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Consuela Rose Ava
Consuela Rose Ava

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EAW Promoz! :: Comments

Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 8:16 pm by TLA
HERO - EAW Promoz! - Page 20 JGkTqG1fTEGi0Hh56vg37Q

The camera cuts to the Poon Palace where TLA is brought to a VIP room by security where he finds an old fat guy jerking off as a Poon Palace stripper watches him looking bored.

TLA: God damn it Harvey you really gotta stop this shit.

Harvey: I went to rehab for a week dawg. I’m good now. Besides I gotta keep this arm strong!

TLA: The fuck Harvey? You sound just like Carlos Rosso with all his Strongest Arm shit. You think he does this too?

Harvey: Oh I got no doubt my man! I am a producer and I produce these results. Feel these biceps! You think these sick muscles are natural? Oh hell nawh! I put in that work and I get them results! 

TLA: Oh hell nawh I ain’t feelin’ none of that shit holmes!

Harvey: Oh really now? Well you will have no choice but to watch! I will fucking make you watch bitch! Just like this slut!!!

Harvey starts jerking relentlessly as TLA calls for security and has him dragged out of the building.


Harvey is dragged out of the Poon Palace as TLA tips the stripper an extra hundred for her night.

TLA: You done seen some thangs. Some thangs that can’t be unseen.

The stripper leaves tucking the hundred into her panties as she makes her way to the nearest pole. TLA sits down by himself in the VIP booth.

TLA: Poon Palace security is working overtime this week and so am I. If I gotta prepare for the toughest match of my life shouldn’t everyone else have to work they asses off too? For real tho I be goin’ hard doin’ this shit. Got perverts, sexual predators, and Lars Grier fans all up in here and I ain’t lettin’ no more in! Gotta strong arm ‘em. Make Carlos Rosso proud recognizin’ just how strong this arm be. So strong that imma snap that arm off crushin’ that bone into dust like viejo gonna be turnin’ into real soon at his age. Ashes to ashes dust to dust… or as we say in the Poon Palace…

Asses to asses, bust to bust.

TLA: Carlos Rosso still lookin’ to evolve even at his age. I respect that hustle. When other men might be callin’ it a day and retirin’ up in here he sees a chance to show the whole world that age is just a number and y’all can’t underestimate him. He ain’t lookin’ to break a hip in that ring he lookin’ to break some haters! He gettin’ real mad cuz people sayin’ he can’t evolve. Goin’ off about how he still evolvin’ but that shit just takes awhile. I feel ya dawg. Success don’t just come over night. You gotta hustle for that shit. You gotta work yo ass off and earn every bit of gain you got. Some of my haters sayin’ the same shit. They sayin’ TLA can’t evolve! That TLA the same damn motherfucker he always been all these years doin’ the same moves, he still just as good a wrestler as he was ten years ago! Homies ain’t recognizin’ mah gainz. They ain’t recognizin’ just how much better yo boi get in that ring after every showdown and every war. Nah they draggin’ mah name but they can hate all they want. Cuz they gonna be forced to face the product of all that evolution just like they gonna be forced to face whatever Carlos Rosso has become, the product of all our histories makin’ us who and what we are. 

The best that we can be and more.

TLA: I got them street smarts. That intelligent shit goin’ on in mah head that come from years of hard knocks in the college of dem streetz yo. Azrael might think yo boi straight thuggin’ but I be makin’ somethin’ of mah self. I could be out there on that corner slingin’ some good shit. Givin’ white people that fix they lookin’ for. Instead I be dedicatin’ mah self to givin’ an even bigger audience they fix. Got the whole world hooked on mah product and that product is EAW Voltage. This week imma straight up murder folks in a chamber. Some real intense thug shit but I got them results and y’all racist ass motherfuckers don’t get to call me that shit. Nah you gotta hold yo tongue and think it but you ain’t get to say it. Instead you gotta call me what I really am. 

A motherfuckin’ wrestler! 

TLA: And as a motherfuckin’ wrestler I got that wrestler’s ego. You ain’t see me bitchin’ and cryin’ and complainin’ that I just can’t win this match! Nah I bring that shit every time bringin’ in that positivity and that confidence and talkin’ mad shit when necessary. Sometimes I be talkin’ too much shit. Sayin’ some shit writin’ them checks with mah mouth that my ass just can’t cash in on. So when I went out all braggin’ and shit about how imma tap the fuck outta Carlos Rosso maybe that was one them situations. After all he claims to be a submission master! He’s got holds on holds on holds. All I’ve got is bitches on bitches on bitches. Of course I ain’t never been in the ring with this unstoppable tapout machine to witness them mad skillz. I gotta see that shit for myself first! 

Until then it’s Tapoutistan for you motherfucker! 

TLA: For real tho let’s do this shit. Let’s go all out in that ring doin’ shit our way. I ain’t need to best you with them submissions cuz I got my own style. I go hard in that ring with all them complex strategies n shit. Sometimes I ain’t even need none of those but you ain’t even know what you gettin’ when you gettin’ TLA but you gettin’ somethin’ good. That’s all you gotta recognize. I’m glad you ain’t lettin’ that L to Amadeus get to you, but I’m startin’ to wonder what got to him. Anyway you actually showin’ up and showin’ out so I ain’t gonna hold yo loss to Amadeus against you too hard. You movin’ past that shit onto bigger and better things, but I might keep bringin’ it up just to annoy you. Cuz I be like that sometime holmes. I ain’t satisfied with just tossin’ you out the ring once and lookin’ sexy while doin’ it. Fightin’ off errybody and standin’ tall. Nah I wanna go all the way and do it for reals in that ring. While Carlos may have that experience edge, y’all can’t count out this starvin’ motherfuckin’ toro who be fixin’ to gore the shit outta errybody in he path! You wanna slaughter me holmes you best watch out! This bull wildin’ and might just bust out the whole damn arena!

Dem hornz tho!

TLA looks down over the balcony at the Poon Palace where Harvey is still struggling with security and holding one of the guards up by the throat.


Harvey throws the security guard against the wall as he reaches down and begins to unzip his pants. The entire Poon Palace screams in horror as the rest of the security guards rush down and tackle him.


The camera cuts to a shifty looking Cow sitting in the corner drinking a margarita.

Cow: Oh they will see… THEY WILL ALL SEE!!!

Cow slowly slides out of the booth and back into the shadows to plan her next evil move against the Poon Palace. Unfortunately at her size she is still easily visible as TLA drags her out and has her arrested and fired also.
Jack Ripley
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 8:01 pm by Jack Ripley
(The camera fades into Jack Ripley at the RAD Betting agency. Only this time, he has his wife, and he invited some neighbors for a good old cook out. HIs annoying bitch ass neighbor Ted won't leave him alone about stupid shit that Jack doesn't care about, he's toeing Interviewer territory here. You can tell that Jack is clearly annoyed based on his body language, and the way he keeps telling him to shut the fuck up, but he doesn't care, he keeps blabbing away. Jack is about to speak up for himself, good job Jack, let's listen in.)

Jack: SHUUUUUUUUTTTT UUUUUPPPPPPP! Oh my god I don't care. All I was calling you over here for was to impressive you with my meat, we're men, it's what we do. You come over here and make little comments like, "Oh those are coming along nicely". Or " Look at all that juice, we're all in for a treat tonight." Then I'd tell you that you're being weird and to get away from me, but noooooo, you had to go on and on about how little Susie just got her first period or some shit.. I wasn't really listening but I'm assuming that's what you're all proud about. Ted I hate you, you're the worst of the neighbors. Now I'm very disappointed in myself for inviting you over to watch my meat sizzle. Be gone. 

Ted: Isn't this a fire hazard anyways? 

Jack: How.. Sway? 

Ted: We're indoors. 

Jack: And?

Ted: That's a fire.

Jack: And?

Ted: Fires in buildings aren't.. good.

Jack: Wow, you're hitting me with all this basic knowledge, trying to impress me or some shit? Thinking that you can flash your big brain my way and think I'll all of a sudden change my mind on you TED! Well no cigar ya bish. 

Ted: Why did you invite me here.


(Just then there's a knock on the door. Jack's wife goes to answer it.)


(Jack already knew who it would be, but it was too late. She opened the door and recurring character in the tv series that is The High Rollerz life walks in. The Eurkele of EAW, The Interviewer.)

Interviewer: DID I DO THAAAAAT! HAHAHA get it guys?! 

Everyone: Ugh..

Interviewer: You guys are too slow to understand my genius humor, it's ok, I understand not many can keep up with my wit. 


Ted: You invited me...

Interviewer: It's ok Jack, I know my invite just got lost in the mail. 

Jack: First of all Ted, I invited your wife because she's friends with my wife. You are just a leach that likes to suck out all the fun that I bring. And Interviewer, I didn't need to give you an invite because I knew you'd already be here.

Interviewer: You know me all too well.

Jack: And that being said, I made you a cake.

Interviewer: A cake?! For me?!

Ted: Why does he get a cake? I want a cake.

Jack: God Damnit Ted you're 32 years old, act like it. 

Ted: 32 year olds can't like cake?

Jack: I'm going to tsst your nose like a dog if you don't stop talking.

Interviewer: Where's my cake.

Jack: Hold on

Ted: Why does he get a cake?

Jack: STOP IT..

Ted: I'm just saying it's not fair..

Interviewer: My favorite type of cake is Vanilla 


(Jacks wife comes over.)

Wife: What's the problem?

Jack: Ted's doing that thing again.

Wife: What?

Jack: Talking.

Wife: Damn it Ted, we talked about this, you're not allowed to talk to Jack because you give him migraines when you speak.

Interviewer: Yeah Ted, we don't need you here, this is a High Rollerz party only.

Jack: Sigh.. you're not.. Whatever... 

Ted: I was just saying how my daughter took her first steps, and I'm proud of her and being a father... What?

Wife: Oh my god you're such a douche.. What since we don't have kids you're going to shove it in our faces? News flash Ted, we don't want kids yet, and when we do, we're going to be twice the parents that you are! 

Jack: Yeah bitch

Wife: And by the way, your wife and I, talk shit behind your back. Mr. Minute Man

Interviewer: HA, you don't last long in bed.

Jack: Interviewer you sleep in a box behind the arenas we go to... But yes Ted is pathetic. God I'm in such a conundrum I hate both of you so much!

Ted: Fine... I'll go.

Jack: YAY!

Ted: I just have to find my wife.

Wife: Oh she's over there.

(Teds wife is grinding on some other guy)

Ted: Well that's unfortunate.. I guess I'll go myself then.

(Ted wallows away)

Jack: That's right you cuck, you take that depressing sight and walk away.

Interviewer: Now for my cake!

Jack: Oh yeah... Just this way.

(Jack leads Interviewer to the cake. The Interviewers eyes light up at the sight of this 6 ft tall cake. What's the occasion you ask? Is this a peace offering to the Interviewer for all the pain and torment he's been through with the High Rollerz all this time.. Naw, he's got something up his sleeve.. An Ace up his sleeve perhaps? Ha card joke, betting, and stuff)

Interviewer: Oh this looks good!

Jack: Good! Dig in!

(Interviewer dives head first into the cake, burrowing to the middle of it, he disappears)

Wife: Wait, I thought it was supposed to explode?

Jack: Naw, it's real.

Wife: But why?

Jack: Think of it this way, he hasn't seen a food that he wasn't able to eat.. In one sitting. This way he's going to eat 6 ft of cake, and get diabetes. He'll be out of our lives forever!

Wife: Ha, got him, good rib.

Jack: Thanks wife. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some fools to deal with.

Wife: Ok baby, I love you.

(Jacks wife kisses him, and gets back to the party.)

Jack: It was around this time last month that our most prized possessions were taken away from us. It has been around a month that my waist has been freezing cold. Look at my shit got icicles growing off it and shit. I'm looking the like Jack Frost and shit. I don't enjoy not being a champion, especially knowing that we're better than the team that holds them now. I know that must hit the ears wrong, and you might not believe what you just heard, but Ripley's believe it or not, I just said it. The Triumvirate aren't a tag team, they're just three people that were tossed together because they had nothing more to do in the singles division. They had no where else to go, so they decided to chase to gold and join the tag team division. They thought it was an easy route to power, and well, essentially they were somewhat right in there thinking. Not because they could easily beat the High Rollerz, no no. It was simply due to the fact that we beat everyone else, it was a wide open line to the front, and they got it. But seeing that there is three of them and they travel in a pack, they had to throw the other guy in it as well. Now I don't want to bitch and moan about it, but I'm going to bitch and moan about it. They got what they wanted, they're the cohesive team, they're the ones with World Titles to there names, they're the ones under one banner. While the High Rollerz tagged with a guy they barely knew and went to war with him. Fact of the matter is Triumvirate got exactly what they wanted, on there terms. They had the advantage from the start. While The High Rollerz that had carried this division for the past year, got shafted by the decision. Tell me, when was the last time the High Rollerz actually had the chance to make the decision on a match. Did we ever choose our opponents? No. Did we ever choose the stipulation? No. It's always been the other teams coming up to us, and saying what they wanted from it. I mean we had to face Stuffed Crust at Pain For Pride for gods sakes, and they chose what they stipulation was. How is that fair? Maybe it's because the powers that be knew that there was no way that they could beat us. That there was no way that the match could possibly challenging for us, so they tried to help them any way they could. It didn't work. Now flash forward to now, and we still get no pull around here after everything we did to keep this division a float. Sometimes it feels like it's The High Rollerz against the world, but it's cool, we're always up for a nice challenge. It's not like they have Tiberius backing them up this time, and we don't have Theron holding us down. This is the way we've wanted it from the start, a two vs two tag team match for the tag team titles... Hmm who would've thought, that a tag team match would be a tag team match? What a concept. This is a more traditional tag team match, and believe it or not that goes in our favor. We are the tag team purists, we are the ones that built a legacy around this division, we are the pristine name of the division. 

Let me ask everyone a question. What was the last tag team that actually made a name for themselves by coming into, and staying in EAW as a tag team? Any household names that can hold the distinction other than us? Not that I know of. How many tag teams do you know of that have come together, and stayed together through thick and thin? Just us again? See we're not some run of the mill tag team, we're a step above that. While everyone thinks us as just tag team specialists, it goes so much further than that. We're two main event talents, that just so happened to not care very much about singles accolades. But everyone looks down on us for that from what it looks like. No one can understand why we don't care about individual success. I mean no matter how many times we say why, the question is always raised. But if you have to ask, and you want an answer, just look at what we've built. Look at what we've become. Look at where we are. We are one of the most household names in EAW. We main event Showdowns, we main event FPV's, how many tag teams can say that? We're the ones breaking down barriers, we're the ones that are changing the perception on what the tag team division can be when people actually care about it. Now I look at the Triumvirate and I see two people that have just come together that don't actually care about the tag team. They didn't come into this division when it was booming, they came in it when we cleared everyone out. Now if they really wanted success, and they wanted to show everyone what they're about, and show that they're head, shoulders, knees, and toes above everyone, they would've joined when it was a two horse race. They can say that they're the best, and look down upon everyone that comes in contact with them, but the fact of the matter is they haven't done much. They still haven't beaten us in a tag team match before. Look at all the past Showdowns leading up to this FPV, you'll see the High Rollerz make the Triumvirate there own personal bitches, at every single turn. Come Road To Redemption that doesn't change. We're in EAW for one purpose, and those are the Tag Team Titles. We don't plan on leaving without them. 

Sometimes I feel like we're the only ones that actually care if this division lives or dies. It's clear to me that Lannister has completely lost interest in this whole team. Take a look at last week, and you'll see that he didn't even speak on the match. The motivation for them is way down, and I think they're starting to see that being Tag Team Champions really isn't what they wanted. They never wanted those titles, they just wanted to have the spotlight. Now that they're not in the main event, they're starting to reconsider there life choices. For them having the spotlight shined on someone else isn't an option. So to see Tiberius steer the ship, I'm sure that's not sitting well with them. The Triumvirate will fall apart, they will dissipate, they will die. They lack the desire that we do, they lack the grit that we do, they lack the intestinal fortitude to get back up after being knocked down. So once we do beat them at Road To Redemption, and they're not champions anymore, don't expect a rematch. They won't want one. So go on and do the same old thing you always do. Say the same shit you always say. Call us mongrels that don't even deserve to be in the ring with you. Tell us how we did everything against a weak division. Tell us that all the regular shit you say, because you never have any original thoughts. We've gotten the better of all of you this entire time, and Road To Redemption, it'll all catch up to you. 

(Interviewer emerges from the cake, gut overflowing from the pants.)

Interviewer: Oh that's some good cake *Burp*

Jack: You ruin everything...

(Camera fades to black)
Aria Jaxon
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 7:21 pm by Aria Jaxon

Fresh in my mind are the cowardly actions of an even more cowardly woman and her equally pathetic wife. I can still hear the self-important chuckles and the irritating sound of broke English grates on my eardrums as I recall the being subjected to your whack ass excuse of an “explanation” of why you attacked me and a girl who was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Just as I know you had to stomach the salty pang of defeat coming out of Manifest Destiny, I also feel like that’s when the wheels started turning for you. After all, we’d all seen the little lover’s quarrel between you and your wife before what was left of your career was appropriately loaded into a hearse. You knew the walls were closing in, and at that point, you didn’t have any problem admitting that you were outgunned. You wanted your wife to take her eye off the prize just for a little while, and give you the boost over your greatest rival that you so desperately needed. Your better half, she declined, but for what? Her dreams went up in smoke that night, too. So in the aftermath, after both failing miserably at what you’d set out to do, you realized that maybe, the love was still there. Maybe you still had more in common than you thought. And so the plan was laid. The “trap” was set. I partially blame myself. I saw changes in you that had never really taken place. I let my guard down and unintentionally gave you a hand in laying me out weeks ago. On your own, you can’t seem to amount to anything, so the prospect of strength in numbers was just too tantalizing to turn down. World domination was the best case scenario, right? Together, there’s nothing that you and your worse half can’t do! But remember -- zero plus zero still equals zero. One underachiever joined at the hip with another for better or worse still can’t get what she wants. Not permanently, anyway. The satisfaction you’ve been looking for has come to you lately, in the form of sneak attacks performed and dirty tactics. To lose to me one-on-one just like I said you would couldn’t possibly have sat well with you, but the way you see it, what truly matters is the fact that you and your wife stood tall above the rest of us at the conclusion of Empire. While hoisting MY championship high in the air, no less. I see a pattern emerging. The most confident and slickest Haruna Sakazaki emerges when the pressure is at its lowest, when you’re not actually tasked with having to back up what you’ve said. When you’re running your mouth rather than squaring up, it’s where you feel most at home. When you have to actually prove that you’re worth the paper your contract’s printed on, you stall. You falter. You stumble. You’ve been nothing short of despicable these last few weeks. You have to answer for all that you’ve done. Here I was thinking that you’d come into this sounding a lot like your wife. I was ready for the arrogance, the chickenshit nonsense, the excuses, all of it.

But instead, I find myself contending with an apparent amnesiac?

No. No. HELL no. What you don’t get to do is just pretend that the last number of days don’t exist. You don’t get to conveniently regress to being the humble, graceful woman that you once were. The woman that I found myself respecting once upon a time. But she’s been dead for a while now. The woman I’ve been contending with lately is who I’m used to now, and maybe that’s who you were all along. It just took a few ill-timed losses to force her to burst through the paper-thin veneer coating her surface. I listen to you now and you’re talking about how happy you are to be here after having been silent for days. You’re giddy as you recount what an honor it is for you to compete in this match, but there’s no honor in how you got here. You were penciled in because that’s what I wanted. You’re here because of ME. Your cowardice and my anger are why I’m even addressing you right now, and there’s no honor in that. I wouldn’t be beaming with pride, if I were you. Tell me, Haruna, where’s the honor in tricking everyone into thinking that your relationship was in dire straits? Where’s the honor in being a sore loser and attacking your opponent after the final bell? Where’s the honor in any of the wrong things that you’ve done lately? Tell the whole story, baby girl. Don’t plaster on a smile and serve me imitation Savannah Sunshine “I’m happy to be here!” tea. You can’t talk about the fact that you’re here without talking about WHY you’re here. There’s nothing that you can omit, because when you ultimately get your comeuppance? Everything will have come full circle. I know this is ultimately what you wanted. Another chance to win a title -- that you’ll ultimately fail at, but oh well -- and the chance to flaunt the supposedly unbreakable bond between you and your wife. Oh, your best case scenario would be a cute little fantasy. Except you didn’t have it in you to get here of your own volition and skill, so I had to step in.

You have this gift-wrapped opportunity because of me. And it’ll be because of me that you leave Minneapolis the most broken that you’ve ever been. I was always the wrong one for you to pick a fucking fight with.

Don’t bow your head now and laud me with compliments thinking I’ll suddenly play nice and forget everything that’s happened. You don’t have to tell me I’m a tough opponent. I already know that, and the fact that I know that is the reason why I’ve never known why you were really so anxious to get on my bad side. I know, I’m more diplomatic than most. I know being a champion places a huge target on my back and a bounty on my head. But if you wanna try your hand at making something out of either of those, you gotta be good enough to make it happen. I don’t know if it’s more sad or hilarious that a woman who’s been in the company longer than I have is tryna christen herself a newcomer? You’re not a beginner, Haruna, and that’s the punchline here. You’ve had all the time in the world to learn, grow, and change. And you’ve done absolutely nothing with it. Still, you can’t afford to regress, because the only thing that looks worse than everything you’ve done lately is to pretend that none of it happened and act like you’re a fresh face around here. Hopefully by the time we all have to walk down that ramp, you’ll have dropped this act, because it’s just sad. You need to worry less about putting on a show and more about at least making it out in one piece. I’m not some member of that flop emo version of Hexa-Gun known as The Sanatorium, so I’m not all about doom, gloom, and bloodshed. I’m not coming to kill you or end your career, but you’re getting stomped out just the same. This will not be fun. This will not be enjoyable. But for me, it will at least be worth it.

When it’s all over and the damage across the battlefield is surveyed, I’ll still stand tall.

When this chapter is closed and the Chamber is enveloped into the shadows for another year, I’ll still reign.

It doesn’t matter how far you think you’ve come. You haven’t come far enough to keep me from winning. Best of luck with this doomed attempt, though.
Hurricane Hawk
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 6:57 pm by Hurricane Hawk

Hate to say I told you so.. but I told you so. I came back to this federation for one thing and one thing only, and that was to clear the good name of Hurricane Hawk. To remind everybody why exactly I became the face of this company many years back, and to remind them that I can still do the same thing today if I very so felt like it. I came back and there were setbacks, I lost match after match no matter how hard I tried, but did I let that get the best of me? Did I let it deter me from trying to reach the ultimate goal? No. I scratched and I clawed until I couldn't anymore and when it mattered most I became... victorious. Target Smiles talked a whole bunch of garbage about how I stood no chance in our match because he defeated me before, he considered me to not be worth his time or effort anymore, he put all his focus on our other opponent who I'll get to in a second, and it came back to bite him in the ass. He thought it was going to be either of the two, and it was neither of the two, because the only man who mattered and belonged in that chamber is the man who walked out victorious.. and my presence was certainly felt. Now Target is left wondering where to go from here, he's lost, in a crossroads, all thanks to a man who just a week ago he foolishly thought he was better than. Our other opponent on the other hand didn't have the same luxury as Target, he isn't thinking where to go from here, because he doesn't have that option, he's gone, finished, outta here and you'll never see him again all thanks to one man, Hurricane Hawk. Go To Retirement after Go To Retirement was all it took to send Eclipse packing once and for all, and I want each and every one of my opponents this Saturday to take this as a metaphor, a metaphor for what can happen to you if you do choose to sleep on me, because you may not wake up from it.


Just like Target Smiles last week, I am faced against men in this chamber who defeated me in prior matches who I'm sure will pull the oh so creative and unpredictable card of "I already defeated you" just like Target did, and when they do, they will have nobody but themselves to blame when they realize what they did in the past means nothing right here right now. The stakes are greater, and I'm feeling better than I ever have at any point in my career. All of the defeats suffered, the setbacks, the losses, the hiatuses, they all come down to this very moment, the moment they thought they'd never see again.. Hurricane Hawk in a World Championship match. This match means a lot to me and I have an extra incentive to do whatever it takes to win because this is the very match that changed the course of my career. The year was 2012, I was in an Extreme Elimination Chamber right around the time I was inducted into the Hall of Fame, I gave it everything I had because winning a world championship right at that moment would have been the culmination of my career.. it would have solidified me amongst the greats. But instead of solidifying me as a great, I came up short.. and the man who was once known as the face of this company would gradually decline. I lost motivation to go as hard as I usually did, I didn't think that it was possible for me to ever reach the heights I imagined reaching at RTR 2012 again, because I gave it my all. Everything went bad from there. I became known for returning, then leaving, then returning, wash rinse repeat to the point where those very things are what I would begin to be defined by. Not the multiple world championships, not the Cash In The Vault, not the 24/7 Contract, but the hiatuses. That is when I realized not only the fickle nature of this business, but what I needed to do in order for those stigma to go away, and that was to once again win a World Championship, and here we are. It's ironic how half a decade removed from the very chamber that I walked into as a clear cut favorite to win it all but didn't get it done, which eventually led to my downfall.. I walk into a chamber as the man who is the least expected to win, but WILL get it done and rise to the top once again.


