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Moongoose McQueen
Moongoose McQueen

Posts : 758
Status : Whether I go or not, I'll die anyway. I have an organ more important than my heart. Although you can't see it, I feel it going through my head down to my feet, and I know it exists within me. It lets me stand on my feet, it lets me walk forward without trembling. If I stop here, I feel like it would break... My soul will break.

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EAW Promoz! :: Comments

Lucas Johnson
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post May 31st 2017, 7:23 pm by Lucas Johnson
Dynasty Promo #2 - The New King In Town

Wow bravo Jacob...bravo! Impressive speech you had there? But here we go again, I was expecting something different out of you Jacob. I was expecting something more organic. But what do I hear? The same old crap that has been coming out of the mouths of jealous people on this roster. Now your probably thinking why would I, Jacob Senn be jealous of an up and comer like Lucas Johnson? Time is everything Jacob and right now you have more years in the business and you just held the World Heavyweight Championship for over six months. But for myself I am twenty-two years young and my career just started. I have the most expensive contract in DYNASTY HISTORY! You should be jealous of the money I am making! You should be jealous of the amount of success I have achieved in such little time! You maybe right about one thing Jacob and that is my life prior to becoming New Breed Champion. Before I reached for the brass ring, I was still learning my craft and still adjusting to my new job after my amateur wrestling career at The Ohio State University. Did I ever say you were on the same level like those children Anthony Leonhart? Chris Paradise? Mark Michaels? No, stop putting words in my mouth. Delusion? I am a delusion? If anything you should go look in the mirror Jacob. It took me nine months, nine long months to achieve my number one goal in this company and that is win the New Breed Championship. In that time I saw someone like you go out each night and walk into the squared circle like you were the king! You were the king of Dynasty while you were World Heavyweight Champion! What do you do? You lose the title to Jamie O'Hara back at Grand Rampage in the Triple Threat match. You are going into the EAW Hall of Fame during Pain for Pride week and it's well deserved. And the delusion part of the story is that you claimed DEDEDE was inducting you but you got on your hands and knees to do it. That's delusion my friend. But I have faced legends like Hades, Mister DEDEDE, Scott Oasis, StarrStan and even Jamie O'Hara just to name a few. The difference between facing those legends and facing you is timing. Like I said before timing is everything. I faced all those legends when I first entered the business and I was still learning around here but now I AM A LEGEND IN THE MAKING! I AM THE ONE THAT'S GOING TO BE PAIN FOR PRIDE FOR YEARS TO COME! I AM THE MAN THAT IS GOING TO BE HAVE THE SPOTLIGHT SHINED ON ME WHEN I WIN THIS FRIDAY NIGHT! THIS WILL BE THE TOUGHEST MATCH IN MY WRESTLING CAREER BUT I AM MORE READY THEN EVER BEFORE! DOES THE MOST PRESTIGIOUS TITLE IN OUR SPORT BRING A LOT OF CONFIDENCE? YOUR DAMN RIGHT IT DOES, BUT DAY EIGHTY-SEVEN OF THE GREATEST TITLE REIGN IN HISTORY WILL BE THE DAY I TAKE DOWN THE LEGEND OF JACOB SENN! You claim I got lucky back at Reckless Wiring but after Scott Oasis led me to the light and showed me wear to put my feet in the right places I become dominant and I am the most successful New Breed Champion in history! You claim that win was a fluke yet I have defeated everyone that was mostly in the match even Anthony Leonhart twice. I am a big fish in a small pond and now I get to go into the ocean and swim with the sharks. This is the closest I will be to legend status because this Friday in New Hampshire I will become the legend!
Shaker Jones
One win
Post May 31st 2017, 5:24 pm by Shaker Jones
I did it!  I did it! I freakin' did it.  I got my first win.  Against Eric "The Lariat" Steele.  Though there is some controversy in the win namely Johnny Nova.  I will take that win.  And sometimes that's all you need is one win.  One win to get your confidence back, get your head on straight and get you into focus.Nova

Now come this Friday I have a new challenge on my hands, this one in the form of a four way match.  It will be myself vs Johnny Nova vs Eric "The Lariat" Steele vs Anthony Leonhart.

Now I hear Johnny Nova come along and flap his gums about how great he his.  "Well I did this, and I did that", that's all fine and dandy Nova, but those were against other opponents not me.  Nova, you seem to think that your the man around here.  You're a human highlight reel (yawn), I'm sorry, B.S. make me sleepy, haha.  I tell you what you can talk all you want about your wins and this and that, but talk is cheap Nova.  This Friday you will step into the ring with me for the first time, and I you.  So it's time to put up or shut up.  You underestimate me Nova, and that's not good.  I have learned in this business not to underestimate your opponent, if you do, that can be your downfall, and if you underestimate me Nova, I'll kick your teeth in.

But Nova is not the only man in this match besides me.  We have the man that I beat last week Eric "The Lariat" Steele.  Steele as I have said I have great respect for you and what you have done in this business.  I maybe have yet to gain your respect, but hopefully we'll get there.  Now the last time we faced off I won, because you took your eye off the ball, and things fell apart.  There will be no controversy this time when we face off.

And Anthony Leonhart, a man i know nothing about.  So what can you say about a man you know nothing about.  You can say that I look forward to this meeting, to see what you bring to the table.  If your name is any indication, I expect a tough fight from you.  I see that you are one heck of a grappler, and that you trained in Japan.  Well so did I, so It'll be interesting to see how our styles clash.

So to the three of you, bring your best, because I want your best, and we will see who the best is.  I'll be putting on my shitkickers boys, so watch out.  And one more thing, Welcome to Pain City.....Population You, You, and You!!!!!
Tomi Venus
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post May 31st 2017, 5:03 pm by Tomi Venus

Target Smiles vs The Best of EAW Tour vol. 2

What makes me so special? Coming from a man who says I’m not even close to his level as though he’s the first to tell me that. Let me tell you something Xavier, since the moment Target Smiles has come into EAW I have had to scratch and claw just to be considered worthy of stepping in the ring. And you know what? You’re not the first to project your own failures onto me. Saying how all of this success is going to come falling down the moment I step in the ring with you because at one point you had momentum like mine but weren’t good enough to capitalize. And that frustration comes out when you find yourself in the ring with someone like me, who has the world at my feet and is ready to make the most of it. And let me just point out that I am not in this position because it has been given to me or because I am young or for any reason like that. It’s because I’ve earned it.
I am not dubbing myself the “Best In The World” like you accuse me of. I am saying that I am the finest competitor in EAW, and let me tell you what that means. It means that my specialty is either pinning my opponent in the middle of the ring or putting them in the Sugar Hold until they either tap out or pass out. My specialty is winning. It’s going up against competition and coming out on top. I know that’s bold of me to say and you’re not the first to doubt me, nor will you be the first to be defeated by me.

And if you want to know what makes me so special it’s because I don’t stop. I have no limitations and if I do I’ll break through them no matter how difficult it may be, no matter how miserable I am in the process, because I don’t have a choice. It’s either keep going or let people down. The difference between you and me is while you wallow in this mentality of all odds being against you, I have a worldwide support that Smiles with a brightness that I am responsible for. I built that light but if I let them down that light goes out, and I refuse to let that happen. There is nothing that can keep me from reminding the world why I am as good as I say I am. Every Smiling Face knows that at Pain For Pride X the Extreme Enigma Elimination match is the match to see because it features Target Smiles, and it will be hard to argue that when Target Smiles already beat the guy who is challenging for and may even win the World Heavyweight Championship at that same event.
The way I shocked the world at Burning Desire? My goal is to prevent that from ever happening again. Because my success should come as no surprise. When I go on to win the Extreme Enigma Elimination match it should come as no surprise because on Showdown I plan to beat one of the top prospects in that match.
Ryan Marx continues to sit back and withhold further comments on our match. Perhaps he is simply observing me and scouting a weakness he may be able to exploit. Or maybe his arrogance has gotten the better of him and he believes that he does not need to answer me. Maybe he’s comfortable feeling as though he has the advantage. Ryan knows that he is the one who laid out this challenge, he knows that he has the homefield advantage on Showdown, and maybe he thinks that Xavier is right when he says that once he’s done with me I won’t even make it to Showdown.

Well Ryan, no matter what happens on Dynasty I will be there at Showdown. Even if I’ve been beaten within an inch of my life on Dynasty, you won’t be getting off easily. It doesn’t matter if I have to limp my way to the ring, if I need to hold myself up by the ropes, when the Smiling Faces in the Showdown audience rally behind Target Smiles I promise that I’m not going to go down easily. In fact, even if I have to fight through debilitating pain, I don’t expect to be going down at all.
Jacob Senn
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post May 31st 2017, 4:23 pm by Jacob Senn
Bow down to the future?
What future do you plan to enact once your rise is realized, Lucas? A future where you’re on the top of the mountain and standing there as the pinnacle of The New Breed Division? A future where you find yourself miraculously holding an even more prestigious championship? A future where you actually have found faith in your talent to where you can beat a two-time world champion, a future Hall of Famer, and the man that will unseat Mr. DEDEDE at Pain for Pride X from his throne as the face of this company? If your stock has been invested into this future of yours, it would be best to pull it out now BECAUSE IT’S A DELUSION! A delusion that has been manufactured by your own ego that has protected you from the fact that without that EAW New Breed Championship on your shoulder, you’re nothing in this business. Think about this, Lucas. Before that EAW New Breed Championship, you were nothing but a bottom feeder on this brand. You were dropped on your back so many times that people almost worried you were a narcoleptic wrestler! Taking naps all the time inside the ring when you were met with challenges, that was until you went into the Hell’s Warpath Match. With a big scramble of chaos created for the New Breed Champion, you were able to take him on and come out with the victory! An upset that shook the entire foundation of the roster, but what have you done in your entire reign as champion? You’ve defended against everyone that has challenged you for that championship, don’t get me wrong. Chris Paradise, Anthony Leonhart, Mark Michaels, they’ve all fell against the destructive nature that you’ve displayed within those ropes, but I got to be honest with you. Do you find me to be of the same class of a wrestler that they are, Lucas? I’m not. I’m not these young aspiring talents that desire to grab their first taste of championship gold against you, I’m not the man that has let opportunity slip through his fingertips time after time, I’m the man that has snatched opportunity away from men like you STOMPING ON YOUR HEADS ON THE WAY TO THE TOP OF THE LADDER AROUND HERE! It doesn’t matter who you’ve defended that championship against because I’m a different class of wrestler that isn’t involved in the New Breed Division, pal. I fight against monsters like Scott Oasis, champions like Jamie O’Hara, and legends in the same breath as Mr. DEDEDE, all of which you’ve not had the best of luck with have you. When Lucas Johnson finds a threat with the name and title of that prestige, he’s not able to compete on any level except of one that a failure performs on. You provide a challenge and a fight, no one will discredit you on that, but history has shown what happens when a former or current world champion can do to the “face of the New Breed Division”. You can be the greatest New Breed Champion in the past couple of years like you want to have yourself believe, but the fact remains that the evolution that an elitist goes through to reach a higher level of performance, you’ve not experienced yet. It has passed you by and left you succeeding in the small pond that you’ve dominated and I congratulate you on having a small piece of gold to attach to your name, because you’ve worked hard for that piece that you have. You deserve to have the title of New Breed Champion and you’ve gone through all the challenges that have stood before and who knows, you might even surprise everyone at Pain for Pride X and get through the Ultimate X match, but Friday will be a whole new challenge for you. An experience that you’ve never dealt with, a fight that has never been introduced to you, and standing across the ring from you is a man that you’ve never had the pleasure of being in there with. So, allow me to introduce to you the person that will fight you and stomp your head in when we go to New Hampshire. I am Jacob Senn, the man that has built the house that you like to carry your trinket around and claim to be your home like a spoiled child, and you will meet the punishment on Dynasty that will soon be delivered onto Mr. DEDEDE himself.
Enjoy it, Lucas because after you've bowed down on your hands and knees in defeat, you'll come to realize that this will be the closest you'll ever come to the status of a legend around here.
Lars Grier
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post May 31st 2017, 11:09 am by Lars Grier

There are countless words to describe my duel with Darkane. Disappointing. Unexpected. But, as a man bearing a creed, I will allow myself to only ask one question:


Was that truly the best you can offer, Darkane? What happened to all those fighting words, those sentiments and statements of destruction and demolition of the Raven? What happened to your words of how you were going to tear me apart, and end me right then and there? Did your desires simply drift away from you, in the sea of promises that were never kept? Yes, I am asking puzzling question, but if I am going to be perfectly honest with you - you’re beginning to sound like the Manifestation of Destruction. As soon as you defeated Marx, you acquired a sense of gratification, and the mentality that you were on top of the world, the same mentality I once held before. You think you’re making gigantic tsunamis in the business, when in reality only the slightest of splashes are engraved. You can still continue to believe that you’ll be worth something in this company, that only your brute force is the answer to your problems. Be in denial for as long as you wish; be in denial like the Manifestation of Destruction. Maybe you’ll eventually evolve from your depressing and depraved state of failure, just as I did, or maybe you’ll fall deeper into the abyss. Evolve and adapt, become something akin to the Raven, or meet a cold and slow demise at the hands of the beast that is irrelevancy. However, I must express my solemn gratitude towards Darkane, for being the gateway to my Pain for Pride moment. Thank you for allowing me to proceed with the plans for the great future of the King’s Guard. Honestly, can any of you believe how hectic these last two weeks have been? Veterans such as CM Banks and Lethal Consequences returning, Scott Oasis qualifying for the match I am currently engraved in, and of course; the revered King Tiberius IV staking his claim to his rightful throne, the throne that has been waiting for its true and royal king to come. Not Y2Impact and the fractured bridges, not Eclipse Diemos and his perverted “family”, and certainly NOT Drastik and his egregious melancholia. At Pain for Pride X, Theron Nikolas will have his hands raised, a briefcase in his hand, as will I. The Burned Man will simply - burn them all, and Tiberius? He will grab his rightful throne. The throne - and the world, has been waiting for a man like Tiberius to add insurmountable levels of prestige into the EAW Championship, even farther than it already has. At Pain for Pride X, The Court of Thieves will stand tall, looking down upon the fools and peasants below them…..watching them all BURN. We will burn the corruption away. We will burn the sheep. And as The Burned Man would put it…..we will BURN THEM ALL.

But until that time comes, we must have patience. For it is a virtue, one I hold close to my core self. Patience is required in order to proceed through gruelling times such as this one; the road to such an esteemed event that is Pain for Pride X.

Isn’t that right, Nico?

