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EAW Promoz! :: Comments

Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 2nd 2016, 11:01 pm by Jenny
“I’ve never felt such genuine rage. I swear to god I will end you.” Jenny screams from the computer room. “You will be- oh he private messaged me. “Git Gud”... HOW DARE YOU!!! THAT IS MY-”

DJ cuts in. “Happy place, Jenny. Go to your happy place.” A rhythmic knock come from the door. “I’ll get it.”

“I swear to god, I’m the best goddamn ADC this world has ever seen, fuck you Ymir. What is this? The EU? Step off with that weird ass- Oh hiiiii…” Jenny turns from her computer to see her brown haired, and tan skinned makeup designer. Her designer waves flamboyantly.

“How’s it been?” She asks leaning against the doorway.

“Pretty good, how about you… uh…”

“A. My friend calls me A.”

“You mean friends?”

“Well it would have been you and DJ but you can’t remember my name.” A smirks. Jenny hangs her head as DJ walks into the room.

“So, should we get started?”

“Sure! Let’s get this makeup done B.” B chuckles and begins to walk off with Jenny as DJ grabs her and hold her back.

“Good luck.” DJ looks into the distance with a thousand yard stare.

“Right.” B  replies hesitantly shaking her arm free. B walks into the room that Jenny is occupying to find her spinning in the rotating chair that she’ll be sitting in for makeup. B shakes her head and begins to remove her entire laboratory of facial manipulation. “So Niki Khan, huh? She sounds like a real tough cookie.”

“Eh, she’s an oatmeal raisin.” Jenny stops spinning to address her companion and then begins spinning in the other direction.


“She’s all bark and no bite. She SEEMS like a chocolate chip cookie but falls flat on the taste front. It’s repulsive, I have a real loathing for oatmeal raisin cookies.”

“I don’t know.” B shrugs. “I like oatmeal raisin cookies.”

“Oh my god.” Jenny stops spinning. “You’re dead to me, C.” C takes advantage of this to begin applying makeup, unfazed by Jenny’s claim of hatred.

“How ever will I live?” C says sarcastically.

“Maybe I won’t pay you, how ‘bout that?”

“Jenny, that’s against the law.” C takes a moment out of applying makeup to facepalm. Jenny takes the momentary break as a sign that she’s done and turns to look in the mirror. Jenny jumps at her own reflection before being turned back to C.

“You win this round, D.” Jenny finally sits fully still so D can finish her work. “But how do you sleep at night?”

“As soundly as Niki will when you flatten her.” D says almost absent-mindedly as she continues to add whale vomit based smell enhancements to Jenny.

“Hey, E?”

“What?” E’s annoyance is audible as she applies a fish scale containing, lip color bolstering stick to Jenny’s lips.

“Did you know that a whale’s penis is called a dork?”

“I’m sorry?” E says skeptically as she continues to apply the lip color boosting substance that women consume about 5 pounds of in their lifetime.

“Yep, that’s why I call people dork a lot. It becomes a much better insult when you know you’re calling someone a whale penis.”

“You are by far the weirdest person I’ve ever met.”

“Not shocking, F. I’m the weirdest person I know.” Jenny winces as glorified sharpy is applied to her over-eye hairs. He sight melons made a prayer that day that hey will never get harmed by things going into them. F finished applying that stage of facial masking in silence until finally continuing the conversation.

“So what’s you plan? How are you going to win.”

“Easy! I’ll wait for the perfect moment… and BAM!” Jenny slams her fist into her open hand making F jump. “I’ll hit her with a GG. Easy, clean, magniflorious, edible, wonderful, destructive fun.”

“Decent plan I suppose… wait what was that middle one?”


“No, no. The other one.”



“You ask a lot of questions, G, not very assertive. But I’ll tell you: Because I believe in a new world. I must win because this is a step toward being a champion, and I must become a champion. My mother always believed in me, at least until the event…”



“O….k” G continued to make Jenny’s face smoother with powder that emulates the color of her flesh.

“Back to the point. I can’t lose this. My ferret, Snuffles, is counting on me.”

“Is this all a bit joke to you? You know people spend their lives attempting to get to this level. You’re basically just mocking all of them.”

“What? Absolutely not, I have respect for everyone from backyard wrestlers to DDD himself. I just want to have a little fun is all. I don’t plan on throwing my career away, I just plan on enjoying it. It’s not that hard to grasp. It’s just enjoyable. Make sense H?”

“I suppose. You’re done, let’s get you out there.” H replied a little hesitantly. DJ walked into the doorway.

“You ready, Jenny?” DJ asked.

“Hell yeah!” Jenny said jumping to her feet. “Let’s go!”

Fade to black.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 2nd 2016, 10:45 pm by ThePizzaBoy
So everyone's ready to put their cards on the table now.  Everyone's ready to show the world the snake behind the mask.  Ares shows his insecurity once more by only taking from my message what benefits his drive, his paranoia, his crybaby tantrum nature.  I've never discounted what you've done in between those ropes to keep the gold around your waist.  If anything, I've all but marveled at it.  What disgusts me is what you do after the final bell to ensure anybody that comes so much as close to matching up to you never gets another chance to prove that on the right night, in the right city, in front of the right crowd, they could take that gold away from you.  I mean, that's why Brian's gone isn't it? That's why Robbie's a beaten husk of a man in a wheelchair.  That's why a guy like me, a current champion, is getting a shot at your big prize.  You've turned the contender's pool into a boneyard.  You've taken precautions to make sure you're never seen falling on your knees to the same man on more than one occasion.  No Ares.  I don't think I'm a better wrestler than you, and I know what it took for all three of us to get where we are at the top of the top brand's card fighting for the most prestigious belt in this company.  Nobody comes into this battle with clean hands or a spotless track record.  We came from mud and muck, and two of us are going to end up going back to the dirt when this is all over with.  It's just the nature of the three of us, and I have no doubt that whoever falls back down to the murky clay below will claw their way back up to the top, stone by stone, hand over hand, until they get to a spot where they can exact revenge on the ones who've fell them.

   In a way that tells me I'm in line for two mortal enemies that I probably wont shake for awhile.  That's fine.  Ask Jones how fine that is.  He knows.  I don't mind going into a seven year's war with anybody.  What I do mind however is when they whine about me retaliating against them when they draw first blood.  

  You can paint whatever picture you want in your mind Tiberius, but the fact remains that what I've done to you thus far is nothing but  drop in the ocean of brutality that you've bestowed upon me.  If you're still belly aching about falling off of a ladder then brother I've got some bad news for you, because come Rite of Passage I'm going to make sure you're going to keep falling, further and further, until you hit bedrock and finally grow a case of the limber tail and learn not to mess with the Pizza Boy.  This isn't even about Rite of Passage.  Uh uh, you and I are going to cross paths long after November 5th.  We're not done until I say we're even and you're walking wide circles in the locker room to stay out of my periphery.

   As for the champ, well, you've hurt one of my friends.  You know what? He's not even a friend, he's a mentor, a peer, a guy who came to my aid when I was sick of people coming to my aid and leaving me to hang out to dry the following week.  Brian was a Samaritan.  If it weren't for him I'd still be getting fat in a corner booth down at Tony's Pizza.  I owe that guy a lot.  Because of him I found my spark again, and you snuffed that spark from him.  Now it's my turn to pay him back.  Now it's my turn to do something he probably doesn't want me to do, but something that has to be done for his benefit.  I'm going to take you out Ares.  I'm going to put you back in the squalor that you came from, and unlike Tiberius, I'm going to put you out of everyone's misery in our first encounter.  You've asked why I'm in this battle; It's not because up 'til Halloween I had an undefeated streak going, and it's not because I'm the EAW National Champion.  It's because I have a penchant for setting the wrongs of EAW right.  And yeah, maybe that does mean I have a hero complex.  Maybe I get a bit too big for my boots and come in feeling ten feet tall and bulletproof, but I always come out of the fight knowing that I'm not invincible, and that I still got the job done.  

   Nobody expects me to win this match.  Quite honestly, there's probably a good chance I wont.  That's not making excuses, it's just me setting up a point, because the fact of the matter is that I'll fight until every breath in my lungs voids my body to make sure that two would-be greats who've done everything but literally throw out the rule book don't go down in history as the face of the company that I love.   Even if that means I become a transitional champ.  Even if that means I have a long and tenuous reign that the people lose faith in, it's better than the two of you continuing to slander this place with your cut-corner ways and your run-and-hide mentality.  I have to try.  I have to succeed.  I have to prove that my means justify the ends, because otherwise I'm just as big of a hypocrite as the two of you for putting you both through the hell I plan on raining down.  It's time to make this about more than just bad blood and three gutter punks rising through glass ceilings by any means necessary.  It's time to prove whose really worthy, whose really good enough to hold that belt and represent the flagship of EAW.  

   No more excuses.  No more lying to yourself.  No more running away from past challenges and living in fear of them catching up to you.  At Rite of Passage a statement must be made, and that statement has to be that the better man won because he is the best man for the job.  I plan on making that statement, even if it means getting a little bit of Texas dirt under my nails.  Tiberius, we've taken it to the streets before.  Ares, we've risen from the same sewers.  It's time to go inside boys.  It's time to show that three jerk kids from rough backgrounds can wipe their feet on the apron before getting in the ring and still go in that squared circle and bring a piece of the concrete jungle fight with them.  It's time to grow the hell up, quit blaming our problems on some conspiracy, and fight like men. I know I'm going to, and for the sake of that title around your waist Ares, I hope you do to.  Put away your daddy issues, your play dates, and your fear of looking stupid.  And Tiberius? Leave your 'poor me' attitude at the door.  You can come into this match hating me, wanting my blood, and calling for my death, but don't pretend that some shrimp from the Bowery got ahead doing anything less than fighting his green horn heart out.

   As for me, I think I've made it more than clear that I'm coming for blood.  I'm coming for gold.  I'm coming for justice and one hell of an ass whooping from two men who should be the headliners of this company if it weren't for their shitty attitudes getting in the way.  For once I'd like to see you two try and out-class someone to beat them.  God knows you're both capable of it if you ditch the self-loathing and put forth an effort.  I know I'm leaving the pizza slicer at home, and I know that doing so doesn't make me any less dangerous.  

   In closing, to quote a frat douche, 'come at me bros'.  Come at me with all you've got and maybe, just maybe, you'll beat me and look like an actual champion in the process.  Gentlemen.  I'll see you in San'an...or is that San Andreas?....San Antonio.  Yeah, you know where the hell the match is.  Damn...almost had a flawless promo...someday...oh well.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 2nd 2016, 10:41 pm by AlexisDiemos
“And the stars have aligned in my favor, haven’t they? I mean, what with the dish that I have been given so eagerly by those that rule above me in EAW. Aligning myself with the OG’s as well as the rest of my Sanatorium Sisters has proved to be a good business decision for me, hasn’t it sweeties? After all, I doubt that this title shot would not be in contention unless the OG’s wanted to prove a point to those that don’t follow their guiding whim. I mean, it doesn’t matter to me who I ally with, as long as they hold up their ends of the bargain and I hold up mine. And I have held up mine. I intend to continue to hold up my end of the bargain as well. There’s nothing in this world that I would like more than to prove that I’m deserving of a higher position, a higher role, a better role. And look what the beautiful general manager of Empire has in store for me? A number one contenders match? Against the Dead End Bride Erica Ford. For the number one contender’s spot for the coveted Specialist championship. A title held by the beautiful and original, Kendra Shamez. You know what makes this all the more fantastic. The fact that I’m not afraid of you in the slightest Erica Ford.”

Alexis grinned as she applied the lipstick gingerly to her lips, her hand tracing some of the cuts that ranged just along the edge of her face. Battle scars from her last matchup. A matchup she had thoroughly enjoyed...especially once her new sister had decided to join the party. Her tongue slid out running slowly along her finger before she bit down on it.

“So we begin the little dance to the title against a very game opponent. A very dangerous girl that has proved time and time again that you can never count her out of anything. She has been through hell and back...hell some might call her the crash test dummy of the vixens. Taking every bit of punishment that we can dish out and delivering just about as much back. Even I’m impressed by her, but that isn’t saying much. Just like the rest of Sanatorium I don’t just look down at every opponent and pity them for facing off against me. I have a lot of respect for Erica. A lot of respect. I mean, not everyone can survive after being dealt the damage that she’s been dealt. She was able to walk in with a lot of training on her belt and she’s done pretty well for herself...up until Cleopatra decided to put her against me. Erica I don’t want to know what trouble you decided to stir with our boss...but that was one of the biggest mistakes you have made ever. Because when you piss off the powers that be, you risk getting stuck into a fight that you have no hope of victory in. And they put you up against a ready and willing sister of violence and insanity. A sister that is so ready to taste that title win that she is willing to stoop low enough as to ally herself with the OG’s. And you? You deserve this chance as well, I promise you. You deserve to taste that chance at glory, but you aren’t going to get that chance by riding it over me. No one get’s a chance like this over my back. Not anymore.

Most of my time here in EAW...I was looked over for everything. The first and only chance I had ever gotten to achieve fame...Tarah Nova took from me in a rage against Madison Kaline and I was caught in the crossfire. And she put me out of the match in its entirety. I thought that would be the only chance I would ever get. The only moment that i would ever feel the light of glory hit my face. And here I am. Ready to achieve that dream once again and become the number one contender for the specialist title. Erica Ford, I may respect you, but that doesn’t prevent you from standing in front of my path to greatness and glory. My journey to stardom and fortune. My...path to EAW supremacy. And you have done everything you can to cement your own legacy. I refuse to let myself fall to you on Empire. It won’t happen, and god forbid that the OG’s try to undercut me to make sure our alliance remains stable via a title hanging over my head. Erica, don’t also try to say that I will use my sisters in a battle against you. You can trust me. I want to fight you myself. Personally. I know how much you love a good fight, a good back and forth contest where the only thing that will happen between the two of us is bloodshed and annihilation. I want that, and I know you do as well.

I watched your feud with Azumi closely. I know how important that was for you. How much you cared about the matches. And I doubt it was just because of who it was you were facing. You wanted to prove to the world that you could break through that barrier. That you weren’t just the loser of your tag team, and to the vixens as a whole. Do you know how much of that I understand? Do you remember what I was for so long. For so many months in my career, that was me. I was the girl that you used if you wanted to get a quick victory over someone. The girl who would probably never amount to anything in relation to the Vixen’s division. I had one high point in my career, a victory over a despondent Haruna Sakazaki. That isn’t me now though Erica. Mama is here. Mama Diemos. And I’m not going to sit here and laugh and talk and try to joke my way out of the fact that you are going to be a serious challenge for me. You want this just as bad as I do. You will go to just as dangerous of lengths for it as I will. And you will do really well at that. I saw you fight...I’ve seen your matches. I know what you are capable of...but I don’t think you understand just what I’m capable of.”

She rises to a stand cracking her neck before picking up her special brass knuckles. She looked them up and down before slipping them onto her fist turning and punching the mirror. The glass fell to the floor on her table as she stretched out each of her fingers, a smile forming its way along her face. She turned back to the window, her special crow cawing out to her and pecking at the glass as she opened up the window for him.

“I’m not going to be held back. I’m not going to be injured on my way to the top. I’m not going to stand there and let others take their position off of my back. This contender match is mine to win. Mine to claim. And though you have my love and respect, you don’t have enough of it to warrant a win over me. And you never will. Erica Ford...you are stepping against the Sanatorium’s Biggest Sister. You won’t walk out of this match alive. I promise you that.”   
Tarah Nova
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 2nd 2016, 10:16 pm by Tarah Nova
The Vengeful One---Empire#1
“As the violence surges
And the teeming masses have been terrorized
Their human predators... all gone mad
Are reaping profits born from their demise
The rabid media plays their role
Stoking the flames of war to no surprise
Only too eager to sell their souls
For the apocalypse must be televised

So sleep soundly in your beds tonight
For judgement falls upon you at first light

I'm the hand of God
I'm the dark messiah
I'm the vengeful one
(Look inside and see what you're becoming)
In the blackest moments of a dying world
What have you become
(Look inside and see what you're becoming)”

This again? Steph, please. Just stop and shut up. Like I've noticed that each time we have a match against one another you have the nerves bring up the fact that you have beaten me in that ring but I bet the difference. See every time you say those lines, I always find myself laughing and getting ready to shoot back with the truth and the truth is you have never beaten me fair and square. You have never pinned me without help from one of your sisters or help from a steel chair. BUT yet, you still lie and shoot out the fact that you've beaten me. See there is the difference between myself and Kendra Shamez. Yes, indeed you have pinned her. You have gotten her on her back in the middle of that ring without help from anyone. Shockingly, You have done that on your own. Amazing job, kid. So proud that you have defeated Kendra Shamez but god, you have not defeated me and I'm going to keep it that way. Yeah, for too long I've been sitting here and listening to you bitching about killing Sirens but you have never killed any of us, have you? You are a false Messiah that believes that she is here for one purpose and one purpose only and that is to conquer The Vixens division but once again; I will be proving you wrong. You have nothing on me, Steph. You don't have the upper hand between us because all you are saying is bullshit.  Lying on the fact that the Sirens are trying to become The OGs. You need to come to terms that I, in the lack of better words,  am not one of them or will never be like them. Though Me and Kendra? Nah, Kendra Shamez and Tarah Nova is not the same person. We are not two of the same coin. We don't have the same wrestling techniques or have the same egos. I mean really, Kendra has the biggest ego out of all vixens in this division but me? Eh, Shockingly, I do not have an ego but I do have a pride---The Pride to lead this division to greater heights and I will not let someone like you or Kendra or any of the other hookers we have in this Vixens division try to get in my way of making this Division the best it has been in years.