My opponents have gotten some words in and I'd like to address them. Nasir Moore, you are a man who has been making your presence felt in this company and I commend you for that, you've done some incredible things this year. You knocked off your old partner Aren at Pain for Pride 10, and then you defeated CM Banks, a man I know all too well. I man who I too have defeated, I've actually done a whole lot with him, I was in a stable with him named Generation Genesis, I was even supposed to be the best man at his wedding.. until I banged his wife. But all in all, I always respected Banks, I even use his finisher as a homage. So best believe that when you and him had your little back and forth, I was watching every single bit of it. I saw you fail to get it done the first time so you begged for a rematch where you finally did it.. and regardless of if it took you two tries or ten tries you still did it and that isn't an easy feat, and for that I give you credit. On top of that, you went on to win a Divide and Conquer match that same night which made you the number one contender for the Answers World Championship. Heres where you went wrong, you had all the momentum in the world and let it completely slip out of your hands. You let Eclipse of all people, a man who I beat and battered with my bare hands and dragged out of this company, stop you from achieving the ultimate goal. I had to clean up YOUR dirty work because YOU failed to get the job done. You're welcome. Now watch me as I go onto do more of what you failed to do, and capture that Answers World Championship. Scotty D! My man! The only person in this match from back when I was "relevant", we have our history and I must say despite you being a longtime rival of mine who I absolutely cannot wait to show you that I am still better than you, it feels good to see you amongst the trees once again. But that isn't going to save you from anything I have in store come Saturday, everything is fair game, and you better be prepared to lose, because I don't plan to. We are both on similar paths, two men who once stood as one of the main players in this company until we faded to obscurity only to return to an underwhelming start and eventually make our way back to the top. You even won the Hardcore Championship in the process, but that's your ceiling, not mine. We both want to cap this comeback story off with a World Championship win at Road To Redemption and there's only room for one person to get that feel good ending, and it won't be you. And then theres the other Scott, the inferior one, who stole his whole style from the original one but despite being more "current" than him he's still referred to as his last name because he isn't worthy enough to be called by that first name. Yes we faced off some time ago, and you had the same tired boring rhetoric. Nobody is giving me pats on the back and I'm not expecting anything to be handed to me simply because I am doing what everyone else does. But the thing is I'm NOT doing what everyone else does, I'm doing it far superior than anyone else could do it and THAT is why I find myself back into the main event scene. Because I scratched and clawed my way back into this position, and I didn't need a piece of shit manager walking around with me telling me how to go about things. Speaking of that manager, hows it feel to know that you're such a fucking failure that you let him lose his job? Some beast you are. The big bad Scott Oasis who everyone should fear, yet you couldn't do the simple task of defending his honor and keeping him an employed man. Now his checks are cut in half by managing a piece of shit like you who can't draw a dime so basically he's working minimum wage. Might I add, you got eliminated by Tyler Parker who's an even bigger fuckup than I was. Might I also add, you got outlasted by a man who fought a whole match against CM Banks earlier that night. Don't throw stones if you live in a class house Oasis, because for as much as I've made mistakes.. I learned from them and fought my way back to the top. You had a corrupt General Manager pulling strings for you and it still wasn't enough for you to not be a failure. Even with me not being as good as I could have been these recent years, I still have a better legacy than you, I still have a slot in the same main event match as you, and I will still kick your ass. You beat me once a couple of weeks ago, so did Target Smiles, and look where he is. So you can go on with the same tired old rhetoric about me but it will be your downfall because all it shows how out of touch with reality you actually are. So out of touch with reality that you don't even realize that the match you defeated me in wasn't a chamber qualifier. I liked "The Perfect Storm" Scott Diamond better than this ripoff. As far as you go, "champ"... don't get used to me calling you that because your days are numbered. EAW has went from the likes of the great Y2Impact, StarrStan, and even Scott Diamond(in his prime).... to a fucking Pizza Boy as the Answers World Champion. This is the face of our brand in 2017 guys, and you should all be ashamed of yourself for letting it get this far. That's why I came back, to restore order and show these people what the fuck a real champion looks like. Me being placed into this match isn't desperation on anyones part Pizza Boy, it's a testament to my craft and my resilience, I earned this spot. Like you said, you have defeated everyone in this match, but me, and it's going to stay that way. Half-time Hawk you like to say? Well it took me half of the time to get rid of Eclipse than it took you to get your ass whooped by him at Territorial Invasion. Sure, you redeemed yourself at House of Glass, but it only took me one try. Dynasty Extreme Elimination Chamber competitors, consider yourself as nothing more than stepping stones, because I plan to walk all over you in order to capture MY title this week. The reascension starts now.

Carlos Rosso
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 6:04 pm by Carlos Rosso
The Journey of the “Champion of Life” to the World Championship
Part 5: Evolution

Evolution is a mystery
Full of change that no one sees
Clock makes a fool of history
Yesterday's so long ago, don't agree with what I know.
Tomorrow got no place to be.
I see the line in the sand
Time to find out who I am
Looking back to see where I stand
Ah, yes. We have reached that stage in the “evolution” of the Carlos Rosso slander: Carlos Rosso is a relic of the past that can’t evolve. I’ve seen this a lot lately when you guys talk to me and it’s starting to get old. Honestly, evolution is a slow, drawn out process. It doesn’t just happen overnight like some of you seem to believe it does. Animals go through multitudes of generations before you notice that evolution has even taken place. The evolution of Carlos Rosso is like any bit of evolution, a slow, subtle process, not just a sudden rush of changed characteristics, a careful, thoughtful sifting through time. Throughout my career, I have changed my style of attack, both in the ring and out of it, to fit the everchanging landscape of EAW. Even though I’ve been mostly out of action the last 2 years, the landscape has not changed THAT much. For example, if you drop someone on their head with a piledriver, I’m pretty sure that still works. If you lock someone in a hold that’s inescapable and they submit, when last I checked the rules of the vast majority of wrestling matches allow this. Just because you think that evolution has to happen a certain way doesn’t mean it’s correct. I trust my own process. I trust my own evolution. And I trust that a hell of a lot more than I trust any of you.

TLA. I don’t honestly to know what to make of you. Sometimes I think that there are moments where you look like a very intelligent, very capable wrestler and human being. Then others, you say shit that makes me think you’re one of the stupidest sons of bitches alive. I understand that nobody bats a thousand and we all err. It’s human nature and even some of us who pretend to be gods and goddesses can concede that we make mistakes. So, I have decided to look at both sides of the coin and first give you your just due.

For once, someone understands that being in more of these chambers than anyone else in this match is not necessarily a bad thing. Lars rambles on and on about chain and steel and weapons and glass and all that other stuff like I haven’t lived out Elimination Chambers before. You know what everyone else either doesn’t know or doesn’t think is an important factor: I’ve been through these wars before. This isn’t a new forum for me to showcase my wrestling to the world. I also, for what it’s worth remain appreciative of your respect for my career. In a world and sport where respect is tossed around like a certain Champion’s girlfriend in the locker room but hardly ever a legitimate ideal, you show it to me.

Yes, I did get a small taste of what you can do in the ring. I was taking the more direct approach of softening up the opposition before the Chamber, granted not to the extremely short-sighted and obviously stupid extreme that one Lars Grier did. I didn’t like that taste very much, if you’re wondering. It’s not something I look forward to, going into the chamber to face someone like you. Not that I would expect anything less. We’re all in the Chamber for obvious reasons, or ability, or status as champion, our potential, and so on down the line. You are rightfully there.

But let me make myself clear if I haven’t already: If you honestly think that your surviving one little ambush leaves me with doubts about what the outcome would be if you and I ever have to go head to head…you are mistaken. I know exactly what would happen and I know exactly who would be walking away the winner. And no, you mentioning Amadeus beating me on Voltage is not going to phase me, you’re not going to “get under my skin” or make me upset by bringing up a result that admittedly shouldn’t have happened had I not been more distracted.

You can see me……. now look at Amadeus…. if you can find him.

I’m looking forward to seeing what the “Bull” can do inside an elimination chamber. I know this is dating myself, but there’s a certain line from Wall Street, the movie, not the actual street, that rings true: “Bears make money. Bulls make money. Pigs get slaughtered.” You are one of the most popular stars in EAW. You are a cash cow for Kenny Drake’s more “sanitized” version of Voltage. You are a bull and make money, but with the precision of a matador and the merciless bludgeoning of a butcher, I will slaughter the bull if the horns get too close for comfort.

And then…there was THIS little gem…….

(Carlos, in an obvious gag, pulls out a pair of oversized “reading glasses” and puts them over his eyes, pretending to squint as he reads a quote off a piece of paper.)

I’m fixin’ to deport them both back to they homelands of Tapoutistan!

(Carlos then proceeds to take off the glasses and toss them aside, crumping up the piece of paper, tossing it to the side as well and then looks directly into the camera.)

Heh…. Heheheh……. hehehehehe….


(Catches breath)



Look, I respect ambition, I don’t mind the occasional shaking of a fist towards an uncaring god, but this is just too much for you to promise, too much for you to say that you can deliver. Submit ME? No. Not Saturday, not any day, not every day from today until the end of motherfucking time. You are a good wrestler, but I am one of the greatest technical wrestlers of all time. You know that fake propaganda poster that some idiot with too much time on his hands made about Kim Jong Un? “All Day I Dream About Socialism”? No? 
HERO - EAW Promoz! - Page 20 YfiY4rF
There ya go.

I have a motto of my own: “All Day I Dream About Submissions”. I have submissions that I rarely use anymore because I get bored with them as I come up with new ways to mangle and make an opponent quit. I don’t know if you were around, but my one and only goal at one point was simply to make motherfuckers quit. Sure, you’ve been in an STF or an Armbar or some version of the Boston Crab, or maybe you reside in a world where the Anaconda Vice or some other hold is considered exotic. I have many, many holds that I can employ at a moment’s notice. Wrist locks, small joint manipulation, The Torre Pendente, MY version of the STF that was so effective that if I was wrestling a singles match instead of a Triple Threat at Pain for Pride 9, I’d already have a World Championship reign under my belt in EAW. I have the Rosso Recliner, a hold that no one has ever figured out how to escape. You may have the moves and the speed, but the man standing across from you has the POWER and the experience to knock you down and cut you off at every pass.

But hey, this is the build up to the fight, not the actual fight, right? This is like one of those big mega-box office boxing matches where one guy either gasses himself up or gets gassed up to such a vociferous degree that everyone believes that he can win. So, you know what, go ahead believing that you can lock me in some submission hold and take me to “Tapoutistan” as you call it. Confidence is a good thing to have, but I’ll gladly take skill and experience over that. So, when the chamber door is being opened and you are being escorted out after being eliminated by me, I want you to play back this sound, learn, and then maybe I’ll allow you to be my first challenger! You’ve certainly earned such a position just by entertaining me as much as you have so far this week.

And, this is my hourly reminder that the search is still on for our beloved Interwire Champion, or as TLA keeps reminding me, the man who defeated me on Voltage: Amadeus. You are not forgotten about. Lars and Keelan may have their little soap opera feud and TLA may be too busy using your name to try to irritate me to actually worry about where you are, and Jamie may be too occupied with events on Mount Olympus with Zeus and all the rest to care, but I care. I just want to let you know that at Road to Redemption I am going to be the one to personally see you out of the Chamber. I am going to take you to a higher end version of Cloud City. I am going to suplex, punch, and kick you until you have lost all your strength and all your resolve. You can hide, but on Saturday in US Bank Stadium in front of tens of thousands you will NOT be able to run. That’s the thing about the Elimination Chamber that I do like, one of its more redeeming qualities. Everyone has to stand their ground, there’s no room for retreat and no one there to save you.

Perfect for someone like you who has been carried by a group of people the entire time you have been relevant in EAW. You can’t stand alone, and in the Chamber, I will make sure you can’t stand at all.

And now, the reason that I have taken a break from all of my training this afternoon- all due respect to TLA, of course- Jamie O’Hara. The Man. The World Champion and the Face of Voltage. Being an aspiring politician once I’ve decided to hang up these wrestling boots for good, on my own terms of course, is looking for common ground with anyone, even someone whose very philosophies and ideals you disagree with on a fundamental level. This may sound strange to you, but there are many areas where you and I can actually agree on things, you know? You are absolutely right when you say that our greatest failures are the things that haunt us the most and the chances that we have to rectify those mistakes, those failures are spectacularly rare. And that the match results that I have had do not necessarily indicate that I am a challenge for you or frankly anyone else in the chamber. And yes, I do have that rather embarrassing loss to Nasir, but the man who was out of shape, barely medically cleared, and drunk is not the man that you will be standing in the Elimination Chamber against on Saturday night. And talk without substance, as you rightly have criticized, means quite little. And yes, to date some of the more significant matches that I have had since my return have been met with mixed reviews and no results for me to really hang my hat on walking into the chamber. These are all facts, and these are all things that we can easily agree on. You see, I don’t get this perception that I am some delusional old idiot who doesn’t understand that he has to change with the times or be cast aside. They also seem to imply that I don’t pay attention. I’ve paid attention to your title reign from afar mostly. I have spent a lot of my downtime after being unceremoniously relieved of my Voltage General Manager duty training and watching Voltage, the place where I knew that I would eventually return. I know exactly what I’m going up against. An even MORE improved version of the guy that I wasn’t able to beat in singles competition back in 2015.

However, that doesn’t mean that you’re unbeatable. Hell, man, you almost, ALMOST got had by Cameron Ella Ava, your own girlfriend. There were moments in that match, as brutal and bloody as it was, that I thought that your reign was going to end. Also, against TLA, the man with all the subtlety and nuance of a raging elephant, you were very very close to being toppled. Extremely close. And as much as you want to brag about turning back title challenge after title challenge after title challenge from him, in your heart you know that he’s gotten dangerously close to dethroning you each time. Now, I do concede that you were victorious. But you are not dominant in the sense of completely eradicating your opponents. You’re damn good, the best in the world, but you are not at that particular, ugh, there’s that magic word again, “level” yet.
By that same token, even though my tenure on Voltage is littered with losses, I am actually pleased with the physical progress that I have made. I have looked very good in my matches and honestly all the matches, the “big matches” if you want to be technical, that I have lost, I probably should have won. A lapse in concentration in two and a sneak attack in a tag team match in the other. That’s all that separates me from standing here as a guy who had to do a little extra to get involved in this chamber instead of a man who is a dominant, prepared combatant.

And…I understand that this is a results business. First is first and second is nowhere. And I’ve finished second a lot. But…let’s set results aside and start looking at two things that you are getting a bit twisted that I think deserve some clearing up.
First: You have this perception that you are, in my mind anyway, some sort boogeyman. Well, I will not sit here and say that seeing you in the chamber doesn’t add a little more motivation, make it a little more personal for me. Not because you are someone I hate or that I’m jealous of. I didn’t see you coming when you were younger not because I was on a crusade against Young Boys and didn’t acknowledge your strength. Nah. I was simply too self-centered, even by my admittedly egocentric standard, to see it. It’s not that I thought, OH SHIT, THIS YOUNG BOY CANT SURPASS ME.

I was too busy thinking about wrestling other legends, wrestling GI Styles, wrestling Jaywalker and people like that. It’s not that I ignored your potential because of you being young, I simply wasn’t paying attention. Digest that, please. Make sure that you understand. And, as much as I want to dethrone you and end your reign, it has nothing to do with jealousy. Sure, I want the gold. Absolutely, I want your spot. But other than that, you have no other qualities or property that I want. I don’t see you as an adversary as much as I see you as an obstacle to negotiate. I have planned my comeback around winning the World Championship and lo and behold, here you stand the Champion. That’s where we’re at right now. I understand that at the end of the day, the problem is with me, not anyone else as to why I have not reached the full level of ability that I have. The injuries, the drugs, the befuddling losses, all that’s on me. I don’t need you to lecture me about that. You want me to prove that I won’t stumble at the finish line, that this old dog has finally learned a new magic trick, then I’ll be glad to teach it to ya.

By the way, I know that you have put a brave face on things of late, but there is no way that you are 100 percent, right? Even the mathematician Lars is hurting after his fall form the skybox after he speared you to what I thought was probably a certain death for you two boys. There is no way that you aren’t hurting, and you can put all this bravado on and all this “I’m the champ, I’m gonna gut it out”, the fact of the matter is that just like Lars you enter this match at a tremendous disadvantage. I would pity you a little bit if you were a champion under different circumstances that didn’t involve me, but the idea of a banged-up champion and another banged up challenger whets the appetite. I would be a little more inclined to believe everything that you have been saying of late, or take at least more of it at face value, if you weren’t in such a precarious position. Just as I told Lars, I see a target. And under normal circumstances, you would probably be heavily favored to retain. But in a match like this? With the injuries that are surely making it difficult for you to breathe or even stand during the week. Your odds drastic go down. So that gives a little extra faith to some proven “loser” like myself that Saturday night can be my night.

Excuse my tangent though, back to the matters at hand. The other thing that’s annoying me a bit though is this…” What have you planned that actually worked!?” angle you’re trying to run with. Are you fucking kidding? My very presence in the chamber is the penultimate step of a plan that I have been laying ever since late 2016. You don’t understand? Let me walk you through it.

*In what was probably one of the few sober moments I had whilst Voltage GM, I designed a contract specifically for myself: The Iron Clad contract. While it doesn’t have the same kick as the “Gawd Contract” that Chris Elite desperately wants to make his own, it fulfills my main needs: it keeps me from ever being fired by the EAW “good ole boy” network and kept me free of worry of any sort of sanction such as fines, suspensions, reprimands and what have you.

*I have ingratiated myself to some degree to Kenny Drake. Sure, listening to some of his rambles in drunken conversation at the dinner table have proven difficult, but who do you think was one of the driving factors behind me attacking Keelan, Lars, Amadeus? This wasn’t just a pattern of some random old dude lashing out. This was part of the plan. You don’t think I didn’t look at the roster and see who some of the main men trying to track you down?

*Furthering my point about Kenny, after all the mayhem that I have caused, albeit in losing efforts in matches, did you ever stop to think that it was a little too easy that his arm was twisted by yours truly and I was allowed to enter the Elimination Chamber uncontested despite a mediocre record since my return? Doesn’t that seem a little weird to you? A little convenient?


Now, as I’m sure you’ll do, and the rest of the chamber will do is dismiss all of this as random coincidence and that my “insurance policy” that I speak of is all talk and that this is all the ranting and raving of a silly old man who should be in the retirement home next to Kevin Devastation.

What if you are all wrong?

As Jamie has said, words without substance are meaningless. I’m trying to tell you all that things are not as easy as some of you may think they will be when you face me in the chamber. This animal, this beast of battle is wounded…. but if you poke a tiger while it’s in a cage…

None of you should be surprised when it lashes out.
Devan Dubian
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 5:55 pm by Devan Dubian
If it takes walking into a wolves den to get what I want, then I am more than willing to get shredded.

Sometimes the best strategy is to simply have no plan and walk into someone else's trap leaving them to get tangled in all their complacency.

While I acknowledge and admire the concern by all my longtime friends and family entering this bout, I am a bit outraged by the lack of assurance of my skill this around. I have befallen to far more reduced levels than this in the past and risen up with the flow for no other than reason than the mere fact I could. The rival this time around, John Doe is a heathen with absolutely no morals and thus no compassion, yes but he is not invulnerable. I have touched his skin and confirmed his burden likewise to anyone else on this roster. I have also put him at disservice more than once already by not overthinking it by doing just enough to keep him on his edge. The lone mistake I have made on this renaissance and am willing to admit to is that I did not take care of this much far earlier. By involving myself in back to back naive games with this enigmatic monster, I opened my mind to possibilities of desperation ultimately leading me to make some very poor choices that I would not make otherwise. In fact, my actions recently forced the attention of a close friend in StarrStan to come out and lecture me about imperfect choices in comparison to his own career. And not too long before that, my other close friend Brian Daniels deemed it necessary to lecture me as well for my well being and actually went as far to legalize this match as unsanctioned. I cannot be the only one who is laughing at this level of insincerity by two figures we have grown to revel at. The major difference between when those two initiated their last two bouts, they had full intention of having that match be their careers' graveyard whereas I am not even close to being ready to be put down. They knew that they could and would ultimately sacrifice every limb of their body for the last hunt of their career because they were never going to have to do it again but I have every intention of being inside those blue ring the very week after with a brutes head hanging over my shoulder claiming my victory. This is not even about vengeance anymore, this stretch has taught me that I have way more than one battle on my hands this time around. Usually the the only arrow you have to worry about is the one being aimed right at you front side but this time around, there are arrows coming at me from all sides whether it be in the label of father time or unreliability. It is essentially why I have taken this to my heart more than I usually would and also why I am willing to put up the performance of my career against someone who did not even have a single merit a few months ago. Where he has triggered those acidic actions, I am ultimately fighting an evil that is far more defined than an arrogant writhe but if this means that I am able to rid this company of him in the process of cleansing myself then it is a win for us all in the end.

There is this burning urge inside me to treat this match with no respect to the moral or codes of being a competitor but I know doing so will put me on your level and ultimately make me no more different than you, John Doe. You will come after my life and unlike every other time where it is mostly an euphemism more than a threat, the threat this time around is completely real. I will let this match drag on as long as I can till I have you craving for mercy, that is my victory right there. A man who sees nothing but carnage and wishes the destruction of his coworkers is not someone who should have the freedom of residing in a locker room. You would throw a thousand men into the pit of fire in order to save yourself because it has a greater benefit to the cause. You thrive on what is abnormal but what you have yet to realize is that in a triggering this foxes curse, you have impounded yourself too universal misery. And it is not anything like the pain that boils your masochist blood, it is a pain that just exists in the realm of your heart with absolutely no cure for it. It is a cruel finish for anyone but compared to where your thoughts - if they can even be called that lead you to, it is child's play so consider yourself no more than just blessed. What the new generation represents is a sigma of superiority and every single character has their own perks and flaws with all their might and what-not but it is as if you were sided in jail right next to Lucifer himself to only get the most detestable flaws in your character with absolutely no perks. You cast judgement on who you believe is more deserving and set aside who you believe is not worthy just on the merit of your heedless deductions and when asked about it, you shrug it off without any logic whatsoever. Whereas competitors I faced in the past had some hope of redeeming themselves to an extent, I am absolutely certain that you were destined for hell from the moment you decided to enter the ring as a competitor. In fact, I would not be surprised to find that you have found yourself in the wrong line of work preaching the word of evil itself pretending to be someone you are not. What a honor it will be to present a supernatural victory to all those who have followed my career from the start of an atom. And above all, what will make the victory ever more so impressive is the matter of fact that I will be in your house.

I will let you set up the stage and control the environment till the last very minute until the very last minute when you realize a celestial truth; darkness will never truly conquer light. 
And just like once you came out of nowhere, you will disappear without even having made a single mark on this company. 
I present this victory to everyone in this company.
The Consigliere
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 5:52 pm by The Consigliere

"I need this" 

And that is your whole argument. Its the root of it all. Don't come to me with a smirk on your face and an intent to instill fear when all you have to bring to the table is the fact that you need the EAW Championship to flourish your going-nowhere career. We all need it, Theron, we all hope and pray that this will be the night that will define us and all the work we have put to get to this moment. It's funny how world titles were nothing but a thought at the back of my mind until a year ago. I knew it was possible that an athlete that elevates her greatness each passing day will be capable of reaching the ultimate prize, but I waited for I was in a different world. I never pursued it until the first opportunity I earned early this year. I could have signed back with Empire the first sign of losing against Lannister, I'm not going to pretend it wasn't disheartenining especially when I had to deal with two people who were so close to me for a time. But then I start to think to myself -- what if Y2Impact wasn't in the picture to prioritize my downfall and his personal motives than any chance for an eighth reign? Back then it was nothing but a prize I would place upon my shoulder for display, a great accomplishment to add to my list, a great way to be remembered. Oh, my legacy. Oh, my name's value. Long after I'm gone, generations of wrestlers will remember me as the first woman to capture the world title. How proud would it make Mr. DEDEDE? Simple thoughts, simple prayers, until it became something more. 

Because the more I got close to it, the more I was drawn in, the more I want it. And then I just wake up in the morning and realize how much I need it, and it's the only thing I could ever want. I start to understand why men turn into monsters when it's on the line, why even a small glimpse of hope is enough to make them run an extra mile and destroy everything in their path. I understand slowly that I have to become more than a monster, more than a face to be feared if I want to get close to it again. It's like a drug, an endless addiction and the only cure is the satisfaction of trampling over bodies and walking away with the one thing that everyone wanted. It became something I'd kill for. It's easy to feel the way I do, you stay on the other side of the revolving door waiting for your time to shine, and the rest have been doing the same. We take what we can get and hope that what we have gotten is finally "it". Everyone has struggled to get to this point, Theron, everyone has experienced getting the shorter stick in the game of chances, some of us get the bad end of the bargain and here you are complaining about how you have been mistreated while on the run for the gold without any consideration of the fact that everyone else have gone through various tribulations. You are not being mistreated, no one takes special interest in you, its just that everyone else is brave enough to carry on and put a confident face on showing that everything that transpired were nothing but steps forward to get to this point. You need it, and I get that more than anyone else. But you're not the only one gunning for the finish line, Theron. You have to be realistic and think to yourself exactly why you were placed in a fighting pit with different opponent while I only had to defeat Lannister to get here. People see Lannister as someone worth a hundred men in the Showdown roster, and I was thrown in as a prey. Everyone thought he would be walking in the Extreme Elimination Chamber and be crowned as a Champion again like what happened last year, but I defeated the lion and took away his chances. I defeated the man that everyone feared, and that alone speaks volumes of my capabilities just as it will at Road to Redemption. I have been shamed, picked apart, and left for dead, but I refuse to stay in the grave. You have your trials, I have mine... they were preparing us for this moment. It's only a question of who is willing to be faced with an early death only for the sake of leaving with gold, whose confidence will not fade away, whose passion will show the best to channel the bad experiences into inflicting pain once the chamber doors shut and there is no where else to go. The rage is building up inside my heart, Theron, in a fragile bubble that can anytime burst, and I cannot wait for Saturday when I use that rage to put your lifeless bodies in body bags as I walk away with the EAW Championship on my shoulder. Indeed the pursuit of the EAW Championship has been a drug I can't seem to walk away from and I only intend to feed that addiction at Road to Redemption.

