Members: Piff Fumador in El Landerson
Tag Team Name: The Piff & Landerson Experience
Entrance Theme Song: Masquerade ft Nicki Minaj
Team Description: The lights around the arena all fade to green while fog fills the stage and entrance way. Piff Fumador and Landerson enters through the fog, high fiving the crowd and looking into the camera doing his signature toke hand signal. He jumps to the apron and then over the ropes, strutting to one of the turnbuckles to raise his arms to the crowd and give them the toke hand signal
Tag Team Signatures: Top Rope Spinning wheelkick, Frog Splash,Top Rope Dragonrana, Springboard Moonsault, Triple Suplex , Standing Shooting Star Press,
Tag Team Finishers: The Tiger Feint Kick with 450 Splash,