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EAW Promoz! :: Comments

Re: EAW Promoz!
Post August 1st 2017, 12:24 am by showster26
Showdown Promo #1

(The scene opens outside UCLA medical center in Los Angeles, California. It's here at the base of the large, concrete stairs that lead into one of the campus’ three main buildings, that we find super agent Johnny J waiting next besides the black Lexus and its driver. A long, silent moment passes before Johnny hurriedly walks around the car and toward his client, EAW’s Social Media Champion, “Picture Perfect” Mark Michales, as he gingerly makes his way down the stairs.)

Johnny: “What did he say Mark?  You won't miss much time will you? Because that bonus you get for not missing shows is worth a pretty penny.”

Michaels: “He said Theres no permanent damage, thank god. Plastic is not perfect. And I won't have to miss any time away from the ring.”

(Johnny’s far beams with a huge smiles as he fist pumps in celebration of the news. Michaels just looks on, annoyed that his agent only cares about the piles of cash he can be milked for.)

Johnny: “Ah ummm… I'm glad to hear your not seriously hurt Mark. Now you can rest up and look forward to Saturday night. It's a big opportunity for you, and a win puts you right back in the title picture.”

Michaels: “Yeah, yeah, I know, I’ll beat the holy hell out of those low life degenerates, the High Roller-zzzzzzz.  Yeah I'll kick both their asses, and set myself up in great position to become the EAW Tag Team champion. But there's only one hiccup in this whole scenario. It's the fact that once again I'm saddled with that son of a bitch Kaise Boetius. You know the guy I pinned two weeks ago, the one who in a fit of jealousy superplexed me thru a flaming table at Dia Del Diablo. You know the match makers have a really befuddling sense of who to put together. I mean me and Kaise did pick up a win on the season premiere of Showdown. But in the month that’s followed we've thrown everything including the kitchen sink at each other.  I mean what goes on in the minds of the guys who book this stuff, are they like ‘oh these guys have tried to set each other on fire TWICE!  They’ll get along swimmingly I bet!’

Well you know something John, even though I'm stuck with that rat bastard, and I got an ass kicking waiting for him as payback for leaving burn marks on my Perfect body, I'll put all that aside for right now and take care of business. See I could be as petty as the four guys who tried to steal my spotlight last Saturday. I could be as big a prick as Kaise, or Nova, or POP. But instead I’m gonna focus on the big picture. Bigger and better thing await me here on Showdown, and come hell or high water I will reach the promise land this season. Even if it means I gotta drag a deadweight sack of crap like Kaise, kicking and screaming the whole way.  I am destined for greatness, I am bound for glory, and it doesn't matter to me if I'm basically surrounded by haters in this match, I'm reaching out and snatching that brass ring and wearing it on my finger, I'm licking  that silver spoon clean, hell I’m grabbing that golden ticket to go dance with the fucking ompa loompas!  

This is an opportunity for me to break out in a whole new way, to even greater heights, and the eventually to the tippy top of the EAW mountain.  

And right now I can't think of a better way to do it, than to run over the so called most dominant tag team in recent history, like a goddamn steam roller. Yeah that's right, the guys who put the final nail in the coffin of Roviper, only to get their asses handed to them by a couple of women. I mean you boys should be counting your lucky stars that you still have those belts. And EAW management should be counting their’s that you lose them betting the ponies. The two hell raising highrollerz, who from what I recall ran for the hills the last time they ran across Mark Michaels’ path. Yeah, how they disappeared right after the glass Gauntlet match because they caught a case of the limber tails. Guess you two need a refresher in that old saying about those who don't learn from history being doomed to repeat it. 

David, I heard you were a social media fan, so of course you'll  know I am the undisputed king of all social media, and you'll know the reason why. Maybe you can tell your friend over there It's because I possess a level of talent that no one in this company, nay, no one on the face of god’s green earth could ever hope to compare to. There is not a man alive who has perfectly balanced speed, strength, and technique. There is not a soul on this planet who can adapt and change to whatever is thrown at him like I can. You boys want to take it to the mat, I'll see you there and out wrestle you hold for hold.  You want to slug it out toe to toe, then come at me and I'll knock both your asses out cold. Or hell if you want we can throw out the rule book, and settle this in the parking lot instead of the ring. No matter what you do, no matter how you approach this match, no matter what ‘ace’ you have up your sleeve, just know that it won't do all of jack shit for you. You're not waking into the ring with just any chump off the streets. You're not dealing with the middle of the pack peons you’ve been dealing with night in and night out. You are looking at the top shelf, A-list, top of the heap who chews up and spits out good for nothing bastards like you for breakfast. You Highrollerz are about to find out that that even when the deck is stacked against me, and the house has the odds in its favor, nothing will ever stop me from having my hand raised. You're about to find out that when you bet against Mark Michaels, you're gonna crap out every single time. 

Sp get ready boys, you boys are are about to bust harder than you do at the blackjack tables.  You two are gonna get the ass kicking of a lifetime, courtesy of the Twitter Trendsetter, the Instagram Icon, the Hashtag Hero who you should be betting the farm on. The man whose skills in that ring, and charisma outside it, have earned him an army of Friends, followers, and subscribers from every place round the globe. The man who is without a doubt, the single greatest professional athlete alive today, and the brightest burning star this company will ever see. This Saturday night you learn that when you tangle with Perfection incarnate, you end up staring up at the lights in a daze. The Highrollerz are about to go broke, courtesy of Picture Perfect Mark Michaels, so those two better start picturing THAT!”

(Michaels eases himself into the backseat of the car, his agent closing the door before joining him on the other side.)

Re: EAW Promoz!
Post July 31st 2017, 10:19 pm by Rex32
It could be said that the pure and utter misery that all those mislead to believe that the New Era of Showdown was just some false advertisement to promote changes in general, were undone by their own utmost pride and bruised egos. Through the downright incompetence of the veteran masses that comprise of the Showdown locker room over the last couple of seasons to include those shapeshifting lizards running the show, the rise of this elitist has been made possible. How unfortunate. People would just love to discredit this elitist and find fault in his methods to find victory, but let's be honest. Pain For Pride? It's in my rear view mirror, almost completely out of sight out of mind. Each result I've accumulated, they've put the Showdown roster on notice and left a clear message for greedy little husslers of others success, that no stone goes unturned in this generation of the so called entitled. I guess that's supposed to mean that I shouldn't even be here right now, but I guess another trend was bucked again. 

Then again, nothing is ever as it seems.

Through all the psychoanalysis this past week, the only fee happened to be the bitter taste of defeat my opponents at Dia Del Diablo had to eat. Despite my honest to God warnings about silencing themselves when trying to decipher what they didn't quite understand in the first place, they went ahead and created their own ordeals anyways. They have nobody to blame but themselves. They had to find out the hard way that everything that glittered isn't gold. Their folly became my fortune. Perhaps apologies are in order, and rightfully so. I mean, after all what else can I say for myself after taking something that didn’t belong to me? Taking from those that were so much more deserving, in their own minds that is, ended up being worth the price of admission. Though I would say that those who act out selfishly and don't know their place, they should be dealt with appropriately. Wouldn’t you say so, Tiberius? I mean isn’t it true that poor little Theron Nikolas got just a little too big for his britches? I mean, you gave him everything, he reciprocated in the beginning until he had everything he wanted, and then selfishly once he had a little power he wanted to take something of great value away from you. So you did everything necessary to show him the error of his ways, just as I did at Dia Del Diablo myself. Such a shame how very greedy people tend to be, but it's a dog eat dog world as I told both Devan and HBG. I warned them for a whole week that their greed would lead to their undoing. As you know, Tiberius, things don’t stay the same forever. Nothing ever stays the same, it all gets crushed. It all gets broken. It all passes with time. The magic fades too fast. The bad news is when it comes to you, is that nothing lasts forever. The good news for me, is simply a reaffirmation of the bad news, and that’s also that nothing lasts forever. My journey through the land of elite, Tiberius, has been an arduous one, and I guess during all the positive traction as well as negative upheaval, I've managed to turn a few heads here and there. The point is though, during all that time, I started to realize that I work hard, yes, and that's obviously important in achieving great things. However, through down right ignorance, impudent individuals such as Devan and HBG, my rise continues. It's funny how far a little rudeness and disrespect can elevate a meaningless interaction to a battle of wills and add drama to an otherwise dull day. This path I've been taking in this journey has me stopping at a destination I've been to before with you, Tiberius. I see you in all your glory, and I'm honestly impressed. It doesn't matter how you did it, because in the end all anyone remembers is what you became for the things that you did, and why you stand prominently in this company. Honestly, Tiberius, nothing you really do or achieve in the Grand scheme of things is of serious interest to me. The experience is what I'm out for. Besides, you exist on a higher plain than me or anyone else I've conquered, so certainly you shouldn't have anything to worry about, right? However, as we learned at Diablo, the past hardly dictates anything. You see, like the greedy, obsessive lot that were placed before me at Dia Del Diablo, you are merely a proving ground for me, another temporary destination on the familiar roads that lead me to the summit.

But you're simply more, correct?

You have not a thing to worry about.

Don't mind me.

I'm just the lowly pawn chipping away on the outside of these walls.

So much power you hold, and surprisingly you looked so ordinary and beatable against a former alli, a protector to your throne, a greenhorn rookie. All the while this elitist managed a clean sweep against two certified Hall of Famers, proving on the same night that all the power you hold means nothing. Yet all I want is for you to get out of my way. I want you to fall. I want to silence you, and I want to be on my way to the next destination on this path. You have nothing I want, and nothing I couldn't take from you when you least expect it anyhow. It could be this Saturday, it could be later, but honestly what's the fun in waiting when I've waited long enough? The New Era of Showdown is taking shape, and you should feel relieved... relieved that you can be apart of it, just as it was a privilege for both Devan and HBG to partake in my rise to get to you. In the end, when the pawn has trumped the King, the face of greed gets replaced by the one of the future.

Making all that power disappear for good.
Ryan Savage
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post July 31st 2017, 9:44 pm by Ryan Savage


Target Smiles, I thought I was going to have to kill my kindness and cover my eyes when I have to do what needs to be done and shoot you between your eyes and put you down for good. But now things have changed dramatically and it seems that you have this unhealthy obsession in pulling the tiger's tail and you're really asking to meet your maker sooner rather than later. Any chance of me sparing you has died now since you want to bring up my daughter again and continue to disrespect me. It's funny how you claim to be this fun and innocent child and like a child, you didn't try to target me. Instinctively you went ahead and try to aim your valor against my only pride left in this world. I want you to remember when I run right through your body with my newly named finisher, The Widow's Wale Spear, remember what brought that upon you. I want you to remember the phrase when you admitted that you wanted to break the dreams of my daughter seeing me as a champion. As a man of the people whose mission is to bring smiles on to people's faces that you sunk so low to attack a child in order to get to me mentally just so you can have an advantage over me. How cute but unfortnately for you, it isn't going to work because all you've done is dig yourself into a deeper hole than you were in before and when you look at the walls you will come to realize that there's no turning back and there will be no way out for you. It's time for you to take responsibility for what you've said because rest assured that they will come back and bite you in the worse imaginable way. What are you trying to prove here Target Smiles? Like where do you think these cheap shots at me and family will lead you? Do you think it'll give you an edge over me or are you trying to prove that you're not a child and you can step up in a verbal war with the adults? Whatever the case may be the young man I hope you can cash the checks that your mouth as written for you because if you don't then you'll just end up feeling the same as the same pathetic loser when you lost at Pain For Pride when you let an opportunity slip through your fingers. Young man, you'll be learning a lot of lessons during this match and one of the biggest lessons you'll learn is to not piss off Ryan Savage because when that happens bad things are sure to follow and it's safe to say that you'll look at me in a different light when I beat your sorry ass to the ground and force the respect into you!

But let me pause for a second and let me go back to something that you said about how badly I need the Hardcore Championship to have a sense of validation for my career when all of it is said and done. Young man, do you know who you're talking to and the things that I have accomplished while I was in this sport? I'm a former Young Lions Cup Winner, Former New Breed Champion, The only man who held those two titles simultaneously, I'm the former and first ever Pure Champion and I am a former Tag Team Champion. Do you honestly think that I need a title to validate my career? The answer is no, I don't need a championship to validate my career because a material thing doesn't hold validation of any kind. The only validation that I will appease my soul is when I get my hands on Zack Crash and the Hardcore Championship is just a means to his end when I pry it from his dead hands when I get my hands on him soon enough. If you want to talk about validation other than beating Zack Crash I want to prove that I can still hang with the new blood that has made themselves known within this company during my time of struggle, I want validation in the form of me defeating the people I've walked into this company with that are now Hall Of Famers, Former World Champions and revered figures within this company. I want validation to show them that I'm not dead yet and if they step inside the ring with me, I would whoop their ass in a heart beat and show them that they wouldn't have gotten their success if I were still around preventing it from happening. So now as things unfold young man it seems the sins of those of my past has bled through the current generation of talent in this new era of EAW. To some of you I may be an old relic but to me, I'm just a vengeful ghost who hasn't found his resting place yet and is looking to make everyone pay. In the grand scheme of things, I will change the minds of the EAW Universe and my loved ones at home and show them that I can be a man and provide for my daughter. But sometimes to get to that destination I need to go through hell to make it happen and I'm looking to drag most of you down there with me and it's sad that you have to be a casualty of my warpath. But nothing in life comes easy and young man unfortunately for you, your health may be in jeapordy and your smiles will soon turn into frowns because whatever dream scenario you've thought up for yourself in winning this match in glorious and spectacular fashion it's better for you to keep that as a dream because you're now living in my era where vindication, revenge, retribution are the things that are driving me to victory. It will be those things that will help me persevere whatever adversity that I'm going to face. It will get me through whatever opponent that may be better than me or what have you. But at the end of the day, those things are what's going to keep my heart beating and I swear to you until dying breath that this match I will be victorious. I may have chose to swell and brood into the darkness and chosen sex, violence and drugs over acknolweding my own daughter's existence for three whole years. But I'm still man enough to get out of that darkness and become the man that I'm destined become and the champion that I will become whether it be out of vengeance or out of pure obligation, no matter what the motive the destination will always remain the same.

As for Lethal Consequences who have spoken my name into existence, I will give him the time of day that he's yearning for. LC, how dare you ask me who I am. But my question to you is who the fuck do you think you are because to me you're nobody worth wasting my time on. So if you don't mind, please go ahead and fall victim to Zack Crash along with Scott Diamond because you two aren't worthy of being the ones to dethrone him. That right belongs to me and I be damned if either of you or any of these men I'm in a match with will steal that opportunity from me. You've been warned LC, go back to your little shtick as the troll on the internet forums to get your buzz. Go back to what you do best and fill the minds of little children and teenagers with somewhat clever one lines, memes, jokes or whatever you do to stimulate your mind and stay away from me, stay away from my championship, stay away from my prey and just get out of Dynasty while you're still able to. You have been warned you piece of trash because if we EVER cross paths I will show you who you're superior truly is!*
Lethal Consequences
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post July 31st 2017, 8:29 pm by Lethal Consequences
Wait, hold the fuck up... before I begin... 

The following is said by Lethal Consequences only as a middle finger. A man of Lethal Consequences' stature and place in EAW right now shouldn't even be opening his mouth and modulation his vocal chords for something and someone who shouldn't be a thought, a whisper in the mind of Lethal Consequences...

Ryan Savage... Who the hell do you think you are? What power do you hold, Mr. Ryan Savage, if that's your real name? You're just out here making proclamations? Zack Crash got it in the bag! Lethal Consequences and Scott Diamond are nothing compared to the roach?! Zack Crash just a go-to in the sportsbooks for the locked W, Ryan Savage? Who are you to, RYAN SAVAGE? You're nobody, Ryan Savage! You're no Alexander! I'm Alexander! You a bum!

Back to your regular scheduled bomb of a promo...

Ahem... I'll be the first to step to the podium. I've been known to do that lately. Y'know I'm really a man for the product of EAW right now, if I say so myself. I'm the name that puts the butts in seats, jack! You know why there's a hardcore invitational, right now? In ELITE Answers Wrestling? Because of ME. Lethal Consequences! Here to evolve through the past! This "modern" EAW isn't for men like Zacharia Collision! It's for extremists like I... and everybody that is on this goddamn brand of Dynasty will say they're all for the extreme. And how they're really with the shits, they're sadistic and need blood! No. No, no. The land you're all in right now, this land, this land is not bred for talents of myself. No... Such as so:

Why am I facing now two men for my title? 

My Hardcore Championship. The only reason you got that around your waist, Zacharia, is because of me! Without Lethal Consequences holding the prestigious, illustrious, elusive, Unified Hardcore Championship there would be no "Hardcore Championship" in Elite Answers Wrestling!

...excuse me while I gag...

Two men! A man who IS NOT HOLDING THE TITLE I'M WINNING, is participating, INTRUDING, on my championship-winning match. I don't blame you Scott. Not at all, you got lucky. I'm ecstatic for you really... I love when the incompetency of suits reward the less fortunate. It's great. But it came at a cost from my wallet. And that, that I do not condone. It's not your fault you have to beat alongside Crash. That's rude, really. I never want to share my beat. Except for the times where I've won my accolades against multiple people. Besides that... an other time I'M NOT FOR IT, Scott. Hear me, Zack?! Who's name starts with a Z, ZACK?! You BUM!


Sigh... I'm just out here lonely, is all. That's why I'm rambling here, folks. I can thrive without food, but I'm a goddamn superhero when I get meat to pick off the bone. 

You suck, you're not of my caliber and you're trash. You don't deserve to be in this match. You were beat on Dynasty. You were dead. It was an amazing moment, amazing highlight. You were lucky to be a part of it. I and you were screwed out of a fair, justice-filled fight. I'm sure you're all for justice. You know it, I know it, it should be Lethal Consequences versus the man with the weird gimmick. But STARR STAN HAS A VENDETTA BECAUSE HE'S JEALOUS OF ME. ALWAYS HAS BEEN. But you're here Scott. You could sneak away with a win. You could. It'd be great, it'd be statistically in your favor. I guess. Two ways to win, I don't know. But you won't. I'll win. You'll be lost in the shittiness of not being number 1 contender. I don't know what you will do. But you'll forever be that stepping stone for Lethal Consequences in 2017 into his ascent to the pure energy of EAW. And when I have all three world titles unified, along with this title we're fighting for, of course because I will have never have lost it... you will get the first spot in line for the Consequechampionship. 

You're trash. Zack Trash. You have a weird talking style and no one likes it. I'm pretty sure I know things about you, and that I should be I don't. You're basically a Ryan Savage to me at this point. You're not going to be champion after Dynasty. I won't spoil if it's me or Scott, because you don't deserve to know. Me and Scott already clearly know it's me. But you don't. You won't know. Until I win. Shit. I spoiled it. Fuck you Zack Crash. You suck.

I'm going to win.
Tomi Venus
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post July 31st 2017, 8:26 pm by Tomi Venus
Dynasty vol. 2

Oh! Oh my God, I was mistaken. Ryan Savage, I was saying that I was going to crush your daughter’s dream of seeing her father become a champion. But the truth of the situation is that you are the one who wants to see Ryan Savage become a champion more than anyone. You come forward and tell us all how your daughter means the world to you and how important it is for you to make her proud and how much she has changed you into a better person. However one day she’s going to grow up and walk away from you and live her own life and in that moment you will look in the mirror and need something more to make you feel whole. That is why that Hardcore Championship means so much to you. You need to win this match not for the sake of your daughter. No, it’s all for you. You need to be a champion so on that day when your body has broken down and you’re all alone watching your body decay to the passage of time you’ll be able to look back and say you were a champion. But the saddest part of that image is if that all comes down to winning this match on Dynasty, I’m sorry to say you will have nothing. You will have nothing but a daughter who at one time looked up to her dad until she started growing up to see him for what he really is. You’ll have that and a world of fans who turned their back on you because they knew what you were here for. Be honest with me Ryan, were you ever here for them? Were you ever here for anyone but yourself? Did it take nine months and a broken condom for you to wake up and realize that you’re not the only person who matters? You look at me and see a child because I have been strong enough throughout my life to see the shittiness and darkness of the world that you have chosen to brood in while I have come out on top and preserved my optimism and innocence. Why is that? Because I am the stronger man of us two. I am the more compassionate, I am able to look the horrors of the world in the face and not only refuse to move an inch but also stand for something I believe in and that is the ocean of Smiling Faces, who I will fill that arena with and make the price of their ticket worthwhile and still earn a match against Zack Crash because my name is Target Smiles and that is my job.

It should be your job too but instead your only concern is getting pay back on a man who has already suffered a fall from grace. Picking up the pieces of a broken man to satisfy your own personal vendetta. Your attention is occupied by the thought of breaking me down for having the audacity to mention your daughter, you want to hurt me just as many men have promised to do and failed. You are only setting yourself up for more shame by my hands all because you weren’t strong enough to handle the truth. You mistaken my confidence for arrogance and inexperience but my record speaks for itself. Target Smiles when his focus is sharp is not a force you want to be up against.