You have been known as quite the legend of the industry, with a Hall of Fame status to show for your bravery. Because of you, men who work in this company learn the horrifying reality that EAW can only be considered a game for so long until personal vendettas start springing up from out of nowhere when they least expect. Because of you, every roster member know better, particularly to never in any circumstance, not even at "bring your kids to work" day must they bring their family members because any day like that can involve them in the mess and the dirt, the vengeance of an opponent you provoked yourself as they plot to take them away. Because of you, almost everyone treat their families like treasure so they don't go leaving them for a guy who takes them away out of spite -- they tuck their kids in at night with a bedtime story and a goodnight kiss, and their wives or husbands wait patiently in bed because they know their spouse will "perform" out of fear! These are pure lessons that we have learned from the one and only, Diamond Cage. We thank you for being the prime example of not taking everything we have for granted because ending up like a shell of the man that you once were and that is a much better weight than losing a couple of matches. You have survived the trials. You have been at your worst, you have tried to be at your best once again, but you know deep down that the champion we once knew is already gone in the abyss and he is never coming back. You are stuck in a circle, and I'm sure some are too scared to point this out, but here's where the issue lies with your continuous frolicking, Diamond Cage, you stand there throwing these brutal words of what you are capable of, to break bones and tear flesh, yet no one even looks at you and believes a single word. You have become nothing but a comedy skit, a circus act and everyone just expects the day that you bleed in the middle of the ring again, capable of taking hits, capable of surviving but never scoring a victory the moment its needed because your demons of your past continue to cling on your back. You have carried it with you your entire career and the only way that you can shake them off is if you keep going back in the ring with no pride attached to your name, causing all trouble that you can get your hands on in your purposeless existence and calling it a "statement made"... enough to distract, but not enough to make the demons go away. You cover it up with a "nothing to lose" mentality, and its understandable for a guy like you to dwell on such excuse to save face in the end when the events don't go in your favor. But of course some of the crowd who have followed your story will be more sympathetic towards you, they understand what you have gone through, it's no fucking surprise if you've made goddamn sure you remind them of the pain of your past every chance you get, but there is a difference between learning from the trials and using them to demand pity. There is a difference between a threat and a desperate cry for retribution. You neither shake me nor put fear in my eyes by being in the same ring for the same goal, because while you have exhausted your resources and gained nothing from it, I still have more to give with the intention of making history. Call yourself a king, a leader, a monster, but I have dealt with many versions of you who have the audacity to threaten my well being, they have the physical advantage, they have every chance to defeat me but they either fall in my hands or extend help from an outsider just to secure a win as they take credit for something they didn't do. Once upon a time you scored a victory against me, I don't deny that but it doesn't mean I don't intend on settling scores. I will ignite the fire of revolution, and with that fire I will burn down the doubters and the non-believers that dare say I couldn't be a victor, and I will not rest until I get bloody satisfaction. So continue to whine about how the Triumvirate mistreated you, go "the Theron route" and tell the world what you had to go through to get to this point as if nothing else matters, because inside that cage, you are not going to get a fucking candy for your past victories, you are not going to get a pat on the back for "Keeping up with the Triumvirate", because once you're locked in, you live in the present. Keep the mentality of automatically becoming the Champion because you're a fucking king, I assure you someone will take advantage of your tragic flashbacks and use it to bury a fucking chair right to your already-damaged face, so many times that any chance you have to hold gold again slowly turns into rubble. Will sympathy help you then? Will pity do you any favor? No, it will only bury you an inch deeper in the ground where you should be. While I, I will ensure that anyone that stands in my way will feel the heel of my boot crash on their fucking skull, and I will stop at nothing, I will rest at no point, and if I have to pour gasoline on your faces and watch you burn just to keep me above the surface then that's a tactic I'm willing to pull. I can't entertain any possibility of a defeat...

For I am the Heart Break Gal.

I don't write my own chapters.

Historians write it for me as I continue to prosper, this time as EAW Champion.

I've stopped fearing darkness for the longest time. I have been engulfed in it so many times that at this point nothing surprises me anymore. Yes, I am obsessed with proving my worth. Yes, I am obsessed with putting everything on the line as if I had nothing to lose. Yes, I am all about putting emotion in my words and speaking from the heart. And you know what, Rex? That will never change. And it's a trait that I will always have and not a boring one-dimensional piece of shit like you will make me change that. Because I would rather have passion in my heart when I turn my goals into reality than stand for fifteen minutes talking monotonously about topics I will never give a shit about, much like you are doing. I would rather come in to a match with a smile on my face hyping up the crowd whether or not they want my presence, than just walk in the ring silently because I am a pitiful scumbag who that has nothing special to bring to the table, again just like you. Telling me to change my tendencies is like telling me to change my name over all, it's not me, so what the fuck are you complaining about? Do you honestly think it bothers me that I keep climbing mountains despite falling down a couple of times? Are you fucking new here, Rex? I swear to god no matter how many times I drill in your empty skull that I chose to be in this situation, you will always point fingers at the things I failed to do instead of looking in the mirror and seeing what you haven't done in the same duration of time since we fought for the number one contenders match. Let me spell it out for you incase you have forgotten. YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING, REX. While I've made every effort to make a statement and intent to take the EAW Championship from Tiberius Jones, you wasted time standing behind John Doe like the little bitch you are. While I've given my piece and ensured that the current EAW Champion is on his knees, so backed in the corner that he had to intentionally get himself disqualified in a match against me, you stood there running around in your pointless existence you call a career. While I was with Cameron Ella Ava completing the tournament, you were there too, except you have proven that without John Doe, you are nothing but a bag of air that gets by on lucky, assisted wins, and you couldn't keep up with the competition that you swore to take down. That's how useless you are. That's how pathetic you've been. And now you have the fucking nerve to point fingers at me and tell me I'm insecure? Well Rex, if insecurity means that I get to state facts that you try so hard to hide, if it means exposing the true nature that you constantly behind your brittle rusty exterior that you call an armor, if it means going all means and turning your fantasy of becoming EAW Champion into an impossible goal in the Elimination Chamber, then I must be the most insecure person in the world! You act like everything I do is unnatural and forbidden, just because you couldn't comprehend and not in a million years will you be capable of stepping out of your bubble. But let me state this in words that you may understand: You have no power over me. You have no bullets left no matter how far you reach. You can distract yourself by placing all the cards, even the weakest on the table, but the fact still remains that I stand above you and there is nothing that you can do to change that. You know what else I noticed? The hilarious fact that you're trivializing John Doe's help every chance you have. It really does bother you, doesn't it? No matter how much you convince yourself and the world that John Doe only had a small part in the journey, I will only continue to throw the truth in your direction -- that he was the main person that catapulted your dead weight to be where you are today. You are nothing without John Doe's aid, and you let him run off while he makes you his little bitch. There is a reason I refuse to shower you with compliments for a job well done after winning against me, and the fact that you couldn't keep me away while I have that knowledge just triggers you to no end. The climb up the mountain that you continuously mock me about has never existed in your journey, it has always been a lie, and the only thing you can do to mask it is to tell me how much of an insecure liar I am meshed with every thought-out detail and assumption in hopes of making me vulnerable. But I have told you so many times, Rex, while people like Diamond Cage come in this match already shattered into pieces with every emotional pain, I am not easily broken. I seek justice. I seek revenge. I fight until the end. And even in sorrow and defeat, I continue to face the challenge. But it doesn't mean that I let anyone's words define what I am. I am full of flaws, but it would take more digging than you realize to get under my skin. And while pour sweat and tears searching for what you can't find, in the mean time, I will continue to look down on you for you are nothing but an insignificant bump in the road, all that while I celebrate as EAW Champion.

For all that I have endured, I feel no shame. 

For all trials that have gotten me to this point, I feel no regret. 

Don't ever mistake my passion for anything else. For it is the one thing you can never take away.

When you are being celebrated, it feels like you can never go wrong with the decisions you make. That overwhelming high just warms your soul so much, it makes certain that the loving crowd has your back no matter the recklessness and overconfidence, but the moment one person stands against you and question you, the entire flock will start to disagree with your actions, in an instant the confidence you have with the crowd that blindly followed you will disintegrate and you will have no one to back you up when it counts the most. That is the tragedy that is Tiberius Jones. He is a hero. A trooper. Always out there to point fingers at me for always involving myself in groups, yet even with his Triumvirate army by his side, he still lacks the capability to capitalize and take advantage of his strength in numbers. I have been driven to insanity by the drama and the heartache of counting on partners more times than I can count and yet here I am begging for more. But my mindset should be the least of your concerns, Tiberius Jones. You have five people that is aiming for your neck, desperate to kill you off this match the first chance they get, I mean, isn't that why you wanted a helping hand from me? Twice you have asked and twice I have rejected, for I know that it will only diminish the chances I have to walk away the Champion. I acknowledge the disadvantage, but it doesn't mean I'm off to commit suicide the first chance I get, you're on your fucking own. I refuse to give you the idea, the satisfaction, of thinking that I still cared whatever the fuck happens to you inside that chamber, for one reason, I don't trust a word that comes out of your mouth, and for another, I am smart enough to know that siding with you would make me a bigger target than I already am. Week after week, I have made my statement, and in that duration you went from a satisfied smirk on your face having defended your title successfully into an unbearable shemale desperate to send a message when he couldn't even gasp for air. Call me a pet as many times as you'd like, but at least I am not a dying animal like Tiberius Jones. One threat was enough for him to shake on his feet and now he's back to belittling me for being a woman in a man's world just because his thought remains clouded by the fact that this is the last he ever gets to speak as Champion. You're scared, everyone gets it. You can hide behind videos and training montages as you do jumping jacks and jump ropes to "Eye of the Tiger", but it doesn't take away the fact that poor acting skills that amounts to tears of desperation will not save you once the world sees how easy it is to turn a beast into a scared little ferret. Once, we stood behind the idea of extreme. We lived it. We recreated it. But now it shows how poorly you play at that game the moment you displayed weakness and vulnerability, exactly as you're doing now. With every loss that I have endured, looking for excuses is the last thing on my mind for I focus on adapting and ensuring that any misstep that I've made during the previous performance will be the last one. And that, I will continue to do. Once the Heart Break Gal takes her well-deserved victory in that chamber, I'm sure you'll have a handful of excuses that lead to transgressions, you will be against it for a time until you start to see that without glitters on your name, you are just another voice with words of no value. Without a crown to mold your intentions. Without gold as a reminder of your progress. Tiberius IV, as we know it, will go back to being the impressionable rookie TJ... the same one nobody gave a shit about until I picked him up from the dust and gave him a purpose in Hexa-gun. Don't like it? Then cry about it. Surely, I won't be there to console you once I take my leave with the EAW Championship... because being left alone to rot that empty shithole you call a "throne" is what ingrates like you deserve.
The Consigliere
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 5:51 pm by The Consigliere

It seems like I didn't make myself clear the first time. I am dealing with a handful of opponents and you still choose to waste my time. What in the world are you even going on about Finnegan? Did you have a stroke? Did you hit your head too hard to the point where you stutter and flinch? I ask for intent, I get a merry-go-round, I get fluffs, and reasons after reasons for the words that have been said instead of owning up to it and giving me anything that resembles passion when faced with two outstanding competitors. This is why I don't need to remind Cameron of my priorities. This is why I don't have to worry if she doubts my capabilities. The same way that I know she can singlehandedly take the two of you down without breaking a sweat, she knows that I am more than capable of going through two important matches and winning them all. This is what separates our teams, you two have no dynamic, no confidence, nothing but busted parts in a faulty machine that acts up every five minutes. You know damn well what I do to machines, or do I have to remind you? Do not come tome acting like a moron if you don't want to be treated as one. Do not blurt out statements that you cannot back with facts. And this all starts to sound like a convenient list of hypotheticals that are supposed to make me twitch in fear for what's to come when all it does is further prove how you have exhausted every last bit of point you can come up with to one-up Di Consentes. You have nothing against us, Finnegan, that's why you dwell on disclosures masked with kind words. "They are experienced wrestlers. They are Hall of Famers" all to save your ass when the moment of judgment comes, to tell the world in advance why you are incapable of winning the Grand Prix instead of being forced to make excuses a day after on live TV. But I don't blame you, anyone who is faced with the all-powerful Di Consentes will second guess their decisions made two months prior to this moment, thinking if it was a good idea to begin with to come into a tournament unprepared with a partner that doesn't care about winning. It's no surprise that you treat this match with a humble heart, while crossing your fingers hoping any of your feeble threats would be acknowledged, despite being already thrown in the dumpster and made to look useless. You ask to be taken seriously. You defeat every second-rate competition in the squared circle in every show that demands it. You scream to the crowd how badly you want to become the Unified Tag Team Champions, but in the face of torment and random attacks, you cry foul as if you didn't expect the journey to be this difficult, it's almost a pathetic sight. I used to call Cameron a punching bag once upon a time when we were in a heated rivalry for the Vixens Championship, but it seems like I have made the wrong call for there are more punching bags to come -- they just choose to hide in the shadows refusing to be bold and direct, hiding their incompetence behind jokes, because they are afraid of the consequences that will come after each word they foolishly utter in our presence. I sometimes wonder if there's anything more to be said. 

I am on my fight for a second Unified Tag Team Championship, and I don't intend to fight my battles lightly, but your existence, your demeanor can already tell a million tales about your shattered confidence and inadequacy, this might just be a cakewalk. But let me make something clear so we can all reach a common understanding as early as now: Di Consentes stands above all. Di Consentes is the definition of perfection whether divided or as a unit. We look at our competition in defeat, with no mercy or compassion, but a reminder that goddesses that constantly utilize their capabilities against the commoners, are not made to be angered. Those who know us and still have the bravery to challenge us fight a battle with one blind eye. We are a "Vixen" breed molded from the extreme roots of EAW, and for that we fear nothing. If you are expecting less, then I fear it's too late to go back to that pub and stay silent so to revert the decision of forming We are the Bullocks, because with our existence alone, it is set in stone that you two are the danger zone at risk of an embarrassing defeat. We have jumped from one territory to another, fighting multiple wars with different generations of wrestlers with no sign of rust or decline in the quality of our preformance, while you arrived five minutes ago with nothing to present that would make you anything that resembles a threat. That's the kind of power we hold over your heads. Nobody takes it seriously when the purpose comes from the mouth of two goons, but when Di Consentes send their message, everyone stops to listen. Indeed what are goddesses to non-believers... that is until goddesses exercise their strengths and turn your hopes into a pile of insignificant dust by our power, just as we have easily done to our previous opponents. And once we face and defeat the Champions, history will be made, no one will stand in the opposite side and call themselves a non-believer again. 

They will bow down. 
They will worship. 
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 4:57 pm by PrinceofPhenomenal
I wake up each and every day determined to make every one of my doubters in this world into a believer. I know what some of you may say about that and it's fine. For the most part I'm sure the gist of it will be ''Why waste your energy on something like that?.'' I'm not sure. Why do we waste our energy on anything? Why not save it for something more useful? I figured out one day that I'm always going to be fighting against something. Whether it be doubters, my fellow EAW peers or even myself, I will always be in a battle. A battle against time, father time, relevance, competitive drive and so much more. The day I lose my competitive fire to gt out of bed and lace up my boots will be such a sad day. The and news about that is that I woke up feeling great about my career and my current path here in EAW. Sure, some matches haven't turned out the way I may have liked, but at the end of the day I am still standing. In the end, that is what life is all about: survival. With each battle you face, your body will slowly start to deteriorate. The thing about me is I find myself in a better position to withstand the impact of these battles than the average joe. Time after time I've had some newcomer sit back and tell me that I'm too washed up to last in the current season of EAW. When the factor of the matter is, I am fitting in more than ever. I look around at these arenas and I still see people with my merchandise. I also look around at the locker room and I see a lot of newcomers who I've inspired in one way or another. The point is that the Prince of Phenomenal is here to stay. Clear the way.

In a few days, I will have the pleasure of competing for the EAW Championship in the structure in an Extreme Elimination Chamber. There's not even one word I can use to describe what I expect this event to be like. I'm not even sure at one point I will be able to enter the match and start working to get closer to the EAW Championship. It's funny though because just last week me and Diamond Cage were both pretty much talking about having an opportunity at the EAW Championship and here we are. Five men and one ballsy Vixen will enter this match and hope to lave this hell asylum with the second most prestigious championship here in EAW. Bodies will be thrown across the structure, careers will be cut in half, and the mental state of each performer will never be the same. I may be speaking for myself when I say this but my pants start to rise over matches like this. This type of match is exactly what EAW stands for. In fact, if you don't think so I'm not even sure why you are here. The E in the name of the company stands for something and I look forward to re-enforcing what that is.  I know what a lot of people are saying....POP already has one championship on his shoulder! We know he's just happy to be here! He's just here to have a good time! Wrong. I'm entering this match as if I have everything to lose. I need to win. This is my moment all over again. There's not a single person in this match that deserves to leave with the EAW Championship more than me. Hell, there's not a single soul in that arena who is more deserving to leave victorious than myself. Trust me when I say that I will have no problem proving those last two statements to be true.

Five will go down, one will remain. One will be able to stand on top of all of the causalities with that precious championship held high. One will be able to say that they out performed the best extremist this brand has to offer. When I look around this match I see a lot of familiar faces. There's a few extremist who I've faced in the last few weeks and then there's a couple who I've never been in the ring with. With that being said I feel that I should let all of you know that your journey in EAW will take an unexpected turn this Saturday night. While I understand that the five of you are expecting to achieve greatness and leave with MY championship, I'm here to deliver you some bad news. This is my night. This will be my moment. There will be plenty of other nights in your careers where you can let yourself down and Saturday will be one of those nights. I wish I could sit here and tell you that there will be a silver lining to me whooping all of your asses, but the fact of the matter is that I'm not here to lie to you. Personally, as the best extremist here in EAW, I feel that it is necessary to lie to you as little as possible. Before you know it, you will have all these yes-men in your ear telling you that you all have a shot. When in reality, this is just another upcoming milestone for the Prince of Phenomenal. This night will just be another significant achievement in the legendary career of POP's. When the smoke clears, all of you will come to the realization that you're irrelevant stepping stones to me. Not a single ounce of sweat, blood, or tears I will make you shed will have a lasting affect on me. I'm walking into that arena with the mindset that the EAW Championship is already on a silver platter for me, the only thing I have to do is push the garbage aside and claim what's rightfully mine.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 4:40 pm by 『zakkii』
HERO - EAW Promoz! - Page 20 DMG5odPUIAAORLV

Scene opens in Haruna's living room as she finally opens her livestreaming session once again after so long.

Hi, my name is Haruna Sakazaki. I am a wrestler, now I am working in Elite Answers Wrestling. This week, I get an honor to be a part of one of the biggest FPV in this company, which is Road to Redemption. My feeling is so happy right now because I will compete in an Extreme Elimination Chamber match and that match is for the Women's World Champion. I feel so honorable to be a part of this event because for a simple and traditional girl like me, coming from a traditional place of Kyoto, being a part of this match, competing in front of all people around the globe is enough not only for myself, but also my family, my friends and someone who actually know me in Japan. So yeah, I am really happy that I get this chance and I promise to not let you guys down. Please keep supporting me and I am really looking forward to fight inside that chamber and win for all of you. Thank you for all the support that you are giving to me. It's really meaningful and I have no other things to repay that but doing my best just for all of you. I really appreciate all of it and I will keep moving forward for that.

Phew..... okay then, now let's talk about who will be my opponent for this week, shall we? First off, the champion herself, Aria Jaxon. I gotta admit that she is really a strong opponent. I might not be able to defeat her here but I am still believing in myself that Someday, I would be able to. You win some, you lose some, right? I might be still a beginner. Yes, even though I already here longer than most of the girls but I gotta keep humble and lowering my head down. I am still a beginner, maybe I will always be forever. Because I am not enough learning and filling everything in my head with a lot of lesson and there is no end for that. Everyday is something new for me to learn at least one thing new that perhaps might be needed someday in the future. Hopefully I will be ready for this Sunday as I walk inside that chamber, I can do something right in there and eventually win it and make you all proud of me.  

Sigh..... and next one is Brody Sparks. Well, I met her several times and well, I think the history between us is a bit complicated. We first met in that weird match with weird stipulation. Until now, I am still kind wondering why that match even existed. But well, moving on to another one, I still think we can't even decide the clear winner every time we meet. I will keep doing my best and one day when we ever meet again, this time there will be a clear winner. I am moving straight forward and I learn a lot of things that I can use when I meet Brody again. She's really good, but I have to be better than her. I am not giving up until the statement will become reality and I am the one who is standing tall over her. I have a great feeling that I can do this. I've been through all the impossible things on my entire life and this thing.... this is nowhere near the word "Impossible". There is a huge possibility for me to stand tall over her and yes, I do believe that I can. I can stand tall in the end of this match. I believe that!

Saa.... OK, ganbarimasu, Haruna..... anyway, then we have Savannah Sunshine. She's pretty much new here but she grabs a lot of attention from the fans because not only she's a sweet girl, but she's also a talented wrestler as well. Yes, I admit everyone here is talented. Heck, EAW are the best wrestling company in the world, right? And only a few of wrestler can get inside here and they have to be some talented wrestler. Yes, I do believe that when I am stepping inside that ring this week, I will meet five talented wrestlers and fight all of them. They really talented but it is my task for me to be a lot better than them. There are some great new talents out there and I definitely won't lose to them. I made it this far and I am not going to give everything that I got so easily. That should be fun to encounter them, I can learn something for them as well, even though they are still new. But hey, lesson always come from every direction, right? Which is why I will be happy to meet them and test myself until I get in the whole new level.  

Okay.... sigh.... you made it this far..... sigh..... well, umm, anyway, next up we have Revy. Another new competitor and I never have a chance to meet her face to face. I watched their matches and she really is an impressive one. She might be loud and brash but I think she can back it up with her skill inside that ring. And I really amazed with her so maybe someday I can meet her and fight her. Well, of course I am not going to lose to her. She might be a great wrestler, but I can be better than her. Just like every single one of them, you might be end up getting defeated because I will do my absolute best in this match, winning it and make every single one who support me feel the glory that I am going to get. I have faith in myself, I promise that every single step that I made this far will worth a good thing in the end. I won't giving up, not now.... I am not going to lose to Revy, or any other girls inside this match. Yes, the outcome will be a victory for me. That is a must.

And now the last one, don't forget Azumi Goto. We made it this far, we finally be in a match where we can fight again. We've done a lot of things together inside and outside the ring but still, we have to decide who is the best between us. You know, deep inside me I really have one simple wish that someday, we are going to face each other and have one spectacular match that everyone is going to remember. I want to face you.... a few weeks ago, I already told you that my motivation in wrestling start to fade away. I have no longer passion to fight here and without you, I don't even have a reason to be in this match anyway. As much as I want to win this so badly, I am thinking that I would be happy if you win this one anyway. Maybe at the time we face each other one on one, it would be for that gold. Should be fun and I promise that when I meet you, our match will be fantastic and that match will be the greatest match in your entire career. Let's do this, Azumi!

Okay then, I think that's about it. I really look forward of this match and can't wait to fight and show my wrestling ability to my friends in Japan also to everyone in the world who are watching me. I am going to give my absolute best and when I fight in there, I will give them a great entertainment and skills for all of you to enjoy. Okay then, this weekend should be fun and I am ready to be there. Go Haruna!!!

Haruna raises her hands in excitement and end the stream but we still catch a sigh of frustration in the last second of the stream.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 4:20 pm by Rex32
There's something about change that appeals to me.

Embracing the unknown, and reveling in what comes next.

Things in this world that we live in are constantly thriving through change. New things are always happening. The clock is ticking...time ticking away as the next change gets set to take place. The question is, are we ever fully aware of the changes as they are happening? The answer to such a question is really dependent on the timing, the placement of which these changes happen, the circumstances which lead to those changes, and whether we have bothered to acknowledge them at all in the first place. Many aren't aware of what will happen tomorrow, or a week from now, or a month, or a year from now. Things can happen in the blink of an eye without notice, and then suddenly it comes to be; change. The reality is, there is nobody that knows when each change will take place. Predicting the future is about as difficult as seeking perfection itself, which is not possible in a realistic world much less the trials that everyone will be put through in the Extreme Elimination Chamber. Many wonder about the future, worry as it approaches even, and they should as they plunge forward in the present. The present is what matters most. Careers and lives will be at stake. The unknown, it's inevitable, yet something to look forward to. This elitist will embrace it all just as he has with every experience he's ever been apart of. Embracing the unknown, as you can see it hasn't presented me with many setbacks lately. It's only been one of the many benefactors in why on Saturday at Road To Redemption, I can step into the Extreme Elimination Chamber, and take what it is that I've come for. I will take the only thing that they all want, that they all obsess over, that they are willing to die for. I will take that EAW Championship, and relieve them of all that. Destroying their hopes, and their dreams. One by one, they will all fall.

You know how this is going to end.

This story wouldn’t be worth anyone’s time otherwise.

I would say you’ve outdone yourself this time, Tiberius, but I would be stating the obvious. I do believe that you do have it quite wrong. You see, while what you see is a far and away inferior version of yourself in every way, someone without the capability of knocking you clear off your throne. What I see before me is another desperate soul. So desperate you are in your pursuits to not only conquer this situation just to move to something more convenient and fruitful. But to be able to lay claim to a match that many previous came out of having gone through the war of their careers just to wear the gold that you do, and say that you were able to do so with ease. You wish to be able to claim that nobody inside of the chamber walls was able to dominate it quite like you, able to without all the pressure in the world bearing down on you as you did. However, it’s too predictable as I’ve told you. It doesn’t matter what you do. You can make this the comedic spectacle that you desire, but everyone knows it was a just another desperate way for Tiberius to get into the mind of his opposition to try to gain the edge psychologically to control the way the events happen to unfold this week. I told you that you would resort to this, because deep down, what choice do you have at this point? I mean certainly you taking the scenic route as you have, it does have it’s advantages, don’t get me wrong. But it’s only a direction worth going when others don’t know that you’re taking that route. Perhaps you’re an artist though, willing to make new paths toward a more vaunted attack on each of us, but I guess the point is, Tiberius, that I’m making is that there is no easy route to take this time around. No more carefree rides as you go. There’s no room for all the pish posh in all of this as you’ve presented it. I do applaud the effort with a slow golf clap. But as I’ve told you before, you have it quite wrong. You won’t be Champion after Road to Redemption, and you’re setting a great example before me with this useless display of showmanship on a grand stage wasting a few minutes of time in which you had the chance to treat this situation as if it were your last as Champion. You make it easier for me in fact, so please. Don’t let me stop you now. I know you well enough, Tiberius, to know that you will continue because at this point you’re running out of tricks, and soon you’ll be completely out of time.  Slip up? You’ve already done that the moment you released your video. It shows that what’s on the surface is not any different from anything you have yet to introduce to us before. Call it the curse of all the notoriety you receive.  Your words, your actions, your mannerisms, your nuances, they’re viewed by everyone, and while many may go into this believing that what you present is not enough to retain that title, they won’t even come close to obtaining it for themselves. They won’t be bothered too much about anyone else except you. You hold what everyone is in pursuit of just as you are in pursuit of surviving this ordeal. There’s no hidden agendas here. Everything you try this week will be viewed as desperation on your part, to save face when you should want to go out with some dignity. It’s the way anyone would want to go out anyways. There’s no shame in succumbing to defeat under the most difficult of circumstances. Perhaps anything you don’t agree with is considered to be out if the realm of possibility in your view. You don’t see this being the end, but I guess you didn’t see how such a haughty display of showmanship would get you into a deeper mess than you’re already in. This screams desperation. In the end as a last resort, you could put that knife into my back when I least expect it, but there’s no guarantees in a situation like this where there are four other hungry individuals looking to make a name at your expense. No certainty behind any declarations that any of us make. No prior knowledge of when we enter the match, and how much we will have left to give in the end. The only guarantees are there is no guarantees. That's why this ending will be climatic like the others of years past.

