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Gods Among Men - Episode 1: "False God" SIGNUPBANNER
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Gods Among Men - Episode 1: "False God" SIGNUPBANNER

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 Gods Among Men - Episode 1: "False God"

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Brian Daniels
EAW Hall of Famer
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Brian Daniels

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Gods Among Men - Episode 1: "False God" Empty
PostSubject: Gods Among Men - Episode 1: "False God"   Gods Among Men - Episode 1: "False God" EmptyMay 15th 2015, 4:05 am

Gods Among Men - Episode 1: "False God" Tumblr_no5xxjIPrb1sjeyq0o1_500

[ The show's introduction plays. ]

Directed by: Brian Daniels

Written by: Brian Daniels

Co-written by: Matt Ryder

Produced by: Devan Dubian

Music Composed by: Lannister

Storyline Designed by: Brian Daniels & Robbie V

- - -

Alarms are roaring throughout the work station of NASA, everyone is rushing around their work posts frantically. It's chaos, no, it's more than chaos, everyone has the fear of the world's end as we speak.

"Ken! Do you see this?! WHAT IS THAT?!" Shouted a man, spilling his coffee all over his dress shirt.

He rushes over toward Ken, Ken Lannister, that's me. World renown scientist, but I very much prefer the world of astronomy. The stars among us are just so fascinating, but what's occurring before my very eyes is absolutely mind blowing. Words can only describe so much --- Ken took a few glances up at the screen, which fixated on a red meteor, soaring through the sky... inching closer and closer toward the planet we've come to know and love; Earth.

"I don't know why everybody is freaking out, by my own personal calculations... the meteor should fall apart before it even impacts the Earth. Nothing overly damaging." I spoke to the frantic man in a rather calming voice, it was too late to panic at this point. Especially when I've entrusted my own foreseen future of this meteor. "Dr. Ken Lannister! Take a look at this!" said the director of the operation.

I took once glance, just one glance into the telescope to see upwards in sky... only to be blinded by the flashing red light. Nobody was expecting this, not one single person standing in the room alongside me. I was startled, I jumped back - but by then, the whole room was full of this mysterious light. Things got a lot weirder, when I started to feel this rather unusual surge of energy pulse through my body. Something abnormal, a feeling I haven't felt before. Before I knew it... everyone around me was screaming. Were they going through the same feeling as I was? No... it sounds like pain, excruciating pain. Why isn't this affecting me?

The lighting in the room dimmed down, I rubbed my eyes just to see clearly - everything was a blur, until the very first thing I saw was dead bodies; dead bodies of my colleagues I've worked with for such a long time. There weren't many causalities, but there shouldn't of been any at all. The meteor had to have broken apart, as I predicted beforehand. What seemed like an emergency earlier, just turned into something even worse. People were scared, they were crying, as I looked down upon the dead bodies that were left lifeless on the cold hard floor.

"What the fu---" I was interrupted by my chief operator, "Lannister! You better have an explanation for all of this! YOU told US there wasn't anything to worry about! LOOK AROUND YOU, SOMEONE CALL THE GOD DAMN POLICE, AMBULANCE, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!" He barked orders, while also addressing me, "Sir," I responded "I didn't expect any of... thi--" interrupted once again by a lady, who rushed up to us. "You guys are going to want to see this! Look!"

She switched on one of the working monitors, to a television network, one of New York's finest news reporter; Magnus Tyrell was speaking. "Reports are in, several thousands reported dead. I... I'm speechless. I apologize, but I can't muster up the words to explain the events that have just ensued. My fellow colleague, my good friend, the world knows him as Eddie Mack, has been a head count to one of unaccounted causalities in this Armageddon like event. I'm going to try my very best to report everything I possibly can. I suggest finding shelters, call your loved on--"