As for Darkane, a man who has beaten me in the past and for that I’m forced to hold some level of respect for. Make no mistake Darkane, I’m making no excuses as to why you beat me, you outdid me fair and square. However, it would not be honorable for a competitor like myself to be deceptive and let you believe that you know what it’s like to step in the ring with Target Smiles. To have my moment at my first Pain For Pride stolen from me was devastating, but now I’m moving past that result and back on my climb to the top of this company. Of course I had to address how the opportunity I earned this show was squandered on a member of EAW’s resident cult. A cult which had the same opportunity in the same match as me and lost that opportunity by my hands. So you bet your ass I’m going to acknowledge Sebastian Monroe’s mistake in wasting the opportunity I earned Dynasty. Which also means I did more than you at Pain For Pride only for it to be wasted by some egghead in a suit who doesn’t know how to manage his talent. A man too blind to realize that with all these new people coming in since the draft from Showdown and Voltage that he already had the ace in the hole he needed with Target Smiles and if he put me in the ring one on one with Ryan Marx I would beat him just like the last time the two of us went one on one. But now in the hopes of salvaging what he lost here I am in the ring with you, Ryan Savage, Khamsin, and some shadowy figure who speaks of looming darkness.

Funny how this guy appears in one of my matches not long after some shadowy figure has been cutting in and out of my interviews and mic time since before Pain For Pride. First some guy saying that EAW fears something from their past is using my screen time as a platform for whatever message he’s trying to get across and now this Emily Sanchez character pops up calling me pathetic and lighthearted unable to face fear. If I’m so unable to face or cope with fear then how did I ever manage to beat Diamond Cage? A former world champion and Hall of Famer who I stood in the ring with and looked into his eyes and felt chills up my spine. And I was not afraid to admit that was the case. I did not run from the fact that I was afraid I owned up to it and I did not let it stop me from defeating him. Whoever this character is promising to bring darkness to EAW is just another competitor for me to beat. I don’t know who they are or what they are capable of but I am the finest competitor EAW has to offer and the Smiling Faces and myself are ready for whatever challenge might be on the horizon for me to face.
Ryan Marx
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post July 31st 2017, 7:01 pm by Ryan Marx
5 - EAW Promoz! - Page 21 HPv24TPh

Showdown Promo 1 – Legacy

“The curse continues.”

The scene fades in, revealing the EAW Openweight Championship, Soledad's hand resting upon its scarred gold. She looks from the title to the window in front of her, where she finds Ryan stood outside, conversing with a follower of his. How amazing it was that he could stare the threat of a branding iron in the face just a night or so ago, and then speak with the utmost calm the next day.

“He has proven that this curse, the weight of the belt bestowed upon Him, does not affect Him. Maero spoke of poison, of curing it instead of complaining. Well, He is not complaining. No, the Zeitgeist has acknowledged the poison that runs through His veins, and He knows that it makes Him stronger. As they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and this is the case here with this title. He will not just live – He will thrive. Just as He has done countless times in the face of peril and despair, He will continue on to success. There will be a time when He will cure Himself of this curse, and He will lay this title down to rest. But until then...”

She pauses, gaze going from Ryan back down to the belt, the very thing she knew would either fuel or destroy him.

“He will carry this burden, because no one else can.”

The scene fades to black, and then we fade into a new scene. Ryan Marx sits at his desk, Five Pillars branding iron in one hand and the Openweight Championship resting on the desk in front of him. He smiles as he regards the brand, the dark crimson of dried blood clinging to the metal.

I did as I promised: I scarred the man who wishes to bite. I proved that in the face of adversity, my philosophy and I hold strong. And now, as a prize for choosing to play with fire in the dark, Maero will be branded for life by that which he denounced.

A laugh escapes him as he taps the branding iron against his title.

Now the Sanatorium wishes to make a statement following Maero's defeat? I swear, if I have to fight another member of that struggling cult, I may as well add another moniker to the list: the 'Sanatorium Killer'. What more do they have to throw my way? And what result do they expect from doing the same thing over and over again? It would be laughable at this point for them to target me any more. Perhaps they will shove Apocalypse my way, or maybe Eclipse himself will jump from the high position he once held to fight for the belt I have warned others about. I tremble at the thought.

Ryan smirks, letting the branding iron drop from his grasp. It hits the belt beneath it with a metallic clang, though he pays it no mind.

Though something good has come from my victory over Maero. I have taken my place higher up the card. I suppose now that people have seen that Theron was a flash in the pan, and people like Lucas Johnson aren't worth paying attention to, they have decided to give me my rightful place on this show again. Though it is perhaps just a little too late. I am no fool – I have been made aware of this curse that has befallen me. This title that locks me in place, no matter how much I wish to fight it. It has placed me into a cycle: a challenger presents themselves, they will try to affect me as Maero did, and in the end they will fail. Who will face me from Voltage? Who cares? Certainly not I, for all these challengers are the same.

No, this week I must look to my match against Johnny Nova, a man who reminds me of a fallen opponent from the past. Ross Vegas, I believe his name was. Another colourful character whose flame was snuffed out by me. Another man who, despite all his efforts, could not break through the surface, and instead drowned beneath the vastness of this company. I can see you, Johnny, following the same pattern. See, despite all your efforts at Dia Del Diablo, you fell short – to Prince of Phenomenal. That thought alone is harrowing. Though what should be more harrowing for you, Johnny, is that I have already beaten the Jester. I've already silenced Lucas Johnson's cries of being 'the best'. And you, you couldn't outlast the former.

So how do you intend on dealing with me? I have just come off of a branding match, I have just literally scarred a man who presented himself as a psychopath. So what are you going to do? You could try poking holes in my philosophy as Maero and many others have done, and I assure you that will fail. You could try to outsmart me, and I will remind you I have beaten and battered some of the more intelligent Elitists here. Or maybe you will do as many of your kind has done and decide to fight purely based on fighting spirit. To give it your all and never give in. Trust me, that does not work either. Fighting spirit only lasts for as long as you can muster, and let me tell you, it becomes very difficult to uphold any kind of 'spirit' when you are being repeatedly beaten into the ground under the boot of someone or something more powerful than you.

My advice would be to focus on your NEO career – it is much more in your realm as of right now. You have the chance to become the New Breed Champion, and though that title has seen better days since I lost it, it is something to brag about in this sea of faces, of people whom you must stand out from. What isn't standing out is doing something that a lost Elitist of the past has already done. Something that has already been beaten into the ground more than your spirit will be if you rely on it too heavily this coming Saturday.

You see, I am evolution. I have adapted over the time I've been in EAW in order to ensure that no matter what, I can succeed. That regardless of if I have fought someone before, they will still not be guaranteed a win because I will have changed. Ask Target Smiles, ask Prince of Phenomenal, ask Maero. I am the future, I am time itself – I move forward, and never dwell on what no longer functions. But you, Johnny, you have decided to mirror something that can be scouted. You have built your image in the shadow of a failure from EAW's past, and of an aura that can be predicted due to how wide-reaching it is. You are the past, and as I have done many times, I will spearhead the future.

Ryan picks up the branding iron once more, regarding it with a smile before looking back to the camera.

I will leave you in the dust, where you and your predictable, rehashed ilk will be laid to rest. And then I will continue to build my own legacy – not rely on someone else's.

Ryan brings the branding iron down to the lens, and we see the Five Pillars symbol upon the end of it. Cut to black.
Ryan Savage
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post July 31st 2017, 6:54 pm by Ryan Savage

Unbridled Rage and Fury

There are things in life that I fear but death and defeat aren't one of them, no,  the one thing that I fear the most as I began my path of Vengeance is time itself. I'm afraid that as time marches forward, I feel that time itself will quiet the rage that lies within my heart and my thirst for vengeance and retribution will subsequently die. This is why I told my daughter and her mother to stay away from the television and not follow EAW for a while because I wouldn't want her to see her father to be an ugly man that showcases the ugliness that resides in humans. But, one can argue that she's already been exposed to the ugliness since she's already been made aware of the heavy drug use that I was under for quite some time but then again this isn't the time nor the place to discuss that. The thing that I want to make abundantly clear to every person that has had the audacity to speak of my child's name and trying to derail me of any confidence I have coming into this match will be paying a steep price. A price that you will be paying in blood soon enough and the Gods themselves won't be able to intervene and save you from my rage. It's quite amusing that ever since I stepped foot back into this company, every person I went up against as mentioned my daughter in some capacity and trying to play Maury, Dr. Phil, Jerry Springer or even Steve Wilkos and try to get me to worry about my own child and get inside of my head that I'm going to let her down in some way or form in hopes that you all can get a leg up on me. Here's my advice to all of you that are participating in this match and for those who may be listening because those cheap tactics in using my family members as a means to slow me down aren't going to work. You can say practically anything you want about my daughter and my own character that hasn't been said to me before because I've heard it mostly from my doctors and my child's mother and when I hear it from you all it feels like I'm in the middle of a nagging session that I don't really want to partake at least not from my competitors anyway. So please, just stop it with the canned lectures and focus on the task at hand in finding a way to overcome my fury when the bell rings to signal the end of your chances to advance to face Zack Crash.

 I have mentioned multiple times what has been keeping my heart beating and aside from my daughter that's keeping me going my lust for revenge is what has taken top priority over anything that I have going for me right now. This trumps any fear that you all are trying to make me feel or the threat of looking too far past all of you because truth be told I don't sweat any of you. I know for a fact that I can beat you all in short order and move on to the man that has my undivided attention. You all can try your hardest to test fate and try to get in my way but you're barking up the wrong tree. There's literally nothing stopping me from getting what I want and I'm willing to do whatever is possible to preserve my hatred for Zack Crash alive and I be damned if I'll let any of you still that from happening. I'm so close to realizing my goal that I just need to win one more match, just one more and I can finally get my hands on Zack Crash. Mr. Monroe has made things worse for all of you unfortunately by adding in another person in this match that this little bitch who knows absolutely nothing about the evils of the world and that inhabits it to try and get her little friend a free pass to a championship. That has been weighing on my mind heavily ever since the announcement was made that another person will be apart of this match. With that decision being made Sebastian Monroe has forsaken every last person that has to deal with me because I will be damned if I let an interloper ruin my chance at revenge! Every last one of you will be walking into the depths of hell like lambs to the slaughter house and you'll see come Dynasty what I meant by that. Khasim, Darkane, Target Smiles and the unknown bastard that dares to steal my opportunity from me, you all will know what it'll truly feel like to be in hell because I will bring it and the storm with me into this fatal 5 way match and you'll truly be able to comprehend what evils lurk inside a man's heart. You will bear witness to your morality and any chance or confidence that you may think you have walked into this match. You'll see it all disappear right in front of you and whatever aspiration of becoming the next champion of the Hardcore Division will no longer be in sight. You boys are entering into the deep waters and there's a chance that all of you will drown before you could ever hope to reach me. Even if you're able to survive the deep waters and make it to the shore you'll find yourself standing right in front of your superior, your predator the man that will break every last one of you and that man is me!

That reminds me Darkane, I haven't given you the undivided attention that you want from me so badly and forgive me but I'm not trying to ignore you. At least not on purpose anyways but do you honestly think I care about the beating you gave me months ago? I can bring up the excuses that I was on drugs back then when you have beaten me to a pulp but then again I deserve it to some degree. Actually, I should be thanking you because if you didn't beat me the way you did then I probably wouldn't be standing here right now. So I'll tip my hat off to you my good sir but there's something that you need to think about before you decide to open your mouth again. I may be looking past you and every last one of you right now but when that bell rings I will be looking right at you. You will be getting all the attention that you crave for me and I'll give you the opportunity to beat me like you did the last time and see how you fair in this go round. I promise you that you won't be as dominant as you were last time and in all honesty, I can bet my life that I'll be getting a tad bit of revenge on you when I'm the one beating you into oblivion. But, I can imagine your frustration in feeling ignored Darkane and it really does speak volumes about who you are as a person who constantly smokes a lot, drinks a lot and buy random prostitutes off the streets. I know that I'm not the one to judge any man by any means since I'm not perfect my damn self. But when I see you act the way you do it gives me a good idea to what you were like when you were a child or back in your younger days. I can see it now actually, I can see you being that kid that nobody ever noticed at all. I can sense that people have always overlooked you and just didn't seem worth the bother to interact with. It's like the saying where if a tree falls in the middle of nowhere, will you really hear its sound? Or something like that but it can be said for you if people ignore you in every way, shape or form would you really call yourself living or just passing through life? I can see the thought of people not interacting with you and consider your life as something and significant as a cow, an ant, or a pig. As humans we don't consider the lives of those animals because we see them as lesser beings, we don't spare pigs or cows because they provide sustenance that we are willing to wipe them out and as long as they fulfill one of our basic needs then we blindly kills those things off not worrying about how many are left. Better yet you could compare your life up until now compared to an ant as well because I could imagine that the world has stomped on you and sucked you dry of any hope that you had of a peaceful living. I can see that you didn't want to live a life of a drunk like I didn't want to live a life as a habitual failure and a drug addict. But the only way for people to take notice of you and prove to them that you exist is to live a toxic and self-destructive life when you turn to alcoholism and smoking. You buy these prostitutes to make yourself feel needed and maybe make up the love that you didn't get from your own mother or any affection from any woman for that fact. So when you found your way to some money you buy those things so they can fill up the voids that are in your life and try to find a way to bringing any meaning to it. Which unfortunately when you sleep at night and when you still have to repeat the same process it proves that there's something that's still missing within in you that you can't buy. It's sad because I feel like I'm talking about Emily Sanchez and her predicament since she's on the same exact path living a life of loneliness and self destruction. You can argue that if she continues this path she'll end up like you and I, men that have been chewed up in this world just to be spat out like garbage. But there's a difference, while you two are letting this world continue to use and rape you and you succumb to the vices. I'm finding retribution and freeing myself from the evils of this world and even though in this moment I have devoted myself to revenge. I'm also planning to kill a demon that has played apart in ruining my career and that demon's name is Zack Crash!

So like I told Emily, if I were you Darkane in your case, I would finally man up and free yourself from this darkness instead of being used by it and abused by it because I can tell that's been happening your entire life. So as I look at you, I can't take you seriously as much as I want to but I just pity you way too damn much to even strike you down. Like Target Smiles, he's a happy go lucky man and he's a person that I would love to be and I said to him if this was a different time of my life I don't want to put a bullet through his head and kill whatever joy he may have in becoming a champion. Just like you, I don't want to rob you of feeling important, a feeling that has been taken from you since birth and for Emily and whatever role she plays in this for her friend. I don't want to rob her of any prize she may get by getting this guy an opportunity to become a champion. For all, I know she may be able to go back home and be with her loved ones. But unfortunately, I don't give a damn about any of that stuff because those things are at the back of my mind. There is one thing that I'm focused on and one thing only and that's Zack Crash. My goal is to win this match, my only worry is to keep people like all of you from getting in my way. I'm facing different people that all have high stakes in this match but I won't let my feelings get in the way of me getting revenge. So I'm sorry but come this Friday you all won't be getting your happy endings because I'm going to ensure that my happy ending comes true and if I have to do more repenting for the sins I'm about to commit then so be it because this match is too important for me not to see myself win.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post July 31st 2017, 3:15 pm by Darkane
Dynasty I

When something or someone you care about is threatened, usually your senses spike sky high and your immediate reaction is to come to the aid of that something or someone that you hold near and dear, you feel like you have an obligation to abide by and if you fail, then something dire could unfold right before your eyes. Darkane had to defend the liberty of the Hardcore Championship from a snake that would try to strip it of everything that it stands for and rectify it into something it just can't be. It's similar to the way that countless opponents have tried to change who Darkane is, by attempting to psychoanalyze everything he has done as if they were free of flaw themselves. Darkane wouldn't stand for that and he wouldn't stand for Masaru nipping at the heels of the Hardcore Championship. Darkane had to drag Masaru out into the middle of the burning Dynasty desert, miles away from salvation and drop his beaten down carcass onto the sandy floors as far away from the Hardcore Championship as possible, by eliminating him from the hardcore invitational and he did just that. Masaru was left off of the Dynasty card and now he must begin a long and treacherous journey with no water nearby and no civilization to be found, only the blistering dry-heat and the woeful skeletons of other superstars that thought they could crawl back right into the thick of things only to meet the grasp of death itself.

Darkane must move onto greater heights as he inches closer to the Hardcore Championship but four other men stand in his way and if you thought it would be a cakewalk for Darkane to ascend his hardcore throne, then you're in for a rude awakening. Darkane knows that nothing in this business comes easy and to fight four other superstars with what is at stake seems all but a daunting task, but unlike the four other souls that are in this match Darkane holds something that they do not:

A wave of momentum.


Darkane is seen strolling around a room dressed in velvet red, he looks at each of the four portraits that surround him on the four walls. Portraits of the men he will be waging war with on Dynasty. He stops dead in his tracks at the first gilded bordered portrait of Target Smiles, wearing that same old masked look on his face.

"Fancy meeting you again Target, the notorious 'Wandering Warrior' who has wandered just a tad too far astray this time. Look at you, hoarding up a plethora of excuses as to why you lost to me, seeking to justify your failures at Pain for Pride X. You weren't the only one who lost that night and you weren't the only one who endured heart-wrenching sorrows. I lost too but you don't see me wallowing in self-pity because I failed at Pain for Pride X when my match itself was a crapshoot at best. I got right back up, I cut my losses and moved on and I moved on to Dynasty. I embarked on a new path and so far I've done well for myself, as you should know, being the first martyr to fall beneath my wrath. What will be different this time? What should I expect? You best hope that you can't be beaten by an old bum off on the streets with two fists and an attitude because you were already humbled once by one. I wouldn't put anything past you though, you've already proven once that you couldn't top me. What is to stop you from failing again? There is nothing except only yourself. Can you reach down into your bag of superhero tools and avenge all of your wonderful fans to take down the big bad monstrosity in Darkane? Or will you meet my untimely boot, will you meet the absolute horror of horrors again, to make you relive the nightmare that I put you through some weeks ago? The problem with you Target is you're too flimsy, you don't have a hardcore bone in your body. In order to survive in this division you need to be cutthroat and ruthless, something I have yet to see you exemplify. Sometimes you need to put your values aside and go to a dark place where you never thought you were capable of going, that's how you will make it in the hardcore division, but for now, you're just there, you're for show and nothing more."

Darkane folds his hands behind his back, moving on and looking at the portrait of Ryan Savage.

"Apparently I'm an unknown to Ryan Savage; The man that the world forgot but I remember you, Ryan, I remember that I beat you unmercifully on Showdown in one of my first ever matches here in EAW but you call me an unknown? As if you've never met me in your entire feeble existence. I guess the hard drugs that you were on really blurred out your memory, didn't they? Or is it a selective memory? You choose not to relive the pain that I put you through? Whatever the case may be, I'm not an unknown to you Ryan, not now; not in the future; not ever. I don't need your respect; I don't want it, what I do want to do is recite the memory of me bashing your skull in five months ago because I feel that it has been far too long and obviously your drug fueled memory has forgot, you left the company shortly after I beat you down, probably to reconcile with whatever drug you were snorting or injecting. I could care less about your maddening crusade against Zach Crash except that I look to play the role of spoiler. I look to be the spike strip that lays across the highway as you come steaming through like a house of fire only to have your tires completely shredded and any momentum that you think you have will vanish in an instant. You're looking too far ahead, Ryan. You need to look at what's in front of you. You need to realize that you have to go through four other men to get to the land of milk and honey, to fulfill your unruly vengeance. I'm not looking past you, as I look into your eyes in this portrait; the windows to your soul I see that you're trying so hard for your daughter. She's the one spark in your life that you cannot afford to fail, but that's what you're so good at; you're so good at letting her down. That is your talent, that is what you bring to the table constantly. You're a consistent failure and when the drugs come lurking back into your life, they're an easy escape route, the drugs are in fact your children. You might say: Well that's coming from a guy who drinks himself silly and smokes like a chimney, which is very true and I hold up that fact proudly, but I've never gotten into hard drugs and I don't have a daughter, even though I've had a few prostitutes come knocking with paternity tests but that's neither here nor there. Like I said, the fact of the matter is you can't afford to let your little sapling down for she may not look at you the same again and that's a story that would even make my black heart break."

Darkane moves on to the third portrait of Khamsin.

"You're a relative newcomer like Masaru is and you absolutely disfigured Tig Kelly this past week which isn't that much of an accomplishment considering his heart was clearly not in the contest and hasn't been in it for some time now, but now you've stepped inside the cage with the big black pissed off dogs except for Target Smiles in this dance. You have an uphill climb and I would consider you the dark horse in this match, not much is known about you, but if you showcase the brutality in which you delivered unto Tig Kelly then you will have a puncher's chance, but if you turn out to be like Masaru, then you wrote a check that your ass can't cash. Trust me, you don't want to be where Masaru is right now, in wrestling purgatory, but if you lose this match you will join him among the ranks of the wretched."

Darkane reaches the final portrait with a giant white question mark placed in the middle.

"You weave an erroneous tale that I am a coward yet it is you that cowers in the surrounding darkness and it is you who uses a little girl against her will as a mouthpiece. That may upset people like Target Smiles but for me, I'm going to sit back and laugh hysterically, I'm going to down all of the liquor that you held in spite and spit the contents right back into your face. I'm not afraid of the dark, I'm not afraid of the evils that roam this wicked earth for I am one of those malevolent spirits. I drag my knuckles across the earth's surface in search of the next vulnerability that I come across, that's the type of scum bag that I am and that should be well known by now. Why should I be afraid of a man who won't even show his face? Why should I tremble in my boots because a nameless man kidnaps a child and uses her to air his dirty laundry? What would happen if a light shined behind that girl and revealed the man to be nothing more than a pencil necked pervert with a voice changer, someone who doesn't look the part of a psychopathic kidnapper? Someone who intricately cuts his finger nails down to the bone and slices his sandwiches in the shapes of triangles, not to mention his impressive ant farm in his room. What are you trying to prove? That you're a pedophile? That you feast on the trepidations of children alike? Do you even want the Hardcore Championship? Or are you just here for the frills? Whatever the case may be, you have your own insecurities to repair before you go around pointing your finger at others. I should remind you that the very evils that you speak of surround you as well, whether you choose to admit to recognizing their presence or not. Remember there's always somebody with more copious amounts of nasty vehemence that you speak of and there is always somebody that is eviler than you proclaim to be and when that bell rings my intentions will be to show you exactly who that is: Me."

