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 EAW Promoz!

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Consuela Rose Ava
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EAW Promoz! :: Comments

Re: EAW Promoz!
Post September 13th 2017, 8:59 pm by PrinceofPhenomenal
Destroy and rebuild.

The reality of being the new National Extreme Champion has finally set in. The honey-moon phase of this championship reign is definitely over. Each day the target on my back gets bigger and bigger. The longer that I have this championship, the more and more extremist are going to keep coming for me. Having to constantly look over your shoulder doesn't sound like fun. It's just one of the many things that comes with being a champion in a company like EAW. The very moment you decide and get comfortable is when you whole career can suddenly blow up in your face. I can speak from experience when I say that you can find yourself flat on your face seeking answers. There's a hungry competitor walking through those doors every single day trying to make a name for themselves. It's my job to make sure that doesn't happen. It's my job to make sure that I win and become so successful that the EAW Universe gets tired of seeing my face. The sad part is that I do not plan on going anywhere anytime soon. This face is here to stay for a long time. While I was away from EAW, there were plenty of guys fed to the professional wrestling world as the next savior. For a second some of you may have thought EAW has find the guy or gal to replace someone like me. That's where you're wrong. I am here to save all of EAW. I am also here to re-define my career and it's perception. Each and every day I will carry this championship with pride and defend it until I can't defend anymore. It's time that these people saw a quality championship reign again and I am here to bring it to them.

What makes a champion? Deep down I feel that one of the things that makes a great champion is their competitor. A lot of times we've seen companies and brands fall off because their competition is nowhere near them. For the sake of this business, it's better if I am facing off against the best performers this industry has to offer. EAW is the premiere wrestling company. With that being said, what better way to measure the quality of a champion and a performer than by going against the best wrestlers this planet has to offer? Speaking of competitors I have the pleasure of standing in between two of them this week on Showdown. These two men are none other than Nobi and James Ranger. The both of these two extremist will face off in a chance to show the best wrestler in the world their skills. I have a slight history with the both of these gentlemen as it turns out. Nobi, it's been awhile, hasn't it? I haven't faced you in a little while, but it seems when I first came back here I would see your face repeatedly. I hope for your sake you have gotten a lot better in and out the ring since the last time we have faced off. Don't get too offended by last statement because it's actually a compliment. By no means I am saying you are a second rate performer. In reality, I am arguing that you are actually a third rate performer with first rate confidence. The problem with that is that confidence can only take you so far in a business like this. Do you think you can take me on in a match in the near future? Trust me when I say that James Ranger isn't in the same galaxy as me. You have ''background guy'' written all of you. Meaning you aren't meant to be a world champion. You aren't meant to be one of the faces of this company. You are meant to be a cup holder and an errand boy who stands behind the real center of attention. It's more or less the situation you are in with your match this week. All eyes will be on me. What better way to prove me wrong than picking up a victory right in front of me?

The poor bastard who has the misfortune of standing across the ring from you this week happens to be my opponent from last match. James Ranger is apparently ready to take on the big stage. Or not. Who is this guy? Does anyone know? Is he really supposed to be taken serious as an EAW extremist? Week after week I sit in my locker room and watch these newcomers come out here and proclaim that they are the next big thing in this company. All of this talking is getting old and I am ready for some action. At the end of the day what's done in the ring is what gets the job done. I've been about action since the first day that I've arrived here in EAW and nothing has changed. The only thing that seems to change is the faces in front of me. However, it doesn't matter. I have a saying for any and everything that stands in my way of achieving infinite greatness: Destroy & Rebuild. Unfortunately, this week I won't be able to legally put my hands on anyone. Who knows? Maybe, we will all get lucky.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post September 13th 2017, 8:49 pm by showster26
Voltage Promo #1

Tuesday, 2:14 A.M., location unknown. 

(The scene opens on the night sky. Dark cloud pass over the moon, and all is quiet except for the hollowing of the wind. The scene transitions to the exterior of a building long abandoned. It's here on one of the building’s brick walls, darkened by the dirt and filth left collect for years, that we find a stain dripping a  darker shade of pitch which reads ‘The enemies of my enemy are my friends?”

The camera pulls back as the faint sounds of footsteps grow louder. From the right side of the frame, enters a figure dimly lit by the moon’s pale light.  Despite the darkness that seeming wraps itself around his, his bloodshot and sinister looking eyes pierce thru clear as crystal.  Without a doubt this is the man whose ruthless brand of madness sends shivers running up and down the spine of most any EAW Elitist. This is the being known as Solomon Caine.)

Caine:  “With a great opportunity to capture the eyes of the world, that they may hear all we speak, looming over the horizon.  With the chance to gain the ear of the masses, and send them cowering in fear for all we have long foretold of has begun to come about upon this earth. With the gold we had so desired just within our grasp. Here now we stand looking towards a future clouded by all that surrounds ourself.  The potentials, the probables, the storm that arises from this sea of questions. All of it weighs upon our mind.  Not wether the Gold that Our brother Amadeus holds at this moment, staying in the hands of this monster that we have built up, we doubt not that amongst our brothers, gold and glories shall always remain. No, what we wonder is what should become of this Nightmare should it pass from one hand to the next?  Would the seeds of envy that Kenny Drake has tried to sow, take root within any of our brethren?  Would we squabble as children over this matter?   We should hope not, for the only thing that would keep us from tearing down the hierarchy of voltage, is if we were to begin tearing down each other.  For we would so easily dispatch with Anthony Leonhart Hart. Why we crushed that fool with but the barest of efforts but just a few weeks ago. 

Yes, we slaughtered him, and left him laid low upon the altar. And we give thanks to the head of the great beast known as Sanitorium that he left enough for ourself, and our brothers to each have his fill of flesh to tear from him. When we last encountered Anthony Leonhart His sacrifice was a small but necessary one, for with it we grew stronger, from it we proved that no matter who devoted to a skill you might be, no matter how long you have studied for. When you are the next to be made a victim, nothing can prevent it. When your fate has been chosen, and you are placed before us, nothing shall keep us from rending flesh, and shattering bone. Nothing could stand between us inflicting every horrid desire upon you and leaving you a broken shell which wanders the earth for eternity.  This is your fate Anthony, this is the one we shall be more than glad to give onto you. And when we once again sacrifice you in honor to ourself, and to the Never ending Nightmare, oh how a great many shall turn their eyes from you, to us.  We shall dispatch of you, and should you try to continue being a thorn in our side,  we shall forever silence the roaring lion, we shall skin him alive and wipe our feet upon his mane.  we shall make an example of you, just as we shall Harvey York. 

Harvey York, he who would be pestilence and plague to us. He who would try with all the might within him to see those whom belong to our brotherhood, slaughtered by his own hand. Hiw you so claim to be the darkness that would destroy us.  How nothing would give you greater pleasure than in one foul swoop, steal away the gold that belongs to our brother, and vanquish three of the greatest terrors to ever roam EAW. But this fantasy, this delusion you have fooled yourself with, it shall never come to pass.  It shall never come to pass because for all you talents, and all your mercilessness, you simply cannot compare to any of the three of us. Your might is but that of a fly’s compared to ours. You speed shall never be enough to evade us. And though you claim yourself to be a devil, a king of hell and darkness, we know that you merely dress in the dark. Ourself and our brethren, we were spawned from the darkness. By it and thru it we were made into the force that stands before you today. So with this knowledge, spoken plainly that you might comprehend, what should you do to strike us down?  With what power could you land a blow to bring about our End?!  Do you not realize that whatever you claim to be, whatever strength that dwells within your body, is belongs to us Harvey York!!!  It is ours to command and ours to wield! You merely borrow it, and we allow you to do so that we may watch in amusement when failure comes crashing down upon your head!   How long shall you keep on with this fool’s errand?  How long shall you endure in this fruitless and empty quest?  How many times must we slay the same rodent?  When shall you learn that you cannot wound us, you cannot harm us, and you shall certainly never stand victorious over us.  And forever shall you be trampled under our feet, till the End Of Ages!

Yes, the future so clearly leads to the down fall of both you heathen scum. Forever has fate bonded you to this inevitably of defeat.  It still the question lingers like the densest fog over the sea.  What should become of our brotherhood after this battle has been waged?  Will the this nightmare stand forever?  Or shall it erode away from the inside?  

Would it be as Jon McAdams, the newest to our order, has suggested?  Should this be a moment where one, or all, shed away the weakness that keeps them from ascending to greater glories, the likes of which cannot be described in words?  Should it be the moment an awakening happens in the individual, and the order as a whole?  What is undeniable is that once again we shall stand face to Face, and wage another battle in an endless war. Though we are now of the same brotherhood Jon McAdams, we still must test you. Test you in your skills, test you in all we have taught you, test you in your commitment.  We are the stone that shall either sharpen you as an axe, that brings down a might forest. Or the one that you shatter against and lay broken for the world to gaze upon. Yes you have learned much, but there is still
Much we have to show you. There is still more that you mind has yet to fathom.  And upon our altar much shall be revealed, both of this earth and of yourself.

You asked for the terror that has torn into you Time and again. The one whom you dreaded to ever stand against. To you, by your own request, you shall see that which you ran from staring you dead in the eyes. Let us see how far you have come, let us test your metal. For more that gold, more than trinkets that the world seeks for their own vanity, we wish to see wether or not you have truly remade yourself, if you have freed your mind from all that made you one of the worst wretched we had ever laid eyes upon. Come and show us how you have grown and evolved. Show us the lessons you have learned in the short time you have been counted amongst us.  Strike us down, if you could.  Do so, for the only one whom may disappoint you by week’s end, is yourself.  

And of our Brother Amadeus.  We have listened to the words you have spoken. We know that there is a wisdom within them, and your words are not just the empty ramblings that so many of these heathens would be quick to Let pass from their mouths.  We have heard you speak of how you look to prove yourself, and display to the world why you are the one to possess the gold that you hold. We have heard you wanting to be tested by ourself, as the precious metals are tested and purified by fire. We have heard how you have seen that the battles we have had with Maero, how they did not fracture our family.  How Maero and ourself found a new and better respect between the two of us, and so should it be between ourself and you Amadeus. We hear all this, and we hope that in the end your actions shall follow all you have spoken. We hope you would stand by our side, the same as we have stood by yours. Do not think we have not noticed every flinch you take when we look upon that belt you carry. Do not think that we do not sense the tension that dwells within you. We see how greed, and fear make you cling tighter to that which you possess. We see how you dread the thought of losing it, especially to one as ourself.  You are right Amadeus, this has been a long time coming, for while we remain brothers united, we have not forgotten how you thought us a weak link.  We have yet to settle that matter, and for far too long it has lingered over all that we have made together.  At week's end we shall see wether you wished to bring about this nightmare by our side for the sake of a greater vision, or if you did so that you would not have to worry of drawing our wrath. Did you wish us by your side to topple that which stands and remake it as we saw fit?  Or do you only wish to keep us as an unassuming guard dog?   Answer not with words Amadeus. Nothing that you nor ourself nor any other would speak would mean anything. And though we all shall speak and give warning, what shall be the judge of all is what we do in the days to come after.  

Shall common enemies be enough to unite the disadvantaged?  Shall the a quest for golden glory tear apart the bonds of brotherhood link by link?  Would either of our brethern stand by us, as we would stand by them?  Soon enough we shall all have to see. 

Know this our brothers, whatever you may be thinking, we stand devoted to the greater cause of the nightmare, we would hope for your sake that you do as well.”

(With that Caine continues on till he is no longer in the frame of the shot.)

Brayden Wolfe
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post September 13th 2017, 5:18 pm by Brayden Wolfe
" You know I think we can all agree the debut match for Brayden Wolfe on Dynasty didn't really go as planned. Things didn't really turn out the way I wanted them to, but with that said I was still able to back up what I said and was able to stand by the name of The Impact Player. I say that because even though I lost my debut match, I made an impact. One that I know a lot of the guys in the back watched and those are the guys who know what kind of impact I made. I may have come up on the losing end, but like the old saying goes " you can't win em all " and as much as I would have loved to have my hand raised in my debut to Dynasty. It just didn't happen, but now it's time to look forward and this week things are a little different. See because this week we're headed to my home of Toronto, Ontario. Well really I'm from Peterborough, Ontario which is a couple hours north, but the fact is we are coming to the closest place EAW will come to my home. Which means of course my match matters that much more. Mexican Samurai you and I are stepping into the ring against each other this week and you know I'm feeling better then a lot of people would after losing a debut match. I say that because I know this week  I have my opportunity to make up for what happened last week. See Samurai I don't really know much about you because honestly your name hasn't been talked about lately. The only thing people have been talking about is me and how I have walked through that EVO Series and will walk out the winner of the whole thing. Your name hasn't been talked about because you haven't done a fucking thing for anybody to say anything. I realize I just got brought up to Dynasty and I really don't know who everybody is yet, but I've been here long enough to know who you are. With a name like that I really don't think I'd forget the face and I haven't seen it. Which makes me believe maybe you're just a little bit scared? Scared of what a rookie will do to you inside that ring? Don't get me wrong I can understand the fact that you're not on Dynasty for no reason. All I'm saying is show me why. When that bell rings you're going to be in the ring with a guy who knows how to get the job done. You're going to be in the ring with a guy who does what he does better then anybody else in the industry. Maybe you're playing the smart card and actually know what I'm saying is the truth? Maybe you're just waiting until next week to see who you get thrown into the ring with? Thinking ahead, always a smart move.  A lot of guys say a lot of things and when they actually have the opportunity to prove they are as good as they say they fail. Me, I'm a guy who can say whatever the fuck I want because I know when that bell rings I can back every word of it up. Sure I may have a loss under my belt, but that's not going to stop me from beating you Samurai. That's not going to stop me from being the winner of the EVO Series and that sure as hell won't stop me from getting that New Breed Championship. So have it in your mind all you want that I'm going into this match not having my mind right. Assume I'm not going to be ready for you because when that bell rings you're going to realize different. You're going to realize that one loss isn't going to stop The Impact Player from proving that he is every bit as good as he says he is. So, are you up for the challenge that's coming your way? I really don't think you are. Truthfully when that bell rings I think you're going to be in for the shock of your life. As much as you wanna believe you may be better then me because you've been on Dynasty longer the reality is I haven't been in EAW long. It didn't take me long to prove I am as good as I say I am and it didn't take management long to see it. You're going to be in the ring with a guy who you're not going to be ready for which seems to be the norm around this fucking place. Guys stepping into the ring with me thinking I owe them something. I don't owe a fucking thing to anybody. If anything each and every loser that steps into the ring with me should be thanking me because I'm a guy on another level. I'm a guy who doesn't give respect because I don't feel anybody deserves it. Of course that and the fact that nobody around this place wants to give me any respect why bother giving any to them right? I'm not here to make any fucking friends and if I was I still wouldn't have any in this place. I'm here for one reason and that is to prove that I am the best that wrestling has to offer. You're my test this week, but honestly it really seems more like a pop quiz. One I'll be passing with flying fucking colors. "

