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EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...) - Page 37 SIGNUPBANNER
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EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...) - Page 37 SIGNUPBANNER

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EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...) :: Comments

The Elite-Lord
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...)
Post February 20th 2015, 3:54 pm by The Elite-Lord
It seems as if Zachary Cruise, Hades the Roadrunner, AND our reigning champion Diamante Cash are pulling for leverage on the same territory. The emotion is high - and the intensity real, no doubt. But this is why it pays to be in the shoes of a King, for he is taking this opportunity in stride. Lannister has no need to worry about Fighting Spirit, like the rest of the men in this match do. You could even say Lannister is the only one looking at this match like an exhibition match, care free in a sense of the word. Lannister looks at Diamante Cash's promo tape, and all he can sense is frustration. Why so angry, "champion" ? Why so much rage? It seems as if the stipulations of this match have built up boiling blood in your heart, the levitation of being a champion must be so heavy for you. You can scream all you like, Diamante Cash, it still doesn't change the fact that this is more than likely where the road ends for you. It will be me that finally gives you the softening blow, the humbling experience. But even if it weren't - there are two other men motivated just as much as Lannister, to do so. King Lannister thought going in, he'd be the only one who seriously wanted to kick your teeth in and make you swallow the broken chips whole, but your actions lately has made Lannister doubt such a mindset. You've gone and pissed everyone in this match, entirely off. Lannister is short of friends himself, in this match - but he can take solace in the idea that they'd much rather see Lannister as champion than to let your reign continue through. You wish to be seen as the best in the world, while three other men are eying down what is considered EAW's greatest prime jewel. Perhaps you should focus on trying to hold onto that last bit of pride you have left, Cash, rather than trying to be the great ordeal in the mind of perception. However may it be though, one thing is for sure, Cash - you aren't championship material, so it's about time that you drop it to someone who can at least be excused as a champion.

You can damn the rest in this match, you can come up with a blueprint gameplan - but it's not going to matter. You're a defeated man with a harlot's death wish on his lips. What a whore, you have become. For a man that has spent his entire career, "hating the machine" - you certainly have become a disciple of it. You may not align yourself with Zachary Cruise and the other executives - but your aspiration of being the "face of the company" surely leaves you being the pawn, not Lannister himself, or Hades the Hellraiser, even. Cash lives in a world where only he is right - but moments and realizations like these prove his world is nothing but a folly. He dare trickle tunes about "What about the honor? What about the respect?" when he surely has none for himself - why else would he carry himself like he does? The entire company thinks of Diamante Cash as a lunatic - but Lannister has come around to a completely different idea. You're just a demented , peasant of a man - who is fixated on violence as a vice. Some would argue that those are serial-killer esque intentions, but Lannister won't dare to stand on moral ground, so no need to worry about judgment from this one. It's just a kingly observation, Cash - one that shows you more and more as a fraud by the day. But let Lannister expose that fraudulence of yours at Fighting Spirit - let Lannister be the one to have this fun. Lannister has more ample reason than the Roadrunner or Cruise to see you put down - even if they are boiling with hate now. Lannister does not hate you... there are just simply... fundamental differences. And these differences, there is a price to pay for. Lannister is not out for blood - so only your championship serves as a fruitful, beneficial transaction. And as King Lannister - the crown always receives its debts.

Which leads Lannister to the two other brigades in this contest - Zachary Cruise and Hades the Roadrunner - two that Lannister has become quite familiar with, two that Lannister shares the exact same aspiration with. All wish to dethrone Diamante Cash, but only one can ultimately succeed at doing so. Lannister has much respect for these men, as they see the fault in our champion as well. But that is not enough to serve as safe passage from the fury of our King, this Sunday night. No, hardly. Especially when Zachary Cruise tries to tip the scales, and bar this illusion that he is this "godly" figure. Why, Mr. Cruise - if King Lannister is no mere king, then you are no mere leader, either. How about all your "experiments" - all your "plans", Zachary? You and Y2Impact have made it a show since day one - to supplant "your guys" as champions. Then how is it that Ryu Savaged has won numerous championships - how is it that you let the fiend known as Diamante Cash parade himself as your leading world champion? Why - the answer is simple: you don't know how to lead. If you did, you wouldn't require the assistance of the Roadrunner or Lannister's self to do the ultimate deed: take Cash's championship away. You don't even have the confidence in yourself, to do so - that is why Lannister is somewhat honored to be in this match. The idea that you came to the realization that you not only no longer have what it takes to rule - but you don't even feel confident in your own abilities in the ring to take that EAW Championship. You wish to rely on the brute strength of Lannister, and to a lesser degree the Roadrunner. And the best part about it - is you know everything Lannister is saying right now is ultimately true. You aren't a gracious host by any sense of the word - you aren't handing out free title opportunities just for the sake of handing them out. No, no - you NEED Lannister. You NEED Hades the Roadrunner. The two are your only chance of no longer needing to market Diamante Cash as your world champion. So perhaps you are a leader, after all - let Lannister take his former comment back. Because a true leader can at the very least admit when he stands not a chance, and having to go outside the box to fill in his blueprint, and you have done exactly just that. Just don't expect to have a parade thrown in your honor for this very simple observation you have come across. Lannister will just let you know, let you take solace in - that you have no need to worry. Lannister will win that EAW Championship, Zachary Cruise - and you can sleep peacefully knowing that your plan prevailed.

So it looks as if it's down to you, Roadrunner - as Lannister's one lone threat in this match. The numbers game will take care of Diamante Cash, and the low confidence of Zachary Cruise will prove him to be a non-factor. However, there isn't a shortage of confidence or skill when it comes to your arsenal, now is there? King Lannister will give you that credit, but credit is always poorly manufactured. The silver lining, even - becomes harder to manufacture. You've become quite the legend around these parts, Roadrunner - but you've hardly left a dent on Lannister's playground of Voltage. You consider yourself a devil, and there is always a little truth in the sense of what everyone gets heralded by - but even in a biblical sense, that will cease to matter with the Angel of Debt. Everyone wishes to assign ownership to another in this match, as if it's some slave auction, but Lannister will not prove to be Cruise or Cash in this sense, Roadrunner - Lannister is your King, but that is all. Lannister does not wish to garner ownership of those in his kingdom. The kingdom is only his - not the people that are withheld in it. Lannister sees you as something more than Cruise and Crash, but don't dare tread on Lannister in this regard. Lannister is not an artist, as you portray him as - he is not deceitful, he is not a liar. Everything Lannister tells you is the truth - Lannister mentioned how his alliance with Diamante Cash wouldn't work - and guess what didn't work? Lannister said that Jacob Senn was not a conqueror at King of Elite - and guess who didn't conquer? Everything Lannister says is true - and his actions prove him to be a soothsayer more than a said-liar. You are hellbound, and eager to slander Lannister's name - but that will not work come Fighting Spirit. Lannister has given you ample respect here, but respect is hardly a momentum swing that favors you. Lannister just wanted to call you out in name, to tell you in a personal sense: that you will not walk out of Fighting Spirit with the EAW Championship. A simple phrase - but a true one, nonetheless.

Lannister is a simple man, in the truth of things. It is everyone else that tries to complicate the matter. But Lannister will make his ruling very simple, and precise: when he wins the EAW Championship at Fighting Spirit. The King sends his regards, gentlemen... your debt will be paid in full.
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...)
Post February 20th 2015, 2:44 pm by Stark

I came into the EAW after a five year career with success in every federation I stepped into with one and only one goal in my mind, to get to the very top. One way or another, I told myself, I will be the guy. Because everything I did in any other federation, all the “world titles”, all the feuds, all the blood and tears, and all the hell I went through in the independent promotions came with just one goal in mind; to get to the big leagues. Getting to the EAW is easy, but making it? That’s a whole different story. That’s why most of the new guys are gone within days of their debuts. They can’t handle it. They can’t put the work in to be top guys. Well guess what, I CAN. I can, and oh you better believe I WILL do anything and everything I have to in order to reach the top. Stark is no laughing matter, Stark is no name to ignore or pass on, because Stark, whether you all like it or not, is the future. Tomorrow, Saturday the twenty-first of February, I will cross the first of many hurdles on my road to success, on my road to the top. I will become number one contender for Jamie O’Hara’s New Breed Championship, and then I will take his title from his cold lifeless body. Stark plays to win. I’m no prize-fighter, but when I see gold in my line of sight, I take it. And right now its just the New Breed title. Soon, the World Title and many more accomplishments will be in my grasp. But I’ll go one step at a time.

This brings me to my competition at Reasonable Doubt. First, there’s Duncan. Poor, poor Duncan. Failed comedian becomes failed professional wrestler. What a sad story. Sad enough that Nick Angel and Venom won’t pay any mind to him. The problem with Duncan is that he’s here to entertain. You want to be an entertainer? The EAW isn’t the place for you. Go on Wizard Wars or audition for Modern Family if that’s your thing. A wrestling ring isn’t the place for the likes of Duncan. Unambitious, with no talent or any credit to his name, Duncan should do the world a favor and just LEAVE. And if he won’t go willingly, maybe seeing Evan Stark become number one contender for the New Breed Championship should do the trick. As far as Duncan wanting me to like him? That will never EVER EVER happen. I don’t like anyone that gets in my way. I’m in the EAW to “make friends and have a good time”. I am here for one reason, AND ONE REASON ONLY: TO GET TO THE DAMN TOP. Making friends will do no more than hold me down. So Duncan, by all means, continue your antics. But then know that when you lose every match that matters, that you have no one to blame but yourself. Maybe I am unpleasant, but if that’s the key to success, then so be it. Face it, I am better than you. And all this crap you keep throwing at me proves just that; you’re a jealous Evan Stark wannabe. You’re upset that you won’t ever be as good as I am. Because all you have to your name is comedy worse than daytime television. Now speaking of daytime T.V., that sounds like a MUCH better career for a funny, entertaining guy like yourself. Leave the wrestling to the wrestlers Duncan, and just piss off.

And just when I thought that no one could be stupider than Clark Duncan, I see Venom. Venom couldn’t add two and two together, let alone win a match, and yet the guy is dense enough to think he has a chance at winning the scramble tomorrow? Ridiculous. “Oh I saw the Spongebob movie because that’s the only one my disability support group wanted to see”. Pathetic. A grown man, a professional wrestler, a potential CONTENDER FOR A CHAMPIONSHIP, is hyping his match by talking about a movie made for children. It’s no wonder you’re a filler piece for a stable that has no business existing in the first place. And that’s all you’ll be. You’ve hit your ceiling within two weeks of your debut. While Johnny Ventura is challenging for the World title, Dumb and Dumber over here are discussing children movies. That’s fine, because now I see that the only man worth giving a damn about in this match is Nikola Vranchev. We seem to be the only two focused on putting the prestige of being champion before all else. Meanwhile Venom is still reminiscing on his past successes, and saying success is a bit of a stretch in of itself. I’ve heard of THOR, but when I think of THOR, Venom doesn’t come to mind at all. It’s a shame that Venom was the shadow OF the shadows of Jacob Senn and the like. World champions, real wrestlers, not pathetic goofs that focus more on comedy than wrestling. Fine, humor is good at times, but the question is, can you throw away your bullshit and focus on the match? I don’t think you can. And as for the Brigades? You’ve made no impact. You haven’t even sold out, because selling out implies that someone somewhere is disappointed that you joined the Brigades. No one is. No one cares. The only reason I do is because you’re my opponent, and it’d be folly to not acknowledge you. Venom, the fact that you aren’t fighting for yourself just shows another reason why you WON’T be winning at Reasonable Doubt. You don’t have the same drive that I do. I fight to get to the top, you fight to avenge the mistakes of your past or whatever bullshit you meant. You can claim to whatever you want. The real fact is, Evan Stark will become the new number one contender. And believe me, Venom of all people won’t be able to stop me.

Nick Angel, just like Venom, is a never-was. Another loser in THOR or whatever that had to hide in the shadows of Jacob Senn and Hades. Funny you call me a hypocrite when you don’t know HOW I’m being a hypocrite. Let me make something apparent for you, Nick, because it’s clear that you don’t get it. Half of what you say is fluff. It’s always the same old shit. You’ve NEVER been interesting on the microphone. Your little speeches are lame. You’ve talked the same way your entire career, and then you’ve gotta wonder why you’ve never got to the top in a federation where you didn’t have the power to PLACE yourself at the top. You’re not the whole package like you make yourself out to be. You’re not even HALF the superstar I am. And it’s sad you know? You’re still here, clawing and grasping at straws, feebly thinking you’ve got a chance. You’ve got as much a chance at being something in the EAW as El Landerson. Maybe when you stop being the same stale piece of shit you’ve been your entire wrestling career, you’ll hit your stride. But you don’t have it in you. You don’t have the drive to get to the top. Simply put, you don’t have the talent. If I were asked to use one word to describe you Nick, it’d be BORING. That’s why you’ll never be a top guy. And just like Venom, you should be glad you’re in the Brigades, because that’s your ceiling. You just can’t be any better. But for me, there is no limit. I WILL be the world champion in a few months. But closer in my reach lies the New Breed Championship. That will be mine. So here’s what you can bring back to Ventura, a loss at the hands of Evan Stark. Sure, you’re a lion, but do you know what the mononym Stark is synonymous with? The wolf. Wolves hunt alone, and though they may not possess the same elegance as a lion, they have twice the power, twice the will to survive. My survival in this company rests solely on the shoulders of me becoming champion. It’s just natural order. The apex predator is always at the top of the food chain. And Nick, you’re hardly a lion. You’re not even a house dog. You’re just a sewer rat, if you’re to be an animal. Or maybe a flea. Just annoying, but not a serious threat. Because that’s all you’ll ever be. An annoyance. Filler for stables as irrelevant as the Brigades. Let’s look a year from now, when I’m the World Champion, and when you’re STILL with your disabled friend Venom in the Brigades. That’s when you’ll realize everything I say is true.

Stark reaching the top is as certain as the sun rising or the moon setting. No man can stop it. This Championship Scramble is my proving ground on my road to the top.

Once again,

Vic Vendetta
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...)
Post February 20th 2015, 9:24 am by Vic Vendetta
Talk and hope that seems to be all everyone ever does now a days. But what ever happened to affirmative action? Can one truly be satisfied with just waiting on something to come or can we all finally rise and take control of our own lives? Tell me Jaime what inspires you to be a champion? Why do you so love that piece of gold you carry around so greatly? I don’t want that title but I will take it just like I too Norman’s title and I will continue to hold it for you until I see that you’re ready boy. The main thing is what’s coming for you Jaime. We’ve had our first dance on the main stage for the right to be called King of Elite, and boy it’s left me desperate to tango with you once again. We tore this arena apart both me and my Agents of Extreme and you with your scarlet kick. Those people that came afterwards had to pull it out of the bag just to stop the crowd from thinking the show was over! But like I said, Jaime it isn’t over. I worked my ass off to get a shot at you, and I’ll beat you this time oh trust me title or no title I want to hold your face in the palm of my hand and just squeeze down on it. And this Sunday it’ll be even sweeter. As long as both got blood in our veins, we’ve got spilling to do. But take heed I’m a much different demon then from the one you’ve encountered before. I’m focused on three things breaking bones, hospitalizing you, and winning. And I’m not putting on much of a show if I’m taking a 3-count from you, am I? I lose to you, and I’m back at the bottom of the ladder. Fortunately, I have even more incentive when it comes to beating you, last weeks brawl will be nothing compared to Sundays Massacre.

