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ManTheFuckUp - EAW Promoz! (Section closed) SIGNUPBANNER
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ManTheFuckUp - EAW Promoz! (Section closed) SIGNUPBANNER

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EAW Promoz! (Section closed) :: Comments

Re: EAW Promoz! (Section closed)
Post February 20th 2016, 11:58 pm by Marco
(The scene begins to open to an irritated and ticked off Pegasus sitting in his office frantically tapping his finger on his desk while Ryan Savage is seen admiring his healing battle wounds that he has gotten from his match at King Of Elite. As Ryan continues to observe his body he feels a sensation in his arm that's starting to ache, which was probably aggregated from his match with Tyler Parker. When Ryan let out a huge sigh, Pegasus begins to throw his chair against the wall that ends up leaving a dent in the wall of his office.)

Pegasus: Are you fucking kidding me!? Ryan! How did you let someone like Tyler Parker beat you last week on Voltage!? That man is NOTHING compared to you! It bothers me that someone like him who is beneath you, who isn't worthy to even be in your presence but yet you let someone like him beat you. I didn't invest my money to promote a loser!  I have billed you to the masses as one of the greatest athletes in this business. Beating guys like Tyler Parker should be a cake walk for you.

Ryan Savage: Calm down, Pegasus. It's alright. I didn't need to win that match anyways.

(Acting out on his emotion Pegasus walks up to Ryan Savage and gets into his face with his face turning red by the second.)

Pegasus: Calm down? ME Calm down. Do you know who the hell I am!?

Ryan Savage: Yes. You're just like me if not the same as me. But listen Pegasus, my match with Tyler Parker wasn't a necessity for me to win. In fact you can chalk this up as a fluke victory. As you can clearly see I'm hurt, I'm injured as it took Tyler Parker all he had and then some to beat a man that's not even at 100%. So if I were completely healthy and if that coward brother of mine didn't inflict these injuries on me then Tyler Parker would be laying in a hospital somewhere. So my friend, don't make me repeat myself. Calm Down...

(As Ryan Savage stares into the eyes of Pegasus, Pegasus begins to back away from Ryan Savage and maintain his senses and begins to clear his throat and then begins to talk to Ryan Savage rationally.)

Pegasus: Okay. My bad then. Sorry that I've lost my cool but if anything Ryan, my emotions shows that I have faith in you. More so than anyone in your life that you've encountered. I know you can make it to the top. You were on the cusp of obtaining greatness and I believe you can do it again. If you want me to address Y2Impact for you and tell the world that you're going to become World Champion then I'll do so. I will help you win matches, I'll do whatever it takes to bring out the most desirable outcome..

Ryan Savage: That isn't necessary. Now go and take a walk.

(As Pegasus leaves the scene, the camera focuses on Ryan Savage as he takes a moment of silence to gather up his thoughts that has been all over the place as of late as he begins to speak..)

Ryan Savage: Y2Impact, I don't even know where to begin. You and I have a history together dating back what seems to be years ago but in all reality to me it's just in the past which I have no desire to bring up. You can look at this as a pardon because I'm not going to hold you accountable for making my life a living hell back under the old regime. I'm not even upset at you for playing part in taking the Tag Titles that I've won for both my partner and myself. I will even go as far as not even worrying about the last time I've gotten involved with Hexa-Gun because you the only reason why any of this going on is that you and your group are in the way of something that I need to finish. In order for me to get another World Title shot, I have to go through Hexa-Gun. A daunting challenge? Yes, but if this is the only chance that I have to ensure I get to have my rematch with Mr. DEDEDE then I'll do whatever it takes. So this match is pretty much a prelude of what's to come soon and you can take this as an ominous sign of what will be the end of the most dominant group that has stepped foot in EAW. Since I'm a pawn in this game of war, then I may as well try to reap whatever benefits I can get from this. But this brings me to think about what you said that I'm nothing more than a bottom feeder and you know what Impact, thinking on it. I'm pretty sure you've nailed it on the head because I am a bottom feeder, I am a parasite and I'll admit that what I've done to Mr. DEDEDE has people talking about me. Even though I didn't necessarily came away with the gold at King Of Elite, it still leaves an unanswered question if Mr. DEDEDE can truly get a definitive win against me. As I have stated before Y2Impact as long as Mr. DEDEDE lives, I live and as long as he has that championship around his waist then I have a reason to fight. Come Voltage you're going to see a different side of me, it's not going to be a side where I'm going to threaten to end your career or anything like that since this match doesn't mean much to me. But you're going to get a taste that you're dealing with a desperate man that's fixated on getting another opportunity at the World Championship. You're going to see a man that's desperate for power because ever since I tasted my blood and have seen with my own eyes the nature of the beast when the richest prize is up for grabs, it has done something for me. I can compare this sensation when I shark tastes blood for the very first time and becomes addicted to it and will do anything it can to get that taste again. That's where I'm at in my career at the moment and I need it so bad that if I have to get through Hexa Gun to get it, then so be it. IT WILL BE DONE!


Clark Duncan
Re: EAW Promoz! (Section closed)
Post February 20th 2016, 11:51 pm by Clark Duncan
[Clark is seen watching the footage of Drake Jaeger's promo while sitting on the bed of his Des Moines hotel room. On his lap is a bowl of popcorn and on the bedside table sits a bottle of cider]

Clark: Shit, this is majorly compelling. Leonardo DiCaprio needs to watch his back if Drake Jaeger decides to become a movie star. I haven't seen acting this good since I saw Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool last week.

[Clark consumes a massive mouthful of popcorn as he continues to watch and make observations]

Clark: This judge is a bit weak though, surely he'd have got these clowns kicked out by now. He must have been in on it. Well, that's food for thought.

[Clark chuckles before glancing at the room door slowly opening]

???: Olly olly oxen free.

Clark: Oh boy, come on in, Mario.

Mario: I don't know why I said that.

Clark: That makes two of us.

[Awkward silence]

Mario: Well then, what ya doing?

Clark: Watching Drake Jaeger trying to steal Leo's Oscar.

Mario: Rewind it.

Clark: Absolutely not.

Mario: Hmph, righto.

[Mario reaches across the bed and steals Clark's unopened cider]

Mario: Don't mind if I do.

Clark: You owe me now.

Mario: After all the free pizza? I don't think so.

Clark: Touché.

[Mario swipes the bowl of popcorn as Clark looks quite displeased]

Clark: Oh look, a Tiberius cameo! I knew he wouldn't be too far away. They're literally partners in crime.

Mario [trying to stifle his laughter]: Ha, you don't say.

Clark: Everything I've seen from these guys seems to suggest they're bigger practical jokers than I am. Who knew that was possible? I'm surprisingly okay leaving the comedy to Drake and Jones really. If they're playing the fool, it allows me to have eyes on the prize. This week we take down the pair, at Fighting Spirit 2, we take down the entire team. Hexagun will be Hexa-gone once Team Cross is finished with them. We've already got a team full of class and the big reveal is yet to come, so once the final member is known, the Team Cross juggernaut will be ready to run this town. Ain't that right, Mario?

[At this point Mario has tuned out and turned off the vision of the Drake Jaeger courst case with Clark completely unaware]

Clark: Hey, I was watching that!

Mario: You know it finished, right?

Clark: No comment.

Mario: You're gonna have to pay more attention than that on Sunday if you're gonna make sure Drake and Jones don't hand your arses to you on a silver platter.

Clark: Oi, relax. We got this. Carson Ramsay and I may have our issues with each other, but we're united by a common goal. A Hexagun-free EAW which could rival anyone's utopia. Besides, once we run these guys out of EAW, I might just be able to hand Carson another loss if he dares to challenge me again.

Mario: You've still got Dustin Brasch to worry about first though.

Clark: Do you think some loser from Dynasty scares me, Mario? This guy went through a battle royal and eliminated a bunch of no-names to win it, hardly impressive.

Mario: You couldn't even...


Mario: Then you won't mind if I take the other ciders with me?

[Mario opens the minibar and raids it before storming out with his arms full]

Clark: Anyway... Dustin Brasch doesn't worry me at all. He's simply a figure. He'll be the victim of my fourth retention. I'm ready to steamroll whoever comes my way. My approach isn't about to change at all, because I'm still New Breed Champion and at the top of my game.

[The bowl begins to slide off the bed as Clark notices out of the corner of his eye and makes a dive to save it before it hits the floor as the camera fades to black but a crash and thud are heard]
Vanessa Holiday
Re: EAW Promoz! (Section closed)
Post February 20th 2016, 11:49 pm by Vanessa Holiday
change is coming.

I respect you, Aria. I have ever since I watched you trump the division in Empress of Elite. You know how shit works, how to take over a division with a brass fist. I've always enjoyed that about you. However, something I haven't always thought pleasantly about you is the fact that you believe a single tournament win dictates the fact that you can run a division; and that's wrong. There's more to the Vixen's than living under you. Things are different now, I'm changing, and I have no problem with proving this you. I want to show you I'm strong, competitive, and damn ready to make a difference.

I don't have much to say. After this week, there will be more. I care about this match and I will have no problem with proving there can't be one empress. There is no single throne.

I'm Vanessa Holiday, and shit is about to change.
Cailin Dillon
Re: EAW Promoz! (Section closed)
Post February 20th 2016, 11:37 pm by Cailin Dillon

Showdown #5
It’s dark as a door swings open and light from the hallway fills the room for a moment. The room returns to its near pitch black state as the light is cut off and a lamp is turned on to give the room only the slightest illumination. Cailin Dillon sits down at her desk and flips up her laptop as she sits down at the desk. It’s only been a few moments when a smile comes across her face. She shakes her head and pushes a hand through her long blonde hair. She had spent her week preparing for two matches at once, all with her mind focused primarily on just this one. There wasn’t any issue understanding where Sheridan Muller was coming from, but it was clear the girl was in over her head with this match. She could see her forming ideas that were coming from seemingly nowhere. Not the kinds of ideas that put you over another competitor, but the kind that make you seem desperate. She had used lewd jokes to talk about other people, gone on pointless tangents about how she was more talented than the entire world and wrapped it all up with a nice little catchphrase that she stole from the German automobile industry. The dead mom comments and daddy’s girl labels weren’t bothering her, and nor was Sheridan herself. It was easy to laugh at the girl, but not because she didn’t take her seriously. She was completely serious about the clinic she planned to put Sheridan in. She was positive this girl wouldn’t know what hit her when they were finished. She flipped on the camera and hit record as she looked to her laptop to speak.
News flash, we at EAW would like to apologize for interrupting your day with Saturdays with Sheridan. That show was awful and has been cancelled. But we would like to make sure you understand exactly why we’re doing this. You see, Sheridan had great intentions and her ideas started out being good enough, but then she flipped the switch to crazy town. Once we put a mic in front of her, she started saying things that didn’t make a while lot of sense. As a news show, it was meant to be practical, truthful and informative. We didn’t intend to start a show where this girl sits in front of a camera and flaps her gums for 30 minutes. Sorry for that again. But maybe we should have known ahead of time. The facts were all there. And even are early disclaimer didn’t feel like enough to warn you of what you were about to see. It should have included, this program will also include one very courageous woman who has her panties so far up her own ass that she’ll never be able to fully recover them. Listen Sheridan, you aren’t as great as you believe yourself to be. You want a motivational speech, I’ll give you one. Why not give you what you’ve accused me of this week. So here goes nothing. Sometimes in life, we meet obstacles. Now most would tell you to keep trying and eventually you can clear these things and you can triumph. But ever so often, you encounter something that seems impossible. Should you keep trying? Maybe you should. Because the reward on the other side might be great. It might be something you’ve wanted for a really long time or something that just makes you feel good. But eventually you’ll find that you can’t clear this obstacle and you just fail over and over again. This is when you consider giving up. Most would tell you not to. Never give up, never surrender or something in that line of talk. But maybe you should give up, you know, save yourself the hardship. Maybe your motivation should be to know end up looking like a complete fool. You can spend a lot of time throughout your preparation thinking you’re really ready for the challenge, but when it starts to become apparent that you’re in over your head, you’ve got to jump out of that ship before it sinks and pulls you under. This is the example of Sheridan Muller’s career. She has crossed obstacles and made leaps and bounds, but it has run its course. She’s now approached the point where the wall is too big to climb. She has gotten to a place she was never ready for. So what is a girl like Sheridan to do? She has to chalk this one up to what it really is and start preparing for the next one. The lesson here is to not give up after the loss and to keep fighting. But maybe in Sheridan’s case the motivation should be to give up. Maybe it’s time she turns away from wrestling all together, give her catchphrase back to the industry and use all that money she spends so much time talking about to buy herself a dinghy. Then she can flip on that motor, find herself an island somewhere out in the Caribbean where she can hide from the world that she’s already so much better than. This will be the place she lives out the rest of her miserable life thinking about that one obstacle she couldn’t get past. But someday, eventually, she will look back and realize there was a lesson to be learned in all this and it wasn’t just all for naught. That lesson is for all the shit she talks and whatever she wants to say about Cailin Dillon, she will never be good enough to beat her. She will never be a champion and her career will be defined for what she is in this moment right now. For someone who spends so much time telling everyone else to shut up, she’s just full of hot air. So she can tag her full of shit self and spend the rest of her days on that island, where she belongs. No one here really needs here brand of trash anyways.
You came into this week with a purpose. You wanted to paint your opponent as a weakling, you wanted to destroy her mentally and then you wanted to become a champion. You failed on the first two objectives, and now here comes the third. You have spent this week talking about the cancerous individuals you believe exist in this division, and then made it clear through your descriptions that I’m not one of those people. You talked so much about money, and suddenly you aren’t about the money. It’s unclear what your purpose is anymore. You’re either here trying to be the cure to a sickness that doesn’t exist and prove that I’m not worthy, or you’re here to put on a good showing and try to win your first championship in EAW. We might never truly know which one that is because you haven’t made it clear and neither are going to happen. You don’t see yourself as a hypocrite, but it’s obvious that you are. You spend time talking about how wrestling is your life and let me know how tough you train. But when you see me training you tell me I have no life. This has been the common theme of everything you’ve said and done this week. Whether it’s you recording yourself fresh out of the shower with your wet blond hair, you fucking and then decapitating a cardboard version or me or this lame newscast you tried to construct in your hotel room. These are all the wonderful premise to ideas that you failed to hash out in full power because you just couldn’t figure out what to say. Oh, you had a lot of words to say, but they lacked the direction I think you wanted to go. It really makes no difference though. There’s been no doubt that I will successfully retain this title and you will be left to completely eat your words. What I’m doing in EAW right now is just the start of leaving my mark on the wrestling industry, and you’ll end up as just a blip on that radar. I’ve done nothing but learn every single match I’ve been in, both tremendous victories and grueling defeats. I’ve won championships and I continue to elevate my career. I’m doing what you haven’t done and what you won’t. What Sheridan fails to realize is that I train, I scout and I study this craft. She believes herself to be the most talented in the world, but she’s talent without a game plan. She just talks and talks and says everyone else loves the sound of their own voices. She makes fun of my victories and calls them meaningless when she barely beats her challenger to get in here. She’s showing up bloodied and bruised when I have no marks because I was intelligent, I had a strategy and I took care of my business. See, I can go into matches and I can give it my all and I can took huge risks and I can survive it generally unscathed. For all the time you spend calling me weak, you barely made it out of a match against an opponent you’ve made sure we all understand is second rate. And we all take plenty of lumps and bruises, but the injuries you describe make it sound like you went through a car accident. I didn’t realize Vanessa was so damn powerful. But while you spend your time bashing the title that you desire to win, you fail to realize that my victories have solid and they’ve been consistent. Winning ladder matches and chair matches and cage matches are no joke. Ask any one, you’ve stepped up this week to levels we haven’t seen before. But you’re not different than anyone else who has challenged for this title. You all like to talk down on me and the things I’ve accomplished, but you share the same desperation all of the ones before you had. You’ve attempted to go from zero to 100 and just this week, but I’ve surpassed you just like I did those ones before. This is the Cailin Dillon experience you hungered for so much. And now you’re getting the taste you wanted. I can’t imagine it’s everything you expected. You expected easy, but you got the same heat I give everyone else. For every way you try to strike me down with your words, you get an even more powerful jab just right back. The difference between is that your words don’t feel like something to take seriously. You spend so much time trying to degrade your opponents with jokes, that you miss out on the opportunity to really get your point across. You remind me of those kids we all encounter in our lives that get embarrassed by their own accord and then come out swinging with every expletive they can think of. Those kids always think they walk away from those scenes the winners. But just like them, it’s a loss for you.
This is why it should be painfully obvious to you at this point that for everything you’ve done this week, you have not intimidated me at all. How you could even develop a sense that I would fear anything about is part of the fairytale that you created in your mind. Yes, the girl who accuses me of creating this world of endless rainbows and unicorns is the one truly living in a fairytale. She thinks because she speaks a lot that I’m scared of her. What a laughable claim from a girl who truly has achieved nothing in her career, but thinks she is cool or strong because she downplays the accomplishments of everyone else. The problem is it’s too easy to take the things you say with a grain of salt. I’m confident with every fiber of my being that I will beat you, whether it takes 30 seconds or 10 minutes. All the threats you make about winning the Specialist’s Championship and parlaying it into ruling the division just come across as silly statements from a little girl who is pumped for her biggest opportunity. But it will end with her bloodied and crying tears of sadness. Let me help you out. You aren’t a big deal, so find a new way. I challenged you to do something about it all week and you were just deaf to this situation. Talk about a broken record. You literally just say the same things over and over and the only change you offer is a variation in what you say first. German efficiency. German efficiency. German efficiency. Best in the world. Read that aloud and understand how much of an idiot you sound like. I could bring up former opponent after former opponent and what wouldn’t change is that they are better than you. I’m talking going back to the Empress of Elite tournament. I’m talking about bringing up girls that aren’t even in this company anymore. The consistent thing is that I think they could beat you. The handful of victories you have mostly come against girls I’ve never faced. But Rey Shamez put up a bigger fight than you, and she didn’t even have a title opportunity up for grabs. Doesn’t that mean anything to you? When you challenge the meaning behind the girls who have had chances to beat me and classify them all as worthless and undeserving, do you forget that you’re in the same class as them? Or has your apparent newfound invincibility really warped your mind so badly that you don’t know the answer to that anymore. There’s being confident and then there’s being flat out delusional. It’s difference between us is obvious. You fall under the category of delusional, and I remain confident that I will beat your delusional ass all over the ring. So when you come out and head into the ring, turn around and stare at that ramp. When you hear my song fill the arena and you see me walk out, you’ll know you’re out of time. And you make sure to listen to the lyrics of that song, because they aren’t meaningless. There’s nothing wrong with my confidence, but there’s plenty wrong with whatever it is you have going on.
This place will never be defined by anything you bring to the ring. Maybe you’re a nice talent, but you’re far from great. You’re not even that good. That’s the thing, there’s plenty of great talent and even some good fighters that are right on the cusp. What you are is nice, but you’ve still got a long ways to go before you prove anything. I want to mention something very painfully obvious to you that I don’t think you thought about before you said. You have made yourself out to be the hottest thing in EAW right now. Part of that, as you made clear earlier this week, is all the success you’ve had. So how flawed is your thinking that you discount your opponents match history and try to act as if the championship matches they fought in are meaningless in comparison to the ones of a rookie who has been cutting her teeth. The thing is, I’m not sure you’re ready to remove that pacifier from between your lips just yet. You’ve still got a way to go hun. But just as you hope it will all come crashing down for me, you’re soon to see this all happen for yourself. I’ve lost matches before, I know how to handle myself in defeat. You haven’t even known how to handle yourself this week. How the hell are you supposed to deal with missing out when you feel everything is in your favor? Maybe you shouldn’t have tried to build up this perception that you were so unstoppable this week. Because that’s all you ever do. That’s part of your whole gimmick. The reality is that you’re far from perfect and you will leave our match feeling very far from the complete product that you believe yourself to be. You think you’re entering a match against a paper champion when you’re actually boarding a one-way train to your career going nowhere. The thing is you are chalk full of so much talent, but it’s everything else about you that causes these huge deficits. Your whole approach is so flawed that you feel like you have to attack someone sexually or make fun of their parents. The idea that you had to suggest I was touched by my father is about as clear an example of this as it comes. Why you think this actually makes you better or gives you a chance to win I might never know. Something tells me you feel this is the way to get to your opponent mentally. If that worked with Vanessa Holiday it’s because she’s weak. You complain about me seeming infallible, but it’s because you haven’t done anything to make me feel this mental breakdown you expected to invoke.
I expect you to come out swinging on Showdown. And why would I expect any differently. You are feisty and you want to shock the world, even if your version is just some weird way of proving something that only you believe. You think you will be the end of my run, but you’re just another mark along a path that has led me onward. You see a champion vs. champion match as a sign of a weakness for EAW, but I see it as the penultimate for the Vixens division. To have both of its champions square off and see who comes up on top, it doesn’t get any better than that. But you only see it as a waste of time if I’m in, and this amazing once in a lifetime experience for the fans if you’re in it. Just more flawed thinking from a girl who has tried hard, but will come up short. I want you to come in and give me everything you have. I’m hungry for an absolute battle in that ring. I want to see you risk everything you have to see if your best beats me. And when that match ends, I won’t be losing my humility and taunting you into the ground like some stupid, egotistical whore. I will remain as hungry and humble as I have during this entire ride. I’ve heard about what you’re going to do all week so I have to admit I’m ready to see you try and put your money where your mouth is. I know exactly how this match will end. By the end of Showdown, Cailin Dillon will still be the Specialist’s Champion. It’s funny that it bothers you so much that I compare you to others. You’re torn by the fact that someone has pointed out the fact that you simply aren’t as original as you thought. Even if you thought your cancer ideas or your approach to promos was unique and something that put you ahead of your opponents, the way you combined it all and tried to pass it off was your biggest failure. Maybe you could have become the best combination of all those you inadvertently ripped a little from, but you failed to put it all together. Just like you will in this match. It’s interesting that you have started to admit that you think I don’t belong with the rest of these so-called “cancers” throughout the division. You’ve conceded that there is a small group you see yourself as a part of, the two of us and Eris, that deserve everything while the others don’t deserve the same. But you’re still lacking the knowledge of the full extent of this division. I’m not stupid, I know you aren’t going away. I could bring you on the brink of death and you’d be crawling back to the ring a few weeks later giving it another shot. But as you continue to crawl your way back and try to get back to this point, the moment when you take your next big shot at the top spots in the division, you will hit bump after bump in the road. You will find out that there are a number of girls who belong in that rather exclusive group you developed. You will lose matches you thought you would win easily. It will be a wake up call that extends past this match.
Cailin gives one last smile and a wink to the camera before she ends the recording. She nods to herself as she feels content and jumps in her e-mail to send the video to EAW personnel to go up on the website. As she clicks in the subject line, she stops for a moment to think before grinning and attacking her keyboard quickly. She types in “Sheridan’s last ride,” and hits send before closing her laptop and standing up. She turns off the lamp and walks over to the window and pulls the curtain aside to let the moonlight filter into the room for a moment before letting the room fill with dark.
Voltage Promo #2
Post February 20th 2016, 10:45 pm by Moiz
ManTheFuckUp - EAW Promoz! (Section closed) The_ton_show_w_jimmy_fallon_640x360
* Camera cuts to Jimmy Fallon *
* Crowd applauds *