Yes, patience is indeed a virtue with you, is it not? I mean - you were gone for 2 months, doing….exactly what? Praying? Worshipping? Training? Either way, you were gone from sight, and certainly gone from mind. Lannister sent you trailing back, back into whatever church you came from, like he always has done to his challengers. But no...you didn’t use this time to wallow in misery as most did, or to drive yourself deeper into a hole, but instead you chose to actually recollect yourself, gather your thoughts, and decided to change. You came back, a changed man, and that change proved to be fruitful for you; defeating Cody Marshall to earn yourself a place in this Cash in the Vault match. Good on you, Nico. Credit shall be given where credit is due. Unlike the Pizza Boy, who came out after Road to Redemption as a loser and a self-proclaimed “Nobody”, and Ryan Marx, who walked out of Gold Mine as an even more unhinged personality, you evolved. You took those two months of waiting and you used them to the fullest, in order to extend yourself into an even better competitor. That? That’s evolution. That’s adaptation. Albeit, you’re nothing at all like the Raven, but it is an acceptable adaptation nonetheless. From such an extensive rest, you managed to prove not only to yourself, but to the world that you still had it in the palm of your hands. You came back, a new motto, a sense of righteousness, and a sword that will conquer all.

Or so it seems.

You see, Nico; you wish to remain unconquered, do you not? “In Hoc Signo Vinces” - In this Sign, Conquer. You wish to be Invictus. Unvanquished, and unconquered. Truly an ambitious quest, and one that I am sure you totally believe you can accomplish, but I beg to ask you: Can you really remain unvanquished? How long will you be in this state? How long will it take for you to eventually break, and falter, because in reality - you’re not perfect. You’re only human, Nico Borg. And just as is the way with human error, we make mistakes. We break, shatter, and fall. This goal you’re pursuing? This idea that you are the righteous and that anyone who dares to stand against you will be vanquished themselves? It’s a perfect idea….which is exactly why it is going to fail. It is an idea that is generated by false hope and stubbornness. Retaining your dominance and unconquerable presence will be quite a hard task to accomplish, because it simply can’t be. Do you know why the Raven succeeds? It’s not because it was built upon how you can stay in one position and retain yourself, but because it was furthered by the motive to keep moving forward in the line of evolution. The Raven sees what is broken, fixes it, improves on it, then it comes back the next day even stronger than before. It is acceptable and accomplishable, because it’s based on a factor that most would consider as their greatest weakness: loss. You? You, however….you’re based on winning. You’re based on standing tall, holding the head of your opponent high above the sky, seeing the dust settle with the only thing remaining being you, and your conviction. Titles have spoiled you, Nico. Titles, your beliefs, and your success have spoilt you to the point you didn’t even remember what the taste of defeat felt like until Lannister striked you under your chin. The loss shook you, but instead of doing what it did to me, which was urging myself to improve and start from the bottom again, it made you think that your new and improved self could still stay at the spot where it once stood: at the top of the mountain. And that? That is a LIE. A perfect, impenetrable lie that you bought into, and now you’re paying the price, and that price - is facing me. Who knew, right?

Your one greatest weapon, your motto, your mentality…. is now your greatest weakness.

How unfortunate.

Nothing is perfect, Nico. Stop trying to chase dreams and goals you can’t even possibly achieve, if you wish to be back at the top of the mountain again. If you really want to be the Nico Borg that everyone revered and respected, the one that held a National Elite Championship high above his shoulder, the one that pushed Lannister to his absolute limit, then be realistic. You might believe that it is your religious right to be the hand of God, to be unconquered in his name, but remember: You are not perfect. You are only a human. Any humans who believe themselves to be greater than what they were originally intended to be are foolish peasants who deserve to be shamed, and you? You are that foolish peasant. Choose to disregard my comments, Nico, but you will know that deep down within your heart….I’m right. Disregard them, be a fool, and claim that what I was saying in my tirade was simply the temptations of the devil. Twist my words, morph them into amalgamations of their former selves. Do what you wish; I care not. You’ll only make my job at Showdown even easier.

These sheep will truly get a Cash in the Vault preview. Oh yes indeed, as the sheep will witness the foreshadowing of Pain for Pride all in one moment, as the Raven stands tall over the blazing Maltese Falcon; the Falcon whose wings were clipped because he thought he could remain soaring through the air for the rest of eternity, not realizing that what he was pursuing was a fool’s idea. You may very well be the Sun, Nico, rising from the darkness to take your rightful place. But I will always be there, the darkness, the evil that you proclaim me to be. You will try to remain in your position, as an unconquered and unvanquished immortal, but eventually you will break. You will be shattered, reaching your breaking point, and then, and ONLY then, will you finally realize that you’re only a human. While I? I am the Raven that will feast upon your weak and shattered state. You are the Sun in the sky, but I….I am the moon who will rise with you, pouncing when you are at your weakest.

Only then will I eclipse you, Invictus.

Glory to Tiberius.

Last edited by Lars Udonta on May 31st 2017, 6:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post May 31st 2017, 9:12 am by TLA
The camera cuts to a dark room that resembles an emo teenager’s room from 2004. My Chemical Romance is heard blasting from multiple speakers and there are blood stains and razors on the floor. The camera slowly and dramatically zooms into the corner of the room where TLA is shown huddled holding himself and shaking. The camera zooms up close to TLA’s face to reveal he is wearing eyeliner, black lipstick, and has his extremely greasy hair brushed to one side covering his eye.
TLA: Nobody understands me! Nobody can understand these raw emotions flowing through me ever since I lost that title match to Jamie O’Hara! You cannot know my pain! My suffering! Now that I have lost that match, the fun loving and positive TLA is no more… I have turned back to the dark side and transformed into… “The Disappointment”!
TLA: I must cut myself just to feel! I will cut all my opponents such as El Irónico this week on Dynasty so that they may know but a fraction of my suffering! Vato gonn’ recognize mah feels yo! I mean… he’s going to understand the torment that endures within my blackest of black hearts!
Suddenly the door to TLA’s room slams open as TLA gasps and shivers covering his uncovered eye from the bright light shining into the room.
TLA: No… please not the light!!!
A figure appears in the hallway slowly stumbling into the room on a cane to reveal TLA’s abuela. Abuela Pantera scowls down at TLA in the corner as she pokes him aggressively with her cane.
TLA: Abuela por favor… Quería estar solo en mi tristeza…
Abuela: Fuck that shit! I will not have a disappointment in my house!
TLA: It’s true tho. I am a disappointment! I have lost my World Heavyweight Championship opportunity to Jamie O’Hara and can now never recover!
Abuela: Awwww pobrecito… I feel so bad for you you little bitch. Life has been so hard for you! Why don’t you cry some more you little pussy?!?!?
TLA: Shut up! You aren’t my real abuela!
Abuela: Well that may be the case, I may not be your real abuela, but what I am is real. Yet as I look down on you down in that corner, I do not recognize any realness. Let me put on my reading glasses… so I can find some…
Abuela fumbles through her bag past pieces of candy that have existed within since 1925 to find her glasses. She puts them on as she squints down on TLA in the corner.
Abuela: As I suspected… I still cannot recognize any realness in this corner. Is there a need that I fetch my microscope?
TLA: There is no point to living anymore! I used to be a valiant Latino fighter… one could say that I was a Mexican who followed a certain warrior tradition, a samurai of sorts… Yet now I have become The Disappointment because of this one loss! You will never see the real TLA ever again!
Abuela: Oh hell nawh I will not stand for this bullshit. Get yo bitch ass up faggot.
Abuela begins to assault TLA violently with her cane as she pokes and prods him across the floor. Abuela brushes aside TLA’s emo hair to reveal that he does not have eyeliner on his other eye. Abuela kicks TLA’s ass sending him sprawling across the room into a wall. Pressed into the wall, TLA’s skinny jeans pocket explodes as a wallet falls to the floor. Abuela smiles as she reaches down slowly to pick up the wallet which is covered with beautiful purple flowers. She slowly returns her wallet to her purse.
Abuela: Ahhh siiii I was looking for this! Did you have it all along? It seems that there may be hope for you yet…
TLA smiles mischievously as Abuela leads TLA out of the room and into the bathroom. “Push it to the Limit” by Paul Engemann begins to play as a montage plays of TLA washing off his eyeliner, and washing his greasy emo hair and fluffing up his sexy mullet. Steroid Dawg enters to lick off the black lipstick from TLA’s lips in a tender and loving moment. TLA removes his skinny jeans as he gets dressed up in real gangster shit. TLA strolls out of his abuela’s house into the streets as a new man.
Abuela: Bueno bueno. TLA what are you going to do now?
TLA: I’m gonna beat El Irónico’s ass. Then imma get some cash all up in my motherfucking vault.
Abuela: Damn straight.

TLA hops into his lowrider with Steroid Dawg lounging in the back seat as he drives off down the street. Abuela checks her purse but discovers her wallet missing. She smiles proudly as TLA turns a corner out of sight.
Finnegan Wakefield
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post May 31st 2017, 4:10 am by Finnegan Wakefield
EAW - EAW Promoz! - Page 20 Giphy

Though crisis has struck the people of England, the UK are going through a time of political struggle. Through political debate, the United Kingdom are deciding who will lead them into the future. With the political rallies moving from town to town, the stages remain open for several days in particular. To help inspire the people after the recent attacks in Manchester, sports and entertainment idols from the UK have volunteered to speak to the people in an attempt to motivate them in this time of need. The skies are blue, the sun shining and not a cloud in the sky, an occasional treat for the English people as the masses are standing and sitting on the grass.

Rather cheerful after many of their favourite football stars, television show personalities and musicians have given them heartfelt speeches about how they have overcome troubles, personal or professional, we are introduced to the scene upon the introduction of the next guest speaker by a young lady.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, if you are a fanatic of the sport of professional wrestling, we have a treat for you. This young man has been wrestling all around the world this year, living a childhood dream and has graciously offered us some of his time while he is here visiting his family. Please help give a warm welcome for EAW superstar, Finnegan Wakefield!"

The attendance begins an uproar of cheers as "Morning Glory" by Oasis is played over the PA system as Finnegan Wakefield walks onto the stage, wearing a four-piece grey suit with a smile on his face as he waves to the masses. His smile turns into one of chuckling laughter as the older members of the crowd begin to sing along to the verse of Morning Glory much to the enjoyment of Finnegan. He shakes the hand and accepts the microphone from the hostess and stands patiently with a smile on his face, allowing the crowd to continue singing through the chorus. The music dies down and so does the singing. He raises the microphone to speak, but one of the older gentlemen of the crowd starts an "OOOOOH FINNEGAN WAAAKEFIELD" chant, which delights Finnegan to the point of gesturing to the crowd to keep it up, which they do for a good 30 seconds before allowing Finnegan some decorum.

"Thank you! Thank you, for the warm welcome ladies and gentlemen. Greetings and Salutations to you all! For those of you who are not pro-wrestling fans, or those who are and have not heard of me, my name is Finnegan Wakefield, professional wrestler for the Elite Answers Wrestling promotion in the United States for the better part of 7 months, born and raised in Bury St. Edmund. For the last 7 months, I've been travelling the world, wrestling in countries I've only ever dreamed of seeing. Japan, Spain and China, just to name a few. It has been a dream come true for me, both my brother and sister have been wrestling all over the world and I have only recently joined them in the profession. Every day I work my hardest to become one of the best in the world, representing this country to the best of my abilities. Pro-wrestling having been a past time of old that has yet to recover full-time here, is making a resurgence and I am hoping to play my part in bringing the British style of wrestling back to global attention!"

The crowd applauded and cheered until once again they allowed some decorum.

"It has not been an easy journey for me and, if you all don't mind, I would like to share with you some of the recent events I have taken part in. For the past few months, I have been teaming with a good friend of mine from Canada, Kelly Hackenschmidt and I have been working our collective tails off making names for ourselves as individuals. We got to wrestle in the prestigious Tokyo Dome for the EAW Tag Team Championships, albeit in a losing effort. We got to see the world, got to entertain crowds of thousands live and millions at home. Recently, due to the abundance of active tag teams on our brand, Dynasty, we agreed for the meantime we would break up our team to pursue our individual goals. He, unfortunately, received an injury that would put him on the shelf indefinitely. Since then, I myself have not had an easy few months as I failed in several matches, ventures and pursuits, specifically in the hunt for the EAW New Breed Championship. I defeated the champion, Lucas Johnson a few weeks ago, however, faced several roadblocks that prohibited me from a title match. My frustrations grew, I became very tunnel visioned and disrespectful to my fellow wrestlers and took quite a few things for granted. I realised the errors of my ways, made peace with my frustrations and found refocus and peace within myself.

Last week, the attack in Manchester happened. We on Dynasty were going to perform at the Manchester Arena and were advised to move to the 02 Arena. A national tragedy that killed many, and injured many more. I was not scheduled to appear at the show, and I was partially grateful as I could visit my family and spend time with them in this time of sadness. But as I sat on their couch, I came to the realisation that I couldn't sit idly by and not appear in front of my country in this time of need. In this time of tragedy, we need inspiration, motivation, we needed heroes, big or small. Despite my families concerns and wishes, I travelled to the 02 Arena, asking producers if I could borrow a few minutes of air time to address my country and they gave me the green light. I waited in the back for the next match to end and, as I was walking to the entrance way, someone decided that they themselves needed the airtime to address their own agenda. That somebody was the EAW New Breed Champion, Lucas Johnson. He decided that he needed the time to brag about his supposed dominance, inflating his already monstrous ego. In that second, I decided there was no better time to interject and try and draw pride for our country and as my music played and I stepped through the curtain, much like today, the crowd came alive. It not only brought a smile to my face but confirmed with me that they were behind me, my country were behind me, and that confirmed to me that now was the time to reveal my hand, to lay my cards on the table, to go all in and challenge Lucas Johnson to a New Breed Championship match on the biggest night of the EAW calendar year, Pain for Pride.

Did he accept? Did he decline? I guess we'll never know. What I said got the attention of our General Manager Sebastian Monroe. I said the words he wanted to hear, showed the fire he wanted to see and he made a match at Pain for Pride, a match known to the Americans as Ultimate X. However, I would not be the only one challenging for the New Breed title. Apparently, Lucas Johnson rubs a lot of people the wrong way, and not all of them are on the Dynasty brand as he made a recent enemy in Showdown's Chris Elite. Elite in his own right is a bit of a mouthy egomaniac, apparently rebranded as "the new" Chris Elite although I fail to see what's so new about him. I will cross that bridge when I get to it, however, as I am not yet in the Ultimate X match myself, at least not yet.

This brings me to my next venture as, on Friday, June 2nd, in Manchester -- New Hampture, unfortunately not here in England -- all I have to do to get a spot in that match, and on the Pain for Pride card, is defeat a man named Moongoose McQueen. We in the wrestling industry do this thing we call a "promo", an act where we talk smack about one another to promote our upcoming match and if you all would like, I would like to record my promo right here, right now in my home country, how does that sound?

The crowd signal their approval through loud cheers and applause as Finnegan clears his throat and adjusts his tie.