Your desperation becomes the raw material of drastic change.

Ever since this season started, you have been in control of the events, fate has dealt you a good collection of cards. When you had to, you've defended your position, but your credibility has been questioned each time. Walking away without that EAW Championship, it will validate everyone else's claims that you weren't the Champion that Ares and Lannister proved to be in their time at the top, but triumphing in this match would cease such talks. Your credibility could no longer be questioned. But complacency could prove to be the beginning of the end of your reign, Tiberius. It breeds failure. You almost have to be paranoid to survive. Your little illustrations paint that fact perfectly. You intend to show the separation between yourself and everyone else without fully realizing that you have been settling. You joined up in the Triumvirate to amass more power, and to stay in the position you are in now. So far in the present day you remain in power, but change is the way of the land of Elite. I spoke about time already yesterday, and with time breeds change. Ares nor Lannister stayed on top as the Answer's World Champion, even as great as they proved to be in that position. Anyone can say something seems bland, Tiberius. When you don't really want to listen to it all, the facts, the notions, the objections, the opinions, like someone edgy kid that sits in the back of the class that believes they are the teacher and that they can teach the class better because they really do believe in everything they say as being unequivocally correct, but that's where your ignorance comes in. Perfection does not exist. Nobody is infallible. You're making yourself out to look like a fool, Tiberius. You need this win on Saturday a whole lot more than I do, but I'll happily take more of your charity if you are so willing to bargain everything that you've worked for a few minutes of sideshow illustrations in exchange. You don't need to take me seriously, and I don't expect you to, not until that is that I do happen to knock you straight off your perch.

Bringing your illusion into reality, and watching as you crumble before me.

Slaying the king, taking his crown and his gold once and for all.

Beginning the next chapter in a new story.

See you soon.

Last edited by Rex32 on October 25th 2017, 4:58 pm; edited 2 times in total
Nasir Escobar
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 2:07 pm by Nasir Escobar
Perhaps I am a loser. You know what? Yes I am a loser. All I have done in my life is lose. I grew up with barely any friends. I was average at best when it came to academics. I’m obviously not the most physically imposing person out there. I wouldn’t bullshit anyone by referring to myself as overly attractive either. Even as an adult in my own profession I can’t catch a break now can I? I’ve lost at every turn. I’ve lost to my best friend, and now lost my best friend period. I’ve lost literally every championship opportunity I have had placed in front of me. And now I can make excuses that I was purely a pawn placed in a temporary position time and time again when at every point there was some bigger plot in the back being organized by management that had nothing to do with my successes whatsoever. But the thing is...at the end of the day if I were good enough I would have won all of those matches regardless of what was being orchestrated by others. If I possessed the sheer ability, it would not matter now would it? So I guess all that makes me is a failure...and a man whose convictions has wavered so many times that it is virtually impossible for anyone to guess what he truly wants in this business. Even himself. I came into this business as a humble and hungry kid who simply wanted to live out his dreams and be remembered alongside those who inspired him to chase said dreams in the first place. But along the way as that child learned the road to the peak of the mountain was much longer and far more difficult than he had ever anticipated he-... He became jaded to what was right and what was wrong. You’re right about one thing Pizza Boy. Heartbreak can truly shatter and change a man. And I’ve had mine broken to pieces so many times it just might be impossible to completely put back together. The repeated failures began to eat at me. And I had lost my way. That’s when Fortuneteller Hamasa presented herself to me in my moment of weakness. She showed me a new path, and gave me a new purpose in life. I was sceptical, but as I said...in my moment of weakness there were no foreseeable alternatives. And as time went on and I actually did begin to succeed more, I actually began to buy into what she was saying. It corroded my mind. All the way until my defeat by your hands. When you knocked me out cold with not a kick of any kind, but with a cold hard dose of truth. I’m not a winner. I’ve fought my entire life to be a winner. To be a hero. To become a legend. To be like those who came before me. I fought my very hardest and realized it was not enough. Funny enough that moment came last year inside the Extreme Elimination Chamber. While you had gone on to win your match Pizza Boy, I gave it my absolute all, pushed my body to its breaking point, and gave Y2Impact arguably the last great fight of his career besides HBG...and it still wasn’t enough. And then after that Eclipse got away with cheating on multiple occasions in our number one contenders match, and from that moment I never got another shot to be on top of Voltage again. So to say those circumstances left an impression on me is an understatement. The fans of Elite Answers Wrestling stayed loyal to me despite every setback that came my way and I will always thank them for it. I felt that at the very least if I would never be put in my rightful place I had earned that others just casually jumped into with zero effort or passion… I felt that I was justified in doing anything and everything as long as I had the good intentions of it being for the benefit of the fans in the end. The old Nasir Moore was a guy who the fans naturally and organically got behind because of the truth he spoke of and the vision he had for this company. In the beginning of my rise, I just wanted to ensure that no one ever had to suffer from the constant pain of failure and loss that I went through. I wanted to change EAW so that people didn’t have to go through YEARS of mediocrity like I did to reach this point… Maybe that’s too huge of a goal to accomplish. Especially for a failure like myself. Hell how can a man who truly doesn’t even know himself lead the charge of a new era like everyone says he should. How can Nasir Moore lead others when he doesn’t even know what direction to go into himself, ya know?

But Pizza Boy I do have some questions for you. Like what qualifier was I in against you? If I remember correctly I beat Target Smiles to earn my spot into this match. Sure I lost to you THE NEXT WEEK, but if we ARE being factual here...that’s not my qualifier. Also I’d like to point out that this chamber will be your first REAL taste of what the true Nasir Moore is capable of. You’ve never faced me at my max. You have never gone head to head with Nasir Moore at his very best. The REAL Pizza Boy versus Nasir Moore matchup has never gotten to happen. Another thing, I have severed my ties with Hamasa and her crazy ideals, so for you to speak of this god that I am “trying” to be is a fallacy. I think the word you were looking for was “tried” to be. And yes you can still come at me for that one, I’ve got no problems with that. I can’t deny I was heralding myself as a divine being when we faced off at House of Glass. And another thing. I was going to try and stay calm and peacefully approach you heading into this match, but I just cannot help myself any more. My emotions are getting the better of me. AHEM! Um…”you want sympathy”. Please inform me my good sir when I ever came out here and asked the fans for them to sympathize with my story. My story is not meant to be sympathized. It is meant to be remembered so that those that come after us don’t make the same mistakes that I have! I am an extremely flawed person. For one I am far too trusting. Hell just look at my history with Aren for that. Another thing I’m kind of KNOWN FOR BEING A CHOKE ARTIST! And I know in these promo thingies we’re supposed to be hyping ourselves up, but I’m more than comfortable with myself to call it how it is and still be sure I can head into the chamber with a good shot at leaving as a champion! So back to my point. Sorry about that Pizza Boy but I am quite the rambler. You probably know that already though so it shouldn’t be much of a shock. But yes, I have never asked for anyone’s pity. I am far too prideful for that. I don’t want to be looked down in pity by others. I want to be looked up to by those who come after us! Oh and about the hugs and handshakes...I may put on this bravado of being a cool guy in front of others, but did ya think “hey this guy is probably a big softie at his core”. Which I can also admit to. I’m arguably too soft of a man to be a World Champion in EAW. The more and more I talk, I am probably giving people more and more reasons to NOT want me to be the Answers World Champion. But hey maybe my idea is to change the perception of just what a champion in EAW is at its core. Or maybe I won’t get the shot to do that for two reasons. One, you’re practically already doing that. And two, someone like me may never be a World Champion in his life. And hey, that’s fine. As much as I want to...I am an understanding guy who can cope with time. If I am never meant to become a World Champion in the Land of the Elites then that’s fine. Because I still plan on being a legend. A Hall of Famer. I want to prove myself so good that I could do it even without a World Championship to my name. Now that is blasphemous to say I know. Especially for all the old guard guys who may see this. But I simply put, just don’t care. I want to be recognized and known as a pillar for the next generation of Elitists and whether I have a championship or not is irrelevant in my eyes! Would it help, without a doubt. Is it truly necessary? Not as I see things. Pizza Boy when I became as popular as I did with the fans. It’s because they saw all the corrupt bullshit going on over on Voltage last year and they knew I was the only man who had the potential and willpower to step up and break through it all. Now I failed at that as you know I am nothing but a failure at the end of the day. But they chose me because they saw it all around them. Carlos Rosso, Y2Impact, Eclipse Diemos, Zack Crash, Kenny Drake, Nathan Fiora, and yes also my brother Aren as much as I shoehorn him into my speeches. All these guys were problems that needed to be dealt with. Some I succeeded in eliminating. Some I failed to even get the chance to combat. And others put me down, because as we all know I am nothing but a failure. So for you to say I was not ELECTED to be their hero in that moment...well how about you just fact check some more before coming to me huh? Now along the way my will broke and I became corrupted with ideals that were not my own, but thanks to you I broke out of it. Without it being your intention. You still don’t like me despite everything I tell you, that’s cool. Quite frankly I still maintain my long term opinions of you and they won’t waver, because I don’t plan for my opinions or my feelings to waver any longer as they have way too much as of recent. But who knows. I’m most likely just gonna be put down by you once again when we step up to one another inside the Answers World Championship Extreme Elimination Chamber Match anyways. Because as we ALL know I am nothing but a loser, especially in the face of the probable Elitist of the Year and Hall of Fame worthy Pizza Boy, ya know?

But before I go Pizza Boy did give me a brilliant idea for something I was debating about. Because you see unlike the other three chambers, Dynasty’s is special in the fact that there’s a special outside force that could rear its ugly head into the picture when it comes to the outcome of things. And no I am not talking about Sebastian Monroe here as horrendous of a human being as he is. Of course I am referring to the seventh potential man who could leave Road to Redemption and the one hundredth Free Per View as the EAW Answers World Champion. That man being Mr. Cash in the Vault, Nico Borg. Nico and I don’t really have much history with each other. The extent we have as far as interactions are concerned is both being in the Starr vs Monroe Divide and Conquer match. Now Nico I don’t think I ever got the chance to properly thank you for keeping Jacob Senn RIGHT IN PLACE for me to line him up perfectly for The Ether. It means a lot to me as you were more of an asset than the rest of my team turned out to be for the most part. Now I must say it is quite infuriating for me that I am being slept on by the champion I am chasing in favor of a man who isn’t even inside the structure. And that may come back to bite the Pizza Boy hardcore. But that is just fine as I have absolutely zero issues with that being the deciding factor in our matchup after everything he has said about me. I wouldn’t harbor any feelings anyways so the issue would not be on my end. But I assure you one thing Nico. If I see your face at ANY POINT on that night if I DO claim my first world championship. There will be HELL to pay for your sorry ass. Payment that not even your Cash in the Vault could equate to. You better not show up, but at the same time I do dare you to try it and see how it ends for you. I guarantee it won’t be as fun of a time as you’d like to believe. Because at the end of the day there is NO cashing in for you. And Nico that is because on that night everyone best be banking on Nasir Moore to leave Minneapolis and the one hundredth Free Per View in history as the Elite Answers Wrestling Answers World Champion. There just are no other realistic options, not even for you. Ya know?
Aria Jaxon
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 1:34 pm by Aria Jaxon

I’m not surprised that I feel the way I do, but it’s still a pretty drastic change of pace from everything else that’s happened so far this week. I haven’t really had any choice. There’s always fire in my heart and conviction in my voice when I’m walking into a big match scenario like this where there’s so much at stake. Knowing that I have no other choice than to successfully defend my championship just increases it all tenfold. I’ve listened to venom-laced proclamations of those promising an immediate future where I’m knocked off my throne. Time after time, I’ve sat back and listened to other women tap imaginary wrist watches and tell me that my time as champion was coming to an end. And every step of the way, my stubborn ass has fought them. I’ve refused to budge. I’ve acknowledged the unique nature of the match, the brutality in store, and the threat that they all do -- or don’t -- present. From day one, I’ve planted my feet firmly in the ground and known deep down that I had everything that it took to withstand the coming onslaught, both the verbal war of words beforehand and the actual potentially career-shortening match itself. I’ve allowed myself to fall into a rhythm, knowing that every exchange will be more heated and shadier than the last.

And then, you spoke, and I knew that on some level, I couldn’t treat you like everyone else. How the fuck could I? The only thing keeping Revy pressing forward and feeling like her alcoholic ass has any reason to even go on living is the idea that someone of my stature could fail en route to her imaginary crowning moment. Brody fancies herself being my kryptonite because of one victory and already has herself penciled in as the victor, foolishly believing that she’s two seconds away from taking my place. Azumi is still selling her “I’m the best wrestler in this company and that alone is too much for all you bitches to deal with” bullshit. I haven’t had the chance to rip into Haruna yet, but I’m sure it’s coming. You’re completely different in your approach, Savannah, and I don’t think it has as much to do with our friendship as people might think. You’re just wired differently, and more often than not, opponents like to point that out as a flaw. Something that will ultimately keep you from getting to where you wanna be. The consensus among the less open-minded competitors on Empire is that you’re too sweet, too timid, too afraid to take pain, or too afraid to dish it out to ever stand a snowball’s chance in hell of being anything more than a crash test dummy in this match. But I knew better. I’ve picked up on the changes in you lately, even if some have been too blind to see them. The happy-go-lucky girl has made it more apparent than ever that she was never truly afraid to ball up her fists -- or alternatively, swing a baseball bat or kendo stick -- and contend with the best this brand has to offer. I think back to how much you felt like you had to prove going into Territorial Invasion, given that you were a late addition to the whole war, and when it came down to it, you were more than willing to jump feet-first into the deep end of the pool and do what you could to inch my team closer to victory. I remember your red-hot run in Empress of Elite this year, getting further than many would’ve ever imagined that you would. I remember how hard you fought at Manifest Destiny, hanging tough as long as you possibly could and making it all the way to the final two with a seasoned vet like Stephanie and making damn sure that exchange wasn’t one-sided. There was the main event match against me the week after that, where you perhaps looked the best that anyone’s ever seen. I got to feel firsthand just how determined you are to win and how ready you are to prove that you belong here. When Azumi and Haruna made the mistake of taking your kindness for weakness, you’ve been waiting around every corner since then to remind them that they fucked around and made a very unforgiving enemy. The path you’ve walked lately, I don’t know how anybody else in this match can look at it and say “There’s no way Savannah can handle this” when I can think of a couple people more ill-suited for this match than you could ever be. I knew what I was doing when I pleaded with Tarah to put you into this match. Yeah, it was a package deal along with setting up two of the extras from Kill Bill for their most catastrophic loss yet, but it’s more than that. It’s not just because I know you’re not-so-patiently awaiting handing out a hearty serving of revenge. It’s because I know that, no matter what anybody else in this match says, you’re a perfectly-positioned puzzle piece that could cost any or all of them their chance at gold if they’re not careful. They’re all sleeping on you, and that’s handicapping them, whether they’ll admit it or not. I’m the only one who sees you for what you truly are. I’m the only one giving you your due, and that’s yet another reason why I’m leaving Minneapolis as the Women’s World Champion. I’ve said some variation of this before, but there’s no way you can truly be ready for a match this predictable and chaotic if you haven’t realistically assessed all of your opponents. I’ve done what I can to leave personal feelings out of perceiving who the biggest threats are in this match. Right about now, somebody like Brody is waiting just around the bend to say, “But wait, how can you say all these things about how well Savannah will do and tell us all that it’s got nothing to do with your personal feelings?” Because it doesn’t. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be friends with somebody just to concede to the fact that they’re about to bring the woods to you. You’ll make them all choke down a bitter pill of reality when you show them just what you’re truly capable of, Savannah. This match will be your strongest performance yet. You’ll dig down deep and go to lengths you’ve never had to go to before. You’ll push yourself to the brink, but you won’t take my championship from me. You’re chasing championship gold, something that offers more euphoria than any sugar high you’ve ever been on. But as fiercely as you’re tryna chase down this chance at legitimizing yourself in the eyes of so many of your peers, I’m hanging onto my title with a million times more fierceness. Your recent failures perhaps have left you feeling a little desperate. Maybe you feel like your back is against the wall, and you figure this is the time when it’s most vital to pull the trigger on Savannah Sunshine finally grabbing the brass ring. Personally, those stutter steps have given you character. They’ve made you fight harder the next time you step up to the plate. After this, you’ll have no choice but to keep that bright smile intact and look optimistically to the next challenge, the next grand stage upon which Sunshine will cast a bright glow over everything. I’m your biggest supporter. Nobody else is more comfortable with being your cheerleader than I am, and generally? I want you to get whatever it is that you’re chasing after. But we’ve met at this intersection now, where our desires and intersections have overlapped. Only one of us will be able to leave Road to Redemption with the most coveted prize in all of women’s wrestling, and there’s no way in hell it won’t be me. A girl like you won’t have to look far to find the good in all of this. Sure, you won’t be champion, but you’ll have turned a corner. You’ll have forced people to sit the fuck up and take notice of what you can do. But that’s as far as it goes for you, I’m sorry. I won’t treat you like just a place filler, because I know you’re so much more than that. You’re an opponent just like the rest of them. You’re still in it to win it, and because of that, I have to treat you accordingly. When that Chamber door shuts behind us, that’s it. We’re just two of the six warriors imprisoned in the crucible until only one remains. You don’t get to be the one. You’ll be a statistic, another woman who busted her ass, tried her luck, and went home empty-handed. For that, I can’t apologize. I care about you more than anybody else, Savannah, but this is my legacy I’m protecting. This is the championship that I went to war to win, and it’s the one I’ll stay down in the trenches to defend against all comers. I’ve got what the pack wants so badly. My only obligation is to make sure that every single one of you comes up short.

Something I’ve noticed is that most of the women in this match aren’t content with just winning. There’s some asterisk next to the prospect of them being champion, whether it’s making their opponents suffer or whipping the fans into an irate frenzy. Too many of them are worried about shit that doesn’t matter, so you’re not wrong to say that any one of them would be more than happy to steal your light as a bonus prize along the way during this match. But, I don’t think any of them ever could. That grin of yours stays wide no matter what happens to you. You’re overflowing with joy and fearlessness no matter how hard anyone tries to knock you down. I know this battle ultimately won’t be won with words or lofty promises of dishing out ass beatings, but that’s okay. I’ll back up everything when I say. So believe me when I tell you that I’ll be the last woman standing isn’t just some rude statement from just another woman wanting to dull that sparkle of yours. It’s a promise from a champion that’s absolutely refusing to leave that Chamber without what belongs to her. I’m not casting you aside. I’m confronting you head-on, just like I’m doing to all the others. And just like them, in the end, you’re just another formidable obstacle that I have to overcome to bring about the conclusion to all of this that I wish to see. I’m different than the other women in this match, Savannah. I’m the only one seeing you for the threat that you present. I’m the lone woman in this match who’s actually ready for the onslaught brought about by the most determined version of Savannah Sunshine that’s ever shown her face. But because I have a promise to myself to keep, because I have a record-breaking reign to extend, you have to -- and you WILL -- come up short, despite the fact that you’re gonna pour your heart and soul into this. I know how much you’ve overcome and all that you’ve battled back against to get here. Those trials and tribulations might have prepared you for the hellish environment we’re about to step into, but they never prepared you for me. They never readied you for the eagle-eyed, focused champion that you’re now contending with. Your support system never planned on you running into me, Savannah. No matter how hard I go and how far past the brink I push myself to keep my championship around my waist, at the end of the day, I’m just a woman protecting what’s hers. Doing what I’ve been saying I would -- even if it unfortunately comes at your expense -- will be the perfect ace bandage over the wounds I’m bound to suffer in this match. Oh, to still be able to call myself a champion will be sweet. Sweeter than any candy you’ve ever stockpiled in your life. I hope you’re ready to swing for the fences, princess. The Queen isn’t expecting anything less from you. 
Carlos Rosso
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 1:19 pm by Carlos Rosso
The Journey of the “Champion of Life” to the World Championship
Part 4: Stand in Clouds, Walk on Water

(From the camp of the Champion of Life, all seemed well and quiet. Carlos Rosso was relaxed, anticipating his Elimination Chamber challenge and the hell to come with it. He was prepared. He was focused, and he began the day with a morning jog through the cool morning air in downtown Minneapolis. The talent was always there, the determination to endure had always been there, but an old friend helped re-ignite a sense of urgency. Immediately after Voltage, Carlos had been taken to a gym where there was no press, no fancy machines, no televisions, no bullshit pop music blasting on speakers. Just an old, tattered boxing ring, free weights, and some punching bags…and an opponent waiting in the ring.)
[Carlos stands across the ring from Stephanie “Cloud” Matsuda, a fellow Zaibatsu member and on-again, off-again training partner. Matsuda is focused, dressed in her ring gear and ready to fight. Carlos, dressed not in ring gear but simply a black T shirt and shorts, stretches, an almost bored expression on his face. The two tie up but Carlos doesn’t put much effort in, Stephanie gaining the advantage and forcing him into the ropes.]

Carlos: Hey….c’mon, rope break. Easy….

[Cloud obliges him with a frustrated huff, slapping him on the chest with both hands and giving Carlos a shove. Cloud then then starts to try to land shoot kicks, Carlos haphazardly dodging them or swatting them away just before they hit him in the head. His expression is bored, but growing more and more irritated with Matsuda’s pressing.]

Carlos: Chill the fuck out…this is a spar, not a match.

[Cloud continues to be aggressive, managing to slip behind Carlos in an attempt to suplex him. Carlos looks puzzled for a moment but counters and releases Cloud, smacking her on the back of the head with an open palm.]

Carlos: I said this was a fucking spar!

[Matsuda turns around, a look of venomous, malicious intent on her face as she makes a mad dash for Carlos again.]

Matsuda: Motherfucker!

[Carlos, still not too interested in the sparring session, keeps Matsuda at bay, not trying much in the way of offense until Matsuda connects flush with a right hand square in the jaw, sending Carlos’s head snapping to the side for a second before whipping right back. He starts to land forearm strikes of his own, enough to eventually knock down Cloud before she kips back up.]


[Cloud stares at him for a moment, using a hand to check her lip for blood and finding none, then shakes her head.]

Matsuda: No dude…what the fuck is wrong with YOU? That’s the question. Look at what’s going on right now. You’re running around acting like this shit is a joke. We both have the biggest matches of our careers coming up, championship matches, matches to put the Zaibatsu that Mao worked so fucking hard to build on the map. I have a chance to win the Openweight title and you have a chance to become a fucking world champion, yet you’re in here acting like this shit is a joke! IT. IS. NOT. Would you disrespect anybody else in training acting like this?

Carlos: It’s not about disrespect. I’m just taking it easy. Unlike you, I have this thing called a, you know, ELIMINATION CHAMBER to worry about.

Matsuda: (Laughing)….You really think that’s an excuse to come up in here and wrestle half-assed? You think if I had a chamber match I would be going half-assed? Hell nah. One reason why I think you have been struggling on Voltage a little bit is shit like this. It’s good to rest, get good nutrition, have a game plan, but you can’t replace hunger. You can’t replace a sense of urgency. I have it. I’ve got a hell of a fight waiting for me. You have an even bigger one and you’re running around like drinking champagne and running your mouth are going to win the match. You want to take a title, off of someone like JAMIE? You have to be full go at all times, dude….so…are you going to have urgency and fight, or are you going to be too relaxed again, just like against Keelan, Just like against Lars, just like earlier tonight with Amadeus? Is that how you wanna go out, B? That how you wanna be remembered? If not, get your shit together and lets go!

[The relaxed, annoyed expression from before is completely gone as Carlos walks over to Matsuda and locks in with her in a collar-and-elbow tie up, shoving her hard into the corner with brute force before making his way back to the center of the ring.]

Matsuda: Much fucking better…..
[In his hotel suite, Carlos, shown looking for something in particular, is scrambling through a closet, looking around underneath his bed, in the bathroom, even checking in the nightstand.]

I’m sorry. I think I did something to the Interwire Champion. I think I broke it. Amadeus still hasn’t been heard from since I stepped in the ring with him. Maybe he’s a little shy about his victory. Maybe he sees the Elimination Chamber is coming up and that he’s on the precipice of being thoroughly manhandled by either myself, Jamie O’Hara, or a host of other individuals. Maybe he simply lost the taste to communicate with us humans. I’ve been searching for him for the past couple of days now and unfortunately he has been quiet. Amadeus, if you are listening, I want to make something very clear to you this wonderful morning: You are on the way to destruction. You can hide from the other participants of this Chamber, you can hide from me, you can sit in whatever corner of Arizona you chose and hold your Interwire Championship close after you retained it Sunday, but that doesn’t change the fact that on SATURDAY yo ass belongs to me. As I’ve said before, I am going to make a specific example out of you. On Voltage, you were exposed and got away from me after a momentary distraction. This weekend, I come full-go, full-speed ahead and I’m going to run through you. When I’m finished, your next challenger, whoever that happens to be, will have no problem relieving you of your duties as champion because your body will be mangled so badly, so severely that a challenge would be academic.

