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Consuela Rose Ava
Consuela Rose Ava

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Re: EAW Promoz!
Post December 6th 2017, 6:19 pm by Darkane
Dynasty I

A king was slain.

Yet was he a king at all?

I called his bluff and I exposed him as nothing more than a vile tumor with legs that managed to wander onto the hallowed Dynasty grounds. He was promptly met with brute force. He was dragged beneath the surface, beyond the earth's soil, beyond the worm carcasses, and into my dominion. The rest is history. Why is it, that a man who could easily retire young and ride off into the sunset with the amount of money that he has accumulated feel the need to walk among the ruthless that roam Dynasty? They are ravenous blood-craving hounds from hell that pursue destruction and they embrace the violent nature of this business with open arms. Could it be, Reginald that you have an empty void in your life that needs to be fulfilled? So you fill that hole with inevitable waves of sorrow with your King of Elite loss. You're a fool playing a cunning game where only the cut-throat survive. You deserve nothing more than to drown in the arms of those waves where not even the lowliest predators of the sea would touch your sunken corpse. You should look elsewhere for pity as you will not find it here, the men and women in this company are not selfless, they will not tend to your heartache so go ahead and lick those wounds, try and live to fight another day, try to erase the unimaginable sadness that has woven its way into your heart and into your mind. That's all you can do at this point. You should throw away any excuses that you have no doubt conjured, you should cut your ties from the outside world and stop praying to a god that won't come. That's your only chance to even begin to blossom. Personally, I don't see it in you, I don't think you have what it takes. I feasted on a man with a weak foundation and I could sense it even before we met eye to eye. Do what you wish, but you should heed my warning when I say do not trespass on my grounds again for what you experienced on Dynasty was just a mere appetizer. You should thank your lucky stars that you are able to stand on your own two feet as I do not let the foolish tred where they should not for very long.

I've run the gamut in recent times and what stands before me now in my field of view is one perceived by many to have been the face of Dynasty. I feel like our paths were eventually going to come to a head. It has been a long time coming and much over-due, yet I see the portrait you have painted of me as a soul who seems incredibly haunted by his own existence, but lately, I sense that it is you, who feels that way. Every day, your eyes slowly crack open, you hit the alarm to stop the madness that has been penetrating your thoughts as if a dagger has slowly twisted inside your ear, you stand up and march lifelessly to the bathroom and you gaze into the mirror. What do you see? A man? A boy? Something unrecognizable? And then it all comes back to you, something that you direly crave has vanished. The Answers World Championship. It is gone. You don't speak with that same conviction without it, you look sunken. You don't have that same optimism gleaming in your eyes and when you finally have had enough you smash the mirror into a thousand pieces and with that, you will become what you fear; belligerent. I do not blame you, I do not pity you and I don't plan on laying down easily just because someone like The Pizza Boy is having a bad day because things just aren't going his way. Sound familiar? It should. You mope around and snarl at me, belittling my lifestyle, that's what people do when they're insecure about themselves, they find someone or something to scrutinize because of their own haplessness. You are just now starting to pick up and gather the missing pieces of your no doubt complex puzzle that were shattered at Road to Redemption and as I skyrocket into the Dynasty stratosphere with my Hardcore Championship resting in my chiselled hands, I begin to wonder, competitively speaking, is The Pizza Boy still the standard bearer that we all aspire to be? Or has The Pizza Boy fallen from a kingdom of heaven to the engulfed pits of damnation? In my estimation, it's a bit of both. You might feel the flames breathing on the arches of your feet, but you still see that ever so seraphic glow that is pulsating before you and it still beckons your name, maybe not all hope is lost after all, but you also bear witness to the ominous figure of Nico Borg in your place and I sense that vengeance is on your mind. You are primed and ready to strike, you crave to see Nico Borg crash and burn. You may feel that you were dealt a cruel hand at Road to Redemption, that not only has Nico cashed in on you once, but twice which has lead directly to your downward spiral. The mixed emotions you must feel, I can only imagine that they're a nasty combination of despair and well, belligerence. I must admit, you have already begun your own road to redemption with impressive victories over Jacob Senn and Ahren Fournier. Those aren't easy wins by any stretch of the imagination, believe me, I know as I have tested those waters. In the end, I believe your redemption will come to fruition but make no mistake about it, right now, you are only at the beginning of your self-construction.

You should know that there is a figure in black on your horizon.

It isn't Nico Borg, it isn't Scott Oasis or Nasir Moore, you've been dealt another card from the powers that be and what you see on it is Darkane. It's the worst card you could have drawn, such misfortune continues to rain down unto you from that menacing cloud that has hovered above your head since Road to Redemption. This card is the filth that Dynasty is forced to inhale and it is the grimy black matter that stains their lungs. You might beg the question, what does that mean for The Pizza Boy? What does his fate entail? It means that you will have to fight with every last fiber of your being, you will have to deal with the unfathomable, the unearthly, the sickest of the sick, where even rancid horse flies do not dare bother. You will deal with someone who has an insatiable lust to be your personal burden, to be the bane of your existence, to be the curse that is plagued upon you. In essence; to be the cancer of your soul. Where I suck every last drop of hope that flows throughout your veins. It is where I lick your heart as it shrivels against the touch of my tongue until it is dried up like a rotted out apple and when your face forms a deathly pallor, where you turn as white as snow, it is only then that I will move on in the King of Elite tournament.

But I've watched you fight and I've seen the miracles you have pulled.

So I must kick you while you're down and while you temporarily feel out of sorts. Many have struggled to put you to rest, but that's when your championship was on your shoulder and your confidence knew no limits. Now that the Answers World Championship has been stripped from your grasp, where a piece of you; a mighty chunk has been severed and cast out into obscurity, you are prime for the picking. Ahren Fournier failed to capitalize on your downtime and so did Jacob Senn, but I will not because I see that while you're not weak, you are susceptible for the first time in a while and I will relish in the void that owns you. I have my own path to pave, you have your own path to reassemble from desolation. Something has got to give and give it will. There's a chance that you might deflect what I have said before you, that you'll mask your sorrows with beaming false confidence, that's your choice, but let it be known that I can see right through a man who tries to depict himself as the crazy brave and as a battle-tested warrior who has fought all types of evils with the temerity of a loose cannon. I want you to get ahold of yourself and look me in the eye on Dynasty as if you were looking into the eyes of Nico Borg. For he is the dragon with ten thousand scales that you must slay in order to satisfy your own personal grudge, to banish all of the doubts that heckle you day in and day out. I am no dragon, I do not breathe fire on everything that moves, but I am a lowly grave worm and I leech off of the insecurities of men who appear to be lost or vulnerable. Come Dynasty, If I do not see towering infernos ablaze in your eyes when we meet face to face I, of course, will be thoroughly disappointed, as I want you to channel all of your rage geared towards your personal kryptonite in Nico Borg and direct it towards me, but I won't be surprised if you fail to do so, as you're still in the process of constructing yourself back into championship form. I must step on the head of a snake that does not know when to die and my obligation on Dynasty is to drag you even deeper down to a level, past the skeletal remains of Reginald Dampshaw and others I have slaughtered in the past, I must drag you down to a place that you deeply loathe, it is located in the inner realms of your current mental state, it is a feeling; the same exact feeling that you felt when Nico Borg ripped the Answers World Championship out of your possession. I must recreate that feeling of crushing grief and solitude that constantly slows your body down as if you're frozen in time, but above all else, it is a revelation of The Pizza Boy at his worst.

And that's when I am at my best.
Ryan Wilson
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post December 6th 2017, 6:18 pm by Ryan Wilson
The Ryan Wilson Show presents: The Book of Wilson
A peek at the life of an up and comer.
This week: Week Four - Promo One
Voltage Record: 0 Win 3 Loss 0 Draw
Opponents: Cody Marshall

Stipulation: Standard Match
Show: Sunday Showdown
No. of words: 983  

Reading time: About 3 minutes 25 seconds 
Chapter Title:  When I think about A-Listers

When I think about A-Listers and what they represent in Hollywood I see Margot Robbie, Ellen DeGeneres, Jim Parsons, Ryan Reynolds, Adele, Chris Pratt, Jennifer Lawrence and Drake to name a few.

Not the one I am facing on Voltage this Sunday.

When I think about A-Listers and what they represent in Sports I see David Beckham, Lewis Hamilton, Sidney Crosby, Lebron James, Tom Brady, Usain Bolt, Floyd Mayweather, George St-Pierre and others.

Who don't I think about? My chrome domed adversary comes Voltage. 

When I think about the A-Listers of the EAW, especially Voltage I see Finnegan Wakefield, I see Amadeus, Mister Dedede and Chris Elite.

Who don't I see? You guessed it! I won't even say his name! 

When I think about... Well... You get the idea folks, I could go on all day. 

Cody Cody Cody, you pride yourself on rubbing shoulders with the Hollywood Elite so much, one has to wonder how like some of them you are and I'm not referring to the good ones. I'm pointing at those who make the most news in recent days and weeks; the Kevin Spacey's, the Louis CK's, the Harvey Weinstein's and maybe your idols like Sly Stallone (What?) and Nick Carter (Lel!). Seeing how unfaithful you are to your wife to the point where you sleep around more often than you change socks makes me feel sorry for her. Maybe I should pay her a visit? Make the feel the comfort of a real man next to her, perhaps it would make her day. I know I make your mother's day (She's a charming lady) when I pick up my laundry from her house. She's a nice, she just happens to have an ungrateful son. 

I made a promise to that Saint of a matriarch, because she told me stories about you from when you were a child (Ryan will be nice and not display your childhood to the public, for now...) and I told her how you behaved in recent times and needless to say she's disappointed. I mean, any mother seeing you behave would be! I mean, you're pathetic! You are a sad sight to see, trying to become something you aren't, acting like someone you aren't. Trying to break into a line of work you obviously don't contribute to with your ahem.. Skills. You really need to set your shit straight Cody buddy, you need to figure out if you want to become someone again here on EAW or try to get some shred of fame as part of the Hollywood's ''Elite''. 

In the meantime, I will treat you like I have since I first saw you: Like a washed up part timer trying to cling to the fame he in the past and not working to get better. Not really working, because if you were putting in the effort you probably would be in line for Finnegan's title again, better yet you'd be trying to get another title like Amadeus' Livewire or something. You are not part of the New Breed on the Voltage Brand anymore man! You already won the title, aim for something better! Or don't you have it in you to make it to the next stage of your mediocrity? Grow up! Evolve! Ascend! Or others like yours truly will pass by and take the spot you claim you deserve. You are not Voltage, you are yesterday's news. You are not hot shit... Well... Yeah you are. Hot shit in a wet paper bag. And comes Sunday, I'm going to stomp ya.

So back to that promise I made your Saintly Mama: Quite simply I promised to beat some sense into you. Since she's too old to give you a proper spanking, she asked me to pull your ear and have you listen to reason. Even she sees how much Hollywood isn't for you, simply because you can't cut it there! A few party access and a lame role within a sub par sitcom doesn't make you a television superstar! It makes you look like a washed up wrestler trying to convert his career elsewhere.

That makes you, I'll say it again, a part timer! 
Wakefield is no part timer and look at the glory he rolls with, the fame, the money, the booze, the chicks! Do you honestly have all of that dressed with that cheap rent-a-cop outfit of yours? Look at Amadeus! No outside of wrestling none-sense either and even if he's a broken little doll he got more done than you Cody boy. Hell I myself am no way a part timer! I devote all my time to do the Elitist thing. You want to be somebody again? You need to hop on the band wagon otherwise you'll end up watching the train pass you by and I'll be in it with my arm extended to slap the bitch out of you on the way to greatness! 

So comes this Sunday, on Voltage, on the Ryan Wilson Show I am going to treat myself! I think it's about time I get my first win, and I feel it would be appropriate to have it against a former New Breed Champion. So Cody, I will do everything I can until our confrontation to trigger you, hell It was so easy to do it by talking about your creator I can only imagine what other buttons I can push. I want to win this Sunday, and I will take the necessary steps to make sure your shoulders stay flat on the map for a short three second tap from the Zebra's hand. 

Comes Sunday, Voltage, Cody you are going to be wrecked by the yellow brand's trash talking talented no class clown! You'll be abused to the point where defeat is the only option and then you will go back home to pout... After I Psyched you Out! 

And that... Just... HAPPENED! 

Last edited by Ryan Wilson on December 7th 2017, 6:32 am; edited 1 time in total
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post December 6th 2017, 5:13 pm by Sheri-dun
Bloodletter 05

'' If I were to describe her latest attempt of vindicating her actions towards me using a single word, my choice would be hysterical. Shall we clear something up right off the bat, I feel no pressure heading into this match, for not only am I a superior athlete to you, but I have full belief in myself, and know that regardless of what you say I am in the right. For I would not have been offered the chance to return, if what you are saying is true, a multitude of the board of directors, would have not begged me to return and make Empire interesting and watchable once more, if the words you throw out without explanation were gospel. There is a reason I have been in the main event for the majority of Empire's that have occurred since my return. I am the hottest woman in professional wrestling, the biggest name, the best athlete. Truthfully, you and I should be the main event of Bloodletter, unfortunately I don't find two smurf-haired individuals, the latter literally being handed a championship opportunity for her politeness, appealing. I am going to shatter your skull, beat you into a concussion, until your body twitches and your speech becomes impaired. I genuinely wish for your death, I crave it, I loathe you and everything you stand for with a passion, and if you believe that you're a step ahead of me, this only validates to me how delusional and misapprehended you are. A primary problem I have with you, is that you never take the blame for anything, you switch and rebound the blame onto somebody else, you seriously have a problem with accepting that you're not always right. For example, you were not right to fire me, this is why we are facing one another in the ring at Bloodletter, if you were correct, I would not be here, it's really not that hard to validate, the fact that you have not yet accepted responsibility for your actions, it shows how immature and childish you are, I mean, when considering the latter of those two, childish, the only other person that comes to mind is our chairmen, and even he managed to grow over you. Whenever you don't get your own way, you throw a tantrum, there's multiple cases of this, of you spinning a web of politics and slander, and when that doesn't work, you just take your frustrations out by wrestling somebody who you're superior to, and then acting like you're the hottest talent the world has ever laid eyes upon. I seriously have little idea as to how you're still under employment with this promotion, you're spineless, a coward, a narcissistic skank who will have no man, or authority, to hide behind when the moment comes. When we glance at one another from across the ring, as we approach until our noses are touching, and I shall be faster, stronger, motivated. I shall eradicate this attitude heavily associated with you, and despite the cries that shall emit from your larynx, I shall not stop, in spite of the pleas that you shall roar, I will show no mercy. I am not going to stop until your ribs are broken, until blood forms a pool beneath your body. I will beat the matter out of you, until you matter no more, until my foot is pressed against your throat, and you are beseeching for breath. You don't lay everything out for the world to see, you're the most suspicious and crafty woman I know, you have not yet explained the justifications behind my firing, and it's not as if I have only asked once and it has slipped your mind, don't play the role of an open book, for you're malicious and fallacious, holding a mastery in illusions and witchcraft. You can manipulate the world into portraying me as the villain, but this confidence within me, this iron will to being desolation to your heart, it shall not break, not even a scratch, it will not falter or be tempted. My patience with dealing with you is wearing thin. You shall probably associate this as a positive, but believe me, this temper only coruscates with the Last Vixen more, as these feelings of anger roll through my muscles, slither within my bloodstream, a vengeance I hold passionately for you, is fuelled more and more, and yes, I'll admit, perhaps I shall be prone to mistakes, I've never claimed to be perfect, but out of all the wrestlers who have touched this business, I am the closest thing to, on another level, at the peak of the hierarchy, the queen of the summit. As I kick and elbow those who attempt to climb over me, I see your rat faced, monotone eyes staring into mine, and I shall not hesitate to kick you back down into irrelevancy, into the hole that you crawled out of. I'm honestly not slightly fussed about exposing you to the world, I don't care about your, and please feel free to use air quotations here, freakshows, because I am older than the age of six, and recognise that the audience, the fans at home, they are more brain dead than the majority of ideas you have had as Empire general manager. It's a cute nickname, sure, if you're into that fantasist stuff, but I need no others validation, other than my own. I recognise you as a fraud, and I am never wrong, I have never stated an incorrect sentence in the two years I have been here. It goes far beyond that for me, just knowing you are wrong, I wish to make you suffer, I wish for you to see that you are wrong, to break this delusional path you throw yourself upon, to enclose you with your own thoughts, to hurt you until it strikes you, not everything you do is right, morally, ethically, however you wish to phrase it. I have proved since the first day I've been here that I am an advocate for identifying right from wrong, regardless of the situation I shall always acknowledge and call out people, like you, who are far too conceited and power hungry to see flaws within themselves. People such as Kendra Shamez, Madison Kaline, Cailin Dillon, I despised them and saw right through them, whilst the rest of the world adored them, now, they have the vision that I have, and they act as if I did not inaugurate these feelings for these women. I know what she was before any of you, I fought her at Pain For Pride and put her envy to rest, as you all screamed for your returning legend, I saw the negative and I used it to my own advantage, and I was validated, rationalised, proven right. See here's a difference between you and me, Tarah, is that I validate what I say, I provide consistent evidence to make my words mean something. You're a woman who states a phrase, shrugs her shoulders and moves on, and then cries foul play when I challenge your viewpoint. It's all well and dandy professing to the world that you're a woman of your word, but the fact that I returned less than two months after you declared my name would never be mentioned again, completely contradicts your words. Yet, when you mention you don't care at every opportunity, it really doesn't strike me as surprising, that is another dissimilarity between us. I care. I care a fucking lot as a matter of fact, and you might see that as a weakness, and I used to also, but I am now under the influence that caring motivates me, a smouldering desire to beat you, it drives me, and it shall bring more determination to every attack I launch at you when we meet in the ring. You slaughter me for not knowing the history of this promotion, but the reality is it didn't matter before my heels touched against the floor of this continent. The fact that you admit Elite Answers Wrestling did not have enough competitive women to challenge for a championship, during the time that you, according to yourself, killed a list of Vixens, speaks absolute volumes to me, I recall you named a few in another promo, and to be honest, it was the first time I've ever heard their names. Congratulations on ending the careers of women who have never achieved anything in their life, on a serious note why do you feel the need to stress to me you've hurt people in the past, that you have ended careers as if it is relevant to me. Do you not acknowledge and know I am not on their level? I'd ask for you to name one relevant woman whose career you've had a detrimental impact on, but we both know you could not. You're right when you say that I could have cared for Empire, I absolutely did. My beautiful lifestyle caused for it to be created, despite what you say my historic rise was the main reason behind Empire becoming a thing, I have been told this by many in higher management, along with Cleopatra herself, I loved nothing more than elevating and teaches those around me the benefits of efficiency, of being a superior wrestler, a competitive athlete, having this prowess to person through quality in the ring, and not needing to rely on a man, or being edgy, or being a, oh how did you put it, a freakshow? Sure, I performed away from Empire for a little while, I failed on Dynasty and I admit that, but I returned to Empire with the same enthusiasm I had for it when I left, I wished nothing more than to continue elevating women, to work together, to achieve and build on the foundations that I, and I alone, nobody is buying your little three year revolution story, it was a nice try but please apply some lip balm to the absolute dryness of that lie. I hold no shame in admitting I once cherised Empire, and yet, my compassion and love for wrestling as a profession, was punished, I was taken into the shadows, made to watch as all I had built was revolted against, damaged and executed. I myself was left for dead until she came and saved me. You were the causation of this, the determinant that called the shots, ordered the troops, and came for me. I held a drive to improve an Empire you were poisoning, and somehow within that mentally ill, erudition you hold, you decided to punish me for caring, as if having enthusiasm is a sin, you decided to cut me from Elite Answers Wrestling, it was your approval, the nod of your head, that ended the conditions I instilled and implemented onto this world. You offer complete ignorance to this as an excuse, you claim you had nothing to do with it, and insist you speak nothing but the truth, but here we are, with a match at Bloodletter. I know it is the truth, you know it deep within you, and all who hold higher authority than you in this promotion, know it to be true also. I will prove this point in the ring, I shall let my emotions reveal themselves, I will physically and mentally torture you, until the xenophobia, the megalomaniac that lies in slumber, emerges once more, and I shall continue to strike, aggress and assault you, until your skull shatters against the mat, until you are begging for my massacre to end, but it shall not, after I eradicate you, I slaughter everybody you hold close to you, the two women who are the, apparent, main event of this show, I shall go for them, I shall slit her throat as you watch, your favourite champion, I will beat and brutalise you, as you threw me into irrelevancy, and promised to end me, she stayed silent, I will not cease in annihilating and hurting all you hold close to you, I shall take my own revolution and deliver anarchy to it, incinerating the very walls around you, until the Empire that you were in charge of, is nothing but ash, the extremity in which you brought to German Efficiency, it slaughtered everything within me but breath, and then she found me, the Last Vixen, she showed me the light, and fuelled this confidence within me, I am alive once more, and back in the wrestling industry, she resides in me, she controls the burn, the passion the emotion running within me, from the tip of my fingernail to the beat of my heart, she shall reveal herself when I usually would stop, and she will push me to limits I have not once reached within this promotion, the only thing that held me back from delivering eradication to those around me, you brought it to the knees and slit at the throat. No more efficiency runs through me, only fire, and I shall embrace conditions I once loathed, I shall scorch the plains I once nurtured, and I shall justify all I have stated, as the bodies of my victims will assemblage, tyrannised, vanquished and lifeless. This process begins with you, it inaugurates within our match, and when that bell finally rings, my vengeance shall only retaliate, and the ribs that protect your most vital organs, shall collapse within you, I shall attack your heart, the canvas around me will run red, as a firestorm resonates through every action, you will be incapacitated and powerless for the first time, and last, in your life. I dragged you out of power with ease, I have already laid the foundations of removing all you cherish, this procedure shall only rationalise further at our next encounter. ''

'' You've never liked me Tarah, I don't know why you're so afraid to admit it. Since the first day, since I slit open Alexis Diemos' throat, since I outshone you in the Vixens Cup. You've had it in for me, a scowl crosses your face at the mention of my name. Perhaps when I bullied Madison into leaving this promotion and missing Pain for Pride, after you had been her rival for literal months I managed to achieve what you could never do with a simple attempt of cashing in the trophy for what was rightfully mine. You front and assert that you have a dislike for me, but we both know a dislike does not cause for somebody to screw you out of a job, it goes far deeper than that. You hate me, so what exactly is your problem, is it the fact I am a superior athlete, the fact I personify sass and sarcasm, and hold a remarkable rebellious streak that you could never accomplish, what is it exactly that brings that scowl to your expression, what are you so scared of declaring to the world. It cannot be a simple dislike of my attitude, or a belief that I am a negative personality. You do not attempt to assassinate and execute a woman from a sport she has given her life to, due to such petty reasons. I want you to digest the information I am about to tell you. Let it sink into your system and resonate, let it motivate you further into your attempt of stopping me from achieving my ambitions. After I vanquish you, and render your position of authority as irrelevant, I shall bring a massacre to your brand, I shall rise further than the names you have mentioned, I will claim the Women's World Championship, and the world shall revolve around me, as it should do. I am the main attraction, the only reason my name is not situated at the peak of the card, is due to the opponent I am facing. Star value and superiority are words that associate with my name naturally. I don't need to cry for attention and abuse power to become relevant, I do so with every saunter, every smirk, and every sentence. As the world becomes her wasteland, the Last Vixen shall perch over the incineration she has caused, the true championship clutched betwixt her fingers. I am hated, vilified, and despised because I am the best female athlete in the world, you class it as arrogance, but I profess it is the truth. When Bloodletter arrives, I shall walk in with vengeance fixing rampantly through every nerve. I will make you see the light, you will apologise for wrongly firing me, and for being the biggest, most narcissistic hypocrite I have ever laid eyes on. You will apologise, you will ask for mercy, but I shall not stop. You might hate my guts, bitch, but it will not matter after I am finished with you. I will validate the hate you hate for me, whilst proving I am correct in the process. She is yearning for revenge, who am I to stop the Last Vixen's eagerness to feast. This avidity for beating you senseless shall never cease, I am the Vixen that you will be incapable of touching, you can forget about killing. You will lose to me, Tarah, you will fall down to me. I will cause your plummet into irrelevancy, a plunge you'll fail to ever claw out of. There will linger no doubt, no hesitation shall express on my face, I am going to end the dynasty, the cancer, the idea of Tarah Nova, and finish my revolution that you have tried ever so frantically to decimate before bringing the brand known as Empire, to incineration that it shall never recover from. ''
Black Mamba
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post December 6th 2017, 4:45 pm by Black Mamba
Showdown - EAW Promoz! - Page 4 Dinero10

Watch Out For Deja vu Black Mamba!
1-Boss (Soft Reset)
V. Prince of Pout

Would you not believe the misfortune i have this week? Swept aside in the Kingsroad chance of a lifetime, but i got the most electrifying news. The kind that is before christmas and yet perfect for a birthday gift. Another crack at POP. Elation drives me to happily skip to the ring and rejoice that i actually get another one on one with POP that doesn’t scream thirty seconds. Yet, where are my manners in this problematic picture? You just went thru hell to prove you didn’t have to defend against Nobi one more time, only to have to fend off a changed man in Stark. Was the pressure that intense when Stark stomp a hole into your body? I almost feel sorry.