Frankly, Stephanie, I do know I have done so much for this Division. And you're right, I have held the Vixens Championship and the Specialist Championship and even beaten everyone here. Yeah, I'm done so much that it does look like I am an OG Vixen but I promise you this I will never be one of them. I will never stand their grounds and I will never listen to their lies just like I will not listen to yours. Day in and day out, you dare come up to me and you scream that you hate me in my face because I stole your girlfriend and your best friend away and I showed who was better. I showed them your lies and how was to be trusted. And than, You get mad and throw Tantrums because I'm better than you in that ring and yet, here I stand not giving a damn thing you have thrown. Sparding all these false facts to the universe. Sickening. Steph, you need to realize that I don't give a damn what you say about me! I don't give a damn about the rumors that you spread or the fact that you called me a bitch. God! Don't you think I already knew that? Yeah, I'm an hardcore bitch and proud of it. I've known that since day one and you telling me that, doesn't phase me. In fact nothing you say or do whether it's one chair shot or 10,000; none of it will please me. I am unbreakable, untouchable! Your words are just going from one ear and out the other because everything you say to me and all the other Vixens is downright pathetic. Well in my eyes, you are with you say. See this is why I say I'm the best in this division because I know I am. I have came from nothing and now I'm here; standing at the top of the mountain with or without a championship around my waist. Yeah, that's where I know I stand. I don't need to grovel and try to win the championship to prove to myself that I am worth it. Frankly, I know I'm worth the division. I am worth the booing or the screams of cheering freak shows. And me standing here throwing my comebacks are you is totally worth it even if I lose because I'm showing you that I am not afraid of you and I never will be.

So Tomorrow night we've faced off again and and once again; I will show everyone that you are as pathetic as your words against Me. I'm going to show them once again you cannot beat the Vixen Killer without Helping Hands. Yeah, if you do not have the guts or balls to defend your honor and your family against everything that I hold to myself. Face it's Stephanie, I am just that good that you have to cheat to get a win. Hell, I am at the best in this division and everything you throw at me,  I will throw it right back ten times harder. Oh yes god, I feel a storm coming and baby, I'm ready for the hurricane you believe you are. So ready or not Bitch, here I come and I’m coming for blood.

Believe that.
Ahren Fournier
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 2nd 2016, 6:05 pm by Ahren Fournier
*OOC: I don't know why the spacing is like this, I cant change it tho)

(Camera fades in on a TV talk show host on some morning show)


Show Host: Ahren Fournier is professional wrestler for the EAW, on their Voltage brand. He has really made a name for himself within these past couple months, and he hopes to keep the momentum going with his upcoming match with Matt Miles, Ahren, Welcome.


Ahren: MMMM This couch feels soooo good on my skin, what is this made of mmmmm... You forgot my nickname.. The Crown Jewel... The Trill Fairy... Any of them? No? Fool....


(Ahren starts rubbing his face on the couch)

 Show Host: Umm Ahren we’re on, please stop rubbing your face on the couch


Ahren: Why am I wearing a shirt????


(Takes off shirt)


Show Host: Ahren please put your shirt back on... and again stop rubbing your face on the couch please, I have a job to do


Ahren: No, I never wear a shirt, not even for TV shows.. But go on do your job then, I'm not holding you back from that


(Goes back to rubbing his face on the couch)

Show Host: Are you ok Ahren?


(Ahren Inhales)

 Ahren: Mmmmm oh yeah Mila kunis has definitely sat on this couch


Show Host: Umm That's inappropriate, but you mean to tell me you've had sex with mila kunis and know her.... scent?


Ahren: I've had my way with a ton of famous Hollywood actresses.. And could tell you what a lot of these girls.. scents are like.. give me any Hollywood actress panties I can tell you who they belong to... what you thought I'd keep just getting with vixens? No I needed to branch out I'm a hot commodity all females want me. Why waste my talent on the bottom of the barrel, when I could get some top tier stuff


Show Host: Interesting... so let's get to the questions Who is Ahren Fournier ?


(Ahren makes a weird face, and slowly rises from the couch, he hunches over with his arms shrunk up like a T. rex.. he creeps slowly like a dinosaur over to the interviewer)


Show host: What is this, what's happening.. please don't come any closer.. what are you doing?? 


Ahren: well I'm creeping and I'm creeping and I'm creeping... but I damn near got caught cuz my beeper kept beeping 


Show host; ok thank you, stop now 


(Ahren gets closer to the host and put his head right next to the hosts ear) 

Ahren:*whispers* I am nobody... I am everybody... I am everything... I am... the trill fairy 


(Ahren calmly normally walks back to the couch and sits with a smile on his face)

Show host: odd, you're odd, you do weird things... why did we invite him on?


Ahren: you mean I'm trill and  do trill things 


Show host: sure... anyway about the match against Matt miles


Ahren: No about that couch, mmmmm feels so good on my skin but yeah.. Matt beat me his first time against me, a fact he so proudly told a few weeks ago, bragging about it and what not.. and ever since he bested me, he's been doing some great things. He's the number one contender for the EAW title, good for him right? All because he was on a that territorial invasion team.. a team that consisted of, impact, the mighty don't kneel, him, and maybe someone else I don't remember. But he's the one getting that special opportunity. I just think that's more right place right time but that's just me


Show Host: So you're saying he doesnt really deserve this title shot?


Ahren: No he does, he's an ex interwire Champion, he has the credentials, but the way I see it, I deserve it too! I mean I wasn’t even given the chance to be on that team, and seeing where most of that team is now, I would've been a better choice anyway. But Matt is in a very good position right now, and it’s ideal for me, because I have a lot to gain from this. This is a big chance for me. To beat the number one contender for the EAW title? Woooo that’s big time, this could propel me into great things. That title match opportunity that I've never gotten? I could finally get my chance! This can finally be my time.


Show Host: Matt miles beat you before though, don't you think he's more than capable of doing it again? 


Ahren: Yes he beat me before, but now I know what I'm dealing with. I've got this fire in my stomach, I'm a dragon you see, and I shall spit my fire right at his face. Imma punch him, Imma bite him, Imma kick him, Imma scratch him all the way to victory. I shall save the fire for later, gotta burn the torches as celebration to indicate my coming of age story as next in line! You see I've got everything to gain from this match, and the trill fairy will hold no prisoners. Matt Miles probably thinks that I’m still that regular old Ahren Fournier that he beat a few months back, but no. I’m much different, I’ve gained super powers, I’m the trillest of the trill, and I don’t see me slowing down any time soon. You see my biggest weakness, my balls? I’ve got that covered, the cup worked wonders last week, so problem no more. I have no more weaknesses.


Show Host: So what's...



Ahren: I WANT A DONUT!!!


Show Host: What?




Show Host: Umm ok




(Intern gives him a DONUT) 

 Show host: So are we good now?


Ahren: (mouth full) yup (DONUT flies) You know, that was pretty dope, I should get myself a personal intern...


Show host: so what's next for Ahren Fournier


Ahren: Umm (More DONUT flies and hits the interviewer in the face) Trillness, level on high 


(Host wipes the donut out of his face)
Show host: But like career wise 


Ahren: Well... I'm going to be the greatest of all time, I got the skills to pay the bills, I got all the power and the mindset to do whatever I want. Beating Matt miles, getting my redemption against him, will be a big opportunity to really show what Ahren Fournier is really about, and maybe just maybe, I'll get the notoriety I deserve, and will be given a title shot that I've never gotten. 


Show host: you think you're ready for all this? Seems like a lot to take on

Ahren: don't you ever ask the Trill Fairy if he's ready for something, I've never seen you do anything trill and with comments like this you'll never seen me ever


Show host: what... does trill even mean? 


Ahren: THATS IT!!! Trill fairy out!! (Throws magic fairy dust and disappears) (runs out of the room) 

 Show host: ok, well I guess the interview is over. Thank you to Ahren Four...


(Ahren comes back)

 Ahren: I'm taking this chair (picks up chair, throws it through the window behind them, walks out of the window, picks up the chair, and leaves) 

 Show host: I don't know what just happened.. let's take a break 


(Camera fades to a commercial, but there was no more Ahren on this show so we fade to black)
Sir Killian Charlamagne
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 2nd 2016, 5:56 pm by Sir Killian Charlamagne
The scene opens up to a hotel Hallway where Kelly Hackenschmidt was wearing a backwards hat, leather jacket and jeans while dragging a black, wheeled suitcase behind him. His hair tied back. Out of nowhere emerged a journalist wearing a red plad shirt came out, approaching Kelly with a clipboard.

Journalist: “Hey, you remember me? Grayson Solomon? The voice of Canadian Wrestling?”

Kelly stopped his walk and sighed, crossing his arms together as he looked up to Mr. Solomon.

Kelly: “Yes, I remember man.”

Grayson: “Well, ever since Dynasty last week, questions have been circulating around the actions of one Lucas Johnson. Yet what people want to know is, what exactly is your reaction to the events of last Friday?”

Kelly sets his hat aside and pushes his hair back, looking down towards the shorter Grayson.

Kelly: “You know. You're the third journalist who has came up to me this past week asking that. Yet since you aren't some shady dealer on the street. I’ll tell you this; Lucas Johnson is an interesting case for me. Sure, I’m pissed as all helheim as to what his actions were, yet at the same time, I’m not going to create a rampage over it, because that's exactly what someone would want me to do. They want you to react so that they can use their own anger against you. Meanwhile, with me. I can see why he did what he did. He's frustrated. He's mad at the fact that he went from being the top of the New Breed division to being just another box-office bomb! Yet when he sees some young, new and hip talent come into the fold, he starts to get jealous and realize that his ten minutes of fame are about to pass. You see, give a man a spotlight and he’ll get attached to it! He’ll become so scared of losing it that when someone like me who values himself as 'Mister Pure Wrestling’ comes around, he’ll forget all his morals and do whatever it is he can to get people talking about him again. While I’ll admit he had people talking, I’m afraid that he chose the poison goblet as opposed to the non-poison one. I may not be from Sicily, yet you should never gamble with me when your dignity is on the line! You see, I know deep down; Lucas Johnson knows that he can't out-wrestle Kelly Hackenschmidt. He can't out wrestle one of the most high energy wrestlers to ever step foot in this ring! When you're up against me, you need to think outside the box, and that's exactly what Johnson will try to do. He’ll try to think out of the box. Yet I’m afraid this time, underhanded tactics are going to be less effective when an opponent knows when to expect it, it's why the Spanish Inquisition doesn't exist in today's society. Everyone would suspect them.”

Kelly looks left and right down the hall before ripping the elastic out of his ponytail and looking towards Grayson.

Kelly: “Although Johnson is a gifted wrestler, yet when that gift is used for the wrong, it makes you question who really is on top. Yet in truth deep down, the guy who can get the job done normally is the better man.”

Kelly stands his suitcase back up.

Kelly: “You see, the reason Lucas Johnson attacked me is because he couldn't do it on his own! He needed a little way to maintain his dignity and it just so happened that right in the same ring as him was none other than Mister Pure Wrestling himself! Against a man like me, Lucas Johnson would have to resorted to stuff like that in order to win.”

Grayson: “Now, next question, what is your battle plan against V?”

Kelly: “V? He's an interesting one you see. V and Lucas Johnson are very similar, they're both scared of a real opponent to really do anything about their career. I seriously hope Mark Michaels gets the answers he's looking for. If anything I can support the guy after what happened. In fact, if V doesn't get his boot drilled in by Mark Michaels first, I’ll make sure to finish the job for him. We know he'll be in the building, he's in a match against me after all, so hopefully I can see exactly what kinda person V is under his little masquerade may think that he may hide his intentions so that the world may never find them! Though if Michaels won't get em the easy way, then V. I am afraid there is the hard way.”

Kelly cracks his knuckles and looks back to Grayson.

Kelly: “And come Freya’s day, I’m gonna show the world exactly what you and Lucas have in common. You both cheat to get your way, but when it's all said and done, you’ll be brought back to the drawing board.”

Kelly walks over to the next hotel room and chips the hotel card back into door slot. The door opens and Kelly walks in as the camera fades to black.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 2nd 2016, 5:40 pm by Ryder
At Rite of Passage, I am going to defeat you.

I desperately want to abstain from the rigmarole of whys and hows, but in a scenario such as this one, it is quite warranted. You see Ryan, there are two major reasons aside from the fact that I am simply better than you, and they are almost philosophical in wording, so you should appreciate it: You get what you give, and a repeated story earns no cause. Now, Ryan, I know it must be traumatizing to hear something that is not in the light of your view, but give me your time and understand me when I say that you have signed up for every single downfall that you will sustain on Saturday. A mind works in curious ways, and regardless if your betrayal was premeditated or impromptu, the act still occurred. It took one act to sign your death certificate, and boy did you achieve that. It can be a simple as acting like a child because the light was not on you, or it could be as complex as your insecurities of not being capable to be one with a team of highly skilled legends, but in the end, you left me and my teammates -- your teammates -- behind and down when you decided to leave. You made that decision, and no one else. Your horse may gallop on and you ride him high and mighty, but the trail of blood you are leaving behind glows bright like helios. The pedestal that you raise yourself on is getting awfully high, and when you fall off, it is going to just hurt that much more. For every story you tell, view you give, or act you commit, you add another foot to the tower that your sorry ass it about to plunge off of. I want to be sympathetic, but you have not earned my sympathy yet. You have not even earned the spit out of my mouth! You are nothing more than a fleck of dirt at the bottom of the pan, that drowns and struggles while I rise with the cream of the crop. I cannot deny that you are a phenomenal elitist, and I can admit that you are one hell of a speaker, but I refuse to fuel your ego with the idea that you are better than me, let alone that you can beat me at Rite of Passage… Man, Rite of Passage, what a storytelling title. Everyone has heard how this show name resonates deeply inside your core, riveting up the trumps of Marx’s insecurities as the flags of doubt wave high in the air, but people do not care. I already touched on how you get what you give, and now it is time to address that your cliche story means nothing in a land full of them. Elite Answers Wrestling has been around for nearly ten years, and if your sorry ass thinks that your story is unique and powerful to yourself and the people at home, then you are gravely mistaken. There is not a single person who has not heard the exact same thing, and although you worded yourself well, you are simply intellectualizing a dead horse. I could take a third graders macaroni painting and turn it into an abstract work of art that looks just the same but has finer edges, and people would not care, because it has already been done. Throwing three layers of paint onto an aging wall may temporarily seal the wound of age, but it will shine through with due time. I think that is what describes you best, Ryan, is that you will shine through with due time. We both agree in the fact that you have not reached your peak potential, but I tell you what brother, that peak is not coming anytime soon, and that includes Saturday. Many people here seem to count their eggs before they hatch, and you may be betting on the same pseudo-hope that many before you have as well; since I need this win more, I am bound to get it. Let me give some insight to you, Mister Philosopher, because no outlook or principle can explain this better than I can. You cannot bet on anything. Sure, Murphy’s Law may be similar, but in Elite Answers Wrestling, nothing is as simple and grounded as one construction of words. This is a unique place, this a place that I was born into at a young age and have grown up with it all my life, and I know for a fact that I have not done the best I could do. I am not out here crying to the heavens for a sympathy story or for the support of that do not care, I am hear to say one thing. We all have struggled, we all have let down, and we all failed to the meet the expectations that we set for ourselves or that others have set before us… But it is what you make of it. Your personal rite of passage may be an everyday part of your life, but at the Rite of Passage, your personal story will take a tumble downhill, because it is simple enough that I am going to defeat you, whether you want it to happen or not. I wish to bridge the gap between struggle and reality, and I perceive the world as it is given before me, but sometimes you have to let the mystic inside take a step back, and let the warrior arise. The issues you cannot control or aim to improve are what drives us to be the best, but the concrete issues at hand are what we can deal with now. Making conquers and improvements in the present is what constructs are malleable selves into the best people we can be, and the concrete issue at hand for me is you, Ryan Marx, and at Rite of Passage, you are losing.

Last edited by Ryder on November 2nd 2016, 6:14 pm; edited 2 times in total
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 2nd 2016, 5:01 pm by Hades
This day, I call on the assistance of the forsaken from beyond the shadows of the abyss -- Ghouls of the Underworld, Demons of Tophet, Monsters of the Nether Region; I implore thee -- give me the strength to eradicate the resistance; the opposing force that is the Heart Break Boy.  A feat I have attempted many times, and failed many times.  It shames me to admit that the very thought of our latest encounter still keeps me awake at night.  How I was so careless as to allow him just enough slack to slip free of my grasp.  But no more…there will be no more sleepless nights on my part…with your help we will revise history; forge a new destiny.  This time it will be The Golden One who suffers the eternal nightmare of succumbing to a bloody and agonizing defeat at the hands of The Hellraiser.  It’s his turn to sweat!

I know how cunning, resourceful, and stubborn you can be; you’d sooner kill yourself in the process of trying to defeat me rather than lose out on a championship because of me.  All I have to do is remain one step ahead of you…anticipate every punch, kick, and maneuver mere seconds before they’re even executed…albeit, it’ll be easier said than done; but I’ve pulled off miracles before.  Some bigger than the one you’ll have to pull off in order to get the crowd behind you again.  I’m not certain of the exact time, but one thing I’m convinced of is time has made you one bitter old man.  Do you know why people have turned against you…or the light, as you like to classify it?  It’s because you’ve become far too judgmental.  You walk around with a stick or a crucifix up your ass, talking their heads off with these inane sermons, all in the name of furthering this agenda you’ve been pushing; which needless to say has surpassed a point of extreme discomfort to the audience.  You’re telling them that what they choose to indulge in is wrong; that the entertainment they tune in for weeks to see is wrong; but it’s not wrong because the entertainment doesn’t live up to your standards, is it HBB?  Oh no, it’s wrong because it isn’t you who is entertaining them anymore -- it isn’t you who is performing in front of the sold out crowds or headlining shows anymore -- and it isn’t you who is the EAW World Heavyweight Champion.