Jimmy Fallon: Thank You, Thank you , Welcome to the tonight show. Im your host Jimmy Fallon , and tonight we've got a show which will take us in to the ring as we welcome professional wrestler for EAW , ladies and gentlemen please welcome MOOOOOOOOIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

* Moiz walks out with a half smirk on his face *

Jimmy Fallon: Have a seat moiz.

Moiz: Thank you I will.

Jimmy: So tell me Moiz, how long were you off wrestling?

Moiz: Well Jimmy, you have to understand, that while I was not wrestling for any fed for arounc 3-4 years.. I've never been off wrestling as I've continued to kick ass and win so the question about being off wrestling does not apply to me.

Jimmy: Haha, well I did mean of how long you were off professionally.

Moiz: It's ok Jimmy, I'm back to being a pro now though

Jimmy: YES AND THAT IS GREAT, so what made you want to come back to the pros, and why did you choose the big leagues in EAW.
Moiz: Well, when I was off pro wrestling I was not just sitting around jerking off, I knew that if I was ever to come back I would have to do it in style, and become such that I could take a federation by storm and make it ever more entertaining. So for a good 3-4 years, I spent a lot of time in the gym and eating right cuz im not a pussy that would be on the juice.. So anyway I started to become much stronger and as I was training i was becoming much better in the sport I loved and I knew that a return would have to come soon. Also when I was off I was constantly having beef with people and I was constantly kicking there ass and that made me realize how much I would love to come back to wrestling and that's when I remembered that EAW still needed that pro wrestler that could just make a crowd go WOW and now look where I am . Already won my first match, feeling great and feeling positive about many victories soon to come.

Jimmy: Impressive, surely a great story now you've got another match coming up soon on voltage, you're facing a good group of guys but particularly Ryan Young, I'm pretty sure a bunch of people that follow EAW wrestling have considered him to have some success with the federation. Do you have any thoughts regarding him.

Moiz: Haaha, who would consider that guy to even be a threat, you see Jimmy, right now I'm going through the easy stage of my wrestling career, I know I'm not gonna get booked against the main faces right away so I have to spend my time fighting against these rookies and if one rookie stands out more than the others, it still doesn't make a difference to me..

Jimmy: You won you're comeback/debut match in which you collected Kevin Stark's 50k initiatives, if you don't mind have you spent the money

Moiz: Ohh my, that 50k flew like it was time.. I sure enjoyed it

Jimmy: Haha what did you do

Moiz: Well you know the regular parties, food , movies , got some car jobs done, nothing really out of the box. But when I spend... I spend largely and that's how the money went away so fast

Jimmy: How fast are you expecting to get facing the superstars in champions and getting title shots. I'm sure you'd love to get back to being succesfull quick

Moiz: Yea Jimmy, I know that a lot of the EAW roster has got a bit of the shivers now that they know that I'm back to wrestling but the problem is I can't get a title shot very quickly so I guess all I gotta do is do what I'm best at and that's win. As soon as I start consistently winning, they'll have to give me a title shot and don't be surprised if you see me soon with a nice gold belt around my waist. I won't be having time to come on your shows bud

Jimmy: Oh dont worry Moiz, I'm sure you will be getting titles soon. Now we are running out of time as we do have some other guests who are patiently waiting to come on stage, I can't lie there pretty scared since you are here, but I think we have time to talk about one more thing and it's something that I personally am very i interested about and it's your feud with your trainer I mean really what happened with him?

Moiz: Jimmy I knew you would bring that up and your lucky that I'm quite calm right now since I'm on your show but the thing with my trainer ummm I guess it just happened, I really don't like when people think I'm messing up and my trainer... well I've never liked him and he hasn't had any impact on me in being succesful so I knew that I had to let him go and luckily this came up and now I've got no trainer i guess


                   * Moiz waves hands and commercials play*
Re: EAW Promoz! (Section closed)
Post February 20th 2016, 10:16 pm by Yoshikage Eto
Showdown Promo: "The Good Life"

*Kerry Eusford is seen walking into a bar with a large suitcase, a very expensive looking bar scene comes into view, many girls seem attracted to Eusford's class and wealth, but he shrugs them off and makes his way to a seat*

Kerry Eusford: A Jack Daniels on the rocks please.

*Kerry says this to the bartender with a confident smirk, the bartender gets him his drink quickly*

Kerry Eusford: so, it seems that my next opponents are Maxwell Dachs and Piff Fumador. I'll elaborate on those two men with the class and dignity you would expect from an educated gentleman such as myself.

*Kerry sends a flirty wink toward the bartender, who smiles a bit*

Kerry Eusford: How perplexing, a stoner and a wrestler at the same time. That seems to be the case with Piff Fumador. I wonder though, why he isn't sacked by the health and wellness policy that EAW carries. *he makes air quotes after the word 'carries'* nevertheless, he is quite the decent wrestler, nothing even close to akin to my status of wrestling juggernaut. But a talented adversary either way. *he takes the shot, crushing the ice with his teeth* you will be taken down in the same vain as my other opponent, who i will get to in a New York minute.

*he orders another drink, the bartender again gets it quickly.*

Kerry Eusford: Maxwell Dachs... There is much i'd like to say about you. But i'd much rather just break every bone in your body, you have insulted my way of living, sexual preferences, and intelligence so much that i should really be even angrier at you than i seem to be, which i am, by the way. You are a meddling shitstain on the underpants of EAW, and of wrestling in general. You are the trash of the trash, the worst of the worst. And you think it's funny! You think it's all a joke huh? Well when i break your neck, it won't be such a joke will it? When i finally make you pay for the insults you've thrown at me, when i finally hear you scream for mercy like i've been needing to hear all this time... IT WON'T BE SUCH A JOKE, NOW WILL IT!?

*the bartender looks taken aback, but slides Kerry a small piece of paper, Kerry takes it, and slams the shot of whisky in front of him, before paying his tab along with a big tip to the bartender, and then ducking out of the bar into the Nevada nightlights*

Kerry Eusford: both of these men will be only the first casulties in the long string of success that Kerry Eusford is about to experience, it's just about time i break Dachs open as punishment for meddling in my career for all this time.

Get ready, i'm about to put not only EAW, but the whole world... On notice... Sorry to anyone who had stock in DCW, because it's about to be defunct.
Carson Ramsay
Re: EAW Promoz! (Section closed)
Post February 20th 2016, 9:41 pm by Carson Ramsay
||The scene opens with a view of a dark alley that's mildly visible to the eye. The camera would follow the dim light shed upon the end of the alley to eventually display a large, illuminated banner with "Girls, Girls, GIRLS!" spelled at the forefront of it.||

It's, it's like impossible to pinpoint what exactly grinds my gears about those cats— 'yanno?

||The words muttered from behind the wall were enough to provoke the camera into landing an inside look at the establishment, one that is not necessarily safe for work. Through the waves of naked gals and drunken bikers traveled the camera in hopes of sniffing out the source for these words.||

I just...I don't know. They strike a nerve in me by merely existing.

||Soon enough, the answer would be found inside of a VIP booth where one Carson Ramsay is seen sitting on a couch next to a barely clothed lady. Ramsay's head is tilted down while both of his hands grip the blue of his jeans ever so tensely. The lady however, keeps a constant chain of forced out sighs as the sparkle of bordem on her face is as apparent as Carson's thought of this being a confessional rather than a strip club.||

Carson Ramsay;;
I know that may be hard for you to digest, but that's reality for yours truly. The fact that they think of themselves as a selection of gods sent to monopolize the mortality of mankind; that alone ignites a flaming urge in me to just cut off their godly tongues, shove them down their godly throats and sew their godly lips shut for the rest of eternity. Is that a bit too much for a cause yet to be dictated in detail? Perhaps for a group that does not go by a failed attempt at a badass sounding name derived from a geometric shape, not Hexa-Gun though. Hexa-Gun deserves every drop of rancor poured their way. They've earned a spot on everyone's hitlist, quicker than any other stable in the history of pro wrestling. That's a plausible feat right there, I'll give them that. I'll also admit that the reign of terror which they established on the entire landscape of EAW upon their inception and have maintained ever since is a thing to behold, 'yanno? But you see, that's where the room for flattery shrinks down to span the size of a fly. You see, among the daily growing list of flaws that these 6 guys seem to be consumed by is something a Drake Jaeger both stressed on and confirmed just recently. Hexa-Gun, for all the glory that they claimed under God's golden sun, is still a selection of delusional egomaniacs. Jaeger chose to cling onto the threads of the historic event that is the demise of the Crash Regime and claim all of it was Hexa-Gun's doing. Not only does he rely on the past to justify the Anti-Hexa present that he, along with the rest of his posse, instituted for themselves; he was audacious enough to eliminate the effort of every other man and woman who had any part in stripping Crash of his authority as chairman and making that once dream a possibility. Can you believe this gu— wait, who are you texting?

||The woman has evidently been tapping on the screen of her phone half way through Ramsay's venting, which made the latter grow a tad bit pissed off. Perturbed by the oddly placed smile on Carson's lips while his eyebrow frown against one another, she'd instantly throw her phone next her and contemplate what spews out of her mouth next.||

Barely clothed lady;;
I was....Texting my mom.

Carson Ramsay;;
Your mom?

Barely clothed lady;;
Ye— yes.

Carson Ramsay;;
You work as a stripper yet still maintain contact with a parent?

Barely clothed lady;;
Of course..

Carson Ramsay;;
Is she proud of her daughter rubbing her clit against a pole for middle aged, drunken hillbillies to drool over on a nightly basis?

Barely clothed lady;;

Carson Ramsay;;
That's what I tho—

Alright, asshole. Time is up.

||Ramsay's focus would be forced to immediately shift onto a sight of a large, cheaply suited man; crossing his tree branch-like arms together as he stands in wait.||

Carson Ramsay;;
My dance is not finished yet.