James chuckles as he leans back in the rocking chair in the hotel room, almost falling back from rocking back and forth, he snorts as he stands up, clearing his throat as he tries to make the scene more serious.

Yet, where are my manners? Dreadfully unprepared, i thought i could shut down the reigning EAW Tag Team Champions one on one, oh woe be my soul, it was not meant to be. Bested twice, eliminated in quick fashion, no outlet for James Ranger, but a quiet meal in front of my laptop watching the FPV and a Nobi “Ring Magician” merchandise shirt to boot. I don’t have my own line yet, give me time. Patience is clearly a virtue and you had none to spare when Nobi finally his hands on you last week. Why I would say while struggle to climb up to reach you, you neatly fell down from grace at just the right speed to meet me.

Now, why shouldn’t ignore a viable and real threat in the FORMER. Clearly, i should be saying it my turn, but what better way to say such words, then slowing you down so that i can push onward up the ladder? There is no other reason to cement my position as viable future champion, then beating those who claimed they put their heart and soul in this business only to have the wind falter upon their sails.

Please preach to the choir Clown Prince...for that’s what you’ve been reduced to. I would extend my hand, but you would merely swat away, believing that you are destined to rise back up and take back what was rightfully yours. Child’s play right? Kick James Ranger aside, and it's a skip and a hop to the General Manager’s office, right? You’ll cry you deserve it. You screech for justice that never will come your way. Simply put, I am in your way, this time as a fellow challenger to the National Elite Championship. It's a bold statement indeed, but you cannot fathom what runs wild in my thoughts. Granted it is a basic understanding.

James takes a moment to walk over to the counter, grabbing a EAW kid size version of the National Elite Championship, he takes it and places it into a christmas box, beautifully designed, but the top is removed.

Here, lies your christmas gift POP, i bought off the EAW store a few days ago after seeing you lose the strap. I thought, some proper holiday spirit needed to be kicked into you. Something that would bring the fire back into your eyes. I hope you will accept it before our match.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post December 6th 2017, 4:42 pm by ThePizzaBoy
Dynasty Promo 1 King of Elite: Breaking Through

The camera opens on the former Pizza Boy laying across a long leather couch and staring up at the ceiling with a concerned expression on his face as a familiar voice clears it's throat and begins to speak just off camera

Dr. Torrance: What's on your mind Andrew?

PB: Lots of things.  I think I'm losing it doc.

Dr. Torrance: Why?

PB: I keep seeing things that can't possibly be there.

Dr. Torrance: Oh? Like what?

PB cuts his eyes to where the good doctor's seated just off camera.  He apprehensively scoots closer to the wall and pulls his arms in toward his body.

PB: I-I-I don't know. I'd rather not say.  Every time someone tries to convince me that everything's OK it shows up again.

Dr. Torrance: It?

PB: Him, they, i-it doesn't matter.  I think they're a symptom of something bigger.  I think I'm sick, like,physically, and that's what's manifesting all of this now.

Dr. Torrance: Your medical physician says you've got a clean enough bill of health, which is why you're here.  Let's at least approach the possibility that all of this is mental.  Now, have there been any major changes in your life?

PB: Well...now that you mention it. I lost my world title again in a very similar fashion as the last time someone took it from me. 

Dr. Torrance: I see.  Well that can be-

PB: I'm not finished.  Bo & Tye's burned down, now they've moved to Vermont.  

Dr. Torrance: Oh, well-

PB: I also crippled a teenage girl who might've been in love with me and now she's gone from my life.

Dr.Torrance: Wow, this is a lot...do you mind I get a new notebook?

PB: And then my hooker/hitwoman/former wrestler/trainer skipped town.

Dr. Torrance: My my.  You certainly have been hallucinating some imaginative things

Pizza Boy sits up and turns to the doctor with his head tilted and his eyes wide.

PB; N-no. That's my ACTUAL life.

Dr. Torrance: Oh shit.

PB: W-what?

Dr. Torrance: Sorry! Sorry, that was unprofessional of me.  You just took me off guard. That's certainly a lot to unpack, Andrew.  It seems like you have quite the strong case of abandonment issues.  Have you considered the possibility that this all might be depressing you to the point where you've constructed your own little fantasy world?

PB: It doesn't feel like escapism.  I feel like I'm being chased and haunted by ghosts of my past.

Dr. Torrance: Maybe that's what you want deep down.  You want companionship.  You want to feel wanted.  You fear that the fans will abandon you in your failure since everyone else has up and left you in the past few months. It's natural for someone in your head space to fancy the idea of being stalked.

PB: Well it doesn't feel all that great.

Dr. Torrance: Tell me, have you seen your pursuers? Have you lain eyes on them?

PB: Yes. I've seen them three times.  Once hanging out of a hospital window, once I saw one in the hotel lobby,and once jumping through the elevator escape hatch and posing as a bellhop.  

Dr. Torrance: Are you sure it was them?

PB: Well, the guy in the lobby wasn't, but he looked like Barney.

Dr. Torrance: Barney? As in M. Bailey?

PB: Yes.  It's been him and his mute henchman Percy.  I don't know what to do.  Every time I try to expose them they disappear.

Dr. Torrance: Hmmm...may I try something?

PB: Sure. Will it hurt?

Dr. Torrance: No, no. Haha, I'm just going to call your mother and have her come in to talk to you today if that's OK?


Dr. Torrance: I sense that you need someone that feels familial around you right now.  Your abandonment issues come from your father's death, and your social interactions with others seem to be trying to fill that void,but you never talk about your mother.

PB: That's because my mother and I really haven't talked since I started wrestling...wow, that sounds weird and sad out loud. Yeah...yeah, maybe you should call her and at least tell her I'm OK.  I don't know if I want her to see me like this though.

Dr. Torrance: Mothers tend to be the antidote to these types of things.  I'm sure she'd be thrilled to be able to come dote over you, even if it's following a motherly brow beating and a few tears.  Stay here, I'll make the call.

The sound of weight pulling off of a leather chair is heard,and is thereafter shortly followed by the sound of a door opening and closing. PB settles back onto the couch with his mannerisms somewhat more relaxed as he lets his head thunk down on the cushion.

"I don't know what to say in situations like this.  I could give the old 'rah rah ree kick'em in the knee' cheer, or I could bring up how I'm not afraid of a little hard work or getting my hands dirty.  It seems all so repetitive.  This is like my third comeback, Darkane. That's three comebacks in the span of less than three years.  How does that work? How do people still care? I hear them cheer for me despite my unintended let downs.  They believe in me even when I don't believe in myself.  It's like family, but a part of me knows that it can't last forever.  Family doesn't last forever after all.  Parents die, children move away, and brothers and sisters fight and disown one another.  My cousins were some of my best friends growing up and I don't think I've said more than ten words to any of them in a decade.  Eventually people grow apart. Eventually people give up on you. Eventually something or someone dies.  It doesn't have to be a literal death of course, but the spiritual ones are just as traumatizing.  I fear that death, Darkane.  I fear becoming belligerent like you.  I don't want to blame the world for my problems. I don't want to curse the name of those who once loved me.  I've fought tooth and bone to keep my place in the fan's hearts.  I don't have to repeat the resume or espouse the list of atrocities I've done in the name of vengeance or acceptance.  Sometimes they're one in the same.  People don't like seeing the little guy get knocked down,especially when that little guy doesn't get back up.  The day might come when I have to stay down, and that depresses me.  It doesn't depress me because I think when that day will come that I'll choose to stay down like you have, and make no mistake, you've chosen your station in life as an angry young man who can't even be happy in victory.  No, it depresses me because when the day comes when I don't get back up...well, that'll be it for ol' Andy.  The day I stay down is the day my body gives up before my spirit does.  I've stepped on so many toes and surpassed so many greats to fill a spot that wasn't tailor made for me, and now that I've rooted in my little niche on that throne built for someone else I don't plan on laying down easily just because someone like Darkane's having a bad day because things just aren't going his way. Tough.  That's life.  That's wrestling. I don't wake up every day feeling like a million bucks physically, mentally, or spiritually, but it doesn't keep me out of that ring.  It doesn't keep me from winning.  It doesn't stop those fans from believing in me just because 'oh, Pizza Boy's got a black eye again.' or 'looks like PB's depressed because someone stole his truck and shot his dog.' Yeah, my life's a country song, but unlike every whiny wannabe cowboy hippy in Nashville, I go out and buy a new dog and a new truck.  I rebuild my life instead of letting apathy and self-pity drag me into the doldrums.  Do you know why? It's because I've been good at every job I've ever held.  I've given my 110%,whether it's making pies or making a territory.  You on the other hand? You get off by making everyone as miserable as you until your opponent feels so much like shoving a gun in his mouth listening to you that you win by default, but even you know that's not a victory.  It's a shame too,because I've been paying attention.  You have talent, you have promise,and you have everything you need to be where I'm at, but you're just too lazy to click it all into place.  When I leave this couch I become a competitor hell bent on winning King of Elite.  You? You can't even pull yourself off of the couch."

There's a knock at the door and PB snaps out of his rage fit. Dr. Torrance cautiously peeks in and gives the former Pizza Boy a gleeful smile.

Dr. Torrance: Your mother's here Andrew.

PB: What? Really?

Dr. Torrance: I'm going to step out for lunch, but I'll let you two get reacquainted in here while I'm out if you'd like?

PB: Yeah.  That'd be great!

Dr. Torrance: OK. She's out in her car dolling herself up I think.  She'll be in shortly.

Torrance closes the door behind him, leaving the former Pizza Boy smiling as tears begin to gloss over his eyes.  He sits up once more and hangs his legs over the edge the couch.  He kicks them childishly as he wipes his eyes dry and chuckles to himself.  Suddenly another knock on the door.  The former Pizza Boy rises, ready to help his mother with the door, take her purse, or simply embrace her in a hug. The door swings open, causing PB to jump back as Barney M. Bailey storms in with his cheeks covered in rouge,his legs covered in a flowery dress, and his head donning an off-kilter blond mullet.  He tosses his oversize purse right into the gut of PB, sending him flying backwards back onto the couch.

Barney M. Bailey: Hiya kid! Wanna meet your new step daddy?

Percy lumbers in close behind, nearly blocking out the entire doorway with his massive frame as he enters wearing a bow tie and a big smile.  He interlaces his arm in Barney's, nearly yanking it out of joint in the process.  Barney pulls away and straightens his dress.

Barney M. Bailey: Ya big lug.  Dont ya know how to treats a lady all ladylikes?

PB: Is this really happening?

Barney M. Bailey: Open yer eyes kid! We gotta tawk about what's been goin' down wit'chu lately.

PB: This isn't real. It's all in my head.  Soon my real mother will walk through that door and-

Barney M. Bailey: Whaddaya a putz? I am your mammy!  'least as far as you're concerned I'm ya maw.

PB: Why is this happening?

Barney M. Bailey: An' quit tellin' quacks n' bell boys that we're comin' tuh visit ya.  We gotta keep offa thuh grid, kid.  Otherwise we're gettin' whackadoodled.

PB: Please, leave.

BMB: OK, OK, we'll leave as soon as you admit dat yuh miss us an' dat you're depressed. 

PB: I'm not depressed.  QUIT TELLING ME I'M DEPRESSED!

BMB: I mean, if dat quack is right, we're your sub conscience,  which means it's you tellin' you that you're depressed. Dat ain't what's happenin' though.  Ya never showed up for our meetin'.

PB: Oh, so it's guilt? That's what you are?

BMB: No ya fruit! I'm Barney Mervin Bailey!

Barney grabs PB by the collar of his shirt and paintbrushes him across the face a few times.

BMB: Snap outta it kid! We're back in business!

PB: Then...why are you wearing a dress?


PB: And why is Percy wearing a bow tie?


Percy shrugs, then pinches himself to make sure he's real.

BMB: Kid, we had to be covert like, see? Had tuh make sure nobody knew about our whearabouts. Know what I'm about?

PB: No...but I think I'm catching on.  

BMB: Smart kid.  Just need tuh hit'em a few times a'fore he gets it.

PB: You ARE my mother, subconsciously that is, and Percy's....Bo and Tye?

BMB: Huh?

PB: Yeah, that makes sense.  I'm running away from my family,and my family now is my fans.  That's it!  That's my breakthrough!

PB tosses the purse at Percy,not phasing the giant, and runs out of the room in an enthusiastic flash.  Barney stares at Percy. Percy shrugs,bends down, and picks up Barney's purse. Barney fumes for a minute, and then snatches the purse out of Percy's hands.

BMB: Didn't he say he wasn't supposed tuh be runnin' from us?

Percy shrugs once more. Barney yanks his blond locks off of his head and throws them in Percy's face, just as Dr. Torrance comes back into the room from lunch.  He stares at Percy.  Percy waves and smiles with the blonde wig now on his head. He then averts his eyes to Barney M. Bailey, bald as an eagle in drag. Dr. Torrance nods, calmly walks past the two men, and then lays down on the couch with his hands clasped over his chest.  Following his lead, Percy plops down in the doctor's chair and picks up the doctor's notes.  As the doctor begins to tell his life story, Barney smacks the wig off of Percy's head and storms out just as the camera fades to black.
Sydney St. Clair
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post December 6th 2017, 12:20 pm by Sydney St. Clair
Sydney versus the world Issue # 7
Showdown - EAW Promoz! - Page 4 QZgKWrr
"Dream Chaser" Sydney St. Clair

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"There is only so much you can do in a peaceful way. And trust me, I tried to handle this situation peacefully. For the past few weeks, I have been trying to make the best of a bad situation. As little as three months ago, I was a starry-eyed dreamer making her in-ring debut at Manifest Destiny. And every week since I was being told by opponents and several others backstage that I was showing promise -- that Sydney St. Clair could be the next rising star of Empire. The sad thing is that I was starting to believe it, and why wouldn’t I? A qualifying match lined up early on for me to join the Extreme Elimination Chamber match for the EAW Women's Championship only a few weeks into my career. Shame on me, I guess. To believe that early upwards momentum would stay a steady course was my mistake. A mere three weeks later, and I was stopped dead in my tracks as a pair of shackles held me down while opportunities at the Specialist Championship was dangled in front of my eyes and out of arm's reach. Imagine if you will how it feels to have your very dreams held just outside of your reach -- no matter how hard you fight for it your fingers can’t even brush against it. Then imagine it happening on a weekly basis. Someone with less determination would probably accept the fact that it is not theirs to take. But yet, I am still here. Not going to lie though, it was crushing my spirit and crushing it fast. Having to wrestle matches less than at my best, having management force you into a situation where you have to wrestle with a handicap this great, it really does make you think you should pack your bags and call it a day. Hell, I fell silent for two weeks as a form of peaceful protest to get the point across that I wasn’t buying what the people who put the cuffs on me were selling. But when that doesn’t work, when you can’t find a peaceful way to reason out of the cuffs, you have to take matters into your own hands. And in that rare moment, we had something in common. A common feeling of being held down. A common enemy who was forcing their mentality onto us. A common plan to get rid of the shackles that were holding us back from performing at our best. And that is what you saw last week. No longer were Sydney St. Clair and Megan Raine going to be forced to team together, forced to be allies, friends even. I guess in a way, what Flannery McCoy was trying to achieve with this social experiment worked. Megan and I were forced to cooperate and fight against the chains that bound us together, as well as anyone who was trying to put them back on us. It is amazing what we would do in a situation of utter desperation. Do I regret what happened last week? Not even remotely.

The idea behind this social experiment was dare I say idiotic from the start. There was no way that Megan Raine and myself would ever be friends, forced or otherwise. Everyone but Flannery herself knew that was the case. No matter how much the situation was going to be pushed onto us, we were never going to call the other a friend. Manifest Destiny was the night where that was all set in stone, where she admitted to having been using my debut match to put her own name on the radar and nothing more. I don’t befriend manipulators. I don’t befriend gold diggers who try to get the chairman wrapped around her finger. That is who Megan Raine truly is. And trust me when I say that I know Megan Raine like the back of my hand. When you spend every single week in the ring and on the microphone with someone, you tend to learn a lot. In my case, all I know is what Megan Raine is at her core. Every match I have been in, Megan Raine was there. On my team, as my opponent, on the opposing team and in recent weeks handcuffed to my wrist like a deadweight. It has been the one constant in my career thus far, and a subject I am essentially an expert in by now. And what I know for certain is that her words have very little punch behind them. A talker first, a succubus second, and a fighter third. And I think deep down she knows it to be true. But with an ego so paper thin, she can’t afford to have the cracks show. She suggests all the time that there is nothing special about Sydney St. Clair, that I have done nothing to impress or show that I belong in the land of elites, I have showcased nothing. Perhaps that is true. But what has Megan Raine shown since coming back to EAW? Besides being an unlikable cunt? Dare I say far less. Who scored that pinfall at Manifest Destiny? I did. When we faced each other after revealing her true intentions, who was the one that got her hand raised? That would be me. Not once have you scored a fall over me, Megan, and I think deep down that keeps you up some nights. Knowing that as much as you claim the be better than me, you have nothing to prove it. The one sole time I have been pinned in my EAW career, it was at the hands of Chelsea Crowe. You drilled your knee into the back of my head sure, but the fact that you didn’t score the pinfall on me yourself must have been a bitter pill to swallow. Even when we were handcuffed together, while you were running your mouth, we lost that Triple Threat to April Song when she was choking you out with a sleeper hold. I guess there have been two constants all along -- Megan Raine is tied to the hip of Sydney St. Clair, and every time she talks a big game she falls flat on her face.

Bloodletter will not be an exception.

On December 9th, I finally get the one thing I want more than anything else in the world. No, I am not talking about the Specialist Championship opportunity. What I want goes much deeper than a shot at a silver plate on a leather strap. For far too long I have had to put up with your belittlement as you stick your nose up at me and every week the temptation has been growing to give you a D.I.Y. nosejob myself. From the very day I stepped in here, you have doubted my every ability despite what our history has shown. As far as I am concerned, the Specialist Championship opportunity is but a footnote to this match. What I want is to finally sever all the ties I have with you. I want to move on from having your constant headache, your constant self-entitlement. I want to once and for all beat the smug cunt who has been keeping me down for months on end! I am far more interested in letting out the three months of pent-up aggression that has been slow cooking deep within. More importantly, I want to prove to not only everyone but to you especially that I am not some vulnerable, fragile girl who can't hold her own. Despite my connections, the people I have befriended, I have never once needed the help of another to do what I do in the ring. Not from my friends, not from Tarah Nova, or from anyone else did I need a helping hand to get to this point -- I have gotten here because I fought hard to get here. From Day 1 it has been Sydney versus The World, and there is no turning back now. Megan Raine, I don't care what you call yourself. I don't care if you consider yourself a perfect storm, you are cloudy days that will come to pass. I will succeed to spite the claims that you have made against me. I will not be the stepping stone to the likes of you. At Bloodletter, my career can officially begin a new at your expense. I will defeat you Megan Raine..."

Andrea Valentine
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post December 6th 2017, 11:21 am by Andrea Valentine
"This business has an odd way of shaping us from the first second we get that taste of adrenaline from being inside that ring. When the bright lights are on, when that bell sounds off and signals the start of the bout, we're left knowing that the fate of that match falls on our own shoulders and that when it comes down to it it's up to us to decide which end of those three precious seconds we're gonna be on. It's up to us to decide how our opponent is going out that night - be it by pinfall, submission, over the top rope or to a point of incapacitation where they're unable to continue. But if for whatever reason things don't happen to go our way? If you're like me and your interest is going about things in a way that everyone has understood at this point to be the "right way", but in one instance that doesn't work out exactly, do you whine or find ways to improve? Do you point the finger at everyone else for making you look like a so-called "joke" when really you were in control from the start? Because it's awfully easy to succumb to the thought that, maybe, the way you're negatively perceived isn't your fault at all. That the way you end up presenting yourself should it be in a negative light is, by some stretch of the imagination, not your own doing. But then you look at someone like Daisy Thrash and you can't help but wonder where it all went wrong for her. What caused her to wake up and look in the mirror one day and go: 'This isn't on me, this isn't my doing. Me not getting anywhere isn't my fault, it's all on management!'? I'm sorry, were you handcuffed to another girl as an apparent test and then put in an impossible situation where her downfall would've meant your own? Was someone there with a gun to your head telling you that you had to go around saying you supported Hillary Clinton just because of feminism? If either of those were the case then maybe I'd be able to sympathize with you a bit but seeing as how they weren't, I'm struggling to see just where and how you came to the conclusion that you were purposely being held back. You're struggling to put together a real, clear case of how you've been stagnated because when you looked in that mirror you couldn't stand to admit that somewhere along the line that it was yourself that became the issue - not what everyone else might have thought of you. You allowed yourself to become the butt of the jokes that you were so upset with, you weren't taking yourself seriously enough and that much has become clear to me."