Darkane switches his focus to a makeshift throne that is sat in the middle of the room.

"I shouldn't have to mention how much the Hardcore Championship means to me. I have done so over and over, but to reign and serve as the potential king of hardcore would be an achievement that I would never take for granted. I would hold it in the highest regards. If I go on to defeat Zach Crash, Lethal Consequences or Scott Diamond then I can ascend this throne, but until that is so, I must go through four other championship starved souls to get to the top of the hardcore mountain."

Darkane looks down at the throne, which sits there mightily.

"I bid you adieu for now."

Fade to black.
Ryan Savage
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post July 31st 2017, 10:43 am by Ryan Savage

The Ugliness Behind Human Nature

Is this some type of joke!? Listen here Emily, that's been missing for almost a year ago it seems to me that you don't know your facts about anything but it doesn't surprise me that you speak out of ignorance and what you only see from the surface. From the looks of it Emily it sounds like you're probably around the age of five through ten years old and it looks like you're just now figuring out how wicked and evil this world truly is. I can get the message that you're trying to convey to Sebastian Monroe or for anyone that bothers to listen to your sad little tale about the devils that rules dominion over this world or the hell that you've been living in since you've been abducted since your kidnapping. It amuses me greatly on how a little girl yourself can speak on things evil especially since you don't know what truly lies behind the darkness of most men and women that roam this Earth. I could imagine you've gotten your first taste of the ugliness of mankind when you were taken from your home and the reason why I can speak about this comfortably and not be phased by these empty shots at me is because if you truly knew about the men that you're facing you would know that I was born from darkness. I know first hand how wicked this world truly is and the man that you see before you now is just a soul that's trying to escape that darkness that has consumed me for my entire life. I have said this time and time again I guess it's something that you refuse to acknowledge your young brain can't fathom since you're just now getting a taste of what evil is. But truth be told Emily, I knew I had a daughter for quite a while and it took them to actually sought me out when I was out my lowest and it wasn't until recently when I became man enough to actually want to do something about it and actually be the father that she wants me to be and I want to be for her sake.

Before you speak about what will inhibit me from winning this match Emily Sanchez, you should find a way how to overcome the darkness that you're trapped in instead of being a pathetic child trying to pretend that you know the horrors of this world like it's a simple concept to fathom. It bothers me a bit when people try to act like they know on a subject and present it as facts which in reality they literally know nothing about it but yet they want to present it as facts and believe in them. This to me is an evil act within itself that leads human being astray and corrupts their hearts, it's like a concept of the blind leading the blind. Emily, you know nothing of me or where I come from, all you know is that I have a daughter and I'm trying to do what I can to be a just man and give her the life that she deserves it. But other than that what do you truly know? Do you know anything about who I was before the person that you see before you that's doing whatever he can to enact his revenge on a person that wronged him? Do you even bother to research the man that has claimed that he isn't a good person and that he considers himself an evil being himself? Apparently, you do not which it isn't surprising that you can freely speak of things about me with such confidence because you yourself are blinded by fear. I can tell that you're scared of the darkness and the evil that consumes you. I can imagine when you were taken that you were raped, pimped out, beaten, abused and probably other things that have happened to you that you would love to forget. But all the while all of this has been happening you probably had your hopes that someone would come and rescue you. What has gotten you through each horrific day is that hope that someone would finally find you and take you away from this horrible nightmare. Deep down inside I know for a fact that you wish you could just put this in the back of your mind so you no longer have to deal with the trauma that you had to endure for a very long time. It may become apparent to you that while you were waiting and hoping someone would come to your rescue, you probably realize the most unfathomable thing has broken your spirit and all the hope that was in you died.

You probably realize with today's technology there would have been some footage or sighting of the person that has kidnapped you and took you away from your parents and the safe haven known as your home. It wouldn't be too hard for someone to send out an amber alert to notify people in the surrounding states or cities to be on the look out for a girl of your description so people would try to return you back home to your parents that love and care for you so much. But the thing is you've been missing for about a year now and yet no one couldn't find you. You can argue that maybe that no has even tried to find you to return you to your parents. You can even say that maybe your parents didn't even care for you in the first place and in your head, you tried to rationalize it by them not being aware of the darkness that surrounds them. But in reality, they probably knew the risk of letting you out on your own without any supervision in hopes that someone would actually take you away because deep down inside they just don't want you anymore. If they truly loved you and care for you Emily they would spend sleepless nights trying to get you back home but as you have probably found out that human beings are selfish in nature. It's something that I don't hide and I can say that I have done this before with my own daughter since I have chosen drugs and the vices of this world over the well being of my own blood. It tells you how corrupt and evil human beings are. They are willing to satisfy their own needs above the needs of anyone else including their own children or spouses. Let's face the reality of humans in general Emily, you may know it or you may refuse to accept it but in the grand scheme of things you were just a bother to them and you didn't truly matter. If anything you should be grateful to the person that whisk you away from your home so you wouldn't have to see your friends and family again. The person that took you has shown you the truth behind your existence in your old life and gave you a new purpose, a new reason for you to live. It's sad to say but this better suits you compared to whatever life you were living before.

But before I get too carried away I will say this Emily, the difference between you and I or anyone else that you may have come into contact in comparison to me is that I have accepted the evils of this world. I know the darkness within my heart too well and I know that I'm not a good man and I'm far from a righteous one at that. I know my faults and my short comings and despite all of that I do what I can to become a better person. In cases like these, I know what's fueling me now isn't my daughter or the fact that I want to give her a better life. In fact, that's the last thing on my mind when I enter this match because this is for myself and myself alone since I'm on a warpath of vengeance and destruction of one man. I understand myself and also the nature of humans which is why I'm not phased by your words or even take you seriously for that matter. You claim that every one of us is going into this match facing our own fears in hopes that those fears will cripple us and that you and your little friend you speak of will come in and prey on those fears. Which is a good strategy and all but the thing is that you didn't anticipate you face a man like me because even though I won't go as far to say that I fear nothing, it's more of the opposite? I'm afraid of this world and the evil that inhabits it that the thing that sets me apart is that I don't let that fear control me. So if that's your leverage Emily that you think you and your friend has on me then you're in for a very rude awakening come Friday. Maybe you were just better off remaining in the darkness because you're going to be greeted with more disappointment because you're going to let your friend down and this fear that you're harping about will be your undoing.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post July 31st 2017, 7:48 am by ThePizzaBoy
Dynasty Promo 1: Scraping The Bottom And Hitting Gold.

The camera opens on the strange sight of Pizza Boy sitting on a crate, half-lit by daylight pouring through a window overhead. What's more surreal about this scene is the fact that Pizza Boy is decked out in old black ring boots and black trunks, exposing his pasty and usually covered legs to the light of day for what appears to be the first time in a long time.  His knees look scraped, his shins look bruised, and his body heaves with tired painful breaths.

"What a time to live in Scott.  I wont deny you're a worthy competitor.  If anyone deserves the chance to take this title away from me, it's the man that's consecutively come out on top against me every time we've crossed paths.  Don't get me wrong, I love getting into the ring with men like Jamie O'Hara and tearing the house down, and I have an undying ire for the likes of Drake, Jones...and I forget the other guy's name, but you were always the true test of my capabilities as a competitor.  It's not because you're as good in-ring as Jamie, nor is it because you travel in packs like the others.  The thing with you Scott is that you're a manipulator of men.  You've manipulated Sebastian Monroe into giving you this shot because he thinks you're the one to put me down.  You've manipulated countless  others into being a road block between us in the past.  You've even manipulated me into questioning the loyalty of others.  You're a politician Scott.  Not a king who wills his druthers with brute force and heavy arms, but a worm tongued lobbyist who knows how to move others like chess pieces in order to get what he wants.  You play your pawns and predict the next move of your opponent expertly ten times out of ten.  You're very good at getting into people's heads in a way that most dream about, ways that an Eclipse Deimos would revel, and it's because you're not obvious about it.  You're not some cultist nut in a flowery shirt, and you're not some blood sucker bureaucrat in a suit and tie.    If anything, you barely hold a physical form that words can be traced back to.  You're like smoke through a keyhole, like the echo of an echo.  Up 'til recently this Manchurian method has served you well, but it seems like every single time you get where you think you want to be, which is in the ring one on one ready to prove you're 'The Man', you come up short don't you?  Once the checker board's cleared of all it's pawns and rooks, and all that's left is a black bishop and a white knight, you're attitude is checked and you're tumbled on your back."

PB pulls his knees up to his chest and lays down on his side, curled up on top of the crate as he stares into the camera and yawns.

"This got me thinking Scott: I've never faced you one on one.  We've been in Cash in the Vault matches, we've been in tag matches, and you always came out the other end on top, but you and I have never cleared the board and went maneuver for maneuver.  Despite your size advantage, despite your strength, despite your ungodly reach and unparalleled athleticism, I think I have the edge out on you going into this match.  You see, I came into Dynasty as the man.  I'm no longer the tormented and chased white knight, I'm no pawn in your game of wits.  I'm the king, and while I'm still giving chase, there's no denying that I'm the most important piece on the field.  The endgame of Dynasty depends on me, and when put up a mere black bishop that's spent it's entire career trying to compensate when it didn't have to, I've got the game on lock down.  The sad truth is that you should be champion Scott, but you keep manipulating other pieces until you're the only piece left to manipulate, and you get into your own head because you think you're not good enough.  You are, and you always have been, at least as an athlete you are but that's not what you choose to rely on.  You choose to rely on that hunk of meat between your shoulders that you call a brain and you continue to paint yourself into the same corner over and over again.  The flaw in your method is your own nature, and your nature is one of a politician and not a king.  Tiberius Jones willed himself to be a champion, Jamie O'Hara willed himself into a position of nobility.  Lannister and Vendetta built a throne from their enemies carcasses.  Me? I used good old fashioned hard work and determination to push my way through to the top twice.  You, Oasis?  You're no pauper rising up against the odds.  You're no saint-sinner gutter punk out to make the world eat it's words.  You're not even nobility trying to capture a throne through megalomania and brutality.  You're just a voice with a body attached to it, and while it's a million dollar body, it's the only body that the voice doesn't have any faith in controlling or steering toward a victory.  You're out of moves Bobby Fischer."

PB yawns and slaps his lips together as his eyes begin to flutter shut.


As the final vowel in his sentence begins to turn into the nasally buzz of sleep apnea, a wolf's head pops up into frame.  It walks toward PB asleep on the crate and stares down at him, tilting it's head like a curious puppy.  The wolf hood falls back to reveal Rhea Dire Wolf looking on with innocent big eyes as she creeps over Pizza Boy's prone sleeping body.  She hovers over him sweetly before her doe eyed expression turns to a scowl and a her hand shoots up and slaps him on the back of the head.  PB stirs, his eyes rolled back in his head as he lifts up half-conscious.

Rhea Dire Wolf: Get up lazy bones! We're not done training!

PB: OW! What the hell happened to the sweet little cherub faced girl who used to have a crush on me?!

Rhea Dire Wolf: She met other boys in town.  Fertility introduced me.  She says you're a, how'd she put it? 'generous 4', whatever that means.

PB: Yeah, I bet she introduced you to 'boys in town.'

Rhea Dire Wolf: She did! They had nice, pretty,long hair and gigantic-

PB: Whoa! Whoa whoa.

Rhea Dire Wolf:...muscles.  What? What'd you think I was going to say?

PB: Did these guys happen to be standing on the street corner in cowboy hats and opened shirts?

Rhea Dire Wolf: Hey yeah! Do you know them?

PB: Lucky guess.

Not understanding why, Rhea slaps PB over the head once again.  PB visibly shakes the cobwebs out as Rhea cutely storms off camera mumbling something about 'six months in a crate and two more in a warehouse'.  PB  re-acclimates himself with his surroundings, then looks over his own body.  He grimaces at the sight of his black trunks and dusty boots.  As if to confirm his fear of a living nightmare, Fertility Lynch appears out of the shadows with a crooked smile on her face.

Fertility Lynch: It's not a dream.  You're getting your ass handed to you by a teen aged girl in a warehouse.

Lynch grabs one of PB's arms and tries to pull him to his feet, but is met only with dead weight and exhausted grunts.

PB: Ugh...

Fertility Lynch: You need this.  You need to train.  You know as well as I do that no matter what hollow words you or Scott put out there that you need to be in pique physical shape and ready for whatever loops he throws at you in that ring.

PB: Yeah, yeah, yeah...

Lynch lets go and watches PB fall back on his ass in a non-plus manner.  She studies the tired and battered Pizza Boy.  After a moment of gears turning in her head, she sits down next to him playfully on the crate.  Still groggy, PB leans over with his elbows on his knees and self-consciously stares at his warn in training boots.

Fertility Lynch: This is what starting at the bottom looks like in this business.  You wear nondescript hand-me-down attire, you get no pads or tape, you rough it in some seedy environment and get stretched by old men and little girls that are way more experienced than you: You get humbled.  I figured some minimum wage work horse would be used to the world kicking his ass.

PB: No one could be used to this.

Fertility Lynch: We agreed that's what you needed in order to be successful.  You need to be knocked down a few pegs and realize that you truly know nothing about how to wrestle or survive, and you don't.

PB: I know, but these back bump drills are killing me.

Fertility Lynch: It's the safest way to fall.

PB: It ain't parkour.  

Fertility Lynch: Do you know parkour?

PB: No.

Fertility Lynch: Exactly, but now you know how to fall on your ass without getting a concussion every time.  Be grateful.  Every martial arts has a form of controlled falling.  Every fighting discipline has a way of going down without dying.  This is the easiest one to learn.  It's also the most barbaric and painful, but it's a way.

PB: How do you know?

Fertility Lynch: Because I know every fighting discipline known to man. Duh...

PB cocks a doubtful eyebrow and gives Lynch the side eye, only to be met with the same blank expression of a cold and smiling reptile.

PB: I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or braggadocios.  

Fertility Lynch: Can't it be both?

PB: I really hope not.

Fertility Lynch: Get that shovel butt of yours back in that ring and you wont have to find out.

PB: OK, OK.  Easy on the shovel butt talk around Rhea OK? And keep her away from the docks.

Fertility Lynch: Andrew, she's eighteen.  Get over it kid.

PB: That's my sentiment exactly.  She doesn't need to be mixing it up with some gigolo in a half-shirt.  She's a kid.

Fertility Lynch: Agreed, but only as long as she's not cavorting with a wannabe gigolo with a half-shift whose also a kid, but not kid enough for a jury to take his side.  Deal?

Pizza Boy hangs his head in defeat. Defiance flashes in his eyes momentarily, before he lets his eyes wander to the feral girl running ropes off-camera.  He turns back to Lynch who sits with her arms crossed.  He outstretches a hand toward her.  She looks at it with bemusement.

PB: You know, for a hooker assassin you certainly are one to cast dispersion on what's lawful.  

Lynch rolls her eyes and pushes Pizza Boy off of the crate.  She playfully throws a kick toward him as he makes a beeline toward the ring.  Lynch takes a long sigh and stares ahead, still grinning to herself.

Fertility Lynch: A young boy as a champion...huh...thought I'd seen everything.

Lynch lets out a chuckle, but it's immediately cut off by the sound of bone cracking.  Even the jaded hit woman winces as she watches the unseen sparring just off-camera.  She regains her cold blooded demeanor as PB audibly screams for help and Rhea giggles in a kiddish manner.  The camera fades to black on Fertility's gruesome grin as her lips purse and her teeth flash with a laugh.
Missing Since 11/6/16
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post July 31st 2017, 6:41 am by Missing Since 11/6/16
LABEL – “Are you afraid?”
Flood lights kick on, shining into the camera lens to blind the viewer until they’re tilted back on the face of a small child strapped to a wooden chair. Her eyes are deep brown, her blonde hair unkempt. A piece of duct tape is placed over her mouth. Her eyes follow a man who moves behind the camera, rounding out into the shot as he becomes a silhouette to the lights. He looms over her and rips the tape away before returning to his position. The girl begins to sob quietly before her attention is gripped by the man.
“You know what to do, little girl. Read. It’ll all be over soon.”
My name is Emily Sanchez. I have been missing from the Clay County, Texas area since November 6th, 2016. I have a mother and a father and a baby brother. I go to school and play hide and seek with my friends. I miss them dearly. I miss them every day, no matter how well He takes care of me. Nearly a year ago, I was taken from the corner on my street waiting for my school bus to come pick me up. Nobody heard me when I screamed. Nobody listened when I called for help. This is your chance to listen—this is your chance to hear my cry for help. Please listen.
There is a shuffling of cards behind the camera. The girl looks on and then focuses her eyes back past the camera. She continues reading.
Over the last several weeks, Sebastian Monroe has been warned of a darkness daring to fall across his head—but it wasn’t just his head at stake. Do you know why He was given an opportunity in this match? It’s because Sebastian knows that he has failed me already. He ignored his opportunity to help me when he was given a chance. He let fear strike his tongue and keep him silent. He didn’t say a word or lift a finger for weeks even though he knew I was in trouble. Now he’s trying to make amends. Did you see his face the first time he watched these tapes? He knew that I was right when I spoke of his fears—when I talked about ignoring them because we’re all powerless to them. Let me reiterate: when you were a child like me, I’m sure you feared something evil lurking around you. Maybe you were afraid of monsters under your bed. Maybe you were terrified of any stranger that looked at you a little too long. Maybe you dreaded birthday parties with clowns because you knew they’d find their way into your nightmares the moment you laid your head down on your pillow that night. Or maybe, like Sebastian, you were afraid of the dark and did whatever you could to try to cope. You see, nobody—especially not those who want to present themselves as powerful—want to admit to the fears that they hold closest to their hearts. You count your sheep or you turn on your night-light or you avoid eye contact with the things that scare you, but you don’t dare admit to anyone that you still fear it. You ignore these fears even when they’re around perpetually—do you really think that the darkness goes away? It doesn’t. This is the problem with the world that we live in today—and each of you should listen to this because had someone heard this before, maybe I wouldn’t be here. We ignore the evil that exists around us and pretend that it isn’t there so that we remain strong. There are children being kept as slaves in basements and cages. There are women being plucked off the streets at night to be forced into foul acts. There are abusers that manage sports teams for students and then go home to beat their spouses. There are crooks. There are cowards. There are monsters out there. But in our minds, we tell ourselves that they aren’t close. Maybe that evil exists, but not around here, we tell ourselves. So we let our attention slip; we let loose on our grasp of those that we love and allow them to be taken from us. Do you realize how easily I was taken from my home? My mother and father left me alone on the corner one morning because they ignored the evil. But they learned something very important that morning: evil does exist. No matter how much you ignore it, evil will always exist. And it is so much closer than you may believe.
“So much closer. So much closer.”
He is coming to this company to remind you all that darkness does exist—that your fears should be heeded to. The four men who will enter this match next weekend will be forced to confront the embodiment of their fears whether they admit to them or not. He can already see what He hates when he hears what each of you are about. He can sense that you have been reckless and selfish, and thus have put the helpless like me at risk. You would think that each of you would have someone to hold onto enough to understand what’s at stake here—what really could be lost if you don’t hold them closer to you. Ryan, you speak as if the things you’ve done since returning to this company are for your daughter—that getting clean and straightened out was all in honor of her. But it isn’t. You aren’t attempting to be an inspiration for her; you’re looking to position yourself best. This has always been about you and your vengeance, the same vengeance that will eventually blind you if it hasn’t already. You have become so disenchanted by your own shortcomings that you’ve become disillusioned. Let me ask you, Ryan: have you ever sat at your daughter’s bedside and told her fairytales like the one that you tell your peers? Does she rest easier hearing about the fantastical—about the conquerors who somehow were able to walk along a perfectly laid path to slay the beast at the end of it? You’re so focused on getting your hands on Zack Crash that you not only lose sight of your little girl, but you lose sight of the men who stand in front of you. This is the root of your failure, Ryan. This is what makes your daughter so vulnerable. You don’t have your eyes on her. You don’t have your eyes on us. You have your eyes on someone who could frankly be done away with easily. Your fixation will cost you the things that you so desperately want us to believe matter to you. But what bothers Him most is that you’re not the only one who is so fixated on your own desires and upholding your carefully constructed image that you ignore the recklessness that puts others in danger. Darkane is no different. Khamsin is no different. These men disguise their cowardice as ruggedness—Darkane even so much as completely abandoning any semblance of selflessness for the sake of alcohol. This man has ignored the evils around him so much that he has been consumed by them. He’s ignored that he’s been hindered by his cruxes. He’s ignored that he hasn’t done anything that he’s wished to do here, and he covers it up by bragging about almost getting to the point he’d wish to be. And Khamsin, he’s twisted his story a hundred different ways to make it seem like he’s done something noble by going against his family’s wishes. He passed on the honor of defending the weak and decided, instead, to work for his own personal gain. These men pretend that they’ve positioned themselves to achieve something great, but all they’ve done is proven how little they care about people like me.
These men have each ignored, in their own way, the evil that looms over them. Some may cover up their fear with fixation, others with substance abuse, others with lies, but then there are the most pathetic of the few: those who meet fear with lightheartedness. Do you see how Target Smiles has handled this situation? He has forgotten that darkness will reveal himself in just a matter of days. He has repressed the fear that’s boiling inside of him even as it gets closer and closer to bubbling over and spill out from his mouth. He says that he doesn’t care. He makes his jokes and shows his humor. He miscounts the number of opponents. But no matter how lighthearted his speech may have been, it’s clear that Target has the first bitter taste of that nervousness as he waits—as he clenches his eyes shut and pretends that their isn’t a fifth man in this match that’s coming. Maybe this will all go away by morning, he tells himself. Maybe this is all just a bad dream. It isn’t. This is the reality that will press down on your shoulders and break your spine. No matter how much you clench your eyelids. No matter how many times you spin your lies in your head. No matter where you fix your brain. You will see that when your skull is opened, He’ll be there. He’ll always be there.
“Good girl. You’re almost done. Don’t disappoint me.”
Do not make the same mistake as Sebastian and so many others have made in the past. Face your fear or be forced to face it. I was taken as a sacrifice to save so many other little girls and boys who weren’t cared for properly. Because of me, so many mothers and fathers will hold their children closer to them. They won’t trust the world outside their windows. They’ll face the fears that they’ve repressed for so long. You will never be able to conquer evil. You must stay away. Please. Please, each of you, don’t ignore this warning. He’s already here. He’s always been here.
The girl closes her eyes and tries to take deep breaths but is visibly shaking as the captor behind the camera drops the cards to the floor, picking the camera up and taking it over to her face. He brushes his thumb against he bare cheek, moving her hair behind her ear while she continues to breathe. He comforts her in an almost mocking way. The girl begins to open her eyes, quickly looking above the camera at the man holding it before fixing her eyes to the lens instead.
“Twenty seconds. Don’t waste my time.”
If anyone’s listening, please help me. I miss my home. I miss my bed. I’m losing hope. I just want to go home already. I don’t like it here. I don’t like it! Please help me. Please, please, please help me. Tell me that you’re on your way. Please Mommy. Please Daddy. Please help me. I’m so scared. I’m going to die here. I’m going to—
The tape ends.
CM Bank$
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post July 31st 2017, 12:47 am by CM Bank$
Bharacter Development/DDD Aftermath/SD Challenge Promo

A blaze of glory..

