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Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) SIGNUPBANNER
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Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) SIGNUPBANNER

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 Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing)

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The Mexican Samurai
The Mexican Samurai

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Status : Don't Call It A Comeback

Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) Empty
PostSubject: Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing)   Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) EmptyJuly 7th 2015, 2:33 am

I'm an old-ass piece of shit who has seen things.  Feel free to ask me questions or advice on anything.

Last edited by Mexican Samurai on March 22nd 2016, 3:34 am; edited 1 time in total
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Bhris Elite
Bhris Elite

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PostSubject: Re: Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing)   Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) EmptyJuly 7th 2015, 2:58 am

Reaction being in the final 2 in the 24/7 battle royal?

How was it promoing against me?

Any thing you want to accomplish in the future other then titles?
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The Mexican Samurai
The Mexican Samurai

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PostSubject: Re: Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing)   Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) EmptyJuly 7th 2015, 10:32 am

Chris EliteSK wrote:
Reaction being in the final 2 in the 24/7 battle royal?

How was it promoing against me?

Any thing you want to accomplish in the future other then titles?

This might sound foolish, but I actually thought I had a chance of winning the whole thing.  Although, I'm quite proud of the fact that I was so close despite being a massive underdog.

You're good, Chris.  Focus more on expanding individual roleplays instead of making 7 different short ones.  Your formatting and individuality has come a long way though.

I want to destroy EAW.  :cesaro:
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Yoshikage Eto


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Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing)   Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) EmptyJuly 7th 2015, 11:11 am

Is your in character personality any similar to your OOC personality?

What was it like promoing against me twice?
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The Mexican Samurai
The Mexican Samurai

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PostSubject: Re: Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing)   Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) EmptyJuly 7th 2015, 1:30 pm

Kerry Keller wrote:
Is your in character personality any similar to your OOC personality?

What was it like promoing against me twice?

Nah...I'm talkative, high-energy jokester in real life.  I tried to go for something that was the total opposite and the bottled up emotions that reside deep inside myself.  I wanted to create someone that felt real, and relate-able but also someone that you would resent.

As far as Promoing against you:

Easy. :bolieve:
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The Mexican Samurai
The Mexican Samurai

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Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing)   Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) EmptyNovember 3rd 2015, 7:11 pm

Bumping this, ask me your dumbest questions and I'll give you an even dumber answer.  :spit:
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Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing)   Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) EmptyNovember 3rd 2015, 7:14 pm

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The Mexican Samurai
The Mexican Samurai

Posts : 1136
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Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing)   Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) EmptyNovember 3rd 2015, 7:17 pm

Dude, I love "War"! and this is probably my favorite song by them!  I'll definitely have to rethink our level of friendship...wanna go after the tag titles after Redemption...um...without all the backstabbing?
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PostSubject: Re: Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing)   Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) EmptyNovember 3rd 2015, 7:20 pm

I don't know...throw my face into a urinal once, shame on you.  Throw it in there twice? Well, I think the shame would still rest on your shoulders.
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The Mexican Samurai
The Mexican Samurai

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PostSubject: Re: Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing)   Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) EmptyNovember 3rd 2015, 7:23 pm

I still think you laced my burrito, wait...it was from Taco Bell? Nevermind.  Embarassed
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"Janitor" Garrick Howlett

Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) 630-58

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Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing)   Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) EmptyNovember 3rd 2015, 8:13 pm

Does your wrestler have a name that he goes by other than "Mexican Samurai"? Also, what was the inspiration for such a name? I mean those two words come from two different sides of the world   :hmm:
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The Mexican Samurai
The Mexican Samurai

Posts : 1136
Age : 32
Hailing From : San Jose, California
Status : Don't Call It A Comeback

Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing)   Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) EmptyNovember 3rd 2015, 8:19 pm

\"Janitor" Garrick Howlett wrote:
Does your wrestler have a name that he goes by other than "Mexican Samurai"? Also, what was the inspiration for such a name? I mean those two words come from two different sides of the world   :hmm:

Haha, the name was actually given to me when I was studying Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, I had a penchant for not wanting to tap out when caught in a submission.  My instructor with his heavy Brazilian accent goes "You remind me of the Japanese, they never want to die.  You are like Samurai, you Mexican Samurai." <----This really happened by the way, I'm not speaking in character.

Haha.  I've been put to sleep so many times though.  :dead:
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Clark Duncan

Clark Duncan

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Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing)   Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) EmptyNovember 3rd 2015, 9:18 pm

Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me? :smug:

Why is Clark Duncan your favourite character and promoer in EAW?

When are forming the best tag team EAW's ever seen with Aren as enforcer?

Why have you not bombarded me with dank snapchats yet?

Can I be best man at your wedding with Haruna?

What's better: Tex-Mex, Mexican or Japanese food?
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The Mexican Samurai
The Mexican Samurai

Posts : 1136
Age : 32
Hailing From : San Jose, California
Status : Don't Call It A Comeback

Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing)   Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) EmptyNovember 4th 2015, 12:56 am

Clark Duncan wrote:
Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me? :smug:

Why is Clark Duncan your favourite character and promoer in EAW?

When are forming the best tag team EAW's ever seen with Aren as enforcer?

Why have you not bombarded me with dank snapchats yet?

Can I be best man at your wedding with Haruna?

What's better: Tex-Mex, Mexican or Japanese food?

You know I'm going to go after that Clark Duncan milkshake right?

Clark Duncan is my favorite character (and current New Breed Champion) because he personifies everything you would want in a best friend.  Funny, loyal and most importantly, smokes with you, so I couldn't help but stare at the magnificent aura that you reproduce.