"After all, which one of us was all over social media saying how we're just the "leftovers"? Which of us went on and on about how when they looked at the battle royal last week, they seemed to immediately know that they'd been merely placed in it just to take up space so someone else could say they got an elimination? You're projecting your own insecurities onto this match just like you did in the battle royal when you said that you felt that you weren't really put into it to win. No, you were just set to be another girl in there that the "real competition" was supposed to throw out and forget about soon after. That sounds like a personal problem if you ask me because I know that if I thought the same way? If I saw myself as someone who's just there to fill a spot on the roster for the sake of making everyone else look good? Hell, I'd probably be angry and bitter all the time too! But I'm not. The way I look at this match isn't as something of a throwaway, it's just another opportunity to keep myself in the conversation and keep displaying the potential that you seem to be so upset that everyone has taken notice of - and that's the issue you've really taken up. You're really mad that no one talks about you in such high regard and that's through no one's fault but your own. It wasn't until you started screaming "fuck this, fuck that, fuck everyone!" that you felt that people were finally taking notice of you when the truth is, you hadn't given anyone a reason to sing your praises the way you wanted them to. You can blame the company for that all you'd like, but if new girl after new girl is able to come in and get the attention so easily that you're crying for now? Then that's your own fucking fault; you clearly weren't giving people a good enough reason to take notice of you. When Chelsea showed up and had everyone buzzing from the get-go, I can only imagine how that must've stung; a new face leapfrogging right over you in the line to the top. When I returned and was beating Yasmin, then bringing you to the point where you had to walk away from the ring because you couldn't keep up and caused everyone to notice the potential I had, you were growing agitated with the fact that there were girls set to climb right over you while you scrambled to figure out how to get eyes on you. And good God, I can only imagine how you must feel about Mallory earning herself a Specialists Championship match so quickly. You know what your real problem is? It's not the fabricated idea of this company having an agenda against you, it's not the fact that you're a feminist, Daisy. It's the fact that for being a ten year veteran in this business that you should already know by now is constantly evolving, you got complacent. You got far too comfortable with where you were and while you were waiting for the chance to be noticed, while you were wondering when the opportunity would arise for you to finally be one of the girls that everyone talked about - all of us were too busy taking advantage of the moments presented to us and making something of it. It just took you this long to get the memo and finally catch up, only it's a pathetic shit show we're all getting from you. One minute you're thinking you're so original, believing you've truly broke the mold by being so edgy for calling out the powers that be like no one's ever done that before - I'm sure everyone's in true awe of how you're giving Sher a run for her money, and then the next second you're crying about how I've got it soooo easy because I have people actually giving me recognition. But that's the difference between you and I, Daisy, because I didn't show up to that Empire ring a few months ago with the expectation that people should be rooting for me to win, I didn't return under the impression that I deserved to have everyone applauding my efforts and saying how I've got this potential to be something big one day - it all just came with the fact that they saw that I wasn't just happy to be here and that I was determined to make something of myself. Unlike you, I don't need to hear how good I can be to know that I can make it somewhere when I already knew that I have what it takes, I don't need to beg for the attention; I just happened to make people care and take notice - two things you'd been miserably failing to do. And hell, why would they have when it came to you?! Are they supposed to root for the girl who walks out of matches? Are they supposed to cheer on the girl who obnoxiously screams about her former friend being harassed during a routine pat-down in the ring to ensure she's not concealing weapons? I'm really having trouble seeing where you were expecting to gain any of the recognition you sought in any of that. 'But that's not me! I'm different now!', you'll cry, but what's different about who you were then and who you are now? You're still the same whiny bitch going on about how you aren't getting the attention you want. You're still the same bitch who feels that she's entitled to whatever she points her finger at, but only now it's "different" because you've really got your middle finger raised strong and sturdy to the establishment now, don't you? And trying to break me is gonna show just how much you've apparently changed, right?"

"Wrong. At this point, you're just making a scene like a petulant child who's learned that they're actually gonna have to do more than the bare minimum to get what they want, and struggling to garner that attention you feel you should've already had is what's got you so pressed. 'But- But- But Andrea, you were gone for a whole month without so much as a word and yet people still back you over me!' ...And? I've already cited personal reasons for that hiatus but the fact remains that I still had people talking about me the same way they were before that hiatus because they recognize that when I'm in that ring that I'm aiming to put the rest of that locker room on notice while your concerns here seem to lie with who is or isn't giving you their undivided attention, and being in the final two of that battle royal immediately after said hiatus I'm sure is only gonna help my case just like me beating you will. And what makes me know that I can? Because for all your talk of burning shit down, eliminating you proved once again what I already know to be true when it comes to the two of us. But come Bloodletter, eliminating you from my path once again is exactly what I'm gonna do and with no disqualifications, should I bust you open and it's your blood that's spilling out onto the mat then I'm going in for the kill and without the slightest bit of hesitation on my part during any of it. See, I learned my lesson from that battle royal and I'm not about to make the same mistake twice, especially not in a match that got the stipulation you essentially asked for. You think I play it too safe, you think I'm afraid of pushing my own limits, but with my own back against the wall and me still having to overcome lingering doubts, survival instincts kick in and I'm out for blood. I'm out to show that for as much as you'd love to get rid of me, I'm gonna keep coming back and refuse to stay down because I'm not gonna let you use me as your steppingstone; you aren't about to make an example out of me. No, what I'll show is that I was right about you, Daisy, the world's gonna see that this act of yours is nothing more than your last ditch effort in an attempt to stand out against better, greater competition - but we know what happens when you step into the ring with me and things don't play out in your favor. At the very least though, seeing as how you went and got me this lovely chance to show that even for your ten year's worth of experience that you still can't outperform or outlast me, I'll ensure that you definitely end up getting what you want, Daisy, as a matter of fact I'm gonna make damn sure of it. I can already see it now: all eyes on you come Saturday just like you've been dying for, your name on the tip of everyone's tongues because you're so desperate to be talked about, and all because you'll finally be getting that recognition you've always wanted but only for being the girl who I was right about this entire time - for being the girl who couldn't keep up with me. You don't think I have what it takes, you don't think I'm willing to get my hands dirty, but when you're being assisted up off the mat just remember that you asked for this, you wanted the possibility of bloodshed that comes with this and you've bestowed upon me the pleasure of being the one to make sure yours litters the canvas. And if and when it comes to that? Trust and believe, I'm not gonna disappoint."
Stephanie Matsuda
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post December 6th 2017, 7:21 am by Stephanie Matsuda
Bloodletter Promo #2

“All In”

“Alexa! Camera!”

(It’s dark and silent inside the War Room Dojo - much like the atmosphere two days prior. The sound of a door closing is heard, followed by several footsteps. Stephanie Matsuda comes into view, heading towards the same chair she sat on Sunday. Beside the chair is the same bottle of bourbon whiskey she was drinking.)

“Alexa! Lights! Dim!”

(A bit of light comes on, giving the camera view a better view of Stephanie as she sits down with a glass of ice cubes)

“Alexa! Play Curtis Mayfield, ‘Diamonds in the Back’!”

(Stephanie’s requested song starts playing in the background. The War Queen pours herself a glass of whiskey and takes a sip)

“You sure know how to keep a girl waiting, huh? You’d make a fine pillow princess ‘Ria, but that’s another story for another day. I had a chance to look at your response and my; we seem to be on the same page. This war of words between us isn’t just about yelling about who’s better or hosting another edition of the ‘Shade and Tea Power Hour.' These talks are about getting these lingering thoughts out of our system. I don’t plan on fighting you with any hang-ups, sweets. I can’t afford to risk letting our friendship get in my head. You see ‘Ria; it’s not you I fear, but myself. I made too many mistakes over the years - and yes I’m playing catch up. In the past several days, history was forever changed when Claudia Michaels became the first woman to hold a male world title. Everyone is moving at the speed of light, and I don’t intend on getting left behind. This reign of yours - it’s the stuff of legend so far - and I’m going to feel like shit when I end it. That’s what happening Aria - you’re getting kicked off your throne. We both claim to be into a corner, determined to show the world that we ain’t no bitch. That’s what this little feud is all about, sweets. Then again, that’s what any conflict in EAW boils down to, huh? Someone runs their mouth to someone else, and shit pops off. No matter what you say, that offer of was n’t completely out of goodwill. But, I get it - You need to stand tall and defend your title against all comers. The irony is that you came to me. I’ve been on a tear lately Aria, and the competitor in you wants to see what it means to fight the War Queen. Mentally you’re prepared to throw hands, but physically...my pain is a different kind. I hit where I need to - every move is precise. You can hype yourself up all you want, but will not be a tag match. This shit ain’t a 5-on-5 territorial invasion match. It’s just us two - no ladders or gimmicks of any kind. The only way to beat me is to pin or submit.”

(Cloud takes a sip. The Isley Brother’s ‘Footsteps in the Dark’ starts to play)

“It’s harder than it looks sweets. Of course, you’re so damn stubborn that it doesn’t matter either way. That’s what I both love and hate about you - once your mind is set, nothing’s moving you. It’s your best trait and worst. Unfortunately, it’ll be your undoing come Saturday. You’re not the first stubborn person I’ve faced, and you’re sure as hell won’t be the last I beat. This business is chock full of hard knocks. We’re a special breed ‘Ria - we weren’t meant for normal society. We possess a special set of skills made for combat in front of tens of thousands of people. At this point in our lives, this business is all we got. We have to make the most out of it. However, we can. So when you talk about going all-in to protect your legacy, I get it. Thing is I’m trying to build one. My social life is full of wonderful things - a world of people who love and support me. My professional life, on the other hand, is not what it should be. At first, I was like ‘that’s okay, let me support Aria and re-evaluate myself.' But, you called me out. I didn’t want it, but you’re too stubborn to let the question of ‘who’s strong?’ Linger for just a bit longer. I can’t - wait, it just hit me. Give me a moment.”

(Stephanie takes a sip of whiskey while taking a minute to reflect)

“Alexa. Play ‘Touch’ by Daft Punk.”

“Okay, I got it. When you look at me, you see your biggest challenge. A growing threat who only becomes more dangerous as the weeks go by. You want to be my next opponent because if not if you leave me be then beating me would be eventually next to impossible. I have all the momentum in the world, like a Hokkaido bullet train speeding towards Tokyo. You can no longer ignore me - I can no longer walk on eggshells around you. Fine, I’ll bite. But know this and understand it: when we do this, when it’s all over, I can’t play second fiddle to you, win or lose. That ship had sailed sweets. We can be good again and go to all the Dairy Queens in the world. But, on Saturday, December 9, you won’t - or rather can’t be my friend. On that day I won’t see you as my sister. For 24-hours you will be my enemy. For twenty-four hours - wait. Alexa! Play ‘E’ by Jaden Smith!”

(Stephanie closes her eyes for a moment as opening guitar riff enters her ears)

“For twenty-four hours I will loathe you. I will hate everything you stand for. I remember every petty thing you’ve ever done, everything you’ve said because that’s the only way I can get through this. Treating you as just another target won’t do the trick. You’re the champion Aria! You are THE TARGET! (stands up) YOU’RE THE FINAL BOSS! THERE’S NOTHING ELSE AFTER YOU! Once I get that title around my waist, then I become Astraea’s Bowser! We’ll have a great Christmas, but for this week you’re my greatest foe. I’ve been preparing for this very moment - to throw hands with The Queen. Only one of us is worthy of holding that title. Saturday’s match will decide that.”

(Takes a sip)
“This is deeper than wrestling. This is the match that will define the direction of our careers, our relationship, and everything else in between. My deepest fear is not losing to you - it’s not giving it my all. Your mindset is to win no matter what - mine is to leave everything in that ring. I connect with the EAW Universe by competing. They see my ups and downs. They know and understand why do this. We both made mistakes, and here we are trying to pick up the pieces. Yes, I am frustrated that you handpicked me. I do feel like I haven’t earned this title shot. Maybe I’m overthinking things, and you did this out of love. I don’t know...there’s just so many things that are coming to mind. But one thing does ring true…”

(Stephanie looks up)

“You can’t beat me at my best. You can be fifty percent, a hundred - it doesn’t matter! I haven’t been this good in a long time; hell, I may even be at my best! This story was scripted by us, but when it’s time to write ‘Fin’ the EAW Universe will see it was done by my hand! I have no doubt you will give me a run for my money but those who doubt me fall at the sword, sweets. When I’m on top of you, slamming my fist down your face, will you be thinking you’re winning then? When I take you to Cloud City followed by watching a Blasian Sunrise will you be thinking about victory? There’s a saying that goes ‘there are no atheists in a foxhole.' Your belief in yourself is nearly divine, Aria. When you enter the lair of the War Queen, you will be in a four-sided foxhole. Every punch I throw is a bullet aimed at your head. Every slam you take is artillery blasting against your wall of stubbornness. And when I take to the sky? Pearl Harbor, baby. I will be waging war upon your entire identity as a wrestler Aria. This fight isn’t just a physical slugfest; we will engage in a philosophical debate of blows. Or lifestyle determines who we are in the ring. You seek to rely on a flashy technical style, outwitting your foes while wowing the audience. I am a human cannon who blows through her enemies. You are the shield, and I am the blade. The immovable object vs. the irresistible force. You can’t write a better story than that.”

(Cloud takes a sip)

“The only thing I can hope is that you’re ready for what happens next. Wait, you’re Aria freaking Jaxon, of course, you’re ready. So don’t be surprised when your world gets turned upside down, sweets. I want no hard feelings Sunday morning. I can understand if you won’t talk to me in the following weeks, but I have a Dairy Queen date with your name on it. Courtesy of yours truly, the War Queen of EAW.”

(Cloud gets up from her chair)

“All. Hail.”
Tomi Venus
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post December 6th 2017, 12:53 am by Tomi Venus
Redundancy Is Key Apparently
(Dynasty two)

Are you a moron? First of all, you celebrate your ignorance on who I am like not being educated on the guy who you’re going to be in the ring with is something to be proud of. But more pressing, you actually still want to pretend that me and Target Smiles are the same person? Do you have a mental deficiency? I wasn’t serious when I said “Ahren if you even bring up the fact that you beat Target Smiles before I will laugh in your face because Target Smiles is dead.” I didn’t actually think you were that stupid! Do you think Ben Affleck is actually Batman!? Do you think Santa is real!? What is there not to understand!? Do I have to walk you through this step by step? I really didn’t think I had to since I’m pretty sure everyone at home put this all together on their own the second I revealed myself but I guess Ahren Fournier needs his hand held to comprehend this because he’s not all that bright! Okay Ahren, get your pen and paper to take notes please because I don’t want to have to go through this with you again.

Okay, so I leave EAW on bad terms. You still with me?

I leave EAW on bad terms and I go to live my life outside of EAW.

Then, I start getting the itch to wanna hurt people legally again so I start to kinda miss EAW and therefor ponder the possibility of returning.

But oh no, I left EAW on bad terms so I can’t just come back to EAW. Got all that down so far? Okay.

So I think to myself how could I get back into EAW without them knowing it’s me and also putting myself in a position where they can make money off of me, in case that parts not clear I’m referring to how I returned to a grudge match against Jacob Senn.

So how can I infiltrate the company and show that they can make money off me in order to cement my place on the roster.

Then I have a brilliant idea! I wear a mask, but with my personality and style I can’t just put on a mask or it will be obvious who’s under the mask. You got that concept down okay? Do you understand that?!

A mask equals not enough to convince people it’s not me.

A mask, plus playing a character that is the polar opposite of who I am, plus a change in how I wrestle and behave in the ring, equals could fool everyone if done right.

Which it did because I did do it right. But is all of that clear to you so far?

Okay, so this next part might be a bit advanced for you and you might not get but there’s this concept called “parody.”

So Ahren, to parody something is to produce a humorously exaggerated imitation of that thing. Write down these words so you can follow along.

What Target Smiles happened to be was me playing what people in entertainment call a “character” meaning Target Smiles wasn’t real. Target Smiles was a fictional, fictional meaning not real- a fictional character who I was pretending to be, I’m gonna assume you know what it means to pretend since you’re currently pretending to have a pair of testicles.

I was pretending to be a character who was a parody of a certain type of wrestler that I see very often in this industry, and that type of wrestler I happen to hate. I’m trusting the word “hate” is elementary enough for you to understand.

So I was making a parody of that type of wrestler and having full control of the process I decided I would create a story arch with a downfall for this character I had created. I know that the idea of intentionally losing or making the person you portray on screen look bad may be too foreign for you to understand, clearly being a person who is wrapped up in wins and losses thinking any accomplishments you make in this company actually matter beyond the narrow scope of the people who work here and the idiots who watch it but that’s what I did. I was portraying a character based on a type of person I hate so out of fun I performed my own tragic story in real life of that person being a failure.

Didn’t you ever think it’s strange how Target Smiles could beat just about anyone until it actually meant something? That’s because to get opportunities you have to win matches and in order for me to demonstrate Target Smiles suffering from grand failure after grand failure I need to have opportunities to do so. Not only that but it was also a nice middle finger to the rest of the roster when I would go on to be in a position they were desperate to be in just to flop! HAHAHA! Oh man, you should have seen Monroe’s face at Pain For Pride when Target lost to Ryan Marx! Oh man! That was some of my finest work! I actually had people believing Target Smiles was going to be the first ever Openweight Champion! How many other people on the Dynasty roster do you think would have died to be in that spot and maybe stand a chance against Marx?! HAHAHA! The way you people here in EAW care so much about all of these superficial symbols of status is so funny and makes it so easy to put you through agony. Like the fact that you were so offended over me calling you a nameless wrestler because you interpreted it as me saying that you’re irrelevant or something along those lines. No Ahren, I don’t care if you’re relevant. What I meant was you have no significance to me personally, so as a result I have no personal motivation for what I’m going to do to you on Dynasty.

No. What I put you through will purely be for my own pleasure. But don’t get the wrong idea. Don’t underestimate how much I love punishing people. How much I love seeing the look in a victim’s eyes as they look up at me in pain knowing that I am in control- knowing that nothing can save them from what I’m about to do to them! HAHAHAHA!

So now that we hopefully have all of that Target Smiles nonsense out of the way and you are hopefully enlightened enough to actually understand my motivations I’ll move on to correcting the other factual error you made regarding myself.

You claim that the reason I “lost” on Dynasty against Scott Oasis is because I was knocked out, which would explain why there was no three count. However, if that’s the case then why did Jake Mercer say “SCOTT HOOKS BOTH LEGS FOR THE WIN!” I don’t recall that being how you call a “knockout” finish. I would think it would go along the lines of “SCOTT KNOCKS VENUS OUT WITH THE PILEDRIVER AND THE REF HAS NO CHOICE BUT TO CALL FOR THE BELL!” Also I remember being fairly conscious. My eyes were open and everything so if that was a “knockout” finish as you say then I still got screwed because I didn’t get knocked out. The ref didn’t check me or do anything to make sure I was unconscious. This isn’t boxing where you can call a knockout based on someone being unresponsive, the ref actually has to check and verify that you’re unconscious. That didn’t happen. The chain of events was:




No three count. No verification from an official that I was knocked out. Scott Oasis never officially beat me and I want everyone to take note of that and think for a moment about that situation. I don’t care that I lost that match. A win loss record is nothing but a couple of numbers that mean nothing to me. What I care about is the fact that whoever’s behind things on Dynasty, and possibly Scott Oasis himself, fear what I’ve become capable of. “Ohh, but Tomi. Why would they do that to you?” Well look at it this way. Jacob Senn used to kick me around with ease back in the day, and that was back when he was nobody. At Invictus I didn’t just dominate Jacob Senn, I sent a message to all of EAW that I’m not the man I once was. I’m better, stronger, and much more dangerous. Which would be all the reason a greedy company like EAW would need to hold back a guy who’s a danger to their chosen boys and possibly their sponsorships, but is hated enough to get people in seats for the possibility that someone might actually be able to beat him up. So what’s the best way to have their cake and eat it too? Keep Tomi Venus around and keep him on TV, but do everything you can to keep him from moving up the card. I get it. But don’t think I’ve accepted it. You can’t hold back Tomi Venus. The same way I’ve been in your company for months without you even knowing I’ll make it to the top with or without your approval!
Moongoose McQueen
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post December 6th 2017, 12:40 am by Moongoose McQueen
I don't care about this match with Nathan Fiora. I've beaten him before and he means nothing to me. At this point, this match is nothing more than a stupid excuse to give Kevin and Nathan what they want without exactly giving it to them, and I'm insulted that I've made it clear exactly whom I want, and not even being near it. It must be nice, Nathan, to be facing a man that you are in fact responsible for constantly getting attacked by because it was your own actions. But this doesn't change the fact that I was set up as if I was a nobody and to add insult to injury, I'm in this match against you like a nobody while people wait for the moment in which you and I wrestle and Kevin, who can't sit his ass down will come in the ring to screw you over and take away what should be an easy victory for me. You can go ahead and call me names all you want and talk about how you will beat me, but I'm not going to waste my time or energy in this match. I didn't give it my all against Amadeus because I had something else on my mind, and between the both of us, we aren't going to give our all against each other because we have more or less the same things on our mind. Revenge. At this point, I'll probably won't even show up for this match. Not that I'm afraid of you or anything. If I have to show up, I'll lay down for ya, and eat the pin, because the sad truth is, you need this win more than I. But I rather just step aside and let you do what it is you really want to do and it's beat the shit out of Kevin Devastation. This match is pointless, I'll do the whole world a favor and not show up just so the world doesn't have to listen to Kevin ramble on and on about the good ole days and how he wants to get his hands on you, Nathan. I'm not going to be used as a part of an agenda to add something to your petty feud. Take this win, Nathan. I just don't care anymore. I rather just not wrestle until I get what I want and if Kenny Drake isn't going to give it to me, than I'm just going to take it by force.
Tarah Nova
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post December 6th 2017, 12:29 am by Tarah Nova