Big Dude;;
Is sitting next to a naked chick and talking to her about "Hexa-Guns" and "shoving tongues down throats" considered dancing to you?

Carson Ramsay;;
In China, they do...Probably.

Big Dude;;
Get the fuck up.

Carson Ramsay;;

||As soon as he shouted out that question, Carson would jump out of his seat and get straight in the face of the large man.||

"A couple of minutes later..."

Carson Ramsay;;
All, all I asked for was...a...Pretty please.

||An upside down view of a bloodied Ramsay lying on the concrete floor outside of the club slowly pans back as he slowly makes it up to his feet. Carson charges at the behemoth of a bouncer but the latter grabs Ramsay with ease and pushes him against the wall, before delivering a couple of blows to his stomach and sides. The onslaught would end but it would still not be able to keep Ramsay down as Carson struggles to get back up; this time, gripping the bouncer's pants for support.||

Carson Ramsay;;
Can't we just resolve this like a couple of civilized peop—

||The bouncer patience would run its course before Carson was able to mutter out the rest of his request, as the former pulls the staggering Ramsay up with one hand.||

Carson Ramsay;;
...I guess not.

||Ramsay pulls out his infamous barb wired silver bat from what looks like a trashcan placed at the doorway of the club and strikes the bouncer repeatedly with it; not leaving one part of his body unscratched. The blows would carry on for a good couple of minutes, revealing some bruises and cuts all over the face and head of the bouncer who is now quivering on the floor in pain before fading out. A bloody incensed Carson Ramsay throws the bat on the ground soon after.||

Carson Ramsay;;
I didn't want to do it. I didn't want— I DIDN'T WANT TO DO IT! But he, he made me. The blame lies on his now resting shoulders. Just like, just like Hexa-Gun. Yeah... Hexa-Gun is going to be the one to blame for their fateful demise. Drake and company want to belittle the Voltage roster just because they had the ball rolling for them everywhere else in the company? By all means, do so. It's like I said, while they may be a formidable faction, each of them six individuals has an ego that can overwhelm the entire Hexa-Gun empire; not to mention a great deal of illusions and a high opinion of themselves which will only take them so far before coming back around and biting them in the ass. I'm not going to step on the same line that Jaeger foolishly crossed by spilling what could very well be the highest form of praise Hexa-Gun has ever gotten - which surprisingly is emanating from one of Hexa-Gun's own, not. I'm not going to gloat in what cannot be foreseen and start planning out the celebrations; Fighting Spirit 2 is still a long way to go. A lot of factors can change while some new ones may even be added heading into this match. Let's focus on much sooner matters, like this Sunday when me and Clark Duncan find it in ourselves to cooperate for the sake of a greater cause to face the quite comedic duo of Drake Jaeger and Tiberius Jones. Drake and Jones made their points clear; they do not see us, nor anyone else on this planet for that matter, competing with their level. This links back to what I've been trying to explain earlier, before I was RUDELY interrupted. Drake is making it seem like me and Duncan are gonna' climb the stairway of heaven to fight with the mightiest of gods and angels come Voltage, which is alright by me. I couldn't care less what Drake or Tiberius say to make themselves sleep at night, I was born into this world to drink beer and prove the naysayers wrong. By the time we beat Drake and Jones, I'll have a case waiting for me in the back.

||Ramsay picks up his bat, resting it against his shoulders and intentionally steps over the motionless body of the bouncer to take his leave as the scene fades to dark.||
Azumi Goto
Re: EAW Promoz! (Section closed)
Post February 20th 2016, 9:14 pm by Azumi Goto
Voltage #2

Kyra, it seems that I have pissed you off. I think I’ve struck a cord. If you want to scare me as well then go ahead and try but let me tell you something it won't work against me. Fear is something that every human being is born with but it can be removed by countering with courage but this time I need to with courage and my own dose of fear. Now just by looking at me, people can tell that I'm not scary or threatening, hell my hair and attire makes me look like the most colorful and cheerful vixen but obviously my looks are deceiving because I'm just as threatening and dangerous.

If both Kyra and Silence want to beat me down and probably try to end my career then they can try all want to but it’ll probably take all three hours of Voltage because the sisters pointed this out. My resilience is my greatest strength because I'm fighting for my worthiness to be in this ring. The Sisters are fighting for each other then I'm fighting for my goals and Erica’s trust that she has given me by taking me under her mentorship. I'm fighting for that position in the Vixen Cup. I'm fighting for the opportunity for glory by winning the cup and I have to use you to catapult my way to the top then so beat it. Kyra and Silence I hope you two ready to pay for what you two and your Veena did to me and Erica. See you two Sunday.
Re: EAW Promoz! (Section closed)
Post February 20th 2016, 6:41 pm by Silence
Kyra: She wants you though. She doesn’t want me, she doesn’t care about me. You’re the strong one. Does she hate me? Why does she hate me?

Silence: It doesn’t matter what she thinks dear sister. It doesn’t matter at all. All that matters is that we make her stop taunting us. Make her wish that she would never open her mouth again, and make her regret stepping into the ring against us. So I’ll be the one to do that at Voltage. Will that make you happy dear sister?

(The screen opens up, though instead of the dark makeup room it is in what appears to be a dark alley of sorts. Water drips down the brick walls and Silence leans against one of them, her face once more covered with the gas mask. She runs her fingers against the spikes, feeling the edges as she grins underneath it. She tilts her head, her eyes focused now on the camera as she pushes slightly off of the brick wall.)

Silence: Azumi Goto is someone who I can’t really help but respect. In all ways she has proven to be a stellar in ring competitor. A bit annoying perhaps because she refuses to stay down when it is essential that she does so...and keeps coming back to prove that she’s supposed to be in the ring. It’s...admirable. Aggravating, annoying, and is going to get her killed. But it is admirable. Admirable enough that I think me facing you is going to prove to be a welcome challenge. After all, I am going to be facing off against someone who I’ve faced before and who has proved that she can back up all of her tough words with action in the ring...but you are making a huge mistake. You are calling out The Monster. Me. The sister who is more than ready to show you how I made an impact my first night in EAW, the sister who...who…

(She shakes her head violently and her body lurches forward slightly her head lifting back up as the soft eyes of Kyra come into focus. She stares at the camera and steadily yanks off the mask tears streaming down her face as a strange smile appears on her.)

Kyra: Azumi. You are making a huge mistake. A very big mistake. No, not because you called out my big sister Silence. You seem to think that by ignoring me entirely that you will only face the “monster” that exists within my sister. Silence. She isn’t going to be the same person who destroyed a vixen her first night here just to prove a point. You are facing a sister who knows that you hurt me. You hurt my friend Veena...and you ignored me. Silence isn’t the only one here, and she is going to tear you apart for making me cry. She is going to rip you limb from limb, and just before she decides to end you, I’m going to finish the job! I’m going to be the one that puts away Azumi Goto. My sister isn’t going to be the one you face on Voltage.

(She shakes her head again furiously as Silence comes back into focus, her eyes showing confusion and shock.)

Silence: Kyra...what are you talking about? You can’t possibly be…

Kyra: No! This is my fight now! She decided to start the battle against me, so now I’m going to end it. I’m going to be the one that shuts up Azumi Goto!

Silence: I don’t think you understand...she wants to fight a monster. A monster that will not show remorse in the ring. A monster that she believes she can make tap out with her submissions.

Kyra: Then she’s going to get it. She is going to have to wrap her brain around this one...because she isn’t fighting Silence...because Silence isn’t the monster that she is going to get. She isn’t going to get Kyra either.

Silence: Ah...I understand now sister...yes I understand all too well.

(Her head shakes violently again and she lowers it. Tears continue to drop but they seem to come at a slower pace. She slowly lifts her head up and grins madly at the camera, her eyes seemingly a mix of both Kyra’s soft and calm edge and Silence’s destructive and violent side. Her left eye never ceases crying but her right maintains Silence’s steely gaze as she places the gas mask back on.)

Kyra/Silence: You aren’t facing Silence. No are you facing Kyra, Azumi. You are fighting us both. You are fighting two sisters inhabiting a single body. Two minds that are solely devoted to your destruction. Azumi...you are going to wish that you had never been born after we are done with you. Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war!

(She throws back her head, her laugh echoing like a scream as the camera fades into Silence’s gas mask insignia, fading into the darkness.)
Re: EAW Promoz! (Section closed)
Post February 20th 2016, 4:41 pm by Angel.
So let me get this straight. One opportunity for the world title which was basically a gift by an incompetent Ashten Cross makes you suddenly the hottest shit in the EAW’s market? Please. Liam Catterson, what have you done that is actually noteworthy for you to even EARNED a world title opportunity ever since you came back to EAW? You have never won a title ever since you’ve stolen the world title which speaks as a testament to how much you haven’t kept up with the times out here in EAW. While I do commend you for actually being in EAW for a respectable period of time, it’s not the amount of time you’ve spent in EAW that counts. Rather, it’s the moments you’ve made in EAW that counts and to me? Liam has not done anything that validates himself as the heir to the EAW throne. Which leads me to my next point: Liam Catterson is just a product of a corrupt system. I’ve been preaching that the system is rather corrupt because we’ve seen numerous underachievers such as Mr. DEDEDE being rewarded based on their reputation that they’ve built on the past rather than the merits they’ve built for the future. Explain to me as to why a man like Mr. DEDEDE has been afforded many opportunities to actually win a world title, only to actually blow countless opportunities? And then, the only time that Mr. DEDEDE actually won his world title is when he needs assistance from an outside party. And to make it just as bad as to who is our world champion is, I cringe at the thought that someone that has done nothing at all ever since he came back gets an opportunity to me. I mean, this is the same guy that has virtually been a punching bag in our encounter at King of Elite and the only reason why he wouldn’t be my subject is the fact that Eclipse Diemos was at the right place at the right time. And in case that Liam needed an opportunity to redeem his performance against me? Liam could’ve had every right to assert himself as the superior elitist in a one on one match except, Liam like the coward he always was and is decided to end this match on his own terms via disqualification. So when I think of a world champion that is passed his prime along with the very man he’s fighting is clearly not better than me at all in any aspects of the game? I think that the system in EAW is as proficient of the political system in the United States. The political system in EAW is just as similar as to how Americans elect their presidents as the top 1% tries to maintain their hold by resorting to money and resources of getting guys like Mr. DEDEDE the opportunity to not just win the world title but to also maintain his reign. And in order to maintain the reign, they put a guy like Liam Catterson who doesn’t have the pedigree of a legend just so he can’t get many opportunities or are in the main event immediately just based on his name. Nor does Liam Catterson possess the hard-working tenacity to even earn the world title opportunity as he has done nothing but been gifted a world title opportunity, a common theme for his career. So with that said, Liam Catterson is nothing but a stopgap in the path for the bigger picture: for the bureaucrats that control EAW to give power on guys that offers stability based on their interest in the establishment and the establishment only.

And I find it very amusing as to how Liam thinks I am rather a walk in the park on his path towards greatness. I find it very amusing as to how Liam shares the mainstream view as to that my glory days are far behind me and that my contributions to EAW are just being a name on the card! Except that, I do not even know if Liam can even win our encounter at Battleground to begin with. And also, Liam Catterson has not shown any signs of being the physical, demonic monster he portrays himself recently as he has been taking turns of being a virtual punching bag by Erebus Jennings, Eclipse Diemos and yours truly at King of Elite. It was at King of Elite that it was a matter of who would get the pinfall over Liam Catterson rather than Liam Catterson being the man that asserted himself. And to makes matter worse, you would think that someone like Liam would respond in a very assertive way, especially going against a man that he has a rather rigid history with only to show that he is simply not the most qualified candidate to topple the reign of Mr. DEDEDE in our previous encounter a few  weeks ago. In our previous encounter at Voltage Liam, when I looked into the eyes of you as we were brawling in front of national television? You look rather overwhelmed KNOWING that you have to live up to your billing as the number one contender for the world title. As the expectations magnify, so too on how much you fall from a pinnacle that you haven’t known how to climb. I will admit that Liam Catterson talks a very big game, but he doesn’t carry a big stick as he is talking a big game. Liam Catterson in regards to high magnitude matches is just not the best as he does not respond well to adversaries that have the pedigree to win in big matches. If Liam Catterson overreacts by disqualifying himself against me on Voltage, what makes you think he’ll do any better in the future, more notably against Mr. DEDEDE in Fighting Spirit? And this is not a one hit wonder either. I’ve seen Liam Catterson throughout his entire career and the quote “So close, yet so far” is rather a suitable theme for Liam. I’ve seen that numerous times that Liam has a lot of opportunities to solidify himself as a main eventer but chooses not to do so. And more notable in EAW, we’ve seen that Liam even when he reigns as world champion is rather wobbly in regards to his demeanor. It leads me to this. Liam Catterson is simply afraid of success. It makes me cringe that we have someone like Liam Catterson who is the leading contender for the world title I strive to attain, to simply be a stopgap for the conservative 1% I am fighting for and more importantly? Me.

And let’s not pretend that when all things are considered Liam? You’re just not that good in any respect. Maybe you’d be good as an English professor in a university, given your extensive use of the vocabulary but you are simply not the candidate to be a transformative figure. In order for EAW to be great and live up to its billing as the flagship industry of professional wrestling, we need someone that has the credentials of not just fighting for the attainments that he strives to achieve but rather make an impact in EAW in a more transformative way politically speaking. It has come to me that ever since I’ve been a professional wrestler that even though I’ve had success in other promotions all across the world, the very one thing I aim to fight is to go against the guys that reward elitists such as Mr. DEDEDE based on reputation just so they can make a lot of profit off of the name. We do not have time for stockholders holding EAW hostage. We do not have time for guys that haven’t watched a single minute of wrestling have a judgment of that of Dick Cheney’s just so it holds back the guys that are dedicating their time away from their families to put in the hours of how to be a better all-around wrestler like me. This is not the time for the top 1% bureaucrats to have third tier elitists as a stopgap between the guys that are busting their ass off as opposed to the guys that are only here based on reputation. This is the time to stand up. This is the time to make a progressive movement towards an EAW for Elitists and Elitists only. And I aim to make my message clear towards a guy who wants to think this is 2013, strangely a year where it’s been a year where I’ve been arguably more successful than his most successful year ever. But for every stopgap I’ve encountered? I am sending a message to the people that I am fighting against that you cannot run forever. 
Drake Jaeger
Re: EAW Promoz! (Section closed)
Post February 20th 2016, 3:27 pm by Drake Jaeger

ManTheFuckUp - EAW Promoz! (Section closed) BY7sqVeYe7J9BvfgahOWVQowUZSBaGH-1w39mW7jo2JZArwOxJXxKQmeRZo2RrVnfS4BB19okWAipy1465LGSgS_WL9GyVt-_XJ7SSicJzruC2WeqJDsVPmyHCgBCX5TYxNQvsMf

六 The scene opens up to a courtroom, where a young blonde woman sobs at the stand on the right side of the presiding Judge. A middle-aged male lawyer paces back and forth in front of her. 六

Middle-Aged Lawyer: Miss Myers, you can shed those crocodile tears to the court all you’d like to, but the fact of the matter REMAINS that you are the one seen on the security camera footage of that particular traffic light pulling an illegal u-turn and thus slamming into my client’s car. Your honor, this case is as easy as it comes. There’s more than enough evidence that PROVES that this accident was no fault of my clients and that this woman merely--


六 The now confused Middle-Aged Lawyer stops what he’s saying and looks around. After several seconds of silence, the Middle-Aged Lawyer tries to regain his composure. 六

Middle-Aged Lawyer: As I was saying… Your honor, this is as--


六 The annoyed Judge points his gavel in the direction of Drake Jaeger - dressed in a black prison uniform and with black sunglasses on, a pair of handcuffs around his wrists, and a toothpick hanging from his lips - as he sits in the back of the courtroom next to Tiberius Jones - dressed in casual street clothes - as they continue to boo. 六

Judge: What do you two think you’re doing in my court?

六 Drake reluctantly stands up. 六

Drake: With all due respect, Your Grace, this is boring me to tears. The courtroom cases on TV are clearly bullshit, cause I’ve been listening to this whole thing and haven’t heard about someone getting raped or stabbed or raped and stabbed. I tried to contain myself back here until it’s my turn in line, but I forgot my phone and TJ won’t let me use his, so is there anyway you could, like, wrap this up?

