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 An EAW Address

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Ares Vendetta
Ares Vendetta

Posts : 1467
Age : 31
Hailing From : Tokyo, Japan
Status : Here comes revenge

An EAW Address Empty
PostSubject: An EAW Address   An EAW Address EmptySeptember 28th 2016, 4:12 am

There’s something I’d like to get off my chest here, so you can either humor me and keep reading or just skip to the end.

So, about five years ago, I quit/retired from EAW at Pain For Pride 4. In hindsight, I know it was a dumb decision to make, but Ronn/Banks - the then EAW Chairman - and I were always at one another’s throats, which eventually led to him threatening to fire me when I attempted to just not be in the chat when he was. I decided to get back at him by telling my friend and Showdown writer, Mister K, to add in an impromptu retirement speech during the live show. I thought it was a good way to get back at Ronn, but really all it did was leave EAW without a Voltage writer, without a World Heavyweight Champion, and many people both confused and angry. All I ended up doing was hurting EAW, and that’s something I never intended to do, because I love doing all of this. I told myself that if I ever got the chance to come back, I’d do everything in my power to redeem myself for what I did.

Time went on, and I made an e-fed, World Hybrid Wrestling, with my friends that quickly died. I then went on to be in the LEGION of Extraordinary Wrestlers e-fed for close to a year and had a lot of fun there, but it too eventually folded. I brought back WHW once more, but it died quickly as well due to personal reasons. When I resurfaced after that, I looked back to EAW, which was now being ran by the guy who took over my role as Voltage writer, a guy named Dark Demon. I didn’t know really anything about Dark Demon, other than that he was briefly in EAW while I was there as The Messiah, got a World Title shot, and quit. He had also commentated the Pain For Pride 4 live show. I assume he took the opportunity that presented itself when I left and became the new Voltage writer, and clearly favored by Ronn. I had no beef with him to my knowledge, but I had been essentially blacklisted from EAW with my World Title reign deleted from history and an interviewer character named “Rob Colton” to mock me. I ended up asking Demon if I could return, and he shockingly went with it. I thought he was a pretty cool guy to not hold a grudge like that against me, even though he still held one over Mister K for inexplicable reasons.

I really thought I would have to work my way up from the bottom after returning like others had, but Demon informed me I would actually be headlining the next Showdown exclusive FPV with him and Diamond Cage for the World Heavyweight Championship, which surprised me a lot, but it was probably because the roster was rather shallow, and Cage himself was pretty green. I also knew there was zero chance I’d be winning the match, but nonetheless, I busted my ass promoing, lost the match, and we went on our merry ways. I was also slightly worried I was only being brought back to be squashed and humiliated and fired again like Demon and Ronn had done to Kevin Devastation a couple months prior, but luckily that was not the case. I can’t recollect any particular complaints from Demon around that time since it was a long time ago, but I do recall him being unhappy about his ongoing World Title reign. That seemed to come to a head when he dropped the Title at Road To Redemption and fired Matt Ryder as Showdown writer due to the controversially-booked Elimination Chamber he lost it in, that Demon felt was poorly done.

On to 2013, Demon took it upon himself to write Showdown while I stopped helping write Showdown and became Dynasty co-writer with Scott Diamond. As time went on, Demon seemed to get increasingly frustrated with things, especially the crowds for the weekly live shows we still had. Eventually, I guess Demon decided it wasn’t worth his time anymore and stepped down as Showdown writer, which pretty much immediately made me the new Showdown writer. Everything seemed alright, except once Demon stepped down as Showdown writer to only remain Chairman, it became clear something was off. Demon began complaining about literally everything, started insulting our decisions, and berating us for practically no reason. Everyone on the Board quickly got tired of Demon’s shit, but DEDEDE and I in particular had about had it. After a while of this, DEDEDE finally stood up to Demon and scolded him in front of everyone in the main chat, pretty much telling him if he doesn’t want to be here, he can just leave. Demon obliged, and stepped down as EAW Chairman for the first time right before Pain For Pride 6 and pretty much entirely bailed, despite being in the main event of our biggest show of the year, and the one that was supposed to be writing that match as well. Instead, DEDEDE had to write Demon's match against Scott Diamond for control of the company, which we both agreed would work best if Scott won instead of Demon’s original plan of himself winning and saving EAW or whatever. So Demon loses and Scott takes control of the company, and we have one of the best Pain For Pride endings ever. Scott Diamond actually takes over EAW as Chairman with Demon having stepped down, and all seems well. However, evidently Demon was not a fan of us changing the ending to him losing the match at Pain For Pride, because he soon after showed up in the chat to spoil to everyone what our plan was for the storyline heading into Territorial Invasion. Needless to say, this pissed us off greatly, and we had to literally make a whole new EAW Chat just to get away from Demon, since he was the only one with the password of the original.