I was put to the ultimate test, over five years removed from one on one action with the first bout back being against one of the biggest stars this federation has to offer and I could not have asked for anything better. Aside from these burns and scars, I walked away from Midsu-- Dia Del Diablo with a few things, I walked away with the victory for one, but I also walked away with.. assurance. No not self assurance from previous doubts that I had about my abilities, there was never any of that, but I walked away with assurance from the fans, critics, and naysayers. These people now know that this CM Banks run is not a nostalgia act, it's not a sideshow feel good story, and it's not for play. This is real life, the real deal, this is what I created EAW for and this is what I came back to EAW for and that is to indulge in WAR against the best of the very best. Ladies and gentlemen.. Nasir Moore is indeed one of the very best. Now I am not just saying this to prop myself up because I defeated him, but I am saying this because I finally see what the hype is about, I stood toe to toe in that ring with him surrounded by steel and fire.. he brought the fight to me and I returned the favor. It was a back and forth bout that was guaranteed to get ugly and BOY did it. Not only did I get introduced up close and personal to those flames courtesy of Nasir himself, I got introduced to this modern era as well. Now I know that it isn't all hype and all talk, Nasir is the real deal indeed, but it was simply going to take more than being good to defeat an icon on his A-Game. But that is not taking anything away from you Nas, you proved your worth and you represented not only yourself but this whole company and all of the guys in the back who have become stars in my absence.. you proved my curiosity to have been worth it. That is why I will continue this quest to seek the best of the best, face men I never have before, make dream matches come true.. not because I have anything left to prove, but because I have a thirst for competition that yearns to be quenched. But now the million dollar question is this.. where do we go from here? Shit I don't know.. right now I just want to get myself healed up before going any further, actually fuck that, I'll fight through the pain and keep pushing, ready for the next obstacle to overcome, the next challenge to take on, and walk out... victorious.  Come Showdown, my next challenge awaits.. whomever that person may be, just know you'll be in for the fight of your life. You may think that coming out to face me at this time would be your best shot considering the grueling match I participated in at Dia Del Diablo but understand this, I am like no other man. A match that was as graphic as it was, sure it may appear that CM Banks walked out with less of his limbs and health than he walked in with, but these conditions are nothing new to CM Banks. Do not make the mistake of thinking that I am in a vulnerable position to be taken advantage of thus securing an easy victory for yourself, I promise you that it will not end well for you if that is your game plan. I mean after all, these kind of matches are what was once a staple in EAW's identity.. you know with it being the land of Extreme and all. 

I have been through countless wars in my career, some extreme some pure fights and I must say that this is up there with the best of them. Nasir pushed me to the limit and I wouldn't have wanted it any different, and now the show must go on. I never thought I'd enjoy this lifestyle again, I never thought I'd be back to where it all started simply for fun and not for any ulterior motive or business obligation. I never thought that I would care to face anybody in a match again, and I never thought that I would end up feeling that I need to prove myself again. But even as someone with a solidified legacy, you still hear the whispers, the gossip, the what-if scenarios, the hindsight revisionist history and you just can't help but get that itch back. The itch to show that a man of my caliber, from the era where I made a name for myself in can not only just be a legend in that era, but in this one as well. Putting to rest any doubts of my abilities anyone who was never around to witness me had, and showing exactly why I get the praise that I do. I'm more than just a measly old founder, before founding this company I was nothing more than a fighting rookie scratching and clawing my way to make a name for myself.. emphasis on fighting. I said fuck a rule book and did it my way, I created a platform to not only showcase my talents, but for other overlooked more deserving wrestlers and the rest of the industry followed suit. I shook the very foundation of this industry and anything that you thought was the norm became obsolete. As far as anybody who had a problem with how I handled things went.. well we settled those disputes it in the RING. I wasn't just some business man in a suit sitting behind a desk cashing checks and giving orders, I was in the field with the rest of them not only making my name known as an authority figure, but as a wrestler. That proved to be true as years went by and I didn't have said position anymore and was still able to have the biggest year of my career in 2010. Now here we are in 2017 and it is no different, I am still a fighter and I will continue proving to this new generation just what the hype is about. Isn't it ironic? Me wanting to see what the hype is about these modern day stars, while at the same time wanting to prove what the hype is about myself. It's an interesting scenario, people these days get into sports debates about who the greatest is, Jordan or Lebron while never seeing or knowing anything about Jordan but a highlight tape and hearsay. It's hard to come to a conclusion about someone you never witnessed yourself live in the flesh unless you want to go back and watch hours of film to come to a conclusion and even that is against lesser competition. Just imagine if Michael Jordan was able to turn back the clock, still be in the best shape of his life, and make a comeback in this era.. well there's no need to imagine because it is happening right before your very eyes on Showdown. As long as the opportunity presents itself I will continue doing what I do, and that is winning.

Last edited by CM Bank$ on July 31st 2017, 3:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ryan Savage
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post July 31st 2017, 12:40 am by Ryan Savage

The Tiger

Cute. That's the word that sums it up nicely when I think of you Target Smiles. I find it quite endearing that you're blessed to have the attitude and outlook that you have on the world and this company. I remember when I first started out being proud of the fact that I knew that the moment I made an appearance whether it be the media or even my own entrance that I know that the fans are on my side and have their faith in me. I actually miss that feeling which makes me envious of you to a certain extent smiles. When I close my eyes and think of your name, all I can think of is pure joy and happiness and I feel like I can live in a carefree world which will help me fall asleep at night. But Smiles here's the thing about this world and I'm speaking from my own experiences that this world is a piece of shit and life is hard as shit and it becomes those things if you let it. I can give you the advice in not letting the gifts you have and take them for granted and remember how fickle humans truly are because it may be just as easy to get the fans and everyone to get behind you and believe in you and your cause. But just as easy to get people to rally behind you and jump onto social media to defend you from everyone that may be against and what not it's just that easy to lose all of that support within a blink of an eye young man. I can vouch for that with my own experiences I had with my entire life and I've said this numerous times in the past that I'm not a good person and I've taken acceptance to that. Just an hour ago when I addressed you along with the other guys that the thing that is keeping me going right now is my own hatred for one man that is currently the Hardcore Champion. It's that alone more than anything else at the moment is what's breathing life into my body and into my soul that's screaming at me to get up and fight whoever stands in my in getting to that man. At first Smiles, I told myself that I'm trying not to take this as personally as I set out to do since you're not the cause of my own downfalls in the past which is still clinging onto me like a leech. But when I hear the exuberant within your voice and in your body language it's reminiscent of child when he's blessed with ignorance to the world and what can cause it to be a shitty place or better yet when a child first wakes up to Christmas Day with glee and hope within his eyes and in his soul. That imagery within itself is what comes to mind when I think of you Target Smiles and with that being said it's just that harder for me to take you out in the back and put the bullet through your head and put you down long enough for me to claim victory within this match. I understand where you're coming from Target Smiles because it's like what I mentioned earlier that this to you is just another opportunity to become a champion and here I am making it more than just that. Part of me doesn't want to put the bullet through your head and welcome you to the grim reality of this match because I'm on a warpath because of the sins of one man and the wrong that he has done to me and I'm out for blood. Unfortunately, your blood along with everyone else involved in this match or is planning to get in my way will be nothing more than collateral damage because of one man's own cowardice.

But if only we could've met in a different time we could probably just get into this match just leaving it out there on the line and gain each other's respect not only as men but as competitors because at the end of the day we are just two guys just chasing our dreams to become a champion within this company. If we would have met at that time of my life then I know for a fact that we would put asses in seats and give people the satisfaction of spending their hard earned money to see a good fight between two guys that want to become a champion. But unfortunately, it's not the case because that moment in my life has been buried in the dirt a long time ago. When I look at you Target Smiles you remind me of my innocence, the innocence that has been corrupted by the vices of this world and back then I was too naive and too weak to do anything about the demons on this planet to take control of me which would eventually be the thing that killed myself and my career. Now you see me trying to repent for all the sins I have committed and trying to do what's right for me and also what's right for my little girl at home that as of this moment doesn't want anything to do with me because of the man that I once was. It hurts me to say this but she's among of the people that have lost faith in me and she doesn't expect me to stay long within this company. She's been exposed to the man I once was and expects the tendencies that I make back then because in her head she thinks I'm going to retire at any moment and find out that this is too tough for me. She has it in her mind that I'm a coward and that I'm going to turn my back on my dream which unfortunately she's going to think if I can't hang in here for my dream then I won't hang with her when she needs me the most. It's a bitter pill to swallow and think of when your child and her mother thinks of you as trash and doesn't think you'll ever amount to anything more than just trash. Which is why I can't falter when times get tough because I have to do what it takes to not only survive but to when so I can change the public opinion and be blessed once again to have people buy into me like they did before. I want to be blessed enough to have people cheer for me and be on my side and have faith in me once again because once I win the respect of the fans, I know I'm on the right path to gain the respect of my child and her mother as well and prove to them that I can change and because I stuck it out throughout the adversities that plagued my life. I'm willing to go far and beyond for my child's sake so I can give her the father that she deserves and ultimately give her the best damn life ever!

BUT! Despite that being the reason why I'm giving my career another chance and what's keeping me going in a general sense. It isn't the thing that is motivating me to win this match Smiles. You see, I take you mentioning my daughter as a slap to the face and a sign of disrespect young man. I'm going to teach you a very unforgettable lesson in respect when I meet you in the ring because just as you disrespected me by mentioning my daughter. It erases any sense of hesitation in beating you down like you stole something from me out of my mind. I won't feel bad when I start breaking down your body and leave you battered, bruised and broken when everything is all said and over with. Once I'm finished with you Smiles, you're going to wake up from a daze and wonder to yourself when you see yourself in a hospital recovering from your injuries to what has happened to you and why you're on life support being unable to move! You will then come to regain your memory and realize the fatal error to your downfall is when you decided to stand to a tiger and pull on his tail and spit in his face in the face and challenge his pride! You see I've painted out your future when you stand before me in that ring because you're going to get yourself hurt. You won't be talking about how long you've managed to compete in this match or how well you performed because the only thing that will be stuck in your mind is the memory of how badly I whooped your ass and how Ryan Savage ran through you and left you with nothing but broken and shattered aspirations of becoming a champion and those smiling faces will be replaced by awe and shocked on how badly you've lost to Ryan Savage!
Tomi Venus
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post July 30th 2017, 11:47 pm by Tomi Venus
Dynasty vol. 1

Dia Del Diablo. The big event for Showdown this week where the Openweight Championship was put on the line against Maero. Representing Dynasty second and the Sanatorium first Maero was up against the big, bad Ryan Marx who Target Smiles has gone on record beating. This was an opportunity granted to Dynasty thanks to me that was handed to Maero so the Sanatorium and Maero could come up short and fail. They took my opportunity and they squandered it. But me, I won my match this week. I won my match and now I am facing three competitors, once again, for another opportunity. And as little as I care about the Hardcore Championship I know that the Smiling Faces that will be in attendance want to see the Nomadic Enigma, their favorite Wandering Warrior show Khamsin, Ryan Savage and Darkane that they cannot outcompete Target Smiles.

Now Darkane in recent history has beaten me. Coming off of Pain For Pride I was a mess. My mind was going in all different directions and some say it still is. But who has beaten me since? Target Smiles is on his comeback baby. Even though Darkane was able to drag me down when I was tossing and turning through the gutter trying to find my motivation after letting down my brand, my fans, and myself; I walked into arenas after that loss to a burning fire. A fire deep in the hearts and the souls of every Smiling Face in the place! Darkane you have shown me that you can prey and kick a man when he is down but this Friday night on Dynasty what you will have to prove to me is that you can take on a man prepared to remind the world why he cannot be beaten by just any old bum off the streets with two fists and an attitude.

I have proven throughout my time here in EAW that these fans have my back no matter what because they trust in me to be as good as I can be. However, since day one I have struggled to gain the respect of my peers in EAW. I'm sure that as I speak some of my opponents and other onlookers from the locker room are rolling their eyes as I speak because they do not share that same trust in me. But if you take a look at a man like Ryan Savage he is struggling a bit differently. While I have an army of Smiling Faces behind me from the moment "i" hits their ears... they don't seem to know how to feel when Ryan Savage comes out. I come out to the ring each week knowing who I'm fighting for and that's where me and Savage seem to relate because while I have a chorus of people who worked hard to come out and see me compete on the level only I can, Ryan Savage has a little girl at home that he can't disappoint. I may keep my personal life to myself most times but I'll take this moment to say I have no children, that may actually be for the best depending on how you look at it. But in this situation that means I can't understand what it's like to have a little girl at home watching me hoping her daddy wins so he can provide her a better life and maybe even have the pressure of needing to make her proud. I can't imagine the level of shame that must come from losing knowing that my child is at home cheering me on, and I'm sorry that Ryan Savage is going to have to experience that shame when he steps in the ring with me. Target Smiles, as I have proclaimed before is a competitor through and through and part of competing is the fact that sometimes you have to put personal feelings aside and do whatever it takes to win and that includes crushing lil Miss Savage's dreams of her daddy facing Zack Crash for the Hardcore Championship. 

But before we do that, let's have round of applause for Khamsin who made his way into this match by beating the guy I beat last week. I guess Khamsin has done alright for himself since signing with EAW, though nothing has really caught my attention. That may make him more of a threat, another newcomer looking for a Target to aim at that will elevate one's self to the next level but unfortunately that doesn't happen when you face Target Smiles. 

On Friday night, when the four of us meet in that ring, the only name that will be on the mind of that crowd will be mine. As I hear those people scream my name until their voices give out all that will be on my mind is how important it is for me to come out of that match on top. What will I need to do to show the world that Target Smiles is in fact the Finest Competitor EAW has to offer! For those reasons, and those reasons only, I will win.
Ryan Savage
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post July 30th 2017, 11:16 pm by Ryan Savage


I came from that battle with Mexican Samurai unscathed as I knew I would, there wasn't an ounce of doubt inside my mind that I would walk away from that match victorious. A lot of people may call me out on that and say that I'm just trying to tough, but unfortunately for a lot of people and despite what they believe that statement is further from the truth. The fact of the matter is that I believed in myself enough to know what the outcome was going to be. No matter how tough Mexican Samurai fought me, no matter how much he has prepared himself or even prayed to whatever being he prays to. His sword wasn't enough to bring me down let alone keep me down for a three count. But there was a moment in that match where he almost got a win over me, that moment where he hit me with his best shot within his arsenal and when he thought he had the match won, I ended up getting my foot on the bottom rope at the last second to save my skin. Ever since that happened I kind of wondered to myself why I made the effort to keep myself alive to win that match. Mexican Samurai hit me with everything I had and I felt his lust for blood and his will to win and in a way I felt bad for him and I thought to myself I should award him the victory because he needed that win more than anything in his life to turn his dismal career around.. but when I looked up at the ceiling of the arena and listening to the ref's voice, his hands slapping the mat along with the fan's chanting "1..2..3" there was something inside the pit of my soul that told me to save myself. When I heard that voice I instinctively got my foot on the bottom rope. It was within that moment I wonder what kept myself going and my first thought that came to my mind was my pride and my vow to make my daughter proud. As it is no secret to anyone that I'm doing what I can to make my daughter proud of me and show her that her father isn't a bad guy at all. But upon further thought in my own actions deep down inside I knew what kept me alive and what kept me going forward to not only obliterate Mexican Samurai but to win my match in dominating fashion was caused by one thing. It wasn't my own pride, it wasn't ego or a faith in a God or even my own blood lust. The one thing that got me up and kept me going was my pure hatred for one man and one man alone, I've made a lot of promises in my life and unfortunately thanks to my own inability I couldn't fulfill those promises. 

But, this time it's different because when I swore this vow to myself it felt different than any other vows that I've made and I dare say this vow is just as important to me that I made to my daughter when I got myself clean and dared to show my face back to this company! I swore to myself that I will seek out and destroy every person in this company that has played apart to my down fall when I was on the come up for something great. I have been fortunate enough to be on the same brand as the man known as Zack Crash and now that he holds the championship and cherishes it like it's his own child then it will cause me so much pleasure knowing that I will be the man that not only am I threat to his shattered universe but that I am on the hunt for his championship and make him feel the same pain that I felt when he tried to destroy my very existence! I'm just two more wins away in accomplishing that goal and now all I have to do is to beat four other men to get to where I need to be in possibly becoming Zack Crash's next opponent. To answer anyone's questions about why I feel that I'm confident that Zack will retain his championship against the likes of Lethal Consequences and Scott Diamond is because Zack Crash is like a roach and no matter what you do he'll find a way to survive and I hate to praise a man that I have vowed to take down but I will give the devil his due and I know for a fact that he will overcome his two biggest oppositions and beat them in short order. In this very moment, both Scott Diamond and LC can't hang with Zack Crash so as they bicker and argue about who should be the number one contender the man that's standing in the background has thought of ways to beat them both and not only that he will beat them in a dynamic fashion. That's something I will give him his due because just like the scum that bastard will find a way to win and keep surviving until his last breath and as long as luck will remain on his side. But now that luck is slowly fading away because what he probably didn't take into account for is me being in title contention for the Hardcore Championship! You don't have to worry Crash because it won't be long now until we go one on one once again and this time I won't be coming just after you since making you submit to my will or be pinned by me won't be enough to keep me satisfied. No, the thing that will satisfy me the most is when I take everything from you! I will be the one that will destroy your shattered universe and I will be the man that will make you finally repent for your sins!

With that being said, I can't get too carried away because I do have four other obstacles that are standing in the way from my objective in the forms of the unknown, Target Smiles, Darkane, and Khasim. It's a sad day to be either of you at this very moment because if this was any time I would tip my hat off to you people and give you the respect that you deserve. But the unfortunate thing about this is that I can't allow myself to respect those who are willing to keep me away from my goal. You may be "innocent" men that's just here to win a championship of any kind within this company and you just view this as a way to get eyes on you. You see that winning this match and potentially facing Zack Crash would get people to notice who you are and what you're about and you get a chance to get the admiration and glory that you all have been desperately craving. Which is a good thing to have because when we signed our contracts to this company our number one objective is to someday be lucky enough to be called a champion. But in this case, the path that you have followed isn't a path to glory or admiration..let alone a championship. The path to the Hardcore Championship has to lead you astray into my path. It has to lead you into the path of my vengeance, my vendetta, my crusade against Zack Crash. Even though I understand that this isn't personal for you guys and you're just doing what every other person would do when they are presented a possible championship opportunity. You perform, you did your best and you won your respective matches but for me, it's a completely different ballgame. As you know, this isn't just a match for me and I can honestly say that I don't give a damn about your title aspirations or your dreams in becoming a champion. In my eyes, you have forfeited those things because you decide to potentially take away the one thing that I want the most and that's the head of Zack Crash. But let me further elaborate when I say this and hopefully you'll see where I'm coming from when I come into that ring with the attempt to kill you. Through my eyes and my way of thinking I see you guys getting in the way in my vendetta against Zack Crash because I promised myself that I will be the one to beat him and I have sold myself to the idea that the best way for me to get revenge is by taking away what's most precious to him. It's to the point that in my mind that every man within this match and even the previous match were mere obstacles that he has devised to keep me away from him because he knows for a fact that I'm coming for him. So to simply put in my eyes you men are nothing more than accomplices to prevent me from getting my hands on Zack Crash once again! So with that being said, I will hurt you men without any remorse whatsoever because I don't see you all as Khasim, Target Smiles, Darkane, and whomever the last entrant may be. All I see are the faces of Zack Crash and that's more than enough for me to keep moving forward despite how many times I get beaten up and knocked down and seemingly defeated. My hatred alone for that man is starting to evolve into an unhealthy obsession but it's just enough to will me through whatever endeavors may stand in my way. I know for a fact that I will be the last man left standing and walking out as the next number one contender to the Hardcore Championship. I know for a fact that I will be the man that will face Zack Crash when he beats LC and Scott Diamond and I know for a fact that I will be the man that will ultimately bring down that seeming madman and destroy his reign along with his shattered universe and my path of Vengeance will finally be accomplished and I can finally be at ease knowing that I am the man who will do all of that!
Scott Oasis
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post July 30th 2017, 9:42 pm by Scott Oasis
Here we are, the week that I have been waiting for has finally arrived!

