeat them. There is no masquerade behind fancy words, only acknowledgement and a willingness to overcome. And what you think lays at the end of our journey is regret, but there couldn’t be anything further from the truth. I have no regrets with my choice in partner, no regrets about entering this tournament and no regrets when the dust settles in the finals of the Tag Team Grand Prix. From the very beginning, people had labelled us as an easy first-round elimination, and we stand in the finals despite that. The people who have watched us make it this far aren’t cheering us to oppose you and Cameron, they cheer us because just like a vast majority of them, we were told we’d accomplish nothing and we fought on and proved to them that we can make it to the final stage. People can believe words -- believe the entitlement of the Di Consentes and their proclamations of assured victory, but what they can believe more is the actions that justify their opposition. We have fought long and hard, and there is no quitting in sight. We’re holding our ground till we face either our bitter end or our glorious triumph. And your attack from two weeks ago, don’t take it as a complaint against hardship as I was simply proving a point that discredits one of your major claims. You call us jokes, second-rate and not a threat towards yourselves, but your actions spoke very differently over those weeks. Camerons attempt to sabotage us, and the two of you attacking us from behind showed me the lies that you hid behind your teeth. You call us inferior, but your actions say that we present a threat that you needed to try and get an upper hand on. Even last week when you attempted to get involved while I was fighting off Cameron and holding my own against her. The one true mascarade here is by the both of you -- We Are The Bollocks are a threat to the Di Consentes. We’re not willing to bend a knee to the self-proclaimed goddesses of EAW and refuse to be held down under your heel. So if you find our existence an annoying inconvenience to you and Cameron Ella Ava, if you see us as jokes not worth your time and effort, and see us an easy guaranteed victory come Road to Redemption, by all means, continue to do so. If you need any more facts behind our claims, then Road to Redemption should quench that particular thirst, as that will be the day we leave no room for doubt. We have silenced tongues before, and Sunday we are merely going to silence the sharpest."

Last edited by Finnegan Wakefield on October 25th 2017, 10:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
Carlos Rosso
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 9:48 pm by Carlos Rosso
The Journey of the “Champion of Life” to The World Championship
Part 6: Exhaustion
[The Champion of Life is tired. After showing signs of willingness to up the regimen for today, Mao obliged him. In spades. Sparring sessions, another run through downtown Minneapolis, and a wild cardio session in the gym. By now he has trudged into his hotel room, opening up his laptop and recording a message for both the EAW Universe and his opponents in the Elimination Chamber, one individual in particular.]

TLA. I think that you are trying to make fun of me. Now, there are a lot of things that I believe that happen regularly at a whorehouse. There are a lot of things that I think COULD happen at a whorehouse. A morbidly obese woman serving as your trainer for the day, that seems likely. Considering her name is “COW” and you’re a self-proclaimed “BULL” I guess it’s safe to assume that you are a Chubby Chaser…and before the politically correct assholes jump on twitter and whine and complain about body shaming or sexist comments please note that there is nothing reprehensible about that, at least in my mind. A stripper with a microscopic penis trying to evade capture by the FBI and CIA…as farfetched and ridiculous as that sounds, it’s something that could possibly happen.
But some screaming idiot saying he has the “Strongest Arm” in the world being led out by security. TLA, I hate to sound overly suspicious, but it seems like that entire event was staged to make fun of me! If that’s the case you may be amused or disappointed, I don’t know because I’m a wrestler, not a psychic, that I’m okay with that. Unlike some of your opponents you may be surprised to find that I have a sense of humor.

Some things that you said though I have to take a great deal more seriously.

Number One: You say that Voltage is YOUR brand. For starters, there is a certain leather jacket wearing guy who has a shiny gold belt who would object vociferously to this. That’s an issue of some importance, but believe me the injured Jamie O’Hara will go down soon enough. And once he has gone down, that leaves a question: Who will step up and take his place? Who will deny him the opportunity to have his potentially record-breaking reign continue to the point that he does break the record? Well, I think all of us have already crossed Amadeus off the list. The coward continues to hide, continues to keep his thoughts to himself and honestly that’s all fine and dandy to me. I will end him quickly instead of slowly on Saturday and release him from the chamber and wish him the best in his future endeavors as the EAW Interwire Champion. Lars and Keelan, I don’t understand why exactly but there seems to be a lot of tension between them. Not quite jilted lover-level tension, but something just doesn’t seem to be right there. I’m starting to think that the two of them may more or less cancel each other out and be picked off.