If only there was a stipulation involving the match maybe something that we call a demonic structure… A steel hell something way more brutal than any cage. More evil than any jail in the middle east… Well do you want to know what I call something like that, Jaime? I call it home. Grinding people’s faces into chains. Smashing their carcasses through glass. Slamming their lifeless corpses onto steel… I’m getting excited just thinking about it. That’s home to me, and I’m longing to be there in fact I am longing to bring you with me. I’ll make as short a job of you as possible to make sure I get there as quickly as I can. But I hope you have turned a new corner in your life, because while I have to get through you, I don’t want to be beating a dead horse. I at least want a bit of a challenge, don’t think that one Super kick will bring me down this time, you, don’t think that 10 super kicks will finish me off, you will need at least 100 to even daze me… Because that’s what it’s all about… putting on a show for your last days on earth. That Ark that you spoke of will have passengers on it, I will be a member of that Ark my boy , me and my family because my father has spoken to me and has told me “ Bring only your family for I will destroy all who defies you and stands in our path to kingdom com.” Jaime you think you can sneak unto our getaway to our kingdom then I will enjoy throwing you over into the whales  mouth just as Jonah and Pinocchio did. Beat me? Jaime you cannot just simply beat me, have you noticed that I am like a cancer, and just like cancer it can always return no matter how “treated” it becomes, Jaime you don’t understand the concept of fearing me. You look at me as another opponent and that will be your downfall my boy. I’m not the person you originally beat for that  New Breed Title… oh no no I am far more sinister and superior. I once held that prop before to and when my time came I lost it. And now your fate has come to hand it back over to the man who molded that title so greatly. Return my piece of armor to where it once came and maybe I will spare you my son. 
Zach Genesis
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...)
Post February 20th 2015, 7:51 am by Zach Genesis
(Reasonable Doubt Promo #3)
"My disposition is in a position for all to see…" - "Bullet With A Name" by Nonpoint

Payback…revenge…vengeance. It goes by many names. It can also be driven up in someone by many things. It can be put into place by someone's sudden anger. Sometimes it can be pushed forth by passion, for example because of the potential harming of a loved one. However other times…well…it can suddenly all come to fruition due to one single action. One single thing…that can drive even the most sane of men…to utter destruction.

Nick! Nicky-boy! Makarov! Hell IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR FUCKING NAME IS! After all of this time, after nearly a month of this shit…you still don't get it do you? I mean for god sake's son, I've been trying to ram it into your head night in night out but you still don't get it do ya!? IT AIN'T FUCKING GOING IS IT! Well…this is my final bit of words that I'll throw your way and I won't take too much of your time as frankly I'm sick and tired of goddamn repeating myself but well…if someone doesn't get it, what else are you supposed to do?

So…I'm going to make this as SIMPLE as I possibly can Makarov. Just so you can get this, but first…I'll go through what you said and I'll more than kindly tell you why you…for lack of a better word..are a complete and utter dumbass. Alright! First point that Professor Makarov mentioned to us all today was the fact that he "attempted to teach and nurture me".

Now…I don't know what shit you're smoking in that fucked up pipe of yours but you thought you taught me!? TAUGHT ME!? YOU FUCKING TAUGHT ME SOMETHING!? OH WAIT! THAT'S RIGHT NICKY! YOU DID TAUGHT ME STUFF! Now what did you teach me…oh yeah I got it! You taught me that I CAN'T TRUST REDNECK ASSBAGS LIKE YOU! You taught me that I HAVE TO LOOK FOR MYSELF AND MYSELF ONLY! And finally you taught me that..and yes I know i sound like a broken record here, but most importantly, you clearly taught me that if a man breaks his own bond and own word…HE'S A COWARD!

I mean okay Makarov, I know that the whole entire time you've been here in Istanbul you've probably be knocking back beers with your butt-buddy Damien Murrow or something BUT there's one thing I couldn't happen to notice in your most recent video that EAW management decided to send me because in their words they think I need to know "what I'm going up against"…

The one thing I couldn't believe was well…in that entire video you only brought up one point? One argument? Wow…well…great job! Look at you! I'm glad that I have to have a war of words with you Mister I'm Best Friends With The General Manager! YOU SIR have made me a happy man! HELL WHEN I HAVE KIDS IN THE FUTURE, YOU SIR ARE THE GREATEST ARGUMENT TO NOT SEND MY KIDS TO A PUBLIC SCHOOL I HAVE EVER SEEN!

But let's backtrack just a little bit and get back to the point at hand here. Do I know who I'm dealing with? Well yes, yes I do. I'm here to deal with a punkass piece of shit who doesn't know anything about how the real world works…every action has a consequence Makarov…got it? Well you clearly don't but hopefully you'll get it now. So you can't just magically waltz in, attack someone because you "felt like it" (as said by every single wrestling heel EVER!) and then magically think that everything will resolve itself! Right!? WRONG.

Every action has a consequence my boy. And come Saturday night at Reasonable Doubt you will ultimately learn that nothing is further from a lie than that. You cost me my match last month at King Of Elite…that was an action that you decided to take. That action now has a consequence. That consequence? EASY. ME KICKING YOUR ASS AND GETTING MY REVENGE AT REASONABLE DOUBT TOMORROW NIGHT!

Now you're saying I SOLD OUT!? Wow…way to botch the meaning of sold out buddy. Once again also thank you for adding more fuel to my "not sending my kids to a public school" argument too. Well…let's see I think there's a general checklist to determine whether or not someone has "sold out". LET'S GO THROUGH IT! Have I…dumped my denim jacket for a suit? NOPE! Have I sided with management against what is morally correct? NOPE! And finally the most important one Makarov! Am I a jackass? NOPE! 0 out of 3! LOOKS LIKE I'VE FAILED THE SELL OUT TEST!

But what about you Makarov? Have you dumped your leather vest for a suit? Well…you said you were sick of management then hit me with a Stunner and then sided with them so…CHECK! That also checks number two by the way if you can count to two that is! AND FINALLY ARE YOU A JACKASS!? Well all of the fans hate you so YEAH YOU DEFINITELY ARE! ONE…TWO…THREE! Congratulations Mr. Makarov! You got 3 out of 3! Looks like you are A SELL OUT!

Five miles down the road a the male brothel? Must be getting myself confused for yourself buddy. Probably that inferiority complex of yours wishing that you were me in every single way ain't it? AIN'T IT!? Rumors? Yeah rumors that you've probably fuelled yourself and only yourself might I add just to fuel that ego of yours that will never have it's appetite satisfied right?

And finally the big picture! AH MY FAVOURITE POINT! The big picture here Nick is simple…I'm going to kick your ass, and get my revenge because payback is a bitch. And there's going to be nothing loony, wacky or crazy about it. You have 24 hours remaining…it's ticking…ticking…but soon your days are up and I WILL PUT YOU THROUGH HELL AND BACK AGAIN! BECAUSE I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT WINNING THIS MATCH! I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT GETTING MY HAND RAISED! As long as I can inflict pain and damage to you…then my goal is complete. 24 hours…





"The way I work so hard for things they just take away from me…"
Devan Dubian
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...)
Post February 20th 2015, 3:25 am by Devan Dubian
The only two things you can truly ever depend on in life are gravity and greed. 

But I suppose even gravity has an outlet; we can travel to the space and make ourselves weightless. However the idea of greed... greed will always be eternal. The extortionate need for wealth and goods to keep for one self beyond basic comfort is a concept that has lived with us through many millenniums. However I think there is a larger concept to greed that attracts so many people to its lust. It's the belief in the idea that by having access to have extortionate wealth, you are restricting someone else or obstructing someone else from having access to that wealth and that feeling overwhelms any other. Once again, you have inflated your part in this case Brian Daniels. You want to talk about being forced into playing a wretched character - the hero stuck in between the bad blood of two other villains? Then let us talk about it. If anything, I would confess that you were the most rapacious character of the three that resided in the Elite faction. You constantly talked about your paralyzing victory over Lannister and how you among the three of us were the most competent when in reality, you used that fortunate victory to drag yourself for months without doing anything else of actual relevance in that duration. You used that stroke of luck as your case to stay in Elite without any other significant demonstration succeeding that. I think had you realized that you were nothing more than a mere fiasco who was just waiting to erupt and stepped out of the picture like a true hero would then we might have had a chance against what were once known as the menaces of this company. It was your avarice - your gluttony - your hunger and desires to stay the focal point of the whole situation which could be stated as the catalyst to our downfall. If you were a true hero, you would have been willing to sacrifice your name for the better aftermath because it was crystal clear right from the beginning that you were only a shadow of what you once were, inferior to both the lot of Starrstan and myself. Heroes like to see themselves as noble man noted for their courage and their understanding abilities but you know what I have noticed about such creatures Brian Daniels? All heroes have that unpleasant story that has what ignited them to become such creatures; they never do it just out of the forbearance of their heart. Pride is usually a word that is cemented next to the creature hero and it's more often than not put in positive connotation but what most people don't come to realize is the hidden meaning of the word or in my opinion the true meaning of the world: arrogance and self-importance and greed. So try to paint yourself on a larger portrait than what you actually belong on all you want but the matter of fact is that while you look down on the world of kingdom, knights are probably more imperial than this creature heroes that you are relating yourself to ever will be. You probably figured that by landscaping yourself as the patrician hero and the lone-wolf stuck in a faction where he does not belong would be enough to empathize with the majority of the devotees and the bitter part is that it might have actually worked. After all, this company prides itself on the luxury of the underdog and whimper stories and you have made it work for you on more than one occasion in the past. I bring this up because I have a bitter taste in my mouth with this subject myself, the idea of the dark-horse. One could say that in my past life that my career would be a synonym for such a word but taking a trip back to reality, what actual benefit did playing the sulk hero of this company bring me? I stand the same man with the same accolades with the same judgments on my back; the only difference is that I do not have to seek pity from the lot of poppycock of you people. You want the lines to read you as the condoling hero who stood back up after being battered down but behind all this commotion, you still have your own personal agenda. I will be doing this company a favor by putting this man down before he even has the opportunity to stand up this time and repeat the same weeping story he's used for the past few years and I hope in time, all you will eventually come to understand that.

Natural selection, as it always been administered in this world favors not only the clever but also the most lethal. I will feed on whomever I must if that is what is required of me to survive. I was born to endure and survive through any needle or pick that is thrown at me regardless of how stinging it may be. Now I am not admitting to leeching off of success of the lot of you, Starrstan or King Lannister but rather conceding to the matter of fact that when the tough gets going, I will always put myself in a situation where I can see myself as the triumphant at the end of the tunnel. If you still wish to moniker me to humor your pity followers, then by all means, do so. However let us examine our positions in this company for the past few months. Whilst I don't exactly have bragging rights, I can definitely tell you that my career has definitely been much more eventful and a knowledgeable venture than it has ever been before - because I have come to realize that in order for me to not crash and burn out anymore, I must be willing to do anything to win. You on the other hand have been not been abnormal to a fly speck; you have provided nothing and in turn, conceded nothing. You have made it so that people would think that it has become your fore-ordination to defeat me this week at Reasonable Doubt. But if you are ready to kill me, then by all means, I am ready to die. If a man has not discovered something he is willing to die for then he is not to fit to live his life. You can deny me many things but even you would be willing to admit that my past performances are proof enough that I have put not only my career, but my life on the line constantly. That string has spread thin on many occasions and yet here I still stand. You yourself have participated with me in many of these contests in the past and can attest to that. I think it is the matter of fact that you actually know me so well that has me so startled right now. It was your awareness of my validity that maybe gives any chance against me in this match and you have completely chosen to ignore it here. Let your arrogance be your downfall Brian Daniels because the only thing keeping you in this match is your allure, your glamour but once I am able to horde that this Saturday, I will have you putting your cape away in the closet and hang your boots up for the last time. A true prince must be willing to sacrifice anything, given the end game is in his favor. That is why I am not a soldier or a serf Brian Daniels; I have the responsibility of a monarch. I must be willing to do what the mongrels are too hesitant to do. After it's been all said and done, that is the single thing that will always separate the lot of us Brian Daniels. When natural selection comes down to it, there is a reason why you are just another mere vassal ignored and I am chosen as the man to command society and it's quite simple Brian Daniels, you are just simply no hero of ours.
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...)
Post February 20th 2015, 12:26 am by Angel.
OOC - The following parts are respectively done by their owners. Yours truly, Venom and Nick Angel. 

(The camera pans into a sports bar. It displays the entire bar as many people are engaging in conversation, games of darts, and watching NBA Games on the televisions. A bartender is serving drinks to several men at a table. He then proceeds over to a pool table where two men are standing and preparing to play a game. They are both handed a beer before the man walks off. The camera then focuses on the two men as one of them is making gesture with his hands, seemingly to make a point.)

? I’m telling you, Nick, Spongebob could defeat Superman if he had his powers from his new movie. Did you not see the way that guy shot bubbles?

Nick: Oh please Venom, you and I both know that Superman would defeat Spongebob in his sleep. This is like saying you and I losing to the likes of Clark Duncan, Nikola Vranchev and Evan Stark. Except I suppose Spongebob is more relevant than the three names I mentioned. 

Venom: Woah, woah, woah. Are you implying that El Landerson isn't a threat?

Nick: Uhhh, you tell me. I mean after all, he does have a bigger status than all three combined for what it is worth. 

Venom: Let’s just be honest, we're screwed, no point continuing on from here.

 (Venom drops his pool stick, puts his beer, down and walks out of the bar as Nick begins to laugh with a grin on his face.)

(A few moments pass, Venom then walks back in as he is laughing. He makes his way back over to the pool table where he takes a drink of his beer and once again grabs his pool stick.)

Venom: I should be a comedian. But yeah.... where were we? Oh yeah, Spongebob could totally beat Superman. Did you see SpongeBob’s muscles? No question he would win.

Nick: What muscles? Speaking of which, I question if our opponents in Reasonable Doubt could even flex their muscles against us. I mean I know it’s only one match and it’s a battle royal but man. We annihilated that roster to the point where we didn’t even align with ourselves that much. I wonder how dynamic us as a duo could be especially since we’re coming off fresh off of a hiatus. 

Venom: What muscles?! SPONGEBOB WAS RIPPED! I bet he's strong enough to lift Ryan Savage off the ground, and trust me, that's saying a lot.

Nick: Look I know you want to goof off especially when you’re around me like old times but come on Venom. Let’s focus. I know we are facing third rate opponents but that’s the thing Venom. We’re facing third rate opponents. If we win? Good for us. We are setting the tone of something special. We are setting the tone of our redemption arc. But if we lose? Oh man, we’re not going to hear the end of it. As much as I’d like to be as cocky, you know damn well that I’m going to assert myself into this match. The question is whether for the best of the Holy Brigade is that you, Venom, are YOU going to assert yourself into the match? 

Venom: You need to develop a sense of humor. That Ryan Savage joke was classic, even though I’ll probably hear about it from him later. But I can understand where you're coming from. We both didn't leave EAW on good terms. You slowly faded away over the last few months leading up to Pain for Pride. And I suddenly vanished. While we were gone, other members of The House of Renegades ascended to new levels. Christopher Corrupt became National Extreme Champion, Jacob Senn became EAW Champion, and Hades dominated as the Answers World Champion for nearly half a year. At one point, you and I were meant to be the ones that benefited from THOR, but we ultimately threw that away. If we had done things right, we could be in similar positions as them, but we've got our second chance, and it's a chance that we must seize by emerging with a victory. So I’ll do more than assert myself, I’ll make sure the Holy Bridges...uh... I mean Bridgades isn't THOR 2.0. You and I will prove that this isn't a faction that should be compared to others factions from the past. We will be the Project EGO of this era; we will distinguish ourselves as more than being lackeys that hung around in Hades shadow in THOR. And this is where we begin, by one of us winning this battle royal.

(Nick prepares the balls on the pool table. Venom then places his beer on the edge of the table and takes a few moments to prepare his shot. He then proceeds to break them as two balls go into the same hole in the corner.)

Venom: Hmm, I guess since we were honored by Stark and our close pal Mr. Dunkin Donuts himself, I think it's only appropriate that we give them the same honors by discussing them. Speaking of honors, I shall give you the honors of going first. How about you being with Stark? I'm sure us placing him first on our agenda will be the highlight of his day.