Promo Number Four

I’m not making conversation but I’ll state my observations. Well I could buy my faith like a plot in the ground but I was never lost and I never had a doubt. ‘Cause I still find it’s not my Imagination and I won’t be; I won’t be the silent damnation. I will never be voiceless; My weapon of choice is. I’d rather be dangerous; I won’t be left defenseless. As God as my witness; I’d rather be dangerous. Dangerous. Everybody is somebody and anybody is you. I own my story. I won’t say sorry

user posted image

Ahh. I love it when I get see an opponent sweat under pressure when they slowly start to realize that they have nothing on me. See I know what you were thinking when all of this between us came to a head, Sher. You probably thought I was going to be rusty from the ring and from doing all of this. That I wouldn't be able to keep up with the likes of you at all but guess what I am doing? I’m keeping up, Kiddo. Every step you have been taking towards BloodLetter, I have been one step, if not, a few ahead of you since day one. I have kept my cool the whole time. I haven't let you hit a nerve since the first time you open your mouth towards me. I mean why would anything you say cause me to regret things that I have done or accomplished in EAW? Why would these lies that you have been spitting in my direction make me overthink everything that I am throwing back at you, Sher, when time and time again you bring up the same shit on different days. Or how many times you decide to reword statements about how I have ruined your life style but then when I talk about it and tell you that I didn’t and that you did it to yourself; you turn around and tell me you NEVER said I ruin all of it. Since this started, I have caught you in so many lies that you can't keep them under controls anymore. You have been changing your story, adding stupid unneeded bullshit to it and then when you get caught, you take it all away to start a new one. You are nothing more than a hypocrite and I'm laughing at the fact that you've been calling me that when I have been nothing more than myself this whole time. I have been laying EVERYTHING out on the table for the world to see but you? Lies after Lies have fallen from your lips and you continue to do nothing but that. And all of your ideas and all your hard work of attempting to get under my skin is blowing up in your face and you can't tell me otherwise because I see you standing there, mocking me now. You have just stooped to a whole new level, huh? Like you have tried so hard attempting to outsmart me but nothing is working for you and now you're shaking your wrestling Boots. You're realising that this wasn’t going to be as easy as you thought it would be. Though, I'm finally happy to see you realizing that you do, in fact, repeat yourself over and over and over again till the statement that you're trying to get over is drilled into my skull. Frankly, Sher, You have been over killing everything you say to me since the get go. You tempted to make me sound worse then I am when outta the two of us, you are the worst one here. Since day one all of this you have been trying to drown me with; these false accusations and failed attempts to get one over, aren’t working for you now is it? You have tried to turn my freakshows against me. You tried to claim achievements and make yourself sound better than you are. You have tried so much that it's just at this point; laughable. You are becoming something you never thought you would been and that is a fool, Sher. You are the sad clown that lost their juggling balls, not I. Thought here you go once again, trying to make yourself sound like nothing is wrong. Once again, you're trying to twist the words that I have said like when I spoke of ladies like HBG and Cameron Ella Ava. Sheridan, when I spoke of those two, I never said anything about comparing myself to the likes of them. In fact, I never would compare myself to another wrestler like you have in the pass. The only reason why I placed their names alongside my own was because we three, like I have said before, were basically the matriarchs of the grounds that Empire is standing on which, in my eyes, made us equals in a way. I never, not once, compared my own performing skills in the ring to theirs. Hell, I would never in my wildest of  dreams compare what I can done inside a wrestling ring to anyone else's. Like why would I need too? As ego filled as this will sound, I know how great I am in the squared circle; I don't need to be comparing myself to two people that have been here so much longer than myself. See the reason why they are going for the males World Heavyweight Championships is because they earned the respect and they have earned the opportunities to do things off of Empire while someone like me, who chose to stay behind and watch over Empire, still has one more thing to accomplish before she can set out back into the Elitist world. So do not come at me trying to degrade me and make me sound so small compared to those two because in reality, out of the two of us, you are much farther away from touching a male's title than I am. Yeah, you may have wrestled on the other brands, like they are doing now, but you didn’t last more than a few months at each place. You are not someone who should be talking about wrestling levels in this company, Sher. Still, you point out the fact that I have done “so little” in this place, ya? That everything I have accomplished within the walls of  EAW truly meant nothing while the only things you can place your name next to is being the last Vixens champion and the first Empire Cup holder. I mean what do you want from me, Sheridan? Do you want me to congratulate you on those two things and throw you a little party? Frankly, you need to understand I don't give a damn that you were last Vixen champion. I have already established this a few times now that I don't care about that or you're stupid cup either. Yeah, I got out the first round of that tournament but I wasn't caring about the cup at the time with all the shit with Madison going on. My mind was on her and nothing more or less. So you won a fancy cup and did something I didn’t do, woohoo. Happy? Now will you let that go for fucks sake...Though even if I ask, of course you won't let that go. You're going to be the cunt-tastic person that you are and continue to bring it up. God, I know you all too well for you to even attempt to come up with new material use against me. Though, I mean I guess you tried just a tiny bit when you brought up the fact that within the four years that I have spent in EAW, I only have won two championships but once again, I see you slept through “Women’s History of EAW 101” when they talked about how for the first year-and-a-half of me even being around; EAW didn’t have a championship of their own; back then we did not have enough bodies to have a championship of our own but of course, you don't care. I see what you're doing now, Sher. You just want to rub it in my face that it took me so long for me get my hands on a single championship. Ah! Yes! Finally! Sheridan has a one up on me that was actually worth mentioning! Oh no, she found my Achilles heel! Within TEN months of being in EAW, The great and Power Queen Muller was a champion while it took me almost TWO years to accomplish just one. MY GOD, I’m such a failure! I can't go on with this, I can't finis----*Tarah starts to laugh, grinning happily* R-Really? That's what you throw at me? How long it took me to become a Champion here? Oh what OLD NEWS you have for me, Sher. Man, ya know I feel like the theme of this session is not caring. See once again you are not the only one who has ever thrown that kind of  shade at me. Many before you have and like I’ve told them, at least I held something in EAW unlike a lot of those ladies. This is bad to say but I really think you need to sit down and think of more tactics to try to get into my head, Sher, because the shit that you were bringing up; like the fact that it took me forever to become a champion or the fact that I'm never going to be as amazing as Cam and HBG is shit that I have heard since the day I made my name known all over the world. So many people like you have doubted me because yeah, I know I'm not the smartest person on this roster. I'm not the most talented or the strongest but when the job needs to get done, I am the only one that is standing there; ready to fight for it all while the other girls, who talk to all this big game like you have been doing, scribble back into the holes that they came from. All this talk about what you're going to do to me and how you made this Empire shine but yet no action; only whining and throwing your weight around to make yourself look bigger than you are in this company. Yeah, while YOU do all the bitching, I’m just going to stand here being the same Freakshow I have been for the last four years. See I'm not going to fake who I am for your enjoyment. I'm not going to admit all the things that you have said about me to be true because they aren't. I’ll admit when I'm wrong but none of this is that case. I'm not going to turn around and say that I lied about something these past few days like you have been going all along. I mean you were the one that came out and said that if you weren't here; Jaxon and Sparks wouldn't have became the people they are today which is a false and I told you that. But once again you make it sound like I'm putting words in your mouth. You turned around and said that you never said any of those things. You're trying to make it look like I am just a storyteller and all i'm doing is making you look bad, am I right Sher? Nah, I don’t have to do anything to make you look bad since you're doing a pretty damn good job yourself. Sometimes I think I don’t even have to try hard because you have been doing that so well but meh, what's the fun in just sitting around and not lending a helping hand to someone else’s own grave?

Anyway Sher, I’d like to point out that the way you speak of Empire make me think you actually cared about it sometimes. Maybe you cared when you were a champion, sure, but after that? Nah, not so much. Furthermore, those “Three Pointers” you gave me made me laugh. Like with number one: The firing thing. Sher, I never fired anyone because they spoke their minds? No one OTHER THAN YOU was fire under my watch as GM of Empire. Released due to other things? Yeah that happened with Alexis and Cailin but Firing simple cause someone spoke when they shouldn’t have, no.  Now this next ‘Pointer’ just sounds like a jealous little girl who hasn’t gotten laid in a while. Sher, listen, Me and DDD BROKE UP A YEAR AGO. I haven't been with DDD since last October but of course you're still going to bring up the fact that me and him were together once in our careers and also that we both had some form of power BUT let me point out this little flaw in your sticky web of lies: I didn't have to screw my way into the office of GM. I was given the power of GM of Empire Months before he sat down in the comfy chairman spot that he has now. Nothing has happened between us in a long while but no, you refuse to believe that shit, right? Nah, you rather continue to write your fanfics about us and make me sound like I need a man to help me with accomplishments that I have had here. God, once again, hearing the same shit from all the girls in EAW.  Sher when are you going to face the fuckin’ fact that everything you have pointed out is nothing that affected Empire? I’m not killing the environment around me like you claim. I have always been the one keeping it alive, regardless of all the shit you have said. See, maybe this is the reason you haven't held a longterm spot on an EAW brand since that ten months here. You are just so hell bent to make everything around you about you that you don’t realise that YOU are slowly sucking the life outta everything you touch. You need to realise that the world doesn’t revolve around you, Sher. You are not this great being that was sent here to kill me off and save Empire. Before you appeared at Empire’s door step like a lost child,  everything was fine. I was cleaning up the messes that The Coven was making. I was keeping everything in order but then here you come, walking back in with the touch of death dripping from your fingertips. You came back just to throw everything out of order and for what? All because you want me out of the picture? You know what Sher, EVEN if that happens and you win, you're still not going to be important here. You're still not going to be on the platform that you believe you should be on. No matter how much you beat me down and claim that you are some great big threat, you will never be The Queen or The Spark or The Killer that you want to be. Hell, you will never even be a War Queen either. Now speaking of Stephanie, I do still believe that you will never be better than her, no matter how many times you beat her. I mean really, you throw up the fact that you beat her last week while she was the one that beat you till an inch of your life before you got fired? Also please remind me who's in the Women’s Championship match again? Oh, thats right, Stephanie is, not you. To be honest, I didn't even give Stephanie the Championship match. Aria begged me to face her and I get it to her. Stephanie, didn’t have a say in it but that's not the point. The point is that I agreed with Aria and gave Stephanie the match because she does indeed deserve to be in the Championship picture unlike someone like you. Yes, you may have been a former Vixens Champ but that doesn’t mean you are going straight to the top of the ranks on Empire. See, while you were brand hopping, Steph was here; putting up with all the drama and bullshit and push through ALL the people that stood in front of her. Now Cleo didn’t see that shit but I did and thats why shes in the spot that she is and you aren’t and that's just the way the cookie crumbled.

In the end, i’m going to be honest with you, Sher... I am growing tired of you. I’m also growing rather bored listening to you list off all the reasons why I am such a bad person and why you are the person who will save Empire from the likes of me. Though, knowing you, you're still going to list them off and you're going to continue to call me Cancer. So please do it. Tell the world that I am the Cancer that lives in the very core of Empire a few times more and maybe...JUST maybe, someone will finally agree with you on that subject but till than, Sher, I’m going to sit here and continue to clapback and knock you back down to the ground every time you try to get one up on me.  Yeah, after rethinking everything I just said to you for a moment; I believe you're actually right about one thing. I am a complete fuckin’ bitch. I mean I knew that already, but thanks for noticing it and pointing it out to the world. *Tarah smiles again* Anyway, as the game of words we have been playing slowly inches towards the end, I’m going to let you know that I’m walking into BloodLetter with the same smile on my face that you see before you today and that smile will remain on my face till the very end as Boss’ Daughter plays over the loudspeakers and while you lay on the cold mat, waiting for help. Hmm, and maybe someone will come out and help you or maybe you’ll just bleed out....I guess we truly won’t know till it happens so until then...



Consuela Rose Ava
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post December 5th 2017, 11:08 pm by Consuela Rose Ava
I’ve heard you talk about my whole schtick. I’ve listened to every single miserable soul in this brand talk about it. Bring something new to the table, Chelsea. As of right now, you sound a lot like Azumi Goto, and I mean that as an insult. Why? You two just throw insults like darts and hope something sticks to the wall. You consider it a charade. I find it a part of myself. Being a maid is something that I am not ashamed of. I’m not running away from my past. I’ve never denied my history. I find it quite sad that you paint this picture of me who tries to hide every horrid little thing I’ve gone through in my life. I’m disgusted with the accusations that you have thrown at me. It just shows how little you know about me. What else do you want me to do? You want me to be like every sorry and irrelevant competition you have faced minus Aria Jaxon? You want me to be ashamed of my first championship reign? You want me to hide the fact that I had it? I’m not immoral, Chelsea. No one in this godforsaken company is immoral. Not even you. How dare a woman like me to be so open with pouring my emotions for the world to see? This is professional wrestling.We are supposed to be these bigger than life characters, and I’m out here cutting promos on my struggles and showing these people that it is alright to be vulnerable? You think that’s such a horrible thing? You think that’s going to expose every weakness inside of me? Call me weak; I don’t give a damn. I know what my self-worth. I know what I can take, and your words are something I can handle because I’ve heard it all before.

“You’re a comedy character.”

I find it quite flattered that you find my mishaps amusing. My objective is not to go out there and make people laugh at me. What makes me a comedy character? Is it the maid shtick? Is it that I had Savannah Sunshine vomited on me? Is it because I had to be unnecessary quarantined the week after? Is it because you consider me the punchline in this whole thing? You’re making it seem like I enjoy the situations I get myself into. You’re making it sound like I come to Empire every week hoping that some silly things happen to me. I don’t want all of that. I don’t want people to look past my Specialists Championship reign and into the messy situations I get myself every week. In fact, Esmeralda and Francesca have been by my side not only to make Empire a cleaner place but to prevent stupidity like April becoming Specialists Champion from ever happening. Just like you stated before, there is no denying my talents and abilities. There’s no denying the struggles I did to get this championship back. Also, there is no denying the efforts I will go through at Bloodletter. My mind is fully prepared for you, Mallory and April and what the three of you will dish out. I may love wearing my gloves to the ring, but what you should know is that the moment the gloves come off, then you should be quite concerned. I mean business in the ring. If you were so smart like you claim you were, you would be well-informed of that rather than just coming up with generic material and sadly failing at trying to get under my skin. I mean, do you hear some of the idiotic things you say? Do you smile at yourself and think that it’s better than what April or Mallory are dishing out? But, I spoke to you more, so by your logic, you’re the biggest threat coming out of the match? That or you’re the dumbest. You’re choice.

“She’s an immigrant.”

“She’s too immature.”

What’s with you and Mallory thinking that I’m not from the United States? Do the two of you feed off each other’s material? I clarified to Mallory that I am from the United States. I know, what a big freaking shock! This ruins everything! This is, so life-changing news! This news is more significant than the scars on your wrists! You see! I came come up with some stereotypical bullshit like you! Since we’re on the topic of that, we can move slowly onto this topic...innocent? Apparently, in this day and age, innocence equals immaturity. I mean, who am I to have a conversation with Chelsea Crowe? I mean, I’m apparently “innocent” and “naive.” I’m apparently a woman who hasn’t seen a dick in her entire life! I probably watch Cartoon Network on a regular basis and wear footy pajamas. Who am I to have a conversation with such a mature woman like Chelsea? I mean, she knows everything! Everything she says is the truth! Also, if you happen to be a dumb bitch again, so that you know, this is sarcasm. I forgot! You’re immune to having a sense of humor. The only way we see you crack a smile is when you’re decimating your opponents. For that, I should be very concerned about my wellbeing. I mean, who am I go Chelsea Crowe? When it compares to her, I am not worthy of holding this title! I mean, I’m just a sad comedy character! I should be ashamed of myself! You’re right. I AM SUCH A DISGRACE TO THE SPECIALISTS CHAMPIONSHIP! *sobs sarcastically*

Is that what you wanted me to say? You want me to be as pathetic as you and just tell a bunch of shit just because you think that? This is when perception bites you in the ass, Chelsea. I may have had a career of doing things as told, but this is one place where no one is going to fucking tell me what to do. What have I done as Specialists Champion? I defended this championship against Astraea Jordan and your fellow opponent in April Song. I’ve always been open to the competition presented to me. If they want to take this title away from me so badly, they would have done so already. Why haven’t they, Chelsea? There’s a variety of women in the back. There is a shitload of competition in that locker room. I’m not difficult to find. April Song should know that for a fact. I welcome all the game. I appreciate any challenger who wants to rise to the occasion. Even you.

Why am I build from Spain?

That’s probably a question people have. You see, my wrestling career never started in Los Angeles or any place in California. Nah, it began in Spain. That’s where I began my wrestling training. I faced bought tons of bright individuals in masks. While I was training, I lived with my father and his family. I grew accustomed to their ways of life. With the combination of the culture and wrestling, started something beautiful. I fell in love with it all. I wanted to learn more about Spain. Most would be ashamed of coming from a poor and small city like Frias. I took it as something to be proud of. From the start of my life, I knew I wasn’t much of a California girl. Los Angeles was beautiful, but it wasn’t me. I was more of a Frias girl than a Los Angeles girl. This is where you have a lot to learn, Mallory. You and Chelsea had similar things going. You like to assume. You want to make up your own stories without bothering to listen to the real one. Instead, you find it a lot easier just to use your imagination. I mean, nothing is wrong with using your imagination. There are no issues with envisioning your first championship win or Pain for Pride moment. There is nothing wrong at all with believing that you have a chance of winning at Bloodletter. You just need to be snapped back to reality. You need to realize that it’s not going to be all fluffy clouds and rainbows where you’re going with this match. Instead, it’s going to be a hard ring mat and broken bones. Just like with Chelsea, there’s the talk about growing up. There’s a saying that goes “Don’t grow up. It’s a trap.” Peter Pan knew that for a fact. It turns out that the most innocent people can see the wrong in other people. Just like with dogs. They have a fantastic sense. They know when someone is no good for just a good look and smell. However, I love getting a real up close on my opponents. There’s where I know if my intuition is spot on. I may smile like a little girl, but I punch like a fucking adult. That is something you should know before getting into the ring with me.
April Song
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post December 5th 2017, 10:59 pm by April Song
Rivalry Games

Consuela, this just continues to happen, huh? Us bumping into each other, fighting over a championship. It’s just like old times, right? Granted old times were just a couple of months ago. I know Mallory and Chelsea have had their say about things and I will address them at some point, but this is something that I felt needed to be discussed between us, Woman to woman, Champion to Former Champion. A bit of my vindictive side showed when I attacked you on Empire. It accomplished nothing. Your match with Aria was interrupted and left without a conclusive winner. I didn’t really get to hurt you as badly as I wanted to. You’re still the Specialists Champion. I used a pretty dirty, underhanded tactic and a part of me does feel a bit of shame that it came to that.
However, do not mistake shame for regret because I have none.
You must understand where I come from on this, but listening and comprehension don’t seem to be your strong suits. I’ll try anyway, if only to humor myself. You are someone that I used to have tremendous amounts of respect for, Consuela. I respected the fact that you brought the fight to me. I respected that you dared me to come into your homeland and literally into your own house to defend my title. I appreciated the fact that as contentious and hotly contested as our championship matches were, that you showed me respect even as your sister and some of her associates on Voltage chose to rain down scorn on me. There have not been many cases of people showing any sort of respect for me, but you were one of the handful…and it touched me.
I want to preface the next bit of this by predicting that it will be used against me not just this week but in the future. Probably for the rest of my career. I have to say I wanted to be your friend. Yes, you heard me correctly. I admit that I am not the easiest person to talk to or get to know. I am not a friendly woman and I’m not someone who is super sociable. When Empire had all of it’s little cliques and factions, it felt like I was all alone. Just because I’m used to being alone doesn’t mean I always like it. The only people whom I’ve really gotten to know on a personal level since coming here are Erica Ford and Miss Manami, who was gracious enough to take me on as a student of hers despite attempting to finish her career in EAW. I tried, Consuela. I really did. I know that I rubbed your nose in the fact that you hadn’t beaten me, but that was admittedly partially inspired by some of your own callous statements towards me. I respect you, but some of the things that you were saying were really starting to annoy me.I have always tried to take the high road in our encounters. I have never tried to make things personal between us. I saw it as two women fighting over a championship they both cherish. That was all, and it didn’t change when Brody was inserted into the equation, God rest her soul. I just…I remember seeing how even though you two were competitors you had a profound respect for her that you never seemed to grant me. I’m not necessarily jealous, but I do find it curious as to why someone who tried to end your career was given more respect than someone who simply was there to compete.
You’ve even insulted me racially, stooping to call me a “Dirty Asian” among other things. Where is the class in that? What is so great about that, Consuela? You’ve made this far more personal than I ever have. I have never come after you as a person. As a wrestler and ONLY a wrestler have I ever said anything negative or derogatory about you and you know for a fact that I speak the truth. Even with all of this though, I held out hope that eventually one day we could view each other with respect and treat each other with a bit of dignity even as we tried to reach our goals of being Specialists Champion and eventually EAW Women’s World Champion. Unfortunately, your actions and your justification of said actions is where I must draw the line. You are proud of “thinking” of that? I mean, I did come out and beat you to a pulp unprovoked but the fact that you take pride in orchestrating me having a loss in such a ridiculous fashion makes me far less ashamed of that.
I felt a respect, a kinship with the Consuela that beat me fair and square for the championship. I did at one point want to befriend that incredible fighter. The woman I see prancing about now is not the woman who I went to war with four times with. You are a champion, but only in title to me. Now, you are simply trash. Trash that has to be collected and eradicated from this federation. What happened to that fighter? What happened to you?
I don’t know and honestly, I don’t really care anymore. I am finished trying to be polite, being reasonable with you. I’m tired of extending you respect that you see no need or have no desire to reciprocate and frankly don’t deserve anymore. If you are tired of seeing me challenge you, I am beyond tired of trying to extend an olive branch and having the branch sharpened into a stake and you try to shove it into my eye. The “Saga” as you call it will probably only end when we have dissimilar interests. You want the specialists title to remain around your waist, yes? I want it back around mine. You want to elevate the title on your second go as champion? So, do I. IF, IF you somehow manage to find a way to win this match without any fuckery, I may consider politely stepping aside and focusing my attention elsewhere. And even though this match doesn’t have rules per se, I still hope that someone who I once had so much respect for would have the dignity to lose the title respectfully and not have any shenanigans involved. It’s called having standards, you should try it sometime. It may change your whole outlook on things.
I asked for a rematch for you for three reasons. I will talk very slowly so you can understand.
1.       I want to wear the Specialists Championship again. This should be straightforward. When the roles were reversed, I never complained about how many times I had to face you or wondered if you would go away. I know as a title holder that I must face any opponent, even if it’s one that I’ve beaten before. I asked for a rematch because I thought that considering the result, it was justified to ask for one. In the five times that you and I have met, you have pinned me just once. You may like to paint this picture of dominance against me, but that is far from the truth and you know it. If YOU are a Worthy Specialists Champion, I am a worthy challenger until management no longer believes for me to be the case or you have defeated me decisively to the point that I see no reason to challenge you. You’ve beaten me, but I still believe that on any given day I am still better.
2.       You don’t deserve it.
3.       I want you to suffer for everything that you have done. I am a stiff robotic person, but all the things that you have said about my character, my integrity, my will have all been building up for a long time. Even when I was beating you regularly, you have gone out of your way to demean and attempt to intimidate me. You have worked very, VERY hard to create the relationship we have, and I think it is high time you harvest the bitter fruit of the seeds you’ve been planting the last few weeks and months.
You of all the people in this match should know that I don’t make Idle threats. I’m not coming to Bloodletter just to take your championship, I’m coming to beat your ass on a personal level. For most of your days in EAW, you have only dealt with the Professional. You have never seen an April Song like the one that you will see on December 9th. The other two girls, they are in for a fight.
That’s not the case with you.
Because you’re in for a war. As much as I want to win the championship, I will freely admit I will consider it a job well done if you walk away from the arena as emptyhanded as I may. I want to hurt you physically, mentally, emotionally. You thought beating you in your own home was something? The amount of pain and punishment I plan on inflicting upon you should be described in Biblical terms. For far too long you have poked and prodded, rattled the Killer Bee’s nest. I wanted to make sure that before anything else was said between us this week that you know very much my intentions and my motivations going in. I don’t owe you much, but I do think I owe you that. I wanted you to understand why I challenge you, what I plan on doing, and how this is going to end. It’s going to end like it usually does, with me hurting you. Crippling your delusional psyche before you slip further and further into this pathetic alter ego you’ve created from yourself.
Consider this a declaration of total warfare against the EAW Specialists Champion, Consuela Rose Ava. And if you ever plan on making a treaty of peace with me, it will only be signed with drops of your blood mixed with tears. And if the old Consuela is in there somewhere, I’m going to beat it out of you. I need my rival to be a respectable warrior, not a little hyperventilating jackass who ran from me once I dumped a little dirty water on her head once.