"Moongoose McQueen, I have heard you talking shite and although I am not surprised, I am very disappointed. I thought someone with your recent misfortune, your recent defeats, would have a sense of humility. Ignorant and arrogant till the end I suppose, but ignorance and self-admiration didn't aid you last time we stood across the ring from one another. March 3rd, you took your eye off me to bark at my tag team partner Kelly Hackenschmidt, and for it, you dropped your guard and I pinned you to the mat. And in true Moongoose McQueen fashion, it was everyone else's fault but your own. The referee had to have been counting fast. Kelly Hackenschmidt had to have done illegal actions. Dust had to have gotten in your eye. Any excuse other than you, Moongoose McQueen, having lost to me, Finnegan Wakefield. You could make any excuse in the world but the record books will clearly show,Finnegan Wakefield: 1. Moongoose McQueen: zero. You may not think there is anything special about me, but allow me to assure you, there is far less special about you going at the moment, except for throwing schoolyard insults, perhaps.

You have gone on record saying the New Breed Championship is beneath you, but trust me in saying, the only thing that has been beneath you as of late has been the canvas your shoulders have been pinned on. By DEDEDE, by TLA and by yours truly, just to name a few. You're right about one thing, as much as it pains me in the pits of my stomach to say it. Kelly Hackenschmidt is no longer here. He's no longer at my side to assist me. But, more importantly, he's no longer here to be your excuse when and if I defeat you again. I trust you of all people to find a new one, but at the end of the day, whether I pin you to the mat for a second time, or I tap you out with the new finishing maneuver I have been crafting, McQueen, there will be no excuse for you to hide your defeat behind, no rug for you to sweep it under, no words you won't be forced to eat.

Look past me if you must, think you're better than me if you may, but Friday, June 2nd in Manchester, New Hampshire, you'll be looking at the next EAW New Breed Champion. Finnegan bloody Wakefield!

The crowd cheer, applause and "OOOOH FINNEGAN WAAAKEFIELD" chants as Finnegan smiles and waves to the audience as Morning Glory plays him off the stage.
Lethal Consequences
Post May 31st 2017, 2:55 am by Lethal Consequences
I honestly thought there would be more fanfare. A little more surprise, maybe. Maybe a fucking vignette, shit. But, hey, I don't call the shots. I just take 'em. Here we are…

I'm Lethal Consequences again. What the fuck is good?

What? No surprise run-in? I could've come in with a guitar. The guitar was a great shtick. I could've said slap-nuts. I tried that towards the last run. Whenever that was. I have no idea really. Was the last time I was in one of these rings against Senn?


No cool "fade the arena to black" and cool comeback tron? My entrance is amazing! It gets the people goin! It's a fucking travesty is what it is. I'm still cool. I'm still hip, I swear. I still got the moves, jack! I'm on Voltage! I basically created that brand godamnit! Just so we're clear here:

Voltage is not my home.

When people caught wind of my presence back on the internet quarters of EAW some poor young soul, probably trying to get a few points with those matter, "welcomed me home." Voltage is not my home. Elite Answers Wrestling isn't even my home. There's no z's and no x's. This is not where Lethal Consequences came from. The jamokes who wear the ties and pull the strings around here now are the same people that squeezed LC (the real LC of EAW) out of this joint some years ago. The same people that certainly helped contribute to the lows of this former EAW Champion, this former Undisputed Hardcore Champion (there’s something for you fucks right there), this without-a-doubt best Answers World Champion in Extreme Answerz Wrestling… this hall of famer standing before you, BEFORE being a Hall of Famer was basically a punch card for all workers in the factory… the King of the Mountain… this character standing in front of you right now…
I'm not welcome here. I am here.

I'm really only here for the fanfare, really. I'm only here, really, because I wanted to feel nostalgic. I wanted to reminisce. I wanted to see the name I BUILT in lights again. And there’s no better place to do that than one of the biggest events that EAW has ever seen. A moment that is years in the making. An event so spectacular, so momentous and monumental to not only the history of this E-Federation, to all E-Federations... The PINNACLE…

…the next edition of FRIDAY NIGHT…

Friday night?

VOLTAGE!!! I’ve come back HERE! To my THIRD FAVORITE BRAND… because I don’t know what Fighting Spirit is…! In EXTREME ANSWERZ WRESTLING! To wrestle THE GREAT! OPPONENT OF LETHAL CONSEQUENCES!

Now I know Opponent of Lethal Consequences’ story. We all do. We’ve all watched the Opponent of Lethal Consequences climb through the ranks of EAW, especially on Voltage.

I’ve studied Opponent of Lethal Consequences THOROUGHLY. And I can truly say I have a SOLID understanding of this man, woman, or character. O.O.L.C., as those who truly know the past of this being call him/her/it, is nothing to be trifled with! We KNOW THIS! ESPECIALLY ME! I KNOW THINGS ABOUT MY OPPONENT!

And I’ve strategically set my sights on this next Voltage happening. I’ve set my mind to this EXACT EVENT! I’ve wanted THIS MOMENT since I debuted at Midsummer Massacre on a ladder. I know O.O.L.C’s FINISHER! The signature move! The tendencies they may or may not have! I know the backstory that gives the audience something to cling on because it gives them a taste of REALITY! I KNOW THIS ALL! And without a SHADOW of a doubt I know that my opponent, whose name I KNOW… it’s Opponent Of Lethal Consequences… KNOWS I KNOW.

I came BACK to MY BRAND!


FOR THIS precise match…

Against my next opponent!

Yeah, that’s not true at all. All the good parts about me were true. That last bit was a lie. I don’t give a fuck about JD Damon. I don’t know who you are. I can say honestly I know four names on the Voltage card, including myself. I barely care about the four of those people. Nonetheless this piss color of a brand that I now, by the way, am sole proprietor of. MY brand… Whatever world title that got pettily thrown down to these ranks… MY title. Soon. For now…
I’m Lethal Consequences.

I’m here for Pain For Pride.

Moongoose McQueen
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post May 31st 2017, 1:02 am by Moongoose McQueen
(Camera pans up and shows Moongoose McQueen’s face with tears falling down his face. As the camera pans further in the back, it reveals McQueen is standing in a kitchen while chopping a lot of onions. An overweight man with a scraggly beard in a straw hat and Hawaiian shirt walks into and McQueen quickly wipes the tears off his face.)
??? – Moongoose, my boy. What are you doing in the kitchen? You only promised to rebuild the shack.
McQueen: Ah yes, but that is already done, so I’m just here in the kitchen making my famous family chili.
???: Oh you didn’t have to do that. Heck, you didn’t even have to rebuild the shack either.
McQueen: I know, father, but it’s on my list, and I figure since I’m in town for an upcoming event, I can cross it off. In fact, if you could. (McQueen pulls a list out of his pocket and hands it to the man, whom crosses one of the task and hands the list back) …. Thank you.
???: It looks like you still have quite a way to go to crossing out stuff on the list. Surely you knew that I had forgiven you about the incident by now. After all, you were just children.
McQueen: No, father, I burned down your shack, well… to be fair, it was my sister who did it after a stupid dare that I said as a joke, not thinking she would actually do it. I was wrong, but lessons were learned and I now know my sister is a sadistic psychopath. God have mercy on her soul.
???: *chuckles* Well, the Church of Sister Abigail appreciates your contribution, and I gotta say, that shack looks great.
McQueen: You only get the best from Moongoose McQueen.
??? – I’ve been meaning to ask, how are you feeling about your loss this week, over the EWA Internet Champsonship.
McQueen: Oh, well, normally, I would be really pissed off and go to the edge of the Earth to hunt down and track DEDEDE until I can comfortably say I beat him. I mean, I would do just about absolutely anything and everything to get his attention and dig deep in the darkest part of my humanity to get what I wanted, which was vengeance, fury, and a new toy to go around my waist. My god, the things I would had done that would make just about anyone question the thought if any man can truly be that evil, in which I would just casually smile and smirk, yes, Yes I can. And all because I couldn’t beat him, when I know… oh… I know, with more time, and more preparation, I can slaughter him and reduce him to ashes…..to nothingness.  
BUT that’s just the old me. Things are different now. That’s how the story would go and end, but everyone is a writer in the story of our lives. And we can all change the finish last minute. *stares directly  at the camera* Get it? Huh?  *man looks confused*…. Ah, you had to be there. I’m not crazy, you know. But as of right now, I have other things to worry about. For example, my list of doing good deeds to make up for the bad ones. After all, Karma is a bitch, and I suppose I should try to rectify it before it really does take a turn for the worse. Truth be told, there is no real shame to losing to a guy like DEDEDE. He’s done a lot, but deep down, I know I can beat him, and that doesn’t change.
???: That’s good to hear from you. You’ve certainly changed. But what was that you were saying? You were making some chili?
McQueen: Why yes, I am. Here, go ahead and try some. It’s a special Moongoose McQueen recipe.
???: What can’t you do?
McQueen: Ah, you humble me, but go ahead, take a bite.
*Man taste the chili*
???- Hmmm. It’s not bad and flavourful, but it lacks a kick in terms of spice.
McQueen: Good observation, but it’s not done. Because you see here, in this jar is a special batch of what I call the gawd sauce and will leave that explosive taste in your mouth. This here is what makes this dish me. It will try your taste buds insane and make you wanting for more. I call this the Gawd sauce, and without it, it kind of falls flat, but I always make this batch first in case people can’t handle the heat. And I call this, “The Jacob Senn.” As it’s ok, not bad, kind of bland, and just nothing without the Gawd Sauce. *McQueen stares directly at the camera again smiling as he pours some of the Gawd sauce into the pot of chili and mixes it.* Try some now!
*Man  tries the chili and his eyes widen in pleasure and surprise*
??? – Wow, it’s like night and day! This is so much better than “the Jacob Sean!!” What’s the secret sauce?
McQueen: If I told you, I’d have to end you and come up with a different finish to explain what happened to you. *Both mean start laughing hysterically*
??? – HAHAHAHAHA, I don’t get it!
McQueen: HAHAHAHAHA. You had to be there to understand. Hahahaha. I’m not crazy.
???- Well alright, Moongoose. I’ll leave you to doing your thing. Thank you for the work you did for us and the Church of Sister Abigail , and I look forward to dinner.
McQueen: Thank you, Father Diemos.
??? – Who?
McQueen: Sorry, you look like someone I know. Father Windham.
*The man walks away as McQueen continues to make his chili, McQueen looks directly at the camera.*
McQueen: Oh, Finny, Don’t think I forgot about you. I just had to save you for last because at the end of it all, you are still the last thing I should worry about you little malnourished pencil neck geek. Because you see, you may have a win over me. But last I checked, your friend is gone and the only reason you won the last time we fought was because Kelly couldn’t be a good bitch and stay still and the ref was an idiot. But what now Finn? Whose going to distract me now? No one, allowing me to put all my focus on kicking your scrawny ass all over the ring. Seriously, bro, do you even lift? Of course, you don’t lift, after all, it was Kelly carrying you, you pasty Sook. Oh, you must be thinking, this guy has the Tall Poppy syndrome, but trust me, you’d have to be successful first before I can criticize you on that.
Now it was a few months ago that I said the New Breed title means almost nothing to me. And to this day, that still stands to be true, because by status and definition, I am beyond that. The New Breed title and division is beneath me. I might be losing to the experienced, but you newbies have not been able to keep up with me, and for a damn good reason. However, this doesn’t mean I’m going to go into our qualification match half hearted and disenchanted. No, because I still have one very good reason that I’m sure you and I can both agree on as well as the majority of the Dynasty roster, and it’s simple. That Lucas Johnson should not represent us. That man is an embarrassment and should not speak on our behalf. He is a loud mouth that talks utter nonsense and unfortunately, does not have the skills to back himself up. I mean, I not only embarrassed for him. How the hell did Anthony Leonhart and Mark Michaels even lose that that man? It defines logic and explanation. And no matter how I piece it all together, that man is still the New Breed Champ. And all I can think about it, man, how horrible is this division to let this happen? How horrible is the state of the locker room when that tub of angry lard is your champion. I beat him in the past, and quite frankly, I don’t get it. There is nothing special about him, and well, Finn. There ain’t nothing special about you either.  
Truth be told, I don’t know what the Ultimate X match is. It sounds like a trainwreck waiting to happen, but I’m sure I can manage a bunch of rookies, but I simply cannot stand by and let the New Breed division drop to a lower standard. This isn’t fuckin limbo. This is about raising it as high as you can taking it the new heights, and deep down, you and I both know that Lucas and yourself are not going to be able to do just that. Make New Breed Great again? Bitch, please. Can’t make anything great again, if it never was to begin with, but here I am, to breath the New Breed division to life. It’s about time that I teach you all what it takes to be a true champion, to wear it with pride and to push the boundry and limits instead of living in the comfort of thinking you are just a champion and no more. It’s time to inspire, it’s time to humble, and it time for change, and there is no better man than the one standing before you.  I, Moongoose McQueen, will redefine the New Breed division. I will not simply be the best New Breed Champion and maintain it’s standards, I will be the one to take it places ones cannot imagine. I will present myself as the ultimate obstacle for the amateurs and rookies . Dynasty, EAW, I can assure you, I will do you all proud, because the best representative the world has ever seen, and truly one of a kind. I’m going to show you all exactly how lucky you are, how blessed each and every single one of you to be in the presences of the insatiable, the dynamical, the limitless and unstoppable, the one of the kind, Moongoose McQueen.

You’re welcome, EAW!
Abelard Becker
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post May 30th 2017, 10:35 pm by Abelard Becker
Hello there.

I was told I needed to do an introduction, so there's mine. You want more? You'll get more, in time. But don't worry, there's not much beyond the surface. Speaking has, well it's never really come all that easy for me. I can... speak... obviously and it's not as if I'm limited to the vocabulary of a grade-schooler, but I've always preferred to write my thoughts out. They come through clearer and more concise. When I speak the thoughts get cloudy, the points all eventually get made but it may take a little time to get there. So in advance I'll apologize for myself, and can only promise I'll try my best not to embarrass myself. But considering we've gotten this far and I haven't said much of anything yet, I'm sure you're all well aware of how this is going to go.

See, you're learning more about me already.

The competitor in me wants to believe that I'm risking my well-being for more than just a paycheck this Sunday, that a victory or even an above satisfactory performance might catch the attention of Lance Hart and it will quickly lead to bigger and better things, not to say that I deserve those things.. I'm just, we'll say impatient. But I know that's not the case. The fact of the matter is that no one is going to watch, and no one is going to care. Win, lose, non-factor or complete no-show, the result will not affect me in any way. I know my place, I understand that I'm nothing but a time killer on the road to Pain For Pride. They need to have a few of me's to ensure that people don't overindulge and kill themselves with excitement. All eyes are on the stars as they should be, and whether or not I see myself as one of those stars is extraneous. The word of a rookie means nothing, especially from a debutant. I could list off my many past accomplishments in other promotions I've been in over the course of my career but that might as well fall on deaf ears. It was in a promotion you've never heard of against competitors you've never seen, so why bore you with that? I could tell you the tale of the time I beat a man to within an inch of his life, just because he poked fun at my strength after a lackadaisical handshake. But what would be the point? There would be no proof of it ever happening other than my word, and you would have no reason to trust it. It's my job to either build that foundation with you, or to let it crumble. But you'll decide that choice. Be good to me and I'll promise to be see through, no lies and no secrets, only the truth. Treat me badly and I'll still give you the truth, but it'll be the cold and the hard kind. The one that no one wants to hear. 