Nick: Scratch that, I’m sure it’ll be the highlight of his career. I keep hearing all of this nonsense from Evan Stark. When will this kid ever stop being a hypocrite? Your hypocrisy is so out of the world, it really insults my intelligence. You proclaim anyone; I mean ANYONE can possess the ability to throw someone over the top rope to win the battle royal. Evan, this is why in EAW you can’t be narrow-minded when it comes to preparing for matches. One, I’m hardly a Hulk like a Norman, but I showcased my versatile skill-set by not over-relying on brute strength. Second, when it comes to matches like the battle royals where there are more than two people in a match, you have to be methodical. Something you lack because you don’t possess either a brain to begin with or you’re simply not a student of the game like me.  You look at wrestling matches like its black and white and to be fair Evan? You’re not alone. A good majority of people in this roster look at professional wrestling as black and white when it comes to seeing things by the naked eye. I used to be that way too. I used to be amazed at the quickness by technicians, the resolve of brawlers, not to mention being amazed of not winning a single match via pinfall because you’re a specialist in submissions. Yet, people don’t see the big picture as to how wrestlers prepare their match in order to be successful. A lot of wrestlers prepare as if they just do a few routines, warm up and act like they are prepared. Sure, physically but mentally? This is where I stand out from you and the rest of the goons in the match. As I stated earlier, the most underrated aspect of any athlete is his psychology. He can possess all the ability he wants. He can even have the resolve to last a while despite possessing minimal talent. But is he going to be confident going into, through and after the match? Right now Evan, with your tone in your speeches alongside your body language every time I confront you in EAW? You are hardly ready to be in EAW, let alone being ready to deal with arguably the most versatile elitist at the moment. A lion may not concern of his opinions of a sheep, but when someone challenges a lion? You are disrespecting the lion. And whenever you disrespect a lion, you make him feel like he’s no longer a force to be reckoned with, making him insecure. I will show you why like a lion, that disrespecting me for the past couple of weeks is something you will only regret immediately, but in the long run? You can thank us.

 (Nick surveys the placement of the balls. He then knocks two into holes before missing on the third. Venom takes a drink of his beer.)

Venom: Not bad, Nicki,...uh... I mean Nick. I like the part about the lion, but you really should have used Spongebob in place of the Lion. Spongebob is quite intimidating now.

(Venom takes one more drink as he begins to speak.)

Venom: Evan, back in my first stint in EAW, a common theme around me was the idea I sold out by being in the House of Renegades. The same thing was said about Hades, Nick, Corrupt, Senn, and Mr. DEDEDE. But how exactly did I sell out? I have never been an individual who the fans adored or found appealing. If you took on a fans perspective, I’m just a babbling drunk who became sober, vanished, and became drunk again. I never betrayed them, as our mutual disliking of one another began the moment I entered EAW. My return a few weeks ago wasn't advertised. I wasn't being hyped up so the fans never could have said "Oh my god, Venom's returning, I can't wait." And within moments of appearing, I had made my decision to be in the Holy Brigades. This "magic clan" is not something I joined because I had nothing better to do, I joined to make an impact from the moment I walked back into this company. You may see this as a scheme by Ventura to solidify himself as a legitimate contender for the Answers World Championship, but did you ever take a moment to think that Nick and I may have our own agenda? Ventura has been working his way back up to get to the position he's win now. Nick and I have reentered this company to do more than simply to be Ventura's insurance, we returned because we became aware that our first time in this company wasn't a waste, it was a time of sacrifice that assisted in brightening our future. We returned to see what that future held, and Nick and I now know that we must begin our quest from the bottom of this company to the top by first bringing the New Breed Championship to the Holy Brigades. Maybe at one point we did become useless and worthless. Nick faded into a state of mediocrity and I failed on the biggest stage of them all. We got to the point where we had no business being in this company anymore. But now I know why, and Nick does as well. So now let me answer your question. We are out for more than redemption; we possess a passion, a passion that gives us the motivation we need to avenge our failures of the past. This passion gives us the strength we need to persevere and this passion gives us the aggression we need to eradicate your ambition from this world. You fight for yourself but I fight for more than just myself. I fight for the Holy Brigades, my comrades in it, and for those that I let down in the past.

Nick: Just as someone wants to have the highlight of his career just by mentioning him, I think it’s time to address a guy that wants to be addressed. For what it is worth though, he could be the biggest threat to both of us. Clark Duncan that is. But he is indeed a little foolish of wanting to be called out by both of us, don’t you agree Venom?

Venom: ... Were you talking to me? The only thing that comes to mind when you talk about Clark around me is donuts. That should answer that question.

(Venom stops a guy walking past them. Venom hands the guy a $20 bill and the guy walks out side of the bar.)

Venom: So, Mr. Donuts... ok Mr. Duncan, I guess since I hurt your feelings once this week I should be more respectful now. You see, I didn't entirely neglect you. I made my intentions clear without singling out any of my opponents, I even did mention you. I addressed you, Stark, Vranchev, and Landerson as a whole, but I guess you didn't take kindly to that. So, since you want so desperately for me to acknowledge you, which is no surprise, I'll make that dream of yours a reality. I know our time in the ring together has made your time in EAW worth it so far. I know each humiliation you suffer from Nick and I is something you view as a blessing since we are revered by you. You claim that Nick and I can't co exist, so it's obvious that you have been oblivious to the things we have practically been preaching over the last couple of weeks. Nick and I don't desire the New Breed Championship for our own selfish purposes. Both of us would be delighted to win it, but a win for one of us is a win for all of us. Whether if I become the New Breed Champion or Nick becomes the New Breed Champion really makes no difference, because it's going to the same place either way. That location being The Holy Brigades. Did I assist Nick on Showdown? Yes. Did he need my help? No. Clark, I'm a caring individual, and I thought it was less embarrassing for you if I interfere to make it seem that I was the reason you lost. In a way it was also a test. This test being if people in this company could determine if Nick really needed my help or not, and by making it seem like he did gives the appearance that he will only get anywhere with help from others. With me being the person who assisted him, it causes the same feelings of doubt to apply to me. Nick and I were simply getting in our comfort zone, that being a position of doubt in the eyes of many. We are far more clever than you give us credit for. We can be strategic when we want and by appearing weak on Showdown, and yet still emerging victorious, gives the allusion that we will fail when it really matters. But it also causes our opponents to become complacent as it gives them confidence. That confidence having originated from Nick and I just enjoying ourselves by evaluating our opponents, making that confidence an allusion as well. That confidence will fade when its established that we were underestimated, something which you are already doing. And being underestimated works right into our hands. You speak of complacency when in reality your in the position that you criticize us for being in. We also long for recognition, but our recognition will come at different times. Clark, many of us comfort ourselves by believing that the sun will rise again, thus bringing a new day, new possibilities, and more opportunities. But your role is reversed. While the sun is just appearing over the horizon for Nick and I, it is setting for you, and once it sets completely, something else will dawn, but not the dawn of a new day. It will dawn on you that for you the sun will not rise again and that with the darkness of night comes eternal nightmares that will never leave you once the sun fully sets on your career.

(Venom takes a drink of his beer and gestures to Nick to indicate he is finished talking. Nick takes a deep breath as his annoying look turns into a serious expression.)

Nick: Ah look here. Another guy holding the past against me. I do acknowledge that you, Clark Duncan have the highest probability of winning if your name is not Venom or Nick Angel at Reasonable Doubt for our match. Will that happen in Reasonable Doubt? Probably not unless you are really determined to fight against Jaime. But, Clark, why hold the past against me as if I’m a prisoner of the past? We are indeed products of the past but that does not mean we have to be prisoners of the past. Yet, you’re acting like I’m reverting to my same old self where I possess all of these abilities only to be a big letdown at the end. Okay, give me one indication that I’m reverting to my old ways. Give me one indication that I’ll be remarkably inconsistent. Contrary to your statements Clark, ever since I came back to EAW? I’ve been the model of consistency with my only loss coming just because Johnny has tried to get my attention. Sure I may have been battling third rate opponents but you are supposed to defeat opponents that you should defeat. You can hardly knock me just for that. You can knock EAW’s management for giving me such opponents. A lot of people, even critics have praised that I’ve been remarkably consistent in every aspect of my comeback whether it’s showcasing my ring skills or praising like a preacher whenever I do my speeches. Hell, I have this mentality of being the first one to show up and being the last one to leave because I’d like to be a product of hard work rather than basing my skills off of natural abilities or not too shockingly….accusing me that my product come off of via other people. First of all, after Venom got eliminated, it was a stalemate between you and I. I don’t believe for one second that you were going to toss me even when I was watching you and Venom duking it out because I was being highly methodical. What occurred in Showdown was inevitable, although I did not entirely influence Venom’s decision to lay a hand in eliminating you. Did he aid me just because I’m aligning myself with him? Sure, you can make a case for that, but I think we both know that Venom is merely in the moment of lashing out his frustration. And don’t act like you would eliminate me with ease. You are talking to a guy that may be diminutive in appearance but a giant in the ring. After all, I was in the last two of the match without his aid. It just showcases that I don’t entirely need the Holy Brigades. The Holy Brigades needs ME to aid their cause and in exchange? They expect Venom and I to perform matches like these to assert our own position individually and for the cause of the Holy Brigades. Go ahead; give it your best shot Clark. Just let you know that I’m not selfish as long as Venom or I win at Reasonable Doubt. 

(Venom finishes off his beer as he hits another ball into a hole before missing after that. He wipes his forehead and hands the empty beer bottle to Nick.)

Venom: Very well put, Nick. But could you be a dear and fetch me another beer?

(Nick eyes Venom as annoyance appears on his face.)

Venom: What? It'd be just like old times.

Nick: I’m not Pizza boy. 

Venom: Ah, I remember Pizza Boy. It's been a while since we last seen him.

(Venom looks over at the entrance of the bar as a smile appears on his face.)

Venom: But now we have Donut Dude.

(The man from earlier hands Venom a box of Dunkin Donuts. Venom then reaches into Nick's pocket as Nick tries to push him away. Venom comes away with Nick's wallet. He opens it and pulls out a $20 bill and gives it to the man.)

Nick: Be lucky that I’m not entirely mad about this. Be grateful that you aren’t going to get your ass handed by me….at least yet.

Venom: Hah, good one. Oh, by the way, the $20 I gave him to get the donuts was the money you gave me to put gas in your car earlier. So... you may want to head straight to a gas station after this. Maybe that'll teach you not swap cars with me for a day.

(Nick gives Venom an angry look as Venom laughs.)

Venom: Here, have a donut.

(Venom and Nick eat a donut as they continue their game of pool.)

(The camera fades to black.)
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...)
Post February 20th 2015, 12:01 am by MTM
Reasonable Doubt Promo #2 - SAIL

~ The scene opens once again, this time on the coast of Besiktas. The wind is blowing and the sun is shining as a bright white Sunseeker Yacht pulls up to the dock. An older gentleman, around 6'4" with a surprising resemblance to Terry Crews, steps outside of the boat and whistles to the cameraman, signalling for him to come over. Once he has done so, the man points to the main doors and says that "he's in there" before walking off back to the city. The cameraman enters the yacht and in his immediate view is Matt Miles, sat down with a large container on the table in front of him. He is just finishing up what appears to be Scott Oasis' promo. Once the recording has finished, Miles picks up the remote and turns off the TV before looking over to the cameraman. He calls the cameraman over to him and shows him the contents of the container, revealing a large Catfish. ~

Scott Oasis, you really are the definition of what many would call a poser. If you need any proof, just look at this Catfish right here. This poor creature is clearly a fish yet disguises itself as a cat. Now why would it do that, you ask? Well, poor little Catfish here knows that no one will give a damn about him because he's a fish... but a cat can have a place in the hearts of many. That is why the Catfish poses as another creature. Then I look at you. I look at you and I see the same as what I see in this Catfish. You're just someone pretending that you're something else, hoping that in doing so you'll actually fool people in to believing you're the fighting champion that you like to think of yourself as. You can claim you're "not trying to be typical cocky Scott Oasis" but damn, you're really no good at it. As soon as you were finished talking, I knew you were talking crap. You weren't cocky? You weren't arrogant? Do you seriously think that you were humble for a second throughout that? If you were as humble as you said you were you'd have at least acknowledged something I'd said but nope, and you made yourself look like a fool in not doing so. I'd already admitted to the camera that you beat me, that you took me out of action and that I'm still not at 100%. I ADMITTED ALL OF IT. Clearly your head is too far up your own ass to see any of that though, otherwise you would have at least paid some attention to what I was saying. The point is, I've had to return while still injured before and when I did, I retained the Hardcore Championship, just like I'm returning now to win my Interwire Championship back from you. I know that you're sitting there, convincing yourself that this will just be a repeat of Road To Redemption but this time I haven't been the one getting my ass handed to every week. Oh and you want to know the best part? I didn't need to blindside you before a match like you did me. Just look at you in that little speech you cut for us. Clearly you're riled up. You know that I'm not letting you win this fight no matter what. You know that I'll put everything on the line because you tried to take my life and everything I've ever worked for away from me.

~ Miles picks up the container now and walks over to the edge of the yacht before dumping the Catfish back in to the water for any nearby sharks. He places the container on the floor and leans against the railing, looking in to the sunset as he speaks. ~

Nobody, not you, not Zack Crash, not Mr. DEDEDE, NO ONE takes away what I've worked for. I'm not going to allow all of this to have been a waste. This is my life. This is the life of the Man with the Midas Touch. Travelling all of the world, the vigorous training, the life-threatening matches. All of that drew me to EAW but becoming an all-time great is the one thing keeping me here the most. It's my purpose. I don't just want to become a legend... I need to. When EAW fans for years to come look at all of the biggest names of EAW, I need my name at the top of that list. I need to be a role model to each and every one of them because it's what I was born to do. These people need someone who can they can count on to get the job done and I don't think you quite understand just what that means to me. 


Just look at them, just once, as you see me come out to the arena on Saturday and you'll see why. One glimpse and you won't even be able to count the amount of people standing in ovation as I walk down that ramp. Every week I come out to those fans and they cheer as loud as they can, I get this feeling deep down in my stomach, the same as in my heart and in my mind. They're all telling me that I have to go out there and make them proud. When I step in that ring, it's my duty to stand victorious because if I don't, I've failed them but more importantly, I've failed myself. This Interwire Championship match is about more than just revenge. Winning this match is a requirement if I'm to reach the same status of the likes of Jaywalker and Y2Impact. This is the biggest leap I've had to take so far and I'm not going to allow myself to miss this jump and fall in to the abyss like those before me. 

~ Miles takes a couple of deep breaths and takes a glimpse at the camera. He looks down to the waves of the sea for a brief moment before looking back up again, ready to speak once more. ~

I think I've made more than a fair case as to why I'm going to beat you, Oasis, but knowing the kind of guy you are, I think you're going to need some more convincing. Deep down inside, behind that fake smile you had, I know you hate my guts. You don't just lose your title to someone, think of every excuse under the sun as to why you're still better than said someone and then pretend that it never happened. You're mad. The rage is frothing up inside of you and you're just waiting to burst as soon as you get inside that ring with me. The only thing you've overlooked, yet again, is that I'm fully aware of what I'm going to be getting in to. I don't need to look at shows from all the way back in 2013 either. I already know what it takes to beat you because I've done it before, while we were both at the peak of our physical condition and I'll beat you again while I'm not.

~ Miles steps back from the railing now and stands facing the camera. ~

Oasis, I said right from the start that you're a lying hypocrite and you proved so again with that little dialogue of yours. You're more artificial than a Brian Williams story and at Reasonable Doubt, I'm going to show everyone that I'm still the better man.

~ The screen fades to black as another shanty is heard. ~

O there was a lofty ship and a lofty ship was she
And the name of that ship it was the Golden Vanity
And she feared she would be taken by the Turkish Enemy
As she sailed on the lowland, lowland low
As she sailed on the lowland sea

Up stepped a little cabin boy, a cabin boy was he
And he said to the Captain what will you give to me
If I sneak alongside the Turkish Enemy
And I sink her in the lowland, lowland low
And I sink her in the lowland sea

O I will give you silver and I will give you gold
And the hand of my daughter your bonnie bride will be
If you'll sneak alongside of the Turkish Enemy
And you'll sink her in the lowland lowland low
And you'll sink her in the lowland sea

So he jumped overboard and overboard jumped he
And he swam alongside of the Turkish Enemy
And with a little drilling tool he bored holes three
And he sank her in the lowland lowland low
He sank her in the lowland sea

Then he turned himself around and back again swam he
'Til he came to the side of the Golden Vanity
But the Captain would not heed, for his daughter he did need
And he left him in the lowland lowland low
He left him in the lowland sea

Well his shipmates brought him out, but upon the deck he died
And they wrapped him in his blanket that was so soft and wide
And they cast him overboard and he drifted with the tide
And he sank beneath the lowland lowland low
He sank beneath the lowland sea.

Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...)
Post February 19th 2015, 11:28 pm by Mstislav
Here we go again people. Here I am presented with this opportunity once more, and once more there is someone standing in my way. Now normally I would try and assess this situation in the best manner I can but in hindsight I’ve only done that to people who I know cannot handle their selves in the ring. I mean I beat Donny Diamond last week, and it wasn’t anything but easy. Nothing against the man as he is good in the ring, but this man I am facing now is one I would have loved to have faced last week. You see last week I wasn’t expecting a challenge, I was wrong, and Donny did give me one, a futile one, but an attempt no less. But I drudged through that match knowing that in the end I would be with the many people who have proven they got the necessary talents to be in such spectacle. But with the fact that after I made Donny question his place with Nas, and the fact that I gave him a challenge to go by, was something I should do more often. Because as short as my match was it was fun, and if I want to keep it fun I need to issue more challenges to the people I face, because I know that if I hit them where it most hurts then a fire will flare up and give me the competition I need.

To test this I am glad I get a competent opponent. Because Lucian is someone I have faced time and time again. I lost to him and many others in the Elimination Chamber, our match was interrupted by Xavier Williams, and now this time maybe, just maybe this match will go according to how I want it to go. Maybe now I will win, maybe now Lucian will finally fall. I am glad that I am facing a man who’s is trying to become EAW’s savior. Even though he lacks in the sense of justice himself. I mean if you think about it Lucian is very hypocritical for a man all about honor. Let us face the facts Lucian you are not a man of honor, you never have been. You have been all about revenge, and savagery, never Honor and Justice. You never wanted to bring Xavier to justice, you just wanted revenge for how he humiliated you at Elimination Chamber. You don’t give two shits about who the savior of EAW is, Lucian because just like the people you say are against it you also want to see this world burn. Lucian you can relieve every fantasy you have had about that World Championship, but truth is you are as about a failure as you label Xavier Williams. You are not ready for the title, you are not going to be the one who beats Tyler Parker, and who knows maybe I won’t be able to either, but with this bizarre state in where you think you can be the savior EAW needs is nothing but bullshit. You are not a savior Lucian, hell you’re barely the protagonist in this story full of villains. Your method of honor is flawed, and complacent view of the company is nothing but that of a child thinking he can be a superhero. The people you labeled as villains, the people you labeled as corrupt are not to blame for you short comings it is only the fault of you Lucian. Hell the only holy war that is going on here Lucian is the one in yourself. There is a battle between good and evil, but the silver lining is so faded it is hard to tell who is who anymore, but the bad part is the war you fight and the war they fight never even come close to where you can actually do anything about it.

Lucian not only are you coming off as a groveling, and pathetic man, you are also coming off as a man who chooses to fight for something he never even fought for in the first place. Yes you have overcome man and all adversities that have come in front of you and yes you have trampled them as if they were nothing, but that is what’s not holding you back. The very fact that your soul is dark, and full of hatred, and you try and fight for the light like some kind of anti-hero, you are torn between doing the right and wrong things. But with all that darkness you are also having a hard time figuring out WHAT is right and WHAT is wrong. You cannot come here, lose to a man who took advantage of your beaten and tired body, and then set a crusade against him so you could prove who is right, only to come the very next week and say that you are on path of the straight and narrow. There is a lot of conflicting evidence here, but being as this was the most recent it is also the most prevalent. And with that mindset how are you even going to be able to face me. I can come out here and tell everyone about their flaws, but only because I want the best for them. I want them to realize that they can be better than they truly were, but only if they can prove it to themselves. You see I am the only one fighting for honor, you are the one fighting for corruption. So this is where I challenge you Lucian. Not in a battle of strength, or will, or determination, but I challenge you to find out what you are truly for. Are you for that dark and twisted soul that leads to you take the career of a fellow man, because he beat you? Or are you going to take the path in where revenge, and brutality are your only true callings in life. Because if you choose the latter, then Honor is DEAD. Not for me, for I keep honor alive, but for you Lucian. Choose this Friday Lucian and maybe the fates will be glad to take you back as a soldier of honor. Until then, Lucian, until then.

Last edited by Aren Mstislav on February 20th 2015, 8:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
Montell Smooth
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...)
Post February 19th 2015, 11:21 pm by Montell Smooth
-Cameras Fade backstage to Montell Smooth and Max A. Million-

Max: I'm here with Montell Smooth just one day before his return match with Tyler Park....

-Montell Smooth snatches the microphone from Max A Million- 

     Max I suggest you step away from me because I'm on fire and I don't want you to get burned. Everyone watching at home I want you to turn up your television set, I want you to move closer to the screen. Right now you're all witnessing greatness, this is going to be a precious moment in your lifetime and I don't want any of you to miss a second of it. You know theres this old expression, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then its a duck. So that means, if it looks like a million bucks, walks like million bucks, and talks like a million bucks, then it's a million bucks, and thats exactly what I am. I'm money. So don't be surprised if everytime you turn back to this station, I'm the center of attention on Dynasty. They say it's all about the money and no one is going to make Zack Crash more money than me. Now I want to make a suggestion to Tyler Parker, and Psycho Brody. I suggest both you try your best, I suggest both of you do what ever it takes to walk out World Heavyweight Champion. I also would like to make a suggestion to the four semi finalists in the Gold Rush Tournament. I also suggest all of you leave all of your blood, sweat and tears in the center of the ring, to assure you walk out the winner, because there is only a few precious spots at the top, and now that I'm back, I'm taking one of them. 

     Tyler Parker is stepping into the Alpha Male's Serengeti, my watering hole. Anyone with a 3rd grade level in biology knows how that's going to end. I'm going to make a suggestion to the people watching at home now. Call your bookie and bet against, the odds are stacked up so much in my favor because I'm that good. We're just one day way, One day away from the return of the "Essence of Excellence." I hope everyone's ready... I esspecially hope Tyler Parker's ready because he is just one day away from feeling......


Grace Izumi
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...)
Post February 19th 2015, 11:06 pm by Grace Izumi
*In the sleepy town of Tokyo, Ontario, Canada, in a private gym the predictable duo of Dr. Eddie Hawke and GI Styles can be found doing what could only be described as stereotypical of them, given their respective roles. While GI is naturally working out for his big return match, Dr. Hawke is drinking coffee and reading a newspaper*
*As GI does chin-ups, a wicked smirk can be shown crossing Dr. Hawke’s face as he has clearly grown bored of his newspaper. Folding it up and placing it down next to his now empty coffee mug, Dr. Hawke’s face turns down his evil smile to that of a false reassuring one, as he turns to GI, obviously looking to goad him into something*
Hawke: So I trust you have seen that response TLA has sent back to us, correct? Admittedly, it was far more eloquent than I expected, but probably contained the same level of deviancy which should have been anticipated.
I suspect if I went for the “How dare he mock Canada?” angle to try and rile you up, but I doubt you’re patriotic enough to truly care. No, I remember your father talking to me about the first time you really got acquainted with your good friend Carlos. Almost put an end to each other’s careers over some nationalistic spat, correct? You on the side of the extremist American-hating Canadian, and Carlos as the patriotic Hulk Hogan…Only, you know. Less on the steroids, more on blackness, with a droll Southern accent to match.
Honestly, and I don’t mean to insult you, I did kind of find it funny. For all the shit you gave the Americans, you really spent a lot of time you didn’t have to there, didn’t you? I know you’re keeping a lot of those cards close to your chest, but you really spent most of your time off drifting around the US. Not that I can really blame you. I know I’m American born, so feel free to think me bias for saying this, but I agree with TLA. I couldn’t imagine living here year in and year out. Not that I’m overly sure a Mexican should be able to say that, given the lack of bullets and Cartels threatening our lives here…Although I’m not sure if TLA would be adverse to that type of thing.
*GI has now ceased his workouts, and is staring precariously as his manager and psychiatrist with distrusting eyes*
Hawke: You fascinate me, you know that? For all the pain you went through, all the mental breakdowns and anguish, you never lost the famous GI mental edge your father raved about. I of course don’t need to tell you about what he thought about you using what you have for wrestling instead of staying in law school, but for a man to remain so skeptical of a man who has the track record to deserve it, and yet still doing what he needs to in order to maintain the right levels of rage to reach the right level of competition I think you need before you can truly change back for the best…I am in awe. Nobody in this company would dare call you an idiot, but I honestly couldn’t ask for a better patient. We might save you yet, GI.
*Eddie continues to smirk, as GI just shakes his head and continues with his workout. Shrugging after losing his client’s undivided attention, the doctor just shrugs and turns to look straight toward the EAW crew present in the room with them*
Actually, now that we have cameras present, I think I should explain a few things to Mr. TLA. Let’s just ignore the innuendo and allegations which might be drawn from some of the things you said on tape, which you freely provided to the world. I’m sure you’ll be seeing most of them replayed back at you by some high-ranking government official in the very near future. I won’t even take that slight about my personal and professional integrity being assaulted by you, because this isn’t about me. This is all about GI. Now you want to know why he doesn’t talk? Well that’s simple enough. I assume I will have to talk about a few more times for those who don’t get it, but let me use a metaphor here.
Let’s say anxiety is a balloon. Basically, as anyone who has suffered from it before can tell you, it’s a very fluctuating state of existence. Same with depression and, hell, almost every mental illness ever. You fill the balloon up, and you get more on edge and more desperate, and things get scarier. For me, I am using this uncertainty to make GI a better wrestler. Now GI has always been a pretty cool cat. Never prone to outbursts, unless he has really been set off, and honestly, this is why he hit a ceiling. He just couldn’t call upon that bout of raw, primal emotion which others wrestlers can. He was restricted by himself, and couldn’t manage to force his anxiety balloon to pop. Everything was too calculated and rationalised. He was borderline great, but he could never get past that last hump. And it began to eat at him.
Ironically, this is where his balloon came from. This failure to reach the absolute top. A father who placed too much expectations onto him didn’t help, but in the end this is something he still carries to this day. This is where my services and I come along. If your suggestions are what I think they are,  TLA, they are counter-progressive, even beyond the whole “Drugs are bad” stigma. Why I don’t give GI those types of drugs is like why I currently work as his mouth piece. Not because he needs me to speak for him…Anyone who knows GI knows he is the last person to need that. No, the thing is, I don’t want him taking any of the air out of his balloon. Obviously I don’t want him to become an irrational monster, attacking everything in sight, but I want him to embrace his demons, so he can exterminate them. As I said, anxiety is a balloon, and the majority think the best way to treat it is to deflate it and leave it as manageable as possible. As far as I’m concerned, that is ignoring the problem. To me, that’s like cutting out a cancer, and choosing to leave a bit there because “What harm could it possible do?”.
This is why I want GI to remain quiet. When he talks, while he talks well, he lets so much useful aggression go because when he talks, he calms himself down. I don’t want to see a calm GI, because a calm GI is the reason why he couldn’t transcend himself onto the next level here. I want to see a GI who is on edge and ready to make his balloon explode under the pressure. Cameraman, I want a close up of GI’s eyes.
*The cameraman zooms away from Dr. Hawke and zooms deep into GI’s eyes. While nothing seems out of the ordinary, aside from an annoyed stare, there is a definite darkness dominating his pupils, which is solidified by his stern grimace*
Hawke: When I first met GI, there was a twinkle in his eye, and while he was seldom up to good, he still had a hint of suffering to him. That’s why I was brought in. His suffering had finally consumed him, and it was up to me to break the mold. Don’t confuse this for a contagious physical disease, TLA, because those two things should never be mistaken. Unless he beats his lack of self-worth and insecurities into you…Which I won’t lie, that is still very possible…You have nothing to worry about. What we have here is someone who is willing to burst out and transcend to the next level of competition. Now he is trapped by his own self-doubts, which is where I come in. Where once he doubted himself, I want to make GI break through these barriers by truly putting him on edge. Once this is all done, my hope is that he finally falls down onto whichever side of the abyss he ends up landing on, and reaches the peace of mind he so desperately needs.
For now, he is still teetering, dominated by his own failures. These failures find their roots in wrestling, so wrestling will be used to drill them back out. And this is where TLA comes in. In my notes, I have dubbed you “Stimuli #1” because you will be the first test to my hypothesis. While GI seems calm now, once he has a chance to go all out, he will. Now of course he is still more mortal than monster, but I want to see how far GI can challenge that balance. To me, you will be his first test, and the basis of my first experiment. While GI’s balloon fills with more and more rage, it will be your job to face the escalation of this and, if my hypothesis holds true…
*Mid-sentence, a bar in the background seems to break, as GI’s workout was getting more and more intense as Dr. Hawke spoke on. Looking at the snapped steel bar, a look of murderous intent covers GI’s face as Crane begins to sigh, and looks to temporarily quell GI’s looming rampage*

Hawke: If it holds true, you will lose and GI will move closer to being the monster he needs to be to finally satisfy his own desires.
J-Dynasty 2?
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...)
Post February 19th 2015, 10:50 pm by J-Dynasty 2?
Whose career have I even ended?

That’s not the point, after all, I’m not the one who goes around stating he is going to end careers every match, despite having no body count to back it up. So I shouldn’t need to bring up any careers brought to dust to give you an example of.

But if you must know, I actually ended the career of Kevin Devastation.

Former world champion, feud of the year winner, headlined Pain for Prides, arguable future hall of famer. Even Lucian Black, the man you were drooling over earlier, would probably say beating KD on FPV was the highlight of his year, at the very least up there. So me ending his career on FPV? Well even someone like you would be smart enough to know it’s a pretty good notch to have on your belt.

Now you talk to me about meeting people, like that means something. But clearly knowing all those Harvard graduates didn’t do you any good if you think anything I said at the top of my head requires a thesaurus, you do realize you said that you had a 90 percent chance of going to your car and not being shot dead, right? You can't even master the most simple of things to say. I could give you my own backstory, but since I’m the type to hate repeating myself, and I do not think that this is the best platform where the world is listening, I won’t waste it on a time like now.

I’ll give TLA credit where credit is due, he won the match, but putting out my fire is something he’s NEVER done. The only time we faced off with an end result one on one, I defeated him. What happened in that triple threat match when he pinned Aren is equitable to a prey being swallowed whole by one beast while the other beast is left to remain hungry, I walk these halls not scarred nor injured, my stomach is only empty because I missed a meal, and you A-Will will serve just fine to fill this void of mine.  For as thick as you are, a wrestler you technically remain, and any wrestler not before defeated by one’s very own hands is one worth crushing just for the fresh experience. So I welcome you into the pit of the Komodo Dragon, the one location in which someone like you will have no other choice but to come to the understanding of what true fire is, and why I am known as the modern legend. See legends are things retold, but my story is one being broadcasted in the now, it live and it is in your face for you to have no choice but to observe! Why should I care about one triple threat loss? It is only becomes another part of my story, and what good books have you ever read that have had no chapter, let alone no page, of at least small time tragedy and adversity to overcome? If everything was perfect I’d have nothing to strive for, nothing to work towards making a work of art. So laugh at this canvas you see, even though you of all people have no right, nitpick at any little thing you think is a major setback that I dilute myself into not seeing because you think of me as someone who just has his heads in the clouds thinking of how great everything is going! But you don’t know anything about me, no one comprehends my failures better than myself.

I stand here knowing that a window closed on me, I’ll probably never be a KOE.

I know that I’m not among the top looked at wrestlers in EAW today.

But if there’s one thing I should be known for being good at it's getting by with what I’ve got, and even my most bitter of failures are ammunition within my arsenal, I’m just waiting, I’m just gearing up for the times to come when it my time to hold up the game by gunpoint and one day, one day soon, rob it blind.
Carlos Rosso
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...)
Post February 19th 2015, 10:29 pm by Carlos Rosso
“On The Eve Of Battle: The Restless Red Angel Finally Speaks”

EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...) - Page 37 Skyline_1

::Carlos Rosso stands atop a skyscraper in Toronto, observing the city's beautiful skyline at dusk. He is dressed in a dark crimson coat and black slacks. Poison stands there at his side, as usual, wearing a yellow jacket with the interlocking "CR" design that he sports on his on the back as well as a pair of blue jeans..::

Poison: Why did you come back? Why now? What made this moment right to come back to wrestling?