That’s all. 
Ahren Fournier
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post December 5th 2017, 10:05 pm by Ahren Fournier
(Ahren can be seen in an Ugly Christmas sweater, wearing a santa hat, and a sack of presents. Of course he is drinking a lot of Egg Nog.)

Ahren: Oh my god...

(Person next to him hears the commotion)

Person: What?

Ahren: How do you people do it?

Person: You people? What do you mean you people?

Ahren: Great, you've missed the point. Anyways, how common human beings wear clothes? Such a burden.

Person: It's 29 degrees... It's freezing 

Ahren: My body runs hot, because I'm hot.. Duh, you're so basic. 

Person: Rude. I'm going to cry.

Ahren: No please, don't... I'm sorry, I know, I'm very self aware of my sexiness.. and everyone else lack of... Anyways, have a candy cane.

Person: Is the candy cane your dick?

Ahren: No... Not this time.

(Ahren pulls out a candy cane from out of his santa hat)

Ahren: Here you go, got natural Ahren sweat on it, so you know it's good.

Person: I don't want it.

Ahren: Don't be rude, ok? It's a gift, how dare you.

Person: I regret talking to you.

Ahren: I offer you a gift and this is how you thank me? You're getting coal for Christmas, hold on.

(Ahren hops and skips to the store. The guy he was talking to is very confused, and isn't sure if he should listen to this man that is berating him for no reason. Ahren goes to a Stop and Shop, and goes to the coal section, and gets a bag of coal. Oh my god the lines are atrocious let me tell you. Ahren can't help it, he's getting annoyed. He tries to skip ahead by being nice and asking.)

Ahren: Hey can I get in front of you, I'm doing something important.

Person ahead in line: No

Ahren: Come on man it's the holidays

Line guy: I don't care.

Ahren: B-but.. It's Christmas

Line guy: Please stop talking to me.

Ahren: Sigh...

(the line moves slightly..)

Ahren: Ok fuck this...

(Ahren rips open the bag and throws it in the air as a distraction. He takes one piece of coal, and runs out making a weird noise.)


(Ahren gets back to the guy, he's breathing hard, but relieved the guy didn't leave.)

Ahren: *pant* *pant* *pant* Here you go... *pant*

(Ahren hands him the coal)

Person: I don't want that

Ahren: You earned it.

Person: How?

Ahren: By being naughty.

Person: I'm gonna go...

(person walks away. Ahren is flabbergasted)

Ahren: Why is everyone so rude? I've got a sack of toys, and stuff, but do I get any respect? No, I'm just trying to be the good guy. Good guy Fournier, handing out gifts and stuff. Everyone so rude. It's the Spirit of Christmas Fournier, everyone should appreciate the gifts I give. Hell I don't have to give anymore gifts than the gift of me. You know something? I give everyone diabetes, because this piece of eye candy is so sweet that everyone overindulges, ok? I'm gettin real tired of the selfish attitudes in this world. It's Christmas! Be appreciative of what you have. Earn what you get, show why you deserve it. Think of others before you, it's what Christmas is all about! Tomi Venus, doesn't seem to understand the true meaning of Christmas.

(Ahren gets a jolt of holiday spirit and needs to give it to everyone)

MERRY CHRISTMAS! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Except you Tomi Venus, you fucking bitch. 

Target Smiles, Tomi Venus, doesn't matter you stilllll act like a bitch. Honestly i for one am glad that Target Smiles is gone, that guy was such a self absorbed douche that thought he was better than he was. But unfortunately in his place we have Tomi Venus, who is a self absorbed douche that thinks he's better than what he is. You can say that you are two completely different people mentally, and how this is different, and nit pick everything that can't possibly be the same. Truth of the matter is it's still you. Your wrestling ability isn't going to get better, or worse, just based on you wearing a mask. I mean you're acting pretty similar to your former Target Smiles, just bitching, and bitching, and bitching. Was it an odd finish to the match? Yeah, it was weird. But did you lose? Yeah, you did. You were knocked unconscious, just out cold. The pin was just elementary you know? It's called a knock out Tomi, I know you're more known for your hardcore prowess and not your intelligence, but god damn sir, maybe you should focus less on your mascara, and more on reading the rule book. Honestly little mental midge, you think you would've kicked out? You didn't. The pin happened, I'm not actually sure what you're even arguing here. You lost, stop being a bitch, it's over. If I were you though I too would be embarrassed about what happened, and try to play it off as you being wronged. Unfortunately for you though you weren't wronged, you were just out classed. I don't understand how something like his could even happen. You go from beating up Jacob Senn, to a first round knockout? You couldn't ride that wave of momentum? You had everything going in your favor and you couldn't pull it off. A returning wrestler, coming off a victory against a former world champion? You should've had momentum like none other. I know you don't have trill powers like me, but it's cool. You see, as the Trill Fairy I have many magical powers that project me to forefront of class in this industry. Such as, being trill, that's a power, bat man skills.. Umm, I can breath underwater. I have bat like sonar skills, so I can hear people talk shit from a mile away, that's handy. You know, I'm just another level of human, seeing that I am the perfect specimen obvs. Yeah I just said obvs to make it modern and hip, you would know nothing of this life, because you.. Are... Not.. Hip.. You know, Target, can I call you by your future occupation? Meh I don't need permission, I"m going to do it anyways. Anyways Target learn how to accept a loss, ain't nobody trynna hear all dat noise. I know I'm not trying to, but hey, accept the ring rust, accept you weren't good enough, because you never were Target. 

You know it's funny, you got handed some opportunities as Target, and you never capitalized on them. Then each and every single time you'd get all down on yourself, and make me laugh til I had the tears form. I loved seeing you in misery, because it's what you deserved. Oh I know I'm being a Grinch right now, but listen Target. You got chances that you had no business obtaining, and true to form, you proved that statement right by never accomplishing a damn thing. I've had like one number one contenders match since being here on Dynasty, and you know what happened? I won! Well you knew that, so saw this sexy tight ass win right in front of your eyes. It's funny how this no name has done more than you, isn't it. I see like Target like Tomi.. Deep down the two were always the same; entitled douche bags that overhype themselves without doing a damn thing. I mean your explanation for Target Smiles literally makes no sense. It was a social experiment to show that you can't win by playing fair? I mean sure, if you're not good enough to win without cheating.. Like you. Look through the deep, deeeeeep, deeeeeeeeeeep annals of EAW, and you will see countless of people that didn't need to cheat to win. Just because you weren't good enough to actually be successful doesn't make it the norm. It only spoke upon you, and your limitations in this company. I mean let's take just last week as an example, you had a one on one match with someone, and you lost. You are now in your "actual" or "more comfortable" form, and who you "really" are, and you still couldn't pull off a win. I'll admit it, last week Nas beat me, one on one, straight up. And he is the perfect example for someone that does it the right way, and actually is somewhat successful in what he does. Nas has been looked at as the next World Champion for a while now, and he didn't do it through cheating. Sorry you don't have the talent that everyone else has so you have to go bend the rules to make it a fair match. Yes, I said that right. You don't cheat to make it an unfair match dipping the scales into your favor, it just makes it a fair match, because without the weapons you aren't on the level of an EAW Elitist. 

I mean who are you to even talk to me about what I can, and can't do? I'm the Sexual Mastodon, I probably birthed you you ignoramus. Did you even watch the Darkane match? We knocked each other out, the only thing that he had on his side that I didn't was luck. I landed first, he landed second, with his arm luckily on top of my chest. Does that scream not good enough to you? I wasn't the one knocked out just last week Tomi, that was you. But clearly truth gets in the way of your alternative facts. I've been Hardcore Champion before, I've defended that title before. Maybe I've just gotten to the point that I just don't care about a title that I've already proven that I can hold with honor. Maybe I wanted other things, and I was pretty bummed about the fact that I had to stay stagnant. Maybe I should've took that match more seriously, but at the end of the day that match was as close as it could possibly have been. Oh how wrong you were Tomi, you got what I was thinking WRONG AS FUCK. You called me a nameless faceless wrestler? I'm the one that was actually around most of this year winning a title, bringing the prestige up. While you were out, contemplating this false character, I was becoming the best Hardcore Champion since it's re debut. What has Target Smiles done? What has Tomi Venus done? I legit ask because I've never heard of you before. Why should I care about Tomi Venus? He really didn't show me much last week, and the way you talk about what happened in the past you sure seem pretty dumb. So where is the appeal? Ahren Fournier, has beaten you before. Whether you were wrestling your style of match or not, doesn't really matter does it? That was your stupid mistake, you don't have the wrestling ability to be good at wrestling? Don't work here, it's as simple as that. This whole Target Smiles, Tomi Venus shit has really backfired on you. If I was you, I wouldn't have admitted such a flop of a character if I were you. Of course, If I was you, I would probably just have kept the mask on, to hide myself from the embarrassment that my career was. 

I want to give gifts out, I want to be the best Trill Fairy I can. I'm splicing Ahren the Trill Fairy with Ahren the Spirit of Christmas, and everyone loves it. But the greatest gift of all, is Ahren beating up Tomi Venus this weekend on Dynasty. And don't worry Tomi, when I knock you out, because obviously you have a weak skull, I can explain to you exactly what happened again. So you won't have to make excuses as to why you lost, and aren't getting what you think you deserve. Byyyyeee! 

(Ahren swings his sack of presents over his shoulder and walks off camera. Off to spread the spirit of Christmas, and get Krampus on the asses of those who are naughty. Camera fades to black)
Tomi Venus
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post December 5th 2017, 8:43 pm by Tomi Venus
Smiling For Different Reasons
(Dynasty One)

Ha! What a joke! I told you! I told everyone that the King of Elite Tournament was nothing more than a joke! Scott Oasis apparently beat me via pinfall!? But, there wasn’t a count… HOW CAN YOU WIN VIA PINFALL IF THE REFEREE DOES NOT COUNT TO THREE!? Starr Stan, is this how you repay me!? Let’s not forget that I played a big part in getting you your position as General Manager of Dynasty, and my reward is apparently to be screwed out of the King of Elite tournament! Hahaha! Don’t worry… If the men backstage want to go to war with me then I’m not afraid to, but now's not the time to dwell on these things. Scott Oasis is irrelevant to me. All he did on Dynasty was prove everything I said about him! He proved that he has been handed opportunities, that he doesn’t care about anything other than another accolade to feed his ego, and most importantly Scott Oasis proved that he fears Tomi Venus, as anyone in their right mind should. Especially when they’re in the position Ahren Fournier is in…

Remember House of Glass? What was supposed to be the turning point for Target Smiles! Target Smiles made moving statements about how he was finally going to give the Smiling Faces a champion! He didn’t care if he had to step out of his comfort zone into a hardcore style match and come out on top to do it. He was determined! Nobody could stop him! Except some no name new guy trying to rub enough people the wrong way to get his name out there, and as a result Ahren Fournier stood victorious as Target Smiles looked on devastated! HAHAHA! I know what you’re thinking. I must have some vendetta against Fournier for this, but no. Fournier is nothing more to me but another nameless victim. I’m actually happy things turned out that way in Detroit, in fact I expected it. Ahren Fournier is another man who crossed paths with Target Smiles and probably thinks like many that it doesn’t matter if there’s a mask or not he’ll win again. To think that is nothing short of ignorance. To think I am anything like Target Smiles is to completely misunderstand what Target Smiles stood for throughout all of his months and why his fall from grace was a calculated part of my plan!

Target Smiles was a good man. He wanted nothing but to help other people through inspiration and setting an example. Target Smiles fought to prove that what we do is not a barbaric display of violence as much as it is a sport in which we compete and the more skilled and determined will come out on top. He wanted to prove that being a pure hearted competitor who represented the fans was the way to elevate himself to the top, not to cut others down. Call it performance art. Call it whatever you want, but Target Smiles was not a story of me portraying a technically proficient burning heart competitor who would one day make it to the top of this company and be the bedtime story he thought the world deserved. No… I was portraying a man who was too naive to realize what truly makes someone successful in EAW. As everyone saw this past week, in EAW the cream doesn’t rise to the top. The people who rise to the top are the ones who are willing to cheat and step on other people to make their way to the top. Should anyone hold it against Ahren Fournier for the fact that he took a victory over Target Smiles at the cost of injustice? No. That’s how the business works. Target Smiles should have broken everyone in that match into a million pieces until they couldn’t be distinguished from the glass dust and shards covering the mat! But he lacked the ability to do that and so did everyone else in that match which is why not one of them deserved the right to call themselves “Hardcore Champion!” Which is why Ahren Fournier went on to face Darkane and walked away empty handed! Ahren Fournier should not be criticised for taking that victory at the expense of Target Smiles being screwed! He should be criticised for not having what it takes to dethrone someone like Darkane as Hardcore Champion!

That’s not what this match is about though. This match means nothing in the grand scheme of things. There’s nothing on the line. Nothing at stake. Wins and losses are meaningless since it seems all anyone has to do is pin my shoulders to the mat for a microsecond and the bell rings, so wins and losses are worth nothing! What this match is for me is having another man put in front of me and a free pass to do anything I want to his body with my bare hands with very few regulations. I can bend his limbs and twist his joints in directions that they aren’t meant to go in. I can strike him as much as I want past the point of his blood spilling and bones breaking I can continue to lay into him with as much force as I want! Ahren if you even bring up the fact that you beat Target Smiles before I will laugh in your face because Target Smiles is dead. The things I want to do to you would make Target Smiles’ stomach turn yet they bring the brightest smile to my face. I can already hear you begging me to stop… It excites me so much… See you soon Ahren.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post December 5th 2017, 4:52 pm by Sheri-dun
Insert generic, fashionable title here - Bloodletter 04

Place lyrics that nobody cares about or will listen to here.

* Stylish, yet tedious, over-edited picture of myself. *

'' What infuriates me more than anything, is how you exaggerate and inflate your importance to this company. You speak of your accomplishments with such enthusiasm, and aggrandise them to a point that you would believe you're a literal saviour. Let's make something clear, for you elaborate your ambitions and then pout when I don't understand, I did not sign a contract with this promotion when you were the top woman, the head of the hierarchy, no. As I illustrated my signature on the contract you were absolutely nothing, an irrelevant name who did not hold a championship, now considering it, both women who were champions at the time of my arrival, no longer compete in this entire industry. You can hyperbolise and oversell how influential you are, but truthfully, the only thing I relate your name with, is how everybody complains when an individual brings up the eighth Pain For Pride. Unfortunately for you, I do not acknowledge your apparently unrivalled work for this division, you and the names you listed previously might have pioneered the revolution, yet I can't imagine it was very successful as we had Eris LeCava as a figurehead when I arrived. You constantly mention that you've been here longer than I have, but fail to acknowledge we have won the same amount of accolades, and it amuses me ever so much when you compare yourself to the likes of Cameron Ella Ava and the Heart Break Gal, because even I can have the humility to say, you, myself, and no other woman is. There's a reason they have fought for male world championships, you are honestly not even touching their level, as they have furthered a revolution you have done little aside from beating Haruna up, a trick you have been performing you literally years now, and hidden behind the authority role you have unfortunately been handed. It's ironic and candidly put, laughable that you call me delusional and then compare yourself to these women, and because why? Because you're in the Hall Of Fame, anybody can accomplish that, it's not exactly impossible to behave well backstage, or in your case have a relationship with a monumental authority figure, and to pick up a championship win or two in the space of what is it, four years? Let me address this to you in a level of seriousness, you're not as good as them, in the ring, whilst violent, you do not have the technical superiority that I do, and mentally I am far more intelligent than you, I'll be able to read and scroll through your body as I deconstruct it, I'll unshelter the truth from within you, and validate myself as the woman in the right, all along. You sell my influence to Empire ever so poorly, it's almost as if you believe I was just another name to throw under the banner. Yes, you were Specialists Champion at the time of Empire being established, but we both know the moment Cailin let it slip from her hands, that championship has meant very little, my point is only validated when it went from being defended every two weeks, to having a streak of luck in being defended once every two months underneath Brody Sparks. Without me, you would not have a brand to compete under, as you were all concerned with arguments, social media likes, and your own charismatic apperance, I was focused and situated with one problem, equality. As you and Madison, fighting for the seventh time, failed to capitalise on the first Vixens Cup, a woman who had been here for seventy days, did. The majority of women who you have seen come and go, I say that with air quotations, have not accomplished such. Because of the superior, beautiful lifestyle I engineered, the names you mentioned were not focused on one another anymore, or bettering themselves over each other, instead they focused on helping one another, with encouragement in their voice, a trait you have never justified, even as general manager, you've been far too obsessed with racially degrading Asian wrestlers at every opportunity, and firing people for the most petty of reasons, speaking upon that, you still have not told me why you decided to extradite me, and saying that it was due to moral, well, I can only state the problem lies much closer to home than you believe it to. You're not above Empire due to the fact you are, or were should I say, general manager, and you never will be. I initiated a revolution that you failed to inaugurate, I was the initial spark, the first Queen, whatever dumb catchphrase these others wish to situate upon themselves, they only have that privilege for I gave them a stage to showcase their talents upon. My determination, drive, and work ethic did not go without notice, due to my superiority, and constant strive for improvement, we as a gender, were handed our own platform to demonstrate our talents and abilities upon, instead of being carelessly picked up on a Friday, and dropped off on a Sunday, a feeling I am ever so sure you're familiar with. It's odd how you stress you're such a big deal, yet whilst you held the championship, they didn't consider changing the name of the division, or establishing a brand for you to perform on. You must have been something special! You assert that Aria and Brody are legends, but they are so far from that enhancement. Aria I'll admit is a superb wrestler, she's very easy to like and she's charismatic, but having a nice smile does not make you a legend, as for Brody people only assert she's iconic and a legend because of her death, if she were alive to today you would probably be at her throat, after all she was in the Sanatorium, remember, a multitude of women who you let run an absolute rampage on our brand for so long, it's no coincidence that I emerged once more shortly after their eradication. How hypocritical of you to state I'm attention seeking, that it hurts for me to not be the note of importance, when you went bragging to the other women that you're the reason I was fired, that you and our chairman essentially toasted to my departure, how you're constantly whining, even though you have a position of authority, and every single time you have a chance to use that power towards a positive, you fuck it up, an explanation as to why Empire has been utter horrid since you situated yourself in the black, leather chair. I never attempted to take their accomplishments, I don't recall saying I am Aria Jaxon, for my hair is not blue and my nose is not square. Perhaps from your perspective, you simply misinterpreted me, but the far more likelier option is that you're ranting on about hypothetical, fallacious shit as per usual. Have a shot of vodka every moment Tarah spouts a fabricated lie, or don't, for this promo is already as flavourless as can be, better not pile more irrelevancy onto the paper stage. Remarking that I'll never reach Stephanie's level, the women I literally defeated last week, well the sentence just smells of contradiction, you profess that I don't have the attributes to be like them, and then fail to acknowledge even one attribute I don't have, if your words were combustible, they would become dust within the second, for they hold absolutely zero substance to them. You then go and show favouritism to this situation in the most hysterical of attitudes. Let me see things from your perspective for a second, it's absolutely okay to execute my beautiful lifestyle, remove me from the wrestling business for two months and celebrate said removal like you have just slaughtered my family, but the moment the board of directors and I peacefully negotiate that you should be removed from a position of power, for abusing that exact power, that is not okay? How illogical can one woman become, completely ignore why I requested this match with you, only complain about the fact I did not like that you fired me, it doesn't matter why I was fired to you, apparently it's nothing more than an accusation, despite the fact I've been told by multiple members of higher management that you're the inspiration behind my removal, the key cog in the machine that ordered my refoulement. You were not forced to do anything, you happily complied and added syrup to the waffles, you dumped it on as a matter of fact. I did not fuck up, I simply state things that nobody else has the nerve to say, things such as the fact you gave Stephanie a shot at the, apparently, most prestigious championship this brand has to offer, because she was there, whilst tournaments and number one contendership matches happen at a reasonable amount for the Specialists Championship. Who did she have to fight to challenge Aria, thin air? No, you gave it to her because you like her, because she doesn't acknowledge that you're just overall, a really bad general manager, you're disorganised, have a serious problem with being criticised, and cannot accept the word no. You didn't land on this opportunity because of brilliance or a state of mind, you did so as you used to fuck the chairman, and you beat up somebody who has not competed to an active status in whoever knows how long. You're disingenuous, deceitful and a complete fucking bitch. You slate me as a liar, fucking ironic. The Last Vixen is far much more than a game, I briefly recall when the conditions I once situated were deemed nothing more than a catchphrase, and all these opinions dissipated once I claimed the Vixens World Championship, sidenote, it wasn't a world championship until my hands touched against it, and fingertips pressed against the plates. You're the reason for her existence, after all, you did proper damage to me when you executed the conditions I previously mentioned, and pushed me into the pitch black, into the canvas, into the irrelevancy. I had nothing, all my friends turned their backs on me because of you, because of what you said, and the actions you took. My lifestyle, executed, blood running through the floorboards and hitting against my cheek, as the winds grew brittle, cold, harsh, she came to me. She reminded me of a time before my revolution, that I could harbour it, acknowledge it, appreciate it. I had no other option, she was there when nobody else wished to be, she wrapped a blanket around my soul, poured health into my wounds, and brought upon incineration that meant I would never grow cold again. She burns throughout me, this constant smoulder, conflagration, a need for lust, vengeance, retribution. It's honestly upsetting how you so obviously deem every achievement I have as irrelevant, and yet the only things you have accomplished, happened far before I ever touched this continent. Whilst I became the Vixens Cup winner, you were eliminated in the first round, as I fought Kendra Shamez at Pain For Pride, you did what exactly, oh that's right, a multi-tag match that not one person could name all the participants within. As I crowned the peak of my revolution, by sending the Heart Break Gal away from Empire, vanquishing her, truthfully, dull reign, you were crying over spilt milk, losing to Kendra Shamez in the rematch for your off the subject, inapposite title. So what did you actually fucking do Tarah, and please state something that happened whilst I have been under contract, your greatest achievement is firing me and even then I came back in less than two months, you can't even achieve the task of simply letting a woman go, you're this great general manager and yet I removed you from power with the click of my fingers. Tarah, you can repeat without validation or evidence, that you're the heart, the middle, the soul, but you're nothing of the sort, you're a cancer, as I've said multiple times, but there's truthfully no other word that sits better, you're an absolute cancer, utter poison, the antithesis of what my revolution stood for. You want to keep Empire alive? How ambitious, perhaps the word alive has two different meanings for us, never the less, if you wish for Empire to thrive, not survive, let me do it for you! It's not as if you have a choice, but hear me out. Firstly, I would not fire people for speaking their mind, I would encourage it! Secondly, my best accomplishment isn't slithering into bed with a chairman, so perhaps people will respect me juxtaposed to constantly criticising me. Thirdly, I'm actually not half bad in the ring, and I've proved that against the likes of Aria, Cameron, Stephanie, and had a world championship reign whilst they have been at their peak. You believe you're the reason Empire is alive, but it's barely touching life support. You're killing the environment around you, allow me to be the one who finishes the job, by delivering a massacre to you at Bloodletter, before squeezing the life out of this worthless division, and delivering the souls of the dead to her, so that I can be freed of this blood-lust, this need for retaliation. I stick to the statistics, I do not thrive in this fantasy, fairy tale bliss that you bathe within. You profess you're a woman of your world, oh, like when you said I would never return to Elite Answers Wrestling, like when you stated Empire has been at the peak since you became the manager. Spare me the fucking details, I validate everything I say, I am a tactician, a woman who prides herself on truth and strategy, if you are a woman of your word, then I could potentially be Aria Jaxon. From the first day I arrived to this continent, I promised a revolution would come, that my lifestyle would found, inaugurate and establish equality, pride, athleticism, prowess, to each and every individual who wished for it. I elevated women in this industry to new heights, you keep saying you started it but truthfully, you only made the coffee and wiped the floors as I engineered change, and created a path for women such as myself, to demonstrate and signal their wrestling talent on the grandest stage, instead of being a sideshow, and I evidence that each night, when I step in the ring, each week, when I walk out onto the Empire spectacle. I insist that you bring your best, bring your all, finish the job, become the woman who finally puts the sword into the Vixens eminence once and for all, truly justify your name. At Bloodletter, vengeance shall come into reality. In the space of one hundred days, it shall be you attempting to take my life, to me firing the final shot, and rationalising every word that has dripped from my lips. You pushed me to absolute limits, to the deep, the depths of the ocean and held my body under. I was polluted and scathed for the space of two months, and yet breath still found my lungs. I returned, scorched, but coruscating with emotion. I conquered you at your own game, you impelled me to incarceration, how beguiling that six feet is all it shall take to massacre you. ''