That leaves you and me, TLA. And, one thing that I know about is building a brand. Building a foundation for a building of excellence to stand on. I helped turn around Voltage as its general manager, reviving the Hardcore Championship, which has since departed but that’s not the point: the point is that I was willing to give people what they wanted even though it’s not a style of wrestling I particularly enjoy. I was willing to compromise and have an open, forward-thinking mind for the business. And as the next World Heavyweight Champion and the current Champion of Life, I will see to it that there are more opportunities for us all, more exposure for everyone, more respect to the good name of the Golden Brand, the Gold Standard of EAW: Voltage. It’s not to say that you couldn’t do all these things yourself, but I am absolutely certain that I would be a better representative for this brand.

Number Two: You insist on saying that you of all people can break the Strongest Arm. There is a list of insects and rodents a mile long and an ocean wide who have made the same claim that you have made in the past. Chris Elite, Hurricane Hawk, Prince of Phenomenal. Zach Crash, Jacob Senn, American Dragon, GI Styles,  Kevin Devastation and the list goes on and on and on. There are many who have said that they can break the Unbreakable, and guess what, they have all failed. They have all fallen at the might of this Arm or survived to tell the tale without finishing the job. Hell, Keelan and Lars preach about my final destruction daily but neither of them seem to have the ability or the balls to finish me off.

My point to you is a pretty simple and hopefully straightforward one for you to digest: This arm is unbreakable. I AM UNBREAKABLE. I can be damaged, I can be beaten, but I will never be broken. I will stand tall in the end, as I always do. Now, you are more than entitled to continue to claim that you can do this. I have the “wrestler’s ego”, as you put it, as well. I understand the adrenaline, the need to solidify your belief in what you’re doing and how you wrestle. You have a strategy I don’t grasp as well as some of the others and youth on your side, but I have trained hard for a long ass time to prepare for this moment. I have set the chess pieces up on the board preparing for this Saturday at US Bank Stadium. And while you may be able to get on a roll and do some things and impress the fans and our peers in the back, that doesn’t change the fact that you will be, in the end, defeated.

I have had a chance to witness your evolution. I thought at one point that you were a joke, a loveable loser who would never even rise to the level of interwire Champion, let alone World Heavyweight Champion. You have adapted your style to EAW in a process that I am truly impressed by. You have proven me wrong once, being a former Interwire Champion and I feel that eventually you will prove my other assessment wrong as well and eventually become the Heavyweight Champion of this world. Unfortunately for you, your evolution and your date with destiny will come to a screeching halt at the might of my fists and the fury of the Strongest Arm in EAW.

Carlos Rosso: ICHIBAN
Everyone else, yeah, that includes you too TLA……NIBAN.


Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 9:14 pm by Cage.
I'll be honest, I don't care what Theron thinks, I don't care about Rex, HBG, Pop or Tiberius, their non factors, you are going to hear them run down their opponents but I know the truth. I know when the fight starts their writing checks their ass can't cash, I don't pay attention to them. I want to talk about the Extreme Elimination Chamber, oh how we meet again old friend, I stepped into this chamber three years ago with this unknown of what could happen, I didn't know if I could be stepping into my final atonement or my greatest triumph. What's different? Besides the talent in this match with me, besides the fact that I've tasted EAW Championship gold and ever since then it's left me in a crazed state, not much as changed, I brought weapons into a chamber I wasn't even suppose to and I unleashed hell on everyone who was in there with me. This time, creativity is the motto, this year violence is not only a rule but it is encouraged. I'll step inside this chamber knowing the unknown as well, I don't know what I'll do, I don't the know the lengths I'm willing to go to become the EAW World Champion again. All I know is that I'm a desperate man, I am in no way finished. I can't be finished, I will not allow the soft generation to be the catalyst to my end, I fought Ares Vendetta at Dia Del Diablo, I was the victim of the Triumvirate, the first victim and I came back the next day and asked is that all you got, I stood in this ring and fought Theron and got bested, I'm still standing, I got bested by Rex with Theron obviously wanting to screw me over, can't get rid of me. Basically what I'm telling you all is nobody has what it takes to stop me, they can try, they can bitch and moan and tell you about how I'm already defeated but we all know that's bullshit, that trying to get inside my mind shit is dumb. My mind is a dangerous place to be and I don't know why men with such promise want to come swim in deep waters just so I can drown them. It's not only the soft generation but the foolish generation, the naive generation, the crop of talent who will happily be pimped if it means becoming the EAW Champion. Where's the grittiness, admittedly my way is what people consider to be the “stupid way” but in my eyes, it's my way, everything I've done in EAW was done my way and yeah I've fell hard and had my lowest of lows but I've had my highest of highs and I've done it my way and by standing by my word, I don't need anyone to lay down for me, and I won't be pimped. At first this was all about the Triumvirate until everyone wanted to open their mouth with a fucking opinion, everyone wanted to be the person to bring those jackasses to their knees and off with their heads, that's taking food off my plate and nobody is taking food off of my plate, I will not stand for it anymore, so yes I don't play well with others, I don't trust a soul, I'm an unforgiving, relentless, unstoppable ANIMAL AND I JUST DON'T CARE ANYMORE! I don't care for the rules, I don't care for Brian Daniels trying to play it safe, I've been reserved honestly, I've gone soft, normally, I would be trying to gouge the eyes of the Triumvirate and everyone in this chamber match out every time we were in the same vicinity, I've had to surpress my venom, my rage, every thing that burns inside of me and all the hatred that courses through my veins. I've had it enough, no longer will I do things by the books, I'm done following the rules, I'm here to let my opponents and the entire world know, I'm god. Yes, when it comes to the Elimination Chamber I am god, I am god of destruction, I am god of brutality, I am god of violence, I am god of penance, and it will be paid. 

Destruction I will cause, brutality I will inflict and violence I will institute, people like me, the anomaly's, the wasn't suppose to happens, we carry this world on our backs, the same way how I carry EAW on my back, I'm the heart and soul of this place, I do what everyone else is scared to do and it's scary, I give this company what it was founded on and that's taking it to the Extreme, and now as we move forward it's been three years since Elite Answers Wrestling came, and for those three years I haven't had to change, you aren't going to mold me, you surely ain't going to control me, I do what I want, when I want. So what am I going on about? Simply I'm here to let you people know when I take the EAW World Championship again some things are going to change around here, and there isn't any authority that's going to stop me, there isn't a regime, there isn't any god, any force of nature that will stop Diamond Cage from fucking this company up as the EAW Champion and when I get it your going to have to pry it from my cold dead hands because I refuse to let anything slip from my fingers anymore. I'll admit it, as much as I hate it, I don't know if I'll ever get a chance at the EAW title again, I don't even know if I'll be walking after Road To Redemption, H-R-D-O came back and he'll never wrestle again, this is our life, the sacrifice is worth the reward, the ends will justify the means or I'll perish, there isn't a back up plan after Road To Redemption, there isn't any sabbatical, there's one thing, it's either I win or I die trying. 

