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Re: EAW Promoz!
Post August 23rd 2017, 6:54 pm by Keelan

Ah yes, we’ve almost gotten around the loop once more. My career’s trend as of late has been one big rollercoaster ride that has no means to an end. Ever since I got on last August when I debuted here in EAW, I’ve been progressively going up and up but I get stuck in a loop. Every time I try to climb up the rankings here on Voltage, some asshole jumps me from behind and tries to bring me back down. However, in order for me to surpass the obstacle I need to face them like a man, defeat them and then continue on going up. That there is the loop. Marco Fedor, Victor Maero, Terry Chambers, Kenny Drake. The list goes on. All of them tried to prevent me from attempting to reach my full potential here on Voltage, and what happened to them all? I retired two of them, one of them has been missing since early this year, and one of them jumped ship to another show. When are people going to learn to stop jumping me? The trend is no different for Carlos Rosso, because even after I came up short at Pain For Pride X in the Cash in the Vault match, I was riding a high wave of momentum and my confidence never dipped. I was on a winning streak up until Carlos Rosso returned to take me out, for reasons I am STILL unsure of. I know that I was never the original intended target, but I wasn’t going to go throughout my time on Voltage and let him have one up over me. That’s now how I am, that’s now what I stand for. If you get beaten down, then you get your ass back up and fight back. So that’s what I did, and now here we are, all these weeks later, the two of us are captaining teams at one of EAW’s biggest shows of the year. I can’t say I’m not looking forward to this opportunity because I very much am.

I’ve assembled quite the group for my team. I’ve managed to bring in The Raven, Lars Grier - a man currently sitting and waiting idly by just itching at his chance to get an opportunity at something big here on Voltage. I don’t think that “something big” was Apocalypse Diemos, but hell he’s a man that will take whatever is thrown his way and make it his bitch. I’ve felt first hand the damage he can do in the ring; hell so has my girlfriend. Lars believes in and stands for something greater than just us human beings, and whatever it is I’m sure his beliefs deep down are what get him results. Me and him don’t see eye to eye and I’m sure we never will, but I know that no matter what, he’s got my back in this match just like I’ve got his. The thing about both of our teams is that we have foes fighting on both sides, and Lars really, REALLY wants to get his hands on Apocalypse. You think their brawls and scraps on Voltage were bad? Just wait until Territorial Invasion. Next, we have El Irónico. What can I say about this individual? The Ironic Luchador who is poised and competent. He believes in himself just as much as he believes in the rest of this team. This man wants to go far here, and perhaps while most just don’t take him seriously, the reason I decided to choose El Irónico is because he is the most unique competitor I think I may have ever come across in my 14 years a professional wrestler. I’d never want to be on the receiving end of a Thumb in the Bum Suplex, and despite the fact he might botch a lot on the ropes, he’s a hard hitter and a true luchadore! On the other end of the spectrum he sees his foe Cody Marshall, and the disrespect Cody has given him over the past few weeks is unmatched. The racist son of a bitch who claims to be a real American but I bet his descendents are from Germany or something, because all that ever comes out of his mouth is the aftermath of a gas chamber. Nonetheless, El Irónico’s a hard worker, and has been working extra hard just for Territorial Invasion. Finally, this brings me to his tag team partner and a close friend of mine, Finnegan Wakefield. An incredibly talented submission specialist that breaks hearts and hits hard. I’ve heard this ladies’ man has been called Big Papa by some women. I am so grateful to have Finnegan on my team at Territorial Invasion, and am so very much looking forward to competing alongside him. Finnegan and I have a lot of common, mutual beliefs, and despite the fact he and I may have never stepped foot inside a ring together, I know the two of us are going to have the chemistry that a Science Teacher wished they had. For you see in the end, this is what it’s all going to boil down to. Who’s team is going to gel better. Who’s team is going to have the chemistry to stick together through the long haul to pull out a big victory here. Team Carlos are more than likely going to break down and fight each other when the going gets tough, because every single one of those individuals have incredibly large egos. All four of them have stated that their intentions here on Voltage is to show just why they are the best here on the yellow brand, but when you put the four of them together, they’re going to implode like nothing else.

The biggest thing that’s bugged me as of right now is that the four of them have had nothing to say at all this week. I guarantee that they haven’t gotten together to meet up, discuss the match, or to even just try to get on some sort of mutual ground. These four have had a lot to say over the past couple of weeks but nothing to say when it matters now? Surely the big, bad men on that team aren’t scared of us little, scrawny folk are they? It doesn’t matter what our size is compared to them, or that our skillset in the ring might not matchup well with their brawling tendencies, the four of us have something that Team Carlos will NEVER have … heart. We have heart. An ironman stipulation might be one of the most difficult stipulations to try and get a victory in in professional wrestling, but I know for a fact that the four of us are going to use our hearts and dig down deep to get each other over the line. At this point, the four of us aren’t thinking about that “special opportunity” that lies ahead, because we all have bigger fish to fry. El Irónico has Cody Marshall to worry about, Finnegan Wakefield wants retribution over Moongoose McQueen, Lars Grier wants to finally put an end to Apocalypse Diemos, and I… I just want to get Carlos Rosso out of my life for good, and continue to move along this rollercoaster of a ride that my career has become lately and get back into a championship picture. We are ready to take the fight to these assholes this weekend. I don’t think Team Carlos are even ready to jump on the flight to St. Petersburg yet. As unorganized as they might be, I know we’ll see them at Territorial Invasion, and despite all that has been said on our end and the absolute silence that has been shedding off on their end, I know deep down that this victory belongs to us. Why wouldn’t it? The four of us, well… simply put that the four of us are THE BOLLOCKS!!


Last edited by Keelan Cetinich on August 24th 2017, 11:27 am; edited 3 times in total
Lars Grier
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post August 23rd 2017, 6:40 pm by Lars Grier

Allow me to clear the mist with my intentions.

I’m not here to make friends. I’m not here to have a drink with my teammates in Team Keelan in the pub before, or after this match. I’m not here to slap Keelan, or Finnegan, or Ironico across the back after the match for an acknowledgement of “good effort.” Nor did I accept to be apart of this fight because I wanted to appease the fans, or appease anyone else but myself. Me. That is what this is about. Me. I chose to be apart of this because I wanted to fulfil a promise that I made to myself the night that Apocalypse later his hands and assaulted me. I chose this with my own free will, because at this point in time, the interests in our team are aligned. We all want to get our hands on our sworn enemies. No, not only do we want to grab them, we want to take hold of them, twist them, hurt them, and shape them so that once we let go of them, they come out different men than they were before we met them. I’m sure that the rest of the people in my team want exactly the same as I want, to hurt our enemies just like they hurt us. But….Keelan, Ironico, Finnegan? They’re formidable and maybe at times, vicious, but it is NOTHING compared to the rage rushing in my body right now. Keelan calls himself the Killer, but he ironically lacks the killer instinct that one must have if he truly is a “killer.” Finnegan is docile, dormant. The intensity and fire inside him is nothing more than a basic rage that is programmed to us from the beginning. And Ironico….there is no word that can be said for that individual. No one in this match knows what I feel. They don’t know rage. They don’t know what it feels like to have everything seem all fair and good, then have it all taken away from you, like sand in the wind. They don’t know the life on the streets, to try to survive and scavenge for food to live one more fucking day. They don’t know what it’s like to lose the one person...the one and only person in your life that actually gave a shit about you to pass away because of the negligence and idiocy of another human being who was SUPPOSED to be able to fix that person. To help them recover, to help them become whole and lively again. Nobody knows.  That actually seems to be the theme that has run with me for these eight months in this promotion; “Nobody knows.” It’s why they boo and jeer me, actually. It’s why they let out all their hate and negativity against me because they think I’m some psychopath who hates everything and everyone. There’s nothing wrong with me - you just don’t understand me. You just don’t understand what I’ve been through, and how I view the world. The lenses I look into are FAR different from a number of people in the world, and somehow, it gives the fans who watch the product a reason to shower me with boos than a fucking haunted house. And you know what? It’s fine. I’ve grown so accustomed to the hate the world shows to me that I’m not annoyed anymore. I’m not going to scream at the world anymore for thinking differently from me, because that’s the normal state of the human mind, to be compassionate and filled with joy. I wish I could go on and on telling you about my life, how different I am from the rest, but you won’t listen, I’m sure. There’s so many people with dark backgrounds and somber stories who have come through EAW that it’s a surprise to get someone like Pizza Boy or Nobi to sign a contract. Alas, I know you sheep. I know the ones who watch the product daily, and keep track of the wins and the records, and I know you couldn’t care less whether or not I was born in a dumpster or on a roof. You don’t want to listen to Lars Grier’s biograph - you want to listen and see Lars Grier tear a fucking hole into Team Carlos, and of course...you want to see Lars Grier finally stand face-to-face with Apocalypse goddamn Diemos, and make him experience the pain he dealt me all those months ago.  And that’s exactly what I’ll give you.

You all better be fucking ready.

Because nobody has ANY idea what I’m going to do when I am finally able to fight Apocalypse officially, and give him the taste of a violent retribution. Be ready, because if you don’t spend the time to prepare, you’ll feel the fire and fury in every blow I land onto my opponents. You’ll feel all the desolation and indignation with every movement I make; with every punch I land. You’ll feel it ALL. But...how could you be ready? How could you be prepared if all the four of you do is bicker and argue about who has the bigger ego than the other? That should be the team name, actually: Team Ego. It has a nice ring to it, does it not? Egos clashing, trying to claw their way out of the darkness right That’s what this entire team is stuffed with, egos, and no one has a bigger one than...Moongoose McQueen. Of course, McQueen. The man, the myth, the legend! The one who is faster, stronger, and so much more better than the rest of us! Or so he thinks. Although I suppose I can’t be so judgemental of your disgusting and bloated ego, considering you have what I failed to capture so many months ago - the New Breed Championship. I’ve never held it, or anything of note for that matter. Like I told your Team Captain, it gives you an edge over me. But...what I hold a deep disdain for is when one says “I am a champion, you are not. Therefore I must be better than you.” It’s so cliche, like they’re answering a fucking elementary quiz. It’s so boring and frustrating to hear people like you go on and on, bragging about their success, driving it into my brain that you’re so fucking high and mighty above all of us. Looks like it can’t be helped with you, unfortunately. An ego like a balloon, floating in the water as you cling onto it for dear life. I mean - none of this matters to you, right? Absolutely none of it. This match, Team Carlos - it’s all beneath you. You couldn’t give less of a shit for Territorial Invasion. And hell, you even said that you didn’t care for the New Breed Championship. That despite at Pain for Pride being when you fought your damndest to win that belt, you still feel empty inside. Hollow. For you, the belt is not something that you cherish - it’s your duty to keep it until the next worthy challenger comes and tries to step up to the plate. That puzzles me, Moongoose. Why bother being here in EAW? Why bother having to go through the trials and tribulations this place offers, if you simply don’t care? You somehow feel inclined and pressured to keep that New Breed title, but in my eyes, a champion who sees no merit in the belt he holds...is not worthy of being a champion at all. In my eyes, champions are the people who hold their belt and raise it high above the clouds, showing it to all who can see. Isn’t the reason why you went through all that hard work, blood, sweat, and tears at Pain for Pride because you WANTED that New Breed title? Isn’t it? Whatever reason you it may have been, something compelled you to fight. To keep on going, to keep on battling until you has finally reached your goal. Now...it’s just vanished for no apparent reason. There’s no fire in you anymore. It must be why you’ve resorted to bending the rules and being a pussy. You’ve lost the will to fight, to move forward, and now all you do is just put on a show by proclaiming to the masses: I AM MOONGOOSE MCQUEEN! THE BEST! THE GREATEST! I AM AMAZING, EVERYTHING IS BENEATH ME! But maybe...there’s some truth hidden behind your polarising personality. Maybe you believing that the belt you hold means dogshit is true. It’s actually funny, if you think about the championship you have on your shoulder, Moongoose. For the past few year, it’s a championship that’s been held by egotistical maniacs: From Ryan Marx, to Cody Marshall, to Lucas fucking Johnson, and now you. It needs to be saved from these horrible, horrible men who want to use the championship as nothing more than to further their own agenda. It NEEDS to be taken away from people like you, Moongoose. Backstabbing, delusional, and malicious men who take away the goodness and prestige in that New Bred title belt. With each man like you who goes through this reign, they degrade this championship more and more. Eventually...it will crumble to dust, all because of men like you. If that’s what the belt is destined to do, then so be it. Let it crumble. Let it fade away in the wind.

I’ll just make sure you’ll fade away along with it.

You will fade away eventually, McQueen. You will drift away into nothingness if all you can do is be a pussy who can’t win a match without using one of your dirty tactics. The only thing you will be known for is that one-time New Breed title reign, and an entire career of insecurity. But fading away...that’s hard. It’s difficult to become nothing if you prevail so much in the minds of the world, which is why unlike Moongoose and other champions, I work everyday. I don’t skip the weekly shows. I don’t rest in a lavish mansion, nor am I spoonfed delicious delicacies. For my entire career, I have been fighting and doing my fucking hardest to climb even just one more rung on the ladder to glory, to finally reach the top...then comes along Apocalypse. Like his name suggests, he brings an Apocalypse where ever he goes. Throwing and bashing people around like they’re ragdolls, and only I have been able to truly be at equal footing with him. Yes, he’s massive and destructive, demolishing anything in his path like a TRUE Manifestation of Destruction, but he’s also a comedian! He truly believes in his cold, dead heart that he can end me, and everything I stand for, and leave me on the floor, bloodied and defeated. He believes that when I face him, it’s a life-or-death situation. And he’s such a kind human being, that he has gifted me two options: To either stray away from his path, live another day, or to be annihilated by him. It’s hilarious, actually, what he has given me. But, I believe I have come to the final conclusion, an answer to your question Apocalypse...I’ll stay in your way. I’ll block you from reaching your goal. I’ll hit you and force you to back off, because I am a defiant motherfucker who won’t go down without a fight. I’d rather meet my demise as the martyr who stood up to the tyrant, proving to the rest of the world that you’re nothing but a human, like us, than a bitch standing in the crowd, watching all the madness unfold. I’ve never been recognised for anything in my life, after all. 

And what better way to be recognised than to expose a facade.

Be ready, Team Carlos. 

Lars Grier is coming for you.
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Last edited by Lars Grier on August 23rd 2017, 7:51 pm; edited 2 times in total
Cameron Ella Ava
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post August 23rd 2017, 6:07 pm by Cameron Ella Ava
I’ll call you something alright. I’ll call you bipolar.

Mixed signs. That is all I’m getting from you. You love me. You want to end me. You want me to be like the others before me. On one hand, you would love more than anything is to live another day as World Heavyweight Champion. On the other, it must be tearing you apart that the only person who ever gave a damn about you might not longer appear by your side. Like you stated before - it’s not like you cared. Sure, you care, but not as much as you care about the World Heavyweight Championship.  A discussion which has already been talked about before. But, why do I call you bipolar to be exact? Well, WHAT DO YOU WANT OUT OF THIS MATCH? Do you play to win or are you going to go soft with me? You said that you were going to treat me just like every other challenger before me. You were going to make these people feel sympathy for me. You want to destroy me, yet you claim that you don’t want to break me? You don’t want to break me like you broke Xavier. You don’t want to break me like you did TLA, Jacob Senn or any other man who stepped into the ring with you. What if breaking me is the only way to assure that you will out of St. Petersburg still World Champion? What if breaking me is the only way to get the job done? What is your plan then? If I am on my knees struggling to get up, but still having the spirit to fight, do you put an end to my suffering? Would you consider it selfish on your part to keep the match going just because you have something to prove? Could you live with the chip on your shoulder?  Could you live the rest of your life knowing that you halted my dreams of being World Champion once again? The thought of you destroying the confidence I have build myself is nothing that you can shake off. Not even the the cold taste of booze will be enough to forget the awful things I can endure in this match. The moment you place the World Championship back on your mantle and every sign of me is gone, the reality will finally struck you. You’re alone. You have no one. Eventually, you’ll have nothing. All you will have is an empty, broken home and no one to share it with. You said so yourself - there will come a day where some lowly contender will rip the championship away from you. The idea you need to get through your skull is that I’m your biggest competition to date. I am not some lowly contender. I’m not wrestling’s flavor of the month. I am probably the ONLY competition you have on the Voltage brand. I am the ONLY competition worthy enough to take the championship from you. Not TLA, not Aren Mstislav or any man who dares to get in the same ring as you. Perhaps, where all those men have failed, a woman like myself can succeed in. Did that ever cross your mind? I was probably the first woman who experienced getting the shit knocked out of her. It was enough to put me down for the three count. Do you think that I haven’t learned from our last encounter? Do you think that I have not been studying you like some interesting homework assignment? I’ve been waiting for this encounter for about a year now. I have seen every match you’ve been apart of. I’ve seen your successes and failures. I was backstage when you destroyed Xavier at Pain for Pride. While everyone was begging for you to stop hurting Xavier, I was so intrigued by it. That was you putting away your personal demon. My loss towards you can be considered mine. I need to get rid of it. This has not been something that I can easily shrug off. I need to defeat you at Territorial Invasion. I will stop at nothing to defeat you and make history. Nothing you do in this match is going to surprise me to be quite honest. I would not be shocked to see you going to extreme measures to keep your title reign in tact. In return, you should not be shocked at whatever I have planned. I’m going to war against you. A war of love. A war of words. Most importantly, a war of being a champion. War brings the ugly out of people. War brings people to do unimaginable things. The question most people will have is when our war is over, will we pick each other up from the rubble or will you be left with the big fucking mess?

I did not make things personal, Jamie. You did. You couldn’t look me in the eye when you were willing to sacrifice everything we had. You were ashamed. You were ashamed at what the people would perceive you as - a cold and heartless, asshole. In some way, Kenny Drake is a genius. He knew that you versus I would get the world talking. He knew that it would be a great marketing strategy. He knew that everyone would be talking about one of EAW’s power couple fighting for the World Championship. People want to see us crumble in front of their eyes. People want to see me get demolished so they have another argument over why women shouldn’t be wrestling men. This is where you’re wrong, Jamie: I am not trying to make myself out to be a Saint. I have had my own share of doing evil things towards people. You saw me being the Regina George of Empire. You saw me as a woman who will stop at nothing to be the face of a brand. You should have been disgusted. You should have been ashamed of me. Yet, you can’t be because that’s exactly what you did at Pain for Pride. There was a reason why I wanted to face you at Pain for Pride IX, just like how you perceived me - you were just another obstacle in my way. You were interfering with my goals of being a World Champion. Besides that, I like kicking a man when they’re already down. It’s fun. You should be fucking honored that I wanted to face you. I could have inserted myself into the EAW Championship picture; I could have been Ms. Cash in the Vault. I could have been Interwire Champion again! There was no doubt I could have done anything my heart desired. The whole world had their attention on who I wanted to challenge at Pain for Pride and that happened to be you. People can think that it was a way to avenge Dark Demon. You can say that I wanted a “cheap” victory. Why in the hell would I want a cheap victory? Just because my Pain for Pride record sucked? Do you think that I am not capable enough of facing decent competition? Wow! Another slap to my face, Jamie. You should be ashamed of yourself. This is coming from the same person who lost to Nasir Moore in his first match after that Pain for Pride! Tell me, if I had never challenged you in a match, what would you have done? Don’t go bullshitting me and saying that you would have tried your luck at Cash in the Vault again. Let me tell you what would have happened with you. You would have probably settled for 24/7. I mean, you would have done better than the loser that left 24/7 high and dry. I mean, do you think that defeating lower leveled competition would have placed your career back on track? Following our match, you would have been traded to Voltage, but you would have done something stupid. You probably would still be looking like a stupid asshole with no sense of direction. Who knows? Maybe, you could have redeemed yourself. Maybe, you would have gotten reign number two a lot sooner. Maybe, you wouldn’t have been traded to Dynasty. Maybe, contract negotiations wouldn’t have fell through with you. It’s interesting how one event made all these other ones possible for you. I deserve a thank you, Jamie. Maybe, a letter. Maybe, some roses in a vase. Something that says that I would probably not be in the company if I never faced you at Pain for Pride. You can say that it was turning on Xavier in The Mighty Don’t Kneel that put your career back on track, but I think everyone in the fucking universe knows the truth. There’s no need to deny it. There’s no need to be ashamed. In about three days, it will be the same woman that makes all your dreams of becoming champion end. Deep in my heart, I hope that you’re not angry. I do hope when I get the title that you give me all the credit in the world. However, knowing your ego, you won’t accept defeat. That concerns me and that will break my heart, but I will carry on with my life. I just hope you learn to accept it.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post August 23rd 2017, 5:20 pm by Irónico
Territorial Invasion Uno

What is up YOUNS!?!?!?

It is your best chico here. The future of lucha. The IRN-BRUiser. Destroyer of pints and straight-shooter of vodka. And I am bouncing off the fucking walls this week for several reasons. Firstly, I just polished off a dozen jaeger bombs and the red bull has my heart fluttering like a Kardashian’s beef curtains on a windy photo shoot. We probably should nae wait for that image to sink in so I’ll go right ahead and tell yous reasón numero dos. As you may be aware if you no live in a fucking cave, this week is Territorial Invasion. After weeks of anticipation, it is now just around the corner. Finally, my big chance to make an impact on PPV, and I don’t mean it like the last time. As much as I love a good crowd surf and a glass of milk, I ain’t going for a fucking burton this time. This time it is ironman rules which means nae cunt is leaving the ring until half an hour has passed us. But that is not all. There is something else. Something in the air.

It smells…

It smells...

Fucking Rank.

That is right, Laditos. It reeks worse than Sheridan Muller’s gas chamber and male growth hormone themed fragrance. And in case you have nae idea what the fuck I am talking about, what I mean to say is that Team Cuntlos are in fucking shit street. And there ain’t nowt irónico to it when I sez that. Every last one of the wankers must be shitting themselves right now because while I have nae heard a peep from their corner, I does smell the fear a mile away. I have it on good authority that Deborah had to change Cody’s nappy in the streets because he wet himself after seeing a wee niño in an Irónico mask and thought it were I. Honestly though, i know how barmy this all sounds but think about it. For the first time in...ever,I is the in form man in all of this. I am the man with the purple patch. Driving forwards with all the momentum of a V8 Dildo. In recent weeks I have pinned Cody. I held down el capitán Cuntlos most recently Uno. Dos. Tres. And I didnae even need to rely on the trusty schoolboy, destroyer of giants, either. Speaking of. Me and Lars who drinks clean the bars stood our ground and held the ring against the two hossiest hosses they have in Cody and Apocalypse. I mean fuck it, the whole gang is pulling together. We Are The Bollocks are a well oiled machine as per the usual. But I also mean it when I say that Lars and Keelan are the fucking bollocks too.

Team Cuntlos, however, are not the fucking bollocks. What they are are three raging cocks and an asshole. Sounds like a fun movie, but I can promise that it won’t be fucking fun for Señor Rosso when the shit finally hits the fan. I don’t even give a flying fuck about his ironclad contract. Him turning up to the arena will be the biggest single fuck up of his career. He has screwed himself right good because there is no way in hell that Team Bollocks. If i have to roll up 5 of them in the last 3 minutos, i’ll fucking do it, Son. Don’t you worry about that. But I have a sneaky suspicion that it won’t even come to that. Sesh together. Stay together. That is the mantra. We are all on the same page, but i ain’t even sure any of yous are on the same book. Apocalypse was locked away by his brother  because he has no banter and Eclipse knew all the other laditos would hurt his feelings. That is why he has no amigos. And why he will be in this match purely for himself. Moongoose McBurgerNipples meanwhile doesn’t seem to be all that interested if you have listened to him recently. He actually seems more bothered about Neo at the moment, playing tiddlywinks when he should be preparing for the big show on the big brandito. It really addles me, wasn’t there are time he was beggin’ for senpai to notice him and actually book him on Voltage Lucha? There just ain’t nae pleasing some. I dunno if it is all the gherkins he has been munching that have been making him sour but it does nae matter. We’ll be serving up a pint of bitter and a shot of bother to wash it down soon enough anyway. Not to mention we still have yet to get to the gravest of your various fuck ups, Chavlos. Forgive me for assuming your gender. But what kind of self respecting African American man would put his trust in a carded up Neo-Sheridan Robert. E. Lee Wannabe manchild like Cody Marshall? Cody fucking Marshall In a four pack that is 50% non-white. It is bonkers.Are you off your fucking teapot, Chavo? I does worry about your health sometimes, I really do Señor. By the looks of it you have taken a few too many concussions.

Listen I’ll try and convince the fellas to go gentle with your ‘ead but no promises right. Because a) Keelan quite genuinely wants to knock your block off, for the obvious reasons. And b) You know what it is like...Go hard or go home. Once the bucky is in the blood you can nae help it. You just lamp anything that moves. At the end of the day, it is 69:1 that each us four here are going to be turning up to Territorial Invasion ready for a ruck. If you guys are going to even score one fall, then you have got to start bolting your heads on and getting on the same fucking wavelength. But that doesn’t sound realistic to me at this point. Anyway, no worries. Pity Pints at the bar are on us. See you soon, Chavos.
Empress Madison
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post August 23rd 2017, 2:51 pm by Empress Madison
Territorial Invasion Promo #3

"Somebody who your're around wants to clip your wings and shoot you down, but it's okay to keep enemies close, as long as you know, just make sure you know who you're around

- Meek Mill 

(Madison hears the voice of Alexis Diemos)

"Because the only thing I can promise you in this match...if you don’t try to kill me...I will drive the knife into your heart without hesitation."