I took the remote from the lady, shutting the monitor off immediately. There was no way I could see anymore, hear anymore. "Lannister, we relied on you for MONTHS to track this meteor. To fully know what it's capabilities were, you're TO BLAME HERE. YOU KILLED THOSE PEOPLE." The director was shouting at me, his spit splashing off my face. "Sir, I.." -- "NO, YOU LISTEN. PEOPLE ARE GOING TO LOOK AT US, NASA, FOR THIS. AND WHAT ARE WE GOING TO TELL THEM? I'LL TELL YOU WHAT WE'LL TELL THEM... DR. KEN LANNISTER, WORLD'S FINEST NASA EMPLOYEE IS TO BLAME. I'LL ENSURE YOU NEVER WORK ANYWHERE AGAIN! YOU HEAR ME?!" I tried to intervene, I tried to speak, but every time I attempted, he would cut right in.

"SCREW IT, YOU'RE FIRED, GET OUT! GET OUT!" He kept shouting, the louder he shouted... the more I became angered, hatred fueled my emotions. Which was quite strange, because I am usually a calm and collective guy. Until I noticed, the machines around me, the computers, the monitors, they began to spark and flash. Everything was beginning to go haywire, but nobody else was noticing. They were too intrigued with me getting belittled.

"SHUT UPPPPPP!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, then... the machines around me exploded. The glass from the television monitor's shattered into pieces. The computers blew up, people were ducking for cover. Was this me?! It.. it couldn't be. Everything stopped, it was the most peaceful moment we had all day. We sat there in silence, looking around the room.. confused, bewildered, not a thing was said. I just fled, I walked as fast as I could and I exited the building. Trying my best to avoid looking at the dead bodies collapsed to the floor.

"There has to be a logical explanation to all of this, there just has to be. There's no way some sort of blinding red light kills. There has to be more to this story. Without the luxury of NASA's laboratory.. I, I'll find a way." I spoke to myself, rushing down to my car. "I can always try New York, that Magnus Tyrell guy said people were dead on sight of the light there." I inserted the key to ignite the engine. But then, the engine started on it's own. Just like that, without anything, without the key to ignite it. I looked on confused, looking down at my hands, my fingers sparked with small bolts of electricity. I blinked a few times, as they disappeared. "I'm really having an off day..." I once again spoke to myself, speeding out of the area. "I hope they have a Mountain Dew waiting for me in New York City." taking no glances back at NASA's headquarters, I just drove.

- - -

I always had thought that sitting alone in a bar would make up the the years of mistakes I've made. It hardly ever got to me that - I wasn't here to drink away the bad memories, I always came to drink to make new ones. And I really did need a new memory to make, especially after that damned red bright light nearly blinded me on my way here.

"You hear about the death count that the meteor apparently caused? Yeah, it's off the charts." overhearing some people discussing the event; I hardly took any notice. Instead, I picked up the beer bottle, pressed it to my lips, and sipped away. But the word "death" really got to me - really brings me back, where I was training to become a soldier myself. To protect those who weren't able to protect themselves, unlike the corrupted police force. It brings me way back...

"MOVE IT! I SAID MOVE IT! DO YOU LITTLE WUSSIES WANT TO BE EATING THE CRUMBS OFF THE FLOOR? GET YOUR ASSES MOVING!" shouted a man, who had appeared to be a general in control of some army training camp facility. He was directing a bunch of new recruits, one of the new recruits being myself... James Seymour. It's all I really ever wanted, especially after my ex-girlfriend left me for Jay Walker, wasn't ever too fond of that guy. He was the nerdy time, I was the type to be bulking up as much as possible.

There I was, crawling on my hands and knees through the mud, rain pouring down from the sky like God had just decided to take a massive piss on everyone that day. It was a make it or break it day, especially after a lot of the higher ups had expected great things out of me. But there was a flaw, we could say that they very much enjoyed exploiting. I'm not a guy to think before acting, if I see a damn terrorist with a trigger in his hand. I'll shoot him point blank between the eyes, not realizing what's to come. But oh well, I feel that's a rather charming factor about myself too.