I'm starting to do what I said I'd try not do so please, allow me a second to refocus and regather my thoughts.




For the next month I'm as insignificant as insignificant can be, I've realized and accepted that, I hope the two of you have as well. Ignore what's going to happen in a few days for a second, because neither of you gentlemen is any different than I am. We're all in the same boat, in the middle of nowhere, no motor, not even a paddle, using our hands to row in hopefully the direction of land. This Sunday we take a break from doing that to fight. To hurt each other for no reason other than because we like to. But then we go back to normal on Monday, and Tuesday, and Wednesday, and the next week, and the week after that. My point being, don't let Sunday take precedent over the bigger picture. Sunday is trivial it isn't make or break for any of us. I'm sure we all have similar goals for what we'd like to one day achieve here, we can reach those faster together. We don't need to be friends or even friendly, just a mutual level of respect for one another as the future of not only Voltage but of EAW. Fall into dissent however and I promise I'll hold nothing back. I'll eventually reach that island by myself but I'll make it my mission to drown the both of you before I do. It only means less competition for me. I'm offering you solidarity, don't be stupid, please take it.

Last edited by Abe Becker/Scott Diamond on May 31st 2017, 7:11 am; edited 1 time in total
Amelie Larrieux
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post May 30th 2017, 10:19 pm by Amelie Larrieux
The scene opened up inside of a hotel room in the vicinity of the Damai Center in Dalian, China. Even after a long and strenuous flight from Los Angeles, California, Amelie Larrieux found herself unable to sleep in the Asian city. She laid out her makeup and other products on the well-lit desk in her hotel room. It took all the strength that Amelie had in her body to move around the room before she finally found solace in the comfort of the couch that faced the television. Leaning back against the couch, a great sigh escaped the lips of Amelie as she rested her head in her hand. As she’s on the cusp of finally falling asleep when her phone went off with a little notification of an email arriving in her inbox. Groaning, she pulled her red iPhone 7 plus out of her purse and quickly glanced at it before opening up the camera app and turning the camera to the front facing one and focused it on her makeup free face.

Amelie Larrieux
I never realized how strenuous a cross Pacific flight was until today. Sure… I’ve made them before but this one was hard as hell on my body and it has taken a toll. Why was it hard for me you might ask? Well even though I was in first class I couldn’t seem to fall asleep. Maybe it was due in fact to the numerous screaming babies that were on the flight… or maybe it was due to the fact that I had a lapse in judgment and decided to have a venti Starbucks iced latte. Who knows… all I know is that I haven’t slept since… oh… like… yesterday or the day before. I’m so tired I don’t even know what day it is here. I know that it’s tomorrow considering I’ve been living in LA these past few months. But like I said… I’m beyond freakin’ tired I don’t even know.

Rubbing her brow, Amelie sighed once again as she looked over and out the window. There were dismal, light gray clouds had crowded into the sky, snuffing out the bright rays of the sun that were there when Amelie landed in the nearby airport.

Amelie Larrieux
I always find it funny how people can walk around outside without a care in the world. When I was younger I used to always walk by hotels and high rise apartments in the city and wonder what the people up in the rooms were doing. But that was when I was merely a silly little girl who didn’t know about any of the hardships of this world or the secrets that adults tend to keep. Who knows how many extra-marital affairs have taken place in this very room. But much like I was back then in my youth… young and innocent… these women are naïve and ignorant as to what is going to be happening here this week on Empire.

Amelie gets up and walking over towards the window, switches the camera around so that the viewers could see everything that was going on outside of her hotel window. There were people walking along the sidewalks, in and out of buildings as the blonde French native could do nothing but watch them.

Amelie Larrieux
Just look at all those people… rushing around being totally oblivious to anything other than what concerns them. It’s kind of like my opponents this week who seem to be oblivious to the fact that I’m in the match. It’s beginning more and more to seem like a pissing contest between Tarah Nova and my opponent from last week, Azumi Goto. The tension between the two of them is so great that is going to allow me to slither in like a snake and snatch away the win from the two of them. I say this because I know how to be sneaky and conniving on a level that would blow their brains to smithereens. If people thought that I was a bitch before… ha!

Amelie turned the camera back towards her as the wear and tiredness she was feeling began to show on her face. There were dark circles already under her eyes and bags were beginning to form.

Amelie Larrieux
I have been through the ringer pretty much ever since I stepped foot into EAW a couple of months ago. But I have predominantly found myself in basic matches… such as singles and tag team matches. This week at the Empire Terminus supershow… I find myself in an Extreme Enigma Elimination qualifying match. Now I’m not 100 percent sure exactly what a Extreme Enigma Elimination match really is… but I do know that it is something that I want to fight like hell to be a part of. I will do just about anything to make sure that I further my career here. And being in that match… that is just what I need to keep pushing my mission forward. I’m sad to say that there isn’t anything anybody can do or say to stop me. Even should things not turn out my way… I have a backup plan and I will get what I want one way or another.

Slowly, Amelie began to make her way back to the couch, her steps getting more and more sluggish as the feeling of exhaustion began to set in. It was also then accompanied by the pains of hunger in her stomach from not having eaten in a few hours.

Amelie Larrieux
Now I know that it is going to come down to the three of us. And I say that because let’s face it… Kimi Hendrix isn’t going to be much of a problem for any of us. That ghetto ass piece of trash has no place in this company let alone this business. The way that she speaks is a huge disappointment to all of us who have made it through the basic years of school. To be honest, I can’t really understand a damn thing she says. My level of intelligence far outweighs her very own. I may be French with a slightly heavy accent but at least people can tell what I’m talking about when I speak. I don’t know if it’s the fact that she comes straight from the ghetto slums or if she smokes too much pot… but you nor she can deny the fact that there’s something about her brain that is too warped for anybody to comprehend.

It was at that moment that the hunger became too much for Amelie to bare much longer, causing her to call down to the hotel’s room service and order some food to be brought up to her. After she got off the phone with them, she turned her attention back to the camera that remained in her hand the entire time.

Amelie Larrieux
Let’s get back to the two idiots who seem to be infatuated with one another. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WITH THOSE TWO?! I swear that they hate each other so much only because they are just jealous of each other… or in love with each other. Hey, I’m not one to judge but honestly it’s getting to be quite pathetic.

Amelie shook her head as she yawned loudly, her mouth opening wide as she inhaled deeply before regaining her composure.

Amelie Larrieux
I get it… Tarah Nova is pretty much a future hall of famer but she really needs to pull her head out of her ass and stop worrying so damn much about Azumi Goto. While I would really love to see Tarah and Azumi tear each other apart not only for professional but also for personal reasons. I also think that she’s a little bit wacked in the head because she thinks that Kimi is unstoppable. Tarah… uh… have you been taking drugs with Kimi… or have you just taken one too many hits to the head? I would really like to know because the things you said… make no sense. I don’t care if you call me a dumb bimbo because I have heard that many times before… but DON’T EVER question my talent and abilities out there in the ring. I get that we faced each other once before and you tried to end my career… but that’s just it… you tried. Don’t think for one minute that I have forgotten about that because I haven’t. You are going to be getting what is coming to you and you’ll soon find out that I am not the same person you faced way back when just like you’ll finally realize how much of a flop Kimi really is.

Shaking her head, Amelie kept an eye on the time so that she could figure out when her food was going to arrive. She was getting real hungry and more tired the more that time went on.

Amelie Larrieux
Now that brings me to the one woman who is perhaps the most annoying fuckin’ bitch on the face of the planet… Azumi Goto. Now last week… last week she narrowly defeated me when she pulled the wool over my eyes and snuck that move in there that was enough for her to get the three count. Zum Zum… you talk way to highly of yourself and if I can be honest with you… it’s quite exhausting and annoying at the same time. Yeah OK… you managed to get a win over me bringing my streak up to three straight losses. But don’t you go thinking for one minute that I’m letting it get to me. Like I said about Tarah… you’ll get what is coming to you sooner than later. You’re like one of those annoying street preachers that everyone wants to punch in the face. I will gladly do just that come Terminus. You are not God… so fuckin’ stop acting like you are. I’m not scared of you… I have never been afraid of anyone or anything in this world so don’t you go and think that you’re going to be the one special person who gets under my skin. If you’re as great as you claim to be… how comes you’re not a champion? Huh? Oh that’s right… your head is stuck so far up your ass that you don’t know what is going on out here in the real world.

Rage began to fill Amelie’s body, becoming evident by the blacker that her eyes became. Tucking some of her platinum locks behind her ear, she could hear a knock on the door followed by the person saying that it was room service. Amelie turned the camera off and put her phone on the table as she made her way towards the door as the scene slowly faded out to black.
Xavier Williams.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post May 30th 2017, 7:58 pm by Xavier Williams.
What makes you special. That's the question that you need to ask yourself.

I've been in your position. I know what it's like to stand in front of the world as it lays at your feet; the possibilities of what you could achieve constantly running through your head. They're endless, aren't they? You look up and you don't see a glass ceiling that you could possibly slow you down. You look at yourself in the mirror and see a man that holds an absolutely unmeasurable amount of potential. You see a man that could throw not only this company on his shoulders, but this business as a whole and take it to a place that it never had the chance to reach. You look down and you already see the construction of the pedestal that you believe you're going to call home throughout your time in this company. You picture your name in lights. You picture thousands in attendance wearing your mask as you burst through that curtain. You incision your face being plastered around the cities that you compete in. You believe wholeheartedly that there's absolutely nothing that could possibly slow you down - when it only takes one little slip up and it's all gone. This is the easiest part of your career, Target; pressure is basically nonexistent. There's little to no fear because the situations that you're being placed in are nothing more than low risk and high reward. You succeed and you shock the world who expected you to fail, and you couldn't really fall any lower than you are now if you don't. The man whose memorial match you'll compete in at Pain for Pride was my first real huge victory in this business. I was in the position that you are this week; nothing more than cannon fodder for a man who has his attention locked on something much bigger. Three weeks later that man walked out and won the Answers World Champion, in the process, adding a feather to no only his, but my hat also. It's amazing, isn't it? If you can somehow actually beat me on Dynasty, you can stand in front of the world after Pain for Pride and scream at the top of your lungs that you were the one man that managed to do what the former World Heavyweight Champion couldn't. The doors that are locked closed are immediately forced open. For a kid that shocked everyone at Burning Desire, I was excited.

Now, almost in an instant, that excitement is gone.

I stood at the top of this company at the EAW Champion for the majority of a year. I would tell anyone that was willing to listen that I was undoubtedly the Best in the World; I constantly had to listen to others run through the same story that you did. I'm good, but you're better. I'm not the Best in the World because some scrub that has proved absolutely nothing since walking through the doors of the company is. Congratulations, Target, you won at Burning Desire… against two former World Champions whose reigns may possibly go down as the worst in the history of this business. You managed a last longer than another kid who believes that he's entitled to a few things in this company. I've been unstoppable since returning to this company at Road to Redemption at the end of last year. There hasn't been one person that has been able to answer the question of what it's going to take to keep me down under their own hand. Jacob Senn needed Jamie O’Hara to blatantly hand him a win at Reckless Wiring. Jamie O’Hara needed to pin the absolutely worthless World Heavyweight Champion because he couldn't find the answer of what it took to knock down the greatest threat his championship reign is ever going to face. I have never been as focused as I am now. So, Target, what does that say for you. This isn't a contest where you're expected to try to win. This is a situation where you're expected to try to survive. Don't worry about Ryan Marx. The guy may have a boatload of talent, but if I have my way, you won't make it to Showdown. You'll wake up the day after Dynasty in more pain than you thought was physically possible. This isn't personal. This is the furthest thing from it. This is business, and I'm going to conduct my business by running through every single name that's thrown in my way until I stand in front of the world with the championship that should already be mine resting on my shoulder. Try to enjoy it. Try to enjoy your time standing in my spotlight trying to convince everyone that's watching that you are actually better than I am. And, Target -

I'll prove that you're nowhere near close.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post May 30th 2017, 7:38 pm by Nobi
I didn’t want to do this...

I didn’t want to go this way...

But everyone knows....

We don’t run away....

And we won’t run away....

I’ll be straighted up and honest, I want The Tag Team Champions. I want to taste how it feel to be a champion. I want to be a champion that everyone cheers on. But most importantly, I want Lioncross to have a happy ending moment in his last match. You might want to say that I’m a hypocrite for saying that, you might want to say I’m just jumping for opportunities, you might want to say I’m just a liar for saying that, but the fact and the truth is, no matter what you say about my motivation, you have crossed the line last week.

You beat up Lyuncrust last week and let me tell you something, The High Rollerz, it’s a big mistake. It’s been a while since people hit me on the nerves and I applaud you for that. You have opened my eyes, you have made me realized, that you two are indeed our punching targets since the day you assaulted Brian Daniels. It’s not about Pain For Pride anymore, it’s all about beating you up now.

Honestly, I’m glad I have one of you as my opponent this week. Do you hear me, Davidson? I hate you. I hate you and Ripley. I hate you both and Damien Murrow with the burning passions of 1000 suns. I hate you with every fiber of my being. Overall, I just hate your guts. My plan to beat you is simple, Davidson. I just want to attack you with everything I got until you pass out. Laugh at me all you want, I don’t care at all. As great as you really are, you never prove yourself that you’re better than me. This is coming from someone who has never win a title in his EAW career. One of you hit me on the crouch to pin me. One of you almost did the same thing to Lioncross at Reasonable Doubt to retain your titles. No matter what, you always find a way out to escape from my beating. I won’t be surprised if you have similar trick this week, Davidson, but let me assure you, if you beat me this week with another cheap trick, it should tell you that The High Rollerz is afraid of Stuffed Crust.

If you want to talk about the mustard accident, then sure, let’s talk about it. While I never had any intentions to beat dummies with...mustard, I did pin Ripley to get a victory. I didn’t know about it. It was 100% a pure mistake. Lyuncrust was the one who hit Ripley with his mustard anyway, despite it wasn’t his intentions either. But I’ll admit it, I didn’t prove myself to you either. Do you hear that Davidson? I already knowledged myself that I didn’t beat you strike either. I hate you both, but I’m man enough to admit my mistake to my enemies. Why don’t you do the same thing and admit it yourself that you never proved yourself to me either? You know as well as I do that deep down inside, my statement is 100% corrected. Just lay it up, it will make you feel better.