" Now I'm sure a lot of guys had chuckles last week when they watched me lay in the center of the ring, but those will be the same guys who will get a boot in the face down the road. Those same guys who will feel just what kind of impact I bring to the table. Those guys having those chuckles were laughing last week, but I'll be the one laughing when they end up stepping into the ring with me. I'll be the one laughing when I'm standing over them with my hand raised high in the air. I've had guys try and make a joke out of me ever since signing my contract and honestly I thought it would have stopped by now. With me doing what I've done this far in my career I thought all the talk would be done, but it's obvious that the talking continues. Call me a joke all you want, but when you step into that squared circle all the joking stops. Samurai I really hope you find your way to the Air Canada Center because I have a lot of people waiting to see me beat your fucking ass. I have a lot of people waiting for me to show why I am The Impact Player and you're the guy I'm doing it to. You're the guy I'm making an example out of and I realize I've done quite a bit this far. Toronto, Ontario...that's where I make my biggest impact of all because like the old saying goes " There's No Place Like Home ". That's where you'll wish you were when that bell rings Samurai and there's not a fucking thing you can do about it. Other then not bother showing up which looks like that may be what your plan is. Honestly that would be smarter then the route Ryan Wilson took, am I right? Whether you come to the ring or whether you don't come to the ring the outcome will remain the same. My hand will be raised and you're going to be looking up at me knowing exactly who I am. I'm here to show Dynasty what I'm really fucking made of and Samurai you're in for the fight of your life. "
Empress Madison
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post September 13th 2017, 2:42 pm by Empress Madison
Empire Promo #2

"Wherever you are going, God has already been there and paved the way for you"

-Matt 6:27-30

(The following is a flashback from 2015 a few days before Pain for Pride, Maddie slowly but surely becoming Madison Kaline)

Hi guys (Maddie opens her arms for a hug, the backstage crew people roll their eyes and pat her on the back as they walk away, you can hear them talking in the background, and laughing, Maddie walks away slumped shoulders and sad) Nobody treats me seriously, nobody treats me with the respect that I have fought so hard for. I am nothing but a joke. (Maddie sees another person backstage, she sneaks up behind them and hugs them, the get starttled and they spill there coffee all over themselves. "What the fuck Maddie? Can't you be normal for just once in your life?" The person walks away shaking their head, and Maddie once again walks away defeated) I'm sorry... I was just trying to be friendly. (Maddie then walks into a bathroom, she looks at herself in the mirror, she looks at her pony tail and brought colors) Look at you Maddie, look at what you have become. You are a child, people think you are an obnoxious freak. This is why you have no friends! (Maddie screaming at herself in the mirror) You disgust me, you actually think people want to be around you? No why would it be any different from when you were a kid, you own dad left you, your own mom had to get drunk just to be around you, you are nothing! All your life you have worried so much about what other people think of you you just want everyone's approval but now I just don't even care anymore, I am completely done trying to please these fucks. From now on it is only going to be about me, and me only. Pain for Pride is coming up in a few days, that will be the night I grab the headlines and show people who I really am. (Maddie gives an evil-ish laugh while still looking in the mirror)

(End of the flashback)

All week I have been getting criticized for picking on poor little Savannah Sunshine. The same little girl who is so afraid of me, that she hasn't even said a word this whole week, but I have been so mean to her, I mean she is just trying to be herself, she is not trying to copy what I used to be no not at all, that is what people are telling me and it is quite laughable if we are being honest here, and okay whatever regardless of what anyone thinks I am still going to kick her ass all over Empire on Thursday night. Everyone just loves to pick what I say and twist them into me just being a mean person, but that just couldn't be any further from the truth, everything that comes out of my mouth is nothing but the truth. There hasn't been a moment that I haven't been real with everyone. So everything that I said about Savannah I stand behind 100%. I know that she is going to be a tough opponent to defeat, I fully understand that, like I said Savannah is the future of this division but then again so am I, I am the future, the present and the past of this division and I am not going anywhere anytime soon. Savannah in a lot of ways does remind me a lot of myself when I first started out in EAW, outside of the goofy dopey personality that we both exhibited but we are both just a humble naive little girl just looking to make a name for herself. There are plenty of similarities yes, but don't think for one second I don't see what you are trying to do Savannah. You could say you aren't trying to be like me until the cows come home, and I won't believe you. You need to understand that I came in the very same way as you but I did it one hundred times better. Nobody too me seriously, not like how everyone is taking you seriously right now. I was in tons of Vixens title matches but still nobody took me serious, and it was all because of how goofy I was but just because nobody took me serious that doesn't mean I didn't achieve greatness, that doesn't mean I didn't break through glass ceilings. Do you not understand that I paved that road for people like you Savannah? Not everyone needs to come in as the bad bitch taking names and breaking bones, no I broke that mold, I broke it and shattered it into a thousand pieces. I proved to everyone that being nice can get you far as well. I showed everyone that working hard and playing by the rules and being yourself can get you to the next level. You are probably wondering if that worked out so well for me, why am I the way I am, and that answer is quite simple it is because of the lack of respect that was thrown my way. I was treated like a slow kid, I was treated like I didn't know a damn thing about anything. I was abused and pushed around. I was the only one doing fan signings, I was the only one who would go out of their way to put smiles on people's faces, I made this company a lot of money but what did I get in return? A pat on the back, sometimes you just want to be credit for the work that you put in. Sometimes you just want that one recognition of appreciation for all that I have done. Do you know what I mean Savannah? Of course you do I mean great minds think alike. 

Empress of Elite is something that I so desperately want to have apart of my resume here in EAW. I made it to the finals in both years of its inception and this year will be the year that I go all the way I can just feel it. The first round I defeated Revy in a close battle where I didn't have my best night but I still prevailed and walked away victorious that just goes to show you my veteran instincts inside that ring, the following week I defeated Azumi Goto with ease, she wasn't even a threat I made her look downright silly, and now this week, as you all know I get to go one on one with Savannah Sunshine. Two down and two more to go, Savannah is all the stands in my way of making it to the finals for a third straight year. It is no secret how I feel about Savannah so I won't bother speaking about it once again, but one thing is for sure I know that Savannah will give it her all, she isn't one to just mail it in, her attitude is something that I adore, she will not make it easy on me and I want that, I want the challenge of earning my victories. Not only am I going to defeat Savannah, but I want to make her cry because there is nothing that puts a smile on my face then seeing grown woman cry by the hands of me. I want to watch her in pain, i want to inflict such violence on her that she will never look at a wrestling ring the same way again, and it isn't even fun and games for her anymore. I want to crush her dreams of becoming Empress of Elite, just like the past two winners crushed my dreams. I want to let all my opponents know exactly how I felt getting beat in the last round. I don't really think Savannah has any idea what she is getting herself into here. She is going to walk into Empire with the mindset of winning yes, but at the end of the night reality will have stuck her right in the face, she thinks defeating me will be an easy feat, but in reality Savannah defeating me isn't even a realistic feat.  She actually thinks the Empress of Elite finals is something that she can obtain, but but once we are in the ring together, face to face I am going to slap any thought of that out of her head. What Savannah needs to understand is that you can't mess with fate and destiny and I am just destined to win this tournament. But unlike all those other years that I lost, I am a completely different person. In past years I just sat back and though things would go my way I just thought things would be handed to me on a silver platter, but this year I have the support of the love of my life,Keelan Cetinich, pushing me every step of the way motivating me by giving me words of advice and byhelping me keeping me focused at the task at hand and by keeping me in the right state of mind, also this year I am putting in the work and not only do I expect to win, but I expect nothing less than to walk away with the crown as the Empress of Elite winner. So I hope you are ready Savannah because this is going to be your biggest match to date, I hope you are ready because I am going to come at you full speed, I am not going to hold back, I am going to be like a bull, I hope for your sake you can handle the pressure.
Jamie O'Hara
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post September 13th 2017, 11:21 am by Jamie O'Hara
These tired cliches you’ve been spitting out since January, each time we’ve faced you’ve spoken the same words. You’ve stood there and each time you tried to build yourself up to being the threat that I don’t see coming, the danger that I refuse to acknowledge, the threat that can and will undo everything I’ve done. Yet each time I’ve taken your cliches and I’ve proven them to be false. We’ve danced this dance many of times this year already and each time the result has been the same. You can again try to get more miles out of these cliches but the gas has ran dry, the tanker is dry as a bone and they just can’t take you any further, TLA. Because I’ve PROVEN that you’re not a threat. I’ve PROVEN that while you might just bring me to the brink of defeat, you have a lot to learn; the brink of defeat is where the true battle begins. The same brink you brought me to, Xavier Williams dragged me over at Pain For Pride; the same brink you brought me to Cameron Ella Ava got me within viewing distance of true defeat. The brink of defeat is something to be proud of in the lower grades and perhaps more than enough of your opponents shat the bed when they saw it but this? This World Heavyweight Championship isn’t won on the precipice; it’s won when you’re both sent tumbling over, when you both crashing into the ground but only one motherfucker has enough left to get back up. You brought me close to defeat, your idealistic vision of what defeat looks like but like Jon Snow you know nothing, absolutely nothing about surviving at the top of the mountain, you have no idea what more it takes to become champion. And all of that, is one hell of a fucking cliche but unlike you, I’ve backed that cliche up, I’ve made it a reality by holding onto this belt no matter how close my challengers have gotten. Difference between us is that you lost. You were defeated and I’m sure it has already made you sick to hear that repeated but that is history. We’re just destined to keep repeating ourselves and the mind-numbingly boring reality is something we’re going to have to accept; your tone refuses to change. Each and every reason is no different than the last, merely skewed and tweaked to fit the current climate.

You thought you were a threat last time.

You weren’t.

You thought I wouldn’t see you coming.

I did.

You thought it was your time.

It wasn’t.

You thought you had it on lock down both times.

Neither time you did.

And that again is the bulk of your garbage, is it not? To again rattle off these regurgitated ideas and reasons; your motivation is no different than the last. I asked you when you were going to give up - I knew the answer, I even stated it. It didn’t surprise me, only cemented this very point and others I’ve stated today, last month, last season. You keep showing up with an ounce more passion, an ounce more desire, an ounce more of confidence but thus far it’s done nothing for you. You’ve approached the challenge the same way - three defeats from three, well fucking done there mate, stunning effort. But nothing changes. You know the definition of insanity, no? Doing the same thing time and time again expecting a different result. So far you’ve refused to sway from the your confidence ridden, jovial responses but each word you’ve spoken has led to nothing. Moral victories perhaps - getting “a little closer” - but victory remains something beyond your vision. Well beyond your vision. So what have you stepped before me this time with? The danger I won’t see. The challenge you have contained. The threat I refuse to acknowledge. As the saying goes, fourth time's the charm. You stand there and you tell me the same thing and you expect me to respect you. You expect me to think highly of you. You expect me consider you a threat. That? All of that is called fucking entitlement. You think that for some reason you stand just one step before the throne that you’re ENTITLED to respect, ENTITLED to being heard. Not a chance.

Point me in the direction of something with substance.

Maybe then I’ll buy what you’re selling.

You’re quite wrong, actually, TLA. Respect is earned and the men I’ve fought - those battles I came up short in - have earned my respect. How many times have I lost to Lannister? Even in the manner of which those defeats swung around, I respected and still respect him. My respect is earned. I respect my partner because she earned it, Pain For Pride 9 and Territorial Invasion. I respect Xavier Williams because the cunt refused to go down at Pain For Pride X. I respect the men who built this ring; the ring I own, the ring I carry on my back exists because of them. Why would I respect someone like you? Who has done nothing, achieved nothing noteworthy. No, you certainly are more akin to Lucian Black than you want to admit; the man fed into his own bullshit enough to believe that he was destined for the Hall of Fame because for just a few mere months - more weeks than months - he stood as champion. You’ve got what? Interwire Champion, New Breed champion under your belt? Is Mstislav the greatest scalp you’ve collected? My friend none of that commands the respect from someone like me. All of that is so miniscule. But I shouldn’t be so harsh, if I had nothing of true validity to my name I would pump hot air into every minor victory I had too. What makes you think you deserve my respect? My admiration? Kind words of any sort? What have you done? Who have you beaten? What is your greatest achievement? Or should I simply do it “because”? No reason, no validity. You can call it arrogance, you can call it my ego - my success going to my head - but do you think that’s some sort of insult? Cameron said the same thing and it barely knocked a bead of sweat from my head. There is one other person on this roster that I respect now that he’s opted to shed the suit. Perhaps that glimmer of having a match I’ve waited over three years for, got a mere taste of in December last year, could become a reality. You were somewhat right about me being a man who had given up, a man who didn’t care but that little announcement two weeks ago gave me more motivation and desire to keep going as champion. Respect isn’t handed. Respect isn’t something that is thrown on a silver platter and handed out like cocktails at a party. It’s fought for, its earned and if there’s any ounce of respect that I could find for you, it’s that in the three years I’ve been here I’ve seen you go from a bloke with experience yet the skill of the most ever-green competitor there could be to becoming someone seen as a viable contender to a mere few. But along the way you’ve done nothing to earn more of it; nothing that makes you exceptionally different from the rest. You have shown me nothing for worth, nothing of substance. But I’m quite intrigued as to what you think makes you worthy of my respect? And this time, avoid using such weak reasons; don’t waste my time as while you joke about losing brain cells, I legitimately do having to listen to your dribble.