Carlos: There was no particular reason. I have been waiting for my injuries to heal. You know how difficult the last few months of my stay in the old EAW were. The battles with the Quintessential Trailblazers, the Lyndiva sisters and Norman Hellion took their toll. At one point I just couldn't function like I know I could.

Poison:........I don't think it was just your body that was in need of repair. You were a bit beat up mentally too. To work so hard to climb as high as you had to have that chance of glory slip past you the way it did was painful.

Carlos: It was part of it. Honestly, for a few weeks I actually considered hanging up my boots for good. It felt like I had done everything I could do in the wrestling world. Then I go and look at my trophy case. I have world championship replicas for many of the old ones on display. But there is still one place empty on there. I need to capture an EAW World Championship, one of the three big ones, to put there.

Poison: I don't think it's a coincidence that the last spot in the Gold Rush Tournament was left for you. -Grins a bit- I don't think it was a coincidence either that you wrestled the Nas. He and his partner basically beat GI in a handicap match to take the titles from Dynamite Rain.

Carlos: That was a long-standing grudge. I don't even think he realized that he and his partner were responsible for that shameful defeat. GI and myself had made Dynamite Rain the most dominant force in EAW's Tag Team history. We had manage to defeat or outlast all the other teams of that time and only my injuries stopped us from maintaining that stranglehold. It's a burden that I have to bear and that victory alone gave me a small bit of satisfaction.

Poison: But it doesn't complete you at all. I know you're not just here for money. I know you're not here just because EAW is now re branded under the “Elite” banner. They have rules now. They cater to your style of wrestling. You're not just here to win titles either. There is something else that makes you restless. I've known you as long or longer than anyone in this business. There's something you're not telling me.

Carlos: ….There are two men I need to wrestle and beat. I'm pretty sure you know who they are.

Poison: I do. But they're even better now than when you faced them before. Plus the opportunities to face them don't grow on trees.

Carlos: I'm aware of that. This is why I only accepted the offer of a return when I was sure an opportunity such as winning the Gold Rush tournament would present itself in full bloom. If I'm going to meet these two, one way or another would be to win this tournament. If not to face a champion...to offer one of them bait enough to pick a fight.

Poison: That's a thorough enough explanation. One thing I'm wondering is why you've decided to call yourself the Red Angel? We both know you're not an angel by any stretch of the word.

Carlos: Yes. But I'm not the same Carlos that I was before. I'm stronger, faster, more aware in the ways of the squared circle. I call myself the Red Angel because the Carlos Rosso that EAW knew is dead. There is no more of the fear. No more of the aspiring to measure up to the standards of others. There's only a man who's perfected his art, ascended to something more than being a mere professional wrestler. Beating a hungry, fresh contender like I did last week by submission was not an easy feat, but I accomplished it with ease. It was only a small demonstration of the victories to come.

Poison: With ease, huh? Well it looked to ME watching the tape like you still have a tad bit of ring rust. Hopefully you've got it shaken off. Your opponent this week is no slouch.

Carlos: Jacob Senn. Yes. He is a worthy opponent. He is a former World Champion, a status that I knew he would make as soon as I saw him compete the first time. My body practically tingles in excitement with the prospect of facing him. I'm eager to see how much he's improved since we last had a chance to cross paths.

Poison: In a main event, no less! This will be a chance to show all those who doubt you that your reformation and ascension are at hand!

::Carlos grins a bit before sitting down and continuing to look over the city::

Carlos: Look over the city. Always bustling, always changing. That's our careers, that's our lives in general. For a long time I didn't want to change. I didn't adapt to my surroundings; I simply just walked in to make my own way and do my own thing. In a lot of ways, it worked. It's a bit ironic though that the former Land of Extreme has taken its product back to true professional wrestling roots. Hmph....I have no qualms about being here in a beautiful city like Toronto but my heart wishes dearly that we were in Japan right now. I hope that the people there get to see me wrestle at my best tomorrow night.

Poison: They'll see you wrestle on TV, idiot. Besides, there will be other chances to go there. Cheer up. We're in Toronto for crying out loud, one of the best cities in the world.

Carlos: You are right. We're here for business first though. No interviews. No promotional videos. Nothing else matters right now. We have prepared for Jacob Senn and will use everything at our disposal to beat him tomorrow night. He is good, but I'm still the most complete wrestler in the world. Nothing that anyone else accomplishes will ever negate that fact.

Poison: What of the other semifinal? Are you going to watch?

Carlos: I'll watch tape of it. I'm not bothering to watch it live. I want my attention completely focused on Jacob.

::Carlos stands up, overlooking the skyline one final time before heading to the doorway to head back downstairs. Poison, however, steps in his way.::

Poison: It's not my place, but you know that GI is back...on Dynasty. Why don't you form Dynamite Rain with him once more? I'm sure that the two of you could unseat the Savage Ryans and....

::Before she could finish, Carlos quickly moves past her, bumping her shoulder in the process and earning him a shove to the back from her that barely phases him.::

Poison: Don't walk through me like I'm not here! Answer me, why haven't you called him yet!?

::Carlos stops for a moment, not bothering to look all the way back as he speaks.::

Carlos: My entire EAW career, I've been overlooked and in his shadow. My opponents, my fans, even some of the commentators have always thought that I was being carried by him. Even when I won the Interwire Championship, I heard people say that HE was the superior member of the team. HE would win a World Championship first. HE didn't need me. I'm going to prove that is not the case. I have no hate or disrespect towards him, we got past that a long time ago. This is about proving to myself that I can accomplish my goals without his backup.

Poison: Really? Well...I'll say this: there's more of the old Carlos deep down in there than you care to admit. The same old insecurities are driving you, the same old motivations.

Carlos: Hmph....there are no more insecurities. Only the drive to prove what I know and you know. Jacob Senn is a great wrestler, but he will be the next to fall. I'm going to go downstairs and train one final time. I want to be prepared for everything. Tomorrow night the Red Angel spreads his wings......

Poison: Let's go then. It's too damn cold to stay up here.

::Carlos and Poison go back into the building, leaving nothing but the darkness and the majestic view of Toronto.::
Tyler Parker
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...)
Post February 19th 2015, 10:02 pm by Tyler Parker
If anything, you've furthered my point and that's the thing --- you don't care. You've been saying that this week, you don't care about what I have to say to you, you don't care about who I've beaten and you don't care about what I've accomplished in my career. If you don't care, then why are you even here? If you don't care, then what makes you think you're going to kick my ass like you've been saying you are? If you don't care, then why are you responding to me to begin with? If you don't care for as much as you say you do, then you wouldn't be here right now but you do. You DO care. You care so, so much that you're going to try to kick my ass. You care so damn much that you're going to try and take the World Heavyweight Championship from me. You care, more than you say you do, of what I have to say and our match this week. Why don't you just stop pretending that you don't care? I know what I had to say to you has gotten to you because if it hadn't, then you wouldn't be saying anything. You're saying that it hasn't because of how much you don't care but we both know that's not it. You and I both know that it's gotten to you. You and I both know that's why you're here right now. It's not because of the competition that you feel isn't there anymore, it's not because of your love for this business or anything like that, no. It's because everything I've said, everything about you not winning the Grand Rampage, about you not becoming the World Heavyweight Champion and about not getting inducted into the Hall of Fame... all of that is why you're here. Because you know what I know and that's that you're never going to be anything more than what you are because you're less than what you think you are. You may be a veteran in this business but so am I. You may be a former World Champion but guess what? I'm the current World Heavyweight Champion. You may have beaten some of the very best but you know what, I have too. That's why I named them for you. I wasn't naming those I've beaten just for the hell of it, you were the one who said that you've beaten the best of your competition and I'm just telling you that I've beaten the best of mine. You find it amusing but I think it's amusing that you think you're going to beat me because of who you've beaten and how they're better than me. I'm afraid that's not how it is in this business because I've beaten those who are better than you too and I could name them for you but then that would just waste your time and I wouldn't want to waste mine either with how many of them there are. You aren't going to find it amusing when I beat you like everyone else. You aren't going to find it amusing when I pick you apart in the middle of the ring. You aren't going to find it amusing when you're left there in the ring a mess. I've noticed that you like to talk about the past, you like to bring up all of the glory you used to have and whatever else there is that you have had back then. You talk about it because that's all you've ever had and all you ever will have. You talk about it because that's all you have to fall back on. You talk about it because that's the only thing you have to say to someone like me, throw your accomplishments in my face and pretend I have none of my own, say that you've beaten those who are better than me and that you're better than me. Because that's your crutch and I'll tell you right now, I'm going to take it from you and you're going to have nothing to rely on. I'm not going to waste your time, I'm just going to leave you to waste.
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...)
Post February 19th 2015, 9:55 pm by VENTURA.
"..Caster, Oh, Caster...
...Deliver this dream...
...Caster, Oh, Caster...
...Deliver it, upon me."

The cave you fear to enter, holds the treasure your seek.
It is quite understandable Alex, I know how you are feeling right now. You have a grip on yourself to not be moved away by what I say or do, because you want to be the man for yourself. It may take some guts for you to do something like that, but I am here not just as an opponent that you are facing, but as your "stupid guardian", something that you have quite being freely calling me for some time. It isn't always easy for you to rebound instantly, and turn into this mega-phenomenal star that you always dreamed and aspired to be. Sometimes it's difficult, because there are people like me and Starr whom are willing to hold you down in order for them to also escalate their careers. With that type of difficulty, you are allowed to do what you have been doing for the past few weeks: creating cheap jokes and insults, taking a sample of what many Elitists use against me, which is "my losses in 2013". I have been standing here all week, crossing my arms with patience to see if Alex would find any mistakes that he made, to quickly correct them straight afterwords. You still haven't corrected yourself. You are still this brash, young talent who still insists that he is better than everyone else in this business. As much as I try to talk things straight to your ears, you transform them into insults, almost like a converter. After Reasonable Doubt, after you fully realize that you have been isolating yourself from me, isolating from the cave in which you do not wish to enter, you will find out that when you become inevitably casted into dreams, you can find the treasure that you have always been longing for. Consider this as a token of appreciation for your stubbornness.

"As for you Johnny Ventura... it seems that you are running out of wrods to say."

Slight gibberish I assume, and that is alright. Your brain is currently overheated for you to constantly try and create the same old material rapidly, I get that. Just calm down, ease your mind through it all. You will finally reach your haven on Saturday. You will then find out that all the damages that have been inflicted on your career will slowly ease away. You will be at peace, tears of joy will trickle down your dry face. You will finally be Alex Anderson.

As much as these words appear small in your ears, I close my eyes, and even right now, I just spoke to you in a thousand silent ways. I know, you know, everyone knows that you won't be winning at Reasonable Doubt. You can fight on, you can accumulate some adrenaline and perform some clotheslines, or shining wizard, or suicide dives here and there, but once all that energy has been wasted, there is no where for you to go. Don't worry though, Starr and the medics would be at the corner after I break his ankle. As for you, sitting down in the middle of the ring in utter shock, I will deliver to finishing, sparkling touches.
Norman Hellion
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...)
Post February 19th 2015, 9:31 pm by Norman Hellion
Norman Hellion.....

Which one is the butcher and which one is the cattle? If we were to poll the audience, they would vote you to be the one to wear the apron and hand you the freshly sharpened knife while I roll down the conveyor belt, leading me to be sliced, diced, and chopped. That would make everybody happy right? To see my blood, to see the end of Norman Hellion? But no matter how badly you want to see that vision become a reality, it won't. How disappointing. BECAUSE I AM THE MONSTER RIGHT? Wrong. You already know how I feel about that ugly word. Besides I prefer something like - villain. Yes, that will do. I am the villain. I am the man who will be responsible for crippling their favorite hero. And you would think that I would enjoy saying that with such pride, even I thought I would, but I feel a tear coming on. Because you Methuselah, you were never meant to be a victim of mine. Oh no. You were just supposed to be an example. A learning tool if you may. Your purpose in my world was to show others what happens when you put your hands on me. What happens? Bad things. Bad things indeed. But you came back into the picture just when the readers thought you were trapped forever in the last chapter. Surprise! The hero has made his triumph return and he wants revenge! He wants redemption! He wants to slay the beast! He wants he wants he wants he wants! HAHAHAHAHA it does not matter what he wants, for this - THIS IS ABOUT WHAT I WANT. And truth be told, I don't want much. The truth of the matter is I never even wanted the Answers World Championship, which I'm sure is a conclusion you reached on your own after watching me drag it on the ground, not caring if its chipped or ripped. The only reason why I have it is because for whatever reason, whoever holds the world title is seen as the most superior on that particular brand, which is a lie. Let me ask you this, did you think Starr Stan or Hades were better than me when they held onto this title? No. Or let's take a look into present day. Do you think Diamond Cage is superior to a king? King Lannister that is? No. Some people might fail to understand my logic and that is fine. I do not expect you to understand my way of thinking. But what I mean is this. This championship gives me the recognition I deserve. It might be shiny, but it doesn't appeal to me. I would be just as proud if it was a certificate. But to you Methuselah? It is much more valuable. Or I suppose it is to Mr. DEDEDE. Because if you were to win this Saturday, which won't happen might I add, but let's all laugh at the idea of him winning shall we? It gives you another world title reign, which would mean that all eyes would be on you again. And boy oh boy, you can tell yourself that this title isn't what this is about, but it is. We both know it is. You might just act like its the cherry being placed on top of a sweet dessert, when really it's the main course. And that's why I want to continue to hold onto this gold. I want it because you want it and I don't want you to have something you desire. I would much rather see you in a depressed state, just like at King of Elite. Still a touchy subject is it not? In fact every loss of yours, you act embarrassed by because in that hollow head of yours, you think you're immortal. No, you do. Even when you say Tyler proved to you that you're imperfect, those are just words you do not believe. They are not feelings and I know that deep down you still feel like you're impeccable or flawless when it comes to wrestling and talking. But you're not and I'll remind you that this Saturday. Soooo what do I want out of this? Your death. A bit harsh, perhaps, but it's genuinely how I feel and I do not intend to mask those feelings. Instead I want people to see them in broad daylight HAHAHAHA. But let me clarify when I say your death. No, I do not expect to literally kill you in two days. Because even though I'm "evil" or a "monster" to you, I am not a killer. Not anymore at least. That's a story for a different day. But just know this, what I do to you at Reasonable Doubt, it will shave years off your life. I will be the reason why you won't be able to spend as much time with your future wife and kids as you would have liked. In other words I will be the reason why you won't be able to walk your daughter down the aisle or teach your son how to play catch or grow old with your significant other. And that? Even that can put a rare smile on my face. 

The thought of that puts a smile on my face as well, Norman. RYAN! My friend how are you? Wait I forgot, by calling you Ryan, that automatically means that I'm playing mind games? HAHAHAHA - I don't play mind games. Oh no, but I do love other games, such as putting you on strings and watching you dance on my command. The real and only reason why I refer to you as Ryan is because I refuse to call you Methuselah or Mr. DEDEDE. To me you are Ryan and that will not change. But you? You can call Norman names all you want, I will not try to stop you. Go on, call him a monster. The Evil Eye! The Behemoth! Even the name Norman Hellion bothers him a tad because that is not his birth name. Oops did I let the cat out of the bag? Because you see Ryan, I gave him the name Norman because all he ever wanted to be is normal. Is that too much to ask? Huh? He wanted the simple things out of life and he couldn't even have that. So Norman it was. So that leaves one important question, what is his real name? HAHAHAHA, I can not answer that question because it would unlock him from my power. It would make him realize that what I've forced him to do was unethical. He would panic, leave EAW, go live in the middle of nowhere and die alone and I can't afford that to happen. And I'll even admit that you were right about something Ryan, he cannot look at his reflection in the mirror without regretting most of his actions. So if you shove a mirror in his face, he'll most likely become emotionally weak but again, it would be useless in the end because I would screw his head back on straight. But why Peter, why would you give this private information out? It's simple, I'm bored. No really, I am. Beating the same people over and over again gets old. It makes you realize that chasing the world title is better than winning it. Because it makes you realize that you have nowhere to go but down - that's the general conception at least. But you Ryan? You will help Norman's stock skyrocket HAHAHAHA. And again, that's one of the reasons why we attacked you at King of Elite. We knew we count on you coming to Showdown, to chase and corner The Behemoth, but little do you know that you are not the hunter, but the prey and at Reasonable Doubt, I will have no problem with pulling the trigger. Because this? All of this, it's been part of a plan. You might not believe me, but I tell the truth. What do I have to lose? No really, what do I have to lose? Because the way I see it Ryan, you have more on the line. But what about the Answers World Championship? Yeah, what about it? According to my friend Ryan, it doesn't matter right? But let's talk about what he has on the line for a second HAHAHAHA. His pride is on the line. His word is on the line. His reputation is on the line and his friend, Hamasa's "gift" is on the line. Man oh man, I hope you don't screw up because how will EAW ever exist if  Ryan loses two FPV matches in a row?