I made it out, the first one to complete the obstacle, but I could still see in the general's eyes that he had a rather strong distaste for me. But I was ready, more than willing to prove him wrong. "Here's an update on the red meteor case, NASA hasn't given any word, but we were just informed that the death toll has expanded worldwide. They're millions dead, all reported cases of seeing the flashing red light. If you have survived this and are feeling ill or strange, please, check into the nearest hospital immediately."

Well, I guess I was one of the more lucky ones, but the aura around me in this bar... nobody paying a single attention toward the news. But what else can you say about a bunch of drunks in one room? We don't care, I was zoning this out more than I zoned out that chubby brunette that always hits on me when I enter the bar. She's definitely not my cup of tea. Taking one more sip from the beer bottle, I continued to gaze down at the bar counter.

Luckily enough, the next day was one of my better days, because there was nobody at the camp that could use a gun better than I could. That was my talent, guns, knives, explosives, you name the weapon, I'm the absolute best with it. I mean, aside the one time where I shot my friend Stephen in the foot on accident, because he thought it was a wise idea to get drunk and try to scare me while I was at the shooting range training.

Head shot, chest shot, they were all perfect shots at the test dummies. The paper that overlapped the dummies was nothing more than proof that I was clearly the best. Whether the generals, the higher ups, my fellow camp mates accepted it or not. I had full confidence in myself - there was no doubt, whatsoever, there was only one day left. Until the test results would come back in, boy, did I feel like I was in high school again... patiently waiting to get that D+ on an essay.

But who would of thought? Taking another sip from his beer bottle, James peered behind his shoulder out the window, saw people panicking, but that was to be expected, and he didn't care. The day before my crowning achievement, placing myself among all the honorable men who serve and protect this beautiful country. I get in a fight, not just some verbal petty fight over a lost bet, it was a army ending moment for him... and myself.

He was rambling on about how I didn't deserve to be in this facility, how the generals were protecting me, so I proved him wrong. I whooped his ass, but I whooped it so bad that I crippled him. I smashed his knee cap, snapping his leg in two. I was enraged, he got a few lucky shots on me before then, but that only fueled my fire to bash his pretty boy face in. Let's just say, the very next day was the last day I spent in that camp. I got what every honorable soldier dreads the most... dishonorable discharge.

That's when my world came crashing down before me, I saw death, when I received the slip. And then I became isolated, I hadn't picked up a gun in years, hadn't fought with anybody... not even when I saw Jay Walker walking around this smug city with his arm around my ex-girlfriend. I couldn't really blame him though, he had a good taste in women for the nerd that he was. That brings me up to the point where I'm at now, drinking my life away, hoping something exciting would actually happen. Little did I know, it's already occurring.

Then I heard someone bursting into the bar in a rush, "James! James!", I knew the voice - it was Aaron, Aaron Carter, the little runt in the flesh. "You're not going to believe this, come on, come with me!" he said, trying to get everything out, he must of ran here quickly, as he was out of breathe.

"Are you even old enough to be in here?" James questioned him, "besides, if it's about that viral red meteor, I couldn't give two shits." James added on.

"Trust me, James, you're going to want to see this." He grabbed me by the arm, trying to pull me with him, not being quite the muscular boy - I decided that this could be worth it. I went along with him, keeping my beer bottle in hand. That's when he guided me to a dark alley, "Whoaaaa, slow your role there, Aaron, I've been in enough dark alleys to know what goes on around here."

"Har, har, now shut up and watch." James stood there, staring at Aaron with a funny face - until Aaron, did something that James hadn't even listed as one of the things he expected out of this. Aaron's body was morphing, transforming, right before his very eyes, he shape shifted into.. a kangaroo.

"Dear God, what did that lady put in my beer? I'm seeing Kangaroo Jack and I swear I'm not high." James replied, standing there, looking into his bottle, "I'm not a movie character... and this is real." Aaron responded, morphing back into his human body.

"Either you have a serious disease, or my drink is spiked." James said, Aaron just shook his head, "Don't you get it?! That meteor, it did something to me... and it might of done something to you too!"