This week might be a fresh beggining for both of us. If you really want to say that you’re better than me, then why don’t you try to beat me like a man? No more tricks, no more lies, I will beat you like a dummy you really are. Like I said, it’s not about Pain For Pride anymore, it’s all about beating you up now. You might hate me afterwards because I’m not holding back anything. If you already hate me now, then good, it should be a motivation to beat me up straight. I hate you so much, but I’ll beat you up with class and honor, because that’s what a wrestler should do. Just be a man, Davidson. Try to beat me with your own hands. When the bill rings though, I'll make you my bitch. I’ll see you around. I can guaranteed you, that this won’t be the last time we’ll meet each others.
Forrest Wolfe
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post May 30th 2017, 7:11 pm by Forrest Wolfe

That wasn't a good sign.  Or was it?  Whatever it was, it meant that we should put our ear muffs on, right?  Or not, who cares - do what you want.  Soon enough, we hear the subtle sounds of a banjo being plucked slowly as the words, "DOTHAN, AL" appear on the bottom right hand part of the screen.  We then see a run down and dirty trailer park, which was eerily silent.  That is, however, until the door of one of the trailers popped open.  There a man stood, dressed in camo pants, a white wifebeater with a confederate flag bandanna wrapped around his head; his bear was unkempt and covered in grease and what could only be assumed was food.  Pressed between his lips was a marlboro cigarette which he took a drag of before tossing it to the side.  He walked out of the trailer and toward his mail box while opening it.  There was one letter and one letter only, and as he opened it and read it, he couldn't believe it nor contain his happiness.

EAW - EAW Promoz! - Page 20 YAHtEQ7

EAW - EAW Promoz! - Page 20 BP2XFfp
"SWEET BABY JESUS!  Jenna!  Get your pretty ass out hur', girl!  You ain't gon' believe dis' shit!"

Forrest looked to the trailer where a very... gifted woman stepped out from the inside.  She took a drink of her Bud Light before throwing it to the ground.

EAW - EAW Promoz! - Page 20 Opntb2Y
"What the hell you hollerin' for, Forrest?!  I gotta get me beauty sleep!  Shit, you know that!  What's in your hand?  Did you get ugh... an invite somewhere?  You gon' take me somewhere nice, Forrest?  Do I get to break out my momma's dress finally?"

Forrest shook his head.

EAW - EAW Promoz! - Page 20 BP2XFfp
"Forget that nasty ass dress baby, we gon' live large babygirl!  Look at dis' shit!  You know what dis is?  Dis an iron clad contract with Elite Answers Wrestlin'!  For you, me, and shit, even Roy!  The hard work is payin' off, babygirl - finally, we gon' move out of dis' nasty ass trailer and get ourselves a nice big ole' double-wide, just like you deserve!  Go get Roy - wake his ass up 'cause I know that bitch-ass wanna' read dis' shit for 'emself!"

EAW - EAW Promoz! - Page 20 Opntb2Y
"A double wide?  Finally!  You know how long I've been wantin' a double wide, Forrest?"

EAW - EAW Promoz! - Page 20 BP2XFfp
"Less talkin', more gettin' Roy, woman.  We gotta' leave dis' shit soon and head to the big leagues!  Go get 'em!  I gotta' read the fine print and shit just to make sure they ain't trynna' swindle us, you know?"

Jenna left the scene as Forrest read the contract that was in his hand.  The sounds of beer bottles and grunting could be heard as Forrest's big brother Roy emerged from the trailer, covered in grease, food, and what I hope isn't human feces.

EAW - EAW Promoz! - Page 20 GbwWWNY
"Why yo' bitch-ass wake up fo', Forrest?! You know I gotta' work tonight!"

EAW - EAW Promoz! - Page 20 BP2XFfp
"Man, shut yo' ass up, Roy, c'mere and read dis shit.  You ain't goin' to work tonight, boy - we goin' to the big leagues!"

EAW - EAW Promoz! - Page 20 GbwWWNY
"What the hell you talkin' 'bout?  You know I can't read!"

Forrest looked as if he just remembered that Roy couldn't read.

EAW - EAW Promoz! - Page 20 BP2XFfp
"Shiiiiiiit, I forgot about 'dat.  Anyway, you know what dis' is, boy?  Dis right 'ere is a contract for all three of us for Elite Answers Wrestlin'.  That means we're movin' on up like the Jefferson's!  I told yous that dis shit would pay off!  We been bustin' our asses for years and year, workin' for peanuts and a handshake, and now we finally got our break.  The Wolfe Family is movin' to bigger and better things, boy.  Can you believe dis shit, Roy?  You and I?  We gon' win 'dem tag titles our first night because dat's what we do!  What 'ya say, boy?  You ready to get a double wide trailer of your own with this BIG BOY MONEH?!"

Roy began to jump up and down as if he were a child that just got invited to Willy Wonky's Chocolate Factory.

EAW - EAW Promoz! - Page 20 GbwWWNY

Forrest smacked Roy across the back of his head.

EAW - EAW Promoz! - Page 20 BP2XFfp
"Stop actin' like a damn child!  You know what we're gon' do?  We gon' get ourselves a new trailer, and we gon' eat some White Castle tonight, boy.  We deserve it.  Jenna, I'm gonna' finally give 'ya everything you want, babygirl.  The world is ours and you're my world.  You ready to to take dis' company by storm and show 'em what real wrestlin' is about?"

Jenna smiled and cracked open another cold one.

EAW - EAW Promoz! - Page 20 Opntb2Y
"You don't gotta' ask me twice, Forrest!  I've been waitin' for this moment my entire life!  If only my daddy was here to see this."

Forrest grabbed Jenna and planted a wet on right on her lips, as he brought her close.

EAW - EAW Promoz! - Page 20 BP2XFfp
"Your daddy is lookin' down on us with a smile right now, babygirl.  Now let's get ready, we got a looooong way to go!  Goodbye, Dothan!  Hello Big Leagues!  Roy, get the truck and let's get the hell outta' here."

Roy nodded his head as he walked toward the giant Ford 5150 that was painted black with a confederate flag hanging from the back of the bed.  Roy pulled up to Jenna and Forrest and opened the door, as Forrest helped Jenna up to the backseat, while Forrest hopped into the passengers seat.  He rolled the window down, looked out and began to scream the final words.

EAW - EAW Promoz! - Page 20 BP2XFfp
"EAW!  We comin' for 'ya!  Your bitch-asses are on notice!"

They sped away as the Wolfe Family had now made their way to Elite Answers Wrestling.  Camera fade.
Stephanie Matsuda
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post May 30th 2017, 6:45 pm by Stephanie Matsuda
Terminus Promo #3
“Nature of War”

(Cloudy Thoughts)
“You know what you have to do when you go out there.”
“Hai sensei.”
“This will be your biggest challenge. You’re not just fighting for you, but for someone else.”
“Imagine the fight before it happens. See your opponent's truth. Understand your foe by becoming them.”
“War is complex. See the layers as they unfold- strike when you’re ready.”
“Victory must be assured. It is a reality, a fact nobody never deny.”
“Do not think like a peasant. There are no ‘what ifs.' Aspire for something more.”
“Become a god of war.”
“Hai Manami-sensei.”

I don’t expect you to fear death, Alexis. My concern is getting Lauryn back safe- you know, to her birth mother. No matter how hard you try, you can’t replicate the real thing sweets, and here I figured having two of your own would make you realize that. Or maybe you distrust the adult world, and would rather raise the children you save on your own? Listen to me sweets; you can’t keep every child in the universe, you can’t. Maybe if Sanatorium expanded their horizons- but you guys can’t huh? That means more protection from the authorities, more hands, and your pockets, and eventually, Joseph would no longer be a dark savior. Your family would be one all right- it’d be a goddamn mafia! The next Omerta if you will. That’s the thing about success and furthering your agendas- everyone gets lost in their maze. When I watch you, I see a blind mouse stuck in her labyrinth. (sighs) The Sad thing is I’m the minotaur that’s going to eat you alive. Your scars didn’t give you armor, just a false illusion that pain means you suffered for your sins, paid the cost for victory. Pain is- well it’s just that sweets. Sometimes you get hurt whether it’s physically or mentally. I like to believe that pain and suffering is a result of the choices that we make. We choose to get into a business where no matter what you’re going to get hurt. You’re going to take that suplex, that tag partner is going to betray you, the powers that be are going to overlook you, etc. There’s more heartbreak than celebration, and EAW is living proof of that. Only the Hall of Famers can say they lived a successful career, an aspiration we all wish to achieve. But the path of a wrestler isn’t an easy one is it? We can’t forget that we’re celebrities, role models, spouses, lovers,  siblings, and parents; shit gets complex. 
There was no EAW when Michael Hunter was active. Heck, companies would come and go. The 90s was a turbulent time for the industry, and the early 2000s signaled a resurgence. By then, Michael’s injuries were too much, and he was forced to retire. The sad thing about our career is there’s no retirement plan- you have to make your own. What all Mike had was the gym, and once he was gone, Angela was on her own. No matter how hard things got, she made sure her two baby girls always had a place to sleep and food on the table. I helped when I could- hell Angie would never have to work again, but that’s not the life she wants for herself. I can’t just step in and take away her ability to provide. That’s what you did Alexis. You took away another woman’s ability to provide. You should’ve never involved my family in this. They’re just innocent bystanders- then again, this was all about motivating me by force. You admitted it yourself. Do you want me at my worst?
(starts laughing)
You can’t even comprehend how bad it’s going to get for you, sweets. Those toys that’ll be lying around the arena, the steel and barbed wire surrounding us? I know ways to hurt you that’ll make those cigarette burns look love taps. Since you like pain so much, you’re going to love what I have in store for you. I don’t stop when my back is against the wall, Alexis. I’m going to gnaw away at you until there’s nothing left. Even your soul is up for grabs. When I leave that ring, there’ll be nothing left. For a long time, the EAW universe will talk about what they saw transpire in the ring. The IWC will be excited about seeing a live execution. But, like all things, the EAW universe will move on. The Coven will move on.
Joseph will move on.
You’ll be forgotten, just another notch in my win column. A fate worse than death for someone who died by my hand. You see Lexi, I do understand you. Everything you’ve said I agree. That’s why I have to destroy you. You and I are so much alike- which scares me. The only difference is I realized how out of control things have gotten. There’s no limit with you, and now innocent people are involved. Maybe you wouldn’t let them burn Serenity, perhaps Lauryn would be safe in your care. I can’t take those chances because, like me, you’re willing to go to any length to make your point. I lost so many friends due to my actions. I missed the respect of my peers, and it nearly cost me the love of my life. It’s too late for redemption- all I can do is move forward. I have to thank you, Alexis. You taught me there’s no avoiding my destiny. My life consists of competition and war. I’m addicted to it. No matter how hard I try to tell myself otherwise, I relish the fact you made things worse between us. This battle is a fight you can’t win sweets. You already admitted it yourself: I’m a fighter first. Wrestling is my bread and butter, what I was bred to do. Generations of Japanese wrestlers on one side and a legacy of military soldiers on the other. I am the culmination of war in the arena and on the battlefield! Don’t be afraid- be blessed that you will die by my hands in a blaze of glory. I can offer you a swift death since my only objective is to win for Lauryn’s sake. One blink and you’ll be in a better- Nah. With the things you’ve done, you’re probably going straight to hell. Heh, in the future I’ll be there as well. We’ve done a lot of wrong things together; there’s no place in heaven for us.
On Thursday we enter in a place between heaven and hell. A private realm shared between you and me, watched by the EAW universe at large. There are no safe spaces in The Devil’s Pit, no bubbles to hide inside. The only sounds in this echo chamber will be your screams of pain. Two more days until you die Alexis Diemos. Welcome to the Green Mile.
(Looks at her phone for a few moments)
I just ordered your final supper for the night before. I threw in a bottle of wine too. Such a shame you have to die in a foreign land. But hey, soldiers die overseas all the time. Sucks, but thus the nature of war.
Cameron Ella Ava
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post May 30th 2017, 4:09 pm by Cameron Ella Ava


Is that what you’re calling it, Aria? You think that I’m avoiding everything standing in front of me? You think that I’m just pushing every negative thing you have done with me to the back of my mind? You think I’m underestimating you as some sort of “threat”? What makes you a threat, Aria? Is it because deep in your heart you believe that you’re one of the best talents on Empire? Is it because you let the positive voices of Tarah and Aren make you believe that you have what it takes to rip MY Womens World Championship off my shoulder? What makes you a threat, Aria? Just because you managed to defeat me on three separate occasions? Yeah, you got the best of them in three different occasions. You were smart. You were crafty, but it will never make a different because I will still look you down no matter what. Nothing you say and nothing will do will never be superior to what I have to say and what I have to do. In the last year, what have you done to make yourself look like a true threat into the eyes of these people? Should I recall the infamous moment almost a year ago where the Heart Break Gal just prowled the Vixens Championship from your grasps? You told the entire world that you would be leaving Miami still champion. You were so confident within yourself that you choked in your first title defense. You let the Pain for Pride lights get the best of you. You let the spotlight and attention get into your head and it costed you big time. You made it so simple for the Heart Break Gal to take the title away from you. It’s almost laughable once I think about it. You talk a big game, but once you focus on it, the game isn’t as big of a deal as you once thought it was. That’s what I think about you, Aria. Once you strip down all the glitz, glamour and colorful hair, you’re nothing more than a woman who is desperately trying to prove to these people and herself that she’s good enough to be here. “I know I’m good enough and I don’t care if you think I’m not,” is that you’ll try to say. It’s what you’ll try to feed to these people the same bullshit that you’ve been trying to feed to me since the first time we encountered each other, but it’s never worked. Not even a little bit and the moment you begin to know that, the moment you begin to drop a sweat from the side of your forehead and get nervous. Do I think you’re a big threat, Aria? You’re a threat, but not a huge one. It’s been a year since you did anything that would make me change that opinion of you. You failed at Pain for Pride IX, you failed at retaining your Empress of Elite crown, you failed at keeping The Sirens intact after Cailin cattle prod Sheridan Muller. You failed at capturing the Specialists Championship. In two different occasions, you failed at defeating Cailin Dillon for the Womens Championship! You have multiple opportunities to become champion; yet, you make excuses for yourself over why you didn’t win. “Oh, no! Stephanie Matsuda was in my way! No far! “Oh no, Cameron and Kendra cost me at Malicious Intentions! Oh no!” You may not believe this, but there have been interferences from people in important matches and they have managed to get back in the match—might have not won it—but, they managed to pull through a little longer. You want an example? Go watch the King of Elite Final this year before you bitch about people getting in your way of becoming a champion.

If the Heart Break Gal believed for one second that you matched her in the ring, you would have earned her respect. I know, you don’t care about earning respect from her. “You don’t need our respect.” Save me, the boring speech for someone who gives a fuck. If Ahren believed you were more than a woman, he would have given you a pat on the back and you would have gone your merry way back to Empire? You claimed to have matched both Ahren and HBG, but why aren’t you champion? If you were as good as the woman you have looked up too, why aren’t you the face of Empire? Why has it taken you this long to have gotten the credit you deserve from the people you have faced? Besides your closest friends, is there anyone that gives a damn about you? Is there anyone who has went out of their way to put you up after a devastating loss? Is there anyone who saw the good in you after battles you went through with them? No, because no one you ever faced in a match gave a damn about Aria Jaxon. At least with me, people gave me the credit I deserve. You see, in EAW, there is people that dislike me, but they can’t help but respect my contributions for EAW. In EAW, no one likes you—

Tarah: I like Aria.

Nasir: So, do I.

Aren: You already know my answer.