Oh that's right, it will do just fine. By the way the reason why I bring up some of your losses is because I know it bothers you and I just want to send you a friendly reminder that you are beatable. Always have been and always will be. Because you see, you always ask Norman how does he ever plan on making you stay down for three seconds? Answer? With his ability. Right? No really, the answer is that simple because in two days, Norman will be the better man, period. But by all means, try to rewrite this story! Pull out all the stops and it still WILL NOT BE ENOUGH. So there's your answer. But as for your loss to Team Crash at Territorial Invasion, I bring it up because even when you want something so badly, like staying as the chairman back then, or putting a sudden end to Norman's dominance, you can still easily fail. I distinctly remember you promising the EAW fans that you would still be in charge of EAW at the end of the night at TI, but you FAILED. You lost at your own game. You thought you had everything figured out and then Crash throws you a curveball by showing his true colors and that leads to your downfall. So let me ask you this, is Norman the man who is really blind or is it you? Hmm interesting question. I suggest you ponder it.

You still think you're on your way of making RAGNAROK crumble completely, but how wrong you are. Yes you took the tag titles away from King Lannister and Brody, we've been through this before. And like I said, King Lannister is still a king and will become EAW Champion at Fighting Spirit and Brody is on his way to winning the World Heavyweight Championship. And then you factor in me being the Answers World Champion, so as you can see and imagine, we are doing just fine. So go on, enjoy those tag titles. No really, take a second and appreciate them because those are the only titles you'll have for the unseeable future. Because Mr. Savage? He'll fail to regain his Pure Championship this weekend and you? We already know what's not going to happen at Reasonable Doubt and that's you stealing this title from me. So as I mentioned, RAGNAROK will be just fine. As for my argument with Brody? It's in the past. It was just a meaningless fight. Besides, that's what brothers do from time to time, we fight. But if you think that I'm going to lay my hands on him or vice versa, then I'm afraid you will be disappointed since your master plan fell through the cracks. I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE! What's wrong Norman? I'm over talking, just like I'm over listening to what Methuselah has to say. I - I WANT TO FIGHT. I WANT TO VISIT MY HELL IN A CELL HOME. I'M SICK OF WAITING. I WANT THIS MATCH NOW. Norman calm do- NO I WANT TO SEE METHUSELAH NOW. NOT LATER, NOW! Shh Norman, let the grown ups talk. I promise I will wrap this up because I too am getting sick of these verbal exchanges since Ryan continues to ignore and dismiss our words. All he does is plug his ears and says he can't hear us, showing how mature he is. But Ryan, I will say this. I was going to use the classic Old Yeller line since you already think I'm unoriginal simply because I call you by your first name. I don't see how that correlates with anything, but sure. But as I was saying, I was going to call you Old Yeller because you've been doing this for nearly a decade, but people seem to forget what really happened in Old Yeller. The reason why the little boy shot his dog in the first place had nothing to do with his age. It was because he was rabid and dangerous. So if I were to link you with that ruthless mutt, it would be a compliment more than anything. So instead I'll close with this. There is a difference between battles and wars. You won the battle against Brody and King Lannister. You won the battle against Norman when you made him retreat a few weeks ago - but at Reasonable Doubt? None of that will matter, for I will win this war once and for all.
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...)
Post February 19th 2015, 8:55 pm by Yoshikage Eto
Fighting Spirit Promo #3 "Alone For the Battle" *Keller is seen in a rainy graveyard, with a shovel in hand, and a gravestone beside him reads: "Jordan Ciserano.*" so Jordan, you must be wondering, *uses stupid voice* "Why is Kerry Keller at the grave of a guy who has the same name as me?" *Voice goes back to normal* well, no Jordan. This is not some guy with the same name as you. No, this is your grave, and I'm not Tyberns. I'm not gonna shovel dirt in it yet... I'm not gonna confirm my victory against you guys by myself, I'm not gonna tell you I'll win when I can't confirm if I'll win. I'll tell you something though... I'll tell you that your buddy Calliban... *moves to a grave marked J.P Calliban* he's going down... He's going in to this grave whether it's after I beat him, or lose to him... You think your funny... I already told you you aren't funny, and I proved it against Ciserano after beating his shit in TWICE!! But... That's fine, what isn't fine, is that you have adopted this thing called "Punkin." Take the in out of that and you'll get what I think of it, and I thought I had multiple personalities, you should look at this guy, he's got multiple personalities BUT, he's an Asshole either way, *begins picking up dirt on his shovel* here's to J.P Calliban, here's to Jordan Ciserano, here's to that ditching punk Maxwell Dachs who thinks he's better than me... You guys are all wrong.. I hope your happy, I hope your satisfied, because you've brought out an entire diffrent Kerry Keller, a more... Depraved Kerry Keller, a more... Sadistic Kerry Keller... A Kerry Keller who's finally ready for battle. Who's ready to fight for his right to have an opportunity to be named alongside the greatest... My first FPV is here... My first opportunity is here... *shovels dirt into Calliban's "grave"* and I will NOT let It slip... Sleep well until Sunday... Your going to need it, no matter who my partner is, win or lose, you'll be preying to any god you HAVE on Sunday... "Moment of Silence..." Thank you
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...)
Post February 19th 2015, 8:33 pm by Caliban
The green letters run across the screen carrying the words of Caliban's prophetic side 

In a war a perfect mix of man and maniac will more often than not taste victory while a team of a man and an already vanquished mouth will forever be trampled under foot 

Old Man Adeus 


We open on a tunnel with the camera moving down it slowly towards a large white light at the end, in the white a silhouette of a man can be made out, as quickly as the silhouette appears the figure starts screaming in the Punkin's voice 


The Camera picks up speed as it starts to get closer and closer to Punkin's now shrieking and thrashing shadow 

As it gets ever closer it starts to slow down again but never stops moving forward, now we can see the light reflecting orange off Punkin's face 


The camera zooms all the way up to Punkin's face showing his eyes narrowing and the scream falling to a whisper 

Punkin: I am most importantly something never to be stopped, they say a tag team is never truly a team till the name themselves and I can't but help take notice of the name these children gave themselves. The Blood Pact BAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

He sighs heavily as he over pronounces the name 

Punkin: A very apt name for what they are about to go through, see the past 2 weeks these guys have taken us out at our worst, Dachs couldn't get the job done, Keller couldn't help him get the job done and just like they did the week previous when they tried to make an impact attacking Death By Velocity they stood on their feet while we lay down BUT THEY PROVED NOTHING! They only showed the cowardice which holds wrestling organisations like this ransom if the individuals perpetrating it are allowed to continue to do so. Dachs and Keller are a blood virus and we are the fire that will burn it out of this company 


We open on Caliban sitting on the pre show announcers studio table in the arena set up for  sunday nights broadcast or possibly in the EAW studios homebase where they film DVD panels, the lights are off so only the emergency lights and the light through the windows are illuminating his face 

Caliban: So evidently I didn't touch wood when I made my statement about never featuring on a pre-show before and it looks like I jinxed myself but you know what, fuck it thats not my fault thats just the caliber of opponent we are dealing with this week I learnt that last week when I beat the ever loving shit out of Dachs that these guys aren't something to sweat they are simply another toy to be played with, they are another couple of dead weight losers me and Ciserano can go to work on just to prove what we never fail to and that is that we are the best this company has in the form of a tag team right now and the fact that we haven't been in any kind of contendership match for the tag titles if regoddamndiculous. The top guys in the company are the only ones to scratch us so far

Camera guy chips in

Camera Guy: Well Dachs and Keller have left you laying 2 weeks running 

Caliban runs his hand through his hair

Caliban: I suppose you make a valid point but you see that fool Dachs couldn't get the job done last week so why in the hell do you think adding another fuckwit to the collage is gunna make things any different. You have watched Death By Velocity in that ring, you know what Ciserano and I do and last week you saw what I did to one half of 

Puts on a stupid voice 

Caliban: The Blood Pact 

Goes back to normal voice

Caliban: On Sunday night we will do one thing, finish these assholes so we can move on, I'm done with these children and on Sunday night we will be the first ever pre show match to steal a mother fucking pay per view, mark my words and prove me wrong if you can because Death By Velocity are taking these guys out with a bang... INCOMING!
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...)
Post February 19th 2015, 8:31 pm by Anderson.
I'm not moving fast.

I'm not on the rise.

I am consistently average.

No one cares about me.

Starrstan, you can make all these claims. You can spit on my grave, tear me apart all you like, but the fact of the matter is this... you are wrong. I have proven it, and I guess I have to go over exactly how you're wrong once again. Why? Because you're either an idiot or can't listen. Let's start off by how I am not moving mast. Exhibit A: Just a few months, I quit EAW and started up my own academy. Very shortly later, I was given EVERYTHING that I wanted by Damien Murrow and the (then) Extreme Answers Wrestling management. A world championship shot? Granted. The ace world championship? Given. The choice of my Pain for Pride opponent? Given. But more importantly, Starrstan... these things weren't just given to me. They were an accumlation of what I had earned for the past four years. If that's not moving fast... if attaining all that in such a short amount of time isn't fast, then I don't know what is. You can bring up the point of me not using that to the best of my ability, but guess what? I did. I finally got the experience of a world championship match, and as far as I'm concerned... it was merely a timing issue. I'll admit that Norman Hellion was the better man between us two, but I learned from the match. Do you know one of the things I learned? I stood against Norman Hellion better than anyone. Better than you have or ever could. I earned his respect, and although I truly do not care for it... it does tell you all you need to know. If that's not elevating myself and my career, then nothing is. What I showed at Road to Redemption wasn't average. What I showed at King of Elite wasn't average. What I will show at Reasonable Doubt in a mere two days will not be average. It is going to be the ace of EAW doing what he does best, and that's once again prove the doubters wrong. You are one of them, Starr, and you know what the good thing is about you? I can actually hurt you. If I were to hurt the ones at home, I would get in deep trouble by sponsors and the company.

I don't need a single math lesson, but I do think you need a new set of eyes, because you obviously haven't seen me doing what I do in that ring. I am going to win a world championship very soon, Starrstan, and I will earn the right of a championship match in the country of Turkey. This isn't the law of attraction... this is Alex Anderson stating facts. You went on about how shortly you won a world championship and how I had to steal an opportunity from El Landerson. To that, Starr, I say that it's completely irrelevant. This is a marathon, not a race. I didn't realize this until recently. It doesn't matter how many you've won in the past, but what does matter is me winning the world championship and having a better reign than you ever did. That won't be that hard to do, looking at your track record as world champion. I mean, if there was such thing as a third-rate world champion, that's probably exactly what you were. You didn't prove to anyone in the locker room that you were as elite—a word that you love to describe yourself by—as other legends in this business. You've always been below the likes of Jaywalker, Y2Impact, DEDEDE, and Robbie V. The thought of that has absolutely haunted you, and I hate to break it to you, Starrstan... but this is a young men's game. I am just entering the prime of my career, and I am not going to stop now. That is why I will win. I have the hunger. I have the drive. Not to say that you don't, but truthfully, it doesn't compare to mine. Not at this stage of my career.

As for cheating to get this opportunity... this is EAW. A name change to "elite" doesn't mean anything. This company has been built upon taking. I learned that a long time ago, and it seems you still haven't learned that yet. My name is Alex Anderson, Starrstan. You know that. But what you don't know is that I am the ultimate opportunist. I am the master manipulator. I have built myself as the ace of EAW. I am the answers. I am the northern star. Soon enough, I will become the Answers World Champion. I am a killer, Starrstan. I'm not taking anything from you or Johnny Ventura. COme at me with all you have... it'll only make the victory sweeter.

As for you Johnny Ventura... it seems that you are running out of wrods to say. That, to me and everyone else, is a pretty good sign of you learning to shut up. This is what will propel your career to the next level. Take it from someone who propeled his own career a vast amount as of late.

After Saturday night, you'll be scared to look in the mirror in fear of ever meeting Alex Anderson in the ring again.


Last edited by Alex Anderson on February 19th 2015, 8:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...)
Post February 19th 2015, 8:15 pm by Guest
Management gave you a sweet deal huh!? Is that what happened!? You couldn't refuse because management gave you an offer that "you can't refuse'? What they do man? Give a sweet pay raise? Bigger cheque? Bigger house? More money that you can spend on what ever poor excuse of bear piss that you call beer? Give you a management job? OH SHIT THAT'S WHAT THEY DID ISN'T IT!? Nick Fucking Makarov! Trading in the t-shirt for a suit! Wow…well I'm not the kind of guy that likes to start "You Sold Out" chants but even you, with whatever intelligence you possess can probably work out what I mean by that one…”

Zach, you whiny little pissbaby. I explained my motives last weekend, I know you're a little slow compared to the rest of the roster and maybe you can't read so I'll be loud and clear for you again this week. I taught you a lesson, boy. I taught you what happens when you have expectations, and when you misplace your trust in another human being. I see this attempt to teach and nurture was in vain however, and the only thing you learned was how to let your emotions cloud your judgement and how to blame other people for your own shortcomings.

Big checks? Big houses? Boy, do you know who you're dealing with? I've never been one to be swayed by material possessions, quite frankly if Damien Murrow wanted me to beat your ass at King of Elite all he had to do was buy me a god damn beer and a lady to keep me company after the show. No, I did what I did for myself, because you make me sick to my stomach, Zach. Accusing me of selling out is laziness and ignorance on your part, and I hope the rest of the locker room and these EAW fans see through your desperate attempts to cover your own failure as a competitor and shift the blame over to a man who attempted to do you a favor. The only person who sold out was Zach Genesis.

While you're so obsessed with your revenge this weekend, I plan on winning a wrestling match, nay, winning a fight, and it makes not a lick of difference to me if that victory takes place in the middle of the ring, backstage on the craft services table, or five miles down the road at the male brothel you're rumored to frequent whenever we visit Turkey. I'm confident in my ability to win this weekend because I'm confident in your absolute incompetence and I'm willing to bet on your continued failure to see the big picture, Zach. 
Cameron Ella Ava
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...)
Post February 19th 2015, 6:54 pm by Cameron Ella Ava
Voltage Supershow: Fighting Spirit

Since day one, I have been a fighter. Everyone watched and witnessed me to fight for a spot here as one of the greatest Vixens to ever step foot in the ring. Now that I felt like I have secured my place, I watch the other Vixens like Maddie and Haruna Sakazaki fight for a place here. It is actually quite amusing to me because I can relate to both of these women so much. I can relate to the fighting spirit that I once had since day one. This Voltage Supershow is all about having the fighting spirit.  How does this relate to me? Well, I am the current reigning Hall of Fame Champion. I am the woman that opened the challenge for ANY EAW Hall of Famer to give me a fight. I want this championship to have prestige. Whenever I hold this championship, I want it to mean something. I want my challengers to have established something here in EAW. I’m not looking forward to fight people that are looking for a cheap way to get into the next class of the EAW Hall of Fame. I want to know, when I defend this championship, it is because it means something and I want everyone to see that.

People must think that I am crazy—that I am out of my mind and that I have no idea what I have gotten myself into? How does someone like myself sleep at night not knowing the person that you are going to fight at Voltage: Fighting Spirit? As champion, it is always a good thing to have an open mind and never get comfortable fighting the same old, boring opponents over and over again. I want my mind to be blown at whoever’s entrances blasts through the arena. I like the element of surprise because I like to be kept on my toes. I like to spice things up every now and then. Do I have a couple ideas of who can it be? Yeah, but how many Hall of Famers are there? A lot, I could sit on my ass and do the elimination process of who can it be and who can it not be, but I am not going to let my guard be down this weekend. That is what my opponent would want for me, but I’m here to give them a tough time. I do not want to make this a walk at a park for them. I want this to be a walk in hell for them.