You've heard all the talks, you've heard me being talked about like I'm an elder gentleman, but what you hear also is the respect, they know who I am, they know I've paid my dues, I've took my bruises, I've took my lumps, I've done things to where I am scarred for life, my body scarred for life, my mind warped into this primal instinct in which everyday of my life has been an Extreme Elimination Chamber, a fight for a survival, fighting for every meal, there's someone who is going to cut my legs out from under me and I promise you I'm waiting for the day, I die on my shield, I die the only way I know how, but I know I can't die, I just can't, I can't just run off into the sunset until I right a wrong, a wrong that has stained by hall of fame career, I can't even look at the ring, I can't even watch Road To Redemption 2014, the Diamond Cage you saw then is dead, the Diamond Cage you saw then thought as soon as he won the heavyweight title that it was time to reign and defend not knowing that no matter where he went it was a fight for his life, I was foolish , I was naive, I was a Theron except I actually held the title, I was a Rex except I don't need to be helped and then talk like I'm this big man who does everything on my own, I was the man, I still am the man, and I don't have to prove because I do it every single night, I wrestle the matches most men would have to be talked into, I do what I do better than anyone else and that's cause utter freaking chaos and Road To Redemption is no different, the Diamond Cage you are going to meet this saturday is not a barbaric buffoon who just swings his sword as a bloodthirsty warrior, you are going to see a battered warrior, the workhorse, the machine, the desperate, the vengeance driven Diamond Cage, forget what you know about the Extreme Elimination Chamber, forget about what you've see me do in the past to myself just to hurt another man, and be a witness to what I do now, be a witness to what I show you what I'm capable of NOW. We can spend all our time talking, but I'm ready to shut up and fight, I'm ready to just do it, the chamber is my world, my domain, my yard, I run it, I am that damn chamber, I am what it is suppose to represent and that is the end. Something about you dies in that chamber to where you'll never be the same, I've accepted it, nobody in this match expects depravity because they've had it easy. They don't know what it's like to lose everything, they lose one match and they already want to commit suicide, sissies, I lose one match and I get back up, I don't take anyone lightly because I've beaten them before, I don't take anyone lightly because I loss to them, if you don't get back up, you die on the hill you picked. The stage is set, the contracts are signed, every violent imaginable thing is being thought of, so I ask the competitors in this match. What's your motivation? What makes you do what you do, what's going to make you do what you do in this match? And how is it going to feel to know that it wasn't enough? That the guy you think was defeated had already won this match before he was even placed in it, this is destiny. I don't believe in everything happening for a reason, but I was here for two reasons, to be EAW Champion and to put pain on those who think they can do it better than me. My only regret is that the fun I'm about to have won't last a long time, but at least I'll have the scars to remember it. And I'll also have the EAW Championship in my hands or I'll simply perish, either way someone's leaving in a heap and you all better pray and hope to whatever god you believe in that it's me, if it's not I am not to blame for what I do to my opponents, I am not to blame for anything but being the king of chamber, and the kingpin of this company like I always knew I was and being the two time EAW World Champion. The chamber is my world, you all just live in it temporarily.
Ahren Fournier
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 9:00 pm by Ahren Fournier
(Ahren can be seen standing in a thong outside on the beach.)

It's late October and it's warm enough for me to be nude outside... Global Warming is awesome! Here I am at the beach, tanning my cheeks, and every other part of my body. Got to get that golden bronze before Road To Redemption, I got to look good for all those Championship pictures of me. I mean, I don't want to look like Darkane, that's for sure.. EWWWWW. He looks like a gothic ghost, he's haunting the halls of EAW with his whiteness. 

I don't know Darkane, how can you tell me that the Hardcore Championship has been rectified already when you haven't done anything? You're telling me that Scott Diamond was a sorry excuse for a champion, and yet now that you beat him it's all better. Well tell me, who have you beaten to make this title so prestigious exactly? You honestly sound exactly like Scott Diamond himself, remember? He went down the line naming everyone who failed with the title before him, and he tried so hard to tell you why he was different. He wasn't different was he Darkane? He was just like every body else. At the very first line of defense he pissed his pants and scurried on home with his tail between his legs. What makes you different than Scott Diamond exactly? Because all you've done is just talked, and the only action I've seen is the act of winning the title. Which is great, but like you said, it was just Scott Diamond. That wasn't the hard part Darkane, now comes the hard part, when all the expectation is directly on you. You're already making a rookie mistake by saying that you've made it, you've already done it. What a terrible way of looking at things. I heard this bit of advice that I'll pass onto you, and that is, Once you believe you made it, you've failed. Here you are not even one title defense into your reign and you're already saying how you've brought prestige back. Not even I was so vapid to say that. Instead, I went out there and proved to everyone why I was there in the first place. I showed everyone just how I won the damn thing, and made the thing prestigious. I didn't do it with words, I did it with action, and no I don't believe beating Scott Diamond is enough action to crown yourself king of hardcore. Just because you have pride in the title, and you carry it around everywhere you go, doesn't mean anything. You eat with her, sleep with her, drink with her.. Blah blah blah, I don't care, everyone has. Go back and watch what I did with the thing, I literally would wear nothing except the title every single day. Oh and by the way I wouldn't be so quick to say that the title isn't covered in cum... Her and I had some very passionate nights... Might I suggest investing in a black light to see how much I love that title? But I digress. You haven't made that title mean jack shit yet. Everyone is going to want to see if you back up everything that you say, because a lot of people say what you do, but a very minuscule number actually back it up. And it just so happens you're getting in the ring with one of the ones that actually did. You don't think of me as Hardcore do you Darkane? Not thinking of me as much of a threat, mistake I'm telling you. You don't have to obviously, but I'd advise you to go back and watch the matches I had as Hardcore Champion, hell go look at my match at House of Glass and tell me I'm not hardcore. I cut bitches up, I've bled my own blood, you know? I'm down with it. Everyone wants a piece of Ahren Fournier, they want me so bad they want the most intimate part of me, my insides. Isn't that sexy Darkane? Doesn't that just get.. What did you call it? Your pork chop? Hard? Weird thing to call a penis, but you're a weird dude. 