Alexis and I always had a very solid but strained relationship, the jealously was always there from her and I always felt it. I was jealous of her too, I will admit it because she was always considered the leader and rightly so. But I, the power hungry freak that I am always wanted that recognition. I found true love for the first time in my life, and instead of being happy for her sister Alexis instead wants to throw shade in my direction. Break me down into a minuscule of a human being. Alexis you always wanted to treat me as if I was below you. But we both know I was and I still am far superior to you. I don't care what happened at Terminus you are nothing compared to me, in fact there isn't even a comparison between the two of us I am sorry to even say this but you made me do it. Yeah I treated you poorly at times, I treated you like an underling and well that is exactly how I felt about you at times. But that is how sisters are and at the same time I still loved you, I still would have your back and care about your feedback and opinions. I have said this once and I will say it again, what you and Eclipse did for me I could never repay you guys for everything that was done for me. The only thing I can say is that I was a proud member of The Sanatorium, I can proudly say I left on good terms, or well so I thought we did. Alexis wants blood, my blood the same blood we shared for so long as sisters of The Sanatorium, the same blood that we still share together today, and you know what is funny, it very amusing to me that you would say that you that my dearest of sisters Lexi, because I want blood too, I guess that's why we are family right we are both sick bitches who both have the same sadistic minds? I am like a shark, I am not happy until I make someone bleed out and even then it isn't enough, I want your blood Alexis, I want to smear you fucking bloody face all over my body, I want to be covered in your blood, beating you just simply isn't enough, I need to see you suffer. I don't know why I have these feelings because I love you to death, but sometimes we must hurt the ones we love the most. It is for their own good. I have this urge to just decimate you. I want to see you cry and I want to break you bones, and I want to sit there watching you suffer, trying to get back to your feet but your body just will not allow it, I want to see you struggle for a breath of air, I want you say my name as if I am your master, and it would bring nothing but joy to my face as I sit there watching you in pain. I know you would do the same to me, I know you would drive that knife right into my heart, I would expect nothing less and you know what I would probably deserve it. If there was one thing that you did in fact teach me, it is to never trust anyone, not even your own family. You told me to never keep your guard down for anyone, so if you think for one second sister Alexis that I am just going to allow you to kill me or even defeat me in a match, you have another thing coming. If it comes down to you and me as the final two people left in the match at Territorial Invasion you better be in store for the fight of your life.

As far as I am concerned I maybe a former member of the Sanatorium, but I am still apart of the family, however Cailin Dillon will never be a sister of mine. Cailin doesn't take being a member seriously, she is taking all of them for granted. She is using all of them. How do I know this because that is just the person of Cailin Dillon, she doesn't care about anything or anyone other than herself. Cailin is like the least original person I have ever had to listen to in my entire life, all she wants to bring up is how I lost to her in the Empress of Elite, how I lost both years in the finals and yeah I did, but I don't see how that has any relevance to this match at Territorial Invasion. She is just trying to start something either that or she really has nothing better to say about me. Which is obvious because out of all her opponents she said the very least about me, Cailin fails to realize that I am a completely different person than I was back then. If Cailin Dillon or Aria Jaxon was facing the 2017 version of Madison Kaline for the Empress of Elite I would be a two time Empress of Elite winner. Mark my words. Let me just tell you something Cailin the only reason you are even in The Sanatorium is because Alexis needs someone she can ride there coattails on. She did it with me for the better part of two years, she did it with Brody Sparks and know she is going to do it with you. You mean nothing to Alexis, you mean nothing to the rest of The Sanatorium, you can never replace me. I was the heart and soul of The Sanatorium, I was named The Sanatorium's Sadistic Sister for a reason. Alexis loves me more than you she will ever love you she even said it herself, I was her first sister so I am more special to her than you even if we are going back and forth at each other. But it's not like you care anyway, I mean this is all about you right? The attention has to be on Cailin Dillon 24/7. You don't care what happens as long as you and only you stand victorious at the end of the night. Why anyone would have your back is laughable you are a selfish human being. The things I said I wanted to do to Alexis, only pales in comparison to what I want to do with you. (Madison smiles and licks her lips) Ohhh I am getting just a bit excited now, because I have my trusty barbed wire baseball bat right here (Madison pulls it out with glee). Your head would go perfectly with this baseball bat. The blood oozing out of your head after I hit it would only make me all tingly inside like a horny teenage boy seeing his first naked woman. I don't like you Cailin, I never have and I never will, like I said you will never be any sister of mine, and if I was still in The Sanatorium I would make your life a living hell. I suppose I still can though, by eliminating you at Territorial Invasion and killing your dreams of becoming Woman's Champion again. Don't worry I know you are probably laughing at me right now because that is what you do best, you laugh things off, everything just a big joke to you. Keep underestimating me because one of these days, I am going to have the last laugh and when I do it is not going to be a pretty site. Seriously Territorial Invasion cannot come soon enough, I really need to bust some heads open.
Cailin Dillon
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post August 23rd 2017, 10:57 am by Cailin Dillon
Territorial Invasion #3
A great bit of this verbal battle has already reached deep levels of stupidity. People shouting my team is better than yours like that matters at all. Oh, wait. That’s mainly just Aria doing that. It’s exceptionally clear that I’ve struck a nerve with your precious women’s champion. Why do you think I want to wash my hands of you? Do you not understand this is all part of the long game? This isn’t about ending your career at all. You really do want people to believe I’m just some kind of heartless monster that wants to take everything you’ve worked so hard for and leave you in the corner. But you also want to make it clear to me that as long as you’re here and as long as you’re at the top, I’ll never be allowed to be there. Because I’ll never beat you, right? Isn’t that the real narrative you’re knocking at here? I’ve been just waiting for you to have the balls to drag out the red carpet on that narrative and selfie your way down with all your self-obsessions and braggadocio, but instead we get the timid Aria who’s just tip toeing around what she really wants to say without trying to say it. Here’s the thing, buddy, you don’t get to go around and call yourself the queen and then pretend there’s no self-obsession there. I have to just say what Aria will tell all of you for you. She didn’t come up with this nickname, it’s that everyone else was saying. No, not really. I’ve been your best friend for a good amount of time and I can never recall referring to you as a queen. I can’t recall your even better friend Tarah saying that either. No, you decided you were the queen of the new guard, didn’t you? And it’s just a funny term for someone who has really achieved no more than someone she walked side-by-side with for her entire time in this company. But at some point, even at your lowest of lows, you can look and compare and truly see that we aren’t the same. And even though I fight my ass off day in and day out and I never take a day off, you see me as a lesser fighter than you. You see me as a lesser person than you. Everyone has always believed Cailin Dillon to be this ego-driven fighter. No, I’m just confident in myself. I fight until I can’t fight anymore. But you try to frame it and change it and define me as something different because you don’t like me anymore. Your reasons are pathetic, you are as fake as fool’s gold and you’re leading all your followers down a long road that ends in despair. You know I won’t just turn and go away. You clearly want me to stand down and wait my turn while you triumphantly parade around and give your royal wave from crowd to crowd, but it’s not going to happen. This bitch will never go away.
And it seems to me that you listened to your own teammates for source material. Sad because I know you don’t struggle to find your words when you’re trying to burn at Cailin Dillon. It’s one of Aria’s favorite passions. Her real, true past time. The funny thing about you obsessing over the end of the Sirens is that Tarah could give two shits about it. You talk betrayal like I zapped each of you with a cattle prod and then rubbed my boot across your face. Do you even stop for a fucking second and realize both of you had far worse things to say about me than I ever had to say about either of you? Sirens was fucking dead. Get it through your head. The moment you add people to your team for a match like that, and your whole team is eliminated but the opponent team is still standing, you are done. And somehow now you think you’re talking to me so much different. The only time you really ever pulled a punch on me was Pain for Pride. And you won that one, so congratulations. I didn’t choose to align myself with the OGs, just let the truth come out on this shit. Those assholes were playing games. Yet now you’re talking about how I’ve been double-crossing people and cheating to win. Are you really so stung by the one time you got beat in that title match because of those assholes? You’re the champion right now you stupid bitch. Get. Over. It. And just so you know, you will always have a target on your back. Isn’t that obvious? I will always have a target on my back. Champion or not, when we step in the ring we have a certain reputation that precedes us and people want to make their mark by beating us in the ring. The only thing that separates us from the average idiots that walk in this company day after day is we don’t just fall easy. We are two people that you can easily identify as the ultimate challenges in this division. So my target will always be on you. Look at how different things are. When I became Women’s Champion I wanted to fight you. I publically stated how happy I was to see you beat Sheridan and earn that No. 1 contendership. And you? You spit on my face because you were still so obsessed with that Sirens shit. I offered my hand in congratulations then, and you suspected I was doing so to trick you. Who the actual fuck did you think I was? I didn’t cost you that match. That was your good friend Cloud Matsuda. And see, it all sort of revolves around to this point. You can blame me all you want for each and every one of these problems or these moments but the true root of the issue is just your opinion on me. Your opinion on me is that if I’m not fighting with you, right by your side, I’m not worth it. And it’s sad, because we clearly bring the best out of each other. And I have such a high level of respect for you that I’m willing to do what it takes to show you your own problems before they get exposed further and it’s all too late. You’re looking at me as some sort of war criminal that should be hung for her crimes. In reality, I’m just the hero trying to save you from yourself. And you’ll never totally understand that until it’s all too late. Until you’ve gone too far to turn back again.
That’s why my mindset going into this match has been clear as day. I’ll fight your team down to the wire, and my team will back me up at every turn. I’ve seen what your team has to offer now and it’s crystal clear where their mindsets are at. My team is so much more in tune than yours is at this point. And just try and contain Alexis, because she’s the one who sounds like she really wants to rip your throat out. But if you were really honest you would tell the truth. You talk like my team is dreamers whose goal is about to be crushed. But honestly, you and I both know this match comes down to two people. And in the right world, it comes down to me and you and you get every chance you want to make me pay for what I did to you and your title. In a sick way you need me. Beating me up is the way you prove just how dominant you are. Maybe I am a villain in your mind and everything I touch just turns to shit, but you sure love beating the hell out of me and trying to prove me wrong at every turn. There’s a certain obsession for you at just that. Maybe that makes me your own personal villain in our story. Or maybe you’re just trying to beat me so hard that I’ll suddenly shake my head and embrace you and thank you for all the beatings. But that’s in your dream world. In the real world that we live in you will hit me over and over and you will watch me smile and laugh and even when you “beat me” you’ll turn around to see me standing again, back on my feet and ready to go again. Because no matter how much you think Cailin Dillon has changed, that part of her has and never will change. I’m not desperate to fight you, but you are to prove to the world you are better than me at every turn. I wonder, why does Aria fear losing to me so much? What is she so worried about when it comes to me? She calls me a monster, so does that mean I’ve already turned her dreams into nightmares?
Did you all know Madison is interesting because she was a champion once? I think that’s the exact reason she’d tell you I don’t matter. Heh, it’s pretty funny how bad she is at trying to make any kind of a point. It’s almost unbelievable at this point to think about how far she came, then how far she fell, and then how far she climbed back up again. But she really doesn’t bring death to anything but herself. She might as well be calling herself the Mistress of Self-preservation at this point, constantly crawling back up from the depths and giving it another shot. I would probably be the last person you’d suspect would tell you I was impressed with what she did against Aria Jaxon last month. But go back to the week after she won the right to fight Aria. She called me petty and jealous, all because I told her congratulations on your future loss. I was impressed she put up as much of a fight as she did. However, I still knew fully that she would fall. This is Madison after all, the two-time loser in the Empress of Elite finals. And yes it really is something to make it to the finals. And it really is something that she was practically gift-wrapped a title by the then-outgoing Tarah Nova. But in the end, she’s not exactly big match Madison. When her back is truly up against the wall and the odds are against her, she doesn’t fight to win. She fights not to get killed. She fights to escape as unscathed as possible. I have no reason to believe she’ll do anything otherwise in this match, do I? I mean you can tell from her effort this week that she truly doesn’t care enough to be bothered by this match. She just believes she deserves a million shots to lose to the champion. I just think she needs to step aside for a minute so I can show her what a true, classic championship match looks like. Don’t worry baby girl, after this match you truly will be an after thought for a bit. But hey, go win Empress of Elite, finally. That will put you right back up to the top!
Consuela you can say all of these things, but no one really sees it the same way as you do. So I tell you, just dream and hope and maybe it will happen for you. I appreciate the way you compared me losing to a Hall of Famer to you losing to April Song. I mean, you know who will really appreciate that? April fucking Song. You’ve gotten so touchy over everything I’ve said but ignored the fact that it is all true. We’re just wanting you to come out fighting at every turn instead of flipping on a TV and seeing you dusting down Tarah’s office to butter her up or whatever the fuck you were trying to do there. Learn from those losses to April, see how she’s handling this match and ask yourself if you’re prepared to take that step forward and make sure she can’t bring more mockery to that title. She thinks she’s grown and she clearly believes she’s outgrown you. It would be a big step for you to make it beyond Aria to the end of this match so I can pin you for the win. Everyone would see the amount of growth you’ve made. But April is already dismissing you with one hand and putting her eyes on another challenger. Don’t let her. You’re the only hope at this point, right? You’re supposed to be an Ava. We were supposed to be convinced that you have every bit the same gall as your hall of fame sister. But some of us are still waiting for the moment where you just break out of your turtle shell, put your foot down and make your mark on this division. Man, you compared April to Aria, too. April is really having her lucky day with you on this one. Aria didn’t beat me in January or February in title matches, so, I think I’m doing ok. The thing you’re failing to realize here is even with loses to Aria, I’m still achieving around that. All you’ve really done lately is lose to April. So… what else am I supposed to talk about. You did your deed to Brody at Pain for Pride but I assure you when she returns all the shit talk you can think of won’t be enough to stop her from breaking both of your orbital bones.
April you want respect? No one is going to respect you just because you go around threatening to choke people out. It just doesn’t work for you like it does for me when I talk about ripping fucking arms out of the sockets. But maybe that’s what you really want from this match. You want your stupid nerd music to play and you come out there and I twist you around and start ripping at your arm. The funny thing about you is you’re a champion, and you seem to be taking this match as less serious as anyone. You straight up acknowledge to being a bit player in this match. Hell, Conseula is talking about going right past you and making an impact in this match. You? You’re just a worthless shitstain that’s whole plan is just to show up and raise your hand and show someone that you were there. You’re clearly here for you and you only. And that’s fine in a world where you don’t have to help your team win this match and they’re counting on you. But you’re in the world instead where I will be finishing your day by making you tap out like the bitch you are and shooing you away. This isn’t your match, April. You don’t matter. But I will make sure you lose.

Aria your team is a mix of people who want to work as a team, who want to win it for themselves and who don’t having a fucking clue why they’re even here. But none of that even matters in the end. I’m going to fight you and each of the members of your team until my very last breath. My team is going to win this even if I’m the only one left standing against all five of you. And when it all comes down to the end, you’ll be left trying to explain how your precious winning steak against me came to an end. Your dream of dominance over me… dead.
Jamie O'Hara
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post August 23rd 2017, 8:50 am by Jamie O'Hara
“Call me a liar.”

Am I breaking inside? Perhaps. Perhaps it is tearing me apart when I drop the facade - the monikers, the glory, the identity I’ve built. Perhaps when I’m finished speaking I suckle away on whatever bottle of booze I can find within an arm’s reach; God forbid I emerge in the world a man struggling with his emotions when he’s supposed to be firm in believing what he says. Reality is I made my peace with the possible looming consequences; really well before your contendership was even announced. I never questioned you for gunning for your dreams, Cam. There’s nothing wrong with striving to be the absolute best and you’re no different to myself in your desire. I saw this match as an inevitable; something that you and I could never avoid. It bothered you, losing to me with such “mind games” as you call them, and with or without the championship you wanted to prove yourself. Yet as I stood at the peak of my steps and saw the...lackluster squabble below bellowing their claims to be contenders to my throne, I expected the well to run dry before you stood across from me, another one of the mindless fools who entertain the thought of defeating me. But much has become aligned and it’s thrown this inevitable forward. So be it. It’s truly only in the ashes of what remains will the world see if this facade can hold; if it’s more than just a mask, more fragile than any precious set of china wear.

I don’t want to break you. Why would I wish to break the one I love?

No, that doesn’t make much sense now does it Cameron?

“Call me arrogant.”

Defeating you is a must. Again I can spin these few tired lines about being the World Heavyweight Champion., my sought after legacy and all the tireless shit I’ve already wasted many a breath on. But breaking you? You’re not Xavier Williams and even at some point at Pain For Pride X, I didn’t want to break Xavier Williams, I just wanted to defeat him. At some point I severed whatever emotional tie that remained and saw him as generic as any other challenger. I saw TLA in the same way at Burning Desire; I could have crushed the man’s soul, his hopes and dreams but breaking him wasn’t something I considered because it wasn’t needed. Breaking you? Breaking you would be making it personal and you don’t look to break the ones you love, Cameron. You only wish to make it as swift and painless as possible. See, you’re the one making this personal. But before you jump the gun, if it seems like my intention is to break my beloved mentally and physically, then I must correct myself. You’re a fighter. You’re an incredible fighter. Everything you’ve done to get to this very night is reflective of that. And when the bell rings you’re not going to give up. And if my best shot doesn’t work, if my knees time and time again don’t put you down then I’ll have to go to more...extreme methods. Perhaps you and I simply have different interpretations on breaking someone. It’s where business becomes personal beyond any real measure; no plausible compromise left to walk away from the battle with a meager victory. No, breaking someone is when it becomes warfare that borders on the cliff face, where a single step - one fucking action - can send you tumbling to a place you cannot come back from. I don’t want to break you, I never will, I never could. Again we come to this notion that you can handle whatever it is that I’ll throw at you, tiresome. They all do this. They all build themselves up to be a wall incapable of being broken down. Confident they can stand the test that’s thrown their way. Perhaps a singular knee strike won’t keep you down, but unless you’re some bitter, hate-filled mongrel like Xavier Williams, one Kingslayer will put you down. Ask Jacob Senn, ask Tiberius Jones, ask TLA, go find Lucian Black and ask him, go and ask Drake Jaeger on Showdown, go to anyone who has had that knee knock their lights out and ask them what was the last thing they saw. Because a bit over a year ago it was just one single knee that knocked your lights out, it was just one single knee that made your pitiful record at Pain For Pride slip further into decline.

“Call me a cunt.”

You’ve spent a better part of a year questioning that moment but the reality is, just like this match, just like everything, it was inevitable. Did I need to stoop so low? Perhaps not, but a man down on his luck will take his opportunities when they present themselves. I’m a man who doesn’t waste the chances he gets, Cameron, not anymore. Yet while we’re on last year, let's address who I was, shall we? I didn’t need you. I didn’t need you to pick me up. No, not at all and when the challenger pool was so thin with such a lightweight champion at the helm, perhaps it would have been best if you didn’t intervene. Lets not forget who picked the fight to begin with. You could have picked an assortment of opponents, contracts, briefcases and yet you chose me. Was it because that stain on your illustrious career began to take its toll? You sought an easy victory over a man who seemingly had absolutely nothing left to give, and had no desire left to carry on? How pathetic for you to stand here now so righteous. How absolutely pathetic it is to see you try and turn your foolishness into some good deed, paint yourself as a Saint. Resurrecting my career from that fall didn’t need you and it didn’t fucking need Dark Demon of all people. The rightful contender, the rightful World Champion; what would have made me happy, what would have satisfactory was getting what I deserved, what was rightfully mine. No, you know what resurrected my career? It wasn’t you. It wasn’t putting Demon in a retirement home and ensuring the man never comes back, it was ending The Mighty Don’t Kneel and unshackling myself from any and every chain daring to hold me back from once again becoming a World Champion. So you can take your pride, the idea that you made me who I am today and at this rate you can bury them out back next to this relationship. Because you were nothing but another road bump just like Demon was, just like Mstislav was. You wanted to once again feel that sensation of winning at the grandest stage and just like my “cheap tactic” you sought the most cheap effort you could attain. A fair case of the pot calling the kettle black, no? Regardless I would have fought my way to this same spot one way or another. Without you as my partner or my foe; I’m just too stubborn, too arrogant and too blinded by my own dreams to stop. Another day as champion makes me smile and perhaps you’re right...no….you are I’m not going to be contempt until I have NOTHING left to prove, NOTHING left to earn, NOTHING left to accomplish. When the greats we all hold in such high regard rest at my feet, that’s when I will be contempt.

And what’s so wrong about such high goals?


“Call me delusional.”

You’re certainly right, I don’t want you to succeed at my expense. Neither do I want anyone on this pitiful brand to do so. I want you to succeed, truly. I want to see you rise up and claim the throne, to be a World Champion and finally make that history you’ve sought after for so long. But “at my expense” isn’t a concern. “At my expense” doesn’t entertain a thought in my mind beyond a meager second. It’s because nobody is going to stop me. You build your confidence up, like everyone else does yet it’s nothing in the end if you cannot match me. You’ve fought tooth and nail for seven years to get here; trust me you’ve gnawed my ear off about it. I know how important this is to you and you’re not going to waste your chance...but it’s just not going to be enough. I’m bitter, Cam. I’m a bitter, vile fuck with a massive chip on his fucking shoulder but I’m a bitter, vile fuck who has come to love his little chip. He’s come to embrace this spitefulness that exists. What worth has been attached to my name? Since day one? One year later? My lowest point? Now my highest? And yet when the power, when the thoughts and opinions of so many try to send my name, my accomplishments six feet under for some flavour of the month bean, yeah, it’s quite a struggle to find yourself being positive and optimistic. But see the willingness of the people can only take someone so far. What people want is just a plea. It doesn’t exist as strength or any physical barrier; hardly a mental barrier truthfully. Yet who is going to deny my greatness when I’m seizing records left and right? What lowly scum are going to stand there and shout me down? This is strictly business when I say I delight in the idea of hoisting up one of their heroes, someone they all cheer for to succeed bloodied and near lifeless. It’s quite sick to draw pleasure from such destruction, isn’t it? If I want to conquer such records, it cannot be by anything less than complete force, wouldn’t you agree? People think dusk looms on my reign. I hear their murmurs, I hear their disgusting tongue weave such deluded thoughts. I would rip their tongues from their skull at the drop of some false idea that some else “deserves” to stand here on some baseless and weak merit if I could. I can’t allow that, Cameron. I need to beat their heroes until there’s nothing left. You know them; you know the ones they wait with bated breath to see overthrow me from this throne. Did I ever tell you how I felt breaking Xavier Williams? A man not well liked yet I made the world bleed with sympathy as I held his bloodied, near lifeless body in my arms, laughing at his state of all things. When I realise the reality of my situation, no, I don’t find myself breaking inside, struggling to find composure with my emotions. It’s a calm sea of volatile thoughts much to the surprise of myself. To end this false hope, to end this idea that just anyone and everyone “deserves” this belt, I need to leave Territorial Invasion champion. It’s almost become my singular goal in this reign - beyond merely breaking records - to succeed in place of their misery.

“Call me psychotic.”

This is a story that stretches beyond just three years. Years and years searching for that ever-lasting glory. Why, tell me why I’m going to suddenly put it all on hold for you? I don’t care, I truly don’t. It’s going to become mundane and repetitive but I don’t care at all about anything except the World Heavyweight Championship. I can taste the ecstasy of it, Cameron. On my lips every time I stand in that ring as the World Heavyweight Champion. I didn’t cast you aside, Cameron. I cared more about you than anyone else I knew; I still do. And perhaps I’ll live with regret for the rest of my life; pushing away the one person I confide. But to succeed I have no other choice but to be selfish. To accomplish what I desire, I can’t let personal strings tie me down.

“Call me pathetic.”

Consider it as you will. The message still remains, never changing. Stand across me as a challenger, be beaten, be victimised, be conquered like everyone else who dares to do the same. Fire burns through the woods and life regrows. Whatever survives, if it’s enough, will be enough. Something will give, something will buckle but rest assured it will not be my reign, my strangle on this brand, on this championship. Fight, Cameron, like I know you will and build that confidence up, reassure yourself that a year ago was a mere mistake and you can handle yourself against me. I take pleasure in destroying hopes and dreams but your’s? It will hurt me more than you realise to defeat you. But I must. It isn’t an option to lose and not “at my expense”. A decade. A decade of doing this as a reject, as a nobody. A decade to reach this point and I’m not letting go of it. Fight, but accept your defeat when it arrives. Don’t fight it and we can fight side by side and die side by side.

“Call me your lover.”

I will walk away still champion. I will wake to prepare for my next challenge the following day. Whether you stand by my side or not, I will carry on without much concern. A day will come where I will face the consequences of my actions at Territorial Invasion; loneliness or your warm embrace. But that day is not now. It's not tomorrow, next week. And as long as I can't see it on the horizon, then I will not stop for a moment to consider it, I will not fear it. I will do as much as I must to defeat you and nothing more...nothing less.

“Call me...the best in the world”

“Call me your King.”

“Call me your God.”
Nasir Escobar
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post August 23rd 2017, 6:53 am by Nasir Escobar
Hey you guys know that old saying right? To kill two birds with just a single stone? Yes I know Nas is being cliche once again with his material, but I can’t help it. That’s who I am deep down. The reason I bring it up is well, because I would say that just about sums up perfectly what I am attempting to do come Territorial Invasion. One of those birds is Sebastian Monroe, a man surrounded by guards. Men fighting tooth and nail on his behalf. Some doing it as an act of thanks for assisting them in their past careers. Others don’t necessarily care, but have been selected for the task by Monroe himself. But before I continue on that train of thought I’d like to touch back on that other bird. CM Banks. As I like to call him “the originator”. The man who started it all. The grandaddy of this business. Yadda yadda yadda. Also the man who has absolutely no respect for me and zero love for me too. You see to CM Banks I am just some false prophet chosen by the people. I am nothing more than a gnat who just won’t give up buzzing around in old Banksy’s face, trying to eat off his plate. Oh how I’m just a kid picking fights with grizzled grown men. Swinging away nonstop when none of my punches hit remotely close to home. Well that is simply your perception. The almighty CM Banks sees me as no longer a threat. Nothing close to a challenge whatsoever. But just an annoyance. That’s well and fine. I never asked for your opinion, I didn’t care to know. And quite frankly knowing it doesn’t change a damn thing about how I perceive things myself. The way I see it is how the real world sees it. You are going into this thing as a rematch. I’m going into this thing as a fight to the bitter end. My blood, my sweat, my tears. Everything. I’m putting it all up on this one event. You see last year at Territorial Invasion Banks, to give YOU a bit of a history lesson for once rather than the opposite...I was beaten in my very first world title match. I lost to Aren Mstislav for the EAW Championship. I had him set up for an Ether, but he low blowed me and the ref missed it. He of course then preceded to retain his title. Then went on to feud with Y2Impact. Meanwhile I was then suspended by Carlos Rosso for disrespecting him and putting my hands on the old bastard when he should have spent less time praising his “precious” Team Voltage for their narrow TI Victory and spent a little bit more time restarting my title match so I could get the fair opportunity I was so wrongly robbed of. By the way I sure hope Team Keelan sends that old bag of bones back to the retirement home where he belongs. Anyways back on track, because Banksy I’m sure you don’t give two shits about Carlos or Keelan. To be fair you probably don’t care about any of this exposition, but you brought up a bunch of stuff I could care less about too so it is what it is now ain’t it? But yes, I bring up my previous Territorial Invasion failures because I use it as fuel as well. A constant reminder in the back of my head. That I am not only competing at Territorial Invasion this weekend to take down the corrupt Sebastian Monroe. Not only am I facing you to prove something to myself. But I am fighting to avenge my previous failures at this particular event too. I can’t necessarily say that TI has been a kind event to me, but it is most certainly one that I tend to kick things into the next gear at. To this day my performance against Aren at this show has to have been one of my all time best, which makes the defeat hurt all the more. But that is in the past and I got my retribution against my brother. The vengeance is more so a reminder to myself that at all costs I cannot lose at this event this year just as I did previously. Which leads me back to you. You think you’ve got my number. You think you know it all don’t you? The all seeing and all knowing Bankstradamus I suppose eh? And yeah, in 2012 you walked away from this industry for what looked like would be forever. You hung up your boots for what even you claimed at the time would be, the last time. Every and any name at that point in the business had to gain the good ol’ CM Banks seal of approval before they could become anything at all. That’s quite interesting Banks. If only your seal of approval were what I was after in this contest. No I don’t want your respect. That’s what I was after in the first match and I thought I had claimed it, so I ready to move on with my career and my life. But then on Showdown you showed me exactly what kind of a man I was dealing with and I decided then I had to escalate the situation myself. Because you see Banks I’m not headed to TI to fight to earn your respect. I’m headed to Territorial Invasion to take your seemingly endless amounts of pride. I’m going to beat that proud, self entitled attitude out of you and make you never want to insult my name ever again as long as your feet a planted within the confines of the Land of the Elites. CM Banks I still stand tall in reminding you that I’m like no man you have ever stepped into this ring with before. I compare to nobody from your time or anytime you witnessed before my ascension. I am a one of a kind performer. Many want to be me, but there will never be another Nasir Moore in this lifetime! At Territorial Invasion I will achieve the impossible by taking not only Sebastian Monroe’s career, not only the number one contendership to the Answers World Championship, but I take away a piece of you. I take it and stuff it into my pocket. I take it to my safe and lock it away forever. Where you can never reclaim it. Although as you noted...things could go south for me. I could meet defeat at your hands. I could very well be eliminated from Team Starr. Or even survive to the end, but be put down by one of my own comrades. It’s all extremely realistic. Oh and no, I won’t say that losing is not an option. It definitely is one realistically speaking. It’s just not the option for me is all. I would rather allow my body to be broken down, torn apart, and permanently dismantled than shamefully admit defeat to anyone when I could still go for more just to secure my health. I may sound like a complete idiot for that but quite frankly I don’t give a damn. CM Banks in order to beat my this time, you’re gonna need to make sure I do NOT get up! EVER! And I can already assure you beating me to the point that I’ll never be able to stand back up...now THAT is an impossible task, even for a man like yourself. But we all know that you will try so, I guess the least I could do is wish ya luck huh? Don’t hurt yourself tryin to hurt me buddy.