About a month after that, Demon comes crawling back, asking to return. Scott isn’t sure, and chooses to ask DEDEDE and I if it’s alright. Usually, if a guy bails on us in such a huge way and THEN proceeds to spoil your upcoming storyline plans just to spite you, you’d tell him to fuck off. However, I felt perhaps Demon deserved a second chance. I had done something pretty bad in the past, and Demon gave me a second chance, so I felt it was time to repay the favor. I did eventually get something of an apology from Demon about the way he acted, or at least as close as he apparently can come to one as he claimed to be drunk and typo’d out that he’s sorry. Anyway, Demon returns and, ironically, joins the match culminating from the storyline that he had spoiled earlier. Right off the bat, Demon starts complaining. He complains that he got put on the wrong team, he complains that my character, WOLVERTON, lasted too long in the match because I had only posted one promo that week.. Demon becomes Dynasty writer a while after and just keeps on bitching and moaning, particularly about Scott’s decisions as Chairman. Unfortunately, there were people who didn’t particularly care for Scott as EAW Chairman, which I think got to him. A while after, Scott tells me someone is trying to basically change all of the EAW info to presumably take it by force, which, based on the email of the person doing it, was clearly Demon. Nonetheless, this pissed Scott off so much that he immediately quit as Chairman and gave up the job to DEDEDE. This infuriated Demon. He promptly went to DEDEDE and practically demanded DEDEDE just give up the Chairman spot to him, as DEDEDE was already busy working on the newly-revived AWF with RRS and Ken. DEDEDE reluctantly obliges, and just like that, Demon is EAW Chairman once more. Part of me was pissed off that I was basically passed over for a guy who had already bailed on us as Chairman, but I thought maybe it was for the best, because maybe his experience as Chairman would make him a better option than me. I’m fine with it and we move on with Demon back in power.

Things seem alright, despite Demon showing no signs of chilling out and not bitching about every little thing. More than anything, Demon loved to write overly-dramatic matches that he felt were rated five-stars every time, as he seemed to believe everything he had ever touched turned to gold. However, despite people getting their throats slit or vomiting blood in his matches, you can guarantee Dark Demon was the first man to call out anyone else on anything even remotely unrealistic they had happen in a match. It’s almost as if he was genuinely stuck in his own little World, completely ignorant of the ridiculous shit he was saying to people. Him getting into fights in the chat with people seemed to become a common occurrence, and he got into the habit of being so lazy that he began literally writing matches as they were happening live in the chat. In 2014, I had had about all I could take of Demon, and I wasn’t the only one by any means. Leading into Territorial Invasion, Demon started trashing a segment DEDEDE had written in which he humiliated Alex Anderson. Later that night, I got rather bitter about him trashing the segment and said that he was acting like a total douchebag about it, which Alex Anderson - who was not particularly a fan of mine - decided to take a screenshot of and show to Demon. This led to Demon showing me the screenhot, which I fully admitted to and explained the context of and would have happily discussed the problem between he and I, which was met with silence. So Demon decided he was simply done with me, I suppose, and refused to acknowledge me, which I felt was pretty immature, so I started messing with him in the chat to get him to say something to me. Territorial Invasion came, Demon wrote the match on the fly, and ironically had Xavier Williams win the whole match despite having only posted one promo, which I thought was kind of funny, considering he had bitched about me going far in the big Territorial Invasion match with one promo the year prior.Nonetheless, TI happened and the Reactions page went up, and he wasted absolutely no time complaining about the live crowd, which I replied to with a passive aggressive “Always something to bitch about.”, which quickly became a very heated argument that culminated in me telling him I won’t quit despite his douchebaggery, so he could fire me if it made him feel any better. Afterwards, I felt like an asshole after what I said to him, so I decided to post an apology to he and the rest of EAW for my outburst. Demon replied by stripping me of any power I had on the forums or in the chatroom, and continued to ignore me. This did not amuse me. In fact, it pissed me off quite a bit, and I wasn’t the only one. In fact, it seemed as though the whole EAW Board had had enough of Demon. I was certain Demon would never budge, but perhaps the whole Board basically rallying against him was enough to see that he wasn’t wanted around here, and thus, Demon quit as EAW Chairman for the second and last time, leaving DEDEDE as the new Chairman.

Perhaps it was all by coincidence, but I believe EAW flourished without Demon’s constant hate and anger hovering over it, as well due to DEDEDE’s great work as Chairman. We got more members than ever, and everyone seemed happy with the way things were going.

Then in near mid-2015, Demon shows up again.

By this point, I didn’t have much hate left for him after all he’d done, simply because I’m not very good at staying mad at people. Demon wasn’t Chairman anymore, he wasn’t in power, he lost, so everything seemed fine to me. He had also stopped ignoring me and acted friendly once more, as though it was all water under the bridge. Fair enough. We let him come back, and he ends up winning the Hall of Fame Title at Pain For Pride 8. Time goes on, and it becomes clear that, even if he’s not coming at my throat, he still clearly hasn’t changed. He starts fights with people every time I turned around, he constantly trolls and somehow convinces others to act like him. I really, really didn’t want to start shit up again. I even held my tongue while I watched him literally berate Jay in the chat for hours, while claiming to be drunk, of course. A lot of things about him seem to become about his group on Skype and being drunk. Against our better judgment, Demon ends up writing Showdown, and I suppose that’s fine, because he certainly won’t get any more power than being a writer. However, it becomes clear from the first moment that he has his own agenda. Ken had wanted myself as Ares to compete for the EAW Title down the road, which Demon promptly did not want to do as soon as he took over, so I decided “Hey, he’s the writer, I’m not gonna do something like force him to keep me in the World Title plans, so whatever.”. Voltage ends up trading for me, and I’m just happy to get away from him and whatever he may have had in mind for my character. Time goes on, and Demon decides one day to get into yet another fight, calling Kendra a “Mexican retard” and publicly leaking information about a match to take place at Pain For Pride. After some discussion with Brian and DEDEDE, we decide that the incident, coupled with Demon’s behavior, is enough for him to be fired as writer. Sometime after that, Demon decides he wants to win the Grand Rampage Match after being virtually non-existent on the promos page despite having himself reign for a good deal as Hall of Fame Champion and having himself and Mexican Samurai go to the Semi-Finals of a Tag Team Tournament that he never intended to win and to only use as a means for his feud. So Demon actually tries promoing hard for once, and ends up losing to Impact, who not only put out better promos and just as many, but had actually given a shit about promoing prior to the event. Demon decides he’s had enough and retires, most likely believing he was cheated out of winning because Lucian Black lasted longer than him and Impact won in literally the least pre-determined Grand Rampage Match ever.