Nothing in this business is earned without sacrifice.

I chose to eliminate any possible distraction. Sure I’ve taken steps to rebuild some bridges but still many remain well within the past with no second thought entertained. You have this habit of bringing up my flaws, bringing up who I am and providing more like social commentary and opinion rather than criticising. But maybe that’s where you’re not the dumb cunt I believe you to be; you can’t criticise success. You can despise it, you can disagree with it...but I don’t see you criticising. Don’t worry, I’ve asked myself if what I’ve done is worth it more times than you’ve stepped into your STD riddled shit hole. Every night, every morning; I may seem like a man without a soul but I can assure you I battle with the questions about the methodology I’ve approached my time as champion with. Maybe I’ve built my bridge with Cameron a little faster because of her influence on this match, but it's just speeding up a process I would otherwise be doing down the track. I’m not concerned about her nor her presence in this match; I know her better than anyone. Seems there’s a bit of paranoia running in your mind about her influence, mate. I’m not someone like Ares Vendetta who bears nothing more than the animalistic instinct of bloodlust; I’m simply a man who wishes to be entertained and for so long was struggling to find where that entertainment is going to spawn from after Territorial Invasion. The people, the businesses, if they stood as distractions would you move on? Would you sacrifice your petty jokes if it meant just one person more took you as a threat? I would hazard a guess and say no; if you haven’t learnt what holds you back by now I’m guessing it’s going to be some time more before you do. It's a lesson I thought you would have learned by now

And nothing compares to the lie that you’ve had to fight to get here. Bull fucking shit.

You’ve progressed your way up the ladder. Over the years you’ve taken it one rung at a time and moved at a...moderate pace. What did you ever fight for? You became champion of a lower division, fought admirably and when your days were up you moved onto the next title. Rinse and repeat. Of course I already know the answer to this. In January I stood across from a man who thought he didn’t get the World Championship opportunities he deserved. Who felt like he was a second tier champion in the middle of the pack division; overlooked, underappreciated. You saw men with similar gold around their wastes get their opportunities; I couldn’t imagine how bitter it must have tasted to see someone like the National Elite champion competing inside the Elimination Chamber for a World Championship. Overlooked….underappreciated….underrated...you were none of that TLA. You wonder why I see you as a man entitled? It’s because you entrenched that thought in my mind when you said you deserved title shots, deserved to be in the main event well before 2017. Men get those chances because they excel in their position. Borg got his chance because he emerged as one of the best new talent to shine on Showdown. I got my chance in 2014 as the New Breed champion of all things because I showed that nobody could quite unseat me as champion. We excelled. Again it's this common connection between you and Black that I can’t shake. When it's your own skill, your own ability in this ring that holds you back, you’re not fighting against the world, you’re fighting with yourself. And you can come up with a more overt way of saying that, whatever fits your education I suppose, but to say you fought at all to get to this stage of your career is fucking insulting to everyone who ever had to fight to earn their place. It’s insulting to anyone who was truly held down and had to force their way to the top. You weren’t held down by anyone, you weren’t denied opportunities because you didn’t do a damn thing to deserve them to begin with. You can bitch and moan, stomp your feet and try to convince me otherwise but while you were showcasing mediocrity in this ring, I was showing excellence, I was dealing with men like you who thought they deserved equal chances because “reasons”. Nothing of substance, just poorly strung together reasons, more begging like pathetic dogs than anything else. And I was putting them in their place. No, now you’re in a true fight and if you think that the last three and a bit years were rough? Then allow me to reintroduce you to this new world. I’m not a champion who is going to reluctantly hand his title over, who isn’t going to reach a set number of days and be satisfied with his “fix”. But even here you haven’t fought. Look at the rest of the contenders. You defeated Mstislav, a man who hasn’t had his heart in this since he lost his title last year. Mighty fucking effort, let's give TLA a round of applause lads! Voltage is set for you to succeed, for you to reign well into the new year, for TLA to cement his legacy as a top tier competitor. No, you’re in for the fight of your fucking life and you’re in a fight with a man who has the legs to go the distance; a man who sets the pace for you to meet, raises the bar further and further. This structure, this idyllic world that some may see is ripe for you to take just has one issue and that’s me. THIS is a fucking fight! THIS is a battle that makes or breaks men and if you think you’ve been battle hardened by the wars you endured as champion of lower divisions then this battlefield will become your gravesite sooner rather than later.

No matter how hard you fight, no matter how hard you believe you’ve fought, there’s a mile between the rung you stand on and apex I reign. You can show your heart but I will turn it to dust. You can show me your fire, your passion and I will leave charred remains in its place. And by the end of the night, it won’t be the sound of your name chanted throughout the building that echoes, simply the whimpering of a dying dog is all that will break the silence of their disappointment.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post September 13th 2017, 9:18 am by Nobi
As you saw last week, Lioncross and Lyuncrust gave me a valuable advice to keep moving forward for a better future. I was being tough to myself and I kept blaming myself for everything happened at Pain For Pride X. C’mon, it’s natural to feel that way after being unable to help someone in their last match, especially if he’s my own best friend. At first, I didn’t listen to any LC’s advices back at Dia Del Diablo because I never felt I had any burden on my back and my shoulders. As a matter of fact, I always used it as my own motivation to beat anyone who’s standing in my way and to get the success I want. It made me more focus and deteriminated, at least that’s what I thought. I acknowledged Stark as the better man when he beat me at the same night and I thought to myself, my will wasn’t strong enough. I was cocky enough when I said I wanted to win the NE Championship for LC yet I can’t get the job done to do so. I was ashamed to myself, so instead of changing my mind-set, I kept that will in my heart and my soul to make some progress for myself. Somehow it worked and it becomes my number one personal goal. In all honesty, I just kept thinking of LC, even after the man himself came to lecture me at Diablo.

Until last week...

LC pretty much said the same thing to me last week. While he might use different words and sentences, he really wanted me to focus more on myself and for my own future. That’s the point he made last week and back at Diablo. The only thing that made a difference though, he was much more serious last week. You heard it yourself, he’ll kick my ass if I kept being tough to myself. I’m not afraid of an ass-kicking, of course not, but I know for sure that he didn’t regret anything. He really mean it, therefore he made it loud and clear enough that I have to move on and keep chasing the success for myself. He doesn’t want me to forget why I am here. He wants me to forget everything that happened at Pain For Pride X. I appreciate everything what he said to me and I want to say this to my opponent this week:

I’m all blank sheet.

You heard me right, James Ranger. I’m all blank sheet. I don’t think of anything this week. Perhaps a little bit and that is just to beat you 1-2-3 right in the middle of the ring in a clean and honorable way. That’s what I’m thinking and that’s what I want. I have to beat you in order to gain more momentum for The Elimination Chamber match. Brian Daniels put you in The Elimination Chamber because he believes in you. He believes you are the future. He might not say it directly but I do know that’s what he’s thinking about you. You beat POP last week after all. If it was a title match, you will be the one who’s defending the NE Championship in The Chamber instead of POP. I don’t care if you are really a pure NEO rookie or someone who quit from EAW a couple of years ago, all I care about now that is you’re someone who’s going to give me a really tough fight this week. You’ll still going to give me a tough fight at Elimination Chamber, because that’s what you really are: a tough guy. That’s the reason why The Board decided to call you up to the main roster because The Board has a high hope for you. Are you really a tough guy? Yes, you are. Are you a money-maker? Yes, you are. All I can say to you right now that is I’m feeling exited to face you, James. I know you’re not gonna dissapointed me, son.

I do apologize in advance if I’m going to dissapoint you though. Despite how skill and talented you are, we won’t know what happened inside the square ring. Hey, I’m not saying I will definitely beat you, but it is possible that I can beat you, just like it’s possible that you can beat me. You beat POP after all. But here’s the fact: I respect you, but you don’t have to respect me back. You can try to beat me any way you want and any way you like. We can make this match like a “Code of Honor” match or you can try to cheat to steal a victory from me. It’s all up to you, James, I don’t really care about it. All I care about is just the momentum I need for The Chamber match. Don’t worry though, if you think I’m just a walk in the park then you’re wrong. I did suffer a few loses after Stark beat me, but he’s actually the last man who was able to pin me. It’s been a while since anyone can beat me properly. Do you really want to beat me? Then you have to prepare for everything in our match, James. Our match is going to be intense and our match will probably steal the show. Are you ready to win? I bet you are. Are you ready to lose? Hmm, you are the one who can answer it. Are you ready for this match? You have to be ready because I’m ready for everything.

POP, I trust you enough to be the referee but if you’re going to mess with my match, then you’re going to have a little “preview” from me and possibility from James as well before The Chamber match. Well, like I said, I trust you to be the referee, POP.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post September 13th 2017, 8:23 am by TLA
Footage is shown of TLA talking shit about Jamie O’Hara back in July.

“I’m glad to see that Jamie has apparently embraced having a stick up his ass and being boring as fuck as one of his keys to success.” - TLA, July 2017

TLA: See Jamie I’ve said you was successful before. Ain’t I a good hombre? 



The footage fades back into the flooded out wreckage of the Poon Palace in Miami, Florida which has sustained severe damage from Hurricane Irma. Workers are shown cleaning up the area and attempting to restore power to the building as strippers splash each other in the flood waters.

TLA: How bowh dah for a marketing slogan Jamie? “Come on down to the Poon Palace! We may be flooded out but that just means our bitches are even wetter than usual!”. Ye ye ye that’s fixin’ to get me rich as fuck. Straight wildin’ but we keepin’ it real. But don’t worry we still got all our usual deals down at the Palace. TLA ain’t ‘bout none of that price gouging shit.

The camera zooms back to reveal a massive television screen showing footage of the Poon Palace as well as other damaged sites across Florida. TLA is shown watching intensely as he pumps iron in the gym in preparation for his World Heavyweight Championship match against Jamie O’Hara at Ground Zero.

TLA: Unfortunately… I can’t actually be there right now. Normally I’d move heaven and earth for mi familia but I have made promises that I gots to keep. I got people who be depending on me and unfortunately for all y’all that means I already be booked. I been hearin’ y’all in fact half the time on Voltage I ain’t hear shit else. I know that Jamie hear it too. He hear that deafening as fuck crowd that be chantin’ the name of La Pantera Sexual!


TLA: I know that shit be makin’ Jamie’s skin crawl. Makin’ him ill. He ain’t down for none of that. He lookin’ to silence them haters… but they only be gettin’ louder no matter what he try. Jamie gettin’ ill but I’m still tha illest. Honestly I should be thanking Jamie. Gracias papi you be makin’ that business boomin’ for TLA! The more that you put me down the more them homies rally up on that TLA bandwagon. This bandwagon fixin’ to burst but yo we got room for any of y’all still lookin’ to hook up. Them fans be fleein’ hard from Jamie but he got some loyal motherfuckers still hangin’ on. Not that he give a fuck ‘bout them. Jamie don’t give no fucks ‘bout his fans, ‘bout his exes. 

He only gives fucks ‘bout that World Heavyweight Championship ‘round he waist.

TLA: Jamie’s confidence and he ego be at an all time high. He beat yo boiz ass so he think he got this shit in the bag. He beat he girls ass so he think he all macho ‘n unstoppable ‘n shit. He goin’ off collectin’ them Ws and collectin’ none of them Ls. He want TLA to spit some luv at him. Put that respeck on he name. Tell me I’m successful he say. TLA ain’t never told me I’m successful. Despite all the respect I’ve shown to Jamie in the past, nearly kissing his ass in our past matches it ain’t enough for him. Even shaking his hand this week on Voltage ain’t enough. Nah he need that specific respect. But it ain’t even about respect. Nah see I got this shit locked down now. Jamie don’t want me to say he successful outta respect. This is about control. He wants me to say he successful because he told me to. But imma rebellious tigre… Fuck you Jamie I won’t do what you tell me! So Jamie you want me to tell you that you successful? Nah vato… You know how this works. You gotta earn that shit.

If you somehow manage to pull out that W at Ground Zero… I’ll stand in the middle of that ring on Voltage and tell the world just how successful you are.

TLA: That’s my promise with you holmes. But it ain’t gonna happen. While you tryna get some luv from La Pantera Sexual maybe you should be focusin’ on yo mamacita! From the sounds of things you two ain’t doin’ so well. I hope it ain’t got nothin’ to do with what’s been goin’ down in the bedroom. If Jamie O’Hara ain’t measurin’ up then Cam best know that TLA’s doors are always open! For real tho, I ain’t shook none. If Cam decides to fuck Jamie over then that shit ain’t my problem. Imma be takin’ that W any way yo boi can get it and ain’t gonn’ lose no sleep. I ain’t no insecure lil bitch who need to front. I been honest from the get go. It’s for that World Heavyweight Championship. Like Jamie say sometime you gotta be a real cunt. But you can’t count out the only person in this match who actually has a real cunt. Cameron Ella Ava. I ain’t got no beef with you gurl. I legit hope you straight and are gonna call this thang down the middle.

Cuz the last thing I need is Jamie bitching and blaming you when he take that L.

TLA: As I said on Voltage a couple weeks ago, Jamie thinks he’s untouchable but I already proved at Burning Desire just how close he came to defeat. This time we goin’ all the way. This time Jamie is gonna be as touchable as a Poon Palace stripper when security ain’t lookin’. Jamie will deny it until the end. Livin’ in he own world that he need to live in. Sayin’ TLA is nothin’. Sayin’ TLA a comedy act. Sayin’ he ain’t worried ‘bout no TLA. Sayin’ that TLA on the level of El Landerson or Lucian Black. Pero he ain’t foolin’ nobody. Goin’ into our first match let’s be real… Nobody thought I had a chance. I was underdoggin’ it as fuck. Goin’ into our second match maybe a few thought I had a chance. But after that night shit done changed. The crowd ain’t turned on TLA like Jamie done hoped. They ain’t moved on to find someone else. They ain’t rallied ‘round Jamie neither.  Nah now more than ever the TLArmy be on my side.

They say now is the time that TLA becomes World Heavyweight Champion.