I may not be too familiar with the good book, but I’m pretty sure there’s something in there about God’s disapproval of envy.  In what twisted parallel universe is it, when I, of all people can remove myself from the spotlight with grace and dignity; but the world renowned HBB, with over two dozen credits to his name, seizes the opportunity to cut in line when no one is looking so that he may relive days of youth and excellence; anything to escape the old, ugly, worn down, absence of greatness that is the reality of his present.  Yet even with his deepest of insecurities displayed in plain sight for all to see, he still finds room to be arrogant.  It’s baffling.  And slightly humorous, I’ll admit.  Your arrogance is destined to betray you in this match-up my friend; it’ll lead you down a road of misery and despair where nothing will be fruitful.  Everything you touch will be brought to ashes -- the legacy you leave behind will be one of tragedy; for you were the man dumb enough to underestimate the power of the Dark Side.  The spirits and I shall strike down upon thee with a vengeance so swift and great that even the Almighty himself will fall to his knees in angst; may Heaven be with you…otherwise Hell will take you!
Devan Dubian
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 2nd 2016, 2:43 pm by Devan Dubian
All of it becomes crystal clear over the years. It is not what you do before you enter the prestigious company of elitists with a ring that  regulates your career but rather what you do after it that will actuate it. In my inexperience, I felt a tremendous amount of pressure just building my resume up enough to be warranted a shot at the hall of fame but never would I have figured that the exhausting arc of my career was yet to come. I was found lacking in many of my past opportunities before the one amazing spectacular run that I put together but it was perfectly fine because I had no weight on my back to carry but now, every single breath and move I take is dissected by the merit of my hall of fame ring. If I take one misstep or am found lacking in any departments from the point I stepped off that podium, I am not only degrading myself but every single elitist who once stepped on this podium and took part in the same honor. And to be perfectly honest with you, it would not surprise me to find out that many do feel that I was sub-par in the past few months but convenience can only carry you so much. I have no pretext left to make because I have once again found my fountain of youth, an extravagant gold that will carry me in pride of every single spectator and that gold is this Hall of Fame championship match. In order to achieve immortality however, I must face off against perhaps the most proper champion to ever face in that ring and make him bestow upon me the honor of carrying that title with glory. This intention is not one that comes without sacrifice but once polished, it will allow me praise of being unparalleled for the rest of my career.

Regardless of what my intentions are, I know one thing for sure, the man I face off against this weekend certainly could care less about them. Methuselah has no desire to influence any others because he still believes that his own model is still not done constructing, if anyone were to ask him now, he would openly admit that he is at the peak of his powers. And it shows in his capability to manhandle some of the best that this company has thrown at him in the past few months but ultimately placing me on the same surface as them shows your naivety with age, in presumably becoming more bold, Methuselah has lost his touch in the immediate time. Whatever persona you like to entitle yourself these days does not change the matter of fact that you have possibly been in every situation that this place has heaved at you since you debuted so take yourself back to where I am currently placed in my career, put yourself in that mentality and then try to convince yourself that you can beat that man. I am sure you are trying to envision every kind of plausible scenario in your mind right now but the one matter of fact remains immutable, there is no path to victory against that man. It may seem like yet another imperious statement from an elitist who is in way above his head but let me assure you that this man has much more on the line you do. The materialistic item you carry around is definitely something I would want to add to my hanging wall of accolades but the dividend implications I would receive in defeating you in a single match would carry far much more merit. There have been a good amount of holders for this title, some seemingly more merited than others but the reason why I stated that you were the perfect and most fitting opponent for me is because there has only ever been one Mr. DEDEDE or.. ironically, one Methuselah or whatever in this company. And to defeat the old legend that never loses face would not only give the spectators pure satisfaction in my work but also fittingly place me as the placeholder for all past, present and future Hall of Fame entrees. 

At some point, these vows become significantly harder to make than break. You find yourself a captive to so many vows aiming at you like arrows designed to hit your body after you break one after another and sooner than later, you yourself are going to end up breaking down Methuselah. When you vow to me that you are going to conquer my world, I expect exactly that and anything less is considered treason of your own word that will be confined fittingly. Be very direct in what you proclaim to do to me and stay on that course or expect to feel the wrath of pure farce hitting you back in your own face. And I can understand why you feel so perfectly confident in making these vows because precedent opponents fell victim to your words before they even entered the ring but in facing a man with a comparable ego, I tend to take everything at face value without any hesitation whatsoever. In fact, I would be willing to argue that this superior divine egotistical aura you give off is one of the many things that I would love to deprive from you to see you shrink and humble into a pitiful human being. I see myself larger than life, more amazing in correlation to any human I can be matched up with but I know my limit exists within this blue sphere because I am ultimately neither supernatural or maniacal enough to believe that I can control something out of my nature. You on the other hand do not possess the same limit and you, Methuselah might feel gives you an edge in proclaiming my limit but it is the complete opposite. I know where the end line and what my goal remains whereas you are on an imperceptible journey to find yourself but ultimately never will. This is perfectly attested in your nature and was visible on the previous Showdown when your associate decided to make this an Extreme Rules presuming that you will have the upper hand. Whilst we live in the era of Elite, let us not forget that we both were born originally in the era of extreme. In becoming one of the first premier elitists, you might have believed that I forgot my stature as an extremist but it is anything but. In fact, I have been urging for the opportunity to let go off this animosity and you have perfectly set yourself as the right antagonist in this story for me, the emir to finish off. It will be a good ending for all.

Methuselah, I will tame that monster within you once and for all
.. and become the rightful Hall of Champion for this company.
Cailin Dillon
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 2nd 2016, 2:41 pm by Cailin Dillon

Empire #3
It was either a grand misunderstanding of everything I said, or this is just how it works. This is how you need it to work. You got one thing right though. My skull is thick as hell. I’m a crazy bitch that doesn’t stop fighting until the end. You somehow took that I wasn’t dangerous from the beginning? When the fuck have you been dangerous? Last week? Give me a break woman. I’m still waiting for the moment when you give it to me straight and really explain why it has to be some sort of different way now. I know who you are and what you are and I know who you’re trying to be right now. This is some kind of great story you’ve spun thought this week. That’s for sure. I’m not telling you that I’m giving you an actual fight. I’m telling you this will be, without a doubt, the fight of your life. You said once this week that I needed to fight for my life in this match. You’re about to get everything you can handle and then some. You’ve given me no reason to be afraid. No reason to believe otherwise. So I tell you now, buckle up and get ready for what’s about to come. I’m whipping your ass all over this ring. I’m going to redefine the word dangerous for you. I’m going to make sure you know what it means when someone says they’re redesigned. I built a reputation for a reason. Now I’m about to destroy this reputation you tried to build for yourself this week. I’m supposed to believe you’re capable of beating me until I’m damn near dead. Maybe even all the way. The only thing I believe is Cailin Dillon comes out of Empire with another win.
You’ve spent so much time mocking me this way and telling me how it’s going to be. You tell me facts. You haven’t got shit to back it up. It’s amazing really, that so much nonsense can come from one girl. Meanwhile she has the ability to stand over there and just spout bullshit like someone turned on the faucet and it just got stuck. That’s what this is like from day to day this week. I wait for an answer from you, I get one, and then it’s just more of the same junk. You want to call me a Hallmark card, bitch maybe I can find you a good one to help you get over this loss you’re about to take. Just accept it, you’re all words at this point. I take you seriously as a threat, even if your threats are pretty hard to believe. You’re begging me to just look at you as this unbelievable ass kicker that ends her battles with her opponents left in blood. And it’s hard to do. Because in the end I know what’s going to happen in this match. You keep telling me I can’t handle you. You think you’ve put pressure on me and I just can’t deal with it. No way baby girl. I’ve felt worse pressure. The only think I’m feeling right now is excitement. Because I’m about to walk I between those ropes and kick you right in the damn teeth. When my boot does strike your teeth, I’ll give you every drop of that blood you want to taste and feel as you wipe it from your own lips. You say you’re a killer? I don’t see it. You aren’t capable of killing me. You aren’t a goddess and you aren’t getting your way in this match. I understand everything you want to do and this whole message that you’ve been spinning. But at the same time, I know my own message. I know my capabilities and I know that they expand a little more each and every day. Maybe I twisted your words in saying you showed up expecting a title shot. But you did show up expecting to get more than you ever earned. There’s no doubt about that. You say you want to knock off all the pegs that are in your way and go right to the top. There’s no mixed words there. I know exactly what you want and what you’re trying to do. You’re going to use this alliance for what you need and then you’re moving on if you can. We’re no different here. We’re fighting an ever expanding war. Our choices define us. You think you’re about to be a part of some amazing moment in Shock Value history. You think you’re about to change the course of this division. You’re wrong. You say you’re going to dominate me. I mean you’ve talked about me all week like I’m incapable of defending myself at all. I’m going to meet you head on, I’m going to mess your little plan up in just one week. Think about that. Everything you want to do and I can come in after just a week of your arrival and I can sink your ship. All with one match. That should be the greatest shock for you here. All the promises you made going to naught. That’s how this match is going and how it will end.
You’ve talked a hell of a lot about originality this week. Why can’t we just cut the shit and admit that every thing has already been done in some way or shape. There’s plenty that makes me different. If you don’t believe it, you will be the end of Thursday. But let me clarify something for you. I don’t think the OGs are weak for aligning with the Sanatorium. No, it’s quite the opposite. Sanatorium is weak for aligning with them. I don’t blame the OGs for just accepting minions to do their bidding. That makes total sense to me. Shock Value is a long ways off. They have plenty of time to really solidify who their partners will be in that match. Maybe they’re just using Sanatorium to have someone to do the dirty work. So far, that’s all you all have done. Where are they getting their hands dirty? Seems like you girls might be getting played. Just saying. But seriously, don’t give me that shit about how you have some sort of different arrangement. You using that is laughable. Think about it. Come the end of this way, Sheridan and I will be at each other’s throats. You’d be naïve to believe it only works way. These alliances are being made for one purpose only. And once this war concludes, it’s back to everyone fighting for themselves. That’s just how it’s got to be. I’m not worried about a match with you. I was never curious about fighting you. I didn’t ask for the match, but it was given to me. You look at this like a gift. I’m looking at it as a privilege. Cleopatra just gave me an arena to kick your ass.
The Sirens came together for one purpose. This is about this war. This isn’t Formation. This isn’t Iconomy or Omerta or Sanatorium. Just like the OGs. They are joined together for this war. They won’t last forever. Look at them. They’re no different. We’re all built for self destruction in the end. We’re all too competitive to just sit around and smile when we watch the opportunities slip away and fall into other hands. That’s how these businesses work. Just like you using a group as a toll. It never changes. I like you how you try to claim what I say is assumptions and what you’re doing, oh that’s facts. Get over yourself and get real, girl. This is just going to be a fight and I’d imagine no one is even going to bleed. That makes it a grand disappointment. And then all the promises you made about hurting me go by the wayside… god this all ends up looking silly in the end. If I had a dollar for every time some jackass tried to tell me I got lucky to win a match, I would be loaded down with cash. It would be incredible. Seems like all anyone wants to do these days is tell me I was lucky. Oh Cailin you were so lucky to beat Haruna that one time and then go on to be a champion for five months. Weird how you continually got lucky against everyone from rookies to seasoned veterans to the freaking leaders of the OGs. Damn girl, you better buy a lottery ticket or some scratch offs and see what happens. You just have all the luck. Right, I guess I cashed it in at Empress of Elite. You and Madison both call that match lucky and I had my way with her. She never stood a chance. She clawed her way to the ropes and I pulled her back to the middle and watched her struggle until she couldn’t take it anymore. The funny thing is we go through all of this for one match at Empire. I think you hate me or you’re trying to scare me, but I actually like you. You’re one cute and crazy package and I enjoy what you say you’re trying to bring. You’re right. You never needed to be rescued. You never even needed to leave. You could have been just fine staying right here and just fighting with the rest of us. You had all the tools but apparently you thought your time was best served on the outside. Waiting and watching until the moment was right. Opportunity came and you took it and now we stand here on the opposite sides and finally the two of us get to fight and we get to find out what will happen. You know what, you’re damn right I’m talking about winning a title. I have no shame in it. I have a title shot, guaranteed, coming up. I worked for it and I earned it. I get to talk about it for that reason. Listen dipshit, I lose matches. Everyone loses matches. But I don’t just lay down and let it come easy. Not like you seem to pretend I will. That won’t go down like this. I don’t have to love losing to you. Maybe you will get a chance to beat me. Maybe all these wild dreams will come true. But absent will be this big statement. You aren’t going to dominate me and make me bleed. You aren’t going to destroy me. I won’t let you. It’s funny how you can talk about how you have a huge ego and you’re proud of it, but then you tell me my ego is too big. God you are such a hypocrite it cracks me up. This match is so going the complete opposite of the way you promised.

Sweets this has been a fun little battle of words, but I’ve started to grow pretty tired of listening to you drone on and on about making me bleed and feeling that warmth between your finger tips. I didn’t realize I was booked to fight a vampire this week. Pretty cool stuff. You have the false sense of believing you got under my skin. I didn’t know what to expect from you at the beginning of the week. Was I going to get the same Brody Sparks that sucked the wind out of the Vixen’s Division with her performance early on. Or was it going to be something new with teeth. That’s what I got, something different. It’s exciting. I like new and I like challenging. Maybe you should have asked around because apparently you watched me fight and came up with some sort of false sense of security. Maybe you will make an impact now that you’re back. Time will tell. But this week I’m going to beat you and I’m going to smile at the end of this match. Blow you a kiss or place it right on your frustrated lips as I walk away from that ring with my head still held high. A footnote, ha. Just when I want to give you credit for being so original you take the path that so many before you have. You know where each and everyone of those Vixens ended up? On the losing end of a match with me. I’m not saying you’re just like them… but you’re making the same mistake. Thursday is my day, baby. I’m taking this match.
Terry Chambers
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 2nd 2016, 2:20 pm by Terry Chambers

'"Step 2"

---The scene opens inside of Terry Chambers private gym in Miami, Florida and a cameraman has a short shot of the logo then walks in. He walks to the back of the gym to see Terry Chambers sitting in the dark and watching film on all five of his opponents this Saturday at Rite of Passage and Terry Chambers notices the camera brightening up the room then he turns on the light and pauses it on a Nick Angel match and begins speaking---

Terry Chambers:
Nick Angel, I don't know what you were listening to, my friend. Because never once did I say you were a thorn in my side. If I recall, I said 4 of the competitors were a enemy of mine in some sorts because I have history with all of them, since when did I ever have any history with you? That's right never, so stop making up shit saying I said this and I said that saying I gave you a compliment because you are nothing more than a waste of space. Also, no I never joined OMERTA to be under the leadership of JJ Silva, if I remember correctly the leader was Zack Crash and I aligned myself with ZACK because I was constantly losing and needed a little bit of guidance and that is exactly what I got. I got just enough before he went to Voltage to realize I don't need that waste of human genitals JJ Silva and I don't need to carry him anymore so I dumped his ass last week and took his spot in this match and am going to become the next NEW BREED CHAMPION! Nick, you are acting like I was picked randomly from a loterry draw to replace JJ, well did you not see me last week on Showdown take out JJ for good and TAKE his spot? Murrow forgot our history together and placed me in this match because he knows I am the RIGHT person for this matchup! You know what i think about you Nick? I think you are a lot better than the New Breed title, I really do believe it or not. Just stop and ask yourself..."why the hell am I in this match?" and I bet you will realize where the hell your career is at this point. At that moment you will realize the cheap insult you gave me about my career being it's last legs was meant for you all along. If you lose this match, I don't know what the hell is next for you besides dancing in a clown outfit because that's how much lower you can go. Hey Nick, why don't you stop making hollow threats and cheap insults at me and go win a match.

---Terry Chambers changes the film to a Chris Elite match and he studies it rewinding a part a few times and he pauses it and turns around to the camera and begins speaking---

Terry Chambers: You think I bully weak links like JJ Silva to get some respect out of it? Get it right Chris Elite, I bully people inside of that ring and I get my respect that way. All you do is just shove your title in someones face and just say "respect me, you have to because I'm a champion!" and that is quite pathetic if you think about it. I am giving you a lot of power cause I don't like failure? I know exactly what you are going to do with that ammo as you are going to point out my Grand Rampage major fail or my constant losing streaks and people fail to realize that shit is water under the bride right now and I am coming off a huge victory at Territorial Invasion and ending JJ Silvas career and also softening up Philly Kid for Cody Marshall, so I am the one coming into this match with ALL the momentum. I have gone almost 3 years without a championship around my waist and that just like my losing streak in 2016, will be coming to a screeching halt. It will be the most glorious thing taking it away from you Chris Elite and after the match is over you go rage and then quit like you always do, that will just be a bonus. Your time as champion is running out every passing second of the day....TICK TOCK!