James was bewildered, perplexed, every word for confused bottled up in his beer. He stood there in silence, trying to take in everything he had just seen, "You're telling me that the damn meteor gave you super powers? What do I look like? A black man with an eye patch trying to recruit you to some super team?" James said.

"Look, enough with your sarcastic remarks, I know this may seem crazy... but that meteor did something to me. And it could of done something to you too." Aaron responded, very frustrated with the way James was taking everything in. "Yeah, that's right, by the sound of the news reporter, Angus Tybell, or whatever the hell his name is... it could of killed me. I highly doubt something that dangerous gifted the world with enhanced abilities. I get that you want to live in one of your comic book stories, but---"

"But what?" Aaron interrupted, "You're going to tell me what I just did was some sort of freak accident or an illness? I'm just like you, I looked into the meteor's light and I survived."

James tapped his right foot a few times, becoming irate with Aaron, "You got my attention kid, just because I can't wrap my head around you turning into some Australian animal. Explain yourself, explain this... this meteor, because you better damn well hope I got some damn super powers, and not cancer from looking into that son of a bit---"

"Would you watch your language, sailor? I'll explain this... in due time, but first we have one more stop to make." Aaron said, walking off, as James stood there for a second "What else do I have to lose?" James said before walking behind him, with a firm grip on his half empty beer bottle.

- - -

Looking up into the sky, seeing the red flash of light that was clearly unexplainable - I just stood there, my mansion door wide open. Staring into the sky, not really confused, but in awe of the moment. I don't know what that was, it could have been the end of the world. And I did not care. My name is Jaylon Amir, I'm probably one of the richest men in the world, alongside one of the most alone. I shut the door, enclosing myself in a silence that only the echoes of my foot steps were heard in my house. It's been a real quiet life, ever since I graduated from high school.

"BREAKING NEWS: Red light---" Jaylon grabbed the remote to his television, shutting it off right before the news reporter could even finish her sentence. If there was one thing I despised more than arrogant paparazzi flashing cameras in my face, it's hearing the petty sob stories that the news workers picks apart. I always half expected myself to appear on the news one day, arrested for knocking someone out, but me? Knocking someone out? I haven't been in physical shape since I played football, the actually real football, not the pig skinned sport. That was some time ago... fun times, makes me miss all of my old friends.

Jaylon continued to walk down a hall, lost in a train a thought, forgetting he hadn't set the alarms... or even locked his door. That's when it hit him, he turned around immediately after remembering what he forgot --- only to have a gun pointed between his eyes. "I always knew one of these days, you'd slip up, Amir." said the man, wearing a black ski mask, leather jacket, and denim jeans.

"Oh great, look... I know you're probably after my cash, my mansion, something that has a large pric--" The man cocked his gun, with his index finger ready to pull the trigger. "No, Amir, I have never wanted your dirty money. Don't you get it? I've been waiting for the day you'd leave yourself vulnerable, so that I could finally get my chance to look you in the eyes. And kill you."

With fear in his eyes, Jaylon had no idea who this guy was, why he wanted to kill him, but all he could do is persuade him. "Whoever you are, I don't know what I did to you. I don't know why there's a bounty on my head in your eyes, but we can settle this like men. I can write you a check... for whatever amount." But the man didn't respond, nicely that is, he whacked his gun handle across the forehead of Jaylon... forcing him to stumble back.

But Jaylon hardly felt a thing, he was perplexed, but he played it off... the man kept his gun nozzle focused between his eyes. "I..." before Jaylon could even speak another word, the man fired off one bullet, just one. One that flew through the air, directing it's way toward Jaylon's head... but the bullet flattened itself once it made impact upon his flesh. Jaylon with his eyes shut tight, opened them, expecting the worst, but to see the gunman's puzzled facial expression.