My point exactly—nobody likes you. “I took Ahren to the limit like no other challenger had”—but, did you win? By watching Fighting Spirit: London, I notice that you lost. By losing, did you prove Ahren right by showing that there is no other competitor worthy of going after the Hardcore Championship? I mean, you were just like Keelan Cetinich and the rest of those Voltage scrubs—losers. The moment they leave Voltage, they’ll be lucky if they can get a place on the card on a week. Aria, you should be blessed that Cleopatra put you next in line for an opportunity for the Womens World Championship. I mean, without you, it would have gone to Cailin, the rightful contender, who had a rematch clause in her contract! To be honest, it doesn’t make sense that you’re even in this Pain for Pride X match. What have you done besides losing every other title match given to you to deserve this match? You defeated me at Grand Rampage? I didn’t know we were in a number one contender’s match. I didn’t know that the next person would get a title shot. I knew that I made it my obligation to show you what The Goddess was all about by getting you out of the title picture, but I thought it would take a lot more for you to get yourself back in the title picture. Why are you comparing my situation with Scott Diamond with your situation with Ahren? That’s like comparing the Manchester bombing at an Ariana Grande concert with people dying of cancer everyday—it cannot be compared! Just when I thought that you couldn’t be more idiotic, you just did. Unlike Ahren, Scott Diamond was a monster. Scott Diamond is a former World Champion and Chairman. This is the same man who defeated [REDACTED] at Pain for Pride 6 and shut down EAW for about a week. Who is Ahren Fournier? A Hardcore Champion who’s dating Drastik? It’s quite hilarious that you brought up Reckless Wiring 2015 because I got dominated, but I took the one thing that meant the world to Scott Diamond and that’s his HoF ring—and no, he can’t have it back.

I’m not ignoring anyone in this match. I could care less about Consuela. If she wants to come after me to send a message to Brody, then she could try her hardest, but I could knock the living daylights out of you and her if I wanted too. As for Brody Sparks, she has her sights set on my sister. She is someone who I don’t want to get in the way of. We’re partners, but we’re also looking out for ourselves in the end of the day. Just like Cailin never cared about me or Kendra. Just like Cailin never cared about you or Tarah. It might be difficult for you or even Consuela to comprehend, but in a world where you put a smile on your face and pretend to be nice to everyone, it will eventually bite you in the ass because everyone else is looking out for themselves while the two of you are looking out for everyone else. “You’re only Womens Champion because I picked your spot!” Gee, isn’t that the reason why most people are champions in EAW? They pick the perfect time, place and opportunity to strike? That’s what the Empire Cup was all about, Aria. Like you would have done the same thing if you were in my shoes? Are you going to deny that? Or would you do the same thing you did with the Young Lions Cup and wait months and then TELL your opponent where and when you plan to cash it in? See? This is why you’re not New Breed Champion or Hardcore Champion. It’s these stupid mistakes that you make that are costing you accomplishments. I haven’t done much with the Womens Championship just like you didn’t do shit with the Young Lions Cup. Aria, honey, you can’t be the one to tell me that you haven’t been doing much with anything, while you’re the queen of doing nothing. But, that’s none of my business. Aren’t you glad that I’m defending the title at Pain for Pride though? You and Cailin won’t know what will hit the two of you? Who knows? I might knock you out cold the same way I knocked out Cailin to take the title away from her. “Real champions don’t need to downplay heir opposition,” I’m not though. I genuinely believe that you’re not as good as you make yourself to be. It makes have you shook to believe that there is someone who doesn’t believe in you and what you’re capable of in the ring. At Terminus, you can try and prove me wrong. You and Consuela can get those needed victories, but they won’t determine your faiths at Pain for Pride. Go ahead and try, ladies, but Brody and I are winning this match for ourselves.
Consuela Rose Ava
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post May 30th 2017, 4:08 pm by Consuela Rose Ava

The amount of times you’ve kicked me when I was already down and yet, I’m still here. I still plan to make my presences known at Terminus and I still plan to dethrone the woman who is now the longest reigning Specialists Champion in EAW history. That’s always been the plan, Brody. It’s been the plan since the minute I became your number one contender. The moment I became the number one contender for your title, you have been on defense mode. You’ve begun to be the protective mother to your title. There is no immoveable person or thing in this world that is going to separate you from the title—at least, that’s what you believe. I’m quite positive that’s what Cameron believes and as much as I hate to admit it, Aria could possibly be the woman to take the title away from Cameron, just like I’m going to take the title away from you. The more you continue to beat me down, the more you begin to think that Brody Sparks cannot defeat Consuela Rose Ava. As the weeks go by and the Pain for Pride side inches closer and closer, you grow insecure for yourself. You rely on your defense mechanisms of the numbers game or beating someone when they’re already down to get your message out there. You think that if you use those mechanisms, I will be the one growing insecure. You’d think that it would plant seeds of doubt in my brain and cost me the match before the bell rings. You think that I have seeds of doubt planted in my mind already? You think that I’m doubting myself at the moment? No. The more I talk to you, the more I get comfortable with the thought that at Pain for Pride, the title will have a new shoulder to rest on. Does it every cross your mind what would happen when you have a fresh Consuela standing across from you in the ring? Instead of the battered woman you have grown so used to beaten up after she had competed in grueling matches, you will have a challenger who will evenly match you in the ring. You’ll be facing a woman who hates you as much as you hate her. You’ll be facing a woman who cannot wait to beat the living daylights out of you. You’ll be facing a woman who is willing to take you to the limit. I’ve been taken by the limit by one person in the past and she passed out unconscious because of her never die attitude? Is that what you’re willing to do, Brody? Are you willing to provide me with the same never die attitude that was once found in another blonde by the name of Sophia Rose? Or will give up when the going gets tough? Will you find yourself feeling the same pain as Haruna? As Tarah? As Stephanie? Will you be experiencing the same pain of failure that your past opponents have felt? You do have a point—I am thankful for the tournament. Without it, I would have never have realized how much of a coward you are. I would have never looked into the eyes of a woman so scared that her days as champion are numbered. Go ahead, laugh at the moment. Try to ignore the fact that the only reason you broke Cailin’s record was because I couldn’t have faced you a lot sooner. Why didn’t I cash in my Pain for Pride opportunity sooner you may ask? Well, I think my championship victory is worthy of a large attendance at MetLife Stadium. I’ve always dreamed of a title victory at Pain for Pride. Cameron used to tell me stories of her Vixens Championship win at Pain for Pride 6, but I wanted to experience a title win personally. Thanks to our match, I think I might have all my dreams come true. I just want to thank you in advance, Brody because there is no other woman in this locker room I’d rather take the title off other than you.

As for Aria, you can count on me. If you want my sister one-on-one, I’m not going to stand in your way. Just leave a clear path to Brody and I’ll be a happy camper. From day one, I’ve admire your never say never attitude. I’ve admired how you always kept fighting even when the odds were stacked against you. We’re had our problems in the past. I’m a different woman now and the person I got to rely on is myself. Brody and Cameron may believe that just because their champions, that makes them superior to us. They think that it makes them better than us and that’s far from the truth. You’ve had Cameron’s numbers in the past and at Terminus, this could be my opportunity to prove to Brody that her days as Specialists Champion are up. Who knows? There could be two different champions after Pain for Pride is over. It’s a possibility.
Tomi Venus
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post May 30th 2017, 3:23 pm by Tomi Venus

The Target Smiles vs The Best of EAW Tour

Last time I stepped in a ring to compete it was an all out war. I was in there with a young rising star determined to win and beat me specifically; a merciless force of destruction who has a fairly... Diamond studded history in this company; and another respected veteran who is going into the Hall of Fame this year, but got pinned in the middle of the ring by me. Now I go on to represent Dynasty at Pain For Pride X in a match honoring one of the greatest men in the history of this industry. But my goal going into this match is to elevate the prestige of my opportunity. This match should be representing the best of Dynasty, the best of Showdown, and the best of Voltage and Empire. This week is key in giving the Extreme Enigma Elimination match that level of credibility, and it falls on my shoulders. 

There is a lot on the line for myself, the man who has repeatedly referred to himself as "The finest competitor EAW has to offer." While I was winning a match where I had been dubbed the underdog at Burning Desire, Xavier Williams was beating Tig Kelly to earn himself an opportunity at the EAW World Heavyweight Championship. That's a pretty big deal and Xavier deserves a standing ovation for his accomplishment. However, come Pain For Pride I want to steal the show. I want people to look forward to my match because they know that is where the real talent will be on display.

No disrespect Xavier, you're a great competitor, all I'm saying is I'm a better one. And yes, it is one thing to say I'm better but it's another animal to prove that I am better. Which is why come Friday night on Dynasty I will will prove that I am better. I have beaten Hall of Famers, former world champions, and on Dynasty I will beat a future world champion because beating people is what I do best. Through the undying love and support of the Smiling Faces all around the world I continue to push myself beyond my limitations to overcome any and every challenge that comes my way and I will continue to do that until I beat world champions and I myself become a world champion! And you Xavier, are my next challenge.

But my challenges this week don't end at Dynasty because on Showdown I'm facing a man who calls himself a winner. Ryan Marx, I've had my eye on you for some time now. You are easily one of the most talked about and hyped up rising stars in EAW. In fact, some have doubted my chances at Pain For Pride considering the fact that I will be sharing the ring with you. Which is why I was ecstatic when hearing your address on Showdown where you challenged me to step in the ring with you, one on one, this Saturday.

Target Smiles vs The Ryan Marx on Showdown.

But Ryan, despite our similarities there is one difference between us that I can't help but dwell on and that difference is explored through the concept of respect. I respect each and every person who I share my stage with as well as everyone who puts their hard earned money into watching me perform my craft. But at the same time I find myself struggling to earn respect from my peers. Take Burning Desire for example. I was labeled as the underdog in my match despite the fact that I was the most likely to win, and proof of that is in the fact that I did win. Maybe I didn't eliminate every single person in that match, maybe I didn't dominate throughout the entire bout, but I never claimed to be the most dominant person in EAW. No, I claim to be the finest competitor. I don't hurt people, I don't dominate, I compete and do so successfully. But even with my success, even with the fact that Target Smiles has only ever been beaten once since he came to EAW, I don't get the same respect as you.

Ryan Marx may not be as loved by the fans as Target Smiles. Ryan Marx may not have Smiling Faces rallying behind him, but Ryan Marx is universally respected. The fans that boo you still have some level of respect for you. Your peers, whether or not they admit it, respect you. Even veterans who scoff at the entire lot of the Target Smiles generation of EAW stars, they put respect on the name of Ryan Marx. Why? Because Ryan Marx is recognized as one of the finest competitors EAW has to offer, while Target Smiles is out to prove that he is the finest competitor EAW has to offer and that is why I am not going to pass up an opportunity like this.

The Smiling Faces and myself have been asking, no begging, for me to be challenged by top level competitors. And now that I've put myself in a position to face Xavier Williams and Ryan Marx within 24 hours of each other there is no backing down. There is no holding back. As this week comes to its close, both of you better be prepared to bring everything you have to the ring if you expect to stand a chance against Target Smiles.
Empress Madison
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post May 30th 2017, 2:54 pm by Empress Madison
Empire- Terminus Promo #2

"People don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed" - Friedrich Nietzsche

The intelligence or lack there of, of a person really shows when they try to be witty or act like they even know what they are even talking about in a situation where it maybe wise to just shut your mouth.  Megan Raine, you might be the dumbest person of all time?  It is really truly astonishing to see a person with such low intelligence it is quite amazing. Clearly you have no idea who the hell you are even talking to.  Clearly you have no idea what I have done and who I have beaten, but telling you to your face isn't good enough I guess, you are a thickheaded individual, so you will have to learn the hard way. Let me just address you on a few things, you said this is my first big match in who knows when and how I am just a lackey to Brody (Madison smirks). At least I have been in a big match in my career, I have been in countless big matches as a matter of fact, I've been in the finals of both Empress of Elite tournaments, numerous championship matches. So don't throw that shit at me little girl, I have been there and done that, when the last time it has happened is irrelevant, once there you know how to deal with the pressures of a big fight feel. You haven't ever in your life been in a big match like ever. I mean until know your biggest match, and your biggest achievement in EAW is defeating that blonde french girl on Empire. Like wow you're so good Megan! (Madison claps sarcastically) As far as me being a lackey to Brody, you obviously don't know how a family works, she has my back, and I have hers, as I have everyone in the Coven's back, so please, stop talking from your ass and just shut the fuck up. You also said that I ruined your life, and let me correct you on something, I did not start the rumors, I don't know what the hell is wrong with you, I don't know maybe you have been kicked in the head a few to many times during your run in EAW or something, but I didn't spread the rumors, Brody made a comment, and you ran with it, you made it bigger than it already was, and if you think your life is a mess and that I ruined it, Megan you haven't seen anything yet, because like I said before your life is about to hit rock bottom after Terminus.

Your verbal threats do not scare me, look at you, your a little weasel.  During your little speech before, I had a lot of range of emotions, I laughed, I got sleepy, and I cried a little from boredom.  (Madison starts laughing) You actually said that I am jealous of you? Bitch please you have accomplished nothing in your life, absolutely nothing.  Do you actually think I care how much money you have?  Do you actually think I care about your stupid career's before wrestling which you obviously failed at because you would still be there if you were so successful at them, but regardless I am not jealous of you, just the simple thought of that is ridiculous. You are a Madison Kaline wannabee, because of your sudden change in demeanor, your attitude is similar to mine, but your just not good enough to be me, like I said this whole division are filled with Madison Kaline wannabee's one way or another, each and every one of you have a little piece of me in your repertoire. From Cailin Dillon all the way to Savannah Sunshine and everything in between. You said you have been in all whole bunch of different math types? What were you in? A singles match and a tag team match? Oh wow Megan so impressive you are a veteran for sure. (Madison rolls her eyes). You do realize you are talking to someone who defeated Aria Jaxon in a one thousand shards of glass match at House of Glass 2015, retaining my Vixens Championship, I defeated the 2017 Hall of Fame inductee Tarah Nova last year at the Vixens Cup in a death match, I didn't even mention I was in a Elimination Chamber, and a few ladder matches. So don't act like your resume in EAW is any longer than someone like me. Again I am a veteran here, you are just a noble rookie, so step back in line bitch and know your place. Anything you are doing for a first time here, I have already done it, and I most likely did it better than you, because let's face it I am just better at you than everything, just ask Keelan. (Madison smirks and winks). Aww i'm sorry Megan, was that to soon? Oh well get over it and stop blaming me for everything that goes wrong with your shitty life. It's not my fault that you suck at everything. But what happens to you at Terminus make no mistake about that, that will be my fault, when I destroy that pretty little face, when I rip out your caterpillar eyebrows and destroy your ego.