The time has come, Pizza Boy. For you….and me. YOU AND ME! One on one in a match for the Answers World Championship! I have waited for this match from the moment both our names were put out in the draft. This is the match that will define my whole season right out of the gate. The match where I finally get my due after over a god damn year of waiting since Pain For Pride Nine. Friday night will be the night where I once again become a world champion in this company, something that has been a long time coming. Too long for that matter! After the performances I have put in time after time, the people I have beat, all of the buzz that I created for myself without any help from management or the people I feel comfortable enough to say it: I am ENTITLED to that Answers World Championship. Don’t roll your eyes, I say it not out of ego, not out of delusion, I say it out of fact and you can see the facts every time you tune in to Dynasty and watch me work -- look at what I did to Eclipse Diemos to back up my claim. I constantly deliver without so much as even an ounce of credit given to my abilities, instead I am ignored and so I grind and I grind even more for attention; I give my all in that ring trying to change people’s perceptions, even if it is futile which is the sad truth about it all. I deserve to be number one in this industry but for some reason I am not, for some reason people want to hold me back and keep me out of the title picture, people like Starr Stan who do not belong in power! The only person who seems to want to give me my just due is Sebastian Monroe. He recognizes the work ethic. He recognizes the money being left on the table by keeping me on the shelf and away from the big matches. He has finally let the beast out of his cage to prove all of the detractors wrong and I can not wait. Nobody else has had to put up with as much bullshit and disrespect that I have for all of these months. It seemed that no matter what I do, no matter how hard I tried, people wanted to run their mouths. They liked to talk shit and throw dirt on my name. They wanted to pretend like I didn’t belong in conversation with the greats as if I haven’t beaten almost every other person in that conversation! People don’t think I belong in this spot, even now!....And why is that? Why, as I am heading into my second world championship run, am I still not being treated the way I should? Why do people continue to bet against me when they will always, time after time end up going broke? I guess the answer is simple. The EAW faithful are nothing but a flock of sheep.

They have a hive mentality and feed into whatever they’re told to believe. To the sheep I’m considered to be a bad guy, someone who is full of myself, an enemy to every flavor of the month they hop on the bandwagon for and so they want to plot my downfall because they don’t want to hear it. The whole company is rooting against me, wanting to see me turn to irrelevancy so they don’t have to worry about their idols being torn down anymore. I figured that out almost two years ago. The moment I hit a brick wall in my career and fell down, there was nobody there to pick me up, only vultures hoping to see me whither away and die so that they can pick the bones. Many people have seen me as damaged goods, as someone who blew his chance in the main event, who was NEVER EVER going to come back from my initial World Championship loss. People wanted to count me out and act like they forgot about Scott Oasis. So I went ahead and for the past fourteen months have made sure that they’d remember my name. I decided to bring myself back up to the top by any means necessary! It has taken what has felt like an eternity to rebuild my reputation, to get myself back up to that level to take what is mine again, but now that I am here and I have this opportunity there is not a chance in hell that I am going to let it go to waste. I have one shot at this and it’s going to be a killshot; a bullet to the pathetic reign that is Pizza Boy’s title run. Someone who should never have touched the Answers World Championship in the first place. A disgrace to the sport that a lot of people like me hold dear! As much as I hate having to see him in a wrestling ring, let alone have someone of my skillset share one with him, when it comes to having the belt taken off of him I’m honestly glad that I am going to be the one to do it before that that scrub with a briefcase got to have a crack at him and bring the prestige down yet another level. It’s not just about winning the title for me, it is about exposing Pizza Boy and showing the world the type of poor excuse of a wrestler that got to hold a belt ahead of much better competitors. I knew this kid was going to be embarrassing stain in this promotion’s history from the moment I met him two years ago. Think about this for a second: right here we have a kid who two years ago wanted nothing to do with wrestling, who was simply working at his crappy minimum wage job until some carnie dragged him into the business so he could swindle a couple bucks out of people with a novelty act. A meek young boy with maybe one, maybe two moves in his entire arsenal stepped into a mainstream company in his first few months of training and instead of running him out of this place and laughing at him, you people went and accepted him as one of your own! You rallied to put a title on this guy! The fact that somehow we’ve allowed a bus boy from a rundown pizza shop into our business and even let him succeed is sickening. As a wrestler he can not even stand on his own! He always relies on others to get him through, if he didn’t have people to lean on and buying into him he would have left this place the moment his bird chest first hit a canvas.

He’s been getting beaten down and thriving off sympathy to keep him afloat for years. First the sympathy of Candle and the sympathy of his manager Barney, then the sympathy of Lioncross and the rest of Stuffed Crust, the sympathy of you the fans - it is all your fault that this glorified tomato can became a thing in our company; it is your fault that we have a five foot, one hundred fifty pound joke carrying a belt that’s bigger than him-- and I’m not just talking about size, I am talking about in value, I am talking about all of the people that came before him, what that belt was built upon and that entire foundation is being pissed on every single second he continues to walk around and call himself a champion! But I get it, I can see why The Pizza Boy’s “on” right now with the viewers and people in this company. He goes hand in hand with EAW’s hive mind mentality, the perfect story to get hooked into. Everyone likes an underdog they can root for. The plucky challenger that nobody thinks can make it against the big dogs. A poor guy clearly out of his element doing his best to survive. You feel for him, you want him to make it, even if it does not seem likely that he will. The crowd goes from a bunch of blood thirsty wrestling fans to a designated pity party for that one guy. They feel bad for him. They push for him to get opportunities and shove him down our throats. It’s annoying but it’s a common practice with men like him. The only difference this time is that somehow the dog actually had his day. By some crazy luck he stumbled into his position on the card and the cinderella story became a reality. The Pizza Boy won the Answers World title at Pain For Pride and unlike Road to Redemption there was no legitimate Elitist running down and cashing in to wake us up from the nightmare before it got past a couple of minutes like they did last year. No, no, unfortunately this time it stuck and you all got to have your moment. “The Pizza Boy is now at the top of the industry when nobody expected it, how amazing, how cute! It’s like the Mighty Ducks winning at the end of the movie, it’s like the little engine that could finally reaching the station, it’s like every cliche story book ending happening in one event! It’s a miracle! Pizza Boy’s dream came true!”

I think I’m going to vomit.

Yes, Pizza Boy’s dream came true, real happy moment, I probably would have shed a tear that night if I gave a shit -- but you see unlike the rest of you I have a way of looking at things for what they really are and what moments like that are, are fleeting. I would love to live in a fantasy land where The Pizza Boy comes into his own and goes from naive young boy to a man who is world class champion. I would love to see this dream of his go on for months and he prove me wrong and he steps it up in that ring. I would also love to fly since I dreamed about it but that’s not gonna happen now is it? I hate to be the bearer of bad news but what you all have to realize is that dream’s are not real, eventually you have to get out of bed and face reality. You have to live life and face the harshness ahead. Right now I am the reality you wake up to, Pizza Boy. I am what is waiting for you when you get out of bed and head into the arena in Portugal this Friday. I am going to be grinning ear to ear the entire match, laughing while watching your whole world turn upside. I am sure that morning you’re going to get up and you’ll be feeling like the king of the world with all of that supporting raining in to reassure you of a successful defense. In fact, you’ll be feeling so confident I bet you’re going to think that it will be a breeze and will be already looking ahead at your next challenger, just like I suspected you of doing last week with that whole stare down incident on Dynasty. You have all of these fans gassing you up and making you think you’re stronger than you are, making you think that there is a chance against me. It’s like a placebo effect. They are giving you all of this false hope that your reign will work. And so you believe it. Look at two weeks ago. You believe you’re some kind of chair wielding badass now. Gosh I can’t wait to pay you back for that by the way. That will be the first thing on my mind when the bell rings and I approach you. When I wind my arm back and my fist connects against your jaw for the first time, it will be in that brief second you realize everything you’ve thought was a lie. That you aren’t getting out of this encounter with me as Champion, or even intact physically for that matter. The miracle run has ran its course however brief it was and now it must wrap up. I am going to be taking that title from you whether you want to accept it or not. I am going to bring that championship back to its former glory, the glory you were not fit to uphold! There is no escaping this, you are up against someone bigger, stronger and flat out better than you. You are up against someone who has breathes wrestling, who has made this sport his life and not just some gig I carry on with to see how far it goes. There is nothing left for me after this business, this is all I have, it’s the only reason I get on with my day.

My life has been based on one purpose and that is being the best in this industry. That is what got me out of the slums and the foster homes, that is what got me to work my ass off and pay for my wrestling school when nobody had my back...it is what got me through the dangers of the underground and made me conquer it…..it is what got me here in EAW and what brought me to the dance here today. When I get in a ring, all I think is destroy, all I think is victory; ALL I THINK IS HAVING MY HAND RAISED IN THE AIR AND I DO NOT WORRY ABOUT WHAT ATROCITY I HAVE TO COMMIT IN THE LEAD UP TO THAT RESULT. But why am I telling you this, you already know firsthand. I’ve beaten you to a pulp twice before back when you were peddling this same bogus talk about heart and determination that you go on about to this day. Heart didn’t save you from a beating. Determination didn’t get you through the match. All your foolish hope got you was a place on the mat for me to plant you on and get the one, two, three. You have never beaten me Pizza Boy, no matter how much you’ve grown or how much time has passed by. It seems like a yearly tradition now. Every year we meet up and I throw the ceiling down on you to remind you just how stupid you are for thinking you can break through it. This time I’ll push it down on you even more just to make sure you get the point that people like you belong on the very bottom rung in the professional ladder. Hell, not even in that spot. When I’m done playing with your lifeless body and the referee hands me my championship, I might do you a favor and toss your carcass over to the fans in the audience. That’s your real calling. Being a fan. Somebody who watches from the sidelines. It’s ok to watch wrestling, it’s ok to enjoy it from a distance but it takes a certain kind of individual to crossover to being actually involved in it. And that certain individual is not you. You should have never entered a ring. You shouldn’t even have made me waste my time for what will now be the three matches we’ve had. The fact that they always end the same should tell you something. You’re not cut out for this. After I beat you this week and humble you I genuinely hope the next time I see you that you will be back to cleaning my table and serving me food; the role you were truly destined to play. The clock has struck midnight and Cinderella must leave the pageantry and go back to scrubbing floors. It’s sad but it is the way the world works. Dreams don’t hold against reality. What will happen to you Friday is going to be the best possible example of what happens when a story continues past its fairy tale ending:

The hero, Pizza Boy, walks out of Pain For Pride Ten and get massacred when he faces Scott Oasis. That’s the real final chapter of Pizza Boy’s tale. And the beginning of mine in Season Eleven.
Finnegan Wakefield
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post July 29th 2017, 5:02 am by Finnegan Wakefield
Chapter 50: Underdog
5 - EAW Promoz! - Page 21 8jGR30C
"The Wrestling Artist" Finnegan Wakefield

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"So I have come prepared this week, not only for in-ring competition this Sunday, but I also have a Spanish to English dictionary at the ready. To retort, entiendo español, amigo albeit with a little aid. Also, have Urban Dictionary tabbed on my phone just in case. No one sells Slang to English dictionaries to my knowledge. Regardless, TLA was right about a few things. For one, this is very much an uphill battle for yours truly. I was already aware of this, a scrawny British rookie taking on a muscular Mexican veteran is always a bit of an uphill battle on paper. But he also brought up a new valid point in terms of the last edition of NEO. After the cowardly post-match attack from Reginald Dampshaw, my right leg isn't one hundred percent at this point in time. I am doing the best I can do to heal, wrapping my leg and applying ice to it, but it doesn't look like I'll be at my physical peak come July 30th. An uphill battle becomes a much steeper, one sided fight. In TLA's words, he is not the underdog in this match, something I already knew when the match was announced. Quite honestly, I have always been the underdog since day one. Do you know how many years I have been wrestling? Both in and out of EAW? Almost one. I came to EAW on a bloody whim, by chance with nothing to help me but my hopes, dreams and determinations. So being the underdog won't play a factor in this match any more than it ever has. I don't need a dictionary to understand TLA's intentions, he made it very loud and clear. My knee is a weak point in its current state. TLA sees a target and he's willing to pull the trigger, my knee being the bullseye in a sense. Do I hold it against him? No. Quite frankly, if the tables were turned, I'd do the exact same thing. But don't mistake my admittance to my weak points as an admittance of defeat. I am at a disadvantage, that much is true. But this isn't going to be simple target practise. My knee is as much of a hindrance as it will be an advantage. It's easy bait, something to jump towards, to attack. But I am not defenceless. I know where the site is aimed towards and willing to use it to lure one in and attack the second they take the bait. It will play one of two factors. Either it isn't targeted at all during the match, allowing me to heal properly without aggravating the strain or it'll become the main point of focus and becomes my greatest weakness and greatest advantage. In either event, If I am going to go down, I am going down swinging.

A victory would be called an upset. I am aware of this. The smart bet is for TLA to defeat Finnegan Wakefield. Not entirely one hundred percent. A rookie taking on a veteran. And a fan favorite taking on an up and comer. The odds aren't in my favor. But were they ever really? Time and time again, I have walked through those curtains with the knowledge that almost everyone I have ever faced is either more experienced than me, bigger than me and on the rarest of occasions better than me. But has that ever stopped me from getting into that ring, wrestling my heart again and giving you all an awesome match? Never. And it never will. Put me against the wrestling Goliaths and I will knock them down. And if they knock me down, I will only pick myself up and come back stronger than before. Metaphorically, TLA is a Goliath of the industry, larger than life star power and an excellent wrestler. My submission holds are my sling and my kicks are my stones. I have the tools to slay the Goliath, all I need to do is put them into practice. I respect TLA, he's a warrior. But so am I. And when the battle of warriors ends, and the dust clears, only the warrior who had the most to prove, the most to gain and wanted it just small margin more will walk out as the victor. I'll offer you a handshake afterwards, because you have my respect. And if you extend yours in return, I want it to because I have earned your respect. Then maybe, just maybe, I'll buy us a pint."
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post July 29th 2017, 1:31 am by Amadeus
The clip-clop of hard shoes echoing through a large empty room are heard.  The darkness in the room is dispelled by a clink of a pull chain which heralds the pale glow of light from a single incandescent bulb.  It's the same room that Amadeus has been speaking from for the past week.  In the weak illumination, it's plain to see that something has changed.  The ladder which Amadeus has been using as a prop this whole week now lies in the circle of illumination, utterly destroyed, nothing left but a twisted wreck.  Amadeus stands over it, contemplating it for a moment, then turns to the camera.

"They don't make them like they used to.  Nothing lasts forever.  I feel that there's a distinct possibility that a good many ladders may suffer the same fate this Sunday.  Harvey Yorke fancies himself quite the 'hardcore' wrestler doesn't he?  And I know that I'm ready to match every twisted ladder that he drives me through.  You see, Harvey Yorke, much as you think that I'm underestimating you, I'm not.  I see you quite clearly for the threat that you are.  Stepping into the ring with you means sustaining a great deal of bodily harm.  And I know that my success is not guaranteed.  And you know what?  I'm okay with this.  I'm happy with that being the case.  I want the challenge that you'll provide.  I want to feel the urge to push myself further than I have before so that I can keep up with you, pass you out, outlast you and win this match.  That's what makes this week so engaging to me.  I want to be pushed to my limits and beyond.  Because I understand limits.  Limits and boundaries encircle us all, even the Devil of Ultraviolence.  You may say that you have no boundaries or limits, but you are wrong.  We all have them, though sometimes, we don't see them.  We lose touch with where they are.  But in the end, no matter how much hyperbole we use, we are all mortal and we all have our breaking points.  You have these as well, and you must think yourself quite a charlatan to try to convince everyone otherwise.  Even DEDEDE, our illustrious chairman, living legend, and previous owner of the Interwire title that we're fighting for, has been pushed to his boundaries and to his breaking point from time to time.  If even he has his limits, then who are you to say that you do not?  It's alright, I understand.  I went through that phase myself.  When I came back from injury, I was obsessed with breaking the chains that bound me, breaking through the boundaries that encircled me, so that I could be completely free.  Limitless.  Infinite.  Well, it did make for some flowery prose, I suppose, but in the end, I came to a realization.  We all have boundaries, and trying to get rid of them all or denying them is an exercise in futility.  What truly matters is what we do when we are pusehd against them.  Do we break and fold, crumpling to defeat and depression?  Or do we rise to the occasion?  Push past them and expand ourselves, widen our boundaries and grow as a person?  So please, don't spew nonsense like 'I don't have boundaries' at the Saint of Chains.  I know boundaries well.  I understand them, the purpose they serve, and how to use them to my own ends.  If you're truly convinced that you have no limits, then I'm sure that this Sunday will be a learning experience for you.

"Likewise, don't tell the Radical Dreamer that you don't have hopes and dreams.  A man without hopes and dreams is a pitiable wretch and not work my time fighting.  You do have hopes and dreams, and you talk about them quite a bit in your little speech.  You talk about taking your title and becoming the leader of the division and molding your legacy.  These are the dreams that I want.  These are the dreams that I will break and shatter.  You see your victory as a matter of course, that there's no way that you could lose to one such as myself.  I will educate you about how wrong you are.  Your view that after Sunday you will reign as Interwire champion, that you will cement yourself as the most violent rising star on Voltage will be cracked and shaken.  That is not to say that you will never have another dream again.  I'm not going to take that ability away from you, that would be silly.  In fact, you may one day even achieve your dreams and accomplish all that you've hoped for.  However, it will not be through me.  I will not allow you to achieve your dreams at my expense.  I will break them, leave you to pick up the pieces.  If you can't repair your dreams after I've crushed them, then you didn't want them enough, now did you?  I am more than an opponent for you, Harvey Yorke.  I am a test of your fortitude and determination.  How much do you really want that title, Harvey Yorke?  How much do you really want to achieve your dreams?  How much will you bleed for it all?  These are questions that I want answered before I unhook 'your' belt from above and claim 'your' title and the hopes and dreams that you've invested into it as well."

Amadeus sits down happily among the ruins of the ladder, a wry smile on his face.

"You know, I've gotten used to people misunderstanding what the Sanatorium is to its people.  It's part of the trade off for being an outcast, an outsider of society.  It's cliche to say, but people don't understand us.  Even now, my brother Maero has been trying to explain what the Sanatorium is to Ryan Marx, a supposedly erudite gentleman who also doesn't understand us.  Then there's you, Harvey Yorke.  You seem reasonably cunning, and you're something of a deviant as well.  I had thought that if anyone who is not of the Sanatorium could understand the Sanatorium, it might be you.  But, alas, you've disappointed me.  I understand that in the world of professional wrestling, stables tend to be a collection of weaker individuals gathered around a stronger one who bind together to work as a cohesive force, accomplishing in numbers what they could not do on their own.  We've seen it with the Wolvesden, with the People With Class, and countless other examples.  This is how it normally works.

"But the Sanatorium is not normal.  We are not a herd of sheep, a pack of wolves, or a swarm of rats, or any gathering of animals.  We aren't even an army.  We are a haven of monsters.  We are a dark family.  We are a collective of individuals who have been granted succor in the demesne of Diemos.  But -and I've said this in the past- we all must stand and fight on our own.  That's why you don't see us interfering in each other's matches constantly.  We cannot be weak on our own.  We are more a family than a stable.  We support each other, yes, but we also fight each other, disagree with each other, and generally fight on our own.

"So what then does the Sanatorium offer?  Well, you touched on that a little.  Yes, Eclipse helped me tap into the darkness that lay hidden beneath me.  Yes, were it not for Eclipse, I might be stuck as Dynamo Go, a pathetic dancing monkey who would not be long for this world in EAW.  But what you don't understand is that I have not been controlled by Eclipse.  Eclipse has never been one to hold your hand and do your work for you.  Eclipse is not my crutch.  He showed me how to stand and walk on my own, and so he sent me forth into the world to make my own fortune, to rise or fall on my own power.  He gave me the tools and the knowledge to carve a path in this world, but it was up to me to apply my own determination to see how far I would get.  Has it been slower than I'd like?  Maybe.  But I am a patient man.  But not so  patient that I will let opportunities slip by.  This is the moment to act.  And act I shall.  You may see these connections that I have to my past and my family, both of blood and the Sanatorium, as dependencies.  You're a man that has eschewed all connections, and you think that it makes you stronger.  Well, that is possibly.  That you've gotten this far on your own speaks well of your determination and fighting spirit.  I will remind you, though, that no man forms in a vacuum.  You've come to this place in your life because of your actions and reactions to others.  You may have chosen to reject the company of others, but you are still shaped by them.  But because something works for you, doesn't mean that it works for everyone.  I blaze my own trail, but I am cognizant of the way that I've come to this place.  I know my past, and I accept it.  I do not let it hold me down ... no, I learn from it, and am stronger and more enlightened for it."