TLA: Can’t stop, won’t stop. Jamie has asked it time and time again. At what point does TLA realize he don’t stand a chance? At what point does TLA give up on he dream of being World Heavyweight Champion? To that question I done answered it a million times already. But if words ain’t enough I suggest y’all subscribe to the EAW Network and watch a lil show called Territorial Invasion. In fact Jamie… I think you might have even been there! The facts are that I ain’t gave up yet despite yo best attempt. You ain’t kept me away. You can claim that I ain’t beat nobody who matters. Claim that I don’t deserve this title shot. Claim whatever you want to try and tear me down. 

I believe in myself and I will never stop coming.

TLA: You ain’t gonna see it comin’ neither. That threat you be overlookin’. Gonna catch you off guard and end it all. The great World Heavyweight Championship reign of Jamie O’Hara come crashin’ down in an instant. This shit Ground Zero. It’s gonna collapse faster than the World Trade Center did. Jamie O’Hara may be Australian but he actin’ just like the United States of America in the 1990s. Ain’t no threats ‘round him. Don’t need to worry. Don’t need to prepare. The strongest in the world. The best in the world. Then some planes show up and that world view done get shattered. Ground Zero servin’ as a reminder of that shit. It’s gonna stand as a reminder of hubris. A reminder of what can happen if you take yo eye off the ball.

A reminder to Never Forget.

TLA: In the United States that devastation and destruction only made us stronger. We rebuild. We improved. We never gave up. Same with Japan. Same with every other country who has suffered a Ground Zero in they lives. Same with me as well. You could say I’ve suffered my own share of Ground Zeros. Jamie is right ‘bout some shit. I was confident in myself in both our last encounters. Maybe I even got some of that arrogance but yo we luchadores… it’s how we roll. I go into every match with a game plan. I go into every match lookin’ to win. Believin’ imma take that W home. Believin’ in myself. Ground Zero for TLA, lookin’ like some of them devastating defeats. Them big ass matches I came up short. Pero soy demasiado fuerte para ser roto por la derrota! I’ve made mistakes. I’ve come up short. I’ve had my own Ground Zeros. I will rebuild. I will remember. I will not give up. If I have to do it a million times, I will stand up. I will beat my chest under this Sexual Panther t-shirt. 

I will chase my dream.

TLA: Florida Strong. México Fuerte. I made Aren a believer. I’ve beaten some of the toughest men in this business and yet the only respect they get from Jamie is “sub-par contenders”. Aren ended his legendary career at Territorial Invasion against me and honestly I ain’t even thought I had to defend he honor to nobody. If there was one man on Voltage that Jamie O’Hara could have respected I’d figured it would be him. But shit’s clear that Jamie don’t respect him. It’s clear that Jamie don’t respect anyone on Voltage but himself. It goes even further than that tho. I don’t for one second believe that Jamie respects anyone in this business but himself. He gives no credit, no acknowledgement to nobody. Not even Cameron Ella Ava. I wondered why. I questioned why. Is Jamie really that insecure? Has his ego really reached that high of levels to have gotten this outta control? Is the gold getting to his head? It ain’t nothing so complex. Shit’s the difference between me and him. I love this business, I love its warriors, and I love its fans.

Jamie just doesn’t give a shit.

TLA: I don’t find it admirable. I don’t even find it pathetic. I just find it sad. It’s a pity that one of this great sports greatest athletes doesn’t even respect his own sport. He’s the World Heavyweight Champion, he has beaten ‘em all, he won at Pain for Pride X on the grandest stage of ‘em all. A normal man would be thrilled, a normal man would be happy. When I look at Jamie O’Hara as he comes to the ring week after week after week wearing that gold… I don’t see a happy man. When I hear him spit them words, I don’t hear a happy man. I see a man who has given up. I see a man who has forsaken his friends. I see a man who has forsaken his fans. I see a man who has all but forsaken the love of his life. ¿Y para qué? For the World Heavyweight Championship? Was it worth it? Maybe that’s not a good question… You have come this far after all… Maybe a better question would be… what is next? What else do you have left? What will be your next sacrifice Jamie? Hell I don’t know if I even want to know if you have anything left to give. Honestly, I don’t know if I want to see what happens when you have nothing left.

But I will find out.

TLA: I’m curious. Maybe I do want to see what happens when Jamie O’Hara has nothing left. When I fall… I got friends. I got family. I got fans. My homies these people that Jamie O’Hara has completely discarded believing that it makes him stronger… These people make me stronger. They give me something and someone to fight for. Stripped of all that, I have the corazón of a warrior. I would keep fighting. But it would be for nothing. For glory. For pride. For success. For championships. For myself. But together we are stronger. Together we are an army. In that ring I may stand alone, but en mi vida… we stand together. 

We stand strong. 

TLA: Yet Jamie O’Hara has the cojones to say that I never fought. He dares to act like I feel entitled to anything. To act like I ain’t earned every single victory I’ve gotten. To act like I ain’t fought for every shred of respect I be gettin’. To say any less would not only be an insult to me, but to you as well. You ain’t that ignorant Jamie. For all of yo flaws you ain’t never been a stupid man. So you should really stop sayin’ shit that when I listen to makes me feel like I’m destroying brain cells. You say that my response to climbing a mountain is “nah fuck that”. Nah holmes my response to yo bullshit is more like “nah fuck you”. I wouldn’t be here if any of what you said was true. I take that mountain head on. I’ve taken it on before. Imma take it on again. I’ve taken on all comers. But that’s not what you’re talking about is it Jamie? Improving my standing as a contender? You want me to do it your way. You want me to throw everything that makes me who I am away. You want me to have nothing left. You want me to be like you. Throw away my friends, family, fans, loved ones, close down the Poon Palace… put Abuela Pantera in a retirement home. Sexual Panther Productions? If we ain’t out of business by now I should shut that shit down too. I ain’t gonna do that. I have no reason to. It’s the sad truth that you will have to confront one day or another. Everything that you gave up… everything that you sacrificed. 

You didn’t have to do it.

TLA: It’s gonna be a horrifying sight to watch. It’s a victory I will be proud of, but a devastating defeat the likes of which I have never dealt out. For now, Jamie I hope you sleep well knowing all that you have given up. Look at that championship gold and tell yourself that it was worth it. Tell yourself that you had no other choice. Tell yourself that others are too attached… too weak. Cuz one day… soon enough… that gold won’t be sitting there to reassure you.

What will you tell yourself then?

TLA resumes pumping iron as the camera zooms back in on the television screen showing footage from the Poon Palace. A stripper is shown violently thrashing in handcuffs as the feds arrest her for looting.
Stephanie Matsuda
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post September 13th 2017, 8:16 am by Stephanie Matsuda
Empire Promo #1


(The camera opens to a corridor in a New York City hospital. The camera slowly pans down the hall, showing various medical staff going about their day and interacting with patients. The camera stops in front of a room where a hooded figure wearing black tights and a gray hoodie is standing in the doorway. The camera turns to the figure who has their hands in their pockets. A female voice speaks from within the room.)

Familiar Voice: (weakly) I hate you.

Hooded Figure: I know.

(The voice turns out to be Stephanie Matsuda’s)

Familiar Voice: (weakly) Why are you here?

Stephanie: Because I’m the only one who cares.

Familiar: (coughs) Heh. About me?

Stephanie: Yes. I care about the fact that I’m the one who put you here. I care how you’re in no condition to hurt Aria, Tarah, or anyone else I love. I care that your career is over, and I’m the reason why.

Familiar: (weakly) I guess you hate me too.

Stephanie: I don’t hate you. I pity you.

(A long moment of silence)

Stephanie: You won’t see me again.

(Stephanie turns around, showing signs of wear and tear on her face from the two matches she had the past weekend. There’s a band-aid over her nose from her fight with Cailin; Behind her blue and black bangs, a black eye is seen, acquired from the tag match on Voltage. The camera pans back as it follows her down the hall. A doctor walks with Stephanie, and looks at his chart.)

Doctor: Did you see her?

Stephanie: Yeah. How long she’s going to be here?

Doctor: Tough to say. I can guarantee that she’ll never be able to wrestle again. 

Stephanie: Good.

(The doctor coughs nervously)

Doctor: Why pay for her bills, then?

Stephanie: What is broken can be made again. I broke her and so I will remake her. 

Doctor: What if she tries to go back?

Stephanie: I’ll kill her.

(The doctor stops in steps as Stephanie Matsuda walks in the elevator alone and turns to face the doors. As the elevator close, Steph’s narration begins)

“Some things in life are inevitable. We both knew the risks when we shared our first night. We were two souls who dreamed the same thing: to be the best in the world. We were two warriors, obsessed with the thrill of the fight. We took different paths, but it all leads to the same destination: September 7, 2017. Some say I went too far; others claim she got what she deserved. Regardless of the circumstances, one fact remains: I broke the Dream Killer. I did what I had to do to advance, and if you ask me, I have no regrets.”

(The elevator door opens as Cloud walks towards the exit)

“Cailin once said ‘I always had an answer.' She couldn’t have been more right with that statement. Sheridan tried to come for me, and I shut her down. Cailin gave me everything, and I had a final solution for her hot mess. Two former champions who are no longer employed by the Empire brand after getting kicked out of Cloud Country. I told the EAW Universe that I wasn’t playing any games and now everyone sees how serious this tournament is. The Empress of Elite has become the Game of Death, and I’m holding all the chips.”

(Cloud walks a bit more slowly, staring at various people who return the gesture)

“The world is watching me. For the first time, they know and understand who Stephanie “Cloud” Matsuda is. I fought like hell and took out two former world champions. If that isn’t a resume for a right to challenge the current champ, then I don’t know what is. But alas, I’m halfway to the finish line. My next opponent is also someone I’m quite familiar with. She calls me sister and is the one who taught me to lay it all on the line. I owe her a victory, and I plan on keeping my promise. I’m over Sheridan and Cailin. Their careers are six feet under, locked away for eternity.”
(Cloud walks into the hospital florist shop and buys a rose.)

“So many things happened this year. I went from being a glorified mid carder to the hottest surprise pick in the EOE. I was barely on anyone’s top 5 list. These days, the same people are scrambling to make space for me.”

(Cloud walks out, and continues towards the exit)

“They can keep their adoration. Their shock and awe are enough attention for me.”

(Cloud walks outside and checks her surroundings for a moment. She walks up to a coffee truck and buys a small cup. She takes a sip, savoring the taste.)

“I gave this hustle every thing I have. The whole world knows my story: A good girl gone bad for all the wrong reasons. Now, this wayward daughter is beginning to find her way in the world. Winning the Empress of Elite tournament means everything to me. It’s a testament to the hard work and effort I’ve put into surpassing my limits. I know that if I fight every battle like the one at Terminus, then I should be able to progress to the next level. By that, I mean the one that exists beyond the main event lights. I triumphed over two main eventers; my end goal goes even further. People talk about how Aria Jaxon is the only main eventer left standing - bulls*beep*t. Women like Alexis and I are trading our souls for a shot at immortality, and people overlook us. I grow tired of the one woman show Empire has become. This feeling is no shade to my dear friend, but the moment I shared with her and Tarah signified a new age has dawned upon us on Thursday nights. I intend on being ahead of the pack, leading the way as the War Empress of Empire.”

(Cloud briefly looks at her phone. She furrows her eyebrows, shrugs, and starts walking down the street)

“When you found me Alexis, I was a confused soul, lonely and bitter at the hand life had dealt me. I thought my friends abandoned me, but as I think back, it was I who pushed them away. I took their absence as a sign that I was falling behind. I was fearful that I didn’t have what it took to survive in this business. I was scared that I would forever be irrelevant, just a body to fill a match on the card. To this day, that fear still lingers in the shadow. I’m a competitor sweets; Every battle is a question of my strength, a test of my will. I’m a dream chaser, catching all my goals. What I didn’t anticipate was those dreams to be shattered by my own hands. It wasn’t Tarah, Aria, or Cailin. It was me letting my insecurities getting the best of me. Instead of crying out for help, I ran away looking for a solution. That’s when Eclipse came to me. He introduced me to you - not the adorable redhead I fought - but the real you, The Mother of Sanatorium. You gave me a home, put food on the table, and taught me to embrace my darkest desires. We walked hand in hand, causing havoc all over the world with Brody, Maddie, and Jocelyn. Back then I thought this was to be my fate - a personal sword for a madman. You’re right about my dissatisfaction. I didn’t want to just be someone’s sword. I was disgusted with myself, yes. You may have forgotten but we took a trip down memory lane in the form of a former lover of mine. This was an individual who did something to me and my ‘sisters’. He took something for us that we could never get back and I wanted him to pay. You and the others...assisted with this endeavour. This act was something I can never wash my hands of and simply go about my life. I went too far down the rabbit hole and there was no getting out. Meanwhile, I played the role of bodyguard while the rest of you got the opportunities. If anything, it was a repeat of season nine; I was on the sidelines while my friends was successful. Time is a flat circle and here I was, playing the same role as before. Something had to give. So I contacted Mao and did something about it. The lingering fear of irrelevance was closing in and I was doing whatever it took to escape its grasp. So I betrayed my sisters in The Coven for an exchange for a title shot. I cheated Aria and Cai out of their match for a seat at the table. I don’t regret my actions, even to this day. I sat there for watched everyone else do whatever it took to get what they wanted. It was my turn to get mine, so I did. 

(Cloud crosses a street as she looks both ways. She checks her phone again and smiles as she takes a sip of her coffee)

“Maybe I could have gone about it differently. I should have confided in The Coven. But I didn’t and took the selfish route instead. Why? I didn’t trust you. My best friend and lover broke my heart; in my mind, how was I supposed to trust anybody? I wasn’t stupid either. When I reunited with my ex, I saw the missed calls and text messages. He was reaching out. After The Coven declared war on me, the calls continued, and the messages grew longer. It no longer became her pleading with Eclipse for my life. There was something else in the works, something that had nothing to do with me. Once again, I was pushed by the wayside. I knew this walking into Terminus. Consumed with a vengeance, I wanted to eradicate you, Alexis. I was in so much pain my dear sister. I thought to save Lauryn was my redemption. The irony was that you were saving her from me.”

