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DoubleEntendre - EAW Promoz! SIGNUPBANNER
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DoubleEntendre - EAW Promoz! SIGNUPBANNER

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EAW Promoz! :: Comments

Laura Laine
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post February 1st 2017, 9:05 pm by Laura Laine
Empire Promo: “Sic Parvis Magna”

“The past two weeks have been rather eventful on Empire, first I win my first Empire main event and go on to get an exclusive interview after putting myself on the map. Only to be attacked once again by the woman I beat in that same match. Luckily enough she was going up in a match the same night, so I thought why not use it as the perfect opportunity to even the little score between us? But honestly, looking back on it, I can see why Elena Miles decided unceremoniously to attack me during my interview on Empire, I don't necessarily agree with it, but I understand it nonetheless. It mostly has to do with envy, she knew that her usual spiteful attacks that would in most teenage lives would stop becoming irrelevant around the time college came around and it was time to adult. It was all for the sake of proving that she is someway somehow better than me was the only way she could successfully get her pride back if there was any to begin with beyond some masquerade. The fact of the matter is she wasn't ready. Now her argument could be many things, such as Veena Adams being in that same match held her down, yet if that's the case, why did she two team up on me so many times with Veena Adams yet they both still lost? She could argue that I shouldn't be here because of my small beginnings, yet that being said, greatness can come from the smallest beginnings. It's how Elena Miles doesn't seem to realize that despite her constantly trying to get in my head, she can't seem to do anything of the sorts. She ran out of battle plans so she results to attacking me from behind, which I will admit is pretty clever, but I proved that I can do just the same. All I hear from her are lazy excuses on and on like it's highschool all over again."

“Yet oddly enough Elena isn't who I’m facing on Empire this week, instead I’m up against Amelie Lerreiux, a woman who has had what I’ll admit is quite the career before coming to EAW. First she played soccer, but then her temper got her booted so she ended up someway and somehow becoming a pro wrestler. Let's hope that ego of hers doesn't make her end up like her countryman and make a fake belt after I give her a few lessons on what it means to be a top prospect for the women's division.”

“I’m willing to admit that Amelie has quite the sports background and can be quite the athlete, there is an old saying that anger can drive someone blind and reckless. That is why I always prefer to keep a level head when prepared for competition. After all, she's gonna need much more than good looks and a temper to do as much of a number on me as Elena Miles would like her to do to me. After all if you're worried about decking Megan like always, just wait till you get a load of what I can do. In fact you might say it's no coincidence that I allowed Megan to have a front row seat to see that the only reason Amelie is decking her is because she knows she can't handle Megan. In fact Amelie, I should warn you about Elena, because she really is the incarnation of what's wrong with women's wrestling today. Women who think they can talk a lot of sass and get themselves to the top. And it's a shame too, because while you're standing there ringside, I’m gonna have to show you why Elena Miles has every single right to be scared of me. And if it involves wearing and tearing your body like a little practice doll to show why Elena Miles really has backed herself into a corner when it comes to picking a bone with me! As for you Amelie, well, I hate to break it to you, but as much as you want to think of Elena as your ally, if I know the kind of woman she is, she’ll turn your back on you the moment she realizes that she has no use for her, or even when you eventually become more successful than her, believe me, if I’ve learned anything from Elena, it's that she doesn't like it when her allies over shadow her. So Amelie, my advice, drop her before she drops you, because unfortunately, it really is a dog eat dog world out there. Yet even then before your egos collide, you may have your alliance for now, but once you both finally realize you're only using one another for relevance, then the fun and games becomes done and over with, but in order to realize it? You’re both gonna have to take the Fastlane to pain! Because on Empire, I ain't just Laurafying Amelie, I’m gonna nab me a grip of Elena and Laurafie her once again to show her, that when it comes to the road to fame, you're both taking the wrong lane!”


Terry Chambers
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post February 1st 2017, 9:00 pm by Terry Chambers

"Terry Chambers Against The World"

---The scene opens outside the DCU Center in Worcester, Massachusetts and Terry Chambers limousine is seen pulling up in the parking lot and Terry Chambers steps out of the limousine wearing a black hoodie and jeans and grabs his bag and begins rolling it into the arena and gets stopped by a EAW cameraman then Terry Chambers begins to speak---

Terry Chambers: Man I was hoping to avoid this shit again. A cameraman who has nothing better to do with his life than just try to get in Elitists face for a quick second to get a few words so you can get your below average paycheck, I was hoping to avoid this again but now that you are here I might as well get a few things off my chest. So what's new in the world? Donald Trump is our President, the Super Bowl is in a couple of days.....but what's new with me? Well pretty much nothing and you know why? Because for the past 2 months or so I have been just sitting and waiting for Murrow to give me the damn recognition I so rightfully deserve and place me higher on the card and treat me like the main eventer he knows that I am and been waiting for him to give me somebody that is worth my damn time in that squared circle but guess what...nothing has changed! A few weeks ago I did exactly what I said I was going to do and I ran right through the fading Lioncross and added another "big name" to my impressive win resume the past 3 months and a few weeks ago I made my intentions known and made a clear threat to the locker room. But as usual Murrow has something against me because he just keeps on wasting me week in and week out. It's like when somebody hands in a job resume and they are qualified for the job yet the manager never even gives them a call back and they just sit there wondering..."Who in the hell is for qualified than me?" and that is the same case for me except my resume is a pile of wins over the past few months and just waiting for Murrow to call me and let me know I will be main eventing Showdown next week but....no.

---Terry Chambers walks into the arena, puts his hood down, and begins walking through the hallways and begin speaking again---

Terry Chambers: As I was saying, Murrow just refuses to put me any higher on that damn card and it's pretty much confirmed right now that he is trying to play some type of game. The game is either he is trying to make me slip up against one of these scrubs or he is trying to just make me quit because of boredom but as I have stated before, when I wreck through every single one of the elitists on the Showdown roster, he will be forced to make me the face of this brand, and there is when I will win the game. And the next person he is throwing in my path is this guy Lars Grier. Boy oh boy, where do I begin. You know, everybody in the world and every single one of my god damn opponents in the past liked to call me out for using steroids and being green in the ring but that is exactly what Lars Grier is when you take one look at him. You can tell he's greener than baby shit just by his in ring work alone. What amazes me is this guy hasn't even been here that long and he is the number one contender for the New Breed Championship....I mean how in the fuck is this no talented loser a number 1 contender for a championship before I ever was? And Lars most likely will respond by saying "because I'm more talented than you" and quite frankly that is not the case at all, it is because of a subject I touch up on quite a bit...Murrow refuses to put me in any sort of championship spotlight. And to be honest I think what I need to do to open his damn eyes to see I'm his most gifted wrestler on the Showdown roster is not only beat you, but DESTROY you in convincing fashion to prove I deserve a title shot of some sort and to make you look like a fraud that I know you are! I am so sick of people holding me back and one of the reasons I am being held back is because of people like YOU Lars who just walk in and get everything handed to them because they have "the look" and that shit pisses me off and it makes me actually want this match with you so I can tear you limb from limb and expose your ass. I was there where you are, when I first arrived in EAW, I impressed people and elevated to the top quickly but I actually held my place at the top rather than just folding under the pressure and slipping right off like people like you do but then a dispute with management got EAW pissed off at me so I left and ever since I came back I have done nothing but impress and improve every day but they refuse to put me in the spotlight because they got a personal vendetta against me or because I refused to play by their rules. Lars, there is no other way to put this, I am on the road to becoming the greatest wrestler not only in EAW but on this goddamn planet and you my friend, are just nothing more than a roadblock that I will just run over with ease. Oh you don;t believe me? Just ask Chris Elite, JJ Silva, Lioncross, and many others of my opponents Murrow just threw at me the past 2 or 3 months or so. See you in my kingdom known as the squared circle, rookie.

Good luck on your quest for survival.

---Terry Chambers shoves the camera out of his face and walks into his locker room and the scene fades to black as the camera focuses on the sign on Terry Chambers locker room door that reads "GOD'S GIFT TO WRESTLING TERRY CHAMBERS"---
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post February 1st 2017, 8:02 pm by TLA

The camera cuts to TLA walking along the Great Wall of China. The green mountains stretch out beyond the wall as far as the eye can see. Tourists are shown coming and going in both directions as they walk along the length of the wall. TLA leans back and sits down between the openings at the ledge of the wall as he blazes up a joint.

TLA: Awwww yea it’s yo boi TLA comin’ at y’all live with the intensity of 1.3 BILLION LIVE STRAIGHT OUTTA CHINA!!! Now that’s more intensity than I’ve ever had before and straight up imma need it. Cuz I keep it real. I’ve dropped realness so many times in my days here in EAW it’s become like a catchphrase. Some of my opponents mock it, some of them respect it, but one thing stay the same. I keep it real. So usually I come to y’all and I make them jokes and talk shit but I ain’t feelin’ that right now. Cuz that wouldn’t be real. If I come on down to the ring all smilin’ and celebratin’ on my lowrider that be just denial cuz I ain’t celebratin’ shit right now. I lost. That’s what’s real. It ain’t just any old ass loss tho. This is the single most devastating loss of my entire career. Cuz lookin’ back there really ain’t been many like this. When Drake Jaeger beat me and took my title a couple months ago, there was argument to be made that that shit was circumstantial. Our bitches got all up involved in that, he hit a low blow, and the rest is history. I ain’t bitchin’ none but let’s face it. On any other night if I get Drake Jaeger in the ring, shit could go a different way. But up against Jamie O’Hara I put my absolute best on the line and shit still wasn’t enough. He didn’t cheat. He didn’t get lucky. He straight up beat me and that’s that shit that gets to me. Cuz I’m a prideful man and it’s hard to admit when yo opponent was the better man. As un luchador it’s hard to admit there might be a better one out there than you.

So maybe that’s why this shit feel like I be hittin’ a wall.

TLA leans back blowing smoke up into the air as he stares out into the beautiful Mongolian countryside on the other side of the wall.

TLA: I been facin’ down walls my entire life. There was the wall outside La Hacienda Pantera they wouldn’t let me up inside. There was the fences along the border they wouldn’t let me up inside. There was the wall in that prison yard and they wouldn’t let me up outside. There was the wall in EAW where they wouldn’t let me up inside for five years while I slaughtered everything in my past outside of it. I’ve faced similar walls as well. On Dynasty I broke down the walls by winning the New Breed Championship and proving that I was the leader of the next generation in this company. On Showdown I broke down the walls by winning the Interwire Championship twice and proving that even firing me couldn’t keep me out. Then I hopped that wall one last time and brought the gold home to Dynasty and dominated the fuck out of the rest of 2016.

Then I hit another wall.

TLA rubs his arm along the side of the wall brushing off loose stones that fall down to the ground far below.

TLA: So now what? What am I supposed to do after losing King of Elite? I could give up. I could never wrestle again and say fuck off to EAW. I could retire and say that I did my best and this is as far as I go. I can retire saying yo I never made it to the top but I did pretty good right? Tell all my nietos all ‘bout my glory days as Interwire Champion in 2016. I could stick around and wallow in depression. Blame the corporation, blame the white man for everything. Talk about how King of Elite was complete bullshit and how I deserved to win but got fucked over by the system. I could be a sore loser and rant about how frustrated I am fuck being professional. I mean I put in so much effort why don’t I deserve a reward? I mean I deserve a fucking participation trophy at least right? I beat Scott Oasis that has to count for something! Or maybe I could go into complete denial and invent my own King of Elite trophy and parade it around like I actually won something. 

Shiiiit maybe I will do just that!

TLA pulls out a $5 bronze trophy he bought at the souvenir shop when entering the Great Wall of China. The trophy has small Chinese letters on it that TLA doesn’t understand and has not been trying to understand.

TLA: I am officially declaring myself the King of the Royal Breed. This is much more prestigious than the King of Elite trophy. In fact it pretty much guarantees that I will be inducted into the Hall of Fame this year and main event Pain for Pride. Just like Anthony Leonhart’s EAW Royal Breed Championship I won this trophy by losing matches. See Anthony invented his fake title after losing matches to me and some other people I don’t remember cuz I don’t care about his matches at all. Anthony is basically the new Maxwell Dachs of Dynasty except more boring instead of controversial. Anthony is so desperate to be relevant he had to create a title and apparently the last I heard he is also calling himself a “king” now too. Listen up pendejo! I am the true King around here! I fucking run the Royal Breed division and you can’t stop me! My delusion is so strong that Anthony literally can’t touch me because I will just invent even more accomplishments.

After Jamie sees this he will wish that he was the one who lost not me!

TLA pulls out a replica of the EAW Interwire Championship that he was given after he lost the title to hang on his mantle in commemoration of his reign. The title has been spray painted over with the words “EAW World Royal Breed Champion of the World”.

TLA: Anthony Leonhart is only the EAW Royal Breed Champion but I am the EAW World Royal Breed Champion of the World! As you can see this title is far more prestigious. I won this championship as a participation trophy for my loss against Jamie O’Hara just like Anthony won his title as a participation trophy for his losses against basically everyone on Dynasty. I literally haven’t seen this French faggot win a single match but apparently that’s all it takes to become a champion on Dynasty these days. See I honestly have no idea what makes Anthony Leonhart the kind of person that he is but if he can be a fake champion then I can be a fake world champion. Cuz I have kicked far more ass than that passive aggressive piece of shit ever has. Anthony is more passive aggressive than all of the Vixens even Sheridan Müller which I didn’t even think was possible. It’s obvious that Anthony is salty about losing so much that he has to create this shit to convince himself otherwise and try to maintain his rep.

As if this vato had any to begin with.

TLA pulls out a crumpled up Voltage t-shirt from his pocket as he begins to rub the tag off the championship belt but it just smears all over the title.

TLA: Damn this is going to take awhile to finish. Classic Voltage. 

I need something more efficient.

TLA pulls out a Sheridan Müller t-shirt he stole from her luggage from his pocket as he begins to rub the tag off the championship belt and it cleans off immediately in one swipe.

TLA: Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about. See Anthony this was a real championship. I won it. I defended it. I lost it. You ain’t done any of that shit. In fact you ain’t done much of anything. Yet y’all wanna step in the ring with TLA and actually have a shot of walkin’ out alive? You gonna have to do somethin’ for once. But I ain’t gonna be like you dawg. I ain’t gonna be a delusional ass poser. My career may have run head first into a wall when I lost to Jamie, but it’s gonna have to be a hundred feet taller if it wants to stop me. I ain’t givin’ up. I ain’t throwin’ all my shit away. And like always imma keep it real. EAW can throw five thousand walls in front of me and I will knock them all down. Trust me… one way or another imma be gettin’ over… 

Cuz if ya can’t trust TLA… who can ya trust?

TLA finishes his joint as he walks down the pathway handing the Voltage t-shirt to a little girl who begins to cry. TLA thinks about giving the Sheridan Müller t-shirt away but then takes a long wiff of the shirt and tucks it back into his pocket to save for later.
Shaker Jones
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post February 1st 2017, 7:27 pm by Shaker Jones
The scene opens with Shaker Jones standing in front of a camera.

Shaker: Well here he are EAW, Elite Answers Wrestling.  A new company, and a new start for this man.  Let me introduce myself, I am Shaker Jones.  I am the Hardcore Hero, I am a man who is willing to do anything to get the job done.

Shaker: But before I get ahead of myself, I have to look at what is in front of me.  My debut match for EAW.  They say you only get one chance to make a first impression, and I will get my chance this Friday on Friday Night Dynasty.  Now I know what a lot of you are saying, this guy hasn't wrestled in months, he's got ring rust, can he still go?  Well let me tell ya, those few months I was off allowed me to refocus and really understand why I am in this business.  I love this business always have since I was a kid, and Friday will be the first step on this journey in EAW.  But...I will not be going at this alone.  I have been booked for my first match in a tag team match.  The Knights of The Dawning, Kelly Hackenscmidt and Finnegan Wakefield against myself and JLM.

Jones: I am no stranger to tag team wrestling, as I have been a former two time UWF tag team champion.  Now that was long ago, but I never forgot from What I learned in those years.

Jones:  Let's break this thing down shall we?  On one side we have the Knights, Hackenschmidt and Wakefield, two very good competitors who are still coming into their own.  Both technical savy wizards with hold that will curl you up like a pretzel.  Well boys I am no stranger to that, I can go hold for hold with the best of them.  But what you're looking at on the other side of the ring are two men who love to fight.  Myself "The Hardcore Hero" who loves to use any kind of weapon to get the advantage on my opponent, this is where I thrive.  But, I can also take you hold for hold and twist you until you tap.  With is a man, who will stop at nothing to get a win, a man that will do anything for a win JLM.  The man is brutal, sadistic, and hungry for a fight.  You know, he sounds like my kinda guy.  So Knights I am laying this out to you right now.  We will kick your ass from pillar to post, we will beat up, down , right, left, sideways, backwards, forwards and any other direction that comes our way.  We are here and we are ready for a fight so be warned boys.  We Are Coming.

(The scene fades to black)
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post February 1st 2017, 5:43 pm by Guest
Nico Borġ (SD1)
Patience Is a Virtue

Be not deceived; God is not mocked:
for whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap.
For he that sows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption;
But he that sows to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
And let us not be weary in well doing:
For in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Galatians 6:7-9

How do you do it, Chris?

You know, it isn’t often that a champion comes out and admits his faults but I’m not afraid of the truth. I won’t lie to you, Chris. I’ve got heavy thoughts on my mind and I don’t really like where they are going. I’m getting anxious, you know? I mean, of course, I was thankful to be blessed victory at King of Elite. Indeed, I still am. I still clutch tight to this gift, the National Elite Championship, which I have been given, and I strive each day to exalt the Lord with my talents. There aren’t that many who could say that they’ve achieved more than I have in their first year in EAW  and the year isn’t even up yet. But I would be lying if I were to say that nothing is wrong and that everything is just fine. That’s right, Chris. I have a problem. I have a confession to make and I want you to hear it because if anyone can help it is you.