Now, moving on to individuals that actually matter. I wish Lars and Keelan both a good morning. It’s been a great morning for the Champion of Life. Had a nice jog, a nice breakfast, and I’m feeling great. No lingering injuries, no baggage, I feel fantastic. Also, I do have to take a moment to acknowledge the next EAW Openweight Champion, someone who I have a profound amount of respect for, Stephanie Matsuda, who made me realize that I needed to maybe turn things up a notch this week in terms of preparation and readiness. My Insurance Policy is on the way, signed sealed and delivered, and everything is lining up nicely for a result that will shake EAW to its very core.

As I sit here, preparing myself for glory, I take note of a few things going on around here. There seems to be obsessions aplenty in the EAW Universe lately about…levels. Jamie’s level. My Level. Tiberius’s level. Also, props to Tiberius for giving us a fucking full-blown power point presentation about Evolution. That was amazing, by the way. But all this talk about levels. Who can get to what level? Who can surpass this level? It feels more like I’m watching an episode of fucking Dragon Ball Z, I have never seen so much of an obsession about levels.

I’m not worried about any of that shit.

I don’t care if Jamie feels I’m on his level or not, and I’m certainly not in the business of caring what any of the rest of you motherfuckers think in that regard. Lars, the man who could only count to Number One, I do find it very interesting and entertaining that there is this tension between you and Keelan. I think it says a lot about both of you that you put your differences aside to function as a unit to beat my team at Territorial Invasion. But…maybe it’s just this old man reading into things a little bit more but there seems to be a bit of tension, a bit of jealousy between you? Now, I’m not saying you’re jealous of HIM, I just mean the other way. If you ask me, Keelan is playing up to some of the very traits you and, let’s be honest, pretty much EVERYONE in this Chamber holds over my head. I mean, by all means, go about resolving whatever issues you have with Keelan on your time and on your terms, but I just figured that I would present that to you and you can deduce from that whatever you like.

But, that’s not what caught my attention when I saw your little promo this morning on my phone after my workout. What caught my attention is that you seem to think that pure strength and resolve are enough to overcome common sense and intelligence. Personally, I commend you for your courage, your resolve, your ruthlessness and disregard for personal safety when you tackled Jamie and sent him crashing through a table. I respected you in a sense before, but now I have an even more thorough understanding of what it’s going to take to finish you off. I don’t expect to finish you quickly. I know that if I’m going to even finish you off at all, I’m probably going to have to go back to a level of savagery and barbarity that I don’t like going to. But, if that’s what it takes, well, fuck it. That’s what it will take. There is no TRYING to be smart, exploiting and ending people’s title challenges in any sport requires the exploitation of weaknesses. Healthy, I hate to say it but you would probably be the favorite. But….and even you concede this, son…..you ain’t healthy. You’re a phenomenal talent and you have a great deal of fighting spirit, but speaking from experience, there is a certain point where that can only get you so far. You understand? You can fight, you can rise above, you can prove your naysayers wrong. I don’t doubt that one teeny little bit. But, Birdman, let me level with you, let me “drop some knowledge” to use the vernacular, on two things that you are NOT going to do this Saturday:

1.       You WILL NOT become the youngest World Champion in EAW history.
2.       You WILL NOT break the Strongest Arm in EAW.

This arm has slain beasts before and I promise you that if you step in my way at Road To Redemption, you’re just going to be the next name on the list. Maybe you’re right that I was better at some point, a little more technically sound, a little more ruthless. Maybe I don’t have the same get-up that I used to, but that’s what happens with age. I’m not worried. I still have all the tools, know how and the insurance policy to get the job done. And these hands, they will be stained…with your blood, cleansed with your tears, and bandaged with your dreams and aspirations as I carry on to even more fierce challenges to come.

By the way, I expected more from you than a cheap shot to my General Manager tenure. That really cut deep and you should be ashamed of your behavior. Shame on you.

And Keelan, you sure have put me on the spot, haven’t you. I have no comeback for what you’ve said now! Oh no!

Ah, just kidding.

I think you sorely underestimate me. I don’t mean in ability or in terms of career, but I think you underestimate what the Champion of Life is all about as a man. I’ll admit that the paychecks that EAW is paying me, especially after signing the Iron Clad Contract, are nice and let me live an even more comfortable and luxurious lifestyle that I was before. But….I don’t crave money. I don’t even crave power. I crave….gold. I’m a greedy son of a bitch. I want to win titles, major titles, significant titles, to further cement my legacy here in EAW and around the entire wrestling world. All I need to complete the Triple Crown and put my name on a short, legendary list of competitors is get past the six….shit, I’m sounding like Lars….FIVE of you.

Also….I don’t think you’re quite as familiar with my evolution as the rest of EAW’s more veteran membership are, so I will educate you.

I came back to the United States from Japan a chubby but capable guy. Strong style through and through. I was a power wrestler then. As time wore on, I started losing weight. Dieting wasn’t fun, but I got over it. I became a high flyer! Well, not that highflying. But, yeah….I added a little aerial game when the times required it. Then, as the game started to get tougher, I faced a pretty bold decision: Adapt or die out as a wrestler. I chose the latter, and under the guidance of my manager Mao, adopted a more MMA and submission based offensive attack that netted me a World Cruiserweight Championship, the Unified World Tag Team Championship here in EAW and the Interwire Championship. You have made pressure your bitch, but have you ever made pressure your bitch as a double champion? I have.

I have not been the same man over the last decade, I have changed and evolved with the times. I have done everything that I could to make myself a legitimate threat to a world championship, and now is, amazingly enough in my long and storied career, only the third time I’ve challenged for it directly and the second time within the confines of an Elimination Chamber. I don’t need to get in your head…and you speak like that’s some prime real estate. I can tell you what the reality check for this match is going to be. The reality check is going to be you wondering what the hell happened after I have pinned your shoulders to the mat. As I’ve said before, what you all think is irrelevant. What I do is what will be relevant. What I do will be what’s talked about when all these pimple-faced nerds who jack off to bikini pictures of Aria Jaxon toss their socks into the dirty clothes hamper and go to EAW.Com.


Yes. And if you were paying attention, you shouldn’t be surprised. It’s easy to walk on water if you freeze it, right? That’s how I approach this match. Sure it’s an impossible task on paper, but if you approach it with the proper level of skill and planning, then it can be done.

And it will be done, Keelan. Lars.

I believe that you deserve to be there, Keelan. You deserve your spot in the Chamber. But one thing that I will show you and Lars this weekend in the US Bank Stadium: 

Neither of you deserve to be World Champion.

I do. And i will walk on water and freeze hell if I have to to get there.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 1:01 pm by Irónico
Grand Pricks: Uno
Bud, Ket, and Beers

Well what cunt saw this coming? Me? Did I fuck. The bookies? Well they have lost a King’s ransom because they bet hard against us too. And don’t even ask about Cameron. She’s seen five opticians and a shrink over the past week because she still canny believe her eyes every time she sees a poster with this handsome mug positioned next to hers. Goddesses reduced to the level of lager louts, and some crazy cunts are actually saying the louts might win. It must drive you up the fucking wall. I dare say you like you got a little ataque de nervios going on. Keep pulling the hair out of your head and you’ll end up wearing a mask too to hide the bald patches. If i were you, I’d drop a tab of mandy and chill but that’s just me. Anyways I need you to pull it together and explain something to me real slow like. I’m usually set to ruck over absolute nonsense but I’ve been told I need to start promoting matches “soberly” so that’s not going to work. First you question whether We Are the Bollocks actually believes that anyone would pay to see us. Then in the very next breath you’re telling us that all those good amigos out there really have bought in. They really are behind The Bollocks. I dunno. Something about that just strikes me as very very, quite contrary.

Look, if this is where you were going with that then I don’t give a fuck whether any prick-nosed pencil pusher in the back thinks we have “star potential”. Neither do I have a clue about who is camping where, for how long, or for whom. It isn’t my job to be a marketing guru. I don’t really ponder about that kind of shnizz. I just wish in my heart of hearts that on the night before Road To Redemption each and every one of the EAW Universe will find themselves sleeping on somebody that they find mildly attractive. What I will say though is that I knows exactly where the fandom are gonny be the morning after...TRUDGING BACK HOME AFTER A NIGHT AT THE BREWERY KNOCKING ‘EM BACK WITH THE BOLLOCKS!!! Say what you will but there are more than a few barmy twats out there who would love to get in the middle of a Bollock Sandwich. From catching me before I land on my head, to the sharp increase in “El” as a first name in Doncaster, they just canny get enough to satisfy their thirst for this Bollock. Just last week I got a phone call asking if I wanted to be on a TV show about ancestry called “Who Do You Think You Are?”. I says to him “Mate, that sounds like the start of a fight where I come from. Meet me in the parking lot at 6”. Bastard stood me up. Anyway, bad example. If you really want to know how much wonga is in this mask then you just have to look at the bostin’ success of Voltage’s most intoxicating export, The El Irónishow, where hot takes are eaten up like hot cakes. Where nobody leaves without first getting bladdered on Kenny Drake’s wallet. Brought back again and again by popular demand. Listen, there’s a reason why neither of yous can strut down to the ring and say what yous gotta say without somebody or other interrupting you. Get the fucking memo, lasses. Or get some new material because there ain’t a commando in the SAS who can bear the torture of listening to your shit for a full ten minutos. Forget Rick Astley. I hear the ninos are pissing eachother off with 10 hours of Cam Roll these days. OLÉ!!! While we’re on the subject, let me make something clear. We’re never gonny give this up. We’re never gonny let the fans down.  But don’t bother getting your nails done, chicas, because we ARE gonny hurt you.

Of course, if we can look ourselves in the mirror without breaking it and be frank with ourselves then none of that really matters anyway. You’re right, a cheap gag or three here is about as useful as a fucking chocolate fireguard. Even at our most charming, I and Finn could natter on until the cows come home but we’ll still have nary a chance of talking ourselves out of this one. But by the same token, ladettes, you ain’t gonny talk us down neither. I gets it. Yous looks at us and the image doesnae really scream out your old sporting clichés like ‘chariots of fire’ or ‘blood sweat and tears’. Yous probably joking amongst yourselves, “More like bud, ket, and beers. Am I right?”. Well you wouldnae be wrong. It’s no secret. We’re a couple of session moths drawn to the neon lights outside of seedy bars. But it takes one to knows one and that is why I’m confident in saying that you two surely give an all new meaning to “high” and mighty. You are strung out on success. And you are drunk on your own sense of self-importance. Now I have heard a few peeps say a drunken mind speaks a sober heart. But in my experience a drunken mind just chats shit. And here is another saying for yous...In the immortal words of that ultimate underdog hero, Jamie Vardy, “Chat Shit, Get Banged”. You two have been around long enough to know what I’m about to say already. You two should fucking know better. But since yous forgotten, let me remind you of the nature of sport. There is no such fucking thing as no fucking chance. Comprendo? I don’t give a flying fuck on a unicycle who yous think you are. Any old James Buster Douglas can knock the shit out of Mike Tyson’s arse on the right night. It only took one lucky point for Rulon Gardner to grind out a gold medal against an “Unbeatable” Aleksandr Karelin.  And 5000-1 Bookies’ Odds was all it took for Leicester City to nick the Premier League away from the plastic wrapped vanity projects of Arab Princes and Russian Oligarchs. You said that should never in a million years have gotten up to this point, right Cam? Don’t flatter us. We haven’t pulled off that 1 in 1 Million heist just yet. And I don’t agree that a We Are The Bollocks win would be that far up there as an upset. Give us a wee minute though because come to think of it...I like those odds.

That’s ironic, isn’t it? I know we are meant to want to be the favourites but the fact is that we’ve gotten rather comfortable down. Finn’s already said it. We are a DAMN good team. It’s a good thing that Finnegan’s kept a list because to tell yous the truth I could nae even remember just how many tag teams we have run roughshod over. Plenty of them more accomplished than we and all of them spouting the same recycled shit that’s coming out of your mouths. But now we’re in the finals and it is anybody’s game now. So keep telling us that we are nothing. Keep pissing all over our chances because this mask is like teflon. Nothing sticks to this bad boy. Di Consentes cannot put the dampers on our confidence because we know that we can beat anybody. We can be tag team champions. If you want to make it easier for us to shut your smarmy mouths by getting complacent than so be it. But be warned:

We don’t just chat Bollocks

We ARE The Bollocks

P.S. stop calling me “Mexican” you stupid cunt. I’m from fucking Yorkshire, Jesus H. Christ…

*Goes for a stiff drink*
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 1:00 pm by TLA
HERO - EAW Promoz! - Page 20 PFk8u8QsSLiDzkVxM0iQDg

The camera cuts to TLA back in the gym where he has been going hard all day and all night. The Champion of Poon has beasted, The Champion of Poon has feasted. The intensity of his training hath no equal thou art most swole oh Champion of Poon! TLA’s morbidly obese personal trainer Cow approaches carrying a 40 piece box of Popeye’s chicken and biscuits.

Cow: Oh my gawd TLA it’s so good! You gotta try some!

TLA: Cow por favor… You know I can’t eat that I am training for the FPV!

Cow: Come on TLA… It’s so goooood!

Cow holds out a Popeye’s fried chicken leg out towards TLA tempting him.

TLA: Get that shit out my face bitch! You devious snek… Why did I even hire you as my trainer?

Cow: Well to be honest I’m not really sure you seemed pretty high at the time.

TLA: Truuuu I was blazin’ hard last night got me all on that good shit ya heard Cow?

Cow: That’s not even my name TLA. I am sick and tired of being body shamed by you!

TLA: Bitch please. Oh yeah I remember now I brought you in cuz I wanted to do a parody of Carlos’ manager. It seemed really funny at the time.

Cow: You used me?!?!? How dare you!

TLA: Shit the cameras are already rolling? Well this was a total fail. God dammit Cow!

Cow: I don’t like being yelled at… Imma stress eater.

Cow begins to dig into the box of Popeye’s ass biscuits and chicken grease fly everywhere across the gym.

TLA: Yo when you done with that can you leave the box? I could use some lube up in here. Gotta keep that stress down somehow! Like the ancient wise ones once said… calm dick, calm mind.

Cow: You ruined my diet TLA! I will never forgive you!

TLA: Come on now Cow, you know you gotta work tonight at the Poon Palace. Some of our customers like them big girls too.

Cow: You’re right TLA. I am a beautiful woman but society does not understand that! However, I will show them pretty girls at the Poon Palace not to underestimate me. I will earn more than all of them. They will see. THEY WILL ALL SEE!

Cow charges out of the gym before quickly returning to grab the box of Popeye’s before storming out again. Her steps against the ground cause weights to fall off the racks as TLA struggles to maintain his balance from the magnitude of the earthquake like conditions.

TLA: Damn that girl like to do it big. Pero I can relate to that shit. When you associate yo self with TLA and the Poon Palace errything you do ye you do it big! Yo I feel goat right now like I can take on the whole motherfuckin’ world. Got that ego back got that confidence back we doin’ shit once again on that grandest stage of all of ‘em.

Lookin’ to represent that yellow brand.

TLA: Carlos Rosso be denyin’ that shit that he fuckin’ with Lars Grier. They ain’t homies. They ain’t fuck buddies he say. Yo how the fuck was I supposed to know that shit? Y’all come creepin’ out durin’ my match with Keelan all interferin’ and tryna attack us n shit. I got these gangs comin’ out of every hood lookin’ to take me out. Y’all beefin’ too tho I can respect that. I be gettin’ all on my paranoia shit when I have a lil too much to smoke. Ain’t got no shame about it. I keeps it all as real as it gets thinkin’ ‘bout all them possibilities n shit. All dem conspiracies cuz yo boi been fucked over a time or two. In this business you gotta keep all dem eyes open thinkin’ about what goin’ on that even you can’t see straight out. Carlos spittin’ he need no help against TLA, he ain’t scurred of TLA, he gives no fuck that yo boi been standin’ tall as fuck back on Voltage. Iight iight you gonn’ do me like that cuh?

Yo that’s all I ever wanted from you anyway holmes.

TLA: See I be willin’ to give you them props. I be willin’ to show you that veteran respect that I got for yo ass. Praise all them accomplishments you got throughout yo career. Some people be spittin’ that you the one to count out here, that errybody except TLA beat yo ass down on Voltage so we ain’t gotta worry ‘bout you. But that’s where they be forgettin’ that experience factor. Outta errybody in this match you prolly got the most experience bein’ up in this chamber. You know how this shit works, and you know exactly what shit won’t work up in that chamber. The rest of us gotta figure that shit out for ourselves. We can watch all them tapes, plan our strategies but shit ain’t mean shit compared to actually livin’ it.

But don’t think for second any of us ain’t gonna live it to the fullest.

TLA: We comin’ for you dawg and y’all can have all the experience in the world, you can end all the Hall of Famers or leyendas or luchadores superiores in the world. That ain’t gonn’ mean nada if you can’t end me homie! On Voltage you just got a taste of what La Pantera Sexual got to offer in that ring. At Road to Redemption you gonna get the full package! You ain’t scurred dawg? Bueno bueno. I ain’t either. This ain’t no business for cowards. This ain’t no arena for cowards. This an arena for badass motherfuckers who ain’t never gonna back down. You think you can knock me down if I be comin’ chargin’ at you? I hope you as skilled a matador as you think you are cuz if you ain’t…

You gonn’ get the bull and the horns viejo!

TLA: I fear no man! Maybe that’s the case for everyone in this match. I hope it is cuz I am ready for a straight up war. Throw the best wrestlers on Voltage in a chamber and let them beat the living hell outta each other until one man is left standing. Just like Amadeus was left standing after his title match with Carlos Rosso on Voltage! Oh shit I said it again. I wonder if Carlos will be phased by it this time! Honestly, I am starting to think that Amadeus might have been more phased by it than Carlos was. Homie still ain’t shown up! I’m starting to get worried honestly. Like should I call the police and put out a manhunt for the Interwire Champ? Where he at? If he still alive I hope he shows up for Road to Redemption cuz this a chance that any wrestler worth they salt gotta get in there and take. Trust me tho when it comes to these wrestlers… there’s a lot of salt. The fact that homie got that Interwire Championship mean somethin’ tho no matter how little he say. In fact homie is the only man in this match who is guaranteed to walk out the chamber with a championship. But dawg that don’t mean you get to take an easy night. Nah fuck that you gotta be a warrior holmes. You ain’t wanna settle. You ain’t wanna fall back on that past shit you gotta hit hard all up at that future shit.

Or you fixin’ to get left behind.

TLA: People sayin’ that the TLArmy gonn’ walk out on me just cuz I be losin’ some big matches. I sure ain’t need my opponents walkin’ out on me too. I ain’t believe that shit anyway. The TLNation always gonn’ live on even if them fair weather fans be walkin’ out. We ain’t need yo culos anyway! Nah we keep them real ones only who truly be hoppin’ on the TLA Train! Apparently Carlos Rosso got some fans. Y’all wouldn’t know it tho based on how that crowd be soundin’ tho. Maybe that’s a testament to how popular Amadeus be or maybe shit was just a bad night for y’all. I ain’t gonna judge tho. Y’all got yo homies standin’ by you. You gotta stand by them too. That how imma roll, that if these fans fake they only bringin’ that shit down on they selves. These fans wanna deport the fuck outta TLA they hatin’ but I ain’t gonn’ sweat it. La migra ain’t no thang compared to the battle yo ese gonn’ be fightin’ up in that ring at Road to Redemption ya heard? Besides I like Mexico. There be worse places y’all could send me back to. As for Carlos and Amadeus…

I’m fixin’ to deport them both back to they homelands of Tapoutistan!

TLA: Yo I been workin’ on these real slick submission holds n shit. I got this one where I take yo arm and do all kinds of wild shit with it. Bendin’ that limb and breakin’ shit off. Y’all dare to question mah submission technique brah? Imma grab the fuck outta yo leg and twist that shit harder than a titty twister! Gonna have you tappin’ more than that ass get tapped in the Poon Palace! Even Cow been teachin’ me them secret techniques of the submission arts. Her finishing submission is when she just sits on her opponents! Ain’t nobody gettin’ outta that. Prolly won’t work for yo vato tho. Yo vato just a lil hombre more ‘bout that hustlin’ than he ‘bout that crushin’.

So I be gettin’ that hustle on and bringin’ y’all that quickness.

TLA: Gonn’ be like a flash you ain’t see me I’m movin’ too fast. Gonn’ be all like slow down n shit but nah I ain’t slowin’ down. Cuz we got the World Heavyweight Champ up in herr! You’d think by now I’d be sick of wrestling with this motherfucker. Thinkin’ that I’d be sick of gettin’ my ass kicked but fuck it let’s do it again! Gonna get the same result? Gonna get the different result? Don’t know! Don’t fuckin’ care! Let’s do it anyway! Will this be the time for TLA to shine? To finally capture that gold and prove to the world he can do this shit? Or am I gonna crash and burn yet again and have to put up with Jamie going out and shitting on me as a wrestler or whatever else the supposed consequences are for losing this shit. Honestly this shit a case of been there before, done that before. Talk about repetitive. Voltage viewers gonna be flippin’ that channel soon enough like yo I already know how this shit end just tell me when it’s over. At this point I could just give up, go into Kenny Drake’s office and quit the whole company. Cry my eyes out about how I’m never going to be able to beat Jamie! I’m just not good enough! I might as well slit my wrists cuz I’m such a terrible wrestler and a terrible person! I’m the biggest monster in EAW history! I’m so entitled all I do is whine and cry and build false narratives around myself about how the white man be holdin’ me down! How errybody be conspiring against me n shit! Why ain’t the world built around TLA with me as the center and focus of everything? That’s how I think it should be right?

I be so lit I’m like the sun, the whole damn solar system should revolve around me!

TLA: That’s how Jamie O’Hara sees me, and it’s funny to me cuz first of all most of it ain’t even true, the rest is subjective y’all can twist that shit and see it how you want. The main reason that shit hilarious tho is cuz Jamie built this monster up himself. He could’ve stayed positive. He could’ve shown me that respect. He could’ve kept my respect and the respect of the millions and millions of EAW fans around the world. Instead he created a monster. Over and over. Match after match after match. He spit in my face and he constructed a narrative that TLA ain’t good enough to be there. Forget how weak that makes him look. Beatin’ a nobody who ain’t good enough to be in the main event. Homie said I was on the level of El Landerson a couple months ago. I ain’t forgot about that shit. The thing is that I could debate him on all that shit. I could talk about how great of a guy I am, how I’m not nearly as bad as he thinks, how I’m actually a pretty awesome wrestler and I might be a bit arrogant but compared to most of the assholes backstage I’m lowkey humble as fuck and show more respect to my opponents than just about anyone.

But the funny part is I don’t have to.

TLA: Or maybe I don’t even want to anymore. I mean why do I even owe anything to Jamie O’Hara to explain myself? Why don’t I just make shit as bad for him as it can get? Leave that doubt in his mind. Leave that fear up in his mind. I hope he does think imma monster. I hope he does think that I’m a shit wrestler. I hope he even thinks I’m an asskisser who is somehow being propped up by management to win the title that I don’t deserve. I want you to look at me Jamie and every time you hear the name TLA I want you to scream to yourself in the back of your mind. HE FUCKING SUCKS! WHY CAN’T ANYONE SEE THAT? I want you to go to sleep at night realizing that not once, not twice, but three times in one year this disgusting unworthy street gangsta was deemed by EAW management as good enough to stand in the ring against you to compete for your World Heavyweight Championship. Cuz honestly I think that’s what will hurt you the most. And god forbid should I actually defeat you for the championship… God forbid any of the losers in this match actually defeat you for the championship. God forbid… cuz how you gonna call yo self God after that? How you gonna walk that lonely walk back to yo locker room after the match past the countless EAW legends. Just before you close that locker room door imagine the sight of Lannister’s smug face smiling down at you from across the hallway. He don’t even got to say anything. You know what he thinkin’. Maybe you see Cam backstage celebrating her big win. You think she gonna still be interested in you? After losing the title to some mentally retarded idiota like TLA? Maybe Cam decides she wants to go all the way and capture them Tag Team Championships. Maybe she don’t want to be associated with a loser former champion like yo self. And you gonna have nobody to blame but yo self when you left with no excuses. What you gonna say? You gonna talk about how TLA is a great wrestler who showed the world how good he is and no shame in losing? Nah you can’t do that cuz people remember the shit you talked all year long. You gonna make cheap and unfounded accusations that somehow I won the title through asskissing? Nobody will believe you cuz dawg the EAW Network ain’t that expensive. They can replay the FPV over and over and over. You gonna claim that shit is a fluke? BUT! BUT I BEAT TLA BEFORE! HE ONLY BEAT ME ONCE! Honestly that’s prolly yo best option. That’s prolly the one I’d fall back on. You’d prolly be able to get a rematch at least with that one. Of course you’d have to live with it. You’d have to live with the fact that the great and untouchable GOD Jamie O’Hara just like all of the people who you beat in the past and bitched about it… IT WAS A FLUKE… IT WAS JUST ONE MATCH…

You sound just like all of ‘em.