(Cloud closes her eyes as a small tear goes down her eye)

“The lingering fear has overtaken me and I became desperate. I was a ravenous beast, willing to do anything and everything to get what I wanted. I was even willing to kill someone in front of Lauryn’s eyes. When I climbed into the Devil’s Pit I had plans to kill you Alexis, even if I had to do it in front of Lauryn. What kind of messed s*beep*t is that? I’ve fallen far into the dark and you did everything in your power to save. Yes, Alexis you saved me through blood soaked tears. The shadows were never meant for me. I was a Sky Princess, an angel who fell from the skies into the pits of hell. You were born in darkness; you knew what it was like to be in the sunken place, with those thoughts that plague our hearts. This ‘Mark’ you speak of...I know it’s more than a cry for attention. I’ve seen things through your eyes, things I’ll never openly admit. Something has you in its grasp. As we escaped the Shadows, we left you to be possessed by an unknown spirit. For that I am sorry. Maddie, Brody, and I left you, and now you’re consumed with the lingering shadow over irrelevance that hangs above all of us.”

(Cloud takes a sip from her coffee and watches the traffic while she walks)
“I’ve found the light, but it wasn’t easy. I had to sacrifice everything to see what mattered the most. In a way, I died back in China, only to be reborn. Lauryn loves the both of us. We gave her a choice to stay home, but she offered to visit you whenever she could. She understands your struggle deeper than I ever could. She’s told me of how you wake up in cold sweats and cry alone at night. Not even Eclipse has an answer for what you struggle with. He’s one with his fate. But you Alexis...you’re a mother. A caretaker, someone whom others rely on. I don’t fully understand what’s going on, but I know one thing…

(Cloud walks across the street to the seaport on the edge of the city. She smiles at the Statue of Liberty in the distance)

“I will save you from the darkness. It’s my fault that I left you to be consumed, my fault for allowing Cailin to lie to you, my fault for letting my rage tear us apart. I love you Alexis, just as much as I love Aria and nowadays Tarah. Heh, never thought I would ever admit that. I want you to thrive with us in the light; Eclipse is in a place where few dare to travel and one day he’s going to go too far. You need to be his anchor, sweets. You were meant to bring light to his darkness, not suffer together in the shadows. I know that when I step into the ring with you on Thursday, I won’t be fighting you, but this ‘Mark.' It hungers for my resolve, my experience in battle. It wishes to sank its fangs into my soul, draining every ounce of hope I have. It wants my darkest fears, the leftover rage that stems in my heart. I’m by no means perfect - you’ve seen that at the beginning of this video. But, the woman I was looking at was the result of when the darkness as consumed every ounce of your being. I can’t let that happen. I’m willing to risk my life for you Alexis. I hate that in order to save you, I have to beat you, but I can’t let this creature you’ve become rule over Empire. There’s so much progress we’ve made - we’re seeing the likes of Consuela Ava and Savannah Sunshine come into their own. April Song is learning what it means to be a champion. If I let you beat me, all of that will be for naught. The Mark will overtake Empire and crush it in its crutches. I don’t think Aria knows what you’re capable of like this. I know you, sweets. I know what it’s like when we’re consumed by our flaws. When I fight you, it won’t be an act of aggression, but one of love.”

(Cloud stops in her tracks and smiles as she sees Monica Vaughan sitting on a bench, playing with her phone.)

“Alexis taught me how to love, as she did with Joseph. We wouldn’t be able to survive in this world without her watching over us. It’s time I return the favor. This creature that has you will have its work cut out for it. For it crawled up from the shadows and trespassed into Cloud Country, land of the War Queen. I am the Stargirl of Elite Answers Wrestling, the Lightbringer of the Empire Division. To know the light, I had to walk through the valley of shadow and death. The lingering fear of irrelevance still follows me, but as long as there’s love in my heart, I am safe from its claws. It’s a brand new day, the first step into a brighter future. What resides in Alexis’ heart are phantoms from the past; I intend on pulling her from the sunken past into the heavens of tomorrow. I vow on my soul that I will save you Alexis Diemos.”

(Cloud walks up to Monica, hands her the rose and kisses her on the cheek.)

“I will show you the love you’ve shown me at fighting for your soul. Why?”

(The camera pulls away as Cloud and Monica walks off hand in hand)

“Because you’re my sister and that’s what sisters do.”
Theron Nikolas
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post September 13th 2017, 7:25 am by Theron Nikolas
I'm glad; truthfully, it's a little refreshing to find myself standing against a different name, even if a few months ago I wished it would have been on different circumstances.

This is the land of opportunity.

In some regard that can be true; we’re two names that weren't really expected to stand in this positions that we do now. We've taken entirely different roads, but if there's two names that personify the word progress - it's the two of us, Rex. We're in the middle of water infested with sharks, but we're coping just fine; some could even say that we've been thriving in it.

I'm not going to lie though - I was disappointed at Pain for Pride. I had the listen to the murmurs; Rex McAllister is the future of this business. There wasn't a doubt in the mind of many that there was going to be a day where you would one day find yourself standing at the top of this company with one of those crown jewels grasping firmly in both of your hands. I wished that I had the chance to fight for the championship that you cherished. I never once gave Stark a chance; I mean, how could I? The man’s a disappointment; constantly being given the chance to turn himself in a star and immediately dropping the ball the moment he's given the chance to run. But, he did it. He took the wind out of your sails and planted the seed of whether Rex McAllister actually held the capabilities needed to conquer a business as cruel as this one. I'm really not impressed. This rise of yours; breaking through that glass ceiling over your head - I should be. I should take you seriously. I should see you in the light as so many others, but I just can't. I was forced to listen to the claims of my eventual downfall. The moment that I stepped away from Tiberius’ wing, I would immediately fall. This business is easy when you're shrouded in success, but there was this expectation that I would crumble the moment that I would be forced to swallow that foul taste of defeat. You've had it easy since Pain for Pride; another name has walked out from the shadows to strap you to their back and carry you forward. I know, it's cliche, but I can't let this slide. You can't be proud. The biggest wins of your career tainted. John Doe handed you the chance at Tiberius, in which you inevitably failed to cash in on. At Territorial Invasion you were merely nothing more than a side attraction for a much bigger show; the arrival of John Doe himself. But, Showdown - don't get me started.

John Doe isn't going to be there in that chamber.

I'm preparing for every possibility. That was the greatest lesson that Tiberius taught me was at Dia Del Diablo. Don't look forward through tunnel vision. Take a step back; look at every piece of the situation that you're handed and adjust accordingly. If the last few weeks has taught us anything - there's always going to be that one name lurking in the shadows just waiting to save the day. I should count myself as fortunate. I've been at war for months; constantly forced to look back over my shoulder for whatever name is looking to cut my legs out from under me. The benefit for me is that, even in defeat I don't lose much, if anything. For you, I don't believe you're as lucky, my friend. The ground you're standing on is fragile. John Doe knows it. Brian Daniels knows it, and more importantly - you know it. When's another opportunity like this going to fall your way, Rex? If the last two years have taught you anything; these opportunities comes few and far between. One loss - poof, it’s all gone; forced to fall back into the position that you’re all too familiar with and slowly inch yourself closer to the position that you’ve dreamed to stand in.

But, are you proud?

Are you proud of the trail that you’ve blazed throughout your time in this company? Are you proud of your time with the New Breed Championship; were you satisfied with what you managed to do as National Elite Champion? I faced the challenges that were meant to cut me down and I passed with flying colours; you’re in the same position. There’s that cloud hanging over your head and now you’re forced to shed it. I’m going to always doubt the things you do while you have something to fall back on. You’re not here because you deserve to stand here; you’re here simply because John Doe wants you to be here. He must see something in you that I’ve always failed to see. He must see a man with all the right pieces to make a star, where as I see a man that’s managed to overachieve by miles. I called you out for months. I wanted one crack at that championship that rested on your shoulder. I never got that opportunity, but this one on Showdown is just as grand. I can prove what would have happened. I can prove what Rex McAllister truly holds deep down.

People are going to be watching, Rex, but none of them are going to save you from what comes from my hands.
Jon McAdams
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post September 13th 2017, 5:15 am by Jon McAdams
Jon McAdams
Voltage 1

System down

Cackling is heard down the dimly lit corridors of this old wooden hallway. The window is broken open and there is blood staining the glass as torn blinds rest on top of it. The door on the farthest side of the hallway creeks open and as the camera men step inside there is a tall ripped red chair sitting in a dark room. The silhouette of Jon McAdams sits within it. His eyes almost glowing against the reflection of the moon. His cackling comes to an end as the camera enters and he places his cane down before his feet, both hands resting at the top of it.

“Doesn’t feel good,” McAdams growls. “No, not at all. It does not feel good to come up short each time I reach for gold. Each moment robbed from me, after so much meticulous planning to get me involved in each moment, and make it all count and to work so hard. So much harder than any of these fucks who pretend they don’t know my name, or act like I’m not worth mentioning, yet they can’t stop dropping it to get their shots in from the bottom of the pit. All of you pissants who have taken advantage of my moments of weakness. All you bottom feeding children. Men like Anthony Leonhart who managed to complain their way into a title shot, and Harvey Yorke. Men who are unfit to stand at my level, yet here I find myself having eaten defeat to them. I am feeling backed into a corner here. I reach these pinnacle moments only to have them snatched away from me. I’m finding myself slipping in and out of who I am. It is becoming easier to just… lose control.”

McAdams begins laughing loudly, his voice becoming hoarse and gravelly. He sounds less and less like himself.

“NO!,” McAdams roars. “It won’t be happening again. Harvey Yorke. This time when we meet you’ll get the full delivery. You’ll hear and feel and see all that I am. This time you won’t be able to withstand my relentless assault. You won’t be fighting a beaten up Jon McAdams who just had a match that very same day against Johnny Nova, you’ll be facing a fresh McAdams who is hell bent on showing you exactly what I am capable of. You and Anthony Leonhart both know that when we fought, I was not at my best. And I know that would be no excuse for anyone else, and I know that the crowd doesn’t see it, but you all do. You know very well that I should have decimated the two of you. Harvey Yorke, you’re Jon McAdams Lite. All the same pizzazz, with a hint of hardcore but without the title reign, and less consistency. You’re calculated in your presentation but it falls short when you’re put in a position against real monsters like Nightmare. I thoroughly enjoyed beating your face in a few weeks ago, though I did mean it when I said I wanted a chance to face off against you, I mostly wanted at you because when I look at you, I see some lesser talent trying to take my spot. I will not have it. I’ve been through too much to get here, so close to finally getting what I’ve wanted since I started the Sovereign Crusade, since the Grand Design went into place, since I became a part of the Sanatorium... No, I’m going to show you, this week, why I am the top prospect in this business. Why I am at the top of this division. Guys like Chris Elite, Ryan Marx, and maybe even Maero when he returns, they’re on their way up. But when I win this, I am going to remind everyone, like I do every single title match, every opportunity, every time I get in that ring, that I am consistently the very best, and little wretches like you will not overtake me.”

McAdams stands up and straightens his torn suit jacket.
“As for you, dear brother Solomon. I am disappointed. We should have never been knocked out of the tournament. We should be moving on, heading straight for the gold. We should be the next tag team champions. Yet here we are, facing our brother for his title. I hate this. I really do. It drives me crazy because I know you’re better than what happened on Sunday. I am not going to beat around the bush, you cost us that match. For all your talk, for everything that you are, I look back at what happened there and I feel robbed and betrayed. I am going to make you feel that hurt. I miss the man who once defeated me, I miss the man who lost to me so valiantly in a battle for control over Voltage. I miss the monster inside of you and it seems lost and I am going to brutalize you until it comes out the same way you brutalized me. I am going to remind you what happens to us when we fail. We must learn harsh lessons. I learned this many times, from my joining, to my failure to capture the Openweight title. I want you to see me for what I’ve become.

Same to you, Amadeus. You’re right, it is not difficult to imagine myself in the ring with you again. I see this as an opportunity to show you that I have learned a great deal from losing to you, but not to correct what had happened previous. As I was when we first fought, I was merely the best challenge you had going into that title match, you dispatched Yorke and Marshal without incident but I pushed you to your limits. It was not enough and I am well aware of that. No, I don’t think the past needs correcting, nor that I want to alter it, I merely want to show you how much I am capable of growing in such little time. Amadeus, my brother, I am excited that you might find yourself looking at the creature you took in, and recreated, standing on the turnbuckles of that ring holding the interwire title. Yes, Amadeus, I have mentioned you in the same light as Ryan Marx because to this date, both of you have represented the greatest challenge I have ever met, and I know I must be at the very top of my game if I am going to beat you. Which means I am going to have to cut loose, and let out a side of me that I hold back so often. Don’t worry my brother, I relish at the thought that you and I could come to blows, that we can take eachother to the limit once again only this time so much more can come from it. Blood and brotherhood intertwining like fire dancing over the house we built here on Voltage, and I want to see it all come falling apart in a spectacle that would leave all the other competitors in this match awe struck in fear and wonder over the war that decimates that ring and anyone who tries to come between us. Beyond that, my wits will always be about me. I will watch as these weaker competitors get picked off, and I will take my advantage. Amadeus, you will be the stout champion here, fighting with skill and precision, Solomon will come with physical power, Yorke with an unrelenting bloodlust and vengeance on his mind, and Leonhart will… well, he’ll be there I suppose too, being tossed to and fro by the winds and waves. Whenever you and I aren’t clashing, I will be watching from the shadows of this match, waiting for my moment to strike. Here’s the truth, you know I don’t care how I win, only that I do. I have a lot to prove here and I intend to show everyone what I am made of. I look to all of you and I see opportunity, and I see proof that in my short time here I am a cut above. You all look at me and while Amadeus knows what to expect from me, and wont be letting his guard down, I am most certainly counting on the rest of you to believe so foolishly that you can easily overcome me.

So let’s play!” McAdams raises a glass from the table with a black liquid in it. “RAISE YOUR GLASS!”
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post September 12th 2017, 11:25 pm by Amadeus
That felt good ...