You see Chris, I think the problem started a few months ago. Back on November 5th, Rite of Passage. I know you remember that night. A remarkable inversion of fortunes occurred. Where you fell from New Breed title grace, I was blessed with my own first championship. And so our respective troubles began, Chris. You have been waiting all this time for a second chance, a second opportunity to dig your claws into gold one more time. And me? I've been waiting for some genuine competition. I thought, quite naively, that the Pizza Boy would come back for it. But that never materialised. “Ok” I thought, “the powers that be will arrange a suitable challenger soon enough”. I waited for the best part of three months, Chris. Three months! And for what? To have my first defence take place on the preshow against substandard opposition? That isn't why I am in this business. I take little satisfaction in dismantling charity cases in an empty arena sprinkled with a few uninterested faces. I have Good News to tell, Chris, and I need people's attention if I want my efforts to ever make a difference.

So again, Chris, how do you do it?

Because I want to know. I want to know how someone goes seven years waiting patiently for their first title without falling to anguish or despair. I want to know how you can bare to handle the possibility of another seven years, maybe a lifetime, waiting for that second chance to be in the spotlight. It is funny. In this business, even in any walk of existence, there are no shortage of people with the courage enough to face the great sorrows of life. Alas, those with patience to ride small sorrows only make themselves more scarce. Now is the age of convenience. Society is infected with a need for speed, if you will. An addiction so ubiquitous and taken for granted that we do not even realise the damage it is doing. Even myself. I cannot tell you the number of times I’ve been on the road heading towards the next show when I’ve had to slow down because of road maintenance. Ever get that? When you just feel so irrationally agitated like something, your precious time, has been taken away from you. “How dare they!” “I deserve better!” This very same feeling creeps up on me as I await a worthy contender, but why? You see, speed is power. I’d call it the new god of our time but, in truth, it’s cult has been around a while. Just over one hundred years ago, Henry Ford launched the Model-T. “You can have it in any color you like (as long as it's black)”. It wasn’t the best car on the market at the time, it was probably one of the worst. It wasn’t the most reliable, nor the most efficient, nor the most comfortable, but Ford had a revolutionary idea. Quality didn’t matter anymore. He didn’t care about being thorough with designing the best car possible. All that mattered was that it could be mass produced. Speed of production was King. With this Ford acquainted the world with a new era. Not one of fulfillment and human amelioration as it was marketed, but one of false promises, avaricious consumerism, and entitlement. People have become so concerned with surrounding themselves with the cheap, cookie cutter markers of distinction that they have forgotten how to distinguish themselves.

We’re so quick to accumulate, but where we are going we can’t take any of it with us. What ever happened to the long game? Working on oneself? Not to have more, but to be more. This is what people keep forgetting. Patience is a virtue, and a practical one at that. Even in that ring, every man wants to come out strong, to finish the job swiftly and with ease. That is doubly true for those really important exhibitions, those big career defining matches against tight opposition. The sooner it is over, the better, so we are all taught to think. But only fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Sometimes, though you are most anxious to get through things quickly, the only way to safely pass those trials and tribulations is do things slowly. You have to be more methodical. You have to pick your shots. You have got to patiently scout your opportunities because any misstep can and will come back to haunt you. Sometimes it isn’t even about mistakes. You can step into the ring, dominate, outwork, hit your very best shot, hook the leg and...they kick out. The very best of us, and some of the worst, sometimes when they really have no business doing so, they Just. Kick. Out. This is where some people panic. They aren’t really used to applying themselves for any prolonged period and it becomes foreign, fearful to even think about.

So, I know it is a bit late for New Years, but I’m making a resolution. Chris, with your help I am going to try and exercise a little more patience. That’s right, I’m going to be somewhat more like you, Chris. I am going to take it slow. Not reach that desired outcome immediately, but for my own good delaying gratification. Of course, I still have a job to do and I intend to do it, eventually. I’m going to break you down, piece by piece to see how the man ticks on the inside. And here’s where you are going to need to show us some of that patience again, Chris, because I am going to take my sweet time doing so. And don’t get me wrong. Believe me, I am on your side. I want to believe that someone like you can finally step up to the plate and give me the kind of challenge that I so desperately need. I want to believe that someone like you can prove all the doubters wrong, earn your shot and steal the show with me at the next big event. But on this I lack the faith that you have. I have faith enough in the Lord to move mountains but I don't know the first thing about what keeps you going. I want to believe that you know something that I don't, Chris, but I fear that I shall once again be left waiting. At Least we’ll be waiting patiently together.

God Is Watching.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post February 1st 2017, 2:42 pm by Darkane
Midnight Stroll, Showdown #1

"Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god." - Aristotle

People are lonely, that's for sure. Some choose to be alone and they need isolation because they're hiding from whatever demons lurk outside their house. Others scream so loud, but all it is - is a whisper. Constant chaos in this world is preparing the human race for total extinction. We are our own worst enemy. We are the ones who create as we destroy. We are motivated by jealousy and contempt, hatred, vanity, colossal self-righteousness. People are so, so very lonely. When they look in the mirror and see their wretched self they say to themselves: the world's goin' to hell in a handbasket so just sit back and enjoy a cold one. They're neither beasts nor gods, they're something far more poignant, they're human. The term human and its description have evolved into a new meaning. We started as mere Homo sapiens, fighting the honest fight for survival, doing what you have to do to breathe another breath and now we're ending as nothing. Because there are no words to aptly describe what a human is anymore.

At least that's what Darkane thinks. That's what Darkane lives; a lonely life. Because if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

So what does Darkane do in times of despair and solitude?

He unleashes hell and he unleashes hell on Jackson Black.


It was a bitterly cold night in Worcester, Massachusetts. You could see your own breath beg for mercy, piss out mid-air icicles and shake uncontrollably from the stabbing cold because your stupid car heater is busted. Darkane's prized midnight black  87' Buick GNX was finally starting to shit the bed, not that it's any better on the exterior; scratches, dents, rimless tires, a missing back seat side window replaced by grimy ducktape and a used glad trash bag to make some sort of window. It wasn't a beautiful piece of art deco, but it did the job. Darkane sat in the driver's seat with one arm resting on his faded jeans and the other holding a cigarette in between his index and middle finger, held the cig adjacent within the moonlight which turned the smoke into blue rings and blobs. Darkane used his free hand and put it into an old empty Lays potato chip bag with intentions to create a makeshift glove, but that didn't work to well because the salt rubbed into the red arches of his hangnails causing Darkane to hiss and bang on the dusty air vents out of frustration.

He had been parked there for nearly two hours scouting the neighborhood over, most of the lights in the nearby run down apartment complex windows were out. It was almost midnight and only a dim orange glow of a few street lights glazed over the snow. Suddenly a light on the top floor of one of the apartment complexes flicked on followed by ear-piercing screams. Like James Stewart in Rear Window Darkane watched with interest as a man who's skin was like oiled mahogany argued with what Darkane assumed was his wife. Darkane watched the wife pace back and forth while burping her baby in between the two windows, disappearing in intervals to only reappear in the next window. The man wore an I didn't do it face as he pleaded his case, flailing his arms like one of those inflatable waving tube men you see at car dealerships and by the looks of it, she wasn't buying what he was selling.

Darkane smirked to himself, trying to decipher what was being said.

"You're a fackin losah! It's all about you, you, you. I ask you to burp her once and what do ya fackin do? You bitch and moan like a little kid Franky."

"But hone-"

"I'm notcha hunny! Don't you dare call me that you piece of shit."

Eventually, her voice was swallowed by the apartment as she disappeared into another room. Her Bostonian accent rung true and Darkane couldn't help but chuckle.

Darkane leaned back and stroked his Lucifer styled goatee and said.

"Well if that isn't the world for you right there, then I don't know what the hell is. A woman in her mid-thirties pumping out babies like a manufacturer and her husband albeit twenty years older finally got his first bite of tang after waiting for so long. That baby is going to grow up with a miserable excuse for a mom and an equally worthless dad. I wouldn't be surprised if she started snorting coke up the wazoo at age ten. This fucked, fucked world. But hey, at least it's good entertainment right?"

Darkane was talking into a handheld camcorder that lay on the dashboard.

"And sometimes in life, you really need a good hearty chuckle even for someone as decrepit as I. That's how I reacted when I read that Jackson Black was my opponent. I let out a hearty laugh, like a captain of a pirate ship. You wanna know why it's so funny? It's because well, for one, he's weak competition. I could shit out better competition after an all you can eat special at Taco Bell. He looks like a stiff wind would blow his ass over and he'd bounce around like a tumbleweed at O.K Corral. The second reason is because nobody will recognize him after our match. Not his Mom, his Dad, his Sisters or Brothers if he has any, you talk about Satan's spawn. This joke, this complete waste of semen that should have hit the back alley wall instead manifesting into what will inevitably be deemed as Darkane's bitch. Let me say this, I'm not the pick of the litter myself, I can openly and honestly admit that to every single person that I come across. But this guy takes the cake. I'm sorry, no, I'm not sorry. He's simply a disasterpiece. There are no two ways about it. I mean with a generic name like Jackson Black. Let me ask you, Mr. Black, do you know what the black is? A darkness that is so black, it makes the bottom of the ocean seem like a neon dance floor. Let me tell you what black is, it's what I'm going to do to you, something so morbid and disgusting and shameful. Something that even the most hardcore, bloodthirsty fan will turn their head to. It's like a carnival of darkness, come one, come all, come witness the human dismemberment of Jackson Black. Place your bets on which body part will be severed first. Eyes are at three to one odds, then legs. Hell, it's like the Kentucky Derby. This isn't Sea Biscuit or American Pharoah crossing the finish line. It's Darkane, I'm your thoroughbred, I'm the one you can bank on, to hurt and to punish one Jackson Black."

Darkane sighs heavily and turns the car AM Radio to a low ambient hiss and continues.

"What's wrong with you Jackson? Your betters should be telling you to back away, just lay down. Hell, they should tell you to not even show up. I know, I've been told that before. To give up all hope, to realize that you've reached as far as you're going to go. You should think back and realize and contemplate over your accomplishments and successes over your life. That is if you have any to speak of which I seriously doubt. But you should be grateful for what you have and that's a beating heart. Something that would be severely, severely damaged if you stepped inside the ring with me. So just stop, I'm giving you a headstart to jog off into the sunset, pick up your ball and go home. There's no shame in second place. I know this will probably fall on deaf ears. I expect it to and it's okay with me, in fact, it's perfectly okay with me if you choose the hard way. I mean, if you do embark on the hard way. It'll be the biggest mistake you've made in your life yet. I will tear you into pieces like a school of piranhas on a bare leg. That's perfectly okay with me. I will enjoy destroying you. You, on the other hand, I think you might have a different opinion unless you're like me, someone who has a seemingly infinite pain threshold, someone who can endure the blood, the sweat, the tears all at once pouring out of every orifice and left into a mixed puddle in the center of the ring. But you're not like me. Not one bit. You're a run of the mill, curtain jerker. A feeble minded fool who will follow suit and get behind the sheep to their inevitable slaughter. Because that's what people like you do. They're sheep. You, the pathetic couple in the apartment and everyone I've ever met apart from my father."

He pauses.

"I plan to make this first impression last a lifetime. You won't get in the way of that. No, you will be fodder to the graveworm. That's just the way it is man. That's the way she goes. That is how I roll, to use teenage vernacular. I need this win, I want to taste victory for the first time in a long time and there isn't anything that can stop me. Dead or alive. Mortal or immortal. Jackson Black or Black Jackson. Nobody."

Darkane reaches for the camcorder and presses the stop button as the scene fades to black.
Moongoose McQueen
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post February 1st 2017, 1:41 pm by Moongoose McQueen
I’m sorry, but did I ask about your life story? Did I say I was interested in “Xavier Williams: It’s a Hard Knock Life.” For a guy that likes to tell people to listen, you can’t seem to grasp the basic principles of listening yourself. Do you think I give a damn about the process or your journey? If you think telling me all about your hardship will change any ounce of respect I had for you, think again, bud, because all I learned is from a guy that had nothing and ended up with everything, any shred of modesty you should have that was bestowed upon you is gone. And apparently, you don’t like to share the spotlight that you were so desperate to have someday, you feel you need to ruin it for everyone around you. A horrible lesson to teach your daughter and you expect her to learn from your example of dealing with hardship and struggle?
Well fine, you got my attention, not out or respect, but out of shear disgust, because quite frankly, if something bothers me, I like to deal with it myself. And  here I am arguing with the living Redneck Cinderella story, where “Boohoohoo, I’m had nothing and became something.” But you want to know something? Cinderella was a real bitch. She didn’t confront her problems, she ran away from them. It just all magically worked out because it was a fairy tale, you know, the little stories you tell your kids to hide how awful the real world is. You keep telling her Methsuelah was nothing more than a troll and that Daddy will make the monsters go away, but the sad irony of it all is, Daddy here is the one responsible for all the little monsters that are appearing before her eyes. You are so desperate to be hero, you are, as I said, sticking your nose where it isn’t wanted. You are purposely pissing people off in hopes that they retaliate and maybe, just maybe, you can get what you want. But you fail to see the bigger problem, Xavier. I don’t know how many times I have to repeat myself until you get it through that thick skull of yours. Sometimes, you get more than you bargain for, and for that, there is a price to be paid. Don’t go writing checks your body can’t cash. Don’t be irresponsible and clean the mess you started, and once again, I’ve warned you. I’ve seen Jamie O’Hara, and he’s gonna get you. You can call my bluff, but it’s dangerous to turn your back on an animal. It’s even more dangerous to turn your back on me.
And ugh, again with the spirit of competition bullcrap. I don’t think you understand how that concept works. For it to be “legit,” both opponents should have the same level of respect for one another to the point they would give it their all. I DO NOT RESPECT YOU. I ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY DO NOT RESPECT YOU AND TO EVEN INDULGE YOU IN THE IDEA INSULTS EVERY FABRIC OF MY BEING. Because you are not a real competitor, you are not a real man, and worse of all, you’re a horrible parent. But who am I to judge? Oh, I don’t know, the fact if I really wanted to fight with someone, I walk up to their face and ask for a fight instead of jumping them. Oh how about when I say I’m going to do something, I commit myself to doing it before I move on to the next thing. Or maybe because for the past couple of weeks, I didn’t have to report my child being kidnapped and risk losing them due to bad supervision. And all you have to back yourself up is accomplishments that I wasn’t even around for to witness, and for the stuff I did witness, sloppy and incomplete. You set your standards too low, Xavier, and this is why I have no respect for you as a competitor. You think I’m going to take this match seriously? But nah, I already know what will happen. It’s going to be a no contest. I’ve played it all out in my head. We could start the match on even grounds. It could start with you attacking me from behind. Hell, it might even start with me attacking you from behind. But it all ends the same where someone gets involved, I.E. Jamie O’Hara because you were dumb enough no finish the job. You think a Powerbomb is going to be enough to keep a man down for a week? HA!! I’m beginning to think you don’t understand how the spirit works. I mean, reverse the position, what if Jamie O’Hara screwed you over? Do you really believe you would stay down and die? Let me tell you from my experience. The spirit of competition might be strong, but hate is a stronger form of motivation. If there is anything I understand, it’s the pure and raw energy of hatred and what it’s capable of, and the men you screwed over is filled with nothing but. And as I said before, I hate you, but not to the point where I care. You best channel that spirit to focus on one thing this Friday, and its survival. If not just to survive me, but whatever you have coming for you.  Don’t celebrate so early when the war has just begun. As I said, I’m going out there on Friday Night just to do my job and once that is done, I’m going after what I really want, and if that forms some chain reaction where you feel compelled to want more of me, I’d be more than happy to oblige, but there is a line, get in the back, and wait your god damn turn. I’m not the old EAW where you think you can walk in and throw a punch at the bigger guy you see to assert your dominance. I don’t take shit like that. You come in and swing at me, I’m dropping you at the bottom of the food chain and letting the dogs have at you. To be fair, not really much different from what will happen this Friday, when I sit back and watch the slaughter between the wolves, and this so called “lamb.” Well, just another wolf in sheep’s clothes. Because it will be me, it was me the whole time, Xavier Williams! I’VE ORCHESTRATED THE ATTACK!!  Well, at least, not yet.
(Moongoose McQueen takes out blue prints and places them in an envelope with Jamie O’Hara’s name written on it. He hands it to Shimmer who runs off with it)
After all, people seem to forget, I’m a mercenary. I know how to get things and while I wasn’t personally hired to take care of you, because let’s face facts, some people love to get their hands dirty themselves. There is a price on your head, and you can’t seem to get that hint. If I were you, I’d pay extra to have security cover all the area in the arena, but I doubt you’ll get all of them. Ironic, right, to know that I’ve potentially sold you out to give someone information, and thus an advantage over you. You must be wondering, what price did someone pay me to have that? Well, it was free of charge, because I don’t like you, and at the same time, I love the opportunity to see someone move up in the world. I’m a pretty generous person when you get to know me, unlike you, who can even let others find their own success. There is something gratifying of seeing someone of your arrogance pay for their mistakes and I look forward to it. Maybe it’s all empty threats to spook you. Maybe the only thing I put in that envelope was leaked nudes of Cameron Ava? It’s really her twin, but he doesn’t need to know that.  But can you afford to take that risk?

Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Xavier Williams.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post February 1st 2017, 6:16 am by Xavier Williams.
All right, calm down sassy pants.
I love listening to people talk about situations that they clearly have no understanding of. You’re right; I had the entire world in the palm of my hand. I shot from the bottom of this company to the top faster than almost any other name in this business. I walked through the doors of this company as a man that absolutely fucking nobody expected to succeed and I walked out and proved every single name that said I couldn’t do it wrong. In the span of eight months, I stood at the top of Voltage overshadowing its champion as the grandest jewel it had to offer. I held a briefcase in hand that guaranteed a World Championship whenever I wanted it. I cashed in and gave this company the greatest EAW Champion that it had ever had. But, I got caught in all of the lights. It was no longer a dream to stand in the position that I did, but a necessity. I couldn’t live with myself if it wasn’t in the position that I believed that I deserved more than any other name in the entirety of this business. It knocked me down a few notches. I tried to focus on things that never should have held my attention. I found myself with people that were miles under the standard that I had kept for this company; people that never should have been afforded the chance to stand in the spotlight that I had created for myself. I set myself up for failure and watched as the world that once sat in the palm of my hand slipped through the gaps between my fingers. I was no longer the crown jewel of the company. I was no longer the greatest thing that has come out of the generation that I had lead. I was a man that stood in front of the world and preached that I was unquestionably the best wrestler in the world, but was a man that didn’t hold the merit that came with it. I threw every single piece that I built away. Do you know whose hand that was because of, Moongoose? You speak as if I’m a man that stuck his nose in a position that it never belonged. You’re talking like I’m the bad man in this situation when you’re missing a few pieces of the puzzle that you’re attempting to place together. I put what the man took away from me and let it all go as if it was nothing more than water under the bridge.
Jamie and I built a foundation known as The Mighty Don’t Kneel. It was meant to become something that no matter the situation that the two of us found ourselves in, we would have something that we could always fall back on. It was meant to be something that would have our backs no matter what form of bullshit that we had thrown in our direction. But the man fell for greed that consumed him. The lust to become everything that he thought he should have been caused him to burn it all to the ground. In an instant, in front of the world the man knocked me down. He made me kneel in front of him and proceeded to blow out my knee. I was forced to sit at home for four months and watch as he did everything that he could to inch himself forward at my expense. I watched as he took the same roads as I did. I watched that he fell into the same pit of desperation that I once called home. It’s obvious that the two of us hold different morals when it comes to finishing our business. You talk about making sure the job is finished, but I prefer the hunt. I prefer to watch the animal suffer. I prefer to watch the animal bleed as begs for you to place it out of its misery. I could have ended Jamie O’Hara career at King of Elite in front of the world. I could have continued to spike the man on the top of his head until his neck was shattered into a million little pieces, but there’s no fun in that, is there, Moongoose? What does he learn then? He learns nothing. I led the man on a journey with only one ending and as smart as he believes he is, never saw it coming. I told him, which I’m sure that you saw, that there’s going to be long time before I finally place that stake through the man’s black heart. I want the man to watch the walls that he had built around himself begin to crumble. I want him to watch as every accomplishment that he has managed to garner throughout his time in this company becomes meaningless and watch as everything that he could have achieved becomes unreachable. Once that happens, Moongoose, that’s when I’ll put the man out of his misery. I’m not content until the man KNOWS that he has nothing left. That’s when he’ll beg for what I could have done at King of Elite.
But, Moongoose, if we remained focused on our own problems, where’s the fun in the situation that we’re in now? Where’s the spirit of competition!
You’re different. I usually watch as people chomp at the chance to stand in the position that you’re in now. You win on Dynasty and a world of possibilities open up. I know you know that. That’s obvious. But that mindset of making something else your priority over this – that’s the mistake you make. That’s what’s always going to keep you a step behind everyone else. When it comes to our match on Dynasty – Jamie O’Hara doesn’t matter. Methuselah doesn’t matter. Whether you want it or not; whether you believe you should have it or not, you have my full attention. Just like Adrian Christ did in the midst of the war with Methuselah. I’m rolling out of King of Elite with a boatload of momentum and Dynasty can cut that all down to zero. You can cut that down to zero. I have no fear in Jamie getting involved. I know for a fact that Methuselah isn’t going to show his face in my business. That just leaves you. That leaves the man that too focused on trying to find a way to get back at the man that beat you to keep his championship. In all, you’re nothing more than a deer caught in the headlights – or, like I’ve said, a lamb leading itself to its own slaughter.
Like it or not, we both know that I’m right.
But continue to follow your pride. Continue building yourself up on the folly of man. But, Moongoose, if you do… how would you explain this.

You will have “done goofed”.
Moongoose McQueen
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post February 1st 2017, 2:00 am by Moongoose McQueen
Oh, believe me, I know what predicament I am in.  I have 99 problems, and trust me when I say, a bitch name Xavier Williams isn’t one of them. Who are you to come out here and judge me for who I am, when you can quite honestly guilty of it yourself? I mean, you had a solid career, you had the money and a wonderful family. Sure, you saw the way the world operates and while it disgusts you, you chose to not walk away. You had it all, Xavier Williams. You had everything lined up to live a comfy life, which is rare when you go into this business. You had the reputation to get out respectably, yet of all the things you’ve done, sticking your nose in the business of others. Putting your daughter that you cherish so much in jeopardy to be used against you. Whose to say I’m asking to be thrown in with these so called “wolves” when clearly, you are a man begging for the end? So Xavier, if you don’t mind me asking, why are you here? Why are you back? You had it all, and chose to throw it all away? Was it not enough? Do you truly believe you are invincible and that nothing can stop you? I don’t think it’s quite clear why you returned to EAW.
But no, I don’t need any of this, Williams. Not once in my career has another man dictate what I need to do, and it most certainly doesn’t begin with you. If you are going to speak for someone, speak for yourself. I said my piece. I’m even courteous to let you know what I’m going to do, and yet you reject it. Clearly, you do not know when you have a good thing, yet its that little teenage angst of a boy inside that pea –sized brain of yours that tells you to rage rage against the machine. Truly, do I envy your ignorance. It must be nice to live in a world where you believe everything will be magically ok, and you are thinking, I survived Methesulah, and I handled O’Hara without much consequences, then lightning with strike trice with this guy. But you failed to understand what I meant when I said I’d pull that trigger pointed at your head. When I said that, it was about how I did thing. Meaning if I have a job, I make damn sure to finish it before moving on the next thing. And trust me when I say, you ain’t done with your job yet. As far as I know, Methesulah is still preaching, and O’Hara is still on the loose. I gotta say, with all the praise you are getting, I have to deduct points for shoddy work. A for effort, F for execution. So when I say, “I have no interest in fighting Xavier Williams,” I mean, “I have no interest in facing a man with baggage.” After all, what good is it to fight in a handicap match when you have to worry about these two men along with myself? It doesn’t motivate me. I’ll fight when this fight becomes about me. But the odds that someone will interfere with this match is too damn high. After all, the only real factor I’m adding here is, If I was in that KOE match, and you screwed me out of that match, well, son, you done goofed. And believe me, if I’m underestimating people here, I’d assume Jamie O’Hara would lay down and die at that moment, but I believe you might be underestimating that man. As much as it pains me to speak positively about that man, Jamie O’Hara will be the man to finish you off. If he fails, well, I’m not exactly that hard to find, but do yourself a huge favor first. Finish the job you started, make sure it stays down, before it comes back to haunt you. It doesn’t matter if you go in with everything you got if you can’t finish. “Do your best” is what you tell people you doubt can actually do it, so I suppose with our match, the most I can expect from you, Xavier Williams is “your best.” 
So at the end of it all, no, I’m not impressed with what you’ve done. You had a typical text book career of what people with low standards considers a “success.” Now don’t come on here calling yourself a mountain I have to climb over just because you are built like one. Anyone can be a world champion by a fluke. Anyone can win if their opponent is bad enough. But Xavier, you don’t intimidate me, because I know exactly why you are back in EAW despite having what could be a great retirement. It’s because you have unfinished business. It haunts you to know that you aren’t done yet, and quite honestly, you think you should be proud of what you have done since your return. But as I said. Methsuelah is still preaching. Jamie O’Hara is still breathing. You are just continuing a vicious cycle that is your inability to finish the god damn job and that, THAT, XAVIER WILLIAMS is why you do not scare me, and I do not respect you. I might have lost to Drake Jaeger, but I intend to finish what I started with him. And believe me, YOU ARE NOT A PRIORITY.  YOU ARE NEVER A PRIORITY! AND IF YOU WANT TO MAKE YOURSELF ONE, GO AHEAD, DO WHAT YOU DO BEST AND ATTACK ME FROM BEHIND, AND I WILL PERSONALLY TEACH YOU WHAT IT MEANS TO GET THE JOB DONE.
So trust me when I say this, Xavier, Moongoose McQueen vs Xavier Williams, NOBODY NEEDS THIS. Maybe not now. Maybe down the line, when I can afford to give a damn, but you have such a long way to go before that happens. Don’t call me the fool when you are the one letting your enemies walk around with a target on your back. You’re the fool, and you should be grateful  I have no interest in putting you down. However, maybe if you ask nicely, I’ll put you out for good, and if O’Hara and Meth has something to say about it, Once again, I’ll do what you can’t do deal with them permanently.  Because you see, I am a man who knows how to get things done, and that is all you need to know about me. You cross me, I’ll make sure to take a good number of years off ya, and if you think I can’t be any worse. If your daughter gets anywhere near me, you’ll lose an additional 4 years of your life if you catch my drift. Do you really want me to help you define what a “dangerous man” really is? Don’t play the “Do yourself a favor” game? I’M NOT IN THE FUCKIN MOOD FOR GAMES, AND I HIGHLY SUGGEST WE KEEP THIS MATCH UP AS CASUAL AS WE CAN. YOU FOCUS ON YOUR THING, AND I’LL DEAL WITH MY THING. You think so damn highly of your damn little finger, I’ll be more than happy to snap it off as a warning.  And fortunately for you, this is me being nice. You want to see a dangerous man, that’s a box you don’t want to open, because you ain’t gonna be able to close it. I’m nothing like Methuselah and Jamie O’Hara. I will methodically destroy you until you are nothing left. This is my craft, and for you to think you are a master of it is a joke. Because you see the only real skill you have is you know how to agitate someone, but agitating isn’t the same as torturing and breaking someone down, if anything, all it will do is come back and bite you in the ass. And I will say this once. DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR, AND DROP THAT ARROGANT ATTITUDE UNTIL YOU CAN BACK IT UP, AND AS LONG AS I SEE THE 2 MEN YOU CLAIM TO DESTROYED STILL RUNNING AROUND, YOU AIN’T DONE SHIT IN MY BOOK!!

Bhris Elite
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post February 1st 2017, 12:23 am by Bhris Elite
Sitting back watching yet another PPV from home. Again instead of being in the ring where I belong working my ass off. I was at home watching all of these Elitist go to war in the ring while I was going to war with a punching bag or Big Mike over the remote control. Do you think I enjoyed that? Do you think that’s what I wanted? Well if you do then you are a complete and utter idiot. I WANTED TO GO TO WAR IN THAT RING JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE! I wanted to fight for my respect. I wanted to fight for the crown but instead I was fighting over what show was and wasn’t going to be on my TV. 2017 has not started off the way I wanted it too. To be honest it feels like 2016 just dragged and this is not what I wanted. For anyone that listened to me speak before the year ended they know how bad I wanted it to end and start 2017 off right. Of course I couldn’t though I started off 2017 the same way I ended 2016 doing absolutely nothing just watching others compete where I should be competing. That’s why I came to this conclusion that January was just a free trial and February is where 2017 starts for me and what a better way to start then going against our National Elite champion.

This religious freak trying to force feed whatever beliefs and thoughts he has and shove it right down our throats and that’s why for these… For myself I mean I’m going to shove my boot right down your throat. Sounds a bit lame doesn’t it? Well it can sound lame all it wants, however it will happen. Well at least it’ll feel like it is because with the force I’m going to put behind this kick on Saturday will be meant just for that. See Nico I don’t know too much about you other then what I just brought up and I don’t think you don’t know anything about me other than the stuff you hear from these idiots. Stuff that I’m sure you’ll bring up this week that’s why I expect though. No one ever brings up the type of competitor I am. They never want to talk about what I’m capable of doing in that ring and how good I do it. No they rather show no signs of respect at all just adding more fuel to this already lit flame. Just furthering my anger to heights that it shouldn’t be at. See I give respect when it’s due. I’m not going to walk into this match like its some cake walk because I know it isn’t and I won’t lie like it is. I won’t tell myself you can’t hang in this ring with me because I know you can. It’s a shame though because I’ll doubt you do the same. Though I said I don’t know much about you I’m just going to go out on a limb and say you are just like the rest of my opponents. Showing no respect to me whatsoever and if you’re not trying to force your religion and beliefs down my throat it’ll be the fact that I’ve accomplished so little in such a long period of time. That’s fine though I’m used to that already, no one can seem to switch it up and bring something new into the discussion without repeating themselves or just making something up about me that I didn’t even know about me. See I already know what this match is meant to due. It’s meant to make the champion look good.


Sorry to burst that bubble but my times of making people look good are behind me. The only person I’m trying to make look good is myself. This is expected to be a great match, however Nico the champion comes out with the victory just proving why he is champion in the first place. HOWEVER… What you expect and what’s really going to happen are two different things. Allow me to give a few examples, people expected Jamie to win and be crowned “King of Bullets’ this past weekend… Did that happen though? I know this has nothing to do with EAW but here is another example... People expected Warriors to win it’s second NBA Championship and win the series 3-1 however they blew that lead and The Cavaliers won their first chip. So like I said what is expected and what is really going to happen are two totally different things. You can expect all you want. However just like Jamie and Tiberius Jones or LeBron James and Kyrie Irving I am going to make sure that expectation flies right out the window. Making myself look good and hell even giving me a spot in the line for that National Elite championship. A matter of fact why isn’t this for the title in the first place? Well regardless I’m going out there and I’m going to make it look like a championship is on the line and I’m going to secure the victory like it too. Now this isn’t what I expect to happen this is what I KNOW will happen. Like I said on Showdown I’m going to make sure I shine bright no one and I mean absolutely no one will stop me not even descendent from God or whatever he likes to call himself.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post January 31st 2017, 11:46 pm by CaveManKungFu
20 years of riding the highways, traveling the byways, and working for less money than a 16 year old flipping burgers at his local McDonald’s. What am I describing? The professional career of one “Gruesome” Gary King. He’s a well traveled vet of the industry, but he’s never really made the money that he thinks he should. Mostly, that’s his own fault, with an incident involving what he swears was his friends “herbs.” He’s a brawler with a great knowledge of the basics, and finally, after signing with one of the biggest companies in the wrestling world, Gary may be on the cusp of finally making it “big” in the biz.

However, in his debut match he’ll be pit against Logan Burgess. A man who calls himself “Machine Gun”, can’t be someone to take lightly. Luckily, being in the business for as long as Gary has, he’s seen just about everything and everyone. So the “Machine Gun” may be out of bullets before it’’s seen any action.

The EAW cameras fade into the Chattanooga Metropolitan Airport. A bald man dressed in a plaid button up shirt, jeans with holes pretty much everywhere, and cowboy boots stood in line. He seems to be rather irritated, possibly it’s the fact that he’s been in line for so long?

//Gary King//
What the hell? I’ve been here, in this spot, for nearly an hour now! This is ridiculous.

In a very….very southern accent, Gary King confirms the reason for his irritation. He continues to wait patiently for only a minute or two more, before he taps the rather large man in front of him on the shoulder.    

//Gary King//
Hey buddy, let’s move it along. I’ve got important business to get to.

The man looks Gary up and down before replying.

//Large Man//
Hey….buddy, the line moves when it moves.

Gary’s face displays a tint of anger. This guy was twice the size of Gary, so he had to play this cool.

//Gary King//
Fuck you! I’m Gary King! I’m on my way to be a star! I’ve gotta’ be in Sweden! I’ve gotta’ wrestle some punk who’s mistaken himself for a damn machine gun! So I suggest you hop outta’ line before you start something you can’t finish!

Well, no subtlety from Gary here. Before anything else could be said, a fist hit Gary straight in the left eye. Gary clutched his eye, and let out a blood curdling scream before unleashing his fury on the large man. The scrabble didn’t last long though as security had made their way over to the area. Gary quickly backed off, and went back to clutching his eye.

//Gary King//
Thank god you guys are here, this lunatic just hauled off and decked me in the eye for no got’damn reason!

The security guards weren't buying it. Both men were escorted out of line and eventually outside.

//Gary King//
Oh, this is great! This is fan-fucking-tastic! I should be in Sweden, now look what you did! You’ve cost me my shot at stardom! I’m GARY KING! This SHOULDN’T be happening to me! You know what, no, I’m goin’ to get to Sweden, I’m gon’ find that “Machine Gun” idiot, and I’m gon’ show Sweden what real wrestling looks like! This Logan Burgess, is that his name? Who cares? This is all his fault. Yeah, he’s got me so confused as to why he calls himself a “Machine Gun”, I don’t know what to do with myself.

My nickname…”Gruesome”, it was given to me by everyone who helped train me. It’s not just something you can thrown on a poster, it’s me!

At this point the large man had left. Gary was talking to himself, still rambling on about nicknames, and how in ‘the good ol’ days’ you had to earn one, or something like that when he stopped and noticed the ‘EAW’ logo on the camera.

//Gary King//
Holy shit, I’m saved! You’re with ‘em! Oh thank god! How did ya’ get here, they flew you in? I can just go back with ya’, what a day.

Gary was ecstatic! He had found a way back, and was going to finally get his shot at the big time!

Uhhh, actually I just have the one ticket back….it’s uhh, for me.

There was a sense of nervousness in the voice of the cameraman, and the look of anger was back on the face of Gary King. He had just been through a tornado of emotions all in the matter of 30 minutes. He was in no mood for more bad news.

//Gary King//
Bud, you’re gon’ gimme’ that ticket….or I’m gon’ take it from ya’. I don’t mean to sound sour, but I need it a whole lot more than you kid. I have money to make, iI have a name it create, but most importantly…..there is a face that desperately needs a pounding. So GIVE ME THAT DAMN TICKET!

Reluctantly, the cameraman hands over his ticket.

//Gary King//
I owe you big time! Here, have an autograph.

Gary hips out a marker from his pocket, rips the cap off, and proceeds to sign the camera lens. He give a nod and walks off, back into the airport, with high hopes that this ticket would get him where he needs to be!
Xavier Williams.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post January 31st 2017, 8:59 pm by Xavier Williams.
If you want to throw yourself to the pack of wolves, Moongoose, what kind of person would I be to stop you? Things seem amazing when you believe that you have everything planned out in front of you. You look at the opportunities that you've been presented you and believe, while you may have stumbled the first time, things are still looking up. While losing to a champion is never easy, you picked yourself back up and dusted yourself off with the intention continuing to move forward. That's something that I can find an ounce of respect in, Moongoose, but then things quickly began to turn sour. I don't think you understand the predicament that you're in. Do you really think that Jamie O’Hara is going to be in the condition to waltz out and dare to stand in my way after everything he went through at King of Elite? Do you really believe that Methuselah is going to dare to stick his nose where it doesn't belong after he was slaughtered at my hand? Where does that leave you, Moongoose? That leaves you stranded in the middle of nowhere with fucking nowhere to go. That leaves you standing in front of the most dangerous man in the company without anyone coming to save you. To some they're empty threats, but I warned you last night and you refused to heed it. You puffed your chest out, held your head high and said that you're going nowhere. You made threats that if you were in Methuselah’s shoes that you never would have played those games and instead you would have just cut my head off my shoulders. In your mind, you never would have allowed it to stem as far as King of Elite. You're foolishness is going to get you hurt, Moongoose. I get it - I get it completely; when you're presented to knock off a man that's accomplished more in the span of three years than you're going to in ten, you don't fray from the fight, you run in and give it every single piece that you can. But I said it last night, learn about the battles that you should fight and what battles you should avoid. I gave you one chance to save yourself from the greater beating than anyone else could give you and you refused. I hold no sympathy for the mistakes that you're making. I'll hold no remorse for the blood on my hands when Dynasty comes to a close. You're going to be the one to bare that weight on your shoulders when you're struggling to stand and that realisation of what you've thrown away begins to sink in.