But before I go, allow me to return to Team Monroe because it seems a new face has made his presence felt now. I thought I was just dealing with the heavy hitters Jacob Senn and Scott Oasis, but to my surprise Nico Borg wants to throw down as well. And when I say surprised I mean genuinely surprised. Nico is a man who bursted onto the scenes during season ten, but actually debuted during season nine. Most people tend to forget that there was a time period where he was on Dynasty BEFORE being drafted to Showdown, as he himself reminded us all. He didn’t have very kind things to say about his treatment on the show then, but sees no issues in fighting for Sebastian Monroe as Starr Stan has not done anything in particular FOR him either. Now that’s well and fine, we’ve all picked our sides for a reason. Whether I agree with it simply does not matter at this point. Damage is already done. Speaking of Damage done, TI is gonna be featuring a TON of Ethers, just felt I should get that off my chest. I can level with you on one thing Nico. I’m not in it because Starr has done all these amazing things for me in the past and all this blah blah blah. I didn’t pick his side for that. I picked his side because, number one he did not get in my way of going after Banks like Monroe did. And number two, Starr wasn’t the one who decided to ban me from the Answers World Title, Monroe once again would be that guy. Something else I can respect about you Mister Cash in the Vault is that much like Jacob Senn, you didn’t go out of your way to disrespect a man you hadn’t had any prior interactions with in your journey through the Land of the Elites. You showed quite a bit of class in your addressing of me and I see only fit that I do the same for you my good sir. Although I guess I could address that one little detail at the end of...Aren carrying me? Carry me how exactly? When we won the Young Lion Tag Cups when we BOTH had Crash locked in submissions. In many of our tag ventures we fought as equals and tended to dominate our opponents as a unit, not one individual carrying the slack of another. If we’re being honest during our run as a team I was the more giving one of the two. Aren tended to take weeks off while I’d be here defending the good name of the connection WHILE having a singles career on NEO contending for the Young Lions Cup AT THE SAME TIME! And of course my biggest argument is the fact that I was the one who won us the Unified Tag Team Championships off of Carlos Rosso and GI Styles. Not Aren. I hope everyone is hearing this loud and clear by the way, just so in a couple months time I don’t have to repeat myself on this matter too. But back on the task at hand Nico, even though I most certainly respect how much you have built in such a small amount of time...my only way of going on to become the Answers World Champion is through the downfall of Sebastian Monroe. And of course in order for that to happen you must lose. Which I am not asking you to lose for me. I am TELLING you that you are going to be beaten by me or someone on my team. It’s as simple as that pal. I proudly carry the weight of the world and the burdens of all upon these shoulders. Whether it be Jacob Senn, Scott Oasis, or even you Nico Borg. There is not a single man on this earth capable of holding me back from gaining what I have spent my entire life chasing after. As EVERYONE loves to say, so close yet so very far. I can taste it on the tip of my tongue. My hands extend out to grab hold of it. My eyes are locked onto the grand prize. My feet are firmly planted where they are at this point in time, No man can take me down. Not with the power that I now hold!
The Triumvirate
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post August 23rd 2017, 6:17 am by The Triumvirate
The New Don's Rise...

Rip at the flesh.

That’s all you’ve done. Yet, it’s the greatest thing you’ve ever done, mongrel. No one with an ounce of dignity would stand where you do and proclaim that this is the legacy they leave behind. Filthy gold and soiled victories are all the dirt you need to cover yourself in this hole you’ve dug. The World around you thrives on competition, but what are you? Complacent. Content with your own mediocrity. You mongrels truly repulse me in every way. You’d rather sit upon the hill you’ve conquered than seek out a mountain to take. It’s no wonder why you were beaten by my pathetic shell of a father. If this is all you brought you the table, then there’s no doubt in my mind anymore that you fell into this not by any ounce of talent or skill. You did it by doing all that you’ve ever truly done in life: exist. You exist, and that is who you got here. You stood where you stand now, and it happened to be the right place, at the right time. The one moment you find yourselves threatened, and you lose the fight. The fight that mattered the most. The one that could have turned you from a mere name into a Legend among all the other mongrels of the World. Yet, it slipped through your shaking fingers, and that’s not because you had a moment of weakness. It didn’t happen because you were cheated. It happened because it was an inevitability. Believe it or not, no one is born equal, and equality isn’t always attained through sheer determination and work. You will push your body and mind to their very limits, only to find yourself still the one humiliated and defeated. That’s a lesson any grown man knows, and yet so very many go out of their way to avoid it, as if pretending it’s not there makes it nonexistent. There is no greater example than the one standing in front of me. You, mongrels, are everything wrong with the World The Triumvirate built. The scraps of what stood before is what you are. The weak have no place here, and make no mistake, you are the weak. You are the ones who came flocking to the corpse of this division you claim to have conquered, and like the buzzards you are, you devoured it.

Eat the muscle.

Sit there on your hill and think of all of those that fell before you. Think of the insignificant names who suffered the fate worse than death that is being lesser than you. Don’t look towards the future, because I can assure you, there’s nothing there for you. Absolutely nothing. Just stay there as you are and cherish those moments you created together. Clutch those trinkets you hold as if it’s your last day on Earth, and think of the good times you had. It’s not hard to see that the past is all you truly have. All those names that remain defeated in the wake of your reign, and yet the only two that hold any value to me happen to be the ones who beat you. Yet, it makes no difference when it comes down to it. Lannister and I have beaten men far more worthy of this than you, mongrels. Headlines, World Championship gold, and even the most insignificant battles that eclipse the greatest you’ve ever had. That’s what our past holds. The past means nothing. You have achieved nothing. You have done nothing. You are, for lack of a better word, nothing. And if nothing is what you think of us, then perhaps that’s for the best. I believe death is much more easily accepted when you don’t know it’s coming, and make no mistake, this is the death of you. Not in the traditional sense, but in a way that no matter how long you continue to breath and walk this Earth, you will be dead to everyone else. You will have died long ago, on August 26th, 2017, when you were ripped apart by two men far beyond what you are capable of. It’s not as if everything that came before it never happened. You still have the past - the past you love so much. The past that makes you believe that you are no doubt the greatest team on the Earth. It’s unfortunate that we had to come along and wake you from this dream, but every dream ends eventually. Be grateful it was us waking you, and not some mongrel like you.

Chew the bone.

It’s not as though we expect anything less than the fight of your lives, it’s just that we know your lives don’t measure up enough to put up a fight that we’re not prepared for. The blood you’ve spilled on that canvas over all the time you’ve spent together paints a picture, but not one that holds any significance. Somewhere along the line, words and intentions were crossed, and this became another instance where the person standing across the ring from us overestimated themselves. We’re not here for you, nor have we ever been here for you. What you did to my father, or what you did to Tiberius, or what you did to anyone anywhere in your entire life - it’s absolutely trivial. It’s just dirt that can be swept away. We don’t linger on it. We don’t hold grudges, because that would mean we care, and we don’t. We walk in a straight line towards something, and if you happen to be in the way of that line, you will no doubt be pushed out of the way. If you want to struggle and fight the dying of your light, then so be it, but just know in the back of your little mongrel mind that nobody will be impressed with you just putting up a fight. You’ve got it implanted in you that you have to win. You have to. Because everything you’ve said before all of this means nothing otherwise. Not what you’ve said to The Triumvirate, but what you’ve said to yourself every time you look in a mirror. Every day you woke up and told yourself that you are that good. Just words. Nothing more. Hollow words that never meant anything. Words that are nothing more than wind. You’re not the best, nor have you ever been. You’re just a mongrel who got lucky, and when you fall, you will hit the ground so very hard because this truly is winner takes all. Not just your gold. Your credibility. You failed once when the chips were down. What becomes of you when you fail again? What becomes of those words you told the World? What becomes of you when you realize that you’ve spent the better part of a year raping the corpse of the division you so proudly claim to be your own? We’re not taking your gold. We’re taking you. Everything. There’s nothing left of this carcass you mongrels have been feeding on.


FakeNews - EAW Promoz! - Page 11 V60MMf7
The Triumvirate
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post August 23rd 2017, 6:17 am by The Triumvirate
The Dragon's Den...

Basic. Asleep. This is the true sight great performers see as they move from place to place looking towards their audiences, never expressing their inner contempt for those in their seats who observe the greats. The people, they always laugh at the jokes you’ve told a thousand times in other places around the world, they clap for the same magic trick you you’ve done over and over again, and rarely do you have the opportunity to go and change the entire act. It’s the performers greatest blessing and curse, the ability to master through repetition and yet also the tedium of rehashing old stunts when you just want to brazenly go out there throwing new ideas to the wall and see what sticks next.

They ask, what is a king without loyal subjects?

Why are people using outdated references like kings in this day and age?

Theron speaks to me as if I didn’t just explain to him why I did what I did to him in particular, and why he will never have a one on one shot at my championship, let alone ever receive an untainted contest with me where I give him a knight’s proper death.

I could go into detail about the nature of man kneeling to power. I could explain how the concept of kings never died, and people just called them something else. I could explain in a different way why Theron will remain ever defiled, ever stained for all of the time by my hands, and I am sure his King’s Guard peers. It would not be difficult because I have already mastered these conversations, I already have the proper spin to place on these arguments and stories to be told. But I refuse to go through this again, not when we’re in store for one of the most dangerous contests any of us have ever been in, not when this could be the last curtains for so many of enemies and I owe the world to give them a compelling send off! Today, Theron can go relisten to my last speech, and the High Rollerz can go ask Ryan Marx and the thousand people who have brought up the same questions before the king. Today, for those inquiries this afro royal tells Theron and the High Rollerz to either by themselves get woke and to stop being as basic as suburbian whores, or forever remain ignorant to the lessons I shall not hold their hands in and walk them through.

No, knuckle draggers, instead of messing up on the fundamentals, you should be shaping up for the contest of your lives. There seems to be some confusion, as if at Territorial Invasion we’ll be wrestling two different matches, but that just goes to show how greatly outmatched you are in front of the Triumvirate, united. Do I really need to explain why I would want my fellow peers to gain championship gold? Must I bring it to your attention that no champions need to be pinned to have their championship taken away from them? Why would I ignore any of my opponents under such circumstances? I’ll address this as it is something I haven’t had to before, though I would have felt it was quite obvious. I didn’t change my last name to IV to go out like Jon Jones just did, to have the championship stripped from me without someone taking me out! EVERYONE and EVERYTHING, in this match is my business. Your requests for otherwise only goes to show how you have failed to come together as one, while there are no holes in our ranks, we are a phalanx that will spear right throw you, picking at all the gaps in your defences and inability to work as a team. In error, the High Rollerz claim that it is Lannister and Ares out of their element going for the tag team championships as if they’re engaged in a two on two contest, when in fact it is the three of you who already show signs of being unprepared to survive in this environment. A state completely unacceptable whilst you stand before the three creatures on top of the EAW food chain.

I respect that my former tag team partner apparently considers the High Rollerz to be the GOAT. I can definitely see the argument to say it is so. But before you get ahead of yourselves, allow me to use my crown as a magician’s topper, and from it pull a rabbit out of the hat to address the situation.  What does it mean to be the GOAT? Such a status requires a combination of talent, accolades, dedication, and time. Drake & Jones are the most talented team to ever grace this roster, and our chemistry for how long it lasted remains unmatched, but we had no intention on staking out a spot in the tag team division for all our careers to put in the dedication and time the High Rollerz have. Is that meant to be disrespect from me to you? No, like any other division or sport in the world those things are required to be considered the greatest, even Michael Jordan wouldn’t be considered the best if he had only played one season in the NBA. This is a proclamation of clarification, I feel no envy for your so-called place as the soon to be GOAT tag team, for all that matters to me as pertains to Drake & Jones is that we proved together that no one can touch us as long as we were a team, and I have full confidence that we would get the job done against you on any night! So congratulations, your legend will likely surpass us as a team, but you’ll never be better than us in the pure art of tag team wrestling! More relevant to now, it doesn’t matter if you two will go down ranked higher than Lannister and Ares as a duo on all time lists, not if while Lannister and Ares are around they’re better than you at that point of time and have those straps. And this only assumes the two of you will be walking out of Territorial Invasion with your careers in tact, which is no guarantee, let alone have the ability to ever be Unified Tag Team Champions ever again after they’re done with the championships!

Now Theron you can try to isolate me, you can continuously attempt to have this romanticized picture where you and I will one day be left as the two last people on earth where you’ll get your grubby little hands on me, but the truth of the matter is that I am unattainable by lowlifes such as yourself. I exist on an upper crust of society, and I’ve always been a popular figure that the entire roster is just waiting to answer my beck and call if I grant them the honour of fighting on my behalf. You of all people know this. What you don’t understand is that I left you breathing on purpose, I wanted everything that happened to you to one day sink into that little brain of yours, so you understand just how big of a mistake you made when you decided to throw your career away as soon as you caught one whiff of being able to challenge me. You feed into your base impulses, and it didn’t lead you anywhere fruitful, which goes to show that perhaps it’s in your very nature, your gut works against what’s best for you. Perhaps you’re just glutton for punishment. I do know, you aren’t that good at promises, you failed to live up to your past promises, to me as a knight, and to these people as a challenger, but you continue to make them as your word become less and less valuable. So what if you make more? It’ll be all the more reason for you to linger on having to chew on your past mistakes, and every word you say.

Last edited by The Triumvirate on August 23rd 2017, 6:20 am; edited 3 times in total
The Triumvirate
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post August 23rd 2017, 6:17 am by The Triumvirate
The Eagle's Symbolic Tone...

Ah ha, it seems to Lannister that he has struck a nerve. Isn't that so Ripley? Isn't that so Davidson? Or perhaps it is just your anger boiling over, knowing that Lannister won't praise your paper deity. Throw your shade-less words Lannister's way, by all means - go right ahead. Lannister will match them, just so you can't use them as an excuse to barter later on. Lannister wants to show the world just how quick it is to break the pines of glass that is your confidence, long before the famine and starvation of your illogical reasoning catch up to your cause. You actually want to believe the idea that Lannister is your equal, only for the idea that you want this relentless attack to let off. Lannister is not going to sit idle and be a passenger to the moment. After all, here you two are, slurring your words together about concepts you know nothing about. Your ignorance displayed like a trophy you're proud of.

Because if you're going to use history as a source to your argument, you might want to set the facts straight. How your mind has deviated from the truth just to fit your hollow narrative, as you've blinded yourself to the components of reality. Lannister will dive into these later, but how apparent it's become that you mongrels have become tortured by your own words of reason. It appears the loser's mindset has already set in, with the mind filling itself with denial. Go right ahead and continue feeding this self-induced coping mechanism that continues to churn the wheel. Just know that neither of you are as sly as you lead on, nor as clever. Naive to the circumstance at hand, why else would either of you be boasting such feeble claims. Perhaps it comes down to fooling one's self. Or maybe there is no ulterior motive and just simply wish to spin a web of lies. Deception has always been the finest art, after all, but how it backfires when you've even fooled your own intent. You don't have what it takes to manipulate the masses, as you stumble upon your own words time and time again. You've been mislead into thinking that you are in control, when in reality your mind is just trying to justify for that you cannot compensate. The despair in your jealousy is rather apparent, and Territorial Invasion shall serve as the apparent. 

The world shall lay witness to the court of envy, in which the High Rollerz steam. The pride within these men is just too far gone, craving for ignorance. There is an error in their ways - and as Lannister has always said - 'Some mistakes, you never stop paying for'. While these cretins depend on their weakly-imposed insults like "Game of Thrones" character - it just proves that they are just trying to steer the conversation from its proper path. A pity, it truly is - to not have the guild to attack Lannister or the Triumvirate itself on relevant means. Perhaps this is just the signal of the mental state within - confidence needing a shot in the arm. Envious of Lannister's mold, no doubt. Not that Lannistercan blame them, a fine specimen of brute nature and mental fortitude that is un-rivaled in today's land of elite. Now again, these lead to petty accusations, but the less mindful like The High Rollerz WOULD take offense to the usage of an extended vocabulary. The harmony in Lannister's foresight is unmatched, keen to the analytic world in which we live in today. You try to impose your restrictions on Lannister, but what an unworthy cause, as it is Lannister that serves as the unreachable point of the omniscient point of view. Lannister is a man that is an amendment to humanity itself, a changing of the guard. What are you, Ripley? Who are you, Davidson? Rhetorical question, if you understand what that means, so no need to actually answer. But with that in mind, there is a silent obligation to ponder the course of such a question - relative to Lannister's state. There is clarity in realizing what your role in this game in which we play.

Lannister himself? Lannister is the disciple of war, molded by its essential shade. It churns the blood within, restoring the balance of all that declares itself immortal. A chapter opening and closing, the end versus the beginning. Consumed by it all, in fact. Lannister has waged war and conquered just about any foe that dare oppose him, and it is the only building block that a man can have at his disposal to forge the world as he sees fit. While you all play your part, dawning the facade that is the masquerade, this is where Lannister can shine his true colors. The brute reality of it all, where power can only be defined as power. And when Lannister looks around, observes the scene laid out before him, he looks across the battlefield and sees a brotherhood of men who serve as victims of their own compromise. Desperation has corroded the mind, and for it you shall have this serve as a time capsule to the scene linked. Your blood will serve as ink, dawning a caption in a page of Lannister's history books, written in your own contempt. A participant to the history, soldiers who figuratively died for the wrong cause. You see this through the echoes of time, men driven by their faith. But how when these desires come to meet the post-mortem stage, that's where you truly can define the nature of each man. The High Rollerz can stand upon their high castle now, but walls have crashed to the ground before. What ever official titles you cling to, whichever accomplishments you once held - are proven obsolete as charred bones. Because Lannister serves as a conqueror, and his brothers in arms echo the entity of such a sentiment. You cling to the remains of your tag team history - but it is all you have. All it takes to strip you of your identity, is to dawn those precious titles for ourselves. Look at Lannister - Look at Ares. Do you REALLY think the Answers World Championship served as the source of our power? Do you REALLY think that championship gold served as the signifance of our place on the totem pole? Of course not, for our nature serves a different course - a higher purpose. Lannister wouldn't expect either of you to understand, all it would do is raise your level of contempt. Lannister himself can't wait to see what truly remains of Ripley and Davidson, long after their source of namesake is perished. Lannister and Ares serve as an auto reset button, at any time adversity takes a stride into the destined path.

Lannister could dive into a wide range of topics, but why bother when the justification of it all would ring upon deaf ears. You're a man full of assumptions, as you play fiddle to your mind's coping mechanic. In your minds. you happen to be on the scale, play by the same rules of the men you dare mock. Only in your minds, can you find comfort that you actually belong, that you could persuade yourself that you could match Lannister in stature and belief. But only then. But who is Lannister to judge? We all happen to be victims to ourselves, blinded by the lies we sell. Caught up in the webs of fame, it seems your efforts to please have been made in vain. But oh please, Davidson, please oh please, Ripley - show Lannister how you weave your way through such fallacies of logic. Because is it ever so tempting to let the show go forth, as you continue to act as this master of puppets. Stringing along to the means of nothing. For Lannister pays no mind in the words you spiel. Lannister does not give way to propaganda - for words are wind, as you have made quite apparent with your petty assumptions and claims. Lannister couldn't possibly take you any less seriously than he does now. He was expecting a challenge, but it has become obvious that this isn't just a battle of class structure, but the informed against informal. It's like taking candy from a baby, but alas - it must be done. Feel free to relive the moments in your mind of great past successes, for the time remaining in which you can. The mistake of the matter would just be to expect the returning outcome, knowing damn well a vile, separate presence knocks on the very door. Wade through those fragments in which you keep - just come to know, when the time hits to check back into reality - your pathetic, desperate attempt to heed this storm, shall be your lasting memory of a worthless duration. 

For this is the coming of an age, so Lannister would suggest to begin to alter your mind-frame towards what is to come. As it is The Triumvirate that will give the people of this land a story truly worth telling. One that will set the precedent for all to follow. You have beaten many a team, but never this one - and that's the only equation that counts. So stop trying to paint the canvas with a disguise, it only leaves your argument shallow. This is The Triumvirate vs. the lesser mortals in which you plea. This is not Robert Vendetta, this is not the Heart Break Gal. That's all this is - all that remains relevant. Considering that is the only source material in which you can read from, it becomes quite obvious to Lannister that he is apart of the winning equation. For only the present is deemed the conquest at hand. Lannister, if nothing else, is undefeated in his approach. Just don't freight - as Lannister has no ill will, only the passion and desire to have you marvel at his feet. But Lannister must admit, the urgency is dimming low, all thanks to recent events. It's a shame, really. This conversation has done nothing but unmotivated Lannister's core excitement towards such a monumental moment. It has always been a keen favor of Lannister's, to bury the names of his foes in the grass and call them his own. But the more Lannister converses with such mongrels, it's becoming ever more apparent they aren't worth the desire. The High Rollerz may serve as tag team champions, but they surely aren't worth their own weight in gold. 

There surely has to be more than meets the eye, or what Lannister has had to endure. Lannister supposes it matters not, just as long as the deed for the day is met with return. The tag team championships are all that matter, not who was once affiliated. Lannister knows you will no doubt try to portray a mirroring tirade, but none of that matters. Lannister probably won't even listen, because the words will just be a mimic of this forgotten chord. The desperate cries for attention have been heard enough as is, for there is no reason to continue to tune into such a symphony. The "big, bad" wolves tried to stake their claim on this territorial device, this deeming stage - but the gunshot mind-frame couldn't have possibly gone any more wrong. By all means, Ripley, by all means, Davidson - breathe in your own disgust. You have to be used to it by now. Just know, that the Triumvirate will continue to break you down to the very atom. Just cherish what you have built, and each side can part their own separate ways. There is no need to get personal, but Lannister can if he must, or has the design and intent to do so. All empires essentially find their demise once Lannister grazes upon their core. All defiled with their law of contempt, all of pitiful desperation to the masquerade of something they're not. But go right ahead, clench your fist in contemplation. But it's going to be hard to stay afloat when the lungs get filled with smoke and mirrors of your own beat. Stripped to the core, let this Territorial Invasion be the vicious, diabolical moment in time when you were swallowed by your own bitter taste. These corridors are about to close around you, and there will be nothing to salvage from such a display. Farewell to your shadows, and say hello to your reality.

That reality? That you could not keep the oath to your own cause. You ALL intend on keeping your word. But only one word matters - LANNISTER

You will no doubt be fractured from these words, but let the sound resonate. And let it resonate true. For...


...And with it, the spoils of this war.

Last edited by The Triumvirate on August 23rd 2017, 6:18 am; edited 1 time in total
Jon McAdams
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post August 23rd 2017, 6:00 am by Jon McAdams
FakeNews - EAW Promoz! - Page 11 Sovere11

McAdams sits in front of a wall of monitors. Each one showing promos and matches done by Ryan Marx. His silhouette enhanced by the bright lights flashing from the ring.

“Give it time, Marx,” McAdams speaks slowly, deliberately. “Our first volley was to let you know a little about me, to get a sense of how you react. I leave deliberate openings because I am not fearful of attacks on my character, I don’t base my life on the criticisms of others. I am more interested in how you might take advantage of those openings. I have taken this time to hear you and do my best to understand you but I fear you still don’t grasp me and I understand why.

Everything about you is exactly that. About you. You see value in those around you but not because they are of actual value as people but as items, toys, figures in your playset. People only have worth to you if they serve you. You are a god in your own mind. A sovereign in itself. I understand this. I really do, because I too believed the same things. I too lived in the same ideological world that demanded that everything revolve around me, that I am the truest form of power and strength. That my mind, my skill, my ability. That alone puts me above all others. It was not weakness that drove me into the family. The Nightmare. It was an epiphany and one I learned when I was young, but forgot as I became a vengeful hateful person. I admit it hasn’t changed… but little by little I am learning. I put so much stake in myself but let me ask you something Ryan Marx.

You believe you are the next Zeitgeist. You are the vehicle that drives a movement. You are practically the father of your own religion held together by five pillars. How beautiful. How wonderful that all is. Ryan Marx. I hear lots of people in the world believe in ideas of themselves. Ideals, belief systems, more so than that, actual callings that people believe are called on them by God. The people who believe in not just that, but men like you, who believe the god is inside of them. You seek your purpose from within, and you aim for this recognition that you feel entitled too because you’ve convinced yourself so well, and often times because of that, you’ve convinced others of your invincibility. Your immortality. But the question I want to ask you is. What happens to a tool when it stops working? I know it’s a simple question but it’s an important one. What happens to a hammer when it breaks? What happens to a screwdriver that is dulled?