No really.  Tell me I'm lying.  Say I'm just posturing and hiding weakness and other lies and such.  Losing felt good.  Getting a 275 pound missile barreling into my sternum is not how I would choose to spend most of my nights, but the pain and the loss brings clarity.  Lars Grier, I knew you had fight in you, and I knew that you would be a challenge.  But if you think that you are an engineer in my destruction ... well you don't know me very well.  It went on for quite a while, the winning did.  It started small, with victories over young talent that weren't ready and old talent that had lost their edge.  But it grew from there, as I humbled contenders and world champions alike.  Then i won the InterWire title.  I was skyrocketing, flying higher and higher still, but I knew that I had further to go.  But I know where it all began.  I remember the beginnings of my rise to prominence on Voltage, where it all began. 

Zack Crash.

Our now-absent former chairman, with his Shattered Brilliance, he was the beginning of all of this.  He was contending for Eclipse's title, and I was his challenge.  We fought back and forth until he capitalized on a mistake that I made and defeated me narrowly, but defeated me nonetheless.  That loss brought the clarity that brought me to the next level.  That loss made me smarter, stronger, and more vicious.  See, I don't despair over losses.  I don't become inconsolable and depressed.  I don't lash out at the world, finding something to be a scapegoat for my own insecurities.  No, I face the painful truth head on and look it in the eye, unblinking.  Lars Grier, you got the best of me Sunday night.  I thank you for the wisdom that loss has imparted upon me.  I will learn from it and become stronger yet.  The next time we meet, perhaps I'll be the one to impart what I learned upon you.  Oh, you will be an interesting person to watch in the near future, assuming you survive Apocalypse.

But the majority of my attention will be on the other four men that I will be facing at Ground Zero.  Two allies and two foes.  First, let me address my brothers, Solomon Caine and Jon McAdams.  Jon, you're new to the group, but I think that you'll catch on quickly.  Solomon, you will understand.  We are a family.  And sometimes, family fights.  Solomon had his rows with Maero months back.  And so we shall have more at Ground Zero.  Bruises heal.  Blood clots.  Aches fade.  But never forget the bond that we share.  When the bell rings to start the match, the brotherhood we share goes on the backburner for a time.  We will fight each other because that's what the bloodsport demands, and that's what keeps us sharp and keen.  Oh, we'll have our moments of working together, making life miserable for Anthony Leonhart and Harvey Yorke.  But otherwise, we hold nothing back against each other.  Whichever among us has the wits, the determination, and the luck to have their hand raised at the end of the match is the one that should hold this belt.  I have no qualms saying that.  But after the match is over, we let whatever we did to each other pass out of memory.  Kenny Drake is the one that put us in this position.  Kenny Drake is the one that is trying to fracture us.  Maybe it's because he's jealous of how much more cohesive Nightmare and The Sanatorium are compared to his paltry Wolvesden.  Maybe he's given up his anarchic and violent ways, emasculated by his corporate position.  Or maybe he's just bitter because he can't hang in the ring with us anymore.  It doesn't matter.  He's the face of what's wrong with Voltage, and he's the one that's trying to put a wedge in between us.  When this is said and done, there will be consequences for his actions.  If any ill feelings come out of this match, they should be directed at him, and not our brothers.

Solomon, I've been wanting to match my mettle against yours for a long time now.  I was recuperating from an injury when Eclipse brought you into the fold, and initially, I was skeptical.  Like many that you face, I was not convinced of the voices that you hear, thinking you little more than a dark caricature, a farce brought into our midst.  `I was wrong about you, though.  I don't hear the truths that are imparted to you, I don't see what you see, but I know that you are possessed of great vision and determination.  I may not share your clairvoyance but I respect the wisdom that it imparts you.  The fire and determination.  I was not sure that you would ally yourself with my vision for Nightmare, but you understand.  You have been a staunch ally to me.  I do not fear losing our bond, though we shall fight with tooth and claw at Ground Zero.  You understand that a dull edge cuts poorly, and sometimes edges must be sharpened against each other.  And so, come Sunday, we shall sharpen our edges against each other, and become all the sharper, all the deadlier for it.  

And Jon McAdams, I feel like this will be easy for you.  Not so long ago, you and I had a fight for the ages, both of us on the path to securing this title.  I wonder, do you see this as an opportunity to avenge that loss?  Is there a small part of you that wants to beat me and correct a wrong that you perceive?  It's okay to admit this.  I won't hold a grudge over this.  Will it not be easy to slip into that previous frame of mind where I was your antithesis, the chaos to your order?  I don't begrudge the thoughts.  In fact, I look forward to seeing how you've adapted your style during your brief time in Nightmare.  Fighting you brought out some of the best in me.  Fighting you brought things into stark clarity that pushed me beyond my boundaries.  I want to capture that feeling again.  I want to dance the dance of death with you again, feeling alive, synapses firing burning and bright.  I know that while you've only recently joined Nightmare, while you've been suffering from a rough patch in recent weeks, I know that you are probably the deadliest opponent in this match.  It's you that has always been the most opportunistic foe that I've face.  You'll always be quick to pick the bones and take advantage of any situation that presents itself to you.  And that's a good thing!  Commendable skill and cunning!  That same cunning could net you this title.  Could shatter the dreams of our other opponents.  But it wouldn't end my dream, no.  My dream is to see Nightmare change the very face of Voltage, etching fear and pain into each and every one of its souls.  So long as by the end of the match the three of us can reunite in this purpose, it doesn't matter to me which of us ends up holding the belt.  But just know, I'll not lie down to let you take this belt.  This is -as I'm fond of saying- a bloodsport.  The gods of EAW need their sacrifice, and I will not deny them it.  Sure, this match could be easily won by Nightmare by one of us lying down and another taking the pinfall.  But that's not our way.  Through pain and violence, we become more and more attuned to our core nature.  We continue to grow and discover new limits through strife and conflict.  So if you want to wear this title, you will have to pay in blood, yours or someone else's.  There will be no empty victory.  So come, Jon McAdams.  Join the party.

That leaves our two other opponents.  I would almost pity them.  They're being thrown into a shark tank while blood is in the water.  Harvey Yorke, though, I feel like he will relish it.  Another one that had a dream that I shattered on my way to securing this belt.  I had a feeling that I hadn't seen the last of you.  And to walk into a match with three of the people who beat you down and left you a bloody mess weeks ago.  The bonds of Nightmare were consecrated with your blood; we shall be happy to renew those bonds in the same way, Harvey Yorke.  I can feel your dreams already.  You're the type that will look forward to this.  You'll see this match as an opportunity for retribution against the man that denied you your title and the group that beat you down.  How delicious would it be for you if you were to somehow steal a victory out of this?  I have no doubts that you possess the capabilities and the luck to pull it off.  But it will be sweeter to me to deny you this prize once again.  To slap your hand away from what you feel is your rightful place on Voltage.  You want to achieve this dream, but Nightmare stands in your way.  Fill the world with your piss and vinegar, Harvey Yorke.  I have no doubt that you'll acquit yourself well.  You seem to fight best in a chaotic environment.  But in the end, you'll finish this match the same way that you did our last one: helplessly looking up at the Nightmare that devoured your dreams.

And finally, Anthony Leonhart.  I had a feeling that your whining and bitching would catch Kenny Drake's ear and you'd be added into this match.  As I said, though, your dreams are an acceptable sacrifice on my altar.  I see you, full of pride and arrogance, so taken in by your little sports conglomeration.  I won't call it a family.  Family is not about business decisions and endorsement deals.  We saw what happened when you and Stephanie Matsuda went up against a real family in Eclipse and Alexis Diemos.  You were broken apart and shattered.  A state that you will revisit at Ground Zero.  You think you deserve this InterWire title so much, despite the fact that you've done little to nothing to deserve it.  Well, that's no so different than 90% of the Elitists out there.  But you've been chomping at the bit for so long, and now, your chance is finally here.  You have your shot, the InterWire title is in your grasp ... and I'm just the one to yank it from your reach and send you falling flat onto your face.  Anthony Leonhart, I don't welcome your challenge for the InterWire title because I think that you deserve it.  I welcome it because you think that you deserve it so much and it will be so sweet to shatter those hopes and dreams.  You think that you're ready to move up in the world.  You have the best training that money can buy.  You have agents and lawyers.  You have it all.  And you will lose to a poor kid from Okinawa.  All that training that you did at the feet of greatness, yet you neglected to innovated off of that opportunity and blaze your own trail to greatness.  Instead, you mire in mediocrity, all while pretending that you're much more important that you are.  You may have a lion's roar, but you have the demeanor of a kitten.  So yes, bring your dreams to me, bring your hopes of carrying away the InterWire title, bring your desires to validate the time and effort your teachers spent training you.  I'll break them, piece by piece along side each bone in your body, each tendon and ligament.

This Fatal Five Way shall be a roiling mass of chaos, but that's the environment that I thrive in.  I am proud of my achievement of the InterWire championship, but it was and always shall be a means to an end, not the end itself.  I wanted bigger challenges, more competition.  I wanted to fight people desperate to claim it as their own.  And I have that at Ground Zero.  That's why I took this title.  And I want more, so much more.  And that is why I will walk out of Ground Zero ... still ... holding ... this ... belt.

Sweet dreams.
Empress Madison
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post September 12th 2017, 10:46 pm by Empress Madison
Showdown Promo #1

Have you ever loved someone so much, you'd give an arm for?
Not the expression, no, literally give an arm for
When they know they're your heart and you know you were their armor


(Madison Kaline is seen supporting a bruise on her face once again due to the events that took place on Voltage) 

On Voltage last week I showed everyone in the world what I would do for Keelan Cetinich, if anyone wasn't a believer after taking a spear from Lars Grier at Pain for Pride then taking a fist from Carlos Rosso they are certainly a believer now after what transpired on Voltage. On Voltage Keelan and I not only took care of business against Solomon Caine and Jon McAdams but we also showed the world what kind of team that we are. We are not a team that is going to be taken lightly in this tournament oh no. But we are the team to beat in this said tournament. Don’t even worry about my face it is nothing more than a battle wound sticking up for what is right against that bully Carlos Rosso, and don’t you worry about him Keelan will take care of him at Ground Zero. Regardless of that it was a pretty good night for us in our debut as a tag team. We move on in the Grand Prix and with that we face yet another two opponents. We will be taking on the team of the hall of famers Cameron Ella Ava and Heart Break Gal. Two woman whom I have defeated before, two women who have paved the way for people such as me, two women who I have had nothing but the upmost respect for, yeah that is right you didn’t hear me wrong I said had. I had respect for these two but as time goes on you start to see people in their truest form. You see Cameron and HBG don’t care about anyone but themselves. They don’t care about the women’s division; a division that they helped build up and that same division they left to die, you see they both think they are above me, they think they are above the rest of the woman on Empire they are too good for us so they can just venture out at wrestle with men, they are more of a challenge anyway isn’t that right girls? (Madison smirks and shakes her head) I have been waiting for this day for so long, I finally get to unload on the queen shit’s of EAW. When I look at you two, whenever I even hear your names I just get this sour taste in my mouth, not just because you left your roots without a simple goodbye not just because you treat the division that helped launch your careers into bonafide hall of famers, like it is some second rate show with a bunch of amateurs wrestling in it. It is not just for those reason that I lost all respect for you two, it is because you guys have to be involved with everything, you just can’t get up and leave no you have to keep holding people down, you have to keep having the spotlight on you, you are both conceited bitches who don’t have a fucking clue of what people are saying about you. You guys are so blinded by your own ego’s that you can’t see that nobody cares about Cameron Ella Ava and Heart Break Gal anymore. Yeah sure you get your little sympathy cheers because you're in the Hall of Fame so people feel obliged to cheer when your stupid little music hits, but let’s face it you guys just aren’t popular anymore. People don’t care about you two grandma’s trying to compete with the guys. I mean really you two are so selfish don’t you have enough accolades and championships under your belt? Do you really need to feed your own ego’s even more than they are already. Nothing is ever enough for you two you need everything because you are both so insecure about your lives. So that is why I have a little extra motivation to beat you guys this week on Showdown and end any chance you have at thinking you are going to win this Grand Prix tournament. 