People pride themselves on being strong, but that strength is always their greatest weakness. Their pride forces them to make stupid decisions that always gets them into trouble. I was victim of it. Methuselah was a victim of it. Jamie O’Hara was a victim of it, and now you're travelling down that same road, Moongoose. You talk about being a dangerous man, but I don't think you understand the meaning, especially considering that you're still nothing more than a lamb leading itself to its own slaughter. Don't make an enemy out of Moongoose McQueen! That was your warning - coming from a man that's so positive that he's walking into something without danger because someone else will run to the rescue. But perhaps you're right. Perhaps I have bitten off a little more than a can handle; I mean, it's no secret that I needed Albert Hitchman to get the only pitfall victory I can hold over the head of Jamie O’Hara. Who's to say that I'm not wrong and the man fights through everything standing in his way; every ounce of pain shooting through every fibre of his body and places me back on the sidelines never to return again. But, Moongoose, what does that do for you? I mean, you're coming off that harsh loss to Drake Jaegar. In the position that you're in now, you need this. You need to walk out and prove that the name Moongoose McQueen holds some sort of worth in this business; that the name Moongoose McQueen holds more merit than being nothing more than a small fish struggling to swim in a small pond. If Jamie, or even Methuselah comes out and ruins the party - you lose everything. Credibility gone. Momentum gone. Any form of respect is gone. You're in a must win situation and you're forced to climb a mountain that's just too damn high! Fight with all of the pride in the world! Fight with everything that you can physically muster! Prove me wrong and walk out into something more than a slaughter! Prove that there was more to Moongoose McQueen than a man that refused to walk away because of fools pride! You need everything you hold, not to win on Dynasty, but to survive my onslaught. You need everything you hold, not to find yourself standing with your head held high, but to walk back out of the arena under the strength still left in your legs. You give me anything less and I'm going to walk out and feel every piece of you break. I'll break you both physically and mentally. But, the saddest part is, even at your best, Moongoose, you still hold less in your entire body than I do in my little finger. I told you to do yourself a favour, but all you've done is do one for me.

Re: EAW Promoz!
Post January 31st 2017, 8:41 pm by Rex32
Showdown Promo # 1 

The war wages on, the one that I've been reveling in, the one I’ve been thriving at from day one that I stepped foot through those ropes here in EAW. The one that I know I can win every time no matter who it is, or what the circumstances are that oppose me. I’m winning in fact by a significant margin. Can YOU stop my amazing run there, Champ? We’ll find out this week, won't we?. Oh, Lannister. How I wish I could understand what it truly felt like to be in your position for just a moment. I say this of course knowing full well that, for so long Lannister, you have used so many others as stepping stones to get to where you are. Now, there are no more to step on, because you are now where I guess eventually you were going to get to anyways. Now, you yourself have become a stepping stone for anybody and everybody that should oppose you. How about that. There's your reward for putting it all on the line and succeeding. Now, everyone wants to jump on you, and stomp you like a puny little bug into nothingness should the opportunity present itself, and move on to greater things. It's not that easy though, oh no. A Lannister is always steps ahead, isn't he? Always is a Lannister quick to make what seems like a swift decision only for it to be apart of a bigger much grander scheme all along. However, even then a Lannister can still falter as has been proven, now can't he? A Lannister can still be dethroned from his perch that sits just beyond the clouds that bares arrogance, cockiness, egoism, and that same haughty and self righteousness that can be found within almost any Elitist, especially one of your stature. Though, again I say, the war wages on. The one that neither you nor anyone that opposes me can win. You see, Lannister, as the hardest worker not only on this Brand, but in all of EAW, I will bring the fight straight to you, and worry very little of the repercussions. I’ll prove why also I’m one of the most fierce and tenacious young competitors you will be pitted against. Make no mistake about it, Lannister. I understand you are the next toughest obstacle in my way, but you are not unlike any that I've encountered before. Though before you can predictably accuse me of contradictions with those statements and realization, be aware that I'm speaking from a position from far below that you are used to, and in such a logic that you seem to understand. For over two months now all I've seen are the toughest challenges, and for good reason. When I was placed in the New Breed scramble series? I more than proved my worth in that cellar dwelling division. I proved I was made-up for bigger and better things. That's why I'm seeing challenges and opportunities like yourself that most aren't, and it's also why I walked away largely unaffected by that tainted loss I suffered last year at Road To Redemption that cost me the New Breed championship. Losses like that tell me in fact that better things ARE ahead. That had to be no different from when you made your way back finally and challenged first Jaywalker at Pain For Pride, and then later Ares at Dia Del Diablo. You left those battles and defeat came at the narrowest of margins. But you came back, didn’t you? Of course you did. You knew that being left a bloody mess by the hands of Kevin Devastation, and watching as Ares’ uncle Vic took the EAW title, that you had long planned to take as your own. You knew you could bounce back and that the only place to go was up. Now, am I right, or what? I mean, that's how I feel at this point and time. There isn’t a soul breathing at the moment, yourself included, that can hold me down. Believe that. So while you may put more of a physical beating on me similar to what Devan and Tiberius did, that I'm more than equipped to handle? You can bet that Answers World Championship you hold currently that I'll survive by withstanding your onslaught too. So as I've said, the war wages on.

You call Showdown your Kingdom, huh? Well, I got my own shindig being built just outside the walls of your so-called Kingdom, Lannister. However, I am not making any type of heady play for YOUR crown, nor am I envying YOUR position at the top. No, see what I'm doing is I'm putting together something that's being worked on in constant non stop. My shindig, believe it or not, can't be bothered, or touched, reconfigured, reconstructed and definitely can't be destroyed. My shindig? It's a kingdom too, growing all the time. It's a kingdom that's being built from doubters that doubt, nonbelievers that refuse to believe, and naysayers that say no, no, no when it comes to trying to say I won't do this, or I can never achieve that! It's being built by feelings they have of apprehension when they believe I won't show up on any given week because my last loss was just so devastating. Hell, it's also a kingdom built on others disbelief, just like yours. Just like the disbelief, the feeling you could face as a reality should I add a rare blemish on your tab! A debt, Lannister! See, Lannister, I know you don't think I can overcome you, but if my kingdom being built right outside your walls outgrows your kingdom by weeks end, well then I guess they will say that the king was trumped. Oh, it's not my imagination in play here, Lannister. My delusions are far kept in the back of my mind. This week, like any for me, is all business! I'm all about business when I come to work. When you step through those ropes on Showdown you will be smack down in MY world where I thrive, and feel most comfortable. From everything you feel to everything you say this week you'll just come off as another of the doubters, another of the nonbelievers, and naysayers alike indirectly contributing to the making of MY kingdom. I want you to dismiss me. I want you to be ignorant to the challenge I pose. I want you to tell me I'm unworthy. I want you to, because that's what you do, Lannister. You know what else you do? You carry yourself with this utmost pride and fortification, much like me. That to me is what is going to make this a challenge, sure, but more than that, fun! They say curiosity can kill the cat, right? Well, I must be a pretty curious one to voluntarily challenge your sovereign. Yeah, so I was technically booked instead of putting my name in the GMs mind as a potential challenger for the mighty Lannister. Point is, Lannister, that even a naive little simpleton such as myself can afford to challenge your might, and at the peak of your abilities from which I can only gain from this. I can only take away from this experience without losing anything. You on the other hand don't have the luxury of taking this week. There is nothing, noth-THING that YOU can take from ME! You took Lioncross’ briefcase essentially ending any hope he had to immortalize his name in this company. You took Nick Angel’s career. You ended Tyler Parker’s career. You sent sent Pizza Boy’s spiraling downward leaving it perhaps at a crossroads. Oh, and who can forget what you did to O’hara’s once promising career. However, with me? That isn't the case. You can't take from me, Lannister. You never can, and you never will. But I can take from you. Oh, yeah, see even the smallest of a fraction I can take from you this week. Underneath that exterior, this week, will loom a thought in your mind. How can I rattle this very prideful man? This peon that challenges me at my stead? The answer? First off, as I take my steps up the ladder this week to get to you, I'm going to leave my pride and my ego behind at the bottom. Why? Simple. You’re still, at the end of the day, the Answers World Champion, and a man who has slayed many on his way to the top. You may or may not be able take me down come this Saturday, but still I climb this metaphorical ladder to get to you. Oh, and please Lannister. Please shower me with your current of absolution, but believe me when I say that I can and I will evade that on the way up along with other debris of elegant wording that you throw at me, but rest assured I will make it up there to you.

I know the guys in charge at Showdown have tried in earnest to evolve and produce new superstars into the upper echelon, and in a few cases they are succeeding. Our dear Answers World Champion, the great and mighty Lannister is about come face to face with one of them this Saturday. Lannister is about to have to test his might against the ferociousness, the tenacity, and the will of McAllister! If you don't get what saying, what I've been saying, then here it is. The. War. Wages. On. The one that you can't win, and I can't lose. The one where you will voluntarily contribute to the building of MY kingdom, the kingdom that's being built by doubters who doubt, nonbelievers who refuse to believe, and naysayers that say I can't succeed in the upper echelon, that I can't swim with the big fish, that I can't beat….that I can't beat….a Lannister.
Consuela Rose Ava
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post January 31st 2017, 7:49 pm by Consuela Rose Ava
Sin Nombre. Nameless.

I must admit: my curiosity has peaked. It’s not every day I face a woman with a mask, but what I’ve learned from wearing a mask, people are going to wonder who is the woman under that mask. Not only have you arrived in EAW without a trace of background, but not even a name. The only thing we are left with is a hometown and sometimes, that’s not even enough to have a complete picture of who you are. From what I’ve witnessed, it is safe to say that you have done a fantastic job with making Madison Kaline’s life a living hell. You have struck a paranoia with her and whenever she turns around, she fears of being struck once again by either a vicious kick or punch in the face. At one moment, she should be concerned about you. On the other hand, why should she be afraid of someone who fears of exposing their face in front of millions of people? Whenever people cover their faces, people assume it’s because they have something to hide? Is that you, Sin Nombre? Every woman who has graced Empire has something ugly to hide. Whether be an ugly past or secret. We all have the one thing that fuels us to shield our faces from the world. In a way, you remind me of myself. I wrestled in different parts of the world wearing a mask. It was my identity. It was a part of me. What was the motivation behind the mask you might ask? Well, for me, I wanted people to focus on my abilities in the ring. I wanted people to not look at my face and be reminded of Cameron. The mask hid my identity. It hid the idea that I had Ava blood running through my veins. Whenever I wore a mask, I did not feel like an Ava. I felt like Consuela. People began to pay attention to my wrestling rather than my face. The question I have for you, Sin Nombre is: why do you wear the black mask you wear? What are you hiding from us? Are you trying to run away from something? You think that by wearing a mask that the questions about your whereabouts would disappear? You would think that by wearing a mask, you’re an entirely different person; however, you get more questions than before. You get fans outside your shows trying to get personal information about you, you get your co-workers trying to befriend you. You have the slightest hesitation about letting any person get close to you because there’s more of a chance that they’ll eventually find out who is the woman under the mask. When people figured out that it was me under the mask, they were shocked. It was safe to say that I “broke the internet”. People couldn’t stop taking about the woman under the mask. Cameron’s twin sister was under the mask. You may say that I’m once again in Cameron’s shadow, but you cannot be anymore wrong. Whenever I’m in the ring, people are talking to me. People are noticing what I can do in the ring. People are trying to dictate my next move, but what they fail to realize is that I’m steps ahead of them. Kind of how you like to assume that you had Madison wrapped around your finger. You want to think that you have an idea of how you will ruin Madison’s life, but what happens if she gets her fingers on the mask? What happens if you’re exposed to the world? Are we going to be in shock of the woman under it? Or could we not give a damn? Although, it may be wrong in the Lucha Libre tradition for a Luchador to be exposed, I’m quite excited to see what you look like. Even though I wore a mask for years, I dislike people having secrets. I’m an honest girl. I live by the cliché “honesty is the best policy” and I feel like you’re not going to be honest to me. I feel like when you respond, I will have more questions than answers. Until I face you in the ring, I have no clue about who you are and what your life story is. I feel like we’ll get real acquainted in the ring on Empire. As of right now, I hope you shed some light on yourself.
Moongoose McQueen
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post January 31st 2017, 3:52 pm by Moongoose McQueen
(Moongoose McQueen is sitting in a room with an interviewer in a suit with bruises all over his face wearing a suit. McQueen seems calm and collected.)
Interviewer: Mr. McQueen. Thank you so much for agreeing to this interview. Let’s just begin with how you are feeling with the loss to Drake Jaeger last week on Friday Night Dynasty?
McQueen: Well, there isn’t really much to say other than, “I lost.” I’m not the EAW Interwire Champion. Drake Jaeger is still the champion. No matter how I spin it, it’s all the same that Moongoose McQueen lost, and I will acknowledge that defeat. However, don’t believe this will be the end of it all, because he made a liar out of me once already. I made another promise that if I didn’t win, I would burn EAW to the ground, and I have full intentions to do just that. Drake Jaeger, this isn’t over between us. Because you see, if there is one thing Moongoose McQueen cares about in his career, it’s not about the championships or the battles he has lost. Its living with the fact that a man exists knowing that he has never taste defeat served by yours truly , and sadly, I can’t live with that. So whether a title is on line or not when we meet again, I vow that I will beat Drake Jaeger someday, and he better get ready, because with every defeat, I can only become stronger.
Interviewer: This week, you will be facing against Xavier Williams, a man who shocked the world at King of Elite this past weekend when he not only defeated Methuselah but screwed Jamie O’Hara out of the coveted crown. He has issued a warning to you to not show up during that match.
McQueen: *Chuckles* I saw that. And well, first of all, I wouldn’t want to listen to anything that old goat has to say about anything. The only thing we probably would have in common is the fact that we hate this … this … Xavier Williams, but there are quite a few differences between Meth and I. First of all, Methuselah has made a horrible mistake when Xavier attacked him a month ago. If Williams were to try to pull that crap on me, believe me, I wouldn’t waste my time playing around with that daughter of his, and I would instead just finish the job. Xavier Williams attacks me from behind? Well, trust me, I’m going to repay the favor ten-folds, place the shot gun to the back of the head, and even if he apologizes and beg for mercy, even if his daughter cries “Pwease, don’t hurt Daddy.” I’m going to pull that god damn trigger and put him out of his misery, because men that sucker punch others as so deserve to go out like a bitch. And after I put Xavier Williams out of his misery, guess what, I’ll sleep like a baby at night knowing he won’t be back, and that is the mistake Methuselah made. There is also another key difference between me and Methuselah. I did say I hate Xav, but the truth is, I pretty much hate everyone to the point I don’t give a crap about them. But Methuselah, I’m sure hates you a lot more than I do, and that is a good thing, because quite frankly, Xavier, I don’t care what happens to you. I’m not going into this match with a chip on my shoulder and truth be told, not even with intent on winning.
Interviewer: What do you mean?
McQueen: Well, despite Sebastian Monroe beefing up security, I can tell you right now, they are all a bunch of push-overs. Its really all just a matter of time when Xavier and I will be in the ring, and someone that Xavier really pissed off is going to get involved. I might as well just bring a tub of popcorn to the middle of the ring, I mean “Do yourself a favor and don’t come out of those curtains.” What are you? Insane?!! Miss out on front row seats of you getting your ass handed to you by Methuselah? Or perhaps one Jamie O’Hara? Sure. Sure. There is “security” all over the place, but if O’Hara and Methuselah or anything like a pissed off Moongoose McQueen, Xavier Williams, YOU SIR ARE NOT SAFE!! You are a 259’b 6ft target, and honestly, I’m just planning to walk out of that curtain, meet you in the ring, and we’re going to “fight” until shit goes down. And yeah, Sebastian Monroe is probably going to call me after this interview, and tell me “Moongoose, chill, don’t worry. We’re making sure nothing happens in your match.” And I’m going to laugh at his face.  Because the sad truth is, Mr. The World is against me, I believe if you beginning to chew off a lot more than you can handle, and do you really want to add more to that load by pissing me off?
Telling me what to do is strike 1. Associating me with Methsuelah is strike 2. Do you really want to go 3 for 3 here? Let me ask you, Who should you be more afraid of? Methsuelah or Jamie O’Hara? Trick Question, it’s the Shiroyasha himself, Moongoose McQueen.  Why? Because you’ve known Methsuelah and O’Hara for so long, you know what to expect. You believe you have everything all planned out and have then in the palm of your hands, but you say so little of me is a sign you know nothing of me. That is a mistake you don’t want to make. You won’t know where I’m going to be. You won’t know when I’m going to appear. You would never see me coming. DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR, and keep this match on the casual side of things. If anything, prepare yourself for what is about to come for you, because son, you don’t fucked up. You are about to reap what you sow, and who am I to stand in a way of man getting his just desserts. Unless of course, you want to poke the beast as a sad attempt to perhaps turn myself against O’Hara and play a game of “Who gets to rip Xavier Williams apart first?” But believe me, Xavier, I’ve spoken to O’Hara. You’ll be drowning in the sea before I burn you alive.
Interviewer: You have spoken to Jamie O’Hara?
McQueen: Did I say that? Hmmmm, maybe the truth is, I’m just lying to get into Xavier Williams’s head? Get him all paranoid that an attack on him might happen? Mind games, I suppose you call them. Or perhaps I’m telling the truth is I told him all about the trap doors in the Beijing National Indoor Stadium to bypass security during the match.  After all, I am no stranger to this arena, I know the gut of the building having wrestled there once. Maybe that’s why I’m just so cheeky about Monroe’s “security plans.” As I said, Xavier Williams, I’m a dangerous person and you don’t want to make an enemy out of me.  But at the moment, I’m just going to go out there, take on Xavier Williams, and we’ll see from there.