The message that I would love to send to whoever my opponent is that I’m ready for them. I’ve always been ready for them. Now, they get to do their fair share and show themselves to me. You can try your luck at trying to take this Hall of Fame Championship away from me, but there is no way that I am going to give up this championship so simply. I’m going to fight, scratch and claw to make sure that this championship remains at my side. This title and I have been through hell and back. We’ve fought many battles alongside each other. There is no way that I am going to let this be taken away from me. I have fought WAY too damn hard for this and if there is anyone that has the audacity to stand in my way, let’s see how long you can stand toe-to-toe against me without having your head ripped off your neck! I do not care, who stands on my way at this open challenge because the result of the match will be exactly like I pictured it—me retaining my championship! You! With your shoulders on the mat! Seriously though, I wish all the luck to the world to anyone facing me because you will need it…
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...)
Post February 19th 2015, 6:09 pm by Mr. DEDEDE

O, Norman, I expected better from you, but even before this battle has been fought it appears as though I've already won.

Through your syntax I see you cling to straws as though your very life depended on it. You've exhausted your arsenal, and now you are forced to throw stones. You are on the very last legs of your logic; but I share your fatigue in talking, it is not in our job description. I've grown quite weary of telling you your fate, as has the dear Fortuneteller. The Fortuneteller does not exist in this land to quarrel with you or mince words, because she worries not about how she conveys herself; nor does she wish to sway your opinions. The Fortuneteller cares not about about personal thoughts or the opinion of any man, not even myself. She is here to merely warn the world of the dangers which lie her crystal ball, and be done with it. It is your choice to listen, or perish. However even she could not help humoring you far more than she predicted she would have. Nevertheless, from the very moment Fortuneteller Hamasa arrived on Showdown, any advantage you had over me was swiftly expunged. You were bested in our face to face encounter and were driven out of the very ring you claim you were king of. The following week, the Fortuneteller flatly told the Witnesses our plan of stripping RAGNAROK of their gold and driving RAGNAROK out of this land. We held no secrets to ourselves; no ulterior plan of action was hidden from a soul in this land, not even from the three of your rotten souls. Brody and Lannister were told their fortune or rather, misfortune and the following week, so it came to pass. To this day, has the Fortuneteller told a single lie?? Of course, the answer is no. Of course, you grasp at the straws of your burning farm or the hay you lie on and clamber to the resolve that oh, the tag team titles had lost their meaning! The division was dead! That is why you screamed at a man you so boldly call your brother and scolded him, and gave out desperate cries of direction, and hell, you fought in this battle as if it were yours to fight.... You go back on your very word and juxtapose yourself more so by desperately using whatever fabric you have to stitch up the fleshwound in the side of RAGNAROK and state that the tag team division has sprung to life only because the Beast is gone. You point out every weakling from every crook and corner have come to challenge the Savage Ryans and you are correct. But do you truly think Norman, Peter, Behemoth, Larry, whichever moniker you choose to undertake, do you truly honestly think that the reason these underlings have come out from the woodwork to challenge for the tag team titles is because they now see a sign of weakness surrounding the gold?? Do you truly think those who hid from the Beast would find it in their best interest to come after the SLAYERS OF THE BEAST? 

Of course not. That line of thinking would be deranged, putting it lightly. But Oh! Suddenly the tag team gold no longer matters in the grand scheme of it all! And again you would be correct, they do not matter. The Answers World Championship itself, does not matter. GOLD HOLDS NO WEIGHT TO THIS CAUSE OF WHICH I FIGHT. AS THE FORTUNETELLER SAID SO LONG AGO... IT IS A BONUS, THE SIDE TO THE TRUE MAIN COURSE, THE TRUE PRIZE... THE PRIZE OF THE THREE HEADS OF THE DRAGON LAYING ON MY MANTLE! RAGNAROK is the true game that I hunt!

And as I said before, you are the one who interests me the most. Pardon me, it was the Fortuneteller who told you this... and so far the prophecy of Fortuneteller Hamasa remains without blemish. She did not simply conjure up a load of spontaneous, open ended educated guesses as if she were some commoner, or some street fortuneteller. She is a professional. That is why the greatest legend in EAW history has her by her side. And she was also right, not only in prediction, but in intuition... womans intuition I suppose, but indeed she was correct in saying you would be a horrid Fortuneteller. I myself am no Fortuneteller, but there is a fine line between fortunetelling and straw man fallacy, and a blurred line between straw man fallacy and deranged reason. You walk that blurred line as if it lead to gold and in your case it has lead to gold. It takes a bit of being deranged to enter a bloodsport like professional wrestling and enter it's most competitive stage and joust at the level that we do. One must be at th very least slightly odd to take the punishment we take and come back because we enjoy it. That is not the behavior of a normal man... that resembles the action of Monster! Monster monster monster, monster monster monster monster. Monster monster. But you are adamant in being separated from that name, which is no loss of mine. You say this word insults you because it limits you; but I haven't a choice but to call your bluff. If I were not the great Methuselah, triumphantly giving you this title of "Monster", but I were instead a cowering man desperately in search of your mercy, I'll bet you would not be offended. I would wager it would put a smle on your face. More than that, I know it. You would not be thinking of the ramifications of being defined by this man and by this word when you sink your claws into the side of a pitiful man's NECK. YOU WOULD ENJOY THE FACT THAT THIS LESSER BEING KNEW THAT WHEN HE STARES INTO YOUR EYES HE STARES INTO THE ABYSS, YOU WOULD SALIVATE AT HIS FEAR! BUT WHEN I STARE INTO YOUR EYES AND CALL YOU BY THIS NAME IT ANGERS YOU, BECAUSE I DO NOT LOOK INTO YOU WITH FEAR... I LOOK INTO YOU WITH PITY! And o, how patronizing pity is. I look into your eyes and see that scared little child who wishes to cast aside the words of which the world has defined him by for his entire life. You now wish to define yourself, but we will see we will see oh yes we will see if your ACTION this Saturday will be what defines you... or if I will do what I have done countless times to scores of foes in many a land, in many a war and that, my friend, my foe is define others by how they measure up to me. But you choose to cling to your deranged reason and straw man fallacy because of your desperation. And though you may be deranged, dazed and confused, I am certain even you could not find, among the voices in your head, even a hint of desperation in my voice, let alone that of the Fortuneteller. This does not come from a place of naivety, it comes from a place of assurance. But you are too oblivious, and you live in a world with fantasies, and you speak to your fantasies in first person and you have come such a long way in this line of thinking that nothing I possibly say can change what is ingrained in your mind! You too will stick to the weapon that is proven to work, and I will hold steadfast to my own line of thinking. But if only you were the slightest bit cognizant to this, perhaps you would have a much more clear depiction of the reality of your situation. The reality that your fantasy DIES when you step in the cell with the Monster, and there is no fantasy hero to save you, or slay me, but rather this Monster is as real as the realest of Man. As real as the blows that land on your head, the pain being sent through your spine, the cracking of ribs, the gasping of air, the sound of your skull as it hits the canvas and hits the walls of the cell and hits the canvas once more and again and AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN. And the picture that YOUR blood, not my blood, YOUR blood paints on that canvas.... THAT will be all that is real in this world.

Truly a desperate, futile situation you are in.. a situation, quite frankly of which you are the cause. A reality you brought to fruition when you chose to make me the ass of your joke, hoping you would find an example to your tale. This did not start from a simple shove, this began when you used the sacred blood of mine that was spilled on the canvas at King Of Elite to paint a misleading picture to your foes. You believed my downfall could be used as a mere punchline to your repugnant riddle. You thought you could laugh at my pain! And it'd be the end of that! Ho ho ho! Well as I'm known for saying, HE WHO LAUGHS LAST LAUGHS BEST. And Methuselah I am aptly named because I remain a constant! I continue to be the last to laugh, and therefore I am the victory who's name is written in the history books. But I laugh as the deranged one continues to grasp at his straws and resort to the tried and tired method of calling me by "Ryan". Something my opponents enjoy doing when they see that my will is impenetrable, and they will do anything to hit me close to home. As wondrous as your imagination is I would have thought you would resort to something original... or at the very least something that has worked before. But you think calling me "Ryan" is going to, what, put a bit more bass in the beat of my heart or make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up? Is this going to drive home your fruitless "point" and I do use that term lightly of how monstrous and grotesque and unique and unpredictable an anomaly I'm suppoed to believe you are? As if I am going to see you and see you for something more than a Monster? Let you get into my head the way you have gotten into the heads of those on your brand, and the way RAGNAROK has gotten into the heads of those in all of EAW, from the tag team division to the World Championship division? And just as you could not get any more desperate you bring up past defeats... such as the one I suffered at the hands of Zack Crash. Or, should I say, the one Dark Demon suffered at the hands of Xavier Williams which so happened to cost me my company. 


Aha! I see now... greatest thanks then Norma-- "PETER"! I suppose that is an unforgivable blemish on my eight year record. Very well, you've exposed me! It is all clear now, Zack Crash MUST be superior to me! With your logic I suppose I should demand Lannister rescind his King Of Elite crown immediately for his failure on Showdown. And you should rescind your Answers World title for failing to win Cash In The Vault, a prize I'm sure you boldly assured you would win. And no matter that I was the one laughing last when I put Zack Crash to shame at House of Glass... let's pretend as though it never happened! You are right, there is no chance I can follow through with my threats against you. RAGNAROK is far too great a force to combat; they far exceed the threat of Scott Diamond and the Ironfist, not to mention they put Project EGO to shame! I should have known I was no match for you, I suppose I'll stay as far away from the Vodafone Arena as possible. As a matter of fact, I may as well become a recluse and never show my face in EAW again.


My apologies, that was Mr. DEDEDE speaking. What I truly meant to say was, Norman, there is nothing you can say to me that will extinguish my resolve. And it must be vice versa to you. At this point, there is no changing each others minds. There is nothing either of us can say that will veer each other off course, we are simply two speeding trains who will collide inside the Hell in a Cell for all the world to see. And interesting how through it all, we are putting on a show for the Witnesses Norman. The ones you wish you could maul when they ask you for your signature, they will sit in the stands, cheer for who they wish, boo who they wish and I reckon they will be thoroughly entertained by what we do to each other. It will be like watching a cage fight between two Monst-- you get my point. But know this, once the two of us are closed in that demonic structure, you will step into a different universe, because stepping in the ring with Methuselah, Mr. DEDEDE, IS STEPPING INTO A DIFFERENT UNIVERSE, MY UNIVERSE. On the outside it is a spectacle, but once the bell goes off my friend... it will be a coming of age for you. A dreadful, gory one albeit, but a coming of age nonetheless. Though you may feel as though what you are in now is a position of power, it is nothing more than a realm of delusion. I am here as your Guardian to take you out of that realm. To take EAW out of that realm. This is not about me, this is about the bitter pill to swallow that you must swallow before you continue. After I win my 6th World Championship, which is not what this is about, but is a fantastic situation for me nonetheless, nothing is going to change for me. The Witnesses may perhaps react in shock and awe only for a moment, but they will realize it is the same now as it has been for the past eight years. Not only in this land, but in this life, I win even when I lose. Perhaps it may seem redundant and moreso predictable to some, but certainly not to all. Because there are many like you Norman who are easily fooled by the greatest conman who has ever lived, named father time. He is a thief, a trickster, a deceiver, and he does it oh so effortlessly. He can change the perception of the vast majority including little boys like you with a small gesture, and then there are constants like me who genuinely shock the masses by doing what I do better than anyone else. But once you personally experience me for who I am EVERYTHING will change, on the other hand, for you. You will not ever forget the competitor that I am. I can say this with the same assurance as the predictions from Fortuneteller Hasmasa: you will not ever forget that hopelessness you feel as I have an answer for every trick you pull out of your hat. Just as I am the answer for whatever plague befalls the land of Elite. I am the Guardian who bears the charm to deflect the misfortune of the Evil Eye from the Land of Elite. This is not because of a new symbol I introduce, this is what I've been before the name "Norman Hellion" ever meant a DAMN! I am the constant! I am the one who stands before all treachery that threaten the ways of this land, and those such as Zack Crash, such as RAGNAROK, such as YOU, Norman, who sit so comfortably over the land as though there is nothing above you will answer to me. THAT is the way our universe functions. THAT is the reality of it all. Even the sun moon and stars answer to galaxies, and galaxies to nebula's, and so on. There is always something greater, there will always be someone who is better than you, and then there will be the One above All. THAT is what awaits. And though mankind moves about with a sense of, pun intended, Reasonable Doubt; there comes those who are trapped in this darkness of doubt and unknowing and deception. There are those who have been told lies and lies and lies all their lives and eventually LIES are all they know! And then a select, fortunate few come into an encounter with the truth... and it is as piercing as a white hot light, it is blinding, painful to look into, unbearable, uneasy to accept. But Norman Hellion, what you meet in that Hell in a Cell is not simply your demise or your death, that isn't enough. You may take the plunge into the blackness, but that is not all that lies beyond the veil, NO. What lies beyond that veil of darkness and nothingness is a new light that so many others have been forced to look into in order to accept the truth. Once you accept it, that is when you reach Paradise... which you will only find in the shadow of a sword. Norman Hellion, at Reasonable Doubt, you are saved, because you will meet your God.
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...)
Post February 19th 2015, 1:09 pm by Cage.
Less honorable? You of all people want to talk about less honorable? You stupid son of a bitch, what do you call Territorial Invasion? HONORABLE? DO YOU CALL FIRING SCOTT DIAMOND BECAUSE HE WAS KICKING YOUR ASS HONORABLE? YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT BEING HONORABLE IN A PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING INDUSTRY! The thing is Zack, and this is another reason as to why I can't stand your fucking face is the fact that you think you know so much but you just like the rest of these “honorable” elitist in EAW are full of shit. You talking about taking direct terms, you know I want you one on one, and you added Lannister and Hades in OUR business, we have personal business that the EAW Champion wants to resolve personally, see what I did at King of Elite was something any man in EAW would do to keep their EAW Championship. It's not like I was beat to the punch and I just slithered my way out, it isn't like I was getting my ass kicked the whole match against Hades. The fact is Zack, you know how much this championship means to me, and most importantly you know how many times I've been screwed over and fucked over from opportunity after opportunity, you want to be like the rest of these fucking corporate douche bags who will sit at those board meetings and say”well maybe Cage just doesn't have it” and then when I step onto to that ring, and I put money in your pockets you would say “well on second thought maybe I was wrong, maybe he's the hottest WRESTLER on our roster” and it's true I'm a commodity. 