It is thrown away.

You believe yourself to be this thing, this embodiment of perfection, yet the fatal flaw in all of this is that you lose. At Grand Rampage you came in at number 30 with an advantage above every other person in the ring, yet The Zeitgeist with all his pillars still couldn't win, and within moments you had been eliminated. With all your philosophy you still couldn’t defend your new breed title at Reasonable Doubt. You mentioned it yourself, you lost all the way up to your openweight title match where you beat three other competitors to keep it, albeit, they also eliminated each other and it is easy to capitalize on that kind of match. I won’t take that away from you because it’s still earned but somehow this made you believe you are somehow greater? That this title brings you to another level? But all at the same time you make claims that the title means nothing to you. Please spare me the cool cocky nonchalance. If the title truly means nothing, then what are we even talking about? That doesn’t speak to your strength, it sounds more like luck.

Here’s the issue. You’ve made claim that I am incapable of backing up what I say time and time again but I look back at these few months and I see very little moments where I was unable to do exactly what I said I would do, or to have things go exactly as I planned them too. I manipulated to pit brother against brother, I worked to create an exciting environment to thrive in on Voltage. I did what I said I would, and when I failed to capture the interwire championship, I adapted. But you.

You had moments of strength, and skill, and luck… Marx, I won’t belittle your abilities, I see talent, but you are far from the potential you claim you’ve reached, and the only victory that matters to me at this point is the one you found at the hands of Maero. A match that you did not dominate. It was not perseverance, you did not destroy him. It was close. And that’s the problem. It was close. To close. Close enough that I look at that match. I look at you. I look at one of these moments that helps create this little monster inside of this ordinary man called Ryan Marx and think, is this man not capable of seeing just how close he came to losing again. And every loss is another blow to your idea of yourself, and after too long, every hammer eventually breaks. Every tool eventually becomes useless and someday when you are throwing those 5 pillars at your defeats and failure, when you are looking at yourself and it is not quite what you thought it would look like, your whole world will shatter because the truth and foundation that lies underneath you was not stable enough to hold the ego, the pride, the outright absurd idolatry that stood on top of it. Take it from a man who calls himself Sovereign, and has fallen many a time, and had to adapt and change many a time. Those of us with the biggest egos can only lie to ourselves for so long before it all comes crashing down. Before our tool is broken. Before we become next to nothing. Before we become trash.

Marx. I understand I have an uphill battle this week against you. There are few and far between, people who believe in me to succeed in dethroning you but I am willing to bet you are in that same boat and more so still than you ever have been. I don’t suspect you’re a man who would willingly admit that you would ever take an opponent for granted, but I am willing to bet that at least by this point, you’ve already decided you’ve won. You’ve already made that decision in your head, and you will go into this match and I believe you will do what you need too to win but I know that people in this position inevitably give some leeway in the idea that this match is won. It is a weakness. You’ve made it clear that you don’t think I am ready for you. I hope you continue that train of thought. I hope you bring that to the match. I think you’re going to find that it is thinking like that that often leads people to defeat, especially when they are up against men with nothing to lose and everything to gain. My stake in this match is much smaller than yours, in that, if I lose, it is a small blemish on my record, but nothing I can’t recover from by simply beating the next guy and the next guy. But if you lose to me, well, than everyone who believed in you, everyone who thought you would win, the recognition you cling too when you make statements like you’re the best newcomer in years, and that you are better than this man, or greater than this man, all of those things will shake that recognition you think you deserve. The core of your being. All of it. You must defend it. You can’t afford to lose it. But I doubt you’re really thinking about that right?

I don’t claim to be anything like you, we both come from the same city, but we represent very different things. I want you to understand me. I want you to get me. I want you to understand me at my very core because it is that understanding that will break your little heart when I steal that title from you. I find it so unfortunate that you’ve continued to compare me to men from the Sanatorium. I find that to be the most unnerving thing, truly because I am not those men, and you are well aware of it, yet you continue to amaze me by bringing them up as if we are all of one body and one mind. Are you having a match at Territorial invasion with Solomon Caine? Or Jon McAdams? Or is it Amadeus? Or Maero? Or Eclipse? Are you fighting Alexis?

So why do you keep bringing them up? They will not be with me at ringside. You will not fight them on a train, or on a plane, in a box, or on a fox. You will not fight Sanatorium, you will not fight them Sam I am.

I spoke of politics, and all of the things that I do not because I am going to use them to attack your reputation, or fire you, or vacate the title. Nothing so small and petty. It would be meaningless to remove you from the roster and wouldn’t earn me anything. Stop playing around with your words as if I am saying something as stupid as “Ima make you feel bad.” My sway is far different than the weapons of words. My sway was enough to get me this match. That’s all I wanted. To get a match representing the brand I respect against an opponent who has a title that will belong to me. I just needed that normal one on one match. Something I know I can cheat my way to victory. I’ll be honest, I could give a rats ass about your reputation. I am only coming for it because you keep bringing it up, and it’s clear to me that despite what you say, you give away the fact that it’s the thing you hold dearest to yourself.

Every word you speak is talking out of two sides of your mouth. You claim everyone is unreached potential and they are beneath you yet you are desperately trying to show everyone that you are above your station, and you chase after the adoration and respect of others while claiming that what people think doesn’t matter. It’s what a child does when he is told he can’t do something. He pretends that he is allowed too.

Achievements by comparison of time alotted is a foolish claim. You achieved so much this year? I haven’t been here a year, and in my first month I was hardcore champion and I didn’t beat some nobody schmuck in the back to get it. I defeated Drastik, the former EAW champion and Hall of Famer. Not just once. But twice. I pinned him, one two three. There is no comparison. By the time I have been here as long as you have, I will have long surpassed you in achievement and not because of my philosophy or whatever but because I know how to play the game and make things happen and I know what you’re thinking, even if I manage to sneak away with your title you’ll just move on to better things but once again, it is trounced by the fact that a guy who hasn’t been here as long as you just stole your belt away from you. And then when you move on to ‘better things’. I will come up and I will do it again. And again. And again.

You see, I don’t play the short game. These small victories, these title wins, these are building on a legacy that has blazed passed every person who started alongside me. I have pulled ahead so quickly that it is no wonder people don’t believe in me winning but I know as much as this. I don’t have to win effectively, I just have to have you down on the mat for three seconds and I have what I came here for and though it will be easy to dismiss at first, it will eat at your subconscious and the next time we meet, you will fear it happening again, ever so slightly.

I have defeated names like Drastik, and Aren Mistlav. You can lay claim to a lineage but I have beaten the men you want to be like. I’ve defeated former new breed champions like Nasir Moore. I have stood toe to toe with legends in this industry and I have come out on top.

You are right, I guess maybe you don’t care for the belt. I find it ridiculous that you fight so vehemently for it, but ti makes sense considering how little you seem to care for anything. But I know what you do care about. It will be my deepest satsifaction to not only take what I came for, the openweight championship, but also to drive you down to that mat myself. The pleasure it will give me to tear a victory from you. Yes. that’s what I desire the most.

Now here’s where I will make things clearer than I can. Sovereignty is the deepest form of leadership. You’re a man of philosphy, surely you can understand what I am about to say, even if you don’t agree with it. I am a man making it my business to create a Voltage that is the greatest brand in the history of EAW. I have found that by myself, this journey is much more difficult to do and the results can be waning in the face of variables.

I have removed those variables by aligning myself with them. Defeating them was pleasurable, it was joyful, and it worked for a short time but as I’ve said, the Grand Design that I have set forth calls for a long term strategy.

I believe that leadership first starts at the heart of how you serve others. True leadership comes in the form of service. People truly won’t follow you with all their heart, their soul, their body, their life, until they know that you first care about them. That you are willing to serve them. This is not a fake gesture, this is no patronizing act. I am not here tricking these people, I am here to genuinely serve them and offer up myself as a resource and in doing so I will see the fruits of my labor come to life.

Surely you’ve heard of the idea of speaking life and speaking death into something. When a man screams and yells obscenities at a snowflake and it becomes a warped design, but when they speak life and compassion gently towards it, the form of the crystallized water is gorgeous. I believe that I must fight, and claw, and prove myself, I believe that I can serve lesser men and find in response loyalty beyond loyalty, and I believe I can take a bad thing and create a good thing but first I must be faithful in the very little. I must be consistent and proven.

I have been and it has given me opportunities that seem to never go away, I do not fear losing to you, because I am certain that another title opportunity will find its way to me soon. I do not fear you because I know that in the end, you have very little in terms of your life, while I have much and I can shake off your criticisms because… well.

You praise your ability to criticise but what a cheap gift. How many people can criticize? How many people look at the product and on a dime are able to point out what is wrong with our business, what is wrong with the wrestlers, the performers, how easy is it to point out the flaws? This is no bragging point. This is not a gift that only one person has, that brings out adversity or defense. No. It is cheap. Everyone and anyone can do it. I can criticize you for hours. I am certain if I watched you work for any amount of time I could tell you all the things that you are doing wrong according to me. How stupid. You have collectively assembled us together because of what each of us claims to be, not because we’re all the same, but because it’s easier for you to throw your criticisms at us rather than see the individual. It’s easier to see the flaw. Everytime. It will always be easier, that’s why it is such a cheap gift and let me just point out the flaw in your observation. You are apart of the Showdown roster, yet I don’t make any claims that you are the same as Maero. I don’t look at you and say, well, you’re just like your brother obviously, because he said that you two are different therefore it must mean that you are the same.

I am sure you believe you adapt and change but beyond a name change, what has actually changed from the time you called yourself the philosopher, and the Zeitgeist? Explain it to me. What is it that gives you that strength?

My strength has become the ones I have given myself too. You claim your strength comes from you, but that is an easy strength. It is much harder to trust and rely on those around you. It is much harder to continue to commit to something beyond its usefulness. That’s the biggest difference. I will not throw away this family like trash, but if they were yours, you’d get rid of them because it was a hindrance. I would turn it into a strength, I would make it into something that I can wield, a broken hammer? No, I will make it worth something else. Sovereign will recreate the broken. I will give myself to them. You say the Sanatorium is broken? It’s falling apart. It’s nothing.

That is unfortunate that you cannot see the potential in the broken. You fail to see what could be with the right push and a person willing to put in the work to do it. Yeah Ryan Marx, someday you might be a great thing, but you will never be bigger than the Sanatorium, and you will never rise above the collective once my vision is set into place. But of course that will take time.

By the way, I have faced so many like you. Nasir Moore was like you, Maero was like you, Nico Borg, Drastik, Eclipse. All men who suffered terrible losses on their way to great victories. All men who went from zero to nothing. The night I became Hardcore Champion, I lost to Zach Crash. It doesn’t get that much closer to getting up from a loss, unscathed and being better for it. It’s special, but barely. We are all people who refuse to give up. When I lost my Hardcore Championship, I went on a tear, I wiped out the roster before me. That time during the Sovereign Crusade has passed and at the end of it I failed to capture the Interwire championship. But I persevered and found a new way to the top. Marx. You are right, history repeats itself. I just lost to Harvey Yorke after having two matches on one day. I believe my time is coming at TI. I hope you continue to drag my brothers names through the ground as if it is punishing me, it’s hard to keep myself from laughing at the fact that you think so little of me.

And I get it now, I won’t threaten to take away the belt to hurt you any longer, or hurt your brand. I know you don’t care about them now. But I do. I care about that belt very much, and my brand, very much. So much so that I am willing to do horrendous things to make sure I get it.” McAdams nods solemnly. “I won’t make that mistake again, but I do want you to know that it is something that is very much on my mind. When I saw this title being put up at Pain for Pride well, I’ll be honest, there was nothing I wanted more in this business at the time, and that was even while I was targeting the Interwire Championship. I want it. I want it so much that I intend to do awful things just to get it.

Also, clearly you don’t understand sarcasm. I do believe you are entitled to your excuses, like you believe you're entitled to recognition even though, like myself, you have done little to earn it. When I say you’re right, no excuses, I mean to say is, you’re full of shit and if you were in my shoes you’d find a way of saying the same thing, but just well enough to fit your worldview. But by all means, continue your voracious assault! I am quivering!

That was sarcasm as well. I just want to make sure you understand that. You’ve had trouble with it before.

You’ve revisited the Sanatorium again, it’s as if I am having a match with one of them again and again and again and again. I get it, you’re tired of fighting them, but man am I tired of hearing you complain about them. You’re a broken record spilling the same stories over and over again. Your attempts to squelch my every argument just turn into busy soup that’s sat out for too long. I am beginning to wonder if you’re obsession with this discussion of them is because your greatest fear is losing to one of them. Maybe that’s a stretch but I must tell you, I don’t know if any of my last three opponents sat on this topic for this long in one message to me.

Again you’re not hearing me, I am not relying on them this sunday. I am relying on you to be exactly who you are. You will strut out there with your ideals and your belief that you are going to beat me soundly, and you will be met with resistance by one man, alone, by himself, and it will be confusing because this is not the fight you thought you would have. And good, because before I was Sovereign, I was The Survivor. Before I was Sanatorium, I was the one who adapted. I am a man of many plans, a tactician in that ring and I will make you work. To many people get into that ring and thing that it is all about strength and physical skill but I know you to be a man who works within your mind, but that is where I thrive. The difference being, I intend to do things that you won’t in order to win. What worked for any opponent before you, will not work for me, but what is nice, is I can go back and see your many defeats and know where you falter and you can make claims that you can go back and watch my victories and find that I rely on others too much but I think you will be surprised to find that my run since february has been rather alone. My victories have been my own. It’s really where your argument of relying on others falls apart.

Your Five pillars are a safety blanket, more than anything. You claim they are all of these things but you say it with such finality that it’s almost believable until you remember that beyond your New Breed title win, and your Openwieght title win and defense. You’ve had a terrible year. It has only consoled you but has hardly been proven. Proven is a lengthy career on top. Right now, you’re words are as empty as what you claim Sovereign to be because you only believe they are true because you say they are.

Things like ‘they’ve been built from the ground up, established, toiled over, and when questioned, they stand tall.’

You can say, that helped you get the title you now hold, that you don’t care about. But when I look back at your many many defeats, I am confused. Did those pillars bring about those defeats? Oh my. I just don’t know, maybe they did, maybe it was flukes, or maybe you’re just full of shit like everyone else who clings to philosophy, a theoretical study, as a way of living.

Everybody wants to be more than what they are, everybody wants to become greater than themselves, improve themselves in this business especially. If you don’t want to see yourself as bigger, more than what you are, than you should not be here. This is no new statement, nor did it need to be said. It does not give you any ground but merely shows that you are very good at stating the obvious. A monster is a figure of speech, ofcourse I am a man, but I am a man capable of dealing a great deal of pain and damage. I am a man like any man, who is capable of doing monstrous things. Surely you, who claims to be such a worldly and wise fellow, can understand that.

Oh, that was sarcasm by the way.

I assure you as Sovereign changes and adapts, it is a weak structure but one that is molded to be better and greater and stand the tests of time against the rigid pillars you’ve built your life on. I hope that you understand me, atleast a little bit more, though I imagine that some of these ideas are beyond you. Don’t worry, I’ll take that burden from you. I’ll make it my own. Its one of many that I bear, but it’s essential to me, where as it is nothing to you.

So let’s spill some more blood, let’s really tear eachother apart in there. Nothing would give me more pleasure and joy, nothing would prove my worth more, nothing would intensify my victory more than the satisfaction of putting such a selfishly devoted man in his place. I raise my glass to you Ryan Marx, let us toast! Not just to this match but to the very future of this business. To Sovereign! And to the reputation that you hold so dear falling so comfortably on my shoulders.
Sandwich Boy
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post August 23rd 2017, 1:20 am by Sandwich Boy
Do you see how easy it is to manipulate your emotions?

I've been doing it from day one.

You've built up this frustration and anger, but haven't been able to showcase it. You speak little of me, but I never expected the likes of you to ever speak highly of me. I never once thought of you as nothing more, but another number in our increasing population of the world. You're not anything special to me, this company, or anyone else for that matter. How have you not realized this yet? You speak of breaking out of shackles that restricted your fullest potential. Is that really the case, neanderthal? I'd like to see a majority of this world incomplete, often unable to tap into their untapped potential. They'll often make excuses as to why they don't want or cannot achieve anything further from their current limit. But who's putting these limits on you? The world? Or yourself? The correct answer would be, yourself. You as a living human being is to blame for those "shackles". They never existed, Heart Break Gal. They never have and never will. It was your lack of ability to constantly keep up with other people of your gender. You stayed behind, while the rest of them adapted and improved. They don't need to fight an uphill battle against men, because they know how talented they are. But do you know your own talent? Can you cope with any piece of information that I'm transmitting to your mind? But if you insist that you broke free from those "shackles", you really didn't. You only reinforced the limits you've put on yourself. If you were as terrifying as you claim to be, what stopped you from winning at Dia Del Diablo? And I don't want the typical response of "distraction", because that old tune has been played way too many times. There are no distractions, but there's the inability to succeed when your mind tells you it's an unfair moment of your miserable life. Your mind tells you that you can no longer fight on. Did the fire prevent you from kicking out? Did Devan Dubian trapped outside the rising fires prevent you from kicking out? Or was it the fact that you are simply two steps behind? You could have easily continued, but why didn't you? Why? You were defeated, but as I stated previously, you're engulfed in denial. I don't want to sit down and debate your uprising. I don't care about your uprising, because that simply does not exist for you. You're no different from any other person here. You're the same exact person you were on the female dominant brand, but now you bravely seek succeed on a male dominant brand. But what do genders have to play in any of this? I often see times where females want to compete against men to prove themselves, but they're easily capable of doing that without having to prove themselves. You only came to Showdown to prove yourself for that same reason.

But that was the worst mistake any person could have made.

You are now in the wrong place, at the wrong time.

I won't deny that a man that's spewed nothing, but "nonsense" in what your mind takes it as, does not seem intimidating. But you know what does? The unknown possibilities of every single outcome of this event. You don't truly know what I'm fully capable of. I am the unsolved mystery that you're itching to solve. You express a certain lack of respect of my presence, but how can you respect what is not there? I am not here, nor there, or anywhere, but I exist. I am an entity, while you are warped into the generalization of modern civilization. You need the feeling of empowerment to feel better about yourself. Your hard working efforts in the end will hardly leave a dent in the surface of this world that is on a time limit. And while you're so caught up in being remembered for what you've done, I've become the force that never was. I'm not wandering around in the same planes as yourself and many others. I don't seek the attention of anyone, but instead enjoy the reactions to my actions. I only enjoy what I do, because people like yourself exist among the rest. I don't need the greatness that legendary folk around here need, because the moment you slip out of that oh so addicting limelight, you revert to the same old pattern of life previous to that of your success. It's the nonstop war between relevancy and irrelevancy, but how can I fall under either of those categories? I'm in no way omnipotent, but I've always been lurking where no sane human would go. I'd travel to the dark continents of the world, surviving, and become something more than a working class citizen. I've become enlightened with my journeys and I'm here to share how enduring those experiences were. You don't know pain like I do. You can exhaust your physical body for however long you wish, but you'll never be satisfied with the result. I've surpassed the feeling of exhaustion or pain, whichever you'd prefer. I've risen above humanity, but you'll never be capable of realizing these words I speak with the simplistic mindset of yours. You only see ramblings, because your mind has yet to wrap around the concept of unlimited power. That's why I'm able to do what I want and say what I want. These words might not matter to you, but you'll slowly come to the realization of how you underestimated logic in all of this. I care not to instill fear, yet you assume that's my purpose. Why would I bother with such an unnecessary emotion? That emotion is absolutely meaningless. You know what's meaningful? Chaos. I enjoy the chaos that rules, not the trembling aftermath.

You may survive it, you might endure it...

But you'll know that I caused it.

Last edited by John Doe on August 23rd 2017, 2:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post August 23rd 2017, 1:01 am by AlexisDiemos
Mother Knows Her Family

You know what never ceases to amaze me? That in all the years that I’ve been in EAW, that throughout it all, my favorite moments have always been with other people. People like my family. My beautiful husband Eclipse, my sweet sisters beside me, and my greatest rivals, all rolled into one neat little package, tied up in a bow and stamped directly to yours truly. It’s almost funny. Almost. Don’t let this painted smile fool you girls, mama isn’t laughing as hard as she could be. I’ve been trying my entire career to achieve something similar to credibility...and now that I’m this close, this close to greatness, it’s begun to take its toll on me sort of. There are cracks in the facade, little ones. The mask of flesh that I wore, that shattered long ago. Long ago. And now, now it’s just a matter of time before it shatters entirely. You know how it is, girls and boys? We try our hardest to be normal, or to be sane, but we can all shatter ever so easily. We can break apart, fall, and eventually shatter entirely against the ground. Eventually, what will happen to most of us is that we shall stay broken against the floor, trying to collect all the pieces of our masks over and over again, lamenting our fates and stretching a hand out for someone to repair the mask for us. That’s what happens to so many of us. But not me, I chose to let that mask shatter. This paint I wear, the paint that SHE designed for me, this is the true face that she saw through my mask. This is the face that she said I had been trying to hide. The face that this weird world of EAW had tried to fabricate for me, as if I was nothing more than a doll that they could play dress up with. Do you understand that? I couldn’t even be who I was truly inside, instead I had to be someone that they could make a marketable image of. In DWF, they designed me after a pretty little dressed up therapist. I was sex appeal, and that was it. When I first joined EAW, I was the Rising Dragon, the battle princess. I wanted to explore that ferocity that I held in RUW, but even then I was taught that who I really was, was nothing more than a horrendous crime. A crime to the world. I had to hide myself. Hide my face. Hide my reality. And so, the CRIMINAL that was my mask, stole bits and pieces from me and was made into a marketable image by EAW. Do you know what changed it all? What made me look at the world that I was in and realize that I couldn’t let that world shape who I was inside? What it was, was looking at myself in the hospital, seeing my shattered body after a hellish match at Terminus against someone that I had considered a sister, and realizing that what I had revealed to the world...what I had shown that drew the applause of thousands of people...that was what mattered. Not this crass marketing ploy by people who couldn’t tell what the reality that we were creating was. No...they couldn’t respect the real me. They couldn’t respect the Mother. They couldn’t respect the Fighter. They could only respect three things. Breasts. Butt. And Lips. That’s what they could accept, so when I turned my back to them fully, and embraced the face that she revealed to me...it revealed something even better to it all. It revealed not only who I was...but just what my treasured enemies were hiding. And just what it meant to be a treasured enemy. A treasured enemy isn’t someone that I hate, not at all. That’s not what a treasured enemy has to be at all. A treasured enemy is someone who you feel things for, but at a level that your friends and family cannot. You would never wish harm upon them...unless you were to be the one to inflict it upon them. You wouldn’t throw them under the bus, you would DRIVE THE BUS! You wouldn’t let a bullet touch them, unless you were the one pulling the trigger. These are treasured enemies. Hated rivals that haunt your dreams. You can hear their mocking laughter in the back of your head, taunting you. Screaming at you. Telling you that you aren’t worth it. That you don’t have the skill or power to go far at all. Screaming at you that you will fail. All that you can hear. And look, look at what our sadistic little GM has decided to grant to us? She’s given us ALL of those treasured enemies. All of those that would dare to hurt me and my family more and more. She’s given them to us, and we will take pride in their slaughter. I want them to feel my hatred and my madness, I want them to SUFFER! And with all of them lied up in front of me, like lambs for a slaughter, this painted smile on my face is just widening. I can feel the blood pooling on my hands already. Yours and mine. Ah, I cannot wait at all. Well, I suppose, I should start talking of which of these treasured enemies deserve my fists more. Whose blood do I want to cake my fists more than the others?

You know why I despise you, Consuela? Why your very name, and your voice, pisses me off above everything else? It’s simple really. It’s because you walk around as if the world should shed a tear for your losses, as if your world hasn’t been made of Gold and Sunlight. I know a bit of your tragedies. Heh, see...SHE has told us quite a bit. I know of the torturous environment of your past, but you seem to have grown away from that. In fact...I have to question if anyone has ever frowned at you, let alone done anything so ruthless to you that you warrent a shred of our pity? But, think what you will of your title loss. In fact, I encourage it. Hate. Have nothing but hate to the world for what happened to you. Hate April Song for taking away the title that you wrenched from my little sister’s grasp. Hate Sophia for butting her ugly big cheeked face into this rivalry of yours. Hate them all. Because it’s that hate that is going to fuel your eventual downfall. You will burn in the fire that you create, because you’ve never experienced true hatred before. You are a bubbly and go lucky person, when things are going well, but now that things are taking a downward spiral...you don’t know where to go. You don’t know what to do. All that you know is that this hate is burning inside of your heart. And you can pretend that it doesn’t exist all that you like. Continue to make the audience laugh with your whole “pinesol princess” act. Make a fool of yourself, if it makes you smile and makes you happy! Do all that you feel like! Because I know the truth. I know the reality. Just like SHE taught me, the world around us is a sick and twisted, unfeeling thing. And the masks that we are forced to wear, our designed to make it all that much harder and colder. Why not take it off? Embrace it. Like your sister, Cameron. Ruthless. Capable of doing everything and anything if it means she will win. So hardened to the world that she would be willing to TEAR through you, if it meant that she could attain a modicum of success once again. Why not try that, Consuela? Why not just give into those whispers tugging at your heart? That lashing of the tongue against your ear that tell you that all things are possible if you just LET GO! Why do you refuse to give in to it? Do you perhaps think you are better than that...you think you’re better than me? Just like everyone else? Everyone else that looks down on people like me. I suppose it’s your pedigree, isn’t it? A famed Ava would never stoop so low as to look at people like me as an equal. Poor Alexis. Poor Diemos. Well, here’s the fun thing about being “poor little ol’ Alexis”. I’m not just someone that can fall away into the shadows forever, and be forgotten. I built myself up, and I didn’t lean on my last name at all! I made a name for myself using my brutality! My willingness to do things and do matches that no other girl here on Empire would ever be willing to do! To date, Consuela, I’m the only woman to have competed in a Devil’s Pit Match. I could have died, and I knew that. I knew that, and when I was laying in the hospital room, unable to move my neck, my smile couldn’t have been wider. So...when you are being sent to the back, and you still lack the Specialist title, that’s being held by perhaps one of the weakest in the division when it comes to ferocity, maybe you’ll seek me out in the end. Maybe you’ll find me and ask just how someone who wasn’t born into the Diemos could have been accepted by their Patron Saint. And my answer will be simple deary. It’s because Urban Legends like me...we had to build our fates and legends in the darkness. You can live in the light all you want, Princess. But this match isn’t a place for people living in the light. This is a place for those that like the shadows most of all. You’ve been in the light long enough, Consuela. And Brody only gave you a glimpse...and it took all your strength to take her out. I’m going to drown you in the whole damn thing.