Interviewer: And this concludes our interview. Thank you, Moongoose McQueen and good luck with your match on Friday Night Dynasty.
Ryan Marx
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post January 31st 2017, 2:12 pm by Ryan Marx
Showdown Promo 1 – King of Dust

The scene fades in and we find Ryan Marx seated at his desk, the EAW New Breed Championship sitting in front of him. His face shows some faint bruises – the small aftershocks from his King of Elite match. But regardless, he sits stoically and calm, staring down the lens with his usual authority.

My first defence is in the books. At King of Elite, I defeated a man who wanted to destroy me and everything I stood for. I begged for him to tear me apart, to obliterate me, and he couldn't do it. No, Lars Grier – the self-proclaimed 'Manifestation of Destruction' – couldn't destroy me. I outsmarted him, just as I said I would, and now he is left to deal with the fallout whilst I continue on with my journey. I still lead the New Breed of EAW, and this week, I lead them to a new battle. One against the Hall of Fame Champion himself, Devan Dubian.

Hall of Fame Champion. The reigning King of Legends, so to speak. Such a grand name, one that evokes a sense of pride and amazement. Though honestly, I can't think of a more unnecessary title. Devan, you may see yourself as the best of the best, the champion to rule over all others, but all I see is the holder of a belt that serves no purpose other than to give dying legends even more undeserved glory. Is your status as a Hall of Famer not enough? No, of course it's not. People like you have to drain this company of all life it has left. Instead of giving attention to the up-and-coming performers, EAW awards this joke of a title to people who don't need any more attention lavished upon them. This is what's wrong with this company. Instead of looking ahead to the future, the higher-ups continue to focus on people whose time has already come and gone. They bring back legends and give them all the opportunities in the world, yet the newcomers are forced to continue fighting for a shred of attention, even if they've proven themselves worthy. Hell, in order to get to where I am now, I had to burst into HRDO's office and make some very public statements by disrupting matches and attacking my enemies. But that's slowly changing, thanks in no small part to me and my reign as the New Breed Champion.

See, in my future, there's no place for 'legends'. And why should there be? Of course, you've done a lot to be awarded that title, but unless you use your status to elevate the future, there's no point in you existing. People may look at my views on legends and chalk them up to jealousy, but it runs deeper than that. Whenever I think of legends and veterans such as yourself, Devan, I think of self-serving, greedy men and women who are taking every opportunity they can to remain relevant. They are the ones pushing newcomers like myself under the bus just so they can stay on top of the world. It's just as Matt Ryder did back all those months ago when he cost me my chance at becoming champion. Of course, he was fuelled by anger at my 'betrayal', but there was also something else behind his actions: fear. He was scared of me obtaining power, of becoming more than he was. And that's what's behind all of you self-proclaimed legends. You're all scared of plateauing at your Hall of Fame induction, of becoming nothing more. Hence the existence of the Hall of Fame Championship that you hold so dear.

But you see, whilst you all act out in order to hide your fear of fading into blissful obscurity, you all forget one important thing – you're all just flesh and bone. Take away the championships, the accolades, the mythology behind you...and you're just a human being. A body that can be torn to shreds, broken in half, crippled and maimed. That Hall of Fame Championship won't stop you from suffering a career-ending injury, and I can't help but think that's a fact you forget, Devan. As you revel in your own illusions of grandeur, you appear unaware that even kings can be slain. Champions can be killed. And legends can and will die. It's why I don't fear legends like yourself. Because I know that no matter the heights you reach, you will eventually fade away and allow me to take your place. Only I won't be a mere legend – I'll be a god. Does it scare you to think that I will one day take up the mantle of the messiah? One day, I'll ascend beyond myself – beyond everything you and every other legend has done – and I will rule over my own, perfect future. At Showdown, I'll be standing opposite a legend, and you'll be standing opposite the future.

Ryan pauses for a moment, eyes glancing down to his New Breed title momentarily before looking back up to the camera.

That's what all of this is about, at least for me: proving I'm better than those before and after me. And who better to prove that against than you, Devan? You have a ton of accomplishments, years of experience, and – despite my view on that belt – you're the Hall of Fame Champion. You have achieved so much in this business. In fact, you may be one of my biggest challenges thus far in my career. But that will make it all the more sweeter when I prove myself against you this Saturday. I will prove to all those who still doubt me that my methods and beliefs surpass the legendary status of those who have proven themselves before me. I've already shown my stranglehold over the New Breed, but now it's time to show my power over the higher echelons of EAW. Unlike others in this company, I don't want your respect or favour. I want your surrender. Just as I want the surrender of every other person within the EAW Universe. There are some who have already given this to me, some intelligent people who have listened to my words. And the less-intelligent ones will soon fall before me, just as Lars Grier did. You're an intelligent man, aren't you, Devan? What will you do? Perhaps you'll try to fight back against me. Though allow me to remind you that the last intelligent man to try that not only lost to me, but is now gone indefinitely. Like him, you're a man, and you are no exception to this possibility. All men can fall, regardless of their standing, and the higher up they stand, the steeper the fall they have to endure – as you will see this coming Showdown.

What else will you see this Saturday? Well, you and everyone else watching will witness the strength of the New Breed that I represent. You will see why my championship deserves to be given more weight than your own, because I will show you the power it gives to whomever holds it. Men in the past have tried and failed to wield this championship's power, but now I've come along and know exactly how to utilise its influence. I know what it takes to lead the future into the present: determination, confidence, and ruthlessness. This belt isn't just a trophy to me as it has been to previous undeserving holders, it's a symbol of success and potential. And at Showdown, my potential will be realised and you will see why legends and veterans should fear me. I will drag you through what you would consider darkness and suffering, but in reality is what my vision for this company and society is. All your years of work, all your many accomplishments, will bear no comparison to what I plan on putting you through at Showdown. Devan, you will come face-to-face with the future ahead, where the only way to reach the light of success is to be plunged down into the dark depths of despair. Just as I have done with Lars Grier, Matt Ryder, Tyler Parker, Rex McAllister, and many others, I will force you to experience my way. My will. And then I will inject into you the tiniest bit of influence, a seed of thought, which will then grow until you can't ignore it. Then you will surrender your mind to me. You will let me remake you. Gone will be your days as the Hall of Fame Champion, the EAW legend, the veteran. They will become dust. And in their place...

A new reality. A new identity. A new outlook.

My outlook, to be precise.

Ryan smirks.

So prepare yourself, Devan. This week, you won't just be facing a fellow champion. You will be coming up against the champion of thought, the king of influence, and the future messiah of the new era. And once I'm done with you at Showdown, all you'll be remembered as is the champion of the soon-to-be-forgotten past.

Ryan lets out a quiet laugh as he places a hand against the front plate of his New Breed Championship, the camera beginning to glitch. Cut to static. Fade to black.
Xavier Williams.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post January 31st 2017, 5:16 am by Xavier Williams.
This was because of your hand, Jamie; every single piece of it. I let you come so close to grasping onto the one thing that you wanted more than anything else in your career. That crown was meant to be the one thing that would have made the last year filled with failure after failure completely worth it. I sat back and I watched as you ran through name after name. Lucian Black, Drake Jaegar, TLA - all names that were never going to overcome that seemingly undying desire to call yourself a king. I've always said it and King of Elite is the perfect example - I'm a man that always plays a situation three steps ahead of everyone else. The world expected Xavier Williams to charge back through the doors of the company and surge straight for your head, but I didn't. I turned my attention to Methuselah instead. I looked to right the biggest wrong of my career and allowed you to believe that you actually held the chance to become king. You took the bait hook, line and sinker, Jamie! You bought right into the facade that I let you live in! You believed wholeheartedly that it was only a matter of time before that crown was sitting on top of your head - and then I pulled that rug from under your feet and you fell straight back down into reality. Four months I was forced to sit at home and watch as you moved forward inch by inch at my expense. Four months I had to sit at home and watched as you tried so desperately to grasp onto the World Heavyweight Championship and have the reign that you believe wholeheartedly that you deserve. Last night, I killed two birds with one stone. Last night I walked into King of Elite and slaughtered the man I should have beaten at Pain for Pride. I walked out and gave you a mere taste of everything that going to come your way. You had one chance to put me down, but you made the mistake of allowing me to keep breathing. I know that you're listening to this and you're absolutely fucking seething, but as much as you are, you cannot be angry at me. The Mighty Don't Kneel was meant to be a brand that we were going to build; whether we were fighting together or fighting our own battles, it was something that we were always going to be able to fall back on. You broke the bond that we had. You destroyed everything that the two of us were building.

And with it you have reawakened a monster that has been sleeping for far too long, Jamie.

The best part about this is that we both know that this is not going to end while the other is still physically able to stand. In all - the two of us are destined to do this forever. But, Jamie, do you know what I see when I look into your eyes? I see myself. I see the same fire that I once held. I see that determination to succeed; that determination that forces you to continue when everything else seems hopeless. But, with that, you're making the same mistake that I made too. You're losing yourself in it all. That determination is slowly turning into desperation. I saw that the moment that you cut my legs from under me. You built this entire dream of everything that you were going to accomplish as EAW Champion. You finally managed to rip that championship out of my hands and immediately those walls that you built around yourself began to crumble. I broke your arm. You survived the Elimination Chamber by the skin of your teeth, while Aren Mstislav and I did all of the dirty work, and after that the dream was over. Jamie O’Hara found himself in the nosedive that he never thought he would have to withstand. You suffered loss after loss; heartbreaking defeat after defeat, and we're left with the man that we see now. How the Mighty has fallen. The King of Bullets has been firing nothing but blanks! I left you standing because there's no fun in that, is there? This is a game of chess and I want to finish this piece by piece. I want you to feel like there's nothing left to save you. I want you to stand there and know that there’s nothing left to save you. But, Jamie, more importantly, I want you to know that all of this falls onto your shoulders and your shoulders alone. I want you to look back at your first night on Dynasty as the moment that you flushed everything that you had accomplished; everything that you could have achieved down the drain. That King of Elite crown was the first piece that I've taken and by the end of it all; you'll hold no more World Championships. You'll grasp onto no more briefcases. There’ll be no contracts nor titles. You'll have nothing. I promise you that.

But, who would I be if I were to ignore the man that I stand against this week? I'll even do you the favour of making this short.

Don't walk through that curtain. Learn about the battles that you should fight and the ones that you shouldn't. Ask Methuselah about what you're walking into, or even go and ask the man's joke of a god. The answers is one that I know that you're smart enough to already know. Do yourself a favour, Moongoose. For the love of god, do yourself a favour.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post January 31st 2017, 3:40 am by showster26
Voltage #1

Tuesday, 2:11 a.m., location unknown

(The scene opens on a black screen. A long, unsettling, note rings just barely audible. Suddenly the screen flashes in slightly distorted, colorless clips from the previous episode of voltage. More specifically, the "match" between Flex Rockland, and the man the world calls Solomon Caine.)

WWEFan: "Caine is beating down Flex Rockland!"

(The next clip is a slow motion shot of Caine sending Rockland head first into the barricade.)


(A shot Rockland's bloody face is displayed. His pleas for mercy deepened and dragged out. The shot is replaced with a full speed shot of Caine nailing a running knee strike to Rockland's skull against the ringside barricade. The music becomes more of a mid tempo, a loud clashing sound plays with every stomp that Caine lands to the downed Rockland. The music becomes louder, and more dramatic with every blow Caine lands, until it reaches its crescendo as Caine plants Rockland on his head. A clip of Rockland being carried out on a stretcher plays, before a close up shot of Caine.)


(Gaines screams repeat several times, each more distorted than the last.

Suddenly the shot cuts to a dimly lit hotel room. It's here we find Caine on his knees, his face buried on top of the bed. His breathing short, as if he was in pain.)

Caine: "I can't stop seeing it. I CAN'T!!! The horrors that I have carried out, the wrath of my masters which has been poured out from my very hands."

(Caine raises his head up and looks towards the heavens above.)

Caine: "Must I be haunted? have I not done your will in a manner that pleases you? Why have you made me relive over and again the destruction that I have done In your name? Why do you place your great fire before my eyes?!?! I know the penalty for failure. I ALREADY KNOW!!!!

I shall do as you order. Spare me. Spare me.

You ask me to bring forth your words to He named Tommy Meyer. He who sees thru the vale that this world has tried to blind him with. He who sees the futility of the gold and glories that this world has to offer. He that sees not a sport to claim praise for himself, but the field upon which his metal must be tested. The place where he must be made pure. You demand me to bring him before you, and let him know of your might, that he may bow before you, and serve as I do.

Shall you guard me on the of your glorious reign, should I be able to bring him to worship at your altar? Will you keep me from knowing the grim fate that shall befall a great multitude, should he Turn to you, and serve your every whim and desire as I have?

Will you ease my burden should be refuse you? Should he turn his back to you, after all you have done to help him see, to make him who he is, will you grant me peace after I have tttttooooorrrrnnnnnnnn hhhhhiiimmmm tttoooo ssssshhhrrreeeedddsss?

I know that should I have to honor you with his sacrifice, I shall do the duty that is laid before me at the appointed hour. I shall strike him down for the world to see. I shall make him know a suffering greater than he has ever known. The sorrow he harbors for his family, it shall pale in comparison to the never ending nightmare he shall know should he Deny you. Should he cast himself to be counted amongst the heathens. If that be his choice, the. I shall cast him directly into the flood of fire myself.

I shall smile with glee, as he witnesses all that surrounds him burning. As he hears the screams of his children as they are devoured whole by the flames. As his blood is poured out in the streets as offering unto you. If it should grant me passage into the land you are coming for, if it shall bring me clemency from the weakness and sympathy that infest like insects, then I shall rejoice with song as I watch him turn to ashes.

Heed my words Tommy Meyer. Fall to your knees before their altar, that you might be reborn in their image. Cling cast to all that they command, that you may be made strong and free of the filth that corrupts the minds of the masses. Spread the word of their coming as I have, that on the great and terrible day you may be held safely within their hands.

Do not doubt them, nor believe them to be phantom specters of the mind that pay no heed to all that is said and done, and will not pour out their tremendous wrath at their chosen hour. For sooner than you realize, their arrival shall befall the earth. And when it does, the kingdoms, and empires, and every great work that man has made to draw his attention away from the ones who have sent me, shall crumble and be leveled. Their glories faded, their legends uprooted never again to see the light of day. The blackest smoke that rises up from the bodies left burning in the streets shall be testament to all that they have done. And the smell of it shall linger for all eternity.

These thing I have spoken, are the words of the ones who sent me, and it must be so."

(The camera holds on Caine for a moment before fading out)

The End.
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post January 31st 2017, 12:39 am by showster26
Dynasty Promo #1

DoubleEntendre - EAW Promoz! 8320-Grand-View-Drive-Modern-Mansion-on-Sunset-Strip-Offering-Expansive-Views-over-Los-Angeles-homesthetics-18

(The scene opens inside the living room of "Picture Perfect" Mark Michaels' home in Beverly Hills. It's here that we find EAW's Social Media Champion, sitting down on the couch, with his IPhone  in the palm of his hand.)

Michaels: "I still can't believe how much of fight that Eclipse Diemos guy put up. I gotta remember not piss him off for awhile."

???: "Mark?! Mark?! You home?"

(Michaels' agent Johnny J, walks into the room, his nervous energy made more and more apparent with every step he takes as he takes a seat on the opposite side of the coffee table from his client.)

Michaels: "Johnny? How the hell did you get in here, I thought I locked the door?"

Johnny: "umm... I..."

Michaels: "fuck it, whatever, I'll just roll with it. What brings you here?"

Johnny: "Well I just got word, pack your bags, you're going to Beijing."

Michaels: "Beijing? As in China?  As in no internet having China?  John do remember how much of an issue it was just trying to log into my twitter account?  Hell I'll be half dumbfounded if they'll let me back in. Especially if they saw that mame I made of chairman Mao."

Johnny: " I know Mark, but this is big for two reasons, first you're big in China, or at least that's what my contacts in the country say. And you could get some pretty good sponsorship deals out there."

Michaels: "How do you get that kind of work in a communist country?"

Johnny: "Hey when I'm repping a client, the client gets paid. Second reason is your opponent."

Michaels: "Hmm, you're not usually this excited for me to be booked, who is it?"

Johnny: "Scott Oasis, Mark this is the Opportunity you've been living point for since you resigned with Dynasty. Think of What will come your way if you get the win here.  Main events, title matches, a bigger contract!  The chance of a lifetime awaits you Mark. All you got to do is win."

(Michaels ponders over Johnny's words for a moment.)

Michaels: "So Friday night, I get to step inside the ring with the monster who beat Brian Daniels for the world heavyweight championship. The one who almost broke Jacob Senn in half, just to send a message. The beast that awoken Methuselah, and waged an all out war that spilled buckets of blood in every arena that they were in together.  This Friday night, I get the Ice Man? "

(Johnny's expression turns to one of slight concern over the tone of Michaels words.)

Johnny: "Yes, that Scott Oasis."

(A long silent moment passes, as Michaels bares a stern expression with an underlying intensity upon his face.)

Michaels: "Good, I'll be looking forward to it."

Johnny: "You alright Mark? You don't seem quite yourself."

Michaels: "I'm fine John, in fact I'm doing just great. See like you said I've been longing for a chance like this, and now it's here. I have been chomping at the bit for a chance to face off against a man like Scott Oasis, because not only is he a former world champion, and a key piece of the puzzle that kept Omertà in power for so long. He is an absolute terror to stand toe to toe with. I've faced champions, I've faced hall of famers, but I've never faced anything quiet like this guy.  You know as much as you say it, monster doesn't quiet do him justice. He is almost a force of unrelenting fury and malice that swallows his competitors whole and spits them back out as shells of their former self. That is what Scott Oasis is.

