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If you were going on a date, how would you plan it? SIGNUPBANNER
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If you were going on a date, how would you plan it? SIGNUPBANNER

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 If you were going on a date, how would you plan it?

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If you were going on a date, how would you plan it? Empty
PostSubject: If you were going on a date, how would you plan it?   If you were going on a date, how would you plan it? EmptyOctober 29th 2014, 10:50 pm

Don't base your answers off of what anyone else says and don't care if anyone makes any comments about whatever you say. Just be yourself and share the date you would plan for the girl you're taking out.
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Abelard Becker
EAW Hall of Famer
EAW Hall of Famer
Abelard Becker

Posts : 1884
Age : 28
Status : I guess what I meant to say was those comments hurt my feelings and I brought up my income as a defense mechanism, because I'm a tough guy.

If you were going on a date, how would you plan it? Empty
PostSubject: Re: If you were going on a date, how would you plan it?   If you were going on a date, how would you plan it? EmptyOctober 29th 2014, 10:57 pm

I'll answer this tomorrow.
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If you were going on a date, how would you plan it? Empty
PostSubject: Re: If you were going on a date, how would you plan it?   If you were going on a date, how would you plan it? EmptyOctober 29th 2014, 11:02 pm

Ask my mom if she can drop me off.
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Posts : 3007
Hailing From : Where they ain't want me to be #ThaHall
Status : Bein' a badder hombre than ever before

If you were going on a date, how would you plan it? Empty
PostSubject: Re: If you were going on a date, how would you plan it?   If you were going on a date, how would you plan it? EmptyOctober 29th 2014, 11:03 pm

I'll wait for more people to answer this so I can base my answer off theirs. I don't want to be judged.
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Zach Genesis

Zach Genesis

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If you were going on a date, how would you plan it? Empty
PostSubject: Re: If you were going on a date, how would you plan it?   If you were going on a date, how would you plan it? EmptyOctober 30th 2014, 3:15 am

If it was my very first date with her? Personally I'd like to just go grab a coffee with her some evening or go see a film together. Keep it casual and don't go too big, too quickly. The problem I think with making things too extravagant that it could potentially freak her out if you move along way too fast (so yeah, no romantic $100 candlelit dinners on date one). So yeah ideally a nice coffee or maybe a movie.
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