AnD yOu CaN bElIeVe ThAt.

Words: Who cares? Tagged: Rat faced skank.

Sheridan Elsa Müller
Chelsea Crowe
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post December 5th 2017, 3:20 pm by Chelsea Crowe

Showdown - EAW Promoz! - Page 4 ApvENNjt_o


event: empire: bloodletter | 12/9/2017
promo number: 2
participants: chelsea crowe versus consuela rose ava versus april song versus mallory wilde
word count: 3,250 words

scene one:
december 5, 2017 // televised

Blending in was easy, standing out took a lot more skill. And that is what Chelsea Crowe is doing as she leans against a poster-covered wall, cup of untouched beer in hand and eyes watching nothing in particular. There's music playing through this house-turned-punk venue, and the people that pass by all look to Chelsea, if even for a brief moment. But she doesn't give even a cursory glance back. Instead, she retreats up the stairs, passing a few desperate people who stare at her for a bit too long, and finds a thankfully vacant guest bedroom. Tossing the beer aside and letting it stain the carpet, Chelsea takes a tentative seat on the bed, the door now locked and keeping her away from any distractions.

CHELSEA CROWE: “It's difficult to get your point across when you have to deal with a bunch of other people. I know first-hand from being in that battle royal on Empire how hard it can be. And ever since I've come here to EAW, I've fought to stand out. I've taken down 'top stars', I've given others a run for their money, and I've shown everyone why I'm the new head bitch around here. Now, at Bloodletter, I have to stand out again. And considering some of the BS my opponents have said, I don't think it'll be hard to get my point across in that ring. Getting my point across to them though, could be a little more difficult – some of them haven't proven to be the brightest.

Chelsea smiles.

CHELSEA CROWE: “Take Consuela, for example, the Specialists Champion. She had quite a bit to say to me in comparison to the others, which just goes to show who the greatest threat in this match is. It goes for all of them, really: they all see me as the one to beat. And that's kind of sad for you, Consuela. You're the champion, you should be taking centre stage – instead, I'm the one stealing the spotlight. Hell, you're so desperate to get the attention back that you had to say you're the champion at the beginning of your little statement. But just saying you're the champion doesn't make you one, just like having that belt doesn't mean you're the one to beat in this match.

Let me just ask something, though, because I need to make sure. Is Consuela of age? She's got all the papers to be here, right, she's not just some sixteen year old lying to stay in the country? Because wow, I've never seen someone in such a powerful position act so childish. I say one thing, say “maid shtick” once, and she jumps on it and repeats it like a hyperactive parrot. Do you have nothing else to say that you're just going to repeat what I said whilst not actually disputing it? I'm the one clutching at straws, of course. Oh no, Consuela, you're not a joke. It's not like you got vomited on one week and then quarantined like a little bitch the next, so April of all people was made to go and find you. And I find it really funny how you want to say you don't ignore your first miserable reign, but when it comes to proving why you aren't a joke, that pathetic excuse for an accomplishment mysteriously gets swept under the rug. Oh, and you gave a reason to care about the Specialists title? No hun. You ended the longest Specialists title reign so far and then disappointed everyone. Then the second time around, you've pretty much exclusively defended against “boring ass” April, as you described her. There's a reason there were two matches to find contenders for this belt – because Empire's been clamouring for someone to get it away from you. And they're in luck, because the saviour of the Specialists Championship is here! Rejoice.

You should be ashamed of how you carry yourself, because you've carried that title into nothing. What do you bring to the table that's different? And who exactly have you dropped out of the title picture? Because the person you've defended against the most is April, and she's in this match with us right now. I get it: most people on this show are too blinded by that belt you hold to see through your BS, but I'm not. So try again, hun. Because I do see this as a game, and as I've said, I play for keeps. I'm not afraid to bend the rules, expose the weaknesses, and play to win. Which makes me want to say this right now: I'm not underestimating you. I have no doubt that you can win against people, and you have, because you've defended that title. But that doesn't mean I can't call you out for being a joke, for lying about how much value you've given to that belt, and for being a disappointing champion.

For someone who prides herself on being honest and accepting the truth, you don't seem to pay much attention to what I said. I didn't say before that you were ignoring your first reign. I know you've acknowledged it. I pointed it out to show everyone that no matter how truthful you are, no matter how much fight you have, or how many fans you have on your side, you can make mistakes. You aren't better than everyone else, and if anything, you can be just as inconsistent and fragile as some of these other girls on Empire. You accept your flaws, that's good – what next? Oh, you beat April, great. I'm not April though, am I? You can stand there and say “I'm honest, I know I'm flawed”, but until you explain why that's not a weakness, then it's a glaring fatal flaw. Anyone can admit they have a problem, but until you do something about it, it's still an issue. It's still something for me to take advantage of. It's like when you ask what the issue with a clean fight is. Don't tell me you're that naïve. The issue with wanting a clean fight is that not everyone wants the same thing. I definitely don't, not if that means I can win at Bloodletter. I criticised you for not getting dirty because it leaves you vulnerable. Follow the rules too much, and I'll bend them into the bindings that are going to leave you trapped.

I'm not upset, I'm disappointed. To be honest, if anyone's upset, I think it's the one who's acting like a twelve year old throwing a tantrum all because I said a few stinging remarks. I haven't underestimated you, in fact I even said there's a reason you're a champion. You have fight. You just don't have much else right now. All you can throw out are a bunch of “no I'm not that”s, and excuses. And believe it or not, I can see you as both a joke and a threat. Your whole charade is laughable, but you've shown in the ring what you can do. I just hope you bring out your best and don't rely too heavily on the comedy, otherwise I'll be the one laughing. And at the end of our match, germs won't be your only phobia – you'll be more afraid of me.

Chelsea pauses briefly, that smug smile still on her face.

CHELSEA CROWE: “Oh no, I'm sorry I insulted you, April. It's not as if I knew exactly what I was doing when I called you a “deserter”. Did I light a fire under your arse? It's so easy to call someone “untalented” or a “jobber” like Consuela does, but I like to do what you've been failing to do and go in for the kill. Besides, it's not too far from the truth. You've deserted what made you a strong contender for the title all those months ago. Yet you want to stand there and say that beating someone unconscious, someone who didn't even know you were coming, is a sign of drive. Well, I have experience with people beating me down when I don't expect it, and let me tell you, it's not a show of determination – it's a sign of desperation. It was Kimi Hendrix's last resort against me, before I defeated her twice in a row. And now, we can see that that attack on Consuela was your last resort, you kicking and screaming before finally being dragged out of this title scene at Bloodletter.

You've had your ups and downs, that's true, but if they don't show a lack of drive, then what do they show? That you're not good enough? You're an established woman on this roster, and yet here you are, being inconsistent and confused. Me, I was thrown into the fire the moment I got here. You've seen my matches with the best here yourself, and even you said I intrigue you. That's why I'm the best in this match. Because even when there was pressure, I still got the win. Even with my one defeat, I looked like a star. I am a star. I've never made anyone doubt my drive to succeed, I've never had people questioning whether I want all the money and fame I'm hungry for – because I went out there and I got it. And I never let myself down like you have.

You're one of the only people to ever recognise my skill in the ring, and for that, I do have a bit of respect for you. You're not like all the others who've written me off for using the tactics I use. You actually seem a little smart, April. Unfortunately, that won't get you far. Knowing what I'm capable of is half the battle – it's what I choose to do and what I pull out of the bag that you should be concerned about. Because no one, not even someone as trained for combat as you, can predict what I'll do when it comes down to it. It's happened so many times before in my short time here: someone thinks they have me down, they go for the kill, and the next thing you know they're being checked on by doctors and wiping their own tears away. You seem to think that you have my number, and I bet you've thought that way about a lot of people – Consuela, for example, who you've continuously failed to beat as of late.

But oh, I'm ignoring your successes, aren't I? Well, let me look at the ones you pointed out then. You beat Haruna and Azumi, congrats – I think most of this roster can say that. I beat them in the battle royal to get here, and they've practically beaten themselves with the attitudes they have. I've already said where your downfall is with Consuela: you beat her a couple times before, but you've failed every single time recently. Which begs the question, what are you doing wrong? If anything shows your fall from grace, it's the fact you've gone from defeating Consuela to having to resort to blind attacks to get the upper hand over her. Then we have Cloudy, and I'll admit my loss, just as I'll mention how close I was to winning before I got ambushed in our first match. Your victory over her in the Divide and Conquer match is a completely different circumstance, though. You didn't beat her one-on-one, you didn't leave her needing to be saved through your work alone. I did, and I did it in my debut match. When all that pressure was on me, I charged forward and I practically had the win. Finally, we have Madison, and I think she's a pretty clear example of your career formula, April. You get terrorised by one person, you continue to come up short against them, and then you finally win – only to go back to square one and start all over again. And you might take that as “oh, then that must mean I'll finally win against Consuela again” – no. Because Consuela isn't the one in this match who'll keep you up at night. Consuela isn't your biggest threat to claiming that title.

I am.

I became your biggest threat here the moment you allowed yourself to be insulted by what I said. But unlike what's happened before, you won't get your victory over me. Every time you go for a submission, I'll be there to whisper in your ear: “deserter”. Whenever you think I'm down, I'll get back up and spit in your face like the deserter you are. Because you may be skilled with submissions and dealing punishment, but it'll mean nothing as long as you let me get into your head. I'll just be one step ahead of you, April, and I'll do what I did to all those others you've seen me get the better of. April Song is going somewhere: the back of the line, once I win this title.

A light sigh escapes Chelsea as she shifts around a little, suppressing a laugh.

CHELSEA CROWE: “Then we have Mal, who still opens her mouth and says nothing new. Absolutely nothing. When will it get through to you that I don't care if you attack my appearance, because it's all part of what I do. You keep going off about how I'm this and that, how I dress like some rejected Hot Topic model, and it's hilarious – because that's exactly what I want you to focus on. Why focus on what I can actually do when you can point out the most obvious, fakest thing about me? Then you get offended over it, you feel so annoyed that someone like me is here. Which is great for me, because you just keep showing how easy it is to push you to the edge and have you foaming at the mouth. And you're so blinded by your misguided anger towards me, that you're just making up lies.

I got this shot because I defeated nine other women on this roster for it. I didn't get it by bitching to the former GM, I didn't get it out of sympathy, and I didn't get it because I beat up someone who didn't even put up a fight. Like you did. So your memory doesn't serve you right, hun. Just like all your assumptions as to who I am don't help you. But I think I do know you. You don't need to gush about your life story like you did when you came here in order for me to know you, because the way you've been acting towards me says it all. You're pissed off, probably because you've taken a back seat to “girls like me” all your life. You want to generalise because you've been made to feel insecure by all those commercialised representations of success, and this is your chance to overcome all that and get revenge. Except it's not. Because like I said, you've made generalisations. That much was obvious when you said I've never had to work for what I have.

I don't need anyone's help, because everything I have, I've gotten myself. I came over here from New Zealand on my own, I got into this match on my own, and every bit of trouble I've found myself in has been worked out on my own. No integrity? Who cares! I win, and that's all that matters. Just because I'm what you think is “worthless”, doesn't mean I can't be a success, as I've shown. You don't think there's anything more to see? Don't come crying when you lose. I'm telling you to look beyond the surface because what you see and what you're focussing on isn't what's going to defeat you – it's what you're so adamant isn't there that'll be your downfall. Because that's been the downfall of many others. You're not the first to imply that I have nothing beyond this façade, and you won't be the last to lose because of how stubborn you are when it comes to actually seeing who I really am.

Why don't I show everyone who I really am? Don't be an idiot. Being an open book in this ruthless industry is bound to kill you, because people are always looking for ways to tear you down. If I showed everyone who I really am, I wouldn't have the advantage that I've had for so long now. Sorry hun, you have to actually do work to find out my flaws. You, on the other hand, have exposed all I need to see. You're offended by me, you're disgusted by me, and I can take advantage of those emotions easily. You might not fear me now, but you will when I make you realise “oh shit, she isn't just some basic bitch with nothing to show”. When I make you see what I can do – what you're ignoring, and what our opponents are noticing – then you'll panic. You don't want to go down to someone like me, someone you hate. So you'll become desperate, you'll do whatever it takes to put me away. And that's when I win. Because that's a trend, Mal. I get under people's skin, I make them go out of their comfort zones because they don't want to lose to me, and then I take control when they slip up. Not even the current Women's World Champion was safe from that.

It's so funny that you make a point of people not seeing you as a worthy contender, when you yourself don't see me as one. I love a bit of hypocrisy with my order of stubbornness. And what's even funnier is that you criticise me for talking too much, when you're the one constantly going on and saying crap that's been disproven. You don't think there's anything more to me? Look at my matches. You think I should dress and act the part? I am, because the way I've presented myself has made you crumble. I might be the sell-out, but you've bought-in to the trap I've laid out. And instead of stepping back and seeing the truth, you're doubling down and getting even more caught-up in the lie.

Instead of playing dress up, you should be seeing beneath the black lipstick. Because you're right, with enough pressure, it does come off. But it's what's underneath that you should be concerned about. Because you can't just throw on some clothes and pretend to be what I am beneath all of this. You can't apply some lipstick and become a success – thankfully, I don't need to. But you, Mal...after listening to what nonsense you've had to say, I'd say you need all the help you can get.

A smirk.

CHELSEA CROWE: “Whether you three realise it or not, I'm a threat. I'm one of, if not the biggest threat in this match. Just look at how you're acting: offended. Offended that I implied you're a joke, offended I called you something insulting, offended because I represent what you hate. You're all playing into my hands. And at Bloodletter, whilst you three get caught up in all your disgust and let your emotions get the better of you, I'll be the one standing out. I'll make my point. But I won't just be standing out – I'll be standing over all three of you, the new EAW Specialists Champion.

Chelsea lets out a laugh as we fade to black.
Daisy Thrash
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post December 5th 2017, 2:29 pm by Daisy Thrash
The Gift That Keeps On Giving

We see Daisy Thrash being followed by a cameraman after a house show.

Cameraman: Daisy, any comments on your upcoming match at Bloodletter?

Daisy: I just got done! Can’t you leave me the fuck alone?

Cameraman: Daisy, just a quick…

Daisy: Didn’t I tell you to fuck off? God!

The camera continues to follow her into a dressing room.

Daisy: Alright, you know what? Fine. If you really want something that bad I’ll give you something. Because I’m just that goddamn nice. And, y’know, it’s Christmastime. I guess I need to be all charitable and crap. I mean, I’m a giving person. I gave myself, and that bitch Andy, a no DQ match. I gave all of YOU PEOPLE a no DQ match. That’s right, I single-handedly made Bloodletter worth watching. I saved you all from another boring, cookie-cutter free-per-view. You don’t need to be some kind of psychic to guess what’s gonna happen that night. Aria Jaxon wins. Again. Consuela wins. Again. Haruna and Azumi win because Savannah Sunshine is too drunk off her ass to help her new buddy Revy. Megan becomes #1 contender all because of how well she can suck the big boss’ dick. Not to mention the fact that Tarah Nova’s little chosen one can’t be bothered to get out a word or two. And while we’re on the subject, lil’ miss Nova and Sher’s match might have some juicy stakes, but for all their talk of blood their match ain’t gonna have any! Their stakes are too well-done. I’m the one with the rare stakes around here. Damn, just made myself hungry. There had better be a Denny’s around here or so help me god…

People wonder why I’ve been railing so hard against this entire company. Why I’ve been saying this whole time that someone like me has got no chance of ever getting to the top within their little “system”. Well open your eyes and take a good look around! There’s no one rooting for me to win. They all want their precious little Andrea to win. They want that generic Barbie doll to take down the mean ‘ol feminist lady. When you think about it, it makes a lotta sense. Just look at her. She’s got that same boring look that every other small town girl with a dream has. And she’s just as replaceable too. And topping it all off, she’s got that nice, sanitized little comeback story. “Awww, look at her! She was such a loser that she got sent back down to developmental! But now she’s back! Let’s all live vicariously through her! She’s got no personality, so it’ll be even easier to make her our own personal Mary Sue!” And then they go on to heaping tons of praises onto her when she wins two matches against Yasmin Hyland of all people. They call her the next big thing. Meanwhile, I destroyed Yasmin Hyland so much that she hasn’t been heard from since. The response? Crickets. Fuck. No one ever talks about my comeback story. Except me of course. I’ve gone from bottom of the heap to giving one of the best damn performances of my career. Don’t try and call bullshit on me. You heard Gia say it. And to think I’m a ten year veteran of this business. Nobody expected me to finish in third place. Ok, before you jump on this Andy, I know you barely edged me out last week. YOU STILL LOST. But hey, don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll still get tons of undeserved praise for it. After all, you’ve never called yourself a feminist. You never have had to deal with the higher-ups tearing you down and making a mockery out of you just because you dare to show your support for fucking gender equality! Yeah, something as simple as that turns you into the butt of the joke. But you? No, you cooked up a nice, safe image for yourself. Something real commercial. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if you had some merch in the works. Maybe something with cutesy little hearts and shit. Something that says “I’m ready to ride this cash cow all the way to the top.” I’m proud to say that I ain’t got any merch. No way am I letting this company make any sort of profit off of my awesome creativity. And there is definitely no way I’m letting those idiots in the crowd have any piece of me. EAW made the jokes, but they all laughed at them. You see Andy, unlike you I was never considered the “safe choice.” This whole brand was never meant to be built around someone like me. I’m one of the ones who won’t just do what I’m told just because some jackass in a three-piece suit with a receding hairline tells me it’s in the company’s best interests. What about my best interests, huh? I guess I gotta just throw them aside in favor of whatever the bigwigs want. Over. And over. And OVER AGAIN. Everything changed when I no longer decided to give a fuck. That’s what makes us different, Andy. I will always choose the path that never makes me compromise who I am. The one that forces me to do plastic surgery on my soul just to make myself more palatable for the average audience. You might be blissfully content to take the easy way to fame but honey that just ain’t me. And don’t give me that “I don’t have it easy, I work so hard” line. ‘Cause you sure got it easier than me. Your work actually gets recognized. Roses are always gonna get picked over thorns.