Keelan and I are by far the more superior team than you. Oh I know you guys have the long resume trust me I know that nobody could possibly forget. But what Keelan and I have is something special, not just some ego driven couple who just decided to pair up together and pretend as if they are a couple, kinda like HBG and Y2Impact. Oh HBG you simple minded little idiot you have been with so many tag team partners over the years that you teaming with anyone isn’t special. You and Cameron don’t have any chemistry together because deep down inside you both want to one up each other, you both obviously want that spotlight that you won’t allow each other to succeed. Whereas Keelan and I are one unit, we are one couple just looking for a win by any means necessary. Keelan and I are a better couple than HBG and Y2Impact ever were simply based on the fact that we are a real couple that just didn’t get together for egotistical reasons, but because we are soul mates that actually want to be together forever, oh and I know that you two won the tag team championship together and that is sweet and all but it ended in a disaster. Then HBG decided to hook up and team with Lannister! Oh boy did that work out well, losing in the finals of the Grand Prix tournament last year to the team of Matt Squared wow so impressive HBG! I am like super jealous of you because of everything you have accomplished (Madison smirks and rolls her eyes) Bitch please, don’t even think for one second that all of this is out of jealously because it is not. The longer and longer you stay in EAW the more it hurts your legacy. You have come back some many times that people just don’t even care anymore and it’s a damn shame too the once ever popular Heart Break Gal has gotten keep coming back and teaming with people to jus. Then we have Cameron Ella Ava, who jumps from the woman’s division to the male’s division so many times why don’t you make up your mind already? Are you that unsure of what you want? Or is it that you grow tired of losing to the men all the time that you have to keep jumping back to the woman’s division to remind us that you are still amazing? You are both truly pathetic individuals who are a disgrace to my woman’s division. A division like I said before a division that you helped build up and that same division that you left to die. That was until I came into EAW in 2014 and scooped it up carried it single handedly on my back alone and brought life back into it and it has reached new heights, heights you two could never say you brought it to but will I get credit for that nope, not at all, you two will forever be known as the greatest vixens ever, you two will take all the credit for it like you always do. Yeah that’s right I have a major chip on my shoulder toward you two, there are a lot of underlying problems that I just want to rip your fucking heads off, I want to see you in pain, I want to see you two cry it would bring nothing more than a giant smile across my face. I want blood, I am thirsty for your blood I want to make you bleed, and come this Saturday on Showdown you two will walk in the arrogant bitches that you are but I can guarantee you two one thing, you will not be walking out the same way. Not after Keelan and I destroy your Grand Prix hopes. I for one look very, very forward to our match this week. I can’t wait to embarrass the two legends because we will beat you, you are just a stepping tone for our legacy.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post September 12th 2017, 9:49 pm by AlexisDiemos
Lauryn Hunter peered into the hallway of the Sanatorium Den Mother’s special location of their home. Traced along the walls was picture frame after picture frame, showing faces. Faces unrecognizable as they had been coated in the Matriarch’s special “war paint.” Among the decorations of paint that littered the wall, a few stood out. Not least of which were two primary ones. One of which was that of a man with slicked back blonde hair. A snarky grin on his face. It was unclear what his eyes could tell, as the picture itself had the eyes gouged free. The paint that the figure wore made it seem wolf like, the form that of a predator seeking out a helpless animal. Sharpened teeth and narrowed cheeks. Lauryn peered up against the picture until her eyes caught the name of the person. Lance. At least she could gather the first name. Her eyes moved on from there, heading towards the door until they caught sight of the other picture that had been put up. This one seemed to have a lot more in the way of the “war paint” splattered against it. The face was almost unrecognizable. The paint turning the figure’s face stark white, and giving it a clown like aesthetic. Red lips that had the makeup running all the way up the side of the cheeks into a permanent smile. The word “LIAR” racing across the forehead. The eyes remained in this one, shining brighter in the dullness of the home. The war paint had touched up the eyes to accent them. In a sense it was art. Lauryn shivered as she stared at the picture before looking at the name that had been carved underneath it. Cailin Dillon. Lauryn felt a sense of dread form as she turned her face towards the door of Alexis’ room. With a gentle knock on the door she waited in silence, afraid. She knew that her new mother would never hurt her. Her mother would never hurt any of her children...but this was also not something she was familiar with. The door opened ever so slightly, and beckoned her inside as she could feel the floor creaking from Alexis footsteps.

“I’m sorry, dearest. Please come in. Come in.” Alexis mumbled in a soft whisper, beckoning her. Her voice sounded strained. Pained. Filled with an empty like sadness that was aching every bit of her on the inside. She was hurting. Beyond all recognition of anything else. The mark hadn’t shown itself on her yet, and instead she was left as a blank slate. A broken and defeated woman who was longing for a companion. Lauryn moved beside her, following her until Alexis found herself seated on the floor, which Lauryn took as her time to wrap her arms around her neck lovingly, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead.

“I know, that you know what this feels like...Cloud. To have every single bit of love and compassion ripped away from you. Stripped from your very being, stolen from your very soul, and thrown to the ground where it will settle into nothing but dust and debris on the wind. Left to drift away and fade into the background forever. You thought that...Aria and...and...that you two would be sisters forever. And then, a shadow forced you away. Left you to falter in the darkness. Alone. Abandoned. Forgotten. Until we found you. Until we declared you as family. Until we scooped you up from that very darkness and gave you a place in our world. And you took to it so happily. You accepted into the family so graciously. Because you needed us. You needed us to help you. To teach you. And we taught you as best as we could, Stephanie. To the point that you became my husband’s personal sword. The salvation of the family. The wondrous leader of our little group...going so far as to give us a name. The name of The Coven. That’s what you termed us. And we became the Horsewomen of the Apocalypse. Famine, Death, Pestilence, and War. The Goddess of War arose and began to burn down all that stood in her way, but something was always wrong. You were never quite satisfied with it all. This wasn’t truly what you sought, you simply needed to cast aside the humanity that was holding you back. The weakness you felt. The disgrace and disgust that you were showing. You wanted to achieve success outside of what Aria and...and...you wanted to show the world what you were capable of. The family gave you that outlet. But it wasn’t enough. Not yet. Not fully. You had to show it yourself...so you struck out on your own...against us. Against me. This wasn’t the first time that I had ever been abandoned. It wouldn’t be the last. But I wouldn’t just let you walk away from the family without showing what true strength you had given us. So we fought in the most dangerous matchup that the two of us could possibly think of. And it was all for the custody of our little girl. All for the right to claim this sweet beautiful child. And in the end, both of us proved our points. You proved that you indeed belonged in the light, and with the rest of the world. And I proved that a mother’s strength is stronger than a god. And we parted with a smile on our face, shaking hands and holding each other. We ended our blood feud as sisters...and you left for greener pastures. For more chances in the light. A light that I could never reach out for...because it would burn us. The Mark wouldn’t let me. I knew it wouldn’t. So, I never tried.

I thought I’d be happy in the shadows again, I had my sisters beside me after all. Why would I not be happy? But when you left...my world began to collapse all around me. The world that I had built for myself slowly...falling away. Drowning. You left a hole in my system that I could never repair, but I had hoped my sisters would help. But...the Mark whispered to me what would happen. I didn’t want to believe it, but it all came true. My sister’s...my oldest sister, Madison. The one from the start. She turned on us first. Leaving us to chase her dream and her love. And throwing us aside without a second thought. And it was then that the Mark began to tease me with the one lesson of Darkness that I had yet to fully grasp.”

“What was that, mama?” Lauryn asked softly, patting the top of Alexis’ head gently. A comfort. The small hands of the child...innocent and fearful of the ways of the world. It made her all the sweeter. Alexis’ lips curled into a grimace as she felt her arms twitch. The feeling of searing pain racing up her spine, tracing along her back. A burning behind her eyes. Try as she might she couldn’t stop herself from letting out a pained cry before looking up at Lauryn. Where once Lauryn could see the beautiful hues of Green that made up her adopted mother’s eyes...all she saw now was pits of shadow. The Sclera itself an abyss of darkness, with the Green shining even brighter, an emerald in a sea of ink.

“That when the Darkness wants you to suffer...it will be endless. When Madison left I could feel the Mark pulling its way further and further into my life, consuming me. And Brody...my sweet little sister...her injury caused her to be away from me. She couldn’t speak to me, couldn’t help me with what I was doing. What I was suffering from. I was starting to drown in myself...unable to fight back the tide of pain that I was going through. I wanted to give in. To let myself drown in the Mark’s Embrace and simply be at peace in the swirling abyss...until...what I believed was an Angel came into my life. Someone who I had once been friends with long before this. Someone who I trusted with all my heart and soul. You know who I am talking about...Stephanie. This...liar. This...devil who wore the robes of an Angel. I’m of course talking about Cailin Dillon. A woman who lied to you, to me, to all of us. Pretended to be something she wasn’t. Pretended to be my sister when she used me...used Eclipse, used you. And the Mark...knew this. The Mark knew that her betrayal would hurt me deeply. It didn’t shield me from it at all, Cloud. It simply let me slide down into the darkness more and more, drowning in its murky ink. Because The Mark wanted this. It wouldn’t let me simply go gently...wouldn’t let me embrace what little joy that I had in this world. It simply cut it all away. Let me suffer. Let me drown in my own regret and sins, because it knew...it knew that this would hurt me beyond anything else in this whole world. It knew that if it could do this to me...if it could cut away any of the happiness that I still retained, that hole that she carved into my heart...that it could take root there. And it could blossom. It could grow and consume me. For so long, I have kept it hidden away. Locked in the crevices of my heart, where NO ONE would be able to pull it out. And oh...oh I gave it a taste of freedom. This war paint, acted as its mask. The War Paint was simply a way for the Mark to get a taste of freedom...because if I gave it more...it wouldn’t let it be. It would carve away every bit of what made my soul, and what made me...everything that I was. It would pull all of that away, I knew it would. Because the Mark doesn’t care about my own emotions, Cloud. It cares only about what it craves. Violence. Bloodshed. Everything the mark touches...it tears away. It steals for itself. I would never know happiness if I ever unleashed it fully. But I can’t stop it now Cloud. I can’t hold it back. Being me...being me in this world, it hurts too much for me to hold it aside any longer. I need to fall back. I know that a part of you still cares for me like a sister...I know that. But...I’m sorry. She has to die. She has to die to heal. To become whole again. Maybe when the Mark finds its chosen sister, the real Angel. When that happens...I can come back. And we can smile again. But that won’t be for a while, Cloudy. I have to...fall into the shadows. I have to fade into the darkness. I have to let...the Sanguine take me.”

As her words faded the room began to darken. Lauryn looked around, her eyes wide in a sense of bewildered fright as Alexis closed her blackened eyes, holding her head as an ear splitting scream erupted from her lips. Lauryn shot backwards, hugging the wall as the lights flickered over her head, the door slamming shut with a hard thud. The scream began to twist, growing into a strange almost erotic roar, as Alexis hands slammed into the ground, digging into the floor. Her blackened eyes slowly peered open, staring forward into the abyss of the room as the shadows of her sclera seemed to leak free from her eyes. Molding into the skin around her face, tugging at the flesh as she struggled to move forward. Every bit of her motion caused more of the ink like substance to grow around her skin, creating an entirely new design. Her already pale skin whitened further, turning stark white, aside from the black ink that was creating etching patterns into the white. Her head slammed against the ground, painfully, as a fit of laughter burst from her mouth. Her fist slammed against the floor again, as the ink continued to make its path along her body, until it seemed to finish up. Her eyes drifted upward, staring towards Lauryn, filled with a new light. The shine of the Unleashed Mark. The destructive force that beckoned for death. Lauryn stared at this...this thing that had taken her mother with wide eyes. Her hands scrabbled against the ground, seeking shelter as she backed to the door. Terror in her eyes. The thing that had been Alexis grinned, showing ink covered teeth as a black tongue lolled out of her mouth, gliding against the floor and leaving an ink based stain against the ground.

“Are you...afraid of me?” The Mark growled to the child, crawling slowly towards Lauryn. Her nails dragging against the floor, scraping the hardwood as Lauryn gazed up fearfully at the beast that Alexis had become. Alexis soon loomed over her, her tongue dripping the black ink as she gazed down at her with a murderous look of content. Her hand moved gently over the top of her head, as her eyes traced towards the window.

“Oh...and how poor Alexis has been hurt by loss. Stephanie Matsuda, you know well of the pain of loss, I know that for a fact. I know how much it hurt you to lose your mentor, a father figure to you. I know how much it hurt for you to lose your chosen family in the Siren’s, and how much it hurt to release your bonds with the Sanatorium, but that’s the trouble with you mortal beings. You all seem to enjoy the company of others...so much so that you will neglect your own well being. You are foolish in that sense. When you grow attachments to people, they inevitably will fail you, Cloud. Such is the nature of humanity. Which is why you can never trust a human. Why you honestly should never trust a human. It will never pan out well for you. Humans are fallible. Weak. Selfish. And they will eventually fade away from you. You know this, possibly better than anyone. Even better than poor, poor, little Alexis. But I’m not one to be taken lightly by an ignorant rat such as yourself. You’ve retired people who deserved no less than to be broken and KILLED for their actions against this place. This battlefield that we call home. For that I can give you a begrudging bit of respect. Had we been given the chance...we would have cleansed this world of parasites like that. You’ve done us a service in this sense, taking care of a lesser meal, while we got to toy around with slightly more aggressive and up and coming prey. I’ve wanted to tear you apart. Ever since I felt the stirring of my awakening, as the blood of my host and of you mixed in the ring. I felt the call. And when I saw you, peering through the eyes of Alexis...I saw what could only be described as...the most perfect of prey. Prey that would fight back, and defend itself from everything. Prey that would fight to the brink of death if it meant that she would survive and be able to fight another day. The perfect prey. The perfect specimen of the light...the conquering light over my shadow. My Host may have been FUCKED into the Diemos Clan, but the last name rings true. Diemos means Terror. This clan that we have been wed into, is tied to the shadows. And you, Matsuda...are tied to the light. Tied to our opposition. The Flames of war licking at the Plague ridden skeletons, but death has already come for them. Your fate has already been written Matsuda, as has been the fate of every other little girl that decides to come marching into into the arena. Marching into MY GARDEN OF PLAGUE! They march to get slaughtered, by my hands. Not by Alexis, oh no, see sweet beautiful Alexis, she can only fight so hard. She can only go so far. Sweet little Alexis would never make it in EAW, not without me guiding her. She wouldn’t have made it through life itself, if I hadn’t whispered into her ear. Hadn’t infected her with my shadow. And every now and again, Cloud, I’m sure you wonder what might have been if you had saved Alexis from what was happening. I know you saw it.”

Her hands wrapped around Lauryn, her lips pressing to her forehead, and leaving a slowly growing black ink stain against her flesh. The ink began to snake downwards, flowing along the pores of the young girls skin, as her eyes widened, caught in a trance like gaze as she writhed on the ground, clutching at her head. The fires of the infection spreading throughout her body.

“You saw the pain that Alexis went through on a daily basis, Cloud. The shadows that I gave her, were almost too much for her, weren’t they? Every now and again, you wondered when her frail body would just give out, but it never did. Alexis is a Parthenopaeus. And just like the Diemos, they are tied to something. Something cruel. Something malignant. Something that can be spread. I am the Mark. I am the Plague. I am that which can never be taken by your flames, or wrapped in your light. And just as Alexis wants to win the Empress of Elite crown, to justify her years of struggling in an uphill battle to claim what she wants, I also want the crown. I want the crown because I want every single one of these little girls to know...that this isn’t their world. Not yet. That the world that they want...that world will be the scraps that I leave behind for them. I am a Plague, I don’t leave anything left but destruction and carnage in my wake, and I will let you take care of everything else, Matsuda. You have gone through two of the strongest challenges in EAW history, but you will not go through me. Alexis herself has beaten you, but you have also beaten her...this is to end it all. I want to prove that you can never stand up to something like me, to an entity of malignant rage...like me. I am a beast far beyond you. A monster beyond your recognition. I am proof that you couldn’t save someone closest to you...and Thursday shall be the swan song of your whole…amazing run on the Empress of Elite. You have overshadowed each of us for too long, with your retiring of ‘stars’. People who didn’t deserve to breathe the same air that we breathed, or walk the same stretch of earth that we walked. They weren’t like us Cloud...avatars of something much greater. But, your time has come. I will ascend past you, and grasp the crown. I will pull it into my malignance, and the world of Empire will forever be altered by what occurs. Don’t worry...your light will shine elsewhere, I promise you...but it won’t shine at my expense.”