六 Everyone in the courtroom, including the Judge, look at Drake and Jones with disgust. 六

Judge: …. Wrap this up? Son, this is a legal case. We’re not here for your entertainment, nor are we here for your convenience with your little… What’s your case?

Drake: Apparently I’m here in the country illegally. I’ve been here in the States for years, but I’m originally from Japan.

Judge: Japan?

Drake: That’s right, Your Grace, Japantown, Canada.

Judge: It’s ‘Your Honor’, and that’s lovely and all, but I’m going to have to ask you to sit back down and shut your mouth until it’s time for YOUR case.

Drake: Right, right, I can see that argument, but allow me to present a counter-argument: ….. I don’t wanna.

Judge: Son, have you ever been held in contempt of court before? Because you’re about one more word away from finding out what it’s like.

Drake: Ah, another perfectly logical point you’ve made, M’lord. Why confront problems when you could just as easily use your power to make them go away?

Judge: What the Hell are you getting at?

Drake: I’m just saying, M’lord, I’ve seen plenty of guys like you in my life that hold a position of authority and instead of using it to work anything out, just use it as a weapon to abuse others with. Nothing wrong with that though, right? Right? It’s perfectly legal for you to do, right? You’ve got the power to do whatever you want, right? Don’t mind me, guy, I’m just some fly that should be swatted to death instead of put outside where I belong! Nothing wrong with what you’re doing! March me to the ovens, Adolf!

六 The now furious Judge slams his gavel down. 六

Judge: Alright! I’ve had about enough of this! Order in my court! I’ve heard enough! Miss Myers, you are to pay for the damages to Mr. Parson’s vehicle and that is that!

六 The Judge slams his gavel again. 六

Judge: You’re dismissed! Now you! Get up here!

Drake: Ehhh, you seem kind of mad. I don’t want your emotions to get the better of you, M’lord.


Drake: Uggghhhh…..

六 Drake and Tiberius both get up and make their way to the front of the courtroom, taking a seat at a table. 六

Judge: Why the Hell are you dressed like that?

Drake: Oh, this? I figured this probably wouldn’t end with me being sent to prison, but I wanted to feel like a real American nonetheless. See, that’s the kind of guy I am. I may be a Canadian, but I love this country, and guns. Guns are pretty sweet. It’s all good though.

六 Drake opens up the prison suit to reveal his usual black trunks and his ½ EAW Unified Tag Team Championship around his waist. 六

Drake: I never leave home without these.

Judge: I… What am I looking at? You know what, I don’t care. Just get on with this. Plead your case already. You’re in the country illegally?

Drake: Yeah, yeah, yeah - I kind of just walked over here, but that’s besides the point. The REAL case here, Judge-sama, has nothing to do with my citizenship.

Judge: Is that right?

Drake: That’s right, the REAL case is one here with a LITANY of offenses against one Elite Answers Wrestling.

Judge: Elite Answers… Wrestling?

Drake: That’s right, Judge-sama, I’m THE Drake Jaeger. This is my tag team partner here, Tiberius Jones.

六 Tiberius faintly waves to the Judge while still looking at his phone. 六

Judge: I’ve never heard of either of you.

Drake: You will. Don’t worry about it.

Judge: Can we just get to this citizenship thing already? I don’t want you here in my court longer than need be.

Drake: Right, right, I’ll get to that, but first and foremost, I’d like to discuss this series of assaults and corruption that myself and my dear partner here have been plagued with for MONTHS now.

Judge: So will this “tag team partner” of your’s be acting as your attorney?

Drake: What? Oh, no, he’s just here for moral support.

Judge: So who’s defending you?

六 Drake raises his hands. 六

Drake: That’d be me. Your honor, I’d like to first call to the stand… DRAKE JAEGER.

六 Drake walks over to the stand on the left side of the Judge and stares at the empty seat. 六

Drake (in a deep Southern accent): Now, Mr. Jaeger, I see here that you are ½ of the Drake & Jones Tag Team and a member of the group known as Hexa-gun, is that right?

六 Drake walks behind the stand and takes a seat. 六

Drake: That’s correct, but I’m not sure what it has to do with anything.

六 Drake gets up and walks over to the front of the stand. 六

Drake (Southern accent): I see, I see… Well, I think it may very well be more of relevance than you think, Mr. Jaeger, because as I recall, you and your compatriots in both Hexa-gun and Drake & Jones have been known to, well, cause a bit of chaos among your peers and colleagues within the Elite Answers Wrestling federation. In fact, I believe you and the rest of your group have gone as far as to assault the now former Chairman of the company multiple times and even attempted a hostile takeover. Is that correct?

六 Drake walks behind the stand and sits down. 六

Drake: We were doing it for a reason. We--

六 Drake gets up and walks to the front of the stand. 六

Drake (Southern accent): Just answer the question, Mr. Jaeger.

六 Drake goes behind the stand and sits down. 六

Drake: Yes, that is correct.

六 Drake gets up and walks to the front of the stand. 六

Drake (Southern accent): Then would you mind telling me why on Earth would you think you are any sort of VICTIM in such a situation like that of the one you’ve found yourself in as you and your comrades now face potential extinction against a Mr. Ashten Cross’ team of individuals? You and the rest of your Hexa-gun have spent the better part of the last 7 or so months using your OWN power to harass and assault those deemed in your way, so why do you believe that any sort of exception should be made for you, Mr. Jaeger?

六 Drake goes around the stand and sits down. 六

Drake: Now hold on, hold on just a Goddamn second. To even BEGIN to compare Hexa-gun to these people that run EAW is a slap to our faces! Take a good look at us and count! One, two, three, four, five, SIX! There are a mere SIX of us! You know why a mere six people have come this far? Because this entire company we oppose is flawed beyond belief! The entire Goddamn company became ELITE Answers Wrestling not by a collective effort, but by one man that betrayed every single person that helped him become Chairman! A man that mocked and abused his own authority for months on end until EVENTUALLY someone grew the balls to stand up and stop him! You think Lucian Black and his merry band of Dynasty assholes were capable of taking down Zack Crash’s regime on their own? Not a fuckin’ chance! That Dictator that people hated so much is gone because of us, and yet, in his place stands another asshole who thinks the Elite way of doing things may be what’s best for business? We’re just six people and we’ve brought this company to its knees because we’re not just the best, but we’re RIGHT! Every fuckin coward that hides their heads in the dirt like, I don’t know, Clark Duncan and Carson Ramsay, are prime examples of how broken the people who dare call themselves wrestlers are! It didn’t take a shove from somebody else to get our asses into gear to bring down this entire Elite bullshit! We just stood up and did it because it’s what this company should be! EAW was founded on blood and violence and extreme, and yet people look at us and think we’re the ones doing wrong because we bulldoze through them when they try to stop us? Every single Goddamn person in this company - and especially the ones representing Cross’ Team - should be ashamed of themselves! We’re the ones outnumbered here, up against an entire company filled with hundreds of people that all point their fingers at us, but WE’RE the evil force that wants to destroy everything? WE’RE the ones bullying people? WE’RE the the cancer? No, fuck you and fuck them!

Judge: What on Earth are you talking about? What does anything you just said have to do with being a legal citizen in this country?

六 Drake gets up and walks around to the front of the stand. 六

Drake (Southern accent): Now, now, Judge, I was just getting to that. Mr. Jaeger, it seems you’re very passionate about this cause you and your comrades bring with you to Elite Answers Wrestling. Let me point out just one thing for you, however: Zack Crash is no longer in power. Now, I understand this HRDO fella may not have abolished this new ‘Elite’ era in the company, but isn’t it enough that the company is no longer ran by a man who just wants to see Extreme dead and gone? One would think HRDO has no problems whatsoever against Extreme when it all comes down to it.

六 Drake goes around the stand and sits down, putting his legs up on the front of the stand. 六

Drake: You’d think that, wouldn’t you? But what happens as soon as HRDO comes into power and brings in his pals along with him? He points his finger at us like everyone else and basically says that WE need to go. Is that right? So first he does nothing about this Elite bullshit whatsoever, and then he tries to break apart Hexa-gun? And you know, the funny thing about it is that he could have done ANYTHING he wanted. He could have used his power to simply break us up and leave it at that, couldn’t he? But what did he do? He bullied us. He berated us. He tried to put us against one another in the hopes that we would self-destruct, and you know what he got for his troubles? He got to see Hexa-gun on top yet again at King of Elite! You think because it’s a different guy with a different agenda that anything’s changed? Hell, HRDO even took Extreme Rules away from us! That bald-headed piece of shit should go back to Hell where he belongs! Nobody was missing him! I’d like to believe this company would be for the better when his years of concussions and damage to his body get the better of him and he finally croaks, but you know what would happen then? He’d just get replaced by ANOTHER asshole that thinks just like HRDO did and just like Zack Crash did! Nothing changes! NOTHING! THAT’S why Hexa-gun is here! THAT’S why we won’t stop! We’ve mowed down every Goddamn team and obstacle put before us and we’re gonna do it again when we take on Cross’ Team! It shouldn’t be too hard to win by default after we’ve literally crippled every Goddamn person on the Voltage roster by the time the match comes to fruition, because that’s exactly what we’re gonna do! Come tomorrow on Voltage when Tiberius and myself step into the ring with whoever the Hell they’ve got up against us in some weak-ass attempt to throw two idiots together and hope for the best - we’re gonna break them! We’re gonna break them just like we’ve broken everyone else that thought THEY could be the ones to stop our momentum and take us out! That’s their problem! It’s always BEEN their problem! They think they’re all safe, and why? Because it’s their home turf? Because they’ve got more manpower? We’ve got the jump on them! We’ve got the superior ability! We’ve got the fuckin ball in our hands and we’re gonna run with it until we’ve taken this company for ourselves and there’s not a Goddamn bum like Carson Ramsay or curly-headed fuck like Clark that’s gonna stop that! Not even for a second!

六 Drake gets up and walks over to the front of the stand. 六

Drake (Southern accent): Is that right? Then why don’t you all just leave?

Drake: Leave?

Drake (Southern accent): That’s right. Why not leave then? Why stay in this company that you’ve all come to hate so much, huh? Why try to hard to take it over and build it back in your own vision instead of just making your own company? Do you all just want that power that HRDO has and Zack Crash had?

Drake: Of course not, we just want to take it back.

Drake (Southern accent): Take it back for who? You? The six of you?

Drake: For all of us!

Drake (Southern accent): All of us as in the entire company? Like you said, there’s only six of you, Mr. Jaeger. SIX. Only six people have a problem with the order of things and it’s Hexa-gun! The rest of the people in this company are content!

Drake: They’re complacent!

Drake (Southern accent): Just admit it: You just want to be in charge. YOU just want to be the new Dictator. Isn’t that right?!

Drake: What do you want from me?!

Drake (Southern accent): I WANT THE TRUTH!


六 Drake turns around to a now standing Tiberius Jones. 六

Tiberius: Son, we live in a World that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who’s gonna do it? HRDO? Ashten Cross? We have a greater responsibility than they can all possibly fathom. They weep for the people we’ve beaten and they curse Hexa-gun. They have that luxury. They have the luxury of not knowing what we know, that those people’s defeat, while tragic, probably saved this company. And our existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to them, saves this company! HRDO doesn’t want the truth, because deep down in places he doesn’t talk about at parties, he WANTS us on that wall. He NEEDS us on that wall. We use words like “honor”, “code”, “loyalty”. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending EAW. He uses them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain ourselves to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very success that we provide, and then questions the manner in which we provide it! I would rather they just said “Thank you”, and went on their way.

六 After several seconds of silence between everyone in the courtroom, Drake pulls out a green card from his pocket. 六

Drake: Oh shit, look at that, I’m already a legal citizen here. Guess I’m not going anywhere, but hey, this was a lot of fun, Judge-sama. We’ll see you around.

六 Drake & Jones take their leave as the baffled Judge looks on. 六

Judge: What… What just happened here?

六 The Judge looks to the Court Reporter for an answer, who only shrugs as Drake & Jones walk out the door. The Judge rubs his temples as the camera slowly fades to black. 六
Re: EAW Promoz! (Section closed)
Post February 20th 2016, 2:57 pm by 『zakkii』
Dear Diary,

What a rough week it has been. I turn my place from the most loved vixen in EAW upside down. And now everybody is just against me. But no.... I have no regret after I did this and I will never turn it down until I finally uncover the truth. The truth that I've been robbed.... I've been used by such jerks like the kind of Cloud Matsuda. I am not going to stay and do nothing. This is what I will do and I will never stop doing it. I've been falling for too long and I feel deeper everytime I am helping people who "needs my help". They will never appreciate me, I am responsible for everytime those vixens trying to climb this mountain. This time to stop! I have to do something and this is what I do. no matter how people will hate me, this is my way and nobody is gonna change it! 
I will be running ahead to the path in front of me with full speed ahead. I don't want to listen everyone's screeching voice, telling me that I am a loser, I am just a no-good weak vixen and much more like that. I will stop listening to that voice. I don't care about it... I don't want to be care. As last week I won a tag match while I'm not taking the pin, People said, even my own partner said that I'm just get that victory over Maddie's back. I wasn't doing anything.... No, No, No, they never know.... They never know that I take full control of that match. Sometimes, we need to sacrifice ourself to use the stupidity disadvantage of our opponents. And yes, Cloud Matsuda is stupid enough to fall to my trap! Instead of breaking Maddie's pin, she decided to take me down and show people how dangerous she is. And in the other side, without myt plan, Maddie will never beat Tarah cleanly. That match is just a sample that I take full responsibility in this division and I have full control to each and every vixens in that building that I can do them whatever I like. I might be weak in front of their eyes, but I have a string on each of their limbs and I can willingly control them like a puppet. 
Again, there will be no one in this company who will thwart my grand plan. Not even people from other company like DCW.If I want to conquer and control people inside it, I can do it just like I flick my finger. But, that is not worth my time.... I have something more important in this company and even fellas from DCW will never stop me. Hey, look who will I fight in this match on Battleground? Its' the owner of DCW himself Mr. Dachs and his fellow academy member Rey Shamez. Well, Mr. Dachs will never take on his match seriously everytime he has a match in EAW. He's always fooling around with his opponent and makes people consider twice about the reason he got here. But.... I don't care about the intension of him, I never fool around in my every match and I always consider my matches as an important match. Well, meanwhile, I saw Rey's match with Cailin and I have to admit that she's very good. She can pushed Cailin to her limit and I should give her that. It's obvious, she has the same bloodline with legendary Kendra Shamez I think fighting this young girl would be so much fun. I can't wait to meet and fight her. 
Well, I think this is my job to take Rey out and I just leave Mr. Dachs to my partner. Honestly, I didn't know much about Masuda-san. I heard he's a talented wrestler but I haven't seen him lately. I am not sure if I can really depend on him with this one but let's just hope that he will show up and fight like a man he supposed to be. But just in case, I also need to take a coution when Masuda is not really doing his best to fight in this match. Well, let's just see about that! 


Haruna Sakazaki
Re: EAW Promoz! (Section closed)
Post February 20th 2016, 2:51 pm by Mr. DEDEDE
That was a good one JD. You almost got me. You damn near had me convinced that you believe everything that you said, but I know you're not that stupid. After all you managed to become Pure Champion, so I know you don't honestly have such an unrealistic grasp of the way things work in EAW. This some old tired shtick of "they don't want me to succeed" and "Mr. DEDEDE is past his prime but somehow he's hogging the spotlight" bullshit that I've heard a million billion times... you don't truly believe any of that do you? You've got to be joking right!? I mean, you're smarter than that! You're smart enough to know better than to shrug me off as just another guy on your hit-list right? That was all just a joke right????

Haha, wow.

Well hats off JD Damon, you proved me wrong. 

But as the years go by the cycle remains. The system takes in hothead self-impressed punks with a little bit of promise, and it chews them up and spits them out, yet I make the mistake of showing a guy with a bit of promise just a bit of respect, and he completely takes it for granted. I go as far as to say that maybe in a few years you would offer a true challenge to me, and you choose to ignore it. People do this all the time, people prove me wrong constantly. They never prove me wrong about myself though. They always prove me wrong about them. I go giving someone a little bit of credit and even compliment their mindset and they turn around and squander it. It's almost like the Ryan Savage thing all over again except to a much more miniscule degree. Come to think of it that was admittedly a reach on my end because the fallout to this won't be anything nearly as big as what happened at King of Elite. In fact in the end nothing really changes, it didn't really matter what mentality you had JD; it doesn't matter how much or how little you think of yourself, because the result would have remained the same. Now matter how you slice it, you have no chance against me JD. In a company like this, asking for a little bit of humility seems to be out of the question, even from a pissant like you. But what about a little common sense? What about choosing your words carefully before you spew them? What about actually knowing what the fuck you're talking about instead of senselessly rattling off bullshit jargon like "past his prime" which absolutely does not apply to me in any form or fashion? How about that? Maybe if you knew what you were up against this would have been a little bit more fun tomorrow because maybe you'd actually come prepared, but if all I am to you is just another person on your "hit-list" then all you are is another deer in the headlights. I gain nothing from beating a person like you, and as much as I admire your confidence in yourself, I admonish your amateurishness, because against me you you've taken a massive half-measure. You know yourself very well, you know what you're capable of, but you don't know what I'm capable of.