I mentioned our lackluster Specialist champion, and lo and behold, she’s next on my list. April Song. The last vestiges of genuine Technical Wrestling, catch as catch can and military training combat techniques, all rolled into the package of one...extremely boring performer. Have you ever heard a crowd during your matches, April? Do you think that their cheers are for you? They cheer for your opponents, because think of what you are, and who you are. You aren’t someone like Consuela, who can feel the love of the crowd for her antics, or someone like the Goddess of Deceit like Aria Jaxon, who the crowd worships as if she is a god incarnate. You are simply put...a woman who was in the right place, at the exact right time. April, I don’t hate you like I hate the others. For me, you are nothing more than an obstacle to barrel over. A simple roadblock in my journey. But, there are things about you that irritate me. I suppose it’s the same as Consuela and the others. You turn your nose up to us. Acting as if you are superior, with a little gold around your waist. Gold that doesn’t belong to you. Stolen treasures, worn by a sky pirate. You know what is even more irritating than that? It’s that everyone knows that you can’t beat someone like me, but Tarah put you in this to test you. To see if you can truly hang around with those like us. Those that are talented and capable of doing so much more than you could possibly dream of. And you have proven that you are capable of getting close to that point, but you aren’t there yet. You aren’t at the pinnacle that the Goddess and my beautiful Dream Killer have erected. You don’t even come close to scaling the walls. You are an ant admiring the Great Wall, and chattering to the other ants of how the ant hill you erected is comparable to it all. All the while...I hover just above it with a magnifying glass, and all it takes is a small tilt of the glass to burn all that you had erected alive. The fire consuming it all. And I have the glass trained on you, and your insignificance shall be erased from this world. But, I don’t have to turn the glass on you just yet, little bug. I can let Consuela or Sophia usurp your throne. Assassin Ants, sneaking into that ant hill you erected, and murdering you, that will be much more fun to witness with my little glass. I’ll continue to spy on you through the glass...but for now...I’ll have a little experiment. Little April. If I break all of your little ant legs...will you still be able to crawl to the ant hill? Or will you simply writhe on the ground until you eventually expire? An interesting experiment to be sure. Can’t wait for it.

Savannah!!! The best friend of my littlest sister Jocelyn! It’s so nice to see you competing once again, especially with what I’ve seen of you. You’re such a sweetheart. With such a big heart. The thing about big hearts like yours Savannah...they have a tendency to bleed a lot more. You want to make things all good between both sides, don’t you? That’s just like, you sweet little angel you. You just want to bring smiles to everyone, and be able to make the world a much happier place. But, Child of Rainbows, this isn’t the kind of world where a hug can fix everything. There aren’t enough cupcakes in the world to cure depression, and there isn’t a glitter shiny enough to mend mental scars. And in the back of your mind, you know that. I haven’t seen you angry, Savannah. I haven’t. And that scares me most of all. There is a saying, that the world trembles when a good man goes to war. Well, EAW is no different, little Savannah. Release that anger that you have inside of you. Tear it out and let it be the strength that you need for a short time...because if you let it fester and grow inside of you, it’s claws scraping against the inside of your intestines, when it finally does come out...that’s when SHE will awaken to you. And when she wakes up to you...and when she sinks her claws into you, your anger will have you embrace her. You will become a terror the likes of which this world has never known, and I don’t want this for you. I want you to smile. I want you to be the happy go lucky girl that we have seen all this time. Innocent. Fragile. Smiling. And happy. The only woman on this team that I harbor no ill will or hard feelings for. I’ll offer you my hugs, my handshakes, my home to you Savannah. But at Territorial Invasion, you are offered nothing but the smile of a hunter. The teeth of a true predator. And the rage of an undying Urban Legend. I am the woman who smiles in the shadows, with blood stained teeth and a carnivorous appetite. So when I smile to you, in that ring, this blood filled grin is here to devour you, not shake your hand and offer you sanctuary. That will be for after Savannah. So, none of this is personal. I hope that I don’t tear your pretty little face enough for you to be unrecognizable though. I’d hate for Jocelyn to lose her best friend in the whole world because her big sister couldn’t...keep...control.

Aria. Aria. Aria. Aria. Aria. Aria. Aria! Aria! Aria! Aria! ARIA! ARIA!! ARIA!!! ARIA!!! You just never stop do you?! Even when you have held the title up high, holding it above your head and smiling as the crowd worships every bit of you, you never stop! A goddess of our ring...but a goddess of false brevity and lies. You, yourself are a living lie! SHE has told me. She has told me of the being that you have become. A mask of twisted words, warped into flesh. The hair that you have, chords of tangled webs, with spiders running through them, their poison false promises. Your eyes, black orbs filled with the ichor of deceit and murderous intent. Your nails simply the knives of murderers and cutthroats. Your tongue is forked when seen closely, as a serpent, but you are no snake. A snake sheds its skin. You don’t have skin. You wear the hopes and dreams of all those that have befriended you around your body like the ancient vikings would wear the kills that they had personally caught. A demon. No goddess at all, but a god to the mortals that look upon you. Words with a hypnotic effect, a body molded to fit that part. You are no normal person, and that much is apparent. And don’t think all of this is senseless hate either, Aria. You are a molded beast of lies and murder, and you are the perfect kind of individual to be Women’s Champion due to it. After all, no normal person could possibly take the gold given to us by those ancient powers. Those gods of greed, pride, envy, and wrath. Distilled down into its base elements, Aria, you are simply the chosen of the prideful and the lustful. And you are molded by the Envious and the Wrathful. Which makes you a perfect champion. A lie made flesh cannot be harmed. Cannot be taken advantage of. Cannot be killed. Not by a normal legend like me. No, I have little bans of my own, like a Fair Folk, unable to do anything outside of my legend. I am bound to my own mortality, so I have no hope of fighting against you in that sense. Not yet. Not at the moment. Not from what I am currently, because even attempting to target a legend like you to destroy would be against my best interests. Doesn’t mean that I won’t stop attempting of course, but I know who can truly kill one such as you Aria. One who wields your very bane. With you as the Goddess of Lies and Deceit, we need a god killer. And just as you are the Dream Maker of EAW, achieving your own goals and dreams...what better than a Dream Killer? My destiny isn’t to put the sword through your twisted and blackened heart, Aria. My role is to simply do as much damage as possible. I will break your arms and legs. I will tear your body in half and drink of its essence to grow of the strength, but my beautiful sister Cailin Dillon. She shall be the one that truly tears you apart. She shall be the one to end the legacy that is Aria Jaxon. So, I will give her the satisfaction. I just want to make it easier to drive the sword through her. So, I will shatter the goddess. I will push into her lies and attempt to tear her apart more and more, until eventually...eventually...the sword that drives through you will put you down for good. And then, we shall take the Gold of the Old Gods...and place them around the waist of one who shall not be corrupted by them. One who can take the darkness that they have created for themselves. So, come at us strong, Goddess. My teeth and claws are ready to taste your blood.

And last...and last...last...my sister, Madison. Oh, you are the one that I’ve wanted to fight the most. The one who tried to steal from me my entire joy. I’m sure you remember our time together in the family. A family that helped you, and you even said it yourself. The training you received there, the love you felt, did that shape you as who you are? If it did...then tell me why. Why did you treat me as dirt beneath your feet? Is it perhaps because in your eyes, I would never amount to anything to you? Is that the reason? In a sense, Madison, you are correct. I’m not like you. You were everything that I had ever aspired to be, rolled into a beautiful package. I wanted to become you, and I hated you for it. I hated you for having the skin of what I always wanted to be. For being the person that I had always wanted to be. Well liked, beautiful, and able to mingle in two societies. And you flaunted it to me. Flaunted it like one would flaunt clothes. But I grit my teeth and smiled. I smiled and continued to dote and hang onto you, wanting to become you so badly. Then, Terminus happened. Terminus happened and I found myself on the end of the spectrum that you had dominated for years. I was finally feeling something beautiful and truly ok. I felt love. I felt adoration. I felt the crowd’s eyes on me, and it was then that I knew. I knew. That I didn’t have to become you to feel whole inside. I simply had to usurp over you. I had to become something stronger than you. I had to embrace who I was inside, just as you had. You found love, you found another family, and we bid farewell as siblings...and now that we face each other, it is no longer a question of who was better in our family. This is a fight between two people who finally embraced who they were all along. A fight between the two most twisted minds in Empire, and when we face off against each other, like we were always meant to. I want to tear you apart more than anything Madison, because you remind me of my weakest moments. When I desired to be accepted by everyone no matter what, rather than be who I really was inside. And that may sound like I’m...pushing all of what happened to me on you. I’m not. I know that what happened to me is entirely on my own shoulders. But, I also know how you make me feel. My heart pounds in my chest. I can feel the blood in my fingers running faster and faster. My teeth itch. My skin burns. You are one of the people in this entire world that I want to hurt MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE! MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THIS ENTIRE WORLD, I WANT TO RIP YOU APART! You were my first sister in the family, officially, Madison. Which makes this all the more bitter sweet. I know that my husband, and the rest of the family knows you as sister. Even I recognize you as sister. You’re family. Which makes me want to do this so much more. Blood of Blood. Soul of my Soul. Tearing the flesh of each other. Biting into each other. Trying to tear away the very heart and soul of one another. We know each other better than anyone else Madison, and that makes it all the more beautiful. I want to feel your blood on my own blood. You fall into my Bans, Madison. I cannot allow you to walk around knowing that the two of us have never competed in a true fight before. And this is the perfect scenario to do that in. A fight to the death, in a chaotic environment. The clashing of fists, bodies colliding with one another, our war cries filling the arena louder than the cheers of the crowd. So, can you put aside your familial ties to me Madison? Can you forget all of the beautiful times that we shared with one another? Those moments of happiness that we had with each other. Because, this is just as painful for me as it is for you. I want to win more than I want to keep you safe, dear sister. I want to tear you apart more than I want to hold you close to me. I want to see you bleed more than I want to see your smile. So, I’ll indulge myself, Madison. When we fight, don’t love me. Hate me. Because the only thing I can promise you in this match...if you don’t try to kill me...I will drive the knife into your heart without hesitation.

Territorial Invasion is the chance for my family to shine in the spotlight, instead of ruling in the darkness. Me and my sister Cailin, we are the resurgence of shadows on Empire. We will tear apart all those that value looks and in ring talent over embracing who we truly are. And Territorial Invasion will have only one true winner. My family. Sanatorium is going to dominate at Territorial Invasion, and we...The Daughters of Darkness, are going to be the vanguard of change. The mercury in the veins of EAW. The Shifters in the Shadows. This is the world that we live in...and we are going to tear the entirety of it asunder. Shatter the masks of flesh that EAW has built...to reveal the truth underneath. The Painted Mother, the Matriarch of EAW is going to be a part of it. Stand against us all you want, but I will run through you. Your blood will be my war paint. Your bones my powder. And your screams my beautiful song to the world. Now. Wake up from your lies...and listen to mommy.
The Consigliere
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post August 23rd 2017, 12:32 am by The Consigliere
You are a greedy legend. Says John Doe.

A hateful, monstrous, greedy legend, indeed.

... And what of it? 

You continue to spew these words of not caring about someone else's life and upbringing -- their religion, their race, their desires -- and yet here you are spending a deal of time questioning what I want out of this company and how I keep myself from drawing the last breath in this parade of delays and sidetracks that never seem to end. There she is ... The Heart Break Gal. The odd kitten in the litter. The woman in a man's world. The living legend that has grew tired of facing insipid, talentless subspecies in a division that goes on without her. I have heard these little songs that you sing more times than I can count, they have been recomposed and revived in many different ways, but if you listen carefully, no matter how you look at it, it's the same goddamn song. It's truly appalling how you even think for a second that a recitation of my journey that happened in the past year, all events that lead to where I am today, would actually be enough to crawl under my skin to lose composure. John Doe, I am thankful of these events. I am thankful of breaking free from the shackles and no longer having to deal with these pea-brained backstabbing sluts that I used to call my sisters. I am happy that I was strong enough to actually take an offer that placed me in the greatest wrestling brand in EAW, not as guest but as a true competitor that seeks to eliminate the competition, the best way I can. So little John, my eye is not going to twitch over your endless mumbling and criticism of what I have done to pursue my goals. I am not going to cringe over your presence because I know that you're nothing but a slightly more threatening version of Rex, which isn't really saying a lot. But don't ever fucking impart your teachings about how cruel this world is because I am the living proof of it. I have shed blood and tears, I have almost broken my bones for the sake of being named a winner... what have you done? You flap your gums at me and Devan hoping to appear as a cunning tactician who plays mind games when in truth, he and I can see that you're nothing but a careless impulsive swine just like the rest of them. We have been named Hall of Famers because of what we have done and what we will continue to do, and though life moves on and our faces will be forgotten, at least we can say that our names are right there in the record books and the history as the bests in the business with our accomplishments engraved... and you? You'll still be picking up scraps and interfering in situations where you aren't needed just to favor a straight-faced moron who will never reach the level of greatness and class Devan and I possess. You will continue to get what little attention you can by doing what little you can do, and once you realize that it doesn't get you anywhere, you will forget about what your purpose was for Rex and move on as your own because you realize that the people you shun -- the people who strive to work hard -- are exactly the ones you have to imitate if you want to push yourself to greater heights. For now, you will not understand. For now, this will be nothing but entertainment to you. And that's fine, John Doe. But don't expect to instill fear when you haven't experienced what fear truly means and what it can do to a person. Don't expect my voice to shake or my confidence to fade when you're carrying a nobody's name and you mean nothing to this world.

You never needed to test the kind of person I am, John Doe. I am always clear with my intentions. Now whether or not you know them is the least of my concerns because I am in no obligation to answer to your likes. I was willing to kill Devan Dubian for a Championship match the same way I was willing to break Rex McAllister. And given another chance, knowing that we'd end up working together, I still wouldn't change my approach of winning Dia Del Diablo by any means necessary. And while Rex McAllister is a snot-nosed crybaby that is just granted what he wants because he has a Fairy Godmother that puts the ring on fire and will never listen to reason, Devan Dubian understands that teaming up is no longer an option, but a necessity if we want to move forward. You want diversity? I aim for survival. I desire supremacy. It's human nature for me at this point. Because working all years to clear the path to redemption is much better than seeking help for their shot at a gold. Because those who are tried and tested, those who have been molded and sculpted to perfection will always be what I trust for a Champion instead of those who were just placed in the scene because they "seemed interesting" to a guy named John Doe. Because breaking gender barriers and exceeding expectations despite the physical disadvantage will always be admirable than a boring, monotonous, run-of-the-mill wrestler like McAllister. You want diversity? Win the World Title yourself. This "I do what I want" attitude will surely get you far enough, until such time nobody would bother looking at you anymore...why? because they would eventually see that you are a lost little duckling who found his little glimmer of light once but doesn't have enough in him to maintain it. Carry on being Rex McAllister's minion, he will need a shoulder to cry on after he suffers defeat at Territorial Invasion. 

You speak so delightfully about your vengeance...

Ever thought about mine? 

You know that these past few weeks fucked you up when you used to be obsessed with doing things the right way, and now that you have tasted how it is to be that bullshit that gets to live at the end of a horror movie, you're suddenly all about the road less traveled. Is that your way of convincing yourself that your win at Dia Del Diablo was justified? Do you tell yourself that no matter who helps you get to the promised land, or who puts you in a better place that you never worked a day in your life for, so long as you have determination that nobody would criticize you? Oh, tell that to someone who would feel sorry for your incompetent ass, Rex, because speaking to me about it won't help at all. 
If there's one thing I learned from recent experiences, it's never to gamble. Some folks might throw in what they thought was their winning hand, until they end up losing to that asshole who happened to score a royal flush. They will make you believe that you have the upper hand. They will make you think that you're safe. Until it's too late to realize that you should have gotten out of the way before things got too dangerous. And the last time I faced Rex McAllister and Devan Dubian in the ring, in the end when I thought I was in control, a knight in shining armor, Rex's lover John Doe made sure that it didn't stay that way. I could blame him all I wanted but whether I liked it or not, what transpired realigned the stars to his favor. I was broken. My first shot. My first real shot at a World Championship faded away in just a snap, and hearing the announcers say another winner that isn't named me truly affected my mentality. I snapped the following weeks, but only because I was angry. But after I have taken a glass of water and a warm bath... and all the anger started to fade away, I finally see reason to what happened. It was a mistake to not foresee signs that somebody was coming out to the ring when the lights went out. It was a mistake to stay in the ring when my peripheral vision indicated the first sign of fire. I kept focusing on my mistakes that I ended up chuckling when I saw that they, too, made one crucial mistake that they shouldn’t have -- they let me survive. Rex McAllister likes to speak of vengeance as if I did anything wrong, and I played a part that was so vile when he was the one who needed assistance just to win against a little girl. He likes to point out how my ego has inflated and expanded, while he sits comfortably taking credit for what fate did while he did nothing but stand there and take advantage of the circumstance. I would have done the same thing, but what bothers me the most is that up to today, he still acts like the high and mighty Rex McAllister who is just human and does nothing wrong intentionally, and it truly grates my nerves how much of a hypocritical self-righteous imbecile he can be listening to his dull words and that god-awful monotonous tone. But this I can say -- self-preservation has always been part of my mentality for so long that with every dangerous experience, I learn to never make the same mistake. Survival has always been what I'm known for, and each day that you let me walk the halls is another chance for me to plot your demise and to let all the work you put result to nothing as I did weeks back in your grand match. I sit down on my pedestal drinking vodka while watching my enemies make a fool out of themselves because never in their best day will they be capable of stopping me. Let the blood in your books be a souvenir of the one person you were lucky to defeat a few times, because surely, they will remain as memories once you stay down looking up on my success. Your chapter continues... as will mine. We're just merely fighting for a better ending. And I'll be sure to get the best one.
April Song
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post August 22nd 2017, 11:50 pm by April Song
The Invasion of the Idiots
Territorial Invasion
(April Song has just finished a match at a live event, Empire’s last event before Territorial Invasion, having finished off a local competitor with a double wristlock, a departure from her usual submission style. After having been presented her Specialists Championship, she sits in the ring, no expression to her face as she begins to speak, a microphone in hand.)

I would ask you how Empire Wrestling was today, but I’m not in the mood. For months, I have toiled to be one of the best that Elite Answers Wrestling has to offer, male or female. NO ONE has submitted more opposition than I have in this year. No one else has gone from wrestling on the Pain for Pride preshow to Champion. For some reason though, it feels like I have become a bit player in the ongoing Aria vs Cailin Dillon Saga. That’s not to say that I lack respect for either of them, both have beaten me fair and square in this ring that I’m sitting in right now. Both have been World Champion. However, it really does feel that I have been dragged into this clusterfuck of a match for no real reason.

What do I have to gain from this fight? Pride is a wonderful thing, but I would much rather be defending this Championship instead of being sucked into a world war-level Empire saga. I’ve listened to these girls talk the last few days, quiet, observing them. And as usual, the offer very little for me to give a damn about.

Cailin Dillon. You are the Captain of your team and probably it’s best representative, but just so you know, I’m not enraged that you don’t think that much of me. I’m used to it now. For the month or so that I have had the honor of being called Specialists Champion, there have been doubters and cynics. That’s to be expected. One of the louder cynics I was able to beat and solidify my place as Champion. You are one of the best wrestlers on the planet, better than me I should say, but you are not THAT much better than me. If you think that stepping in the ring with me is a chance for you to show off and have fun, stroke your own ego and the like, you will find yourself looking up at the lights after you’ve been put to sleep. You won’t have to worry about tapping out. Absolutely not. I will CRUSH YOUR FUCKING WINDPIPE WITH MY ARMS AND CHOKE YOU OUT. Again, you are not someone that I have any gripe with. I barely know you as a person and our interaction is limited. And I don’t care that you have a rather unkind review of my tenure as champion. As I said, I expect it. One thing though…. I do enjoy making my critics looking like idiots. And when that “Kids Video Game” music hits, I suggest that you come into the ring with more respect than you do now. I’m not scared of someone who has won titles only to lose them and then wander around aimlessly. This belt, this belt that you held so valiantly as long as you did, is not a mirage, and is proof of the degree of my improvement since I lost to you. I will not lose to you again, no matter the circumstances. Though I think the odds may be a bit more in my favor if this were a battle royal, eh? From what I have heard those aren’t really your thing…

Alexis Diemos is not someone I care much about. I am indifferent to her, honestly. I see her as another opponent. If she wants to scream and make scary faces, I don’t care. I just know that whatever she tries, I will mow her down. I have no ill will towards her whatsoever, but she’s standing on the other side and must be defeated.

Goto-san……You seem like you’ve had a lot of fun arguing with my teammates, your teammates, and well…anyone. You are a much better wrestler than I would have ever given you credit for, but just like most of the people that have come to EAW who have been trained by Miss Manami, I have proven that I am a cut above. I have defeated all her students now, including you. There is a time coming where I want to stand across the ring from the Goddess herself, but for now, her wayward pupil will have to do. You know what I am capable of, you have seen it first hand. I want to see what the false Ace has to offer when it really matters.

It amazes me that people like to talk about someone without having met them, only spoken about them on a vignette and never met them face to face. It’s a truly curious phenomenon. Vexx, I must tell you something: I am very much in touch with my demons. My father, an Immigrant to this country, served proudly in the military and I followed his footsteps. To make him proud, my mother proud, and serve my country. I learned all the horrors of war first-hand, child. I know what it’s like to have to look in the faces of people you tried to kill with bombs. I know what it’s like, working as security on the ground for “important” people, to see all the dirty horrors of war that the Academy and all the pretty brochures don’t tell you about. I have seen the mangled bodies of families clutching onto each other, trying to save one another in the end, buried underneath rubble. I have spent many a night crying my way through a bottle of Kaoliang and then going to confessional, trying to cleanse myself of blood that will never leave my hands. I don’t need YOU to educate me on any of that. I’m not PROUD of my past, but I’m not ASHAMED of it either. It’s just that…my past. In the present, I am the most gifted submission artist that EAW has ever harbored. While I’m not about just simply hurting people like you are, it’s not beyond me to inflict some life-altering injuries if necessary in self-defense. You are more than welcome to try to make me scream in pain if you like, but if you do…I can assure you that it will be a decision you regret. I’ve got people who look into such things, and I know a thing or two about your past, but I’m not going to attempt psychoanalysis on you. All I know is that if you come at me full force, you’re getting your ass whipped full force.

There is only one person left to speak on isn’t there? Oh….I almost forgot about my teammates. I have nothing but the utmost respect for Savannah and Aria. Madison knows that I don’t trust her, but I respect her in-ring ability. She wants to beat up the opposition that we have and I’m certainly not opposed to that.

Consuela…. Tres a Cero.

And….to that one person, the only person I want to face, the one person that I actually want to beat and put to rest our rivalry once and for all, I have a message……

(April stands up as the crowd starts to murmur a bit in anticipation of what she’s about to say.)



(Spiking down the microphone, April climbs up on the top turnbuckle, displaying her belt to the fans in attendance who applaud as “Fairy” plays over the loudspeakers.) 
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post August 22nd 2017, 8:45 pm by Guest
TI 1

Chorus: Team Monroe...But this is not your fight. Why? You have nothing to gain here. And Monroe has never proven a firm believer of you glory until only recently.

Nico Borġ: That is true, I would be lying if I said that Sebastian Monroe has given me many reasons to say that he has earned my respect and my support. I made my EAW  debut for Dynasty, but in truth my career was made by the excursion I spent over on Showdown. Sebastian never blessed me with any title opportunities. Sebastian never had my interests at heart. He just did not believe that I could ever be a man who would ever demand contention for a World Championship. He never had faith in the notion that I would ever grow to accomplish any of the things that I promised him when I first stepped foot into his office. At the first available opportunity, he tossed me aside, trading me away for another chance of hitting the jackpot with another rookie on the draft show slots. Yet, on the very first opportunity after that...Monroe made it a priority to draft me back. He desired to return me to this show for much the same reason that he desired to have me on his team, at any cost, for Territorial Invasion. And it is the very same reason that last Territorial Invasion Zack Crash begged me to be on his Wargames team. It is quite simple. Both men never shared much of  bond with me. Neither can call themselves my kindred spirit. But that blessed truth that shone so brightly in their eyes was as follows...I am up to the task...and without me their prayers may come to naught. You see, Monroe has many shortcomings. Ignorance. A lack of foresight, perhaps. A feeble tendency to regard what is standing right under his eyes with the worst excess of noncommittal agnosticism. But he is not too proud to see the error of his ways and admit the fault in his judgement. He has come to accept that the future is in my hands and he is ready to sit back and watch the will be done. He can be forgiven his past ignorance. Unfortunately, where Monroe’s sins are merely venial, Starrstan’s are mortal. Monroe wounded the respect that I had in him but Starrstan destroyed it entirely when he personally intervened in the cynical attempt to derail my path and see my prize fall into the hands of one less worthy. As my decision to join team Monroe shows, I am more than willing to forgive. However, I cannot simply put aside and forget the corruption that Starrstan brings to Dynasty. Just ask Scott Oasis if Starrstan can be trusted to remain an impartial hand at the top. Or better yet, Jacob Senn. Like me, Jacob Senn’s relationship with Monroe has been strained at times, but he has been around Dynasty long enough to know what to expect, and he too cannot overlook Starrstan’s iniquities past and present. There can be no justice nor stability on Dynasty with Starrstan at the helm, so his position must be abrogated.

Chorus: Ah. A charity then.