---Terry Chambers changes the match to a Rex McAllister match and mid match he rubs his chin thinking and then around a minute later Terry Chambers pauses the film and turns around to speak again---

Terry Chambers: So now Rex changes his mind saying I was the match that catapulted his career? Not too long ago Rex was running around telling everybody that his match with me earlier this year meant like a warm-up match to him and said I was a waste of his time? Everything you say makes me scratch my head. First off, Rex, you remember what happened in that match "that catapulted your career?" You likely won't say it so let me say it for you to everyone, I had you beat right in the middle of the ring but your fuck buddy at the time Xavier Williams saved your ass and you picked up the pieces. So your signature win that gave you all the confidence going forward wasn't a clean, straight victory so think about that for a second. Second, you seem to brag that you were a student of the game under Xavier Williams, back then it might have seemed like a good idea but now it doesn't look so good on your resume anymore does it Rex? Because like I saw back then Xavier Williams ended up a failure even though he was a Hall of Famer because we haven't seen or heard from him in a while, he seems to have flopped so your little achievement of "learning fro the best" doesn't look so good anymore. Me on the other hand, actually did learn from the best Zack Crash and had to clean myself up and did just that with him in OMERTA. With Zack, he didn't control me like how Xavier controlled you, he taught me the strengths and weaknesses in my opponents and taught me the keys to victory in my time in OMERTA and I learned just enough before he was traded to Voltage and the first step was taking out JJ Silva, and the second step is capturing the New Breed title! Rex likes to make fun of me for saying a lot of the same stuff and well since he wants to play that game I could say he can't make up his mind on the "facts" he spews about me most of the time. I admit Rex that talking isn't one of my best strengths but dismantling everyone in that squared circle most certainly is, so you can go ahead and talk and complain about my talking all you want because guess what, it isn't going to win you any championships, that is for damn sure.

---Terry Chambers switches it to a Nobi match then just pauses it right away and once again turns around to speak into the camera---

Terry Chambers:
I don't really need to watch much about Nobi. I don't really need to because his matches are all the same, he starts out a bit strong and gives everyone hope he can win, dominated, the has a little bit in the end where he sometimes wins, but mostly loses, then repeat. In all honesty, you don't need a strategy ever going into a match to face off with Nobi because he is the vanilla ice cream of all the wrestlers. Nobi I think is one of those idiotic guys who wants to inspire kids to be just like him and when they get there like 20 years later they get their head smashed by someone like me who actually deserves to be in the business. My whole thing with Nobi is I keep dominating him but he just keeps getting up and up and I would not call this a blood rivalry, I would call it I am just sick of people like Nobi coming in and making a mockery of this sport and every encounter of ours is me getting closer and closer to finally send him packing on home. A lot of people call me the "replacement" and quite frankly I don't care because this "replacement" is going to walk out the New Breed Champion and I guess we can all call Nobi the guy that is in this match because they want someone who the kids can cheer for and give them hope. All 5 of you guys in this match are just obstacles on my road to success that I am going to run over and my next stop on the road to success is the NEW BREED CHAMPIONSHIP!

---Terry Chambers closes in on the camera---

Terry Chambers: NONE. OF. YOU. ARE. IN. MY. LEAGUE!

---Terry Chambers shuts the television off in the back room and grabs a towel to get ready for his workout and forces the cameraman out of his gym and the scene fades to black outside the gym door where Terry Chambers is getting ready to do a set of squats---

Last edited by Terry Chambers on November 2nd 2016, 5:47 pm; edited 2 times in total
Tyler Parker
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 2nd 2016, 2:03 pm by Tyler Parker
Blood; that's in our veins, that's what we spill, that's what makes us human but Nico Borg thinks that he's not a human being, that he's some kind of prophet of God, speaking for him and what not. He has said it himself that he speaks for God and was born to do God's work. Thing is, is that I made this match a First Blood match to show him that he's human like me and make him bleed to show him that he bleeds like everyone else. Our blood is red but he might be even more human. Because he gets hurt like a human, he sheds tears like a human and he breathes air like a human. He's stubborn like a human, he's careless like a human and he's selfish like a human. Nico Borg has said that I'm selfish myself, that I'd stab others in the back and ruin their lives, that he's trying to make me bleed to show that I'm like that but he's sadly mistaken if he thinks that making me bleed could show that because I'm not like that; I might be a little stubborn, I might be a little careless and I might be a little selfish but that's what makes me human and to be a little selfish isn't a sin. Know what is a sin though? Lying; he's been lying, that he's speaking for God and doing his work... I'm not that religious, I'm agnostic but I think God's work isn't what he's doing. Nico Borg is doing his work; his work of belittling others for not living for God or for not getting baptized, his work of hurting others that are innocent, his work of spreading lies and fabrications that he's doing what God would do. God wouldn't do that. He's right, that God died for our sins and his blood is an atonement of sins. God's blood is what washed us of our sins and it IS a shame that others think that because he died for our sins, that we could live without committing sins, that we'd live without much castigation because that's not what God died for. It IS a shame that others think that because we were washed of our sins, that we could be forgiven for whatever sins we commit and it IS a shame... that Nico Borg had to commit sins himself because this Saturday, I'll do God's work --- I'll go to punitive measures.

Know what I'm sick and tired of? I'm sick and tired of Nico Borg trying to get to my head; he's been trying to get to my head for the past couple of months and though he might've been on the back of it, he hasn't been in my thoughts. Because I don't think much of him. I don't think much of him because I'm sick and tired of him thinking that he's speaking for God and doing his work. I'm sick and tired of the act and though he might've said that it's not an act? It's an act to me; it's an act to get to my head and he hasn't gotten to my head but he has been bothering me. He's been there, to screw me over and he's been there, to pick me apart bit by bit. He's been there, biding his time and twiddling his thumbs. He's been there, talking to himself about how he's getting to my head and how I'm this and that but he's in this situation because of himself, he's in this situation because of that, he's in this situation because he couldn't forgive and forget. That's in the bible, right? A scripture about how we have to forgive and forget but he hasn't forgiven and he hasn't forgotten, which I'm okay with because I haven't forgiven and I haven't forgotten either. My mother might've said that it's pointless not to forgive and not to forget, to hold a grudge, to live with that because I couldn't live with so much weight on my heart, with such a heavy heart. That's how my mother tried to raise me but I think for myself and I think that there's things that we could never forgive and forget, that we should never forgive and forget. I might have that weight on my heart, I might have a heavy heart but that's what I think and I'm not changing my mind nor am I changing my mind about Nico Borg. Because he has to be castigated --- he has to die for his sins. He has to bleed like how he made me bleed. I'm showing him that he's human and that he's a false prophet of God. He might've spilled first blood with me but this Saturday, he's spilling PINTS of blood, OUNCES of blood; COPIOUS AMOUNTS of blood.

I'm so intrigued by how much blood will be spilled this Saturday but I'm not spilling blood. I'm shedding blood from Nico Borg's head and that blood will be dripping down, from his head to his chest, covered in his own blood and other bodily fluids. This is what I've been thinking about for the past couple of months, I've been thinking about getting in the ring with him and getting my hands on him. I've been thinking about what I could do to him in a match like this. No rules, no countouts, no screwing each other over. We're actually settling this how I like settling things --- in the ring. We've been in the ring before, we've hurt each other before but this match isn't like the other matches we've had, we're not hurting each other like we've hurt each other before. Because this match is the end. This match is what puts our bitter hatred for each other to an end. It ends here and I'm glad it's on my terms. Because this back and forth that we've had, of screwing each other over, has gotten old quickly. His little act? Has gotten old quickly. This whole thing has gotten old quickly and I'm not getting rest because of it. I haven't been getting much rest because I've been thinking this but this Saturday, I get to rest. I get to rest because this Saturday, in the First Blood match, is where I make sure that there's not much more of an act from him. I make sure that he begs for forgiveness for what he has done and I make sure he's on his knees before I make him bleed slowly. Though I've talked about how castigation, he has to see God for that. Because I could do whatever to him, I could hurt him so badly but he has to see God himself for his actual castigation. He has to see God himself and that's what he sees when he's lying there, on the mat, on his back, in a puddle of his own blood. He sees Heaven, he sees the pearly white gates before getting on his knees in front of God, for trial. God might be the judge and the jury but I'm the executioner. He sees me before and after he sees God, then he cries for mercy like the sad and miserable prick that he is.

God might've prohibited Noah and his sons from eating blood but this Saturday, Nico, I'll make you eat your own blood and it'll be so thick that you'll have to chew on it.
Soothsayer Hamasa
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 2nd 2016, 1:28 pm by Soothsayer Hamasa
hare kṛṣṇa hare kṛṣṇa
kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa hare hare
hare rāma hare rāma
rāma rāma hare hare
hare kṛṣṇa hare kṛṣṇa
kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa hare hare
hare rāma hare rāma
rāma rāma hare hare
hare kṛṣṇa hare kṛṣṇa
kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa hare hare
hare rāma hare rāma
rāma rāma hare hare

In my field of occupation I am sometimes forced to bring unfortunate tidings to those and their kin, of themselves and their kin. Often times a soothsayer can no longer be merely a soothsayer, capable of concealing unfortunate parts of the future they gaze into; instead there are times where a soothsayer must be an augur of doom. This is what most generally, and not in happenstance, is the role I must play as I speak to those who make enemies out of my Lord, Methuselah. When he is outside of the ring, his concerns are of being a Zen Guardian of light, and very rarely does he seek to speak malice unto those who oppose him -- at least not in his present state. This is why I gladly act as his Sibyl. I, Hamasa, Sibyl of Methuselah, bear the duty and obligation of speaking for the mighty Thane, and I must speak out only the truths that my crystal ball can show. This is why I must inform ye of the wrath that the instrument of destruction shall bring to you and your kin. The hatred and fury will be like a disease, it will be an infection, it will be infectious, and the pestilence will spread to those most near and dear to you. Let me phrase this again for the benefit of your understanding, the sickness will not stop with you - instead, it shall spread. Anger, hatred, malice, sin, all pestilences, viruses that plague humanity, and plagues that start not from the workings of natural cause, but from the inner workings of the spirit of mankind.

And often mankind is associated with perseverance, resilience, intuitiveness, ingenuity and domineering. Mankind is oft considered to be the pinnacle of evolution, the final frontier of natural selection leading to the master race led by the Übermensch all in the quest to perfection, and the end of scarcity. But mankind, in the subconscious mind is never to be associated with the vile, ignorant, hedonism that brings the value of living to many who consider themelves to be human. No, we are all righteous within! We are all here because we have no choice! We make good with what we've been given! And you as well, Devan Dubian, do not see yourself as the carrier of the most widespread and insipid disease to ever take host in this world... instead you see yourself as a crowning achievement of this world. You do not see a sick man's reflection when you gaze into the mirror, instead you are enchanted by your own image, you marvel at what looks back at you in your reflection. 

But you are sick.

You are afflicted by your desires to obtain what can never be earned by a mortal man, even if this mortal man is "Amazing". But even if you have all of the inherited riches in the world, even you are a prince, even if you are the heir apparent to the kingdom itself, your kingdom is only one of many. Your throne that awaits means nothing to the throne that my Lord and guardian, Zen Methuselah sits upon. I am sure you know this very well, do ye not? This is why at Rite of Passage, you have chosen to travel down the wrong path, and your road to hell is journeyed not on good intentions, rather it is greed and lust that brings you down this road, and into the jaws of the serpent ye have made your destinations, based on bad intentions. You, Devan Dubian, are credited to be "half man, half-amazing". But I see ye not as a man, lesser I see ye as remarkable considering all I hath seen in this world and the true splendor of a God that I hath borne first-hand witness to... instead, Dubian, I see you as another set of limbs, yet to enter the Jaws of God. These were my parting words to you a number of moons ago in our face to face encounter, and ye did not heed these words, and what was it that happened? Can you remind me? Oh yes! You were cut through by the instrument of death itself! 

In the sea of limbs within the jaws of the great serpentine Monster, exists many men who had the same illusory self image that you have of yourself. They are not victims who were hunted before being swallow'd whole, rather they marched forward into the Monster's gaping mouth and are now merely limbs caught between The Monster's teeth. They were foolish men, and you as well are a foolish, prideful man. You do not see the humanity within you, so you do not see the transience in your being; instead you see eminence in your humanity. And much to your credit you are a great man of this world, to the people of this world! Though ye amaze me not, you remind of the kind of man Methuselah once was. He once was a great man, but there have been examples in the past showing exactly how little it means to be a "great man" when you no longer exist in this world. There once, if you can believe it or not, existed a time where EAW could survive without Mr. DEDEDE. Though the land greatly suffered, life went on for nearly a year without him; and though he returned just as this company were at it's lowest point, it would take tribulation like no other for a great man even as great as he was to be become a God such as he is. And it took hardship, hardship you could never comprehend, for a man as great as Mr. DEDEDE to became what now exists as the Thane of EAW, the Lord of the Flies, and The Monster himself. You seek to obtain the very same status that he has earned, which is why I hath said it is something that could never be obtained by the likes of you. It is an impossible feat, it is inconceivable even out of eons of the toiling of great minds in truth and logic; it is STRICTLY an imaginative motion, it is solely a fantasy of the bosom, but the rational mind comprehends not.

Methuselah is on an echelon unlike any other. You only come to his level if he allows you on his level, and allows you the platform to take what it is. He has allowed you to compete with him - or dare I say, wage war with him, to obtain one of his most precious possessions in the form of the Hall of Fame Championship. It is a championship symbolic to the pinnacle of status in this Land of Elite, Extreme, Merchants, Beasts. And Methuslah's name is synonymous with status itself. He is all that anyone who walks through these hallowed halls seeks to achieve and become. But understand, Dubian, that the qualities of anger, hatred, malice, sin, are not merely pestilences that plague this land. They are necessities. They are what it will take, and more, for you to take what belongs to my Guardian, my God! You will need to be fueled by your anger, clad in your hatred, driven by your malice, and consumed in sin. How else do you expect to even put a chink in God's armor, when you oppose him in war!? 

It will be the battle of your life, and after this I will no longer seek to convince you the harrowing truth of your impending doom. Just know, I see your fate in my crystal ball. I see what happens to you. I see the punishment that awaits. I see the agony of mind and body, and the crippling pain you will be forced to endure. Worst of all, defeat has turned it's back on you. What you suffer will not merely be defeat, it will be complete and utter annihilation. Every last one of your principles will betray you, your hopes will reject you, your beliefs will flee from you. When Methuselah leaves you in the broken state of hopelessness, and nothingness, you will find out what it is truly like to be alone in this world. It will be the lowest point of your existence, and you will know nothing other than this hopelessness. But I am hopeful for you. I am hopeful that you may someday arise; enlightened, informed, of the forces that truly exist in this realm. 

That is if Methuselah decides he will leave anything left.
Ares Vendetta
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 2nd 2016, 1:26 pm by Ares Vendetta
Why bother opening your disgusting mouths when I’m well aware what it is you have to say?

You play a game every other man has lost, but you can’t let that slow you down, now can you?

You have to keep moving, keep breathing, keep fighting and believe in your heart of hearts that you are truly different. Through all of the muck of tragedy and triumph, you keep pursuing your dream of one day becoming a World Champion - one that either everyone or merely yourself can be proud of, because in your eyes, I am no more than a tumor attached to it.

Yet, you never stop to consider why you challenge me. Why I am the Champion to beat. Why it’s me looking down upon you, not just in a sense of my life being trained for moments like these while you both crawled from a gutter, mongrels, but in a sense that I sit upon a mountaintop that you wish to climb to. I can no longer tell if it’s mere delusion or sheer bravado that fuels the two of you to keep moving, but it’s brought you this far, hasn’t it? You’re not the first, and you certainly won’t be the last. You fight so hard to assure me that you are the antidote to my poison, yet I look down upon you both from on high and watch as you drop to your knees and drink the filthy water filled with memories of your past battles - the battles not that you lost, but the battles that you willed your way to victory within. Nobody sits back and thinks about their humiliating losses, not in moments like these. Not in moments where you find yourself standing upon the precipice of Legend, and all you have to do is pin a man to a matt for three seconds or make one submit to etch your name on this wall. You fill your stomach with the water of your victories and then you bathe yourself in your entire past - a past where you had to overcome so much just to get here. A past where you were cast into this World without any experience to speak of, or perhaps a past where you struggled and failed time and time again just for an opportunity to come here and make a name for yourself. You’ve gone and convinced yourself that so long as you remember what it is you came from, it’ll be all you need to give you that extra push forward and break through the proverbial glass ceiling that you’ve both been slamming against for years.

We’ve all got our own tragedies, and we’ve all fought our way to get here, yet you pretend as though it’s molded you into something stronger than what I could ever comprehend. How little you truly know. You’ve taken the gift of life and made it ugly. You’ve taken the opportunities you found and exploited them. You know very well who I am and what I came from, but did you ever stop to consider that I was, in a sense, born and raised to snuff out the flame of people such as you? Born to two of the best to have ever stepped inside a ring, born to be the absolute best, and born to cut the legs out from those who believe that their pathetic little underdog tale makes them stronger than a man who’s fought, trained, and won more than either of them combined?