You think I care that you took out Maero? I mean yeah I appreciate you righting the wrong, but it just looks like a bitch move. And if I knew that you'd just drone on and on about such a minuscule task, I wouldn't have even said anything. I know it's not hard to take out Maero, hell last year I beat him... Much like Scott Diamond.. In 5 seconds. I'm fully aware that he was never good enough to actually keep up with me, but that's not the point. It's the principle of it! It was the honorable thing to do, it was what's fair. It wasn't the fact that I didn't think I could beat him, it was the fact that he had no business actually being in the match. Let me give you an example. Astros vs. Dodgers is the World Series this year. They had this tournament to decide that they were going to be in this championship game. 162 games were played, they weeded out who was the best of the best that year, and they pitted them in this game. But then all of a sudden, word comes out that the Montreal Expos have decided that they want to come out of retirement and challenge for the World Series title too. Why would MLB Officials say yes to the Montreal Expos, who haven't even been around, haven't competed in years a game for the championship? A team that when around, wasn't even good to begin with? That's exactly what this is like, I'm the Dodgers, you're the Astros, and Maero was the Expos.. A team that had nothing to do with anything, who just pushed his will on us, and got his way. But now that he's gone it's a mute point, and it doesn't even matter. Maero doesn't matter. Which makes it all the more baffling as to why you bring him up. He's not in the match anymore, I've beaten him before in a straight up match numerous times, but you had to do it backstage when he didn't see it coming. That makes you tough? I can go out on the street and I can suckpunch the first guy I see, cut him up, and leave him bloody... Does that make me tough? Why would I be scared of that? Like I said, it just makes you look out to be a bitch. 

I don't get you Darkane, and believe me that's not a compliment. You're seriously bragging about beating Scott Diamond, after he beat Lethal Consequences... Who isn't here anymore. And Zack Crash.. Who isn't here anymore. And after you shit on Scott Diamond for being a lazy champion. So... Why should I be impressed that you did it? Congrats you beat a lesser talent with your laser focus, it wasn't that hard. I've actually gone through hell to get to where I am, and I still deserve so much more. This time last year I thought I would be in the main event by now, vying for a World Title, but I'm not. Dynasty had been a waste land of no opportunities for me since I got here, until i finally got a little sliver, and I took it. I beat 7 guys to earn this opportunity. I gave someone a storybook ending onto glass, to get this chance, because I'm not afraid to kill human beings to get what I want. That guy that I pinned, he's not here anymore, so if I were you I'd stop reminiscing on how you beat a guy that couldn't even hold a candle to me, and start focusing on the real deal right in front of you. You want to compare our careers against each other? We can do that.. You'd lose though, just like you're going to lose at Road To Redemption. Now it's here where you expect me to try to remind you, and all the fans that I beat you before. Honestly i wasn't going to, not this time, but you brought it up, and of course, you made excuses. Living up to the old bitch title that has been bestowed upon you, really living up to the name. But yes, Scott Diamond helped me beat you... By walking on the stage... That's all it takes to distract you? He didn't come out and beat the shit out of you, he didn't even touch you, he just walked out on stage. You were so afraid of Scott actually something you lost track of your own mind, and the task at hand. Now that I know you're so easily befuddled by something so tiny, I might have have a trick up my sleeve. I might be so tricky and say something like, oh look over there, and you'll look. Is that really the kind of Hardcore Champion we have right now? I mean we've had some pretty shit ones, but come on maaaaaaaaaan. 