Nico Borġ: Indeed. There you have it. My presence in this match at Territorial Invasion is my own blessing to the Dynasty locker room and fans alike. I had the choice to keep the schedule clear that night. I would not have been the only one sitting it out and, after all, I do not need to be booked to have a match at Territorial Invasion. I could be spending this time preparing to finally manifest destiny by cashing in and claiming my rightful place as Answers World Champion and the future of Dynasty. Of course, it never was my style to hide and scheme while there is still work to be done. I have built a reputation over the past year of always having the resolve to put my body on the line when I believe in something, and this occasion is no different. I am preparing for a gruelling trial when step into that ring where the five men standing before me, and even the four supposedly by my side are all going to want a piece of me. But there is not anything new there. I am used to being something of a public enemy with few friends and I have survived my fair share of multi man matches. Even won a few. Now, there will be those who say that I am the odd man in this match. They will murmur that, because I have nothing here to personally gain, I won’t have the same degree of drive and determination fuelling my efforts. Some truly believe that my head is not going to be in this, that I am destined to underperform. But here is what the unbelievers do not quite grasp in their meagre and misguided logic. Nobody makes the decision to enter this kind of match lightly. Everyone assembled understands that by stepping into that ring, they are signing off in their own blood to leave a part of themselves there when all is said and done. I know what evils I will have to endure, I just do not fear them. I can say that with the utmost serenity, and most importantly, a clear mind. What people just don’t seem to understand is that my position is especially enviable because my emotions here are not all bound up in that petty little carrot on a stick. Dare i say it, but for many of the men I will be competing with, this match may be the closest that they are likely to get to the Answers World Championship all season. This must be huge for a man like Ahren Fournier who has already failed once to weasel himself into the picture. Huge. Overwhelming. Anxiety inducing. He and so many others in this match must really fear how long they’d be waiting for another opportunity to knock on their door should they falter here. And fear is the mind killer. Remember that. While everyone else’s judgements are clouded by their baser emotion - greed, jealousy, resentment over shared desires - I will be the one able to think clearly and plan my next moves free of whatever bestial passions should rot the minds of my enemies. I am unstrung of pressure, and therefore dangerously in control.

Chorus: To be shepherded not by the carnal sins of the earth but by the Lord is to always have his rod watch over you. You will know no fear of evil.

Nico Borg: I am right now poring over the names that make up team Starrstan and one thing that strikes me is just what a patchwork he has sown himself here. Each stripe a different colour. Each patch cut from a different cloth. With different drives and different ticks. It will be interesting to see how the obsequious slave of the “smiling faces”, the effete narcissist, and the drunkard should pull together to overcome men as cold and calculating as The Punisher and The Ice Man. If there is one thing I can Monroe for it is how contrastingly astute his vision appears to be. Four Hall of Famer’s and the one anointed future Answers World Champion, all alike in dignity. Team Monroe has an identity. Each of these men knows exactly what they are up against and they know what it takes to be a Champion. Each of the men at my back have trudged through all the dark valleys of this business and come out the other side with the bright lights of vindication shining down upon their faces. They will cast us as the grandiose egos, horrifically close to imploding under the immense weight of each man’s individual pride as jealousy and lust for the limelight  grip our passions. Yet even meek men are not immune from fine tastes and grand delusions. Target Smiles’ one claim to fame, his miraculous victory to qualify for the Extreme Enigma Elimination match at Pain For Pride fades into oblivion as we speak. The memory already shattered by Scott Oasis’ recent act of retaliation which mercifully pulled back whatever fantastical whimsy was possessing Target. Smiles will be eager to return the favor at Territorial Invasion. He will be practically chomping at the bit. And like a colt with the bit between his teeth, Target’s emotions will be impossible to reign in. they’ll consume him until one of us strikes the blow of mercy. I taught that same harsh lesson Ahren Fournier. He has shown the potential to string a few impressive performances together when his mind is clear. However, when there is a prize to be one, when there is another man’s treasure to covet, Ahren suffocates for his desperate thirst to be satisfied. He wished as many a man does to be Answers World Champion. He coveted my Cash In The Vault briefcase as a means to get there. He wanted it...all too much. The impatient pining for the validation of another man’s prize. It is a weakness. It is the reason that he will never be a worthy man even if some twist of fate should ever deliver him to a World Championship. He thinks that this like his challenge to usurp my covenant is his opportunity to elevate himself. But a title is only as prestigious as the man who holds it. He would only pull down the Answers World Championship down to his level like he did the Hardcore Championship which only now is recovering in Scott Diamond’s hands.

Chorus: Fools. Where has temptation led them before? Starrstan, that old butcher, has finally led the lambs to slaughter.

Nico Borg: Truth be told. Only two of the men rallying behind Starrstan really do pique my interest. The first, Nasir Moore neé Capitani has gotten close to a World Championship before, albeit under a pseudonym. And for good reason. Others have lambasted him quite enough for his seemingly never ending abeyance from the brand he is contracted to. However, I would prefer instead to applaud this man for having a little more vision than most. He doesn’t just pluck that low hanging fruit for instant satisfaction. He refuses to take the easy way out. Quite the contrary...Nasir Moore has the dignity to always look to challenge himself first and foremost. It is the reason why no one will be able to claim that he did not deserve that elusive EAW singles title when it finally comes to him. Unfortunately, always setting himself challenges that are far beyond his meagre abilities is exactly why he is still searching despite his relative experience having wrestled for this company longer than the first three members of his team combined. Nasir has always strived for that which is far beyond his station, whatever the cost. It is why he sacrificed any hope of being Answers World Champion just to have his hubris wounded by CM Banks. And it is the sole reason why he now finds himself in the impossible position of having to survive a Divide And Conquer match AND challenge again the man who so soon ago proved his better, all on the very same night. I want to praise your boldness, Nas, but I don’t think I could live with myself if I did not warn how much of a liability you are being right now to your team. To Starrstan. To yourself. How do you expect to carry the weight of the earth when the one time you ever really tasted success it was because Aren carried you?

Chorus: Raise your heart to the Lord, only he can carry your burdens, Nasir. (If that is your true name.)

Nico Borg: And then there’s the last. Concrete proof that wicked souls really do find no rest. By all rights, Tyler Parker should be the person in this match who i am most intimately familiar with. Yet, he has been away so very long that I fear I was getting closely to forgetting he existed entirely. I remember enough though. I remember how your last resurrection came in the form of an unprovoked ambush on me. I remember how you lied like a coward, patronisingly claiming all along that you just wanted to coddle and protect the Pizza Boy. I remember the feel of vindication wash over me when you proved me right. I always knew you were just going to stab him in the back. I could see it in the whites of your eyes. I tried to warn him from the very start . That is the truth. In my own way I have done more to protect him than you ever have. By some twisted logic i have come out of that episode painted as the villain. But my coming for the Pizza Boy was always telegraphed early on. It still is. While you were gone we have had a fair few poignant nonverbal interactions. A raised briefcase here. A knowing nod there. We both understand the predicament. But you don’t, do you Tyler? Incase you are wondering, I am not skirting over the issue, I DO remember that one first blood match where you took the spoils. Imagine my surprise when I drove your skull with that brainbuster right into that exposed concrete only to find you did not bleed. I always knew that you were heartless, but I cannot truthfully say that I expected that. In any case, your concussion problems really should never have been a surprise. But that is hindsight for you. What I find really amusing is that you seem to think that being put on the shelf for months on end makes you look indestructible. But the magnitude of injury that Lannister laid upon you is not something that can ever recover entirely. Sure you have been cleared to compete, but that doesn’t mean you are the same man you once was, even with ring rust aside. Meanwhile some time has past. While you were worrying about where you would ever be able to compete again, I was winning tournaments. I was competing at Pain For Pride and making my ascension to the Answers World Championship all but a certainty by claiming this briefcase. You left me unconscious and lying in a pool of my own blood at Rite of Passage. But it was that same night that I awoke, stood out of my hospital bed, and marched back to the Arena to cash in my first contract on the Pizza Boy. You couldn’t even hold me down for one night then, Tyler. You couldn’t conquer me. You couldn’t stop what I intended to do. And I don’t see how your ego is ever going to do any better now. I just pray you aren’t rolling across the canvas in a seizure when this is all over with.

Chorus: Ave Invictus.

Nico Borġ: Unvanquished. Unconquered.

Chorus: En Nico, Níka.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post August 22nd 2017, 7:35 pm by Davidson
(We start this promo off in a place we thought we would never spot David in…a gym. He’s lifting weights. Bench press, bicep curls, squats. Just the whole nine yards. He’s looking real tough and toned. He takes a picture of him in the gym to put on Instagram like every other cool person. He takes a break to get some water. Never mind he chooses whiskey instead. He takes a seat on the bench.)

David: Hey guy over there? Spot me. I’m about to go in. 

Random Guy: Oh okay. How much weight do you want on it?

David: No, no, no…I’m just going to talk to opponents of mine and stuff. 

Random Guy: Um what? 

David: JUST SPOT ME! Rude people these days am I right? Cameraman you got all the footage of me pumping iron right?

Cameraman: Yep. 

David: Even the dramatic shot where sweat is dripping off my nose, just showing how hard I was working to get jacked? Then when you go to edit this video, you change my sweat to blue like the Powerade commercials and then we get their sponsorship patches on our gear like the NBA teams this year?

Cameraman: Um that’s Gato..never mind. Yeah got it all. 

David: Good. I’m not working out without people seeing it. I gotta look good. It’s like doing a good deed. I need people to see me doing it. If there isn’t a camera to capture it, then what’s the point?

Cameraman: Perhaps to have a special moment with that person, such as a fan? Maybe they don’t want to be filmed. 

David: Well too bad. I’m a big shot. I have the camera crew stalking me every second of the day. Get used to it. Plus it’s not even about them. I’m the one going out of my way to talk to them. They don’t get a say. Anyways to the people watching this, sup? Chillin? Cool cool. So as you can see, I’m doing this working out thing. It’s going really well. Needless to say, I’m strong as fuck now from the weight lifting and also from putting a sheep on my back every night and hiking mountains. Impressed yet? Thought so. So with that said I’m gonna do power moves at Territorial Invasion. Gonna Powerbomb Ares through the ring. Then we are all gonna look up at the sky and see some foreign object coming towards us. Is that a bird? Is that a plane? Nah that’s just Lannister falling towards my arm as I nail him with a pop up European uppercut of my own. Don’t even try to Suplex me off the top turnbuckle by the way. If you do we will break the ring because I’m real swole and we wouldn’t want that. Camera change! During these last few weeks, I’ve been aggressive. A few weeks ago I attacked Johnny Nova before our match even began just because. That same night I charged the ring with my best friend, that of course being Jack Ripley, to get the better of Triumvirate. So aggressive and now very powerful? Hmmm cue the steroid claims…because when you look at my physique, the first thing you think of is I’m juicing. But please be rest assured that I’m all natural. My biceps? Natural. My glutes? Natural. My face, plastic surgery? Nope, natural. What’s my favorite orange juice? Tropicana? Nope, Florida NATURAL! Speaking of natural I’m a natural when it comes to what I do between those ropes. What do I do? Oh I don’t know, just straight up dominate? It’s what Jack and I do. We aren’t the greatest tag team in history for nothing. C’mon people. Get with the times. 

(The spotter quietly tries to leave but David senses it and shoots him daggers.)


Random Guy: Nowhere, I guess..

David: Speaking of getting with the times…I suppose that’s a piece of advice that The Triumvirate should take. Look at you calling yourselves kings. It’s cute really. But I guess it works since two of them won King of Elite. Accept my belated congratulations. Whether it’s sincere or not, take and accept. This group or alliance or stable or comradeship…whatever you want to call them, annoy me. They’ve been around for like a month, yet it feels like it’s been years. Perhaps it’s because the three men we face have quite the history when it comes to either creating one of these alliances or joining them. Lannister of course created RAGNAROK. A once feared trio of Lannister, Norman Hellion, and Psycho Brody. Just like Triumvirate’s mission statement, we were told to fear them. And for a while, feared is what they were. They got everything they desired. They held the world title and tag titles…again, something Triumvirate is setting out to. Quite the overlap. But after a while, these monsters were eradicated. They were no longer waiting underneath our beds or champing at the bit while bathing in the darkness. Only the one survived. Of course Lannister being the impeccable leader that he is, tried to stop the bleeding with replacement parts. That being Aren and Matt but nothing came of it. They didn’t move an inch. The engine no longer started and all they did was stall. Whether it was the old RAGNAROK or the newer version, he managed to piss off one of the members. I suspect something similar will happen with Triumvirate in due time. I suppose I regret saying all of this because it’ll ruin the “surprise” when it comes to fruition. Just let it play out, I say. I’ll expand on this in five minutes or so. But back to my original point. Ares Vendetta also led the group of House Vendetta which accomplished…I honestly don’t recall. But it existed. I just reminded everyone of it. But I’m sure if I pop quizzed the audience right now, they wouldn’t be able to name one or two of the people Ares took under his wing. Well his good wing now, since I believe Brian broke the other one not too long ago. And then there is of course the EAW Champ, Tiberius. A man who I feel like has only been in EAW for roughly three years, yet is already with alliance number three. The other two of course being Hexa-Gun and The King’s Guard. Who could forget that second one? Well, if you blinked then yeah, you would have forgotten about it since you missed its existence. The point I’m trying to make here is I can’t help but smirk when you try to convince the world that Triumvirate is different. That it is here to say! It’s all standard really. Not a unique bone in any of your bodies. The creation of this trio exists because they want to take over Showdown and make it their kingdom. A kingdom that was being built right under our noses…but a kingdom that is left incomplete. At Territorial Invasion, we find out what this kingdom is truly made out of. Is it stone or is it sticks? An answer we will quickly find out. But just know that no matter the material, we will be the boulder that’s catapulted and destroy your plans before they even leave the ground. You fucked up. You are messing with the wrong ones. 

But you Tiberius, you really had no say in this. So when you say “I feel bad for The High Rollerz”…right back at you, buddy. Yes, I just buddy’d you. You should feel awful. Look I’ll cut right to the chase with you. Normally I wouldn’t give a fuck about you. Yes, not even a single fuck. Which should be somewhat odd for you, right? Since every other elitist on this brand is gunning for you and your title. But not me. That title doesn’t mean a damn thing to me. Your gold does nothing for me. Just like you in a general sense does nothing for me. To me you’re just the other guy in this match. Which I know, you’ll reply and laugh it off and say something along the lines of, “taking me lightly will be your down fall.” Cool. Go for it. But I think someone like you…or in other words, an intelligent young man like yourself, should realize where I’m going with this. I honestly don’t mean to insult you, but if you interpret my words differently, then oh well. To me this is about the two men who started this mess in the first place. Yeah the same mess you’ll try to clean up at Territorial Invasion…but will only fall on. Like I originally said, you really had no say this. Your two business partners decided to attack us after a match and perhaps they were thinking we would just walk away with our tails tucked between our legs but in all honestly, I want this fight. I bought a calendar just to circle this shit. Now I’m well aware we aren’t your main focus either. Nor should we be. You should be concentrated on our new ally in Theron Nikolas. You know, the same dude that took an army to put down? Yeah, that guy. For pretty much the first time in your career Tiberius, you won’t have the numbers game. Hexa-Gun, King’s Guard, and now The Triumvirate. I’m beginning to question if you can even stand on your own two feet. But it’s smart. It’s comfortable in that nest, isn’t it? It’s quite the tactic to not enjoy this wrestling world on your own. But I guess it’s true what they say, there are strength in numbers. So bravo. You really are a king. Always convincing others to buy in on your bullshit. It’s rather sad though, Tiberius. What do I mean? I could stop it there and leave it on a cliffhanger. But I wouldn’t do that to you because like I said, I usually have nothing against you. It’s just funny how you have yet to realize that you made a fatal mistake along the way. Just like The King’s Guard you picked the wrong people to surround yourself with. Depending on Lannister and Ares? Those are the wrong horses to hitch your wagon on. Oh well. You’ll learn. I hope. 

(Then out of nowhere The Interviewer walks up to David. The interviewer is wearing one of those small Gold’s Gym tank tops. His man breasts are popping through. David points at the door and tells him to leave. The interviewer tries to explain how he should be the captain of this team but David is having none of it.)

David: Let’s move on. Let’s talk Darth Lannister. The cuck himself. 

Yep that’s how I’m going to start this off with you. I’ll explain my reasoning behind that word, don’t worry. My partner already touched on this subject, since I brought it to his attention in the first place. He forgot some of the key bits of information, so I’ll hammer it home. You’re a cuck. But not in a sexual sense. I know the normal definition of the word. It’s when a husband watches his wife fuck another dude. But Lannister is a cuck in the sense that he watched a nemesis of his beat the shit out of his wife. You know, I didn’t really plan on talking to Lannister today…well except for one question. A simple question, yet a personal one at that. How much do you love your wife? Because like Jack pointed out, Ares and Athena have quit the history. And it’s not just because they are brother and sister. Now correct me if I’m wrong Lanny, but wasn’t it Ares who ruined your wedding? Wasn’t it Ares the one who assaulted Athena at Triple threat a few years ago while being caged in? Was it not Ares who beat you at Pain for Pride while the Pure Championship was on the line? Was it not Ares who stole your Elite Crown at one point? Was it not Ares who put a piece of glass across Athena’s throat? Was it not Ares who stole Norman away from you? Was it not Ares who leaped off a cage and nailed Athena with a Meteora? The answer to all of those questions is yes. I’d love to hear your reasoning behind working with Ares in the first place, but the more I think about it, nah, spare me the whole “time heals all wounds.” But man, forgiving Ares? Wiping the slate clean? What a magnanimous act on your part! Hell has truly frozen over. People might have been shocked when they saw you two stand tall side-by-side but once the amnesia rubs off and you realize that Ares is a total scumbag and you are at odds again, nobody will give a fuck. It’s expected. It’s inevitable. It’s how these groups always end. They are temporary for a reason. So have fun being a member of Triumvirate for as long as you can because soon the honeymoon phase will be over. 

So you want these titles because whatever The Triumvirate wants, they get. What a childish motto you go by. You sound like a child taking all the toys in the sandbox so the others can’t have them. You aren’t getting these tag titles, I’ll tell you that much. Now, let me ask you a simple question…do you realize how ridiculous you sound when you talk? And no, it’s not just because you refer to yourself in the third person. To be honest I didn’t even understand half the shit you said. “It’s because Lannister uses complex words, David.” Sounds like something he would say. But it has nothing to do with your word choice, but more about how you structure your sentences as you blurt them out. You are taking this King stuff a little too literally. You sound like a dude from the medieval times, which really chaps my ass. Yes, I’m going to make that line relevant again. But as I was saying, the medieval times really grind my gears because we already dealt with a similar team. That of course being The Knights of Dawning! Oh but no, you guys aren’t Knights! You guys are kings! Good for you. But y’all just a bunch of kings we’ll wipe off the chess board, so take that. Let’s switch to a different topic. Let’s talk about these titles. The titles you want to add prestige to because in your eyes, we haven’t done anything with them because well, there isn’t a division to begin with. Congrats you are the thousandth person to say this! Tell him what he’s won Steve! Yes David, how about a nice vacation to Russia, where you visit all the monuments and David Davidson will give you a swift kick to the faaaaaaaace! Yay! But seriously weren’t you tag champ once before with Psycho Brody? And what team did you beat to win those titles?! Oh wait, you guys didn’t even beat a team! You beat one man, that being Scott Diamond! Wow, I’m so impressed! Almost as impressed as when Kevin Devastation of all people beat you to a bloody pulp and as a result had to return your first world title. You hypocritical asshole. Oh wait, I forgot about one thing. I forgot all about how you took Lioncross’ CITV briefcase to get your second reign. That’s even more impressive! Yeah, Jack and I also defeated him. Twice actually. I feel like I’m supposed to be afraid of you, but I’m not in the slightest. I get it, you have the muscles. You have the accolades. You have the experience. But just like everybody else in this company, you also have your weaknesses. You’ve had your losses. You’ve lost your titles. And now you’re trying to fill the void with ours. Just like every other stable, you guys are obsessed with winning gold. You don’t even care what championship it is. You just want your new shiny toy. Which is why we can’t afford to lose these titles to you and Ares. In your mind, if you win these championships, you are doing them a favor off your name value alone. But whether you have these titles or not, in the end you’re not a real team. Just a temporary pairing. Just like your pairing with Heart Break Gal. Which reminds me, if you are so unimpressed with our first reign or our second, then perhaps you two should have won the fucking Grand Prix Tournament instead of losing to perhaps the least impressive duo to ever hoist these titles in the air and claim them as their own…that of course being, Matt Squared. I miss the old Lannister honestly. I miss the whore Lannister. I miss the Lannister that you could pay off and he would go after whoever is bothering you, since a Lannister always pays his debts. So question, if I give you money, would you beat yourself up? That would be rad. 

I can’t wait to take your stupid bald head and peel it like an orange at Territorial Invasion, you muthafuckin dastard. 

So yes, I’m done with the dastard for now. Let’s talk about the bastard next, Ares. I mean you literally are a bastard, are you not? You’re a mistake, ha. Your dad hates you, ha. I pretty much retired your dad, ha. Your beard is patchy as fuck, ha. If your mom Kendra still held your hand while accompanying you to the ring, I probably would have banged her by now because I hear she’s quite the cougar, ha. Insert SUPAHOTFIRE ohhhh reaction vid here. Yeah I’ll probably get fined for that last one, oh well. So like Ares what have you been up to as of late? Besides like attacking us in cold blood and stuff? You still tattooing other dude's names on your skin? That’s pretty cool…I mean I personally wouldn’t do that because I have parents that love me and taught me not to do stupid stuff like getting permanent ink of dude’s names on me, but to each their own. What else? You still calling people mongrels? Yeah that’s pretty sweet. But personally I don’t like you calling me that. It’s not your fault, okay? Don’t beat yourself up over it. It’s just a personal preference. I’d rather be called David, call me crazy. Or call me Pap. I don’t even know what Pap means. It’s from DukeThatKilla. I looked it up and it said pap is short for paparazzi. But that can’t be it. I think it’s short for Papi, so this is weird since you have dad issues and stuff. Yeah just call me David or better yet, the thing you currently aren’t and won’t be for a very long time and that is champ. Or you can combine the two. Let’s see, David and champ, hmmm. Damp!! Boom! Call me damp because I’m going to put a damper on your hopes and dreams of becoming one half of the EAW Unified Tag Team Champions at Territorial Invasion. 

Why are you trying to act so hard, Ares? It comes off as an artificial act. Saying shit like our bodies will be nothing more than rotten carcasses or how a grave can fit all three of us…it’s like really? I thought you were better than that. That’s some rookie stuff right there, trying to intimidate their opponents. Threatening their careers. Threatening their lives. Knowing damn well that no matter what happens, the three of us will walk away from this match…with battle scars, sure, but with titles in our hands, acting like a lollipop and a sticker that you would get at a clinic when you’re a child with a booboo. Meaning it’ll be well worth it. Because to be honest, you are trying so hard to make this personal. You want us to view you as something more. When all we see this as is another title match. You need this gold, I don’t care if you claim otherwise. For attention purposes. For the longest time you have kind of taken a back seat. You are no longer in the world title picture. For the last six months or so it seems like you were just wasting time with guys like Brian Daniels and Diamond Cage. Those feuds were intense, don’t get me wrong. Leading up to those matches, you could cut the tension with a knife. And now you attack us from behind. Trying to get us all worked up and at certain moments, sure you had our blood boiling. But we quickly calmed ourselves down and come this Saturday, we will be just that.. calm, cool, and collected, I promise you that. So tell me Mr. Therapist, since you think you know everything about me, what makes me tick? What are my weaknesses? What do I love most? My partner? This title? Wow, quite the Einstein we have here. You think you have us all figured out. You think guys such as myself, Jack, and Theron are under your thumb. Under your rule. This is your world and we are just living in it. The kings! With a kingdom of their own…

With their castles in the sky. 

Everything you’ve worked for as a collected unit will go up in flames. All the time you have put in this little project of yours will be given an incomplete. Because tell me what happens if you lose this week? And before you give me a “we won’t have to worry about that scenario because we will not let it happen”…then just play hypothetical for a moment. Because so far, as a three headed monster, you haven’t done a damn thing. Oh look, you guys attacked Diamond Cage at DDD when he was least expecting it. You did the same to Theron later that night and a week or two later, you did it to us. You’re cowards. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve done some cowardly acts in my time. My hands aren’t wiped clean. Just look back at how we won these titles for a second time. What we did to that little furball known as Brian Daniels was simply unfair…but I enjoyed every second. You aren’t the only one that enjoys to watch others struggle, Ares. But at the same time, it’s not our fault that his loyal friend and partner was unable to compete. Oh wait, it was our fault since we were the reason why Robbie was resting back at his house in Vegas. What I’ve come to realize is the Vendetta family have brittle bones. They break easily, yours included. Matches such as ours at Territorial Invasion aren’t meant for you. Prison bars? That’ll feel good, I’m sure. Just remember you asked for this match and now you get it…congrats, you played yoself. So go on Ares, do your same ol’ tiring routine. Label us as the underdogs. Call us nothing. I encourage for these insults to just flow through your mouth for the time being, Ares. Because at Territorial Invasion it’s going to be pretty difficult for you to continue your ways after I reach into your mouth and rip that sharp tongue out and throw it into the stands...doing this entire world the biggest favor. Ares Vendetta as a mute? I’m grinning from ear to ear over that thought. Then you can go break out the trench coat and reach into your daddy’s makeup drawer and see what Damien Murrow is up to. Like father like son. 

Veni Vidi Vici. 

I see this is how Ares and Theron both ended their speeches so I wanted to join in on the fad…which hey, is also what The Triumvirate will go down as…

A fad.

(David wipes the sweat off his forehead and leaves into the night like a mysterious creature. The end.)
Ryan Marx
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post August 22nd 2017, 7:22 pm by Ryan Marx
FakeNews - EAW Promoz! - Page 11 HPv24TPh

Territorial Invasion Promo 2 – Lacking

“Are you sure he's the next challenger?”

Ryan looked from his writing, which he had been slaving over at his desk for the past two hours, over to Soledad, who was staring down at her phone. His gaze went from the phone displaying Jon McAdams' video, to his wife, who met his eyes.

“Yes, I am quite certain he is. Why?”

“He seems unprepared. I know we can only gather from his claims, but...” She approached him, leaning against the wooden desk. “He doesn't seem to understand you well enough. Even Maero knew you, to an extent. More so than McAdams.”

Ryan sighed, placing his pen down and leaning back in his seat. “I know. Then he has the mind to say I do not understand him. Well, I've met many people like him: those who want to fit into a crowd, those who need a crowd in order to stand out. And all the while, they don't understand that assimilating does the exact opposite. He is no different from them.”

“He needs to look closer. Both at himself and you. There's no excuse for misunderstandings when it comes to what you represent.”


Looking to the sheets of paper before Ryan, Soledad smiles. The writing, almost illegible, spreads across the pages, light ink smears serving as a sign of the work that had gone into the words.

“Is this for him?”

“No,” Ryan states, one hand moving to rest over the sheet or two of paper, as if shielding them. “These are for you.”

Though before Soledad can express her surprise, Ryan then grabs a pile of even more papers, all of them covered in scrawled notes – some underlined, others crossed out, but all of them written with haste and inspiration. “These are for McAdams.”

“So much to say.” Though it was no surprise – Ryan often did have his fair share to explain.

“Well of course. He did, after all, leave so much open for attack.”

