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What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? SIGNUPBANNER
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What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? SIGNUPBANNER

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 What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why?

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Chucky P.

Chucky P.

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What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? Empty
PostSubject: What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why?   What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? EmptyMay 7th 2015, 6:45 pm

Credit for this thread goes to RRS.


I can only remember wanting to fuck two of my teachers when I was in High School, both were during my sophomore year. My french teacher who was in her mid-30's, dressed slutty as fuck with her tits all out and tight, short skirts. Dat ass was outta this world. The other was my spanish teacher who was fresh out of college, it was her first year teaching and she was a latina woman with a tiny waist, a perfectly round ass and HUGE tits. She used to wear these sweaters that would show her cleavage and the sweaters were so tight it was like they were trying to escape and run to my face.

What about you? Ever wanted to fuck any of your teachers?
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What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why?   What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? EmptyMay 7th 2015, 7:02 pm

All of my female teachers dressed conservatively, and I can't say that any of them were attractive enough to warrant a school-boy crush. Except for my 8th Grade Science teacher. She had a nice, natural beauty about her, that she didn't even wear make-up at all, and everybody still found her attractive. Or at least the boys with their swirling, raging hormones.
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What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why?   What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? EmptyMay 7th 2015, 8:05 pm

I had like...4 my last year of high school.  For whatever reason, they brought in a bunch of hot 20somethings that every guy drooled over and every girl hated.  The first teacher that ever caught my eye though was in middle school.  Every guy had a thing for her it seemed like.  Very blonde, very bubbly, very fun teacher.  She was a bit thick, which I liked, and did the whole Jericho ponytail fountain thing with her hair, which got me for some reason.  She sent me to guidance counseling over my journal entries once, and then after figuring out I wasn't going to shoot up the school, supported my writing habits quite a bit, and I think that kind of helped me come out of my shell, and I also think made a few girls that otherwise wouldn't dig a schlub like me kind of take notice.  

I went back senior year for childhood education classes to mentor under her, and was extremely surprised that not only was she still pretty hot, but had lost a lot of the thickness and still looked really good.  Apparently she told some of the students stories about me before she even knew I was coming to help out, which made me even more curious if 18 year old me could possibly get with 30 year old her, which was shot down when I found out that not only was she married, but had recently had a miscarriage and probably wasn't thinking much about sex with anyone at that time.  But yeah, definitely my first teacher crush, and I have a weird suspicion (or possibly huge ego) in thinking if any dude had a chance with her in our class at any point past middle school, it might've been me.
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J-Dynasty 2?
J-Dynasty 2?

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What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why?   What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? EmptyMay 7th 2015, 8:17 pm

My french teacher and biology teacher were hot as fuck. There was also a cooking teacher who was quite the dime, hottest teacher in the school, saw her, but never has her since I didn't take such a class.
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What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why?   What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? EmptyMay 7th 2015, 8:38 pm

My English professor... He was absolutely beautiful. He had an amazing personality, was funny, smart as fuck and was so likable. Super intellectual and so kind!! ♥ ♥ ♥
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EAW Hall of Famer
EAW Hall of Famer

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What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why?   What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? EmptyMay 7th 2015, 9:02 pm

I've had thoughts about brutally beating some of my past teachers. Does that count?
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What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why?   What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? EmptyMay 8th 2015, 8:45 am

All of them cuz even if they are ugly you can at least get them fired and maybe get a hotter replacement.
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What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why?   What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? EmptyMay 8th 2015, 11:22 am

My french teacher in secondary school could have passed a model, was such a bae. One of my English teachers also had the best combination of hot tits and ass ever, lawd have mercy.
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What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why?   What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? EmptyMay 8th 2015, 3:05 pm

My 8th grade science teacher was nice. Then I had my Algebra I teached my freshman year and a couple others throughout the year.
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What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why?   What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? EmptyMay 9th 2015, 1:27 pm

My Algebra/Trig II teacher back in High School.
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What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why?   What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? EmptyMay 26th 2015, 7:28 pm

Ms. Daniels in the 7th grade. The ass was fat.
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PostSubject: Re: What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why?   What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? EmptyMay 26th 2015, 7:33 pm

Ms. Apoldo. She never taught me during high school, but damn, she had errythin going :eww:

What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? 1G82vHY
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Clark Duncan

Clark Duncan

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What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why?   What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? EmptyMay 26th 2015, 7:51 pm

Had this one English teacher in Year 9. Shoutout to Ms Phillips for always dressing in a way that we would appreciate. We were pretty convinced she was dressing the way she was on purpose because dat ass was always looking fine.

There was also this one receptionist at the front office at high school too, we always used to walk by that way to check her out and say hello and the lads would swoon every time she replied or they got a glimpse.

That's about as much eye candy as we got though.
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PostSubject: Re: What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why?   What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? EmptyMay 27th 2015, 8:32 am

None that I recall. All my teachers have been ugly af.
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PostSubject: Re: What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why?   What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? EmptyMay 27th 2015, 11:59 am

Lmao at Ventura posting the teacher's full profile
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Carlos Rosso
Carlos Rosso

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PostSubject: Re: What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why?   What teachers have you wanted to fuck and why? EmptyMay 27th 2015, 12:24 pm

There were two in particular in high school.

One was my algebra teacher, a Ms. Stalsby. She was a younger type, blonde, a little on the small side but insanely cute. 

Another one, Ms. Gaspard, was our ACT Prep teacher our Junior year. She was more petite and almost sorta plain jane with how she looked and dress, but the face and dat ass though. Plus, I have a pretty soft spot for women who wear glasses. For some reason I think it's hot.
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