Oh dude, I got the best right here.
So I work with teenagers and adults with autism. A typical day is filled with biting, punching, hair pulling, etc. but I love these kids, so, it's all good. One of the kids (hereby known as M) is allergic to Dairy. Like suuuuuper shits happen. So yeah.
One of my co workers gave him chocolate milk and a cheeseburger. Hilarity ensues.
I take M to the bathroom so he can do his business, but he's pissed cos his stomach hurts. I step out to give him some privacy, and when I come back in two minutes later, the bathroom is COVERED IN SHIT. You know the toilet in Trainspotting? That, but without graffiti.
So I'm greeted by the Gomorrah Shit Monster, and M has two handfuls of shit. What does he do next?
Throws that shit like Bumgarner. Little dude hit me in the face with one shitball and my coworker in the stomach.
This proceeded for 6 minutes.
By the end of the day, I was covered. Awesome.