But even though Scott is this inhuman thing, that lays waste to everything that stands before him, I know I can beat him."

Johnny: "Wait, how do you say he's all that you said he is, and then turn around and say that your gonna beat him, easy as pie?"

Michaels: "Oh I did not say it would be easy. In fact this will the absolute greatest challenge I've ever taken on. One that I know is probably gonna shave a year or two at least, off my career. But the thing that gonna determine who's gonna win and who's gonna lose, is the fact that I'm not gonna surrender, I'm not gonna back down, and I sure as hell am not gonna hold back on this one. See while Scott right now is gonna check in this Friday just to let everyone know he's still the top dog around here, I'm showing up because at this moment I'm so hungry for a win, I'm damn near starving. I relish the chance to step in the ring with Scott on Dynasty, because just few short months ago, I was forced to just standing on the sidelines have to watch everyone else.  It killed me not getting to step in the ring.

Because All I have ever wanted to do is be an EAW wrestler, and prove that I belong by winning a championship here. I've lost that dream once, and now that I am back I am never letting that dream go again. So if it means that Scott Oasis is gonna break every bone in my body, if it means that I'm gonna have to pour out my last drop of blood on that mat, and if it means that I have give my last breath, then so be it.  Because this time I'm gonna be pushing myself even harder. This time I'm gonna go that one extra step that no one else is willing to go. This time I'm gonna remind each and every last man, woman, and child in the locker rooms on every brand, just what it is that has made me the Instagram Icon, the twitter trendsetter, and hashtag hero to millions around the world.

I'm gonna show Scott, as well as everyone else watching Dynasty, just what kind of man I am. So let him step thru those ropes, because when the bell rings, It not gonna be a matter of who's bigger, or who's stronger. It's not gonna be a matter of who has more gold on their resume, he'll it's not even gonna be a matter of who's still conscious after the last bell rings. All this one is gonna be about, is who wants it more. And you can bet your goddamn bottom dollar, that this is not a soul alive that wants it more than me.

I'm a man on fire, and that fire is gonna melt the ice man. So Scotty better start picturing that."

(Michaels gets up from his seat and walks out of the shot.  Johnny sits still for a moment, his concern melting away as he begins to buy into Michaels' passionate speech.)

Johnny: "I'll get us the first flight out to Beijing."

Victor Maero
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post January 27th 2017, 11:58 pm by Victor Maero
King Of Elite Final

Maero sits on the top turnbuckles of the ring in the Sanatorium grounds. His title lays on the outside of the cage surrounding the ring. In the center of the ring is a kendo stick covered in barbed wire held standing up by two cinder blocks. Outside the ring are several other kendo sticks that have been snapped in half. Maero looks around the building and smiles as he breaths heavily.

“Again… with the attacks on the state of my psyche. You said that you had wished it was an act. So you don’t think it is? Wait, then you said because of majority rule it must be true. Sorry, but the state of my mind isn’t a democracy, nor is me being Eclipse’s lacky. None of this is majority rule. So don’t appeal to Majority me, that doesn’t faze me. My whole life I’ve been fighting the current of the majority, they don’t scare me. One more thing you seem to really need me to explain is what the Sanatorium is. This is not a literal Sanatorium, this is not a children's hospital, this is a household. We have children here that we’ve rescued from lives like yours and mine, from abuse. They live here, and we take care of them so that they won’t grow up like us. Simple. This isn’t a hospital and I don’t work as a doctor anymore. Speaking of me being a doctor: do you actually think that because I got a doctorate my life was easy?” Maero hops down from the turnbuckle and begins circling the kendo stick in the center of the ring as though it was his opponent.

“No, no, no. I fought through my entire childhood. I was born into torment. See, my parents were part of the quiverfull movement, meaning they had a shit ton of kids, each kid is like an arrow of God. Thing is, if you have too many kids you can’t keep track of them all or show them all affection. There was plenty of bloodshed and plenty anger. My dad didn’t like my learning the witchcraft that was medicine and anatomy. He set me back more times than I could count, but I kept standing up. Because learning was the only way to silence the demons, the only way to stop having these thoughts. What happened to me didn’t start those thoughts, McAdams, it just made me examine them for the first time. I know that the insanity of childhood doesn’t fade as fast as you want it too, I’m no stranger to that kind of pain. The abyss stared into me yes, but it didn’t break me. I came into this world broken, I used shards of myself to cut down the obstacles in my path. I may be whole now, but be careful, I’m still sharp. You want to talk about our record McAdams? Let’s talk about our fucking record. The first time we fought was in the scramble, I won that match in the first thirty seconds, you pinned me and then you and Showman fucked off. You didn’t even bother to stick around, so I couldn't have pinned if I had tried. I then won by knocking out someone who hadn’t been in that match until the last second. Next I beat you without a shadow of a doubt. No bullshit, I won fairly and without question. Our third class ended with Impact DQing you two because we were about to win. So in reality, I won all three times we’ve fought. If you’re gonna be a pissy bitch ass bitch at least be accurate. Me winning against you and fucking Impact is grasping at straws? He’s the fucking champion, and you’re the former champion, and Eclipse and I beat you both. That’s not grasping at straws, trying to diminish that sure as hell is though. You built the Sistine Chapel in days? You must’ve cut a lot of corners. I take my time, I don’t rush things. Why? Because I like to get it fucking right. I don’t want my world collapsing in on itself like yours did when I took the title from you. I made my world out of the sticks and stones that people like you threw at me and the words I made them eat. I made my world out of blood and bone. You want edgy? How about this, I don’t like you! Oh damn! Such edgy. I think Hitler was right! Oh damn, so edgy! I’m not a fucking edge lord , I actually have self respect. Alright, so you’re a self made special snowflake, that doesn’t change how much bullshit you’ve spouted. Like calling me a hobo… really? Come on you rapscallion, you know I live in a big fuck off house. You rascal you. You really got me there! I’m beat. You unlocked the fucking secret, say that I’m a bottom feeder. I have never in all my career seen such boring fucking retorts. Have you ever had an original thought? Did you google Luke Reign and say “that’s who I want to be when I grow up.” Did you copy and paste what he said about me?” Maero walks to the kendo stick in the center of the ring and runs his hand across it as he circles it.

“If you’re a class above you would have beaten me at least once. You would have gotten the legal victory in one of our matches. But you still haven’t done that. You still haven’t proved that you can back up that smack talk. And if you can’t back up that verbal garbage what level of trash do you need to sink to until you can finally back it up? Where is the point that your in ring prowess matches the words you use? We’d have to go down those stairs a long time before we found the words that match your fists. I think it’d be somewhere in the sixth grade.I’ve had my fair share of failures, but my victories are nothing to ignore. If someone looked at our histories do you know what they’d really see? I’ve weathered the storm of the Trill Fairy Ahren Fournier. I’ve sent my brother Solomon Caine to sleepytime junction. I’ve stood toe to toe with Erebus. I’ve annihilated Jakob DeLion more times than I can count. I’ve destroyed the careers of Masahiro, Danny Knox, and Beretta. Last time we fought I locked horns with Impact and didn’t flinch. You’ve managed to get a title and then lose it to me. If someone looked at those facts who do you think they’d put their money on? The man who sent his friend of four years to the hospital? No, they’d choose the alpha, they’d choose me. I was made from broken parts, and I turned them into a beast.” Maero pulls his finger back from the kendo stick with a jolt. A drop of blood falls to the ground. Maero cracks his knuckles and snarls a visible breath.

“I’ve considered everything that has been put in my path. Don’t you fucking dare pretend that you’re the only one who has had some challenges in their life. I’m glad you talk to Oz a little. Just know that if you touch him this match will stop being about my title and it’ll start being about survival. See, I have no reservations about giving my all. But if you lay a finger on my child I will destroy you. You’ll go back to the dust you came from much faster than expected. I plan on laying you out, but I don’t plan on stopping your heart. Don’t make me have a change of plans by hurting Oz. I don’t think EAW would be too keen on me killing a fan favorite, well, previous fan favorite. You should be glad that there will be security, becuase will claw, and bite, and slash at you until they need to pull me off of you and wheel you out of that building. You used to have me as an ally, but now you’ve made a very powerful enemy. I’m one of Eclipse’s lackeys remember? So if you’re not scared of me you should at least be scared of him.” Maero rolls his head on his shoulders and spits to the outside of the ring.

“My apologies for not knowing what your definition of being a gentleman is. I guess there isn’t one universal one, huh? It’s your choice how you live your life, just don’t pretend like being a gentleman situationally makes you better than me. I’m different with the kids than with a fucking carabiner like you, am I shoving that side of me in your face and claiming that it makes me better than you? No. Because you don’t care about how I act with those kids. I’m impressed that you haven’t talked about how we’re “brainwashing” those kids. That’s the only fucking piece of low hanging fruit you haven’t grabbed at. You didn’t say I was a pedafile either. A round of fucking applause for you doing all but two of the most basic argument against me.” Maero steps back to the corner of the ring and eyes the kendo stick in the center of the ring.

“I’ve had my demons take me over, I’ve pushed them away completely, and now I’ve finally found an equilibrium again. Now that I’ve done that nothing can stand in my way. This is my year. As I said in the past: I’m like a virus. You can kill ninety nine percent of me, but only the strong parts survive. I’ll keep getting stronger and stronger. I’ve snowballed and stampeded through the Voltage roaster, you included. I’m already three steps ahead. I think Oz said it best…” Maero moves forward and Superkicks the kendo stick in half. “Zugzwang.” Maero smiles. Fire swirls in front of him and the building disappears in the bloom created by the flames. Oz sits in front of the fire that he’s started in the forest on the outskirts of the Sanatorium. He pokes the fire with a long stick and it responds to the harassment with sparks and cracking. Oz sets the stick down and rubs his hands together.

“You really like talking about how you learned from you losses, and yet in the same breath you slam Maero for saying the same thing. Is the difference that you lost to him? Because that doesn’t seem to help your case. You know, ever since Tin Man got his heart from you you started hitting your friends. You could say you’re acting a little… heartless! ...no? Come on, I spent all week coming up with that one. Whatever. Tin Man didn’t show up in the fast line like you did. You got what you asked for as soon as you wanted. You might not have been pampered elsewhere, but you sure as hell have been in EAW. You got Nathan Fiora served up to you on a silver platter, whereas Tin Man had to fight you while you still had the spotlight on you. The whole world was against him in that match, everyone was on your side. Yet you were still toppled. Your precious Sistine Chapel, was burned to the ground. All you’re able to do now is stand in the ashes and dream of what it used to be. You’ve already beaten yourself. Tin Man doesn’t even need to be the one in that ring, anyone could beat you like this. Because you’ve already destroyed yourself. You’re lost McMan… McAdams, let us help you. Or don’t. You can try and get Showman to help you find yourself if you want. But he’s not family like we could be, he doesn’t know how to help someone like you. We do. You might not see it now, but once Tin Man sends you to the ground you’ll see what I mean. Tin Man was the man who was stepped on for so long, then he destroyed everyone who crossed him. You want to put him under your boot? It’s too late. He’s already slithered out from under that rock, his poison is already in your veins. So come and get the anti venom. Would you rather walk with the reapers or burn with the saints?” Oz tosses a group of sticks from beside him into the fire. They quickly turn black and shrivel up.

“We’ve only glimpsed you? I think we’ve seen more than enough to know what’s under that skin. We’d love to see more, maybe we more during that match when the rest of your skin hits the ground. You know, Hell was more fun than you. So hopefully this’ll be quick. That is, unless you prove me wrong. You can’t win this, so at least struggle. You’re a hunter so you should know that all the fun is in the chase. Once we’re done with you, Mickey-Mouse...McAdams, I’m only getting worse with that, Tin Man will be the undisputed Hardcore Champion. So come on, dispute him, it won’t last for long. You’re just the fuel to the fire. The crowed supplied the oxygen and Tin Man supplies the heat. You’re walking into hellfire coated in gasoline, you’ll go up fast. You’ve already lost, this is finished. This, McAdams…” Oz kicks out the fire making everything go dark.

“Is checkmate.” There’s a short pause. “I got the name right that time!”
J-Dynasty 2?
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post January 27th 2017, 11:49 pm by J-Dynasty 2?
Within a dark room Jones sits leaning back on a swivel chair as he slowly blows misty white smoke from his mouth slowly. When the stream of smoke ends the scene hangs for a moment of nothingness until Jones breaks the silence.

So, it’s really almost time.

No messing around, no little show tunes, not right now. My sister and Anubis paid me a visit this morning for the support they often forget to give since the Pain for Pride 8 days, even other members of the J-Dynasty showed up in the afternoon to get me thinking right as they would say. Gotta look like leadership material, got to play the part like I’ve played the role of so many characters before this. It’s time for a performance of majesty, like one I dreamed of doing ever since you I into this business, like my parents expected of me when I was born. If I wasn’t so good and knew it, I would think I’m in a dream right now…..no way this could be real, to think I’m this close to getting the crown.  It’s crazy, yet I’m good, I’m calm.

Jones begins to take it all in as he slowly causes to the chair to rotate as he sits there speaking.

I’ve found peace in it all. I use to carry the world on my shoulders just to scrape the leftovers off throw away plates here, I would eagerly work for anyone and any cause just get my foot in the door of any place I wanted to get to, and now it’s culminating into this. I wish I could know if Tybull and Christopher Corrupt were watching me now. I know Pizza Boy surely is. I doubt Senn’s let this go unnoticed, and even Cleopatra all the way on Empire is probably kicking herself over the fact she tried to make sure the future king of elite could never compete here instead of maximising the potential she had under her watch. All the people who tried to destroy me, they must be wondering how it all went so wrong, how Tiberius survived it all and came out better for it. It is because they fed the beast, every blow was like a hammer on forging steel, shaping me into a dangerous object that could slice and dice through every opposition that came in front of me. If this roster didn’t want to appease me, they should have at least taken me out early before it was too late for all my future foes that will be paying for the incompetence of those who came before them.  There is a regime change coming, and the fruits of my labour shall be shared amongst the people! I hope they like poison.

Jones stops his chair, and sneers at the camera and shakes his head before it turns into a smile.

Drastik, I’m almost glad to see you remain ever the obfuscator to this very end, just so I have great concrete memories to be nostalgic about in the future. You managed to blend Jamie O’Hara apparently getting his butt whooped by Lannister four times with me losing one close contest to him into one big blur of Lannister just kicking both our asses whenever he wants because we can’t hang with royalty! Like four beat downs are interchangeable with one lone match! Quite a masterpiece you put together right there, not many people have that kind of skill at conflation and misdirection. Though It brings up the reality that I happened to have victories over kings like Diemos, and Ares who I also beat claims to have royal blood, so I would think I’ve got a solid leverage in this case of fighting former kings if that is so relevant to taking the throne. While you? You’ve spent your entire career watching those close to you become king. Robbie V, your former tag team partner and one of the only people who could ever truly stand you, he is twice a king. Liam Catterson, though you shared no love, he was your faction ally, and he too was a king. Captain Charisma, your greatest rival and foe in this business, even he obtained that crown! But never Drastik, Drastik is always hand of the king, if not at the bottom of the king’s Power. I find it fitting that after all your years of service serving princes growing to become kings, and being a retainer of kings who left their thrones, you finally obtained the chance to witness the greatest king be crowned in person! Who said servitude does not pay?

I laugh in your face when you claim to be worthy, know the difference between a bystander to royalty and being the real thing! You know nothing of my stream of consciousness Drastik, I’m on a next level, I’m so awaken that I might as well have a third eye. Not that someone as simple as you would understand opening the mind’s eye. Even now, you fail to realize why your peers have always stood head and shoulders above you no matter how many times you got on your tippy toes and pretended to be something with all your stunts to cause empty controversy. My career will never be as sad as yours, it may not have been quite as quick of a rise, but it will be a sustainable one that I can hold dear to me as a symbol for who I am! I’m glad you brought up going to McDonalds in your walks, it suits you well, you are kin to those graying old people who never amounted to anything in life working side by side with youths that will one day achieve so much more! I won’t shame such people further, but my last complaint is that they are always far too slow, be sure to take your king’s order with greater urgency.

While Drastik remained disgustingly the same, you’ve shape shifted quite a lot this week Jamie. What can you do when your mind is so conflicted? When your hands shake so much so that you cannot grasp at anything with a firm grip? Did you really think stealing my lines about fighting to the end and not succeeding would phase me? Like you could simply turn the tables on me like it’s such an easy task? I’m almost honored, to think that when you get worried and lack vision, you attempt to play the role of the singular most concrete person you know on this roster in hopes of channeling some of that presence! But what is that saying about what you’re trying to do to me right now? Ah yes, it would be I am often imitated, but never duplicated. Like a follower who watches dance videos doing the moves seen done by stars on the big stage, your rhythm will just never be as natural as the real thing. It’s like all those people trying to be Michael Jackson, when there is only one smooth criminal. You aren’t slick enough to pull my style off Jamie, you only serve to accentuate my greatness in comparison, and proving to the world that despite seeming to pull off flawlessness without effort…doing what I do ain’t that easy!

My aim is true, my motions are seamless, the people can’t come to understand this excellence. Jamie, Drastik’s said a lot of nonsense this week, so you and I have had to agree on a few things this week, but that doesn’t change the bad blood I have for you and my intention to do you in after all this time to show you just how fortunate you’ve been that you were in a bubble far away from me. You think you know pain, but I grew up in this business captive when I should have been given the chance to captivate, and now in Denmark I’m making all of EAW the dragon’s den, and the dragon’s breath will be sure not to miss the target to those who do not walk carefully in my realm. You doubt me, you think I am not a master of the elements, you mock the mountains I tell you that I can shift into place, but I don’t blame you just yet. EAW has always seemed like the insurmountable, a place that cannot be tamed by the hands of man, until me…..someone who lives and breathes in EAW, and has become one with making the elements that shape this company bend at will.

It’s crazy, yet it’s my livelihood, and it’s in my palm.

