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Search found 1 match for RecklessWiring8

Topics tagged under recklesswiring8 on Elite Answers Wrestling I_folderTopic: EAW Promoz!

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Views: 31151

Search in: EAW Promoz!   Topics tagged under recklesswiring8 on Elite Answers Wrestling I_icon_latest_replySubject: EAW Promoz!    Topics tagged under recklesswiring8 on Elite Answers Wrestling EmptyMarch 24th 2016, 5:58 pm
Reckless Wiring Promo #6

PicPerfectMichaels has uploaded an image:

Topics tagged under recklesswiring8 on Elite Answers Wrestling Trends-and-fads-by-daniel-levine-1-638

@PicPerfectMichaels left a comment:

"Everywhere I go people always ask me, what is the difference between a Trend and a fad.  To me the answer is that a trend leaves an imprint on the culture that that adopted it.  Like how Tie-Dye clothes, and Volkswagen vans are almost synonymous with the America in the 1960's.  Meanwhile a fad gets tossed aside almost as fast soon as it becomes popular because there isn't much to a fad besides the novelty of it.  Now everyone and their mother already knows that I'm a trend who has forever changed the landscape of EAW, and in case you happen to be wondering, I can tell you right now, without a single shadow of a doubt, that the biggest fad in EAW right now, is Phoenix Winterborn.  I mean this guy has been here about two months, barely ekes out a win in a match that had absolutely nothing on the line, and now every lame brain halfwit wants to jump on the Phoenix Winterborn band wagon.  And you can tell that  all this sudden popularity has gone straight to his head, because now he want to talk some kind of bullshit about him being more popular than me.  allow me make one thing perfectly clear pal, If I had been one of the options in that vote, you're ass would have been stuck on the couch watching Reckless Wiring on EAW Network. #WhereYouBelong

And while I have your attention let me ask you something, How can you claim to be a a longtime veteran of this industry one moment, and then act like your a total rookie the next?  let me tell you something, if I had worked for almost TWO decades, and then had accomplished barely to compare myself to someone who's been wrestling less than five years, I'd would start thinking about calling it a career.  Yes I've had my wars against greats in this company, and I've had title shots (Because I, you know EARNED them by winning matches, and proving myself as a competitor) against men who will one day be counted among the select few who are chosen to enter the EAW Hall Of Fame.  So why don't you do yourself a favor, and call up some of those guys who like you, thought they could discredit my natural greatness.  Ask, and they'll tell you about how Mark Michaels gave them an ass kicking they will never forget, and that they won't be so quick to talk shit about me the next time we face off.  

This Saturday night, at Reckless Wiring, I am going to make you wish you had never even been considered for this match.  You are in for the biggest, grade A, ass kicking the world has ever seen, and no it won't be eloquent, there will be nothing fancy about me tearing you to shreds from the word go.  Just like I've done to everyone who's stood in front of me this past month, and just like I'm going to do after the bell rings in Kansas City, and I am declared the EAW New Breed Champion.    

And let us not forget about @MaxwellDachs (even though he's given us no reason not to).  Why have you been so quiet Max?  Is it because you know that I'm going to cut right thru you like a hot knife thru butter?  Or are you just so far gone into your self-loathing that you can't even muster up more than one sad, mopey, pathetic sorry ass, diatribe, that sounds more like a cry to be put out of your fucking misery than a an actual statement about our match.  If that's all you've got left in you Max then you may as well follow thru with your promise to retire after I'm finished kicking the ever loving shit out of you.  But before you go Maxie, I want to dig deep down inside yourself, and I want you to bring your absolute best to Reckless Wiring.  I want you to leave whatever you have left of you inside the ring.  I want the Maxwell Dachs who will throw caution to the wind and do whatever it takes to try pull out a win. Not because you might against all odds actually pull out a victory, but because I will not stand for you phoning it in this Saturday night, and giving all of those head stuck in the sand haters a reason to run their ignorant, shit filled mouths!  

You boys can go ahead, and start begging for mercy right now (Not that you'll find any) because the two of you are about to be outclassed in every imaginable facet.  I am going to go out in front of a sold out crowd at the Sprint Center, and proceed to torch both of your asses.  And after I am done I will finally start getting the proper recognition that I deserve.  It's my time now, and neither one of you jackasses are gonna be enough to stop me, because to be able  to do you'd have to do the one thing this isn't humanly possible. be better than Perfect.    After this Saturday, there will not be a doubt as to why I am called The Twitter Trendsetter, The Instagram Icon, the #Hero to millions upon millions of people from ever place, every race, and every walk of life around this great big world.  These people have set their eyes upon each and every action I take, every place I go, and Every word I say.  And in doing so, they have chosen to exalt  me as their Undisputed Social Media Champion.  They know that I am the total package who is unmatched when it comes to Looks, charisma, and in ring skill.  That is why I am the Destiny of Dynasty.  That is why I am the Brightest Burning Star that EAW will ever know, and most importantly, that Is why, I can say without a single moment of hesitation, that I will be the next Elite Answers Wrestling New Breed Champion! #RecklessWiring8 #EAW #NewBreedChmapionship #BringHomeTheGold"

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