With Demon apparently legitimately retired, I think “Good riddance” to myself, and we go on to our continued peaceful existence without him around, though we seem to always hear whispers about him talking trash on Skype, and I even start to get screenshots of the things he says. I shrug it off and continue on my merry way, since I can’t say I really give much of a shit what he thinks when he hides away on Skype to say all of this.

About a week or so ago, I believe, Brian tells me that Demon has deleted his account. I just assume he’s officially done with EAW, and that’s that.

Yesterday afternoon, I decide to check out the forums, where I’m greeted by an urgent message from Brian, telling me to come to the chat. I come to the chat, and he tells me that Demon has evidently spoiled multiple things in a post on the forums, very clearly to spite us. The things he posted, were, in fact spoilers of sorts. Some outdated, and others just plain wrong. I would think Demon of all people would know how often booking plans change, based on both the direction the writer(s) want to take, and the promos of those involved. While some are very clearly assumptions based on bits and pieces he was leaked, the others have long-since changed, so what he believes to be spoilers, I’ll refer to as merely leaks, because there is truth to them. Nonetheless, I’m angry. I’m very, very angry. I’m angry that a man as miserable as this exists - a man that lives only to be a pathetic drunk somewhere in Ireland that fills the empty hole where his self-esteem should be with praise for his try-hard matches, constant hate of most things, and alcohol. It’s been three years, and I have seen nothing in Dark Demon other than pure misery, like he gets off on attempting to make others feel like he clearly does. How he’s been able to get even one friend, let alone multiple people willing to be around him is beyond my comprehension. I’m angry that I’ve somehow tolerated this for three years. For three years, I’ve let Dark Demon be a cancer personified to me and EAW, doing nothing but using it to stroke his pathetic ego, and then throw a tantrum when he isn’t praised as the best, or kick and scream when people aren’t there to clap for him when he tries to make himself look like a martyr for putting someone over. Dark Demon is literally the worst person I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting in all my nearly eight years of doing this, and I can’t think of a better way for it to end than by him being no more than a spec of dirt that we just never got around to cleaning up. He’s been hiding away on Skype, probably drinking himself to death and just waiting for a moment like this where he can show up and just hurt EAW. Just hurt it. Because that’s the only way he can make himself feel good.

If you were keeping score, this is the third time Dark Demon has leaked things he shouldn’t have. This is the third time he’s done that, but there’s so many other things that he’s done. So many times he’s proven what an unmitigated asshole he is. No matter how many times he’s been given a chance to return despite what he’s done, he simply does not care. He doesn’t care about EAW, he doesn’t care about the people in it, and he very clearly doesn’t care about himself. So there’s only one question with all of this: What’s there to do about Dark Demon?

To say Dark Demon is gone is an understatement. To say Dark Demon will never be back in EAW is an understatement. Demon isn’t just gone, he’s erased. It’s been three years coming, but I think if anyone is worthy of this punishment, it’s him, so I’m going to make certain he never comes back, I’m going to take him out of the Hall of Fame, and I’m going to erase him from every single accolade he’s ever had in EAW, and no, that’s not for Demon’s sake. I don’t do this to piss Demon off, because there is literally nothing I could do to Demon that would make his miserable existence on this Earth any worse. This is for EAW’s sake more than anything, because it truly disgusts me be associated with someone like Dark Demon in any way, shape, or form. Demon always thought of himself as the so-called savior of EAW, but more than anything, he’s just the filth that needs to be scraped off of its boot, so that’s what I’m gonna do. As of today, Dark Demon is erased, and while being gone from the World itself would probably be more beneficial, being gone from EAW will suffice.

After all that we’ve been through, I’m glad to finally be done with you.

Have a glorious day.

Xavier Williams, who it’s become clear is the one who mainly leaked all of this to Demon, is fired. The EAW Board had been suspicious of leaks from him quite a while before this, though we never had any proof to do anything about it, but it would seem that’s changed. You already know you’re fired, but if you’re reading this, Xavier, I’d like you to know that I do think you’re talented both as a promoer and writer, and perhaps this all would have ended differently if you hadn’t chosen to be friends with someone happily willing to sell you out just to spite us.

Last edited by Ares Vendetta on July 24th 2017, 3:05 am; edited 2 times in total
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EAW Hall of Famer
EAW Hall of Famer

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Hailing From : The Upper Room
Status : You broke the rules you can't break.