As she finished her words she stayed crouched over the shaking Lauryn, the black ink having molded fully to her, as her now ‘painted’ face gazed up at Alexis, blackened eyes filled with awe. A new member of the Plagued. Alexis hands swept against Lauryn’s face gently, as if soothing her before leaning down to give her another gentle kiss. The image flickered for a moment, staying at the sight of the kiss before blacking out entirely.

вrσdч spαrks .
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post September 12th 2017, 8:15 pm by вrσdч spαrks .
TLAHypeTrain - EAW Promoz! - Page 40 TiJ5gln

"I guess that running knee to my eye that you gave me Consuela really kind of knocked a little bit of sense out of me instead of the contrary. I mean here I was giving you too much credit apparently. Of course you want to state the obvious ploy to plant the seed in my mind, claiming that as I sat at home, Empire had grown bigger and better without me, to infer that the division didn't need me anymore and that I had to catch up with you guys because I have been away for some time. I expected more from you. I didn't expect little girl games you claimed I always played. The same games I supposedly played that made you hate me. What can I really expect from a woman of your caliber, I mean let's face the facts. Whether or not I'd be back now or I'd be back a month from now or another month from now Empire truly wouldn't be the same. I am a record-breaking woman. I have made history in this company so trust me and believe me when I say that Empire truly had missed its spark. Tell me what exactly did you do while I was away while I was healing from your hands of you what were you doing you like to sit here and tell me how you've gotten better you've gotten stronger and you've become a better competitor I don't think so. I think I want to call you on that bluff, you feel like a couple matches here and there with Aria Jaxin makes you feel like you're on my level, or perhaps even her’s? You think her Talent is rubbed off on during your little obsessive pairings and moments with her? I mean first you rely on your sister, but with her gone it seems now Aria is the apple of your eye. That's not how it works sweetie. You think because you were a champion that, that automatically made you superior than me? Oh no Consuela that's not how it works. A Superior woman is great with or without a title and it seems as though you were relying  heavily on the fact of being a champion that defines who you are. That having a title is what makes you the best in your eyes. You like to play this game and talk about how your  heart and your will and your passion and your drive, bitch do you want a cookie for doing what you're supposed to do? In this business you are supposed to have heart, you are supposed to have drive, you are supposed to have passion, you are supposed to have resiliency. Do you want to be rewarded for doing what you're supposed to be doing in the first place? We don't give consolation prizes where I come from. That’s my problem with you and that's my problem with the likes of the women who have come here since my absence. You all have a sense of entitlement. You all waltz in here and expect to be the cream of the crop,  and expect to be held to such a high standard just because you show up here and get a few wins here and there. That's not how it works you have to earn your spot you have to climb that totem pole. That's something that I did. You see Consuela you can always talk about how I'm sadistic and how I like to play mind games, you can always talk about how you ended my title reign and you could always talk about how you injured me how you hurt me. You can always talk about how you ended the title reign I thought would never end, but you know what you can't say? You can never run your mouth and talk about how I never earned what I’ve gotten. You can never talk and say that the title I gained on my own wasn't earned because I did earn it. Like I said I didn’t have a family member who introduced me to the business. Who held my hand and walked me through the ups and the downs. I have loved this business for as long as I could remember, and the truth of the matter is you do not deserve to become a Specialist Champion not once, let alone twice. At least I can admire April. I mean the woman came here all on her own, no family members, no sister to announce her. She earned her title. She worked from the bottom up, because like you said no one liked her. No one took her seriously and it seems like you didn't either, because maybe if you did you'd still have the title you oh so desperately want to get back. I'm not going to give you what you want because at the very least people should already know that I admit my mistakes and that I admit and accept responsibility for my actions. Darling I don't care about your happy ending I don't care about your romantic comedy maid does something with her life concept. I don't care about that and yes the impossible did happen once but the thing about making mistakes is that you learn from them and losing to you was a mistake I made one too many times. You claim that you don't use the fact that you defeated me as a clutch for being somebody in this company yet you still heavily rely on the fact that it was you who ended my 190 day reign. Sometimes the unstoppable get stopped, but that doesn't change the fact that whenever I step into that ring I am giving every part of me. I take everything in stride. I am putting my body on the line and I don't care what happens. You broke my eye, we can go in the ring again and you can try and break it again because I don't care. Every scar I have gotten represents my desire and my passion to claim my rightful spot at the top. The ends always justify the means. You can claim that we're in the same spot but I was never about chasing titles like I said titles don't make the woman the woman makes the titles and it's funny you bring up Road to Redemption. Correct. No one did expect me to win the title just like you don't expect me to beat you. Just like you don't expect me to be the one who walks into Manifest Destiny and faces April Song for The Specialist Title. You should know a thing or two about people not expecting something because in this business you truly have to expect the unexpected."

It sucks doesn't it. It sucks when someone continues to drive the same point into your mind with every chance they get. that doesn't sound familiar to you at all Consuela? Are you not guilty of doing the same thing that you accuse me of doing to you now, to me? I remember a time when the only words that came out of your mouth was Brody couldn't move without her Sanatorium Sister's. Brody couldn't keep maintain her title without them, she wouldn't be Champion without this and without that. It starts to get on your nerves doesn't? It's like a never-ending hamster wheel spinning and spinning.You know what that is? That's called a taste of your own medicine and it's not fun when you have to swallow your own. I will continue to bring up your sister because after all she is your sister I will continue to drive that point into your thick skull because you do not belong here. If I were in your shoes, I wouldn’t need to be in Empress Of Elite. I would have been the one sitting at the commentary table. You see how your vision of advance didn’t happen, you should probably get used to that feeling, you should probably hold onto that feeling, because you will be going through that same emotional state after we face each other yet again. It’s not a question of how do I know, because I could hear the sigh of relief when people knew I would not be returning on time to compete in it. Is it not obvious to you? Alexis and I have been put in an every woman for herself situation before, you see we both understand that there would be a time where would be looking across the ring and staring at each other. It’s called respect. If she would have defeated me, I would accept it knowing that either way, it is a victory for The Coven. A victory for us, is a victory for me. I look at you and I call you ungrateful. A point you forget is in order to become a multi champion, to succeed more and more, you must lose. You must lose in order to win yet again. You have women who have been here far long before us and have yet to have held gold. I would imagine even the slightest taste of it would satisfy them, but of course I would expect them to want more, but at least they would appreciative and know that even though a reign may have been short, it gives them a chance to make history. To hold that title again. You see things from one perspective rather than expanding your mind to see things the other way. I never did anything I was told like a puppet. It’s so funny for you to say that. I did everything in my title reign on my own. The thought of having a better reign never crossed my mind. Darling I had a record breaking reign. I participated in historic matches. I have nothing but satisfaction. Hell how could you even bring that up as a valid point to infer that when you were the one so giddy and determined to break that reign. Perhaps in the eyes of someone who so desperately tries to turn Alexis and I against each other, you could see me as a puppet. But I was far from that. I was the crown jewel. I was the first to hold gold, and yet people try to use that against her to turn us against each other. But it never works. We have unity, respect and an understanding. We have dominated this division for a long time, and believe me there is a method to what you call our madness. Please Consuela. When I defended my title the three times before I lost it to you, I did most of the things on my own, but people seem to have a problem when my sisters helped me. When will you get it through your head, I am a woman who cares about the victory. At any costs.  At any means. At least I am honest in myself. I am a heretic, and I truly couldn’t care less if people think the things I did during my title reign or how I retained were wrong and immoral. Why? Because I was still champion. It’s a recurring theme about me not being able to get the job done without The Coven, yet people neglect to credit us when we do achieve and do things without the assist of others. We're in a damned if we do, damned  if we don’t situation, we just accepted it and continue to do things our way. "There never came a day where I wanted to be a victim." Yet here you are accusing me of using people to gain and hold my title, crying because your reign was short. So tell me babe, is it your shit run of the mill title reign, or your flop in the Empress Of Elite that makes you important? If being a failure is what makes you important then babe, you’re nothing short of the Beyonce of Empire. Congratulations love! Could I have your autograph? Actually wait, I’d much rather you write in your own blood after I bust you open Thursday. Darling be it an easy path or a hard path, as long as I get there, I couldn’t even give a single fuck in the world. That is who I am and that is what you fail to see. Crybaby? Oh no babe, I don’t want you being afraid of me. It’s always fun to hunt and hurt the ones who are fearless. To crush them. If I put fear into people, then so be it, but that isn’t my goal. I can’t help it if people fear me. I can’t help it if you enjoy bringing up points with nothing to back it up. Clearly you are insecure, and not only that be very naive. “Just like I know I’ll beat April Song at Manifest Destiny." How do you know? Is it the same way you knew you were gonna be a long-time champion, someone who defended the belt longer than me? Because as we've seen, you 'knowing' things means jack shit. Because you don't know things. You're as naive as can be, and you're still so naive you can't even realise that. "There is no way that I see myself losing on Empire." You fucked up one of my eyes and i still can see clearly that you're gonna lose at empire. I could have easily taken my rematch. Who said that it still isn’t my pocket? Remember babe, I calculate and make moves in my own unique way. I’m not going to give you the courtesy of knowing when I’ll be cashing that in. Do I look stupid? Do I look like Consuela Rose Ava? "
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post September 12th 2017, 7:42 pm by showster26
Showdown Promo #1

@PicPerfectMichaels has posted a status update:

“At the ‘command’ of our egregious Showdown General Manager, Brian Daniels, I am for another week despite my best attempts, stuck having to deal with that Jackass Kaise Boetius. The man who has done every from ride my coat tails, to attack me from behind, to everything else you could possibly do to piss me right the fuck off!  So when you toss him to me in a street fight, it's a lot like a steak being tossed to a starving  lion.   Oh that's rights, see I tried to do this peacefully Daniels, I tried to do this in a way that wouldn't make me tear that fuckhead limb from limb, I tried to do this without having to end this man’s career. So when HIS lawyers start calling, and threatening to sue for the lost wages, just know it'll be on you, his blood is on your hands because you made this happen!  And what's more to give me that extra little spark of motivation you did the worst thing possible for Kaise’s well being, by essentially making this a number one contender’s match for the National Elite Championship. So that gives me all the more reason to put that fucker down once and for all!  You better run a disclaimer for the excessive violence that the people watching are gonna see!  Because this isn't gonna be one of my technical master pieces, this won't be me entertaining an arena filled to the brim with my followers, this will be a public execution.  Because I have put up with all of Kaise’s bullshit for far too long. 

And So after months of being obsessed over, stalked, harassed, having my property destroyed,  being assaulted,  and seemingly being weighed down by that dead weight mad man Kaise Boetius, it finally comes to an end between us.  What are the words I'm looking for?  Free at last!  This Saturday night I am free. Free from ever having to deal with a low end curtain jerker like Kaise. Free from having to deal with his crush over me. Free from having to spend my Saturday nights with him in the ring each and every week!  I'll be free of Kaise Boetius, because this Saturday night I'll be free to whatever I please to that rat bastard son of a bitch. If I want to bust his head wide open with a glass selfie stick (#HOG2015), it's fair game. If I want to smash his knee with a steel chair, and till he's a cripple, well that's perfectly fine. This Saturday I am free, no leashes, no holding back, to make Kaise suffer for all the indignity I've had to bare since the day I got stuck carrying his no talent ass in. That tag team match at the beginning of the season.  I finally get to wash my hands clean of the muck I've been handed for the better part of four, long, and trying months.  This Saturday night, I get to wipe away the shit stain on this company’s ass, and in the process, finally get my long deserved National Elite Title Match. 

That's right my dear followers, yours truly is on his way to finally, FINALLY, taking
Hold of that National Elite Belt. The same one that has been lingering just out of my grasp for about as long as I can remember. Saturday night I am going to win this street fight (but you already knew that), and finally get the rematch which I am years overdue for.  Nothing short of me getting a life sentence for murdering that dickhead Boetius in the middle of the ring, is gonna keep me from entering that Elimination chamber.  And when I do, I'll run thru POP, and every other talking traffic cones that stand in my way.  That title has rightly been mine , and now it's closer that ever to being placed in my hands. But I'll be more than happy to tell
You all about it next week. 

For now I'll just savor every moment that I get to tear Kaise apart. Now I'm sure some of you lesser minded haters are out there saying ‘but Mark, the last time you faced off Kaise sent you running for the hills!”. First off, shut up, second I didn't run from Kaise Boetius, I simply got tired of dealing with him and decided that he is so beneath me, he wasn't even worth another moment of my precious time.  So to reiterate, I was fully willing to eat a count out loss simply so that Kaise can feel like he had his little moment of glory and I could be done with him. This Saturday, there'll be none of that. This Saturday I'll have to simply finish Boetius off for good.  That's the wall I've been backed into, and so that's exactly what I'm going to do. Saturday, everyone in the Allstate arena, as well as everyone watching at home, they better take a good long look at Kaise Boetius, because it's the last anyone is ever gonna see of him in Elite Answers Wrestling!

And when I have bested this overhyped, underdeveloped Jackass, I'm going on and doing the same to another five and taking home MY title!  And nothing will stand in my way of doing so because I am the Twitter Trendsetter, the Instagram Icon, the #Hero to millions of people the whole world round!  The man who when you start something, he finished it. The man who when he wants something, goes out and snatches that mother fucker up!  The man who’s gonna make Kaise Boetius his bitch!  This Saturday night you will see greatness in human form, you will see what happens when you poke the bear for far too long and don't have enough grey matter to run while you have the fucking chance!  This Saturday you are gonna see a man take his destiny into his own hands when rises above his haters, and stands head and shoulders as the undisputed greatest to ever step between the ropes. Come this Saturday, Kaise, Daniels, and every other shit for brains fuck will be picturing THAT!

#Showdown #EAW #SaturdayNight.”

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