Amadeus chuckles.

"Control, Harvey Yorke?  You're the manifestation of control?  Jon McAdams thought something similarly.  He was someone who thought he could account for every conceivable angle, plotted every single move, and had counters and counters to counters running through his mind all the time.  He thought he could impose his Grand Design upon me.  But he found out, as you will on Sunday, that I am not one that can be controlled.  I am as the wind, the light, the dreams.  I can't be controlled.  It's why I don't care that you claim yourself to be unpredictable.  I wholly endorse that.  It's quite similar to my fighting style.  I use my speed and my agility to attack at angles that you won't expect, to move and counter quicker than you can adjust, and secure my victories that way.  You think that I'm like Jon McAdams, and trying to plan for every permutation?  No.  I thrive in unpredictable situations.  In fact, I'll be quite disappointed in you if you don't do something that takes me by surprise.  But getting the drop on me isn't the same as me underestimating you.  You claim that I don't realize that you're a man who will undergo tremendous pain and suffering in order to walk out the victor.  Hmmm, y'know, I wasn't expecting that.  I really wasn't expecting you to be like every other warrior in this company.  Anyone who has made it anywhere in EAW knows that they will have to put their bodies through rigors that most people could never dream, let alone withstand.  That you've gotten to this point is a testament to your prowess.  But don't act like it's something special to have a high pain tolerance.  We all have a high pain tolerance.  But don't get me wrong.  I know you're dangerous.  I know that my reflexes will have to be sharp, my instincts will have to be well-honed, and my body will have to be ready to accept a beating.  But I am the Grinning Demon, and I relish these challenges, and I'm prepared to unleash my own brand of violence upon you in return.

"And when I walk away from this match, with your dreams and 'your' belt in hand, know this.  I'm am not here to lead, not in the sense that you use the word.  Leaders, in that sense, are like the sovereigns that I lectured Jon McAdams about.  I told him that sovereigns -leaders- have a duty to elevate their lessers, to cultivate and grow them so that their power grows.  Eclipse is a leader.  That is his talent, that is his focus.  I am not a leader in that sense.  I am a force of nature.  I will be a paragon, one that people will look to and see me as a template if they dare walk the same path that I have.  A leader is like a farmer.  They tend to their crops and work hard to make them produce a bounty that enriches the farmer as well as his land.  I am no farmer.  I do not sow.  I am the hunter in the dark.  I am the stalker of monsters.  You want to be leader, Harvey Yorke?  Do you actually think that you have what it takes to lead?  You're welcome to it.  But you'll never rule me.  To rule me would be to rule an earthquake or a volcano.  I am like a natural disaster in human form."

Amadeus stands up and brushes off his pants.

"I am at home here, among the rubble and the ruin.  I am more confident in myself, in who I am, than I have been in ages.  If you think -like Jon McAdams before you- that I'm still suffering from a crisis of identity, you would be about a month too late in that assumption.  I do not change for the sake of change, I have evolved to this point, stronger, faster, and more vicious than before.  I don't need you to believe all the words that I've said today.  Your belief doesn't make them true or untrue.  I know the truth within me.  I know that Sunday, I have a war with someone who could be just as chaotic, just as vicious, just as tough as I am.  I know the future is not set in stone, but I know that victory is mine for the taking.  I need but climb a ladder and grasp it within my hands.  You will see the true to my statements in time.  It won't be words that convince you, but hard strikes, wracking holds, and the pure simple knowledge that comes with facing another warrior one-one-one.  You will learn, Harvey Yorke.  And maybe you will even understand who I am."

The camera fades to black as the final words echo in the room.


Sakuya ⚓ Goto
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post July 28th 2017, 11:57 pm by Sakuya ⚓ Goto
5 - EAW Promoz! - Page 21 2mwCBAd

I am not done until I stop breathing. 

Until then, I wish you a very good luck to stop me, knock me down and make my life a living hell. I am standing here, looking for some great battle and wish that all of my opponents can do what I am here trying to do. I am going to make this match, any of my match look good and memorable. And the perfect opponent should make this look good as well. No matter the result, this will be the fight that everyone can enjoy for the sake of entertainment. This ring, this arena and everybody watching me is the place where I give all my work of art that will make the crowd amazed of me. This time, my work has to be something meaningful not ony for my fans, but for me and my partner as well. This is an important battle for me, this is the match where I live with all my name with it. I put everything on the line, all my names... Pride of Women's Wrestling, a Tag Team Specialist, I am going to put it all in front of million pairs of eyes who will look at me all around me as far as my eyes can see. This will be the battle where I have to do all my every best, not to make the match itself look good, but keep on scoring victories just like what I did a few years ago with Jade. If we lose anyway, we will keep trying again and again until we are victorious. But this time, there will be no "If we lose" Winning or winning..... No other choice, no other option. We have all the things needed to collect another victory for our next battle.

Jack, I don't think you actually understand the situation over here. My language is not actually that complicated and you make this harder to think yourself. Jade was my Tag Team partner..... get the keyword over there? "WAS"! She was my former tag partner and that's it. She is my close friend and we were training and fighting together for more than 5 years but that just happened in the past and only a few possibilities for us to even brought this back. We moved on, Jack.... We are keep continuing each other's life and we walk in separate ways with our consent and no hard feelings at all. Now Jade are taking a care of her family and not thinking about wrestling for now, that's good, that's a very great news for me. Now I continue myself with this journey while I have Jade's full support towards everything that I am doing now. You have that all "best-friend" knowledge and all, you must know how it works.... you must now what friends are for in your everyday life. People normally think that you would marry your best friend, huh Jack? With that logic, why do you not marry David instead? Is that makes me question your friendship with him, really. But really, I don't care about your opinion anyway. I am befriending anyone and no one can tell me that. I have my own concept about friendship and you got your own. I am pretty enjoying mine and I live a good live with it. Even though Jade already found her new life and I already found my own, We will keep getting in touch and keep supporting each other. That is what friends are for, At least for me, I don't know about you... 

And about Azumi, we are tying the knot not because I want to betray Jade or whatever just like you accused. This has nothing to do with Jade after all. Just like I said earlier, somewhere else Jade has a new life, so am I. This is my new life.... Azumi is my new life and there's nothing wrong for both of us at all. Jade only showed her support just like I showed mine and that's just another story. I have this one story that myself and Azumi will build for ourselves. My marriage life with her is not definitely your concern of all because this is not how we build a family I am talking about right now. This is how we build a strong cohesive unit to beat your ass up. And as far as I remember, we are walking towards it. We have a very great chemistry in team while you already see it for yourself. Yes, we fought a lot, Yes, we are racing to get on the top together but when we work together as a team, we know all the rules and how to play it. We help each other, we protect each other's back and we attack our opponents at the same time, I guess there's not even a problem at all. We are a good unit to say the least, we may be below your level but We are on our way to go side by side on your level, even surpassing you and can't you see the significant progress of it? Well, Jack.... We're going straight to the top and there's nothing you can do about it. That is simple, you only make all these things look difficult to you.

Keep doubting me, Jack! Keep blowing up things like I never win any match at all like what you are doing now. I already won something so with all your stupid logic, I shouldn't have to worry about it anymore. I already win, I take it and that's the end of the story. All your opinions about me means nothing at all. I beat you once, I can and I WILL do it again, and again. I am that simple, Jack! You expect me to give all the love to you? Heh, we don't even know each other. If you hate me, I don't care. I never care at all and I never care about you, not one bit. Go ahead, I really want to see you try to bash me with the steel chair just like what you are keep saying over and over again. Really, I want to see you try it and I will see if you are not just talking bullshit. As for me, well.... I don't want to say too much. I am gonna win and take that belt from you. That is the simplest think I will do to you. No chair bash, no hurting bullshit or whatever. Just gonna win and we are gonna win!

And one more thing to David... yeah, I can see you as the more "respectable" person than Jack. You don't talk bullshit too much just like your partner over there. I maybe can see you, and just you as someone I look forward to fight. Well, I see you are going that way so I think I can do that too.... Now I finally see that why you are the honorable mention of the most favorite long talkers right now while Jack is not even on the list. Poor Jackaboy, that's what you get if you talk a lot of bullshit. So, yeah David....I can see that you talk just straight to the point and when this is all over, I maaaaybe will admit that you are a better fighter than me. After that, Maybe I will look forward to see a one-on-one encounter with you. Oh wait, you never fight in a single match. I even doubt you actually can do it. But well, that's just another story. We are talking about tag team encounter, right? So, this time it's definitely you and your partner against me and my partner. But still, we already display a great performance right in front of your eyes. No matter how you look at this pair, dysfunctional or something... We can do it pretty well. You witnessed it for yourself and we won't even hesitate to give you more than we showed last week. We are born to be better than yesterday, right? If that is just simply enough to give you a strong resistance, I always believe that this week, our force will be greater than yesterday. I appreciate your preparation to do it... you should be. 

I get it, David.... in order to defeat me, you have to be more than you are right now. I make the sweetest girl turned into the baddest bitch when she stepped in this ring and I guess you have to do whatever you need to do in order to beat me. Don't worry, I know how to anticipate it. I know how to deal with psychos, maniacs or anything you will turn into. If you are thinking about the value of our match no more, I can see it. You love your title belt so much, I get it and you will try the best way you can to secure that title belt and keep it on your shoulder forever no matter how disrespectful the way it is. I really understand that and trust me, I know how to deal with that kind of person. So let me tell you something, David..... if you want to use your dirty tactic to keep that title and retain it, What if... What if I use the same dirty tactics as you're going to use to grab that title and forcibly taking it away from you? That's right, what if this honorable and respectable Haruna say "Fuck this, I'm gonna win no matter the way it is" and I start to do outside of my comfort zone and steal the belt you deserve so much? Heck, you are not thinking about the valuable things of our match anymore so why should I? I want to win and my opponent would do anything to win it so why don't I go for their tactic, making it backfired at him? I don't care about how I'm going to win anymore, I am not going to lose no matter what! I don't care about how everyone else thinking about me, I don't even care about the double standard that everyone will accuse me, thinking that Haruna should always be on her comfort zone forever. I say... "Fuck that!" I am going to win and winning is my only option. You said it, you said that you will do anything even you have to erase the mutual respect on that ring. I will say, yes... Haruna can be anything she wants as well. Psycho killer, cold-blooded maniac, you name it.... but I just want to be one thing. A champion! Oh yes, I can do that, David.... I WILL do that! And when this is over, I don't want to admit that we already surpassing you because taking the belt away from you is already a point that we are just simply damn good!  

This will be the end of me talking for this week. I really hope this will be just a great match not for us. But for them as well.... I want to give them the greatest resistance for them and be the very few team who can beat them for good. Not just once, but twice... So yeah, my words from last time is not changing yet.... "this is going to be fun!" If you know what I'm talking about...
Devan Dubian
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post July 28th 2017, 11:51 pm by Devan Dubian
A soul will always naturally seek a comfort zone, whether that be knowingly or not.

And I know you both find solace in attaining small victories in this company but my plans are much more substantial than that. What I seek goes beyond avenging my pride against former significant others or atoning the curse of the rookie, for my intent is to create the significant moments and then capitalize on them. I am not so arrogant to create moments where I find myself too distant to capitalize but am confident enough to paint my character in ways where I come out looking like the entity that you want to support at all costs. That is a tactic that has transcended over generations and something not many competitors, especially the lot of you loons have been able to pick up on. The Heart Break Gal on one hand is centralizing her strategy on making herself look more 'cool' in terms compared to the other elitists in the match by sticking to the same lame pick off slanders. Whilst Rex McAllister on the other hand is focused on proving his worth and instilling his name on some gold by limiting the merit of his success to just the past few weeks. I would be inclined to say that the masks you two have decided to go undercover and hide for this bout are unique but we all know that is far from the truth. Your masks are prospectively as tame as your in ring performance at Dia Del Diablo this weekend and I suppose that is not too much of your fault considering the fact that you two have been as equally flimsy opponents in the recent past. Whereas such raw personal insults were perhaps enough to get by, I fear my wall has not been as easy to break down. I do not falter to being called a single minded individual that is weak or someone who just takes the pieces of the puzzle as they are handed to him because such claims all become a bit baseless when it becomes a matter of actually competing inside the ring. Someone who is merely a single minded individual that is weak would not survive all the verbal and physical abuse of both stringent superiors and crowds in different divisions and prevail as the top elitist in all of them. And someone who was just taking the piece of the puzzles as they were handed to him would not be an existing force in every top tier match that he has competed in, regardless of the result. These attempts are valiant efforts to produce a very mediocre version of me without absolutely any merit but if you still choose to walk down this pathway, then I have nothing more to dissuade your mind - I am content with playing mock games with you for as long as it takes because it will only create that you two will not be able to handle when you come across the real King. When the moments matter, there is no better authority to rely on than the man who is going to take this company by roar once again.

There is virtue in both your honest and dishonest ways. I feel it is the riddle that divides the roster from seemingly being someone who wishes to win through legal value from someone who does not care as much and is willing to go to any level to guarantee their level of success. I have played on both of your teams and find myself as an advocate of neither of those ideals because I feel it ultimately limits the enhancing of my mindset. I see things as they are and act by whatever virtue is fundamental to keep myself in the match for the longer measure. It may sound a bit like the militant attitude to do whatever it takes to get it done but can also preclude not engaging in such naive behavior with my opponent who is going to extreme lengths to guarantee his victory. I am uncompromising at all ends and will not resort myself to a fight on a playing field that an opponent wants because I know that comfort zone is something he wants. In keeping myself on this edge albeit patiently, I am able to calculate the movements and psyche of all my opponents ultimately hindering them. So much has been said and done of my attempt to revitalize my name and keep myself relevance in everyone's eyes. In a way, surely that is factual. There came a point in my career where I became more a nostalgia point than someone capable of producing current moments as it did with you The Heart Break Gal. And then I did something similar to what you did, I came back and kept on winning to the point where they just had to admit that I am thoroughly fitting for fighting in the limelight. The only difference between that approach you took and the approach I am taking is that you decided to hinder yourself by diminishing yourself as a force of two instead of going for what you want. I am certain in your mind that you believe you were doing the right thing but in hindsight, you wasted valuable time and inelastic talent on something that you ultimately ended up getting rid of anyways. You tend to call me out for becoming the pitiful one who lost his identity in search for a greater throne but fail to realize that you were long a victim to the own cruelty of your words long before. You may be trying to toughen it out by forging victories through blood of opponents and titles you should have taken down a long time ago and succeeded in attaining but there is no more moment for you. All of that is over and I am rightfully taking back what is mine through any means necessary, whether that be through being awarded a place at the table or begrudging for it myself as I have so often done in my career. Whereas Rex McAllister's kind always has been and will always be looked over their whole career due to the mere fact that there is no edging catalyst that keeps them driving to the most elite championships in this company. You have risen through your own arrogant means Rex McAllister but will find that playing such games at an gilt-edged level is something you have yet to learn - this will become far too evident for you very soon. Both my competitors, The Heart Break Gal and Rex McAllister have dealt enough ammunition but will find that the target they thought they were aiming at this whole time is a completely changed elitist from who they are usually used to seeing. 

One right move, two right moves.. and a soaring elitist will once again become a heroic Emir overnight - that much will be proven true by this weekends end.
The Consigliere
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post July 28th 2017, 11:24 pm by The Consigliere
Cunning tactics. It's what The Consigliere is known for. 

Because everything you know is your best weapon. 

I am often told how I love to twist someone's arm just to get what I demand. I am a loyal comrade and a positive-thinking friend, but the very second I see you as an enemy, I will be the most cruel and wicked person you ever encounter. I get told how I sneak into opportunities so effortlessly when I want to and snatch them away from another person's hands, especially when they least expect, I often get told how I never play the muscles game but rely on strategy, quick-thinking, and the sharpness of my movement to intervene when necessary and attack when they're at their weakest. Strength and movements are easy to control when you're in the wrestling ring, but the challenge is to put more work on setting them astray as you make them doubt everything they believe in and once they're stumbling over their feet uncertain of their fate, you will see when you gauge the situation that you have already won before the match even begun. 

A year ago, I stood in the ring as the record-breaking four-time Vixens Champion. Two years ago, I stood on the same spot as a Unified Tag Team Champion living through the longest reign of them all. When no one dares to question your approach as they have questioned others and all you have done is to focus on your individual goals and strive for greatness that other self-pitying disgraceful "wrestlers" only imagine, you have to think to yourself -- maybe I'm doing something right. Maybe the reason I always progress is because I always focus on what the best direction it is to take... no one has the same mindset as I and their struggling braincells cannot comprehend how I operate and how it's so easy for me to put down opponents who dare to call me their prey, and that what's make them frustrated. So frustrated that they end up running around in circles after two years in their career with no gain, and nothing to be proud of but an empty trophy shelf with nothing but participation ribbons in it, while I collect a plethora of gold and silver and diamonds, ensuring that the collection that I worked so hard for are forever etched in stone, remembered by those who have witnessed my path to supremacy. It's never about how many kicks landed on my opponents' throats, or how many punches I threw on their faces, it's always about what those punches meant and what they did to allow me to take a step forward. It's very simple, if you really think about it. If you know that you're in danger of being burnt, never stay close to the wildfire. But these incompetent, insignificant neanderthals take very long to achieve their path to glory because they tend take the jagged road and make life complicated. For what? For shock value? For their families to tap their shoulders and tell them they did a good job, when it felt like they never tried at all? Place a them in a Championship match where all they have to do is prove that they are worthy of being called a Champion and somehow, someway, they find a way to let it slip through their fingers and squander what little chance they had. Rex McAllister is the victim of the same circumstance. He believes that he's a unique being capable of reaching for the stars, as he cries to the world how mean The Heart Break Gal is being, hurting his feelings, while he stares at me with that dull look on his eyes and calls my insults sophomoric because he is incapable of actually addressing them without sounding like a complete imbecile. If you don't speak like him, or talk on his monotonous robotic level, he will never understand your points, and when you do... well, he still doesn't fucking understand any of it! He insists to be trapped in his drug-induced world where all the words in the dictionary are jumbled up to fit his own meaning! He is that much of a fucking moron that he needs to put on a fedora and a monocle just to be taken seriously by the crowd because he doesn't want to make them think that even he doesn't possess anything that resembles knowledge as he rags on about topics that he couldn't understand himself. Is this what the world has come to? 

I challenge for the EAW Championship because it's what I swore I would do. Even a year ago when I was on Empire assisting those soul-sucking pigs in the "OG Vixens", my heart is still with the original goal because I know to myself that it is attainable. And I swore to myself that the moment I find the opportunity to shatter the glass that divides me from the main brands, I will take the leap the very first chance I got. And that is exactly what I did. I did not go all this way, jumping from one brand to another just to waste time letting Championship shots like this vanish to thin air. I already let it happen the first time against Lannister and Y2Impact, and we can say that was just a rigged event where my loss meant more to the man who stood by me for a long time than any win achieved. I understand completely the gravity of the situation and why this match means the world to the three of us, but I am not going to be that person who has had too many chances she finds herself at the end of the line digging for scraps hoping to find her piece of gold. I am not Rex McAllister. I am not Devan Dubian. I am not Cameron Ella Ava. And I am especially not Y2Impact. I never sit still and wait for gold to fall on my hands, I never imitate another person's actions hoping the same rules would apply to me, and I don't make excuses for my losses and setbacks. I move forward and create an even bigger path forcing everyone else to make way as I cross the finish line. So if I have to go through every single person in this godforsaken company just to get my right to the World Championship, then without hesitation, I will get it done. By all means necessary, I will achieve it. The waiting game doesn't interest me, and I never believed in doing what's fair if it doesn't benefit me. So go on, Rex McAllister... Tell me how much you thrive for success while defending the new breeds, as if that would rattle me. Tell me how badly you'll defeat me, as if I didn't have a fight to give. Because I can assure at this point that anything you say that discrediting everything that i have pushed for will bite you back as I make you realize that you truly are facing the devil that will snatch away what little chance you thought you had winning this match. 

You had me believe that you actually had something up your sleeve, Devan, but it seems you're too focused on taking out your insecurities and troubles on Rex. Hmph, I thought we were friends! Where's the back-up plan? Where's the wild card? What was this big reckoning that I should be watching out for? I suppose when you're a miserable coward who just hides among the murmurs of the crowd, there really no words left to say anymore. Were you too busy asking for validation and acceptance from your adulating fans? Were you too caught up in giving them a pep talk and begging them to cheer for you just to prove that you're still loved and that they're still entertained by your mediocre performance? Or have you already realized that you mean nothing to them anymore as they line up to get the autograph of the next big star of Showdown while you sit at the back questioning if anybody still wants you to be Champion? So many questions run through my mind, but I suppose I'm past the point of being curious where you've been. All I know is that you have abandoned your original thought because you know you couldn't put me in my place no matter how much you claim you know me. You're nothing but empty words. You're nothing but attempts. And these descriptions have never failed to define you based on the journey you took in this company, and they will continue to do so until you're on the brink of retirement. 