But hey, you know what, Andy? I actually wanted to get you another gift. Except the whole thing kinda fell through. Do I want to tell you what it was? Yeah, screw it, might as well at this point. I picked out a nice little headstone for you. I figured you were gonna need it after what I’m going to do to you on the 9th. It was this polished stone thing, nice and shiny. But guess what? Turns out you can’t get a pretty headstone on a $10 budget. Oh well, it was worth a shot. I’ll tell you what I will give you though. I’ll give a violent, painful, gruesome death. Wasn’t lyin’ when I said you were gonna need a tombstone. How pretty is pretty little Andrea gonna be after she gets skinned? I’ve got so many ways to skin that cat. ‘Cause I can see weapons everywhere. I don’t limit myself to just what’s under the ring. No way, not when I’ve got so much stuff at my disposal. I might even bring a few things of my own if I feel like it. But you don’t need to know anything else about that. Just know this: after I’m finished with you, they’re gonna have to call this thing BloodBATH. 'Cause I will keep getting up and getting up and getting up until Andrea Valentine is nothing more than a pulp!

Alright, little dolly. I’ve pulled your string. You can go ahead and talk now. Go ahead, say some last words.

Daisy focuses her attention on the lingering cameraman.

Daisy: The hell are you still doing here? I’m done! I swear you people stick around for way too long. For fuck’s sake, I’m not Chelsea Crowe! Beat it!

Abrupt cut to black.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post December 5th 2017, 12:35 pm by 『zakkii』
Are you really that useless that you need your babysitter to talk to me on your behalf, Savannah? So much for someone who is declaring a war on me, I suppose. I really find it funny that someone who thinks that she is way on top ahead of me now is hiding behind somebody's back when she's issuing this challenge. Yeah, maybe that is what you are good for, Savannah. Hiding behind the back of someone who is stronger than you and claim that you are actually doing that thing all by yourself. Wow, I remember someone look at me as a hypocrite when I did the same thing. I wonder what are they calling you right now? Huh, I am actually surprised if you are being called as a hypocrite by them. Yeah, double standard at its finest, ladies and gentlemen. Hey, that just proves that I am not the one who is actually a hypocrite. They are! So why do I even bother listening to them? Why do I even bother giving all my best effort for all these hypocrite so-called "fans" and I never get an appreciation anyway? But hey, I am a nice girl. For this match, I am going to give my best only to make your precious Candyland Princess suffer and no, I am not doing this to you. I am doing this for myself and I will take all the pleasure to see this drunken lady destroyed by my own hands.

And speaking of her babysitter, What's wrong, Revy? Didn't I already tell you to stay out of my business as I am going to beat the hell out of Savannah? Are you really dedicating this match so much to protect this helpless human being? What happened if you failed, Revy? Are you promised to be given an EAW Vixens Title opportunity if you are able to bring Savannah back home in one piece? Yeah, I heard some people get a rather "unique" way to get a title shot on Empire nowadays. Some of them get it after sleeping and get associated with the authority, some of them gets it after losing another title opportunity, yeah and I thought you will get that title shot if you are avoiding Savannah to reach the end of her career. Yeah, Empire is funny sometimes but hey, I'd rather get a shit ton of losses rather than sinking that low to get a high place like most people do in this place. Sorry, I still have dignity and having a lot of defeat is not really tainting it that much rather than I have to kiss somebody's ass to get title shot. I don't need their recognition to make myself even better. Some smart people out there can see who is the one who actually deserves to be in better place and I know, there are still a lot of people who manage to control their libido and see that with their eyes, not with their penis.

And Revy, please for the love of God stop talking about this whole "Asian" culture like you are a goddamn Asian expert around here. Jesus, for a retired army soldier you are an absolute cringe. Listen, who do you think you are so you can talk about it, huh? Yeah, do you think people will think that you are an expert if you are mentioning all the stereotypical things about Asians? Man, I found it ironic as you are calling a native Japanese as weebs or whatever, you god damn filthy weeb! Yeah, people like you that make the image of western people look bad. And yeah, go ahead make a list and describe everything that you don't like about me. You think that stupid little list will actually hurt my feelings? Eh, just like what you said that you don't like me, I don't like you either. And hey, don't get me wrong. If I hate you and still be able to describe why I hate you, it still means that there is something that I care about you, but naah. I don't like you and I don't really care about you at all. I don't care about your relationship with Savannah, I don't care about what you've done in this place, I don't care about your previous matches, I don't care about your win-loss record, I don't care about your future here, I don't care about everything that comes in a package with your body! And I don't care how much you are trying to protect Savannah from me, I am going to do it anyway. And I don't care about what's gonna happen if you failed to do so. What I care about is that I am able to make Savannah pay for what she's done and there's nothing you can do about it!

And oh, are you trying to threaten me that you are going to do the same to Azumi if I still insist to destroy Savannah? Well, you know, go ahead then! Break Azumi's bone, pull Azumi's flesh out of her skin, just basically kill her if you can. I am not going to protect her. There's a huge difference between Azumi and your precious little girl. She's a responsible adult that is able to take care of herself without me putting an attention on her too much. She decided to go after you is because she wants it to and she said it with a fully conscious mind and one more thing, Azumi is not drunk. Azumi is able to stand with her both feet and able to defend herself so yeah, she doesn't need my protection just like you trying to babysit Savannah throughout the match. And I think I agree with you. Make Azumi suffer just like I want to do the same to Savannah. Watch me destroy Savannah and try to do an exact same thing to Azumi. That, if you are able to do this, though. Again, I don't care about you and I don't care how Azumi is going to do to you if you try to stop me doing what I am planning right now. I would like to see you try to give a shot to Azumi. Even though you managed to win the match by pinning Azumi, that is not my business after all. You know what, maybe it will better if you two have a fight somewhere else so I can fully focus on murdering Savannah. I don't even care about that!
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post December 5th 2017, 9:11 am by Nobi
1 year and 9 months...

That’s the amount of time that I needed to be the champion I am right now. Every single failures, every single disappointment, every single bad things that I had to deal really made me frustrated. I was sad, I was upset, I was angry but somehow, someway, I still can find a way to deal with the poison I had in my heart. I don’t want to be a broken record, but I have to say this: the reason why I never wanted to walk away from this company is because of the fans. They gave me hopes and they tried to lead me to the lights and they are successful. Thank you, you are the reason why I never want to give up and never surrender. I’ll try to be a great champion I can be for all of you. I also want to say thank you to The Pizza Boy and especially to Lioncross and Lyuncrust. I didn’t know and still don’t know what you see in me but thank you for taking me under your wings, I’m very grateful to be friends with you all. No matter what, you always gave me a moral supported just like the fans did. I hope I can stand with my own two feet to face greater challenges that I have to My real journey has just begun.

Yes, my real journey has just begun. I did say I’ll try to be a great champion I can be and it has to start from this week. I realized that being a champion meaning I have to prove that if I’m worthy or not by being the National Elite champion. I have to prove if I could bring a prestige to the National Elite Championship or not. Most importantly, I have to prove if I could take the National Elite Championship to the higher level or not. No matter who my opponent is, I have to give them all my best so I can really tell that I AM really the Champion on this show.

With all due to respect, did you hear that Heart Break Gal? I have no intentions to lose to you this week despite you ARE the EAW World Champion. I have no intentions to be the second best. All I want is just being the best. Please understand this, I want to established the National Elite Champion as THE title on this show. I know, it’s very hard to do so especially since my first opponent is THE EAW World Champion just after I won The National Elite Championship but it’s still possible for me to do so. I’m not underestimating you by any means HBG, it will be a suicide move if I underestimated you because you are very capable of anything. You are the first Woman to win the EAW Championship in the history of this company and that speaks volume about you as a wrestler. Even if you aren’t the EAW Champion right now, you have done so much for this company and that’s something I cannot overlooked. Without a shadow of doubt, you are the most accomplished opponent that I have ever faced in my entire career. To be honest, I’ve been idolized you for so long and it’s such an honor to face you one on one where we are both standing as champions. Hopefully I can bring my best to you, push you to your limit, and acknowledging me as the better wrestler AND the better Champion, not just for this week, but also for the rest of our days as Champions. Nothing personal here, HBG, it’s just something I have to do. I know, I can lose to anybody despite being a Champion in non-title matches, you MIGHT be the one who give me my first lose in this Champion vs Champion match and failing my mission in the process but at least I want to make everyone acknowledged me as the star of this match. I have to bring the prestige of National Elite Championship as much as I can and I want to make all my matches memorable starting from this week. I can make it happened with you as my opponent. You might be laughing at me right now, and yes, I can’t keep you down, but I still can knock you down and pinning you 1-2-3 right in the middle of the ring just like you can make me KO or Tap Out.

I don’t know if you knew me before this match but I have to tell you this: I used to be nervous of all time. I never felt confidence. I never had my hope high. Like I said, I needed 1 year and 9 months just to win my first title and it was a slow progress if I compare myself to other wrestlers. You might want to ask me why do I have a big confidence in all of sudden but the truth is, no, this isn’t a confidence. I do gained some after beating POP and Stark, but I still feel nervous about facing you. My heart is racing faster than usual. I’m intimated by your big name if I’m being honest about it. But being a Champion is never easy, I’m sure you already know that. We both have to look our back all the time since any predators can coming after us in any seconds. But the truth is, I do want to give them opportunities as much as possible because that’s what a Champion do. I just want them to realize who is really the champion between you and me, and I really want to beat you for my own sake and for lifting the National Elite Championship to the higher level.

May the best Champ win.
Mallory Wilde
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post December 5th 2017, 8:53 am by Mallory Wilde
Blood Letter Promo 3: Three Dog Night

The camera opens to the noise of a jaw crunching down on something. As the camera slowly opens, it finds Mallory Wilde walking down a train track with a bag of chips under her arm.  As she balances on the rail, she reaches into the bag and procures another one. As she begins to bring it up to her lips, she stops, cuts her eyes at the camera, and then extends her hand to offer up one with a coy smile.

"All dressed chip? No?"

Mallory arches her neck, as if to peer over the camera.

"Oh.  I see.  You all already have one on your shoulder.  Well at least that explains why you're all so salty.  Everybody's in 'game mode' all of a sudden. Everyone's ready to rip the other's head off without even learning their names. Don't get me wrong. I am too, but it's because I think fightin's fun.  Well, that, and I like pushing the likes of Chelsea Crowe face down in the dirty.  At least I'm not so uptight about it. Gah, I swear, can't even compliment someone around here without getting your head chewed off for not knowin' their life story.  Consuela wants me to see more than an immigrant's story in her. OK, fine, I didn't know you lived in LA, but maybe it's because you say you're...I dunno...from Spain? It's not like I'm goin' 'round sayin' 'Yeah,I'm billed from France, but I'm really Canadian.'  That'd be just dumb, and mostly because I've never frickin' been to France.  But let's move past that.  Let's talk about 'me not knowing you more than a Google search'.  OK,fair, but I've seen you work and my opinion's not changed. Seems that despite the fact that you're Specialist Champion that you don't feel accomplished yet.  You hark on your critics who aren't even in this match, and you complain about people not viewing you as a threat.  Fine, but maybe you, I dunno, give us a reason to not doubt you as a champion?  I've seen the hunger and rage of a mad puppy in your eyes,but now it's time to grow up and be a big dog. As I've said before, I gladly welcome a loss from a true fighter who has no peers or master. You seem to have a master in your own peers, because no matter who you get in the ring against, you can't keep the names of your conspirators off of your lips.  Come show'em whose champ then.  Come show me. I dare ya.

Mallory pops another chip into her mouth and raises her eyebrow.

"Speakin' of salty chips who can't seem to accept my praise, hi April.  Still doin' this for everyone else but you? Is that why you asked for this match? I mean you did have to ask didn't you? No one gave you your spot based on your abilities,right? Tarah just gave it to you to get you out of her office? You and Chelsea? I think my memory serves me right, but hey I can't talk.  I got this shot after my first month in.  You could view that as me being a breakout star who impressed management enough for them to want to test me, or you could view it as a desperate and dying division that nobody wanted to really be a part of because of it's more rugged connotations.  Our GM knows a wilting flower when she sees one and she didn't see one in Mallory Wilde.  That's why I was given what you had to ask for despite your training and combat skill.  So you don't give two hoots aboot what I think of the military? Ya don't care what I think? That's fine too sister, but at least I showed you some respect after layin' you out.  I honestly wouldn't mind some back in return   That is, unless you've run out of humility after licking your masters' boots all day.  Maybe that's my real problem with you.  I don't care if you asked to be in this match.  The more the merrier, and I don't care how you really view me as a human being or competitor, because, eh, kicked your ass.  My issue with you is the fact that you're no different than Chelsea Crowe.  You're in this for something else besides the prize on the line.  You're out to appease a master and nothing more,and it doesn't matter to me if that master's name is military, Manami or money, I don't respect anyone whose on the leash of some false icon.  Fight me for that Specialist title because you want a fight.  Don't fight me because some outside entity tells ya to."

Mallory reaches into the chip bag and tries to dig out another. After some blank stared searching, she lifts the bag over her head and pours the crumbs down to meet her waiting and open mouth. After emptying the contents of the bag, she wads it up and tosses it over her shoulder, nearly knocking her off of her balance in the process, but after some weeble wobbling, she finds her cat like footing once more.

"Then there's Chelsea, whom I think I've made my opinions clear on.  Yet another sour sack askin' to be seen past what's on the surface.  I swear, I don't get you folks.  If you want the world to see who you are, then by all means, dress n' act the part.  I'm not dressed like this because I want some silly store sponsorship.  I don't talk like this because I'm some hoser tryin' tuh come off as Canadian.  Warts n' all, I'm all aboot showin' the world who I am.  You can love it, hate it, hell I don't care if ya even view it as some inauthentic ruse.  I know what I'm about and I ain't shy aboot it.  If ya want me tuh fear ya as some fierce competitor or complex individual, then how 'boot showin' me ya are one, eh?  First think I did when I entered this promotion,before even gettin' booked, was tell everyone where I've come from n' let'em know what it means.  I've dumped my purse out on the counter and let the world read the open biography of Mallory Wilde. Maybe the three of you should consider doin' the same? Til then, I can honestly say I've never been attacked by no billboard,so I don't fear some basic bitch like Chelsea Crowe who only stands for what billboards stand for. Ya think you've got me figured out just because I let it be known that I hate what ya stand for. Maybe ask April if it matters whether or not you know the reason I don't respect you.  She knows.  No matter how much she might deny me as a worthy contender, she can't deny the red bruise shaped like my big toe on her face. Soon you'll bare my truth as well,Chelsea. You'l just be another kicked dog in a long line of yappin' hounds who don't know when to shut up and actually take the time to listen."

The tracks begin to rumble as the air about the non-plus Mallory begins to gust.

"I'm not afraid of any o' you.  I'm not afraid of losing.  More importantly, I'm not afraid to hold and defend that Specialist Championship in the most brutally metal ways that it deserves. You want me to believe in you? You want me to know what you're about? You want me to respect where you're comin' from? Fine."

Mallory steps off of the tracks nonchalantly with a smile just as a train comes whizzing around the corner, barreling over the empty chip bag and momentarily filling the spot where Mal stood only moments before.

"Then how 'bout you come give me a reason."
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post December 5th 2017, 1:54 am by Revy
I suppose it’s about time I just admit I’m use to it. I don’t get why it’s so hard, but I came to EAW in the hopes of fighting my own battles, making no commitments or promises. After all, when you’re on the field for as long as I’ve been, you’re always fighting someone else’s war. And while I personally had nothing going against Azumi or Haruna, it would appear I’ll have to step in and fight Savannah’s battles. Why? Well, not because I like her or anything, but simply because of the fact that I hate bullies and how could anyone hit a defenseless drunk 12 year old is beyond me.
Well, tough break ladies. If you want to get your hands on little Miss Sunshine, you’re going to have to get through me, because as far as I’m concerned, she and I aren’t done yet. I beat her in the Chamber match, and she beat me one on one, so we still have a score to settle, and I don’t need you two spoiling that. I mean, why are you even mad at her? Why are you even made as us? I mean, aren’t you both Asians? Shouldn’t you guys be mad at yourselves because you went from World title contender to fighting for the specialist title? And to add insult to injury, you both got eliminated by a drunk. Isn’t this the part where you both commit Sudoku? Seppuku? Harikari. Whatever, off yourselves? Or is this where I’m going to have to do that for you guys.
Don’t fuckin put your insecurities about yourself on either Savannah or I. At the end of the day, you both suck. Savannah does too, but atleast she can lighten up and have fun with it, and you are both jealous that someone as corny, cheesy, and lame as her and someone that could care less about how “pro-wrestling” is perceived is more popular than you. But I suppose this is what is wrong with how American view pro-wrestling, but bitch, let me tell you what is right about pro-wrestling in America. The fact that even the little guy, like Savannah and I can get a shot while you and Haruna can get tons and tons of shots to prove yourself only to fail each time. But instead of having a knife tossed to you telling you to end it because you’re a fuckin disgrace to your people, you are told “maybe next time” and you try to get better. Don’t be a cry baby about it. If I expect anyone to cry over spilt milk, it’s frickin Savannah Sunshine.
Azumi, calm your ass down. If the baby wanted some milk, go suck on the flat tits of your baby mama. After all, isn’t that all you ever do is go back running to Haruna after each lost? I mean, do you ever think that because it happens so often, she gets sick of it, so why don’t you actually do something about it and you know, actually get good. Your arrogance is sickening, I swear to god, her flat tits are not the only thing you are sucking from her. I mean shouldn’t you be sharing? Why are you so cocky and arrogant while Haruna is also so damn depressing, and don’t think I can’t see it through that fake ass smile of hers. But to be fair, Haruna clearly isn’t sharing something with you at all, because she has all the talent and you don’t. Ooh, did I go there? Yeah, I did. Maybe if you got a little less cocky and better in the ring, you might actually get shit done while if Haruna can actually loosen up a little, she might even be, dare I say, a champion. But what I’m saying is, Azumi. Don’t act like you are what is best for Haruna, because clearly, you are holding her back. Haruna is better and it’s a shame she has to waste time and energy making excuses for you. Keep calling yourself the Ace, but you clearly don’t have all your cards together if that makes any sense. And I’m not even saying you are missing 1 or 2 things, I’m saying you don’t have a lot going for you, but as far as Haruna goes, she can afford to drop one thing, and maybe it will be best if I drop it for her. I’ll give you a clue. It’s the thing that hit me in the back of a head with a pipe last week. If it was me, that would be a bullet and you wouldn’t get back up. You make too many mistakes Azumi, and you made another one in not finishing me off. But personally, you should had stopped when I told you to get the fuck out of the locker room. As you can tell, I don’t like repeating myself. In the Army, if you don’t follow orders immediately, you get disciplined. Unfortunately for you, I’m retired from the army, so instead, I’m going to bash your head in and incapacitate you. Why? Because America, that’s why.
And no, no,no, Flat Tits-McGee. Don’t think you’re going to get away scot free because I had something nice to say about you. Because I can make a list of things I don’t like about you. I mean first of all, bitch, you ain’t a natural blond. Second, did you really think you could get away from Azumi messing something up and dragging you down with her? I mean, the couple thing is cute and all, where if one fails, the other fails, but at the same time, if one of you wins, it’s both your victories. But how is that going for you, Haruna? How often have you been able to celebrate in EAW? Honestly, I feel bad for you for having to put up with that. Like if I had to make my pick, despite Drunk Savannah picking fight with people, disappearing all the time, and being a total asshole, so basically confirming she is a mean drunk, I’d rather be taking care of Drunk Savannah than Azumi. And now tell me, how do you think I feel when you’re telling me you want to kill Savannah? What if I went ahead and killed something that you love like…. Sure Azumi, why not? Huh? Suck, doesn’t it? Now consider your words carefully, as I said, I don’t like to repeat myself. Once it’s said and done, I start swinging. But if you try to end Savannah, I’ll end Azumi and because of how dependent you are of her, I’ll end you too. Why? Because that is your greatest weakness. That’s the thing wrong about Asians, there is too much in honor and family that it basically cripples them the moment you take away one of them. After all, it’s the same reason I’ve cut ties with my family, and the truth is, even if you manage to get your hands on Savannah, that doesn’t mean I’ll crumble and stop fighting, but I’ll be curious to see how you would react. Would you lose the will the fight or go into a fit of rage? Don’t blame me for what will happen to you both. Azumi peaked my curiosity when she chose to go against me. At some point, girl, you need to start pointing your fingers at the right direction, and just say it, “Azumi, this is your fault.”

But you won’t say it. You won’t. You’re weak, frail, fragile, you wouldn’t survive a war and its stupid of you to put everything into someone as talentless as Azumi. You talk about prestige and honor, yet you already lack the ability to cast aside all motion aside to attain it. Yet Ironically, Azumi has the drive to be a champion, but not the grit to get the job done. You can’t do much someone that already believes they are in their peak conditioning and refuses to improve, but you, Haruna, you have untapped potential, and like me, even I am getting sick of tired of hearing about it. But unlike you, I’m not here talking about how I should be this or I deserve that. I’m not a fuckin’ entitled brat like you two are, and you know what? Dishonor on you, Dishonor on your cow. Yes, I’m calling you a cow! Just when you don’t think you could do any worse, you came knocking at my door refusing to leave me alone, I’ll be coming at you with some firepower and making you leave. It’s going to be World War II all over again, And I’m about to drop the bomb on your asses and waiting for the surrender. But this isn’t 1945, this is 2017 and for some reason, women beating each other senseless on live television is a thing, because why? America, that’s why? And at Bloodletter, Savvy and I aren’t only going to kick you both out of the locker room. If you don’t like how we Americans do things too, I’ll be more than happy to show you guys the way out. And Trust me. When we are done with you, you aren't going to want to show your face around here again, you turd blossoms.  
April Song
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post December 5th 2017, 1:25 am by April Song
(A smiling April Song is shown walking to the locker room after having attacked Consuela during her match. She doesn’t stop for interviews and instead goes immediately into the locker room. After a shower and getting dressed in her usual all-black street clothes, she sees a smiling Miss Manami waiting for her outside the locker room.)

Miss Manami: Hey, April. Tough luck about that match, but I have to say I like how you handled the situation with Consuela.

April: (smirks) Thanks. Though I don’t pine for your approval, I appreciate the words.

Miss Manami: It must have felt great to get your hands on her and kick her ass, right?

April: Better than you could imagine.

Miss Manami: You know who else is feeling great? (The smile on Miss Manami’s face disappears as her expression turns into a stern glare, her voice a deadpan) Mallory Wilde. She beat you. And you know who else is feeling great, Chelsea Crowe. She’s now in a match that I don’t think your head is completely wrapping around just yet.

April: Manami-sensei, wait a second-

Miss Manami: Quiet. Listen. I understand that you took personally what happened to you when you lost to Consuela in that farce of a championship match. I know that hurt you in more ways than you care to admit. I know you like doing things by the book but in this world, it’s not always like that.