Nope my 2017 has not gone according to plan, I am not where I want to be, but make no mistake about it, I will concur 2017 and make it my bitch, Megan said I have been irrelevant for a while now, and while she maybe right, I am still the best woman's wrestler on this roster today, it's just some women are given more of a chance then me. It's not fair I know but I have been dealing with this shit since I came here, I have always had to work twice as hard as everyone else, I am the first person to show up and the last person to leave, I am constantly improve my game anyway that I can. There is always room for improvement, and that is the biggest difference between Megan Raine and myself. Megan is content, she thinks she is the best here, but she sucks and she refuses to get better, where as I know I am the best, I don't think I am the best like Megan does, I know it, I know it for a fact. Megan you hate my guts, well guess what I hate your guts even more. But my reason is a valid reason, you hatred is based on jealousy it is clear as day, you can deny it all you want, but I can see it on your face you want to be me.  You wish you can have half the career I did here. I hate you because of how personal you made this, and don't even say I started this, because I had nothing to do with spreading these rumors, and ruining your life. I walk down the street and I am called a home wrecker and a slut, I don't care I don't let that get to me, like it would to a fragile minded person like you. But the reason they call me those things are because of you.  I know have a reputation, with my fellow co-workers and the fans, thanks to you.  You make people look at me like i'm going to steal their man, and well I have the power to there is no doubt about that, I mean just look at me, what guy would say know to this. (Madison spins around). Like I said Megan, you made this personal, and come Terminus, this is about winning or losing, this is about revenge, this is about shutting your mouth once and for all. I will be the last woman standing, you can bank on that.
Macho Man Johnny Nova
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post May 30th 2017, 2:00 pm by Macho Man Johnny Nova
I did exactly what I said I was going to do at the 02 Arena in London, England. I absolutely destroyed AKA Manah, a.k.a “The Coward,” a.k.a a man who didn’t even have the courage to breath my name.  I showed the world that when I step between those ropes I am not to be trifled with. No matter how “evil” you think you may or not be it means nothing once that bell rings.  You will be a recipient of these hands; a beating will be bestowed upon you and I will leave you laying in the center of the ring wondering what just happened. Manah, you just became another notch in my belt, more footage to be used for video montages of the Human Highlight Reel better known as Johnny Fucking Nova.

As for me coming out to the stage during Shaker Jones and Eric Steel’s match…. I just felt the crowd might like to see a bit more of me since my own match had ended so quickly. And while the Hanzo Main, is one hell of a pretty move, I hate not being able to give the fans of the EAWUniverse a true showing of my talent, my art, my skills. It’s truly not my fault Aka Manah was so damn unprepared for the match he got bodied in less than a minute. Also, it was just a little bit of pay back since just a few weeks ago that ignorant old man Eric Steel couldn’t seem to keep my name out of his mouth. It not my fault you took your eyes off your opponent. For someone who has been around the horn as long as you have Eric you would think that you would be less worried about hearing my banging theme song and more worried about Shaker Jones, but then again I wouldn’t expect anything less from an ignorant old man like yourself. You promised the world you were going to end me in our first match yet here a stand, still talking and still waiting for you to take me out.

This Friday, live from Verizon Wireless Arena in Manchester, New Hampshire my journey to the top continues. This Friday, I have not one, not two, but three opponents to concur and while I know that this isn’t going to be the easiest match I have ever been in I can’t help but stand here feeling pretty damn confident in my ability to get my hands raised at the end of the night.  This is my chance to make my big splash here in the EAW and I am damn sure not about to waste this opportunity. So, Shaker Jones, Eric Steel, Anthony Leonhart you better be ready for the fight of your lives. I will do whatever it takes to get the job done this Friday night once that bell rings to prove to the locker room, the fans in the arena and everyone watching from home that Johnny Fucking Nova should not be taken lightly. I am the great black hope that the EAWUniverse has been clamoring for, the future, the absolute truth as far as the professional wrestling business is concerned and if you don’t believe me right now that is fine. All the doubters will be silenced this Friday when my hands are raised in victory and my theme song is bumping through the Verizon Wireless Arena.  

There will be no lion’s roaring and there will damn sure be no cowbells clanging. Just Johnny Nova doing what he does best and that is bestowing ass whippings on any dumb son of a bitch who dares to stand in my way. The streets couldn’t take me, what makes any of you think that you can, or that you are even close to being on the same level as the Human Highlight Reel.  Shaker is shook, the antique better known as Eric Steel knows he is about to be put out to pasture, and the lion is off somewhere running to his litter box in the hopes that he doesn’t piss or shit himself out of fear since hearing that he had to face me this week. The fans know it; I know it and now all you guys have to do is accept it. Defeat is imminent…..
Lucas Johnson
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post May 30th 2017, 12:24 pm by Lucas Johnson
Dynasty Promo #1 - Bow Down To The Future

Wow Murrow I just can't believe you. Do you know how many times I seriously thought about signing with Showdown a while back? Do you know how many times I wanted to just get Dynasty out of my way and start a new beginning? I didn't you know why? I wanted to see that idiot Monroe suffer, I wanted to see him scream like a little girl to see him grab every last dollar out of his pocket so he can sign that paycheck every week. We went our separate ways, I went back to Dynasty to claim what is rightfully mine which is the New Breed Championship and you went on to continue running Showdown. But this past Saturday night in Bridgeport after I flew across the world less then three days. I went from Atlanta to London then to Bridgeport immediately after Dynasty finished! I was tired, I WAS JET LAGGED AND IT COSTED ME IN MY MATCH WITH REX! I WAS ABOUT TO HIT THE F-5 FOR THE THREE COUNT BUT NO HE GOT LUCKY! IT WAS A FLUKE WIN! I SHOULD HAVE KILLED HIM IN THE SQUARED CIRCLE AND HAVE BEEN REWARDED THE NATIONAL ELITE CHAMPIONSHIP! WHO CARES ABOUT REX? WHO CARES ABOUT THAT OLD MAN NAMED STARK? THE SPOTLIGHT SHOULD BE ON ONE PERSON AND THAT PERSON IS LUCAS "THE WRESTLING MACHINE" JOHNSON! This Chris Elite guy? What the hell is so special about him? All of you general managers want to play with old toys like CM Banks, Tiberius Jones, and even Diamond Cage. There are new toys in the company and you're looking at the hottest toy in the business today, the current New Breed Champion and by the end of Dynasty I will hold the most prestigious title in our business today for eighty-seven days. What's new about Chris Elite? He has a little body guard to fight his battles for him? He has a new attitude? All of it is bullshit to me and quite frankly the whole division is jealous of me. Chris Paradise, Anthony Leonhart, Mark Michaels. All of them have fallen including Leonhart where he had his second shot and failed at Burning Desire. The whole New Breed division is jealous that I am the most dominant champion in HISTORY! People want to say "Oh Lucas, your title reign is a joke. You were just losing matches not that long ago..." Every time I hear that type of complaints it just goes in one ear and out the other, I remember when I was a rookie like all you other losers in the New Breed Division. There's an old saying that I will forever live by and that saying is "If you ain't first, your last." I was last for a long time in this company but then you learn new tricks from some friends like Scott Oasis and you improve your game and become great. Chris Elite claims that he's the one that added prestige to this title? If I remember correctly when I first joined this company, this title was treated like a joke and held by people that were jokes. Maxwell Dachs, who was an asshole in the locker room and treated everyone like we were the bottom of his shoe. Piff Fumador, this man was the pot smoking lucha libre star that thought holding this title was a joke. When I first started my quest to become New Breed Champion, Piff had the odor of weed coming off of his wrestling gear and magically passed a drug test. Did he use fake piss? Did he get someone to piss for him? Then JJ Silva a former member of Omerta. I carried The New Breed Team last year with him at Pain for Pride 9 at Sun-Life Stadium and man I will say out of all the people that treated this beautiful title like a joke, JJ was one of the few that had potential to make this title important again but he failed. JJ failed when he walked away from this company and then Chris Elite won it. Chris Elite wants to say he added prestige to it? He didn't hold it longer then three months! By the time Pain for Pride rolls around I will have surpassed the three month mark and reached over a hundred days holding the most prestigious title in our sport today! Do you know how many title defenses I have had in the last month and a half? I will say about four, if my memory comes in correctly back in your day the title was defended probably once a month? As for you Murrow, I am invading Showdown again this week! I got my beautiful suit picked out and everything. Half of this invasion is a business trip to not only check out "THE NEW CHRIS ELITE!" But see how the joke of Showdown, Cody Marshall is doing. If we are being honest here Cody is the one from the blue brand that deserves a New Breed Title shot, he was the one that I DESTROYED BACK AT RECKLESS WIRING, BUT GUESS WHAT? CODY IS SCARED! HE HASN'T STEPPED ONE FOOT NEAR ME SINCE MARCH 11TH! Well it will be eighty-eight days later and I will sit ringside for Cody Marshall vs Chris Elite and I hope Cody doesn't shit his pants. As for you Murrow, I hope you have extra security lined up because you're going to need it. Like I said last week, your going to pay for this!

But as for my home on Dynasty, each week the bigger checks are signed by Monroe and I get bigger and bigger matches. When I first arrived here at EAW, I was lucky to get a spot on a Voltage or Dynasty card. Shortly after I was lucky to get a spot on a free per view besides Pain for Pride and super shows. Now that I am the man in the New Breed Division I AM THE MAIN EVENT! I GET THE BIG PAY DAYS, I GET THE MAIN EVENT MATCHES AND NOW THE FUTURE HALL OF FAMER WILL FALL TO THE WRESTLING MACHINE THIS FRIDAY NIGHT! Funny enough after leaving Dynasty to fly to Bridgeport I met an old person I looked up to climbing into this business at the airport and it just so happened to be StarrStan. I was the better man because StarrStan so happened to be traveling to John F. Kennedy Airport in New York City so I asked him to come on my private jet to Bridgeport then he would have to drive to the big apple. Starr said of course so that long flight we bonded. I faced StarrStan one time in my career and that was before he hung up those boots and back then he just looked at me as a rookie that was nothing. When we were on that flight, we finally got to know each other. The best part that flight was saying Starr is still watching the sport he has loved ever since he was a child. We have similar backgrounds from starting with amateur wrestling and rising up to the professional wrestling. We both wanted to wrestle and main event shows like Pain for Pride and he agreed THE SPOTLIGHT SHOULD BE ON ME, I SHOULD BE THE MAIN EVENT OF PAIN FOR PRIDE! WHO CARES ABOUT ROBBIE AND BRIAN? IT'S THERE FINAL MATCH, THEY ARE BOTH GONE AFTER JUNE 2017 COMES TO A CLOSE! THE FUTURE STARS OF THIS BUSINESS IS RIGHT IN-FRONT OF YOUR FACE! A LOT OF PEOPLE HAVE FALLEN AND A LOT OF PEOPLE TOOK THERE BALL AND LEFT! THIS WILL BE MY THIRD PAIN FOR PRIDE! FIRST YEAR WAS IN THE 24/7 BATTLE ROYAL, LAST YEAR WAS THE DIVIDE AND CONQUER MATCH AGAINST THE VIXENS AND NOW THIS YEAR I AM DEFENDING THE MOST PRESTIGIOUS TITLE IN OUR SPORT - THE NEW BREED CHAMPIONSHIP! This week I take on Jacob Senn is going into the Hall of Fame and it is a Hall of Fame career and can take down Mister DEDEDE at Pain for Pride X. That doesn't matter to me, all that matters to me is Senn falling to my demise this Friday night and after that I expect Senn, AND ESPECIALLY THE WHOLE SHOWDOWN ROSTER TO BOW DOWN TO THE WRESTLING MACHINE!
Tarah Nova
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post May 30th 2017, 12:17 pm by Tarah Nova
I’m Legit---Supershow: Terminus#3
“I-I-I'm the shit
With no makeup
Don't have to curl my hair up
All this booty here mine
I'm a dolla worth a dime
Real bosses stand up
Ladies throw your hands up
And say I know I'm cute
I know I'm fly
You ask me why
Cause I'm the shit”
You know, I shouldn't be surprised that you went ghost on me. I mean what? Did you take all of my comebacks to heart and now you're crying under Honda's skirt. Personally, I thought you were better than that, Azumi. I thought I'd get a fighting opponent out of you but I guess it takes only a couple of hard-hitting fax the shoot you down to the ground where you belong. See, this is what I've been telling you for the past couple days. I've been telling you that you do not belong on my level. That you are not the best wrestler in this company or the Empress of tomorrow. You're not this Warrior that's going to show every person that doubted her wrong that she is worth it. And that's the thing, Azumi, you're not worth it. You're not worth anyone's time or energy. Hell, if I wasn't trying to prove a point to you, I wouldn't be speaking right now.  I wouldn't be wasting my breath on a pathetic, overbearing, idiotic, piece of Filth that is so desperate to do anything to get ahead in EAW that she married the weakest female in the company. So I give you props on trying to make yourself look better with getting with her-- Actually,  I should stop.  I told myself I wouldn't bring her into the situation again, so I won't. No,all  I'm going to talk about is the fact that's after everything you have said to me. After every word you've called me and tpp even going as low as disrespecting my boyfriend; I am still here standing in my ring, Azumi. I've taken so many low blows from you and these past few days but the difference between you and I is the fact that I am still here; ready to fight you at Terminus. I'm not hiding, bitch. I didn't run away and cower in fear. I stood my ground because that's the way I am. Time and time again, I have told you that I am the Leader of this Division and every time those words leave my mouth’ you shoot back with ‘how’. And Azumi, I'm showing you right now how. I'm showing you that no matter how many times you question my agenda,  what I have done for this this division or how I did it; my answer will always be the same. As the leader, I did it to make this place better for the Women of EAW. I did it to make the women's division a home and not just something sitting in the corner of EAW company, collecting dust. I have risked so much for this Division and for the people in it. I've put my body and my life on the line more times than I can count all for the name of the women's division but people like you are so blind in thinking that I'm doing this to boost my ego but I'm not. I do this because I love this division. Maybe not the people in it but this division is everything to me and I'm not going to let some insignificant little insect doubt my leadership because she believe she deserves everything in the world. The thing is, Azumi, the only thing you deserve in this world is my foot up your ass come Terminus. You deserve so much more than that, actually. You deserve my teeth in your throat and my claws in your skin. You deserve to be ripped limb from limb and your career dismantled. You deserve all that and more at Terminus. And after that, once you fall and my hand is raised in Victory, I'm going to look down at you with the most satisfied grin on my face because everyone in that arena is going to see that you do not compare the Leader of this Division, the Vixen Killer herself: Tarah fuckin’ Nova.

Believe that. Believe in The Nova Empire.
CM Bank$
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post May 30th 2017, 6:29 am by CM Bank$
And there we have it, for the first time in five long years.. CM Banks makes his long awaited in ring return to Ext- err, Elite Answers Wrestling. Ten years of Pain for Pride, ten years of EAW, and ten years since I've first made my introduction to this industry.. here we are. In my hometown of New Jersey of all places.. it's almost as if it was a given, written in the stars perhaps. The perfect comeback story with friends and family watching in the crowd.. the first time my children will ever see me perform live, nostalgia running wild for one last CM Banks run in the very federation he built from the ground up exactly ten years to the date of when the original first EAW episode was supposed to air.. in his own backyard.. talk about everything coming full circle, Shakespeare couldn't have written a better story.