Law 19 from the 48 Laws of Power: Know your enemy. Know who you're dealing with. It's fundamental, it's basic, but so many people don't even know how to follow such a simple concept. So many young bucks, like you, waltz into this business and win themselves a Pure title or even a World Title and think they know the business. You don't even know who I am! You don't truly know your God, let alone know the business, so what makes you think you're the best in it? You have no grasp on the reality you're dealing with if all you think I am is some old curmudgeon who's stuck in the spotlight and ''can't hang''. Are you fucking kidding me?? And what basis do you have, because you're the "best wrestler?" Do you know how many "best wrestlers" there are in this company??? There's more "best wrestlers" than there are "Gods", and there are more "Gods" than there are "Kings", and there are more "Kings" than there are "GOATs." All of those words are just jargon to describe the same thing. They're just different ways to describe the same concept, but there's only one man who fits the description and actually lives up to the patina of these words and that's me. I'm the man in every era. It's so easy for people to call themselves the "best wrestler" because they think they're being ''fundamental'' somehow and want to keep some air of quote-unquote ''conservative ''self aggrandizing about them, by limiting their self aggrandizing to just "best wrestler", but calling yourself the best wrestler is still just as pompous and furthermore imperious as calling yourself a God when you're not Mr. DEDEDE. You don't fucking tell the greatest in every era that you're the best wrestler when he wrestles in your era, because as long as I still compete and ESPECIALLY as long as I have the Answers World Championship around my waist, you're not the best. I'm the best. I'm the best wrestler EVER. So long as I'm in this company I'm the one in the main event, I'm the true champion, and even when I'm not champion I'm still the marquee. THAT'S GOD. That's what you call transcendent. It's been this way from the time this company started back up after initially failing in it's first run, because I wasn't in it, because I was the man in greener pastures; and that's the way it is now. Hell I've been the man before there was an EAW. Before you call yourself the best wrestler, please tell me what have you ever accomplished in your little life that supersedes that. And also, contrary to your belief, none of my past glory has worn off. If anything I eclipse my own previous abilities and feats. I'm 9 times as great as I was last year, and double that the year before, and double THAT the year before. I consistently get better, and it's not because I adapt to the system. That's your job. That's your peers job. Everyone else has to adapt or they will perish. But I don't need to adapt to the system, because the system adapts to me. Do you understand that JD?? Is that good enough of a lesson for you?? Do you get the picture now?? Do you know who I truly am now????

Of course not, of course you don't, of course you're going to go into Voltage all self impressed. Feeling so self important. Oh, and by the way, I notice that you've bitched and moaned so much about not being put in the King of Elite tournament finals, as if you didn't lose the tournament in the first place, as if you didn't already fail in the first place. Let me remind you, the person who won King of Elite was humbled by me the very next week. Why don't you be a little grateful that they didn't put a loser (because that's what you are technically, you lost the tournament, you're a loser) back in the tournament. Maybe Kenny Drake beating your ass was a good thing after all. Think of it this way, at least when you take this L tomorrow it won't be riding the wave of winning one of the biggest accomplishments EAW has to offer. At least you won't suffer the same fate as Eclipse. I mean look what I did to him, he has no momentum now. That's what would have happened to you. He's probably worse off than you are right now. But that's just speculation, the fact is you've got a hard lesson coming your way tomorrow and judging by your lack of foresight it's clear you're not going to see it coming, but it is waiting. The hard lesson, the lesson you've yet to learn, it's waiting for you. Maybe that's the problem. Maybe that's why Liam Catterson is starting to get ballsy. Maybe people still for some reason have it completely twisted about me. Perhaps that's what happens when there are so many people glorifying themselves all at the same time. Maybe people are just starting to become confused by all of the useless blather, and maybe you're one of them Damon. It's like the proverb of the wise man arguing with fools, except in my case there is no argument. There is no debate. When I speak, only my words are consecrated. But even my words can be drowned out by the declarations and proclamations of underlings, fucking underlings, fucking rodents like you calling yourself greater than me. That's the problem with words. Everybody has them. Everyone has a mouth, and everyone with a mouth has an opinion. Of course in EAW, everyone has a high opinion of themselves -- justified and unjustified. So I guess I've got no choice but to abandon my words for now and resort to action. See you on Voltage.

Last edited by Mr. DEDEDE on February 20th 2016, 3:02 pm; edited 2 times in total
Re: EAW Promoz! (Section closed)
Post February 20th 2016, 1:17 pm by LVCIAN
Welcome back, Cyclone! It's been a long, LONG time, hasn't it? It's been, what? Years since the last time we we crossed paths? A lot has transpired since then, a lot has changed in EAW. Back when you were roaming the land of elite and ruling it with an iron fist while guys like myself were forced to watch you shine from the shadows, on the sidelines things were very different in comparison to how things are these days. That can be attributed to my valiant efforts to save EAW, I changed this company forever. I eradicated corruption, I destroyed Zack Crash and his regime and now there is not even remnants of it left. And now I rule this company with an iron fist not you, not anybody from our generation.. ME. I know I am not a World Champion or even a "king" but this is my house now, Cyclone , I OWN it and you're just a guest here, nothing else. You're past your prime, your days of glory are dead and as long as my heart beats you won't be able to relive them. Because It's disgraceful to me, to those of us who have been loyal to EAW, who work our asses off week in and week out, who have passion and LOVE for this how you were allowed back into EAW again without any issues after what you did. You abandoned this company, you FAILED this company and now you're back again. Why, Cyclone? Why are you here? I guess hogging the spotlight for all those years wasn't enough. You came back to deprive us all of it again. And the saddest part of this all is that I am the only one who has realized it. Everyone received you back with open arms, you were automatically placed upon a pedestal and you are being revered as if you were a fucking god. You weren't here when EAW needed you the most, when the company's reins were usurped by a tyrant who basically threatened to destroy the entire land of elite. You failed your fans, your comrades, your friends, EVERYBODY. Yet you're a legend, you are a member of the Hall of Fame, you are a god to these people and I am not. And that makes me sick.  I've been here since the inception of my career. Even when I was injured or just didn't have the opportunity to compete here in my grasp I ALWAYS considered this place my home and I was constantly reinventing myself in hopes of getting signed to a contract again. I'm at the very top of not just Dynasty but ALL of EAW. You're probably going to reply with a monotonous statement, something generic like "I'm better than you" or "I've been more successful than you" and I admit it. I admit you've been more successful than me, but we both know why that is.  You had help, you were aided in your metamorphosis from nothing to something. You had the support of legends of this business, you had icons guiding you I had absolutely nothing, absolutely no one. No support, no love. I didn't follow in anyone's footsteps and honestly I never wanted to. I blazed my trail to prove exactly why I was one of the best. I bet you're surprised at the way I express my thoughts, the way I communicate myself. I told you a lot had changed. What hasn't changed, however, is the way I hate your kind. You came back just in time for Grand Rampage.. I don't know if you are hoping to somehow win Grand Rampage again, I really don't. Regardless I am shattering your hopes and Grand Rampage aspirations into tiny little pieces when we meet again on Dynasty next week because I have to, it's as simple as that. If I allow you to walk out of Dynasty as the victor other so called "legends" will assume following in your footsteps and coming back for the spotlight of deserving talent such as myself is the appropriate thing to do for them. You're not worthy of all the love you have been getting since you made your triumphant return last night at Rising Tide. You're not worthy of that Hall of Fame ring and you're not even worthy enough to be labeled an elitist. You embody exactly what I have been successfully attempting to exterminate for nearly two years now. Therefore I will eradicate you and everything you stand for. Welcome to the jungle! I am the lion here which means I rule everything you visualize.. and you have walked into my den, Cyclone. Now get ready to face the consequences of your actions.
Cailin Dillon
Re: EAW Promoz! (Section closed)
Post February 20th 2016, 11:33 am by Cailin Dillon

Voltage #5
I’m on drugs and you’ve got me backed into a corner, but here’s the Heart Break Gal admitting exactly what I was saying for the first time. Oh, so you know these things now, do you? These things that you previous, emphatically denied. Your focus has always been on trying to make me feel like I’m not worthy of being in the same ring as you, yet that clearly isn’t what you really think. This is you admitting I do bring something to the table. This isn’t about us intimidating one another, it’s just about going back and forth at each other, grasping at each other’s throats until they let us step in the ring and settle it right there. But your game is always the same. You sound just like a new Vixen, but with polished words. You do the same I’m better than you in every way shtick, the only difference is you’ve done enough to not actually sound like you’re completely full of crap. Your whole idea is to paint me as this weak, feeble-minded little girl who is in over her head, when even you know this is just an illusion you’ve created. It’s the same way you talk down to every other opponent to try to make them feel insecure, because it’s worked so many times before. You’ve long been able to hold your boot over opponents and smile wide as you slowly bring it down over them until you crush them completely.
I have to laugh when you talk about me. You call me pathetic, just like the rest of the Vixens division, and say I don’t even belong in the same arena as you. But Eris, oh she does, and you even had to scrap for something to talk about there when you bring her up. You’re trying to say I’ve done nothing here because Eris and I came in at the same time and she’s the Vixens champion? Wow, there’s a whole hell of a lot of people there were here before both Eris and I, and many more after. We’re the only ones that have a belt though. There’s a reason for that. But if you think Eris is the only worthy Vixen because she lives between the sheets with you, then your picture of the Vixens division is pretty grim. Welcome to 2016, where the EAW Vixens division features one person, Eris LeCava. Oh, Claudia? She was too good for the Vixens division so we have just one. This is why your ideals and your actions, they’re just shit. Really your whole approach is terrible. You say I’m a moron, you make fun of me for being a champion and then you talk about yourself as goddess. Congratulations, that’s clearly the winning formula right there. It makes me wonder how you’ve even managed to be so successful throughout your career. Here we are, far removed from our early meetings with each other, and it’s as if you’ve lost a step. Was there a time the Heart Break Gal had more fire than this or more venom? Or is her whole Vixens career, all that success in the past of EAW, because of a limited crop of talent in the Vixens division. If Eris wasn’t such a panty jockey for you, I’m not sure you could beat her if you decided to try out this division again. You’re not going to beat me on Sunday, so what does that say about where you’re at now?
The one thing I’ve learned for certain this week is Vixens both old and young walk around pretending they have some sort of superhuman strength that supersedes any opponent that come up upon. Think about that for a second. Your method is so amazing that it’s the same one every other new Vixen comes in and tries to pedal. Saying you’re stronger than someone else is just a lazy way of trying to put yourself over. It doesn’t really mean anything. Just like you claiming I have no way of beating you. That’s an even more simple-minded belief to take about an opponent. But that’s always kind of been your thing though, right? Just disrespect and mock your opponents until they don’t have it in them to compete with you. I’m unfazed by your tricks and I’m ready for everything you throw at me. That’s the difference between this match and any other match we’ve been in. Other than the fact that this is our first time ever going one on one. Then again, you’re so different than everyone else, aren’t you? You focus only on your goals and you take advantage of every situation that’s put in front of you. C’mon, really? That’s the road you’ll take to make yourself seem better? Please Claudia, why don’t you have anything interesting to say that actually makes me feel like you’ll win this match? Why is it always the same “I’m two steps ahead of you,” line every time? And why do you think I don’t take you seriously? You have this deluded picture of me as a fighter where I’m so full of myself — even though I’m not you — that I make wild mistakes and do stupid desperate things while you play possum. Let me just guess what plan you already have. You’re gonna show up ready to fight, and then when things get bad you’ll have your lackey get involved. And for that one reason, you’ll consider yourself the better fighter. That’s nothing but a joke. The smartest thing about you has been strength in numbers. If you’re a genius than you’ve gone far too eccentric for anyone to really understand what you’re trying to tell us anymore. But you’re not as intelligent as you lead us all to believe. You’re just very plain and you just say these same things over and over, with just a little twist. I could be doing the same thing, you know? I could be shouting about heart and determination, but I’m instead going over the facts. You think you’re going to win this match because you’re better than me in every way. Just say that. You talk about me dancing, my god you’ve done entire hokey pokey to get your points across. But they all still come back around to one simple way of thinking. How about we just let what we do in the ring talk for itself. How about we just throw caution into the wind and go at each other to see who comes out on top. How about you keep your pony in her stable and make sure you can do this on your own. Or is that so beneath you?
I don’t think I need this championship to be considered pretty goddamn great. I’ve had plenty of eyes on me enjoying every move I make along the way. Those same eyes are the ones that have been fixated on Eris. Yet the reason people think so highly of her is because she is a champion. It’s not because she’s with Hexa-gun, it’s because she competed for the Empress of Elite title, which she lost, and then turned around and ended Madison’s reign. It’s not because she’s this fucking rock star persona that stands alone above everyone else in her division whether she’s a champion or not. No, no one but you would agree with that. If she turned around and lost that title at Reasonable Doubt, she would not have that image. That’s just completely untrue. You have that image because you were successful and because you’ve been around for a really long time. Eris has been here since July, while you’re just old. But that’s not a slight on your age or accomplishments. That’s just to point out how stupid you sound by describing her as a legend. Maybe she’s completely legendary in the downtime you two spend together, but she’s just as beatable as you are. Her attaching herself to Hexa was an attempt to put herself over more. But instead everyone has just looked at her like she’s your girlfriend being dragged around from place to place. You always go so back and forth with the way you talk about me. Sometimes you make it sound like I was shit and then you say that I was a rising star. Although in your mind, sometime between the day I debuted, to the time we fought, to now when I stand as the Specialist’s champion, I got worse. Do you realize how stupid that sounds or do you, like you like to accuse me of, just open your mouth and let the crap just slide out?
Nothing you have said this week has made me feel fragile. It hasn’t felt like heat at all. I have two matches this week, and my other opponent, a rookie, is throwing far more heat at me than you are. How wise and powerful you must believe you are. Especially when it’s just you and your posse that believe that to be the case. All these things you think you’ve done to me this week, you’ve actually accomplished none of that. It’s extremely easy to respond right back to you when what you say is just loaded up with junk to try and get by. Your definition of not holding a candle to competition is always simply defined as a win or a loss. Except when you lose this week, you’ll break out your book of excuses flipping through to pick one. I can’t wait to hear what you have to say. My guess, you’ll say I got lucky. Because you always default to the easiest thing to say. We can’t have you trying to hard now, you might pull a muscle. But one other thing I want to say. You brought up our last match and that’s awesome. Thank you for reminding me of the week you attempted to ridicule me for saying I’ve changed. This week you’ve both admitted I’ve changed and then made it clear that you’ve changed, too. Woah! Mind blown! You talk about pathetic. We could do this all day, though, couldn’t we? And that’s something that you’re more than aware of and try to slide right under the rug. Because you make mistakes, and sometimes you admit it, but you act as if making a mistake against me is impossible. The truth is you make mistakes all the time, but you’re always in denial until they happen. You’re just a mistake away from suffering the same degree of humiliation you believe to have caused me. And it’s coming very soon. Just a day away now. You make ass backward claims on a regular basis, and your predictions come across as uneducated. You want facts? There they are. Now soak those up and try again. You talk about empty threats from me when yours feel even emptier. You talk about ending my career when you have far more at risk than I do. And then you come across with your penultimate word. This is what defines everything Heart Break Gal does. When she doesn’t like how her opponent has approached her and she’s been backed into a corner more than she cares to admit, it’s always the same thing. Tryhard. How sad. We’ll always remember you for this, Claudia. I’ll always remember you for being perfect, but no perfect. Invincible, but with an easily cracked exterior. The crazy thing is the interior is just as flawed. You are self-obsessed, but also very self-conscious. And you’re about to get yourself beat.
If this is truly your world, as you say, then it’s about to take a crushing blow. Your ego is what you really mean to say. This is your ego and you won’t dare have anyone challenge what you believe. This is to day only your beliefs matter. You want to fight until your last breath? That’s fine with me. I will make sure to beat the very last breath out of your shaky throat, and then Team Cross will take the rest of Hexa-gun down along with you. Things have gone your way long enough. You talk about goals? I have a goal to end Hexa-gun, and you’re collateral damage. See you at Voltage, where it all begins to end.
Re: EAW Promoz! (Section closed)
Post February 20th 2016, 8:35 am by Guest
Showdown Promo #4