TLA: Don’t worry too much tho Jamie. Just another potential timeline that I came up with for you to consider. To avoid it...all you gotta do is win this match. Should be an easy thang for a God. You just gotta take out all of us lesser mortals first. Believe it or not, as cocky and arrogant as I might be, I ain’t afraid of criticism. I ain’t afraid of the harsh truths or differences of opinions. In fact that freedom of speech and expression is what makes this company and country truly great. I may be unsure whether or not to be offended when Jamie calls me a dumb cunt, but I will fight to the death for his right to say it! Clearly they got similar freedoms over there in Australia. In fact y’all could prolly argue they got even more freedom than we got in Mexico or the United States. I ain’t got a beef with dem Aussies tho as much as I be beefin’ with ‘em. I’m sure if this chamber match was takin’ place there I’d be booed out of the buildin’ steppin’ to Jamie and Keelan. They got they homies too and they earned every fan. This whole year, Jamie been posin’ the same questions to every opponent he got. What makes you think you can beat me? Why are you different? Why should I take you seriously? How are you a threat to me? The thing is tho… these are trick questions. Jamie has said nobody has been able to answer them, but that’s cuz these ain’t questions you can answer with mere words. For real. What you gonna say? Imma beat you cuz I’m a great wrestler and will be better than you! I’m different because I’m going to be the one to beat you! Also I got a cool nickname and… ummm face paint… and lucha libre… or I’m Australian just like you so I can win! You should take me seriously this time cuz I wasn’t at my best last time! I will be this time! That’s why I’m a threat cuz I will take your championship!

All that talk is fucking worthless.

TLA: The only way to truly answer those questions is in the ring. You want Jamie to take you seriously as a threat, as someone who is different and can actually beat him. Show it. Even if he refuses to acknowledge it. Show it. Even if you lose, show the world what you got. Maybe Jamie is right and TLA has peaked. Maybe after all of our matches this year, I’ve become as good as I’ll ever get. Maybe I’ve failed to improve and I’m still the same man with the same talent who has already gone down so many times before. You don’t get to the next level without testing yo self tho. In the ring. On the microphone. I’ll go hard as fuck harder than ever before and we gonna see what goes down. We gonna see who goes down. Don’t believe me? Good.

Imma make you believe it.

TLA: And if I fail… I get back up and try again. Face the reality no matter if I like it or not cuz with all this talk of alternate realities n shit my opponents could be forgiven for thinkin’ I don’t live in the real world. Nah tho I keep it real. Shit ain’t healthy all this speculation, but until you get them answerz in that ring that shit’s really all you got. Keep on keepin’ it real tho. I am a skilled ass luchador who has failed to capture that World Championship. That last match ended with them shenanigans tho so I be lookin’ to throw down one more time to see how shit go. I got history with some of these chamber motherfuckers. Some of them I ain’t even know. Most recently yo boi threw down up against Keelan Cetinich. This time yo boi got that W thru them shenanigans. I really like that word by the way. Possibly the biggest word I know but that ain’t important. Keelan may be the best friend I’ve got in this match but just like Carlos don’t think that imma be forming any alliances with anyone. At least don’t count on me tellin’ you any of that shit. If I got any alliances formin’ imma be keepin’ that shit to myself. For real tho whether I end up beastin’ solo or feastin’ with a homie eventually we gonna be beefin’ we get far enough. So while I may have already beaten Keelan and Lars don’t think I ain’t lookin’ to do that shit again. Imma be comin’ for y’all throats and honestly Lars gettin’ the most shit from errybody in this match right now but I ain’t content only whippin’ the haters. They ain’t call Keelan the Killa for nothin’! I don’t underestimate any of my opponents, and no matter how much time we chill up at the Poon Palace when we step in the ring I be lookin’ at y’all like you Hitler and I just hopped in my time machine ready to take you the fuck out.

Change the fuck outta history yo!

TLA: So that brings me last but not least to Lars Grier. The man who seems to have triggered every other wrestler in this match. Jamie, Keelan, Carlos, errybody goin’ in on this motherfucker and after that shit he pulled on Voltage you can see he one who tryna get he name out there. Even if he don’t win the match, he gettin’ noticed and he gonna make people talk about him. For better or for worse. Carlos dissin’ yo countin’ skillz, but yo fuck that school shit. We ain’t need math in the real world amirite? Whether there’s five or six or whatever else homies in the ring that number ain’t important. What’s important is them fightin’ skills. Carlos talkin’ shit about how delusional n shit Lars be. How Lars beat him but Carlos still thinkin’ he can whip that ass. Carlos ain’t scurred of you and neither am I. But I am lookin’ forward to bein’ in the ring with a crazy ass motherfucker. Maybe you injured yoself with that skybox stunt. Maybe you gonna be in there at 100%. I don’t know. I give no fucks. If you comin’ in injured tho… I ain’t need no math to figure that shit out. That shit gettin’ found and that shit gettin’ targeted.

Blastin’ out yo weakness until you fall to yo knees like you lookin’ to suck ya boi off.

TLA: Then we got Keelan and homie really went in on Larsy Boi. Talkin’ ‘bout how homie twistin’ them words n shit. Yo I been high as fuck but rollin’ when I see them disses. He callin’ out he honor boi! He sayin’ that none of the shit Lars spittin’ can be trusted! He callin’ homie a liar! I’m so done this shit gettin’ mad personal my dawgs. Y’all can’t underestimate the power of that beef. That shunning technique from Keelan got me all in mah feels. Keelan sayin’ he puttin’ yo boi and Jamie first he got that need to talk bout us cuz we real ones. We all main eventin’ n shit and he actin’ like Lars ain’t even on our level he a lower priority yo. That shit ice cold. Keelan a savage motherfucker and dat line tho… sayin’ people like Lars make shit easy for people like Keelan…

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TLA: I gotta stay all impartial tho. I can’t be markin’ out on this shit. BUT THEN JAMIE GOIN’ IN TOO! Oh shit he called Lars pathetic! He called him a fake tough guy! Oh lawd! Man if this homie was all depressed and stressed out and shit before this week I can only imagine how he feelin’ now after taking them savage burns! Takin’ that third degree scarrin’ fire! I gotta get in on that tho! I gave Lars dem props after he poured out he soul to he hometown. Givin’ that passionate speech, stealin’ the show, all of that. Lars feelin’ that love and motivated homie to pull some crazy shit. Become a real loco up in this bitch, do thangs that people thought that couldn’t be done. Got that power, got that electricity of these EAW fans flowin’ thru them veins. That drug got you more addicted to that shit than a good batch from El Chapo he self. But you don’t take that shit for granted. That shit a responsibility. That luv be somethin’ haters wanna take advantage of. It makes you stronger. It makes you weaker. It is what it is. Y’all gonna get even more hate than before. You seen it already. People goin’ in. They lookin’ to fuck you up, put an end to that hype before it get outta control. When I got that TLArmy all soldiered up ain’t no stoppin’ that hype train tho! It ain’t never get boring, it ain’t never get annoying cuz this that shit I be livin’ for. I be lovin’ all up this business. Respect the leyendas. Respect the fans. Even got luv for mah haters cuz they challenge ya boi and they bring out that fight from the Franchise.

Y’all dare to question the great TLA and his victory over you?!?!?!

TLA: Look who I am Lars. Look at what I been doing all year long. Shit all my damn life. I be questioning shit. I take them Ls and I think, yo that sucks but I wonder if I can win next time. I see the EAW door closed in my face like yo we don’t want yo kind in this business and I think… hmmm I wonder if there’s a way I can get in. Shit would be hypocritical if I called you out for doin’ the same thing. For thinkin’ that you can beat me. I don’t deny yo potential, and shit’s almost inevitable if you stick around this business and keep workin’ at it. One day Lars Grier will prolly beat TLA. The question tho… will Road to Redemption be that night? Don’t ask me tho holmes! Cuz I will tell you. FUCK NO! YOU GONNA GET YO CULO BEAT EVEN WORSE PENDEJO! Nah ask someone you trust. Ask yourself. Ask your family. Ask your friends. Ask your fans. I ain’t actually hate yo ass as much as everyone else in this match seems to but make no mistake about it.

I will whip that ass much worse than everyone else in this match!

Beast life. Feast life.

TLA opens the door to the gym and sees Cow sitting outside on a bench breathing heavily. TLA felt like he was talking for a long ass time but yet Cow was somehow only able to get a few feet away before getting gassed. TLA rolls his eyes as he returns back into the gym to work on his own cardio.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 12:42 pm by ThePizzaBoy
Road to Redemption Promo 2: Divine Intervention Pt. 3: Work On A Sunday

The camera opens on Pizza Boy, still sitting inside of the ruins of Bo and Tye's Pizzeria with no roof over his head, and little more than a sturdy standing door frame and the ashes of booths and tables left of his once beloved home away from home.  He sits cross legged on the ash darkened floor and begins to draw a circle on the ground with his finger.

"It's either victim or god...god or victim.  That's all you know how to be Nasir.  You're either the absolute best or the downtrodden worst.  It doesn't matter if it offends anyone and it doesn't matter if your narrative is true, not as long as it gets you attention and a title shot.  You're right Nas.  We'll never be friends, and despite your incessant whining and crying I'll never respect you and it's because you just don't get it.  You think it's somehow better to say the god you're trying to be isn't 'my' god.  That's still blasphemy, and that's still as insane as anything Nico Borg believes.  I know it sounds hypocritical coming from me, and maybe it is, maybe the thesis of my hate for you is entitled 'Uncanny Valley', but you have a messiah complex.  I'll tell you why I'm not a hypocrite though Nasir.  I didn't ask to become a wrestler.  I was kidnapped into it, and instead of playing victim I adapted.  I didn't ask to fight Hexa-Gun, I was kidnapped into it, and instead of tucking my tail between my legs and running or joining them when it would've been the easiest thing in the world to do, I fought until I was the last man standing on my side of the battle lines.  I didn't ask to be the fan's avatar in the ring, but they embraced me because they respect someone who works hard to get somewhere in life instead of crying and begging for respect and opportunity that he hasn't earned.  You want sympathy.  You want pity.  You crave attention and you demand a hug or a handshake from everyone you cross paths with.  Every other word out of your mouth is Aren, and the only other word in your vocabulary seems to be deity.  It's like it's all you know. It's either heaven or hell for you, and you justify your own weak will and battered wife syndrome into a world title match somehow? You didn't win the qualifier, as a matter of fact you barely showed up.  Putting you down was way easier than it should've been for me, and yet you say you want to show me the 'old' Nasir Moore.  You come at me with zero passion and zero integrity and to me that means zero respect for me as your champion or as a competitor.  If that breaks your heart, then that's fine by me. All that amounts to is another verse in your country song of a life, and it needed a new one.  Only so many words rhyme with Mstilav after all  Call it self-loathing on my part all you want, but I said it a month ago and I'll say it again today: You and I aren't alike.  I'm a champion who gets his hands dirty with hard work.  You are a consummate contender who can't keep his cheeks dry.  I'm an elected hero of the people and a man who tries really hard to stay on a righteous path.  You are a man who wants to rule as a god, because you can't take any kind of love or power unless it's absolute.  I'm a winner.  I'm sure you can fill in the next blank, Nasir.  

Pizza Boy draws another circle just inside of the other, and then starts filling in the center with tiny dots.

"At least you're not Scott Oasis.  It's not much of a consolation prize, but it's something. At least you can lie and tell me you're giving it your all. At least you know the difference between delivering a beating and actually winning a match.  You're getting lazy, Scott.  Lazier than usual.  I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss the old Scott put forth the mental effort of getting into my head and making me beat myself.  Hey, it was underhanded but it wasn't cheating.  There's some thieve's honor in that somewhere.  It made you stick out as an unrepentant thorn in my side every time we crossed.  Now all that sticks out about you is your 'roid belly and the love handles poking over the sides of your trunks.  It's like you actively traded brains for brawn.  You got the raw end of the deal and it may have cost you your soul.  I've always been a proponent of working harder and not smarter, I'm blue collar stubborn that way, but at least when you were the dickhead who made me second guess myself you showed your work.  Now you're just some jock that's too lazy to go to the gym and put in the hours.  Instead you put a needle in your butt and think that it makes you a monster.  You're even too lazy to speak for yourself half the time.  What does it smell like inside of Monroe's pocket? I gotta know. Bet it smells like spearmint gum and old peroxide.  So what if you can jump me and kick my ass when nothing's on the line?  A lot of guys can claim the same thing, and a lot of them are claiming that and an unemployment check from their couch as they sit at home wondering where their careers went wrong.  You're not special Scott.  You used to be, but you aren't now.  You can't even get motivated for a world title fight.  It's not even confidence, it's just pure, unadulterated, sloth.  What happened? Did you give up like so many before you? Did you come to the same conclusion that they did? that no matter how much you rub my face in the dirt, no matter how hard you hit me from behind, I'll always come out on top when it counts?  Eclipse Diemos knows this.  Judas knows this.  That's why they're not here anymore.  They realized there's no easy way to pry a belt away from me for good.  You can put me on the bench, but I'll stand right back up.  You can pull political strings, but I'll yank the puppeteer's hand from the heavens and beat you over the head with it.  You can try and steal from me, but all you'll be doing is borrowing.  I'm a two time Answer's World Champion for a reason, and I'm a two time National Champion for a reason: I don't go away until I get what's mine, and the last I checked work boots aren't made for long walks home.  So how 'bout you put yours on and show up for work like a real big boy?"

Pizza Boy puts the finishing touches on his ash doodle, adding tiny mushrooms, little hollow circles for olives, and even a few tiny square flecks for pineapple.

"As for the rest, well, for now I've said my piece.  I look forward to the challenge that comes with facing Jacob Senn, and I can't wait to get in the ring with Scott Diamond again, especially in such a brutal environment.  Maybe I should fear it more, but I truly respect what he did with the Hardcore title.  Besides, at least they care.  Maybe their motives aren't pure, maybe some of it's political flexing or macho bravado, but at least they'll put up a fight without overdoing it like Hawk seems to want to.  I remember when that guy fancied himself a hero.  I mean, he was a hero.  He was to me, he was to the people in the crowd, and he was a huge influence on a lot of guys in the back.  Then he just...left.  Maybe there were no more monsters to vanquish, and maybe Diemos was the last dragon for our noble hero to slay, but I hardly find it heroic that he gets into this match by ending a man's career.  I mean, I could've ended Diemos's career if I wanted to.  I had multiple opportunities in the Red Wallz match to do just that, and a sick part of me really wanted to just to cut that cancer out of EAW for good but I didn't.  Instead I sent him to the back of the line, and I have no doubt that his sanity would've eventually snapped and sent him far away from EAW without interference from 'Half-Time Hawk' in the final hours.  I don't know.  It's possible that success is making me bitter.  Maybe the old adage is true: Die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.  Is that why you leave so often? Are you afraid you'll show too much of your dark side and go too far? If so, maybe you should consider leaving for good after I finish handily eliminating you in a sportsman like manner, because you've definitely crossed that line for me.  But again, I might be speaking out of turn.  I worry about the success going to my head sometimes.  I do live a charmed life as champion..."

The camera pans back to show a full shot of PB sitting amidst the burned down building, as if to lampoon the irony of the last statement.  Pizza Boy starts to draw a Jesus fish next to his pizza masterpiece.  He draws an x for an eye, doodles wavy lines to represent stench emitting from it the fish, and draws a circle around it.  He then  crosses a line through the circle and writes 'anchovies suck' underneath it.  His eyes narrow as he sighs, nearly blowing away his art in the process.

"...and then there's Nico.  Maybe you'll find a way into the chamber, maybe you wont, but I wouldn't put it past you.  As a matter of fact, I'm kind of counting on it.  I haven't forgotten, Nico.  I haven't forgotten the time you tried to end my career.  I haven't forgotten that you did so with a briefcase very similar to the one you hold now.  I say to you what I said to Oasis: I get what's mine.  So will you, and you have a lot coming to you Borg.  Unfortunately for you, none of it is an Answer's World Championship.  There are at least three vacant pods you can choose from.  I say vacant because they're not empty, they just don't hold true contenders to my belt.  They may as well be empty considering the lack enthusiasm coming out of them.  I'm sure Oasis would gladly give you his spot.  After all, he doesn't care about any of this.  Maybe Hawk will disappear again unannounced? Or maybe Nasir will graciously bow out? I'm sure he'll manage to wrangle a title shot out of thin air in a few weeks anyway.  Might as well be a generous 'god'. The funny thing is that I'm kind of feeling the ennui that Oasis is layin' down.  I don't care about anyone in this match.  I've got nothing to prove against any of these men.  If I haven't beaten them already its because they haven't been around to be beaten by me.  You,however, you have something I want.  You have a bill waiting to be paid in full, and you have a receipt waiting for you with your name written all over it.  I wont end your career.  No, I'm better than you when it comes to that competitive mentality.  Apparently I'm better than Hurricane Hawk as well, but I digress.  I want to keep you around Nico.  I want to take that briefcase you've been hanging over my head for months now and make you eat it like it's a pizza with nasty ass anchovies on it.  Then I'm going to take this title and hang it over yours until you come back for seconds, and thirds, and fourths.  I'm going to make you pay, Nico.  As a matter of fact, I'm not only going to make you pay, but I'm going to make you a returning customer.  You're going to be a regular at my restaurant of recompense.  I will be your purgatory until you finally show me that you've actually learned something by begging for my forgiveness.  I will be your Road to Redemption, and I don't mind dragging you kicking and screaming for the first few miles if it means you get what's coming to you in the end."

A sudden knock jars PB out of his trance-like rage.  He looks up to see Bo standing on the other side of the free standing door.  Pizza Boy gives a bittersweet smirk toward his father figure, stands up, dusts himself off, walks to the door and points to a half-charred sign hanging on the smoky glass that can barely be deciphered as reading 'I'm sorry, we're closed!'.  Bo's face turns to a worried frown as Pizza Boy turns his back to him.

Pizza Boy: "I'm not ready yet.  Come back in a few days."

Bo: "I can't.  In a few days we'll be in Vermont. Don't you want to see us off? Angelhair misses you."

Pizza Boy: "Oh no, don't you dare try to blackmail me with a baby.  I know that trick."

Bo: "You know it because it works."

Pizza Boy hangs his head to hide his softening smile.  He lifts his chin up and nods half begrudgingly.  PB side steps the door to nowhere and steps out of the depleted restaurant and onto the sidewal .  He hugs Bo and the two walk off side by side toward a waiting station wagon that's already half packed and running. The camera fades to black as the sun begins to set on these soon to be long distance friends.  Suddenly in the darkness, a wispy female voice begins to sing.

"Oh, I think we're going faster
From the mountains to the pasture
Just look at all the scenery
It's lovely.
It's lovely

I really like to ride the train
Especially when I forget where I'm going
I really like the way it feels
Motion.  Heavy wheels"

The camera opens on Lynch casually riding in her car with Daryl bound in the passenger seat, still gagged and looking more resentful than scared.  As if acknowledging an after thought, Lynch peers over her sunglasses and side eyes Daryl.  She slowly slips the shades back up her nose, reaches over, and yanks the tape from his mouth.

Daryl: OW!

Fertility Lynch: Ready to talk? Or do I have to continue riding in peaceful silence with only the radio to keep me company?

Daryl: What the hell's up with you lady!?

Fertility Lynch: Oh nothing, just saving your life from a deranged pizza boy with a revenge fetish.

Daryl: I DIDN'T DO IT!

Fertility Lynch: Shhhh.  I know, hon.  I know.  Why don't you tell me who did then?

Daryl: I don't know!  I went on break and came back to find the counter on fire!

Fertility Lynch: Wait, you went out for lunch? You work in a pizza place!

Daryl: Don't remind me.  I hate the stuff.

Fertility Lynch: Man you're the worst, Daryl.

Daryl: There was something else though.

Fertility Lynch: Oh?

Daryl: It was a note.  It said 'I'm telling PB you did this.' and it had your cell number written on the bottom of it.

Fertility Lynch: I was wondering if you started all of your phone calls with a confession to arson.  You were on speaker by the way.

Daryl: Why'd you do it!?!

Fertility Lynch: Hmm.  Thumb must've slipped.

Daryl: No! Why'd you burn down the restaurant and frame me for it!?!

Fertility Lynch: Huh...Not as dumb as they say you are, are ya Daryl?

Daryl: Apparently not! Wait, who says-

Fertility Lynch: That means you're a detriment to my plan.  Now where is my purse?

Daryl: The back seat, duh

Fertility Lynch: Oh yeahhh, that's right

Lynch reaches in the back seat and pulls out a Colt Ruger and immediately shoves it in Daryl's face.


Fertility Lynch: I don't like loose ends, Daryl.  They're unprofessional.  I also don't like killing minors.  It's tacky and messy.  That doesn't mean I wont do it to tie up a loose end, but maybe I hold this on you for awhile until we figure out what to do with you?


Fertility Lynch: Ah, so you figured out my original plan.  Glad you like it.  Not sure PB would let you talk long enough to explain things anyway.  Pretty sure he'd hit first and...well, not ask questions.  Just hit again.  Boy Daryl, they really were wrong about you.  You figured out your role in this all by yourself!  Say, mind doing me another solid while you're disappearing from everyone's lives?


Fertility Lynch: Aw shucks, you're such a peach! I'd say you're a catch but you're far too young and innocent for  a gal like me. It wouldn't surprise me if Rhea didn't notice though.

Daryl: Really?..ahem, I-I mean, yeah she's cute I guess...

Fertility Lynch: Trying to act macho with a pearl handled gun shoved in your face?  I like it!

Daryl: Wait...Rhea's with her parents.

Fertility Lynch: Uhhh no she isn't.

Daryl: That's what Andy said.

Fertility Lynch: Andrew clearly doesn't know half the things going on around him now does he? Otherwise you'd be off scot free and I'd be in your shoes waiting to be pummeled by him.  You and I are smarter than Andrew though, right? We both know that you didn't burn down the restaurant after all, and Andrew can't seem to figure that out. That's our little secret, and you'll keep that secret when you're up in Pennsylvania living with the Mennonites with your brand new, super cute, extra nice, and super thirsty, crippled wife!

Daryl: Rhea can't walk? I thought you said it was just a temporary stinger?

Fertility Lynch: Yeah, no, not so much.  Last I checked she was bound to a wheelchair and mourning the loss of a friend who died in a  freak restaurant fire.  You know, you'd think the girl couldn't get cuter than she already was but that wheelchair makes her just the most precious little beaten wolf pup.

Daryl: She thinks Andy's dead?

Fertility Lynch:Yup. 'fraid so.  Don't know where she got that idea, but she's going to keep it in that pretty little head of yours with your help, which is why you're moving to scenic Amish country with your child bride.  Hey, I guess that makes you a child groom.  Oh you teenagers and your eloping...

Daryl: ...you're moving us away from the nearest working TV so she  doesn't find out.

Fertility Lynch: Man! I really did you a favor by burning that greasy pizza joint down didn't I? That place was holding you back. 
 We've got a MENSA level genius on our hands here.  You've exceeded my expectations Darry.  Can I call you Darry? Oh, right, I have a gun in your face.  I can call you boot scum, but Darry's cuter don'tcha think?


Fertility Lynch: Uh, because everyone says you're a dummy? I thought we established that.  Or were you asking why I'm calling you Darry? Yeah, we covered that too.  It's cute.  Keep up with me here, Daryl.  I thought we were going places together kid.

Daryl: No, I mean why go to all this trouble to make Andy so miserable? 

Fertility Lynch: Well Jesus Darry, what do you take me for? A Bond villain? I'm only confirming things you've figured out for yourself.  I'm not about to let Sherlock catch Moriarty just because he cracked a few cases.  No no no, the less you know, the better for the both of us.

Daryl: I thought you cared about him.

Fertility Lynch: I think he thought that too.  No idea where you kids get these wild ideas from.  He was a job.  I told him as much.

Daryl: What about Rhea?

Fertility Lynch: Pfft! What about her? She's a cute kid, but she wasn't ever going to make it after we finished with her.  She's too innocent.  A girl like that can't cut it in New York.  Now in Amish country on the other hand...

Daryl: So you intended to kill her?

Fertility Lynch: I 'unno.  Maybe? S'kiiinda what I do.  It's not like I take pleasure in it.  Again, cute kid, but a job's a job ya know?

Daryl: I don't believe you.  I think you like playing with people's fates.  Andy told me once that you thought you were a god.

Lynch stares straight ahead as the statement hangs in the air amidst a pregnant pause.  The gun's still pointed in Daryl's face, but his intrigue far outweighs his fear at this point.  Lynch opens her mouth to say something, but instead shrugs her shoulders and keeps driving like the question was never implied.

Daryl: You're insane.

Fertility Lynch: That's very likely, and it just might be what it takes to be a gun and body for hire.  I don't think I'm crazy though.  At least I don't feel crazy, but I suppose that's what a crazy person would say.  I never said I was your god.  I think this Ruger's filling that role right now.

Daryl: You're pathetic

Fertility Lynch: Hey! Hey! Language. So what if I'm crazy?  What does that make you? Just another mortal simp with a gun in his face at the mercy of either a loon or a fickle god.  Now which sounds more romantic to you?

Daryl: Yeah, a gun you wont use on me.

Fertility Lynch: Oooh now I didn't say all that.  I said I wouldn't kill you.  However, as adorable as it might be to me to see a cute couple of kids striking it out in the world with nothing but young love, matching jump suits, matching monogram towels and of course, matching wheelchairs, I'd rather not have to deal with the legal hassle of admitting yet another minor that isn't my child to the hospital.  It's too messy.  Leaves a lot of fingerprints.  I'll do it though, so don't think I'm afraid of a little bit of heavy lifting.

Daryl tenses back up and stares straight ahead.  The two ride without speaking as the radio continues to play.

"Oh I'd better go"

They pull off into the hospital entrance ramp.  Lynch drives into the emergency lane and pulls to a complete stop.  She gives Daryl a knowing look and purses her finger to her lips, then uses the same fingers to pantomime the slitting of a throat.

"This is my station, you know?"

Lynch reaches across Daryl and pushes the passenger door open.  She reaches to unbuckle his seat belt, planting a mocking kiss on his cheek as she does so.

"I've had a lovely time
Oh, the pleasure's been mine"

Lynch gives Daryl a coy wave, then  plants her heels into Daryl's side and mule kicks him out of the car.  As the EMT's rush to untie him, Lynch peels out and into traffic, letting the momentum of her speed shut the passenger door for her.

"All mine"

As the music stings to a finish, and the scene begins to fade, a quiet dial tone is heard.