April: That’s not-

Miss Manami: I don’t often call people children, but in age compared to me you are a child, so listen like one. I warned you after your match last week that you would be facing someone that you knew nothing about. You lost and now you must try to find yourself again. Watching your progression is amazingly frustrating. You have shown flashes of being so great. You have proven yourself to people like Aria, Consuela considers it necessary to cheat against you to beat you. Tarah Nova, one of the greatest wrestlers of this generation, deigned to help you because she had faith in you.

(Manami clasps her hands on either side of April’s head, her voice softening a bit but her expression rather stern.)

Miss Manami: You have all the talent in the world, child. When I first met you, you wanted to win but didn’t know how. When you won the Specialists Championship, it was like seeing the lightbulb light up for the first time. You wanted to win and finally knew how to win. As I see you now, you wanted to know, you now know…. but you don’t always exhibit it. I would rather not bring up the obvious examples of people who have left this company even in my short time here, but you never know when your chances will run out, April. Please, set aside your anger and your thirst for vengeance, and focus on the opportunity you have. There are so many who believe in you…. more than you realize. And I do too.

April: This is hard. Every time I think that I’m turning the corner, I go into a little slump.
Miss Manami: But you find your way out of these slumps.

April: True…but this one is a bit different. Now I’m facing not only an opponent that I know extremely well, but two more I’m still learning about.

Miss Manami: The great ones find a way, child. If you’re truly what I think you are, one way or another you will figure it out.
It’s only December, but it feels like I’m living on February 2nd time all the time. I’m going to date myself a bit, but it just reminds me of that movie Groundhog Day where Bill Murray is living the same day over and over and over until he figures it out. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen it but that’s more or lest the jist of it. My rivalry with Consuela seems like its own Groundhog Day. This is like the, I think I’ve lost count, the sixth or seventh time we’ve stood across the ring from one another. That’s not even including the Empire Cup. But, today I’m not going to be all that concerned about her. My concern now are the enemies I don’t quite know yet. Cameron and Mallory, two young women already tapped as the “next big things”. The “It Girls”.

I’ve already gotten to know Mallory well at least in the ring. I’ve also gotten to know that kick to my jaw and it’s not very pleasant. Mallory, there isn’t much that I can really say to you. You won. Fairly. I’m a bit disappointed that you would think of me to hold a petty grudge about you beating me. I’m not quite that simple-minded. Of course, I want to show better of myself because I don’t think I wrestled up to my standard when I faced you. I do want to beat you. Not to avenge my loss necessarily, but to demonstrate that even against people who have “figured me out” once before, the trick is not always so simple the next time around. I lost my debut in EAW, just to give an example. This young French girl beat me and another person who has departed this company. She boasted about it for a while….and then she became my bitch for the remainder of her stay in this company.

I don’t care what you respect about the United States. I don’t really care what you think of this opportunity and your assessment of the other competitors. The only thing that I care about now is making sure that you or no one else has your hand raised and becomes Specialists Champion. That is my goal. That’s why I went to Tarah Nova to ask for a return match after what happened in that disgrace of a championship match. You admittedly had me a little fooled when I went against you the first time. I have a history of not making the same mistakes twice. And I also have a history of trapping someone in a submission hold sooner rather than later. You are tough too, but not tough enough to withstand one of my holds once they are locked in. I’m not sure if you and I will be the ones who decide this match, but if we are just know that I have far more to give than what I showed you on Empire. And if you do too? That’s fine by me. I believe wholeheartedly my best can beat the best of anyone on Empire or anyone in the world for that matter, so if you really want a stimulating fight, I can guarantee if I’m around you will not have to look very far.

There is one word that you never utter to a military person, Chelsea. Deserter is a dirty word. You can call me untalented. I can deal with that. You can call me a loser, fine. But to call me a deserter is a cardinal sin. For those unaware, desertion is one of the easiest ways for a military man to become a dead corpse. If you leave your post, your job, you will either die or rot in prison in disgrace. That’s just the way it is. While I understand that EAW is not life and death and this is not WAR, I just wanted to point this out to make sure I get across how truly insulting this was to me.

This, like I said, is a common occurrence. I seem to have my hot streaks and my cold streaks and lately, the car’s been running a bit lukewarm at best. I beat two women who are fighting for the right to contend for this title soon at the same time. But I also lost to Consuela by count out. I have made the reigning Empress of Elite tap out in the center of the ring, but also have been pinned by Mallory. It’s an interesting career I lead. But just because I have admittedly been inconsistent that certainly doesn’t mean I lack the determination or drive that I exuded to become the Specialists Champion and shock the world.

How many chances will I get to hold this championship? I don’t know. I have worked hard to put myself in positions to capture glory before, but they have on many occasions come up short. All the stuff that has happened in the negative, finishing 2nd in the Empire Cup, losing the semifinals of a contender tournament, losing the belt to Consuela, that’s not what I think about. What I think about was the feeling of accomplishment and pride that I had when I held that belt. I remember what it was like for the first time in a long time to do something that I enjoyed doing. I understand that this isn’t something I can do forever, and I further understand that this title isn’t something I can or should chase forever, but if the opportunity is there I will fight like hell for it.

If you think I lack for motivation, you didn’t see what happened to our little Champion during her match. I beat her unconscious in retaliation for what she did to me with her cleaning crew friends. I apologize to our World Champion for not allowing her a chance to win or lose that match on her own merit that she and Consuela were contesting, but I was not going to let her get away with that. As for what people thought of my title reign, what they, and YOU think, is irrelevant to me. The records will always show that I have held that championship and one of the few people to do it so far. Like it or not, my name is on that history and will forever be. Was my title reign some sort of smashing success? No. But it was better than the Haruna fiasco and I was never one to duck a fight.

I have plenty of motivation, drive, for this fight. And I’m more than itching to get a crack at you, Chelsea. I consider myself a very keen eye for fighting talent and you have it. I don’t agree with your methods and I think you’re a bit too edgy and bombastic for your own good, but no one can argue with your results. Not every day does someone get up and walk away from the fight with a Champion like Aria and not be the one stretchered out. I’ve seen your matches with some of the very best in the world and I tingle with excitement at the thought of getting my hands on you myself. Regardless of what opponents think of me, and apparently it seems like you have zero respect for me, I have respect for them. Mallory was someone I respected, but she for whatever reason did not have my full attention. You have caught mine.

I don’t know what to think about this match in terms of what if I lose. Honestly, the time may be drawing near where I work towards an opportunity at another title, but for me this is far beyond just grasping the Specialists Championship. This is personal in so many more ways than that. This is about proving, again, to myself specifically, that I can overcome anything to get to where I want to go. You and Mallory are future standard bearers for Empire. I think that the two of you will have great matches with each other and across the world with many competitors and you Chelsea will be able to name your number when it comes to titles and money. Both of those things matter to me, especially the money, but that’s not my sole purpose.

I do find it amusing that even as you account for opportunity after opportunity that I’ve blown, you forget all the times that I’ve answered the bell. People like Haruna and Azumi tried to catch me in a downturn. They failed. I had to scratch and claw my way to a championship opportunity and I took full advantage of it. The Champion, I went to her house in her home country and pinned her on the back porch. People like Cloud Matsuda, someone you got to be familiar with I think, who thought I would be the easy out at Divide and Conquer and paid the price. Madison Kaline was a specter over my career for the longest, haunting my Empire run with the Coven and then denying my quest to win Divide and Conquer with a cheap shot from behind. And then I made her quit and took her will to fight.

I am used to this, playing behind the eight ball. I am used to people like you coming here and telling me that it’s their time and that I don’t have it and I have no chance. I LIVE to prove people like you wrong, and I look forward to proving you wrong in the hardest way possible. Airmen don’t run from danger. Airmen fly into it. I may be retired, I may not want to ever wear those colors again, but the dog of the military you see standing before you still has that mentality of remorseless fighting machine in her. If you want to see it, as I told Mallory, you will not have to look very far. You’re good, very good, but you have not yet faced someone as gifted with submissions and delivering punishment as I am. You will probably be Specialists Champion someday, but that day is going to have to come in 2018 or sometime thereafter because your reign is damn sure not beginning on December 9th, 2017. You will experience what I have experienced several times, the stinging reality of defeat, the understanding that as good as you are and aspire to be that there are still plenty of people around you who are just as good and can have your number at any time.

In short, bitch, you ain’t special.

And so, Groundhog Day begins, but with new members of the cast. Will I be condemned to this never-ending repeated scenario with Consuela and just inserting new bit players? Or will I finally break this curse, take back what is mine and prove myself to the wrestling world? Only time will tell. But one thing I do know is that you two will get every drop of blood, every bit of sweat, every calorie of energy. You will get every bit of grit that made me a graduate of the United States Air Force Academy.

Some say that the Killer Bee may have lost her sting? I say that all you’ve done is rattled the honeycomb and brought the bee out.

I have said this before, and I will say it again:

Tarah Nova
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post December 4th 2017, 11:58 pm by Tarah Nova

Bad Moon Rising---BloodLetter
Promo Number Three

“I see the bad moon arising. I see trouble on the way. I see earthquakes and lightnin'. I see bad times today. Don't go around tonight, well, it's bound to take your life. There's a bad moon on the rise. I hear hurricanes ablowing. I know the end is coming soon. I fear rivers over flowing. I hear the voice of rage and ruin. All right! Hope you got your things together. Hope you are quite prepared to die. Looks like we're in for nasty weather. One eye is taken for an eye”

user posted image

Well, Sher, I must say I’m impressed. I’m impressed by how many times you can repeat yourself and actually believe all the bullshit that comes flying out of your mouth. Like you mean to tell me that YOU are the reason that ladies like Aria Jaxon, Brody Sparks and a bunch of others accomplished all the goals that they have met here? That you are the sole purpose behind the rise of every single talented woman on Empire? Excuse me Sheridan while I laugh my fuckin’ ass off to the point of Tears. You know how you sound, right? You sound like one delusional bitch right now. I mean you cannot honestly tell me that you did all of this by yourself. There is no way that is true and I will forever refuse to believe that bullshit. Like I told you the first time I spoke to you: to me and most of the people here, you are nothing but a footnote in the history books of Empire. And I know for a FACT that you are not the reason why someone like Aria Jaxon calls herself the Queen of the New Guard. NewFlash, sweetheart; Aria Jaxon fought tooth-and-nail for two years to get to the spot that she is in now and Brody Sparks, God Rest her soul, sacrifice everything to become longest reigning Specialist Champion that Empire will ever see. Those two didn't become the legends that they are today because of you and I refuse to stand here, letting someone like you claim their accomplishments for your own. So you can step out of the shadows, Sheridan, calling yourself the architect of Empire and how you thrived through hell to create what they accomplished and what Empire is today but no matter how much you say it, no one will believe you. I mean why would they believe your narcissistic filled lies when they can go back and watch every match that those two had. Hell, people can search the history of EAW and see for themselves that you were nowhere to be found when those two and so many other were climbing up the mountain to the top of this Empire. God, it sickens me that you would stoop as low as trying to claim someone else's victories. Trying to make history for yourself by taking others. You are have done nothing but basically become a leech to this company. You are just trying to latch yourself on everyone else's accomplishments all because you realised so many months ago that are not the most important person here and it kills you that you will never be that person either. It straight up burns your heart outta your caving chest that that will never be you. You will never stand up to the likes of Aria and Brody and Cloud even. No matter how hard you try to pull yourself to their level that they are forever on; you will not make it. You will not ever reach it because frankly, Sheridan, you don't have what it takes to be like them. So what do you do? You throw a fit in the middle of that ring. You get me fired from being the general manager of Empire. You start making up accusations and pointing your fingers at everyone backstage for your problems; trying to make it seem that everyone else is out to get you but we all know that's a lie. You need to realise that no one is out to get you other than yourself, Sheridan. I have been trying to tell you that the last few days. None of this is anyone else's fault but your own. You pissed off the board and I  was forced to put the hammer down and that's the only reason why you got fired. It wasn't because of petty bullshit like you claimed it to be. You got released because you fucked up on your own accords but of course, you won't believe that, will you Sheridan? No, you're going to just keep on telling everyone it was my fault that you got fired and no one else's but mine. And while you stand in the middle of that ring and keep on preaching to the universe that it was my fault; I will stand on my own two feet with a smile on my face and say: show me proof. Yes, Sher, show me the proof of how it is my fault that you got released from Empire. That time and time again no matter how hard you try and you fail; that is my fault for that failure. Please Sheridan, I am beg of you. I am on my knees as we speak, begging for you to show me that it is all my fault that you are fuckin’ failure. *Tarah gets quiet for a moment before a smile appears on her lips* Yeah...that's right. I finally said it. You, Sheridan Elsa Muller, are you fuckin’ failure. You are not anything but that in my eyes. I mean you could scream from the top of the turnbuckle so the nosebleed seats can hear you when you attempt to say that you are the architect, that you did NO WRONG and how you are the only reason why this place is still standing but no matter how much you scream it or how much you preach, it will never be the truth. And the funniest part is no one believes you when you attempt the spread these words but of course you keep it up. You keep it up so you can make yourself feel better, right? Spreading all these ego filled statements is the only thing that keeps yourself happy anymore. You have to tell yourself over and over and over again that YOU are not to blame for all of this shit that has happened to you because you know if you finally realise that YOU are the main reason of everything that has happened, you’d break. You’d shatter into a million of tiny pieces. You would be ruined. So what do you do to save yourself? You lie. You lie to the world of who you are. It started with the “Last Vixen” Bullshit and then it was the “Blame Tarah Nova” Game and finally it hit the “I am the Architect of Empire”. All three of those things are nothing but pointless lies that you want everyone around to believe but they won’t. Why would they after everything that you did. After watching you day in and day out, attempting to burn down everything that Empire stands for. Again, I am not the Monster here, Sher; you are. I am not the narcissistic bitch that you claim me to be time and time again. I did Everything for this place, unlike you and I can’t say that enough, Sher. I will, no matter how many times you say it in different ways; stand by those words that leave my lips. You talk about how I am a cancer to this place? Hmm, you think I haven't heard that before? Oh bitch, you thought! In fact, I have heard that from not just you but Kendra too. Funny, now that I think about it, It was in our triple threat match at House of Glass together. You both basically called me Cancer. You both attempted to get under my skin with that ONE statement and what happened after that? I turned it on you both. I turned around and called you a mini me of Kendra Shamez. That you were nothing more than just a copy of her and what happened next? You fell quiet. For the rest of that time, you didn't say a word to me. ‘Poor Sher, Tarah got under your skin.’ And now, you attempt to throw that line at me once again and once again I laugh in your face about it. Sher, like I said many months ago, I am not the Cancer in this division. I am the Heart and Soul of this place. I am a big piece of this place and everyone who steps through those doors every week knows it. See while everyone left to go on to make their careers better than they were, I stayed behind. I stayed and made damn fuckin’ sure that Empire was running smoothly. Win or lose, outta all the shit that has happened to me, I didn’t run away. I didnt hide. I stayed to help keep this place afloat. Now with that being said, I’m not going to called myself a “Hero” like you think that's what I’m getting at, no. I am nothing more than a person who cares about Empire and wants to keep this place alive. I am not a Hero. I am not a Villain. I am just a woman that is fighting for everything that she believes in and I believe in EMPIRE. Yes, I have done horrible things to this division but it was all in good taste, I swear to that. I cleaned house for Empire. I helped train these women, pushed them to their limits and made so much outta them FOR EMPIRE. Without me putting MY faith in people like April Song and Consuela Rose Ava, they wouldn't get a second glance but look at them now. They are both two of the top Mid card Women we have here on Empire. So are you going to tell me that YOU are the reason that they are on that level all because of you like you said about the others? No. No you're not. Sher, even on my worst days, I was pushing this Division through the glass ceiling, shattering it then started pushing it higher than ever. I might be a bitch and a cunt even but I’m the one who helped this place being that way. It was never you and soon you will realise that.

Now while you bring up the best Women we have/had in this Division, you also bring up the worse one. You bring up Cailin Dillon, our first ever Women’s Championship and you Shocking bring up the fact that she was my best friend at the time but of course you also bring up the statement that ONCE AGAIN, I was jealous of someone. Let me point out ONCE AGAIN, that I wasn’t jealous of her in anyway known possible. So many things that you have spit out at me makes me giggle but nothing was more funny than hearing you speak of me being jealous due to the fact that she had an amazing  Specialist Championship run in its own right but for you to call me envious of her is nothing close to the truth. Sher did you not forget that I was the first Woman in the HISTORY of Empire to hold Both of the Vixens and the Specialist Championships? Now why on earth would I be envious of the likes of her to have held only the Specialist title at that time. On top of that shit, you need to understand that I don’t truly care about the Championships much anymore after been here for so long. Yes, at first I was in this business for the championships. I wanted them. I needed them. I would've done ANYTHING for them...but after the Pain of Pride 8 Match, I realised this place was much more than them. And now to this day, I whole myself to thinking that way.  I keep myself on that path and yeah, after a few years you grow to realise its just a bonus to be handed a Championship after working so fuckin’ hard for them. Now this is the part where you run in and scream bullshit, right? That the Famous Leader of the Women’s Division. The ShockCollar of Empire is just lying to the world and that she's BLOODTHIRSTY for the gold. No, I am not you, Sher. I am not here for only the gold. I mean if I was, I would be as sad as you are now. Hell I’d probably be in the same spot you are in and I’d rather off myself if that was the case. Now looking passed all of that, still you continue to look for flaws in everything I do here after all the things I have done for Empire. You point out the fact that I “let” Cameron and HBG leave Empire my first day on the job when even before I came to hold down the fort; it was Cleo that let them go. Cleo had a talk with the GMs of Voltage and Showdown and let two of our best go, not I but once again, who cares right? And don’t EVEN get me fuckin’ started with the statement of what happened to Brody while I was GM. How could you even speak those fuckin’ words, you Cunt. But OH! Of course that was my fault too, right? Yes, Tarah was GM at the time; so it must be her fault. I am nothing in your eyes but a mistake to Empire due to everything that has happened when I took over. I am nothing more then the piece of shit on the bottom of its shoe while--- you are what again? Oh yes, while you are the supreme queen bee of it all. While you are the creator of this world that we live in. We all should bow to you, of course? The best of the best. The one that will be teaching ME a lesson at BloodLetter for messing up HER life. Ah, someone needs to break out the violins and the tissues, because I can feel the water works coming on. Sher, once again you step up to throw your ‘facts’ at me and once again, you miss. I am unfazed. I’m still here, where I belong and that is making you shake, isnt it ? Yeah, I can see it from here. You are slowly losing it. You're getting sloppy with your work. You're forgetting what you say and than you turn around, saying something else. I think you're finally realising that I can out smart you in your little game. That this time you are the Mouse and I am the Cat, and that scares you. Well..Good. I’m glad. More than that, actually...I am proud that I’m making you sweat over that fact that I am getting into your head now. Now this is when you scream that I’m not and that I’m lying. Heh, say what you want, Sher but we all know that what I say is true. Everyone sees it. You're halfway shook and I am as still as I could ever be and that's the way it will continue to be. I am a woman of my word, sher, remember this.

So by the end of this week, Sher, BloodLetter will be here and I’ll be ready. I’ll be as ready as anymore in my position can be. I am ready to make my full time in ring return and I’m more than fuckin’ ready to show you that I haven’t missed a beat. I’m going to do everything you believe you will do you me and I know you know what all of those things are since you KEEP ON telling me them. Well than do it. Bring your best and I will bring the rest. I am not afraid of you, Sher. I never was and I never will be. See you may be bigger than me, faster than me, and maybe a little smarter than me too but at the end of the fuckin’ match, I am going to be the one standing tall over your lifeless corpse.



Azumi Goto
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post December 4th 2017, 10:08 pm by Azumi Goto
Bloodletter #1

(Azumi sits in front of a camera, wearing her t-shirt with a serious look on her face.)

I was screwed! We all know this was going to happen, Haruna and I have said we have been screwed by other people on Empire countless times and yet it’s our methods called out by those that say that they are in the right. A drunken piece of trash cost me a title shot but yet people out there will say that we deserved to lose that opportunity. Why? Because we have taken other tactics to find success, this is professional wrestling. Regardless what path to success you take, every road is the right one. Look at whoever this company calls legends and Hall of Famers. Every one of them has made a deal with the devil of sorts or showcased their ego. And all I can hear people saying that “Karma is a bitch” or that Savannah was under a drunken influence or whatever. You people don’t say that Savannah Sidekick over there cost me a shot at the specialist title.

 No, it’s because I’m Azumi Goto, I’ve become a hated woman that’s the reason you people say I deserved to be screwed out of my title opportunity but fine, let’s say that I do deserve to not have the opportunity and I’ll focus on my match. I’ll focus on getting revenge. If this was Savannah Sidekick’s way of getting back in that drunken state after what has seemed like ages since Haruna and I gave her that minor concussion or whatever. If you want to be in the way again, Savannah then remember that moment before you make your entrance. If you step inside that ring, you will get two hatred filled women who you, someone who defends the concept being a hero for the people screwed over. My way of life as a wrestler isn’t in jeopardy here, Savannah. It’s yours… you consider yourself to be someone the little girls who want to chase dreams look towards then realize that what you showed was something that might turn people away from that.

I don’t care about the fans that either love or hate me. I’m just here to fulfill lifelong ambitions, goals, dreams, and whatever else is needed to apparently be pro-wrestler. See people, if I had the time to care about other people in this world, I would end up being the same people you believe are the right ones. The ones who fight against the bad, I would have ended up like a generic good guy but where I stand apart is that I put myself over others and continue to do that. There’s no need for me to have this kind of compassion or appreciation for the fans, I could care less about ticket sales… I mean if the next Empire had zero people in attendance then I would still wrestle regardless of who I’m facing.

Because I will continue to be a professional wrestler, that’s what I’m meant to do with my life. I will go through anybody who says otherwise, see this path that I have taken is one of the many ways to get to the top. I haven’t taken the cheap way out all of the time like you people think I have. It’s not wrong for me to use tactics that go against everything I stand for as a wrestler but desperate times call for desperate measures, isn’t that the saying in America. If victory is achieved then the path taken means absolutely nothing. That’s the Azumi Goto way. You’ve driven someone to the point of no return by making her take this dark route. This is what happens when someone who has nothing to lose takes things to the point where everything means it will give her the chance to gain something.

If people think I’m a villain or my intentions are wrong then continue to say that, if you consider me as an Unsung Ace then go for it. Continue being a roadblock for me because, in the end, it won’t stop the fighter named Azumi Goto. I’ll showcase that at Bloodletter by beating Savannah Sidekick and Revy, the next set of Roadblock.

(Azumi walks away from the camera as it fades to black.)
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