The scene opens up to what is distinguished as a news studio. Whilst it was in-fact only Sheridan's hotel room, wallpapers bordered the hotel walls, and these wallpapers were designed to look like the background of a news channel room. The specific wallpaper above the head of Sheridan's bed frame were skyscrapers, much like the ones you would see outside the glass of a news channel's studio. These skyscrapers were all black, excluding very small squares which had a shade of orange, similar to the lighting within Sheridan's room. To either side of Sheridan Müller's bed we had a large television panel. Somewhat like a tablet, these wallpapers were much larger than the skyscraper ones, as a matter of fact whilst the skyscraper wallpapers were split into four separate squares the two panels were one large spread. The one to the left of the bedroom was showing an out of space picture of the earth, opposing the one to the right of the bed, which was presenting us with some bars and charts, although it wasn't focused enough to really show what the statistics were demonstrating. It could be told Sheridan Müller had put in a fair amount of time and effort to turn her hotel room into her own little broadcasting spot. Despite the fact it could be distinguished fairly easily her hotel wasn't a news broadcasting station's room, mainly due to the bed which was within the shot, it looked somewhat professional. Sheridan came into the shot. She rolled onto the bed, and seemed to an extent enthusiastic about promoing, which was extremely, extremely rare. Usually Sheridan liked to speak about how promos meant nothing, and only served as a way to get into your opponents head, and that everyone that matters occurs in the ring and not in a video recording on the EAW network, but the smile on the German native aesthetically pleasing expression could have connoted that she had changed her mind, she had given promoing and the entertainment side of wrestling as a whole a second thought. She had pondered it, considered it, really mulled it over, or in Sheridan's case müllered it. The five foot four blonde had rather professional, executive and white-collar clothing upon her frame, a white suit jacket accompanied with a black blouse made the Munich resident seem more immaculate, pristine and overall gave the recording a more sophisticated appearance. Sheridan held her hair within a French plait, despite not liking many things French outside of chocolate and the Eiffel Tower, she much adored their hairstyles. Her facial was somewhat heavy on make up. She drew her eyebrows darker, she were eye-liner and eye shadow, and her plump lips were painted and shaded with a pleasing red colour. Sheridan sat up in the bed. She ran a hand through the fringe of her hair, coughed, and sorted the white sheets of paper, or documents as Sheridan would refer to them as, upon her lap. With a soft smile, Sheridan began.

'' Hello hello, welcome to Saturdays with Sheridan, I am your host Sheridan Müller and today before I begin with the EAW news I would like to put out  disclaimer to the younger ears within the audience, or watching from home, that this particular episode of Saturdays with Sheridan will contain strong language, sexual innuendos and disturbing images, if you wish not to feast your eyes upon such then I recommend that you pause or close down the video, and watch something more peaceful or fun upon the EAW network. Now. Saturdays with Sheridan is a news broadcast that I will be doing every Saturday, regardless of who I have faced or will face throughout the week. This idea came to me as my next opponent, Cailin Dillon, seems to actually have little life outside of wrestling. She puts hours or work into her promos to make them as fun and motivational as possible. I decided that, as Cailin likes to think of herself as the perfect pretty champion, I would too, as on Sunday I will become the new Specialists Champion. So as you would have guessed, this episode of Saturdays with me, Sheridan Müller, the personification of German efficiency, the true heir to the Specialists Championship, the tigress of wrestling, and overall the most beautiful, charismatic, hottest most talented individual within EAW and world wrestling itself, anyway anyway, enough about me, today, this episode, this Saturday we will be looking at Cailin Dillon, who is Cailin Dillon, why does she hold herself in such a bright light, and how I, Sheridan Müller, will destroy her on Showdown, leave her crying like a little bitch as she sits on daddy's lap back home in Texas, and begin the downfall of the cancerous vixens division and the uprising of a division based on true, exceptional wrestling, and not pouting for selfies on Social Media and sucking the cocks of the higher powers here in EAW to get a match. As always it is a pleasure to be hosting Saturdays with Sheridan, and to be talking with my many, many EAW fans, who have caught on that I am the biggest, best thing in wrestling and will make the Specialists Championship relevant. Notice I didn't say relevant again, because it's always been shit, really, has it not? It's always been a little dead in comparison to the Vixens division. Whilst the current champion, Cailin Dillon, likes to parade her championship around and let the majority of the  girls in our division jump around with her in the ring, so that Cailin can pin them and then claim she is a credible champion. I will stop that. You have to work for a shot at a real championship. Not one match, not one blowjob backstage in an office, actually be a decent wrestler to get a shot. Cailin of course will try to spin you all this web that because she defends her title in every state, within every week etc etc that she is a good champion. When in reality she is facing talentless whores, who are only here for money and fame, and not actual wrestlers who give a fuck about learning, putting on good shows for the fans, and wanting to elevate their careers, win championships, and leave a mark on the wrestling industry. Like me. Like Sheridan Müller, like German efficiency. I was brought in for the good of the vixens. I can teach them, I can help them. Whilst Cailin prances around giving motivational speeches and getting them off that as long as they get title shots they're good wrestlers, I will work non-stop to improve the skill, the prowess, the capability, aptitude and of course, the efficiency, of the women in this division. Why will I do this? Wrestling is my world. Fuck it, I'll spin you the same story as Cailin just loves playing the harp on how she was born into this business and breaths wrestling and all this shit that really, nobody cares about. She just likes to talk, she adores the own sound of her voice. She goes on about how she likes to see the division competitive, even though it's grown to a point where they're spinning off the two women champions against on another as the rest of the vixens here in EAW have no talent. Excluding myself of course. Cailin hasn't opened her eyes to me yet. She hasn't accepted German efficiency. She keeps comparing me to Madison, to Tarah, to Eris because she fears me. She blows me off, not like Vanessa does to the bosses backstage, but she blows me off like everybody else because in the ring on Sunday, she is too scared to take me in, and take me on. She actually, yes, it's true, Cailin Dillon, the coolest and strongest champion in the whole wide world, fears Sheridan Müller, a mere 'pawn on the chessboard' as she put it herself. ''

'' How can this be though? How can Cailin Dillon fear Sheridan Müller, she's a mere rookie in EAW. Well, let me explain, as the host of Saturday's with Sheridan I will gladly take you all through Cailin's mind. Cailin knows she is going to lose on Showdown. She is going to lose to Sheridan Müller, she is going to lose to German efficiency. She talks so strong in her promos, getting out the soapy sponge and cleaning down her words, she compares me to Madison, to Aria, to Angela, because she's played with these women before. I would tell you she's beaten them but I don't wish to really take the time to find out. Cailin doesn't mean that much to me. Notice how she keeps talking about 'that match with Aria' or 'That time I beat Veena' she doesn't want to face the reality that I am Sheridan fucking Müller. I am the biggest thing going, I make wrestling look easy when it is anything but. Don't let Cailin feed you the lines that I'm like everyone else in EAW because I am not. She says she is going to win because she thinks she's still facing Madison, or Aria, or Haruna, she is too scared to face Sheridan Müller. In her mind she wants to be facing the people she's danced with before, because she is pissing her pants about being in the ring with the tigress, being within the same space as the personification of German efficiency. Cailin Dillon is fearful of sharing a wrestling ring with Sheridan Müller, because she doesn't want to admit she is going to lose the match, lose her title and lose all her supposed credibility she's built up to this point in time. Cailin believes that because I'm new, I'll lose. She has the belief that because I don't say the right things in my video recordings, in my promos, that I will be defeated. What Cailin isn't acknowledging, what she isn't realising, is that all that matters is when we're in the ropes, in the space to axe-handle, enziguri, suplex, crossbody, hit, slap, kick, boot, pummel and abuse one another. So you have a good work ethic Cailin, well done. You have determination and want it more than I do, okay cool. But I am a better wrestler than you. You have motivation? I have stamina, toughness and resiliency. You have a championship? Oh, nice. I have the psychology, the strength and the moves to take that off you. You say you were born into wrestling? Neat. Tell me how much that is going to matter when your bloody, black and blue body is sprawled across the mat, and in my hands I have your belt, your title. You call me immature but crack world war two jokes? Unless you were alive for that then you really have no reason to make them? You have me lost there Cailin. You act like Vanessa giving me a bust lip means you're going to beat the shit out of me. The reality is you are not. Tut tut. You're mis-lead and you've been brainwashed by your ignorance and idiocy again. The fact of the matter is, German efficiency is better than Texan efficiency. Sheridan Müller is better than Cailin Dillon. I can say this ten times over, but it won't give me any advantages in the ring with you. All that will matter is when I take your title off you on showdown, and people are beginning to identify that Sheridan Müller beats Cailin Dillon on in-ring ability. I was listening to you talk before I went to bed, after I put all this up, and you were like a lullaby, because you're just so boring and full of shit. Your recordings are you just speaking about how because you beat so and so you'll beat me. All you do is compare me to other people and then say you're going to rape me in the ring because of such. Do I need to punt this information into your head? I am Sheridan, flipping, Müller. I am not Aria. I am not Madison. I am not Angela Spaghetti. Sheridan is my name. I don't know how to get this through to you, EAW's little paper champion doesn't have the brain capacity to register talent? You hold the impression your title is good because you defend it. When the fact of the matter is it is the opposite. Because you defend it so often, because you beat people so often. You think you are untouchable, well guess what you narcissistic, deluded little cunt, I am going to beat the blindness out of you on Showdown. I am going to physically pin you. I am going to tear your world about, rip the wallpaper around you. Just because you beat these vixens with these stupid names, just because you pinned Veena, or submitted Aria, I don't give a fuck, I will beat you. I am my own individual, I am German efficiency, I am Sheridan Müller. In some of your other recordings you talk about how we should focus on one another, not on Eris, not on HBG, we should stay in the present, and then you bring up this Vixens Cup shit? You're such a liar, Cailin. You're a false prophet, you yet again go back on your word. The Vixens cup isn't going to mean anything at all when I beat you on Showdown, for your specialists championship. It is going to mean jack, fucking shite, ja? I didn't know you could predict the future Cailin, you can predict I won't win the Vixens Cup but you can't predict the outcome of our match? Seems like you are a paper champion, a bullshitter, and a teller of untruths after all. ''

'' Nothing that has happened in Efficiency Answers Wrestling matters before I beat you. It doesn't matter that you beat Haruna, it doesn't matter if you worked out this morning, it doesn't matter if you have a crush on me. In my eyes your history starts with a bang, your history will start when I take your title away from you. I fucked up Vanessa mentally and physically. So yeah, she bruised my ribs, she also bust my lip. You're just a fraud and a liar if you're going to pretend you've never come away from a wrestling match with a scratch. I didn't survive my test with Vanessa, hell, if that is a test and you're a test I am going to ace it, simple. I beat her, simple. I'll beat you, simple. Here's the ting you aren't getting into your head, Cailin. You're under the belief that you're the best in this division. You have this impression and this image in your mind that, because you're a champion, and because you have won more matches than other people in this division, that you're suddenly hot shit. You think you're infallible, unassailable, you believe that the world is all chocolate and happiness, because you're a champion. I am gunning for the chance to prove you wrong. I can taste your blood on my tongue, I think I'm going to just love witness your breakdown, when you lose to me, when the glass shatters, when I have a match at reasonable doubt, against Eris, I want you at ringside, I want to witness first hand the look on your face when it hits you that the real deal has entered your world, not all these wannabe wrestlers who you fight, not the social media models you battle, it's going to cunt punt you like a train that an actual wrestler has entered the battle, they've arrived in the fray. The referee will hold up one of my arms, whilst the other is showing the blood of a fallen champion, of a paper champion. We will have a good match, Cailin. If it makes you feel happy and warm inside I do believe you're an okay wrestler. It's just the fact you face people who can't wrestle for shit, beat them, and then begin to boast that you're a good champion and that you're an amazing worker. I'm not an idiot, the state of this division is cancer. Unless you beat me, which you won't, I am going to maintain my beliefs that you're nothing special, you're just a place holder, you're a blonde who people want on their television screens, so you get put in matches against talentless frauds so you can show your pretty smile to the cameras and talk about how good of a wrestler you are. I'll see you in the ring. I'll see if you can keep your promises that the mat will be smeared and drained with my blood, that you'll be champion, that you'll continue to fight on and be this motivational talking walking Barbie doll. You want to talk about therapists, and talk about showing them where the man touched you? Why don't we talk about your parents, you were born into wrestling? Just because mommy wrestled herself into a grave at the sight of you and daddy wrestled his way into your underwear as a child doesn't mean shit. You weren't born into shit. You're a liar. A fake, a phony. You go again comparing me to Eris. You can't accept I'm something different, are you deaf and blind? Or just too incompetent to see the differences in people? I suggest you stop shrugging me off as some rookie, some easy meat, some model, someone who you can beat. We live in a world where almost anything can happen Cailin. Like me beating you. Maybe you should acknowledge this before we step in the same ring as one another, hm? It'll save you a lot of hassle and grief when I do beat you, sweetie. If you want to send me a Cailin Dillon doll go ahead. Every time I see it, I'll just be reminded of the time I beat you for the Specialists Championship. Hey, if you want, I'll have a sleepover, me, your doll, and the championship. It's the closest you're going to get to my title after you lose on showdown. I think you're all talk. Cailin. I've stated many times now you keep throwing me off as just another vixen, or even a mixture of two or three vixens, because you see me, you see the hunger in my eyes, the sadistic state of my smile, and you need daddy to clean up your bottom. ''

'' I never said this was about money. Money is a very minor factor in my life. You make it seem like I fight for money. All I stated was that it's a little unfair I put in three times the amount of effort as the majority of the roster here and get paid the same. I'm just stating that it's a little odd that EAW would rather continue to pay these frauds and these sluts in their division rather than give money to people who deserve it. I'm a realist, Cailin. I'm only bringing it up because they take away what the likes of me, you and Eris deserve and give it to the cancers of the division. I think people should get as much as they put in. Your retaliation on this matter just proves you're happy that the division is in a shit hole, it's cancerous, that you're happy for the roster to stay jam-packed in a toilet bowl, whilst you get to hold your pretty title. You're a bad champion if you don't want the women around you being good. You only care about beating people? So you don't care about having competition, you don't give a stuff that the fans are treated like a pile of dung because they get to see Cailin whip bitches asses in the ring and call herself a fighting champion, even though you're handed the scraps of the roster? Okay then. You've shown your true colours Cailin. You're not even attempting to bring other females up with you, as long as you have the gold around your waist you care for nothing but yourself. But I'm the idealist? I'm the selfish, bad bad little German? If that isn't enough, you dare steal my catchphrase, efficiency is my thing. Just because you say it out loud it doesn't mean you possess such. It needs to be within you, you can't say it three times in a mirror and it comes to you. I know you aren't Vanessa Holiday, Cailin. I am aware that you're not Rey Shamez, or Raven Lee, or Eris LaCeva, or any other Vixen. I know that Cailin Dillon is Cailin Dillon. I know that you have okay in-ring ability. There's two problems with this, though. Problem A, I am better than you, problem B? You say I think you're all these women, but then you have the audacity to do the same to me? What the fuck? You have a little cry about how I think you're going to be a walk in the park, but spend all your time talking about past victories and comparing me to the likes of Haruna or Aria? You can fuck off. Cailin, you can fuck off. You're such a little bitch. You have the EAW audience, the higher powers and the rest of the locker-room wrapped around your little finger. You're not fooling me though, myself and German efficiency can see right through you. I will beat you. I'm not saying it's going to be a walk in the park, I recognise you're not an ordinary EAW vixen. But I know I am better than you. It's going to be a slap in the face where I punish you and beat you to a point that you get pinned, or you submit. I really thought that someone who claims to be as good and as smart as yourself could really perceive and notice when someone better is gunning for them. Clearly I mis-read you, though. '' Sheridan gave a pause, only to check how long she had been speaking for and to have a sip of water. She cocked a brow, re-adjusted her French plait which had made its way down her shoulder, and to very quickly scratch at her scalp. '' I won't lie. I can't wait to fuck you Cailin. I can't wait to get my hands on you. My manicured, clean, soft hands over your sweaty, toned body. I just want to stop recording and play with myself at the thought of you. It's a shame I threw out your cardboard cut-out because I really want to grind you and think about my hands on your body. You're hot shit, Cailin. If I swung that way I'd definitely go further than fucking you on Showdown. But I don't. You're cute, you're a good looking girl but I'm more attractive, I'm hotter. You're a good wrestler? I'm perfect. Whilst the thought of being in bed with you is somewhat pleasing and tempting to me Cailin, the thought of me delivering an enziguri to your jaw and dislocating it, me tanning your skin with the colour of your blood, and me pinning your shoulders to the mat for the one two three, appeals to me far, far more. Maybe if you cry about it enough, you might get a rematch against me when I beat you. But as I have said for a long, long time now. German efficiency never falls. ''
Re: EAW Promoz! (Section closed)
Post February 20th 2016, 7:56 am by ThePizzaBoy
The camera opens on a high crane shot inside the skeleton of a darkened TV morning talk show set.  The sound of elevator musac fills the air as some unknown Kenny G wannabe pipe flutes the docile tune of "That's Amore."  Below, two figures sit shrouded in darkness, facing inward at almost a 90 degree angle of one another.