An EAW Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: An EAW Address   An EAW Address EmptySeptember 28th 2016, 4:40 am

Two years ago, Dark Demon posted this

"So while originally I was just going to step down as a writer for Voltage because I could no longer deal with people not reading voltage/having no motivation to write anything since before Pain for Pride-Dia Del Diablo and not being able to convince myself to keep doing it but since its pretty obvious everybody pretty much hates me here and according to a PM with DDD who talked with the entire board, the entire board (ken aside apparently) wants me to step down as chairman and the already known 'overthrow' talk in August when I was gone for week to do repeat exams for college, I suppose it's just for the best that I just step down all together and leave.

Not gonna make some angry post shitting on everybody or EAW, it is what is and again it's probably just for the best, I get I'm not the most pleasant person to work and I haven't been in any right state of mind for the last two years which lead to me attempting suicide in early May and new problems opening up (for ken - she said no) and largerly due to constantly feeling overlooked on a lot of things here and the frustration/demotivation that causes but hopefully all the stuff I've done for EAW won't be overlooked or ignored due to me supposingly being hated.

So yeah, I'll be taking my leave, feel free to delete my account on here if you guys want. Thanks for everything, I guess."

1. Not just here. Everywhere else, too.

2. You've been a cancer to EAW for the last several years, along with your rag-tag degenerate, likely pedophiliac friends. You should never have come back after this. Nobody asked you to. Probably one member on the board in the past two years likes you, literally everybody else on the board thinks you're a worthless piece of shit. One-hundred percent zero hyperbole, oxygen is fucking wasted on you. A lot of people are going to read that statement and say shit like, "hey, it's just e-feds, it's not that serious, don't encourage anyone to kill themselves," but the fact of the matter is that e-feds aside? You are a terrible human being. When faced with a crucible in life or a tough decision, what do you fucking do? That's right, your base instinct is to do the immoral and constantly reaffirm your status as a lowlife piece of shit. You spit the HOTTEST heat, but when somebody comes within five feet of your punk ass with a lighter? You start sweating like the thin-skinned little bitch you are. You try to impose your will on others, but in truth you're the same sad, scared, anti-social little fuck who sits in the back of the room twiddling his thumbs, devoid of anything resembling a personality unless highly intoxicated. That's why you try to instill fear in others, because you're a pussy-ass fragile little man. A fine-China-ass, subhuman, morally bankrupt, classless, character-absent fucking failure as a man. Moreover, just to really bang that drum, many people you thought were "friends" were simply tolerating you. But they weren't fake; they were unbelievably patient and allowed you to get away with murder on forums, chat, and the whole nine yards. You abused the privilege constantly and cried foul whenever questioned, because that's what you do when questioned or criticized - you cry and try to project your feelings on others to deflect the attention from yourself. You're fucking weak. The Chairman you first succeeded openly makes jokes about your failure as Chairman every time he comes back to the chat (once this year). To compensate for the fact that the only people who like you are the ones molded in the same whiny, crybaby bitch-ass mold as you - you shit on others and call them "fake," but I'm sure I'm far from the only one who thinks that if you're what's considered "real," I'd rather distance myself from that label as much as possible. I'd rather pick up an alias, fake my death, flee to another country, learn another language to blend in, and be as fake as possible than ever fit your skewed definition of what "real" is, 'cuz I see you're now using that term interchangeably with "bitch." I want no part of it. As far as I'm concerned, the overwhelming majority of those who still interact with you are guilty by association. You run around acting like you're the most savage person to have ever existed, yet you hide in a shitty, ignorant-ass Skype group and delete your account on the forums because you're a piece of fucking garbage who can't handle the heat you dish out. That's why you've talked shit about people like Tyler in the past yet constantly ducked facing him, because you knew your ass was going to lose and you already had your shit predetermined months in fucking advance to give Xavier the HOF Title and along with it a guaranteed HOF spot that virtually everyone with any insight here felt was premature. Your puppets don't bite the hand that feeds, and in return you nurture them for kissing your ass. Yet when the shoe is on the other foot, you spend more time talking shit in a chat I'm not in rather than making a substantive reply to my legitimate complaints on the forums, 'cuz you're a fucking loser and a failure as a human being. That isn't to say e-fed stuff has any bearing on the real world, but your attitude does, and your attitude fucking sucks. I'd sooner welcome Brett Kennedy back into EAW than mend fences with you. You personify everything wrong with society and its inhabitants. You're a mesh of some of the worst people known to man, all tightly packaged in your frail, 95-pound body. You constantly whined year after year about getting shafted in the Match of the Year awards and talked shit about DEDEDE's vastly superior writing behind his back, then went ahead in the chat and said it "must be nice to be spineless in an e-fed" because you never bothered to look at your fucking self in the mirror. Of course, I can't blame you for that. I wouldn't want to look at myself in the mirror either if I were a rat-faced Master Splinter looking-ass 95-pound cunt. Any remark critical of you is automatically interpreted in your delusional-ass skull as salt or cowardice, when in reality a large segment of people just don't like your shit. That's fine, you can just cry about it to create a fake narrative about you being unappreciated or overlooked. Reality is, as far as EAW goes, you've massively overachieved; as have many of the sheep you promoted over the years precisely because of you. Some people have a real eye for talent; you have an eye for picking the bare bones of a fucking carcass. Then you try to pass that shit off as "good" cuz they're cut from your raggedy-ass cloth. But it's okay as long as you have those lowlife-ass followers who flock to and hang on your every word, 'cause whether it's true or not, they're going to tell you exactly what you want to hear. You're seriously one step below the fucking pedophiles and the 30-year-old men that have been fired here recently for hitting on slutty, fat fuck, desperate legally underaged women. Just a SINGLE step below, and amazingly enough, it isn't because you've committed a crime; it is because the content of your character is NONEXISTENT. You aren't deficient in character. You don't even have the fucking capacity for character. I'd pay money to see some red-bearded Irish muthafucka bash your fucking face in and watch the blood leak from your fucking ears. I'm not sure what will come first, that or your inevitable early death from alcohol poisoning. I truly wish I didn't have the capacity for disdain or hate, I wish I could just let it sail over my head, but I'm not going to fucking front and sell snake oil to con people into thinking I'm something different than what I am like your ass. It doesn't sail over my head, it passes like a kidney stone, and I can smell bullshit from a mile away. That's why I fucking forecasted your termination as Showdown writer months in advance. That's why I accurately predicted that many of your douchebag friends would either quit or be fired; a reality that has been born out time and time again. I can already fucking see it now -- you talking shit on Skype to your poisoned followers about "taking e-feds seriously" without acknowledging you're the same fucking douchebag who once held up posting shows and fell into a depression because nobody reacted in the chat or read them on the fucking page. Because no one in the fed gave a shit about you. The same spoon-in-mouth low-IQ inbred who failed so spectacularly in your second run as Chairman that other board members plotted to fucking overthrow you! And this isn't even getting into the fact that you once abandoned the fed's biggest show of the year in your first run and then somehow were actually fucking allowed to succeed another Chairman afterward. If I ever complain about somebody not reacting to or reading my show like you, PLEASE, somebody fucking shoot me.