The two share a smirk, and then we fade out to black. A new scene comes into view, and we find Ryan Marx seated under the shade of one of many small buildings in his self-built community. He looks out from the middle of nowhere he resides, considering the coming week, and then proceeds to speak.

Jon McAdams, whilst you run circles inside your warehouse, I have been considering your and my own words carefully. I thought about what I said before, how I likened you to me, and I have to say – some of that comparison has fallen away after hearing you speak. See, I am an observant man. I consider all my actions, all my words, and I work in a way that is cautious yet devastating, because I learn about my situation. You, on the other hand, have shown very little awareness of who I am or what this fight means. Yet you act as if you have the upper hand. Well, allow me to break the harsh news to you that you have not displayed greater knowledge of me, and have in fact made yourself look worse in the process.

It all starts with your first few statements, mainly the ones about how I do not understand you, and that you are not like the other members of the Sanatorium. I don't know you? Please, you are as obvious to figure out as a crossword for children. Especially when you decide to rant on and on, giving me even more insight into yourself. In your attempt to come across as different, you actually painted yourself in a similar light to Solomon Caine – a man I have defeated before, on the greatest stage in EAW. You say you threaten to take everything I care for from me, that you will be deadly and scheming, and will tear me down from my position atop the mountain. Solomon threatened to do the same, just in a more 'ranting lunatic' style. And he did it with much more precision. He actually told me what it was that I valued, and then threatened to take it. All you have come up with is my belt, which I have claimed many times I care little about in terms of the bigger picture. So tell me Jon, what else will you take from me? Be specific.

You also speak of backstage politics, of pulling strings. How humorous that you are now a puppet for the Sanatorium then. But no, I suppose that does give you something distinguishable from the others. Only, you can call me disinterested. I have dealt with 'backstage issues' before, in the form of management overlooking me and the injustices caused upon me. I have a thicker skin now, and if you think your politicking will affect my focus going into Territorial Invasion, you do not understand who I am. All my life, I have marched through sabotage, through attempts to dismiss me. Whatever small pull you have will not faze me. As a lower tier Sanatorium henchman, I doubt you have much you can do that would actually sway me – you can't fire me, you can't vacate this title, and you cannot influence referees without consequence. So what will you do? Spread rumours like a high schooler? Try to attack my reputation, try to turn people against me? People are already against me, and my reputation has survived worse attacks upon it. I'm sorry, Jon, but there is nothing backstage that you can do that will gain my ire.

Ryan scoffs.

Of course I speak ill of those men you mentioned, because what has happened in the far past means little. Championship reigns mean nothing if you haven't done anything with them. Even Maero, in our fight, admitted his reign as Hardcore Champion was lacklustre. Amadeus' reign has only just begun. And Eclipse's reign was nothing to write home about either, which is why he is challenging for another world title. The only title reign that has meant something in your pathetic gathering of fools was Brody's lengthy Specialists Championship reign, and you completely glossed over that. Because you are blind. You have been swallowed up by the dumbing-down regime known as the Sanatorium, and fooled into thinking all those title reigns meant something. But on the outside, I see how foolish you are for thinking that. Because three out of four of them have not left an impression on this company. I suppose I know your family more than you do – how amusing.

And oh, do those men really stand far above me in terms of accomplishments? Maero, the man I beat at Dia Del Diablo, does not stand above me. He was crushed beneath me. Amadeus...what has he done other than win the Interwire Championship? There's an argument for Eclipse, I suppose, but you are forgetting who I am. I am a former New Breed Champion, I defeated three others for the Extreme Enigma Memorial trophy at Pain for Pride, and I am considered by many to be one of the best newcomers EAW has seen in years. I have been given many opportunities because I worked for them, because I am recognised as one of the best talents to enter this company in the last year. I have received a shot for the Answers World Championship, a shot Eclipse is only just getting now after his lacklustre world title reign before. I, in my first month of being here, was entered into the Territorial Invasion 2016 WarGames match amongst other main eventers, because I was considered the best choice to step into the position of a man who left. To say the likes of Maero and Amadeus are above me is a disgrace not only to myself, but to yourself and this entire company. And really, it doesn't make a point. It only proves how delusional you are. You wish to play the 'achievements' card? Jon, I have done more in less than one year than you have ever done in your life.

So if you want to talk about me living up to lineage, look at the former winners of the New Breed Championship. Jamie O'Hara, Brian Daniels, CM Banks, and many others who are stars of today and yesterday. All these names carry weight that goes far beyond Maero, Amadeus, and Eclipse. So please, Jon, don't make yourself look like a moron by stating that they have a legacy and lineage I cannot live up to, when I am destined to follow in the footsteps of those considered legends in this company.

A pause as he composes himself, then a smile cracks through his face.

This belt means a great deal to me? Ha! You are delusional. And you wish to think you have an advantage over me? Hysterical. I have said numerous times that this belt means little to me in the grand scheme of things. I have called it a curse, I have dared Maero to take it from me, and I have denounced its worth. You don't listen, and you are not prepared. Just in my last speech, I said this fight was about more than this belt. Are you even trying, Jon? Or do you wish to follow in the footsteps of your Sanatorium brethren and disappoint early on?

Honestly, I don't see why mentioning your victories over the Sanatorium makes you look any better. You fought the Sanatorium before? And now you are a part of them? How crippling. You have victories over these men that you have allied yourself with, and have now given in to them. You have settled for a place of subordination, when you could have been the one to destroy them all. You want to talk about inability, well you clearly have the inability to deal the killing blow. So much so that you would rather lean on those you once had power over rather than end them. You're digging your own grave, Jon, all because you wish to try and spite me. But I see the weaknesses in everything you say, which you cannot seem to do with the Sanatorium – despite having isolated their flaws in the past to beat them. And you wish to criticise me on how I utilise those around me? Have you ever thought about the possibility that I don't need to use them, because I am perfectly capable on my own? I suppose you wouldn't, since you have surrendered to a group you proved to be better than all because you can't stand on your own.

My ability to scrutinise and be critical of people is not a weakness, for it has done wonders on you. See, I am critical of those around me because it brings out one of two things: strength over adversity, or it leaves them scrambling for a defence. If I weren't critical, then I wouldn't be a success, so I suppose you considering that a weakness is rather contradictory. But, let's see what you have done in response to my critical views on you and those you surround yourself with. As expected, you scrambled. “I'm not a cog in the machine, I'm different,” said every Sanatorium member I have questioned on their assimilation into the group. Solomon was the End of Ages, Maero was one of the core members which made him superior, and you are the Sovereign. Do you see the similarities? You are all so terrified of being just a part of one collective, that you try so hard to distinguish yourselves. But it always fails, because it is superficial. What is the 'Sovereign'? Without the vague “I am the creator, I am the decision maker” explanation, thank you. Because I can tell you exactly what it means to be the Zeitgeist, if you asked. I can tell you how it makes me stronger with every setback, how it allows me to adapt to every situation, how it has prepared me to lead the future. But with the 'Sovereign'? What does it do? And why should I care?

And by the way, I never said it was a weakness to surround yourself with people – I do so myself with my followers. I just said it was a weakness when you rely on them, as you are doing with the Sanatorium, as you did with the People of Class, and as you will probably do later down the line when the Sanatorium fall apart. I surround myself with people who have open minds, who do not need to lean on others in order to be successful – you surround yourself with people who will gladly pull you down beneath the ocean as they sink. But in the ring, I fight alone, and do you know why that makes me stronger? Because with every win, I am the one who takes all the credit and experience. And when I take a loss, I am the one who adapts even more from it. There is no one to shoulder the blame onto, there is only me. So I become better for it. And that is why working alone makes you a stronger man than having to surround yourself with other fighters.

“People like me”? You haven't faced people like me. How many people have you faced who can suffer loss after loss in the build-up to one of the biggest events in EAW history, and then win at Pain for Pride to become an inaugural champion? Better yet, how many people have you faced who can get up from a loss, unscathed and better from it? This new season has not been kind. I will not hide that fact. I have lost on TV more than anyone else, probably. But do I let it get to me? No. At Dia Del Diablo, when it looked as if Maero had gotten the upper hand throughout the month, I was the one who branded him. Time is a cycle, history repeats itself, and I am once again up against another Sanatorium member after a somewhat lacklustre month. For the past two FPVs, I have beaten Sanatorium men. And now, I will make it three. If you weren't with them, maybe you would have stood a good chance. But they have blinded you, crushed you into a thoughtless, superficial man, and you will suffer at my hands just as your 'accomplished' Maero and Solomon did. For I see you for what you are, and it is just another Sanatorium fiend.

Ryan laughs.

Oh no, how dare you threaten to take away a belt I have shown little respect for upon winning. How dare you talk about a brand I have practically disowned at this point. Please, talk about something I care more for. There is so much out there, if you were to just explore some more. But I suppose I cannot expect you to do that, considering your head must already be filled with Sanatorium rhetoric. Even Maero made a point to bring up how little I cared for this belt physically, which means you are not even following him in your failure. You are one step behind a man who was one step behind me.

And as expected, you make excuses. Didn't you hear the part where I said no matter what you say, you still lost in a match you wanted? Oh, poor you, you were worn out by Johnny Nova before your match with Harvey Yorke. Oh, and how strange, I remember you calling Harvey “scum” before your match. But now he's a “top notch opponent”? Make up your mind. Also, I took Nova out with ease on Showdown, but let's skip past that. Jon, saying “you're right, no excuses” doesn't negate the fact you just made excuses as to why you lost. Language doesn't work that way, and I am not so gullible as to fall for that. You really need to understand who you are up against – I am a man of tenacity, and I do not stop my assault until you are silenced.

I do not 'believe' I am above the Sanatorium – I know I am, as has been proven by my victories over the same tier of Sanatorium members that you are in. Solomon Caine approached our Pain for Pride match with unrivalled viciousness, and he still lost and I won. Maero tried all he could to outwit me, and he almost got close at points, but I was the one who branded him with the symbol of the Five Pillars. My track record shows that I am above the Sanatorium, so it is not just a 'belief'. It is a proven fact as of now. And you, you say that in your battle against Amadeus you were “so focused on the match, and the moments preceding it, that you failed to see what you were doing” – well then, you must not have been focussed enough on the match. If you were, you would know what you were doing in that ring, and you would know how to overcome Amadeus. Me, I am always focussed. And you have the gall to say I am unable to see what the future holds for me? I am a man who states my intentions for the future in almost every speech I make. I have called myself the future several times, I have stated that I am the definition of the next era. I know full well what the future holds for me, because I am always focussed on it and what I must do to achieve it. And what I need to do now is defeat you. How's that for focus?

It is not over-confidence that I show, it is the absolute right amount, for I know what I am going to do this week at Territorial Invasion. You say this is a relay race, I say you are just too reliant on others to do the dirty work for you. But you should never rely on them, because I do not wear down like other men. I change, I adapt to every competitor. When you think you have found a killer flaw, I shift into another gear. What worked in some respect for Maero will not work again. And with every competitor the Sanatorium throws my way, the harder it becomes for you to find a weak spot. I would argue Solomon had the greatest chance of taking me down, for he was the first of your ilk to fight me. He could have surprised me, but instead, I beat him. Now, it is just a matter of figuring out which category of delusional goon you fit into, and adapting around that. Besides, isn't there a belief that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results? That is exactly what the Sanatorium is doing as they send you in after your fallen brothers.

I'm tired? Where is the evidence? I know I said I was sick of fighting your kind, but when I enter that ring, it turns into an obsession of sorts. I hate that I have to fight your people again, but I love that I can show everyone the state of disrepair EAW is in. People wish to believe the Sanatorium is this great group, but they are just another ruin in this decaying company, a company that can only be saved by me. It will not be saved by Sovereign, this flimsy excuse of a philosophy that is yet to be fully explained. It will be saved by the Five Pillars, a system that stands tall despite the criticisms many have thrown its way. For I am a man who has withstood punishment, I am a man who has never stopped fighting for the recognition I deserve. And it is this durability, this independence, that will make me the future of EAW.

End it with 'the Sovereign'. What even is it? Because let me tell you now, it is nothing compared to my beliefs. I could say a lot about why your ideology fails, but what I really need to say is one simple thing: my Five Pillars are greater than the Sovereign because they have been built from the ground up. They have been established, toiled over, and when questioned, they stand tall. The same goes for me. Your Sovereign has nothing. It doesn't have an explained list of principles, it does not have open-minded followers, and it has zero success tied to its name as of now. Independence from the Sovereign is a saving grace, for if you choose to tie yourself to this vague, unexplained belief, you are a complete fool. You will always be lost, Jon, even with the crutch of the Sanatorium. I mean it when I say you could be more, but you have single-handedly destroyed the credibility you had by aligning yourself with these ramshackle drones.

My Five Pillars provide security. Your Sovereign will always be easy to shatter.

For you are not a monster. I see you for the insecure vessel of lost potential that you are. You want to be someone greater than who he is. You want to be more than a man. But in these bodies, we will never be more than men. It is our minds that allow us to escape the tangible, and yours has shown so many inconsistencies. You clearly do not understand me: it is evident in how you say I care for this title, how you make all these assumptions about who I am without evidence. And how you dodge questions about your beliefs, how you cannot stand criticism and instead bring up a weak shield for defence.

I do not lack anything. I have an identity: the Zeitgeist, the Openweight Champion, the best newcomer in recent years. I have friends in my followers, but I do not need to bring them up as you do and surround myself with them as a shield. And I have many things in my life I care for: my philosophy, my mind, my 'wife', my community. But most of all, I have strength to fight, strength that has allowed me to overcome adversity, and that has lifted me up when I have fallen.

The Sovereign is not a tall, well-built home. It is a house of cards, one that I will blow down at Territorial Invasion. You can try to tear down my Pillars, but they have withstood even the greatest of attacks by people with legacies that outreach yours. And they still stand. I still stand. Take this belt if you wish, I implored Maero to do the same. But we will see how long you can hold it up for. It will crush you, because you cannot carry this curse as I have. It will crush the Sovereign, it will crush Voltage, and it will crush you. So try and take it, because I assure you, you are not strong enough to carry it. Not now.

I have put more than blood and sweat into this company and this position I am in. I have sacrificed myself, my body, my mind to be here. I have sacrificed opportunities that would have provided eternal security for me. All to do one thing: prove people like you wrong. And Jon, I don't make sacrifices lightly. I will raise my glass at Territorial Invasion, and it will be filled with your blood. Your sweat. And your tears. But I will not drink from it – I will spill it.

Ryan stares down the camera, the shade darkening his features as he looks on with intensity. Cut to black.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post August 22nd 2017, 5:59 pm by Darkane
Territorial Invasion I

Let's get one thing straight: I'm in this for me and me only. I don't care about StarStan, I don't care about Monroe and I don't care about the little bitchfit they're both having, I don't care about any of my teammates. I don't care if they rely on me, I don't care if they feel they can't trust me, I don't care if they hate me, I don't care if they somehow, someway happen to adore me. I don't care about the potential of a newly formed bond through acts of camaraderie with my teammates. What I do care about is making a serious impact on the sea of talent that is in this match, be it win or lose. I'm putting my own personal bounty on the heads of Senn, Oasis, Borg, Consequences and certainly last but not least, Scott Diamond. That's it. Take it or leave it, If you're disappointed by this, if you think my game plan is stupid, if you think I'm in over my own head, then please, I urge you to resubmit your grievances on a piece of paper so I can firmly wipe them on my ass, most of you should have seen this coming anyway, I'm not a people person, I don't play well with others, I never have. Am I grateful that they hand-picked me out of the Dynasty litter and dropped me straight into this match? No, I'm not grateful, not at all, there's no rule or law that you have to be grateful and even if there was, do I look like a guy who habitually obeys the law? I'll let you all figure that one out on your own. I'll learn to be grateful once I'm smashing the heads of team Monroe collectively or one by fucking one. Future GM or not, I don't do anyone's bidding, especially for StarStan's benefit. I'm not your ace in the hole, I'm not your prized pet project, I'm not going to grab a pair of pom poms and jump high up in the air and scream "go team!", I'm not going to defend the brand of Dynasty from the gladiators apart from a completely fraudulent hall of famer in Lethal Consequences who I won't waste any more of my breath on, that will try and claim the brand for themselves, instead, I'm going to fight because I WANT TO, because fighting is what I do, you can call me selfish and you can call me a spoil sport all you want, I'm doing this for Darkane. So get used to it or get the fuck out. The choice is yours. Either way, it's no skin off my nuts. I know my own strengths and my own talents, I don't need StarStan to drop down on his knees and kiss my ass in order to justify them.

Scott Oasis is walking tall and bragging about beating a few newbies as he so eloquently put like it was something worth merit, yet he dismisses these same newbies like they're nothing more than wastes of space, which one is it, Scott? You needed to beat me to catapult yourself back up in the good graces of management, that is, Monroe in order to be recognized as a hall of famer who isn't quite over the hill yet and is a perfectly capable selection for team Monroe. Granted, you proved that you're not over the hill by taking a big bite out of my momentum, but that was one flimsy week and one flimsy win over a newbie which you seem so proud of. I know what I did wrong a couple of weeks ago when you and I faced off, I pranced around and occasionally dabbed my foot in the water, instead of going for the fucking jugular. I sang your praises way too much and then I tried to prove that I wasn't a coward by essentially taking that all back and I dug myself a deep hole that I couldn't climb out of. You got one up on me Oasis, good for you. Let's all give Scott Oasis a big old pat on the back and a few rounds of applause for making.... one colossal mistake. You forgot to cripple me, you forgot to throw me in the back of an ambulance and send me into the nearest hospital, as a blood covered and screaming mess, you let me get back up and you let me live to fight another day. You shouldn't have done that, you should have ended me right there and right then and REALLY put a critical stamp on my momentum, yet here I am, standing on my own two feet, still breathing; still smoking, still drinking, still fighting. That means I'm going to walk right into this pit of bodies and fight like my life depends on it. You said you're not a guy that anybody can beat, you mean like The Pizza Boy beat you? You don't deserve another shot at the Answers World Championship, you're not worthy of another opportunity, you had yours and you choked, plain and simple.  

As for Jacob Senn, all I can say is oh how the mighty have fallen, you've been on a severe downward spiral ever since you lost to Mr. DEDEDE, so much so that your incensed temper tantrum over Mr. DEDEDE averted your attention during our match to the point where you lost to as Scott Oasis would put it: a newbie. Whatever you say nowadays doesn't hold much water, you're a fucking train wreck. And what are you doing now? You're scratching at the surface above you in order to stay relevant. How many jerks of Monroe's man meat did it take for him to let you become one of the veteran placeholders on his squad? I saw the glassy look in his eyes as he left his office so it must have been a large quantity. You had your heyday, you had your moment in the sun, it's time to move over Jacob and let the young lions have their run. To be honest, that's what most of your team consists of apart from Nico Borg. Veterans that can't let go of the limelight, but I know they see the rush of young men who are poised for infamy, like me, like Nasir, like Fournier, like wait, no sorry, not you Target Smiles, you're the proverbial horse's ass of the team. I know everyone on team Monroe can see the tsunami of young talent peak over the horizon, they can see the oncoming storm and the question is what can you all do, using your veteran knowledge and instincts of course, in order to prepare for an evacuation?  Will you signal the alarm? Will you say "well, it's been nice knowing you all, but our time is up." or will you push back against the storm? Will you use all of your veteran might to fight for one last grasp at the brass ring? I know that the other members of our team apart from maybe Tyler Parker are sick of hearing your endless farce of how we all should worship the ground that you stand upon, how we should worship the fact that you helped build EAW to what it is today, and how we should all drool incessantly over your accolades and your various titles, sure, they're something to marvel at, but all of these good things need to come to an end sometime. The members of team StarStan, for the most part, are youngbloods and we still need to pay our dues but in order to do that, we have to go through the war-torn veterans of this business to stake our claim as the new rulers of this company and in my view, EAW needs a bit of a makeover regardless.
Consuela Rose Ava
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post August 22nd 2017, 5:26 pm by Consuela Rose Ava

You expected better of me, Cailin?  It can be said the same thing about you. The moment you entered EAW, your future seemed so bright. You were the primary definition of what the new era was. You were young and talented. You were what the Womens Division desperately needed after Tarah Nova demolished eight other women at Pain for Pride 8. With the inclusion of women like Aria and you, it was safe to say that the Womens Division was in safe hands. No longer would the Division be revolved around the same four women. We now had variety! We had a reason to pay attention instead of being looked at as a piss break before a main event match. People began to give a damn about us. We all connected with you as the daddy’s girl from Dallas, Texas. We saw your beautiful work ethic in the ring. We saw you become a phenomenal Specialists Champion. We saw you struggle as you had the Heart Break Gal beat you on multiple occasions. You had all the potential in the world to become something great. You just happened to make the same stupid mistakes over and over again - something that you claimed that I did. You claim that I don’t adapt to my environments? You claim that hide under a table the moment I am met with a difficult task? You could not be anymore wrong. It did not matter how many times April defeated me, going into hiding was never an option with me. It did not matter how many times I got my ass beat or was met by failures, I got fucking back up. I learned from my past and I use it as a way to make me better wrestler. I don’t sit my ass down and wallow on my failures like April does every time she has her ass beat by a wrestler above her. I don’t let my failures transform me into some bitter human being. The last thing I wanted to do was to make people feel sorry for me. I don’t want to be looked as a victim. I don’t want to point the finger and blame everyone around me for my failures. Nah, I can take full responsibility. I can admit when I was wrong. I can admit when a stupid decision I made was wrong. Do I lose sleep at night because of it? No, I sleep quite fine. I mean, if you want to bring up my failures against April? When was the last time you defeated Aria Jaxon? I mean, she has quite an impressive winning streak when it comes to you. She has proven in multiple occasions that she is the better competitor. She has proven that she can carry the Womens Championship to bigger heights than you did in your four month reign. It wouldn’t surprise me if she carries the title for about a year! It wouldn’t shock me if you never come close to defeating her. The closest thing you’ll get to carrying the Womens Championship is that broken piece you like wearing around your neck. What about me? I know, I’ll be champion again. I know, my moment will come where I finally defeat my personal demon in April Song. My focus at the moment is to make sure that I am a sole survivor in this five-on-five match. If that means I have to get past you in order to make that happen, well, that is exactly what I have to do. You’re not as unstoppable as you like to think you are. Just like you said - we’re all human. We all have flaws and vulnerabilities. I am willing to be a team player if it means that Team Aria wins. I’ve been a team player all of my life. Cameron and I were always a unit. It feels different to be a unit with anyone else but her. I’ve teamed with Aria at Terminus. We were an effective unit. Savannah Sunshine lives to be a team player. Madison Kaline is willing to cooperate for a common cause. April? Well, if she’s smart enough, she’ll learn to put our differences aside and think about victory. I just feel sorry for the souls in your team. They don’t know what they are getting themselves into. They have no idea what happens when Team Aria is all on the same page. Don’t worry, Cailin. You’ll manage to find that out all soon.

Vexx Monroe! The typical response from anyone would be “who da fook is that?”, but the only introduction I need from you will happen at Territorial Invasion. What do I think that Aria Jaxon is the only one to lead the team to victory? Well, she is Womens World Champion. I mean, you wouldn’t trust  Savannah as a captain. We need someone who is not afraid to lead an army to war. Savannah would probably lead the team to Disneyland (which I wouldn’t be opposed to). We need a leader who has experience of going to war and back. Minus Madison Kaline, Aria has the most experience of the five of us. She has been abused, torn apart, but she is still standing. She has the crowned jewel of the Womens Division. That may not be a popular opinion, but I should be Specialists Champion. I do consider myself a real champion. For a moment, it seemed like I had the world in the palm of my hand. In a flash, it was all taken away from me. At first, I tried to be a good sport about April’s victory. I was willing to go to the ring, shake her hand and admit that she was the better woman. You see? I wasn’t angry. I wasn’t bitter. I wasn’t in rage because April took the one thing I had busted my ass for a year to get. I am a woman who lifts her head up and takes her victory with grace. The moment I lost my rematch, I could have moved to the back of the line. Then, April opened her mouth and it rubbed me the wrong way. Her calling herself a real champion does not sit well with me. Her being a champion does not sit well with me, but that’s a story for another time. That’s a story that you don’t quite understand yet. It’s quite surprising that you decide to open your mouth. I didn’t think you would have much to say at all, but it’s fine. You have your opinions and I have mine. I just hope your opinion of me doesn’t change once you find yourself eliminate in the match.