In a way, that gives me a true sense of purpose when I find myself staring bleakly into the abyss of two unimpressive pieces of garbage such as you. Two mongrels that don’t understand what it means to be a World’s Champion so much that they never stopped to consider why they have failed at capturing one while I did so not as a ends to all of my means, but because I felt like it. For YEARS, I pursued things I considered far more important than this piece of gold you nip at my heels for. This worthless piece of gold and leather never entered my mind, but I always knew it was there should I find it convenient to take for myself, and here I am. Where are you? Still scrounging in the dirt, looking for just one more opportunity to prove you’re not as much of a failure as that voice in the back of your mind tells you you are? Still trying to make this Cinderella story come true by slaying this dragon that’s all that stands before you and making the World a better place, either for this entire company or your own meager legacy in the name of some mentor that hasn’t shown his face in months? I’m truly grateful for everything that brought me here to you, if only to be the one to shove your head into that murky water and drown you within all of your sorrow, all of your accolades, and every single solitary drop of your past until you’re no more than a corpse among corpses; until you’re no more to these people than a specter haunting the hill that you died upon, still convinced things will change. Still convinced that any day now, all of your efforts and hard work will bear the most delicious fruit, and you will taste them as you become World Champion. Yet, they won’t hear you. They’ll see nothing but a corpse in the wake of my reign, and they’ll know that there isn’t an amount of willpower on this Earth that’s going to make you good enough to beat me. Not today, not tomorrow, not a year from now. Perhaps you’d rest in peace when this is all said and done if you could only understand that you were simply dealt the wrong hand, through nature and nurture alike.

But bare your teeth and bark loudly in the dark, mongrel, do it to your heart’s content.

Slam your body against the walls of this rubber room, and keep hoping to one day break through them despite knowing deep down it’s never going to come to fruition.

Point your weapons at me and spit in my direction - tell the World that Ares Vendetta is a coward. A coward that leans on the crutches of his goons. A coward that fights dirty. A coward who goes out of his way to hurt others. A coward who’s willing to beat his own father half to death in order to prove a point. A coward that only got to here merely by his namesake. A coward.

It’s amusing how you puff out your chest and make it clear your belief that I’ve gone and underestimated you because of where you came from. I don’t underestimate you. I underestimate no man. Why else would I put absolutely everything in my being into getting rid of them? Why else would I waste my time and my effort leaving them beaten with their careers hanging by a thread? If anything, I overestimate you. The both of you. Perhaps I’m too soft. Perhaps I’m too cautious. Perhaps I just don’t care what you bring to the table, because you won’t be leaving with it still intact. You waste my time, stand at my door, and try to steal from me, and you will be struck down like the pathetic thief you are.

Keep hiding behind your lies - crawl deep into that cave of comfort you dwell within, and tell yourself that I earned nothing I’ve gotten. Tell yourself I’m not nearly as talented as I believe I am. Tell yourself that Rook and Bishop are the only reason why I’m here. Tell yourself that, and do so again, and again, and again. Retreat into the back of your mind, mongrel, and never come out. Ignore the pain and the agony. Ignore the crushing defeat. Ignore it all and find whatever inside you that’s kept you going all of this time, because rest assured, you’re going to need it. This is going to be the darkest moment of your life. I’m going to brush away your smoke, and I’m going to shatter your mirrors, and I’m going to leave you and everything you stand for broken in the middle of my ring.

And I will watch.

I will watch you clean the blood from your body with that same filthy water, mongrel.

Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 2nd 2016, 10:49 am by Rex32
Showdown Supershow 
Rite Of Passage # 2

You know, something had occurred to me the last time as I was bringing my video feed to a close, something I said to myself, you know, I’m going to mention this the next time I decide to speak again. You see, last season when I went into Pain For Pride nine, I’ll admit, I was overwhelmed by the opportunity to compete in the Cash In The Vault match. I tried not to put on that I wasn’t, but no matter what, inside it was all I could feel. I wasn’t broken when I lost out on that opportunity. Then this season at Territorial Invasion, I had the same feeling too, and walked away feeling the exact same way as I did at the end of last season.

But now…

Something has changed.

Things are different.

Chris, these critics you speak of, they should be nonexistent to you by now, shouldn't they? If you are still listening to your detractors and their opinions and feel you have answer them openly and candidly and waste precious camera time to talk about it, it must mean you will never have what it takes to bring the Open Invitation Title back to any type of grace. Trying to answer your critics is like splitting hairs, Chris. It's gets you nowhere trying answer back unless you do it in the ring. They thought Lannister was done, on the downward spiral after losing to Jaywalker and then Ares Vendetta, but he proved otherwise by showing it in the ring at War Games, didn't he? Anytime Ares has had to put the Answers World Championship on the line under seemingly insurmountable odds he answered his critics in the ring, not on the mic. To think that someone else won't win and walk out with the title makes you confident, yes, but that confidence has really always been there, hasn't it?  I'm not a critic, but you're acting as though you are infallible, when really you are anything but. You are making fatal errors all the time, Chris.  Me getting into your head and under your skin by attacking you, it allowed me to be in this series numnuts! It had nothing to do with being banned, because let's face it, that would never happen over some blatant attack. A true champion though, in times like that, would have simply waited and bided their time to get back at me in an appropriate manner, like in the ring, which is what I've come to notice a great deal about our esteemed champions. You don’t show the pedigree of a true champion, just that of a chump-ion. You didn't answer my questions, really, which says for one thing you have a great ego, too great in fact to consider the other possibilities coming away from this match, and secondly you seem to acknowledge that you haven't been made out be a strong champion because you haven't been given top tier caliber talents consistently, which you haven't. It's funny how you should bring up a guy like Ryan Marx, because I'm blown away by how talented that man is. He could've walked away with the title, Chris, but lucky for you that night Matt Ryder inadvertently assisted you. Though, looking at the fallout of that match it's easy to see that losing didn't seem to deal him a bad hand. I mean, have you noticed, Chris? Ryan is getting all the opportunities against upper echelon talent that you should actually be getting. Who has he wrestled, let’s see here. He’s wrestled Ares, Tyler Parker, The Pizza Boy, Nico Borg, Lioncross, and now Matt Ryder-all guys you haven’t even seen this season with the exception being Ares. You are the veteran in EAW, therefore shouldn’t it be you and Ryan in opposite positions right now? He’s moving up, getting more and more opportunities against higher the more proven talents on the Showdown roster, while you remain stuck, and stagnating in a watered down division. You see, little do you seem to realize, but you’ve been sailing along smoothly, and it's probably for the best too. Me going after the New Breed championship, as I’VE MENTIONED already, simply makes more sense at this point in my young career that's not even a year old yet. Your arguments against me are weak just like the ones Chambers and Nobi try to make against me, and that to me says enough about how much of a threat I am going into this match. Look, if I had actually been booked in a match with Ares Vendetta and had defeated him like Tiberius Jones did a couple of months back then maybe I would try to get into a world title match. Did I have relationship on a personal level with Brian Daniels like The Pizza Boy? No. So there lies another reason that going after the World Champion makes no sense. Chris, I’m still the rookie here, and with tons more to prove, and I’m not afraid to acknowledge that fact. Not some veteran of the ring wars like you. Don’t you get it? That title IS the title I should be chasing, and the title YOU should’ve never won. You see, when that title is no longer around your waist, Chris, the next holder of the title will feel absolutely honored because they actually had to EARN it! You didn’t have to EARN it, you simply answered the call when Silva invited you down, and Murrow interjected himself into the fray and forced him to defend the title, which to your credit you took full advantage by exposing what a weak champion Silva was, but you aren’t that much better believe me. You are a great talent, loads of potential, but you are made to look strong in weakened division, and couple that with the fact that you are a veteran competing against newcomers, it makes you in actuality look weak, and unproven as a champion, even as a competitor. Seven years, Chris, you SHOULD be out for the greater challenges. You talk about striving to be the best New Breed Champion since Jamie O’hara, but you and Jamie are far different in almost every way. You see, Chris, Jamie was New Breed Champion for a little over nine months, that’s almost a year. You have only been New Breed Champion for just over nine weeks, and you really believe you have done something special with that belt? You haven’t done squat, and it’s because you haven’t been challenged, and you know it, or else why say nobody but Ryan Savage is a threat to your title? Which is it, Chris? Burn you? I’ve already been doing that so far, just as I’ve done to you in the past, and when there was less at stake too. I’m doing it now. You can claim to still have all these critics but their opinions shouldn’t mean a thing, Chris, but there is no bigger critic than the one that you wake up every day and look at in the mirror. Oh, yes, this week Chris I want you to look back, and reflect a little in your final days as New Breed Champion. Exposing you, and putting dents in your weak ass armor and destroying your resolve is all I’m going to be doing this week, with your help of course, all that until the big match comes, and the inevitable end to your fleeting reign as champion.

Nick, so much goes into booking venues for the shows, you should understand that by now. EAW being a business, they have to consider the typical things that other businesses would, such as budget, who's attending, and what kind of show it is, especially what kind of show. This is our Brand’s super show, and it will be a greay event no doubt, but let's not act like it’s Pain For Pride, or Grand Rampage, or Road To Redemption, Nick. Plus, it's all planned so far in advance that your gripes here about this kind of thing now is pointless, and of your own subjective opinion, and not consensus. Why rant about guys you haven’t even wrestled lately, if at all? Tiberius Jones actually pinned Ares after he hijacked Lioncross’ briefcase, remember? Have you pinned Ares? Have you even tried getting into the champion’s affairs, you know, to make your intentions clear? No, you haven't. Nobody was stopping you, were they? Instead you decided foolishly to wait until the end of the scramble series to rant aimlessly. Kind of pitiful, Nick. Pizza Boy is proven regardless of your arguments, Nick. Until last week he was undefeated in one on one competition so far this season. If you want more, then be more damn assertive, straight and simple. Did you not get part of the point of my last video feed? I kind of made it clear. It really doesn't matter who is supposed to be favored over who based on experience or big match scenarios from the past, not in this scramble series anyways. If you see me as being favored because I'm entering last, then that is your opinion. All of the stuff you keep bringing up is purely you being subjective, because you don't hear anyone bitching about the things do you, Nick? I didn't humiliate you last time, I did nothing except my job out there. You’re the one that humiliated yourself. If I expected more out of you then, which I did, you can certainly bet I will now too. You have a point though, Nick, about first half and second half, but what about beyond the last quarter? What about overtime? Going that extra mile. Are you ready to go that far with me, Nick? Trust me, I understand the first half means nothing, and the second half is what separates the real men from the boys. At Rite of Passage we’ll find out what kind moxie you and I have, Nick, cause one of us will be clutch, while the other will choke. I invite you to bring your best next time you speak though, because this time you simply spent too much of your time ranting rather than concocting a good argument. If you want to spout arbitrary stuff like you have, then why don't you just go to Murrow and hash out your future in some clandestine meeting behind closed doors. In other words go all in now, and bitch later, because right now you are already off to the wrong start this week. I know your talented, Nick, being a veteran of many battles no matter how significant or not. I know I will be getting the REAL Nick Angel this time around, and I'm more than confident that you won't disappoint.

So, Ryan, you will walk us all to the depths of despair? Is that right? Do tell us more. No, really, tell me what more of a head case you are. Your vision is foggy, Ryan, while your morality is severely distorted. You won't be able to destroy anything with the exception of your career with this new schtick you have brought to the forefront. Haven't you been watching what any sane and rational person, which is about 95% of the roster, would do in your situation? They would come back like you, but make a decision to further their career, not start over. You are talented, Ryan, but you aren't being very aggressive on your plan of attack, which is unfortunate. You not getting the recognition is simply based off of what you perceived to be crowning achievements, which a lot of what you did achieve really didn't warrant the kind of attention you believed it should have. If that had been the case, guys like you would be placed higher on the card, certainly. It just doesn't work that way. Destroying a whole division? What are you, five? Just a division? Why not the whole brand? Why not start there and then send a message go the other brands, culminating in a battle, or rather a rematch against DEDEDE for the right to keep the company alive, cause that is always something worth watching yearly it seems like? I don't know, Ryan. You just don't seem ambitious enough to be taken seriously. Your whole outlook needs reexamining, not mention your whole brain needs shock treatment or something. You ain't what you use to be, and while that for many is the case, and a sign of a downward spiral, for you it means basically six feet under. You haven't dug yourself out of a whole and come back, not really. At Rite of Passage you will walk away again empty handed, because nothing is simply handed to someone based on their conjecture. Your foresight is terrible, for yourself and others. You may deem yourself a threat, but believe me going beyond the normal limits with empty hollow words just tells everyone how much despair YOU are still in. Living under a mask proves that. Nonetheless I still expect the real Ryan Savage to show up, so bring us your worst.

Cannot truly be broken.

Cannot truly be defeated.

Cannot truly be stopped.

Terry, contrary to popular belief, I have never thought of you as anything more than another loudmouth wrestler, who thought they were unequivocally correct about everything that they said. Now some, they are actually good enough to live up to the song that they sing. I’ve been on the receiving end, so this I know for a fact. My point is you aren’t one of them, not even close. You see, Terry, when I first wrestled you I was honestly unfazed by you, and it wasn’t because of your poor representation of yourself to me, because believe me there was a whole lot to be intimidated by when it came to you. You had the size, you had the bravado, and you had the experience. Deep down though, I was able to keep the things that I was intimidated by down deep and tucked away, because in the front of my mind all I was thinking about was beating you. Xavier Williams had taken me under his wing, and the other thing I didn’t want to do was disappoint him and have him think he made a mistake with me. So I was motivated already, Terry. Right from the start of that short partnership of Student-Pupil, I was motivated, I was given new life. Then I beat you, Terry, I upset you in a one on one match. It was you, Terry, that gave me the confidence, and since that time I’ve remained confident, and undaunted by any challenge, ANY Terry, that is placed before me. Today, it’s easy to look back at that, nod, and smile because I know that is where it started. Before that, I couldn’t buy a lick of success. Then Xavier helped, and so did you, Terry. Your help was inadvertent of course, because little did anyone know, myself included, that a victory over you would be the catalyst to what you see in front of you today. So, a thorn in your side I am, just like you said, Terry. I’m the thorn you can’t seem to remove. At Rite of Passage, Terry, consider what may well transpire to be just another reminder of what YOU started.

Nobi, to say you didn’t motivate me recently when you defeated me in our first one on one matchup in the Scramble Series would be a downright lie, because you did. Your win over me was what I needed, believe it or not. Since that time though, like everyone else, I know you have noticed a difference in my performance lately. It was because of you, Nobi. Your win over me has not only motivated me to push myself harder, but to go out and do what you all think you are going to do at Rite of Passage. You are a threat in the ring, but until you actually start to put together a plausible argument against me, you won’t defeat me, you won’t walk away as the next New Breed Champion. Your common attack verbally is both predictable and easily beatable, believe me. You can talk about defeating me once all you want, but like Angel has said, it’s not how you start, but how you finish. You started out great, but what you started, Nobi, I’m going to finish at Rite of Passage, believe that.

I never thought too much, or too seriously about the New Breed Title. Even as I knew of some of the recent history and lineage of the belt, it never quite fascinated me enough to ever bring it up, but it’s also a belt I saw that I never wanted either. Yes, I say never wanted, but like I stated last time, sometimes what we don’t want in life, we actually need. I may need the New Breed Title, and it may be a sign, to grow more as a wrestler. Now, I get Nick’s gripe about it. He’s at a different point in his career, so he has loftier goals in store for his future. The New Breed Title to him, like a lot of others, represents taking a step back. I understand where he comes from. Nobi, he’s an EAW rookie, so he needs this title too. Sure, the National Elite Championship would have looked great on his resume, but not really beyond that because the competition would’ve proved to be too stiff for a newcomer like him. Even the 24/7 contract he competed for at Pain For Pride. That would have looked great too, but it may not have been what he needed to grow. Savage is in this for all the wrong reasons. Terry got thrown into the mix at the last moment which, as I’ve already stated, gives him no chance of walking away triumphant. He can argue all he wants all day long, but it’s the truth. Chris, he’s defended the belt, yes, but as veteran of seven years it’s clear that he he's only been made relevant enough because he has a title more so than for his skills. He has great skills, but he's made to look strong, but weak at the same time. His time is coming to head at Rite of Passage, because someone will unseat him, it's not foreseen as much as being foretold, and because of Chris himself no less. This week you all will remind me of some of my near just missed triumphs, and failures, and it won't make a difference, because at Rite of Passage when it is over and all the dust has settled, you'll be reminded of yours[size=41].[/size]
Mike Showman
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 2nd 2016, 5:31 am by Mike Showman
(Mike is sitting in his personal jet on route to Madrid, Spain for the upcoming Voltage event in the Barclaycard Centre, Madrid. He appears to be deep in some kind of thought with his eyes closed. His chain of thoughts is broken however by a flight attendant brining a glass of wine for Mike)

FA (Flight attendant): Sir, the wine as you asked

Mike (clueless after this thought was broken): Huh, wha…? Oh yes, of course, thank you

(The flight attendant smiles and leaves)

(Mike slowly drinks the wine and goes back to his thoughts. After some time, he finishes the wine and upon realizing that, he calls the flight attendant once again. The attendant arrives and Mike asks for another glass which the attendant brings)

Mike: Thank you, uhhhhh, what’s your name?

FA: Ayaka sir

Mike: You from Indonesia?

Ayaka: Japan sir

Mike: Yes of course, the land of the rising sun. My father hired you, yes?

Ayaka: Yes sir.

Mike: Good. Now Ayaka, I have a small request and that is, you grab yourself a glass of this wonderful wine and sit next to me, we shall drink on this journey together

Ayaka (confused but smiling): Sir, I am on duty and I don’t drink while I am on duty. And besides, if Mr Brown knew about this…..

Mike (cutting her in mid-sentence): Don’t worry, one glass will not hurt. Trust me, I drink a lot and I know my shit about how much drink would be shit. Besides, my father will never know, because I won’t tell him

Ayaka: Sir….

Mike: Alright, Ayaka, I am your boss’ son and I order you to sit down and have a drink with me. if you don’t then I will tell my father that you refused to obey me and that he should probably get a new girl for this job. Would you like that?

Ayaka (frightened): No sir, please sir. I…I would join you right away sir.

Mike: Good. It would have gone so better if only you listened to me the first time.