I'd be lying to myself if I told you that facing you didn't give me a dose of nostalgia from when we were a team, and that allows me the unfortunate nature of making comparisons. What pisses me off about this is how much it changed you. Believe me, I am the first promoter of the ability to adapt, evolve and change based on the circumstances. Through years of working in this company, I know that EAW is a game of numbers, and to get results, you will have to keep up with the new approach of the amateurs, and the development of the legends that makes them unstoppable... all at the same time. But I also know how to determine if change makes a person better or if it ends up putting them in a worse position, and the latter is exactly what I have observed from you. One fond memory I had from back in 2012 was when you were so determined to win that you didn't care when nobody else thought the same. To quote, you would say that the bigger the crowd is in disbelief, the higher you would leap, and that was something that I found truly admirable that for once someone didn't sicken me to my stomach with their intolerable gargling that they have the nerve to call "threats". I understand that you mentioned that you didn't fly as high anymore, but this change from a leaper to a grappler just plainly took you to the ground, motioning like a worm with no purpose but to be stepped on or consumed like a prey. You lost your wings and it made you into a lifeless version of yourself that appears different but is the same as everyone else, aiming for royalty, looking to be king... King of what, Devan? The King of all Elitists? The King of Champions? The King of England? The King in the North? Deep down you know that way too many people are aiming for the same goal and they fail more often than succeed. And you're there squeezing in between hoping to find your place, forcing the crowd to remember your name instead of your work doing the deed for you. I just wish you finally found satisfaction staying on the ground... Because really, Devan, who am I to try to lift you up? You're the former World Champion after all, you should know better.

From being that Vixen who started as a small-time performer. 

To the Vixen that learned the ropes to becoming Champion.

To the Elitist on her way to her biggest goal. 

Changes have come to this company, and I continue to evolve with it... but one thing is sure to stay the same -- that The Heart Break Gal will always be a name to be feared with a legacy to be remembered.

And at Dia del Diablo... That promise is what I intend to keep more than ever. 
Victor Maero
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post July 28th 2017, 11:11 pm by Victor Maero
“You don’t understand my cult.. You’ll never understand me DAD!” Maero talks softly.


Oz taps a triangle. Maero and Oz sit side by side wearing black trilbies and a silver microphone on a stand in front of Maero.

“I know your family dynamic better than you. You could learn a thing or two from my cult-- shit I meant me and my friends.”


“Human’s are forty to fifty percent banana,” Oz begins. “But you’re one hundred percent fruit.”


“Actually, if you were gay I think your hooded figures would have better fashion sense.” Maero stands and moves around the room with his microphone.


“Saying this is war is a cliche. But, black robes are original.”


“People find me when they’re down and I help them. Wait, Eclipse found you when you were down and helped you? He’s your god.”


“And now a haiku.” Maero clears his throat
“Our minds are clear.
Enlightenment is future.
It’s not a cult MOM!”

Maero tosses his hat off and Oz follows. Maero takes a breath and sits back down.

“Mental assault… Is that a promise? I’d like a bit of a change from the norm. That same thing you repeat like a soundbyte on loop. It’s good you do that though, I can’t possibly understand you, I’m just a simpleton. You want someone to rival your mind, right? What a fucking joke. No matter what I spoke you would’ve said that same damn thing, over and over again. You’re a broken record. You disregard everything I say as Eclipse’s influence or idiotic just because you disagree. You’re like a politician attempting to discredit their opponent. But there aren’t any votes here in EAW. No poles or popularity contests. Just you, me, and enough time to rip each other to shreds. You want some depth? Here’s some depth: The universe is vast and cold. We’re nothing but a spec to the entire universe. But to a tiny microbe we’re unimaginable. Even if they could think they wouldn’t even conceive of us. The best part? Not a bit of it matters. We’re all going to die. But that’s why we should keep moving. Pain fades, don’t let it stop you. Not deep enough? I don’t think so either. Yet, that’s what you built a religion on.” Maero hands the microphone to Oz.

“Hey, Ryan. Here’s the thing, inflicting pain on people is something that needs to happen to win. Enjoying inflicting pain is different. So yeah, everyone who has fought you has wanted to cause you harm. But not everyone enjoys it and if they do their enjoyment pales in comparison to Tin Man’s. Are we at an agreement? Cool.” Oz clears his throat.

“You don’t have to call me that you know.” Maero interjects.

“What?” Oz responds.

“Tin Man, you don’t have to call me that. You’re far older now.”

“I know, it’s just a tradition now. I like the name.” Oz shrugs and continues. “I know you would love to think that Tin Man’s motivation is as simple as being told to do it because his brother failed. But Tin Man isn’t the mini boss before Eclipse. You’ve mistaken brotherhood for control and refuse to disillusion yourself. They do say Earth’s main export is hypocrisy. Tin Man has backed down on things he’s realized were incorrect. You haven’t. You can pat yourself on the back and call it willpower, gumption, or spiritual resilience, but we all know what it is, you’re just plain old stubborn. And not in a good way. Not the kind where you’re the spunky rebel who refuses to give up. No, the kind where you stupidly try to yell loud enough to get your point across. You’re like an anti vaccer. ‘Maero’s a puppet!’ You scream, waving a debunked study and calling for a manager. The Sanatorium isn’t as cultish as it appears. Sure there are kids involved, but the very reason that function exists is to eventually be phased out. The goal of it is to save the children in bad situations. Things like abuse, lack of medical attention, not being accepted for gender or sexuality, etcetera. Why do you think?” Oz hands the microphone to Maero.

“So that they don’t become like us. I wasn’t happy with who I was for a disturbingly long period of my life. I don’t want another child to go through that.”

“But wait! I’m insane and Jocelyn's a wrestler.” Oz says dryly. “It’s because we chose it. Both Jocelyn and I chose to do this. Why did I take this? I don’t need the microphone, it’s not even on.” Oz says with a shrug as the microphone lands on the ground with a thud. “Sure, I’m a little crazy, but all the best people are. The day I lost my mind was the most freeing day of my life. But what about the rest of the kids? They’ve chosen to be normal. To go to a normal school and have normal friend. They watch movies until midnight once a month, usually Disney movies. They all have apple slices in their lunch and if they’re luck a Jello cup. There’s not a religious belief they’re raised on or told is better than any other. Except to follow their dreams. That’s what the Sanatorium is. It’s a bunch of misfits and freaks who got together and started a family. A huge, dark, weird, garageband. The kids aren’t told to think a certain way, or to change who they are if it’s not as dark as Eclipse or Solomon. Every difference is celebrated. They can make their own philosophies as they grow and see the world in new ways. That’s the human experience. There experience is different than mine. I took the dark route, that’s on me. It doesn’t make me better or worse. Every road is the one less traveled because every road is a new one. Nobody lives a recycled life. If that makes the Sanatorium a cult then the Bill Nye fandom is a cult. If a cult is having allies that will fight with you if you ask then a soccer team is a cult. Have you ever had friends? They help you because they like you, not just because they follow the same belief system. That’s just what they do.”

“My devotion isn’t to Eclipse, it’s to my family.” Maero growls. “You’re misconception of where my loyalties land won’t change that. Or is my morality not simple enough for you? There’s another misconception I should’ve addressed a bit earlier. That misconception is that you’re going to win our war. You might win this battle. If I win it’ll take everything I have, everything I am. I plan on doing just that, putting all my strength and all my experience into one match and proceeding to dominate the ring. But even if I don’t, you won’t win. If your brand touches my skin you’ve made a contract with the devil. I’ll come back again and again, each time getting stronger, faster, and smarter. As you say, pain is a great teacher. If I lose you’ll be my new obsession. Even if you lose that title to someone else, you’ll still be in my crosshairs. If you brand me, you won’t be claiming me as conquered or your own, you’ll be marking yourself as my prey. You’ll be my new drive. My new call to get action. I’ll keep getting better with one goal in mind: you. Take this however you like, a compliment, a threat, it doesn’t matter. No matter the outcome of this match, I promise you, you’ll remember my name. Am I scared? Damn right I’m afraid, Ryan. But that’s what makes the hunt so damn thrilling.” Maero picks up the hat he dropped a plays with it as he speaks.

“I’ve got a volcano for a heart. It bubbles and spits until it finally goes off in the ring, covering everything in black and red. The ash from my heart makes a perfect playground for the demons that dwell within it. I’ve got an earthquake for a voice. I shake and shake, sometimes it does nothing and sometimes it does everything. But the quake isn’t what kills you, sometimes it’s the after shock and sometimes it’s my will. I have the will of a tsunami. My voice starts what I finnish. I don’t stop until everything in my way is destroyed. I’ve got a tornado in my veins. I won’t stop until the wind does. I won’t stop until there’s no more air to breath and no more blood to bleed. I have a hurricane for a mind and you’re standing right in the eye. You’re right in the center of the chaos. But come Die Del Diablo, all of this will converge on you. Long story short…” Maero puts out his hand and Oz hands him a lighter. He flicks it on and hovers the hat over it. “I’m a disaster and I’m coming right for you.” Maero puts the flaming hat over the camera.

Fade to laughter.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post July 28th 2017, 9:44 pm by showster26
Dia Del Diablo Promo #6

(The scene opens backstage at the American Airlines Center in Dallas, Texas.  It's here outside his personal dressing room that we find EAW’s Self Proclaimed Social Media Champion, “Picture Perfect” Mark Michaels, in his ring gear, entrance vest, and gold rimmed Gucci aviator sunglasses. His million dollar grin, smirks confidently on his face as he raises a microphone to his mouth.)

Michaels: “Well the day has finally arrived, The day when this handsome devil gets his due. Now I've spent the last week telling everyone in this match that I was gonna win, giving them the heads up for when I put them thru those flaming tables.  And making damn sure they don't piss and moan about getting their ass kicked afterwards.  I've offered fair warning for each and every one of these taking traffic cones in my way, and now is the time when I am gonna make good on my promises. 

But for some odd reason, all of these knuckleheaded assholes just can seem to com to terms with the fact that I'll be grilling them like I'm Bobby Flay from bell to bell. But first r some reason all of them seem to think that I can't back up everything I'm saying.  Just goes to show you how far their heads are buried in the sand. They doubt my abilities, they are blind to my greatness, and they show just why they got left behind in special ed class when they try to deny my Perfection!  These rat bastards are green with envy, it makes them sick to their stomach when they see me shine in ring. They know they could never reach my level as a professional wrestler, so the very best they can do is drag my name thru the mud, and try to bring me down to theirs.  Well tonight these four fucks are gonna get bested by the best in the business. I'll be walking all over them on a path to bigger and better things.  Things like the National Elite Championship, things like top shelf competition, things like main event matches, my face on all the promotional stuff, and my name hanging over the Showdown logo every time we go live on Saturday night.  Things that I've craved, and deserve, and have been denied since I signed on the dotted line with EAW.  All of it will start rolling In the second I’m done trouncing all these good for nothing jagoffs, and when I do, maybe they'll finally come t their senses, shake off the jealousy that has been biting them all on the ass since they found out they would be working on my brand, and maybe even come to appreciate the fact that they've shared a moment in time with a man who could only ever be defined as Perfection Incarnate. Maybe they'll start to see how my dedication, and hard work has propel me to greater heights with every passing day. Maybe they'll see how all the hours in the gym, and every moment in the ring has shaped me, and how every set back I've encountered is now another log on the roaring inferno that's been lit under me.  

Every time I've put everything on the line in that ring only to walk back empty handed, every time I was moments away from pulling off the big win only to have it all ripped away from me, every time I was inches away from having my hand raised high only for some numbnuts with a case of Michaels envy to screw me out of my destiny, it's all set me on fire. And when I walk out to that ring, I will be coming out red hot, and ready to burn thru every mother fucker in between me, and my long overdue title shot!  I am not letting anyone stand in the way, not Lucas Johnson, not Nova, nobody is getting between me and who ever is holding that belt by Territorial Invasion.  Do you all hear me?  You step up to me, I'm bitch slapping you right the fuck back down. You try to test me in that ring, you get charbroiled by those flames faster than a fucking hiccup!  If you know what's good for you, stay out of my way, because winning here tonight means far more to me than it does any of you. And I will not hesitate to force all of you into early retirement from the ass whippings I'll be handing out tonight!  All of you will be hashtag hurting if you try me in that ring, and believe you me once I'm done, there won't even be enough left of you to give a farewell speech on the next Showdown. I'm tearing thru you four like a chainsaw thru butter. Tonight you'll be feeling the heat from the brightest burning star that this company will ever see. And rest assured whether you all like it or not, it will be me who'll be winning it all tonight. 

You hear me POP?  You ask me why I haven't ‘won the big one’ so to speak. Well if you would have been paying attention to anything I've had to say over the course of the last month, than maybe you would know it's because I've robbed by shit heads like you for two years, and my former General Manager would only ever hand out opportunities to the guys he had a hard in for. Hell if you were on Dynasty, I'm sure your has been ass would have been promoted like there was no tomorrow, and you would have been handed title shots just by snapping your fingers. But as it stands you're in showdown, where you have to actually earn everything you get. This isn't a place where HBB can pop up out of retirement and be hand a world title match, this isn't a show where Lucas Johnson can trip over his own feet for six months before he finally gets a fluke win for a title, this isn't where a guy like you can get the world handed to him on a silver platter just because he had a rep as being good a decade ago. Tonight is the first Pay Per View event of season eleven, this is the event where the future begins, and that future belongs to Mark Michaels!  You want to talk about me not having done anything meaningful here in EAW, well how bout kicking the crap out of so called legends, and puting the rest of the locker room on notice if just who’s the top dog in this company. I beat you POP, I sent Scott Oasis Running for the hills, I've been apart of innovative and memorable matches that have changed the landscape of this company and will be remembered forever in the annals of this sports great history. And the thing is, I haven't even gotten warmed up.  The future keeps getting brighter for me. Like the sun rising on my day, as it sets on yours. 

Keep trying to knock that rust off your game,  everyone already sees that it filled with holes. You need to start accepting the fact, that the twilight of your career is one that won't be celebrated. You won't have a sixty point game like Kobe Bryant, you won't have a super bowl ring like John Elway, you won't even get a one of those highlight packages they put together when someone takes off. No, the only thing that you'll be able to hang your hat on, is that you where there when Mark Michaels snatched the torch out of your hand, and used it to light the way for a greater era than EAW has ever seen before.  Tonight you get to see the Elite of Elite answers Wrestling shining brightly, and the last ember of all your stuck in the past, Extremists crap die out here now and forever. 

And my friend Kaise, I hope you don't take it too hard when I roast your ass over an open fire. I told you from the start that everything that goes down in that ring is business, and that's all this is. Now I know you started getting to like having me carry your ass in matches, and getting a chance to see how a true star in this industry gets to live.  But understand that when I send you thru that flaming table, Its not business, its personal. See I've had it with being sandbaged with curtain jerkers like you, I'm sick and tired of dragging no talent fucks like you to victories, then having to beat you from pillar to post because you don't know when to keep your mouth shut. I'm done wasting my time with peons like you, guys who wouldn't know a wrist lock from apple butter, or however that old saying goes.  I am a man who has dedicated his life to this sport, you're just some bum off the streets who for some reason took up combat sports last year. Kaise you are dealing with a man who has spent countless hours training to be a champion, what good can you're weekend at wrestling fantasy camp gonna do against that?!  

What can you possibly hope to accomplish against a man who is a better natural athlete, has more experience, and whose skills unmatched by anyone in the game today?  What is the best you yourself can gain out of all this, and don't try and feed us anymore of that watch you suffer bullshit that you've spitting. No, the best thing you can hope for is for is that I'll allow you to walk away in one piece, because truth be that told you are an insult to everything I love about this business. You're some jackass in a suit who was too much of a pussy to fight, and now presto chango you’re out and about making an ass out of yourself playing pro wrestler. You're a  stain, a goddamn blemish upon this company, and it would make me the happiest man on face of the earth for you to crawl back to that pile of ash and soot that used to be home,  bury yourself there, and stay buried. Go find some other place to play around in, because I won't stand for someone who tarnishes every thing this industry was built upon, just by his simple existence within it. Kaise, I'm gonna weed you out of this company, I'm gonna run you right out of this sport, and I am gonna make you wish that you never stepped foot into my ring. 

 Lucas, good to see you back to screaming your head off again you know, I gotta tell you that I'm happy you're in this match. No really, I am. See not only do I get the chance to get MY National Elite Championship finally placed around my waist, I get to put you thru a flaming table while doing it. This is great, this is like one of those times you’re at the bar, and not only are you taking an absolute ten back to your place, but her hottie friend is more than happy to join you. My god life is good when you're me.  I finally get back to my proper place of taking on champions, and I also get to break that Lucas Johnson Jinx that's had me stuck dealing with the bottom of the barrel in EAW.  Now sure you'll run your mouth about how you rigged the odds and got lucky on top of it all to beat me, but tonight all that bullshit goes up in flames. Tonight the world learns beyond a shadow of a doubt that no one, not even the wrestling machine is better than Perfect. 

So go on ahead and yell your fat head of till you're blue in the face. Scream as loud as you can about how you were a paper champion for three months, or how the only people you could pin were ham and eggers like Leonhart, and whatever the hell Hackenschmidt was calling himself. Go on Lucas, because in a very short amount of time, every argument you've been resting your hat on, as well as that bullshit reputation you have, is all about to go right out the window. Lucas, I am conquering the demons of my past this season in EAW,  and I will be grinning ear to ear as I watch you sweat off the pounds when I slam you into that fire!  Tonight Lucas the biggest loser is you, and I'm sure that all of Friends, Followers, and Subscribers will be liking that. 

And that just leaves the Macho Miracle Gimmick guy coming straight outta  HUD’s housing. You know something Nova, I get it. You don't like me because I grew up in a better home. I went to a better school, And I in general have a better life than you from the food I eat, to the women I fuck. You're petty and that's to be expected jackasses who need to wear silly gimmick sunglasses and cowboy hats for anybody to give a fuck he's on their screens, even if it's only so that your attention seeking ass can be laughed at. Johnny Let this momma’s boy share with you a piece of advice she gave me when I was young. Fuck those who are less fortunate than you, if they can't keep up, that's their goddamn problem. See the thing you need to realize is, just because I outclass you in every category in and out of the ring, and you're nothing more than a piece of flea shit compared to me, that doesn't mean I’m gonna let you get away with trashing my name, and screwing me out of my title shot. 

Johnny, you might not understand it right now, but I am a superstar. A crossover phenomenon that people from every corner of the globe adore. That's why the media wants a sound bite or photo opp every time I show my face in public. That's why I can live he life I live and afford everything I have, because I'm the hottest thing this side of the sun. So while you're down in he minor leagues begging for an opportunity to get noticed, I'm out and about building an empire that crosses borders, that crosses age groups, that crosses media platforms and more.  But just because I’m doing all that, it doesn't mean that I haven't put this match at he forefront of my attention.  I want that National Elite Championship more than you can ever know, and I will be pouring out every drop of blood, sweat, and energy just to get the chance at it!  

Now I know that you don't want me to be one of the final two in this five way match, just like you didn't want me to be one of the final two in the ring of Fire. I know that you're scared to take me on one on one. I know that you're dreading having to stand toe to toe with hands down the single greatest professional wrestler alive today. You know I'll leave you mangled, and embarrassed, and burnt to a crisp when you step into that ring with me. Johnny you say I'm a big joke, funny. By night’s end I'll be the one laughing as your smoking carcass is wheeled into an ambulance. Johnny, you don't want to fuck with me, you're on my hashtag hitlist already, don't make yourself the top target. Because faster than you can blink your eyes I will put you down and end you!  You think it was hard getting out of the gettho, just wait till I send you back in your brand new wheelchair!

Tonight, all of you are gonna see the devil in Mark Michaels, you're all gonna walk away worst for wear, and when it's all said and done, the smoke clears and the ashes settle, I'm the only one who'll be left standing. Because I'm the Twitter Trendsetter, the Instagram Icon, the Hashtag Hero, and in a matter of minutes , the number one contender to the National Elite Championship, so all of you can Picture THAT! “

(Michaels drops the mic, and walks out of the frame towards gorilla position.)