(Ahren runs on the beach like he's in baywatch and dives into the ocean. He rides the back of a dolphin into the sunset... Camera fades to black)
Theron Nikolas
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 8:46 pm by Theron Nikolas
Damn, HBG, you beat Lannister to get into this Elimination Chamber. Bravo - clap everybody because the great Heart Break Gal has accomplished something spectacular! A man worth one hundred men on this Showdown roster! Hold your head high, don't let anyone get you down - because it's not like I didn't beat the EAW World Champion himself to get here. But, we’ll forget about that and focus on how great you are.

You're right; my entire charade headed into Road to Redemption is the fact that I need that EAW World Championship. I need it. I need it more than anything else in this business and I'm certainly not afraid to say it. It may come from fear; for the first time in my career - if I lose I'm forced to swallow that feeling of uncertainty; not knowing which direction your career is going to take after placing so much effort into something for months and never once being able to grasp onto what you needed more than anything else in this business. But this - this isn't a need for you. I get it; it feels like it, but those words tell another underlining story. You want it. You want this championship. Just imagine - SHE HAS DONE IT! THE HEART BREAK GAL HAS DONE WHAT NO OTHER WOMEN IN THIS BUSINESS HAS MANAGED TO DO! SHE HAS WON THE ELIMINATION CHAMBER! THE HEART BREAK GAL IS THE EAW WORLD CHAMPION! Throughout everything that you've managed to do throughout your long career - that's the one thing that nobody would be able to take away from you. You walked out in front of the world and took something that Cameron failed to take at Territorial Invasion. That feels like a need. You feel like you need that EAW World Championship and you don't care about what you need to do to anyone standing in your way to make it happen - but there's one thing you said a few days ago that throws a spanner in the works.

You have a plan B.

It's smart; I’m not taking that away from you, but if you held that same need - you wouldn't. I know, I sound like a fool at the moment, but I couldn't care less. If you needed this Championship, the Grand Prix wouldn't matter. It wouldn't matter in the slightest. You wouldn't be thinking about the what ifs; if you lose, oh well, I'll win the those Tag Championships after winning the Grand Prix and be the greatest champion I can be, just like when I was in The Mercenaries! That's not a need, that's far fucking from it. But, to each their own. We're all going to prepare differently for this Elimination Chamber; we're all going to tell ourselves the story that's going to make us feel better. We all know that none of this is going to come easy; we're going to need to have eyes in the back of our head because we're never going to know when someone is going to come from behind and in an instant, those dreams of being the EAW World Champion vanish. I've thought about it perfectly; I've been in wars before - wars greater than most will face in their entire careers, but still, even those can't prepare us for the trials that we’re going to face. That's the fun part, I guess; walking into a situation that we’re not meant to survive and coming out on the other end knowing that the Championship firmly grasped in both hands is exactly where it deserves to be.

That's what this story has been building towards, right Rex? Everything - you're entire career - the struggles and triumphs that you've had throughout the better part of three years has been building towards this moment. Where your story reaches its end and you're finally able to claim true prosperity. The sad truth, and this is so cliche, but I just can't help myself - this story doesn't have a happy ending. We've been going back and forth for months. There was a moment in time where I was more focused on proving that you're exactly what the rest of us already see you for, rather than making sure that I continued to place one foot in front of the other and continued moving forward. Anything you've said and anything you will say this week is meaningless. I said it to Diamond Cage in a different context; I told him that there was going to be nobody there to cut his legs out from under him and that this failure would fall onto his shoulders and his shoulders only, but you - there's nobody there to save you now. There's nobody to run to your aid the moment things begin to get a little too tough. Through it all; through everything that you've done throughout the last few months - I don't see you as a threat. That could be a mistake; I'm human, we're all prone to making them, but through all the bravado and arrogance - I still see the same guy we did years ago. The man that did all the hard work, only to allow it to fall between his fingers the moment he had begun to grasp onto it.