Fertility Lynch: "He's all alone now.  Yeah, just as you requested....no, no murder involved.  I kept my trigger finger steady despite the urge to pop one off in that smart Alec Daryl's head.   I see the rest of my pay has been transferred to my off shore account...uh huh.  Yes!, It's been a pleasure doing business with you Mr. Bailey.  Would you care for any of my other services?...Sunday? Sunday's good for me.  I'm always down for some 'divine intervention' in the bedroom on the Sabbath. You'll have to be a good by and pay tithes though.  God's touch ain't for free, and you better bring your own protection...hahaha, good one sir.  Haven't heard that one before.  Okay.  Bye bye."

Lynch huffs in audible annoyance as she hangs up.

Fertility Lynch:...Jackass...

The End
Bhris Elite
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 12:05 pm by Bhris Elite
“This gimmick” it’s not a gimmick Ryan this is who I am I’ve always expressed how I felt I’ve always said what is on my mind. I’ve never once wore a mask and called myself something I’m not. Like a zeitgeist, like a Goddess or any other retarded things the people in this company call themselves. I am Chris Elite I am God Given Greatness and that is not a lie that is not a false statement is 100 percent true. Now after defeating you I evolve into something much more than that I evolve from God Given Greatness to God himself because to be a God you must defeat a Gawd. That’s exactly what’s going to happen at Road To Redemption not only will the roster be put on notice but the entire world. Ryan you said it yourself EVERYBODY wants to be the one to stand up to their boss yet I’m the only one who had the balls to do so.  Everyone is too scared of the consequences and from the day I started saying fuck you Ryan Adams until now I haven’t thought about the consequences once because there won’t be any. I’m going to win this match and I know I’m making it sound easy knowing damn well it isn’t going to be but damn it. I am walking out the winner I am walking out with that contract. I know the things you’ve been through the things you’ve accomplished and the matches you have been a part of. This is going to be one hell of a match most likely the match of the year you are used to getting those aren’t you Ryan? However I believe most of the time you win those matches of the year. At first maybe this match wasn’t happening because my words didn’t get under your skin that’s changed though now this match is because of everything I said and everything I did dare to tell me wrong?
Well let’s bring up examples of how so. I was tweeted about a million times about the clip from what took place between you and my good friend Big Mike backstage on Voltage. I didn’t think you would have to go that far Ryan, I mean you didn’t go that far for Jacob Senn, you didn’t go that far for the perm wearing Drake Jaegar. Hell you didn’t even go this far for Robbie V. You gave my best friend a contract so he can just leave me alone and not be there for the match this weekend. Now you probably thought that was going to get under my skin you probably thought that was going to scare me a little. You failed though Ryan I don’t give a damn if Big Mike accepts that contract like a little bitch or not. THE RESULT OF THE MATCH WILL REMAIN THE SAME! CHRIS ELITE WINS AND CHRIS ELITE GETS THE CONTRACT HE’S DESERVED SINCE DAY ONE! Now excuse me for going all Lucas Johnson with the yelling I just don’t think that point is getting across to everyone. Everywhere I go now its like “Man do you think Big Mike will turn on you like that”? I don’t care what the fuck Big Mike does I am not doing this for Big Mike I am doing this for myself. I’ve won my first championship without him and I could win this match without him as well. So Big Mike if you are watching this B. You do whatever you feel is the better career path just remember though what we had planned after I defeated this fool and don’t come back crying to me after those things come into play. This match is personal to you Ryan Adams at first like I said it might not have been but now over the periods of time it has become personal so personal you went and did that.
Hell I even think I’m starting to scare you a bit. What happened to all those assets Ryan? Too scared to put those up. I mean after that your daughters allowance… Well she wouldn’t have gotten any after Road to Redemption now I’m being offered the “Gawd” contract which is just as good for me and probably even better for you. I mean you only work when you want to so this contract isn’t going to affect you in anyway. You won’t have to step foot in the path of destruction again after this. You’ll let the others try to stop me and just like you will fail this weekend they will fail in the future. I’m touching gloves with the Gawd because I’m just that damn good don’t try to toss in any excuses to make you feel better. You know the truth, I know the truth everyone knows the truth. Sure you have a couple of dick riders here and there going around saying “DDD slaughtering a little bitch” or “How is Chris Elite going to respond to that? I’m scared for him” and of course you dweebs would say such things. Let’s continue to gas this man up. Let’s continue to act like this is the same Ryan Adams I was speaking about the other day. The Ryan Adams people feared and I’m going not just verbally expose him I am going to physically do so as well. Ryan I truly am tough and if I wasn’t all those times I failed since I came back in what 2015 I would have left again just like any other time. When Iconomy failed I would have left. When I failed to defeat TLA I would have left. After any of those things I failed to accomplish I would have left yet here I am Chris Elite versus Ryan Adams. I’m not going to give the same sob story again I’ll let you tell it for me. I’ll continue to let you remind the fans how much of a failure I am just so when I get this victory the taste is just that much sweeter. How will it feel Ryan when you lose to Mr. 8 years of Failure? How will it feel Ryan Adams when the man who wasn’t even supposed to be in the ring with you in the first place, just comes along and beats you 1 2 3? That’s where the mental abuse comes into play like I stated before me defeating you is going to drive you back into depression and put you on a path you never thought you would be on again. I came up off using your name yes I’ll admit it for once however that come up will be nothing like come up I’ll witness after actually doing what I said would since this whole thing started.
You don’t have to respect me as a man because I don’t respect you as one either. That’s why this match is going to be the most disrespectful thing people have seen in a long time. I feel like an extra Extreme stipulation should have been added. Regardless though this match is going to get violent. This match is going to get out of hand and I’m ready for all of it. I’m putting all of those years of failure and putting it into every single shot I throw at you. I’m physically and mentally stronger than I’ve ever been since I first joined. Since I rejoined and since just last week. You can try to take away what you gave me it doesn’t work like that though and it isn’t going to be that easy and you continue to underestimate me you’ll find out the hard way about the mistake you’ve made. I hope I am part of this big movie you are making because I am going to change the title from “The life of Ryan Adams” to the “Rise and Fall of Ryan Adams” 3 disc set that’s end with you being carried out of the arena with your hands covering your face in embarrassment while I am standing up my arms raised holding up my new contract. Ryan this match shouldn’t be happening you let your pride get in the way though. You are going to wish you fired me. You are going to wish you ignored me. You didn’t though that strong pride of yours couldn’t let that happen and now that strong pride of yours is going to be the reason I start running around the company like I own it. So for that

Thank you Ryan Adams.
Abelard Becker
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 11:33 am by Abelard Becker
What is gained from being so vain? 

A serious question for you, Oasis. My curiosity has gotten the best of me yet again. I find myself at the edge of my seat, hands gripped tight onto the edge of the arms, eagerly anticipating an answer. 

You're big, alright. You're strong, yup. You're a force to be reckoned with, absolutely, no doubt. You've essentially turned into Scott Diamond 2.0 and whether it be coincidence or not, your signing with EAW coincided almost perfectly with the undoing of my career. Congratulations on pointing out the obvious, I applaud your bravery and courage. I know it couldn't have been easy to speak these obvious, already established, well known things into existence. What's the end game here though? What exactly is it you hope to accomplish? To place doubt in me? A little too late for that, it's been there for years. To strike fear? I came to grips with all those truths long ago, they don't faze this ego anymore. Your words, at least the ones you directed towards me, fall on deaf ears. They might as well have not been spoken at all.

Unless you didn't mean them for me. Perhaps they were meant for someone else, not an individual but a group, a large group. Such a large group that it cannot be counted in a single lifetime. Could it be that although speaking about me, you weren't speaking to me and instead were talking to everyone else. The world. You're pushing this narrative, this true narrative by the way, you want everyone to know how washed up I am, how irrelevant I've become. How you surpass me not just now, but at my peak, at my zenith. You want it to be crystal clear that no matter how indestructible a diamond may be, once dropped into the hot white sand of an oasis, it can get swallowed up, never to be seen or heard from again.


But that still doesn't provide an answer to any of my questions.

What do you think you're doing, or saying rather, that hasn't been already said by a mass of fans and peers alike? What makes what you're saying different or supposedly more true than what they're saying? There aren't any tiers for truth, there's only one truth. And you haven't discovered it, you haven't pioneered or championed it, you've piggybacked off it, off the words of Darkane, Theron Nikolas, Ahren Fournier, any number of names from that godforsaken battle royal at Pain For Pride, and "the peasants". The ones who come to these shows who you pay no mind to and have no respect for. That's who, whether knowingly or unknowingly you've chosen to associate yourself with, to share the same opinions with, to leech off of with your unoriginal takes on this most recent chapter of my career... as true as they are. You're not convincing anyone of anything because they had already come to the same conclusions long before you did.

So we've established that, unless you're even more of a fool than I thought, you aren't talking directly to me nor are you talking to literally everyone else. That just leaves one person, the speaker himself, Scott Oasis. And just as it could only be you, there's only one reason why too, doubt. A distrust of your own abilities against mine. You're not trying to convince me, you're not trying to convince the roster, or the world as a whole, you're trying to convince yourself.

What has the career of Scott Oasis been since Pain For Pride 9 where he lost the World Heavyweight Championship in a rather... decisive victory? Nothing short of catastrophic failure. One I've seldom seen... and I've seen my fair share of failures. Not only did you not regain that World Heavyweight Championship, you haven't captured a championship of any kind since then. That's about a year and half... which in this business might as well be a decade. You've never had any issues with consistency like myself, you show up to work every single week and have had more than your fair share of opportunities and yet? Nothing. Not a damn thing to show for it since Pain For Pride 9. That's... impressive. It takes true talent to be that inadequate. Just look at since the start of this Summer how many opportunities you've had. Cash in the Vault? Lost. Dynasty Supershow? Nope. By the way, on that night... the same night Oasis lost to The Pizza Boy in a match for the Answers World Championship, I won the Hardcore Championship. I'm not saying that means anything but... Then we go to Territorial Invasion just a few mere weeks after that Supershow, you're in a triple threat match for the Answers World Championship and of course you failed. I won my Hardcore Championship in a triple threat match, again I'm not saying that necessarily means anything, just pointing out facts. Three opportunities at a World Championship, two of them coming within a three week period and instead of rising to the occasion, proving your superiority over everyone on the roster, you fell. Hard. Flat on your face. Now comes your fourth opportunity, and if your track record speaks for anything, it's not looking too good for you.

But fret not, Oasis. Despite your recent shortcomings since I made my return to this place, you can take solace in the fact that you and everyone else knows that you have been, currently are and always will be better than me.
Finnegan Wakefield
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 11:07 am by Finnegan Wakefield
Chapter 73: Redemption
HERO - EAW Promoz! - Page 20 Tumblr_owjvjrLVXX1wnmmx5o1_500
"The Wrestling Artist" Finnegan Wakefield

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"It looks like the time has finally arrived. After weeks of anticipation, we’re finally just a few days away from the Tag Team Grand Prix finals at Road to Redemption. And with the hours ticking down, I can’t help but reminisce on the journey that Ironico and I have been on over the last two months. How a team had formed from two mates sitting at the local pub, knocking back a few pints while sharing stories, laughs and eyeing the occasional bird that tickled one’s fancy. Two months ago we were both trying to find a way to push ourselves further while climbing the ranks on Voltage, and the Tag Team Grand Prix presented an opportunity that neither of us could refuse. To face some of the best in the industry, to obtain a shot at the Tag Team Championships and, most importantly, have a little bit of fun along the way. Who could say no to that? Not us, that’s for sure. And now there is only one team we have left to beat to win this tournament and obtain said championship shot -- two names who have stuck their nose in our business over the last three weeks. Cameron Ella Ava & Heart Break Gal. And I think it is fitting that the team of Di Consentes are the team Ironico and I need to defeat to prove our worth in this tournament, after all we’re young upstarts who signed up to make names for ourselves. Facing Hall of Famers, gender-defying elitists and decorated champions would be the metaphorical Cinderella moment for WATB, and we’re going to make the most of it before the clock strikes midnight. Cameron listed off the people you both have beaten since aligning with one another. Chris Elite, Rex McAllister, Ryan Wilson, Azrael, Keelan Cetinich & Madison Kaine. Not a bad list, not a bad list at all. But if we’re judging team value by people we have defeated collectively, allow me to share with you a list of the people We Are The Bollocks have defeated since our formation. Shaker Jones & El Landerson -- not a very impressive start. Moongoose McQueen and Nobi. Carlos Rosso, Apocalypse, Cody Marshall & Moongoose McQueen, again. Darkane & Stark. Solomon Caine & Jon McAdams. We even beat that sexual predator who was pretending to be his own wife. That one is going to be hard to explain in the record books. Nonetheless, we’ve been doing rather well for ourselves and in every team encounter we have been in we have come out victorious and victorious for a reason. Despite your say so there is plenty of drive behind We Are The Bollocks, we’re not just incoherent party animals. You birds have been trying to stir the pot at our expense over the past few weeks, and the results haven’t come out as planned, have they? For thinking that Ironico and myself are mere jokes, you both have tried in one way or another to sabotage our performance and cohesiveness for the finals. I may be stepping out of line in thinking that the both of you are lying through your collective teeth. Dare I say that the two of you may actually see us as a threat this Sunday. I am sure neither of you would admit to such a thought regardless, but your actions over the past weeks have contradicted your claims of our worth and threat level.

We’ll pick up where we left off with you, Cameron. Three weeks ago you felt the need to interject yourself into the New Breed Championship match between Ironico and myself, and the reason why is as clear as day; to taint our friendship. To try and screw me out of the New Breed Championship to cause some tension and allegations between us. But when the match was over, it didn’t matter which one of us had this title over our shoulder, because we were still going to gun for the Grand Prix finals and occupy the vacancy of the other shoulder with the Tag Team Championships. Our bond and friendship weren't altered in the slightest, hadn’t been put into question and I am sure that had you fuming. Last week on Voltage is a night I should be ashamed of for multiple reasons. I should feel ashamed for losing my cool in our match and pulling Heart Break Gal into the ring by the roots of her hair. I should feel ashamed for losing our match by disqualification. But quite frankly, I don’t. After the blindsighted and cowardly attack the two of you made on me two weeks ago after my match with Lars Grier, Ironico and I knew that retaliation was a necessity. We knew that we had to make a statement right back to show the both of you that we aren’t the jokes the two of you crack us up to be. But you’re persistent. Regardless, from the get-go Ironico and myself agreed that the result in the end wouldn’t matter, that when push came to shove Voltage wasn’t going to end with We Are The Bollocks under the heel of Di Consentes. Sure, a victory over you last week would have been nice, Cameron. It would have been a nice way to crush your morale before our match this Sunday, but on a regular episode of Voltage didn’t seem like the right time to do so. No, to make the two of you feel true defeat we had to keep the ball rolling, keep the two of you talking. The more ignorance and self-praising that spills from your collective lips, the more words we will force feed you like a bitter pill too big to swallow. Voltage instead was a bit of a reality check. A reality check that a, as you kindly put it, New Breed Scum could hold his own against a self-appointed goddess. And what came after was a little bit of sweet karma as a superkick struck you in the jaw that never seems to stop running. If nothing else it was a testament. A testament that WATB can hang with the Hall of Famers and send them into retreat -- and retreat you did as we stood in the ring with our eyes locked on yours and what we saw was surprise. And I can assure the both of you that we expect to see that same look of surprise in your eyes once we’ve shown what WATB can really do when we have our head in the game, because we’ve been undefeated as a duo so far and we intend to keep it that way as we hold those Tag Team Grand Prix trophies high above our heads. So Cameron Ella Ava, by all means, take this victory over me in stride, it’s on the house. Because with it comes a message that is so simple that even you can understand it. We Are The Bollocks are not backing down. That we are well aware of the quality of opponents we have in front of us, and we are not even remotely discouraged.

That brings me to you, the Heart Break Gal and you have truly lived up to your namesake. Your scathing, albeit short take on our match, has broken my heart. I expected so much more from a Hall of Famer such as yourself, much more than just throwing out absent-minded insults left and right, but I get it. I understand that you have your attention also directed towards your Extreme Elimination Chamber match. It’s understandable that you have your priorities. But maybe you should have filled Cameron in on the heavy lifting she will have to do to carry the both of you so you’re all dandy for the match you’re really putting the effort towards. Throw some compliments Camerons way, hype her up to be the MVP for your team, that’s fine. As I proved on Voltage I can hold my own against her with no problem. But if you’re going to question my drive HBG, perhaps don’t phone it in while you are questioning it. Seems a bit ironic if I do say so myself. Because as nice as it is to hear what your opinions are on the words I said to your tag team partner last week, those insults are having very little to no effect. Comes across as desperate to be honest with you. No, I don’t plan on getting into your love life or your career or anything like that. What I said to Cameron last week was just to get under her skin, poke the bear if you will. Trust me, I have very little interest in the love life of the two of you, and how little interest I hold towards your aesthetic appeal. “If looks could kill” as your partner said, “I would be mildly tickled” I retort. The only interest I hold with you both is as competition, professional athletes and champions. That’s the extent, nothing personal. So don’t flatter yourselves by making it sound like Ironico and I are looking at this like a drunken stag do with some beautiful women. Can’t speak for Ironico, but the drinks can come at the after party. So if you feel like bringing some actual valid points to the table instead of your knee-slapping zingers sweetheart, that’d be appreciated. Until then, I wouldn’t start chalking people up as laughing stocks. Because you’re not the first team to think so of We Are The Bollocks, in fact, I am fairly certain that we’ve heard that every time we’ve had pins lined up for us to knock down. And every time, we’ve knocked those pins down without failure and we’re looking towards a perfect game. For a supposed joke, we’re a pretty effective one. But what you and Cameron aren’t ready for, sweetheart, is the punchline. And the punchline comes in the form of Di Consentes. And the joke comes at your expense. Because it is funny to be the team that is received as a joke. But it’s side-splittingly hilarious to lose to said jokes.

At the end of the day ladies, you have two options. Option one is that you come at us as if we are jokes, underestimate us by inflating your own self-importance and fall like the rest of the ignorant souls who shared your views before you. Or, and this is the one I like the most, you actually take this with a slight amount of seriousness. Because make no mistake about it; We Are The Bollocks is a team that shouldn’t have made it to the finals on paper. We’re not oblivious to that fact. But what the two of you seem oblivious about is that we didn’t make it here with our witty repartee or lack thereof. We made it here because we’ve worked our collective asses off to get here and we’re not planning on leaving this tournament empty-handed. But since we are coining phrases from last week, I still have a question that has yet to be answered from the both of you. Cameron Ella Ava. Heart Break Gal. What are goddesses to non-believers? Since it is a rhetorical one, I will spare you the brainpower and answer it for you. You both are the last obstacle that we need to face to silence the critics who thought we never stood a chance from the get-go and Road to Redemption will be the proving grounds where we will prove them all wrong. But what about the other side of the coin? What are non-believers to a pair of goddesses? Well we have the answer to that all prepared and ready, and you will both hear it in the form of a battle cry that will be yelled at the top of the lungs of not only Ironico and I, but the thousands in attendance and the millions watching at home in unison -- WE ARE THE BOLLOCKS!"
Theron Nikolas
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 8:25 am by Theron Nikolas
You’re right, Tiberius.

A few weeks ago I spoke about how the frustrations of the past few months were really beginning to set in; it wasn’t because of this so called mistake that I made by cashing in that contract of the man I once called King, but because I was beginning to make these mistakes that I once didn’t. It wasn’t because of our wars or the fact that I had fallen short on separate occasion; my mindset was beginning to change. I was so focused. I was so focused on myself; not allowing anything to slow me down in the slightest. I was so focused on making sure that people that we both know aren’t on the level that I’ve managed to get to in the first eight months of my time here in Elite Answers Wrestling. But, I lost that focus. I began to focus on things that never mattered; this obsession of making Rex McAllister out to be what we all already know he is, rather than making sure I continue to move forward. But, like I said those weeks ago - I’m thankful. It’s these experiences that allow us to grow. It’s these experiences that allow us to correct the mistakes we’re all bound to make at one stage or another. It may not be the way that we all hope to learn these lessons - but it’s better than not learning them at all and continuing to make those mistakes without growth.

This is why this Elimination Chamber is so important.

The moment I beat you; the moment that I almost took your head off twice and pinned your shoulders to the canvas for the illustrious three count - I thought that everything was about to fall into the palm of my hands. I thought that it would be a matter of time before I had the chance I wanted at that championship; Theron Nikolas against Tiberius Jones with no one there to intervene when things began to get a little too tough for the noble champions to handle in such a pressured situation. But that chance didn’t happen. It’s like - even though I had this Elimination Chamber to look forward to - I was pushed aside. I got the win that I knew wholeheartedly that I would get, and has to watch as another name was given that spotlight that I had earned. The Heart Break Gal was suddenly there. The Heart Break Gal was handed that chance at the championship and failed miserably, like I knew that she would. I was told by you heading into Dia Del Diablo - that was meant to be my one and only opportunity at that championship that rests on your shoulder. But now - those words couldn’t hold a greater truth. I have no doubts that if I don’t manage to walk out of Road to Redemption with that EAW World Championship - my dreams of taking that crown jewel fall back months. Whether I like it or not, I’m going to be pushed aside and no matter how much I kick and scream about it - those screams are only going to fall onto deaf ears.

I can’t lose.

I can’t squander this last opportunity. I can’t allow everyone that said that I was a fool for cashing that contract in when I had the National Elite Championship. I can’t lose. I just can’t fucking lose this Elimination Chamber. I’ve had to listen to everyone. I’ve had to listen at the rest of the world preaches at their hopes that the Heart Break Gal does what no other woman has been able to do and win a real world championship. I’m tired of listening to Rex McAllister talk about how this is all his story and that we’re all small pieces in it. I’m tired of listening to Diamond Cage talk about how he’s going to reclaim the championship he almost destroyed three years ago. I’m entitled to this. I’m not going to hide it. That’s my attitude. The championship resting on your shoulder should be on mine and the fact that isn’t drive me fucking nuts. Everything; every war that I’ve been in; every single fucking time that I’ve fallen just short of ripping that fucking title out of your hands has been building towards this. It’s been building towards my moment. The moment that I’ve fucking longed for. My moment of glory. My moment of grandeur. The moment where I sit on my own fucking throne, looking down at every single other fucking name trying to latch onto my ankles as they attempt to break down everything that I built. I don’t care about what I have to do. I don’t care about the tortures that I’ll have to face. I don’t care about whoever tries to intervene. Bring Ares Vendetta. Bring Lannister. John Doe can lurk from the shadows - bring back fucking anything.

I’ll sit walk forward. I’ll still crawl. I’ll still drag myself as far as I need to. The flames of war don’t matter. I’ll walk through every piece of it and back if I need to. Nothing. Abso-fucking-lutely nothing will stop me from taking that EAW World Champion.

Not you, Tiberius. Not the Heart Break Gal. Not Rex McAllister. Not Diamond Cage. Not the Prince of Phenomenal.

Fucking nobody.
Jamie O'Hara
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 5:06 am by Jamie O'Hara
Look at yourself, Grier.

I mean did I try to pull the same shit this time? Really? Would I really tell the world, right to you directly, of what I did and how I do it and how I would do it again? No no, that’s just peak stupidity! I empowered you, Lars! I tipped up hat of tricks upside down and allowed them all to float to the ground before your very eyes; you’re not going to make the same mistakes four other men will make now will you? You couldn’t possibly being so well aware of my underhand tactics to derail the confidence of my opponents. It would be quite a miserable and yet spectacular failure if you were to fail to grasp any of it. Men with such precious minds are so easily influenced by what they see and what they do...but you’re not like them, Lars. You grew up in a life of complete and utter inequality and struggled to grow as a human being; you were exploited by those seeking to gain something from your services and thus, this idea that no man is ever truly free developed. No man is ever completely free, you’re quite right there. I take drugs like a fucking champ but society deems it illegal because a few weak cunts fucked it up for the rest of us; I’m not free in certain areas of life. But in your little piece, you argue everyone and everything around us influences who we are and thus we are not free, correct? I quite disagree, only the weak are incapable of breaking away from exterior influences and think for themselves and if you truly believe that, Lars, then you’re weaker than I thought you were to begin with. Fragile and precious; can you not emerge from the society’s expectation and demands? I’m not trying to change what you believe Lars, I question it and like I do many of your beliefs and processes, question vigorously. A perception I do not understand. Certainly in this match you’re bound to my word, my beliefs. The harsh climate of the Elimination Chamber, the muddied battlefield we all walk upon at this premier level with bodies of fallen men buried in the sludge beneath our feet; you know truly nothing better than what I have to tell you. I could tell you a lie in a fucking beautiful way and once again influence your thoughts; your only other option is to deny them and hope, pray that I was indeed lying through my teeth. Again, it begs the question, are you really out of my grasp, Lars? Without even putting thought into it, have I already pulled you back under my watchful eye? You’re weak, Lars. Your armour has more dents and holes than anyone else in this chamber. It allows for daggers to penetrate with such ease and watch your blood spill out onto the ground. You’re a precious soul, unable to say definitively if he’s under his own control or that of others. A man so irrational in this thoughts despite such a grand attempt to be articulate in all that he says.

You tried to treat me as a normal human being the last time we met and it lead you nowhere.

How will it be any different this time?

I might have influenced your thoughts, but I wasn’t the one screaming to the world that Jamie O’Hara isn’t a God, he’s just a human. On and on you told me everything I already knew, things I didn’t deny, a reality that I knew. And yet here you are, supposedly no longer caught in my manipulation, telling me the same old thing. Perhaps I was never in control, maybe you just stumbled towards defeat and you’re trying to shed as much of the blame from your shoulders as possible? It brings me back to this idea of influence. You note the world around you has influenced everything about you; you’re led to believe that Gods and monsters do not truly exist but are rather an existence of arrogance, of ego, of delusions. Not all champions bear this undeniable spirit, this grand resolve; it’s never seen on a show like Voltage unless the hand is forced. A point comes where the death of everything he’s worked hard to earn, to maintain, sits on the precipice and it’s there, in that moment, their true might and resilience - their unbreakable will - shines brightest. I am a sack of flesh and bones but Lars, the monsters...those Gods truly do exist and one shall emerge. No matter how many times my body is cast upon the steel, I still find that strength to get back up. When every man fires their best shot and their best shot hits like water pistol, that is where you start to learn that Gods and monsters exist in this world. All of flesh and bone but with something that exists in not a physical form, something you can’t see but are forced to believe. There won’t be any manipulation; no, in the end you’re simply going to be defeated by a power you thought was unimaginable. Last time you failed not because of my manipulation - that was merely a showcase of how easy it is to toy with your fragile emotions - but rather you failed because you simply don’t measure up. You can’t keep up with the champion, you can’t keep up with me at all. And if you couldn’t three weeks ago, then I’m sorry to say this chamber is going to leave you more mentally scarred than any beating you took growing up.