Jones opens his hands, looks intensely at the camera before closing them and the scene going completely black. size=24]☤[/size]
(The scene opens up in the middle of a plane ride within a private jet. A couple of stewardesses are working on putting together drinks while the cameraman listens in to the conversation between Ahren Fournier and Drastik Fournier—who, might I add, are best friends forever. Though the cameraman is unenthused to be in the situation that he’s in—and knowing that he can’t read the book he brought during the flight because Ahren and Drastik are being far too loud, he’s at least relieved that Drastik managed to get a private jet to fly them out to Copenhagen. It would have been a close call had he not. Drastik is asking Ahren Fournier whether he should go by the normal “King Drastik” or officially change his name to “Drastiking”. Ahren Fournier ponders for a moment before saying that Drastiking sounds like a pokemon evolution. They high five before Ahren Fournier says how many women are going to be all over Drastik because of the big win. Drastik responds by saying, “I’m just trying to catch up to your bodycount, dude.” They high five again and then do the “Woogity! Woogity! Woogity!” handshake that they do in Rocket Power. The cameraman is very unimpressed but asks Drastik if he’s planning on making any final remarks; by the time the editing team gets this all framed up and uploaded, it’ll be about time for the banter to stop. Under his breath, Drastik mows over an opening joke, but Fournier holds out his arm and says, “Nah dude, bring the serious heat. Let them know what they’re messing with.” Drastik agrees and clears his throat, straightening up and brushing the crumbs off of his dress shirt. He half smirks as he begins speaking.)
For many of you watching at home, you probably haven’t been watching for as long as I’ve been wrestling. There isn’t anything wrong with that. I know full well that some people got sucked into this when RoViper faced La Secta Apocolyptica at Pain for Pride II, others got sucked in when CM Banks and Y2Impact met together for the World Heavyweight Championship after spending months together as figureheads of one of the most storied stables in this company. Maybe it wasn’t until an elimination chamber or a glass walls match or just some random match on a weekly show that sucked you in. It probably wasn’t anything on the Pain for Pride V card because it was all trash and I still have fever dreams about Kawajai in the main event of anything, but my point here is that you’re all here—in this moment—watching me, hearing what I have to say. And while I don’t hold it against any of you that you haven’t watched since the days of AWF where CM Ronn faced Makaveli for the EAW Championship, I do expect you all to be open to little bits of history that you run into. This tournament, just like that championship, just like that Pain for Pride main event, is hollowed and revered. And what keeps it hollowed and revered are the people who come out of it—who legitimize it each and every year. Barring a few exceptions, we’ve had kings like Mak, Power, Lannister, Sekaiichi, and Robbie V. We’re talking about men who not only rose to the crown, not only succeeded in becoming champion despite being knocked down by the peers forcing their evaluations on them, but cemented themselves as legends in this industry. These are gods among men, and however much I’ve been slandered this week for touting myself up to be that same brand of god, the fact remains. Can you imagine a name like Tiberius Jones or Jamie O’Hara polluting a list like that? Can you imagine if the King of Elite suffered the same fate as, say, the Hardcore Championship, and went from being as prestigious as it is right now to being tossed from random person to random person who take turns flopping with it? So many times, we see marvels of the past crumble in our hands. We’ve seen it with the Hardcore Championship. We’ve seen it more and more with the Cash in the Vault and all of its failed and deleted “victors”. We saw it with the Vixens Championship in 2008 and 2009. We saw it with the Interbranded Championship. We’re even seeing it with the tag team championships that were once unified and regarded as one of the pinnacle of one of the most competitive divisions in our industry. If you started watching long enough ago, you know what I’m talking about. If you were that little boy sitting in his grandma’s living room watching RoViper hold both tag team championship sets above their heads as they basked in victory, then you CRINGE today as an adult watching those same championships being competed for in the pre-show match before the cameras even start rolling at King of Elite. You know how tragic it is to watch something get lost in time, so when it comes to the few things that are left—the few things that continue to prove timeless, to retain that luster—you need to hold onto it for as long you possibly can. You don’t have to like it. You don’t have to cheer for it. But you have to respect it, whether it’s this King of Elite Tournament or the man who’s bound to win it this year. Lucky for all of you fans—old or new, informed or not—those two things that have remained since the dawn of Elite Answers Wrestling get to cross paths and grow stronger together. By becoming king, I further legitimize its reputation. I take that crown and I make something of it like I have every other thing that I’ve touched. And all at the same time, that crown gives me the opportunity to move forward, take it, and turn it in for a shot at a world championship that this company DREADS the idea of me having. We make each other powerful. So whether you believe in your heart that Jamie O’Hara deserves this or you feel it in your soul that Tiberius Jones’ story of going from nothing to something would inspire you the moment he finally stands tall, you have to listen to that murmuring inkling in the pit of your stomach, calling out in a raspy voice with the truth that you know you won’t be able to avoid. Drastik is the best thing for the King of Elite crown. King of Elite was MADE for Drastik.
If you’re old enough to remember way back in the day—the pre-SAIL era, if you will—I used to have a theme song by Nas which was, admittedly, a little bit different than the theme song I come out to now. I evolved my outlook and, with it, my image changed too. The reason I bring this up, however, is because there was a line to start off that song that I still—no matter how much I change—relate to. As the lights would dim and my titantron would play on the screen, providing the only light in the arena, everyone sitting in their seats could hear the words: “It’s been a long time, been a long time coming…Looks like the death of me now…but you know? There’s no turning back now. This is what makes me. This is what I am…” Repeatedly, it seems like I’ve reached the end of my rope—that the story that is The Rated R Shaman of Sexy or Drastik or James or whatever you want to call me has finally folded—when I take my ball and go home. When I picked up and left after feeling betrayed by a company that I had won two world championships from, when I walked out of those proverbial doors following my Pain for Pride main event, when I waved goodbye to the fans at Oracle Arena where I walked home with both the Answers World Championship and the Interwire Championship and left Dynasty with NO championships at all, people were convinced that that was the sign off. That was the end of the great career that I had thrown together. They’d seen stuff like that so many times before. They’ve seen HRDO lay down his World Heavyweight Championship in the center of the ring and never be seen as a professional athlete again. They’ve watched as Extreme Enigma relinquished his championship and said that all stories—good or evil—come to an end. That’s why people hold their breath when they watch me walk away; for however much they hate me now, they KNOW that they’re going to miss me eventually. They’re going to miss what I provided for this company and what I stand for. They’re going to miss the nostalgia that I bring in spite of time supposedly wearing down on me and making me weaker. When I return, that sunken feeling turns to rejoice for a moment—“Finally! Drastik has returned! I knew this would happen!” they’d all scream out. “It’s been a long time—been a long time coming,” just like the song began, right? I’m anticipated. I’m adored for the place that I hold here even if that wears off and within two months of being here, I’m shown to be the kind of guy that’s here for me and nobody else—except for my best friend Ahren Fournier now, but that’s not what I’m talking about. The cycle continues. I come and I go, I come and I go, I come and I go. And in between coming and going, I make sure to rip away as much from this company as I felt it could rip away from me had I let it continue victimizing me, the way that I saw this company victimize so many of the peers that I relished working with and admired so much. This is an independent journey. And even if I wanted to go back and live the noble life that Jamie O’Hara and Tiberius Jones still seem to get their fancy tickled by, it’s too late now. “There’s no turning back now,” remember? “This is what makes me. This is what I am…” You can hate me now—I invited you to HATE me as much as you can, however you want to, for whatever reason you’ve got. You can hate me because I’ve found a way around the system. You can hate me because I readily admit to not always giving it my all or not doing it for the fans coming out to spend their hard earned money to see me. You can hate me because you feel that I’m taking an opportunity away from a guy who “deserves it” or because they “waited” long enough for their “turn”. Hell, you can hate me because you don’t like my jokes or find my way of interacting with Ahren Fournier more creepy than homoerotic or think that the way I treat my cameraman just isn’t up to par with how you think it should be. But no matter what you hate me for, I’m telling you right now, as clear as I can possibly say it: You CANNOT hate me for continuing to legitimize the King of Elite crown.
(Ahren Fournier is trying to do everything he can from interrupting Drastik—that’s his best friend after all. A stewardess comes up and hands them both drinks. Drastik is very obviously checking the woman out as she walks away. He leans over to Fournier and asks him why he doesn’t try to make a move on her. Fournier poses the question right back. Drastik explains that studies have shown that ejaculating before professional athletic competition greatly reduces testosterone and can adversely affect performance. Ahren puts his hand to his chin, considering the science behind it and then says that the stewardess is actually his second cousin so he’s not sure if he should go for it. Chuckling, Drastik asks, “Why not?” and then nudges him before calling the stewardess over and telling her to make a third drink before coming back over and sitting down with them. She smiles, thinking Drastik is flirting with her before walking away. The cameraman asks where she’s going to sit since there’s only three seats on that side of the plane before realizing that he’s the odd man out. Of course. Drastik continues what he was talking about before he got distracted by a classic case of TNA.)
In truth, you should thank me for what I’ve both done and continue to do. I’ve mentioned it before, but I know it won’t be a boisterous crowd that erupts as soon as the referee’s hand hits the mat for a third time and I spring up to my feet to have my arm raised. There won’t be an explosion of tweets rolling over Twitter or pictures uploaded to Instagram or rambling reaction videos posted to YouTube. No—it’ll likely be oddly quiet. There might be pyro and there may be confetti. The commentators may do their best to remain professional and congratulate me with some sort of excitement, but I know how the crowd is bound to murmur their fears back and forth to each other. I know that Tiberius Jones and Jamie O’Hara will hang their heads as they pick up their broken bodies and head to the back to try to think of a way to bounce back from this—“moral victory” or not. The reason I see all this—the reason I believe that the dawn of my kingdom will begin with a silence rather than a bang—is because I know that people know better than to expect different. Never have I believed that the fanbase of this company was stupid, and that remains true today. They’re informed. They’ve watched. They’ve inadvertently studied and they’ve picked up on patterns that reveal themselves through consistency and repetition. They know what I am and they know what I represent. This company knows what it means when the crown sits above my head because they’ve been diagnosed with this before. At that moment—that moment of silence—Elite Answers Wrestling will be sitting in a waiting room, holding hands with the collective manifestation of the fans, the competitors, and the people cashing the biggest checks upstairs, and they’ll be anticipating the doctor to come out of those doors, lips tucked, eyes drawn, when he delivers the news that the cancer has returned. After months and years of Elite Answers Wrestling thinking that they had beaten cancer—that they had narrowly slipped away from a disease that had the power to drain them and eventually kill them—I’ve returned again. That silence is the gut-punch of the news. That silence is reality settling in for the people that know what it means when I’m in the drivers seat instead of someone else. Because this is about me. And I refuse to be victimized by a company that has victimized so many of the people that I looked up to when I was first starting out here. I refuse to forgive this company for thinking I was something that could be cast away—for thinking that if they could just knock me down once, they wouldn’t ever have to deal with me again. They were almost right. But unlike anyone else that lived out their redemption storyline, whether it was Y2Impact waiting years for his seventh reign or HRDO almost the entirety of his career before winning his first world championship or Lannister returning to his former glory to stand atop his brand again, I have the power to tear this company apart from the inside out. I have the power to infect it, to rot it, to decay it, to weaken its bones and leave it sucked of its life—BEGGING for its mercy from me. Redemption assuredly comes for me—that’s never been a question and it isn’t a question now—but vengeance? I’m the only one that’s truly earned vengeance to this degree.
That’s what transforms me from the simply desired to the absolutely inevitable—everyone knows that the end involves me. I’m the looming “bullet” that Jamie O’Hara has been speaking of all week. I’m the “sociopathic serial killer” that Tiberius Jones has warned against. Everyone knows that I’m coming and what I’m here to do—that’s what makes me different from all the other guys who come back from a hiatus or break free of retirement. This is what makes me. This is what I am. All I’ve had to do this week is point to various aspects of my career and show you how my formula has worked, show you the evidence I have that this is how it’s going to work this time too. I’m not blindly calling for my opponents or my fans to have faith in me because I’m working so hard and that’s all that matters. I’m not blindly asserting myself because I was once expected to be king in some mythical lala land way back when I was a child. This is stone cold and concrete—this is how it’s been for years and this is how it’ll continue to be. While this King of Elite crown has raised men from whatever they were to gods among peers, I’ll tell you that my reign has already long begun. It isn’t just about to begin; it HAS started. Receiving the crown is just a formality, not a defining moment for me. And for the two of you—Tiberius and Jamie—the crown will remain a dream, far away, too far too reach. It will remain in the storybooks and fairytales and bedtime stories that you’ve found all of the wonderful little inspirational quotes that you’ve used as shields to defend against me. What this past week has done to the three of us is reveal what each of us really are. Hope has fallen away and has revealed Tiberius Jones to be a child who has lost his way. Adversity has broken the compass that Jamie O’Hara has used to guide who he is and what he actually believes—revealing a man with no conviction. And me? Maybe I’ve been revealed to be a lot of things—an infection, a disease, a nuisance, a bully, relentless, instinctive, selfish, arrogant, maybe even impermanent in a sense. But what I am won’t be truly shown until this weekend when Copenhagen bears witness to what I am when I’m stripped down to a single word—a single, all-encompassing name that shows where I stand: King.
(As soon as Drastik says the final word, Ahren Fournier leans back in his chair, looking toward the ceiling and starts howling while fist pumping. He waves his arms and tries to get everyone to chant, “King! King! King!” Drastik tries to settle everyone down, but Ahren springs out of his chair to go to the cockpit and bang on the door to make sure the pilot is chanting with everyone else. As he’s gone, Drastik leans toward the stewardess and softly asks, “Completely random question here, but what’s your honest opinion on incest?” Before the stewardess even knows how to respond, Drastik turns toward the camera and finger-guns. As directed, the video editing team holds the last shot as a freeze frame and puts text over the frozen image. “Ahren Fournier may have joined the mile high club—and maybe with his cousin.” “The cameraman never got to read his book.” “Drastik headed to Copenhagen where he lived up to his word and won King of Elite.” “Jamie O’Hara left the sport of professional wrestling and opened up his own fortune cookie company.” “Tiberius Jones has cried for weeks since Drastik made a video package before the King of Elite match was officially announced. Poor guy.” “And most importantly, Drastik and Ahren Fournier are still best friends to this day.” The scene fades out to black as “I’m a Believer” by Smash Mouth plays—Smash Mouth! Where have they been? The familiar solid white text flashes on the screen before the screen goes permanently black. That’s a wrap, boys. Kachow!)

Last edited by Drastik on January 27th 2017, 11:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
Jack Ripley
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post January 27th 2017, 11:46 pm by Jack Ripley
(The scene starts with Jack Ripley sitting alone at the RAD Betting Agency.... SIKE! There's a massive line out the door of the office. People are eager to place bets on KOE, lets take a look)

Jack: So let me get this straight, you want to put down 50 dollars on Mortimer Gotch?... Winning?

EAW Employee: Yeah? Why?

Jack: No reason.. Just think you're holding back on this bet. You some sort of wimp? Like 50? That's it? Don't you want to be rich? Make the big bucks like me?

EAW Employee: Well... Yeah

Jack: Take pride in your bet, if you believe Mort is going to win, show me

EAW Employee: Ok... YEAH, OK I WILL! $1,000 on Mortimer Gotch to beat Nico Borg for the National Elite Title please!

Jack: OK! just sign right here

(Jack slides a piece of paper to the EAW Employee, and he signs his name on the dotted line)

Jack: Ok, now hand me the money

(EAW Employee slides a thousand dollars to Jack)

Jack: Oh.. You casually cart $1,000 in your pocket at all times or?? I mean you did only bet 50 at first... Kind of weird that you were prepared for this

EAW Employee: I'm easily coerced....

Jack: Clearly you betting is a good decision for you and your family

EAW Employee: I have a problem

Jack: Good... now leave

(EAW Employee sulks away, and another one walks up... He's from catering, has nothing to do with anything was just pointing that out)

Catering EAW Employee: Hello

Jack: Oh.. Hi.. What's up?

Catering EAW Employee: Not much

Jack: Oh.. Cool, good talk

Catering EAW Employee: Yup

Jack: So…

Catering EAW Employee: Oh yeah, place $5oo on Matt Squared to beat the High Rollerz

Jack: ......

Catering EAW Employee: Hello?


Catering EAW Employee: You ok?

(Jacks eye starts twitching as he stares at this fool of a better. He's clearly made a lot of mistakes in his life. Probably starting at a young age, he would stick his finger into light sockets, he would run into traffic without looking both ways. He would eat glue, hell even to this day he likes sticking his dick into his vacuum cleaner because he's a freak. He's embarrassed when the ambulance has to come every time, but he still does it because he likes the thrill. God knows he can't get any female to do it for him, so I guess it's the closest thing he gets to any sexual interaction that doesn't involve his hand. Not surprising seeing that he's a Matt Squared fan. Unfortunately for him, sexual robots haven't been invented yet, so he has to suffer the embarrassment.... Anyway yeah he bet on Matt Squared)

Catering EAW Employee: Uh buddy? You ok? You've been staring at me for like 5 minutes with your eye twitching, it's freaking everyone out…

Jack: Do you stick your dick into the catering food?

Catering EAW Employee: *ahem* *cough* *cough* Umm... No…

Jack: Oh, very convincing.... But I already know you do....

Catering EAW Employee: Oh.. You do? How'd you know? ... erm I mean, no I don't…

Jack: Ok, beside the fact you kind of just admitted to it... And the fact that most the bread has some suspicious dick sized holes. I know you do because you make the dumbest bets I've ever had the displeasure of hearing. But don't worry, because most people in EAW have the same lack of intelligence.

Catering EAW Employee: Oh thank god..

Jack: You see the problem is, you are the only one of those people dumb enough to come into my place of business and show such disrespect. But it's ok, because that's more money in my pocket.

Catering EAW Employee: You’re welcome, no problem at all!

Jack: I was being sarcastic, clearly. Here’s the thing bread fucker, people like you are the reason we have a squash pumpkin man as president right now. You see someone on a similar brain capacity as you and you think… FIIIINALLLY, someone that gets me, I want them to succeed because I couldn’t. I want to live vicariously through them so my mediocre terrible life, doesn’t feel as bad. But you know what the problem with that is? Rooting for those morons won’t actually help your life in any way! It just shows that you make poor decisions in life, and you will never get passed where you are right now.

Catering EAW Employee: Ok… I’m sorry, I’ll change my bet to The High Rollerz then….