And based on your words of “I know what Cage can do, and what he'd most likely do if left alone with me” SMART! Smartest thing you've ever said, because honestly the fun part of that is not knowing what I'd do to you but trust me it's going to happen and when it happens I'm going to tear you limb from limb, I'm going to beat yo within an inch of your goddamn life because you deserve to get your ass kicked by Diamond Cage. I don't know when, I don't know where, I don't know how but I do know that someday you will have to face the music, AND BE A MAN! BE A GROWN ASS MAN, AND TAKE YOUR ASS KICKING LIKE A MAN! All you have to do is man up Crash, hell I could still tear you limb from limb come Fighting Spirit, but see that's going to be difficult because Lannister although I can't stand the guy is on the biggest roll ever, and honestly he's a threat to my championship. Therefore I do what I always did whenever I was threatened to never eat another meal when I was on the streets, I fought to the last nail because no one takes food from my plate and no one damn sure takes the EAW Championship from the EAW Champion. But I get your plan, it's a smart plan, I knew it all along, your using Hades and Lannister as pawns, pawns to get you the EAW Championship, is that honorable? Or maybe your stupid ass will call it “strategy” I have a strategy, I am going to throw punches, I am going to throw kicks, I am going to bite, scratch, claw and fight to the death until not only you aren't the EAW Champion but I remain the EAW Champion no matter the odds. Hades you still complain about me “cheating” blah, blah, blah, it isn't cheating unless you get caught, so uh yeah I don't know what else to say to you. I mean it was a great match if that lifts your spirits, you certainly were a formidable adversary but you just couldn't dethrone the ruler of this championship. I'm sorry man, I honestly am because it probably eats at you like a virus, and maybe this will shed some light on you. Zack and Lannister will join you in that list, I GET IT! MY CHAMPIONSHIP IS IN EXTREME JEOPARDY, I AM IN EXTREME DANGER OF LOSING THE EAW CHAMPIONSHIP! Well let me tell you something, I love the dangerous factors in this match. I also love the fact that the only reason you are in this match is because Zack Crash wants to use you and Lannister to get to the EAW Championship. And you and Lannister and Crash are going to be fixated on brutalizing me and if you hand him this championship what kinda man are you? What kinda champion would you want to be remembered as? I'd be remembered as the warrior who fought to the death to retain his EAW Championship. BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT I DO AROUND HERE, I FIGHT UNTIL I HAVE NOTHING LEFT, UNTIL ALL THE FIGHTING IS DONE! You are a pawn, and Lannister is a pawn, Crash no disrespect to Lannister looks at himself as the King of EAW, aren't you the King Lannister? Aren't you the guy who went through a grueling tournament to win that honor? What has Zack Crash done except get his ass beaten by Scott and try to make sure I don't keep the EAW Championship? Lannister look at it like this, Zack Crash is going to let you and Hades at least try to get your paws on me. And he's going to play supervisor, where is the honor in that? Where is the respect? You don't have to like me, but at least respect me and respect the EAW Championship. Don't let that jackass Zack Crash somehow slither out with this championship, but eh, it doesn't matter, Hades and Lannister are the two biggest men in this match, the bigger they are the harder they fall. Doesn't matter what they do, if they decide to come after Diamond Cage it's a pretty simple plan I have, I walk into Fighting Spirit, I fight. I win. I spit in Zack's face figuratively and maybe even literally, and I show the world that I am the best in the world when I walk out of the Seibu Dome STILL THE EAW CHAMPION! And that is going to piss a lot people off but you should know me by know, I honestly don't care what pisses anyone off. I just go out there and do it. 

Hades you managed to beat Crash and Demon, But one thing you won't get pass is the one thing you can't get pass, not now, and not anytime in the future is the EAW Champion Diamond Cage, and you better get use to that, because when you fail again your going to have to tell these people that, and these people are going to listen to that, and when they listen to that they are going to hear the words of a defeated man, a man who is out of any “Fighting Spirit” no pun intended. But maybe all the men coming for me will have to lose something, Hades you'll lose any thoughts of King of Elite when I overcome you and stamp “DEFEATED” on your forehead, Zack, You'll lose any thoughts of holding this EAW Championship for as long as I am breathing in and out. And Lannister, you can lose whatever you decide to put on the line ONCE you lose this Fatal Four Way. I mean you must always have a plan B right? Doesn't matter how many plans and strategies you manage to work up on the blueprint, they will fail once they go against the reality known as Diamond Cage, I am the reality of this company, I am the champion of this company and I will be damned if I allow myself on Voltage every single week to be flat on my back, I'll be damned if I allow that to be the reason I am not the EAW Champion. I'm getting revenge and most importantly I am going to look good doing it with the EAW Championship still intact. Bye!

El Landerson
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...)
Post February 19th 2015, 12:40 pm by El Landerson
[El laberinto Streches in the hallway while Max a Million stops him]

Max: Excuse me El laberinto but can i get a few moments of your time before your match this Saturday on Reasonable Doubt PPV.

El laberinto: Sure why not:

Max: last Saturday you lost your Six man battle royal on Showdown with five other Particapants in then this Saturday at Reasonable Doubt PPV you will be in a 15 men Scramble match for the New Breed Contendership so any thoughts El Laberinto ?

El Laberinto: Well you see Max the reason that i lost my Six man Battle royal last Saturday was because that wanna be Nick Angel won that match on Showdown cause he thinks that he was gonna win this Saturday at Reasonable Doubt PPV in our Scramble Match because once i pin Nick Angel in less then three days until Reasonable Doubt PPV then you will see me become your new number one Contender for the Breed Championship at Showdown's Reasonable Doubt PPV.

Max: can you even defeat all four of your Opponents in your Scramble match this Saturday.

El laberinto: if it depends on how's the Scramble match gonna turn out once i defeat Nikola in Angel and Venom cause none of them does not deserve a shot for the Breed Championship on Showdown next falling Saturday night.

(El Landerson walks away while Max a Million Continues talking)

Max: there you have it folks cause in less then three days El landerson will take on five of his Opponent this Saturday at Reasonable DOubt PPV in his Scramble match for as the winner becomes the new number one Contender for the New Breed Championship.

Max: So we hope that El Landerson can actually win this Saturday at Reasonable Doubt PPV so that he can be our next number one contender for the New Breed Champion at the next FPV.

[Camera fades when El laberinto heads back to his Dressing Room before Reasonable Doubt PPV]
Brian Daniels
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...)
Post February 19th 2015, 10:23 am by Brian Daniels
Once, there was a man who's lust for power; influenced him to do radical things, perform out of greed, but all by his doing - not the influence of any other. Where there was power, he'd be there in an instance, prepared to go the extra mile to feed off this power. With the right amount of attention, this stranger started to become a lot more familiar to everybody all around. Men, women, even the children sought out this man's skill, they were easily persuaded by the method of how he ended conflicts. Or maybe it wasn't a conflict, maybe it was just some petty dispute between brothers. But did it matter any at the time? What appeared to be a lone hero, started to form an evil; forged by greed. Everything panned out the way he desired, until he hadn't anticipated the returning hero to be the light in the darkness he spread. This ancient hero, however, did not pose the threat to him, but another individual that had hunted this evil man down in order to secure a sweep victory over the hero. All went according to plan, even with the rebellion of the select few who saw this man as evil, who saw his client as an unworthy victor.

"So crawl on my belly 'til the sun goes down."

They failed; they couldn't stop the inevitable, but they still forcefully refused the mercenary's power and his client's reign. Everything from there on out turned into anarchy, war of such. Blood was shed in large amounts, bodies were dropped out of clear spitefulness. It only led up to the impending personal strife between the mercenary and the hero. But even when approached, it ended with what many would claim to be luck, as the hero only extended the bitter feud further out. It was at that moment, both parties understood, that pride must be set aside in order to claim victory. The mercenary banded together a monstrous faction, that functioned like a well-oiled machine... while the hero had no other choice, but to side with a friend and an ally with sights set out on the same task; end the man, end the power. But as a group, they had their own personal agendas. It's what lead to their dysfunction. With the inability to stay on the same page, they were easily defeated. The mercenary's war was ended, but there's only became a personal warfare between each other. As the ally turned on the hero, the friend turned on the ally and hero, and the hero left with hope.

"I'll never wear your broken crown."

But there wasn't much hope there to strengthen his will, because what he thought to be a friend - turned into a bitter enemy. The hero was fully blamed for their failure as a group, the only concept the newly found enemy could come up with. It was easier to point fingers at the man who started what the three wished to end. The hero, being naive as he was, never thought to see the day the friend would pierce his spine with a sharpened blade. It had only turned into an uphill battle with himself, by this point, he hadn't even thought of mourning for himself. He only saw justice and where it needed to be executed. His enemy, former friend, took up the offer of the mercenary, who's now known as the king. Two former enemies, now acquaintances with one another, the hero refused to let such treason against the original cause to roam freely. He bent no knee, he saw no prince, and he worshiped no king. He rejected the royalty and rebelled for a second time against his ex-friend. The two with hatred in their hearts for one another, they encountered each other many times, one always getting the slight upper hand over the other. But never to the point where they were able to finish what was started a long time ago. It was only meaningless hostility between the two, until the moment came where the two would finally meet with one another.

"I can take the road and I can fuck it all away."

Devan Dubian, do you not see where our choices has lead us up to? You've played this game well enough to know what is to come next between us. What am I supposed to do in this sort of situation that you've made for me? I can only bestow upon you a gift, a gift for our "prince", the gift of death. I'm going to kill everything you stand for, but I'm going to allow you to hang onto that thread of life, in order to watch everything you've assisted in creating... burn. It will burn with a fiery vengeance, you will see the shades of orange and red, before you rest; lifeless. I've started too much, to allow a wedge between my aspiration get in the way of it's completion. I almost pity you, but I don't ---  I had only expected the worse, when times get rough. The desperate man can only act out of desperation. You saw no more power in me, you saw the rebellion was doing you no good. So, tell me, Devan Dubian... when Lannister's reign comes to it's end, who's power will you feed off next? You fed off me like a bird to it's feeder, but only enough to gain your importance enough to feed off another. You're typical, predictable, you'll allow one moment in your career to dictate the future of it. You'll only ever participate as a soldier, you'll never gain the will to lead an army for yourself. If you had, why would you still be here? Fiddling around, doing whatever you can to keep yourself alive in this company. Without the breath of life that Starr Stan, Lannister, and myself, gave to you. I don't think you'd be much of an importance at all - you'd still be at the fork in the road, confused where to go next. It's only natural, that a dog is to be lead by a master on a leash. You haven't proven me wrong yet, Dubian, you're still a bitch.

"But in this twilight, our choices seal our fate."
Re: EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...)
Post February 19th 2015, 9:50 am by Bloody Jack
A wise man can learn from any source, but the wisest among them will tell you that the greatest source of learning comes from books.  And not these eBooks, which lack character, but physical paperbacks that allow you to truly feel the power of the words on the page.  I’ve spent many long hours reading, as it’s one of my favorite leisurely activities, and of all the books I’ve read in my lifetime, the one from which I have learned the most has been “The Art Of War” by the great Chinese general Sun Tzu.  He not only had a brilliant military mind, but he was also a master of the human psychology.  For the general must’ve understood that the teachings he wrote down all those many years ago could not only be applied to military expeditions, but also towards simpler, everyday encounters.  It was to this end that he put ink to paper, hoping to teach generations of like-minded men how best to conquer their enemies both in war and in life.  The greatest of his proverbs being “a great general fights on his terms, or not at all.”  It is this proverb, more than any other, which I have adapted to in my most recent dealings with Diamond Cage.  It’s been no secret that since Road To Redemption, me and Cage have had our differences of opinion on whether he should be champion.  I’ve given my opinion in great detail and don’t see the need to do so again.  But what I do see the need for is to explain my brilliance in how I’m dealing with him.  At first I was betting on Hades The Hellraiser to recapture his championship back at King Of Elite, but due to Mr. Cage’s less than honorable methods, he failed.  It was then I realized that I’d have to take a more “direct” hand in relieving Cage of his championship.  But meeting Cage in a one-on-one match would be fighting on HIS terms, not mine.  And while I am confident that I could beat Cage if given the opportunity, I’m not stupid either.  I know what Cage can do, and what he’d most likely do if left alone with me.  So how was I to take his championship away from him without him focusing on me?  The answer was simple…he needed a few distractions!  And that’s where Hades and Lannister come into this game.  By adding them into this match, I gave Cage two other people to concentrate on, apart from myself.  The beauty of it all is that both Hades and Lannister were also too busy focusing on Cage and the EAW Championship to pay me much attention.  Hades was eager to avenge himself against Cage, and Lannister was too full on himself after winning KOE to question why I was adding him into this match.  I played these men against each other, and like good little puppets they danced to my tune.  I played this game on MY terms, and for two straight weeks, out of the four of us, I have been the last man standing!  My favorite little detail about this whole scheme is that admitting to this doesn’t do me the least bit of harm.  Because the damage has already been done!  The three of them are so full of hate and rage against the other that when the four of us are set loose, their fury will divert into all directions except mine!  Which will allow me to strike at the best possible moment.  I’ve been watching and controlling these three men from the beginning, and have come to know them as intimately as I know myself. 
Hades wants to talk about his “fighting spirit” and how “unbreakable” but spirit don’t figure into this equation at all.  Because I’m the one writing the equation, and if I don’t like the outcome, I just wipe the blackboard clean.  Let me ask you something Hades.  You mentioned how you’ve wanted to “slap the taste out of my mouth” ever since I put myself in this match?  Well…why didn’t you?  I’ll tell you why!  It was for one very simple reason…you were afraid!  You were afraid, hell you KNEW that if you raised your hand against me before this match started that I’d have pulled you out of this match faster than a dick from inside a cheaper hooker.  Now I don’t know what that tells you, but it tells me that between you and me…I’m the one with all the power!  The Hades I know, the one who used to call me “brother” would’ve been afraid of some Chairmanship title.  He would’ve smacked the taste out of the mouth of anyone he didn’t trust.  He would’ve struck first.  But you didn’t!  I struck before you did and now the advantage is mine!  Cage isn’t the one who has lost his edge…YOU ARE!!!  You call me a shape-shifter.  An interesting comparison, but the funny thing about shape-shifters is you never know what form they’re going to take next.  And that’s exactly how it is with me!  You can’t predict what I’m going to do next.  Ever since Territorial Invasion I’ve had people scratching their heads, trying to guess what my next move will be, only to show them just how wrong they were.  And you’re no better at it than anyone else.  If you were, you would’ve seen that chairshot last week coming.  But you didn’t!  I’ve always been that one unsolvable enigma to you Hades, both in the ring and outside.  That one piece of your history you can’t wrap your head around.  And you know what…you never will!
Then there’s “King” Lannister.  King?! HAHAHAHAHA!!!  You know I’ve never understood the pattern of people winning the KOE Tournament to name themselves King Whatever.  Firstly, because am I’m sure Lannister knows it’s purely a temporary title.  The moment he cashes in that title opportunity he won, he won’t be anymore a King than the Burger King.  Also because nobody really believes the title “King” before their name holds any significance.  The only difference between Lannister and KOE winners of the past is that he’s taking a little farther than they ever did.  He actually imagines himself a King.  Well if that’s true Lannister…then why is it you seem to bend the knee to me?  I thought Kings didn’t bow or answer to nobody but themselves.  Based on history, the only people Kings paid homage to were their Gods.  So I guess if you’re King Lannister, then I guess that must make me a God Crash!  I like you Lannister, I really do, and I believe you’re going to accomplish great things in EAW.  But let’s get one thing straight right now.  You DO NOT rule EAW…I do!  Everything that happens in this company happens because I allow it to happen, and it all follows my design for EAW’s future.  And that includes you!  You were allowed to compete in and win King Of Elite because it was convenient to me.  The moment you prove yourself to be no longer convenient is the moment you find out just how cruel I can really be.  You can keep calling yourself “King” if that what’s giving you and Cerci a boner.  Just remember where your place really is!
And then there’s Diamond Cage.  My dear, dear Diamond Cage.  Whether or not you feel our situations are similar, whether or not you comprehend why I’m against you don’t matter.  Even your philosophies on greed and selfishness within this business don’t matter.  The only thing that does matter is this…YOU CAN’T BEAT ME!!!  And the reason you can’t beat me is very simple.  You can’t bullshit a bullshitter!  Everything you’re doing right now is stuff I’ve already done once before.  I know all the tricks it takes to win a rebellion against the system, and because of that I know exactly what to do to stop it.  You can make all your vows and promises, but it’s all a joke to me.  You’re a joke!  Because I already won!  I won the moment you picked my side at Territorial Invasion and helped put me into this position.  Everything I’ve done to EAW that you blame on me is every bit as much your burden as mine.  And worst of all is no matter how much you claim to hate me, if you wanna feed your family, you have to continue to eat out of my hand, champion or not.  We do have unfinished business, but we’re not going to settle when you want to.  We’ll settle when I say so!  And I will win Cage!  It may not be at Fighting Spirit, it may not be on the next Voltage, it may not even happen for several months…but I will win eventually!  All you’re doing, all any of you are doing by standing up to me is delaying the inevitable.  Because I can sit at my desk and come at any of whenever I want and when you least expect it!  You said you’re the best in the industry today?  WELL I AM THE INDUSTRY!!! 

This is my game and you’re all pieces in it!  I move you around and sacrifice you as I see fit!  Because I’m the frickin’ Chairman!  That makes ME the top dog in this yard!  I don’t care who holds what championship or how many!  I don’t care whose been champion this amount of times or held it this long or that short!  I am the Chairman, the boss, and that automatically makes me the best, most important man in all of EAW!  And nothing any of you say or do will change that fact!  I’m untouchable, unbreakable… and UNBEATABLE!!!  What I say goes, and what I say about Fighting Spirit is that none of you get to win.   

EAW Promoz! (Part 3 - Locked for posting...)

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