Who the hell blackmails someone over an e-fed of all things? This is a game, not politics. Maddie, you're one of the nicest people I've ever had the opportunity to meet and when you deleted your account I for one gave you the benefit of the doubt and believed something serious had happened. It's kind of bittersweet to find out I was right -and I'm glad that you're back- but whoever it was that thought it would be a good idea to blackmail is 1. immature and 2. a liar. You're a talented promoer, Maddie, and you actually had the decency to own up to your mistake which is something to be admired in a day and age where everyone wants to blame someone else. I know I'm evidently not the only one who's glad you're back but I am especially.
As for not telling anyone, you definitely should have but I can understand why you didn't. Without solid proof I appreciate that you were probably doubtful that anything would happen to ease your situation and instead you'd find yourself in a bigger hole. While I do somewhat agree with DDD's sentiment I hope that he doesn't hold it against you personally, especially as you're not the only one to not come out about problems you've been having. I hope whoever it is that's had the gall to try and blackmail you gets what's coming to them. That's downright spiteful. Like I said: this is an e-fed, not politics.
It's good to see you back, though, and I hope you're able to get through whatever has been troubling you.