You'll walk into that Elimination Chamber with your head held high, but you won't walk back out. You'll be laying there wondering how - how did the story you've spent so long trying to write end so wrong?
Stephanie Matsuda
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 8:26 pm by Stephanie Matsuda
Road to Redemption Promo #2


Now that don’t kill me...

(Stephanie Matsuda walks out of a New York City Subway with Monica Vaughan. She’s wearing her signature ‘C9’ hoodie with her hands in her pocket. Her voice-over is heard over the music. The two lovers are seen walking through the 42nd Street train station)

“You’re not the first person to make assumptions about my nature, nor will you be the last. The universe loves to inform me what they think they know, but like everyone else, you’re half right.”

Can only make me stronger…

“I am obsessed, Marx. But not with your downfall. I consider that to be a bonus. I’m obsessed with the idea of the Openweight Championship and what it means. It allows me to venture outside of Empire and gives me license to fight anyone, anywhere. The Unified Tag Championships are the only Interbrand title, and so far I haven’t found anyone I trust enough to go after the Triumvirate. So I have to settle for you and your band of ex-My Chemical Romance fanboys. I'm not petty at your expense; you have something I want, and I won’t stop at anything until it becomes mine. It’s simple as that, sweets. Like I’ve mentioned - you’re a piece of a larger puzzle. When you put the pieces together, it’ll show me holding a championship different than the one you wear around your waist. Your smug judgment about who I am can’t hurt me, for it only strengthens my resolve. I’m just pleased to know you’re upbringing made you accustomed to getting your ass beat, so losing to me won’t be anything new from you.”

I need you to hurry up right now…

(Stephanie and Monica walk out of the train station and start walking down Broadway)

“As the hours go by, I grow tired of our dance. As the clock ticks, I find myself sitting back in my chair, watching yet another video on EAW.com about how this person is better than that one, or how they’re a champion for a reason, and blah-blah-blah. I don’t care about being better than you, Ryan. I just need three seconds. That’s it! The terms of battle dictate that you need to be pinned or submit for me to wear that belt around my waist. I don’t need to beat you to a bloody pulp - though that would make for a cool story to tell my adopted babies. We’re in a business where violence becomes an art, so I can see how your theory translates into a framework the weak can follow. When people look at you, they see a literal pillar of strength. They can’t help but be in awe of your magnificent build. And your voice? (gasp) It commands respect! You speak so well, like a well-educated young black youth. (laughs) All right, let me stop, or you will think I’m not taking this seriously. You see Ryan, this is the biggest fight of my life, thus far. I’m no idiot - I know what you bring to the table. My potential is what you don’t know.  Sure, you got a taste of it. I showed you that I could be just as petty as Aria on her birthday, or as ruthless as Brody on her period. What separates them from me - hell what separates me from the rest of the Empire roster is I’m more than just an ‘alignment’”.

Because I can’t wait much longer…

(Stephanie and Monica stop in front of a couple of Broadway theaters, deciding which show to attend. Instead, Stephanie shakes her head and leads Monica by the hand as they walk off Broadway)

“I am opportunistic and sly. Now if you think for one second that I’m predictable than you might as well hand me the title. Everyone who thought I was predictable is either gone or is about to be out. That’s no spoiler alert sweets - it’s common knowledge. You know what else common knowledge is? Your wife is a King’s College alumni. Wasn’t she like a law student? Such a bright mind wasted on serving your sorry ass. Some of your peeps include a former architect, med students, aspiring writers, the list goes on! So many bright minds tricked into thinking you’re the next big thing. Oh well, I no longer concern myself with stopping people from being foolish. Instead, I want to do me and look good doing it. I’ve said this before - I’m not a hero. That’s Aria’s job. I exist to wage war and win battles. While reaping its benefits.”

I know I got to be right now...