MOREOVER! When Tyler was dropping heat on you and Cam in the chat, you couldn’t even be there to defend your girl. You went silent. Here was the man who so frequently delighted in trolling in the chat, verbally abusing other members -- DRIVEN TO SILENCE. You’re fine going on drunken rants for hours on end (“Pussywalker”?), crying on fucking Skype after Connor McGregor lost (that’s right, you’re so emotionally fragile that you literally cried when McGregor lost, lmao emasculate your fucking self more why don’t you), taking shots at everybody in the chat and making utterly tasteless remarks about Ken’s personal life (someone who I’m pretty sure never said anything genuinely mean-spirited about you) , DEMANDING apologies from people when you’re the one at fault, but when the tables are turned and you’re the one taking a fucking shellacking from Tyler, you’re suddenly quiet as a mouse. How are you going to try and force Dub to apologize for insulting Cam, then when Tyler’s running roughshod on your ass all day in the chat, YOU DON’T SAY ANYTHING? All of this after cheap shotting Tyler in scripts after he was suspended and making a “Tyler Porker” segment, attacking him indirectly because you can’t say shit TO him. Yet when Jay correctly chose to respond to your ignorant trolling antics by ignoring you, you called him a “pussy” and repeatedly tried to goad him into stooping down to your level. It speaks VOLUMES about you that your egregious hypocrisy doesn’t even make the top 5 list where it concerns your worst traits. Never have I encountered someone more delusional about his contributions and value to EAW than you -- a man who undoubtedly would consider himself “overlooked” unless the entire e-fed lined up single file to suck your dick. Please, find the nearest bridge and jump off it, you toxic piece of fucking garbage.
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An EAW Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: An EAW Address   An EAW Address EmptySeptember 28th 2016, 5:44 am

...holy shit. o0
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Stephanie Matsuda
Stephanie Matsuda

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An EAW Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: An EAW Address   An EAW Address EmptySeptember 28th 2016, 6:25 am

...damn son
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An EAW Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: An EAW Address   An EAW Address EmptySeptember 28th 2016, 6:45 am

I was thinking this thread is just Robbie posting an adress of EAW's new office. I'm sorry.

My comment is just Robbie's most perfect reaction.
An EAW Address Tumblr_oa8d2992v61u1ljrzo1_500
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An EAW Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: An EAW Address   An EAW Address EmptySeptember 28th 2016, 7:10 am

I'm honestly not shocked.
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An EAW Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: An EAW Address   An EAW Address EmptySeptember 28th 2016, 7:24 am

Jesus Christ.

I've been E-fedding on and off for nearly 5 years now, and I've seen my fair share of assholes trying their best to ruin the reputation of a fed that's been built from the ground up. I've only just recently joined back in E-fedding, and have been in EAW for no more than two months, and hearing this story literally makes me want to smash a glass bottle over Dark Demon's head and King Hit the dude. The fact that a person like that exists is ridiculous, and it's great that you've erased him altogether!
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PostSubject: Re: An EAW Address   An EAW Address EmptySeptember 28th 2016, 7:59 am

This is a terrible situation.. Demon and I have had our differences in the past and recently got to a spot where we could deal with on another but to hear all of this from Robbie just makes my stomach turn. Being grateful for Robbie's commitment to EAW isn't enough to show how much he as a whole does for all of us. Robbie thank you for keeping us informed and we respect your decisions no matter what. I however must admit I'm deeply sadden and disappointed in seeing Xavier go.. but his consequences match his actions so it's more than fair.  Sigh.. can't we all just chill and have fun/:
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PostSubject: Re: An EAW Address   An EAW Address EmptySeptember 28th 2016, 8:51 am

First off I don't think there is any way to fault Robbie for this. That post is filled with years of bullshit both professional (as much as efeds can be professional) and personal. It's worse than any shit I've been through including with Steele. My time on the AWL Board comes the closest, but that only lasted for about half a year, this is much worse for the fact that it spanned over half a decade. I'll be shocked if anyone disagrees with this decision.