Are vague threats all you have Grier?


My words are merely a precursor to everything that I will bring to that chamber; anyone defeated by them before the bell tolls never truly belonged in a match against me to begin with. For the FOURTH time I step amongst those familiar walls and for the fourth time I’ll bring together the collective knowledge of being a standout in this match every single year since I got here. What are you going to do? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO DO? Nothing. Absolutely nothing but live in your fantasy of being unchained from the proverbial post we’re all apparently chained to. It seems already I’ve broken you, Lars. You’re merely a marionette dancing on a stage, controlled by the strings attached; dancing left to right, back and forth at my command. You make your grand, valiant effort to cut yourself from those strings but they still remain. You wasted much of your breath on something that I quite hardly attempted to succeed at; it’s because I don’t need to. You feed yourself this narrative that Jamie O’Hara manipulated you into defeat, that I’m trying to do so again but Lars, I’m just proving how your fragile state of mind is a weakness that will only lead to a consistent downfall. Misery will haunt you at every turn. No, it’s most certainly arrogance and overconfidence that halts any possibility of correcting this fatal flaw. Rage against the machine, rage against the man who has more control than anyone will ever want to admit; but you’re up against a cornerstone of this business today. You’re up against a man who was walked through hell time and time again; what you THINK you can do has already been done to be tenfold and the fact I’m still here is telling that it won’t be enough.

A fake tough guy if there has ever been one.

There is no kingdom in your future. You are and forever will be a secondary act in this grand place.
Savannah Sunshine
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 3:56 am by Savannah Sunshine
"For once, I'm cutting right to the chase here. No silly videos, no Slurpees... This is as real as it gets. There are no time for games anymore, not right now. No matter how thrilled I am to have been given the opportunity I have been given, this is even bigger than the chance I got at Manifest destiny. This is the real thing, the most prestigious title here in Empire. Something that I could have within my grasp having only been here just a matter of months... and that's exactly what I intend to do. The best part about having everyone underestimate you is proving everyone wrong. Some people think I will be focused on revenge against those who have wronged me, others know that I will paint a smile upon my face and wage war upon everyone in this match... Including my friend, Aria Jaxon. Aria has something that everyone in this match wants, but not everyone in this match will need. She has something that will make whomever wins this match stand the test of time and something that will put a target on the back of anyone who manages to take that away from her... If they manage to take that away from her. I failed at winning at EoE... I failed at winning my match at Manifest Destiny and... and I won't fail again... I can't. Not with how much is at stake, not when I have so much to prove. Not when I have so many people to prove wrong and so many people behind me to win this thing. My family has been my biggest support system through my entire career, even when I was on the shelf with that horrible injury placed upon me. Even when I struggled through Depression fits and cursed the world for what happened to me..."

"Even when I knew it was my fault for trusting someone so much. Even then, even to this day with how many people have let me down... I still trust everyone and anyone with every fiber in my being because that is just the kind of person that I am. Fearless, brave, intelligent, pretty, filled to the brim with sugar and always ready for a fight. So, when given the opportunity to be in this type of match with all five of these other women? I was jumping with joy in quite the literal sense! I was so excited to make new friends and to have new people who knew what it was like to want something so badly that you would do anything... anything to get what you so badly craved. Now, this is not the kind of match I am used to... I have never been placed into a situation much like this one and... Sure, all of these women can try their best to put me down but they won't be able to do much when I'm showing the world just how crazy Savannah Sunshine can get. Nobody has seen just what I am capable of, not even at Manifest Destiny when I put on one of the best matches of my career... at that point. Nobody knows what exactly will push me over the edge and even then... I will never lose my smile and I will keep pushing through because I am a warrior. Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words? They could never, ever hurt me because that's just what they are... Stupid words that people use to tear one another down... But, that won't work with me. Nope, no way. no how ma'm!"

"Everybody that I have ever faced has tried their hardest to steal the light from within me and they have all failed. I have come out ten times stronger than ever before and nobody can ever break that from me. My light is what makes me special and no matter how hard anyone tries, they could never take that away from me. See, the women in this match are like candy... Some of them are fan favorites, others are disliked by the fans and some? Well, some are just there... Casually taking up space around here and being useless. But, no matter what each of these women has? They all have something unique in them as well and that's something very unfortunate for all of us. I have something unique, Aria has something unique, Brody has something unique, Revy has... Something unique too. Haruna, Azumi... All of them is unique in their very own way. However, I will do whatever is necessary to prove that I deserve the top spot around here. To prove to all of my Sunshine-y Fans that I am going to be the best of the best. I am going to prove to anyone who has ever doubted me that I have what it takes to fight any obstacle that stands in my way. The funny thing is that not a single woman in this match has so much as mentioned me. They say a few words about me and they move on to someone else and have everything under the sun to say. I am so tired of being overlooked by anyone I compete against and this is the perfect opportunity to prove that nobody will ever underestimate me again."

"This is the perfect opportunity to make sure that nobody will ever cast me aside as the least threat ever again. Not just because of how deadly things can get, but because of how dangerous I can get in any situation no matter if I dislike it or not. This match means so much more than being able to get a shiny title to me, it means more than possibly dethroning someone I idolize to the moon and back. I've skipped over the pleasantries I'm so heavily known for and decided to just simply speak my mind much like the rest of you have done. So, pull up a chair and have a seat because I'm about to go on for awhile. Every single time I am faced against people who don't respect me they all say the same repetitive things and honestly? I just take a nap instead of listening to the repeat the same things the last person said. 'Savannah's not cut out for this life.''Savannah is too sweet for her own good.' 'Savannah is going to fail as usual.' Savannah this, Savannah that... Blah, blah, blah. Well, here's a little newsflash for you ladies! Savannah is going to bring home all the Candy when she sends each and every single one of you packing. She's going to be the one standing in the end, even leaking sugar from her body from being beaten up during the match. They say every war comes with a scar and I'm sure at the end of it all, I'll have plenty of scars to add to the ones I've already got. Scars are just given to you to remind you that you are alive, to remind you that there is still a struggle to be won. I knew what I was getting into when I signed my name on a contract to wrestle. This is no different."

"Apparently someone thinks I need to reference to how dumb their marriage is in order to get one over... False! See, here's the thing ladies... I don't need to use rude words to get my point across because I'm not one for rude words. However, I've got something to say about each of you and you can all guess which candy you are! We've got the Reese Cup who just so happens to be everyone's favorite. She's got layers to her just like the candy itself and not just the chocolate and peanut butter. She's got all kinds of layers, even layers that nobody ever truly sees.Layers that she wishes to keep secret from us all and that's okay because... She's a fighter and one of the strongest people I know. But, at the end of the day... Somebody has to chew her up and make a meal out of her! Someone has to prove that she cannot stick around forever and someone... Someone has to dethrone her eventually. Then, we have the Sour Patch Kid... Someone I haven't faced before but someone I have wanted to face for the longest time. I have no ill will towards said candy, but she's just in my way. She can have her sweet moments but when she's sour? Oh, can she surely be sour... But, she's another obstacle in my way that needs to be taken down and I will do so kicking and screaming if I have to. Then, you've got the dark chocolate, the candy corn and then... The candy you find at the bottom of granny's purse. Why are they even here anyway? When was the last time any of them were even relevant aside from having to do sneak attacks to get over? Never? That's what I thought. Regardless, it sure is going to be fun taking each of them out one by one until I am the only one standing."

"Degrade me all you want, belittle me all you want, mock me all you want. Nothing is going to stop me from going after what I want and when I really want something and I mean... Really, really want something like that last candy bar? I will stop at nothing until I get what I truly want. No matter who I have to take out, I'll swing for the fences with BoBo. I was the only girl on my Baseball team in high school and I got us all the way to the finals without a single hitch. I was hitting balls so hard that a grown man would cry. So, go ahead ladies... Aim for the sky because you won't be taking me down so easily... and that's a promise."
Nasir Escobar
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 3:03 am by Nasir Escobar
Road to Redemption. What a fitting event for this to take place. The only time more fitting than now actually would be Pain For Pride itself. Thinking about the event itself...Road to Redemption. The one hundredth Free Per View no less. It is meant to be a celebration of all the must see moments that have taken place over the course of EAW’s existence. But also starting on that night to create new moments that will be cherished and talked about for the next one hundred FPVs. Some of the same Icons of the last decade are still here in fact, but there are many who have perished. Time passed them by and they faded away with the wind. But of course as the times move forward, men rise up and become the new leaders and icons to take the places of the former ones. That is where I come in. Technically speaking that is where most of this match comes in, only the thing is...I’m not just one of the top stars of tomorrow. I am THE star that shines brighter than all those surrounding it. I am the leader, who rally’s the troops and goes out to war! Against who? Or even what you may ask? Anything and everything that stands in the way of a brighter tomorrow for the land of the elites. I am the representative of this company’s talents of tomorrow. So it is up to me to fight on the behalf of every single one of them, whether they like me or not. Or whether they need me to or don’t. It does not matter to me, because at the end of the day no one will fight the good fight quite like I do! I am the main protagonist, essentially...I am the hero of this story. This long LONG road that I have been on. It all started when I left EAW. For an entire year...I was out. Originally I only intended to be gone short term. I was going to recharge my batteries then come back better than ever before. But those weeks turned into months before I even knew it. An entire year went by. People who were around had disappeared. New faces emerged. The company shifted from Extreme to Elite. All of that in the span of the time I was gone. But I come back the week after Grand Rampage and I hit the ground running. I waste no time making my intentions known to the world. I returned back in mid 2016 to take my place alongside my contemporaries from when I was around at the top of the card, most especially the man who was just about to win the EAW Championship at said time, my now retired brother Aren Mstislav. Just to give everyone a brief, or as brief as I can keep it, explanation of my story since coming back to Elite Answers Wrestling...weeellllllll...where do I begin? Oh I know! I came back, quickly took my place as one of THE fast rising stars, went completely off in Cash in the Vault at Pain for Pride Nine. Then of course I faced Aren at TI for the EAW Title. Beat Carlos Rosso into retirement from his General Manager position. Made it to the final two of the Voltage Chamber last year against Impact. Eliminated a record ten men from the Grand Rampage in my GR debut. Got retribution against Aren at PFP Ten. Went head to head and came out on top against CM Banks and won my TI match earning an Answers World Championship match AND ending Sebastian Monroe’s reign of terror over Dynasty. And then I went into Red Wallz and performed to my best against BOTH Pizza Boy and the now DELETED Eclipse Diemos. And now here I am staring down the Answers World Championship yet again and making my return to the Extreme Elimination Chamber ready to throw down with five of the best in the world including the champion who I still haven’t claimed my rightfully earned ONE ON ONE championship match against. But I digress. And yes I know that was way longer than just a “brief” explanation, but it is very important for me to establish everything I’ve done just so everyone clearly can see the long path I have travelled down and all the trials I have faced that have led me to this match and this moment in time. The story of Nasir Moore has always been one I wanted to share with all the world. A tale of perseverance. Battling on against seemingly impossible odds and coming out a stronger person for doing so. A young man with everything to prove. To reach his childhood dreams, be the cause for the next generation to dream even bigger than he did, and to allow the past legends to rest easy knowing they can walk away and the Land of the Elites will be in good hands. Nasir Moore was once a childish boy who aspired to become like his heroes who he saw on the television screen performing all sorts of crazy maneuvers onto each other and winning over literally millions of people with their unparalleled way with words. So he trained into the young man who stands before you today who may not be the most physically gifted, not the sharpest, and not even the most well off when it comes to who is more favored by those in charge...but what Nasir Moore has always possessed is the guts to never surrender no matter what walls are placed in front of him. Hell, at this point he considers breaking through barriers to be his job. And he’ll blitz through as many as possible until he too becomes a legend like those who made him dream of doing this. For his name to be etched in history alongside the all time greats is what he seeks more than anything else you could possibly imagine. And not a single thing will hold him back from realizing this lifelong dream of his, ya know?

You know I am quite impressed at the sheer audacity of some people. I really shouldn’t be surprised but like...it’s just so fuckin sad ya know? I dunno why Scott Oasis is allowed to even talk seeing as how all that comes out of his mouth is a bunch of horse shit. Do you even think before you speak guy? If so then you’d pretty much see what everyone else sees and hold back your statements before even daring to make them. But that’s not what you do is it? You go all in with the bs that spews from your trap. Now you sat there going on and on and on about how the bar got dropped so low by my rise in popularity and my ascension up the ladder of Elite Answers Wrestling. No! The bar got dropped so low when Brian Daniels decided he didn’t wanna carry the burden of being World champion of Dynasty any longer, so he felt pity on your loser ass and threw you the World Heavyweight Championship as a bone! Because let’s all be real here. In any real instance, Brian Daniels shits on you in all circumstances, even now as a retired General Manager. He HANDED you that world title run, just like how you got HANDED the keys to the city by Crash for being his muscle and figurehead. You didn’t WIN that! And you most certainly didn’t come even remotely close to EARNING it! HELL YOU DIDN’T EVEN HAVE ONE PROPER DEFENSE IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY! You couldn’t retain against Crash and Tig properly. Then there was shady shit in your defense against Senn. And of course we all know about the massacre that was the single most ONE SIDED Pain For Pride World Championship match in history! Oasis after the absolute creaming you got from Lucian Black there’s literally nothing you can tell me that will redeem your main event status in my eyes. MAINLY BECAUSE you’ve never truly redeemed yourself from that night. What’d you go on to do with yourself? Oh that’s right, lose to Dedede SO MANY TIMES that you LEFT! You disappeared. You vanished! YOU COULDN’T HANDLE THE CIRCUMSTANCES SO YOU WENT AWAY! Now as happy as I was to see filth like you gone, it really is telling of the type of man you are that you RAN AWAY from your issues like that. Oh if only you had STAYED GONE! I would have loved it SO MUCH! But of course you had to come back, and what a way you did huh? Being average at best as a Grand Rampage return only to get Powerbombed by yours truly and casually tossed out by the same guy. I must say I am damn proud that I did the world a service by not allowing you the chance of another PFP world title opportunity. But then ya moved on to enter Cash in the Vault where you had a middle of the road showing against men who should theoretically be far below you such as Keelan, Maero, and Lars. What happened to The Iceman?! The dominant World Heavyweight Champion who reigned supreme over the Dynasty roster with an IRON FIST?! Oh ye that’s right I forgot...there was no actual hype for you, it was all just hyperbole from Crash’s corrupted lips to make himself seem stronger at the same time. And we hit Season eleven and I see things just have not changed have they? You just found a new authority figure to cling on to is all, because as we’ve previously established it is the literal ONLY WAY for you to have any remote kind of success in your meaningless career now ain’t it? I must say it is a minimal improvement seeing as how you can actually win some matches of significance now, you clearly couldn’t do that after Crash left you to yourself now could you? Of course when faced with the really big stuff like a title match with Pizza Boy and the five on five with your BELOVED Sebastian Monroe’s GM status on the line...you just couldn’t bring enough to the table to pull things in your favor still. Now it is quite sad that you have to resort to name calling my fans as a jab at me, it just proves all you can say is the same recycled garbage that everyone else can. With such a hatred you possess for me Oasis, I was at least hoping for something better from you. But I guess I got my hopes up a tad bit too high when I was expecting YOU of all people to be the one to push me in this chamber now wasn’t I? Now I’ve already answered you for things like the CM Banks situation, my constant targeting of corrupt authority figures, my lack of singles championships, etc. But I just have one question for you as a retort Iceman. Did you not bring up every single one of these things at Territorial Invasion too and still get your ass whooped by me and my team? Did we not still take you and your partners out? Like what even happened to you? Oh ye you got practically two shotted, no difficulty by Tyler Parker. A man who hadn’t been in a ring for over half of a year? Now I already brought up how your Glass Wallz win over him is meaningless pretty much as well as your abysmal FPV record as of this year, so I don’t see the point in going into that once again. But Oasis you did bring up one thing that actually caught my eye. Why do I go out of my way to disrespect so many people and pick fights with so many people who have done more than me? Well that should be very fucking obvious to anyone with basic common sense. It’s pure psychology my guy. If I can beat so many World Championship level competitors efficiently, I am proving myself even without a World Title to my name that I am World Championship level as well. Now a blockhead like you wouldn’t get that and that’s fine. Sure I don’t have a World Championship to my name still. But that’s fine with me Scott. Because when I do claim mine, it won’t be spoon fed to me like a fucking baby, it will actually be EARNED by me and ME ALONE! That’s something you wouldn’t know about though, so it’s alright if your brain can’t process the concept, ya know?
Lars Grier
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post October 25th 2017, 2:12 am by Lars Grier

Hypocrisy, am I right?

It is such a fickle thing. It changes when it needs to, it is malleable when it is required to be, and whoever holds that power must use it carefully, lest he fails to use it correctly. It is something that I hate with complete disdain, a character trait that is unnecessary and makes you look like a complete idiot, and yet individuals still continue to be them. Hypocrites. Whether it be by ignorance or by intention, hypocrites scour the plains and the seas of the world, trying to find each and every nook and cranny, in every hidden drawer, just to have even one single shred of credibility. If they are unable to find that shred, they resort to flat out lying in others’ faces, claiming with arrogance that what they’re saying is the truth, and nothing but in truth, when in actuality it’s a complete fucking lie. These men and women exist on this Earth, and absolutely cannot stand the fact that the self-image they have painted for themselves is wrong. They can’t stand that there might be a blemish, a spot missing on their record, for it must be squeaky clean. Usually, I don’t mind these hypocrites. Most of them barely mean shit, and they will mean nothing for the rest of their false life, but it’s these rare cases….these once in a blue moon type occurrences that force me to address these issues. Cases where I sit on the question of: “How can someone like Keelan be loved by everyone?” How is it - that a man who, despite his fighting spirit and ability to wage a war in that ring, is adored by many even after the shit he says? He lies his way to even get one good attack on me, and yet even then it’s not like it pertains to the situation at hand. No, because you see - I ain’t the one twisting shit here. No, no. Not me. I’m not hiding what I’ve done, and I’m not changing the story. I simply take it as it is, and use that information in order to gain a mental edge against people like you. I hear you, yes. I hear the words you’re saying, I’m listening to it, but when I put them together and try to formulate the picture you’re trying to paint, it comes out a giant fucking mess. You first arrived as a man who was determined on fighting two men in this Chamber, singling the three of us out, Tell me something, Keelan - what really makes you better than me? What makes you superior, what makes you feel as if you’re so fucking great? You offer no basis, no supporting evidence to make me actually consider your claim of greatness to be the truth. Simply claiming “I’m the best,” isn’t going to mean shit, and you should know that. You didn’t elaborate or explain, so why don’t you give me a good reason to believe a single word that comes out of your mouth? If we talked about this in terms of technicality...then I’ve already got you beat. If we talked about this the way a statistician would, he’d look at the facts, and the fact is that sure; I may have no successes, I may have no championships or accolades under my belt, but how does that make you better than me? How? It’s not like you’re much different, and you’ve been here LONGER than me! If we looked at the situation at hand and simply spouted out facts from our mouths, we’d see that despite me having no successes, you have no successes either. I failed to get the New Breed title, the National Elite title, and the Cash in the Vault, yes. I missed all those opportunities, and so what? So what? Does it change what I’m going to do in that Chamber? Does it mean anything aside from revealing that I am human, just like the rest of you? I mean, you failed to get the Hardcore title at Grand Rampage, on Voltage when you fought Nathan Fiora, and at Pain for Pride X in the same ladder match that I was in, but do you hear me calling you a failure? Do you hear me saying that you are inferior to me, or saying that you are any less of a warrior compared to myself? No - I acknowledge my opponents. I see the prowess they hold when they step into the ring, I see what they are capable of doing and I never let, not even for one second, let them out of my sight. I don’t stop considering them as viable threats, I don’t underestimate them, because I know that at any moment, everything that I have built up to this point could be taken away in one fleeting moment of failure. You need to be prepared for everything in an encounter like this. I’m treating you as a threat. I’m treating you as someone who has been a chip on my shoulder since the beginning of this Season, so why do you not do the same? Is being here not enough for you? Is being in World title contention not enough? Or are you just so lost in your thoughts, that the message you attempt to convey to the rest of us is lost in translation. Your words are clear, yes - but it’s not like they’re coherent enough to mean anything. Shouting out “I’m better! I’ll do it next time! I wasn’t at my best!” isn’t going to help you. Poor excuses from a poor excuse of a man. But, I digress. We could go on all week arguing about who’s better about who twists whose words, but we both know it isn’t going anywhere. Seeing as you’re too stubborn to listen to reason, I can’t change the way you think of me with my words.

I’ll just let you see what I am willing to do to hold that belt.

Watch me, bitch.

Yes, I am willing to disregard my own well-being, my safety and condition, just to be able….to hold that beautiful piece of World Heavyweight gold. Call me crazy, foolish, idiotic. Label me however you want, I know what this type of match is. I’m aware of the shit that we need to do in order to make it to the end, to make it out on top after everything is toppled around you, and you are able to dig yourself up from the dirt, and stand tall over the rest of the broken, bloodied carcasses left around you. Indeed, I’m still recovering after that dangerous fall of the skybox, and I’m sure Jamie is too. Everything in my body aches, every time I try to walk it aches, every time I try and even stand on my two feet, I lose balance and fall back down. I can’t lie - it fucking hurts. But still, I charge forth. I walk forward, I fight and fight and fight, and I don’t stop. A moment was immortalized when me and O’Hara were sent flying off that skybox, and sent down to Earth like asteroids colliding with our planet. Did I regret my actions? No. I don’t regret making the biggest target in what will be a brutal and violent match feel….hurt. Damaged. Bleeding and broken. Feelings that he hasn’t felt in such a long time, it’s almost lost within him, but I gave him that necessary reminder. Everything hurts like shit, but I’m still pushing, and running towards this match with a full head of steam and one, clear goal in mind: Become the youngest World Heavyweight Champion in history and cement my legacy as The Raven. And as The Raven, you must find ways to push through troubles such as these; you must find ways to fight, even when you are bent down on your knees, your limbs are weary and weakened, and you barely have the ability to revolt….you don’t quit. Not willingly. Never. Until the day my body rests six feet under the ground, and I am laid to rest in a coffin, I will never - and I mean NEVER - stop fighting. Evolve and adapt to the situation at hand, that’s what I’m about. I can see what you’re attempting to do, Carlos: You’re trying to be smart. You’re thinking that by attacking my previously injured body after that gigantic drop, you’re intelligent in beating me while I’m down. Maybe, it worked in the past. Maybe it worked back when you resorted to being a little bitch, a vulture feasting on somebody else’s hard work, but I….I have an iron will. An indomitable heart, a fighting spirit like no other that pushes me to go to boundary-breaking lengths in order to attain and secure the goal that I have been desiring for so long. Don’t think it’s going to be that easy to keep me down, motherfucker. Actually - don’t even think of TRYING to put me down, because I’ve figured it out. I know the story behind this, I know what you’re trying to do, and it won’t work. You were once a man who was proficient at what he did for a living. He was successful, he won championships and accolades, and it fulfilled him. But, there was always one title that eluded him. One title that wasn’t like the others, one that this poor soul desired so much, and yet, he was never able to achieve it. Maybe it was his boisterous attitude. Maybe it was his arrogance, or maybe it was because he was losing his shine as time grows by, so now he tries to make ends meet and reclaim that lost glory by inserting himself into this match. Not by actually earning it, not by actually working to stand in the position he’s in, but by bitching, bitching, and bitching, over and over again to the higher up like a teacher’s pet. Disregarding everyone else as unworthy, claiming that we’re not fit and that we conspired against you, you are given a spot. Not because you earned it, but because you were a flea that needed to get the fuck off our backs. There will be repercussions for your words, oh yeah. Everyone in that match will hunt you down, make you out as prey, and each take that pound of flesh that you owe us. You won’t grind my bones to dust. You won’t turn my flesh to a pool of blood. You can’t even get shit done as a corporate businessmen, sitting behind the desk and filing out paperwork as the General Manager, so why should I expect you to be anything more at Road To Redemption?

The stain of blood on your fighting gloves; it’s not our blood.

It’s not even yours.

For you hold nothing in this business, aside from a throne of delusion and a crown of thorns on your head.

Be ready, everyone. Be ready for the fight of your lives. I know I will, for each and every single one of you motherfuckers. Be prepared, make sure you are fully ready before you step into that abomination of steel, chain, and glass. Flinch as the blood spills from our foreheads, and our bodies cut and lacerated from weapons used to destroy each other, just to walk out of it alive, breathing, and holding that singular piece of gold. The engine that fuels this match, the one that drives all of us to fight until the end. EVERYONE better be fucking ready, or else they’ll be a dead fish from the beginning. I will make all of you….ALL OF YOU eat your words, everyone who ever doubted me and said I couldn’t make it, I will make you feel like a complete fucking idiot. I will send The Killer toppling down from his pedestal of hypocrisy, break the arm of the Strongest Arm in EAW and remind him of his place, have the gratification of hunting the Mexican Warrior, tear down the grandeur inside the fantasies of the dreamer, and patronize the Saint of Valiance. This - this plays in my head. Every time I look back, when I seem to be in doubt, I remind myself of what is right, of what is just, and what the future is.

A future where I etch my name in the halls of history as a legend. A future where I prove everyone who ever thought I couldn’t achieve shit wrong.

The future of The Raven.

Brace yourselves.
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