(Stephanie stops near an alley and pushes Monica against the door. She looks both ways before making out with her girlfriend)

“Unlike you Marx, I love life. For someone like to you to exist, there must be a Satan. I did my research on you, cowboy. I watched your interviews, promos, segments, and dirt sheet exposes. You hate the light and your damn reflection in the mirror. You hide in darkness because it’s easier for you to hide in the shadows of your lies. Well, these clouds are about to break and cast that light on your bulls--t philosophy like sunshine on a warm Savannah morning. I’m not perfect - but I’m not afraid of the light. I’ve made peace with my darkness; I have it tamed. Over the weekend I saved a group of children from being swallowed by the evil that once consumed me. I’m all too familiar with people investing their hope in me. I can only help these young minds find their way. I can only love the woman before me for who she is. That’s it; the rest is up to them. I’d never string them along on some selfish ego trip. Been there, done that.” 

Because I can’t get much wronger…

(Stephanie touches Monica’s face. An elderly couple walks by with a disapproving expression on their faces. Stephanie smiles and blows a kiss at the wife, making them walk away faster. Both Stephanie and Mica start laughing)

“I’m not ashamed of who I am Ryan Marx. You can say I’m nothing more than a ‘Sacrifice.' You can say that I’m unfocused, that I’ll be nothing more than a blip in the shadow of Ms. Jaxon. Say what you will, but I can rest easy knowing that - unlike you - I’m not just another egomaniac on the Showdown roster. I can relax knowing that I’m not just another Dynasty tough guy or an eccentric Voltage contender. Nor am I just another pretty face on Empire. I’m the most original thing in EAW, sweets. You never met an opponent like me, nor will you ever. You speak of echo chambers, but all I saw was you sitting on your throne inside of one. In that respect, you’re more like Sheridan than I am. You’re just a straight-laced wannabe; a British Lannister who swear he’s the king of his castle. Your lack of referring yourself in the third person is the only thing that separates you from him. Oh yeah, and you’re not as accomplished as him. Oh! You also have more hair on your head than he does. When I come at the king this Saturday I won’t miss because I won’t be attacking a king, just a paper sovereign.”

Man, I’ve been waiting all night now…

(Stephanie puts an arm around Monica as they walk to Eighth Avenue. She looks at the time on her phone and puts it back in her pocket)

“I’m confident in my ability to beat you, but I’m far from a G.O.A.T. Another thing that separates me from the others is the realization that I’m still a work in progress. You define yourself as the final edition, but I would never hold a mid card title and declare myself to be the best in the world. But, here you are jumping the gun. If anyone questions your logic, you quickly dismiss their claims and shove your dollar store philosophy down their throat. No lie, I saw your book at the local Goodwill for 99 cents. Well, allow me to add a penny to make us even: the plot twist of your Lot analogy is that you’re the man in question. You journeyed across the land, thirsting for enlightenment! Eventually, you settled in a world of decadence aka Showdown. Mao and I tried to be angels; we warned you what was to come, but you didn’t listen. I warned you and Soledad not to look back, that these fist of mine were the thunderbolts destined to bring your world down. Unfortunately for Soledad, she didn’t listen. Now she stands next to you, a metaphorical pillar of salt. Salt has no personality, it just sits there, taking up space. And now like Lot and his daughters, your downfall will bear me the fruit of my labor.”

That’s how long I’ve been on you…

(Stephanie and Monica stop in front of their favorite Indonesian restaurant. Stephanie urges Monica to go inside. The two kiss once more and as Monica leaves, Stephanie turns around to face the camera. Her voice is no longer a voice-over)

Stephanie: The EAW Universe believes in me just as much as your cronies believe in you. Depending on them isn’t a weakness - it’s honesty. I wouldn’t be here if it weren't for them. I’m not a hero, but it’s my honesty that keeps them grounded, while their support keeps me grounded. It’s the rule of equivalent exchange, sweets - you can’t gain something without giving in return. I gave my life to get as far as I did in this business and the EAW Universe will provide me with their full support until I make it to the end of my career. You want me to hand myself over as your sacrifice, but you haven’t given me a damned thing Marx. Know what happens when you take without giving? It blows up in your face. Or in this case, hits you in the face via a Final Heaven. 

(Stephanie laughs and shakes her head)

Stephanie: My words may not affect you, but yours influence me. Your insults make me harder and your criticisms make me better. Your doubt makes me faster, and your inevitable defeat will make me stronger. Stay woke.

(Stephanie makes a peace sign as she turns around to walk inside the restaurant)
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