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Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy? SIGNUPBANNER
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Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy? SIGNUPBANNER

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 Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy?

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EAW Hall of Famer
EAW Hall of Famer

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Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy? Empty
PostSubject: Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy?   Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy? EmptyJuly 14th 2015, 1:02 am

... And do you feel it should be mandatory for police to wear them at all times? Why or why not?
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J-Dynasty 2?
J-Dynasty 2?

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Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy?   Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy? EmptyJuly 14th 2015, 3:46 am

I don't see the problem with being on camera if you aren't doing something wrong, so yes I feel like they should.
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Chucky P.

Chucky P.

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Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy?   Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy? EmptyJuly 14th 2015, 4:21 am

I don't think it's an invasion of privacy at all. Wether you are or aren't doing something wrong, I'd rather a camera catch it and prove I'm doing something wrong than the court go on the word of a police officer. I do believe police officers should be forced to wear cameras AT ALL TIMES, because although I'm not one of those people who believe all police are corrupt and if you need to argue with one every time you encounter one of them, I've had my fair share of bullshit run ins with police. I do believe had the officers been wearing body cameras, my situation would have been handled much differently, and most situations would be handled different as well. Body cameras HELP citizens in my opinion
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EAW Hall of Famer
EAW Hall of Famer

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Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy?   Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy? EmptyAugust 1st 2015, 5:43 am

With all of the unjust racially fueled killings in the US, I think officers need to be held just as accountable as anyone. Supervising their actions with cameras might make them a little more hesitant. I don't think cameras impede their ability to do their jobs effectively, so I'm definitely all for them.
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Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy?   Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy? EmptyAugust 1st 2015, 7:54 am

The way I see it, common folk are monitored at work by cameras all the time. I used to get "big brother is watching" type threats from my managers at McDonald's when it came to being on camera while working. If it's good enough for employees of Walmart and McDonald's then it's good enough for the police. Way too many police officers have been exploiting the law for too long and it's time to hold those people accountable.
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