Moongoose McQueen
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post July 28th 2017, 6:56 pm by Moongoose McQueen
What can I honestly say about Jamie O’Hara that I haven’t already said before? Granted, the last two times we faced, I’ve lost both times, but it’s not that I can’t beat him, but simply because I don’t want to. While Jamie is distinctly targeting me because I’m a simply on NEO and because I’m simply the New Breed Champion, that I am not a worthy opponent for his time. Well, sure, you can say that, but as far as I can tell, as the New Breed Champion, pulling double duty on both Voltage and NEO actually only further proves that I am simply the hardest working son of a bitch to roam these so called “halls.”
Alas, I do not take working on NEO as an insult. I do not take being the New Breed Champion as one either. I’ve said it before and over and over that I know for a fact that I am better than that, but I do what I have to do, not because I need to, but because I want to. I am here to nurture and promote and be there every step of the way to help it grow and develop as a division that most people wouldn’t even bat an eye for unless there was someone there will to be there to save it. I won’t speak on Jamie’s behalf, but I wouldn’t be surprised if everything he does to be a world champ is all selfish and ego for his own pride and arrogance. Sure, I talk a big game and it has even gotten to the point that people label me as “arrogance personified” but I just choose to speak louder than others, where there is an old saying. “Beware of the quiet ones” Being quiet doesn’t make you humble, you either are quiet because you have nothing to say or you have something to hide. And I, Moongoose McQueen, always has something to add to the conversation and I never have to lie.
So when I say “I don’t want to beat Jamie O’Hara,” I mean it sincerely from the bottom of my heart, as the type of guy I am, I thrive off the opportunity to work with people that can feed off my energy and use it. I rather face someone that is on par and can motivate me to compete, and while a long long time ago, there was something about Jamie O’Hara that once convinced me he could be that man, that magic is gone, and first impressions are proven to be wrong once again. Don’t get me wrong, I won’t detract from the fact that Jamie O’Hara is world champion. He has the skill in the ring to keep up with the best. But all and all, he just doesn’t interest me. I just don’t get IT. I mean, here I am, rather than talking to Jamie O’Hara directly, I’m right here explaining myself as to why I simply do not care for him. This man is talking to me as a low tier champion and talent, and you’d think, man, Moongoose is going to be pissed off that he’s going there, but yet here I am, saying to the camera, “World, look at me, I’m not talking to Jamie, I’m talking to you instead, because I really don’t want to waste my time looking or even talking to him.” Don’t make eye-contact with him, look at me, I’m talking here. Because deep down, I really kind of hope that if I ignore him long enough, he’ll take the hint and go away, because for the love of all that is good and holy, Jamie O’Hara is still a disappointment to me.
I get it, you all have questions. Jamie O’Hara is the current world champion and he is hailed as one of the best New Breed Champion to ever carry the belt, and he has some of the best matches in EAW this past year. But maybe what people don’t get is, I know Jamie O’Hara a little more than most people do. After all, Cameron and I are very good friends, and she speak really highly of Jamie. And you may think, maybe it has a lot more to do with jealousy, but far from it. I mean, look at me. I got the hair, the look, the name, I got it all. But Jamie and I are pretty much polar opposites whereas I don’t believe we have anything in common at all other than the fact we like Cameron, and I will ultimately admit that I put up with Jamie because of her. But I just hate him. I hate his look, I hate his styles, I hate the things he likes. I hate the fact he prefers the strong style of wrestling where I prefer the more traditional aspect. He prefers to play and cool and silent, where I prefer to be more outspoken and flashy. And quite frankly, I don’t want to downplay myself just to play the game his way.
If I’m being honest with myself, I’ve known about Jamie and Cameron long before the first match we had. And if I recall the circumstances of the first match where I was “hired” by Lucian Black to take him on, I remember why I accepted that match.  I also remember distinctively why I gave him the plans to the arena to attack Xavier Williams. It was all simply a means help Cameron, because she felt Jamie needed a challenge and a push to get to the right direction. And what can I say? He disappointed me when he didn’t follow up on the first time I helped him, and that was step 1 in the downward spiral of hate I had for him. And while I can say after beating me, and getting back in his groove, he did go on to beat Lucian and win the world title, I did my job and all, I still don’t care for him. Then when I faced him a second time when he was the world champ, I recall going into that match not really caring for it either. It was just a means to make Jamie look like a capable world champ, and I remember, Cameron told me, do go too crazy on him. And no, I didn’t. So if people are still wondering, why does Moongoose McQueen, after too loses doesn’t take Jamie O’Hara seriously? Well, Ignorance is bliss, and I know too damn much about Jamie that at this point, I much rather distant myself from him.
Yet I don’t get why on such a big roster with 3 different brands, would we end up on the same show again. What were the chances of that? But moving on. So the irony in all this is, Jamie O’Hara is saying he doesn’t want to face me, simply because I’m not in the same championship league as him and that I’m on NEO. Well, here I am saying, that Jamie, even though you are the world champion, I don’t even want to face you. You don’t excite me. You don’t make my blood boil. You don’t make me want to shatter your knees. I just don’t care for you as a man, and no title is ever going to change that. I’m talking about Jamie O’Hara. Not the World Champion. Not Cameron Ella Ava’s boyfriend. Jamie O’Hara, this is all you. And nothing in the world is going to fix that.
Unfortunately, Jamie I think the most interesting about you when you were a Champion was when you were feuding with Xavier Williams. And with that over, I really don’t see, or truth be told, want to see you face anyone else, because you don’t really do much to generate the hype. I get it, it’s not in you to feel like you need to generate hype, but you can’t blame me then if I say “you lost me.”  We’ve had this talk before, you are a wrestler first, yada yada yada. Blech. And I really REALLY want to see you prove to me otherwise, but I’ve long given up on you. At this point, my sentiment for this 3rd match is, “Sigh, Again?” And obviously, when you put Jamie O’Hara vs Moongoose McQueen on the card, Cameron comes running to me wanting to talk about it, and I play along. I pretend I like you and that I think Cameron doesn’t need to do better. Yet, the odd thing about it was, this conversation was different. It’s interesting what a world title match can do to someone that is extremely competitive. Rather than it being, “Go easy on him Goosey. Keep it clean and nice.” It was more like, “Sweep the leg and kick dirt in his face. Rip that beard off!” And I’m like “Wow!” This is different.
First of all, I’m very happy for Cameron, and I can honestly say, the world title scene on Voltage has been invigorated by the addition of my friend as the new number one contender for that title. She absolutely deserves it, and I feel free to just say, I hope she beats the crap out of you, Jamie. I hope that every morning, you wake up next to her and see her holding that world title and rub it in your face. And most importantly of all, I hope that the loss to her would make you more interesting and compelling again to gain my interest. But let me continue on with the conversation Cam and I had this week. You might not like the sound of it. But boy, she is really going to gun for your head now. You might think it will be fun and games, but I would strong advise against that. I’ve known her for quite some time, and quite frankly, she is one of the nicest people I know and really only acts the way she does, because what can we say, we know what the people want to see. But heart to heart, she wanted me to beat you this week. It wasn’t the same ole same old “I believe in you Moongoose. You can do it!” It was “I want Jamie O’Hara to suffer til the very end.” And yeah, you’re probably thinking, no, this isn’t true, it’s all just a joke for Moongoose to get inside my head. But look deep inside, Jamie, and you know this to be the truth, and as I said, I don’t have the anticipation or will at this point to mess with you.
Point being to what I said at first. Jamie, it’s never been that I couldn’t beat you. It was simply because I don’t want to. I’m only as good if I’m really feeling it, and you and I, we got nothing. No chemistry. We’re like oil and water. But the first two times we’ve faced, I took you on because Cameron said you needed the help. Because at the end of the day, I am a lean mean motivation machine and I can help anything bring their game to the table. And not everyone can do this, aka, you. And the sad truth is, if I’m going to beat you this Friday, nah, not even beat you probably. Probably more along her own words of making you suffer, it’s going to be because she ask me too, and come on. You seem to know me so well as a mercenary, you really think I was going to turn this job down? You didn’t think it would be that easy, did ya?

This shall be my mission. I will make you suffer. I will stop at nothing! I will leave no stone unturned! I will climb the highest mountain, explore every island, search every cave! I will question every man, woman and animal! Fight a bear if I have to! I’ll wear shorts! I’ll milk a fish! I’ll shave a baby! Climb a rainbow! No, that would be ridiculous. But I will lick an owl! I will wrestle a senior citizen in jello! I’ll kick a crab in the face! And I’ll steal a watch from a ghost! I’ll eat a beard! I’ll marinate a plumber! And when they write about me in history books, they will say, “He did what had to be done because Moongoose McQueen is a great friend." Cameron, this one is for you.
Ryan Marx
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post July 28th 2017, 5:06 pm by Ryan Marx
5 - EAW Promoz! - Page 21 HPv24TPh

Dia Del Diablo Promo 3 – Perspective

The scene fades in as we find Ryan Marx seated before a mirror, his body leaning back in the chair as he tightens a bandage around his forearm. There were no specks of blood on the white fabric, though that didn't mean he wasn't covering something up, as the small circular branding iron and lit candle beside it could attest to.

“Was that really necessary?” Soledad asked from within the dimly-lit room. Ryan peered over his shoulder, finding her stood by the doorway, eyes focussed on the window that barely let in any light.

“Of course,” he replied. “You could have said 'no' if you did not want to do it. Putting fire to skin is not an issue for me.”

“No, I wanted to help. I just wonder if burning yourself is the right way to go about this match.”

Ryan rose from his seat, the bandage now secured around his scorched forearm and the candle in his hand. He approached Soledad, the small flame casting warm light across both their faces as he held it between them.

“It is the only way to prepare. This match is not just about honing in-ring ability, it is about knowing what is at stake. To remove fear, we must experience that which scares us, so that it is no longer unknown. To not worry about the feeling of hot iron against my skin, I must know what it feels like. And now, I am ready. For I know what I may feel in this match, I know not to be scared of it. It cannot take me by surprise.”

She had to smile – he always had a way with words. Though she wasn't surprised that he could make an act of voluntary harm sound like an act of heroic martyrdom. He shared her smile.

“Now you see why I did this?”

“Yes.” Soledad paused, and then spoke again when the words came to her. “Blood for gold.”

Ryan grinned, almost appearing taken aback by the utterance of one of his Five Pillars.

“Indeed,” he said. “And pain for glory.”

Fade to black, and then we cut to a new scene. Ryan sits in an almost completely dark room, save for a candle that sits beside him on the desk he stays behind. His fingers skim over the bandage on his forearm before he looks to the camera.

Fire can be the light and the dark. It can be the guiding beacon, or the source of bleak suffering. The flames can be seen as warmth, or as danger. And at Dia Del Diablo, fire will be seen in both its dual identities by the competitors on the show. We may not be dealing with fire as much as others, Maero, but we deal with heat. Scorching heat, and burning hot iron. Purgatory is filled with fire – cleansing fire that burns away your sins and makes you a new person. A person who is no longer defined by their transgressions and can be seen as fit to join the others in their designated place. That is what shall happen to you. When I place that brand upon your skin, and let the fire ripple through your flesh, you will be cleansed. You will be rid of your disrespect towards me, and you will fall into line with the others I have proven wrong.

Maero, I know you don't want mercy. I did listen, I just reiterated that you definitely would not get it from me. So even if you wanted to backtrack as you have done, and claimed you wanted mercy – be that now or on Saturday when we are face-to-face – I would not give it to you. But what I will provide you with is the truth. See, you can try to pedal your way out of the mud you have driven yourself into with your accusations and assumptions, but I pay attention to everything, and I do not let lies slip through the net. You need the truth, as you have once again spread misconceptions about me. Rather embarrassing ones, actually. For you at least.

A pause as Ryan stares down at the still flame of the candle, and then looks back to the camera.

I do not recall denying that I am self-centred. In fact, I believe I have said in the past that I am selfish. I even said not too long ago against you that I am narcissistic, which would imply that I am a self-centred, egotistical bastard of a man. I own up to my perceived flaws so that people like you cannot use them against me, and so that I can use them to my advantage. So already you are speaking from the incorrect perspective, as you have everything wrong. I do not deny that I am selfish, and I do not deny that you have suffered hardships as well. But at least you can take ownership of those 'accomplishments'. They haven't been stolen away by others who wanted to take your recognition, and you haven't been pushed aside in favour of the flavour of the month. You actually have a nice little space in the Sanatorium, one I'm sure will last for some time. Me, I have to keep fighting. You can have your losing streak, you can meander around the midcard with no direction, because at the end of the day you have your cult to go back to and find meaning from. But if I allowed someone to step over my name as you have, then people begin to doubt me. Which I will not allow.

And to your scenario that you presented, I say this: what's to say Eclipse hasn't told you to go after this belt? Then you would be doing as he instructed you to, wouldn't you? You would be helping him. He would be pulling at your strings and you would be going along with it all. Hell, he could even be telling you to say all of this in your little hypothetical situation. See, again, it's all about perspective – something you don't seem to understand, Maero. If Eclipse was controlling you, he could easily tell you to aim for my title, whilst Amadeus goes for the Interwire title, and the others all scatter for their own slice of gold. So in that case, you would be helping him by following his commands.

So you see, I find it humorous when you claim that I am in some way hindering my followers. You say they cannot think for themselves, that I have manipulated them to believe my every word as gospel and never have a free thought enter their head. My followers do think for themselves, and they have chosen to follow my Five Pillars. They came to me as lost, misguided people, and I showed them a path that would allow them to become better. I did not knock on doors demanding that people convert or die, I did not preach my word as if it were law in the streets. I merely showed people a different way, and some took it up to the point where they wished to be my devoted followers. I opened their minds with my philosophy, and now they use what they have learnt to see the world through a different lens. They see my strength, and know they can think in peace as a follower of mine. And I will not allow you or anyone else to ruin the vision of my power. As I have stated before, control is everything, and as long as you continue to throw these lifeless lies towards me, I will always have control of my image in the end. You could burn me if you wished, you could cut me up like you did that victim in your cute little display of “look how thoughtless and dangerous I am”. But at the end of the day, my followers would know the truth, and from them, I would remain the leader of this future.

Ryan sighs, the breath causing the flame beside him to sway briefly and forcing shadows to scatter across his face for a moment.

You know, I have listened and played along to your hypotheticals, all whilst you attempt to poke holes in my own arguments. But the issue is that whilst my words come from a place of logic, yours come from a place of misunderstanding and the overt need to look at everything from a very basic standpoint. I think a prime example is your whole 'cult' issue. You state that my followers show religious devotion to me, and that I show devotion to my Five Pillars – which is partly true – but we also allow ourselves to think freely, to do what we wish with our understandings of the five principles I have founded. You can keep calling it a cult if you so wish, but do not deny that the Sanatorium is one as well. The Sanatorium doesn't show any kind of religious devotion to something? Then please explain why you all crowd around Eclipse as he gives you his sermon on the mount every so often. Explain to me what is meant when Alexis Diemos presents herself as your 'mother', and when the whole clan is called a 'family'. Please tell me what it is that makes Eclipse the leader. You're not a military unit, he isn't the man in charge because he is more skilled than others or because he has more accolades – he's the leader because he spouts rhetoric that you believe in. He gives you hope, so you follow him. You listen to him. Religious devotion doesn't boil down to getting on your knees and worshipping an idol every day. It can be a deep level of understanding, the belief that one person above all others 'gets' you, and provides you with meaning. That sounds like what you said. “Eclipse was the first person to make me feel valued”. He took you in. He said words that made you feel meaningful, and so you stood by him through thick and thin. That sounds like a level of religious devotion to me.

Then you wish to liken me to Charles Manson whilst refusing to look beyond the face value of what I have said. How hypocritical of you to criticise me for making 'generalisations' when you yourself do the same, and in a much more fatal way. Your sweeping view of everyone in this company wishing to cause pain is a very obvious sign that you do not understand much beyond the surface. There is a difference between causing pain out of necessity and causing pain because you enjoy it. I'm sure many people in EAW do not enjoy causing pain, but merely do so because that is what must be done to win. That is the distinction. You enjoy causing it. So do I, which is somewhat unfortunate for you. But others, they may not. They may only wish to deal enough damage to pin an opponent, not make them bleed out and die. So of course there is a difference between yourself and others in EAW, of course there is a difference between me and some opponents I've faced. But then in broad terms, you and Solomon are the same, not just in terms of wanting to cause pain, but because of who you are. You both follow the rhetoric of the Sanatorium – a rhetoric I poked holes in back during Pain for Pride when I faced Solomon – you both surround yourselves with death and pain, and you both believe you will overcome me. Well, Solomon believed – he didn't once I was the one with my arm raised at the end of that Extreme Enigma memorial match.

But I of course recognise your differences too. I was merely making an observation, one that must have stung considering how hard you have tried to debunk it. That's the issue here: you are trying too hard. This coming from a man many would argue tries too hard on a regular basis, though I do not 'try hard' in the sense of trying to clear away the truths. I try hard to expose them. I don't mean you're Solomon Caine's back-up in terms of him being in the Sanatorium before you – I'm well aware you joined before him. You joined before any of you had done anything relevant, back before Brody Sparks won the stable's first title. No, I know he came in after you, but in terms of this belt and the Sanatorium's success, you are his back-up. Solomon failed to capture the Openweight belt, and so you have been sent in to right his wrongs. That is what I was getting at. Sorry it flew over your head as most things have. Though what did make me laugh is the claim of “we're not even on the same show” – that's perfect for a back-up like you. As you may be aware, Dynasty was next in line for a shot at the Openweight title, so you being on that brand and also being in the Sanatorium was perfect. It meant you could be sent in quickly to try and sweep up the mess Solomon had left behind. Unfortunately for you, though, I am not in a state of disrepair after what he did at Pain for Pride. No, you will need to do more than pick up broken pieces. You will need to shatter them first.

Ryan laughs for a moment, his mind thinking back to Maero's speech.

Your disrespect does not end at my trophy and my reputation as a champion, does it? No, you continue to insult my philosophy, my school of thought. Do you think the idea fell from the sky and hit me on the head one day? Is that what you think? I know it may be easy to assume that organised 'cults' like the Sanatorium just appear out of nowhere, just sprout up by grabbing a bunch of lost sheep and deciding on vague concepts to believe in. But my philosophy was built from years of hard work, just as my success in this business has been. Many have disregarded me, many have stolen from me, and many laugh at me. But unlike you, I did not run off into the arms of someone who could give me a purpose – I found my own. Perhaps that is why you mock me, because I did what you couldn't do. I made myself strong whilst remaining independent. Everything I have gained, I gained through my means only. “Oh, but I was the Hardcore Champion,” you may cry. Only after Brody Sparks got the ball rolling for the Sanatorium in terms of title success, and only after you went through a period of nothing even as one of the original members of the group. And then what? Then you lost the title after a self-admittedly less than satisfactory reign. Me, I am a two-time champion in less than a year. Though I dislike the belt I currently hold, I must admit that it was gained through my independent means. I won it myself, and I did not need the crutch of Eclipse Diemos to hold me up as I reached up and took it.

I wouldn't be surprised if at Dia Del Diablo, you called out your Sanatorium friends to brand me instead of you having to do the honour. That is of course, if you actually manage to find yourself in such a winning position. I don't doubt that you could, I just wonder if with all this inability to think complexly, you will be able to withstand the mental assault I can unleash on people. You may be able to torture helpless people, but the real test comes when that victim can fight back. When they refuse to be a victim.

Maero, you say this will be a war. That is clichéd, but I can somewhat agree. Though when you say that you feel most at home in the ring and when the odds are stacked against you, I doubt you, as your words here and now seem to betray you. They paint you as a man who is running away. Running away from the truth, from the cold hard honesties that I am presenting to you. You can sit there and recount evolution to me in order to appear as though you view things in a less than basic way, but the reality is that any student preparing for their exams could tell me what you said. No, I wanted to hear depth, I wanted to hear reason. But no, you are a reckless, unreasonable man. That may be useful in the ring – the ability to not pull punches, to throw yourself into any situation without fear, but against me, a lack of reason leaves you open to malicious attack. To mind games, to put it simply for you. And you're already slipping into these traps I've laid out for you. As you scurry around like a rat in a maze, scrambling for an escape from what I am presenting to you, you have failed to realise you are being caught.

Though the most astounding thing you've said, the one final nail in your coffin, was this remark of “I took it as a joke”. Of course. Oh, it was on purpose! You misunderstood my philosophy on purpose. I would laugh at such a childish excuse, if you weren't trying so hard to paint it as the truth. Yes, you must have done it all on purpose – why else would you have acted so firm in your convictions against me and my philosophy? Yes, it was all clearly a ruse, a long-winded joke that you perpetrated on purpose. I can assure you, I believe that. Just as you believed what you were saying back then was the truth, before I made you backtrack into “I misunderstood deliberately, I took it as a joke and you didn't realise”. Maero, I thought you would have been more intelligent than to do what others have done. Did you not see during Pain for Pride week when Target Smiles attempted to spread lies about me, and then when I corrected him, he backtracked until I ripped the ground from beneath him? You must not have done, otherwise you would have been wiser than to attempt to run away from the raging fire you had set. But once you set that fire, I will not allow you to escape until it burns you and your falsehoods away with it.

The candle once again becomes a focal point of Ryan's attention, as he watches the flame flicker subtly in the air.

Maero, it appears to me that you do not understand many factors going into this match. You have attempted to understand me – that I appreciate – but in the process, you have made numerous mistakes about my philosophy and myself. And when I am driven by my beliefs, when my success hinges on my mental strength, it does not bode well when you misunderstand. You could be a threat, anyone can. But even a blade loses its edge of danger when its aim is misplaced, and your aggression, your need to cause pain, has been lost in the darkness you perceive to be your friend. For you see, I am the one who owns these shadows, and though they can be forgiving against the light of a flame, they can also be far too constricting against those I perceive as enemies. If you really knew me, if you really understood, you would know that I have risen from the darkness before, and it followed me from the depths as I aimed take over this era.

He leans forward on the desk, eyes shadowed into slits by the minimal lighting.

You believe you have the 'home advantage' because we will be in hell? I have lived through hell and survived. No, I thrived. And it is funny you imply that I believe you to be beneath me. Maero, the only person who is implying and demonstrating that idea is you. You are underselling yourself before me, with your incorrect information, your lies, and the flag you wave regardless of the shambles it lies in.

Well, that flag will be burned at Dia Del Diablo, and then we will see how long you can hoist it up and hide behind it. If you wish to shout obscenities, if you wish to spread lies behind the façade that slowly crumbles, then we will see what you do when there is nothing between us except the heat of the fire and the pain of a branding iron.

Ryan blows the candle out. Cut to black.
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