...Too bad I don't give a shit about any of that.

I came back for one reason and one reason only, and that was to knock some sense back into a man who I basically birthed. A man who has spiraled out of control without me around, it's time to put an end to all of the shenanigans and bullshit he's been parading around week after week with no one to stop him because he has Ares by his side stringing him along like the puppet he is. Jaywalker not being able to think for himself, Jaywalker being a follower, Jaywalker not being true to what he is supposed to represent, some things never change I guess. But that aside, it's official.. I will be back in action alongside the Heart Break Boy and Devan Dubian to take on Jay, Ares, and Cage. Now that the match is official I'd like to get a few things clear and address some misconceptions that I'm sure will be nothing short of overused in this next month leading to the match. So the million dollar question is, does Banks still have it? Why don't you ask Jay and Ares did I still have it when I came back and beat their ass so bad that they had to retreat to the back.. but you wouldn't get a truthful answer from them anyways. Is Banks going to feel pressure going into his first match back in five years? Yes but pressure is good, pressure busts pipes, that is why I will stay ten toes down and perform at my best under pressure.. but don't get it twisted, there's a difference between feeling pressure and being afraid.. afraid is Jaywalker and Ares every time they aren't able to team up on somebody. Can CM Banks adapt to this new day and age? Why wouldn't I be able to?.. If I became a legend competing in a much stronger era and I feel like I haven't lost a step then this shouldn't be any harder than any other match I have competed in before. Ring rust isn't a factor with me, I may have been a family man during my time away but I was far from a couch potato.. when I come back to the ring competing in front of those nearly one hundred thousand fans in attendance, that alone will be enough adrenaline to keep me on my A game and make sure that I am competing at the highest level possible. I would not have come back if I didn't think I was still capable of performing at my very best, I wouldn't do that to myself.. and most importantly I wouldn't do it to the fans. But this isn't a feel good nostalgia story, this is war, a war against Jaywalker, Ares, and apparently Cage. 

Why he had to get himself involved is beyond me.. but you just signed your own death certificate, congrats. I warned you, don't fall victim to Jay's manipulating, don't get involved in something that you don't need to be involved in.. Heart Break Boy tried to convince you the same thing but instead you let your own temper get the best of you over a misunderstanding and here we are. I didn't want to make an enemy out of you, I might have dismissed you last week.. but as a veteran in this company I should know to never take any opponent lightly. Things have obviously changed since the last time I was here, you worked your way up the ranks to become someone of importance. You are far from the nobody you once were, you ended up becoming a force in this federation at one point in time. Unfortunately you have recently found yourself in a career crossroads where you aren't sure of your future due to frequent shortcomings and Jay seeing you in this vulnerable state in your career saw it as an opportunity to manipulate you into doing his dirty work and you couldn't even see that. What makes you think that pitting yourself against me would make things any better? Why would you make matters worse by joining Jaywalkers train wreck that's going to do nothing but lead you straight to failure? Trust me when I tell you that this isn't what you want. Judas Lemuel.. I don't know you, I don't care for you or anything you have to say to or about me.. but I do need you for this slight moment to relay a message to Cage.. tell him to think twice before going forward with the plans of teaming up with Jay and Ares to try to take us on, it's not a good idea. Sure the match is official at PFP but you don't have to necessarily go through with it. You may miss out on a good pay day and whatnot, but all the money in the world won't save you from the ass whooping of a lifetime that's in store for my PFP opponents. Get it off your chest and go at it with HBB on Dynasty.. do what you have to do and  leave it alone, do not cross my path. 

Ares Vendetta, I think we pretty much established the fact that I don't know you.. but that is going to change really soon, we're going to be getting to know each other really well in these next few weeks, especially at Pain for Pride. If you're anything like your father then it's safe to assume you're more than likely a stubborn, stuck in his ways jackoff who thinks he has all of the answers when in reality he doesn't know shit.. so I'm not going to waste my time lecturing you on why manipulating a washed up veteran and stringing him along for the sake of your own personal agenda is a bad idea. Instead I'll ask you, when it's all said and done and the referee is raising the hands of my team as the victors while you're barely conscious and picking your teeth up off the floor, will it have been worth it? Will it have been worth all of the hassle of going at it with Dub and HBB over a championship that doesn't even belong to either of you? It already backfired before and led to my return, what makes you think things won't just get worse? You could've quit while you were ahead and relinquished the belt, but instead you made matters worse and now here we are. Jaywalker, I don't have to keep telling you just how disappointed I am in you for having sunken to the level that you are currently on, I'd rather SHOW you at this point.. can't think of a better time and place than June 26th. Showdown you called me an old beaten dog who got put down the last time I was seen. And I will admit that I was definitely not necessarily at my very best 5 years ago at PFP.. but that's the difference between me and you. When I'm not the best that I can possibly be I know when to gracefully bow out and take a break while I regroup and come back even better than before.. when you aren't at your best you just latch onto anything or person that can keep you relevant and carry your dead load because you lack the mental capacity to make logically sound decisions for yourself. It wasn't always like that though, back when we were groupmates I recall you taking your ball and going home in the middle of it all because you knew you lacked the ability to step up and defeat Y2Impact for the big one.. so you decided to "retire" and abandon your brothers which ended up shaking the very foundation of us.. but let me not get into all of that because those realities might be TOO harsh for you. You always were selfish Jay and put yourself before everything else, and the end result of you/Ares will be no difference once one of you find a way to screw the other over because you have no use for each other anymore. I have a funny feeling about EXACTLY when that's going to take place too, see you in late June.
Megan Raine
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post May 30th 2017, 3:29 am by Megan Raine

EAW - EAW Promoz! - Page 20 11484718565_2b22324194_o
Well, we’re finally here Madison. Month after month, week after week, day after day. I spent all of this time building up a constant, rageful anger towards you. For too long I wanted to get my hands on you and for too long I was robbed of that opportunity. I wrestled tag matches where you were on the opposing side, and what happens? I could barely get my hands on you then because your bitch-ass Coven sister Brody Sparks would always be in the way. But, I guess you’re used to that right? Brody hogging the spotlight of a stable YOU helped put together? You’ve spent the majority of this year and last year being a lackey, and you have the decency to come out and talk about your past, and how you helped create this women’s division?! Sweetheart, the past doesn’t matter right now because look how low you have fallen. While you may have been a former champion here, you’ve had to sit idly by and watch other women sign contracts for Empire, and climb up the card and win championships and main event FPV’s. This will be me soon enough, and after I defeat you at Terminus, there’s nowhere left for me to go but upwards.
But let’s take a step back for a moment. We are finally going one on one. Now the last time we went one on one, you defeated me in what I like to call a cheap victory. You know you had to play dirty because you figured out just how much of a viable wrestler I actually am. I know what I am capable of, as do these fans and the majority of this Empire locker room. But for whatever reason, you just cannot get this fact through your thick skull. I will show you this week just how capable of a wrestler I am … and THEN some. Last Woman Standing, right? This match will be a first for me, but since my debut I’ve competed in all sorts of stipulated matches and showcased just how far I am willing to go. I’ll go that extra mile to show off my talents. But that was all business … this is personal. No, no, this is actually way beyond that. Madison Kaline, I hate your fucking guts. The entire reason not only my wrestling career but my life has flipped upside down is because of you. I hate the fact you started spreading this ridiculous rumour about yourself and Keelan Cetinich, but that isn’t even half the reason why I despise you. For whatever reason you seem to have a lot of shit against me. You want to talk about jealousy? You have clearly targeted me because of your own stupid jealousy about me. You hate the fact that I have multiple careers that I can put on hold at any time. You hate the fact that I have more money than I know what to do with. You hate the fact that I am known worldwide by pretty much everybody that doesn’t live under a rock. You want this life that I live, but you know you can’t have it. You’re stuck in this Coven family with no way out, and that’s your own damn fault. If you love being with them, then whatever honey that’s great, but they aren’t going to help you get what I have. You can try on your own, but you know how plain of a person you are. Let me ask you a question - if I am such a “Madison Kaline wannabe”, please elaborate on how I try so hard to be like you? What exactly is it that I do to try and be like you? I already know I’m a better wrestler than you, I’m a better person than you and I’m way prettier than you. I mean … look at me, come on.
Bitch, I shit on your name because you are personally ruining my life and you have been for months now. This goes far beyond the Keelan Cetinich situation and if you think this is still about that then you really are blind to it all. You really have no idea what you’re about to walk into at Terminus. This is, what, your first big match you’ve had in god knows how long? You are happy with this fact and let me tell you why. You got so bored with Brody Sparks and Alexis Diemos telling you what to do all the time that you decided to have a little fun. You thought the only way you could get a big match on a supershow or even an FPV again was to start shit, and honey your plan worked perfectly. Maybe you aren’t so plain after all … just an idiot. Now you’re going to go into Terminus all high and mighty, expecting to breeze through this match but it’s not going to happen the way you think it will. You’re going to be too big for those shoes of yours. You’ve lit this fire in me and the only way I can put it out is by absolutely smashing your pretty little face in. I’ve got bloodlust for you, Madison … I want you to physically feel the torment you’ve given me over these last few months. The pain I have been feeling inside trying to get my career and my life back together. This doesn’t stop until you are no longer conscious in that fucking ring at Terminus. Only then will I officially be over this. You think you’re so sadistic and you wear that name like it intimidates me. Maybe at one point when I first joined this tenure you did intimidate me, but that was before I got to know the person you really are … an insecure, petty little white girl with red hair that doesn’t have the slightest clue about what’s about to happen to her. You’re going to make it rain with my blood? I am going to paint a picture in that ring with your blood, Madison, and I promise you and the world that it will be the most beautiful piece of art ever seen by human eyes. I have no regrets, just demands, and I demand that your name be out of my life forever after all this is said and done. When I absolutely destroy you, you’re going to go back to the Sanatorium and cry to your stupid little family as if you were their 6-year old daughter, and ask them for their help. But what are they going to do? They’ll say a few half-assed things in hopes it’ll help, then they will continue on their own path to their own glories, because that’s what that “family” truly is about. Nobody cares about each other, but they sure as hell do a good job to make it look like they do. All each of them care about is being as selfish as they possibly can be. You saw how Stephanie was thrown out, right? Of course you do, you helped kicked her out. What was the reason for that again? She didn’t pull her weight? Do you feel like you’re pulling your weight, Madison? Perhaps it’s only a matter of time before they send you packing, but who knows - that’s the family that’s taken you in and so-called helped your career out, right?

So, with all of this that I’ve come out and said, let’s see if you’re still as ready as you once thought you were. See you at Terminus, sweetheart.     
Aria Jaxon
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post May 30th 2017, 2:34 am by Aria Jaxon

All this talk about thin lines, and yet Brody doesn’t realize that Consuela’s been crossed whatever line you thought you drew in the sand. She scratched it out with her sole, and each time you think you draw a new line, she hops over that one, too. And it irks you, I know it does. The last few months have served to do nothing but inflate what was your already massive ego. It’s gotten to the point now where you feel like someone having the gall to set their sights on you is considered an act of war, and that’s your issue with Consuela. She dared to win that tournament. She dared to put on barnburners along the way and tear down the house with the likes of Sophia Rose and April Song. While many of your contemporaries were putting it all on the line just for the sake of getting a shot at defending the belt you never defend, you were taking a back seat to your potential challengers. That, too, was an act of war, the way you saw it. It didn’t matter to you who won that tournament, did it? You were ready to see to it that they were dead in the water, because to you, whoever they were wasn’t afraid of you. It was already set in stone that whichever woman won wasn’t put off by whatever allure you thought surrounded you, and you couldn’t deal with that. As personal as things have gotten between you and Consuela, I like to think you’d have approached any other woman the exact same way. We could swap in any of the other participants in that tournament and place them in Consuela’s spot right now, and you’d be doing the same shit. You’d be trying -- and failing -- to break them down. You’d still be doing shady, underhanded shit. You’d still be cutting corners and cleverly disguising your shortcomings as attempts at playing mind games. The fact that you attacked Consuela from behind the second she was declared number one contender tells me you always felt like you were on the defensive, as if you had something to prove. And hey, maybe you do. Maybe it’s got something to do with the fact that you basically coasted to a one hundred and forty-something day title reign. It’s wild to think that the same woman who beat me fair and square at Road to Redemption can barely get by on her own devices anymore. Did the Sparks get snuffed out before they could really grow into the blazing inferno we were all supposed to be so concerned about? If you wanna talk about thin lines, Brody, we can. You can take pride in whatever talent you have. You can be confident in yourself and take pride in what you’ve done, if you want. That’s not really the issue. The issue is that you, like the woman you’ll be teaming with in a few days, can’t ever walk into a match without selling your opponent short. You’re looking down on Consuela like you don’t know all about thin lines -- like the thin line that once stood between you and that title. On one side of that line stood a champion, but on the other? A non-factor. A woman that didn’t have shit to her name. Glorified eye and arm candy who couldn’t get by without others. Any of those adjectives sound familiar? I’m sure many of them are close to your heart. I could go on and on, but I don’t need to give you a rundown of your own career, do I? The point is, it used to grind your gears when we were all so quick to point out that you had everything to prove, and now you’re doing the same shit to Consuela. I suppose this is your mistake to make. We all start somewhere, baby girl. Every woman in this match is determined to be standing in a different spot post-Pain for Pride. For the challengers, they wanna be champions. For the champions, they want their spots cemented. For you, the line standing between present day and Consuela inevitably shutting you up is thinner and becoming more so every day. You’ve toed the line between being the current champion and being the former champion -- as well as Consuela’s stepping stone -- ever since she became number one contender. And before she shoves you onto the wrong side of that line altogether, you’ll have a painful lesson to learn at Terminus.

All this talk about Consuela, and I haven’t even really addressed her directly yet. It would take someone all of ten seconds and a quick EAW Network search to discover that we’ve had our differences. For the record, this isn’t me pretending that none of those things happened. We had a few run-ins last year where we were standing on different sides of the aisle and not getting along at all. But, with the passing of time comes clarity. Now, Consuela doesn’t need to hang on her sister’s arm and do her bidding to keep her name out there. She doesn’t need to rely on anyone but herself to make her stock rise, and I can respect the 180 she’s done. Consider this me officially going on the record and declaring that Consuela can count on me this weekend. I'm a grown-up, and I can let bygones be bygones. I can respect how hard she’s fought and clawed to stand on her own two feet, and now she’s reaping the rewards -- having gone from someone who was relatively untested to someone who’s got a golden opportunity in her back pocket at her first Pain for Pride. It’s a feel-good story, but it’s not over yet. Before she proves you wrong and you lose it all in the process, we’ll win at Terminus. Before I remind Cameron that I’m her kryptonite and stomp out her title reign, we win at Terminus. Oh, and in an effort to stop all of that from becoming so, you’ll both step onto this side of the line come Terminus. This isn’t a thin line separating the winners from the losers. This is a mile-wide canyon keeping you and Cameron impossibly far from the win you thought was coming your way. It’s a shame y’all thought this was yours to win.
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