(Ayaka sits down in an adjacent seat and Mike pours her a glass of wine and offers it to her. Ayaka takes it and slowly sips from it)

Mike: You like it?

Ayaka: It’s very good wine sir

Mike: My father always has a thing for wine. I have seen him throw bottles of wine out of the window because of shit taste they have. Never mind the cost, he always wants the best

(Both drink some more)

Mike: So, Ayaka, you watch EAW?

Ayaka: Yes, sir

Mike: Who is your favourite vixen?

Ayaka: Haruna Sakazai and Azumi Goto. I think they should team up because they would be such a good team

Mike: Really? I think that too. Teaming up can really be an effective option when you are fighting someone you want to humiliate or destroy. But hey, those two are from Japan, is this why they are your favourite?

Ayaka: No sir…I like their style….

Mike: Well Kendra Shamez has got style too and also the current vixen’s champion, the dominant Sheridan Muller. What about them?

Ayaka: They are good, but I like Haruna and Azumi more…….
Mike: Well don’t worry about it, you can like whoever you want. To be honest, I believe that each vixen can learn something from me about style and charisma and how to be a better in ring performer but never mind. Anyways, tell me what you think of Jon McAdams

Ayaka: Sir?

Mike: Jon? McAdams? The guy who was with me when I humiliated Ahren Fournier? Seriously, do you even watch EAW? Because I won’t believe you if you say that you watch it but fail to watch the matches of the most charismatic wrestler in EAW. Not to mention, the son of your fucking boss…

Ayaka: No sir, I watched your match. I remember McAdams too. He is that guy from England…..

Mike: Yes, he is that guy from England. And trust me, he is the second most charismatic man in Voltage. No wait, scratch those words, he is on par with me with charisma and class. Quite frankly, I believe we are the only people with class in the entire Voltage roster

Ayaka: I agree sir.

Mike: Now, I want to ask you something. It’s something that has been bothering me ever since I stepped inside this jet. Well you know that till now, I am unbeaten here. Three opponents I have faced and none of them could beat me. At this rate, I will become a champion here faster than anyone in the history of this company. However, I feel as if there is something missing. Something that could help me establish a much more dominant grip than I already have. Now, I am not saying that my grip is loose but if I have a second grip on Voltage then it would be much easy going. You get what I am saying? Championships would just come like an iron comes running to a magnet and I could rise the so called ladder to the top so quickly. What do you think?

Ayaka: Well sir, two is always better than one….

Mike (cutting her off again): Exactly, two is always better than one. I might be one of the brightest lights here but as soon as I start climbing that ladder, the jealous people would flock around me like flies in an attempt to bring me down. Don’t get me wrong though, I can fight them single handed but if there is someone with me who takes the fight to them, we can shove aside those jealous little bastards so quickly. I mean, look at what happened last Voltage, when I paired up with McAdams, we beat that little retarded shit of a man Ahren so easily. He had no sort of resistance because we relentlessly beat him down whenever he dared to get up. I mean, he got the win though because of a fucking corrupt referee but still, we were the ones who were standing tall by the end of it

(Ayaka nods)

Mike: Yes, this could be very good. Two people, two dominant people taking on the entire Voltage roster and beyond. Two talented people changing the landscape of EAW, bending the rules, eliminating the odd ones. Plus someone to watch my back while I harass my opponents in the most ruthless way possible. Now, if I can only find someone who is charismatic, talented and is classy like me (Mike smiles)

Ayaka: You have someone in mind sir?

Mike: Yes….but that is none of your concern. Anyways, you are no longer needed (snatches the glass from her hand) thank you for your time

(Ayaka, shocked, gets up slowly and bows a little before departing quickly. Mike drinks from his glass and then throws Ayaka’s glass to the floor. Mike then picks up his phone and dials someone’s number)
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 2nd 2016, 3:35 am by showster26
Voltage #1
Tuesday, 3:30 am
(The scene opens on a blacked out screen.  A long, silent moment passes before a voice is heard.)
???: “Danny. Danny.  Danny.  WHO ARE YOU?!?”
(The shot cuts to a room, very plain and undiscript. It’s white walls turned dark from the lack of light, nearly empty save for a circle of long stem candles on the ground giving off a faint light, and the individual we see from an isometric viewpoint standing inside the circle.  The man who some have claimed brought his mad prophesies to life last Sunday when he drew blood from the head of Keelan Citinich.  The man who acts without fear, or pity, or remorse inside the squared circle.  The man the world knows as Solomon Caine.)
Caine: “Once again, the word of my masters has come to pass.  The streets ran red with blood, the screams of sorrow and sadness where cried by all who witnessed what had come to pass.  All the world was helpless as Keelan Citinich and Marco Fedor were sacrificed upon the altar of my masters.  NOW DO YOU BELIEVE?!  Do you dare to question the works of those who sent me?  Do you deny power that they wield?  They are coming, they will eradicate all those whooooo QQQUUUUESSSTTIOONNNN them!  When they bring forth the great and wonderful fire, no more shall there be any joyful noise made by the wretched heathens who stand guilty as judged of their crimes.  Never will those who are weak, sick, inept, and vain, will not even have a single memory of joy left in the corner of their wretched minds to distract them from the torment they will experience.  Not a single one of you will be spared, NOT A GODDAMN ONE!!!  All of you who are too blinded by your own selfish desires to heed the words of those who have sent me.  Your works are all for not, so cling to them while you can, for when they are torn asunder at the very foundation, each of you will weep an ocean’s worth of bitter tears.
Do you hear me Danny?  Will you turn your eyes away from your hopeless quest to listen to the warning?  WHAT WILL IT TAKE FOR YOU TO OPEN YOUR EARS?!  Must you reap the entire harvest of wrath that your wretched family has sown?! Why must you try to steal glory from my masters, to give to your family of BASTARDS?!  Can you not see that in trying to exalt them, you only bring about your own destruction? You bring about a plague that will all but ensure that the only legacy will be left after this Sunday, will be your body being sacrificed to my masters.  Danny, Danny, DANNY!!! YOURS IS A HELL FROM WHICH YOU CANNOT ESACPE FROM, YOU FEEL THE FIRE SLOWLY EATTING AWAY AT YOUR FLESH!  YOU WILL SEE YOUR BONES TURN TO ASH!  YOU WILL SUFFER TEN LIFETIME’S WORTH OF PUNISHMENT FOR EVERY LAST ONE OF YOUR ROTTEN ANCESTORS!!! You fool, you incompetent, little fffooooolllll.  No amount of pleading can save you.  nothing you can offer in bargaining can lessen the punishment that shall be laid down upon you.  When the hour of their choosing has come, you shall be thrown to the lions who will feast on you, and when they have had their fill they will leave you as nothing more than droppings on the earth. 
Do not doubt me any longer, for the world has witnessed what befalls those who do.  Lay yourself down before my master that they might make your end swift.  Lay your head down upon the chopping block, for it is a far better fate than what awaits you if you don’t.  They will make an example of you if you try to stand against them, they will demonstrate their strength in full force so that the world will know that when they come none of the putrid filth that roam shall be spared.  You Danny, will not be spared.  Not from being sacrificed, not form the fire, not from hearing the screams of your bloodline ring out for all eternity. 
Let it be known that all resistance will falter and shall be crushed under foot.   I’ve seen it, they’ve shown it to me, they’ve shown me the collapse of all that stands.  They’ve shown me the destruction of all that has been tainted and corrupted by the horrid villainy of you, and your kind Danny.  You can’t outrun it.  And you cannot hope to hide, even if you were to crawl back into the hole from which you came from.  Bid farewell to your kin, soak in those last few images of them.  Soon, sooner than you think, you shall watch them burn.  They have told me this, and it must be so.”
(the camera pulls back slowly as Caine begins to laugh manically.)
Caine: “IT MUST BE SO!”

The End.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 2nd 2016, 2:48 am by Lioncross
I survived. I did exactly what I said I was going to do. As I said a month or so ago, tapping out at Territorial Invasion was survival, and that was my only goal leading up to this week and this match. The past few weeks dragged by, but they weren't for me to make statements. They were there for me to build up my own cause; to constantly remind myself why I demanded a match against Lannister and why I'm fighting him. Never has there been somebody I've wanted to not only beat, but also beat up. Not even Heart Break Boy, for all the times he's stabbed me in the back, has gotten to this level. It's an accumulation of Lannister's voice being projected throughout arena after arena, the sight of his woman trying to make a difference, and the feeling of cheap shot after cheap shot we delivered throughout the month. Mine felt great. His felt awful.

But, oh, do both of them work in my favor. My version of plastic surgery via a metal briefcase on that wench's face felt amazing. Meanwhile, his cheap shots cost me a few things. They cost me some dignity, sure. But, they also cost me the chance to have a match against Ares Vendetta. I know I've been so obsessed with Lannister, I've been ignoring my opponents, and it's showed. But I was really looking forward to that match - a preview of what might be to come sometime down the road. Lannister cost me a chance to have that, and he cost all of the EAW fans a chance to see that.

That's when I realized that no usage of Cash In The Vault is safe as long as he's in commission. Who knows if and when he'll come by to ruin my moment. In this match, I'll need to go far. I don't know how far, but it's pretty damn far. I need to bring myself beyond any doubts that he won't make my title match about himself. That's why there's been no title match at all, but I might have to push it back even further. Make the story into anything you want - payback for Territorial Invasion, payback for all the "fewer fries" he dropped on me, or me just winning a match against somebody I cannot stand. The most important thing for me is that he's gone and out of my view after this week.

I will not blame Lannister for costing me some wins. I knew, after Territorial Invasion, that I was obsessed with beating this guy. Sure, maybe it meant I lost to Ares Vendetta, but I didn't care about the loss - only the fact that he robbed everybody of a Lioncross/Ares match. Sure, maybe it meant I wasn't focused on beating Matt Ryder, but he's Matt Ryder. Lannister is a guy who's given me reason after reason for me to want to eliminate his presence from my sight. Now that I'm actually facing him, I'll be dialed in.

Get this - I actually did some thinking ahead of this match. I've already thought of a few steps to take beforehand. One step is to be sure that Lannister's hip piece he calls a woman is not a factor. And she will not be a factor. Maybe you'll see what I mean. Or maybe not.

The next step might be to make sure that this briefcase is a factor. The equalizer, if you will. The issue is that while I haven't cared about wins and losses lately, as they don't affect my standing as the Cash In The Vault holder, I do care about winning this week. I'll have to find another way.

Then, I need to get to the arena, make sure I stretch, not overexcite myself with the thought of beating an annoyance to a pulp...

Clearly I don't have this all planned out - this stuff is the pre-match prep, and I don't have it all planned out. But, remember what I said before Pain For Pride. Everybody comes into these matches with their plans. I abandoned that stuff in favor of making adjustments mid-match. And, with time, adjustments have become reactions. I will find a way to make sure that everything I want holds true. This match is the purest form of fighting - I wanted to fight. He accepted. I know I've talked about eventually becoming champion, but here: win and I come no closer, lose and I stray no farther away. It doesn't matter. I need to beat this guy. It might help me feel safer about using Cash In The Vault, but the biggest reason I need to beat Lannister might be that I just do.
J-Dynasty 2?
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 2nd 2016, 1:06 am by J-Dynasty 2?
You block my entry into the profession that I love.

You gang up on me and leave me bloodied.

You strip me of my championships.

You separate me from my pack.

You deny my victories.

Yet no matter what you do, the next time you see me I am closer to supremacy than the last time you tried to destroy me.

Troubled by my lack of blemishes and seemingly limitless level of durability, you lash out with greater fury. You say anything to pretend that you have not had the outlets to unleash your rage upon me no matter how many times you’ve come across me, you pretend like nothing has ever been done to me.

So, you say that I have not faced consequences. You say I haven’t evolved.

Speaking to all of EAW, did any of you with your tired arms ever consider the idea that maybe, just maybe, I can take your punches? Wouldn’t it be easier to explore that idea over simply ignoring how sore your arms feel and convincing yourselves that you just haven’t swung at me yet?

Pizza Boy is sick of my carefree lax ways, so why not appease him by indulging in these messages in the same way he and Ares are so fond of?  No jokes, no whores. I’m even giving you all a view beyond my perfectly sculpted body, a peak behind the curtain if you will, and showing you the Doomsday like monstrosity within that comes back from any near-death experience you put me through ever stronger to fight back the Superman you all think you are!

The fact of the matter is, I’ve fallen in love with these brushes with death, at this point I’m not at home unless everyone from the bottom to the top of the totem pole is out to get me. That’s right. I wouldn’t feel right if the GM, Damien, didn’t favour Ares after Damien has hated me since I broke into this business with him sending his dogs, be it Kevin Devastation, TLA, or Christopher Corrupt, after me. I’d be lost if HRDO and EAW media wasn’t on Pizza Boy’s side so badly that HRDO could chokeslam me on camera and still have the narrative be that Pizza Boy is the little engine that could that fights all the powers against him! I won’t taste the spoils granted by Damien, Rook, Bishop, HRDO, or these EAW fans, I’ll lose the taste in my mouth by sticking forks into every electrical socket I can find and feel the special tingle that comes before your entire body feels numb to it all! Because you can’t be a brazen beast if there isn’t a power holding a near monopoly on force that tells you how to act and how to behave to be brazen against. You can’t be the slickest of the slick, a master thief, if they don’t hide gems behind lock and key in the most secured facilities in the world just to stop you! Pizza Boy accuses me of being a man who coasts, but you’d only see coasting if guys like him didn’t spend so much time trying to keep my seas as tumultuous as possible! It’s guys like him that keep me forever in the storm unable to coast, so that I extend my arms out and leave my chest bare so that I can feel the full brunt of the winds on my skin as I stand at the edge of the boat laughing because the air hitting me from blowhards like him and Ares, that would normally take out any other man, can only tickle me!

That’s why I normally seem to be having such a good time.

You know what was the toughest, most depressing, time of my life? A time where I wasn’t so lax and entertained? It’s alright, I’m fine talking about it, I don’t pretend things don’t happen like Pizza Boy and Ares do. The worst time of my life was not being rejected by my family, it was not the moment I’ve lost partners, titles, or blood, it was the time of utter tedium I spent doing odd jobs to prop up wrestlers I had yet to figure out the depths of how much I did not respect. It was the time my applications to become a member of the EAW roster continued to get rejected again and again before I had my fateful day tricking back at Cleopatra’s forces. I’d travel on the road with EAW doing any odd job possible. Some months I’d be putting the ring together so that people who don’t even respect the sport like Ares could walk around thinking they’re above wrestling and feel nothing about the championships they hold. Other months I’d be recording events trying to get the best angles and the best footage of sloppy wrestlers so that I can play a part in the magic that made them seem to be worth in a damn in the high production value EAW demands even for most insignificant of talents. It was just me and Joseph Anubis back then, I’d end my miserable days putting myself to sleep disgusted with how much he’d hype up these nobodies in the articles he’d write about people. But now rings are setup for me to perform in, the boys must catch picture perfect moments of me cracking the back of skulls with my dropkicks, and columnists write about how I put people like Ares and Pizza Boy to shame.

Because this story is about me! No matter how hard the two of them try to tie me up with the other party. Pizza Boy can try to act like I trivialize the World Championship like Ares does when he says he feels empty looking at his own gold. Ares can try to pretend that I live by some sort of rulebook like Pizza Boy does when he spouts his tales of right from wrong. But those terrible drafts will be cast aside by the ultimate editor in chief known as time when I become World Champion. I say that they pretend, because I don’t want to call them lazy, I don’t want to question their intelligence.

Because if I’m in a pond I can’t get out of, Ares must have been plucked out of that pond and put in an aquarium where he lost his memory goldfish style, all for him to make peace with what he says! I beat Ares, I wrestle in multiple Showdown main events, if I’m stuck in a pond than he must forfeit that the entire Showdown main event scene is in this pond, and he drowned when he tried to face me in it!

And Pizza Boy….actually maybe Pizza Boy is subliminally smarter than any of us have ever given him credit for. He says I, the only one of us who hasn’t lost since the draft, isn’t a threat. Maybe he knows I am not threat, maybe somewhere in his subconscious he knows I am a promise.

A promise of change. A promise to be the one who puts their end in writing.

I flip to the last page where their tired tales are meant to end, I see the block left to jot down the last words, and I write that passage.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 1st 2016, 9:37 pm by Guest
Nico Borġ: 31 (Rite of Passage 2)
Signed In Blood

In the case of a will,
It is necessary to prove the death of the one who made it,
Because a will is in force only when one has died;
It never takes effect while the one who made it is living
This is why even the first covenant was not put into effect without blood.

Hebrews 9:16-18

Jesus died for our sins. That much is known. However, it is a shame on us all that there are so many people out there who do not truly understand what that means. Trying to get the truth of it from most ostensible Christians is sadly a pursuit akin to trying to squeeze blood from a stone. It would take a true miracle for such attempts to be met with success. Asking around, you might perhaps receive some vague explanation that the sin which culminated in Jesus’ death is a sin we all share, a sin inherent to mankind. This may be true, but there is a greater understanding to be had. You see Jesus Christ had to die. He had to die to fulfill a promise. A covenant. The first covenant with the Israelites was a will signed in blood and fulfilled only by the earthly death of the God who signed it. When Christ died, the veil of the Holy of Holies tore wide open. The old connection between man and God was cut off. The laws and the rituals and the observances of the old covenant lost their meaning and disintegrated. But from the blood a new and everlasting covenant was established. One that promised eternal life and salvation for all those who believed.