"You... you're supposed to be dead!" shouted the gunman, quickly following up by emptying his magazine into Jaylon Amir's chest. My chest. But nothing damaged me, no bullet pierced my skin... until one ricocheted off my chest, rebounding off me, and piercing the gunman's chest, one clean bullet one through. Jaylon's eyes widened, he looked down to the marble floor where the man collapsed. The color of red started to overpower the white marble, blood was spewing out of the wound.

The man was holding his hand against his chest tightly, trying to slow the bleeding, while Jaylon slowly knelt next to him. Placing a firm grip against the mask, "Don't..." the gunman said, but I couldn't help myself. I had to see who this dying man was. He lifted the ski mask off the man's head, only to reveal it was his middle-aged father. "D-dad?! What?! I'm... how did you get our of prison?!" I asked, this night couldn't get anymore stranger.

"That concerns you not," he coughed up some blood, spitting it all over the floor next to him, "I'm going to die tonight, but I won't be the only person to die. Apart of you will die alongside with me, when I take my final breath. You should of joined your mother tonight, you should of joined her the night I murdered her. That's right, it was me. When you were a mere child, just a kid. You thought that man repeatedly smashing her head into a spike was some thug that framed me? No.. not even cl---" I couldn't take it, I could not take it one last bit.

With one swing of my right hand, I punched him in the face... but it did more damage than I had expected it to. His skull caved beneath my own fist, I just killed my own father. And at the time, I felt greater, I felt like after a lifetime of mystery, a lifetime of secrets, he was the reason for all of this. This new found strength in me, it was unreal. Until I realized there was a dead body, lying on my floor, I had to call the police. I wasn't about to dump his body in a river, no, he can be incinerated as his prison number titles him, not my biological father.

After about twenty minutes, the police arrived with detectives and all. I got interrogated, but all evidence lead against my now dead... 103473. That's his name. He is no father of mine. They easily found his finger prints on the gun, settled for a self-defense case. I had to make some story up though, I had to tell them I managed to disarm him and his bullets rebounded off the wall. And that I took multiple swings at his head with a baseball bat, because no sane person would believe what I did with him. I guess the empty cell he escaped from will only be filled with another criminal's scum shoes.

"Man, I can't believe it... at least this death is regular, unlike the irregular ones we've detected tonight." I overheard a policeman, speaking to a fellow policeman. "Yeah, that red light really left a mark behind. Several deaths, I'm amazed we've survived this. You'd think if it was some sort of space radiation, it would kill us all right?" the other cop responded, "Uh, you'd think so. I really don't know know, most cases were logged as them staring into the sky. I'm glad I wasn't searching for shooting stars."

Wait, could that be the reason for this irregular amount of strength that I gained? I could feel it, but to think that it could of possibly murdered me where I stood. I don't know if I would consider this a gift, or maybe a curse. My phone rang, interrupting my train of thought - I took out my Android, looking at the caller ID... it was none other than my old friend, the mad scientist himself, Dr. Ken Lannister. I answered it, "Hello? Ken?" I spoke, "Jaylon! Jay! You're not going to believe this, but I'll explain more once I arrive in New York!" he responded, this was going to be a long night.

- - -
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Posts : 5167
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Gods Among Men - Episode 1: "False God" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gods Among Men - Episode 1: "False God"   Gods Among Men - Episode 1: "False God" EmptyMay 16th 2015, 2:58 pm

Even tho I didn't read the entire thing I like it. Pretty rad concept.
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Norman Hellion

Norman Hellion

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Gods Among Men - Episode 1: "False God" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gods Among Men - Episode 1: "False God"   Gods Among Men - Episode 1: "False God" EmptyMay 16th 2015, 5:21 pm

Damn it Dr. Lannister, you had one job!  :yell:

On a serious note, the character development is outstanding and finding out which power each person has is always interesting, especially when Aaron became a kangaroo lol. Also, the writing makes the plot very clear, it's like I could see everything unfolding. Can't wait to see what they do with their powers and episode 2 can't come soon enough! 

Also, RIP Eddie Mack  :mjcry:
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