I really didn't know Xav that well. It sucks when yo amigos fuck you over like that tho. I could possibly see you getting a second chance in the future if you cut off yo friendship with Demon. But that ain't loyal so you gotta decide for yo self what's best for yo ass. Of course that might not even happen, and I'm sure right now Robbie wouldn't even consider it. But Demon seems to have got second chances for much worse so who knows what could happen if you decide you are serious about making amends. 

I first met Demon many years ago when he was Chairman after I was fired by Banks. I remember I used to pc him sometimes, and initially tried to ask to rejoin EAW but was usually ignored or met with some joke about how NWF sucked. Demon eventually rehired me during his second run as Chairman but only after Steele asked him to. It honestly makes me sick that apparently Demon valued Steele's word over mine, but we didn't really know each other and I got what I wanted so I was chill with it. As far as I'm concerned I don't owe anyone shit cuz I should've been allowed in this fed to begin with. 

However, even after I joined Demon would regularly say shit in main about how I wasted five years of my career or was an NWF guy. Demon appeared to love using stereotypes or other quick dismissals to anyone who said any shit to him. I feel like my early EAW career was hindered by the issues between Demon and the board. It took over a month to get my first match, between constant delays of shows, or simply Demon deciding not to include my match in shows cuz he didn't think it was important enough to include. 

Again I didn't really know Demon at that time and Robbie and Imp's posts definitely shine more of a light on that period. Mostly I just remember jokes about past feds I was in or racist jokes about my ethnicity. I really didn't give a fuck cuz I can handle that shit especially when it's a mowing lawn joke for the 5000th time. Y'all just leavin yo ass wide open for my attack. 

I like to joke around too and tbh after awhile I considered Demon a friend. Maybe I wasn't in his close circle of Skype buddies like Xav or Chuck but I thought we was chill. Obviously the reason Demon is getting fired is for years of being an asshole to the staff which I ain't know shit about. The only major disagreement we had I can remember is when I was first on Showdown and y'all didn't like my promos cuz you thought I was a "comedy character" or some shit. I thought that was ironic considering how much we joked around and also cuz I feel like I have/had proved that my character is more than that. Some people just don't get comedy I guess. Lots of other people like the shit I put out tho so I look forward to keep provin' yo hatin' ass wrong.

Like I said tho I felt we was chill until you pussed out and stopped appearing on xat. We prolly wouldn't be friends irl. If y'all made racist jokes irl I'd beat yo ass tbh. But as someone who has got issues controlling the shit that comes out my mouth it's too bad shit had to turn out this way. Cuz most people here will prolly disagree but you could be fun to be around when you wanted to be. If what Robbie and Imp say is true, and you just wanted to make people miserable, you failed miserably with me. We had some fun times together, and that's gonna be overshadowed by all this other bullshit you've done, but good luck with yo life and if it's as bad as it sounds I hope you get yo shit together. I ain't gonna wish you never existed or you kill yourself or some shit, cuz that's the pussy route. Get yo shit together and don't give up on what you really want.

Unless what you want is EAW. You gotta let it go. I don't wanna see you round here no more. You had a long ass run. Robbie can erase you and EAW will go on without you, but everyone knows that you did it all. Maybe you was a complete asshole who overachieved, bitched, moaned, schemed, his way to the top. But you did achieve pretty much everything you can reasonably expect in EAW and more. That shit should be enough for you. It's over now, time to move on. I'm prolly gonna be the one to post the nicest shit in this entire thread so there ain't no place for you here no more. You don't wanna spend time with people who hate yo ass anyway. Go chill with yo homies, forget yo haters, and get real with yo life, you'll be better off for it.. Good luck you dirty mick you gonna need it.
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Phoenix Winterborn

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PostSubject: Re: An EAW Address   An EAW Address EmptySeptember 28th 2016, 9:02 am

Man..the things that happen while you're asleep. I woke up around 4 something this morning to Brody telling me I need to get to the boards asap, cause Demon got erased, and Xav is gone. I honestly couldn't believe it, cause in the short time I've been here, Demon and Xav were already really chill to me. Hell, Demon and I even gave each other shit on Snapchat for awhile over our drinking. But to read all this changes literally everything I knew about both of them. I'm not gonna say fuck both of them, but they both should be damn ashamed of what they've done to EAW. Demon probably doesn't give two shits cause he'll be in a drunken stupor, and with Xav trying to pull his politic bullshit recently? I'm glad they're both gone. I know e-feds will always equal drama in some way, shape, or form...but this is crossing the line in the most horribly epic way possible.

I know we'll move on from this though, and be better than ever. Robbie, thanks for being so transparent with all this, and posting what you did so we have the whole story. It's fedheads like you that make the place enjoyable even through all the crap that goes on behind the scenes.
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PostSubject: Re: An EAW Address   An EAW Address EmptySeptember 28th 2016, 10:49 am

So Xav's gone?