Alas, an increasing number of us have not pulling their end of the bargain. Most around here seem to be, at best, indifferent to matters of the soul.to faith and to the notion of there being any sort of higher calling in life. What is worse than this devil may care attitude, others are openly scornful of those that believe. They are possessed with a deep hatred of any sort of morality which interferes with their own base desires. That said, at least one can know what to expect from them. Honesty is a virtue, after all. Such men are but a lesser evil compared to the third kind. A third and even more wretched scourge exemplified by the most reprehensible Tyler Parker. Do you know what I find funny, Tyler? How does a guy like you suddenly decide that he is a saint with God in his corner the moment he starts messing with me? You know, I have got a lot of critics. I am sure that this isn’t big news to anyone. But one thing that is standard fare is for them all to question whether I actually believe the words that I am saying. They question whether this is all just some sort of gimmick; a way to get into people’s heads, a way to stir intrigue, a way to help myself up the ladder in some sort of vague, intangible way. In the end though, these things cut both ways. Now I am not sure that anyone else sees this the way that I do, but I like to think that I have been pretty consistent in my message. Let’s face it. I have to be. Nobody seems to listen at first coming. You, on the other hand...this has all been a little bit sudden for you, Tyler. Don’t think that I don’t see through your game, it is all just a cheap pretence to discredit me and signal your own virtue.

Well this here is the big difference between us, Tyler. I don’t need to pretend. Even if I ever did, the act would be pointless now. There isn’t a ladder to climb anymore. If I want a title shot, then I have got it right here, written into this 24/7 contract. If I was of the mind, Tyler, I could have held back. I could have left you alone and dedicated all my attention to preparing to insert myself into a title match at Rite of Passage. But whatever anyone wants to say, I’m not like that. I’m not just another glory hunter hiding behind false pretences. I have a grander purpose. I came here, to this den of corruption, to deliver a message; to deliver the Good News to every profligate with ears to hear or eyes to see. And I have some very particular Good News for you, Tyler Parker. When I decided to finally put an end to the games between us...I drew first blood, With that blood was signed a new and sacred covenant between us. A spiritual contract more binding than any sheet of paper you can hold. With God as my witness, I delivered a promise. A promise that will only be fulfilled when all your pride, your envy, your lies, when all your sins are washed away and purified in - you guessed it - Blood. The line of no return has already been crossed. I know you. You are too stuck in your ways. You are too stubborn to hear wisdom nor see the evil for which you are responsible. You will never repent. You refuse to kneel before any altar but your own. Only penance now can absolve your sins. Only blood will underline you name.

Now rejoice, Tyler. For your blood will not be shed in vain. It fulfills a higher purpose.

God Is Watching.
Autumn Raven
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 1st 2016, 9:32 pm by Autumn Raven
EAW Promoz! - Page 11 Autumn-Raven-RP-Header

The night is peaceful and there’s stars littering the skies above.  Various crickets chirp along with the other background noises that you can hear in the city.  The water from the beach laps at the shore, repeating the process over and over as it has since the beginning.  Interesting to note, there’s no other people here at the beach.  No kids being chased by their parents, no teenagers running everywhere, no music being played, no games of volleyball being held.  As was said before, there was no other people at the beach…save for one sitting on the sand on top of a beach towel close enough to the shore but not enough to get wet by the water.  There’s a lighter in her hand and a picture sitting underneath her foot to prevent it from blowing away.  As the camera circles around, you catch sight of her face which is set into a rather sad look which is unusual for someone with an attitude of a bear that’s been woken up way before hibernation’s over.  She twirls the lighter around in her hand, saying nothing as the camera continues to focus in on her.  Finally after several minutes of silence, she lets out a sigh and starts to talk.

”Y’know, when this match against Sarahe was announced ages ago, I was excited as I generally am.  I get to do what I love out there, and I get to do it against someone new who has no clue what I’m all about.  I didn’t feel bad at all that I was going to totally ruin this girl’s perception of me out there in that ring.  I mean, shit, I’m looking to get ahead in this company not sit back and watch people like…well…you know get all the glory in the world.  I haven’t been booked until this point, and I’m not gonna sit back and waste it on something small.  I’m gonna go out there and make it known what I want.”

Autumn frowns, shaking her head slightly.

”I had to sit back all those weeks and watch the other Vixens on Empire run around and have their fun, especially on Halloween.  I had the perfect costume picked out too that I was going to wear.  I was going to go as Chuckie.  You know that killer doll from the movies?  Yeah that was my idea.  But I had to flaunt that sucker outside of the ring, and not in it where it should have mattered.  I’m a little bitter, but I’m not gonna dwell on it.”

She continues to twirl the lighter in her hand, that sad look returning to her face.

”Back to my original point though.  I get this match against Sarahe Gemini, and I’m all stoked.  I send out the first shot, and I hear nothing back.  I’ve heard nothing from her since the start, and that fact makes me sad.  I want to know the girl actually exists and she’s ready for this match.  She wants a chance to be taken seriously and get somewhere, but this isn’t the way to do it.  To be quiet like this.  I could go on and on about how I’m going to do this and that, blah blah blah, but…for some reason….it doesn’t seem fair this time.  Maybe she’s being held back, maybe she’s scared.  Who knows.

All I know is I’m going to have to destroy this girl, and she’s not even gonna stand a chance against me.  She’s not going to fight back, and I’m not going to get what I really want.”

Autumn sighs and picks up the paper from under her foot.  The paper turns out to be a photograph of Sarahe Gemini from a recent photoshoot for EAW.  She lowers her head and shakes it again, lifting it to mouth the words ‘I’m sorry’ before flicking the lighter on, watching the flame burst to life before touching it  to the photograph.  It catches fire, flames licking up the photo as Autumn throws it onto the sand, watching it burn as she buries her head in her hands, the scene fading to black.

Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 1st 2016, 9:04 pm by ThePizzaBoy
The camera opens circling PB at the counter of Bo and Tye's Pizzeria.  The lights are out and the lobby is empty, but PB remains sipping a glass bottle coke and staring ahead at the fully stocked bar in front of him.

"Once upon a time there was a boy.  He was thrown into this business against his will by an elder, and he was forced to fight his way out of that elder's shadow with zero experience and nominal training.  Like a Spartan thrust into the wilderness to become a man, he was left with nothing but a pointy stick and genetic coding to keep him warm, keep him alive, and make him a man.  He slayed many wolves, fell world champions, earned many scars with a story attached to each, and as his skin calcified and hardened so did he.  This is the story of us, Ares Vendetta.  It's a story of adapting when the only other option was to perish.  It's a story of becoming something greater than our predecessors.  Something stronger, something smarter, something with temperance and calculation.  We never minded waiting in line to show everyone else up.  We never charge in to a battle with too much momentum or force.  We're not reckless men, despite what the gnawed and lacerated flesh on our bones might suggest. This is how you have gotten where you are, and it's how I've gotten where I am as the EAW National Champion.  But that's where the similarities end, and that's where the brutality takes on different shades of crimson.  We're men who've done everything within out power to keep the gold around our waists where it belongs.  When a threat presented itself, showed it's gnashing and gnarling teeth, we've both dispensed them accordingly.  However, you choose to do so in an unsporting fashion.  You have your goons, sure, but that's not it.  That's not 'all'.  It's that extra lunge for the jugular, that extra pound of pressure in your jaw as you turn a foreboding nip to the nape, a show of dominance used to humiliate any challengers to your throne, and you sink your canines in just a little bit deeper to make sure they never get back up.  Now I wont play saintly alter boy here and say I haven't done the same kind of damage when it was called for, but you don't do it out of necessity."

PB inspects his bottle of Coke, watching the bubbles rise to the surface of the caramel liquid before taking a swig and slamming  the glass bottle on the counter top.

" Now I'm trying to understand why you do it.  Is it just insecurity? Is it sadism? is it fear?  I mean, cards on the table, Brian was a better wrestler than I'll ever be and I'd wager having him as competition spooked you a little.  I mean, what if he came back? On any given night a guy like him could take the gold off of you.  Hell, I'm not half the wrestler that Tiberius Jones is when he's straight shooting in the ring instead of taking shortcuts but I can't say that I'm afraid of him.  Not anymore.  See, he did every rotten thing to me that one could possibly be done to an individual.  He jumped me from behind, he put me on the surgery table, he cost me my title, and this is the one that should really grab your attention 'champ', he messed with my friends.  See, that's something you've done.  It's really the only reason I'm gunning for your belt.  Well, that and making Jonesy miserable.  And I will.  He deserves it.  You deserve it.  And I deserve a bit of justice.  If that comes in the form of your championship, then I'll take it because it deserves a bit of justice as well.  See it's become synonymous with a sniveling, overcompensating, brat with an entourage who'd rather be secure than be considered a credible, true, irrefutable world champion.  I can give her that.  I can give her that reputation again.  I'd defend it every night on every continent against every member of the roster.  Heck, maybe twice, because I'd rather know for certain than I'm worthy of a belt that men have bled to keep than be certain that I'd keep it by making others suffer just because they think they're up to the challenge.  You haven't evolved Ares.  Quite the opposite.  You've devolved into a little savage brat whom, instead of fighting the wolves, embraced them and suckled off of their teet until they accepted you as family.  Bishop, Rook, your little pack of insurance policies, they're not going to keep a true Spartan man away from you.  I've slain bigger wolves, and I don't mind putting down some adopted feral mutt they've accepted as some hairless runt mongrel."

PB smirks and knocks back the rest of his cola and.  He begins to slam it down on the counter again, but stops midway through the swing of motion and gently puts it on the counter on it's side.  He gives it a spin and continues to pontificate.

"As for you Jonesy?  Keep playing with your ready made whores.  That's all you've ever been anyway.  Some call girl willing to do anything for the right bright and shiny price.  I stand by my vow to make sure, above all else, that you don't walk away from Rite of Passage with the Answer's Championship.  You've cost me my championship in the past and I can't seem to think of a more fitting punishment for your crime than costing you the world.  So go 'head.  Drink up.  Party with your call girls.  Show no restraint.  Heaven forbid you change your lax ways and actually become something that poses a legitimate threat for once.  It makes me sick to think a string bean like me with so much in the way of aspirations and promise hit his physical pique four months into the business.  Meanwhile you've got all of this body mass and agility that I was never built to possess.  And do you cultivate it? Do you diet and hit the gym to work anything other than the glamour muscles? No.  You coast.  You coast because you think the good looks and great bod will last, just like you think the opportunities and same old tricks will keep working but it wont.  You'll end up being like one of those fat sports commentators who were blue chip prospects in nineteen-eighty something.  You'll marvel at guys that look the way you used to, and you'll never understand why they succeeded more than you ever dreamed.  If anything, I'll make sure to put you on that fast track to fatso never-was for what you've done to me and everyone and everything I've ever cared about."

The bottle stops spinning, it's mouth pointing to the gold clad waist of PB.  He stares down at it, smiling at it as he takes it as a good omen.

"I've waited long enough to get my hands on the both of you for your past transgressions against me and my greatest allies.  You'll suffer what you've done to Brian and Robbie.  You'll suffer for what you've done to HBB, Tony Rolland, and heck, why not put me on that list as well? You'll suffer for every single man whose held the EAW National Championship and the EAW Answer's Championship.  You'll go through the stations of their sacrifices, you'll understand what it means for you to trivialize what those past champions mean to this company.  You. Will.  Suffer.  And hopefully, in doing so you'll begin to understand what true growth is, what evolution really means, what the price is you have to pay when the stakes on the line are thrive or survive, adapt or perish.  You see, this isn't MY rite of passage.  It's YOUR trial by fire.  It's time for those little boys in the woods to come home where their consequences roost.  It's time to face the reality of what you truly are, Ares, Tiberius.  And then it's time to become men or die boys."

PB lackadaisically pushes the glass bottle off of the counter top, rises, and makes his way behind the bar where he studies the shelves of alcohol as the camera fades to black.
вrσdч spαrks .
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 1st 2016, 6:30 pm by вrσdч spαrks .
EAW Promoz! - Page 11 Ri2apSy


Brody Sparks is laying in a hotel room bed. Dressed in an orange colored wig she sat down. She was amused, giggling and filled with glee. Her gleeful smile came to a halt as she snatched her orange wig off of her head and reached for a lighter. The flame touched the hair as it melted away. A blank stare written on her face the whole time as she abruptly smiled once more....

"You asked my love and I delivered. Ask yourself do I seem worried about what happened to Omerta? I don't care which is why I left before the downfall so it has nothing to do about me being upset or hurt I don't care. It's all so simple but you just can't seem to get it through that thick skull of yours you can compliment me all you want but it doesn't mean a damn thing to me when it's from the likes of you they mean nothing! Are you upset? Are you bothered now? You're just wanting to give me an actual fight NOW?! HA. What kind of woman are you? You don't sign up for a business like this and wait until the last moment for you to realize you have to be dangerous. I'm dangerous all the time. "

" All the time…."

"I mock you because you're a weakling I'm not you because you sound like a generic Hallmark card that is what I mock you if you want to call but I say a crazy tirade then so be it but at least I'm not going to deny it. What I was telling you was facts,but apparently the almighty and miss confident Cailin Dillon can't handle it! Baby girl don't you dare step in the ring with me if you're not going to bring the blood but see here's where you're wrong, the blood that's going to be shed, isn't going to be mine it's going to be yours. I mean there's always a chance I might just let you have a little taste of mine honey, so don't fret. Understand you twat, I chose to leave and it is a choice that I lived with and it is a choice that I am proud of. I didn't show up here expecting to be handed a title shot.  leave it to you to want to twist my words to benefit your own agenda. I came here to make a message to send a message to get into the skulls of each and every vixen in this company that I am back and then I am not to be taken lightly. I could care less about the glory and the ego boosting titles like yourself, I just care about making an impact I just care about making people bleed and suffer. I do care about this match at Shock Value but not for the reasons that you're trying to make it out to be I care because I love to do this but I do I care because it's history in the making and I would be an idiot to not want to participate I would be an idiot to not want to have the greatest moment in Shock Value history being the first woman to burst the Sirens precious little skulls wide open, honey I see this as an opportunity to do what I've been trying to do since I've been gone for all this time baby doll it's not a matter of fact if I want to dominate you I'm going to dominate you there's no if ands or buts. You know what many people may have tried it but those people were not Brody fucking Sparks! I'm the unoriginal one? Yet what exactly separates you from your little siren buddies? You're all the same little girls, bubbly and happy independent and sassy what's the difference? You can cover up with little nicknames miss Southern poison, miss Freakshow that doesn't change the fact that you're all one in the same and there's not a damn thing that separates you but the colors of your own fucking hair so if its originality you want to talk about maybe you should look in the mirror and tell me what's so fucking original about you besides your hair color. You can  call the OG Vixens weak for aligning with us but at least we are all  different at least we all bring something different to the table while you three bring the same boring generic things.  You can spew all your nonsense about how the OG vixens are just going to screw me over from reaching my potential but at least by me working with them they're going to see and know what I'm capable of they're going to realize that if they ever tried anything behind my back ,they'll be the next set of blood on my hands. At least I would respect them and they will respect me for being open and honest and not pretending that we're a perfect unit but you know what we are we are strong unit. You should be thanking me for telling you that this is how I am you should be appreciative of that. I'm letting you know who I am so that way you know exactly what you're signing up for that's why I guess a little part of me enjoys that thrill The thrill of knowing that even though I have warned you, you're still dumb enough to attempt to try to get into the ring with me. Don't you know that curiosity killed the cat?"

"Sure you can call this my Omerta 2.0 but what should we call The Sirens? Formation 2.0? Maybe we should because it's only a matter of time before it flops just like formation did. Here we go with the assumptions I thought I was the one who thought I was Immortal and hide but it looks like you seem to think that because you always put words in my mouth I never said that you were to be taken lightly I just know what I'm capable of and I know that I'm going to beat you it's that simple. Honey I can tell you why Madison lost against you for the Empress of Elite. She was weak she was weak and I can admit that and I can tell her that myself but hopefully she's learned and she's learned to be better than what she was. You just got the upper hand for one night that's it. Baby girl I didn't come back because they were  begging me to, or asking me to be in this war. I came back because I wanted to are you that much of an idiot or do you just not know how to follow along and comprehend a simple statement?  I wanted to  came back because this is the perfect time for me to build my Empire right on Empire every Thursday night babydoll it just so happened that your brainless friend wanted to start a war with some of the most powerful women in this company and I would be an idiot to align myself with you. Emptiness.. Such a tragic feeling and emotion we humans feel. A feeling that nags at the pit of your stomach, that nauseating feeling that no one wants you. That the people around you only pretend to deal with you out of pity. I felt that emptiness for such a long time, it almost became a permanent state of mind. A blank stare written on my face, perfectly crafted just for me. A feeling that was destroyed when a knock of opportunity arrived at my doorstep. An invitation to find a true family. To find real loyalty. So many people dare question my actions, how silly of them. I did sit and wait for the failed Omerta to come rescuing me. But then I realized, I didn’t need to be rescued. I needed to be found. I needed to be awaken. Like clockwork I sat at home, week after week, watching this division, watching the war all come together. So just for my own Amusement I decided to come back and conquer and hurt and destroyed and at the end of the day you're all going to feel terrible sad emotion of emptiness. Oh honey we'll find out who's beating who soon enough. But it won't be you on the victorious end, baby it'll be me. Look at you spewing this false confidence about winning the title, her you mock and assume things about me expecting a title shot. Yet here you are running that nasty mouth of yours about being so certain you'll grab that vixens title. Maybe all this new-found aggression that you're spewing out is you really just trying to use me as a platform, as a mirror to pin the rightful blame to yourself. Baby girl you're just another human, you bleed the same color, and the same way everyone does. You don't lose Cailin? Has your mind gone mad ? Did my little ginger, snap? Ha! Baby girl in this game we all win and we all lose, and you're going to learn to love losing to ME. Empress of the Elite? Pease as if I care you just don't get it do you you can have the Empress of Elite you can have the bragging rights all you want if that's what you need to feed your little fragile ego I don't need it. Baby girl I have all the ovaries I need and then some and I know you have them too and it'll be so glorious when I rip your stomach open and show the world that you have ovaries congratulations you have guts! But sweetie that isn't going to save you from when I rip you into oblivion from when I destroy you inside and out from when I demolish your body and when I hold your lifeless self in my hands and when I kiss that pretty little head of yours and I get that one two three and then maybe you'll realize that the better woman is me and maybe you realize that you are way in over your head that you and Tarah and Aria are way in over your head you let those wins,and  let those Empress of Elites and accomplishments blow your ego up so much that you all think you're untouchable. But you three are going to get a nice big helping of Humble Pie courtesy at the hands of myself and the OG Vixens and my fellow Sanatorium sisters. We have plenty to go around so I hope your appetite is open and ready come Shock Value."