As far as our tag team would go, MASTER BLASTER, we can't debut yet because we would be to powerful a faction to overcome.  DEDEDE would retire on the spot, Hexagun would fold and every title would just gravitate around our waist, every Vixen would hop on us (I would never cheat on Haruna though).

I'm not much of a snap chatter myself, I do enjoy seeing people's story snaps though.  I'll take a few pics of the people I associate with everyday though.

Sorry, I already have a best man in Mr. DEDEDE, but you can be the ring bearer.

Japanese food homey, I legit ate sushi everyday for a whole month and I didn't get sick once. I am addicted to a good ramen place and some sushi.
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Clark Duncan

Clark Duncan

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Status : My spirit animal's really a pterodactyl.

Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing)   Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) EmptyNovember 8th 2015, 9:30 pm

:goat: Best AMA ever!
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Posts : 3007
Hailing From : Where they ain't want me to be #ThaHall
Status : Bein' a badder hombre than ever before

Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing)   Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) EmptyNovember 8th 2015, 10:48 pm

Why are us Mexicans superior to all other people?
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The Mexican Samurai
The Mexican Samurai

Posts : 1136
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Hailing From : San Jose, California
Status : Don't Call It A Comeback

Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing)   Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) EmptyNovember 9th 2015, 1:56 am

We have the best food, the best women, and the best roleplayers.  Suck a dick, honkeys.
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Bloody Jack
EAW Hall of Famer
EAW Hall of Famer

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Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing)   Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) EmptyNovember 17th 2015, 12:32 pm

Joke:  War!  What is it good for?

Serious:  Who do you prefer character-wise between Senn and Mex Samurai?
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The Mexican Samurai
The Mexican Samurai

Posts : 1136
Age : 32
Hailing From : San Jose, California
Status : Don't Call It A Comeback

Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing)   Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) EmptyNovember 17th 2015, 12:43 pm

Zack_Crash wrote:
Joke:  War!  What is it good for?

Serious:  Who do you prefer character-wise between Senn and Mex Samurai?

Well I prefer both in a tag team Mexicob Sennurai.  Jacob Senn will always be the inferior alternative of Mexican Samurai though, not even close.  Senn is a jobber compared to Samurai.  :umad:
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The Mexican Samurai
The Mexican Samurai

Posts : 1136
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Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing)   Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) EmptyMarch 22nd 2016, 3:35 am

Bumping this shit, cause the Mexican Millennial always has times for his fans.
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Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing)   Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) EmptyMarch 22nd 2016, 4:08 am

the question I want to ask for a long time.... is your character has a name? no, I mean like DEDEDE's Ryan Adams, Pizza Boy's Andy Sanders or HBG's Claudia Michaels... what is your name?
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Posts : 2134
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Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing)   Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) EmptyMarch 22nd 2016, 7:05 am

How long have you been e-feding and how did you find out EAW? Do/did you have Yahoo!Answer account?

I mean, Yahoo!Answer (wrestling section) is the reason why I found e-feds. The people like Demon, Cameron Ella Ava, Scott Diamond, Dubian, GI Styles, Kawajai, TRE, PoP and I think Thomas Minss also started our e-feding career on Y!A just like me.

Carlos, Lioncross, Y2Impact, HBG, HBB, Dedede, Ken, and other also were on Y!A as well, but I'm not sure if they ever e-feding on Y!A. And I never met any of them personally before 2011
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The Mexican Samurai
The Mexican Samurai

Posts : 1136
Age : 32
Hailing From : San Jose, California
Status : Don't Call It A Comeback

Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing)   Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) EmptyMarch 22nd 2016, 6:55 pm

坂崎ハルナ wrote:
the question I want to ask for a long time.... is your character has a name? no, I mean like DEDEDE's Ryan Adams, Pizza Boy's Andy Sanders or HBG's Claudia Michaels... what is your name?

Yes, the character does have a real name but he only tells a select few family members. I think Mexican Samurai has a mystery about him because he refuses to be called by anything else but his nickname, it's also a tribute to his mother and father who helped pave the way for Japanese Pro-wrestlers to enter the world of Lucha Libra. Also, Samurai's dad, Goro, is not his real name either. 

I'll give you his first name, and his first name only... It's Alexander, Alex for short.
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The Mexican Samurai
The Mexican Samurai

Posts : 1136
Age : 32
Hailing From : San Jose, California
Status : Don't Call It A Comeback

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PostSubject: Re: Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing)   Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) EmptyMarch 22nd 2016, 6:57 pm

Nobi wrote:
How long have you been e-feding and how did you find out EAW? Do/did you have Yahoo!Answer account?

I mean, Yahoo!Answer (wrestling section) is the reason why I found e-feds. The people like Demon, Cameron Ella Ava, Scott Diamond, Dubian, GI Styles, Kawajai, TRE, PoP and I think Thomas Minss also started our e-feding career on Y!A just like me.

Carlos, Lioncross, Y2Impact, HBG, HBB, Dedede, Ken, and other also were on Y!A as well, but I'm not sure if they ever e-feding on Y!A. And I never met any of them personally before 2011

I started e-fedding about ten years ago, when I was a kid. I went from organizations such as NLWF, WWKF, and HCW and was able to capture at the world title in two of those organizations.  I would use roughkut and e-fed top 100 list, when I came back, I tried to use those two engines but I realized that no one uses them anymore. Sad I don't remember how I found this fed, but it wasn't on Yahoo Answers, I didn't even know that was a place where people posted feds.
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Carson Ramsay
Carson Ramsay

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Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing)   Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing) EmptyMarch 22nd 2016, 7:05 pm

What's the whole Japanese-Mexican thing about?
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Ask Mexican Samurai Anything (except that whole Japanese-Mexican thing)

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