...so that means the tag titles are open?
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Jamie O'Hara
Jamie O'Hara

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PostSubject: Re: An EAW Address   An EAW Address EmptySeptember 28th 2016, 10:58 am

kennydrake wrote:
So Xav's gone?

...so that means the tag titles are open?

You'll have to pry them from my cold, dead hands boi. 

An EAW Address Qd9oayo

but srsly this is very disappointing. Feeling absolutely gutted right now.
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Azumi Goto
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PostSubject: Re: An EAW Address   An EAW Address EmptySeptember 28th 2016, 11:00 am

So Demon and Xav.....

Wow..... Poor Jamie....
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Jamie O'Hara
Jamie O'Hara

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PostSubject: Re: An EAW Address   An EAW Address EmptySeptember 28th 2016, 11:13 am

Azumi Goto wrote:
So Demon and Xav.....

Wow..... Poor Jamie....

It's okay....it's okay I'll think of something....

An EAW Address Fz0I37o
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Azumi Goto
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PostSubject: Re: An EAW Address   An EAW Address EmptySeptember 28th 2016, 11:17 am

OHARA wrote:
Azumi Goto wrote:
So Demon and Xav.....

Wow..... Poor Jamie....

It's okay....it's okay I'll think of something....

An EAW Address Fz0I37o
At least Xav isn't here to be a Charisma Vaccum....
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Jamie O'Hara
Jamie O'Hara

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PostSubject: Re: An EAW Address   An EAW Address EmptySeptember 28th 2016, 11:20 am

Azumi Goto wrote:
OHARA wrote:
Azumi Goto wrote:
So Demon and Xav.....

Wow..... Poor Jamie....

It's okay....it's okay I'll think of something....

An EAW Address Fz0I37o
At least Xav isn't here to be a Charisma Vaccum....

Woah now, ease up, he's still my best mate.

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Bloody Jack
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PostSubject: Re: An EAW Address   An EAW Address EmptySeptember 28th 2016, 12:52 pm

This very much disappoints me.  I've always been a defender of Demon because I felt I owed me a lot since he was one of the first guys in EAW to see something in me, push me toward success, and very publicly on many occasions went to bat for me.  So I always tried to give him the benefit of the doubt because he believed in me, so why not do the same for him.  But if this is true (and for now I'm going to assume it is) then I'm very disappointed in Demon.  Perhaps this is for the best though because while Demon did a lot for EAW, I always got the feeling being here was more hassle than fun for him and others.  He was always butting heads with someone, and maybe this way he can find a fed that's a better fit for him.  I'm honestly sad to see him and Xav go, and I'll always be grateful for what he did for me, but honestly...this is just vindictive and there's no excuse for it in my opinion
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Dead End Bride

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PostSubject: Re: An EAW Address   An EAW Address EmptySeptember 28th 2016, 2:57 pm

This whole thing is a bit conflicting to me.

I like Demon and Xav both. Demon helped bring me back into EAW in the first place and was someone I could usually count on for support and help with various things. Xav has also been a good person to me. I've rarely had issues with either. However, when certain lines are crossed, action has to be taken. I respect and support the Chairman's decisions.

I do have a bit of hypocritical stance on the erasing from the record books thing, since in CWF I erased someone from the history there in our first run (Even though I don't think he had won a title at the time, it was more symbolic and I had just seen 300 and "erased from the histories" was a cool phrase.) It doesn't really make much sense to me to erase someone now. It's like when the NCAA takes national championships/wins/awards away from teams who violates rules, it's like....you have seen all the accomplisments yourself so why bother trying to erase it from memory? But....it's not my ship to steer. That's the Chairman's decision so it is what it is.

I hope that eventually cooler heads prevail and Xav perhaps one day returns. Also, I hope this is a lesson to all people, writers and anyone entrusted with booking information, to not do things like this to spite people, the fed, or just to be a dick and screw up someone's work and effort.
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PostSubject: Re: An EAW Address   An EAW Address EmptySeptember 28th 2016, 3:18 pm

I personally love Demon and Xav both, as I was never around for the "Lame Periods" of either. Both were friendly, and Demon always seemed to have my back.

This is highly disappointing.
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EAW Hall of Famer
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PostSubject: Re: An EAW Address   An EAW Address EmptySeptember 28th 2016, 3:20 pm

Wasn't gonna say much but if this is all true than Xav you really fucked up. You are now the prime example of why I say worrying about friendships and allegiance over the actual game of e-feds is a dangerously flawed way of thinking. Skype groups are a cancer, friendship groups almost rarely turn out well unless the people in them are mature enough to handle being objective -- and most of us aren't nearly as ready for that as we think we are. Evidently you threw away a lot just to appease a friend. You wasted a lot of time, a lot of effort, and missed out on a lot of fun. That's what happens to people in general when you try to go to bat for your fucking friends instead of understanding this is an online writing-based wrestling game and that you don't truly know these people. Demon clearly never gave two shits about you if he's going to leak all of this information out. He knew you'd go down with him, and he still did it. I see this kind of stuff happen over and over again, but people think I'm just playing around when I say this kind of shit, like I haven't been here for nearly 10 years and haven't seen people sell each other out, throw each other under the bus, and throw away so much just for friendship appeasement. Almost all of the firings and demotions that happened in the last 12 months have had to do with Skype, and friendship groups, and allegiances. 