Jack: NOOOOO, you cannot do that… We don’t want sympathy. We don’t need anyone’s support, we will show you why you should support us. We just think it’s ridiculous and speaks poorly on the state of the Earffffffff, seeing everyone think that those two are going to win. But like I said it’s all good under the hood yo…. But you know what? THATS IT!! RAD BETTING AGENCY IS CLOSED!!.... Til tomorrow

Catering EAW Employee: So… Can I place a bet still?

Jack: Oh, you’re still here? I said we’re closed

Catering EAW Employee: I’ll stop sticking my dick into bread


Catering EAW Employee: What?

(A very large bald man in sunglasses steps out of the shadows. Arms crossed, with a serious look on his face)

Jack: Show Mr. Catering EAW Employee the door pleeassseeee

Bubba: Ight lets go pencil neck.

(Bubba picks him up and throws him out da door. You can see the nerd catering guy with an obsession with sticking his dick into bread crawling away ashamed of what his life has become. But he needed this, this was a turning point in his life. He’s starting to realize that he needs to start making better decisions…. Maybe he’ll even stop sticking his dick into bread, one can only hope)

Jack: Ok so… Ah generic statement that everyone makes before the day of a FPV about it being the day before a FPV. Ok now that we have that thing that everyone does and is annoying out of the way… At this moment I can talk about past occurrences that has happened between us and Matt number one, and of course, Matt number 2. I can also talk about what is going to happen tomorrow, but you already know what I think is going to happen tomorrow. You can look in the background over there.

(Camera pans over Jack’s shoulders and you can see David Davidson raising his arm in the mirror, with the Interviewer sloot ass creeping on him)

Jack: David is over there practicing how to react to us winning the Tag Team Championships, our childhood dream. We already know what the conclusion of the match is going to be. We’ve been waiting for this moment for 20 years, and now that we finally have this opportunity you think we’re going to squander it? No. You can try, and try, and try… Eventually you will break through that glass ceiling and get exactly what it is that you want…. Unless you’re a loser. Fortunately for us High Rollerz, we’re winners. Luckily for us, luck is always on our side, and also god given talent. You put talent, and luck altogether and you get a winning combination that can’t be beat.

(Jack gets up, and takes off his shirt. His chest is covered in hair)

Jack: Do you see all this? Do you see all this shit? I’ve been chopping so much wood. I’ve been doing a lot of manly things, getting ready for this match. You know what I’ve been doing in my off time? WHAT OFF TIME??!!! I never have off time! I’m all business all the time! If I’m not chopping wood, I’m taking bets, if I’m not taking bets, I’m lifting weights or training! I am in the most tip top shape of my life! Mentally capable of  bending spoons, and bars of gold. My brain power is like… Harry Potter levels of magic. I have lasers coming out of my eyes, x ray vision! Ok… Some of this isn’t true, and I apologize for leading you on. HOLD ON…

(Whips out phone, and facetimes wife)

Wife: Hey baaaaaaaaaaabe




Wife: I luh you

Jack: I luh you more

Wife: Ummm do you wanna fight?

Jack: Ummm don’t think so, because I luh you or whatever

Wife: K… So stop saying you luh me more because we know that ain’t true

Jack: Fine, we luh each other the same

Wife: But lets be real, I’m the second wife, you luh David most of all

Jack: Hey… Nuh uh

Wife: Yeah huh

Jack: Wait babe… Loving the banter, but like, what do you think about tomorrow?

Wife: I’m so excited!! My husband is going to be a Tag Team Champion with his BFF.. And as congratulations, imma kiss you all over when you come home

Jack: I’m not gonna shower

Wife: Good

Jack: You’re weird

Wife: You love it

Jack: I do… Hey this is being filmed as we speak

Wife: Oooooh show me

(Jack turns the phone to the camera, and everyone sees how hot she is)

Wife: Wow that’s exciting. Do they know how dumb they are for not believing in you guys?

Jack: Ha, they will tomorrow

Wife: You BET, they will

Jack: Ha, I get it, because I like to bet, you’re a funny wife

Wife: Thanks, you’re pretty funny too I guess

Jack: Oh ok cool thanks

David: Heeyyyyyyyyyyy Jacks wife

Jack: Oh you’re done with the mirror?

David: Yeah interviewer ruined it for me

Wife: Ew, why does that gross man hang around you all the time? Doesn’t he know he’s the worst?

Jack: You would think he would know it by now seeing we tell him all the time

David: True

Wife: Ummm… He’s creeping…

(Jack and David turn around slowly to see interviewer’s creep face hovering over them)



Jack: Oh my god this was going so well!!!!!! Why are you near usssssss

Interviewer: Oh lookie what we have here! Who’s this lovely lady

Jack: Yo you hitting on my wife bro?

David: Yo you hitting on his wife bro?

Wife: Yo you hitting on me yo?

David: Yo I think he’s hitting on you yo

Jack: Yo don’t hit on my wife bro

David: Yeah he’s right here bro

Wife: Imma fuck you up

Jack: Ha, classic wife

Interviewer: Lovely… Anyway Jack, I already talked to David, can I get a word with you now?

David: Longest 3 hours of my life

Interviewer: It was like 10 minutes

David: You have terrible concept of time

Interviewer: Nuh uh

David: Ok imma go, nice seeing you Jack’s wife

Wife: Nice seeing you Jack’s bff

(David crip walks away)

Jack: What did you want to rudely ask me as I talk to my wife that I never see anymore because I’m always on the road with this company?

Interviewer: Yeah, just wanted to ask, this is the biggest match of your career. How ya feeling going in? Nervous?

Wife: Wow, this dude is rude

Jack: I deal with this …. Every.. Day…

Interviewer: Well? I’m waiting

Jack: I’ve already talked like a thousand times, but one more time. I’m living da dream. Now get out of my office, I’m gonna sext with my wife on Facetime

Interviewer: Care for one more?


Interviewer: I was kidding…. Sad

Jack: This is my wife you stupid sloot bish, you’re lucky I don’t slice your nipples off with a cheese grater

Interviewer: I’ll show myself out….

Jack: God I hate that guy

Wife: Yeah.. He’s the worst… I luh you tho

Jack: I luh you more..

Wife: Nuh uh i luh you more

(They continue doing this for about 4 hours, so I’ll just end it here. Camera fades to black)
Aria Jaxon
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post January 27th 2017, 11:31 pm by Aria Jaxon

We’re in the eleventh hour now. We’ve been talking about King of Elite in the future tense, but we won’t be able to do that for too much longer. It’s virtually close enough to reach out and touch now. The headline and main point of interest is, as usual, the annual crowning of EAW’s new regent. That’s what this whole spectacle is built around, right? And hey, no disrespect to Jamie and Drastik -- full offense intended for TJ -- but my eyes aren’t trained on the hell they’re about to put each other through for the sake of being able to call themselves a King. In my heart, I know the tug of war that’s about to happen for the right to be called the rightful Queen of Empire will be every bit as contentious and destructive as the marquee match for this FPV. I know without a shadow of a doubt that Cailin and I will be fighting through just as much pain -- royal pains, even -- as they will. If that’s the pinnacle of what Elitists can hope to be right now, then this is, without a doubt, the pinnacle of Empire. This is the two best women’s wrestlers -- and two of the best, period -- acknowledging ahead of time that they’re about to endure a hellish ordeal where one will be able to say the pain was worth it and the other will be left empty-handed. That’s the story of Cailin and I. Words almost can’t describe how well we play off of each other. Cheesy as this may sound, it’s been like finding a wrestling soulmate. It’s weird to click with an opponent the way that I have with her. We bring the best out of each other, not that we ever really needed much help bringing our best to the table. The upside is that we pull five-star matches outta thin air like it’s nothing. But when you’re dealing with someone who knows your next move before you’ve even made it, who you’ve traveled and trained with, and who knows you like the back of your hand...well, they’re inherently harder to put down. And so “fight forever” comes in. It’s true, we may very well be destined to do this forever. We’re gonna keep running into each other headlong over and over again because it can get lonely up here at the top sometimes. In the aftermath of this match, we’ll still both be swimming in the deep end of the talent pool. We’ll still be killing the game, still be among the top tier no matter what. We’ll never leave each other’s orbit, so this match will repeat itself in one form or another time after time. It’ll be an illustrious future that we can’t get to without going through what may very well be a blood-stained present. I’ve already reconciled myself to the fact that this match will be incredibly physical and taxing. We’ve both been honest about that. When it comes to matches like this, you often don’t walk out the way you walked in, and...that’s the idea, for me at least. I’m coming into this clear-headed, focused, and ready to suffer whatever Cailin Dillon-sponsored onslaught is surely headed my way. But, along with all that goes the fact that I’m walking into this match without a championship, and if anything at all has changed about me when this is all over, that’ll be it. I may not be able to stand on my own two feet. You might beat my ass all over ringside and mop the mat with my face, but none of that will be enough to keep me down. So long as I’m conscious, I’m a threat, and that’s how I know I can seal the deal here. I might be bruised and battered when those last three bell chimes bounce off Royal Arena’s walls, but I’ll grit my teeth, grin, and be almost numb to all the pain inflicted upon me by you when I’m raising the Women’s Championship over my head.

I just have to chase you down to get to that point. Me being on your heels isn’t indicative of me seeking validation, and that isn’t what I hope to gain by winning this match. I know for a fact there are people dumb enough to not wanna give me my just due, and if they don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about now, then me winning this match won’t be the thing that makes ill-informed ice queens like Cameron and Kendra open their eyes. I’ve wanted my own personal version of redemption in whatever form I could get it. Wanting to be a champion again has been something that’s been stuck at the forefront of my mind since last summer. I used to imagine that reaching the summit again would entail being Vixens Champion again, but obviously, that won’t come to pass. The prize in question might have changed, but my feelings about all of it and my endgame haven’t. Just because I’m no longer in the business of taking something back doesn’t mean that I’m not 100% determined to have my hand raised when this is all over. If anything, becoming Women’s Champion excites me even more. I mean, you said it yourself, I could’ve just joined the “multiple reigns as Vixens Champion” club, and continued to try and rewrite a legacy that was once marred by an uncaring public’s unflattering view and an almost-empty division, but this prospect is so much greater. The Women’s Championship was introduced post women's division renaissance. It was born out of the revolution we helped to spark, and so it’s been coveted and highly valued right from the beginning. You winning it in the fashion that you did was just the icing on the cake. I wanna be a part of it. I will. Getting to that point won’t mean that I’m ticking the “validation” box off of whatever imaginary checklist you think I have. Like I said, this is redemption for me, even if no one else sees it that way. This is me finally becoming a champion again and having battled back through everything that’s happened between July and now. It’s not supposed to quell the sleepless nights where I’ve run this scenario down a hundred times in my head. I don’t need sleep. I need gold. And I’ll get there by doing the only thing that’s ever brought me any success in this company: fighting. The end of all of this is far from a fantasy for me, even though you insist I’m constructing fairy tales that even Walt Disney would be jealous of. If I was writing a fairy tale ending, I’d be banking on walking outta this unscathed and be planning on light work, but nah. My version of events will prove to be all too real, much to your chagrin. You think I can’t win because your EAW tenure has turned you into someone who’s near-bulletproof, but just as you’ve been hardened, so have I. You know that I’ve had to change, just as you’ve had to. Every time you’ve stepped in the ring with me, it’s been a little different than the last. Oh, we put on a hell of a show and that’ll remain constant, but that’s all that’s guaranteed. Every time you tangle with me, I’m a little faster, a little smarter, a little better prepared. This weekend will be too different. With what’s at stake, I can’t afford to do anything other than progress and be better than I was the last time we faced each other. I know you’re on your toes. I’m not indestructible, and I won’t pretend to be. I’m gonna absorb whatever punishment you dish out, and you’ll get it back tenfold. I’m willing to put myself through God only knows what to leave Copenhagen as champion, and I’m willing to put you through even more to keep you down for a three-count. You feel like The Terminator because you spent your high points of 2016 collecting the arms of unfortunate challengers and playing Sheridan for a fool for two months straight. If I were you, I might feel like Teflon, too. Great as you are, I know that when you boil it all down, you’re just a woman who wants a win. You want what anyone in your position would, and that’s to extend your reign as champion. If anyone else in the world was standing in my place, I’d be hoping for the best for you. Part of me thinks of how wonderful it would be if you went on to have a lengthy tenure with the championship, but then I snap out of it and remember that if you get that far, then I failed. If you go on to do what you’re saying you’re gonna do, it comes at a great personal cost to me. Cailin Dillon going on to define the Women’s Championship just as she did with the Specialists Championship sounds great on paper, but if that comes to pass, then that means that I couldn’t get the job done. I can’t let that happen. Anything worth having is worth fighting for, and you better believe I’m gonna put up a hell of a fight when we meet. I don’t operate any other way. If there was ever any doubt as to who the Queen around here is, King of Elite is when I clear all of that up. This won’t be a battle for the faint of heart. Oh, there’ll be blood on the throne, because that’s the price we’re willing to pay. But I’ll be the last woman standing regardless.

Hopes and dreams are only hopes and dreams until you decide you’re not content with them being visions in your head anymore. That’s where I’m at, Cailin. I’m done imagining what being a two-time champion feels like. I’m finished shadow boxing and tryna visualize all of this. I’m ready to throw myself into it wholeheartedly, and when I do, I’m coming into it to win. I won’t accept anything less. Keep on snapping your fingers, mama. But these “dreams” of mine aren’t going away, and they won’t be dreams for much longer. This is where what you thought were fantasies intersect with reality, and the reality of this situation is that I’m about to become the Women’s Champion. Deep down, I’ll always be proud of what we’re able to do together. We’ve accomplished so much. We’ve set so many standards and turned so many heads, but I won’t be the one clinging to all of that when she leaves King of Elite without a title. I’m not here for the consolation prizes or second-place finishes. I’m playing for all the marbles. I’m the next Women’s World Champion. Long may I reign.
вrσdч spαrks .
Re: EAW Promoz!
Post January 27th 2017, 9:53 pm by вrσdч spαrks .
DoubleEntendre - EAW Promoz! 11pERyQ

"I knew that I was destined for greatness."

"I knew that because I know that my destiny is controlled by me. So long as I breathe no one, not even you Haruna, will stand in my way of controlling my destiny. I knew I was destined to be great. I always knew no one was ever going to tell me that there wasn't a glass ceiling that I couldn’t break. No one was ever going to look at me and tell me that one thing or one position I am in would be good enough. I don't like to sit content. I always looked to continuously shatter glass ceilings and bust through doors to make the impact that I wanted to make. No was never good enough. Maybe was never good enough. I was hungry, it consumes me! To be the very best is an addiction that I have. Past, present or future, that is my livelyhood. Speaking of the past, they say the past always catches up to you. You can't run from the past you can't hide from the past and you can't erase your past. Your past will always haunt you. See I have a little bit of a ghost from your past and joining me in my corner to measure your beautiful blood,  is going to be Stephanie Mastuda. Since you  wanted to bring her up so much, I granted you a favor,  I decided that she would be the perfect person to be at my side to witness the travesty of a beating I’m going to inflict on you. What a smile on the face that it would bring to her and myself to see you at the mercy of my hands. You see I might even be nice enough to my sister and leave your carcass for her to pick out and get the leftovers of whatever the hell is going to be left with you at King of Elite. I mean who do you think that I went to in order know everything about facing you in the ring? Who do you think taught me where your weak points are? Where you're strong points are? Where and when to look out for your moves. Who do you think helped me study? Who do you think taught me what to expect when you go in that ring? It was Stephanie. I will correct her mistakes and she will redeem yourself through me when I go in the ring and I rid the world of you with my bare hands. I will not only be doing it for myself but I will be doing it for my sister. You see you idiot, you might think that it's weak of me to bring Stephanie and the fact that she couldn't get the job done with you might seem weak, but it's actually beneficiary to me. She has taught me everything I needed to know about you. You're blind spot, where to get you on your toes and the perfect moment to end you. She has told me everything I needed to know about you in that ring, for those little moves that you have up your sleeve, the things that you think you can pull from under my nose? You won't be able to because I'm going to see them coming and I'm going to have a counter for every move you have. For every counter you have, I have a counter for that. I'll be one step ahead of you each time. How could you sit here and actually tell me and actually say that you hated fighting? If you hate fighting then, this is not the right business for you. This is not the right match for you. You see babe, what you need to understand is no black belt is going to help you in this situation, it doesn't matter what kind of training you have done, whatever little kung fu panda shit you want to do. It does not matter because that's not going to help you in our match, but you can brag about that all you want if that's what you need to do to make yourself feel validated. See, no one can protect you and all the strength that you want to claim to have, whatever magic woman that you want to call upon she's not going to help you no one is going to help you. No one is going to be your saving grace. You are a pathetic excuse for a competitor. You have to ask someone to give you strength, you can’t conjure up enough strength on your own? Pathetic Haruna. You have to call upon something to find strength within you? You are garbage, NOW, I believe you are truly beneath me. I think it's cute. I think it's really cute how you want to use Azumi to help you. I don't know what kind of movie tactic you're trying to play, but it doesn't matter. You can't just suddenly turn a switch on and be violent and be ready for that. That is something you have to do consistently, every week ,day in and day out. That is something that you clearly have never done. Who are you trying to fool over now? Because it isn't me. Darling, focus, finesse, persistence and precise. I understand what that is all about because that is the mentality that I have when I go into the ring every single week and every match that I have. You want art? I already told you. I'm going to use your blood as the paint if you're going to be my freaking canvas, but know something. I don't need to take you out. Just physically preparing, this is a match where you have to mentally prepare yourself. I can't even consider you an ordinary wrestler or fighter when you yourself did not even like to fight. Babe, you are more than welcome to, you can add all the scars you want to my body. I am more than prepared for that. I knew walking into this that I would leave with scars and memories, hell if you want to write H and a S and carve it into my skin? You can do that but guess what that's the only thing you gain from this match because you won't be getting my title I don't care what you have to say and I'm going to tell you this again you won't be owning me. If you want to carve whatever you wish into my body that's fine, that's great but you won't be carving a legacy with this title. You won't be carving your name in the history books because they're never going to be there. What you need to understand Haruna,  your  little threats you make it doesn't matter you can't scare a woman who has seen and done it all. You can't intimidate a woman who has seen and done everything, you cannot put fear in someone who is fearless."

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