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Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? SIGNUPBANNER
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Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? SIGNUPBANNER

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 Is your bedroom decorated? How is it decorated?

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Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? Empty
PostSubject: Is your bedroom decorated? How is it decorated?   Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? EmptySeptember 20th 2014, 5:49 am

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Ares Vendetta
Ares Vendetta

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Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is your bedroom decorated? How is it decorated?   Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? EmptySeptember 20th 2014, 5:51 am

Music posters; I have a big Beatles posterboard thingy that has artwork of all of their albums, one of a painting of KISS in suits, and a poster with tons of different albums from different bands on it.
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Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is your bedroom decorated? How is it decorated?   Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? EmptySeptember 20th 2014, 6:01 am

Only some weird framed posters of flowers that my mom put up, some nifty arts and crafts made by my younger sister. 

Although, I have a sweet ass Kurt Cobain Poster above my bed and that's pretty much it.
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Posts : 2369
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Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is your bedroom decorated? How is it decorated?   Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? EmptySeptember 20th 2014, 6:34 am

My room is decorated with the blood of my enemies.

I have literally nothing on my walls and I wish I did.
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Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is your bedroom decorated? How is it decorated?   Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? EmptySeptember 22nd 2014, 12:08 am

My room is baby blue and lame.
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Posts : 1863
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Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is your bedroom decorated? How is it decorated?   Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? EmptySeptember 22nd 2014, 4:24 am

Yes, It has a Michael Jackson poster, BC Bandana, a lot of my favorite artists are on my walls too, uh the cover of GTA, Carmelo Anthony Poster back when he was with the Nuggets and a LeBron James poster before he went to Miami.
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EAW Hall of Famer
EAW Hall of Famer

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Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is your bedroom decorated? How is it decorated?   Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? EmptySeptember 29th 2014, 5:57 am

I don't decorate or organize. I jumble.
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Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is your bedroom decorated? How is it decorated?   Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? EmptySeptember 29th 2014, 6:25 am

I have a WWE poster and picture of AJ Lee on one of the walls. Oh and a poster of AC IV above my TV. That's pretty much it. I bought a bunch of posters of bands, movies etc. but I'm yet to put them up.
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Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is your bedroom decorated? How is it decorated?   Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? EmptySeptember 29th 2014, 6:45 am

My room is just white, but with posters and other souvenirs.
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Posts : 3007
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Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is your bedroom decorated? How is it decorated?   Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? EmptySeptember 29th 2014, 11:06 am

My walls are decorated with the blood of my enemies
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Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is your bedroom decorated? How is it decorated?   Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? EmptySeptember 29th 2014, 2:12 pm

I got my snapbacks hung up on my wall and the new Mortal Kombat poster. Otherwise, I'm waiting until I move to really decorate my room.
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Posts : 2777
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Hailing From : Charlotte
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Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is your bedroom decorated? How is it decorated?   Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? EmptyOctober 3rd 2014, 5:26 pm

I just remembered my brother has a drawing of him and I in my room. We look like Plankton.
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Clark Duncan

Clark Duncan

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Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is your bedroom decorated? How is it decorated?   Is your bedroom decorated?  How is it decorated? EmptyOctober 3rd 2014, 7:55 pm

Got this like really lame and ugly wallpaper one wall but it's mostly covered so it's all good.

Otherwise I've just got some sports and music posters on my wall and wardrobe doors, a few ornaments and a photo of me as a kid on my bedhead and like three small paintings my Uncle did for me as artwork to decorate my room.
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