Demon, same thing, IDK what caused you to do it, but you need to carry this into real life. You lost your SD writing spot over cyber pussy. Don't let pussy and fake friends fuck you over dawg. Chances are, you are never going to fuck Cameron. Chances are, you won't ever even meet her in person. What's the point in getting bent out of shape over friendship crap? I'm just being all the way real with you. You've done some pretty foul things with your e-friends, when that's really not what this is all about, and I thought someone like you who's worked so much would come to understand that.

I'm not saying not have any friends, but most people don't know where to draw the line. If you are loyal to anything more than EAW, if you are loyal to any person more than you are to EAW and your commitment to the game, then just leave. Don't waste your time. Look at how much work Xavier and Demon have poured into EAW, and for what? It's not logical, it doesn't make sense. Clearly the end game should be making the advancement of EAW and your fun as a writer (of promos, scripts, anything) more important than your personal relationships, but I guess that's too much logic for some people.

Demon, I've more than babied you. I've ignored countless reasons to either punish you, go off on you, or fire you. I've let you get away with murder. I've let you abuse people constantly. I did it out of respect for being someone on the other side of the world operating EAW, writing shows, running as chairman and promoing on Eastern United States time. I did it out of respect for you staying up to 3, 4, 5 in the morning to write, or post a show, or promo, or be around. I did it because you stepped up the workload when EAW needed you when it was decaying in the late half of 2011 and proved to Banks you were reliable and earned his trust. I've tolerated endless amounts of crap you've thrown at people, and even shade you've thrown at me whether it be snide comments about matches and shit you've done over the years, due to this hyper competitive bullshit you had with me. I was dead wrong for all of that. I should have never tolerated that from you. I should have never let you back in 2013, at least I could be more of the bad guy for not forgiving you, instead of you coming back and completely pissing away every good thing you've ever done for this place. That respect is gone now, period. Unlike all the times before, right now you are absolutely getting what you deserve. You dug too far into the well and though I've had a few people ask (out of speculation, not request) if I'm going to reverse the decision, or if I'll bring back Xav, or if I will stop Robbie's decision in any capacity, the answer is no I will not. I fully, 100% support Robbie's decision, and hope you two and everyone else in EAW learned a valuable lesson. I really don't know how many times I have to repeat something to you people until you get it through your heads, but let Xavier and Demon serve as an example.

Last edited by Methuselah on September 28th 2016, 3:41 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: An EAW Address   An EAW Address EmptySeptember 28th 2016, 3:28 pm

Xavier Williams is the biggest dumbass I've ever known. He threw everything he had away for Demon how fucking sad.
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EAW Hall of Famer
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PostSubject: Re: An EAW Address   An EAW Address EmptySeptember 28th 2016, 3:34 pm

By the way I hope you all now see why I was so strict with spoilers earlier his year. I nipped that shit in the bud, and there was no one I wasn't willing to fire over it, because spoilers are a straight up Fuck You to everyone on the EAW board who puts even an ounce of work into this, and is absolutely unacceptable. Unless Robbie, Brian and I want people to know something, there should be no reason why they do. Let that be the case from hereon out.
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Brian Daniels
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PostSubject: Re: An EAW Address   An EAW Address EmptySeptember 28th 2016, 4:33 pm

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Stephanie Matsuda
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PostSubject: Re: An EAW Address   An EAW Address EmptySeptember 28th 2016, 4:53 pm

The saddest thing about all of this is that Xav had one of the best runs I've seen in any E-Fed. He went from EAW Champ to HOF Champ to Tag Champ in a span of a year and nobody (at least from my perspective) had anything negative to say about it. He was easily one of my fav characters in EAW and one of my fav people on chat. Also sucks for Jamie man...you worked your ass off just as much as Xav and got left hanging...kinda like how Cyclone left Brian hanging...after losing to TMDK. Now I can see why DDD was iffy about passing out title reigns like candy, though dudes such as Robbie, Brian, Tarah, Cam, etc. have earned that shit. Maybe it's time to give a pair of vixens the tag titles. Doesn't have to be me Razz but...Azuna, The Sirens, or hell the even Ava sisters should get a shot.

As for Demon, he and I became cool after I hooked everyone up with that UFC stream. Such a shame to see him deleted but it is what it is. Nobody should be bigger than the company. This game is a collaborative effort and one wrong move could bring it all crashing down.
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J-Dynasty 2?
J-Dynasty 2?

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PostSubject: Re: An EAW Address   An EAW Address EmptySeptember 28th 2016, 4:58 pm

Damn, I'm always alarmed by how much pettiness and self harm still exists, the human condition is a funny thing.

I'm neither sad nor happy by this sight because my opinion of Demon is just as mixed/conflicting as his personal character is, Demon built a lot for himself and EAW, and he also destroyed it all too. As KS use to say, it is what it is.

I will note that these comments really did bring back memories, lol I still can't believe how many people would pamper and make excuses about drunkenness in the chat, swear it was like being in bizarro world where being drunk excused anything you do despite coming online "drunk" all the time on purpose-not that I even fully believed he was always drunk in his moments in the first place, but even if he was it meant nothing.-

Didn't know much about Xav, it's a shame I guess, a bigger shame he left a tag team partner and champion hanging due to this. But hey with that team down, looks like I am guaranteed another EAW award, actually great move RoV, I see what you're doing Cool .
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