"My little gingerella I'm not confusing me for anything I'm reading you for who you are and you can't take it. You can't handle it you went from we can accomplish things life throws at us it separates the strong from the weak, to, blood will be shed and I'm not afraid to rip your arm out. HA! I got under your skin and that's exactly what I wanted. So thank you for giving me that sweet satisfaction baby girl I could just kiss you right now, actually I'll do it when you're passed out in the ring with your blood all over my hands so I can lick it off each of my fingers crawl on top of you and make out with your lifeless body. I mean it's the least I can do to thank you for being such a beautiful participant in my book of tragedy my book of Destruction, my book of depraved memories. Honey I don't just think I'm going to make an impact,  I'm GOING to make an impact. I mean  your friend Tarah is supposed to be the leader of the vixens right? Why don't you just ask her if she knows so much about us vixens ? but I bet you she doesn't know everything she needs to know about me and it seems like you don't either. I have a great wonderful beautiful twisted career that I have built and that I am not done building until I have reached the Nirvana of my life but you're right it does suck but it doesn't suck for me it sucks for you it sucks that at the end of the day Cailin Dillon is going to be known as a footnote in my career, you will be going down  in history as the woman that Brody Sparks, you’re , REAL Siren successfully beat in her first match since coming back. It is going to be a date, it is going to be a moment that is going to live in infamy and I can't wait. Baby girl lace up those boots try to shove it down my throat, bring your best because when I meet you in the middle of that ring, I want to beat you at your best and when I finally put an end to expose your false confidence to the world you'll realize that the Sirens, well you guys are nothing but a bunch of little girls trying to cosplay and live out a comic book fantasy. See you Thursday my precious gingerella. "

She smiled and batted her eyelashes as she roamed her body. Her fingers dancing around her chest, all the way to her lower half, she reached into her shorts, her hand roaming around until she slide her fingers out. Moist fingers, her own lust for pain taking over as she licked her fingers before blowing a kiss and mouthing the words "I can't wait baby doll, I can't wait".

Cameron Ella Ava
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 1st 2016, 6:01 pm by Cameron Ella Ava
I wanted to trust you.

I wanted to like you.

I wanted to hope that you saw the good in the OG Vixens. Just like Taylor Swift.

You’re nothing, but a fucking snake.

I knew that you couldn’t be trusted. I tried to warn HBG that you couldn’t be trusted, but oddly enough, she took you in and wanted you to be molded into the ways of the OGs. We saw a young, naive Vixen that could have benefitted a lot from being just like us. Nicole Fyre, you could have ruled right by our side. You could have been one of the best inspiring stories since the rises of Cailin Dillon, Aria Jaxon and Sheridan Muller. I’m guessing that didn’t appeal to you. I’m guessing the number’s game did not appeal to you. Every day, the OG Vixens get stronger. Every day, we get more numbers to our side. Not only, could you have relied on the OGs, you had the aid of the Sanatorium. Unlike you, they had a brain. They knew by the three of them, they weren’t capable of anything. They were not strong enough to last in this war. Now, look at you. You stand with Aria Jaxon in your corner and you think for a second that you have Cailin, Tarah and Sheridan by your side? You think that’s going to be enough to stop me. You have a specialty match when it comes to the OGs and that’s an Extreme Rules match. As the older sister of Ms. Extreme herself, you could say that I have a little extreme within me. You could say that I have been more than excited to step into the ring and end you once and for all. You see Nicole, your only purpose in this war is to be our victim. It’s to be the person that is going to be delivering the most important message in this war between The Sirens and The OGs. As everyone witnesses this Extreme Rules match, they will look at the agony on your face. They will admire your heart, your determination and they will cry when I do not only myself a favor, but every Vixen in the Vixens Division a favor and that’s get rid of one of the biggest snakes that I have ever met in my entire life. You claim that the Sirens are fighting for the other Vixens? HA! No, they’re fighting for themselves. They only want to benefit themselves. At least with the OGs, we make it open that we want to benefit ourselves. We have a common purpose and that’s to get rid of these ungrateful brats that think that they are better than us. These ungrateful brats that don’t even shake our hand and give us a thank you—goodbye to all of you.

No one believes in you, Nicole. Aria might be putting on that classic fake smile as you gloat that you’re going to defeat me, but even she knows that you don’t have what it takes to defeat me. How do I know that? I have that same fake smile. Although with me, it’s cuter than what Aria can imagine. Normally, I don’t work with my competition as the audience, but recently, I have grown accustomed to it. I welcome your friend Aria to watch the match. I welcome her to watch me rip you apart as she hates me more and more by the second. I hate to say it, but I’m more of an underdog in this match than you. I mean, why do you bother having Aria at your corner for? For her to cheer you on? For her to root for you to continue the match even though your body is telling you not too? I get it! She’s at your corner just in case things get bad for you! She complained about me using Consuela to win my match, so what makes you think that she’ll do the same to me? Honestly, if The Sirens were stupid enough to use you as some sort of plan, they’ll be even more stupid to have the balls to cause me the match. You don’t see me having Kendra at my corner. You don’t see me having HBG at my corner. Why? Because I can fight my own battles. That’s what I been doing ever since day one in EAW. You don’t have the experience, Nicole. I don’t blame you if you don’t know how it feels to face a veteran like myself. It should be an honor to you. It should have been an honor that we even paid attention to scum like you. We could have told you to shoo. We could have told you to fuck off, but no. We wanted to see the good about you—mostly HBG, but you get the idea. Yet, I was right. I was right about you all along and it doesn’t hurt me since I never trusted you since the get-go. Hell, I never liked you. You weren’t the ideal Vixen we were looking for. You looked a lot more like Siren than you did OG. After I saw you with Aria, I knew why I got that impression from you. You’re just fucking stupid. You do not know what kind of women you just messed with. You think that you were going to pull off this charade a little longer? YOU THOUGHT THE OGs WERE STUPID? No, Nicole. You’re just an idiot.

Thank goodness, I was given the privilege to face you. It makes it even more perfect that I do. I didn’t trust you. I caught you in the act. Now, I get rid of you. It makes everything perfect. Nicole, if I had no trouble with knocking you down to the floor, what makes you think that you’re not going to flinch when I attempt to punch you in the face? You’re just a scared little girl talking all hype, but when the challenge comes, she’s going to coward away. You can’t do that on Empire. You can’t run away from me. You claim that you’re not going to be running from me. You claim that you’re going to bring the fight to me. I’d like to see you try. I’d like you to put some effort in trying to defeat me. I bet if you could defeat me, Aria would make you a Siren in a heartbeat. Instead of being in the background of this war, you would be right in front with her. Dream of that, sweetheart because it will be the last thing you’ll dream about before you close your eyes in a deep, deep coma.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post November 1st 2016, 5:59 pm by Guest
Empire 02

'' Madison Kaline fears Sheridan Müller. I don't believe in coincidences, synchronicity is a word which I very rarely use in a serious context. I'm a woman of facts, and the facts are that Madison has disappeared, disseminated into thin air twice now when her trash talking has guided her to a match against myself. I'm somewhat selfless, I'm willing to give anybody a chance to prove they're a useful individual and an efficient being, I elevate those who step into a ring with myself, and push their bodies to limits they never thought they had. I'm very caring for this division, I treat it as my own creation as that is what it will become. German Efficiency continues to rise, and eventually, both The Sirens as well as the OG Vixens will fall whilst I stand above them, with my boots on their deceased, burning bodies. I would do anything for the betterment of the Vixens division. Yet Madison questions such, she throws insults as if she's a toddler in a pram, however when it is time to face the music, when the chance strikes for her to ignite her trash talk with some actual validity, she is nowhere to be found. I know it was Halloween recently, but come on Madison, you can take off your ghost costume now. Her protests are fallacious, her claims incorrect. If she was so confident that German Efficiency is this and that, if the woman believes that she can take my Vixens World Championship off of my shoulders, then why does she vanish when the opportunity arises. Here's the short and simple answer, it's because it's total bullshit. Madison says these things for attention, she's an exhibitionist, starved of love and jealous of others who have even a drop of talent more than her. She claims she is above us all however has nothing to prove such, she can't justify herself without reverting back to her one month championship reign, which occurred before I even arrived to this company. She would fit extremely will into the OG Vixens, a past their sell by date, attention starved, talentless, inefficient so-called wrestler, who cannot prove themselves within a wrestling ring alone, so they team up in hopes of being recognised. I mentioned that this is the second time that Madison has ran out of sight as soon as the vile, deceptive speeches she makes catch up to her, and I believe such to be that she knows, as well as I do, that I am superior to her. I am superior to this whole division, be it in beauty, in brains, or in wrestling ability. I'm the ambassador of pure wrestling, I am the champion of the females, I have no problem facing any gender, in any country, on any night, because I have German Efficiency, and German Efficiency has me. I am driven by my athletic superiority, and Madison knows she is no match to my lifestyle. If she were to step into a ring with me, without the help of her Sanatorium scissor sisters, she would be brutalised, Sherplex after Sherplex, her inferiority unsheltered and her inefficiency exposed, I respect women who have stomach and heart for this business. Who speak their mind and strive for a revolution, Madison is not one of those people. She would be quite happy if the sports entertainment system were to live on, the heartbeat of such only growing stronger. If she can brag and boast about her title reign nobody remembers non-stop, and if she's able to interfere in others business to her hearts content, and chat absolute, imprecise nonsense, she'd be thrilled. She has the brain capacity to recognise I am revolutionising this division, replacing flawed, erroneous notions with my superior lifestyle. People who try to stop me, those that are willing to wrestle with me I can appreciate, at least they care. But unfortunately, I cannot comprehend people who say I do not care, and don't bother to even attempt to contest with me in the ring. It's a joke, yet I am not laughing. Actually to an extent it frustrates me. You're not a professional wrestler, Madison, you're not even an athlete. You are an immature, fictitious, pretentious child, who has somehow fooled the world through hoodwinking and illusions that you have talent. Cleopatra may believe you're a wrestler, so might the OG Vixens, but I don't see you as a threat, you're a weak link, a cancer of this division. You're the reason why others lack motivation, why others are useless to German Efficiency. You're severely lacking in passion and determination. The fact you fail to argue your points shows your confidence about coming nose to nose with me. With or without your abrasive, bratty, childish behaviour, German Efficiency will continue to rise, Sheridan Müller will justify that she is the future of professional, efficient, pure wrestling without interruption, and this division will reach new heights, leaving sports entertainment, and inefficient, attention seeking, over hyped people such as yourself behind. If you cannot be bothered to even try against me, what hope will you have in surviving the German Efficiency era? On second thought, maybe keep your ghost costume on sweetie, because you're dragging the world around you down. I called you a cancer, and German Efficiency is the cure, no matter if you upload a promotional video or not, I will beat you on Empire, I will continue to be the Personification of German Efficiency, and I recall you once telling me I'm just like every other girl with an attitude problem, a rookie, and that there's loads of others like me who have disappeared without a trace. Your words fall on deaf ears now, nobody cares about Madison Kaline, she plagiarises her poems and she cannot speak a sentence without lying about something, we're not in black and white now, we're approaching the German Efficiency era, and I will not tolerate apathetic, inefficient liars like yourself. I know you're scared of me, and I'm aware you've lost your passion for this business, but please, pretty please come to Empire, so I can validate my claims that German Efficiency is more than a catchphrase, and I can end the career of Madison Kaline with a single, efficient Sherplex. ''

Sheridan seemed happy with herself, more so amused. The German native had a fairly uneventful weekend and Monday withstanding the fact that Madison didn't upload a promotional video throughout such. It wasn't hard work being the Vixens World Champion, it was somewhere along the lines of frustrating. Whilst she was more than happy to represent the Vixens division, talk about the German Efficiency era and discuss her thoughts on other individuals within the division, she didn't like discussing such with idiots. Which, considering her location, was mainly who she dealt with. She rolled her neck upon her shoulders, brought fingertips topped with manicured, pointed nails to her caramel blonde hair, sniffled and yawned before pressing the record button to bring the video to a stop, she could cut out the final parts of course, she was still growing to the American custom of sports entertainment so videos were one of little things she wasn't fully efficient at, she was a perfectionist of course, she'd probably spend more time editing her video than she did recording it. Pushing herself to her feet, the blonde slid off her Nike Air Force One's, a present from a close friend after she won the Vixens World Championship, and sauntered her way over to the kitchen of her Hotel, within the state of Wisconsin. She always preferred to arrive within the state she was competing in days before she did such, it was always better to familiarise with surroundings, where the nearest training facilities were, the closest German food store, and so on. She made herself a cup of tea, she never understood coffee connoisseurs, tea was by far the more healthier option, without milk she was fairly certain it had no fat in the slightest. With another roll of the neck, she returned to her working station, or in more simpler terms, her bed. Opening her laptop screen and refreshing the Efficiency Answers Wrestling site. 

'' Okay Madison, fair enough, you surprised me. Not your delusive, groundless lies, but the fact you uploaded. Of course I was expecting everything you said, at how you're just desperate to get your hands on me, despite the fact it took you literally forever to even comment on the match, or how you'll eventually gain yourself a title match against me, without stating that you will inevitably lose such an opportunity because, being realistic, that's sort of your gimmick. You don't like me, boo hoo, get a grip. You're not exactly winning the Sheridan award for the nicest person yourself. Here's another thing that caught me by surprise, I almost choked on my drink due to how funny this was, the fact you claim I get handed opportunity after opportunity. Now personally, there's two things wrong with this statement for me, things that just don't sit right. Firstly, and please feel free to correct me, you had at least three matches against Eris LeCava for the Vixens W- Oh, actually, it was only called the Vixens Championship then, I guess it was somewhat irrelevant until I brought myself into the title picture, anyhow, you had at least three matches with Eris. Whilst people like Cailin were defending their Specialists Championship every week, and Aria was just floating around winning but gaining little momentum, you got title matches handed to you for what reason other than, oh, their last match was okay, she had the last match just give her another one. Come on Madison, you're not fooling anybody, you're practically the epitome of licking ass, you were just a filler act to sustain Eris' average championship reign. Secondly, you claim I didn't win the Vixens Cup fairly, that I lucked out and that the Vixens tournament was rigged from the start. Now really, I'm not a sentimental person, I'd much rather annihilate you to prove I'm the best than use the past to put you down, but the Vixens Cup as I recall, was the story of Madison using other people to beat Tarah, then losing to Erica Ford? Whilst I conquered four women in the space of two days, winning despite being the second youngest Efficiency Answers Wrestling wrestler in that tournament, you somehow managed to lose despite having the Sanatorium at your side. Maybe you're correct, maybe the Vixens Cup wasn't the story of Sheridan winning, it was the story of Madison yet again proving she's inefficient. How dare you have the audacity to say some of the things you do. You're crying like you didn't compete in the Vixens Cup, like you didn't know what it did until I cashed in, efficiently, and became the Vixens, World, Champion. You had your chance, Madison, you had another at Empress Of Elite but you managed to mess that up also. This isn't the story of how the likes of Sheridan, Cailin and Aria don't deserve success, it's the tale of how Madison doesn't have the nerves to accomplish anything, how she's an average wrestler, and how she's jealous that somebody is better than her and isn't going to plug her ears whilst they validate such. You cry foul play because I haven't been here long, yet speak as if I'm some sort of champion, well, news flash bitch, I am champion, this championship proves that I am the most efficient woman in the world, and I don't need to hide behind history to prove such. I'll prove it against you, I'll prove it against the OG Vixens. I don't possess fear within me, I have far too much passion and drive for such a feeling. I laugh at you calling yourself the best. The best don't take their ball and run home when they lose a match. The best don't take a hiatus for three months because Sheridan made them pee their pants with big words and pranks. You took the title and ran with it? Where? Into a brick wall? You held the title for a cold, paper minute before it was taken from you, and now, my championship, my lovely, Vixens World Championship, sleeps with me at night. I'm done speaking to you Madison, you make claims yet fail to back them up, your words weigh nothing, just like your wrestling skills. You may have beaten legends, you may have headlined an FPV or two, but knock knock, who's there? I'm the champion. Are you blind? It means nothing now, does it. You could have saved this division from a burning building, but that won't translate into the ring. These accomplishments, they're just words. Whilst German Efficiency is far more than that. You may be Madison Kaline, but I am the Vixens World Champion, a title, a prestige I have earned through my hard work, swear from my pores and blood from her veins has gone into this division, neither you, the OG Vixens or Cailin Dillon is going to stop the inevitable revolution that is German Efficiency. ''
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