Rookie of the Year? I’m quite flattered, but I think Theron Nikolas has that category in the bag. At least, I  can say that I have had an eventful one year than you have had a career. You’ve had more failures than you’ve had successes. You beaten a list of women who are no longer with us. Yet, you never seem to defeat women who have defeated you in multiple occassions. How have things worked out for me, you ask? Well, I’m alive, aren’t I? Sure, I felt dead internally when I lost the Specialists Championship, but I continue to push forward. You came to EAW and you thought that you were the greatest thing ever. You should have been propelled to the top if you were as good as you say. Yet, you’re still scratching and climbing. You’re still making excuses for yourself for why you haven’t gotten the success that you claim that you should have. You’re willing to point your finger at Cleopatra, Tarah Nova and any authority figure who does not agree to give you any sort of opportunity. “How have things worked out for you” should be asked to you, Azumi. I could replace things with different things like: “How has Control in the Vault worked out for you?” “How has marriage to Haruna worked out for you?” I could also do past tense with “How did your relationship with Nasir Moore work out for you?” “How did your tag team with Erica Ford work out for you?” I can also do future tense with “How will Empress of Elite work out for you?” I may not be a psychic, but I can tell you that being Empress will not be in your future. If you’ve failed to defeat a majority of the women in the roster, what makes you think that you can be Empress of Elite? What makes you think that you can carry on the prestigious legacy set by Aria Jaxon and Cailin Dillon? What makes you think that you are qualified enough for such a prestigious honor? What have you done to deserve such a thing? Even if the wrestling gods decide to make your path so simple and you outcome it, people will still treat you as a joke. People are not going to all of a sudden bow down and worship the ground you walk on. You will probably be met with the same disrespect April Song is met with on a daily basis? Is what what you want for yourself, Azumi? I mean, you should probably do the same thing you did with the Grand Prix and just withdraw your name. It’s not worth going through the terrible heartbreak you will go through if you decide to have the balls and lose in your first match in the tournament. After that, you will pretend to cry and play the victim. It must have worked with Haruna, but it’s not going to work with me. I mean, what did I do that was so disrespectful? I brought up your marriage once when you, just like everyone else, brings up Cameron. Oh no! I brought up Japan! Damn, I should be quite careful what I say because I could easily trigger Azumi! Oh no! I brought up her failures! That’s a big nono in the world of Azumi Goto. I mean, are you just trying to look for ways to be disrespectful towards me. I can be like Cameron and act like a total bitch. I don’t think that’s what you want. If you’re trying to back up your cases of not settling on the fact you lost fair and square, well, let me counter those statements. After your loss to The High Rollerz, you went to Damien Murrow and asked for a rematch, even though The High Rollerz beat your ass. Without even asking for it, you were handed a spot in the Grand Prix. You could have worked for another title shot, yet you didn’t accept it. That’s all on you, Azumi. Whenever you have the opportunity to be a success story, you shut it down. You want no part of it! Oh well, I guess Di Consentes will make history. The history you and Haruna could have made. I just hope all the decisions in your life will pay off for you in the end, if not, you will spend the rest of your sorry career scratching and climbing. I wanted to be respectful. I try to be as respectful as possible to everyone, but some things people just rub you the wrong way. You just happened to be one of them.
Nasir Escobar
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post August 22nd 2017, 4:48 pm by Nasir Escobar
People just love to cast judgement don’t they? EVERYBODY LOVES TO THROW THEIR TWO GODDAMNED CENTS INTO ARGUMENTS THAT DON’T CONCERN THEM! Now moving on from CM Banks, I can finally touch upon my OTHER match for Territorial Invasion. Before I get to anything else I have to address the elephant in the room. Why am I even a part of this match? Nasir Moore what is in it for you to be a part of Team Starr come TI? Well quite simple. It all boils down to Sebastian Monroe. The man does not like me. And he most certainly doesn’t see anything in me. Now that’s well and fine. To be perfectly honest I couldn’t give a single care in this world if Monroe or Starr Stan actually cared about me or saw me is the next figurehead for anything. They can say whatever they see fit when it comes to me and I remain unwavered...that is unless the Answers World Championship is the subject at hand. Now Sebastian messed up real bad. He done goofed when he told me that the only way for me to get to face CM Banks at Dia Del Diablo is this as you all know. If I lost at Diablo, I would not be allowed to compete for the Answer World Championship as long as Monroe remained in charge. Monroe made a crucial mistake there putting my future on the line himself. So I only see fit to repay him ya know? Give him a little taste of his own medicine. If Sebastian Monroe thinks he can keep me from being champion of dynasty, then I’m going to do everything and anything in my power to keep him from being general manager of dynasty. Plus when you add the fact that the overall winner of this divide and conquer match gets to face the Answers World Champion, well needless to say it was extremely difficult to resist. The thing is I have been bugged daily now. “Nas why are you in two matches?” “Nasir is this what you wanted?” “Nas man, how are you gonna do this?” And to be honest with you. I’m gonna go full speed ahead like usual. I’ll charge right in guns blazing on all targets. We’ve got four hall of famers slash former world champions as well as mister cash in the vault to account for now. Scott Diamond the hardcore champion. Lethal Consequences who has proven himself to be very competitive since returning. Nico Borg as I said, Mr. CITV and one of the most accomplished young men in the company today. Jacob Senn, the pillar of dynasty as most people know him. And Scott Oasis the former number one contender to the Answers World Title. That’s quite the stacked group I must admit. Monroe went all out to ensure his team would be as strong as possible. But it’s like I told Banks. I fear no man. I openly welcome the challenge you five will provide! Hell I was ready for TI to come a week early for us on Dynasty. All ten men were out there. The crowd was electric. Tempers were flaring. And I was in the center of it all! Ready to throw down with anyone and everyone. Unfortunately we ran out of time on the show, but that’s alright. TI won’t be too long away and I can barely contain myself for this long of a time frame. What a moment to cap off the go home dynasty show too huh? Just when it seems like Team Starr is down and out five to four. Jake Mercer was about to say that he could not wait for team monroe to slaughter team starr then and there on dynasty before they could even the odds. But unfortunately the last man had ideas of his own. That of course being me! Starr did not come to me and pick me. He did not contact me. He did not request for me. But he’s gonna accept me because I am just the guy fit for the job of rallying his troops together and fighting team monroe as a united force! Team Monroe is not ready for me. They won’t know what hit them! To be quite honest with you all, Starr Stan has not done anything specifically for me to make me want to assist him. It’s more so that he wasn’t the one to oppose me. But there is one thing that I have noticed. Between everyone that is a part of Team Monroe, there’s one member more so than any other that really irks me and gets underneath my skin.

Scott Oasis. The former number one contender to the Answers World Championship. The Former World Heavyweight Champion. Member of the latest Hall of Fame Class. Leader of Team Monroe. And...the man who always has his lips stuck onto the cheeks of Authority figures. Whether it be Zack Crash during the Omerta days here on Dynasty in the past. Or modern day with Sebastian Monroe. Some things just do not change whatsoever. Scott Oasis, you’re going to get exactly what someone of your mentality deserves. Scott goes on about how I’m unfit to become anything great and I’m a lost cause and all this other shit. Well what gives you the right to say those things about me scott huh? What makes you so great? Is it because I am not a brainless soldier who will blindly do Sebastian Monroe’s bidding? Perhaps it’s because I’m not six and a half feet tall and like two hundred and eighty pounds? It could be because you seem to have this problem all of a sudden with me going over to Showdown to try and knock a Hall of Famer off of his pedestal and open his eyes up to the reality that we face every day. Oh wait am I talking about you or Banks I can’t tell. Or maybe it’s just because I have one thing that you’ll never have Oasis. The love and support of all these people. You insulted not only I, but them. Questioning their intelligence. Funny coming from the guy who always sides with those that the fans despise. Yet you still question why they choose someone like me, who has made a career practically of standing tall against corrupt authority figures and those who serve under them for their own personal greed. Yes Oasis, that’s the truth. But it’s a very obvious truth. We ALL KNOW that truth. You are only in the good graces of Sebastian Monroe to ensure you’ll regain a World Championship. But given how overhyped you were for your first run compared to how your big money matches at the time actually played out, I somehow can’t blame you for stooping to the lows that you have since then. Actually...I can. Because you still can’t win the big one even with those odds. That just proves that you suck. So what are ya gonna do? Lose to Pizza Boy again? Or maybe allow Eclipse to go three and one on you in terms of victories on one another? Oasis you winning this match not only means I’d never get another World Title shot for the Season. Not only does it mean Dynasty will be doomed to the rule of the tyrannical Sebastian Monroe. But it also means that you will be WASTING that Answers World Championship Opportunity because as history has proven, you are nothing more than just a former shell of yourself who can’t even beat a man one third of your size. Scott allow me to make this crystal clear for you AND your one true love Sebastian Monroe right here and right now. Your days of conspiring on the Answers World Title and your blatant ass kissing to reclaim your former “glory” if you wanna call it that...which you ALSO achieved from ass kissing a man in a position of power in Zack Crash mind you...THEY COME TO AN END AT TERRITORIAL INVASION!

And as for you Jacob Senn, I appreciate your good words about my potential to reach great heights with the Land of the Elites in the future. However I will not be holding back come the Divide and Conquer match, to ensure my best possible future can become a reality, Sebastian Monroe must be eliminated at all cost whether you enjoy it or not. This is the only way things can go for Nasir Moore, and unfortunately although you are a very talented man, that path runs straight through you as well as your four partners. It’s in my best interest. And what is in my best interest is what’s best for the future of this industry. And what is best for the future is what is best for these loyal paying fans. And what is best for said fans is what would be best for Nasir Moore too. It’s just one giant circle.
Empress Madison
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post August 22nd 2017, 4:24 pm by Empress Madison
Territorial Invasion Promo #2

"your perception of me is a reflection of you, my reaction to you is an awareness of me"


Miles upon miles as we travel the world, city through city, state through state, country through country we get to know ourselves better than anyone around us. We get to know our colleagues better than anyone should and still some people refuse to see right from wrong, people still refuse to accept that some people are just better than others at what they do for a living. You see in this world of EAW everyone has an ego, whether they want to admit it or not. We all got here on our ego's alone because at some point or another we achieved greatness. Whether it was in high school, college the point being sometimes we can't admit our own defeat because losing is below us. We have never lost in our entire lives and when we lose in EAW we have to make excuses for ourselves, and hey I have been there. Sometimes it's best to just admit defeat rather than tricking your mind into thinking that you are the best. Just like the people around here to cannot admit that I am over my past years slump, I am back and better than ever. More stronger than I was, both mentally and physically so when I hear someone like Cailin Dillon or Azumi taking shots at me, I just shrug it off because it doesn't mean anything, their words have no meaning. Azumi said everything that came out of my mouth has been irrelevant and uninteresting and I just laugh at that because it is kind of like calling the kettle black huh? Azumi just who the hell do you really think you are? What the hell have you ever done to have such a big mouth? Oh I forgot you won the control the vault battle royal like a year ago, and nobody even cared then and nobody still cares now. You're wife Haruna is another one that nobody ever has cared about. You two are the most delusional people that I have ever come across, and trust me that is saying a lot because there are quite a few delusional ones here in EAW. If you disappeared from the face of the earth, nobody would even question it that is how little people think of you. You are equivalent to bird poop on my car, it's there but I'll just wash it off later and go on with my day. (Madison stops talking and laughs to herself for a bit and then continues talking) I just can't help but laugh because the idiocy of the woman here in EAW is just unbelievable. Azumi knows nothing about what it takes to be on top of the division. She has never even had a sniff of it so really who the fuck is she to say anything about me. I mean as much as I dislike Cailin, how she runs her mouth and how she thinks she is a dream killer or whatever the hell she calls herself these days. As much as I can't stand to here her winy little high pitched voice I can at least respect her for being a former Woman's Champion. Azumi coming at me is like a preschooler coming at a high school senior. Like bitch know your place and step back in line. 

With that said, in that very same vain, there seems to be a young lady who wants my attention, and trust me when I say this Vexx, I am the last person you want me to have your attention. Now Azumi's claims are quite ridiculous I can humor her even just a little bit. But when you, when Vexx Monroe comes and talks shit about me, I have to stop and think, I just found out who Vexx Monroe was yesterday and here all of a sudden that same Vexx Monroe is calling me out. (Madison looks down at the floor, then gives an evil smile) Like okay I need to take a moment here, and address this rookie, with the male genitalia shaped nose.  Now for just a second you have been here what? A month? I don't even know I am just guessing, but I have been here the better part of three years now. Let' me just explain to you who, exactly I am. Just in case you have been living under a rock. I am Madison Kaline, The Mistress of Death, and you of all people do not get to say my name unless you are praising me. Let me just refresh your brain for a second here. I am a former Vixens Champion, I have defeated the likes of hall of famers such as Tarah Nova, and Cameron Ella Ava. I have headlined countless FPV's and I am dating the most talented and hottest man in EAW, Keelan Cetinich. Now who are you? Vexx Monroe, that's about it right. You see at least when I say my name it has meaning behind it, it is not just a name like you. My name has a legacy, accolades and accomplishments behind it, a legacy that you can only wish you can achieve one day. You clearly do not know me Vexx, you clearly have not been watching the product or doing your homework, because I will not only break you down with my words, but I will shut that shit down right in the ring as well. Just try me, I don't care if you are a trained Mixed Martinal Artist, you can have a black belt in jiu jitsu for all I care. None of that shit even matters, because until you grab those stars in EAW. You mean nothing. You past accomplishments mean nothing and most importantly your words mean nothing, just look at Azumi, she has achieved no success so therefor nobody takes her seriously. I struggled the past year there is no secret about that, but even when I was going through my downward spiral people still took me serious. People still respected the name that is Madison Kaline, and people still respected my past accomplishments, whether they want to admit it or not. Territorial Invasion can't come soon enough because there are quite a few people on the other side of the ring from me that need to be taught a lesson or two in respect. There is a certain someone that need to check their ego's at the door and realize they are nothing without me by their side and there is a certain someone who needs to get off her high horse and realize that the only dream crushing that will going on around here are her dreams. They are about to get crushed by the hands of the Mistress of Death.
Aria Jaxon
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post August 22nd 2017, 2:54 pm by Aria Jaxon

Only a crazy person looks forward to some shit like this, so maybe I fit the bill. I look at the rest of the matches slated for Territorial Invasion, and as expected, so many people are risking life and limb for the shit that usually motivates us. Namely the championships and number one contender’s spots that so often give us something to fight for. The people in those matches can sit back and think to themselves that, if they can overcome their opponent, if they can push through the pain and stay on their toes, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. There’s this big payoff for the survivors of these other contests. For myself and my team, there really isn’t a glittery outcome to bank on. Just flat-out winning is the best case scenario, and that’s it. There’s no title waiting at the end. Nothing to look forward to except the knowledge of pulling through and bringing home a win in what will very likely be a bloodbath. It seems pretty well suited for Cailin and Vexx, honestly. The two of them are pretty wrapped up in the idea of bringing about mayhem and destruction, and a match like this that won’t be pretty seems like it’s right up their alley. For my team, mayhem and destruction aren’t objectives; they’re just the fire that we have to brave in order to emerge as winners on the other side of all of this. I don’t feel like we’re outgunned at all. This won’t be easy, but I stomached that the second this match came into focus. This win is definitely worth fighting for, and my team won’t be denied a victory even with Team Dillon standing here and vowing to give us their best. Some people say that only the dead have seen the end of war. I don’t know how true that is, but I do know that Team Jaxon will bring about the end of this match. When the low smoke hanging over the battlefield dissipates, we’ll have etched our names into the record books as the winners.

Territorial Invasion will be, for all intents and purposes, Vexx Monroe’s coming out party. The few Empire matches you have under your belt are nothing compared to what’s waiting for all of us on the horizon. You think you’re overqualified for your position in this match, given that you seem to see yourself as being threatening enough that my entire team should be running for the hills. I wouldn’t expect you to know this since you’ve been here for a cup of coffee, but you’re not saying anything to me that I haven’t already heard before, Vexx. Nevermind that you’re already sounding pretty similar to your team captain in a lot of respects. Long before Cailin and I were ever at odds, better wrestlers than you were promising to do a lot of what you’re saying you’ll do right now. You’re not the first person to vow to do a lot more than just put me on my ass. And given the fact that I’m here right now addressing you, it seems pretty obvious that none of them delivered. But you’re different, aren’t you? Or so you say. Visions of not just my defeat, but the systematic picking apart of my entire team are clouding your eyesight, and for some reason, you seem to think you’re this one-woman wrecking crew that could take out both teams in one fell swoop if you felt like it. I don’t buy it. The idea of you actually being left standing over me when it’s all over is unrealistic enough, but to tack onto that, you think you’ll mow through my whole team without breaking a sweat. Ripped-from-the-headlines life story be damned, you’ve never saddled up for anything like this match. You recognize how brutal it’ll be, yeah, but being bloodthirsty isn’t enough. But, that’s what it all circles back around to for you. In addressing every other woman in the match, that’s the punctuation mark on everything you say -- the promise of suffering and screaming in pain. “Physical suffering, torment, and misery” ain’t shit but emo ass Hot Topic buzzwords. They’re dark, dreary forces that you don’t have it in you to inflict upon the other women in this match. Oh, but you’ll try. You’ll grit your teeth and hang onto the hope that I should be afraid of you and that you’ll make me pay for refusing to believe that you aren’t the agent of destruction you say you are. Chin up, though. It’s your FPV debut, remember? Like I said, it’s your coming out party. Vexx Monroe matters for the first time! She’s basking under those bright lights, and they’re brighter now than they’ve ever been! You think you’ve picked the biggest stage to make a statement and show the world just how violent you can truly be. I say you’re on the wrong side. I say you picked a hell of an event to fall flat on your face. Your world doesn’t exist, and neither does a timeline where you’re the last woman standing after the melee. You don’t have to bow to The Queen, sweetheart. But I’ll cut your legs out from underneath you just the same.

Cailin will scream to kingdom come that I’m self-centered and always make everything about me, but you know what the kicker is? I didn’t make this about me. She did. The reason that this shit even reached critical mass and Tarah felt like she had to make this match in the first place is because Cailin couldn’t just let this conflict swirl around the Women’s World Championship. There was a point in time where I assumed that was what this was all about. I had every reason to, given that she was putting forth just as much effort as I was toward becoming the champion in the first place. She’s the one who changed all of that. She’s the one who made it her mission to target every single thing about me, not just the gold strapped around my waist. She’s bounced back and forth between wanting me to suffer, wanting me on a stretcher, and wanting to rip apart whatever paper-thin facade she thinks is keeping the world from seeing me for what she believes I really am. For all that she’s done to me, I’m not stooping to her level. I’m not walking into this match with bad intentions. I’m not coming to shorten her career or the career of any woman on her team. Being weak-minded enough to fall victim to the same shit that changed her frame of mind completely wouldn’t do anything but prove her right. I’m not the monster she’s trying in vain to paint me as. I don’t need your blood, Cailin. I need your clarity of mind. I need it to dawn on you that this crusade of yours against me won’t amount to shit when it’s all said and done. All your anti-Aria drivel is really just the words of an angry woman who zeroed in on the first person she thought to blame all her problems on. You can keep waging war on who you think I am as a person, but after you’ve given it your all, I’ll still be standing. Yeah, this loud-mouthed bitch is driving her points home. If I have to yell this shit through a fucking bullhorn, then I will. But eventually, you’ll understand. I can’t be broken. My team can’t be taken down without a fight. And you, no matter how many times you step up to the plate and try your hand at washing your hands of Aria Jaxon, will never, ever succeed.

As I already admitted, you drew first blood. With a cattle prod in your hand and a smirk on your face, you turned so much of what I thought I knew about you on its head. And, in some respects, you’ve been able to keep me guessing at many of the forks in the road since then. When somebody shakes things up, what’s the logical thing to do? Do you keep reeling, or do you adapt ASAP? All I’ve done since the beginning is react. So much of this path has been dotted with your actions, but it’s been dotted just as many times with my reactions. I’ll give you a round of applause, though. You sure have been dedicated to wanting to keep me off-kilter, and so many times, you’ve succeeded. But obviously, you haven’t succeeded enough times or I wouldn’t be here. Your hallmark is furrowing your brow recounting things that I did that were never actually wrong. Be honest, if I was still talking to you the way I talked to you a year ago, you’d be laughing at me and calling me a spineless bitch who was pulling punches. If I was being any more diplomatic than I already was -- considering that you don’t deserve it -- I’d be a coward who couldn’t confront the reality of just how vicious of a war I was walking into. If I’d let you use me as a doormat since our friendship fell apart, you’d be calling me a pushover. Seems like I’m damned if I do, damned if I don’t. When we’ve stood nose-to-nose, I haven’t backed down, and evidently, that’s been a problem for you. You’ve been the one double-crossing people, cheating to win, and throwing post-championship match temper tantrums, but somehow, someway, I’m the one that needs to answer for my sins. And you’re right, there was a time when none of those existed and I wasn’t able to cite them as reasons why your whole game plan was fucked up. You ask how things would be different if I didn’t have a whole encyclopedia of reasons why you saying I’ve done wrong doesn’t make any sense. To that I say it’s pretty impossible to know how different the course charted would’ve been. Maybe this match wouldn’t even be happening. But we’re not on some idealized timeline where you didn’t lose your mind and pinpoint me as a target worth taking down. We’re in the here and now, and I’m more than happy to make due with what I’ve been given. You think because you set so many things in motion and because you chose this future for yourself that you’re guaranteed this win, but nah. You thought you’d tailor made a scenario where only you and your team could thrive. I can’t wait to show you how wrong you are now -- and how wrong you’ve been for so long.

Sure, if I was determined to lose this match, I’d come into it with the exact mindset you think I have. If I was bound to prove you right about me, I’d worry about only myself. I wholeheartedly believe that every woman on this team is my equal, and I have to trust them to have my back in this match just as they’re trusting me. You’re damn right, I’m making it all the way to the end of this match, and I hope to God that as many of them are standing there with me as possible. I’m not standing here assuming that I’ll be alone, because that’d be fucked up to just concede to the fact that none of them could hang in there. I believe in my team, and I believe in their ability to withstand whatever onslaught y’all are bringing to the table. This is a war and there are always casualties in a war. I just won’t be one of them. You seem to believe that if the numbers game starts to dwindle and a member or members of my team get eliminated that I’ll think my worthiness outweighs theirs. I don’t need to lord over these women to guide them to victory. They’ve each got enough initiative to chase down this win on their own. I’m not such an idiot that I think I can win this match on my own, so your claim that I’m doing this for me is bullshit. “There she goes again,” you’ll say, “talking about how she’ll win this match with her team.” I can’t wait for you to twist this into something brand new. I can’t wait for you to find a brand new way for demonize me for wanting to win, even though you want the same thing. What will it be this time? I’m selfish? I’m fake? I’m anxious to find out. You talk a lot about my imaginary personality traits, but I’m pretty in tune with the attributes I actually do have. I’ve always been pretty in tune with my flaws, and I embrace them. I talk a lot of shit. I’m my own biggest critic. My unabashed brand of confidence isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. I’ve long since come to grips with all of these things. I’m not perfect and I know that, so you can give it a rest on the whole “Aria has this aura around her” thing. If it exists, it wasn’t one I made for myself. I’m pretty transparent, and for all your claims of being as real as they come, your host of personality and allegiance changes beg to differ. “Angelic” just isn’t the word to describe me. I know I fuck up, but I still feel like I’m a good person deep down. That’s not an angel. Angels don’t stumble and fall. They don’t have any mistakes to own up to. If nothing else, I can at least say that I try to do the right thing. And not letting you push me around or think that you get the final say on who Aria Jaxon is as a person is certainly the right thing. There’s no sham here, sweetheart. The threat that my team and I pose is very real, and when the time comes, that’ll be a bitter pill for you to swallow.

Cailin “I got overlooked for standing by your side for so long” Dillon wants to talk to me about desperation.

Cailin “I let my detractors’ words seep into my brain long enough to give me a chip on my shoulder” Dillon wants to talk to me about desperation.

Cailin “Dreaming of ways to make Aria suffer is the only thing that makes me feel like I have a sense of direction anymore” wants to talk to me about desperation.

Big words coming from someone who’s seen me at my lowest more than once. You’ve seen me on the opposite side of the most crushing defeats of my career, and now I know that when you looked into my eyes after each of them, your dumb ass foolishly saw desperation. Not frustration, not a renewed resolve to press on, but desperation. I’m not scrambling to call my team into a huddle to tell them to play their best on Saturday all for the sake of bringing home a win to make me look good. You can keep threatening your teammates, if you want. Keep dangling promises of beating them into line over their heads. Keep whipping your sled dogs and telling them to mush. A Dream Killer can have nightmares, too. It just so happens that your worst one will play out live and in color when the thing you hate most comes to pass and my team and I leave Territorial Invasion victorious.
Azumi Goto
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post August 22nd 2017, 2:51 pm by Azumi Goto
Territorial Invasion #2
Nothing interesting came out of Madison’s mouth like always. Same with Consuela and even Aria Jaxon, The only reason why was that everything came out of their mouth of was generic comments like usual. I’ve never considered myself as a Joshi anymore, I’ve abandoned that side of my life for something better but yet it’s all you’ve got right Aria? I’m not Sheridan Mueller where I’m anti-American Wrestling style. So I’m very supportive of any kind of wrestling but my background comes from Strong Style, in Aria Jaxon’s mind I’m instantly Anti-American, I mean what did you expect from an idiotic Californian. And really Aria in wrestling, if you don’t believe that you’re the best then you don’t deserve to be here, it’s the same with me or any other wrestler in this business. I consider myself the best on this roster because I know that in my heart that is true more than anything! And anyone who doesn’t believe me, can simply Assen-Na Yo for all I care! That’s including you, Pinky.
So it took you one year to get where you are? (slow claps) It worked out for you in the end, didn’t it? It wasn’t because you were Cameron’s twin but more like the stars aligned for a great rookie year. Truly, people will vote for you as Rookie of the Year. Congrats on that but my path was a lot more treacherous than yours. It took you a year to reach there the mountain top of empire meanwhile I’m still scratching and clawing my way through it all. You talk about people belittling you, doesn’t compare to the crap some other people went through. The only interest in Consuela Rose Ava is because she’s some sort of big deal now and that she’s my opponent for this week. Otherwise, I kind of just skim through everything from your long boring thing and just focus.
And I never regret leaving Japan; I never regret anything I’ve done in myself. I didn’t think I was something big back then because if you did something like that, welcome to the worst time of your life where you’ll just have maul you down till they proved their point against you! I left that place on my own accord because I wanted to be something bigger! I aspired for that goal since day freaking one of my careers. I want really wanted to be a respectful but the fact you will question my failures more than anything is greatest BS that’s ever come out of your mouth so I guess I have to question some of yours as well. Like a pack of hyenas constantly going for that one thing you will consider a weakness. Maybe you picked it from Cameron or who knows, these people will cheer you but then you get to see how much of a piece of crap you are when you think of stooping that low. Maybe it’s an Ava thing, acting like heroes but really they’re the biggest villains, it’s the same with Aria Jaxon, Tarah Nova or Madison Kaline. They’ll consider themselves the heroes or leaders but really most of them Hyenas who will always try to attack their opponent’s weaknesses and think that people in crowds won’t call them out on being like that. I may be an egotistical bitch but I’m not someone who wants to go that low for a simple win, Consuela. And you want to know what my future has in store? Whatever I choose it to be because nothing is set in stone like you having that everyone thought you would lengthy title reign.
Since when have I not accepted that I lost fair and square? I did accept my shortcomings in matches like 24/7 and during the tag title match against The High Rollerz. I’ve never said that it was someone else who made me lose this match, I didn't put the blame on Haruna in any way. This isn’t Chris Elite vs Mr. DEDEDE, Consuela. I don’t believe there has been conspiracy against me but you’re right, it is “Azumi Goto vs. The World”. It’s me vs. you, your team captain, your GM, or anyone else in this world that’s ever thought of doubting me in my life. That’s what “Azumi Goto vs. The World” is and it’s always going to be like that right now. It’s not me thinking of this of conspiracy theory that everyone is against me or anything. It’s stupid that you’re coming to conclusions just like that. Like no wonder you couldn’t handle the holding the title. My weakness has and forever will be talking on the microphone. I hate it, I despise it and forever will. Maybe it’s because I don’t come from the same background like you when it comes to it? I was taught on Actions speak ten times louder than any kind of words in this world and they will this week, when I will make you question everything you’ve ever said about me, Consuela at TI. My future is heading towards winning Empress of Elite. Where’s your future heading towards? Maybe getting your title back from April Song or maybe just nothing at all? Who knows because nothing is set in stone these days, everyone… well except La Diva is a viable contender here on Empire. You talk about the perfect moment to use my Control in the Vault, well you don’t need to worry about that briefcase but there’s another perfect opportunity just waiting for me at Territorial Invasion

And it’s just stupid for anyone on your team to underestimate me because that didn’t work anyone in the past and it’s not going work with you all. So just don’t try it at all.
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