???: How 'bout the title 'International Pizza?'

Voice 2: Well, that doesn't make mush sense since we're on local syndication aaaand also it's the EAW National title, not the INTERnational title.

Voice 1: Yeah yeah, but hear me out; we're in Japan and-

Suddenly the lights come up as the camera swoops down to reveal Tony Rolland, clad in an argyle print mask and maroon sweater vest sitting next to a slouched over Pizza Boy sporting a taupe cardigan and his EAW National Championship.  They stop talking immediately and put on a fake TV smiles.

Tony Rolland: J-just think about i-

PB: HELLO! It's 8 AM, Eastern-Standard.  Welcome to our new show-


A giant International Pizza logo cues up as the pan flute 'That's Amore' rises in volume, almost phasing out a Pizza Boy's tired sigh and audible face palm.

PB: Actually, it's NATIONAL Pizza, and that's just a working title.

Suddenly the Inter part of the graphic's crossed out, and the sub heading of "(Working Title}" is added in small print below it.  Tony takes a deep, frustrated sip of coffee out of a mug doilied up in the pattern of his own mask as PB stares downward, or falls asleep, one of the two.  Suddenly his eyes pop back open and his fake smile reappears.

PB: Today we're going to be talking about the physical state of me, the Pizza Boy And-

TR: AH! uh uh uh uh!

PB: Right...sorry, it's just...it's just Pizza Boy. 

TR: *under breath* you're damn right it is.  EAW hasn't got destributing licensing to your real name...neither do I for that matter...

PB: Well, after Rising Tide I finally got an MRI

TR: After they pried the National title out of his cold dead hands.

PB: Right...apparently there aren't any metals allowed in MRI's. *mumbling* or the doctor was just trying to steal my gold...

TR: Either way, tests have come back positive for acute brain damage, which after his seizure in that abandoned house...well, noooo body questioned.  

PB: I'm going to keep working, though.  The doc said I could if I took fewer belt shots to the head.

TR: A promise we can't make.

PB winces and stares down at his lap.  Suddenly a smile of pride spreads across his face as he picks the gold up in his hands, inspects it with childlike wonder, before slinging it over his shoulder and patting it's face plate proudly.

PB: But until that happens...

TR: If you hold up the belt next to PB's head in the right light, they're twinsies!

PB: UNTIL THAT HAPPENS! I'm going to defend this title of mine until my last dying breath.

Tony rises from his seat and starts loudly clapping.  PB's eyes roll, and then narrow on the camera as his title starts to shake on his shoulder, like some sort of foreboding cup of water in an ill conceived dinosaur park.  Tony, for once, taking notice of the situation, lets his clapping die down naturally as he slowly lowers back into his seat.

PB: Thanks, Tony.

TR: Still got the migraine?

PB: Yeah...

TR: Is it from celebrating your victory last night or the head trauma?

[In unison with cheeky smiles]: It's probably the head trauma.

They both wistfully smile and stare up into the studio lights before quickly wincing in pain and averting their eyes.

PB: But anyway, I hope this answers a question for all of you...

TR: Please don't...

PB smirks and cuts his eyes at Tony as he rises out of his seat stiffly and holds his belt aloft as his mentor covers the few inches of his face exposed in embarrassment.

PB:...because I want to start a new hashtag.

TR: Stooop....

PB: If anyone asks hashtag where's my pizza? Respond proudly back hashtag

TR: You don't have to say hashtag


TR: Good god, sit down.

As PB darts his eyes around, waiting for the approval of the masses to meet his ears in the form of claps and cheers, before suddenly realizing he's in a closed studio.  He turns to Tony, whose now buried his head in a decorated throw pillow.  PB blushes and slowly starts to sit back down.

PB: ahem...this has been...National Pizza.  Until next time...

The lights die back down as the musac picks back up and the vandalized logo reappears.

TR: [under his breath] I told you not to do that.

PB: [under his breath] What? Like #PizzaRunsCold was any better?

TR: [hushed scream] Ray Lloyd was a nice man!

PB: Shhh....I think the camera's still running. I'm sure our mics are cut down, so just quietly wave at the camera.

PB's shadow in the darkness politely waves as Tony's hand awkwardly raises in a hook as the camera fades out and tunes out their hushed bickering.
Re: EAW Promoz! (Section closed)
Post February 20th 2016, 12:59 am by -
Dynasty Promo # 1

Perception Of Legacy

Regret is such a strong word in our universe.

We plan on doing something, we absolutely have intentions of acting on those plans, and  when certain things do not go our way... we regret. We regret that we had not acted a certain way. The doctors you see fail to save lives go to sleep each and every night knowing that they could have acted a different way to save someone's life – your loved ones life. The elderly who lie in the bed knowing their life is only a matter of seconds away regretting not living their life a certain way. Why? Because they didn't do what they should have done. They lived their lives slaves to the system – the system that has programmed us to be modern-day slaves. How often do we see men and women living in today's capitalist society and follow orders which they rather wouldn't? The harsh reality of the matter is this:  we have been programmed to live our lives being slaves to the system, and you see, the avenue which I am in is far from that. The boulevard which I decided to walk down many years ago is a boulevard of both broken dreams and achieved dreams. On this boulevard, nothing is taken for granted. Everything is earned. I forever had these ideas in my mind that I could... well, I could do anything that I wanted. When it finally hit me that I couldn't do what I wanted and had to fight for my share, it turned me into a different animal. JJ Silva was on the way to finally pursuing his dream once and for all, but what he realized was that the accomplishments he was receiving were not ample. Never. He was never satisfied. In that predicament, what can any man do? I was walking down that path of sanity and insanity, and on that line, I had come to grips with reality: I was no longer a human.

You heard correctly: JJ Silva is not a human being.

He's a vile creature.

I have a strong perception on what chaos truly is.. I’ve looked it in the eyes and quite frankly, I’ve lived through it for quite some time now.

Since the dawning of humanity's existence on Earth, we have changed. We have evolved as beings. Lifestyles have changed. Policies have changed. What was once considered abnormal is now the norm. It's the circle of life. In my tenure in Elite Answers Wrestling, I have seen myself change both for better and for worse. When I had competed in my first Pain for Pride, I lost in the 24-7 Battle Royal. I was devastated. It wasn't merely the loss that hurt as much as the fact  that I was inferior to a peer of mine: Matt Miles. I was weak. I couldn't handle the fact that I wasn't able to make the impact that I had intended on doing in my first ever Pain for Pride. Following that loss, every time I woke up, every time I slept... I thought about that loss. It wouldn't leave my mind, and quite frankly, I didn't want it to. I used it as fuel. As daunting of a loss that was for me at the time, it was also imperative for my career. In hindsight, I needed that loss, because it cleared my mind. It brought forth mixed feelings of anger, frustration, and desperation. I'm glad I experienced those feelings early, because I had become accustomed to them in the long-run. In the midst of learning from that loss, I not only improved as an elitist, but I learned my purpose in life. I had to fulfill my destiny of becoming the greatest rise to the top story this company or any entertainment platform has ever seen. I did change. I changed my demeanor. I found something that I knew I had inside myself and will use it to propel myself to heights unimaginable for a guy like me. However... to this day, my Achilles tendon has always been the a championship. In an era of this company where there are so many championships, I simply wanted my hands on one. I was sure that I would have done so by now, because each and every one of my peers has won one. Tig Kelly. Pizza Boy. JD Damon. Zach Genesis.

In spite of these men grabbing that "brass ring" before me, it has finally dawned on me that this game of who-wins-it-first that I have been playing in my head is completely pointless. I don't need to dwell on the fact that I am the last one... because at the end of the day, it's about the more dominant reign. I not only want to hold that championship, but I want to hold it longer than any man has before me. That's what matters above all else. Perhaps the trials and tribulations I have been enduring are fundamental to my success in the foreseeable future. My view on the matter is exactly so. This past weekend at Rising TIde, I wasn't even looked at in the right manner… it was a punishment that I could’ve walked away from and said no. I did not have to show up. I could have stayed at home. I didn't need money. I didn't need to talk to anyone... but I saw the bigger picture. I had to prove a point, and that point was that I can break apart Jaden Zaxaria limb from limb. After experiencing the most tragic sting of events of my life, I needed to show the world that I'm still one of the best men in this industry and on my way to becoming THE man. I firmly believe that I not only proved my point, but I made the statement of my life. I decimated Jaden and displayed the brilliancy of JJ Silva. This company is so caught up on this idea of "elitists" and has consigned to oblivion it's past of extreme. That's where my job comes in. I'll step forward and be the man that everyone hates and achieve all i’ve ever wanted... except I won't be doing it for EAW itself. I'll be doing it for me on the most prestigious brand this company has to offer… Dynasty. As I'm building a legacy of my own, the world is becoming much more clearer to me now. If I choose to be, I am the most cruel animal on the planet.

hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I now am.

The first man to have to understand this is none other than, Kevin Hunter. The perfect way to begin my rags-to-riches story to truly show I began from the bottom and did nothing but excel on every single level. I fear no man.. no brothers.. no chaos. Since day one I’ve wanted you completely show how much a nuisance you are even with your impressive size. It’s sickening to see such a great build was given to someone so incompetent. Your struggle will be something for me to enjoy as I display the code in which I live by, Kevin…

That is: The Code Of Silva.

My destiny is in my own hands.  
Re: EAW Promoz! (Section closed)
Post February 20th 2016, 12:49 am by Stark
Number one contender versus number one contender live on Dynasty! Here’s the thing though Dustin Brasch, the title I’m going for actually matters! I’ve been the champion you’re the number one contender for and not only have I faced the current champion, but I’ve beaten him too, and let me tell you that just because you tossed nine other men who LITERALLY NOBODY KNOWS over a top rope or pinned after beating them with weapons doesn’t make you worthy of being champion. Your match was nice, and your performance was impressive, but it doesn’t prove shit. Because unless your match against my boy Clark Duncan is an extreme rules or over the top battle royal match, you haven’t done anything to prove that you actually can hang in the ring with the champ. Or maybe you have but if anyone actually knew your name they woulda watched any match you’ve been in at this point and been able to tell just how good you actually are.

But still, a win at a supershow is still a big win. You’re ready for bigger things now and you did what I did just about a year ago, that you’re almost at the top of the EAW New Breed Division. As for me? I’m reaching the top of Dynasty’s midcard. I have a big match coming up against The Pizza Boy and believe me I’m sweating in worry butttt he’s a concern for some few months later. You know it’s funny, I spent this entire past week preparing to beat the Regulator with Tig Kelly as the eventual opponent I’d have to face in mind but guess things turned out differently, and it’s funnier how the smaller opponent is more cause for worry. I’ll stop talking about The Pizza Boy for now because I’m never one to underestimate my opponents, and the fact that I’m going to be facing you, is definitely cause for concern. Because if I can’t beat the number one contender for the New Breed Championship then what business do I even have being the number one contender for the National Elite Championship?

Beating Regulator was apparently a big deal. Trust me I was in the arena I heard the crowd reactions and it was at least a solid 70-30 in crowd reactions in favor for Regulator. And to be honest, that shit kinda hurts. Again, people don’t want to see me succeed. Of course I have my fans but I still got a lot of haters I gotta prove wrong but believe me, once I tear through every opponent put in my way on Dynasty from this Friday against Dustin Brasch to the inevitable Saturday when I go up against The Pizza Boy for the National Elite Championship, I’m gonna shake off all of the haters. Dustin, you’re a scary guy, all big and intimidating. But so was Regulator wasn’t he? I know I’m better than that tool of a has-been but are you? Because let’s be honest he’s got quite the list of accomplishments and he’s been in some high profile matches, and you’re relatively unproven other than this battle royal. How long have you been here anyways? I’m just saying – beating other New Breed talents is different than going a division up.

I don’t wanna look down on you but so far I don’t have a reason not to. I’m not usually like this, because it’s rare when I need to face an opponent I’m actually senior to. Maybe this is why all the veterans and near-veterans I face act like wise know-it-all cunts, this feels empowering. I’m the number one contender to the National Elite Championship mothafucka, and you’re going for the title I won and trashed in the matter of months. Let’s be honest, should I really be concerned? I don’t think there’s gonna be any competition on Friday – I’m the bigger fish bitch and I’m gonna fucking eat you.
J.D. Damon
Re: EAW Promoz! (Section closed)
Post February 20th 2016, 12:31 am by J.D. Damon
Where. Should. I. Begin? First off, what in the blue hell was up with this year's King of Elite? That punk bitch Gabriel Eden somehow pulled a win out from under me during our semi-final match. But was he even in the actual King of Elite match? Hell no. That son of a bitch gets yanked out of the match days before it even happened. But instead of putting me in the match - the runner up in the semi-final match - they decide to hold a match in which Eclipse Diemos wins. So now we have some weirdo running around wearing a barbed wire crown on the top of his head claiming to be the King of Elite. It's a conspiracy if you ask me. I have told every single person since the moment I stepped my foot in the door of this company that the upper management was against me. They don't like this about me, they don't like that about me. So what do they do? Stick it to me even further by disrespecting me by not allowing me to be in the final match. Whatever. They want to continue to hold me down? They can try all they want, but as long as I have this title in my possession there's not a damn thing they can do about J.D. Damon continuing to rise through the ranks of this company.

And then I have that annoying cockroach Kenny Drake continuing to get on my damn nerves. He wants to continue sticking his nose into my business, getting involved with my matches and attacking me from behind like the scared little bitch that he is?! You see these bruises? You see these cuts?! They may be healing, but this is what that son of a bitch did to me weeks ago. But rest assure, the next time I see him he will wish that his mom had swallowed instead. Hold on, wait just a second... Did I just say "the next time I see him?" Ha! No one is going to see that reject for a very long time. You see, since Mister Drake is just a tad bit psychotic - and when I say tad bit I mean this dude is absolutely bat shit crazy - and talks to a voice in his head, I decided to get one step ahead of our good friend Kenny. I made a few phone calls and had him admitted to a psychiatric hospital for everyone's safety. This guy is obviously on the unstable side and I felt that he was not only a threat to himself, but to everyone around him. So now Kenny can sit in his little padded cell and rot for all I care.

But that is all old news by now. Everyone is talking about a huge blockbuster match that was signed last week by our fearless leader Ashten Cross. A match that is unfortunately being wasted on a weekly show instead of a big event, but shit happens, right? I am faced with the task of going one-on-one with our current reigning Answers World Champion, Mr. DEDEDE. This man has done it all in this industry. World Titles, secondary titles, fastest pie eater contest winner at the Colorado state fair, this guy has done it all! He is the reason why this company is still around today. This guy is a fuckin' Hall of Famer for Christ's sake! But you know what? All of that shit, all of his little accomplishments don't mean a damn thing to me. Most men in my position would be intimidated by stepping into the ring with DEDEDE, but I look at him like he is just another person on my hit list. I heard you DEDEDE; I heard you loud and clear. You admire me? Don't try buttering me up. When I look at you, I see someone who is way past his prime. I see someone who should have hung his wrestling boots up long ago, but unfortunately for everyone you still linger around. Instead of retiring and fading into obscurity, you soak up all of the spotlight - the spotlight that should be for me! Face the facts, DEDEDE, you're done, washed up. You actually think that all of the shit that you spewed about me is going to intimidate me? You think that I am going to back down from this fight? Then you obviously don't know J.D. Damon very well. You asked me if I feel honored to be sharing the same ring with you? Nah, not really. You on the other hand should be the one that feels honored. Honored that I actually take my time to acknowledge you. You see, I am the greatest wrestler that this company has to offer. I don't care if you have the Answers World Championship and I have the Pure Championship, they're just titles. What it truly comes down to is your ability to wrestle. You can doubt me all you want, but when Voltage finally rolls around I will show you exactly what I am talking about. I am going to do what everyone wishes they could do - and that is finally put this old dog out of his misery.
Victor Maero
Re: EAW Promoz! (Section closed)
Post February 20th 2016, 12:22 am by Victor Maero

Maero and Oz sit at a long dinner table. Oz plays with two actions figures and periodically takes a bite of the scrambled eggs in front of him. Maero holds a book in one hand and a spoons cereal into his mouth. Oz stops making fighting noises and talks to Maero with a serious tone.

Oz: “You know, in a way I’m glad you lost to Clark Duncan.”

Maero gags on a piece of cereal before speaking with quiet, breathless voice.

Maero: “Why’s that?”

Oz: “Well, if you’d won you would have to defend the title, and you would have reached your goal right? Plus I don’t want you to be all full of yourself and scary.”

Maero flashes back to the times he thought he was a god. Maero nods and speaks through bites of cereal.

Maero: “I suppose that’s fair, I wouldn’t want to be overconfident,”

Maero pauses and puts his book and spoon down.

Maero: “Still, I learned a lot, Clark Duncan was the most formidable opponent I’ve ever faced. However I was wrong about one thing, I won’t be pushed aside, not today. Even if I have to start from scratch, I’ll have The Sanatorium backing me up. I’m not going to-”

Maero looks over to see Oz playing with his figurines once again. Maero ruffles Oz’s hair and stands to walk away from the table.

Oz: “Where are you going?”

Maero turns to Oz.

Maero: “I’m just going for a walk.”

Oz smiles brightly back at Maero.

Oz: “Okay!”

Maero: “I’ll be back soon.”

Maero winks to Oz, he then turns and walks down the long hallway. As Maero walks down the hallway the lighting turns darker and Maero turns harsher.

Maero: “Erebus… you won’t defeat me and ONI. We are part of The Sanatorium, all of us here have walked through the wasteland you call life, we’ve been to the end and back and we saw the throne of the gods, and it was empty. What we saw was truth, we now fight for those truths,”

Maero turns and walks into a room with three structures hidden under a velvet cloth. Maero uncovers one of the velvet covered things to reveal it to be a marble statue of Eclipse.

Maero: “Eclipse, the King of fear. He knows how fear truly can shape people, whether it be one person or the entire race. He is the salvation so many of us need. Eclipse is the avatar of fear. He has the ability to change minds, and hearts. Just look at ONI,”

Maero removes the second covering to reveal another marble statue, this one of ONI.

Maero: “ONI, the ever changing warrior. He never seems to fight the same way twice. Every time he speaks he seems stronger and wiser. His knowledge alone could end you. He does his research, and unfortunately for you Erebus, this is your second match with him. He now knows every move you make, he’ll know what you’re going to do before you even step in the ring. ONI is surrounded by change, by chaos. ONI is the avatar of Entropy,”

Maero stands in front of the final pillar and sighs.

Maero: “Then there’s me. Even in a house for the outcasts I’m the black sheep. I have looked through the eyes of a god and found immortality a hollow promise. Being alive is the greatest isn’t the weakness some thing, it is nothing but a drive. Greatness feels like nothing if you didn’t bleed to achieve it. I dream of nothing but spilling the Ichor of the greats while my own blood pours from my wounds. Every scar is a natural tattoo that shows how you got this far. I fight for the rush of pain, I fight to feel alive,”

Maero uncovers the final statue, a statue of him in his full plague doctor gear.

Maero: “I am the avatar of life. And you, dear Erebus, have crossed me. I let ONI take the reigns in our last match, but this time I will fight you… and I will win,”

The lights turn off. For a moment there is only darkness. Suddenly Maero appears alone holding a flickering candle, he smiles.

Maero: “We’re going to be on the big screen, and the people won’t be there to watch us fall,”

Maero whispers.

Maero: “Welcome to the freak show,”

Suddenly a bunch of video clips flash by of Maero cutting into some poor soul as well as videos of Maero and Oz playing chess. The final clips shows the man Maero cut open sitting up and looking into the camera, the man appears to be alive. The image switches back to Maero’s smiling face, he whispers.

Maero: “Now scream.”

Maero starts laughing as the scene fades to black.

Last edited by Victer Maero on February 20th 2016, 3:56 am; edited 1 time in total
Azumi Goto
Re: EAW Promoz! (Section closed)
Post February 19th 2016, 11:57 pm by Azumi Goto
Silence, I want to give you props for being the only member of team who decided to show up during Battleground but right now I have to talk about our match this coming Voltage. I have to give you props for showing great strength and intensity that you bring during your matches. I have to give you props for showing your two sides to me and the world and know all that respect I was giving you right now was thrown out the window.

Remember when you and your bestie Veena beat me up after our match on Dynasty which I get it, revenge and crap like that is all fair and dandy. But then you try it again this using a distraction thanks to Veena. I think I speak for your fans, why in hell would you join up with Veena. Of all vixens, Veena Adams. I mean what was every other vixen not interested in being your partner. Seriously ladies, she's just one body with two minds.

People would probably just piss themselves just by saying this but I want face the monster, that's the Silence I want to face. I want the Silence that made her presence known when she first arrived in EAW. Silence I'm not going to hype myself because my matches do that for but instead I'm going to give two assignments to complete before our match. Ask Veena, how painful my knee is? And how it feel to tap out to me?Afterwards when you figure it all out then you will be able to have the right to say that “You're going to show all your rage and destruction.” Because I'm not a girl who is scared, I'm a woman and a queen ready to my kingdom by killing a dragon.
Jacob Senn
Re: EAW Promoz! (Section closed)
Post February 19th 2016, 10:53 pm by Jacob Senn
[Darkness fades out as the flickering of the flame is heard, with shadows dancing on the walls, while we are shown the banner of Merek Blackfyre. It flies tattered and a bit scorched hanging beside two swords before the camera transitions over to Merek Blackfyre standing up with a vintage wine in his hands as he stares to the direction of the camera.]

I've made it abundantly clear. My search in this company is for the richest prize known as gold. Gold in my purse, gold on my shoulder, gold wherever I go! Gold is the ultimate motivator of the Salamander. Yet what happens when the opportunity arises for a man, as grand as I, to take that Interwire Championship and claim it to the throne of The Mad King? A disgraceful individual of Mexican heritage who finds humor more satisfactory than the actual prize that he won takes it from the Amazon warrior. I've may have not been here for a long time, and I'm not going to straight up demand that Showdown give me the championship opportunity I seek. I know the chain of command here, I know where my power begins and ends, but I would have figured that Showdown would've realized by now what man they have in their ranks. No, instead I'm stuck with this Zach Genesis character. A nobody, a useless waste of space on the Showdown roster, EAW TO THAT! He's shown that even the resident loser could possibly get one over him, but you decide to place this filth against me? You must have a death wish for this peasant! The black wings of death will descend upon this young man and maybe with his charred carcass displayed on the canvas, maybe then you will recognize that Merek Blackfyre is the true heir to the great kingdom of Showdown and Elite Answers Wrestling! Good day!
Re: EAW Promoz! (Section closed)
Post February 19th 2016, 9:55 pm by Guest
I’m not ‘second’ on Showdown, I’m number one. What makes Lannister ‘number one’? The fact that he’s the EAW Champion? That title doesn’t make him number one. How can a man who point blanked DUCKED me and my challenge to him for a match at Reasonable Doubt be even in the discussion for ‘number one’? Lannister and everybody else in this company, not just Showdown, but the entire EAW is second to me. Lannister isn’t the true champion of Showdown, I AM. I’m the one main eventing Reasonable Doubt in the biggest match in a very long time. They moved Reasonable Doubt from one location to Ireland because of ME, because I’m the money-maker of this company. I took this Hall of Fame title and actually made it relevant, Jaywalker, Scott Diamond and Cameron Ella Ava never took this title and put it on the highest level. Lannister is the so-called ‘number one’ and yet, he’s terrified to face me, a man who has ALWAYS prided himself on ‘paying his debts’ refused to pay his debt to me and give me what I’ve earned five times over now in a EAW Championship match and yet, I’m still main eventing this show over him. He’s a paper champion who defeated a guy who was injured half of his reign and even then, still needed my help for him to get that title. He knows exactly what I know; that if he had the balls to get in the ring with me and face me one on one for his title, that he would lose and he would lose fast and that is why he is ducking me. That’s why he’s fighting Vic Vendetta at Reasonable Doubt, because he knows he actually has a chance in that match against some guy who might be one of the biggest chokers in the history of EAW. How many times do we REALLY have to go through this entire ‘Vic could be EAW Champion’ thing before we finally give up on this guy? How many times does this guy have to come SO close to finally breaking the glass ceiling above his head before he chokes that we give up? We’ve been going through this entire thing with him since 2011. I didn’t know gaining victories over some bums and teaming with the biggest embarrassment to the Hall of Fame in Kevin Devastation warranted getting a title shot. I didn’t know being one of the biggest failures in EAW history along with Scott Diamond and Cy Henderson WARRANTED getting a title shot over me. I didn’t know never drawing a dime for this company WARRANTED getting a title over me. I didn’t know only being here for three months at a time WARRANTED getting a title over me. We all know the end-result of Vendetta/Lannister, we know Lannister is going to get the easy win because he’s a fake champion compared to me.


And while calling out every single Hall of Famer or person in this company to step-up and face me. Every week, I called them out and DEMANDED they face me. I called out Mr. DEDEDE but he would rather face one of the most overrated people in the history of this company and somebody has NO place being anywhere near the world title in Ryan Savage and Liam Catterson because it’s easier for him to defend his title with people on his real level than face me. I called out Y2Impact but he would rather team up with a woman and defend his tag team title against the likes of JJ Silva, Chris Elite and Ryan Savage, people on his real level than want to face me. Jaywalker would rather come and go from this company whenever it pleases him and fight guys like Jacob Senn, another person who has to be one of the biggest chokers in this company considering how many times he’s failed in title matches, than face me. Jamie O’Hara acts like a pussy and decides to not compete here for over a month as EAW Champion because he has a little injury in his arm. Cameron Ella Ava ‘who never backs down from a challenge’, never asked for a rematch against me after I took her title because even she knows that she can’t get on my level. Every week, I call them out and nobody has the balls to step-up to me and challenge me. Every week, I had open challenges for my title and not one serious person wanted to step-up and face me. I’M the one who had to call out the winner of Jamie vs Lannister and I’M the one who challenged Xavier Williams.

They say I’m all talk but I’m the only one doing any walking around here.

But make no mistake about it, when I go through you in a fast manner, I’m going to get on the first plane to Ireland and then I’m going to end the biggest fraud in the history of EAW and the biggest spin-off of my name, the biggest Dark Demon wannabe that I've ever seen in my life, Xavier Williams, and then I’m going to get Lannister or Vic Vendetta. What honestly makes you think Carlos, that you DESERVE to face either Lannister or Vic after Reasonable Doubt? What have you done to get that? Two straight victories on Showdown? That it? You’re pretty much like Vic Vendetta, aren't you? You’re the choker of this company. You want to talk about how being one step off from being ‘triple crown champion’ doesn't make you a bum but yet you said it yourself, since the last time that we faced off in 2014 – I’ve been more successful than you. I don’t need to go into my accomplishments, because you already know them but you know what HASN'T changed Carlos? You haven’t amounted to anything in this company since we last fought. You’re always on the cusp of breaking out into the world title scene but yet you always fail when it really matters. You ALMOST won Cash in the Vault two years in a row, that’s your biggest claim to fame since we last fought. You’ve won no titles, you’ve done nothing but lose big match after big match, time after time. When is the last time you actually won a match against somebody that mattered? You failed against Lucian Black too many times to count, you failed in the Dynasty Elimination Chamber, you failed against Drastik, you failed in the King of Elite tournament. You see the pattern here, Carlos? You’re always the bridesmaid, never the bride. You have done NOTHING to warrant calling out whoever wins the world title match at Reasonable Doubt, especially after me when I END Xavier Williams. You bitch and moan all the time about how poor old you ‘gets screwed’ over and you ALWAYS got an excuse for every time that you lose, don’t you? What’s going to be the excuse when you lose to me?

‘’Oh I wasn’t ready! I didn’t have enough time!’

‘He got lucky!’

‘That damn referee!’’

Winners don’t make excuses.

CHAMPIONS don’t fail. And that’s why you’re not a champion.

Here’s the thing – I wasn’t even ‘at my best’ when I did what NOBODY could pull off and demolished HBB in two FPV’s in a row and DEMOLISHED Cameron in a triple threat. I wasn’t ‘at my best’ when I went undefeated since November of 2014. I don’t need to be at my best to beat you or be at my best to beat anybody in this company, I call you a bum because you ARE a bum. You don’t need to worry about me ‘being at my best’ because me in second gear is STILL better than you, STILL more complete than you and STILL a better ‘wrestler’ than you. It’s YOU who needs to be at his best if you want to even have a chance at surviving against me. But don’t worry, win or lose, I’m sure you and Lioncross can share your fond ol’ memories of CWF when you actually were good enough to be a world champion and you can boast all you like about beating nobodies like Jason Cage and Clark Duncan! I’m not just the ‘man’ Carlos…

I’m the Greatest of All Time.
Voltage Promo
Post February 19th 2016, 9:27 pm by Moiz
Moiz: Uhhhh, I already started winning , even though this just the beginning and I swear this the best feeling 


* Moiz is seen training with his trainer *
* Punching the punching bag as his trainer yells *


 *Moiz ignores and continues punching*


Moiz: STFU


Moiz: You can't do shit nigga, I train how I wanna train and I'm gonna win my match.

Trainer: MOIZ... Whats getting in to you, I've been your trainer for your entire career and I think i deserve some credit for the great amount of success that you've had

Moiz: Well you've been my trainer for all this time yet still don't know anything about me. Im a fighter on my own, who wont listen to anyone and will give it all to win. You're just my trainer cuz  I know your a broke ass nigger that has no one with him so I let you hang around. And don't ever say you deserve credit for my success, I told you already and I'll tell you again, I win on my own did you see how I won my first match I didn't need any of your help bitch.


Moiz: You don't even qualify as a trainer get the fuck out.

* Moiz kicks trainer in gut and takes him down *
* Get's steel chair and repeatedly hits him on his head *
* Spits on his face*

Moiz: Oh fuck, I was getting recorded wasn't I. Goddamn I need to be more aware of getting recorded randomly wouldn't want something to spill...

* Moiz picks up dumbell and starts curling *

Moiz: Well now that you just saw that, I hope it gives you a slightly better understanding of my aggression and how little I care about the people that try to get into my life. I've been with that trainer for like 5 years now, and sure he was a shitty trainer but if he starts talking shit I gotta take him out. 

* Moiz takes a sip from water bottle *

Moiz:  Speaking of taking people out, I was able to take out my opponents and win my debut match with in 10 seconds. I told you guys, I did as I promised.. I'm getting things interesting quickly. The only problem with my match was that it ended to quickly and you guys didn't have enough to see to be amazed. But that match was a little to easy for me, and I promise to come out even stronger in my future matches. Also on that match, I was extremely happy with that 50k I got cuz boyyy I spent that money like it was my dutyyy... and it was a perfect way to start off my EAW career.

Moiz: Now that my EAW career has officially kicked off, there's no time for slacking cuz I already got put on the card for another match. This saturday im making my debut for voltage babyy. And I can't wait to see my wins double as I slowly make my way up to the top in this fed. So who am I facing this week? The same old jobbers damn, why so many new kids coming the same time I made my comeback. I gotta put an end to their career before it even starts, damn that's harsh. Now luckily for me, some the people I facing this week actually think there good, oh well more fun for me. We got guys like Ryan Young in the house ayyyy have yall seen this guy? Dont kill me, this man is so lanky I could squish him. And theres a bunch of other clowns in this match with some funny ass names which I don't even remember, well that won't matter cuz there name won't be coming up in EAW much any time soon. But if there's one person who I'm really gonna enjoy beating in this match it's that same guy Mr. Vance the guy that I pinned in 5 seconds wow what a wanker. Idk why he's got another opportunity he's just gonna have to cry it out one more time than I guess. But with that being said, I guess I've gotta go back to training.. without a trainer now since I've still got a match to win and I'm not trying to slack off and lose so peace yall. 

Last edited by Moiz on February 19th 2016, 9:42 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Need to make it look longer)
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